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Psyche's Links: 2023


South Korea: Students sue after teacher ends exam 90 seconds early

Xi warned Biden during summit that Beijing will reunify Taiwan with China

Syrias Assad claims Holocaust was a lie fabricated to justify creation of Israel

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 665, Part 1 (Thread #811)

Dutch minister: If you dont stop RussEia now, theyll go further.Its not just Ukraine

Biden says no question Trump backed insurrection

Jack Smith gets hold of incendiaryevidence Against Donald Trump

~Federal judge rules removal of a Confederate statue in Arlington Cemetery may proceed

Nationwide swatting spree targeting Jewish institutions appears coordinated, coming from outside US: FBIs

Colorado tourism shoots up 10,000,000,000%

5 children killed in house fire as dad shopped for Christmas gifts (

I believe bestselling author Mark Dawson is a serial plagiarist
According to a new research some cats play fetch like dogs but mostly on their own terms and they appear to pick up the playful behavior spontaneously, without any intentional training from their owners
Researchers have uncovered a way to destroy cancer cells by using the ability of some molecules to vibrate strongly when stimulated by light. The method had 99% efficiency against lab cultures of human melanoma cells, and half of the mice with melanoma became cancer-free after treatment

Teslas recall of 2 million cars relies on a fix that may not even work
Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective | Tens of thousands of customers told Tesla about a host of part failures on low-mileage cars. The automaker sought to blame drivers for vehicle but Tesla documents show it had tracked the chronic 'flaws' and ,failures'
ELI5 Why we no longer use Flying Boats for air travel when traveling along the coast?

Dad's note to gay son that hasnt came out yet.

Intel CEO laments Nvidia's 'extraordinarily lucky' AI dominance, claims it coulda-woulda-shoulda have been Intel



Scientists Contact Whales in World-First Communication Experiment

Worse than worst case: Koreas population is shrinking faster than predicted

Survivors Face Subzero Temperatures After Quake Kills Over 120 in China : The 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck Gansu Province around midnight. People who had fled their homes huddled in the cold, building fires to keep warm.
Earthquake Kills Over 120 in China Over 120 in China

Russias ambitions go beyond Ukraine, warns U.S. State Department

Gaza hospital chief confirms facilitys use as Hamas military base staffed by terrorist operatives
Russia keeps proving its undefeatable missile doesnt work that well, UK intel says

Many top Russian athletes faced minimal drug testing in 2023 ahead of Paris Olympics

South Africa Eskom soot pollution is 42 times worse than China

Erdogan says signals from US, Canada may help Turkey move on Sweden NATO bid

Houthis Warn Maritime Coalition: Red Sea Will Be Your Graveyard
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin announces Operation Prosperity Guardian in Response to Houthi attacks on commercial ships.
Houthis vow to keep up attacks in key strait after US rolls out plan to shield ships

At UN, West accuses Iran of illegal missile testing, high-grade uranium enrichment
Irans Water Reserves Plunge Amid Drought, Mismanagement

Israel offers Hamas one-week pause in fighting as part of a new hostage deal

Benjamin Netanyahu Brags Hes ProudTo Have Prevented A Palestinian State

Gaza hospital chief confirms facilitys use as Hamas military base staffed by terrorist operatives

IDF spokesperson says no changes on ground after hostages mistakenly killed
Fears mount for Gazas tiny Christian community after mom and daughter shot dead
IDF raids vacation homes of Hamas leaders in Gaza

UN official called out for blatant anti-Israel online history ... Hamascharter says about women that they are important because they manufacture menNaturally, progressive feminists love them! Wait ...

Hamas is using suicide bombers - IDF soldier

Gaza aid trucks stolen by gunmen and looted, as convoys start crossing from Israel

President Volodymyr Zelensky pushed back against doubts about Ukraines battlefield prospects and about the support of its allies, saying on Tuesday that his country is not losing the war and is prepared to negotiate with Russia, but only on its own terms.
Zelensky: Military proposed to mobilize 450,000-500,000 soldiers

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 664, Part 1 (Thread #810)

For the first time in history, Christmas in Ukraine will be celebrated nation-ally on Dec. 25. 2023. Previously, Christmas was celebrated on Jan. 7, and this day was designated as bank holiday.

Ukraine finds surveillance devices in army chiefs offices

Ukraine launches war crimes probe after Russians use Ukrainian POWs as human shields
UN decries Russias failure to protect Ukraine civilians

Germany: Serbia vote fraud unacceptable for a candidate to join the EU

Italian marijuana activists have already collected nearly half the signatures needed to put legalization measure before parliament
Italian marijuana activists have already collected nearly half the signatures needed to put legalization measure before parliament
British Airways folds to criticism, will screen Jewish sitcom on flights

Argentinas government says it will take away welfare from protesters who block streets

China, Russia tried to meddle in 2022 midterms: US intel
Putin waits for Trump to negotiate Ukraine without EU, Czech President Petr Pavel has said.

The lesson of the missing Russian binder and the former POTUS who yelled 'hoax' Trump remains a clear and present danger to thesecurity of our nation for a host of reasons, including his trackrecord on safeguarding Americas secrets.

The US Senate will not vote on a package to provide more aid to Ukraine and bolster US border security before early next year, as Democratic and Republican negotiators continue their work, chamber leaders said

This Horrible Congress Is Even Worse Than You Thought

Sen. Tuberville drops remaining holds on senior military promotions
Senate confirms four-star military nominees after Tommy Tuberville lifts hold on hundreds of promotions

Poll Finds Wide Disapproval of Biden on Gaza, and Littl Room to Shift Gears -- Opinion is split between those wanting the war to end and those pressing for a definitive Israeli victory, and the divide is starkest among older and younger generations.
Stop Talking About Bidens Mental Acuity. Start Talking About Trumps Signs of Dementia | Opinion
New Jobs Numbers Defy Expectations As Bidenomics Grows the Economy Where Trumps Agenda Failed
Joe Biden plans to ban logging in US old-growth forests in 2025
Biden to nominate five new judges in Texas, other Republican-led states

Legal scholar: Clarence Thomas corruption almost certainly unlawful and ethically reprehensible
The Clarence Thomas Scandal Is Somehow Looking Even Worse
What are the Supreme Court justices salaries?

35 Months Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol
Jan. 6 Rally Organizers Lied About Plan to March to the Capitol, Report Finds | Women for America First, which planned the rally on the Ellipse, knew of President Donald J. Trumps plans to have his supporters march to the Capitol but repeatedly denied it to federal permitting officials.
Sixteen members of Congress have spread fedsurrection conspiracy theory

This Is Still Fascism -- Only Worse CNN host shuts down flailing Republicans wild spin of Trumps xenophobic rant about immigrants
Senate Republicans recoil at Trump poisoning the blood of our country remarks
Tuberville on Trumps poisoning the blood of our countrycomments: I'm mad he wasnt tougher
Trump Knows What Hes Doing: The Creator of Godwins Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt

Megathread: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Trump is Ineligible to Appear on Ballot Due to 14th Amendment; Appeal Likely to Reach US Supreme Court
Texas Lt. Guv Threatens to Take Biden Off States Ballot After Colorado Ruling
Trump ineligible to run for president in Colorado because of Jan. 6, court rules in historic move -- He quickly vowed to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Judge Rejects Trumps Bid To Toss Fraud Lawsuit In Scathing New Ruling
Donald Trump rages at judge for mocking his witness
Donald Trump Is Running Scared

This Member of Congress Has the Worst Approval Ratings: Poll - Only 6% of respondents in a recent poll said they approve of Senate Minority Leader McConnells job performance
This Member of Congress Has the Worst Approval Ratings: Poll - Only 6% of respondents in a recent poll said they approve of Senate Minority Leader McConnells job performance~

Manchin says he wont be a 2024 spoiler as he frets Trump could destroy American democracy

Ron DeSantis Went Down With The Anti-Woke Ship | As GOP voters seem increasingly "meh" on culture war rhetoric, its bad news for the politician who has most publicly positioned himself as an anti-woke warrior.
Wheels threaten to come off DeSantis campaign
Florida was supposed to be the future of the GOPnow the state party is in shambles: Gov. Ron DeSantis grasps desperately for attention, as the state party chair is pushed out after a rape allegatio
Florida Republican party chair suspended amid rape accusation

ACLU sues Texas over controversial immigration law Texas city is latest to debate ban on using roads to transport people seeking abortions
Texas Companies Say Republicans Are Ruining Their Business

A woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse as stricter abortion laws play out nationwide

Arizona Democrats No 1 message: Republicans want to destroyour democracy

Most kids losing Medicaid come from just nine states all led by Republicans

Right-wing pundits tremble in fear of ... tap-dancing

Kansas school district changes hair policy after Native American boy cut his hair to avoid punishment

Over 170 of Jeffrey Epsteins high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024
Federal judge orders documents naming Jeffrey Epsteins associates to be unsealed


People, not the climate, caused the decline of the giant mammals. For the first 700,000 years, the populations were fairly stable, but 50,000 years ago the curve broke and populations fell dramatically and never recovered

US Steel, once the worlds largest corporation, agrees to sell itself to a Japanese company for $15 billion

Millions of Chinese Blacklisted for Debt as Loan Defaults Hit Record High

Vladimir Putin: Russia not interestedin war with NATO

Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Press Fight Inside Russia, Target Air Base, Battle Near Border Village

Air Force: Russian air defense downs its own Su-25 jet

In Unprecedented Move, Close To 100 MPs Suspended From Parliament (India)

Turkey saves $2 billion on Russian oil as imports soar despite sanctions
Israel-Hamas war: Hamas leaders hold secret meeting in Turkey

Egypts Sisi sweeps to third term as president with 89.6% of vote

Gulf Splits Hinder US Efforts to End Houthi Ship Attacks
Saudi Arabia to sign peace deal with Houthis, report
Container ships rerouted towards South Africa as anti-Israel militants attack vessels in Red Sea.
BP pauses oil tanker transits through Red Sea. Oil prices surge (

Israel-Hamas war: Israel linked hacking group claims to have paralysed gas stations across Iran in cyber attack
Iranian Oil Minister: 70% of gas stations shut off nationwide

Mossad chief, Qatar PM and CIA chief meet for triple summit in Warsaw

Doctor who treated freed Hamas hostages describes physical, sexual and psychological abuse
Israeli hostage abducted from music festival found murdered in captivity

Majority of Israelis oppose annexation, resettlement of Gaza

Auschwitz slams Israeli council heads plans for Gaza Strip

Israel uncovers biggest Hamas tunnelnear Gaza border

Stop the fight and start negotiations, Israel hostage families say

5 million shekels ($1.5M) in cash found in senior Hamas members home

IDF Confirms Intercepting Over 100 Drones, Cruise Missiles Since Start Of War

In March 2014, Republicans went on recess whole critical Ukraine legislation was pending, and in the shadow of Russian aggression. Senator McCain scorched the GOP in remarks that are now prescient:

Article on memetic warfare & how #Ukraine and its supporters successfully use of memes & the internet to keep morale high and increase support in the rest of the world

sYour occasional reminder that despite the deluge of Russian disinfo thats trying to convince you otherwise, the size of Russias economy is only 5.9% the size of the US economy.If it werent for 70 years of stockpiled military gear, Putin's global terror binge wouldn't exist. Thankfully, Ukrainians are solving that problem for the rest of the world.
The analytical note from @Deepstate_UA's summary today again emphasizes Russia's manpower advantage.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 663, Part 1 (Thread #809) : worldnews
Ukrainian drone video provides a grim look at casualties as Russian troops advance toward Avdiivka >br />
Ukraine starts mass production of 750 km range kamikaze drones

Putin threatens Finland with problems

Hamas operates all over Germany, investigation finds

Pope condemns attacks on civilians in Gaza:It is war; it is terrorism
Pope says priests can bless same-sex unions, requests should not be subject to moral analysis

Church of England blesses same-sex couples for the first time, but they still cant wed in church

Canada to say all new cars must be zero emissions by 2035
Canada to say all new cars must be zero emissions by 2035

Ex-FBI agent says missing Russia binder could "expose US intel sources" ... These guys are so hesitant to say what should be painfully obvious by now: Trump is a Russian asset. Putin owned the man in the highest position of our country ... They Murder JFK, and do nothing about this clear and present danger traitor, who should be on death row right now if they did their jobs.

President Biden safe but startled after car plows into motorcade

Clarence Thomas Faces Backlash for Complaining About Supreme Court Pay (
Clarence Thomas Faces Backlash for Complaining About Supreme Court Pay

Trumps poisoning the blood of the country slur alarms critics:Parroted Hitler His statements were roundly condemned as a warning of his increasingly authoritarian rhetoric
Trump echoes Hitler and MAGA hears it loud and clear New poll shows that over 40% of GOP Iowa caucusgoers says Trumps rhetoric makes it more likely theyll support him
Authoritarianism Expert Spots Trump Line Showing Who Hell Target After Immigrants

After touting stock market, Trump claims record high under Biden only makes rich people richer | The Dow Jones hit a record high despite Trumps prediction that the economy would collapse under Biden

Jack Smith lands two star witnesses against Donald Trump

Out of reach: The American dream will now cost you a staggering $3.4M, new study saysheres why most US households will need to rethink that white picket fence

Over the last 10 years, more than 50,000 research papers have been retracted. Mostly for misconduct.
Over the last 10 years, more than 50,000 research papers have been retracted. Mostly for misconduct.


/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 662, Part 1 (Thread #808)


Uranium price hits highest level in almost 17 years

Myanmar rebels seize city of Namhsan from military junta despite China-backed ceasefire
More young people in South Korea consider marriage, childbirths as nonessential

North Korean nuclear attack would end Kims regime, USwarns

Foreign ministry slams Vietnam's claim Taiwan is part of China

Putin says Macron stopped calling him

Putin admits Russia has suffered huge losses in Ukraine

This week the BBC exposed a massive Russian propaganda campaign on #TikTok, using thousands of fake accounts. Main tactic was to post videos detailing false claims about president Zelensky & senior Ukrainian officials. BBC video here on how to spot Russias fakes
This week the BBC exposed a massive Russian propaganda campaign on #TikTok, using thousands of fake accounts. Main tactic was to post videos detailing false claims about president Zelensky & senior Ukrainian officials. BBC video here on how to spot Russias fakes.
This week the BBC exposed a massive Russian propaganda campaign on #TikTok, using thousands of fake accounts. Main tactic was to post videos detailing false claims about president Zelensky & senior Ukrainian officials. BBC video here on how to spot Russias fakes.

Child marriage has declined in Indiabut across the country, one in five girls and nearly one in six boys are still married as children, and in recent years the practice has become more prevalent in some states/union territories, according to study

Iran says it has executed Mossad agent accused of spying for Israel

Iran says it has executed Mossad agent accused of spying for Israel

U.S. considers striking Yemeni group
US, UK forces down 15 drones over Red Sea as Houthis vow to keep up attacks on Israel
Royal Navy destroyer HMS Diamond shoots down drone while escorting merchant ships in the Red Sea

Indian Navy sends warship, aircraft to assist vessel hijacked by Somalian pirates

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 44)

Israel urging US not to talk publicly about two-state solution

NYT: Israel had blueprint of Hamass financial infrastructure in 2018, but didnt shut it down NetanfuckupNYT: Israel had blueprint of Hamass financial infrastructure in 2018, but didnt shut it down)

IDF: Hostages were shirtless, waving white flag when soldiers opened fire
IDF says Israeli hostages it killed in Gaza were bare chested and waving white flag | Gaza | The Guardian
Hundreds march in Tel Aviv demanding hostage deal after IDF killed 3 in tragic error
Hundreds march in Tel Aviv demanding hostage deal after IDF killed 3 in tragic error
Israeli military opens probe after videos show Israeli forces killing 2 Palestinians at close range

IDF opens probe of troops filmed shooting dead already-neutralized Palestinian suspect
Israeli troops filmed beating Palestinian photojournalist in East Jerusalem

Mossad chief to meet Qatar PM in Norway for renewed hostage talks

Hamas chief Sinwars days are numbered, senior US official warns
IDF trial of flooding Hamas tunnels with seawater proves successful, ToI told

Ukraine puts head of Russian church on wantedlist

This sound is so scary and unbearable but Ukrainian kids have listened to it for almost two years.

Mariupol doctor who betrayed wounded Ukrainian soldiers to Russians is sentenced to life in prison

Russians storm the closed border with Finland.
Very interesting, Macron announces that a European defense industry strategy will be introduced in 2024. United States To Gain Access To 15 Military Bases In Finland

Poland Scraps Probe Into Air Crash That Killed President

EU vows Ukraine will get its money with or without Orbsn's support
Scholz explains how he distracted Orban from voting against Ukrain
EU was ready to take away Hungarys veto rights if it had not conceded on issue of Ukraine accession talks

Europe must rearm as new threats loom, German minister says
Award ceremony suspended after writer compares Gaza to Nazi-era Jewish ghettos

Very interesting, Macron announces that a European defense industry strategy will be introduced in 2024.

Academics from top London university reported for terrorism offenses by legal group
Suella Braverman tricked into receiving D*ick Of The Year award
Assisted dying campaigners hope to make 2024 tipping point for UK legislation | Assisted

Organized Crime, Violence Spurs Largest Exodus of Mexican Families in Modern history

U.S. Lawmakers Fear Theyve Already Emboldened Putin With Ukraine Aid Delay

Federal Reserve on cusp of what some thought impossible: Defeating inflation without steep recession
Biden campaign says jobs report shows he iscleaning up the economic disaster Trump left

GOP Sen. Mullin Says BidenMay Not Be Impeachable Because He Wasnt in Office at the Time of Accused Indiscretion

Justice Neil Gorsuch took 10 minutes to approve Dobbs abortion opinionJustice Neil Gorsuch took 10 minutes to approve Dobbs abortion opinion
The Most Interesting Part of the New York Times Scoop on the Fall of Roe | The famously secretive courts operations get a close look
Senators Hold Up 43 Biden Diplomatic Nominees as Crises Roil World

GOP baffled that We Dont Care if You Die is not a winning slogan
GOP baffled that We Dont Care if You Die is not a winning slogan
The venom of our age: James Carville on the danger of Mike Johnsons Christian nationalism
Pete Buttigieg: Mike Johnson Should Focus on His Job and Less on Taking Away LGBTQ+ Rights

Most people think the U.S. crime rate is rising. Theyre wrong

Top secret US intelligence file on Putin disappeared during Trump presidency
Just devastating: U.S. searching for stack of intelligence on Russia missing under Trump: reports
Documents from binder with intelligence on Russian election interference went missing at end of Trumps term

Trump plots his return: Pardons, payoffs and payback | Donald Trump had made crime a form of politicsx

After 40 witnesses and 43 days of testimony, here's what we learned at Trumps civil fraud trial

Protect NATO from Donald Trump? The U.S. Congress just passed that into law

House GOP reeling after a top recruit blasts Trump on tape

Giuliani After $148M Defamation Loss: I Dont Regret aDamn Thing

Marjorie Taylor Greene wants Democrats and media figures jailed

Texas Independence Vote Is Imminent, Groups Leader Says Pregnant Texans Continue to Be Pulled Over in Carpool Lane After Abortion Ruling:I Have Two Heartbeats in the Car
Kate Cox case reveals toll of US abortion bans on women in medical emergencies (t

A Black woman miscarried at home and was charged for it. It shows the perils of pregnancy post-Roe

An order blocking enforcement of Ohios abortion ban stands after the high court dismissed an appeal

A Shocking Number of Republicans Are Signing FloridasAbortion Petition

Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

DeSantis Says Trump Will Declare Iowa Caucuses Stolen if He Loses

Florida Sex Scandal Shakes Moms for Liberty, as Groups Influence Wanes

Update on the failsons who somehow made Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Summers look sympathetic< ... The Winklevoss twins have, for the better part of a decade, been trying to convince the world they made a comeback/a>

Happy 80th birthday Keith Richards

What's the simplest skill that you've seen someone refuse to learn?

People who saw someone die, how did you feel at that moment?

New Banner over Harvard Sq?

Cambridge Mandated Separated Bike Lanes on Every New Road. Here's How It's Going


Biggest solar flare in years temporarily disrupts radio signals on Earth

China solar panel costs drop 42% from year ago

Jeff Bezos plays down AI dangers and says one trillion humans could live in huge cylindrical space stations techbro iediot)
Wrongfully jailed for 20 years, Australia's most hated woman likely to receive record compensation | Australia news

Putin flaunts alleged military successes, claims Russia is doing great
Putin flaunts alleged military successes, claims Russia is doing great
Russian Activists Claim To Have Blown Up Voronezh Oil Depot in Anti-Putin Move

Bulgaria PM sees imperial ambitionsbehind Putins Black Sea comment

Joe Biden drops out of high-profile India visit after claims of Indian murder plot on US soil

Afghanistan: Taliban sends abused women to prison - UN

Missile fired from Yemen strikes cargo ship in Red Sea hours after earlier attack
Shipping giant Maersk tells all its ships to pause Red Sea voyages
U.S. warns Houthis to stop attacks in Red Sea

Iranian State TV: Gunmen Kill 11, Wound 8 in Attack on Police Station

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 43)
My nation is in trauma: Herzog says now not the time to discuss 2-state solution

IDF troops mistakenly opened fire and killed three hostages during Gaza battles, spokesman says

Hamas claims responsibility for rockets fired at Jerusalem; one said to fall near Ramallah hospital

Hamas rigs childrens backpacks, dolls, in ambush on IDF forces in Gaza
Hamas rigs childrens backpacks, dolls, in ambush on IDF forces in Gaza

Hands raised: About 70 terror suspects left a Gaza hospital and handed over their weapons

IDF takes over, destroys Hamass Shejaia headquarters

Israel-Hamas war: Israeli soldiers suspended for reading out Jewish prayers at Jenin mosque during West Bank raid

Nearly one-fifth of Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza died due to friendly fire and other accidents, IDF says

World Bank allocates $1.34 billion in additional aid to Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 660, Part 1 (Thread #806)

Ukraine councillor tosses grenades into meeting

Russian military used Ukrainian POWs as human shields, Prosecutors Office confirms

Newest NATO member Finland signs defence pact with US
Newest NATO member Finland signs defence pact with US

Hamas operatives arrested in Germany after planning attack

Afghanistan: Taliban sends abused women to prison - UN

Canadas new dental care plan could impact nearly 9 million Canadians

Congress Stiffed Zelenskiy and the US Is the Big Loser
Senate passes $886 billion defense spending bill with pay raises for troops, Ukraine aid

Senate passes bill for promotions back pay after Tuberville holds end

US rightwing media begins to show signs of impeachment fatigue

Worst. Congress. Ever.
Government shutdown in January looms as Congress looks to head home
Democrats outvoted GOP on every major bill passed in House

Why Trump Wont WinHis threats to democracy make him dangerous. They also make him a weak candidate.
Republican voters know Trump isnt joking with his dictator remarks

Trumps deal with LIV Golf is awkward for his impeachment-happy allies

Dictator Trump Plans to Deploy Massive Number of Troops on U.S. Soil
Proud Boy Who Threw Rock At Capitol Doors On Jan. 6 Sentenced To 5 Years comments

Fox News turns on House Republicans over Joe Biden impeachment
Fox News Host Drops The Mic On James Comer's Biden Hypocrisy

Material From Russia Investigation Went Missing as Trump Left Office
The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump : politics
A Binder on Highly Classified Russian Intel Went Missing Under Trump
Classified Russian Election Meddling Intel Vanished From Trump White House: Report In the last days of his administration, the former president pushed to declassify sensitive docs about the FBIs Russia investigation. The originals are missing

"Worst legal strategy ever devised by a human mind": Expert warns Giuliani faces "massive" verdict : politics

Proud Boy Who Threw Rock At Capitol Doors On Jan. 6 Sentenced To 5 Years
'I'm not a progressive': Fetterman breaks with the left, showing a maverick side

When the FBI Is Asked to Go After the Right, It Inevitably Comes for the LeftThe FBI was never meant to address right-wing extremists. We cant look to it to stop the right.

Broke Giuliani Must Pay Up $148 Million for Defaming Georgia Election Workers
Rudy can fail, and so can his lawyers

Inside the destruction of reproductive freedom in America
How a Supreme Court Leak Helped Conservative Justices Unite to Overturn Roe
Texas Abortion Case Exposes GOPs Inability to Defend Their Own Laws
Texas Abortion Case Exposes GOPs Inability to Defend Their Own Laws

Conservatives Want to Destroy Public Schools. Communities are Fighting Back.

A Mississippi House candidate is charged after a Satanic Temple display is destroyed at Iowa Capitol
Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school
Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school
Moms For Liberty Is Tearing Itself Apart | One of the Republican Partys most successful grassroots organizations is being torn apart by scandal, including accusations of sexual assault.

Not Gonna Read That -- No matter how bad you think the Times elite are, they are always always worse.
Kill the Children< ... The rise of child roofers comes as young people are crossing the southern border alone in record numbers. Nearly 400,000 children have come to the United States since 2021 without their parents, and a majority have ended up workingThe rise of child roofers comes as young people are crossing the southern border alone in record numbers. Nearly 400,000 children have come to the United States since 2021 without their parents, and a majority have ended up working


Two Americas ... Americans are often taught to think of the differences between Republicans and Democrats as a set of reasonable disagreements over how to tackle agreed-upon problems. But what we can see, in the divergent agendas of Republican-led states and Democrat-led states, is how the differences have far more to do with the actual purpose of government. For Democrats, that purpose is usually the public good. For Republicans, that purpose is harsh social regulation, with little apparent regard for the lives of those who have to endure these policies.
Red States and Blue States Are Becoming Different Countries

The Biggest Scandals of 2023

Incels are getting better at imagining slave sex robots and its making Western women nervous ... Above: a world in which Elon Musk reply guys stop interacting with human women - I have seen the five creepiest photos in known human history, so now you have to as well:
Total recall

The pill messiah -- Doug Smith claims he can end the opioid crisis.But will his troubled past catch up with him first?

Is Arabic a Social Construct? -- Fourteen hundred years ago, a Meccan merchant in the grips of a midlife crisis was hanging out in a cave when an angel came down from Heaven to tell him that God happened to think that his rustic dialect was the best language ever, so now half a billion people who speak different languages claim that they are speaking that one

What is Cosine?
A Number Greater Than Its Own Square?

Mathematics Is The Language Of The Universe
Mathematical Explanation of Chaos, Randomness, and Complexity in the Universe.

Richard Feynman: The Man Who Only Used His Intellect to Enjoy Life

Did Einstein Stand on Newtons Shoulders? No, on Maxwells!


Trump Says Biden Plunging U.S. Into Depression. The Stock Market Hit a Record High
Republicans Passing Bill Letting FBI Spy on Americans Enrages MAGA

Putins Pals Think the GOP Just Won Them the War in Ukraine
Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO
Nancy Pelosi Says Jan. 6 Was An Inside JobBy Donald Trump And His GOP Allies

We Now Have Even More Details About James Comer sShady Shell Company

7 SHOCKING Truths about Nicaea>


COP28: UN says staggering $7 trillion spent every year on investments that fuel climate change : worldnews

COP28: UN says staggering $7 trillion spent every year on investments that fuel climate change : worldnews
The age of fossil fuels will end: Australias Chris Bowen hails COP28 agreement

COP28 Climate Summit President Has Direct Conflict of Interest, Al Gore Says

Most US Voters Agree: Make Big Oil Pay for Climate Damage : politics

Developing nations spent record $443.5 billion on public debt in 2022, World Bank says : worldnews

Study shows that sodium-ion batteries have an equivalent climate impact as their lithium-ion counterpartswithout the risk of running out of raw materials, and theres the potential to further reduce climate impact using a better electrolyte

Australia will become the first country in the world to ban engineered stone following surge in silicosis cases
One man sent 17 million scam SMSes, Australian police say. : worldnews

Thailand to legalize same-sex marriage : worldnews ... Good for them. Still wonky its illegal to sell sex toys there. Its not really enforced but you still could technically get in trouble

Japans parliament passes bill to legalize cannabis-derived medicines

15% of South Korean workers beaten or cursed at in workplace : worldnews

Alleged helicopter defector arrested for plotting to take a U.S. chinhock helicopter to China after they offered him $15M : worldnews

Russian Riot Police Raid Gay Club Amid Crackdown OnLGBT Movement

Ukrainian intelligence attacks and paralyses Russias tax system

U.S. imposes sweeping Russia-related sanctions against 250 people, companies : worldnews

Smoke attack disrupts Indian parliament, four arrested. : worldnews

Ghana will enter malaria eliminationphase in 2024

Arab leaders reject international force in post-war Gaza, but offer no alternative : worldnews ... "Weve tried nothing and were all out of ideas"

US warship shoots down Houthi drone launched from Yemen - US official : worldnews
Houthis fire two missiles at jet fuel tanker in Red Sea; US warship downs drone : worldnews
Bullets, missiles fired at Ardmore tanker in latest Houthi attack : worldnews

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi cancels Geneva trip amid calls for his arrest : worldnews
(From Fall In Mosque-Goers In Iran Now Highly Alarming - Minister ... Only an abusive person or God would ask someone to discard their own common sense, logic, and reason for them. This regime has mistakenly lifted the veil to this scam by pushing their gaslighting too far ... In February, a senior Iranian cleric, Mohammad Abolghassem Doulabi, revealed that 50,000 out of 75,000 mosques nationwide had been closed due to a significant decline in attendance.
Iran Deports Almost 350,000 Afghans Within 3 Months : worldnews
(Iran) Six Bahais Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for their Faith

Israel close to diplomatic solution to move Hezbollah away from border

Israel likely to govern Gaza by default post-Hamas, says retired US general David Petraeus

Israel must comply with laws of war under US weapons assistance policy, State Department says : politics
Biden warns Netanyahu that Israel attacks on Gaza are alienating international community - In indication of possible shift in tone from the White House, Biden called on Netanyahu to change his hardline government : politics
Biden says Netanyahu must change Israel government, losing global support : worldnews
Biden Points to Gaza Hostages When Asked About Israeli Tunnel Flooding Reports : worldnews ... The freed Israeli hostages were not happy to hear about the flooding plan either. They had a meeting with Netanyahu that did not go well ... she continues: And you are talking about washing the tunnels with sea water? You are shelling the route of tunnels in the exact area where they are. The girls ask me where is their father? And I have to tell them that the bad guys dont want to yet release him. The woman adds: You put politics above the return of the kidnapped. (Netanfuckyu --> Netanfuckup)

Poll shows soaring Palestinian support for Hamas; 72% back October 7 atrocities : worldnews

US and UK impose additional sanctions on Hamas officials : worldnews

Tanzanian Joshua Mollel, missing since Oct. 7, confirmed dead, body held in Gaza : worldnews

Hamas used toxic substance to kill Nahal Oz troops on Oct. 7, IDF probe said to show : worldnews

Zelensky reiterates objection to ceding territory to Russia : worldnews
Biden Administration Announces New Security Assistance for Ukraine : worldnews
Biden Administration Announces New Security Assistance for Ukraine : worldnews
U.S. intelligence assesses Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 casualties ... 87% of the total with which it started the war, have been killed or injured, the source said. <
Aid stalemate leaves Zelensky with little to show from US trip : worldnews
Zelensky asks Orban to name one reason" for blocking Ukraines accession to EU
NATO is in Ukraines future: we just have to make sure they win the war - Biden
More than 50 injured as 10 Russian ballistic missiles target Kyiv - Ukraine : worldnews undefined
Scores injured as missiles, drones hit Kyiv
Russia Firing Ballistic Missiles at Ukraine on Par With Gulf War Scud Bombardment : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 658, Part 1 (Thread #804) : worldnews

raging545 - on X: "VIDEO of a Ukrainian soldier with an Australian made "Droneshield" anti-drone gun at the front lines. Interestingly he is also a Columbian soldier fighting with the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. #Ukraine #Ukrainewar #ukraineRussiawar #Russia" / X

Frontline report: Ukraine keeps Avdiivka front stableas Russia claims new attacks -- Facing heavy losses, the Russian command shifts its narrative, saying thattaking the city may not be their primary goal.
#Ukraines new Siberian Battalion and naturally many of them are used to the cold. These Russian recruits are mostly rebels from Siberian regions with large indigenous populations. One Russian said: I don't want to have any part in those terrible crimes that my country did within its own borders, and what is more terrifying, the massed firepower that is now killing thousands of Ukrainians

Russias new Black Sea naval base alarms Georgia

NATO increases military budget by 12% to 2.03 billion euros : worldnews
Too many Europeans pushed into poverty by healthcare costs, says WHO : worldnews

Donald Tusk sworn in as Polish PM : worldnews

Thousands rally in Slovakia to condemn the government plan to close top prosecutors' office : worldnews

Zelensky arrives in Norway for unannounced visit : worldnews
Norwegian PM announces $1.8B in aid to Ukraine : worldnews
Ammunition, tanks and drones: Denmark prepares1 billion aid package for Ukraine (

German chancellor warns about decrease of support for Kyiv: Putin still determined : worldnews
Scholz to lobby for Ukraines accession to EU at European Council summit

Lesbian couple flees Italy as government strips them of parental rights : worldnews

Swiss parliament votes to cut funding for UNRWA amid incitement allegations : worldnews ... UNRWA, also known as Hamas in the West

24 hours into Argentinian presidency, Javier Milei shuts Ministry of Culture : worldnews ... Its slimmed-down budget and operations will be transferred to a new Ministry of Health and Human Capital

Asian American Comedian Murdered in Colombia After Meeting a Woman Online : worldnews ... Authorities said that he was the 27th non-migrant foreigner killed in Medellin and the surrounding area in 2023.
Argentina announces a 50% devaluation of its own currency as part of shock economic measures : worldnews
Argentina devalues peso, cuts spending to treat fiscal deficit addiction

Biden says world leaders keep telling him You can't let Trump win

US issues sweeping sanctions targeting Russia over Ukraine war : worldnews

President Joe Biden has offered changes to US border policy that raises the prospects of a bipartisan deal on immigration and aid to Ukraine, Republican senators report.
Ukraine faces a daunting winter after Zelensky can't convince Republicans to move quickly on new aid
Republicans helping Russia by denying Ukraine aid, Biden says | Ukraine | The Guardian US president announces emergency $200m in aid after Congress continues to deny Volodymyr Zelenskiy
Republicans Try to Blame Dems for GOP Inaction on Ukraine Aid : politics

Biden tells donors Israel is losing support, Netanyahu must change his government
Israel losing global support over Gaza bombing, Biden says : politics
Biden says Netanyahu must change Israel government, losing global support : politics

Biden administration announces $37B in funding to benefit seniors, disabled Americans : politics

Five Ways Biden Can Win in 2024 : politics

House Republican admits vote for Biden impeachment inquiry despite lack of evidence is for election : politics

Supreme Court will rule against Donald Trump, attorney predicts : politics
Supreme Court agrees to quick review of Trumps presidential immunity claim
Lawrence: Justice Kavanaugh destroyed Trump immunity claim 25 years ago : politics
Supreme Court agrees to hear showdown over abortion pill access : politics

How Mike Johnsons creationist beliefs clash with climate facts: He just wasnt interested
How Republicans convinced themselves Americawas meant to be a Christian nation

Court rejects Donald Trumps request for immunity in E. Jean Carrolls defamation suit

Jack Smith Is Going to Expose Trump -- with His Own Cell Phone Data
Donald Trump rages at Supreme Court granting Jack Smiths wish
Investigators accessed Trump White House cellphone records and plan to use them at trial, special counsel says : politics

Trump resorts to old excuse over his dictatorcomments -- he was 'jokijng'

Report: Trump Made $160 Million in Foreign Business Deals as President

Donald Trump sells cut-up pieces of suit he wore in mugshot for $5,000
Trumps Desperation to Sell NFTs Has Him Ripping Up His Clothes

Trump on Hannitys show: 24 false or misleading claims in 5 minutes

Election worker targeted by Rudy Giulianis lies is afraid forher life
Rudy Giuliani Leaves Defamation Trial To Defame Some More Outside : politics

Top Court Clears Path for Democrats to Redraw House Map in New York : politics
New Yorks high court orders new congressional districts, potentially flipping US House

Kate Coxs case reveals how far Texas intends to go to enforce abortion laws
Texas Republicans drove Kate Cox out of her own state. What her abortion story means for America: The conflict between a mother of two and Texas embodies the larger battle for the soul of America : politics
Stunning threat in Texas abortion case steps up Paxton criminalization crusade | State attorney general threatened to prosecute doctors if they provided abortion care to a woman with a nonviable pregnancy
Texas Woman Who Sued for Emergency Abortion Flees State to Get Care
Pregnant women take a leading role in new legal battles over abortion - After the Texas Supreme Court prevented Kate Cox from getting an abortion in Texas, other people seeking abortions may try to sue
Ted Cruz and John Cornyn avoid questions on Kate Cox abortion case : politics
Ann Coulter Joins Critics Of Texas Brutal Anti-Abortion Decision
What Pharmacies Are Doing to Customers Is An Atrocity Even to a Cynic Like Me | In theory, if you take mifepristone up here in the Commonwealth (God save it!), Ken Paxton could learn about it in Texas. : politics

Stunning threat in Texas abortion case steps up Paxton criminalization crusade | State attorney general threatened to prosecute doctors if they provided abortion care to a woman with a nonviable pregnancy

DeSantis staffers blocked release of travel records, whistleblower says : politics
Florida high school fined more than $16K for allowing transgender athlete to play girlsvolleyball

Republican Nikki Haley renews attacks against trans women in sport : politics

Fast food chains use Alabama prison inmates as slave labor, lawsuit alleges (

This wasnt what this interview was going to be about: Ron Johnson flails under pressure from CNN

Tesla could still sue Cybertruck owners if they flip their vehicles too soon / The automaker has reportedly added back the controversial clause against resellers : technology Tesla could still sue Cybertruck owners if they flip their vehicles too soon / The automaker has reportedly added back the controversial clause against resellers
Tesla recalls nearly all vehicles on US roads over lack of Autopilot safeguards : worldnews

Extremely rare dolphin with thumbs spotted off coast of Greece

This Unknown Book Recommended by Andrew Huberman has Changed My Life Forever | by Novel Nest | Nov, 2023 | Books Are Our Superpower

Lee Smolin Deflates the Tacit Pythagoreanism of Todays Physicists
Stephen Hawking says theres no theory of everything



Voter turnout plunges below 30% in Hong Kong election after rules shut out pro-democracy candidates : worldnews

Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment : worldnews

Alexey Navalny, Russian opposition leader, missing from prison, says his team | CNN

Uganda medical researchers ordered to report homosexuals to the government : worldnews

A missile strikes Norwegian-flagged tanker off Yemen in an apparent expansion of rebel attacks : worldnews
Commercial Ship In Flames After Red Sea Missile Attack : worldnews
French Frigate Languedoc Intercepts Yet Another Drone from Yemen - Naval News : worldnews

After Putin-Netanyahu talk, Russia demands Hamas releases hostages : worldnews
Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years with Israels backing. Heres what we know about the controversial deal ... CNN was told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued the cash flow to Hamas, despite concerns raised from within his own government ... Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. ( <--- )
Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power: NYT : Paul Squire - Dec 11, 2023, 1:53 PM EST
Buying Quiet: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up HamasPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gambled that a strong Hamas (but not too strong) would keep the peace and reduce pressure for a Palestinian state ... an empowered Hamas helped Mr. Netanyahu avoid negotiating over a Palestinian state.
Former US ambassador to Israel Indyk says Netanyahu is a clear and present danger to Israel
Ukraine to EU: Dont wait on US to make decisions

Israeli defense chief resists pressure to halt Gaza offensive, says campaign will take time
IDF says deaths of 20 out of 105 soldiers killed in Gaza op were friendly fire, accidents : worldnews

Half of Gazas population is starving, warns UN
Gallant: Hamas battalions onceconsidered invincible now on verge of collapse

Israel has no intention on staying permanently in Gaza, defence minister says : worldnews

One girl was given ketamine: Israeli doctor says hostages abused, drugged in Gaza

Zelensky Will Travel From Argentina to Washington To Meet With Biden, Lawmakers : worldnews
Ukraine says no green light for EU membership talks would bedevastating
Today, the International Monetary Fund decided to approve the revision of the program for Ukraine. This will allow Ukraine to receive a tranche of about $900 million, permanent representative of Ukraine at the IMF, Vladyslav Rashkovan reported.
Ukraines Largest Mobile Operator Knocked Out, Millions Lose Phone and Internet Service

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 657, Part 1 (Thread #803) : worldnews

combat losses of russia in ukraine's via UA forces : ukraine

UNITED24media on X: "We will never forget what Russia did to Mariupol and its people." / X

1/5) Russian forces highly likely continue to struggle when fighting at night. Numerous reports from combatants have highlighted this trend since the start of the war
(3/5) NVGs have frequently featured high in the lists of equipment Russian units request from their families and supporters. Ukrainian forces have often been equipped with night vision devices from international partners.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine hacked the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation,t is reported that as a result of a large-scale cyberattack, all servers were affected by malicious software. Configuration files that ensured the functioning of the complex tax system of the Russian Federation were completely destroyed, including the database and its backup copies.

European Union Targets Iran Drone Industry, Citing Russias Use Against Ukraine

Donald Tusk wins parliaments backing to be new Polish PM
Polands Law and Justice party loses power after eight years of authoritarian rule
Rights court rules Poland should recognise same-sex partnerships : worldnews
Far-right MP expelled from Polish parliament after spraying Hanukkah candles with fire extinguisher : news

Latvia Signs $105M Coastal Missile Defense Deal With US : worldnews

Reichsbrger: German far-right extremists charged with planning violent coup

Irelands lack of sonar forced British navy to chase Russian sub away from Cork Harbour

MI6 chief thanks Russian state television for its help in encouraging Russians to spy for the UK
Anguish grows over effective ban on most UK citizens marrying foreign nationals ... Honestly, is evil af. I have to choose between going home or my wife. One day I want to raise my children in the UK

Media: Brazilian President Lula denies Zelenskys request to meet

Panama Canal drought to disrupt global trade well into 2024 : worldnews

Mexico's president vows to eliminate regulatory, oversight agencies, claiming they are 'useless'

Farmers Killed 10 Cartel Members with Machetes Over Extortion Fees : worldnews

CSIS chief says he learned new details of alleged plot to kill Sikh activist from U.S. indictment Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar was gunned down in B.C. in June
A report by Amnesty International says police in British Columbia conducted arbitrary arrests andaggressive surveillance, harassment and intimidationof First Nations protesters blocking a pipeline project.
Alberta Sets a Methane Super-Emitter Record
Canadian charged with 14 counts second degree murder/counselling suicide, in addition to alleged links to 117 deaths worldwide in up to 40 countries : worldnews

Putin must lose: Zelenskiy arrives in US to try to save $61bn Ukraine aid package
Zelensky arrived at Congress : pics
White House: Another aid package for Ukraine to be announced before end of year : worldnews
U.S. declassifies intel as the White House pushes for more Ukraine funding : ukraine

Congress Pulls Bill That Would Massively Expand Surveillance After Dramatic Showdown

I am a Zionist, says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
Biden tells donors Israel is losing support, Netanyahu must change his government | CNN Politics : worldnews

Over 100 European lawmakers call on US Congress to approve aid for Ukraine : worldnews (Refucks: "Fuck off")

Red States and Blue States Are Becoming Different Countries -- Jamelle Bouie - Dec. 12, 2023 : politics

The Supreme Court's "Dilemma." How can they give Trump legal immunity, but not Biden? : PoliticalHumor
Senate Democrats press Thomas to recuse himself from Trump immunity case : politics

Jack Smith to use Trumps phone data at trial
Jack Smiths SCOTUS leapfrog is the "smart" move, experts say

NBC News demands Trump campaign takes down fake clip : politics

I hope all the 19 year old geopolitical scholars on TikTok who say they "won't vote for Genocide Joe" are happy when King Donald decides to nuke Gaza like it's an incoming hurricane : PoliticalHumor

Watch Matt Gaetz Get Trolled With Underage Sex Awardat Republican Event

Restrictive abortion and LGBTQ policies could make Texas less desirable to move to, impact economy, study says : politics

A Complete Waste of Tim: What the Colony Ridge Hysteria Says About the Right-wing Media Ecosystem

Kentucky woman who sued for abortion access says embryo no longer has cardiac activity : news ... Unpopular opinion, but we should surgically implant a dead fetus inside GOP senators and then tell them no when they want it removed.

GOP Senator Flabbergasted When Asked to Back Up Evidence-Free Claim | The Republican senator appeared speechless when asked to back up his wild claim about Democrats.

Fox News Hosts Say Republicans Have No Evidence to Impeach Joe Biden : politics

An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them : politics

As ChatGPT gets lazy people test winter break hypothesis

Stephen Colbert Details Hospitalization, Recovery for Ruptured Appendix:I Was Not Aware of the Amount of Trouble I Was In
Stephen Colbert Details Hospitalization, Recovery for Ruptured Appendix: I Was Not Aware of the Amount of Trouble I Was In

Harvard Corporation Breaks Silence, Stating Support for Gay While Addressing Plagiarism Allegations | News | The Harvard Crimson
Harvard Corporation Breaks Silence, Stating Support for Gay While Addressing Plagiarism Allegations | News | The Harvard Crimson : news

The photographer Leonardo Sens, waited 3 years to take this shot in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. : pics

TIL about Derinkuyu (modern day Turkey), a 3000 year old underground city that once housed up to 20000 people and their livestock : todayilearned

The 5alpha condensate state in 20Ne -- Nature Communications

Study on 142 children aged from birth to 18 months, found that adding fish to a toddlers repertoire of finger foods may help protect them from neurodevelopmental delays thanks to a child's microbiome that amplified the positive-influence

Scientists Discover 512-Year-Old Shark, Which Would Be The Oldest Living Vertebrate On The Planet : worldnews

In a new study two forever chemicals PFAS(PFOS and PFOA) spurred cancer cells in the lab to migrate to new positions, an indication that the chemicals could contribute to cancer metastasis in living organisms

Politely asking Genghis Khan to stop killing people : videos

Twenty-year study confirms California forests are healthier when burned or thinned

Why is the earliest sunset in the northern hemisphere not on the winter solstice? : askscience

What small nation has a lot of cultural influence and relevance around the world? : AskReddit

TIL President Johnson (LBJ) was almost beaten with a tire iron for trying to trick black people into opening a trunk full of snakes : todayilearned

TIL - The severed head of Mata Hari was embalmed and kept in the Museum of Anatomy in Paris. In 2000, archivists discovered that it had disappeared : todayilearned

Author Cait Corrain loses book deal after accusations of review bombing on Goodreads : books

Which character suffered the biggest micarriage of justice? [SPOILERS] : television


Whats the absolute scariest horror movie that youve ever watched?

The 21 Best Memes Of 2023 That Took Over The Internet

Hamilton man shot in testicle by ex-girlfriend: 911 call : news


The Qatargate Files: Hundreds of leaked documents reveal scale of EU corruption scandal : worldnews undefined

Russia Forming Assault Units with Disabled Soldiers, Relatives Outraged : worldnews
Russia made more money from oil exports in October than it did in any month before the Ukraine war : worldnews

Anguish grows over effective 'ban'' on most UK citizens marrying foreign nationals

Argentina's President Javier Milei reduces ministries from 18 to nine on first day in office : worldnews

See No Evil -- Why Does the Chicago Police Department Tolerate Abusive Racists in Its Ranks?

In identical twins, when one is diagnosed with dementia, BOTH have similarly shortened life expectancy : science

OpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever has become invisible at the company, with his future uncertain, insiders say : technology

In identical twins, when one is diagnosed with dementia, BOTH have similarly shortened life expectancy : science


Pledges from climate talks not enough to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, IEA says : worldnews

Observers Say OPEC Panicking as COP28 Talks Focus on Possible Fossil Fuel Phase-Out

Almost 100 journalists killed and 400 imprisoned in 2023, says report | Journalist safety : worldnews

Hundreds From Philippines Set Sail as Tensions Flare With China : worldnews
Philippines, China trade blame over South China Sea clash : worldnews

Hong Kong makes final push for opposition-free local election, but voters uncertain about race : worldnews

With Putins reelection all but assured, Russias opposition still vows to undermine his image
/Multiple Russian political opposition figures have reportedly developed a common campaign strategy for the upcoming presidential campaign cycle aimed at compelling Putin to address topics he seeks to avoid and revealing the breadth of Russian opposition against Putin.

Russia has recruited over 100,000 prisoners for its 'human wave' assaults against Ukraine since the war began, reports say : worldnews
Russia tries to unfreeze gold reserves for climate funds at COP28 : worldnews

gurpatwant singh pannun: Must hold assassination plotters accountable: US - The Economic Times The White House has urged India to hold accountable the ones behind an alleged plot to assassinate a Sikh separatist leader which the US claims to have thwarted
Must hold assassination plotters accountable: US : worldnews
Indias plan for 50,000 e-buses on its roads gets US support

Qatar PM warns: Gaza war putting entire generation at risk of radicalisation

Houthi Militia Threatens to Block All Ships Headed to Israel -- It was unclear to what extent the Iranian-backed militia, which controls northern Yemen, would be able to act on its expanded warning.
Houthi Militia Threatens to Block All Ships Headed to Israel : worldnews
Houthi official: Well now target any Israel-bound ship of any ownership
French Navy intercepts two drones fired from Houthi area in Yemen : worldnews
Israel ready to act against Houthi rebels if international community fails to, official says | CNN : worldnews

Iraqs Kataeb Hezbollah vows more attacks on US forces

Teenage children of jailed Narges Mohammadi accept her Nobel Peace Prize : worldnews
Mossad helps arrest two Iranians in plot to attack Israelis in Cyprus : worldnews
Iran bans Mahsa Aminis family from travelling to accept EUs Sakharov human rights prize
Iran Accuses Jailed Swedish EU Diplomat Of Conspiring With Israel : worldnews

Six civilians, including two children and a woman, killed by Assad regimes shelling on Idlib City and Sarmin Town, 25 more civilians injured by missile shelling on different areas in the province

Netanyahu appreciates US veto in UN,says Gaza war willcontinue
Netanyahu criticizes dangerous Russia-Iran cooperation directly to Putin
Israel will not bow to international pressure to end war with Hamas, says Netanyahu : worldnews
Israeli tanks reach centre of Khan Younis in new storm of southern Gaza : news
Report: Israeli sources say intense fighting in Gaza to go on for 2 more months : worldnews
Israel: pressure to end war inconsistent with support for eliminating Hamas : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war: Terrorists lose contact with Gaza leaders, surrender : worldnews
Sinwar denying reality, fled north Gaza in humanitarian convoy ... When Sinwar appears in public it will always be with a child. its to avoid assassination.

Israel says over 7,000 militants killed in Gaza Strip : worldnews

IDF releases video of Hamas stealing aid from Gazans : worldnews
Gaza in chaos as Palestinian anger against Hamas grows : worldnews

After weeks in Hamas tunnels, some freed child hostages still speaking in whispers : worldnews

Israel orders more evacuations in Khan Younis after US blocks Gaza ceasefire call : worldnews

sraeli strike leaves Gazas oldest mosque in ruins

Israel is detaining civilians in Gaza. Many have disappeared, families say. - The Washington Post

U.S., Ukraine counteroffensive plans marred by miscalculations, disagreement - The Washington Post
Volodymyr Zelenskyy : While in Argentina, I had a call with @EmmanuelMacron.
Ukraine says any Russian presidential voting in its occupied regions would be null and void
Ukraine condemns Russian plans for elections on occupied territory : worldnews
Ukraine and US Sign Historic Joint-Weapons Production Agreement : worldnews
Ukrainian Parliament Amends Laws on National Minorities Rights
Wartime spread of drug-resistant infections in Ukraine is an urgent crisis, CDC report says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 655, Part 1 (Thread #801) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Dec. 10, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This was probably the start of a more concerted campaign by Russia aimed at degrading Ukraines energy infrastructure. However, initial reports indicate the majority of these missiles were successfully intercepted by Ukrainian air defence

Finnish Public Service Yle exposes how Russia systematically russifies Ukrainian children from destroyed Mariupol, near the Finnish border in the former Finnish town of Terijoki (now russified to Zelenogorsk)

Supo declassifies 60-year-old file on JFK killer Lee Harvey Oswald (Finland) : worldnews
Supo declassifies 60-year-old file on JFK killer Lee Harvey Oswald | Yle News | Yle With the 60-year confidentiality period lifted, the files offer insights into Oswald's mysterious stay in Helsinki before he visited the Soviet UnionThe Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Supo) has declassified a 60-year-old file shedding light on Lee Harvey Oswald's visit to Finland in 1959.

Swedish cartoon published on the day of CHOD visit to #Ukraine combat units.

LEAK: European Commission readies single market scheme for defence

Germany warns of warmonger Putin pushing propaganda at Paris Olympics

Italian climate change protesters turn Venices Grand Canal green

Saudi Arabia could take effective majority controlof London Heathrow

Lula urges caution to Maduro amidst escalating Guyana-Venezuela row : worldnews
Guyanese and Venezuelan leaders to meet Thursday on border row : worldnews

Secret Indian Memo Ordered Concrete Measures Against Hardeep Singh Nijjar Two Months Before His Assassination in Canada
Royal Navy warship HMS Trent sent to Caribbean to hunt drug smugglers : worldnews

Canadas surging cost of living fuels reverse immigration
Disinformation is the hreat of a generation,but Canada is struggling to deal with it: National security adviser

CNN poll: Large majority of US adults and half of Republicans agree with Bidens goal to slash climate pollution

1.8 Million Barrels of Oil a Day Avoided from Electric Vehicles : technology ... Well, its beginning to be statistically significant. The world burns 97 million barrels a day

Soon, Biden Will Call for the War to End. And Netanyahu Will Attack Him : politics
VP Harris presses Israel on civilian deaths in Gaza. What does international law say? : politics
Biden administration uses emergency authority to sell about 14,000 tank shells to Israel : worldnews
US skips congressional review to approve emergency sale of tank shells to Israel : worldnews

Biden dings Trump on infrastructure, while he showcases $8.2B for 10 major rail projects
Biden announces proposal to replace all lead water service lines in US within 10 years : politics (Refuckers are outraged)

Republicans to meet allies of Hungarys Viktor Orban on ending Ukraine aid ... wtf Republicans? I mean, you're straight up just strategizing with fascists now? How can people vote for you?

US Oil Will Keep Booming in 2024, Setting up Possible Clash With Saudis
US oil production will keep booming in 2024, setting up a possible showdown with Saudi Arabia : worldnews

Morally, this is obscene: GOP divided over stripping compensation for radiation victims from NDAA

Not just the Supreme Court: Ethics troubles plague state high courts, too : politics

Liz Cheney: Speaker Mike Johnson cant be trusted to defend the constitution

Less appetite and opportunity to serve as fake Trump electors in 2024

Mitt Romney says he doesnt see any evidence to authorize Joe Biden impeachment inquiry
Trump thehuman gumball machine willimpose his will on the nation if elected, Romney says

Trump Doubles Down on Dreams of Being a Dictator : politics
Opinion | Robert Kagan: How to stop the Trump dictatorship - The Washington Post
Why Trump Refuses to Deny He Plans to Become a Dictator: Its because he loves dictators.
Trump defends dictator comments amid NYC soiree filled with MAGA diehardsAt an event with key figures within the MAGA movement, the former president repeated comments that he wants to be a dictator on 'day one'

Megyn Kelly said that Donald Trump is increasingly confused and not asmentally sharpas he once was

As 2024 approaches, the media is faced with the question of how to cover Donald Trump : politcs
What Will Happen to the American Psyche If Trump Is Reelected? : politics

The poison of Trumps intolerant language: Violent rhetoric is a road to civil war
Donald Trump will never leave office voluntarily Rep. Schiff on the threat of a second Trump term

Master Calendar of Trump Court Dates: Criminal and Civil Cases : politics ... 25 cases in the next year

Jack Smith reveals sweeping scope of bid to debunk Trump election machine claims : politics

Trump say he's snot testifying in his civil fraud Monday


Giulianis financial woes could compound as he faces mounting legal exposure
Giuliani spread lies about Georgia election workers. A jury will decide what he owes them. : politics

Christie gets new life after punchy debate | The Hill ... And the better he performs, the longer he will stay in the race. And the longer he stays in the race, the bigger advantage Trump has to win the nomination
Christie gets new life after punchy debate : politics

Liz Cheneys 2024 campaign mission: Defeat House Republicans

Republican States Are Gayer Than You Think : ... Overall, it found that the U.S. had an LGBT population of 5.6 percent. That population varied widely between individual states; West Virginia and Mississippi had the joint lowest, 4.1 percent, while Washington, D.C. and Kentucky had the highest proportions14.3 percent and 10.5 percent respectively.- politics

Democrats, Biden campaign condemn blocking of emergency abortion for Texas woman : politics
J.D. Vance Said Republicans Arent Trying to Limit Birth Control Access. Heres a List.

No, expelling George Santos didnt set a bad precedent
Republicans are trying harder than ever to suppress the youth vote : politics

Kate Cox cant get abortion for now, Texas Supreme Court court says, halting judges OK
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton literally

A massive tech company exodus is occurring in Texas, reports show : technology ... a Texodus ... Texit

After Dobbs, doctors say more people are turning to permanent contraception : news

AOC blasts GOP for subjecting children to genital exams with anti-trans sports bans. AOC blasted state policies that force genital examinations on minors if anyone accuses a student athlete of not being the "right" gender. : politics

NYCs congestion pricing plans highlight America's troubled history with trains

Tesla drivers run Autopilot where its not intendedwith deadly consequences (Elon marketing death)
Inside the final seconds of a deadly Tesla Autopilot crash - Washington Post A reconstruction of the wreck shows how human error and emerging technology can collide with deadly results

Alex Jones and his conspiracy theories are allowed back on X : technology (Elongated Dickhead marketng hate and violence)

OpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever has become invisible at the company, with his future uncertain, insiders say : technology

Tornado causes massive explosion : WTF

Man arrested after grandpa sucker-punched while pushing grandchild in stroller : news

On the streets, opioids sometimes more potent than fentanyl: nitazenes - The Washington Post

Were on the side of righteousness
Opinion | How Telfar shopping bags help me find Black joy over and over and over - The Washington Post

Crews search for survivors, survey damage after Tennessee tornadoes leave at least 6 dead | CNN : news

ChatGPT-created letters of recommendation are nearly indistinguishable from human-authored letters, study finds : science

Salton Sea Lithium Discovery: Fueling Innovation in Electric Vehicle Battery Production
Salton Sea Lithium Discovery: Fueling Innovation in Electric Vehicle Battery Production - Different Hub ... Conclusion: The Salton Sea's lithium reservoir isnt just a discovery; its a beacon of hope for cleaner energy and sustainable resource extraction. Join us in following this journey toward a greener tomorrow.

Mysterious Link Between Owning Cats And Schizophrenia Is Real, Study Says : worldnews

Scientists tested the ability of tiny antibodies produced by llamas, called nanobodies, to effectively neutralize human norovirus, which causes acute gastroenteritis and 212,000 deaths annually, in the lab, and found they neutralized the current circulating pandemic strain and its older variants. : science

Pliosaur discovery: Huge sea monster emerges from Dorset cliffs

The Single Sentence Buddha Kept Repeating When He Taught Mindfulness :Intense Completely Understanding; Fully Aware.

TIL of Dr. Benjamin Spock, a pediatrician whose 1946 book "Baby and Child Care" is one of the best-selling books of the twentieth century. His then unconventional advice to parents to show affection to their children and to see them as individuals revolutionized how parents raised their children. : todayilearned

Pole dancing classes boost womens mental wellbeing, study finds

Discrimination During Pregnancy May Alter Circuits in Infants Brains. Scientists found infants of mothers who experienced discrimination generally had weaker connections between their amygdala and prefrontal cortex (c

Children born moderately early between 32 and 38 weeksgestation are more likely to have developmental disorders such as language delay, cognitive impairment, ADHD and Cerebral palsy compared with children born at full term, according to a major new study

Spinal Stenosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Exercises for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Pin on Sciatica
What is Sciatica? | Johns Hopkins Medicine ... also called lumbar radiculopathy ... Sciatica usually heals on its own with rest and time.

ELI5: Why do different amphetamineshave such vastly different effects?

TIL: over 600 US planes crashed in a remote region of the Himalayas whilst delivering supplies to Chinese forces over thehump
China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)

Gen Z and millennials visit libraries at higher rates than older generations : books

What are some movie urban legends that are still talked about as if theyre true?

ELI5 How do saws that stop automatically if they hit a finger work? : explainlikeimfive (fingers are capacitorss)
Saw a weird formation of clouds today : pics
Weird shape formed by clouds yesterday in Outat El Haj, Boulmane, Morocco : pics

TIL Emperor Justinian II (685-695 and 705-711) was overthrown in a rebellion and had his nose cut off to prevent him from ever ruling again. However, he managed to return to power in 705 with a prosthetic gold nose and took his revenge on those who had deposed him. : todayilearned

Whats the wildest thing you've seen going on at a party you were at?

What is something GOOD going on in the world that a lot of people arent aware of?
Uplifting News


John Kerry warns against carbon capturesgreat facade as a climate cure-all

Observers see OPEC panickingas COP28 climate talks focus on possible fossil fuel phase-out

OPEC Leader Tells Members to Block Any Climate Summit Deal to Curb Fossil Fuels - The New York Times In a letter, the secretary general of the oil cartel called on countries in the group to reject any text or formula that targets energy
OPEC Leader Tells Members to Block Any Climate Summit Deal to Curb Fossil Fuels : worldnews

Azerbaijan says it has sealed consensus to host COP29: The COP28 summit still needs to formally approve the next host country. Azerbaijan would follow Dubai in being the second host in a row to be a major producer of fossil fuels.

The world's wealthiest families got $1.5 trillion richer in 2023, with Hermes owners and the rulers of Abu Dhabi leading the way
families got $1.5 trillion richer in 2023, with Hermes owners and the rulers of Abu Dhabi leading the way
The world's wealthiestfamilies got $1.5 trillion richer in 2023, with Hermes owners and the rulers of Abu Dhabi leading the way -

Australias PM Albanese says migration intake must be sustainable
Rabies-like disease detected in South Australian bats

Philippines condemns Chinas actions in South China Sea against fishing vessels
Philippines still among countries with lowest proficiency in reading, mathematics, and science : worldnews

Bear attacks in Japan are at a record high. Climate change and an aging population are making the problem worse | CNN : worldnews

Chinas November consumer prices fall the fastest in 3 years

With war the organizing principle of Russian life, the continuation of aggression against Ukraine and the crusade against Western interests at home and abroad is becoming the raison dre for the entire machinery of Putinism," @AlexGabuev writes

Vladimir Putin praises Modi for his tough policies; says he is main guarantor of steady Russia-India relationship (dicktofucks hang together)

Russia Issues Arrest Warrant for U.S.-Russian Journalist Masha Gessen : worldnews ... Gessen who uses they/them pronouns is a nonbinary and transgender person. They moved to New York in 2013, when Russia started imposing restrictive policies against the LGBT community. Gessen is a longtime outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin.
Masha Gessen - Wikipedia

Moscow Bans QR Codes in Billboards Over Navalnys Anti-Putin Campaign
Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Missing For Three Days, Life At Risk Supporters Say

Russias Kursk region bans coercing omen to have abortions through propaganda of abortion and childfree lifestyle

Russian cities cancel New Year celebrations to save money for war : worldnews

Russia has begun buying eggs from Turkey. It is cheaper to import eggs from Turkey than to produce them in Russia. Russia continues to claim that sanctions do not work.

Czech Reflex magazine has proposed the following design for Russian and Belarusian teams uniforms.

Russia records 11 incidents involving civilian airplanes in first 8 days of December : worldnews
Russia records 11 incidents involving civilian airplanes in first 8 days of December The incidents highlighted the increasingly apparent impact of Western sanctions on Russia's airlines, which have prohibited the export of aviation-related technology and spare parts and banned the ability of Russian airlines or Russian-owned airplanes to use EU airspace.

Toshakhana case: Pakistan National Accountability Bureau summons Imran Khans wife
Toxic smog in Pakistan leaves tens of thousands ill : worldnews

We deliver to Ministers, MP: Uganda plans ban on sale of used clothes; 80,000 people, mostly women, to lose jobs

Turkey issues arrest warrant for Somali presidents son over fatal traffic crash

Egypt said to warn Israel ties could rupture if Gaza multitudes flee to Sinai

Yemen's Houthis say they will target ships in Red Sea en route to Israel : worldnews

US vetoes extraordinary UN Resolution demanding immediate Gaza ceasefire : worldnews

Civilians make up 61% of Gaza deaths from airstrikes, Israeli study finds : worldnews ... Thats about the same fraction of men killed. So are they just counting all males as Hamas? How do they know if they are supposedly dressed as civilians? How do they determine who is Hamas? Something doesn't add up.

Israeli Defense Minister cites indications that Hamasis beginning to break in Gaza

IDF reports rockets fired at Israel from Gaza humanitarian zone : worldnews
Israeli National Security Adviser Hanegbi indicates war against Hezbollah likely after defeat of Hamas

Russia Warns Israel Over Flooding Tunnels in Gaza: War Crime ... and trust us, we know war crimes

Police break up Jewish ultranationalist march through Muslim quarter of Jerusalems Old City (not at all a provacation)

Ukraines Zelenskyy will travel to Argentina for Mileis swearing in as president
Zelenskys four possible reasons for traveling to Mileis inauguration in Buenos Aires (Spanish, translation in comments)
With Zelensky in the swearing of Javier Milei, Argentina changes its geopolitical framing - Infobae (Spanish, use translate)
President Zelenskyy arrived at Sal Airport in Cape Verde for a meeting with Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva : ukraine
Ukraines first lady warns of mortal danger if West backs down over support
EU aims to grant Ukraine aid even if Hungary vetoes it at coming summit : worldnews
Ukraines parliament approves bills
Ukraines parliament adopts range of European integration laws related to combating corruption as key for EU talks
Kyiv Says World Olympic Body Allowing Russian Athletes is Encouraging War in Ukraine
A Soviet-era statue of a Red Army commander taken down in Kyiv | AP News (riding a horse)

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 654, Part 1 (Thread #800) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 9.12.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian soldier with the call sign Barbie talks about the Bradley : ukraine

This drone crew is one of the most effective on the battlefield. They destroy artillery up to 30 kilometers behind enemy lines, as well as mortar positions directly on the frontline with the Punisher UAVs. Watch us join the crew for a day:

Up to 800,000 Russian citizens illegally arrive in Crimea during its occupation : worldnews

Pouring oil on fire Azerbaijans President slams sale of Indian arms to Armenia

EU reaches deal to enable members to ban Russian gas imports : worldnews
European Union nations reach landmark agreement on Artificial Intelligence regulation : worldnews
EU agrees historic deal with worlds first laws to regulate AI
EU approves ban on destruction of unsold clothing : worldnews
EU adds Hamas military chiefs Mohammed Deif, Marwan Issa to terror blacklist

US envoy slams Hungarian PM Orbn as a leader who embraces Putin
Orban openly switches to Russian agenda - Tusk
EU aims to grant Ukraine aid even if Hungary vetoes it at coming summit : worldnews

Switzerland urged to join NATOs united front against Putin

Germanys Chancellor Olaf Scholz sent a clear message to #Ukraine and the world at the SPD party conference today. Germany will not stop supporting Ukraine in the coming years, and Germany will have to do more if others let up.
Germanys Social Democrats say their previous policy on Russia was a mistake, underestimated Putin's imperial thinking

Life for the Lowest Class in Ancient Pompeii? It Was Awful. - The New York Times Excavations in the ancient ruins have unearthed a cramped space where enslaved workers and donkeys performed their grueling tasks.
Life for the Lowest Class in Ancient Pompeii? It Was Awful. Excavations in the ancient ruins have unearthed a cramped space where enslaved workers and donkeys performed their grueling tasks. : worldnews

Frances Emmanuel Macron buffeted from all sides in row over secularism
France's Le Pen ordered to stand trial in EU funding scandal

Italian grandmother who has lived in UK for 42 years told to leave by Home Office | UK News | Sky News Leonarda Zarcone, born in Italy and a French citizen, and her husband moved to the UK in 1981. Post-Brexit, she and her family were granted settled status, but the Home Office requested more information.
Italian grandmother who has lived in UK for 42 years told to leave by Home Office : worldnews

Illegal Gold Mines Were Just Blown to Pieces in the Amazon : worldnews

11 dead in clash between criminal gang and villagers in central Mexico : worldnews
CDC issues travel advisory for Mexico, citing Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Indian proxies funding Canadian politicians at all levels of government: CSIS Report
Canadas opposition filibusters overnight against PM Trudeaus carbon tax We have successfully killed a day of government business," Conservative House leader Andrew Scheer told reporters
5 now dead in majorcantaloupe salmonella outbreak as Canadian cases nearly double ... cantaloupes textured skin can trap and hold bacteria it picks up during growing, harvesting, packing, storage, transport, and distribution. This is why you should wash the skin before cutting it. The transferring of the bacteria occurs when cutting the infected skin and it touches the meat inside.

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

White House: Costs of not supporting Ukraine too high to pay : worldnews
More than 30% of Americans are in favor of cutting aid to Ukraine : This is evidenced by the data of a Pew Research Center poll. At the same time, 29% of respondents believe that the current aid is enough, while 18% demand its increase ... So, the Republicans are blocking aid despite public opinion favoring Ukraine aid
Ukraine aid in growing jeopardy as Republicans double down on their demands for border security : politics
Russia Celebrates Republicans Blocking Aid to Ukraine With a Missile Barrage : politics
The GOPs abandonment of Ukraine makes me ashamed to be an American

State Department approves sale of tank ammunition to Israel, bypassing Congress : politics
Poll: A third of Americans approve of Bidens Israel-Hamas response
Eschaton: Veto I try to be upbeat, but when people ask WHAT CAN JOE BIDEN DO, not vetoing a UN resolution is it. We're long past pretending back channel negotiations are helpful. They're fully endorsing this, and that's their legacy ... We pretend too much that "history will remember." Historians might, but ultimately the people who control the microphones and the school curriculums control what "we" remember. Still this will be the biggest thing of the Biden administration.

Family Separation at the Border Is Over, for Now - A San Diego judge ended family separation for 8 years. : politics
Federal Judge Preemptively Blocks Restarting Trumps Family Separation at the Border - Settlement ends what judge calls 'one of the most shameful chapters in American history' as Trump refuses to rule out renewing controversial program if he wins presidency

Biden administration announces largest passenger rail investment since Amtrak creation : politics

Biden announces nearly $5 billion in student loan forgiveness : politics

Biden: November jobs numbers are in an economicsweet spot

Inside the closed-door meeting where Tuberville caved : politics

We Need More John Fettermans in the Senate : politics

Record $15.9bn in US political ad spending expected for 2024 : politics

December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

Kevin McCarthys exit shows that Congress is now the House of Maga
Kevin McCarthy endorses Trump for president and would consider serving in his Cabinet : politics

Trump Takes 2024 Lead as Biden Approval Hits New Low, WSJ Poll Finds

Biden mocks Trump during California fundraising trip : politics
Rebuild the base How the Biden campaign will tackle a possible Trump rematch (

Hunter Biden criminal tax charges rare, say experts : politics
Hunter Biden: Republicans are trying to kill meto destroy fathers presidency
GOP Oversight chair targeting Hunter Biden twists himself in knots over latest charges : politics
White House reups Bidens pledge not to pardon son if convicted - Nothing has changed

Inside Trumps Plot To Corrupt the 2024 Election With Garbage Data
Donald Trump Is Already Trying to Overturn the 2024 Election: The former president is already trying to sow chaos about the next presidential election. : politics

Cheney: Trumps comments must be taken literally and seriously

Experts: Filing shows how Trump plans to go around Judge Chutkan to stop casedead in its tracks

Donald Trump could be "killed" in jail: Prison expert : politics
What Donald Trumps time in prison could look like

The Trump Prosecutions Are Cause to Celebrate the Rule of Law : politics

Trump Is Coming for Your Health Care -- Again

Loudermilk says blurring Jan. 6 riotersfaces is to protect them from insurrection hunters

Hey Stephen, you need to calm down - Lawyers, Guns & Money Stephen Miller, along with several other right wing scumeaters are having extremely normal reactions to Tims Person of the Year
Republicans Are Once Again Being Very Weird About Taylor Swift | The New Republic

GOPs Vance seeks investigation into op-ed that criticized Trump | After a journalist warned of a possible Republican dictatorship, Sen. J.D. Vance contacted law enforcement, requesting a possible criminal investigation.
Senate Republican says Washington Post op-ed suggested open rebellion against US
Sen. Vance sends letter slamming Ohio State University DEI efforts, calling it racial hatred

DeSantis Super PAC Cancels Donor Event Citing Waning Interest : politics
DeSantis Revives Vicious Attacks on LGBTQ Families as His Campaign Flounders - Nearly two-thirds of LGBTQ adults now say they face discrimination in their daily lives as anti-LGBTQ violence spikes. : politics
Casey DeSantis encourages Republicans nationwide to vote in Iowa caucus : politics
Iowa GOP says only residents can caucus after Casey DeSantis urges others to 'participate'
Casey DeSantis Backpedals After Urging Out-of-StateMamas for DeSantis to Participate in Iowa Caucus
A loving tribute to Rick Scott - Lawyers, Guns & Money With Ron DeSantis term limited out, Florida Republicans are going to need a new gubernatorial candidate. This guy is making a hell of a pitch:

Wisconsin Fake Electors Admit It Was All A Sham! : politics
Why Is One of Trumps Fake Electors Still Overseeing Voting in Wisconsin?

Texas Supreme Court halts order allowing emergency abortion : politics
Texas Supreme Court temporarily halts ruling allowing woman to have emergency abortion : politics
Texas Supreme Court temporarily halts ruling allowing Dallas woman to get an abortion : politics
Paxton asking TX Supreme Court to Force a woman to give birth to a non viable fetus : politics
Texas Supreme Court abets Ken Paxtons fascist crusade ... the top priority is controlling and brutalizing womenThis is what abortion bans in America have always been about, and why they are not consistent with either the equal protection or due process clauses of thr 14th Amendment.
Texas attorney general says he will sue doctor who gives abortion to Kate Cox : politics
Texas Supreme Court abets Ken Paxtons fascist crusade

Democrat aligned groups are working to put a state constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights on Montanas ballot next year, a move that would boost embattled Democratic Sen. Jon Tester re-election bid ... The effort in Montana is part of a national strategy by Democrats to put abortion issues on the ballot in as many critical states as possible.

Eschaton: No They Don't : How we got here in one column headline ... Centrist dipshits, man.
In Texas, Ken Paxton takes abortion law into his own hands By Ruth Marcus ... I strongly support the right to abortion. But I believe that those on the other side are, for the most part, motivated by the sincere belief that abortion is the taking of a human life. And so, I try to write about this contested subject with respect for their views, and for the moral underpinning of their convictions. (they all want to control womens' bodies, you centrist dipshit)

Sex scandalized GOP official reportedly cites Trump values as new Republican standard : politics

Republican Reveals His Own Daughters OnlyFans Account
Eschaton: Viper Sack I wonder if any of these people ever think about why, exactly, everyone around them is a complete asshole ... A Republican member of Congress is alleging that a former top aide spearheaded a vindictive threat to expose his daughters OnlyFans account.

Her Online Sex Life Was Exposed. She Lost Her Election. Now Shes Speaking Out.Susanna Gibsons campaign was rocked when an opponent exposed her private digital life to the public. She wont be the last.

Arena Group? More like AIrena Group. Am I right? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The civil liberties group says it opposes the N.R.A. and its mission but has agreed to represent it in the Supreme Court in a free-speech case.
The A.C.L.U. Has a New Client: The National Rifle Association : politics

I find it distasteful to be defending presidents of elite American universities, since they represent the pinnacle of the contemporary pyramid of overpaid university administrators in our extremely dysfunctional higher education system. But ... The metaphorical lynch mob that has come after the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn for the crime of having tried to give intelligent and nuanced answers to gotcha questions from fascist Trump enabler Elise Stefanik is a disgrace.

The free speech myth - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Liz Magill resigns - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Well I guess a lot of LGM commenters are going to be happy that Liz Magill was forced to resign for giving a truthful and indisputably legally correct answer to an utterly absurd bad faith question. After all, she should have known how dangerous it was to answer in such a provocative way, instead of using more demure and modest language ... Magill a lawyer and law professor refused to perjure herself by uttering a preposterous lie in response to Elise Stefaniks trolling, and she paid for this refusal with her job. But I guess she was asking for it, right?
UPenn president, board chairman resign after firestorm over answers to Congress about antisemitism on campus - The Boston Globe

We watched our friends grow up together and we saw them as they fell - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Plus: Glen Hansard and Lisa ONeill perform Fairytale of New York as areflection after Communion : Can honestly say this is the first time ve ever seen dancing in the aisles at a funeral

Merlin Sheldrake Will Change the Way You See Mushrooms | The New Republic A new illustrated edition of Entangled Life shows how extensively we rely on fungi.

A new randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial found that consumption of an oral live bacteria formula significantly improve the gut microbiome after six months and lead to remarkable alleviation of long COVID symptoms affecting different systems and organs. : science

Scientists Have Reported a Breakthrough In Understanding Whale Language : worldnews

First tyrannosaur fossil discovered with its last meal perfectly preserved in its stomach : worldnews

The promise of Jerry's Pond   (excllent article by Greg Hrris, did you know they called "Jerry's Pit" The Cape Code of North Cambrige?)
Greg Harris | Greg Harris, American Storyteller
Earth Day celebration Jerrys PondFest is May 7, looking forward to clearing fences up since 1961


Carbon pricing would raise trillions needed to tackle climate crisis, says IMF: Traditionally unpopular carbon taxes could be achieved with regulatory compliance, IMF head tells Cop 28 : worldnews

COP28: Five reasons for optimism on climate : worldnews

UN says Africa faces unprecedented food crisis, with 3 in 4 people unable to afford a healthy diet : worldnews

Dozens of Zimbabwe elephants die as climate change dries up Hwange park : worldnews

Indonesia eyes visa waivers for 20 countries, including India : worldnews

Photo shows Japan PM Kishida met leaders of controversial religious group : worldnews ... Controversial religious group is the most generous statement to give moonies.
Japan's Incomplete Reckoning With World War II Crimes -- Gary Bass's new book asks why the tribunal in Tokyo after World War II was so ineffective.
Thousands of tons of dead sardines wash ashore in northern Japan : worldnews

South Koreas defense chief vows retaliatory strikes on heart and head of North Korea if provoked

600 North Koreans deported from China havevanishedrights group says
North Koreans deported from Chinese jails face torture, activists warn : worldnews

Chinese balloon crosses Taiwan Strait median line : worldnews
Anonymous posts Taiwan flag on UN site : worldnews
Taiwan: The God Flower vanishing because of climate change

Anxiety Rises in China Over Speculated Return of COVID Controls : worldnews

Putin will seek another presidential term in Russia, aiming to extend his rule of over two decades : worldnews
Putin to stand for fifth term as Russian president : worldnews ... 110% of Russians voted in favor of Putin

Russian forces may be suffering losses along the entire front in Ukraine at a rate close to the rate at which Russia is currently generating new forces.

Russian girl shoots several classmates, leaving 1 dead, before killing herself : worldnews

Kevin Rothrock on X: "With the price of eggs up more than 40% this year in Russia, grocery stores in some parts of the country have reportedly started selling eggs individually. The equivalent of a dime will fetch you one of these round fellas." / X

Exiled leader says China erases Tibetan culture

Nepal: Twelve arrested for smuggling Nepalis into Russian army

FBI chief to visit India next week after US raised foiled murder plot : worldnews
First it was wheat, then rice, now onions are on Indias restricted list

Pakistan nuclear weapons plan was always India-centric, says secret 1980 US cable |

Talibans education policies harm boys as well as girls in Afghanistan, rights group says

Ancient Egyptians kept baboons in captivityand then mummified them

Turkey Warns Israel About Assassinating Hamas Members in its Territory : worldnews
Turning a page, Greece and Turkey agree to mend ties : worldnews
Somali presidents son causes fatal accident in Turkey

Sirens blare in north after alleged assassination reported in Syria : worldnews

US embassy in Baghdad attacked with rockets, no casualties : worldnews
Rockets have been fired at the US embassy in Baghdad

US imposes sanctions on Iran-backed network funding Yemens Houthis
US asks Israel not to respond to Houthi attacks : worldnews ... Washington told Israel to let the American military handle the Houthi threat, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Levels of hell: Father of Swedish EU diplomat calls for his release by Iran
Censorship Major Tool Of Suppression, Iranian Writers Say : worldnews

France Warns Lebanon: Rein In Hezbollah or Face New DMZ Buffer Zone : worldnews
One-fifth of Hezbollahs rockets land in Lebanon, IDF says
Israeli civilian killed by anti-tank missile in north as Hezbollah attacks continue : worldnews

U.S. issues strongest criticism of Israel yet as civilian deaths in Gaza surge : politics

US says no deadline on Gaza war but officials warn Israel on protecting civilian life : worldnews

Killing of Reuters Journalist Was Apparently Deliberate Israeli Strike, Group Says Human Rights Watch found that the slain journalist and six colleagues were not near active fighting in southern Lebanon and would have been clearly visible to Israeli forces. (not the first or the last time)

IDF: Hamas officials keeping Gazans in poverty, suffering : worldnews

The Israelis grappling with helping sick Palestinians : worldnews

Hamas says it repelled Israeli rescue attempt in Gaza, hostage killed : worldnews

IDF uncovers terror tunnel, weapons cache in Gaza university : worldnews

Hamas broke temporary truce in Gaza minutes after it began, senior IDF officer says : worldnews

Palestinian PM says does not rule out Hamas as junior partnerafterwar

Red Cross reprimanded hostage families: Think about the Palestinians

Col. Richard Kemp: IDF kills fewer civilians per combatant than most other armies : worldnews
Ninety Per Cent of War-Time Casualties Are Civilians, Speakers Stress, Pressing Security Council to Fulfil Responsibility, Protect Innocent People in Conflicts

Freed Hamas Hostages Were Sexually Assaulted in Captivity: Doctor : worldnews

I watched the Oct. 7 video. I don t know how anyone can say Hamas are freedom fighters. Brutal footage of the Hamas attack was screened this week at Harvard, where some pro-Palestinian students have blamed Israel for the barbarous attacks ... Accepting that the Oct. 7 attacks were brutal acts of terrorism doesnt mean you have to agree with how the Israeli government has responded to them. And the anger at campus protests must not be mistaken as anger toward the Palestinian cause.

Israel is recruiting Africans to plug its farm work shortage : worldnews

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called off a high-profile briefing with US lawmakers amid an impasse over future US funding for the country : worldnews
Zelenskyy lights Hanukkah candles together with Ukrainian rabbis : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 653, Part 1 (Thread #799) : worldnews

Antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections spreading in Ukraine amid war with Russia, CDC says : worldnews ... There is an extensive library and research center at the George Eliava Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia. Phage therapy is today a widespread form of treatment in that region

Russia Imposes Soviet-Style Re-educationon Kids in Occupied Ukraine

Four Russian soldiers charged with war crimes for torturing US citizen in Ukraine : worldnews
Pro-Russian MP killed in occupied Luhansk, Ukrainian intelligence suspected : worldnews

EU nations still buy half of russia's liquefied natural gas exports - worth over $1B monthly: report : Still no EU sanctions on russian LNG : Most of these seven measures proposed by the @AtlanticCouncil two weeks after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine are still not fully enactedSanctions on russia still aren't close to the embargoes put in place against Iran or North Korea

Armenia and Azerbaijan announce deal to exchange POWs and work toward peace treaty : worldnews

Slovakias new government closes prosecutors office that deals with corruption and serious crimes

Supreme Court of Finland denies Ukraines extradition request for Russian neo-Nazi war criminal and co-founder of group "Rusich" Yan Petrovsky, orders his release
Finnish union will be part of Swedish strike against Tesla : worldnews

Latvian Constitutional Court rules in favor of dismantling Soviet monuments : worldnews

Denmark passes law to ban Quran burnings : worldnews

Dutch police arrest Syrian interrogation chief for crimes against humanity : worldnews

Belgium wants to deny entry to violent Israeli settlers from occupied West Bank : worldnews

Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein dies unexpectedly at age 51

Spain Expels US Diplomats Over Spy Scandal : worldnews

French ambassador: Now is not the time for negotiation, now is the time for war
Macron to host Orban to find compromise on new Ukraine aid
Donald Tusk: Viktor Orbans government has openly switched to Russian positions. I dont think I can change his mindset
French intelligence director: IS propaganda is regaining appeal among a new generation
Paris's Notre Dame cathedral to reopen to the public in 2024 after devastating fire
Hanukkah ceremony at Elys sparks secularism backlash against Macron
Two arrested in France over alleged bedbug scam : worldnews .. Two men have been arrested in France after allegedly scamming elderly people into paying thousands of euros for bedbug treatment they did not need.

Court says Scottish gender reform block is legal : worldnews

UK Foreign Secretary to US: Blocking Ukraine aid would be Christmas presentto Putin
U.K. says Russia's intelligence service behind sustained attempts to meddle in British democracy : worldnews
UK paid Rwanda an extra 100m for asylum deal

Brazilian Hezbollah suspect cased out synagogues in Brasilia, documents show : worldnews

Venezuela issues arrest warrants for opposition staffers for treason : worldnews
SOUTHCOM to Conduct Flight Over Guyana : worldnews

Signs of life seen at helicopter crash site - Guyana Defence Force : worldnews
Brazil urges Venezuela not to attack Guyana : worldnews .. Just doing what putin told him to do
UN to hold emergency meeting at Guyanas request on Venezuelan claim to a vast oil-rich region

Two Ontario men arrested on terrorism charges : worldnews
Canadas haves-and-have-notshealth system lags behind Europe
Protection money: Mounting fears over extortion letters targeting B.C. businesses
Toronto-area movie theatres playing Hindi films evacuated after unknown substances released

Biden warns of NATO war with Russia if aid disappears : worldnews
The Sanctions Against Russia Are Starting to Work - The Atlantic Economic penalties gain force over time, and for average Russians, the pain is finally setting in.
US to oppose Arab-backed resolution calling for urgent Gaza ceasefire : politics

U.S. may tighten immigration policy to force Republicans to agree to allocate military aid to Ukraine -According to the agency, the White House may, among other things, tighten the standards for vetting those seeking asylum in the United States, as well as begin to deny asylum to applicants crossing third countries on their way to the States. In addition, the administration is considering extending the expedited deportation procedure to the entire U.S. territory (now it operates only at the border)

White House Disavows U.S. Islamic Group After Leaders Oct. 7 Remarks

U.S. officials push for increased aid in Gaza as Israeli offensive continues - The Washington Post
Putins Pals Think the GOP Just Won Them the War in Ukraine ... GOP- Government of Putin.
Very Stressful: Ukraine Allies Watch In Frustration As Congress Dithers Over Aid

Sanders Votes No on Giving Israel Aid to Continue 'Inhumane War' on Gaza - "I do not believe that we should give the right-wing extremist Netanyahu government an additional $10.1 billion with no strings attached." : politics

Major donor calls on UPenn president to resign for disastrous testimony on antisemitism, threatening $100 million gift
Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing
One Law Firm Prepared Both Penn and Harvard for Hearing on Antisemitism : politics

The Real Problem With Those College Presidents? Gross Incompetence: Yes, Elise Stefanik set a trap. But the presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT didnt have to walk right into it.

All of a sudden, it's no longer taboo to talk about placing conditions on the billions of dollars in US aid to Israel : politics

Biden campaign says jobs report shows he is cleaning up the economic disaster Trump left
FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Billions to Deliver World-Class High-Speed Rail and Launch New Passenger Rail Corridors Across the Country : politics

Biden to Big Pharma: Gouge Prices and We'll Snatch Your Patents

Senate Budget Chair Rips GOP Deficit Hawks Over Trillions in Tax Cuts for Rich : politics
Senate Budget Chair Rips GOP Deficit Hawks Over Trillions in Tax Cuts for Rich If not for the Bush tax cuts, their extensions, and then the Trump tax cuts, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio would be declining indefinitely, wrote Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.

White House threatens to veto anti-EV bill just passed by US House : technology

Biden wants to give 500,000 Americans money to buy homes : politics ... No corporation should be legally allowed to own single-family housing. Their only priority is making money for their shareholders and they dont give a single fuck about the American consumer. They are taking advantage of housing, one of the most fundamental needs for every person
Democrats Introduce Bill Banning Hedge Funds From Owning Single-Family Homes : politics
Hedge Funds Have Invaded the Housing Market. A New Bill Would Ban Them. : politics

Mike Johnson thought the cameras were off. They weren't ... Eventually, God revealed to Johnson that he would be a Moses-like figure leading the GOP and the country through a ed Sea moment ... Christian liberty ...

GOPs Brutal Math: Trump Could Secure Nomination Before Conviction

What Jack Smith Says - Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance The Special Counsel files his 404(b) notice
Special counsel alleges Trump sentsupporters on path to Jan. 6 violenceIn D.C. court filing, Donald Trump is accused of a history of election lies and public endorsement and encouragement of violence

Trump appeal in Jan. 6 case could land at Supreme Court, delay trial - The Washington Post Both appeals court and Supreme Court would have to rule on appeals quickly for trial to begin before 2024 election, experts say

Fani Willis Closes In On Direct Evidence Against Donald Trump

Trump on Trial: The Looming Legal and Political Collision - The New York Times The former presidents trial in one of his four criminal cases is scheduled for early March, putting his legal drama and the race for the White House on an unprecedented trajectory.

Where Are All the Anti-Trump Republicans? A vast array of GOP power brokers detest and disdain the former president. So why are they keeping so quiet? : politics

Trumps fantasy of infallibilityhas been destroyed: Narcissistic injurymade him more dangerous | Dr. Justin Frank: Trump does believe that God is on his side and that he is the Chosen One or some such figure

Everything Trump said outside the doors of his NY fraud trial is wrong. Heres why, point-by-point.

Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter : politics
Trump Rages After Billionaire Dem Donor Gives $250K to Pro-Haley Super PAC : politics

Trump Isnt Bluffing (his whole life is a bluff) Trump Isnt BluffingWeve become inured to his rhetoric, but his message has grown darker.By David A. Graham

Republican Adam Kinzinger says he's politically homeless ... and if Trump is the nominee, he'll vote for Biden

Chinese garlic is a national security risk, says US senator : politics Rick fucking Scott?? That fucking ghoulish vampire that leeched off Medicare for years is complaining about fucking garlic?

Colorado justices grapple with unprecedented possibility of disqualifying Trump from ballot : politics ... Why isnt it enough that a violent mob breached the Capitol when Congress was performing a core constitutional function? In some ways, that seems like a poster child for insurrection," said Justice William W. Hood III
Major ruling looms after Colorado Supreme Court hearing on whether the insurrection ban applies to Trump ... January 6th, the fake elector plot, the coordination in far right media, "stop the steal", etc .. it was all part of an overarching, seditious conspiracy designed to overthrow the United States and install Trump despite his loss. It happened in plain sight and we all saw it. hat Trump can run again despite being the central figure in all of this is absolute insanity, let alone him being the clear front runner for one of the primary political parties.
Legal scholar: InfluentialColorado Trump ballot challenge could set off chain reaction Courts do not have to shield their eyes from the obvious facts staring them in the face,law professor says

Trump fake electors buckle in Wisconsin, get charged in Nevada : politics
Wisconsin fake electors settlement has just given Jack Smith more ammo : politics

Trump PAC paid part of nearly $900,000 fee to fraud trial expert witness : politics

Dominion wins access to Newsmax journalists texts in its defamation case

Trumps Georgia Co-Defendant Kenneth Chesebro Cooperating in Michigan, Wisconsin Probes: Report

Grifters and sycophants the radicals who would fill key posts if Trump is re-elected
Donald Trumps dream team looks like an American nightmare

Trumps Fox News town hall drew in lower ratings than DeSantis-Newsom debate

Opinion | Why Fundamentalists Love Trump - The New York Times

Kevin McCarthy was once envious that Democrats ook like America

Column: In two decades, much of the West has turned blue. Why hasnt Texas?
The Texas Historical Commission Removed Books on Slavery From Plantation Gift Shops : politics ... Among the literature no longer available for purchase is an autobiography of a slave girl, a book of Texas slave narratives, the celebrated novel Roots by Alex Haley, and the National ook Awardwinning Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

Texas AG Ken Paxton says anyone involved in authorized abortion could be prosecuted

Moms for Liberty founder leaves rightwing leadership role amid queer sex scandal & rape allegations. Republicans are also trying to remove her husband from his leadership role in the party. : politics

How an Ohio senators stunt proves the Trump dictatorship theory ... Sen. J.D. Vance wants Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate my colleague Robert Kagan for allegedly inciting insurrection with his recent essay warning of the "increasingly inevitable" dangers of dictatorship under Donald Trump.
How an Ohio senators stunt proves the Trump dictatorship theory ... Vance's missive would be dismissible for what it is: a preening, Trump-toadying stunt.

Pregnant woman sues Kentucky for right to have abortion : politics

Democrats choice to replace George Santos is lukewarm on abortion, violated federal law over 300 times with his stock trades, and once said Florida' "Don't Say Gay bill is common sense

Police have recovered video of Florida GOP chair and alleged victim in rape investigation : politics

He is hated House Republicans secretly consider expelling Matt Gaetz after booting George Santos

GOP Star Tim Sheehy Forgot to Mention the Family Money in His Self-Made Success Story

Republicans Are Once Again Being Very Weird About Taylor Swift | The New Republic Do conservative men just hate to see a girlboss winning? Or is something deeper going on?

The UNLV shooter - Lawyers, Guns & Money

TIL According to a 2019 survey on 4500+ Americans, the average age that children stop believing in Santa Claus is 8.4 y.o. The oldest average comes from the state of Mississippi at 10.2 y.o. : todayilearned

Powerful X-ray reveals the inner life of an electric-vehicle battery. Researchers get an unprecedented glimpse of how ions behave during a drive. : science

Where do Americans live after 85? Look inside the homes of 11 seniors ... The analysis showed roughly half of the 5.9 million Americans age 85 and older are living with family, including spouses and adult children, while more than 40 percent live alone, including in independent living or assisted-living facilities. A quarter live in multigenerational households, with people of two or more generations under the same roof, and about 8 percent live in nursing homes or memory care facilities.

Physicists entangle individual molecules for the first time, hastening possibilities for quantum information processing: Meaning that the molecules remain correlated with each other and can interact simultaneously even if they are miles apart.

Astronomers have discovered excephosphorus, a critical ingredient for life as we know it, at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, challenging current views of how the element originates and extends the galactic habitable zone : science

Newly identified biomarkers may detect early cognitive decline via blood test. Future blood tests may be able to detect the condition earlier in people whose cells are aging early due to stressors like psychiatric disorders or childhood maltreatment. : science
Epigenetic age acceleration as a biomarker for impaired cognitive abilities in adulthood following early life adversity and psychiatric disorders - ScienceDirect

What's the worst thing your country did in its history? : AskReddit

Apple admits to secretly giving governments push notification data : worldnews


Earth on verge of five catastrophic climate tipping points, scientists warn : worldnews ... The tipping points at risk include the collapse of big ice sheets in Greenland and the West Antarctic, the widespread thawing of permafrost, the death of coral reefs in warm waters, and the collapse of atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic ... When a climatic system tips sometimes with a sudden shockit may permanently alter the way the planet works.

Wind and solar pose climate threat too, oil giant Saudi Arabia argues - POLITICO The kingdom is elevating the use of fans and filters to pull carbon dioxide out of the sky. But its motives are under scrutiny at global climate talks.

Andrew Forrest calls for fossil fuel bossesheads on spikes in extraordinary outburst on sidelines of UN COP28 climate conference

Indigenous groups rebuke court OK for palm oil company to raze Papua rainforests on their ancestral lands: If fully developed, the project would replace 692,000 acres of the 3rd-largest stretch of rainforest on the planet with palm oil estates : worldnews

Sandfire Resources unlikely to face prosecution for destroying Aboriginal Australian artefacts, lawyer says
Police search for men who desecrated crypt of Meshilin Marrogi, sister of underworld figure George Marrogi - ABC News (very underworld)

Islamic State claims responsibility for deadly Philippine bombing : worldnews

Over 300 Civilians Reportedly Killed as Retreating Myanmar Military Ups Atrocities : worldnews

Attack on Pakistan highway to China shakes key Belt and Road link : worldnews ... Religious terrorist outfits [in Gilgit-Baltistan] are going to pose a formidable threatnot only to the local communities but also to the international trade passing through [the Karakoram Highway] ... Militaries have always been the backbone of trade. How do you think the silk road got started? Or the Pax Romana / Mongolica / Britannia / Americana? Trade routes are paved with the blood of enemies.

China's ex-foreign minister Qin Gang died of suicide or torture: Report

Russia warns US that Ukraine will be its second Vietnam ... Maybe Russias second Afghanistan, perhaps ... Russia wishes it were. It is much worse ... Yeah 10 years 15k dead vs 2 years and 400k+ dead yeah this is much much worse ... Edit: current death count is believed to be 336k with a 15% margin of error either way. the total wounded is over 1 million with 30-40% margin for error as rounded are much harder to track in the short run.
Number of Deserting Russian Troops Surges : worldnews

Russian lawmakers set presidential vote for March 17, 2024, clearing a path for Putins 5th term
Russian Presidential Election Set For March 17; Navalny Says Putin Victory Could Destroy Country

Pro-Russia Ukrainian MP Illia Kyva shot dead in Moscow suburb : worldnews

Two dead and five injured in school shooting in Russias Bryansk

Russia tricks US actors into appearing in propaganda videos : worldnews

G7 to introduce import restrictions on Russian diamonds next month : worldnews

Seychelles declares state of emergency after huge explosion : worldnews

Uganda accuses U.S. of pushing LGBT agenda after new sanctions (

Putin arrives in Middle East flanked by Russian fighter jets : worldnews

Saudi Arabia asks for USrestraint over Houthi ship attacks in Red Sea

Iran Expands Influence Through Islamic Students Associations In Europe : worldnews
Iranian regime accused of raping and violating protesters as young as 12 : worldnews
Iran seizes two fuel tankers carrying 4.5 million liters of fuel in Persian Gulf : worldnews
Iran uses rape, torture to silence detained Mahsa Amini protesters, Amnesty says : worldnews
Situation horrible, stay at home: Air pollution chokes Iran's capital Tehran
Iranian Court Orders US to Pay $50B for Soleimani Assassination : worldnews

The UN has failed, its head needs to resign Ambassador Gilad Erdan
Eschaton: What Can You Say Biden's people are more willing to run with bullshit than even the IDF. The Israel Defense Forces says public discussions about the state of captives held in Gaza has moved into reckless territory, urging those responsible to knock it off ... This is Radio Rwanda stuff.

Netanyahu to Hezbollah: If you attack, we'll turn Beirut into Gaza : worldnews
Netanyahu faces growing anger from hostages and their families : worldnews
Israel pressures Egypt to accept Gazan refugees after war, report says : worldnews

Gaza residents dare to openly condemn Hamas as humanitarian disaster spirals
Israeli TV: Gaza residents increasingly directing anger at Hamas over war : worldnews

Israeli FM accuses UN head of backing Hamas after he uses rare clause to urge truce : worldnews

Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah killed by Israeli tank, investigation finds : worldnews

Hamas leader asks brave Pakistan for help; says it can force Israel to retreat from Gaza

IDF says Hamas firing rockets from Gaza safe zones as civilian scramble for shelter : worldnews

New Footage shows dozens of Gaza men said to have surrendered to IDF; reportedly may be Hamas suspects : worldnews

Ukraine will meet all EU accession requirements by end of 2023 -- Zelenskyy
New Aid to Ukraine Drops to Lowest Level Since War Began - Bloomberg Kiel Institute data shows new aid fell 90% in August-OctoberFurther delays will clearly strengthen Russias position
White House announces plans to strengthen defense cooperation with Ukraine. and Ukraine following the first day of U.S.-Ukraine Defense Industrial Base Conference on Dec. 6.
New Aid to Ukraine Drops to Lowest Level Since War Began : worldnews
Nearly 900,000 Ukrainians to receive UN aid this winter : worldnews
apan ready to allocate $4.5 billion towards Ukraine'recovery efforts. During a meeting with G7 leaders, Japanese PM Fumio Kishida announced Japan's readiness to contribute $4.5 billion in funds to support Ukraines recovery efforts, Kyodo News reported on Dec. 6.
US Files War Crime Charges Against Russian Troops Accused of Torturing an American in Ukraine : worldnews
In the first prosecution of its kind, the defendants were charged with three war crimes including torture, confinement and inhuman treatment
How Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for hollow security guarantees : ukraine
Govverment support to Ukraine by country, acording to latest update from Kiel Ukraine Support Tracker : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 652, Part 1 (Thread #798) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 7.12.2023 : ukraine

Oversmarting the enemyIn 2022, the Ukrainians shot down a Russian helicopter by Javelin because it stopped in the air waiting for something. Today, they destroyed another one by HIMARS because it landed within their reach. (They also sank the Russian ship by a mere MLRS salvo from the shore, but this is another story.)
The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "In what is becoming a commonplace occurrence at the front, more Russian soldiers have staked their claim for the Darwin Award for stupidest way to die after relaxing a little too much following a frontline cannabis session." / X

Ukraine holds back Russian assault on Avdiivka as long winter battle looms : worldnews

Tesla loses legal action in Sweden as dispute with Nordic unions escalates : worldnews ... Musk said last week: I disagree with the idea of unions. I just dont like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing (Elongated Dickhead is dumb)

Leaked documents show that the burning of Korans and anti-Erdogan "protests" we saw in Finland and Sweden were organized by Russian security services. : worldnews

Prime Minister: Romania stands by Ukraine until it defeats Russia : worldnews

Far-Right Politician Arrested for Kidnapping, Killing Two, Including Teenage Girl : worldnews undefined

Danish dockworkers join Swedish strike action against Tesla : worldnews

Germany to consider offering LGBT Russians asylum: Justice Ministry : worldnews

Italy tells China it is leaving Belt and Road Initiative : worldnews

French intelligence director: IS propaganda is regaining appeal among a new generation
Paris knife attacker had planned to target a Jewish site : worldnews

Russia hacking: FSB in years-long cyber attacks on UK, says government
UK Says Russia Targeted Politicians in Email-Hacking Campaign - Bloomberg FSB attempted to hack personal email addresses, minister saysRussia is one of the most prolific state actors in cybercrime

US Holds Military Exercises In Guyana As Border Tensions Soar : worldnews ... Maduro is a useful idiot for Vladimr Putin. Hes been given his orders. Putin is desperate to create chaos anywhere in the world. Republican Congress is falling right in line too.
US military Southern Command conducting flight operations over Guyana : worldnews
Venezuela Brands US-Guyana Military Drills Provocation
Guyana appeals to US and UN as Maduro advances annexation of territory | Venezuela : worldnews
Guyanas president says it is preparing for a possible incursion by Venezuela into disputed area
Venezuela-Guyana dispute: Maduro mobilizes the army and announces annexation of Essequibo : worldnews
Lula Reluctantly Adopts Mediator Role in Venezuela-Guyana Crisis : worldnews
Brazil Deploys 16 Armored Vehicles to Venezuelan Border : worldnews

Republicans Block Aid to Ukraine, Jeopardizing Its Fight Against Russia - The New York Times The vote spotlighted waning support in Congress for backing Ukraine in the war, and left the fate of the effort uncertain (Refuckers owned by Putin, will give him all of Europe)

Person of the Year 2023: Taylor Swift | TIME
When Can I Wear Red Lipstick? - The New York Times A reader wonders if bold lip color may be overkill in some situations, like job interviews or work parties.

'We can never let it become normal': Biden calls for gun control in wake of Texas, Nevada shootings : politics

Biden administration to forgive $4.8 billion in student loan debt for 80,300 borrowers : politics

AOC gloriously shuts down legislation targeting trans women in sports : politics

New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market : politics

Eschaton: Two Years Of Gullible Coverage I do wish journalists would occasionally step up and admit they were responsible for spreading bullshit.
Eschaton: Two Years Of Gullible Coverage do wish journalists would occasionally step up and admit they were responsible for spreading bullshit ... The main lobbying group for U.S. retailers retracted its claim that "organized retail crime" accounted for nearly half of all inventory losses in 2021 after finding that incorrect data was used for its analysis ... The anecdotes tended to center around the big chain pharmacies, and they'd use this "fact" to excuse any branch closures. But "we" all have the same complaints about those stores (and I used to love my local big chain pharmacy branch) - they're always understaffed and half the things you want to buy are locked up.

Hunter Biden indicted on nine tax charges, adding to gun charges in special counsel probe - The Boston Globe

Mike Johnson says God will punish depraved U.S. because more teens identify as LGBTQ+
Mike Johnson Compares Himself to Moses at Christian Nationalist Gala lleges God directed his path to power through the roiling sea ... he had been speaking directly to God.

Former speaker Kevin McCarthy will retire from Congress at end of year : politics
McCarthys Exit May Create Even More Headaches for the Tiny G.O.P. Majority ... efforts to keep its majority in the 2024 election ... three, soon two, vote majority ...Republicans will lose their best House fund-raiser (among other things)
Inside Kevin McCarthy's PAC: Lavish spending, luxury hotels, private jets - Los Angeles Times

The GOP just conflated antisemitism with anti-Zionism. Thats problematic.

New research undercuts Republican views of racism - The Washington Post Republicans are more likely to say White people experience racism than Black people. That's not true ... Instead, the rhetoric from Republican leaders rejected the idea that there existed systemic racism in the country. Suggesting that it did was cast as unpatriotic and ahistoric ... It is likely that Republican perceptions of White Americans as facing more discrimination than Black Americans are themselves a reflection of oversensitivity, of viewing the question through a lens of partisan perception rather than actual experience. (poor little brain snowflakes)

The roots of Trumps megalomania: Public humiliation pushed him into a delusional state of mind | Experts on Trumps God complex and the roots of his megalomania

Heres what Trump 2.0 will bring: ignorance and vengeance in the US, chaos for world order
Trump Will Be a Dictator on Day One and Every Day Thereafter: His interview with Hannity told us everything we need to know about his second-term plans. : politics
Trumps dictator remark puts 2024 campaign right where Biden wants it
Trumps dictator answer to Sean Hannity tests Republican tolerance
Opinion: The Trump dictatorship: How to stop it By Robert Kagan

Attorney General Stephen Miller - Lawyers, Guns & Money (good job central casting)

Trumps Latest Courtroom Defeats Are a Really Big Deal

Pro-Trump electors indicted in Nevada, the third state to issue charges : politics

Five Takeaways From the Republican Debate - The New York Times An ascendant Nikki Haley endured a barrage from Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy. Chris Christie delivered a strong showing. And with time ticking down, there were few direct attacks on Donald Trump.
Key takeaways from the fourth Republican debate - The Washington Post As the 2024 GOP primary field narrows, four contenders sparred on gender-affirming care for minors, fentanyl, military aggression toward China and more
Fact-checking the fourth Republican presidential debate - The Washington Post

Chris Christie Calls Ramaswamy Most Obnoxious Blowhard in America At Debate

GOP activist from The Villages found guilty of 2020 election voter fraud : politics

Georgia prosecutors predict jail sentences in Trump 2020 election case : politics
Georgia prosecutors predict jail sentences in Trump 2020 election case : politics
Mike Pence Is on the Witness List for Trumps Georgia Trial: Report (

6 Republicans who falsely certified that Trump won Nevada in 2020 indicted : politics
Pro-Trump electors indicted in Nevada, the third state to issue charges : politics

House Censures Jamaal Bowman for False Fire Alarm - The New York Times Lawmakers voted to formally rebuke Mr. Bowman for setting off a false fire alarm in a House office building, the latest partisan use of a once-rare congressional action formerly reserved for grave offenses.

Texas Republicans leap into action to force woman to carry non-viable, life-threatening pregnancy - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... But as Texas fighting tooth and nail to deny Cox a medical exemption makes clear, the ambiguity is a deliberate strategy doctors are under constant threat, and the chilling effect on access to critical medical care is inevitable and willful. Medical exemptions mean nothing when the persons responsible for enforcing the law think women never have a legitimate medical necessity.

Life during the war on women - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Fox News: Democrat Voter Is Actually Unaffiliated Anti-Vax Activist

Bridget Ziegler, Wife of Florida GOP Boss Christian Ziegler, Erased From Leadership Instit Bridget Ziegler had a top position at the Leadership Institute. Shes reportedly out after her husband was accused of raping their threesome partner ... The woman says that Christian Ziegler showed up at her home anyway and raped her.

School board member sworn in on pile of banned books to troll Moms for Liberty : politics

New Signs of Life in Seemingly Stalled Gaetz Ethics Probe: Report : politics

New research undercuts Republican views of racism : politics ... It is likely that Republican perceptions of White Americans as facing more discrimination than Black Americans are themselves a reflection of oversensitivity, of viewing the question through a lens of partisan perception rather than actual experience.

Eschaton: Mechanical Turk Amazing stuff ... The company, which went public last year, now says off-site agents working in locales such as the Philippines help during more than 70% of customer interactions to make sure its AI system doesn't mess up.

Washington Post staffers walk off job in labor protest - The Washington Post The workers say they will cease work for 24 hours to protest deadlocked contract negotiations and the terms of a buyout offer. Management says it will keep the daily news report going ... More than 750 Washington Post staffers said they had walked off the job Thursday, refusing to work for 24 hours in the biggest labor protest at the company in nearly half a century.

Opinion | What Is Happening at the Columbia School of Social Work? - The New York Times ... Other leading schools, like the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice at the University of Chicago and the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan, have embraced social justice goals but without as sharp an ideological expression as Columbia ... What was once its central mission to enhance the world of social worknow follows an emphatic political statement ... If you think of slavery as the original sin of the United States, it makes sense to center that reality as part of the schools mission ... Foundations of Social Work Practice: Decolonizing Social Work ... This decolonization framework, in which people are either oppressor or oppressed, often viewed through the prism of American ideas around race, is by no means exclusive to the Columbia School of Social Work. But its application in the program illustrates the effects of the current radicalism on campus and the ways in which those ideals can shift an entire field of practice ... "Is this a school of social work or an indoctrination agency for extreme ideology?" Eyal said. "We're missing the purpose. It's not our purpose" ... (Pamela Paul sets up her punching bag and knocks it out ... see comments)

College Presidents Under Fire After Dodging Questions About Antisemitism - The New York Times The leaders of Harvard, M.I.T. and Penn appeared to evade questions about whether students should be disciplined if they call for the genocide of Jews ... Its unbelievable that this needs to be said: Calls for genocide are monstrous and antithetical to everything we represent as a countrysaid a White House spokesman, Andrew Bates ... Even the liberal academic Laurence Tribe ... Claudine Gays hesitant, formulaic, and bizarrely evasive answers were deeply troubling to me and many of my colleagues, students, and friends

A plane flying over Harvard campus pulled banner that said Harvard HatesJews with Palestinian flag

Who Has Claim? 3,000 Years of Religion in the Land Between | by Lyman Stone | In a State of Migration | Oct, 2023 | Medium
Holman Illustrated Guide To Biblical... by Wright, Paul

Advanced Placement Program Releases Revised African American Studies Framework Course to Officially Launch in 2024-25 School Year

Darryl George: Black Texas school student suspended again for natural hairstyle : NPR (racist fuckers and proud of it)

US Senator Kevin Cramers son charged with manslaughter in crash that killed North Dakota sheriffs deputy
US Marshal in custody after accused of sexually abusing woman during flight to London Two law enforcement sources said two federal marshals had been drinking during the flight. The second marshal was being sent back to New York without facing any charges

Waltham update: Man pleads not guilty, ordered held without bail

In a new study, researchers found that through debate, large language models like ChatGPT often wont hold onto its beliefs -- even when its correct.

Spouses or partners in heterosexual relationships may have high blood pressure that mirrors one another, finds new, multinational study. Many married couples often have the same interests, living environment, lifestyle habits and health outcomes. : science

Study finds that individuals with ADHD show reduced motivation to engage in effortful activities, both cognitive and physical, which can be significantly improved with amphetamine-based medications : science

He struggled when his kids mom died. Then boxes began appearing at his door.

About Us | BladGo A Quality Provider Of Handheld Bladder Scanners

Personal Story: Franciscan Childrens Hospital is despicable

Credit card skimmer found at Market Basket in Chelsea : boston


Earth on verge of five catastrophic tipping points, scientists warn : worldnews ... The tipping points at risk include the collapse of big ice sheets in Greenland and the West Antarctic, the widespread thawing of permafrost, the death of coral reefs in warm waters, and the collapse of atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic.

Scientists say November is 6th straight month to set heat record; 2023 a cinch as hottest year : worldnews

Study shows 90% of marine species at risk of extinction by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not curbed

WHO calls for higher taxes on alcohol, sugary drinks : worldnews

Wieambilla shootings: US man arrested over Australian religious terror attack : worldnews

Tokyo aims to make high school tuition free of charge for all : worldnews
Japan Diet passes bill to legalize cannabis-derived medicines : worldnews
Japan: Tokyo taxi driver arrested, accused of running over pigeon : worldnews

Kim Jong Un wipes away tears as he calls on women in North Korea to have more babies : worldnews
Kim Jong-un cries as he tells women to have more babies : worldnews

Auroras observed in Hokkaido & near Beijing for 1st time in 20 years, more might be seen in 2024 : worldnews

Putin stands 70ft from British ambassador meeting due to sanitary reasons

Russian forces are killing their own wounded with drones to stop them from surrendering, Ukrainian officials say : worldnews

Two Russian Officers Sentenced To Four Years Each For 'Failing To Repulse A Ukrainian Attack
Putin Called Out Over Deliberate Extermination of Russian Troops

The United States and the European Union banned the supply of aircraft and components to Russia, and also obliged lessors to return leased aircraft, which make up as much as 40% of the Russian fleet.

Nepal calls on Russia to stop recruiting Nepalis for war in Ukraine: 6 residents already died : worldnews

India reveals that it has returned lunar spacecraft to Earth orbit | India now credibly has the third most advanced deep-space program in the world. : worldnews
India to be third largest economy in the world by 2030, says S&P Global Ratings : worldnews
Will attack Parliament on or before Dec 13: Pannuns new threat to India .. He picked December 13th for a reason. 13th December 2001 was the last time the Indian parliament was attacked by Pakistan based terrorist group.
In the salt deserts bordering Pakistan, India builds its largest renewable energy project : worldnews ... When completed, the project will be about as large as Singapore,

Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai urges world to confront Talibans gender apartheid against women

Malala Yousafzai likens Talibans treatment of women to apartheid in Mandela lecture

Relatives of Nelson Mandela welcome Hamas officials to 10th anniversary memorial : worldnews

Putin arrives in the UAE for rare trip, before visiting Saudi Arabia : worldnews
Putin makes rare visit to the UAE, Saudi Arabia to talk relations No fear of ICC arrest warrant in UAE or Saudi Arabia

Iran Says It Sent Capsule With Animals Into Orbit : worldnews

Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attack : worldnews

Netanyahu alleges global indifference to what rights group callswidespreadsexual crimes by Hamas
Biden now regrets the strength of his support for Netanyahu he must act before its too late

Israel booting top UN humanitarian official Hastings : worldnews
Israel reveals disturbing testimonies of Hamas rape on October 7 at UN : worldnews

US believes Israel could wrap up major ops in southern Gaza by January

Arab Citizens of Israel Released in Deals With Hamas Fear a Backlash - The New York Times Almost all the 15 Israeli-Arab women freed in the swaps were released against their will. One was expelled from a university and others fear they could be attacked by those who link them to Hamas.
Arab Citizens of Israel Released in Deals With Hamas Fear a Backlash: Almost all the 15 Israeli-Arab women freed in the swaps were released against their will : worldnews

IDF locates massive weapons depot in Gaza
Hamas commanders killed by IDF hiding in tunnels : worldnews

Hamas Terrorists Ignored Israeli Air strikes and Continued Raping Hostages, Freed Captive Reports : worldnews

At least 10 freed hostages were sexually abused by Hamas in captivity, doctor says : worldnews
Israeli hostages parents slams Red Cross for lack of action

Ukraine could lose the war if the U.S. delays military aid, top Ukrainian official says : worldnews
Zelenskyy to Meet with G7 Leaders : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 651, Part 1 (Thread #797) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 6.12.2023 : ukraine

#Russian forces continued offensive ops. along the Kupyansk-Svatove-Kreminna line, near Bakhmut, near #Avdiivka, W. & SW of Donetsk City, in the Donetsk-Zaporizhia Oblast border area, & in western Zaporizhia Oblast & advanced near Avdiivka. 9/10

Russians ordered to conquer Avdiivka before Putins annual phone-in show

#Ukraine Hits Strategic Russian #OilDepot in #Crimea - Kyiv Post sources claim that the attack had serious consequences, while #Russia has downplayed the incident.

EU Faces Crucial Talks on Landmark AI Rules : worldnews

EU faces hugerisk of terrorist attacks, says officia

A bedbug hoax is targeting foreign visitors in Athens. Now the Greek police have been called in : worldnews

Spain arrests two intelligence agents who allegedly passed secrets to the USA : worldnews

France passes law to protect farmers againstabusive lawsuits from ormer city dwellers
Mathematics, reading skills in unprecedented decline in teenagers: OECD survey : worldnews - Paris

Nine arrested over pro-Palestinian banner in London. Banner reading globalise the intifada was hung outside building that police say was being used by squatters

Lula invites Putin to Brazil, sidesteps on war crimes arrest : worldnews ... He is literally telling Putin that he will do nothing to prevent his possible arrest, coward Putin won't even dream about going there.

Maduro orders the immediateexploitation of oil, gas and mines in Guyanas Essequibo

Undeterred by heavy snow, absent buses, thousands rally for Israel in Ottawa, Canada : worldnews

Zelensky cancels Congress briefing as Republicans walk out over Ukraine funding : politics
Senate Republicans to block Ukraine funding after tempers flare at classified briefing : politics

Biden to sign executive order on federal funding for Native Americans : politics

40+ White House Interns Decry Israels Genocidal Assault on Gaza

Billionaires had a surprisingly bad day in the Supreme Court today : politics

Sen. Tuberville drops his months-long hold on military promotions : politics

Biden Says He May Not Have Sought Reelection If Trump Werent Running

You Wont Believe the Edits Republicans Are Making to the January 6 Tapes
You Won't Believe the Edits Republicans Are Making to the January 6 Tapes - sHouse Speaker Mike Johnson confirmed news of the disturbing edits.
Republicans Are Blurring the Faces of Capitol Rioters so They Wont Get Arrested
House speaker says Jan. 6 footage should be blurred to protect rioters, then backtracks : politics

Too many are misreading the 2024 polls. Heres a better way.

Americans are sleepwalking into a Trump dictatorship : politics
Trump is hiding his fascist plans in plain sight | Trumps nightmarish scheme was leaked to the New York Times and yes, it was on purpose

Donald Trump says he will be a dictator only on day one. Then he'll focus on drilling.

Trump Deflects Questions on Retribution and Law-Breaking at Town Hall : politics

Trump Refuses to Tell Hannity He Will Not Abuse Power if Re-Elected : politics

Jack Smiths New Evidence: Trump Tried to Start Yet Another Riot: According to the Justice Department, a Trump agent tried to start a riot in another state to disrupt the 2020 election.

Test case for America: Colorados top court poised to weigh Trumps eligibility to run again

Alyssa Farah Griffin Claims Trump Wanted Person Who Revealed He Went to Bunker During George Floyd Protests Executed

Eric Trump no longer testifying in Trumps civil fraud trial
Trump reveals why son Eric wont testify again at fraud trial

Scott Walkers Anti-Union Law Could Be Undone by a Court That Respects the Constitution

Poll finds most Florida voters back adding abortion rights, marijuana legalization to state Constitution : politics
Florida abortion measure tops 621,000 signatures : politics

Elias: Transgender students Californias latest state-local conflict Which side will eventually prevail in fight over school districts parental-notification rul es is uncertain

Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy : politics

Tennessee DCS working closelywith Knoxvilles juvenile detention center to reform illegal use of seclusion

Boston's answer to ChatGPT? MIT spinoff Liquid AI has a radical new approach.

Research has found that people who spend more than 60 minutes commuting to and from work each day are 1.16 times more likely to suffer from depression than those who spend less than 30 minutes. : science


World carbon dioxide emissions increase again, driven by China, India and aviation : worldnews

Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more : worldnews

Myanmar junta leader says armed organizations must solve their problems politicallystate media

S. Korea indirectly supplied more 155-mm shells for Ukraine than all European countries combined: WP | Yonhap News Agency

Moodys downgrades outlook on China credit rating over debt fears

Putin to Visit Saudi Arabia, UAE in Rare Trip Abroad : worldnews

Important @RobynDixon : on the Russian deserters escaping Ukraine war: One Russian underground antiwar network, Go by the Forest, says it has helped more than 400 men to desert, & advised nearly 20,000 how to avoid being drafted

Russia LGBT: Police raid Moscow gay clubs, media say : news

Senior US official visits India, discusses alleged plot to kill Sikh separatist : worldnews

US considering appropriate action in response to Houthi missile attacks in Red Sea

Netanyahu corruption trial resumes, as war rages on | CNN : worldnews
Israel: PM Netanyahus corruption trial resumes

Someone bet against the Israeli stock market in the days before hamasoct. 7 attack

IDF officials: 15,000 likely killed in Gaza since start of war, 5,000 of them are Hamas : worldnews

Israel, Hamas Engage in Some of Fiercest Fighting of War : worldnews

Hamas drugged freed Gaza hostages to make them seem calm and happy
Hostages given tranquilizers to look happy up on release from captivity

IDF exposes Hamas use of civilian sites for military purposes in northern Gaza : worldnews

Spies may have helped Hamas obtain accurate maps of IDF bases, report says : worldnews

Israel has set up pumps in Gaza for flooding Hamas tunnels with seawater -- WSJ : worldnews

Gazan residents storm aid trucks amid resumed fighting : worldnews ... civilians are trying to get everything they can off the trucks before they get to the warehouses. because once the trucks get to the warehouses, hamas controls the distribution and its said that hamas keeps most of the supplies for itself and for people in their inner circle.

Hamas raped men as well as women during October 7 attack: Investigators reveal how sex assault victims were tied up, stripped and mutilated as Israel launches its 'biggest ever criminal investigation' | Daily Mail Online

Tel Aviv Bourse Says No Unusual Trading Ahead of Oct 7 Hamas Attack : news

On December 5, 1994 Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum, voluntarily giving up nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees of territorial integrity and security.S
Zelensky says Israel-Hamas war taking focus off Ukraine, fears aid reduction : worldnews
The year began with Western resolve at its peak, Ukrainian forces highly confident and President Volodymyr Zelensky predicting a decisive victory. But now, there is uncertainty on all frontsPart 1 of an examination of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.
Im afraid well never find them: Russia holds thousands of Ukrainian civilians hostage

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 650, Part 1 (Thread #796) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 5.12.2023 : ukraine

Deputy Russian army corps commander is killed in Ukraine : worldnews

Ukraine's Air Force destroys Russian Su-24M aircraft near Zmiinyi Island : ukraine

Crimean Bridge closed for record time due to drone attack : ukraine

Swiss bank Banque Pictet admits hiding $5.6 billion of Americans money from IRS

France temporarily freezes assets of Hamas leader Sinwar : worldnews

Boris Johnson considered raid on vaccine plant in the Netherlands
Indian police accused of harassing Sikh activist in UK before his sudden death : worldnews

Republicans Dangerous New Bill Would Try to Muzzle All Criticism of Israel

Havana's Man in Washington - Lawyers, Guns & Money Havanas Man in Washington - I'd like to read a nice long case study at some point on how Cuba has managed repeated penetrations of the US intelligence community and diplomatic establishment:

Sanders opposed to sending $10B to extremist Netanyahu government in Israel
Sen. Bernie Sanders To Vote Against Military Aid To Israel - An additional $10.1 billion in "unconditional military aid" to Israel would be "irresponsible," the Vermont senator said. : politics

That Time Bernie Sanders Told America:I Am Proud to Say That HenryKissinger Is Not My Friend

The potential decline in participation by young voters could hurt President Biden in a potential matchup with former president Donald Trump.
Tommy Tuberville ends Senate blockade on 400+ military promotions : politics

The Supreme Court is taking up a case that could rule out a tax on wealth favored by some Democrats : politics
Discussion Thread: US Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Moore v. United States : politics

Vice President Harris breaks nearly 200-year-old record for Senate tiebreaker votes, casts her 32nd : politics

What's a little obstruction of justice among friends of ours? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Its hard for anything to shock any more in this increasingly dysfunctional political system, but the highest ranking Republican elected official in the country is withholding evidence of criminal wrongdoing from the Department of Justice, and openly saying that he's doing so: ... (and) ... A reminder that Nikki Haley transformed into one of Donald Trumps biggest supporters approximately 3.2 nanoseconds after it became politically convenient to do so, and that even now her only objection to Trump is that she is more electable, given the intense love affair reactionary white voters have always had with women of color who belong to non-monotheistic religions.

Trump Is Attacking Biden With Liesand Getting Away With It

Recognizing the Trump Threat - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Recognizing the Trump threat part deux - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Atlantic Both Sides Do It But We Need To Throw Iraq Against a Wall to Show the World We Mean Business World HQ during the Bush administration is devoting its next issue to describing how horrible a second Trump term would be:
Trump's language has become darker, harsher and more threatening during his third run for the White House.

Donald Trump will never leave office voluntarily: Rep. Schiff on the threat of a second Trump term
Liz Cheney warns that Trump won't leave office if he's elected to a second term and says vOting for him may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in
Just the tip ... : PoliticalHumor

"Chilling moment": Liz Cheney says she secretly listened to phone call revealing Trump's Jan. 6 plot : politics

Trumps call to go into cities and watch elections sounds alarms

Special counsel alleges Trump sentsupporters on path to Jan. 6 violencepublic endorsement and encouragement of violence
Donald Trumps team suffers Clueless moment in court

Trump is selling $35 Christmas wrapping paper emblazoned with his mug shot : politics

Another one under the bus: Trump rekindles conspiracy theory that Ray Epps and other of his own supporters were government agents, planted at the January 6th riot to incite violence. (Rays business folded and he was forced to sell his ranch and leave his community. He now lives in an RV

When after all, it was you and me - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- How is this possible? I mean surely this is some sort of joke: Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. currently leads the pack of 2024 presidential candidates with a high favorability rating among respondents in a Harvard CAPS-Harris survey.

White House: If GOP votes on impeachment inquiry, Greene truly calling the shots

Gold bars featured in Bob Menendez bribery case linked to 2013 robbery, records show : politics

John Fetterman paid George Santos $343 for a Cameo to troll Bob Mendendez : politics
John Fetterman Tearfully Mocks Mike JohnsonsDuty To Hold Impeachment Vote

Election 2024: DeSantis Campaign in Turmoil Ahead of Iowa Caucus in Jan - Bloomberg

Moskowitz is a f***ing legend.. : PoliticalHumor ...
Biden filmed laughing at video of a shouting Lauren Boebert: Massive failure
Hollywood Stars Are Lining Up to Shower Lauren Boeberts Opponent With Cash

The Huge, Hilarious Mistake in James Comers New Biden Corruption Claim: Previously reported-on emails cast doubt on James Comers entire argument.

Its Time to Run This Anti-Gay GOP Wife Out of Politics
Curtains for Moms for Liberty: The fallout of a rape charge shows the far-right group is floundering : politics

Cant even bring themselves to denounce neo-Nazis: Texas GOPs internal war over Hitler apologists

Shock Poll Shows Independent Nebraska Union Leader Beating Republican Senator : politics

Thurston County candidate who didnt vote for himself loses by 1 vote

Yes, Theyre Pro-Confederacy. But Theyre Just the Nicest Ladies!

The ghoulish part loud - Lawyers, Guns & Money The frontrunner for the Republican Senate nomination in Montana comes out for the total abolition of Medicare and Medicaid:

Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis : politics

Republicans in New Hampshire Want to Ban Abortion After 15 Days

Detroit is close to recording its fewest homicides in nearly 60 years : politics

Fox News 7 Deadly Sins: How the network hooks viewers on envy and fear ... Fox isnt reporting the news or making logical arguments. Its building a paranoid narrative targeting deep anxiety.

Alabama officer on leave after video shows her using stun gun on man who is handcuffed and crying : news : Law gangster takes a staycation after torturing kidnapped man.

Eschaton: Defund the Police - Not sure what they do.

Brian Laundrie allegedly told his parents Gabby Petito was and he needed a lawyer 13 days before she was reported missing

The Rosenbergs and Ted Hall - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I mentioned Ive been reading about the Manhattan Project. Heres a story, or pair of stories, that raise questions about legal and moral guilt and innocence, moral panic, and retrospective historical judgement, among other issues ... Another sad detail is that, after the executions, none of the many aunts and uncles of the Rosenbergstwo orphaned toddlers were willing to adopt them.

ELI5 The science behind the South being overburdened with STD's ? : explainlikeimfive

Hackers stole ancestry data of 6.9 million users, 23andMe finally confirmed : worldnews

Allowing sales of alcoholic beverages inside football stadiums is positively associated with severe antisocial behavior during the matches, study shows. : science

New theory seeks to unite Einsteins gravity with quantum mechanics

Researchers have created an eco-friendly alternative insulating material for buildings using recycled newspaper and rice husk : science

Study mapped ketamines effects on the brains of mice, and found that repeated use over extended periods of time leads to widespread structural changes in the brains dopamine system

Preschoolers categorize people according to body shape rather than race : science

Researchers develop a blood test to identify individuals at risk of developing Parkinsons disease

Study suggests existence of a universal, nonverbal communication system. The research found that these patterns kick in at a very young age. Childrens co-speech gesture first begins to follow the patterns of their spoken language at 3 to 4 years of age.

Results of puberty suppression in 12-15 year olds with gender dysphoria: "the majority of participants experience no reliable change in distress across all time points. Between 15% and 34% reliably deteriorate and between 9% and 29% reliably improve" : science

A study of 118 observational studies, based upon around a million patients with a wide range of cancers, finds that taking a daily low-dose (75 or 81 mg/day) of aspirin was associated with a 20% reduction in deaths from cancer and in deaths from all causes : science

Brains of newborns arent underdeveloped compared to other primates, finds new study

Galleries | Philip Newsom

Here are the top 25 most-viewed articles on Wikipedia for 2023 - The Boston Globe

Doctors, how do you inform patients of an incurable and fatal diagnosis? : AskReddit

What existed when you were a child that doesnt exist now?

Whats a movie twist that caught you completely off guard?

Whats the most unexpected health discovery youve ever made?

Why did you break up with your previous partner? : AskReddit


Gigantic Baby-Sized Rat Species Caught on Camera For the First Time Ever : worldnews

Mount Marapi: Eleven hikers killed as volcano erupts in Indonesia : worldnews

Teen sentenced to 16 years jail for killing River Valley High schoolmate - This was a shocking event for many Singaporeans.

N. Korea warns physical clash, war on Korean Peninsula a matter of time, not possibility
North Koreas Kim Jong Un calls for action on falling birth rates

Hong Kong: Protest leader Agnes Chow jumps bail : worldnews
Former Hong Kong activist Agnes Chow flees territory for Canada | Hong Kong : worldnews

Beijing accuses US of threatening peace and stability after warship passes disputed South China Sea reef : severely undermined regional peace and stability
Beijing accuses US of threatening peace and stability after warship passes disputed South China Sea reef ... More like 700-ish miles, but the point stands. The only countries that could actually lay claim to any of it are Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines.

Could support for war be dropping in Russia? Reliable polls don't exist in Russia, but data suggest support for peace is rising among poorest people By contrast, support for war appears highest among richer Russians who have advanced university degree

Specialised vehicle factory ablaze in Moscow

Alleged plot by Indian intelligence to kill targets in Canada and U.S. reveals sloppy spycraft : worldnews

World Bank accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse inKenyan schools it funded

Yemens Houthis organize parade of thousands of recruits to fight for Hamas

Leaks shows Qatar secretly sent $15 million to Islamist movements in northern Mali : worldnews
Live update: In call with Blinken, Qatari PM says Doha committed to truce efforts in Israel-Hamas war http://
Kushner, Jewish business leaders huddle with Qatari PM

US warns of appropriate responses after blaming Iran for attacks on commercial ships in Red Sea

Royal Navy sends second warship to Gulf : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 43) : worldnews

Who will run Gaza after the war? U.S. searches for best of bad options - The Washington Post

Netanyahu: Palestinian Authority cant return to Gaza, this isnt Oslo II

Israeli forces reported to be pushing into southern Gaza : worldnews
Israel, Expanding Offensive, Tells More Gazans to Evacuate : worldnews
Eschaton: Bad We only get one go - something that becomes more painfully obvious with each year - and the explicit blessing of mass slaughter in Gaza can only be done by people who think some people aren't really people.

US sends Israel thousands of bunker busters,bombs for Gaza war

U.S. researchers claim informed traders profited massively from October 7 attack ... The study concluded that there were traders who knew about the attack led by the terrorist organization Hamas, leading to massive profits from the ensuing massacres and war ... So there were definitely a lot of people who knew about this and it would be strange, given how each new revelation seems to widen dramatically the number of people who had to know, if some traders didnt find out through their business intelligence arms.
Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of Oct 7 Hamas attack | Reuters

ICC Prosecutor: Oct. 7 attacks crimes shocking humanitys conscience

Israel kills Hamas commander behind deadly attacks; rocket barrage targets Tel Aviv : worldnews

UK to start Gaza surveillance flights to help find hostages from Israel held by Hamas

Young Palestinian prisoners describe harsh treatment in Israeli jails - The Washington Post

The largest wind power plant in Eastern Europe will be built in Ukraine, Ukrainian DTEK and Danish Vestas, which is the worlds leading manufacturer of wind turbines, signed a memorandum on the construction of the Tyligul wind farm in the Mykolaiv region.
Ukrainian Armed Forces Use Drone Fleet with 70+ Models, Backed by 20+ Ammo Types : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 649, Part 1 (Thread #795) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 4.12.2023 : ukraine
Official: Russia has lost over 7,200 troops, 530 units of military equipment over past week : ukraine

Ukraine war: Soldier tells BBC of front-line hell

Deputy Russian army corps commander is killed in Ukraine : worldnews
Military confirms death of Russian troops who killed Ukrainian POWs : worldnews

Polish security chief: NATO Eastern Flank states have 3 years to prepare for Russia attack : worldnews

Estonia may follow Finland and close border crossing to Russia : worldnews

MOT: Russia planned Islamophobic campaigns in Finland, Sweden to delay Nato membership | Yle News : worldnews

Police in Spain and Italy seize 5,000 litres of adulterated olive oil in raids. International gang allegedly sought to pass off lower-quality oils as virgin and extra virgin. : worldnews

Police make 630 arrests of climate protesters in London in one month : worldnews

Venezuelan Voters Back Maduros Claim to a Neighbors Territory Maduro says an oil-rich part of Guyana belongs to Venezuela. Voters agreed on Sunday, but turnout appeared to be low.
Venezuelan Voters Back Maduros Claim to a Neighbors Territory ... 0% of Guyana's drilling licenses are owned by US based companies.
Venezuelan electoral authorities on Sunday claimed that 95 percent of voters in a nonbinding referendum approved of the nations territorial claim on a huge chunk of neighbouring oil-rich Guyana

Brazil launches $204 million drive to restore Amazon rainforest : worldnews

Dozens of Iranian regime officials denied entry to Canada, says border agency : worldnews

White House says it is nearly out of money to help Ukraine fight war with Russia : worldnews
White House: U.S. to run out of money for Ukraine by end of year : ukraine
The White House has issued a blunt warning that the US is set to run out of funds to aid Ukraine by the end of the year, saying that a failure by Congress to approve new support would kneecap Kyiv (refucklicans cackle) < br /> Playbook: Times up on Ukraine funding
White House warns Congress the US is out of money, nearly out of time to avoid kneecap to Ukraine

Kissinger - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A Man of Wealth and Taste - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The pre-written hagiographies of Kissinger were amazing. As people online noted, the main guy who wrote Kissingers Times obituary has been dead for a decade, so these were like a blast from the past. My favorite version of this was the Post piece about Kissingers dating life.

ADL director: Call out antisemitism when it happens; call out anti-Muslim hate when it happens : politics

Philly protesters call for a ceasefire in Gaza, protest businesses like Goldie in Center City Gov. Josh Shapiro was critical of protesters who chanted outside of Goldie, an Israeli-style falafel shop co-owned by Michael Solomonov.

Americans need an extra $11,400 today just to afford the basics, Republican analysis finds : politics

Former US Ambassador Arrested, Accused of Serving as Cuba Agent : politics

The Supreme Court seeks a middle path between following the law and blowing up the government | SEC v. Jarkesy is still likely to end in a 6-3 decision against the federal government. But it probably wont be a catastrophic loss.
Opioid maker Purdues bankruptcy case comes before Supreme Court

McCarthy limps towards possible exit from Congress after year of bruising speakership : politics
Swalwell Predicts Kevin McCarthy Will Be Next Expelled From Congress - The Messenger The California congressman predicted the former speaker of the House wont last long following a physical scuffle with Tim Burchett

Comer mischaracterizes Hunter Biden car payment reimbursement to his dad - The Washington Post The payments Hunter Biden made to his father came two years after the elder Biden had left the vice presidency

GOP official arrested over Jan. 6 involvement : politics

Republicans Are Trying to Redefine Whos an American (

Trump Will Abandon NATO : politics

Part Mussolini, part Berlusconi, part Putin: Historian on Trumps planned legal revolution

The Atlantic Dedicates Entire Issue to Warning Fascist Trump Poses Dire Threat to America: Second Term WillBe Much Worse
What Trump Could Do With a Second Term - The Atlantic The staff of The Atlantic on the threat a second term poses to American democracy.
A second Trump term will be far more autocratic than the first. Hes telling us
Recognizing the Trump Threat - Lawyers, Guns & Money We have, to understate briefly, been critical of the political press for enabling Trump with horse race and Both Sides coverage. So I should acknowledge when a major article is completely straightforward about what a second Trump presidency would be like, and Savage, Swan and Haberman really rise to the occasion here:
Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First - The New York Times Donald Trump has long exhibited authoritarian impulses, but his policy operation is now more sophisticated, and the buffers to check him are weaker.

Trump pardoned a hodgepodge of controversial figures, from Joe Arpaio to Roger Stone. Now, dozens of them are contributing to his 2024 bid or have spread his false election claims. : politics

Legal expert warns Trump co-defendant may be indicted again for straight up witness intimidation
Donald Trump co-defendant may have just threatened a witness : politics

Fox News Host Cuts Into Trump Speech To Correct Many Untruths

Donald Trump Flips Out At Robert De Niro : politics
Donald Trump Fires Back At Liz Cheney With Unexpected Confession About Eating : politics
Trumps revenge? GOP braces for daily blasts from orange Jesus

Republican Senate frontrunner in Montana calls for returning healthcare to pure privatization

Heres a wild way for Democrats to try to stop Trump: Vote in Republican primaries

Republicans Are Finding Out That Pro-Life Means a Lot of Things to a Lot of People

Matt Gaetz frets about House GOPs precarious majority after George Santos exit

House GOPs majority hinges on New York

Democrats bank on abortion playing pivotal role in Arizona Senate race : politics

How abortion restrictions affect the care Wisconsin doctors can give patients : politics

That's authoritarianism: Florida argues school libraries are for government messaging
Florida Attorney General Argues for Removing LGBT Library Books Florida's Argument About Books in School Libraries Is Plainly Wrong : The First Amendment is a shield, not a sword.

Conservatives use anti-trans hearing to promote conversion therapy over gender-affirming care. The activists told the legislature that family rejection and addiction treatment are better for trans people than the medically accepted standard of care. : politics

Everybodys daughter: The rape victim behind Kentuckys viral abortion ad

Texas Republican Party rejects ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers

Mississippi Sheriff's Deputies Calling Themselves 'Good Squad' Roamed Rankin County If Your Sheriff's Deputies Are Calling Themselves a 'Good Squad' It's No Secret What They're About - And yet, for years, a bunch of these guys in Mississippi were allowed to continue brutalizing people in pursuit of drug arrests.

Misinformation researcher Joan Donovan accuses Harvard of bowing to Facebook - The Washington Post ... her superiors soured on her as Harvard was getting a record $500 million pledge from Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg

Restricted access to abortion may be associated with more (11%) children subsequently entering the U.S. foster care system, according to an analysis of federal- and state-level data : science

Why Anonymous Sperm Donation Is Over, and Why That Matters : politics

Individuals who report tinnitus, which present as a ringing in the ears in more than 1 out of 10 adults worldwide, are experiencing auditory nerve loss that is not picked up by conventional hearing tests. This work is a first step toward our ultimate goal of silencing tinnitus

Cat Ownership and Schizophrenia-Related Disorders and Psychotic-Like Experiences: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis : science

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? The DEFINITIVE guide | by Andrew Springer | Medium

What's a disproven parenting myth that way too many people still believe? : AskReddit

What's the most severe case of mass stupidity you've ever witnessed? : AskReddit


Studies show that a third of the population still doubts human responsibility for climate change. A new study tested 6 interventions to prevent disinformation on nearly 7,000 people from 12 countries, and found the protective effect is small and disappears after the 2nd exposure to disinformation. : science

Open secret at climate talks: The top temperature goal is mostly gone - POLITICO Researchers injected a sobering finding into global climate negotiations Sunday by saying the world will likely fail its most important warming test.

Cop28 president says there is no science behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

Deal to triple renewable energy backed by 117 countries : worldnews

Deadly COVID Strain Killing Cats in Cyprus and the UK : worldnews

Latest outbreak of deadly bird flu kills 220 flamingos in Argentina. : worldnews

Online gaming platforms such as Roblox used asTrojanhorse for extremist recruitment of children, AFP warns

Philippine troops kill 11 Islamic militants in one of bloodiest anti-insurgency offensives this year : worldnews

Japan backs tripling global nuclear energy by 2050 : worldnews
Tokyos fertility rate lowest in Japan as births fall for 7th year

South Korean city turns to matchmaking to boost low birth rates : worldnews

Think of what happened to Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says : worldnews

Hong Kong minister hits out at claims that citys days as global financial hub are over - Data showing slowdown in IPO market has prompted wave of negative comments on mainland Chinese social media likening Exchange Square to an ancient relic
Hong Kong minister hits out at claims that citys days as global financial hub are over

Russia Steps Up Presence in Indian Ocean : worldnews

India Election Latest: BJP Leads in States Held by Opposition : worldnews
Global private hospital group embroiled in cash for kidneys racket enticing the impoverished to sell their organs ... Indias Apollo Hospitals ... desperate young villagers from Myanmar are being flown to Apollos prestigious Delhi hospital and paid to donate their kidneys to rich Burmese patients.

ELI5: Why do Pakistan and India hate each other? : explainlikeimfive

Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger look to form a federation : worldnews

The Pentagon says a US Navy warship and multiple commercial ships have come under attack in the Red Sea | AP News Ships face Houthi-claimed attack in Red Sea as officials say a US warship also fires in self-defense Commercial ships came under attack Sunday by drones and missiles in the Red Sea and a U.S. warship there opened fire in self-defense as part of an hourslong assault claimed by Yemens Houthi rebels, officials said.

Britains Maritime Agency Reports Potential Explosion in Red Sea

In meeting with Egyptian President, US VP Harris says the US will under no circumstances permit the forcedrelocation of Palestinians
Vice President Harris says too many innocent Palestinians have been killed as fighting picks up in southern Gaza

Israel risks strategic defeat if civilians arent protected, Pentagon chief says ... Israel has a big Netanyahu problem and his cabinet is packed with psychopaths. The last thing he cares about is Palestinian civilian lives.
Israel-Hamas war live: over 15,500 Palestinians killed by Israeli strikes in last two months, says Gaza health ministry | Israel-Hamas war | The Guardian ... UN agency says around 1.8 million people in Gaza have been forced to leave homes

Israeli prisoner release shines light on system of detaining Palestinians without charge : news

Israel tells Arab states it wants buffer zone in post-war Gaza : worldnews

Israeli medical experts declare some Gaza hostages dead in absentia : worldnews

Israel says it has hit more than 400 targets in Gaza since end of truce with Hamas : worldnews
IDF uncovers 800 Hamas tunnels since start of war, destroys 500 : worldnews

Hamas official says no negotiation or captives release until war ends : worldnews

Relatives of still-captive Bibas family say they wont be broken

UN says Israel will not renew visa for top aid official : worldnews

UN rights office seriously concerned about Israelsincreased arrest of Palestinians

We must continue to support Ukraine, as Putins victory will be a tragedy - NATO Secretary General
After the presidential elections in russia in March 2024, Western leaders will have to decide whether to recognize Putin's legitimacy if he runs and wins. This was stated by Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with the Associated Press. "This is why the "game" will already be on the side of the Western leaders of the civilized world ... By the way, there may be a turning point - the illegitimacy of President Putin Zelenskyy says.
Ukraine blocks ex-president from leaving country amid alleged plan to meet pro-Putin Hungarys Orban
Defenders of Light New mural unveiled in #Ukraines capital Kyiv. Depicts a soldier guarding the sky and an engineer ready to repair power infrastructure damaged by Russian forces. A fitting tribute.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 648, Part 1 (Thread #794) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 3.12.2023 : ukraine
Russias losses for this week: Over 7,000 troops, 500 pieces of equipment. [article]
Currently, there are ~430,000 Russian military personnel on the territory of Ukraine. The average age of the military occupiers is 35-40 years old
Frontline report: Russian soldiers refuse to attack Dnipro islands as Ukrainians maintain bridgehead across the river : ukraine
In #CrimeaIsUkraine two nice girls offered the Russian invaders some nice vodka, with arsenic! More than 20 dead invaders! : ukraine

Video Emerges Appearing to Show Russian Soldiers Executing Surrendering Ukrainians : worldnews
Kyiv Confirms Russian Troops Executed Two Ukrainian Soldiers Upon Surrender : worldnews

Random Russian military vehicle drives into a random civilian vehicle in the occupied territories in a perfect display of the best features of the Russian world where nothing is forbidden and anything is possible.

Per Russian own admission, Ukrainians control the sky around Krynky through EW and unlimited FPV drones. Ukrainian artillery, including mortars, dominates and Russians are powerless
Thats not fireworks.Thats air defense working. Such things happen when russia is your neighbor and it attacks you with Shaheds and missiles

Ukrainska Pravda in English on X: "Striking Polish hauliers aren't letting patrol boat sent with US aid into Ukraine" / X

Lithuania called on NATO to provide Ukraine with all necessary weapons to achieve victory over the Russian Federation : worldnews

Leaders of 60 European cities convene in Germany to learn about Jew-hatred : worldnews
Heavy snowfall disrupts travel in Switzerland and Germany : worldnews - Heavy snowfall disrupted travel in Switzerland and southern Germany, with hundreds of flights delayed or canceled so far.

One dead, one injured after assailant attacks passersby in Paris : worldnews

Justice being served ex-soldiers extradition signals hope for reckoning of Pinochet-era crimes

Should Venezuela invade its oil-rich neighbor? Maduro will put it to a vote Sunday : worldnews

Giant seamount discovered in Guatemala is nearly twice the height of the worlds tallest building | CNN

Mexicos minimum wage will rise by 20% next year, to about $14.25 per day

Henry Kissinger's (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the Two-State Solution - yIn one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China.

Congress can help make housing affordable it just has to act

Irresponsible: Fox News cited fake terrorist attack 97 times then used it to vilify Muslims. It's dangerous. It brings a real possibility of revenge violence, extremism watchdog warns

Tommy Tuberville and the future of the single senator veto : politics

Dozens of Troops Suspected of Advocating Overthrow of US Government, New Pentagon Extremism Report Says : politics

Swing-state Muslim leaders launch campaign to abandon Biden in 2024

Biden used to keep quiet about Trump. Now Bidens invoking his name to raise alarms
Miss Americana: How Taylor Swift could save Joe Biden : politics

Mike Johnson Becomes Surprise Champion of More Ukraine Aid : ukraine
Cheney: Johnson was a collaborator in Trumps effort to remain in power
Turns Out a New Speaker Didnt Solve the House GOPs Problems
McCarthy was ditched and Santos expelled. The House is making history, but not as the GOP envisioned : politics

Theres a storm coming. We all know it. And yet Americans are pretending that everything is normal.

Its Time to Fix Americas Most Dangerous Law - the Insurrection Act, a federal law that permits the president to deploy military troops in American communities to effectively act as a domestic police force under his direct command.
Trump Could Legally Use the U.S. Military as Domestic Law Enforcers : politics ... Blue wave or fascism. Those are our options in 2024

Judge Chutkan said Trumps time in the White House doesnt shield him from criminal liability ... Defendants four-year service as Commander in Chief did not bestow on him the divine right of kings to evade the criminal accountability that governs his fellow citizens.

Donald Trump headed "directly to conviction" for Jan. 6: Legal analyst : politics

Trump calls on supporters to guard the vote in Democratic-run UScities

Trump Says if Jesus Came Down He'd Win the Blue States in Unhinged Iowa Speech
Donald Trump Speech Gaffe Sparks Avalanche of Jokes, Memes : politics

Trump attempts to spin anti-democracy, authoritarian criticism against Biden

Trump amplifies call for prosecuting Jan. 6 police officers : politics

Ayman: Trumps explosive rhetoric is getting more dangerous all the time

Populism is all about hair : what rightwing leaders are trying to tell us with their wild coiffures - From Boris Johnson to Javier Milei, Geert Wilders and Donald Trump, sporting a wild and woolly barnet spells virility, charisma and populist appeal

6 Takeaways From Liz Cheneys Book Assailing Trump and His Enablers
Liz Cheney on why she believes Trumps reelection would mean the end of our republic
Liz Cheney is back and unloading on the current leaders of her ancestral GOP : politics

Plain historical falsehoods: How amicus briefs bolstered Supreme Court conservatives review indicates most conservative briefs in high-profile cases have links to a small cadre of activists aligned with Leonard Leo

Ron DeSantis bashes Trump and teases plans to supersede Obamacare
Pro-DeSantis super PAC fires CEO amid turmoil : politics
DeSantis super PAC Never Back Down fires Kristin Davison, Erin Perrine, Matt Palmisano - POLITICO

Nikki Haleys GOP ascent adds to the well-deserved humiliation of desperate Ron DeSantis

What the DeSantis and Newsom Debate Really Revealed : politics
Hannity said hed leave his beliefs out of the DeSantis-Newsom debate. His charts hinted otherwise.

Floridas Republican chair has denied a womans rape allegation in a case roiling state politics
Florida GOP chairman under fire as more details emerge in rape inquiry : politics
In Floridas Hot Political Climate, Some Faculty Have Had Enough

George Santos constituents cheer his expulsion: This creep is no longer my congressman

Money pit: Kyrsten Sinema faces campaign cash questions, complaints : politics

Georgia Republicans New Voting Maps Defy Court Order to Boost Black Representation

Republicans are getting killed on reproductive rights, and theyre taking desperate measures to prevent their constituents from having a say next year

GOP Lawmaker Laments Workers Laziness In Hearing About Overtime Pay: There's just a lot of people in this country that dont want to work, period Rep. Virginia Foxx said during a hearing about people who work too much.

Texas GOP Rejects Ban on Associating With Nazi Sympathizers, Report Says : politics

Ohio Fails to Pass Restrictions on College Teaching About Climate Policies - Inside Climate News The legislation, written to fight the woke fiefdom of higher education

Massachusetts GOP lawmakers block money for temporary shelters for migrant homeless families : politics

This is a good piece from a philosophy professor on how the humanities are undermined by constantly having to defend their value, given that its actually quite difficult to say what their value is:

Longstreet: the Confederate general who switched sides on race | Books | The Guardian

Tiny robots made from human cells heal damaged tissue : worldnews

A Stanford Medicine-led trial of 22 pairs of identical twins comparing vegan and omnivore diets found that a vegan diet improves overall cardiovascular health in as little as 8 weeks. By studying identical twins, researchers were able to control for genetics, same households and similar lifestyles. : science


Biden Administration Announces Rule to Cut Millions of Tons of Methane Emissions - The New York Times The measure, which requires oil and gas producers to detect and fix leaks of the greenhouse gas, came as the U.S. vice president spoke at the COP28 climate summit.

Heatwave in 2022 may have caused 70,000 deaths in Europe : worldnews

Global deal to phase out fossil fuels is in trouble : worldnews

Over 110 countries set to join COP28 deal to triple renewable energy : worldnews

3 Khalistanis Guilty Of Plot To Kill Indian-Origin Radio Host In New Zealand : worldnews

Myanmars military is losing ground against coordinated nationwide attacks, buoying opposition hopes

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes Mindanao, Philippines : worldnews

Worlds biggest experimental nuclear fusion reactor launched in Japan

South Korea successfully launches 1st spy satellite into orbit : worldnews
Bird strike forces Republic of Korea Air Force to write off $85 million stealth fighter jet : worldnews

Chinas respiratory illness rise due to known pathogens, official says
US aims to limit Chinas role in electric cars

Russians support of Ukraine war collapses, finds poll
Who supports Putin? Men, older generations and traditionalists, study shows : UkraineWarVideoReport

Putins desperate for fresh meat in #Ukraine. Unprecedented raids on conscripts are taking place in Moscow. Military registration & enlistment offices en masse organize a one-day conscription sending people with serious illnesses & even visitors from other regions to the army. https://
Putin orders Russian military to boost troop numbers by 170,000 | Russia : worldnews
Ukraine war: Putin to boost Russian troop numbers by 15% : worldnews
Putin, Desperate To Reverse Russias Demographic Collapse, Moves To Restrict Abortions and Pardon Female Inmates Who Conceive During Marital Visits.Changes are part of long-range, societal fixes, as toll in Ukraine war has taken 300,000men killed or seriously wounded

Russian Troops Say Theyre Starving, Sent to Slaughter - New Video
Russia paying off' soldiers wives to silence anti-war dissent before election

Police raid Moscow gay bars after a Supreme Court ruling labeled LGBTQ+ movementextremist

Russian media: Two incidents involving civilian aircraft reported in one day : worldnews

HIV infection rates reach epidemic levels in 19 Russian regions : worldnews

Russia not re-elected to International Maritime Organizations Council

NATO chief tells Erdogan time has come to let Sweden join the alliance

Irans Revolutionary Guards say two officers killed in Syria after strike blamed on Israel
Iran using Gaza conflict as cover for execution of 127 people since war began

No indicators Israel shared Hamas war plans with U.S.

Mossad: Negotiating team in Qatar ordered home as truce talks hit a dead end

Israel-Gaza war: Residents of Khan Younis say Israeli strikes heaviest since start of war : worldnews
Israel strikes southern Gaza, US VP Harris calls for restraint : worldnews

IDF spokesperson says Hamas was supposed to release members of Bibas family in truce deal it violated : worldnews
Truce fell apart after Hamas refused to release more Israeli female hostages : worldnews
Hamas claims its only holding three more women and children hostage
Hamas Leader Says He Doesnt Know How Many Hostages Remain Alive in Gaza: The Number Is Not So Important
Seven more Israeli captives confirmed murdered by Hamas : worldnews

Abandoned Babies Found Decomposing in Gaza Hospital Weeks After it was Evacuated : news

Hamas drugged Israeli children, according to new testimonies of released captives : worldnews

US blames Hamas for end of ceasefire as rocket barrages fired at central Israel, south : worldnews

After 8 weeks, UN Women condemns Hamass sexual violence on Oct.7

Israel Plans to Kill Hamas Bosses Around Globe After War : worldnews

Discovery of Rockets Hidden in UNRWA Relief Supplies Raises Questions, Again : worldnews

Zelensky acknowledges need for greater war mobilization as manpower slumps : worldnews
The war has made holding Presidential elections in Ukraine impossible - Zelenskyy
Ukraines ex-president says he was blocked from leaving country men aged 18-60 cannot leave. He is 58.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 647, Part 1 (Thread #793) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 2.12.2023 : ukraine
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.2022 to 02.12.2023 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russians continue to commit atrocities in Ukraine Two Ukrainian servicemen decided to surrender to representatives of the Russian forces. However, the Russians treacherously killed Ukrainian soldiers, violating the norms of international humanitarian law. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russian Capture of Maryinka Fabricated and Premature, Say Pro-Kremlin Sources : worldnews

#Russia Imported Over 100,000 Asian Migrants to #Donbas, Plans to Create Cross-Border Commonwealth - #Moscow plans to replace the local population in the #occupiedterritories and to create a cross-border commonwealth of mixed Russian and Ukrainian regions.

Crimean Bridge left vulnerable after strong storm washes away Russian-installed protective barriers : worldnews

Putins buddy Orban pushes EU to the brink over Ukraine

Macron says Israel must more precisely define goal of Hamas assault

Election of the weekend: Venezuela/Essequibo - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Alleged Montreal-area Chinese police stations threaten to sue RCMP for $2.5 million

TIL that the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime concluded that billions in drug money kept the global financial system afloat during the 2008 crisis : todayilearned
Did Drug Cartels Save the Global Financial System? | The Motley Fool

The Supreme Court May Be Poised to Kill the Voting Rights Act Once and for All : politics
Sandra Day O'Connor's complicity
Joe Biden retakes lead from Donald Trump in latest national 2024 poll : politics

Johnson argues House has duty to hold vote on Biden impeachment inquiry
Mike Johnson Wrote the Foreward for a Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Poor Book That Endorsed Pizzagate and Denigrated a Prisoner of War | He now claims he never read the passages in question and strongly disagrees with them.

Kevin McCarthy, Who Talks From Notes, Says Biden Is Old Because He Talks From Notes : politics

GOP fights Hunter Biden push for public hearing : politics

Biden campaign hits back on Trumps vow to repeal Affordable Care Act
Obamacare is even more popular than the last time Trump tried to kill it | The issue doesnt specifically motivate Republican voters, either

Federal judge says Trump does not have absolute immunity, denying bid to dismiss election subversion case : politics
Judge rejects Trump immunity claim in federal 2020 election case : politics

Trumps Lawyer Told Him Defying Subpoena Would Be a Crime. He Did It Anyway

Trump can be held civilly liable in Jan. 6 riot, judges rule : politics

Donald Trumps own judges are ruling against him

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory review: Trump and his evangelical believers : politics

Trump pardoned them. Now theyre helping him return to power.

Stephen Millers Right-Wing Lawsuit Machine Must Be Stopped

Conservatives call for big business tax cuts while White House backs child tax credit : politics

Pelosi calls Santos a coward for leaving chamber before expulsion vote closed
George Santos Is Gone. Two Dozen Candidates Want His Seat. : politics

Ironically, Senator Rafael 'Ted' Cruz wants to ban preferred names
5th Circuit rules Texas must remove river border buoys : politics

Susan Sarandon Says Anti-Jewish Speech Was a Terrible Mistake

Cornel West has blown millions of dollars on women, luxury condos, women, and Caddys, and the rest of it he wasted:

911 Call and Affidavit Reveal Chilling Claims in Florida GOP Chair Rape Probe
If Moms for Liberty co-founder had sex with a woman, why is she targeting Floridas gays?

$100 cap on ambulance rides new recommendation would end surprise billing for patients

Homeschooling hid child abuse, torture of 11-year-old Roman Lopez by stepmom - Washington Post Roman Lopez was 11 when he went missing. His years of torment were concealed by home schooling.

Colorado strikes excited delirium from all lawenforcement diagnosis, training documents

Bill Gates feels Generative AI has plateaued, says GPT-5 will not be any better : technology

The 10 Best Books of 2023 - The New York Times

Feynman - Lawyers, Guns & Money Richard Feynman was a misogynist asshole. Theres no mitigating that. His contributions to both pedagogy and finding the Challenger problem were unique only in his ability to promote himself.

The Imperfect Universe. Some things just never quite add up | by Nir Zicherman | Nov, 2023 | Medium Some things just never quite add up ... The music of today sounds equally good in all keys at the expense of it sounding perfect in any key : Equal Temperament :: Just Intonation.

Computable number - Wikipedia
Uncertainty principle - Wikipedia
Arrow's impossibility theorem

Multiple Lyme bacteria species found in brain of patient diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder, 15 years after initial Lyme diagnosis and continuous antibiotic treatment. The patient committed suicide and left a note requesting that his brain be analyzed for the presence of Borrelia. : science

Lifestyle choices that could lower the risk of all cancers. A new study has highlighted 10 lifestyle choices that can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer by as much as 30%. : science
Electro-Cooling Material Makes Solid-State Fridge Viable : science

Have you ever experienced sexual harassment by a woman? What happened? : AskReddit

New study finds bots and fraud farms responsible for 73% of web traffic : technology


World to hit 1.4C of warming in record hot 2023 : worldnews

World Bank increases climate spending to 45% : worldnews

Countries in the Horn of Africa grappling with climate disasters impacting millions : worldnews

Not so dead as a dodo: De-extinction plan to reintroduce bird to Mauritius

Golden mole not seen for 80 years and presumed extinct is found again in South Africa : worldnews

Massachusetts second state with child pneumonia outbreakasquestions remain about virus sweeping China

Japan expresses concern about US Military continuing to fly Osprey Aircraft without providing adequate details of fatal crash : worldnews

Taiwan Begins Mass Production of Indigenous Air Defense System : worldnews

China lures hundreds of Taiwan politicians with cheap trips before election : worldnews

Russian Orthodox Church forces parishioners to pray to Saint Putin on giant screen

Revenues of Russias top oil and gas producers fall 41% in first 9 months of 2023
The United States government aims to halve Russias oil and gas revenues by the end of this decade US Deputy Secretary of State for Energy Resources Jeffrey Payette said

SBU Strikes Again: Another Train Blown Up On Critical Russia-China Railway : worldnews ... The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has blown up a second train in two days on the Baikal-Amur railway line deep inside Russia

The incidents highlighted the increasingly apparent impact of Western sanctions on Russias airlines, as it was not the first time that incidents involving equipment malfunction on civilian airplanes were reported.

Data: Rise in Attacks on Christians in India, Up Four Times in 11 Years (2012-2022) : worldnews

Sudan: New Mass Ethnic Killings, Pillage in Darfur : worldnews

70-year-old Ugandan woman becomes Africas oldest mother after givingbirth to IVF twins

U.S. presses sceptical Turkey to curb Hamas fundraising : wo

Gallant to Blinken: We will fight Hamas until we prevail no matter how long it takes : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war live updates: Gaza truce expires; more than 100 hostages have been released - The Washington Post
How many hostages has Hamas released? Tracking how many remain in Gaza. - The Washington Post
Truce ends, fighting in Gaza resumes; IDF says Hamas violates terms after rocket fire : worldnews
IDF resumes combat in Gaza after Hamas violates ceasefire - : worldnews

A mass assassination factory: Inside Israels calculated bombing of GazaPermissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza, a +972 and Local Call investigation reveals.

Israel informs Arab states it wants buffer zone in post-war Gaza : worldnews

Palestinians say IDF drops flyers in Khan Younis telling residents to move out : worldnews

Hamas: It doesnt matter how many hostages are still alive
Oct. 7 was just a rehearsal, warns Sinwar

New report says the IDFs elite intelligence unit saw signs Hamas was preparing a terror attack
Israel Knew Hamass Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
You covered your ass - Lawyers, Guns & Money This will be a familiar story to Americans, but its amazing that the Israeli right has put together a dominant coalition based largely in the premise that it is the faction best positioned to protect Israelis from terrorism:
New report says the IDFs elite intelligence unit saw signs Hamas was preparing a terror attack

Nearly 100,000 Gaza buildings may be damaged, satellite images show : worldnews
This place was Home to someone : pics
I commend @JomanaCNN for this report finally putting a face to one of the 15,000 names that Israel killed in Gaza last 7 weeks. Our people, our children are not just numbers or collateral damage, they are the soul of our souls as Khaled Nabhan the grandfather says here.

PAs Abbas a liability in planning for post-war Gaza, Arabofficials say

IDF posts map of Gaza to guide civilians away from bombings. Interactive map divides Strip into zones, by number as military urges Gazans to locate relevant section and follow warnings to escape danger : worldnews

Israel: 2,005 soldiers injured since Oct. 7 : worldnews

Israel drawing up plans for global campaign to assassinate Hamas leaders : worldnews

Hamas drugged children; burned legs with exhaust for identification : worldnews

IDF uncovers terrorist tunnel in Gaza kindergarten : worldnews

UN will investigate sexual assault, rape, in Hamas' October 7 attack, Guterres assures : worldnews

US tells Israel it will announce visa ban on violent settlers in coming weeks (but not the Brooklyn Hasids)

Counteroffensive did not achieve desired results,Zelensky says. Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine is in a new phase,President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with the Associated Press, published on Dec. 1.
Ukraine Blames Russia for No Recent Prisoner Swaps : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 646, Part 1 (Thread #792) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 1.12.2023 : ukraine

Russian forces killed 2000 Ukrainian civilians in 2023 : worldnews

Russian general blown up on mine in Ukraine

Ukrainian Su-25 Struck By Lancet Drone Was An Elaborate Decoy - Read our report by clicking the image below:

Everything indicates Chinese ship damaged Baltic pipeline on purpose, Finland says

Slovak truckers will block the main border crossing with Ukraine from Friday, joining Polish protests to win restrictions against Ukrainian drivers. : worldnews
Ukraine and Poland agree on conditions for unblocking border for truck traffic

Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish leaders refuse to take photo with Lukashenko at COP28 : worldnews

EU defense spending soars to new high as 20 states ramped up budgets in 2022 : worldnews

Swiss have frozen $8.8 billion of Russian assets : worldnews

Germany unveils law for faster migrant returns : worldnews

Pope Francis Cracks Down on Catholic Officials He has said repeatedly that modern American conservative politics have no place in the pulpit, and he seems to be making good on that.

Israel recalls its ambassador to Spain indefinitely

Body found in rural England barn triggers Europe-wide investigation : worldnews

Paraguay official sacked after dealings with fictitious country: A senior Paraguayan official was fired this week after signing a cooperation memorandum with a country he has since learned does not exist : worldnews

Argentinas incoming foreign minister says country will not join BRICS bloc

Peruvian rainforest defender from embattled Kichwa tribe shot dead in river attack : worldnews

Canadas homicide rate is at the highest level in 30 years

Eschaton: Village Royalty The problem with Henry Kissinger isn't just all the people he killed, it's that he killed all those people - joyfully unapologetically - and was still treated as a Wise Old Man of Washington. A fancy friend to parade at dinner parties to show you were somebody who mattered. A man whose council and praise was sought, treasured, and boasted about ...So when you wonder how things are as they are, how so many fucked up things are tolerated and cheered, how it's the people who object who are painted as deviant or even as The Real Racists, it's because this is a deeply fucked up culture filled with deeply fucked up people who fucking loved Henry Kissinger.
Realpolitik was Kissingers excuse, not his motivation
Kissinger, ur-MAGA - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The only eulogy to Henry Kissinger worth reading: Anthony Bourdains scathing comments about diplomat resurface ... Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands
Eschaton: Finally Got Him, Satan The important thing to understand about Henry Kissinger is that people in Washington do not understand what anyone has against him.

What Really Happened to the American Dream? (Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 2) - Robert Reich ... the increasing concentration of political power in a corporate and financial elite that has been able to alter the rules that run the economy.

Most of Ukraine aid never leaves US

Tuberville signals he' s backing down on most of his holds on top military nominees after bipartisan pressure

Sandra Day OConnor, first woman on Supreme Court, dies at 93

In defense of Hillary Clintons 2016 presidential campaign

Democrats turn tables on GOP in judge nominations : politics
GOP Melts Down As Dick Durbin Uses Its Tactics For Advancing Biden Judges : politics

AOC says her life completely transformed for the better after Pelosi stepped down from leadership

Speaker Johnson wrote foreword for book filled with conspiracy theories and homophobic insults : politics

Liz Cheney tells "CBS News Sunday Morning" that the U.S. is "sleepwalking into a dictatorship" : politics

Trumps 48-Hour Manic Rant Had Immediate Consequences: The former president covered a lot of ground during his recent posting binge, most of it is insane.
The violence is Trumps goal

Donald Trump Wants Jan. 6 Police to Be Charged for Fighting Rioters : politics

Jan. 6 rioter asks for early release, says he was manipulated by Trump and Fox News

Kevin McCarthy Says Matt Gaetz Belongs in Jail Has Allegedly Committed worse rimes Than George Santos
Steve Scalise reveals whats really happened since McCarthys fall

Mr. Santos, a New York Republican, is the sixth member of the House to be expelled in the bodys history. To hell with this placehe said after his colleagues ousted him
How House lawmakers voted on expelling Rep. George Santos - Washington Post
George Santos Accused Of Stealing HouseMembers Personal Credit Card Info
Gone Baby Gone - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Notes on MAGA Camp - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The departure of Adam Laxalt, a longtime friend of the Florida governor, is the latest shake-up inside Never Back Down as it faces questions over the groups strategy and spending.

Fetterman calls for Menendez ouster, says actions more sinister than Santos

Gavin Newsom trolls DeSantis over flailing 2024 bid in hostile Fox News debate : politics
Ron DeSantis destroyed by Gavin Newsom in debate: You demean and humiliate
Discussion Thread: California Governor Newsom Debates Florida Governor DeSantis : politics
Ron DeSantis Is No Match for Gavin Newsom | At last nights Fox News debate, even a home field advantage couldn't keep the aspiring presidential candidate from choking.
Newsom camp: Hannity, DeSantis cheated. They dispute the charges. - POLITICO

Kari Lakes goose is cooked (again) as a judge tells her to move on from fairy tales

The Bogus Historians Who Teach Evangelicals They Live in a Theocracy : politics

Florida GOP Leader, a Moms for Liberty Founder, and Allegations of Group Sex and Rape : politics

Judge wont bar Biden administration from cutting down Texas razor wire on border

Arizona gave families public money for private schools. Then private schools raised tuition. Critics worry that the states new universal school choice program is a subsidy for the affluent

Rep. Brandon Williams threatens ex-staffer in holiday party confrontation (see video) : politics

Eschaton: Liberty For Me Amazing and unsurprising, as these things are. - Wouldnt it be ironic if the woman who led an ultra-conservative movement in Florida education that sought to put gays back in the closet was having a long-term, three-way lesbian relationship with a lover she shared with her husband, the states GOP chairman? ... Bridget Ziegler

Louisiana Governor-Elect Jeff Landry Is Pulling a Tommy Tuberville On New Orleans' Water Supply - Seriously? He wants to withhold necessary sewage funding until the city prosecutes people getting abortions?

Why Cornel West Is Broke (use readerview)

Space Karen during interview yesterday where he tells advertisers leaving X to "go f*ck yourself" : pics
One morning, when Skon Mule woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a corn cob - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Walmart says it is not advertising on social platform X | Reuters
Eschaton: Redemption Tour Musk's supposed "apology" was just doubling down, and most people pretended not to notice.

The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money
Tesla falls on long wait for Cybertruck payoff, hefty price tag / Tesla shares fell more than 3% on Friday

Return to office is dead, Stanford economist says. Heres why

The physical and philosophical problem of time - Big Think

Maize (corn) was first domesticated about 10,000 years ago, but a new genomic study shows it didn't take off as a crop until a hybrid appeared about 5,000 years later

Researchers found that liberal-leaning media outlets exhibit more negative sentiments towards artificial intelligence (AI) compared to their conservative counterparts. This aversion in liberal media is primarily driven by concerns over AIs potential to amplify societal biases.

Largest study of its kind shows leafy greens may decrease bowel cancer risk | It suggests that increasing the intake of folatewhich can be found in leafy greens, such as spinach, cabbage and broccoli could help to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by up to 7%.

Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience : science

TIL GPS satellites go so fast, that they need to adjust their location calculations to account for Relativity : todayilearned

If pulling an all-nighter, don't follow with an important decision, suggests a new brain imaging study. Researchers found a 24-hour period of sleep deprivation significantly impacted individuals' decision-making processes by dampening neural responses to the outcomes of their choices. : science

Malicious bots make up nearly three-quarters of Internet traffic : technology

How long does sciatica last: Symptoms, treatment, and management
How Long Does Sciatica Last? Plus Tips for Managing Your Symptoms
Relief in Minutes - Best Stretches for Sciatica Pain (Step by Step Video)
Taming the pain of sciatica: For most people, time heals and less is more - Harvard Health
sciatica pain duration - Google Search

ELI5: What is the difference between taking paracetamol and Ibuprofen? : explainlikeimfive
Whats the point of paracetamol?
Ibuprofen vs. Naproxen: What to Know About Each
BBC Radio 4 - Sliced Bread - How good are painkillers at targeting specific types of pain?

Men who keep secrets from your partner, what kind of secrets and how lame/lethal are these?! : AskReddit

What was once commonplace 20-30 years ago has now evolved into a luxury? : AskReddit


World to hit 1.4C of warming in record hot 2023 : worldnews
2023 set to be hottest year on record: United Nations : worldnews

Plans to present meat as sustainable nutritionat Cop28 revealed. Documents show industry intends to gofullforcein arguing meat is beneficial to the environment at climate summit.

We have to work urgently: Mexican ecologists start campaign to save axolotl

Ending extreme poverty has a negligible impact on global greenhouse gas emissions : science

World economy will slow in 2024 because of inflation, high rates, war: OECD : worldnews

Anthony Fauci will testify before Congress on COVID origins and the US pandemic response : politics

Thalidomide: Australia gives national apology to survivors and families : worldnews

New Zealand plans to ban cellphone use in schools : worldnews

Singapore and Zurich worlds most expensive cities - Singapore and Zurich tied for the world's most expensive city this year, followed by Geneva, New York and Hong Kong, the Economist Intelligence Unit said as it cautioned that the global cost-of-living crisis was not yet over

Malaysias first Islamic rehab centrefor those in same-sex relationships to open in July, says state exco ... gay the pray away .. Being gay is illegal in Malaysia with penalties ranging from 20 years in prison to caning and Sharia law

Another Entire Junta Battalion Raises the White Flag in Myanmars Northern Shan State

Japan plans to suspend its own Osprey flights after a fatal US Air Force crash of the aircraft : worldnews
TIL Japan recounted its islands and found 7,000 it didn't know it had. There are now officially 14,125 islands in Japanese territory. : todayilearned

South Koreans want their own nukes. That could roil one of the worlds most dangerous regions
South Korea Industrial output, retail sales, investment all fall in October : worldnews
South Korean farmers scuffle with police at protest over dog meat ban : worldnews ... Remember that dogs are not eaten for nutrition or sustenance, nor are omnivores more economical than obligate herbivores. In Asia, dogs are eaten purely because of a superstitious belief that it confers special benefits not supported by science, and the suffering of the animal enhances those "benefits"

North Korea makes rare admission after local polls: Dissenting votes : worldnews

Taiwan president: China too overwhelmed to consider invasion : worldnews

Hong Kong national security police charge man over wearing alleged seditious shirt atairport

Russia approves record spend for its military in new 2024 budget : worldnews
Putin is urging women to have as many as 8 children after so many Russians died in his war with Ukraine : worldnews

Russias Lavrov faces Western critics at security meeting, walks out after speech

Ukraines SBU Blows Up Freight Train in Rail Tunnel Deep Inside Russia
In a devastating blow, Ukraines SBU destroys key railway tunnel connecting Russia & China
Ukraines Security Service blows up railway connecting Russia and China

Top Russian court bans LGBT movement as extremist
Shameful And Absurd: Russian Supreme Court Declares LGBT Movement As 'Extremist'

Russian FSB general who botched invasion of Ukraine amassed wealth and property like a real estate king : worldnews

Russia fails to be elected to executive council of chemical weapons watchdog for the first time

Jammu & Kashmir Police book Srinagar NIT student forhurting religious sentiments

Pakistans Policemen threaten Afghan women and girls with sexual abuse, HRW says

At least 40 civilians killed by al-Qaida-linked rebels in a Burkina Faso town, UN rights office says : worldnews

Candy company Mars uses cocoa harvested by kids as young as 5 in Ghana: CBS News investigation : worldnews

Russia will send fighter jets and attack helicopters to Iran, state media says. The move could strengthen ties that already have the US worried. : worldnews Russia is slated to send Iran advanced fighter jet and attack helicopters, reports say.
Classified Document On Irans Hijab GuardsUnveils Government Cover-Up (

US Navy warship shoots down a drone launched by Houthis from Yemen : worldnews

Royal Navy destroyer deployed to the Gulf on maritime security mission : worldnews
Israel-Hamas war: UK sending one of its most lethal warships to Gulf to deter Iran-backed groups | UK News : worldnews

Blinken said to tell Israel to change strategy for southern Gaza, suggest it wont have months to win war
No way Israel will agree to end war against Hamas, says Netanyahu

Truce in Israel-Hamas war extended by a day, minutes before it was set to expire
Israeli assesments say Friday to be final day of cease-fire : worldnews
Extension of Israel Hamas truce confirmed : worldnews

Military Intelligence Directorate head to resign due to Oct. 7 massacre : worldnews

Israel investigates sexual violence committed by Hamas as part of October 7 horror | CNN : worldnews
After 7 weeks of silence, UN chief calls to investigate Hamas sex crimes on Oct 7 : worldnews
Women held hostage by Hamas in Gaza kept in cages - report : worldnews
IDF is investigating Hamas claims that Bibas children, mother are dead : worldnews

Seven wounded in Jerusalem shooting attack, terrorists killed : worldnews
3 killed, at least 11 injured in shooting attack near entrance to Jerusalem : worldnews
Hamas Claims Jerusalem Shooting That Killed 3, Calls For Escalation

Hostages held in homes of Hamas-sympathetic UNRWA employees : worldnews

Arab Israeli prisoners oppose release under hostage deal, prefer to go to trial : worldnews

Blinken: No Fatigue in NATO Support of Ukraine
NATO hears Ukraines call for creating single defense industry complex

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 645, Part 1 (Thread #791) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 30.11.2023 : ukraine

Ordinary citizens funded the classified Black Box project, leading to the covert development and production of the 800 km range Beaver suicide drone.
Ukrainian Buk air defense systems are fully equipped with modern American Sea Sparrow. They will be used to intercept Calibers and X-101

Russia replacing Ukrainian population in occupied territories by importing 100,000+ Central Asians : worldnews

Kremlin warns of tensions if Poland sends troops to Finnish-Russian border : worldnews
Poland, other countries, boycott OSCE meeting over Russisa's Lavrov's participation
Poland is encouraging truckers and farmers to block thousands of Ukrainian trucks at the border: With the connivance of the Polish authorities, transporters and agriculturalists have left Ukrainian drivers stuck for days, claiming they represent unfair competition : worldnews

Russia accuses Bulgaria of malice over diplomatic overflight ban : worldnews

Lawyer and Covid vaccination opponent to run for Lithuanian presidency ... Another lunatic

Switzerland aims for zero HIV and hepatitis infections by 2030 : worldnews

Germanys Steinmeier left waiting on tarmac in Qatar
Germany: Right-wing extremist group leader sentenced to jail : worldnews ... domestic intelligence agency, the BfV, said in June that there were some 338,800 people who belonged to the right-wing extremist spectrum in Germany in 2022, up from 33,900 in 2021.
Germany teens held for alleged Christmas market attack plot : worldnews
A court in Bavaria has ruled that police were right in wiretapping phone calls between members of the Last Generation climate activist group and journalists : worldnews

Pope says he has acute bronchitis, doctors recommended against travel to avoid change in temperature : worldnews

Far-right Dutch leader Geert Wilders suffered a major setback to his goal of forming a governing coalition Wednesday when a key potential partner ruled itself out, uncomfortable with his extreme views : worldnews

French economy contracts in Q3, inflation eases further : worldnews

Leo Varadkars Ireland is flirting with a new form of totalitarianism Now the whole world can see that Ireland is poised to pass one of the most draconian pieces of legislation in modern times

London council will not light Hanukkah candles over fears ofinflamingtensions

Indigenous community in Ecuador wins legal fight to reclaim ancestral land after more than 80 years : worldnews

Guyana Official: Venezuelas Actions Are an Unprecedented Challenge
Brazil increases northern border military presence amid Venezuela-Guyana spat : worldnews ... Oh boy, the desperation of the Venezuelan govt. With their economy already being dog shit. Now they wanna invade another country because Exxon found oil in Guyana. Typical neocolonialism mindset of them.

Canada is seeking more cooperation from India in light of US allegations : worldnews
Canada Economy Surprisingly Shrank 1.1% in Third Quarter : worldnews
Ontario To Make Holodomor Education Mandatory for High School Students | Ontario Newsroom : worldnews ... The Holodomor can be seen as the culmination of an assault by the Communist Party and Soviet state on the Ukrainian peasantry, who resisted Soviet policies.
Google Strikes $100M Online News Sharing Deal With Canada After Standoff : worldnews ... Say what you will but this is a victory for Trudeau. Now it will put pressure on Meta to do the same as Google.

1.1 million gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. Over a week later, the source remains a mystery. : news

Henry Kissinger, Who Shaped U.S. Cold War History, Dies at 100 - The New York Times The most powerful secretary of state of the postwar era, he was both celebrated and reviled. His complicated legacy still resonates in relations with China, Russia and the Middle East.
Henry Kissinger, who shaped Cold War history, dies at 100 - The Washington Post The diplomat exercised an unparalleled control over U.S. international affairs and policymaking. He was also the target of relentless critics, who deemed him unprincipled and amoral.
Opinion | Ben Rhodes: Henry Kissinger, the Hypocrite - The New York Times ... the ease with which he wielded power made him a natural avatar for an American national security state that grew and gained momentum through the 20th century, like an organism that survives by enlarging itself. (cancer)
Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by Americas Ruling Class, Finally Dies - The infamy of Nixon's foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of historys worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him
How Henry Kissinger Prevented Peace in the Middle East Lets not forget that Kissingers crimes included the deaths of thousands of Arabs and Israelis.
Survivors of Kissinges Secret War in Cambodia Reveal Unreported Mass Killings ... The U.S. carpet bombing of Cambodia between 1969 and 1973 has been well documented, but its architect, former national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ...
Few people have had a hand in as much death and destruction, as much human suffering, in so many places around the world as Henry Kissinger. (death monger)

U.S. Charges Indian Man With Plotting to Kill Sikh Activist in New York: American officials had expressed concerns to New Delhi about the thwarted plan to kill the man, who is a U.S. citizen : worldnews
Indian official directed plot to kill Sikh separatist in New York, US justice department claims : worldnews
India Accidentally Hired a DEA Agent to Kill Sikh American Activist, Federal Prosecutors Say : politics ... India and hostile ex-wives hire the same guy as a hit man. Amazing.
Contrary to government policy: India responds to US assassination plot claims

A significant 59% of Americans support providing military aid to Ukraine, while 30% oppose it, according to the annual Reagan Institute poll.
Ukraine aids best-kept secret: Most of the money stays in the U.S.A.
Bombenomics: Biden admin circulates map showing states that benefit from Ukraine aid : politics

Whitehouse, Graham, Wilson, Cohen Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Seize Russian Oligarch Assets to Aid Ukraine : worldnews

Pending home sales drop to a record low, even worse than during the financial crisis : news

Three US cities make list of most expensive in world - A cost-of-living crisis is slamming these coastal cities - New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco are three of the most expensive cities on the planet to live in, according to a new report.

EPA proposes requirement to remove lead pipes from US water systems within 10 years : politics (Republicans angry)

Thousands of fake Facebook accounts shut down by Meta were primed to polarize voters ahead of 2024 : worldnews ... Pretty much irrelevant when Meta has already said they're happy for Republicans to pay for ads that spread misinformation. They just don't want people spreading it for free.

Corporate profits popped in Q3, just shy of all-time peak : politics

Tuberville Signals He May Back Down on Military Nominations inVery Near Future

Inspector general launches probe examining decision to relocate FBI headquarters to Maryland : politics

Supreme Court conservatives seem likely to axe SEC enforcement powers : politics
The Supreme Court Isnt Done Messing With Your Reproductive Rights | The high courts last minute business includes a key ruling that could upend patients ability to access medication abortions. (death to women)
Senate Judiciary Committee authorizes subpoenas for Harlan Crow and Leonard Leo in Supreme Court ethics probe : politics

A Rando Trump Judge Just Blew a Giant Hole in the Voting Rights Act : politics

She got so mad at me book on the Squad details AOC-Pelosi clashes

Sen. Rand Paul performs Heimlich on Sen. Joni Ernst during luncheon - The Washington Post ... Cant help but choke on the woke policies Dems are forcing down our throats, Ernst wrote.
Rand Paul successfully used Heimlich maneuver on choking Joni Ernst in GOP lunch : news

Mike Johnson Just Blew a Hole in the GOPs Biden Impeachment Inquiry
Who Paid for Mike Johnsons Trip to Israel? Officially, an obscure nonprofit paid for Johnson and his wife to go to Israel. But the trip never appeared in the groups tax return.

Hunter Bidens public hearing request creates GOP divisions
James Comer Seems to Forget He Said Hunter Biden Could ChoosePublic Hearing While Comer rejected Hunter Bidens offer to publicly testify, last month he declared it Bidens choice to testify in public or private.
I dont know about Comer but Marjorie Greene is all in. (worth the click)
Republicans dont want Hunter Biden to testify publicly because truth is scary

Change is coming. The question is: what kind of change will it be? : politics

A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending. : politics

Is Donald Trump Going to Prison? : politics

Trumps violent rhetoric charts his campaign warpath
Trump unleashes grievances, warnings in wild 24 hours on Truth Social : politics

Trumps Obamacare repeal and replace revival is just a distraction from his revenge plans
GOP Rep to Special Counsel Jack Smith: Your Days Are Numbered

Trump is afraid of a rematch : politics

Appeals court reinstates gag order that barred Trump from maligning court staff in NY fraud trial : politics
Trumps Gag Orders Reinstated by Appeals Court in New York Civil Fraud Case
Trump targets wife of New York judge overseeing civil fraud trial : politics

Trump co-defendant in Georgia who pleaded guilty could testify in other cases - Prosecutors in Arizona and Nevada have made overtures to Kenneth Chesebro, who helped organize pro-Trump state electors in 2020

Former N.J. Trump golf club worker says she was sexually harassed, tricked into signing NDA - POLITICO

McCarthy Says He Told Trump F-ck You After Speakership Ouster:

FBI: Man wearing Captain America backpack stole items from senatorsdesks during Capitol riot
Proud Boy Jan. 6 defendant who shot at law enforcement is sentenced to prison : politics

McCarthy says Gaetz 'belongs in jail' : politics

Court filing reveals Rep. Scott Perrys vast web of contacts in bid to reverse 2020 election
Scott Perrys texts reveal details about efforts to overturn Trumps loss in 2020

15-foot George Santos balloon becomes social media sensation. Congressman calls it flattering
GOP congressman says it would be politically advantageous for him to vote to expel George Santos because some of his constituentsdon't like the fact that he's gay
Heres Every Single Lie Told by George Santos
Santos throws tantrum press conference on eve of expulsion from Congress : politics
What happens next if GOP Rep. George Santos is expelled from Congress? : politics

Biden Scorches Boebert With Hand Gesture In Her Own Backyard : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greenes Russian propaganda post sparks backlash

Report: Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler accused of sexual battery : politics ... Sources told the Florida Center for Government Accountability that the woman accusing Christian Ziegler of sexual battery alleged that she and both Zieglers had been involved in a longstanding consensual three-way sexual relationship prior to the incident.
Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, husband of Moms For Liberty cofounder, accused of sexual assault by alleged menage a trois lover - Florida Center for Government Accountability (FLCGA)

Poll: Over 60% of Florida voters support proposed abortion, marijuana amendments : politics

18 Republican AGs are outraged that the Biden administration wants to help LGBTQ+ foster kids : politics

Sarah Huckabee Sanders appoints anti-LGBTQ+ Christian nationalist to oversee state libraries. Jason Rapert recently called LGBTQ+ people a cult and a "devil of Hell." : politics
Revolt in 2100 - Wikipedia ... describes a rebellion against an American theocracy and thus served as the vehicle for Heinlein to criticise the authoritarian potential of Protestant Christian fundamentalism.

Kentucky reaches a new low in white Christian nationalism : politics
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear tells Jen Psaki that trans kids are children of GodThe way these Super PACS and my opponent went about their campaign was just mean, and it was gross, and it was cruel

With generous benefits, Pa. lawmakers could be second best compensated in nation : politics ...

Idaho asks supreme court to decide on law penalizing abortion providers : politics

Arizona judge recuses himself from abortion arguments : politics
Arizona Officials Charged With Conspiring to Delay Election Results : politics

For Republican Governors, Civics Is the Latest Education Battleground : politics ... (moving on from drag queens)

Detroits newest road can charge electric cars as they travel on it

Fort Worth, Texas, approves $3.5 million settlement for child who witnessed fatal police shooting of aunt Atatiana Jefferson Zion Carr, then 8, was playing video games with Jefferson when former Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean shot and killed her.

MSNBC cancels Mehdi Hasans show
Dismay as Mehdi Hasans MSNBC and Peacock news showcancelled

Linda Yaccarinos Very Unmerry X Messthought she could manage the mercurial Elon Musk.She let her ego get the best of her.

Apple and Google avoid naming ChatGPT as their 'app of the year,' picking AllTrails and Imprint instead : technology

Imprint: Learn Visually

I gave him this fish and he immediately carried it into the water) Why? : aww

ELI5: How does YouTube manage to process videos so efficiently while serving billions of users? : explainlikeimfive

Eli5 how were movies copied in say the 1930s? It was actual film but only one reel was created from filming the actors etc. But hundreds of theatres played the movies simultaneously. : explainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why can you drink half & half cups without refrigeration? : explainlikeimfive

TIL when breastfeeding, the mammary glands will detect pathogens in the baby's saliva and create the needed antibodies for it in the milk. : todayilearned

A six-planet solar system in perfect synchrony has been found in the Milky Way : science
Six-planet solar system in perfect synchrony found in Milky Way | AP News

Vitamin B12-folic acid supplementation improves memory by altering mitochondrial dynamics, dendritic arborization, and neurodegeneration in old and amnesic male mice (Nov 2023) : science

The worlds strongest material could be used to make clean drinking water .. The two-dimensional carbon material, made from single layers of graphite, a material mined from the ground, is extremely lightweight, conductive, and flexible, and has the potential to deliver transformational technologies across industries, from electronics to transportation.

People with personality traits such as conscientiousness, extraversion and positive affect are less likely to be diagnosed with dementia than those with neuroticism and negative affect, according to a new analysis. : science

Young individuals with autism not only experience heightened daily stress but also tend to employ less effective emotional regulation strategies compared to their non-autistic peers. : science

Turtleboy blogger could face more charges in witness intimidation case involving Karen Read trial, special prosecutor says

ELI5: Why do people of Meth look like their mouth got smaller? : explainlikeimfive

What was cool in 2013 but not anymore in 2023? : AskReddit


Solar storm to hit Earth on November 30, will disrupt mobile communication : worldnews

First plane using only sustainable fuel flies across Atlantic | The Hill

Working more than 55 hours a week kills 750,000 people a year worldwide : worldnews

Australia: Pro-Palestinian protesters blocked hotel where families of hostages staying : worldnews

Australian Federal government moves to ban Nazi salute after spike in anti-Semitism, racism : worldnews
NSW drug law overhaul would allow six marijuana plants for personal use : worldnews

US military aircraft with eight aboard crashes off Japan island : worldnews

Koreas total fertility rate during the third quarter stood at 0.7, the lowest-ever for a third quarter

Putin accuses the West of trying to dismember and plunder Russia in a ranting speech
Putin wont make peace in Ukraine before 2024 US election ... Trump, who is seeking reelection in 2024 and is the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, has been sharply critical of U.S. support for Kyiv.

Ex-US Marine Paul Whelan Assaulted in Russian Prison, Family Says : worldnews

Draft bill seeks loyalty agreement from foreigners entering Russia

India jubilant as all trapped workers rescued from Himalayan tunnel : worldnews

Gay couple in Nepal becomes the 1st to officially register same-sex marriage in the country : worldnews

Saudi Arabia has intercepted Houthi missiles aimed at Israel, Der Spiegel reports : worldnews
Saudi Arabia wins bid for 2030 world fair, beating Italy, S. Korea : worldnews

Somali Pirates Tried to Hijack an Israeli-Owned Ship. Security Officials Are Perplexed. : worldnews

Russia Takes Control of Iraqs Biggest Oil Discovery in 20 Years

Iran execution of child condemned by UN human rights office : worldnews

Biden warned Bibi Israel cant operate in southern Gaza the way it did in north

Netanyahu: Dont accuse me of boosting Hamas with Qatari money
Von der Leyen: Now or never for Israel-Palestine solution

Israeli troops in northern Gaza targeted with bombs, in apparent breach of truce : worldnews

Israeli official says truce can be extended as long as lists of hostages provided daily : worldnews
Israel remains focused on crushing Hamas even with a cease-fire : worldnews

Freed Hamas captives tell of fear, squalor and hunger : worldnews
Released Thai hostage says Israelis held with him were beaten with electric cables : worldnews

Hamas Hands Youngest Israeli Hostage, a Ten-Month-Old Infant, to Separate Terror Group in Gaza, IDF Says : worldnews
Israeli girl released from Hamas captivity now only whispers, says her father
Hamas announces death of youngest hostage Kfir Bibas : worldnews ... 10 month old.

Mom of Gaza hostage: Red Cross acting as Uber service for the released, not visiting those held

Eschaton: War Is Bad It's the job of the self-appointed guardians of the rules-based international order to prevent things like the slaughter of thousands of innocents under their watch. The mentality of the people who think Israel needs to be allowed some slaughter, as a treat, in response to the Hamas massacre and hostage taking, is the same as the mentality that led to our post-9/11 forever war.

Hamas to release two Russian hostages in act of appreciation to Putin

There are 2 million Nazis in West Bank, says Israeli Finance Minister

Released Palestinian terrorist refuses to leave Israeli jail : worldnews

Ukraine tells Nato it wont back down in Russia fight
We have no choice but to give Ukraine everything it needs to succeed in its mission to restore sovereignty and control of its borders: anything less will be our failure" Pavel, a former NATO Military Committee chair, commented.
The wife of Ukraines spy chief, Lt Gen Kyrylo Budanov, is being treated in hospital for suspected poisoning with heavy metals, a Ukrainian intelligence source has confirmed to the BBC.
Ukraine joins European power grid, boosts electricity trade - After years of technical and political efforts, Ukraine completed a historic synchronization project with continental Europe.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 644, Part 1 (Thread #790) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 29.11.2023 : ukraine
November was Russias worst month for casualties since the war began, UK says ... An average of 931 Russian troops were killed or wounded per day this month
A Russian soldier says his regiment lost over 1,000 men in just 10 days of fighting in Ukraine : worldnews
As reported, Russian Major General Vladimir Zavadsky, Deputy Commander of the 14th Army Corps, was killed. Presumably he was killed by a mine.

Ukrainian forces have made new advances near Krynky, Kherson region. There are reports of heavy Russian casualties in this area in the last couple of days

Finland draws line in Arctic snow, closing entire border with Russia : worldnews

Putting Orban in his place: EU has options - up to elimination of veto : worldnews

Employees can be banned from wearing headscarves, top EU court rules : worldnews

Ukraine Support of Existential Importance to Europe, Says Scholz
Pope strips anti-gay US cardinal of his Vatican apartment and salary : worldnews

German intelligence warns of heightened terror risk : worldnews
Germany records over 300% increase in antisemitic incidents : worldnews

Yoga sect leader Gregorian Bivolaru and followers arrested in France : worldnews

Forever chemicals found in drinking water sources across England Expert salarmed after potentially toxic chemicals detected in sources at 17 of Englands 18 water firms

Incoming Argentina president Javier Milei converting to Judaism : worldnews

Three assassinations plotted by India on Canadian soil: US indictment : worldnews

U.S. intelligence officials push India to prosecute those behind Sikh assassination plot in U.S. - The Washington Post ordered the assassination of a Sikh separatist in New York City in May, U.S. prosecutors alleged
Cardin: News of foiled New York assassination plot disturbing

Joe Biden Retakes Lead from Donald Trump in Latest National 2024 Poll : politics

U.S. GDP grew at a 5.2% rate in the third quarter, even stronger than first indicated : politics

Number of Suicides in the US in 2022 Reaches Record Level : news

Life expectancy in 2022 - Lawyers, Guns & Money Life expectancy in the United States has begun to climb again as the threat of Covid-19 has receded, increasing by more than a year from 2021 to 2022, according to data released on Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... Despite having one of the worlds most robust stores of vaccines, the United States struggled to vaccinate as many people against Covid and especially older people as other large and wealthy nations did. And it fell behind in administering booster shots, too, leaving it more vulnerable as the Omicron wave swept the country.

Eschaton: Tom and Tom Can't give him his second mustache this week. Today: Pay particular attention to that last point: a revamped Palestinian Authority is the keystone for the forces of moderation, coexistence and decency triumphing in all three wars. It is the keystone for reviving a two-state solution.

Is anti-Zionism now inherently anti-Semitism? - Lawyers, Guns & Money Chuck Schumer more or less says it is:
Opinion | Chuck Schumer: What American Jews Fear Most - The New York Times

Why Senate Dems are prepared to swallow a border policy compromise - POLITICO In addition to helping embattled US allies, Senate Dems believe changes could help cool border politics in battleground states ahead of 2024.

Should Sotomayor and Kagan resign next summer? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - (1) The chances of the Democrats holding the Senate next November are between slim and none. Currently, the seven seats most likely to flip are all held by Democrats. You have to get to Ted Cruz in Texas before you get to a somewhat vulnerable Republican. Basically the Dems are going to be drawing to an inside straight here. s

After blocking hundreds of promotions, Tuberville said the US hasthe weakest military than weve probably had in my lifetime

Bait and switch: Liz Cheney book tears into Mike Johnson over pro-Trump January 6 brief

How Humiliating: Critics Taunt Groveling Kevin McCarthy Over Trump Revelation
Kevin McCarthy Unlocks New Level of Embarrassment With Claim That America Never Acquired Land Via War The former House Speaker appears to know very little about U.S. history
Its Official: Mike Johnson Is Even Less Competent Than Kevin McCarthy Was

Hunter Biden is calling House Republicans bluff
Republicans Reject Hunter Bidens Offer of Public Testimony
Republicans Trip Over Their Own Assholes Trying to Take Down Hunter Biden : politics
Ranking Member Raskins Statement on Chairman Comers Rejection of Hunter Bidens Public Testimony
AOC Says Republicans Would Be Humiliated If Hunter Biden Hearing Was Public

Mike Lee Acknowledges Jan. 6 Rioter Was Probably Not A Fed | HuffPost Latest News The Utah Republican had amplified a false claim that a Trump supporter at the U.S. Capitol riot was actually an undercover government agent.

Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch to Be Deposed in $2.7B Smartmatic Election Lawsuit : politics

If Trump Wins Again, There May Be No Stopping Him: If a presidential candidate is telling you that he wants to end the republic, believe him. : politics
Trump lawyers ID election denials Patient Zero: Russianinterference

Were seeing a cognitive decline - The View host Sunny Hostin rips Trumps public blunders ... He talked about golden showers at a rally ... at a high school
Trumps aberrant behavior is getting worse. Why are Americans ignoring his decline?
Why Is the Mainstream Media Ignoring Trumps Cognitive Decline?
Trump Furiously Denies Hes Cognitively Impaired

Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill. | Trump wasnt supposed to be moving significant amounts of money around without notifying a court-appointed auditor. He just got caught paying himself so he could pay his taxes.

Ex-Federal Prosecutor Thinks Trumps Lawyers Doomed Him With Latest Dumb Move

Trump says he never swore to support the Constitution so he can run again

Trump tells one truth on Truth Social - Lawyers, Guns & Money One distinctive feature of Trump is that while he lies all the time he also is willing to tell the truth when other Republicans are trained to lieThe latest example of the latter is his candor that Republicans still hate the ACA and will probably repeal it if they get a trifecta in 2025:

Trump doubles down, saying Obamacare Sucks and must be replacedcongressional Republicans are divided on whether to pick that battle again after they tried and failed to eliminate the law in 2017.

Trump Rallies are Tutorials in Hate, Vulgarity, and Disrespect : politics

I dont understand why everyones commenting on Melanias attire at Rosalyn Carters funeral.

Mike Pence: My Son Had to Remind Me Not to Let Trump Steal the Election : politics ... And then he had to consult with fucking Dan Quayle, a conservative judge, the greatest legal mind of a generation his own goddamn son and he then came to the conclusion that he cant do something that literally no one has ever believed the Vice President could honestly do.

If Trump convicted, Home Depot billionaire says hed still likely fund campaign

Students for Trump founder arrested, accused of striking girlfriend with gun - Ryan Fournier, 27, charged with domestic assault on a female and assault with a deadly weapon over incident in North Carolina
Students for Trump Founder Ryan Fournier charged with aggravated assault : politics

Its a good thing most women dont want to date Trump voters

No Labels is a crypto-Trumpist operation - Lawyers, Guns & Money More excellent work here from Thomas Edsall, who lays out how No Labels, a Nancy Jacobson-Mark Penn joint, is planning to try to get Donald Trump elected ... Yet another fun fact is that No Labels itself appears to be something of an authoritarian cult, which might explain its abiding if technically closeted affection for Donald Trump ... Crypto-fascists are in many ways worse than open fascists, because their lies are especially destructive of liberal democracy. They should be treated accordingly.
They consider it leakage - Lawyers, Guns & Money You gotta know that a guy who raises money to help you pack the federal courts with neoconfederate cranks, even if you take care of him real well, I mean, hes gonna steal a little bit extra for himself.

The evidence is growing that MAGA celebrity comes at a political cost - The Washington Post Biden is trying to tie the GOP to Rep. Lauren Boebert, who embodies the perverse political incentives in the modern Republican Party
Biden targets GOP Rep. Boebert in her district in a fresh political attack on Republicans : politics

House GOP appears to have the votes to expel Santos : politics

Texans leaving the state as property taxes climb : politics

Arizona officials charged with allegedly conspiring to delay midterm election outcome - The Washington Post
Tensions build at Arizona farms as foreign firms exploit unregulated water | AP News : news

LGBTQ groups sue over Iowa law banning library books and gender identity discussions The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Iowa Safe Schools, an organization that advocates for LGBTQ children, and seven Iowa students and their families.

Recount confirms single vote win for Whitehorn in Caddo Sheriffs race

Mysterious woman tells school board that Scholastic book sparked porn addiction - "A Single Kiss"

Eschaton: Car Brain On Fox Car Brain On Fox - What is wrong with these people ... Putting speed limiters in car would be great, though if people thought "defund the police" was bad politically ...
Kat Abu on X: "Fox News is telling its viewers that speeding is a constitutional right:" / X Fox News is telling its viewers that speeding is a constitutional right:

Elon Musk has boosted the pizzagateconspiracy theory five times in the last two weeksA new iteration ofpizzagate has focused on unfounded claims that journalists were part of the conspiracy theory.
Musk boosts Pizzagate meme in latest controversial tweet on X - The Washington Post The far-right theory motivated a gunman to fire multiple rounds inside the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Northwest Washington in 2016. Musk boosted the theory to his 164 million followers anyway.
Elon endorses Pizzagate - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Elon Musk deletes Pizzagate meme following widespread backlash

The Washington Post Will Pause Its Advertising on X : technology

New Stable Video Diffusion AI model can animate any still image

Eschaton: "Boring Company" Is Just A Really Dumb Idea ... Doesn't require much more explanation than that. The initial promise of it, really, was that Musk had somehow improved tunneling speeds/costs. He did this by (essentially) writing on a napkin, "make tunnel machine faster," and then got a bunch of writeups about it from the usual sycophants in the press.

TIL that horizontal collaborationFrench women sleeping with German occupierswas a major contributor to young men joining the French Resistance

Kids who feel their parents are less reliable take fewer risks vital to learning and growth. New research suggests children without predictable support from the adults in their lives are less willing to take risks to explore and learn about the world and reap those rewards.

Eli5: what exactly is scientifically problematic in regards to define whether a virus is a living entity or not? : explainlikeimfive ... Viruses are therefore an entity which is alive for part of its life cycle and nonliving for part of its life cycle. (life-death)

Newborn babies can perceive the beat in music but not simply due to the statistical learning ability of newborns, instead that beat perception is actually a separate cognitive mechanism that is already active at birth : science (see amusia)

How and when to take gabapentin - NHS Brand name: Neurontin
Gabapentin as a potential option for treatment of sciatica - PubMed
Gabapentin: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Warnings -

5 Ways to Help Prevent Your Sciatica From Flaring Up: Richard B. Kim, MD: Neurosurgery

8 Foam Rolling Moves Thatll Remove Every Bit of Stress in Your Body
Foam Rolling: Applying the Technique of Myofascial Release | NASM

Stealing overtime was common for years in Mass. State Police, retired trooper testifies

CCC Political Satire Website : CambridgeMA
CCC - Cambridge Conservatives Coalition - Home

How to report dangerous driving as a cyclist? : CambridgeMA

What's a lace-curtain Irish motherfucker? : boston

Group of Trader Joes workers in Hadley pushes to decertify new union

What is a bad habit that a shocking amount of people have? : AskReddit


Too little, too late: the desperate search for cod babies Historically, it was overfishing that hurt the much-prized fish but now rising ocean temperatures are inhibiting the fishs ability to produce codlings at all

Toxic gas putting millions at risk in Middle East, BBC finds : worldnews

EV Sales Break Records | Financial News : worldnews

Egypt Wiped Out Hepatitis C. Now It Is Trying to Help the Rest of Africa. : worldnews ... Egypt has shown that dramatic improvements in public health are possible when drugs are priced affordablyand a government makes an effort to systematically deploy them

Vaping: Australia to ban disposable vape products from January : worldnews

South Korea court sentences 68-year-old man to 14 months in jail for praising the North in a poem : worldnews (unification)
South Korea turns to blind-dating in time of low birth rates : worldnews

North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon : worldnews

Most Taiwanese do not view US as trustworthy but majority believe in its securitycommitment

Members of Hong Kong pro-democracy party League of Social Democrats face 26 charges over fundraising, banners : worldnews
Hong Kong October home prices drop to lowest since March 2017 : worldnews

Russian soldiers increasingly using bribery to avoid combat or to be discharged after injury
Intercepted calls from the front lines in Ukraine show a growing number of Russian soldiers want out : worldnews

Trapped miners in the Himalayas saved by drill : worldnews
Indian rescuers break through debris to reach 41 men trapped in tunnel : worldnews
Reuters: Russia's oil trade with India faces currency obstacle. Russias oil trade with India, one of its leading buyers, faces an obstacle due to payments in currency other than the dollar, Reuters reported on Nov. 27, citing undisclosed sources.

Undercover filming highlights Saudi plan to artificially raise oil demand : worldnews

CNN: Missiles fired from Yemen toward US warship that responded to attack on commercial tanker : worldnews

The US used a contentious surveillance power to disrupt Irans weapons program
Violence Against Women Systematic In Islamic Republic, Activists Say

Fourth group of hostages released by Hamas as Gaza ceasefire extended by 48 hours : worldnews

Hamas cannot continue to rule Gaza, says EU foreign affairs chief. Josep Borrell says Hamas is a terrorist organisation and calls for return of Palestinian Authority to Gaza. : worldnews

Freed Israeli hostage describes deteriorating conditions while being held by Hamas : worldnews
Three-year-old-twins among hostages released by Hamas - BBC News : worldnews
2 mothers and 9 children: Hamas said to hand Israeli hostages over to Red Cross : worldnews ... Five fathers left behind.
First on CNN: Father describes how his young daughter Emily Hand survived Hamas captivity : worldnews
Aunt says Hamas forced 12-year-old hostage to watch videos of atrocities, aimed gun at him when he cried : worldnews

Women held hostage by Hamas in Gaza kept in cages - report : worldnews ... Most of them received half a slice of bread twice a day

The Oslo Accords, which aimed to bring "peaceful coexistence" to Israel and the Palestinians, are now dead, one of the deal's architects, Norwegian peace worker Jan Egeland : worldnews

Keep waving: Daily Hamas propaganda clips show freed hostages forced goodbyes
Palestinian Authority minister: Hamass October 7 massacre of Israelis heroic

Eschaton: LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU Israeli leaders at all levels have been releasing the most absolutely psycopathic genocidal statements for a month now, which most US politicians pretend not to hear, and Bibi's just like "Hahaha that stupid Joe does whatever I want and there will never be a two state solution."

We will continue with this support as long as it is necessary. This support is of existential importance. For Ukrainebut also for us in Europ -- eNone of us want to imagine what even more serious consequences it would have for us if Putin won this war.
NATO chief says Ukraine inflicting heavy losseson Russian forces
Wife of Ukraines spymaster hospitalised after presumed poisoning attempt
Kyiv Confirms Poisoning of Intel Chief Budanovs Wife

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 643, Part 1 (Thread #789) : worldnews

Russian losses through 2023-11-28 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Although modest, this advance likely represents one of the greatest Russian gains since spring 2023. It has cost the units involved thousands of casualties.

Russias Powerful Invisible Defenses Around Sevastopol Rendered Visible - Electromagnetic Warfare a major cause of Ukrainian drone losses, making them to lose control or miss their target.

Ukraine Has New Way to Get Grain to World Despite Russias Threat in Black Sea

Europe is guzzling diesel from India, a key buyer of Russian oil : worldnews

Tesla sues Sweden over postal strike: The electric carmaker has asked the courts to impose a fine of $96,000 if Sweden fails to ensure license plates for new cars : worldnews

Spain ready to sign a deal with Britain on Gibraltar as early as Wednesday - minister : worldnews

Zero tolerance for antisemitism: Tens of thousands march against hate in London

Brazil moves troops to Venezuela border : worldnews

Trudeau offended Israel with call for "maximum restraint" says Israeli president : worldnews (Bibifucker)
Canadian life expectancy falls for third year in a row in 2022: StatCan : worldnews

Stop the price-gouging: Biden hits corporations over high consumer costs

No, TikTok, Joe Biden Doesnt Control the Price of a Quarter Pounder

Schumer vows to break Tubervilles military promotions blockade by end of 2023

The Supreme Court case seeking to shut down wealth taxes before they even exist : politics

Nominations - Lawyers, Guns & Money The single most important thing a president does is nominate judges. We now know that, long after conservatives realized this. But Biden has really slowed down his nominations, both in terms of judges and other nominations. This is terrible and it needs to change stat.

GOP faces ominous signs in effort to avoid January shutdown : politics

Mike Johnson Spoke to George Santos About His Options Right Around the Time Santos Accused His Colleagues of Being Drunk Felons Who Have Sex With Lobbyists Every Night

Hunter Biden agrees to testify publicly before the House Oversight Committee : politics

Major news outlets gave much less coverage to Trumps vermin attack than they did Clintons deplorables remark -- Huge disparities mark coverage in national broadcast, cable, and print outlets ... 18 times more coverage

Pence told Jan. 6 special counsel harrowing details about 2020 aftermath, warnings to Trump: Sources : politics

Georgia prosecutors oppose plea deals for Trump, Meadows and Giuliani : politics

Trumps climate plan: Kill us all even faster ... also his Health Plan, Domestic Plan, and Foreign Policy

Donald Trump will testify again at his New York fraud trial : politics

Judge denies Trumps effort to subpoena Jan. 6 records

Donald Trump rages at Fox News coverage of election rival : politics

No Guardrails: Experts sound alarm about Trumps plot for radica second term. Trump will send the military to attack protesters, If he's elected in 2024.
Donald Trump says he never swore oath

Press: Donald Trump is the biggest loser in American politics : politics

Crazy: Trump pardon of Kushner pal is a taste of tough on crime presidency

DeSantis aide lay dead or dying outside governors office for 24 minutes

Antagonisms flare as red states try to dictate how blue cities are run : politics

Texas abortion case goes before state's highest court, as more women join lawsuit : politics

What is no-fault divorce, and why do some conservatives want to get rid of it? : politics

Portland Teachers End Strike After Winning Higher Wages and Smaller Class Sizes : politics

In the battle over books, who gets to decide what's age-appropriate at libraries? : politics

A Quarter Century of School Shootings - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What Happens to a School Shooter's Sister? - Twenty-five years ago, Kristin Ki nkel brother, Kip, killed their parents and opened fire at their high school. Today, she is close with Kipand still reckoning with his crimes.

Robert De Niro says anti-Trump speech censored at Gotham awards ceremony : politics ... Jon Stewart says fuck apple, and now Deniro


Climate change triggered by massive volcanic eruptions may have ultimately set the stage for the dinosaur extinction, challenging the traditional narrative that a meteorite alone delivered the final blow to the ancient giants. : science

Worlds biggest iceberg moving beyond Antarctic waters

US workers earned $21,400 more due to the 1970 Clean Air Act : technology

COP28: UAE planned to use climate talks to make oil deals : worldnews

Climate protest: More than 100 arrested at worlds largest coal port In Australia

State of emergency: Once-in-a-century drought in Amazon : worldnews

Weather tracker: Waterspouts off Amalfi coast fuelled by unusually warm conditions | Italy | The Guardian

My baby nearly died warns mum as cases of RSV virus surge

Human case of flu from pigs found in UK : worldnews

Shock as New Zealand axes world-first smoking ban : worldnews ... Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in New Zealand

Drone Attack at Myanmar-China Border Gate Causes Over $14m in Losses : worldnews

Japan complains over South Koreas comfort women ruling in talks

South Korea: Man gets 14-month jail term for praising North in poem : worldnews

N. Korea restoring guard posts, bringing heavy firearms along inter-Korean border : worldnews

China walking pneumonia outbreak: Govt issues urgent advisory to states, UTs for respiratory illness preparedness | India News

India aims to triple coal output from underground mines : worldnews
New video shows trapped laborers alive in Himalayan tunnel but rescue still no closer | CNN : worldnews

Pakistani Taliban threatens to attack Chinas Belt and Road route unless tax paid

Sierra Leone president says calm restored, most leaders of barracks attack detained : worldnews

Kuwaits former defence minister receives jail sentence

Tanker in Middle East safe from attackers after US Navy responds, officials say : worldnews
US destroyer has ballistic missiles fired toward it, after responding to attack on commercial tanker : worldnews

Syrian government forces shelling of a northwestern village Saturday killed at least nine people, including six children, as they picked olives

Iran sues newspaper for publishing morality guard documents : worldnews

Israel and Hamas agree to extend truce for two more days, and free more hostages and prisoners : news
Hamas releases third group of hostages as part of truce, and says it will seek to extend the deal - The Boston Globe

Mass casualty events - Lawyers, Guns & Money The IDF is killing Palestinian civilians at an extraordinary rate: ... The frequent use of 2,000 pound bombs in a densely populated area pretty much settles the question of whether Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties.

Joe Bidens call for two-state solution as PM Netanyahu plans Israel's full force after Gaza truce

Israel, Hamas raise concerns over lists of people due to be freed, says official : worldnews

Russian-Israeli hostage escaped from Hamas but was found and returned byf1 Gazans : news

Released Filipino hostage to get lifetime benefits from Israeli govt

The editor of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz bashed the prime minister for giving the blatant antisemite X owner a PR visit

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the most influential person in Europe in 2023 according to Politico.
Ukraine Thwarts New Russian Drone Attack : worldnews
Germany to supply Ukraine with IRIS-T systems in $1.4 billion package : worldnews
Russian S-400s Moved From NATO Borders to Ukraine Frontline to Offset Losses, UK Defense Ministry Reports : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 642, Part 1 (Thread #788) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 27.11.2023 : ukraine
UK Defense Ministry: Russian casualty rates some of highest over last 6 weeks
Previously, the deadliest reported month for Russia was March 2023 with an average of 776 losses per day, at the height of Russias assault on Bakhmut. (2/4)

Russia Captures Fortified Factory District in #Avdiivka, Ukrainian Troops Reportedly Outgunned - Reports from both sides tell of strong Russian advantages in #artillery, air power and armored vehicles.

Resistance forces blow up a car of Kadyrovs militants near #Melitopol,

In collusion with private entrepreneurs, the officials allegedly stole at least 30% of military food supplies from a warehouse, which were then sold in shops, restaurants, and markets, the bureau said.

Snowstorm causes massive power cuts across Ukraine : worldnews
A very powerful storm in the Black Sea sank buildings in Russian-occupied Crimea, stranded a ship in Russian Krasnodar region and left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity. Sadly, a lot of Ukrainian people on Russian-occupied territories suffer from the horrible weather.

EU is ill-equipped to meet growing global threats : worldnews

Tesla Sues Sweden Over Blocked License Plates, Business Daily DI Reports : worldnews

Swiss city votes to reject basic income experiment : worldnews

Paris mayor quits X platform, calling it a gigantic global sewer

Rishi Sunak agreed migrant deal, Suella Bravermansallies say
UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds : worldnews

Indian High Commissioner urged the Canadian government to release evidence to back up its claim that there was Indias involvement in Nijjars death

US pushes for extension of Gaza pause, but the possibility of war raging again looms large : politics

Sen. Murphy open to placing conditions on aid to Israel, calls civilian death toll in Gaza unacceptable
Sens. Chris Murphy, Bernie Sanders Come Out In Support of Conditions On U.S. Aid to Israel : politics
Bernie Sanders says Israel in violation of international law: Do not have the kill 12,000 people
Eschaton: But You Did Maybe Biden means this, but no one has been working towards this unattainable goal for 20 years. A two-state solution is the only way to guarantee the long-term security of both the Israeli and the Palestinian people.

Biden plans to use Cold War-era law in attempt to lower US prices : politics

As FISA turns 45, time to rethink post-9/11 mass surveillance expansion under Section 702 : technology

The Case That Could Destroy the Government - The Atlantic What was once a fringe legal theory now stands a real chance of being adopted by the Supreme Court.
The Case That Could Destroy the Government : politics

Biden Touts Steps to Ease Inflation as Holiday Shopping Starts - Bloomberg Biden Touts Steps to Ease Inflation as Holiday Shopping StartsAdministration links 2022 inflation surge to supply chains

Biden to Skip U.N. Climate Summit, White House Official Says

Sure, Joe Biden is pretty old: Listen, could you do what hes doing?

Hunter Biden laptop update - Lawyers, Guns & Money Amazing what you can find on that thing!

Team Biden plots attack on Trump over Obamacare : politics

Fox News Reporter Mocked by White House for Making His Own Biden News : politics
Fox News Reporter Mocked by White House for Making His Own Biden News Lucas Tomlinsons segment claimed Biden faced questions about his age on Nantucket. He didnt say he asked the question. ("That's a stupid question")

Trumps Legal Calendar Fills Up the Final Weeks of 2023
Trump is fighting an uphill battle in his fraud trial. But it could be years before penalties kick in.

Trump Has a Master Plan for Destroying the Deep State
With Trump moving closer to renomination, rewriting Jan. 6 attack gains urgency - The Washington Post
"This is in purpose": Experts alarmed after filing reveals shocking extent of Trump-inspired threats : politics

Donald Trump faces Judge Chutkan deadline over classified materials : politics

Trump Doesnt Want to Name His Experts in the Hush Money Case

Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US. A legacy law gives him few guardrails : politics
Trump hints at expanding domestic role for the military within the U.S. : politics

Trumps pardoning of a Kushner-linked drug smuggler undercut a larger DOJ investigation
Kushners Mexican connection

Donald Trump Has to Be Controlled, Attorney Says

Trump, Who Destroyed Roe, Thinks He Can Run As an Abortion Moderate in 2024

MSNBCs Scarborough: TrumpOnly Thinks America is Great When Trump is President

Trump claims he mixed up Obama and Biden in speeches on purpose and got aperfect scoreon a cognitive exam
Trump interview an insult to Hispanic community, ex-Univision head says

MAGA Furious Over Mitt Romney Saying Hed Vote for Democrats

Donations to GOP drop as worries mount about the partys finances

Inside the Operation to Bring Down Trumps Truth Social - The North Atlantic Fella Organization is trying to shut down Trumps flailing social media platform before the 2024 electionby shitposting

Donations have surged to groups linked to conservative Project 2025 : politics

The poison of Trumps intolerant language -- Violent rhetoric is a road to civil war
Ex-GOP Strategist Sounds The Alarm On Classic Step Toward Autocracy

Why voting for third party candidates could be a triumph for Trump in disguise : politics

The insidious rise of 'tradwives': A right-wing fantasy is rotting young menminds

Wisconsins Legislative Maps Are Bizarre, but Are They Illegal? | Wisconsins gerrymandering case has garnered national attention. But a little-explored aspect of the suit the pervasive presence ofSwiss cheesedistricts could have huge ramifications for the outcome.

Matt Gaetz Is Miraculously More Hated Than Ever in Congress. | And thats saying something for a man who was under FBI investigation for allegedly sex-trafficking a minor.

George Santos says hell treat expulsion as a badge of honor as he claims his colleagues are drunkenly having sex with lobbyists every night
The incredible rise and dramatic fall of George Santos : politics

Lauren Boebert mocked for Yass queen tweet to Dolly Parton: she hates you

Sanders private Razorback party at the Governors Mansion cost $13,000, covered by public funds (Crookabee Sanders) s

Conservative voters in Iowa are open to moving on from Trump : politics

When Peter Antonacci was stricken in governors office he lay in hallway 24 minutes before anyone noticed

Kansas Library Removes LGBTQ+ Books in Order to Keep Lease. St. Marys Public Library yielded to city commission demands influenced by the Society of St. Pius X, an anti-LGBTQ+ group, which has sparked concerns over censorship of LGBTQ+ content. : politics

This guy is a charlatan : University of Florida turns against Joe Ladapo - Colleagues say the state surgeon general rarely is on campus and has sullied the reputation of the flagship school.

Jason Eaton: Man arrested over shooting of three Palestinian students : news

33 states accuse Meta of having a big open secretmillions of underage users

New study finds ChatGPT gives better advice than professional columnists : science
A new AI program, GatorTronGPT, that functions similarly to ChatGPT, can generate doctors notes so well that two physicians couldnt tell the difference. This opens the door for AI to support health care workers with improved efficiencies.
Blade Runner director Ridley Scott calls AI a "technical hydrogen bomb" | "we are all completely f**ked" : technology

What Is ChatGPT Doingand Why Does It Work?
Readings on Large Language Models - Lawyers, Guns & Money

ELI5 Why did Richard Nixon end the convertibility of the U.S. dollar to gold as part of the Nixon Shock? : explainlikeimfive

The 2018 false missile alert that sent Hawaii into a state of panic : pics

The Ars guide to time travel in the movies | Ars Technica We picked 20 time-travel movies and rated them by scientific logic and entertainment value.

Beliefs about Emotions Influence How People Feel, Act and Relate to Others | Scientific American Thinking about a range of emotions as friends rather than foes improves the quality of our life

Biontech is planning cancer vaccines before 2030 : technology

A study spanning eight weeks, focuses on girls aged 11 to 14, found that weekly fluctuations in testosterone levels could predict mood changes. : science

TIL that 7 Up contained lithium citrate, a mood-stabilizing drug, until 1948. : todayilearned

Pentadecanoic Acid, a core nutrient found in dairy fat, has demonstrated significant potential in enhancing longevity. Pentadecanoic Acid outperformed three prominent longevity drug candidates rapamycin, metformin, and acarbosein providing extensive cell-repairing benefits.

Open-access article exploring current knowledge on Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) and Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS), two clinical conditions with similar symptomatology and both caused by prescribed drugs. More research is needed on biological markers and therapeutic strategies. : science

Only 2.4 percent of Massachusetts residents do not have health coverage. Its the lowest of any state

TIL the "OMG" cosmic ray was (probably) a proton travelling at 99.99999999999999999999951% of the speed of light. It would take 215,000 years for a photon to gain a 1 centimeter lead on this proton. : todayilearned ... Basically think of x/y on a graph. The faster you are going on the x(space) axis the slower you go on the y (time)axis. Each of us is moving at the speed of light. But we divide that speed between the two axis.

What's the most interesting website/web service/web app youve ever found?
Old Games Download - Abandonware and Retrogaming

Moby Dick Isnt What I Expected

After 151 years, Popular Science will no longer offer a magazine : technology

Mental professionals of reddit, what is the worst mental condition that you know of? : AskReddit

What is a drug/substance youll never do again and why?

what makes life worth it for you? : AskReddit


Thousands march across globe to denounce violence against women on the UN-designated International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women : worldnews

Korean Autopsy Study Reveals Nationwide Rate of Sudden Cardiac Death From mRNA Vaccine at <0.0001% - A final piece to the puzzle

Philippines considers return to fold of International Criminal Court

Indonesian police, fishers start patrols to stop Rohingya boats : worldnews

Myanmar armed group seizes China-Myanmar border crossing : worldnews

Number of kids in Japan feeling suicidal may have increased during pandemic | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News : worldnews

Bedbug infestation fears in Hong Kong spark panic buying of insecticides : worldnews

China says a surge in respiratory illnesses is caused by flu and other known pathogens : worldnews
WHO calls on China to reinstate masks, social distancing and staying home when ill amid mystery pneumonia outbreak : worldnews
Mycoplasma Likely Main Culprit Of Outbreak Of Pediatric Cases Of Pneumonia Worldwide : worldnews
China demands more fever clinics amid pneumonia surge : worldnews
Chinas secretive Sunway Pro CPU quadruples performance over its predecessor, allowing the supercomputer to hit exaflop speeds

Russia says it thwarted Ukrainian drone and missile attack : worldnews

Russian Lawmaker Disputes Report He Adopted Child Taken from Ukraine : worldnews

Russias interior ministry has added the spokesperson of U.S. tech giant Meta Andy Stone to its wanted list, Russian state-owned news agency TASS reported

Blast Reported at Russian Tank Engine Facility, Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant-Uraltrak : ukraine

Sierra Leone imposes nationwide curfew after attack on army barracks : worldnews

Armenia and Saudi Arabia Establish Diplomatic Relations : worldnews

Second tanker reportedly seized by gunmen in Red Sea after Houthi threats : worldnews
Israeli-linked oil tanker seized off the coast of Aden, Yemen, private intelligence firm says : worldnews

Israel allegedly strikes Syrias Damascus International Airport (
Syria says an Israeli airstrike hit the Damascus airport and put it out of service : worldnews

Irans Security Agencies Coerce Muslims to Denounce Jailed Bahai Women
Iran hangs 17-year-old for murder - rights groups : worldnews

Attacks against US troops foiled, say Iraqi security forces : worldnews

Arab states condemn Wilders for push to relocate Palestinians to Jordan : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 42) : worldnews

Israel gets list of 3rd group of Gaza hostages to be freed Sunday, notifies families
Second group of Hamas-held hostages released after hours-long delay; temporary cease-fire holds : worldnews
Hila Rotem released from captivity without her mother, despite Hamas obligation : worldnews
4-year-old US national Abigail Edan 4 released from Hamas captivity. 51 days after being abducted from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Abigail Edan, daughter of Ynet photographer Roy Edan who was killed by Hamas terrorists along with his wife Samdar, returned to Israel : worldnews
Despite Hamas commitment to not separate families of hostages, a 13-year-old girl was released from captivity without her mother, and two children whose father remains in captivity and their mother was murdered. This happened yesterday too.

Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the Gaza Strip today. The Prime Minister was accompanied by Chief of Staff Rabbi Tzachi Braverman, Chief of Staff Rabbi Tzachi Hanegbi, the Prime Minister's military secretary Colonel Avi Gil and Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Amir Baram.

Hamas says it released one Russian hostage at Putins request

Even with a ceasefire, #Hamas continues its psychological warfare on Israel Two days of hostage releases and Two days that it didnt happen according to plan.Hamas is using any method in its arsenal to drag onthis process

Another 200 trucks had been dispatched to the Gaza Strip from Nitzana, Israel, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a statement, with 187 of them having made it past the border by the early evening local time

Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace - Even a conservative assessment of the reported Gaza casualty figures shows that the rate of death during Israels assault has few precedents in this century, experts say.

Hamas onslaught was originally planned for first night of Passover

Fatah official: Oct. 7 is part of our defensive war against Israel, Hamas is part of our political and social fabric

Netanyahu to Qatar: Israel will not assassinate Hamas leaders in country : worldnews
Qatar says location of Hamas leader thought to have planned Oct. 7 attack is unknown : worldnews
Netanyahu in Gaza: Nothing will stop us

Israeli forces fire tear gas at West Bank crowds celebrating release of Palestinian prisoners : worldnews

Irish troops unharmed as Unifil patrol hit by Israeli gunfire in southern Lebanon : worldnews
Irish PM panned for saying freed hostage child Emily Hand found after she was lost ... The tweet from Varadkar did not mention that the 9-year-old Hand had been held hostage for 50 days in Gaza by Hamas terrorists after she was kidnapped from a sleepover with her friend on October 7 during the terror groups devastating attack on Israel.
Irish ambassador to Israel summoned for reprimand

Hamas praises clear, bold stance of Spain, Belgium on Gaza war

Israel kills senior Hamas commanders in underground targeting - Hamas : worldnews

Report: IDF general, Shin Bet head claim settler violence unchecked on Ben Gvirs orders

Al-Qassam confirms the killing of 4 commanders in Gaza : worldnews

Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast : worldnews ... between 20-30% misfire and land in Gaza.

Why Ukraine Can and Will Win
Why Ukraine Can and Will Win : ukraine
General James L. Jones retired four-star Marine Corps general and a former NATO supreme allied commander in Europe: The West Too Cautious AboutGiving Ukraine Weapons That Could Strike Into Russia
Ukraines arms industry boss calls for country to be arsenal of the free world
Ukraine preparing for possibility of war spreading beyond its east and south - Ukraines Joint Forces Commander
Media: Ukraine retaliated against Russia's mass attack with 35-drone-strike : ukraine
Russia offered to end its invasion of Ukraine if it dumped plans to join NATO, but Kyiv feared a double-cross, says negotiator : worldnews
The fact that the Russian MoD appears willing to accept additional risk here highlights the overstretch the war has caused for some of Russias key, modern capabilities. (4/4)
Ukraines risky decision to stay and let Russia bash its forces against Bakhmut came with costs but was worth it

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 641, Part 1 (Thread #787) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 26.11.2023 : ukraine

Based on Magyars latest footage we can assume that at some point and possibly even at this moment Ukrainian forces have widened their hold on the left (South) side of the Dnipro River. The Russian attempt to dislodge Ukrainian troops at this particular area in the east failed.
Nearly dozen Russian soldiers surrender near Avdiivka last night

The Russian invasion army fully captured the southern industrial area of #Avdiivka. Ukrainian troops withdrew to the city itself and Russian forces inside the ruins are getting resupplied with food afoot. Still no indication, Avdiivka wont end like Bakhmut.
This follows an uptick in losses of SA-21 air defence systems in Russian-occupied Ukraine in late October 2023. (2/4)
Ukrainians have developed a drone mothership that launches a smaller FPV to engage enemy targets : ukraine

Pulitzer Prize Winner, Holodomor Enabler: Walter Duranty : ukraine ... In 90 years, the New York Times has not adequately reflected nor atoned for its role in the genocide of Ukrainians.
Eyewitness to the Holodomor - the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932- 1933. Woman from Cherkassy oblast who was 10 at the time. : ukraine

Nearly 500,000 residents in Crimea without electricity, Authorities. [article] : ukraine

Moscow Vows To Respond As Moldova Joins EU Sanctions Against Russia : worldnews

Precarious finances: 38% of Europeans no longer eat three meals a day : worldnews ...36% said I hardly ever heat my home when it's cold

Ministry: 2,100 trucks stuck at Ukraine border due to Polish blockade : ukraine
Polish truckers to start round-the-clock blockade of border crossing on Nov. 27 : ukraine
Gynaecologist charged in Poland with helping patients obtain abortions : worldnews

US group calls popes pick to head Vatican office handling sex abuse allegations troubling

Thousands march in France to condemn violence against women: Many wearing purple, the color of women and gender equality, demonstrators wove through the streets of Paris and other cities, carrying signs reading: "One rape every six minutes in France" and "Protect your girls, educate your boys". : worldnews

March against antisemitism draws 50,000 in London : worldnews
Fivefold rise in number of EU citizens refused entry to UK since Brexit | Immigration and asylum : worldnews

Venezuela denies entry to flight of deportees, Chilean official says : worldnews

Brazil signs on to global climate deal to triple renewable energy : worldnews

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III - I spoke today with Israeli Minister of Defense Gallant about the release of hostages held by Hamas and the temporary pause of Israels operations in Gaza. I emphasized the need to increase humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, and the U.S. focus on containing the conflict to Gaza. State and non-state actors seeking to escalate this conflict must stop.

Biden suggests Hamas attack inspired by US diplomacy with Saudis : politics
Biden administration preparing sanctions against violent Israeli settlers in West Bank : politics

Biden draws parallel between Russia-Ukraine war and Soviet-era famine : worldnews

Biden Wants to Finish The Job on Guns, Abortion Rights and Climate in a Second Term (and weed)

Special counsel investigating Joe Bidens handling of classified material is not expected to bring charges

Trumps vote share in national polls is higher than at any time in the past year.

Job Gains in Construction After Two Years of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law : politics

Voters want control of the border, but do they want Trump immigrant roundups and detention camps? : politics

A N.Y. car crash falsely propagandized asa terror attack symbolized our increasingly Orwellian post-truth world. ... The website Meidas Touch published a list of more than 30 Republican officials or right-wing luminaries who tweeted similar sentiments and occasionally embellished their posts with new made-up details, like the discovery of an Iranian passport at the crash site (led by Fox Fuckers)
Fox News celebrates Thanksgiving : PoliticalHumor

The definitive case for ending the filibuster : politics

Members of Congress Head for the Exits, Many Citing Dysfunction : politics

Romney says any Democrat would be an upgrade over Trump in 2024

House Republicans ratchet up focus on Jan. 6 amid Greene, Trump loyalist pressure : politics (violent traitors are political prisoners)
Widespread election fraud claims by Republicans dont match the evidence

Why Trumps Trials Should Be on TVThe conduct of the trials, their fairness, and their possibly damning verdicts will be at the center of the 2024 election. Transparency is crucial.

Donald Trump Closer and Closer to Losing Freedom: Ex-GOP Congressman

Trump Revives Plan to Dismantle Obamacare if Elected in 2024 : politics

Trumps Pardoning of a Loan Shark Derailed a Federal Investigation: Report

It has to be done: can Reconstruction-era laws hold Trump and allies accountable?

Donald Trump Accuses Key Evangelical Leader of Scamming

As Trump visits Carolina-Clemson game, billboards taunting him await. Heres what they say
Donald Trump greeted by loud boos at South Carolina football game : politics
Trump and Nunes Are Now Selling World Class Wines Loaded With Glycerine. No Joke

A Troubling Trump Pardon and a Link to the Kushners - The New York Times A commutation for a drug smuggler named Jonathan Braun had broader implications than previously known. It puts new focus on how Donald Trump would use his clemency powers in a second term.
A Troubling Trump Pardon and a Link to the Kushners : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greenes Antics Slammed by Democrat: Getting Worse

George Santos Calls Congressman aP*ssyin Scorched Earth Tirade The congressman ranted for more than three hours via a livestream, targeting political "hypocrites" and the upcoming expulsion vote against him.

How school boards became one of democracys front lines

Arkansas Governor puts Christian nationalist on state library board. The Arkansas State Library is both an information resource center for state government and a support system for local public libraries : politics (Fuckabee)

Washington Post Editorial Board to liberal women: Close your eyes and MAGA - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... So, according to the WPEB some liberal women have to marry right wing dirt bags because a bunch of right wing dirt bags said they do.

A Jewish professor at USC confronted pro-Palestinian students. Hes now barred from campus

At Meta, Millions of Underage Users Were an Open Secret, States SayMeta routinely documented children under 13 on Instagram and collected their data, according to a newly unsealed complaint.

The Soviet Roswell, the forgotten UFO crash | by Other World Media | Medium

Feynman, pedagogy, and the two cultures - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The flip side of this is that Feynman, who had a true genius for mathematics, physics, and the pedagogy of the natural sciences, was basically an idiot when it came to other forms of learning. He could see no value in the humanities and social sciences, which is reflected by this:

Spin: Explained : An Introduction to Spin in Quantum Mechanics


World stands on frontline of disaster at Cop28, says UN climate chief : worldnews

Photovoltaic panels are 20 times better than planting trees on an area of land for reducing climate change : science

Over 250,000 have died in a single year just from pollution caused by fine particulate matter, with ozone and nitrogen-dioxide also claiming lives, a new EU report has found : worldnews

Adopt an axolot campaign launches in Mexico to save iconic species from pollution and trout

Australia and Philippines begin joint patrols in South China Sea as regional tensions rise : worldnews

Japan hints at banning Russia from 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo : worldnews
Japan detects season's first bird flu case, to cull 40,000 birds - NHK : worldnews

China accuses US of dangerous provocations after Navy warship sails through Taiwan Strait | CNN

Zhongzhi, one of Chinas major shadow banks, declares itself severely insolvent: The wealth management giant reports a shortfall of $36 billion and warns of the risk of maintaining operations normally

Putin to boost AI work in Russia to prevent Western monopoly | Jefferson City News-Tribune : worldnews

Russia lost 76 passenger aircraft due to sanctions : worldnews

Texty: Russia made over $ 5 bn on stolen harvest in occupied Ukraine : worldnews

Sikh activist accuses India of transnational terrorism after US foils plot to kill him

Egypt to Build Undersea Interconnection Cable with Europe : worldnews

Israeli-owned ship attacked by Iranian drone in Indian Ocean, US defense official says; no injuries : worldnews

Hamas postpones hostages release until Israel complies with terms of agreement ... Israel confirms: Crisis averted, hostage deal to happen in couple of hours

Hamas is set to release 14 Israeli hostages for 42 Israel-held Palestinians in a second truce swap : worldnews

Eschaton: Notable : Both the facts and that the NYT is reporting it this way.
Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Killed at Historic Pace - The New York Times In less than two months, more than twice as many women and children have been reported killed in Gaza than in Ukraine after two years of war.

West Bank: IDF kills terrorist behind several PIJ attacks : worldnews
Armed Palestinian groups in W. Bank reportedly execute two men accused of spying for Israel : worldnews

Israels Communications Minister Threatens Haaretz, Suggests Penalizing Its Gaza War Coverage

Zelensky expects EU to fulfill promise to launch accession talks : worldnews
Swiss President makes surprise Ukraine visit : worldnews
Kyiv Says 13,500 Ukrainians Returned via Russia Route : worldnews
Zelenskyi announced a new comprehensive plan for mobilization in Ukraine.
BBC: 650,000 conscription-aged men have left Ukraine for Europe : worldnews
Ukraine Plans to Launch Army of Robots After Drone Program Success

Russia launches largest drone attack on Ukraine since start of invasion, says Ukrainian military : worldnews
Russian forces have mounted a massive drone attack into northern Ukraine over the last 24 hours. Overnight, the Ukrainian Air Force reportedly downed *74* Russian Shahed-136/131 one-way attack drones.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 640, Part 1 (Thread #786) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 25.11.2023 : ukraine

Newsweek: Ukraine is winning artillery war against Russia. [article] : ukraine

4/ Russian sources claimed that elements of the 188th and 144th brigades are facing extremely poor conditions and a lack of resources while trying to defend the #Krynky area. Ukrainian military officials confirmed that Ukrainian forces maintain positions on the east bank of #Kherson Oblast.
Ukraine now in full control of Kherson Oblasts left bank, forcing Russians to flee from reinforced 'Surovikin'

Each year on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukrainians worldwide commemorate the victims of the HolodomorThis year, as Ukraine continues to defend its sovereignty, remembering the Holodomor through its symbols is a testament to the resilience of the Ukrainian people.

Ukraines Security Service detains traitor who turned in his father to gain position in occupying authorities

Russian woman films Crimean Bridge from her yacht: Ukraines Security Service reveals details of special operation

Russia threatens Moldova with revenge for joining EU sanctions : worldnews

Finland refuses to negotiate with Putin over situation on Russian border : worldnews

Indian student population in German universities skyrockets, outpaces China : worldnews

Rome, Berlin plan massive hydrogen pipeline to Africa : worldnews

Anger across Italy as killing of student highlights countrys femicide rate

The French government has launched a campaign encouraging people not to buy new clothes in Black Friday sales : worldnews

Irelands prime minister condemns anti-immigrant rioters in Dublin

Toyota Truck Ads Banned In UK For Lacking A Sense Of Responsibility To Society
Huw Edwards set to leave BBC after internal inquiry : television

Brazil signs on to global climate deal to triple renewable energy : worldnews

Trudeau blames MAGA influence for stirring debate on Ukraine ... Trump is an avatar for hate
EU and Canada establish a Green Alliance at the Canada-EU Summit : worldnews
EU and US Delay Key Trade Meeting Amid Deadlock in Negotiations : worldnews

Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade Draws Its Biggest TV Audience Ever

Biden calls Friday hostage release only a start and says cease-fire deal has gone well so far
Biden: Conditioning military aid to Israel is a worthwhile thought, hopes Gaza ceasefire can last more than four days

Eric Swalwell Fact-Checks 3 Republicans Over Bridge Crash Misinformation | Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna and Kari Lake all rushed to suggest the Rainbow Bridge incident was an act of terror. : politics (and Fux)

Opinion | Cass Sunstein On Why He Is a Liberal - The New York Times By Cass R. Sunstein
Opinion | Why I Am a Liberal : politics

A note on polls - Lawyers, Guns & Money

36 percent of voters say American dream still holds true: Poll : politics

Mike Johnson Spent Years Defending Christian Speech In Schools. The ultimate goal of the enemy is silencing the Gospel, the Republican said in 2004 after Jewish parents sued a school for pushing Christianity on their kids.
House Speaker Mike Johnson applauded idea of making gay sex illegal

Three general election debates are scheduled for 2024. Neither party has committed to attending : politics

One way Trump is fighting history: Election losers usually lose the rematch, too : politics

Fake elector probes in 2020 swing states could spell more trouble for Trump
The poison continues to spread: legal losses fail to quell election denial hotbed

Donald Trumps latest legal filing tired and laughable - attorney
Donald Trump's Lawyers Say That False Statements Are Free Speech : politics

Trumps Attacks On Judge and Law Clerk Triggers Hundreds Of Threats: Report
Trump lawyers dismiss death threats asirrelevant to federal gag order

Aileen Cannon may have just "screwed" Donald Trump: Legal analyst : politics

New Book Divulges Trumps Privat eColorful Language On Evangelicals

Donald Trumps Aura HasPeeled Away, Says Top Republican Donor

Donald Trump ally responds to rape accusations : politics

Donald Trump's Lawyers Say That False Statements Are Free Speech : politics

Rep. Dean Phillips wont run for reelection amid presidential bid

Could Haley Really Beat Trump? Big Donors Are Daring to Dream. : politics

DeSantis super PAC head quits, latest blow to struggling Republicans presidential bid

Santos says he expects to be expelled from House : politics
I enjoyed this story about how George Santos cut his teeth in a Queens boiler room:

Citing constitutional separation of power, Ga. Supreme Court declines action on DA oversight rules : politics

Trump wont need more Black votes. He just needs Black voters to stay home again.

5 states where the abortion fight is likely to play out next : politics ... South Dakota, Missouri, Nevada, Florida, and Arizona

What do Utahs special congressional election results say about the GOPs grip on Utah? ... Utah is a theocracy masquerading as a state.

A biolab was operating in a California city. Heres what a congressional committee found

It was stunning: Bipartisan anger aimed at Medicare Advantage care denials - A bipartisan group of lawmakers is increasingly concerned that insurance companies are preying on seniors.

Derek Chauvin, former officer convicted in George Floyds killing, stabbed in prison, reports say

Advertisers continue to flee Elon - Lawyers, Guns & Money It turns out that brands dont like being associated with racist conspiracy theorists:

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,488 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Richard Feynman.

CREDO: My View on the Three Interconnected Vengeful Male Sky God Cults

Microdosing psychedelics shows promise for improving mindfulness in adults with ADHD : science

What we actually know about aliens, according to science - The Washington Post

A cheap and widely available prescription drug -amitriptyline- can improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in patients seen in general practitioner surgeries : science

Scrub-a-Dub in a Medieval Tub - JSTOR Daily Contrary to popular misconceptions, Europeans in the Middle Ages took pains to keep themselves clean.

The #1 U.S City where Millennials Are Moving : boston

What legendary YouTube channel doesnt make videos anymore?

How TikTok became a place for tattletales | Mashable TikTok is a relatively anonymous place compared to other social media


Scientists baffled after extremely high-energy particle detected falling to Earth : worldnews

A23a: Worlds biggest iceberg on the move after 30 years

Calls to oust U.N. official over Australian trip funded by Palestinian lobby groups - UN Watch : worldnews
UN rapporteur for Palestine Francesca Albanese was allegedlypaid to be in Australia to spout hate against Israel

Japan ordered to compensate wartime comfort women A South Korean court has ordered Japan to compensate a group of women who were forced to work in military brothels during World War II
Japan ordered to compensate wartime comfort women

South Korea and Boeing to Research Long-Endurance Military Drones : worldnews
South Koreas canine farmers protest proposed ban on dog meat

Australian warship HMAS Toowoomba sailed through sensitive Taiwan Strait close to China : worldnews

China says no unusual pathogens found after WHO queries respiratory outbreaks : worldnews
No unusual virus behind rising Pneumonia cases China has clarified, reveals WHO

Kremlin are inexplicably concerned over the outcome ofRussias elections next year

Show only replies to original poster.

Missing Ukrainian child traced to Putin ally : worldnews

Putin pardons two cannibals because they fought against Ukraine : worldnews

Russian aviation on verge of collapse due to sanctions, Ukraine announces after successful hack

Oscar Pistorius to be freed on parole : worldnews

Human Rights Watch under fire for allegedly accepting millions in Qatar funds : worldnews ... This is now the third time HRW has been caught taking money from totalitariansall of whom hate HRWs biggest target: Israel.

Execution of Another Protester Sparks Outrage Among Iranians : worldnews

Egypt president says future Palestinian state could be demilitarized : worldnews

Hamas hostage deal - 24 women, 15 teenage boys to be freed from jail : worldnews
13 hostages from Gaza now with Red Cross, making way toward Israel : worldnews
Red Cross in Gaza says Israeli hostages delivered to them : worldnews
Confirmed: Hamas releases 12 Thai hostages : worldnews

IDF completes preparations for ceasefire, destroys Shifa tunnels : worldnews
Gaza war to continue for at least two more months: Israel Defence Minister : worldnews

Israels election poll: Netanyahus Likud and far-right parties in unstoppable downhill

Gaza war increases risk of Islamist attacks in Europe, security officials say : worldnews

Global womens rights groups silent as Israeli women testify about rapes by Hamas

2 Palestinians killed, 11 wounded trying to reach north Gaza despite IDF warnings

Canada Commits Nearly $1 Billion for Military Aid to Ukraine : ukraine
Canada will transfer 11 000 assault rifles and 9 million rounds of small ammunition to Ukraine
Denmark will increase aid to Ukraine by more than 3.15 billion euros by 2027
Finland may increase aid to Ukraine in 2024
German ambassador: New Patriot air defense system to arrive in Ukraine this winter

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 639, Part 1 (Thread #785) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 24.11.2023 : ukraine

Russia Facing Mass Casualties from Ukrainian Strikes Behind Lines, UK Ministry Says
Ukraine likely took out over 70 Russians in a precision strike 14 miles behind the front line, UK intel says : worldnews
Trucks Full of Wounded - Russian Soldier Reveals Huge Casualties in Avdiivka
Russian Troops Plead for Rotation After Losing 3 Companies from Ukrainian Bridgeheads : worldnews

Ukraine aims a major drone attack at Crimea : worldnews
Russian and Chinese executives discuss Russia-Crimea tunnel project : worldnews

Finland closes passenger border crossings with Russia : worldnews

Estonia accuses Russia of weaponising illegal immigration at Europes borders

Romania not ready for legal recognition of same-sex couples, PM says : worldnews

Authorities launch probe after at least 85 Jewish graves damaged in Belgian cemetery : worldnews

4 years of climate change denial: Dutch environmental groups react to far-right election swing

An agency created an AI model who earns up to $11,000 a month because it was tired of influencers who have egos - Spain
An agency created an AI model who earns up to $11,000 a month ... We can realistically create an economy that requires no humans whatsoever in the next 50 years. Which I guess also could be an approach to Climate Change.

Violent protests in Dublin after woman and children injured in knife attack : worldnews
It was pure instinct: Brazilian Deliveroo driver tells of moment he stopped Parnell Street attacker
Caio Benicio, Heroic Brazilian, Stopped the Dublin Stabbing That Led to Far Right Riot It turns out, the man who stopped him was Brazilian.
Irish police chief warns of further disruption by far right after Dublin riot : worldnews

UK net migration hit new record high in 2022 in latest blow for Sunak | Reuters
Fury as Jewish BBC staff are banned from attending anti-Semitism march despite many colleagues going on pro-Palestine rallies

President-Elect Milei says will move Argentine embassy to Jerusalem : worldnews

Growing Numbers of Chinese Migrants Cross U.S. Southern Border - The New York Times More than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined.

FBI ends investigation of car wreck at Niagara Falls bridge, no indication of terrorism : news

Biden in Thanksgiving message calls for unity above politics:Stop the rancor
Pipe down: Biden allies step up calls for Dems to rally around president

Bidens Israel-Hamas war stance seems to be really hurting him with Democratic voters

Biden proposes ban on cable cord-cutting fees : politics

"Powerful influence of wealthy lobbyists": Right-wing group pressures lawmakers on pro-Israel bills - ALEC, the group behind a wave of bills to crack down on Israel boycotts, urges states to unconditionally back war : politics

Tuberville blockade keeps first female superintendent from Naval Academy : politics

Our unelected monarchy makes a joke of our democracy : politic s (SC)

All horse race, no substance: The nations major papers continue to endanger democracy

Johnsons Release of Jan. 6 Video Feeds Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories

Markwayne Mullin defends conduct:Every now and then, you need to get punched in the face

Newly released Jan. 6 footage does not show a federal agent flashing his badge while undercover : politics

Donald Trump stung by court filing on Thanksgiving : politics

DOJ Points to New York for Examples of Trumps Alarming Hate

Donald Trump Losing Every Day Hes in Court: Michael Cohen

Trump Has a Plan for Massively Increasing Inflation : politics

Newsmax Airs Alarming Discussion of Civil War With Federal Government : politics

Andrew Cuomo accused of sexual harassment in new lawsuit filed by former executive assistant Brittany Commisso - CBS News
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed at least 13 women, DOJ says
Cuomo Created Sexually Hostile Workplace, Says Justice Department - Investigators found that the executive staff of Andrew Cuomo, the former governor, prioritized protecting him rather than the women accusing him of sexual harassment.

History shows House expulsions are rare. Will GOP Rep. George Santos join the list? : politics

Ohio voters just passed abortion protections. Whether they take effect is now up to the courts : politics

The Missouri governor is granting pardons at a pace not seen since the World War II era : politics

Baltimore City Council Joins More Than 100 Localities in Support of Medicare for All : politics

Immigrants embody the Texas spirit. So why does Abbott and the GOP vilify them? : politics

Floridas Don't Say Gay law could be coming to workplaces next

U.S. Senate candidates family business found liable in egg price-fixing

Judge rejects attempt to enshrine abortion rights on Nevada ballot | The Hill

Democratic cities brace for a nightmare winter housing migrants - POLITICO

NYU Langone Fired Him for His Anti-Hamas Posts. He s Suing. The lawsuit, filed by the director of a cancer center, comes amid debate over how companies handle employees' public remarks about the Israel-Hamas war.

Lucid CEO: $50,000 Model 3, Model Y Competitor Coming Sooner Than You Think : technology

X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out - The New York Times Internal documents show companies like Airbnb, Coca-Cola and Microsoft have halted ads, or may do so, after Elon Musks endorsement of an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Trader Joes Follows SpaceX in Arguing US Labor Board Is Unconstitutional

Tiffany Haddish Arrested for DUI in Beverly Hills : television

Is This the Worlds Highest-Grossing Photograph? Girls in the Windows

ELI5: How do holograms work, especially the idea that if you have a small part of a holographic image you can recreate the whole. : explainlikeimfive

In virtual offices, people share less equally compared to surreal places. This finding is crucial for virtual meetings, as different settings can significantly influence behavior, impacting decisions and interactions. : science

6,770 unearthed animal bones whisper tales of Iron Age sacrifices | Researchers uncovered the bones underneath a building once home to the Tartessians. : science

Mysterious cosmic ray observed in Utah came from beyond our galaxy, scientists say : news
Scientists have just detected the second most powerful cosmic ray but explaining its origin might require some new physics. It had an estimated energy of 240 exa-electron volts, making it comparable to the most powerful cosmic ray ever detected, the Oh-My-God particle, which was discovered in 1991. : science

Early dark energy fails to solve mystery of cosmic expansion. The extra ingredient would explain why the Universe is expanding so fast now but conflicts with data from ancient quasars

People with higher BMIs are over 10% more likely to develop obesity-related cancers such as colorectal, kidney, pancreatic or ovarian cancer even if they don't have a cardiometabolic condition such as heart disease or type 2 diabetes. (N = nearly 600,000 people) : science

Bacteria store memories and pass them on for generations: Researchers found that E. coli bacteria use iron levels as a way to store information about different behaviors. These iron memories persist for at least four generations and disappear by the seventh generation. : science

Study found individuals with high levels of narcissism self-reported greater levels of non-adherence to NPI, COVID disregard, COVID stress, anti-vaccination attitudes, and psychological entitlement. : science

Most-cited scientists: still mostly men, but the gender gap is closing. Gender imbalances in author numbers decreased sharply over time in both high-income countries (including the USA) and other countries, but the latter had little improvement in gender imbalances for top-cited authors. : science

Babies as young as four months show signs of self-awareness and can make sense of how their bodies interact with the space around them, according to new research. : science

eli5 Why can geostationary orbits only be achieved at a certain distance from Earth? : explainlikeimfive

The expression of immune related genes and potential regulatory mechanisms in schizophrenia : science

The Matrix Oracle scene : movies

What was the most difficult situation in your life and how did you handle it? : AskReddit

Men with female best friends, have you ever thought of your friend in a sexual or romantic way? What did you do about it? : AskReddit

What words or phrases instantly tell you that youre dealing with an absolute moron?

What secret was revealed when cleaning out the home of a deceased family member? : AskReddit

Women who said "I can fix him", what happened? : AskReddit


The Coming Collapse

Theyre talking, but a climate divide between Beijing and Washington remains The two superpowers are a long way from the days when a surprise U.S.-Chinese agreement to cooperate on climate change had the power to land a landmark global pact.

Investigation reveals shadow companies linked to Indonesia palm oil giant First Resources: This supplier of brands like Pepsi & Procter/Gamble has likely driven more deforestation in SE Asia during the last 5 years than any other

UN climate meetings organised in a way that benefits richer, larger countries. Countries with more economic power have more influence over the negation processes at the COPs at the expense of poorer, often smaller, and less developed countries. This power materializes in different ways. : science

Shell to face human rights claims in UK over chronic oil pollution in Niger delta : worldnews

Conservative backlash kills off EUs Green Deal push to slash pesticideuse

20-year study finds sudden cardiac deaths in athletes have fallen - despite claims Covid jabs fuelled a rise. Debunking a major claim peddled by anti-vaxxers in the wake of Covid, scientists discovered such cases have actually fallen after examining 20 years of US college sports. : science

Rat plague spreads to Australias fishing towns

The Chinese mafias downfall in a lawless casino town

South Korea court orders Japan to compensate comfort womenoverturning a lower court ruling that dismissed the case

North Korea said Thursday it would deploy new weapons and stronger armed forces to the border with the South, as Seouls spy agency said Pyongyang had received Russian help to successfully put a military spy satellite into orbit
North Korea scraps military deal with South, vows to deploy new weapons at border : worldnews

North Korea fires ballistic missile, launch apparently fails: South Korea : worldnews

Journalist Dies in Hospital in China Hours After Police Raid : worldnews
WHO statement on reported clusters of respiratory illness in children in northern China 22 November 2023 : worldnews

Putin: we must think how to stop the tragedy in Ukraine
Russia-Ukraine war live: Putin calls conflict a tragedy despite invading and claims hes open to peace talks (surrender all of Europe)
Putin wont stop if he takes Ukraine, Pentagon chief warns

Parts of Moscow Oblast without power as explosions hit energy plants : ukraine

Ukrainian intelligence gets access to Rosaviatsias secret data:Industry on verge of collapse

Cannibal released from Russian prison to fight in Ukraine : worldnews
Russian deputy adopts and renames girl abducted from Ukrainian orphanage : worldnews
Russias kidnapping #Ukraine's babies for Putins mates to keep. Say hello to the little bundle of joy Margarita. When Russian forces invaded Ukraine's southern Kherson region, she, along with 47 other children were taken from the Regional Children's Home. Now Sergey Mironov, a key political ally of wanted war criminal Putin hasadopted her Records show the girls identity was changed in Russia.
At least 11,000 Ukrainian children are reportedly being detained at 43 re-education camps across Russia, thousands of miles from home. Their simple right to life and liberty is being impacted.

Liveuamap on X: "Putin has arrived in Minsk, Belarus for CSTO summit" / X
Belarusians will be forbidden to live abroad without LukashenkaspermissionNow, Belarusians will have to apply to the Department of Migration on the territory of Belarus in order to leave Belarus for permanent residence abroad. They will check whether the applicant is not prohibited to leave the country, whether he or she has no debts to the state, including military duty.

Secret Intelligence Documents Show Global Reach of Indias DeathSquads
Suicide Rate 2.6 Times Higher Among Indian Men Compared To Women: Study : worldnews

Chads military rulers announced a general amnesty ending prosecution and guilty verdicts over the deaths of hundreds of protesters in a 2022 anti-government rally. The opposition has denounced the amnesty as a move by the government to shield the police and military officers from justice

Congo and the UN sign a deal for peacekeepers to withdraw after more than 2 decades and frustration : worldnews

32 killed in attacks in the Abyei region, which is disputed between Sudan and South Sudan : worldnews

Turkeys central bank raises interest rates to 40%

US warship shoots down attack drones over the Red Sea : worldnews ... from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen.

Irans Barring of Inspectors Is Serious Blow to IAEAs Work, Grossi Says
US National Security Councils Kirby reports Irans delivery of glide bombs to Russia, with potential plans to transfer ballistic missiles
Iran Raises Retirement Age After Years Of Mismanaging Funds : worldnews
Iran secretly executes man over 2022 anti-government protests - sources : worldnews

Mansour Abbas meets with families of hostages, delivers letter to Emir of Qatar calling for release : worldnews
Palestinian, Arab officials urge Hamas to disarm before it is destroyed : worldnews

All hostage families are told whos slated for release tomorrow, in change of strategy
Egyptian official says Hamas refuses Red Cross visit to hostages; Thai captives to be freed as gesture to Iran : worldnews
Israel-Hamas truce to begin at 7am on Friday with first hostages to be freed, says Qatar : worldnews

Netanyahu: Ive told Mossad to act against the heads of Hamas wherever they are

Israel shares full list of Palestinians to be released in hostage deal : worldnews ... Holy crap thats a lot of Muhammads (94/300). They werent kidding when they said its the most popular boys name in the world

Bathrooms and air conditioning: Inside Hamas tunnels under Al Shifa Hospital. IDF releases footage from Hamas expansive tunnel network under Gaza's primary medical center, revealing a series of well-appointed underground spaces
IDF destroys 400 tunnel shafts in Gaza since outbreak of war : worldnews
Israeli army displays tunnel beneath Al Shifa it says served as Hamas hideout : worldnews

Israeli forces arrest Al-Shifa Hospital director : worldnews ... Al-Shifa Director Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiyas brother was a senior Hamas field commander assassinated by Israel in 2004.It has now been proven that the director allowed Hamas to operate from his hospital and detain hostages there in direct violation of the Geneva conventions.

While a Fire Rages in Gaza, the West Bank Smolders | Human Rights Watch Surge in Israeli Killings, Administrative Detention and Settler Violence

Hamas attacks horrific but unlike Holocaust: Yad Vashem chairman : worldnews

Zelenskyy thanks allies for arms, air defence coalition: Not everything can be said publicly yet, but Ukraines sky shield is getting more powerful.
Yale historian says west can break Ukraine stalemate with more military aidTimothy Snyder argues that dropping five more queens on the board would allow Ukraine to prevail
Ukraine elected to UNESCO World Heritage Committee for the first time. Ukraine was among the nine countries elected to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee during the Nov. 22 vote for the first time in history.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 638, Part 1 (Thread #784) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Nov. 23, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Losses of the Russian military to 23.11.2023 : ukraine

The fields are just littered with corpses Oleksandr, a deputy of a Ukrainian battalion in the 47th mechanised brigade said. They are trying to exhaust our lines with constant waves of attacks. They have switched to infantry tactics, advancing solely at the expense of human resources.Russias killing fields & their attacks towards town of Avdiivka
Russia sending wavesof soldiers in battle for Avdiivka: Some die, others keep on coming. Its like a zombie movie.
Just imagine the level of difficulty of setting up frontline positions in winter.
1/ With the onset of winter in Ukraine, ill-equipped mobilised Russians are appealing to the governors of their home regions for assistance in dealing with the cold and a plague of mice. In response, relatives and governors are sending them coal, clothes and badger fat.

In Kherson region, Ukrainian soldiers ambushed a convoy of Russian trucks loaded with ammunition and, after neutralizing it, took the ammunition with them

DeepState: Russians have built over 6,000 km of fortifications in occupied territories - Considering the 1,500 km active frontline, there's an average of four km of fortifications per km, DeepStates satellite imagery analysis reveals.

European Parliament votes to abolish member states veto

Poland Charges 16 Foreigners With Spying For Russia : worldnews

Hungarys Viktor Orban threatens to blow up EU's Ukraine policy - In a letter to Charles Michel, the Hungarian leader demands full review of EU policy on Ukraine. (best pic)
Hungarys Viktor Orban threatens to blow up EUs Ukraine policy

Far-right anti-Islamist Wilders wins Dutch election, sending shockwaves through Europe : worldnews
Election winner Geert Wilders known as the Dutch Donald Trump | AP News

Swiss government decides to ban Hamas : worldnews

German police raid properties of Hamas supporters across the country : worldnews

Drug cartel violence flares in western Mexico after vigilante leaders killing

Lawmakers mystified after NASA scales back Mars collection program

US closer to using AI-drones that can autonomously decide to kill humans : worldnews

Biden was personally engaged in getting hostage deal over finish line Kirby says
Should U.S. Aid to Israel Be Contingent on Human Rights? : politics
The Grotesque Reason Why Some Biden Officials Don't Want a Cease-fire - Some in the administration are worried that a pause in the fighting will allow journalists to show just how devastating Israel's campaign against Gaza has been.

IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored : worldnews

Right-wing U.S. media covered fiction as fact: A non-existent terrorist attack from Canada at Rainbow Bridge : politics (Fox ran 'terrorist' headline)
Fox Aint News ... Fox News: TERRORISTS, maybe even a CARAVAN of EBOLA EMAILS CRITICAL RACE THEORY TERRORISTS, bombed the BORDER because of UNCLE JOE BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Fox News reporters tweet (still up as I post this) is 3 sentences long. Every single one of them is false. The entire tweet is wrong. ... Fox News is nothing more than a Russian propaganda disinformation network and it should be banned in this country.

Why the House GOP is having a hard time passing its remaining funding bills : politics ... Every bill they try to pass has a poison pill slipped in because theyre obsessed with their culture war bullshit, and they know its the only way to sneak their hugely unpopular policies in.

Mike Johnson says his pals would use trans laws to spy on naked girls. He argued that trans people shouldnt have rights because his friends were peeping Toms
Mike Johnson applauds efforts to make gay marriage & sodomy illegal again
Mike Johnson: Depraved America Deserves Gods Wrath

Gov. Josh Shapiro thinks voters have Trumpbrain fog. He wants Biden to refresh their memory.

Democracys last Thanksgiving: Experts imagine America in a year if Trump wins the 2024 election | If Trump winsin 2024, itll be a dark Thanksgiving indeed
Trump struggles to get into holiday spirit with scathing Thanksgiving post : politics
Donald Trump rages at his enemies in furious Thanksgiving message : politics
Who knows it when none can call our power to account? - Lawyers, Guns & Money If anybody else published this after having been warned by the judge not threaten court personnel, he would be in the Tombs in a New York minute. ... That this man was ever president of the United States is a disgrace that can no more be washed away than the blood on Lady Macbeths hands. That he could be again is an ongoing national emergency.

Trumps fraud trial court flooded with credible death threats and antisemitic abuse
Trump posts led to serious and credible threats against judge
Judge and clerk in Trump civil fraud trial have received hundreds of serious and credible threats

Trump called Iowa evangelicals so-called Christians and pieces of shitbook says

Ex-Trump Staffer A.J. Delgado Now Says Her Boss, Jason Miller, Raped Her : politics

Chris Christies Campaign Is Facing an Existential Crisis

Gallego Is Ahead of Lake, Sinema in New Poll on Arizona Senate Race : politics

Why George Santos lies are even worse than the usual political liesa moral philosopher explains

Small Kentucky town urged to evacuate after train derails, spilling chemicals Two of the derailed cars were carrying molten sulfur, which caught fire after the cars were breached, officials said.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Denies Sex Assault Claim: Absolutely Not True
New York City mayor Eric Adams accused of sexual assault : politics

The Big, Obvious Reason Why Elon Musk's Anti-Media Lawsuit Will Backfire - Musk's lawsuit against Media Matters could reveal embarrassing secrets about the company's handling of far-right content.

OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say
OpenAI was working on advanced model so powerful it alarmed staff : technology
Eschaton: Learning I don't worry about Skynet being activated. I do worry about "what if we took what computers were good at - precision - and took that away and decided that made them better." But this is funny.

Sony facing $7.9 billion mass lawsuit over PlayStation Store prices : worldnews

With no access to crypto, disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is now trading fish to pay for services in prison : technology

TIL about Operation Artichoke. A 1954 CIA plan to make an unwitting individual attempt to assassinate American public official, and then be taken into custody and disposed of

If free will is only an illusion, it's the most convincing one ever - Stanford neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky argues that we don't actually make choices in life. I decided (I think) to challenge him on that.

Missing blob of water predicted to be in the Atlantic finally foundThe newly discovered water mass, called the Atlantic Equatorial Water, stretches from Brazil to West Africa
Missing blob of water predicted to be in the Atlantic finally found

Study has found that reducing the intake of a single amino acid, isoleucine, by two-thirds, improved the lifespan (33% males, 7% females), weight, and health of middle-aged mice without requiring a drop in calorie intake : science

Babies Brains Are Primed for Their Native Language Before Birth. Results provide the most compelling evidence to date that language experience already shapes the functional organization of the infant brain, even before birth


Ozone hole largest on record over past 3 years, new research finds : worldnews ... At the moment it is largest in 19 years and is the size of about 3 Antarcticas

More than 1 million gallons of oil leaks into Gulf of Mexico, potentially putting endangered species at risk : worldnews

Climate change: Rise in Google searches around anxiety

Half of COVID survivors still had symptoms at 3 years, more reinfections amid Omicron : science

Emergency warning issued as bushfire threatening lives and homes in Perth Western Australia. : worldnews

U.S. advises Philippines on warship repair on China-claimed atoll : worldnews

Rohingya refugees reaching Indonesia by boat pushed back to sea : worldnews

Pacific shift: US to build a "missile wall" against China : worldnews
Only a two-state solution can bring real peace, China president says in first public speech on conflict : worldnews ... Does he think the same thing about Taiwan
China accused of closing and destroying mosques : worldnews
Mysterious pneumonia outbreak overwhelms Chinese hospitals with sick children

Putin Appears To Forget He Started The Tragedy Of WarIn Ukraine In Bizarre G20 Appearance

Russians Confidence in Military Dips in 2023 ... Three in four Russians (75%) interviewed this past summer expressed confidence in the military, which is down from the 80% measured in the early months of the war.
UK estimates indicate Russia has lost 15% (or 2,400) of its tank inventory in Ukraine : worldnews
6/ Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu addressed the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) Collegium on November 21 and announced the that the Russian MoD is increasing its military training efforts across #Russia.

Russian man imprisoned for theft: Forced into war by Prigozhin and lost both legs : worldnews

U.S. thwarts plot to kill Sikh separatist, issues warning to India ... U.S. authorities thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist in the United States and issued a warning to India over concerns the government in New Delhi was involved,

Pakistan under fire for $830 exit fee for refugees who fled Taliban : worldnews

Israel recalls its ambassador from South Africa : worldnews

Sudan refugees detail second wave of ethnic purge by Arab forces : worldnews

White House declassifies intel suggesting Wagner Group is preparing to provide air defense capability to Hezbollah or Iran : worldnews
Hezbollah will respect' ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

Cabinet okays deal for release of 50 Israeli hostages in exchange for 4-day Gaza truce | The Times of Israel
Israeli cabinet approves deal for return of 50 hostages in exchange for multi-day ceasefire : worldnews ... srael believes Hamas could potentially locate some 30 more mothers and children and that the 4-day halt could be extended by extra day per each 10 Israeli hostages freed

Netanyahu says Israel will continue war against Hamas after cease-fire : worldnews

Israel says WHO ignored terror activity at Gazas Shifa Hospital
IDF breaches blast door in Hamas tunnel under Gazas Shifa Hospital

Eschaton: How Does This Keep Happening I dunno, boss, we keep giving them the coordinates down to the centimeter of where NOT to bomb and then they do a big whoopsie and bomb precisely there! Well we'll try again tomorrow. - The Biden administration has been providing Israel with the location of humanitarian groups in Gaza for weeks to prevent strikes against their facilities. But Israel has continued to hit such sites ... Maybe they should stop sending Israel their target list.
Eschaton: Words

UN records over 28,500 civilian casualties in Ukraine : ukraine
2/ Russian forces conducted a series of missile and drone strikes overnight on November 20-21 and on November 21 targeting port and civilian infrastructure, including a hospital in #Donetsk Oblast.
The supplies of weapons that Ukraine needs to succeed are still delayed, and even now they do not reach the required level - Pavel - The Ukrainian soldiers feel not only understandable fatigue, but also increasing disappointment in Western support. They feel abandoned. ... At least a third of Ukraine's energy infrastructure has been destroyed, Pavel said, and it will not be restored before winter, putting pressure on Ukrainian citizens to continue to persevere and support the military

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 637, Part 1 (Thread #783) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 22.11.2023 : ukraine
Estimated Russian losses as of day 637 of Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian military: Dozens of Russian marines killed at award ceremony : ukraine

FSB Officers Poisoned by Partisans After Ordering Restaurant Takeaway

Sweden must join Nato soon to ward off Russian threat, says defence minister : worldnews

After meeting Israeli, Palestinian families, pope calls for peace, end to 'terrorism'
Pope invited trans women over for a pasta & meatballs dinner : worldnews

Far-right leader Geert Wilders wins Dutch election: Exit poll : worldnews
Dutch election: Wilderss far-right party set for gains

German police raid homes of 17 people accused of posting antisemitic hate speech on social media : worldnews

Hamas October 7 massacre film screened for French Senators : worldnews

Falklands sovereignty not up for discussion Britain warns after new Argentinian president vows to get them back
UK PM Sunak reportedly said just let people dieCOVID inquiry hears
Higher Cognitive Ability Linked to Voting Against Brexit, Study Finds : science
Growing numbers of people in England and Wales are being found so long after they have died that their body has decomposed, in a shocking trend linked to austerity and social isolation : science ... Men are more than twice as likely as women to be discovered in a decomposed state
Mans body lay undiscovered for over 20 years inside house in Mallow, Co Cork
Sex life data stolen from UK government among record number of ransomware attacks

Two Women Were Part of a Cartel Hit Squad That Killed a Police Chief : worldnews - Mexico

Canadas unprecedented housing crisis could be a warning sign for the US
Judge suspends adoption of pro-Palestinian policy at McGill student union : worldnews
Canada bans import, export of elephant ivory and rhino horns including hunting trophies : worldnews

The Rise of the Far Right Is a Global Phenomenon : politics

Biden admin officials see proof their strategy is working in hostage deal
Statement from President Joe Biden on the Hostage Release in Gaza | The White House
Give Biden and Blinken Credit for Gaza Truce : politics
Biden Admin warns it might not support next phase of Israels war

Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Justice for the Palestinians and Security for Israel - The New York Times

Sen. Bernie Sanders publicly pressures Merck, J&J, and Bristol Myers Squibb to testify on drug pricing : politics

Eschaton: America's Worst Newspapers The New York Times and Washington Post.
Warped Front Pages - Columbia Journalism Review Researchers examine the self-serving fiction of "objective" political news (NYT is "objectively" pro-fascist)

N.Y. governor says no sign of terrorism in car crash, explosion at Rainbow Bridge border crossing - The Boston Globe
2 dead after vehicle explodes crashing into Rainbow Bridge checkpoint at U.S.-Canada border in Niagara Falls
Rainbow Bridge between US, Canada closed following explosion : news

A Supreme Court case about stocks could help make Trumps authoritarian dreams realityThe unitary executive is back, and it could supercharge Trumps plans to fill the government with his own loyalists.
A Supreme Court case about stocks could help make Trumps authoritarian dreams reality
Justice Thomas pens dissent over refusal to hear chemical company appeal : politics
Clarence Thomas Just Made Another Mess for His Colleagues to Clean Up : politics

Speaker of the House: the right of privacy doctrine should be entirely overruled - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House, voiced support for revisiting Supreme Court decisions that struck down restrictions on the use of contraception, barred bans on gay sex and legalized same sex marriages, according to a CNN review of his prior public statements.
Mike Johnson said his friends would use trans-inclusive laws to spy on girls : politics
Mike Johnson Said He Wanted to Revisit Supreme Court Decision That Legalized Gay Sex : politics
Republicans Pushing To Investigate Jan 6 Investigators All Played Parts In Efforts To Overturn 2020 Election

Jan. 6 Rioter Gets 3 Months in Jail After Ditching Court, Berating Judge

November 2023 National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead Over Biden ... 47% to 43%

Donald Trumps lawyer made one big courtroom mistake
Donald Trump has worst day yet in NY civil fraud trial as underlings scribbled note ties him to conspiracy

Trump Tells Iowa Voters Hes Just Not Into Golden Showers
One detail in Trumpsgolden shower denial raises questions ... However, a number of social media commentators questioned why Trump had referred to four hookers, as this figure isnt included in the Steele dossier.
Columbo busts Trump : PoliticalHumor

The Bizarre Reason a Colorado Judge Didnt DisqualifyTrump From Running in 2024: Judge Sarah Wallace found the case that the former president violated the Fourteenth Amendment compelling. Then she found a way to ignore her own judgment.
Both sides appeal ruling that Trump can stay on Colorado ballot despite insurrection finding : politics
Ruling that Trump can stay on Colorado ballot appealed : politics

Donald Trump Posted 19 Truth Social Videos in a Cry for Help

November 22, 2023 - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... These things are very difficult to measure, especially in real time, but Im picking up on what may be a significant change in the way the legacy media are beginning to cover the existential threat that Donald Trump represents to the American political and legal systems. This Thomas Edsall piece is representative
The Roots of Trumps Rage (malignant narcissism age rage racist crook)

Openly authoritarian campaign: Trumps threats of revenge fuel alarm
Openly authoritarian campaign: Trumps threats of revenge fuel alarm
Have You Listened Lately to What Trump Is Saying? : politics
Its getting scary: Trump signaling push for autocracy being tolerated by GOP decried by Steele
Trump, Project 2025, and the plan to bring autocracy to the US : politics
What is the worst scenario for the 2024 US Election? : AskReddit
MSNBCs Claire McCaskill Claims Trump Even More Dangerous Than Hitler and Mussolini ... the only thing he cares about is himself ...

Joe Scarborough Rips Through Frightening List Of Donald Trumps Fascism

The simple reason why Donald Trump is escalating his Hitlerian rhetoric: MAGA demands more | Many of Trumps diehard followers are White Christians who have found a role model and outlet for their desires

The Red State Brain Drain Isnt Coming. Its Happening Right NowAs conservative states wage total culture war, college-educated workers, physicians, teachers, professors, and more are packing their bags.

What does the Kennedy name mean now?RFK Jr., the fourth Kennedy to run for president, is clashing with myth and historyand his own family
The Mind-Bending Politics of RFK Jrs Spoiler Campaign Hes a conservative. Hes a liberal. And he could turn the presidential race upside down.

60 years later, a Secret Service agent grapples with JFK assassination - The Washington Post

Matt Gaetzs Constituents Hate Him: Florida voters really, really do not like the controversial Republican representative.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Lee get Jan. 6 footage but trying to blame the FBI could backfire | Whatever, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Lee no one actually thinks the FBI was behind January 6
Marjorie Taylor Greenes Book Is Now Out And Critics Are Suggesting A Scathing New Use

Republicans are now running ads to support Kyrsten Sinemas campaign

Missouri Supreme Court deals a blow to secretary of states ballot language on abortion

Federal judge says Pennsylvania mail-in ballots should still count if dated incorrectly : politics

The first estimate of births since Dobbs found that almost a quarter of women who would have gotten abortions carried their pregnancies to term.
Abortion bans reduce access to all maternal healthcare - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Texas has, after California, the highest GDP of any state. Yet 46.5 percent of its counties are maternity care deserts; for some women, the nearest birthing hospital is a 70-minute drive from their home. In some states, including Oklahoma and Mississippi, the majority of counties are maternity care deserts.
When misogynists feign empathy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Abortion rights groups seek ballot measures in 9 states in 2024 Despite an unbroken winning streak since Roe v. Wade was overturned, some of the efforts to enshrine abortion rights in state constitutions face substantial challenges.
A Satanic Abortion Clinic Named After The Mother Of Supreme Court Justice Alito Is Open in New Mexico : politics

New Florida Bill Aims to Bring Dont Say Gay Into Workplaces
GOP lawmaker wants to ban businesses from talking about LGBTQ+ people in sweeping new bill. The bill would ban LGBTQ+ nonprofits in the state. : politics

New Jersey banning sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 : politics

Iowa officials wife found guilty on all 52 counts of voter fraud charges

Racism in North Dakota - Lawyers, Guns & Money I will state again that this nations focus on race as being about Black and white people is really problematic, because thats just one side of it. A big side, I grant you. But far from the whole.

Democrats who swept Moms For Liberty off school board fight superintendents $700,000 exit deal

Catholic Hospitals Remove Crucifixes So They Cant Be Used to Beat Staff

Conservative Group Accidentally Reveals Its Secret Donors. Some of Them Are Liberal Orgs. : politics (pretending to be 'liberal')

Will ProPublica cross a picket line by publishing its next big scoop? - The Washington Post The media nonprofits union wants to stop a collaboration with a newspaper whose reporters are on strike. Editors say the story is more important than solidarity:

Judge finds reasonable evidence Tesla knew self-driving tech was defective

The GOP rallies around Musk after his self-inflicted antisemitism mess : politics
Business leaders are ignoring Elon Musks antisemitism much quieter when antisemitism comes from the right than from the left
EU stops advertising on X over hate speech. Fines could follow next year : worldnews

Exclusive: Sam Altman's ouster at OpenAI was precipitated by letter to board about AI breakthrough -sources : technology ... Ahead of OpenAI CEO Sam Altmans four days in exile, several staff researchers sent the board of directors a letter warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters ... According to one of the sources, long-time executive Mira Murati told employees on Wednesday that a letter about the AI breakthrough called Q* (pronounced Q-Star), precipitated the boards actions ... The maker of ChatGPT had made progress on Q, which some internally believe could be a breakthrough in the startup's search for superintelligence, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), one of the people told Reuters. OpenAI defines AGI as AI systems that are smarter than humans

Rumors about AI breakthrough and threat to humanity as cause for firing of Altman : worldnews

Sam Altman Is Reinstated as OpenAIs'Chief Executive - The move capped a chaotic five days at the artificial intelligence company. ... The companys board of directors will be overhauled, jettisoning several members who had opposed Mr. Altman ...
Sam Altman Is Reinstated as OpenAIs Chief Executive
Sam Altman will return as OpenAI CEO : technology
Former Harvard president Larry Summers named to new OpenAI board
Open AI Board caves to Altman - Lawyers, Guns & Money
OpenAI Was Never Going to Save Us From the Robot Apocalypse - By Eric Levitz

Binance was slapped with a $4.3 billion fine because it let groups like Hamas and ISIS receive funds: Treasury Department : technology
Behold the Utter Destruction of Cryptos Biggest Names

Axl Rose accused of sexual assault in former models lawsuit ... The lawsuit, filed by former Penthouse model Sheila Kennedy, claims that Rose sexually assaulted her in his hotel room after meeting her at a New York nightclub in 1989, near the height of his bands fame.

Daryl Hall Suing John Oates in Mysterious Lawsuit : Music

Declassified: Scotlands iconic UFO Sighting

Study suggests that long-term exposure to ADHD medications was associated with an increased risk of Cardiovascular Disease highlighting the importance of carefully weighed potential benefits and risks when making treatment decisions about long-term ADHD medication use : science

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a higher tendency for young adults to return to their parental home and a decreased likelihood of them moving out : science

TIL Alaska is so large and deserted, it has the equivalent population density of 16 people living in Manhattan. : todayilearned

Harvard University researchers discover one of the origins of itch - The Boston Globe

Airborne virus infectivity can be reduced by up to 99.98% by commercially available NPBI-based air purifiers, per experiment using real-world concentrations of COVID-19 strains, flu and RSV viruses : science

Boston brothel ring: Defendants scheduled to appear in Worcester court

The comments sections of boston dot com are a deep cesspool of stupidity and anger. : boston

Older people of Reddit- what is the coolest technology to become mainstream in your lifetime? : AskReddit

What is the scariest story you know to be completely true? : AskReddit

What is something that is wildly controversial that you think shouldnt be?

What is a fact that you only recently learned, but should have known for ages? : AskReddit

Whats the most disturbing vid there is?

Microsofts Windows Hello fingerprint authentication has been bypassed


The world briefly smashed through the 2-degree warming limit for the first time ever : worldnews

UN report says world is racing to well past warming limit as carbon emissions rise instead of plunge : worldnews

Fossil fuel delegates attended UN Climate Conferences (Cops) at least 7,200 times over 20 years : worldnews

How Larry Summers's Bad Predictions Hurt the Planet - The clean-energy transition is faltering because of unexpectedly high interest rates, which Summers's demands to slow down the economy helped usher in.

Antibiotic resistance a looming, deadly global threat : worldnews

Japan sounds warning over North Koreas third attempt to launch spy satellite Nuclear-armed state plans its first launch since Kim Jong-un visited Russia, where Vladimir Putin promised to help him build satellites.
Japan urges citizens to take shelter after North Korean missile launch : worldnews
Japan eyes banning cannabinoid HHCH after gummies render many ill : worldnews

N Korea tells Japan it will launch spy satellite in days : worldnews

1,000 Hong Kong taxi drivers plan Wednesday strike against ride-hailing services : worldnews

Respect the facts: Beijing rejects Australian claims China sonar injured navy divers
China says it would be a huge foreign policy mistake for Argentina to cut ties

Russia says co-existence not possible with Ukraines current 'regime'

US sanctions Russian officers who committed war crimes in Bucha, Andriivka : worldnews

Congo-Brazzaville stampede: Dozens killed during army recruitment drive : worldnews

Erdogan says Turkey to keep Israels nuclear weapons on global agenda

Houthis say theyl continue attacks until demise of Israel

US forces attacked at Iraq air base, respond in self-defence : worldnews

Hamas deputy chief in Lebanon killed in Israeli attack, report says : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war live updates: Israel approves hostage deal, fighting pause - The Washington Post
Hamas chief says close to truce agreement with Israel : worldnews
Hostage deal could be finalized in coming hours : worldnews
Home | Hamas freedom fighters | Free Palestine

US considering tactical recovery plans for hostages in Gaza : worldnews
US. has sent Israel data on aid group locations to try to prevent strikes - POLITICO Among the sites provided to the Israeli government are medical facilities, including Al-Shifa hospital, which Israeli forces raided last week.
Biden threatens visa bans for extremists who attack Palestinians in the West Bank, calls again for two-state solution

Netanyahu says war against Hamas will not stop after cease-fire | AP News

300 UN diplomats watch footage showing terroristsatrocities in Oct. 7 massacre
IDF lookouts said they saw unusual activity along the Gaza border before the October 7 attack, but their commanders told them to stop bothering them, report says : worldnews

Israel Palestine Conflict: Red Cross president meets with Hamas chief to advancehumanitarian issues

Israeli tanks surround north Gazas Indonesian Hospital - So every hospital is a Hamas operational control centre? And then they'll go to the south and do this all over again?

Three more journalists killed in Gaza in Israeli offensive, relatives say : news ... Total number of journalists killed so far in this conflict is 48 according to the CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists) of which 43 are Palestinian, 4 are Israeli, and 1 is Lebanese. For reference that death total is over twice that of the Russia-Ukraine war even when including the earlier 2014 conflict.

BBCs Mishal Husain Has A Tense Exchange With Israels Spokesperson Over Palestinian Deaths

Ukrainians who fled their country for Israel find themselves yet again living with war : worldnews

Zelensky says he's survived five or six assassination attempts by Putins forces
Very important signal: Zelensky welcomes Fox chief Lachlan Murdochs visit to Kyiv ... in a sign his global media empire will continue to throw its weight behind the war-torn nations struggle against Russia.
Very important signal: Zelensky welcomes Fox chief Lachlan Murdochs visit to Kyiv
The European Parliament has agreed to open an office in Ukraine to boost its support for the Ukrainian Parliament, following requests by top Ukrainian government officials, according to a document from the European Parliament bureau seen by Euractiv.
The Kyiv Independent on X: "General Staff: Over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers trained in partner countries. Over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have received training in facilities of more than 30 partner countries in less than two years." / X

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 636, Part 1 (Thread #782) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 21.11.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian forces are reportedly on the outskirts of Pishchanivka and Poima on the left bank, Kherson region. Russian troops and collaborators have been notified to evacuate within the next 24hrs. #Ukraine #Ukrainewar #UkraineRussiawar #Russia

Top Ukraine cyber officials fired amid IT bribery probe : worldnews

Russian news anchor threatens Finland with invasion amidst border tensions : worldnews

NATO chief commits to Bosnias territorial integrity and condemns Russian 'malign' influence

Spains police detain three in probe into murder attempt on politician

UK government blocks MP questions about Gaza-related activity at its Cyprus base : worldnews
Former PM David Cameron is introduced to the House of Lords as Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton : worldnews
Disabled people must work from home to do their duty says UK minister Laura Trott
NHS England Chooses Palantir For Central Role In Patient Data Handling : worldnews
UK Museum Determines Roman Emperor Was Trans, Changes Pronouns to She/Her - The Messenger Elagabalus only ruled for 4 years before being assassinated

Mileis dollarisation gets first test as Argentine banks re-open

Brazil records its hottest ever temperature ... 44.8C (112.6F)

A Canadian mining company at the center of Panama protests says it may have to suspend operations : worldnews

Behind the scenes of a UFO whistleblowersodd visit to Capitol Hill ... Non-Human Reverse Engineering Programs,

` Democrats' border problem is getting real - Many in their own party are quite concerned about the situation

Yellen says high food and rent prices key factors in voters negativeeconomic outlook ... Krogers profit also topped $2.2 billion, up 35.6% from 2021, outpacing the 7.5% sales growth for the year.

Biden urged to go big on Social Security as a way to beat Trump : politics
Joe: Its time fascism is called fascism and Americans know exactly what theyre voting for

Senate Democrats shoot down Biden naysayers in party : politics ... Axelfuck ...
Ignore Trump? Democrats Now Want Him Plastered All Over the News. - The New York Times

Democrats nearly double Republicans in October fundraising | The Hill

Trump, Mike Johnson meet at Mar-a-Lago : politics
Worry less about TikTok and Bin Laden fret more that Mike Johnson shares the terrorist's view By calling America "dark, depraved and irredeemable" the GOP speaker may as well be citing Al Qaedas leader ... People who have apocalyptic fantasies of a theocratic state have no business being second in line to the presidency

The Maga release of the Jan 6 tapes is about vengeance : politics

The far right toppled McCarthy over spending. What has it gotten them? : politics

The Decision That Could End Voting Rights : politics ... The court ruled thatSection 2 of the Voting Rights Act ... does not allow private parties to bring lawsuits challenging racial discrimination in voting ... This from the same folks that empowered individuals to enforce abortion bans.

Billionaires are lining up to eagerly fund Trumps anti-democratic agenda | Robert Reich

Trumps Similarities to Hitler Prove It Certainly Could Happen Here
Democracy Under Trump Is a Dark Destiny for America : politics
Ex-Trump aide says democracy wont survive if he wins 2024 election
"Our democracy hangs by a thread": Expert panel says a Trump victory in 2024 will end it : politics

14th Amendment cases challenging Trumps eligibility thrust courts into unknown territory

A traitor: Anonymous former senior Trump official speaks out in new book

Trump is hailing his courtroom win in Colorado. Judge says he instigated insurrection : politics ... Is the presidency not public office? WTF are we talking about here~

"In the bag for Trump": Expert says Judge Cannon's new order leaves other trials "in limbo" : politics

Trumps witness cries after dismantling Donalds Mar-a-Lago claims
Donald Trumps Defense in E. Jean Carroll Case Could Be About to Implode

Donald Trump files lawsuit against 20 media outlets full list

Cassidy Hutchinson Gives Dark Reason WhyEverybody Should Vote For Joe Biden

Trumps Doc Insists His Health Is ExcellentAfter Verbal Slips
Conservative Pundit Trashes Trump's excellent Doctor's Note With Just 1 Word ... The word: propaganda.

Dean Phillips supporters launch ads attacking Bidens electability

Matt Gaetz at 21% approval rating in Florida, poll says : politics

Wisconsin supreme court appears poised to strike down legislative maps and end Republican dominance | Wisconsin | The Guardian Decision from four liberal justices in lawsuit could eliminate some of the most gerrymandered districts in the United States
Is democracy coming to the state of Wisconsin? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Florida bill seeks to place restrictions on use of pronouns : politics
Could Florida Shut Down Charities Helping LGBTQ+ People in Need?| The proposal would stop any contractor or organization receiving state funds from activity that considers individuals gender identity or sexual orientation. : politics

Utah teachers wouldnt be able to display pride flags under lawmakers draft proposal. The draft legislation would broaden the scope of topics prohibited for endorsement by school employees, specifically gender identity, sexual orientation, political and social viewpoints.

Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools : politics

The twentysomething mayor-elect making history in Indiana

Cuomo weighs run for NYC mayor amid Adams woes

Scream VIIStar Axed Over Pro-Palestine Posts ... Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself.

Free speech fetishism is inimical to the university - Lawyers, Guns & Money

You've Got to Read George Orwell's Review of 'Mein Kampf' - I plan on printing this passage out and putting it on the refrigerator.

Has free speech absolutism ever gotten more absolute? - Lawyers, Guns & Money Elon filed his THERMONUCLEAR suit in a carefully cherrypicked venue:
Elon Musks X sues media watchdog Media Matters over report on pro-Nazi content on the social media site
Ken Paxton announces investigation of media group following Elon Musks lawsuit ... What do you call a government that acts like the personal bodyguard and hitman for billionaires petty complaints?
Absolutely sweet free speech - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Free speech absolutism doesnt get much more absolutist than this: ... The Attorney General of Missouri (a Republican) is "looking into" @mmfa creating three X/Twitter accounts then accurately reporting when X showed ads to offensive contentn abuse of government power that genuinely threatens free speech
The lawsuit against Media Matters has been filed. In a blatant act of forum shopping, X Corp., a Nevada corporation based in San Francisco filed suit against Media Matters, an organization in Washington, DC, in the northern district of Texas.
Theyre going after the critics

After OpenAIs stunning ouster, policymakers are warning that AI could turn the economy on its head
505 OpenAI employees threaten to quit and call on the board to resign over Sam Altmans firing
Why Was Sam Altman Fired As CEO of OpenAI?
Sam Altmans Job at Microsoft Will Be Harder Than Ever

Oh my God. Where to start in this over-long article about why Peter Thiel claims he wont donate to any politicians this election cycle?

Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Steps Down, Pleads Guilty - WSJ

Male nanny sentenced to over 700 years in prison for sexually assaulting 16 boys in California : news
This Louisiana Town Runs Largely on Traffic Fines. If You Fight Your Ticket, the Mayor Is Your Judge.: Fenton, population 226, brings in over $1 million per year through its mayors court, an unusual justice system in which the mayor can serve as judge even though hes responsible for town finances.

Over 900 firearms traded in for H-E-B gift cards at San Antonio gun exchange event : politics

How a Maine Businessman Made the AR-15 Into America's Best-Selling Rifle = Neither a gun enthusiast nor a right-wing ideologue, Richard Dyke used political connections and lobster giveaways to build Bushmaster, the company that popularized assault-style rifles.

Poll: Gun ownership reaches record high with American electorate A record share of voters in NBC News latest poll say that they or someone in their household owns a gun

What a Drag It is Getting Old - Lawyers, Guns & Money I have to say that the Rolling Stones having their tour actually sponsored by the AARP is so on the nose as to be the funniest thing Ive ever seen in my life.

Joyce Carol Oates's Relentless, Prolific Search for a Self - In more than a hundred works of fiction, Oates has investigated the question of personality -- while doubting that she actually has one.

Attractiveness has a bigger impact on mens socioeconomic success than womens, study suggests

Short-term consumption of highly processed diets varying in macronutrient content impair the sense of smell and brain metabolism in mice (Nov 2023) : science

Canton police chief says department review over handling of Karen Read case will end wild speculation

Massachusetts police discriminate in traffic stops, previously unreleased data reveals : massachusetts

DiZoglios push to audit Legislature has enough signatures to move toward 2024 ballot, supporters say

Whats the best example of girls supporting girls youve ever seen in your life?

Whats the best drawing application for Surface Pro : Surface

YouTube blames ad blockers for slow load times, and it has nothing to do with your browser | The delay is intentional, but targeting users who continue using ad blockers, and not tied to any browser specifically. : technology


The world briefly smashed through the 2-degree warming limit for the first time : worldnews
World facing hellish 3C of climate heating, UN warns before Cop28

Earth passed a feared global warming milestone Friday, at least briefly | Average global temperatures were more than 2 degrees Celsius above a pre-industrial benchmark on Friday, preliminary data show : worldnews

Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%, report says : worldnews
The richest one percent of the global population are responsible for the same amount of carbon emissions as the world's poorest two-thirds, or five billion people, according to an analysis published Sunday by the nonprofit Oxfam International : worldnews

Large eruption occurs in Papua New Guinea: Japan weather agency : worldnews

4 more free COVID tests will be available to each household ahead of the holidays - ABC News

A real blow for the junta: Myanmars ethnic groups launch unprecedented armed resistance
Myanmar Regime-Backed Rallies Denounce China, Accusing It of Backing Anti-Junta Alliance : worldnews

APEC over, Taiwan reports renewed Chinese military activity : worldnews

China calls for urgent action on Gaza as Muslim majority nations arrive in Beijing | CNN
China to host foreign ministers from Arab and Islamic countries in search for end to conflict : worldnews undefined
China Puts Money Behind Singapore Model in Major Housing Shift : worldnews
Albanese accuses China ofdangerous, unsafe and unprofessionalbehaviour in naval ship altercation

Anti-Mobilization Protests By Russian Soldiers Wives and Mothers Quashed
General mobilization in Russia possible after 2024 presidential elections : worldnews

Russian police are overwhelmed by the number of people snitching on neighbors and colleagues : worldnews

Russia puts Ukrainian winner of Eurovision Song Contest on wanted list

40 workers have been trapped inside a collapsed tunnel in India for over a week and 3 attempts to drill through the debris have failed so far : worldnews

Yemens Houthis release footage of takeover of Israeli-linked cargo ship
Japan condemns Yemens Houthi rebels hijack of cargo ship in Red Sea

Irans Khamenei claims itsa fact Israel has been defeated by Hamas in Gaza

Heavy rocket barrages come from Lebanon; 3 more soldiers killed in Gaza, IDF announces : worldnews
Gallant: Hezbollah has fired over 1,000 munitions at Israel since start of war : worldnews

Biden says revitalized Palestinian Authority should eventually govern Gaza and the West Bank

Hamas, Israel deny reports of ceasefire, hostage deal again : worldnews
Palestinian Authority retracts statement denying Hamas responsibility for massacre : worldnews
Following strong Israeli rebuke, Palestinian Authority foreign ministry deletes the false claim from social media that the Oct. 7 rave massacre was committed by the IDF : worldnews

IDF kills three Hamas division commanders in Gaza, strikes terror cache : worldnews

Israel says CCTV footage shows hostages were taken to Gaza hospital : worldnews
Detained Gaza terrorist says Hamas hid as hospital staff in Al Shifa : worldnews

Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank strongly support Hamas, October 7 attack : worldnews

France calls West Bank Israeli settler violence policyof terror
Far-Right MKs scream at hostages families in Knesset hearing on death penalty bill

Tanzania confirms student abducted by Hamas is dead - I24NEWS : worldnews

IDF says Noa Marciano was murdered by Hamas inside Shifa Hospital, not killed by Israeli airstrike : worldnews

Israeli ex-PM claims Hamas command centre is in the south of Gaza not al-Shifa Hospital : worldnews

Normal life in the world largely depends on whether America is strong in protecting life. And the world sees this strength in helping Ukraine. -- President Zelenskyys address, 20th November 2023
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, and Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, with a congratulatory note to the President of the United States Joe Biden on the occasion of his 81st birthday. : ukraine
Upon the submission of the Minister of Defense, I have changed the commander of the Medical Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.President Zelenskyys address, 19th November 2023

Biden Administration Announces New Security Assistance for Ukraine : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ukraine war: US Defence Secretary Austin meets Zelensky to support Kyivs fight against Russia amid Israel-Gaza war
I came to Kyiv today with an important message the United States stands with Ukraine, and we are going to be with them for the long haulSecretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III
Japan vice ministers visit Ukraine to examine recovery needs : worldnews
Top Ukrainian cyber defence officials sacked amid corruption probe : worldnews
As the war grinds on, Ukraine needs more troops. Not everyone is ready to enlist : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 635, Part 1 (Thread #781) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 20.11.2023 : ukraine

Ukraines troops work to advance on Russian-held side of key river after gaining footholds
Ukraine says it has pushed Russian forces back up to 5 miles from the banks of Dnipro river, in first possible counteroffensive success : worldnews

MAGYAR: 500 russian FPV drones detected, 352 of them eliminated. : ukraine

How the war changed me: the confession of an ordinary Ukrainian girl

An orphaned teenager who was taken to Russia early in the Ukraine war is back home with relatives : worldnews
#Orthodox_Church of #Ukraine effectively driven out of #Russia occupied #Crimea #relgiousfreedom #StandWithUkraine #LetMyPeopleGo #StopRussia
Ukraines security service sniper claims world record after successful 3.8 km shot at a Russian soldier

Finland may completely close border with Russia on November 22 : worldnews
Russians outraged over Finland not consulting them before closing checkpoints : worldnews

Declining Western support for Ukraine. A massacre in Israel followed by war in Gaza. The disarray in the U.S. Congress. In his new series Crossroads of a Crisis WTOPs National Security Correspondent J.J. Greens delves into the three weeks in October when the world changed dramatically. And while many have been distracted by the chaos, Russian spies have launched a secret espionage operation in the U.S.

Danish politician kicked out of government party after disclosure of relationship with 15-year-old girl : worldnews

Ndrangheta: Over 200 gang members sentenced to total of 2,200 years in jail after one of Italys biggest ever mafia trials

Pedro Snchez is back now Spains PM must make his daring gamble pay off

Hat worn by Napoleon fetches record 1.9m at Paris auction

Rishi Sunak: The time has come to cut tax : worldnews

Fiery right-wing populist Javier Milei wins Argentinas presidency and promises 'drastic' changes
Far-right libertarian economist Javier Milei wins Argentina presidential election : worldnews
Javier Milei: from TV pundit to the presidency : worldnews
Argentina has non-negotiable sovereignty over the Falklandscountrys new right-wing president Javier Milei declares ... We had a war that we lost and now we have to make every effort to recover the islands through diplomatic channels

A gang took hospital patients and staff in Haiti. Residents fear violence will worsen : worldnews

Spavor blames fellow prisoner Kovrig for Chinese detention, alleges he was used for intelligence gathering - The Globe and Mail
Spavor blames fellow prisoner Kovrig for Chinese detention, alleges he was used for intelligence gathering : worldnews

Statement from President Joe Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance | The White House

The Era of Total U.S. Submarine Dominance Over China Is Ending - WSJ New Chinese submarines and sensors to catch U.S. subs will alter the balance of power

Biden removes sanctions from Chinese institute in push for fentanyl help : politics

Sanders Calls for Conditioning Aid to Israel Amidst the Growing Crisis in Gaza and the West Bank : politics
Blumenthal calls on Israel, US to release more intelligence on Gazas al-Shifa Hospital
Dissent over US policy in the Israel-Hamas war stirs unusual public protests from federal employees : politics
Rightwing group pressures states to pass pro-Israel resolutions : politics
Why GOP senators frustrated by Tuberville blockade on military promotions may go against one of their own : politics

Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records | WIRED

How the Hillbillies Remade America : politics

Wages are rising. Jobs are plentiful. Nobodys happy.
Weve been fighting poverty all wrong: The success of the expanded child tax credit shows why anti-poverty programs should be unconditional.

Full Committee Hearing: Standing Up Against Corporate Greed: How Unions are Improving the Lives of Working Families : politics

Washington blinks as debt costs begin to bite : politics

States rethink Medicaid enrollment efforts as millions lose coverage : politics

The Supreme Courts new code does nothing to enhance ethics
How SCOTUSs ethics code provides cover for corruption

Federal appeals court ruling Voting Rights Act Section 2 enforcement - POLITICO The decision from the 8th Circuit is likely headed to the Supreme Court.

Biden approval rating ticks up as voters rank stronger economy: Poll : politics
Harris says she and Biden have to earn our reelect
Is it time for America's elder statesmen to retire? : politics Media company want democracy to retire for profits.
The Real Reason Why Biden Shouldnt Drop OutA contested Democratic primary with less than a year before the 2024 election would be a mess.
Playbook: A not so happy birthday for Biden - POLITICO
Biden turns 81 as questions about age continue to dominate 2024 race - ABC News
The strange career of period life expectancy - Lawyers, Guns & Money Breaking: Joe Biden is now 81 years old.

Mike Johnson Says Americans Misunderstand Separation Of Church And State

Capitol riot footage deals blow to January 6 conspiracy theory : politics ... Skeptics, however, pointed out that Lyons was actually holding a vapenot a government IDpouring cold water on the theory.
Sen. Mike Lee promotes a debunked conspiracy theory about a Jan. 6 rioter A Republican senator said over the weekend that he planned to question the director of the FBI on whether a Trump supporter currently serving four years in federal prison is an undercover federal agent.

6 in 10 Trump voters say theres a chance they choose another candidate: Poll
Vulgarities, insults, baseless attacks: Trump backers follow his lead : politics

Many former Trump aides say he shouldnt be president. Will it matter?
Has Anyone Noticed That Trump Is Really Old? : politics

Twitter gives special counsel Jack Smith 32 of Trumps private messages

Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab : politics

Judge Aileen Cannons Games in Florida May Delay Other Trump Trials
Trump Serves Food to Soldiers and Police, Complains Theres None Left for Him

Donald Trumps Colorado ruling worst decision he could get: Attorney

Donald Trump dreams of an American Fourth Reich and hes not kidding

Trump calls to revamp the RNC if GOP debates go ahead

What happens after Donald Trumps final battle? ... 2024 is our final battle.
Trump's Dire Words Raise New Fears About His Authoritarian Bent - The former president is focusing his most vicious attacks on domestic political opponents, setting off fresh worries among autocracy experts.

Suing over the Truth - Lawyers, Guns & Money In addition to Republicans and Musk going after Media Matters, you now have Trumps lovely Truth Social company suing media companies for reporting the truth that it is a sieve for cash.

Legal Experts Burst Trumps Bubble Over New Ruling: Actually VeryWorst Decision For Him

MAGA conspiracy-theory defense keeps failing in court: Bad news for Donald Trump? | Paul Pelosis attacker tried to plead being stupid and gullible turns out thats not a viable defense

Ex-RNC chair calls for Donald Trump to be thrown in jail : politics

Illinois governor deeply concerned by Trump rhetoric reminiscent of Nazi era

Marjorie Taylor Greene Furious Over GOPs Impeachment Failure
Marjorie Taylor Greenes book under fire for patently falseJan 6 claims

Senate Democrats warn Manchin that running for president would risk disaster : politics

RFK Jr. leads 2024 candidates in favorability poll | The Hill

DeSantis Refuses to Condemn Elon Musks Endorsement of Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory
The White House May Condemn Musk, but the Government Is Addicted to Him | Rarely has the U.S. government so depended on the technology provided by a single technologist with views that it has so publicly declared repugnant. : politics

GOP moves to split Arizona Democrats in 3-way Senate race : politics

Deliberate and anti-democratic: Wisconsin grapples with partisan gerrymandering

Support for Abortion Access Is Near Record, WSJ-NORC Poll Finds - WSJ Support for Abortion Access Is Near Record, WSJ-NORC Poll Finds - Some 55% of respondents say a pregnant woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason
Opinion | Republican Sandy Senn Wants Voters to Have a Say on Abortion - The New York Times
The Story Behind the Abortion Win in Ohio Offers Important Insights for 2024 : politics

Texas school board reinstates cast, script of musical production after restrictions led a transgender student to lose role : politics

Sherman ISD removes superintendent from fine arts supervision following anti-trans policy : politics

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Pardons Turkey but Denies Clemency for Wrongly Imprisoned Man : politics

Meet Louisianas Execution-Happy New Governor

A Montana farmer with a flattop and ample lobbyist cash stands between the GOP and Senate control : politics

Texas rejects science textbooks with too much information about climate change : politics

Store brand Gym Jordan is releasing a lot of raw footage from the 1/6 attempted coup, which is very exciting to the kind of cynical liars and/or country fried rubes who pretended to believe, or in a few cases may have actually believed, that the TWITTER FILES and John Durham's piddlyshit indictments were a huge deal:

Our Brilliant Health Care System - Lawyers, Guns & Money Perfect! - UnitedHealthcare, the largest health insurance company in the US, is allegedly using a deeply flawed AI algorithm to override doctors' judgments and wrongfully deny critical health coverage to elderly patients.

Moms for Liberty Tanked at the Polls. : politics

The faith-based leader for Phillys Moms for Liberty chapter is a registered sex offender

Extra Fees Drive Assisted Living Profits - The New York Times The add-ons pile up: $93 for medications, $50 for cable TV. Prices soar as the industry leaves no service unbilled. The housing option is out of reach for many families.
Who Is Most Responsible For Divisions In The U.S.? Social Media Ranks #1 Among Young Voters, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Table The Talk About Politics At Thanksgiving, Say Voters

Joe Namath accused of allowing sexual abuse at his football camp

Maria Bartiromo Floats Bonkers New COVID Conspiracy About Trump and China ... China unleashed a deadly coronavirus within its own borders in an effort to install Joe Biden as U.S. president, was somewhat endorsed by the GOP lawmaker who heads the House investigation into the origins of the virus.

Women and the Writers Strike - Lawyers, Guns & Money

What Happens When the Super Rich Are This Selfish? (It Isnt Pretty.)

Former Biden official Ron Klain to join Airbnb as chief legal officer

about the Dexter Wade case here, but a tragic story has taken a turn for the obscene:

Ad Execs Urge Twitter CEO To Resign After Musk Endorses Antisemitic Post In the aftermath of IBM, Disney, Apple and others pausing spending on X, formerly known as Twitter, top advertising executives made a personal appeal to CEO Linda Yaccarino.
Advertiser exodus expected to deeply impact X ad revenue, analysis indicates : technology

Snap, X, Discord CEOs subpoenaed for child exploitation hearing A representative for Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said that X and Discord had refused electronic service of subpoenas and that his office had engaged U.S. Marshals to serve them. <

Whats Happening At OpenAI
What OpenAI shares with Scientology - by Henry Farrell Strange beliefs, fights over money and bad science fiction
Read an excerpt adapted from Alec Nevala-Lees book, Astounding.
Operating Thetan - Wikipedia
Welcome to LessWrong!
Eliezer Yudkowsky - Wikipedia
Nick Bostrom - Wikipedia
From Algorithmic Monoculture to Epistemic Monoculture? Understanding the Rise of AI Safety - by Shazeda Ahmed on November 16, 2023
Shoggoths amongst usWhat Lovecrafts monsters _actually_ tell us about Large Language Models

Shakira Dodges Trial by Settling Tax Fraud Case in Spain The singer will instead serve a suspended sentence and pay a multimillion-dollar fine.

Quiz: How to tell your real work age - Washington Post What your communication habits at work say about you and how that might differ from your boss and colleagues

Using Learning Styles to Your Advantage: 14 Study Methods, Tips, & Common Misconceptions

The Other Ozempic Revolution - The Atlantic Weight-loss drugs affect identities and relationships as much as waistlines.

What is death? | MIT Technology Review New neuroscience is challenging our understanding of the dying processbringing opportunities for the living

Eye-to-eye contact during conversations is rare and happen only 3.5% of the time but shapes our social behavior and this time, even it lasts for a few seconds, appears to be an important predictive factor for subsequent social behavior
The U.S. Government UFO Cover-Up Is RealBut It s Not What You Think - Decades of declassified memos, internal reports, and study projects create the sense that the government doesn't have satisfying answers for the most perplexing sightings.

Snow no more in Mass.: New climate report warns of rainy winters ahead : massachusetts

Which dispensaries in Boston have the best prices? : boston

YouTube is reportedly slowing down videos for Firefox users : technology
when youtube tried blocking adblockers : videos


EU strikes deal on new ecocide rules to put polluters in jail

Worlds first gene therapy that could offer relief to thousands of people with sickle cell disease and thalassemia was approved in the U.K.

Magnitude 6.8 quake hits Davao Occidental | GMA News Online the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) reported.

Renewed fighting in Myanmar has displaced 26,000 people since Monday, UN says : worldnews
Children among 11 people killed in Myanmar in military jet bombing : worldnews

Pro-Beijing lawyer petitions High Court to allow arrests of US lawmakers behind Hong Kong Sanctions Act : worldnews ... an order for the arrests of US representatives Young Kim, Jim McGovern, and John Curtis, as well as senators Dan Sullivan and Jeff Merkley.

Russian mass media report about the fall of a downed kamikaze UAV on both sides of the road in the Moscow region - Unlike previous attacks, this time only one drone is known to have been used

Russias justice ministry has filed a motion with the countrys Supreme Court to label what it called the international LGBT public movementas extremist and to ban its operation within Russia
Russia moves to ban international LGBT public movement for 'extremism'

4/ The Russian government continues efforts to restrict citizens access to the internet and to strengthen its control over the Russian information space.
Russia tightens its grip on encrypted communications and tools with the ability to bypass government censorship : worldnews

Media: Kazakhstan blocks Russian TV portal

Indias most populated states govt looks to ban products with halal tag.

Maldives new president asks India to withdraw its military : worldnews

Saudi Media reports Houthi rebels take Israeli cargo ship : worldnews
Saudi media says Houthis grab Israeli owned cargo ship : worldnews
Militants believed to be Houthi rebels use helicopter to seize Japanese tanker in Red Sea

A split emerges as Biden struggles to deter attacks on U.S. troops - The Washington Post Frustration is building within the Defense Department, officials say, over the surge in Iranian proxy attacks on American military positions
Protests By Workers, Professionals Continue In Iran : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 41) : worldnews

Palestinian Authority denies Hamas music festival massacre : worldnews
Netanyahu slams preposterous Palestinian Authority for denying Oct. 7 massacre
Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7 : worldnews
IDF unveils footage showing role of Shifa hospital in Oct 7 attack : worldnews
UK doctor who worked at Shifa confirms Gaza hospital used for non-medical purposes
Hamas publishes video showing terror operatives storming Gazas Rantisi Hospital

PM says bucking intl pressure against Gaza op, stresses no hostage deal as of now
Israel and Hamas reach tentative U.S.-brokered deal to pause conflict, free dozens of hostages - A five-day pause in fighting, monitored by aerial surveillance, could see dozens of women and children freed from captivity in Gaza, according to people familiar with the terms of the agreement
Ceasefire - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Hamas battles Israeli forces in north Gaza, hostage deal report denied : worldnews

Evidence gleaned since Oct. 7 shows Hamas militants prepared for asecond phase of assaults amid hopes of inspiring violence in the West Bank and beyond
Army says Shifa given 6,000 liters of water, 2,300 kg of food : worldnews

IDF uncovers weapons in Gaza high school as fighting expands to new areas : worldnews

Dashcam footage documents farmer who saved 120 lives on Oct. 7 : worldnews

31 premature babies safely evacuated from Shifa Hospital to southern Gaza, WHO says : worldnews
IDF Enables Evacuees From Shifa Hospital To Leave Safely, Contrary to False Media Reports : worldnews

Video shows dozens of bodies after alleged attack at UN-run school in Gaza | CNN : worldnews

#BREAKING: nearly six weeks after the barbaric Hamas massacre, the body of 12-year-old Liel Hatzroni has been identified. Her entire family, including her twin brother, were murdered and their bodies incinerated when Hamas set the house on fire. May her memory be a blessing

Ukraine Announces Sanctions on 37 Russian Groups, 108 People : worldnews
Major natural gas deposit discovered in western Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 634, Part 1 (Thread #780) : worldnews

Russian losses per 19/11/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff ... +1190 men +13 tanks
Its been awhile since I made a visual chart of both Russian military casualties and Ukrainian military and civilian casualties using statistical averages from Pentagon leak and NYT articles from earlier in the year see original breakdown in tweet below, so I decided to do an updated version on day 633 of the Russo-Ukraine War.

Ukraine Announces Success on Dnipro River, Pushes Russia Inland
Ukraines troops work to advance on Russian-held side of key river after gaining footholds
Ukraine pushes Russia 3-8 km away from main river in Kherson region : ukraine

Oh boy, the manifold RuAF artillery supply chain logistical failures shown in the @secretsqrl123 post & the telegram video.
Oh boy, the manifold RuAF artillery supply chain logistical failures shown in the @secretsqrl123 post & the telegram video

Politico: Ukraine has evidence of 109,000 Russian war crimes, Prosecutor General says. Its our commitment to decide to document, prosecute each and every incident, because each and every incident of war crimes has its victims.
No one knows exactly how many Ukrainian children have allegedly been abducted by Russia during Vladimir Putins war. @CeciliaVega spent months following one grandmother as she risked her life to find her grandson before he completely disappeared.
Russia abducted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children, 'adopting' them by force and militarizing them : ukraine

Around 3,000 trucks stuck at Ukrainian border due to Polish drivers blockade

Defence Forces helping to build temporary border fence in Kuhmo (Finland) : worldnews

Norway intercepts 6 Russian bombers and fighters : worldnews

Germanys Scholz criticises Israelssettlements in occupied West Bank

Germany, France and Italy reach agreement on future AI regulation : worldnews

France test-fires long-range ballistic missile to boost nuclear deterrence : worldnews

And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Passes Away at Age 96
Statement from President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden on the Passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter : politics
Rosalynn Carter, former first lady who championed mental health and humanitarian causes, dies at 96 : politics
Rosalynn Carter, RIP - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Joe Biden: The U.S. wont back down from the challenge of Putin and Hamas
Biden presents plan for two-state solution in Israel-Hamas war: A ceasefire is not peace
Biden warns U.S. could sanction Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians : worldnews
U.S. Prepared to Issue Visa Bans on Israeli Extremists Attacking Palestinians in West Bank, Biden Says
Biden warns U.S. could sanction Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians : politics ... In case people have forgotten, there is an illegal settlement that Netanyahu named after Trump.
Trump Heights - Wikipedia
Biden orders top aides to prepare reprimands for violent Israeli settlers in West Bank : worldnews
By supporting Ukraine, were keeping American troops out of the war - US President
More than 100 former White House officials send letter praising Bidens Israel stance
Poll: Biden's standing hits new lows amid Israel-Hamas war Young voters are breaking from Biden, helping give Trump a narrow lead for the first time in NBC News polling, though the gap is within the margin of error.
Lawmakers debate future of Israel military aid : politics

Sanders calls for conditioning US aid to Israel : politics

L.A. Times Calls for Gaza Ceasefire to End Israels Indiscriminate Killing of Palestinian Civilians
Eschaton: Journalists It's normal, during conflicts, for journalists to express solidarity with other journalists - on "all sides" - and to condemn military targeting of them, or even just insufficient concern for their safety ... The Los Angeles Times is prohibiting staff from covering the Gaza war for at least three months if they signed a strongly-worded open letter criticizing Israels military operations in the region.

After 24 Hours, Pro-Palestine Harvard Students End Occupation of University Hall | News | The Harvard Crimson
As Harvard Jews for Palestine Occupy University Hall, Dean of Faculty Hoekstra Stays Mum | News | The Harvard Crimson

Hispanics warn of dangerous trap in Ukraine-for-border talks : politics

The wealth baseline never shifts - Lawyers, Guns & Money Heres yet another essay about how Americans have to work longer into old age so that we can "afford" Social Security and Medicare.

Peaking Into the Dark Recesses of the Labor Market - Lawyers, Guns & Money One thing about the labor market in the United States is that there is so much unbelievably horrifying exploitation going on in ways that you wouldnt even think of.

Veteran Psychedelic Therapy Gets Cautious Support at First House Hearing of Its Kind Since 1960s : politics

Opinion: Christian nationalism is only espoused by a minority of Americans : politics

Another Republican accuses McCarthy of violence after elbow incident : politics

GOP lawmaker accused of picking colleagues noses on Israel trip

Hunter Bidens career of benefiting from his father's name - The president's son has had a complex, even tortured relationship with the Biden brand

Biden team ratchets up offensive against Trump : politics
Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place : politics
Biden campaign works to ease Democratic anxiety over reelection chances - The Washington Post The president and his team are facing calls to become more active and aggressive in highlighting the contrast with his most likely opponent, Donald Trump

Vulgarities, insults, baseless attacks: Trump backers follow his lead Many GOP voters are not just tolerating, but relishing and emulating Trumps often crass and cruel approach to politics

A study in Political Research Quarterly found that partisan biases, fueled by Trumps false 2020 election fraud claims, significantly impact U.S. voters confidence in elections, overriding objective measures of election administration quality

Trump vows to kill Asia trade deal being pursued by Biden if elected : politics

Donald Trumps New Campaign Talking Point: Save the Donuts

Colorado Official Rips Judges Trump Ruling: Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

Trump claims judge in fraud trial is complete and total puppet of New York AG

Donald Trump mocks Jimmy Carters presidency day after Rosalynn Carter entered hospice care

Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve : politics

Manchin exit deals blow to Senate compromise : politics Manchin killed the presidents landmark Build Back Better legislation because it didnt hurt the environment to his liking. His career was spent holding progress hostage.
Can a socialist ex-marine fill Joe Manchins seat in West Virginia?

DeSantis exacerbates attacks on GOP rival withReal Nikki Haley website

Voters back abortion rights, but some foes wont relent. Is the commitment to democracy in question?

In a swing Wisconsin county, everyone is tired of politics : politics

Ohio bill allowing unapprovedflags in HOA, condo communities called unconstitutional ... Thin Blue Line flag ...

Newsom TV ad hits DeSantis on abortion as Fox debate looms : politics

Alabama GOP congressional candidate facing theft charge : politics

Neo-Nazis March Through Madison Yelling There Will BeBlood

Western District of North Carolina | Federal Indictment Unsealed After U.S. Postal Employee And Two Co-Conspirators Are Arrested For $24 Million Stolen Check Scheme | United States Department of Justice

Bowen Turners Release From Prison Puts South Carolinas Justice System on Trial Once AgainAnother privileged son with a big-name attorney gets a sweetheart deal.

The Wellness Company has helped underwrite the online programming of Kari Lake, Laura Loomer, Naomi Wolf, and others. But critics say the Goop-like firm is a prolific grift.

Antisemitism was rising online. Then Elon Musk's X supercharged it. After neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville, white supremacists were confined mostly to fringe websites. Musk's purchase of Twitter changed that.
DeSantis refuses to condemn Elon Musk over support of antisemitic post Ron DeSantis refuses to condemn Elon Musks endorsement of antisemitic conspiracy theory
The Free Speech Absolutism of Elon Musk, Free Speech Absolutist - Lawyers, Guns & Money
There are about fifty reasons your petulant flounce is nonsense, you emotionally spavined freak, but lets start with the first clause of the first sentence: its 2023 and you e-file complaints now. You dont have to wait for the courthouse to be open. You utter twat.
Its illegal for you to refresh the page! -- brain genius Elon Musk
Elon Musk is so mad about all the advertisers fleeing X, he announced hes going to sue Media Mattersand in his statement, he appears to confirm the accuracy of their reports in an attempt to downplay it
Elon Musk vows thermonuclear lawsuit as advertisers flee X over antisemitism
X is placing ads for Amazon, NBA Mexico, NBCUniversal, and others next to content with white nationalist hashtags | Media Matters for America
Here are the companies pulling ads from X | Media Matters for America

Tucker Carlson spreads antisemitic message in interview with Candace Owens | CNN Business

Satya Nadella furious with blindside ousting of Sam Altman
OpenAI is optimistic that it can bring ousted CEO Sam Altman and other senior figures back, The Information reported

Being Breastfed in Infancy and Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Precursor Lesions : science Being breastfed in infancy was associated with increased risk of CRC in adulthood, including among younger adults. However, further research is needed to understand the underlying biological mechanisms, as this association does not establish causation

Study finds that degrees from the most selective liberal arts colleges yield a long-term return on investment thats comparable to degrees from comprehensive, top-tier research universities.

When we see what others do, our brain sees not what we see, but what we expect: If we observe actions in meaningful sequences, our brains increasingly ignore what comes into our eyes, and depend more on predictions of what should happen next, derived from our own motor system. : science

Young women (18-29Y) with major depressive disorder (MDD) have 19% lower taurine concentration in the hippocampus : science

TIL of shifting baseline syndrome which is a gradual change in the accepted norms for the condition of the natural environment due to a lack of experience, memory, and/or knowledge of its past condition.

Cheap medicines prevented migraine as well as expensive ones: A new Norwegian study sheds light on what works best to prevent migraine attacks, and surprisingly, cheaper medicines worked as well as the expensive ones. : science

TIL that in the US alone, over 200,000 minors were legally married from 2002 to 2017, with the youngest being only 10 years old and most of them married to adults. : todayilearned

TIL of the 6 Degrees of Separation theory: The idea that all humans are connected with 6 connections or less : todayilearned

TIL that some cultures didn't practice kissing at all before contact with the West, and only half of the world today kisses romantically : todayilearned

What is the most fucked up book youve ever read?

Whats the most f**ked up story youve heard?

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof - Wikipedia


Climate change: Is the world warming faster than expected? - BBC News

Some good news on climate change - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Worlds 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars, researchers say

Australian naval personnel injured by sonar pulses from Chinese warship : worldnews

Philippines says at least six killed in Fridays magnitude 6.7 quake
Philippines Marcos meets Chinas Xi to find ways to reduce South China Sea tensions

Myanmar: UN says tens of thousands displaced in clashes. Myanmars western Rakhine state has been the site of new clashes between the Arakan Army militia group and the junta, which overthrew the civilian government early in 2021. Fighting was also reported in Chin state
Myanmar: Eight children killed in military strike on school in Chin State : worldnews

S.Korea and Japan to construct next-generation energy supply network : worldnews

Taiwans opposition parties fail to agree on a joint candidate for Januarys presidential election
Japan firms exit Taiwan offshore wind projects amid industry woes : worldnews

Putin sees political, economic upside to Israels war with Hamas

The Moscow Times, Noted For Its English Coverage Of Russia, Is Declared Foreign Agent

Russian doctors write open letter in support of artist sentenced to seven years for anti-war tags : worldnews

TIL in 2020 68% of new marriages in India were arranged whereas in 2023 44% were. : todayilearned

Special womens exhibition opens in Kabul amid womens restrictions

Liberia President George Weah concedes election defeat : worldnews

South African lawmakers approve marijuana legalization bill years after court deems prohibition unconstitutional : worldnews

Bahrain crown prince blasts intolerable situation in Gaza, demands Hamas release hostages

Arab forces will not go to Gaza, says Jordanian minister in rebuke of Israel : worldnews

Some 25 rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon in latest barrage, IDF says : worldnews

Israel and Hamas reach tentative U.S.-brokered deal to pause conflict, free dozens of hostages : news

Innocent Civilians : PoliticalHumor
Israeli airstrikes kill 80 in Palestinian refugee camp : news
Netanyahu is a liability for Biden: Peace is impossible until he goes | Simon Tisdall | The Guardian

Information missteps have led to questions about Israel's credibility Israel has released several pieces of incorrect or disputed information, leading to weakened credibility and online ridicule.

Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, Netanyahu told his Likud partys Knesset members in March 2019. This is part of our strategy
Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas -

Panic as Gazas al-Shifa evacuates, Israel army denies ordering it to do so ... This was a horrifying read. WHOs word is beyond credible. Im shocked yet not at all shocked Israel is trying to play down its culpability here
IDF: No order given to evacuate Shifa, safe route opened for any who wish to leave : worldnews
Israel orders evacuation of Gazas Al-Shifa hospital in next hour: Report

Israel says it will allow two trucks of fuel a day into Gaza : worldnews ...For 2.2 million people

Israeli Army Takes Journalists on Controlled Visit to Gaza Hospital : worldnews

Hamas confirms death of senior official Ahmed Bahr : worldnews

IDF locates more Hamas terror tunnels, uncovers info on Gaza hostages : worldnews

Nissim Vaturi, Deputy Speaker of Israels Knesset, calls to stop being humane and burn Gaza

Hamas has demanded Israel stop flying drones over Gaza in hostage negotiations. : worldnews

IDF suspends soldier who threw stun grenade into West Bank mosque : worldnews

Israeli Victim of Rave Massacre Buried Outside Cemetery Due to Incomplete Conversion to Judaism : worldnews

Israel investigates sexual violence committed by Hamas as part of October 7 horror : worldnews
Israeli police say extreme sexual violence, rape by Hamas terrorists was systematic : worldnews

Israeli settler attacks force 963 Palestinians out of West Bank homes since Gaza war started : worldnews
West Bank farmers claim that they were already suffering attacks by settlers before October 7, but that now the Israeli army has also joined in the harassment : worldnews

Israeli intelligence operative sentenced to six years and eight months in prison for hacking environmentalists on Exxon's trail. : worldnews

Zelensky Reveals Moscows Maidan 3 Plan: Disinformation Campaign Aiming to Spark Coup
Zelenskyy warns that supply of vital artillery ammunition to Ukraine has really slowed down
More than 4,330 Ukrainian citizens remain in Russian captivity : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 633, Part 1 (Thread #779) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 18.11.2023 : ukraine
It is meat assault season: 26710 russian soldiers turned to cargo 200 and 300 over the past 30 days sets another record. [link to source in comments] : ukraine
Ukrainian forces eliminate nearly 500 occupiers near Avdiivka, capture one. [article] : ukraine

Russian army loses up to 1,000 soldiers daily near Avdiivka and overall has sustained casualties of 300,000-400,000 - western officials. : UkraineWarVideoReport

4/ The #Ukrainian General Staff acknowledged that #Russian forces have a fairly seriousline of fortifications in #Kherson Oblast.
(4/5) Eyewitness reports suggest small uncrewed aerial vehicles and artillery (especially cluster rounds) continue to play a major role in disrupting the attacks of both sides.

EU Slams Russias Shamefu Use of Migrants at Finnish Border

US happy that incoming Polish government will improve relations with EU, says ambassador

Israels right to self-defence mustnot be called into question: Germanys Scholz

Archaeologists thrilled after discovered in San Casciano (Italy) a youthful marble Apollo : worldnews

Portugal just ran on 100% renewables for six days in a row : worldnews

170,000 protest in Madrid over proposed amnesty for Catalan separatists : worldnews

Scotland could rejoin EU smoothly and quickly after independence (dump Tolryland)

Taylor Swift fan dies before Brazil concert amid sweltering conditions : worldnews

A study from one of Canadas premiere climate labs says methane emissions from Albertas natural gas industry are underestimated by almost 50 per cent.

Biden Skillfully Handled Xi Jinpings U.S. Visit in Ways Trump Simply Never Could ... comparing a man who has decades of political experience, and was longtime member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and a witless buffoon who has no idea how the government actually works.

Senate Republicans fail to stop Bidens new student loan income-driven repayment plan

Why GOP Is Scared to Stop Tommy Tubervilles Tantrum Over Military Nominees

Tempers flare and bills languish as Speaker Johnson confronts the same problems that vexed McCarthy : politics
House speaker says Jan. 6 footage being posted online for public access : politics
Mike Johnsons campaign contributions from company tied to Russia ... One of the men behind the company, Nikolaev, an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also found to have financially backed Maria Butina, a Russian citizen who lived in Washington D.C. Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison in 2019 after admitting to acting as an unregistered foreign agent to infiltrate conservative political groups and influence foreign policy to Russia' s benefit before and after the 2016 election. ... Welp, Johnson is pretty blatantly compromised.
Mike Johnson: U.S. Dark and Depraved Because So Many Teens Are LGBTQ+. Johnson made the remark to a Christian right activist just three weeks before becoming speaker of the House.

Not voting for Biden means Trump wins. : PoliticalHumor

GOP Sen. Mullin Says His Offer to Brawl With Union Leader Was Oklahoma Values
Former GOP House members wife said Sen. Markwayne Mullin put his finger in the noses of sleeping members of Congress and their spouses on a trip to Israel

White House challenges latest Biden impeachment inquiry - The Washington Post
White House: GOPs impeachment inquiry is unconstitutional congressional harassment
Whatever access you need: How Biden handled early days of classified documents probeBidens degree of cooperation appears to stand in contrastwith Trumps conduct.
Rep. Comer Rakes in Campaign Cash as Top Biden Impeachment Investigator : politics

I am an expert on polls. Heres why they cant tell you if Biden beats Trump again

"Our democracy hangs by a thread": Expert panel says a Trump victory in 2024 will end it : politics

New audio reveals Donald Trump wanted to join Jan. 6 crowd : politics

Ukraine implicates three Giuliani allies in plot to help Russia meddle in 2020 US election : politics

Colorado Judge Keeps Trump on Ballot but Finds He Engaged in Insurrection
Trump Engaged in Insurrection but Can Stay on Colorados Ballot Anyway,Court Rules ... But Wallace found that, while Trump did incite an insurrection, he did not meet the qualification of an officer of the United States,meaning he can still appear on the ballot.

Donald Trump, ungagged, is right back to attacking his fraud trials law clerk

Trump loses bid for mistrial in New York fraud case : politics

On the level of Hitler and Mussolini: Biden camp slams Trump on anti-immigrant plan

Chutkan denies Trump motion to strike Jan. 6 language from indictment | The Hill
Judge Rejects Trump Motion to Strike Jan. 6 Mentions From Federal Election Case

New Hampshire shows how deeply rooted Trumps fraud lies are ... 55% think Biden stole election

Trump says Biden isnt in charge. Sidney Powell says neither was Trump

Ex-Fox News reporter sues network, saying he was fired for challenging lies about 2020 election : politics

House and Senate retirements affect 2024 election for control of Congress - POLITICO

Washington Post lawsuit challenges Florida law shielding DeSantis travel records - POLITICO

Texas House votes to remove school vouchers from massive education bill : politics
Texas: Republican-controlled school board votes against climate textbooks : politics

Moms for Liberty pushes to remove Scholastic book fairs from Oklahoma schools. The organization said, in part, that "Scholastic is focused on indoctrinating youth with radical viewpoints and sexual ideologies" : politics
Moms for Liberty reports over $2 million in revenue, with bulk of contributions from two donors : politics

Arizona State University cancels event featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Conservatives not planning to shift education messaging ahead of 2024 : politics

Officials stock up on overdose antidote naloxone after fentanyl-laced letters disrupt vote counting : politics

Buffalo shooting survivors mother elected to city council in landslide win

As mass shootings multiplied, the horrific human cost was concealed : politics ... as gun violence has grown more common, state lawmakers have increasingly restricted access to government records documenting its destructive impact, such as photos and videos showing mutilated bodies and audio recordings capturing childrens cries.

The suspect never made it out of the buildings lobby before being shot by a state trooper, police said

The Bin Laden Letter Is Being Weaponized by the Far Right | WIRED

Sean Combs, Cassie settle her bombshell rape, sex trafficking lawsuit day after filing : news

Mary Trump and Kathy Griffin mock Joe Rogans IQ of a turnip

SpaceXs Starship Lost Shortly After Launch of Second Test Fligh

White House blasts Elon Musk for promoting antisemitic and racist hate

The head of the ADL rushing to Elons defense less than 48 hours after he explicitly endorsed the specifically anti-Semitic version of Great Replacement Theory that motivated the Tree of Life Massacre is yet another striking example of how broken American politics is

With antisemitic tweet, Elon Musk reveals his actual truth
Elon Musk to file thermonuclear lawsuit as advertisers desert X (t
X ad boycott gathers pace amid antisemitism storm - BBC News
Disney, Apple, Warner Bros. Among Mass Advertiser Exodus From X Following Antisemitic Post : worldnews

Unauthorized David Attenborough AI clone narrates developers life, goes viral

OpenAI Investors Plot Last-Minute Push With Microsoft To Reinstate Sam Altman As CEO : technology
OpenAI announces leadership transition
Details emerge of surprise board coup that ousted CEO Sam Altman at OpenAI Microsoft CEO Nadella "furious"; OpenAI President and three senior researchers resign.
Before OpenAI Ousted Altman, Employees Disagreed Over AI Safety
Earthquake at ChatGPT developer as senior staff quit after sacking of boss Sam Altman
OpenAI co-founder Greg Brockman is leaving, too : technology
3 senior OpenAI researchers resign in the wake of Sam Altmans shock dismissal as CEO, report says
WTF is going on at OpenAI? We have theories | TechCrunch

Gen Z Is Leaving Dating Apps Behind : technology

ELI5 How do you research using scholarly sources? : explainlikeimfive

New data: Over 100 elementary-aged children arrested in U.S. schools : news

TIL about Three Identical Strangers, a pair of triplets who were secretly separated at birth and sent to different families to study child development. : todayilearned

Children whose mothers are highly stressed, anxious or depressed during pregnancy may be at higher risk for mental health and behavior issues during their childhood and teen years : science

TIL 59% of 18-25 year olds in the United States are overweight or obese : todayilearned

A novel approach for the protein determination in food-relevant microalgae : science

Following a Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cognitive decline in older people. The study provides new evidence for a better understanding of the biological mechanisms related to the impact of the diet on cognitive health in the ageing population : science

Genital herpes linked to accelerated brain shrinkage : science

Researchers have shown for the first time that hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells, where it binds oxygen, is also present in the epidermis, our skins outermost body tissue. The expression of hemoglobin by keratinocytes represents a defense mechanism against skin aging and skin cancer.

Psychedelic science is facing serious challenges that threaten the validity of core findings and raise doubt regarding clinical efficacy and safety. In this paper, researchers introduce the 10 most pressing challenges and provide a roadmap for tackling these challenges. : science

Terrorism rather than pandemics more concerning for those with those with authoritarian views, analysis shows : science

ELI5: What is the opioid crisis in the US? : explainlikeimfive

TIL That Supermassive Black Holes also have a habitable zone where planets can form : todayilearned

Test Your Brain: Can You See These Visual Illusions? | by Simone Lilavois | Medium Harnessing Physical and Cognitive Illusions to Illuminate the Mechanisms of The Visual System

ELI5: Why is it faster to fly east than west? : explainlikeimfive

The Mystifying Secrets of The Numbers 3,6,9 | by Sanghamitra Moulik | Mystic Minds | Medium Patterns & geometry through which the Universe speaks

(99+) Sacred Geometry of the Platonic Solids by S M Phillips | Athanassios Nick. Christopoulos -

Spouses of Reddit, what's the funniest thing youve realized about marriage?

What fact sounds ridiculous, but is true? : AskReddit

Whats a commonly taught historical fact that just isnt true?

What is the biggest hoax that people still believe? : AskReddit

If you could learn the answer to any unsolved mystery, whether its historical or personal, what would it be?

What is the scariest yet most realistic future film ever made ? : AskReddit ... nuclear holocaust Threads was much more terrifying and depressing than US TV movie, The Day After.


2 degrees, 40 feet: Scientists who study Earths ice say we could be committed to disastrous sea level rise

Climate change may slightly increase the amount of carbon Earths plants can store,according to a new study that updates climate models to include recent advances in the understanding of how photosynthesis works.

Study: 58% of world's richest companies quietly lobby against climate policies -

Only 4% of countries propose eliminating multibillion-dollar subsidies for fossil fuels in their climate plans : worldnews

Oil prices on track for fourth straight week of declines : worldnews

It feels like Im not crazy. Gardeners arent surprised as USDA updates key map

A new model weighs protecting public health and the economy to determine what should stay open during the next pandemic : science

Military lawyer David McBride pleads guilty to unlawfully sharing secret allegations of Australian war crimes : worldnews

Powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake tears through Philippines with residents told to be prepared for aftershocks : worldnews

Junta Continues to Lose Bases as Resistance Operations Expand Across Myanmar : worldnews

Japan and South Korea leaders meet again as ties improve : worldnews

Dog Meat Consumption Set to Be Banned in South Korea : worldnews

Highly-Decorated Russian General Who Once Criticised Putin Found Dead : worldnews

I Just Wanted to Stop the War: Russian Artist Sentenced to 7 Years for Price Tag Protest

Russian authorities ask the Supreme Court to declare the LGBTQ movementextremist
Russia moves to outlaw the international LGBT movement as extremist organisation

Bangladesh opposition mourns death of democracy ahead of vote

Saudi Arabia detains worshippers praying for Gaza in holy sites : worldnews

UAE to build three desalination plants to supply Gaza with water : worldnews
The worlds largest single-site solar farm just came online in the United Arab Emirates and it will power nearly 200,000 homes

Biden: Israels Gaza operation will end when Hamas no longer able to murder Israelis

Israel drops leaflets warning people to flee southern Gaza towns : worldnews

Netanyahu says Israel not successful at minimising Gaza casualties but blames Hamas

IDF says Hamas hiding evidence of use of Shifa hospital as command centre : worldnews

Army says it struck Hamas underground sites where senior commanders were hiding : worldnews

Israel finds body of Gaza hostage near Al-Shifa hospital : worldnews

Survey finds majority in the West Bank support the Oct 7 massacre : worldnews

Hostage Emily Hand marks 9th birthday in Hamas captivity : worldnews

How Hamas exploited Israels reliance on tech to breach barrier on Oct. 7

Hamas Claims 86-Year-Old Hostage Dies of Heart Attack in Captivity : worldnews

Blacklisted spyware firm looks for inroads amid war in Gaza - POLITICO .. NSO Group is looking to make inroads with the Biden administration amid the conflict in the Middle East, part of a larger effort to reverse sanctions against the company.

Ukraine Aid From US Wont Be Approved for a Month, Maybe Longer - Bloomberg. New US aid for Ukraine risks slipping to mid-December and maybe longer, casting doubt on Washingtons ability to keep up the flow of weapons that both the Biden administration and UA say is vital. (pro-Putin Refuckers)
The UK will continue to Stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes for them to achieve victory : ukraine
Zelensky Warns About Target for Putins Next Distraction
Zelensky warns of Russian disinformation campaign aimed at regime change in Kyiv : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 632, Part 1 (Thread #778) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 17.11.2023 : ukraine
Ukrainian Marines: Russia has suffered close to 3,500 casualties in Dnipro River battles : ukraine
15 Russian warships destroyed, 12 damaged, Ukraines navy says

Ukrainian Marine Corps Says Multiple Bridgeheads Secured on Left Bank of Dnipro River : worldnews

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plants power unit 5 leaks from reactors primary circuit

Purra: Finland ready to close entire border with Russia : worldnews

Swedish dockworkers are refusing to unload Teslas at ports in broad boycott move. : news

Mass shooting fears as Lithuanian MPs propose automatic weapons bill : worldnews

Massive cryptomining rig discovered under Polish courts floor, stealing power

EU leader Ursula von der Leyen urges states to begin economic de-risking from China or face trouble : worldnews

Germany to discuss draft laws to make recognition of Israel a condition for citizenship : worldnews

French senator arrested on suspicion of drugging MP with intent to commit rape : worldnews

Labour MP Jo Stevens office vandalised by pro-Palestine protesters
Former deputy PM condemns dictatorial Braverman Rwanda plan
I will take them on: Rishi Sunak vows to challenge those standing in way of Rwanda plan
Bill to separate church from state to be introduced in UK parliament -- Sponsor Paul Scriven: "The separation of the Church of England and the state is long overdue. We need to reflect Britain as it is today, not what it was back on the 1500s" : worldnews

Argentina on a knife-edge as presidential election offers clashing visions of the future | Reuters

Pentagon fails sixth audit in a row : politics

Israels Ludicrous Propaganda Wins Over the Only Audience That Counts - Why make an effort to be credible if youre going to be uncritically echoed by White House and the Western press? (SEE BOXES OF "MEDICAL SUPPLIES" and Biden buying the lies)
Eschaton: Indiscriminate - So that's what you were supporting (the boxes)
Eschaton: Headlines (tunnels! command and control centers)
Eschaton: The Hamas Command Center Is East, West, South and North Somewhat Anywhere there are ICUs.
Biden's an old guy who has difficulty letting reality intrude upon what he knows for sure, but he is also obviously surrounded by the ghouls who though the Kushner-Netanyahu peace plan was excellent. The judgment and honesty of those people is, to put it mildly, questionable
Eschaton: America's Worst President Joe Biden.
Sympathy for Israel plunges among younger voters: Poll : politics
Israel is tearing MAGA apart : politics

Biden signs stopgap spending bill, averting government shutdown | CNN Politics : politics

The GOP doesnt want you to know the true number of undocumented immigrants

Senate Republicans get ready to roll Tuberville on military holds : politics

Mike Johnson to release Capitol security footage from Jan. 6
Mike Johnsons ministry board includes far-right figures who doubt evolution, oppose LGBTQ rights

House GOP cant do anything right but theyre still on course to impeach Joe Biden ... the hint of a hint of a shadow of conjecture ...

So much for "small government": Budget fight reveals GOP main issue is culture war : politics

People of color get significantly less representation than White voters. And thatsnot the only way the Senate is skewed.

Want to Know What's Bedeviling Biden? TikTok Economics May Hold Clues. - Economic despair dominates social media as young people fret about the cost of living. It offers a snapshot of the challenges facing Democrats ahead of the 2024 election.

Biden voters say more motivated to stop Trump than to support president-Reuters/Ipsos : politics

Wingnut welfare is an abundant resource - Lawyers, Guns & Money Leonard Leos slush fund is funded lavishly even by the standards of Republican institutions that provide ongoing material benefits to the 1% -- A quarter billion a year is one hell of a lot of boxes of ziti. Clarence Thomas is probably complaining to Harlan Crow that hes getting stiffed as we speak.

What Happens If Trump Is Convicted in Winter 2024? : politics

Trump reacts in disgust on Truth Social after Biden sees no charges in documents case : politics

Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024 : politics
The Economist names Trump biggest danger for 2024
Trump says the quiet part out loud: Hell destroy democracy
Trump Gives Away the Game With January 6 Confession in New Recording: A new audio recording reveals Trump admitting that he could have stopped the January 6 "problems" all on his own.

Has Trump Gone Even Crazier? | Washington Monthly Forget parsing every Biden utterance. The likely GOP nominee is forgetting where he is, stumbling over words, and waxing full fascist.

Trump instantly lashes out at court clerk as soon as gag order lifted : politics
Trump and Aides Immediately Attack Clerk After Gag Order Is Paused : politics

Judge Gets Tough on Leaks in Trump Election Interference Case - Judge Scott McAfee issued a protective order on Thursday blocking the release of some evidence to the public. : politics
The election interference case against Trump is taking shape. : politics

Trump doesnt deserve special treatment in New York hush money case: Prosecutors

Trumps expert accountant couldn't even ballpark it when asked what he's charging for his testimony

Donald Trump Has Serious Plans for the Mass Violations of Civil Rights : politics

Trump classified documents trial running about four months behind schedule : politics

Youre gonna get us all killed : New lawsuit provides harrowing look at Fox News' lies

Trump Adviser Stephen Millers Legal Group Rakes in $44 Million

John Sullivan, who said he was only filming Jan. 6, is convicted. : politics

Man Obsessed With Online Conspiracy Theories Convicted in Paul Pelosi Attack : politics ... Conspiracy Theoriesmakes it sound like he found them on hidden Internet forums and not the single largest news network in the country.

Ron DeSantis Florida drag ban blocked by Supreme Court
Supreme Court will not allow DeSantiss unconstitutional anti-drag law to be enforced
DeSantis State Guard contracts with combat-training company

A Nationwide Abortion Ban Will Be on the Ballot in 2024 : politics
Ohio voted to protect abortion rights. Republicans are scheming to undo it

Matt Gaetz accuses NSA of targeting white people:Bigoted nonsense

Ethics chairman introduces Santos expulsion resolution after damning report : politics
Damning Ethics Report Solves the Big George Santos Question: Where the Money Came From
George Santos Used Campaign Funds to Pay for OnlyFans: Ethics Report : politics
George Santos Is the Most Comically Dumb Con Man of All Time. | Where Donald Trumps corruption and deceit have torn apart this country, Santoss was merely laughable

Moms for Liberty Scrambles, Removes Leaders Amid Proud Boys Link Controversy : politics

New polling shows Americans oppose Republican anti-LGBTQ+ priorities : politics

How ID Requirements Harm Marginalized Communities and Their Right to Vote : politics

No Labels Tax Forms Reveal Execs Cashing In on 2024 Hype
No Labels, no guru, no teacher, no money left on the table - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Eric Adams attended nearly 80 events celebrating Turkey - POLITICO

C.T.E. Study Finds That Young Football Players Are Getting the Disease - The New York Times

Small sacrifices - Lawyers, Guns & Money newest blockbuster from WAPO on the carnage caused by the AR 15 including never before published photos from Uvalde and other shootings. Absolutely horrifying and needs to be seen by every American. This insanity needs to stop.
As the NRA fades, a more zealous US pro-gun group rises as a lobbying power | US gun control | The Guardian Gun Owners of America, formed in belief NRA wastoo liberal, spent $3.3m lobbying against gun control and boasts 2m members
Dont just be horrified. Ban AR-15s, bump stocks and large magazines.

Workers on edge after thieves across the U.S. target delivery trucks : news

Homosexuality is now legal in Murfreesboro, city leaders decide in response to lawsuit - The Murfreesboro City Council updated code prior to Oct. 28 BoroPride

An Old Guy Is Running a Dungeon for Kids in Tennessee and No One's Doing Anything About It - A ProPublica report out of Knoxville on the Richard L. Bean Juvenile Service Center is rough reading.

X Races to Contain Damage After Elon Musk Endorses Antisemitic Post - The New York Times
Advertisers Flee X as Outcry Over Musk's Endorsement of Antisemitic Post Grows - Disney, Apple, Paramount and Lionsgate halted marketing on X, formerly Twitter, as Elon Musk faced a furor over antisemitic abuse on his social media platform.
The New York Times plans an event with Elon Musk despite his history of attacking the outlet | Media Matters for America
White House Condemns Elon MusksAbhorrent Endorsement of AntisemitismEuropean Commission and IBM halt X ads, citing hate speech
Apple to pause advertising on X after Musk backs antisemitic post
I wouldnt worry about it though, its not a big corporate advertiser - Apple and out:
Lionsgate Has Suspended All Advertising on X, Spokesman Says - Bloomberg
Lionsgate suspends all advertising on Elon Musks X (
No more ads on Elons X, EU Commission tells staff
Pouring poison into your own cesspool - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Sounds Like Theres Quite a Story Here ... the news that Open AI, which created ChatGPT, has fired CEO Sam Altman because the board concluded he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board. Yikes.

Vitamin B12 is a key player in cellular reprogramming and tissue regeneration, finds a new study in mice. Vitamin B12 supplementation shows potential in speeding up tissue repair in a model of ulcerative colitisan observation that points to potential new treatments for inflammatory diseases.

ELI5 In what way are The Beatles, as often stated, the most influential band in music history?

What is the most disturbing thing youve heard said casually?

Whats the stupidest thing youve ever heard anyone say?


Iceland volcano: Peninsula faces decades of instability

Greenhouse Gases Once Again Hit Record Levels, WMO Urges Urgent Fossil Fuel Cuts : worldnews

Shifting Political Winds Threaten Progress on Europes Green Goals

Wolf cull begins in Estonia despite conservation fears : worldnews

Sailors are looking for new ways to ward off orca attacks and say blasting thrash metal could be a game changer ... Metal-oraca-lypse is the new Sharknado.

UK becomes 1st country to approve gene therapy treatment for sickle cell, thalassemia : worldnews

McDonalds has lost its legal dispute with fast-food rival Hungry Jacks (The Australian name of Burger King) over its Big Mac lookalike burger the Big Jack

After battle with junta, Myanmar rebels take control of border point with India : worldnews
An ethnic resistance group in northern Myanmar says an entire army battalion surrendered to it The surrender of 261 people 127 soldiers and 134 of their family membersappears to be the biggest army surrender since armed conflict in Myanmar broke out in 2021
An ethnic resistance group in northern Myanmar says an entire army battalion has surrendered to it : worldnews

South Korea to maintain 52-hour workweek : worldnews

North Korea says it tested new solid-fuel engines for intermediate-range ballistic missiles : worldnews

Xi told Biden Taiwan is biggest, most dangerous issue in bilateral ties -US official : worldnews
Joe Biden reaffirms stance on Taiwan, confirms agreement on new talks at meeting on Apec sidelines : worldnews
Taiwan pledges US$3.8 million to help war-torn Ukraine : worldnews

Joe Biden calls Xi a dictator hours after constructive meeting; agree to pick up the phone and call one another
Biden Again Calls Xi a Dictator, Showing Limits of Cooperation : worldnews
China is willing to be a partner and friend of the US, Xi tells American CEOs
Earth is big enough for U.S. and China to succeed, Xi says as he meets Biden
More pandas will be coming to the U.S., Chinas president signals
Chinese President Xi Jinping signaled that China will send new pandas to the U.S., calling them "envoys of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples." : worldnews
Chinas home prices dip for 4th month, may weaken further

Russian Army Is Double Its Size on the Eve of Invasion and Likely Will Stay That Way
Russia not elected to UNESCO Executive Board for the first time : worldnews
EU plans fresh Russia sanctions including against son of Dmitry Medvedev : worldnews
Ukraine war: Russian diamonds set for ban under new EU sanctions : worldnews

St. Petersburg artist given seven-year sentence for anti-war protest using supermarket price tags : worldnews

Putin frees pardoned murderer from paying damages to victims family

MOSCOW, Nov 16 (Reuters) Russias rocket forces loaded an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with the nuclear-capable Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle into a launch silo in southern Russia, according to a defence ministry TV channel broadcast on Thursday.

India not ruling out probe, told Canada to share evidence: Jaishankar on Hardeep Nijjar killing : worldnews

Afghan refugees returning from Pakistan in very bad condition, says UN official
UN Human Rights Chief alarmed by reported abuse of Afghan refugees in Pakistan

Turkeys Erdogan labels Israel a terror stateslams its backers in West ... He also likened the conflict between Israel, a Jewish state, and the Palestinians to a war between the Christian and Muslim worlds, saying the crisis was a matter of cross and crescent

US Navy Warship Shoots Down Drone From Yemen Over the Red Sea : worldnews

Biden Allows Iran to Access Another $10 Billion Amid Gaza War : worldnews
Iranian authorities on Wednesday released the prize-winning rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh after she spent more than two weeks in prison. Sotoudeh was arrested at the funeral of Armita Garawand who activists say was fatally beaten by the Tehran morality police. : worldnews
Students urged to stay home in smog-hit Tehran : worldnews

No condemnation of Hamas: UN Security Council passes resolution calling for temporary cease-fire, hostage return : worldnews

Israeli opposition leader says time has come to replace Netanyahu : worldnews

The Israeli military has set its sights on southern Gaza. Problems loom in next phase of war : worldnews
In first in war, IDF calls on some southern Gaza residents to evacuate : worldnews

Biden: Gaza op will end when Hamas can no longer murder Israelis : worldnews

So that's what you were supporting ... Someone showed Biden the picture of the stack of boxes with big English words "MEDICAL SUPPLIES" on them.
Eschaton: I Can't Anymore After being promised a massive SciFi command center, I saw a video of 10 guns - smaller than the armory of a typical Texas nursery school - found behind an MRI machine (lol) and a box of dates. And here's our man:
IDF publishes evidence Gazas Al Shifa Hospital used for terror
Israel says it has uncovered weapons, military operations in al-Shifa : worldnews
Photos of hostages found on laptop computers at Al Shifa, IDF says : worldnews
BBC goes inside Al-Shifa Hospital with the Israeli army : worldnews

IDF strikes Hamas leader Haniyehs residence in Gaza

Demanding answers, families of captives begin protest march from Tel Aviv to Knesset - The government has already abandoned us, don't leave us alone, - organizers beseech the public as days-long march to Jerusalem is launched amid reports of potential hostage deal

How the dead are counted in Gaza - BBC News

France calls West Bank Israeli settler violence policy of terror (shittlers)
French President Macron speaks up for Swiss neutrality | French President Emanuel Macron said he respects the tradition of Swiss neutrality, which is behind a refusal to allow war material re-exports to Ukraine. : worldnews

Trudeau criticized for calling on Israel to exercise maximum restraint in Gaza

At least 6 injured, one critically, in shooting attack in Jerusalem : worldnews
Eight Israelis Wounded, One Critically, in Jerusalem Checkpoint Shooting Attack; Three Gunmen Killed : worldnews

Ukraine Cannot Afford Any Stalemate In War With Russia, Zelenskyy Says
Ukraines Foreign Minister has responded to mounting calls for peace talks with Russia by noting that Putin is a habitual liar who has been deceiving the world about the escalating Russian invasion of Ukraine for the past ten years
BBC News David Cameron makes first official visit to Ukraine
Pillaging Ukrainian grain to fund war was Russias plan from the outset, report says
Ukraine Indicts Officials Linked to Efforts to Investigate the Bidens : worldnews

Rudys Ukraine caper looks even worse nowMore evidence has emerged about the willingness of Trumpworld to exploit Russian misinformation.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 631, Part 1 (Thread #777) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 16.11.2023 : ukraine

Institute for the Study of War on X: "@criticalthreats" / X

Official: Russian army eliminated almost all Ukrainian literature in occupied Luhansk, Donetsk

Black Box project for Ukraine's intelligence causes US$900 million in damage to Russians
Ukraines secret Black Box project revealed to be long-range attack drone
Black Box: how Ukrainian society created weapons capable of hitting the Kremlin - Militarnyi

A real story of a woman kidnapped from her own apartment and held in Russian captivity. Make sure you read it all. : ukraine

The Economist: As Ukrainian men head off to fight, women take up their jobs : ukraine

ANALYSIS: #Armenia and #Kazakhstan Reveal Cracks in Russian-Led Regional Blocs - Armenias snubbing of #Moscow-led summits combined with Kazakhstans leaders recent visit may indicate a fundamental change in the existing power dynamic.
Synagogue in Armenia set alight in latest attack on Jewish diaspora : worldnews

Czech Republic to freeze all Russian state assets

German police raid pro-Hezbollah Islamist organizations : worldnews

There were 54 victims of alleged abuse by people in the Church in 2022, according to the second report issued by the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI)
Vatican confirms ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons : worldnews
The Catholic Church Is Still Beefing With the Freemasons, But at Least Trans People Can Be Baptized -- This is some serious grudge-holding by an institution known for holding grudges for millennia.

Dutch election promises new era and shake-up in politics : worldnews

Pedro Sanchez wins second term as Spains PM after Catalan amnesty deal

Paris mayor says her city has too many SUVs , and is giving voters the chance to significantly hike parking fees for them. She hopes the vote will send a message to carmakers to stop pushing to buy ever-bigger, moreexpensive, more resource-guzzling, more pollutingvehicles.
French authorities Wednesday released from custody a police officer who shot dead a teenager during traffic controls this year in a killing that sparked over a week of nationwide rioting, prosecutors said. He is awaiting trial on murder charges : worldnews

Top general locked away evidence of SAS executions : worldnews

Guyana tells UN court that Venezuelan referendum on territorial dispute is an existentialthreat

Leave the gold in the ground: Ecuadors forest guardians mobilise against illegal mining in Amazon

Jacques Cartier Bridge reopened after demonstration for Palestine - Canada
Such a difficult life in Canada: Ukrainian immigrants leaving because its so expensive

Break Up the Raiders! - Lawyers, Guns & Money

US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows : politics
1 arrest made after Capitol Police clash with protesters outside DNC - ABC News Six officers were injured and treated on the scene, according to sources.

Osama bin Laden Letter to AmericaGoes Viral on TikTok , Is Deleted by Guardian

Reporter who is refusing to divulge her sources could be held in contempt of court - ABC News A federal judge in Washington is weighing whether to hold in contempt a veteran journalist who has refused to identify her sources for stories about a Chinese scientist who was investigated by the FBI but never charged

Republicans tried to squash Bidens new student loan repayment plan. They failed

Mitch McConnells Strength Is Tested in Fight for Ukraine Aid as some Republican colleagues balk

The Least Productive Congress Since Great Depression : politics
The unusual inability of the House GOP to win votes - The Washington Post
Why Republicans Are on the Verge of Fistfights : politics
Republican Congressman Melts Down Asking What His Partys Even Doing
GOP Congressman Chip Roy Declares the GOP Is Useless, in Floor Speech Democrats Are Probably Turning Into a 2024 Ad Right Now : politics
The ominous rise of congressional anger - The Washington Post (just say "Republicans")

House GOP starts Thanksgiving recess early after spending bill blocked

The same guys who helped Trumps campaign investigate Hunter Biden were paid off by Russians, Ukrainian prosecutors allege

Trump signals hes out for revenge in second term

Trumps recent social media post should make him liable for incitement

Trump Co-Defendants Attorney Admits to Leaking Video Evidence At Emergency Georgia Hearing
Lawyer of Georgia defendant in Trump election case admits to leaking witness video : politics

2 Georgia election workers to seek millions from Giuliani at defamation trial Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss will seek $15M to $43M from Rudy Giuliani at trial.
Lawyer acknowledges sharing videos that prompted dispute.

Christie warns Trumps vermin remark could incite others: He doesnt care

Letter: Do evangelicals now choose to ignore the Bible in favor of electing Trump for president? : politics

Voters see person responsible for overruling Roe v. Wade as a moderate on abortion says press that falsely portrays him as a moderate on abortion

The NYT does a deep dive into RFK Jrs financial adventures, and its not a pretty picture ... hard to excerpt, because its a very tangled story, but the bottom line is that Kennedy has spent his life cashing in on his name and family connections, to support a wildly extravagant lifestyle.

Sen. Joe Manchin says Donald Trump would destroy US democracy if he wins second term as president : politics
Joe Manchin Says Trump Will Destroy U.S. Democracy if He Wins in 2024

Once Floridas favorite son, Floridians turn on DeSantis in his bid for president

Nevada attorney general opens probe into Trump 2020 fake electors : politics

Yevgeny "Eugene" Vindman, Trump whistleblower, to run for Abigail Spanberger's seat Yevgeny Vindman, is running for Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanbergers seat.

House Ethics Committee report on George Santos finds substantial evidenceof wrongdoing
Santos says he wont seek reelection after release of ethics report
The GOPs pickle on expelling George Santos
Bye, Bye, George Santos : The question is why did the House not bounce your grifting ass when it had the chance two weeks ago. By Charles P. Pierce

Pussy Riot protest at Indiana State Capitol in US with a giant vulva : worldnews ... to fight for reproductive rights.

Terror on repeat - A rare look at the devastation caused by AR-15 shootings
[NSFL, Extremely Graphic] - Photos Released by the Washington Post from Scenes of Mass Shootings : pics

Dexter Wade, buried without his familys knowledge, had ID on him with his home address, lawyer says (

Music mogul Sean Diddy Combs sued for rape, sex trafficking

5 takeaways from JFK: What the Doctors Saw documentary - The new documentary looks at the assassination of president John F. Kennedy 60 years ago from the perspective of the Parkland doctors

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,480 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Clark Gable.

SpaceX will try again to launch its mega rocket into orbit after first attempt ended in an explosion : worldnews

Eschaton: Elmo I'll admit that I didn't predict "he's going to be a massive public racist and antisemite" (though it doesn't surprise me at all!!!), but Musk was an invited guest of Schumer just two months ago and I don't really understand what we're doing here. Any of it.
IBM suspends advertising on X after report says ads ran next to antisemitic content : technology

Social media gets teens hooked while feeding aggression and impulsivity, and researchers think they know why | CBC News : worldnews

Emotion data based on facial coding indicate that prolonged usage of TikTok leads to a negative aroused mood supporting the studys broader premise that social media apps lead to mental health issues.

An international team of scientists has uncovered the vital role of microglia, the immune cells in the brain that acts as its dedicated defense team, in early human brain development : science

TIL California has a higher GDP than all of Africa combined. : todayilearned

States with legalized medical marijuana see a 0.5 to 1.5 percentage decrease in the frequency of nonmedical prescription opioid use. : science

What is the scariest thing seen in the ocean that has a photographic proof? : AskReddit

Whats a mystery or unexplained event from your personal life that still baffles you to this day?

The tiny changes that made Godzilla a phenomenon, from Monarch to Mothra - Polygon


"Relentless earthquakes" in Iceland, 700 yesterday, another 800 overnight, as preparations and evacuations are underway as volcanic eruption is expected : news

The Fifth National Climate Assessment : politics

World behind on almost every policy required to cut carbon emissions, research finds : worldnews

A new study from The Lancet medical journal projects that global warming will create food insecurity for almost 525 million people.

Climate-heating gases reach record highs, UN reports : worldnews
Heat projected to kill nearly five times more people by 2050 : worldnews

3000 years of carbon monoxide records show positive impact of global intervention in the 1980s. Levels of the trace gas are now stable or even trending down and have been since the late 1980scoinciding with the introduction of catalytic converters in cars

Animals to be recognised as sentient beings under proposed Victorian cruelty laws : worldnews

Worlds most dangerous bird emerges from ocean, stunning onlookersCassowaries are fucking cool. Closest thing to a raptor alive today that I know of.

American sex offender barred from entering Philippines : worldnews

Taiwans opposition parties to decide on joint presidential ticket

U.S. and China Agree to Displace Fossil Fuels by Ramping Up Renewables | The climate agreement between the two countries is seen as a bright spot as President Biden prepares to meet President Xi Jinping. : worldnews
China leads list of labor abusers, sometimes akin to slavery, detected on fishing vessels worldwide : worldnews
China is using the worlds largest known online disinformation operation to harass Americans
China Claims World's Fastest Internet With 1.2 Terabit-Per-Second Network = The network spans 3,000 km from Beijing to Guangzhou

Putins Daughter Joins Moscow Genetics Society, Criticizes Russian Laws

Police raid on Voronezh restaurant ends with call-up papers issued to 50 Azerbaijani-Russian men : worldnews

Kazakhstan: Death of ex-officials wife sparks conversation around domestic abuse

India tunnel collapse leaves 40 workers trapped for days, rescuers racing to bore through tons of debris : worldnews
Jammu: At least 36 die after bus falls into India gorge : worldnews
India: Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy faces prosecution. Invited to speak at the Munich Literature Festival, Booker Prize-winning novelist Arundhati Roy cannot travel to Germany as she faces charges in India over comments she made in 2010 about Kashmir : worldnews

Erdogan stokes judicial crisis, calling for new constitution : worldnews (naming him supreme asshole)

France issues arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad : worldnews

Found document suggests Iran sought to help Hamas make its own weapons ahead of attack, sources say : worldnews
(Iran Protests) Zahra Saeedianju Arrested Ahead of Slain Brothers Anniversary
Iran tells Hamas it will not enter the war with Israel : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 40) : worldnews

Canadian PM Trudeau tells Israel killing of babies in Gaza must end : worldnews
Netanyahu rebukes Trudeau on social media for urging maximum restraint in Gaza to protect civilians

Hamas agrees to tentative deal to free dozens of hostages, pending Israels approval ... Hamas wants a multiday pause in fighting, increased humanitarian aid, and freedom for an unknown number of Palestinians in Israeli jails in exchange for the release of at least 50 women and children being held in Gaza

Israeli military forces raid Gazas largest hospital in operation against Hamas
Israeli forces enter al-Shifa Hospital amid collapse of Gazas medical system
IDF special forces raid Gazas main hospital, find weapons and Hamas assets inside
IDF says troops fighting against Hamas in certain part of Gazas Shifa Hospital
IDF: Medical supplies delivered to Gazas Shifa Hospital

Israel Gaza: Hostages fates haunt Israel as war intensifies

Israel Blames Translation Error for Claiming Calendar in Childrens Hospital Was List of Hamas Hostage Guards ... The article conveniently does not mention that the calendar is titled "Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood" and starts on Oct 7.

Children as Young as 10 Took Part in Hamass Oct. 7 Terror Attack, Survivors Say

U.S. intelligence backs Israeli claims about Hamas operations under Gaza hospitals : worldnews

Surging Israeli settler violence puts West Bank Palestinians on edge : worldnews

Israel Opens Complex Sexual Abuse Probe Into October 7 Attacks : worldnews

Israel FM: Israel wont reopen its two Gaza crossings after war

BBC Apologizes for Reporting That Israel Targeted Medics, Arabic-speakers in Gaza Hospital : worldnews

Gazan criticizes Hamas on Al Jazeera as reporter turns away, ignores him : worldnews

The Jerusalem Post on X: "Released footage from the October 7 massacre shows an Israeli trying to save himself and others behind him by throwing back grenades tossed by Hamas. #Israel | #HamasMassacre" / X

Putins goal remains the destruction of Ukrainea -- all of Ukraine and his allies and propagandists are still talking about how, once they achieve this goal, they will expand their empire further,The Atlantic explained Why West must defeat Russia
Top Zelensky Advisor Yermak Upbeat on US Military Assistance After Washington Meetings : worldnews
Russia is already losing soldiers and equipment near Avdiivka faster and on a larger scale than, for example, near BakhmutZelenskyys address, 14th November 2023
The monument to the russian writer Alexander Pushkin was finally dismantled in Kyiv. : ukraine
Fedorov: Ukraine produces new models of marine drones with surprises

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 630, Part 1 (Thread #776) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 16.11.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov took out US$400 million loan through DTEK from Russian Sberbank, leak reveals : ukraine

ISW: Russian forces are likely attempting to regain initiative in Ukraine through multiple simultaneous offensives : ukraine

Ukraine Confirms Dnipro Foothold for the First Time, Paving Way to Crimea
Ukraine says it now has a foothold on the eastern bank of Dnieper River near Kherson : ukraine
Frontline report: Ukrainian troops widen bridgehead east of Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast : ukraine
Russia says Ukrainian forces have crossed a key river but face hell fire and death

3/ #Russia will have to decide whether to keep certain elements on sectors of the front for defensive purposes or redeploy them to support offensives elsewhere that will likely culminate without reinforcements, hindering Russia's ability to fully regain the initiative.
Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov took out US$400 million loan through DTEK from Russian Sberbank, leak reveals : ukraine

Finland says Russia leads asylum seekers to its border : worldnews

Polish top court to ask for EU ruling on recognising same-sex marriages : worldnews

Cyprus Confidential: ICIJ Reveals How 67 Russian Billionaires Used Cyprus Financial Firms To Hide Their Wealth : worldnews
You're Not Going to Believe This, But Russian Oligarchs Are Hiding Their Wealth In Cyprus : What a nice safe-deposit box to stash billions of dollars as sanctions come down.

Bulgaria likely to sign military deal worth $1.5 billion with US : worldnews

Belgium bans use of Ozempic for weight loss until summer : worldnews

Macron Declares Natural Disaster Amidst Unprecedented Flooding in Northern France : worldnews

Suella Braverman releases scathing letter targeting Rishi Sunak following sacking.
Supreme court rejects Rishi Sunaks plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
McDonalds UK boss says fast-food chain faces weekly sex abuse claims

Argentina inflation hits 143% as election runoff looms : worldnews

Brazil: Health warnings as country gripped by unbearable heatwave
Brazil: Health warnings as country gripped by unbearableheatwave. Rio de Janeiro recorded 42.5C on Sundayan all-time record for November and high humidity on Tuesday meant that it felt like 58.5C. (137F) ... summer starts in another month
Starbucks: slave and child labour found at certified coffee farms in Minas Gerais : worldnews

Hospital director in Haiti says a gang stormed in and took hundreds of women and children hostage : worldnews

100 officers deployed after Trudeau surrounded at Vancouver restaurant : news

The White House is worried about the difficulties in providing aid to Ukraine. The reluctance of the US House of Representatives to approve the request of US President Joe Bidens administration to support Ukraine makes it challenging to help Kyiv, said Jake Sullivan, the US Presidents national security advisor.

US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows | Reuters

The Squad Is About to Fight for Its Political LifeThe war in Gaza has set the stage for a huge primary battle in 2024 ... he American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one of the most powerful, best-funded influence operations in Washington,.
You Wont Believe How Much AIPAC Is Spending to Target the Squad in 2024

Opinion | New Perspectives on the Feel-Bad Economy : Why Economic Feelings Are a Partisan Thing - The New York Times By Paul Krugman ... a running joke among economists I talk to that even mainstream news organizations apparently find it hard to say nice things about the Biden economy (the newsfuckers)

Democrats advance plan to force quick vote on military nominations : politics

Opinion | We Waited 200 Years for This Supreme Court Ethics Code? - The New York Times Jesse Wegman
The US supreme courts new 'ethics code' is an embarrassment

Most Americans in new poll say Congress shouldnt use government shutdown to bargain
GOP at Fault If Government Shuts Down, Say Nearly Half of Americans ... 43% say President Biden and congressional Democrats would be at fault, and six percent would blame both the Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

Republicans Mocked Over Day of Chaos: Toddlers

Same clown car with a different driver: House GOP goes off the rails
Speaker Johnsons close ties to Christian right both mainstream and fringe

James Comer Melts Down Over Report He Did the Exact Same Thing As Joe Biden: You look like a smurfthe House Oversight chair desperately yelled, hoping to change the subject.

Kevin McCarthy "shoves" Republican colleague, sparking chase: report : politics

Republicans Get Ready to Rumble : politics
Republicans Are the Party of Asinine Toxic Masculinity A GOP senator challenging a union boss to a fight and an alleged kidney punch in the hallway by a deposed leaderjust a normal day for conservatives in the Capitol.

Biden: Trumps vermin remark echoes language used in Nazi Germany
How Trumps rhetoric compares with Hitlers
They will be the bigliest most beautiful concentration camps ever, everyone says so. : PoliticalHumor

Trump, who mocks Bidens age and gaffes, deals with blunders of his own

Trumps most effective inoculation effort centered on Russian influence
The Russia Connection -- Continued ... The Mueller Report made clear that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election and that the Trump campaign was open to receiving help from Russian sources.
The Two Impeachment Treason Trip: Ukraine Charges Rudy Giulianis Sources ... Yesterday, Ukraines SBU charged with treason three of the people from whom Rudy Giuliani sought dirt on the Bidens to help Donald Trump get reelected ... The allegations say the threesome took $10 million from Russias GRU to discredit Ukraine.
Uh-Oh: Giulianis Biden Sources Charged With Being Putin Agents | The Ukrainian officials Rudy Giuliani used to investigate Joe Biden were just charged with treason
Hunter Biden seeks to subpoena Trump, Barr in criminal case | The Hill

Donalds Desperate Demand: Trump Files for Mistrial in New York Bank Fraud Case
Stunning: Court reporters hint at rumblings of potential Trump settlement talks in NY fraud case

Jack Smith Cites Medieval Murder as He Seeks Donald Trump Gag Order : politics

After Trump case video leak, Georgia prosecutor seeks emergency seal for evidence : politics
Georgia Judge Schedules Emergency Hearing in Trump RICO Case Following Video Leaks : politics

Donald Trumps comments could land him in jail: Ex-White House lawyer
Ex-Senior Trump Official: Hes A Traitor And A Clear And Present Danger
Profiles in something or the other - Lawyers, Guns & Money People should be far more contemptuous of this unnamed official than of Trump himself.

A right-wing think tank is building a MAGA army for a future Trump administration : politics

Donald Trumps former lawyer will leave the U.S. if he gets re-elected

Eschaton: The MAGA Cinematic Universe A question that people - journalists, Professional Democrats, opnionators, etc. - should think about is why, exactly, there's this massive cast of B- and C- list MAGA characters without there being any equivalent on The Left. You probably have to be a little bit online to be aware of most of them, but most people are at least a little online now. Like why is Laura Loomer? There isn't a simple answer to this question, but it's part of the issue of general asymmetries in how politics is covered. This pre-dates and transcends Trump, of course. An equivalent cast of characters existed during the Bush years, during the Obama years, and now (some the same, some newish!).

What level of chickenshit is My sides failed coup was really FBI agents in ghost buses? ... A Republican member of Congress who insists tRump won the last election has reached it ... At a Homeland Security Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) claimed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation put operatives into ghost buses to incite the Jan. 6 attack.

U.S. political violence driven by new breed of grab-bag extremists

Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Lesson in Civics During Fiery Confrontation

Waiting for him to drop out: DeSantisinfluence nosedives in Florida

Nikki Haley vows to abolish anonymous social media accounts: Its a national security threat

Meta Allows Ads Claiming Rigged 2020 Election on Facebook, Instagram - WSJ Company weighed free-speech considerations in changing its policy last year

The Battle Over Church and State Could Take Down the Charter School Movement | The New Republic The Supreme Courts rightward tilt has the Christian right dreaming of upending public education. But it could come at the expense of conservativesbig ideas.

Central Bucks School District superintendent abruptly resigns Staggering, one board member calls Abram Lucabaughs $630,000 severance package

An educator at Tilden Middle Schoomay be on leave after screenshots showed a Facebook post of hers containing misinformation about Israel

Bill would ban Native American mascots at Massachusetts public schools : politics

Opinion | Where Does Religion Come From? - The New York Times By Ross Douthat ... The only definite answer is that the world is much stranger than the secular imagination thinks.

Frances Langum on X: "Rest in peace, old skool blogger. Zandar Versus The Stupid: Last Post, Please Read" / X

Silicon Valleys worldview is not just an ideology; its a personality disorder ... Libertarianism for me. Feudalism for thee.

He Thought His Chuck Close Painting Was Worth $10 Million. Not Quite.

"Zoom Fatigue": Exhaustion caused by video conferencing proven on a neurophysiological level for the first time - Using EEG and ECG data, researchers were able to prove that video conferences and online education formats lead to greater fatigue than face-to-face alternatives. : science

Three-toed dinosaur footprint spotted at nature reserve : worldnews

Webb Shows Planets Really Do Start with Pebbles : worldnews

Nearly one in five school-aged children and preteens now take melatonin for sleep, and some parents routinely give the hormone to preschoolers. This is concerning as safety and efficacy data surrounding the products are slim, as it is considered a dietary supplement not fully regulated by the FDA

How to Know if You Have a Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's .. The APOE gene is important for the formation of a protein that helps carry cholesterol through the bloodstream. Nearly 30 years ago, scientists learned that APOE also influences a persons chances of developing Alzheimer's

Antidepressants Dont Work the Way Many People Think

What Skulls Told Us - JSTOR Daily The pseudoscience phrenology swept the popular imagination, and its practitioners made a mint preying on prejudices, gullibility, and misinformation.

What immediately tells you someone is a trashy parent? : AskReddit

They found credit card skimmers at the Somerville Market Basket : boston


Global emissions set to fall only 2% by 2030 UN report

In fight to curb climate change, a grim report shows world is struggling to get on track : worldnews

Iceland braces for volcanic eruption as prime minister reassures residents : worldnews

The world is awash in plastic. Oil producers want a say in how it's cleaned up : worldnews

Forests hold massive carbon storage potential: New findings show the worlds forests could store 226 billion metric tons of carbon if protected and restored

EU Agrees to Restore 20% of Its Lands and Waters by 2030 : worldnews

Philippines: Ex-Senator Leila de Lima leaves jail. The human rights campaigner and former justice minister, who spent a decade investigating ex-President Rodrigo DuterEe's war on drugs, had been in prison for over six years

Myanmar rebels seek to control border with India after early wins : worldnews

China-made phony news sites spreading pro-Beijing propaganda in South Korea: NIS : worldnews

Biden, Xi to agree on reopening of military-to-military channels : worldnews

Russian oil shipped through Turkey and Greece ends up as US military jet fuel : worldnews
Secret $40m deal links Abramovich to Putins wallets

As Cargo Flights Leave Kaliningrad, Air Defence Systems Disappear : worldnews

Anna Politkovskaya: Russian convicted of journalist murder gets pardon : worldnews

Kazakhstan Opens Secret KGB Archives Amid Moves Toward Decolonization In Central Asia : worldnews

Kenyans get tree-planting holiday to plant 100 million seedlings : worldnews

More Attacks on US Forces Following Strike on Iran-Backed Targets in Syria : worldnews

Journalists, Teenager Among Over 20 Arrested in Irans Rasht

The U.S. says Hamas operates within and beneath hospitals, endorsing Israels allegations
Gaza reports more than 11,100 killed. Thats one out of every 200 people.

PM Netanyahu says Israel will pursue war against Hamas to the end
Biden says he believes deal to free dozens of hostages held in Gaza is "going to happen" : worldnews

Go to another country: Israeli minister tells Gaza residents amid Hamas war
Israeli lawmakers call on world to take in Gazan refugees : worldnews

Netanyahu stances frustrating US attempts to rally Arab support for post-Hamas Gaza : worldnews

IDF confirms soldier held hostage by Hamas killed in Gaza - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post
IDF announces death in captivity of one of its soldiers : worldnews
Hamas releases video of soldier held hostage; IDF: Psychological terrorism

IDF forces capture Hamas military police HQ in Gaza : worldnews

Leader of Israels Labor: Something is very wrong on the global left

Ukraine charges Rudy Giulianis top local ally with Moscow-linked treason
Office of Public Affairs | Active Russian Agent Andrii Derkach Indicted for Scheme to Violate Sanctions in the United States | United States Department of Justice
Ukrainian politician suspected of treason says he has been detained : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 629, Part 1 (Thread #775) : worldnews

The Naval Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces explained the pause in the Russians use of Kalibr cruise missiles to strike targets in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Partisans: Russian Black Sea Fleet Warships Have Fled Crimea : worldnews

PwC Cyprus moved 1bn for Russian tycoon on day he was put under sanctions

Polish Left announces bills to liberalise abortion law on first day of new parliament : worldnews

Scholz says Erdogan accusing Israel of fascism is absurd
Top German journalist received 600,000 from Putin ally, leak revealsInfluential author and broadcaster Hubert Seipel received financial support for his work on two books described by many as sympathetic to Russian president
Top German journalist received 600,000 from Putin ally, leak reveals

French doctors vow to disobey bill stripping undocumented migrants of healthcare rights
A Rwandan doctor went on trial in France on Tuesday on charges of committing genocide and crimes against humanity during Rwandas 1994 massacres, after a three-decade investigation by French authorities

Storm Debi Wreaks Havoc: UK, Ireland, Belgium Face Flooding, Power Outages, and Flight Cancellations : worldnews

Argentinas far-right Milei angers Falklands veterans with Thatcher praise

Colombia passes ambitious junk food law to tackle lifestyle diseases
Invasive Cocaine HipposAre Being Sterilized in Colombia sterilizing, exporting and euthanizing the animals

Protests erupt in Mexico as first non-binary magistrate found dead : worldnews

Demonstrators from across the country March forIsrael in DC with ramped up security for the unprecedented event | CNN
More Than 500 U.S. Officials Sign Letter Protesting Biden's Israel Policy - The signers, representing some 40 government agencies, reflect growing internal dissent over the administration's support of Israels military campaign in Gaza.

Bernie Sanders: US should back union movement to save the middle class

The Biden Campaign Needs to Pivot to Marijuana : politics

Senate panel will move to break Tubervilles hold

Senate Rules panel votes along party lines to break Tubervilles military holds ... The resolution, however, would not apply to nominees to the Joint Chiefs of Staff or commanders nominated to lead combatant commands .. The Rules panels 9-7 vote means Schumer can bring the resolution to the Senate floor, but it needs 60 votes to pass.
House blocks Marjorie Taylor Greenes push to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

CPI report October 2023: Inflation flat from the prior month, core CPI at 2-year low
Is inflation falling too fast? (featuring DJ Khaled) - Lawyers, Guns & Money

New Supreme Court ethics code does very little to hold justices accountable, expert says

Mike Johnson Comes Under Pressure Over His Finances : politics
Mike Johnsons Shady Finances Are Already Coming Back to Bite Him. | Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is facing a new ethics complaint over a litany of alleged violations with his financial disclosures.
Speaker of the House of Representatives: its not election theft if you really believe the election was stolen
Speaker Johnson: Separation of church, state a misnomer

House Speaker Mike Johnson endorses Trump, defendsstolen election claims
Johnson Said in 2015 Trump Was Unfit and Could Be Dangerous as President

GOP lawmaker claims Kevin McCarthy elbowed him after meeting, sparking altercation - ABC News

GOP Senator Tries to Physically Fight Union Boss During Hearing

Biden Campaign Slams Trump Vermin Comments: Language of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
Trumps incendiary vermin remarks prompt backlash

Trump Told Reporter He Hopes Fans Act On His Fiery Rhetoric : politics
Trump tests Republican Party willingness to follow him into fascism : politics
Opinion | Trump Wants Us to Know He Will Stop at Nothing in 2025 - The New York Times
It's just a shot away - Lawyers, Guns & Money Jamelle Bouie points out that one of the ways Donald Trump has broken traditional political journalism in this country is by simply saying right out in the open that he was conspiring to do the kinds of things that traditionally had to be uncovered by investigative journalism:
Liz Cheney says RNC chair collaborating with Trumps Nazi propaganda

Judge Chutkan just shut down Trumps mischiefex-prosecutor

Trump Shares Creepy Fantasy About Citizens Arrest of Trial Judge, Attorney General
"This is an actual incitement": Legal experts alarmed after Trump pushes "citizen's arrest" : politics

Trump attacks Paul Pelosi and Jack Smiths wife in cowardly ploy
Paul Pelosi Describes the Night He Was Attacked at Home - The New York Times Mr. Pelosi told a federal jury that the intruder was targeting his wife, the former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, and wanted to take her out ... Mr. DePape told the police last year that he was on a mission to capture Ms. Pelosi, interrogate her and possibly break her kneecaps. He also said that he viewed Ms. Pelosi as a leader of a cabal of liberal elites bent on taking away peoples freedoms, echoing the language that right-wing pundits and elected officials have for years used to describe her.

The boss is not going to leave: Proffer videos show ex-Trump lawyers telling Georgia prosecutors about efforts to overturn 2020 election
Ex-Trump allies detail efforts to overturn election in Georgia plea videos - The Washington Post
Ellis told Georgia prosecutors Trump planned to stay in power:
Thats game over: Legal experts say new Jenna Ellis revelation is beyond devastating for Trump ... As Megan McArdle has observed, Democrats by not saving Kevin McCarthy really made a huge blunder without McCarthy Republicans probably wont be able to get the votes from their own conference to fund the government and will need to rely on votes from the Adult Party! A true sea change in American politics here.
Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell Captured on Tape Spilling to Prosecutors : politics
Trump Was Not Going To Leave The White House, Lawyer Testifies In Georgia Case

Michael Flynn and his family kept leftover donations sent in by QAnon supporters, sister says according to court filing : politics

The untold story of how the January 6 riots were planned on Facebook and how the company missed it (Fuckereberged)

Man who counted on billionaire tech bro gets what he deserves - Lawyers, Guns & Money On one level, the strategic choices made by Donald Trumps nominal primary opponents are immaterial becuase there never was a competitive primary. But this bit from a Tim Scott postmortem is amusing:

Trump to remain on Michigan ballot after judge rejects another 14th Amendment challenge

Trans Boy Returns To Lead Role In Oklahoma!After Outcry At Sherman School Board Meeting

The Dan Markel Case: Charlie Adelson, Convicted
(1) Donna Adelson, leading contender for the title of Worlds Worst Mother-in-Law, was arrested by the FBI at the Miami International Airport last night ... (2) Speaking of the mysterious workings of social privilege, I found this detail from the lede in the NYTs portrait of literary agent Andrew Wylie worth mulling over:

Nearly two dozen toddlers sickened by lead linked to applesauce pouches, CDC says Children ages 1 to 3 were affected, and at least one child showed a blood lead level eight times higher than the level that raises concern, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Should We End Obesity? | TIME Ozempic has done all three.

A Monster : Super Meth and Other Drugs Push Crisis Beyond Opioids - Millions of U.S. drug users now are addicted to several substances, not just opioids like fentanyl and heroin. The shift is making treatment far more difficult.

Life expectancy gap between men and women in the US widened significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic : news

Large psychology study debunks stereotype of feminists as man-haters : science

U.S. men die nearly six years before women, as life expectancy gap widens : science ... covid, opioids, guns and cars.

Five Alien Species

TIL In 1980 Mark Felt, now know as the Watergate leaker codenamed Deepthroat, was convicted of violating the civil rights of people associated with the Weather Underground by authorizing FBI agents to perform illegal searches of their homes. He was pardoned by Ronald Reagan in 1981. : todayilearned

New Poster for May December

What is the most evil company in history? : AskReddit


Committed global warming risks triggering multiple climate tipping points. The likelihood of crossing the 1.5Cthreshold and the 2.0C threshold is 83% and 55%, respectively even if GHG concentration remain at todays level

New satellite will track C02 emissions from worst polluters from space for the first time : worldnews

Chronic Fatigue and Dysautonomia following COVID-19 Vaccination Is Distinguished from Normal Vaccination Response by Altered Blood Markers : science

Thousands gather for pro-Israel rally in Sydney amid anti-Semitism warning. Thousands of Australians have come out in force for a setthem free rally organised by Jewish Australians.
Australia to apologise half a century after Thalidomide tragedy

Duterte critic Leila de Lima granted bail after six years in jail : worldnews

Chinese Navys Suspected New Overseas Base In Cambodia Now Even Larger

Russia terminates agreement with Japan on dismantling nuclear weapons : worldnews
Japan, U.S., S. Korea to Start Real-Time Missile Info Sharing : worldnews
1,200 march in Tokyo in support of Israel : worldnews

North Korea Lashes Out at UN Command Over Seoul Meeting : worldnews

Kremlin Media Announces Russian Troop Withdrawal from Kherson Region, Immediately Deletes It : worldnews

(2/4) These reports are credible and follow numerous reports since the invasion of a high rate of disciplinary incidents, crimes and deaths related to alcohol abuse amongst the Russian force.
(4/4) One of the core drivers of poor Russian discipline and substance abuse likely remains the continued lack of opportunity for combat troops to rotate away from the front line.

Billionaire FBI informant Peter Thiel dished about two Kremlin invites to private Putin meetings : worldnews ... Cough elon musk cough cough

@maxseddon & I have written a profile on a Russian chip-smuggling ring working through France, Ireland and UAE centred on one man, Maxim Ermakov. Who he? Well, there are a few clues that hes maybe not *just* a businessman.

Nepal decides to ban TikTok : worldnews

More than 30 workers feared trapped after India tunnel collapse : worldnews

Pakistans special envoy urges Taliban to decide between Pakistan and TTP

White owned farms in South Africa prevented from exporting products. : worldnews

Escalating violence and mining expansion lead to massive displacement in Congo : worldnews

Burkina Faso crisis: 100 believed killed in Zaongo massacre, says EU : worldnews

US carries out air strikes in Syria against Iran-linked facilities : worldnews

Riyadh Summit Reveals Arab Worlds Rift With Iran On Israel
TV report: Saudis helped block Arab summit bid to sever all contacts with Israel : worldnews

Tortured Iranian Protester Needs Urgent Liver Transplant : worldnews
Iranian dissidents say they face intimidation, abductions, assassination attempts around the world : worldnews

Pentagon chief warned Israel about Israeli military actions in Lebanon : worldnews

Were Rolling Out Nakba 2023, Israeli Minister Says on Northern Gaza Strip Evacuation
PM warns ministers to pipe down after comments on new Nakba and nuking Gaza

Hamas may free 80 hostages for Israeli prisoners in possible deal - report : worldnews

IDF: Hamas command center found under Gaza childrens hospital; hostages were likely held there
Situation at Gaza hospitals extremely heartbreaking: Red Cross
IDF to Assist Evacuation of Babies from Shifa Hospital : worldnews
Newborns taken off incubators wrapped in foil to keep them alive at Gazas largest hospital, director says | CNN
Israeli forces at gates of Gazas main hospital with hundreds trapped
EU condemns Hamas's use of hospitals and civilians as human shields
IDF releases footage of Hamas firing RPG from Gaza City hospital : worldnews

More Gaza hospitals suspend operations as Israel hunts Hamas : worldnews
Hamas blocks IDF fuel delivery to Gazas Shifa Hospital

Hamas envisioned deeper attacks, aiming to provoke an Israeli war : worldnews

Ukraine hails historic step as EU takes Kyiv closer to membership amid war with Russia
The first videos of piloting of F-16 fighters by Ukrainian pilots in Romania. Ukraine will probably receive the F-16 this winter. Ukrainian pilots learn very quickly - ex-CIA director Petraeus
Zelenskiy tells Ukrainians to prepare for Russian winter onslaught : worldnews
After 52 days, Russia renews missile attacks on Ukraines capital | CBC News

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 628, Part 1 (Thread #774) : worldnews

Good morning. Russian losses per 13/11/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff

Russia ramps up attacks on key cities in eastern Ukraine : worldnews
Biggest Art Theft Since Nazis

Ukrainian forces made a marginal gain on the east (left) bank of #Kherson Oblast on November 12 amid ongoing ground operations.

Tesla faces strikes in Sweden unless it signs a collective bargaining agreement : worldnews

Germanys Scholz spurns calls for Gaza ceasefire; UK defense chief backs IDF efforts
Berlin criminalizes slogan From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free

Lion captured after escaping from a circus and roaming streets of Italian town : worldnews

Macron reaffirms support for Israel after controversial BBC interview : worldnews
Tens Of Thousands March In Paris Against Anti-Semitism : worldnews
Vandalized WW1 Memorial in France prior to armistice commemorations : pics

Jews in Ireland concerned about hostility : worldnews

Hadrians Wall Damaged by Sycamore Gap Tree Felling, Inspection Confirms

Suella Braverman sacked as home secretary by Rishi Sunak : worldnews
Suella Braverman sacked as home secretary : worldnews
David Cameron returns to UK government as foreign secretary | David Cameron | The Guardian : worldnews
Anti-Israel activists target Jewish families leaving London synagogue
UK to try five suspected Russian spies next year : worldnews

Massa says hed eliminate currency restrictions in late 2024 if elected

Fox News fearmongered about Middle Eastern terrorists at the border over 400 times in the four weeks after the Israel-Hamas war began

Sickening: Ohio Jewish cemetery desecrated amid rise in antisemitic incidents

Joe Bidens economy is, honestly, pretty amazing: How come he doesnt get credit?
I Was Obamas 2012 Campaign Manager. Theres No Need to Panic Over Biden. Dont sweat the doom and gloom polling. Weve been here before.
Here's How Biden Can Turn It Around - Top Democrats agree that the president needs more aggressiveness, more help from his friends and a few more friends. Liz Cheney, Rahm Emanuel and Mitt Romney can help.

Secret Service Agents Protecting Bidens Granddaughter Open Fire Amid Car Break-In

Military families and retired service members lobby to end Tubervilles blockade

After All That Pressure, Supreme Court Adopts Most Pathetic Code of Ethics Ever

Government shutdown looms as new speaker struggles to control hardliners : politics
Looming shutdown serves as first major test for McConnell-Johnson relationship : politics
Thanksgiving shutdown sets up nightmare scenario for travels : politics
Mike Johnson risks becoming the next Kevin McCarthy : politics
Who Paid for Mike Johnson to Attend This Conservative Conference? : politics

McCarthy says Jeffries hasnt spoken to him since ouster as Speaker

Trump will file for mistrial in NY fraud case very soon, attorney says
Its all a charade: Jack Smith busts Trump trying to hoodwink judge in new filing

Opinion: Trumps mental gaffes cant be ignored

Trump calls political enemies vermin,echoing dictators Hitler, MussoliniOn Veterans Day, the former president vowed to root out his liberal opponents, drawing backlash from historians who say his rhetoric is reminiscent of authoritarians
` Normalizing Trump is a choice - Lawyers, Guns & Money In a recent speech Trump went Nazi even by Trump standards:
NYT covering Hillary Clintons deplorables remark vs NYT covering Donald Trumps vermin remark.
Trump Campaign Doubles Down: Its Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies Vermin
Trump threatens to handle the "vermin": MAGA has got a hold of the Nazi playbook : politics
Musk and Yaccarino X has been placing ads for BetMGM, DraftKings, and FanDuel on the pro-Hitler account
A wasteland: Political coverage ignores the threat to democracy
Nate Silver would like a pony - Lawyers, Guns & Money Remember when this guy was considered some sort of savant?

Trump Isnt Merely Unhinged
Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term : politics
Trump says special counsel Jack Smith and others will end up in a mental institution if hes re-elected
Trump wants to turn the government into a weapon for personal revenge : politics
Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab : politics
If Trump wins, US would look like Putin and Orban's illiberal democracy aRaskin says
I'm more worried today than I was on January 6 : top conservatives warning to America

Donald Trump Jrs original testimony could backfire as he retakes stand

Trumps New York Trial Promises to Get Even Worse
Trumps Idiot Lawyers Just Shared Faulty Evidence in Fraud Trial

This is a stupid strategy: Michael Cohen thinks Trump is marching his kids into aperjury trap

New book details Trump lawyers secret meeting with Jack Smith ahead of DC indictment
Book: Trump hangs up on Kim Kardashian over Biden support

Tim Scott suspends 2024 GOP primary bid : politics
Please clap - Lawyers, Guns & Money You will be shocked to learn that try to be less obviously angry was not an affect that appealed to Republican primary voters:

Vivek Ramaswamy Says He'll Fire Government Employees Based on Their Social Security Number : politics

Hey, Joe Manchin! Theres no middle in a right-wing GOP. (

Sinema left the Democratic party. Democratic donors left her too. : politics

Chair of Party That Lost Big on Abortion Says We Can Win on Abortion
How abortion could upend the 2024 battle for Congress

MAGA-dominated state Republican parties plagued by infighting, money woes : politics

Progressive Minnesota US Rep. Ilhan Omar draws prominent primary challenger | AP News

QAnon Shaman who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 files paperwork to run for Congress - Jacob Chansley, who served about 27 months in prison for his role in the Capitol attack, filed to run for the seat left vacant by Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz.

How Moms for Liberty and a notorious English teacher exploited a high school student

Theres a hole in daddys arm where all the money goes

Millennials walked on Instagram so Gen Z could run on TikTok : funny

Study: 12 Ft. Lanes Are Deadlier Than 10 Ft. Ones So Why Do Many DOTs Build Them Anyway?A 12-foot lane can expect roughly 50 percent more crashes than a 10-foot one. Yet many traffic engineers still pick the wider design.

David Sabatini, whose career imploded at MIT, takes job in Prague Former MIT biologist, who lost positions after engaging in a prohibited sexual relationship, accepts new science job in Prague -- David Sabatini

Device keeps brain alive, functioning separate from body : science

A new study has found that mothers react faster and show stronger neural reactions when they anticipate winning a reward for their children than when they expect to win it for themselves. : science

Study shows link between mental and physical health: Individuals with severe mental illness are almost twice as likely to report physical multimorbidity, emphasising the critical importance of addressing the intersection between mental and physical health. : science

Melatonin Alleviates Intestinal Barrier Damaging Effects Induced by Polyethylene Microplastics in Albino Rats : science

A team of researchers have redesigned the needle used in IVF procedures, helping to increase the likelihood of having a baby through this treatment : science

A floating, solar-powered device that can turn contaminated water or seawater into clean hydrogen fuel and purified water, anywhere in the world, has been developed by researchers. : science

A neuroscientist explains the Adderall conundrum : science

A meta-analysis of 83 neuroimaging studies found that prior adversity was associated with greater amygdala reactivity and diminished prefrontal cortex reactivity across a wide range of task domains. : science

TIL A Canadian Mental Health and Addiction Centre has a success rate of nine in 10 patients getting better from a psychiatric point of view and it only takes patients for whom all previous treatment attempts have failed : todayilearned

A global scientific team has compiled the most comprehensive list of genetic variants associated with prostate cancer risk 451 in all through a whole-genome analysis that ranks as the largest and most diverse investigation into prostate cancer genetics yet.
Scientists discover key to a potential natural cancer treatments potency

This Is the Most Bizarre Grammar Rule You Probably Never Heard Of

Internet use predicts heightened anxiety symptoms in adolescent girls, but not boys : science

What's something that only ignorant people believe? : AskReddit

Killer Whales : WTF

Eli5: What is calculus in simple words? : explainlikeimfive

ELI5. I just heard an interview with a scientist who said something like we only know 10% of the species that exist on earth. How do we know how many we haven't discovered if we haven't discovered them? : explainlikeimfive

Colorado hiker wearing only a cotton hoodie is rescued after hours in a severe snowstorm : news

Wives of Reddit, what is a sexual fantasy you could never tell to your husband? : AskReddit

Bing loses search market share to Google despite ChatGPT integration | Even AI can't help Bing bridge the gap with Google : technology


Iceland declares emergency over volcano threat - BBC News : worldnews

Countries meet in Kenya to thrash out global plastic pollution treaty : worldnews

Researchers horrified after discovering mysterious plastic rocks on a remote island heres what they mean

Pandora's child - Lawyers, Guns & Money Pandoras child ... talks about why shes decided not to have children, given the terrible state of the world, and in particular the climate change crisis.

The Australian government said Saturday it was responding to a "significant cyber security incident" affecting several ports operated by DP World Australia that could last a number of days : worldnews

China blasts Philippine vessel anew with water cannon : worldnews
Dozens of Chinese ships chase Philippine vessels as US renews warning it will defend its treaty ally : worldnews
Activists Keep Disappearing in Marcos's Philippines - Military kidnappings have produced a public outcry.
Activists Keep Disappearing in Marcos's Philippines - Military kidnappings have produced a public outcry.

Biden, Xi set to pledge ban on AI in drones and nuclear warhead control : worldnews

Microsoft chief says Russia is spreading Middle East disinformation : worldnews

Russia says a battalion made up of Ukrainian prisoners of war is about to be sent to fight against their own country : worldnews

Russian insurgents behind assassination of FSB officer in Russias Bryansk Oblast - Ukrainian intelligence (n
Russian Volunteer Corps Fighting Against Kremlin Releases Video of Intelligence Officer Ambush : worldnews

Another rail accident in Russia, this time near Ryazan. Allegedly 19 rail cars were involved in this incident.

Blinken again urges India to co-operate as Canada probes killing of pro-Khalistan activist : worldnews
India breaks world record with Diwali oil lamp display despite air pollution fears
ndian journalist targeted with NSO spyware| Apples recent round of alerts reached more than 20 people in India, most of them opposition politicians
India Supports UN Resolution Condemning Israeli Settlements In Palestine : worldnews

Malis army drove closer on Saturday to the town of Kidal clashing with Tuareg separatist and rebel groups in what could signal the start of fighting for the strategically important northern crossroads
Malis army reports clashes with rebel groups near strategic town of Kidal

South African president deploys army to tackle illegal mining : worldnews
South Africas Too White Farms May Lose EU, UK Access
South Africas Too White Farms May Lose EU, UK Access

U.S. asks Congo and Rwanda to de-escalate tensions as fighting near their border displaces millions : worldnews

The Militia at the Center of the Darfur Genocide Kills Hundreds in Sudan : news

Turkish Lawyers March AgainstJudicial CoupPresident Defends it

Egypts President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi discussed de-escalation efforts in Gaza in meetings on Saturday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdoan on the sidelines of the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit in Riyadh.
FMs of Arab, Islamic countries assigned to create an international pressure to stop the war on Gaza : worldnews ... Bashir Assad who has killed hundreds of thousands, maybe a million Arabs, displaced more than half of Syria, and killed 20 thousand or more Palestinians in Syria, hundreds of them tortured to death, is at the Arab League summit to tell Israel about human rights. ROFL

Diwali dropped as a holiday for Indian schools across Qatar : worldnews

Internet collapses in war-torn Yemen over maintenanceinvolving undersea line

UAE Maintains Ties With Israel Despite War In Gaza : worldnews
Iran asks Islamic countries to designate Israel army terrorist groupbut UAE plans to maintain ties: Report

Nasrallah urges more global protests, longer war, says only US, UK stand with Israel : worldnews
Israel: 6 civilians wounded in anti-tank missile attack from Lebanon : worldnews
Israel warns Lebanon it could turn Beirut into Gaza : worldnews

Israeli Fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Chotiner's interview with Israeli settler leader Daniella Weiss tells you all you need to know about the settler movement. And I mean, the level of blindness that Americanseven many American liberalshave toward just what really is going on in the settlements is really, really bad. Fuck Hamas, but anyone who supports Israeli policy, go ahead and try to defend this utter insanity, which is should be noted is effectively the policy of the Netanyahu government ... Two million Jews in Judea and Samaria. More settlements, more farms, bigger cities.
Judea and Samaria Area - Wikipedia
Settler terrorism: An American problem | Brookings ... Palestinians are not strangers to settler terrorism. In fact, the number of settler attacks against Palestinians rose by about 150 percent every year between 2008 and 2012. Settler terrorism has intensified not only in volume but also in the nature and viciousness of its attacks. For example, in 2014 Israeli settlers kidnapped 16-year-old Palestinian Jerusalemite Mohammad Abu Khdairand burned him alive.
Israels Occupation: 50 Years Of Dispossession - or half a century, Israel s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living there.
Israels settlements: Over 50 years of land theft explained
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia
60,000 American Jews Live in the West Bank, New Study Reveals - Haaretz Com (mostly Haredis from Brooklyn)

Israels free speech crackdown:War inside of a war
Eschaton: Partners No one has ever reconciled the general expressed belief that Netanyahu is an untrustworthy madman with the notion that the US supports Israel - and by extension him - without reservation.

Netanyahu indicates Israel will oppose Palestinian Authoritys return to Gaza after war

Netanyahu rejects growing calls for a cease-fire as Israel battles Hamas outside main Gaza hospital : worldnews
Israeli official says military not firing on Al Shifa hospital in Gaza : worldnews
Netanyahu: Hamas refused Israeli fuel offer for Gazas Shifa hospital
IDF: No siege at Shifa Hospital, well help move babies to safety
About a dozen children with cancer, blood disorders taken out of Gaza for treatment: WHO : worldnews

IDF using human shields : h3h3_productions

IDF claims it killed Hamas commander who held hospital patients hostage : worldnews

Hitler's Mein Kampf book found in childrens room used as Hamas basein Gaza.
Arabic annotated copy of Mein Kampf found among possessions of terrorist in Gaza home

International travel demand falls after onset of Israel-Hamas conflict, data shows : worldnews

Palestinian supporters take to waters at Port Botany in blockade campaign against Israeli ships : worldnews

30 years after illegal takeover, High Court orders settlers out of Palestinian land : worldnews ... The high court of Israel is always fighting against illegal settlements but the government is fighting against the high court

Why we decided to not allow the Washington Posts article about Nord stream (Russian propaganda)
Danish military expert Anders Puck Nielsen questions the Nord Stream story in WP: It's possible in the same way that its possible to win a football match 10-0 ... Washington Post spreading already debunked Russian fake news! unbelievable

Ukraine has enough energy resources to get through winter, energy minister says : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 627, Part 1 (Thread #773) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 12.11.2023 : ukraine
These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Nov. 12, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
ISW: Equipment losses forcing Russias hand in infantry tactics - Russian forces likely rely on infantry-led frontal assaults to compensate for a lack of adequately trained personnel and due to widespread equipment losses.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine expanded their control on the left bank of #DniproRive in the Kherson region in the settlement of #Krynky and north of Pidstepne and other areas arround there .

Explosion rocks Melitopol as traffic between Russian military bases suspended : worldnews

West Must Arm Ukraine to Stop Future Russian Threats, Latvian President Says : worldnews

Man convicted of death threats against Tusk reportedly inspired by state TV : worldnews - Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk

Germany set to double its Ukraine military aid under Scholz plan, Bloomberg reports : worldnews
Germany is going to double (!) the planned military help for Ukraine for the coming year. Instead of 4 billions of Euro, Germany will send 8 billions of Euro, making it by far the 2nd largest contributor of all military aid to Ukraine. Thats impressive

Thousands to march in France against anti-Semitism : worldnews
Marine Le Pen and her far-right RN party say they will attend Sundays march against antisemitism in the French capital. But other parties say they refuse to march alongside a party founded by antisemites

Far-right thugs, football hooligans blamed for violence at London march : worldnews

UCLA faculty call on school to condemn protests, speech crossing the line

U.S. Court Sides with Biden, Allows Willow Oil Project in Alaska to Go Ahead : politics

Oklahoma senator proposes'Lock the Clock bill for permanent daylight saving time ... We were horrified to see Pro-Palestinian rallies on campus in which the massacres by Hamas were celebrated, including explicit calls for violence (including chanting Intifada or event advertisements featuring images of weapons/violence)

Joe Biden wants to complete his goals on civil rights, taxes, and social services if hes reelected
Biden team says election night wins show path to 2024 victory : politics

John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh Are Rigging the Supreme Court Docket : politics
"Senate Democrats expand their probe over ethics concerns on the Supreme Court. Senate Democrats are trying to implement a code of ethics for the Supreme Court...." [PBS's Geoff Bennett and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), full transcript] : politics

Shutdown standoff: White House preps for Johnson to fail Biden aides are betting that Johnson wont be able tofigure this out and are preparing along two tracks.
House Republicans unveil their plan to avert a government shutdown next week : politics
White House reacts to Speakers extreme stopgap funding bill
Johnson announced his pitch to avoid a shutdown. Its already hitting a wall.

Kevin McCarthy accuses Matt Gaetz of pushing for his ouster as revenge over ethics probe : politics

Biden shifts into campaign mode with more attacks on Trump - President Joe Biden is ramping up attacks on former President Donald Trump after some allies privately urged him to do so in recent days. : politics
Trumps rivals seize on opportunities to challenge his acuity | Bidens team seeks to neutralize the age issue, while GOP hopefuls are urgently looking for ways to dent Trumps lead
Fmr U.S. president Trump mixes names of Biden and Obama at campaign rally : politics
Fox Host Floats Conspiracy Theory: Trumps Gaffes Are Intentional
China Paid Trump Millions In Rent. Then He Left The White House , the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China paid him an estimated $7 million to rent space in Trump Tower

Trump continues attacks on special counsel Jack Smith, references his family : politics

Covering him as a normal candidate: Extremism scholars say TV news normalizing Trumps threats

Trump Takes Veterans Day Speech in a Very Different Direction : politics - Using incendiary and dehumanizing language to refer to his opponents, Mr. Trump vowed to root out what he called the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our countryThe threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from withinMr. Trump said Saturday in a nearly two-hour Veterans Day address in Claremont, N.H. (two hours!)
Its Official: With Vermin, Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk | Hes telling us what he will do to his political enemies if hes president again. Is anyone listening?
Donald Trump is plotting a crackdown on immigration if he is elected including rounding up undocumented immigrants and holding them in large detention camps as they wait to be expelled from the country include those that have been settled in the country for decades.
Trumps plans if he returns to the White House include deportation raids, tariffs and mass firings
More fascist Trump plans - Lawyers, Guns & Money Hes not being shy about what a second term would be like:
Trump Issues Sinister Threat to Root Out Leftists If Elected in 2024

I dont think most Americans realize what a coup is: Edel Rodriguez takes on Trump
The Authoritarianism Is The Point - by Daniel W. Drezner Why is the Trump campaign so loudmouthed about its autocratic policy plans?

GOP Candidates Are Warming to the Idea of War With Iran - It's like Iraq and Afghanistan never happened in the minds of the next generation of Republican warmongers.

Republicans Advocate Transphobic, Authoritarian Project 2025 Even After Election Failures

How the right-wing titans of Silicon Valley turned against Trump : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Herself Increasingly Isolated : politics

An unlikely trio of Trump supporters are now his defiant co-defendants | A pastor, a publicist and a political activist tried to convince an election worker to falsely confess to voter fraud. They, along with Trump, now face criminal charges in Georgia. : politics

Sen. Manchin is the last in a line of formidable West Virginia Democrats who promoted coal interests : politics

Rep. Bob Good Says the GOP Must Be Even More Extreme on the Issue of Abortion in the Wake of Election Losses : politics

After Florida Voters Chose Democracy, DeSantis and the GOP Chose Suppression : politics

Some Trans Kids Are Being Forced To Flee America For Their Safety Many people in conservative states are having to make a difficult choice after facing harassment and anti-trans laws.

Washed-up fascists are still fascists : PoliticalHumor
Scott Baio - Wikipedia

Brad Wenstrup, Ohio Republican who ousted the notorious Jean Schmidt, will retire

No bar exam required to practice law in Oregon starting next year : politics

F.B.I. Examining Whether Adams Cleared Red Tape for Turkish Government : politics

Army Ammunition Plant Is Tied to Mass Shootings Across the U.S. - The New York Times ... But as military demand has slowed, billions of rounds have been sold commercially

John Lewis arrested in 1961 for using a Whites Only restroom, he became a Congressman for Georgia : pics ... America used to be segregated in the 1960s. Want your mind blown? Washrooms, water fountains, and even bus seats were reserved for whites only. Explicitly and legally.

20 more Texas students lose their theatre roles over gender policy. The student-run production of the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical 'Oklahoma' or has encountered even more controversy

Ten Days Before The Twilight Zone Premiered, Mike Wallace Asked Rod Serling A Question That Aged Badly : television

The problem isnt inflation. Its prices. What goes up may not come down. Like, ever.

Should Your Ex-Boss Get a Say in Your New Job? Wall Street Says Yes Legislation in New York that would outlaw noncompete agreements, a staple at big banks, has led to frenzied lobbying to persuade Gov. Kathy Hochul to kill the effort.

Meditation Is Big Business. The Science Isnt So Clear.For years, mindfulness has been promoted as a near panacea. But just how much does the brain affect the body?

Son of Hollywood exec arrested after body part found in dumpster. Wife and in-laws are missing : news

SpaceX Doesnt Do Safety

Industrial robot crushed worker to death at a vegetable packing plant : news

The most popular books New Yorkers are reading now, according to 9 indie booksellers : books

Has anyone read Godel, Escher, Bach-The eternal golden braid
I Am a Strange Loop - Wikipedia

The Mathematical Experience - Wikipedia

AirPhysio Review: Complaints, Side Effects, Cost | HealthNews

TIL that 61% of US troops killed in Vietnam were under the age of 21. The overall average age was 23. : todayilearned

TIL that in the first 40 years of the US Interstate Highway System, it directly saved the lives of 187,000 people, prevented injuries to nearly 12 million people and returned $6 in economic productivity for each dollar that it costs. : todayilearned

A new study has found that spontaneous laughter can significantly reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, leading to positive effects for overall health

Men who are overweight or obese at age 18 have a higher risk of 17 different cancers later in life: lung, head and neck, brain, thyroid, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, liver, colon, rectal, kidney, and bladder cancer, malignant melanoma, leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma. : science

TIL of Aphantasia, a condition where a person is unable to picture things in their mind : todayilearned

Collective intelligence can help reduce medical misdiagnoses: An estimated 250,000 people die from preventable medical errors in the U.S. each year. Single diagnosticians achieved 46% accuracy, whereas pooling the decisions of 10 diagnosticians increased accuracy to 76%. : science

Skulls in Ukraine reveal early modern humans came from the East. These two individuals interbred with Neanderthals and with the very first European Homo sapiens, who arrived around 45,000 years ago and were thought to have become extinct following a major climatic catastrophe. : science
Early Homo erectus lived at high altitudes and produced both Oldowan and Acheulean tools : science

Your mental dictionary is part of what makes you unique heres how your brain stores and retrieves words

ELI5 why does a q (nearly always) need a u after it?

What is something that still hasnt gone back to normal after the pandemic?

What immediately tells you someone is an asshole? : AskReddit

Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year : technology

Whats the most dystopian thing happening right now that we never thought could happen just 25 years ago?

Apple might have to pay that 13B EU tax bill after all


Iceland evacuates the town of Grinkavik due to imminent volcanic eruption, a response last seen 1973.

Microplastic-eating plankton may be worsening crisis in oceans, say scientists : worldnews

EU negotiators agree historic law to restore Europes nature

Amazon deforestation falls more than 20% to its lowest levels in 5 years : worldnews

A surprise offensive by Myanmar ethnic armed groups has blocked two strategically vital roads to the countrys biggest trading partner China, choking cross-border commerce and denying the cash-strapped junta taxes and foreign exchange
Losing ground to rebel alliance, Myanmar junta faces biggest test since coup : worldnews

Indonesian clerics issue fatwa boycotting products linked to Israel and Zionism : worldnews

Pyongyang reconfirms stronger ties with Russia despite warning : worldnews

New Hong Kong law to extend reach of espionage crimes overseas

Biden and Xi meeting set for next week as US hopes to halt downward spiral in relations : worldnews
Suspected Russian hackers disrupted the market in U.S. Treasuries by attacking China's == and the worlds -- largest bank.ICBC was reportedly forced to conduct some trades via a portable USB drive after the bank was hit by a ransomware attack
China denies accusations of forced assimilation and curbs on religious freedom in Tibet : worldnews

2/ An investigation by Important Stories highlights the role that Transneft has played in recruiting men to fight in the BARS-20 Gromvolunteer battalion, one of dozens formed by corporate or political sponsors as part of Russias Special Combat Army Reserve (BARS).

Lieutenant Colonel of FSB shot dead in Russias Bryansk Oblast
Mobilised soldiers beat their colonel to death in Simferopo

Train with 19 wagons derails in Russia due to interference by unauthorised persons : worldnews

Russian media: Massive fire breaks out at Kotovsk gunpowder plant. Local residents said they heard an explosion before the fire erupted at the factory. No casualties were reported.

Three months after Moscow adopted law on goods deliveries to northern territories, a crisis looms in isolated Arctic settlements : worldnews

U.S. and India strike deal to co-produce Stryker armored vehicle : worldnews

UN warns violence against civilians in Sudan vergingon pure evil

After five years of drought and two locust plagues, Somalia is now being ravaged by "once-in-a-hundred-year" floods. : worldnews

Erdogan threatens Israel: It is testing our patience : worldnews

Irans Raisi: The only solution is a Palestinian state fromthe river to the sea
In Brussels, FM Cohen says Iran is financing Hamas to stop Arab countries normalization with Israel

Netanyahu says IDF will control Gaza after war, rejects notion of international force : worldnews

Macron condemns rising antisemitism and Israeli bombing of civilians : worldnews
Macron calls on Israel to stop killing Gazas women and babies (

News outlets deny claims they had prior knowledge of Hamas attack on Israel | Associated Press, Reuters, New York Times and CNN say suggestions are untrue, outrageous and reckless : worldnews
News Outlets, Press Freedom Groups Reject Claims Journalists Knew of Hamas Attack : worldnews

No Canadians approved to leave Gaza on Friday were able to exit: Global Affairs : worldnews

Terrorist organizations in Gaza responsible for hitting Al-Shifa Hospital - IDF spokesman : worldnews

IDF: Troops found Hamas drone manufacturing plant, weapons depot in Gaza residential building : worldnews

IDF says it killed Hamas commander who held some 1,000 Gazans hostage at hospital : worldnews

IDF gains control of Hamas territory in northern Gaza, kills 150 terrorists : worldnews

Soldiers find rocket launcher hidden in shipping container on Gaza coast : worldnews

Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack that shocked and mystified the West - The Washington Post Roman Chervinsky, a colonel in Ukraines Special Operations Forces, was integral to the brazen sabotage operation, say people familiar with planning
Ukraine to Putin: You cut our power, we kneecap your biggest economic driver : worldnews
Ukraine ranks second most generous country in world, survey shows : worldnews
IMF: Ukrainian economy shows signs ofstronger-than-expected recovery. The IMF upgraded Ukraines 2023 GDP growth to 4.5%, up from a range of 1-3% predicted in July.
Decommunization: Kyiv City dismantled over 60 Soviet monuments, 56 more slated for removal : worldnews
The attack was part of an overnight barrage that suggested Moscow was testing air defenses before another potential winter campaign against Ukraines energy infrastructure

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 626, Part 1 (Thread #772) : worldnews

Russia suffers record personnel losses over the past 30 days: 25760 soldiers [link to source in comments] : ukraine
Losses of the Russian military to 11.11.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian Marines Still Holding Dnipro Bridgehead, Special Ops Busy : worldnews
The Ukrainian Army posters dont mess around.

Amidst constant air sirens and distant explosions, Kherson celebrates Liberation Day with unbreakable spirit. From early morning people gather on Freedom Square to celebrate the citys liberation from Russian occupation. Witnessing this resilience brings smiles to faces

Russian boats hit in Crimea on 10 November beyond recovery : worldnews
Ukraine claims it hit two Russian landing craft in Crimea with sea drones | CNN : worldnews

Moscow-backed Ukrainian Orthodox Church hires US lobbyist for $1400 per Hour. UOC-MP is paying a hefty price to promote the idea of ongoingreligious persecutionin Ukraine

Finnish investigators confirm recovered anchor belongs to Chinese vessel | News | Yle Uutiset : worldnews .. The NBI is probing the incident as a suspected case of aggravated criminal mischief

Estonia will let Taiwan open Tallinn office, despite China warnings : worldnews

Germany approves global minimum corporate tax : worldnews

France expels Palestinian activist to Egypt : worldnews

Ethnicity one of the largest factors in antisemitic attitudes in the UK : worldnews ... non-white ethnic groups exhibited more antisemitism

Mexico City imposes severe, monthslong water restrictions as drought dries up reservoirs : worldnews

Ottawa hospital says poured gasoline, antisemitic messages found in clinical area : worldnews

Biden officials reject Moodys shift to negative outlook, point to Republican 'dysfunction'

Biden Has Wiped Away $127 Billion in Student Loan Debt : politics

Congress Censure of Rep Tlaib Shows Theres a Palestine Exception to Free SpeechI find it horrific that the politicians have the nerve to censure righteous voices for peace and for the lives of Gazans, who are being murderedHolocaust survivor Marione Ingram said.
Why Its Important to Defend Representative Rashida Tlaib Against Censure, Whether or Not We Agree With Her
What does 'from the river to the sea' mean?
From the River to the Sea
Republican Calls for All Palestinians to Die in Viral Video

If Progressives Dont Like Bidens Gaza Position, Wait Till They Learn About Trumps

Tuberville once again blocks hundreds of military nominees, further digging in heels over DOD abortion policy : politics

Democrats Plan to Subpoena Harlan Crow and Other Wealthy Supreme Court Donors : politics

Opinion | Under Speaker Johnson, the House is definitely not in order - The Washington Post Before Mike Johnson became speaker, the House of Representatives had voted to censure one of its own members only seven times in 100 years. Since Johnson became speaker, members of the House have tried to censure each other eight times in two weeks.
MAGA Mike Johnson believes Bible comes first over the Constitution,says Raskin

Donald Trump May Have Just Broken the Law : politics

Trump admits various people saw papers and boxes brought from White House

Trump Warns He Could Certainly Indict Political Opponents if Hes Reelected

Travesty in darkness: Trump backs drive to televise his D.C. election-subversion trial

Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trumps 2025 Immigration Plans
Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump 2025 Immigration Plans

Trumps lawyers have a risky plan to call as many as 3 Trumps back to the stand at his fraud trial, starting with Donald Trump, Jr.

Youre Telling Me That Thing Is Forged?: The Inside Story of How Trump's Body Guy Tried and Failed to Order a Massive Military Withdrawal

New York may take Donald Trump off ballot : politics

Donald Trump pitches oil and gas barons to line his campaign coffers - The Washington Post At fundraisers, Trump has been wooing oil billionaires with a variety of pitches, including false claims about electric cars

RNC warns candidates that attending Iowa Christian groups forum will disqualify them from debates | CNN Politics

Ron DeSantisNew Campaign Videos Paint Very Different Picture Of Donald Trump

Pastor Indicted With Trump in Georgia Asks Evangelical Supporters for Help : politics

Tennessee man says he conspired with Jan. 6 defendant to kill FBI agents Austin Carter said that he plotted with Edward Kelley, who is awaiting trial on Jan. 6 charges, to kill as many as 37 people. Kelley has pleaded not guilty to murder conspiracy charges

White House tried, and failed, to persuade Manchin to make another Senate run - POLITICO
The choice - Lawyers, Guns & Money Biden is barely older than Trump, and Trump seems vastly less coherent, even by his incredibly degraded standards. Douthat knows all this of course, but he is doing his level best to get Trump re-elected, in some cryptic Opus Dei Never Trump But Really Always Trump Because God is Heightening the Contradictions (or something) way.
The age pretext - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Lauren Boebert faces battle for her future : politics

Texas Republicans Target Climate Science in Textbooks Ahead of Education Board Vote. Republican Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian wants the Texas Board of Education to reject new science textbooks, which accurately describe the causes and effects of climate change. : politics

Judge blocks Idaho law stopping adults from helping minors seeking abortion : politics

Texas Case Has Supreme Court Deciding Whether to Keep Guns From Domestic Violence Offenders : politics

A Wisconsin judge orders the former chief justice to turn over records related to impeachment advice : politics

Inside the attempt to charge Georgia's Cop City activists with racketeering Rico charges against 61 people have outraged civil liberties groups who see an effort to demonize legitimate protesters

Alarmed by Off-Year Losses, Mainstream Republicans Balk at Abortion Curbs - The New York Times Worried about alienating critical blocs of voters, House Republicans from competitive districts are digging in against using spending bills for abortion and contraception restrictions.

Ohio is nations most antidemocratic state. GOP vow to sink abortion, marijuana rights proof
Ohio GOP lawmakers propose stripping judges of power to interpret abortion rights, Issue 1 : politics
Nullification - Lawyers, Guns & Money The INDEPENDENT STATE LEGISLATURE theory may not have gotten the full approval of the majority of the Supreme Court, but it remains alive and a threat to both democracy and human rights wherever unaccountable Republican legislatures face any constraints on their power.
These college voters were sent absentee ballots. They didnt show up byElection Day

Two Michigan former officials sue city over unconstitutional Pride flag ban

Liberal and moderate candidates take control of school boards in contentious races across US : politics
How a MAGA School-Board Racial Scandal in Virginia Belly Flopped

North Carolinas new budget puts voters in the dark

The librarian who couldnt take it anymore
This Pennsylvania school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it : NPR

Pope Francis fires Texan bishop after criticism of reforms : news

FBI seizes NYC mayor Eric Adamsphones in corruption probe
Eric Adams Has a Lot of Ties to Turkey
Eschaton: The Future Of The Democratic Party So many dipshits decided that winning a 5 way contested primary in New York City was the key to winning the nation and that would have been absurd no matter who it was.
Eschaton: Sticking It To The Wokes The Eric Adams "boom" - among a set of dipshit pundits and some in the Dem leadership - was their way of supporting the BLM backlash, of saying what America wants isn't "defund the police," it's a Cop Mayor who will stick it to Those People ... How better to hide their bigotry than behind an African-American cop mayor? "Hide" because they think people are stupid and don't realize how transparent they are.

Brian Stelter: Fox is still the beating heart of the GOP

Suspect released in fatal stabbing of Detroit synagogue leader : news

Child psychiatrist jailed after making pornographic AI deep-fakes of kids : technology

Why Arent More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.

Impatient LockBit says it's leaked 50GB of stolen Boeing files after ransom fails to land : technology

GOP senator moves to force release of Jeffrey Epstein flight logs, identify perpetrators in horrific conduct

Study shows conservatives are less able than liberals to differentiate between truth and false information : politics

Passenger saw plane was missing window at high altitude, investigators say : worldnews
When a plane loses pressure, heres what happens to your body

Left-handers arent better spatially: a new study of 420,000 participants across 41 different countries found that left handers were neither better nor worse than right handers at a video game spatial task, clarifying a long-running debate about the links between handedness and spatial skills. (
Working left (and right)

During pregnancy, the expectant mother passes on to her baby not only nutrients but also microbes. Finnish researchers say that the mothers microbiota influences the babys development.

Blood clotting risk quickly drops after stopping hormonal contraceptives. Using birth control pills and other hormone-based contraceptives is known to elevate the risk of blood clots about 3-fold, but a new study suggests that this risk largely goes away within 2 to 4 weeks after stopping their use. : science

Study on 20 adults found that sensors in smartphones and smart speakers, with an algorithm developed by researchers, could determinate a persons level of alcohol intoxication based on the changes in their voice with an accuracy of 98%

ELI5 Why do we separate Hispanics in stats of medical journals if they are not a race? : explainlikeimfive

Left-handers arent better spatially: a new study of 420,000 participants across 41 different countries found that left handers were neither better nor worse than right handers at a video game spatial task, clarifying a long-running debate about the links between handedness and spatial skills.

The History of Writing is the History of Humanity the wondrous, mystic art of painting speech, and speaking to the eyes.

Whats the Future of Books?

The Secrets of the JFK Assassination Documents How a dogged journalist proved that the CIA lied about Oswald and Cuba and spent decades covering it up. ... District Judge Brett Kavanaugh and a colleague ruled that his attorney, Lesar, would not have his fees paid by the CIA ... (On the same day, Trump nominated Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.)
The nasty career of CIA Director Richard Helms. The nasty career of CIA Director Richard Helms.
JFKs Complicated Legacy, on the Anniversary of His Assassination
Bob Dylans New JFK Assassination Epic Couldnt Be More Prescient

Vacancy in Boston-area lab space climbs to 10-year high - The Boston Globe

Massachusetts: $148 Million in Marijuana Sold in October, Price Per Gram Drops to All-Time Low of $5.68 : massachusetts


New Yorks Beehives Are Contaminated With Pesticides | An analysis of beeswax finds a wide variety of pesticide, herbicide and fungicide residues.

First-ever images prove lost echidna not extinct ... four-pronged penis ...

Worlds Largest Biometric Digital ID System Hacked Affecting Nearly 10% Of The Worlds Population ... Indias Aadhaar, includes digital ID numbers and sensitive data of around 815 million Indian citizens.

CDC reports highest childhood vaccine exemption rate ever in the U.S. : news

COVID-19 fraudster used stolen relief aid to purchase a private island in Florida : news

Australia has offered refuge to citizens of Tuvalu because of the impacts of climate change, in a landmark pact : worldnews
Melbourne man first to be charged under new law banning Nazi salute in Victoria : worldnews

Philippines denounces China for unprovoked acts of coercion to block resupply mission

Laos is spiraling toward a debt crisis as China looms large. : worldnews

S. Korea, Australia hold joint maritime drills in East Sea : worldnews

S. Korean military detects signs of NK supplying ballistic missiles to Russia : worldnews

Taiwan is looking to hire as many as 100,000 Indian workers : worldnews

National Zoo pandas land safely in China : worldnews

Putins long war gamble could be paying off
Putin visits Kazakhstan, part of his efforts to cement ties with ex-Soviet neighbors : worldnews
Putins Bizarre Questions About Ice Spark Confusion and Mockery in Russia
Jill Steins ties to Vladimir Putin explained

Russia asks other countries to return weapons sold to them

There is a large-scale fire in the moscow region, report local channels. According to preliminary data, the warehouse of the company Gazdevais(production of gas meters) is burning.The current fire area is 2,000 m2.

India to Build 24 Cargo Ships for Russia in the Next 3 Years : worldnews

Key LeT commander killed by unidentified men in Pakistan - Times of India : worldnews

Freedom Fades, Suffering Remains for Women in Afghanistan : worldnews

Once-in-a-century flooding swamps Somalia after historic drought -UN : worldnews
Corpses on streets: Sudans RSF kills 1,300 in Darfur, monitors say

Komfo Anokye kola tree: Ghana outrage after 300-year-old tree felled : worldnews

Erdogan backtracks after siding with court that defied top courts ruling on lawmakers release

Irans foreign minister tells Qatar that expansion of Israel-Hamas war inevitable
Irans Court Hands Down Death Sentence for Womans Adultery .. The death sentence, often by stoning for such cases in Iran,

Joe Truzman on X: "Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrives in Saudi Arabia to attend an emergency Arab summit on the Gaza war." / X Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrives in Saudi Arabia to attend an emergency Arab summit on the Gaza war.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 39) : worldnews

Israel revises Hamas attack death toll to around 1,200 ... Reported by several reliable news sources the death toll for Palestinian children as of yesterday was 4,324.

Hamas offered Israel 50 hostages for a 5-day cease-fire but the deal got rejected, reports say : worldnews
Islamic Jihad airs propaganda clip with signs of life from 2 hostages : worldnews

Blinken denounces civilian toll in Gaza, says far too many Palestinians have been killed

Palestinians stream out of combat zone in north Gaza as Israel opens window for safe passage : worldnews

Hamas fires rockets deep into Israel, setting off sirens in Tel Aviv : worldnews

Israels public defense refuses to represent October 7 Hamas terrorists
IDF opens channels for Gazans to report Hamas humanitarian violations - Defense News : worldnews

Several of the worlds leading news organizations deny having prior knowledge of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, following allegations from a pro-Israel media watchdog this week

Posts inquiry caused PayPal to cut ties withHamas funding proxy

Israel talking to agencies about setting up field hospitals in southern Gaza : worldnews

Hamas cant be negotiated with, co-founders son says

IDF soldiers have found a terror tunnel entrance under a childs bed just north of Gaza City. This is the evil of Hamas. They must be destroyed for the future of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Israel Reveals First-Ever Use of New Futuristic Weapon to Shoot Down Ballistic Missile : worldnews

IDF says it has overtaken Hamas stronghold in al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City

Even if Zelensky agrees to negotiate, there is no evidence that Putin wants to negotiate, that he wants to stop fighting, or that he has ever wanted to stop fightingOn the challenge Putin still presents to Europe and the rest of the world:
The U.S. says frozen russian assets will not be returned until russia pays for Ukraines reconstruction.
Ukraine will soon receive the 3rd Patriot system, Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat said.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 625, Part 1 (Thread #771) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 10.11.2023 : ukraine
Russias estimated losses in Ukraine as of day 625 of its all-out war, according to the Ukrainian Armys General Staff.
Russia loses 433 troops in Tavria direction over day. [article] : ukraine

Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi called the Russian offensive near Avdiivka distrastrous. More than 100 tanks, 250 APCs, 50+ artillery systems and 7 Su-25 fighters were either destroyed or heavily damaged. Also 10,000 fighters were killed. : ukraine

Unheard of just 6 months ago, with Russians now pushed back, Ukrainian Forces cross the Dnipro River like its a pleasure cruise.

Celebrations in Tbilisi as Georgia takes first step towards EU membership : worldnews

Latvia jails former official for pro-Russia spying.- A Riga City Court sentenced Janis Adamsons, Latvias former Interior Minister, and a Russian accomplice, to jail for spying on behalf of the Russian Federation

Swedens schools minister declares free school system failure ... privately run schools funded by public money

Hungarys Orban says EU must not start membership talks with Ukraine
EU has Plan B if Hungary vetoes 50 billion euro aid for Ukraine
US Approves $2.53B Abrams Tank Sale to Romania : worldnews

Catholic charity chief in Poland quits church, calling it mafia sheltering criminals

Germany pledges to make its military the backbone of defence in Europe
Hamas supporters leave Germany after being outlawed : worldnews

Portugal to hold snap election the second in two years -- after PM quits

France condemns Russian disinformation campaign linked to Stars of David graffiti : worldnews
The French foreign ministry accused Russian online networks of attempting to "exploit international crises to sow confusion" in France and in Europe by sharing photos of the Stars of David appearing around Paris, graffiti that has been widely suspected of being an anti-Semitic statement : worldnews

Colombia announces war crime charges against Netanyahu : worldnews

Biden and Xi will meet Wednesday for talks managing fraught US-China relations : politics

How the GOP muzzled the coalition fighting foreign propaganda on Twitter, Facebook and beyond The FBI put a pause on briefings with tech companies due to an ongoing lawsuit, adding to a broader breakdown in a system meant to guard against influence operations and to ensure election integrity.

Worlds Biggest Bank Forced to Trade Via USB Stick After \ Hack ... ndustrial & Commercial Bank of Chinas US unit had been hit by a cyberattack ... suspected perpetrator Lockbit, a prolific criminal gang with ties to Russia
Worlds Biggest Bank Forced to Trade Via USB Stick After Hack ... traversed Manhattan on a USB stick.

Biden administration privately warned by American diplomats of growing fury against US in Arab world : worldnews

In Congress and on Campuses, From the River to the Sea Inflames Debate - The pro-Palestinian rallying cry has become a fixture of protests in the United States and was a focus of the congressional censure of Representative Rashida Tlaib. It has a fraught history ... If its coming from an armed Hamas member, then yes, I would feel threatened, said Professor Beinart, who is Jewish. If it is coming from someone who I know has a vision of equality and mutual liberation, then no, I would not feel threatened..

Violent antisemitism is a real threat. Congress is responding in ways that might make it worse.

Netanyahus niece is a professor in R.I. and says the Israeli government is playing into Hamass hands -- He is an ideologue, and he wants to stay in power.

Jewish Democrats rally around Biden over Israel : politics

Dominions Fox News Case Was Just the Beginning ... awsuits pending against Newsmax, One America News, Mike Lindell and MyPillow, Sidney Powell and her law firm, Rudy Giuliani, and Patrick Byrne.

A temporary Senate rule change could finally end Tubervilles military blockade (coach Tubberfucker)

Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Republicans are taking advantage of a 19th-century House rule to try to lower Biden officials salaries to $1

A guide to the friends and patrons of Clarence and Ginni Thomas - The Washington Post : politics

Mike Johnson Sends House Home Early So He Can Hobnob With Paris Elitists | Days away from a government shutdown, Speaker Mike Johnson has sent the House of Representatives home early for the weekend so he can catch a flight to Paris. : politics ... to attend a far-right conference ... the Worldwide Freedom Initiative. The inaugural conference was organized by the groups Republicans Overseas Worldwide and Republicans Overseas France ... Other speakers at the Paris conference include South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a staunch ally of Donald Trump, and former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski. Noem and Lewandowski have reportedly been having a years-long affair, despite Noem still being married to her husband of more than 30 years, Bryon Noem
Inside Mike Johnsons Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution
Why Is Mike Johnson Flying a Christian Nationalist Flag Outside His Office? | The New Republic he House speaker is displaying an Appeal toHeaven flag outside his door.
The Key to Mike Johnsons Christian Extremism Hangs Outside His Officenewly elected House speaker has ties to the far-right New Apostolic Reformation which is hell-bent on turning America into a religious state
Inside Mike Johnsons Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution

James Comer Under Increasing Pressure Over Loans to his Brother : politics
Comers impeachment pursuit runs out of steam: New Biden subpoenas are a dead end | House Republicans Are Making a Mockery of Constitutional Oversight
Some Republicans hope impeachment inquiry will step carefully under new speaker - The Washington Post The inquiry stagnated during the 3-week fight to elect a new speaker. Now, James Comer has sent out new subpoenas as Speaker Mike Johnson strikes a more reserved tone.

House GOP uncertain how Congress will avert a government shutdown as time winds down: Trustus
Playbook: Why Congress could sleepwalk into a shutdown - POLITICO

Biden trolls Trump after election night victories: We havent stopped winning

Hillary Clinton compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler : politics
The Warnings About Trump in 2024 Are Getting Louder | The New Yorker undefined
The Warnings About Trump in 2024 Are Getting Louder : politics
A critical thing to understand about Trumps iron grip on his party is that it is much more because of his authoritarianism than in spite of it:
The G.O.Ps Culture War Shtick Is Wearing Thin With Voters (nyti
What do you believe is the greatest threat to the United States? : AskReddit

Puts Trump in a box: Experts say Judge Chutkan just forced Trump to put up or shut up
Judge Chutkan Strikes Blow Against Donald Trump : politics

What the woodworker saw: Trump documents trial may put resort workers on witness stand, sources say : politics

Trump Says Hed Consider Making Tucker Carlson His VP

Trump posts weird story that accuses Judge Arthur Engoron of posting bare-chested pics : politics

Trump says on Univision he could weaponize FBI, DOJ against his enemies : politics
Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024 : politics

Donald Trumps defense against E. Jean Carroll is unraveling

New book details chaos when Trump aide tried to start Afghanistan withdrawal : politics

Judge Aileen Cannon rebuffs Trump call for trial delay in classified documents case for now

A lot of Americans embrace Trumps authoritarianism
Against Trump normalization - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Wheres Melania?

Peter Thiel says he found out Donald Trump cursed and called him ascumbaga fter he refused to donate to his 2024 campaign
Peter Thiel Is Taking a Break From Democracy : politics

Tech Mogul Peter Thiel Told FBI About Two Kremlin Invites to Meet Putin

Steve Bannon's hopes of avoiding prison suffer blow : politics

A complete failure Senate Republicans on a punishing election night
NBC hosts a GOP debateand its right-wing misinformation
Unserious Debates for an Unserious Primary | The quality of debates among Americas national candidates has plummetedand the media must share the blame

Ocasio-Cortez, Greene among lawmakers urging Biden to drop Assange extradition, prosecution | The Hill

Good Riddance to Joe Manchin : politics
With Manchin Out, DemocratsPath to Holding the Senate Is Narrow
Joe Manchin Wants One Thing and Its Disgusting: The West Virginia senator, who announced he will not be seeking reelection, is not some political mastermind. Hes a greedy nihilist

AOC Challenger Helped Lead Encrypted Chat Group Filled With Proud Boys And Racial Slurs : politics

New York Times blasts Cotton for harvesting disinformation about journalists in Middle East

Republican pushes to overturn Ohio election result : politics

Moms for Liberty and the parental rights agenda flopped in this weeks elections ... Twatzis ...
Conservative parents look to exit public schools after progressives dominate board elections : politics
How to Keep Wingnuts Off the School Board: In Tuesdays elections, liberal and progressive parents banded together to push back against the right-wing takeover of local government.

BlazeTV co-host: Gay people are adopting children. Its a tragedyand that should not happen

Ohio Republicans Say Its Their God Given Right to Restrict Abortion Access

Texas judge rules against GOP lawsuit seeking to toss 2022 election result in Houston area : politics

The rural Michigan town fighting against rightwing conspiracy theories : politics

Florida bill aims to punish cities for removing Confederate monuments : politics

Children of queer parents are the forgotten victims in the right-wing crusade against LGBTQ+ rights. A new report found that these kids face bullying and harassment at alarmingly high rates. : politics

MTG Is Trashing Lauren Boebert as a Whore to GOP Colleagues

Womans miscarriage leads to abuse of corpse case before grand jury ... The country the Republicans want.

Alabama cant prosecute people who help women leave the state for abortions, Justice Department says

Republican State Representative in Florida Calls for the Death of 'All' Palestinians During a Call for Ceasefire : politics

Sen. Blackburn announces she has filed multiple subpoenas, including for full Jeffrey Epstein flight logs and associated documents : politics

The man accused of attacking Nancy Pelosis husband was caught up in conspiracies, defense says

F.B.I. Seizes Eric Adamss Phones as Campaign Investigation Intensifies ... in what appeared to be a dramatic escalation of a criminal inquiry into whether his 2021 campaign conspired with the Turkish government and others to funnel money into its coffers.
F.B.I. Seizes Eric Adamss Phones as Campaign Investigation Intensifies
Feds Snatched NYC Mayors Phones and iPad in Widening Probe ... Both Adams and his International Affairs Commissioner Edward Mermelstein have attended events at the Turkevi Center, which towers near the United Nations. The mayor has repeatedly visited the Mediterranean country, and attended numerous Turkish cultural events.

An entire states population just had its data stolen in a ransomware attack (Maine)

Why American manufacturing is becoming less efficient : technology If you outsource your manufacturing you lose the pipeline of people who become experts in manufacturing processes and those are the ones who sometimes get the big ideas for further improvements for manufacturing facilities.

Majority Now Say U.S. Losing Ground on Illegal Drug Problem

Federal appeals court calls Bidens ghost gun limits unlawful

Prosecutors recommending 3-plus years in jail for man who pleaded guilty in Rep. Angie Craig assault

Brothel bust spotlights how legal system treats those in sex trade
Feds charge 3 with running high-end brothels allegedly frequented by politicians : politics
Feds: Alleged sex ring drew politicians, business execs to brothels in Mass. : massachusetts

Judge Approves JPMorgans $290 Million Settlement With Epstein VictimsThe nations largest bank was sued for ignoring red flags about Jeffrey Epsteins sex-trafficking operation while he was a client.

Regulating crypto might end it. And thats just fine.

At SpaceX, Worker Injuries Soar in Elon Musks Rush to Mars

Chiropractors Are Not What You Think They Are and its connection to Scientology : videos

Adult ADHD may take a toll on the brain. A recent study published in JAMA Network Open reported that being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult is associated with a 2.77-fold increased risk of dementia. : science

Active Tuberculosis Case Leaves 40 People Exposed At UMass Boston: Officials : massachusetts

Can magic mushrooms help patients dying in hospice care?

Scientists have discovered what they say is the fastest and most efficient semiconductor yet. Although the new material is made using one of the rarest elements on Earth, the researchers suggest counterparts made from more abundant materials may be discovered that operate comparably fast. : technology

Low cognition predicts unrealistic optimism. High cognition predicts realism and pessimism : science

Scientists Create Chimeric Monkey with Two Sets of DNA : news

Advertisers Dont Want Sites Like Jezebel to Exist (

Best songs about yearning for someone? : Music
Sinead O'Connor : Nothing Compares 2 U
Wake Up Alone - YouTube
Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over - YouTube

What did you think was normal about your body until someone said it was anything but normal? : AskReddit
Whats the worst part about dating you? (self.AskReddit)
Whats the biggest red flag you have seen on a first date?

A really great dive into the casting of Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut, exploring his range against other actors, and why certain casting "works" even with non-complex actors (Affleck in Gone Girl vs a Malick film). What are some other odd choices that ended up being really effective? : movies


The world has experienced its hottest 12 months on record, and El Nino is set to drive temperatures higher

Small modular nuclear reactor that was hailed by Coalition as future cancelled due to rising costs : worldnews

Shell sues Greenpeace for 2 million after activists boarded oil vessel near Canary Islands

Orcas Sink Fourth Boat Off Iberia, Unnerving Sailors : worldnews

A systematic review finds that climate change and other environmental and resource concerns are influencing reproductive decisions. People are choosing to have either fewer children or none at all. : science

Kmart: Australian store pulls Merry Ham-mas Christmas bag

Philippines drops Chinas Belt and Road as tensions flare

A turning point in Myanmar as army suffers big losses : worldnews

Japan gets a new island in Tokyo Prefecture after undersea volcano erupts : worldnews

North Korea on Blinkens Agenda in Seoul Under Shadow of Gaza, Ukraine

Chinas communist spies in the dock in Taiwan

Uyghur film-maker claims he was tortured by authorities in China : worldnews

Putin rakes in extra 1B for his war chest via Bulgaria sanctions loophole
Russias army and its weapons factories are sucking workers as Moscow braces for a long war in Ukraine, leaving civilian sectors with painful labour shortages and destabilising the broader economy.

Russias Lavrov assails West over switch to green energy

Russia reportedly is using Ukrainian POWs to fight in their homeland on Moscows side

Indian scientists hope cloud seeding can clean Delhis toxic air

India, Pakistan border guards trade fire along their frontier in Kashmir; one Indian soldier killed : worldnews

Sudan conflict: Thousands flee fresh ethnic killings in Darfur : worldnews

Kenya announces public holiday for nationwide tree planting in reforestation drive : worldnews

US Reaper drone shot down near Yemen by Iranian-backed Houthi militants, defense official says : worldnews
US launches 2nd round of airstrikes on Iran-backed groups it says attacked American troops : worldnews

Iran Rejects G7 Calls To Stop Supporting Hamas : worldnews
(Iran) Seventeen Bahais Arrested, Two Elderly Women Harassed by Agents
ELI5: How does Iran (with such a low GDP per capita) afford to support multiple militias and proxy wars across its region? : explainlikeimfive

Hezbollahs anti-ship missiles bolster its threat to US navy

Death toll in Gaza likely higher than is being reported: US official
White House says Israel agrees to 4-hour daily pauses in Gaza fighting.
Biden, in rare criticism of Bibi, says pause in Gaza fighting should have come sooner : politics

UN rights chief says war crimes committed on both sides of Israel-Hamas conflict : worldnews
US State Department says it hasnt so far found evidence for Israeli war crimes in Gaza

Trudeau says world must get back on track to two-state solution

Top US general cautions over risks in a long Gaza war | Reuters

IDF: Troops destroyed 130 Hamas tunnel shafts in Gaza since start of ground op : worldnews

Israeli Police Collect Eyewitness Testimony of Gang Rape During Hamas Attack : worldnews ... The suspect said in his interrogation that he had trained for the invasion for years and that each team participating in the attack had received precise orders about its assignment.

Israel demands action from 4 international news outlets over journalists' presence at scene of massacres : worldnews
Israel demands action after journalists reportedly joined Hamas massacre : worldnews
Journalists with Hamas terrorists: Watchdog questions international medias presence at October 7 massacre scenes
Broken Borders: AP & Reuters Pictures of Hamas Atrocities Raise Ethical Questions
On Wednesday night, with a sizable security presence and protesters audible through the walls, some 200 members of the industry screened Bearing Witness comprising 43 minutes of uncensored footage, at the Museum of Tolerance in West L.A.
Fights erupt outside Museum of Tolerance after screening of film on Hamas : news

West Bank Story - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... the ongoing attacks by Israeli settlers amid the war in Gaza ... The former official also alleged that Israel was carrying out a genocide.

Israeli Arab Bedouins seek revenge on Hamas : worldnews

IDF finds Hamas weapons factory next to Gazan childrens bedroom

WHO EMRO | Risk of disease spread soars in Gaza as health facilities, water and sanitation systems disrupted | News | Media centre Risk of disease spread soars in Gaza as health facilities, water and sanitation systems disrupted

Im speaking with you from Israeli intelligence

Ukraine has to fulfill four conditions set by the European Commission by March 24, 2024, after which the framework for EU accession negotiations will be approved.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 624, Part 1 (Thread #770) : worldnews

Russian military losses as of Nov 9, 2023 : ukraine

Ukraine grain corridor beats the odds to prove an unexpected success. Kyiv close to shepherding 100 ships through the beleaguered ports of Odesa : worldnews

EU countries to debate of 12th package of Russia sanctions next week - officials : worldnews

Workers in Sweden Will Expand Strike Against Tesla : worldnews

Belgium wants sanctions against Israel for Gaza bombings - deputy PM : worldnews

Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says : worldnews

Woman with a Watch: Picasso masterpiece of golden muse sells for 113m

British minister accuses her own police force of being too pro-Palestinian : worldnews
Himmler ordered mass execution of prisoners in only Nazi camp on British soil, documents reveal : worldnews

Protest marches in La Paz by the union of Bolivian gold miners turned violent after several days of demanding the repeal of a government resolution barring them from working in the countrys protected areas, especially Madidi National Park, a huge preserve in the upper Amazon river basin

Panama protests over Canadian Mining company contract deal has closed roads for over a week. Two murdered. : worldnews
It Can Now Cost $4 Million to Skip the Queue at the Panama Canal : worldnews

Apple co-founder Wozniak suffers possible stroke in Mexico -local media : worldnews

Police say 2 Jewish schools in Montreal hit by bullets overnight : worldnews

US used up 96% of funds approved by Congress for Ukraine aid - White House

Emotions are running high at the White House as some aides frustration with Israel is growing

GOP Candidates Say Lack Of Energy Is Causing Inflation Despite Record Oil Production - August now holds the record for the most barrels of oil, according to the Energy Department.

The untold story of a brief FBI inquiry into Bidens golf club membership

GOP called out for censuring Rashida Tlaib while Republicans spew "genocidal rhetoric" about Gaza : politics
A List Of Times Republicans Said Things Worse Than Rashida TlaibBut Werent Censured: Here are some of the extremist things Republicans have said about Palestinians, with zero repercussions.

ConservativesFavorite Legal Doctrine Crashes Into Reality: Originalism is all the rage on the right, but a gun case at the Supreme Court is exposing its absurdityeven to the conservative justices.

Speaker Mike Johnson Has No Plan With Time Running Out to Avoid US Shutdown : politics
House Speaker Mike Johnson Is Running Out of Time to Avoid Government Shutdown - Bloomberg - Conservatives push to attach immigration changes to stopgap - No House, Senate plans yet to avoid shutdown end of next week
Whats Up With Mike Johnsons Very Shady-Seeming Financial Disclosures?

James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K : politics
Democrats pounce following report on James Comers family deals

Appeals court set to consider Steve Bannon's contempt of Congress conviction

Echoes of Jan. 6 committee as Jack Smith foreshadows plan to tie Trump to Capitol riot Donald Trump doesnt want prosecutors to talk about Jan. 6. They want to make it central to their case.

Former Watergate prosecutor says Trump is toast in NY fraud trial

Trumps daughter worried he was not wealthy enough, emails in NY fraud trial show
Ivanka Trumps emails reveal fatal error she made .. Ivanka Trump was questioned about potentially damaging emails in court on Wednesday because she was using a company email server, a New York attorney has said. Under normal court rules, any communication from one spouse to another is legally privileged and cannot be used in court. However, Ivanka Trump wrote to her husband, Jared Kushner, on a Trump Organization email account
She threw him under the bus: Legal expert says Ivankas testimony may backfire on Trump

Whos the Senile One? Trump Mixes Up Countries Again | Donald Trump does not appear to be doing well.

Trump defeated twice in one week: In a courtroom and at the polls Trumpism lost big in the courtroom and at the polls, proving the rule of law and democracy still matter.

Donald Trump moves closer to losing Mar-a-Lago : politics

Junior leader turned Biden foe: How Dean Phillips fell from Democratic grace

Discussion Thread: Third 2024 Republican Presidential Primary Debate : politics
0 winners and 5 losers from the third Republican presidential debate : politics
Losers, scumbags and policy, too. The third GOP debate got testy, quick.
Fact-checking the third Republican primary debate
Highlights from the third Republican Debate: Ramaswamy, Haley and DeSantis spar over Trump, abortion and the economy
Whose heels are taller...Nikki Haley, or Ron DeSantis' ? : PoliticalHumor

Haley Calls Ramaswamy ScumAfter He Mentions Her Daughter at GOP Debate

Ramaswamy Says GOP Has Become a Party of Losers
Anger as Ramaswamy seems to call Jewish Ukraine leader ZelenskyNaz at GOP debate
Ramaswamy Seemed to Call Zelensky a Nazi. His Campaign Says Thats Not What He Meant.
Ramaswamy Confronted on Air Over Bogus Biden Bribe Claim : politics

Tim Scotts girlfriend is, in fact, real.

Joe Manchin wont run for reelection
You Won't Have Joe Manchin to Kick Around Anymore - Lawyers, Guns & Money

This election shows Democrats are not doomed after all : politics
Democrats new abortion battle plan: Rush to get it on ballots in 2024

Oversold parents rights issues failed Republican candidates in Virginia

Ballot shortages in Mississippi created a problem for democracy on the day of a governors election
Mississippis Election Day Voting Failures Simply Should Not Be Happening in 2023Polling places ran out of ballots in heavily Black communities. This is unacceptable and cant be allowed to happen again.

Fox News Grapples With Yet Another Pro-Life Election Loss. Conservatives appear to be struggling to come to grips with just how unpopular their pro-life agenda has been with voters. : politics
"Americans don't like the rape and incest thing": Fox & Friends wrestle with election failure : politics
House GOP Finally Realizes Its Anti-Abortion Policies Might Be Politically Toxic : politics
The post-Dobbs public is getting it - Lawyers, Guns & Money The kind of pundits who think that overruling Roe would send the issue BACK TO THE STATES (LOL) also absolutely love second-trimester abortion bans,

Republicans cant sugarcoat their losses on abortion rights anymore (
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee Says Women Who Have Abortions Probably Got Talked Into it
GOP Candidates Got Away With Fake Claims About Abortion At Their Debate (Again) : politics
Right to Life, GOP lawmakers sue over Michigans voter-approved abortion amendment

Moms For Liberty's School Board Takeover Attempts Fizzled Out On Election Day : politics
Im so tired of these psychos: Moms for Liberty is now a toxic brand

Christian Nationalist State Rep. Brandon Prichard Says the Results of Ohios Election Should Be Ignored

County flips and statewide shifts: Here are the numbers behind Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshears reelection victory

Rick Santorum Says Quiet Part Out Loud After Republican Election Losses: Republicans are annoyed that democracy is working. : politics

Virginias election result is a loss for Donald Trump

Liberals Win A Majority In Battleground Virginia School Board Race : politics
Idaho mother, son face kidnapping charges in 15-year-old girls abortion in Oregon

Lauren Boebert Destroyed in House Floor Confrontation With Democrat ... She never completed High School and failed the GED 3 times before having someone else take it for her.

Another Republican culture war L - Lawyers, Guns & Money Anti-trans politics continues to be much less potent than pundits expect in addition to being substantively awful:

Ottawa Countys Far-Right Board Offers Health Boss $4 Million to Quit - Hambley is currently paid about $125,000 a year, meaning the $4 million offerwhich includes paying her current legal costs of about $250,000would equate to about 30 years worth of her salary.

Millennials arent having kids. Here are the reasons why.We found some answers when looking into a different mystery: whats going on with only children? ... Something like 1 in 5 American women ages 25 to 44 are one and done.

Martha McSally reports she was sexually assaulted near Omaha, Neb.

DOJ announces arrests in high-end brothel network used by elected officials, military officers and others ... n Massachusetts and Virginia with a clientele that included elected officials, military officers and government contractors with security clearances, the Justice Department announced Wednesday.

How Citizen Surveillance Ate San Francisco When a homeless man attacked a former city official, footage of the onslaught became a rallying cry. Then came another video, and another and the story turned inside out.

Who are some exposed frauds that still have a following despite being debunked? : AskReddit

Man who couldnt lease the room also cant read the room -- WeWork

Jeffrey Katzenberg Says A.I. Will Eliminate 90 Percent of Artist Jobs on Animated Films : movies

SAG-AFTRA reaches settlement - Lawyers, Guns & Money Seems at first glance to be a good deal for the union, and good for them:

Inside the Tell-All That Billionaire Ray Dalio Tried to Stop ... Copeland paints Dalio as an egomaniacal cult-of-personality leader with a penchant for cruelty. Under Dalios reign, he writes, sexual harassment was allegedly swept under the rug, employees were capriciously fired, and paranoia infected the workplace. Lots of people cried.

Tumblr is reportedly on life support as its latest owner reassigns staff : technology

Jezebel shuts down, lays off staff in excruciating decision, parent company says
Worlds most inept private equity goon destroys another website
Josh Marshall on X: "3/ cld succeed. So why is it shuttering? Look at the public notice about how they looked for a buyer but couldn't find one. I bet that's true as far as it goes. But they were certainly looking for a cash out price. If you pay $5 million for a house you want your money ..." / X
Jezebel, the Punchy Feminist Website, Will Shut Down : news

With Omegle shutting down, what are some disturbing storys about the site?

How OnlyFans top earner Bryce Adams makes millions selling a sex fantasy - Washington Post The fast-growing platform represents the creator economy at its most bluntly transactional, where sex is just another unit of content to monetize.

Vice Media Group Lays Off More Staff : television

Mark Zuckerberg personally rejected Metas proposals to improve teen mental health, court documents allege

Over 1 in 4 Americans will be Latino by 2060, census projects : news

ELI5: Why did humans get stuck with periods while other mammals didnt?

New neuroimaging research suggests that prolonged use of cannabidiol (CBD) may influence the connections between key brain regions, namely the hippocampus and the amygdala, which are involved in memory and emotional processing. : science

What Can We Learn From Terminal Lucidity Before Death? | by | | Medium This mysterious end-of-life energy surge could teach us about memory, cognition, and the search for dementia treatments.

Unrealistic Einstein and Dogmatic Modern Physics | by Alexandre Kassiantchouk | Time Matters | Medium

Yes, We Have Free Will. No, We Absolutely Do Not - Nautilus

New study reveals lithium's impact on brain activity during emotion regulation : science

Solar superstorm could wipe out the internet for weeks or months, scientist says

What is something super detrimental to your health that most people dont realize?


This year virtually certain to be warmest in 125,000 years, EU scientists say

Europes Euclid space telescope releases first images

Insanity: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

Mystery of African elephants dropping dead unraveled by scientists : worldnews

Experts predict catastrophic ecosystem collapseof UK forests within the next 50 years if action not taken

Antisemitic and Islamophobic Incidents Surge in Australia : worldnews

Court panel removes Indonesias chief justice for ethical breach that benefited presidents son
Indonesia says 200,000 hectares of palm plantations to be made forests : worldnews

Myanmar: in northern Shan State, Chinese evacuate border Scam TownLaukkai besieged by rebel Brotherhood Alliance
Military-ruled Myanmar hosts joint naval exercise with Russia, its close ally and top arms supplier : worldnews

Somebody here is a spy: Spat ensues over suspected CIA eavesdropping on Korean government

North Korea threatens to respond to propaganda leaflets with a shower of shells

Chinas little-known system of forced Uyghur labour gives the world much of its seafood
Chinas little-known system of forced Uyghur labour gives the world much of it's seafood
China makes largest US soy purchases in months -traders : worldnews

2/5) Research by independent Russian media outlet Mediazona suggests that, as of October 2023, 76 cases of railway sabotage had reached court since the invasion. At least 137 people, with the vast majority aged under 24, had been prosecuted.

Russia is turning increasingly hostile toward Israel as it picks sides in the Middle East : worldnews

Russian Pro-War Pop Stars Thesis Heavily Plagiarized From Wikipedia - Dissernet

Russian missile hits civilian vessel under Liberian flag off Odesa coast : worldnews

BP projects have helped fund Azerbaijan military aggression : worldnews

There Is Nothing Here: Afghan Refugees Forced From Pakistan Struggle To Find Shelter

South African government minister and bodyguards robbed at gunpoint on major highway : worldnews

Sudan war turning homes into cemeteries: UNHCR
Darfur refugees report new spate of ethnically driven killings : worldnews

Turkeys parliament cans Coca-Cola over Israel support

Iranian Yoga Instructor Dies During Trial Where He Faced Possible Death Sentence For Propaganda
Imprisoned Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi has gone on hunger strike, her family says | CNN : worldnews

Israel and Hamas nearly struck a deal to free up to 50 hostages - The Boston Globe

Under Scrutiny Over Gaza, Israel Points to Civilian Toll of U.S. Wars - The New York Times Israeli officials say it is impossible to defeat Hamas without killing innocents, a lesson they argue Americans and their allies should understand.
Under Scrutiny Over Gaza, Israel Points to Civilian Toll of U.S. Wars : worldnews

Gazans wave white flags and hold up ID papers as they flee south | CNN : worldnews

Blinken: Hamas cannot run Gaza, transition needed : worldnews
Israel cannot run Gaza but may be transition period post conflict: Blinken : worldnews
Israel says it does not intend to reoccupyGaza or control it for long time

Israel targets Hamas tunnels after encircling Gaza City : worldnews

Gaza journalist killed alongside 42 relatives, news agency says : worldnews

Assassination Attempt on Abbas Augments Middle East Tensions - BNN Breaking : worldnews

Hamas commander: Haniyeh and Sinwar 'destroyed us' : worldnews ... The Hamas commander said Haniyeh and other leaders live in splendor abroad while he's sustaining himself on some dates.

US Congress to hear report on UNRWAs misuse of US funds to incite hate

Druze spiritual leader urges Netanyahu to adjust Nation-State Law : worldnews

European Commission says Ukraine is ready to start process of joining : worldnews
Zelenskyy says Ukraine will one day join the European Union : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 623, Part 1 (Thread #769) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military - up to 8.11.2023 : ukraine

First Ukrainian Armored Vehicles Reported Crossing Dnipro River : worldnews

Former head of ''Luhansk People's Republic militia'' assassinated in occupied Luhansk : worldnews

NATO Suspends Treaty Limiting Conventional Forces : worldnews ... in direct response to Russia's withdrawal from the 1990 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE).
NATO freezes a Cold War-era security pact after Russia pulls out, raising questions on arms control
NATO freezes a Cold War-era security pact after Rus\ sia pulls out, raising questions on arms control

Protesters chant bomb Israeland burn flag outside synagogue in Sweden

MSM: Macedonia has denied Russian Foreign Minister Horseface access to their airspace after he requested permission to participate in the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting in Skopje.

Coca-Cola confirms case of poisoning with its water, investigation under way : worldnews - in Croatia.

Serbia made some progress but needs work in rule of law: EU Commission report : worldnews

German chancellor Olaf Scholz agrees historicstricter migration policy
Germany designates AfD regional party as extremist : worldnews

ELI5: When Italy seizes$830million from AirBNB, what are they seizing? And in Ireland?

Spains amnesty plan for Catalan separatists sparks backlash

Frances Le Pen calls on her supporters to march against anti-Semitism

Everything is parched: Amazon struggles with drought amid deforestation

US says Russia funds Latin America-wide anti-Ukraine disinformation drive : worldnews

Deforestation in Colombia Down 70 Percent So Far This Year : worldnews

Controversial alien bodies return to Mexico's congress asexperttestifies again on discovery

Democratic lawmakers want to prohibit shackling pregnant migrant women : politics

Ex-CIA officer accused of drugging, sexually abusing two dozen women pleads guilty Brian Jeffrey Raymond, 47, will be sentenced to 24 to 30 years in prison. He drugged and abused women, including recording them nude on video.

Joe Biden Declares MAGA Lost As He Celebrates RepublicanElection Woes
MAGA panics over election disaster:Were getting crushed
Elections are more important than polls - by Noah Berlatsky President Bidens numbers aren t great. But he and his party keep winning anyway.

Senate confirms Bidens 150th judge

House censures Tlaib for Israel criticisms : politics
I will not be silenced: Rashida Tlaib hits back at congressional censure motion (kill all the Jews, she said)

House GOP moves to reduce Buttigiegs salary to $1no shot at becoming law, but its not the first time Republicans have tried to use obscure spending rules this way. (performatiive assholery)

Raskin: Latest Comer subpoenas further proof impeachment inquiry driven by Trump demands

Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House, is a gender extremist : politics
Mike Johnsons last leadership role went as poorly as youd expect
Experts warn the program Mike Johnson used to keep himself from watching porn is akin toa modern day wiretap program
What Is Covenant Eyes? Porn-Monitoring Platform Used by Mike Johnson : politics
Mike Johnson embodies evangelicalsembattlement strategy. It may be backfiring. The persecution complex that has emboldened evangelical culture for decades is putting it under strain.

NBCs partner for GOP debate is Salem, promoter of 2020 election denial

Jesse Wegman : The One Audience Trump Can't Hoodwink

Trump Must Formally Declare If He Will Use Advice-of-Counsel Defense in DC Case, Judge Rules : politics

NY AG confronts Ivanka with "devastating series of documents" on witness stand : politics ... Ivanka Trump Claims Cant Remember 30+ Times At Fraud Trial
Ivanka Trump Welcomed to Court With Shouts of Crime Family
Ivanka Trump testifies she cant recall loan details -
Ivanka Trump to testify in fathers New York fraud trial
Ivanka Trump to testify in $250 million fraud trial after ex-presidents angry appearance

Trump attorney says New York attorney general is just not that bright
Judge Threatens to Throw Trump out of Court for Blabbering Too Much : politics

Trump Stepped Down From His Trust Within Days of Allen Weisselberg's Indictment - The revelation was largely subsumed by the former president's rambunctious and pugilistic testimony, insulting the judge and New York attorney general

Some Voters Think Trumps a Criminal and Support Him Anyway

Trump is political and electoral poison: Christie blames GOP losses on former president

Democrat Andy Beshear easily wins reelection in deep-red Kentucky : politics
Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear wins re-election in Kentucky : politics

Voters arent fooled by Republican lies on abortion and Democrats are benefiting at the ballot box: In Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia, polls showed Americans will turn out to protect reproductive rights

Ohio voters to Republicans who want to end their reproductive rights: eat shit - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Abortion Rights Fuel Big Democratic Wins, and Hopes for 2024 - The New York Times Election results from Tuesday showed that Democrats, independents and even some moderate Republicans can coalesce around the issue.
Abortion access remains undefeated in the polls post-Roe - The Washington Post
Ohio voters enshrine abortion rights in state constitution : politics
Ohio passes Issue 1 ballot measure enshrining abortion protections : politics
Ohio votes to legalize marijuana for recreational use : politics
Ohio becomes 24th state to embrace weed legalization : politics
After voters back abortion and pot, GOP leaders signal plans to undermine referendums : politics
JD Vance: Ohios abortion vote was a gut punch
Republicans will simply not accept states where women as treated as equal citizens - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Former Senator Rick Santorum complained that the major election losses Republicans suffered are actually a sign of how pure democracies are a bad form of government.

The Anti-Trans Backlash Failed Last Night : politics

New Jersey Democrats notch big legislative wins after bracing for losses : politics ... This is a big night for Democrats,Gov. Phil Murphy told NJ Spotlight News.
Democrat flips deep-red New Jersey assembly seat in upset | The Hill

Democrats romp, Youngkin flops: 4 takeaways from Tuesdays election

Virginia Democrats win full control of statehouse, dealing blow to GOP ahead of 2024 : politics
Virginia Democrats win full legislative control, a blow for Youngkin : NPR
The political medias sweaty attempts to make Glenn Yongkin a major thing died last night, making this a particularly pleasant read a day later:
Glenn Youngkin Bet His Political Future on a Less Extreme Abortion Ban and Lost
Virginia election results: Democrats sweep 2023 elections | AP News
Virginia Democrats keep control of state Senate : politics
Danica Roem becomes Virginias first openly transgender state senator
Democrat Jackie Glass defeats Republican challenger John Sitka for Virginia House District 93 election : politics
Virginia elections: Democrat Schulyer VanValkenburg unseats Siobhan Dunnavant in Senate upset : politics

Mississippis Most Populous County Runs Out of Ballots on Election Night

Democrat Dan McCaffery wins open seat on Pennsylvania Supreme Court : politics
Democrat Cherelle Parker is elected as Philadelphias 100th mayor, 1st woman to hold the office

Central Park Five Member Wins New York City Council Seat

Michigan Democrats to lose full control of state government after representatives win mayoral races : politics

Grassroots Support for Legalizing Marijuana Hits Record 70% : politics

Lawsuit alleges decades of sexual abuse at former youth facility run by Huckabee associate Ted Suhl ... at Suhls now-defunct Lords Ranch.

Moms for Liberty Candidates Taught a Lesson in 2023 Elections

Oregon GOP senators who boycotted Legislature file federal lawsuit in new effort to seek reelection : politics

High-end brothels serviced elected officials, tech and pharma execs, military officials and more: Feds : politics
Three arrested for alleged roles in Mass., Va.-based brothel network Clientele allegedly included elected officials, government contractors, pharmaceutical execs, military officers
90 Fawcett St Cambridge, MA | Zillow - Apartments for Rent in Cambridge

Homer police chief arrested | News |

Armed Los Angeles homeowner opens fire on intruders and the firefight is caught on camera : news

Beyond an unreasonable doubt - Lawyers, Guns & Money - More than nine years after the murder of law professor and legal blogger Dan Markel, a Florida jury has convicted the brother of Markels ex-wife Wendi Adelson of orchestrating the murder: ... Anyway, based on my reading of the evidence, its overwhelmingly probable that Wendi Adelson was, along with her brother and her mother, part of the plot to murder Dan Markel

Musician Sues Former Grammys Head, Accusing Him of Rape : Music

Amazon is reportedly racing to build an AI model called Olympus to take on ChatGPT and Bard : technology
Exclusive: Microsoft plans to bring its AI Copilot to 1 billion Windows 10 users : technology

Researchers track global smartphone addiction patterns in largest-ever study : science

A new study shows why only 25-35% of individuals exposed to trauma develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study in a rat model of PTSD provides causal evidence that low responsiveness to glucocorticoids such as cortisol in humans is directly implicated in the development of PTSD. : science

Parental overcontrol may lead to long-term body dysmorphia concerns : science

Revolutionary New Electric eJet Motor Could Signal a Breakthrough in Electric Propulsion for Aviation - The Debrief : technology

The poorest millennials have less wealth at age 35 than their baby boomer counterparts did, but the wealthiest millennials have more. Income inequality is driven by increased economic returns to typical middle-class trajectories and declining returns to typical working-class trajectories. : science

Scientists build synthetic yeast with over 50% lab-made DNA, representing a major step towards engineering fully synthetic eukaryotic cells that could spur innovations in drug production, biofuels and more, according to a series of papers published in Cell. : science

Welcome to CAPTCHA Hell | Those little online puzzles are about to get so much more annoying : technology

Whats something a therapist said or did that made you stop seeing them immediately?

Paul McCartney demonstrates the Mellotron : videos

Women of Reddit, whats your worst experience with a medical professional who dismissed you just because youre a woman?

TIL that after the US landed the first people on the moon the Soviet Union framed Apollo 11 as the fanatical squandering of wealth looted from the oppressed peoples of the developing world

The best thing about this Beatles release is seeing how modern music critics react to Beatles songs. : Music

Boy bullied for buck teeth gets new smile after donations pour in : videos

Whats the worst name a kid can have?

Whats the darkest side of humanity youve ever seen?

Whats the worst piece of tech youve everowned?


` Ice shelves in North Greenland are rapidly disintegrating and weakening. Since 1978, North Greenland ice shelves have lost 35% of the volume and three of them collapsed completely. Researchers observe a significant increase in mass losses of the remaining ice shelves : science

Orcas sink another boat in Europe after a nearly hour-long attack : worldnews

Coca-Cola and Nestle accused of misleading eco claims : worldnews

A TikTok video shows police issuing a violence restraining order to a seven-year-old Indigenous boy. : worldnews

Cheaper than beer Laos meth prices plummet as Myanmar chaos fuels trade

G7 meeting in Tokyo to discuss creating air defence shield for Ukraine : worldnews
G7 support for Ukraine will not dim due to Middle East conflict, Japan says : worldnews
Tokyo holds 1st drill using designated emergency shelters for missile attacks
Major Japan business lobby to press firms for more than 4% wage hikes : worldnews
Japan hospital denies LGBT woman support for IVF pregnancy : worldnews

China blames Canada for malicious, provocative moves after close midair intercepts over South China Sea | CNN
Developing countries owe China at least $1.1 trillion and the debts are due | CNN Business
Chinese alarm after second gym collapse in Heilongjiang province kills three : worldnews

ISW: Wife of imprisoned former russian officer Girkin publishes letter in which he confirms deteriorating capabilitied of russian forces : ukraine

Putins Spies Expelled by West Bemoan Lack of Jobs in Russia

Russian Occupation Forces Kill One Georgian Citizen, Abduct Another : worldnews

New Delhi tops list of cities with worst air pollution : news
Choking New Delhi smog shutters schools and shrouds Cricket World Cup : worldnews

South Africa recalls ambassador in Tel Aviv over Israeli 'genocide'

Democratic Republic of the Congo offers free maternity care to cut death rate among mothers and babies : worldnews

UNHCR: An unimaginable humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Sudan

Gay mans dead body exhumed & burned in act of extreme barbarity - A disturbing video depicting the exhumation and burning of a gay mans dead body has reportedly been making the rounds on Senegalese social media.

Turkey returns to dollar bond market as Erdogan shifts approach : worldnews

Armed drones shot down over Iraq airport where US forces based : worldnews
Pentagon: 38 Attacks Target US Forces in Iraq, Syria : worldnews

Imprisoned Nobel Laureate Mohammadi Launches Hunger Strike Over Lack Of Medical Care : worldnews
Number of Deported Refugees from Iran Has Doubled: Official : worldnews (more muzfuckery)
Pope Francis Speaks with Iran president, Confirms Call for Ceasefire in Gaza : worldnews
US Attack Submarine Enters Persian Gulf in Message to Iran : worldnews

Israels military says it is striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

Jordan says "all options" open as Gaza conflict intensifies : worldnews
Queen Rania of Jordan says being pro-Palestinian does not equal beingantisemitic

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 38) : worldnews

Israeli ambassador insists theres no humanitarian crisis in Gaza (5000 dead children)
US opposes Israeli occupation of post-conflict Gaza -White House : worldnews

Eschaton: And Why Is Biden Trying To Keep Netanyahu In Power?
In a major shift in tone, the once lockstep pro-Netanyahu newspaper Israel Hayom published an impassioned plea for the prime ministers resignation on Tuesday

US, Israel Officials Divided Over IDF Ground Invasion of Gaza | The Israelis remain adamant there should be no pause and dont seem that worried about blowback from the U.S., a diplomatic source told VICE News
A month into war, Netanyahu says Israel will have an overall security role in Gaza indefinitely

A deadly cascade: how secret Hamas attack orders were passed down at last minute : worldnews

UN Security Council fails to agree on Israel-Hamas war as Gaza death toll passes 10,000 : worldnews

Extremist parties threaten to push Netanyahus government further to the right in the middle of the war: In order not to break the government coalition, the Israeli prime minister limits himself to cautioning a minister from a radical Jewish party who floated the idea of using an atomic bomb

IDF conducts raids in Tulkarm, thwarting terrorists in the West Bank : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war is deadliest ever for UN aid workers, with at least 88 killed : worldnews

Covering Gaza war: Deadliest period for journalists in 30 years : worldnews

Waving white flags, Gaza civilians evacuate through humanitarian corridor secured by IDF tanks : worldnews
Thousands of Gazans flee Hamas under IDF corridor : worldnews

IDF forces locate and destroy Hamas terror tunnels in residential areas in Gaza : worldnews

Hamas leader refuses to acknowledge killing of civilians in Israel : worldnews

Hamas planting explosives in Palestinian West Bank cities : worldnews

Israeli refugees slam United Nations for silence : worldnews

Zelensky says its not the right time for elections in Ukraine
Zelensky confirms destruction of major Russian warship : worldnews
Ukraine war: Grenade birthday gift kills army chief Zaluzhnys aide

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 622, Part 1 (Thread #768) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 7.11.2023 : ukraine

Two internationally important wetlands in Ukraine almost destroyedThe scale almost equals the size of England.

Ukraines Odessa National Art Museum Damaged in Russian Airstrike
The difference. #Ukraine targets a Russian war ship in occupied #Crimea. Russia targets an art museum in Odesa.

"His mother's screams could be heard half a mile away." Stories of people executed by Russian soldiers in Chernihiv Oblast : ukraine

EU will support accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, Georgia to get candidate status

Blinken says convinced of Swedens NATO membership progress after Ankara visit

Pushing for abortion ban was a mistake, admits Polish prime minister

World Press Photo exhibition: Hungary museum head sacked over LGBT content : worldnews (Orbadickster)

Italy judge seizes 780 mln euros from Airbnb in tax probe : worldnews

German Industry Shrinks More Than Expected Amid Recession Risks : worldnews

Portuguese prime minister resigns after being caught up in corruption probe : worldnews

Organiser of pro-Palestinian march on Armistice Day refuses Met plea to cancel : worldnews
NHS to offer 150,000 people with type 1 diabetes an artificial pancreas : worldnews
Details announced of American XL bully dog ban in England and Wales : worldnews

Argentina polls show election race tightening; winner hard to call : worldnews
More than 1 million attend Buenos Aires Pride march : worldnews

Brazil Cracks Down on Neo-Nazis: The Brazilian government has raided neo-Nazi groups across 10 states this year, part of a push by the new Lula administration to prosecute far-right extremists : worldnews
Three-quarters of coveted ipe wood is probably harvested illegally

Fourteen Venezuelan migrants killed in Chile fire : worldnews

1 in 3 Canadians are living in households with financial difficulties: StatCan - National | : worldnews

U.S. diplomats slam Israel policy in leaked memo - POLITICO The document offers a window into internal fury at the State Department over President Joe Bidens Middle East policies.

I Dont Give a F*ck About AIPAC Says Mark Pocans -- It's time to call them out for what they are -- a front group for conservative policy here in the U.S -- instead of being afraid of them.

Biden announces $1.3 billion to build new power lines, upgrade aging electric grid : politics

Discussion Thread: November 7th, 2023 General Elections in AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NH, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, VA, WA, WY : politics

Local Races to Watch for Election Day 2023: Voting Rights on the Ballot Today s Local Elections Will Have Huge Ripple Effects - Tons of below-the-radar stuff is on the ballot that could show up on the radar the next time we elect a president.

Analysis | Are young voters actually split between Trump and Biden? : politics (white women love rapists even more than white men)

One thing you can never say: that you havent been told ... Joe Biden is two years older than Donald Trump? Two years! Can we maybe get some coverage of this? ... Trump goes full fash ... more investigations into Joe Bidens age must be the most urgent priority for the political press.

The 2024 election could be the end of democracy as we know it : politics
Why Does the Right Hate America? : politics

Senate Rules Committee Sets Hearing on Resolution to Bypass Tuberville Blockade - The resolution would bring an end to the months-long block Tuberville has held over the military in protest of a Pentagon abortion policy : politics Senate Rules Committee Sets Hearing on Resolution to Bypass Tuberville Blockade The resolution would bring an end to the months-long block Tuberville has held over the military in protest of a Pentagon abortion policy

I would do anything for the NRA, but I wont do that ... , the fact that the Framers did not disarm abusers in 1791 does not mean they would not have done so if abusers in 1791 murdered as many people as they do in 2023.

Mike Johnson and His Son Monitoring Each Others Porn Intake Is Worse Than You Think The House speaker admitted to a wild new detail about his personal life. And its a bigger deal than it seems.
The Thing With the Son and the Porn 'Accountability' Software Isn't Even Today's Weirdest Mike Johnson Story The Thing With the Son and the Porn 'Accountability' Software Isn't Even Today's Weirdest Mike Johnson Story - He was also apparently the dean of a law school that never had any students.
Whats up with Speaker Johnson not reporting a bank account?

Hunter Biden prosecutor David Weiss says Justice officials never blocked him (refuckers lie all the time about everything)

Jack Smith in New Court Doc: Trump Is Responsible for the Events at the Capitol on January 6
Prosecutors Assail Trumps Bid to Have Federal Election Case Dismissed
Donald Trumps attorney pushes for a mistrial

Grievances, insults, tangents: Trump brings his 2024 campaign into the courtroom the extraordinary intersection of a presidential candidates political strategy and conduct in court

Trump Forgets What Years He Was President While on the Stand in NY Trial
Trump Forgets What Years He Was President While on the Stand in NY Trial : politics
Hes a child Trump is imploding because he thinks don't apply to him: biographer
Trumps revenge-driven campaign has far too many fans
Trumps Fraud Trial Defense Falls Apart As He Claims He Was President in 2021: Donald Trump really will say anything to avoid blame

Bingo: Trump Admits Intent to Induce Lending WithFinancial Statements
On The Stand, Trump Admits To Adjusting Property Valuations : politics
Astonishing admission: Experts say Trumps train wreck testimony damaged his chances at appeal

Dr. Lance Dodes on Trumps courtroom antics: Decompensate to the point of gross paranoid psychosis

Trial to remove Trump from ballot in Colorado in 2024 starts : politics

Quinnipiac University polling analyst shows RFK Jr. overtaking Trump by 6% among independent voters : PoliticalHumor

Georgia RICO judge reverses himself and unseals Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis criminal dockets

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds says Trump cant win in 2024 as she endorses Ron DeSantis

Ted Cruz says he expects to run for president again | The Texas Tribune

The GOP Is About to See How Bad Abortion Is for Them in 2024 : politics
Exit poll: Most Ohio voters still large favor legal abortion | CNN Politics

School kicks trans teen out of high school musical because he wasnt born a boy. The school district said the policy is needed to address the musical's mature adult themes. But the student is fighting back

WeWork forced to file for bankruptcy in the US : worldnews

It will change the way we think about their story: mythical archive of first Beatles historiancomes to lightMal Evans neglected his family life to go on tour with the Beatles, amassing a priceless trove of ephemera and diary entries. Long after his untimely death, a new book has finally uncovered it

ChatGPT detector catches AI-generated papers with unprecedented accuracy. Tool based on machine learning uses features of writing style to distinguish between human and AI authors

Crohns disease can be detected in blood eight years before symptoms show, finds study

ESA reveals first stunning Euclid telescope images showing the universe as you've never seen it : worldnews

Oldest black hole found, and it may solve a cosmic mystery - The Washington Post

Community Pharmacists Knowledge, Attitudes and the Perceived Safety and Effectiveness of Melatonin Supplements: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Scientists Are Researching a Device That Can Induce Lucid Dreams on Demand

TIL of the Chichijima incident, 1944, where nine American airmen were shot down. Japanese soldiers ate 4 of them. The only survivor was George H.W. Bush : todayilearned

Whats something that is considered normal now but wont be in 10+ years?


Solar panel advances will see millions abandon electrical grid, scientists predict : technology

Domestic employee of former Indian high commissioner forced to work every day for 17.5 hours and paid just AUD$9 per day : worldnews

The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth : worldnews

Asias first Gay Games faces conservative backlash in co-host city Hong Kong

Russias Putin to stay in power past 2024, sources say

Russia is putting its entire economy at risk to fuel its war above all else, UK intel says
(1/6) Inflation rose to 6 per cent in Russia in September 2023, up from 5.3 per cent in August 2023. This was driven by rises in consumer prices such as food and fuel. Higher inflation is almost certain to increase the costs of funding Russias war in Ukraine.
(2/6) The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) responded by increasing the base interest rate by 2 percentage points, to a new base rate of 15 per cent. These are the highest rates since May 2022.
(4/6) Due to increasing demand, partially due to large increases in defence spending, along with continued pressures of a tightening labour market, the Russian economy is likely at risk of overheating.
(6/6) This further illustrates the reorientation of Russias economy to fuel the war above all else.

Russia After The War - Lawyers, Guns & Money
How the war ends will determine Europe future as much as Ukraines.

Chechen leader hands son, 15, prominent position in security forces

Narendra Modi has shifted India from the Palestinians to Israel : worldnews

Opium cultivation declines by 95 per cent in Afghanistan: UN survey : worldnews

Ukrainian Special Forces Filmed Cleaning Up Wagner Fighters in Sudan

Top US diplomat in Turkey to allay Ankaras anger over Gaza
Pro-Palestinian crowds try to storm air base housing U.S. troops in Turkey : worldnews

Putin's Move to Secure Libya Bases Is New Regional Worry for US - Defense deal in works between Russia and eastern Libyan leader

Kurdish Man Executed In Iran After Serving Nearly 14 Years In Prison, Rights Group Says : worldnews
Iran limits medical care for Nobel laureate over hijab : worldnews

A woman and 3 children are killed by an Israeli airstrike in south Lebanon, local officials say : worldnews
Hezbollah says Israel to pay price after strike kills 3 children in Lebanon

US nuclear submarine has arrived at the Middle East - The Pentagon : worldnews

Blinken wraps up frantic Mideast tour with tepid, if any, support for pauses in Gaza fighting : worldnews
Gaza: Blinken rejects Abbas's request for ceasefire : worldnews
Israel has no right to defend itself, says Russia at UN : worldnews

Netanyahu faces rising anger from within Israel after Hamas attack - CBS News . 76% of respondents want Netanyahu to resign

Israel-Hamas War: Gaza Strip cut into two says Israeli army
IDF successfully splits Gaza Strip in two : worldnews

Israel rejects ceasefire calls as forces set to deepen offensive : worldnews

Netanyahu appears to backtrack on reported comment linking Hamas attack to reservist protest : worldnews

UN Says Gaza Evacuation Deal for Foreigners Blocked For Two Days : worldnews

IDF disavows comments by military rabbi calling for conquering Gaza and Lebanon : worldnews

Israeli source says many hostages in Gaza are still alive : worldnews
Eight-year-old presumed dead in Hamas attack is alive in Gaza : worldnews
Israel finds body of Ruth Peretz, disabled teen missing since October 7 : worldnews
Israel-Hamas war: Forensic teams identifying victims from mutilated remains : worldnews

Israel Quietly Pushed for Egypt to Admit Large Numbers of Gazans : worldnews

88 United Nations staffers killed in Gaza, marks highest death toll in single war - Times of India : worldnews

UNRWA teachers accused of glorifying Hamas, calling for massacres : worldnews

Jordan King: Air Force airdropped urgent medical aid on Gaza : worldnews

Hamas official says North Korea is ally, insinuates it could one day target the US : worldnews

Replacing Palestinian construction workers in Israel with workers from India. : worldnews

Zelensky invites Trump to Ukraine: He cant manage this war
Ukraine Poised to Legalize Medical Weed to Help Soldiers : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 621, Part 1 (Thread #767) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 6.11.2023 : ukraine

` Geolocated footage posted on November 4 indicates that Ukrainian forces made limited gains northwest of Verbove in western #Zaporizhia Oblast; additional footage shows that Russian forces made a limited advance towards a trench line west of Verbove. http://i

Ukraines air force again implies that it hit the Kerch shipyard withSCALP missiles, hitting a Russian state-of-the-art modern small missile ship Askold:

Germany: Olaf Scholz calls for civil courage to protect Jews : worldnews

Italy, Sardinia, Arzachena, incredible discovery during a dive: 50 thousand ancient coins : worldnews

Jewish representatives resign from Swiss Interreligious Working Group : worldnews

France Reports 1,040 Anti-Semitic Acts Since October 7 : worldnews
Antisemitic acts have exploded in France since 7 October, interior minister says : worldnews

Minister distances herself from Suella Braverman comment that rough sleeping is lifestylechoice

A lot of Americans say they are tired of the war. But we are risking nothing more than 0.65% of the fed budget to support Ukraine. The Ukrainians are risking their lives. They are tired too, but they know they cannot give up the struggle. Neither can we.

Bernie Sanders says he hopes Israel rids of Netanyahu : politics
Bernie Sanders suggests Israel should change its strategy if it wants more funding : politics

Few reasons for optimism after Antony Blinkens diplomatic dash

With the world on fire, a cowardly, timid news media is a threat to U.S. democracy : politics

Opinion | Will the Supreme Court Toss Out a Gun Law Meant to Protect Women? - The New York Times

Expect a rough two weeks for Speaker Johnson - The Washington Post
Mike Johnson has accused Biden of bribery. Now impeachment is in his hands : politics
Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Others Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
House Speaker Mike Johnson once promoted software he used to monitor his porn usage. Josh Duggar and Lamar Odom used the same program. : politics
Mike Johnson's Porn Monitoring Remarks Spark National Security Concerns

It's not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media : politics Its not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media
The failure of democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money One thing people really need to get over is the conspiratorial nonsense that something like this poll is some sort of dishonest attempt to make Biden look bad and Trump look good. Polls have their limitations to put it mildly, but high quality professional efforts like this one do provide a useful high level look at what voters are thinking about a year out from the next presidential election. And what an extremely large percentage of the American public is thinking is certifiably insane:

How Mitch McConnell Helped Pave the Way for Donald Trumps Presidency

Aileen Cannon Faces Growing Calls to Be Removed Over PartisanAction

Trump Indictments Havent Sunk His Campaign, but a Conviction Might -Polls by The New York Times and Siena College show his strength in key swing states, in part because of concerns about President Bidens age. But a conviction could be the difference in 2024

The US GOP Front-runner : pics
Does he not realize people can see his hands? : PoliticalHumor

Donald Trump takes the stand for historic New York fraud trial testimony : politics
Judge Repeatedly Asks Lawyers to Control Trump as Testimony Goes Off the Rails
Trumps testimony quickly turns to shouting match
Judge chides Trump as ex-president testifies in civil fraud trial: This is nota political rally
Trump on trial - Lawyers, Guns & Money
4 takeaways from Trumps testimony
Im not a windmill person: Trump takes the witness stand and doesnt break character
"Verging on a confession": Legal experts say Trump "admitting to more fraud" in word-salad testimony : politics

Donald Trump set to testify in his own $250 million civil fraud trial : politics
Trump under oath: Six things to watch for as the former president testifies - POLITICO
What to watch when Donald Trump takes the stand in New York civil fraud trial : politics
Trumps Credibility, Coherence and Control Face Test on Witness Stand
Ivanka Is Not Going to Save Trump in His New York Fraud Trialand Hes Not Going to Save Himself

Trump and His Lawyers Dare NY Judge to Throw Him in Jail : politics

Florida taxpayers could pay for Donald Trumps lawyers under new proposal

Trump Claims to Have Won All 50 States in 2020 Election : politics

Trumps big payback: The plot for MAGA's revenge should scare voters straight
Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected : politics
Trump allies planning to invoke Insurrection Act if he wins 2024 race, says report : politics

Trump 2.0: The climate cannot survive another Trump term : politics

"Apocalypticism": Polling expert reveals the root of "panic among conservative White Christians" |

Your anger against the truth is reprehensible: Christie lashes out at MAGA crowd after being booed

White House hits back at Scalise over refusal to say 2020 election wasnt stolen

Why would you trust Putin?: CNN anchor presses presidential candidate (Ramafucky)

Republicans are now mad that Pete Buttigieg drives his family around in a minivan : politics

Peter Meijer, a Republican Who Voted to Impeach Trump, Is Running for Senate : politics

Ex-Utah county clerk accused of shredding, mishandling 2020 and 2022 ballots : politics .. For anyone wondering, yes, this clerk is a Republican.

Are we really going to let Pa.s richest man buy a state Supreme Court seat?

Ohio Republicans use taxpayer funds to boost "absolutely false" anti-abortion claims ahead of vote : politics ... Republicans pushing misinformation in an effort to block a measure designed to protect womens autonomy, equality, and reproductive health . . . shocked, shocked I tell you.

Democrats seek upset in Mississippi governors race

School Board Elections Could Make (or Break) Our Democracy. Attacks on school boards are part of a strategic, deliberate, and well-funded effort to erode public schools and advance a broader political agenda. : politics
GOP School Board Candidate Accused of Creating Bogus Academic Network. Christopher Bressi, backed by Moms for Liberty, allegedly made up fake academic groups to attack books promoting diversity.

Abortion providers brace themselves ahead of Ohio vote: Its justterrifying

Boy killed, 5 wounded in Cincinnati mass shooting | The Hill
Police say a gunman fired 22 shots into a Cincinnati crowd, killing a boy and wounding 5 others : news

Those who have been shot with a firearm: what did it feel like? : AskReddit
U.S. Park Police officer unintentionally fatally shoots fellow officer at Virginia gathering : news

Indy police arrest terroristfor purposely driving her car into what she thought was a Jewish school ... However, the building is used by the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge which has been labeled and anti-semitic hate group. Ruba Almaghtheh, 34, was arrested on a preliminary charge of criminal recklessness.

7 people shot, 2 dead at Denver motorcycle club : news

AI fake nudes are booming. Its ruining real teens lives.

What do we think of The Beatlesnew song Now and Then?

Elk O. Nums announces a xitter-driven xitbot that is totally not him pretending to be a chatbot - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Former Child Star Evan Ellingson Dead at 35 : television

Famous Moustaches From History | HistoryExtra
What do you think of men who only have a mustache? : AskReddit

How was life before internet? : AskReddit

People with permanent tattoos are more likely to be arrested, convicted, and incarcerated, study finds : science

TIL, That Rumi, the famous love and mysticism poet, was actually a Muslim scholar, and it was only after meeting. befriending and sudden disappearance of a man named Shams, that caused such sorrow for him that he wrote more than 3000 sonnets and 40000 verses tributing to him. : todayilearned

Having a victim mindset is linked to internalizing a vigilante identity : science

What is the creepiest scientific fact? : AskReddit

In a mouse study designed to explore the impact of marijuanas major psychoactive compound, THC, on teenage brains, researchers say they found changes to the structure of microglia, which are specialized brain immune cells, that may worsen a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia.

TIL opium was routinely given to infants from ancient times up until the early 1900's. : todayilearned

Marijuana use raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke, studies say : science

Everything we observe beyond our Local Group is speeding away from us, omnidirectionally. If the Universe is expanding, where is the center?
Why Ethan Siegel is Wrong About the Arrow of Time | by Domino Valdano | Physics as a Foreign Language | Medium
Quantum Physics, Spirituality part 6, Ken Wilber
Quantum Physics and Spirituality part 7, David Bohm

Research finds that one in 20 women in the U.S., or over 5.9 million women, experienced a pregnancy from either rape, sexual coercion, or both during their lifetimes. In rape victims, 28% experienced a sexually transmitted disease, 66% injuries, and 80% were fearful or concerned for their safety. : science

How did you quit smoking/consuming nicotine? : AskReddit

The Israeli Student at HBS Being "Harrassed for his Identity" is not true : boston

Makeup wearers of reddit, why do you wear makeup? : AskReddit
Whats the worst thing you've ever seen in your life that you havent told anyone about?
Whats that one answer you have that no one has ever asked the right question for?
What made you dump a longtime friend? : AskReddit

Whats the most mind-blowing fact you know?

What is the most memorable dream youve had in your life?


DJ shot dead during live broadcast in Philippines : worldnews

Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World : worldnews
fake news on Indonesia election spreading as govt asks Facebook to take down over 450hoaxes

Japan, Malaysia vow to boost defense cooperation amid China's rise : worldnews

Fake video of Japan PM making sexual remarks goes viral : worldnews

South Korea: Local govts go all out to hunt bedbugs as infestations reported nationwide

US airs concerns to China about dangerous and unlawful South China Sea actions
And the sustainable security architecture Beijing promotes for Europe is to secure Russias security interests and hence keep Europe weak and disunited.
Foreign investment in China turns negative for first time : worldnews

New York Times: Russia, China, Iran helping Hamas wage war on Israel online : worldnews

Kremlin arrest of ex-FSB agent Strelkov signals crackdown on war hawks - The Washington Post arrest of Igor Girkin, the former security agent who was convicted this year in absentia by a Dutch court in the 2014 downing of a passenger jet over Ukraine, made clear that Moscows protection had come to an end.

In Southern Armenia, Global Powers Move In Amid Fears Of A New Azerbaijani Offensive : worldnews

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors as deaths reach 157 : worldnews

Mali: 15 UN peacekeepers injured as rebels target convoy : worldnews

Erdogan says he will try to facilitate Swedens NATO bid ratification

Iran says US will be hit hard if no ceasefire in Gaza
HRW Calls for Probe into Death of Teenage Girl in Iran : worldnews
Hezbollah teams up with Wagner Group, acquires air defense systems to counter Israeli Air Force : worldnews

A woman and 3 children are killed by an Israeli airstrike in south Lebanon, local officials say : news

Blinken says shocking that brutality of Hamas massacres has receded in memories of many

U.S. Outlines Steps to Israel to Reduce Civilian Deaths - The New York Times The measures include using smaller bombs against Hamas, U.S. officials said.
U.S. Officials Outline Steps to Israel to Reduce Civilian Casualties: The measures include using smaller bombs against Hamas, U.S. officials said. : worldnews
Israel Rejects Ceasefire Calls as Forces Set to Deepen Offensive : news

Only 27% of Israelis believe Netanyahu is suitable to head government : worldnews

Up to 400,000 people remain along Gaza front after Israel rejects pause
Up to 400,000 people remain along Gaza front after Israel rejects pause

Hamas planned for massacre during Passover, Iran forced delay - report : worldnews

Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt fails to open for foreigners : worldnews
IDF to open evacuation route from north to south Gaza Sunday morning : worldnews
Hamas suspends evacuation of foreign passport holders, dual nationals from Gaza : worldnews
Hamas put wounded fighters on departure lists, delaying efforts to evacuate foreigners, a U.S. official says. : worldnews
Israeli ambassador says military cant distinguish between civilians, terrorists in Gaza death toll

Israel will ind and eliminate Hamas Gaza chief: Defence minister

Hamas Tried to Sneak Its Fighters Out of Gaza With Wounded and Foreign Nationals, U.S. Official Says : worldnews

Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should go to Ireland or deserts
Netanyahu Criticizes Minister Who Suggested Option of Dropping Nuclear Bomb on Gaza
Netanyahu disciplines Israeli minister who voiced openness to hypothetical nuclear option in Gaza : worldnews

IDF finds rocket launchers next to childrens playground in Gaza

Video likely shows Gaza civilians shot by Hamas as they were trying to evacuate to safety : worldnews

Continued support for Ukraine will cost the west less than letting Putin win | Phillip Inman | The Guardian
Zelenskyy insults Putin, uses profanity on air of NBC News : worldnews
Zelenskyy: We are not ready to give our freedom to this fucking terrorist putin : ukraine
Ukraine war not in stalemate more air defense help needed, Zelenskiy says
Zelensky says Israel-Gaza conflict taking focus away from fighting in Ukraine war : worldnews
4/ #Zelensky also denied Western reports that US and European officials are pressuring Ukrainian officials to discuss the possibility of peace negotiations.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 620, Part 1 (Thread #766) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 5.11.2023 : ukraine

2/ Zaluzhnys long essay, Modern Positional Warfare and How to Win It,outlines Zaluzhnyis consideration of the changes #Ukraine must make to overcome the current positional stage of the war more clearly than the shorter op-ed and the Economist article it accompanied.

Ukrainian Air Force Commander confirms destruction of Russias modern warship in Kerch
Ukrainian Air Force Commander confirms destruction of Russias modern warship in Kerch

Hundreds demonstrate against high rents in Zurich : worldnews

I am French and Jewish and I am afraid: dozens of Jewish homes, businesses defaced in Paris

Pro-Palestinian protesters set off fireworks into crowd - four police officers injured : worldnews
Revealed: plan to brand anyone undermining UK as extremist
Tories have zero tolerance for sexual misconduct, says Oliver Dowden in face of rape cover-up claims

Guineas ex-junta leader recaptured after prison brea k, defense ministry says

Trump Leads Biden in Nearly Every Battleground State, New Poll Finds - The New York Times Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration, as Mr. Bidens multiracial base shows signs of fraying.
Normalizing fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Obviously polls a year before the election are of limited usefulness, but what this poll illustrates is the extent to which Donald Trumps current campaign to install himself at the head of a fascist dictatorship is not something that the American public as a whole either understands and/or disapproves of ... America is on the edge of installing an authoritarian dictatorship with a number of strikingly fascist-like features, so we don't have to get into a stupid argument about whether Donald Trump actually meets the fascist minimum, whatever that might be defined to require. And one reason this is about to happen is that our media elites simply refuse to acknowledge this extremely obvious fact.

Trumpism and Ur-fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money

White House frustrated by Israes onslaught but sees few options
U.S. aid to Israel: How much money the U.S. gives per year : politics

Bernie Sanders Calls On Israel to Stop the Bombing

Obama Urges Americans to Take in Whole Truth of Israel-Gaza War - The former president said everyone was complicit to some degree in the current bloodshed and acknowledged the points of view on both sides of the conflict.
Obama says the war in Gaza is killing people who have nothing to do with what Hamas did
Why Obamas message on the Israel-Hamas war matters

Reed, Whitehouse & Durbin Urge DOL to Crack Down on Child Labor Law Violations : politics

Republicans are testing an insidious new ballot tactic on Election Day : politics (lie)

GOP senators warn new Speaker on abortion : politics
House Speaker Mike Johnson Skirts Question on Personal Bank Account : politics
MAGA Mike Johnson and Our Broken Christian Politics
Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Others Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
Christian group warns Mike Johnson may be the most dangerousleader
Over 12K sign Christian petition condemning "false prophet" Mike Johnson : politics

Attorneys for election interference defendant says they can prove Donald Trump won 2020 election : politics
Donald Trump claims he won all 50 states in 2020 US election in Florida speech ahead of New York court appearance : politics

Judge Cannons Response

Trumps Violent Rhetoric Echoes The Fascist Commitment To A Destructive And Bloody Rebirth Of Society

Trump Hates Rigged Elections Except The One His People Are Rigging For Him In Nevada
What happens if Trump gets elected in 2024? Will checks and balances be sufficient to stop him from destabilizing the country and engaging in anti-democratic practices? : politics
Coming to a court room near you Spring 2024 : PoliticalHumor

Republican Loudly Booed as He Predicts Trump Will Be Convicted : politics
Boos Rain Down on Chris Christie During Florida GOP Speech - The Messenger Chris Christie is more disliked than liked by Republican voters. And it showed

Barring Trump from office could bring closure for Jan. 6 riots, former officer says : politics

Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term : politics

The strengths and weaknesses of legal attempts to disqualify Trump : politics

Blow to Ron DeSantis as more key Florida backers switch to Trump : politics
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds to endorse Ron DeSantis for president

Kathy Hochul's Israel Trip Bankrolled by Group Funding Illegal Settlements - UJA-Federation of New York, a tax-exempt nonprofit, has sent more than half a million dollars to groups supporting Israeli settlements.

Stephanopoulos presses Scalise on whether 2020 election was stolen: Yes or no? - House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) refused to answer whether the 2020 election was stolen when pressed eight separate times in a Sunday interview with ABC Newss George Stephanopoulos.

Rep. Cory Mills R-FL) Claims Some Dead Palestinians Are Paid Actors

Are you happy now?: Alabama mayor dies by suicide after being outed as transgender."Bubba" F.L. Copeland, who also served as a community pastor, was outed involuntarily by a conservative news blog

Lauren Boebert wants mercy. Some Republicans want an alternative

Ohio to vote on whether to guarantee abortion access in state constitution next week : politics
Ohio law would add 10 cents to your phone bill to help pay for 988 suicide prevention line : politics

Virginia Democrats seek full control of statehouse in 2024 bellwether : politics

Many Kentucky counties are consolidating polling sites, raising concerns about access : politics

Gov. Sanders denies clemency to Charlie Vaughn, an innocent man whos been in prison for decades

Shooting leaves 2 dead, 3 wounded in Tacoma, Washington | CNN : news ... the 3rd mass shooting in the USA today, the 16th this week, and the 593rd this year.

William Lewis named publisher and CEO of The Washington Post - The Washington Post The veteran media executive, previously the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, was tapped by Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos to replace Fred Ryan, who stepped down in August.

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,472 : This is the grave of Mickey Rooney ... Rooneys personal life was a mess. He was married a mere eight times, with six divorces. One wife was killed by her lover in his own bed with his own gun in a murder-suicide. He married Ava Gardner when she was barely known; she left him for his cheating, the most ironic thing ever given her later life.

Mass. field hockey injury renews debate about co-ed sports

US dental patients are taking home far fewer opioid painkillers now than a few years ago, but the pandemic slowed the decline greatly. American dentists and oral surgeons were still prescribing opioids in late 2022 at four times the rate of British dentists in 2016. : science

What are the seagulls of the tropical climate? : askscience

Womens sexual unrestrictedness tied to economic empowerment and reduced parenting demands

Scientists make crucial discovery on the existence of time travel : science

TIL in 1963 a 16 year old sent a 4 question survey to 150 well-known authors (75 of which replied) in order to prove to his English tutor that writers don't intentionally add symbolic content to their books. : todayilearned

Eli5: why does New York City have different cities? Like Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan? and its not all called New York?

What documentary permanently changed your worldview or view of humanity? : movies

Famed critic Roger Ebert wrote a review for ET The Extraterrestrial in the form of a letter to his grandchildren and it is the best, most heartwarming review of a movie I've read : movies


Climate change is accelerating and the world will cross the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) warming threshold this decade, according to research : worldnews

Sustainable alternatives key to combating fast fashion's environmental toll. In 2018, over 11.3 million tons of clothing and textiles were discarded, creating serious environmental challenges. : science

Seed-sowing drones help with reforestation - The Washington Post

Sharp uptick in fighting in Myanmar, UN humanitarians report : worldnews

Japan PM Kishida: cooperating with Philippines, US to protect South China Sea : worldnews
Japan asserts Fukushima treated water safe in China, South Korea meeting : worldnews
The Japanese yens plunge forces Tokyo to pull back on biggest defense build-up since World War II as US weapons get pricier
The Japanese yens plunge forces Tokyo to pull back on biggest defense build-up since World War II as US weapons get pricier

Russia dismisses new U.S. sanctions: You willnever defeat Moscow

4/ Alleged long-time allies of Russian President Vladimir #Putin are reportedly financing two Russian Ministry of Defensesubordinated private military companies that have subsumed former #Wagner Group operations in #Africa.

6/ Dagestani officials claimed they would punish those who participate in and organize alleged future demonstrations, in contrast to calls for leniency for those participating in the October 29 antisemitic riots.

Earthquake in Western Nepal Kills More than 130 : worldnews
Nepal earthquake kills at least 69 : worldnews

Militants attack air force base in central Pakistan, says military : worldnews

Bangladesh protests halt production for top fashion brands: Levis and H&M are among top global clothing brands to suffer production halts in Bangladesh after days of violent protests by workers demanding a near-tripling of their wages

Sudan: Women and girls abducted, held in slave-like conditions in Darfur

How Russian disinformation toppled government after government in Africa -- This never-before-told tale reveals how covert online battles in the French-speaking Sahel region led to coups

President Erdogan: Netanyahu is no longer someone we can talk to in any way, we have erased him and cast him aside. : worldnews President Er

Hezbollah chief praises heroic Hamas attacks but does not commit to joining war. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the Hamas attacks had created an earthquake within the Israeli government but denied playing a part
Hezbollahs Nasrallah blames IDF for massacre of Israelis

Blinken backs humanitarian pausebut no Israeli cease-fire; civilian travel stymied at Rafah
Blinken warns Israel that humanitarian conditions in Gaza must improve to have partners for peace
Israel resists US pressure to pause the war to allow more aid to Gaza, wants hostages back first : worldnews
Up to 400,000 people remain along Gaza front after Israel rejects pause

Families of Gaza captives vow to not return home until hostages do : worldnews
Protesters rally outside Netanyahus home in Jerusalem, call on him to resign

Israel admits airstrike on ambulance that witnesses say killed and wounded dozens | CNN : worldnews
IDF says ambulance attacked in Gaza transported Hamas terrorists and weapons : worldnews
US asks Israel for explanation of strike on Gaza refugee camp
Hamas put wounded fighters on departure lists, delaying efforts to evacuate foreigners, a U.S. official says. : worldnews

French Institute in Gaza hit by Israeli strike, Paris demands answers : worldnews
France calls Israeli strike on the French institute in Gaza incomprehensible : worldnews

Palestinian workers return to Gaza after expulsion from Israel : worldnews

Israeli officials: Oxygen concentrators for Gaza tunnels found hidden in aid shipment : worldnews

Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report : worldnews
Media: Zelensky expected to visit Israel early next week.The arrangements for President Volodymyr Zelensky upcoming visit to Israel next week are in an advanced stage, the Times of Israel reported citing Channel 12 news reports.
Exhausted and disappointed with allies, Ukrainespresident and military chief warn of long attritional war
US unveils $425 million in arms for Kyiv : worldnews
Russian forces conducted a notably larger series of drone strikes throughout #Ukraine on Nov. 3. The US Department of Defense (DoD) announced new military aid packages to Ukraine on Nov. 3, primarily aimed at strengthening Ukraines air defenses.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 619, Part 1 (Thread #765) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 4.11.2023 : ukraine
If you fight you wont always win. But if you dont fight you will always lose.The combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022 to November 4, 2023.

Heavy fighting near Avdiivka. Ukrainian defenders eliminated Russian occupants in the area.

G7 and EU call for transfer of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine : worldnews

Dozens of 19th century Russian books worth 500,000 stolen from Warsaw library
Homemade liquor should be legalised for personal use, says newly elected Polish farmers leader

Reporters Without Borders wants renewed investigation into the crimes committed against journalist Emilia Sercan, known for revealing the plagiarism of the doctoral theses of high-ranking Romanian politicians

Tuscany storm and floods ravage central Italy leaving six dead : worldnews

#Germany has already included financing for #Ukraine in its budget planning until 2032, Major General of the Bundeswehr, Christian Froehding, said, in an interview with the German news outlet Stuttgarter Nachrichte

Blockbuster show on Genghis Khan opens in France after row with China : worldnews ... Chinese authorities demanded that certain words, including Genghs Khan, empire and Mongol be taken out of the French show. They asked for power over exhibition brochures, explainers and maps at a time when the Chinese government had hardened its discrimination against ethnic Mongols, many of whom live in the northern Chinese province of Inner Mongolia.
Macron moves to add abortion to Francesconstitution, reacting to U.S.

Edinburgh officially declares housing emergency as rent inflation soars : worldnews

Suella Braverman seeks to curb use of tents by homeless peoplesaying it is a lifestyle choice
UK Payments Firm With Russian Ties Had 1-in-5 Shady Transactions : worldnews

With 12 months to go before the election, the U.S. is unsettled as ever - The Washington Post

Up to 30,000 protesters expected for pro-Palestinian rally in DC on Saturday : politics
When It Comes to Israel, Who Decides What You Can and Cant Say?

Republicans Introduce Bill To Expel Palestinians From The United States : politics
House Republicans Introduce Bill to Expel Palestinians From the Country: Republicans have a racist new idea amid the war on Gaza. : politics
Republicans discover new pretext for racist immigration restrictions - Lawyers, Guns & Money Ryan Zinke is putting the lessons learned as a Trump cabinet official who was corrupt even by the standards of a Trump cabinet official to inflict further damage:

Jordanian national allegedly planned attack on Jews in Texas

Biden campaign warns of very close general election

Youre seeing the frustration build up because the consequences are building up,

The Supreme Court Will Decide if Domestic Abuse Orders Can Bar People From Having Guns. Lives Could Be at Stake.

Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts : politics
The Peoples House is back in businessand crazier than ever
Mike Johnson, theocrat: the House speaker and a plot against America : politics ... his belief that subjective interpretation of the Bible provides the master plan for governance. Religious truth is neither rational nor susceptible to reasoned debate
Mike Johnson is not a culture warriorhes an enemy of democracy
Inside then outside law school scam - Lawyers, Guns & Money Mike Johnson was the dean of an effort to create a new version of Liberty or Oral Roberts Law that couldnt get off the ground, for better or worse saving some young aspiring Federalist Society drones from getting looted:

Gaping hole in Donald Trumps defense identified

Plans to install Trump as dictator in 2024 are out in the open : politics
What a Donald Trump second term would look like : politics

Absolutely untrue: Judge shames Trump lawyer for using Breitbart article to attack clerk in court ... When Kise disclosed the origin of the claims on the pro-Trump website, audible groans resounded in the courtroom.

This Trump Trial Will Decide If Cheaters Can Run for Office - A Colorado lawsuit seeks to bar Trump from running for president again, on 14th Amendment grounds. The plaintiffs have a strong case. : politics

New York judge expands gag order to Trumps attorneys in fraud case

Jack Smith pushes court to disallow cameras in Trump election interference trial | The Hill

Judge indicates she may delay Trump trial on charges he hid classified documents at Mar-a-Lago : politics

Judge orders anonymous jury for E. Jean Carroll case against Trump : politics

Trump waited until after he left office to disclose trademarks he owns in China and Russia : politics

It Just Got WorseAgainfor Donald Trump: A judge has preliminarily found coup-plotter John Eastman culpable of trying to overturn the 2020 election results. Will he be the next MAGA minion to flip?

Rudy Giuliani Tells Trump Hell Go Down With the MAGA Ship

Jan. 6 rioter accused of ripping officers gas mask sentenced to 7 years in prison

Hunter Biden asks U.S. prosecutor to investigate former business associate Hunter Bidens lawyer alleges in a letter that he received information that the business associate, Tony Bobulinski, made false statements to the FBI.

Opinion | Get to Know the Influential Conservative Intellectuals Who Help Explain G.O.P. Extremism - The New York Times - Claremont Catastrophists - Christian Reverse Revolutionaries - Bronze Age Pervert and the Nietzschean Fringe

Haley, Pledging to Close the Border, Is Asked: What About Migrants Who Are Already Here? Tough promises on immigration from Nikki Haley and her rivals for the Republican nomination face logistical and legal barriers.

RFK Jr. comes home to his anti-vaccine group, commits to a break for U.S. infectious disease research (doesn't believe in "germs")

Teachers claim NJ district restricted access to topics like Holocaust, civil rights movement : politics
Right-wing fake history is making a big comebackbut it never went away

Mark Meadows made false election claims in his book and the publisher wants their money back : politics ... All Seasons Press

George Santos cruelly attacks GOP congressman for his sons substance abuse problems
Jamie Raskin Marks Up George Santos Thank-You Note With Corrections
Rep. Jamie Raskin marked up George Santos letter thanking him for voting not to expel him from Congress: P.S. Its not shameful to resign

Men in our position cannot be made to look ridiculous - Lawyers, Guns & Money

High stakes for abortion rights as Pennsylvania votes on key judge pick : politics

North Carolinas voter ID mandate taking effect this fall is likely dress rehearsal for 2024

Maine considers closing loophole that allows foreign government spending on referendums : politics

These Black voters could determine Bidens fate in a pivotal swing state

Abortion rights are on the ballot in Ohio this Election Day : politics

After Roes fall, Mississippi Democrats wrestle with backing a 'pro-life' candidate for governor Mississippi led the legal fight to overturn Roe v. Wade In a surprisingly competitive governors race, neither candidate supports abortion rights.

GOP candidate for Missouri governor implies hedhaveto quit if voters pass abortion rights

Longest serving state-senator, a Republican from North Dakota has been indicted on federal charges related to molesting kids and child pornography : politics

Alabama, Smiths Station Mayor Bubba Copeland tookhis own life due to "LGTBQ" related activities being found out.

Only One Rock Hall Inductee Called Out Jann Wenners Bullshit: Bernie Taupin

X CEO Linda Yaccarino stepped in to remove a pro-Hitler post : technology
Hey Elon: Let Me Help You Speed Run The Content Moderation Learning Curve | Techdirt

The Real SBF Stood Up An open-and-shut case finally revealed the criminal behind the legend.

N.Y. Times writer quits over open letter accusing Israel of genocideThe newspaper said award-winning journalist Jazmine Hughes resigned after violating newsroom policy by signing a public statement protesting Israeli actions ... "Israel is an apartheid state, designed to privilege Jewish citizens at the expense of Palestinians, heedless of the many Jewish people, both in Israel and across the diaspora, who oppose their own conscription in an ethno-nationalist project,"

Of Course This Is Happening to Eric Adams Dogged by investigations for his entire political life, Eric Adams encounters the biggest one yet.

Florida guardianship case illustrates lack of safeguards as number of cases rise - The Washington Post The retired pilot went to the hospital. Then his life went into a tailspin. - Many older people are one medical emergency away from a court-appointed guardian taking control of their lives

The conspiratorial world that produced Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell may be extreme, but it is anything but fringe ... Last year, the Pew Research Center published a report that found that most American adults believe the Founding Fathers intended for the United States to be a Christian nation

A League of Nations plan for a unified calendar drew opposition from Jewish leaders and sparked the Battle for theSabbath

Fatal familial insomnia has been killing my family. Would I be next? - The Washington Post Only a few dozen families are known to carry the mutation for fatal familial insomnia. A blood test would reveal if Id die in the same terrifying way.

Moderate coffee and tea intake linked to lower risk of cognitive decline : science

1 in 7 people in the US reported having long Covid by end of 2022. It is associated with anxiety and low mood, physical mobility problems and challenges with memory, concentration or understanding. The risk of anxiety and low mood appeared lower for those vaccinated, including those with long Covid. : science

When the natural gas industry used the playbook from Big Tobacco | As early as the 1970s, research showed that gas stoves produced indoor air pollution. : technology

AI generated images are biased, showing the world through stereotypes - Washington Post

Which Mandela Effect bothers you the most? : AskReddit

What is the most down bad and funniest way a guy has described how hot a girl is? : AskReddit


Under current policies, global warming will exceed 1.5C in the 2020s and 2C before 2050. If atmospheric concentration of GHG gases does not decrease, the long-term equilibrium warming over several centuries to millenia could be 8-10 C

Daylight saving time can affect health

Malaysia issues kill switch order to cut controversial concerts

South Korea lining up banks to help finance $22 billion arms sale to Poland : worldnews

Hong Kong student jailed for 2 months under sedition over pro-independence social media posts she published while studying in Japan. : worldnews

Arms Control Talks To Start With China - Lawyers, Guns & Money
China on Alert After US, Canadian Ships Cross Taiwan Strait
Chinese jet fired flares in front of a helicopter over international waters in South China Sea, Canadian Navy says : worldnews

Putin fake death rumors are being spread by the Kremlin to gauge Russian reactions, Ukraine intelligence says : worldnews

Putin claims Mongol invaders were better for Russia than ''Western conquerors'' : worldnews

At least 54 dead as strong quake rocks northwestern Nepal, and officials say toll expected to rise - The Boston Globe

97,000 Indians held trying to enter illegally: US customs : worldnews

Israel has stopped warning Russia before launching airstrikes in Syria : worldnews
Israels Fight With Iran Proxies in Syria Poisons Russia Ties

Executions in Iran are up 30%, a new United Nations report says : worldnews
Iran urged to end new rights clampdown following teenage girls death
(Iran) Father of Slain Protester Handed Prison Term : worldnews

Lebanon-Israel border heats up ahead of speech by Hezbollah leader: Lebanon's Hezbollah said it attacked 19 Israeli positions along the border simultaneously Thursday, prompting a "broad" retaliatory assault : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 37) : worldnews

Netanyahu: No temporary ceasefire without our hostages released; no fuel into Gaza | The Times of Israel
Hamas tried to sneak its fighters out of Gaza in ambulances that evacuated dozens of wounded Palestinians to Egypt earlier this week, a senior Biden administration official says.
Israel said likely to form tribunal to try Hamas terrorists for October 7 atrocities : worldnews
Israel will keep bombarding Gaza with all of its power,Netanyahu says after Blinken calls for pause
America will collapse like the USSR, claims Hamas official : worldnews

US warns Israel amid Gaza carnage it doesnt have long before support erodes |
Blinken lands in Israel with eye toward balancing support for IDF, civilians in Gaza : worldnews
Blinken meets with senior Israeli officials as international condemnation of Gaza offensive grows : worldnews
Blinken will discuss in Israel steps to minimize harm to Gaza civilians : worldnews

Israeli troops encircle Gaza City as death toll climbs | AP News
Over 8,000 rockets fired, 250,000 Israelis evacuate from their homes: IDF : worldnews

New websites show firsthand tragic accounts of October 7 massacre - Israel News : worldnews
Image of Palestinian carrying children out of rubble shows signs of AI : worldnews

Hamas hoards massive fuel reserves under central hospital as Gazans languish : worldnews
Fuel Would Be Allowed Into Gaza Only With Assurances It Wouldnt Be Diverted to Hamas, Israeli Military Chief Says

The Israeli army has demolished the West Bank house of Hamas exiled No. 2, Saleh al-Aruri, but locals and relatives say that this has only made the militant group more popular

U.S. flying drones over Gaza in search of hostages : worldnews

Putin will win unless the West finally commits to Ukrainian victory : ukraine
Ukrainian troops battle exhaustion as war drags into second winter : worldnews

The Netherlands will provide Ukraine with a new security assistance package worth EUR 500 million which will include ammunition. : ukraine
U.S. announces $425 million in new military aid for Ukraine : ukraine
US imposes sweeping new sanctions targeting Russia over war in Ukraine : worldnews
Zelenskyy Grateful for US Sanctions on Russian 'entities'
Russias biggest drone strike in weeks hits critical Ukrainian infrastructure
DTEK energy company [Ukraines commercial energy operator] claims $ 267 million victory in The Hague against Russia over Crimea assets

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 618, Part 1 (Thread #764) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 3.11.2023 : ukraine

Cars with Russian number plates to be banned from traffic in Latvia : worldnews

German minister announces complete ban on Hamas activities : worldnews
Germany: Illegal migration rise prompts border crackdown : worldnews

Berlusconi family halts monthly payments to Bunga Bunga party guests : worldnews

850 people evacuated as wildfire strikes eastern Spain : worldnews

Emmanuel Macron backs French ban on gender-inclusive language on state documents : worldnews
Russian ordered daubing of Stars of David in France: report : worldnews

Councillors call on Starmer to resign over Gaza : worldnews
Covid inquiry: Hancock wanted to decide who should live or die if NHS overwhelmed

Pablo Escobars feral hippos face cull in Colombia

UN votes overwhelmingly to condemn US economic embargo on Cuba for 31st straight year : worldnews

US weekly jobless claims rise marginally; productivity accelerates in Q3 | Reuters

Influential Democrat calls Israels relentless strikes on Gaza unacceptable and unsustainable

FBI director warns antisemitism in US reaching historic levels

Is Tommy Tuberville the Most Ignorant Man in D.C.? : politics (coach dumbfucktunes)

MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be : politics
Texas activist David Barton wants to end separation of church and state. He has the ear of the new U.S. House speaker. : politics

Rashida Tlaib on X: "From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity." / X (Tlaib wants to kill all the Jews and thinks you're stupid)
From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom,

House passes Israel aid, clashing with Senate and White House
Pretty much everybody opposes everything Mike Johnson stands for : politics
Mike Johnson gets bad news about 2024 elections : politics
Mike Johnson Says the Gays Ended Rome in Newly Released Audio Recordings : politics
Mike Johnson Once Worked With a Conversion Therapy Group That Claimed It Could Turn Gay People Straight : politics

Judge Chutkan: Full Steam Ahead with Speedy Trump Trial : politics

Special Counsel Jack Smith Is Fed Up With TrumpsAt Any Cost Delay Tactics

Trump describes imprisoned Jan. 6 rioters as hostages
Trump unleashes new attack on the legal system after his adult sons take the stand : politics

Trumps Big Mouth Could Get Him Banned From Using Social Media
Crazy thing to say to a judge: Experts stunned after judge explodes at Trump lawyers misogyny

Letitia James tears into Donald Trump Jr. and Erics testimony

Analyst on Don Jr.'s "stunning" testimony: "I cannot overstate how damaging these admissions are" Donald Trump Jr. returned to the witness stand on Thursday. Legal analysts say it didn't go well : politics
Donald Trump Jr.s quiet but damning testimony
Donald Trump Jr asks courtroom sketch artist to make me look sexyduring $250m fraud trial.

Judge gags Trumps lawyers ... If the First Amendment means anything, it means the right to harass and intimidate judges who are trying to enforce the so-called law

Donald Trump Jrs surprising court testimony could sink his father
Trumps sons a study in contrasts on witness stand in New York fraud case

Ivanka Trump Loses Court Fight to Block Her Testimony Next Week : politics
Ivanka Trump asks to pause NY fraud trial, says testimony during school week creates undue hardship
Judge Tells Ivanka She Can Probably Afford a Babysitter : politics
15 year old Ivanka Trump sitting on her fathers lap during a concert in 1996. : pics

Eastman and down: a seditionist and the California bar edition

Donald Trumps hotels are not getting bookings

Trump appointee who assaulted Capitol officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to nearly 6 years : politics

RFK Jr. pulls more votes from Trump than Biden in three-way race: Poll : politics

Nancy Mace learns the lesson of Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene: MAGA is not for ladies : politics

Adams left Washington abruptly. A widening corruption scandal greeted him in NYC. : politics
Eschaton: The Future Of The Democratic Party - The clique of centrist dipshsts - Silver, Yglesias, Barro - all jumped to declare Adams winning a contested 5 way Democratic primary in New York City as some sort of seismic political moment, demonstrating the clear future of the Democratic party, and it's been hilarious the whole time.
Eschaton: Straw Donors suspect we'll never get a reckoning about the various likely SBF empire straw donors associated with Sean McElwee. Sam was throwing a lot of money around at certain influential people/circles (not just politicians!), and it's a big reason so much of The Discourse was fucked during that time period. It's a reason Eric Adams is mayor!

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration, set to close in NYC : news

DeSantis Makes Cringey Attempt to Reclaim BootgateNarrative

Retiring Republican congressman slams GOP leaders forlying to America | The party is ignoring self-evident truths for self-serving lies he said.

Dolly Parton criticises Tennessees anti-trans bills: I just want everybody to be treated good

John Fetterman unleashed: Ive already been dead once

Anti-abortion misinformation mounting ahead of key Ohio vote, experts warn : politics

Kentucky Election Update ... Latest polls indicate tightening election

Tenn. vaccine chief, fired after promoting COVID shots, gets $150K settlement Dr. Michelle Fiscus was fired after sending a memo on vaccination rights of minors

US town considers banning all public art because some of it might be gay. A town in the US is genuinely considering a ban on all public art because some of the art might be gay or promote LGBTQ+ ideals. : politics

Indiana high court reprimands AG for remarks about 10-year-old rape victims doctor

Western Pa. Nurse Charged with Additional Crimes for Administering Excessive Doses of Insulin to 19 More Patients

Virginia teacher shot by her student, 6, can proceed with $40M lawsuit, judge rules : news

Maine shootings: Biden heading to Lewiston to mourn with locals ... In her remarks, Collins referenced Oct. 7 as the date of the shootings, appearing to mix up the date of Hamass attack on Israel with the actual date of the shooting, Oct. 25.
Lewiston, Maine, shootings: Police release timeline of response

X runs timeline takeover ad promoting anti-trans film -- An ad by PragerU.

Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all seven counts : technology
Silicon Valley May Never Learn Its Lesson | The tech industry is designed for people like Sam Bankman-Fried : technology
How Uncle Joe Brandon Bailed Out SBF - Lawyers, Guns & Money Remember when the hot theory amongst our tech supergeniuses was that SBF would be given a pass because he was a Democratic campaign donor?
there was a significant number of people on here who were absolutely convinced for no reason that SBF was going to completely get away with it. like, not even an arrest or trial .. heres one of them (Tom Fitton, whoever he is)
Theres bad news creeping up, and you feel a sudden chill (Bae-yesian update)
Everyone got duped by Sam Bankman-Frieds big gamble

New videos of Tesla Cybertruck off-roading appear to show it struggling to climb up a steep dirt hill : technology

How Microsoft is making a mess of the news after replacing staff with AI

Britney Spears memoir a million seller after just one week since its release

Buffy Sainte-Maries claims to Indigenous ancestry are being contradicted by members of the iconic singer-songwriter's own family and an extensive CBC investigation.

Book bans backfiring? Study reveals increased readership for prohibited books : politics ... banned books saw a 12% increase in circulation at libraries that did not have restrictions.

ELI5: Why arent homes in wildfire prone areas protected by a sprinkler system?

I just captured one of my most difficult photos ever: The ISS in conjunction with the moon. : pics

A national plague of workplace injuries was once a media obsession. Now its all but forgotten.

Boston Globe: Were drowning in historical fiction
Sullivan Tire owners to sell auto shop chain to employees The deal will make the ubiquitous auto shop chain one of New Englands largest employee-owned companies

eli5 Why is it taking so long for a male contraceptive pill to be made, but female contraceptives have been around for decades? : explainlikeimfive

One sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days - Acute sleep loss increases dopamine release, inducing a potent antidepressant effect and rewires the brain to maintain a bubbly mood for the next few days, a new study in mice finds. : science

Strawberry consumption may reduce dementia risk for middle-aged individuals. The study observed diminished memory interference and a reduction of depressive symptoms for the strawberry-treated participants; benefits consistent with improved executive ability. : science

Do You Understand What Normal Blood Pressure Is? Many Americans Wrongly Assume They Do

5 of the Healthiest Canned Foods to Keep in Your Pantry

[eli5] - What is the difference between a crack and a coke high? : explainlikeimfive

What is something only shorter people know? : AskReddit

What do you have that you wish you didnt have? : AskReddit

Vehicle crashes into lobby of Marlborough, Massachusetts, business : massachusetts

USPS lost all but 3 of Mass. couples wedding invitations

Why Mozilla is betting on a decentralized social networking future : technology

TIL only 4 percent of mobile users consume more than 50 gigabytes of cellular data a month : todayilearned


The Challenges Posed by 21st-Century Warfare and Autonomous Systems : CredibleDefense

New Rule of Law Index: Spread of Authoritarianism Slows But Justice Systems Are Failing : anime_titties

Operation 1027: A Turning-Point For Myanmars Resistance Struggle?

North Korea has likely sent missiles as well as ammunition and shells to Russia, Seoul says North Korea has likely supplied several types of missiles to Russia to support its war in Ukraine, along with its widely reported shipments of ammunition and shells

Taiwan detects 43 Chinese warplanes around island : worldnews
Inspired by Ukraine, Taiwan reportedly developing sea drones : ukraine

US, China Set To Hold Nuclear Arms Talks For First Time Since Obama Administration : worldnews
China sparks outrage comparing Gaza aftermath to own Muslim treatment : worldnews
Country Garden, the biggest builder in the Chinese property market, has failed for the first time to pay $15.4 million interest on its dollar bonds. : worldnews

Putin signs Russias withdrawal from the treaty banning nuclear tests
BREAKING: Russia's President #Putin has signed a law cancelling the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
#Putin has also signed a law canceling the notification to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe regarding the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law in Russia.
Russia claims News of Putin Heart Attack was to Gauge Russian Reactions : worldnews

The International Court of Arbitration in The Hague has ordered Russia to pay $267 million in damages to the Ukrainian company DTEK. DTEK filed the lawsuit in 2017 after russia seized its assets in the illegally annexed Crimea. The arbitral award is enforceable under the 1958 New York Convention.

Apple to start making iPhone 17 in India before China, marking major shift in global strategy : worldnews

Pakistan starts mass deportation of undocumented Afghans : worldnews

Boko Haram attack on northeast Nigerian village leaves 37 dead : worldnews

UAE Official: Abraham Accords Are Here to Stay - VINnews : worldnews

(Iran) Protester on Death Row Beaten after Suicide Attempt : worldnews
Iranian mother jailed for 13 years after denouncing death of son shot at protest : worldnews
UN says Iran carrying out executions at alarming rate

From 9/11 to Benjamin Netanyahu: The world is learning that toxic masculinity cant keep us safe -- feminists have long warned about men who hide incompetence with belligerence Israel proves them right - By Amanda Marcotte
Could Israel dump Netanyahu in the middle of a war? Israelis aren't rallying around their prime minister. Theyre rallying against him.

IDF chief: Israeli forces have Gaza city surrounded : worldnews
Hamas is hoarding vast amounts of fuel as Gaza hospitals run low, U.S. officials say : worldnews

U.S. to Press Israel for Pauses in War With Hamas = Brief cessations of military operations would allow food, water and other aid to reach Gaza and help with hostage releases, officials say.
Biden calls for a pause in the Israel-Hamas war
Netanyahu may not last, Biden and aides increasingly believe : worldnews
Biden and Netanyahu Look Headed for a Breakup on U.S. Support for Gaza War ... That is because the Israeli prime minister and the extremists in his government are fundamentally bad actors who have contributed greatly to the current crisis.
Netanyahu appoints far-right MK as chairman of West Bank committee : anime_titties ...
Religious Zionist Party MK Zvi Sukkot was appointed as chairman of the Foreign and Security Committees Judea and Samaria Sub-Committee on Wednesday.

Videos appear to show Israeli soldiers abusing bound and blindfolded Palestinian detainees : news
Intl humanitarian law not a la carte menu, cant be applied selectively: UN

Egypt prepares to evacuate 7,000 foreign citizens from Gaza through Rafah border crossing : worldnews
Israeli Govt Admits Internal Report Recommended Forcing All Gazans Into Egypt

Rise in intimidation, settler violence in the West Bank, warns OCHA : worldnews
IDF soldiers film themselves abusing, humiliating West Bank Palestinians : worldnews
Settler violence has been forcing Palestinians out of the West Bank and turning the area into a Wild West, rights group says
Israeli driver shot dead in West Bank terror attack; IDF launches manhunt : worldnews
Israeli dead in West Bank terror attack after terrorist shoot at his car : worldnews

Hundreds of soldiers stood outside Beeri as massacre took place, survivor says

Israel has no right to defend itself, says Russia at UN : worldnews
Israel has no right to defend itself, says Russia at UN : worldnews
As Gaza conflict rages, online maps from Chinese companies are missing Israels name

Hamas Terrorists Chilling Oct. 7 Confession: OurMission Was to Kill Every Person We See in Israel
Two terrorists arrested in east Jerusalem, explosives lab found : worldnews

Israel accuses Hamas of using over 100 women and children as human shields in Gaza : worldnews
In battle for Gaza stronghold, 100 women and children pushed forward by Hamas to act as human barrier : worldnews
Israel Gaza: Children must be off limits, says father of abducted kids : worldnews

Pope says two-state solution needed for Israel-Palestine : worldnews

Situation at front reaches stalemate, hopes for Russian exhaustion turns out to be mistake UkrainesCommander-in-Chief
Ukraine reports Russian shelling of 118 settlements in 24 hours, most extensive this year : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 617, Part 1 (Thread #763) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 2.11.2023 : ukraine

Police in European countries arrest suspects in terror plots tied to Israel-Hamas war : worldnews

Putin ally warns enemy Poland: you risk losing your statehood
Beefing up Polands armed forces -- The incoming government is set to create the biggest army in Europe
Polands first ever resolution declaring area free from LGBT ideology withdrawn

The Fictional Terrorist Conspiracy Being Tried in France : anime_titties
Teen on Paris subway chanting "fuck the Jews" and "we are Nazis and proud" to the sound of laughter from the rest of the passengers : worldnews

Cabinet of fuckpigs and a team with no plan: 9 Boris bombshells from the UKs COVID inquiry ... I dont care how it is done but that woman must be out of our hair we cannot keep dealing with this horrific meltdown of the British state while dodging stilettos from that cunt
A man has been arrested in Birmingham, England, for allegedly releasing live mice into a number of McDonalds restaurants in what is said be a pro-Palestinian protest

South American countries recall ambassadors and cut ties with Israel over war with Hamas : worldnews
Israel criticizes South American countries after they cut diplomatic ties and recall ambassadors : worldnews

Biden's Support for Israel is his strongest polling issue Twitter is not real life
Joe Biden Is a Morally Decent President in a Time of Hate : politics

Gallup poll published on Thursday suggests US public growing increasingly skeptical of Ukraine funding. 41% of Americans believe US doing "too much" to support Ukraine, compared with 29% in June. Americans who think US backing for Kyiv "not enough" edged down to 25%; 28% in June. (more Republicans)

American Views on the Ukraine War in 6 Charts (Putin bought repugs)

House rejects effort to censure Rashida Tlaib over the Palestinian-Americans rhetoric about Israel

The Chief of the Marines Was Hospitalized Without a Number Two in Command | Thanks to who else? Tommy Tuberville.
Republicans confront Tuberville over military holds in extraordinary showdown on Senate floor : politics ... Imagine denying promotions to U.S. military officers and undermining national security because you want to force women to give birth against their will.
GOP Senators Blast Tommy Tuberville Over Blockade On Military Promotions : politics
The brutal GOP attacks on Tuberville and what they could mean
Senate confirms three more senior military officers around Tuberville blockade - The Washington Post Adm. Lisa M. Franchetti will make history as the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Senate Democrats launch effort to bypass Tommy Tubervilles hold on military promotions
Why is someone using our permission to be an obstructionist asshole rule to be an obstructionist asshole?
Tuberville staffer asks anti-abortion groups to float primaries against Republicans who oppose military holds - Live Updates - POLITICO

Schumer and other Senate Democrats call for a federal probe of huge oil deals by Exxon and Chevron : politics

In Massive Shock, Republicans IRS-Slashing Offset Adds To Deficit And Loses Revenue
House GOPs Israel-IRS bill could add more than $26 billion to deficit: CBO
Congress Managed to Get Nothing Done In a Spectacular Fashion on Wednesday Night -- Congress Has Never Been More Flamingly Useless Than It Was Wednesday Night - C-SPAN was must-see TV.

MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be : politics

Mike Johnson Has Already Run Out of Ideashe new speaker's doomed, ridiculous plan to trade funding for Israel for IRS cuts suggests he is even more powerless than Kevin McCarthy
Rep. Mike Johnsons Largest Donor was AIPAC. He's Trying To Cut Free Tax Filing To Send Weapons To Israel. Johnsons first order of business as House speaker is to seek budget cuts in exchange for a $14 billion aid package for Israel.
Mike Johnson once blamed homosexuality for the fall of the Roman Empire : politics
Speaker Mike Johnsons Obsession With Gay Sex
More completely inoffensive behavior by Milquetoast Mike, the mildest man in the GOP - Lawyers, Guns & Money

What we still dont know about Paul Pelosi attack

Trump vs. Biden: People dislike both, but who gets that vote? - The Washington Post

Minnesota supreme court to hear case challenging Trumps 2024 eligibility
Trump 14th Amendment Disqualification Trial Can Conti nue, Judge Rules : politics

Ivanka Trump could throw her father under the bus -- Mary Trump

Judge Chutkan Blocks Trump From Seeing Prosecutors Evidence
Trump is lashing out because he's already lost : politics

Expert: Trump's use of Forbes list instead of financial docs may be used to "show intent to deceive" - Morgan Stanley official testified that Trump used Forbes printout in lieu of documents in bid to buy Buffalo Bills : politics

Legal experts: NY AG set up Don Jr. on witness stand and now he could be criminally prosecuted
Uh-Oh: Eric Trump Stumbles in Key Gotcha Moment in Fraud Trial
Don Jr. Has a Conveniently Fuzzy Memory of Trump Org Finances:I Leave It to My CPAsThe executive vice president introduced himselfsimply as a realestatebrokerwhile on the witness stand, and claimed to know nothing about basic accounting principles
Trump Jr distances himself from documents at center of fraud trial: I dont recall
NY Judge Explodes at Trump Lawyers Misogyny After Swipes at Court Clerk

Attorney General James disrupts the disruptors - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Student Protesters Walk Out of Hillary Clinton s Class at Columbia - The action was in protest of what they had perceived as the school's role in publicly shaming students who had signed a statement saying that the Israeli extremist government shared responsibility for the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas.

True or not, DeSantis cant escape the raised boot rumors as his campaign falters
DeSantis stands by promise to slit throats of federal bureaucrats

Are Republicans tough on crime? That was always a myth now its dangerous

George Santos gloats after surviving House expulsion vote : politics
George Santos remains in House after vote fails - The Washington Post
Barbara Lee hits California Senate opponents Schiff, Porter on Santos expulsion vote | The Hill

Vivek Ramaswamys Image as the New Shiny Object Grows Dull

Nancy Maces Staff Guide Shows Her True Priority: Nancy Mace

The Pennsylvania progressive is proposing to punish any senator under indictment for certain crimes like those Menendez is accused of.
Tammy Murphy, N.J. Governors Wife, Prepares to Run for Menendez's Seat - Ms. Murphy has never held or sought elected office but is in a strong position to take advantage of the scandal swirling around Senator Robert Menendez.

You just gaslit her: How Dean Phillipss first town hall went off the rails in N.H.

F.B.I. Raids Home of Eric Adams's Fund-Raising Chief - Mr. Adams abruptly canceled several meetings in Washington, D.C., to return to New York as F.B.I. agents raided the home of the fund-raiser, Brianna Suggs.

The LDS Church is sued again over how it uses tithing contributions : news

Alabama court says state can execute inmate with nitrogen gas : politics

Republicans: if theres anything better than imprisoning a guilty person, its keeping an innocent person in prison (Fuckabee Sanders is evil) >

Teen boys use AI to make fake nudes of classmates, sparking police probe : technology

Ady Barkan, Champion for Single Payer Health Care, Dies at 39 - The New York Times Mr. Barkan campaigned for Medicare for all while struggling with A.L.S., the terminal neurodegenerative disease.

Todays Worst Idea - An agent model that relies on AI. Whatever the sellers mean by AI. The danger is that users will take the output to be meaningful.
The UN Hired an AI Company to Untangle the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis | WIRED

Contraceptive pill users less likely to report depression: New data from 6,239 women in the United States aged 18-55 years old, found that the prevalence of major depression amongst users of the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) was significantly lower, at 4.6%, compared to former OCP users (11.4%). : science

Solar Panels: Another Exercise in Magical Thinking | by B | Medium

Co-developer of Cassavas potential Alzheimers drug cited for egregious misconductHoau-Yan Wang couldnt provide original data to refute allegations of image manipulation, university says

ELI5: Gravity isn't a force? : explainlikeimfive

The last Beatles song Now and Then

Second woman sues Steven Tyler, alleging he sexually assaulted her when she was a teen The woman claims the Aerosmith frontman sexually assaulted her twice in one day after they met in 1975, when she was 17.

Lakehead School Board files court order demanding Reddit release user identities : news

'Turtleboy' blogger wages First Amendment battle over witness intimidation charges : massachusetts

Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says : technology


Cardiovascular deaths from extreme heat in the US are projected to increase by 162% by the middle of the century, even if proposed policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are implemented. A more dire scenario forecasts deaths could increase by 233% with minimal efforts to reduce emissions. : science

High-quality studies have shown that use of face masks in the community is associated with reduced transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and is likely to be an important component of an effective response to a future respiratory threat. : science

Convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika wins high court battle for Australian citizenship : worldnews

Suspected Russian helicopter violates Japans airspace off Hokkaido

US, South Korea, Australia Kick Off Large-Scale Exercise with 130+ Aircraft : worldnews

North Korea Sent 1 Million Rounds of Artillery to Russia, Spy Agency Says : worldnews
North Korea closes multiple embassies around the world : worldnews
TIL North Korean state media admitted that the founder Kim Il Sung did not have the ability to teleport. : todayilearned

China keeps up military pressure on Taiwan, sending 43 planes and 7 ships near self-governing island : worldnews

Chinese embassy in France compares Gaza with Xinjiang : worldnews
China critic says hes the target of deepfake spamouflage attack by Beijing ... The YouTube video appears to show a person who looks like Liu Xin making unfounded remarks about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, saying among other things that he is a man who loves porn

Japanese researchers have claimed two Putin doublesJapanese experts in facial recognition and voice identification have concluded that the theory of Vladimir Putins doubles, who replace him at public events, is gaining popularity. This information was published by the British tabloid The Sun.

Russia tightens capital controls on western companies : anime_titties
Russia hikes interest rates to 15% as inflation soars : worldnews

Kazakhstan welcomes Frances Macron under Moscows disapproving gaze

Indias Chandrayaan-3 moon lander kicked up a halo of dust visible from space
Indias opposition accuses government of trying to hack lawmakers iPhones

Afghan refugees forced to leave Pakistan say they have nothing : worldnews

Uganda court fines US couple $28,000 for child cruelty. : worldnews

Zimbabwes cholera crisis fuelled by chronic water shortages

Conflict uproots record 6.9 million people in Congo - IOM : worldnews

Yemens Houthis enter Mideast fray, hardening spillover fears.
Yemens Houthi Rebels Claim Attacks on Israel
Israel deploys missile boats to Red Sea amid Houthi attacks : worldnews

Iran Declares Online Support For IsraelA Criminal Offense
(Iran) Labor Activist sentenced to 16 Months in Prison : worldnews
Iran Faces a Dilemma in the Israel-Hamas War - The New York Times With Israel bent on crushing Irans ally Hamas, Tehran must decide whether it and the proxy militias it arms and trains will live up to its fiery rhetoric.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 36) : worldnews

Another wave of Israeli strikes hit Gaza refugee camp as crossing opens for foreigners and wounded - POLITICO The Hamas-run government said the strikes killed and wounded many people, but the exact toll was not yet known.

Netanyahus Excuses for the Bungled Intelligence on Hamas Dont Add Up
Report: Biden indicated to Netanyahu he believes his days in office are numbered : anime_titties
Israel restored Gazas internet under U.S. pressure, official says; Netanyahu warns of long war

First evacuees leave Gaza as Israeli offensive intensifies : worldnews
Some foreign nationals are able to leave Gaza today for the first time since the war started : worldnews
Hamas says will allow foreigners to leave Gaza : worldnews

BBC verifies air strikes in areas of safety indicated for Palestinian civilians to evacuate to

Israel strikes Gazas Jabalya refugee camp
IDF takes command of Hamas military stronghold in Jabaliya in Gaza : worldnews
Hamas official promises: Well repeat Oct. 7 massacre until Israel is annihilated

Israel agrees to allow 100 trucks of humanitarian aid into Gaza each day : worldnews

Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt opens for limited evacuation : worldnews

Some Hamas killers were high on amphetamine, officials say | Semafor a synthetic amphetamine called Captagon, which U.S. and Israeli officials believe was used to suppress fear and anxiety during the rampage and stimulate their willingness to attack, kill and, in some cases, torture, civilians.

BBCs interview with [Israeli President] Herzog gets trimmed; Israel airscensored parts

IDF releases proof of Hamas stealing gas from Gazan hospitals : worldnews

First Details Of Hamas New Submarine Drone Weapon

Volodymyr Zelenskyy : Thanks to Ukrainian bravery, we are de facto pushing the Russian navy out to the eastern part of the Black Sea. Russia can no longer use our sea to expand its aggression to other parts of the world, as it did in the past with Syria. Russia contributed to the humanitarian catastrophe in this country by using the Black Sea as its base and our Crimea as a springboard for its military.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 616, Part 1 (Thread #762) : worldnews

Ukraine has taken 17,000 Russians off the battlefield without firing a shot, US Army special-ops general says : ukraine
Losses of the Russian military to 1.11.2023 : ukraine

UN confirms that Russia attacked Hroza and all victims were civilians : worldnews

Russia Set Up A GPS-Jammer. Ukraine Hit It With A GPS-Guided Bomb. : worldnews

A column full of Russian mobilized soldiers from Chuvashia was wiped out during a recent HIMARS strike. The amount killed reportedly exceeds a hundred.

So, Ukrainian FPV drones are now killing Russian tanks at 22 km from the launch point.The speed with which FPV drone technology is advancing is making complete and utter fools of the FPV naysayers. 22km is two km short of the early production variants of the M982 Excalibur.

Ukraine Confirms Combined Air-Sea Attack Took Out Key Russian Air Defense System : worldnews

UN Urges Russia to Take Responsibility for Deadly Strike on Ukraine Funeral : worldnews
Ukrainian family of nine was shot dead in their sleep in Russian-occupied Donetsk : worldnews

Ukraine war: Russian attacks force evacuations of children : worldnews

Moldova blocks access to Russias main news agencies

Nordic countries to cooperate more on returning migrants to countries of origin : worldnews

Finnish neo-Nazis convicted in race war plot using 3D printed guns

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic dissolves the Serbian parliament and calls for early elections : worldnews

Slovakia sends troops to Hungarian border to curb migration : worldnews

Hungary bans teens from visiting World Press Photo exhibition over LGBTQ images The prestigious global photo exhibition, on display in Hungarys National Museum in Budapest, receives over 4 million visitors from around the world every year

Lake Como bursts its banks as violent storm pounds Northern Italy : worldnews

France arrests Russian oligarch in money-laundering, sanctions probe : worldnews
France sues Commission over primacy of English in EU hiring : worldnews
Woman shouting You&re all going to die shot by police in Paris metro

King Charles stops short of apology for abhorrent colonial violence in Kenya

Uruguayans pile into Argentina to spend record US$1 billion : worldnews

Bolivia severs diplomatic ties with Israel, citing crimes against humanity
South American countries recall ambassadors and cut ties with Israel over war with HamasBolivias leftwing government cuts diplomatic ties with Israel, alleging crimes and human rights abuses in Gaza, as Chile and Colombia recall ambassadors

UK, US, EU and China sign declaration of AIs catastrophic danger

Republicans welcome local benefits of climate law despite voting against it : politics

GOP Account Attacks Joe Biden For (Checks Notes) Celebrating Halloween : politics

You Thought a Heart Attack Might Make Tommy Tuberville Drop Holds? Think Again. | A top Marine commander was just hospitalized, but Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville still wont budge on his military holds.
This is outrageous: Pentagon officials furious over Tuberville holds after top Marine hospitalized

Netanyahus disastrous, populist regime is a dire warning for U.S. voters
AOC Lashes Out at AIPAC:No Friend to AmericanDemocracy

GOP plan to fund Israel by cutting IRS would increase debt, tax chief says - The Washington Post Reducing funds for the tax agency is a top priority of House Republicans, setting up a budget clash with the Senate and White House

The autoworkers big win exposes the absurdity of Trumps populism

McConnell tells Senate Democrats to back off on Supreme Court : politics

Opinion | House Speaker Mike Johnson Just Confirmed How Unserious He Is - The New York Times On Monday, only five days after being elevated to one of the most important leadership roles in the country, he upended a major foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, meekly obeying those Republican House members who see their main role as disengaging from the world and taking self-destructive potshots at Democrats
Mike Johnson's Israel-IRS Deal Is Making Everyone in Congress Mad It's only his first legislative action and things are already going south .. Basically, Johnson proposed severe cuts in IRS funding as the quid with a support package for Israel as the quo. You will note that funding for aid to Ukraine has somehow vanished from the equation.
Mike Johnson says its impossible to think hes full of hate because hes a Christian
Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Have a Bank Account? Speaker Mike Johnson has never listed a bank account on his financial disclosure. In fact, on his newest disclosure he doesnt list a single asset at all.
What Is Happening With Mike Johnsons Money? A new report reveals House Speaker Mike Johnson doesnt have a single bank account. So where the hell is his money? ... What could go wrong making the fifth choice guy nobody vetted Speaker of the House? Every wild ass skeleton this guy has in his closet is about to come out ... this guy was a chief architect of Jan 6th. That alone should have prompted investigations from various people.
Whats Up With Mike Johnsons Very Shady-Seeming Financial Disclosures? The new House leader lists no bank accounts, including checking or savings, on financial disclosure forms going back to 2016
The Embodiment of White Christian Nationalism in a Tailored Suit
"A kind of Stepford wife": It's more than a prayer keeping Mike Johnson's wife suddenly out of view | A kind of Stepford wife: Its more than a prayer keeping Mike Johnsons wife suddenly out of view -- Christian right radicalism really comes into view when looking at his marriage
Democrats quickly seek to make Speaker Johnson a bogeyman - The Washington Post The party has begun painting House Republicans new leader as MAGA Mike but may face a challenge given his low profile and quiet tone
New Frontiers in BothSiding - Lawyers, Guns & Money Heres a headline from todays WAPO:
House Speaker Mike Johnson was once the dean of a Christian law school. It never opened its doors : politics
Before he became a politician, House Speaker Mike Johnson partnered with an anti-gay conversion therapy group : politics

Former Trump Administration Official William Wolfe Says We Are Getting Close to Christians Taking Up Arms

Trumps Demands for Extreme Loyalty Are Starting to Backfire

Trump signaled to extremist groups on Jan. 6, experts testify in Colorado 14th Amendment case : politics

Donald Trumps sons Don Jr. and Eric will testify at fraud trial that threatens the familys empire
Trump Melts Down As Idiot Sons Are Set to Take the Stand: Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are scheduled to testify in the New York fraud trial. Donald is not handling it well. : politics
Trump and his family face spotlight in New York civil fraud trial - The Washington Post Once Trumps right hand, daughter Ivanka has stepped back, while Trump sons Eric and Don Jr. defend his business and political legacy
Trump tells judge in fraud case to leave his children alone : politics

Experts: Trump already in violation of D.C. gag order and may spend a night or weekend in jail
Holder: Trump would be thrown in jail over gag order if he were normalperson

RFK Jr.s 2024 bid is a threat to Republicans and donor data shows it
11/1/23 - 2024 Presidential Race Stays Static In The Face Of Major Events, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; RFK Jr. Receives 22% As Independent Candidate In 3-Way Race | Quinnipiac University Poll

Federalist Society not nearly fascist enough for Stephen Miller - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Mr. Trump was also infuriated that the justices he had put on the Supreme Court declined to repay his patronage by intervening in the 2020 election
Politically appointed lawyers sometimes frustrated Donald J. Trumps ambitions. His allies are planning to install more aggressive legal gatekeepers if he regains the White Hous

Ron DeSantis Is Almost Definitely Wearing Lifts in His Boots : politics
Ron DeSantis Cant Shoe Away Latest Humiliating Revelation
DeSantis denies wearing heels after being confronted with viral video : politics

Rep. Ken Buck to retire from House, cites election denialism by others in GOP : politics

NYTimes Brings Us New Reports on Intelligence Failures in Israel and in Maine

North Dakota GOP party leader resigns 1 week into job after posts about women, Black people : politics

A Virginia GOP State Rep. Built Her Political Career On A Story That Doesnt Add Up

Largest Christian university in US fined record amount | The Hill

Cornell student accused of making antisemitic threats against Jewish students is expected in court today : news

Absolutely not - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the worst idea youll see until the next time Elon Musk has an idea:

Police fatally shoot suspect involved in Brooklyn double murder : news

New first-in-the-nation policy limits Seattle police from knowingly lying (

ELI5: What was Dont Ask, Dont Telland why did it face a lot of backlash from the LGBTQ+ community?

Court blocks Idahos deeply transphobic student bathroom bill. The law offers a bounty on trans bathroom users and paints them as would-be rapists
Idahos first abortion trafficking arrest

Scientists have identified remnants of a 'Buried Planet' deep within the Earth. These remnants belong to Theia, the planet that collided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago that lead to the formation of our Moon. : science Scientists have identified remnants of a Buried Planet deep within the Earth. These remnants belong to Theia, the planet that collided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago that lead to the formation of our Moon.

Eli5 Why didn't the Ottoman Empire expand more into Africa? : explainlikeimfive

High-compassion individuals tend to sleep better, study finds : science

Scientists made the discovery that light alone can evaporate water, and is even more efficient at it than heat | The finding could improve our understanding of natural phenomena or boost desalination systems. : science

Study shows that some antibiotics recommended by the WHO for children had less than 50% effectiveness in treating infections such as sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis due to growing resistance also in less-developed countries : science

New Research Gains Ground in Detecting Recent Cannabis Use : science

Heat pumps cant take the cold? Nordics debunk the myth

Storygraph vs Goodreads? : books
The StoryGraph | Because life's too short for a book you're not in the mood for

What is the weirdest thing you have seen that you cant really explain?

Louie Louie: The story behind the song everyone knows but no one understands

What is something that people perceive as safe, but in actuality is pretty dangerous? : AskReddit

CNBC - Roundabouts Are Safer. So Why Does The U.S. Have So Few Of Them? : videos

Apple expected to post fourth consecutive quarterly sales decline Thursday : technology

YouTubes Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge


A global team of climate scientists has reported that Earths vital signs have worsened beyond anything humans have seen, to the point that life on Earth is imperilled: they found 20 of 35 planetary indicators at record extremes

The carbon dioxide budget for stopping the earth heating 1.5C above pre-industrial levels could run out in the next six years, according to a study : worldnews

BP posts profits of $3.3bn as oil prices rise again : worldnews

New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe : technology

COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure. A key lesson of the pandemic ... One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is why so many countries followed Chinas example. In the U.S. and the U.K. especially ... Yet as late as the fall of 2022, there were still those who refused to acknowledge the damage done by lengthy school closings. One such person was Anthony Fauci (who was totally and tragically wrong)

Worlds capacity to deal with new pandemic inadequate: report

Drug decriminalization law takes effect in Australian Capital Territory : worldnews

White Island: Company found guilty over NZ volcano disaster : worldnews

Thailand to waive visas for Taiwan and India to boost tourism : worldnews

Japan to freeze assets of Hamas members, related firm amid Israel war : worldnews
US military will buy seafood from Japan to offset Chinese ban : worldnews

US F-22 Raptor finds rival in S.Korean FA-50 - MilitaryView : worldnews

Beijings top spy agency cracks down on illegal foreign weather stations amid push to stop data leaving China

Reports of Putins death might not be greatly exaggerated
Putin is hoping the world forgets the urgent need to support Ukraine. The UK will never let that happen - Shapps : worldnews
Russian propagandist Anton Krasovskiy: As any Russian, I think Kyiv & Warsaw are part of Russian empire. Dear anti-imperialists of the world, are you paying attention at all?
The October 29 riots in #Dagestan highlight the growing radicalization and factionalism of Russian society resulting from the hyper-nationalist ideologies that the war in #Ukraine has empowered.

An explosion occurred at the Ural explosives plant in Solikamsk. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reports that there are no casualties and the plant is operatingnormally

Study: Ukrainian language dominance is growing on social media. The Ukrainian language has taken a decisive lead over Russian on social media networks, a new study by the Content Analysis Center reveals.

Telegram blocks channel blamed for inspiring anti-Israel riot at Russian airport : worldnews

India Vows to Free its Ex-Navy Personnel on Qatar Death Row : worldnews
Apple warns Indian opposition leaders of state-sponsored iPhone attacks : worldnews
Kerala blasts: Man arrested after deadly attack on Jehovahs Witnesses

Afghans return to Taliban rule as Pakistan moves to expel 1.7 million : worldnews

Thousands of garment workers in Bangladesh walked off the job in protest at low wages Monday, sparking clashes with security forces and damaging multiple factories in unrest that left at least two people dead, police said : worldnews

Iran says strikes on US troops are due to its support for Israel, presence in region : worldnews
Ayatollah regime is the Nazi regime, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan says at the UN
(Iran) Actress Summoned for Supporting Family of Teen Who Died after Hijab Assault : worldnews
Mother of Killed Iranian Protester Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison : worldnews

Israeli rage in West Bank alarms France and US
A new Nakba: settler violence forces Palestinians out of West Bank villages. Communities who have clung on for decades are leaving their homes in the face of rising attrition by Israelis

Pentagon says there are no limits on how Israel uses US weapons as death toll climbs amid airstrikes in Gaza : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war: Israel envoy wears yellow star at UN : worldnews ... This act disgraces the victims of the Holocaust as well as the state of Israel -- Yad Vashem chairperson Dani Dayan said in a Hebrew-language post on X, formerly Twitter.

IDF strikes refugee camp - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Israel strikes Gazas Jabalya refugee camp
Children were carrying other injured children: Witness describes aftermath of Israeli strike on Gaza refugee camp
You Knew There Were Civilians There: Blitzer Confronts IDF Spox Over Strike on Refugee Camp That Killed Hamas Commander

Senior Hamas official: The tunnels are for us, the UN can take care of Palestinian citizens : worldnews

Israelis arent rallying around their prime minister. Theyre rallying against him.

Israeli airstrikes level apartments in Gaza refugee camp | AP News
Israel expands Gaza offensive, sends troops into Hamas tunnels : worldnews
IDF says dozens of Gaza gunmen killed overnight; tanks seen on outskirts of Gaza City : worldnews

Civilians are Israel-UNs responsibility, tunnels built to protect fighters: Hamas official
Hamas official Marzouk: Gaza tunnels built to protectonly Hamas

Israeli President Herzog endorses Macrons plan for a coalition to fight Hamas

An Israeli ministry, in a concept paper,proposes transferring Gaza civilians to Egypts Sinai
Egypts Prime Minister from Sinai: We are ready to sacrifice millions of lives to defend our territory : worldnews

IDF destroys house of deputy head of Hamas political bureau : worldnews

Houthis claim responsibility for drone intercepted over southern Israel : worldnews

Hezbollah mocks Hamas leaders luxurious lifestyle while Gazans suffer

Dutch F-16s for Ukraine to arrive in Romania within two weeks-Rutte : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 615, Part 1 (Thread #761) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Oct. 31, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. (300K dead russians on Halloween)
300,000 russian occupiers have been eliminated. They could have just stayed home. : ukraine
300 000 russian occupiers have been eliminated. They could have just stayed home.

#Avdiivka offensive equipment loss numbers as of 27 October 2023. In summary: 157 RU losses vs. 8 UA losses ... The 20:1 ratio of losses makes Avdiivka one of the most lopsided battles in history in terms of armour losses

1/ Two soldiers from the Russian Far East are reported to have been arrested over the massacre of a Ukrainian family of nine in Volnavakha, Donetsk region. The killings are claimed to have been carried out on domestic groundsallegedly involving the sale of alcohol.

A note from the mods: Why we removed the TIME article and won't let it be posted : ukraine

Polish archaeologists find remains of 17th-century woman and child padlocked in their graves | CNN : worldnews

Spains Catholic bishops apologise after report of 200,000 abused
Spain seizes 720kg of cocaine as UK announces huge bust : worldnews

Paul Bristow: Ministerial aide sacked after call for Israel-Gaza ceasefire : worldnews
Britain split on taking Palestinian refugees from Gaza : worldnews
These are hate marches: Home secretary hits out at pro-Palestinian protests as UK terror threat level remains 'substantial'

Nearly 100 dead and missing in Mexico from hurricane, supply concerns persist : worldnews

As wars rage, Biden administration to make case for $106 billion for Ukraine, Israel : politics

Joe Biden Knows What Hes Doing

Bush Institute warns GOP that ending critical HIV program could cost millions of lives. The GOP has been using the revolutionary program as a bargaining chip in budget negotiations, claiming it really just promotes abortion and LGBTQ+ rights. : politics

UAW Runs the Table - Lawyers, Guns & Money
This Day in Labor History: October 31, 1990 - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Senate confirms Jack Lew as U.S. ambassador to Israel as war rages in Middle East

US House Republicans plan to give Israel $14.3bn by cutting IRS funds : politics
To Pay For Israeli Aid, GOP Wants To Make It More Expensive For You To File Your Taxes : politics
House GOP: No Israel Aid Unless Rich Tax Cheats Get a Break This is not a pay-for, its an add-on.
Checking in on the new economically populist Republican Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... This is like if you take a dollar from the IRS and throw a $5 bill out the window.
In the year of our Gritty, 2023, reporters still pretend to believe Republicans when they pretend to care about reducing the deficit.
Major national outlets adopt House GOP spin to protect rich tax cheats | Media Matters for America
Joe Scarborough: Tying Israel aid to IRS cuts is gross

Senate Democrats plan to subpoena Harlan Crow and Leonard Leo over Supreme Court justices travel
Senate Judiciary to schedule vote authorizing subpoenas in SCOTUS ethics investigation : politics
Senate Dems plan to subpoena conservative justices billionaire patrons

Trumps Twitter presence looms over Supreme Court hearing on whether officials can block critics on social media
How the US supreme court and an Idaho couple upended wetlands protection : politics ... Three years later, in an unrelated case, Michael Sackett was sentenced to a year in prison following a sting operation in which he agreed to pay for sex with a 12-year-old girl.
A Small Fish and an Uncollected Fee Add Up to Big-Government Challenge at the Supreme Court : politics

Why Mike Johnsons days as speaker may already be numbered
Republican Honeymoon With Mike Johnson Is Over : politics
MAGA Mike Johnson Once Warned About Dangers of Living Under Democracy : politics
Mike Johnson Has a Dangerous Victim Complex : politics
Mike Johnsons Satanic panic: How evangelical delusions trained Republicans to love Trumps lies
Mike Johnson and the Future of the GOP : politics
Inside the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Anti-LGBTQ Org Where Mike Johnson Spent Almost a Decade : politics

Mike Johnsons Wife Takes Down Website That Compared Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest
Kelly Johnson, who is married to House Speaker Mike Johnson, practices a form of Christian counseling that classifies people into 'chooleric,' 'phlegmatic,' and other ancient personality types purportedly ordained by God
An Unholy Stew - Lawyers, Guns & Money With Johnson now assuring us that of course he doesnt want to impose his religious agenda on the devil-worshiping sodomists and free-living women, its all going to get more confused
A plurality of Americans believe God created humans without evolution - The Washington Post - Most believe in a divine role in human emergence ... A majority of Republicans say divine creation created humans; just under half of Democrats say that there was no divine role.

Trumps Favorite Biden Taunt Has Backfired

Eschaton: Oh No, Steve, How Could Have Done This Really fed up with all the good liberals who are shocked, shocked, that their Good Republican Steve Schmidt is working for the obvious right wing ratfucking operation of Dean Phillips. (ding dong)

Donald Trump will be jailed for violating gag order, former attorney says : politics
Trump Responds to Gag Order Reinstatement by Attacking Potential Witness - The former president attacked Bill Barr shortly after being ordered to stop targeting potential witnesses in his federal election interference trial : politics

Could Trump Be Banned From the Ballot? In One State, Were About to Find Out: A challenge seeks to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot on grounds of insurrection.
State courts to consider blocking Trump from 2024 ballot under the insurrection clause

Alabama man indicted for threatening Fulton County District Attorney and Sheriff regarding Trump case : politics

Kinzinger says family disowned him over loss of Hannitys trust ... they said I was a member of the devils army.

3 Expert Shoemakers Say Ron DeSantis Is Probably Wearing Height Boosters : politics

Wisconsins Democratic governor sues Republican Legislature over blocking basic functions

Abortion is on the ballot in Ohio. The results could signal whats ahead for 2024

"Weaponized incompetence": Youngkin team admits wrongly purging 3,400 eligible voters from rolls : politics

Ex-North Dakota Lawmaker Accused Of Flying To Prague To Rape Minor : politics

Attorney General Ken Paxtons securities fraud trial set for April 15

Judge blocks California law banning gun shows on state property : politics ... we have more guns than actual citizens ... This is true. About 1.2 guns per person.

Alabama Pol Jailed for FaceTiming Witness in His Bribery Case

Wholly ineffective and pretty obviously racist Inside New Orleans struggle with facial-recognition policingthe practice failed to identify suspects a majority of the time and is disproportionately used against Black people.

Man allegedly points gun at 6-year-old who left Halloween goody bag at wrong house : news

Americas Rifle Fetish Is Destroying Its Sense of Freedom

San Jose police arrest 15-year-old after hit-and-run kills pregnant mom, baby : news

Eschaton: Mortality Getting "tough" with murderers is mostly about getting tough with people "we" don't like, the murderers of the imagination. The actual murderer - and victim - is secondary. Cops killing people is fine, usually, because they probably deserved it anyway, depending on how they looked.

It Was Always Going to End Badly: The Untold Story of Tucker Carlsons Ugly Exit From Fox News

Eschaton: Checking In On The Son Of A Leading Consequentialist Moral Theorist ... Bankman-Fried stuck to his do not recalls anywa

Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?

How many friends do Americans have? A survey crunched the numbers : NPR

TIL the work Alan Turing and others worked on at Bletchley Park is estimated to have shortened World War 2 in Europe by over two years and saved over 14 million lives. : todayilearned

Maine shooter: Is hearing loss linked to paranoia?

Roe v. Wade repeal impacts where young women choose to go to college, research finds: Female students are more likely to choose a university or college in states where abortion rights and access are upheld. : science

Tech bros attitude to female colleagues stuck in dark ages

(184) Why people think this photo of JFK's killer is fake - YouTube

Groundbreaking study reveals link between air pollution and incidence of Parkinsons disease

(184) I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU - YouTube

Im a 3 issue voter (housing, algebra, bike lanes). Who should I vote for?


In early 2029, Earth will likely lock into breaching key warming threshold, scientists calculate : anime_titties

The New Cold War in the Arctic - In These Times Amid rising geopolitical tensions, the U.S. is expanding its military presence in Greenland, increasing the risk of something going very wrong.

Long COVID brain fog may originate in a surprising place, say scientists

Australia Hosts First Military Cyber Exercise With US : worldnews

Hong Kong court jails ex-student leaders for inciting violence against police : worldnews
Chinese University fires Tiananmen crackdown scholar after Hong Kong govt rejects visa extension

At China military forum, Russian defense minister accuses the US of fueling geopolitical tensions : worldnews
China and Russia cast U.S. as agent of global instability at military forum : worldnews
Russias Shoigu accuses West of seeking to expand Ukraine war to Asia-Pacific
Russia accuses Ukraine of playing a 'key role' in anti-Israel airport riot : worldnews Russia accuses Ukraine of playing a key role in anti-Israel airport riot
Russia Blames External Interference For Anti-Israel Airport Riot
8/ Russian ultranationalists expressed concerns that antisemitic demonstrations will spread from #Dagestan and the North #Caucasus to elsewhere in #Russia.

How expensive is Russias Special Military Operation?Leaked documents from Russias Finance Ministry suggest defence spending will surge to 30% of total public spending in 2024.

Putin Dismisses Commander After Persistent Ukrainian Raids Across Dnipro River
A number of Russian Telegram channels claim that VDV commander Colonel General Mikhail Teplinsky has replaced the commander of Russia's Dniepr Group of Forces Colonel General Oleg Makarevich.

Putin Ally Warns EU Against Seizing Russian Assets for Ukraines Reconstruction

Ukrainian drones hit Nuclear waste facility, says Moscow : worldnews

International report - As Azerbaijan and Turkey join forces, fears of Armenia conflict grow : worldnews

Pakistan set to deport over 1.4 million undocumented Afghan nationals; UN seeks relief on Nov 1 deadline : worldnews

Ghana plunged into darkness as country faces economic woes : worldnews

1 dead, 3 hurt as multiple blasts rock Western Sahara : worldnews

Turkey celebrates 100th anniversary of republic with fireworks and navy procession : worldnews

Northeast Syria: Turkish Strikes Disrupt Water, Electricity : worldnews

Jordan asked US to deploy Patriot air defence missiles, army says : worldnews

Iran arrests lawyer at funeral of girl who died after metro incident : worldnews
Iran FM Says Tehran Does Not Want Israel-Hamas Conflict to Spread : worldnews
Iran Brags About Hamas Tunnels As Weapons Of War : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 35) : worldnews

US communicating with Israel at the highest levels about protecting Gaza civilians but quiet on expanding war
Situation in Gaza growing more desperate by the hoursays UN chief Guterres
Palestinian civilians didnt deserve to die in Israeli strikes, USchief security adviser says
UAE calls emergency UN security council meeting to seek pause to Gaza fighting : worldnews
Norway: Israel going too far in Gaza

Gaza war entered new stage and will be long and difficult, says Netanyahu
Netanyahu apologizes for statement blaming defense forces for October 7 : worldnews

How Years of Israeli Failures on Hamas Led to a Devastating Attack - The New York Times Israeli officials completely underestimated the magnitude of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas, shattering the countrys once invincible sense of security.
The Intelligence Failures - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... I'm going to stick with my argument that this is the biggest intelligence failure of the 21st century

IDF rescues soldier held hostage by Hamas : worldnews

Israel under growing pressure to trade Palestinian prisoners for Gaza hostages : worldnews

Shin Bet said to warn settler violence could cause West Bank eruption : worldnews

Oil prices could reach uncharted waters if Israel-Hamaswar escalates: World Bank

RSF video investigation into the death of Reuters reporter Issam Abdallah in Lebanon: the journalists vehicle was explicitly targeted ... Blamed for the incident by various witnesses, the Israeli army immediately declared that it was sorry and that it was looking into it. (again and again)
A Reuters journalist killed in southern Lebanon two weeks ago and others wounded in the same incident were deliberately targeted, a Reporters Without Borders investigation released on Sunday said : worldnews

Palestinian PM: we will not run Gaza without solution for West Bank : worldnews

Hostage negotiations stall over Hamas demand for fuel deliveries to Gaza : worldnews

Hamas sees all its hostages as Israelis, official tells Russian state media : worldnews

Israeli-German Shani Louks body found

What can the IDF do against Hamas tunnels? : CredibleDefense

Meeting in Malta Destroys Myth of Ukraine Losing Attention - Ukrainian Foreign Minister
Poll: 62% of Ukrainians favor postponing elections until after war : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 614, Part 1 (Thread #760) : worldnews undefined

Losses of the Russian military to 30.10.2023 : ukraine

We need 150 F-16s to protect Ukraines airspace.
he first F-16 fighters will appear in Ukraine, probably in the spring of 2024.

The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "Russia unsuccessfully tried to regain its lost positions near Andriivka in the Bakhmut sector and around Robotyne in Zaporizhzhya Oblast, while the Ukrainian military is continuing its offensive south of Bakhmut." / X Russia unsuccessfully tried to regain its lost positions near Andriivka in the Bakhmut sector and around Robotyne in Zaporizhzhya Oblast, while the Ukrainian military is continuing its offensive south of Bakhmut.

Denial of Georgias EU membership bid would be a big victory for Russia

Estonia's Belarusian community gathers to mark Night of Executed Poets

Slovak coalition partner expects commercial military sales to Ukraine to continue : worldnews

Bulgarias pro-EU parties score convincing win in local elections

German residents should start getting used to the idea that there is a danger of war in Europe, says Defense Minister Pistorius. He believes that the conflict in the Middle East and Russias war against Ukraine should have consequences in German society. In particular, Germany must be able to defend itself.
Far-right German politician arrested after Sieg Heil salutes heard

Spains human rights ombudsman found more than 1% of the adult population of said they were sexually abused as children by members of the Catholic church or lay people such as teachers at Catholic schools

UK ministers to hold Cobra meeting on terrorism threat from Israel-Hamas conflict : worldnews
UK to hold emergency response meeting on threat of terrorism : worldnews

he luxury real estate portfolio of the looters of Venezuelas state oil company revealed: 21 homes valued at $52 million

El Salvador charges a $1,000 fee on travellers from India and Africa to combat migration to the US : worldnews

Jamaican Supreme Court upholds colonial-era sodomy law : worldnews

Sikh independence vote takes place in B.C. amid Canada-India tensions : worldnews

Revising The History Of The 1990s - Lawyers, Guns & Money

FACT SHEET: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence | The White House
White House unveils wide-ranging action to mitigate AI risks : politics
Bidens Sweeping AI Executive Order Calls for Standards to Mitigate Harms to Workers Posed by Artificial-Intelligence Tech

This war is prophetically significant: why US evangelical Christians support Israel

Biden administration unveils new actions to combat antisemitism on college campuses : politics

The union keeps us strong - Lawyers, Guns & Money Great news:A six-week wave of strikes that hobbled the three largest U.S. automakers has resulted in tentative contract agreements that would give workers their biggest pay raises in decades while avoiding a protracted work stoppage that could have damaged the economy.

Labor wins bolster Bidens strategy
Can the Most Pro-Union President Maybe Ever Get a Little Love Here? : politics
A surge in wealth has boosted most US households since 2020 and helped sustain economic growth : politics

Tuberville says he will keep blocking military promotions despite Israels war (coach traitorfucker)

A justice who cared about ethics would want to resolve the questions surrounding the loan immediately particularly if there were an answer.

The Houses new speaker is a danger to democracy
Get Ready For It: Political Strategist Issues Dire Prediction About Mike Johnson
"Sexual anarchy": New House Speaker Mike Johnson showcases the incel-ization of the modern GOP | The Louisiana congressman's career has been centered around his bitter obsession with other peoples sex lives
Speaker Mike Johnsons corporate backers
Murcs law is a harsh mistress
The Christofascism of Mike Johnson - by Noah Berlatsky The new House speaker is an opposition researchers goldmine.
McConnell goes all out as Ukraine fight fractures GOP - POLITICO His intense lobbying effort puts the Senate GOP leader at odds with his new House counterpart, Speaker Mike Johnson.
McConnell, Speaker Johnson headed for shutdown clash over Ukraine : politics
Johnson says hes looking at subpoenaing Hunter Biden

Is the US turning into a Christofascist state? : politics

Does that mean if Russia attacks my country you will not be there? Thats right, thats what it means, I will not protect you [cheers]
Remind me again Putins preferred presidential candidate? --- EXCLUSIVE: Trump and his team are actively planning to pull the United States out of NATO or, barring that, kneecap the collective defense provisions at the heart of the alliance.

Donald Trump brutally mocked over multiple gaffes in speech : politics
Donald Trump Brutally Mocked Over Multiple Gaffes in Speech

How Trumps Verbal Slips Could Weaken His Attacks on Biden's Age - Donald Trump, 77, has relentlessly attacked President Biden, 80, as too old for office. But the former president himself has had a series of gaffes that go beyond his usual freewheeling style ... With droopy eyelids and mouth agape, Mr. Trump stammers and mumbles. He squints. His arms flap. He shuffles his feet and wanders laggardly across the stage ... He has long relied on an unorthodox speaking style that has served as one of his chief political assets, establishing him, improbably, among the most effective communicators in American politics
Update on Ol Joe Bidens old-age crisis, a crisis affecting only one candidate in the upcoming presidential election

Trump calls fraud trial judge "grossly incompetent" in latest Truth Social freak-out | Trump's rant against Judge Engoron comes a day after it was declared that his daughter Ivanka must testify : politics
Trumps Children Are Set to Take the Stand at His Fraud Trial This WeekThe former president himself is scheduled to testify in the civil case on Nov. 6 as the trial enters its second month.

Judge reinstates gag order on Trump in federal election subversion case : politics
Judge reinstates gag order in Trump election case : politics
Legal experts: Trump may have already violated gag order minutes after judge reimposed it

Trump says he has $100M in legal fees amid cascade of court battles : politics

14th Amendment Trump Disqualification Trial Begins in Colorado - The New York Times Some constitutional experts argue that a clause in the amendment should bar Donald J. Trump from becoming president again, but that view is far from universal among legal scholars.
Court arguments on blocking Trump from the presidential ballot under the insurrection clause begin

New York AG Considered Investigating Giuliani Over Ukraine : politics

Jan. 6 Rioter Tackled by Feds While Attempting to Flee Court : politics
Eschaton: Good Luck With That Wonder what he thought his actions would lead to.

Pence is unemployable. Mother will now have to work until she is 70. : PoliticalHumor

Spurned by moderates and MAGA: How DeSantiss coalition has deflatedCentrists have recoiled at DeSantiss entreaties to the Trump base. At the same time, he has lost ground with Trump supporters.
Ron DeSantis flustered as hes confronted on Floridas gun deaths
Ron DeSantis compares elementary school teachers to Hamas terrorists. He says both groups are negatively influencing students with a "dangerous" ideology. : politics
What we learned from our Florida voting rights investigation : politics

Public Education Is Free to All Students. Now Do Their Lunch : politics

Nearly 27,000 inactive Ohio voter registrations were quietly canceled last month. Is your name on the list? : politics

Sarah Huckabee Sanders lowest approval rating for governor in last 20 years, Arkansas Poll says : politics

North Carolinas GOP may have cracked the gerrymander code

Andy Kim is making a big bet on breaking New Jersey Democratic politics : politics

In Mississippi, most voters will have no choice about who represents them in the Legislature : politics

The Water Wars Deciding the Future of the WesFrom conservation to importing water from the Pacific, Democrats say they have all the answers to historic drought. The one thing no one wants to talk about: stopping the sprawl.

Alabama lawmaker & Moms for Liberty want to expand Dont Say Gay law to all grades. The angry mothers are on board for anage appropriate curriculum bill in high school
Republican lawmakers join Gays Against Groomers march : politics

Universal basic income is workingeven in red states

Movement against Georgias Cop City plans occupation and week of action

Congress, Do Your Job: Gun Control Demands Grow After Dozens Shot in Florida, Illinois, and Indiana
Its hell: Surge of Texas kids dying from gun violence carves canyons of grief through families | In 2012, around 100 Texans under 18 died of gunshot wounds. Last year, that number reached nearly 300.

UPDATE: Former state sen. Holmberg indicted on child sex tourism & pornography charges; pleads not guilty | The Mighty 790 KFGO | KFGO

Increased oversight of police reduces police misconduct without increasing crime. These findings conflict with narratives that greater oversight of police leads to increases in crime by constraining police. : science

Colorado man wearing tactical gear dies at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park over the weekend : news

Disabled man drags himself off plane after Air Canada fails to offer wheelchair : news

How to create a $19 billion company on the Internet - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Step One: Start with a $44 billion company:

Why Antidepressants Take So Long to Work | WIRED A clinical trial reveals the first evidence of how the brain restructures physically in the first month on SSRIsand the link between neuroplasticity and depression.

Excess fluoride linked to cognitive impairment in children: Long-term consumption of water with fluoride levels far above established drinking water standards may be linked to cognitive impairments in children, according to a new pilot study. : science

Extraterrestrial Ethics

What is the single most impressive human achievement of all time? : AskReddit

What do you think is the greatest threat to the United States? : AskReddit

TIL that monkeys not only understand money, but can also budget, differentiate prices and choose between safe or risky earnings --behaving pretty much identical to humans. : todayilearned

The VA provides substantially better health care than private hospitals financed by Medicare Veterans aged 65 and older who were taken by ambulance to a VA facility over a private hospital have far better survival outcomes and show higher indicators of quality care.

Whats a situation or condition that nobody understands, until theyre in it?

Whats the most fucked up thing youve seen on the internet ?

What is the dumbest war in history? : AskReddit

Youtubes Anti-adblock and uBlock Origin

Meta given 30 days to cease using the name Threads by company that trademarked it 11 years ago : technology


Solar power expected to dominate electricity generation by 2050even without more ambitious climate policies

Home countries of major rainforests agree to work together to save them : worldnews

H5N1 virus reaches the Antarctic for the first time - The virus was found in scavenging bird called brown skua. These migratory birds probably brought it with them from South America where bird flu has already killed an estimated 500,000 seabirds and 20,000 sea lions in Chile and Peru alone. : worldnews

Australia abstains from UN resolution calling for truce in Gaza, prompting criticism at home. Representative explains resolution did not recognise terror group Hamas as perpetrator of 7 October attack

Philippines Drops China Railway Deals, Seeks Other Funders : worldnews

Sharp rise in bear attacks in Japan as they struggle to find food : worldnews

South Korean, US troops drill for Hamas-style surprise attack from North Korea
South Korean court upholds ban on gay sex in military, in setback for LGBTQ community : worldnews

Chinese university students told to avoid private memorial events for former premier Li Keqiang : worldnews
As China Looks to Broker Gaza Peace, Antisemitism Surges Online : worldnews
Some deaf children in China can hear after gene treatment : technology

Russian Embassy won't accept applications to renounce citizenship; Finnish pols weigh dual nationality : worldnews Russian Embassy wont accept applications to renounce citizenship; Finnish pols weigh dual nationality

Anti-Jewish Mob Storms Daghestani Airport As Flight From Israel Arrives : worldnews
Russians storm airport in attempt to attack passengers of Israeli flight : worldnews
Entry to Citizens of Israel Strictly Forbidden: Antisemitism Growing in Russian Regions

Belarus Lukashenko says Ukraine-Russia conflict at stalemate, urges talks ... 'This idiot couldnt count his balls and get the same number twice.'

One killed, many injured as multiple explosions rock Kerala prayer meeting : worldnews

Bangladesh: anti-government protests turn violent. Following violent clashes in Dhaka that left at least one person dead, Bangladeshs main opposition party has called a nationwide strike for Sunda

High Court in South Africa rules that any parent has the right to four months parental leave : worldnews

Erdogan calls West main culprit behind Gaza massacre
Israel recalls diplomats from Turkey, to rethink ties to Ankara : worldnews
Israel recalls diplomats from Turkey in Gaza row : worldnews
Turkey Trying To Extradite Iranian Rights Activist : worldnews

Iranian Agents Are Trying to Sow Chaos at Pro-Palestinian Protests in UK: Report : worldnews

Ongoing ground operation in Gaza is only the beginning of next stage of war, Israels PM Benjamin Netanyahu says
I was wrong: Netanyahus rare apology with nod to Israels intelligence bosses
The rifts and disarray among Israels top leaders erupted into the open on Sunday when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to blame the military and security establishment for the failures that led to the surprise Hamas assault on Oct. 7 even as Israeli forces were broadening their ground war in Gaza.
After Fury, Netanyahu Deletes, Apologizes for Post Blaming Security Chiefs for Hamas Attack - Israel News - In a post overnight Saturday, Netanyahu asserted that he never received forewarning about Hamasdeadly attack. He earlier said After the war everyone will have to answer to hard questions...Right now, my task is to save the country
Netanyahu meets hostages families anxious over war
Israel-Hamas War - Netanyahu Says Israeli Troops Have Pushed Into Gaza

Israel reopens second of three water pipelines into Gaza : worldnews

Hundreds of thousands rally in global cities to support Palestinians : worldnews

Israel says its war can both destroy Hamas and rescue hostages. Their families are less certain : worldnews

Hamas didnt expect large US involvement amid war with Israel
A spiderweb of Hamas tunnels in Gaza Strip raises risks for an Israeli ground offensive

Israel strikes near Gaza;s largest hospital after accusing Hamas of using it as a base

Russia says Israels Gaza bombardment is against international law (world laughs)

IDF says it will allow significantly more humanitarian aid to enter Gaza from Egypt : worldnews

UN says civil order starting to collapse as Gazans loot aid distribution centers
Gazans break into aid centres taking flour, supplies, UN says : worldnews
Palestinian death toll has risen past 8,000, Gaza's Health Ministry says | AP News

Hamas says it wants all Palestinian prisoners for Gaza hostages : worldnews

600 Americans are estimated to be trapped in Gaza : worldnews
US blames Hamas for not letting American citizens out of Gaza : worldnews

Hamas rockets strike Israeli cities, causing injury and destruction : worldnews

Hamas ready to release all Russian hostages as two are "closest friends" : worldnews

Musk says Starlink will support connectivity to aid organizations in Gaza : worldnews

Deceit, Dread, and Disbelief: The Story of How Ukraine Lost Its Nuclear Arsenal : ukraine
Deceit, Dread, and Disbelief: The Story of How Ukraine Lost Its Nuclear Arsenal | The National Interest

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 613, Part 1 (Thread #759) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian Military up to 29.19.2023 : ukraine
Recent updates as of 29.10

Oryx, the main tracker of Russian and UkrainianEquipme nt losses during the war deleted his account off of X (twitter) (muskfucker)

Institute for the Study of War on X: "2/ It is too early, however, to determine what role former #Wagner personnel may play in Russian offensive operations against #Avdiivka." / X

This Russian advance west of Krasnohorivka and near Avdiivka tried to breach Ukrainian lines, but when Ukrainian artillery opened fire, chaos erupted and the crews and infantry abandoned their vehicles in droves. In the open entire Russian platoons got hit. At least two BTR got destroyed and six more abandoned.

Czech defense minister calls for countrys withdrawal from UN
UN condemned Israel more than all other countries combined in 2022

Pope says it's "urgent" to guarantee governance roles for women during meeting on church future : worldnews

Thousands of demonstrators join banned pro-Palestinian march in Paris : worldnews
Frances Macron pledges to make abortion rights irreversible

Rishi Sunak to double down on anti-green policies in kings speech
UK police urged to double use of facial recognition software : worldnews

Colombian retired army officer German Alejandro Rivera Garcia gets life in prison for killing of Haiti president Jovenel Moise

Acapulco Ravaged By Looting After Hurricane Otis : worldnews
Mexican president slams critics in wake of deadly hurricane: They circle like vultures

Biden administration moves toward more wind energy in Gulf of Mexico : politics

Americas Disaster Recovery System Is a Disaster

US halts exports of most civilian firearms for 90 days : worldnews

How the US has used its veto power at the UN in support of Israel | Israel-Palestine conflict News : politics

Tuberville says he will keep blocking military promotions despite Israels war

A kind of tribalism: US supporters of Israel and Palestine fail to admit suffering of other side

Saudi defense minister to visit White House amid fears of regional war : politics

When you spend 5% of your annual Pentagon budget to support Ukraine while destroying 50% of Russian military equipment, thats a good investment - Republican and ex-governor of the state of New Jersey, Chris Christie said.
Arming Ukraine today is cheap compared to the far higher price the West will have to pay if Russia wins : ukraine

The great wealth transferisnt $73 trillion but $129 trillion, Bank of America saysand the government gave most of it to baby boomers

Why This Election Is the Most Crucial Since the Civil War : politics
We cant fight the Republican partys big lie with facts alone

Term limits for Congress are wildly popular. But most experts say theyd be a bad idea

Mike Johnson Conducted Seminars Promoting the US as a Christian Nation
New GOP speaker defends extreme anti-LGBTQ views:Go pick up a Bible
Gaetz: Johnson victory proves MAGA power over Republican party : politics
Mike Johnson rebuked in blistering home state newspaper column: "Extreme" : politics
Where Is Mike Johnsons Ironclad Oath?
New House speaker Mike Johnson praised 18th-century valuesin speech (
House Speaker Mike Johnson Responds to New Round of Scrutiny About Black Son. The Louisiana representative cited privacy as to why there are no pictures of his "adopted" child in public family photos.

The mystery of Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Just watched the first episode of Alexandra Pelosis The Insurrectionist Next Door

All the people Donald Trump cant insult anymore or hed risk violating court orders

Trump launches nasty rant at fraud trial judge: CRAZED in his hatred of me
Trump calls New York judge a nut job for ruling requiring Ivanka to testify
Ivanka Trump to testify Friday in the NY civil fraud trial heres how she can hurt her father and brothers

Opinion | Jenna Ellis Could Become a Star Witness Against Trump - The New York Times

Trumps niece calls him a toddler for storming out of fraud trial
Trump Is Confused by Allies Guilty Pleas, Spokesperson Says
Trump Forgets Which City He Is in During Iowa Campaign Speech : politics

Trumps mounting legal troubles intensify with rough week in court

Michael Cohen describes facing pathetic Trump at fraud trial

Nikki Haley accuses Donald Trump of pursuing chaos, vendettas and drama at Jewish Republican event

Establishment Republicans Are Reviving the Myth of Mitt Romneys MartyrdomThe chaos of the past few weeks has revived the notion that Donald Trumps rise was precipitated by the Democrats rough treatment of the Utah senator.

The Devil's Bargain Mike Pence Could Not Escape - The former vice president tied himself to Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign and it may have cost him a political future. (like he ever had a "future')
Whomp Whomp - Lawyers, Guns & Money Mother is going to be so disappointed that God in fact does not speak through Mike Pence and he has dropped out of the presidential race

Mike Pence Simplifies the Gag Order Dispute - emptywheel
Judge reinstates Trump gag order in Jan. 6 case - ABC News

Schwarzenegger says he would like to see Manchin run for president | The Hill (idiot)

A mass shooting in Maine, and all Republicans can offer are prayers to the church of guns | The very least our political leaders owe us is to enact commonsense gun laws aimed at ebbing the tide of violence. But Republicans only seem capable of giving us the very least: prayers. : politics
Maine police were alerted weeks ago about shooter's threats : politics
Shooting kills 2 and injures 18 victims in Florida street with hundreds of people nearby : news

The Trump era has changed the politics of local elections in Georgia, a pivotal 2024 battleground : politics

Kyrsten Sinema's Delusional Exit Interview - The Arizona senator believes she single-handedly saved the U.S. Senate.

Florida Republicans Demand Ron DeSantis End 2024 Run To Focus on His Job : politics
DeSantis Defends Banning Pro-Palestinian Groups from Florida State Colleges : politics
DeSantis allies earn big paychecks on the front lines of his culture fights : politics
Florida school removed Bible from shelves over sexually explicit content. The Bible contains passages about naked people, drunken incest, and one sex worker who compares her well-endowed male lovers to donkeys.

North Carolina Republicans Are About to Win Their War Against Democracy | The New Republic Conservatives are locking in an outrageous partisan gerrymanderand locking out nearly half of the states voters.

The deep inequity of the anti-college movement : politics

The Immigration Debate at the Texas Legislature Has Devolved : politics

Foster care probe uncovers 1,790 children went missing in Georgias system

New York Republicans Offer Motion to Expel George Santos From Congress : politics

Chicago Is Considering Opening a Municipal Grocery Store : politics

The campaign spotlight this weekend is on Nevada, where dueling elections could confuse GOP voters : politics

Weed wins galvanize Capitol Hills anti-cannabis club ... Raging alcoholic congressmen fight the use of safer recreational chemicals

Checking in on the intellectual giants of Silicon Valley - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Runaway fast as you can - Lawyers, Guns & Money Who would have thought that Ye would be a massive asshole to work with? ... Inside their partnership, the artist made antisemitic and sexually offensive comments, displayed erratic behavior, and issued ever escalating demands, a New York Times examination found. Adidass leaders, eager for the profits, time and again abided his misconduct.

Friends Star Matthew Perry Dead at 54 ... After Apparent Drowning
Medical examiner indicates additional investigation required in death of actor Matthew Perry : news ... He had 15 trips to rehab

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,468 - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This is the grave of Brock Adams. Adams had a bit of a rape problem. I mean, he was a habitual sexual harasser too, but when that didnt work for him, he was happy to use force. Now, the Senate was full of absolute reprobate scumbags in these years. There was Bob Packwood. There was Ted Kennedy. There was Chris Dodd. There was Strom Thurmond. There was a culture of utter contempt for women. For lots of these guys, they saw the women who crossed their path as prey. Of all these senators, probably none were more overtly predatory than Adams. He was a big date rape drug guy. Several women reported by the early 90s that he had drugged and raped them

Eschaton: Larry Summers - Big Brain Genius A maddening thing is how most of the powerful people (and I don't mean dumb celebs) who backed all this stuff will be allowed to forget it ... Larry Summers and the ever growing but little known ties he has to an array of shady financial companies. The latest development is that Digital Currency Group (DCG), a firm that Summers advised for years,

What Is the Mandela Effect? Examples and Explanations - How masses of people can have the same false memory

ELI5: Can someone explain to me Robert Sapolskys theory about people not having free will and what that means?

Viagra could slash risk of Alzheimers by 60%

ELI5: Why is iron the most atomically stable element? : explainlikeimfive

Trauma, severe stress in childhood linked to criminal legal involvement in next generation. Study is the first to show an intergenerational relationship between parental adverse childhood experience (ACE) exposure and a young persons involvement in the criminal legal system.

Political PersonCulture Match and Longevity: In Republican states, up to 50.1% of all Republicans but only 36.3% of all Democrats reached an age of 80 years. In Democratic states, there was no such longevity gap. This effect is limited to persons with strong political convictions ... urns out that you dont get more conservative with age. Poor people just die first (+republicans kill people)

What are your thoughts on chiropractors? : AskReddit

TIL The bronze doors of the Pantheon are the original doors from 2000 years ago : todayilearned

Whats an event in history that is so ridiculous it sounds fake?
What is the adult version of finding out that Santa Claus doesnt exist?
What has been the stupidest decision of your life? How did it turn out? : AskReddit
What small habit improved your mental health drastically? : AskReddit
ELI5: Smoke inhalation and tobacco : explainlikeimfive

How good was Brave New World? : books

Tours like Gropius House? : boston

Whats the most bizarre house rule youve encountered at someone elses home?
What have you always done, but later found out was gross? : AskReddit

Whats a change you made during the pandemic that has positively affected your life?

Bostons Map, Explained

What was the weirdest thing you were bullied for? : AskReddit

What was your fastest thats enough Internet for today moment?


Chemical crisis: The unseen toxic threat contaminating wildlife worldwide exposure to toxic chemicals like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and flame retardants.

Everything for the front: Russian MPs back 68% rise in military spending

Russian journalist who protested war on live TV stripped of custody rights by Moscow Court : worldnews

Indians Given Death Penalty in Qatar Accused of Spying for Israel, Sources Say : worldnews

Iranian teenage girl dies a month after losing consciousness in disputed incident on Tehran Metro : worldnews (longbeard towelhead muzzfuckers)
Iran warns Hezbollah ready for Israel ground offensive : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 34) : worldnews

Israeli Military Launches Major Ground Incursion In Gaza : worldnews
IAF strikes 150 Hamas tunnels, bunkers; tanks in Gaza; Gallant: War entered new phase : worldnews
Israel expands ground operation in Gaza and bombs Hamas tunnels after knocking out communications : worldnews
Hamas vows full force after Israel steps up Gaza ground operations
When this is over, Gaza will be very different Israeli PM adviser
History will judge us all UN chief Antonio Guterres says as Israel steps up offensive in Gaza

Nations overwhelmingly vote for ceasefire resolution at the UN, 120 vs 14 : worldnews
US among 14 countries to vote against UN resolution on Israel-Hamas truce
India abstains on UN vote calling for humanitarian truce in Israel-Hamas conflict : worldnews
Terrorism a malignancy, knows no borders: India tells UNGA on Israel war

UN says Gaza Health Ministry death tolls in previous wars credible

U.S. Imposes New Sanctions to Cut Off Hamas Funding : worldnews

Hamas Has Stock of Food, Water and Fuel As Gazans Scrounge for It - The New York Times Hamas has spent years stockpiling desperately needed fuel, food and medicine, as well as ammo and weapons, in the miles of tunnels it has carved out under Gaza.
Hamas Has Stock of Food, Water and Fuel As Gazans Scrounge for It - The New York Times Hamas has spent years stockpiling desperately needed fuel, food and medicine, as well as ammo and weapons, in the miles of tunnels it has carved out under Gaza

Palestinian shot dead by settler while harvesting olives in West Bank - report : anime_titties

Israeli military says it cant guarantee journalists safety in Gaza

Hamas religious scholars: Spill the blood of Israeli soldiers and settlers

BBC correspondent demands staff accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing in leaked email

Zelenskiy Says Russia Loses At Least A Brigade Trying To Take Avdiivka
Pro-Moscow Ukrainian politician shot in apparent assassination attempt | Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 612, Part 1 (Thread #758) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 28.10.2023 : ukraine

Russia is now suffering one of the largest losses of equipment and personnel near Avdiivka in 2023. It is alleged that the Russians have deployed up to 8 brigades in the area of Avdiivka. These units probably suffered some of the worst losses seen in the Russian army in 2023. Even Russian war correspondents harshly criticize the tactics of warfare and the meat assaults promoted by their command.
2/4) Russia has probably committed elements of up to eight brigades to the sector. These elements have likely suffered some of Russias highest casualty rates of 2023 so far.
(4/4) Political leaders demand more territory to be seized but the military cannot generate effective operational level offensive action

Orban is proud of his relationship with Putin, he said in Brussels
Luxembourg PM: By meeting with Putin, Orban essentially gave Ukrainians the middle finger
Estonian and Lithuanian leaders criticize Orban's meeting with Putin

Media: Tracking device in Polish president's car may have been planted by Russia. Polish State Protection Service (SOP) officers believe the vehicle could have been bugged for months prior to the discovery.
Poland changes construction laws to curb pathological housing development

As baby boomers retire, German businesses turn to robots : worldnews

Spanish probe estimates more than 200,000 children abused by Roman Catholic clergy : worldnews
Spanish Church sexual abuse affected 200,000 children, commission finds : worldnews

Final Army base stripped of Confederate name as Fort Gordon becomes Fort Eisenhower : politics

US immigration enforcement used an AI-powered tool to scan social media posts "derogatory" to the US | "The government should not be using algorithms to scrutinize our social media posts" : technology

Biden has succeeded all along. The media cant ignore it.

America has a revenue problem. Blame George W. Bush and Donald Trump. Even though the national debt is rising, spending cant be blamed.

Americans are growing less sympathetic to Israel as war fears grow : politics

Tuberville claims wars in Ukraine, Gaza were created by Democrats

The uniparty: The far-right obsession driving GOP chaos, explained

Did Republicans just sacrifice their majority by voting for Johnson? : politics
For Mike Johnson, Religion Is at the Forefront of Politics and Policy : politics
15 Not-Fun Facts About Speaker Mike Johnson ... the least-experienced House Speaker in 140 years. ... the earth was formed supernaturally less than 10,000 years ago and that all forms of living things, including humans, on earth were independently created at about the same time
Mike Johnson is well within the mainstream of todays GOP
For Mike Johnson, Religion Is at the Forefront of Politics and Policy - The New York Times The new House speaker has put his faith at the center of his political career, and aligned himself with a newer cohort of conservative Christianity that some describe as Christian nationalism.
The mainstream Republicans - Lawyers, Guns & Money the mainstream of the Republican party now consists of authoritarian theocratic reactionaries, which seems like a bit of a problem in a liberal democracy, given that the Constitution only allows us to have two parties, and thats one of them ... the percentage of Americans who believe in the literal truth of the Bible, as new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson very much does, has fallen by 50% in the last 40 years. White evangelical Protestantism is in massive retreat as a demographic matter, which means that the choice for these people is between America as a Christian -- this means white evangelical Protestant -- nation, and some form of democracy

New Speaker Mike Johnson suddenly cant remember his anti-LGBTQ+ comments
Speaker Mike Johnson Explains Low Profile of Adopted Black Son
White House Rips New GOP Speakers Offensive Mass Shooting Comment
White House hits Johnson over claiming gun violence was a matter of the 'heart'
Mike Johnsons Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest

The Big Lie is expanding: Majority of Republicans now insist Trump never tried to overturn election - As Trumps legal saga unfolds, his followers are sticking their heads in the sand

"Incorrect and misleading allegations": Jack Smith accuses Trump of lying to delay Mar-a-Lago trial : politics

Trial within a trial: Trumps strategy on verge of imploding

US judge asks Trump if he wants his federal election trial televised : politics

In Fulton Trump probe, case unfolds as textbook RICO : politics

Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump to testify : politics
Daughter Ivanka Trump must testify at Donald Trumpscivil fraud trial, New York judge rules

Bill Barr knocks Trump for having verbal skills that are limited

Bidens Primary Challenger Unleashes Bizarre Claim On Why Hes Running For President ... Phillips, a distillery heir and one of Congress wealthiest members

Ron DeSantiss claim he sent military equipment to Israel unravels

Wisconsin judge rules that GOP-controlled Senates vote to fire top elections official had no effect

The Return of Jim Crow : politics

Ohio Secretary of State Larose Quietly Removes More Than 26,000 Ohioans From Voter Rolls : politics

Rep. Matt Gaetz insinuates GOP Rep. Jason Smith is a closeted gay man | And Smith isnt the only Republican who is being accused of living a closeted life

Arkansas governors $19,000 lectern remains out of sight, but not out of mind with audit underway

This bill is dead private school vouchers face a roadblock in the Texas House with days left in the session

Governor signs bill to ban corporal punishment in all schools : politics (New York)

Menendezs Wife Got Mysterious Job at Egypt-Linked COVID Lab

Maine Shooting Suspects Body Found in Trailer: Officials
Robert Card, suspect in Lewiston shooting, is dead from apparent self-inflicted gunshot, authorities say | CNN ... Suspect bought gun legally days before psychiatric evaluation
Maine shooter found dead : boston
The same day a military reservist murdered dozens, Senate votes to make sure people found incapable of handling money can still have guns : politics
Susan Collins gun control stance faces scrutiny after Maine mass shooting
US States Vary in Firearm Ownership as Well as the Storage and Carrying Habits of Owners. Findings highlight that the policies in place in any given state may have profound effects on the behaviors of the residents and the safety of the communities in those states
Daring Fireball: The Aftermath of a Massacre Is Always the Time to Push for Gun Legislation
Commerce wants to ensure its not undermining policy interests

Abortions increased the year after Roe was overturned : politics

This Billionaire Hedge Funder Is Quietly Financing Anti-Trans Advocacy Across The U.S. : politics ... Joseph Edelman

Tech layoffs are back with a vengeance | TechCrunch : technology

Nan Goldin Slams Artforum for Firing Editor Over Israel Letter

Happy anniversary to The Times They Are a-Changinthe truly cursed Bob Dylan Broadway musical that opened on this date in 2006 (and closed a couple weeks later). For "Like a Rolling Stone," they had the whole cast -- wait for it -- roll around on stones.

Individuals with ADHD who are evening types are more likely to have depressive symptoms : science

Number of dementia cases could be 42% higher than previously estimated by 2040: Up to to 1.7 million people could be living with dementia in England and Wales by 2040 over 40% more thanpreviously forecast finds a new study

Earths Core May Have Been Leaking Helium For Millions Of Years

US to build new nuclear gravity bomb : technology

Mercy Brown and the New England vampire scare of the 1700s A vampire panic gripped New England in the 1800s. The true evil was in the air.

Undying Dread: A 400-Year-Old Corpse, Locked to Its Grave - The New York Times

My 13-year-old niece and movies from the 70s and 80s

What is Rodman doing? : WTF

Whats the most terrifying dream or nightmare youve ever had?

Joan Pickett is suing the city to remove bike lanes, and is running for city council. : CambridgeMA
She is suing to remove the bike lanes and wants to sit on the city council as insurance if the suit is dismissed. : CambridgeMA
Interesting Take by Dan Totten : CambridgeMA

Massachusetts cannabis businesses challenge constitutionality of federal drug laws : politics


Brazil scientists developing new vaccine for cocaine addiction ... The vaccine works by triggering patients immune systems to produce antibodies that bind to cocaine molecules in the bloodstream, making them too large to pass into the brains mesolimbic system, or "reward center" where the drug normally stimulates high levels of pleasure-inducing dopamine.

Japan investigates foreign YouTubers accused of dodging train fares and stealing food : worldnews

Bloomberg: China to skip talks on Ukraine peace formula. Chinas expected absence from the Malta talks marks a setback in attempts to garner international support for President Volodymyr Zelensky's peace formula and to sway Beijing away from Moscow.
Chinese fighter jet got within 10 feet of US bomber over South China Sea, US military says : worldnews
China shows off a Tibetan boarding school thats part of a system some see as forced assimilation

Russia: Unacceptable to accuse us of supporting terror after Hamas visit : worldnews

Happy 32nd Birthday to our friend and colleague Evan Gershkovich, who is still in jail in Russia awaiting trial on espionage charges. We continue to call for his release #FreeEvan #IStandWithEvan

Ukraine war: Russia executing own retreating soldiers : worldnews

Russia raises interest rate to 15% after steep climb in inflation : worldnews

Indian Navy keeps close watch on Chinese warships moving for engagement with Pakistan Navy : worldnews

Erdogan targets LGBT community, says Turkey needs much larger population
Erdogan accuses Biden of ignoring internationallaw because blood spilled is Muslim

Blinken asks Qatar to "tone down the rhetoric" of Al Jazeera : worldnews

19 US troops have Traumatic Brain Injury after drone attacks in Iraq and Syria : worldnews
US Strikes Iran-Linked Sites In Syria In Retaliation For Attacks On US Troops : worldnews

Biden warns Iran against targeting US troops in Middle East : worldnews

900 US troops have deployed or are deploying to Middle East amid heightened tensions | CNN Politics

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 33) : worldnews

John Hudson on X: "U.S. officials are increasingly concerned that a ground invasion could derail negotiations to free nearly 200 hostages, result in numerous casualties among Palestinian civilians and Israeli soldiers, and trigger a wider war in the Middle East" / X
UN calls for immediate durable and sustained humanitarian truceamidst Gazas communications blackout and bombardment
U.S. urging Israel to rethink Gaza ground invasion - The Washington Post U.S. officials say a full-scale ground invasion risks a wider war in the Middle East and jeopardizes the lives of hundreds of hostages
Israeli poll finds 49% support for holding off on Gaza invasion | Reuters

Near-Total Internet Blackout Hits Gaza As Israel Ramps Up Strikes : worldnews
Hamas headquarters located under Gaza hospital : worldnews
OSINTdefender on X: "The Israeli Defense Force has released an Infographic showing the Hamas Headquarters and Terrorist Complex beneath the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City." / X

Despite Bidens doubts, humanitarian agencies consider Gaza toll reliable
Biden condemns retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank : worldnews

This is not a war with Palestinians but Hamas: Israel envoy at UNGA : worldnews

Hamas spox storms off interview after question on massacre of civilians : worldnews

Gaza hospital blast evidence shows it was caused by rocket, not airstrike - WaPo : worldnews

Missile strikes Egyptian Red Sea town near Israeli border : worldnews

The girlbossification of global warfare : anime_titties

War in Ukraine: Russia suffering significant lossesin new offensive, White House says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 611, Part 1 (Thread #757) : worldnews

The Russian trench rat/mice issue is a fairly serious one that reportedly really went downhill over the past few weeks as cold weather set in.

Russian Navy mine hunter reportedly explodes in bay at Russian-occupied Sevastopol : worldnews

Orban doubles down at EU summit to defend meeting Putin. One leader calls it a very wrong message : worldnews

EU to show Film Festival in Russia despite war in Ukraine : worldnews

Quran-burning protester is ordered to leave Sweden but deportation on hold for now : worldnews

Germany arrests businessman suspected of selling drone engines to Russia : worldnews

Austria to compensate gay men convicted under discriminatory laws : worldnews

Spanish Clergy Sexually Abused 200,000 Children : worldnews

Mass protests in Panama to reject new concession for largest copper mine in Central America : worldnews

Congress Job Approval Drops to 13%, Lowest Since 2017

Clarence Thomas loan report spurs new ethics criticism of US Supreme Court : politics
The case of Clarence Thomass motor home gets curiouser and curiouser

Russian TV fawns over new House Speaker Mike Johnson: "This suits us" : politics ... There's a civil war happening in the US spurred on by Russia and a failed TV conman. What a weird timeline ... All of Americas ancient enemies--confederates, nazis, and soviets--coming out of the woodwork to support the failed reality star.
Mike Johnsons Campaign Contributions From Company Tied to Russia
Election Denial, Sexual Anarchy, Noahs Ark: All the Mike Johnson Details We Regret to Inform You Of
New House Speaker Thinks Creationist Museum Is PointingPeople To The Truth
Mike Johnson tries to back-pedal on anti-gay comments : politics
Nine Takeaways From Mike Johnsons First Interview as SpeakerThe Louisiana Republican spoke about how his worldview is dictated by the Bible, and discussed issues including abortion, gay marriage and aid for Ukraine.

Mike Johnsons conspiracy theories about illegals mark a new GOP low ... Democrats are scheming to supplant American voters with immigrants.
Mike Johnson points to a Biden impeachment, even if the facts do not - The Washington Post
Is the Republican Speakership Cursed? Mike Johnson Is About to Find Out. - The New York Times Kevin McCarthy was just the latest in a series of Republican speakers and speaker wannabes who faced revolts. Speaker Mike Johnson should take note.
Dems Turn Mike Johnsons First Viral Moment Into Anti-GOP Ad
He Seems to Be Saying His Commitment Is to Minority RuleA Q&A with historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez on the Christian nationalist ideas that shaped House Speaker Mike Johnson.
Joe Scarborough Delivers Blistering Takedown Of Mike Johnsons Gun Logic
Five Ways Mike Johnson Will Help Make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker in 2025 | Dennis Aftergut | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia
(172) We have a new House Speaker. How bad is he? BAD. - YouTube
let the circus begin : PoliticalHumor

Trumpism Is Running the House : politics

As Republicans embrace theocratic authoritarianism, the political media is tongue-tied | Press Watch - By Dan Froomkin

Trump doubles down on calling Hezbollah very smart

Trumps Claim of Immunity From Prosecution Defies American History, Special Counsel Argues
Buried in DOJs Absolute Immunity Response, a Comment on Trumps Suspected Zenith Crimes

Judge orders Ivanka Trump to testify in $250 million fraud case

Trumps Vanishing Act: Why Trump Rallies Are Going Extinct ... Trump has been holding about two rallies per month. Thats way down from his previous campaigns, like in 2016 when he held 323 rallies, or 70 rallies during COVID.

Trump Jr. Hits RFK Jr. in Iowa: A Democrat Plant

Republicans have ruled Wisconsin for a decade but a court decision could change that

A federal judge says Georgia's political maps must be redrawn for the 2024 election : politics

House Democrat moves to force vote on censuring Marjorie Taylor Greene : politics

Authorities identify all 18 victims; still searching for suspect
The time has now come: Maine congressman Jared Golden reverses course on assault weapons ban
DeSantis points to liberal, soft on crime policies in wake of Maine mass shooting (DeSuckus)
Mass shootings as symbolic issue - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Another way of putting this is that, using even the broadest definition, mass shootings account for almost none of Americas sky high gun-related homicide and suicide rates

Sam Bankman-Fried made the not-easily-defensible decision to testify in his trial, and apparently things are not off to a good start: ... Sam Bankman-Fried is so fucked.

A year later, Musks X is tilting right. And sinking.
Its long been obvious that Elon Musk cared more about making Twitter more right-wing than making money, But given how much he paid the sheer unsustainability of this model is getting pretty staggering: ... Yet dozens of studies from multiple organizations have shown otherwise, demonstrating on issue after issue a similar trend: an increase in harmful content on X during Mr. Musk's tenure.
Free dumb of the speech : PoliticalHumor

The Weirdo TechBro Elite - Lawyers, Guns & Money Ezra Klein has a long piece of the bizarro ideas of Silicon Valley, particularly the fetish of the ancient world where MEN WERE MEN AND THERE WAS NO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. God, these people are just the biggest fucking dorks of all time. And yet, people legitimately see them as heroes, as they did with Musk before he immolated himself buying and destroying Twitter ... In July, Marc Andreessen the godfather of the web browser, one of the founders of the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and arguably the chief ideologist of the Silicon Valley elite ... We are used to thinking of our ideological divide as cleaving conservatives from liberals. I think the Republican Partys collapse into incoherence reflects the fact that much of the modern right is reactionary, not conservative. This is what connects figures as disparate as Jordan Peterson and J.D. Vance and Peter Thiel and Donald Trump. These are the ideas that unite both the mainstream and the weirder figures of the so-called postliberal right, from Patrick Deneen to the writer Bronze Age Pervert.

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Ghost Influencer - The New York Times Almost 25 years after her tragic death, the lithe blonde is the muse of the season.

Kanye West and Adidas: How Misconduct Broke a Lucrative Partnership - The New York Times

Religion and Forced Labor - Lawyers, Guns & Money the ridiculously gigantic new Hindu temple in New Jersey has forced labor written all over it ... While this is of course New Jersey and not California, this is another reason why Governor Empty Suit Newsom should have signed the caste discrimination bill in his state.

Cambridges Forsyth Institute joins ADA to create biggest monster in dentistry

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Admits Discontinuing Windows Phone Was A Mistake : windowsphone

Everything in the Universe Fits in This One Graph. Even the Impossible Stuff : science

Something Mysterious Appears to Be Suppressing the Universes Growth, Scientists Say

The fascinating world of Voronoi diagrams | by Francesco Bellelli | Towards Data Science

The Case Against Prof. Donald Hoffmans Case Against Reality

Road Rage - Interior Dam Cam of man driving through Parade : videos

Who is the biggest fraud in history? : AskReddit

Cats have nearly 300 facial expressions : science


Clean energy is officially unstoppable now The International Energy Agency says theres no turning back in the global shift to clean energy.

Scientists Discover An Ancient Landscape In An Area On Earth Less Well Known Than The Surface Of Mars

The Scientists Watching Their Lifes Work Disappear

South China Sea: Biden says US will defend the Philippines if China attacks : worldnews

Malaysia to warn TikTok, Meta over alleged blocking of pro-Palestinian content : worldnews

IMF: Japanese economy to drop to 4th in world, trail Germany : worldnews

Dismay as South Korea upholds military sodomy lawfor fourth time (

If North Korea sustains the recent scale and pace of military-related shipments (more than 1,000 containers over the last several weeks), it will be on course to become one of Russias most significant foreign arms suppliers, alongside Iran and Belarus. (2/4)

Taiwan reports 15 Chinese air force planes in its air defence zone : worldnews
Taiwan found retired air force colonel guilty of operating an espionage network for China, handing him a 20-year prison term : worldnews

1,000 cats rescued in China from being slaughtered and sold as pork, mutton | CNN : worldnews

Russian media say Hamas delegation has arrived in Moscow : worldnews
Putin warns Israel-Hamas conflict could spread beyond Middle East, condemns Gaza bombing : worldnews

Russian military executing soldiers who dont follow orders, White House says
Whats this all for?: Russian deserters call on former comrades to join them
Russia prison population plummets as convicts are sent to war - The Washington Post
Russia prison population plummets as convicts are sent to war - The Washington Post

Armenia sees no advantage in keeping Russian military basesPM quoted

Air pollution: Delhi air turns very poor but 'worst is yet to come' : worldnews
Israeli Ambassador Naor Gilon says time has come for India to declare Hamas as a terrorist group : worldnews
India exploring all legal options after Qatari court sentences 8 Indians to death for spying

Broken Lebanon cannot afford war, and Hezbollah knows it : worldnews

Irans Quds Force trained 500 Hamas terrorists for massacre of Israelis - report
At UN, Iran warns US will not be spared if war in Gaza continues

[MEGATHREAD] Israel/Hamas Conflict - Monthly : anime_titties

Before and after satellite images show Gaza destruction | CNN : anime_titties

Biden administration pushes for a humanitarian pause in Israels military campaign in Gaza
Israel agrees to U.S. request to delay Gaza invasion- WSJ : worldnews

Progress on India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor could be a reason behind Hamas attack: Biden : worldnews

UN secretary general says comments on Hamas attack were misrepresented as Israel retaliates with visa ban

Netanyahu Evokes Religious Prophecy in Israel-Gaza War Speech : worldnews

Israeli troops carry out hours long ground raid into Gaza before an expected wider incursion : worldnews
IDF briefly sends tanks, troops into northern Gaza in targeted raid overnight
IDF kills a top Hamas commander in airstrike in Gaza Strip : worldnews

Rights group reports over 100 assaults by settlers on Palestinians since wars start

138 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza hold foreign passports : worldnews
Trapped in Gaza for 2 weeks, hundreds of American citizens still not able to leave: Hamas blocking exit according to state department : worldnews

Nazi symbols resurface in Huwara for second time in 10 days : worldnews

They are shooting at people Gazan says Hamas preventing evacuation to safety
Hamas tunnels under Gaza stretch miles, holding hostages and weapons : worldnews

Biden condemns retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank : worldnews
Biden says he has no confidence in Palestinian death count

Hamas Armed Wing Says Almost 50 Israeli Hostages Killed In Raids
Hear resident of Gaza say Hamas blocking citizens from heading south : worldnews

Israeli ambassador to UN Erdan shows UNGA video of Hamas decapitation at ceasefire debate : worldnews

Where is he: Benjamin Netanyahus son Yair stays in US amid Hamas war

Arab-Israeli actor Maisa Abdel Hadi arrested over her social media post about Gaza, accused of supporting terrorism

Pro-Palestinian creators use secret spellings, code words to evade social media algorithms : worldnews

Zelenskiy Claims Nuclear Plant Was Likely Target Of Russian Drone Attack In Western Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine says it created a whole battalion from Russians who signed up to fight their own country : worldnews
~ Ukraines Army Enlists Russians Eager to Fight and Defeat Putin
Ukraines Army Enlists Russians Eager to Fight and Defeat Putin
Ukrainian GDP grows 9.1% in September y/y - economy ministry : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 610, Part 1 (Thread #756) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 26.10.2023 : ukraine

Russia Struggles for Symbolic Victory at Avdiivka, Losses Surging to Record Levels : worldnews

The Shadow unit shows how aRussian tank blew up on aUkrainian mine. After that, the Russian tank crew made the right decision to get rid of the equipment, demining the mined areas as they moved, detonating their own mines

#Ukraine has suspended the use of its new #BlackSea grain corridor due to what it sees as a threat from #Russia's warplanes, the #Kyiv-based Barva Invest consultancy reported.
Ukraine says its Black Sea grain corridor is working : worldnews

Lithuania moves to ditch controversial Russian-style anti-gay propagandalaw

Ancient complex unearthed in central Athens : worldnews

Germany: Nationwide raids target neo-Nazi music scene : worldnews
Germany arrests Islamist planning anti-Israel terror attack : worldnews
Anti-Semites cannot be granted German citizenship under new law - minister : worldnews

Visitors to UK who incite antisemitism will be removed, says minister | Immigration and asylum : worldnews
2 London police officers have been dismissed over the stop and search of a Black athlete couple : worldnews
Former British police officer jailed for abusing over 200 girls on Snapchat : worldnews

Otis stunning turn to monster Pacific hurricane kills at least 27 in Acapulco

U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected : politics
U.S. economy glows red hot with a 4.9% GDP reading for the third quarter : politics

Huge Clarence Thomas R.V. loan forgiven by wealthy businessman, Senate investigation finds : politics

Trump Ally Mike Johnson Elected House Speaker, Shifting GOP Further Right : politics
House Republican tells reporter to shut up for asking Johnson about overturning 2020 election
Mike Johnson Would Rather Not Discuss His Robust Attempts to Overturn the 2020 Election - In addition to trying to block Joe Biden from becoming president, Johnson is also antiabortion and anti-LGBTQ+ : politics
Can the GOP ever come to grips with the lies of 2020? - POLITICO
As House speaker, Mike Johnson is as dangerous as Jim Jordan : politics
Trumpist Mike Johnson is the US House speaker. Theres plenty to fear
The New House Speaker Once Helped Force the Government to Pay for a Noahs Ark Theme Park
How new House Speaker Mike Johnson spent years fighting against gay rights - ABC News The staunch social conservative previously called gays destructive
Speaker Mike Johnson Blamed Abortion for School Shootings
Opinion | A fifth-string speaker suits up for House Republicans - The Washington Post

Chris Christie on What Mark Meadows Immunity Deal Means for Trump: he Walls Are Closing In Around Him

Legal experts: Trumps defense may be doomed as 5 more co-defendants seek Fulton plea deals

Jack Smith Asks Court To Jail Trump If He Keeps Yapping About Witnesses | The special counses new court filing wants a federal gag order reinstated with time behind bars if Trump violates it.
Trump isnt accustomed to restrictions. That's beginning to test the legal system
Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge sayshis denial rings hollow and untrue
Retribution or remarkably vindictive? Why Trumps push formore presidential power alarms his foes

Judge Forces Trump to Testify for Insult Then Fines Him $10K : politics
Trump storms out of court chased by Secret Service after being slapped with a second fine : politics
Donald Trump rages at "sleazebag" witness who took the stand against him : politics

Michael Cohen Stares Down Trump and Drops Fraud Trial Bombshell : politics

Trump election-theft plotters admit their crimes Seeking prominence and influence, they instead earned ignominy.

Colorado judge paves way for trial on whether 14th Amendment disqualifies Trump from office : politics

Judge says Georgias congressional and legislative districts are discriminatory and must be redrawn

N.C. Republicans pass redistricting map expected to flip 3 House seats : politics

Inside the secretive melting of Civil War monument Robert E. Lee - Washington Post Melted down in secret, the divisive Confederate monument will be turned into a new piece of public art
Georgias lieutenant governor wants to pay teachers $10,000 a year to carry guns at school

At least 18 killed, 13 wounded in shootings in Lewiston, Maine, governor says. Person of Interestidentified.
Lewiston, Maine, mass shootings: What we know so far
Live updates: Lewiston, Maine, mass shootings, Robert Card identified as person of interest

Maine's loose gun laws come under scrutiny after deadly shootings The state does not require permits to carry concealed guns or background checks for private gun sales
Senate Adopts Amendment to Let Veterans With Mental Issues Keep Guns Five senators who caucus with Democrats joined Republicans in voting to adopt the amendment
Newsmaxs Live Programming Completely Ignored Maine Mass Shooting

Video shows people sprinting out of bowling alley in Maine | CNN
L.L. Bean closes headquarters, stores and factories in Maine after mass shooting | CNN Business

Family Reveals Suspected Gunmans Link to Maine Massacre Sites
Video: Little girl grazed by bullet in Maine shooting asks heartbreaking question | CNN
Maine's gun laws need common-sense updates
Madness in the Name of Freedom,Says Stephen King After Maine Gun Massacre

Numerous verified X accounts are claiming that the Maine mass shootings were a false flag (Elon the Evil, part 666)

Massachusetts, Boston police agencies using Callyo app should get a warrant first The days of old style body wires may be gone. But police still need to have rules, and follow them, with newer surveillance technologies.

Bob Dylan does not allow phones at his concerts : Music

They Cracked the Code to a Locked USB Drive Worth $235 Million in Bitcoin. Then It Got Weird

The tragically millennial vocabulary of the Sam Bankman-Fried trial

See How Humans around the World Spend the 24 Hours in a Day - Scientific American

Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM : technology

Amid cocaine addiction, the brain struggles to evaluate which behaviors will be rewarding: neuroimaging demonstrates that cocaine addiction alters the brains system for evaluating how rewarding various outcomes associated with our decisions will feel

Eli5 What exactly is a tesseract? : explainlikeimfive

Jada Pinkett Smith Announces Shes Pregnant WithChris Rocks Baby (maybe the Onion)

Inside the movement to legalize magic mushrooms in Massachusetts - The Boston Globe Organizers have collected more than 75,000 signatures on a ballot initiative to legalize psychedelic mushrooms.

Who are some people you know personally, or otherwise, who ruined their own lives, and how? : AskReddit


World on brink of environmental tipping points, UN says : worldnews

2023 state of the climate report: Entering uncharted territory | BioScience : science

An investigation has been opened into the death of a scientist who was studying a prion disease in Spain : worldnews

Luxury condos used as base for scam calls, says Malaysian police : worldnews

Japan investigates foreign YouTubers accused of dodging train fares and stealing food : worldnews
Japan court rules mandatory sterilisation of people officially changing gender unconstitutional : worldnews

China said the US is a disruptor of peace in response to Pentagon report on Chinas military buildup.

Russia doesnt need territories. It needs acceptance that it can invade territories. Its game is geopsychology, not geopolitics. Aim is to feel stronger and make others feel weaker. If you give away territories to Russia, you accept it did a right thing and can invade again

Lukoil chairman dies suddenly, second in just over a year : worldnews

Sudan now one of the worst humanitarian nightmares in recent history

Congo machete attack: 26 killed by suspected Islamist militants : worldnews

Turkeys Erdogan says Hamas is not a terrorist organization

Jordans Queen Rania says no evidence of Hamas atrocities

Saudi crown prince tells Biden Israel normalization can resume after war : worldnews

Blinken tells UN: US doesn't want war with Iran but will defend itself : worldnews
Anti-Hamas Sentiments Grow In Iran As Israel Becomes More Popular : worldnews
Biden is worried about wider war in the Middle East. Here's how it could happen. From Yemens rebels launching missiles to alleged Israeli settler killings of Palestinians in the West Bank, the entire region faces chaos.
Hamas terrorists trained in Iran before attack on Israel, WSJ reports : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 32) : worldnews

Netanyahu: Even I will have to answer for October 7 massacre : worldnews

BREAKING: Russia & China veto U.S. led security council resolution that condemns Hamas October 7 attack, supports Israels right to defend itself and calls for release of hostages and for humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza
OSINTtechnical on X: "Netanyahu confirms that there will be an Israeli ground invasion of the Gaza Strip with two goals: 1. Destroy Hamas 2. Rescue hostages Says that the Chief of Staff and the war cabinet have scheduled a start time." / X

Israel Agrees to Delay Invasion of Gaza So U.S. Can Rush Missile Defenses to Region

IDF says Gaza photos show half million liters of fuel held by Hamas : worldnews

Israel vows again to destroy Hamas, rejecting calls for a cease-fire in Gaza at a major UN meeting : worldnews
Israel can make own decisions, says Biden; IDF ready for ground invasion in Gaza

How can you agree to cease-fire in Gaza? Israel again vows to destroy Hamas
IDF says Iran behind Hamas terror; Gaza rulers blocking civilian escape to safety : worldnews

UN chief shocked by misrepresentation of comments in row with Israel (
Israel envoy calls for resignation of UN chief who said Hamas attack did not happen in a vacuum
Israel says it will ban UN staff after secretary generals comments

Israels military tells UN in Gaza: ask Hamas for fuel

Family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau head killed in Israeli air raid : worldnews

Austrian Chancellor Visits Israel, Says From the River... Will Be Considered Call to Murder

We found a father, embracing his little boy from a charred lump: Testimony of Israels top pathologist
IDF spokesman reveals: This is the note found on the terrorists body
IDF publishes audio of Hamas terrorist calling family to brag about killing Jews : worldnews

Hamas Operatives Used Phone Lines Installed In Tunnels Under Gaza To Plan Israel Attack Over 2 Years, Sources Familiar With Intelligence Say : worldnews

US and Gulf nations target secret Hamas investment portfolio worth up to $1 billion |

Hamas Tries Another Incursion by Sea, Israeli Forces Kill Divers : worldnews

Squad of female IDF combat troops eliminated nearly 100 Hamas terrorists : worldnews

A Close Look at Some Key Evidence in the Gaza Hospital Blast - The New York Times A widely cited missile video does not shed light on what happened, a Times analysis concludes

New York Times rehires Hitler-praising freelance journalist Soliman Hijjy to report on Israel-Hamas war : worldnews

General Staff: Russia launches major attack across entire eastern front : worldnews
Ukraine will strike Russian fleet in occupied Abkhazia Zelenskyy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 609, Part 1 (Thread #755) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Oct. 25, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

1/ Hundreds of Russian soldiers may have mutinied in recent weeks as the Russian army accumulates huge losses in offensives in several regions of Ukraine. At least 173 men are reported to have been detained for refusing orders, and this may be just the tip of the iceberg.

After 1000s of dead and 100s of lost armour units at Avdiivka, moscow managed to installed a flag on a nearby still-contested height But not for long thanks to Ukraines Shadow FPV drone unit

Minister: Ukraine to produce tens of thousands of drones per month by year's end : ukraine

The Hungarian parliament on Tuesday refused a proposal to hold a vote on Swedens bid to join NATO, further delaying the Nordic countrys inclusion in the military alliance.

Pope accepts resignation of Polish bishop after gay orgy scandal in diocese : anime_titties

French Intelligence Suspects Russia Is Behind Bedbug Hysteria : worldnews

"Catastrophic" Category 5 Hurricane Otis nears Acapulco, Mexico : worldnews ... (#1) first cat 5 landfall of pacific hurricane ever. (#2) world record for 24 hours rapid intensification, only behind hurricane Patricia (#1) world record for 12 hours rapid intensification.

Eschaton: Can't Even Follow The Plot For A Few Paragraphs "Democracy" as we understand it can't be reduced to just "people who win the elections get to do what they want," but the idea of people being able to vote was the key rhetorical frame of this supposed zeal for spreading Democracy ... Over 15 years later can we stop pretending that the Bushies were trying to spread Democracy? Fucking hell.

Senate committee finds Clarence Thomas committed six-figure tax fraud - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Opinion: Millennials and Gen Z Are Tilting Left and Staying There : politics

Nearly one in four Americans believe political violence justified to save US

Who is Rep. Mike Johnson, the new House speaker? - The Washington Post He opposed certifying the 2020 election ... He voted against further Ukraine aid (Russian pawn)
GOP speaker nominee Mike Johnson played a key role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election
Well, We Have a Speaker. He's an Election Denier and an Extreme Christian Fundamentalist. Meet Mike Johnson, Republicans new House speaker.
Shouting down an election-denial question embodies the Republicansproblem
Shouting down an election-denial question embodies the Republicans problem
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson once wrote in support of the criminalization of gay sex | CNN Politics
A new Johnson - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The three key litmus tests for the people who control the GOP: 1)thinks Congress should have installed Donald Trump as dictator, 2)fanatically anti-trans, 3)affirmatively supports Vladimir Putins unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Whee!
I liked The Handmaids Tale better when it was a dystopian satire ... Lets bring back forced birth so that we have enough workers to fund Social Security and Medicare without raising taxes on plutocrats!
How's this for creep factor? - Lawyers, Guns & Money The new Speaker of the House is in a "covenant marriage"
The Republican moderates, in their reasonableness, decided to do a replay of the 1930s moderate conservatives in Germany. How much trouble could this innocuous man do?
New House Speaker Kicks Things Off With Crass Remark About His Wife | The New Republic Representative Mike Johnson made a gross gaffe about his wife in his acceptance speech.
Dont Know Who Mike Johnson Is? Neither Do Senate Republicans

Tom Emmer drops out of contention for House speaker, hours after winning GOP nomination : politics
Tom Emmer drops speaker bid within hours: The MAGA cult is in a death spiral - For Trump loyalists, the possibility of total government collapse is basically a positive : politics
Room GaspedDuring Bible-Thumping GOP Conference Confrontation | A closed-door meeting of Republicans turned sour after Georgia Rep. Rick Allen took aim at Tom Emmers support for same-sex marriage.

Republicans nominate Mike Johnson for House speaker in latest attempt to break GOP impasse : politics ... a New York Times article that called the Louisiana Republican the most important architect of the Electoral College objections on Jan. 6, 2021, aimed at keeping then-President Donald Trump in power even though he lost.

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims: Sources - ABC News
Cautions on ABCs Huge Mark Meadows Scoop
Mark Meadows Flips on Trump, Spills to Jack Smith: Report : politics
Mark Meadows reportedly testified to grand jury after receiving immunity : politics
Trump lashes out at Mark Meadows after he's granted immunity in Jan 6 case

Trump rages as former acolytes turn against him under legal heat : politics

Sidney Powell pushes claims that 2020 election was rigged and prosecutors 'extorted' her after she pleaded guilty to election interference

With Plea Deals in Georgia Trump Case, Fani Willis Is Building Momentum : politics

Trump fraud trial live updates: Judge fines Trump $10,000 for violating gag order - ABC News
Michael Cohens Testimony Breaks Donald Trump

Trump made crude Oval Office remark about fate of Kurds in Syria, book says | Books | The Guardian Ex-president interrupted briefing to ask why he should give a uck about Kurds amid US troop withdrawal, Adam Kinzinger writes

Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Snaps At Heckler In Bonkers Exchange | HuffPost Latest News A protester got in the face of the former secretary of state, and she just wanted him to shut up during a panel at Columbia University.

No Labels Weird, Anti-Democratic Plot to Hand the 2024 Election to Trump

Right-wing judges want to put the crue back in cruel and unusual punishment.

Mitt Romney throws Kyrsten Sinema under the bus

The Absurd Lawsuit That Could Bankrupt Planned Parenthood | The New Republic An anti-abortion activist and Texass attorney general have teamed up to try to force the organization out of the state -- and now an anti-abortion judge has advanced their cause. (Kaksmack)
Texas Republicans Ban Women From Using Highways for Abortion Appointments : politics
In Texas, Local Laws to Prevent Travel for Abortions Gain Momentum : politics
All-Male Commission Passes Abortion Travel Ban in Lubbock County, Texas : politics

Voters soundly reject Gabrielle Hanson, other MAGA candidates in historic Franklin, Tennessee election : politics

City of Orlando buys Pulse nightclub property to build memorial to massacre victims | The gay nightclub was the site of a 2016 mass shooting where a gunman killed 49 people and wounded 53 others. : politics

Youngkin bets 15-week abortion limit is winner in Virginia and beyond - The Washington Post

Tennessee faces federal lawsuit over decades-old penalties targeting HIV-positive people Tennessee is the only state that imposes a lifetime registration as a violent sex offender if convicted of engaging in sex work while living with HIV, according to the complaint.

The Shadowy Right-Wing Think Tank Pushing Transphobia | The New Republic The American Principles Project has lost election after election but its influence in the GOP is still growing.

This Day in Labor History: October 25, 1940 - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Eschaton: Sounds Bad Do Tesla next.

A mother reported her son missing in March. Police kept the truth from her for months. : news

Amadeus Electric Quartet - Wellerman [Sea Shanty] : Music

What Science Fiction and/or Dystopian Novels have elements that have come true? : books

Freuds Last Session trailer - Anthony Hopkins plays Freud as he debates C.S. Lewis on the existence of God

TIL that Johns Hopkins had to retract a study about the effects of MDMA that they published because they realized that instead of ecstasy, theyd given METH to all but one of the research subjects.

Roosters do not warn the bird in the mirror: The cognitive ecology of mirror self-recognition : science

Narcissistic personality traits are related to poorer response to psychotherapeutic treatment. This is the result of a German multi-site study with more than 2,000 participants receiving inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy : science

Millions of Americans Have Cognitive Decline and Dont Know It | Studies suggest up to 10 million Americans don't know theyre living with mild cognitive impairment, and few doctors identify it as often as they should.
ELI5: Why is the replacement level for population considered 2.1 and not 2? : explainlikeimfive

22 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity may provide an antidote to the ills of prolonged sitting. Research found as a persons activity level increases, the risk of dying prematurely from any cause goes down

Which person who died too early in life had the most potential? : AskReddit

What is the most depressing book you've ever read and why? : books

Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella admits that pulling the plug on Windows Phone was astrategic mistake,in a broad interview

Catholic reverend repeats ridiculous anti-trans talking point about kids IDing as cats : massachusetts

Video: Revere cop violently arrests man for parking in handicapped spots : massachusetts

The surprisingly subtle ways Microsoft Word has changed the way we use language : technology

Yugoslavia' s Digital Twin - Kaloyan Kolev - What happens when a country's internet domain outlives the nation?


West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse Is Unavoidable
An ancient river landscape preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet | Nature Communications

Earths vital signs worse than at any time in human history, scientists warn

Bird flu detected in Antarctica region for first time : worldnews

This will have a significant impact on Europes health systems, top professor says.

South Korea detains boat carrying suspected North Korean defectors : worldnews
Four North Koreans defect to South Korea after arriving in Sokcho : worldnews

Li Shangfu axed as defence minister in second China leadership shock : worldnews

India set to overtake Japan as third-largest economy by 2030: S&P Global : worldnews
India says Canada has done continued interference in its internal affairs

Queer Afghans cry for help under Taliban rule, citing private prisons, torture & death : worldnews

Nigerias paramilitary raids birthday party for gay people, 76 arrested
Nigeria: 76 people arrested for organizing a gay wedding

Turkeys Erdogan submits Swedens NATO bid to parliament for ratification

White House says Iran actively facilitating some attacks on US military bases
Israel says it has evidence of Iranian involvement in Hamas attack

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 31) : worldnews

U.S. readies plans for mass evacuations if Gaza war escalates - The Washington Post Officials said that the more than 600,000 Americans living in Israel and Lebanon are of particular concern, but they stressed that an operation of such magnitude is a worst-case scenario
Netanyahu Got All the Warnings,Says Former Head of Israeli Military Intelligence

UN chief Antonio Guterres says Hamas massacre didn't happen in a vacuum
Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack did not happen in a vacuum calls for his resignation

Hamas says released two hostages: 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz and Nurit Itzhak : worldnews
Freed Israeli grandmother is peace activist who helped sick Gazans, grandson says : worldnews
Hamas considering release of 50 hostages with foreign nationalities, report : worldnews
Hamas terrorists: We were told whoever brings a hostage gets $10,000

All three Italians missing after Hamas attack are dead, Rome says : worldnews

Israel shows Hamas bodycam attack footage to journalists : worldnews
Israel screens unseen Hamas bodycam footage of attack : news

The Red Cross is on the way to receive 50 hostages with dual citizenship : worldnews

New York Times backtracks on Gaza hospital blast coverage

Leading Arab Israeli actor Maisa Abd Elhadi detained in Israel for supporting Hamas assault : worldnews

Israels using widespread GPS tampering to deter Hezbollahs missiles

Hamas channels blocked on Telegram on Android : worldnews

Russian morale has broken against the steel hearts of Ukraine : ukraine
Volodymyr Zelenskyy - For years, Russias fleet and control over the Black Sea have created the illusion of insurmountable dominance. The relocation of hundreds of thousands of Russians and mass opression have created an illusion of a subdued Crimea. Illusions are vanishing now. We make them vanish.
Second, Russian terrorists no longer have a single safe base or fully protected logistical route in Crimea or the occupied Black and Azov seacoasts. We have not yet established full fire control over all of Crimea and adjacent waters. But we will. This is only a matter of time.
SBU was behind the assassination of Russian hardliners daughter ... The attempted assassination was mostly carried out by a mother and her 12-year-old daughter who had smuggled bomb parts across the border in a carrier for a pet cat

Podolyak: Musks suggestion to surrender Ukraine is catastrophic mistake
Elon Musk Said There Is No Ukrainian Partisan Movement. Ukraines Partisans Are Furious
Presidents Office responds to Musk who called for surrenderingparts of Ukraine to Russia

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 608, Part 1 (Thread #754) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 24.10.2023 : ukraine

Ukraines Dnipro River Crossing Operation Widens, Kremlin Sources Say Bridgehead Will Be Crushed

Ukraine Launched Underwater Sabotage Attack On Sevastopol, Russian Governor Says

Special Operations Forces destroy rare Russian radar system : worldnews

Women in Iceland go on strike for a day to protest pay gap and violence : worldnews

Cable between Estonia, Sweden damaged by external force or tampering

Orban blasts the European Union on the anniversary of Hungarys 1956 anti-Soviet uprising
Large crowd gathered at the anti-government demonstration in Budapest : worldnews

Billionaire tax needed to tackle inequalities, says EU research group : worldnews

Macron flies to Israel to push for humanitarian truce, proposals : worldnews
Frances Macron proposes that anti-Islamic State coalition fights Hamas
A knife-wielding man arrested near a french high school, had radical religiousbooks and photos of beheadings

Police stopped pro-Israel rally in London due to safety fears
Hamas fugitive living the high life in UK-funded London home
British Navy replacing Chinese laundrymen with Nepali Gurkhas to prevent spying : worldnews

Rio gangsters torch at least 35 buses after Brazil crime boss killed : worldnews

At least 24 killed, including at least 12 police officers, in attacks in Mexico : worldnews
After rainy season that wasnt, parched Mexico City starts restricting water

Toronto mayor condemns pro-Palestinian protest that targeted Jewish-owned restaurant
Chinese bots targeted Trudeau and others - Canada : worldnews

Bernie Sanders Responds to Bidens Request for $105 Billion Aid Package:We Have Crises Here at Home Too

Jill Biden makes stand for LGBTQ+ community and condemns US book bans : politics

Supreme Court Asked (Again!) To Rule That Recording Cops Is Protected By The 1st Amendment : politics (unqualified invisibility)

Kevin McCarthy dismissed Liz Cheney warning before January 6, book says : politics

A President Who Was Compromised recordings expose Donald Trump discussing classified intel

The Conspiracy to End America review: Trump and the fascist threat : politics

"Dominos are falling": Fourth Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case : politics
The Lawyers Now Turning on Trump : politics

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case : politics
The layers of falsehoods that led to Jenna Elliss plea deal
Trump co-defendant Jenna Ellis expected to plead guilty in Georgia : politics
Jenna Ellis, in tears, says she has remorse as she takes plea dealin Georgia election case
MAGA wants their money back after Jenna Ellis pleads guilty : politics

Trumps lawyers demand fraud trial stopped because of a COVID-19 risk but none are wearing masks in court

Trump Is Actually Guilty of the Kind of Bribery Republicans Imagine Biden Did : politics

Michael Cohen testifies in front of Donald Trump in New York fraud trial : politics
Michael Cohen Testifies That Trump Tasked Him to Reverse Engineer His Assets with His 'Arbitrarily' Inflated Number

Trump seethes at gag order in Jan. 6 case while his campaign relishes it - The Washington Post The former president took advantage of a temporary pause in the restriction to resume attacking special counsel Jack Smith

Trump Vows to Block Immigrants Who Dont Like OurReligion

Trump Tells Supporters: Dont Worry About Voting on Election Day ... The former president said his supporters would be better off watching other voters than voting themselves.

Trump Officially Tries to Kill Tom Emmers Speaker Bid Just hours after Emmer won the speaker nomination, Trump posted to Truth Social and may have ended his chances immediately.

Seven of the nine men running for House speaker voted to overturn the 2020 election results : politics
Republicans Pick Yet Another Election Denier As Next House Speaker : politics

The GOPs Fetish for Political Violence Is Reaching Dangerous New HeightsThe Jim Jordan speakership fiasco shows that theRepublicans have grown so comfortable with threats and intimidation that theyre now turning on each other.
Opinion: We could be witnessing the Republican Party break apart in real time : politics

The No Labels Partys Radical New Plan to Force a Contingent Election

The quiet vindication of Hakeem Jeffries : politics
A functioning democratic system would make Hakeem Jeffries speaker : politics

Bob Menendez Got Boeing Cash After Egypt Aircraft Deal : politics

Kyrsten Sinema said she doesnt care if she loses reelection because shesaved the Senate by myselfand can go serve on any board I want to,book says

DeSantiss War on Woke Colleges Gets Even More Absurdand Dangerous: A proposed rule for Floridas public campuses would muzzle advocacy of issues that polarize or divide society among political, ideological, moral, or religious beliefs.

How has RFK Jr. raised all that money? - POLITICO

Kentucky Election Update - Lawyers, Guns & Money (refuck wants girls to have rapist's babies)

Republican Party of Virginia mails out thousands of explicit fliers about Susanna Gibson scandal

Dobbs has not reduced total legal abortions in the USA - Lawyers, Guns & Money

This stupid country - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... We cant even hold presidential elections that feature no unintentional gun homicides committed by the candidates.

Eschaton: America's Worst Humans Melissa DeRosa. Extra context:
Not even for one moment does Melissa DeRosa linger on the possibility that so many people were coming forward with stories about her former bosss abuse because he abused people (Andrew Cuomo)

41 states sue Meta, claiming Instagram, Facebook are addictive, harm kids : politics

UPDATE: Woman charged with homicide of Mika Westwolf ... White is allegedly a white nationalist; she named her children "Aryan" and "Nation."

Runaway Teen Alicia Navarros Boyfriend Hit With Child Porn Charges

Twitter really is losing users under Elon Musk. Twitter, now X, really is shrinking under its new owner.

New data shows, for the first time at this level of detail, how much studentsstandardized test scores rise with their parentsincomes and how disparities start years before students sit for tests ... In the vast majority of cases class not race was just a bait-and-switch.

PSA: Uranium Glass - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Apollo 17 Samples Reveal That The Moon Is 40 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought : worldnews

Wee entering a pretty strong El Nioheres what that means for a USwinter


New study suggests collapse of West Antarctica ice sheet, and up to 5 m of sea level rise, unavoidable even under most ambitious GHG mitigatation scenarios : science

Opinion: Why shouldnt elephants have rights? Theyre intelligent beings who can feel joy and sorrow

140 Endangered River Dolphins Have Died In The Amazon; Up To 400 Dolphins Are Still Trapped Waiting To Be Rescued : worldnews

COVID Is Ramping Up for a Year of Deadly Surges Scientists hope that by the end of 2024 COVID may become more flu-like but before that fading immunity means more killer waves are on the way.

Now that the government has turned responsibility for covid vaccine distribution over to the private sector, we are seeing delays and shortages that didnt take place during the declared state of emergency. To be effective, vaccines must be made easily available. Government distribution worked pretty well. What is happening now is not.

Study shows the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in Japan in 2021, finding they reduced mortality by more than 97%. : science

Philippines says Chinese coastguard intentionally collided with its boats
US renews warning it will defend Philippines after incidents with Chinese vessels in South China Sea | AP News
Philippines says a coast guard ship and supply boat were rammed by Chinese vessels at disputed shoal : worldnews
U.S. repeats warning it will defend Philippines after China ships ram vessels in Manila : worldnews
The Philippines summons Chinese ambassador after two South China Sea collisions : worldnews

Russia has likely suffered up to 480,000 soldiers killed or wounded in the war against Ukraine, says UK Ministry of Defence : worldnews

A price cap on Russian oil aims to starve Putin of cash. But its largely beenuntested. Until now

Russia has spent around $167 billion on its full-scale war against Ukraine between February 2022 and August 2023, according to Forbes Ukraine. This includes direct war expenses and lost equipment. Thousands of Russians are slain every week, but their lives are worthless to the Kremlin ... Roughly 1/3rd of Russians don't have running water or indoor toilets in their homes ... Putins Russia is the most heinous evil the world has witnessed since WWII.
From a poster to Russian reality. Russian culture does indeed sponsor Putin's war in #Ukraine. Because #RussiaIsATerroristState.

US beats China to emerge as Indias biggest trading partner during first half of FY24
Kota: Stricter rules for India student hub after suicides : worldnews
YouTube is Autogenerating Videos for Songs Advocating the Expulsion of Muslims from India : worldnews

Pakistans Imran Khan could face the death sentence in trial over revealing state secrets

At least 15 dead, over 100 injured in Bangladesh train collision : worldnews

War In Sudan Has Killed Up To 9,000 People In Six Months, Says UN Aid Chief : worldnews

Israel expands evacuations as Lebanon border clashes escalate : worldnews

Iran warns Israel to stop war in Gaza or region will go out of control
Iran will not hesitate to launch missile at Haifa, IRGC commander warns : worldnews
Iran Warns Israel To Stop War In Gaza Or Region Will Go Out Of Control
Intelligence shows Iranian-backed militias are ready to ramp up their attacks against US forces in the Middle East : politics

80% of Israelis say Netanyahu must take public responsibility for Oct. 7 failures : worldnews
Netanyahu told to quit now as ex-leaders pin blame on dysfunctional government | Benjamin Netanyahu
Protesters call for Netanyahu ouster, families of hostages desperate for answers : news

Israel War Live Updates: Hamas Releases 2 More Hostages as Gaza Death Toll Rises - The New York Times The two women were taken to a medical center in Israel to be reunited with family, while more than 200 others are still believed to be held, including their husbands. Two other captives were set free on Friday.

U.S. Advises Israel to Delay Gaza Invasion, Officials Say - The New York Times The Biden administration has suggested that more time is needed for hostage negotiations, the delivery of aid to Palestinians and mapping out ways to avoid more civilian casualties.

Around half a million people displaced in Israel : worldnews

Israel Says It Has Confirmed 212 People Held Hostage In Gaza : worldnews

Editors Note: Gaza Hospital Coverage
Editors Note: Gaza Hospital Coverage - We relied too heavily on terrorist propaganda and we promise to think carefully before doing that in the future .... Fuck off and fire the people involved ... Notice the use of passive voice and sherking of any responsibility for their malpractice
Hamas Fails to Make Case That Israel Struck Hospital : worldnews

IDF shows foreign press Hamas bodycam videos, photos of murder, torture, decapitation | The Times of Israel

Names written on childrens bodies speak to the fears of Gazan parents amid the Israel-Hamas war | CNN
Hamas torture confirmed as Israeli forensics institute identifies victims : worldnews
Hamas Leaders Ordered Slaughter of Women and Children, Captured Terrorist Says Under Interrogation: Report : worldnews

An atmosphere of fear: free speech under threat in Israel, activists say

Police chief hails exemplary behavior of Arab Israelis amid war with Hamas

Bodies of four Nepalis killed in Israel handed over to their families : worldnews undefined

New Israeli unit has one goal: Kill all terrorists involved in massacre : worldnews

IDF provides proof of Hamas rockets launched near schools, mosque : worldnews

What Are Your Red Lines?

I think people here are not quite aware of the scale of catastrophe Israel is facing beyond the massacre. I don't want to compare it to Gaza. Israel is a rich country and has not been under siege and massive airstrikes for decades. Still, the situation is dire:
It has been savaged by Netanyahu and his clerical fascist allies. The government that abandoned Israelis on the 7/10 continues mismanaging this civil emergency. The lack of rational democracy is remarkable and mirrors the strategic folly of the treatment of Gaza.
But it also includes a reckoning that the entire extreme-right-wing project led by Netanyahu has failed. This process has been brewing for the entire year but is now reaching a sad climax in reaction to the governments utter failure on 7/10 and after.

Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia - The Washington Post

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 607, Part 1 (Thread #753) : worldnews

This Tank Instills Great Fear: Ukrainian Troops Praise Leopard 2 Tanks Sent By Sweden

Russian Armored Attack Shot to Pieces Under Fierce Ukrainian Artillery Fire : worldnews
Russia Deploys Pre-WWII Tech on Avdiivka Assault : worldnews

Six postal workers killed in Kharkiv missile strike - BBC News : worldnews

Polands president slams student Marie Andersens vile anti-Semitic sign after global fury

Pro-Israel Rally At Berlins Brandenburg Gate

Synagogues in Spain hit with anti-Israel graffiti as relations strained by Gaza war : worldnews
Spanish police say they have confiscated ancient gold jewelry worth millions taken from Ukraine : worldnews

Three ISIS-supporting teens were arrested for planning to attack the Israeli embassy in Paris : worldnews

Israeli ambassador to Ireland accuses President of spreading misinformation about Gaza attacks : worldnews

10,000 demand hostages be freed in emotional Trafalgar Square rally : worldnews
Leaders of groups behind London pro-Palestinian march have links to Hamas : worldnews
Fury as Islamists chant Hamas slogans on the streets of London during huge pro-Palestine protest the same day the Met allowed a 'jihad' chant - as Robert Jenrick says police chiefs will be summoned to explain their actions
Suella Braverman to challenge Met Police chief over handling of protesters chanting jihad
Organisers of pro-Israel prayer walk in north London say theyve been silenced by police

Far-right populist Javier Milei fails to win first round of Argentinas presidential election | Argentina

Joint Statement on Israel | The White House : worldnews
US and other Western nations issue joint statement on Israels right to defend itself, obligation to adhere to humanitarian law

Thoughts on Israel and Gaza - Barack Obama

Biden says Hamas attacked Israel in part to stop a historic agreement with Saudi Arabia : politics

Rep. Schiff: Bidens trip to Israel a monumental showing of support
Biden walks a tightrope with his support for Israel as his partys left urges restraint

The $14 billion question - by Judd Legum the direct cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was $2.2 trillion. Since the wars were financed with debt, the total cost could exceed $4 trillion by 2030 and $6.5 trillion by 2050.

How Biden is continuing to cancel student loan debt despite Supreme Court ruling : politics
Debt Activists Bought $10M in Student Debt for $125,000 and Canceled It All

$10 Trillion in Added US Debt Since 2001 Shows Bush and Trump Tax Cuts Broke Our Modern Tax Structure

Umm, GOP: When Did You Become the Pro-Child-Labor Party? : politics

Youre Not Imagining It: Support for Political Violence Is Growing | Donald Trumps vitriol is having an impact.
Trump Plots to Pull Out of NATO If He Doesnt Get His Way

Trump Bizarrely Declares I Was Never Indicted After Being Indicted Four Times

Donald Trump faces nightmare scenario : politics

Tapes of Aussie Billionaires Bragging Pull Curtain Back on Trump Presidency
President Trump revealed much more to Australian business man Anthony Pratt that just info about US submarines : politics
Trump denies telling red haired weirdo Mar-a-Lago billionaire about classified info
Trump fumes after "Fake News" New York Times leaked audio report : politics
An Australian billionaire said Trump called him to say, I just bombed Iraq today'

Hes like a mob boss: legal experts alarmed by Trumps attacks on judges
Imagine Handing This F****d-Up World Back to Donald Trump: Democrats had better start making the all-too-obvious case that a return to Trumpism would do untold damage to a vulnerable world. : politics
Trump is single most dangerous threat to the US, warns Republican Liz Cheney

Trump mocked for denying Sidney Powell was his lawyer after she pleads guilty : politics
Trumps Pardon of General Flynn Under Scrutiny After Sidney Powell Flips

Trump, Cohen stand to come face-to-face at New York fraud trial : politics

Trump to seek presidential immunity against E. Jean Carrolls 2019 damage claims
Cognitive Decline? Trump Mixes Up Autocrats Who Love Him : politics

Biden, Trump tie at 37% as RFK Jr. costs Trump support: Suffolk Poll

Another GOP Bombshell About Joe Biden Turns Out To BeA Dud

Mitch McConnell Gets Testy in CBS Confrontation About Health Issues : politics

Republicans cant govern. Just ask them.
Has the Republican Party proved to be so anti-government that it cannot govern at all? : politics
Republicans Grapple With Being Speakerless, but Effectively Leaderless, Too : politics
Embarrassing for the Republican Party: GOP lawmakers lash out as House remains frozen without a speaker
Nine More Republicans Sign Up For Speaker Bid, Likely Public Humiliation : politics
Nobody should want to be the next speaker. Its about whatcomes after

US Senator Menendez to be arraigned on foreign agent charge : politics

GOP Lawmaker Goes To Town On Matt Gaetz And Hi

George Santos told a NYT reporter his niece was kidnapped by Chinese Communists, but an official said he madeit up
George Santos lied about his five-year-old niece being kidnapped by two Chinese men : politics

In deep red Kentucky, Democrats bet abortion will be a winning issue in the governors race

Tennessee Republicans keep losing court battles with drag queens : politics

Oklahoma attorney general files lawsuit to stop first publicly funded religious school in U.S. : politics

The Evangelicals Calling for War on Poor People: A new, antisocial strain of the prosperity gospel is making its way into pulpits and breeding new hostility toward the least fortunate Americans. : politics

The Department of Justice has sought documents related to vehicle range and personal benefits, Tesla said.

Most of the worlds biggest advertisers have stopped buying ads on Elon Musks X, exclusive new data

Man shoots himself after officers tried to question him about four escapees from Georgia jail : news

Why Are We So Bad at Getting Better? | The New Yorker Convalescence used to be central to medicine. We dont talk about it anymore.

Stanford scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will

Barnes & Noble Sets Itself Free : books

Crystals brought back by astronauts show that the Moon is 40 million years older than scientists thought | After an ocean of magma cooled down, the lunar crystals formed at least 4.46 billion years ago : science

Observational studies of antidepressant use and suicide risk are selectively published in psychiatric journals : science

Biggest cervical cancer drug advance in 20 years hailed : worldnews

A new study rebukes notion that only men were hunters in ancient times. It found little evidence to support the idea that roles were assigned specifically to each sex. Women were not only physically capable of being hunters, but there is little evidence to support that they were not hunting. : science

The Genius of Birds: Science writer Jennifer Ackerman shares the latest research into remarkable avian intelligence : books

TIL that the claim Shakespeare invented 1,700 words is bogus, and that scholars now know he was using terms already in use. Early citations had limited source material, so their overreliance on Shakespeare led to the myth. : todayilearned

Annihilation is one of the coolest examples of cosmic horror as a genre out there. In addition, it explores a way of thinking about how life works and exists on the very basic level in a way that really isn't touched on. : movies

Very dirtyportrait of Mary Magdalene which was sold by London gallery to French collector for just 30,000 is actually the work of Italian renaissance master Raphael

You Had Me At Meow: On the Hidden Language of Cats Your Cat Really Is Talking To You

Whats the current most toxic Reddit sub?

What is often claimed to be an unsolved mystery but actually has an explanation? : AskReddit

What was the Gut Feeling that you listened too that saved your life?

Whats a piece of advice you received that you initially ignored but later found to be incredibly valuable?


Australian prime minister announces China visit hours before leaving for US to meet Biden : worldnews
Australia: Indigenous groups say voice referendum unleashed a tsunami of racism

Taiwan might still be trying to obtain AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles to achieve the militarys invasion-deterrence goals, a Ministry of National Defense report showed

Russia mobilizes over 20,000 people monthly for Ukraine war : ukraine
Russian casualties soar by 90% as Putins generals order furious attacks on small city in east, UK intelligence says
v UK Defense Ministry: Russian troops likely suffered up to 190,000 permanentcasualties in Ukraine (does not include Wagner and prisoners)

Russian tycoon claims he is behind Forbes purchase, audiotapes show - The Washington Post Austin Russell, the American tech founder leading the deal, says there is no Russian involvement

Russian anti-war activist dies after fall from height

Afghan Refugees Return Home as Pakistan Threatens Arrests, Expulsions : worldnews

Taliban says plans to formally join Chinas Belt and Road Initiative

Al-Qaida and IS call on followers to strike Israeli, US and Jewish targets : worldnews

Peshmerga Forces Repel Surprising Attack by Iraqi Army

Israeli air strikes kill two workers at Syria's Damascus airport : worldnews

Iran sentences two journalists who covered Mahsa Aminis death to jail
Teenage girl Armita Geravand is brain dead - Iran state media : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 30) : worldnews

The American president has captured Israeli hearts. Can he rein in the Israeli government?

Israel Is About to Make a Terrible Mistake ... However, from everything I have gleaned from senior U.S. officials, Biden failed to get Israel to hold back and think through all the implications of an invasion of Gaza for Israel and the United States. So let me put this in as stark and clear language as I can, because the hour is late:
Israel Is About to Make a Terrible Mistake : politics

IDF kills senior Hamas members, intensifies Gaza strikes to prep for fateful ground op : worldnews
Israel Prepares for Gaza Invasion Against Hamas: Live News Updates - The New York Times Intensifying Clashes Raise Concerns That Conflict Will Widen

Israel Strikes West Bank Mosque, Killing At Least 2 - The New York Times The Israeli military carried out a rare airstrike in the occupied West Bank, hitting a mosque in the Jenin refugee camp. Palestinian officials called the attack a dangerous escalation.
Israel strikes militant compound under West Bank mosque, military says : worldnews

Dont Blame Gazans for Hamas The terrorist group has never been very popular among the people it rules.

EXCLUSIVE: Israeli morgue worker says horrors inflicted on Hamas's victims are 'worse than the Holocaust' including decapitated pregnant woman and her beheaded unborn child | Daily Mail Online

Shin Bet has new unit to eliminate perpetrators of the Hamas massacre : worldnews

Military Says Israel Plans To Increase Strikes On Gaza : worldnews
IDF uses Iron Sting precision mortars for first time against Hamas : worldnews
Israel tells Gazans to move south or risk being seen as terroristpartner

The Israeli Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Information will reportedly be Abolished and all of its Funding distributed to the Towns and Cities surrounding the Gaza Strip following the Resignation of Public Diplomacy Minister, Galit Distel Atbaryan last week citing a Lack of Funding.

Israel-Lebanon violence flares; six Hezbollah fighters killed : worldnews
Israel to evacuate 14 more communities on Lebanon border amid Hezbollah attacks : worldnews

Israeli Arabs arrested over Gaza social media posts : worldnews

Palestinian Christians say Western Church complicit in Gaza deaths - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post Regarding American Evangelicals, a letter released on October 11 by a large group of leaders condemned Hamas in favor of the Jewish state.

There will be no peace talks while Russia continues to occupy Ukrainian territoryUkraines Security Council chief

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 606, Part 1 (Thread #752) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Oct. 22, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Oct. 22,
The combat losses of Russian terrorists from February 24, 2022 to October 22, 2023 : UkraineWarVideoReport
(4/5) It is likely that Russia has suffered 150,000-190,000 permanent casualties (killed and permanently wounded) since the conflict began, with the total figure including temporarily wounded (recovered and due to return to the battlefield) in the region of 240,000-290,000.
The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces posted the data on russian military losses as of October 22.In total, about 293,830 russian soldiers were eliminated.

Read this. This is what Russians when they occupy your country. Same as it ever was ... terror in russian torture camps.

Oryx: Total losses at Berdyansk and Luhansk airbases: 24 helis gone : ukraine
Checkout the recent spike. Total equipment damaged through 2023-10-21. : ukraine

This is Avdiivka now. Once a peaceful picturesque town, it is being turned into rubble by the Russian army. : ukraine
Frontline report: Russians lost 1400 soldiers and 175 tanks and armored fighting vehicles in Avdiivka in one day : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ukraines Counteroffensive Is More Successful Than You Think

Pro-Ukrainian resistance movement is growing fast in Crimea. : ukraine

Israeli ambassador condemns blatant antisemitism at pro-Palestine march in Warsaw

Germany: Thousands march in support of Gazans : worldnews

Belgian minister quits after monumental errorlet Tunisian gunman slip through extradition net

Over One Thousand Migrants Reach Spains Canary Islands In Single Day

Thousands join Pariss first authorised pro-Palestinian demo since October 7th

Over 100,000 Britons took over the streets in London yesterday : pics
Exhausted Amazon staff fight back against retail giant at global UK summit : worldnews

Justin Trudeau says world should be worried about Indias action

Statement From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Steps to Increase Force Posture > U.S. Department of Defense > Release

Mr. President, Dont Let Netanyahu Drag Us Into World War III

Majority of House Democrats, Led by Jewish Members, Unified Behind President Bidens Leadership in the Middle East
McConnell sides with Biden on bundling Ukraine, Israel aid: I view it as all interconnected

The opioid crisis has gotten much, much worse despite Congress efforts to stop itLawmakers missed the deadline to renew a law supporting treatment and recovery.

House chaos forces Senate to take the wheel on spending : politics
Whitehouse: Republicans fixation on tax cuts for billionaires is driving up the national debt

GOP Raising Alarm Over Joe Biden Getting $200K Loan Repayment Spurs Mockery : politics

Hunter Biden prosecutor to appear for closed-door congressional testimony, AP sources say : politics

Attorney explains most significantfact of Trump lawyers guilty pleas
Sidney Powell was Trumps biggest fighterNow shes a big threat.

How 91 felony charges boosted Trumps standing in the GOP

New Trump ad claims Hilary Clinton wanted to brainwash voters : politics

Ivanka Trump maintains stony silence when asked if she's AFRAID to testify before dad Donald's trial as she leaves Kim Kardashian's 43rd birthday bash | Daily Mail Online

A Very Bad Place: Kevin McCarthy Basically Admits His Party Is a Total Clusterfuck
Jordans implosion in House speaker bid lays bare GOP civil war
Ex-GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger says House Republicans will be in survival mode after the speaker tumult and the party will probably get its backside rightfully handed to it in 2024

Meet the Republicans Running for House Speaker - The New York Times The lawmakers vying for the job include veterans of the House, committee chairmen, a top member of Republican leadership and a sophomore.
If you have nine candidates for Speaker you have no candidates for speaker - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Stop sending death threats to yourself - Lawyers, Guns & Money MAGA works increasingly through intimidation and threats:
Hahahahaha I cant believe they didnt win people over with this rhetorical tour de force!

Congress Should Reject Calls to Expel Members of the Squad

Ron DeSantis handed brutal news by poll : politics
Haley and DeSantis escalate their battle to become Trump alternative - The Washington Post
Florida residents flee state as insurance premiums skyrocket up to 900% : politics

Michigan House passes ban on gay-trans panic defense along party lines

Republican victory in Louisiana signals hard-right turn for once bipartisan state : politics

Web Summit CEO Paddy Cosgrave steps down in wake of controversy over his Israel comments : technology ... And here is the controversial, career-ruining opinion: War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies, and should be called out for what they are.

Bill Maher Goes Off on Harvard Kids for Siding With Terrorists ... Until his early teens, he was unaware that his mother, whose family was from Hungary, was Jewish.

The Worst Scandal in American Higher Education Isnt in the Ivy League ... the moral collapse at Liberty University in Virginia may well be the most consequential education scandal in the United States, not simply because the details themselves are shocking and appalling, but because Libertys misconduct both symbolizes and contributes to the crisis engulfing Christian America. It embodies a cultural and political approach that turns Christian theology on its head.

SBF made $9 billion disappear. This forensic accountant found it Oh,yes,said the accountant when asked if FTX ever misused customer funds ... It appears that effective altruism, in practice, is parasitic philanthropy.

Balance disorders like vertigo can be devastating for patientsbut theyre often invisible to the doctors who treat them.

These companies could use your data to bring you backwithout your consent

What is the line between life and death? Here's my answer. By Peter Singer

Your Very Own Consciousness Can Interact With the Whole Universe, Scientists BelieveA recent experiment suggests the brain is not too warm or wet for consciousness to exist as a quantum wave that connects with the rest of the universe ... The new work builds upon a theory Nobel Prize-winning physicist Roger Penrose, Ph.D., and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, M.D., first posited in the 1990s: the Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch OR). Broadly, it claims that consciousness is a quantum process facilitated by microtubules in the brains nerve cells

A new study (survey) that involved 1,485 women aged 35 and older living in Alberta, suggests many women use cannabis to treat symptoms of menopause despite a lack of evidence that it is effective for menopause symptoms : science

Cannabis use, even for medical purposes, could make some people sick due to harmful fungi that contaminate the plants, especially those who are immunocompromised. Some fungi may cause infection on lung and skin tissues, and these infections were most common when smoked and less common in edibles. : science

TIL the Arabic numerals were actually invented by the Hindus. Arabs got the credit as they invaded India, saw the usefulness of their writings, adopted it and were the ones to spread it to the world : todayilearned

Advances in photonic hardware : technology

What have you done that resulted in you almost dying? : AskReddit

Is there a haunting movie that features paranormal events taking place as a mass phenomenon experienced by everyone in the movies world?

[Serious] People of Reddit, have you ever experienced anything paranormal or unexplainable? What happened? : AskReddit

What is your reason for not having a child? : AskReddit

Windows Phone gets revenge on YouTube from the grave by helping users bypass its ad-blocker-blocker : technology


Deforestation surges in hotspot of critically endangered Bornean orangutans : worldnews

Thousands attend pro-Palestine protests across Australia : worldnews

South Koreas Yoon departs for Saudi Arabia and Qatar

U.S. warns of Russian efforts to sow doubt over upcoming elections around the globe : worldnews

What I find very telling is that Satanovskys opponents jumped down his throat about his claims of alcoholism, but no one disputed his claims of antisemitism among Russian officials.
So Satanovsky has finally woken up to where the real antisemites are? Who are the Nazis now?
Meanwhile in Russia: former State Duma member Elena Panina exclaimed that Biden is the Antichrist. Vladimir Solovyov agreed, predicted the coming apocalypse and complained [yet again] about his European villas ... Trump is a striking representative of whiteerica that still remembers some of its traditions and would like to preserve them

Jaish chief Masood Azhars aide assassinated in Pakistan, 17th anti India terrorist neutralised in 19 months

Incident involving US warship intercepting missiles near Yemen lasted 9 hours : worldnews

A Brief History of the Netanyahu-Hamas Alliance | VT Foreign Policy
For 14 years, Netanyahus policy was to keep Hamas in power; the pogrom of October 7, 2023, helps the Israeli prime minister preserve his own rule
Forsaking the Hostages Will Destroy the Final Bond Holding Israeli Society Together - Israel News -

Biden says Hamas attacked Israel in part to stop a historic agreement with Saudi Arabia : worldnews

Israel urges citizens to immediately leave Egypt, Jordan : worldnews

Egypt-Gaza border crossing opens, letting desperately needed aid flow to Palestinians : worldnews
First Aid Trucks Move Through Crossing to Gaza The United Nations said the 20-truck convoy carried life-saving supplies,which the World Health Organization warned would barely begin to address the escalating health needsin Gaza.

Israel says it doesnt plan long-term control of the Gaza Strip after its war with HamasIsrael says it does not plan to take long-term control over the Gaza Strip after an expected ground offensive to root out Hamas militants that rule the territory

US And Allies Urge Israel To Set Out Clear Goals For Gaza Ground Invasion : worldnews

Gaza terrorists launch fresh rocket barrages at south as Israel hits Hamas targets : worldnews

European Parliament calls for Hamas to be eliminated, urges release of hostages

Associated Press visual analysis confirms: Rocket from Gaza appeared to go astray, likely caused deadly hospital explosion : worldnews

Israel destroys underground tunnels in Gaza Strip and kills Hamas engineer who developed weapons : worldnews

Day of rage erupts across West Bank after Israeli forces attack refugee camp | Israel-Hamas war
Palestinians under attack as settler violence surges in the West Bank : worldnews

Moodys Warns It Could Downgrade Israels Credit Rating Because Of War With Hamas

Some human rights groups have reached this conclusion based on how the crime is defined in international law.

UN probe finds new evidence Russia committed war crimes and indiscriminate attacks in Ukraine
Bloomberg: EU to start work on 12th Russia sanctions package. The EU will start consulting with member countries on the next sanctions package against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine in the coming days, Bloomberg reported on Oct. 20, citing undisclosed sources.
Ukrainian government discovers theft of foreign aid : worldnews
Ukrainian government discovers theft of foreign aid An investigation conducted by Ukraines State Customs Service and together with the Ministry of Defense found that one-third of humanitarian aid donated to the Ukrainian military over the last year did not reach military units.
Ukrainian parliament votes to ban Orthodox Church over alleged links with Russia : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 605, Part 1 (Thread #751) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Oct. 21, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces posted the data on russian military losses as of October 21. In total, about 292,850 russian soldiers were eliminated.

UN finds further evidence of Russian war crimes in UkraineReportpoints to wilful killing, torture, rape and othersexual violence, and the deportation of children to the Russian Federation

Ukraine First Lady Asks Google to Label Crimea Correctly in Maps

Ukraine says it took out almost 50 Russian tanks in one day as Russia made failed attempt to capture eastern city : ukraine
Russia loses 16 tanks and 55 armoured vehicles in one day : ukraine

Slavic mythology book recommendations? : ukraine
Sources for slavic mythology : slavic_mythology

Latvian president: Close Baltic Sea if Russia behind Balticconnector damage : worldnews
Chinese ship is focus of investigation into damaged pipeline, Finland says : worldnews

Europes Largest News Aggregator Orders Editors to Play Down Palestinian Deaths

Czech village priest sorry for smashing pumpkins - BBC News ... He said he would have acted differently had he known they were carved by children ... the satanic feast of 'Halloween
Czech Village Priest Sorry For Smashing Pumpkins : worldnews

Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop : worldnews

Antisemitic hate crimes in London up 1,350%, Met police say : worldnews
About 100,000 turn out in London for pro-Palestine rally : worldnews
Rishi Sunak considers tax cut for top earners after byelection defeats : worldnews ... Same old story the top earners get tax cuts which is paid for by removing health care, unemployment, and public services.
The smiling face of Chinese interests in the Indo-Pacific: David Cameron : worldnews

Brazils President Lula da Silva vetoes bill backed by the country's powerful farm lobby that would have limited claims to ancestral lands where Indigenous people have lived by 1988

Venezuela sets referendum date on territory dispute with Guyana : worldnews

India making life unbelievably difficult for millions by ordering diplomats out, says Trudeau
US backs Canada in dispute with India over diplomats : worldnews
Canada Will Legalize Medically Assisted Dying For People Addicted to Drugs : worldnews

Iran, tormentor of US presidents, tests Joe Biden : politics
Mideast crisis will test whether Biden can make experience an asset | CNN Politics
Will the Middle East War Change Voters' Views of Biden? Plagued by low approval ratings, the president has projected himself as a world leader. Strategists warn, however, that his re-election may depend more on domestic issues like the economy.
Why is there such a big gap between the objective state of the economy and public perception? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - By any conceivable metric, overall economic conditions in the USA are vastly better now than when Joe Biden took office nearly three years ago. So why is public opinion so negative on the questions of how well the economy is doing, and Bidens performance in this regard?
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his capital gains depend on his not understanding it - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found dead outside her home : news

Ilhan Omar fears for familys safety after barrage of threats over Israel criticism
Omars office shares voicemails threatening her, family

Supreme Court blocks restrictions on Biden administration efforts to get platforms to remove social media posts The Biden administration had called a lower court injunction unprecedented for restricting officials ability to raise concerns about problematic social media content on issues like Covid-19.

Student-loan borrowers could lose more than debt cancellation if the presidential election doesnt go Bidens way

Republicans continue effort to erode US child labor rules despite teen deaths : politics ... The Republican senator James Risch and and Democratic congressman Jared Golden introduced legislation to roll back child labor protections to permit 16- and 17-year-olds to work in the logging industry, with support from four Republican senators, one independent senator (Angus King), and two Republican and two Democratic congressional representatives.
Federal agents found more than two dozen minors working in Ohio poultry plant The children, mainly from Guatemala, according to local immigration advocates, were working in meat processing and sanitation in a plant run by Gerbers Poultry.

Supreme Court to decide if government can press tech cos. to remove posts - The Washington Post (pro-lies refuckers)

Jim Jordan Bites the Dust : politics
Jordan out as speaker candidate in secret ballot after top ally warned death threats "will continue" : politics

Ken Buck says hes had 4 death threats amid Speaker vote ... Death Threats. The latest negotiating tactic of the American Fascist Party.
Congressman Ken Buck says he is being evicted after refusing to vote for Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House : politics
Fox News hosts downplay voicemail threats left to members of Congress over House speaker vote | Media Matters for America

McCarthy blames Gaetz for GOP being in bad position right nowamid Speaker chaos
Molly Ball has a very entertaining profile of Matt Gaetz, whose self-perception as a tactical supergenius may be somewhat flawed:

House Republicans go down in flamesagain
Republicans Started a Civil War They Dont Know How to End
Death threats, backstabbing and bitterness stall a zombie U.S. Congress : politics
The GOPs Brand Is Chaos | The Republicans have spent years perfecting their dysfunction
Americans faith in institutions has been sliding for years. The chaos in Congress isnt helping

Back-to-back plea deals from Powell and Chesebro pose grave legal threat to Donald Trump | CNN Politics

Trumps Bitter Standoff with Fox News Is Only Getting Worse

Lawsuit to block Trump from Colorado 2024 ballot survives more legal challenges : politics

The Lonely, Bleak Coda to Mike Pences Political Career
Pence faces a cash shortage and questions about how much longer his 2024 campaign can survive : politics

Mitt Romney says he doesnt have a home in the Republican Party

How Ron DeSantis Lost the Internet The G.O.P. contenders campaign tried to take on Donald Trumps online army. Now it just wants to end the meme wars.

Mecklenburg Democrat says blatantly rigged redistricting may force her to move

People are sick and tired: the man challenging far-right extremist Lauren Boebert

70 percent of New Jersey residents want Menendez to resign: poll : politics

Cornel West returns donation from Harlan Crow : politics

Author of Dont Say Gay law stole $150,000 in COVID funds. Hes going to jail. He said opponents of the anti-LGBTQ+ law want to sexualize your 6year olds. He was stealing government funds at the same time.

The warning signs for Democrats about Black voters in 2024 - POLITICO Black voters continue to be loyal to Democrats, but there are signs that support continues to erode.

Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice? - Los Angeles Times

Opinion | The Path to Reducing Pedestrian Deaths Is Steep but Straight - The New York Times (Death Utility Vehiclles)

Elderly and Imprisoned: I Dont Count It as Living, Only Existing

The Supreme Court considers whether a very stupid gun law is also unconstitutional, in Missouri v. United States - Vox ... what to do with a gun rights law that could have been constitutional if it were written differently, but that instead reads like it was drafted by a member of the John Birch Society after a night of heavy drinking ... There is a word for when a state government simply declares a federal law invalid within its borders: nullification.

17 Small Changes That Will Make Your Writing Irresistible, According to an NYU Writing Professor |

How to fix the internet | MIT Technology Review If we want online discourse to improve, we need to move beyond the big platforms.
Mastodon Is the Good One

Local Timeline | Elk

Dropbox handing over 25% of San Francisco HQ back to landlord as commercial real estate softens : technology

New Nvidia AI agent, powered by GPT-4, can train robots | VentureBeat

Mind-blowing IBM chip speeds up AINorthPole processor sidesteps need to access external memory, boosting computing power and saving energy.

Strokes Are More Common and Serious in Women - The New York Times And theyre on the rise overall. Heres how to understand your risk.

TIL average onset of menstruation for girls in 1840 was age 17. In 2000 it was 12 years old. : todayilearned

TIL around 2,000 mentally ill WW2 veterans were lobotomized against their will for things such as PTSD, depression and homosexuality : todayilearned

Research finds women are leaving academia at a higher rate than men at every career stage: During their appointment as assistant professors, women are 6% more likely to leave their jobs than men each year. Women professors are 19% more likely to leave academia than men each year. : science

ELI5: why do meth addicts suffer from anhedonia and lack of motivation for years after getting clean? : explainlikeimfive

Whats one final line in a book that left you disturbed for days?
She exposed the fragility of so-called civilised life: why Shirley Jacksons horror speaks to our times

ELI5: Why does time seem to go faster as we get older? : explainlikeimfive

TIL Childhood trauma can speed biological aging. : todayilearned

Neanderthals Interbred with Now-Extinct Lineage of Early Modern Humans Over 250,000 Years Ago. Approximately 6% of the Altai Neanderthal genome was inherited from an ancient lineage of anatomically modern Homo sapiens that migrated from Africa to Eurasia over 250,000 years ago. : science

57 years ago today, the worst disaster in the history of Wales happened in Aberfan. : pics

ELI5: What exactly is Bose Einstein Condensate and what makes it unique? : explainlikeimfive

TIL about the Great Sheep Panic of 1888 where tens of thousands of sheep, in an area of 200 square miles, simultaneously broke out of their enclosure and looked like they were terror stricken : todayilearned

What local business has won you over as a loyal customer? : boston

What is the most devastating but simultaneously most innocent sounding insult you know? : AskReddit

Whats the wildest cheating story youve witnessed or happened to you?


Worst Climate Change News Ever - Lawyers, Guns & Money Beware, hop lovers: a warming climate could make your IPA less bitter.

New Zealand landlord loses rubbish row with Chinese embassy : worldnews

Scammers amass $1.02 trillion globally, Singapore lost the most : worldnews

S. Korea, U.S. and Japan to conduct joint aerial exercise for 1st time: source : worldnews

Thousands of information technology workers contracting with U.S. companies have for years secretly sent millions of dollars of their wages to North Korea for use in its ballistic missile program, FBI and Department of Justice officials said : worldnews
Travis King: Soldier who fled to North Korea charged backin US ... In addition to his destructive behavior, now it comes out he was in possession of child pornography, and was caught trying to attain some more.

Nestle is closing an infant formula factory as Chinas birth rate plunges

US intelligence report alleging Russia election interference shared with 100 countries | Reuters

Second American journalist detained in Russia when going home for a family emergency. First was WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich who is still behind bars https://

India pushes back against Russias demands to pay for oil in Yuan
Maharashtra police official suspended after big online gaming win : worldnews

Thousands of refugees in danger as Sudan fighting spreads from Khartoum : worldnews

Angry protesters force Dutch King and Queen to rush off from Cape Town slavery museum during State visit : worldnews

Iran TV says proxies to attack Israel from all sides : worldnews
Mahsa Amini: Iranian woman who died in custody wins EU human rights prize : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 29) : worldnews

Hamas Releases 2 U.S. Hostages: Israel-Hamas War Live Updates - The New York Times A 59-year-old woman and her teenage daughter, dual citizens from Illinois, were being reunited with family members on an Israeli military base, Israeli officials said. The two were kidnapped on Oct. 7, along with some roughly 200 other people.
Hamas releases two US hostages for humanitarian reasons in response to Qatari efforts

TV: Security chiefs had 'telltale signs' of small scale attack two hours before Hamas struck | The Times of Israel

Evidence on Display at Israels Forensic Pathology Center Confirms Hamas Atrocities

Israelis are desperate for news about the hostages taken by Hamas nearly 2 weeks ago : worldnews

IDF, settlers allegedly bind, strip, beat, burn, urinate on 3 Palestinians in W. Bank : worldnews

I was really worried about this. With great sadness, I have now confirmed that several of my relatives (including Viola and Yara pictured here) were killed at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza, where they had been sheltering, when part of the complex was destroyed as the result of an Israeli airstrike. (they bombed a fucking church)
Israeli Military Claims Responsibility for Church Blast in Gaza : news

On Israel, Progressive Jews Feel Abandoned by Their Left-Wing Allies - The New York Times Jewish leaders and voters said they were taken aback to discover that many of their ideological allies saw them as oppressors who deserved blame following the Israel attacks.

Israel Evacuates Embassies in Middle East and Northern Africa : worldnews

Israel levels Gaza district, hits Orthodox church as invasion looms : worldnews
Israel war: Israeli foreign minister says Gaza territory will shrink after war : worldnews

At least 21 journalists killed since Hamas-Israel war began, says press freedom group : worldnews

US to send two Iron Dome systems back to Israel - sources : worldnews

Evidence on Display at Israels Forensic Pathology Center Confirms Hamas Atrocities

Israel accuses BBC of modern blood libel over reporting of hospital strike | BBC
BBC admits it was wrong to report Israel struck Gaza hospital
Gaza hospital: What video, pictures and other evidence tell us about Al-Ahli hospital blast - BBC News (more waffling)

Orthodox church says it was hit by Israeli air strike in Gaza, IDF says its jets targeted nearby command center damaging church wall

Drug known as poor mans cocaine found on bodies of Hamas terrorists ... heptagon,

Israel Closes Al Jazeera Facilities : worldnews

US Navy intercepts 3 missiles fired from Yemen potentially at Israel: Pentagon

Zelenskiy says US bipartisan support encourages Ukrainian nation and troops : worldnews
Ukrainian parliament votes to ban Orthodox Church over alleged links with Russia | Ukraine : worldnews
"These days, Russian losses are really impressive, and it is exactly the kind of losses of the occupier that Ukraine needs." - President Zelenskyy's address, 20th October 2023 : ukraine
The Assault Failed, Everyone Was Killed Russian Soldier Reveals Horrific Losses in Ukraine, Possibly at Avdiivka
Frontline report: Russias Avdiivka offensive not worth the losses, Russian troop said

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 604, Part 1 (Thread #750) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 20.10.2023 : ukraine
Russia losses 1,380 soldiers in one day of war in Ukraine
In one day, Russian terrorists lost 241 armored vehicles. Most likely, this is related to their unsuccessful offensives on Kupiansk and Avdiivka. : UkraineWarVideoReport

14 Russian helicopters likely destroyed by US-provided ATACMS missiles in Ukraine: UK intel | The Hill
Five Russian Attack Jets in Ten Days: Something Is Knocking Down Kremlin Jets, a Lot : worldnews
Russian Air Force Grapples With Worst. Week. Of. The. War. : ukraine

Look at the infographic

Weekly Frontline Update: Russian debacle in Avdiyivka
Avdiivka offensive going according to plan : ukraine

Ukraine officially recognizes that Romanian minority speaks Romanian, not Moldovan

Man digs up 1,000-year-old sword from Swedish Crusades in his yard in Finland : worldnews

Poland begins retraining coal miners to work in wind farms : worldnews

Estonian PM: It was unpleasant to see the leader of an EU member state shake hands with Putin, the criminal : worldnews (Orbadick owned by Putin)

Greta Thunbergs Stand With Gaza Post Sparks Social Media Backlash
Whoever identifies with Greta in any way in the future, in my view, is a terror supporter,says Israeli army spokesperson.

After a Berlin synagogue was attacked with Molotov cocktails and clashes broke out at unauthorized pro-Palestinian events, politicians have called for stricter enforcement of Germanys antisemitism laws
Scholz on synagogue attack: Antisemitism has no place in Germany

Amsterdam sex workers protest against plan to move red light district | Netherlands : worldnews

Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni splits from partner after his sexist TV comments : worldnews ... My misogynist partner has become a distraction to the fulfillment of my misogynist, homophobic, transphobic and xenophobic mandate so I will pretend to stop screwing him

French PM Elisabeth Borne once again sidesteps parliamentary debate to pass budget : worldnews

British PM Rishi Sunak suffers historic by-election defeats : worldnews
Tamworth by-election: Labour overturns massive Conservative Party majority to win vote : worldnews

Bolivias Second Argest Lake: the Lago Poopo has dried up in a drought threatening water supplies for millions

EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 golden passports ... Dominica, an island with a population of just over 70,000, has issued 34,500 passports

Canada pulls 41 diplomats out of India, says New Delhi being unreasonable : worldnews
Large number of Canadian diplomats left India overnight amid high tensions with New Delhi: source : worldnews
Canadian given two months in jail over antisemitic statement projected on Anne Frank House : worldnews
Canada firm and steadfast in call for two-state solution for Israel, Palestinians
Trudeau not ready to accept U.S. finding that Palestinian militants' rocket was behind Gaza hospital blast : anime_titties

Full Transcript: Biden's Speech on Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars - The president laid out what he characterized as the stakes for democracy as he pleaded with Americans to stand firmly behind Israel and Ukraine.
Discussion Thread: Biden Delivers Oval Office Address on Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars : politics

It Turns Out Joe Biden Is Actually In Charge of the Biden Administration So much for the charge the president is a puppet of his left-wing staff.

New Polling Shows the Palestinian Cause Is Becoming More Popular in the US - The US public, particularly younger Americans, are becoming more skeptical of unconditional support for Israel. In a brand-new poll, a majority of Democrats say the US should not send more weapons to Israel. : politics

A crisis of moral clarity: Theres no contest between Trump and Biden why are Americans confused?

Joe Biden Campaign Already Has More Followers Than Trump's on Truth Social : politics

New Supreme Court Term Limit Bill Unveiled by Senate Democrats : politics

Jim Jordan drops out of Speaker race after secret ballot loss
House speaker live updates: Republicans drop Jim Jordan as more candidates enter race - The Washington Post

In the latest sign of House chaos, the temporary speaker is threatening to quit : politics
GOP erupts in closed-door meeting after House speaker stalemate : politics
House GOP drowning as crisis reaches breaking point - POLITICO
Dismantling the Gym - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's amazing that it's possible to be too much of a moral degenerate and/or crude bully for the Republican conference in 2023, but here we are:
Or will they turn their backs on you? - From Mediaite: Various CNNites have commented on the ringing silence from Orangefinger while the House GOP kicked his latest pick for SoH around chambers. Again.
McCarthy scolds Gaetz in GOP meeting: Sit your ass down

A moment of pushback is a big story. Seven years of cowardice is an even bigger one. | Press Watch GOP votes against Jim Jordan for House Speaker as the first signs of pushback against the way that the MAGA movement has usedthreats and intimidationto cement its dominance of the Republican Party
Jim Jordan and Republicans find a new low point in House speaker mess - The Washington Post

Jordan tries to back out of vote after GOP opponents face "death threats" and "intimidation": report : politics

CNN Airs Vulgar Voicemail Targeting GOP Rep Who Voted Against Jim Jordan
Listen: Terrifying voicemail left for GOP lawmakers wife over Jim Jordan vote
Ken Buck one of multiple Republicans receiving death threats for voting against Rep. Jim Jordan as House Speaker : politics

The Next Big Trend for Republican Lawmakers: Quitting : politics

October 2023 National Poll: Trump Making Inroads with Young Voters Against Biden, Maintains Majority Support in Republican Primary - Emerson Polling October 2023 National Poll: Trump Making Inroads with Young Voters Against Biden, Maintains Majority Support in Republican Primary ... Trump with 47% support, and President Biden with 45%. Eight percent of voters are undecided

Jack Smith Slams Trumps Bid to Dismiss Jan. 6 Charges: The Defendant Is Not Above The Law
Special counsel urges judge to deny Trumps Jan. 6 claim of immunity

Trump Is About to Be Ripped to Shreds by NYC Bank Fraud Trial Judge : politics

Judge Threatens Imprisoning Trump for Blatantly Violating Gag Order

Release the Kraken: Sidney Powell just flipped on Trump
Trump Camp Reportedly Blindsided By Sidney Powell Plea Deal : politics
Team Trump Never Dreamed Sidney Powell Would Flip on Them : politics
Trump co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro pleads guilty in Georgia election case - The Washington Post Chesebro became the second former Trump lawyer to plead guilty in as many days, following Sidney Powell on Thursday
Third Trump Co-Defendant Pleads Guilty: Kenneth Chesebro to Cooperate With Georgia Prosecutors : politics
Another plea deal in Trump election interference probe refocuses the case Chesebro guilty plea means there will be no October trial

Aileen Cannon goes against Donald Trumps wishes

Sponsor of Floridas Dont Say GayBill Gets Prison for COVID Loan Fraud (t
Ex-Florida GOP lawmaker who sponsored so-called Don't Say Gay bill sentenced to prison

Sarah Huckabee Sanders bans woke languagein Arkansas | She accused "the left" of treating "woman" like "a dirty word." ... Arkansas ranks among the worst states for education and child welfare.

Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop USs first public religious school

The True Story Behind Killers of the Flower Moon Is Being Erased From Oklahoma Classrooms ... It was about a widespread culture of killing. It was about prominent white citizens who paid for killings, doctors who administered poisons, morticians who ignored evidence of bullet wounds, lawmen and prosecutors who were on the take and many others who remained complicit in their silence all because they were profiting from what they referred to openly as theIndian business.

Eschaton: Elder Care We have a largely unaddressed problem that older people lose some capacity for good judgment. Rich asshole, who cares, but it's a problem for not rich not assholes.

Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX allies secretly poured $50 million into dark money groups, evidence shows

The Decline of Bandcamp - Lawyers, Guns & Money (VC'd to death)
Purple Trap - Burning Ambulance First things first: There is fuckery imminent in Bandcamp-land.

Elon Musks X removes the New York Times verification badge The unexplained decision removes the only symbol distinguishing the news organization from impostors and comes amid a flood of false information related to the Israel-Gaza war, some of which Musk has personally endorsed.
Blue checkmarks on X are superspreaders of misinformationabout Israel-Hamas war
This is another nail in the coffin for X among advertisers

Self-Checkout Is a Failed Experiment - The Atlantic Please, not another unexpected item in the bagging area

I AM Alan Chan, co-founder of Heptabase, a visual note-taking tool that helps you make sense of complex topics. AMA! : IAmA

Whats the biggest example of from geniusto idiot has there ever been?
30 under 30-year sentences: why so many of Forbes young heroes face jail

TIL the main key to the Bastille is kept in George Washingtons home, Mount Vernon. It was given to him by the Marquis de Lafayette in 1790, who wrote It is a tribute which I owe as a son to my adoptive father, as an aide-de-camp to my general, as a missionary of liberty to its patriarch

The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong - Scientific American The influential idea that in the past men were hunters and women were not isnt supported by the available evidence ... Man the Hunter has dominated the study of human evolution for nearly half a century and pervaded popular culture ... it's wrong ... Mounting evidence from exercise science indicates that women are physiologically better suited than men to endurance efforts such as running marathons.

How would we know whether there is life on Earth? This bold experiment found out Thirty years ago, astronomer Carl Sagan convinced NASA to turn a passing space probes instruments on Earth to look for life with results that still reverberate today.

Ketamine given to depressed patients under anesthesia had no greater effect than placebo in reducing the severity of depressive symptoms, suggests a new trial. The study adds new evidence about how significant the placebo effect is in medicine. : science

Diabetes Can Age the Eye by 30 Years, Finds Protein Study | A team of scientists has taken a look inside the human eye with a new level of detail by using cutting-edge analysis. : science

People with pronounced psychopathy and sadism are harder to startle : science

What unethical experiment do you think would be interesting if conducted? : AskReddit

Dalton cop fired after 3rd high-speed chase ended with fatal crash : massachusetts

This Docuseries about the Big Dig is absolutely kickass. (YouTube link) : massachusetts

Finding a Therapist : boston

Can someone explain Harvard Stadiums capacity?

Google just changed how you log in to your account


The Greenland ice sheet is projected to undergo abrupt losses due to melting if global warming exceeds temperatures of around 2C above pre-industrial temperatures, according to a study published in Nature. (

Study finds that tropical storms in North Atlantic are getting stronger : science

Australia's domestic intelligence chief says he has "no reason to dispute" claims of a possible link between the Indian government and the killing of a Canadian citizen. : worldnews

Japans largest labor union to seek 5% or more pay hike next spring

Russia pledges complete support for Kim Jong Un
The United States said on Wednesday it has seized 17 website domains used by North Korean information technology workers in a scheme to allegedly defraud businesses, evade sanctions and fund the development of North Korea's weapons program. : worldnews
Evidence Shows Hamas Militants Likely Used Some North Korean Weapons In Attack On Israel : worldnews

Taiwan reports 13 Chinese air force planes in its air defence zone | Reuters : worldnews

China Slams Illegal US Sanctions On Firms Linked To Iran's Missile, Drone Programmes ... Wtf are illegal sanctions? Its the seller that decides if he wants to sell you something not the buyer
Major expansion: China now has more than 500 nukes, Pentagon says

American journalist detained in Russia, charged with failing to register as a foreign agent Alsu Kurmashevas detention follows the arrest in March of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who is awaiting trial on espionage charges.

Putin dismisses importance of U.S.-supplied weapons to Ukraine : worldnews
Putin Is Being Told Everything is Going to Plan, Ukrainian Intels Yusov Says

Alexander Litvinenko accused Vladimir Putin of being a paedophile four months before he was poisoned - 21 January 2016

India leads the world in restricting access to the Internet - The Washington Post

Sudan conflict: Ethnic cleansing committed in Darfur, UK says : worldnews

Qatar supplies gas to Europe, vying with US to replace Russia supply : worldnews

US targets Iran missile, drone programs as UN measures lapse : worldnews

Troops hurt after three drones attack US bases in Iraq : worldnews

Egypt repairing roads at Gaza crossing ahead of aid delivery : worldnews

Developing: Security incident involving US Navy destroyer in Red Sea, US official says : worldnews ... The destroyer USS Carney engaged multiple missiles launched by Iranian backed Houthi rebels in Yemen and fired missiles in response, the official said
US Navy warship intercepts multiple missiles near Yemen : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 28) : worldnews

Biden says aid could enter Gaza on Friday, as Israel and Egypt give go-ahead. Twenty trucks are preparing to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing, but US president says aid will halt if it is seized by Hamas : worldnews

Security Council meets over Israel-Gaza: Very real risk of conflict expanding warns top envoy

Israel Readying Emergency Regulations Allowing Arrest of Journalists for Factual Reporting : anime_titties

Israel President Herzog blasts BBCs biased reporting on Israel-Hamas war ... Photographic evidence the next day shows that there is no major damage at all to the hospital building, not a single building was destroyed and no buildings were flattened. A comparatively small rocket set some cars on fire in the car park.Did the BBC simply report everything that Hamas told them to?
80 Beds Yet Hundreds Dead: Questions Emerge Over Gaza Hospital Attack. The Al Ahli Hospital is "a small 19th century hospital which had a capacity of just 80 beds." : worldnews

Survivors of kibbutz attack turn their ire on NetanyahuA massive security failure and antagonism toward Palestinians means many Israelis think Netanyahu has to answer for Hamas attack. ... What holds these kinds of regimes is the willingness of the people to lie,The moment they are unwilling to lie and the word comes out that the king is actually nude, it topples very quickly

US Navy moves Blue Ridge class amphibious command ships USS Mount Whitney to Israel : worldnews

Hamas Spokesman Reportedly Among Scores Arrested In Occupied West Bank : worldnews

EU source says data shows 10-50 killed in Tuesdays Gaza hospital explosion; rockets rain on central Israel

Historic synagogue in Tunisia heavily damaged in rioting tied to Israel-Hamas war : worldnews

Ukrainian forces cross Dnipro river in major tactical advance : worldnews
Infographic that explains how aid to Ukraine actually works.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 603, Part 1 (Thread #749) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 19.10.2023 : ukraine

Five Russian Attack Jets in Ten Days: Something Is Knocking Down Kremlin Jets, a Lot. Ukraine in recent months jumped in with two feet on developing "FrankenSAM" missile systems to fill its air defense gaps. The Russian Air Force recently has felt some serious pain
Such targets have never been hit before: how FPV drone pilots hunt the enemy on the front lines
Well-known Russian militant Babai killed on Zaporizhzhia front : ukraine

Jimmy Rushton on X: "The latest Russian attack in Avdiivka is not going well." / X

Ukraine Front Lines on X: "Our Black Sea neighbors demonstrate a surprisingly short period from the decision to create a minesweeper group to the start of practical work." / X

A new page in EU defence: First-ever European Union military exercise kicks off

European Central Bank moves digital euro to next phase

EU Opens Disinformation Probes Into Meta, TikTok : worldnews
Musks X particularly bad on antisemitic content, EU says

Finland blocks Russian property acquisitions : worldnews

More than 330 additional NATO troops arrive in Kosovo amid tensions with Serbia : worldnews

Leaked documents show connection between Russia and Dutch political party : worldnews

Berlin: 174 arrested at unauthorized pro-Palestinian events
German lawmakers hold first debate on marijuana legalization bill : worldnews

Mob Attacks Synagogue in Spanish Territory : worldnews
More than 400 animals rescued as Spain trafficking ring dismantled : worldnews

Paris 2024 Olympics headquarters raided for a second time in four months amid investigation into suspected corruption : worldnews
French financial prosecutors raid Paris 2024 Olympics headquarters : worldnews

Scotland ready to accept refugees from Gaza, says First Minister Yousaf : worldnews


Womens sexual and reproductive rights an unfinished agenda

Trudeau not ready to accept U.S. finding that Palestinian outfit was behind Gaza hospital blast | CBC News : worldnews
Canada withdraws 41 diplomats from India - BBC News : worldnews

UFOs: US is receiving dozens of reports a month, senior Pentagon official tells CNN | CNN Politics ... with the potential for hundreds, if not thousands more reports expected in the near future.

Biden mulls $60 bln for Ukraine, $10 bln for Israel in funding request - source : worldnews
Biden to ask Congress for $60 billion for Ukraine : worldnews

State Department Official Resigns Over Arms Transfers to Israel : politics

Republicans and Dems agree Afghanistan war wasnt worth it, poll shows

Fetterman calls rush to blame Israel for hospital blast disturbing

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $3.5 Billion for Largest Ever Investment in Americas Electric Grid,Deploying More Clean Energy, Lowering Costs, and Creating Union Jobs

Hundreds arrested after Pro-Palestinian d

Discussion Thread: 2023 US House Speaker Election, Day of October 18 : politics

The House Mess Is What GOP Voters Wanted : politics
Jim Jordan wont be the next speaker
Jim Jordans curious rise: A tale of how Christian nationalism consumed the GOPs - It's not really about Jesus, so much as a belief that only members of their lily white tribe are "real" Americans

House speaker live updates: Path forward uncertain; Jim Jordan says he will seek 3rd vote - The Washington Post

MAGA Republicans are normalizing violent threats -- numerous examples of it during Jim Jordans flailing speakership bid.
McCarthy screams at Gaetz as fellow GOP rep almost lunged at him
Miller-Meeks Statement on Speaker Vote and Death Threats | Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks
Mariannette Miller-Meeks says she got death threats after pulling support for Jim Jordan : politics
Republican lawmaker says she received death threats after voting against Jim Jordan in speakers race
Threats fly as Jim Jordans bid to be US House Speaker turns ugly

GOP tries to blame Dems after Jordan loses more votes but Republican warns it's gonna get worse
Jim Jordans no outlier: He fits right into the GOP's post-Gingrich history of ruthless trolling | Every Republican speaker since the rise of Newt has been an incompetent troll or a felon. Jordans no big change

Another cunning plan by the House GOP in response to Democratic treachery - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Why the GOP Cant Unite
Playbook: Why the McHenry bubble might pop - POLITICO

Mitch McConnell fills the void as House GOP sinks into chaos - POLITICO an unintended consequence for House conservatives: The Senate minority leader who many of them abhor is, for now, the most influential leader in the congressional GOP.

Trump Is Winning Over Swing-State Voters Wary of Biden's Economic Plan - Voters in seven states trust Trump more on economy, poll shows ... Trump, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, leads Biden 47% to 43% among voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Morning Consult, Bloomberg News Release Polling on Swing States Ahead of 2024

Opinion | Donald Trump Is Going to Get Someone Killed - The New York Times

Trumps Lawyers Argue You Cant Take His Property Values Seriously
Trump May Have to Throw His Clown Car Full ofLawyers Under the Bus

Good News! You May Be Able to Watch a Judge Say Guiltyto Trump in Real Time | One of Donald Trumps biggest trials could soon be televised.

Donald Trump lashes out at Mitt Romney over Melania claims : politics
Trump Told Mitt Romneys Son He Would Drop Melania: Book

New York court employee arrested after yelling out for Trump during fraud trial

Man Who Spread Misinformation on Trump's Behalf Sentenced to 7 Months - The man, Douglass Mackey, spread internet memes meant to fool people into not voting for Hillary Clinton in 2016 ... Mr. Mackey made his motive clear, writing that a key to a Trump victory would be to limit blackturnout

Sidney Powell: Former Trump attorney pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case | CNN Politics
Powell pleads out, turns state's
What Sidney Powells Deal Could Mean for the Fulton County Case Against Trump I think there are a lot of people who are in more trouble than they were before
TESTIFY! : PoliticalHumor

San Marcos forced to pay $175,000 to Wendy Davis, other Democrats after Trump Trainincident

Ramaswamys unconventional campaign loses steam after debate boost

Sinema Rakes in Cash from GOP Megadonors : politics

GOP school board candidate caught discussing fire-breathing lesbians, "grooming"

GOP congressman claims the Bible has been banned in America for 60 years : politics

Voter fraud charges dropped against 69-year-old Black woman : news They could have cleared this up with a phone call or an interview, but no, they had to execute an arrest warrant on a 69 year old woman at 3am in the morning like she was a drug lord that was going to come out with guns blazing.

Domestic Violence Homicides Spike Amid SCOTUS Gun Case | HuffPost Latest News As gun rights expand, homicides claim the lives of a growing number of spouses and dating partners.

2022 FBI Crime Data Shows 227,108 Weed-Related Arrests | HuffPost Latest News The FBI reported 227,108 arrests related to cannabis, which is legal in 23 states.

Exclusive: Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Was an FBI Informant
The Thiel Saga... - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant : politics

FTX execs blew through $8Btestimony reveals how

Its not been enough to carry the day: Why the Victorias Secret rebrand is over

Killers of the Flower Moon Review: An Unsettling Masterpiece : Martin Scorsese's three-and-a-half-hour epic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, is a romance, a western, a whodunit and a lesson in the bloody history of the Osage murders of the 1920s.

Bandcamp potentially about to be ruined? : Music

EasyJet flight canceled because of defecation incident

Boy with water pistol confronted by armed police : news

8-years, EIGHT YEARS, it took to remove a racist judge. This is insane.

Which Language Has the Funniest Word for Yes?

Mysterious Fast Radio Burst Traveled 8 Billion Years To Reach Earth : worldnews

Smart brain-wave cap can diagnose stroke in the ambulance, allowing the patient to receive appropriate treatment faster by routing it directly to the right hospital : science

New study suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), a condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves, while Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is associated with decreased risk of GBS.
The various neurological symptoms that patients with COVID-19 have experienced suggest that viral infections may increase the risk of neurodegeneration, which could in turn contribute to the development of conditions such as Alzheimers disease.

New research has found that individuals with ADHD are significantly more likely to be involved in violent incidents, either as victims or perpetrators. : science

According to a new study, the primary problem in obesity is fructose. It can also be made in the body from carbohydrates, and when its metabolized, it lowers the active energy in the body (known as ATP) which causes hunger and food intake

How does diet impact rosacea and acne. Research found individuals with increased IGF-1 expression showed an increased likelihood of chest acne (62%) than face acne (34%) and consumed significantly more dairy foods than those with unaltered IGF-1 expression. : science

Eating red meat twice a week may increase type 2 diabetes risk. Scientists found replacing one daily serving of red meat for another protein source, researchers found substituting for nuts and legumes was associated with a 30% lower risk of type 2 diabetes. : science

Japanese researchers have discovered that turning brain immune cells into neurons successfully restores brain function after stroke in mice. These findings suggest that replenishing neurons from immune cells could be a promising avenue for treating stroke in humans. : science

Women with a genetic predisposition for blood clots are six times more likely to suffer one in the first two years of oral contraceptive use. : science

eli5: how is it that human doesnt remember anything from first several years of their life? : explainlikeimfive

TIL gravity is much weaker than the other fundamental interactions that exist in nature. It is 10^38 times weaker than the strong force, 10^36 times weaker than the electromagnetic force and 10^29 times weaker than the weak force. There is no scientific consensus on why that's the case. : todayilearned

What mystery in your life will remain forever unsolved? : AskReddit

How often do you have dark thoughts and do you consider them intrusive? : AskReddit

23andMe hack: What you can do after the data leak : technology

What did you think was normal about your body until someone pointed out that it wasnt?

Discord is going to give out warnings instead of permanent bans : technology


The world may have crossed a tipping point that will inevitably make solar power our main source of energy, new research suggests

Operation Warp Speed: The Untold Story of the COVID-19 Vaccine | Vanity Fair How an unlikely group of scientists, generals, and government officials supercharged the effort to get us back to some kind of normal.

Locked down in distress: A quasi-experimental estimation of the mental-health fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic : science

China, Japan say their ships faced off near disputed islands : worldnews

North Korea appears to have military links with Hamas: South Korea : worldnews
Lavrov is being greeted in North Korea like a pop star: the sky is crying and the Koreans are crying. Everybodys crying, theyre all in ecstasy. And the wise leader Kim Il-sung looks down from the sky and waves his hand to welcome Putins horse

Xi Jinping welcomes dear friend Vladimir Putin in Beijing
Putin filmed in China accompanied by officers with Russian nuclear briefcase : worldnews
NEXTA on X: "Putin stood up for his friend Orban who flew to Beijing yesterday just to meet with him." / X
US accuses China of pattern of dangerous air force manoeuvres against military planes
MI5 head warns of epic scale of Chinese espionage

Putin says US wading deeper into Ukraine war, calls missile supplies a mistake : worldnews

Congo Boat Tragedy Death Toll Climbs To 52, Dozens Still Missing : worldnews

Chads defence minister, government general secretary resign after sex tapes leaked

The U.S. military thwarted an attack targeting its forces in Iraq early on Wednesday, intercepting two drones before they could strike : worldnews

Egypt rejects any displacement of Palestinians into Sinai, says Sisi : worldnews

White House has discussed U.S. military response if Hezbollah attacks Israel : worldnews
Thousands of protesters surround US embassy in Lebanon : worldnews
Saudi Arabia calls on citizens to immediately leave Lebanon : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 27) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 26) : worldnews

Paul McLeary on X: "Navy says its command and control ship, the Mount Whitney, is en route to the eastern Med., joining a rapidly growing Navy presence off the Israeli coast" / X

Israel approves entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza from Egypt after U.S. pressure : worldnews

Bidens Israel Visit Reveals Inconvenient Truths About Shift in U.S.-Israel Relationship disappointment and a certain loss of confidence in the Israeli leadership

IDF issues conclusive proof that the hospital explosion was not caused by an air strike. : IsraelPalestine
Israel-Hamas war: Israel says it will release evidence which it claims shows an Islamic Jihad rocket hit the Gaza hospital : worldnews
Israel-Hamas war: US says analysis of imagery and intercepts shows Israelis not behind Gaza hospital blast
IDF tells world: This is how Islamic Jihad destroyed the Gaza hospital : worldnews
Israel releases audio of Hamas operatives discussing failed rocket launch and video showing missile exploding in the sky moments before blast killed hundreds at Gaza hospital
IDF releases new video footage from Wednesday morning showing the damage at the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City
Of note, casualty-wise, I can confirm a number, probably 30-50, IDPs (internally displaced persons) were sheltering on the lawn in the courtyard of the Ahli Hospital in the red highlighted area. They took the worst of the blast, many of their bodies were badly burnt ... So 800 that western tankies like @jacksonhinklle and #hamas lovers like @WarMonitors said happened is not true?
Gaza hospital: What video, pictures and other evidence tell us about Al Ahli hospital blast : worldnews (BBC bad)
Sunak on Gaza hospital blast reporting: Hamas should be distrusted like the Kremlin : worldnews
Former Israeli PM @NaftaliBennett UNLOADS on CNN for both sides-ing the claims about who caused an explosion at a Gaza hospital: Anderson Flooper

Biden outraged by Gaza hospital blast, points to Hamas responsibility
Biden says hospital blast in Gaza appears as though it was done by the other team and not Israel
Biden expresses outrage over Gaza hospital attack, directs team to investigate : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war: Israel releases evidence which it claims shows an Islamic Jihad rocket hit the Gaza hospital : worldnews
Intercepted Hamas phone call confirms hospital bombing was done by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad : worldnews

Hamas expresses willingness to release some captive women and children : worldnews

Olaf Scholzs plane evacuated on runway following rocket attack in Israel

US single-handedly vetoes Brazilian resolution on UN Security Council proposing immediate humanitarian ceasefire to allow for the release of hostages and humanitarian aid access to Gaza. : worldnews

12 days after the massacre: Bodies of Arik Peretz and his daughter Ruth located

Hundreds of Palestinian attempt to damage Josephs tomb

US has provided Ukraine long-range ATACM missiles, sources say.The US secretly provided Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles, according to two US officials. The confirmation came on Tuesday after images of the missiles submunitions inside Ukraine began circulating on social media.
Ukraine claims a major strike on Russian airfields and thanks US for providing long-range missiles : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 602, Part 1 (Thread #748) : worldnews

War in Ukraine Latest: Ukrainian Marines Crossed Dnipro River, Digging in Inland : worldnews
TaintNoogie comments on War in Ukraine Latest: Ukrainian Marines Crossed Dnipro River, Digging in Inland

Ukraines special forces use daring raids and distraction tactics in bid to free Crimea

Russian Navys Trained Dolphins Moved Closer To Fighting In Ukraine War

Threatening letter tells Dutch residents to hang Russian flags or face consequences : worldnews

Man who smuggled 10,000 people to UK jailed in Belgium, police say : worldnews

A Berlin synagogue is attacked with firebombs while antisemitic incidents rise in Germany : worldnews

The man who killed a schoolteacher in northern France last week was charged with terror offences on Tuesday, a prosecutor said, after revealing that he had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State extremist group in an audio recording before his attack : worldnews

Argentina central bank hikes key rate to 133% as inflation worsens : worldnews

Bolsonaro was engineer of wilful coup attempt, Brazil congress inquiry alleges

Trudeau says Canada faces scary rise in antisemitism afterwar in Middle East

President Biden drafts $100 billion foreign aid package, including money for Israel and Ukraine : worldnews
Biden announces $100 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza and West Bank : worldnews

Bidens Israel Trip Was a Gamble Thats Already Paying OffHumanitarian aid is finally entering Gaza, Israelis felt supported, and Netanyahu is unlikely to disrespect the U.S. president again any time soon.
How Joe Biden got on board with a wartime trip to Israel -- and what he hopes to accomplish : politics
President Bidens Finest Hour ... This article is by Bret Stephens, famous Climate Change denier, racist and bedbug.

Eschaton: Vibes Immigration and crime are very similar, in that people care a lot about them when media and the politicians are telling them to, and not so much otherwise (at least given current rates of violent crime, generally). The recent "crime wave" was mostly visible homelessness in a few major cities where some rich assholes live.

Tlaib refuses to apologize for blaming Israel for Gaza hospital blast, attacks Biden : politics

The US House of Representatives is in its worst chaos since the Civil War : politics

House speaker vote live updates: Jim Jordan fails on second ballot - The Washington Post
A resounding no for Jim Jordan
The Petty and Bitter Chaos of the House GOPs Speaker Drama
Poor Gym - Lawyers, Guns & Money After Jordan and his hired goons went to work on people with an extensive history of spinelessness, there are more no votes for Jordan today than they were yesterday:
Folks who must feel super burned here are the GOPs who flinched and gave into voting for Jordan after saying they were NeverJims only to see 20 stand up and say no. Really caught holding the bag and it's a really stinky bag. Couldnt happen to nicer bag carriers of course.
He Knew. He didnt care : Jon Wertheim has a great story talking to the student-athletes who specifically reported being sexually abused to Jim Jordan and were met with indifference: ... It says it all that the vast majority of the Republican conference affirmatively supported him being Speaker of the House, because he has policy views as reprehensible as his character.

With Jordan slipping, House could make McHenry a temporary speaker : politics
Summer Lee calls Jim Jordan a white supremacist antisemite as Republican falls short in first speaker vote
Republicans Say Jim Jordans Pressure Campaign for Speaker Has Backfired
Jim Jordans allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.
Triumph of the goon squad: If Jim Jordan becomes speaker, the GOP can go no lower : politics

Here are the 20 Republicans who voted against Jordan for Speaker : politics
Jim Jordans Big Day Ends in Chaos and Failure: The Republican nominee for speaker spent his day doing what his predecessor Kevin McCarthy did bestnot getting enough votes to win the gavel.
Top Republicans plan Jim Jordan alternative : politics

GOP Rep. Reveals Threatening Texts His Wife Received About Jim Jordan Vote : politics

These California Republicans voted for Jim Jordan and against the good of the country. Remember their names

Shouldnt we refer to her as Trump defense counsel?: Experts slam Cannon order scolding Jack Smith
Aileen Cannon Just Made Trumps Life Easier

Trump Lawyer Acknowledged Political Agenda in Election Suit, Emails Show - The New York Times Kenneth Chesebro said that even long-shot litigation would hold political advantages, undercutting assertions that Donald J. Trumps lawyers were simply providing legal advice in challenging the 2020 results.

Trump Falsely Claims Mar-a-Lago Is Worlds Most Expensive House
Aaron Rupar on X: "Trump, back at court in NYC this morning, viciously attacks AG James, who he describes at "ranting and raving like a lunatic." He also claims Mar-a-Lago is "the most expensive house, probably, in the world" and adds that it's worth as much as $1.5 billion." / X

Weisselbergs testimony abruptly ended last week, raising questions
After perjury allegation, legal analyst warns Allen Weisselberg risks having his probation "revoked" : politics

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Destroying Donald Trumps Election Chances, Poll Says
RFK Jr. spent years stoking fear and mistrust of vaccines. Heres who gets hurt by Kennedys work
Can you use presidential campaign donations to pay off delinquent child support obligations and unpaid back taxes? - Lawyers, Guns & Money n a head-to-head matchup, that poll found that Biden edges out Trump by just three points at 49 to 46 percent. But in a three-way contest, RFK Jr. wins the support of 16 percent of the registered voters surveyed. Biden loses five points in that hypothetical situation, but his 44 percent of the vote dramatically surpasses Donald Trumps meager 37 percent.
Cornel West draws max donation from GOP megadonor Harlan Crow

"Bullhorn Lady" Rachel Powell sentenced to nearly 5 years on Jan. 6 charges : news

The failing Constitution - Lawyers, Guns & Money This countrys political system is suffering a slow motion breakdown. The reasons are structural, to the point where, if Donald Trump didnt exist, he certainly would have been invented:

Laphonza Butler to take Dianne Feinsteins seat on Senate Judiciary Committee

Sarah Huckabee Sanders spent $19,000 on a lectern she wont use, then blamed the media

Beyond the Myth of Rural America: Its inhabitants are as much creatures of state power and industrial capitalism as their city-dwelling counterparts. : politics
Beyond the Myth of Rural America | The New Yorker
Beyond American GothicGrant Wood made occasionally impressive, predominantly weird, sometimes awful art. The Whitneyretrospective of the mid-century Iowan painter invites the question: Why now?
The 75-Year Debate over Thomas Hart Bentons Most Controversial Artwork
In Defense of Keeping the Indiana University Mural That Depicts (But Doesn't Glorify) the KKK | History| Smithsonian Magazine
Indiana University has no plans to pull mural of Ku Klux Klan members, burning cross

In Her New Museum Retrospective, Judy Chicago Hacks the Patriarchy | Artsy

Journalists slam Gov. Pillen for calling Chinese reporter from Nebraska publication a Communist

Transgender Montana Legislator Zooey Zephyr Unsilenced and Unyielding at Equality Convention : politics

The Rights Latest Target: Unmarried Women

As Walter Isaacson and Michael Lewis wrote, their books heroes became villains

Hacker leaks millions more 23andMe user records on cybercrime forum : technology

Top Apple analyst says MacBook demand has fallen significantly

ELI5: Why is Che Guevara such a big name in the revolutionary movement? : explainlikeimfive

Scholastic Says Schools Can Exclude Diverse Titles From Book Fairs : books (or anything written by a non-white person)

How to Speed Read Without Forgetting Everything

Mathematician warns NSA may be weakening next-gen encryption : anime_titties

For the first time, researchers have found that Alzheimers symptoms can be transferred to a healthy young organism via the gut microbiota, confirming its role in the disease.

ELI5: How did the Moon end up with an orbit the perfect distance to cause total eclipses? : explainlikeimfive

Stonehenge's Altar Stone is not Welsh, Aberystwyth University says : science

10-second voice test shown to detect type 2 diabetes | Currently, if someone wants to see if they have type 2 diabetes, they have to travel to a clinic for blood tests and then wait for results. : science

How did COVID change our life for the better? : AskReddit

What's Really the Average Human Body Temperature? | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

Sylvester Stallone & Dolly Parton - Stay Out of My Bedroom [country] : Music

Why did you breakup? : AskReddit


21 species removed from endangered list due to extinction, U.S. wildlife officials say - CBS News

Paris Agreement: India among 4 big economies set to meet Paris climate goals : worldnews

Nearly 70% of South Koreans against Fukushima release : worldnews

Hong Kong court rules that gay couples get equal housing rights : worldnews

Security Council rejects Russian resolution on Gaza : worldnews
Creating Chaos Wherever He Can: Khodorkovsky Argues Ukraine War Is Taxing Putins Hold On Power

2 Russian ships made 5 trips between N. Korea, Russia since mid-Aug. in suspected arms transfers: WP : worldnews

Ukraine war latest: Russia admits most of its drones come from China : worldnews

India Supreme Court fails to legalise same-sex marriage : worldnews
India: Supreme Court strikes down rule restricting queer, unmarried couples from adopting children : worldnews

Iran FM warns of imminent preemptive actionagainst Israel by resistance axis
Dariush Mehrjui: Iranian director and wife found dead : worldnews
Iran bans teaching foreign languages to kids - Times of India : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 25) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 24) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 23) : worldnews

United States President Joe Biden to visit Israel on Wednesday : worldnews

Hes unfit: Israel fiercely divided over Netanyahus hostage response | Israel-Hamas war

The failed rocket launch is looking more and more like the culprit in the attack on the hospital. This video shows the impact a few moments after an interception.
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL. A missile launched by Palestinian Groups exploded mid-air and one of the pieces fell on the Al-Ahli Arab Hospitals yard.Before reacting READ our thread.
Gaza hospital hit by failed Islamic Jihad rocket, says IDF : worldnews
Source: President Mahmoud Abbas cancels planned meeting with President Biden after hospital strike ... Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Gaza that Hamas health officials say has killed over 500 peopl
BREAKING: Jordan cancels summit with US President Joe Biden and Egyptian and Palestinian leaders in Amman tomorrow, Jordans Foreign Minister says - Reuters
At least 300 dead in Gaza hospital bombing, local authorities say : worldnews
Canadian prime minister calls Israeli strike on hospital unacceptable
BREAKING: Al-Jazeera reports that the IDF spokesperson says they had warned regarding evacuating the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital as well as five other hospitals ... how quickly they turn around and say this after saying two minutes ago it was Hamas.

Jordans King Abdullah on Gaza: No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt

IDF says they attacked more than 200 sites belong to Hamas in Gaza overnight.

Get us out of this hellhole: SOS messages by UNRWA staff in Gaza

Tel Aviv, Jerusalem come under repeated rocket attacks; Netanyahu warns Hezbollah and Iran - Don't try us

Clashes at Lebanon-Israel border raise fears of wider war : worldnews

As Gaza ground invasion looms, mediators try to free more than 100 hostages : worldnews

At Least a Dozen Journalists Killed in First Week of Israel-Hamas War : worldnews

Israeli family of five found lying in tragic embrace after being murdered by Hamas : worldnews

Kfar Aza kibbutz massacre: Father saves daughter he hadnt seen for six years
British teen missing in Hamas attack confirmed dead, family say : worldnews

Hamas releases propaganda clip of captive seized in Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel : worldnews

Israeli military continues to target southern Gaza despite ordering civilians to shelter there. : worldnews

About 2,000 U.S. troops told to prepare for deployment in response to Israel-Hamas war : worldnews

All 31 Abrams Tanks in Ukraine, US Military Confirms to VOA : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 601, Part 1 (Thread #747) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 17.10.2023 : ukraine

The delivery and use on the battlefield marks a major ramp up of the administrations defense of Ukraine
War in Ukraine Latest: Russian Airfield Hit in Most Serious Strike of the War ... According to the independent UNIAN news agency, the Ukrainian missiles damaged or destroyed up to 10 helicopters. The ammunition dump burned for more than an hour with continuous explosions
Operation Dragonfly: Ukraine claims destruction of Russiasnine helicopters at occupied Luhansk and Berdiansk airfields

The destruction of the Kakhovka HPP dam by russia caused almost $14 billion in damages to Ukraine, according to the comprehensive report of the Ukrainian government and the UN.

Russia Goes on the Offensive in Ukraine -- and Suffers Heavy Losses

With Opposition Gains, Poland Looks to Unwind an Illiberal Democracy
Tusks and Polands accomplishment

Brussels shooting suspect is killed after nightlong police manhunt : worldnews ... The killer claims the be part of ISIS, and wanted to kill those who dont believe

Spain rejects Israeli claims of its officials aligning with Hamas : worldnews
Over 8,500 migrants reach Spains Canary Islands in two weeks

Macron says Islamist terrorism rising in Europe, all states at risk
Frances Palace of Versailles being evacuated for security reasons

Colombia threatens to cut ties with Israel over war on Gaza : worldnews

Chinese military jet intercepts Canadian Forces plane in aggressive manner

Biden Joins Trumps Truth Social Site Because We Thought It Would Be Very Funny
Biden, Trolling Trump, Joins Truth Social: Converts Welcome

House speaker vote: Jim Jordan falls short on first vote
Jim Jordan Rejected as Speaker In Initial House Vote : politics
Jim Jordan falls short in vote for House speaker : politics
Gym fails first vote - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Apotheosis of Jim Jordan Is a Sight to Behold
Jim Jordans day of reckoning

Republicans are on the verge of electing a speaker whosnever passed a bill during his 16 years in Congress
Jim Jordan should be expelled from the House, not made speaker : politics
Jim Jordan lacks everything hed need to lead as House speake
AOC makes 11th-hour call to block Jim Jordan in House speaker vote -- AOC notes that Jordan voted to overturn the United States lection and who supports a national abortion
Republican Group Trashes Jim Jordan Just Ahead Of Speaker Vote : politics
Retired DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone, who was nearly killed on January 6 by pro-Trump rioters, warns against a Jim Jordan speakership: it's incredibly dangerous
Carnival of idiots: GOP holdouts threaten embarrassing defeat for Jordan as bullying backfires
Former Ohio State University wrestlers say Jim Jordan betrayed them and shouldnt be House speaker
Heres what we know about Jim Jordan and the Ohio State University wrestling scandal
Six former wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about abusive OSU doctor | CNN Politics

For GOP debate, NBC partners with right-wing outlets with history of peddling extremist rhetoric : politics

Judge Chutkan Finds Trump Poses Grave Threat To Judicial Process In Gag Order
Trump Wastes No Time Attacking Judge Who Slapped Him With Gag Order : politics
Trump Shares Article Doxxing NY AGs Address, May Violate Gag Order
Donald Trump may have already broken his gag order : politics
MSNBC Host Scarborough on Trump Violating Gag Orders: Anyone Else Would be Held in Contempt and Thrown in Jail
Trumps Infamous Trolling Could Now Send Him to Jail

Historians Expose Chilling Message Behind Trumps Unhinged Fundraising Emails ... If fascism was a totalitarian ideology, movement and regime, Trumpism is that plus a personal business ... The fascist identification between people, nation and leader mutates in Trumpism. It becomes not only a wannabe fascist project but also a business

Trump told Trump Org executives to make him look richer each year in annual net worth statements, testimony shows : politics

Trump to be deposed Tuesday in Peter Strzok and Lisa Page lawsuit : politics

Donald Trump willing to go to jail if thats what it takes

Trump calls military officials some of the dumbest people Ive ever met

Russian sources disappeared after Trump declassified ex-spys evidence, UK court told | Donald Trump
Russian sources disappeared after Trump declassified ex-spys evidence, UK court told (Trump ratted out a bunch of spies and Russia killeld them, refucks said no prob)
C.I.A. Informant Extracted From Russia Had Sent Secrets to U.S. for Decades - The New York Times

More On Governor Empty Suits Vetoes

Kari Lake handed another legal loss : politics

"Bounce the rubble" - Lawyers, Guns & Money Tom has always cottoned to bloodthirsty militarism: It's that non-interventionist mindset of todays Republican Party! And obviously the fact that the typical member of the right-wing majority in Israel makes Cotton look like the Donald Trump of Maureen Dowd and Glenn Greenwalds imagination is the even bigger problem here.

Schwarzenegger: Aging Democratic, Republican leaders should step aside for new generation ... Speaking of people who needed to step aside but didnt, Schwarzenegger is single handedly the reason we don't have single payer healthcare in CA. He vetoed that twice.

Oprah Winfrey Disputes Mitt Romneys Claim That She Asked to Join Him on a Unity Presidential Ticket

Supreme Court tells 5th Circuit to stop its defiance in ghost gun case : NPR

Americas highest gun death rates are in the South

The Rights Latest Target: Unmarried WomenArchconservatives find single women threatening, and theyre trying to browbeat them into submission.

Weak rules allow ultra-processed foods like Lunchables on school menus - Washington Post Weak rules and industry power have allowed ultra-processed products on the menu

Doctor Unions - Lawyers, Guns & Money Traditionally, doctors have been a right-wing force in American life. The American Medical Association long led the fight against universal healthcare in this country. But that is beginning to change because the corporatization of America has reached the doctors and they are unhappy about being treated as bad as every other worker in this country.

Sam Bankman-Frieds legal peril deepens as his defense comes up short

One year-post acquisition, X traffic and monthly active users are in decline, report claims : technology

Man imprisoned 16 years for wrongful conviction fatally shot by Georgia deputy : news

Whistleblower: World Bank Helped Cover Up Sex Abuse at For-Profit School Chain : worldnews ... Bridge International Academies, a chain of for-profit schools that had exploded in Africa and South Asia. With the backing of Silicon Valleys elite and the support of international financial institutions like the World Bank

How to Understand Our World in 10 Charts - by Brian Klaas We live in extraordinary times, but rarely zoom out to think about the major shifts that define our world. Here are ten charts that help us make better sense of the big picture.

Brain fungal infection produces Alzheimers disease-like changes - Researchers discovered how the fungus Candida albicans enters the brain in mice and generates amyloid beta-like peptides, toxic protein fragments from the amyloid precursor protein related to the development of Alzheimers disease.

TIL in a 2016 study, 72 incidents were reviewed of humpback whales interfering w/ orcas hunting mammals. 61 involved prey species other than humpbacks despite "no apparent benefit" for their intervention leading the authors to conclude that "interspecific altruism" could not be ruled out. : todayilearned

A study on Neanderthal cuisine that sums up twenty years of archaeological excavations at the cave Gruta da Oliveira (Portugal), comes to a striking conclusion: Neanderthals were as intelligent as Homo sapiens

NY State Bill Would Require Background Checks to Buy 3D Printers : technology

What's the most absurd conversation you've ever overheard? : AskReddit

Have you ever had a paranormal experience? If so, what happened? : AskReddit

What is the most bizarre situation youve ever been in and how did you handle it?

What is the most meaningful or impactful experience you have had with technology and why was it significant? : AskReddit

What's the most memorable dream you've ever had? : AskReddit

Whats the most unbelievable coincidence youve ever experienced?

Have you ever had a near-miss with death and what did you learn from it? : AskReddit

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while on a date? : AskReddit

TIL that the Eiffel Tower in Paris was originally intended to be a temporary exhibit built to celebrate the 1889 worlds fair and was almost torn down and scrapped in 1909

Were There Really BLACK CONFEDERATES???!!! : videos

What is the most unforgettable Reddit thread of all time? : AskReddit


Amazon rainforest port records lowest water level in 121 years amid drought : worldnews

Solar-powered off-road car finishes 620-mile test drive across north Africa | Solar power | The Guardian : worldnews

Australian safety watchdog fines social platform X $385,000 for not tackling child abuse content : worldnews

Malaysia PM Anwar: disagree with Western pressure to condemn Hamas : worldnews ... Malaysian passports bear the inscription: This passport is valid for all countries except Israel

Kishida Cabinets support rate falls to record low 32%
Japan vows to promote security camera use to curb child sexual abuse : worldnews
Japan: Family court rules its unconstitutional to require surgery for gender change
Japanese with good impression of South Korea hits all-time high ... The most common reason cited by Japanese respondents was interest in pop culture, at 47.1 percent. (k-pop)

Fearing China, South Korea targets firms building Taiwan navy submarines : worldnews

Russias foreign minister will visit North Korea amid claims of weapons supplied to Moscow

Births in China slide 10% to hit their lowest on record : worldnews

RUSSIAN Ruble Collapse Causes Panic as President Putin Introduces New Foreign Currency Controls : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia returns four abducted Ukrainian children in Qatari deal : worldnews

Indias fertility rate faces sharp decline amid rising concern over lifestyle factors, infertility

UN aid chief says six months of war in Sudan has killed 9,000 people : worldnews

Shabaab hosts massive pro-Palestine protests in southern Somalia : worldnews

Iran ordered Hezbollah to carry out attacks on Israel's North - IDF : worldnews
Israeli officials identify 2 Hamas leaders it says are responsible for attack, backed by Iran
Iran says Hamas will free hostages if air strikes end : worldnews
Iran says preemptive action by resistance front expected in coming hours

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 22) : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war live updates: Biden to visit Israel on Wednesday - The Washington Post

Benjamin Netanyahu shouldnt lead Israel in the long run after countrys mostsevere blow, ex-PM says
Did Israels strategy of allowing Hamas to get too strong backfire?

How Hamas's carefully planned Israel attack devolved into a chaotic rampage - By Shira Rubin Sarah Dadouch and Steve Hendrix

Senior UN relief official calls for immediate unconditional access for life-saving aid in Gaza

Israel-Hamas war: Recovered bodies show bloodthirsty gunmen took time over torture and that Hamas has changed

Biden warns Israel against occupying Gaza as ground invasion appears near : politics
Blinken says the crossing to Egypt will open to aid as Israel prepares to strike Gaza : worldnews

Israel denies plan for ceasefire in southern Gaza to allow aid in : worldnews

US says Egypt border crossing to Gaza to reopen : worldnews
Gaza aid stuck as Egypt says Israel not cooperating : worldnews
It s becoming impossible to report from Gaza : Journalists are trying to report the news while fleeing for their lives

UN says men claiming to be Hamas authorities took fuel and medicine from Gaza City compound : worldnews

IDF notifies relatives of 199 people that their loved ones are Gaza hostages : worldnews
Hamas releases new footage of a hostage. : worldnews
Red Cross demands Hamas grant immediate access to hostages held in Gaza : worldnews

President Abbas says Hamas actions do not represent Palestinians : worldnews

Impossible to know how many Israeli hostages are still alive, says Hamas official

Israel plans evacuation of Israeli northern residents living up to 2 km from Lebanon's border : worldnews

Jerusalem Catholic Patriarch offers to be exchanged for Gaza hostages : worldnews

BBC Arabic journalists under investigation for supporting freedom fightersHamas

Likud Minister Formulates Emergency Regulations to Imprison Citizens Who HarmNational Morale

Israels Iron Beam laser weapon may join combat service soon

3525 days or 9 years, 7 months, a 24 days since the beginning of Russias occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 600, Part 1 (Thread #746) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 16 October 2023.

ISW: Russia tones down rhetoric about Avdiivka offensive : ukraine
Partisan Mariupol Poisoning Operations So Successful Because Russians Are Idiots
Ukraine Hobby Drones Score Record Number of Russian Armor Kills in Avdiivka : worldnews

Russians are pushing some surprising vehicles into the battle in the Avdiivka direction. At the moment we've seen a BTR-90 and a destroyed BTR-50 on the battlefield, both for the first time in this war. The BTR-50 is an armored personnel carrier, which entered service in 1954.

1/ After a drunken Russian officer ordered his lightly armed unit into a disastrous assault in which 300 men were lost, the survivors mutinied and refused to carry out further orders. They were reportedly imprisoned in a notorious torture facility

Polands opposition leader Donald Tusk declares election victory
Polish opposition leader Tusk declares win as ruling conservatives lose majority : worldnews
Polish election: Expected political earthquake delights Brussels : worldnews

Bulgaria shocks Hungary, Serbia with huge transit fees on Russian gas : worldnews

Amsterdams Van Gogh Museum scraps Pokemon card giveaway over safety concerns

Germany issues travel warning for Israel, Palestine, Lebanon : worldnews
Germanys anti-discrimination agency quits X over anti-minority posts

Terrorist Attack In The Center Of Brussels: Two Dead And Several Injured : worldnews

France to screen foreigners with radical record for possible expulsion : worldnews

Iran accused of threatening terrified BBC staff in London | Transnational repression
Peter Bone: Tory MP facing suspension after bullying probe : worldnews ... For bullying and sexual misconduct. (so, a Brexit Tory)
Electric cars drive UK MG sales to more than 1bn (owned by China)

Noboa, 35, to become Ecuadors next president following election dominated by spiraling crime
Banana fortune heir Daniel Noboa wins Ecuador presidential election : worldnews ... Ecuadors Pacific ports are targeted by drug traffickers smuggling cocaine, most commonly in shipping containers holding bananas, the countrys top export.
Ecuador: Daniel Noboa wins presidential election. The center-right businessman will become Ecuadors youngest-ever president at 35 but faces formidable challenges. He defeated socialist Luisa Gonzalez in a run-off vote
Daniel Noboa elected Ecuadors youngest president

A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canadas Government

Supplemental funding request for aid to Israel and Ukraine could come this week : worldnews
Senate leader Schumer says chamber will rush through military aid to Israel : politics

I See Were Restoring DeterrenceAgain

President Joe Biden: The 2023 60 Minutes interview transcript - CBS News

Biden interrupted by pro-Palestine activist at human rights dinner Protester shouted let Gaza live and ceasefire now during Human Rights Campaign annual dinner in Washington

The war between Israel and Hamas is testing the Republican Party's isolationist shift : politics

GOP states raise fees on electric cars as gas taxes fall : politics

Climate change is still the top issue in the 2024 election : politics

Settlement over Trump family separations at the border limits future separations for 8 years | AP News

John Roberts Wants Everyone to Think Hes in Charge of the Supreme Court. But It May Be Too Far GoneThe chief justice has led a high court beholden to conservative pet causes and plagued by ethics scandals. His response is, essentially, Nothing to see here.
Keeping them happy and in line - Lawyers, Guns & Money
SCOTUS silence on Texas execution is an institutional failure

The gang that couldnt shoot straight: Will the GOPs baffling 'ignarrogance' be its undoing? | Even if Jim Jordan wins, the speakers chair will still be vacant. What the hell happened to the Republican Party?

Jim Jordan still facing at least "10 to 20" holdouts as speaker vote looms, Republicans say : politics
Outrageous: Republicans rip Mike Rogers for floating Speaker deal with Democrats

Senators flummoxed, horrified by House leadership vacuum

Jack Smiths Demand for a Narrow Gag Order on Trump is Ready for Arguments Before D.C. Judge
Judge Chutkan issues limited gag order for Trump in D.C. Jan. 6 case - The Washington Post
Trump faces reckoning as D.C. judge mulls gag order : politics

Donald Trumps lawsuit over Steele dossier in London court
Donald Trump wants London court to rule Steele dossier sex claims are false ... to prove claims that he engaged in perverted sexual acts in Russia are false,

How Trumps Team Twisted His Bank Fraud Trial Into a Farce

Two of the Trump Grand Jurors in Georgia Agree to Sit for Interviews With Defense Attorneys, Judge Says - The Messenger Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said counsel for Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro will do the interviews on the record but not in public

Scotts super PAC cancels TV ad reservations as campaign sputters

Known for His Pointed Questions, a 15-Year-Old Is Ejected From a G.O.P. Event : politics

George Santos has less than $23k in his campaign account after refundsand reports debt he didnt disclose previously

Lawsuits Challenge Voting Rights Left to Governor Discretion in Some States - The New York Times Three states let governors use their discretion to deny voting rights to former prisoners. Lawsuits in two of them say that violates the First Amendment.
A Legal Fight Over Whether Governors Can Deny Thousands the Vote : politics

"Keep her legs closed!": Republicans are mad one of them said the quiet part out loud | Republicans definitely want to punish women for having sex -- but they dont want voters to figure that out

Ron DeSantis spent $1.5m on private jets as cash dries up, filing reveals : politics
Ron DeSantis Paints Palestinians AsAll Antisemitic In Rant Against Refugees
Today in the real, authentic new Republican economic populism - Lawyers, Guns & Money DeSantis donors are not funding a campaign with any chance of winning, but they are making sure that he can scoop pudding into his maw on a plane in the style to which he has become accustomed:

Lauren Boebert spent campaign cash at Beetlejuice dates bar

Matt Gaetz has embarrassed his constituents and exploited his position : politics

Oprah pitched a White House run with Mitt Romney, book reveals : politics (Doperah also supported Trump)

The right is getting weirder about sex : politics not sexual weirdness, its just plain misogyny.

When Foster Parents Dont Want to Give Back the Baby

Huntsman family, longtime Penn supporters, will halt donations to unrecognizable University ... due to administrators response to antisemitism.

Tara Strong Fired From Boxtown After Controversial Posts

Not helping - Lawyers, Guns & Money We already covered this ground when the NYU Law SBA president expressed support for the Hamas attacks, but apparently we have to address this again: defending Hamas is not helping anyone. It is, in fact, almost certainly hurting. The latest instance involves Albany Law's Professor Nina Farnia, who took to social media to post Long live the Palestinian resistance & people of Gaza and to describe the recent attacks as tearing down the walls of colonialism & apartheid.

(20+) PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP HOMICIDE UPDATE... - Will County Sheriff's Office | Facebook
DOJ Launches Hate Crime Probe Into Killing Of Muslim Boy | HuffPost Latest News (watched Fox all the time, wife says)

Opinion | The context behind the fatal punchline that obscured the Lincoln assassination - The Washington Post I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal, you sockdologizing old man-trap.

TIL about the Struwwelpeter, a 19th Century children's book in Germany showing moral lessons with disastrous consequences of misbehavior in an exaggerated way. One of the stories tell about a boy who doesn't stop sucking his thumbs until a tailor appears out of nowhere and cuts off his fingers. : todayilearned

After ChatGPT disruption, Stack Overflow lays off 28 percent of staff

ChatGPT may be better than doctors at evidence-based management of clinical depression : science

TIL that crows are incredibly intelligent birds, sometimes on par with 7-year-old children in terms of reasoning abilities. Theyve been known to use tools, recognize faces, and even hold grudges!

TIL that mathematician John von Neumann had an unusual ability to solve new problems. When presented with a problem in programming on which there had been no published literature, he said "Oh, that!", then gave a lecture of over an hour explaining how to solve it using a hitherto unconceived theory : todayilearned

Lethal climate change millions of years ago was due to volcanic eruptions, scientists conclude : science
ELI5 As far as I know we had 5 ice ages I know what caused them but how do we know we had those. (some million or thousands years ago.) : explainlikeimfive

Lead Exposure Might Cause More Deaths, IQ Loss Than Expected : science

TIL that in 2015 a 46 yr-old woman accidentally took 55 mg intranasally of pure LSD, equal to 550x the normal recreational dosage. She "blacked out" for the first 12 hours and felt "pleasantly high" for the second 12. A day later her chronic foot pain ceased, helping her to end her morphine habit. : todayilearned
Benefits of psychedelics in obsessive-compulsive disorder: LSD and psilocybin have strong potential for providing long-lasting relief of patients symptoms. These findings could pave the way for large-scale clinical trials

Meta-analysis: Vitamin D supplementation has a benefit on improving depressive symptoms in adults with primary depression and 25(OH)D levels higher than 50 nmol/L but has no effect on improving depressive symptoms in adults with primary depression and 25(OH)D levels lower than 50 nmol/L. : science

Researcher has shown for the first time that it is possible to track the progression of Parkinsons Disease accurately using machine learning algorithms to analyse data from devices worn by patients

New research shows the genetic basis for general happiness level appears to have a consistent effect on happiness and wellbeing measures throughout the lifespan, across multiple ancestral backgrounds, and multiple brain structures : science

Community PharmacistsKnowledge, Attitudes and the Perceived Safety and Effectiveness of Melatonin Supplements: A Cross-Sectional Survey

There are 2 main theories on effect of pregnancy on body image: 1) Pregnancy is in conflict with social ideas of female beauty. 2) Women are liberated from social ideals at this time. A new study found no statistical difference in body image dissatisfaction between pregnant and non-pregnant women. : science

Middle-aged Redditors, what is your biggest concern right now? : AskReddit

What company has you shocked that they have not yet gone out of business ? : AskReddit

ATF inspectors are well aware Littleton gun dealers use loophole to sell off-limits guns as parts, records show : politics

Lesley University students, professors protest mass layoff of liberal arts faculty - The Boston Globe

Aides to Cambridge Mayor Siddiqui allege toxic workplace behavior
Aides to Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui allege toxic workplace behavior - The Boston Globe : CambridgeMA

What is abuse and people dont realize it?

What's something that a shocking amount of people on Reddit believe? : AskReddit

Whats the weirdest subreddit youre subscribed to?


2023 will be the hottest year on record : worldnews

US Oil Production Hits All-Time High, Conflicting with Efforts to Cut Heat-Trapping Pollution : politics

Australian Indigenous leaders call for week of silence after referendum defeat

Rohingya face second genocide as violence surges in Bangladesh refugee camps

Putin to visit China to deepen no limits partnership with Xi (

Euromaidan Press on X: "Since the fall of 2023, students in Russian schools have been taught that Ukraine is "neo-Nazi" state, according to new textbooks created by Kremlin adviser Putin believes he can bend history to his will, writes imprisoned activist Vladimir Kara-Murza" / X

Russian governor has been reported to police after saying theres no need for the war in Ukraine

John Kirby: Russian military appears to be using human wave tactics where they throw masses of poorly trained soldiers right into the battlefield without proper equipment, and apparently without proper training and preparation. ... by spending 1%-2% of the annual budgetthe US has crippled Russian military effectiveness for at least 20-30 years

Putin proposes holding Armenia-Azerbaijan peace talks in Moscow : worldnews

New earthquake hits western Afghanistan : worldnews

Egypt refuses foreigners passage from Gaza except as part of aid agreement

Israeli attack on Syrian Aleppo airport puts it out of service : worldnews

Iranian FM meets with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 21) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 20) : worldnews

Ahead of possible visit, Biden says Israeli occupation of Gaza is big mistake
President Biden : We must not lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamass appalling attacks, and are suffering as a result of them.
Israel resumes water supply to southern Gaza after U.S. pressure : worldnews

Israel's invasion of Gaza was planned for this weekend but has been delayed by a few days, in part because of cloudy conditions, according to the New York Times
Israeli Invasion Plans Target Gaza City and Hamas Leadership - The New York Times The goal, according to three senior officers, is to wipe out the top political and military hierarchy of Hamas, the Palestinian group that controls Gaza.

Opinion | Why Israel Is Acting This Way - The New York Times In the past nine months, a group of Israeli far-right and ultra-Orthodox politicians led by Netanyahu tried to kidnap Israeli democracy in plain sight. The religious-nationalist-settler right, led by the prime minister, tried to take over Israels judiciary and other key institutions by eliminating the power of Israels Supreme Court to exercise judicial review. That attempt opened multiple fractures across Israeli society. Israel was recklessly being taken by its leadership to the brink of a civil war for an ideological flight of fancy. These fractures were seen by Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah and may have stirred their boldness.

US in Frantic Bid to Avert Wider Israel War After Iran Warning - BNN Bloomberg : worldnews

Top secret documents seen by Sky News suggest Hamas attack may have been planned for a year

Russia asks UN Security Council to vote Monday on Israel, Gaza : worldnews
Britain has urged Israel to show restraint, says Cleverly : worldnews

Israel says it has dropped 6,000 bombs on the Gaza Strip since Hamas's attack on October 7, nearly matching the number of bombs the US used in Afghanistan in one year. : worldnews

Travelers stuck in Israel cry out loud as their countries fail to evacuate them : worldnews
Red Cross demands Hamas grant immediate access to hostages held in Gaza : anime_titties
US advises its citizens in Gaza to move closer to Egypts Rafah crossing
Hamas seen blocking evacuation routes in Gaza - IDF : worldnews

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan tells @jaketapper that his Israeli counterparts informed him in the last hour that they have turned the water pipes back on in southern Gaza.

Israeli communications minister seeks shutdown of Al Jazeera bureau : worldnews

Inside Israel-Gaza war propaganda, fake videos and misinformation online - The Washington Post

A crackdown on cryptocurrency accounts linked to Hamas has reignited scrutiny of digital assets after the terrorist group attacked Israel. Criminal and terrorist organizations use crypto to bypass laws and sanctions : worldnews

Israeli minister seeks arrest of journalists who harm national moralein new regulation
BBC journalists held at gunpoint by Israeli police : news
With Whom are Many U.S. Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator -- Israel

Lebanon army blames Israel for journalists killing; Reuters urges Israeli probe

War in Ukraines eastern front significantly worsened, says general

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 599, Part 1 (Thread #745) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 15 October 2023.

Fierce And Non-Stop Fighting As Russia Attacks Avdiivka In Eastern Ukraine
4/ A Ukrainian military official reported that Russian forces conducted airstrikes against Kherson Oblast and Snake Island. A Russian milblogger claimed on October 14 that Ukrainian forces attempted to land on islands in the Dnipro River.

Russia is redistributing its fleet, moving ships from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk, Feodosia, and Kerch, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Naval ForcesHowever, there arent enough piers to accommodate these units. As a result, some, which they arent too concerned about, have been sent back to Sevastopol. These are the Serna boats and several tugboats,

Poles vote in a high-stakes election that will determine whether right-wing party stays in power : worldnews
Opposition wins Polish election, according to exit poll : worldnews

The river disappearing in drought-hit France : worldnews

UKs Nuclear Fusion Site Ends Experiments After 40 years

Despite severe drought, Amazon deforestation continues to slow, according to data released yesterday by Brazil : worldnews

CIA admits 1953 Iranian coup it backed was undemocratic : anime_titties

Biden insists US can back two wars at the same time in Israel and Ukraine : politics
Biden holds calls with Israels Netanyahu, PalestiniansAbbas
Readout of President Bidens Call with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority

Joe Biden, defender of democracy : politics

Biden campaign announces it raised more than $71M in third quarter : politics

Rep. Jim Jordan nominated for House speaker, but falls short of total votes needed : politics
Allies of the Ohio Republican, who must persuade scores of his colleagues to support his bid for speaker, are threatening right-wing retribution to any G.O.P. lawmakers who dare oppose him.
Jim Jordan prepares to bully his way to the speaker's gavel - POLITICO
Jeffries suggests Dems wont help nominate extremist extraordinaire Jordan as Speaker
Mike Rogers will not back Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House, would work with Democrats : politics
Senior House Republican says GOP members ready to block Jordan : politics
Hakeem Jeffries: We Are in Informal Conversations for a Bipartisan Speakership Solution |We want to ensure that extremists arent able to dictate the agenda the House minority leader said
Some House Republicans try to change the rules so losers become winners : politics
House speaker vote to be held Tuesday at noon, Democratic Rep. Clark says : politics

Matt Gaetz might have handed Democrats a huge win : politics

The Conspiracy to End America review: Trump and the fascist threat : politics

Donald Trump wrong that US tax dollars went to Iran, Hamas : politics

Tanya Chutkan, an Unflinching Judge in the Trump Jan. 6 Trial : politics

Donald Trump and Stephen Miller Exploit Gaza Crisis to Push Muslim Travel Ban Immigrant rights groups say Trumps escalating rhetoric is increasing the risk of white nationalist violence.

How Donald Trumps oil waiver gave Iran $6 billion

That decision cost lives: Covid data case further deflates Ron DeSantiss campaign
15-year-old ejected from GOP forum for asking Ron DeSantis tough questions - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Haley closes in on DeSantis as biggest challenger to Trump : politics
Tapper cuts off Haley for blaming Biden for House not having Speaker : politics

Mounting debt threatens Mike Pences campaign

Bret Baiers False Claim, the Escort Service, and Former Fox News Pundit Keith Ablow (refucker shit is deep)

North Carolina emerges as 2024 battleground for Democrats : politics

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema's campaign fundraising skidded in summer, raising viability questions : politics

Republicans flip Louisiana governors mansion
Jeff Landry wins Louisiana governorship, flipping the state for Republicans | The GOP state attorney general won the governorship outright Saturday night, emerging with a majority from Louisianas all-party primary.

The state has one of the countrys highest maternal mortality rates. Now, three hospitals plan to stop delivering babies, putting some pregnant women at even higher risk.
Eschaton: Seems Bad : Greatest country in the world.By the end of the month, two Alabama hospitals will stop delivering babies. A third will follow suit a few weeks later. People in Monroe County, meanwhile, could face drives between 35 to 100 miles to a labor and delivery department.

Glenn Youngkin thinks he has a Republican response to Democrats abortion attacksYoungkin is going after Democrats as extremists who dont support any restrictions

Making racist threats, threatening harm arent always hate crimes under Oregons loose laws

Cannabis firms are cut off from the US financial system, but relief is in sight; US Senate is eyeing a bill that would allow banks to do business with cannabis companies now, if only they would vote on it

Most Oklahoma schools have eliminated paddling but the state still uses it more than others

Man targeted 6-year-old boy, woman in deadly Plainfield stabbing because they are Muslim: detectives : news

THE LAST DESCENT | Vanity Fair | October 2023 Though the world wouldn't catch on until disaster struck, a tight-knit community of seafarers, explorers, and bold submariners worried for years that Stockton Rushs OceanGate implosion was all but guaranteed. SUSAN CASEY, author of The Underworld, reveals the hardest truths about the Titan

In order to make sense of Q, I made an easy to follow map : Qult_Headquarters

4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones : technology

Why the Internet Isn't Fun Anymore - The social-media Web as we knew it, a place where we consumed the posts of our fellow-humans and posted in return, appears to be over.
Recursive, hyperactive, cumulative, hopscotched, and interlinkedthese were the hallmarks of the early internet, and of autistic logic.

The menstrual rhythm of the brain. Research shows in the female brain, regions important for memory and perception are remodeled in the course of the menstrual cycle : science

Why Shouldnt You Stick Q-tips in Your Ears? - You shouldn't! But so many people do it anyway

Stay classy NH : massachusetts

What is the most common and easily avoidable mistake guys make with women? : AskReddit

Whats the female equivalent of Dont stick your dick in crazy ?


Climate Misinformation Persists in New Middle School Textbooks | Students could be taught for the next decade that humans are only partly responsible for climate change ... the republican-controlled Texas State Board of Education : politics

Global First: Autonomous Passenger Drone Gets Approval To Fly : worldnews

Solar power generation soars in Mexico, southwestern US : technology

Climate-driven food shortages could cause civil unrest in the UK. 40 per cent of the experts surveyed believe that unrest was either possible or more likely than not in the next 10 years, increasing to nearly 80 per cent over the next 50 years. : science

Eight reasons why you should get an updated Covid vaccine - STAT

The Coronavirus Still Doesn't Care About Your Feelings : The Covid-19 pandemic is not a state of mind and telling us not to panic isnt healthcare

Australians reject Indigenous recognition via Voice to Parliament : worldnews

New Zealand votes in a narrow election dominated by economic woes, cost of living crisis : worldnews
New Zealands National Party to lead new government as Labour concedes
New Zealand Prime Minister Hipkins concedes election, congratulates National Party : worldnews
Former businessman Christopher Luxon wins New Zealand election as voters seek conservative change : worldnews

Ferdinand Marcos Jr drops Philippines holiday marking toppling of father : worldnews

Myanmar: 28 civilians killed in military air strike new investigation and witness testimony

Japan decides to strip Unification Churchs religious corporation status

S. Korea to review additional measures against N. Koreas arms transfer to Russia

South Korea says China has forcibly repatriated a "large number" of North Korean defectors: This follows recent reports from human rights groups claiming that as many as 600 North Koreans have been sent back : worldnews
US says North Korea delivered 1,000 containers of equipment and munitions to Russia for Ukraine war : worldnews

Russian President Vladimir Putin heads to China next week to meet his "dear friend" Xi Jinping, forging even closer ties in a key strategic relationship in which experts say Moscow is increasingly the junior partner : worldnews

Putin denies Russia behind Finland gas pipeline damage : worldnews

Russias Southern Military District is witnessing an explosion of murders committed by serving soldiers

Russia brings back capital controls to shore up the ruble | CNN Business : worldnews

Navalnys three lawyers arrested in Russia

Russian journalist who attacked Putins war live on TV may have been poisoned ... This report was later updated to say that she was not poisoned. It seems it was a false alarm. French police investigated because they were concerned, but medical professionals, after testing and examination, found no reason to think she has been poisoned.

Senior Russian diplomat found dead in hotel in Turkey : worldnews

A set of explosions reportedly happened in Sochi, Russia.

Blinken warned lawmakers Azerbaijan may invade Armenia in coming weeks : worldnews
Armenian president approves parliaments decision to join the International Criminal Court

Taliban to join Chinas Belt and Road forum, elevating ties

DR Congo: UN peacekeepers suspended over serious misconduct charges : worldnews

Saudi Arabia reportedly suspends peace talks with Israel in the wake of war with Hamas : worldnews

Iran: US can NOT renege on deal to transfer $6 billion through Qatar for hostages

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 19) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 18) : worldnews

Israel-Hamas War: The Left Must Condemn Mass Murder

Irans FM warns Israel to stop Gaza attacks or risk hugeearthquake -- report claims Tehran has conveyed to Israel it will intervene if strikes on Hamas continue
Iran warns Israel through UN against ground offensive in Gaza

Hundreds join vigil of man whose wife, kids abducted to Gaza; many rage at government | The Times of Israel ... they hold responsible for the catastrophe.

The War Netanyahu Cares Most About Is His War on Israelis MindsThe evolving narrative is that it isnt Netanyahu whos to blame for the wars opening failures, but the IDF, the Shin Bet, the protests, LGBTQ people, and secular Jews

Israels borders explained in maps
A History of the Israel Conflict in Maps
From 1947 to 2023: Retracing the complex, tragic Israeli-Palestinian conflict
A look into the long history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - ABC News

Biden says addressing the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a priority | PBS NewsHour We cant lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas, Biden said.And theyre suffering as a result as well
Biden says addressing the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a priority : worldnews
A matter of life and death: water runs out for 2 million people in Gaza [EN/AR] : anime_titties
The absurdity of the Israel-Hamas relationship | Alon Ben-Meir | MEO
Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It Israeli officials admit they helped start the group.
Israeli cabinet ministers heckled out of hospitals as they try to visit the wounded : worldnews

EUs Borrell Calls Israels Evacuation Plan Utterly Impossible
Airstrikes hit Palestinians fleeing northern Gaza after Israel orders 1 million to evacuate : worldnews ... First they attack journalists, now they bomb main road after telling people to use it to evacuate.

Hamas official: Non-military leaders surprised by date, not by actions of onslaught
The Latest... - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Israel's Intelligence Failure Is a Wake-Up Call for NATO - Officials in Brussels are questioning the extent of their reliance on technology.
The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israels' Military : Hamas gunmen surged into Israel in a highly organized and meticulously planned operation that suggested a deep understanding of Israel's weaknesses. Here is how the attacks unfolded.

US intelligence warned of potential for Gaza clash in days before attack : worldnews ... However, it was has been the right wing coalition government that had put military resources near the West Bank rather than Gaza, in order expedite settlement expansion and displace of Palestinians in that area.
WSJ News Exclusive | Hamas Militants Had Detailed Maps of Israeli Towns, Military Bases and Infiltration Routes : worldnews

Palestine: Violence spreads to the West Bank. Thirty one dead recorded in less than a week represents one-sixth of all Palestinians who have lost their lives in the West Bank so far this year, which is the bloodiest week on record for two decades

Reuters journalist killed in southern Lebanon by Israeli strike, colleagues say : news
Reuters videographer killed in southern Lebanon : worldnews
Israel Is Very Sorry For Attack That Killed Journalist Issam Abdallah
Hezbollah says calls for it not to intervene in war will have no effect
Hezbollah launches attack on Israeli army positions in border region

Israel gives Palestines Red Crescent until 1300 GMT to evacuate Al-Quds hospital in Gaza City

Hamas attack does not justify Gazas destruction: Red Cross

IDF says forces entered Gaza in search of hostages : worldnews
Hamas claims 13 hostages killed in Israeli airstrikes : worldnews

Ministry says 2,269 Palestinians killed and 9,814 others wounded in Gaza, West Bank : news

IDF forces eliminate head of Hamas's Air Force in Gaza (

Americans Might Leave Gaza on Saturday, Says US Official - Israel and Egypt to allow opening of Rafah crossing: official - unclear if Hamas will agree to that, the US official says

Israel-Hamas war: Palestinians struggle to flee Gaza | AP News

Palestinian man, son attending funeral procession in West Bank shot dead | Israel-Palestine conflict News : news ... The two were killed as a group of Palestinian men tried to remove car tyres put on the street by settlers to block the funeral procession ("invaders")

Israels Iron Dome system doesnt work, says missile defense critic

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 598, Part 1 (Thread #744) : worldnews

Frontline report: Russians lose 1,030 troops, 75 tanks and armored vehicles in one day : ukraine
Losses of the Russian military to 14.10.2023

2/ The Russian military command is reportedly adjusting its posture in the #Kherson & #Crimea directions in response to concerns about the possibility of a large-scale Ukrainian crossing of the #Dnipro River and the development of Ukrainian offensive operations targeting Crimea.

ISW: Russian offensive in Avdiivka faces setbacks
Russia wants to occupy whole of Donetsk Oblast by end of year : ukraine

Russia is intensifying its airstrikes against Ukraine. With winter on its way, protecting energy infrastructure is crucial. That is why the Netherlands will supply another batch of Patriot missiles to Ukraine.

UK to deploy 20,000 troops in Northern Europe to deter Russian hybrid threats : worldnews

Chat Control 2.0: EU governments set to approve the end of private messaging and secure encryption : technology
Undermining Democracy: The European Commissions Controversial Push for Digital Surveillance

NATOs Stoltenberg says Turkiye agrees to move ahead with Swedens NATO bid
Swedish court fines Greta Thunberg again for disobeying police orders : worldnews

France Stabbing: Latest on Israel-Hamas War in Gaza - Bloomberg

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Ilhan Omar accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing
Pentagon chief: Hamas atrocities are worse than ISIS : politics

Now Is the Moment for Bidens Age to Be an Asset

Hard-right House Republicans are against Ukraine aid and they seem to be in charge

Theres no Jewish American consensus about the conflict in Israel and Gaza ... While a growing share of young Jews identify as Orthodox, an even larger share say they have no religious affiliation, part of a growing trend of young people who are less religious than older generations.

A dangerous game: Republican chaos and indecision as crises shake the world
The House Speaker Race Is a Messand So Is the GOP

Internal conflicts and power struggles have become hallmarks of the modern GOP : politics

Jordan Faces Very High Uphill Climb to Become House Speaker | Angry at Jordan allies who pushed out McCarthy, Rep. John Rutherford told The Messenger: They don't want majority rule until its their guy
The last man to question anybodys character

Liz Cheney On Republicans Nominating Jordan: Theyll Lose The House Majority And Theyll Deserve To
Eschaton: Possible Speaker Gym It is funny that in the absence of any actual Republican moderates, the press (some of them) has moved to demanding the Democrats play the role of moderate Republicans.
Democrats refuse to help GOP out of House speaker mess, trashing Jim Jordan as an insurrectionist
Democrats refuse to help GOP out of House speaker mess, trashing Jim Jordan as an nsurrectionist

US House Republicans Had Their Phones Confiscated to Stop Leaks : politics

How 91 felony charges boosted Trumps standing in the GOP

Trump just reminded the world why hes a walking national security risk
Trumps Only Real Worldview Is PettinessThe presidential candidate is pro-Israel or anti-Israel depending on his personal grudges.
Trumps turn against Israel offers stark reminder of what his diplomacy looks like
Trump Somehow Manages to Make the Israel-Hamas Conflict All About Him : politics
Trump, Netanyahu and Israel: Orange man-child embarrasses us all over again : politics

Trumps New Conspiracy Theory: Obama Is Still President

"Put up or shut up": Ex-US attorney says Jack Smith may gain access to Trump's "trove of secrets" : politics

Inside Trump's Backroom Effort to Lock Up the Nomination - As the former president dodges debates, it can seem as if he's bypassing the primary. But he and his team have been working quietly to twist the delegate rules in their favor.
Get in the Game : G.O.P. Candidates Plead Their Case to Major Donors - Rivals to Donald J. Trump and their strategists told financiers that time is running out to build up a viable alternative to the former president.

Trump campaign staffers can air their grievances after 2016 campaign NDA agreements officially voided by judge : politics

Mike Pence Heckled by Man Claiming to Be His Lover Mike Pence, are you going to tell them? Yopromised today was our coming out day, the man said.

Judge punishes Rudy Giuliani for flagrant disregard of court orders : politics

Fraudster freed from prison by Trump faces prosecution under Biden : politics ... He paid $1,000,000 for a pardon? Oooops
Ex-prosecutor: DOJ targeting freed fraudster a reminder of Trumps gross abuse of pardon power | DOJ wants to re-try businessman granted clemency by Trump in massive healthcare fraud scheme

Manchin trails Justice by 13 points in new West Virginia Senate poll : politics

How Kari Lakes Tactical Retreat on Abortion Could Point the Way for the G.O.P.Kari Lake, along with other Republicans in battleground states, has come out against a national ban as candidates try to attract general election voters. Anti-abortion activists arent pleased.

Texas voting map discriminates against Black and Latino residents, judge rules : politics
Texas Gov. Abbott Installs Razor Wire Fence Along Border With New Mexico

Ron DeSantis tried to make a Florida college conservative. Now the students are fleeing. The school lost a large percentage of its faculty this year after DeSantis' hostile takeoverof the school.

Quinn Mitchell, teen who made Ron DeSantis squirm, escorted by police from N.H. GOP event : politics

Arizona State Instructor Followed, Injured by Turning Point USA Crew : news

Judge blocks Montana law targeting drag performances : politics

Jesse Wegman : The Real Danger in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Independent Run ... a contingent election decided by the House of Representatives, arguably the worst part of the Electoral College system ... Few Americans are aware that under the Constitution, a candidate could lose the popular vote and the Electoral College and still become president ... One vote per state, with the presidency in the balance. Stop for a moment and consider the absurdity of this. North Dakota, whose single representative in Congress represents about 779,000 people, would have as much say in choosing the nations leader as Californias 52 House members, who together represent almost 40 million people.

DOJ sues eBay for selling rolling coal devices; fines could hit $2 billion

FTX thief cashes out millions during Bankman-Fried trial : technology

How Michael Lewis's Book on Sam Bankman-Fried Went Off the Rails - The CEO of FTX was the worst possible subject for a biographer of real but limited talent: He was boring.

Edgar Allan Poe's America - Tracing the life of the author who seemed to be from both everywhere and nowhere.

The search for extra terrestrial intelligence (a.k.a. aliens), explained - Vox Real scientists are searching for alien life. Dont let the kooks distract you.

Study found that inflammation in early childhood prevents specific neurons in the cerebellum from maturing completely and may cause neurological disorders such as autism or schizophrenia : science

New research: Depressed people accurately predict which emotion regulation strategies make them feel happier, yet use ones that make them feel worse. The cause may be motivational. So, teaching depressed people new emotion regulation strategies likely won't help. : science

ELI5 what is the obsession with geometry and symmetry in Arabic art and architecture? : explainlikeimfive

TIL that in Roman Republic women were not given personal names. Rather their names would reflect their ancestry. Sisters would have the same names differentiated by a number (or if there are only two sisters they be called the older and the younger) and later in life by their husband's name : todayilearned

Non- Americans, what is an American custom that you find unusual or odd? : AskReddit

How English sounds to foreigners : funny
Non native English speakers, whats the most difficult word in English for you to pronounce?

What app is so useful you cant believe its free?

What are things gay men will never understand about dating a woman? : AskReddit

What was the thing that kept you alive in your lowest point in life? : AskReddit

No one said anything : funny

YouTube is cracking down on consumers favorite loopholeAdblockers


2023 on course to be warmest year on record | Data : worldnews

71 of the 162 ice shelves that surround Antarctica have reduced in volume over 25 years from 1997 to 2021, with a net release of 7.5 trillion tonnes of meltwater into the oceans. : science

The Flu Vaccine WorksIn a Way Most People Dont AppreciateThe CDC is emphasizing how the flu vaccine can turn the virus from Wild to Mild

If Youre Pregnant, These Vaccines Could Save Your and Your Baby's Life - The RSV vaccine is the latest in a series of immunizations that could protect pregnant people and their babies from severe disease and death

What We Still Dont Understand About COVID Vaccines and Periods

North Korea raises specter of nuclear strike over US aircraft carriers arrival in South Korea
John Kirby: We now have information that North Korea has delivered arms to Russia for use in Ukraine
North Korean weapons found in use by Hamas : worldnews

China says sends fighter jets to warn US Navy plane in Taiwan Strait : worldnews

Worker at Israels Embassy in Beijing was attacked in unclear circumstances and is now hospitalized
China reported a decline in exports in September from a year ago by 6.2% in U.S.-dollar : worldnews

Putins fingerprints are all over the Hamas attack
Loose lips sink ships : PoliticalHumor

PACE recognizes Russia as dictatorship The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) recognized Russia as a dictatorship and called on all Council of Europe states not to recognize the legitimacy of Russian President Vladimir Putin after the expiration of his current term,
PACE recognizes Russia as dictatorship : worldnews ... Just now? Where have they been in the last 20 years?

Russian propagandist Sergey Mardan explains their criminal actions by claiming that Russians have an imperial gene and so of course they cant help but deny other nations their sovereignty. Lord, the delusional desperation.

Investigators detain Navalny lawyer and search homes of two others, allies say : worldnews

Indias fertility rate faces sharp decline amid rising concern over lifestyle factors, infertility

Suicide blast at mosque kills 7 in northern Afghanistan : worldnews
Islamic State claims responsibility for attack on Afghan Shiite mosquethat killed at least 7 worshippers

Blinken says no direct evidence that Iran was involved in the Hamas attackon Israel
Iran says crimes against Palestinians to receive response from axis : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 17) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 16) : worldnews

Israel-Hamas war: Israel orders evacuation of 1 million in Gaza | AP News
Israel tells UN to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours : worldnews
Hamas carried out an international massacre murdering and kidnapping people from 42 different countries.
Israeli President Says There Are No Innocent Civilians In Gaza | HuffPost Latest News It is an entire nation out there that is responsible,Isaac Herzog said as Israel ordered 1.1 million Palestinians to evacuate their homes.
UN Calls Israel Order to Evacuate 1.1 Million in Gaza Impossible : worldnews
White House: Israels call to move Gaza civilians is a tall order
Disproportionate response - Lawyers, Guns & Money Holding civilianshalf of them not adults collectively responsible for atrocities committed by a democratically unaccountable regime and using this as a justification for destroying neighborhoods with little discrimination, cutting off water and electricity to an entire population, and ordering the 24-hour mass evacuation of over a million people from a tiny land mass with closed borders on both sides if this isnt a disproportionate response Im not sure what would be.

Netanyahu Is Losing the War at Home Incompetence against Hamas and indifference to Israeli suffering has the public boiling over ... Opposition leader Yair Lapid, who has refused to join the emergency war cabinet as long as Netanyahu keeps his extremist ministers, accused the government of an unforgivable failur eand said he who brought about this failure cannot fix it.

Hamas Calls On Palestinians To Stay In Their Homes After Israel Orders Mass Evacuation In Gaza : worldnews
Aurora Intel on X: "Two stories - those who are leaving northern Gaza and those who remain." / X
Top secret Hamas documents show that terrorists intentionally targeted elementary schools and a youth center

NEW: Talks with Egypt and Israel are underway to open the Rafah crossing for the exit of foreigners from Gaza: US official

Maps: Tracking the Attacks in Israel and Gaza

US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack | CNN Politics
Hamas Militants Trained For Its Deadly Attack In Plain Sight And Less Than A Mile From Israels Heavily Fortified Border

Israeli siege proposal: evacuate Gaza to Egypt; bomb water facilities : worldnews

There are no wreaths left: Israel begins burial of victims of Hamas attacks
This happened: Daily Telegraph publishes bloody photo of Israeli baby murdered by Hamas
Biden, Netanyahu, celebrities and columnists have rushed to condemn rape. But the IDF does not yet have any evidence it happened

Hamas leader: 1,200 members of al-Qassam Brigades entered Israel, did not target civilians, but "civilians from Gaza entered and clashed with the settlers, and civilians fell" : worldnews

Palestinian President Abbas condemns violence against civilians : worldnews .... After five days of silence and only after Germany withdrew aid.

There are no children here - Lawyers, Guns & Money
justin bieber posting praying for israel using a picture of a destroyed gaza is actually insane

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 597, Part 1 (Thread #743) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 13.10.2023 : ukraine (+1030 dead)

Ukrainian Special Forces compromised the Russian supply of fuel and ammo in the Zaporizhzhia frontline this morning.

War in Ukraine Latest: Russia Hits a Wall at Avdiivka, Worst Land Defeat in 9 Months : ukraine

SBU Confirms Attacks on Two Russian Ships Using Experimental Weaponry

Seismologists detected blast-like waves near broken Baltic Sea pipeline : worldnews
NATO vows to respond if Finland-Estonia gas pipeline damage is deliberate : worldnews
We must find ways to hold Russia financially responsible for the damage it has caused Ukraine, Estonian PM Kaja Kallas said

EU opens investigation into X over alleged disinformation : worldnews

Amsterdam to have the highest tourism tax in Europe from 2024 : worldnews

Dutch prosecutor fines four companies that helped Russia build Crimea bridge : worldnews

Anti-mafia writer Roberto Saviano fined 1000 for insulting Italian PM ... You can get a fine and legal action in Italy if you verbally insult someone in power by calling them a bastard? Thats fucked up.

France investigates suspected poisoning of Russian journalist who staged on-air protest against Ukraine war : worldnews
Teacher killed in Arras school attack in northern France : worldnews

Irish Prime Minister says Israeli actions in Gaza "not acceptable" : worldnews

Stansted Airport: RAF jets intercept Kenya Airways flight diverted to London airport : worldnews

Wildfire Smoke Taints Air for Millions in Brazil : worldnews
Wildfires in dry Amazon rainforest choke Manaus city : worldnews

El Salvador is gradually filling its new mega prison with alleged gang members : worldnews

3 men arrested for allegedly threatening Jewish high school community : news - Toronto

Ocasio-Cortez Slams Israel For Cutting Gazas Power And Water Supply This response to the Hamas attacks is a collective punishment and a violation of international law,the New York Democrat said.

Did Hamas somehow get inside information about Israels defenses from a Trump Leak?
Trump falsely characterized Israels role in his administration's hit on Irans Soleimani, say former U.S. officials ... They were never on board with it, referring to the Israelis ... They always thought it was a dangerous and destabilizing idea ... Israel was never part of the operation, the U.S. officials involved in the planning said. (Trump always lies)

The U.S. Is Giving Israel Permission For War Crimes

Israel not listening to U.S. plea to minimize civilian harm : politics
Biden rises to the occasion on Israel and Hamas. Trump sinks to a new low. : politics
White House slams Tubervilles warning against picking sides amid Israel-Hamas war
Hamas militants pouring across U.S. southern border? Donald Trumps claim is Pants on Fire!
Jon Stewart on the Gaza-Israeli conflict (2014) : television

Biden Channeling Stephen Miller - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Its hard to believe hes Al Capone: Republicans portray Biden as both incompetent and a criminal mastermind

Jordan clinches Speaker nomination in GOPs second go at the gavel
House adjourns in disarray as support for Jordan looks weaker than expected : politics
Actually, Jim Jordan, America Definitely Does Not Want You - Steve Scalise may have dropped out of the Speaker race in the middle of the night, but that doesn't make anyone like Jim Jordan any more they than did yesterday.
Fear and loathing grips the House GOP - POLITICO
House Republicans collapse into anarchy
Megathread: Steve Scalise Withdraws from Race for Speaker of the US House : politics
House GOP in total chaos: So much for fascist order and discipline! Arent far-right movements supposed to make the trains run on time? GOP cant elect a speaker from its own tribe
I dont think the Lord Jesus Himself could get 217: The GOPs speaker race is a total mess
House Republicans collapse into anarchy : politics
We Are A Broken Conference: Republicans At Standstill After Speaker Nominee Drops Out
Wanted: Speaker of the House. Must Lie About the 2020 Election. : politics
Jeffries calls for traditional Republicans to break with the extremists

Trump Watches While His Party Implodes : politics

Jack Smith tells Trump to put up or shut up : politics

Will Jim Jordan be indicted by Jack Smith? What we know : politics

Fulton County DA Tears Into Jim Jordan Over Trump Probe. | She said he appeared to either be 'ignorant' of the law or outright 'abusing' his authority.
Georgia DA Ponders Whether Jim Jordan Is Ignorant or Abusing His Office

Another element of Trumps rigged election narrative collapses

Trump tells court he had no duty to support the US Constitution in bizarre legal defence

Federal judge addresses web of connections in Trump legal world at hearing in classified documents case : politics

Trumps Longtime CFO Lied, Under Oath, About Trump Tower Penthouse

Fetterman calls on full Senate to expel Menendez after new charge : politics

Colorado judge strikes down Trumps attempt to toss a lawsuit seeking to bar him from the ballot

Ron DeSantis appeal to ban Florida drag shows rejected once again
New College Students Are Fleeing Ron Desantiss Overhaul

Vos retreats - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Robin Vos blinked. In the face of a massive public outcrywhich led to division within his own partyWisconsins Assembly speaker has now backed down from impeaching Justice Protasiewicz before she can rule on maps. A huge win. But theres a new danger.

MAGA Tells Americans To Arm Yourselves on Day of Jihad

Let's Hear More from Governor Empty Suit - Lawyers, Guns & Money Lets Hear More from Governor Empty SuitThe last time I mentioned Gavin Newsom, when he vetoed a bill that would give unemployment benefits to striking workers, the comments were filled with people who feel morally compelled to Defend All Democrats.

The rights war on birth control is already starting

An Alabama woman was imprisoned for endangering her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower

EPA opens civil rights probe of Alabamas sewage failures

Ark. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to face GOP-led audit over $19K lectern : politics

Dennis Kucinich Leaves Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Presidential Campaign - The former Democratic congressman, who served as Mr. Kennedy's campaign manager, departed just days after he introduced Mr. Kennedy as an independent candidate

The age of cults - Lawyers, Guns & Money

SBF apparently has the quality of legal representation he deserves - Lawyers, Guns & Money

ELI5: How is social security in the US at risk of running out of funding, if every tax payer pays into it? : explainlikeimfive

Donald Hoffmans Philosophy of Consciousness and Reality: Conscious Realism ... And Bohr made roughly the same point elsewhere when he said that every physical process may be said to have objective and subjective features
Objective Reality Doesnt Exist. Weve Known This for a Century. Its Time to Embrace It and Move On ... the outdated an unscientific ideas of the objective and the subjective.
An Introduction to Anti-Realist Positions on Quantum Mechanics ... [W]hether the uncertainty principle is a statement about what we can know about reality or whether it is a statement about reality itself.

Autistic adults have very precise visual representation of emotions, but this does not help them recognize emotions correctly : science

Study found that inflammation in early childhood prevents specific neurons in the cerebellum from maturing completely and may cause neurological disorders such as autism or schizophrenia : science

TIL Prairie dogs have the most complex language system ever observed in animals, and their memories are terrific. When they warn each other of approaching danger, they'll tell each other that "this is the coyote that won't approach the den" or "hide away from this coyote." : todayilearned

TIL There were roughly 65 new cases of lung cancer for every 100,000 people in 1992. By 2019, that number had dropped to about 42 : todayilearned

Traumatic memories can rewire the brain - Researchers found that fear conditioning induced the formation of a fear-memory neural network with 'hub' neurons that functionally connected the memory neurons in mice. : science

Engineered bacteria guide T cells to tumors: Scientists engineered bacteria to infiltrate solid tumors and produce antigens and a chemokine that recruit CAR-T cells into the tumors, resulting in reduction in tumor volume in mouse models of leukemia, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. : science

ELI5: If nothing is faster than light then how can space can expand faster than light? : explainlikeimfive

Whats the fastest way to ruin your life in your opinion?

Comcast starts squeezing 2 Gbps symmetrical internet speeds through decades-old coaxial cables : technology


Japan court says requiring surgery for gender switch unconstitutional : worldnews
Japan government set to seek court order to dissolve Unification Church : worldnews

US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea as Norths leader Kim exchanges messages with Putin
U.S. aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea amid North Korea threats : worldnews

Foreign nationals detained in China : worldnews
Chinas first hydrogen fuel cell ship completes maiden voyage

Putin Arrives In Kyrgyzstan On First Trip Abroad Since Arrest Warrant: Russian Media : worldnews

Russian journalist who protested on live television sentenced to 8.5 years in prison in absentia | CNN : worldnews

Hacker gangs in Ukraine and Russia promise to de-escalate in response to the Red Cross newly published rules for civilian hackers.

India could prosecute author Arundhati Roy for sedition on her 2010 speech about Kashmir : worldnews
Palestine envoy urges India to step in to resolve Gaza crisis amid Hamas-Israel war : worldnews

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says : worldnews

Zimbabwe bans large gatherings as threat of cholera outbreak grows : worldnews

Nigeria diphtheria outbreak kills 600 : worldnews ... With 14,000 suspected cases, this outbreak is far worse than the last one in 2011 when 98 cases were reported.

French troops are starting to withdraw from Niger and junta leaders give UN head 72 hours to leave : worldnews

11 civilians killed in latest Turkish attacks on Rojava: SDF : worldnews

Health of Iranian Teen in Coma Worsens, Media Report : worldnews

Irans Raisi, Saudi Arabias MBS discuss Israel-Hamas war

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 15) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 14) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 13) : worldnews

Israeli Armys Top Brass Received Troubling Info Night Before Hamas Attack - Snippets of information prompted phone consultations between Israeli security branches and the head of the Shin Bet, which led to additional discussions. Talks concluded with the decision not to raise the alert level
Israel doesnt need an inquiry to decide: Netanyahu must go
South First Responders is now publishing pages from a 14 page document found on a dead Hamas fighter, dated October 2022, and contains intelligence and operational details ... It was very well organized and it seems extraordinary that if this is all true that no intel got wave of this. Tragically those securing the border were not alerted by higher ups or sent reinforcements. Their enemies had more details on the border than they did. Sleep walking

Israel allegedly strikes two airports in Syria, air defenses activated : worldnews
Israel-Hamas WarU.N. Warns of Disaster in Gaza as Israel Strikes Back at Hamas
Israel Gets US Tamir Missiles for Iron Dome System to Intercept Hamas Rockets - Bloomberg
Photos of babies being burnt, decapitated confirmed : anime_titties
Israel: White Phosphorus Used in Gaza, Lebanon | Human Rights Watch Use in Populated Areas Poses Grave Risks to Civilians
The Los Angeles Times retracts rape allegations against Palestinian group Hamas : anime_titties
Hamas took at least 64 people captive in Gaza, visual evidence shows - The Washington Post The presence of scores of captives in Gaza, a large majority of them civilians, increases the risks involved in a possible Israeli invasion
Israel-Gaza war live updates: 27 Americans killed; Gaza faces dire crisis as air strikes continue - The Washington Post

Number of displaced in Gaza surpasses 187,000 as dozens of towns evacuate, U.N. office says : worldnews
Whats happening in Israel and Gaza? What is Hamas? A really simple guide
The Siege of Gaza and the Starvation War Crime
Gazas Sole Power Station Stops Working As Fuel Runs Out, After Israel Orders 'Complete' Blockade
Egypt discusses Gaza aid, rejects corridors for civilians, say sources : worldnews
Egypt moves to prevent exodus of Palestinians from besieged Gaza : worldnews
Lebanese Politicians To Hizbullah: Dont Involve Lebanon In A War Against Israel

Palestinian President Abbas to meet Blinken on Friday : worldnews
Overwhelming number of EU countries want to continue funding Palestinian Authority, says blocs foreign policy chief Josep Borrell

Arab ministers urge Israel to resume talks on two-state solution : worldnews

How to think morally about the Israel-Hamas war - Vox Massacring civilians is neither decolonization nor self-defense.
Israel-Hamas war: 7 big questions to understand the worst conflict in decades - Vox

Israel says no humanitarian break to Gaza siege unless hostages are freed : worldnews

More than 2 million people in Gaza are trapped in a humanitarian disaster : worldnews
Gaza hospitals risk turning into morgues, Red Cross says : worldnews

Gallant showed NATO uncensored footage of Hamass brutal atrocities in Israel
Hamas hostages: Who are the people taken from Israel? - BBC News

9 UN staffers killed in airstrikes in Gaza : worldnews
Families of British diplomats to leave Israel : worldnews

EU threatens X over spread of Israel/Hamas disinfo : worldnews (Muskafucker)

Zelensky Accuses Russia Of Supporting Hamas Attack In Israel : worldnews
U.S. intensifies push to use Moscows $300 billion war chest for Kyiv

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 596, Part 1 (Thread #742) : worldnews

We are seeing an increase in Russian attacks in Ukraine. The latest spike and largest amount since March are almost certainly related to Russiasassault in Avdiivka, which it has tried to encircle. Reporting on that here:
2/ Avdiivka is also a notoriously well-fortified and defended Ukrainian stronghold, which will likely complicate Russian forces ability to closely approach or fully capture the settlement.
ISW on X: "4/ As ISW previously assessed, Russian forces likely intend attacks in the Avdiivka area to fix Ukrainian forces and prevent them from redeploying to other areas of the front." / X

More videos of Russian losses are coming out but many are too graphic for me to show on twitter. Like this one. https://www. facebook. com/63ombr/videos/357246183629771

Ukraine medical marijuana bill passes in committee vote, putting it one step from Zelenskys desk

Russian Naval Corvette Hit by Mystery Explosion - Cause and Outcome Unclear : worldnews

NATO to respond if Baltic Sea pipeline damage deliberate - alliance chief : worldnews

With Finland in NATO, Russia restructures forces, depriving the Northern Fleet of the status as a military district : worldnews

Europeans over 65 will outnumber those under 15 next year : worldnews
France bans pro-Palestinian protests: interior minister : worldnews

England and Wales judges told not to jail criminals as prisons full
Wild beavers return to west London for first time in 400 years | CNN : worldnews

Brazil far right moves to ban same-sex marriage : worldnews
Lost holy grail film of life in Brazils Amazon 100 years ago resurfaces

Argentina wildfires: Man arrested and dozens evacuated as flames engulf central province : worldnews

Nazi in Parliament had major impact on Canadas international reputation: Nanos poll

CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits 'Argo' rescue

Eschaton: Big Brained Boys I won't claim "smart" people are easier to con (and by "smart" I mean people whose self-conception is that they are smart), but I suspect that once you hook them they stop wriggling and let you reel them in. Can't fool me, I'm a big brained boy! No way I can be conned! ... The most hilarious one was Will Saletan's. His big regret was not that he helped unleash mass death, but that in letting himself be fooled, he had unwittingly contributed to the current crisis facing us: our unwillingness to go to war with Iran.

Blinken Says Number of Americans Killed in Israel Has Risen to 25 - The Messenger
Israel: Travel Advisory Raised to Level 3Reconsider Travel

U.S., Qatar agree to stop Iran from tapping $6 billion fund after Hamas attack

Senator doubles down on block on military nominees after Hamas attack on Israel : politics
Republican Sen. Tuberville Warns Against Picking Sides in the Middle East in Jaw-Dropping Interview (Coach Footballhead)
Rep. Pat Ryan to introduce resolution demanding Tuberville lift hold on military nominations amid Israel-Hamas war : politics

Antiwar MAGAs Are Suddenly Hawks Again on Attacking Gaza
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, facing censure motion, calls Hamas actions war crimes
Michelle Goldberg makes some good points about the neurotic nihilism of the online left, as illustrated by equivocation about or outright support of Hamass terrorist murders:

Democrats Upset at Josh Gottheimer Comments on Muslims
Will Democrats Tolerate Racism in Their Caucus? - Lawyers, Guns & Money I ask because Josh Gottheimer is a flat out Islamophobic racist.

Biden takes credit for easing inflation, strong job market as GOP polls better on economy ... 49% of Americans think Republicans handle the economy better, versus 28% for Democrats, among the highest numbers in the poll's history. (Americans are idiots_

8,700 Ford Kentucky Truck plant members join UAW strike | The Hill

Most US voters in favour of introducing more LGBTQ+ protections : politics
The Supreme Court appears determined to make it easy to draw gerrymandersThe Republican Party had a great day in the Supreme Court today. Voting rights did not.
A lower court had ruled that the states Republican-drawn map was a racial gerrymander
Supreme Court Republicans to rule that states can do racial gerrymanders as long as they are also anti-democratic - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Republicans fail to coalesce around speaker choice, leaving House in limbo : politics
The Jim Jordan from Ohio? CNN host incredulous as Nancy Mace claims Democrats trust hardliner
Steve Scalise Could Undone by $500,000 Steak Dinner Bills : politics
Chaos in House GOP intensifies with Scalises speakership bid in peril (c
Republican Rep. Ken Buck says next speaker must publicly support 2020 election results : politics
Fetterman: America not sending their best and brightest to Congress

Americas newest reality showWere very fortunate that nothing in particular is happening right now that would require the attention of a functioning national legislature.

New Jack Smith filing blows a big hole in Trumps election interference defense
Trumps Secret Documents Case Just Got Worse For Him
Trump re-ups request to delay classified docs trial until after 2024 election : politics

Fani Willis accuses Jim Jordan of abusing his authority on Trumps Georgia trial

Trump Criticizes Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Calls Hezbollah Very Smart
Donald Trump Criticizes Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Calls Hezbollah Very SmartThe former president admitted he could have been dishing classified information at a campaign event with a claim about the Israeli leader.
Trump Slams Israel Days After Hamas Attacks: I'll Never Forget Bibi Let Us Down
Why is Trump Trashing Netanyahu? | Washington Monthly Not even an international crisis of epic proportion can prevent the former president from making everything about his ego.

Joe Biden age update - Lawyers, Guns & Money Trying to imagine the coverage if Biden gave a speech even 10% this incoherent and nonsensical and I cannot even:

Trump demands apology from Forbes for being cut from wealthiest list again : politics
Trump claims the insurrection clause does not applyto the president or prohibit someone from running for office
Trump Lawyers Want Us to Believe Key Witness Jeff McConney Knows Nothing

Kushner Says Schumer Told Mothers Friends He Was Going to Jail son-in-law and former adviser said he spent millions in legal fees while facing accusations of campaign ties to Russia
Trump Doral event with Eric Trump will feature a Hitler-promoting antisemite who killed someone - This is at least the fourth Hitler-promoting antisemite who's toured with Eric Trump

"Deprogramming" the Trump cult : politics

From Donald Trump to George Santos, fraud cases expose the gullibility of rich conservatives | Their victims were bankers, tech bros, and GOP donors what they have in common is giant egos fit for manipulation

Sen. Menendez is accused of being an unregistered agent of Egypts government in updated indictment
Sen. Bob Menendez Charged With Acting as a Foreign Agent : politics

Republican lawmakers to introduce resolution to expel George Santos from Congress : politics

New College of Florida dropout rate spikes, retention rate falls amid DeSantis transition

Wisconsin Republicans Retreat From Threats to Impeach Liberal Justice - The New York Times Republicans had floated the idea of impeaching Janet Protasiewicz, newly seated on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, before she could undo the partys legislative gerrymander. But on Thursday, they backed off.

Texas Republicans are fighting about whether it's OK to associate with white supremacists

Today among the anti-abortion sickos - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The assumption of many pundits that abortion would cease to become a significant issue in American politics if Roe was overruled will likely be proven correct, as long as women stop getting pregnant.

Its Not Me, Its You: Cornel Wests Messy Breakup

Infamous SpyMaria Butina Tears Into MonsterRepublican Ex-BoyfriendThe Russian agent is speaking out against former conservative operative and pardoned felon Paul Erickson for the first time since their romance fell apart.

The GOPs southern strategymastermind just died. Heres his legacy.The whole secret of politics is knowing who hates whoThat insight was the brainchild of Kevin Phillips, the longtime political analyst who passed away this week at 82 years old
The GOPs southern strategy mastermind just died. Heres his legacy.

How L.A.s bird population is shaped by historic redlining and racist loan practices

The body keeps the score. : books

The Oklahoma judge swapped more than 500 texts about everything from a prosecutors genitals to a prettycop, an investigation found.

Houston area pastor arrested after allegedly raping underage family member over 600 times, impregnating her : news

A youth football coach was shot in front of his team during practice at a park in St. Louis : news Shot a coach because he was upset about his sons playing time. Well just shoot anyone for any reason nowadays.

Apple AirTags stalking led to ruin and murders, lawsuit saysDozens join lawsuit alleging Apple AirTags are stalkers weapon of choice

Six months ago NPR left X. The effects have been negligible X wasnt worth the effort, at least in terms of traffic

Caroline Ellison, the ex-girlfriend of Sam Bankman-Fried, arrives at his trial : pics
The former CEO of Alameda Research said she and Sam Bankman-Fried tried to access frozen funds by bribing Chinese officials and trading using prostitutes identities

Someone could soon be killed or injured by falling satellites every two years, US official report warns : technology

Brain tumors represent one of the most lethal cancer types, particularly among children. Diagnosing the type of tumor normally requires a biopsy and testing that takes up to a week. A new ultra-fast deep learning AI system allows diagnosis of the tumor type in less than 90 minutes during surgery. : science

AI just got 100-fold more energy efficient. Using 100-fold less energy than current technologies, the device can crunch large amounts of data and perform artificial intelligence (AI) tasks in real time without beaming data to the cloud for analysis : science

Researchers have shown it is possible to detect tell-tale signs of Parkinsons disease 20-30 years before symptoms appear, thanks to a biomarker called F-AV-133 that can be used with PET scans to diagnose Parkinsons disease

TIL about Devils Night, a name that is associated with the serious vandalism and arson seen in Detroit, Michigan. During the height of the drug era, Detroit residents routinely set fire to houses that were known as popular drug-dealing locations. Five thousand of these buildings were razed in 1989.

AskScience AMA Series: I'm Stanford Professor Dr David Spiegel. I've used clinical hypnosis to treat over 5,000 people - overcoming trauma, managing pain, and quitting unwanted habits. I co-wrote a paper w/ Dr A. Huberman on how cyclic sighing effectively reduces stress and anxiety. AMA! : askscience

Why BMI is flawed and how to redefine obesityThe main diagnostic test for obesity the body mass index accounts for only height and weight, leaving out a slew of factors that influence body fat and health.

International team of scientists says that its time for an international shift in the way we think about ultra-processed food. Because identifying some foods as addictive could stimulate research and shift attitudes

eli5: How is C still the fastest mainstream language? : explainlikeimfive

Aidan Kearney, blogger known as Turtleboy, in police custody : massachusetts
The Karen Read Case in Canton: A Killing That Tore a Town Apart

Mass. police chiefs group comes out against Houses gun bill - The Boston Globe

Ebay faces $2 billion fine for rolling coal sales

Spotifys new audiobook streaming could have devastatingeffect, says Society of Authors

What is the craziest war tactic used in history? : AskReddit

Walmart, Costco, and Kroger Are Facing a Self-Checkout Reckoning

Whats that one secret you cant share to your friends/ family ?

New WordPress backdoor creates rogue admin to hijack websites. : technology

The rise and fall of Skype : technology

ELI5: There is increased push for Passkeys (instead of passwords), with Google now rolling out Passkeys as default sign-in option. Can someone please ELI5 to me what "Passkey" is, how its different from passcode, and how it will change an average persons login process on a daily routine basis?


Biologist wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year for a second time | World News | Sky News

Australian journalist freed from Chinese detention after 3 years, returns home : worldnews
Australian voters look set to reject greater rights and recognition for Aboriginal citizens on Saturday, in a bitterly fought referendum that has rekindled the country's long history of racial strife : worldnews

Japan Public Opinion Turns Most Negative on China in Nine Years : worldnews

Nearly 40,000 Koreans die by suicide over past 3 years: data : worldnews

Taiwan Leader Vows Island Will Be Democratic for Generations

Pathankot attack mastermind Shahid Latif shot dead by unidentified assailants in Pakistan : worldnews

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days : worldnews

The U.S. declares the ousting of Nigers president a coup and suspends military aid and training

Female genital mutilation ban in the Gambia under threat as calls grow to repeal law : worldnews

Iran's president, Saudi crown prince speak for the first time since diplomatic ties restored, state media report : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 12) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 11) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 10) : worldnews

IDF: No Northern Infiltration to Israel Detected Despite Alarm; Netanyahu, Gantz Form Emergency Government - Israel News - Gaza War Day 5: | IDF: No Northern Infiltration to Israel Detected Despite Alarm; Netanyahu, Gantz Form Emergency Government

The Israeli media now confirming that the govt did receive clear warnings from Egyptian intelligence about the imminent attack that occurred on October 7. The PM's office initially issued a flat denial after the first report, but then did an about face and admitted it
Senior US lawmaker confirms Egypt warned Israel 3 days before onslaught : worldnews
Early Intelligence Shows Iranian Leaders Surprised by Hamas Attack, U.S. Says : worldnews
Initial US Intelligence Suggests Iran Was Surprised By The Hamas Attack On Israel : worldnews
US intelligence agencies arent sure about Irans operational connection to the Hamas attack:
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it's blown up in our faces -- Premier's policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from
Every Hamas Member Is A Dead Man, Netanyahu Says : worldnews

Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander : worldnews
Israel forms emergency government for Hamas war, Gantz to join Netanyahu : worldnews

War and Peace - Lawyers, Guns & Money Judaism, for me, fundamentally at its core, is about a tension between a religion thats based on the metaphor of familywhich I think is a bit different between Christianity and Islam, because we read, in the Book of Genesis, a story of a family that in exodus becomes a nation ... Nationalism, and especially but not only nationalism that is intertwined with religionAmerica is a Christian nation is ultimately not compatible with a just society. The modern world is an ongoing demonstration of that
The Fate of These Two Peoples Are IntertwinedJewish Currents editor-at-large Peter Beinart talks through how to feel about Hamas as a critic of Israel.

Israel warns Gaza will never be the same as it removes restraints on military : worldnews
Gallant: Israel moving to full offense, Gaza will never go back to what it once was | The Times of Israel
Israel ordered a complete siege of Gaza. Heres what that looks like.
Israels siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says
US says it is talking to Israel about safe passage for Gaza civilians : worldnews
Gazas only power station will shut down within hours, says ICRC
Doctors Without Borders: Hospitals are overwhelmed in catastrophic situation in Gaza

Report: Hamas calls for global Jihad, invasion of Israel, attack Jews worldwide on Oct. 13 : worldnews
Hamas denies allegations of targeting children during attacks : worldnews

BREAKING: the Gaza Energy Authority announced that it runned out of fuel. Gaza's sole power plant will stop working at 2pm local time. Soon all services vital for the survival of the population, including hospitals, will no longer function.

In Ashkelon a rocket hit a residential multi story building. There are reports of 12 casualties as a result of the rocket attack.

Israeli woman Inbar Lieberman, 25, hailed a hero for leading defence of Nir Am kibbutz against advancing Hamas : worldnews

Israel responds to fire from Syria with artillery, mortar amid Hamas attack : worldnews
Hamas Seeds Violent Videos of Israel Attack on X and Telegram - The New York Times The strategy mirrors efforts by extremist groups like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda in years past ... Twitter, or X as they are now called, has become a war zone with no ethicsIn the information war being fought, it is now a place where you just go and do whatever you want

17 British nationals feared dead or missing, including children : worldnews
11 UN Staff, 30 Pupils At UN Schools, Killed In Gaza: Spokesman : worldnews

Pope urges Hamas to free hostages, says Israel has right to self-defence : worldnews

Europe gives Elon Musk 24 hours to respond about Israel-Hamas war misinformation and violence on X : technology

Zelenskyy says hell run for second presidential term if war continues

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 595, Part 1 (Thread #741) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 11.10.2023

Ukrainian forces make headway in east, south - officials : worldnews

Reportedly, a large patrol ship Pavel Derzhavin of the Black Sea Fleet blew up in Sevastopol today. It is unclear what happened exactly. : ukraine

Finland And Estonia Pipeline May Have Been Attacked By Russia

Swedish police seizes close to 200kgs of explosives outside Uppsala : worldnews

Germany Announces Ukraine Air-Defense Package Worth 1 Billion
German police arrest members of Reichsbuerger group accused of coup plot : worldnews

France reports dozens of antisemitic acts since Hamas attack : worldnews

UK Home Secretary Braverman: Waving Palestinian flag may be a criminal offence : worldnews
Protesters scale Sheffield town hall to remove Israeli flag : worldnews

Peru breaks up Taiwanese crime ring, frees prisoners - Taipei Times : worldnews

Indigenous Amazonians urge Brazil to declare emergency over severe drought : worldnews

2 women say they were threatened with murder and sexual assault following Israeli vigil in Vancouver : worldnews

Republicans are blocking their own calls for Israeli aid : politics
Amid crisis conditions in Israel, Tubervilles blockade matters

We Dont Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Rights Supreme Court Supermajority
Clarence Thomas *Really* Wants To Re-Write First Amendment Law : politics
Clarence Thomas Wants to Go After Freedom of the Press : politics

The Ordinary Americans Who Beat the FBI at Finding January 6 Rioters: A group of online sleuths tried to help the governmentdespite roadblocks at every stage ... Meanwhile, a sizable percentage at the bureau was sympathetic to the group that laid siege to the Capitol, underscoring what Reilly identifies as the right-wing leanings of the FBI agent population.

His lawyers couldnt trust him: Experts stunned at differences between Biden and Trump docs cases

Ex-Prosecutor Says Jack Smith Hasn't Just Taken Off The Gloves With New Trump Move
Jack Smith seeks jury protections after Trumps Truth Social outbursts

Oops: Court Documents Show Trump Knew His Manhattan Triplex Isnt Actually 30,000 Feet
I dont recall -- Weisselberg dodges dozens of questions but admits key asset was overvalued

A blood purity program: Holocaust expert on why Trump is stoking fears of national blood poisoning | Donald Trumps anti-semitism and the danger of poisoning the blood rhetoric

Ex-Pence Aide Recalls What Trump Said About MAGA Fans In Private. It's Not Good. : politics

Republicans Pick Man Who Compared Himself to David Duke As Next House Speaker: Republicans have nominated Representative Steve Scalise as their next House speakerand that speaks volumes.
After one week without a House speaker, Republicans appear no closer to choosing a new leader : politics

Former Ohio State University wrestlers say Jim Jordan betrayed them and shouldn't be House speaker : politics
Jim Jordans past comes back to haunt him as Ohio State wrestlers speak out

Nancy Mace Pulls Weird 'Scarlet Letter' Stunt That Doesn't Mean What She Thinks It Means : politics Nancy Mace Pulls Weird Scarlet Letter Stunt That Doesnt Mean What She Thinks It Means

Second former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice advises Republican leader against impeachment : politics

He Must Resign Immediately: Santos Hit With 10 New Charges, Including Identity Theft
US congressman Santos charged with 23 criminal counts -DOJ : politics
Congressman George Santos Charged With Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, False Statements, Falsification of Records, Aggravated Identity Theft, and Credit Card Fraud : politics
George Santos charged with conspiracy, wire fraud and more : politics

GOP House Member Cant Stop Yelling Obscenities at People

In Arkansas, a $19,000 Lectern for the Governor Draws Scrutiny : politics

Moms for Liberty meets its match: Parents in this swing suburban district are fighting back : politics

She was told her twin sons wouldnt survive. Texas law made her give birth anyway.

Gallego leads Lake, Sinema in Arizona Senate race: poll : politics

Cenk Uygur running for president as Democrat | Semafor The founder of The Young Turks media channel had repeatedly urged Biden to quit the race,
Biden is done - Lawyers, Guns & Money Among many contenders this cycle alone, this might be the dumbest vanity campaign in recent American history: Progressive pundit Cenk Uygur will challenge President Biden for the Democratic nomination,

California becomes first state to ban use of excited delirium as cause of death

Texas private company paid $75 million in 1 year to bus migrants out of state, report shows : news

'Too dangerous:' Why even Google was afraid to release this technology : technology

More presumed human remains recovered from imploded Titan submersible : news

Michael Lewis Doesnt Do Villains -- `With his new book about the crypto mogul Sam Bankman-Frieand new questions about his old work the famously charmed writer finds himself under a microscope.

Social Media Update - Lawyers, Guns & Money A great many journos have accounts on Twitter and Bluesky, and a noticeable number are moving toward Bluesky. Some organizations, particularly academic societies, are moving to Bluesky.
So Long, Twitter -- Im Outta ThereElon owns his own shitshow. I see no reason to enable his distribution of excrement any further ... I can mourn what Musk has done to a site that, while imperfect, generated considerable utility compared to the flaming garbage fire that it is now.

Sam Bankman-Fried thought there was a 5% chance he would be president, Caroline Ellison testified in his trial : technology
Eschaton: The Bestest Little Boy This Michael Lewis interiew in Time is just an amazing thing. I could pick like 20 things but I'll only do a couple:

An Oklahoma judge could be removed from office for sending more than 500 texts during a murder trial : news

Excited Delirium: How Cops Invented a Disease

Man accused of raping 2 girls, 2 women in Boston area wants case dismissed

Ebay Could Owe $1.9 Billion in Fines for Allowing Sale of 343,000 Emissions Defeat Devices : technology

If left untreated, hearing loss can be linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline in older adults. But theres encouraging news.
9 Best OTC Hearing Aids of October 2023

Since 2010, US life expectancy growth has stagnated. Much of the blame has been placed on deaths among middle-aged adults due to drug overdose and other external causes. But a new study suggests that chronic disease among older Americans is actually the biggest factor. : science

A new large cohort study from Boston University reports that long-term use of chemical hair relaxers was associated with increased risk of uterine cancer among postmenopausal Black women. Moderate and heavy users of such products had a greater than 50% increased risk compared to infrequent users. : science

TIL about "Terminal Lucidity." The unexpected return of mental clarity and memory shortly before the death of patients suffering from severe psychiatric and neurologic disorders : todayilearned

Years of alleged abuses by Fall River cop reveal limits of internal police investigations | WBUR News

Men of reddit, what is something that other men do that makes you sayyeah, theyre gonna be single forever?

What was the reason behind your last break up? : AskReddit

2024 Chevy Goliath - AI TV ad : videos

Firefox will have a built-in fake reviews detectorAmazon is in trouble | It should arrive next month.

IRS says Microsoft owes an additional $29 billion in back taxes : news


A loophole in the Montreal Protocol lets U.S. facilities pollute - The Washington Post Findings by the Environmental Investigation Agency point to a perceived loophole in the Montreal Protocol.

Australias leaders condemn abhorrentscenes after anti-Jewish chants filmed at Sydney rally ... They were chanting Gas the Jews and Kill the Jews
Opinion polls show Australians likely to reject Indigenous Voice to Parliament at referendum : worldnews

Midnight Massacre at IDP Camp in Myanmar Leaves Survivors in Shock

Japan lawmaker who made unannounced Russia trip removed from party : worldnews
TIL that roughly 1/3 of Japans population live in just the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

A surge in rail traffic on North Korea-Russia border suggests arms supply to Russia, think tank says : worldnews

Xi to senators: US-China ties impact destiny of mankind

Vladimir Putin has long projected friendly ties to Israel. But his silence since Saturdays assault illustrates how the war in Ukraine has strained the relationship between the two countries.

Russia is defeated in its bid to regain a seat on the UNs top human rights body
Russia fails to rejoin UNs human rights council.

The Swedish car concern Volvo has disconnected Russian car owners from its software. Earlier, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi also did so.

Erdogan tells Palestinians to stop harassment of Israelis

UAE warns Syrias Assad not to get involved in Hamas-Israel war

Do not get involved in Israel crisis, top U.S. general warns Iran : worldnews
Iranians Reject Regime Sentiment On Hamas War : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 9) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 8) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 7) : worldnews

The Gaza Strip and its history, explained
History of the Israeli-Palestine conflict: A chronology - The Washington Post

Haaretz Blames Netanyahu for Hamas Attack : Israel's Most Important Papers Have Been Merciless to Netanyahu. Good On Them. I cannot help but think back to 2001, and the absolutely supine reaction of the American press to the attacks of 9/11 ... A prime minister indicted in three corruption cases cannot look after state affairs, as national interests will necessarily be subordinate to extricating him from a possible conviction and jail time. ... Imagine a major American news operation that wrote as ferociously about the Bush administration's failures on September 12, 2001 as Haaretz wrote on this past Sunday.

Israel-Hamas Moral Equation Must Have Humans on Both Sides Ignoring universal humanity is the path to murder.
A formula for murder - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Hamas terrorists murdered 40 babies including beheadings, says report
More Than 100 Bodies Found In Israeli Kibbutz Beeri After Hamas Attack

Israel massed troops in the West Bank. Then Hamas attacked from Gaza. - After Hamas attack, Israel grapples with intelligence, military failures - The Washington Post ... Security experts say the war is the result of severe intelligence and military failures. (Netanfuckup)

Israel amasses over 100,000 troops on Gaza border : worldnews
Israel aims to obliterate Hamas as Gaza reels from devastating bombardment
Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel : worldnews

Israel recovers bodies of more than 1,500 Hamas fighters as airstrikes continue : worldnews
BREAKING: Israeli death toll from Hamas attacks on Israel rises to more than 1000, Israeli embassy in US says
Israeli death toll at 900, senior Hamas members killed, rockets fired towards Tel Aviv

Egypt warns against pushing civilian Palestinians towards Egyptian borders : worldnews
Israel has informed Egypt that it will bomb any potential truck columns heading from Egypt to Gaza with aid.

Update : the Israeli Air Force just dropped several JDAMs on the Hamas rocket launch site.
Hamas Strikes Mosque Named After Chechen Leader Near Jerusalem

14 Americans Killed in Attack on Israel, More Held Hostage in Gaza:
SULLIVAN: We believe that there are 20 or more Americans who at this point are missing, but I want to underscore and stress that does not mean necessarily that there are 20 or more American hostages

Hamas armed wing threatens to kill captives if Israel continues attacks on Gaza without warning : worldnews
About 40 babies were taken out on gurneys... Cribs overturned, strollers left behind, doors left wide open Our correspondent @Nicole_Zedek continues to survey the horror scenes left behind in Kibbutz Kfar Aza where Hamas invaded and murdered dozens of Israelis in their homes

Disinfo on Israel-Gaza Plagues Social Media, With Elon Musks AidMusks engagement with the disinformation around the Gaza War comes weeks after he defended himself against accusations of antisemitism, after spending months amplifying anti-Jewish conspiracy theories during an X event, alongside prominent right-wing Jewish personalities

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 594, Part 1 (Thread #740) : worldnews

Although the customer is the German government, all the ammunition is earmarked for Ukraine. The order is worth a figure in the mid-three-digit million-euro range. Tens of thousands of rounds are to be delivered in 2023, with the reminder due to ship in 2024.

Finland now says the Baltic Sea gas pipeline between it and Estonia was deliberately damagedInitially it was thought to a leak, but Finnish daily newspaper Iltalehti is citing government sources as saying the damage is not an accident
Yle source: Finnish government to make announcement on gas pipeline leak in Gulf of Finland; "not an accident" : worldnews

Stockholm Bans Diesel, Petrol Cars in City Center From 2025 : worldnews

Top Polish generals resign days before elections : worldnews

Germany announces new defense aid for Ukraine worth $1.1 bln : worldnews

French government dissolves far-right Catholic party Civitas for sedition, racial hatred and homophobia : worldnews

Only 9% of British voters believe Brexit has gone well, but a majority of Leave voters would still vote the same way again : worldnews

Army to Congress: Do your job so we can help Israel and Ukraine : politics

Tuberville will continue block on US military nominees despite Hamas attack on Israel : politics

Republicans wasted no time blaming Biden for the Israel-Hamas war : politics
Former US general reminds GOP attacking Biden of time Trump leaked Israeli intel to Iran ally : politics
Top US Air Force official in Mideast worries about possible Russia-Iran cooperation and collusion

Jared Kushners Middle East Actions Under Spotlight After Israel Attack

AOC knocks bigotry and callousness of Times Square rally for Palestinians

The 'soft dictatorship' of this Supreme Court

Jack Smith: No Reasonto Delay Trumps Trial in Florida Classified Documents Case

Trump Organization CFO to testify today in New York fraud trial : politics
A civil case entering its second week threatens to put on display unprecedented details about how Trumps business operated
Is Mar-a-Lago worth $1 billion? Trumps winter home valuations are at the core of his fraud trial

"Tremendous embarrassment": Trump runs to London court after U.S. judge rejected Steele dossier suit : politics
Trumpery Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster : worthless nonsense - tawdry finery - showy but worthless.

A tantalizing detail in a new Trump legal filing - The Washington Post The government signals it plans to prove Donald Trumps much-debated intent for taking and keeping classified documents (Putin's pawn)

Trump says he will reinstate Muslim travel ban if he is re-elected : politics

In GOP impeachment inquiry, texts dont prove that Joe Biden was in businesswith Hunter Biden

A Short History of Speakers of the House Breaking Their Gavels Things Are Not Going Well, So Let's Talk About Gavels - Destroying gavels has a long history amongst frustrated Speakers of the House.

Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy continue feud amid speaker talk : politics
US House Republicans face tangled path to picking a new speaker : politics
Hit me baby one more time - Lawyers, Guns & Money In the crazy mixed up world of the American right wing theocracy, Drag Queen Story Hour is an intolerable threat to children and civilization as a whole, but prolonged, public displays of a humiliation fetish are A-OK.

Ahead of 2024, we must protect election workers nationwide. Our democracy depends on it.

Project 2025 shows us that the old Right has left the building: GOP's surrender to Trump complete
The right's Red Caesar plan: GOPs new order marches onwardonly voters can stop it
I Never Thought Id Live to See Democracy Die. But Now I Wonder. | Chaos and corruption are on the rise, the perfect breeding ground for authoritarians to claim control

Texas Took Over Its Largest School District, but Has Let Underperforming Charter Networks Expand : politics

Florida health officials must release 3 years of COVID data, settlement says : politics

Family values GOP candidate smears feces on daycare & blames Barack Obama. He has also pleaded guilty to other charges involving drugs, weapons possession, and unpaid debts. : politics

Library lists book as potentially sexually explicitbecause the authorsname is literally "Gay" . The library director admitted that the book was targeted because of the word "gay"

Kaiser Permanente Strike - Lawyers, Guns & Money Another big piece of recent labor news is that the largest health care strike in the history of the United States just went on, albeit it was only for three days ... Kaiser was once indeed pioneering in health care, going back to its beginnings when Henry Kaiser ran things, but now it is a total disaster like every other hospital operation.

Robin Vos too much of an authoritarian hack for his hand-picked authoritarian hack - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is counting on winning big with independents. Why thats a risky bet

Republicans turn on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as he launches independent bid | Donald Trumps campaign joins the Republican National Committee in attacking his nascent bid, as Democrats outside his immediate family largely stay silent
The full crank package - Lawyers, Guns & Money Dan Farber and Evan George point out that RFK Jr., who used to present himself as a crusading environmental lawyer, is now pitching the right wing line on climate change:

Providing Gender-Affirming Care to Youth Is Now a Felony After Judge Rules Law Can Go Into Effect : politics

Alaska school sports association bars transgender girls from girls sports teams

North Carolina Republicans Are Creating a Secret Police Force

RFK Jr. super PAC raises $11 million within hours and courts Elon Musks support

Elon bought Twitter to turn it into a firehose of fash disinformation before it died of boredom the idea behind the TWITTER FILES was that any attempt to contain disinformation campaigns was state censorship -- and he's succeeded ... The War Monitor account has argued with others over Israel and religion
The Israel-Hamas War Is Drowning X in Disinformation | WIRED People who have turned to X for breaking news about the Israel-Hamas conflict are being hit with old videos, fake photos, and video game footage at a level researchers have never seen.

US prisoners who did not consent to ivermectin Covid treatment win payout | Arkansas : news

I'm the author of Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment and Abusive Guardianships. My book examines how mental health laws are used to police streets, manage schools, nursing homes, and other institutions, make profits, target whistleblowers and more. AMA : IAmA

Overhyped generative AI will get a cold showerin 2024, analysts predict

Sexual activity predicts enhanced cognitive function in older adults, study finds : science

Archaeologists find 2,000-year-old eyeshadow and blush in ancient Roman city of Aizanoi : worldnews

Contrary to popular belief, skeletal remains from 1910-1938 reveal that the 1918 Spanish Flu did not disproportionately kill young people. Rather, frail or unhealthy individuals were more likely to die. : science

What are your best Butterfly Effect stories? : AskReddit

23andMe leaks data on over a million users, DNA info remains safe : technology

Mr Brightside revealed as UKs most streamed song in Spotify history
The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Official Music Video) - YouTube (watch)
Roy Clark in 1964 showcasing his guitar skills while performing a comedic rendition of Folsom Prison Blues : videos

What's a simple word that people keep mispronouncing? : AskReddit

What is something that an S/O has done that made you go, "Fuck this, we're done"? : AskReddit

Dorothy Hoffner became the oldest person to ever skydive at the age of 104. She died a week later. : pics

I just finished reading 'Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver and it was absolutely AMAZING. I am speechless. For anyone that's read the book I'd love to have a discussion about it in the comments, and for the one's that haven't read it then GO BUY THIS BOOK you will not regret it! : books

Whats a book that changed your life?

What would you add to this list? : boston


Opec leaders make case for fossil fuels at climate event : worldnews

The attempts appear to have been unsuccessful, but came as the U.S. and Vietnam were negotiating an agreement that President Biden signed last month in Hanoi

China urges Philippines to end "provocations" in South China Sea : worldnews
The Crimes Behind the Seafood You Eat | The New Yorker China has invested heavily in an armada of far-flung fishing vessels, in part to extend its global influence. This maritime expansion has come at grave human cost.

Putins Six Principles of the Russian World

Kazakhstan to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Quake-Hit Afghanistan - The Astana Times : worldnews Kazakhstan to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Quake-Hit Afghanistan
SAS troops executed Afghan males of fighting age, inquiry hears

Egypt receives WHO Gold Tier for Elimination of Hepatitis C

First hydrogen train in Middle East to begin trials next week, Saudi energy minister says : worldnews

Irans UN mission says Tehran not involved in Hamas attacks
Iranian officials spent weeks helping Hamas plan its attack on Israel, WSJ reports : worldnews
Iranian president backs assault on Israel, holds talks with Gaza terror leaders : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 6) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 5) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 4) : worldnews
/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 3) : worldnews

Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of something big
Netanyahu's disaster - Haaretzs editors are refreshingly frank:

IDF: Israeli Navy commandos take senior Hamas member captive : worldnews
Israeli military says deploying against possible infiltration from Lebanon : worldnews

Arab League Chief: If Israel does not change its position, this war wont be the last.
UAE calls Hamas attacks on Israel a serious and grave escalation
Egypt pushing Israel and Hamas to prevent escalation -Egyptian sources : worldnews
Russia says creating Palestinian statemost reliable solution to Israel conflict
Russians give Hamas trophy weapons to discredit Ukraine
Bodies of 260+ civilians have been found at an Israeli music festival attacked by Hamas on Saturday : pics
Israeli music festival: 260 bodies recovered from site where people fled in hail of bullets : news
Israeli music festival: 260 bodies recovered from site where people fled in hail of bullets : news
Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Music Festival Massacre - Tablet Magazine Scenes of young women raped next to the dead bodies of their friends

The Siege - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is no less terrible for having been eminently predictable:

Israel Strikes Over 500 Hamas Targets Overnight In Gaza: Israel Army
Heavy rocket fire on central, southern Israel; 300,000 reservists mobilized in 48 hours : worldnews
IDF Spokesperson: Israel regained full control of Gaza border villages : worldnews

Hamas built a mock Israeli town in Gaza to practice its attack in plain sight but Israel didnt react, report says

At least 9 Americans killed in Hamas attack on Israel : worldnews
Shekel Gets $45 Billion Bank of Israel Support After Attack : worldnews
Oil prices jump 4% after Hamas attack on Israel : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 592, Part 1 (Thread #738) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 9.10.2023

Russian Forces Deploy New Reserves to Mariupol for the First Time in Six Months : worldnews

Luxembourg PM Bettel faces exit after election defeat : worldnews

Fifty thousand people marched through Barcelona on Sunday to protest against plans to grant Catalan separatists an amnesty in exchange for their political support for a new left-wing government. : worldnews

French presidential candidate fined under hate-crime law after condemning lesbian mums : worldnews

One of Europes most wanted drug traffickers behind bars and 16 arrested in Brazil

Around 30,000 people left stranded in French Guiana after Air Guyane folds : worldnews

Court blocks Kenya from deploying police officers to Haiti to fight gangs : worldnews

Police across Canada increasing patrols around religious buildings ... in the wake of an attack on Israel.
Walmart and Costco Agree to AggressivePrice Cuts on Food After Canada Turns Up the Heat

The US will likely go to war in Israel with air and naval power if Syria or Iran become actively involved, retired 4-star general says

Sen. Tommy Tuberville wont lift his military blockade amid Israel-Hamas conflict
Theres not a chief of naval operations to help Israel due to Tommy Tubervilles protest: Retired Commander

Trumps niece denounces her maniac uncle for leaking Israeli intel to the Russians
Putinite Republicans are disgracing America : politics
Republicans respond to attack on Israel with lies
What Ukrainian Soldiers Really Think of Trump and the GOP -- Donald Trump is a fucking asshole

Tlaib, Bush criticized by Democrats over statements calling for end to Israel support : politics

Opinion | Trump-appointed judges keep falling for anti-LGBTQ plantiffs fake claims

Even Russian State Media Doesnt Support Marjorie Taylor Greenes Ukraine/Hamas Claims

Republicans are fuming at the rebels who ousted Kevin McCarthy at a time when legislation could be needed to help Israel : politics

Column: Republicans plan to choose a new speaker with a party-line vote. How'd that work last time?
House Republicans need to pick a new speaker. Heres how that works.
Legislative terrorists - Lawyers, Guns & Money Gym Jordan is a plausible Speaker because an unwillingness to govern has become more and more central to the ethos of the Republican Party:
Jim Jordan Tried to Help Trump Mount a Coup. Now He Gets To Be Speaker? : politics
Jim Jordan repeatedly pushed false stolen election rhetoric in lead up to January 6 | CNN Politics : politics

Nancy Mace Ridiculed for Response to Jim Jordan Allegations Question : politics
Nancy Mace Wants Jim Jordan as Speaker, Claims Ignorance About Allegations He Ignored Abuse - "I don't know anything, and I can't speak to that," the Republican congresswoman said when pressed on how the allegations against Jordan square with her professed support for victims of sexual assault : politics

Unmitigated s---show: House Republicans fume over speaker vacancy amid Israel crisis

The greater the fear Trump feels, the more sinister his threats become : politics

Donald Trumps Israel intel leak under scrutiny after Hamas attack

Authoritarianism Expert Warns: Nikki Haleys Trump Comment Means 1 Chilling Thing (Ickey Failey)

Impeachments and forced removals from office emerge as partisan weapons in the states : politics ... Their offense: staking out positions legislative Republicans didnt like ... Republicans are trying to make it illegal to not be Republican.

Id still vote for Biden if he was dead: Pa. voters react to Trump-Biden 2024 rematch

Charts To A Gun Fight - by Brian Beutler - Off Message How the Fighting Democrats of 2007 became the timid, focus-grouped party of today.

A Fake Loan Could Mean Real Trouble for George Santos - The New York Times Representative George Santos was seemingly implicated in a fraudulent loan scheme that his treasurer admitted in her guilty plea.

The US library system, once the best in the world, faces death by a thousand cuts : politics

RFK Jr. is expected to drop his Democratic primary bid and launch an independent or third-party run : politics
Frankenstein frantically deleting tweets and podcast episodes - Lawyers, Guns & Money RFK Jr. is no longer even pretending to be appealing to Democratic voters:
Kennedy family members call RFK Jr.s independent bid dangerous to our country

Eschaton: Does SBF Really Seem Like A Guy Who Just Wants To Do Good I suppose it has been a running theme of mine back to the Iraq war: basically, do these people seem like good guys? Do the people telling you they are good guys, themselves, seem like good guys? ... Should we really be taking lessons on morality and generosity from David fucking Brooks?
Eschaton: Why Do I Care About SBF? I vagueblog a bit because there are things I don't know, precisely, but Sam's $ was quite influential among a certain set of influentials during the 2021-2022 period and they did tremendous damage (and tried to do much more). Some of your faves might be implicated!

Elon Musk told X users to follow accounts known for lies for Israel updates - The Washington Post Information researchers said that the new outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas is an early test of how the revamped X conveys accurate data during a major crisis.
In the since-deleted tweet, Musk encouraged his nearly 160 million X followers to follow accounts known for spreading lies

Meta is paying the celebrity faces behind its AI chatbots as much as $5 million for 6 hours of work, report says : technology
Godfather of AI tells 60 Minutes he fears the technology could one day take over humanity
The Morning After: ChatGPT creator OpenAI might start making its own AI chips : technology

Police did not give Black Alabama homeowner time to respond before killing him, attorney says : news

Nobel economics prize goes to Claudia Goldin : worldnews ... for her work exposing the causes of deeply rooted wage and labour market inequality between men and women

TIL: In 2017, the "holographic" universe theory came back after a UK, Canadian, and Italian study provided the first observational evidence for the explanation. The theory is that our "3d" reality is contained in a 2D surface and that the entire universe is encoded like a 3D movie or a hologram. : todayilearned

Young children who are close to their parents are more likely to grow up kind, helpful and "prosocial"

Why have we only approved mRNA vaccines and not DNA Plasmid Vaccines? : askscience

TIL between 365 million and 988 million birds are killed annually by striking buildings in the United States : todayilearned

A massive solar storm, the biggest ever identified, was discovered via a large spike in radiocarbon levels of 14,300 years old tree-rings. : science

Holistic Ophthalmology: Integrative Eye and Vision Healthcare

Protests and rallies today : boston
Cambridge, Massachusetts at a Harvard protest : pics

What massively improved your mental health? : AskReddit

[Serious] What do people heavily underestimate the seriousness of? : AskReddit

What is a cult that pretends its not a cult?


Satellite imagery shows dramatic surge in rail traffic at North Korean, Russian border: Report

China Tiananmen critic stuck in Taiwan transit lounge granted asylum in Canada : worldnews

China believes UK spies bugged Apple watch to track submarine: Report : worldnews
Chinese Investors, Pinched at Home, Buy Less Property in Thailand : worldnews

Kadyrov suggests postponing Russia presidential election, or excluding rivals to Putin : worldnews

Arab League chief heads to Moscow for talks after Hamas attack on Israel : worldnews
Russian hacker group "Killnet" declares cyberwar on Israel | Al Bawaba : worldnews

Azerbaijan president says France will be to blame if new conflict starts with Armenia : worldnews

Taliban Says Close To 2,000 People Have Died In Quake That Struck Western Afghanistan : worldnews
More than 2,000 people killed as earthquake strikes western Afghanistan : worldnews
Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years | Reuters

Kenya: Hundreds of believers protest LGBTQ association right : worldnews

Sudan war spreading as death toll tops 9,000 : worldnews

Erdogan says Turkey will ramp up diplomacy in Israeli-Palestinian conflict : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis (Thread 2) : worldnews
Confirmed death toll in Israel rises to 700 with over 2,200 Wounded; Over 130 Civilians and Soldiers Held Hostage in Gaza : worldnews

Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War - Haaretz Editorial - - The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person: Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister, who has prided himself on his vast political experience and irreplaceable wisdom in security matters, completely failed to identify the dangers he was consciously leading Israel into when establishing a government of annexation and dispossession, when appointing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, while embracing a foreign policy that openly ignored the existence and rights of Palestinians.

The killing has intensified along the road to peace - Lawyers, Guns & Money It is not surprising that Iran was heavily involved in planning the Hamas invasion, although it further underscores the scope of the failure of Israeli intelligence:
Ukraine Update: Hamas learned the wrong lessons from Russia
Strategically speaking, Gazans want the Israeli blockade of Gaza lifted, and Palestinians in general want statehood, an end to the occupation & an end to Israeli military & settler violence. Hard to see how todays attacks advance these causes beyond revenge.
Israel-Gaza Conflict: Air-Raid Sirens in Israel Warn of Continued Strikes on Sunday - The New York Times Air-Raid Sirens in Israel Warn of Continued Strikes on Sunday
The mother of tattoo artist Shani Louk who was paraded semi-naked on a Hamas truck makes a public plea for more information : anime_titties
Misinformation about Israel and Hamas is spreading on social media : technology

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Opposition Leader Yair Lapid and National Unity party leader Benny Gantz on Saturday discussed forming an emergency government following Hamass devastating surprise attack against Israel on Saturday
Israels Security Cabinet Approves Declaration of War.
Hamas will bear the results of its attack: Israel tells UN Security Council
Palestinian Authority calls for emergency Arab League meeting against Israel : worldnews
The significance of why Hamas chose to attack Israel now Former U.S. officials say the group and its Iranian backers tried to exploit Israeli political divisions and to derail historic negotiations between Saudi Arabia, Israel and the U.S.

Israel estimates over 600 dead; troops in firefights with terror squads in south : worldnews
IDF says it killed more than 400 terrorists : worldnews
Nearly 100 Israeli civilians and soldiers kidnapped, says Israeli Embassy in the US : worldnews
Israel asks civilians for help in identifying missing persons - approximately 750 Israelis are currently missing. : worldnews
Israelis rush back from U.S. to join the fighting : worldnews
2 Thais killed, 8 injured, 11 kidnapped in Hamas attack on Israel : worldnews
Blinken says US working to verify reports of several Americans dead and missing in Israel | CNN Politics
Hezbollah militants fire dozens of rockets into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights to support Palestinianresistance

Israeli air strikes hit Indonesian hospital in Gaza, reports of dead staff : worldnews
Hamas plans to use Israeli civilian hostages as human shields : worldnews
Reporter for Helsingin Sanomat confirms longstanding Israeli claims that Hamas missiles launched from the Shifa compound

Israeli army radio reports mortar shells fired from Lebanon into Northern Israel : worldnews
Pakistans president condemns Israel for brutalizing Palestinians
Two Israeli tourists killed after police officer fired at Israeli tourist group in Egypt : worldnews

Ukraines female soldiers complain of discrimination

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 592, Part 1 (Thread #738) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 8.10.2023
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published data on the losses of russian troops as of October 8. In total, about 282,280 Russians were killed.

Misfit4Ukraine on X: "The SBU pointed HIMARS at the Russian TOS-1A Thermobaric MLRS. Its detonation resulted in a magnificent salute." / X

Russia deploying all availablereserves north of Bakhmut.
(2/4) Over the summer, Ukraine almost certainly liberated at least 125 square kilometres of territory on this axis.
(4/4) While this axis has stabilised, Russian forces likely remain in a defensive posture to guard against possible future Ukrainian offensive operations. It is unlikely there will be a significant drawdown of Russian forces from this axis in the next six weeks.

Car bomb kills official in Russian-held Ukrainian town, governor says : worldnews
Russia says it shoots down two missiles over Crimea : worldnews

Texty: Russian museums refuse to return 110,000 Ukrainian looted treasures : worldnews

Italian financial corps crack down on Chinese money laundering : worldnews

Deforestation in Brazils Amazon falls 57% in September

Ecuador removes, investigates security officials after killings of suspects in candidate assassination : worldnews

Discussion Thread: Biden Gives Remarks on Hamas' Attack on Israel and the Broader, Unfolding Situation in Israel and Palestine : politics
Verified accounts spread fake news release about a Biden $8 billion aid package to Israel (Muskatron)

Centrist GOP effort to reinstate McCarthy picks up steam after Israel attacks. Reinstalling the Californian, the thinking goes, is the only way to quickly deliver aid to Israel.
Republicans Slammed Over Attempt to Politicize Hamas Attack
Tuberville wont bend on military blockade amid Israel crisis (Coach Footballhead now running your military)
br />
White House official accuses GOP senator JD Vance of shameful lies after he blamed Biden for Hamas attack

Biden on pace to match, even exceed Trumps number of lower court judicial appointments

Joe Biden uses jobs report to tout 13.9M jobs created under his administration : politics

Nikki Haleys claim that Joe Biden added 20 million ineligible people to Medicaid is wrong (Icky Failey is a liar)

If Biden can cancel some student debt, he can cancel all of it : politics

Congressional Term Limits Might Break Congress : politics (make it easier to buy congressfuckers)

We Put Sharp Knives in the Hands of Children - The "sharp knives" being the power to remove, the "children" being the Republican extremists.

Trump Is Lying About Another Election Being StolenFrom Him The One Still A Year Away | Trumps last effort to undermine an election led to 140 injured police officers and five police deaths on the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol by his followers.

Trumps New York civil fraud trial rolls on after an appeals judge declines to halt it
Trumps New York trial exposes the sad reality of white-collar crime enforcement

Trump Organization Exec Admits He Considered Fraud Part of the Job : politics

Trump Shows Love To Hannibal Lecter In Killer Blunder At Iowa Rally

Law and politics, legal legitimation division - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is an extreme straw man thesis only very ignorant people and cynical cranks think that SCOTUS decisions only reflect the underlying political orientations of the justices.

The Republican party is at last paying the price of its Faustian pact with Trump : politics

Tlaib Calls on USPS Inspector General to Investigate Impacts of Postmaster General DeJoy's 10-Year Plan

The 19th century sexual purity law that some want to revive : politics ... But Kacsmaryk developed a very different vision of the First Amendment. He argued that history and tradition should determine which kind of speech was protected. And as a matterof history and tradition, he suggested, the government could and did criminalize sexualized speech. For evidence of what tradition involved, Kacsmaryk looked to the Comstock Act ... (the regression is strong in the face of an unstoppable future)

Utah authors childrens book about a kitten is being pulled from school libraries over claims it is sexually suggestive

White Lives Matter Manual Reveals Hate Groups Strategy and Tactics

Inside Bankman-Fried's last year in the crypto game By Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis'Front-Row Seat at the Sh*t Show - The author got a blurry view of Sam Bankman-Fried at a very close distance. When I met SBF, I had a very different impression.

Spokane County Sheriffs deputy placed on leave after video surfaces of him bloodying 62-year-old man

American boys and girls born in 2019 can expect to spend 48% and 60% of their lives, respectively, taking prescription drugs, according to new analysis : science

New clinical trial (N=676) has shown that ketamine nasal spray treatment in patients with treatment-resistant depression led to higher rates (27.1%) of remission, after 8 weeks, than standard intervention with the antipsychotic drug quetiapine (17.6%) : science

TIL that approximately 99,9% of all species that have ever lived have gone extinct. : todayilearned

Abandoning religion often harms relationships with parents : science

eli5 Why did womens fashion change so rapidly after WWI?

What happened by a total accident but changed your life completely? : AskReddit

Whats something people don't understand until theyve been through it themselves?

What is another group of people more unbelievable than the flat-Earth society in 21st century? : AskReddit


World breaches key 1.5C warming mark for record number of days : worldnews

Climate disasters displaced 43 million children in just six years : worldnews

Australias NSW government pledges to introduce conversion therapy ban this year

US restricts trade with 42 Chinese entities over support for Russias military
US-China tech war: RISC-V chip technology emerges as new battleground : worldnews
China expels former Bank of China chairman from Communist Party : worldnews
An 8-Year-Old Is at the Heart of a Fight Over Tibetan Buddhism - The New York Times

Vladimir Putin escalates nuclear rhetoric with threat to resume testing : worldnews
Kremlin Readying Putins 2024 Campaign Reveal atEconomic Expo
A Farce Russians Are Mocking Putin For His Wagner Cocaine Comments

(2/4) The previous attack on 20 September 2023 caused a large fire at an oil storage facility, near the airport. It was the first recorded strike on the area since Russias invasion of Ukraine.
(4/4) Strikes near the city mark a further example of the war directly affecting Russias population well away from the Ukrainian border.

Macron says Azerbaijan has a problem with international law

Kazakhstan may prohibit wearing hijab and niqab in public places : worldnews

Indian Nationalists Cite Inspiration for Foreign Assassinations: U.S. TargetedKilling Spree

Afghanistan earthquake: At least 120 killed and 1,000 injured in 6.3 quake. : worldnews

Turkeys Erdogan tells supporters he does not recognise LGBT in bizarre speech

Qatar holds Israel alone responsible for escalation of violence with Palestine (

Egypt warns of grave consequences from escalating Israeli-Palestinian fighting

Adviser to Irans Khamenei expresses support for Palestinian attacks
The US Navy turned the tables on Iran, sending drones that look like speedboats to spy on its warships and troublesome gunboats : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread for 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis : worldnews
This Land Is Mine : videos

Hamas surprise attack out of Gaza stuns Israel and leaves hundreds dead in fighting, retaliation | AP News
Israel at War: Dead rises above 250 | Defense News - The Jerusalem Post The injured surpassed 1,500 people, the Health Ministry said. The IDF confirmed Hamas had Israeli hostages.
Gunmen in homes, captives abducted leave Israelis in shock | Reuters
EU condemns Hamas attack on Israel as terrorism in its most despicable form

The Assault : The situation in southern Israel is very bad; there are credible reports of a significant number of house invasions and kidnappings in communities near Gaza, with that implies with respect to civilian casualties and hostages ... The intelligence failure here is catastrophic. You cant launch an attack of this sort without significant electronic, verbal, and physical evidence. Israe intelligence and military agencies have just experienced a massive failure, perhaps the most massive failure of any intelligence apparatus this century.
Theres Going to Be a Lot of Soul-Searching in Israel When This Is Over

Mapping the deadly surprise attack by Hamas militants on Israel - The Washington Post
What's behind the violence in Israel and Gaza? Heres what to know.
Israel will cut off its supply of electricity to Gaza: Energy minister : worldnews
An Israeli airstrike has flattened a high-rise building in central Gaza City after Hamas launched a surprise attack : worldnews
Hamas surprise attack a historic failure for Israeli intelligence
Live updates: Israel strikes Gaza Strip, with hundreds killed on both sides - The Washington Post
Humiliated and defeated: Fear, shock grip Israel after Hamas assault

We are at war Netanyahu says, after Hamas launches devastating surprise attack
Hamas Terror Commander Deif Calls for All Out War on Israel : worldnews
Palestinian militants launch dozens of rockets into Israel. Sirens are heard across the country : worldnews

Residents near Gaza border beg for help: They are slaughtering us here, there is no army and no nothing
Global: Military-Info on X: "Footage of a hamas infiltrator using a motorized hang glider to get into Israel. This is insane." / X
Palestinian Health Ministry says at least 198 killed, 1,610 wounded in Gaza in Israeli retaliation after Hamas attack : worldnews
At least 7 Nepali students studying at an Israel University have sustained injuries, 17 are held captive by Hamas forces : worldnews
Abbas: Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves : worldnews
Head of Israeli council killed by Hamas while defending his community, as Palestinian fighters pour into southern Israel : worldnews
Contact lost with hundreds as Hamas terrorists raid desert rave : worldnews

Hezbollah issues statement saying Hamasoperation is message to those seeking normalization with Israel
Russia Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza
U.S. condemns Hamas terrorism, attacks on Israeli civilians
EU unequivocally condemns Hamas attacks on Israel
Ukraine Says Supports Israels Right To Defend Itself And Its People

23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews : worldnews

PM explaining the difference between peace andpeace. The latter is torture, executions, rape, mass deportations, depravation. The biggest deportation to Siberia from the occupiedtook place in 1949 deep in peacetime. organised Holodomor in was in peace-time

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 591, Part 1 (Thread #737) : worldnews

Russias losses as of October 7th

Ukraine seizes over $450 million worth of assets from three Russian oligarchs : worldnews ... The three Russian oligarchs are believed to belong to Putins inner circle and are involved in financing the war against Ukraine, the SBU said.

Russia attempting to send Serbian mercenaries to the war in Ukraine : worldnews

Spanish company launches reusable rocket in breakthrough for European space ambitions : worldnews

Three doctors shot dead in Brazil in suspected politically motivated attack | Brazil : worldnews

Six people accused of assassinating Ecuador presidential candidate are killed in prison : worldnews

Mexico bus crash kills 16 Venezuelan, Haitian migrants : worldnews

Canada has relocated some diplomatic staff out of India: sources : worldnews
Woman in Canada facing terrorism charge for alleged participation in ISIS activities: RCMP : worldnews
Cult of self-proclaimed "Queen of Canada" threatens Sask. village with public executions : worldnews

Biden wants to ask Congress for largest aid package for Ukraine worth US$100 billion : ukraine

US expels 2 Russian diplomats after Moscow expelled American diplomats last month : worldnews

Opinion | The Cost of Inaction on Immigration - The New York Times

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Angus Deaton on inequality: The war on poverty has become a war on the poor

Stop penalizing hunger: the push to cancel US school lunch debt

If You Dont Know Medicare Advantage Is a Scam, Youre Not Paying Attention

Jan. 6 choir member sentenced to 7 years in Capitol attack

The information security administration: An infinite series - Lawyers, Guns & Money the fact that Trump treats the most highly classified information as social mixer gossip will not affect a single vote in next years election. Because its a cult.
Remarkable that this story is buried on Page A13 in today's New York Times.
Questions About This Particular Report On The Information Security Administratio - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Judge in Trump RICO case appears to invoke Monty Python in ruling : politics

Georgia Judge Absolutely Shreds Trump Co-Defendants Latest Hail Mary

Trumps attempt to halt New York fraud trial denied by appeals judge

Cohen on Trump fraud trial: Theres no way for him to escape this
Didnt want to answer questions under oath: Trump abruptly drops Cohen lawsuit ahead of deposition

The Most Heads I Win, Tails You Lose Trump Argument Ever Trumps case for his immunity in the Jan. 6 prosecution is particularly galling.
George Conway on Trump rhetoric: Hes getting worse

Opinion: How not to cover Donald Trumps bizarre 2024 campaign for president

Why do eight radicals hold power over the entire US House of Representatives? | There are hundreds of Congresspeople representing millions of Americansyet undemocratic rules give people like Matt Gaetz outsized sway
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's says he is not resigning, despite reports
Kevin McCarthys Fall Is a Body Blow to the GOP Money Machine
Democratic unity strikes contrast to Republican chaos as McCarthy exits : politics

Republicans Want to Change Speaker Rules So They Dont Embarrass Themselves Again

Jim Jordan, Who's Running For Speaker, Played A Key Role In Trumps 2020 Election Plot |Jim Jordan knew more about what Donald Trump had planned for Jan. 6 than any other member of the House, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said.

Hillary Clinton says Trump supporters may need to be deprogrammed

The day the laughter and music died in a murder-suicide pact ... Taibbi being swallowed by his misogyny and WHY WONT YOU RECOGNIZE MY GENIUS resentment has been undignified even by the standards of this particular gravy train.
Kat Abu on X: "new career high for matt taibbi" / X

Fox New' Greg Gutfeld claims Democrats are going to put Trump supporters in camps
A Fox host suggests that the answer to divisions is war, not voting - The Washington Post

An informed populace makes it easier to challenge authority. Thats why theyre banning books. And it's all fueled by white Christian nationalism.

Lauren Boebert challenger raises nearly $3.4m after her Beetlejuice scandal : politics

Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court justice rejects GOP call to recuse on redistricting cases : politics

A New Mexico judge rules against Republicans in a redistricting case : politics

New Hampshire Democrats weigh whether to cross over and vote in GOP primary : politics

Newsom vetoes bill to decriminalize magic mushrooms and other psychedelics in California ... Basically 140k deaths from alcohol vs zero from mushrooms.

Right-Wing PragerU Material Can Now Appear in Montana Textbooks : politics

Robert F. Kennedy is headed for a breakup with the Democratic Party expected independent presidential campaign is based on the conspiracy theory that the party hasrigged the primaries against him.
Robert F Kennedy Jr announced as speaker at hard-right CPAC event : politics
Cornel West and RFK Jr. Are Both Helping Biden Now : politics

Amazons Alexa has been claiming the 2020 election was stolen (says she will vote for Trump)

A Lab Test That Experts Liken to a Witch Trial Is Helping Send Women to Prison for Murder The lung float test claims to help determine if a baby was born alive or dead, but many medical examiners say its too unreliable. Yet the test is still being used to bring murder chargesand get convictions.
A Lab Test That Experts Liken to a Witch Trial Is Helping Send Women to Prison for Murder : politics

Two Families Got Fed Up With Their States' Politics. So They Moved Out. The Nobles of Iowa moved to blue Minnesota. The Huckinses of Oregon moved to red Missouri. Their separate journeys, five weeks apart, illustrate the fracturing of America.

Columbus social worker accused of having sex with 13-year-old she was counseling : news

X rolls out new ad format that can't be reported, blocked | Mashable The new ads also dont disclose who the advertiser is or that they are even ads.

The insider: how Michael Lewis got a backstage pass for the fall of Sam Bankman-Fried | Books | The Guardian
Eschaton: People Like Us It kind of enraged me, but Dylan did us a favor by being dumb enough to write it up so clearly. ... Amazing stuff. Prosperity Gospel for atheists and Vox journalists.
The man who knew too nothing - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Atrios on X: "Slightly less insulting than "he needed to steal all the money to do more altruism"" / X
Eschaton: "Bayesian Priors" A term dumbasses who think they are supergeniuses use, because they truly think their baseless, dumbass beliefs about things (we all have baseless dumbass beliefs) are SCIENCE, AKSHUALLY.

The Case/Deaton study on life expectancy in the US misses the true causes - Vox The big divide on premature death isnt between college grads and non-grads. Its between high school dropouts and everyone else.

Family, community, and the rural social mobility advantage - ScienceDirect ... We show that the high level of rural income mobility is principally driven by boys of rural-origin, who are more likely than their urban peers to grow up in communities with a predominance of two-parent households. The rural advantage is most pronounced among Whites and Hispanics, as well as those who were raised in the middle of the country. However, these dynamics are more nuanced for girls. In fact, girls from lower-income rural households exhibit a disadvantage in their personal income attainment, partly due to the persistence of traditional gender norms.

ELI5 Why do babies puke so much? : explainlikeimfive
A Simple Exercise to Strengthen the Lower Esophageal Sphincter and Eliminate Gastroesophageal Reflux: An Autobiographical Case Report

The Boston accent was just voted the most annoying in America : boston

Are Most Readers Women? : books

Piano Guy Gets Justice : videos


Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse : anime_titties

Shortfall in climate change cash grows ahead of COP28 : worldnews

Oil prices plummet to five-week low after worries about demand : worldnews undefined

Scientists Say Long Colds May Exist and Are Just as Common as Long Covid

Philippines drag queen faces 12 years in jail for Jesus act : worldnews

Indonesia hunting a foreigner who meditated naked at Hindu temple : worldnews

Taiwan elects its own leaders so is already independent: presidential frontrunner : worldnews

Today, Putin turns 71 and he doesn't like acknowledging his age. Initially emerging as a young politician, hes now three years older than Yeltsin was in 1999.
Russia plans to pull out of nuclear test ban treaty, envoy says : anime_titties
Putin repeats assertion that Russia did not start war in Ukraine : worldnews
Putin says West has lost touch with reality, Russia had to push back : worldnews
Putin Says Russias Mission Is To Create NewWorld
Putin Claims Economy is Stable -- Ruble Tanks the Next Day
Rouble slides to over 7-week low past 100 per dollar as Putin speaks : worldnews
A single Russian Ruble is once again is worth less than $0.01 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Putin says Russia got its troubled nuclear-powered cruise missile to work after years of failure and a deadly disaster : worldnews

They May Wake Up If a Rocket Hits Them -- Russians Are Getting Frustrated With Oligarchs
Wagners Prison Recruits: Back From The Front, Freed On AmnestyAnd Accused Of 19 Murders

Ukraine-Russia war Putin navy has suffered functional defeat in Black Sea, says UK
Difficult to accept: Prominent Russian hardliner admits its navy couldnt defend itself from Ukraine

Azerbaijan rabbi to Armenian Jews: Leave before its too late
Russia withdraws weapons from Armenia, France announces arms supplies : worldnews

France to begin pulling out troops from Niger this week : worldnews

Nigerias president faces new challenge to election victory as opposition claims he forged diploma

Drone attack kills 80 and wounds 240 at a packed Syrian military graduation ceremony, official says

Saudi Arabia has given up on Palestine with Israeli peace - terror chief : anime_titties

Narges Mohammadi wins the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting the oppression of women in Iran : worldnews
Iran urged to release full CCTV of what led to teenage girls coma
Iran approves stricter hijab bill targeting those whomock dress code

An American tourist is arrested for smashing ancient Roman statues at a museum in Israel - The Boston Globe ... dolatrous and contrary to the Torah ... With religious passions burning and tensions simmering during the Jewish holiday season, spitting and other assaults on Christian worshippers by radical ultra-Orthodox Jews have been on the rise, unnerving tourists, outraging local Christians, and sparking widespread condemnation ... nstead, Kaufman said, the tourist was suffering from a mental disorder that psychiatrists have labeled the Jerusalem syndrome. The condition a form of disorientation believed to be induced by the religious magnetism of the city, which is sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims is said to cause foreign pilgrims to believe they are figures from the Bible.
An American tourist is arrested for smashing ancient Roman statues at a museum in Israel : news
TIL about Jerusalem syndrome - whereby a person who seems previously balanced and devoid of any signs of psychopathology can become psychotic after arriving in Jerusalem. It is not endemic to one single religion or denomination affecting Jews, Christians, and Muslims of many different backgrounds. : todayilearned

European leaders say they cant fully replace U.S. support to Ukraine as funding fears grow
Ukraines Zelenskyy says almost 50 killed as Russia bombs a grocery store
Russians strike cafe in Kharkiv Oblast, killing 51 people
A Russian missile attack in eastern Ukraine kills a 10-year-old boy and his grandmother : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 590, Part 1 (Thread #736) : worldnews

Russias military death toll in Ukraine rises to about 281,090
Russias losses as of October 6th
How is the war going? Early October 2023
How Ukraine is "neutralizing" Russia's biggest advantage : ukraine

For the second time in a week: the invaders shot down their own Su-35 : ukraine

Satellite images show Russia moved parts of its navy out of Crimea after getting hammered by Ukrainian attacks : worldnews

Ukraine pushes Russian Black Sea fleet back and opens grain corridor through NATO waters : worldnews

Ukraine launches new train route from Lviv to Warsaw : worldnews

Hungarys foreign minister hints that Budapest will continue blocking EU military aid to Ukraine

Poland election turns Germany into punching bag, straining Western alliance : worldnews

Sweden pledges more military aid to Ukraine, considers fighter jets : worldnews

Germany to provide Ukraine with an additional Patriot air defence system : worldnews

Nazi card proves Dutch Prince Bernhard joined Hitlers party
Man faces six months for projecting anti-Semitic conspiracy theory on Anne Frank House : worldnews

Its Hell: France steps up war on bedbugs after public outcry

It is concerning to watch UK disengage from the world, says Irish PM : worldnews
Dublin school St Conleths College urged by alumnis to apologize for employing Louis Feutren, a French ex-Nazi and SS veteran teacher who abused students and who fled to Ireland after 1945

Canada will be there for Ukraine regardless of what happens on Capitol Hill: Trudeau : worldnews
After inadvertently hailing SS vet, Trudeau may declassify list of ex-Nazis in Canada : worldnews
Canadian politician removed from committees after suggesting female paramedics cant lift as much weight

Jobs report September 2023: Payrolls soared by 336,000 in September

Pharmacies begin dispensing abortion pills - POLITICO A handful of pharmacies are offering the pills 10 months after the Biden administration allowed them to do so.

Biden Watches Republican Dysfunction From a Distance : politics

Supreme Court is increasingly putting Christians FirstAmendment rights ahead of others dignity and rights to equal protection
The Vanguard Party of the Christian Right: The Alliance Defending Freedom, an evangelical legal advocacy group, is behind many of the Supreme Court cases seeking right-wing rulings. : politics

Congress Is a Middle School Operating Inside a Retirement Home : politics
Liz Cheney Warns On What Jim Jordan Becoming Speaker Could Mean For The Constitution : politics
How Trump was talked into and out of a run for speaker ... You actually have to work as house speaker, something trump has never done a day in his life
Kevin McCarthy considers resigning from the House before the end of his term : politics
Hakeem Jeffries pitches coalition governing in the House, and major changes to the rules : politics

What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party

Trump Said to Have Revealed Nuclear Submarine Secrets to Australian Businessman : politics
Trump allegedly revealed sensitive info about nuclear submarines, according to reports : politics
Tip of the iceberg: Experts sound the alarm after Trump blabbed nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
Ex-Defense Secretary Slams Trump In Explosive Takedown Over Nuclear Sub Reports : politics

Former Army sergeant indicted for efforts to give classified information to China - ABC News He allegedly pinged Chinas security services offering classified information.

America needs to talk about the rights Red Caesar plan for U.S. dictatorship Thoughtleaders of the far right talk openly about a 2025 dictatorship. People need to be alarmed.
Trump Escalates Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric With Poisoning the BloodComment the former president used language with echoes of white supremacy and Hitler.
Trumps norm-violating tweets erode support for political inclusiveness and equality among his supporters, study finds

Many GOP anti-Trumpers are throwing in the towel

Trump trial Day 5 highlights: Ex-Trump executive says Allen Weisselberg asked for help in committing tax fraud Jeffrey McConney, a former Trump Org. official, said he kept engaging in this illegal conduct because Weisselberg was his boss and if he refused, he would probably have lost his job.

Trump given seven days to submit list of firms that will lose New York business licenses : politics
New York appeals court halts the process of breaking up Trumps businesses but rejects stopping the trial

Donald Trump drops another lawsuit in legal retreat : politics
Trump Drops Lawsuit Against Judge Who Doomed His Company : politics < br /> The Irony of Trump Whining About a Jury Trial His Lawyers Didnt Formally Request
Date set for dismantling of Donald Trumps businesses

Already an embarrassment: Legal experts shred Judge Aileen Cannon for granting Trump

He will be destroyed on cross-examination: Experts trash Trumps doomed Richard Nixondefense

The Donald Trump show is over: Trumps attempt to turn his trial into a campaign spectacle fails | Sorry, Donald: Trump wanted to look tough, but instead New York Attorney General Tish James ran him out of town

A Slap in the Face of Voters: What R.N.C. Members Say About Trumps Calls to Cancel Debates

To amplify Trump? Or not to amplify? There's actually a good answer. By Dan Froomkin

Clinton calls for formal deprogramming of MAGA cult members

Claire McCaskill Makes A Blistering Point About GOP Values After New Polls : politics

Iowa surrenders, falls back to Super Tuesday for Democrats in 2024 - POLITICO

Ohios GOP supermajority tests limits of democracy before abortion vote

A Rural New Deal Could Help Progressives Win Rural America: Championing rural and working-class communities is how progressives can build the trust needed to defuse culture war weapons wielded by the Right. : politics

New Kentucky governor poll shows Beshear with double-digit lead over Cameron : politics

The violence inherent in the system - Lawyers, Guns & Money You wonder how long it is until one of these attempts will succeed (again):
A person fired two shotgun rounds into the front entry of the Planned Parenthood clinic in Helena Thursday evening, according to local police and a spokesperson from Planned Parenthood of Montana. : news

N.J. Attorney General Opens Inquiry Into Nadine Menendez's Fatal Crash - The scrutiny could create fresh legal and political peril for Senator Robert Menendez, a Democrat, who has been charged with accepting bribes.

Political forces begin to move on new California Sen. Laphonza Butler as she mulls a run | CNN Politics
California workers will get more paid sick days : politics

Michigan ranks third for voter registration. Democrats push for more : politics

Stricter state laws are chipping away at sex education in K-12 schools : politics

Team Trump readies attacks on RFK Jr. as spoiler anxiety grows | Semafor ... as internal campaign polling suggests his expected third party bid could draw more votes from Trump than President Joe Biden in a general election. (nut-cases)
The own-ratfuck - Lawyers, Guns & Money

33 Lawmakers Urge Biden To Release Leonard Peltier Including 1 Republican the Indigenous activist who has been in prison for nearly 50 years ... They never had evidence that he killed anyone, and his trial was outrageous: Prosecutors hid exculpatory evidence. The FBI threatened witnesses into lying. Peltier was separated from his co-defendants, all of whom were acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. A juror admitted she was racist against Native Americans on the second day of the trial but was allowed to stay on.

US nutrition panels ties to top food giants revealed in new report

Senator Calls for DOJ Action Against Philips for Keeping CPAP Machine Complaints Secret : politics

Michael Benz, a conservative crusader against online censorship, appears to have a secret history as an alt-right persona Frame Game, the pseudonym of an alt-right internet personality, hid his face while pushing racist conspiracy theories. Inadvertent slips revealed details about his identity ... a former Trump State Department official whose work has been cited in congressional hearings and promoted by Elon Musk, has become a go-to voice for Republican criticism of government and social media censorship in the past year.

Tlaib Asks USPS IG to Probe Impacts of Postmaster General DeJoys Overhaul

Fox News Greg Gutfeld Floats Civil War Because Elections Dont Work resident comedian went full fascist on Thursday, warning that the only thing that can save America is another civil war.

Tesla driver seen in road-rage attacks transferred to prison to start 5-year term. : news

Son of Buc-ees co-founder arrested, charged for recording several people with hidden camera device: Reports

Conservative American Catholics Are Preemptively Critical Of Pope Francis's Synod Conservative American Catholics have their vestments in a bunch over Pope Franciss stance on just about everything.
Massive Changes Could Be Coming From the Vatican. Conservative US Catholics Are Mad as Hell.

Michael Lewis's Big Contrarian Bet - Almost everyone in the world believes that Sam Bankman-Fried is guilty. In Going Infinite the writer takes the kind of risk that his characters often do, and asks us to question that assumption. (trapped in his own myth)

San Francisco says tiny sleeping podswhich cost $700 a month and became a big hit with tech workers, are not up to code

Scientists Say Theyve Confirmed Evidence That Humans Arrived in The Americas Far Earlier Than Previously Thought

Experts have warned that fat talk by mothers can unwittingly create problems for their daughters body satisfaction and even cause future disordered eating.

Can blackholes be small enough to orbit around stars or planets?

Scientists modified the MMR vaccine to create a new trivalent MMS vaccine against Measles, Mumps and SARS-CoV-2, delivered via the nose. In animal models, experiments suggested the lifelong immunity to measles and mumps provided by MMR may translate into prolonged protection against COVID-19. : science

Pedestrian Safety: We Just ERASED 40 Years of Progress : videos

What is the most ridiculous thing that a lot of people believe? : AskReddit

TIL in his old age Marlon Brando spent hours in AOL chatrooms having political arguments with strangers. His account was often banned for telling people to "fuck off". : todayilearned

what is a beauty standard you cant believe people actually like? : AskReddit

Colbert's Eminem Interview 8 years ago is still an all-time great : videos

What was Boston like in the 90s? : boston


Warmest September in history as gobsmackingdata shocks scientists

September Was the Most Anomalously Hot Month Ever: Could help push 2023 to be the first year to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial temperatures : worldnews

Gun deaths among children nearly doubled over the last decade - Lawyers, Guns & Money According to an analysis published on Thursday, the rate of firearm fatalities among children under 18 increased by 87 percent from 2011 through 2021 in the United States. The death rate attributable to car accidents fell by almost half, leaving firearm injuries the top cause of accidental death in children ... The US is currently experiencing about 45,000 firearm deaths per year.

Child drug poisonings and firearm deaths have skyrocketed in America. Fatal injury rates increased from about 14 deaths per 100,000 children in 2011 to over 17 deaths per 100,000 children in 2021. Firearm injuries made up the biggest portion of those fatal injuries. : science

Australia state swings from bush fires to flash flooding in 24 hours : worldnews

Drag performer Pura Luka Vega arrested by Manila police : worldnews ... over a rock rendition of Ama Naminor the Lords Prayer, which was denounced by many as blasphemous

A certificate to own a car in Singapore now costs $106,000 - BBC News : worldnews

Japan begins second Fukushima wastewater release : worldnews
Japan to buy Tomahawks from U.S. in fiscal 2025, earlier than planned : worldnews

Thanks to Russia, South Koreas defence industry is booming

North Korea halts nuclear reactor, likely to extract bomb fuel

China to double size of space station, touts alternative to NASA-led ISS : worldnews
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi pushes Himalayan neighbours on territorial integrity at forum near disputed border with India
Chinese firm sold satellites for intelligence to Russias Wagner

Putin says plane of Wagner boss Prigozhin was blown up using hand grenades on board : worldnews
Minister: Ukrainian hackers behind massive attack on Russian airports : ukraine
Russian culture for me is not ballet or Dovstoevskij, its about the bodies of dead civilians left in the streets by their troops. From Syria to Ukraine they think they can do whatever they want and impunity has become part of Russias culture

Russia plans naval base on Black Sea coast of occupied Georgian region : worldnews
Few in Moscow will underestimate the importance of recent setbacks in the Black Sea [..] Putin must now also explain how his once vaunted Black Sea Fleet is being defeated by a country without a navy.

Russian officers evacuate their families from Tokmak

Ukraine hit Russias most treasured air-defense system on its own soil, reports say

Azerbaijan confirmed it has detained former Nagorno-Karabakh separatist president Arayik Harutyunyan : worldnews
French Foreign Minister Colonna shows a picture of Turkiye suggesting as Armenias land
Israeli arms quietly helped Azerbaijan retake Nagorno-Karabakh, to the dismay of regions Armenians

Delhi: India opposition MP Sanjay Singh arrested over "corruption" claims : worldnews
Homes of journalists at India news site critical of government raided, fueling press freedom fears | CNN Business : worldnews
Two Indian-origin men in U.S. guilty of fraud in multi-million dollar COVID fund : worldnews

Mauritius decriminalizes homosexuality : worldnews

Worst dengue outbreak on record in Bangladesh kills more than 1,000 : worldnews

Mali army, northern rebels head toward potentially decisive confrontation: Malis army is deploying towards a northern separatist rebel stronghold in a high-risk operation which could foreshadow a widescale confrontation and prove a turning point after a decade of conflict

Maldives new pro-China president-elect vows to kick out Indian military

More than 100 students at a girls high school in Kenya have been hospitalized with a mysterious illness.

Morocco Activates Health Vigilance Measures to Prevent Bed Bug Outbreak : worldnews

Out of gas? Egypts ambitions to become a regional gas hub are dwindling

The UAEs National Oil Giant, led by the COP28 president, plans to increase emissions by 40% by 2030, which is in direct opposition to climate goals objectives

Saudi Arabia says it will maintain production cuts that have helped drive oil prices up : worldnews

US shoots down Turkish drone after it came too close to US troops in Syria : worldnews

Mysterious injury of 16-year-old Iranian girl not wearing a headscarf in Tehran's Metro sparks anger : worldnews

Palestinian Islamic Jihad shows off new arsenal to celebrate it's 36th anniversary, Gaza : worldnews
5 arrested for spitting at Christians in Jerusalem; police minister: It's not criminal : worldnews

US and EU look for legal grounds to transfer $300 billion of Russian assets to Ukraine Blinken
European leaders rally around Zelenskiy at Spain summit : worldnews
Europe: Anti-Putin coalition assembles in Granada : worldnews
Russia launches more drone attacks as Zelenskyy travels to a European forumRussia has targeted Ukraine with drones in another massive attack as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Spain to rally support from Western allies at a summit of some 50 European leaders
Western ammo stocks at bottom of the barrel as Ukraine war drags on, NATO official warns
Ukraine war: US gives 1.1 million rounds of ammunition seized from Iran to Kyiv : worldnews
Euromaidan Press on X: "Ukraine is shifting from a "give us" approach to a "let's do it together" model, prioritizing defense production. The goal is to rebuild the defense industries & reduce dependence on arms supplies,Min of Strategic Industries Kamyshin told Voice of America" / X
US will transfer weapons seized from Iran to Ukraine : worldnews
Pro-Russian Donetsk Leader Calls for Concentration Camps for Ukrainians : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 589, Part 1 (Thread #735) : worldnews

48 killed, 6 wounded as result of Russian missile strike at the cafe and grocery store in Groza village of Kupiansk district of Kharkiv region : ukraine - Memes about Zelenskiy asking for help are very funny now, right, elon musk? (embodiment of pure evil)
Russians carried out a missile strike on a grocery store in the Kupiansk district of the Kharkiv region. As of 15:45, more than 48 deaths are known.
Russians just now deliberately hit a cafe and killed 48 civilians, wounding other 6 people in the village of Groza, Kupyansky District, Kharkiv Oblast. There is a 6-year-old boy amongst those killed. The number of victims is still counting.
Russian attack on Ukraine grocery store killed more than 50 today. This woman died while shopping : pics

Russias Black Sea Fleet Abandonment of Sevastopol Base Seen as Naval Defeat

Slovakia halts military aid to Ukraine after parliamentary elections : worldnews

Greenland women demand compensation for forced contraception : worldnews

Norwegian author Jon Fosse wins Nobel Prize in Literature : worldnews Ancient gold treasures depicting Norse gods unearthed in Norway: "A very special find" : worldnews

Germany approves bringing coal-fired power plants back online this winter : worldnews

Man kidnapped by his runaway EV had to have police ram his car off the road
Scottish authorities sign extradition order for U.S. fugitive accused of faking his death The suspect has fought a prolonged court battle to prevent his return to the United States since he was arrested in December 2021 at a Glasgow hospital.

The women vying to become Mexicos next president

Canada Wants Private Talks With India to Resolve Diplomatic Spat : worldnews
Ottawa carefully considering unsealing records after recognition of another Nazi veteran comes to light
Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial [in Canada] : worldnews
QAnon queen supporters allegedly threaten Sask, Canada village leaders with 'executions'

US public support declines for arming Ukraine, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows | Reuters
Norman Ornstein on X: "More war crimes. Every day, more unspeakable war crimes." / X ... If you stop arming Ukraine, there will be more of this, not less
Youre either helping Ukraine or helping Putin. Choose, so all the world can see your place in history.
a week left to liveHey members of Congress who dont support Ukraine, this would be your contributions to an war criminals objectives.

Biden Admin. Waives Dozens of Federal Laws to Build New Border WallThe DHS has moved to waive 26 laws in order to build 20 miles of new barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border

Decriminalizing Drugs Doesnt Increase Fatal Overdoses: Study (

Americas nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really dont like organized religion

Coordinated swatting effort may be behind hundreds of school shooting hoaxes

Under Trump, IRS Targeted Low-Income Families at Higher Rate Than Millionaires for First Time : politics

Its Not Personal: Why Clarence Thomas Trip to the Koch Summit Undermines His Ethics Defense

Commander is second Biden dog removed from White House after biting - The Washington Post

Kevin McCarthys Downfall Is the Culmination of the Tea Party
The Republicans Ousted Their Leader, So of Course Its Democrats Fault: To say that anyone outside of the House GOP caucus had a hand in McCarthy's downfall requires superhuman amounts of ignorance.
GOPs are really not good at math. With 433 occupied seats and 212 Dems, all it take is 9 GOPs to vote present for Hakeem Jeffries to become speaker. 1/2*(433-9)=212. : PoliticalHumor
Holy entitlement, Batman! Republicans are furious Democrats didnt save Kevin McCarthy from himself Democrats are sick of bailing the GOP out of their own messes, and boy, are Republicans whining about it

Liz Cheneys Ominous Warning About Jim Jordans House Speaker Bid ... "If they were to decide that, there would no longer be any possible way to argue that a group of elected Republicans could be counted on to defend the Constitution"

Former Mike Pence Aide Claims Matt Gaetz Likely Came To D.C.For The Teenage Interns
GOP Senator Drops NSFW Claims About Matt Gaetz In Wild CNN Interview : politics
Matt Gaetz used to brag about taking erectile dysfunction drugs with energy drinks so he could go all night, says GOP senator
Matt Gaetz Succeeds Ted Cruz as the Most Hated Man in Congress : politics
You Can Kiss My Ass:Pretty Much Everyone Hates Matt Gaetz Now

Opinion | The MAGA-McCarthy meltdown does not oblige Democrats to save the GOP - The Washington Post Opinion - The GOP's revenge plot against Pelosi is unhinged but revealing

move to join seven hardliners in ousting Kevin McCarthy is confusing her colleagues about her political persona and prompting active calls for revenge.

Judge Blocks Trump From Secretly Transferring His Money : politics
"Jesus!": Judge explodes at Trump lawyer for trying to "waste time" during questioning : politics

Trump rips Kelly after confirmation of suckers remark about war dead
Florida Democrat asks county to increase Mar-a-Lago tax to match Trump claims : politics
Trump terrified of being poisoned: former aide : politics

Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources : news

Sen. Manchin: Democracy as we know it wouldnt withstand another Trump administration

Theres a Big Problem With Giulianis Lawsuit Against Joe Biden Joe called Rudy a Russian pawn.Theres evidence supporting that allegation.

Alabama finally has a new congressional map after a lengthy legal fight : politics
Alabama Is Ordered to Use Congressional Map That Likely Flips Seat to Democrats : politics

A 2018 fatal car crash in Bogota, N.J., drew no media attention and resulted in no charges. The driver was the soon-to-be wife of Senator Robert Menendez.
The Bob Menendez Corruption Case Takes a Wildly F--ked-Up Turnhe Mercedes Benz that Senator Bob Menendezs wife received as part of an alleged corruption scheme was the replacement for a car she struck and killed a man with ... I dont know if she was well known, or lived nearby, or the police knew her, but there appeared to be a lot of secrecy. I remember saying, That woman is just allowed to leave? Shes not being arrested or anything?
Menendezs alleged sharing of information with Egypt risked lives of US embassy staff, ex-US official says
Menendez scandal is good news for ambitious New Jersey Democrats - POLITICO In a state where politics is defined by its nasty underside, next cycle is shaping up to be particularly volatile.

A $19,000 lectern for Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders sparks call for legislative audit : politics

Man with a gun demands to see Wisconsin governor, is arrested, and returns with rifle : politics

Virginia election officials acknowledge voters mistakenly removed from rolls : politics

Dont bring your liberal [expletive] to my stateN.H. GOP voters perceive Mass. negatively, poll shows (

Adam Frisch reported a massive nearly $3.4 million third quarter haul in his second bid to defeat Lauren Boebert. - Live Updates - POLITICO

Speaking of farces - Lawyers, Guns & Money This guy again: Presidential candidate Cornel West is leaving the Green Party and will continue his bid for the White House as an independent candidate.

Why Trump and the Rest of the G.O.P. Wont Stop Bashing Electric Vehiclestransition to battery power is already underway. Republican presidential candidates are pushing to reverse course.

RFK Jr could draw one in seven US voters in 2024 presidential election, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows | Reuters ... Kennedy has also suggested anti-depressants cause school shootings, Wi-Fi radiation causes cancer and that the 2004 election that re-elected George W. Bush was stolen, according to

US ad revenue at Musks X declined each month since takeover -data
Twitter Is at Deaths Door, One Year After Elon Musk s Takeover : Since the tech tycoon took over the platform last October, he's done everything he can to run it into the ground ... Of course, these mistakes pale in comparison to the rancid vibes Musk has cultivated by reinstating right-wing extremists and peddlers of misinformation previously banned from the platform, amplifying their conspiracy theories, and ensuring their garbage posts are shoved into For Youfeeds by Twitters algorithms He buys into white supremacist propaganda, panders to anti-LGBTQ hate accounts, and, with advertisers fleeing these intolerable conditions, found a way to blame the catastrophic loss of revenue on a Jewish civil rights group that combats antisemitism.
Elon Musks Twitter stock purchases under probe by SEC ... Saudi Arabia wanted the names of 6000 anonymous Arab Spring dissidents from Twitter
SEC sues to force Musk to testify in Twitter probe : news
X drops headlines from articles, as new report details its bleeding ad revenue : technology

Deepfake celebrities begin shilling products on social media, causing alarm : technology

Scientists used a laser beam to bend a bolt of lightning for the first time : worldnews

Scientists Discover Best Problem As They Open Up Asteroid Sample

Using ancient pollen, scientists have verified footprints found in New Mexicos White Sands National Park are 22,000 years old

Researchers developed an AI chat assistant that gave real-time, evidence-based suggestions for messages in divisive online political conversations, and they found that it had improved political conversations without manipulating (N=1,574) participantsviews

A single vaccine may protect against multiple hospital superbugs - a new study shows that a single dose of the experimental vaccine, administered in mouse models, put immune cells into a mode that provided rapid protection against 9 different bacteria and fungi species, including MRSA and VRE. : science

AI translates 5,000-year-old cuneiform tablets into English | A new technology meets old languages. : science

The Great Psychedelic Experiment | Broadcast Researchers mined an old drug forum and fed the entries to an AI. The result could augur a new class of psychedelic-based antidepressants.

9th planet hypothesis (to explain anomalies in outer solar system) got an alternative via modified law of gravity, which was earlier used to explain galactic rotation as an alternative to dark matter and now also found suitable to explain anomalies in solar system. : science

New Assembly Theory explains how how complexity and evolution of biology and life emerge from physics. New perspective on physics, chemistry and biology bridging gap between reductionist physics and Darwinian evolution toward a fundamental theory unifying inert and living matter.

The largest study of its kind identifies 11 new genes linked to aggressive prostate cancer : science

Great newssocial media is falling apart

Microplastics Alert: Ditch your Plastic Cutting Boards With each chop, youre releasing microplastics into your food

Early human migrants followed lush corridor-route out of Africa. Researchers have proved there was awell-wateredcorridor which funneled hunter-gatherers through The Levant towards western Asia and northern Arabia via Jordan.

TIL Marquis De Lafayette was a Frenchman who volunteered to join the American Revolution and the 19 y/o met 45 y/o George Washington. He then went back to France and the 42 y/o fought against the rise of 30 y/o Napoleon Bonaparte. He is typically dubbed the "Hero of two worlds". : todayilearned

i finished reading the Quran as a Christian . surprisingly i found it beautiful with nice passages .its like reading the Torah but God in Qoran is less harsher and very kind . yes there is some killing verses but all of them to defend yoursel

Mystery solved: Cambridge officials reveal identity of Fresh Ponds so-called Loch Fresh Monster

i finished reading the Quran as a Christian . surprisingly i found it beautiful with nice passages .its like reading the Torah but God in Qoran is less harsher and very kind . yes there is some killing verses but all of them to defend yourself .i dont know why Quran had this bad reputation . ? : books

Jehovah's witnesses sent me a hand written letter WITH MY NAME ON IT asking me to bible study. : pics

What's the most fascinating piece of trivia or fact you know that always blows people's minds? : AskReddit

Whats the most valuable piece of advice youve ever received, and how did it change your life?

Princess Diaries 2: Electric Boogaloo : WTF

Whats the most heartwarming act of kindness youve witnessed or experienced?


September Broke the Global Heat Record by a "Gobsmackingly Bananas" Margin : worldnews

Second earthquake in a week hits near Naples as fears of volcanic eruption grow. A magnitude 4.0 earthquake struck south of Naples, Italy, on Tuesday, just days after the volcanic region saw its strongest earthquake in 40 years : news

The Faith Factor in Climate Change: How Religion Impacts American Attitudes on Climate and Environmental Policy - Three-fourths of Hispanic Catholics and religiously unaffiliated Americans (76%) believe climate change is caused by human activity, as do the majority of other non-Christians (70%), Jewish Americans (67%), Hispanic Protestants (61%), Black Protestants (59%), other Protestants of color (59%), white Catholics (56%), white mainline/non-evangelical Protestants (54%), and about half of Latter-day Saints (48%). However, just three in ten white evangelical Protestants (31%) believe that climate change is caused by humans

Uptake of COVID-19 vaccine boosters has stalled in the US at less than 20% of the eligible population. Most commonly reported reason was prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (39.5%), concern about vaccine side effects (31.5%), and believing the booster would not provide additional protection (28.6%). : science

Parts of SE Australia evacuated for Bushfire risk yesterday, face flooding today. : worldnews

China Belt and Road: Indonesia opens Whoosh high-speed railway : worldnews

Philippines says three fishermen killed after boat rammed by foreign vessel in South China Sea

Why Korea is Dying Out - Kurzgesagt : videos

North Korea vows strong response to Pentagon report that calls it a 'persistent' threat

Taiwan says China has very diverse ways of interfering in election

Fifty-five Chinese sailors are feared dead after their nuclear submarine got caught in a trap intended to ensnare British sub-surface vessels in the Yellow Sea
British Daily Mail report: Chinese nuclear submarine 093-417 accidentally hit a Chinese underwater trap in the Yellow Sea, 55 officers and soldiers suffocated to death : worldnews
55 Chinese sailors feared dead in nuclear submarine accident in Yellow Sea, says UK report : worldnews
Chinese miracle water grifters infiltrated UN, bribed politicians to build Pacific dream city
Asian Games: China censors Tiananmen image of athletes hugging

Kremlin Official Openly Calls For Return of Baltic States Using Russian Weapons

Ukraine Hits Kremlin Top-End S-400 Anti-Air System, First Time in Mainland Russia ... The SBU source said that given this is the second Triumph unit taken out by Ukraine in the last month, [we] advise the Russians to think about a new name for this complex

Marina Ovsyannikova: Anti-war Russian journalist sentenced in absentia : worldnews

Machinery from New York-based company used to build Russian weapons used in war on Ukraine : worldnews

Despite Warning Signals From Moscow, Armenian Lawmakers Ratify ICCs Rome Statute
If Putin goes to Armenia hed be arrested, aslawmakers back ICC entry

Source unknown in Indias latest Nipah virus outbreak
Indias spies infiltrated West long before Canadas murder claim

Pakistan orders Afghan asylum seekers out of country by November : worldnews
Gang removed hundreds of kidneys to sell to wealthy clients, Pakistan police say : worldnews

With 16-Year-Old In Coma, Iran Faces Another Mahsa Amini Scenario : worldnews
16-Year-Old Girl In Coma After Alleged Assault Over Hijab Rules In Iran Metro : worldnews

Mahmoud Abbas: Israels independence is a sham, US occupying Palestine
Orthodox Jews filmed spitting at Christians in Jerusalem's Old City : worldnews

US increases pressure on Ukraine to do more to counter corruption : worldnews
Kharkiv to build Ukraines first underground school to protect children
Russias Crimean Red Line Has Been Erased

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 588, Part 1 (Thread #734) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 4.10.2023

#Ukraines Special Forces report theyve again raided into occupied #Crimea. Using small boats, they appear to have landed in front of new Russian trenches (orcs drunk or asleep). Standing on the Black Sea shoreline,

Ukrainians outperform Russians in using FPV drones : ukraine

Satellite images: Russian ships have left Sevastopol. [photos] : ukraine

Its time Europe reduced its defense reliance on the US, Czech president says

Swiss LGBTQ+ rights groups hail 60-day sentence for polemicist who called journalist a fat lesbian ... Soral was convicted repeatedly in France and sentenced to jail time in 2019 for denying the Holocaust, which is a crime in France.

At least 21 dead after coach veers off overpass near Venice : worldnews

European Parliament votes to scrap hand luggage charges : worldnews

Scottish Organised Crime Gang Behind157 Million Cocaine Shipment Seized In Irish Waters

Rishi Sunak announces plan to ban smoking for next generation. Smoking age to be raised by one year, every year : worldnews

Trudeau Liberals urge private talks as India boots diplomats : worldnews
First Indigenous Premier Elected in Manitoba, Canada : worldnews
Canada Should Declassify Nazi War Criminal Report : anime_titties
Nazi monuments in Canadian cemeteries must come down - Bernie Farber founding chair of the Canadian AntiHate Network and past CEO of Canadian Jewish Congress. Son of Holocaust survivor Max Farber : anime_titties

Analysis: How US Aid to Ukraine Is a Bonanza for the US Economy

US scores a lowly C grade on global LGBTQ+ rights barometer

Health care workers strike at Kaiser Permanente Tens of thousands of Kaiser Permanente went on strike Wednesday amid a simmering dispute over staffing levels.

125,000 student-loan borrowers are getting $9 billion in debt wiped out through a series of Biden's repayment reforms : politics

A Ticking Bomb - Lawyers, Guns & Money The government is set to run out of money in forty-some days. The House has adjourned until next Wednesday, when it will start another round of votes for a speaker. The House cannot conduct any business until it has a speaker. So prepare for another crisis around Thanksgiving time. Unless a miracle happens.

The House speakers short reign is over. He only has himself to blame.
McCarthys gone. Republican dysfunction is here to stay
Republicans trapped in a hell of their own making : politics
The House GOP Is a Failed State : politics
The Far Right Is Already Floating Trump as Next Speaker of the House : politics
No Republican equipped to be speaker would want the job in the first place.

As McCarthy tumbled toward defeat, Trump did not defend his speakership - The Washington Post
McCarthy ouster exposes the Republican Partys destructive tendencies

Temporary Speakers First Move? Boot Pelosi From Her Office
McHenry ordered Pelosi to leave her Capitol hideaway office by Wednesday : politics
McCarthy behind move to kick Pelosi out of her office, sources say so he can move into it
Acting Speakers First Order of Business: Evicting Nancy Pelosi
Watch Kevin McCarthys Replacement Take His Anger Out on Innocent Gavel
GOP tensions explode after McCarthy bows out of speaker race
Scalise and Jordan launch bids for House speaker after McCarthy ouster | CNN Poli tics
Jim Jordans detractors say his involvement with a sex abuse scandal at Ohio State should disqualify the Congressman from holding GOP leadership positions. His supporters say he could be a fine Speaker in the mold of Dennis Hastert.
Believe it or not, the House speaker doesnt actually have to be serving in the House. (So, Putin)

Trump Trials Clearinghouse

Donald Trumps Properties Will Likely Be Auctioned Off, Attorney Says

Trump Drops Off Forbes List of Richest Americans : politics

Judge erupts at Trumps lawyers for wasting time with ridiculous repetitive questions aimed at Trump Organization's ex-accountant

Trumps escalating violent rhetoric is straight out of the autocrats playbook

Judge brutally debunks Trumps claim that he threw out most of the NY fraud case against him

Giuliani sues Biden for defamation over Russian pawn remark
Giulianis Drinking, Long a Fraught Subject, Has Trump Prosecutors Attention
Giuliani: I have never had an alcohol problem

An undoctored photo of Roger Stone : pics (Zippy the Pinhead with additonal views_)

Matt Gaetz Is Already Complaining About The Houses New Interim Speaker
Republicans are sick of Matt Gaetz, and theyre not quiet about it
Gingrich says House GOP should expel anti-Republican Gaetz
Hes about clicks : Florida Republicans furious at Gaetz : They called him divisive and an attention-seeker.

Two right-wing judges seem to be trying to rig a US House race | Once again, the Supreme Court must deal with judicial arsonists on the Fifth Circuit. : politics

Michigan Republicans Plan to Overturn Voting Rights Is Sinister

Bob Menendezs wife hit and killed a man while driving on Bogotas Main Street in 2018
Inside the Menendez Indictment: A Mercedes and a Secretive Fatal Crash - The New York Times A 2018 fatal car crash in Bogota, N.J., drew no media attention and resulted in no charges. The driver was the soon-to-be wife of Senator Robert Menendez.

Rightwing group behind regressive US state laws to face protest at DC gala | Washington DC | The Guardian Rights groups to rally outside event, calling on corporations to cut ties with American Legislative Exchange Council (death lobby)

Voting Republican is deadly, Ohio exceptionalism, and other lessons learned the hard way - Lawyers, Guns & Money Roughly 1 in 5 Ohioans will die before they turn 65,

No charges for Oklahoma sheriff who talked of killing journalists, prosecutor says : politics

Two families, one enslaved by the other : politics

Kevin Spacey says he was rushed to the hospital with heart-attack symptoms : news

Five former Ubisoft execs arrested following sexual harassment investigation : technology

Elon Musks Machine for Fascism: A Tale of Three Elections

Why Silicon Valley Falls for Frauds | WIRED FTXs Sam Bankman-Fried will stand trial on charges of overseeing fraud that sucked in high-profile investors and hundreds of thousands of clients. Why do smart people buy into bad companies?

Revisiting Joni Mitchells Lead Balloona Kiss-Off to Jann Wenner and Rock Misogyny

Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech | WIRED The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.

SabrinaStar Julia Ormond Sues Harvey Weinstein for Sexual Assault

Joan Didion vs. the Political Insiders | The New Republic Her precise, thrilling essays on public life do battle with conventional wisdom.

Richard Posner - Lawyers, Guns & Money Third, just a few months after Posner started pursuing these attempts in 2018, he was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease.

American women in their middle years who consume a diet abundant in phosphorus are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer : science

Dads can suffer from postpartum depression, and a new study suggests they can and should be screened for the condition | Addressing the health of fathers may be a powerful tool in improving the nations ongoing maternal health crisis

Nobel Chemistry prize awarded for discovery of quantum dots that bring colour to LED lights : worldnews

James Webb telescope makes JuMBO discovery of planet-like objects in Orion

Scientists are still debating just how much of a role volcanism may have played in the K-Pg extinction event. Now, a machine-learning computer model has weighed in, finding that the CO2 and SO2 gas required to cause the extinction of the dinosaurs is consistent with the output of the Deccan Traps

Biomedical generative pre-trained based transformer language model for age-related disease target discovery | Aging : science

Male-pattern hair loss is the most common form of hair loss in men, and is largely attributable to hereditary factors. A new rare genetic variant study of 72,469 males from the UK Biobank identified 5 significantly associated genes which could facilitate risk prediction and improved treatment. : science

Hospital regulations spur an increase in breastfeeding but with a cost: New study finds rise in breastfeeding comes at expense of mothers careers

Prior to the US Civil War, slaves produced approximately 12.6% of US national product. The enslaved were forced to work in activities -- agriculture and domestic service -- where the value of output per worker was generally lower than the overall average in the economy.

Cambridge Activists Protest Council Candidates After Racist, Transphobic Social Media Activity Comes to Light | News | The Harvard Crimson
Group should look closely at endorsed candidates and consider the company that they are keeping - Cambridge Day

How a City Council Candidates Online Bigotry Exposed Cambridge Children to Far Right Danger

Massachusetts Vape Ban Costs State $114 Million, Black Market Flourishing

Gmail unleashes email emoji reactions onto an unsuspecting world


Eschaton: Seems Bad Here are monthly absolute temperatures (compared to anomalies). This September would not have been out of place as a typical July this decade in terms of global temperatures.
Zeke Hausfather on X: "Here are monthly absolute temperatures (compared to anomalies). T his September would not have been out of place as a typical July this decade in terms of global temperatures." / X
Zlatko Kregar on X: "@hausfath Reading in a bit imprecise way from the chart - looks like this September was warmer than about 95% of *all Julys* since measurements started..." / X

Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines : worldnews

New malaria vaccine approved by World Health Organization : worldnews ... Malaria, a mosquito-borne disease, claims half a million lives every year and mostly affects children under the age of five, and pregnant women.

14-year-old suspect held after at least 3 killed in Thai shopping mall shooting : worldnews

Japan start-up develops Gundamlike robot with US$3 million price tag

Key Taiwan Tech Firms Are Helping Huawei With China Chip Plants : worldnews

Putin may soon announce run in Russia's 2024 election - Kommersant : worldnews

NYT: Russia Suspected of Testing Secret Nuclear-Powered Intercontinental Missile : worldnews
Russias gas production collapses to late-stage USSR levels
Russian Ruble Weakens Past 100 To The Dollar : worldnews
Russia's ultimate red line is as hollow as the first ten

In Russia, civilians are increasingly being exposed to the Kremlins Special Military Operation despite Kremlin assurances back in February 2022. Society is becoming more militarised as Russias situation worsens. This school year, a new curriculum has been introduced.
1/ At least one in ten Russian soldiers in Ukraine is reported to be using drugs, with a network of dealers and couriers supplying narcotics directly to the front lines. The Russian military is well aware of the problem but does not seem to be doing much about it
22/ In the Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples Republics which have been run for years as criminal enterprises, illegal and pharmaceutical drugs are widely available. Pharmacists often sell powerful prescription drugs, such as the barbiturates Lyrica and Tropica, under the counter.

List of Russian secret facilities were put into public domain including FSB safe houses and secret military facilities : ukraine
Russia mistakenly doxed its own spies and secret bases by uploading their addresses on a public city hall website: investigative outlet : UkraineWarVideoReport

Theyre just meat: Russia deploys punishment battalions in echo of Stalin
A wounded Russian soldier was denied compensation for his war injuries because he got blown up by his own comrades, not Ukraine : worldnews

Putin is offering double pay to attract officials to jobs in occupied Ukraine, but many are scared of being killed: report : worldnews
Another One Flies the Coop: Russian Government Pilot on Vacation Defects to the US : worldnews

Russian textbook claims German unification was annexation

Ukraine war: Burger King still open in Russia despite pledge to exit : worldnews
Russian Pirates Spread Kremlin Propaganda Through US TV Show : worldnews

It's a ghost town: UN arrives in Nagorno-Karabakh to find ethnic Armenians have fled - What is left for the UN to monitor? asks one refugee who crossed the border to escape
Armenias Parliament Votes to Join International Criminal Court, Straining Ties With Ally Russia
Armenian Landmark in Artsakh Faces Possible Demolition - Art-A-Tsolum

India police search journalists homes and offices in the countrys latest raids on media ... India slips in World Press Freedom Index, ranks 161 out of 180 countries ... They are 11 points below Pakistan!
India: Opposition Leader Mahua Moitra Dragged, Forcibly Lifted By Delhi Cops As She Shouts How Can You Do This To An MP?

Pakistan orders illegal immigrants, including 1.73 mln Afghans, to leave : worldnews
Pakistan police bust organ trafficking ring that took kidneys from hundreds : worldnews

Nigers junta says jihadis kill 29 soldiers as attacks ramp up

Sudan conflict like planning for the apocalypse, say aid workers

Turkey arrests 145 people over suspected links to Kurdish militants : worldnews

Head of OPEC warns of a dangerous lack of investment in oil (and planetary destruction)

Palestinian Authority police extract 5 tourists mobbed after illegally entering Josephs Tomb in Nablus
Outrage over Jerusalem video of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting as Christians pass | Christianity | The Guardian ... "an ancient Jewish custom"
Video of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting by Christians in Jerusalem sparks outrage : worldnews
Prominent Settler Activist Says Spitting on ChristiansAncient Jewish Custom

Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones : worldnews
Hes fighting Russia. You couldnt fight Zuckerberg: outrage on social media as Musk attempts to mock Zelenskyy
Switzerland is ready to provide Ukraine with 100 million Swiss francs for humanitarian demining - Ukraine is also actively working on the implementation of new joint projects with the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining in a number of directions.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 587, Part 1 (Thread #733) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 3.10.2023

Frontline report: Russias forefront crumbling as Ukrainian assault detachments capture more area east of Klishchiivka and Andriivka

Ukraines Counterintelligence Unearths Extensive Russian Spy Ring

Greenland women ask Denmark for compensation over involuntary birth control : worldnews

11-year-old girl is expecting a baby in Lithuania : worldnews

Cases of dengue fever on the rise in Switzerland : worldnews

Pope suggests blessings for same-sex unions possible in response to 5 conservative cardinals : worldnews
Pope Francis suggests gay couples could be blessed in Vatican reversal : worldnews

Germany: Doctors launch 1-day strike over pay, bureaucracy : worldnews

Not all renters smoke weed or are in gangs, minister says : worldnews (said the Tory)

Brazils government starts expelling non-Indigenous people from two native territories in the Amazon

Seychelles opposition leader Patrick Herminie charged with witchcraft : worldnews

Mexicos president says 10,000 migrants a day head to US border; he blames US sanctions on Cuba
Mexico church roof collapses during mass, killing at least 10 and injuring 60 : worldnews

India tells Canada to withdraw over 40 diplomatic staff : worldnews
Pressure mounts on Canadian government to bring Nazis in the country to justice : worldnews
Canada police investigate vandalism of monument to Nazi troops as hate crime | Canada | The Guardian
Canada MPs elect first black House of Commons Speaker : worldnews

Lockheed Wins $1.2B Trident II Submarine Ballistic Missile Deal for US, UK : worldnews

The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "The United States will soon announce a new round of military aid to Ukraine to further demonstrate its sustained support for the Ukrainian people." / X

Why MAGA Wants to Betray Ukraine : politics

Why Can't We Stop Unauthorized Immigration? Because It Works. Our broken immigration system is still the best option for many migrants and U.S. employers.

US judge refuses to block Medicare from negotiating drug prices : politics

FBI interviewed individuals who accuse Amy Coney Barrett faith group of abuse : politics

A travesty: Clarence Thomas refuses to recuse in case that could benefit billionaire benefactor

Donald Trump Loses $600 Million in One Year to Fall Off Forbes List : politics
"The Trump empire ... will fold like a stack of cards," says former prosecutor : politics
The Trump Boys Cant Recall a Thing

Trump heading to trial in 7 civil and criminal cases: A calendar of dates and what to expect : politics

A Pissed Off Trump Shows Up for His Bank Fraud Trial : politics
Donald Trumps Behavior in Court Was Very Different to Outside, Photos Show
Legal experts: Trumps unhinged attack on judge in court shows he realizes hes going to lose
Trump ramps up violent rhetoric : politics
Donald Trump has hit a new low, even by his standards : politics
Blabbering Donald Trump Essentially Admits to Fraud in New York Trial : politics

A Pissed Off Trump Shows Up for His Bank Fraud Trial : politics
Trump attacks judge before appearing at New York civil fraud trial : politics

Trump Posts (Then Deletes) Attack Against Judges Clerk During TrialThe former president was slapped with a partial gag order at his New York civil fraud trial on Tuesday
Trump Ordered Not to Comment on Judges Staff in Fraud Case
Judge Shuts Down Trumps Claim That He Reversed Himself on Statute of Limitations
Shortly before a lunch break, Trump circulated a false rumor about Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engorons clerk

John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump : politics
Trump did call fallen soldiers losers, his former chief of staff says

Ivanka Trumps penthouse price comes under scrutiny in fraud trial

Neither Party Well-Liked, but GOP Holds Advantage on Issues ... Although both parties are about equally disliked, the public chooses the Republican Party over the Democratic Party by healthy margins when asked which will better safeguard the nations prosperity and security ... A slightly larger majority, 57%, have greater faith in the Republican Party to protect the country from international terrorism and military threats, while 35% favor the Democrats.

Kevin McCarthy ousted as House speaker - Democrats let him fall to rebellion by hard-right Republicans
Right-wingers plunge House into chaos with ouster of Kevin McCarthy as speaker - In politics, you tend to reap what you show and sow. McCarthy showed weakness and sowed distrust.
House in Chaos: Kevin McCarthy Ousted From Speakership McCarthy lost the speakers gavel after Matt Gaetz forced a vote on removing him ... Kevin McCarthy has made history: On Tuesday, he became the first person ever removed from the office of Speaker of the House by his colleagues.
House ousts Kevin McCarthy as speaker, a first in U.S. history : news
The on was brought - Lawyers, Guns & Money
McCarthy loses speakership - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Republican Party Must Collapse if the Republic Is to Survive | If that starts with the collapse of McCarthys speakership, so be it.
Rep. Matt Gaetz triggers vote to oust Kevin McCarthy from speakers office
Will House Speaker Kevin McCarthy lose his job? Here are the scenarios. - The Washington Post
11 House Republicans join Democrats to move ahead in bid to remove McCarthy as speaker
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is on the ropes. Here are some possible successors.
Its currently a secret who would temporarily lead the House if Kevin McCarthy is ousted from power
House Republicans Are Reportedly Plotting To Oust Matt Gaetz : politics
Newt Gingrich: Republicans must expel Matt Gaetz

How Red-State Politics Are Shaving Years Off American Lives : politics

Lawsuit filed to keep Donald Trump off West Virginia ballots : politics

"Crooked as a barrel of fish hooks": Whistleblower accuses Sarah Huckabee Sanders of ethics scandal : politics
Sarah Huckabee Sanders faces investigation for $19,000 lectern and 'hidden' public records

Florida taxpayers to fund Ron DeSantis $4.5m legal battle with Disney

Olivia Hill sworn in as Tennessees first-ever transgender elected representative

Idaho Banned Abortion. Then It Turned Down Supports for Pregnancies and Births. : politics

Arizona to end deal with Saudi farms sucking state water dry : politics

USCP Searching for Criminals Who Carjacked Congressman | United States Capitol Police
Texas Democratic lawmaker carjacked outside DC apartment | The Hill

America doesnt need more God. It needs more atheists.

Sinclair stations aired a sponsored segment featuring a white nationalist who supports killing journalists | Media Matters for America

What was Elon Musks strategy for Twitter? | A year after the world's richest man acquired the social media platform, a game plan published by a fired Trump White House staffer provides a clue ... So it really was a conspiracy to destroy a platform that was perceived as a political threat to authoritarians and Trump? ... Why else would the Saudis give him so much money?

Who's Who at the Sam Bankman-Fried Trial- The mysterious rival. The law-professor parents. The ex-girlfriend hedge fund CEO turned star witness. And maybe Tom Brady?

The anatomy of a Facebook account heist - Hungry for money, hackers in Vietnam have hacked into thousands of Meta accounts.

The knitting world rose up against corporate ownershipand displayed the power of online communities

A Professors Remarks on Sexual Consent Stir Controversy. Now He's Banned From Campus. Stephen Kershnar, who teaches philosophy, is suing for the right to return to SUNY at Fredonia. The university defends its ban as necessary for safety.

Tulsa mom pleads guilty to allowing 12-year-old daughter to get pregnant by grown man : news

The Kansas police chief who led the raid on a small newspaper has resigned. : politics

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 : worldnews
Three Scientists Share Nobel Prize in Physics for Electron Study in Flashes of Light : worldnews

Same-sex sexual behaviour may have evolved repeatedly in mammals, according to a Nature Communications paper. The authors suggest that this behaviour may play an adaptive role in social bonding and reducing conflict. : science

New study shines a light on men's unconscious attraction to fertility cues in women's faces : science

Loneliness is associated with increased risk of developing Parkinson disease - new findings suggest. : science

Restraining a patient is supposed to be a last resort.Why is Massachusetts doing it so often?

TIL Charlie Chaplain met his 2nd wife on set when she was 12, got her pregnant when she was 16, begrudgingly married her at 16, divorced her at 18. He was 35 : todayilearned

Tom BetGeorge Back with another Halloween Light Show - Toxicity (System of a Down) 2023 : videos


Minnesota Twin Cities marathon canceled due to record heat Sunday in Minneapolis and St. Paul will be the hottest day of the week, with record temperatures possible in the afternoon, according to the National Weather Service.

Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines : worldnews

Emergency fire warning as NSW breaks September weather records : worldnews
Miles risked his life gathering intelligence on organised crime syndicates. He says his covers blown

Indonesia to launch Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail, first in Southeast Asia : worldnews ... The Chinese-made bullet train named "Whoosh"

Johnny Kitagawa: Hundreds seek compensation over J-pop agency founder's abuse : worldnews
Johnny Kitagawa: Hundreds seek compensation over J-pop agency founder's abuse - BBC News In September, an independent inquiry concluded that the music mogul had abused hundreds of boys and young men over a six-decade career.

Taiwan investigating accusation submarine program details leaked : worldnews

China hopes US will do more things conducive to dialogue

1984 was meant as a critique of the USSR, but it really fits Putin's Russia - George Orwell foresaw today's particular combination of lies, violence, and profit.
Putin orders former Wagner figure to command volunteer units in Ukraine : worldnews
Dollar to ruble will exceed the 1:100 rate again : UkraineWarVideoReport

GUR confirms Ukrainian drone attack on Russian aircraft factory in Smolensk : worldnews
The GUR reports that Ukraine managed to attack and damage the Smolensk Aviation Plant which produces KH-59 missiles. According to them, 3 out of 4 drones hit the target, causing significant damage to the production facilities.

Russian gas exports continue to collapse and reached a level unseen since the fall of the USSR.Gazprom has never had such a low production rate in its entire history and that the last time there was similar figure was in the Soviet Union in 1978, a year when 372.1 bcm were produced

Russia accidentally reveals addresses of Putins secret service

India raids 53 sites nationwide as crackdown on Sikh deepens | CNN : worldnews

Pakistans first female astronaut Namira Salim arrives in US for space travel

Bangladesh records 1,000 deaths in record dengue outbreak : worldnews

Large numbers of endangered seahorses and shellfish wash up on South African beach after floods : worldnews

After Ankara bombing, Turkey hits back in Iraq and at home : worldnews

Torture in Egypt a crime against humanity, says rights groups

Iran slams normalisation with Israel as reactionary
High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington : worldnews

Christian extremists leave three injured after attack on LGBTQ+ march in Beirut : worldnews

Israeli man attempts to sacrifice sheep on Temple Mount : worldnews
One dead, two wounded in car explosion, shooting in Israels south

EU foreign ministers convene in Kyiv in historicshow of support
Ukraine says U.S. support for Kyiv is not weakening : worldnews
We cant do it alone Ukrainians react to lack of additional funding in US spending bill
Leaked U.S. strategy on Ukraine sees corruption as the real threat : worldnews
Irate Ukrainian Special Forces Soldiers Take Over Police Checkpoint : worldnews
Energy war: Ukraine tries to protect electricity supply before winter

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 586, Part 1 (Thread #732) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Oct. 2, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Losses of the Russian military to 2.10.2023

Ukraines troops mostly advance without using the vehicles, general says, despite an influx of advanced gear

Get Help -- Elon Musk Blasted for Mocking Ukraine With Fake Zelensky Picture
Elon Musk Blasted for Mocking Ukraine With Fake Zelensky Picture
(67) The Myth of Elon Musk: Busted - YouTube

Why Etsy is a financial lifeline for artisans in Ukraine - The Hustle Ukraine-based Etsy shops have long had the highest sales rates in the world. The war has made those shops more critical than ever.

A Russian soldier gathered intel for Ukraine and then convinced 11 others to defect alongside him, Ukraine says : worldnews

A few days ago, thanks to TheWarZones article, it came to light that russians painted bomber silhouettes on airfields to deceive Ukrainians. Upon review of additional imagery, I captured the moment when they were in the process of painting the jet.
3/ The distinction becomes even more clear when you compare it with the finished product, as seen in the photos provided by @thewarzonewire - . This further supports their theory that the silhouette was painted and lacks the characteristics of a real plane

New UN migration chief says private sector desperate to take migrants despite negative narrative

Kosovo says Serbias behaviour same as Russias before Ukraine invasion
NATO deploys 600 British troops in Kosovo : worldnews

Exodus and ethnic cleansing? The sudden end of a decadeslong dream in the Caucasus : worldnews

Robert Fico doubles down on pro-Russia stance after Slovakia election win : worldnews

Finland faces autumn of discontent with strikes and protests over government's austerity budget : worldnews

Another EU country to close border for cars with Russian registration plates : worldnews

Womens voices and votes loom large as pope is set to open a Vatican meeting on church's future
5 conservative cardinals challenge pope to affirm church teaching on gays and women ahead of meeting : worldnews

Nightclub fire kills at least 13 in Murcia in Spain : worldnews

Worlds second richest man LVMHs Bernard Arnault under investigation in Paris over connections to Russian oligarch
French medical cannabis legalization is not expected in 2024 : worldnews

UK: 4.6 billion AUKUS nuclear sub contract to counter China
Barclays to Close UK Accounts of Expats Living Abroad : worldnews ... Brexit strikes again.

Mexican church roof collapses during Sunday mass killing 9, about 30 others missing : worldnews

Canada left battered by never before seen wildfire season | We have shattered all the records on a Canadian scale
Canadas Sikhs under pressure amid row with India

Electoral politics begin to bite into Ukraine support : worldnews

California Gov. Gavin Newsom chooses Laphonza Butler to fill Dianne Feinsteins Senate seat
Newsom picks Laphonza Butler as Feinstein replacement : politics
Newsom Names Emilys List President as Feinstein Successor
Who is Laphonza Butler? What to know about Newsoms pick for Feinsteins Senate seat

Supreme Court denies Eastman petition, with rare recusal from Thomas | The Hill
Thomas takes easy layup - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Supreme Court declines to consider longshot bid to disqualify Trump from running for president | CNN Politics
Four SCOTUS cases to watch this term - by Lisa Needham

AOC slams GOP for willingness to shut down government over denying trans healthcare : politics

Gaetz could be expelled from House over ethics case amid face-off with McCarthy : politics
House GOP members seek to expel Matt Gaetz as he attempts to oust Kevin McCarthy : politics
Gaetzs plan to oust McCarthy meets chilly Dem reception
House Republicans Finally Realize That Matt Gaetz Is a Raging Jerk : politics

Joe Biden goes for the jugular: Attacking MAGA insanity could be the winning message for 2024 | Biden calls out the vengeance and vindictiveness of an anti-American extremist movement. Will the media notice?

Trump Is Lying to His Supporters About Gag Orders : politics

Trump: Its Like I Wake Up in the Morning Wondering,Will They Arrest Me Today?

Rejoice, America: These Trials Should Bring Donald Trump to Ruin This is the week that the former presidents epic legal misadventures begin. Its hard to imagine his coming out unscathed.
New York Says Trump Committed Fraud. Now Comes the Price Tag. : politics
Trump fraud civil suit starting Monday threatens to end his business career : politics
Trumps Trial Starts Monday. It Will Spotlight What Hes Really Worth
Trumps Civil Trial Has No Jury Because Nobody Asked for One, Judge Explains
As His Trial Begins, Trump Looks to Capitalize On It - The New York Times The former president is making the case to his supporters that he is being wrongfully targeted. And it might bring him more support.
A riled Trump sounds off outside the New York fraud trial that accuses him of lying about wealth

Trump says he would prefer to die by electrocution in bizarre campaign rant : politics
Donald Trump wanted $5b from Bankman-Fried not to run for president : politics

Attorney General Garland says in interview hed resign if Biden asked him to take action on Trump
Attorney General Merrick Garland confirms Biden has made no attempts to contact him regarding Trump investigations : politics

Bernie Kerik: First on CNN: Fulton County DA subpoenas Trump ally to testify, and he wants immunity | CNN Politics ... While not named in the indictment, CNN previously reported that Kerik is co-conspirator No. 5.

Be outraged: The New York Times finally acknowledges the dangers of Trumpian Fascism
Highly connected: How the rights political violence relates to a rise in criminal violence
Highly connected: How the rights political violence relates to a rise in criminal violence The strongest variable predicting a rise in the murder rate is trust in fellow Americans

Opinion | Now Republicans Are Trying to Redefine Abortion Itself - The New York Times ... The goal is in part to persuade women to carry doomed pregnancies, which can be emotionally and physically catastrophic.
Bad faith and worse medicine - Lawyers, Guns & Money Jessica Valenti has an excellent column on how the efforts of opponents of reproductive rights to frame their way out of the massive unpopularity of their positions reflect very real consequences in states controlled by anti-abortion fanatics: ... The phrase abortion tourim has also made its way into Republican talking points. This makes it sound as if women traveling to get abortions were taking vacations rather than fleeing their home states for health care, sometimes emptying their bank accounts or staying in shelters in the process

Whistleblower: Docs in Sarah Huckabee SandersPodiumgate Altered

North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force"

A perfect vessel - Lawyers, Guns & Money David French tries to explain to the heathen readers of the Newspaper of Record what Christian nationalismmeans in the context of the Age of Trump: ... "This is a God nation, this is a Jesus nation, and you will never take my God and my gun out of this nation ... I have come ready to declare war on Satan and every race-baiting Democrat that tries to destroy our way of life here in the United States of America"

I am most definitely a crackpot - Lawyers, Guns & Money Not that I thought highly of him before, but Jesus Christ: (Taibbi) ... He makes Greenwalds MAGA turn look subtle by comparison. And I definitely agree that it was people bringing up his misogyny when he expected to be welcomed as a crusading leftist hero that turned him irrevocably to the right, where misogyny is always welcomes
Talia Lavin on X: "i think misogyny at the core of a person can very easily sour into full on reactionary cruelties, when it's challenged, even lightly" / X

Abercrombie & Fitch ex-CEO accused of exploiting men for sex : news ... The male models who work as stewards aboard the company jet were required to wear Abercrombie-branded polos, jeans, boxer briefs and flip-flops as part of their uniform, as well as a spritz of cologne.

A comparison of ChatGPT and GPT-4 AI chatbot performance using 80 US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) questions involving soft skills found GPT-4 outperformed ChatGPT, correctly answering 90% compared to ChatGPTs 62.5%. Both AI models, notably GPT-4, showed capacity for empathy.

A new study shows that babies learn to imitate others because they are imitated. The more a mother is sensitive to and imitated her 6-month-old child, the greater the childs ability at age 18 months to imitate others. Imitation is the start of the cultural process toward becoming human.

Study indicates possible link between chronic stress, depression and Alzheimers disease: people (N= 44,447 ) aged between 18 and 65 with a previous diagnosis of chronic stress and depression were more likely than other people to be diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimers disease

Webb Telescope Finds Planet-like Objects in Orion : worldnews

The implausibility of intelligence explosionA -- wed reasoning that stems from a misunderstanding of intelligence ... Most of our intelligence is not in our brain, it is externalized as our civilization

In Defense of the Rat | Hakai Magazine

Isaac Asimov Thinks About the Roman Empire - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Notation of Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to Dirac Notation | by Kensei Sakamoto | Aug, 2023 | Medium

The Rise of the Holy Spiritin Kabbalah
(99+) Discussion: YITHRON -METATRON -

Income to Rent Ratio? : boston


Full News Article: Starlink lost another 43 satellites last night. Over 300 satellites have burned up since July 16th. NOAA has 3 job openings for space forecaster. : worldnews

More than 100 dolphins dead in Amazon as water hits 102 degrees Fahrenheit : worldnews

Johnson & Johnson Confirms Intent Not to Enforce Patents for SIRTURO(bedaquiline) for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in 134 Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Pro-China candidate Mohamed Muizzu wins Maldives presidency, upending relationship with India | Runoff vote was widely seen as a referendum on whether to pursue closer ties with China or India, both vying for influence in the island nation : worldnews

A member of the cabinet of what is considered to be the legitimate government of Myanmar, Aung Myo Min, human rights minister in exile: Russia is supporting the military regime in Myanmar

Blindness after under-eye surgery sparks criticism of renowned plastic surgery hospital in Seoul : worldnews
South Koreas Kia, Hyundai recall 3.37 million US vehicles over fire risks

Russias Medvedev says British training troops in Ukraine could be legitimate targets
Deputy Head of Russias Security Council threatensto strike German missiles manufacturing plants

Pillaged Artefacts From Ukrainian Synagogues Surface in Moscow Museum : worldnews

Armenia will be invaded if West does not stand up to Azerbaijan, Armenias ambassador to Britain warns

Indias devastating monsoon season is a sign of things to come, as climate and poor planning combine
In the heart of Delhi, authorities take bulldozers to Muslim shrines with little warning : worldnews

Top Lashkar Terrorist Qaiser Farooq Shot Dead In Karachi Days After Hafeez Saeeds Son Goes Missing
Death toll from Pakistan bombing rises to 54 as suspicion falls on local Islamic State group chapter : anime_titties

Suicide bomber detonates device in Turkish capital, wounding 2 police officers : worldnews
Suicide bomber detonates a device in the Turkish capital. A second assailant is killed in a shootout : worldnews
Explosion reported in Ankara, Turkey : worldnews
Turkey strikes Kurdish rebels after Ankara blast : worldnews

Iran can build a nuclear bomb in two weeks, US admits : worldnews
Fake GPS signals sent 20 aircraft off course in Iranian airspace : worldnews
Israel destroys Iranian weapons shipment in alleged Syria airstrike : worldnews

Nord Stream Pipeline Attack: Who Blew up Nord Stream? | ZEIT ONLINE One year ago, gas pipelines exploded on the floor of the Baltic Sea. Now, solid clues about the potential perpetrators have emerged for the first time.
Who Blew up Nord Stream? : CredibleDefense

Winter is coming to Ukraine, but Kyiv is adapting its tactics : worldnews
British troops could deploy to Ukraine to train soldiers, says Grant Shapps : worldnews
Anger grows over Ukraines largest Orthodox church, still aligned with Moscow despite war

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 585, Part 1 (Thread #731) : worldnews undefined

521 Shahed russia used in September. Almost as many as during June, July & August combined. With the increased number of launches our ADS success rate predictably dropped. 109 Shaheds hit their targets. Shaheds only. Not taking missiles into account. This is unsustainable.

Pro-Russia party claims victory in Slovakia election : worldnews

Kosovo demands Serbia withdraw troops from border : worldnews
The Serbian army moves from three directions to the border with Kosovo : worldnews
Serbia pulls some troops back from Kosovo border after warning from US : worldnews

Opposition leader has wedding with partner in call for same-sex marriage to be legalised in Poland

Tens of thousands demand climate action in Swiss capital : worldnews

No one is safe: France vows action as bedbugs sweep Paris | Government has vowed action to reassure and protect the public as its capital Paris reports a widespread rise in bedbugs

Britains finance minister to announce higher minimum wage
Grant Shapps to ramp up support for Volodymyr Zelensky UK to boost training for Ukrainian soldiers, and Navy may help protect grain vessels
UK retailers demand government action on rising crime : worldnews
Doctors in England told not to start new patients on ADHD drugs due to shortage | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : worldnews
Travel website leaves hoteliers thousands of dollars out of pocket : worldnews

Ahead of Presidential polls, Argentina parliament passes bill to abolish income taxes. : worldnews

Panama Canal reduces the maximum number of ships travelling the waterway to 31 per day : news

UN to vote Monday on resolution to authorize one-year deployment of armed force to help Haiti fight gangs : worldnews

Ukraine aid left out of government funding package, raising questions about future US support : worldnews
Senators issue joint statement confirming Ukraine support. Following a passage of a bill to avoid a government shutdown, top U.S. Senate leaders issued a rare bipartisan statement affirming their commitment to Ukraine.
U.S. spending on Ukraine is broken out over a seven year period in the authorization. The new proposed authorization would also be multi-year. Spread over the authorized period these are not signficant expenditures. The biggest piece of this is spent in the US or on US goods and services. It is successfully being used to destroy the Russia army and build a powerful ally in the form of Ukraine on the flank of NATO. After trillions spent trying to deter Russia, why would this tiny part of the Federal Budget be so controversial to some? Hpow does cutting Ukraine aid right when they are winning help deter China? Who will stick with the US in the future if we bug out?

All That Drama and the House GOPs Only Win Was for the Kremlin
McCarthy: Border is bigger priority than Ukraine | The Hill
Ukraine aid left out of the shutdown funding package as MAGA wing moves GOP toward a more isolationist stance : politics
Biden vows to stand by Ukraine, despite budget fiasco : worldnews

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Biden signs bill to keep government funded and avoid shutdown : politics
How each senator voted on bill to avoid shutdown - Washington Post
These Republican senators voted against the government funding bill | The Hill

Government shutdown averted as Congress passes temporary funding plan

Pelosis message to Dems: Don't save McCarthys speakership
Inside McCarthys Shutdown Turnabout That Left His Speakership at Risk
McCarthy, McConnell suffer setbacks to avert government shutdown - The Washington Post
Youre responsible for your behavior: Kevin McCarthy wont stop push to expel Matt Gaetz
House GOP members seek to expel Gaetz amid renewed threat to vacate House Speaker McCarthy

Pro-Trump Republicans furious as their own party scotches shutdown threat at 11th hour : politics
Bad News That So Many in the GOP Are Pissed About Averting a Shutdown
Matt Gaetz mocked after US government narrowly avoids shutdown: "All talk" : politics Matt Gaetz mocked after US government narrowly avoids shutdown:
Matt Gaetz says he wants to oust Kevin McCarthy as House speaker - The Washington Post
Matt Gaetz Says He Will Move to Oust Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker - The New York Times

Democrat Jamaal Bowman accused of pulling fire alarm to delay House vote : politics
Jamaal Bowman: Democrat denies setting off fire alarm to stall spending vote : politics Question for you. What building did this happen in? Was it even near the building where voting was taking place? Did it or could it have even delayed anything? The answer is no. Now go back and read the headlines and see how theyve twisted the narrative to suggest that he pulled it in the House and it delayed or could have delayed the vote. Our media is complicit in this bullshit.

Trump Should Be Under a Gag Order Following Threats Against Gen. Mark Milley: Special Counsel : politics

Fani Willis Addresses Racist Abuse Shes Received Over Prosecuting Trump

2024 polls: Majority of voters say Trump should be disqualified : politics undefined

Calm down, everybody: An ugly election is coming but younger voters will save us

Poll: Trump Maintains Commanding Lead After Second GOP Debate (Exclusive) - The Messenger Voters believed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis won the debate, but he gained no ground on Trump

The Case for Amplifying Trumps Insanity -- few voters recognize just how deranged, delusional, and dangerous Donald Trump isbecause the press rarely reports on his routine insanity
One Reason the Trump Fever Wont Break

No enemies to the right: DeSantis ally hosts debate hedging white nationalism

Virginia students walk-out protesting trans Outing policy. Students have been organizing walkouts across Virginia since Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced new guidelines for trans & nonbinary students : politics

Governor Empty Suit Acts Against Organized Labor - Lawyers, Guns & Money Sounds like cocaine and sex with Kimberly Guilfoyle was also about similar anti-labor politics, since Newsom just vetoed the bill passed by the California legislature to provide unemployment benefits for striking workers.
California official who opposed #MeToo movement accused of killing fiancee : politics
California students walk out en masse in protest of school boards anti-LGBTQ+ policies. The school boards latest attack was to ban Pride flags, which one parent said represented the devil.

How the right's elevation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could now backfire

Elon Musk crosses the border to Nazi - by Marisa Kabas blown past blatant antisemitism and is now aligning with Jew-hating, right wing Germans. What else would you call that?

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,449 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of John Armfield ... One of the most disgusting human beings to ever live in this country, Armfield was born in 1797 in North Carolina, His parents were Quakers. Now, the Quakers have a reputation for being politically progressive. There is a lot of truth here. However, Quakers have an outsized proportion of really terrible d point out to start with that the two Quaker presidents are Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon, so thats quite a start. Well, Armfield is probably a worse American than Nixon and he is definitely worse than Hoover ... the largest domestic slave trading operation in American history. This was Armfields baby

TIL president Lyndon Johnson almost got shot on November 23rd 1963 by a secret service agent, just 14 hours after JFK died : todayilearned

Idaho Sheriff Wont Return Library Books He Thinks Are Obscene

The police chief who led a raid of a small Kansas newspaper has been suspended : news (with full pay)

SBF on trial: The man blamed for cryptos collapse is about to get his day in court

50 Great Classic Novels Under 200 Pages Last year I wrote about the best contemporary novels under 200 pages. Now I must turn my attention to my favorite short classics.

Watching the Southern Tip of Manhattan Change, for Forty Years | The New Yorker

Schon scandal
Physicist Fired for Falsified Data | Science | AAAS Work from Bell Labs on superconductivity and nanotech was fabricated
Big trouble in the world of Big PhysicsJan Hendrik Schon

An Anomalous Wire Made of Manganese and Platinum in the Pacific Ocean Site of the First Interstellar Meteor | by Avi Loeb | Medium

A Male-Dominated Scientific Establishment Creates Misogynist Science - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... I was reminded of this yesterday when reading the Times obituary for Evelyn Fox Keller, who was a physicist and feminist who made a very similar argument about how a male-dominated scientific establishment created a misogynist world of science since they didnt consider gender in their research questions.

Prevalence rates of young adult depression and cannabis use strengthened following recreational legalization in the US. This is potentially due to increases in cannabis accessibility and the acceptance of the health benefits of cannabis, which may enhance the use of cannabis as a coping mechanism.

ELI5: If the stars we see are light from millions of light years away and they see our Suns light the same, is the whole universe "existing" in the same time?

Scientists raise concerns about the potential link between chronic microdosing of psychedelics and valvular heart disease : science

Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository : technology

Careful who you vote for this year : CambridgeMA

Are there narcissistic people who realize they are narcissist? And if so, what do they do to overcome it? : AskReddit


A Revelation About Trees Is Messing With Climate Calculations | WIRED : worldnews

Around 1 in 20 people with probable COVID-19 reported using nonevidence-based treatment including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. They were more likely to endorse COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, had lower trust in physicians and scientists, and exhibited greater belief in conspiracy theories.

Man dies in Australia after whale strikes boat : worldnews

South Korea has jailed a man for using AI to create sexual images of children in a first for countrys courts | CNN

Giant 70ft models of North Korean dictators father Kim Jong Il and grandfather Kim Il Sung loom over Supreme Peoples Assembly as he declares his nation an irreversible nuclear power

Taiwan reaffirms sovereignty over all South China Sea islands : worldnews

US accuses China of global media manipulation : worldnews
WSJ News Exclusive | China Blocks Executive at U.S. Firm Kroll From Leaving the Mainland : worldnews
BYD overtakes Ford, securing 4th spot in global car sales : worldnews
Chinese developer fined 3 yrs salary for VPN use

Russia marks one year of Ukraines claimed annexation with musical concert
Ukraines occupied regions to be included for first time in new round of Russian conscriptions
Putin Orders Former Wagner Commander to Take Charge of Volunteer Units in Ukraine
Putin declares holiday commemorating occupation of Ukrainian regions

TIL Russian Tsar Peter the Greats sister owned 93 dwarves, and Peter himself had a special funeral for his favorite dwarf, which included miniature horses and a small priest

Russia is barely training its troops, probably rendering them incapable of going on the offensive, UK intel says : UkraineWarVideoReport

Armenian officials say more than 80% of Nagorno-Karabakhs original population have fled the ethnic Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan for neighboring Armenia
Almost all ethnic Armenians have left Nagorno-Karabakh : worldnews
Azerbaijan is hungry for land: Armenians fear country will seek to grab more territory
Death toll in Nagorno-Karabakh fuel depot blast jumps to 170 : worldnews

Russian oil sold to India at 30% above Western price cap, traders say : worldnews
Punjab: India row after LGBTQ couple marry in Sikh temple : worldnews

Afghan embassy says it is stopping operations in Indian capital : worldnews

Ugandas anti-LGBTQ+ law sees horrific spike in abuse

Palestinian statehood takes back seat in Israel-Saudi peace talks : worldnews
Israeli prison guards had intimate relations with jailed terrorist
Biblical sin city Sodom destroyed by asteroid stronger than nuke - Excavations in Jordan offer compelling evidence for the authenticity of the biblical tale of the destruction of Sodom, but by an asteroid impact, says theologian Dr. John Bergsma.

No turning back: how the Ukraine war has profoundly changed the EU | European Union
Ukraine Is Using Russias Own Propagandists Against Them
Ukraine appears to be modifying the UK Challenger 2 battle tanks to protect a notorious weak spot, report says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 584, Part 1 (Thread #730) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 30 September 2023.
Ukraine has the right to attack the territory of occupied Crimea as well as russian territory with long-range Taurus missiles, - stated the head of the Bundestags defense committee & called on to urgently supply Ukraine with long-range missiles

Media: Russian soldier working with intelligence defects to Ukrainian forces.The soldier, Daniil Alfyorov, had been working with Ukrainian intelligence since July and had successfully convinced 11 other Russian soldiers to defect to the Ukrainian side, Andriy Yusov, a HUR spokesman, said.

Romania detects possible airspace breach during overnight drone attack on Ukraine : worldnews

Norway bans entry of Russia-registered passenger cars from Oct. 3 : worldnews

US calls on Serbia to withdraw its unprecedented military deployment on Kosovo border
Kosovo Serb politician admits role in gun battle that killed four : worldnews

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to Orban: Ukraines territory remains unchanged
Ukraine makes concessions to Hungary for it to unlock EUR 500 million from EU military fund : worldnews

Germany exceeds 2022 target on international climate aid : worldnews
Bill to legalize marijuana in Germany advances after state representatives fail to block it : worldnews

Switzerland accuses daughter of late Uzbek leader of vast criminal conspiracy : worldnews

Italys coast guard rescues 177 people aboard burning ferry

Paris is battling an infestation of bloodsucking bedbugs on trains and in movie theaters as the city gets ready to host the 2024 Olympics : worldnews
Transactions involving the worlds second-richest person French billionaire Bernard Arnault investigated over suspected money laundering

Man in his 60s held over Sycamore Gap tree felling - BBC News : worldnews

Canada is serious about ties with India despite row - Trudeau : worldnews

Chinese hackers stole emails from US State Dept in Microsoft breach, Senate staffer says : politics

The average long-term US mortgage rate reaches highest point in nearly 23 years, hitting 7.31% | AP News

The child care industry is on the cusp of a crisis : politics

Faith in the Supreme Court is down. Voters now say they want changes. A new survey shows three-in-four voters want the justices bound to an ethics code. : politics

Why the Mainstream Media Loved Trumps Fake Pro-Workers Rally

Rich Americans Are Stiffing the Taxman to the Tune of $66 Billion - Sen. Ron Wyden wants the IRS to go after every last one of them. : politics

Biden aides are sure Republicans will be blamed for a possible government shutdown : politics

Democrats challenge MIA GOP centrists to team up and keep the government open Democrats say a handful of missing in action Republicans can join their to end-run Speaker McCarthy and force a vote on a short-term funding bill.
US Government Shutdown Would Play Right Into Putins Hands
Janet Yellen says a government shutdown could risk tipping the U.S. into a recession : politics

U.S. Republicans got what they really wanted, that is to help Putin and harm Ukraine. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Catastrophic shutdown averted as McCarthy sides with Democrats over far right in his own party : politics
Live updates: Senate poised to vote on funding bill to avert government shutdown - The Washington Post ... but no Ukraine aid. (Putin pulls the strings)
Democrats dedicated to avoiding a shutdown strike a surprise deal to fund the government and protect U.S. economy : PoliticalHumor Republicans being against helping Ukraine shows what side theyre really on.
Fighting to eliminate funding to Ukraine and shut down our government, if the freedom caucus was a nest of Russian spies theyd be doing a hell of a job!

McCarthys weekend from hell
Matt Gaetz is reaching out to Dems about a McCarthy ouster : politics
Gaetz on looming shutdown: McCarthy brought us to this moment
Former GOP lawmaker on shutdown drama: This is about promoting the Gaetz brand
Swalwell: Shutdown inevitable because McCarthy lives in fear of losing his job
With Shutdown Looming, Biden Calls Out Speaker McCarthy for a Terrible Bargain With MAGA Republicans
Freedom Caucus Eyeing Plan to Oust McCarthy as Early as Next Week: Report
Republicans Are Now In Open Revolt Against Kevin McCarthy | All of this maneuvering is interesting to read about, but the fact remains that the government is more than likely to shutdown over the coming weekend. : politics

Surprise: The GOP's First Biden Impeachment Hearing Was a Complete and Utter Flop : politics
Even some Republicans admit Biden impeachment hearing an unmitigated disaster
Watch: GOP Congressman Melts Down Trying to Explain Biden Corruption "evidenece"

A critical component of most RICO prosecutions is getting people lower on the criminal conspiracy theorys org chart to plead out, and here we go:

Trumps attack on Milley fuels special counsels push for a gag order
Jack Smith Cites Trump Execution Remark on Milley in New Filing : politics
Court ruling puts Trumps New York empire at stake

Good News For GOP Hunting For Proof Of White House Corruption: Theres Plenty On Trump | For four years, the coup-attempting former president funneled money from foreign and domestic interests directly into his own wallet through his D.C. hotel.

Mike Pence says hes done explaining Trumps words: Out of that business

Melania Trump Renegotiated Her Prenup in Case Trumps Legal Problems Bleed Him Dry: Report

Trump animates California Republicans with calls to shoot people who rob stores : politics
Trump Calls For People To Be Shot If They Rob Stores In Terrifying Remarks | Trumps comments on Friday underscored a central question surrounding the former presidents effort to return to the White House.

Dress code debate reflects the US Senates diminished reputation

GOP waging a "coordinated national effort to undermine American elections," says leading official : politics

The right is coming for Taylor Swift. They dont stand a chance

Watch Elizabeth Warren Take No S**t Whatsoever From Evasive Biden Nominee : politics

Even Fox host questions Trumps mental competence

Fox News said Gov. Katie Hobbs disappeared. She didnt. This is where she was

We Dont Talk About Leonard

Court allows Paxton accusers lawsuit to proceed

Florida death penalty in child crimes to take effect : politics

Utah AG knew about nonprofit psychic paid to speak with dead Mormon leaders, Tribune reports

Pregnant with no OB-GYNs around: In Idaho, maternity care became a casualty of its abortion ban

The rightwing group swamping US election offices with records requests : politics

For many White Americans, rural resentment is an expression of White grievance politics. This new paper shows that the two dominant electoral trends of the Trump era--i.e., the growing rural-urban divide in partisan voting patterns, and White Americans accelerated drift to the GOP--are linked. : science

Elon sends memo from Turners diary ... That Times article about how Musks politics are unfathomably complex is some of the finest comedy writing in recent memory.
X is losing daily active users. CEO Linda Yaccarino confirmed it : technology

Study Says 95% Of NFTs Are Worthless : videos

The Trump administration touted him as a victim of #MeToo. Now hes accused of dismembering a girlfriend

How Wealth and Privilege Helped One Man Hide His Serial Abuse Life seemed golden for Leon Jacob. Then he hired a hit man to kill his ex-girlfriend. His classmate exposes how the system repeatedly failed to stop him.

Dialectics minus illusion equals metaphysics? - philosophies - Possibilities of a New Metaphysics for modern science

philosophies - Friends of Philosophy - Philosophy Blog - Science Blog - Philosophy Blog - Science Blog

Donald Hoffmans Philosophy of Consciousness and Reality: Conscious Realism
Nothing is Real There is only Information
An Introduction to Anti-Realist Positions on Quantum Mechanics

I wish I knew these 3 things before studying mathematics at university

Alien life in Universe: Scientists say finding it is only a matter of time

TIL that our voice has a considerable influence on how we are perceived by other people. A single spoken word is enough to obtain personality ratings that are highly consistent across independent listeners. Based on voice samples, AI can predict how a speaker tends to be perceived by other people. : todayilearned

Mosquitoes Are a Growing Public Health Threat, Reversing Years of Progress - The New York Times Climate change and the rapid evolution of the insect have helped drive up malaria deaths and brought dengue and other mosquito-borne viruses to places that never had to worry about them.

Potential rabies treatment discovered with a monoclonal antibody, F11. Rabies virus is fatal once it reaches the central nervous system. F11 therapy limits viral load in the brain and reverses disease symptoms. : science

ELI5: Why do men have bigger feet in contrast to women? Why arent their average foot sizes equal?

[ELI5] Why have there never been animals as big as the dinosaurs since their extinction? : explainlikeimfive

ELI5 : Why so many people (even skilled swimmers) drown in river and lake waters ? : explainlikeimfive

Every single Onewheel is being recalled after four deaths : technology

What conspiracy theory is so easily disproven that you dont understand how its still going?

Whats your worst secret that you are holding?

Ladies, whats your equivalent of getting distracted by boobs?


The landscape in New York City is sinking, accelerating risk of sea level rise and flooding: study | ... Given that New York City is on average less than three yards above sea level, America's largest metropolis is vulnerable to sea level rise, which will cause widespread flooding
Heavy Rain Brings Flash Floods to NYC: Latest News and Forecast - The New York Times Rain Eases in New York, but Officials Warn That Flood Risks Remain

Marcos says Philippines is not looking for trouble but will defend waters against Chinese aggression : worldnews

US Considering Establishing a Space Force Command Post in Japan : worldnews

Chinese property giant Evergrandes slow implosion nears crunch time
Beijing wants more openness and less China bashing from Europe: envoy : worldnews

Its hard to comprehend it, but our friend Evan has now spent six months in a cramped cell in Moscow for doing his job as a journalist. This is the last picture I took with Evan, just weeks before his illegal arrest. I cant wait to take a new one. #FreeEvan
Trade between Russia and China is booming so much that shipping containers are piling up

Russian drones manufacturer keeps receiving satellite services from American company : worldnews

Russia pardoned a murderer who put his girlfriend through a meat grinder because he agreed to fight in Ukraine, his mom says : worldnews

UN refugee agency readying for up to 120,000 refugees in Armenia : worldnews
Russia warns Armenia not to join International Criminal Court : worldnews

Suicide blast in southwest Pakistan kills at least 52, more than 50 injured : worldnews

Taliban meets Huawei to discuss mass surveillance plan in Afghanistan : worldnews

Nagorno-Karabakh: Erdogan praises Azerbaijan as thousands flee to Armenia.

Iranian forces aimed laser at American military helicopter "multiple times," U.S. says : worldnews

How Benjamin Netanyahu Pushed Israel Into Chaos. The nations current crisis can be traced back, in ways large and small, to the outsize personality of its longest-serving prime minister ... Netanyahu realized that by playing to his bases resentments, he could simply write off the political center. Long before the invention of Trumpism, there was Bibism.

Wagner fighters, some of the best in the Russian ranks, are back in Ukraine, but theyre not as much of a threat without Prigozhin running the show, Kyiv says
Ukrainian soldiers heartened by delivery of US Abrams tanks : worldnews
Minister of Defense Rustem Umierov discussed with his French colleague Sebastien Lecorne further defense cooperation between the two countries
Ukraines state company opened 58 new gas wells in 2023, making Ukraine independent from gas imports
IAEA adopts resolution demanding immediate return of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to full control of Ukraine : worldnews
NATOs secretary-general meets with Zelenskyy to discuss ending Russias aggression
Ukraine looks to Shinkansen to build rails to Western allies : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 583, Part 1 (Thread #729) : worldnews

Russias losses as of September 29th

Ukraine will need to destroy Russian artillery and inflict casualties that thin Russian reservesIt will be slow and grinding with constant competitive adaptation. It may not produce spectacular victories for social media consumption
Ukrainian drone takes out Russias unique Kasta radar in Kursk region

Estonia proposes EU to impose full trade embargo on Russia. : worldnews

More than 2,500 migrants dead or missing in Mediterranean this year, UN says : worldnews

Swedish PM summons army, police chiefs as gang violence rocks nation : worldnews
Swedens leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates

Elon Musk Attacks German Support for Migrants, Boosts Far-Right Extremists

Prosecutors warned Rotterdam hospital about medical student Fouad L., suspected of killing 3 in shootings and arsons on Thursday : worldnews

Swiss glaciers lose 10% of their volume in two years : worldnews

Fears rise of volcanic eruption near Naples after strongest earthquake in 40 years

Europes oldest shoe found in Spanish bat cave

President Macron proposes autonomy for Corsica: fully anchor Corsica in the French Republic and recognize the uniqueness of its Mediterranean island nature and its relationship with the world
Almost all Jewish French university students experience antisemitism : worldnews
French government launches battle plan against bedbug invasion : worldnews

A PhD student in the UK has been found guilty of 3D-printing a chemical weapon drone in his bedroom for a terrorist attack : worldnews
Sycamore Gap: Boy, 16, arrested after iconic tree at Hadrians Wall deliberatelyfelled

Thousands of women march in Latin American cities calling for abortion rights : worldnews

Cyberattacks hit military, Parliament websites as India hacker group targets Canada : worldnews
Canadian police wont investigate doctor for sterilizing Indigenous woman
On third anniversary of B.C's promise to protect old-growth, ancient trees still falling : worldnews
Police Investigate About 100 Suicides Linked To Canadian Man - The New York Times Canadian police charged Kenneth Law with aiding 14 suicides, including that of Ashtyn Prosser. Another 88 deaths are being reviewed by Britains National Crime Agency.

Baseline rates and statistical analysis - Lawyers, Guns & Money Andrew Gelman points to recent comments from me and Nate Silver regarding the significance of age in the 2024 presidential race to make some interesting points about the uses and limitations of statistical analysis in this kind of context.

A trailblazer for women in politics, she led the Intelligence Committee and helped mold the federal bench. Amid health setbacks, she faced calls to resign. ("centrist")
Senator Diane Feinstein has passed away at the age of 90 : worldnews
Feinstein's Death Intensifies Fight for a Coveted California Senate Seat - Gov. Gavin Newsom has pledged to pick a Black woman to fill the seat, but has also said he would not choose any of the current Democrats running for Senate.
Megathread: Senator Dianne Feinstein Has Died at 90 : politics
Senator Dianne Feinstein Dies at 90 - Remembering Her Finest Work Feinstein, who was no enemy to the intelligence community, fought to bring the information to the public about what had been done in its name.
Feinstein Passes - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Feinstein - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... In conclusion, Id like to thank Nancy Pelosi for saying a mere three weeks ago that people calling for Feinstein to resign were sexist. (good history, she was a rich asshole)

Eschaton: LOL Fuck You Libs Not surprised to see Peter Baker publishing what he knows is false just to stick his tongue out at the perfectly correct critics he knows exist. These are corrupt, awful people. The paper of record! (that fucking newspaper)
Eschaton: The Story As Presented

Congress is the oldest it's ever been, the average member having gotten 14 years older since the Millennial generation : politics

Conservative rebels tank McCarthys funding bill, raising odds of a shutdownSpeaker Kevin McCarthy urged House Republicans to rally behind a strategy to fund the government, cut spending and bolster border security. A band of conservatives rejected it.
Government shutdown fears grow as House GOP spending bill fails
Unbelievably Cruel: GOP Pushes Astronomical Cuts to Education, Housing, and Food Aid - The same party who provided $2 trillion tax giveaways to the wealthy wants to slash funding for WIC, devastating women and children
Inside the grudge that paralyzed the House
No pay for troops? Fine. But the Hunter Biden probe? Essential! : politics
How House lawmakers voted on the stopgap bill to avert a government shutdown - Washington Post
So we agree that the whole government can be shut down by a consensus of Congresss 10 biggest weirdos? - Paul Noth The New Yorker

Trumps autoworker speech was a scam

Trump suing ex-MI6 officer who alleged he was compromised by Russian security service - Christopher Steele's dossier also alleged Putin supported and directe plan to cultivate Trump as a presidential candidate

N.Y. appeals court refuses to delay Trump fraud trial set to start Monday : politics

Trumps campaign machine is bleeding cash for legal expenses

Trump says Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.8 billion. Not long ago, his own company thought that was $1.5 billion too high. : politics
How Trumps fraudulent business practices finally came back to bite him

Melania Trumpquietly renegotiated prenup with Donald ahead of potential second presidential term, legal woes: sources

In the Shitter: Democratic Rep. Reads Out Entire List of Trump Crimes Representative Jasmine Crockett used Republicans Biden impeachment farce to remind everyone of Donald Trumps 91 counts.

Poll: Majority of voters would support disqualifying Trump under 14th Amendment - POLITICO Fifty-one percent say Trump engaged in insurrection and can be barred from running again,

Retired US general likens Trumps attacks on military to Nazi Germany This is a cult, it's a lawless cult and its a major threat to the armed forces of the United States and our security, said Gen Barry McCaffrey
Trumps retribution plan: Becoming Americas first dictator | Trump is not exaggerating, posturing or just being hyperbolic. Take his threats seriously
Authoritarian party: Expert calls GOPdependent on violence and corruption for its identity

GOP is no longer a political party. The Republican debate marked its soul leaving its body. : politics

Ocasio-Cortez Spots Biden Hearing Moment That Shows Republicans Know It's Cooked

"Hostile": Jim Jordan fires off nine-page response after DA Fani Willis rebukes his investigation : politics

Comer's Fiasco - An unmitigated disaster
On Fox News, GOP impeachment leaders spread false claims with impunity - The Washington Post

First co-defendant in Trump Georgia election case pleads guilty : news

Taylor Swift Has Broken Conservatives Brains

Georgia senator who demanded Fani Willis special session suspended from GOP caucus : politics

Ron DeSantis poised for huge blow if Florida election map redrawn : politics

Appeals court upholds Tennessee, Kentucky bans on transgender care for minors | Reuters

EXCLUSIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning Independent Run

Elon Musk applauds removing aid to Ukraine from US spending bill : UkraineWarVideoReport
Stunningly Ignorant Elon Musk Blasted for Latest Ukraine Tweet ... "Why do so many American politicians from both parties care 100 times more about the Ukraine border than the USA border?" ... A dedicated follower of the Neville Chamberlain school of appeasing murderous dictators reveals his appalling ignorance (racist fucker)
Elon Musk visited border in Eagle Pass TX yesterday wearing cowboy hat backwards : pics

Opinion | What Kind of Person Has a Closet Full of Nazi Memorabilia? - The New York Times

In Uncertain Ground, Phil Klay sets out to determine what twenty-first-century US foreign policy has done to the cocksure American mind.

Man arrested for the murder of Tupac Shakur - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Judge says she is ending conservatorship between former NFL player Michael Oher and Memphis couple : news

Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore, facing possible slew of abuse lawsuits, files for bankruptcy : news

Exposure to Instagram ads can shape body ideals and drive appearance-altering desires in adolescent girls, study suggests : technology

At US Antarctic base hit by harassment claims, workers are banned from buying alcohol at bars : news

Women advise other women to cut their hair short because they want to sabotage their attractiveness in the dating market : science

Wegovy, other weight-loss drugs scrutinized over reports of suicidal thoughts : worldnews

The Most (and Least) Densely Populated Cities in America : small: #1 Cambridge MA

ELI5 Why are certain color-based last names common (Brown, White, Green) and others are not? (Purple, Orange, Yellow) : explainlikeimfive

Walking more than five flights of stairs (at least 50 steps up) a day can cut risk of heart disease by 20%, data collected from more than 450,000 adults over 12.5 years shows : science

TIL About the Great Vowel Shift: A period of time between 1400-1700 AD where modern English pronunciations of words took it's form, which is how far back in time you could travel before you could not longer converse effectively with others. : todayilearned

Whats the most bizarre coincidence youve ever personally experienced?


Decarbonising shipping to cost over US$100 billion per year: UN : worldnews

Microplastics Are Present In Clouds, Confirm Japanese Scientists : worldnews

Google Unveils Nuvem: Transatlantic Cable Linking Portugal, Bermuda, and US : worldnews

KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor September 2023: Partisanship Remains Key Predictor Views Of COVID-19 Including Plans To Get Latest COVID-19 Vaccine | KFF ... Seven in ten Democrats say they will get the latest COVID-19 vaccine compared to about a quarter of Republicans

2,745 confirmed cases and 28 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Lachlan Murdoch backs Fox board role for former Australian PM who called climate change science absolute crap
Spotted-tailed quoll thought extinct in South Australia caught at Beachport after 130 years : worldnews

Malaysia bans book that likened Indonesian domestic worker to a 'monkey' />
China hits back at the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal barrier 'farce'

Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people : worldnews
Nissan To Launch Only EVs In Europe From Now On, Drop ICEs By 2030 : worldnews

S. Korea shows off 'high-power' missiles for Armed Forces Day ceremony. : worldnews S. Korea shows off high-power missiles for Armed Forces Day ceremony.

Travis King in American custody after N Korea expulsion : worldnews
North Korea changes constitution and declares itself a nuclear state : worldnews

Haikun: Taiwan unveils new submarine to fend off China : worldnews

Evergrande halts share trading as woes mount for China property giant | Evergrande | The Guardian : worldnews
Chinas Evergrande halts trading amid reports of detained bosses

Russia wanted to conquer Ukraine in just 2 days it now says the war will last at least 3 years
Putin meets Chechen leader Kadyrov after storm over prisoner beating comments : worldnews

UN declares Ukraine prisoner of war trials in Mariupol could be a war crime: OHCHR : ukraine
Photo of the day: One of the defenders of Mariupol during the shameful trial in Russia. : ukraine

Russias air force has lost 90 planes in Ukraine and is becoming less formidable by overworking its jets, UK intel says

Russia accuses Ukraines Western allies of helping last weeks attack on Black Sea Fleet headquarters
Russia blamed Western intel and spy planes for Ukraines devastating attack on its Black Sea Fleet HQ
Russia Claims Western Intelligence Aided Ukraine in Striking Crimea Navy HQ

Five European countries boycott UEFA football tournament over Russian participation : worldnews

Massive explosion rocks Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan : pics

More than half of Nagorno-Karabakhs ethnic Armenians have left
Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist from January 2024, president declares : worldnews

G7 experts are set to arrive in India on a fact-finding mission this week ahead of the expected announcement of a new embargo on importing Russian diamonds. An EU ban has also been under discussion for months but imposing new regulations on the global diamond market is no easy feat
Top Chinese Scientist Claims India Moon Landing Nowhere Near South Pole : worldnews
Muslim man lynched in India for taking a banana at Hindu temple event

Pakistan to evict 1.1m illegal Afghan refugees : worldnews
Pakistani beggars plague Middle East, raising trust concerns : worldnews
Pakistans Ahmadis living in fear as graves, religious sites attacked

Bangladesh: Nearly 1,000 people die of dengue in severe outbreak : worldnews

Burkina Faso junta says it thwarted coup attempt on Tuesday : worldnews

Footage Emerges of Il-76 Plane Crash in Mali, Wagner Mercs Killed : worldnews

TikTok reportedly in talks with Kenyan government to remove LGBTQ+ content : worldnews

Iraqi TikToker fatally shot in Baghdad amid crackdown on LGBTQ Community : worldnews

Israel foils Iran terror plot to assassinate Ben-Gvir - Shin Bet
Arabic press review: Palestinian Authority arrests West Bank journalist : worldnews

(13) Russia must be "held accountable for crimes" before any return to UN rights body, Ukraine says Russia must be held accountable for crimes before any return to UN rights body, Ukraine says
Ukrainian forces are "gradually gaining ground", NATO chief says : worldnews
Ukraines secret proposal: Attack drone factories in Iran and Syria
Ukraine Says It Destroyed 34 Russian Drones : worldnews
Five European countries boycott UEFA football tournament over Russian participation Ukraine, England, Poland, Latvia, and Sweden oppose the readmission of Russian teams to European football

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 582, Part 1 (Thread #728) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Sept. 28, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

One year on, how many countries have publicly recognised the results of Russias sham referendums in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia? (NK and Syria)

Bakhmut. Klishchiivka. Andriivka. This is how cities that refuse to submit to Russian invaders look (photo by Kostiantyn Liberov) : ukraine ... Liberation from everything humane and beautiful. What a blight of a nation Russia is. (historical Russian evil)

Ukraines Azov Claims Combat Success, Capture of Russian Commander and POWs

Air-raid warning announced in Sevastopol, Crimean bridge is blocked | Ukrainska Pravda : worldnews
Russia starts building railway links to occupied cities in Donetsk Oblast : worldnews
Russia Begins Construction of Ambitious Railroad Bypassing Vulnerable Crimea Bridge : worldnews

Slovak election: A NATO country could soon have a pro-Russian leader | CNN : worldnews

State of war: residents, police describe heavy battle in northern Kosovo

Three people killed in 12 hours as Sweden records deadliest month for shootings in four years : worldnews

Switzerland has lost 10% of its glaciers in the last two years : worldnews

Sexual abuse: Catholic Church under fire for keeping data of 'de-baptised' people : worldnews Sexual abuse: Catholic Church under fire for keeping data of de-baptised people

Germany bans neo-Nazi group for indoctrination of children

UN criticises Frances ban on its Olympic athletes wearing headscarves. Dress codes should not be imposed on women, spokesperson says, after Paris Games ban affecting French athletes

UK approves controversial North Sea oil and gas production : worldnews
Power outages cripple UK households as Storm Agnes reaches shores : worldnews
UK: Police officers widely misusing body-worn cameras : worldnews

Over 10,000 displaced in Haiti after violence escalates north of capital : worldnews

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau issues unreserved apology for past invitation to former Nazi
Pro-Khalistanis wrap Indian flag around ball, kick it day after stomping on Modis cutouts in Toronto .
Pro-India hackers claim responsibility for disruption of Canadian Forces website : worldnews

The Limiting Language of Nuclear Strategists - Lawyers, Guns & Money The article describes the highly gendered nature of much of the discussion of nuclear weapons and analyzes some of what that is likely to mean about discourse about them and decisions on nuclear weapons policy.

Continued support for Kyivs war efforts has also become a sticking point in shutdown talks on Capitol Hill.
Why Are Republicans Playing Politics With Ukraine? : politics

Milley on Trump suggesting execution: Threat to me is threat to entire military
Top US general taking steps to protect family after Trump death comments : politics
House Votes to Strip Defense Secretary of Salary as Right Wing Flexes Muscles : politics
Its not just a shutdown Congress has no plan for the FAA either

Biden to describe Trumps MAGA following as anextremist movement posing a threat to democracy

Some Attendees At Donald Trumps Autoworkers Rally Were Total Frauds: Report
Questions Arise Over Trump Crowd After Sign Holders Admissions
GOP candidates bash labor unions as Biden hits the picket line : politics

Clarence Thomas and the Mystery of the Missing Book Royalties : politics

Discussion Thread: First House Oversight Hearing on Biden Impeachment Inquiry : politics
Republicans own witness pours cold water on Biden impeachment
GOPs Own Impeachment Witnesses Admit They Cant Offer Evidence of Biden Crimes
GOP Impeachment Fiasco Continues: They Turn Against Their Own Witness : politics
Texas Dem on Impeachment Madness: Trump Kept National Secrets in the Sh*tter!
Botched this bad: Insiders say GOPers furious at James Comer for his handling of impeachment inquiry
Majority of voters oppose Biden impeachment hearings as GOP inquiry begins : politics
Top Tier Trolling: Fetterman Gifts House GOP Case of Bud Light Over Biden Impeachment Hearing

Why a shutdown is looking inevitable - POLITICO
We Are All Paying The Price For Kevin McCarthys Pathetic Weakness
F--- off: Gaetzs inescapable feud with McCarthy grows more hostile

Trump New York fraud trial cleared to start after appeals panel ruling
Trump $250M fraud trial will go forward Monday, AG plans to call his adult sons as witnesses - ABC News

Trumps business empire could collapse like falling dominoes after ruling
The End of Trump Inc. : politics
Trumps Habit of Lying About Everything All the Time May Cost Him Trump Tower

Donald Trumps thrill ride is nearly over but the media refuses to let go | What if we told America the truth about Donald Trump? Hes a fraud, a cheat and a rapist, facing 91 felony counts
Trumps Promise of Lawlessness - Though it was lost in the four-year cyclone that was the presidency of Donald Trump, one of his most immoral acts was to pardon soldiers who were accused of committing war crimes by killing unarmed civilians or prisoners

Trump and his adult children expected to be called to testify in New York fraud trial : politics

Hutchinson: Responsibility of all Americans right now to have tough conversations about the dangers of a second Trump term

Gavin Newsom Exposes The Most Pathetic Moment Of The Republican Debate
AOC blasts Republicans over disgusting and misogynisticdebate sex joke about Jill Biden
There Were Zero Climate Questions at the Second GOP Debate : politics
Cancelling the horse race - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Why Republicans war against Taylor Swift could backfire
Rumble host Stew Peters airs segment calling for the executions of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce | Media Matters for America

Menendez single-handedly blocked a bipartisan effort to strengthen the law regulating foreign influence in Washington : politics
FBI probing whether Egyptian intelligence played a role in Menendez case : politics

DeSantis Says He Would Sign a 15-Week Abortion Ban as President - The New York Times The little-noticed remark came during a chaotic moment in the second G.O.P. debate. Mr. DeSantis signed a six-week abortion ban in Florida, but had not clearly committed to federal restrictions.

Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom are set for a debate no one wants : politics

Why was Dave Ramseys financial literacy textbook approved in Florida? Questions remain

An appeals court has blocked the redrawing of Louisianas congressional map

Ojai, CA Becomes First U.S. City To Recognize Legal Rights Of Elephants

Tesla sued by US agency over alleged harassment of Black factory workers : politics

Ratfucking grifter gets Chotinered - Lawyers, Guns & Money Peter Daou, having taken a uniquely pathetic journey from Hillary Clinton attack dog to Marianne Willaimsons campaign to Cornel Westss fascism>liberalism campaign, sits down with Chotiner and the results are as amazing as you would expect.

Eschaton: Nobody Like Us Could Be Bad Another day, another puff piece about a bunch of likely criminalsBut Bankman-Fried stood out from other young billionaires for his commitment to the effective-altruism movement, some of whose adherents believe in trying to earn as much as possible in order to maximize what they can give away ... Lol, the writer of the piece: Before becoming a journalist, she worked as an analyst at two hedge funds in New York City. No solidarity like upper class solidarity!
Eschaton: Easiest Marks In The World Nobody - especially the smartest boys in the room - wants to admit they've been conned by a con man, which is one reason we're getting all of these pieces finding it so garsh darn hard to figure out if SBF was genuine and true and just made some booboos ... And Yglesias: ...

The Hollywood writers strike is over and they won big

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Opinion | Cliven Bundy Still Defies the Federal Government - The New York Times

Westfield woman pleads guilty to calling in hoax bomb threat to Boston Childrens Hospital ... one of multiple threats directed at the medical facility over its provision of care for transgender youth, authorities said ... "There is a bomb on the way to the hospital, you better evacuate everybody you sickos"

TIL in the United States, obesity rates decline the higher above sea level an area is. : todayilearned

Antimatter falls down, not up: CERN experiment confirms theory. Physicists have shown that, like everything else experiencing gravity, antimatter falls downwards when dropped. Observing this simple phenomenon had eluded physicists for decades. : science

Scientists design octopus-inspired patch to deliver drugs : worldnews

Previously unknown language found hidden in "cultic ritual text" of ancient tablets : worldnews

This Christian text youve never heard of, The Shepherd of Hermas, barely mentions Jesusbut it was a favorite of early Christians far and wide


In the last decade, the cost of solar power has dropped by 87 percent, and the cost of battery storage by 85 percent. These price drops, could make the global energy transition much more viable and cheaper than previously expected. : science
Solar power and storage prices have dropped almost 90% : technology

Youth vs Europe: Unprecedented climate trial kicks off at rights court
Truly a David and Goliath case: Six young people take 32 countries to court in unprecedented case

US Discussing F-16 Fighter Deal With Vietnam : worldnews

No tritium found in fish one month after Fukushima water release : worldnews

North Korea says it will expel Travis King, U.S. soldier who ran across border in July : worldnews
US secures the release of the soldier who crossed into North Korea 2 months ago | AP News
(URGENT) N. Korea decides to expel U.S. soldier Travis King | Yonhap News Agency : worldnews

China is flooding Taiwan with disinformation : worldnews
China says aim of its drills near Taiwan is to combat arrogance of separatists
Taiwan blocks 18,000 kg of Japanese fish due to excessive chemicals - Focus Taiwan : worldnews

Chinas 1.4 billion population cant fill the countrys millions of empty homes. Here are 3 things that would.
China Puts Evergrandes Billionaire Founder Under Police Control

Hillary Clinton pokes Putin on NATO expansion: Too bad, Vladimir
Putin is preparing for eternal war Spending on the army in the Russian budget will increase to a record since the times of the USSR,The army and factories of the military-industrial complex will eat upalmost every third ruble (29.5%).
Kremlin refuses to comment on footage of Chechen leaders son beating prisoner

Kremlin Says U.S. Abrams Tanks Will Burn in Ukraine
Conflagration breaks out in Moscow Oblast : worldnews

Secret Ukrainian Drone Destroys Over $7 Million Worth of Russian Equipment Overnight, AFU Reports

Ukraine clarifying whether Russian commander was killed in strike, after video purportedly shows him alive
Dead Russian Admiral Shoved in Front of the Cameras to Prove He Survived Missile Blast.

One of Putins guards who denounced the war and fled Russia says hes being pursued even in South America

Nagorno-Karabakh: almost a quarter of the regions population flees into Armenia
19,000 forcibly displaced persons enter Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh : worldnews
Tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians rush to flee Nagorno-Karabakh : worldnews

As mental health worsens among Afghanistans women, the UN is asked to declare genderapartheid
Taliban Controls the Worlds Best Performing Currency This Quarter (went to double worthless)
Taliban Controls the Worlds Best Performing Currency This Quarter (went to double worthless)

US suspends aid to Gabon after military takeover : worldnews

Thousands of bodies left to decompose in Sudans capital as morgues reach breaking point
A Brief History of the CIAs Dirty War in South Sudan

Morocco will host a battery plant with capacity to power half a million vehicles a year : worldnews

Qatar Airways executive says invasive gynecological examinations of passengers wont be repeated

More than 100 dead, 150 injured in Iraq wedding inferno : worldnews

Iran says it has successfully put an imaging satellite into orbit amid tensions with West : worldnews

War has arrived in Crimea : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 581, Part 1 (Thread #727) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Sept. 27, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

A Ukrainian Marder 1A3 IFV was destroyed by the Russian army near Verbove, #Zaporizhzhia Oblast. This is the first confirmed total loss of the vehicle of this type.
(4/4) With 25 CAA apparently being deployed piecemeal to reinforce the over-stretched line, a concerted new Russian offensive is less likely over the coming weeks.

Retribution AwaitsUkraine Captures Alleged Russian Agents Involved in Targeting Kyiv

The russian Crimea Administration of has been transferred to remote work. Crimean partisans from ATESH report that 95% of employees have been transferred to remote work, and many of them are already taking their families out of Crimea. This also applies to many other bodies of the occupation authorities of the peninsula.

Ukrainian children as young as 4 months old are being forcibly taken to Russia. Officials dont know what is happening to them.

Estonia plans to rename Russian Kaliningrad to Knigsberg

European Commission warns Musks X amidst spread of Russian disinformation
Musks X disabled feature for reporting electoral misinformation

Poland may seek extradition of Ukrainian Nazi WW2 veteran Hunka from Canada : worldnews

German police carry out sweeping raids as neo-Nazi group banned : worldnews

France moves homeless people out of Paris as city prepares for next summers Olympics

Arrested Bulgarian spies in Britain worked for Jan Marsalek, who had ties to Russian intelligence services
UKs first illegal drugs consumption room given go-ahead
23-storey London apartment block that deviates from plans must be torn down : worldnews

Mexicos Lopez Obrador moves ahead with his crusade for lithium, revoking nine concessions from Ganfeng Lithium, a Chinese firm: The Mexican government has notified the mining company that, since it has not invested the minimum amounts that were promised
Mexico cancels lithium mining concessions held by Chinese firm : worldnews

Video of Sikh leaders killing shows coordinated attack - Community members say investigators have told them that the assailants fired about 50 bullets. Thirty-four hit Nijjar.
India would look into any info on Sikh separatist killing in Canada Indias foreign minister
Air India Flight 182: India-Canada row brings 1985 bombing back in news : worldnews
Canadas lentil sales to India slow after Trudeau raised murder suspicions
House Speaker Anthony Rota resigns over Nazi veteran invite : worldnews
Canadian air force investigating inappropriate and unapproved call sign broadcast on U.K. flight ... DICK69 a little over the top, I would have picked BOOB52

Joe Biden on the Picket Line with UAW : pics

UAW boss says Trump works for billionaire class ahead of visit A day after President Biden appeared on a union picket line, the former president will speak at an auto parts factory, but its unclear whether any striking workers will be in the crowd.

If you want to save democracy in 2024, Biden is the only viable choice : politics

Biden tops Trump by 5 points in new survey | The Hill

EAIAC dementia division - Lawyers, Guns & Money

McCarthy's new shutdown strategy: Shifting the blame
With looming government shutdown, FEMA is rationing disaster aid funds - The Washington Post
McCarthy Kills Bipartisan Senate Bill to Avert Shutdown : politics

Ruling Against Trump Cuts to the Heart of His Identity - The New York Times The finding by a judge in a New York civil case that Donald Trump committed fraud in valuing his real estate properties undermined the narrative of the business career that launched him in politics. ... So far none of those cases has discernibly hurt Mr. Trumps campaign in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, which polls suggest he is leading by large margins. In fact, polls show the indictments have consolidated his support among Republicans. The prosecutions have helped his fund-raising.
Judge Gives Trump Organization the Corporate Death Penalty |
How much would your house be worth if the Trump Organization owned it? - The Washington Post
Trump: Im not lying about the value of my properties because I will accept large bribes

Judge Chutkan denies Trumps request to recuse herself in federal election subversion case

Trump Asked His Lawyers for Ways to Suppress His Perfect Call

Poll: Republicans see Trump as a person of faithmore so than Mitt Romney, Mike Pence and others (satangelicals for the Anti-Christ)

Will Donald Trump go to prison? : politics

Lets Not Sleepwalk Into Another Donald Trump Presidency

Jared Kushner pressured Washington Post to fire editor over Russia, book says | Books | The Guardian Marty Baron says Trumps son-in-law leaned on Post publisher to withdraw support of Russia election interference investigation (Kushfucker for Putin)

The impeachment inquiry is starting exactly as might have been expected - The Washington Post
Theyve already succeeded: Will Bunch on the GOPs impeachment clown show

Court rulings poised to play pivotal role in battle for Congress The Supreme Courts Alabama decision was just one among a series of redistricting cases expected to influence the balance of power on Capitol Hill

Kevin McCarthy Wanted Bob Menendez To Resign Until Someone Mentioned George Santos
Menendez ordered to turn over personal passport at arraignment | The Hill
Opinion | Bob Menendez is right not to step down - The Washington Post (says the infamous Henry Olsen)
Isn't it pretty to think so? - Lawyers, Guns & Money Michelle Goldberg, whose work I almost always really like, has a weird column this morning, berating the Democratic Senate leadership for not expelling the comically crooked Robert Menendez from the worlds worst deliberative body ... What Goldberg never mentions is that Menedez cant be expelled without the cooperation of at least a third of the GOP Senate caucus! What in the world makes her imagine that this will be forthcoming under the circumstances

QAnon follower faces prison for death threat against US Rep who he thought was trans : politics ... Fox told authorities that he and other followers believe that transgender people are secretly running the government and major corporations and, after running the unnamed US Reps skull features through forensic analysis, he believed that she was transgender.

Iowa students take a stand against anti-LGBTQ+ laws: Were not going to listen to your rules

In Rare Alliance, Democrats and Republicans Seek Legal Power to Clear Homeless Camps - The New York Times Dozens of leaders, mostly from Western states, have asked the Supreme Court to overturn lower court decisions that restrict enforcement against public camping

Radical thesis: abortion rights is a good issue for Democrats - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Missouri woman mistakenly declared dead in 2007 still trying to prove she's alive Here I am still stuck and nobody can help,Madeline-Michelle Carthen said.I just want answers

Target says it will close nine stores, citing violence and theft

Opinion | Lina Khan vs. Amazon - The New York Times

Just look at why its so hard to turn offices into homes

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,448 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Leonard Matlovich.

Hasan Minhajs Emotional Truths Debacle Disqualifies Him From Hosting Daily Show Former Staffers Say

Many men think about Roman Empire frequently, TikTok trend shows. Why? - The Washington Post
How often do men think of ancient Rome? Who cares! Its these women who know it best.
What The Roman Empire Trend Tells Us About Ourselves

The Villa Where a Doctor Experimented on Children | The New Yorker As a girl in Austria, Evy Mages was confined to a mysterious institution in Innsbruck. Decades later, she learned why.

Drinking diet sodas and aspartame-sweetened beverages daily during pregnancy linked to autism in male offspring - UT Health San Antonio : science

ELI5: When did men start shaving their beards? Did all men have beards in ancient times? : explainlikeimfive

The Complete Guide to Esports in College: Everything You Need to Know [2023]

The Karen Read Case in Canton: The Killing That Tore a Town Apart : massachusetts


Antarctic sets a record low maximum by wide margin : worldnews

Staggering green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief ... growth of renewable energy and green investment in the past two years

Activist who called for royal reform jailed for four years in Thailand : worldnews

The kids had all been tortured: Indonesian military accused of targeting children in West Papua

Ukraine evacuees eligible for Japan long-term residency from Dec. 1 : worldnews
Hackers Say Theyve Breached All Sony Systems, Threaten To Sell Stolen Data

South Koreas Yoon says use of nukes would spell end of North Korean regime

Taiwan expects to deploy two new submarines by 2027, security adviser says : worldnews

S. Korea, China, Japan to hold high-level talks to discuss trilateral summit : worldnews

UN investigator: Russian state media may be guilty of inciting genocide in Ukraine
Russia seeks to rejoin UNs human rights council ... So they can try to infuence any investgations into its own abuses.

Russian officers who hadnt been paid by Moscow sold key intel on the Black Sea Fleet to Ukrainian resistance fighters. Then the headquarters blew up.
Russian Black Sea commander shown working after Ukraine said it killed him : worldnews

Chechen leader Kadyrov proud of son for beating up Russian prisoner accused of burning Quran, Posts Video of Beating

At least 20 dead in gas station explosion as Nagorno-Karabakh residents flee to Armenia : worldnews

Turkey will back Swedens NATO bid if U.S. keeps promise on F-16 sale - Erdogan : worldnews

US military captures ISIS official in Syria in helicopter raid : worldnews

Mysterious explosion rocks city, nearby missile base in western Iran : worldnews

In Israeli first, Gazan girl receives new kind of pacemaker in innovative procedure : worldnews

Ukraine's army of drones are bombarding Putins forces, hitting a record 205 pieces of Russian military equipment last week, official says
Russias air defenses unable to deal with Western-made missiles:

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 580, Part 1 (Thread #726) : worldnews

Russian troops sexually assaulted Ukrainian women as old as 83 while their families were forced to listen : worldnews

Mark Krutov on X: "Ukrainian strike on a Russian ammo depot in Sorokyne (formerly Krasnodon) in Luhansk oblast on a @planet low resolution satellite image captured on September 25th." / X
authorities are finalizing a decision to sendlong-range cluster munition rockets to be fired by #HIMARS systems.

Elon Musks X Is Biggest Outlet of Russia Disinformation, EU Says

Latvia plans to fine drivers for displaying stickers I am Russian on their vehicles

US offers Poland rare loan of $2 billion to modernize its military : worldnews

Serbian president turns to Russia amid rising tensions with Kosovo after monastery gun battle : worldnews

German far-right extremism on the rise as Holocaust sites defaced : worldnews

Child abuse allegations:The Laderach brand has been badly damaged ... Laderach, 72, who ran the family business until 2018, co-founded the evangelical school Domino Servite (Serve the Lord) in Kaltbrunn in canton St Gallen in 1995. In a documentary published on Thursday by Swiss public television, SRF, former pupils talked about being beaten with belts including by Laderach himself and living in a climate of fear.

Five alleged Russian spies appear in London court : worldnews
UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman reportedly believes that fearing discrimination for being gay or a woman is not enough to qualify for asylum under international refugee laws. : worldnews (Tory)
Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing and torturing dogs

Colombian football club president shot dead after match : worldnews

U.N. says pilot "integration" program for refugees in Mexico could ease U.S. border crossings : worldnews

Video of Sikh leaders killing shows coordinated attack
Canadian Sikhs stage protests against Indian government over murder : worldnews
Speakers Nazi veteran invite profoundly embarrassing Trudeau says, as Rota faces calls to resign

"How you lose your democracy": Shocking new research shows Americans lack basic civic knowledge : politics .. Education is not memorizing that Hitler killed six million Jews. Education is understanding how millions of ordinary Germans were convinced that it was necessary and learning how to spot the signs of history repeating itself.

Biden Just Made History By Becoming the First U.S. President To Join Striking Workers on the Picket Line : politics ...
Biden, in historic but sensitive move, joins UAW picket line : politics
Discussion Thread: Biden Gives Remarks at UAW Picket Line : politics
In Historic First, Biden Walks Picket Line With Striking UAW Workers You deserve what youveearned, and youve earned a hell of a lot more than youre getting paid now,President Joe Biden told Michigan autoworkers.

United Farm Workers endorses Biden, says he's an authentic champion for workers
Ralph Nader, wary of Trump, offers to help Joe Biden win : politics

White House highlights shutdown threats to pay for 1.3M troops, national security : politics
Senate announces short-term deal to avert government shutdown, but future in House unclear : politics
Senate moves shutdown-prevention plan thats not gonna happen in House
Inside the spending cuts House Republicans are fighting for - The Washington Post
Bending to far right, Kevin McCarthy pushes stark cuts to safety net - The Washington Post Republican House speaker embraces major spending reductions in trying to win conservative support for funding bill
McCarthy agrees to massive cuts in already-shredded social safety net as price for not shutting down government - Lawyers, Guns & Money

FCC Aims to Reinstate Net Neutrality Rules After US Democrats Gain Control of Panel : politics

Senate Dems Want to Cancel All Student Lunch DebtA Term So Absurd That It Shouldnt EvenExist | U.S. Sen. John Fetterman said the aim of the bill is tostop humiliating kids and penalizing hunger.

Trumps Viciously Anti-Worker Record in the Spotlight Ahead of Detroit Trip |Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers, said UAW president Shawn Fain

Im old, but [Trump] is crazy: How Biden can push back against age concerns

Supreme Court rejects Alabamas bid to use congressional map with just one majority-Black district
The Supreme Court just told Alabama to shut up and listen | The Alabama GOP will have to comply with a Supreme Court order striking down its racially gerrymandered map. : politics
Democrats Poised to Gain in House After Supreme Court Order : politics

Trump bizarrely claims windmills are driving whales 'crazy' in South Carolina speech ... The Trump Organization has agreed to pay $290,000 to the Scottish government, ending a multiyear legal battle in which Donald Trump tried and failed to block an offshore wind farm from being built in view of one of his Scottish golf courses.

Donald Trump's Lawyers Make Stunning Plan to Escape Gag Order .they have accused the Biden Administration of filing the motion to distract from Trumps commanding lead in the polls

Trump Floats the Idea of Executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley : politics
Former Defense secretary: Theres a legitimate fear Trump will retaliate if reelected

Republican Case Against Biden Beautifully Goes Up in Flames on Fox News: Former Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko completely dismissed one of Republicans main Biden corruption arguments.

Cassidy Hutchinsons new book reveals a Trump White House even more chaotic than previously known
Donald Trump repeated hang Mike Pence chant: Cassidy Hutchinson

Georgia Judge Rules That Trump Trial Juror Names Be Kept Private : politics

Mar-a-Lago judge blasted for late trial date: "Cannon is slow-walking this case to benefit Trump" : politics

Ask the GOP Debaters if They Support Trumps Open Fascism: Trump called for executions and media censorship over the weekend. Make his Republican opponents stand up and choose a side.

Trump visited gun store that sold weapon to racist mass shooter in Jacksonville : politics
The Sick, Racist Message Behind Why Trump Chose That Particular Gun Store | The New Republic Donald Trump tried to purchase a gun at the Palmetto State Armory in South Carolina. That matters more than you think.
Gun laws become a 2024 issue in an unexpected way - The Washington Post

Megathread: Judge Rules that Donald Trump Committed Fraud for Years in Runup to 2016 Presidential Campaign, Orders Dissolution of Trump Organization : politics
Judge Rules That Donald Trumps New York Business Certificates Must Be Canceled

Hunter Biden sues Giuliani for hacking and disseminating his data

Commander Biden bites another Secret Service agent, the 11th known incident | CNN Politics

A third of US Democratic senators call for Menendezs resignation
Sen. Cory Booker, dozen other Democratic senators call on Menendez to quit due to bribery indictment : politics

Two Texas Democrats detail how they hope to topple U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz : politics

Unconstitutionally Vague: Federal Judge Smacks Down Texass Drag Ban
A Right-Wing Judge Aims to Undo Free Speech, One Drag Show at a Time: Puritanical Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk doesnt like the way everyone interprets the First Amendment.

Fifth Circuit halts religious-liberty trainingorder the day before it was to take place

Missouri judge throws out Junior trAshcrofts deceptive ballot summary

Florida school district orders librarians to purge all books with LGBTQ characters

California governor signs law raising taxes on guns and ammunition to pay for school safety : politics
California to fine schools that ban textbooks on race or LGBTQ+ topics : politics

Governor Kristi Noem, God-Fearing Family Woman, and Corey Lewandowski, Trump Creep, Reportedly Had 'yearslong' Affair

RFK Jr. further embraces conspiracies: I dont know what happened on 9/11
RFK Jr. Adds 9/11 to Growing List of Conspiracies: Strange ThingsHappened

The Coming Attack on an Essential Element of Women's Freedom - No-fault divorce has improved the lives of millions. Now some extreme Republicans want to abandon it.

From small town Maine, Substack luminary Heather Cox Richardson discusses her new book about the rise of authoritarianism in the US - The Boston Globe

EU warns Elon Musk that Twitter must comply with fake news laws : news

Cambridge chosen as national ARPA-H hub The agency, dubbed ARPA-H, is seeking to spend billions on breakthroughs for cancer and Alzheimers

Worlds 1st drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials

Scientists have developed a new method that converts seawater into drinking water that uses less electrical power and could be useful in disaster zones where there is limited electrical power : science

Entropy: What, Precisely, is It?

Psychedelic mushrooms and quiet quitting: Psilocybin use tied to working fewer overtime hours : science ... It's mental to classify not wanting to work overtime as quiet quitting

The Audacity of Evil

Seeking a Higher Intelligence - Avi Loeb

The ChatGPT Hype Is Over Now Watch How Google Will Kill ChatGPT. It never happens instantly. The business game is longer than you know ... how Google Bard will destroy ChatGPT because its a long-term game, and Google has the upper hand in terms of market dominance. ChatGPT has a better product, but that doesnt mean theyll win the long race.

Roger Penrose on Kurt Gdel and Gdelian Truth ... in any reasonable mathematical system there will always be true statements that cannot be proved.
Can someone explain Gdels incompleteness theorems in layman terms?
On the Philosophical Relevance of Godels Incompleteness Theorems ... Godel second incompleteness theorem states that no consistent formal system can prove its own consistency. ... If we wish to progress beyond, we have to embrace a different concept of understandingfrom that of rational explanation. Possibly the mystical path is a way to such understanding. Maybe [mystical insights] provide the only route beyond the limits to which science and philosophy can take us, the only possible path to the Ultimate.(Davies 1992).
Raymond Smullyan - Wikipedia
Tarskis undefinability theorem ... arithmetical truth cannot be defined in arithmeticThe theorem applies more generally to any sufficiently strong formal system, showing that truth in the standard model of the system cannot be defined within the system. ... (Godel) ... arithmetical truth cannot be defined in arithmeticThe theorem applies more generally to any sufficiently strong formal system, showing that truth in the standard model of the system cannot be defined within the system.
To infinity and beyond: The struggle to save arithmetic
What is Godels Theorem? ... Anyone with Internet access using a search engine like Alta Vista

Bill Gates: People Dont Realize Whats ComingHe thinks AI is going to shake things up in a big way:Soon Job demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I dont think people have that in their mental model.

Physicist Claims Sagrada Familia Is a Portal to Interstellar SpaceEric Weinstein calls for a return to dreaming to make the next big breakthrough in physics.
Sagrada Familia
(54) SAGRADA FAMILIA (Barcelona) | Full tour in 4K (exterior + interior) - YouTube
How To Cross Through a Portal
Transcription for #1320 - Eric Weinstein - The Joe Rogan Experience | PodScribe
Mathematician Eric Weinstein launches a new podcast, The Portal ... he managing director of Thiel Capital announced his new project last week on the Joe Rogan Experience
Eric Weinstein - Wikipedia
Joseph Campbell and the Continual Relevance of Mythology - Big Think

Orwell: Past, Present and Pizza ... A fun panel discussion with Prof. Steven Pinker (Harvard), Prof. Jean Seaton (Orwell Foundation Director) and David Taylormoderated by Prof. Max Tegmark (MIT)

How to Solve a Rubiks Cube, Step by Step

TIL the global sex toy market has a value of US$32.7 billion today, and it is expected to double by 2030. : todayilearned

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,447 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of William Rosenberg ... After the war, he started his own company, providing cheap food for workers in lunch counters around the Boston area. This company was pretty successful and Rosenberg fairly quickly saw that the profits were based in cheap, sugary snacks, mostly donuts, and coffee. So he decided to go all in on that. He founded his first restaurant, called Open Kettle, in 1948. In 1950, that became Dunkin' Donuts.

What's in a domain name? From .ai to .vc, inside the weird and lucrative marketplace of website addresses.


In a first, NASA returns asteroid samples to Earth : worldnews

Up to 92% of Earth could be uninhabitable to mammals in 250 million years, researchers predict. The planets landmasses are expected to form a supercontinent, driving volcanism and increases carbon dioxide levels that will leave most of its land barren.

The most intense heat wave ever recorded on Earth happened in Antarctica last year, scientists say : worldnews
Share of Americans attributing extreme weather to climate change jumped 10 points this summer | The Hill
Visualizing a summer of extremes in 7 charts The past four months of 2023 have shattered all prior records by a truly staggering margin

New Study Definitively Confirms Gulf Stream Weakening TheGulf Stream transport of water through the Florida Straits has slowed by 4% over the past four decades, with 99% certainty that this weakening is more than expected from random chance, according to a new study.

Richest oil states should pay climate tax, says Gordon Brown : worldnews

Lego drops prototype blocks made of recycled plastic bottles as they didnt reduce carbon emissions

Arson turns Amazon reforestation project to ashes : worldnews

Oil prices rise, tight supply back in focus : worldnews

Manila vows to remove barrier placed by China's coast guard at a disputed site : worldnews
South China Sea: Philippines removes Chinese barrier in contested area : worldnews

Indonesias EV ambitions could help boost investments in the rest of Southeast Asia

The shadowy Chinese firm that owns chunks of Cambodia : worldnews

Growth hormone treatment for children spiking in Korea : worldnews

Death toll in a Taiwanese golf ball factory fire rises to 10. Four of the victims were firefighters : worldnews

Evergrande shares sink after saying it is unable to issue new debt : worldnews

Putin orders Russian Defence Minister to halt Ukrainian counteroffensive before early October
Russian Foreign Minister says Moscow will not consider proposals for ceasefire in Ukraine : worldnews
Russia Puts President Of International Criminal Court On Its Wanted List : worldnews

Ukraine Update: Russia was unprepared for a modern artillery war : ukraine
Ukraine Update: Russia was unprepared for a modern artillery war : UkraineWarVideoReport

Kamil Galeev on tracking Russian military industrial complex dependency on western suppliers. : ukraine

After a large explosion, Pulkovo International Airport and surrounding residential areas lost electricity and water in Saint Petersburg.

Russian Troops Hi-Jack Ukrainian Drone, Land It, Get Blown Up While Taking Photos : worldnews (Kursk)
Russian air regiment command killed at Kursk airfield, Ukraine intelligence claims : worldnews

Armenia PM signals foreign policy shift away from Russia
Armenia PM Signals Foreign Policy Shift Away From Russia : worldnews

Modis Party Linked With Most Hate Speech in India, Report Finds

Taliban weighs using US mass surveillance plan, met with Chinas Huawei

Niger bans French aircraft from its airspace : worldnews

Turkey Introduces Family Course in Schools to FightHomosexuality

US citizen Dies in notorious Iranian prison Due to Lack of Medical Care : worldnews

The Biden administration is poised to allow Israeli citizens to travel to the US without a US visa : worldnews

Zelenskyy on joint arms production with US: What was a fantasy will become a reality : worldnews
First batch of US-made Abrams tanks arrived in Ukraine: Zelenskyy : worldnews
American-Made Abrams Tanks Arrive in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say - The New York Times U.S. officials said that an initial batch of the 31 M1 Abrams tanks promised to Ukraine by the Biden administration had been delivered, months ahead of estimates.
MoD of Ukraine: Demilitarization of russia is going according to plan : ukraine
Ukraine war: Training to clear the worlds most heavily mined country
Ukraine says it launched its missile strike on the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea fleet to coincide with a meeting of Russian naval officers : worldnews
Ukraine claims commander of Russias Black Sea Fleet was killed inSevastopol attack
Military: Russian Black Sea Fleet commander, 33 other officers killed in Sevastopol strike : ukraine
Russian officers who hadn't been paid by Moscow sold key intel on the Black Sea Fleet to Ukrainian resistance fighters. Then the headquarters blew up. : anime_titties

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 579, Part 1 (Thread #725) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 25.9.2023 : ukraine
Ukrainian Defence Forces kill 420 more Russian soldiers and destroy 25 artillery systems over past 24 hours : worldnews

Sergej Sumlenny on X: "Never donate for the Red Cross @ICRC, as its representatives participated in torturing of Ukrainian POWs in Russian captivity. @ICRC Russia also supported Russian Army during the full-scale invasion." / X

Russia tortured some Ukrainian victims to death, UN inquiry says : worldnews

Ukraine has expanded its control of the areas west of Verbove, and armoured vehicles are operating beyond the first Surovikin line. At the same time, the villages of Andriivka and Klishchiivka were liberated south of Bakhmut. Are we seeing a breakthrough? Time for a thread

Russians want to remove cultural treasures from Sevastopol under pretext of evacuation | Ukrainska Pravda : worldnews

Ukraine is building an advanced army of drones. For now, pilots improvise with duct tape and bombs : worldnews
At least 19 Shahed drones and 11 Kalibr cruise missiles were downed by Ukraine's air defense, mostly over Odesa Oblast.

1/ An incident last week in which a military policeman was filmed extorting Russian soldiers in a UAZ-452 van was reportedly just the tip of the iceberg. Soldiers are complaining that they are systematically being robbed in occupied southern Ukraine

Zelenskyy thanks Poland: Any challenges are nothing compared to strength between our peoples : worldnews
Poland: Donald Tusk promises new laws for victimised LGBTQ+ community

US Deploys F-16s to Help Romania Enforce No-Fly Zone, Beef Up Black Sea Ops Vs Russia
NATOs F-35s secure borders as Italian jets intercept Russian aircraft

Greece, Battered a Decade Ago, Is Booming - The New York Times

Germanys AfD loses mayoral race in Nordhausen: Jorg Prophet, the candidate from the far-right AfD, had been the clear favorite to win the runoff vote. Instead, independent incumbent Kai Buchmann has managed to hold onto his post with a decisive victory

Sicilian mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro has died, Italian media : worldnews
Mafia boss Diabolik dies in custody after nearly 30 years on the run, Italian reports say

United Kingdom: The Tory government is reportedly set to backtrack once again on banning conversion therapy, after years of failed attempts and unkept promises. : worldnews
British government worried AI could be used to create advanced weapons that escape human control : worldnews
US surveillance firm targets UK police forces and councils : worldnews ... US surveillance firm MARKETS TO UK police forces and councils

Lieutenant Colonel Claims that Bolsonaro Consulted Military Personnel about The Coup : worldnews

Venezuela sent 11,000 troops to seize control of a gang-run prison that had a pool, a zoo, and a nightclub : worldnews

From chickens to cabs: Drug cartels expand across the Mexican economy : worldnews

Offered citizenship and a better life, Cuban mercenaries join the fight against Ukraine

Blinken: U.S. expects "accountability" from India after Canada accuses it of being involved in death of Sikh activist : worldnews
Disgusting advertisement found in Vancouver, Canada : pics

Zelenskyy meets with Kissinger in US: he was against Ukraine in NATO, but changed his mind : worldnews
60 Minutes on X: "To the Americans who say we cannot afford to keep supporting Ukraine, Lieutenant Oleksandr Shyrshyn has a simple message." / X
Money for Ukraine at Center of Senate Bid to Avert Shutdown - The New York Times Senators of both parties are debating whether to include new military assistance for the fight against Russia in any stopgap spending bill to keep the government funded past the end of the month (Putin pulls the strings)
Poooor Putin : PoliticalHumor

Senate Confirms 3 Defense Leaders : politics

Bidenomics is a godsend for rural America
Biden administration announces $1.4 billion to improve rail safety and boost capacity in 35 states : politics
Biden is presiding over a labor renaissance joining UAW workers on the picket line. But his solidarity goes beyond symbolism

The Democratic Party Has an Old Problem and Wont Admit ItIn our fixation on Mr. Bidens age, we often gloss over the role the Democratic Party has played in promoting and lionizing its older leaders, then muddling through when illness or death undermines their ability to govern. The partys leaders seem to believe implicitly in the inalienable right of their aging icons to remain in positions of high power unquestioned, long after it becomes reasonable to ask whether theyre risking intolerable harm.

Majority of Americans continue to favor moving away from Electoral College

Research links the increase of misinformation shared by Republican US politicians. The distinction between fact-speaking and belief-speaking may explain why three-quarters of Republican voters considered Donald Trump to be honest, despite his extensive record of false and misleading statements ... There was, however, a striking association between belief-speaking and low trustworthiness of sources for Republicans: A 10% increase in belief-speaking was associated with a 12.8-point decrease in the quality of cited sources. ... This articles conclusion, that lying is not punished at the ballot box, is very depressing.
From alternative conceptions of honesty to alternative facts in communications by US politicians | Nature Human Behaviour
Could a shift in societys conception of honesty explain the spread of misinformation in the USA? ... For Republicans, belief speaking is strongly associated with the sharing of untrustworthy information. Fact speaking is associated with the sharing of more reliable information, irrespective of party affiliation.

Writers Guild Reaches Tentative Agreement With Studios and StreamersIn a significant development that could bring an end to a historic writers strike, the union and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers announced a provisional deal on Sunday.
WGA strike: Hollywood writers union and studios reach tentative deal, potentially ending a monthslong strike | CNN Business
Writers have tentative deal - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Justice Samuel Alito Is Just Begging for Regulations on the Supreme Court: His defiance over ethics concerns only drives home their importance, and how much more robust standards need to be applied to the high court. : politics
The Supreme Court hears a civil rights case straight out of a right-wing fever dream - Vox The Supreme Court hears a civil rights case straight out of a right-wing fever dream.
A Supreme Court case about hotel websites could blow up much of US civil rights law : technology

Poll showing Trump up 10 points over Biden for 2024 election criticized | A Washington Post-ABC poll showed results that diverge from most other surveys, and even the pollers made a caveat : politics
MSNBCs Joe Scarborough Scoffs At Washington Post Poll Showing Biden Trailing Trump By 10 Points: It's A Joke
Youd Have to Be On Mushrooms to Believe Trump Is Beating Biden By 20 Points Among Young Voters -- By Charles P. Pierce
Youd Have to Be On Mushrooms to Believe Trump Is Beating Biden By 20 Points Among Young Voters | If the polling is this wacky, why bother publishing it at all?

Solo senators hold too much power over appointments : politics

Swalwell: McCarthy shares Speakership with Trump, Greene and Gaetz : politics
Shutdowns Cost Billions as US Federal Workers Paid to Stay Home - Bloomberg Fees go uncollected, billions spent to pay furloughed workers
Trump says Biden will be blamed for shutdown, urges GOP to dig in : politics
For some reason, the party that unilaterally shuts down the government gets blamed for shutting down the government - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Gen. Mark Milley, polarizing Joint Chiefs chairman, exits center stage : politics - He stood up to a tyrant ... Seriously, polarizing is such an odd choice of words here
GOP congressman calls for execution of sodomy-promoting US Army general
GOP congressman calls for execution of "sodomy-promoting" US Army general - LGBTQ Nation Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called for the execution of General Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a homophobic tirade this weekend.

Trump suggests Mark Milley should be executed in possible breach of pre-trial release conditions : politics
Trump Slapped With Order Banning Threats and Intimidation : politics

2 Looming Rulings Could Shape Trump'Fraud Trial in New York - Donald J. Trump has adopted a long-shot legal strategy to try to delay his upcoming civil trial and severely limit the case against him.

Donald Trumps Extremist Gaslighting Exposed In Damning Montage

Trump Trials: The Waiting Game - The Washington Post

Trump will be all across America this week, except on the debate stage | CNN Politics

Christie on Corruption in the Trump Family: Its Readily Apparent
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who has long been one of Trumps biggest political targets, says hell back the ex-president should he win the GOP nomination

Theyre already putting this plan into action: The chilling truth about Project 2025s radical agenda
The Open Plot to Dismantle the Federal Government | I cant overstate my level of concern about the damage this would do

Classified Documents Judge Sets Hearing To Review Possible Conflicts of Interest for Lawyer Representing Aide and Pool Worker - The Messenger Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, has set two separate hearings on October 12, 2023, for Carlos De Oliveira and Walt Nauta. De Oliveira's hearing will begin at 1 p.m. and Nauta's hearing will begin at 3 P.M. Cannon has requested both men be present for the hearings.

Trump Goes Full Deranged, Suggests Charging People He Doesnt Like With Treason: This is not a joke. Donald Trump is stating very plainly what he would do if reelected.
Trump warns critical news media will pay a Big Price if he is re-elected : politics
Full fascist Trump condemned after treason rant against NBC and MSNBC
White House slams Trumps threat to investigate NBC for treasonSelfish, small, and dangerous

The Year Were In For | The Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol should have been a turning point. But our reality only got darker and its going to get weirder from here. (

Will the Base Ever Turn on Donald Trump? If Enough Do, Hes Toast: Non-MAGA Republicans still exist, and in 2024, theyll be a crucial voting bloc to watch.

Ramaswamy wants to end the H-1B visa program he used 29 times : politics (promises to deport himself after being elected president)
Vivek Ramaswamy Is Confused : politics

"Trumpism imperils all Jewish Americans": Experts warn of "America's rising tide of antisemitsm" : politics
Marjorie Taylor Greene Tweets Hanukkah Menorah Image for Yom Kippur ... Everyones making fun of Marjorie Taylor Greene for putting a menorah on her Yom Kippur message, but in her defense she thought it was an eight-pronged Jewish space laser,

Home discomfort for Ron DeSantis as Florida Republicans edge away : politics
How DeSantis early missteps hobbled his US presidential bid ... The headline makes it sound like espousing policies that are repugnant to 75% of the population is just a campaign misstep.

Menendez, Defiant, Says He Will Not Resign : politics
Sen. Bob Menendez suggests cash found in bribery raid came from personal savings
Second Senate Democrat calls for Menendez resignation | The Hill Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) on Monday became the second Senate Democrat to call on Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) to resign after he was indicted on federal bribery charges late last week.
Breaking the Menendez Cycle - The American Prospect Hes indicted for public corruption, he beats the charges thanks to the Supreme Court, Democrats restore him to a position of power, and hes indicted again. But this time, Democrats arent as welcoming.
Extremely Serious: AOC Becomes First House Progressive to Call for Menendez Resignation
Democratic senators reluctant to join John Fetterman in calling for Bob Menendezs resignation
Trump demands all Senate Democrats resign over Bob Menendez scandal despite his own slew of criminal cases
Bob Menendez, Al Franken, and the presumption of innocence
Fetterman Plans to Give Back Menendez Donation In Cash-Filled Envelopes (Exclusive) : politics

A Batman researcher said gay in a talk to students. When asked to censor himself, he quit. Eleven states ban discussion of LGBTQ people in at least some public schools in what are often called don't say gay laws, according to the Movement Advancement Project.

A South Carolina GOP lawmaker says hes astrong advocate for family values. His wife says hes had multiple affairs and is filing for divorce.

Lindsey Grahams seat under threat as major Republican teases challenge

UAW union files labor complaint against US Senator Tim Scott : politics

A judge has rewritten Missouri ballot summary language that described dangerous abortions (refucks refucking)

Texas theocrats are a home-grown threat to American democracy (Editorial) : politics
A unique Texas legal rule lets the attorney generals office supersede some judges orders

Krysten Sinema pitches donors an Arizona Senate race 'path to victory' ... a possible independent Senate bidand suggesting shed win over more Republicans than Democrats.

Adams Campaign Repeatedly Ignored RegulatorsDemands to Identify Supporters Behind $300,000 in Contributions

Florida Black churches teaching an unfettered African American history - The Washington Post

GOP donor wants his money back after candidate hires Corey Lewandowski - POLITICO .... In 2021, Odoms then-wife, Trashelle Odom, alleged that Lewandowski made unwanted sexual advances toward her at a Las Vegas charity dinner in September 2021.

Oregon launches legal psilocybin access amid high demand : politics

Rite Aid, bracing for bankruptcy, will close hundreds of stores : news

Death cults find it much easier to fleece their marks and undermine public health - Lawyers, Guns & Money As horrible as the COVID-19 pandemic has been, it would be far, far worse if not for the unprecedentedly rapid development of safe and effective vaccines. The black fly in your horse paste, however, is that one legacy of the pandemic will be a much more powerful anti-vaxx faction in American politics:

Birthplace of the atomic bomb braces for its biggest mission since the top-secret Manhattan Project : worldnews

Metaverse: What happened to Mark Zuckerbergs next big thing? ... Reality Labs -- which as the name suggests is Metas virtual and augmented reality branch has lost a staggering $21 billion since last year.

Meta and Salesforce are looking to re-hire some workers they just laid off. Its putting those people in an awkward spot

ChatGPT can now speak, listen and process images, OpenAI says

Masthead Gladiators at the New York Times

Cancel Culture Grows Up Have we figured out how to separate the repugnant from the merely unlucky?
Cyndi Lauper Diagnoses Jann Wenner As Senile : Music

Joan Collins on love, loss and lust at 90: You have to eat life or life will eat you!

The Juiciest, Most Gossipy Long Reads AboutWhat Else? Gossip
Page Six New York Post Interview - The History of Page Six, Donald Trump, and Tipsters

How to create compelling YouTube and TikTok videos

Definitely Do Not Put Plastic in the Microwave : Experts say even if it claims to be microwave-safe

New Research Adds Evidence to the Benefits of Ginger Supplements for Treating Autoimmune Diseases : science

A familiar face upright is recognizable immediately but not if its upside down. A new study of Claudio, a 42-year-old man whose head is rotated almost 180 degrees and sits between his shoulder blades, suggests that processing upright faces arose through a combination of evolution and experience.

We Recovered Shock-Resisting Steel in the Debris Field of the First Recognized Interstellar Meteor, IM1 | by Avi Loeb | Medium

Just what the hell is quantum physics anyway? | by Chris Ferrie | Medium

TIL in 1973, a Harvard astrophysicist suggested that we wont discover more advanced civilizations because they dont want us to find them and have the technology to ensure we never do. They have also set aside our planet as a zoo wherein they can observe us. He coined this idea the Zoo Hypothesis.

An autopsy study on individuals testing negative for Covid-19 found deaths resulted from hidden, long-lasting SARS-CoV-2 lung infections post-recovery, weeks or months later. : science
Use of antiviral may be fuelling evolution of Covid, scientists say | Study finds evidence virus can survive treatment with molnupiravir, leading to mutated versions that sometimes spread : science

ELI5: How did imaginary numbers come into existence? What was the first problem that required use of imaginary number? : explainlikeimfive

Risk of Depression May Increase During First Two Years of Oral Contraceptive Use : science
What would women like men to know about having periods? : AskReddit

ELI5: how do cached webpages/ internet archive get saved? : explainlikeimfive

Reddit will start paying you real money for your karma : technology


Northern lights activity is sky-high, and scientists say more is yet to come : worldnews

Earths average 2023 temperature is now likely to reach 1.5 C of warming

Yes, there was global warming in prehistoric times. But nothing in millions of years compares with what we see today

The most intense heat wave ever recorded on Earth happened in Antarctica last year, scientists say : science

Osiris-Rex: Nasa awaits fiery return of asteroid Bennu samples : worldnews

Nature surprises us: scientists in Brazil rediscover tree thought extinct for nearly 200 years

Eliminate malaria once and for all or it will come back stronger, UN warned : worldnews

Man charged after alleged samurai sword attack at Sydney unit. : worldnews

US in talks for largest-ever sale of arms, fighter jets to Vietnam : worldnews
Man executed in Vietnam despite appeals from Europe and Canada : worldnews

Philippines condemns Chinese floating barrier in South China Sea

Japan to delay bill blocking sex offenders from working with children : worldnews

China sentences Uyghur scholar to life in jail : worldnews

Russian foreign minister: US directly at war with Moscow ... Youe lost half your military and the US hasnt even showed up yet. Sit down ...
Yesterday Rossiya 24 aired an episode of its new Tucker Carlson showAll it turned out to be was 10 minutes of dubbed clips taken from Carlsons 45-min interview (posted by him here on 21 Sept) with Texas attorney general Ken Paxton

From playgrounds to parade grounds: Russian schools are becoming increasingly militarized : worldnews

Leak reveals majority interest in Roman Abramovichs nearly $1 billion art collection was transferred to his ex-wife ahead of sanctions

Pardoned Russian ex-cons recruited by Wagner group return from war in Ukraine to kill again | World News : worldnews
Russia Records First Rise in Murder Rate for 20 Years

Nagorno-Karabakhs 120,000 Armenians will leave for Armenia, leadership says
There is no way out: residents of Nagorno-Karabakh fear worst as Azerbaijans troops take control

Indias Parliament passes law that will reserve a third of legislature seats for women from 2029
India fails to re-establish communication with its Moon probe : worldnews
42.3% of graduates under 25 unemployed, finds latest State of Working India report : worldnews

Tigist Assefa smashes marathon world record in Berlin.Ethiopian clocks 2hr 11 min 53 seconds in Germany. : worldnews

Saudi Arabia sentences schoolgirl to 18 years over tweets, says rights group | Middle East Eye : worldnews

News channel says Iranian official attacked its journalist in New York | CNN : worldnews

Israel boosts Gaza border security after Palestinian terror groups vow escalation : worldnews

ISW on X: "#Ukrainian military officials stated that the Ukrainian counteroffensive would continue in the winter. ISW has previously assessed that, while seasonal weather can slow ground movements and challenge logistics, it will not impose a definite end to UKR counteroffensive operations." / X
Germany may transfer Taurus cruise missiles with a range of more than 500 kilometres to Ukraine after ATACMS deliveries | : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 578, Part 1 (Thread #724) : worldnews

A Russian reserve army of 15,000 soldiers is pinned down near Bakhmut and will be destroyed, says Ukraine's spy chief : worldnews

Ukrainian drone hits FSB building in Kursk : worldnews
National Resistance Center: Russian strongholds in Kursk Oblast deserted. Russian military strongholds in Kursk Oblast are largely abandoned and only imitating defensive positions, the National Resistance Center reported on Sept. 23.

Senior leadership among those killed in strike on Russias Black Sea Fleet, Ukraine says
Satellite images of burning Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters posted online | Ukrainska Pravda : worldnews
Ukraine targets a key Crimean city a day after striking Russias Black Sea Fleet headquarters

War crimes dossier to accuse Russia of deliberately causing starvation in Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraines transgender spokeswoman dismisses Russian haters

Kosovo policemen shot in Serb-dominated north : worldnews
Kosovo police surround 30 gunmen in monastery after officer shot : worldnews

Hungarian official: New sanctions against Russiacause more harm to Europe Foreign Minister Peter Szijarto told the Russian state news agency TASS on Sept. 22 that new sanctions against Russia are not necessary

German media report on fake Jewish organizations [with far right, Reichsburger links]
Germanys Scholz Tells Homeowners They Can Cope with 4% Rates

Pope tells countries not to play games with Ukraine on military aid.
Pope tells countries not to play games with Ukraine on military aid

Italy mafia boss Messina Denaro in coma

Its time to abolish celibacy says president of Swiss Bishops Conference
Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Clergy - PMC
(PDF) Psychological Patterns Among Roman Catholic Clergy Accused of Sexual Misconduct

40,000 march in Spain against amnesty for Catalan separatists : worldnews

President Macron says France will end its military presence in Niger and pull ambassador after coup : worldnews

Met Police firearms officers turning in their weapons following Chris Kaba murder charge : worldnews

Mexico makes agreement with US to deport migrants from its border cities amid ongoing surge in illegal migration | CNN : worldnews

Canada gave details linking India government to Nijjars murder
Canadian Foreign Policy Blogging: Assassination Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money
U.S. Provided Canada With Intelligence on Killing of Sikh Leader : worldnews
Five Eyes intelligence informed Trudeaus India allegation: CTV
Pakistan backs Canada at UN; India has killed humanity on Canadian soil
Incendiary rhetoric on Sikhs murder stokes debate in Canada diaspora
Prime Minister Trudeau backs bill to ban export of live horses for Japanese horse-meat delicacy : worldnews

U.S. to give Ukraine an additional $325 million in military aid : politics

The White House lists the impacts of house Republicans extreme 8% budget cuts
Whats driving a possible shutdown? A fraction of the federal budget
The history of government shutdowns and how long they last : politics

It will save lives: Biden and Harris launch federal gun control prevention office

Post-ABC poll: Biden faces criticism on economy, immigration and age - The Washington Post ... dissatisfaction growing over his handling of the economy and immigration, a rising share saying the United States is doing too much to aid Ukraine in its war with Russia and broad concerns about his age as he seeks a second term.
Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL - ABC News The presidents job approval rating is 19 points underwater.

Is America uniquely vulnerable to tyranny? : politics

Trump says he always had autoworkers backs. Union leaders say his first-term record shows otherwise

GOP Prez Wannabes Plans for Government: Dangerousand Really Dumb | Each wants to shrink government more than the last. And none of them knows a lick about how the federal government actually works

Revelations of Clarence Thomass Koch links stoke supreme court reform calls
Sen. Whitehouse: Very possible illegal conduct in billionaires SCOTUS gifts
Clarence Thomas spent time at the Koch Brothers version of Coachella. Something tells us they werent making each other flower crowns.

Trump suggests Mark Milley could be executed, possibly violating his pre-trial release conditions : politics

Trump has a second-term agenda, and its more terrifying than ever

Simulated matchup between Biden and Trump falsely attributed to Reuters | Fact check : politics
Fox News viewers love Trump. Newsmax viewers idolize him. : politics

Jeffries: Impeachment inquiry is kangaroo court, fishing expedition and conspiracy theater

Rudy Giuliani may have been compromised by the Kremlin, and FBI leaders didnt care, alleges special agent Johnathan Buma

Peter Navarro Calls Former Female Colleagues Pimp Ladies in Insane Twitter Rant

Anti-vaxxers, flush with cash, now have political power - POLITICO The once-fringe movement is now seeing an influx in cash after the Covid pandemic.
Mr. Kennedy sat down with the partys chair in July, a previously undisclosed meeting, as Democrats fret about a third party bid

John Fetterman Becomes First Senator to Call for Menendez Resignation : politics
Rep. Andy Kim announces hell run against NJ Sen. Bob Menendez in wake of his indictment

The State Where Republicans Are Breaking Their Own Rules to Stay in Power : politics ... Wisconsin Republicans want total control and they will cheat as much as they can to get it

Ron DeSantis Campaign Is Plummeting Because He Wont Choose a Lane

Paxton critics pile on, calling impeachment trial rigged | House Speaker Dade Phelan wrote an op-ed for his hometown newspaper, saying the fix was in from the start while other Republican officials are calling for Phelans resignation.
A Black students family sues Texas officials over his suspension for his hairstyle

The rights censorship campaign is growing more ambitious and threatening

Wife of South Carolina Republican congressman files for divorce, alleges extramaritalaffair

An inside look at the real Rupert Murdoch - BBC Culture As Rupert Murdoch steps down as chairman from Fox and News Corp, exclusive clips from the BBC archive reveal the man before he became the cultural force he is today.

Collective trauma response - Lawyers, Guns & Money
We Are Not Just Polarized. We Are Traumatized. | The New Republic The pandemic. The mass shootings. Insurrection. Trump. Weve been through so much. What if our entire national character is a trauma response ... The Body Keeps the Score ...

Virginia shooting leaves 4 kids, 1 adult injured: Police : news

41-year-old woman found dead after Florida alligator is spotted with a body in its mouth : news

The most hated woman on the Web? - BBC Culture

During the COVID-19 pandemic, opponents of face masks were particularly prone to selective and deceptive quotation of scientific work relative to pro-mask communicators. : science

Archaeologists discover previously unknown language from ancient tablet : worldnews

Mathematicians find 12,000 new solutions to unsolvable 3-body problem

ELI5 How nicotine works and is nicotine itself actually bad for you? : explainlikeimfive

We were never supposed to see our own faces this much From mirrors to Zoom calls and TikToks, we are constantly faced with our own reflections, and it is completely changing the way we conceive of ourselves

(Serious) For anyone who used to be religious, what was it that made you turn away? : AskReddit

Have violent teenagers always been a thing? : boston


Seventy-plus nations sign historic high seas treaty, paving way for ratification : worldnews

Africas rhino population rebounds for 1st time in a decade, new figures show

Former conservative Prime Minister Tony Abbott nominated to Fox Corporation board of directors : worldnews

South Korea Hits North Korean Illegal Weapons Trade with New Sanctions : worldnews

Taiwan says Chinese movements abnormalflags amphibious drills

Chinese government sentences a famed Uyghur scholar to life in prison, foundation says : worldnews

Russian TV teases launch of Tucker Carlson show : news

2/ In his original 21 September 2022 announcement of mobilisation, Putin stated that the mobilised would get two months leave every six months. Soldiers have to petition their commanders for leave, but are commonly finding theyre not being given permission.

One of Russias most prestigious airborne regiments has lost 3 commanders, UK Intel says

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Graphic execution videos emerge as Armenians flee and experts warn of genocide : worldnews
Panic in Nagorno-Karabakh but Azerbaijan rejects fears of ethnic cleansing : worldnews
The Beginning of the End in Nagorno-Karabakh - Lawyers, Guns & Money

India to add 16.8 GW of solar in 2023 : worldnews
India plans to burn 40% more coal use in thermal power : worldnews

Turkish president says hes bothered by U.N.decor that resembles LGBTcolors

Crown Prince: Saudi Arabia will continue doing sportswashing for money

President Zelensky approved the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to create this register in June.The register is to be kept in electronic form and will be created in order tomove away from the oligarchic system that has prevailed in Ukraine for decades ... An oligarch is someone who: - takes part in political life, - has significant influence in the media, - owns enterprises with a monopoly position, - has assets with a confirmed value exceeding one million times the minimum wage.
America says it will send long-range missiles to Ukraine : worldnews
US will send Ukraine ATACMS long-range missiles, Biden tells Zelenskiy : worldnews
The general also said he believes Ukraines big breakthrough the biggest of this counteroffensiveis yet to come.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 577, Part 1 (Thread #723) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 23.9.2023 : ukraine

Russia Reports Heavy Shelling of Bakhmut, Says Situation is
Ukrainian forces have broken through in Verbove, top general says | CNN : worldnews

OSINTtechnical on X: "Ukrainian Storm Shadow/Scalp ALCM diving into the Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters." / X
Giorgi Revishvili on X: "Without a watermark: The moment Ukrainian Storm Shadow/SCALP-G missiles hit the Russian Black Sea Fleet HQ in temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Crimea today" / X
Ukraine Hits HQ Of Russias Symbolic Black Sea Navy

Denmark recognizes that the tanks it donated to Ukraine are out of order = 12 out of 20 tanks can't be used. 10 of them are being repaired in Ukraine, Denmarks Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen recognized.

Hungary vetoed EUs anti-Azerbaijani statement on Karabakh

Child vampire body is found in Poland: 17th century locals feared body of youngster could come back to life, archaeologists say

German housing prices show sharpest drop since 2000 year over year, statistics office says : worldnews
Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon : worldnews

Pope says impeding migrant rescues at sea is gesture of hate

King Charles diplomatic speech to French Senate receives standing ovation : worldnews

Indigenous people in Brazil shed tears of joy as the Supreme Court enshrines their land rights : worldnews
Bolsonaro met with army, navy and air force heads to discuss coup : worldnews

Mexican police officers convicted over 2021 migrant killings : worldnews

Zelenskyy visits Canada, addresses Parliament as PM pledges $650M in Ukraine aid : worldnews
Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls on Canada to use powerfulrelationships to rally international support forUkraine Russia is spending a lot of effort, a lot of attention, a lot of money to spread its narrative and divide the world against Ukraine, Zelenskyy said

U.S. Provided Canada With Intelligence on Killing of Sikh Leader - The New York Times American intelligence gave assistance, but communications intercepted by Canada were more definitive in linking India to the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
Shared intelligence from Five Eyes informed Trudeaus India allegation: U.S. ambassador
Blinken Says India Should Join Canadian Probe, US Takes Transnational Repression Seriously
U.S. warns against attacks on diplomatic missions: The comments come in the wake of numerous threats received by Indian diplomatic missions including from Sikhs for Justice, a U.S.-based group that is banned in India, to Shutdown Indian Missions on September 25.
Officials, politicians denounce hateful video telling Indian Hindus to leave Canada
A Murder, a Diplomatic Dust-Up and the Risk of Impunity | Opinion | The Murder of a Sikh Leader Could Be a Wake-Up Call - The New York Times
New cold war politics might end any investigation into the assassination of a Sikh activist before it begins.
Pro-Russia hacker group NoName launched a DDoS attack on Canadian airports causing severe disruptions : worldnews

MAGA rages over report Pentagon exempting Ukraine from government shutdown : politics (Putin's Pussies)
McCarthy reverses on Ukraine aid as GOP scrambles on funding bills - POLITICO

Programs tracking misinfo are buckling amid campaign led by Rep. Jim Jordan - The Washington Post An escalating campaign, led by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and other Republicans, has cast a pall over programs that study political disinformation and the quality of medical information online

Biden to join the picket line in UAW strike : politics
Eschaton: Go Dark Brandon How dare he take sides, even symbolically, ask a bunch of people who get paid high 6 figures to regularly meet with White House staff to communicate and implement their corporate desires.

A monopoly-busting Amazon lawsuit might be Biden's boldest move yet to tame tech - The FTC has been investigating the company for more than four years.

Biden administration to ban medical debt from Americans credit scores

Should AI Decide Your Credit Score? Democrats Say No. | Democrats warned that widespread use of AI to evaluate critical consumer decisions from credit to housing is dangerous for both our financial system and our entire economy

ProPublica reports shows how Justice Thomas mightve violated federal law
Clarence Thomas Latest Pay-to-Play Scandal Finally Connects All the Dots

Third Republican debate will be held on November 8 | CNN Politics

Was McCarthy distracted from governing by impeachment inquiry? - The Washington Post House Republicans pledge a slow, methodical pace on the Biden impeachment inquiry, but some rank-and-file believe that their leaders have missed the target on priorities
The speaker has only one clear exit route away from a government closure: working with Democrats. Its a path he still refuses to take.
New GOP Low: Shutting Down the Government to Save Donald Trump: God, are these people venal and stupid. : politics
The Looming Government Shutdown Is Not the Fault of Dysfunction: Theres only one culprit for the chaos gripping Capitol Hillthe Republican Party.
The Wrecking-Ball Caucus: How the Far Right Brought Washington to Its Knees - The New York Times Right-wing Republicans who represent a minority in their party and in Congress have succeeded in sowing mass dysfunction, spoiling for a shutdown, an impeachment and a House coup.
Mouths Full of Blood: Trump and His Backers Spread Lies, Violence and FascismDeath threats have become rampant as MAGA culture twists norms and makes once-marginal forms of violence mainstream.

Cassidy Hutchinson says Mark Meadows burned so many documents before leaving the White House that the then-chief of staff's wife complained about dry-cleaning bills to remove the 'bonfire' smell: report

Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor his deputy from the Hague to special counsel team

Make no mistake, its absolutely possible Trump wins the 2024 election

Cassidy Hutchinson Reappears. She Has More Trump Stories to Tell. : politics

Giuliani now owes over $230,000 after defaming two Georgia election workers : politics
Morning Joe Brands Rudy Giuliani With A Blistering New Nickname ... America's Deadbeat ...

Census Bureau wants to test asking about sexual orientation and gender identity on biggest survey : politics

Pretty Much Everyone Hates Ron DeSantis Now: Struggling in the Republican presidential primary, the Florida governor also has growing problems in his home state. : politics
Roger Stone issues warning to Matt Gaetz about "weasel" DeSantis : politics

US mother sentenced to two years in prison for giving daughter abortion pills | Nebraska | The Guardian Jessica Burgess pleaded guilty in July to providing an abortion after 20 weeks and tampering with human remains
Eschaton: Official Disapproval For decades The Discourse sold the notion that making abortion illegal somehow wouldn't involve actually putting anyone in prison. Certainly not the mothers, and probably not the doctors. Maybe bad guys doing unsanitary abortions which we were also assured wouldn't happen. It never made any sense, but "nothing actually has consequences unless it has consequences for me" is a standard centrist dipshit thing. A cult of solipsists.

Gold bars, envelopes of cash, a Mercedes-Benz: A look at what Robert Menendez and his wife are accused of (for the pics)
Sen. Bob Menendez defiant amid calls to resign over bribery charges: I am not going anywhere
This is horrifying: Top New Jersey Democrats call on Bob Menendez to resign after his second indictment
New Jersey Governor Calls On Sen. Robert Menendez To Resign | HuffPost Latest News The Democratic senator and his wife were indicted after allegedly accepting bribes from an Egyptian American businessman.
Andy Kim tells Menendez to resign - New Jersey Globe
Are any prominent Democrats other than Bob Menendez defending Bob Menendez? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

How Texas became the new "homebase" for white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups : politics

Better Ballot Arizona launches drive for open primary, ranked-choice voting : politics

PragerUs Propaganda Is Now Being Taught in Schools. The media group was just approved to spread its brand of historical disinformation to classrooms in Florida, Oklahoma, and New Hampshire.

Newsom vetoes bill requiring gender identity to be considered in custody battles

National Cathedral replaces windows honoring Confederacy with stained-glass homage to racial justice | AP News

Random Crime or Kremlin Hit? The Mysterious 2007 Shooting that Transfixed D.C. Is Still Unsolved. Now the victim wants to change the way we investigate alleged foreign ops.

Coast Guard Academy banned a retired captain from its grounds after a CNN report that he sexted a student. Now more allegations are surfacing. | CNN Politics

Louisiana police accused of unconscionable abuse inBrave Cave

Iowa man disappears on the day a jury finds him guilty of killing his wife : news

Mother gets 78-year prison term for killing daughters, 15 and 5, in Virginia : news

EXCLUSIVE: Danny Masterson and Bijou Phillips had been living APART for five years before he was convicted of rape, divorce documents reveal | Daily Mail Online

Mackenzie Shirilla is a remorseless bully who murdered our son: Davion Flanagan's parents speak out against hell on wheelsdriver who they say has STILL not apologized for horror crash

A review concluded that "psychedelics appear to show promise for analgesia in patients with certain headache disorders and cancer pain diagnoses." : science

New research shows that nearly 1 in 20 adults in the U.S. experience the co-occurrence of chronic pain and anxiety or depression, resulting in functional limitations in daily life. : science

What is String Theory? Amazing explanation! : videos
(49) string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard - YouTube

Type 2 diabetes rates in US youth rose 62% after COVID pandemic began. Diabetes risk factors may have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic including limited physical activity, increased sedentary behaviors, sleep disturbances, and increased intake of processed foods. : science

A study looking at the longer-term impact of COVID-19 has found that nearly a third of patients displayed abnormalities in multiple organs 5 months after infection. MRI scans of patients on the trial showed a higher burden of abnormal findings involving lungs, brain and kidneys compared to controls. : science

New research shows that morning and afternoon exercise are associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes across all population levels of education and income, but found no statistically significant association between evening physical activity and risk type 2 diabetes. : science

Gene therapy might offer a one-time, sustained treatment for patients with serious alcohol addiction, also called alcohol use disorder : science

[serious] what is a genuinely terrifying true fact? : AskReddit

ELI5: How did tip culture start in the US? Why did restaurants start paying so low? : explainlikeimfive

Is The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Women's Roman Empire? More than 100 years after the industrial disaster, women are still thinking about it.

Coast Guard helicopter landing at hospital is latest aircraft to be targeted by laser in skies over Boston

What is the worst mistake humanity has made? : AskReddit

Whats your experience with men who are insecure about their dick ?

ELI5: Why does exhaling, after youve held your breath for a long time, feel like yourenot suffocating.

What are some good religion themed movies? : movies

I think Microsoft really needs to bring back the Windows Phone : Surface


Osiris-Rex: Asteroid Bennu Is A Journey Back To Our Origins ... Where did the oceans get their water; where did the air in our atmosphere come from; and most importantly, what is the source of the organic molecules that make up all life on Earth?The prevailing thinking is that many of the key components were actually delivered to our planet early in its history in a rain of impacting asteroids, many of them perhaps just like Bennu.

In a first, RNA is recovered from extinct Tasmanian tiger : worldnews

Biden administration promises $200 million to help reintroduce salmon in Columbia River : politics

Philippines weighs legal options against China over coral reef destruction

Blockbuster movie scares Chinese tourists away from Thailand : worldnews

Indonesian TikToker with more than 2 million followers jailed after saying Islamic phrase before eating pork

US revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China : worldnews

(2/6) It is highly likely that Russias Black Sea Fleet has again been heavily targeted. However, the explosions at Chkalovsky Air Base, near Moscow, are likely to be of most strategic concern to Russian leaders.
(3/6) This is a sensitive location because it hosts specialist military aircraft as well as VIP transport for Russian leaders.

Putins war machine risks running out of fuel, so Russia is banning the export of gasoline and diesel

Kremlin Orders Media, Lawmakers to Blame Armenia for Karabakh Conflict
Russia to blame for Azerbaijan attack, EU says : worldnews

Alarming erosion of fundamental rights, particularly of minorities, in India: UN Special Rapporteur : worldnews

Military intelligence: Sudan strike on Wagner signals Russias decreasing influence in Africa

Iran President Ebrahim Raisi says humanitarian motives prompted release of 5 Americans | CNN Politics : worldnews

Lebanon blocks illegal entry of 1,000 Syrians this week: army : worldnews

Incendiary balloons suspected cause of fire on Gaza border

Zelenskiy secures $325m in new US aid even as Republican support wanes : worldnews
White House reveals details of new military aid to Ukraine: No ATACMS, but significant amount of air defence : worldnews
Biden tells Zelenskyy U.S. sending Ukraine ATACMS Some in Washington had resisted supplying the weapons system, known as attack-ems,out of fear that it would widen the war with Russia.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 576, Part 1 (Thread #722) : worldnews

Ukraines defenders kill 480 Russian soldiers, hit 6 tanks and destroy 40 artillery systems in one day

Ukrainian troops from the 112th Territorial Defense Brigade recreate Ilya Repins famous paintingZaporizhian Cossacks Reply to the Turkish Sultan.

Security Service and Armed Forces of Ukraine attack secret Russian headquarters in Melitopol

Ukraine launched a missile strike on Russias Black Sea Fleet headquarters, Russian official says
Ukraine missile strike hits Russias key navy base in Sevastopol, Crimea, Russian official says
Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol attacked, many ambulances are going there : worldnews
Attack on Crimean Airfield Left 30 Dead Russians and Multiple Aircraft Damaged

Second Grain Ship Leaves Ukrainian Black Sea Port for Egypt : worldnews

Polish PM tells Ukraine's Zelenskiy never to insult Poles again

Romania drafts bill to recognize same-sex marriages concluded in EU : worldnews

Portuguese company detects 961 pro-Russian cyber attacks in Western Europe : worldnews

Marine Le Pen faces trial for alleged embezzlement of EU funds : worldnews
Le Pens far right served as mouthpiece for the Kremlin, says French parliamentary report
What are Marine Le Pens ties to Vladimir Putin's Russia? Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen kept close ties with the Russian regime for many years. She has tried to brush aside her past statements on the country and its leader since the invasion of Ukraine.

Colombia navy intercepts "suspicious" motor boat, finds over $41 million (1235kg) worth of cocaine : worldnews

Brazils top court rules in favour of Indigenous rights in land claim case

Organised crime groups in Mexico have about 175,000 members making them the fifth-biggest employer in the country, according to new research published in the journal Science.

Ukraines Volodymyr Zelensky Makes Unannounced Visit To Canada
Canada has Indian diplomats communications in bombshell murder probe: sources
oe Biden raised Canadian Sikh separatists murder with Modi at G20
Ready to cooperate if Canada presents evidence India reaches out to US, UK, Australia ... *if Canada reveals its sources so India can assassinate them
Canada Denounces Threats to Hindus After Minority Community Told to Leave Country : worldnews
Amid Canada-India tensions, another man found dead in Canada : worldnews
Flames Nikita Zadorov Condemns Russias Ukraine Invasion: Important to Speak Out

Fetterman: Meeting with Zelensky affirmed one thousand percent support for Ukraine
House Republicans Refuse to Host Zelensky Because Theyre Too Busy Fighting One Another

Milley says military is not woke: Im not even sure what that word truly means
Top General Says Trump Told Him to Ban Wounded Vet From Events: No One Wants to See That

Senate confirms Army chief despite Tuberville holds : politics
Senate Confirms Army and Marine Chiefs, but TubervillesBlockade Drags On

Clarence Thomas Secretly Participated in Koch Network Donor Events : politics
Thats what friends are forPro Publica has yet another story on Clarence Thomass sleazy eagerness to accept party favors from politically active billionaires in this case the Koch brothers:
Harvard law prof sez : "I believe that if [universities] are going to accept blood money . . . they should only ever accept that money anonymously." (Larry Lessig)

Capitol rioter who attacked AP photographer and police officers is sentenced to 5 years in prison : news

Biden is telling his donors that Trump is out to destroy democracy : politics

Biden aiming to scrub medical debt from peoples credit scores, which could up ratings for millions

Two House Republicans say they might work with Democrats to fund government : politics
Shutdown watch: Is Kevin McCarthy even really still speaker? | Semafor

Republican Party in Complete Shambles as They Lose Yet Another Spending Vote: We are very dysfunctional right now, one Republican congressman said shortly after the vote.
House Republicans as government shutdown nears: Nobody told us wed have to govern

Trump Tells Republicans to Shut Down the Government So He Can Get Away With His Many Alleged Crimes : politics

Trump was ultimately responsible: Fake electors look to blame the boss, says expert
Trump refused to wear COVID mask because it smudged his bronzer, former aide claims : politics

Adam Schiff accuses Republicans of setting stage for Trump dictatorship at tense hearing : politics

Biden campaign sending Newsom to GOP debate : politics

First Batch of Biden Emails Undercuts G.O.P. Claims - The New York Times House Republicans have suggested that President Biden used an email alias to abuse his office and cover it up, but an initial tranche of the messages reveals banal content and personal information.
First Batch of Biden Emails Undercuts G.O.P. Claims : politics

US mother sentenced to two years in prison for giving daughter abortion pills : news

DeSantis falls to fifth in New Hampshire poll in latest campaign reverse : politics
Waiting for him to drop out: DeSantis influence nosedives in Florida
DeSantis Administration Recommends Against Boosters, Right as Florida Tops Nation for COVID Hospitalizations : politics ... The Republicans in Florida and Texas want COVID to have more reproductive rights than women ("recommends more people die for DeathSantis"_

AOC responds to Lauren Boebert's sexually lewd theater "show"

California Democrat quips he serveswith some of the greatest minds of the 19th century

Discussion Thread: Southern District of New York Prosecutor News Conference on New Jersey Senator Menendez Indictment : politics
Sen. Bob Menendez indicted on bribery charges : politics
Sen. Bob Menendez indicted over gifts of gold bars, car, apartment - ABC News Menendez has served as senator from New Jersey since 2006.
Senator Bob Menendez Is Indicted in Brazen Bribery Plot - The New York Times Senator Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, stepped down from his chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee on Friday afternoon.
Gold bars, cash, and an air purifier: The 8 alleged bribes Sen. Bob Menendez and his wife took, ranked : politics

A Blue Texas Is in Reach : politics

US prison labor is cruel and pointless legalized slavery. I know first-hand : politics

Fentanyl test strips could save lives. Why are they still illegal in Texas? : politics

At 13 Baltimore City high schools, zero students tested proficient on 2023 state math exam : news

Rupert Murdoch steps down as Fox and News Corp. chairman, sending shockwaves through media and politics | CNN Business
The Ludicrous Agony of Rupert Murdoch
Why I Can Never Forgive Rupert Murdoch
Sen. Warren Rips Murdoch Legacy at Fox News: Built a Hate-For-Profit Machine
Rupert Murdoch would do anything to stop Trump except anything - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Ruperts small glimmers of conscience and wish he could duck responsibility if anything makes him more evil. ... According to current American evangelical thinking, Hitler could be relaxing right alongside Jesus if, an instant before he killed himself, he saiI accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior." That's it.That's all it takes to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Alternatively, someone who spends their entire life feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, healing the sick, and generally loving their neighbor as themself is going straight to the Lake of Fire because without having uttered the Magic Phrase, their soul is condemned. So the moral of the story as told by moral Christians (and their Moral Majority) is that there is absolutely no need to live a moral life in any way because no matter what sins you commit, no matter how shitty and evil a person you are, just saying I accept Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior absolves you of everything!

An update on the week's most important story - Lawyers, Guns & Money But it gets even better, as he gets roasted by the airport restaurant in question:

Today amongst our Silicon Valley betters - Lawyers, Guns & Money One of the most comically obvious speculative bubbles in the history of speculative bubbles has popped: A new report shows that the non-fungible token (NFT) market has essentially collapsed, and nearly all NFTs are practically worthless.

Affidavits: Baby nearly dies after being found with more than 50 rat bites, nearly missing fingers (Evansville)

Opinion | Is There a Crisis in Cosmology? - The New York Times
Breaking News from the NYT: The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to UnravelMainstream uncensors criticism of the Big Bang Theory.

An Introduction to Anti-Realist Positions on Quantum Mechanics
In Two Place At Once : Unraveling the mystery of quantum superposition

Does the new Webb photo of Jupiter show a Mothership over a Thousand Miles Long?

3 crocodiles "could have easily devoured" a stray dog in their river. They pushed it to safety instead. : news

Which song emotionally destroys you? : AskReddit
(48) Alice In Chains - Nutshell (MTV Unplugged - HD Video) - YouTube

ELI5: Why are shoes made so narrow to the point that it changes the bone structure of our foot? There had to be a benefit at some point so make them so narrow, right? : explainlikeimfive ... Modern clothes style for formal clothes was set in the 19th century. The actual style varies in detail, but basically men's suits are based on 19th century military uniforms and women's dresses and shoes are based on 19th century women's fashion. So women still wear shoes that are supposed to look like they are rich enough to ride a horse.

Is this legit? Is it normal to pay to schedule an apartment viewing? : boston
425 Beacon St #4 Boston, MA 02115 $4,000 (studio apt)

Private Sign : pics

Question for the trans folks of Boston : boston


Working from home could slash emissions by half, study finds - The Washington Post Fully remote workers could produce less than half the climate-warming emissions of people who spend their days in offices

Wildfire smoke is eroding decades of air quality improvements, study findsThe onslaught of wildfire smoke amid a warming climate has rolled back years of air quality gains in the U.S.

2,772 confirmed cases and 29 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Japans Toshiba set to end 74-year stock market history
Korean woman hospitalized in Japan after being served detergent in restaurant

South Korea says it will not stand idly by if North Korea receives Russian help on nuclear weapons
South Korea raids US military bases in drugs probe : worldnews

The mastermind of Russias treacherous defenses in Ukraine appears to be in a kind of faraway 'exile' as the line is being breached

Very Depressed Russian Soldier Claims Drunk Superiors Beat Them For ... Being Drunk

Azerbaijan starting ethnic cleansing of Armeniansambassador

India Suspends Visa Services for Candians : worldnews
Indias National investigation agency releases list of 43 criminals, many with Canada & Khalistan links

Saudi crown prince on Iran acquiring nuclear weapons If they get one we have to get one
Saudi Crown Prince on Khashoggi murder:Anyone involved is serving jail time

Irans president warns Saudi Arabia not to make peace with Israel
Iran lawmakers vote to toughen penalties for women who breach dress code: can now face up to 10 years in prison. : worldnews

Stop the war and Zelenskiy need not speak, UN Security Council chair tells Russia
At the UNSC, the Russian Ambassador is upset Zelenskyy would speak but the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, has a solution for him
Russia strikes cities from east to west Ukraine, starting fires and killing at least 2 : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 575, Part 1 (Thread #721) : worldnews

Russian losses as of Sept. 21st 2023 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ukrainian forces have brought heavy equipment (Strykers and Marders) beyond the anti-vehicle ditch and the dragons teeth for the first time. Ukrainian forces have been widening their breach of the lines for the past several weeks and may be preparing for a new push.

Deliberate murders of Ukrainian children by Russian soldiers reveal culture of impunity : worldnews

NEW: #Russian servicemen and milbloggers revealed that the Russian military command orders Russian troops to carry out ill-conceived andunsupported counterattacks on #Bakhmuts southern flank to urgently regain lost ground. (1/3)
3/ The servicemen noted that the Russian military command began deploying different types of personnel to the frontlines - including soldiers who are currently resting in the rearwithout providing them with enough functional artillery shells.
1/ A Russian milblogger indicated that in certain areas of the front line, the Russian military command continues to view Russian penal recruits as expendable manpower for attacks.

Ukraine strikes Russian ships, state-of-the-art aerial defences in Crimea : worldnews
Manpower and ''expensive military systems'' were struck in Crimea : worldnews

Polands president: Ukraine like drowning person clinging to anything available
Poland No Longer Arming Ukraine: Polish PM : worldnews
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawieciki links this decision to Polands need to build up its own defences
Poland Seeks to Mend Ukraine Rift With Arms Supplies U-Turn - Bloomberg - Warsaw will continue to send weapons under existing contracts - Escalating spat between Poland and Ukraine has alarmed allies

Germany has reached a limit on migration, Steinmeier says
Rightwing extremist views increasingly widespread in Germany: 8% of population have extremist attitudes, while 16.5% accused Jewish people of wanting to take advantage of Nazi past

Volvo to end diesel car production by early 2024 : worldnews

Switzerland Passes Face-Veil Ban Into Law After National Vote : worldnews

French reporter arrested over leaked secrets : worldnews ... Her 2021 report used leaked classified documents to allege that Egyptian authorities used French intelligence to bomb and kill smugglers on the Egyptian-Libyan border between 2016 and 2018. According to the report, French forces were implicated in at least 19 bombings against civilians.

Five charged in UK with spying for Russia : worldnews ... Orlin Roussev, Bizer Dzhambazov, Katrin Ivanova, Ivan Stoyanov, and Vanya Gaberova

Venezuela takes control of gang-run prison that had pool and a disco : worldnews

Bolsonaro aide tells police former Brazilian president discussed coup idea with military after losing election
The Amazon is speaking for itself: Brazil President Lula puts climate and inequality at the center of UN address

El Salvadors leader, criticized internationally for gang crackdown, tells UN it was the right thing

Canadas Trudeau wants India to cooperate in murder probe, declines to release evidence
White House supports Canadian probe into serious allegations around Nijjars killing, urges India to cooperate: John Kirby
Khalistan supporter Sukha Duneke shot dead in gang-war in Canada : worldnews
Vancouver group says they stopped gangs from profiting over $100k by selling cocaine, heroin and meth : worldnews
Rallies against LGBTQ rights in schools met with counter-protests across Canada : worldnews
It was cruel: dying patient denied euthanasia in Catholic-run hospital

Zelenskyy returns to Washington to face growing dissent among Republicans to US spending for Ukraine : politics

Under pressure over border, Biden administration to protect hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans : worldnews
U.S. Will Allow Nearly 500,000 Venezuelan Migrants to Work Legally : politics

Biden is unveiling the American Climate Corps, a program with echoes of the New Deal : politics

Pentagon working to restore benefits to LGBTQ+ veterans forced out under 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Top military leaders set for confirmation after surprise Senate deal : politics
Tommy Tuberville Has Accomplished Nothingas Blockade Bucked: Schumer

Right-Wing Republicans Defy McCarthy, Blocking Defense Bill - The New York Times It was the second time in a week that hard-right Republicans had defied Speaker Kevin McCarthy on a spending measure, signaling that there was still no G.O.P. agreement on a bill to fund the government.
House GOP erupts as conservatives block defense bill again - Live Updates - POLITICO To many in the conference, it proved that Speaker Kevin McCarthy has no power to avert a fast-approaching shutdown.
House recesses after Defense bill, government funding plan implode

Moderate House Republicans Weigh Partnering with Democrats Amid MAGA Revolt : politics
Republicans cant pass bills for the same reason they support insurrectionThe defense bill disaster shows that they cant even make deals with themselves.
Republicans resigned to being the villains in the inevitable government shutdown - POLITICO - We always get the blame, said Rep. Mike Simpson.

Discussion Thread: Attorney General Garland Testifies on Justice Department Oversight Before the House Judiciary Committee : politics
Merrick Garland laughs as GOP congressman shouts Ukraine conspiracy theories at him in hearing : politics
Eric Swalwell displays Jordan subpoena evasion clock at Garland hearing
Fact check: Jim Jordan makes false claims about Trump, Hunter Biden to begin hearing on handling of the federal cases against them : politics
Jim Jordan called out for evading Jan 6 subpoena for 500 days : politics

Trump, who led the longest government shutdown in US history, calls on Republicans to let it happen again in 9 days so they candefund these political prosecutions against me

Georgia Has a New Witness Against Trumpand Its a Big One ... Lin Wood. Ex-trump lawyer. Rats from a sinking ship
Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood to be prosecution witness in Georgia election case, DA says : politics

Mob boss: former White House lawyer Ty Cobb blasts Trump over new developments in Mar-a-Lago case

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Blasts Trump For Being 'Afraid' To Debate

What Trumps assistant told investigators about classified recordsand why its so damning

Donald Trump Is Worried About Having to Wear One of Those Jumpsuits in Prison: Report - He' also reportedly been asking people in his inner circle if they think hell get to go to a cushy 'club-fed' type prison or will be sentenced to time in a 'bad' one.

Can the Media Meet the Challenge of the GOPs Bogus Impeachment?

Former prosecutor who quit Trump-Russia probe says she left over concerns with Barr - POLITICO Nora Dannehy had been part of the investigation led by John Durham.

MBS says Saudi Arabia will keep investments with Jared Kushner fund if Trump is re-elected : politics

Rudy Giuliani Considering Going After Hutchinson Over Grope Claims

Former Clinton impeachment prosecutor sentenced to 22 months in prison : politics
Former Clinton impeachment prosecutor sentenced to 22 months in prison - POLITICO Former U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer, 64, a House Republican from 1993 to 2011, was also ordered to forfeit $354,027, representing the amount of illegal gains, and to pay a $10,000 fine.

Theres something about Donald - One thing thats become extremely clear over the past year or so is that all the GOP politicians looking to knock Trump off by being Trump knock offs have failed miserably, including but not limited to Ron Media Darling for a Hot Minute DeSantis.
DeSantis Craters in New Republican Primary Poll : politics
Ron DeSantis descent continues, unabated by the debate and time on the trail
DeSantis says he wont support Covid vaccine funding if elected president

Rupert Murdoch steps down as Fox chairman : worldnews
Rupert Murdoch steps down as Fox and News Corp chairman in favour of son Lachlan : politics
So who killed truth now anyway?
Rupert Murdoch steps down as chairman of Fox and News Corp. : news

Senator Robert Menendez Accused of Cartoonish Corruption New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez possesses an ability to hang on through corruption scandals that would bury most politicians. (never even slowed down)

Fetterman Threatens To Wear a Suit If HouseJagoffs Can Avoid Government Shutdown
Manchin circulates proposal to reverse Schumer on dress code
Fettermans hoodie vs. Boeberts handsy night: Why Republicans cant see their own hypocrisy | The Senate dress code whining isn't really about propriety, not from the party of Donald Capitol Riot Trump
Howard Stern rips Rep. Lauren Boebert as disgrace to this countryafter 'Beetlejuice' grope-date debacle

White House Taunts Worst Person Matt Gaetz With A Well-Timed Meme

No legitimate reason to impeach Justice Janet Protasiewicz

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton suggests he might run against Sen. John Cornyn : politics
The report blames an alarming rise in extremist ideology and activity on white supremacist and anti-LGBTQ+ groups that are active or headquartered in Texas ... Texas continues to be a hotbed for extremism and antisemitism, driven by the heavy presence of white supremacist and anti-LGBTQ+ groups that are headquartered or active in the state.

New Kentucky governor ad features rape victim criticizing GOP on abortion exceptions : politics
Campaigning while Democratic in a red state - Lawyers, Guns & Money

I've never said that we're not going to prosecute Nevada AG says about fake electors who backed Trump

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signs legislation to ban child marriage in Michigan : politics

Todd Rokita charged by disciplinary commission over treatment of abortion doctor : politics

Federal Judge, 96, Is Suspended Amid Concerns About Her Mental Fitness : politics

Climate change and white supremacy are not problems for US, Ramaswamy argues : politics

Tales from the gerontocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... One of those obvious reasons that should be stated anyway is that Trump is nearly as old as Biden, so why is anybody even talking about this, besides the medias compulsive need for balance i.e. Trump is a criminal seditionist and a one-man crime wave, but on the other hand Biden is old. That is going to be the literal framing of the 2024 election!

Following layoffs, Boston University announces inquiry into Ibram Kendis Antiracist Center

Book banners target public libraries

Project Veritas Suspends All Operations Face-eating leopards eating face-eating leopards eating ... - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Travis Scott questioned about Astroworld Festival lawsuits for 8 hours

Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences Are a Failed Policy That Needs to End : politics

Google Sued Over Fatal Bridge Directions Crash | HuffPost Latest News family claims Google had been informed of the collapse but failed to update its Maps navigation system.

Bobo reaches a new level of self-parody - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Ponzi Professors - Lawyers, Guns & Money One thing that has emerged from the wreckage of FTX is the extent to which two self-appointed sages of ethics in legal academia were involved in running the company, finding funders, lining up political protection, and skimming the joint dry: ... I dont know about altruism, but it sure was effective!

Jann Wenners Biographer: He Revealed the Ugly Truth of Rolling StoneSticky Fingers author Joe Hagan says Wenner built the rock magazine for and about white men

Googles Bard Just Got More Powerful. It's Still Erratic. - The chatbot now pulls information from a user's Gmail, Google Docs and Google Drive accounts. The feature leaves a lot to be desired.

The 2 Best Vanilla Ice Creams of 2023 | Reviews by Wirecutter

The 5 Best Olive Oils You Can Buy at the Store in 2023 | Reviews by Wirecutter
Weve been buying olive oil all wrong. Heres what you need to know.
The Olive Oil Scam: If 80% Is Fake, Why Do You Keep Buying It?
Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil - T.J. Robinson, the Olive Oil Hunter

NNSA Underground - Lawyers, Guns & Money

ELI5: Why are fields/competitions where men have no apparent advantage such as Chess, Math Olympiads, and even Esports dominated by almost only men/vast majority of men? : explainlikeimfive

Suppressing negative thoughts may be good for mental health after all. Researchers trained 120 volunteers worldwide to suppress thoughts about negative events that worried them, and found that not only did these become less vivid, but that the participantsmental health also improved

Scientists dive deep into Reddit data to decode the mysterious familiarity experienced in DMT trips : science
How One Man Tried to Build a DMT-Based Cult on Reddit and Lost Everything


World inching ever closer to a great fracture, says UN chief : worldnews

UN chief calls for an end to $7 trillion in fossil fuel subsidies : worldnews

Colombian leader summons intense oratory for a bleak warning: that humanity is making itself extinct : worldnews

Since human beings appeared, species extinction is 35 times faster : worldnews

Scientists warn entire branches of the Tree ofLife are goingextinct

U.S. Will Resume Offering Free At-Home Covid Tests - The New York Times

10 dead after tornadoes tear through two cities in eastern China : worldnews
Chinese balloon downed in February over US not collecting intelligence: Milley : worldnews

Terminally ill Vladimir Putin will die before end of Autumnexpert claims
The real Putin may now be a gibbering wreck in astraitjacket and high on meth
There was NOTHING in the Al Jazeera report that was positive for Russia ... the beginning of the end for Putin
Panicked Putin reopens temporary Covid hospitals as new strain overruns country : PutinWatch
Who is Going to Rule Russia After Putin? | Kings and Generals : PutinWatch
Imprisoned Russian ultranationalist claims Putins regime is near collapse due to failures in Ukraine and cant be saved
Russian millionaire linked to key Putin ally found dead in Moscow : PutinWatch

Videos show a massive fuel tank explosion after a suspected drone strike in Putins prized resort town - Sochi

Russias State Duma says it would eventually fight all post-Soviet states

24 hours after Azerbaijans army launched an offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, ethnic-Armenian forces have agreed Russian terms for a ceasefire that include a demand for complete disarmament

Torture, rape, killings in Manipur: An Indian states brutalconflict

We know India, not surprised by Canadian allegations: Pakistan

CNN: Military source says Ukraine likely behind strike on Wagner forces in Sudan

Erdogan says Putinseeks an early end to the war

Saudi energy minister says oil supply cuts are not aboutjacking up prices,as Brent hovers at $95 a barrel

Iran hijab bill: Women face 10 years in jail for inappropriate dress

Biden Champions Ukraine, Warns of Appeasing Russian 'Aggressor' at U.N. | Politics | U.S. News
Zelenskyy implores world leaders to stick with fight against Russia : worldnews
Zelensky urges Trump to share Ukraine peace plan but says he wont give territory to Russia
Russia weaponising food, energy, abducted children in war: Zelensky : worldnews
Ukraines First Lady Olena Zelenska calls for return of 19,000 abducted children

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 574, Part 1 (Thread #720) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 20.9.2023 : ukraine

Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy - The New York Times Witness accounts and an analysis of video and weapon fragments suggest a Ukrainian missile failed to hit its intended target and landed in a bustling street, with devastating consequences.

WhereisRussiaToday on X: "CONFIRMED: A Russian military base north of Sevastopol has been hit with multiple Storm Shadow cruise missiles." / X

Ukraine Confirms Missile Attack in Crimea Partisan HQ Says Russias Black Sea Fleet Command Center Hit
Russian Submarine Hit By Missile, Rostov-On-Don, Gone : worldnews

Polish President Duda: Defeating Russia in Ukraine war is the only guarantee ofpeace

Germany's economy struggles with an energy shock that's exposing longtime flaws | AP News - Germany went from envy of the world to the worst-performing major developed economy. What happened?

Spain hailstorm destroys nearly $43 million worth of crops as it hits nearly 100% of some farmersharvests
In Spain, dozens of girls are reporting AI-generated nude photos of them being circulated at school: My heart skipped a beat

Rishi Sunaks Green Rollback Imperils Britains 2050 Net Zero Target
Police officer who shot Chris Kaba in London charged with murder : worldnews

Cyber attack on International Criminal Court in The Hague; Hackers stole sensitive docs : worldnews

Haitian gangs call for armed overthrow of Prime Minister Ariel Henry as chaos escalates : worldnews

Trudeau Rejects Indias Denial of Involvement in Assassination in Canada
Trudeau: Canada is not trying to provoke India but want answers over murder : worldnews
Canada worked closely with U.S. on Indias possible link to killing
Canadas allies rebuff its requests to join in accusations against India
Deeply concerned, say US and Australia on Justin Trudeaus charge against India
Nijjar killing: Sikhs for Justice asks Hindus of Indian origin to leave Canada : worldnews
Exercise high degree of caution while traveling to India, Canada tells its citizens amid diplomatic chill
Exercise utmost caution: India issues advisory for its nationals in Canada
Real danger in all of this: Anti-LGBTQ2S+ rallies, counter-protests planned across Canada

No nation wants this war to end more than Ukraine But Russia alone, Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately. And as Russia alone, it stands in the way of peace, because Russias price for peace is Ukraines capitulation, Ukraines territory and Ukraines children President Biden at UN General Assembly

The Kyiv Independent on X: "A vast majority (87%) of self-reported Democrat respondents articulated their support for the continuation of aid, compared to 48% of Republican respondents. Photo: Oliver Weiken/Picture Alliance via Getty Images" / X A vast majority (87%) of self-reported Democrat respondents articulated their support for the continuation of aid, compared to 48% of Republican respondents. (refuck traitors)

Senate moving ahead on three key military nominations stalled by Tuberville delays - The Washington Post

Joe Biden Should Head to Detroit Before Trump Muddies the Waters | The two have radically different records on labor. The auto worker strike is an opportunity for Biden to prove it. : politics
Strikes arent bad for the US economy. Theyre the best thing that could happen

Americans Dismal Views of the Nation's Politics - 65% say they always or often feel exhausted when thinking about politics
September 2023 National Poll: A Trump Bump In GOP Primary - Emerson Polling The September Emerson College Polling national survey of U.S. voters finds former President Donald Trump with a 47-point lead over his closest competitor in the Republican Presidential Primary, his largest lead since tracking this race in June 2022.

Why the White House is letting McCarthy flail - POLITICO The administration has no plans to help as Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans inch closer to a government shutdown.

Kevin McCarthy Has (Once Again) Lost Control: With the radical right calling the shots, the government is likely to shut down. McCarthy seems powerless to do anything. : politics
Kevin McCarthy has officially lost all control of his GOP "clown show" : politics
Speaker McCarthy faces an almost impossible task trying to unite House GOP and fund the government : politics
An out-of-control GOP is the party of nonstop national crisis : politics
The House GOP Is Imploding : politics
Republican infighting paralyzes the House as some call a shutdown inevitable With 11 days to go until a government shutdown, a House GOP stalemate over messaging bills is deepening.

GOP senators alarmed by chaos over House spending bills : politics
Matt Gaetzs motion to vacate Kevin McCarthy as House speaker found discarded in mensrestroom

Garland grilled on Hunter Biden probe at Judiciary committee hearing - The Washington Post So outrageous, so absurd the attorney general calls one accusation during a contentious, hours-long hearing
Its like KGB: Republican takes Jan. 6 and DOJ claims to new placesRep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.) seemed to compare the government to the KGB and painted a picture of Jan. 6 as a family affair

Trump and Meadows joked about Covid on plane after Biden debate, book says | Books | The Guardian Ex-aide Cassidy Hutchinson says Trump ordered White House guests who tested positive to remove masks in Oval Office

Trump reportedly told aide that she doesnt know anything about the boxes after she was contacted by the FBI

Trump unwittingly admitted to two charges, prosecutor says : politics

Donald Trump, Notorious Bigot, Thinks His Legal Woes Are Endearing Him to Black Voters
Trump Privately Frets He Could Be Headed to Prison : politics

Trump is lying about his moderate abortion stance he will ban it nationwide: Trump lies constantly, and history shows he and the GOP will repay evangelicals with a national abortion ban

Mystery solved by Occam's Razor - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Ray Epps, who became the focus of right-wing conspiracy theories that law enforcement coerced Trump supporters into storming the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been charged with a single misdemeanor related to the riot.

Ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson claims Rudy Giuliani groped her on January 6 | US news | The Guardian
Rudy Giuliani Was a Huge Creep Even on January 6, Ex-Trump Aide Says: Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson says Giuliani sexually assaulted her on the day of the insurrection : politics

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do Rupert Murdoch didnt want to dump his ratings leader and favorite Fox host. But was Tucker Carlson giving him a choice?
Murdoch Called Hannity Retarded and DeSantisKickedTuckers Dog, Wild New Book Claims

Democrats retain narrow control of Pennsylvania House after special election : politics

Democrat triumphs in Republican stronghold in warning sign to Trump : politics
Democrats flipped a key swing seat in New Hampshire on Tuesday, taking them within a whisker of denying Republicans control over the state's House of Representatives.

Ron DeSantis thinks pot is a menace to society. His biggest backer is working to legalize it. : politics
We knew the numbers were bad': Law enforcement staff raised concerns about Ron DeSantis'top crime talking point - Three former staffers in Florida's top law enforcement agency told NBC News they could not get behind the statement that state crime was at a 50-year low
Floridas War on WokeIs Spurring a Brain Drain ... Ron DeSantis is undermining all the work that was done in these last 20 years to make Florida a destination for education,Hell be gone by the time that theres real repercussions to his actions. But they will have a ripple impact on higher education in Florida for generations to come.

DeSantis: Humans are safer than ever from effects of climate change - The comments come less than a year after Hurricane Ian left more than 100 people dead in Florida

Senate ditches dress code as Fetterman and others choose casual clothes : politics
Thrown by a Simple Change in Facial Hair: Fetterman Camp Laughs Off Body Double Conspiracy Theory

96-year-old federal judge suspended in clash with colleagues over mental fitness | The Hill
US appeals judge, 96, suspended in rare clash over fitness : politics

Andrew Lester pleads not guilty, trial set in Ralph Yarl shooting - The Washington Post

American Stewards of Liberty, Which Compares Biden Conservation Plan to Genocide, Is Getting Taxpayer Mone American Stewards of Liberty paints apocalyptic visions about environmental programs. Counties are buying the hype, for tens of thousands in taxpayer funds.

Taylor Swift call to action drives 13,000 people every 30 minutes to voter registration site : politics

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,443 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Margaret Mitchell. This very sucky person was born in 1900 in Atlanta. The family was super wealthy and so had no reason to question the glories of white supremacy ... It was her 1936 novel Gone with the Wind that made her famous. I hardly need to explain this piece of grotesque Confederate nostalgia and the film it spawned to bring the politics of Birth of a Nation into the 1930s

Biden world at a loss over how to stop the growing anti-vax movement - POLITICO
Dead money - Lawyers, Guns & Money Eric Clapton performed at a fundraiser for presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at a private estate in Brentwood near Los Angeles ... Clapton, Kennedy and Harrelson have all been outspoken against COVID-19 vaccines.

Twitter regrets and glass houses: 8 things we learned from the Musk bio
Justice Department Probe Scrutinizes Elon Musk Perks at Tesla Going Back Years - WSJ Federal prosecutors also have sought information about transactions between Tesla and other entities related to the billionaire
Elon Musks Neuralink approved to recruit humans for brain-implant trial

The summer is over, schools are back, and the data is in: ChatGPT is mainly a tool for cheating on homework. : technology
AI arms race heats up as OpenAI unveils new image generator, DALL-E 3 - The Washington Post The tool will be incorporated into ChatGPT, expanding the reach of the controversial technology

How to access thousands of free audiobooks, thanks to Microsoft AI and Project Gutenberg. Available through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other platforms, the free audiobooks use neural text-to-speech technology to read to you in a human-sounding voice. : books

Murdaugh Murders Returns With Damning Firsthand Accounts

Louisiana police held detainees in torture warehouse lawsuits say

New study has linked the common artificial sweetener aspartame, in much lower doses than those deemed safe by FDA, with learning and memory deficits in mice

People dont become adults until their 30s, say scientists

Consciousness theory slammed as pseudoscience sparking uproar ... integrated information theory (IIT)

Muslims of Reddit, when you say people of the book, what book is your faith talking about? : AskReddit

People who have cheated before, why did you do it? : AskReddit

TIL in 1791 at the Battle of Wabash, approximately one-quarter of the entire U.S. Army was destroyed in one day by Native American forces. : todayilearned

People who know murderers, whats the story?

What instantly ages someone? : AskReddit

TIL Sharks are older than land vertebrates, older than trees, older even than the rings of Saturn. : todayilearned

TIL elephants are the only wild animal that understands pointing without human training : todayilearned


California sues 5 major oil companies, accuses them of deceiving public over the risks of fossil fuel use : politics

South Koreas biggest opposition files dismissal motion of PM, calls for Resignation of Cabinet

Hongkonger jailed for 2.5 years for rioting during 2019 protest when she was 16 : worldnews

China complains to Germany after foreign minister calls Xi a "dictator"
Another country has called Xi a dictator and China is not happy with that description
China Ousted Foreign Minister Qin Gang Over Affair in US, WSJ Says - Bloomberg Qin Gang reportedly fathered child while serving as ambassador

Kremlin says it has no information on Chechen leader Kadyrovs health
Death Rumors Spur Mysterious New Videos of Putins Attack Dog
Death Rumors Spur Mysterious New Videos of Putins AttackDogTwo bizarre videos of Ramzan Kadyrov were released just days after the Chechen leader was reported to be in critical condition

Russian soldiers say they dream of conquering Ukrainian cities and moving their families there in haunting recruitment ad : worldnews

A Russian anti-LGBTQ+ group is spreading dangerous misinformation across the globe : worldnews

Azerbaijan launches anti-terror op after 6 killed in Karabakh blasts : worldnews
Azerbaijan launches anti-terrorist operations in Karabakh

Credible evidence India behind alleged assassination of Sikh leader, says Trudeau
India rejects allegations of Canadas prime minister in the slaying of a Sikh activist as absurd
India expels Canadian diplomat in tit-for-tat move as row over assassinated Sikh activist deepens : worldnews ... 31% of the people given perm residence in Canada in 2021were from India. No surprise this is the highest number. The next being China at 7.6%
In a tit-for-tat, India expels Canadian diplomat : worldnews
Indian opposition party Congress backs Govt stand after Canadas allegations against India
Australia deeply concerned by alleged Indian involvement in Canada murder
Air India 182: How much does Canada care about the worst mass murder in its history? | CBC News In 1985, 329 people were killed including 280 Canadian citizens in the Air India bombing

Beating and torture allegations emerge in Zimbabwe after election : worldnews

BBC investigation exposes xenophobic groups in South Africa targeting migrants : worldnews

Tunisia hints Israel behind devastating storm due to Zionist name ("Daniel")

Erdogan says he trusts Russia and the West
Turkish President Erdogan invites Elon Musk to build his next Tesla factory in Turkey : worldnews

Uncertainties Emerge in Statuses of 3 Iranians Granted Clemency by US in Prisoner Exchange : worldnews

Israels prime minister urges Elon Musk to curb antisemitism on his platform, X
Israel denies report Saudis suspending normalization talks over Palestinian issue : worldnews
100% carrots: Arab states, EU unveil plan to entice Israel-PA to sign peace deal

Zelensky Cleans House in Corruption-Plagued Defense Ministry : worldnews
Drone attack on Lviv: 300 tonnes of humanitarian aid destroyed, including from Vatican : worldnews

Russias elite airborne troops lured into Bakhmut trap
Ukraines army commander claims 3 elite Russian brigades crushed in east

Russian Submarine Shows Massive Damage After Ukrainian Strike : worldnews

Dont let Putin keep us out of the EU, Moldova implores

Russian forces near Norway at 20% or less than before Ukraine war

Bulgarian navy safely disarms Russian explosive drone found near Black Sea town : worldnews

Germany defends ambassador after Israeli complaint : worldnews
Hammerskins: German branch of US-based neo-Nazi group banned : worldnews
Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to the US and conducts raids in 10 German states | AP News : worldnews

Limited legal cannabis sales expected to launch in the Netherlands this December : worldnews

Italy mulls new migrant crackdown as talk turns to naval blockade to prevent launching of boats : worldnews
Italy's Lampedusa pleads for help after thousands of migrant arrivals, 7,000 migrants arrive in 48 hours : worldnews

Lula scraps Bolsonaros cuts to Brazilian climate target ambition
Brazil Faith Healer Sentenced To 118 Years For Rape : worldnews ... Joao Teixeira de Faria, 81 in cases dating back to 1973.

Mexican president defends inclusion of Russian military contingent in Independence parade : worldnews

A Cuban teenager was offered a job doing construction work in Russia. Instead he was sent to fight on the front lines in Ukraine.

Reported cannabis use in Canada not increasing with legalization : worldnews

Zelenskyy arrives in New York and announces his participation in UN meeting : worldnews
Discussion Thread: Biden Speaks at the UN General Assembly at 9 Eastern Before a 10:30 News Conference by Defense Department Leadership on Ukraine Aid : politics

AOC Says Climate Movement Must BecomeToo Big and Too Radical to Ignore

I.R.S. Changes Audit Practice That Discriminated Against Black Taxpayers : politics

Opinion | The Idea That Biden Should Just Give Up Political Power Is Preposterous - The New York Times

House GOP in open warfare over doomed spending plan - POLITICO
House GOP pulls key vote on stopgap spending bill amid conservative opposition | The Hill

Joe Biden Is Right About Merrick Garlands Job Performance -- This article is absolutely correct. Garland is so obsessed with the DOJ looking neutral that he is letting republicans and their media machine pressure him into making stupid decisions.

This Is A Mess: Former Prosecutor Rips Trump Over New Classified Docs Bombshell | The development could be used against the former president, suggested Charles Coleman Jr. ... Trump writing notes to staffers on the back of classified documents serves as proof that he personally handled the documents, was aware of their markings and treated them improperly.
Trump wrote aides to-do lists on backs of classified docs:

Oops: Trump Accidentally Blew Up His January 6 Legal Defense on National TV Jack Smiths job just got significantly easier.

His attorneys are begging him to stop: Legal experts on Trumps latest interview

Opinion: Trumps gaffes should raise questions about his fitness for office

Adam Kinzinger Says He Will Only Vote for Trump If His Opponent Is Satan : politics
Donald Trump & Vladimir Putin (2018) : pics

Joe Bidens Impeachment Falls Apart
White House: House GOP plan for impeachment is to figure out the evidence later
What the unsparing anti-impeachment op-ed by the GOPs Ken Buck betrays
Biden Impeachment Inquiry Supported by Almost Half of Voters Voters are divided over whether the impeachment investigation is largely due to evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or motivation to damage his political career.

Hunter Bidens Indictment Has Put Gun Rights Groups in an Awkward Bind | Should they delight in the indictment of a political enemy or attack a law they oppose?
Witness testimony disputes IRS whistleblower allegations in Hunter Biden probe as Republicans begin impeachment inquiry | CNN Politics

This is what taking on election deniers really looks like

Rudy Giuliani sued by his former lawyers claiming he owes $1.4 million in unpaid legal fees : politics

McCarthy Capitulates Again as House GOP Implodes Spectacularly : politics
Mark Meadows and Kevin McCarthy: Where do Republicans get these worms? : politics

Fetterman Blasts DeSantis Over Dress Code Criticism: I Dress Like He Campaigns
The Ultimate Sign of DeSantisIrrelevance: Trumpworld Is Moving On

Texas Youth Summit drops U.S. Rep. Boebert afterBeetlejuice incident
Lauren Boeberts excuse for theater fondling raises questions
Lauren Boebert may have broken the law with theater fondling : politics

GOP lawmakers hold symbolic book burning with flamethrowers. Disturbed viewers on social media accused the lawmakers of acting like Nazi thugs who are coming for our democracy

Ohio abortion law meant weeks of anguishagony for couple whose unborn child had organs outside her body

Pennsylvania rolls out automatic voter registration : politics

Trans senator Sarah McBride holds huge lead in Delaware race for Congress, polls suggest : politics

Its Now Clear: Cop City Is About Democracy | Atlanta officials have been evasive on how to verify over 100,000 petition signatures in support of putting the $90 million training center up for a vote.

Why Los Angeles Has Avoided the Migrant Crisis Hitting New York : politics

Court Says Californias Age Appropriate Design Code Is Unconstitutional (Just As We Warned)

Eschaton: The Immigrant Scourge Regular reminder that Ingraham adopted 3 foreign-born children through international adoptions.

Lutheran Pastors Leaked Confessional Touches Off Unholy Legal War ... like the sacraments turning poison

Texas teacher fired after assigning an illustrated Anne Frank book : news

Police probe report of dad being told 11-year-old girl could face charges in images sent to man : news
Columbus police being investigated after online backlash from sexual misconduct call : news

Alex Murdaugh Agrees to Plead Guilty to Federal Charges charged with financial crimes related to bilking his law clients.

The comedians channel has over six million followers, but he will be unable to draw income from advertising around his videos.

Elon makes existential threat to his own site - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Are We Losing the War on Cancer? | The Walrus

Study shows nearly 300% increase in ADHD medication errors. In 2021 alone, 5,235 medication errors were reported, equalling one child every 100 minutes. Approximately 93% of exposures occurred in the home. : science

Nobody understands quantum physicists | by Chris Ferrie | Medium

New Research Provides Further Clues to Nature of Dark Matter. The key to understanding the mystery of elusive dark matter could lie with the dark photon, a hypothetical dark sector particle proposed as a force carrier similar to the photon of electromagnetism. : science

In the largest study of its kind, Australian researchers found that including almonds in an energy restricted diet not only helped people to lose weight, but also improved their cardiometabolic health. Additionally, nuts have the added benefit of making you feel fuller for longer. : science

Research found men who say they have stressful jobs and also feel they exert high efforts for low reward had double the risk of heart disease compared to men free of those stressors : science

Intel Unveils Meteor Lake Architecture: Intel 4 Heralds the Disaggregated Future of Mobile CPUs : technology
Intels next-gen Meteor Lake CPUs: A game-changing 40-year architectural shift to rival Apple

Today's wealth gap between Whites and Blacks in the US is rooted in the legacy of very different wealth conditions following emancipation from slavery. This meant that Whites enjoyed higher average savings rates and capital gains rates, making it hard for Blacks to close the gap. : science

Pulled over on the highway to get this photo. Im glad I stopped.

What happened to the lonely guy of your high school class ? : AskReddit

Hopeless romantics of Reddit, how do you cope with being single? : AskReddit

ELI5: Why do divers need to decompress but astronauts dont need to recompress?

If you could switch genders for one day what would you accomplish? : AskReddit

What is your "kryptonite"? : AskReddit

Why My Parents Tried To Kill Me | Minutes With : videos

Whats something people typically dont know about cats until they have one as a pet?
Best dance partner : aww

What are you better at than 99% of people? : AskReddit


Study: Climate change bringing deadly heat sooner than expected Study finds hundreds of millions live in places that will regularly experience heat and humidity so high that humans cant survive without cooling

Scots scientists create game-changing palm oil alternative

People who work from home all the time cutemissions by 54% against those in office

Incurable disease spreading between dogs in Britain for the first time : worldnews

Sydney marathon runners hospitalised after event hit by spring heat : worldnews
Three generations of First Nations men share their views on Australias referendum

India and Vietnam are partnering with the US to counter China even as Biden claims thats not his goal

TIL about Japans Lost Generation, a group of young people who, between 1994 and 2004, were unable to find employment due to the Bubble Economy collapsing. Many of them never recovered financially, emotionally and relationally. Some of them withdrew from society and became social recluses.
One in 10 Japanese are older than 80: Government data : worldnews

South Korean Prosecutors Want to Arrest Hunger-Striking Opposition Leader : worldnews

Taiwan urges China to stop destructive military activities

WHO calls on China for full access for COVID investigators:
China seeks to expand police power to collect biological information of suspects in minor offences : worldnews

Kim Jong Uns Trip to Russia May Help Him Put Spy Satellites in Orbit
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gifted bulletproof vest and drones as he leaves Russia : worldnews
Russian State TV to Its Citizens: Be More Like North Koreans Amid Kim Jong Un barnstorming tour of Russia, the country's propagandists have begun extolling the virtues of the hermit kingdoms spartan lifestyle.
Putins Arsenal: From spies and hacks to coups and hit jobs
State TV says Europe is jealous of rising Russia : UkraineWarVideoReport

Human rights in Russia have significantly deteriorated since war - UN expert

NEXTA on X: "The #EU plans to start discussions on the 12th package of sanctions against #Russia, Bloomberg writes, citing sources." / X The #EU plans to start discussions on the 12th package of sanctions against #Russia, Bloomberg writes, citing sources.

230,000 certificates requested in Russia for families of fallen veterans : worldnews

To counter China in Indian Ocean region, India plans 175-warship Navy by 2035 | India News - Times of India : worldnews
S Jaishankar says West not the bad guy in veiled dig at China
India arrests Kashmir journalist : worldnews

Kenyan senator and period poverty activist Gloria Orwoba: Some girls exchange sex for pads: The lawmaker was asked to leave Parliament in February after arriving with blood-stained pants, in a country where 65% of women cannot afford menstrual products

Sudan Conflict: Landmark Skyscraper in Khartoum Engulfed in Flames : worldnews

Five Americans fly out of Iran in $6bn oil money prisoner swap : worldnews
Iran prisoner release: Five Americans released are en route to the US | CNN Politics

Jordan calls on Israel to respect status quo after Jews visit Temple Mount : worldnews

Zelenskyy warns Putin could cause World War III : worldnews
Zelenskyy: If Ukraine falls, Putin will surely go further. What will the United States of America do when Putin reaches the Baltic states? When he reaches the Polish border? We have a lot of gratitude. What else must Ukraine do for everyone to measure our huge gratitude? We are dying in this war.
Clinton Global Initiative will launch network to provide new humanitarian aid to Ukrainians | AP News

Russia is exhausting its resources and a reckoning is coming,says Ukraines spy chief

Genocide Proceedings Begin in The Hague, Russia Decides to Participate : worldnews
Russia demands Ukrainian genocide case be dismissed by UN top court : worldnews
Russia Does Not Recognise Putins Statement, but Speaks of "nazi" Zelenskyy -- UN Genocide Court

Ukraine will sue Poland, Hungary and Slovakia over agricultural bans : worldnews

Musks Tweet Criticizing Ukraines Counteroffensive Sparks Outrage
Musks Tweet Criticizing Ukraines Counteroffensive Sparks Yet More Outrage ... "So much death for so little," apparently in agreement with a post by David Sacks, a venture capitalist and friend of Musk who has criticized US support for Ukraine.

Ukraine hits Moscow, Crimea with drones : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 572, Part 1 (Thread #718) : worldnews

Russian losses as of Sept. 18th : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russia loses its 6000th artillery system, on track for a monthly record [link to source in comments] : ukraine
Russias Tank Losses Are Bad and Theyre Only Going to Get Worse New Research

General: 1,500 Ukrainian soldiers faced 20,000 Russians in south at invasions start
Ukraine troops have recaptured key village of Klishchiivka near Bakhmut, says Zelenskiy : worldnews
Ukraine Scores a Major Win with the Liberation of Klishchiivka, Setting the Stage for Further Counteroffensive Operations in Bakhmut Region

Russian Soldiers Are Blowing Up Their Comrades for Cash, Partisans Claim : worldnews

An unusual update on the Kakhovka Reservoir. Against expectations of it remaining deserted, recent on-site observations and satellite imagery have revealed an interesting development - nature is recovering rapidly as vegetation transforms the area into a flourishing reedbed:

Europe Is Better Prepared If Trump Wins Again, Germanys Baerbock Says

Letter showing Pope Pius XII had detailed information from German Jesuit about Nazi holocaust : worldnews

Swiss Federal Railways faces criticism over controversial wheelchair tests : worldnews

Sanchez: Spain must ditch peripheral role, offer EU leadership

After castigating video games during riots, Frances Macron backpedals and showers them with praise

Liz Truss will never give up : worldnews
No 10 officials discussed asking queen Elizabeth II to talk to Boris Johnson about his behaviour : worldnews

14 dead as plane carrying tourists crashes in Brazil : worldnews

Canada expels Indian diplomat as it investigates Indias possible link to Sikh activists slaying
Intelligence suggests agents of India behind killing of B.C. Sikh leader: Trudeau : worldnews

Ukraine president Zelensky lands in New York to meet at the U.N. : pics

Get Americans More Angry at Each Other the Goal of CCP Propaganda, Disinformation Campaigns in US, Expert Says
(33) KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov 1985 Interview. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion - YouTube

Striking auto workers want a 40% pay increase the same rate their CEOpay grew in recent years

There Can Be No American Dream Without Paid Sick Leave and Low-Cost Child Care : politics

The U.S. has a primary problem, say advocates who call for new election systems ... "only 10% of eligible Americans nationwide cast ballots in primary elections that effectively decided the winners in a supermajority (83%) of Congressional seats

Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio : politics - If not for the Bush tax cuts and their extensionsas well as the Trump tax cuts revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, and the debt ratio (debt as a percentage of the economy) would be declining. Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt since their enactment and are responsible for 57 percent of the increase in the debt ratio since 2001, and more than 90 percent of the increase in the debt ratio if the one-time costs of bills responding to COVID-19 and the Great Recession are excluded. Eventually, the tax cuts are projected to grow to more than 100 percent of the increase.

A Big New Report on American Children Is Out. Its Horrific

Alito wasnt bluffing: He believes the Supreme Court is above the law

McCarthy: Shutdown would give Biden more power : politics
Could McCarthy really lose his job? - The Washington Post

The Mainstream Media Still Hasnt Learned Anything About Covering Donald Trump
We Have Two Medias in This Country, and Theyre Going to Elect Donald Trump
Kristen Welker shows how not to interview Trump Kristen Welkers tenure as Meet the Press moderator got off to an inauspicious start.
The unchanging malleability of Donald Trump - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Peter Baker For The Defense He's the one you call to represent and defend the worst of journalism, while swatting away critics by lighting piles of straw on fire.

Trump shares post bashing liberal Jews who voted to destroy America
Trump Says On Rosh Hashanah That Liberal Jews Voted To Destroy America
Donald Trump's ominous warning to U.S. Jews sparks horror: "Full-on Nazi" : politics Donald Trumps ominous warning to U.S. Jews sparks horror: Full-on Nazi
Mehdi Hasan Shows Just How Openly Delusional Trump Has Become | The MSNBC host called out the media for giving the former presidentapasson his most bizarre claims ... Cult45 has zero credible rationalization of their Daddy Trumpbucks diarrhea of the brain, so they invariably deploy their usual whataboutist horseshit impugning of President Biden, frequently consisting of batshit conspiracist hogwash, dishonestly doctored video/pics or other imaginary gobbledygook.

Cognitively impaired? Trumps confused attacks on Biden start to backfire

Trump wrote to-do lists for assistant on White House documents marked classified: Sources - ABC News Molly Michael told investigators about the documents, according to sources.

Trump Says He Hopes Meadows Will Remain Loyal to Him in Election Case

Trump says he ignored lawyers who told him he lost the election: I didnt respect them
Donald Trump keeps confessing to new crimes : politics
Legal Experts Say Donald Trump Just Threw His Own Legal Defense Under The Bus

Pelosi on Trump Jan. 6 Claims: He Knows Hes Responsible for That

Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein & Donald Trump (1997 Palm Beach, Florida) : pics

Looking for the magic words - Lawyers, Guns & Money The argument that the 14th amendment bars Donald Trump from becoming president again is academic in the worst sense of the word:

A Post analysis of campaign and congressional reports shows spending on security has skyrocketed since the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol

Republican Admits GOP Doesnt Have Evidence Joe Biden Was Bribed
The Biden Impeachment Is Benghazi All Over Again | Both inquiries are based far more on vibes and political machinations than they are on hard evidence : politics

Hunter Biden sues the IRS, alleging agents illegally released his tax information | CNN Politics : politics
The scorched-earth activist trying to take down Hunter Biden - The Washington Post Garrett Ziegler, an often-provocative former Trump White House staffer, seeks to influence House investigations and the public discussion

Dark money, nullification, and vote suppression - Lawyers, Guns & Money Alabama is ignoring a Supreme Court order to comply with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act in part because the money behind the conservative legal movement thinks that Bart OKavanaugh is open to ruling Section 2 unconstitutional if they provide a text case:

Fetterman mocks Nate Silver over Senate dress code: I dress like you predict ... in a response to a social media post from Silver, who had joked he was starting a new political party for people who dont give a shit either about how John Fetterman dresses or what Lauren Boebert does in a theater (both side of his brain are damaged - idiot thinks they're the same thing) ... a Boebert (new name for a handjob, pass it along)

GOP megadonor drops support for DeSantis presidential bid, sayinghisongoing battle with Disney is pointless
New College of Florida plummets in national ranking amid DeSantis conservative overhaul : politics

Hes 100% in: Matt Gaetz widely expected to run for Florida governor

Her students reported her for a lesson on race. Can she trust them again? : politics ... Reading Coatess book felt like reading hate propaganda towards white people, one student wrote.

Chicago-area libraries forced to close again due to violent threats : news (refuck war on thinking)

Eschaton: How Things Change The Kids won't remember, but back in the day, "we" (the political press) pretended that unmarried conservatives were all virgins and certainly no out of wedlock heavy petting happened. The Boebert "scandal" would have been scandalous simply for that reason. That the political press long participated in a scam on behalf of the Family Values party reminds us nothing much has changed there, at least.

Americans Dont Want Politicians Focusing on Transgender Issues, Survey Finds | Most Americans also believe that lawmakers dont know enough about transgender issues to make policies.

Texas Lawman Linked to Oath Keepers Convicted After Violating Inmate RightsSheriff Jeff Lyde kept a pair of inmates jailed for days after a judge had ordered them freed

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,441 - Lawyers, Guns & Money With the Red Scare in full effect by 1919, the towns leaders decided to eliminate the radicals from their town. This happened through the American Legion. Its important to remember that where today the Legion might be a bunch of old men drinking cheap beer while wearing their veteran hats, in its early decades, it was a proto-fascist force of veterans who wanted extremist right politics in America. For decades, it was who you turned to if you wanted some thugs to crush a strike

Eschaton: If You're A Star They Let You Do It You can't really "cancel" a billionaire, but prominent people should not be standing on stage with him (literally or metaphorically). ... I used to think anti-Semitism was the one bigotry respectable elites wouldn't tolerate, though now I understand most of them never cared about that, either.
Trump Attacked Me. Then Musk Did. It Wasnt an Accident.

The children of Bill Maher and Camille Paglia - Lawyers, Guns & Money Bari Weiss, Grimes, the Red Scare lady who wasnt on Succession, and two more contrarian "feminists" ... Five women took to the stage at the Theatre at Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday to debate an impossibly broad question with the promise of fireworks for an animated crowd, members of which paid up to $165 a ticket to witness a verbal brawl between cultural provocateurs.

Embattled N.H. sheriff misrepresented his education, exaggerated his work history - The Boston Globe

What is s genuinely terrifying fact? : AskReddit

Clorox products in short supply after cyberattack disrupts operations | CNN Business : news

Why Human Writing Is Worth Defending In the Age of ChatGPT : technology

Wiping Out the Dinosaurs Let Countless Flowers Bloom - The New York Times While the extinction affected some flower species, most lineages survived and the catastrophe may have helped them become a dominant form of plant life.

ELI5.Ego death on a psychedelic.

Eli5 how did they aim the voyager probes to pass each planet with such accuracy almost 50 years ago : explainlikeimfive

ELI5 - why is 0.999... equal to 1? : explainlikeimfive

Maine man who disappeared after driving wife to work found trapped in truck in New Hampshire woods : news

What is the most annoying English filler word? : AskReddit

Just another day in Vegas : pics

What are some really bad common life choices? : AskReddit

What is a compliment you will remember till you die? : AskReddit


1 dead after Atlantic storm Lee pummels New England, Canada

COVID levels are so high, theyre hovering near 2020s initial peak, as the WHO urges those at high risk to take any booster they can get their hands on

People aged 80 and over top 10% of Japans population for 1st time

Thousands of S Korean teachers rally for protection from abusive parents : worldnews

Foreign direct investment in China drops 5.1% in the first eight months of 2023 despite efforts to attract foreign capital : worldnews
China detains Evergrande staff : worldnews

Apple informs journalists Russia is targeting them with Pegasus spyware : worldnews

Pro Ukraine Telegram channels are claiming that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has died in a Moscow hospital after failing to wake up from a coma. : UkrainianConflict
CEPA on X: "The Russian Orthodox Church abroad is becoming an increasingly important part of the Kremlin's intelligence and influence operations. @AndreiSoldatov explains to @ErinBurnett how religious officials are cooperating with Russian agents in the United States and beyond." / X

Russian chemists have completely run out of #Prozac, the popular antidepressant produced by the US pharma company Elli Lilly. Source: RBK

Nipah virus: Schools, colleges closed in Kerala (India) indefinitely : worldnews
If you go to war with us, your children will be raised by someone else ... Union ministers strong warning to Indias enemies
India, Russia to widen maritime cooperation : worldnews

Erdogan: Turkey can part ways with European Union : worldnews
Erdogan to Attend UN General Assembly Amid Tensions With US - Bloomberg
Turkish Redditor arrested over posting a photo with an alcoholic beverage in the mosque : worldnews

Burkina Faso asks French embassys defense attache to leave

Pro-circle arguments for a new futuristic city in Saudi Arabia, which is planning to build it in unusual shape of a 170km line that will likely inconvenience 9 million future residents. : science

Iranian authorities detain Mahsa Aminis father on one year anniversary of her death

President Zelenskyy is asked during his 60 Minutes interview: Canyou give up any part of Ukraine for peace? (read)
Prepare For a Long War NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning, Says Ukraine Will Join Alliance "Eventually"
Kyiv Presses Offensive In South, East As Zelenskiy Thanks Allies Latest Support Packages
History books will tell how Ukraine transformed modern warfare. They (Ukrainians) are moving forward every day, and every success is another step towards victory said Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 571, Part 1 (Thread #717) : worldnews

Frontline report: Seven Russian warships targeted by Ukraine in just four days, with three destroyed and at least two damaged : ukraine
Air Force: Ukraine downs all 17 drones launched by Russia overnight : ukraine

Russias Problems with Artillery Support Are Growing - There are major problems now with Russian artillery in Ukraine. "Every day Ukrainian forces are degrading Russian arty which throughout the war has been a strong suit for Moscow. They have leveled out parity and seem to actually have gained the upper hand.

ISW on X: "NEW: #Ukraine continued to advance on September 16, making gains in the #Bakhmut direction and in western #Zaporizhia Oblast where Ukrainian forces continue to penetrate the Russian defensive layer ahead of the current extent of Ukrainian advances. (1/4)" / X
Giorgi Revishvili on X: "Explosions in Russia's Bekgorod. Ukrainisn channels claim that the S-300 system has been destroyed. The Russians used S-300 missiles for attacks on Kharkiv" / X
Russian saboteur targets own, blows up military trucks in occupied Ukraine. The Ukrainian partisan group Atesh reported conducting a sabotage operation in occupied Henichesk on the Azov Sea coast. They recruited a Russian soldier who blew up two trucks with Russians onboard.

The Crimean Bridge is closed again
Ukraines Air Defence forces shoot down 12 out of 16 Russian targets overnight
Cluster of Russian military equipment hit in Tokmak : worldnews
Ukraine drones strike Crimea, Moscow, oil depot, Russia says : worldnews

First grain ships arrive in Ukraine using new route : worldnews

#Russia has withdrawn its military from the border with #Norway, said the chief of the Norwegian General Staffthis decision clearly shows that Putin knows NATO is not a threat to the Russian Federation: If he believed we were a threat to Russia, he wouldnt have moved his troops to war in Ukraine.

Poland bans entry of vehicles with Russian license plates : worldnews

Dutch Defense Ministry employee arrested for selling airplane parts to Russia : worldnews

Germany snapping up Indian fuels made of Russian oil : worldnews
NATO chief urges Germany to boost defense spending : worldnews

The newly discovered letter, written by a German Jesuit to Pope Pius XIIs personal secretary, suggests that the pope knew of Hitler's atrocities but chose to remain silent.

Russian-backed mercenary squad Wagner Group designated as terrorist organization by UK officials : worldnews

14 dead as plane carrying tourists crashes in Brazil : worldnews

Brazils president calls U.S. economic embargo on Cuba 'illegal' condemns terrorist list label
The G77+China, a group of developing and emerging countries representing 80 percent of the world's population, kicked off a summit in Cuba Friday with a call to "change the rules of the game" of the global order. : worldnews

GOP senators ask Biden to provide Ukraine with missiles needed to win war | The Hill

Defence force top brass shares fears about AI causing 'truth decay'

Bidens economic policies have quietly made peoples lives better and no one seems to care

Biden calls on automakers to improve their offer to striking workers as he faces the biggest labor crisis of his presidency so far : politics
Donald Trump Is Siding With Auto Bosses Against Workersself-styled populist Donald Trump is standing with the corporate elite against workers.

Pence on military holds: Tuberville is right, and the Pentagon is wrong

Democrats Brace For The Biggest Abortion Supreme Court Case Since Dobbs : politics
Next Frontier in Anti-Abortion Misogyny - Lawyers, Guns & Money

McCarthy Says Government Shutdown Would Be Self-Defeat for GOP : politics
Top Democrat says House Republicans are in a civil waras government shutdown looms

Fictitious facts and imagined history: GOP Rep. Ken Buck slams Biden impeachment effort
Republicans run a big risk with impeachment : politics

Full transcript: Read Kristen Welker's interview with Trump
Fact checking TrumpsMeet the Press interview | At least 11 different points during the interview, former President Trump flubbed numbers, misstated facts or omitted critical context.
Trump says it was his decision to conclude the 2020 election was rigged : politics
Trump refuses to say in a TV interview how he watched the Jan. 6 attack unfold at the US Capitol : politics
Eschaton: Journalism what is the point of letting any politician do this? And if it is only Trump, why?
A colossal mistake to showcase this sociopath': NBC facing backlash after 'shameful' Trump interview airs
Will Bunch on X: "This is a joke, right? You pre-recorded an interview with multiple lies, then -- instead of not airing them or at least fact-checking in a real time -- ran that interview for millions on national TV, followed by a online fact check to be read by 1/100th of that?" / X

Trump Mocked for Saying Impaired Joe Biden Leading US Into World War II
Picture of my neighbors front yard political billboard. : pics

Sure Why Not -- Meese is 91. -- JUST IN: Former Attorney General Ed Meese submits court declaration calling prosecution of Trump and ex-DOJ official Jeff Clark 'a major affront to federal supremacy never before seen in the history of our country.' (roots of evil)

Schumer ditches the Senates dress code

After winning impeachment fight, Paxton still faces felony fraud case and an FBI investigation : politics
Ken Paxtons impeachment trial escalates Texas Republican civil war Paxtons far-right supporters doubled down on their promises for swift retribution against fellow Republicans who supported his removal from office.

Election Deniers Are in Charge of Elections in 17 States : politics

California becomes first state to call for a constitutional convention on gun control : politics
Gavin Newsom says Ron DeSantis is fundamentally authoritarian

Lauren Boebert was announced as a guest speaker for a conservative youth conference days after she was tossed out of a musical recommended for kids : politics
Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert Dates Bar Owner Whos Hosted Drag Shows
Colorado newspaper's scathing rebuke of Lauren Boebert: "Entitled princess" : politics
Leading conservative women turn on embarrassing bimboLauren Boebert after vaping and groping theater incident

Atlanta Cop City Indictments Threaten Press Freedom Too : politics

Suicide leads gun-related deaths. Why dont we mention it when talking about gun control? | Suicide is the nations leading cause of gun-related deaths. Red flag laws and mandatary waiting periods to buy firearms could also buy precious time
U.S. tops 500 mass shootings in 2023 : politics

14-year-old arrested in fatal shooting in Florida : news

Russell Brand behaving in an extremely normal manner on the Jimmy Fallon show : videos

Elon Musk likes to think he saved us from Armageddon. He's just brought it closer - Timothy Snyder ... Musk did so because Russians (sometimes he says Putin) told him that a Ukrainian attack on part of Ukraines own territory (the Crimean peninsula, occupied by Russia) would lead to a Russian nuclear response. This was a lie ... It is hard to think of a more dangerous idea than the one that people like Musk and Putin are heroes saving the rest of us from our own limitations. The plotline about the oligarchical supermen is indeed fictional, but it does real harm in the real world. (traitorous Putin dick-sucker)

Singer Maren Morris leaving country music, blames the Trumpyears

This is excellent news for Warren Zevon - Lawyers, Guns & Money In the wake of his staggeringly racist and sexist interview promoting his new book, Only People With Dicks Can Discuss Rock nRoll, Jann Wenner has been shitcanned from his gatekeeper role
Joe Hagan on X: "Critic and feminist Ellen Willis on Jann Wenner and Rolling Stone, 1970. *Decades* ahead of her time." / X
andi zeisler on X: "Wow maybe he should have tried being more articulate" / X
Why Jann Wenner Was Removed from Rock Hall of Fame Board : Music

Mens shoulder-to-hip ratios influence neurophysiological responses related to perception and attractiveness
Scientists xenografted human neurons into mouse brains containing amyloid plaques. The human neurons, but not the mouse neurons, developed severe Alzheimers pathology. Down-regulation of MEG3 protected the human neurons from dying, suggesting a new therapeutic approach for Alzheimers disease.

On one of Vermont's most idyllic roads, fed-up locals say no more to the leaf peepers - Residents convinced their town to close the road for three weeks at the height of foliage season to prevent social media-inspired tourists from clogging it.

Remember "Lunch Atop A Skyscraper" - Here is the photographer Charles Ebbets taking that pic - 1932 : pics

Whats the worst example of cognitive dissonance youve seen in real life?

eli5: Why do Indian Girls commonly have the moles/red marks on their head? : explainlikeimfive
Bindu (symbol) - Wikipedia


Antarctic sea-ice at mind-blowing low alarms experts

Climate Science Is under Attack in Classrooms : politics

California sues oil giants alleging climate risks deception: Report

Libya flooding deaths top 11,000 with another 10,000 missing : worldnews
Libya investigates dams collapse after a devastating flood last weekend killed more than 11,000

Over 98,000 without power in Maine as post-tropical cyclone Lee makes landfall near U.S.- Canada border : news

Covid symptoms are now more mild and follow a pattern, doctors say Doctors who treat Covid describe the ways the illness has gotten milder and shifted over time to mostly affect the upper respiratory tract.

Nipah virus outbreak grows in India : worldnews

Australia swelters in uncommon spring heat ahead of likely El Nino event

Jail for male teacher who impersonated female ex-colleague, discussed sexual fantasies with students : worldnews - Singapore

N. Korea's Kim deeply impressed withRussias modern aviation technology: KCNA

Beijings top envoy in city hails police, warns hostile foreign forces still at play

Chinas defense minister under investigation for corruption
After replacing 2 senior military commanders in charge of its nukes, China is now investigating its defense minister, US officials say : worldnews

Chechen leader Kadyrow critically ill in coma : ukraine
Kadyrov is in a coma: the Main Intelligence Directorate confirmed information about the critical condition of the head of Chechnya, - Obozrevatel GUR representative Yusov told reporters that Kadyrovs illnesses worsened, which led to a serious condition
Putin is scrounging around for low quality weapons by doing a deal with North Korea, US official says
Russia has neutralised hundreds of foreign intelligence agents, top security official says

Russia spent about $167.3 billion on war with Ukraine in a year and a half The Russian government spent the most on providing the army $51.3 billion. For compensation for the dead and wounded, $46.6 billion was spent. According to Forbes calculations, military salaries cost $35.1 billion. The loss of equipment cost Putin over the 18 months of the war$34 billion ... Thats $9.29 billion per month or $305.3 million per day.

Lies Prevent Our Victory Russian Politician Details Dire Situation at Front In Extraordinary Telegram Post

Reuters: Russian general Sergei Surovikin found in Algeria : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russias current account surplus drops 86% year on year to $25.6 bln in Jan-Aug

Pakistan has 170 nuclear warheads, and may increase it to 200 by 2025: Report : worldnews

Anguish in Niger as Nigeria refuses to restore electricity supply : worldnews

Al Qaeda affiliate claims it killed four Russian mercenaries in Mali : worldnews

Dozens of Syrians are among the missing in catastrophic floods in Libya, a war monitor says : worldnews

Moroccos king keeps regal distance even in earthquake crisis

French ambassador is being held hostage at the French embassy in Niger, says Macron

Turkey could part ways with EU if necessary, Erdogan says : worldnews

UK, France and Germany refuse to lift sanctions on Iran under nuclear deal : worldnews
Iran vows no tolerance for instabilityas anniversary of Mahsa Aminisdeath nears

Explosive Device Detonates in Tel Aviv With No Injuries; Two Suspects Arrested : worldnews

Brutally honest, full Interview of Timothy Snyder on Russias Genocide in Ukraine
U.S. not planning to announce long-range missiles decision during Zelensky visit. : worldnews
Its Up to Ukrainians How They Use ATACMS - Blinken
The show must go on: 35,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews travel to Ukraine for the Jewish New Year

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 570, Part 1 (Thread #716) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 16.9.2023 : ukraine

Russia is making a very costly tactical mistake that means its second line of defense will be easier to penetrate, analysts say

Lugansk, temporarily occupied, live in the Russian world. Z tanker hit a pedestrian at a crossing and drove away calmly. Another Z truck did the same, no response. People act like nothing happened. 9 years of occupation show dangerous Russian disregard for life. : ukraine
Russian partisan blows up 2 trucks carrying Russian occupiers in Henichesk, Kherson Oblast. [article] : ukraine
Ukraine Update: The mud may actually help Ukraine : ukraine

The race to save Ukraines abducted children

Ukraines 3rd Assault Brigade Releases Extraordinary Video of Russia Firing on Own Troops
De-occupation is getting closer!This Ukrainian resistance sticker in Russian-occupied Melitopol transforms the Kremlins pro-war zwastika symbol into an hourglass in the national colours of Ukraine to indicate that time is running out for the Russian invaders

Russians in Crimea sell nationalised Ukrainian real estate
Russian-installed Crimea authorities to sell Ukrainian properties : worldnews

Ukrainian minister vows more drones for strikes on Russian warships : worldnews
There will be more: Fedorov announced new attacks on Russian ships The Minister of Digital Transformation stated that in the near future the world will increasingly receive news about new accidents of ships of the Russian Navy. Ukraine has entered the phase of active production of naval combat drones, and is also testing artificial intelligence systems that will allow recognition of enemy vessels.
An experimental sea drone was used to damage a Russian missile ship, Ukrainian sources say : worldnews
Ukraines Special Operations Forces reveal details of missile launch on Russian submarine in Crimea

The hard right is getting closer to power all over Europe It does not need to join governments to affect policymaking

Swedens NATO accession is truly the victim of endless games. All eyes were on Erdogan, but now Orban has found an excuse to be outraged and delay ratification. Infuriating.

Visas-for-bribes scandal rocks Polands anti-immigrantgovernment before election
Polands Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says Poland will build a border wall along its border with Kaliningrad, Russia. Poland built a razor-wire fence there, but Morawiecki now says it will be replaced with the same type of wall it has on the border with Belarus

Armenia will fully ratify Rome Statute, says Prime Minister Pashinyan

Letter showing Pope Pius XII had detailed information about Nazi crimes revealed - The Boston Globe ... undercutting the Holy Sees argument that it couldnt verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

Bus with migrants crashes as Italy transfers new arrivals to relieve pressure on Lampedusa island : worldnews

A sex education program causes controversy in Belgium. Schools are burning, the country is worried : worldnews

Pablo Picasso painting that depicts his mistress expected to sell for $120 million at auction : worldnews

Men Sentenced to Life in Prison for 2016 Brussels Bombings : worldnews

Im going to massacre you: Young Jewish man attacked in Marseille
French ski resort closes permanently because of snowfall shortage : worldnews

Irish Govt resisting EU grab of corporate sector profits : worldnews

SNP to open negotiations on Scotland leaving UK if it wins most seats at general election

Dozens of children were left behind by UN personnel in Haiti. Their mothers want justice : worldnews

El Chapos son extradited from Mexico to the US, Justice Department says

CIA identifies second officer involved in Argo mission

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Senators ask Pentagon for answers on SpaceXs Starlink service in Ukraine

Biden Defends Striking Autoworkers: They Deserve a Fair Share
The Future of Unions Looks Very Different : politics
This Day in Labor History: September 16, 1920 - Lawyers, Guns & Money - On September 16, 1920, a bomb went off on Wall Street at 12:01 PM. It killed thirty people and seriously injured 143. Almost certainly the work of extremist Italian anarchists under the influence of Luigi Galleani, it remains the most deadly example of left wing violence in American history.
As Biden backs striking autoworkers, Trump attacks union leader : politics
No defensible argument: Anger boils over at CEO pay .. CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978 - Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time

Military officers begin to speak out on the harm done by Sen. Tubervilles holds on promotions
315 military officers now affected by Tubervilles hold on promotions

McCarthy-Gaetz feud hits fever pitch : politics

Trump says he likes Putins praise
Trump says he's pleased by Putins praise: I like that he said that
The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "Former U.S. President Donald Trump expressed his gratitude for the recent support he has received from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and claimed he could achieve peace in Ukraine in a day." / X

Rudy Giuliani may have been compromisedby the Kremlin, and FBI leaders didnt care, alleges special agent Johnathan Buma

Trumps become a runaway train in the GOP primary. Heres why.
Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report : politics

Trump serves up chaotic word salad about Biden sparking World War II and running against Obama
You cant make this up.

Inside Trumps Gambit to Get Rid of a Judge by Suing Him

I could have pardoned myself: Legal experts laugh off Trumps especially funny new claim

Jack Smith Asks for Gag Order to Stop Trump From Intimidating Witnesses : politics
Whoa: Jack Smith Just Threw Down at Donald Trump in Big Way The special counsel would like the former president to please stop talking already

A Jan. 6 rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret. No one will say why : politics

The culpability of guilty knowledge: Adam Schiff on what GOP knew before 1/6

The Gun Charges Against Hunter Biden Are Unusual. Heres Why.that he lied about drug use on a federal form when he purchased a handgun is not typically the basis for a stand-alone prosecution.

Jets owner Woody Johnson is privately lobbying GOP megadonors to donate to Trumps campaign

Ramaswamy wants to end the H-1B visa program he used 29 times

Marjorie Taylor Greene says shes all in for impeaching Pete Buttigieg

2 controversial votes at Wisconsins state Capitol show GOP efforts to shape elections

Republican presidential candidates mostly overlook New Hampshire in an effort to blunt Trump in Iowa : politics

Cracks are starting to form in the GOP. DeSantis, once impervious to attack in Florida, challenged successfully in his home state for the first time in years by his own conservative base.

Good Luck With Your Pro-Life Rebranding,Dummies! The anti-abortion movement has grown too radical to be tamed by a bunch of Washington elites playacting as marketing consultants.
The chickens come home to roost for Republicans : politics
The GOP Is Coming After Your Birth Control (Even If They Wont Admit It)
Florida Judge Deciding Abortion Ban Case Married to Rep Who Sponsored Bill : politics

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton acquitted on all 16 articles of impeachment : politics
Texas AG Ken Paxton acquitted on 16 charges in state Senate impeachment trial : politics
Republicans stick up for their own crook again - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Judge sides with teachers who say their religion requires them to out trans kids. The school tried to protect trans kids but the judge said that the teachers religious right to out students is more important

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Signs Bill That Bans Vaccine Mandates In Arkansas : politics
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law restricting release of her travel, security records : politics

Kansas will no longer change trans peoples birth certificates to reflect their gender identities

Governor Kristi Noem, God-Fearing Family Woman, and Corey Lewandowski, Trump Creep, Reportedly Had 'Yearslong' Affair

Footage shows Boebert and her date fiddling with each others privates at Beetlejuice musical ... activities not suitable for the eyes of children
Meghan McCain Puts Lauren Boebert on Blast forLewd Sex Actin Public

2 librarians were fired after the board mistook an autism symbol for a Pride display. Theyre suing.

Armed man arrested at RFK Jr. campaign event in Los Angeles : politics

An update from Thorn Today we are sharing that Ashton Kutcher, our co-founder, will be resigning from his role as Board Chair at Thorn, effective immediately. This decision is rooted in the recognition of recent events and ensuring Thorn remains focused on its mission: to build technology to defend children from sexual abuse.

Overton, Texas principal arrested in connection with paddling of student : news

Empathy Is Not an AssetElon Musk doesnt tell us much about Elon Musk, but it just might tell you plenty about your next boss.

Jann Wenner Removed From Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Foundation Board of Directors : Music

Russell Brand accused of rape and sexual assault - BBC News
Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse Four women, including one who was just 16, make allegations after an investigation by The Sunday Times, The Times and Channel 4 Dispatches
It's time to shut down the BBC until we can figure out what the hell is going on - Lawyers, Guns & Money woo-woo wellness guru Russell Brand is a serial sexual predator. And as usual this was pretty much an open secret:

An unfillable void: Grad student's family speaks out as outrage over Seattle officer body camera video grows
US assures action after India calls for probe into video showing Seattle police officer laughing at students death

Masked Boot Girls Are Freeing Booted Cars All Over Atlanta

I have watched 500 Horror Movies on the TUBI app and summarized, micro-reviewed, and categorized each one. Would like to share our updated list for everyone's convivence. : movies

Which celebrities have actually killed someone? : AskReddit

15 Year Old Emma Kok Sings Voila
Barbara Pravi - Voila -- (English Translation)

Whats your opinion on the concept of a western canon?

No evidence that UFOs are aliens NASA attempts to make conversations about aerial phenomena more scientific

This study found that the gut microbiome controls fat metabolism by reducing the expression of a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) called Snhg9. : science

Students with higher social class backgrounds might be healthier because they sleep better : science

eli5: If space is expanding faster than light in all direction. Why hasn't the space between our atoms expanded to infinite? : explainlikeimfive

A meta-analysis of 500,000 people across 80 studies finds that Urban Living is linked to Depression for people in Developed countries, but not Developing countries. : science

A new study provides evidence for a bacterial component in the etiology/cause for Alzheimers disease - and for a development of a pathogenic microbiome in the brain, consistent with a leaky bloodbrain barrier that allows bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other pathogens to enter the brain.

Quantum memory order of magnitude improvement: a single-photon qubit encoded in a novel superconducting cavity with a record coherence time of 34 ms; this long-lived quantum memory is used to store a Schrodinger cat state with a record size of 1024
A new study challenges the widely accepted belief that degeneration of dopaminergic neurons is the initial event for Parkinsons disease. It suggests dysfunction in synapses of neurons, tiny gaps which impulses are transmitted, actually leads to deficits in dopamine and precedes neurodegeneration.

The physical universe is a by-product of consciousness exploring itself. | by Story Waters | Medium Consciousness is not an evolutionary by-product. It created biological evolution.

Eli5 Why werent all babies born disabled back when everyone smoked/drank during pregnancy?

TIL Operation Midnight Climax was a program by the CIA in the mid 50s that used prostitutes to lure unsuspecting men to apartments in New York and San Francisco to drug them with LSD to test whether the combination of sex and LSD might influence the men to reveal information the government wanted. : todayilearned

TIL that the Battle of Manila was the scene of some of the most brutal fighting in WW2 and one of the most devastated cities alongside Berlin and Warsaw : todayilearned

Most notorious illegal shadow library sued by textbook publishers [Updated]

Do you think musicians cringe too when hearing their voices in recordings? : Music


Texas power prices soar 20,000% as brutal heat wave sets off emergency : technology

Exxon minimized climate change internally after conceding that fossil fuels cause it : worldnews

Solar panel exports are breaking records : worldnews

More than 700 million people dont know when or if they will eat again, UN food chief says

Dams worldwide are at risk of catastrophic failure : worldnews

Libya Flood Death Toll Rapidly Doubles: Now Tops 11,000 : worldnews

Death toll from Hawaii wildfires drops to 97 : news

Myanmar, Russia agree on election cooperation

Taiwan election: Foxconn founder Terry Gou picks actress who played a presidential candidate in the Netflix show Wave Makers as running mate : worldnews
Beijing Says It Will Sanction Lockheed, Northrop Over Taiwan Arms Sales : worldnews
Anonymous fills UNESCO site with Taiwan symbols, sites, party logos, and rap music : worldnews

Li Shangfu: speculation grows over fate of Chinas missing defence minister

Putin Scrounging Around for Weapons Amid Ukraine Failure:
Kadyrov, head of Chechnya, in critical condition: Ukrainian Intelligence reports : worldnews
Russian central bank says rates will need to stay high as it hikes to 13% : worldnews

Russian authorities will now be able to send deaf, oligophrenic and schizophrenic people to the front line - Yesterday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu approved a list of diseases with which citizens will not be able to serve under contract during mobilization, martial law and wartime. The list consists of 26 points, including HIV, hepatitis B and C, diabetes mellitus, all forms of active tuberculosis, drug addiction, lack of limbs or a kidney.

U.S. Sanctions More Than 150 Entities Accused of Aiding Russia : worldnews
Rich Russians still transferring cash to Swiss bank accounts, investigation shows : worldnews

Russia wants to block WhatsApp : worldnews
Notorious Gangster From Russias North Ossetia Handed Life Sentence

Putins Useful Priests. The Russian Orthodox Church is apparently happy to be used by the Russian intelligence agencies, even in theoperational activities of the SVR, including in the US.

India calls X a habitual non-compliant platform

Afghan Taliban Detain 18, Including American, on Charges of Preaching Christianity : worldnews

Wagner Group sustains significant losses in clashes with Central African Republic rebels : worldnews

Nigeria hit by widespread blackout in total system collapse

Irans women a year after Mahsa Aminis death: I wear what I like now
Iran seizes 2 foreign-flagged tankers : worldnews

Seriously Sick Elon Musk Gets Trash-Talked All Over Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 569, Part 1 (Thread #715) : worldnews

Look at the emotions of the defenders after the fight Its not movie.
Ukrainian forces reclaim a village in the east as part of counteroffensive : worldnews
Drone images from Sept. 6 show destroyed village of Andriivka, retaken by Ukrainian forces today, located just below occupied Bakhmut. Once home to ~40 homes surrounded by fields & adjacent to railway. I did several bicycle rides through there back in the day.

nteresting from the Russian general and MP Gurulev who took it to Telegram to say that Ukrainians have changed tactics, that they effectively combat minefields, that their drones are endless, and that the Russian counter-battery fire is still ineffective.

War crimes investigators establish office in Ukraine after Russia charged with abducting more than 19,000 children : worldnews

Ukraine says Russian missile defence destroyed in Crimea, 2 warships hit : worldnews
A Russian sub took catastrophic damage from a Ukrainian missile strike despite attempts to downplay it, UK intel says
Ukrainian Bombers Firing Western Cruise Missiles Have Knocked Out A Russian Submarine : worldnews
Russian Serviceman Helped Ukraine Plan Missile Strike on Sevastopol Shipyard, Partisans Claim : worldnews

Bulgaria, NATO discuss response to Russian blockade in Black Sea : worldnews

Finland bans entry of Russian-registered private cars from midnight Friday : worldnews

A scandal in Polish Ministry of Foreign affairs uncovered by journalists - a people smuggling ring within the Ministry issued over 250 thousand visas to migrants from Asia and Africa for cash : worldnews

Austrian ex-foreign minister moves to Russia with ponies flown in on military plane

Germany Hints That Decision on Transfer of Taurus Missiles to Ukraine Will Take AnotherWeek orTwo

Italys Lampedusa pleads for help after thousands of migrant arrivals
Humanitarian disaster could lead to new war on Europes border

TikTok fined 345 million by Irelands data watchdog over processing of childrens data

Carrefour puts shrinkflation price warnings on food to shame brands | Supermarkets
American Bully XL dog set to be banned in the United Kingdom : worldnews

Brazil riots: First man tried for storming government buildings gets 17 years : worldnews Seriously, zip tie guy (US Insurrection) didn't even get 5 years. The dude who killed officer Sicknick got less than 7! An addition to Guantanomo should have been built to house 100s of these terrorists for decades

Police arrest Argentinas biggest online distributor of Nazi propaganda and literature: The detainee printed and sold more than 300 titles on Adolf Hitler, Aryan 'ethics,' anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial from his family home in Buenos Aires ... The Rat Lines were escape routes for prominent Nazis at the end of WWII. They were set up by the Vatican, which also issued forged paperwork ... how much human evil has come out of the Vatican

Dominican Republic closes border with Haiti, further stoking tensions : worldnews

Control grocery prices or face new taxes, Canadas Trudeau warns chains

All thanks to Big Yellow Taxi: How State discovered Chinese hackers reading its emails The State Department relied on a clever alert system to uncover and unravel an advanced Chinese spying campaign that involved breaches of officials emails.

The US Senate wants answers over Starlinks Ukrainian satellite internet denial
No One Man Should Have All That PowerAsfree speech absolutist Elon Musk continues his campaign of censorship at Twitter, were getting an exhibition in the outsize power of billionaires to shape our politics.

Biden Offering New Round of Dark Brandon Merch : politics The Messenger is a right-wing trojan horse pretending to be a regular news outlet.
Biden's Medicare price negotiation push is broadly popular. But he's not getting much credit | AP News

Biden Administration Aims to Trump-Proof the Federal Work Force - The New York Times If Donald Trump wins a second term, he and his allies want to revive a plan to allow a president to fire civil service workers who are supposed to be hired on merit. The Biden administration is trying to thwart it.

The old have come to dominate American politics Age of heads of government At March 24th 2023, 187 countries

What I saw at the Texas border shocked me | The Hill

UAW strike: 13,000 auto workers walk off | AP News
UAW members go on strike at three key auto plants after deal deadline passes : politics
UAW Temporary Loses Twitter Verification as Union Strikes
X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called : technology
75 Percent of Americans Side With Striking UAW Members | The Nation Polling shows exceptionally wide support for the unions bold demands ... But the automakerswhich made a combined $21 billion in profits in the first six months of 2023 alone ... claimed that they could not afford to meet even the most reasonable, most basic demands of the workers.

With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream press must change its ways | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian ... US news organizations have turned Bidens age into a scandal and continue to cover Trump as an entertaining side show
So Bidens Old. But Did He Try to Destroy American Democracy? The media has forgotten that Donald Trump has an age-old problem as well

Its Now Clearer Than Ever: The US Is Choosing to Impoverish Children ... Republicans * That includes Sinema and Manchin

At Air Force conference, officials call out effect of Tuberville holds : politics
Republican Dan Crenshaw texts hes going to tear apart Tuberville for promotions hold

Congress is in crisis. Theres no clear escape ... I just didnt think we were dumb enough to get there,Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) said.

House Dems Aim to Make Overdue Reforms to the FEC: The Federal Election Commission has resisted taking action on a number of clear election law violations. House Democrats want answers.

GOPs phony impeachment will backfire Trump and McCarthy will pay the price ... The republican party is 100% fascist at this point. MAGA is just the loud part. The rest of them approve of it with their silence.
Marjorie Taylor Greene admits aim of Biden impeachment is to ensure Democrats losebig at next election
The Rage of the Toddler Caucus on Capitol HillNot even a Biden impeachment can soothe them out of a government shutdown.

Why the FBI is still searching for hundreds of Capitol rioters : politics

Twitter gives special counsel Jack Smith 32 of Trumps private messages
Donald Trumps attempt to recuse Judge Chutkan rubbished by Jack Smith
Trumps public statements led to harassment of witnesses, federal prosecutors say
Special Counsel Seeking Gag Order on Trump in Election Case - The New York Times Prosecutors have asked Judge Tanya S. Chutkan to curb statements from the former president that could intimidate witnesses, influence potential jurors or lead to harassment of others in the case.

Trump says hed testify under oath he never ordered Mar-a-Lago security video deleted
Trump, His Kids, and His Bankers: New York AG Lays Out Witnesses in Case : politics
Trump and three of his kids to be called as witnesses in fraud case : politics

Legal Experts Have A Field Day With Trumps Megyn Kelly Interview

Trump Explains Melanias Absence on the Campaign Trail

Malignant Trump Torched By His Former Attorney Who Is Predicted To Flip | The former presidents one-time lawyer explained why she simply cant support him for elected office again

Hunter Bidens lawyer says gun statute unconstitutional, case will be dismissed
A conservative appeals court just ruled against the federal gun law used to charge Hunter Biden : politics
Biden won't pardon his son if he's convicted, White House says

Enough with the Mitt Romney adulation! The GOP hasnt been a serious "policy" party in decades: "traditional" Republican views on everything from taxes to abortion failed, clearing a path for a Trumpist takeover

John Fetterman Claps Back At Crying Matt Gaetz: Get Your S**t Together

Wisconsins Gerrymandering Is Sparking a Constitutional Crisis: Badger State Republicans desire to hold onto power is running afoul of democracy
GOP-led Wisconsin Senate votes to remove chief elections official : politics

The End of Roe Is Having a Chilling Effect on Pregnancy | New polling shows that a third of young women say they or someone they know has decided not to get pregnant because of concerns about maternal health care after Dobbs. : politics

Crying mother of transgender child confronts Pence over anti-LGBT policies : politics
Mike Pence snubs crying mom who begged him to support trans rights : politics

Republican sobs as she claims LGBTQ+ activists are trainingchildren to use butt plugs and dildos

An epidemic: Syphilis rages through Texas, causing newborn cases to climb amid treatment shortage

Florida leaders silent after senator confronts staffer at womens shelter

Two More California School Districts OK Forced Outing of Trans Students. School boards in Orange and Rocklin took the action even though the state attorney general has sued one district with such a policy and warned others. : politics

Why Colin Allred Is Going to Make Ted Cruz Sweat: A recent poll shows the Texas Democrat only 5 percent behind the lightning-rod GOP incumbent. Heres how he might pull off the cycles biggest upset.
Texas named as state with the most book bans in 2022, report shows : politics

EXCLUSIVE: Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair
The Party of Family Values - Lawyers, Guns & Money Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, 51who stresses her belief infamily valuesand Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski, who is also married, began carrying on in 2019, if not before.

What the Ken Paxton saga shows about MAGA and Trump - POLITICO Nearly a quarter of Texas Republicans now disapprove of the embattled attorney general, an all-time high.

Republican candidate for governor supports criminalizing birth control - Lawyers, Guns & Money Many Kentuckians might be forced to abstain from the states finest export for several months at a time should Republicans capture the governorship:

Theres Videotape! Annals of Feral Lauren Boebert

Video shows school employee hitting 3-year-old nonverbal autistic child in the head and knocking him to the floor, attorney alleges : news

The spectacular downfall of a common, useless cold medicine | Ars Technica
Ending a great rip-off - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Will be interesting to see whether the data for ambroxol holds up and if its approved for American sale.

Jann Wenner Interviews White Guys Because They're More Articulate - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Ashton Kutcher resigns from anti-child sex abuse organization after backlash over Danny Masterson letter : news

Webb finds molecule only made by living things in another world : worldnews

Scientists discover how brain cells die in Alzheimers

Why is no one taught the one concept in quantum physics which denies reality? | by Chris Ferrie | Medium contextuality and it is the essence of quantum physics

2084 - Avi Loeb ... There is no doubt that by 2084 artificial intelligence (AI) will take over most routine tasks, currently assigned to humans.

Scientists have confirmed that human brains are naturally wired to perform advanced calculations, much like a high-powered computer, to make sense of the world through a process known as Bayesian inference. : science

TIL that women are twice as likely than men to be Constipated. This finding is consistent across 11 different studies. : todayilearned

MA Has Third-Highest Median Household Income, New Census Data Shows : massachusetts

Which author has the most beautiful writing style? : books

Apple's new iPhone 15 is an underwhelming 'slap in the face,' say disappointed fans : technology Apples new iPhone 15 is an underwhelming slap in the face, say disappointed fans


Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries : science
Earth well outside safe operating space for humanityscientists find

20,000 people feared dead in Libyan city destroyed by floods : worldnews
Derna, 100 000 inhabitants, 20 000 presumed dead due to a cyclone and corruption : pics
After Libya Floods, a Chaotic Scramble for Rescuers - The New York Times The situation is still very bad there is a mismanagement of the crisissaid one volunteer. Thousands of people died, and many are still missing, after heavy rains led to the collapse of two dams.

Australian tycoon calls for layoffs to fix workers attitudes

US approves $5 bn sale of F-35 jets to South Korea : worldnews

Kim invites Putin to North Korea : worldnews

How Much Time? - Lawyers, Guns & Money How much warning would we have of a Chinese attack on Taiwan?

Gone in 30 seconds: Boy, 10, arrested over $640k luxury watch robbery in Hong Kong : worldnews ... the three robbers, believed to be Pakistanis with Hong Kong identity cards, threatened the staff and smashed their display counters, taking 20 luxury watches such as Rolex timepieces.

Times change : pics
2/ Putin met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast on September 14.
4/ Putin is likely neutrally portraying his meeting with Kim Jong Un in order to balance Russias interest in acquiring North Korean artillery munitions with concerns about the risk of triggering secondary international sanctions on Russia due to potential trade with North Korea.

Russian manufacturers are making up to 7 times as much ammunition as Western arms makers, Estonian defense official says : worldnews

Rogue Russian pilot tried to shoot down RAF aircraft in 2022 : worldnews
Russia covered up a pilots attempt to shoot down a NATO aircraft near Ukraine, blaming it on a malfunction, report says

Indian Military Studying Options if China Invades Taiwan

TIL Rwanda, East Africa, leads the entire world for the most women in government. In 2008 it became the first nation on earth to have a female majority government - and, since then, the country has maintained the figure at an approximately 60% majority... : todayilearned

The Secret Life and Anonymous Death of the Most Prolific War-Crimes Investigator in History | The New Yorker When Mustafa died, in the earthquakes in Turkey, his work in Syria had assisted in the prosecutions of numerous figures in Bashar al-Assads regime

Christian extremists attack drag show, LGBT Lebanese in Beirut : worldnews

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit the Capitol next week as part of his visit to the United States for the UN General Assembly. Visit is tentatively scheduled for Thursday 9/21.
Timothy Snyder: People know Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine but are afraid to say so : ukraine
Ukrainian pilots could be flying F-16s in three months, Air National Guard head says : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 568, Part 1 (Thread #714) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 14.9.2023

Russia, by all accounts has the advantage in fixed-wing reconnaissance drones with its state-backed mass production of models like the Orlan. Ukrainian soldiers speak of them with a lot of respect, and if they are spotted flying around, the guys keep their head down

link in the last tweet. It looks like Ukraine has finally hit the S-400 positions, which were revealed earlier last year by tourists taking photos near the beach close to the city of Yevpatoria

27 Russian Troops Killed by Friendly Fire During Botched Retreat Near Opytne

Deliberate murders of Ukrainian children by Russian soldiers reveal culture of impunity : ukraine
BULLET HOLES | An investigation into Russias systemic killings of Ukrainian children

Ukraine says serious damage to Russian naval targets in Crimea attack : worldnews
Russian air defence system destroyed in Crimea, Ukraine says : worldnews
Unique special operation: SSU and Navy destroy $1.2 billion Russian Triumph near Eupatoria : worldnews
A giant success for the Ukrainian Air Force.
More footage of the parts of a special operation to regain control over Ukrainian oil and gas drilling platforms in the Black Sea

Romanians told to shelter from Russian drones : worldnews

Dutch diplomat who saved 9.000-10.000 Jews in Lithuania during WWII was punished by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the war for diverging from standard visa protocol. After 80 years he is finally honoured with the highest possible recognition for a civilian.

Germany suspends migrant intake from Italy : worldnews

Spanish police arrest man for groping reporter while on air : worldnews

Brazil considering leaving International Criminal Court following order for Putins arrest

Argentina inflation hits 124% as cost-of-living crisis sharpens : worldnews

Cocaine Is Set to Overtake Oil to Become Colombias Main Export

Cuba is not against its citizens fighting on Russias side in Ukraine, RIA cites envoy

Scientists call fraud on supposed extraterrestrials presented to Mexican Congress : news
Mexico Releases Rare Photo of Aliens Discovered in 1996 : funny

NASA Will Study UFOs Using AI and Crowdsourcing - WSJ
NASA Shares Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report : technology

Terrestrial Relics from Non-Human Spacecraft | by Avi Loeb | Medium
The return of OumuamuaWith a strange u-turn, this mysterious object has been coming back, and people are dying to get their hands (or feet) on it.
6 Strange Facts about the Interstellar Visitor Oumuamua

Senate subpoenas Saudis $700bn sovereign wealth fund over US dealings

George W. Bush says real pro-life Republicans wouldnt defund his HIV program

Congrats on making millions of kids poorer, Congress : politics

In Poland, Testing Women for Abortion Drugs Is a Reality. It Could Happen Here.

Media Carrying Water for Employers - Lawyers, Guns & Money Our friend Michael Hiltzik has an excellent column on the ways that the media frames strikes in ways that prove to be employer propaganda.

Were Headed for a Government Shutdown

It will take years to recover from Tuberville blockade, top Navy nominee says
Tuberville faces growing GOP pressure over holds : politics
Is Tommy Tuberville Paving the Way for Trump to Fill the Pentagon with Lackeys? : politics

Biden on Republicans impeachment bid: I have a job to do

Senate GOP says House lacks evidence for impeachment : politics

Carville on McCarthys impeachment inquiry: How could we get so lucky?
Some GOP members pitch hilariously bad evidence against Biden | One Republican put his cards on the table for everyone to see. It was immediately obvious that what he perceived as face cards were actually jokers.

Biden Allies Cite Kushner in Discrediting Impeachment Push : politics

Kevin McCarthy Caught in Lie of His Own Making on Biden Impeachment: The House speaker rushed through his call for a Biden impeachment, and the press called him out on it. : politics

Read and weep : PoliticalHumor
As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets : politics

Georgias fake electors acted at Trumps direction, indicted ex-GOP chair says
Trump wont have to stand trial in October, Georgia judge says
Judge severs Trumps Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October
Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October - ABC News

The Donald forum user gets more than 6 years in prison for battling officers at Capitol riot Jose Padilla, 43, a disabled Army veteran, received a sentence far below the sentencing guidelines

Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges - ABC News
The FBI has created a stand-alone unit to investigate threats from members of the public who think agents and prosecutors havent been tough enough on the presidents son.

Six Takeaways From Romneys Tea-Spilling Biographyforthcoming book based on extensive interviews in which he slammed his party and the Senate.
James Palmer on X: "this is almost tragic. for everyone, including them" / X this is almost tragic. for everyone, including them
The psychology of the gerontocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Two Supreme Court justices this century William Rehnquist and Ruth Bader Ginsburg made incredibly reckless gambles by refusing to retire strategically despite very serious health problems and advanced age.

Mitt Romney: decimating Russian military by funding Ukraine a wise investment for US

Mitt Romney condemns demagogue Trump as he announces retirement
Mitt Romney: Its time for baby boomer politicians to move on
Republican politicians are worried that Mitt Romneys new book will reveal their true feelings and private conversations about Trump
Youre screwed: Romneys exit threatens a collapse of Senates middle
Mitch McConnell told Mitt Romney that Trump is an 'idiot' who doesn't think when he says things: book

Colorado Lawsuits Strategy for Keeping Trump Off Ballot Is Starting to Spread

The overlap between election denial and viewing Biden as a criminal : politics
"An acute threat to white privilege": Tim Wise on why MAGA is "losing their s**t right now" : politics

What Republicans are doing to Wisconsin is a warning sign to all Americans : politics
Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin will resume offering abortions : politics

Will the Supreme Court allow Fugitive Uterus Acts to be enforced? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It was inevitable that some neoconfederate jurisdictions would try to prevent women from traveling to states who reject the gender relations of 19th century common law to obtain abortions:

The Democrats must keep the Senate at all costs and the coal-mine canary is Ohio

DeSantis took undisclosed private flights and lodging through wealthy donors : politics
Failed presidential candidate wants more of his constituents to die - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Biden admin takes swipe at Ted Cruz over school mask mandates : politics

House rests its case against Ken Paxton after chaotic day | The Texas Tribune The House prosecutors failed to call a star witness and battled with the defense attorneys over allegations the suspended attorney general had been bribed by Nate Paul.
A mistress almost takes the stand in Texas AGs impeachment trial

Jury awards $100,000 to Kentucky couple denied marriage license by ex-County Clerk Kim Davis : politics ... Just a reminder that Kim Davis has been married at least four times, and during one of her several marriages, she had an affair that resulted in her becoming pregnant with twins. The man she had the affair with would eventually become her future husband. So much for that whole sanctity of marriage thing. These religious nuts are truly despicable people without a shred of decency and integrity.

Santos misses extended deadline to file financial disclosure, blames fear of a rushed job

Video appears to show Lauren Boebert giving the middle finger to an usher after being kicked out of a performance of Beetlejuice

Judge suspends Lujan Grishams gun order

Trans state representative Zooey Zephyr makes Times 100 Next list

Where Is There to Go? He Needs Gender-Affirming Surgery, but His State Is Fighting to Deny Coverage

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law restricting release of her travel, security records : news

TIL that on the weekend of Friday June 22nd Professional Wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy, then his son and the next day himself. But 14 hours before anyone knew what happened a wiki user edited a wiki article to say that Nancy was dead, later claiming it was a "terrible coincidence". : todayilearned

Man helping deer cross a busy street shot, killed by scared driver

Charges: Man held girlfriend captive in St. Kates dorm room, beat and raped her for days

during a gynecological exam. Credit: Illustration by Lucas Waldron/ProPublica - Criminal Justice - How Columbia Ignored Women, Undermined Prosecutors and Protected a Predator For More Than 20 Years
assaulted her during a gynecological exam. Credit: Illustration by Lucas Waldron/ProPublica Criminal Justice How Columbia Ignored Women, Undermined Prosecutors and Protected a Predator For More Than 20 Years : TrueCrimeDiscussion
Gynecologist accused of sexually abusing over 200 patients is sentenced to 20 years in prison | AP News
Doctor Who Abused Women Sentenced to 20 Years Imprisonment - The New York Times Robert A. Hadden, a gynecologist, was convicted of luring women across state lines to appointments in Manhattan where he abused them.
US gynecologist Robert Hadden sentenced to 20 years in prison for abusing patients | New York | The Guardian predator in a white coat

Man walked naked out of shower, found Mountie in his bedroom, lawsuit says : news

A Political History of the Future: The Tech Billionaire - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Elon Musk Slammed by Taiwan Days After Ukraine Lashed Out The worlds richest man drew a rebuke from Taiwans foreign ministry just days after being called out by Ukrainian officials.

What famous person had everything going for him but managed to fuck it all up? : AskReddit ... Matt Lauer

ELI5: How was Jeffrey Dahmers cased not ruled not guilty by reason of insanity? If he isnt insane, then who is?

Caesars reportedly paid millions to stop hackers releasing its data | Its the second Las Vegas casino group to be attacked this week.
MGM reeling from cyber 'chaos' 5 days after attack as Caesars Entertainment says it was hacked too - ABC News
A phone call to helpdesk was likely all it took to hack MGM : technology

The Entire Gaming Industry Unites Against Unitys Baffling Pricing Change

Shoutout To Heather Cox Richardson - Lawyers, Guns & Money

A new study investigated reactions of college students accused of using ChatGPT to cheat by analyzing 49 Reddit posts. Of the 49 students who posted, 38 of them said they did not use ChatGPT, but detection programs like Turnitin or GPTZero had still flagged their assignment as being AI-generated. : science

New study brings MDMA as treatment for PTSD closer to FDA approval | The Hill

Overdose deaths from fentanyl laced stimulants have risen 50-fold since 2010 | The trend marks the fourth wave in the US overdose crisis, which began with prescription opioid deaths in the early 2000s and has since continued with other drugs : science
Fentanyl mixed with cocaine or meth is driving the 4th wave of the overdose crisis

TIL more women than men have contributed to out gene pool due to the fact pre-historic men had children with between 1.5 and 3.3 women on average : todayilearned
Ten Other Men Left Genetic Legacies So Huge They Rival Genghis Khan' - A new study shows that 10 other men founded large Y-chromosome lineages

TIL that birds have a unidirectional, four-stroke respiration system. They have posterior and anterior air sacs that fill the lungs and receive deoxygenated air during each part of the inhale/exhale cycle. This process is highly efficient as it keeps the lungs constantly full of oxygenated air : todayilearned

Risk of brain haemorrhage appears transmissible via blood transfusion. Patients who have received blood from donors who later suffered recurring brain haemorrhages are more than twice as likely to suffer a brain haemorrhage themselves. Note that this study does not demonstrate causality. : science

Up to an hour after their hearts had stopped, 4 of 10 patients revived by CPR had clear memories afterward of experiencing death and, while unconscious, had brain patterns linked to thought and memory, a new study found. : science

ELI5: Why is the Fibonacci sequence found everywhere? : explainlikeimfive
Metallic mean - Wikipedia

Analysis of 200 million known proteins suggests that humans have 13 unique three-dimensional shapes : science

Hondas adorable '80s microscooter is back and electrified for the 21st century

Redditors who have dated celebrities, howd it go?

what is the most unsettling unsolved mystery that youre aware of?


Antarctic sea ice levels entering new low state, climate researchers say, with action urged on emissions

Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold : worldnews

US behind more than a third of global oil and gas expansion plans, report finds | Climate crisis : worldnews

Red fire ants, an invasive species with a painful sting, have spread to Europe : worldnews

After delay, aid groups have "green light" to help Morocco quake victims : worldnews

ALMARSAD: Causalities from the floods in Libya are now estimated to be more than 20,000. : worldnews
Sea is constantly dumping bodies: fears Libya flood death toll may hit 20,000
Libya floods death toll passes 3,000 as damage becomes clear : worldnews
5000 dead, 10000 missing in Libya Floods : worldnews
Libya floods: Entire neighbourhoods dragged into the sea : worldnews

S. Korea to stage large-scale military parade in Seoul for 1st time in decade : worldnews

Taiwan watching carefully for Beijing attempts to influence 2024 election

China Says It Has Noticed Security Incidents With iPhones

We will fight imperialism together North Koreas Kim tells Putin
Ive heard a lot said on Russian state TV, but this is certainly a new one - Ahead of Vladimir Putins meeting with Kim Jong-un, Nikolai Starikov praises North Koreas successful economy and political system

Russia enticed soldiers to join a unit by saying it wouldnt fight in Ukraine for months, then sent it straight to the front, UK intel says

Four Russian regions face a collapse in budget revenuesthe Moscow Times.Four Russian regions in the first half of 2023 faced a double-digit drop in tax revenues to local budgets. This data is provided by experts of the Gaidar Institute in their report on the financial condition of the Russian Federations regions.
Four Russian regions in the first half of 2023 faced a double-digit drop in tax revenues to local budgets. This data is provided by experts of the Gaidar Institute in their report

Russian airliner forced to land in corn field -BBC : worldnews

Blogger In Tatarstan Gets Three Years In Prison For Calling On Russian Soldiers To Desert : worldnews

We cant rely on Russia to protect us anymore, Armenian PM says Once one of the Kremlins closest allies, Armenia is now conducting joint drills with US soldiers

No corridor without Turkey: Erdogan opposes India-Middle East-Europe mega project ... Maybe hes the reason they drew it around Turkey.

Female genital mutilation linked to Red Sea slave trade route Women taken from Africa and sold as concubines in the Middle East were 'stitched' as a sign of chastity to increase their market value

Irans gender apartheid bill could jail women for 10 years for not wearing hijab
Iran confirms it arrested Swedish citizen : worldnews

5 killed in Gaza border blast during rioting, apparently while planting bomb : anime_titties IDF says Palestinian explosive device meant to target troops near security fence exploded prematurely, as Hamas appears to return to regular provocations on frontier

The US is preparing to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles loaded with cluster bombs. The Biden administration is close to approving the delivery of long-range missiles equipped with cluster bombs to Ukraine, which would allow Kyiv to inflict more significant damage deep into Russian-occupied territory, four US officials told Reuters
Elon Musk shouldnt be calling the shots on how Ukraine fights
Elon Musks control of Starlink gives him unchecked power over elected governments
Elon Musk on Starlink Scandal: Ukraine Not in Chargeof U.S. "I am" he said.
Russias Putin praises Elon as an outstanding person and talented businessman
Whats Unique About Ukraine and Starlink

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 567, Part 1 (Thread #713) : worldnews

The Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine with a Mi-8 helicopter is now providing key aviation intelligence to Ukraine, defense agency says : worldnews

Ukraine launches missile attack on Crimea, Russia says : worldnews
Ukraine Strikes Russian Naval Ships at Black Sea Facility : worldnews
Russia says Crimean shipyard on fire, two ships damaged in Ukraine missile attack : worldnews
Russian media report two large naval vessels, the Minsk landing ship and the Rostov-on-Don submarine, burned down as a result of the attack.
British cruise missiles were used in significant Ukrainian attack on Russian submarine | World News | Sky News The UK gave Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraines armed forces earlier in the year. They are able to be fired by Ukrainian aircraft, with a range of more than 150 miles.
worthy of reflection that here we are, More than a year and a half after the Russian full scale invasion and Ukr seems to be winning the Black Sea naval war with Russia, and Ukr doesnt have a functioning large warship.

Romania announces it has found the wreckage of another Russian drone. This time, the Russian drone struck Nufarul Victoria, 15 km south of the Ukrainian border. Romania is a NATO state!

Ukrainians leaving Poland for Germany as Europe cries out for workers : worldnews

Latvia, Estonia follow Lithuania in banning Russian cars from entering : worldnews

With Apples iPhone 15, the EU wins the charger war

The EU should have isolated the Ukraine war,Hungarian foreign minister says

Cryptoqueen: Accomplice jailed for 20 years for OneCoin financial scam : worldnews

France bans sales of Apples iPhone 12 after watchdog finds above-threshold radiation levels

The Brazilian military officer who served as Jair Bolsonaros private secretary during his term as president (2019-2022) is preparing to confess after reaching an agreement with the police last Saturday, to cooperate in several investigations that include his former boss

Colombia deadliest country for environmentalists

A grim report about climate change in Ontario was kept quiet for 8 months : worldnews
Drug overdoses, COVID-19 drive Saskatchewan Canada life expectancy to lowest level in 22 years : worldnews
Empty shelves with absolutely no books: Students, parents question school boards library weeding process

A Mexican ufologist claims to show 2 alien corpses to Congress : NPR
Researcher Shows off Alien Corpses to Mexican Congress: Experts Wont Touch Claims
Mexico: Remains of alleged non-human put on display : worldnews
A video which exposes similar forgeries made two years ago by the same man now claiming to have found mummified aliens in Mexico : videos
TIL That The 3 Fingered Alien Is A Hoax Debunked In 2017 : todayilearned

Child poverty is a choice ... In 2022, the child poverty rate spiked to 12.4%, a dramatic increase of 7.2 percentage points from the previous year

Shoutout To Heather Cox Richardson - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Biden plan would overhaul 151-year-old mining law, make companies pay royalties for copper and gold : politics

Is the rise of AI the best argument for universal basic income? : politics

Congress Needs to Show Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court Whos Boss

Christie knocks Putins endorsement of Trump

Tuberville refuses to budge on military promotions despite growing GOP pressure : politics
Dem: Tuberville doesnt know what in the hell hes talking about

The most predictable impeachment investigation in American history : politics
With Nothing on Joe Biden, Republicans Move Toward Impeaching Him Anyway : politics

John Fettermans Reaction to Biden Impeachment Is All We Care About: The Pennsylvania senator captured perfectly how stupid this all is.
John Fetterman says hell never understand progressives who refuse to support Joe Biden

Kevin McCarthy is cornered : politics
AOC slams McCarthy on Biden impeachment: Hesmaking a joke of himself
Matt Gaetz issues ominous warning to Kevin McCarthy : politics
Kevin McCarthy is moving forward on Bidens possible impeachment by doing the exact same thing he slammed Nancy Pelosi for doing
Senate GOP unhappy with McCarthy on impeachment inquiry: Its a fools errand
Charlie Sykes: McCarthy will be remembered as one of the weakest speakers weve ever had

Trump privately discussed Biden impeachment with GOP lawmakers : politics

The GOPs Ill-Fated Biden Impeachment Inquiry Will Cost Republicans the House
Jamie Raskin Warns GOP Of Humiliation That Could EndThe Republican Party
With Nothing on Joe Biden, Republicans Move Toward Impeaching Him Anyway : politics

Judge denies Trump aide Mark Meadows request to pause ruling that sent Georgia election case back to state court : politics
Trumpy Judge Actually Rules Against Trump in Mar-a-Lago Case : politics

Alvin Bragg keeps winning and nobodys talking about it

Trumps access to classified information restricted as he heads to trial in documents case, federal judge rules

When your parents go the full 1/6 - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Roughly 15 percent of the more than 1,100 people charged for actions on Jan. 6, 2021, were turned in by family members, friends or acquaintances

Comer Gives Away the Game When Asked Why He Wont Just Subpoena Hunter Biden: House Oversight Chair James Comer has insisted for months that Hunter Biden is up to something nefarious. So why not subpoena him?

Jared Kushners Dad, A Convicted Felon Who Trump Pardoned, Donates A Million To Trump PAC

Democratic leaders push back on erroneous Robert Kennedy Jr. attacks: Kennedy has recently made unsupported claims of Democratic vote-rigging in the primary a central message of his campaign

A House GOP attempt to advance abortion measure backfires in funding fight - POLITICO House GOP leaders wanted more leverage in the spending wars. So far, they have less.
End of the Pro-Life Movement - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Mitt Romney says he will not seek a second term in the Senate : politics

Florida covid boosters: Surgeon General warns against use of new boosters - POLITICO

The Right-Wing Conspiracy-Fest Is More Openly Bloodthirsty Than Before: Ive been to three ReAwaken America events. This one, starring Alex Jones and Roseanne Barr, was off the charts.

Everybody Hates Marty | David Klion Martin Peretz would like a word

Cannabis cafes, Amsterdam-style, await Newsoms approval. Its a culture shift, lawmaker says

Residents can relax after fugitive Danelo Cavalcante is captured and arraigned in rural PennsylvaniaLaw enforcements big break came overnight as a plane fitted with a thermal imaging camera picked up Danelo Souza Cavalcantes heat signal, allowing teams on the ground to secure the area, surround him and move in with search dogs.

In recording, a Seattle police officer joked after woman's death. He says remarks were misunderstood : news

Cryptos emptiness is paradoxically its strength
Ponzi as vocation - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Thats What I Call Ponzinomics With Sam Bankman-Fried, Gisele, and a credulous Michael Lewis at the zenith of crypto hype.
Crypto scam social science thoughts: The role of the elite news media and academia | Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

Sean Penns Crusade: Why Hes Risking It All for Ukraine, Furious at Will Smith and Ready to Call Bullson Studios AI Proposals

What historical fact does no one like to talk about? : AskReddit

The Ancient & Modern Roots of YogaOne scholars quest to trace his practice back to its source ultimately gives him a glimpse of yogas greater truth.

The Meaning of Life, According to Science | by Chris Ferrie | Medium Of course, it would be very uncool not to mention Nietzsche at some point, who emerged as a significant figure in the transition from classical to contemporary thought.

Why Godel, Escher, Bach is the most influential book in my life.

Richard Feynman and the Spaghetti ProblemA simple yet complicated physics problem that perplexed thinkers for decades

How a leading neuroscientist lost a 25 year bet on proving the brain produces consciousness | by Gerald R. Baron | Medium

ELI5 Why it became "out of date" to build philosophical systems? : explainlikeimfive

Super-Ensemble Plots - Lee

What are some of the bad parts of sex that people dont talk about?


Moroccos reluctance to accept quake aid baffles foreign governments

Storm Daniel kills at least 3000 in Libya, thousands others missing : worldnews
Libya floods wipe out quarter of city, 10,000 feared missing : worldnews

Australias most populous state announced Tuesday a logging ban in a forest haven for koalas, aiming to protect the local population from being wiped out

Cruise ship with 206 people has run aground in northwestern Greenland, no injuries, no damage : worldnews

Japan elevates Taiwan security ties in move likely to rile China : worldnews

Kim Jong Un reportedly hops on his bulletproof, drab green train for meeting with Putin : worldnews
Kremlin officially confirms Kim Jong-Uns visit to Russia

Beijing claims US citizen jailed for life in China was decorated spy who worked undetected for decades : worldnews

Putin's top doctor arrested by FSB after trying to escape Russia
Putin: sending Soviet tanks into Hungary and Czechoslovakia was a mistake : worldnews
Putin says Russia developing weapons based on new physical principles

George W. Bush says it was shocking to learn that Yevgeny Prigozhin once served him dinner in St. Petersburg: All I know is I survived

PACE recognises Russia as a dictatorship : worldnews - Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Russian Passenger Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Siberian Field : worldnews
Sanctions against Russia are taking their toll. A Russian Airbus A-320 which was flying from Sochi to Omsk had to make an emergency landing in Novosibirsk Region. All western aerospace companies such as Airbus are not supplying spare parts and due to this circumstance have revoked any assurance of the safety of their produced planes.
Russia supplies Mali with two Su-25s: neither lasted a year : worldnews

India to offer Russia to invest trapped rupees, Lavrov says : worldnews

Cairos 1,000-year-old City of the Dead cemetery razed for new highway
Egypt bans niqab in schools : worldnews

US makes deal with Iran to swap prisoners and release $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds : worldnews

Israeli academics and artists call on Biden and UN to shun Netanyahu during his upcoming US visit : worldnews
Meta deletes Al Jazeera presenters profile after show criticising Israel (Fuckerberged)

Zelensky says Ukraine waited too long to launch counteroffensive
Ukraine needs between $12 billion and $14 billion in financial aid from the US next year, Ukraines finance minister says
NATO is now learning a lot from Ukrainians, realizing that theyre the source of this practical experience, and is changing its training programs.
@TimothyDSnyder was asked why Russia chose a genocidal war against #Ukraine and provides this sharp answer

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 566, Part 1 (Thread #712) : worldnews

Crimea has a four day fuel supply left. : ukraine

Ukraine reports a surge in Russians offering to defect after a helicopter pilot switched sides and took his chopper with him : worldnews

Ukraine stopped Russian cruise missiles from taking out a cargo ship in the Black Sea as Putin tries to weaponizefood, UK says
Ukraine retakes offshore drilling platforms near Crimea : worldnews
Navy: Ukraines control of Black Sea oil rigs a serious security issue for Russia

NATO does not see Russia planning to attack member states : worldnews
Biden explains why Russia was not named aggressor in G20 declaration : worldnews

Prime Minister Of Andorra Comes Out As Gay : worldnews

Germanys Bundeswehr had only 20,000 155mm artillery shells in stock, enough for less than three days of fighting ... Everyone is still living in a peacetime dream world, but those days are goneone western defence adviser said

Priests committed over 1,000 sex crimes in Switzerland since 1950 : worldnews

Portuguese town flooded with 2.2 million litres of red wine after distillery tanks explode

Ministers set to ban single-use vapes in UK over child addiction fears | Vaping | The Guardian : worldnews

The last photo taken by Bill Biggart, the only journalist killed covering 9/11. : pics
Double rainbow in NYC on 9/11 : pics
Double rainbow over NYC for 9/11 : pics

Poverty Rate Soared in 2022 as Aid Ended and Prices Rose - The New York Times The increase in poverty reversed two years of large declines. Median income, adjusted for inflation, fell 2.3 percent to $74,580.
Conservative senators choose large increase in child poverty - Lawyers, Guns & Money In 2021 Congress passed a program to decrease child poverty. It worked exceptionally well. The Senate chose to let it expire anyway: ... In recent months, Manchin has told several of his fellow Democrats that he thought parents would waste monthly child tax credit payments on drugs instead of providing for their children,

Eschaton: Pregnancy Deaths The fatality rate of pregnancy/childbirth is absolutely immense in the US.
Opinion | America Already Knows How to Make Childbirth Safer - The New York Times

Kingdoms of lies : AdviceAnimals

Regulators Blast Union Pacific for Running Unsafe Trains : politics

Order limiting Biden admin contacts with social networks is mostly overturned : politics
5th Circuit Cleans Up District Courts Silly Jawboning Ruling About the Biden Admin, Trims It Down To More Accurately Reflect The 1st Amendment

The United Auto Workers may soon strike. Every American should support them Workers at the big three carmakers earn less now in real dollars than they did 15 years agoas their CEOs make more and more. Their fight is everyones fight

Who put Tommy Tuberville in charge of the military? : politics
Ginni Thomas and rightwing activists exploited supreme court ruling report | Ahead of Citizens United decision that unleashed dark money flood, Thomas worked with Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow
Heres why many Black people despise Clarence Thomas. (Its not because hes a conservative.)

How McConnell scrambled to protect his job after two freeze-ups : politics
I just had another one: How McConnell scrambled to protect his job after two freeze-ups

Trumps Economic Plan: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class, Cut Them on the Rich

Over 75% of voters want maximum age limit for elected officials, poll shows : politics

But his birth certificate - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... the choice is between the suboptimally old Biden and fascism.

Trump Is Extremely Touchy About Voters Saying He Is Not Mentally Up for the Jobof Being President | He insists he would beat Rupert Murdoch, Joe Biden, and the heads of the Wall Street Journal at a mental acuity test
Theres a Lot of Is Biden Too Old? Coverage. Nate Silver Wants There to Be Even More - Parker Molloy
Eschaton: Point And Laugh I appreciate Parker doing the work here, but after years of this "we" shouldn't have to constantly be refuting the Nates and the Matts and the Joshes and the Jons. They never admit error and then if the case against them is overwhelming just move on to the next bit of nonsense. And then, a few weeks later, they just return back to the old nonsense again!!! Silver is self-evidently a buffoon, and yelling SHUT UP, NERD makes it clear there's no reason to take him seriously. He doesnt take any of his critics seriously! Or hear them.

Middle America Gives Trump the Finger at Iowa Football Game : politics

Trump's Electoral College Edge Seems to Be Fading

Putin says Trump prosecution shows rottenness of U.S. politics

Kevin McCarthy announces House will begin an impeachment inquiry into Biden This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public is exactly what we want to know the answers he said.
Biden impeachment inquiry gives White House a fight its ready for
Protesters Arrested For Occupying McCarthys Office Over Threatened HIV Program

InfoWars host Owen Shroyer sentenced to 60 days in Jan. 6 case The conspiracy theorist was with Alex Jones on the grounds of the Capitol on Jan. 6, but never entered the building.

The Authors of How Democracies Die Overestimated the Republicans

Trumps Bizarre History With 9/11
Will Hurd says Vivek Ramaswamys 9/11 remarksspits in the face of the victims ... suggested federal agents may have been aboard the planes that crashed that day.

Voter concerns over abortion are shattering Trumps Electoral College advantage, boosting Biden's chances in 2024
Anti-choice states arent satisfied. Now they want to punish traveling for abortions
Abortion bans drain red states of doctors : politics
Republicans try an abortion rebrand but it will just backfire | Republicans think they can trick voters with abortion word games
Women, doctors announce legal action against abortion bans in 3 states | The women allege they were denied abortions despite dangerous complications. : politics
US appeals court hears challenge to Arizonas abortion ban for genetic abnormalities

Tough on Crime Republican Attorney General Candidate Is Soft on Sex Offenders

Rape survivor calls for Mass. law change to allow prosecution of older cases : politics ... for cases with DNA evidence

Florida county banned a childrens book about a lion cub because 2 characters in it seem gay. Christian, the Hugging Lion contains no mention of sexuality, but it gave some conservatives gay vibes.

Appalled! Women say #MAGA mayoral candidate ripped off their images to claim them as supporters

Lauren Boebert escorted out of Beetlejuice musical in Denver after causing a disturbance

Elon Musk shouldnt be calling the shots on how Ukraine fights
Musk as Grand Strategist - Lawyers, Guns & Money And like many figures on the alt-right, there seems to be some evidence that Musk was radicalized by the limited lockdowns practiced by the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
Elizabeth Warren Demands Probes of Elon Musk, SpaceX After Ukraine Revelations : politics

John Green accuses Danaher, owners of Pantone, of price gouging tuberculosis diagnostics in low and middle income countries : videos

George Jones Was Supposed To Be On Patsy Clines Plane That Crashed, But She Kicked Him

On average, the Universe contains a hydrogen atom per 3 cubic meters, a mass density that is 27.5 orders of magnitude smaller than that of air.

Nothing is Real -- There is only Information

Drinking hard water can reduce the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease : science
Brands Of Mineral Water With The Most Calcium

ELI5: Why is the moon moving away from the earth/why are the days getting longer? : explainlikeimfive

Leominster area flooded out bad : boston
Flooding tonight on Route 2 Leominster : massachusetts
Massachusetts City Declares Emergency After CatastrophicFlash Flooding
Pictures of the flooding from the Fitchburg/Leominster area : massachusetts
More flood pics : FitchburgMA
Spruce St in leominster building collapse : FitchburgMA

Sinead OConnor Molly Malone [Traditional]
Caroline Shaw Lay All Your Love on Me (Live)
(11) Van Morrison - Moondance - YouTube

Whats your comfort YouTube channel?

What is the creepiest thing that happens to you? : AskReddit

A tutorial videoshowing 7 new features in OneNote


Biden says global warming topping 1.5 degrees in the next 10 to 20 years is scarier than nuclear war : politics

Global records tumble as temperatures exceed 1.5C above pre-industrial levels for first time : worldnews

Small islands take ocean protection case to UN court : worldnews

Flooding in eastern Libya after weekend storm leaves 2,000 people feared dead - The Boston Globe
Libyan prime minister says 2,000 people believed dead in flooding in eastern Libya following storm : worldnews
Derna, Libya Flood Disaster (better photos)

Morocco survivors seek aid as earthquake toll passes 2,100 : worldnews
Earthquake damages centuries-old sites in Marrakech but spares modern city : worldnews
Rescuers race to find survivors over 48 hours after Morocco earthquake : worldnews
Morocco earthquake: I had to choose between saving my parents or my son

FDA Takes Action on Updated mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines to Better Protect Against Currently Circulating Variants | FDA

Iran illegally operating in Australia, using stalking to intimidate dissidents. : worldnews

South Korea pledges $2.3 billion in aid for Ukraine : worldnews

North Korean train presumably carrying leader Kim Jong Un departed for Russia, South Korea media say : worldnews
Harris says Putins potential meeting with Kim Jong Un an act of desperation

Kremlin makes hints of Putis victory in presidential election

Guard At One Of Putins Palaces Flees To Ecuador, Criticizes War And Kremlin Leader

#Belarus Security forces detained a 17-year-old boy for a tattoo with a prominent phrase about a Russian warship. This was reported by pro-Lukashenka channels. The regime is also unhappy about tattoos with national symbols. This is a totalitarian state.

New US intelligence suggests al Qaeda unlikely to revive in Afghanistan but officials warn ISIS threat remains | CNN Politics : worldnews

Macron Refuses Niger Juntas Demand to Withdraw French Forces

Turkiye urges US not to link F-16 sale to Swedens NATO bid
Erdogan Sweden should keeps its promises and take more steps before Turkey approves NATO bid

US activist at risk of death penalty in custody battle with Saudi father, rights group says
Saudi soccer clubs just spent almost $1 billion on new players: Spending of four of Europe's 'big five' leagues exceeded as critics call it out as 'sportswashing'

Iranian hackers break into networks of more than 30 companies in Israel : worldnews
Five Injured by Car Plowing Into Pro-democracy Protesters on Tel Aviv Highway : worldnews
Israeli PM Announces US Visit, No Biden Meeting Planned : worldnews
Protests against Israels judicial overhaul kick off at Supreme Court a day before crucial hearing: All 15 of Israels Supreme Court justices will appear on the bench for the first time ever on Tuesday to hear an appeal against the first part of the overhaul that parliament passed in July
Israels Arab citizens demand justice after alarming rise in gang-related murders

Ukraine says Russia may soon launch big mobilisation drive : worldnews
Ukraine and Sweden to jointly produce 1,000 CV-90 fighting vehicles : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 565, Part 1 (Thread #711) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 11.9.2023 : ukraine

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 11 September 2023.

Russians opened fire on a Ukrainian flag tied to balloons, revealing their position for a counterattack, Ukraine says : worldnews
The number of Russian soldiers wanting to surrender to Ukraine has increased by 70% following the special operation with the handover of the Russian Mi-8 helicopter

Ukrainian defenders destroy six Russian boats near Kherson Oblast : worldnews
More than 20 Russian helicopters are visible in recent satellite imagery of the airport in occupied Berdyansk. Over the past few months, Russian forces at this base built new revetments and shelters for vehicles and equipment.

Ukraine retakes offshore drilling platforms near Crimea - military intelligence : worldnews

European Commission bans Russians from entering EU by car, with valuables : worldnews

Poland orders 486 HIMARS launchers : worldnews

NBIM, Norways US$1.42 trillion sovereign fund, is winding up Shanghai office, shifting regional base to Singapore
Foreign student arrested in Norway on suspicion of espionage including electronic eavesdropping : worldnews

Police in the Netherlands detained thousands of climate activists over the weekend after they shut down a major highway two days in a row : worldnews
Pakistani ex-cricketer sentenced to 12 years for threatening Dutch far-right leader | Reuters

Fridays for Future: Gretas school strikes led a third of Swiss citizens to change their habits

Accused U.K. Parliament Spy Is a 28-Year-Old Tory-Linked Hinge Bro: Report : worldnews ... the director of a China-focused think tank formed by conservative lawmakers.
All 400 stores of British retail chain Wilko to close by early October, with 12,500 staff being made redundant : worldnews

Lula Backs Off Pledge Putin Wont Be Arrested If He Visits Next Years G-20 Summit In Brazil
Lulas ICC comments were damaging and unnecessary: 1. Putin was never going to come to Brazil anyways 2. They strained ties to pro-Brazil groups in several foreign capitals 3. Rather than projecting himself as the elder statesman, Lula came across as inexperienced and ignorant.

Colombian President proposes Latin American alliance to transform war on drugs

Venezuelan soldiers have dislodged more than 11,500 illegal gold miners from the countrys biggest natural reserve since July, where they cleared forest and contaminated water

PM Modi flags continuing anti-India activities in Canada to PM Trudeau
PM Trudeau stuck in India following G20 summit due to technical issues with plane
B.C. wildfires: Crisis was forecast, but arrived decades sooner than expected : worldnews

Joe Biden Says Climate Deniers A Dying Cohort Of Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers

Secretary of Navy: Tuberville aiding and abetting communists with military blockade | Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro accused Sen. Tommy Tuberville of helping the nations enemies. (finally the obvious)
Military families as political pawns: Nikki Haley knocks Tommy Tuberville for blocking promotions

Ginni Thomas and Conservative Activists Worked Together to Exploit Citizens United Ruling: Report : politics .. Ginni Thomass parents were in the John Birch society. As a kid she helped campaign against the ERA. She has been a true believer since childhood.
Good piece on how the incredibly broad protection (and even more incredibly narrow definition of corruption) given to corporate dark money in Kennedys opinion in Citizens United gave critical ammunition to the reactionary legal movement:
Samuel Alito Is Wrong and Arrogantand Must Be Reined InThe associate justice says Congress has no authority to regulate the Supreme Court. The Constitution he allegedly reveres says otherwise. A lot.

Biden impeachment inquiry eight months of abject failure, watchdog report says
Jamie Raskin Says Republicans Have Conclusively Disproven Their Own Biden Corruption Allegations - Republicans are acting out of humiliating subservience to Donald Trump, according to the Maryland Democrat.
A House Freedom Caucus member said theres no evidence Biden's committed a high crime or misdemeanor

Big Lie Two Is Here, and Its Far More Insidious Than Big Lie One: Trump goes into his trials era with a big advantagea majority of Americans incorrectly believe that the charges against him are politically motivated.

Trump Is Really Old, Too : politics How would we even notice Donald Trumps lapse into incoherence, when derangement is essentially his brand?
Trump has his own age problem and it terrifies him
Donald Trump Challenges Rupert Murdoch to a Mental Acuity Test : politics

Mark Meadowss failed removal spells trouble for Trumps defense

Trump demands recusal by Judge Chutkan in federal Jan. 6 prosecution - The Washington Post
Trump asks Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself from federal 2020 election subversion case : politics

Dark right-wing network recruits MAGA army to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge
Trump plans to become a dictator denial will not save you

House Republicans are barreling toward an existential clash over this months government funding talks.

Pretrial-palooza underway for Trump : politics

White House Thanks Fox News Peter Doocy For His Viral Biden Remark

Trump is explaining exactly how wild and extreme his second term would be | CNN Politics

Redistricting court orders could help Democrats win back the House in 2024 - POLITICO Court rulings on redistricting are raising Democratic hopes.

DeSantis Making the Dunning School Great Again - Lawyers, Guns & Money The Prager U videos that are being used in Florida schools and undoubtedly in many other states to come are exactly what youd expect: (+fucking cartoons)
A small piece of paper, it carries a lot of weight - Lawyers, Guns & Money Ben Sasse is paying McKinsey nearly five million dollars to develop a "vision" for the University of Florida.
A quote from a speech in which Grant advocated for free public education so the electorate could make good choices. He saw a split between the educated & less educated as a profound & dangerous division:

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should Consider Seceding From the Union

Eschaton: Happy Rudy Giuliani Day My big life failure is that everyone somehow forgot just what a shitshow the Bush administration was. It wasn't just disastrous and mendacious, it was also utterly and completely absurd in the way that the Trump administration was. Completely ridiculous things every damn day, the horror of which was compounded by a news media absolutely committed to propping up these stupid awful people as Very Serious stewards of the post-9/11 era.

GOP Guv Spent Millions in Tax Dollars on Governors Mansion Upgrades ... Tate Reeves has spent millionsincluding tens of thousands on lemon trees and a meditation garden.

The Praying Football Coach Has Finally Stopped Pretending : politics

A shaken Washington copes with surging violence: This is not normal

Twitter appears to throttle New York Times | Semafor (Muskrat strangles democracy)

Threads blocks searches related to covid and vaccines as cases rise public health experts denounced the platforms moderation policies, which they say restrict access to critical health information (zuckerfucked)

What Does Walter Isaacson Know About Elon Musk? The Journalist and the Billionaire What did an old Establishment guy like Walter Isaacson learn writing Elon Musks biography?
Elon Musk and Grimes Had Another Secret Baby
Walter Isaacson, Elon Musks Boswell, Tells the Tale of an Impulsive, Dark, but Also Risk-Taking Dude

Ezra Millers MessiahDelusions: Inside The Flash Stars Dark Spiral

Christina Ricci Warns Of Awesome Guys After Kutchers Support For Danny Masterson

A history of happiness explains why capitalism makes us feel empty inside : politics

Virginia Democrat candidate posted sex acts with husband online while soliciting tips: report | Fox News Susanna Gibson, 40, is a nurse practitioner and mother of two

Pitch Perfect 237 - hilarious conspiracy vid claiming Anna Kendrick revealed who did 9/11 in the film Pitch Perfect : videos

US tobacco companies selectively disseminated hyper-palatable foods into the US food system: Empirical evidence and current implications : science

Thoughts on Hurricane Lee? : boston

As the neighborhood changes, Harvard Squares Dewey, Cheetham & Howewindow lives on

Prosecutors seek unaired TV footage in Karen Read murder case : massachusetts

New Malware Can Send Your Location to an Attacker Every 60 Seconds : worldnews


Aftershock rattles Morocco as rescuers seek survivors from the earthquake that killed over 2,100 - The Boston Globe

Phoenix breaks heat record as city hits 110F for the 54th consecutive day : news
Texas heat wave: US Energy Department declares power emergency : news

Myanmar receives first shipment of Russias Su-30 fighter jets
1,200 Chinese nationals arrested by Myanmar militia over alleged scam links : worldnews

Biden Says U.S.-Vietnam Relations Have Evolved From Bitter Past Of War Biden has opened a visit to Vietnam by saying their countries have a chance to shape the future of the Indo-Pacific

North Korea celebrated its founding with a military parade featuring dump trucks modified to work as rocket launchers : worldnews
Russia is turning to old ally North Korea to resupply its arsenal for the war in Ukraine : worldnews

US, Canada sail warships through the Taiwan Strait in a challenge to China : anime_titties
US, Canadian warships transit Taiwan Strait in latest joint mission : worldnews

West createdmodern China by making it worlds factory: Indias Rahul Gandhi

Russian General Admits Ukraine Just aStepping Stone to Invade Europe

4/ Loboyko also noted that Russian federal subjects (regions) are competing for resources on the basis of how many military personnel each region was able to mobilize for the war
6/ Loboykos insights suggest that the war in Ukraine, and its continued drain on Russian regions, has contributed to a more muted political atmosphere within Russia

Amazing analysis. I'd like to add that Russias regions experience shortages and rationing of diesel, toonot just gasoline. Also, I believe Russias agriculture runs on diesel, not gasoline.this just points to seriousness of this shortage

Russias Merchant of Death Is Looking to Forge a New Life in Politics - The convicted arms trafficker Viktor A. Bout hasn't much flair for retail politicking, but his celebrity may compensate for that in regional elections ... He returned to Russia in December in a prisoner swap for the American basketball star Brittney Griner, after months of negotiations between Moscow and Washington.

Afghanistan meth trade surges as Taliban clamps down on heroin : worldnews
Afghanistan is the fastest-growing maker of methamphetamine, U.N. says : worldnews

Vice Pulled a Documentary Critical of Saudi Arabia. But Here It Is. hard-nosed coverage on Saudi Arabia changed after investment deals with the repressive kingdom. A deleted documentary is not completely gone, however.

US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China : worldnews

Palestinians in West Bank try to fire rocket at Israeli town, for 7th time in months : worldnews
Netanyahu rips into protest leader who said no compromise talks with Nazis

Ukraines counteroffensive could have only 30 days left, says US military's top general
Ukraine war: Kyiv foils big Russian drone attack, officials say : worldnews
Number of Russian occupiers in Ukraine exceeds 420,000Ukrainian Defence Intelligence
G20 members agree to refer to Russias invasion of Ukraine as the war in Ukraine instead of the war against Ukraine in a capitulation to Putin, who wasnt even there
Nothing To Be Proud Of: Ukraine Hits Out At G20 Declaration For Not Mentioning Russia
Ukraine appears to be repurposing powerful Russian anti-tank mines and using drones to drop them on Putins invasion army
Starlink in use on all front lines,Ukraine spy chief says, but wasnactive for time over Crimea

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 564, Part 1 (Thread #710) : worldnews

Ukrainian forces were able to take the initiative at the Avdiivka front and push Russian forces all the way back to Opytne and even contest the northern part of the village. Fierce battles are taking place.

Demining continues. Over the past day, pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service inspected more than 4.3 hectares of territory and neutralized 78 explosive objects.
More developments in protection against top attack. Everyone laughs at a lot of this stuff, but its experimentation against live threats and worth a lot as data to develop more thoroughly engineered solutions from

Satellite images: New buildings appear at Russian military bases near Finnish border | News | Yle Uutiset : worldnews

Vatican holds unprecedented beatification of Polish family of 9 killed for hiding Jews : worldnews

Eiffel Tower lights to go dark in tribute to Morocco quake victims : worldnews
Emmanuel Macron booed by entire stadium as he opens Rugby World Cup. The French president was barely audible as he took to the podium

Its a Disaster Without Them Boris Johnson Calls for Ukraine NATO Membership ASAP
Parliamentary researcher who spied for China arrested
UK espionage arrests: Rishi Sunak denounces interference from Beijing

Lula says Putin will not be arrested at Brazil G20 meeting : worldnews

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Republican opposition to abortion threatens global HIV/AIDS program that has saved 25 million lives : politics

I Watched a Democracy Die. I Dont Want to Do It Again

Recession outlook: Feds own economists now expect Goldilocks scenario

Biden administration cancels remaining oil and gas leases in Alaskas Arctic Refuge

State lawmakers find Americas medical debt problem can no longer be ignored

Tuberville paralyzing Pentagon, House Foreign Affairs chair says ... Critics of Tuberville have noted that besides hindering military readiness by preventing new commanders from moving into place, the hold-up is unfair to military officers deserving of promotion and military families who are in limbo as they wait to locate to another post.
MSNBC host and ex-GOP congressman Joe Scarborough blasts Tommy Tuberville over his monthslong blockade on senior military promotions:Hey Tommy, youre not coaching football anymore

Senate advances Biden Fed picks : politics

What Ginni Thomas and Leonard Leo wrought: How a justices wife and a key activist started a movement Thanks to the Supreme Courts Citizens United ruling, a trove of so-called dark money was about to be unleashed. Two activists prepared to seize the moment.

The House GOP leaderships Trump split rears its head

Republican hardliners threaten US government shut down unless Biden slashes FBI spending : politics

Extremists keep trying to trigger mass blackouts and thats not even thescariest part

Congress Embarks on Spending Battle as Shutdown Looms at End of September - The New York Times The House returns this week with conservatives threatening both spending levels and Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

As GOP investigates prosecutors, experts worry about judicial independence - The Washington Post

How Many Words is a Picture Worth? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump loudly booed and cheered by Iowa football crowd : politics
Low Literacy Levels Among U.S. Adults Could Be Costing The Economy $2.2 Trillion A Year

Georgia indicted Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election. Why hasn't any other state?

Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a liar, vows to see ballot lawsuit through

President Biden Keeps Hunter Close Despite the Political Peril : politics

Gavin Newsom would make an 'interim appointment' if Dianne Feinstein vacates her seat
Gavin Newsom says Ron DeSantis is fundamentally authoritarian

Nikki Haley says CNN poll shows Americans crave a new generational leader
I dont write about polls. You shouldnt bother with them, either. By Jennifer Rubin

Wisconsin GOPs impeachment plan: Another MAGA coup against democracy

Pro-baby: Republicans trying to rebrand the anti-abortion movement ... why infant mortality rates are higher in GOP led states: (pro-zygote)

California passes anti-book ban bill: The true freedom state| While some states are banning books left and right, California is set to enact a law that would penalise schools that ban any book reflecting the states diversity, including those that explore LGBTQ+ identities and race

Ron Johnson: Windmills are Killing the Whales - MeidasTouch Network According to a number of government agencies, there is no evidence to support Johnsons claim

Marylands cannabis politics offers insights for the nation

TIL about Strom Thurmond filibuster. On 28 August 1957, US Senator Strom Thurmond conducted the longest speaking filibuster ever by a lone senator, at 24 hours and 18 minutes in length, in opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The filibuster failed to prevent the passage of the bill : todayilearned

J.F.K. Assassination Witness Breaks His Silence and Raises New Questions - The New York Times The account of Paul Landis, one of the Secret Service agents just feet away from John F. Kennedy when he was struck down, could change the understanding of what happened in Dallas in 1963
For the JFK assassination buffs - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Walter Isaacsons biography of the billionaire entrepreneur depicts a mercurial man-child with grandiose ambitions and an ego to match. (raging inceestous man-baby)
Musks X sues California over content moderation law, claiming it violates free speech
Dem Congressman says hell dig into Musks role in Ukraine war

Jordan Peterson Generates Millions of YouTube Hits for Climate Crisis Deniers : technology
(3) The Most Important Moment in Jordan Peterson-Zizek Debate - YouTube
(3) A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson - SOME MORE NEWS - YouTube

Mel Tucker - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Extremely weird and disturbing story out of East Lansing this morning ... The background here is that after the 2021 season MSU signed Tucker who has had one good season as a head coach to a really insane contract: $95 million over ten years, with all of it guaranteed. (dumbfuck sports dickheads and their athletic depts)

Gregg Bigda is the poster boy of police brutality in Springfield. But the city cant or wont fire him ... Another villain in this saga, equally deserving of the harsh spotlight, is the Mass. police misconduct commission. Is it ineptitude, corruption, or apathy that has resulted in just ONE banishment from the force in the last two years? By comparison, in that same time frame, Colorados commission has decertified 95 officers. Connecticut has decertified 14. Idaho has decertified 90. And New York has decertified 718. (Boston is copcity)

Has a book ever scared you so bad it actually changed your behavior? : books
CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties - Wikipedia

Was Earth Terraformed by Martians? | by Avi Loeb | Medium

Lithium discovery in U.S. volcano could be biggest deposit ever found : science - McDermitt Caldera

What celebrity death seems a bit too suspicious? : AskReddit

What local business do you refuse to go and why? : boston
Local business you refuse to shop at : CambridgeMA

My experience living in California vs Massachusetts : massachusetts


A critical moment: UN warns world will miss climate targets unless fossil fuels phased out

Deadly humid heatwaves to spread rapidly as climate warms: Small rise in global temperatures would affect hundreds of millions of people and could cause a sharp rise in deaths : worldnews

Morocco earthquake death toll rises to over 2,000 : worldnews
Morocco earthquake live news: At least 1,037 killed in quake near Marrakesh | Earthquakes News : anime_titties
Powerful quake in Morocco kills more than 1,000 people and damages historic buildings in Marrakech : worldnews
Morocco earthquake: 820 killed as buildings damaged : worldnews
Magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Morocco, over 600 dead : worldnews

Environmentalists condemn Australias woeful record after 48 plants and animals added to threatened species list
Australia wants to force cats to stay inside or give them a curfew because they are murdering so many other animals they are a threat to the countrys biodiversity

China Coastal Guards provokes Philippine Coastal Guards in South China Sea by nearly ramming their vessel into the Philippine CG vessel : videos

Russia has already lost $100B due to energy sanctions - Yermak : worldnews


Russia ramps up artillery production but still falling short, Western official says : worldnews

More than half of Wagner Group camp in Belarus dismantled : worldnews

Saudi Arabia: 100 people executed as authorities continue relentless killing spree

Police have ordered the temporary closure of four Eritrean churches in Tel Aviv due to security concerns, a Friday report said, after intense clashes last week between supporters of the Eritrean regime, its opponents, and police. : worldnews
Israeli army kills 16-year-old Palestinian in West Bank : anime_titties

Ukraine will be ready for EU membership in 2 years
Japanese Foreign Minister to pay unannounced visit to Ukraine on Saturday : worldnews
Zelenskyy urges allies to resume sanctions against the Kremlin
US likely to send long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine for the first time: Officials - ABC News
US likely to send long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine for the first time: Officials : worldnews
Europe overtakes US in promised aid to Ukraine : worldnews

In Shocking Development, Local Antisemite is also a Russian Dupe - Lawyers, Guns & Money What is Elon Musk up to when hes not blaming the Jews for his own incompetence, platforming Nazis and racists, or being refused entry to German sex clubs? Apparently, the answer is getting played by Russian officials
Elon Musk Needs Some Quality Foreign Policy Advisors The problem is that Musk neither wants nor values such expertise ... The more one reads, however, the less sympathy that Musk earns. As the Lyngaas story makes clear, Musks concern about escalation came from his conversations with senior Russian officials. It never seems to have occurred to Elon Musk that the Russians had a powerful incentive to play himThat lack of awareness is due entirely to Musks emaciated theory of mind.
Eschaton: A Great Man Writing About Great Men Doing PR for The Great And Good disguised as journalism/history has always been Isaacsons schtick, and this is what happens when the person you are doing PR for makes an angry phone call.
Elons Excellent Adventure ... What nobody seems to have anticipated was that one of those private corporations might be under the personal control of an addled, ignorant, and self-important manbaby. Wo here we are. (lying Putin-pawn fucker)
Elon Musk Refused to Enable Ukraine Drone Attack on Russian FleetNews that Mr. Musk did not allow the use of his Starlink satellite network highlights concerns in Kyiv and Washington about his outsize influence in the war.
Eschaton: History - Isaacson being eager to refute himself because (probably) Elmo made an angry call is quite something!
Elon Musk committed evil with Starlink order, says Ukrainian official ... the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego
Elon Musk gave biographer top Ukrainian officials private messages without permission

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 563, Part 1 (Thread #709) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 9.9.2023

SitRep - 07/09/23 - More US aid and advances along the front An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Today Ukraine received extra military aid and at the front Ukraine is making territorial gains in several places. The mood is shifting.
ISW: Russia bolsters its defenses as Ukrainian forces advance. Russian forces are changing their communications structures and adapting electronic warfare systems in response to the counteroffensives continued advance, the ISW wrote.

About 25,000 citizens may be considered missing under special circumstances, i.e., civilian hostages and held in Russian captivity, according toauthorities. Every day, Russian security forces detain civilians in the occupied territories, adding to this list. Such massive detention of civilians in the occupied territories indicates systematic violations of their rights and #IHL by Russian regime.
SitRep 08/09/23 - Moral degradation An overview of daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Can you go any lower? A Chinese opera singer sings a typical Russian song in the remains of the Mariupol Drama Theater where many innocent people were murdered
UN: Elections in Russian-Occupied Areas of Ukraine Have No Legal Ground

UK planes guard Ukrainian grain ships in Black Sea : worldnews
Romania and US to conduct exercises with Ukraine in Black Sea and Danube Delta

G20 countries agree nations should not use force to gain new territory -- a major win for Modi amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine | CNN Politics : worldnews
The African Union is joining the G20, a powerful acknowledgement of a continent of 1 billion people : worldnews
This is real big deal: Biden as India-Middle East-Europe connectivity corridor launched at G20 Summit
G20: India vows not to let Ukraine dominate the summit : worldnews

EU purchases of Russian LNG up 40% compared to pre-war levels. : worldnews

EU unveils revolutionary laws to curb big tech firms power

Netherlands police use water cannon, detain 2,400 climate activists : worldnews

Germany charges two men with treason in Russia spying case : worldnews
Germans warned to avoid spicy eating challenges : worldnews

Outcry over official Spanish definition of Jew as greedy or usuriousperson

Dozens of schoolgirls sent home for flouting Frances new ban on Muslim abayas

Northern Ireland: Call for calm as police attacked with petrol bombs and missiles in Derry : worldnews

Rishi Sunak avoiding UN climate summit over potential rejection UK PMrisked embarrassment of downgraded status if UN deemed UKs climate policies lacking ambition
UK police arrest escaped terror suspect in London : worldnews

Flooding From Cyclone in Southern Brazil Kills at Least 37 : anime_titties

Mexico Has Two Women as Presidential Front-Runners, Almost Guaranteeing a Female Head of State : anime_titties

Cuba arrests 17 for trafficking young men to fight for Russia in Ukraine : worldnews
Cuba claims Russia is forcing Cubans to fight in Ukraine : worldnews

Canada calls public inquiry into foreign interference : worldnews
Christian group says it influenced Saskatchewan government over pronoun rules : worldnews

Top Biden Cyber Official Accused of Workplace Misconduct at NSA in 2014 and Again at White House Last Year A previously unreported NSA inspector general report about Anne Neuberger reveals disarray and dysfunction at the top of the cybersecurity hierarchy.

Biden eats ice cream and pets dogs? Totally unfit to serve. : politics

Samuel Alito Wont Take Himself Off Case Involving Lawyer Who Interviewed Him For Flattering Articles ... He wants to keep his five star rating at buy-a-Judge. Its just good business.

Senator Tuberville: No truce over military blockade on abortion : politics ... Russian asset destabilzes military .
Key House Democrat wants Senate rule change over Tuberville military hold : politics .... One junior senator, in the minority party. It's fucking insane he's been allowed to put national security in jeopardy.

5th Circuit finds Biden White House, CDC likely violated First Amendment - The three judge panel found that contacts with tech companies by officials from the White House, the surgeon general's office, the CDC and the FBI likely amounted to coercion (Trump court)
Appeals Court Rules White House Overstepped 1st Amendment on Social Media - The New York Times

A Wheres Melania? banner was flown over an Iowa football stadium just before Trump, DeSantis, and other presidential hopefuls arrived

Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the U.S. government and replace it with Trumps vision

Yuscil Taveras is among the little-known people with links to Donald Trump to have come under scrutiny. So far, hes the only Trump employee known to have agreed to cooperate with prosecutors after facing charges ... Facing indictment this summer, Mr. Taveras replaced his lawyer, who was being paid by Mr. Trumps political action committee

Im Being Indicted for You Trump Tells South Dakota Rally

Trump Is Taking the Bid to Kick Him Off Colorados Ballot Seriously

Lindsey Graham was among 39 who were recommended for charges in Trumps Georgia case
Lindsey Graham, Nearly Indicted in Trump Election Case, Claims He Was Just Doing His Job by Asking Georgia About Throwing Out Ballots : politics

Trump leads, followed by second tier of four candidates in ISU/Civiqs poll
Trumps Resilience Leaves Anxious G.O.P. Donors in Despair and Denialbig donors have made clear their distaste for the former president. Now, as he barrels toward the nomination, they are reacting with a mix of hand-wringing, calls to arms and fatalism.

McCarthy Lacks the Votes For an Impeachment Inquiry. Trumps Allies Have a Plan to Get Them.

Jan. 6 rioter who attacked police with bear spray sentenced to 6 1/2 years

Jan. 6 shattered her family. Now they're trying to forgive. Peyton Reffitt has watched her family come apart after her father joined the Capitol riot mob. Now she and her family are confronting the perceived betrayals and broken relationships ... Some, like Guy Reffitt, were part of a violent mob. Others, like his son, Jackson, were informers. And some, like Peyton, were caught in between.

The Architect of the Whole Plan: Harvard Law Graduate Ken Chesebros Path to Jan. 6On Jan. 6, Kenneth J. Chesebro was seen outside the Capitol wearing a red Trump 2020hat as rioters amassed around the building, according to CNN. But two decades earlier, in Bush v. Gore, Chesebro worked extensively under liberal legal scholar Laurence H. Tribe to craft a legal justification to recount votes in Florida.

Why Nancy Pelosi, 83, is running for Congress again in a year dominated by age concerns : politics

The GOP Turned Its Back on Science. So Science Turned Its Backs on the GOP. : politics

Mifepristone maker asks Supreme Court to make ultimate decision on abortion drug | CNN Politics
Republicans opposition to abortion threatens a global HIV program that has saved 25 million lives

Vivek Ramaswamy says hell deport children of undocumented immigrantsborn in the U.S.

A Breathtaking Contempt for the People of Wisconsin : politics
Laboratories of autocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money Bouie on the latest planned coup by the undemocratically elected Republican legislators of Wisconsin:

New Mexico governor issues order to suspend open and concealed carry of guns in Albuquerque : politics

DeSantis, Undaunted by Florida Storms, Shrugs Off Climate Change - The New York Times The Florida governor, who has cast himself as a Teddy Roosevelt-style conservationist, sounds far different as a presidential candidate, pledging to expand fossil fuel production and fight electric-vehicle mandates.
DeSantis: Miami cannot become uninhabitable quickly enough for me - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Pastor Says It Was a Mistake to Let DeSantis Speak at Shooting Vigil : politics
Florida: The case centers on whether the state constitutions privacy clause covers the right to abortion
DeSantis affordable housing director placed on leave again
Florida State Colleges Vote to Accept New CLT Test that Rivals SAT, ACT | Students can decide to take the Classic Learning Test rather than the SAT or ACT when applying for undergraduate admission at state schools

Marjorie Taylor Greene Suffers Polling Calamity : politics ... Oof. She ranks lower than I dont care and someone else

Thirteenth bus of migrants arrives at Union Station from Texas : politics

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders proposes carve-out of Arkansas public records law during tax cut session : politics (to hide her crooked deals)

Matt Gaetz Warns of Bloodshed from Trump Supporters

A former Trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him, and people are praising him for his self-awareness and humility

Gavin Newsom Goes After Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Hes Being Used By Conservatives
Paradise Lost : Fintan O'Toole -- In spreading lies about the risks of vaccines, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has long played on anxieties about purity and pollution ... 14 year heroin addiction ... This recklessness eventually led in 1983, when he was twenty-nine, to his arrest for heroin possession after he overdosed onboard a flight to South Dakota. His sentencing was just two months before his younger brother David died of a heroin overdose in a Palm Beach hotel.

Billionaire Close to Tears Amid Fears of Lefties Like AOC, Bernie Sanders ... Leon Cooperman ... Cooperman was born to a Jewish[5] family in the South Bronx, New York City.[6] He is the son of immigrants from Poland.[

Alabama goes too far (again)even for Trump-nominated judges

Fox News fires veteran executive John Finley for violating company rules - The Washington Post conduct was investigated by an outside law firm. He had also been the subject of an internal probe back in 2011 that cleared him ... The company did not say what Finley had done. A person who said they have knowledge of the situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter suggested that the executive used his position to benefit someone over whom he had influence.

A note on faculty salaries - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... In other words, over the past 50 years in American academia, the rich have gotten much much richer, the middle class has been treading water, and the great underclass of lecturers, adjuncts, joint appointments without an actual salary etc. has lost enormous ground. Which all sound very familiar.

Apartment rents are on the verge of declining due to massive new supply : news

Additional bodycam footage is released in the death of pregnant Black mother TaKiya Young

TIL the CIA accidentally left explosives in the engine of a school bus. The bus was in operation for two days, carrying kids, before the explosives were discovered by mechanics : todayilearned

Leah Remini is suing the church of Scientology! : videos
Tom Cruise once told Seth Rogen that if he knew what Scientilogy was "really about", it would blow his mind. If Scientilogy isn't about what it is commonly known for, then what is it *really* about? : AskReddit
Seth Rogen on the Time Tom Cruise Tried to Talk to Him About Scientology - YouTube

" The ugly environment starts with Jimmy Fallon " Jimmy Fallon faces backlash : videos

I Kissed Biblical Womanhood Goodbye - Her ex-husband convinced a generation of evangelical Christians to fear premarital sex. Now she's telling her side of the story.

Turning the Light on Protestantism and Harvard's Hypocrisy - A Deeper Dive Into Harvard's Faith ... "dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches, when our present ministers shall lie in the dust" ... This is why Harvard College was founded. Our original motto was All for the Glory of Christ, which was then changed to Truth for Christ and the Churchin 1836. Christ and Church were dropped in 1880, leaving the motto we are all familiar with: Truth. (Veritas) (slave-holding Puritans)

How to set boundaries and what many people are getting wrong - The Washington Post

Scientists discover natural molecule that could significantly reduce plaque and cavities : worldnews

TIL: After an IVF mix up, 2 mothers gave birth to each other's babies. Four months after giving birth, the California families swapped babies to return the children to their rightful parents. : todayilearned

Online AI-based test for Parkinsons disease severity shows promising results

Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg : worldnews

Scientists discovered tha blood cells mutated in old age protect against alzheimers disease by acquiring damage to their DNA and making people prone to blood cancer, dying early from a heart attack or stroke and iincreasing the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ... The body defends itself from Alzheimers by killing itself first.

Smart people first in line for COVID-19 vaccines, study suggests | "strong positive association between cognitive ability and swift vaccination"; "simplifying the vaccination decision through the use of pre-booked appointments was particularly effective in overcoming vaccination resistance" : science

One radiologist supported by AI detected more cases of breast cancer in screening mammography than two radiologists working together. Traditionally, two radiologists read every exam. The researchers say that AI is now ready to be implemented in breast cancer screening. : science

ELI5: Why is gravity visualized by putting a heavy object on a flat plane, creating the curved shape, when space is 3D? : explainlikeimfive

World War Z was so ahead of its time. So worth reading as an adult if you read it as a kid. : books

Man pleads guilty to role in trafficking body parts stolen from Harvard Medical School morgue : boston

That Nantucket hookers-and-drugs yacht guy is in court wearing a motherfucking Pickle Rick shirt. What an absolute lunatic. : boston

Please write me, she scribbled on a random egg in 1951. Someone just did.

Metal detectorist makes Norways gold find of century ... symbols on the pendants usually showed the Norse god Odin healing the sick horse of his son
Odin the one-eyed All-Father sacrificed his eye in order to see everything that happens in the world ... two ravens Hugin and Munin (thought and memory) fly around the world and report back what they see.
Sleipnir The amazing story of Odins Horse

whats something that everyone uses on a daily bases, but has no actual practical use? : AskReddit

How to create compelling YouTube and TikTok videos

Whats a trend you absolutely cant stand?

Scene from SCHOOL OF ROCK (2003) Battle of the Bands


A rapidly closing window:Major UN report offers sobering assessment of worlds climate efforts
U.N. Report Card Shows World Is Far From Meeting Climate Goals - The New York Times The global assessment, two years in the making, is the first official gauge of progress under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes Morocco - GFZ : worldnews

Japan launches moon probe in hopes to be 5th country to land on lunar surface : worldnews

Ukraines Zelensky says Putin killed mercenary boss Prigozhin
Putins mouthpiece lashed out after the US announced plan to send $5.4 million in seized Russian oligarch funds to Ukrainian veterans

Russian men who died in Ukraine according by ethnic regions. Most of them are mobilized soldiers.

Anti-Putin Russians Kill FSB Border Guard During Cross-Border Raid : worldnews

Islamist militants with links to al Qaeda kill more than 60 in Mali: Attacks have worsened in Mali since the military seized power in two coups in 2020 and 2021, kicked out French forces and a United Nations peacekeeping mission, and teamed up with Russian military contractor Wagner Group

Syrians tear down poster of Assad in Syria as protests swell : worldnews

1.2m Palestinians face devastating humanitarian crisis because of US aid block : worldnews

If We Appease Putin Ukraine Will Be Destroyed, Says Reznikov in Farewell Op-Ed
Putins dilemma: Crimea is nearly cut off by Ukraine, and could lead to his downfall
Putin Is Panicking: Russia is Throwing Everything It HasAt Ukraine to Stop Operational Breakthrough
Whatever the fuss over Elon Musk, Starlink is utterly essential in Ukraine : anime_titties
Elon Musk Acknowledges Withholding Starlink Service to Thwart Ukrainian Attack - The New York Times The Starlink satellite internet service, which is operated by Mr. Musks rocket company SpaceX, has been a digital lifeline for soldiers and civilians in Ukraine.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 562, Part 1 (Thread #708) : worldnews

Russias losses as of September 8th

Police discover 80 Russian torture chambers in Ukraine : worldnews ... the National Police of Ukraine opened more than 80,000 criminal proceedings over the crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine -- This is in the deoccupied areas of Ukraine, a big part of Ukraine is still under the russian terrorists control

The Economist: Pentago has renewed its assessment: Ukrainia may penetrate Russian defensive lines very soon. (Behind a paywall) : UkraineWarVideoReport

Germanys inglourious Bavarian A Nazi scandal roiling Bavarian politics signals many Germans are tired of being sorry. ... Politico is owned by Axel Springer, the publisher of BILD which basically is German Fox News in print formThis newspaper (BILD) Is an organ of infamy.

Number of Russian spies in US remainsway too big, says FBI director

The IRS is going after 1,600 millionaires who owe hundreds of millions in overdue taxes, and it's using AI to catch them

Take another look at Joe Biden. His is the presidency progressives have been waiting for

Pentagon warns Tuberville blockade could bring Senate to complete shutdown
Tommy Tuberville Says Hes Worried About People in the Military Reading Poems

Appeals court reverses much of judges order blocking Biden administration officials from communicating with social media companies

Congress Must Act to End Overt Corruption Within US Supreme Court- Many of the current Justices behave like they think theyre royalty, between lifetime appointments and the unwillingness or inability of Congress to control or "regulate" them. This is both dangerous and wrong.

Senate GOP throws cold water on House shutdown talk : politics

Special Grand Jury Report That Led To Trumps Georgia Indictment To Be Released
Read full text of Trump Fulton County special grand jury report : politics
Fulton County special grand jury recommended charges against Lindsey Graham and 2 Georgia US senators : politics ... insider-trading senators Loeffler and Purdue, who both profited from their inside knowledge.

Donald Trump Likely Doomed by Stunning Development in Mar-a-Lago Case ... legal peril amid reports that one of his lawyers gave him several months warning that the FBI could arrive at his Mar-a-Lago resort to retrieve classified documents they sought,
Donald Trump Suffers Five Legal Setbacks in One Day : politics
Seeking Link to Trump, Prosecutors Questioned Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio - The New York Times Enrique Tarrio said in an interview that prosecutors believed he had communicated with President Donald Trump through intermediaries before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.
Trump civil fraud trial in New York will last nearly three months, judge says : politics

Trump overstated net worth by up to $3.6 billion per year, NY AG alleges in new filing : politics

Its Time to Take Trumps Disqualification From the Presidency Seriously: A burgeoning movement to remove the former president from the ballot in 2024 is forging aheadwith the Supreme Court as its final destination.

Judge denies Mark Meadows effort to move Georgia case to federal court : politics

Jim Jordan and Wisconsin Republicans Know the LawThey Just Dont Care: Conservatism is no longer defined by resistance to liberal progresss -- it's all about destroying the pillars of our democracy ... We need to stop pretending that the GOP is a normal American political party. It's an authoritarian army of thugs in suits, writes editor Michael Tomasky.

Pelosi says shell run for reelection in 2024 as Democrats try to win back House majority (at 83)

Zip Tie Guy and His Mom Get Prison Time Despite Pleas for Mercy

The Supreme Courts Fake Praying Coach Case Just Got Faker

Mike Lindell has been vulgar, threatening, loud (and) disrespectful in Colorado defamation lawsuit depositions, attorneys say +Roger Stones deposition?
New tapes reveal MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell meltdown in 2020 election deposition : politics

Wisconsin Republicans Try to Subvert Democracy, Again : politics

Ron DeSantis suffers double legal blow in 48 hours : politics
Florida is on verge of allowing a right-wing alternative to the SAT : politics (Chritian-themed)

As Abortion Laws Drive Obstetricians From Red States, Maternity Care Suffers : politics

The rights Project 2025 wants to make faith the governments job
Republican presidential Project 25 plans to define trans people as pornographic

Gay club owner faces backlash over nearly $10,000 in Republican Party donations : politics

How Free Speech Warrior RFK Tried to Bully a DailyKos Blogger -- Robert Kennedy Jr. hired Kyle Rittenhouss lawyer to threaten a lawsuit against an anonymous writer who documented the anti-vaxxers appearance at a far-right German rally.

FAA orders Musks SpaceX to take 63 corrective actions on Starship, keeps rocket grounded

ChatGPT is losing some of its hype, as traffic falls for the third month in a row : technology

A device on NASAs Perseverance rover generated enough oxygen on Mars for a small dog to breathe for 10 hours. Astronauts could be next.

The Unexplored Dimension of the Universe | by Avi Loeb | Medium

The first human organ created inside an animal opens the door to manufacturing spare parts for people

What is a dead giveaway that someone is creepy or a weirdo? : AskReddit

The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor : videos

When Did Americans Lose Their British Accents?


Antarctica warming much faster than models predicted in deeply concerning sign for sea levels

Biden to block oil drilling in irreplaceable Alaskan wildlands

Everything is destroyed: dynamite use sends shockwaves through fishing industries - Blast fishing, an illegal method in which dynamite or other explosives are used to kill or stun fish, takes place around the world, from South America to Asia and Africa to Europe

Air pollution: Nearly everyone in Europe breathing bad air : worldnews

A subtype of avian flu, endemic in poultry farms in China, has had mutations increasing its risk of passing to humans. The virus acquired human receptor binding preference needed for airborne transmission. People vaccinated against human H3N2 are still immunologically naive to mammal-adapted H3N8.

Stephanie Aston death: EDS sufferers call for change after doctors accused woman of faking illness : worldnews

Indonesian Officials Harass White House Pool Reporter After Harris-Widodo Meeting : politics The Indonesians tried to bar a US reporter from covering the meeting, but Harris wouldnt attend until they allowed her in

Microsoft explains how China stole one of its secret keys : worldnews

Head of Ukraines intelligence service: Putin might be dead

The knock on effects of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine. Russias decrepit military is now struggling to find enough rubber to replace worn tyres on its military vehicles, which could become even more of a problem in winter when conditions worsen. https://t
Russian Combat Unit Using Horses to Covertly Supply Troops : worldnews

Commander of Russian Air Defence Forces which protect Moscow arrested for bribery : worldnews
Another general has been jailed in #Russia - Major General Konstantin Ogienko has been sent to a pre-trial detention center on corruption charges. Until recently, he commanded the air defense army defending #Moscow. The general was jailed for a bribe of 30 million rubles and land fraud. According to the investigation, Ogienko could sell land plots belonging to the air defense army for development.

Mali: At least 49 civilians reported dead in attack on river boat : anime_titties ... Islamist militants have attacked a river boat in north-eastern Mali, killing at least 49 civilians, the interim government says.

(Iran) Engineer Who Protested Forced Hijab Sentenced to 74 Lashes : worldnews

Israel legalizes three West Bank outposts : worldnews
After Israel-Russia film deal, Ukraine accuses Jerusalem of boosting war propaganda : anime_titties

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg silences critics of the Ukrainian counteroffensive. A very important video, a strong signal showing that NATO will not only continue supporting Ukraine, but also ramping up the scale of support. : ukraine
Ukraines Air Force downs 25 of 33 Shahed drones launched overnight
US is sending Ukraine ammunition that can not only pierce Russian tank armor but also ignite inside : worldnews
Russia blasts inhumanity of US sending depleted uranium shells to Ukraine
Russian generals can just withdraw their tank if they're worried about Ukraines new depleted-uranium ammo, US official says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 561, Part 1 (Thread #707) : worldnews

Russian losses: Recent updated as of 07.09

About 90% of Ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured Prosecutor General
Car containing two FSB officers who tortured Ukrainians is blown up in Oleshky : ukraine

Finnish parliament drops Pepsi as fallout continues from its addition to international sponsors of war list : worldnews

Russian Flag Cannot Be At Paris Olympics,Macron Says

Scotland is planning a transition to a 4-day workweek for civil servants and wants the private sector to follow suit : worldnews

People in the UK least likely to say work should come first. : worldnews

Brazils Lula legalizes more Indigenous reservations in Amazon
Extratropical cyclone kills at least 31 in Brazil and leaves over 1,600 homeless | Brazil : worldnews

Mexicos Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide
Mexico set for first female president in 2024 election : worldnews

UN expert sounds alarm over contemporary forms of slavery in Canada
Canada opens inquiry into allegations of election meddling by China, Russia | Politics News : worldnews
Nearly 800 wildfires still out-of-control in Canada, officials say in update on recovery, mitigation : worldnews ... As of Sept. 6, there are 1,052 wildfires raging across Canada, with 791 designated as out-of-control. This year, there have been 6,174 fires throughout the country, two of which have exceeded one million hectares,

TIL in the 18 months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, CIA had 2 of the hijackers under surveillance within the US but kept it secret from the FBI : todayilearned

Republican civil war heats up over Ukraine aid : politics

Trumps border wall caused significant cultural, environmental damage, watchdog finds

Republicans Are Freaking Out Over Imaginary COVID Mandates : politics

35 years ago, a judge said marijuana did not belong in Schedule I. HHS finally agrees.

Republicans Insist Biden Is Staying In His Basement. Hes Traveled More Than Trump

Justice Kavanaugh says ethics changes may be coming to Supreme Court : politics
13 Presidential Libraries Issue Rare Joint Warning About U.S. Democracy : politics - The two libraries that did not seem to join the statement are Eisenhowers and Trumps (which is in planning). The libraries before Hoover are not part of the National Archives and Records Administration.

Trumps plans to become a dictator: Its time to get real about Project 2025
Project 2025 proposes dismantling U.S. government and installing exclusively rightwing government
Letter: It is terrifying to consider what injustices Trump would commit if reelected : politics

How on Earth Can Voters Think Trump Accomplished More Than Biden? : politics

Joe: Theres a rot in the GOP and Tommy Tuberville is a perfect example of it
Sen. Tommy Tuberville Says Hes Worried About Sailors Reciting Poetry On Ships | The Alabama senator tried to defend his widely criticized blocking of military promotions with anti-"woke" blather.
Pentagon goes on the attack amid Tuberville blockade. Top leaders are stepping up their pressure campaign now that the Senate is back in session. : politics
Republican Cowardice Is Creating a Mess for the U.S. Military : politics
Tommy Tubervilles Hissy Fit Shows McConnell Has Lost His Hold on the GOP

Willis accuses Jordan of illegal intrusion into Georgia Trump prosecution in scathing letter
Jim Jordan receives scathing response from Fani Willis : politics

Trumps 2020 crusade has led to 700 years in prison sentences

Judge says New York AGs $250M lawsuit against Trump will proceed without delay

Trump is playing Tariff Man again. Here are his latest crazy ideas. (

Peter Navarro Convicted of Contempt of Congress Over Jan. 6 Subpoena - The New York Times The verdict made Mr. Navarro the second top adviser to former President Donald J. Trump to be found guilty of contempt for defying the House committees investigation

CNN Poll: A majority of Americans believe Joe Biden, as VP, was involved with sons business dealings

Ron DeSantis Spots Room For Pardons And Commutations Among Sentenced Proud Boys

Why Its Hard To Convince Republicans That Trump Is Unelectable

New state abortion numbers show increases in some surprising places : politics ... The Texas stats are deeply disturbing. Going from an average of 4,800 abortions per month to just 4 abortions per month is appalling.
Where are abortions happening? New study tracks post-Roe trends : Shots - Health News : NPR
Abortions Rose in the U.S. in 2023, Data Shows. See the Changes by State. - The New York Times
Republicans try to find new term for pro-life to stave off more electoral losses ("pro-death" polling high)

Opinion | The Contagious Corruption of Ken Paxton - The New York Times
Not just Trump: The trial of Texas attorney general Ken Paxton shows MAGA loves crooks as leaders | Like Trump, the ridiculously corrupt politician talks smack on social media, but wont testify in his own defense
Lets clean house: Paxton tells supporters to lead charge in removing his Republican rivals who impeached him
Judge orders Texas to move floating border barrier : politics

Disney drops all but free speech claim in political retaliation suit against DeSantis
DeSantis Appoints Hate Group Co-Founder to Florida Ethics Commission: The Moms for Liberty co-founder is now in charge of policing Florida state employees. : politics
They Did This to Themselves - by Christian Vanderbrouk By supporting the Liz Cheney purge and downplaying January 6th, Ron DeSantis and his conservative supporters dug their own hole.

The Republican Partys plan to rule the state of Wisconsin forever, explained

Arizona judge rules common practice of validating ballot signatures illegal : politics

Fox News runs ads for Mike Huckabees climate-denial book targeted at children

California State Assembly passes psychedelics decriminalization bill : politics

Eschaton: Alternate Narrative Fact chuck guy went all in on questioning a local reporter's story about a raped girl, but... (factfucker Kessler)

How am I in this war?: New Musk biography offers fresh details about the billionaires Ukraine dilemma (Putin's dick up his ass)
Ukraine rips Elon Musk for disrupting sneak attack on Russian fleet with Starlink cutoff : worldnews ... chose to spend his life being a degenerate fucking junky with an insatiable habit, ruining himself, the people around him, and the geopolitical stability of the world just to get the attaboy that his piece of shit abusive father never gave him when he was little.
Musk Secretly Used Starlink to Foil Ukrainian Drone Attack on Russian Ships: Report
Famed tech journalist deletes X account with epic rant at Elon Musk and his cesspool siteTech writer legend slams X owner Elon Musk for threatening to ban and sue the Anti-Defamation League

Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years to life in prison
That 70s Show actor Danny Masterson gets 30 years to life in prison for rapes of 2 women

BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them : technology

Grindr loses nearly half its staff to strict return-to-work rule : technology

Medical Equipment Supplier | High-Quality | Bewellfinder Delivering Performance & Durability at an Affordable Cost

Zinc-air batteries have emerged as a better alternative to lithium. The new design has been so efficient it suppressed the internal resistance of batteries, and their voltage was close to the theoretical voltage which resulted in a high peak power density and ultra-long stability : science

In this randomized clinical trial including 64 transgender and gender-diverse adults, immediate testosterone therapy compared with no treatment significantly reduced gender dysphoria, depression, and suicidality in transgender and gender-diverse individuals desiring testosterone therapy. : science

ELI5 how fast is the universe expanding : explainlikeimfive

Rotten Tomatoes Under Fire After PR Firms Scheme to Pay Critics for Positive Reviews Uncovered

Redditors who dont buy Starbucks and don't get the newest iPhone every year, how many houses have you purchased with all that extra money? Why?


Climate breakdown has begun as world simmers UN
Earth just had its hottest summer on record, U.N. says, warning "climate breakdown has begun" : worldnews
World losing race to meet climate goals, says COP28 president : worldnews

The world has just experienced the hottest summer on record -- by a significant margin : worldnews

Pakistan bears the brunt of global extreme heat illness and mortality - Washington Post (Pakistan is toast) 0

Carbon markets are bogus solutions as rich world keeps polluting, African Climate Summit is told

Five billion people will face extreme heat at least a month each year by 2050 - Washington Post

Sand dredging devastating ocean floor, UN warns : worldnews

Big Tech Fails Its Biggest Disinformation Test Yet, EU Report Finds : worldnews

How will climate change impact coastal Massachusetts in the next 50 years? : massachusetts
Too hot to handle: As schools reopen in a heat wave, a warning of the climate future -- Older school buildings across New England are ill-equipped for extreme heat, which is becoming increasingly common

All signs point to a rise in Covid Covid hospitalizations, deaths and wastewater data among other indicators are all increasing as the U.S. heads into fall.

Indonesian groom flees from wedding, bride forced to marry grooms father

Locals on Thailands Phuket Are Fed up of Russian Draft Dodgers - Over 400,000 Russians arrived in Phuket between January and July this year.

U.S. warns North Korea not to supply weapons to Russia for Ukraine war : worldnews

Xi reprimanded by elders over direction of nation : worldnews
China Considers Law Banning Clothes ThatHurt Feelings of Others ... But apparently it's about fucking kimonos? Do they give Chinese people WWII PTSD flashbacks?

Dont expect Russia to flip its position on Ukraine war this year: US
Putin says Ukraines Zelensky is an ethnic Jew the West installed to whitewash glorification of Nazism
Return of US nuclear weapons to UK would be an escalation, says Russia : worldnews
Ukrainian intelligence not sure Prigozhin died in plane crash
Wagner to be declared a terrorist organisation by UK : worldnews

Dont look now but General Sergey Surovikins bio page has disappeared from the Russian Defense Ministrys website.
Rustem Umerov has now been officially appointed as Ukrainian Defence Minister, replacing Oleksii Reznikov.

The Russian education system is tailored to bring up new generations of brainwashed supporters of Russian imperialism and implementers of its aggressive ambitions. Just look at the school activities of Russian children.

Indias first indigenously developed nuclear power plant begins operation at full capacity

Pakistan may lay claim on name India if Modi govt derecognises it officially at UN
Pakistan Foils Major Terror Plot, 2 ISIS Terrorists Among 7 Arrested : anime_titties
Pakistan saw highest number of militant attacks in August since 2014

UN food agency cuts rations to 2 million Afghans as funds dry up : anime_titties
France evacuates five Afghan women threatened by Taliban

Four 1,900-year-old Roman swords found in Judean Desert, likely from Bar Kochba revolt : worldnews

Abbas: Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, Hitler killed them for their social role

A former Mossad chief says Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank : worldnews

Today, the #Zelensky family celebrates their 20th wedding anniversary.
Blinken visits Kyiv "to make sure that Ukraine has what it needs" in counteroffensive against Russia : worldnews
#US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in #Ukraine for the fourth time since the start of the war In #Kyiv, he may announce a new aid package for Ukraine worth $1 billion, Reuters reported, citing sources.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 560, Part 1 (Thread #706) : worldnews

Russias losses as of September 6th
Count of Russian T-90M tanks lost in combat is nearing forty : UkraineWarVideoReport

A Russian strike on a market in eastern Ukraine kills 17 and wounds dozens, officials say | AP News
Russian missile strikes eastern Ukraine market, killing 16, in one of the worst attacks in months : worldnews
Ukraine kills 49 elite Russian paratroopers to stop them reaching southern front line : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia Announces Tactical Withdrawal From Ukraines Robotyne

The Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine with a Mi-8 helicopter said he flew 32 feet above the ground to avoid being seen and turned off his transponder, per the WSJ : worldnews
Russian pilot who defected with stolen fighter jet spare parts gets $500,000 reward from Ukraine : worldnews
A Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine said his helicopter crew panicked when they realised what was happening but couldn't stop him as he was the only one who could fly it : worldnews

Romania confirms Russian drone debris fell on its territory : worldnews

Unprecedented: Armenia says it will stage joint military exercise with US next week : worldnews

Germany charges intelligence mole with treason in Russia spying case
High-ranking German intelligence officer charged with treason for allegedly passing state secrets to Russia. Carsten L shared intelligence about the war in #Ukraine & Wagner mercenary group & received roughly 400,000. He & another man face life sentences
German tourist damages Florence fountain for a photo : worldnews

Jenni Hermoso files criminal complaint against Luis Rubiales over kiss : worldnews

Poor people surviving not living as UK social contract collapses, says report (Tories cackle)
Britains Second-Largest City Essentially Declares Insolvency Amidst $950 Million Equal Pay Lawsuits
Winsford paedophile posed as model scout to groom victims online : worldnews
Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065 : anime_titties
Lord Mountbatten's pedophile allegations FBI files on Prince Charlesuncle Lord Mountbatten, killed by an IRA bomb 41 years ago, describe him as homosexual with a perversion for young boys

Deforestation in Brazils Amazon falls 66% in August

Mexicos Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

Air Canada kicks off passengers who refused vomit-stained seats : worldnews

Biden tests negative for COVID-19 on Tuesday, will mask around others | The Hill

Pressure ramps up on Tuberville over 300 military holds : politics
Navy Secretary: Tuberville Is Aiding and Abetting Communists With Military Blockade
The secretary of the Navy said Sen. Tommy Tuberville is playing Russian roulette with the very lives of our service members by stopping military confirmations

Whitehouse Lodges Ethics Complaint Against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

Senator Blue Slip - Lawyers, Guns & Money Remember when Dick Durbin did the unthinkable and broke with Senate tradition to allow the Majority Whip to also chair a committee, all so that Maoist Sheldon Whitehouse wouldnt chair it? Durbin loves to talk about Senate traditions, even though he broke them himself. As such, he is really the Senator from Blue Slip Fantasy Land rather than the Senator from Illinois.

That Big Poll Showing Trump and Biden Are Evenly Matched? Trump Helped Pay for It. - The Wall Street Journal poll is being cited in all the mainstream media outlets, with no caveat that Donald Trumps Super PAC paid one of the pollsters.

Enrique Tarrio, Proud Boys leader on Jan. 6, sentenced to 22 years for seditious conspiracy - POLITICO The sentence is the lengthiest among hundreds arising from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
Proud Boy Tarrio sentenced for Jan 6, but Miami let him thrive | Miami Herald
The Proud Boys sentencing is remarkable. Donald Trump should be paying attention : politics
Harris says Trump shouldnt be an exception for Jan. 6 accountability

Trump was warned FBI could raid Mar-a-Lago as team feared hed go ballistic complying with subpoena, lawyers notes show
Jack Smith accused Trump of tainting jury pool with his comments. Trump responded with a fresh Truth Social attack : politics

Mar-a-Lago IT worker struck cooperation agreement with special counsel, his former lawyer says | CNN Politics Mar-a-Lago IT worker Yuscil Taveras
Witness in Trump documents case reached deal with prosecutors, ex-attorney says : politics .. Woodward currently represents Walt Nauta

Manhattan Judge Calls Trumps Argument to Block October Trial Completely Without Merit, Rejects Motion
Trump: I'm Allowed to Do Whatever I Want With Classified Info (including selling to my friend Putin) ... Confession after submitting a not guilty plea is a bold strategy.

Trump suffers big loss in E. Jean Carroll defamation case, judge says hes liable

Right-wing establishes government-in-waiting for second Trump term, plans firing of 50,000 public workers

Judge Tosses Trump Co-Defendants Attempt to Sever Their Cases ... The ruling means Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will be tried together, beginning Oct. 23.

How Trump still taps into America's cultural animus How Trump still taps into Americas cultural animusa product of forces that will outlast him.
Trump's big lead: Among nonvoters, many agree with him that elections are rigged - By 2-1, non-voters say they would support Trump over Biden,

Top Trump Loyalist Peter Navarro Is About to Finish Falling on His Sword for His Master Peter Navarro is finally facing the music for refusing to testify before the Jan. 6 Committeeand playing out a familiar story in Trumpworld.

Lawsuit filed to remove Trump from ballot in CO under 14th Amendment : politics

Republicans just cant stop calling for civil war

Why Republicans Could Impeach a Liberal Judge Before Shes Heard a Case

Opinion | Trump vs. Biden in 2024 could spawn a presidential legitimacy crisis - The Washington Post
America's Authoritarian Exceptionalism - Demagogues usually arise in times of chaos and privation. In America, our demagogues have become powerful during a period of peace and prosperity.

Prosecutors will seek Hunter Biden indictment before Sept. 29 Federal prosecutors plan to ask a grand jury to indict Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, before Sept. 29, they revealed in a court filing.

The Right Would Like All Women to be 1950s Housewives, Please : politics

Senator appears to suggest bipartisan bill would censor transgender content online

Abortion bans stop maternity healthcare providers from practicing - Lawyers, Guns & Money If the American anti-aboriton movement cared at all about the health of pregnant women or mothers, this would be a compelling argument against draconian abortion bans, but alas.

The Classic Learning Test emphasizes the Western canon and Christian thought. Its the latest move by Gov. Ron DeSantis to shake up the education establishment. (stupid NYT frame)
DeSantis built a massive network of big donors. Many have ditched him. analysis shows just a substantial drop off in giving.
Christie knocks DeSantis for not meeting Biden during visit to survey hurricane damage - POLITICO The former governor has experience navigating the optics of a visit from a Democratic president after a natural disaster.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Is Being Investigated on Charges of Being a Greedy MofoHis impeachment trial makes for great TV, if you want to tune in.

George Santos and aide appear to be discussing plea deals with feds - POLITICO Santos has been charged with wire fraud, money laundering and theft of public funds.

Republican who spoke out against Trump wins GOP primary : politics

White supremacist signs posted outside Black-owned businesses on Marthas Vineyard (

US university spreads climate lies and receives millions from rightwing donors ... prageru ... No guys its a YouTube channel. A really shitty one at that.

Man Cleared of Rape Conviction 48 Years Later Thanks to DNA - The Messenger Leonard Mack fell victim to racial bias and discarded evidence, but said he never lost hope

The truth about Elon Musk and anti-Semitism - Musk accused the ADL, an organization founded in 1913 to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,of being the biggest generators of anti-semitismon X ... Musk, known for repeatedly associating with far-right circles, has a history of amplifying anti-Semitic speech
By some strange coincidence my Im not antisemitic, I just enjoy a non-stop circle jerk with antisemites t-shirt also has a big ink stain on the back that looks just like a swastika

Alex Jones: If you love Hitler you love the ADLThey want antisemitism and persecution of Jews

DJ Fascist Asshole in the House! - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Burning Man Fiasco Is the Ultimate Tech Culture Clash | WIRED Climate change, protests, tech, elitism, (untrue) Ebola rumorseverything converged when heavy rains left thousands of people stranded in the Nevada desert.

The disappearing college wealth premium - Lawyers, Guns & Money - n recent decades the growth in this wage premium has been almost wholly a product of declining wages for high school graduates, as wages for college graduates have been almost completely stagnant on average).

Is Naomi Kleins Doppelganger Weird Enough?
When Naomi Klein Realized People Regularly Confused Her With Naomi Wolf, She Went Down a Rabbit Hole | Vanity Fair ... I think you are talking about Naomi Wolf.
Naomi Klein investigates conspiracy theory culturethat has shaken her lifeDoppelganger, due out this autumn, examinesthe wildness of right now including personal issues arising from being confused with Naomi Wolf
Naomi Klein has written a book about the conspiracy theory culture that has shaken her life after constantly being mistaken for anti-vax activist Naomi Wolf

An ordinary humans guide to getting extraordinary results from a chatbot like ChatGPT

AI-generated child sex imagery has every US attorney general calling for action : technology

A study found that "almost a third of cancer patients use cannabis, largely for symptom management." : science
Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg : science

Human memories are unreliable because of our tendency to construct complete storylines. Scientists found people often misremember how certain events end, sometimes even creating memories of incidents that never happened. : science

TIL despite numerous rumors and conspiracy theories, historical records and credible sources firmly state that Adolf Hitler did not have any known children. This has been corroborated by various historians and scholars who have extensively researched Hitler's personal life and lineage. : todayilearned

70-foot yacht carrying guns, drugs and prostitutes discovered in Nantucket Harbor : boston
Guns, Drugs, And Prostitutes: Police Raid Yacht In Nantucket Harbor

Boston has one of the best climates out of all US major cities : boston


Scientists warn invasive pests are taking a staggering toll on society : worldnews

G20 must forge agreement to increase tax on rich, say campaigners : worldnews
Calls to tax the super-rich grow as economic inequality surges : worldnews

How Rapping About Racism in Singapore Resulted in a Jail Sentence : worldnews

In Japan, the young find dating so hard their parents are doing it for them : worldnews

Seouls spy agency says Russia has likely proposed North Korea to join three-way drills with China
Teachers set to hold massive rally following suicide deaths of distressed teachers : worldnews

Lack of legal same-sex relationship recognition in Hong Kong a rights violation, top court rules - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP : worldnews

2 workers arrested for digging shortcut through Great Wall of China : worldnews

Putin claims that during WW2 the German SS didnt commit genocide against Jews, it was primarily the Ukrainian nationalistswho did it.
The Fatal Flaw that Doomed the Wagner Group - William Spaniel : UkraineWarVideoReport
What Beyond the Pale Actually Means
Russias trouble with the rouble: Even China may not be able to help boost its economy

Russia in Africa: Prigozhins death exposes Putins real motives on the continent

Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian activist sentenced to 25 years in prison this year, has been secretly transferred to a penal colony. Even his lawyers are unaware of his current location. : worldnews

Russias impromptu tire protection for bombers also makes them stand out on radar satellite images

Since June, Russian government has been advertising recruitment to fight in Ukraine to citizens of neighbouring countries, such as Armenia and Kazakhstan, @DefenceHQ reports. Uzbek migrant builders in Mariupol have reportedly had their passports confiscated upon arrival and been coerced to join the Russian army. #IHL prohibits compulsory recruitment. There is also reason to investigate whether this is not a mercenary involvement policy.

India may be renamed Bharat in special session of Parliament on September 18 : worldnews

UK brushing Saudi abuses under carpet say campaigners as arms sales hit 13bn since 2018

As Anniversary of Womens Uprising Nears, Iran Cracks Down

Using an Attack Dog, Female Israeli Soldiers Forced Palestinian Women to Undress : worldnews

My comments @TIME on Oleksii Reznikov stepping down as Ukrainian Defence Minister & Rustem Umerovs prospective appointment. Strong signal that #Ukraine is serious about battling corruption on its path to EU/NATO & returning Crimea as part of its vision for victory. Link below
Germany has handed over a first five-digit ammunition supply for Gepard guns to Ukraine, just produced on the restored production line. 'I'm glad we started production so quickly and without bureaucratic hurdles," said Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 559, Part 1 (Thread #705) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 5.9.2023 : ukraine

Russian infighting may have led to Ukraine retaking a key town in its counteroffensive: report : worldnews - Ah yes, Rusich. Russian propaganda managed to convince much of the world that these guys were local pro-Russian separatists in 2014-2022 when all of them were Russian neo-Nazis from Russia.
Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Advance Past Russias Dragons Teeth Defenses In Zaporizhzhya

A Ukrainian Challenger 2 tank was destroyed near Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. A damaged T-64BV and two destroyed IMVs can be seen too. This is the first confirmed loss of this tank in Ukraine and is a
Challenger 2: The crew survived : ukraine

Ukraine now has the most cluster-munition casualties in the world Russias widespread use of the bombs in its invasion of Ukraine helped make 2022 the deadliest year on record globally

The Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine said he did it to avoid being involved in genocide
Ukraine pays USD 500,000 to Russian pilot who surrendered with Mi-8 helicopter : ukraine

President of Estonia says PM Kaja Kallas should Have resigned over revelations of her husbands business activity in Russia

Clashes erupt in Swedens third largest city after another Quran burning and at least 3 are detained
Trial starts in Sweden of 2 oil executives accused of complicity in war crimes in Sudan : worldnews

"Historic flooding event" in Greece dumps more than 2 feet of rain in just a few hours : worldnews

Germany refuses to extradite man to UK over concerns about British jail conditions : worldnews

pope acknowledges his russia comments were faulty : worldnews

Belgiums cannabis legalization effort receives a big endorsement

Putins henchman exchanged mails with Marine Le Pen and paid French far-right trips to Russia. According to information shared in earlier investigations on Le Pen Babakov links, Marine Le Pen received 9 million from a Russian bank in exchange for supporting Russias policy towards Ukraine.
French state schools turn away dozens of girls wearing Muslim abaya dress : worldnews

Birmingham City Council effectively bankrupt. The local authority -- the largest in Europe has issued a Section 114 notice preventing all but essential spending to protect core services.

Peru demolishes Wall of Shame dividing rich and poor neighbourhoods

Cuba uncovers human trafficking ring of Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine : worldnews
Cuba uncovers human trafficking of Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine : worldnews

Trial begins for Canada Freedom Convoy organisers

US First Lady Jill Biden tests Covid-19 positive ahead of Joe Bidens India visit for G20 Summit

Column: Bidenomics just had its first birthday. Why are so few people celebrating? : politics
A Huge Threat to the U.S. Budget Has Receded. And No One Is Sure Why. : politics - Spoiler alert: Its Medicare spending. Theres a $3.9 trillion (cumulative) gap from 2010 to 2023 between what was spent and what the trends suggest it should be.

Republican lawmakers launch an effort to block student-loan borrowers from enrolling in Bidens new plan intended to lower monthly payments

One more time with feeling: Ignore the polls! ... Fourteen months out from the 2024 presidential election and the public is being subjected to theevery-other-week poll that shows the race between Biden and Trump is too close to call .... Over the weekend, Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal published a poll that allegedly shows that Biden and Trump are tied in the 2024 presidential race.
How American Democracy Fell So Far Behind : politics

When it comes to voter turnout, US ranks in the lower middle : politics
Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden - The New York Times a weakness that could manifest itself as low Democratic turnout even if Trump and Republicans dont gain among those groups.

Authoritarianism Expert Predicts Why The GOP Will Implode, For Good : politics

Sen. Whitehouse Asks Roberts To Do Something, Anything About Alito : politics
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse files ethics complaint over Justice Samuel Alito interview The Rhode Island Democrat asked Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate comments made by Alito in a Wall Street Journal interview.
The latest hit to the Supreme Courts credibility shows it wont police itself
Supreme Court to Decide Whether to Kick Trump Off Ballot : politics

Mitch McConnell brain scans found no stroke, seizures after second freeze, doctor says : news

Tommy Tuberville Put On Blast By Military Secretaries In Scathing Opinion Piece : politics

Why Republicans Are About to Throw Mitch McConnell to the Wolves : politics

N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James asks court to sanction Trump, his eldest sons and attorneys ongoing civil suit against the former president and others close to him.

The Key Players in Trumps Plot to Upend the Election, Mapped
Mark Meadows pleads not guilty in Georgia election interference case, waives arraignment | The Hill

Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise : politics

Enrique Tarrio has been sentenced to 22 years in prison : PoliticalHumor (nice find out)
Another violent seditionist off the board - Lawyers, Guns & Money Enrique Tarrio has, appropriately enough, been given the longest sentence yet given to one of the leaders of 1/6:

Trumps co-defendants are already starting to turn against himTheres a nascent courtroom strategy by some people close to Donald Trump: Heap blame on the former president

Is the end of Donald Trumps Truth Social in sight?

Republican threatens Trump with

Dark right-wing network recruits MAGA army to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purgeProject 2025 is extremists newest plan to set fire to our democracy, watchdog group warns

Texas fracking billionaire brothers fuel rightwing media with millions of dollars : politics

Alabama congressional map struck down again for diluting Black voting power : politics
Federal court rejects Alabama congressional map; court will draw new map : politics
Judges strike down Alabamas latest nullification of federal law

Why Hunter Biden might not be the slam dunk issue GOP commentators hoped - POLITICO

Bolton on Ramaswamys Ukraine position: He emulates Trump every time he can
Vivek Ramaswamys Embrace of Hindu Nationalism: The GOP presidential candidate views Narendra Modi's authoritarianism as a model for the United States.

Disney tickets, PS5s, and big-screen TVs: Florida parents exploit DeSantis school vouchers

The Texas Senate on Tuesday rejected all of Attorney General Ken Paxtons efforts to dismiss the articles of impeachment against him, moving forward with the first removal proceeding against a statewide elected official in more than a century.
Texas AG Ken Paxton faces charges of corruption and bribery as his impeachment trial gets underway : politics

Lauren Boebert poll sparks worried emails to supporters : politics

Rep. George Santos could be mulling guilty plea in federal fraud case : politics

Wisconsins new liberal Supreme Court justice hasnt heard a case, but Republicans may impeach her

Conservative book ban push fuels library exodus from national association that stands up for books : politics

The Confederate Cult - Lawyers, Guns & Money
My Great-Grandfather Was a Racist Once we take down Confederate statues, Texans must still grapple with monsters in the past.

The Insane Feud Over a New $120 Million Bridge to Nowhere : politics

rasing the Black Spot: How a Virginia College Expanded by Uprooting a Black Neighborhood

Americans Are Losing Faith in the Value of College. Whose Fault Is That? - The New York Times For most people, the new economics of higher ed make going to college a risky bet.

This is the grave of Maureen OHara.

Alex Murdaugh Lawyers Claim Fame-Hungry Clerk Rebecca Hill Tainted Jury

Three neighbors were arrested over the weekend for kidnapping after they held a car full of people at gunpoint in Fort Myers. : news

Tucker Carlson, the semi-employed years - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Tucker was fired just four months ago, and hes already using the contemporary equivalent of public access television to air particularly deranged racist and homophobic conspiracy theories from convicted con men:

YouTube under no obligation to host anti-vaccine advocates videos, court says ... Some morons are really finding out for the first time the difference between the US Constitution and a Terms of Service agreement.

Texas state police wont punish more officers over Uvalde ... They had 400 fucking cops there and were too scared to go in and take down 1 teen? Fucking pathetic.

Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) risk factor for serious mental health issues: Linked to major depression, post-traumatic stress, anorexia nervosa, suicide attempts; vigilance required for those affected to ward off psychiatric problems, say researchers : science

Older adults who regularly use the internet have half the risk of dementia compared to non-regular users : technology ... Choosing between the degenerative mental prison that slowly alienates you from all the people you used to love or dementia.

Black holes keep burping up stars they destroyed years earlier, and astronomers dont know why

Land of Heroes: A Retelling of the Kalevala by Ursula Synge | Goodreads
The Optimism of Ragnarok in Neil Gaimans Norse Mythology
(208) Exploring Norse Mythology: Ragnarok - YouTube

No Available Ambulances : boston ...

What made you lose your religion, and how old were you? : AskReddit

The worlds highest navigable lake is drying out

Child labour at critical moment as more pushed into work

US clean energy drive fuels shortage of engineers in Australia : worldnews

Russia commemorates WWII victory over Japan on disputed islands : worldnews
Japan may seek to dissolve Moonies church in wake of Shinzo Abe killing : worldnews

South Korea extends natural population fall as fertility rate falls to 0.7 : worldnews
Teacher suicide exposes parent bullying in S Korea : worldnews
South Korea is working on an arsenal ship in case it has to shower North Korea with missiles

Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons - The New York Times Russia seeks more weaponry for its war in Ukraine, and a North Korean delegation recently traveled to Russia by train to plan for Mr. Kims visit this month, officials say.
North Korea simulates nuclear missile strike in warning to U.S. : worldnews

Chinas Xi to Skip G20 Summit in India During a Period of Soured Bilateral Relations
China-India border dispute spills over into water resources: difficult to agree
In Chinas shadow, U.S. rushes back to neglected Indian Ocean island

Russia proposed three-way naval exercise with N. Korea, China: NIS : worldnews
Russia is becoming increasingly dependent on Chinese banks as its yuan borrowings more than quadruple : worldnews
Russia says it will not let foreign banks exit the market easilyunless they unfreeze Russian assets

Villagers heard bang, then saw Yevgeny Prigozhins plane crashing
Prigozhins death is only the latest example of an enigmatic fusion of formal governance and clandestine networks.
Yevgeny Prigozhin is just the latest: A list of Putins dead critics

Another Russian mercenary group shows discontent with the Kremlin: A sign of more to come

Russia arrests mathematician on terrorism charges minutes after his release from prison : worldnews

New Delhi got a makeover for the G20 summit. The citys poor say they were simply erased

South Africa says no evidence of arms shipment to Russia : worldnews

Ukraine War: Putin set to meet Erdogan in Black Sea grain talks as 22 Russian drones shot down : worldnews

Twitter accused of helping Saudi Arabia commit human rights abuses | Saudi Arabia | The Guardian Lawsuit says network discloses user data at request of Saudi authorities at much higher rate than for US, UK and Canada (Muskfucker)
Saudi Arabia to execute man for criticising government on Twitter account with only nine followers : anime_titties
Twitter accused of helping Saudi Arabia commit human rights abuses : worldnews

Iran Has Slowed Its Enrichment Of Near-weapons-grade Uranium : worldnews
Iran jails two female journalists over conspiracy and collusion
Israeli-Iranian movie filmed undercover to avoid suspicion : worldnews
EU official from Sweden jailed in Iran for more than 500 days : worldnews .. hostage diplomacy.

6 Israelis arrested on suspicion of gang-raping British woman in Cyprus : anime_titties .. According to media reports, the boys were dressed in kippahs and they and their male relatives popped champagne, let off a confetti cannon and chanted the Brit is a whore.
More than 100 injured in violent disturbances in Tel Aviv involving Eritrean nationals : worldnews
Israels Netanyahu says he wants Eritrean migrants involved in violent clashes to be deported
Comments by Belgian development minister spark diplomatic row with Israel : worldnews

Zelensky replaces Ukrainian defense minister, citing need for new approaches
Where Is the Money? Military Graft Becomes a Headache for Ukraine - The removal of the defense minister highlights the enduring challenge of corruption in Ukraine, which has emerged as a rare area of criticism of President Volodymyr Zelensky s leadership.
60,000 men: Zelenskyys representative initiates cancellation of conscription deferment for some students
Ukraine has a new weapon in its fight against Russia 100 Cold War-era German tanks designed by Porsche
A Ukrainian-made missile that could hit targets 930 miles inside Russia is nearly ready, says top security official : ukraine
The US plans to supply Ukraine with AMRAAM air-to-air missiles with a range of 160-180 kilometers, which are capable of hitting Russian aircraft without entering the air defense zone, said Yuri Ignat, spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force said.
Oligarch Kolomoisky charged with money laundering, fraud : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 558, Part 1 (Thread #704) : worldnews

Defense forces eliminate three Russian tank battalions in one week. [article] : ukraine
ISW on X: "4/ #Ukrainian forces certainly face further hard fighting regardless, but Tarnavskyi characterized Ukrainian forces as having successfully broken through the most difficult #Russian defenses." / X
Ukrainian forces breach Russias first defensive line, prepare surprise offensives
Ukraine War: Counter-offensive troops punch through Russia line, generals claim : worldnews

(2/4) The malware, referred to as Infamous Chisel has been used by the Russian cyber threat group known as Sandworm. NCSC has previously attributed Sandworm to the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorates (GRU) Main Centre for Special Technologies (GTsST).
(4/4) Infamous Chisel has highly likely been used with the aim of stealing sensitive military information. This activity demonstrates Russias continued use of cyber capabilities to support the invasion of Ukraine.

Heavy Russian drone attack on Odesa Oblast: Ukrainian air defence destroys 17 Shahed UAVs : worldnews

Ukraine says Russian drones detonated on Romanian territory during Danube strike : worldnews
Romania denies Russian drones detonated on Romanian territory : worldnews

We Have Photo Evidence Ukraines Foreign Minister on Shahed UAV Crash in Romania
New SDP party secretary faces fresh criticism over animal cruelty conviction (Finland) : worldnews

Several arrested in Sweden over new Quran burning : worldnews

US Approves $1.5B in Armored Vehicles to Bulgaria : worldnews

Poland begins giving free laptops to all fourth graders : worldnews

Italy did not get expected results from China Belt and Road deal, foreign minister says : worldnews

Spain mens players condemn Rubiales behaviour

Macron says enforcement of abaya ban in French school will be uncompromising

New scheme to help LGBTQ+ migrants bring cultures and experiences to cities as they settle in Europe

Colombian government and rebels agree on ceasefire : worldnews

Security in Ecuador has come undone as drug cartels exploit the banana industry to ship cocaine : worldnews

Canada wedding venue shooting leaves 2 people dead, with 2 Americans among 6 wounded in Ottawa : worldnews

Chinese Gate-Crashers Reportedly Trespassed Into U.S. Military Sites And Secured Facilities Multiple Times

Bidenomics Means Lower Prescription Drug Costs, MAGA Control Means Higher Costs : politics

Catching on - Lawyers, Guns & Money upreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas ended a monthslong saga last week by officially disclosing trips paid for by GOP megadonor Harlan Crow. The incident brought to light a key fact: Unlike other federal courts and the executive and legislative branches, the US Supreme Court does not have a formal ethics code.

Trump takes huge primary lead as 78pc of Republicans back Capitol riot in new poll : politics
Some Republicans Worry that a Trump Nomination Could Bring Steep Down-Ballot Losses for the GOP : politics
Donald Trump Spends Labor Day Weekend Planning A Revenge Tour Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when its our turn Trump wrote on Truth Social.

A Harvard Law professor says it wasunbelievably juvenile for Trumps legal team tocite the infamous Scottsboro Boys case as they pushed for a federal election interference trial in 2026

Top Democrats say theres a strong case for disqualifying Trump
Schiff says 14th Amendment disqualification fits Donald Trump to a T

Joe Biden Is Making a Bold Bet: Trumps Indictments Will Speak for Themselves
Biden mocks great real-estate developer Trump who didnt build a damn thing at Labor Day rally in Pa.

Trump waived right to Georgia arraignment because he didnt want to face court cameras

The Trump brand doesnt work: GOP governor blames Donald Trump for Republican losses
GOP Gov. Hangs Republican Losses on Trump: Its a Negative Brand. The Trump Brand Just Doesnt Work
Some Republicans Worry that a Trump Nomination Could Bring Steep Down-Ballot Losses for the GOP : politics
Trump has raised millions with his mug shot. Legal experts say it could be a big mistake : politics

Mark Meadows Risky Move in the Trump Georgia Case

How Rudy Giuliani sealed his own fate : politics

Trump has few options for pre-trial appeals, but motions can delay case : politics

Proud Boys Leader Predicts Trump Will Pardon Him As He Bemoans Prison Food : politics

Right-Wing Influencers Deny Reality by Claiming Neo-Nazis Are Feds

Breaking out of news bubbles will help strengthen our democracy : politics

Rep. Nancy Mace says Republicans in swing districts are walking the plank because of abortion restrictions

Opinion: DeSantis snub of Biden in Florida shows why hes bad at politics

Ken Paxton tried to hide his affair from his wife and voters. It may be his undoing. : politics

Kids Online Safety Act will deliberately target trans content, senator Marsha Blackburn admits

State Republicans Try to Remove Top Jurist for Mentioning the Existence of Racial Bias : politics ... North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls could be ousted from her seat for judicial ethics violations ... Earls, the only Black woman on North Carolinas high court, spoke out about racial bias in her courtroom ... The trumped-up charge against Earls is politically motivated. If this complaint had been filed a few years ago, it wouldve been summarily dismissed. But the commission has become yet another weapon for the North Carolina GOP to wield against judges who wont do the bidding of the party or its corporate campaign contributors.

Right-Wing Sheriffs Group Spreads Controversial Ideology : politics

The California Megachurch Pushing Public Schools to the Far Right : politics

New Texas law requires drunk drivers to pay child support if they kill a childs parent or guardian

Revealed: US pro-birth conferences links to far-right eugenicists

Mississippis public defender system in crisis as some wait years for court-appointed lawyer

Cincinnati-area school district paints over diversity mural, sparks controversy : politics

Why Illinois eliminating cash bail is a big deal While red states restrict rights, the Land of Lincoln blazes a more hopeful trail ... The GOP have turned the states into laboratories of tyranny, innovating a slew of bold, brutal assaults on voting rights, reproductive rights, and the rights of marginalized people

An effort to ban caste discrimination in California has touched a nerve - POLITICO California would be the first state to explicitly ban the practice, but the process has been divisive.

Wisconsin GOP weighs moves to sideline elections chief and liberal Supreme Court majority | CNN Politics
Most authoritarian Republican Party in America considers nullifying another election - Lawyers, Guns & Money

I cannot unsee this image of Neal Katyal, the Supreme Court attorney who among other things successfully defended a companys use of overseas child slave labor, at Burning Man.

Eschaton: The Jews Wot Did It The ADL is not beyond criticism, of course, in fact Id criticize its current leader for spending the past year sucking up to Musk!

Who Are the Names in Jeffrey Epstein's Calendar? - WSJ investigation reveals meetings with politicians and executives and the kinds of favors Epstein did for them

The lobbying surge behind San Franciscos robo-taxi mayhem Driverless taxi companies Cruise and Waymo wined and dined officials and landed a plum regulatory appointment before they scored free rein on San Franciscos streets

Tech workers now doubting decision to move from California to Texas : technology

Not All Girls Are Expected to Be Feminine | by Devon Price | Sep, 2023 | Medium Yet another way that the myth of a singularfemale socialization fails.

We may be close to the truth about the Shroud of Turin | by Tim Andersen, Ph.D. | Aug, 2023 | Medium The latest in the quest to understand the worlds most confusing relic

Assume a universe - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... What bugs me about Dennett et. al. is the sheer insouciance of these types. Listening to Dennett, one would get the impression that human beings have now figured out about 98% of whats to be learned about the nature of reality, with only a few minor side issues still up for discussion. That view strikes me as being as delusional as religious fundamentalism, and for pretty much exactly the same reason:
How to Live a Happy Life, From a Leading Atheist - The New York Times ... "Yes, we have a soul, but its made of lots of tiny robots."

Reconstructing the First Interstellar Meteor, IM1 | by Avi Loeb | Sep, 2023 | Medium

New blood test gives very high accuracy to screen for Alzheimers disease. A new blood test called p-tau217 shows promise as an Alzheimers disease biomarker, and when used in a two-step workflow very high accuracy to either identify or exclude brain amyloidosis, the earliest pathology.

Ran into a yt channel of bikers that are complete assholes and endanger everyone around them. How is this even a thing? : videos

Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge : technology
Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge : anime_titties


Scientists Warn 1 Billion People on Track to Die From Climate Change : worldnews

Finland finds bird flu in wild mammals : worldnews

Tharman Shanmugaratnam: Singapore picks a president who could've been much more : worldnews

Taiwanese man returns home after detention in China for spying : worldnews
Typhoon Haikui expected to make landfall in Taiwan Sunday afternoon : worldnews

Chinas Fast and Cheap Nuclear Gives Its Climate Ambitions a Boost

Threats, insults, and Kremlin robots: How Russian diplomacy died under Putin
Over 20 flights cancelled in Moscow, Kiyevsky railway station evacuated : worldnews

Two exiled Russian journalists sentenced to 11 years for disseminating 'fake' news on Ukraine war -- Committee to Protect Journalists
Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts : worldnews

Indian police condemn BBC for article on press freedom in Kashmir | News : worldnews

Cyprus riots over migrant influx: 13 arrested : worldnews

A US Army veteran has been detained in Dubai for 5 years because his ex-employer says he owes $100,000: 'I'm at the end of my life'

Holocaust scholars call on Israel to maintain Yad Vashems independence

President Zelensky has decided to dismiss UkrainesMinister of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov
The GUR has released a picture of the Russian pilot who defected, along with a Mi-8AMTSh helicopter, and surrendered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.No one wants this war. Youll see when Ukraine wins, its just a matter of time the pilot said.
Made in Ukraine: Kyivs burgeoning weapons industry is enabling it to project power far beyond the front lines
Ukraine could have modified its anti-ship missiles into a long-range weapon to wreak havoc against Russian targets on land, report says : worldnews
Ukraine tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky taken into custody over fraud allegations : worldnews
Canadas envoy to Ukraine says Canadian support will outlast Russian invasion
Ukraine designates PepsiCo, Mars asinternational warsponsors

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 557, Part 1 (Thread #703) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 3.9.2023 : ukraine

Michael Kofman on X: "Difficult but useful read from @KyivIndependent" / X
New brigade bears heavy brunt of Russias onslaught in Kharkiv Oblast
AFU breached russias 1st defense line near Zaporizhzhia after weeks of mine clearance, expect faster gains, general Tarnavskyi saidHe estimates russia spent 60% of time into making it & only 20% each into 2nd & 3rd lines bc Moscow hadnt expected a breakthrough

@DefenceU "A sniper rifle among tanks" - A Ukrainian tanker shares impressions of using a British Challenger 2 tank in battle. : ukraine

How Cheap Hobby Drones Became One of Ukraines Most Vital Weapons. Single FPV drones worth $260 have been taking out Russian tanks worth millions of dollars. Ukraines armed forces need more and one man has a plan to make that happen.

Armenian PM says depending solely on Russia for security was strategic mistake

1 in 3 women in Finland experience intimate partner violence : worldnews
Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence - PMC

US Air Force C-5 Galaxy in Sweden. : worldnews

Polish ruling party names far-right leader as election candidate : worldnews
Poland cuts tax for first-time homebuyers and raises it for those buying multiple properties : worldnews

Germany: CDU urges faster removal of rejected asylum-seekers : worldnews
Scholz says nuclear energy issue a dead horse for Germany

Its dangerous work: new generation of Indigenous activists battle to save the Amazon
Brazils Federal Police carry out largest operation in history against illegal mining in Amazonas state

Ayotzinapa : If you haven't read the Times' deep dive into the text messages it acquired that unveils as much as we are likely to ever know about how the Mexican military helped deliver the 43 students at Ayotzinapa into the hands of a paranoid drug gang, which is the most important event in Mexico since the 1985 earthquake, you really need to do so. It is incredibly depressing. It shows without doubt how the drug gangs have Mexican police and military completely under their thumb.

Biden: Nobody intelligent can deny the impact of climate crisis
Home insurers cut natural disasters from policies over climate risk - The Washington Post Some of the largest U.S. insurance companies say extreme weather has led them to end certain coverages, exclude natural disaster protections and raise premiums

U.S. debt is growing as possible government shutdown looms - The Washington Post A strong economy usually reduces the deficit. Not this time.

Biden Appointees Just Made It Easier For Workers To Form Unions : politics

Joe Biden on X: "The difference between talking and delivering." / X
Real and imaginary populisms - Lawyers, Guns & Money largely gone down the memory hole because Republican presidents are always graded on a much more generous curve.

The American Nations and Life Expectancy - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The underlying theory here is that there are now about nine to eleven or so distinct American nations, regionally speaking, that dont track either state borders or census definitions of larger regions, and that the long-term cultural and political patterns in these different micro-nations explain much of the striking differences in public health to be found among them, even when one controls for such powerful variables as wealth and race/ethnicity ... And people in the Left Coasts poorest quartile of counties live 2.4 years longer than those in the richest quartile counties in the Deep South ... The larger point here is that the current fracturing of America follows very complicated geographical lines, that dont lend themselves very readily to any sort of amicable divorce, as increasingly tempting as such a response is becoming to contemporary political and cultural polarization.

Democrats Unimpressed With Clarence Thomass Feeble Attempt At Transparency
Analysis: As Clarence Thomas faces record unpopularity, Americans want an ethics code for the Supreme Court | CNN Politics

Push To Strip Foxs Broadcast License Over Election Lies Gains New Momentum

Trump May Need Supreme Court To Say His Coup Attempt Does Not Violate Constitution - The 14th Amendment bans insurrectionists from seeking office, and the question of whether Trump can even be on the ballot is likely headed to the high court. : politics undefined

In chilling new interview, Trump says hed lock up his political enemies if re-elected

Rudy Giuliani keeps telling judges hes broke, but wont share financial statements and took a private jet to his Georgia booking

Opinion | What the Contradiction of Slavery Tells Us About Abortion Rights - The New York Times ... Should women leaving anti-abortion states be considered presumptively pregnant and subject to criminal investigation, lest they obtain the procedure?

DeSantis Florida Redistricting Map Is Unconstitutional And Must Be Redrawn: Judge
Florida Judge Throws Out DeSantis-Backed Congressional Map, Rules In Favor of Civil Rights Groups : politics
Adam Kinzinger Rips OutrageousRon DeSantis For Not Meeting With Biden In Florida
Ron DeSantis accused of playing politics after Biden hurricane visit snub
DeSantis super PAC head honcho privately admits hes spreading dirt on Ramaswamy
Republican lawmakers want to stop businesses in a small Florida town from displaying rainbow stickers to show they are a safe place for LGBTQ+ people : politics
Sen. Tom Wright angrily puts hand on domestic violence worker outside shelter : politics

Guess which state is opting out of energy-savings rebate program because it's 'woke'

Neo-Nazis March Through Florida Park
Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida : politics

Deeply Out of Touch: MI GOP Calls Paid Family Leave Summer Break for Adults A Michigan Democratic leader said the suggestion is offensive beyond belief

Ramaswamy doubles down on voting for Trump if convicted | The Hill

Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian : politics

Education v misinformation: opposing groups duel for Wisconsin voters attention Keep our Republic aims to educate voters about elections and democracy, while North of 29 pushes debunked fraud claims
Post-Dobbs politics in Wisconsin - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... There are many infuriating things about the American anti-abortion movement, but their tendency to lie about being willing to provide healthcare to the women theyre brutalizing is among the worst.

New poll shows massive backlash to anti-LGBTQ school policies. A new Navigator Researc h Poll shows that book bans, school sports policies, and Dont Say Gay bills are wildly unpopular (Rfuckulators)

You Betrayed Us, AzeenA story on the allegations of former St. Louis gender clinic staffer Jamie Reed left parents who spoke with NYT reporter Azeen Ghorayshi crushed. (that fucking newspaper does it again and again)

Burning Man 2023 rain keeps burners confined to camps
Tens of thousands at Burning Man told to conserve water and food after heavy rains leave attendees stranded | CNN

A Note on Bill Richardson - Lawyers, Guns & Money I have to say that the guy was, on a personal level, an absolute sleazeball. His treatment of women made Bill Clinton look like Jimmy Carter.
Former New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks to fund debauched lifestyle including sexual services and favors

Canceling Kit Carson - Lawyers, Guns & Money

What Are Dreams For? | The New Yorker Converging lines of research suggest that we might be misunderstanding something we do every night of our lives.

Most unsettling places in Boston (seen on r/asknyc) : boston

WW2 channel that has made a video every week for the last 5 years is getting demonetized : videos


Heat records topple across sweltering Asia : worldnews

Global wildlife trafficking on the rise, aided by drug cartels : worldnews

It seems like everyone has Covid-19. Heres why this wave is probably worse than official data suggests

Australia launches mission to rescue Antarctic researcher : worldnews

Vietnam to take their relationship with US to next level ... Viet Nam is sending a message to China. (China: all your coast are belong to us)

US military in talks to build Philippine port 200 km from Taiwan : worldnews

Estimated 200,000 teachers gather in Seoul for rally over rights protection : worldnews

North Korea fires several cruise missiles towards the sea : worldnews

As Taiwans government races to counter China, most people arent worried about war

China says it deplores US military transfer to Taiwan
China Put Out a New Offical Map That Claims Russian Territory : worldnews
China's New Map Claims Swathes of Neighboring Territory
China has declared part of Russia as its territory on new official maps. China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Russias territory is indicated as part of China
Russian Telegram: China does not let Russians into the country, despite the introduction of a visa-free regime

Russia to block G20 declaration if its views are ignored - Lavrov : worldnews
Microsoft Threat Analysis Center shares report on Russian influence operations in Africa, focusing on the Niger coup: "We believe it is vital there is wider understanding of the ways in which the internet is being used to stoke political instability around the world." : worldnews
Russia deploys ICBM that Putin says will make enemies think twice
Putin Tells Schoolchildren Russia Is Invincible
Kremlins propaganda film about Ukraine war plays to empty cinemas | Russia

Top Russian space scientist dies of mushroom poisoning : worldnews

These Russian women are banned from criticising the war in Ukraine. They're doing it anyway : worldnews

Russia declares Nobel Prize-winning editor Dmitry Muratov to be a foreign agent : worldnews

Tech firms fail to tackle Russian propaganda - EU : worldnews (Muskrattoon cackless)

2/ According to Tatyana Zolotavina, the wife of one of the men, 380 soldiers from Chelyabinsk have been sent to fight in Ukraine. She says in a video that three days before they were sent, the men were hidden from an inspection by regional authorities by locking them in boxcars.

Russia-led alliance holds military drills in Belarus, near the borders of NATO countries : worldnews

Aditya-L1: India launches its first mission to Sun : worldnews
India sees lowest August rainfall in a century : worldnews
India court orders Jet Airways founder to remain in custody till Sept. 11 : worldnews

Pakistan Jails U.S. Citizens in Dragnet of Imran Khan Supporters : worldnews

Taliban signs $6.5bn mining contracts with local and foreign companies in Afghanistan : worldnews

Gabon coup: Military chief says suspension of democracy only temporary

The Biden administration wants to know if Saudi Arabia used American weapons to kill hundreds of migrants

Lebanon green lights Barbie after initial ban attempt on moral grounds

35 year old Iranian protester dies in jail after avoiding death sentence. : worldnews (Muzfuckers)

Eritrean riots in Tel Aviv: Hundreds of refugees, police officers injured : worldnews

Ukraine says it has manufactured and fired a long-range missile : worldnews
US to send its first depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 556, Part 1 (Thread #702) : worldnews

Russian army losses 600 soldiers and dozens of vehicles in one day in Ukraine : worldnews
Losses of the Russian military to 2.9.2023 : ukraine

Ukraine spurs hope of breakthrough on southern front : worldnews

Ukraine says it has identified a Russian commander accused of Bucha atrocities : worldnews

The occupiers have deployed a reserve army in order to transfer additional forces to the south of Ukraine,The Russians hope to contain the Ukrainian counteroffensive with the help of additional forces. But analysts believe that the new 25th combined army is unlikely to become sufficiently combat-ready, given the pace of its deployment.
#Russian position held by well-equipped paratroopers of the VDV was captured by#Ukrainian elite paratroopers of the 78th Air Assault Regiment

Russia says it thwarted attacks on Crimea bridge, which was briefly closed for a third time : worldnews
Powerful explosion occurs in Berdiansk : worldnews

Child made to "thank" Putin at school opening ceremony in devastated Mariupol : worldnews

Two more vessels successfully pass via temporary grain corridor : worldnews

Nobel Foundation cancels Russia, Belarus, Iran invites to annual prize awards : worldnews
Swedish government to map citizenship of gang members : worldnews

Russian textbook calling 1956 Hungarian revolution an act of fascists puts Orban in tight spot : worldnews
U.S. Rep. Jason Crow in Budapest: Im extremely concerned that Orban is calling the United States an adversary ... Orban was been bought and paid for by Putin a long time ago ... Im extremely concerned that Rep Crow is just realizing this

Greek police arrest dozens for arson as EUs largest-ever wildfires rage

10-year-old boy thrown off bridge in Germany for speaking Ukrainian : worldnews ... "Russian throws Ukrainian boy off Bridge in Germany."
Atomic age is over in Germany, Chancellor Scholz insists Dismantling of decommissioned nuclear power stations has begun in the face of calls for the policy to be reconsidered.
Satisfaction in German government plummets : worldnews

Italian ex-premier says French missile downed an airliner in 1980 by accident in bid to kill Gadhafi : worldnews ... which killed all 81 persons aboard the Italian domestic flight.

Pope praises Mongolias religious freedom dating back to Genghis Khan

Supplier Caught Distributing Fake Parts for Worlds Top-Selling Jet Engine
Plans to ban unlicensed Botox providers in England made public : worldnews

Possibility of arrest grows for Bolsonaro over jewellery scandal | Jair Bolsonaro : worldnews

American Airlines flying bigger jets so people can flee Haiti, after U.S. tells Americans to go : worldnews

Persistent bear activity forces wildfire crews to leave campsite in British Columbia
Canadian authorities race to capture five million bees from roadway spill : worldnews
Meta and Alphabet would owe at least 4% of annual revenue in Canada to news outlets under draft regulations pushed by Justin Trudeau : worldnews

Republican Presidential Candidates Vow to Fiddle as Earth Burns : politics

Fact Sheet: Treasury Department Releases First-Of-Its-Kind Report on Benefits of Unions to the U.S. Economy : politics

Biden says U.S. is in one of the strongest job-creating periodsafter jobs report

New filings reveal more luxury trips and opaque payments to Clarence Thomas wife, Ginni
The Supreme Court Is Infected With the Most DamagingHuman Bias It's not the justices politics that are making them unpopular. Its their overconfidence.
Amy Coney Barrett Longs For The Days The Supreme Court Could Ruin Your Life In Obscurity | Its actually good that people see whats going on.
Disgusted: Senate Democrats advance bill to impose ethics standards on Supreme Court

Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows - WSJ
Trump touts authoritarian vision for second term: I am your justiceThe former president is proposing deploying the military domestically, purging the federal workforce and building futuristic cities from scratch
The 14th Amendment theory that could define 2024: Is Trump eligible to run? - POLITICO

Mark Meadows pointed a finger right at Trump, ex-special counsel says : politics
Mark Meadows may have a "perjury problem" after testifying : politics
Trump may throw his idiots sons under the bus in $250 million NY AG lawsuit

Report on Trumps private remarks reveals true stakes of 2024 election

Trumps Truth Social facing a key funding deadline now days away from potential liquidation.

Trump Co-Defendant Really, Really Doesnt Want to Be Tried With Sidney Powell. | In a new motion, Kenneth Chesebro makes clear he does not want anyone to confuse his fringe ideas with those of the "kraken" attorney.

Legal experts: John Eastman literally just confessed to the crimein Fox News interview - He's admitting to committing federal crimes on national television says law professor

Crooked Coffee: The alleged election office breach in the Trump indictment was part of a years-long pattern, some locals say ... Why am I not surprised that these far right democracy-loathing fascists have been pulling this shit for years?

From RICO charges to loyalty pledges: Trumps transformation of the GOP into a crime mob is complete

"Crossed the line of ethics": Jamie Raskin uses GOP admission to demand House subpoena Jared Kushner - GOP Oversight Chairman James Comer has allowed Kushner to "ignore and defy" questions about Kushner's Saudi cash : politics

For All Rudys Troubles, Theres Much More Still There

President Biden heads to Florida to see Idalias destruction. But he wont be seeing Gov. DeSantis
DeSantis says Florida will apply for federal disaster relief money. He opposed it as a congressman. : politics
Kinzinger slams DeSantis for not meeting with Biden in Florida: Absolutely outrageous
Putting the petty in petty tyrant
Ron DeSantis walks past Biden, seething : pics
DeSantis once again ignores reality : politics

Vivek Ramaswamy Is a Fraudand Always Has Been ... Thing is, republicans have proven very clearly they will vote for/support a fraud as long as they say they hate immigrants and are pro-forced birth.

Ex-Christie aide charged with child sex crimes - New Jersey Globe Kevin Tomafsky, veteran Republican campaign staffer, worked in governors office under Christie from 2010 to 2012

Eschaton: Unpopular Notable (in a good way!) for just saying that.Reporters are slowly refashioning their abortion scripts in various ways, but they were locked in them for decades.

Conservative activists are pushing trafficking laws to prevent women from traveling for an abortion
When abortion is sent back to the states ;) ;) :) ... laying the groundwork to ban travel for women themselves.

Brian Kemp ushers his party away from the Trumpian deep end again

Texas AG Ken Paxtons impeachment trial is in the hands of Republicans who have been by his side ... Oh so Ol Winky has been using tax dollars to pay for sex. Thats just the MAGA way darling.
Angela Paxtons Ties to a Shell CompanyThe attorney general and his wife helped promote a company run by an ex-lobbyist accused in court of breaching his fiduciary duty to other firms.

West Virginia Poll: Justice has edge in Senate race; Moore Capito out ahead in race for governor - WV MetroNews

Arizona GOP rejects single-day vote proposal, angering election deniers : politics

Astonishingly cruel: Alabama seeks to test execution method on death row guinea pig

Nevadas primary debacle has some GOP campaigns threatening to write off the stateaccusing Trump of trying torig the primary.

Entrance to Burning Man in Nevada closed due to flooding. Festivalgoers urged to shelter in place. - The Boston Globe

Six officers known as the Goon Squad plead guilty to torturing two Black men, using a sex toy on them and shooting one of them

Quentin Tarantinos Favorite Movies: 55 Films the Director Wants You to See

Jimmy Buffett - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Im Transfixed By Kevin Costners Ex-Wifes Arguments for $175K a Month in Child SupportChristine Baumgartner's legal team is arguing that her children have luxury in their DNA"

Alex Murdaughs only surviving son says calling father psychopath is fair

TIL Sen. Joseph McCarthy was addicted to morphine at the end of his life and his supplier was the Head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics : todayilearned

Opinion | Is There a Crisis in Cosmology? - The New York Times The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to UnravelNot long after the James Webb Space Telescope began beaming back from outer space its stunning images of planets and nebulae last year, astronomers, though dazzled, had to admit that something was amiss. Eight months later, based in part on what the telescope has revealed, its beginning to look as if we may need to rethink key features of the origin and development of the universe.

In love, opposites don't actually attract. Research found that for between 82% and 89% of traits analyzedranging from political leanings to age of first intercourse to substance use habitspartners were more likely than not to be similar.


Global wind turbine orders hit a new high at 69.5 GW in the first half of 2023 : worldnews

Startling Findings Scientists Discover That Microplastics Could Be Changing Your Brain

Fast fashion firms prepare for EU crackdown on waste mountain : worldnews

Women working in Antarctica say they were left to fend for themselves against sexual harassers : worldnews

Tonga disaster highlights the hidden dangers of underwater volcanoes - Washington Post

Australia records warmest winter caused by global heating and sunny conditions : worldnews

Northland business fined $405,000 after tourists death in sandboarding accident in New Zealand

63% of babies born in Korea last year were firstborns : worldnews

Hong Kong Is Building Public Housing on a Golf Course in a Snub to the Old Elite : worldnews

China says drop in trade with the U.S. is a direct consequence of U.S. moves

Scythes, Achilles And Buzz Bombs: A New Arsenal Takes Aim At Moscow : worldnews
Putin says Russia to allocate 1.9 trillion roubles to annexed Ukrainian territories : worldnews

Yevgeny Prigozhin spoke of threats to his life days before death, video appears to show : worldnews

Any story could be your last - Indias crackdown on Kashmir press

Nigerian president appoints new minister accused of helping a former dictator launder looted billions

A statue believed to depict the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, looted from Turkey, has been ordered seized from the Cleveland Museum of Art : worldnews

Jet ski tourists shot dead in Algeria : worldnews
France says one citizen killed, one jailed by coastguard after straying into Algerian waters : worldnews

Egypt unveils restoration of ancient 12th century Egyptian synagogue : worldnews

Retired teacher sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia after tweeting criticism : worldnews
Germany says it ended training of Saudi border forces after abuses reported : worldnews

(Iran) Protester facing Three Death Sentences Dies in Prison : worldnews

Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years - Ukraines Defence Intelligence Chief
After boneheaded comments by 'anonymous sources' & commentary by mostly uninformed who have never seen combat, theres been increasing back-and-forth about how @NATO shouldnt "lecture" Ukraine army on anything re their offensive.
The Allure of Long Range Strike - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ukraine to get first US Abrams tanks in mid-September : worldnews
Politico: A group of 200 Ukrainian soldiers completed training in the operation and maintenance ofAmerican M1 Abrams tanks inGermany.
Thousands of Ukrainian men are avoiding military service : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 555, Part 1 (Thread #701) : worldnews

Ukrainska Pravda in English on X: "Ukraine's Security Service detains sniper who was supposed to kill command of armed forces brigades on 9 May" / X
Russian forces trying to shoot down an Ukrainian drones using Mil Mi-28 attack chopper and they miss that slow flying drone. According to the source there was even another chopper and a plane. The drone returned to base unscathed.

Ukraine war: US sees notable progress; by Ukraine army in south : worldnews
Ukrainian Armed Forces exhaust Russians near Robotyne to break through 1st line of defence - Estonian Intelligence

Sink the entire Black Sea Fleet at onceUkrainian Navy on how to protect Crimean Bridge
(2/7) Russia is employing a range of passive defences such as smoke generators and underwater barriers, alongside active defence measures such as air defence systems, to strengthen the survivability of water crossings and minimise damage from future attacks.
(4/7) As of 29 August 2023, imagery confirms Russia has created an underwater barrier of submerged ships and containment booms to deter against Uncrewed Surface Vehicle (USV) attacks against the Crimean Bridge.

Murder, torture, sexual violence among thousands of Russian crimes against children, Ukraine says : worldnews

In Sweden, Nobel Prize Ceremony Facing Boycott Due to Invite of Russias Ambassador
Swedish cities hit by four residential explosions in an hour : worldnews

Hungarian veto: EU fails to agree on 500 million from fund helping Ukraine with weapons (Orbadick Pootty's puppet)

Shock after popular bear shot dead in Italian town : worldnews

Swiss glacier watcher warns recent heat wave threatens severe melt again this year after record 2022 : worldnews ... by the year 2022 over 62% of glaciers in Switzerland have been melted. If we stay constant at even 5% a year that is only 8 years before we lose all of them.
Undesirable chemicals found in bodies of Swiss residents : worldnews

Paris says au revoir to rental e-scooters : worldnews

Domestic abusers will be electronically tagged on leaving prison under government pilot to protect victims | Politics News : worldnews
Over 100 UK schools told to close due to being "prone to collapse" : worldnews
UK economy rebounded from Covid much faster than first thought, revised figures show : worldnews

More possible unmarked graves discovered at former Beauval, Sask. residential school [Canada] : worldnews
Canada warns LGBTQ people of U.S. state laws in updated travel advisory : politics

The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website > U.S. Department of Defense > Release
Pentagon launches website for declassified UFO information, including videos and photos - CBS News

Border crossings by migrant families reached record high in August - The Washington Post

Top prosecutors back compensation for those sickened by US nuclear weapons testing : politics

Possible easing of marijuana restrictions could have major implications : politics

Trump-era rule change allowing the logging of old-growth forests violates laws, judge says : politics

Bidens Bold Move on Drug Prices Gives GOP Two Choices: Change the Subject, or Lie
Biden seeks minimum staff levels at US nursing homes : politics
US will regulate nursing home staffing for first time, but proposal lower than many advocates hoped : politics

Prime-Age Women Are Going Above and Beyond in the Labor Market Recovery - The Hamilton Project those between the ages of 25 and 54

Schumer moves to split House and Senate Republicans ahead of potential shutdown : politics
White House condemns Marjorie Taylor Greene threat to shut down government : politics
White House bashes Greene over threat to not fund government without impeachment inquiry : politics

Opinion | What responsible media coverage in the Trump era would look like - The Washington Post

Nikki Haley Calls Senate A Privileged Nursing Home After McConnell Freezes
Some Senate Republicans wonder if its a problem that their leader keeps stroking out
Mitch McConnell May Be Experiencing Small Seizures, Doctors SuggestTwo episodes, where the Republican senator froze and did not respond to some questions, may be symptoms of a serious illness, according to neurologists not involved in his medical care.
Kentuckys governor wont commit to appointing Republican if McConnell resigns

Clarence Thomas Resign Calls Grows Over Disclosure: People Deserve Better
Clarence Thomas Acknowledges Undisclosed Real Estate Deal With Harlan Crow and Discloses Private Jet Flights

DOJ loses on appeal in trying to block Trump deposition : politics The D.C. Appeals Court ruled Friday that former President Trump can be deposed in suits against the FBI brought by former agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

History must record Trumps plan for a nationwide Kent State massacre

Donald Trumps election fraud trial in Georgia will be livestreamed
Trump isnt funding any of us: Co-defendants in Georgia case are struggling with mounting legal bills

Trump Phone Interview Was So Odd People Wrongly Thought It Was AI
How Trump's loyal pen pals spread his message

A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump : politics

Mark Meadows Might Have Just Perjured Himself : politics

John Eastman shoots himself in the foot on Fox News : politics
Donald Trumps lawyer slips up during live TV interview

AG denounces election worker threats as DOJ charges over a dozen people : politics

Maine officials evaluating whether Trump can appear on ballot : politics
State election officials prepare for efforts to disqualify Trump under 14th Amendment - ABC News

A New Rudy Scandal: FBI Agent Says Giuliani Was Co-opted by Russian Intelligence (and Garland covered up)
A New Rudy Scandal: FBI Agent Says Giuliani Was Co-opted by Russian IntelligenceThe whistleblower says his probe of Giulianis ties to suspected Russian operatives was thwarted.
Office of Public Affairs | Former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI New York Counterintelligence Division Charged with Violating U.S. Sanctions on Russia | United States Department of Justice
Trump conspirators beware: Rudy Giuliani loss is a reminder that the courtroom is MAGA kryptonite
Opinion | The Trump legal reckoning begins, starting with Giuliani and Navarro - The Washington Post

Trump Campaign Official Urged Cops To Hang Themselves During Jan. 6 Riot: Report : politics

Proud Boys member Dominic Pezzola, who broke Capitol window with riot shield, sentenced to 10 years in prison : politics
Proud Boy shouts Trump won as hes sentenced to 10 years in prison for Jan 6 crimes
Another Proud Boy who tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power is going to prison, and this one received an appropriate sendoff:

Jared Kushner Faces Hunter Biden Treatment as Democrats Turn the Screw : politics

The Articulate Ignorance of Vivek Ramaswamy : politics - Ramadummy
Vivek Ramaswamys cold, cultural civil warHis embrace of right-wing extremism is transparently phony. But its working.

DeSantis voted against Sandy aid a decade ago. Now his state needs the help. : politics
Ron DeSantis Is Afraid of Questions From a 15-Year-Old : politics ... Mitchell says that he was grabbed and physically intimidated by DeSantis security at two subsequent campaign stops, where the candidates staffers also monitored him in a way he perceived as hostile.

About half of Texas voters think Ken Paxtons actions justify removing him as attorney general
Texas ban on public drag performances blocked by judge : politics
Texas anti-porn bill violates First Amendment free speech laws, judge rules : politics

White men have controlled womens reproductive rights throughout American historythe post-Dobbs era is no different

Highways are the next antiabortion target. One Texas town is resisting. A new ordinance, passed in several jurisdictions and under consideration elsewhere, aims to stop people from using local roads to drive someone out of state for an abortion : politics

Abortion fight unites the left and rattles the right in key Wis. battleground : politics

After nearly 30 years, Pennsylvania will end state funding for anti-abortion counseling centers : politics

How Alabama is defying the supreme court to discriminate against Black voters : politics

One of Louisianas only pediatric cardiologists has left the state over anti-LGBTQ legislation

Florida and Texas universities excluded from list of LGBTQ+ friendly schools : politics

Federal judge bars Tenn. prosecutor from enforcing anti-drag law

Matt Schlapp Held an Exorcism at CPAC Offices After Junior Employees Resigned

Almost surgical precision - Lawyers, Guns & Money Republicans have finally found judicial conduct that they consider impeachable. THat is, acknowledging the existence of racism: Her true crime: Earls, the only Black woman on North Carolinas high court, spoke out about racial bias in her courtroom. Her alleged misconduct was speaking to the media about how few clerks of color the court employed and how her colleagues treated certain attorneys, including a Black woman, who argued before them. For that, a Republican-stacked judicial ethicscommission has gone after her. Its targeting of Earls could fulfill the wishes of the gerrymandered Republican Legislature by removing a tireless advocate of racial equality.

The tombstone of American democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money

San Diego woman charged in murder-for-hire plot to kill husband - ABC News

Data Breach at Forever 21 Exposes Information of 500,000 Individuals : worldnews

Only 1,280 breeding humans once roamed Earth, gene study shows : worldnews

Very, Very Few People Are Falling Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole | The sites crackdown on radicalization seems to have worked. But the world will never know what was happening before that


Woke insurance companies reject Rupert Murdochs climate science - I cant believe insurance companies and their actuaries have been so captured by the Queer Critical Race Theory mob that they refuse to acknowledge that climate change is a hoax:

Kids entitled to clean environment - UN

Hurricane Idalia Went From a Serious Nuisance to a Serious Threat In Record Time The climate crisis has a unique ability to make ordinary problems infinitely worse ... 81 degrees. That was the preposterous water temperature in the Gulf of Mexico as Idalia muscled up

Act responsibly: Philippines rejects Chinas 2023 map showing 10-dash line (

Malaysia rejects new China map claiming entire South China Sea : worldnews
Malaysia, India and Taiwan reject Chinas new territorial map

Japans PM eats sushi from Fukushima nuclear site to show its safe: What you need to know
Japan Plans Counter-Cyber Attack Grid for Indo-Pacific to Counter Cyberattacks from Russia, China, and North Korea : worldnews
Workers stage Japans first strike in decades over department store sale

Korea extends natural population fall as fertility rate falls to 0.7 : worldnews

White House says Putin and Kim Jong Un traded letters as Russia looks for munitions from North Korea : worldnews

US approves first-ever military aid to Taiwan through program typically used for sovereign nations : worldnews

Chinas new national map has angered its neighbors
China tells India to stay calm in border map row
Chinas Xi Jinping likely to skip G20 summit in India
Chinese people are living two years longer thanks to waron pollution, report says

Top Russian Rocket Scientist Suspiciously Dies Weeks After Failed Moon Landing : worldnews
Putins colonel killed in drone strike while mowing lawn at his Russian residence

Kremlin Blames Everybody but Themselves in Prigozhins Death
Russian hardliners are fuming that the Kremlin wasn't able to top a string of embarrassing attacks on home soil : worldnews
Our New York newsroom and Evans parents, standing with @evangershkovich, as we mark 22 weeks of his unjust detention. We will not rest until he is home

Putin offers Russian soldiers three times the National wage in desperate effort to continue war : worldnews

Researcher builds anti-Russia AI disinformation machine for $400 : worldnews

Russians report explosions near Sevastopol Bay : worldnews

Dmitry Wagner Utkin is buried at the Mytishchi cemetery in Moscow.- The area is cordoned off by the military.

Damage from Ukrainian drone strike on Russias Pskov Oblast is more significant than earlier reports suggested.

Russian Propagandist Says Tucker Carlson Is aDead Man Walking

More than 60 dead as fire engulfs building in South Africas Johannesburg
47 dead in Johannesburg apartment block fire : worldnews

Germany and US trained Saudi forces accused of killing Yemen migrants : worldnews

One killed and two injured in Palestinian terror attack near West Bank : worldnews

The narrative is changing. Maybe people will stop lecturing the Ukrainians to fight more like NATO.
We didnt have such an army to talk about the loss of 70,000 soldiersNational Security Councils secretary commented on media exaggerations about personal losses of the Ukrainian army, speaking to the German #WELT.
Worlds First Specialized Explosive Naval Drone Unit Formed In Ukraine
Zelenskyy says Ukraine has developed a long-range weapon, a day after a strike deep inside Russia : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 554, Part 1 (Thread #700) : worldnews

Ukrainian Troops Have Crossed The First Of The Russians Three Main Trenchlines
Ukraine Says Gains on Southern Front Pave Way to Crimea - The Moscow Times : worldnews
Ukrainians are gaining ground, we need to trust them, NATO sec gen says : worldnews
The Army of Drones Dominates in the Destruction of Russian Tanks : UkraineWarVideoReport

FYI: Cardboard is not a material that reflects radar waves well, and as a result, it would not produce a strong radar signature that could be detected at a significant distance.

NEXTA on X: "Detailed images of barges installed by the occupiers near the Crimean bridge Earlier, it was reported that flooded barges had appeared near the Crimean bridge. Probably, this is how the Russians are trying to prevent surface drones from attacking the Crimean bridge." / X

Russia stole almost 6 million tonnes of Ukrainian grain last year, US intelligence says : worldnews

Interfax Ukraine: 75 Ukrainian children tortured by Russian forces, prosecutor says : worldnews ... "The Russians still use conscription. They stint on training. The Russian military is still officer centric. They use tactics that havent changed since World War II.

Russia is demanding Norway pay over $4.4 million in compensation after 42 Norwegian reindeer wandered across the border : worldnews ...Special Grazing Operation.
Norway is rebuilding a reindeer fence at the border to stop the animals costly strolls into Russia

Ukraine Can Join NATO Once Borders Are Stable, Czech Envoy Says : worldnews

Rzeszow: Legionnaires disease kills 14 in Poland

Lithuania summons Vatican ambassador after Pope Francis praises Russian Empire : worldnews

Germany agrees corporate tax cuts to stimulate economy
German far right shows an unlikely affinity for Communist China : worldnews
German cabinet OKs landmark bill over legal cannabis use : worldnews

Avoid getting drunk: row erupts over rape comments by Italy PMs partner

Spain must break pact of silence over sexism, equality minister says

Macron slams two-term limit on French presidency as damnable bullshit

US embassy in Haiti urges citizens to leave country as soon as possible

AP Report on Right-Wing 'Project 2025' Exposes the Poison of American Conservatism At this point, 'Republican" is just the name on the label, right there next to the yellow sticker with the skull and crossbones.

Bidens marijuana review process recommends DEA move weed to Schedule III: The recommendation is the result of a yearlong review initiated by the president.

Biden administration cancels $72 million in student debt for more than 2,300 borrowers : politics

Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crows plane
Justice Thomas details jet travel, property deal with billionaire - Supreme Court justice reports three trips on Harlan Crow's private jet in 2022, says one was for security reasons after leak of abortion ruling
The highly selective formalism of Clarence Thomas - Lawyers, Guns & Money When one of these hacks appears in a public forum to complain that the Supreme Court is losing public legitimacy, the only response can be "not nearly enough"

Greene calls McConnell unfit for office after 2nd freeze-up : politics
GOP senators weigh specialmeeting on their leadership after McConnells freeze
Ingraham Wants Mitch McConnell to Resign Just So She Can Keep Calling Biden Decrepit
Mitch McConnells untenable silence

Donald Trumps Georgia Trial on RICO Charges to Livestream on YouTube, Judge Rules

Trump launched an ambitious effort to end HIV. House Republicans want to defund it. : politics

Mark Meadows Is a Warning About a Second Trump Term : politics

The Key Players in Trumps Plot to Upend the Election, Mapped

Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he returns to White House : politics
Trump posts a staggering 31 videos ranting at political opponents in one day : politics

Trump told NY officials he was too busy saving the world from nuclear holocaust to commit business fraud
Trump rambled so much in a NY fraud-case deposition, a lawyer griped, were going to be here until midnight

Trump is running out of other peoples money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke

Rudy Giuliani Literally Cant Afford to Be Defaming People

Attempt to keep Terrible Tangelo in the White House earns Joseph Biggs 17 years in the big house - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Proud Boys Joe Biggs, Zachary Rehl Sentenced For Jan. 6 Plot | HuffPost Latest News Biggs, an Army veteran and former Infowars correspondent, was sentenced to 17 years for seditious conspiracy. Rehl was sentenced to 15 years.

House Oversight Democrats ask GOP to subpoena Affinity Partners, Jared Kushners $3 billion Saudi-backed private equity fund

From Trump to Vivek: The GOP Is Primed for Another Charismatic Phony : politics

How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond Every Trump tantrum makes headlines, while the actual presidents work is ignored. This is Reagans legacy

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on How Shes Changed
AOC says the left is bewildered by power because they were not used to having it for years in the US

Ron DeSantis Sparks Fury With You Loot, We ShootHurricane Warning

Ted Cruzs beer stunt sparks avalanche of jokes, mockery
Ted Cruz Might Be the Most Gullible Person on the Internet : politics

A Texas judge has declared unconstitutional a law championed by Gov. Greg Abbott that limits the power of Democrat-led cities : politics
Greg Abbott Gets the Swift Kick In the Jewels He So Richly Deserves - A district court judge has declared his "Death Star" law unconstitutional.
Texas is about to shut down an election office in a heavily Democratic county that includes Houston less than two months before the city's mayoral election : politics
Texas Supreme Court allows ban on gender-affirming care for most minors to take effect | CNN Politics

Stop the presses...we found the voter fraud. Yes, it was a Republican again : politics
Alabama State Rep. David Cole arrested on voter fraud charge Republican State Rep. David Cole of Madison is accused of fraudulently voting at multiple or unauthorized locations

MAGA State Senator Goes There: Do You Want a CivilWar?
MAGA State Senator Goes There: Do You Want a Civil War?Georgias far-right state Senator Colton Moore suggested that a civil war will break out when Donald Trump goes to trial for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Alabama attorney general says he has right to prosecute people who facilitate travel for out-of-state abortions : politics
Alabama Attorney General to pursue legal action against fugitive uteruses - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Voters in one Iowa county reject GOP-appointed auditor who posted about 2020 election doubts : politics

Most overdoses involve bogus drugs sold illegally as painkillers or anti-anxiety medications, the CDC reported. Theyre often laced with deadly levels of fentanyl.

Court Rules in Pornhubs Favor in Finding Texas Age-Verification Law Violates First Amendment

Gordon Gees reckless spending spree will ruin many careersWest Virginia Universitys student population has been shrinking for years. Its proclivity to spend money has not.

Epsteins Calendar Contained Multiple Meetings With Peter Thiel
JPMorgan Flagged $1B in Suspicious Epstein Transactions to Treasury The U.S. Virgin Islands also alleged that there could be even more victims of the high-society sex trafficker ready to come forward.

Today in Scumbags - Lawyers, Guns & Money Elon again!

45 New Victims Allegedly IDd in Leaked Chats From Andrew Tates War Room

US driver pulled over with huge African bull riding shotgun in car | Nebraska | The Guardian

District of Massachusetts | Former North Shore Pizzeria Owner Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for COVID Fraud | United States Department of Justice

The salary a single person needs to get by in every U.S. state : massachusetts We went from the 4th highest to second highest in such a short time!Massachusetts: $87,909

Papyrologists date the fragment to the second century CE, making it one of the earliest examples of Christian writing, even before the formation of the New Testament.

What is Venuss tilt? Rotation? Is itupside down? How?

The Truman Show - How was it received when it originally premiered? Does anyone have personal experience/stories? : movies

People who have adult children that dont talk to you. Why do you think that is?


Scientists Warn 1 Billion People on Track to Die From Climate Change : worldnews

Greece struggles to contain Europes largest wildfire on record

Hurricane Idalia Roars Into Floridas Gulf Coast as Category 3 Storm
Hurricane Idalia makes landfall in Florida as Category 3 storm brings damage: Live updates Storm surge damage from the powerful hurricane could stretch about 200 miles along Floridas west coast.

First Canadian case of highly mutated COVID-19 virus variant BA.2.86 detected in B.C. : worldnews

Withheld Australian report has gut-wrenchingfacts on climate crisis

Japan baking under hottest summer temps in recorded history, with 106 heat records broken over the summer : worldnews

North Korea Repurposing Aging Fighter Jets as Kamikaze Drones: Report : worldnews

U.K. parliamentary report describes Taiwan as independent country

Putin struggles with falling ruble, rising prices as sanctions bite - The Washington Post
Russia will not probe Prigozhin plane crash under international rules - Reuters : worldnews
Kremlin says Prigozhin plane may have been downed on purpose : worldnews
Russia denies Brazils participation in investigation of Prigozhins plane crash

Russia has right to war with each and every NATO country -- Medvedev

Four Il-76 airlifters confirmed as destroyed in Russia's Pskov
Ukraine war: Drone attack; hits airport in northwest Russia city of Pskov
Russia sees biggest drone assault on its own territory since invading Ukraine, as Kyiv strikes back through the skies : worldnews

Documents show Putins order to move superyacht before Ukraine invasion

Hundreds of Russian soldiers are going AWOL and refusing to fight as morale plummets, UK intelligence says : worldnews
POW reveals lack of drinking water, logistics supplies, other issues in Russian army : worldnews

Russia earns less from oil and spends more on war. So far, sanctions are working like a slow poison : worldnews

Map shows seven military coups in sub-Saharan Africa over two years

Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility : worldnews - The same family has been in power in Gabon for decades, with the current president of 14 years, Ali Bongo, being re-elected with 64% of the vote.
Gabon military officers announce they have seized power : worldnews
Coup in Gabon? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Police raid suspected gay wedding in Nigeria and arrest more than 200 people : worldnews

Female mayor attacked by ultra-Orthodox mob in religious Israeli city : worldnews (Jewiban)

US Announces $250 Million fresh Military Aid For Ukraine : worldnews
Pentagon says it has enough money for military assistance to Ukraine : worldnews
2 killed in Kyiv as Russia accuses Ukraine of biggest drone attack on its soil since fighting began
Ukraine blasts Pope Francis address to Russian youth as imperialist propaganda
Like I said, Ukraine continues to violate Putins supposed red lines with impunity. Theres a lesson here for Biden who remains too cautious in providing aid to Kyiv

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 553, Part 1 (Thread #699) : worldnews

Police receive over 93,000 reports of sexual violence committed by Russians : worldnews

Russia Sinks Line Of Ships To Protect Kerch Bridge : worldnews

Two Ukrainian Air Assault Brigades Are Flanking Russias Next Strongpoint On The Road To Melitopol

Ukraines military medical care has been superior to Russias, butthe lasting Soviet doctrine of simply throwing waves of soldiers at your enemies could help make up for it
Over 1,300 schools destroyed in Ukraine: Unicef : worldnews

Nagorno-Karabakh: People are fainting queuing up for bread

EU countries are completing work on projects that will allow to develop the capacity of the industry to produce more than 1 million ammunitions per year.

Russia and Iran suspected of disinformation campaign against Sweden : worldnews

Outcry in French town after woman prosecuted for walking topless : worldnews

Rishi Sunak faces a new conflict of interest over claims that his family in India could stand to benefit financially from trade talks with India : worldnews

Colombia adds non-binary gender option on passports : worldnews

Ottawa warns LGBTQ travellers they could be hit by U.S. state laws : worldnews

Replicator Is DoDs Big Play To Build Thousands Of Autonomous Weapons In Just Two Years

HHS Calls for Moving Marijuana to Lower-Risk US Drug Category - Bloomberg Change would remove drug from most restricted designation

Americas In Much Better Shape (at Home and Abroad) Than You Probably Think

Single people in Hawaii need to make an average of $112,411 to get by, a study has found. Heres how US living wages compare in the most expensive states ... 2. Massachusetts

Millions more workers would be entitled to overtime pay under a proposed Biden administration rule : politics

Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event
House conservatives flirt with shutdown: So be it

Recently indicted John Eastman is among those vouching for Clarence Thomas integrity
Indicted seditionists and torture enthusiasts agree: Clarence Thomass behavior is beyond reproach

Fulton County DA asks judge to expedite cases of all 19 defendants in Georgia : politics

Georgia Senate leader seeks ways to sanction tainted Willis over Trump charges
Trump may not attend arraignment in Fulton County - CBS News

Trump inflated net worth by $2.2 billion, NY attorney general alleges : politics

Trump Could Clinch the Nomination Before the G.O.P. Knows if Hes a Felon

Trump fundraising spikes after Fulton County mugshot, surpassing $20M in August | Fox News says funds will only be used for political, campaign activities, not to cover legal expenses
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gushes Over Donald Trumps Mug Shot On Jesse Watters Show

Rudy Giuliani is liable for defaming Georgia election workers, judge rules - POLITICO
Was Rudy rhymin and stealin elections in a drunken state? (Now with a defamation suit update)
Rudy Giulianis Manhattan apartment up for sale for $6.5m

Trump Defenses of Georgia Phone Call Are Strong Arguments Against Trump 2024 Campaign - we're delusional, we're unfathomably poorly informed, and we'd like to be put back in charge of the United States
Conservatives Plot To Dismantle U.S. Government, Replace With Trumps Vision

Lawsuit to disqualify Trump filed in New Hampshire : politics
Trump Supporters Flood N.H. Election Office with Calls After False Claims about Ballot Access : politics
Secretaries of state get ready for possible challenges to Trumps ballot access

Ex-Proud Boys leader stares down decades in prison for Jan. 6 case : politics

When I Tell You Nikki Haley Is Pathetic, Thats an Understatement

Florida GOP: College Board Marxists dont want students to learn about the many good things about chattel slavery

Madison County lawmaker David Cole arrested on illegal voting charge -

GOP lawmaker arrested again after domestic violence charges: report - Raw Story ... Young has since admitted that he undervalued Christ on the night he allegedly attacked his family.

Record-setting wildfires are burning across Louisiana, fueled by heat and drought

Trump County in Iowa Ousts Conspiracy Theorist, Elects Democrat Instead The election in Iowas Warren County offers major lessons for Democrats organizing in other red states

Exclusive: Walmart cuts pharmacist pay, hours while workload piles up : news

How One Citizen Fought Back Against a Cops Road RageA court said an off-duty police officer who pulled his gun on a motorist should be protected byqualified immunity -- But the victim wouldn't stand for it.

Social Media Is Dead: No One Is Posting on Instagram, TikTok Anymore Group chats and messaging apps killed it

Eschaton: Remember The Metaverse Remember what McKinsey had to say about it -- By 2030, the metaverse might see consumer spending reach $5 trillion, according to a new report from McKinsey & Company. -- That was just over two years ago.

James Webb Image of Whirlpool Galaxy Shows Detail Missed by Hubble

Quantum yin-yang shows two photons being entangled in real-time

Jinn - Wikipedia
What Are Jinn: The Arab Spirits Who Can Eat, Sleep, Have Sex, and Die

Praise Lilith, a Chill Demon Cast from Eden for Refusing Missionary Position

TIL the average Black American has roughly 1/4 European ancestry : todayilearned

Those older than 9/11/2001, where were you and what were you doing during the WTC attacks? : AskReddit

ELI5 - Why is it bad to use my water bottle for multiple days without washing it? : explainlikeimfive

What horrible thing happened to you as a kid and you didnt realise the severity of it until you got older?

TIL that when gangster Johnny Torrio left for Europe in 1925 and handed over his criminal empire to Al Capone, it was worth $1,169,184,000 a year in todays money.

FCC says too bad to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard


ExxonMobil says world set to fail 2C global warming cap by 2050

Record low 2022 Antarctic sea ice led to catastrophic breeding failure of emperor penguins : worldnews

Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury : worldnews

Earthquake of magnitude 7.0 strikes Bali Sea, Indonesia

Nazi salutes to be banned in Victoria [Australia] under new laws : worldnews

Prehistoric bird once thought extinct returns to New Zealand wild.Return of takahe -- large, flightless bird to alpine slopes of the South Island marks a conservation victory in New Zealand

Resetting the Game in Northeast Asia - Lawyers, Guns & Money
All assembly lines at Toyota's auto plants in Japan have been shut down by computer problems. : worldnews All assembly lines at Toyotas auto plants in Japan have been shut down by computer problems

South Korea increases Ukraine aid to $394 mln for 2024 : worldnews

Kim Jong Un asks his military to be ready to smash US-led invasion plot : worldnews

China behind largest ever digital influence operation Groups linked with Chinas law enforcement peppered more than 50 social media platforms with pro-Beijing messages, Meta says.
Meta says it disrupted Chinese covert influence operation spanning various platforms : worldnews

Putin wont attend Prigozhins funeral - Kremlin
Wagners brutal, sadistic warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin gets the dignified burial he denied to his victims

Pope slammed for telling Russians to hold on to legacy of a great empire (later claims he wasn't telling them to invade, rape and kill a bunch of people)

FSB helicopter crashes in Russia: crew killed : worldnews

Trans women arrested and forced to confess in India

Report: Disturbing Surge in Afghan Female Suicides, Attempted Suicides

First Ugandan charged with aggravated homosexualitypunishable by death

More than 60 "gay suspects" detained at same-sex wedding in Nigeria : worldnews

Saudi Arabia: Man Sentenced to Death for Tweets : worldnews
Saudi Arabia reportedly sentences man to death for criticizing government on social media : worldnews

Russian Embassy Releases Map Recognizing Crimea as Ukraines
How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine? Here Are Six Charts. | Council on Foreign Relations

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 552, Part 1 (Thread #698) : worldnews

Ukraine: Australian High-Tech Cardboard Drones May Have Been Used in Spectacular Strike on Russian Airfield : worldnews

Ukrainian military destroy unique Russian radar station worth $200 million in Kherson Oblast : worldnews

Ukrainian children fall behind with no let-up in attacks on schools-UNICEF : worldnews

Finnish border officials use facial recognition software to nab Russian terrorism suspect : worldnews

French ban of abaya robes in schools draws applause, criticism : worldnews
France invests $1.5 billion for the 2024 Olympics in its effort to Clean up The Seine River in Paris for Aquatic Events and to Provide Residents with Areas to safely Swim in. : worldnews

London Is Now the Worlds Largest Low-Emissions Zone
Patients in England will be first to access seven-minute cancer treatment jab : worldnews
8,000-year-old encampment with tridents and war paint materials found in England B

Moscow helping cybercriminals operate with "near impunity": Canadian Cyber Centre : worldnews

Today in 1949: Nuclear War Becomes Possible - Lawyers, Guns & Money

FBI announces it has dismantled global network of hacked computers used in major fraud scheme | CNN Politics

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Florida Emergency Declaration : politics

Women working in Antarctica say they were left to fend for themselves against sexual harassers : news (+the Rape Corps)

Tubervilles hold on military promotions may put 650 officers in limbo by year's end

Kamala Harris touts strength of labor unions to build the middle class : politics

Biden administration unveils 10 drugs subject to Medicare price negotiations - The Washington Post
Biden Administration Adds Insulin To Drug Price Negotiation List In Major Blow To Big Pharma : politics
Opioid overdose antidote Narcan will be widely available over the counter next week : news

A shutdown wouldnt halt Trumps trials, so Republicans seek to rein in his prosecutors Federal criminal proceedings are exempted from shutdowns. But GOP House members want to use a must-pass funding bill to defund or limit law enforcement investigating Trump.

The testimony from Trumps White House chief of staff could change everything
Mark Meadows struggles to distance himself from Trumps plot

Retired Judge Spots Stunningly Stupid Move From Trumps Legal Team

Jack Smiths Team Grilled Witnesses About Rudy Giulianis Drinking
Prosecutors want to know how drunk Rudy Giuliani was when he was advising Trump on overturning the 2020 election : politics

Georgia Republican Says Trump Has Moral Compass ofAx Murderer

Conservatives are on a mission to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trumps vision

Jesus Wasnt a Pacifist: Training Christian Minutemen to Remove Domestic Enemies From Office

The Christian home-schooler who madeparental rights a GOP rallying cry | On a private call with Christian millionaires, home-schooling pioneer Michael Farris pushed for a strategy aimed at siphoning billions of tax dollars from public schools

Mike Pence: we need more executions to provide a deterrence to mass murder-suicides - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Pence-Founded Organization Spreads Lie Linking Abortion to Breast Cancer : politics

How Trumps Election Lies Left the Michigan G.O.P. Broken and Battered
Republicans in Michigan - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Its been festering in Florida: DeSantis accused of hypocrisy over response to racist shooting

Democrats walk out of House session after Rep. Jones silenced; Gallery cleared : politics ... A Black Democratic member was silenced for an "offense" that a white Republican member was not. Then a Republican claimed he had no idea why the Democrats all walked out. Republicans are all lying sacks of shit. (RACIST SHITS)

Abbotts Texas National Guard set up a secret spy operation and treated the border like it was the war in Iraq: whistleblowers
Mexican Man Shot by Texas National Guard Soldier Across Rio Grande

Kansas reporter files federal lawsuit against police chief who raided her newspapers office (

Airline Close Calls Happen Far More Often Than Previously Known - The New York Times

The terror state - Lawyers, Guns & Money This video of students jumping out of a window at the University of North Carolina illustrates how mass shootings or the possibility of them both create a kind of terror state, in which young people in particular are socialized to be afraid of being murdered randomly when at school or a supermarket or other public places:

The NYPD Denied Our Request for Body Camera Footage of a Friendly Fire Killing.Heres How We Got It Anyway.

$100M Settlement Reached in Suits Alleging Torture at Christian School : news ... A rich, well to do, white woman with money got 6 months for...sexual assault, starvation and torture of multiple children

Deepfake Video Phone Calls Could Be a Dangerous AI-Powered Scam - Bloomberg Cybersecurity researchers fear AI-powered hacks are on the verge of breaking out.

How Google made the world go viral - The Verge or two decades, Google Search was the invisible force that determined the ebb and flow of online content. Now, for the first time, its cultural relevance is in question.

Narcissists maintain their status through self-promotion and/or other-demotion. New study shows narcissists with higher (than lower) IQ are less likely to undermine the status of others. Possibly because they've achieved more in life and/or are more aware of the consequences of antagonism. : science

Nonfiction or academic reads that stuck with you?

Buying Buddha, Selling Rumi: Orientalism and the Mystical Marketplace: Arjana, Sophia Rose: 9781786077714: Books ... The author seems to posit that white westerners and the spiritual practices they engage in cannot have real connectedness to anything authentic and holy; while adherents of the Asian religions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam are the only people authentically capable of experiencing Eastern spirituality through the fixed canon of the religion they were born into
Buying Buddha, Selling Rumi: Orientalism and the Mystical Marketplace (by Sophia Rose Arjana) | American Journal of Islam and Society

What are horrific details of the World Wars nobody talks about? : AskReddit (rape rape and more rape)

Toad and Christopher's in Cambridge's Porter Square Have Been Sold; Toad's Space Will Remain a Music Club : CambridgeMA


Rare blue supermoon set to be on full display this week : worldnews

Despite promises made at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow to reduce fossil fuel subsidies, a report has shown that G20 nations poured a record 1.3 trillion into the fossil fuel industry in 2022

Oh my God: live worm found in Australian womans brain in world-first discovery

Businesses in Japan receive abusive calls from China after Fukushima water release : worldnews
Fukushima: Japan asks China to stop citizens making abusive calls : worldnews

North Korea to allow its citizens abroad to return home, a sign of further easing of pandemic curbs : worldnews

Chinas summer of climate destruction
Xi urges more work to control illegal religious activities in Xinjiang on surprise visit

The spiraling cost of war means growing economic pain for Russia : worldnews
Borrell told how EU sanctions affect the Russian economy - Borrell wrote in a blog that the Russian economy shrank by 2.1% in 2022: car production - by 48%, computers, electronics and optics - by 8%. Retail trade in the Russian Federation fell by 10%, and wholesale - by 17%. Compared to 2021, 58% of total EU imports from Russia were suspended in 2022

Kremlin thinks of Putins opponent for elections so he does not look old
Pope slammed for telling Russians to hold on to of a 'legacy' of a 'great empire' ... he inspires Russian youth to build an empire in 21th century.

American pharmaceutical company to discontinue supply of hepatitis C drug Zepatier to Russia : worldnews

Workshop in Berdiansk where Russians bring military equipment on fire : worldnews

Indonesian school shaves 14 girlshair over teachers hijab complaint.

US, Turkey hold largest military drills in seven years amid efforts to improve ties : worldnews

Islamic State group nearly doubled its Mali territory in under a year, UN says : worldnews

Iran rounds up activists and relatives of killed protesters ahead of Mahsa Amini anniversary : worldnews

Zelenskiy says he will propose tougher corruption measures this week : worldnews
Zelenskyy: Tax evasion cannot be covered up by using Armed Forces : worldnews
US to provide Ukraine with an Israeli model of security guarantees - Zelenskyy
Zelenskiy says elections could happen under fire if West helps : worldnews
Zelenskyy on war on Russia's territory: It carries a big risk that we will be left alone : worldnews
The coalition aiding #Ukraines fight against Russias invasion would not support Kyiv if it were to move the hostilities to Russian territory, President Zelensky said Sunday. I believe that this is a big risk, we will definitely be left alone
Ukraine may get F-16s soon - General Milley

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 551, Part 1 (Thread #697) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 28 August 2023

As Ukraines Counteroffensive Gains Momentum, Russia Is Deploying Some Of Its Last Good Reserves
Russia can mobilize another 450 thousand people - Budanov - Every month, 20,000-22,000 people are recruited into the army, but now we are talking about calling for additional hundreds of thousands of soldiers. By the way, in the fall of 2022, 350,000 people were recruited ... These figures testify to the real scale of losses among personnel in the war against Ukraine, which they want to hide. Unfortunately, if the Russian Federation brings so much cannon fodder again, Ukraine will also have to increase mobilization
Robotyne Officially Liberated, Ukraine Advancing Further : worldnews

US sanctions 11 Russians and 2 re-education facilities involved in forced transfer of Ukrainian kids : worldnews

Local businesses in Finland face serious financial difficulties as a result of the unpaid bills by upcoming AppleTV series Constellation : worldnews

Firefighters in Greece Are Struggling to Battle The E.U's Biggest Wildfire Ever Recorded

Heavy rainfall floods parts of Switzerland : worldnews

Hallstatt: Austrian town protests against mass tourism : worldnews
Austria is offering free public transportation for a year, but you have to get a specific tattoo first : worldnews

Drought puts Moroccos water infrastructure projects into overdrive

France to ban female students from wearing abayas in state schools : worldnews
Jewish man confesses to writing antisemitic graffiti on front of French restaurant : worldnews

Children reaching UK in small boats sent to jail for adult sex offenders : worldnews
Domestic slaves rescued from Londons richest streets
Chinese spy targeted thousands over LinkedIn

16 dead and 36 injured after bus carrying migrants and locals crashes in Mexico, officials say : worldnews
Illegal logging thrives in Mexico Citys forest-covered boroughs, as locals strive to plant trees

Weather that drove eastern Canadas devastating wildfires made twice aslikely by climate change

What the NLRB Decision Means - Lawyers, Guns & Money

If the U.S. economy is doing well, why do so many Americans say it's terrible?

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Climate deniers are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts : politics

GOP tensions between Senate, House raise shutdown odds : politics

Bernie Sanders: Progressives must unite behind Biden against Trump threat : politics
Biden is widely seen as too old for office, an AP-NORC poll finds. Trump has problems of his own ... Only a few years his junior, Donald Trump raises strikingly less concern about his age.

House Republican Calls Out Biden Impeachment: Theres No Evidence

Trumps Georgia case could get real quickly
The fight to protect Fani Willis from being removed is underway : politics
Jim Jordan is abusing his power. Fani Willis should call his bluff. Congress cant use its investigative power to engage in law enforcement. Yet thats exactly what Jordan is trying to do again.

Trump Trial Date Incoming: Federal Judge Poised To Name Start Day In Election Case : politics
Judge Chutkan hands Trump loss with trial date : politics
Judge Slates Trumps Federal Coup Trial for Heart of Primary Season
Trumps D.C. Trial Over Attempts to Overthrow Election Slated for March 2024, a Day Before Super Tuesday

How Trumps attacks on prosecutors build on history of using racist language and stereotypes

Trump Lawyer Claims Team Is Not Concerned About the 91 Charges Against Him

Trump furious as legal troubles hamper his PGA championship plans : politics

The Federalist Society's mugshots - by Lisa Needham Two members of Leonard Leos organization played a leading role in Trumps coup attempt and now face felonies for it.

August 2023 National Poll: Trump Debate Snub May Open Door for Other Candidateshalf of Republican Primary voters (50%) plan to vote for Donald Trump, the lowest support to date for the former President in Emerson national polls.
Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll : politics

"We call that kind of love a cult": Experts on the latest disturbing poll of Trump supporters - New poll reveals that members of the MAGA cult trust Trump most: He "provides the kind of love they crave" : politics
Republican Voters Arent Looking to Be Rescued From Trump

Journalism fails miserably at explaining what is really happening to America : politics

Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion and They Know It
Republicans have made it clear: No state is safe from abortion bans : politics

Young voters tend to lean Democrat. Conservatives are trying to win them over : politics

Biden denounces Jacksonville shooting: White supremacy has no place in America
Florida Lawmaker: DeSantis Has Blood On His Hands After Jacksonville Shooting
Crowd Boos Ron DeSantis at Jacksonville Shooting Prayer Vigil : politics
Trump Spreads "Roomer" That DeSantis Plans to End Campaign
The Real Story Behind Ron DeSantisNewest Fired ProsecutorRon DeSantis bragged at the GOP debate about firing two prosecutors in his state. His latest conquest is now speaking out .. In the latest instance, the governor did one sheriff a huge favor by firing Orlando-area State Attorney Monique Worrell just as she was about to crack down on a wide-ranging cover-up by deputies who, she says, were faking documents to hide lethal and abusive behavior.

Fact check: Audio debunks Vivek Ramaswamys false claim that he was misquoted about 9/11
Eminem Has Had Enough, Sends Cease and Desist to Vivek Ramaswamy: Eminem is fed up with the 2024 Republican candidate for using his music. : politics

Conservative Activist Joe The Plumber Dead at 49
Joe the Plumber, who questioned Obamas tax policies during the 2008 campaign, has died at 49 (could have had healhcare, but no + pancreatic cancer stories

Judge rules against religious parents stopping kids hearing LGBTQ+ storybooks : politics

Eschaton: Trapped In The Closet Of Your Own Construction Probably difficult to explain to The Kids today - though maybe not soon! - about how the closet functioned for gay people with or without power. Back in the day you could explain a guy like Matt Schlapp, if not sympathize, but then liberals made a better world for him and he said NO.
CPAC urged to probe more sexual misconduct claims against chair Matt Schlapp : A senior board member of CPAC's parent organization resigned as he urged more scrutiny of Schlapps alleged conduct

Fox News apologizes to Gold Star family after facing backlash over false story | CNN Business : news

Killing of Staunch GOP Activist in New Hampshire Under InvestigationAl -- exander Talcott

A Chicago Cop Is Accused of Lying Under Oath 44 Times. Now Prosecutors Are Dropping Cases That Relied on His Testimony. : politics

Sadistic California Cops Bragged About Violating Civil RightsFeds allege officers collected photos of K-9 attacks and crafted an American flag with spent munitions

South Carolina student shot trying to enter wrong house, police say - The Washington Post ... In addition, South Carolina does not require gun owners to obtain a license.

Going shopping is dead -- How stores sucked the fun out of an American pastime

How a Harvard Professor Became the Worlds Leading Alien HunterAvi Loeb single-minded search for extraterrestrial life has made him the most famous practicing astronomer in the country and possibly the most controversial.

The "need for chaos" is linked to the sharing of conspiracy theories, study finds : science

Archeologists unearth 3,000-year-old priestly tomb in northern Peru : worldnews

James Webb Space Telescope reveals the colorful Ring Nebula in exquisite detail : technology


At least three US marines dead, 20 injured in Australia joint training helicopter crash : worldnews

South Korea exports down 16.5 percent so far in August, continuing the downward trend since last October : worldnews

Taiwan sends warning about discussing sensitive topics in China : worldnews

China is launching an unprecedented crackdown on corruption in its health industry as economic woes pile up

Russia has no resources, except for human, to continue war

Prigozhin confirmed dead after genetic testing - Moscow
Second plane had no connection to Wagner group, operator says : worldnews

Al Jazeera journalist attacked near Wagner center in Russia
Russian neo-Nazi group refuses to fight in Ukraine, accusing Kremlin of abandoning its leader : worldnews

Russians say drone crashes into high-rise building in Kursk : worldnews

India teacher investigated for telling pupils to slap Muslim peer : worldnews

Taliban-ruled Afghanistan now has worlds second most displaced persons after Syria
Taliban ban women from visiting major national park : worldnews
I Feel Suffocated: Taliban Intensifies Clampdown On Music In Afghanistan

TIL: One of the largest cult suicides in history happened a few months ago. Over 400 confirmed deaths with 600 reported missing. : todayilearned - Kenya

Turkeys lira sinks further as currency protection scheme changes

Russia uses social media channels to exploit Niger coup : worldnews

UN experts challenge Saudi Aramco over climate change : worldnews
U.S. Knew Saudis Were Killing African Migrants : worldnews
Saudi Arabian Mass Killings of Ethiopian Migrants at the Yemen-Saudi Border : worldnews

Jewish heritage discovered in Iraqi building once owned by Saddam Hussein : worldnews
Rising threat to LGBT Iraqis as death penalty considered by MPs : worldnews

Senior Hamas official threatens regional war if Israel resumes targeted killings

Zelenskyy announces ''rich September'': Ukraine will be heard by Global South : worldnews
Ukraine will speed up advance on southern front, commander says : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 550, Part 1 (Thread #696) : worldnews

Eastern Grouping: Russia ramps up offensive towards Lyman, Kupiansk with over 100,000 troops. Russia has concentrated over 100,000 troops in the Kupiansk-Lyman direction of the front, Eastern Force Grouping press officer Illia Yevlash said on Aug. 27.
Aug 27, 2023: Update 2 on the Robotyne AO, Tokmak Axis, Zaporizhia Oblast, UkraineRussian mil-bloggers are reporting that the AFU has broken through to Verbove. If true, this is the 46th Airmobile Brigade and it is huge in many ways especially combined with the AFU report that the 82nd Air Assault Brigade has also moved on Novoprokopivka. This means the main lines of the Russian defenses in the sector have been breached.

2) Wagner fought relatively well at Bakhmut, and with some real aggression. If the Ukrainians had abandoned Bakhmut, it would have preserved large number of Wagner forces, allowed them to recruit more, all of whom would be fighting Ukrainians now. Russia would have real reserves.
Should also add, that in crippling Wagner and helping precipitate the mutiny, fighting for Bakhmut also ended up with Putin strengthening the positions of Shoigu and Gerasimov (who have performed poorly) and getting rid of Surovikin, who seems considerably more competent
So, in fighting for Bakhmut, the Ukrainians broke Wagner, helped precipitate the violent breakdown between Prigozhin and Putin, has deprived Russia of a large reserve force now, and deprived Russia of more resources to have dug in. It was a hard choice, but worth it.

Russian held in Finland said to be key figure in far-right Wagner affiliate : worldnews

Massive explosion at LPG station in Bucharest, Romania | Al Bawaba : worldnews

Polish police refutes fake story about "fight between Poles and Ukrainians" in Warsaw : worldnews

Desperation is turning the Mediterranean into a watery grave. This is what the ABC found on a secret trip : worldnews

Two Swiss accused of planting explosives to intimidate the rich | The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) has accused two Swiss men of carrying out a bomb attack in Basel last year. They also allegedly tried to buy explosives in Stuttgart, Germany. : worldnews

Almost 100 Leopard 1s stored in the open in Italy as Switzerland blocked their transfer to Ukraine : worldnews

Germany: Man smears dog feces on far-right AfD politician : worldnews

Students will no longer be allowed to wear the long, flowing dress known as the abaya in classrooms.

Wanted in Hong Kong, self-exiled activists in Britain decry harassment

Bahamas government unveils proposal to legalize marijuana for medical, religious and scientific use : worldnews

Canada has game plan if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift - Canada is watching next years presidential elections closely, says Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly

2024 Republicans want to eliminate the Education Department. What would that look like? : politics

Religious Right Legal Group Says SCOTUS Can Use Its Case to Overturn Marriage Equality : politics

Christian Leader Warns Trump Allies Hijacked Name of Jesus

Democrats Mobilize Early to Combat Misinformation Among Latino Voters in 2024 : politics

Eight in 10 LGBTQ+ Americans fear for safety as bigotry sweeps nation, study finds. New data has revealed the staggering pressure LGBTQ+ Americans are under following the wave of homophobic and transphobic legislation that has swept US states. : politics

Democrats tout 'junk fees' reforms, believe it can translate to 2024 wins : politics

National Organization for Women endorses Biden reelection campaign : politics

Trump ineligible for presidency because of his role in insurrection, lawsuit says : politics

Trump Campaign Reports Raising More Than $7 Million After Georgia Booking : politics
Psaki says Trump mug shot will backfire in 2024: Images are more persuasive than anything)
Trump's mug shot strategy: He posted it on X for clicks : politics

Sure, Trumpl's Mug Shot Is Ludicrous. But the Best One Belongs to Someone Else. Now updated with the full set! ... Sidney Powell

Donald Trump committed a crime, over 60 percent of voters say : politics
Majority of Americans Want Trump Trial Before 2024 Election: Poll - 51% of independents think the former president should do prison time, if convicted. : politics

Former Trump Voters Turn Against Him: Anybody Else Would Be in Jail
Americans dont view all of Trumps indictments equally

Why does Trump tell obviously false lies? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Fear is the Mind Killer... of Liberalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The Real Threat to U.S. Democracy isnt Trump, its Hysterical Liberals

Ramaswamy: cult-like LGBTQ community threatens modern order
Fact-Checking Vivek Ramaswamy on the Campaign Trail : politics

Nikki Haley: 65 Is Way Too Low for Retirement Age
66% of Americans want European-style vacation policies, like being OOO for the entire month of August : politics

The woman behind DeSantis story of abortion survivor Penny

Wisconsin Supreme Court flips liberal, creating a seismic shift

The edgelord of the federal judiciary: Imagine a Breitbart comments forum come to life and given immense power over innocent people. Thats Judge James Ho.

Wisconsin Supreme Court flips liberal, creating a seismic shift

He became the first Black mayor of a rural Alabama town. Then a white minority locked him out : politics

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp called to publicly oppose sanctions against DA in Trump case : politics

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson sues automakers as car theft crisis gets worse ... This issue was due to deliberate cost cutting by Kia and Hyundai. And their first solution was to offer customers wheel locks and ad hoc anti theft devices. They insulted their customers with band aid solutions, and now theyre going to pay out $200 million dollars

Oklahomas extremist superintendent became the states top culture warrior.

A Washington Special Education School That Was Accused of Harming Kids Is Now Barred From Taking New Students : politics

Ryan Palmeter killed Blacks in Jacksonville hate crime at Dollar General ... disgusting ideology of hate motivated him to kill three Black people as 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter of Orange Park.
Jacksonville, Florida shooting: Dollar General gunman legally bought weapons used in racially motivated attack, sheriff says | CNN
Gov. DeSantis booed at Jacksonville prayer vigil for victims of mass shooting : politics

Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800m of land to build utopian city : politics

FAA investigates 5,000 pilots suspected of hiding serious health issues - The Washington Post


SpaceX, NASA launch four astronauts from four countries : worldnews

Growing number of countries consider making ecocide a crime : worldnews

Catastrophic breeding failurefor penguins as Antarctic sea ice vanishes: Lack of sea ice around the Bellingshausen Sea led to breeding failure in 4 of 5 emperor penguin colonies

New global biodiversity fund to restore nature worldwide by 2030 officially launches : worldnews

Scientific journal retracts article that claimed no evidence of climate crisis : worldnews ... Every one of these authors is a particle physicist and has no connection to Climatology. Weird.

Japan, U.S., Australia, Philippines conduct joint naval drills : worldnews

Seouls mayor vowed to increase the number of surveillance cameras after rape, murder case

China sends aircraft, vessels toward Taiwan days after US arms sale approval : worldnews

Kremlin denies it was behind the Prigozhin plane crash : worldnews
Pro-Kyiv Russians urge Wagner Group to revenge Prigozhins death
Wagner is being purged from Russian history. The graves of Prigozhins war criminals are being wiped away.

Moscow was again forced to shut down its major airports after Ukraine drones again targeted Russias capital

Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners : worldnews

De-dollarization still a long way off, Indian Oil and Gas Minister says after BRICS talk of a common currency. : worldnews

Mother is arrested in Bangladesh after son in the U.S. criticizes government online : worldnews

Ill be tortured ifIm sent back home, because Im white says South African woman who stole R9m ($500k) from US government

Ukraine's army has broken through the first line of Russian defense in bloody, long, and slow counteroffensive, US Gen. Milley says
Top US general says Ukrainian forces have broken through Russian main lines of defense in some areas : worldnews
Kyiv Confirms Black Sea Fleet Attack, Warns Moscow of More Surprises
Ukrainians continuing to fire back at their critics, either anonymous or in the analytic community. Gen Syrskyi slams those analystscalling for Ukraine to weaken the East.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 549, Part 1 (Thread #695) : worldnews

Ukrainians seem to have broken through the first line of defense of the occupiers in the south
Tokmak? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile system in Crimea destroyed with Ukrainian missile

They mined a toy

On 26 August, the Liberian-flagged bulk carrier Primus left the port of Odesa through the temporary Black Sea corridor - This is the second vessel to sail through the Ukrainian sea corridor after Russia's withdrawal from the Grain Deal on 17 July

Wagner group says one of its top fighters detained in Finland : worldnews

Estonias pro-Ukrainian PM faces pressure to quit over husbands indirect Russian business links | AP News

Opposition criticised for using AI-generated deepfake voice of PM in Polish election ad : worldnews

Southern Switzerland hit with golf ball-sized hailstones | The Italian-speaking canton of Ticino experienced storms with heavy hail on Friday evening. Some of the hailstones had a diameter of up to 4 centimeters. : worldnews

French government to spend $216 million to destroy excess wine as younger consumers drink less alcohol : worldnews

Brazil high court rules homophobia punishable by prison : worldnews

Argentinas Top Presidential Candidates Reject BRICS Membership

Nicaraguan government bans Jesuit order and says all its property will be confiscated | AP News The move comes one week after the government of President Daniel Ortega confiscated the Jesuit-run University of Central America in Nicaragua, arguing it was a center of terrorism.
Nicaragua bans Jesuits and seizes all of their assets. : worldnews

Chinas Xi vows to support Cuba in defending its national sovereignty

Canada in the Year 2060 - Summers lost to fire and smoke. Biblical floods. Dying forests. Retreating coasts. Economic turmoil and political unrest. Its going to be a weird century.

Declassifying the Pinochet Coup - Lawyers, Guns & Money This ought to be well worth exploring. The American government has declassified information about the 1973 Pinochet coup in Chile, opening up information on just what the Nixon administration knew, when they knew it, and what they did to make it happen.- I hope the administration will reinforce its commitment to transparency by releasing all the documents that, inexplicably, remain secret after all this time

Companies That Union-Bust Must Now Automatically Recognize Union, NLRB Rules : politics
What a Biden Appointed NLRB Will Do For You - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Warped history: how the US supreme court justified gutting gay rights

"Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums : politics

Trump Can and Should Be Disqualified From Running for President Under the 14th Amendment : politics

No, Donald Trump Is Not 6" 3' and 215 Pounds -Behind Donald Trumps most outlandish lie
GOP-backed groups fundraising off of Trump mug shot merchandise | The Hill

California judge shoots down Eastman bid to postpone disbarment proceedings - POLITICO latest setback for the attorney as he fights to preserve his law license while facing felony charges in Georgia.
Eastman and Down: Charges in Atlanta, Disbarment in Sacramenta - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Trump codefendants face mounting legal bills after Georgia indictment

Peak Murcs law? ... Guess which of Americas two actual political parties is mentioned exactly zero times in this piece? (NYT)

Florida Right to Rock bill would bar venues from cancelling shows based on politics
Florida schools got hundreds of book complaints mostly from 2 people

Breaking! Bob Menendez may not be on the level - Lawyers, Guns & Money

How a small-town feud in Kansas sent a shock through American journalism - The Washington Post A police raid without precedent on a weekly newspaper alarmed First Amendment advocates. The real story of how it happened, though, is rooted in the roiling tensions and complex history of a few key community members.

3 people dead after racially-motivated shooting at store on Kings Road: SheriffJSO confirms shooter died from self-inflicted gunshot

Mass. community college plan to cover tuition brings relief, hope

Harvard University police had highest number, with 77 complaints

Werner Herzog on the Mysteries of Pittsburgh | The New Yorker

Doctors shouldn't be overcharged for electronic payments - Technology meant to save the system money is costing doctors money and lining insurers pockets.

Moral psychologist Amrisha Vaish argues that Freud was wrong: infants are not born selfish and morals are not (just) internalised social norms. Rather, human morality grows from feelings such as empathy, gratitude, and guilt. These emerge naturally in early childhood. : philosophy

Buddhism isnt a philosophy; its a religion. Many justify their belief in Buddhism by arguing it is a secular, non-theistic philosophy but with its belief in superpowers, rebirth, gods and ghosts and its own history of violence Buddhism is very much a religion

Hegel: A Complete Guide to History : philosophy


NASA Shares First Images from US Pollution-Monitoring Instrument : technology

ELI5: What were to happen if a majority of the polar ice caps melted? : explainlikeimfive - The estimate right now would be that the sea level would rise 70 meters. We wouldn't be on a water world scenario, but it would be pretty bad. You can see here how it would look like if you input 70 meters.

Emperor penguins: thousands of chicks in Antarctica die due to record-low sea ice levels : worldnews -- The sea-ice underneath the chicks melted and broke apart before they could develop the waterproof feathers needed to swim in the ocean. The birds most likely drowned or froze to death.
The sea ice around Antarctica is melting, and with it, the habitat of baby emperor penguins : worldnews

Carbon credit speculators could lose billions as offsets deemed worthlessMany credits in the voluntary market going unused, with study finding some offsetting could make global heating worse

Scientists drill into Greenland ice sheet for rocks to gauge future melting - Washington Post

Maui fire: Hawaiian Electric faces scrutiny for handling of evidence - The Washington Post The utility removed damaged poles, lines and other equipment from where the Lahaina fire reportedly started, documents show, before investigators were able to view the scene
Hawaii names 388 people still unaccounted for after Maui fire - The Washington Post

U.S. COVID hospitalizations climb 22% this week and the CDC predicts further increases as new variants spread

New COVID variant BA.2.86 spreading in the U.S. in August 2023. Here are key facts experts want you to know. - CBS Philadelphia

Fukushima: Discharge from Japan nuclear plant safe, tests show : worldnews
Tritium not detected in samples from waters off Fukushima plant : worldnews
U.S. ambassador to Japan will publicly eat Fukushima fish amid radioactive water release outrage : worldnews

Half measures - Lawyers, Guns & Money Good summary of the current state of political play in Russia, from a knowledgable journalist:
Putins Deadly Revenge on Prigozhinwont address the deeper sources of stress affecting the Russian Presidents grip on power.

Putin will not personally attend G20 summit in India: Kremlin spokesman : worldnews

Kremlin denies role in plane crash believed to have killed Wagner Group leader : worldnews
Vladimir Putin probably approved Yevgeny Prigozhins killing, say US, UK
Putin says Prigozhin was talented man whomade serious mistakes in first comments since plane crash
Putin sends condolences to family after Prigozhin death in plane crash
Prigozhins Body Identified in Morgue by Missing Finger: Report
Wagner Group cemetery in Russia levelled to the ground : worldnews
Days after Wagner chief Prigozhins reported death, Putin demands mercenaries swear allegiance to Russia

US intelligence assessment shows intentionally caused explosion crashed Wagner chiefs plane
Flight Attendant on Prigozhins Jet Reported Strange Repairs
WSJ: US officials do not believe air defense shot down Prigozhin plane. The plane crash which allegedly killed Russian warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin was likely caused by a bomb onboard or some other form of sabotage

Top Russian general who vanished after Wagner rebellion fired as head of aerospace forces : worldnews

Russia considers mobilising another 450,000 people

Heineken exits Russia with one-euro sale of operations : worldnews

PM Modi concerned bigger BRICS will turn bloc into China mouthpiece sets rules for new entrants

Brother of prominent Saudi scholar sentenced to death over tweets : worldnews

Syria: Protests over growing economic hardship spread in south : worldnews

Xi Jinping and Iranian president vow to work together to strengthen multilateral alliances : worldnews

Lebanon LGBTQ+ bar attack: Victims unsure they would make it out alive after extremist incident ... after a right-wing religious group laid siege to the venue. ~ militant group Jnoud El-Rab also known as the Soldiers of God

Dont be a racist: Hundreds protest at West Bank home of Finance Minister Smotrich - Demonstrators from Brothers in Arms group say Religious Zionism head supports violent settlers and has forgotten commandments

President Biden on X: "I spoke with my friend President Zelenskyy today to wish him and the people of Ukraine a happy Independence Day. May today be a reminder that the forces of darkness and dominion will never extinguish the flame of liberty that lives in the heart of free people everywhere." / X
Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces tells US officials Ukraine is on the cusp of breakthrough : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 548, Part 1 (Thread #694) : worldnews

#Ukraines offensive push is far from over. In fact, it is still in the early stages just 10 weeks into what is likely to last at least four more months
ISW on X: "Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations in the #Bakhmut direction on August 24 and advanced north of Bakhmut. Geolocated footage published on August 24 indicates that UKR forces advanced west of Zaliznyanske (12km NW of Bakhmut)." / X
Ukraines Counteroffensive Has Broken Through Robotyne
Ukrainian forces appear to widen breach of Russian defenses on southern front lines : worldnews

Daring Ukraine Commando Raid on Kremlin Radar Site Confirmed, More Crimea Strikes Likely : worldnews
Ukraine says it landed troops on the shores of Russian-occupied Crimea

Ukraines home-grown sea drones have paralyzed the activity of Russias Black Sea Fleetand are now in mass production: Budanov30-40% hit their targetTheir ships never go north of SevastopolOne mighty Ukrainian sea drone exploding 100 m from the Russian frigate Admiral Essen caused a blast so powerful it knocked the warship out of commission for 3 1/2 months

Today the US announced its imposing sanctions & visa restrictions on 2 entities & numerous people involved in Russias forced abduction of Ukrainian children and other human rights abuses against Ukrainian minors. https://

The Loss of RFS Moskva - Lawyers, Guns & Money Great, detailed article at the Economist about the destruction of the Russian cruiser Moskva (apologies for the paywall, but the world is thus and we must live in the world):

Ukrainian border guards confirm Wagnerites leaving Belarus : worldnews

We dont want to join Russia, breakaway Georgian region warns

Armenians are in danger as the world looks the other way : worldnews

Norway Is Dropping Nearly $350K To Prevent 1 Animal From Stepping Foot In Russia : worldnews - 1 animal species - Reindeer.

Denmark to Block Koran Burnings With New Law on Holy Objects : worldnews

Greece wildfires: Minister calls out arsonist scum as 79 arrests made

Scholz pushes expansion of geothermal energy in Germany : worldnews

Switzerland: Record heat of 39.3C (103F) in Geneva : worldnews

Fight against fake cheese goes high-tech with microtransponders on Parmesan : worldnews ... Americans can thank Kraft and their sawdust "cheese" for this nonsense.

Elections of the last few days: Guatemala, Zimbabwe - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Ecuadors Government Plans to Keep Drilling in National Park, Despite Vote on Ban

Official leading search for thousands of missing people in Mexico resigns : worldnews

Fear and conspiracy theories ignite amid Canadas wildfires ... space lasers, arsonists and government plots to restrict peoples movement are some of the causes of the fires, according to fringe online circles. But despite being fringe, these theories are widely circulated and boosted by social media algorithms.
Man behind Canadian self-harm websites linked to 88 deaths in the U.K. : worldnews
88 UK deaths linked to Canada poison seller
Canada: 14 whales have died at aquarium since 2019
Terrorized to death: Animal advocates call for ban on dog hunting enclosures in Ontario

GOP talk of military action in Mexico sparks dire warnings : politics

Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners | CNN Politics

US fighter jets intercept aircraft violating airspace near where Biden is vacationing in Lake Tahoe | CNN Politics

US thinktank linked to billionaires behind supreme court wealth tax case lobbying : politics

Inflation: Progress and the Path Ahead - Chair Jerome H. Powell
Why the Stock Market's Summer Doldrums Are Not a Problem - After a fierce rally largely propelled by a handful of tech stocks, the market's rapid climb stalled in August. That setback could ultimately be a good thing, our columnist says.

Biden chuckles over Trumps mugshot: Handsome guy. Wonderful guy
Meanwhile, in the oval office

Discussion Thread: Trump Booked at the Fulton County Jail : politics

Donald Trumps Mug Shot Released, a Historic First for Any U.S. President
Trump Finally Gets His Humiliating Mugshot Moment : politics
Trump scowls in historic mug shot after arrest at Fulton County Jail : politics
Trumps mugshot made public by Fulton County jail after arrest
Donald Trump Reveals Being Inside Jail WasTerrible Experience
One image, one face, one American moment: The Donald Trump mug shot | AP News
Presumed guilty - Lawyers, Guns & Money Here are a couple of good comments about what will forever be the most famous photograph of Donald Trump:
Eschaton: Greatest. President. Ever. Can't wait!

Georgia Republicans Say Theyll Move to Remove Fulton County DA Fani Willis From Office With New State Law - Nothing says totally innocent like having your friends fire the person investigating you for all your EXTREMELY WELL DOCUMENTED CRIMES

Sarah Palin Says Civil War Is Going to HappenAfter Trumps Arrest
Sarah Palin Says Civil War Is Going to Happen After Trumps Arrest ... Another traitor
Sarah Palin Warns Civil War Is Going to Happen After Trump Arrest: This kind of rhetoric is beyond dangerous in a time of rising political violence.
Donald Trump Sold Mar-a-Lago Before Arrest, Listing Reveals : politics ... To a shell company owned by his oldest son. What a grift ... Imagine if Biden had transferred a house to Hunter

How Jack Smith May Charge Trump PAC with Fraudulent Fundraising Within the Bounds of First Amendment : politics

Donald Trump Using Bail Bondsman Rings Alarm Bells About His Finances : politics

Lock Him Up? A New Poll Has Some Bad News for Trump : politics ... Can we just refer to him as P01135809 and not by name any more?
Lock Him Up? A New Poll Has Some Bad News for Trump - POLITICO ... About half of the country believes Trump is guilty in the pending prosecutions

Arizona Prosecutors Are Probing Rudy Giuliani's Role as Fake-Elector Kingpin - State investigators have also started gathering information on Trump's personal involvement in the plot
Four More Defendants Surrender in Georgia Election Probe : politics
Harrison Floyd, Trumps only ally who will spend time in jail, surrenders
Kanyes Ex-Publicist Among Slew of Last-Minute Surrenders in Georgia

Trump Co-Defendants Risky Gamble Backfires in Georgia ... After co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro demanded on Wednesday that he get a speedy trial, Willis appears to have called his bluff, saying shed be more than happy to put all 19 defendants on trial from Oct. 23, 2023just eight weeks away ... F around, F out.

The Georgia election case against Donald Trump and 18 others is about to get ugly. Heres why.

CPAC vice chair resigns amid turmoil : Charlie Gerow is calling for investigations into the group's top leader and its financial practices.

Judge rejects argument by abortion pill maker that state bans violates Constitution - ABC News GenBioPro claimed West Virginia's ban on mifepristone was at odds with the FDA.

Split ballot board approves reproductive rights amendment summary written by Ohio Sec. of State - Ohio Capital Journal In a 3-2 decision, the Ohio Ballot Board rejected using the full amendment proposal text for voters to see, and the approved summary language leaves out protecting contraception, fertility treatment and miscarriage care ... In the summary language approved by the board, the medical term fetus is changed to unborn child,
Ohio Republicans are anti-democracy addicts - Lawyers, Guns & Money Having failed to pass their initiative to require a supermajority for future initiatives in order to protect their substantively horrible and highly unpopular ban on abortion, the Ohio GOP is mangling the language of the initiative that will appear at the ballot box:

Deadly storm leaves hundreds of thousands without power in Michigan | The Hill

Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Rep. Ayanna Pressley And Ibram X. Kendi Part Of Modern KKK

Community college is now free for Mass. residents 25 and older. Millions qualify : politics

Following Elon Musk's lead, Big Tech is surrendering to disinformation -Facebook and YouTube are receding from their role as watchdogs against conspiracy theories ahead of the 2024 presidential election

Justice Department sues SpaceX, alleging discriminatory hiring practices | CNN : worldnews

eli5, why is the acid scale going from 0-14? : explainlikeimfive

Eli5: If the Sun were to explode, would we feel anything? Or would it be extremely fast? : explainlikeimfive (+lethal neutrinos)

A new dementia risk score calculator, based on 11 risk factors, identifies people potentially at risk of developing the disease within the next 14 years

Neolithic Shell Dragon Discovered in Inner-Mongolia : worldnews

A mysterious 40,000-year-old hip bone suggests human ancestors and Neanderthals shared a cave and perhaps a culture

This scholar is pulling back the curtain on race in Shakespeare - The Washington Post Farah Karim-Cooper argues that the Bard has a race problem.

Kara Swisher talks chronicling the rise of the internet ,,, I believe the first webpage was in 1993. I remember using email through a BBS in Cambridge called Channel One if I remember correctly


Tropical forests nearing critical temperatures thresholds : worldnews

Some emperor penguin sites experienced 'total breeding failure' because of sea ice loss

Maui wildfires and Tropical Storm Hilary are climate change omens rguing that human beings can simply adapt to climate change suggests the climate will stop changing.

Lockdowns and face masks unequivocally cut spread of Covid, report finds

Hacked Records Corroborate Claims in Hydroxychloroquine Wrongful Death Suit Jeremy Parker died soon after taking the drug, which was prescribed to him by a physician with the anti-vaccine group Americas Frontline Doctors.

Malka Leifer: Israeli ex-principal jailed for sexually abusing Australian students : worldnews

Asias poor grew by 68 million people after pandemic, report says

Japans Fukushima nuclear plant will discharge wastewater into the Pacific: What you need to know
China bans Japanese seafood after Fukushima wastewater release : worldnews
2 men arrested for sending bomb threat to Tokyo college, suspected of sending over 300,000 similar faxes to other schools, firms and local governments across Japan : worldnews

Man flees China on water scooter, crossing 200 miles of sea to S. Korea : worldnews
Korea plans to revive police conscription to fight crime : worldnews ... Youll probably get less unhinged ego-driven psychos this way too. Maybe politicians should be conscripted too now that I think about it

North Korea says its spy satellite launch has failed, again : worldnews

US approves new $500M arms sale to Taiwan as aggression from China intensifies : worldnews

Huawei accused of building secret microchip factories to beat US sanctions : worldnews

Putins video regarding Prigozhins death. He praises Prigozhin and Wagner, sends his condolences for relatives and vows to find those who are responsible for his death
Prigozhins Plane Was Targeted By Russias Intelligence Agency, Report Says
Plane crash believed to have killed Russia's Wagner mercenary chief Prigozhin seen as Kremlin's revenge | AP News
Wagner mercenary chiefs plane was fine on radar until last 30 seconds
Kremlin insiders are baffled over why Prigozhin was flying around Russia after his failed uprising: he's not a fool
4/ #Putin almost certainly ordered the Russian military command to shoot down #Prigozhins plane. ISWs previous standing assessment that Putin was unlikely to kill Prigozhin for fear of angering #Wagner personnel has thus been invalidated.
6/ Alternatively, Putin may have decided that Prigozhin had crossed a pre-established redline with his efforts to retain Wagners access to operations in Africa.
Wagner chief Prigozhin was on plane with no survivors, say Russian authorities : worldnews
Russian mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhins plane appeared fine on radar until last 30 seconds
Putin Shores Up Power Base After Prigozhin Plane Crash in Russia : worldnews
Yevgeny Prigozhins reported death may consolidate Putins power
Russian villagers report explosion before Prigozhinplane crash

National Resistance Center: Wagner convoys head to Russia after fatal crash : worldnews
Wagner troops plotting march to Russia to avenge leadersdeath

Russia wants to swap frozen assets with foreign investors : worldnews

Barnacles found on a piece of plane debris might hold the key to discovering what happened to MH370, the Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared in 2014 : worldnews

Chandrayaan-3: India lunar rover Pragyaan takes a walk on the Moon : worldnews
Hours after it published report on PM Modi, South African news site alleges cyber attack from IndiaThe report said Prime Minister Narendra Modi refused to leave his aircraft because the South African government had only sent a Cabinet Minister to receive him.

BRICS invites six countries including Saudi Arabia, Iran to be new members : worldnews
BRICS expanded. Argentina, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Egypt becomes part of the group. Now BRICS+ has total 11 countries. : worldnews

Macron says French interventions in the Sahel prevented caliphate setup : worldnews

Same-sex couples could be executed under Iraqsappalling anti-LGBTQ+ bill

Zelenskiy says Ukraine will end Russian occupation of Crimea : worldnews
Ukraine claims it has raised its flag in Crimea after specialoperation on Russian-occupied territory
Kyiv says its troops land in Crimea in Special Mission on Ukraine Independence Day
Ukraine Forces Make Amphibious Landing in Crimea: Kyiv
Ukraine Just Blew Up Russias Main Missile Base In Occupied Crimea
Budanov promised us that there will be surprises around Crimea and, boy, he not only delivers but over-performs.
Kazakh president Tokayev congratulated Zelensky on Ukraines Independence Day
Japan to provide $7 billion in aid to UkrainePM Kishida
The US spent less than 3 percent of its military budget to help the Ukrainian armed forces - US Senator Lindsey Graham said at a press conference in Kyiv.
Ukraine used 3% of US defense budget to destroy half of Russian armyLindsey Graham
Zelenskyy Recognises Impact of US Elections on Possible Support for Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 547, Part 1 (Thread #693) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine24 August 2023
Russia-Ukraine Update - Lawyers, Guns & Money

A Russian helicopter crew freaked out, tried to run, and was killed after realizing their captain had defected to Ukraine, official says : worldnews
Russian military helicopter flies to Ukraineand entire crew surrenders

Serbia joins Ukraines Crimea platform, vows friendship with Kyiv
Serbian Ruling Party Troll Farm Leak Revealed Identities of Over 14,500 Bots

Germanys cheap public transport ticket an ineffective climate tool: Report
Germany approves self-ID to make transitioning easier for trans people after year in legal limbo : worldnews

Violence against children to be expressly prohibited : worldnews

First ever womb transplant in UK is remarkable successafter sisters donation

Drought affecting Panama Canal threatens 40% of worlds cargo ship traffic
World's Worst Traffic Jam Has 150+ Cargo Ships Stuck at Panama Canal

Kelloggs is going to war over Mexicos nutrition label rules. A similar fight is coming to the U.S. ... Having more than a third of your products weight as sugar is wild.

Secret Service Agents Were in Contact With Far-Right Oath Keepers - A new report reveals members of the Secret Service were in communication with the groups radical leader, Stewart Rhodes

Trumps mug shot
Trump Arrested in Georgia : politics
Fulton county jail books Donald Trump at 6'3" and 215 pounds.
Donald Trump Becomes the First President Ever to Pose for a Mug Shot | The New Republic Trump has been arrested four times, is facing 91 charges, and finally, we have a mug shot.

Donald Trump arrest time revealed as airspace closed for "VIP" in Georgia : politics
Trump to report to Atlanta jail to face charges in election-subversion case : politics
Trump will be booked at Fulton County Jail and can expect a humiliating experience if hes treated like everyone else, lawyer says
Trump ousts top attorney from legal team hours before Georgia arrest : politics
Trump replaces top Georgia lawyer ahead of surrender : politics

Some MAGA fans think a pro-Trump rally outside the Atlanta jail is an FBI setup : politics

Epstein, Shower Time, and Civil War: Trumps Tucker Interview Got Really Weird
Trump to Tucker Carlson: Low water pressure showers make it hard to wash your beautiful hair
heres some coverage of the temperamental tangerines pre-recorded interview that ran on Xitter last night.

Mugshots: 9 co-defendants in Trump Georgia election interference case : politics
Trump Indictment: Mark Meadows Surrenders to Jail After Last-Minute Plea Fails

Rudy Tough on Crime Giuliani Arrested in Georgia
Heres Rudy Giulianis mugshot, which he said authorities weregoing to degrade themselves by making him take

We Fact-Checked RepublicansBiden Corruption Timeline.And Its Bad ,,, An analysis by The New Republic found at least 19 mistakes or misleading details in Republicans so-called Biden corruption timelinefrom mixed up dates to messages and meetings that never happened.

Bidens campaign is plastering Dark Brandon ads across Fox Newswebsite and the city of Milwaukee on the day of the first GOP presidential debate

Biden cheered for damning three word tweet on Republican debate: What she said
Six of eight Republican presidential candidates at the Milwaukee debate would support Donald Trump as nominee even if hes convicted
Why do Republicans even bother with this whole farce? | Trump wasnt there, but we saw why hes leading: GOP voters don't care about substance, just unjustified grievances
The Most Unsettling Presidential Debate Spectacle Ever

Vivek Ramaswamy calls climate change a hoax during debate ... Christie referring to him as Mr. Chat GPT was epic.
Vivek Ramaswamy accused of plagiarizing Obama speech during Republican debate : politics
Haley to Ramaswamy: You have no foreign policy experience and it shows
Viveks History Lessons
Video shows Ron DeSantis checking other candidates before raising his hand : politics
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: GOP Debate Showed How Not to Pick a President : politics

One in 8 Republicans think winning is more important than election rules : politics

Climate denialism is the consensus of Republican elites - Lawyers, Guns & Money
holy shit. Moderators ask for a show of hands of how many candidates believe in human-caused climate change. Not a single candidate raises their hand.

Atlanta Officials Unveil Onerous Verification Requirements for Cop City Referendum - The Intercept The city outlined its plans for signature verification after organizers collected 100,000 signatures for a vote on the police training facility ... Voting rights advocates have previously said that such signature verification practices described as witchcraft by at least one expert serve to disenfranchise voters and can result in signatures getting thrown out on the basis of perceived minute differences or aberrations

Rights groups oppose Texas law that lets chaplains work as school counselors : politics

Eschaton: It Is, Actually, An HR Issue Back when the NYT published the "send in the military to kill black people" opinion piece by Tom Cotton, one divide In The Building - and among journalists everywhere - was between those who didn't think it was a valid stance to ask, "how can I (especially as an African-American person) work in this institutionally racist place?" and those who did.

More women than men have college degrees. Thats good news for Democrats.

How a Small Gender Clinic Landed in a Political Storm : politics ... Jamie Reed ... NYT
NYT Treats Key Sources Many Lies as an Aside in Latest Anti-Trans Smear -- Azeen Ghorayshi provides no evidence that any of Jamie Reeds allegations were correct. In fact, her reporting for the New York Times only reinforces the likelihood that Reed lied repeatedly. So, why is it so credulous and positive towards this questionable source?

When MAGA attacks - Lawyers, Guns & Money Heather Alberda ran a very effective sex education program in Ottawa County, MI:

RFK Jr. request for restraining order over vaccine videos removed from YouTube rejected : politics

ACAB, Including Campus Cops - Lawyers, Guns & Money The Yale Police Force sure are a welcoming bunch.

Ex-cop identified as gunman in mass shooting at Orange County bar - Los Angeles Times

Woman who fatally shoved 87-year-old vocal coach to the ground pleads guilty | CNN

DOJ sues SpaceX, alleging hiring discrimination against refugees and asylum seekers The lawsuit says between 2018 and 2022, SpaceX wrongly claimed that export control laws limited its hiring to U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents.

Elon Musk is on a bizarre policy rampage at Twitter How much can Elon Muskimprovethe app formerly known as Twitter before it breaks?

No, you dont have a reptilian brain inside your brainThe myth of the reptilian brain is tenacious but wrong.
Reptilian Brain Myth Is Still Alive and Kicking | Evolution News
Rethinking the reptilian brain.
No, You Do Not Have a Lizard Brain Inside Your Human Brain | Mind Matters ... If bad behavior stems from our inner beasts, then were less responsible for some of our actions ...

What Carl Sagan got very wrong about the human brain - Big Think in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Dragons of Eden, Sagan endorsed a disputed theory of human brain evolution, suggesting that humans have a reptilian brain deep within our minds ... The idea has since been roundly disproved, but the myth that humans have a reptile brain persists almost certainly thanks to Sagans problematic popularizing ... In his triune brain theory, MacLean argued that the human brain evolved layer by layer. The deepest portion, responsible for functions like movement and breathing as well as instincts like hunger, survival, and mating, originated from our ancient reptilian ancestors. The second layer, the limbic system, controls emotional responses and arose in more recent mammalian ancestors. The third and final layer, the cerebral cortex, allows for language and reasoning and only arose in humans ... textbooks published between 2009 and 2017 and found that 86% contained at least one inaccuracy suggesting that our brains are layered as MacLean theorized.

Heavy drinking, handgun-carrying linked among rural youth: In the rural United States, an adolescent who drinks heavily has a 43% greater probability of carrying a handgun in the following year, according to a study : science


Volcanoes and wildfires offset 20% of global heating over eight years | Climate crisis | The Guardian Events that inject smoke and gas into high atmosphere help to cool planet but are no solution to climate crisis, says study
Volcanoes and wildfires offset 20% of global heating over eight years | Climate crisis : worldnews

G20 poured more than $1tn on fossil fuel subsidies despite Cop26 pledges
Oil companies pour almost 100% of investments back into...oil: Greenpeace report : worldnews
Theres more coal being shipped by sea than ever before

The worlds largest floating offshore wind farm is officially online

WHO seeks to integrate traditional medicine into health systems : worldnews

Tropical Storm Franklin nears Haiti and the Dominican Republic bringing fears of floods, landslides : worldnews

Powerlifter grandmother overcomes near fatal stroke to retrain as nurse as TAFE mature age student : worldnews

Philippine supply boats breach a Chinese coast guard blockade in the hotly contested South China Sea : worldnews

Japans military plagued by culture of harassment and fear, report finds
Japanese farmer has fought for decades to stay on his ancestral land in the middle of Narita airport : worldnews
Two men steal 3 million from an apartment in Tokyo after spraying the male occupant with a "substance"

Taiwan responds to possible China-built airstrip on disputed island : worldnews

Chinas Xi calls for accelerated BRICS expansion
Xi Jinping unexpectedly pulls out of BRICS summit speech in extraordinary move
Chinas Xi Attends BRICS Dinner But Skips Business Forum
China officials hit by US sanctions over forced assimilation of children in Tibet
Chinas Xian sends sweet love messages to encourage babymaking

Ten killed in private jet crash north of Moscow Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin on passenger list
Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia : worldnews
Russian aviation agency says mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was aboard the plane that crashed with no survivors - The Boston Globe
Putin attended concert as news broke of Prigozhins possible death: reports
White House says no one should be surprised if Prigozhin actually died in a plane crash in Russia
Hundreds of Wagner Men Vanish From Putins Designated Exile

Putin has strange deep voice in address to BRICS summit : worldnews
Central Moscow building hit by drone in latest attack on Russian capital : worldnews

Russian general who ran Ukraine war fired : worldnews

Russian Deputy Expelled From Ruling Party Over Putin Dirty Schmuck Barb

Russian dam collapse cuts off cargo rail link to Far East : worldnews

India has become first country to successfully land a spacecraft on the moons south pole
Chandrayaan-3 is an enormous historical event, says astronaut Chris Hadfield : worldnews
At least 17 killed as under construction bridge collapses in northeast India | CNN : worldnews

Pakistan: All eight people rescued from broken cable car dangling 274m above canyon : worldnews
Pakistan: Mob Attacks Christian Settlement with Stones, Sticks : worldnews

Taliban carried out hundreds of extrajudicial killings after seizing power, UN says : worldnews
How women & girls are surviving in Afghanistan today : worldnews
Angelina Jolie urges support for jailed Afghan man who championed higher ed for girls : worldnews

Iraq: Scrap Anti-LGBT Bill : worldnews

Iran sentences 8 to prison over paramilitarys death during last years nationwide protests

Ukraine agrees to a hybrid tribunalfor Russia, albeit with nuances

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 546, Part 1 (Thread #692) : worldnews

Ukraine to Russia: Your Lost Mi-8 Pilot Actually Defected
Russian Helicopter Pilot Defects in Astonishing Saga Worthy of a Movie : worldnews

Videos of an artillery ambush show Russian tanks and armor making opening day mistakes and paying the price for them

Main Directorate of the Ukrainian Intelligence Service on the surrender of the helicopter: It was a special operation that lasted more than 6 months
Kyle Glen on X: "Ukraine have released footage of the destruction of a Russian S-400 air defence system in Crimea this morning. Notably a Ukrainian reconnaissance drone was able to film the attack completely unhindered. Location: 45.419515, 32.541533" / X
(2/4) Both permanent bridges sustained damage from Ukrainian precision strikes in early August 2023.

Russia is sinking its own ships in a desperate attempt to protect a vital bridge from sea drones, Ukraine says : worldnews

Ukraine war: Three elderly people killed in Russian shelling, say officials : worldnews
A school building was completely destroyed in the city of Romny, Sumy region, as a result of an attack by Shahed 133/131 drones on the morning of August 23rd. russian terrorists killed two teachers, and at least three more were injured. Rescue operations are ongoing, with people still trapped under the rubble.

Russia destroys 13,000 tonnes of Ukrainian grain destined for Egypt and Romania

Andrew Tate prosecution files reveal graphic claims of coercion ahead of trial : news

Antisemitic, homophobic, racist attacks on memorials [across Germany] linked : worldnews

Heat spurs afternoon building site bans in two Swiss regions : worldnews

Temperatures hit 45.6C in Portugal ... almost too hot for photosynthesis to occur.

In Major Win for Indigenous Rights, Ecuador Votes to Ban Oil Drilling in Protected Amazon Lands : worldnews
Thieves caught will be burned: Quitos neighborhoods take security into their own hands

Ontario court rules against Jordan Peterson, upholds social media training order : news

Dark Brandon Unveils Student Loan Repayment Plan That Includes Forgiveness - The Biden administration has launched a new student loan repayment program, after the Supreme Court rejected the last initiative. : politics

GOP under fire for trying to make news out of Biden petting a dog in Hawaii : politics

Conservative Judges Under Fire For Luxurious EducationalTrips

Jack Smith Reveals Trump Employee Flipped After Ditching MAGA Lawyer : politics
Prosecutors: Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers : politics
Sounds very much like organized crime: Witness in Trumps documents case recants false testimony

Aileen Cannon faces huge test after Yuscil Taveras flips on Trump : politics

MAGA Lawyer Doubles Down on Election Lie After Arrest for Trying to Steal Election Himself : politics
First mug shots in Trump Georgia election case released : politics
Im not a fan of this Hollywood Squares reboot : PoliticalHumor
The Kraken has been released on $100,000 bail : PoliticalHumor
Former Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Surrenders for Arrest in Fulton County : politics

Trump says he'll proudly be arrested tomorrow in Georgia
What if Donald Trumps conspiracy is even more sinister than we suspected?

Trump accused of skipping debate because hes scared of Chris Christie

Times Person of the Year 2001
Trump Is Holding a Giuliani Fundraiser for $100K a Ticket: Report : politics
The Wisdom of Rudolph Giuliani | The New Yorker

Jared Kushners Massive Saudi Earnings for Few Investments Raise Questions

Emails reveal Secret Service contacts with Oath Keepers : politics
Eschaton: Seems Bad : The corruption of the Secret Service has been rather obvious, despite/because of destroyed evidence and incurious investigators.

Trans Jan 6 rioter is begging Marjorie Taylor Greene to get her into a women's prison - LGBTQ Nation

House Freedom Caucus Opposes Extension of Government Funding - The Angry Children's Caucus Is as Angry and Childish as You Expect - A large portion of the Republican Party is completely out of its mind.
The Angry Childrens Caucus Is as Angry and Childish as You Expect | A large portion of the Republican Party is completely out of its mind.

The Struggle to Tax the Rich Isnt Done Yet In Some States Its Actually Happening

Fury at Michigan officials charged in 2020 false electors scheme: this isn't who we are

Democrat Adam Frisch leads against Rep. Lauren Boebert in poll for 2024 race : politics

South Carolinas All-Male Supreme Court Upholds Radical Abortion Ban: The ban effectively wipes out abortion access in the South.

The full genetic sequence of the Y chromosome has been determined by an international research team of over 100 scientists in a milestone study. : science

Were All 3 Ancient Giza Pyramids Built With 8 and Not 4 Sides?

TIL that the portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute began in 591, when Pope Gregory I conflated Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and the unnamed "sinful woman" who anointed Jesuss feet. Pope Gregoryssermon resulted in a widespread belief that Mary Magdalene was a repentant prostitute.

TIL Josef Mangele aka The Angel of Death, who was the chief Nazi Dr at Auschwitz, died of old age in Brazil in 1979 : todayilearned

Whats something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?

Whats a first name that you always assume belongs to an elderly person?


Tropical Storm Harold makes landfall on Padre Island, Texas: Latest forecast - ABC News Heavy rain, gusty winds and flooding are possible.

California assesses post-Hilary damage; some areas hit with flooding and mudslides

Study claimed that COVID-19s public health impact is more than 50% greater than that of cancer or heart disease. In the 3 months postinfection, people whod had COVID-19 had higher rates of death and many health conditions, including heart failure, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, and depression

Australia buys US$1.1 billion of US missiles amid Aukus and arms race concerns
I was shocked: Catholic-run public hospitals refuse to provide birth control and abortion
I was shocked: Catholic-run public hospitals refuse to provide birth control and abortion - Publicly funded Catholic hospitals across Australia are using the cover of religion to opt out of providing reproductive care

Australia sends its biggest warship to joint drills with Philippines, US. : worldnews

Marshalls astounded at exclusion from US nuclear compensation plan

Japan to start releasing Fukushima plants treated radioactive water to sea as early as Thursday
Game over: voice of Mario retiring after three decades, Nintendo announces : worldnews

Chinese activist Kwon Pyong, a critic of Xi Jinping, flees to South Korea on jet ski : worldnews

A @Telegraph investigation found that Chinese firms are exporting dual-use helicopters, drones, optical sights, and crucial metals needed in the Russian defense industrial base (DIB). (1/5)
3/ @Telegraph reported that Russian firms involved in the production of missile launchers, armored vehicles, and strategic bombers have received tens of thousands of shipments from China since the start of Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

A BRICS no-show speaks volumes about Putins shrinking horizons
Putin says Russia faces big economic challenges, must keep inflation in check : worldnews
Russias Surovikin dismissed as head of aerospace forces: Russian journalist

Ukraine blows up five jets deep within Russian territory
Two Tu-22 bombers attacked by drones and destroyed at Russian Soltsy and Shaikovka airfields : worldnews
Airport chaos continues in Russia as Ukrainian drones target Moscow for the second time this week : worldnews
Satellite imagery from Soltsy-2 air base, Russia onsistent with circulated images indicating loss of Tu-22M3 Backfire-C bomber - Also appears the remaining Tu-22M3 have been redeployed following the apparent attack

Head of Russian space agency offers context on why spacecraft crashed into the moon : worldnews ... "Unfortunately, the engine shutdown did not occur normally in accordance with the cyclogram, but according to a temporary cutoff" ... "we created an absolutely toxic environment for all of our best scientists and engineers, who promptly left Russia."

The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "Russian soldiers are routinely treated with disgust by their compatriots when they return to Moscow, according to a video interview with two mobilized soldiers." / X

Moon landing anticipation builds for Indias Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission after Russias crash

Children trapped 900 feet in air when chairlift cable snaps in Pakistan's northwest | CNN : worldnews

Four arrested for acts of homosexuality in Uganda
Hospital detentions for new mothers with unpaid bills challenged in Ugandan court : worldnews

Algeria refuses French request to fly over its airspace for military operation in Niger : worldnews

Saudi border guards killed hundreds of Ethiopian migrants, HRW says : worldnews
Saudi officials are killing hundreds of women and children out of view of the rest of the world while they spend billions on sports-washing to try to improve their image. : worldnews

Russia reportedly blocks UN Security Council statement on Pyla incident : worldnews

Over 200 Palestinians, nearly 30 Israelis killed in 2023: Says UN : worldnews

11 countries adopt declaration in support of Ukraine at Athens summit : worldnews
Luxembourg decided to join over 25 countries and signed into the G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine
F-16s could change the course of the war in Ukraine - #Ukraine needs 128 fighter jets to replace its old fleet and gain an advantage in the skies, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Command, Yuriy Ignat, has said.
France delivers first batch of SCALP long-range missiles to Ukraine, says ambassador : worldnews
Ukraine says it will pay people who report corruption and bribery 10% of the cash that gets recovered : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 545, Part 1 (Thread #691) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 22 August 2023.

Finnish foreign minister Valtonen: "Russia has ruined its relationship with Finland" : worldnews

Sweden to lift parliamentary ban on uranium mining : worldnews

Europes heatwave turns deadly as 18 burned bodies found in Greek fires

Billboards across London reveal an estimated 1 in 20 UK flights running on Russian oil : worldnews

Brazil High Court Rules Homophobia Punishable By Prison : worldnews

Canada considering foreign student visa cap to address housing shortage : worldnews

Biden tours overwhelming devastation in Maui: Thecountry grieves with you

Trump attorneys guided false electors in Georgia, GOP chair says
Eastman and Down: Arraignment edition H - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The former White House chief of staff, a key witness to Donald J. Trumps efforts to remain in power after his 2020 election loss, maneuvered to provide federal prosecutors only what he had to.

Trump Promises He Wont Intimidate Witnesses in Georgia Bail Agreement - The former president must surrender himself to Georgia authorities by Friday. His bond has been set at $200,000
Trumps $200,000 bond in his Georgia RICO case is the first time hes on the hook for cash in his criminal cases
Trumps bond set at $200,000 in Fulton County election interference case

Donald Trump cant be trusted to show up for Georgia arrest -- Lawyer
Viktor Bout urges Trump to flee to Russia back in April. Russia media posts the telegram. : politics
Trump Raises Eyebrows With Joke On Fleeing U.S. To Share Gold Domed Suite With Vladimir seemed to jest about skipping the country while griping about a $200,000 bond he faces for his criminal case in Georgia.

Court limits Trump social media use : politics
In Trump cases, experts say defendants rhetoric will be hard to police

Attorney: New bombshell report confirms Mark Meadows ratted out Trump to the FedsMeadows quietly agreed to cooperate with prosecutors amid Trumps executive privilege fight, New York Times reports

Trump has already recorded his debate-night counterprogramming interview with Tucker Carlson, sources say : politics

Jack Smith Slams Trumps 2026 Trial Proposal for Jan. 6 Case in D.C.
DOJ Rips Trumps Push to Delay 2020 Election Trial Three Years

Former president floats 10 percent tax on all foreign imports and calls for ring around the collar of U.S. economy
Trump promised giant Foxconn factory in Wisconsin that never materialized - The Washington Post

What the Polls May Be Getting Wrong About Trump New research suggests that the criminal charges against Trump arent actually helping him in the GOP primary race.
Majority of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers say Trump won 2020 election

Rudy Giuliani: I Have Scientific Evidence the 2020 Election Was Stolen From Donald Trump The former mayor and alleged coconspirator claimed such evidence is very persuasive and will prove both Trumps and his innocence.

Far-Right Republicans Pledge to Shut Down Government Over Cancerous Woke Policies | The GOPs Freedom Caucus will do anything to hurt Bideneven destroy the U.S. economy.

Bill Nye Calls for GOP Candidates To Be Grilled on Climate Change:Going To Get Worse and Worse
How wealthy super emitters are disproportionately driving the climate crisiswhile blaming you

These 11 Republican Voters Cant Say Who Will Win in 2024, but They Know Who Will Lose ... So a random sampling of 11 Republican voters showed that pretty much 100% of Republicans are criminally insane.

Why do Republicans disproportionately believe health misinformation? - The Washington Post

Ron DeSantis wants to strip Disney workers of free passes and discounts, arguing it sucks millions from Floridas economy

Georgia teacher fired for reading book about gender identity to students : politics

Support for Abbotts Crackdown Is Waning on Texas Border
Under new state law, Texas will bill electric vehicle drivers an extra $200 a year : politics

All removed from Tennessee House subcommittee after paper sign debacle : politics

Republicans Are Fooling Democrats on KidsOnline Safety - they plan to use this to censor medical information, CRT(Critical Race Theory), and anything deemed Inappropriate. Next is that it will force you to hand over your full government ID and Social Security number in order to use most websites while also weakening encryption.

Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Give Putin Whatever He Wants in Ukraine : politics

San Francisco Archdiocese files for bankruptcy as it faces more than 500 sexual abuse lawsuits : news ... Student loan avoidance through bankruptcy? Nope! Child rape liability avoidance through bankruptcy? Yes!

Isurers must cover injectable HIV prevention drug unless courts void mandate

Lawmakers eye sale of recalled baby products Facebook in safety push

search of 98-year-old newspaper co-owner Joan Meyers house that contributed to her death

You will be shocked to learn that the guy who killed a small businesswoman over the pride flag she displayed at her store imbibed a steady diet of anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda: ... Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson, and Benny Johnson.

Student killed, 23 hurt in school bus crash on 1st first day of elementary school in Ohio - ABC News

Shadi Hamid made a name for himself by consistently downplaying the threat posed by the contemporary Republican Party in both dreary and self-important prose, most famously by asserting that the only threat to democracy in 2020 was the possibility that Democrats would not accept an opposition victory. I think you know how this ends:

Hot Take: Affirmative Action Programs for the Rich Are Actually Good! - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Tesla reportedly asked highway safety officials to redact information about whether driver-assistance software was in use during crashes : technology

Meta launches Web version of Threads amid mass user exodus : worldnews

Elon Musk to remove headlines from news articles shared on X | Fortune
Farrow on Elon - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... In 2018, the Times reported that members of the Tesla board had grown concerned about Musks use of the prescription sleep aid Ambien, which can cause hallucinations. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year that he uses ketamine,
Musk staffers suggest his erratic behaviour is due to escalating drug use : AdviceAnimals

Mackenzie Scott, one of the worlds richest women, has given away $14 billion, nearly half her fortune, in just 3 years

Eschaton: Feudal Lords I guess this is what it's about. -- The founder and sponsor of a far-right network of secretive, men-only, invitation-only fraternal lodges in the US is a former industrialist who has frequently speculated about his future as a warlord after the collapse of America, a Guardian investigation has found. Federal and state tax and company filings show that the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR) and its creator, Charles Haywood, also have financial ties with the far-right Claremont Institute. -- Everybody like this just wants sex slaves, probably child slaves.
US businessman is wannabe warlord of secretive far-right mens network

How a 1933 Loch Ness monster photo started the global craze in Scotland - The Washington Post

Lunch atop a Skyscraper has come to represent the countrys resilience, especially on Labor Day.

Graves of four Confederate soldiers in Williamsburg show ordinary life and painful death

When Maura died, a Smithsonian curator likely took part of her brain - Washington Post Searching for Maura -- Maura came to St. Louis from the Philippines to be put on display at the 1904 Worlds Fair. Records suggest that, after her death, a Smithsonian anthropologist took part of her brain.

Gun deaths among U.S. children hit a new record high. It marks the second consecutive year in which gun-related injuries have solidified their position as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, surpassing motor vehicles, drug overdoses and cancer. : science

New psychology research indicates that general cognitive ability is linked to reduced emotional responding : science - the smarter you are, the more in control of your emotions you tend to be.>

Mass. police oversight board releases 1000s of officer disciplinary records : news

Americans Rate Dallas and Boston Safest of 16 U.S. Cities : boston (not statistics

What is an unwritten rule of being a man? : AskReddit


Calls for ecocide law to punish those who destroy nature like war criminals

Climate scientists warn natures anaesthetics have worn off, now Earth is feeling the pain as ocean heating hits record highs

The heatwave in Europe has pushed the zero-degree limitthe altitude at which the temperature dips into the minusto a record height of 5,298 metres in Switzerland

Pioneering wind-powered cargo ship sets sail : worldnews

Houston shatters 114-year heat record as tropical cyclone forms in Gulf : news

850 people still missing after Maui wildfires, mayor says : news

Hilary live updates: Risk of flooding remains as powerful storm moves through SoCal : news

Australia to buy Tomahawk missiles from US to boost defense : worldnews

Singapore to roll out targeted support for those in 50s and early 60s to cope with retirement : worldnews

Run It Cold: Why Xi Jinping Is Letting China's Economy Flail - China is steering clear of big stimulus even in the face of deflation risks.
Chinese social media filled with anti-black racist content, says watchdog : news

Russian special services call on Putin to fire defence minister and announce mobilisation and switch to more aggressive warfare.
Russian Soldiers Say They Are Viewed With Disgust in Moscow : worldnews

Russian dam bursts washing away railroad -- Economy to lose 'billions' ... Billions of rubles ... Like 40 bucks

Russia wants all taxi drivers to drive domestic cars as a buffer against sanctions, drivers association opposes : worldnews
Dominos Pizza signals closure of Russian business

US Embassy in Minsk says U.S. citizens in Belarus should depart immediately. Citizens who will travel to Belarus need "contingency plan that does not rely on U.S. government assistance" : worldnews

India says spacecraft heading to moon working perfectly

Wagner Group leader says that he is in Africa: he recorded a video from the desert : worldnews

Niger: ECOWAS rejects juntas three-year transition plan
11 nations of West Africa commit to a military deployment to restore the ousted president of Niger : worldnews

Crimes beyond imagination: Saudi border guards killed hundreds of migrants, HRW report says
Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards - report : worldnews

Iraq switches off electronic billboards after hacker broadcasts porn to Baghdad passers-by : worldnews

Hebron terror attack: Mother shot dead in front of daughter : worldnews

Zelenskyy Goes to Greece for Balkans Summit : worldnews

Zelenskyy thanks Denmark for pledging to send F-16s for use against Russias invading forces
Denmark Reacts to Russias Criticism over F-16s to Ukraine: They Should Be Ashamed
Ukraine sky shield getting stronger as allies supply coveted F-16s
US significantly increases production of 155-mm shells to provide to Ukraine
Ukrainian drone destroys Russian supersonic bomber : worldnews - A flagship Russian long-range bomber has been destroyed in a Ukrainian drone strike, according to reports.
Ukraine lines up destroyed Russian tanks in central Kyiv : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 544, Part 1 (Thread #690) : worldnews

Joint Investigation IDs Over 25,000 Russian Troops Killed In Ukraine : worldnews
Russian losses per 21/08/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff - +12 tanks +14 APVs +19 artillery pieces

Ukraines troops report success in operations near Robotyne, Mala Tokmachka
Ukraines use of imprecise cluster bombs is making Russian very scared to go on assault, says frontline soldier

2/ Russian frontline units, particularly in southern Ukraine, have frequently struggled with degraded morale following Ukrainian strikes on rear areas.
4/ A broken Russian frontline unit would threaten the integrity of other frontline defenses, and such a break in the Russian frontline would provide a vulnerability that Ukrainian forces could exploit.
6/ Morale issues pertaining to the RU defense against UKR counteroffensive operations are only relevant if UKR forces can degrade Russian morale to the breaking point and take advantage of it; these morale issues will not matter if Russian forces do not break under this pressure.

Pro-Russian singer Goran Bregovic denied entry to Moldova : worldnews

More Villages Evacuated as Large Wildfire in Northern Greece Rages for Second Day : worldnews

Wildfire on Spains popular tourist island of Tenerife was started deliberately, official says

EDF extends 1.3 GW nuclear reactor outage as river water heats up : worldnews

British nurse to be sentenced for murdering seven babies | CNN : worldnews
Rapist police officer held details of 750 women on his phone, court hears : news

Leftist leads Ecuador presidential poll count amid spike in violence : worldnews
Ecuadorians reject oil drilling in the Amazon in historic decision : worldnews

Guatemalas anti-corruption candidate wins presidency in landslide vote

Ortega reportedly allowing Russian military to establish bases, cruise missile batteries in Nicaragua : worldnews

Trudeau denounces Meta's news block as fires force evacuations : worldnews
NASA mapping data shows extent of wildfires across Canada : worldnews

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Banking lobbyists, lawmakers gear up for a fight over new exec pay bill spurred by crisis : politics

Republican feud over root canal spending cuts raises US govt shutdown risk
House Freedom Caucus fires warning shot over government shutdown - Members of the House Freedom Caucus are making it harder for leadership to avoid a government shutdown, announcing on Monday that theyll oppose a stopgap funding bill unless it caves to their terms.

Trump to be booked at Georgias notorious Fulton County Jail at center of DOJ probe

Trump legal team agrees to $200,000 bond after meeting with Fulton County district attorney's office | CNN Politics
Eastman agrees to $100K bond in Georgia election case | The Hill

Mark Meadows might have just thrown Donald Trump under the bus : politics
Mark Meadows asks federal court for Georgia charges to be dismissed : politics
Mike Pence and Mark Meadows Just Ruined Trumps Defense in Classified Docs Case: The former president appears to be caught in a huge lie.

MTG Baselessly Claims Georgia Prosecutor Is Guilty of RICO Crimes, Not Trump

Donald Trump confirms he will skip Republican presidential debates : politics

Trump-Fox Feud? Please. Americas Pravda Will Back Him All the Way.
The fantasy that theres going to be a race for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination
The parade of the pathetic pick me politicians - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump's legal woes are part of his quasi-religious mythology of martyrdom
GOP will lose up and down the ballotwith Trump, New Hampshire governor warns, Republican Chris Sununu, governor of the first-in-the-nation primary state, urges second-tier candidates to drop out and consolidate behind an alternative.

Iowa poll: Trump challengers face huge climb to stop him in first GOP contest
The Cult Runs Deep: Nearly 3 in 4 Trump Voters Say Indictments Are a reason to Support HimMany voters supporting the former president also rated him as more truthful than their own friends and family
This election has real stakes. No one on the Republican debate stage will address them. : politics
Trumps threats are not empty and they pose a danger to us all

Hogan says No Labels likely to launch third-party alternative if Trump, Biden win nominations ... No Labels has received major funding that included Harlan Crow, a leading donor to Republican and conservative causes

Look Whos Defying the Supreme Court Now: Republicans havent lost too often at the high court of latebut when they do, theyre sore losers indeed.

Trouble looms for Senate GOP despite recruiting wins : politics

How Hunter Biden's plea deal became a huge cluster - The irony is that if anyone is being treated unfairly, it's Hunter.

Three years after a foiled plot to kidnap Michigans governor, the final trial is set to begin | The final trial of suspects in a bizarre plot to kidnap Michigans governor begins this week

Congress Is Pushing An Online Safety Bill Supported By Anti-LGBTQ Groups : politics

Judge blocks Georgia ban on hormone replacement therapy for transgender minors : news

Little Rock Nine members slam restrictions on AP African American Studies course in Arkansas : politics

Denver Archdiocese sues Colorado over LGBTQ rules for universal preschools == State's non-discrimination requirements directly conflict with St. Marys,St. Bernadettes, and the Archdioceses religious beliefs, the lawsuit says ... The child molester down at the Catholic church would like to express their moral outrage over civil rights for LGBTQ people.
Final State Report Concludes More Than 200 Colorado Children Were Abused By Priests, Catholic Church Vows Reform

Court Finds that Texas Law Requiring the Rejection of Mail Ballots and Applications Violates the Civil Rights Act : politics

Indianas near-total abortion ban takes effect as state Supreme Court denies appeal

Nearly Two Thirds of L.A's $1.3 Billion in COVID Relief Funds Went to Cops and Firefighters, Zero Went to Building Housing

Woman gets 15 years to life in deaths of boyfriend, friend after 100 mph car crash into brick wall : news

Dramatic video footage shows shooting ambush in Fargo that killed an officer last month : news

Georgia sheriff pleads guilty to groping TV Judge Hatchett : news

Ratfucker also a deadbeat - Lawyers, Guns & Money Vanity candidate and big fan of what Ron DeSantis is going to higher education in Florida Cornel West has a problem with paying his taxes and child support:
Decline of the West Cornel Wests latest book is a memoir. Scott McLemee thinks it marks the end of the line. (2009)

Opinion | What Just Happened at West Virginia University Should Worry All of Us : politics

Elon Musk's Shadow Rule - How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire -- and is now struggling to rein him in.
The Big List of Elon Musk's Hyperbole, Evasions, and Outright Lies - The billionaire simply can't stop making shit up
Elon Musks X follower count bloated by millions of new, inactive accounts
X Blue users will need to send selfie, data to Israeli software company : news

7 Books to Guide You Through Menopause - The New York Times These seven books can help guide you through the maddening, mystifying and long transition.

Young People At Risk Of Psychosis Saw Symptoms Surprisingly Improve With Marijuana Use, Study Finds
Cannabis Use Not Associated with Greater Risk of Heart Attack, Study Finds : science

In 1873, Boston women couldnt vote in local, state or federal elections. But could they run for office? Some women decided to find out. Hijinks ensued.


Biden faces calls to declare climate emergency as he heads to Maui : politics

Hurricane Hilary moves very near to Mexicos Baja coast packing deadly rainfall
Hilary will produce really significant impacts in California, FEMA administrator warns
First-ever tropical storm watch issued for Southern California as Hurricane Hilary barrels north : news
Like the mystics and statistics say it will - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Myanmar arrests 14 including Swiss national over film deemed offensive to Buddhism : worldnews (the no-selves get their selves hurt)

Japan, U.S., Australia eye ship deployment to Philippines for drill : worldnews

US urges China to cease military pressure against Taiwan : worldnews

Russias Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into moon
Russian moon landing crashes. : worldnews

Ukraine continues to target Moscow with drone strikes, forcing the city to shut down its airports : worldnews
Russians report drone attack on Kursk railway station : worldnews
(2/5) Strikes deep inside Russia are strategically important because President Putin almost certainly invaded Ukraine on the assumption that it would have little direct effect on Russians.
(5/5) Pressure is likely to particularly fall on VKS Chief of Staff, Colonel-General Viktor Afzalov; VKS Commander-in-Chief General Sergei Surovikin remains absent, suspected to have been detained in relation to the June 2023 Wagner Group mutiny.

Prigozhin, Russias Wagner Group leader, will be killed by Putin or lead another coup within 6 months, journalist says
Vladimir Putins biggest rival Alexei Navalny is in one of the worst places in the world this is what it's like

Russian women fear return of murderers freed to fight for Wagner | Russia : worldnews

Chechen Government officials praise Kadyrovs son for visiting and beating up Russian teenager imprisoned for burning Koran

India imposes 40% export duty on onions to calm rising prices : worldnews ... This years August monsoon is the most dry season in 100 years in India. Climate change is here guys.

Pakistan: More than 100 arrested after churches burned : worldnews

IDF soldiers shoot masked settler allegedly hurling stones at Palestinians : worldnews

Ukraines Foreign Minister responds to criticism of counteroffensive
Zelenskyy: Ukraine to receive 42 F-16 fighter jets : worldnews
Ukraines long F16s training process has begun -defence minister
Zelenskyy begins talks with Sweden about receiving Gripen jets, which some experts think could give Ukraine a better chance at taking on Russias air defenses
Security Guarantees for Ukraine: Zelenskyy Announces Talks with Sweden : worldnews
We are ready to exchange Belgorod for NATO membership - Zelenskyy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 543, Part 1 (Thread #689) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 20.08.

The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "The Ukrainian military has broken through Russia's first line of defense near Tokmak, in Zaporizhzhya Oblast - a welcome sign of success on the southern front in its ongoing counteroffensive. For more:" / X

''Russian terror is endless'': Presidents of Moldova and Estonia react to Russian missile strike in Chernihiv : worldnews

Drilling in the North Sea history and environmental concerns

Rheinmetall opens Lynx infantry fighting vehicle factory in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary, Europes most advanced plant for armoured vehicles

Swiss parliamentarian calls for zero-trust approach amid Huawei espionage claims

Authorities left people to die despite warnings about Cape Verde migrant boat weeks before tragedy, rights group alleges
Spain wins Womens World Cup for the first time, deservedly beating England in Sydney

Ancient Pompeii Reveals Room of Slaves: Casting Light on Pompeiis Lower Class

Shooting near Ecuador presidential candidate Otto Sonnenholzner : worldnews

British Columbia wildfires intensify, doubling evacuations to over 35,000 : worldnews
Dozens remain in Yellowknife hospital as evacuation stretches past deadline, The deadline for residents to leave Yellowknife has passed but more than three dozen hospital patients remain in the Northwest Territories capital, making some of the regions most vulnerable citizens the last to evacuate
Canada demands Meta lift news ban to allow wildfire info sharing : worldnews

Comment: One year in, the Inflation Reduction Act is proving that climate action is good for business : politics

AOC and the Squads List of Left-Wing Accomplishments Is Quite Long

Trumps lies tested limits of the bully pulpit. His right to say them is at core of criminal defense

J. Michael Luttig and Laurence Tribe make the case for Trumps disqualification from public office

Meadows told special counsel he could not recall Trump ever declassifying Mar-a-Lago docs: Sources : politics

Former Bush 43 attorney general: Trump should serve time if convicted

A Legally Besieged Trump Focuses on a Personal Goal: Revenge Against Hillary Clinton : politics

Chuck Todd: Trump is systematically attacking prosecutors and judges in his cases

Trials Are About Facts. Thats Bad For Trump
Jack Smith could send Trump to prison: See rare footage of him in action : politics
Why Georgia is Trumps perfect legal storm
GOP senator says Trump should drop out and calls classified documents case a 'slam dunk' | CNN Politics

This could get Judge Cannon removed from Trump case, Glenn Kirschner warns : politics

Trump made a mockery of American democracy. Why are Americans shrugging this off? : politics

Trump Backs Out of Debate, Blockbuster Press Conference : politics
CBS News poll finds Trump's big lead grows, as GOP voters dismiss indictments - CBS News
Trump Voters Trust Ex-President More Than Their Family and Friends: Poll : politics
The Cult Runs Deep: Nearly 3 in 4 Trump Voters Say Indictments Are a 'reason' to Support Him

Inside the Collapse of Hunter Biden's Plea Deal - An examination of confidential correspondence and interviews with those close to Mr. Biden and lawyers involved in the case show how the deal ultimately fell apart amid schisms and withering external pressures.
In talks with prosecutors, Hunter Biden's lawyers vowed to put the president on the stand - A behind-the-scenes look at how a plea deal for the presidents son nearly came together before it fell apart.
David Weiss, the special counsel investigating Hunter Biden, has long targeted Delawares powerful interests. His onetime experience with Beau Biden potentially complicates the probe.

How G.O.P. Views of Biden Are Helping Trump in the Republican Primary - The New York Times
The Desperation of Republican Elites - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Guns, Republicans and manliness: We all suffer from the rights mental health crisis Republican men seem massivelytroubled about their masculinityand thats literally causing death and suffering

Eschaton: Rudy! I pretend a bit that the fate of Rudy greatly interests me for affectation, but I actually don't care about Rudy himself. He's a piece of shit that deserves some punishment, of course, but I see his comeuppance more an indictment of the journalists who spent years being his free PR agents.

The Antiabortion Judge With a Financial Ethics Problem : politics ... Federalist Society member James Ho ... doctors experience an aesthetic injury when their patients have abortions ... Ho was sworn into the job in a mansion belonging to Harlan Crow.

Ron DeSantis calls Trump supporters listless vessels in Republican broadside
Deplorable listless vessel gaffes again - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Education of Ron DeSantis: 5 Takeaways - The New York Times
Disney sues DeSantis for damages after he asks them to drop suit : politics
Awkward DeSantis is far from a threat to Trump GOP. His public humiliation may never end. | I have to believe DeSantis wants to drop out, run home to the Florida governors mansion and go to his happy place, which I assume involves daydreaming of more ways to be cruel to LGBTQ+ children.

Republican Jeff Hurd announces his intention to replace Rep. Lauren Boebert in Congress : politics

Mike Lindell Has A Plan To Stop The Evil Fix Elections, And Help You Save On Bedding

Cobb County School Board votes to fire fifth-grade teacher over book : politics

There wont be libraries left: how a Florida county became the book ban heartland of the US | As the extremist group Moms for Liberty flourishes in Clay County, a campaign of outrage has books disappearing from school shelves

Heartstopper Books Removed From Marion County Library Amid Anti-LGBTQ+ Complaints

Almost a third of Missouri schools will be on a four-day weekly schedule this year : politics

What the Texas Education Agency takeover means for Houston and schools across the US : politics

San Francisco kicked out its progressive DAand violent crime went up

The professional administrative classs role in the dismantling of the humanities

Affidavits reveal what evidence police used to raid Kansas newspaper : news - We have now discovered that the probable cause affidavits were not filed with the District Court until three days after the illegal searches were executed. While the affidavits purport to be signed before Magistrate Viar on the day of the illegal searches, no explanation has been provided why they were not filed prior to the execution of the illegal searches ... They didnt simply backdate the document. They LIED on a SWORN AFFIDAVIT declaring the date to be three days prior to try and defraud anyone investigating their misconduct. That is not backdating, it is perjury.

Ramaswamy Says How Elon Musk Runs X is a Good Example of How to Run Government (Ramadummy)

Starbucks told to pay $2.7 million in lost wages to manager fired after arrest of 2 Black men : news

New Research on the Hidden Benefits of Sleep : worldnews


New study warns against risks of time-traveling pathogensthat may be unleashed by thawing Arctic permafrost

Worlds first superfast battery offers 400km range from 10 mins charge

An AI weapons race may create a world where everyone stays inside out of fear of being chased down by swarms of slaughterbots, warns founding Skype engineer

Sailing boat owners caught shooting at killer whales at the Strait of Gibraltar : worldnews

Heat wave coming to central U.S., with excessive heat warning in Texas - The Washington Post

Fire experts say a 1991 Oakland firestorm marked the beginning of the current era of fire risk one thats intensifying.
Lahaina survivors search for victims where fires left all vulnerable - The Washington Post

Hurricane Hilary racing toward California, with catastrophic flooding feared
Tracking the path of Hurricane Hilary

Japan scrambles jets after Russian planes spotted over Sea of Japan, East China Sea : worldnews

N.Koreas ICBM likely the result of Russian technical cooperation, CSIS reports

China announces drills near Taiwan following VP Lais return from Paraguay
Taiwans Election Not For Bully Next Door China To Decide: FM

What just happened: Storm clouds loom for Chinas economy - , China is one of the worlds most expensive places to raise a family, a fact that has driven fertility down to an all-time low of 1.2 children per woman.
China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals : worldnews

Putin will skip UN General Assembly in September. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin won't be participating in the United Nations General Assembly session this year, Ukrainska Pravda reported on Aug.18.
Putin meets military commanders as Kyiv shoots down 15 drones
Russia labels former Putin adviser foreign agent
Russian general who knew secrets of Putins palace dies suddenly in prison

Russia threatens Germany to bomb Rheinmetall tank factory in Ukraine : worldnews

Russian lander experiences emergency situationwhile approaching lunar surface

Moscow is negotiating with Turkiye, Qatar on a agreement on grain shipment primarily to African countries
Threats and assaults on UN peacekeepers are unacceptable, said the European Commission president. (Fuckiye)

West African bloc says D-Day set for possible Niger intervention (
France, U.S. relations grow tense over Niger coup : worldnews

Nigeria says 36 soldiers killed in an ambush by an armed group and a related helicopter crash : worldnews

Iran Is Set to Make Hijab Laws Stricter : worldnews

Biden administration extends protected status for Ukrainians in US : worldnews
Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say : worldnews
New York Times sources claim that total losses of Ukraine and Russia are approaching 500,000 : worldnews

Raw Footage of attack on Chernihiv: The entire downtown of Chernihiv covered in glass, blood and debris. you can see some survivors are fully paralyzed by shock and terror. Russians aimed at the busiest part filled with people enjoying their Saturday morning strolls, theatre hit [NSFW;blurred] : UkraineWarVideoReport
Just moments ago, this Ukrainian family from Chernihiv was joyfully returning from church with a basket of apples, celebrating a religious holiday in Ukraine. In an instant, the husband finds himself clutching his wife's lifeless hand at an intersection stained by her blood. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Another horrifying video of an explosion during an attack on the city center of Chernihiv by Russian ballistic missiles. It's likely that all these teenage girls in the video are drone pilots. : UkraineWarVideoReport
It Is heinous to attack the main square of a large city United Nations in Ukraine
Russians hit Chernihiv Music and Drama Theatre with missile, killing 7 civilians, including child, wounding 90 : worldnews
Seven killed, 90 wounded in Russian missile strike on Ukrainian city of Chernihiv : worldnews
Ukraine war: US allows transfer of Danish and Dutch F-16 war planes to Kyiv : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 542, Part 1 (Thread #688) : worldnews

Russian losses per 19/08/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff. +500 men +8 tanks +14 APVs +19 artillery pieces +6 UAVs

9/ ISW has consistently assessed that the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be a protracted, non-linear series of operations, which will likely continue to occur in phases of differing tempos.
Washington Post: US intelligence thinks Ukraine will fail to reach counteroffensives key goal. The U.S. intelligence assesses that Ukrainian forces will fail to reach the southeastern city of Melitopol in this years counteroffensive, the WP reported, citing unnamed sources.
(3/3) Across the front, both sides confront a similar challenge: attempting to defeat well-entrenched forces while having limited uncommitted forces to open new assaults.
NEW: It is premature to make assessments about the overall success of ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive operations occurring along several lines of advance toward several different apparent objectives
ISW on X: "7/ ISW has, in fact, assessed that Ukraine has many options for severing critical Russian ground lines of communication along the northern Sea of Azov coast of which the seizure of #Melitopol is only one." / X
ISW on X: "3/ The unverified intelligence assessment reportedly states that effective Russian defensive operations and dense minefields have constrained Ukrainian advances and will continue to do so." / X

While Russian authorities claim only one plane was damaged, several Tu-bombers are reportedly being redeployed to Olenya.

Ukraine, Romania work on grain transit route after Russia deal collapse : worldnews

Norwegian mass killer Breivik sues the state for "extreme" isolation -lawyer : worldnews

Germans trust in state institutions hits new low

2,000-year-old arch in Caesarea aqueduct collapses; official: Wesounded the alarm

Switzerland announced it would no longer accept passports issued in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine and Georgia The documents would not be recognized as valid to cross the Schengen borders and would also not be accepted for obtaining a visa

Austrian ex-chancellor Kurz charged with perjury. If convicted, he could face up to three years in prison : worldnews

Lucy Letby whistleblower says babies would have lived if hospital had acted sooner | Lucy Letby : worldnews

Ecuador prepares for once-in-a-lifetime vote to stop oil drilling

Dominican officials say plastics company to blame for explosion that killed 31 people : worldnews

Wildfires Burning Out of Control Widen Canada, As residents of Yellowknife fled a wildfire in the Northwest Territories, a state of emergency was issued hundreds of miles away in Kelowna, British Columbia. : worldnews
Canada left off Chinas list of approved countries for tour groups

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez calls on U.S. to declassify documents on Chiles 1973 coup ... It is long past time for the American people to know how Nixon and Kissinger installed a murderous fascist dictator in Chile in 1973.

Tuberville says military a little overloaded with 4-star generals ... And if there is anyone who understands the military chain of command better than the experts it is a football coach. Fucking ridiculous ... You dont have to be an expert to have an opinion. I am no expert, but I think Congress has too many ignorant football coaches, and pedophilic wrestling coaches.

FBI joins investigation of threats to grand jurors in Trump Georgia case : politics undefined

Law enforcement expects Trump to surrender at Atlanta jail at the end of next week : politics

Judge wont delay Trumps defamation claims trial, calling the ex-presidents appeal frivolous

Trump Cancels Press Conference, Will Lie in Legal Filings Instead : politics
Whats ahead for Trump: There's literally no downside to encouraging violence
GOP Lawmaker to Trump: If Youre Innocent, Start Acting Like It

The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again : politics
This issue could knock Trump off ballots nationwide. Get ready for it to dominate primary season : politics
Legal scholars increasingly raise constitutional argument that Trump should be barred from presidency | CNN Politics

Federal judge denies Trumps attempt to delay a second trial with E. Jean Carroll

Polling roundup: Trump has no realistic path to win a general election : politics

Biden campaign expects GOP candidates to out-MAGA each otherduring first debate
Inside Trump's Decision to Skip the G.O.P. Debate - Fox News leaned on the former president privately and publicly to join the debate. But all the while he was proceeding with a plan for his own counterprogramming.
Do debates matter in the GOP primary? They might be the only things that do - POLITICO In recent nominating contests, the nationally televised shoutfests have prompted significant shifts in polling afterward.
Big GOP donors push for Trump alternative

Theres nothing serious about GOP Hunter Biden probe, says counsel ... Tonight on FOX News, how Hunter Bidens penis was actually behind Watergate. We expose everything in our three part special: Tricky Dick ... Yea, but it wouldn't have happened if Empty Green Trashbag hadnt used a space laser to go back in time and show those pictures during Nixons impeachment trial ...
Biden says special counsel probe of his son is up to the Justice Department

Trumps Lawyer Was at the Capitol on January 6With Alex Jones

Proud Boy on house arrest in Jan. 6 case disappears ahead of sentencing : politics
Proud Boy on house arrest in Jan. 6 case disappears ahead of sentencing : politics
Marjorie Taylor Greene defends Proud Boys leader in social media post as DOJ seeks 33-year sentence : politics

Publix Heiress Donated to Candidate Who Backed Patriot Prayer, Schmoozed With White Supremacist : politics

Floridas restrictive sex ed rules are causing back-to-school mayhem
There wont be libraries left: how a Florida county became the book ban heartland of the US (considers outlawing "reading"
Dynamic, proactive new logistical synergies from Chairman Rufo - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The GOP Is Over Its War On WokeTurns out Republican primary voters arent that into the anti-woke rallying cry, and presidential candidates are responding accordingly ... DeSantis seemed to use the word in Iowa more than any other candidate competing for the Republican presidential nomination ... calling it a "mind virus"zombifying the country.

New Jersey can sue gun companies under public nuisance law, federal appeals panel rules : politics

Federal judges rule against provisions of GOP-backed voting laws in Georgia and Texas : politics

Town fires librarian who worked there for 11 years because she refused to remove LGBTQ+ books : politics

Teacher Is Fired for Reading Book on Gender Identity in Class. The teacher in Georgia was fired for reading to fifth gradersMy Shadow Is Purple which is about a child who cannot relate to the colors blue and pink. (Refuck war on sanity continues)

Eight in 10 LGBTQ+ Americans fear for safety as bigotry sweeps nation : politics

Wisconsin Republicans propose eliminating work permits for 14- and 15-year-olds : politics .. So, kids are too young to know their gender identity and to learn about racism, but theyre old enough to work and give birth. Got it.
Hack judge shits in her pants over prospect of Wisconsin holding democratic legislative elections - Lawyers, Guns & Money

You gotta know that a guy who helps you steal, even if you take care of him real well, I mean, hes gonna steal a little bit extra for himself - James OKeefe

The search had its origins in a dispute between a restaurant owner and her estranged husband, records and interviews show
A raid on a Kansas newspaper likely broke the law, experts say. But which one? : politics ... Either they violated the shield law or they probably violated the federal law,Either way, its a mess.

With HR 3557, Broadband Monopolies Are Pushing A Bill That Would Crush Your TownsAbility To Stand Up To Them

A.I.-Created Art Isnt Copyrightable, Judge Says In Lawsuit Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause - A federal judge on Friday upheld a finding from the U.S. Copyright Office that a piece of art generated by AI is not open to protection.

X Could Be Delisted From App Stores If Block Feature Removed : technology

Eschaton: How My Apes Doing Not so good! - The Sotheby's auction house has been named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed by investors who regret buying Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs that sold for highly inflated prices during the NFT craze in 2021. A Sotheby's auction duped investors by giving the Bored Ape NFTs "an air of legitimacy... to generate investors' interest and hype around the Bored Ape brand," the class-action lawsuit claims ... It wasn't revealed at the time of the auction that the buyer was the now-disgraced FTX, the lawsuit said ... Two years of The Discourse in politics in the US is largely due to SBF spreading money and attention around to your favorite centrist dipshists. Were they the marks, or were you?

Surgeons say pig kidney functional in human for over a month : worldnews

ELI5: the concept of zero : explainlikeimfive


Americas richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution

This law may be the turning point in Americas fight to save the planet ... By 2030 the U.S. could be generating 80% of its electricity from clean sources.

EPAs new definition of PFAS could omit thousands of forever chemicals

New Zealand man wrongly jailed for 18 years wins S$4m payout : worldnews

Biden to sign strategic partnership deal with Vietnam in latest bid to counter China in the region - POLITICO opens the door to closer diplomatic, economic and technological cooperation with former foe

US, Japan and South Korea agree to expand security ties at summit amid China, North Korea worries | AP News
At Camp David, US, South Korea and Japan agree to deepen military ties, condemn China : worldnews

North Korea becoming more repressive amid reports of starvation | The Hill

Chinas Evergrande files for bankruptcy
China developer (Soho China) profit falls 93% in fresh blow to property market : worldnews

Russias Elite Split Into Squabbling Factions Over the Ruble

Russian-backed general admits his troops 'cannot win' against Ukraine and suggests freezing the front line where it is : worldnews Russian-backed general admits his troops cannot win against Ukraine and suggests freezing the front line where it is
We Cannot Win Says Top Russian Commander
Gen. Milley: The Russians are in pretty rough shape. So theyve suffered huge amount of casualties. Their morale is not great. Their leadership is questionable and spottyLogistics is not great

Drone attack hits building in central Moscow : worldnews
Drone attack hits building in central Moscow : worldnews
2/ The damage to the expo center in the Moscow City business district caused by the Ukrainian attack drone on Friday morning.

You literally could not make it up: Russian diplomats are now using a photo from a 2014 anti-Kremlin protest in Moscow opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a symbol of common values, friendship, and harmony between Russia and Ukraine
Lost In Lies: Keeping Track Of Russian Propaganda Claims#Russia now claims to have destroyed 87 out of the 72 Krab SPGs delivered to Ukraine, and 260 out of the 183 M777 towed artillery pieces delivered to #Ukraine.

About 20,000 people are mobilized in Russia every month for the war against Ukraine
Russia is charging families of dead soldiers $1,500 to get their bodies back, human-rights group claims : worldnews

Russia kidnaps children for patriotic training

A Moscow judge has granted the Justice Ministrys request and ordered the dissolution of the Sakharov Center. Its just Russias latest human rights org to bite the dust, joining Memorial and Sova of late.

Belarus leader Lukashenko admits that at start of war some Russian troops invaded Ukraine from Belarus : worldnews

Reuters: India considers importing wheat from Russia at discount. India is in talks with Moscow to import Russian wheat at discount prices in an attempt to push down food inflation ahead of the upcoming elections next year, Reuters reported on Aug. 17, citing unnamed sources.

Women lose value if men glimpse their faces in public, says Taliban official ... How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. - Churchill

Israeli cops accused of beating Palestinian detainee, branding him with Star of David : worldnews
An Israeli Civil War: From Public Secret to Shared Illusion - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Imaginary (sociology) - Wikipedia

U.S. intelligence says Ukraine will fail to meet offensives key goal
Ukraines counteroffensive is beginning to make slow but significant progress: ten weeks in, the Ukrainian army is starting to figure out what actually works
The New Voice of Ukraine on X: "The UK Defense Ministry has signed three contracts worth over GBP 90 million ($115 million) to supply Ukraine with air defense systems." / X

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 541, Part 1 (Thread #687) : worldnews

In a few hours: Ukraine takes out hundreds of Russian soldiers : worldnews

Yes, contrary to many peoples beliefs, medics are a target at this war.

(4/6) A new textbook on the history of Russia will be issued to schools in the occupied regions of Ukraine and throughout the Russian Federation from 1 September 2023.
(6/6) Russias aim is to create a pro-Kremlin information space in the occupied regions in order to erode Ukrainian national identity.

The first ship to use the Ukrainian Black Sea corridor has arrived in Istanbul - The Hong Kong-flagged container ship Joseph Schulte, which left the Russian-blocked Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odesa earlier this week, had been in port since February 23, 2022.

Austrian Ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz Indicted for False Testimony - Bloomberg Former politician currently works as Thiel Capital strategist

Berlin prosecutor investigates possible poisoning of Russian journalist | Elena Kostyuchenko, who has criticised the invasion of Ukraine, fell ill on a train journey in Germany : worldnews

Bolsonaros Mounting Legal Troubles Raise Prospect of His Arrest

More than 2,400 killed in Haiti gang violence since January 1, says UN : worldnews
Haitians flee homes in Port-au-Prince as gang violence surges : worldnews

Canada mulling game plan if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift: Joly
95% of Yellowknife has now been evacuated due to wildfires : worldnews

Intelligence Agencies Warn Foreign Spies Are Targeting U.S. Space Companies - The New York Times U.S. officials say Chinese and Russian spy agencies are trying to steal technology from private American space companies and preparing cyberattacks that could disable satellites in a conflict.

Eli5: what were the panama papers and did anything happen after they were leaked : explainlikeimfive

White House Targets Key Democrats on Potential Saudi-Israel Pact : politics

FACT SHEET: One Year In, President Bidens Inflation Reduction Act is Driving Historic Climate Action and Investing in America to Create Good Paying Jobs and Reduce Costs
Bidens approval rating on the economy stagnates despite slowing inflation, AP-NORC poll shows

The Supreme Court Could Overrule Rent Control In New York And Across The Nation : politics

Rural voters shaping the GOP presidential turn against U.S. aid to Ukraine : politics ... "salt of the land"

Sen. Tommy Tuberville doubles down after blocking hundreds of military promotions:I dont care if they promote anybody
Republican Senators Stock Trade Linked to Ukraine War Raises Eyebrows
Earlier this week, I spotted one of the most suspect congressional trades Ive seen. worth mentioning here that Tommy Tuberville sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, giving him access to confidential information on the war in Ukraine.
DOD-Tuberville standoff has no end in sight : politics

Donald Trump calls off press conference where he said he would share report on Georgia election fraud claims : politics
Trump cancels news conference to release report on 2020 election : politics
Coward Trump Mocked After 2 Backpedaling Announcements In A Row

Trump surrender in Georgia case expected next week, source says : politics
Trump and 18 co-defendants to be booked in Georgia jail : politics

Georgia Republican lawmaker moves to impeach Trump prosecutor Fani Willis : politics
Steve Bannon threatens Fani Willis in fiery speech: "Down her throat" : politics
FBI working with sheriffs office after threats to Fulton County officials
As Trump racks up indictments, his supporters are getting arrested and threatening violence against a judge and jurors : politics
3 key differences between Donald Trumps Georgia indictment and his other 3

The identities behind the 30 unindicted co-conspirators in Trumps Georgia case
Trump Is Going to Leave Judges With No Choice but to Hold Him in Contempt : politics

Alleged threat against Chutkan is reflective of GOPs war against Black legal minds

Trump Discovers That Some Things Are Actually Illegal : politics
Why Trumps alleged cheapness could cost him big in Georgia
Political Warfare Comes Home: After Trumps Indictments, Can America Protect the Peaceful Transfer of Power?
Trump expected to skip debate and do interview with Tucker Carlson instead : politics
Trump Plans to Skip GOP Debate for Interview With Tucker Carlson - The New York Times - apparent decision to skip the first debate is a major affront both to the Republican National Committee and to Fox News, which is hosting the event.

Our collective malady: Donald Trumps mental health crisis is Americas problem ... the Trump era is Americas collective malady.

Rudy Giuliani Was Always Like This
Rudy Giuliani Was Always Like This - Opinion : politics
(136) Chris Hayes: This is who Rudy Giuliani has been all along - YouTube
The fall of Rudy Giuliani: How Americas mayor tied his fate to Donald Trump and got indicted
What happened to Rudy? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Trump Rants That Fox News Is Showing Unflattering Angles of His Chin : politics

Kenneth Chesebro, alleged architect of fake electors plot, followed Alex Jones around Capitol grounds on January 6th

U.S. seeks 33 years in prison for Proud Boys Tarrio in Jan. 6 attack

Arizona Investigators Aggressively Looking at Top Trump Ally Kelli Ward - The fake elector, and one of the state 's most prominent Republicans, is in the crosshairs of a criminal probe into the scheme to steal the election

Outrage after DeSantis says hed start slitting throats if elected president
Video Shows DeSantis Pushing for GOP State Legislatures to Overturn 2020 Race : politics
Strategist Says DeSantis Memo Leak Is The Dumbest Thing Ive Seen In A Long Time
Disney not letting DeSantis walk away from their feud unscathed : politics
The store brand Orban in Iowa - Lawyers, Guns & Money Lyz Lenz has been on the ground with Pudding Ron in the Hawkeye state. There are a couple of potential problems with his all-in-in-Iowa strategy. The first is that he is not anatural retail politician: ,,, the reality is that Iowa is bad at picking the president, especially Republican ones over the past 20 years. In 2016, Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses. Before that, Rick Santorum. Before that, Mike Huckabee. Iowa doesnt pick the president, they pick the most evangelical reactionary.

Marjorie Taylor Greene May Not Run for Reelection : politics

Ken Paxtons team said there was no evidence to support impeachment. The House published 4,000 pages
Federal Judge Strikes Down Portions of Texas Voter Suppression Law S.B. 1 : politics

Rep. Santos: Most people lie on their resumes

25 Political Karens Who Need To Sit Down Somewhere : politics

American democracy is cracking. These forces help explain why.
There Can Be No Saving the Republican Party : politics
Lock Them Up Is Now the Republican Partys Highest Goal Its no longer about policy or even culture war but prosecutorial revenge.

The new DNC chair works for a firm that fights labor regulations on behalf of clients like McDonalds and Lyft, and has successfully opposed laws guaranteeing sick leave and union organizing ... the chair of the 2024 DNC convention.

Exclusive: James OKeefe Is Now Under Investigation for Looting Project Veritas

California GOP may strip opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage from platform : politics

With 2 quiet vetoes, Gov. Tina Kotek pushed back on drive to decriminalize sex work in Oregon : politics

Green Party candidate Cornel West owes more than half a million dollars in taxes and child support: Records : politics

Anti-Abortion Groups Are Coming for Birth ControlJust as Reproductive Rights Activists Warned: Dark money anti-abortion and pay-to-play groups are predictably responding to the FDAsover-the-counter birth control pill decision with disinformation.

All Pennsylvania students will get free breakfast, a centerpiece of Gov. Josh Shapiros budget

Hamilton East Library Board president removed after Noblesville School Board vote : politics

Why the Populist Right Hates Universities : politics

Elon Musk Plans to Remove Option to Block People on Twitter : technology
"Free speech" as the right to force other people to listen to you whether they want to or not - Lawyers, Guns & Money Free speech as the right to force other people to listen to you whether they want to or not ... It was always headed in this direction, as its clear that Elon bought Twitter not just to allow white supremacists, anti-trans fanatics, anti-vaxxers, etc. etc. back on the site, but to put their content in as many feeds as possible:
Jack Dorsey quit Instagram and entered the Musk-Zuckerberg fight, posting on X (formerly Twitter) that hes going Meta free
@Jack (Dorsey) quits Instagram, putting the first-name handle up for grabs | TechCrunch

Manufactured insecurity - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Truman Establishes Sole Presidential Authority - Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Washington Post's Smithsonian Series Is Remarkably Important - It's recapturing history that has been obscured and perfumed and rendered invisible.

The Upper West Side Therapy Cult That Broke All the Rules | The New Republic At the Sullivan Institute, psychotherapy became a potent form of social control.

What dark facts about world war 2 people should know about? : AskReddit

[Serious] What dark family secret were you let in on once you were old enough? : AskReddit


UN climate summit host UAE failed to report methane emissions to UN. State oil firm, whose chief will preside over Cop28, also accused of incoherent reduction targets.

Hawaiian Electric Knew Wildfires in Maui Were a Growing Risk, But Waited Years to Act - WSJ Four years ago, the utility said it needed to do more to prevent its power lines from emitting sparks. It made little progress, focusing on a shift to clean energy.

Hurricane Hilary could be first tropical storm to hit California in 84 years | The Hill

Australia to Build Paint Facility to Make F-35As Virtually Invisible
Radioactive material found as Australian border force raid Sydney home : worldnews
Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston not guilty of concealing fathers abuse

South Korea fines mobile carriers $25 million for exaggerating 5G network speed : worldnews

North Korean missile capable of striking the U.S. likely a result of cooperation with Russia, think tank says : worldnews

China building airstrip on disputed island claimed by both Vietnam and Taiwan : worldnews
China appears to be building an airstrip on a disputed South China Sea island : worldnews
Xi Jinping speech calling for patience released amid economic gloom : worldnews

Lukashenko claims Putin has achieved his goals in war against Ukraine : worldnews

Russia hikes interest rates to 12% as rouble falls : worldnews

Russian Army Commander Dismissed for Ukraine War Failures Dies in Moscow : worldnews

This video is from St. Petersburg but it is happening all over Russia. Immigrants who moved to Russia for work, many are Syrians and other Middle Easterners, are seen receiving summonses to report for military duty, being loaded onto buses, and taken to the local commissariat (voyenkomat) so they can be processed for service. Russia has been under a full "ghost mobilization" since the beginning of the year but they won't call it a mobilization for domestic political reasons.

Russia claims Ukraines military resources are almostexhausted

Talibans ties with Pakistan fraying amid mounting security concerns

No Concept of Political Parties in Sharia: Taliban Bans Democracy in Afghanistan

A Nigerian forest and its animals are under threat. Poachers have become rangers to protect both from deforestation : worldnews

Sudan "spiralling out of control" as 1 million flee country, UN warns : worldnews

$3 Narcotic Pill Sold in The Gulf Worries European Officials : worldnews

Saudi crown prince invited to visit UK, government source says : worldnews

US asks Iran to stop selling drones to Russia : worldnews
Irans foreign minister visits Saudi Arabia on first such trip in years as tensions ease

Israel to sell Arrow-3 missile-killer to Germany in $3.5B defence deal : worldnews

In a new report on how the Biden administration learned to stop worrying and not fear The Bomb (sorta), @juliaioffe says the White House became more relaxed about nuclear escalation after testing Putins red lines incrementally with aid to Ukraine. At home, Biden has had to battle The Blob (the Washington foreign-policy establishment) by appearing to be neither cowardly nor reckless.
White House denies talks about Ukraines membership in NATO in exchange for territory
NATO official admits comments on Ukraine giving up territory to gain membership were a mistake
#NATO chief @jensstoltenberg distanced himself from ludecrous comments made by his chief of staff Stian Jenssen, who said #Ukraine could surrender territory to end the war. Stoltenberg said its up to the Ukrainians to decide on conditions for negotiations

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 540, Part 1 (Thread #686) : worldnews

Nicholas Drummond on X: "If you want proof that drones have changed modern warfare irreversibly, look no further than the cope cages fitted to these Russian BM-21 Grads en route to Ukraine." / X

Apparently, Russian infantry are not pleased with their current fate re: cluster munitions.

Christian Rosenkreutz on X: "still it appears that no ship traffic has sailed under the Kerch Bridge going north into the Sea of Azov, or south from there back out into the Black Sea #KerchBridge #Crimea #BlackSea #SeaOfAzov #UkraineWar #MarineTraffic #WorldWarIII #WWIII #WW3 #NATO" / X still it appears that no ship traffic has sailed under the Kerch Bridge going north into the Sea of Azov, or south from there back out into the Black Sea
Russia hits Ukrainian grain depots as foreign ship attempts Black Sea corridor : worldnews
Russia confirms it hit Swedish plant in Lutsk, saying it was a military target : worldnews

Poland plans to move around 10,000 troops to border with Belarus | CNN : worldnews
Poland arrests nine over alleged plot to sabotage Ukraine arms supplies - Nine are said to be members of Russian spy ring that monitored railway lines and made plans to disrupt deliveries

Sweden raises terrorist alert level after Koran burnings : worldnews

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have joined the #G7 security guarantees for #Ukraine.

German government approves controlled legalization of cannabis use : worldnews

Wild boar invasion: Another Italian city faces a porcine problem

Frances Sarkozy Blasted For Call To Compromise With Russia ... he was accused on French TV of having pocketed lucrative speaking fees for praising Putin at conferences held in Russia.
Nicolas Sarkozy loses appeal on corruption convictionFormer French president will serve one year under house arrest, wearing an electronic tag.
Nicolas Sarkozy loses appeal on corruption conviction : worldnews

Banking glitch allows customers to withdraw money they dont have
Bank of Ireland warns money withdrawn during IT blunder will be debited as online services restored : worldnews

Ex-British Museum worker believed connected to theft of pricelessartifacts dating back to 1,500 BC

Argentinas leading presidential candidate Javier Milei says hed close the nations central bank if elected

Peruvian Bishops decry approval of abortion for 11-year-old girl : worldnews

Nicaraguan government seizes highly regarded university from Jesuits | AP News The University of Central America in Nicaragua, which was a hub for 2018 protests against the regime of President Daniel Ortega, called the terrorism accusation unfounded and the seizure a blow to academia in Nicaragua.
Nicaraguan government seizes highly regarded university from Jesuits : worldnews

Canada wildfire: Car began melting as family evacuated north
Evacuation of Yellowknife ordered as wildfire approaches city : worldnews
Northern Canada on fire, in addition to smaller communities, all of capital of Northwest Territories (20,000+) told to evacuate. : worldnews
The fire this time - Lawyers, Guns & Money The north woods are on fire:
The entire capital city of Canadas Northwest Territories has been ordered to evacuate as hundreds of wildfires scorch the region, officials say

Pentagon study calls for reforms at US military academies to combat wave of sexual assaults | The Hill

Trump Allies, and Possibly Trump, Likely to Be Booked at Notorious Atlanta Jail - The New York Times The local sheriff has said the defendants would be treated like everyone else should they surrender at the jail; the process for Donald J. Trump could be different.
Trump, allies will be booked at Fulton County Jail, sheriff says : politics
Trump lawyers negotiating with Fulton County DA over details of surrender, sources say : politics
Trumps legal advisers urge him to cancel press conference to refute Georgia allegations: Sources

Trumps Total Charges Could Result In More Than 700 Years In PrisonHeres Why Thats So Unlikely

Trump Supporters Dox Georgia Grand Jurors After Fulton County Indictment : politics
Officials Investigate Threats Against Trump Grand Jurors in Georgia - The New York Times with suggestions that they be harassed or made infamous

The Georgia Trump Indictments Started a Fight That Democrats Will Win : politics

Recently Indicted Mark Meadows: I Was Just Doing What My Boss Donald Trump Told Me In a bid to punt his case to federal court, Meadows has argued that aiding in an election interference campaign was part ofhis official dutiesas Trumps chief of staff.
Mark Meadows surfaces at last and it sure looks like hes flipped on Trump

Trump seems to have already broken the most important condition of his release
Donald Trump Finally Gets His O.J. Moment : politics

Fact-Checking the Breadth of Trump's Election Lies - The former president faces multiple charges related to his lies about the 2020 election. Here's a look at some of his most repeated falsehoods.

All these Trump indictments are a bore? Let me rewrite that for you. | Press Watch

Trump Doesnt Like A Big Orange Photo Of Him That Fox News Keeps Using
Ex-Trump Aide Says Trumps Use Of Word RiggersIs A Racist Dog Whistle

Woman charged with threatening to kill judge overseeing Donald Trumps election case (called judge her "slave")
Texas woman charged with threatening to kill judge overseeing Trump case, Democratic congresswoman : politics

Roger Stone Recorded Details of Fake Electors Plot Days After 2020 Election: Report : politics
New Footage of Roger Stone Working to Overturn 2020 Election Emerges : politics
What Roger Stone video reveals about plot to overturn 2020 election : politics

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani struggling under massive legal bills after defending Trump : politics
Rudy Giuliani made desperate appeal to Trump to pay his legal bills in Mar-a-Lago meeting | CNN Politics
Rudy Giuliani pocketed $300,000 from farmers investing in anti-Biden documentary that was never made, lawsuit claims : politics

Pence world poised for a showdown with Trump - POLITICO
Never Trump: Never Stop Never Trumping, Sad fanfic edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Never Trump: Never Stop Never Trumping, Sad fanfic edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I speak, of course, of former Vice President Mike Pence ... Theres been no boom-or-bust with Pence hes polling at a nice, consistent 5%, and has barely budged even as Trumps only remotely viable competitor has Scott Walkered. ... It isn't just the open bigotry and red meat hatred and bullying that drive people to Trump. Trump is also loved because of his vulgar hedonism. No other Republican candidate has that.

How Republicans overhype the findings of their Hunter Biden probe - The Washington Post
Hunter Biden is a sensitive topic that advisers rarely broach with the president | CNN Politics

Indicted Ex-Trump Officials Weird Witches Gripe Gets The Treatment Online - Jeffrey Clark, a former top Justice Department official, said witches, spiritists and mediums were attacking him

Dual citizen of France and Canada who mailed ricin to Trump sentenced to nearly 22 years in prison | CNN Politics

House Judiciary subpoenas Garland, Wray over contact with social media companies | The Hill

Dont Believe Republican Bluster About Trumps Indictment: It doesnt matter what happens in the courts -- conservatives are already committed to political show trials against their enemies.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Vows To Go After All of Them if Donald Trump Wins

Matt Gaetz Admits Biden Impeachment Is Really About Helping Republicans in 2024 : politics

Daughter alleges Sen. Dianne Feinstein is victim of elder abuse : politics

New accusations: Ken Paxton used burner phone, secret email account, fake Uber name to hide ties to Nate Paul : politics

DeSantis slips to lowest level of support in Quinnipiac 2024 polling | The Hill
Barbarians inside the gate - Lawyers, Guns & Money There has some really superb reporting about the takeover of the New College by DeSantis, Rufo, and their cronies ... If they actually try to build a functional neoconfederate college in place of what theyve ruined, their incompetence will become more important than their malice, but I doubt they actually care about that. The model theyre trying to show off is how to wreck things

What Happened to Dealing With George Santos Quickly? : politics

Appeals Court Rules on Abortion Pill, Backs Proposed Limits You Could See The Appeals Court Ruling on the Abortion Pill Coming From a Mile Away -- Now, all the lawyers seeking to ban mifepristone will need to do is talk very fast and use the word "abortifacient" a lot.
Fifth Circuit inflicting aesthetic damage, on me - Lawyers, Guns & Money

School board orders librarians to use Moms for Libertys book censorship list to evaluate books. Moms for Liberty is an extremist organization that wants to remove all references to LGBTQ+ people from schools.

It's official: Ohio will vote on legalizing recreational marijuana in November : politics ... O-HI-o

Texas and others create punitive barriers to EV transition - A growing number of conservative states are imposing new taxes on drivers using electric vehicle charging stations and trying to limit EV sales.

Inside the campaign to cancel sex ed - by Rebecca Crosby

North Carolina is the latest in a wave of states passing anti-trans lawsRepublicans in the NC legislature recently overrode the Democratic governors veto.

Looking for an alternative, the school district in Louisville, Ky., turned to a software program leading to chaos. Its one of many districts struggling to get students to class.

The International Chess Federations new guidelines also strip transgender men of previously won womens titles.

As Xitters Lawyer Stalled DOJ, Elon Musk Met with Jim Jordan (Twice!) and Kevin McCarthy
Trump judge makes barbed comment about Elon Musk as contents of Jack Smiths Twitter warrant revealed
The End of Twitter - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content | CNN Business
Nearly 50% of environmentalists abandoned Twitter following Musks takeover. There has been a mass exodus, a phenomenon that could have serious implications for public communication surrounding topics like biodiversity, climate change, and natural disaster recovery.

Newsmax Pundit Urges Conservatives to Be More Homophobic

Marion police chief should be fired over newspaper raid | The Kansas City Star
Marion police chief lies, deflects on newspaper raid. He should be fired, immediately : politics

Random drug testing for 7th to 12th graders raising eyebrows in Crete Public Schools District : news

Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached historic highs among adults 35 to 50 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH-funded study also shows younger adults reported marijuana, vaping, and hallucinogen use at or near historically high levels.

Fresh look at DNA from Oetzi the Iceman traces his roots to present day Turkey : worldnews

LK-99 has been proven to not be a superconductor : worldnews

TIL that men who ejaculate more frequently significantly lower their risk of prostate cancer. A study in 2016 concluded that there is a statistically significant reduction in the risk of prostate cancer among men who ejaculate more frequently compared to those who ejaculate less frequently. : todayilearned


Global water crisis could spiral out of control due to overconsumption and climate change, UN report warns
Quarter of worlds population living with extreme annual water stress
One in four living with extreme water stress these are the countries worst affected - Water stress measures the amount of available supply a country uses to meet demand, and is expected to worsen as the climate warms.a>

National disgrace: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania

Power lines likely caused Maui's first reported fire, video and data show - The finding adds to evidence that the island's electric utility was the source of at least some fires reported on Aug. 7 and 8

Avian flu mutation found on five mink farms : worldnews

As Myanmar Currency Crisis Deepens, Junta Shuts More Money-Exchange Businesses : worldnews undefined

VinFast: Vietnam EV maker valued at more than Ford or GM : worldnews

North Korea says Travis King wants refuge from racism, mistreatment in US Army : worldnews

Chinas fertility rate drops to record low 1.09 in 2022- state media

Shoigus ex-deputy and one of the Russian commanders in the war against Ukraine, Colonel-General Zhidko, died suddenly in Moscow. He was 57.
It is reported that two russian generals died in one day. More information to come. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia Targets Activists Families as Efforts to Muzzle Dissent Spread

Russian officers refused to collect the bodies of dead troops so the military wouldn't have to pay their families, convict soldier says : worldnews

Russia firing at ship in Black Sea violation of intl law, piracyand a crime: Kyiv

India and China pledge to maintain peace and tranquility along disputed border despite tensions
Burger King says tomatoes on vacation as India battles food inflation

Pakistan crowd vandalises churches, torches homes after blasphemy accusation | Reuters

Afghan women escape for a chance at education : worldnews

More than a dozen Niger soldiers killed in attack near Mali border : worldnews

Iranian authorities have re-arrested a journalist who interviewed the father of Mahsa Amini whose custody death sparked months of protests, just two days after her release from jail : worldnews

Talk of Ukraine joining NATO in exchange for territorial concessions is unacceptable
Saying Ukraine should cede its land invites Russian aggression - Head of Ukraines ruling party

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 539, Part 1 (Thread #685) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 16.8.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian defenders liberate Urozhaine : worldnews
NEXTA on Twitter: "A short video showing the horrifying scale of destruction in #Bakhmut after the arrival of the "liberators"." / X

Ukrainian prisoners of war say they were tortured at Russian prison : worldnews

Ukraines Ridiculously Powerful 82nd Air Assault Brigade Is Finally in Action
Ukraine used an experimental drone to attack a Russian bridge (video from the drone) : worldnews
Ukraine tests homemade demining machine : worldnews

First ship leaves Odesa port along temporary corridor : worldnews
Financial Times on Twitter: "Ukraine defies Russian threat of naval attack as container vessel leaves Odesa" / X

Booing and walkouts after the Killers tell Georgia audience Russian is their 'brother'

Finland to Build EUs Largest Stockpile for Chemical and Nuclear Emergencies

Denmark calls on China to speak up to Russia over Ukraine

Share of battery-run electric vehicles continues strong growth in Germany since beginning of 2023 : worldnews
German Cannabis Bill Passes Scholz Cabinet in Legalization Push : worldnews

France: Exhumation of German WWII soldiers begins : worldnews

Three Bulgarians were arrested in the UK on suspicion of being Russian Spies : worldnews

Paraguays new president calls his country, Taiwan brothers

Flying Aliens Harassing Village in Peru Are Actually Illegal Miners With Jetpacks, Cops Say

Three military services now without Senate-confirmed heads for first time in history : politics

Government's own experts found barbaric and negligent conditions in ICE detention

Jack Smith Got High Value Evidence From Donald Trumps Twitter DMs
Special counsel obtained Trump DMs despite momentous bid by Twitter to delay, unsealed filings show (Muskfucker)
Special Counsel Obtained Trump's Direct Messages on Twitter - The nature of the messages or who exactly wrote them remained unclear, but it was a revelation that such messages were associated with the former president's account.

Trump expected to be booked at Fulton County jail, sheriff says | CNN Politics : politics
Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online A fringe website featured the purported names and addresses of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 others for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Just Say That the Election Was Corrupt, and Leave the Rest to Me: In Georgia, Donald Trump Appears Beyond F--ked
Opinion | Why the Fani Willis Prosecution of Donald Trump Is Indispensable - The New York Times In contrast to the special counsel Jack Smiths latest laser-focused federal indictment of Mr. Trump, Ms. Willis charges a wide range of conspirators, from people in the Oval Office to low-level Georgia G.O.P. functionaries, and is the first to plumb the full depths, through a state-focused bathyscaph, of the conspiracy.
What the Heck Happened in Coffee County, Georgia? | Lawfare
Unmasking the Co-Conspirators in Trumps Georgia Indictment

Biased. Corrupt. Deranged. Trumps Taunts Test Limits of Release

Donald Trump receives 2024 election blow after Georgia indictment : politics

Trump Plans to Release 100-Page Report on Georgia Election Fraud Claims - The New York Times Liz Harrington, a communications aide described as a true believer in the former presidents lies about a stolen election, helped prepare the report. Mr. Trump said he would release it on Monday.

Trump alleged co-conspirators never got paid by Trump team
It's immoral to fulfill the terms of a contract you made with a sucker - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Giuliani struggling under massive legal bills after defending Trump | CNN Politics

Trump refusal to sign loyalty pledge puts RNC in bind | The Hill
Lindsey Graham: Dont Indict Trump, or Impeach Him, or Vote Against Him
Lindsey Graham: The best way to punish Donald Trumps attempt to steal the 2020 election is to re-elect him
Meanwhile, at the Gray Lady, the presidents many feloniesincluding the ones that were in furtherance of destroying democracy in America lack the inexhaustible interest of, say, compliance with email server management best practices: (Peter Baker is bored)
Teflon Don is a collective fiction its time to tell the story of Trump in jail: Trump still believes hesuntouchable, and so do his dangerous followers. Its time for consequences that count
Kimberly Guilfoyle's John Gotti Reference Backfires Badly | HuffPost Latest News The conservative media personality seemed to inadvertently suggest that Gotti, an infamous mobster, was less of a criminal than Trump.

The strange career of the Electoral College - Lawyers, Guns & Money - That Trump could lose next year by ten million votes and still be elected president doesnt provoke this reaction among the power elite and its media lackeys because white supremacy is so deeply encoded in American culture that even this radically anti-democratic outcome barely provokes any protest from Anyone Who Matters. And this is because its not actually anti-democratic, if you just assume, mostly but not always unconsciously, that white votes should count for more than non-white votes.

Americans are divided along party lines over Trumps actions in election cases, AP-NORC poll shows
8/16/23 - Majority Of Americans Say Trump Should Be Prosecuted On Federal Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Election, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; DeSantis Slips, Trump Widens Lead In GOP Primary | Quinnipiac University Poll
Trump enjoys strong GOP support after the indictment. General election could be different | AP News

What if, Knowing What They Know Now, Republicans Dont Vote for Donald Trump? - The New York Times Editorial Board has vomited forth 1748 words pondering this question ... Put another way, what if Trump goes to prison and Republicans and the New York Times have to deal with that?

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein alleges financial abuse in lawsuit over her husbands estate

Ron DeSantis Wants Disney To Drop The LawsuitBecause Hes Moved OnThe Florida governor, running for president with dismal poll numbers, has been mocked by Democrats and Republicans for his feud with the media giant.
Chairman Rufo's gender politics ... turning the New College into a massive affirmative action program for male jocks, with a commensurate watering down of academic standards: ... Now imagine how much of a cynical liar Cornel West has become to affirmatively defend the destruction of higher ed in Florida being wrought by the Himmler Twins.
Chaos reigns at New College of Florida as fall semester nears
Yankees ask Orioles to just start the season over from scratch - Lawyers, Guns & Money At least we know now why Pudding Ron and Race Science Elon get along so well:

Evangelicals now hate Jesus because he sounds like a liberal wimp. Christians are now complaining that "turning the other cheek" is nothing more than liberal talking points. : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Be Going After Rapists. Ahem. : politics

George Santos Missed the Deadline to Reveal His Finances. Now What? : politics

The cruelty of Dobbs is the entire point - Lawyers, Guns & Money The extinguishing of reproductive freedom in America will not lead to pregnant women or parents getting materially more support in pro-life [sic]states. But it will mean rape victims giving birth before they start Grade 7:

State investigators will probe police raid of Kansas newspaper office - The Washington Post A lawyer for the Marion County Record expressed optimism about the investigation of a search that its editor decried as Gestapo tactics ... It also turns out that the judge who issued the warrants for the three locations had two DUIs herself, both in 2012. She had been fired from her previous job as County Attorney in another county and has been romantically linked with the new Marion police chief.
Judge Laura Viar, who approved newspaper raid, has DUI arrests | The Wichita Eagle
Warrant for Kansas newspaper raid withdrawn by prosecutor for insufficient evidence
Kobach defends KBI directors comments on newspaper raid as search warrant withdrawn

Gee whiz, what a bloodbath - Lawyers, Guns & Money Financially beleaguered West Virginia University is proposing eliminating 9 percent of the majors and 7 percent of the full-time faculty members at the flagship Morgantown campus, including the entirety of the department of world languages, literatures and linguistics, the university announced Friday ... But wherever you see crises that allegedly require the shock treatment of mass faculty firings and department closures, you almost always see administrators knowing a demographic crunch was coming taking extremely foolish debt-funded risks:a>

Entire police force in Minnesota city resigns over pay concerns | The Hill

Judge sentences Murdaugh co-conspirator to prison in scheme to steal from housekeepers family (after killing her)

The lifelong effects of the favourite child
How to have meaningful conversations with kids - Vox Its not dissimilar from talking to other adults, but even the most well-meaning grown-ups can forget that.

New photo from NASAs James Webb Space Telescope reveals the colors of Earendel, the farthest star ever detected

Apple to start paying $500 million in BatteryGate lawsuit payments

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This summer has been one of the rainiest on record since 1872 Last summer was one of the hottest for Massachusetts, and Boston recorded its driest summer in 138 years.

5 Western Oil Firms to Use 1/8 of World's Carbon Budget by 2050 : worldnews

Hawaii Wildfires Timeline: How Lahaina Became a Death Trap - The New York Times When a historic coastal town in Hawaii was overrun by fire, many residents fled for their lives but there was nowhere to go.
Biden to visit Maui wildfire aftermath, pledges support as long as it takes

New Covid vaccines are on the way as Eris variant rises

Woman at center of deadly poisoning case says she bought mushrooms from grocer and supermarket : worldnews

Philippines police arrest radio reporter without warrant : worldnews

Typhoon Lan makes landfall in Japan, thousands told to seek safety : worldnews
Roaring Back From Pandemic, Japans Economy Grows by 6 Percent

Foreign investment in China falls to lowest level on record : worldnews
China halts youth jobless data as economy falters : worldnews
China to stop releasing youth jobless rate data from Aug, says stats bureau : worldnews
China Claims Huge Breakthrough in Laser Weapon Development

Russian Central Bank Calls Emergency Rate Meeting Amid Tumbling Rouble : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russias Emergency Rate Hike Fails to Lift Ruble After Crash
In an act of pure desperation to bolster the crumbling Russian Ruble the Russian Central Bank dramatically raised the key interest rate to 12% (up from 8.5%). This extraordinary increase lays bare how dangerous the plunge of the Russian currency (and inflation) for Russia has become. Whether this will help to support the Ruble manipulation remains to be seen. I have my doubts. The value of Ruble is anyway far below what it pretends to be and everyone holding just a bill of that currency, knows that it is toilet paper. The Russian black markets will have another feast ... Treating its subjects as slaves, while handing everything over the super-upper class in charge. Like I said yesterday, the joke is on you, Russians. You are losing your future, this war and everything what you own to a few, who have their money and properties hidden in the evil West. But I also say: Every people has the government it deserves, you more than any other country.
Russia Hikes Rates at Emergency Meeting Called After Ruble Crash : worldnews
Russian central bank jacks up interest rates to 12% at emergency meeting after ruble plunge : worldnews

At least 12 die in inferno at petrol station in southern Russia : worldnews

Landslides from torrential rain kill over 50 in Indian Himalayas : worldnews

The head of the Russian paramilitary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has been meeting with representatives from Mali, the Central African Republic and Niger. The United States is attempting to block the Wagner Group from profiting from African mines : worldnews

2 Nigerian men accused of running a global sextortion ring linked to a teens suicide have been extradited to US, officials say

Nigers coup leaders say they will prosecute deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason

Algeria bans Barbie' movie, media and official source say

International sanctions are in effect: Russians are chased out of Turkish hotels and deprived of their "wings" Digest of the Center for Strategic Communications - On August 14, hundreds of Russian vacationers were thrown out of hotels in Antalya the planes of the Red Wings airline did not arrive to pick them up. All because two out of three Boeing-777 aircraft in the airlines fleet broke down at the same time. It would not be difficult for Turkey to help with Boeings, but it cannot be.

UK should finally acknowledge role in 1953 Iran coup, says former foreign secretary David Owen. : worldnews

@ZelenskyyUa -- I thank @POTUS Joseph Biden, the U.S. Congress, and the American people for a new $200 million assistance package. Air defense missiles, artillery ammo, mine clearing systems, and anti-tank weapons will add strength to our Defense Forces. Another step toward our joint victory!
Ukraine ready to boycott Olympic Games if Russia and Belarus take part in competition
Ukrainian minister announces raising US$6.3m for 10,000 kamikaze drones : worldnews
Ukraines counteroffensive would fall apart without all the Russian vehicles it has captured, frontline mechanic says
Approximately 30 foreign microchips were found in the Kh-101 missiles launched by Russia at Ukraine on the night of August 15 head of the presidential office Andriy Yermak said. These missiles were manufactured in April 2023. Clearly someone is bypassing sanctions..

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 538, Part 1 (Thread #684) : worldnews

Ukrainian deminers are using a new demining tactic - CNN. When it gets dark and the air cools, sappers launch drones with thermal imaging cameras. On the screens, mines heated by the sun during the day become visible and seem toglowhe detected mines are detonated with special charges. Correspondents say the main problem for Ukrainian troops remains trench fighting and mined areas: They are surrounded by mines. Dont try to tell them that the counter-offensive should be faster.

Captured Russians ask Ukraine not to exchange them before end of contract to avoid fighting againThe publication writes that some of them are asking not to return them at all. But then they will be forced to remain in detention until the end of the war, unless they volunteer to fight in anti-Putin Russian units

traffic between Zaporizhzhia and Crimea are not using Chonhar or Heniches'k it seems. At this point its unclear if some traffic is not allowed to go that route or if its just faster due to slow traffic

Ukraine Says Downed Waves of Missiles, Drones Over Odesa
Overstretched Russian forces may lack the mechanized reserve to thwart #Ukraine establishing a bridgehead on the #Dnipro River, report says

Poland to hold biggest military parade in decades, as its clout in Europe grows | CNN : worldnews
Officials Reveal Dreaded Russian Plot Against New Target in Europe : worldnews
Polish Officials Reveal New Russian Influence Plot for War on Ukraine The Kremlin has kicked its influence arm into high gear to destabilize yet another Russian neighbor, officials told The Daily Beast.

Thousands in Bosnia protest against violence after man livestreamed killing of ex-wife on Instagram : worldnews

Al-Qaida calls for revenge attacks on Sweden and Denmark
UK warns terrorists very likely to try and carry out attacks in Sweden

Minister: Germany plans $5.5 billion in annual military aid for Ukraine until 2027 : worldnews

Fire destroys campsite and 500 hectares in south of France : worldnews

Suspected Russian spies held in major UK security investigation : worldnews
Three Russian spies who lived in UK for a decade and baked cakes for neighbours charged in national security sting
UK installs record number of heat pumps and solar panels : worldnews

Argentine peso plunges after rightist who admires Trump comes first in primary vote : worldnews

Second Ecuador politician killed in less than a week : worldnews

Boiling point? Canadas warming oceans enter uncharted territory

Army, Navy, Marines All Without Senate-Confirmed Leaders Thanks to GOP Stunt : politics

Judge dismisses suit to halt Bidens student debt relief for longtime borrowers
Biden administration report warns grad school borrowing is cause for concern

UPS drivers new $170k per year deal shows that unions (and Joe Biden) may just save the middle class after all

Why Trumps New Mob Boss Case Will Be So Hard to Shake
Megathread: Trump and Others Indicted by Fulton County DA on Charges Related to the Effort to Overturn Trumps 2020 Loss in Georgia
Trump indictment live updates: Former president and allies charged by Fulton county grand jury
Trump's Fulton County indictment, unpacked Trumps Fulton County indictment, unpackedTrump and 18 others face felony charges for being part of a conspiracy that began before the 2020 election and continued after January 6.
Here's who else was charged in Georgia (other than Trump) - Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, John Eastman and Sidney Powell are among the 18 others who were indicted
4 things revealed by Trumps Georgia indictment
The often startling numbers behind Trumps indictment in Georgia

Derp from the Dersh - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Dershofucker)
The view from on the road to nowhere - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Peter Baker in the Newspaper of Record:
Donalds razor
We Will Finally Get a Trump Mugshot With Georgia Indictment | The New Republic Heres what it could look like.

Trump wants judge in dismissed Clinton lawsuit removed from the case : politics
Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged : politics

Make attorneys get attorneys: Trumpers face prison in Georgia some are already starting to turn

Trumps attempt to undermine Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's case badly backfires

Trumps unnamed co-conspirator sparks massive speculation

A Grim Chronicle of Trump's Corrupt Public Life - Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis's wide-ranging indictment of the former president just might sticknot that youd know it if you read The New York Times.
A Grim Chronicle of Trumps Corrupt Public Life
Trumps 4 criminal cases, ranked in order of how screwed he is - 1) New York- Maybe fucked. 2) Jan 6- Fucked 3) Documents case- Really Fucked 4) Georgia- Totally fucked. Like really, really fucked.

What next for Donald Trump? Booking, trial, jury selection, key dates : politics
Trump may well end up in prison. There is still time for 2024 : politics

Trump Assails Prosecutor, Judge in Election Interference Cases : politics
Top Democrats urge Trump, supporters not to interfere with legal process

Opinion: Republicans may be sleepwalking to disaster : politics

Jared Kushners money from Saudi Arabia comes into sharper focus ... over $3 billion was handed over to Jareds private equity fund despite the fact that Jared had no prior experience managing such a fund. The Saudi sovereign wealth fund advised against this, but Jareds "friend" MBS overruled them. What did Jared give them in return?
Ive never seen anything like it: Economic analyst breaks down origin of Jared Kushners $3 billion profit

Trump Attorney ScoldsFox & Friends Host to His Face: You Used to Love Trump!

Christie pulls ahead of DeSantis in New Hampshire GOP primary: poll : politics
Christie rejects Trump-Gore comparison:When Al Gore lost his legal challenges, he conceded
DeSantis campaign is falling apart so quickly that a new poll has him behind Chris Christie in New Hampshire

DeSantis calls on Disney to drop lawsuit against him, warns company it is going to lose
Ron DeSantis has moved on from Disney feud
DeSantis claims every urban core is a disaster zonein CNBC interview

Recall language approved for school board member charged with being fake elector for Trump : politics

Arizona fake electors face legal jeopardy, experts say. : politics

Even after Planned Parenthood stopped performing abortions, Texas is still trying to shut it down : politics
Texas sues Planned Parenthood for millions in Medicaid payments : politics

Maryland bans spanking children at private schools, day cares : politics

California school district forces teachers to out trans kids to their parents. The state tried to warn them that the new rule is illegal. : politics

The Kids Online Safety Act isnt all right, critics say

Heres everything that Massachusetts' 4% tax on millionaires will pay for, from free student lunches to college financial aid

New Oregon law allows patients to have their amputated body parts for cultural, spiritual beliefs : politics

Homeowners were having issues with hot water tank before deadly blast in Pennsylvania, officials say - ABC News but the cause of the blast remains under investigation

Elon Musk's Twitter throttles links to Threads, Blue Sky and New York Times - The Washington Post Elon Musk's X is throttling traffic to websites he dislikes - The site formerly known as Twitter added a five-second delay when a user clicked on a shortened link to the New York Times, Facebook and other sites Musk commonly attacks, a Washington Post analysis found


Earth just had its hottest July by a long shot, NASA and NOAA say

Judge rules in favor of youths in landmark Montana climate trial - The Washington Post This is a monumental decision said a lawyer for the young plaintiffs, and could influence how judges handle similar cases in other states
The Kids Win One! - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Climate disinformation in Spanish spreads, impacting Latinos Spanish-language disinformation on social media as well as coded language to spread false narratives often flies under the radar of the platforms content moderation policies .. a network of Spanish-language social media accounts, mostly based in Spain and Latin America, that engage with a broader right-wing agenda and heavily relies on translated right-wing content originally generated in the U.S. in English. Among that content is climate change denialism

How the Maui wildfire devastated Lahaina, hour by hour - The Washington Post In a visual timeline, survivors recount how they were overwhelmed by the fires speed, smothering smoke and lack of escape routes

New Covid vaccines are on the way as Eris variant rises in US

Australia PM considers national public holiday because of Womens World Cup

New Zealand to drop all remaining Covid-19 restrictions : worldnews

Lion shot dead after escaping from South Korean farm : worldnews

North Koreas Kim orders sharp increase in missile production, days before US-South Korea drills

Taiwan vice president is troublemaker, says Beijing
Taiwan will not back down to threats, Taiwan VP says on US trip : worldnews

Seven of Hong Kongs most prominent democracy figures, including media tycoon Jimmy Lai, were cleared Monday of the charge of organising a massive rally in 2019

Russian Central Bank Calls Emergency Rate Meeting Amid Tumbling Rouble : UkraineWarVideoReport
Ruble Crashes Through 100 Per Dollar Despite Central Banks Move
As rouble falls past 100 per U.S. dollar, Kremlin blames loose monetary policy : worldnews
Russia (RUS) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners | OEC - The Observatory of Economic Complexity

Wagner Group starts to have problems with fundingUK Defence Intelligence

Russia to equip new nuclear submarines with hypersonic missiles : worldnews

Russian warship fires warning shots at cargo ship in Black Sea, Ukrainian adviser says violation of international law

Hundreds of Russian Tourists Stranded in Turkey After Planes Break Down : worldnews

Nigerian delegation says Niger junta is open to diplomacy : worldnews

Explosions heard in Syrian capital Damascus - state media : worldnews

Iran backs Japans call for Kuril Islands talks with Russia amid Moscow 'betrayal' in Gulf territorial dispute
Shippers warned to stay away from Iranian waters over seizure threat : worldnews

Lebanon Christian cleric urges state control of weapons after clash : worldnews

Ex-IDF general likens military control of West Bank to Nazi Germany : worldnews
Teen girls told to sit in back of bus, cover up because of Haredi passengers : worldnews
Likud minister mocked for saying its my job to name friends to government posts | The Times of Israel

Saint Javelin on Twitter: "The installation of the trident on the "Motherland" monument has been completed!" / X
Ukraine desperate for help clearing mines, says defence minister : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 537, Part 1 (Thread #683) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 14.8.2023 : ukraine

Ukraine says it ousted Russian forces from front line territory near Bakhmut : worldnews
Ukrainian guerillas set fire to Russian military base in Mariupol : worldnews
(2/4) Ukrainian forces have worked to raid or set up small bridgeheads at new locations on the Russian-held east bank.
(4/4) The combatants also continue to skirmish for control of small islands in the Dnipro estuary. Russian commanders face a dilemma of whether to strengthen this area or to deploy troops in the areas of Ukraines main counter-offensive operations, farther to the east.
Update on Urozhaine: Based on Russian reports this morning, I believe Urozhaine is under the full control of the AFU.
Ukrainian Cluster Shells Massacred Russian Troops Fleeing Urozhaine : worldnews

Ex-major general of Ukraines Security Service sentenced for treason

Tiny Ukrainian Drones Just Wrecked One Of Russias Terminator Vehicles

Ukrainian soldier tells story of how Wagnerites amput

Danish air force intercepts Russian bombers headed to NATO airspace : worldnews

Dozens of Russian diplomats leave Moldova after expulsion order : worldnews

Poland detains Russians spreading Wagner Group propaganda : worldnews
Poland Detains Two Russians for Spreading Wagner Propaganda : worldnews

Czech police seize 646 kilos of cocaine hidden in banana crates : worldnews

China courts Germanys far-right populist AfD
German automaker Mercedes-Benz has completely disconnected Russian dealerships from its software. Access, among other things, is limited to online services that allow you to quickly find the cause of the failure and eliminate it : worldnews
Platform 17: Arson attack on memorial to deported Jews in Berlin

Toronto gay couple wins lawsuit in Italy after sons birth photo used without consent
United States return 266 incredibly valuable stolen artefacts to Italy : worldnews

RAF Typhoon jets intercept Russian bombers flying north of Scotland : worldnews

Theresa Villiers: Ex-environment secretary failed to declare Shell shares : worldnews (Tory shit)
More than 500 people crossed Channel in small boats on Saturday : worldnews

Far-right populist emerges as biggest vote-getter in Argentinas presidential primary voting

Guatemala presidential frontrunner to keep same-sex marriage illegal and run country with fear of God

Cocaine cartels encroach on Unification Churchs Paraguayan paradise

Canadian Armed Forces deployed to fight wildfires in Alberta, Northwest Territories : worldnews

Giving Up A Myth - Lawyers, Guns & Money It is time for arms controllers and nuclear abolitionists to retire the Oppenheimer/ Manhattan Project myth.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin blasts GOP senator's blockade of military promotions as 'unnecessary' and 'unsafe' ... for the first time in the history of the Department of Defense, three of our military services are operating without Senate-confirmed leaders. (PUtin Pawn Tuberfucker)

White House steps up judicial confirmation efforts after slowdown - The Washington Post

DeJoys 10-Year Plan Could Gut USPS. He Doesnt Want You toKnow the Details.

Two Months in Georgia: How Trump Tried to Overturn the Vote : politics
How Donald Trump tried to undo his loss in Georgia in 2020 : politics
Trumps legal team connected to Georgia voting system breach: report
Donald Trump faces pivotal 24 Hours as Fani Willis to bring Georgia charges : politics
Donald Trump expected to face 2020 election charges in Georgia this week
Trump says he didnt tamper with election ahead of possible Georgia indictment
Why Georgias case against Trump could be so damaging
Why Georgias case against Trump could be so damaging
Georgia court website briefly publishes, removes document about potential Trump charges : news Damn that is a lot of felony charges.
In Georgia, cameras could sharpen the focus on Trump in the courtroom : politics
Hes going to be very surprised: Georgia DA Fani Willis prepares to face off with Trump
Hes going to be very surprised: Georgia DA Fani Willis prepares to face off with Trump | Legal watchers say the Fulton county district attorneys entire career has prepared her for the prosecution of Donald Trump

Trump jabs at judge in election case, testing warning against inflammatory statements
Donald Trump Takes Legal Risk by Sharing Tanya Chutkan Claims : politics
Trump Spent The Weekend Publicly Attacking His Judge
Daring the judge: Donald Trump attacks judge in 2020 election case, despite her warnings
"Blatantly unlawful": Legal experts say Trump is "witness tampering in real time" on Truth Social : politics

Trumps Bid to Sink the Manhattan DAs Case Has Already Made It Stronger

Trump Indictment: Co-Conspirators Begin to Turn on Each Other : politics
Why Are So Many of Trumps Alleged Co-Conspirators Lawyers?

The conservative case for disqualifying Trump is strong : politics
Trump could be the most successful con artist in American history : politics
The constitutional case that Donald Trump is already banned from being president : politics
GOP sees turnout disaster without Trump : politics

Republicans furious after DOJ gave them what they wanted : politics
Hunter Biden Says Prosecutors Reneged on Major Part of Plea Deal - The New York Times The move is the latest salvo in the back and forth between Mr. Biden and David C. Weiss, the federal prosecutor who was appointed special counsel last week.

White supremacy and plutocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money The twin pillars of the contemporary Republican party are, functionally speaking, closely connected:

Nevada jumps in front of South Carolina in GOP early voting - POLITICO After announcing its caucuses will be Feb. 8, only one of the four early states is left to set its primary date.

Fully expected the downfall: Inside DeSantiss brawls with Fla. Republicans
The war on free speech in Florida - Lawyers, Guns & Money Christopher Rufo collaborated with Sarasota police to use state coercion to force one of his most prominent critics to leave campus: Time for Bari Weiss to commission another piece by Cornel West pretending to wonder why anyone is criticizing Ron DeSantis when he just wants college students to read Pluto`

Civil rights groups sue Tennessee over the states GOP-drawn congressional and state Senate maps, calling the boundaries unconstitutional racial gerrymandering

Newest anti-woke tantrum: Right-wingers dont think kids of different races can be friends

Despite bans, organizations help Idahoans access abortions: Ultimately, its unstoppable
Idaho law hands parents more power in choosing school curriculums. Its led to major changes - Translation: Idaho law hands ignorant far-righters the power to force their ignorance on school curriculums.

RFK Jr. backs 15-week federal ban on abortion, then reverses himself : politics
Ratfucking failson supports national abortion ban - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The Silicon Valley/Rogan/Greenwald Axis of Derp is going to like him even more now:
The rodent fondling Kennedy has demonstrated how misogynists misuse the concept of fetal viability to deny people their rights.

13-Year-Old Rape Victim Forced to Give Birth Due to Mississippis Abortion Ban.
She Wasnt Able to Get an Abortion. Now She a Mom. Soon Shell Start 7th Grade. ... In the fall of 2022, Ashley was raped by a stranger in the yard outside her home,

David McCormick is gearing up for a Senate run in Pennsylvania. But he lives in Connecticut : politics ,,, Tubberville lives in Florida, Ted Cruz lives in Cancun. What's the problem here

Bodycam video shows confrontation between U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, officer | The Texas Tribune with the Amarillo Republican directing a profanity-laced tirade toward a trooper.

Book battles are raging nationwide. A WA library could be nations first to close

In the pandemic emergency, Brewster Kahles Internet Archive freely lent out digital scans of its library. Publishers sued. Owning a book means something different now ... No dice, wrote Judge John G. Koeltl of U.S. District Court in Manhattan. His decision granting summary judgment for the publishers in March went far beyond the pandemic library. Any benefit for research and cultural participation, he said, was outweighed by harm to the publishers bottom line. (you don't)

In a small Kansas town, a brazen attack on press freedom - "These are Hitler tactics, and something has to be done" (crooked judge/cop shit is deep)
A central Kansas police force sparked a firestorm by raiding a newspaper and the publishers home
After a police raid on a Kansas newspaper, questions mount

Montgomery brawl video went viral because it's so cinematic In the most unexpected action sequence of all, a teen swam to the rescue and performed a professional wrestling move on one of the bad guys.
Ive spent my career explaining race, but hit a wall with Montgomery brawl memes
Ammon Bundy Finally Appears In Court After Weekend Arrest

That I dont know. I just dont know. I really just dont know. -- The AMA recently published an article about how the Republican drive to ban some health care procedures is impacting residency program selection.

Idahos Teacher of the Year Winner Leaving State Following Right-Wing Harassment The educator was attacked for discussing world cultures and for recognizing the existence of the United Nations.

Blind Side subject Oher alleges Tuohys made millions off lie

TIL estrogen is responsible for the "masculinization" of male brains in early development. Newborn female mice exposed to estrogen will even go on to exhibit male behavior, such as mounting other female mice. Estrogen also plays important roles in memory, stroke prevention, and overall brain health. : todayilearned

AI improves breast cancer detection rate by 20 percent : worldnews

Women tend to overestimate hostile sexism and underestimate benevolent sexism in romantic partners, study finds : science

New study links mindfulness meditation and psychedelic use to positive leadership outcomes at work : science

Revealing the Smithsonians racial brain collection

The 1848 Revolutions Did Not Fail | The New Republic The year that Europe went to the barricades changed the world. But it has not left the same impression on the public imagination as 1789 or 1917.

The Myth of Zen in the Art of Archery Yamada Shoji (Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, vol. 28 issue 1-2, 2001)PDF
The Myth of Zen in the Art of Archery on JSTOR

The Wizards of Bullshit : HistoryofIdeas

People are having sex in self-driving cars, apparently : technology


ELI5: Would removing CO2 from the atmosphere to pre-industrial levels have an immediate or longer term effect on our climate if at all? : explainlikeimfive

NSW Labor accused of fundamental breach of trust over logging in promised koala national park

Only AI made it possible: scientists hail breakthrough in tracking British wildlife

Bronze Age deforestation changed Europes climate. Tree-cutting driven by the switch to farming is linked with warmer summers in southern Europe.

93 confirmed dead in Great Maui Fire: Locals ask for help DNA testing remains, insist tourists stay away for now : news
Death toll from Maui wildfire reaches 89, making it the deadliest in the US in more than 100 years : news
Hawaii has a robust emergency siren warning system. It sat silent during the deadly wildfires : news
Lahaina before and after - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Fake-populist lies, coming and going - Lawyers, Guns & Money Richard Grenell is.a reprehensible asshole even by TrumpWorld standards: (Ukraine aid responsible for Maui fires)

No evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause sudden cardiac arrest or myocarditis in athletes. Social media has been awash with claims that COVID-19 vaccinations are to blame when athletes falls to the ground with a sudden cardiac arrest. : science

Long COVID is devastating and far from rare. As infections rise again, why are we still ignoring it? |

Doctors Orders -- COVID-19 and the new science wars - The inability to found any discipline of social science akin to one of the natural sciences is a key feature of the spread of scientism in the modern world.

US Secret Service tip-off leads to arrest of five foreign nationals over alleged ATM scam : worldnews

Miss Universe Organisation cuts Indonesia ties over sex abuse claims : worldnews
Authorities in Indonesias ultra-conservative Aceh province have ordered men and women not immediately related or married to stay apart in vehicles and public places

S. Korea-U.S.-Japan summit to lead to security cooperation framework: official : worldnews
U.S., Japan to develop hypersonic missile interceptor

China vows vigorous response to US visit by Taiwan vice president.
China vows forceful response over Taiwan VPs US visit

Chinas Inner Mongolia reports two cases of bubonic plague

Modern Russia remains an empire and does not see itself as a Great Power unless it dominates its neighbors. Consequently, Russia will continue to threaten, attack, and absorb its neighbors until the West acts collectively to contain it

[2/4] Since the abortive mutiny of June 2023, the Russian state has acted against some other business interests of Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin. There is a realistic possibility that the Kremlin no longer funds the group.

Russian warship fires warning shots on cargo ship in Black Sea : worldnews

Ethiopia cracks down on gay sex in hotels, other venues : worldnews

At least six killed, 12 hurt in Somalia bus explosion

ECOWAS to hold Russia responsible if Wagner Group violates human rights in Niger | The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News : worldnews

King of Jordan approves a bill to criminalize online speech. Human rights groups call it draconian : worldnews

The Wall Street Journal reports that the US government is trying to convince Egypt to start supplying weapons to Ukraine, but Cairo is in no hurry to fulfill this request. After the Egyptian authorities refused to supply weapons to Ukraine, some members of the US Congress proposed to freeze the allocation of 230 million US aid to Cairo.

A year ago, an Iranian womans death sparked hijab protests. Now businesses are a new battleground
Iran protests: Teen girl Sonia Sharifi abducted and tortured by Iranian forces for second time
Iran's politicians to debate hijab laws in secret : worldnews

Palestinian officials welcome first Saudi Arabia ambassador : worldnews
Palestinian President Abbas to Meet With Egypt, Jordan Amid U.S.-Saudi Israel Talks : worldnews

A Ukrainian arms dealer accused of corruption is now one of the countrys top weapons suppliers
Rheinmetall to deliver Luna drone system to Ukraine by year end : worldnews
By end of year, Rheinmetall will hand cutting-edge UAV over to Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 536, Part 1 (Thread #682) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 13 August 2023.

Up to five mines per square metre Ukraines Defence Minister on Russian minefields
Ukrainian forces hit an ammunition storage warehouse in Russian-occupied Oleshky. This couldnt have arrived at a worse time since Russians are increasingly having problems along the Dnipro river and while Russians are trying to take potato fields near Kupyansk in hope to lure Ukrainian troops away from the important frontlines. You Russians are having the dumbest leadership, both political and military. Please keep Shoigu for as long as possible.

Ukraine Makes Tactically Significant Progress in Its Counteroffensive
Ukraine makes partial but significant gain in south as counteroffensive grinds on
#UkrOffensive2023ZAP Was wondering which Romanchuk bunk line of defense would give way first: Juno (left - #Urozhaine ) or Omaha (right - #Robotyne ) Line of Crapola cant be far behind from breaking also.

7 killed in Ukraines Kherson region, including a 23-day-old baby girl Seven people, including a 23-day-old baby girl, were killed in Russian shelling in Ukraines southern Kherson region on Sunday

Ukraine fires missiles at Kerch Bridge connecting Crimea to Russia : worldnews
Ukraine war: Crimea bridge targeted by missiles, Russia says : worldnews
Russia vows retaliation for Ukraines terrorist attackon Crimean Bridge

Travellers frustrated as Lithuania tightens border with Belarus : worldnews

Germany rejects over 30,000 Iraqi asylum seekers in six months : worldnews
Berlin seeks mafia-busting powers to tackle crime clans : worldnews
Germans stage rally demanding legalization of cannabis : worldnews

We risk being seen as the nasty party again, warn senior Conservatives after proposals from some minister to have the United Kingdom leave the ECHR over immigration
TikTok users in UK to be left with more toxicversion of app, say campaigners
UK Court of Appeal: Low-THC hemp flower is not a narcotic drug

Brazils former highway police chief arrested, accused of interfering in 2022 presidential elections

Colombia prosecutors confirm arrest of father of 2 of the 4 children lost 40 days in Amazon jungle : worldnews ... the charges were abuse, including sexual abuse of the oldest stepdaughter. Kids knew how to survive, because they would run away to the forest often, even for 3 consecutive days.

Argentina says it will punish foreign football fans who burn or tear up bank notes to taunt locals while attending matches in the country : worldnews

Do Cartels Exist?, by Rachel Nolan A revisionist view of the drug wars

Group That Calls CO2 Gas of Life Praises Albertas Renewables Moratorium

6 ways the Inflation Reduction Act changed America and the world in 1 year : politics

Americas Original Gun Control | Early in our history, firearms laws were everywhere
Gov. JB Pritzker signs new law allowing victims of gun violence to sue gun makers : politics

Key allegations against Clarence Thomas in Democrats call for probe
Unprecedented, stunning, disgusting: Clarence Thomas condemned over billionaire gifts
The Supreme Court is taking a wrecking ball to the wall between church and state The Courts Republican majority has ground the Constitutions establishment clause down to a nub.
Losing Our Religion review: Trump and the crisis of US Christianity | Books : politics undefined

Joe Biden Goes Full Dark Brandon Barking Back At Fox News Peter Doocy
How the Dark Brandon Meme Evolved From an Online Joke to Joe Bidens Unlikely Weapon

Louis DeJoy: From Trump villain to Bidens clean energy buddy

Prosecutors have messages linking Trumps team to Georgia voting system breach The messages confirm that Trumps team tried to access Coffee Countys voting systems prior to Jan. 6
Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trumps team is behind voting system breach.
Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trumps team is behind voting system breach
Georgia Is Ground Zero for Trump Exhaustion as Another Indictment Looms
Trump election investigation in Georgia headed to grand jury next week : politics
Former Georgia lieutenant governor to testify before Fulton County grand jury in 2020 election probe Tuesday : politics

Jack Smith calls out Trump defence for forgetting when the Capitol riot happened : politics

Republican senator who voted to convict Trump speaks out on his third indictment : politics

A MAGA Mob Called for His Death, But Mike Pence Just Cant Quit MAGA
Pence says he doesnt recall if he was told about false elector scheme leading up to Jan. 6

Trump heading for Republican coronation as 2024 rivals struggle to stop him

Republicans Are Mad They Got The Hunter Biden Special Counsel They Asked For : politics

A veteran FBI agent told Congress that investigations into Giuliani and other Trump allies were suppressed : politics

The psychology of the Trump cult - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump has gone off the deep end for real: He's a danger to humanity | Donald Trump has gone off the deep end for real: He's a danger to humanity - Even by his standards, Trump has gone berserk on social media since the last indictment. Drop this guy, America

Matt Gaetz says only "force" can make change in Washington D.C. : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greenes campaign manager to pay $25k over Ohio train derailment scam

The mystery of Vivek Ramaswamys rapid rise in the polls

DeSantis taps anti-LGBTQ+ Liberty Counsel lawyer for judgeship : politics
Protesters Hit DeSantis With Pudding FingersChant in Iowa
Theyre violating my rights: Worrells chief of staff fired while on maternity leave
Orlando attempts to reassure LGBTQ+ people its safe to visit despite Florida having some of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ+ state laws in the US.
Meatball of the year : PoliticalHumor (uncanny)

GOP senator amplifies conspiracy theory that Covid was pre-planned by 'elite' in anti-vaccine rant on Fox ... Ron Johnson and Maria Bartiromo falsely claimed the FDA approves ivermectin to treat the disease ("elite" = "the Jews")

Arkansas education department nixes AP African American Studies course at last minute : politics

Sheriff says U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson cursed at officers, threatened his job in rodeo altercation : politics

Voters saw through Ohio Republican phonies, demolishing Issue 1 and perhaps some political careers:

Massachusetts Adopts Universal Free Meals For All Public School Kids : politics

Eschaton: 8 Can't Wait Never take advice on either politics or policy from people who care nothing about the issue they are claiming to care about. I mean, do you think Jon Chait cares about whether cops murder black people with impunity? Do you think Matt Yglesias cares about anything that happens to people outside of his Monkeysphere of 8?

In Marion County newspaper raid, a grim threat to Kansans First Amendment rights - Why would a judge sign off on an apparently illegal search? What type of officials would willingly execute such an abuse of power? Could any convoluted sequence of liquor permit infighting possibly justify such drastic measures? Are we still living in a state and nation where the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution applies?
Police questioned over legality of Kansas newspaper raid in which computers, phones seized : politics
Marion County Record: Police raid Kansas newspaper office and owner's home, seize records and computers | CNN
Police raid Kansas newspaper office and owners home, seize records and computers ... When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. And also wearing a badge.
Police raid local Kansas newspaper office and homes of reporters | Kansas | The Guardian The paper added that Newell admitted to the drink-driving arrest and driving with a suspended license.
Police stage chilling raid on Marion County newspaper, seizing computers, records and cellphones
Marion County Record Subjected to Police Raid After Unpublished DUI Story About Restaurateur Kari Newell The Marion County Record said its co-owner died Saturday after a police raid left her stressed beyond her limits.
UPDATED: Illegal raids contribute to death of newspaper co-owner | Marion County Record | Aug. 13, 2023 (disgusting details)

RFK Jr. says hed sign a federal ban on abortions after three months of pregnancy

Starting next year, child influencers can sue if earnings arent set aside, says new Illinois law

Michigan police handcuff Black child by mistake : news

Family of Utah man shot dead by FBI after threats to Biden say he was frustrated at "corruption" ... Suicide by Fox.

Tasers, taunts, torment: How 6 White officers subjected 2 Black men to hours of grueling violence, and then tried to cover it up | CNN : news -- Rankin County, Mississipp

Another Inmate found dead in cell at Fulton County Jail : news

Sunnyvale dentist facing child porn, peeping charges after camera found in restroom : news

Ex-USC campus gynecologist ordered to stand trial on sex charges : news

Boston doctor arrested for allegedly masturbating, exposing himself on aircraft while teen sat next to him : news

Harris County woman awarded $1.2 billion in revenge porn case : news

Mob of up to 50 people swarms LA mall and steals tens of thousands in luxury goods, police say : news

New Footage Shows Tesla On Autopilot Crashing Into Police Car After Alerting Driver 150 Times : technology

TIL that Sean Connery whilst working with Lana Turner, was confronted by Turners gangster boyfriend Johnny Stompanato. Stompanato drew a gun on Connery, only to be disarmed and beaten up by the actor.

Which writers have the most beautiful prose? : books

Its actually a real problem that men increasingly dont read books and literature is seen as geared towards women
The 12 Book Classical Education - ThinkingWest
Classical Educators Reading ListTop 55 Books
Literature List - JECA - Jonathan Edwards Classical Academy


Virtually certain extreme Antarctic events will get worse without drastic action.

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert : worldnews
Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert - Water scarcity threatening agriculture faster than expected, warns Cop15 desertification president : worldnews

EU blindsided by spectacular solar rolloutLarge majority of EU countries will hit 2030 solar targets ahead of schedule, according to new data

80 people now confirmed dead in The Great Maui Fire, but officials fear the death toll could be far higher as hundreds are still not accounted for : news

Global Covid cases up 80pc as new subvariant EG.5 rises : worldnews

NSW gay conversion therapy ban to extend to gender identity, transgender suppression : worldnews

The 1975: Malaysia festival cancelled after gay kiss demands $2.7m in damages from British band : worldnews

2 killed, 16 missing after mudslide in north Chinas Xian: Report

Russia is accelerating the implementation of the digital ruble. The Central Bank of Russia will start its first real operations on 15 August in 11 cities. Now Russians are being told that it will be "the onset of a new beautiful and transparent world". : UkrainianConflict
Why Putins Russia cannot accept its borders
Bellingcat Investigator Predicts Prigozhins Demise or Second Coup

The number of suicides among #Russian officers has increased significantly since the start of the war - This was told by the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of #Ukraine Andriy Yusov. According to him, some of the occupiers have already killed themselves out of fear of retribution.

Metro 2033 author Dmitry Glukhovsky sentenced to 8 years in prison for criticizing Russias invasion of Ukraine
Russian Orthodox priests face persecution from state and church for supporting peace in Ukraine : worldnews

Russian Factories Face Record Labor Shortages : worldnews
Russia is manufacturing its own version of Irans Shahed attack drones to continue air attacks on Ukraine, report says

Starvation as a Means of Genocide: Azerbaijans Blockade of the Lachin Corridor Between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
Reasonable to believe genocide against Armenians being committed, former ICC chief prosecutor says | CNN

Indias Hindu-Muslim hate crimes are being tracked, by self-exiles Modi supporters wants silenced

Dengue outbreak in Bangladesh sparks alarm after 364 people die this year and infections rise : worldnews

Ghana abolishes death penalty, replaces it with life imprisonment : worldnews

Ethiopia cracks down on gay sex in hotels, bars and restaurants : worldnews

Nigers captive leader losing weight in inhumane conditions, daughter says
Blinken says US backs ECOWAS efforts on Niger. : worldnews
Niger coup: Russia warns Ecowas not to take military action : worldnews
Tensions rise as West African nations prepare to send troops to restore democracy in Niger : worldnews

Seven worshippers killed in northern Nigeria mosque collapse : worldnews

Islamic State attack on army bus kills 33 Syrian soldiers : worldnews

UN completes removal of oil from decaying tanker off Yemen : worldnews

Temperatures in Iraq surpass 50 degrees Celsius amid heatwave : worldnews (122 F)

Growing Segregation by Sex in Israel Raises Fears for Women's Rights - Ultra-Orthodox members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right coalition want to expand the powers of all-male rabbinical courts, and to bar women and men from mixing in many public arenas. ... Bus drivers in central Tel Aviv and southern Eilat have refused to pick up young women, because they were wearing crop tops or workout clothes. Last month, ultra-Orthodox men in the religious town of Bnei Brak stopped a public bus and blocked the road because a woman was driving.

Zelensky to Sack All Military Commissars Because of Cynicism and Graft
Zelenskyy fires recruitment officials for accepting $10,000 bribes to help Ukrainian men dodge the draft: bribery during war is treason
Yermak: Ukraine, UK start talks on security guarantees. The governments of Ukraine and the U.K. began bilateral negotiations on security guarantees for Ukraine, Presidential Office head Andriy Yermak said on Aug. 11.
F-16 training: Ukrainian pilots will not be operational before 2024 : worldnews
WSJ: Ukraines Sea Drones Alter Balance of Power in Black Sea

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 535, Part 1 (Thread #681) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 11.8.2023 : ukraine
The Kremlin won't admit how many soldiers have died i

NYT: Ukraine Makes Tactically Significant Progress in Its Counteroffensive (Article in Comments)
The Armed Forces of #Ukraine performed a miracle, pushing #Russians back to defensive positions, reports the Pentagon.
Tank battles in the center of Urozhaine. Good news soon
2/ Ukrainian forces on the other hand maintain reserves that allow them to rotate units instead of relying on redeploying units conducting defensive and offensive operations to other sectors of the line without rest.

Ukraines Odesa opens a few beaches for the first time since Russian invasion

New report highlights evidence of escalating Russian genocide in Ukraine : worldnews
A new international report has identified evidence that Russias campaign of genocide in Ukraine is escalating
Russian missile hits hotel used by UN in Zaporizhzhia : worldnews
Business Ukraine mag on Twitter: "A series of recent Russian airstrikes on Ukrainian hotels and restaurants frequented by international correspondents is fueling accusations that Moscow is deliberately targeting the media in a bid to intimidate journalists covering the war in Ukraine" / X

Russians stop providing insulin to civilians without Russian citizenship in occupied village in Kherson Oblast : worldnews
The RU-appointed head of the occupied town of Lazurne, Kherson region, said that residents without RU passports will not be given insulin & other medicines, and also threatened to take the children who refuse to study in RU schools to the demarcation line.
Ukraine says Russias plans property inventory in occupied Kherson Oblast, aims to steal unclaimed property

Explosions heard in Crimean Bridge area : worldnews
Russia says drones swarmed Crimea overnight; U.S. sanctions Russian elite : worldnews

Man in Bosnia kills ex-wife live on Instagram, then kills 2 more people before taking his own life : worldnews
Migrants who storm #EU borders are brought to #Belarus from #Moscow - #Polish border guards detained 105 violators of the Belarusian-Polish border over the past day. They are citizens of Sri Lanka, Sudan, Iran, Egypt and Ethiopia. It turned out that they had Russian tourist and work visas. The migrants came to Belarus by organized transport from Moscow, reports the Polish Border Service.

Almost 14,000 evacuated in Polish city after unexploded WWII bomb found : worldnews

German far rights Hocke wants to kick disabled kids out of regular schools
China courts Germanys far-right populist AfD

France evacuates Eiffel Tower amid bomb alert : worldnews

Mass arrest at LGBTQ club in Venezuela prompts outcry over discrimination : worldnews

Bolsonaro received cash from $70,000 sale of luxury Saudi gifts, Brazils police allege
Brazil police arrest Amazon deforestation gang leader : worldnews

Chinese immigration consultant with Vancouver ties arrested in Shanghai, according to Chinese media reports : worldnews
Fury as Alberta cuts renewables during Canadas worst fire season ever

The Pentagon plans to shake up DCs National Guard, criticized for its response to protests, Jan. 6

301 military promotions Sen. Tommy Tuberville is blocking, visualized - The Washington Post (Russian owned football-head nukes US military)

Barrels of drinking water for migrants walking through Texas have disappeared : news

Lawmakers Urge Corrupt As Hell Clarence Thomas To Resign After New Revelations
Trumps lawyers wanted Clarence Thomas to review their 2020 election lies, saying he was theironly chanceof stopping Bidens victory
AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas | Democrats make demand in letter to attorney general Merrick Garland and condemn judges blatant disregard for judicial ethics

Grand Jury to Hear Trump Election Interference Case Early Next Week - The New York Times
Geoff Duncan: Former Georgia lieutenant governor to testify before Fulton County grand jury in 2020 election probe Tuesday | CNN Politics ... The Fulton County probe brings the possibility of a fourth indictment against Trump, taking the GOP frontrunner even further into uncharted legal territory.

Judge Chutkan says Trumps right to free speech in January 6 case is not absolute

Judge warns Trump: nflammatory statements about election case could speed trial

Trump could face "big picture" RICO case in Georgia, expert says - CBS News

Nancy Pelosi praises the exquisite indictments against Trump: They're beautiful and intricate

Trump Allies Spill as Jack Smiths Probe Targets Sidney Powell

Why Would Trump Leave Office After A Second Term If Prison Awaits? Experts Fear He Wont.

Republicans Wanted a Hunter Biden Special Counsel. Theyre Pissed They Actually Got One

Youre not serious people: Congress called out for ignoring Jared Kushners huge scandal

How Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trumps Toxic, Twisted Bromance Nearly Drove the Country Off a Cliff

Donald Trump and the forgotten 14th Amendment - Lawyers, Guns & Money ,,, Dred Scott had taught them that even the most expensive and carefully worded protection of rights against state violation would mean little if they were interpreted by public officials hostile to civil rights (confederate resident evil)

Better martyrs: the growing role of women in the far-right movement

Violent threats against public officials are rising. Heres why

Former Republican staffer admits GOP would intentionally spread lies : politics
The GOP Is Done with Democracy : politics

Records: Michigan voting machines exchanged at mall, manipulated in hotels

Ron DeSantis slips to third place in Republican primary poll : politics (after Ramadummy)
At the Iowa State Fair, DeSantis Cant Seem to Catch a Break
Videos by PragerU, a conservative media company, can be played in Florida classrooms : politics
It was the latest action by board members out to change the school after their appointment by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Tommy Tuberville's Block of Military Promotions Hits His Home State : politics

3-Year-Old Migrant Dies During Trip to Chicago on Bus Sponsored by Texas : politics
3-Year-Old Dies Riding One Of Abbotts Migrant Buses
Texas questions rights of a fetus after a prison guard who had a stillborn baby sues : politics
Sheriff: Ronny Jackson threatened to beatstate trooper after being handcuffed at rodeoThe report on the July 29 incident from Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry portrays the GOP congressman as belligerent and uncooperative.

Vos says lawmakers may consider impeachment if Protasiewicz doesn't recuse from redistricting cases - We are going to exercise our power we obtained through extreme gerrymandering to prevent having the power to gerrymander being taken away. Sounds like a legit form of democracy.

The failed Ohio amendment reflects Republican efforts nationally to restrict direct democracy : politics

Police raid local Kansas newspaper office and homes of reporters : politics ... Whenever you see this story, note that local politician and restaurant owner Kari Newell arranged for the blatantly unconstitutional raid and equipment seizure. Why? Because Newell was afraid the Marion County Record would publish information about her drunk driving conviction from 2008. Newell illegally concealed that conviction from the state alcoholic beverage commission because it would have jeopardized her restaurants liquor license.

Illinois Supreme Court upholds states ban on semiautomatic weapons | The law bans dozens of specific brands or types of rifles and handguns, .50-caliber guns, attachments and rapid-firing devices.
Illinois just made it possible to sue people for doxxing attacks : politics

Anti-LGBTQ+ couple cries religious discrimination after their foster parent application was denied. The state requires parents to treat even LGBTQ+ foster kids with respect, but this couple says that violates their religious beliefs. : politics ... The lawsuit was filed by Michael and Catherine Burke against the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF)

Mayes warns counties against GOP-led efforts to count ballots by hand : politics - AZ

Unluckiest generation falters in boomer-dominated market for homes - The median age of a first-time homebuyer climbs to 36, as high interest rates and asking prices further erode spending power, first-time home buyers are older, with a median age of 36, the oldest since NAR started keeping track in 1981, when it was 29As the age climbed, she noted, the share of first-time home buyers sank to historic lows

Were All Water-Bottle Freaks -- Americans are drinking more water. How best to contain it: That's the burning question.

Ammon Bundy arrested: Held in Gem County on a $10K bond : news

As kidfluencers come of age, we need to consider the consequences of viral fame : technology

FTXs Bankman-Fried headed for jail over alleged witness tampering
Sam Bankman-Fried Is Jailed for Leaking His Exs Diary

News Corp profits dive 75% as Rupert Murdoch-owned company hints at AI future | News Corporation : worldnews

Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection : worldnews

Music labels sue nonprofit Internet Archive for copyright infringement over digitized 78s of Frank Sinatra and other artists : technology

Scientists uncover hidden math that governs genetic mutations : worldnews

Fossil of tiny extinct whale discovered in Egypt, named for King Tut : worldnews

found no detectable difference in altered states of consciousness induced by 20 mg psilocybin, 100 microg LSD, or 500 mg mescaline and no severe side effects were noted for any substance

New research has identified an increased likelihood of criminal sexual behavior among celebrities who cheat on their partners. The findings, published in Sexuality & Culture, suggest that unresolved sexual frustration can manifest in harmful behaviors among celebrities. : science

New analysis linked lead exposure, either in utero or during childhood, with an increased risk of engaging in criminal behavior in adulthood : science

How do we know that the sun has burned half of its fuel? : askscience

Research shows that older adults with moderate to severe distance vision issues were 72 percent more likely to have dementia. Prioritizing vision health may be key to optimizing both sight and overall health and well-being : science


The Race to Save the World's DNA - A scientific rescue mission aims to analyze every plant, animal, and fungus before it's too late.

Huge coral bleaching unfolding across the Americas prompts fears of global tragedy

First Extinction Alert Issued In 70 Years For Rarest Marine Mammal On Earth : worldnews ... Lots of extinction/endangered animals in this modern age seems to point back at China and "medicine"

Climate change will even make food poisoning worse : worldnews

Beavers born in Sussex for first time in 500 years : worldnews

Hawaii fires: states deadliest natural disaster leaves 67 people dead
Hawaii fires: death toll increases to 67, says Maui county
Maui wildfires live updates: 55 dead as Lahaina fire continues - The Washington Post
53 people have died from the Maui wildfires, governor says, and historic Lahaina has burned down
At least 55 people died on Maui. Residents had little warning before wildfires overtook a town. - The Boston Globe
The destruction of Lahaina - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Maui: Emergency sirens werent activated ahead of deadly fire, agency says

1,377 confirmed cases and 2 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Right-Wing Herd Immunity Logic Has Infiltrated US Politics and Public Health

eli5: why Australia is so less populous? : explainlikeimfive (no water, no rivers)

New Zealand intelligence report accuses China of foreign interference

North Koreans ordered to protect portraits of Kim Jong-un as tropical storm Khanun looms : worldnews

Biden calls China a ticking time bomb due to economic troubles
Biden Fears China Is Ticking Time BombPosing Danger to World ... Does that say Abe Lincoln?
China says military company worker exposed as CIA spy : worldnews

A rocket with a lunar landing craft blasts off on Russias first moon mission in nearly 50 years

Ukraine Issues Warning to Moscow Residents: Expect More, Daily Attacks
Record Number of Explosions Rock Russia in 2022
Twelve Still Missing As Debris Cleared After Deadly, Unexplained Blast Outside Moscow : worldnews
Large Fire Erupts at Warehouse in Odintsovo, Moscow Region : worldnews

Kremlin wants to nationalise Yandex in preparation for presidential elections : worldnews

6 Western nations demand Russia return two regions it took from neighboring Georgia 15 years ago : worldnews

Teenage girl dies after being forced to stay in a period hut in Nepal ... Chhaupadi is based on the centuries-old belief that women and girls are unclean and untouchable during menstruationThe practice, which has links to Hinduism, is deeply embedded in western Nepal.

Sudan conflict 'on verge of turning into a civil war' says UN Official | Africanews : worldnews Sudan conflict on verge of turning into a civil war says UN Official | Africanews

South Africas ex-President Jacob Zuma wont return to prison due to overcrowding

LGBTQ+ people in Ethiopia blame attacks on their community on inciteful and lingering TikTok videos : worldnews

ECOWAS orders immediate activation of standby force in Niger
ECOWAS approves military intervention in Niger. : worldnews
West African nations mobilize standby force as Niger crisis grinds on : worldnews

Iran set to free 5 U.S. citizens in exchange for access to billions of dollars in blocked funds : worldnews

Ukraine says Saudi talks were breakthrough -- Kyiv has more to offer Africa than Russia
Biden asks Congress to allocate additional $22 billion to support Ukraine : worldnews
British Commandos train hundreds of Ukrainian Marines in UK programme : worldnews
A first group of six Ukrainian pilots is not expected to complete training on the U.S.-made F-16 before next summer, senior Ukrainian government and military officials said

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 534, Part 1 (Thread #680) : worldnews

And now, ladies and gentlemen, meet theOlenegorsky Gornyak hole. Two things stand out to me: 1) The Russian ship has been holed below the waterline. 2) The ships interior also appears to have been significantly damaged by the explosion from the Ukrainian naval drone
Ukraine volunteers making $400 Sport FPV drones carrying explosives for kamikaze attacks at the front : worldnews

Ukrainian forces have captured Russian positions east of Robotyne.

What isn't visible at that Rostov-on-the-Don airport casevac point is theseriously wounded that make up 15% of every set of battlefield casualties.
The Russian soldier captured a video that exhibited numerous seriously wounded Russian soldiers awaiting several hours to be evacuated. : UkraineWarVideoReport

NEW: #WagnerGroup maintains a presence at facilities in #Belarus & the status of its rumored withdrawal to #Russia remains unclear. #Ukraine contd counteroffensive operations in at least 3 sectors & advanced in the Donetsk-#Zaporizhia border area Aug 10.

Scholz Will Provide Ukraine with Taurus Missiles If They Are Programmed Not to Strike Russian Territory : worldnews
TSMC decides to build a factory in Germany : worldnews

Switzerland Freaks Out After Veselnitskaya Plot Is Exposed : worldnews ... Corrupt Swiss politicians received kickbacks to grant Russia access to a large amount of money, even though Russia was under sanctions. The Russian lawyer, who was the intermediary, is the same one who met with Trumps campaign team (Trump Jr, Kushner, etc) at Trump Tower ... the Trump voters will still talk about the Russia Hoax as if its not abundantly clear dodgy things went on.

Loch Ness monster hunters gear up for the biggest Nessie hunt in decades : worldnews

Argentina cracks down on football fans who tear up money to taunt locals : worldnews

Buenos Aires protester dies of heart attack apparently suffered while being detained by police : worldnews

Assassinated Ecuadorian candidate stood up to organized crime : worldnews

Quebecers take legal route to remove Indigenous governor general over lack of French : worldnews
Indigenous-led archaeology school disheartened after dig site vandalized twice in 4 days | CBC News

US suicides hit an all-time high last year | AP News - About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever, according to new government data posted Thursday.

How the Inflation Reduction Act Has Reshaped the U.S.and The World ... Companies have invested more than $270 billion in U.S.-based clean energy projects

U.S. international image rebounds with Biden reversing Trump policies : politics

An insidious form of climate denial is festering in the Republican Party

2024 Preview: Bidenomics Versus the Trump Freak Show : politics

Thomas accepted more gifts from billionaire benefactors, new ProPublica report says : politics
US Supreme Courts Clarence Thomas enjoyed array of luxury perks, report says ("PERKS")
After new Justice Thomas bombshell, Sen. Whitehouse says SCOTUS scandals will get worse : politics
Looks like Ron was actually right. : PoliticalHumor

Biden attorneys are in talks with special counsel Robert Hur over terms to interview the president : politics
Biden world resigned to a campaign shadowed by Hunter Biden drama - POLITICO The White House was privately frustrated by the appointment of a special counsel. But Republicans were, too.

Jack Smith Wants Trump Convicted by Super Tuesday : politics
Jack Smith uses Trump lawyers media statements against him in latest 2020 election case filing

Judge Limits Trump's Ability to Share Jan. 6 Evidence - During a 90-minute hearing in Washington, Judge Tanya S. Chutkan also warned the former president against any attempt to intimidate witnesses or prejudice potential jurors.
Prosecutors convinced a judge not to let Trump have his phone while reviewing trial documents because he has a 'tendency' to hold onto material 'he shouldn't have'
Trump's speech will be limited to protect trial, witnesses, judge says - Veteran jurist, tough sentencer of Jan. 6 riot defendants limits what Trump can reveal about government evidence as prosecutors push for January 2024 trial date
Read the Courts Rules for Trump on What He Can and Cannot Say About His Jan. 6 Criminal Case

Trump Is Disqualified From Holding Office, Conservative Law Professors Argue : politics

Matt Gaetz Has a Plan for Blocking Jack Smiths Indictments of Trump | Gaetz believes a select committee should be established to grant Trump immunity from prosecution for his crimes

Trump reacts with fury to proposed 2 January trial date in special counsels2020 election case

Judge Chutkan says Trumps right to free speech in January 6 case is not absolute

Federal Judge Found Reason to Believe Trump WouldFlee from Prosecution

Donald Trumps Campaign Money Could Be Frozen as Part of Probe: Attorney
Spiraling Legal Bills Threaten Trump With a Cash Crunch - The former president's political orbit, including the super PAC that backs him, is already spending more than it is taking inan unusual trajectory this far out from an election.

Jared Kushner crossed line of ethics by accepting $2B Saudi investment: Comer

Harassment of mother and daughter poll workers could form part of Trumps Georgia indictment, report says

Why Elon Musk Fought a Federal Search Warrant to Help Trump. | Twitter, owned by Musk, fought for months for the right to tell Trump about Special Counsel Jack Smiths search warrant for his account

Trumps court appearances should be nationally televised, Adam Schiff says
I'm sure this applies to Trump too, right? Right? : PoliticalHumor

Inside One Egregious Mistake From Trumps Florida Judge Aileen Cannon ... Damn. She has less than 14 days of courtroom experience in her career as a judge. That was four trials and she screwed up at least 2 of them.

Joe Manchin threatens to leave Democratic Party for the last 18 months of his political career - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Ron DeSantis "sad and pathetic," says Florida State Attorney he suspended : politics
Slavery Was Good DeSantis Suspends Floridas Only Black Woman State Attorney
A satire on Ron DeSantis's culture war His efforts to polarize the history of slavery have been a flop.
Academic bomb in our community: Black leaders decry Floridas African American history standards.
After DeSantis suspends Worrell, new leadership fires staffer on maternity leave : politics - So basically they show up with Cops at her door while she is nursing her newborn, fire her, and demand the passwords to the social media accounts which she doesnt have since they were changed when she went on leave. Ron and his crew are certainly acting like a fascist police state.

Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville Actually Lives in Florida: Report : politics (Florida's third senator)
Metaphorical Florida Man also literal Florida Man - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Over 40 percent of Texans live in maternal care deserts, new report says : news

FBI investigating after Oklahoma education funds misspent : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greenes 2020 campaign manager, two others agree to pay $50,000 for roles in East Palestine charity scam

Theyre Going to Shoot Someone: Michigan Republicans Warn of Civil War at Pool Party Fundraiser for Fake Electors
Belleville man charged after July altercation at Michigan Republican party meeting : politics

Parents annoyed as pronouns law requires Indiana schools to report all nickname requests : politics

State Pension Fund Is Helping a Middle Eastern Firm Export Arizonas Precious Groundwater It makes me angry, says a La Paz County supervisor. It's unbelievable

Dobbs will further intensify Republican attacks on democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Massachusetts adopts universal free school meals : politics

Out of control college spending - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Academic freedom no, patronage yes - Lawyers, Guns & Money The University of Florida in 2022 had more than 50 employees with titles of director, associate director or assistant director of communications, roughly double the number it had in 2017. The school also employed more than 160 assistant, associate, executive and other types of deans last year, up from about 130 in 2017.

FTXs Sam Bankman-Fried headed for jail after judge revokes bail
When bad things happen to (formerly) rich people - Lawyers, Guns & Money This schmuck again:
Eschaton: Always Eugenics Effective Altruism was also a way rich tech assholes were trying to smuggle genocidal racism into the mainstream

Brett Favre cant be removed from lawsuit over misspent welfare money, Mississippi Supreme Court rules

Maryland principal accused of sexual assault, bullying by dozens of teachers - The Washington Post Educators and others reported Joel Beidleman to Montgomery County Public Schools 18 times in seven years. It made no difference.

Jonathan Girard charged with voyeurism; camera allegedly found in Vt. gymnastics bathroom

Barnstable County deputy sheriff arrested, placed on leave after alleged road rage incident

Association between cannabis use and risk of diabetes mellitus type 2: Cannabis Consumers Possess Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes : science

Dinosaur tracksite in Lesotho: how a wrong turn led to an exciting find : worldnews

Large creature with 20 arms found lurking in Antarctic sea. Its a new species (icosapus)

Physicists have found a demon particle inside a superconductor, and it could finally explain how they work

Never mind room temperature, LK-99 slammed as not a superconductor at all

A frigid apocalypse doomed early humans in Europe : worldnews ... evidence of a massive North Atlantic cooling event about 1.1 million years ago that lasted roughly 4,000 years and appears to have wiped out the entire population of archaic humans who had colonized Europe.
A frigid apocalypse doomed early humans in Europe | Reuters Homo sapiens, arising in Africa more than 300,000 years ago, may have briefly appeared in Europe more than 200,000 years ago. But our main dispersal from Africa came only about 60,000 years ago. With Homo sapiens expanding throughout Europe, Neanderthals disappeared about 40,000 years ago.

Genetically engineered bacteria can detect cancer cells in a world-first experiment : worldnews

Quantum superchemistry observed for the 1st time ever

Playing football may increase the risk for Parkinsons disease: Study finds participants with a history of playing organized tackle football had a 61% increased odds of having a reported parkinsonism or PD diagnosis

Lumen Nature Retreat, an upscale campground on 20 acres, offers nature with panache

Interesting confidential Cambridge real estate listing : CambridgeMA

What is a true story from your life that sounds made up? : AskReddit

Best Mushroom Grow Kits For Sale Online [2023]


Antarctica could become planets radiatordue to extremeweather, fear scientists carrying out government review ... the heat needed to melt one gram of 0C ice into 0C water, is the same amount of heat needed to heat one gram of 0C water to 81C (178F).

Nature needs money: Lula tells rich countries to pay up and protect worlds rainforests

Global rice prices surge close to 12-year highs, and could rise even more : worldnews

Cyprus begins treating islands sick cats with anti-Covid pills | Cyprus

Australia promotes teaching of indigenous languages to prevent further loss : worldnews

17 dead after Rohingya boat from Myanmar capsizes on the way to Malaysia | CNN : worldnews
Owners of Swatch LGBTQ watches in Malaysia could face fine, up to 3 years jail
Malaysian government bans the sale and possession of Swatch Pride rainbow watches

TIL During Pol Pots rule from 1975 to 1979, it is estimated that 1.5 to 2 million people, nearly a quarter of Cambodias population, perished due to forced labor, starvation, diseases, torture, or execution.

Indonesias capital named worlds most polluted city - Jakarta topped the list as the worlds most polluted city

Kim Jong Un fires top general, orders North Korean military to gird for war
North Koreas Kim dismisses top general, calls for war preparations

Chinas consumer prices fall for the first time in 2 years, as fears of deflation grow ... If money is going to be more valuable in the future, why spend it? If no one spends, there are no buyers for businesses, no loans, nothing.
Russia Is Chinas Raw Material Appendage, Ukraine Envoy Says
Biden administration restricts American investments in high-tech sectors in China : worldnews
Cheng Lei: Journalist held in China says she sees only 10 hours of sun a year : worldnews

Putin considers attending G20 summit in person, setting up tense meeting with Western leaders : worldnews
Russia Destroys Drones Near Moscow, as Attacks Far From the Front Line Intensify : worldnews
Plant in Moscow Oblast that suffered from explosion participated in development of next generation bomber : worldnews
Founder of Russias Google slams Putins barbaric Ukraine war

1000s of Russian convicts released to fight with Wagner accused of new crimes : worldnews

(1/5) Over the last week, the Russian authorities have likely increased their ongoing efforts to disrupt Russian citizens access to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Reports suggest many of the most popular VPNs have become unusable in some regions of Russia.
(3/5) VPNs are hugely popular in Russia, despite being illegal since 2017. They allow users to access objective international news sources, including about the war in Ukraine.
(5/5) As well as increased technical disruption, the Russian state has also launched a public information campaign, attempting to scare citizens into avoiding VPNs by claiming they put their personal data at risk.

Kevin Rothrock on Twitter: "Russian federal agents have arrested a man at an airport in Blagoveshchensk suspicion of planning to go to Ukraine to fight against Russian invaders. He's being charged with attempted treason. The FSB released a "confession" video too." / X

Kremlin aide who brings Ukrainian children to Russia associated online with neo-Nazism : worldnews
Russias latest effort to sway young minds: High-school textbooks praising the conflict in Ukraine

Putin profits off global reliance on Russian nuclear fuel : worldnews

Armenians face genocide in Azerbaijan, former International Criminal Court prosecutor warns : worldnews

India succeeds in reducing emissions rate by 33% over 14 years - sources : worldnews ... To clarify, that's emissions intensity per unit of economic activity. The actual emissions in total terms are at an all time high.
India: Journalist detained for allegedly provocative remarks against judge : worldnews

Talibans Arrest Of Ethnic Uzbek Commander Sparks Clashes In Northern Afghanistan
Taliban repression of women a crime against humanity, says Gordon Brown : worldnews

U.S. Reaches Deal With Iran to Free Americans for Jailed Iranians and Funds : politics

Lebanon moves to ban Barbie film for promoting homosexuality

Ukraines Foreign Minister: Talks with Russia Possible After Its Troops Leave Ukraine, But Not with Putin

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 533, Part 1 (Thread #679) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 10.8.2023 : ukraine
Ministry of Defence UK daily Ukraine update 10.08.2023

Ukrainian troops on southern front expected less resistance, tank unit commander says

CNN has endangered the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and used our fallen heroes for ratings. I call on every unit and political ministry to boycott CNN until an apology has been issued. : ukraine

Russians ban raising Crimean Tatar flag in Crimean schools : worldnews
Russia is preparing children from occupied territories to fight against Ukraine : worldnews

Poland plans to send up to 10,000 soldiers to border with Belarus : worldnews

Swedish book retailer publishes copy praising Adolf Hitler : worldnews

German cabinet approves 58 bln euro green investment plan for 2024 : worldnews
Germany Announces Arrest Of Suspected Spy For Russia : worldnews
Germany has spent 55K on Merkels hair and makeup since she left office
Angela Merkel von 2000 bis 2017: Die Spuren der Macht - DER SPIEGEL (20 years of Merkel's looks)
Top German official expects federal cabinet to approve marijuana legalization bill next week

Ecuadorean candidate Villavicencio killed at campaign event-local media : worldnews

Bidenomicsis working which means Biden and the Democrats may win too
Former NEC Director on Bidenomics: Most significant economic response to any legislation in 7 years : politics
CPI inflation July 2023: Inflation rose 3.2% annually

Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah : politics

Clarence Thomas 38 Vacations: The Other Billionaires Who Have Treated the Supreme Court Justice to Luxury Travel
The broadest look yet at Clarence Thomas luxury travel bankrolled by wealthy friends reveals private jet and helicopter rides and VIP sporting event tickets
Corrupt as hell: Clarence Thomas faces fresh calls to resign after more billionaire gifts revealed
The style to which he has become entitled - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Trumps Allies Prepare for Indictments in Georgia Probe: Theyre Coming for Everyone
Atlanta-area prosecutor expected to seek more than a dozen indictments in Trump case : politics
Trump is running a TV ad in Atlanta criticizing the DA investigating him : politics

A veteran FBI agent told Congress that investigations into Giuliani and other Trump allies were 'suppressed' : politics A veteran FBI agent told Congress that investigations into Giuliani and other Trump allies were suppressed

Aileen Cannons Order in Trump Case Could Lead to HerRecusal: Lawyer

Trump, staffers to be arraigned on superseding indictment in classified documents case. : politics

Judge Worried Trump Would Destroy Evidence in January 6 Case : politics
Trump requests to review classified documents at Mar-a-Lago ahead of trial : politics

Stunning New Memo: Trumpworld Knew Fake Elector Scheme Would Fail, Didnt Care

Trump is a serious threat to the union of American states : politics

Donald Trumps movements were tracked by Twitter -- Prosecutor

Trump says he wont sign loyalty pledge required for first GOP debate

Trump Has a Big Weakness, But His Rivals Dont Want to Exploit It: The former president has been an electoral liability three cycles in a row. Why not mention it?

Giuliani claims dog ate my homework in Smartmatic case, lawyers say

So wheres the bribe, James Comer? ... What Comers evidence shows, though, so far extends no further than Hunter Biden giving the impression that he might be able to influence his father.
House Republicans issue new report on Joe Biden corruption that again offers no evidence

Washington grapples with AI deepfakes on the campaign trail : politics

What Is Mike Pence Really After in the 2024 Race? : politics

Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn groped 2 women in Scottsdale, one says A woman says Boris Epshteyn, a special adviser to Donald Trump, repeatedly groped her and her sister inside a Scottsdale nightclub in 2021, according to police body camera footage obtained by The Arizona Republic.

Ex-federal judge and prominent conservative: There is no Republican Party

Pelosi reemerges as top Trump adversary | The Hill

Manchin thinking seriously about leaving Democratic Party

Floridas DeSantis replaces elected Democratic prosecutor
The truth about Monique Worrell On November 3, 2020, Monique Worrell (D) was elected state's attorney in Florida's 9th Judicial District, which includes Orange and Osceola counties. Worrell won in resounding fashion, collecting 395,979 votes and defeating her opponent by a two-to-one margin. Her term does not end until July 7, 2025. -- But now, Worrell is out of a job.
DeSantis is still standing by Floridas revisionist Black history Even after receiving backlash from fellow Republicans, the Florida governor is tripling down on the states controversial Black history standards
School district censors Shakespeare to comply with Dont Say Gay law. Florida bans teaching about sexuality and gender in all grade levels, so now high school students cant read entire plays by Shakespeare.
Openly Murderous: DeSantis Outlines Border Proposal Modeled on War Zones | By admitting border agents would have to make their own "judgments" to determine whether to shoot a migrant, said one critic, the Florida governor signaled he would embracethe large-scalemurder of innocent people
Christopher Columbus Says Slavery Was Better than Getting Killed in New Videos Approved for Florida Students
Florida schools "hijacked by the left" turn to anti-climate cartoons

TX Gov Abbott has massive saw blades installed between buoys : politics
We Are Feeling Overpoliced: State Troopers Join Patrols in Austin | The city ended a partnership with the Texas Department of Public Safety this month after troubling incidents. In response, Gov. Greg Abbott sent in more troopers.

Ohio Republicans bet voters would dilute their own power. They lost. : politics
Staggering Ohio loss ignites an identity crisis within the anti-abortion movement : politics
Commentary: Ohios GOP just learned voters are not as gullible as they think
Democrats may embrace abortion rights even more tightly after Ohio win. The power of reproductive rights in recent elections is prompting Democrats to rethink their 2024 strategy : politics
Where so many Republicans voted No on Issue 1 in Ohio (rural fuck country bumpkins all went yes)
Republicans Dealt Huge Blow in Ohio Election : politics

Abortion rights have won in every election since Roe v. Wade was overturned : politics

Dont be fooled by the spin: Republicans are banning courses and harassing teachers out of their job | The confusion is the point: Educators cant figure outwhats allowed, and are forced to give up teaching entirely

Rep. Matt Gaetz calls LGBTQ+ people degenerate while announcing prayer-in-schools bill | He says his bill will require teachers to give time in each class for prayer.

Mississippi to pay more than $400K in attorneys fees over unconstitutional sodomyaw

Racing to Stop Trump, Republicans Descend on the Iowa State Fair - The New York Times

GOP Candidate Anthony Sabatini Plagiarized Massive Segments of His College Thesis Controversial GOP congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini appears to have lifted massive segments of his college thesis from Wikipedia and gotten away with ituntil now.

Small towns probably vote less Republican than you think : politics

Why are Black rappers aligning themselves with the right? : politics

Oregons Greater Idaho movement echoes a long history of racism in the region

The Claremont Institute: The Anti-Democracy Think Tank | The New Republic ... It was once (mostly) traditionally conservative and (sort of) intellectually rigorous. Now it platforms white nationalists and promotes authoritarianism ... Claremont represents something new in modern American politics: a group of people, not internet conspiracy freaks but credentialed and influential leaders, who are openly contemptuous of democracy.
What the Hell Happened to the Claremont Institute? | The California think tank was once (mostly) traditionally conservative and (sort of) intellectually rigorous. Now it platforms white nationalists and promotes authoritarianism. : politics

A former Fox executive now argues Murdoch is unfit to own TV stations : worldnews

ABC exiting Twitter: Australias national broadcaster shuts down almost all accounts on Elon Musks X

Yeah.. this stuff is why Europeans compares US politics to bad reality shows. : PoliticalHumor

Big Brothers Luke Valentine Removed From Season 25 After Using N-Word

New school bus routes a disaster -- Kentucky superintendent admits. Last kids got home at 10 pm

Utah man killed by the FBI shows how far some Trump supporters are willing to go : politics

6-year-old boy who shot his Virginia teacher said I shot that b**** dead, unsealed records show

3 people found dead after falling in hole in Texas cornfield, officials say : news

Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature : technology

Impossible Science: MIT Scientists Successfully Demonstrate First-Ever Control over Quantum Randomness : science

Eating a handful of nuts every day is associated with a 17% lower risk of depression. The finding was regardless of other factors that might influence mental health such as lifestyle, medical conditions, and body mass index : science

300,000-year-old skull found in China unlike any early human seen before : worldnews

Mars is spinning faster, and scientists arent sure why

Analysis of data from 427,435 people shows even below the threshold for diabetes, people with high blood sugar have increased risk of heart and circulation problems with women at greater risk than men : science

TIL human sweat is the most extreme and distinctively human evolutionary trait as a whole

What is the biggest lie of your generation? : AskReddit

A picture of Jesus making out with Judas from a 14th century illuminated manuscript. : pics


No quick fix to reverse Antarctic sea ice loss as warming intensifies - scientists : worldnews

Amazon nations seek common voice on climate change, urge action from industrialized world : worldnews
Amazon deal lacks concrete measures, say climate activists : worldnews

Almost all sides of Maui, Hawaii is currently on fire and the historic town of Lahaina is reportedly gone : worldnews
LIVE: 6 confirmed deaths in raging wildfires, hundreds of homes feared destroyed

Thermal imaging reveals hidden gas seeping from 32 Aussie sites : worldnews

Philippine leader says no promise made to China to remove grounded warship : worldnews

Nagasaki marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing with mayor urging world to abolish nuclear

Rare Russian VIP jet spotted in North Korea sparks concerns of arms deal : worldnews

Chinese economy slips into deflation as recovery falters and demand slows : worldnews
China slips into deflation as post-COVID recovery stalls : worldnews
Chinas property crisis deepens as another huge developer risks default
Dollar firm on safe-haven demand as markets fret over China, banks : worldnews ... It's hard to accurately explain how completely fucked China is right now, and how deeply fucked it will remain for decades to come.
A rift is growing between Xi and Putin after Russia mocked a Ukraine peace plan backed by China : worldnews
A Handsome Daddy PutinBug Is Plaguing Chinas InternetA bizarre series of fake social media accounts beaming pro-Russian war propaganda to China

Prigozhins mutiny was a planned special operation

OSINTdefender on Twitter: "Damage to the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant appears to be Extremely Severe with almost every single Building on the Complex said to have been Totally Destroyed or Damaged to the point of Inoperability." / X
A massive explosion was reported on the territory of the Zagorsk optical-mechanical complex in #Sergiyev Posad, near #Moscow - Russia : worldnews
Massive Explosion Outside Moscow Leaves Dozens Injured : worldnews
Explosion rocks plant near Moscow: evacuation ongoing : worldnews

Russians ask people not to burn down military enlistment offices, blaming Ukrainian scammers for it

Russia presents rewritten history textbook with lies about war in Ukraine : worldnews

Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi reinstated to Indias parliament three days after the countrys top court halted his criminal defamation conviction for mocking the primeministers surname
Indian Armed Forces Named in Complaint to International Criminal Court on Abduction of Dubai Princess

Niger coup leaders refuse to let senior U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland meet with nations president

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "4/ Around 500 Wagner stormtroopers who survived the battle of Bakhmut are reported to have been recruited for new work in Libya. The stormtroopers are paid 240,000 rubles ($2,471) per month plus another 190,000 rubles ($1,956) monthly to serve in Libya." / X

World Bank halts new loans to Uganda over anti-LGBTQ law : worldnews

Iraq bans media from using term "homosexuality"
Iraq bans the term homosexuality, asks media to use sexual deviance instead

US, Saudis Agree to Broad Terms for Israel Normalization: WSJ - Bloomberg
Australia will refer to West Bank as occupied Palestinian territories ... Australia will go back to referring to these areas by their status as recognised by the UN.

US Justice Dept stands with Ukraine in war crimes investigations: Official : worldnews
Ukrainian official: Russia is sponsor of global neo-Nazism and must be demilitarized : worldnews
Ukrainan ambassador to Serbia: Ukraine will not recognize Kosovo : worldnews
Ukraine claims to have dismantled an all-female spy ring working for Russia : worldnews
After watching Ukraine track down and kill Russian military commanders, the US and its allies are training to avoid the same fate : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 532, Part 1 (Thread #678) : worldnews

Ukraines Armed Forces gain ground near three villages in south
Military: Russians attacked Ukrainian troops with chemical munitions in Ukraines south

Ukraine accuses Russia of targeting rescue workers with consecutive missile strikes : worldnews
Russian double tap missile strike kills seven near hotel used by journalists

Top tanks worth millions and other expensive heavy armor are being hunted in Ukraine by cheap exploding drones worth only a few hundred bucks : worldnews

A Finnish man places 26.5 pounds of dynamite in a friends vehicles and claims it was a joke

Despite warnings and recruitmentattempts, Lithuanians keep travelling to Belarus

Berlin ready to extend Patriot air defence deployment to Poland until end of 2023 : worldnews

Russia suspends tax treaties with Switzerland and otherunfriendly states

Forty-one migrants die in shipwreck off Italy : worldnews

France: Eleven missing after fire at holiday home for disabled people : worldnews

Third heatwave of the year Firefighters in Portugal are battling to contain wildfires engulfing thousands of hectares amid soaring temperatures The fire near Odemira began on Saturday and was driven south by strong winds into the hilly interior of the Algarve, Portugals main tourismregion

Peruvians on alert over 7-foot face eater aliens targeting remote community

Mexico shutters 23 pharmacies at Caribbean coast resorts after US warned of dangerous pill sales : worldnews

Canada says highly probable China engaged in online targeting of Canadian lawmaker

Biden Orders Ban on U.S. Investments in Chinas Sensitive High-Tech IndustriesThe new limits, aimed at preventing American help to Beijing as it modernizes its military, escalate a conflict between the worlds two largest economies.

Biden signs order protecting Grand Canyon lands sacred to tribes - POLITICO

President Biden Calls Climate Change Existential Threat In The Weather Channel Interview

Biden to reinstate labor rule shelved by Reagan, giving construction workers a pay boost : politics

Senate Democrat: Tuberville prepared to burn the military down with promotions blockade

Senator Dianne Feinstein Taken to Hospital After Tripping, Falling in San Francisco
Dianne Feinstein Hospitalized After Falling at Home : politics

Sen. Tuberville brags about voting against funding for Ukraine

Donald Trump says he would prefer being abroad than in U.S. : politics
He Hates America: Trump Slammed For Admitting He'd 'Prefer' to Live Overseas. The former president made the confession during a rally in New Hampshire.

Trump Pushes Total Lie About Georgia Prosecutor Sleeping With Gang Member | The former president baselessly accused Fani Willis, who is investigating his 2020 election meddling, of having an "affair" with a "gang member"
Georgia grand jury about to indict Trump; fascist ex-POTUS goes on smear campaign - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... There are days when its fairly difficult to imagine how this country doesnt just fly apart in the increasingly foreseeable future.

Trump Signed Documents Acknowledging Conditions of Release, Includes Tampering, Retaliation, or Intimidation
Trump Promises to Violate Protective Order : politics
Trump Unloads Particularly Unhinged Campaign Speech -- Even for Him

There Does Seem To Be A Two-Tiered Justice System,And Donald Trump Is Its Poster Child Trump now faces 78 felony counts in three indictments but has yet to wear handcuffs, lose his passport, post bail or even have his mug shot taken

Washington DC grand jury that indicted Trump meets again in sign Jack Smiths probe isnt over
Jack Smith may force Trump to pay back millions in donations, ex-FBI official says : politics

Uncovered Fraudulent Elector Memo Reveals Details of Plot to Overturn 2020 Election: Report ... The armed services were to be told to use force against Americans to keep Trump in office
Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn Bidens Win

Special Counsel Obtained Search Warrant for Trump's Twitter Account - The warrant, obtained in January, is the first known example of prosecutors directly searching Donald J. Trump's communications in the federal inquiry into the events of Jan. 6, 2021.
Twitter was fined $350,000 for failing to turn over Trumps data

Trumps criminal trials prompt GOP political doomsday alarms

Chris Christie Dares Trump to Say Fat Pig Jab to His Face

The GOPs belated but growingadmission that Trump lost
No, fellow Republicans, the Justice Department is not biased against us : politics

Political violence in polarized U.S. at its worst since 1970s : politics

Vulnerable Republicans arent sold on impeaching Biden but they broadly agree the GOP doesnt have enough evidence to impeach him

GOP Shamelessly Moving the Goal Postsin Hunter Biden Probe: White HouseRepublicans appeared to drop their long-held goal of showing payments directly to the President

The Republican governor accused Monique H. Worrell, the state attorney in Orlando and a Democrat, of leniency toward violent criminals, a charge her office has denied.
Ronald DeSantis, whose nickname is Ron, is making some Florida students get their parents permission to use their nickname

Biden :Democracy Won In Ohio Victory for Abortion-Rights Supporters
Post-Dobbs politics in the midwest - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Nearly twice as many people voted on the Ohio measure than cast ballots in primaries for governor, Senate, House and other marquee statewide races last year.
The contest was seen as a test of efforts by Republicans nationwide to curb voters use of ballot initiatives.
Win for reproductive rights as Ohio voters reject effort to make it harder to amend state constitution | Ohio | The Guardian Proposal would have made it considerably harder to amend state constitution as voters give verdict on Issue 1
Ohio Vote Shows Abortion's Potency to Reshape Elections - The Dobbs ruling has turned a coalition of liberal, swing and moderate Republican voters into a political force. Even in August in Ohio.
Ohio voters reject ballot measure seen as threat to abortion rights effort : politics
Progressives Are Defeating Conservatives in School Board ElectionsEven in Ohio

Circular saw blades divide controversial Rio Grande buoys installed by Texas governor

Arizona Republicans Dont Want to Hear About the Deadly Heat Wave - GOP lawmakers are brushing off the extreme heat and any suggestion of climate change. -- We pray, Father, for solutions to end suffering and for our temperatures to trend downwards to provide relief for so many in harms way, the legislative chaplain said as sweaty heads bowed in the state Senate.

Conservatives Are Mad That Robert E. Lees Dead Horse Has Been Canceled

Republicans Wife Replaces Library Books With Bibles

He was a top church official who criticized Trump. He says Christianity is in crisis. : politics

Anti-woke darling Richard Hanania is exposed: What this says about the "intellectual" right

The apotheosis of the long con - Lawyers, Guns & Money Remember Truth Social, the alternative to Twitter before Twitter became the alternative to Twitter?

Advice | Is gas cheaper than electric car charging? Compare EV costs in 50 states. - Washington Post ... The bottom line? In all 50 states, its cheaper for the everyday American to fill up with electrons and much cheaper in some regions such as the Pacific Northwest, with low electricity rates and high gas prices.

FBI fatally shoots man in Utah who allegedly threatened Biden, Alvin Bragg and others Agents were attempting to serve a search warrant at the Provo home of the suspect when he was shot and killed.
Man killed during FBI raid in connection with threats against Biden, other officials - ABC News Craig Robertson was shot and killed during an FBI raid early Wednesday morning.

Anton Lazzaro, GOP Operative Who Sexually Abused Teen Girls, Gets 21 Years Lazzaro, a wannabe playboy who landed himself a spot as an alternate elector for former President Donald Trump in 2020, was convicted of teen sex trafficking in March.

State police union seeks to block names from being released in trooper ticket scandal audit : politics ... 30 thousand fake tickets

Cops Identify and Charge White Antagonists in Montgomery Dock Brawl
Montgomery Riverside Brawl: Whereabouts of 2 Suspects Is a Mystery Police said Tuesday that the duo were about to surrender. But by Wednesday afternoon, they were nowhere to be found.

Body found in barrel identified as potential witness in case of Missouri man accused of holding woman in basement Jaynie Crosdale was identified as a possible witness in Timothy Haslett Jr's case in January. Months later she was found dead in a blue barrel in the Missouri River.

Church of Scientology fires back after Leah Remini sues, says she's 'horrible' and 'toxic'

Worlds largest study shows the more you walk, the lower your risk of death, even if you walk fewer than 5,000 steps: Walking at least 3967 steps a day started to reduce the risk of dying from any cause, and 2337 steps a day reduced the risk of dying from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth : worldnews

Even frozen Antarctica is being walloped by climate extremes, scientists find : worldnews

Analysis using data from more than 100 countries spanning nearly two decades, indicates that increased air pollution is linked with rising antibiotic resistance across every country and continent. : science

Forests Are Losing Their Ability to Hold Carbon : worldnews

CDC says COVID variant EG.5 is now dominant, including strain some call "Eris" : worldnews
EG.5 coronavirus variant: Symptoms and spread of dominant strain Although the updated booster shots expected in the fall dont target EG.5, experts said they may nonetheless offer some protection.

Covid vaccine makers stocks crash to multiyear lows

Mushroom poisoning deaths: Family lunch mystery grips Australia - BBC News : worldnews

New Zealand is partnering with BlackRock in aim to reach 100% renewable electricity : worldnews

UN unvestigators find Myanmar military is targeting civilians with aerial bombing, mass executions of detainees and large-scale burning of civilian houses : worldnews

China Demands Philippines Remove Ship From Disputed Waters : worldnews

China hacked Japans sensitive defense networks, officials say
System error: Japan cybersecurity minister admits he has never used a computer | Japan | The Guardian
Japanese militarys role in comfort women system of sexual slavery has disappeared from the countrys textbooks

Taiwan to station 5,000 more troops in Taipei to boost decapitation resistance
Biden signs law implementing first part of U.S. trade pact with Taiwan : worldnews
Taiwans exports fell more than 10 percent from a year earlier in July, marking the 11th year-on-year decline

Chinas working population will shrink in the coming decades and keep the nations economy from surpassing Americas
China exports take deepest plunge since 2020 : worldnews
Pop fans report ban on rainbow clothing at concert in China : worldnews

Russia blasts Saudi Arabia talks on ending war in Ukraine after Moscow gets no invitation to attend : worldnews
Falling ruble forces Russia to abandon its own budget principles : worldnews
A new executive order from Putin suspends agreements with dozens of nowunfriendly nations on avoiding double taxation. Looks like a retaliation against the West & another attempt to pressure expats into repatriating.

(2/4) A sprawling organisation of up to 200,000 frontline personnel, Rosgvardia was created in its modern form in 2016 and is led by Putins former bodyguard Viktor Zolotov. The decision to strengthen the force follows the abortive Wagner mutiny of June 2023.
Reportedly, Moscow plans to create 25 new prison colonies and six other detention centers in occupied Ukraine by 2026. This is russkiy mirPutin has prepared for #Ukrainestate-sponsored terror reminiscent of Stalinism.

Pro-Ukrainian hackers breach Moscow engineering service website : worldnews

UK intelligence explains why Putin wants to give heavy weapons to Russian National Guard : worldnews

Russia releases history schoolbook praising Ukraine invasion : worldnews

A Shortage Of Optics Was Holding Back Russian Tank Production. That Shortage May Have Ended. : worldnews

Russia to evacuate entire town due to danger of falling rocket : worldnews

Muslim homes, shops bulldozed; over 150 arrested in Nuh in Indias Haryana
India parliament to debate no-confidence motion against PM Modis government
India bars makers of military drones from using Chinese parts : worldnews
Indian lunar landing mission enters moons orbit
Imran Khan: Pakistan military is petrified of elections

Farm attacks in SA surge after EFF sings Kill the Boersong

Niger coup: Wagner taking advantage of instability - Antony Blinken : worldnews
Acting US deputy secretary of state meets with military junta members in Niger | CNN Politics : worldnews

Thousands of US troops arrive in Red Sea amid ratcheting Iran tensions: More than 3,000 US sailors and marines aboard two warships have reached the Red Sea, US Navy says. : worldnews
Thousands of US troops arrive in Red Sea amid ratcheting Iran tensions | News : worldnews
Germanys Bosch Alleged To Aid Iran In Spy Tech Targeting Protestors
Japan urges Iran not to provide Russia with weapons for Ukraine war : worldnews

Australia to officially resume use of term Occupied Palestinian Territoriesreversing Coalition stance
Israel arrests settlers after rampage on Palestinian village leaves 1 dead : worldnews

Western allies receive increasingly sobering updates on Ukraines counteroffensive: This is the most difficult time of the war
Zelenskyy warned Russia that it may be left with no ships if it continues to attack Ukraines ports
Russian strike on Ukraine city kills eight, damaging hotel used by journalists : worldnews
Ukraine shuts down Russian spy ring of local women -Three women were apprehended in Donetsk Oblast, while the fourth one is in Russia. Ukraines SBU says they worked covertly for Russian intelligence, including through a Wagner fighter

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 531, Part 1 (Thread #677) : worldnews

Journalists Identify Almost 30,000 Russian Military Members Killed In Ukraine : worldnews

Ukraines Armed Forces take initiative on Bakhmut front: Russian communication hub destroyed and 65 occupiers killed

Russians attack Zaporizhzhia Oblast with projectiles loaded with chemical substance : worldnews

Russia plans to dump its rubbish on Ukraines temporarily occupied territories

National Resistance Center: New Wagner camp under construction near Ukraines border. The construction of another camp for Wagner Group fighters has begun in Zyabrovka airfield in Belarus, Ukraines National Resistance Center reported on Aug. 8.
Tensions rise as Belarus begins military drills near Poland and Lithuania : worldnews
Polish Border Guard asks for 1,000 more soldiers on Belarus frontier : worldnews
Belarusian sprinter who defected at Olympics to race for Poland : worldnews

NATO, EU send aid to Slovenia after devastating floods that killed at least 6 and left many homeless : worldnews

Norway fines Facebook owner Meta over privacy breaches : worldnews

Italy hits banks with 40% windfall tax for 2023 : worldnews
Italy earmarks 2.9 million to tackle blue crab invasion

Drought in Spain empties reservoirs, forces limits on water use : worldnews

France Is Europes Top Power Exporter as Germany Turns Importer
France moves to ban far-right party Civitas for anti-Semitism after speaker told during a meeting that he didn't want Jews and non-Catholics to be citizens : worldnews
French research centre behind controversial Covid paper found to have used questionable ethics processes | Coronavirus : worldnews- French virologist Didier Raoult ... hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin ,,,

The Irish Light: Woman abused by paper which falsely said vaccine killed her son : worldnews

Lecturers in the UK refuse to mark exams in labor dispute, leaving thousands unable to graduate : worldnews ... ftfy: universities refuse to make basic improvements to working conditions while filibustering negotiations, leaving students without their marks.
Brick Lane: Chinese political slogans appear on London street art wall : worldnews

Brazil has 1.7 million Indigenous people, near double the count from prior census, government says : worldnews
Indigenous leaders from across South America called Monday for bold steps to protect the Amazon and their ancestral lands ahead of a summit on saving the world's biggest rainforest : worldnews
An Indigenous leader has inspired an Amazon city to grant personhood to an endangered river : worldnews

Thousands in Haiti march to demand safety from violent gangs as killings and kidnappings soar : worldnews

Jews remain the primary target of hate crimes in Canada. While other religiously motivated hate crimes decreased in 2022, antisemitic attacks increased. : worldnews
B.C. case exposes corporate ties to Chinese criminal underworld : worldnews

Child sex abuse probe leads to Australia arrests after FBI murders The Australian Federal Police announced Tuesday that at least 13 children were rescued from further harm as a result of a joint operation with the FBI, dubbedOperation Baki

Universal Child Care Should Be at the Top of the Progressive Agenda - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Exclusive: Former Coast Guard head covered up secret investigation into sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy | CNN Politics

Appeals court halts new Biden rules on debt relief for defrauded students - The Washington Post

Retirement talk surrounding Thomas, Alito raises stakes for 2024 election : politics

Judge Aileen Cannon Comes Out Swinging in Trumps FavorAgain
Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon sides with Trump again in classified documents case : politics

Ahead of possible Trump indictment, Atlanta locks down courthouse : politics
The Jolt: Timing of possible Trump indictment by Fulton DA still uncertain : politics
Security increases for judge assigned to Donald Trumps January 6 criminal case

Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn Biden's Win -The House Jan. 6 committee's investigation did not uncover the memo, whose existence first came to light in last weeks indictment .. lawyer Kenneth Chesebro ...

Will Donald Trump be jailed before his trial? : politics
Could Donald Trumps social media posts land him in jail?

Trump criminal charges go to heart of KKK Act : politics
Trumps Team Argues for His Right to Post All-Caps Threats Amid Jan. 6 Charges
Trump asks court to let him use election case evidence while campaigning : politics

Enough With the False Narrative About Trumps Rise

No, Jack Smith doesnt have to prove Trump knew he lost
Trumps Got Himself Some Jury Trouble: The former president is demanding a change in trial venue, for the same reason he demanded that votes not get counted in certain U.S. cities.

Donald Trumps remarks about Mike Pence could be his undoing
Mike Pence qualifies for first GOP debate : politics

Guess who is responsible for Donald Trump being the GOP presidential candidate in 2024? - Lawyers, Guns & Money A key management strategy is to conclude that Trump is going to be the nominee because the Biden administration has manipulated the DOJ into indicting Trump:

A Rock of Stability in Our Troubled Era - Lawyers, Guns & Money I speak, of course, of The New York Times, which remains unwavering in its commitment to bothsiderism.

The impeachment effort losing steam in the House GOP : politics (impeaching Biden for not being corrupt like Trump)
House GOP eyes fall push for Biden impeachment inquiry | CNN Politics

GOP Declares War on HIV Program as Dr. Fauci Rings Alarm. After demonizing abortion services and marriage rights, Republicans now take aim at PEPFAR, which has saved millions of lives. : politics

DeSantis Florida approves classroom videos that compare climate activists to Nazis
Florida caves & allows AP Psychology class in humiliating defeat for DeSantis administration : politics
Slitting throats DeSantis copies Trumps fantasies of violence
Students banned from using nicknames under new anti-trans Orange County schools guidance : politics

Suspended Texas AG Ken Paxton wants articles of impeachment dismissed : politics

Sinema independent bid could boost Democrats in Arizona Senate race: poll : politics

Ex-F.B.I. Official in Talks to Resolve Charges of Working for Oligarch : politics

Voters reject Ohio Issue 1 in August special election The no vote is leading 57% to 43% with more than 80% of the vote counted, according to unofficial results.
Ohio Republican attempt to trick voters into giving their authority back to a gerrymandered legislature so they can keep their horrible abortion law a massive fail - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ohio voters head to the polls to decide Issue 1 : politics
How many voters does it take to make a majority? Why Ohio's Issue 1 is controversial : politics
High turnout, long lines: A look at Ohios last weekend of early voting on Issue 1
An Ohio election that revolves around abortion rights is fueled by national groups and money : politics
Judge shuts down parents attempt to ban trans students from Ohio school bathrooms

When Confederate-glorifying monuments went up in the South, voting in Black areas went down : politics

Georgia kids would need parental permission to join social media if Senate Republicans get their way : politics

Mississippi Officials Made 161 Voting Precinct Changes

Virginia lawmakers redefined sexual conduct to exclude homosexuality

These Nazis Want to Turn New England Into a White Ethnostate : politics

The Northwests Long History of Right-Wing Extremism

Montgomery police announce arrest warrants issued for three men in massive brawl at Alabama riverfront dock : news
Why the Montgomery Riverfront Uprising is making Black people so damn happy - TheGrio
Balloon Juice - Alabama G-ddamn.

AI Swipes Data By Listening to Keyboard Keystrokes with 95% Accuracy: Researchers at Cornell have found a way to steal data by recording keystroke audio. : worldnews

New tool could easily detect cancer protein marker, viruses : worldnews

7,000 year-old DNA proves European Neolithics had only one partner at a time : worldnews

NASA finds Mars days shrinking, cites increase in spin speed : worldnews

Lab-grown RPE cells promise to cure age-related blindness : worldnews

Hopes Dashed As LK-99 Confirmed Not To Be A Room-Temperature Superconductor : worldnews
Beijing Superconductor (LK-99) Levitation Video Author Admits Fraud, Takes it Down : technology

Drugs for schizophrenia were invented and developed 70 years ago by "serendipity" .. But they often dont work. New neuroscience study in mice suggests theyve been designed & refined to target the wrong neurons.

Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance - Wikipedia
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - Wikipedia

Cambridge School Committee to consider universal eighth grade Algebra 1 access - The Boston Globe : CambridgeMA


Some Facts And Figures - Lawyers, Guns & Money Some numbers and more of that thermodynamics I wish everyone would learn.

Indias Chandrayaan-3 enters lunar orbit in step closer to moon rover soft landing

South American winter heatwave reaches almost 40C temperatures : worldnews

A record 270 GW of solar is predicted worldwide for 2023 : worldnews

Racism at heart of US failure to tackle deadly heatwaves, expert warns | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Less plastic in oceans than assumed : worldnews

Extreme weather and climate change: Boston leads N. American snow loss

China funded $130,000 to Solomon Islands newspaper for favourable coverage : worldnews

International backlash grows after Chinese vessel fires water cannon on Philippine boats | CNN : worldnews
Philippines tells China it will not abandon post in disputed reef : worldnews

Several Hundred Sex Abuse Allegations at Japanese Talent Agency Johnny & Associates : worldnews
Japanese middle schoolers average 12% on English speaking exam : worldnews

All scouts leaving South Korea camp as typhoon looms : worldnews

The stealthy military flight comes a week after Russias defense minister visited Pyongyang with the goal of convincing North Korea to boost weapons sales to Moscow.
North Korean hackers breach computers of Russian corporation that produces cruise missiles : worldnews

China Approves Over 50 Gigawatts of New Coal Power : worldnews
Earthquake in eastern China knocks down houses and injures at least 21, but no deaths reported : worldnews

Russian President Vladimir Putin can choose not to hold presidential elections next year because he will "obviously" win re-election, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said late Sunday.
Kremlin Says Theoretically Possible to Not Hold Presidential Elections

It turns out that cut and run was the best strategy for companies deciding what to do at the start of the war. The faster you left, the lower your loss
European Companies Record Billions in Losses From Russia Operations : worldnews
Putins secret navy A small group of Western businesses holds back EU sanctions, and keeps money flowing into Russias war machine.
Russia passed a new law on Friday allowing courts to strip foreign owners from hostile countries of stakes in key Russian entities, in a purported attempt to protect strategic companies from foreign influence : worldnews

Hackers break into website of Moscow Technical Inventory Bureau: Data transferred to Ukrainian forces : worldnews

Hindus, Muslims clash in Indias Haryana as trouble spreads

Pakistan passenger train derails killing 30 : worldnews

World Bank to help fund 1,000 mini solar power grids in Nigeria : worldnews

In Kenya labor dispute, workers who clean up toxic content on Facebook, TikTok and ChatGPT for $3 an hour go to court. Content moderators in the African country have formed a union to defend themselves against Big Tech : worldnews
Kenyan victims of the 1998 US embassy bombing in Nairobi on Monday renewed calls for compensation from Washington as the East African nation marked 25 years since its deadliest terror attack : worldnews

Niger closes airspace as it refuses to reinstate president : worldnews
Niger coup: Ecowas deadline sparks anxiety in northern Nigeria : worldnews

Bear escapes from crate in planes cargo hold at Dubai airport

Iraq on Sunday called on the United States and Britain to extradite former officials accused of facilitating the theft of $2.5 billion in public funds in one of the countrys biggest-ever corruption cases

Taliban Prepare Suicide Bombers in Water Dispute With Iran : worldnews

Israel: The High Court of Justice issued an interim injunction on Sunday relating to the recusal law passed by the coalition, and expanded the panel hearing petitions against the legislation to 11 justices, indicating that it is formally considering intervention against the law. : worldnews
Netanyahu Says Bet on Israel Deepening Ties With Saudi Arabia : worldnews
IDF thwarts terror attack by Jenin-based cell : worldnews

Ukraine says it foiled an attempt to assassinate Zelenskyy with an airstrike, accuses woman of trying to betray his location : worldnews
Woman arrested in plot to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine says : worldnews

The United States has already provided Ukraine with more aid than any other country in history -- The Washington Post. The aid has so far reached $66.2 billion, of which military aid is $43.1 billion, economic support is $20.5 billion, and another $2.6 billion is humanitarian aid.

Kyiv says Jeddah participants back Ukraine territorial integrity in any peace deal : worldnews
Germany Ready to Send Long-Range Missiles Taurus to Ukraine
Ukraine says U.S and German air defence systemshighly effective

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 530, Part 1 (Thread #676) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 7.8.2023 : ukraine
Euromaidan Press on Twitter: "Russia's estimated losses on day 530 of its full-blown invasion of Ukraine." / X Russias estimated losses on day 530 of its full-blown invasion of Ukraine ... Cracked 250K

Throughout the summer, Russian forces have worked to close gaps in their defensive lines and expand existing fortifications along highways in occupied Ukraine.

Very interesting article about how the Ukrainian Air Force has adapted to keep losses down and at the same time integrated better western systems.
(4/4) At the start of Ukraines southern counter-offensive from June 2023, Russian attack helicopters proved effective. However, in recent weeks Russia appears to have been less able to generate effective tactical airpower in the south.
Russias air force is barely able to leave its own airspace because Ukraines defenses are so strong, UK intel says
(2/4) Over the summer, Russian tactical combat aircraft have typically carried out over 100 sorties a day, but these are almost always restricted to operating over Russian-controlled territory due to the threat from Ukrainian air defences.

Ukraines Latest Tank-Destroyer Is A 79-Year-Old Gun Bolted To A 50-Year-Old Tractor

Increased attacks on Crimea disrupt Russian logistics, attempt to derail its southern defenses : worldnews
Russian Tourists Visiting Occupied Crimea Drop By Nearly Half Following Bombings : worldnews

Belarus opposition meet in Warsaw, plans strategy against Lukashenka
58% of Ukrainians in Poland have been asked to work below minimum wage, new IRC survey reveals : worldnews
Polands health minister sparks outrage after revealing sensitive information about doctor

Lithuania records warmest night in history : worldnews

Danish PM says that a potential ban on setting fire to religious texts would not limit freedom of expression : worldnews

Two migrants dead, 30 missing after shipwrecks off Italian coast : worldnews
Tunisia: Four dead, 51 missing after migrant ship sinks off coast : worldnews
Italian man crushed to death under falling cheese wheels : worldnews

Pope says Church open to everyone, including LGBT people, but has rules : worldnews ... an apparent reference to women not being allowed to become priests through the sacrament of Holy Orders and same-sex couples not allowed to contract marriage, which is also a sacrament.

Swedish mountain lodge closes as stomach bug spreads among hikers | Europe : worldnews

Loch Ness: Monster hunters wanted in new search

The chequered past of Europes floating prison (Tories of course)
Met only authorised baton rounds for black-led events, FOI reveals : worldnews
Teenage Sex Pictures Scandal: BBC Pauses Complex and Fast Moving Investigation as Police Takes Over
China tracked UK PMs movements using hidden tracking device in car parts

Significant flooding hits Halifax area for second time in weeks : worldnews

Update: Partisan Gaps Expand Most on Government Power, Climate
Most disapprove of Bidens handling of climate change, Post-UMD poll finds (even though they don't know anything about it)
7 in 10 say theyve heard little or nothing about Inflation Reduction Act since passage: poll

Fitchs downgrade provides fresh ammo in the next fiscal fight
Biden Saved the Economy and Launched a New Age of Prosperity. Why Isnt He Getting Any Credit?

Trucking Firm That Got $700 Million U.S. Bailout Declares Bankruptcy : politics ... Trump tapped Darren Hawkins, Yellows chief executive, to serve on a coronavirus economic task force, and Yellow had financial backing from Apollo Global Management, a private equity firm with close ties to Trump administration officials. Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis wrote in a report last year that top Trump administration officials had awarded Yellow the money over the objections of career officials at the Defense Department

Why leftists should work their hearts out for Biden in 2024 : politics

Conservative groups sue to block Biden plan canceling $39 billion in student loans : politics

The S.E.C.'s Chief Is Worried About A.I. - Gary Gensler, who has studied the consequences of artificial intelligence for years, said that the technology could lead to future financial crises.

Superluxury, really bougie: The corrupt entitlement of Clarence Thomas - The R.V. that Clarence Thomas has constantly used to establish his would-be populist cred was the luxurious gift of one of his rich friends:

Legal experts predict Supreme Court wont spare Trump from trial and verdict
On January 19, 2022, SCOTUS Upheld Judge Tanya Chutkans Decision Rejecting Trumps Executive Privilege Claims

How Donald Trump finally met his match in Jack Smith : politics

Donald Trump expected to be indicted in Fulton County election probe this week, Fulton Co. insiders say : politics

New charges against Trump focus on lies. Scholars see an authoritarian playbook : politics

Donald Trumps attacks on Mike Pence raise legal questions
Pence says Trumps lawyers asked him to reject votes outright

Trump attorney says he wont accept plea deal in Jan. 6 case
Co-conspirator 2 asks for his disbarment to be put off because of his pending indictments - Lawyers, Guns & Money Rough time for the Lionel Hutz of Carl Schmitts: Attorney John Eastman, an architect of Donald Trumps last-ditch efforts to subvert the 2020 election, is asking a California judge to postpone disbarment proceedings lodged against him, saying hes increasingly concerned hes about to be criminally charged by special counsel Jack Smith ...~

Theres a Good Reason Trump Aides Dont Think the New Indictment Is a Joke
Fake elector plot raised concerns over legal peril, indictment shows

Trump attorney says hed love to see Jan. 6 trial televised

Trump taunts defeated U.S. womens national team - "Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA"
Trump posts another attack on judge ahead of first court deadline : politics
Trumps attack on filth and decay in nations capital just the latest in his personal feud with DC

Trump counterclaim dimissed in E. Jean Carroll case

Bernie Kerik: Trump ally meets with special counsel investigators | CNN Politics - The interview largely focused on what Trumps former attorney Rudy Giuliani did to prove that Trump actually won the election
Rudy Giuliani Wants $6.5 Million for His Manhattan Apartment

The Pelosi Factor Trumps longtime antagonist played an essential role in his historic indictment (kicked Garland in the butt)
Ex-Donald Trump adviser calls him a "lunatic" over Pelosi attack : politics

Kamala Harris Takes on a Forceful New Role in the 2024 Campaign
Why are Republicans so obsessed with Kamala Harris? : politics

Hunter Biden business associate testifies he has no knowledge of wrongdoing by Joe Biden : politics
WSJ wonders why Hunter Biden lacks the scrupulous integrity of Jared Kushner - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I would like to present to you perhaps the definitive passage from the Wall Street Journal editorial page, which is fully beyond satire:

Mitch McConnell Mercilessly Heckled During Speech With Chants of Retire!
McCarthy, Comer, and Jordan: The All-Time Congressional Clown Show : politics

Some state Republican parties are struggling and seeing deep divisions : politics

Republicans accused of cynical ploy in blaming fentanyl crisis on Biden : politics .. Cynical ploy describes the entirety of Republican campaign strategy since Nixon.

Of course he lost: Ron DeSantis rejects Trumps 2020 election claims
Altered State: Floridas DeSantis is teaching a master class in Authoritarianism 101
Ron DeSantis met with swathes of empty seats at Iowa event, photo shows : politics
DeSantis says GOP will lose if election is about Jan. 6, Trump in NBC interview : politics
Black lawmakers press Justice and Education Departments to investigate Floridas race curriculum
Florida officials tell state schools to teach AP Psychology in its entirety
Florida veered from norms to strip transgender care from Medicaid, records show : politics

It was an explosive claimthat a Virginia school district covered up a crime in order to protect transgender rights. But was it true?
GOP official wants to require teens be accompanied by their parents at the public library : politics

Democrats see Michigan and Minnesota as guides for what to do with majority power | Democrats in Minnesota and Michigan who won full control of their state government have used their new power to enact sweeping policy changes that have been stalled for years : politics

It's Illegal to Drive While Undocumented In Wisconsin, Which Is Hurting Dairy Workers Laws making it illegal for undocumented Wisconsinites to drive are especially brutal for dairy workers ... I used to think that what would finally undermine the xenophobia that has come along with the prion disease that is attacking the conservative brains higher functions was that it would start costing some of the donor class money. I am less sure of that than I was. The prion disease has so separated the Republican conservative brain from reality that it may be impossible to reconcile the two, even for profit. Thats a sea change worth noting in places large and small.

Americas white majority is aging outGeneration Z will be the last generation of Americans with a white majority, according to census data. The nations so-called majority minority arrived with Generation Alpha, those born since about 2010.
Americas white majority is aging out

The average doctor in the U.S. makes $350,000 a year. Why? - The Washington Post ... By accounting for all streams of income, they revealed that doctors make more than anyone thought and more than any other occupation weve measured.
Doctor pay - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... In general, U.S. physicians are making about 50 percent more than German physicians and about more than twice as much as U.K. physicians ... In marked contrast to the legal profession, a big factor here is that for many decades now the relevant self-regulating bodies in the medical field have managed to keep the supply of licensed physicians in the US very low, relative to population growth.

The Secret Hand Behind the Women Who Stood by Cuomo? His Sister.For nearly two years, Madeline Cuomo quietly worked with grass-roots activists to help smear her brothers accusers. He wasseeing everything she told his defenders.
Eschaton: The Worst Family : All of them -- Made up almost entirely of women inspired by Mr. Cuomo's handling of the Covid pandemic, We Decide New York rapidly joined forces in spring 2021 to defend an increasingly isolated governor as traditional allies abandoned him. The group swarmed his critics on social media, sold Cuomo swag and pushed for due process.

Cop-watchers are now YouTube celebrities. Theyve changed how police work

Former Minneapolis officer sentenced to nearly 5 years for role in George Floyds killing

Advocates applaud DEA for being open to relaxing virtual prescribing rules | The Hill

162 infant deaths have been associated with nursing pillows since 2007, investigation finds Federal officials are poised to propose the first safety requirements for nursing pillows. An industry-supported group is fighting back, arguing that government regulation of the widely used product could discourage breastfeeding.

Large brawl in Alabama as people defend Black riverboat worker against white assailants : news
To jump somebody : therewasanattempt
White Alabama Boaters F Around And Jumped A Black Man; Promptly Found Out - This viral video is an example of exactly what not to do when outnumbered.

U.S. lab says it repeated fusion energy feat with higher yield

UK detector might be our last-chance saloon to find Wimps Scientists have warned that we could be running out of time to unlock the secrets of dark matter

Satan - Wikipedia
Our DNA is made up of Adenine, Guanine, Thymine & Cytosine which are held together by a Sulfuric Bridge. Which appears constantly in this pattern 10-5-6-5 and that in Hebrew is the exact name of God:YHWH (Yahweh). Another representation of God's credible design of His most precious creation


Glacial break causes major flooding in Alaska, destroys structures : news ... The flooding is due to a break on Suicide Basin,

What Boiling Oceans Will Do to Life on Land | The New Republic We knew this would happen, but the difference is that we thought it would be a little bit later

Beanies, scarves and puffer jackets come out as near-record chilly weather hits parts of the Pacific. : worldnews ... But last week, the country recorded its second-lowest temperature ever, at 9.3 degrees Celsius. According to Tonga Meteorological Services, the lowest temperature recorded in the country was 8.7 degrees Celsius in September 1994.

Global food prices rise after Russia ends grain deal and India restricts rice exports : worldnews

A flightless parrot is returning to mainland New Zealand after a 40-year absence : worldnews

Philippines condemns Chinas use of water cannons at its vessels

Japans prime minister hit out at Russian threats to use nuclear weapons as the country marked the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Sunday
Hiroshima before and after the A-bomb. 78 years ago today on August 6, 1945. : pics
Japanese life expectancy falls in 2022 for 2nd straight year : worldnews

Despite heatwave warnings, South Korea presses on with world scout jamboree with President Yoon ordering officials to roll out tour programmes showcasing Korean culture and nature in Seoul and other cities| Hundreds of participants have already fallen ill due to the searing temperatures : worldnews
80 Korean scouts to leave Jamboree World Scout event over alleged sex crime : worldnews

Kim Jong Un tells North Korea arms factories to boost capacity : worldnews

Chinese embassy slams Moscow over Russian border incident : worldnews
China slams treatment of its citizens at Russia border : worldnews
More than a million displaced and dozens dead after record rain drenches northeastern China : worldnews
China releases TV documentary showcasing armys ability toattack Taiwan

Putin's Forever War - Vladimir Putin wants to lead Russians into a civilizational conflict with the West far larger than Ukraine. Will they follow him? ... for every Muscovite who dies in the war, 87.5 people die in Dagestan, Russias southernmost republic; 275 people in Buryatia, where he lives; and 350 people in Tuva, home to an Asian minority and the poorest region of Russia.
Russia rejects peace agreement, insisting its war in Ukraine will rage on for the foreseeable future
Kremlin says they only want Ukrainian territories included in Russian Constitution : worldnews
Russia says Western bid to get Global South to back Ukraine is doomed : worldnews
Russia promises retaliation after Ukrainian drones hit a Russian tanker in 2nd sea attack in a day : worldnews

A tiger cub that the Russians stole from Mariupol zoo and then sent to the Moscow Circus has died, its war-supporting Russian trainer has said.

At least 19 killed and 50 injured in Pakistan train accident : worldnews

France backs ECOWAS push to reverse Niger military coup, says the coup leaders in Niamey had until Sunday to hand back power : worldnews
Niger Republic cut ties with Nigeria, USA, France. : worldnews
Algeria is categorically against any military intervention in Niger - "A military intervention could ignite the whole Sahel region", President Tebboune says in interview with local media : worldnews

Russian migration to Turkey spikes by 218% in aftermath of Ukraine war : worldnews

Authorities in Iran are trying to enforce laws obligating women to cover their hair by sending them into psychological treatment. While healthcare organizations warn the countrys judiciary is hijacking psychiatric medicine for its own purposes

Israel: Hundreds of thousands protested against judicial reforms across the country with the main focus staying in Tel Aviv for the 31st week. The demonstrations continued even though an attack in the city left a municipal inspector in critical condition : worldnews
A former aide of a lawmaker from Israels hard-right governing coalition was among two settlers arrested Saturday over the killing of a 19-year-old Palestinian in the occupied West Bank ("settlers" = invaders)
Two Israelis arrested after Palestinian man killed in West Bank | CNN : worldnews
Hamas sentences seven Palestinians to death for collaborating with Israel : worldnews

Summit in Saudi Arabia agrees on basis of peace deal : worldnews
NEXTA on Twitter: "Negotiations on #Ukraine have begun in #SaudiArabia, which will be attended by about 40 countries, Al Jazeera writes." / X
China backs further Ukraine peace talks after Saudi Arabia summit

Ukraine proposed peace formula to restore intl rules-based order: Zelensky

Russia launches new burst of missile and drone attacks, Ukrainian air force says : worldnews ...
Ukraine Reports Massive Countrywide Missile Attack Overnight : worldnews
The UK Strengthened Ukraines Air Defense with Unannounced Ground Launched AIM-132 ASRAAM Missiles | Defense Express
UK Intelligence states Russia has lost at least 50% of its paratroopers in Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine gets rid of Soviet symbols on Motherland monument in Kyiv : worldnews
NEXTA on Twitter: "The #Ukrainian coat of arms is already on the Mother #Ukraine Monument." / X

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 529, Part 1 (Thread #675) : worldnews

Russian losses as of Aug. 6th 2024 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia, Ukraine confirm Kyiv hits Chonhar bridge to Crimea : worldnews
Ukraine strikes key Crimea bridges with Storm Shadow missiles : worldnews

Remarkable video has emerged of a Ukrainian combat drone attacking one of Russias much-vaunted T-90M Proryv tanks, pursuing it as it attempts to flee, disabling it with grenade as it was moving, and then finally finishing it off.
ISW on Twitter: "6/ The arrival of these units and formations in the #Bakhmut area represents the commitment of a sizable amount of combat power that Russian forces could otherwise have used to support offensive operations in Luhansk & Kharkiv oblasts or to reinforce Russian defensive operations." / X

We recently spent several days on the front line with the SBUs special forces. Rather than conduct covert operations sneaking behind enemy lines, most of their work nowadays is with loitering munitions.

Ukraine war: The Russians hunting for cheap flats in occupied Mariupol : worldnews
Euromaidan Press on Twitter: "Ukrainian kamikaze marine drones shown remarkable improvements in capabilities in recent attack on Novorossiysk Drones like Magura V5 can operate up to 800 km& transmit real-time images,even w/ RU jamming proving ineffective. Possibly can now hold 450 kg" / X

2 US military veterans killed in drone attack in Ukraine | Stars and Stripes : worldnews
Ukraine war: Russia hits blood transfusion centre, says Zelensky : worldnews

Europe is simply unwilling (with notable exceptions) to invest in its own defense. No entreaty from America is going to change that when a war on their own continent has failed to do so. The unpalatable fact is that most of Europe is militarily unreliable and will likely remain so until forced to do otherwise by events. At which point it will be too late.

Russia spreading false claims about Quran burnings to harm Nato bid, says Sweden

Denmark tightens border control after Koran burnings : worldnews

Slovenia has suffered its worst-ever floods. Damage could top 500 million euros, its leader says : worldnews

Germany: Ukrainian refugees living in mining ghost towns

Austrian leader backs far-right idea of enshrining cash in constitution : worldnews

Wrongly convicted in Britain no longer forced to pay saved living costs in prison ... Malkinson had been jailed for life with a minimum term of seven years but served 17 because he continued to insist that he was innocent.

US intends to offer 38 second-hand F-16 fighters to Argentina : worldnews

Venezuelas bolivar weakens against the U.S. dollar as inflation rages ... The annual rise in consumer prices for June topped 404%, according to central bank data, as analysts predict that inflation will continue to accelerate this year.

El Salvador Escalates Gang Crackdown With New Measures : worldnews

Russia and China Sent Large Naval Patrol Near Alaska - WSJ Four U.S. destroyers were dispatched to monitor Russian and Chinese ships
U.S. Navy destroyers dispatched to Aleutians after Chinese, Russian vessels spotted nearby : worldnews

How China weaponizes the capitalist system against us : politics

Biden is aging just fine : politics

Indict Trump for Insurrection, Too : politics

If you go after me, Im coming after you! Judge asked to intervene after Trump threatens revenge on witnesses
Experts Warn Of Trump And Allies Assailing Justice System If He Wins : politics

CBS News poll finds after latest Trump indictment, many Americans see implications for democracy. For some, it's personal - CBS News

Trump may have committed a technical violation of the Constitution, not a crime, his lawyer says
Trump says that communists and Marxists led by Biden are violating his civil rights : politics
Trump: I Will IMMEDIATELY Ask for New Judge, New Venue in Jan. 6 Trial
Trump says hell seek a new judge in election case

A man aspired to overthrow the government, and they called it a crime - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Appearing on five television networks Sunday morning, a lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump argued that his actions in the effort to overturn the 2020 election fell short of crimes and were merely "aspirational" ... n the other posts, Mr. Trump attacked Ms. Pelosi, the former House speaker, who recently said that the former president had seemed like a scared puppy before his arraignment. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL! Mr. Trump wrote.

Mike Pence does not rule out being witness for Trumps prosecution

Pence confirms he took notes on Trump about overturning election : politics
Trump: Pence has gone to the Dark Side
Mike Pence heckled by Trump supporters at town hall after rolling out mocking merch : politics
Video Shows Mike Pence Confronted by Angry Trump Supporters: 'Traitor!'

Inside Trumps alternate electors plot to steal the vote in Georgia

What about Hunter Biden?: how the presidents son became a Republican target again | The GOP is trying very hard to prove wrongdoing by father and son to distract from the three indictments of Donald Trump

Eschaton: A Play In Three Acts The Mag Habs Maneuver: Essay question: How does this differ from the way Fox would have framed the news? Or Trumps own team? ("lies" from that fucking "newspaper")

The cross-burning next time - Lawyers, Guns & Money Dahlia Lithwick is excellent on the very perilous time the country is entering, not because the latest indictment of Trump isnt justified but because it is:

Conservative elites lack the courage and will to use their influence to oppose Trump, and that is why he remains a force in American politics ... Come November of next year, Donald Trump might be elected president of the nation whose democracy he attempted to overthrow.

Bill Barr says hes willing to testify against Trump at Jan. 6 trial

Christie says Trump was too coward on Jan. 6 to join supporters on Capitol Hill

MTG Claims Prosecuting Trump Is Communism But Wants to Impeach Biden

Aides frustrated and disappointed by campaign's inner workings -DeSantis continues resetting bid as Trump holds primary lead
No wonder Trump is kicking his ass: Newsom camp hits DeSantis on debate proposal
DeSantisanti-woke bills are costing Florida millions of dollars in business

Private Equity Billionaire Tied to Jeffrey Epstein Led Industry Backing for Kyrsten Sinema : politics

Houston to refile cases against Food Not Bomb volunteers feeding homeless : news
Texas abortion ban ruled unconstitutional by state district judge : politics
In Texas, a temporary win for abortion rights : politics
In Baseless Texas Lawsuit, Matthew Kacsmaryk Could Singlehandedly Shut Down Planned Parenthood ... Absolutely shameful. Republicans and their corrupt judges have wrought so much harm on society. Weve got to make sure republicans never regain the power to appoint judges again

Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court majority sidelines chief justice, imposes new filing deadlines : politics

Ahead of Ohio abortion vote, Republicans try to change the rules : politics
Ahead of Ohio abortion vote, Republicans try to change the rules : politics ... Theres a sense in which winning is more important than democracy, she said

Are G.O.P. Voters Tiring of the War on Wokeness? New polling shows national Republicans and Iowa Republican caucusgoers were more interested in law and order than battling 'woke' schools, media and corporations. (back to basic racism)
Are G.O.P. Voters Tiring of the War on Wokeness?

Fancy Farm showdown: Kentucky serves as litmus test for 2024 strategies - POLITICO bellwether election could tell us a lot.

Anguish in Camelot: Kennedy Campaign Roils Storied Political FamilyThe presidential bid by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has tested the bonds of an iconic Democratic clan that does not want him to run and does not know what to do about it.

Massachusetts passes budget that would make free school meals permanent : politics

Federal appeals court rules Kentucky can force trans kids to detransition. The chief judge said just because some officials disagree with the ban doesnt mean it shouldn't take effect.

New Oregon law will further regulate water use on big livestock operations : politics

Wellness culture and fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money a really interesting piece in the Guardian about the increasingly convoluted connections between right wing conspiracy theories and the traditionally left-wing at least in an amorphous cultural sensewellness and alternative medicine worlds: ... Many far-right or conspiracy sites now fund themselves through supplements or fitness products, usually by hyping how the mainstream doesnt want the audience to have them ... When you think about it, its not that strange that this kind of thing should become so resonant in vaguely hippieish alternative medicine and wellness circles, along with its more obvious home in the right wing fever swamps.

Ancient Arrowhead Made of Meteorite Material Found in Switzerland, Mystifying Archaeologists : worldnews


NASA restores contact with Voyager 2 spacecraft after mistake led to weeks of silence : worldnews

Satellite supergroup spots methane super-emitters with staggering accuracy

Bark beetles are eating through Germanys Harz forest. Climate change is making matters worse

Singapore hangs third person for drug offences in little over a week | Crime News : worldnews

US soldiers in S Korea caught smuggling, distributing drugs : worldnews

US declines to invoke prisoner of war status for Travis King : worldnews

Taiwan detains army officer suspected of leaking military secrets to China : worldnews

Hong Kong police plan to arrest Danish artist and hold trial in mainland China : worldnews ... Hong Kong wondering why Western businesses are moving their regional HQs to Singapore

China warns Japan not to support NATO expansion : worldnews
Anger in China over plan to use cities as moat to save Beijing from floods
China lifts anti-dumping tariffs on Australian barley after three years, easing supply concerns : worldnews
Runaway pet dog attacks rare white peacock at zoo in China : worldnews

US and Western officials fear Putin unlikely to change course in Ukraine before 2024 election : worldnews (you know why)

Russia prepared for Ukraine war with university blood drives and by having surgeons practice on large animals but they may not have been ready for the extent of the casualties

Russia says JPMorgan stops processing its grain payments : worldnews

Raging Putin ally demands Barbie ban in Russia : worldnews ... Maria Butina. She was the Russian asset/honeypot that got deep into the NRA and with some US politicians. She was charged with espionage, sent back to Russia and shes now a Russian MP and pro-Putin propagandist. Her comments are about Barbie dolls. She says they are trans because they have breasts but dont have vaginas,,, a government intelligence prostitute is advocating dolls should have vaginas because shes promoting traditional family values

U.S. company Haas appears to still indirectly supply Russian arms industry with technology : worldnews

Russia is withdrawing its aviation from Belarus : ukraine
Almost all Russian helicopters have left Belarus, says Belarusian Hajun monitoring group : worldnews

Pakistan court sentences ex-PM Imran Khan to 3 years in prison: State TV : worldnews
Former Pakistan PM Khan disqualified from political office after guilty verdict in corruption trial | CNN : worldnews

Kill the Boer Song Fuels Backlash in South Africa and U.S

Ethiopias federal government on Friday declared a six-month state of emergency as violent clashes escalate between the national army and local fighters from the northern region of Amhara

Cameroon said Thursday that at least 12 people have been killed in new attacks by Boko Haram in Darak, a fishing island on Cameroon's northern border with Chad and Nigeria. Military officials say troops have been deployed : worldnews

Ugandan Journalists Assaulted During Press Conferences : worldnews

Niger: Detained president calls for help, defiant junta refuses to hand back power : worldnews
Coup: Tinubu notifies Nigerian Senate of ECOWAS decision to deploy military, enforce no-flight zone, cut off electricity in Niger
Nigeria: Tinubu seeks parliaments approval to invade Niger
Niger severs diplomatic ties with Nigeria, France, US, Togo : worldnews

Iran proposes long jail terms, AI surveillance in harsh new hijab law : worldnews

Jordans free speech boundaries tested with satire ... Its mocking commentary of the lavish wedding of Jordans crown prince

Israels security chiefs fear miscalculation with Hezbollah leading to all-out war
Israelis fund Palestinian teens escape from abusive father in Gaza
Israeli Cargo Ship Breaks Through Russian Blockade Of Ukrainian Black Sea Ports, Earns Praise : worldnews

Saudi Arabia kicks off Ukraine talks that exclude Russia : worldnews
Ukraine makes diplomatic move to weaken Russia : worldnews
Air-raid warning was announced all over Ukraine due to launch of missiles including cruise missiles from belarus : worldnews
Ukraines Foreign Minister says Chinas participation in meeting on Ukrainian peace formula is major breakthrough: Saudi Arabia has attracted China, and this is a historic victory
Ukraine to receive first Abrams tanks in September : worldnews
Ukraine did not receive more than 90% of tanks promised by Germany
Russian Defence Ministry claims its minister arrived in Ukraine : worldnews *occupied Ukraine
Russia Planning False Flag Attack at Belarus Oil Refinery, Ukraine Claims

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 528, Part 1 (Thread #674) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 05.08
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 05 August 2023.

Ukraine claims it broke through part of Russiasfearsome defensive line in its counterattack. The next layer is even worse.
Russias planting mines everywhere, even cruelly hiding explosives in everyday items like fridges, toys, and childrens books, Ukrainian military engineers say

At least three explosions have already been reported near the Crimean bridge
Blasts in Crimea, pro-Russia officials report Ukraine drone attack : worldnews
Ukraine war: Another Russian tanker hit by sea drone near Crimean Bridge, Moscow says : worldnews
Russia says tanker hit in Ukrainian attack near Crimea : worldnews
Very interesting read on how important the ruzzian tanker Sig is to the scumbags & why the USA Govt sanctioned the Sig years ago The Russian tanker hit overnight by a Ukrainian USV, Sig, was a prolific sanctions violator and a major lifeline for the Russian war effort in Syria.

Thousands of Ukraine civilians are forced to work as slaves for the Russians : worldnews

Sixteen people have now been detained by Warsaw who were allegedly spying for the Kremlin. Poland is also alarmed by the movement of thousands of Russias Wagner mercenary fighters close to its joint border with Belarus

Lithuania To Close Two Border Crossings With Belarus : worldnews
Lithuania deems 1,164 Belarusian and Russian nationals a threat, revokes residence permits and visas : worldnews

Greece Returns to Investment-Grade Elite With Scope Rating Upgrade : worldnews

New coup plot details fuel fears about Germanys far right: A former German lawmaker who also served as a judge led members of a far-right terrorist group that was plotting to overthrow the government on a tour of the Reichstag, home of the countrys parliament, according to prosecutors

Greta Thunberg pulls out of Edinburgh Book Festival over

Red panda twin babies born at UK zoo boost speciesendangered population

Amazon deforestation continues to fall under Lula: Rate plunged sharply in July, continuing a downward trend since Lula took office at the beginning of the year : worldnews

we dont talk more about the longer term horrors of Trump/Sessions/Millers family separation policies at the border. How many of these families havent been reunited? How many children were just lost in the system? Its one of the worst things in all of American history, if not in total numbers, at least in moral bankruptcy ... Just an utter shitshow. And all to make whites in Nebraska and Indiana feel good about themselves by destroying Latin American families.

Bidens student loan forgiveness plan faces new lawsuit to block program

Bidenomics Actually Worked, But Voters Arent Buying It

Hundreds of Thousands of Young Children and Postpartum Adults Would Be Turned Away from WIC under House and Senate Funding Levels : politics

Biden administration opens new office to study long COVID response, NIH begins clinical trials : politics

How a U.S. Tech Mogul Used Nonprofits to Sow Chinese Propaganda - The New York Times The Times unraveled a financial network that stretches from Chicago to Shanghai and uses American nonprofits to push Chinese talking points worldwide.

Army chief retires as Tuberville hold snarls the Pentagons top ranks (Russian agent?)
Defense secretary issues new memo on how to reshuffle Pentagon leadership roles amid Tuberville blockade | CNN Politics

A Republican 2024 Climate Strategy: More Drilling, Less Clean Energy - The New York Times Project 2025, a conservative battle plan for the next Republican president, would stop attempts to cut the pollution that is heating the planet and encourage more emissions.

Senator introduces bill to strip PGA Tours tax-exempt status (Saudi corruption machine)
Another 2024 Republican Candidate Is Now Profiting Off Saudi-Backed LIV Golf | HuffPost Latest News The upstart league is hosting a major tournament at The Greenbrier, owned by Senate hopeful Jim Justice mirroring LIV's relationship with former President Donald Trump.

Clarence Thomass $267,230 R.V. and the Friend Who Financed It

How Jack Smith Structured the Trump Election Indictment to Reduce Risks : politics
Key revelations, groundbreaking strategies and notable omissions in the new Trump indictment : politics

Mainstream media quote and host Republican sources who mislead audiences on indictment charges | Media Matters for America Trump lawyers are pushing a bogus First Amendment defense

DOJ prosecutors request gag order after Trump arraignment, citing social media threats : politics
Feds alert judge to Trumps If you go after me, I'm coming after you! post
DOJ Seeks Protective Order After Trumps I'm Coming After You Post
Special counsel cites threatening Trump post in request for protective order in election case : politics
Former White House press secretary on Trump threats: How is that not intimidation?

Judge denies Trump legal teams motion to extend deadline over protective order dispute in election subversion case

Ex-White House Press Secretary Says She's Nervous Following Trump's Chilling'Post

Nothing to See Here, Just Donald Trumps Attorney Admitting in Multiple Interviews That Trump Broke the LawAlso, hed like Trump to get credit for not sending in the tanks

Inside the courtroom, it was clear this indictment is different for Donald Trump : politics

Trump calls for Supreme Court to intercede against Biden after third indictment
Is America on the brink of tyranny? Trumps plan if elected in 2024 should frighten us all.
The big reason Trump leads the GOP field: Republicans think he won the 2020 election : politics

Another Reason to Worry About the Judge in Trumps Documents Case: Aileen Cannon makes a lot of mistakessome of which suggest a lack of familiarity with the Constitution.

Trump, in fiery speech in Alabama, boasts he needs one more indictment to close out this election
Donald Trump calls 3 indictments badge of honorin Alabama GOP dinner speech
Hes alone: Trump arraignment sees no family, no posse, no protests
Down the Rabbit Hole Into Donald Trumps Brain - Trump's Way of Speaking Defies All Logic

Trumps Legal Team Is Enmeshed in a Tangle of Possible Conflictsweb of overlapping interests encompassing witnesses, co-defendants and potential targets.
Awkwardness in Trumps circle: Top aides could be trial witnessesotentially putting them in a bind as cases advance

If Trump is convicted, Secret Service protection may be obstacle to imprisonment : politics
Donald Trump may go to prison after all - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Mike Pences Vaguely Inspiring Supervised Visit with His Dignity

John Eastman Comes Clean: Hell Yes We Were Trying to Overthrow the Government

Federal judge wants Giuliani to clarify incongruous and puzzling court filing in Georgia defamation case

Spring Mills man accused of attacking officers with flagpole on Jan. 6 released on supervised bail : politics
Big Country man indicted on several charges related to January 6 insurrection at US Capitol : politics
Oregon man arrested after facial recognition, cell data allegedly shows he breached capitol during insurrection : politics
Twin brothers arrested for Jan. 6 riot at Capitol : politics
SC family sentenced for role in Jan. 6 assault on US Capitol : politics

Key Witness Doesnt Back Up G.O.P.s Biggest Allegations on Bidens - The testimony of Devon Archer, a Hunter Biden associate, paints an unflattering portrait of Hunter's business dealings, but contradicts reports of bribes or material involvement by the president.

Wisconsin governor pushes for prosecution of states 2020 fake electors

Republicans Keep Being Charged for Meddling With Voting Equipment : politics

Texas man who threatened poll workers and Arizona officials is sentenced to 3 1/2 years : politics

Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023s special elections. Is it a clue for Biden vs. Trump?

DeSantis takes a risk, concedes Trumps election lies were false
Transgender adults in Florida are blindsided that a new law also limits their access to health care : politics
What a joke: Gavin Newsoms team slams Ron DeSantisdebate proposal

The Tennessee GOP Expelled Two Black Lawmakers. Voters Said, Oh No You Don't
It has been a good week for democracy in more ways than one

Gov. Tina Kotek vetoes plans to study decriminalizing sex work, creating state bank : politics

Mississippi School District Implements Transphobic Dress Code : politics

North Carolina Rep. Mannings office says she has broken sternum after three vehicle wreck

Mississippi cannot strip convicts of right to vote, federal appeals court rules A 2-1 panel faulted a provision of Mississippis state constitution that mandates lifetime disenfranchisement for people convicted of crimes including murder, rape and theft.

Supreme Court rules against Tulsa in case over Native American mans speeding ticket

Idaho State Police said 11 kids were injured, seven deemed critical.

Listen to some bullet-head and the madness that he's saying - Lawyers, Guns & Money prominent neo-Nazi Richard Hanania has an incredibly thirsty blog promoting his forthcoming book, The Bell Curve of Turner Diaries. And he helpfully includes the various people who have blurbed it:

When higher education is Rufoed - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Milwaukee prosecutors charge 14-year-old with fatally shooting fourth-grader : news

EMT arrested for stealing money from undercover investigator posing as patient : news

Family outraged after teens charged with attempted murder after assaulting police officer : news

[ELI5] What does it mean when people say that Tesla stock is overvalued? : explainlikeimfive

The Oppenheimer paradox: Scientists vs. the military-industrial complex : worldnews

Remains found in China may belong to third human lineage : worldnews

Why you should vote in the City Council election in November: a sample of what the Council does : CambridgeMA
Size of Cambridge City Council candidate field grows, with bike infrastructure looking like a key topic -


Scientists in disbelief as temperatures soar to 37C in South America in the middle of winter : worldnews

Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet : worldnews
Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet : worldnews
Oceans hit highest ever recorded temperature and set to rise further : worldnews

Baytown couple dies in home after air conditioning failure in Texas heat : news

Limitless energy: how floating solar panels near the equator could power future population hotspots

Virus-carrying tropical mosquitos found in Finland as climate heats : worldnews

Australia will return looted sculptures to Cambodia : worldnews
Australias prime minister stands firm against the US on WikiLeaks founders prosecution

A parliamentary vote to select Thailands new prime minister expected on Friday was delayed again after a court put off a decision in a case involving the progressive party that won Mays election, adding to growing uncertainty about when a new government can take office

Elon Musk: Japan issues rare warning over fake X account - BBC News Japans finance ministry has called on X, formerly known as Twitter, to take down an account impersonating its top currency diplomat Masato Kanda.
Japan issues rare warning over fake X account : worldnews

Russia doubles 2023 defence spending plan as war costs soarRussia has doubled its 2023 defence spending target to more than $100 billion, a third of all public expenditure
Ruble hits lowest value against USD since early in Ukraine war : worldnews ... The Ruble is on borrowed time just like Putin

Conflict Erupts Among Russias Pro-War Bloggers
Russia's so desperate for soldiers that its offering a $5,200 sign-on bonus to recruit from neighboring Kazakhstan

Russian warship damaged after Ukraine attacks Novorossiysk naval base, sources say : worldnews
Videos Show Russia Is Lying About Ukraines Secret Attack on its Ship
Russian warship listing heavily is being towed back to port after this mornings "unsuccessful" Ukrainian sea drone attack. Novorossiysk, 2023. : CombatFootage
Follow the Moskva
Russia accuses Ukraine of attacking Black Sea navy base and Crimea with drones : worldnews
Ukraine mocks Russian warship hit by drone overnight : worldnews

Russia court sentences Alexey Navalny, jailed opposition leader and Putin critic, to 19 more years in prison : worldnews

Russia-backed hackers used Microsoft Teams to breach government agencies : worldnews

Tell Russia to stop using Ukrainian grain as blackmail: US challenges world : worldnews
US secretary of state @SecBlinken, urged all countries at the UN to tell Russia enough. Enough using the Black Sea as blackmail. Enough treating the worlds most vulnerable people as leverage. Enough of this unjustified unconscionable war (in #Ukraine)

Niger: President Mohamed Bazoum calls on US for help after coup : worldnews
Biden calls for release of Niger president, family : worldnews

More than six million people one step away from famine in Sudan, the UN warned on

Saudi Arabia extends oil production cut : worldnews

U.S. moves to put Marines on commercial ships to stop Iranian seizures : worldnews

Lebanon on Friday marks three years since one of historys biggest non-nuclear explosions rocked Beirut. Yet nobody has been held to account as political and legal pressures suspend the investigation
Beirut, at SunsetOn August 4, 2020 a massive explosion ripped through the beleaguered citys port, killing 218 people and injuring 7,000. The explosion was not an act of terrorism or war but an act of carelessness from which Beirut has still not recovered.

Chris Christie visits Ukraine, highlighting GOP divide over U.S. role - The Washington Post The Republican presidential contender met with President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv and visited towns ravaged by Russian forces early in the war ... DeSantis struggled to articulate a consistent position earlier this year, facing blowback from donors and the more hawkish wing of the GOP when he described Russias invasion of Ukraine as a territorial dispute.He subsequently backtracked. Ramaswamy has advocated for concessions to Russia to negotiate a peace treaty and has said he would limit further funding for Ukraine. (Ramadummy)
Ukraine says Russia planning false flag attack at Belarus refinery
Ukraine says density of Russian mines is insane as it plays down counteroffensive expectations

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 527, Part 1 (Thread #673) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 4.8.2023 : ukraine
Ukrainian defenders kill another 640 Russians and destroy 19 artillery systems and 27 Russian UAVs : worldnews

A feared Ukrainian female sniper the Russians call Punishersays women can be especially deadly on the battlefield because a male soldier might hesitate to take a shot, but a woman 'never' does

A Ukrainian drone spotted a fellow wounded soldier bleeding out on a battlefield. He crawled back to safety after the drone dropped off water and aid: report : worldnews

(4/4) There is a realistic possibility that Russia is using OWA UAVs to strike this area in the belief they are less likely to risk escalation than cruise missiles: Russia likely considers them as acceptably accurate, and they have much smaller warheads than cruise missiles.

Iuliia Mendel on Twitter: "Kherson detention centers: Russian troops tortured nearly half of those held, international human rights report finds | CNN" / X

We have to fight two enemies: Ukraines female soldiers decry stigma and harassment
A picture of courage: Injured Ukrainian mother appears on the cover of Playboy after undergoing months of treatment and reconstructive surgery | Daily Mail Online

Tensions between Poland and Belarus continue to escalate. Polish combat helicopters now patrol the Belarus border, armed and authorized to fire without hesitation. This response follows airspace violations by Belarusian military helicopters who flew low and undetected 1/

Latvia to ask thousands of Russian citizens to leave the country : worldnews

Lithuania has declared more than a thousand citizens of Russia and Belarus living in the country to be threats to national security and said it is stripping them of their permanent residency permits : worldnews

Influencer Andrew Tate released from house arrest while he awaits human trafficking and rape trial The 36-year-old was indicted in June along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian women in the same case.
Andrew Tates Romania house arrest lifted

China raps Italy for malicious criticism of Belt and Road
Giorgia Meloni: Italian PM sues Placebo frontman for defamation after he called her a fascist and a racist during a gig in Turin last month : worldnews ... She also filed a defamation lawsuit against Roberto Saviano, a journalist and the author of Gomorrah, for calling her a bastard during a TV interview in 2020If found guilty, Mr Saviano could face up to three years in jail.
Protests held across Europe in solidarity with lesbian mothers in Italy : worldnews
German tourists blamed for toppling 150-year-old Italian statue : worldnews

UK: Climate Activists Throw Red Paint At Scottish Parliament Over Oil And Gas Licenses : worldnews

Cuba bans company access to ATMs, limits cash transactions : worldnews

The US wants Kenya to lead a force in Haiti with 1,000 police. Watchdogs say they'll export abuse : worldnews

Killing of American biologist in Mexico adds to rising violence against scientists there: 3rd fatal incident involving researchers studying the environment in different parts of Mexico in recent years : worldnews

Canada wildfires have already doubled smoke emissions record set last year : worldnews
Canadian province of Alberta suspends approvals for green energy projects, like wind or solar power : worldnews

Two US Navy sailors charged with spying for China : worldnews

After helping prevent extinctions for 50 years, the Endangered Species Act itself may be in peril : politics

Biden to create new Grand Canyon national monument to block mining - The Washington Post The Arizona monument would be aimed at safeguarding areas near Grand Canyon National Park that local tribes want to protect from uranium extraction

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia | CNN Politics - 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more (Republicans say surrender to Putin)

More Americans say they can never retire : politics

Republicans who fought Bidens agenda now claim credit for it

Senate Democrats ask for Alito to be recused from Supreme Court ethics and tax cases : politics
Visiting Portland, Justice Kagan says she supports ethics code for Supreme Court : politics

Totally paralyzed sometimes: Talk of Mitch McConnells replacement reportedly 'accelerated' in GOP

Tip of the iceberg: Legal experts say Jack Smith has a lot more evidence than indictment shows
Mark Meadows Was Nowhere in the Latest Indictment. Thats Bad News for Trump

Mike Pence: Trump and his crackpot lawyers told me to overturn the election

Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Trying to Overturn the Election, Despite Us All Witnessing Him Trying to Overturn the Election : politics

Jack Smith Has an Indictment. Trump Has a Massive Plan for Revenge

Forced to wait by the judge, Trump is out of his comfort zone in court : politics
Trump reportedly irked that arraignment judge called him Mr Trump
From Mr President to Mr: strongman Donald Trump cut down to size in court
Trump Was Seriously Salty About the Way a Judge Addressed Him: Report

Its justice that Trump, who wanted to toss Black votes, gets charged under a KKK Act

Will they flip? Why the six people cited in Trumps indictment pose a threat to him

Capitol Police officer: Trump should have been arrested on Jan. 7

Trumps Idiot Lawyer Undermines His Case Moments Before His Arrest: Alina Habba undercut the entire premise of Trumps defense against the January 6 charges
MSNBC Panel Stunned by Trump Lawyers Admission on Fox News
Donald Trump lawyer appears to admit to one of Jack Smiths charges

Expected fourth Trump indictment leads to closed roads near Georgia courthouse : politics

House Democrats call for live broadcasts of court proceedings in Trump criminal cases
House Dems call for Trump trial to be televised : politics
One Sign Trump Is Actually in Trouble: Dems Are Keeping Their Mouths Shut : politics

Is Trump running for president mostly to avoid prison? : politics

Trump documents case judge made multiple errors in earlier trial : politics
Exclusive: Trump documents case judge made multiple errors in earlier trial | Reuters Florida-based U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon

Trumps Jan. 6 defense strategy: Flood the zone with sh*tTrump and his defenders resort to his Big Lie tactics: Spew so much nonsense that debunkers cant keep up (
Trumps Defense Plan: Just a Guy Out of Touch With Reality

Trump sued Michael Cohen for $500 million. Now hes worried hes at risk of self-incrimination

The problem isnt Trump its the willingness of so many Americans to support him
Trump could lose half of GOP voters if he is convicted: poll : politics
Nearly two-thirds of Americans think Jan. 6 charges against Trump are serious: POLL - ABC News

John Bolton: In a second Trump term, wed almost certainly withdraw from NATO

Are Democrats Tricking Republicans Into Nominating Trump? Conservative elites driven to madness by DeSantiss collapse.

Joe Biden calling his son is still not a scandal The latest GOP attempt to paint Hunter Biden as his fathers secret business liaison failed to live up to the hype
Jim Jordan assures public the snipe will turn up any minute now - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Rudy Giuliani goes on unhinged rant claiming Mike Pences wife leads him around on a leash

Casey DeSantis raised $63M for Hurricane Ian relief. Where did it go? : politics
Florida bans AP psychology over gender identity, sexual orientation lessons, College Board says : politics
DeSantis appointee to Disney board taught seminar using discredited research claiming White people were slaves in America : politics
Florida teacher shortage one of the worst in the country as new school year starts : politics

Both expelled members of Tennessee Three win back their state House seats

Federal court denies a Right To Bully trans students in Ohio. The judge concluded theres no right to misgender & bully trans students in the Constitution. He rejected claims based on 1st & 14th amendment

Indiana Courts Continue to Rule in Favor of Transgender Youth | ACLU of Indiana

The Land Beyond the Drug War - Every state in America has a fentanyl problem, but only Oregon has decriminalized drugs and sent hundreds of millions in legal-weed tax dollars to organizations that are trying to heal people. In Portland and a rural county nearby, there is both chaos and hope.

Connecticut law ending religious vaccine exemptions for children is upheld : politics

Ohio Republicans plan to trick voters may backfire spectacularly (
Fall abortion battle propels huge early voter turnout for an Ohio special election next week : politics

Docs reveal identity of Texas AG Paxton s alleged mistress - The revelation comes as Paxton's attorneys fight to dismiss nearly all the articles of impeachment against him.
Top Texas A&M officials were involved in botched recruiting of journalism professor, who will receive $1 million settlementdecision to temporarily suspend a respected opioids expert after she was accused of criticizing Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in a lecture.

Climate change and conference realignment - Lawyers, Guns & Money What all this illustrates is that powerful institutions in American life are not even pretending to make even the most minimal changes that are demanded by any serious response to the climate crisis. Indeed, they are doing quite the opposite: the presidents and governing boards of these universities are voting to create collegiate sports alignments that will require hundreds of teams from dozens of sports not just football to collectively fly from one end of the country to the other hundreds if not thousands of times per year to compete against each other.

Financier of QAnon-Esque Child Trafficking Film Is Arrested for Child Kidnapping

Police officer Ricky Anderson charged with murder for shooting Black man in his bed - ABC News Ricky Anderson has been charged for the fatal shooting of Donovan Lewis ... According to the complaint, Anderson had a total of 58 complaints against him over the years, including use of force complaints, and has also been reprimanded for sexual harassment while on the job.

Appeals court throws out conviction after judge says Black man looks like a criminal to me

Gilgo Beach: Police identify another victim in serial killing investigation - ABC News

WATCH: Arkansas deputy shoots at Pomeranian but hits woman standing on porch instead : news

Wild otter attack leads to woman being airlifted to hospital, 2 others treated for injuries - ABC News

Six white former officers plead guilty in torture of two Black men | The Hill ... The attack on the two Black men is being called a racist crime after the deputies, who called themselves The Goon Squad, tortured the men for spending the night with a white woman.

This Church Promised to Save Their Souls. Defectors Say It Was a CultHow a group of Christian outcasts banded together to expose alleged sexual assault and manipulation that was happening within its ranks

Threads Has Lost More Than 80% of Its Daily Active Users : technology

Free Speech Absolutist Elon Musk Hides Effective Political Ad That Calls Out GOP

New Google tool lets users track and delete search results about themselves : worldnews

EPA Approved a Fuel Ingredient Even Though It Could Cause Cancer in Virtually Every Person Exposed Over a Lifetime : politics

XQ-58A Valkyrie drone successfully flown by AI pilot

Successful room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99 : worldnews

Scientists uncover previously unknown spectrum of magnon excitations in an antiferromagnetic thin film : worldnews

New chemotherapy can kill all solid tumors in animal trials : worldnews

James Webb telescope captures end stages of dying stars life

Apple is set to shed nearly $60 billion in value after iPhone sales fell : technology undefined


Gravity varies around the world. Here's where it changes the most - The Washington Post

The world just got its first real taste of what life is like at 1.5 degrees Celsius - The Washington Post

Its midwinter, but its over 100 degrees in South America - Some places have even reached all-time maximumssurpassing summer temperatures, even though it is winter

Earth Overshoot Day: Weve burned through Earths yearly resource budget in under 8 months

Presidents of Mediterranean states demand climate crisis action : worldnews

Waves grow up to 13 feet tall in California as Earth warms, research finds : news
Waves are getting bigger and surf at least 13 feet (about 4 meters) tall is becoming more common off Californias coast as the planet warms, according to new research that tracked the increasing height from historical data gathered over the past 90 years.

Amazon deforestation falls over 60% compared with last July, says Brazilian minister : worldnews
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Wednesday the world must help Brazil protect the Amazon, ahead of a summit next week on the worlds biggest rainforest, a key buffer against climate change

Atlantic orcas learning from adults to target boats off Spains coast

Australian museum to return stolen Cambodian artefacts : worldnews

Singapore executes man over drugs in third hanging in week : worldnews

Russian military plane flies to North Korea days after Shoigu visit. Flight-tracking data and satellite imagery suggest Moscow dispatched team to Pyongyang in follow-up to last weeks trip
Travis King: North Korea confirms custody of US soldier : worldnews

Heaviest rainfall in 140 years drenches Beijing while Typhoon Khanun hits Japans Okinawa

ISW on Twitter: "3/ The highest echelons of the Russian military command may have directed milbloggers to stay silent about problems that can be directly blamed on the Russian military command." / X 3/ The highest echelons of the Russian military command may have directed milbloggers to stay silent about problems that can be directly blamed on the Russian military command.

Russian military recruitment offices hit with string of arsons

Ex-Con Freed to Fight in Ukraine Accused of Butchering Six Back Home : worldnews

Russia fines Apple $4,400 for false information aboutUkraine fighting

Extreme weather events take a toll on energy sector in India : worldnews
Everyone is aghast: Indias move to weaken forest protections outrages conservationists
Deadly communal violence flares in India a month before world leader summit : worldnews
Kerala lottery: Indian women sanitation workers hit jackpot : worldnews

Pakistani Defence Minister calls female leaders trash and leftovers in parliament

Meta, Google and YouTube profiting off posts for bogus womens health cures in Kenya

A Niger coup leader meets with Wagner-allied junta in Mali | CNN : worldnews
Nigeria cuts electricity to Niger after coup. : worldnews Coup Belt - Wikipedia

The United States has ordered the partial evacuation of its embassy in Niger following last weeks coup

Putin talks to Erdogan by phone, discussing grain deal and agreeing to meet in Turkiye

ISIS says its leader was killed by militants in Syria and names successor Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurayshi, who headed the extremist organization since November, died fighting in Syria, the militant group said.

Anti-LBTQ backlash grows across Middle East, echoing U.S. culture wars - The Washington Post

US military may put armed troops on commercial ships in Strait of Hormuz to stop Iran seizures | AP News

Catastrophe: Volodymyr Zelenskys grim warning as he accuses Vladimir Putin of trying to collapse global food markets
Ukraine accuses Russia of damaging 40,000 tonnes of grain : worldnews
Ukrainian pilots will start training on F-16 fighter jets in August 2023 - This was announced by Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a meeting with heads of Ukraines foreign diplomatic institutions.
Ukraine war: Barrages of drones intercepted near Kyiv and Moscow : worldnews
How Ukraines Most Elite Snipers Rewrote the Marksmans Handbook

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 526, Part 1 (Thread #672) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 3.8.2023 : ukraine
Ministry Of defence UK daily Ukraine update 03.08.2023
Russian losses by weeks of July : ukraine

Ukraine released footage of a HIMARS strike on Russians gathering out in the open on a beach, saying it took out 200 troops : worldnews

The slow counteroffensive of the Armed Forces is a consequence of the allieshesitation -When Ukraine first asked for Western tanks, Russia simply did not have serious fortifications. But in six months, the occupiers had already built hundreds of miles of fortifications.If the last year of the war has shown anything, it is that such fluctuations are costly. It not only deprives Ukrainians of their lives, but also enables a protracted, painful war
The worst are tripwires,says Pole. which you cannot see at night, and set off a whole string of connected mines. Combat medics say that most casualties they evacuate have been injured by mines

4/4) Although undergrowth can also provide cover for small stealthy infantry assaults, the net effect has been to make it harder for either side to make advances.

Russia systematically forcing Ukrainians to accept citizenship, US report finds

During the last attack of the Russian Federation on the port of Izmail, one of the drones fell on the territory of Romania
This gives you a real sense of just how close these Russian air attacks are to the EU and NATO border.

Belarus helicopters entered Polands airspace as provocation
Poland deploys attack helicopters to border with Belarus : worldnews
NATO vows to do everything necessary to protect allied territory following Polands airspace breach
#EU expands #sanctions against #Belarus for its role in #Russia's war against #Ukraine to target sanctions circumvention:
There is no indication that #Wagner fighters in #Belarus have the heavy weaponry necessary to mount a serious offensive against #Ukraine or #Poland without significant rearmament

Russia adds Norway to list of countries unfriendly to its diplomats

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania want to decouple their power grids from the Russian system by February 2025. The three countries' grid operators signed an agreement calling for the move, Wednesday. : worldnews

London to protest in support of lesbian mums stripped from birth certificates in Italy : worldnews

Pope meets victims of clerical sexual abuse in Portugal : worldnews

France may soon overtake Russia as the worlds No. 2 arms exporter

Greenpeace protesters drape giant oil-black fabric over Sunaks mansion

Brazil police raids leave at least 45 people dead : worldnews

Meta is so unwilling to pay for news under a new Canadian law that it's starting to block it on Facebook and Instagram in that country : worldnews

US Navy Sailors Charged With Selling National Security Secrets to China - Bloomberg San Diego man first to be charged with espionage in district - Cases show Chinese efforts to gain US secrets, prosecutors say

US border agents habitually abuse human rights, report reveals : worldnews
Dead person found in Texas anti-migrant buoys that Mexico and Justice Dept. want removed

Majority in U.S. Say Biden Administration Ethics Are Subpar
CNN Poll: Half of Americans think the economy is getting worse, despite months of stronger economic news : politics

One of the reasons Fitch slashed Americas credit rating was the Jan. 6 insurrection over 2 years ago, source says
Jan. 6 Cited RepeatedlyBy Ratings Firm In U.S. Credit Downgrade: Administration Official

82% of Voters Oppose GOP Push to Cut Social Security for Americans Under 50: Poll Voters would rather see taxes on wealthy Americans to ensure Social Security remains a guarantee for all,

Conor Friedersdorf has a blog asserting that the current iteration of the Supreme Court is not reactionary or partisan, based on a superficial analysis of 13 merits cases from a single term. The problems with this mode of argument will be obvious to anybody who knows anything, although Mark Joseph Stern goes into a little more detail: ("Libertarian" Friedersdork wrong, as usual)

Sen. Dianne Feinsteins daughter has power of attorney over her
As Dianne Feinstein, 90, struggles to function in the Senate, a dispute within her family over control of her late husbands estate is another difficult chapter at the end of a long career.

Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report : politics

Finally. The Coup Indictment. : politics
Trump pleads not guilty to charges that he plotted to overturn election - The Washington Post A very sad day for America the former president declares as the clock begins ticking toward his trial on Jan. 6-related charges
Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Plotting to Overturn the 2020 Election - The New York Times

What Makes Jack Smiths New Trump Indictment So Smart
Jack Smith has a lot more evidence about Donald Trump -- Bill Barr
Which side are you on? - Lawyers, Guns & Money Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern try to draw a line through the right wing of the legal profession, with corrupt movement lawyers on one side, and John Roberts and Bill Barr et. al. on the other: ... In America in 2023, the Republican party is fully dedicated to replacing liberal democracy with authoritarian ethno-nationalism.

Trump Is a Dangerous Criminal Who Belongs in Prison : politics
Trump says he faces 561 years in prison in fundraising email : politics

Pence Says Trump Pushed Him Essentially to Overturn the Election

Trumps First Amendment defense in Jan. 6 case is shaky, experts say

Trump indictment references Pence or vice presidency more than 100 times : politics
Its Clear Hes Going to Testify: Pence Has Central Role in Trump Prosecution
Trump Extremists Make New Calls to Hang Mike Pence : politics
Trump Extremists Make New Calls to Hang Mike Pence: Watch His Toes Dangle

Donald Trump Has a Huge Rudy Giuliani Problem : politics
Rudy Giuliani in Vile New Audio Transcripts:Jewish Men Have Small Cocks .. because they cant use them after they get married ... Whereas the Italian use them all their lives so they get bigger
Americas mayor ... On the other hand, he did walk around with a megaphone while the emergency response center he personally chose to locate at the site of the citys most obvious terrorist target was reduced to rubble, so.

Indictment Mystery: Did Someone Spill About the Donald Trump-Kevin McCarthy Jan. 6 Call?

So Sad! Trumpworld Delights That This Aide May Be in Legal Trouble - Boris Epshteyn
Conspirator 6 - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Jeffrey Clark plotted to reverse Trumps loss. Now hes a GOP luminary.
How Utah Sen. Mike Lee is tied to co-conspirators in Donald Trumps latest criminal indictment. Lee is not mentioned in the latest criminal charges against the former president, but several people Lee worked with after the 2020 election are anonymously listed as co-conspirators

Cardinals mascot accused by Tucker of being a federal provocateur charged for 1/6 crimes - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Former Georgia state senator subpoenaed to testify before grand jury in 2020 election probe : politics
Fulton County sheriff says well have a mugshot if former Pres.Trump is indicted locally

Trump Wants Jan. 6 Trial in Unbiased West Virginia, Where He Won by 30 Points | The former president called the conservative state politically unbiased
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a tRump attorney spouting quasi-legalistic arguments, forever - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Trumps Jan. 6 indictment is his biggest grift yet: The latest indictment will be another cash cow for Trump unless the FEC acts now
There is no First Amendment right to overturn an election: Trumps lawyers plan to argue he had a First Amendment right to subvert the 2020 election. He didnt.

Sen. Ed Markey: Put a camera in courtroom for Trump trial : politics

Devon Archer said the opposite of what Republicans claimed - The Washington Post

CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% | CNN Politics : politics
Trump supporters view the latest indictment as evidence of a crime against Trump
About half of US Republicans could spurn Trump if he is convicted, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

Extremely Reasonable and Normal Republicans - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The rhetoric by the Fascist Party at Turning Point Action was very healthy for a democracy. (JD Hillbilly for Putin Vance)

Ron DeSantis Vows to Start Slitting Throats on First Day of Presidency
Ron DeSantis agrees to debate Gavin Newsom on Fox News : politics
DeSantis policies prompt 2 major Black groups to move events out of Florida : politics
decision to restrict AP Psychology comes several months after its decision to block AP African American Studies courses.

Nessel slams Michigan commission for delaying disciplinary action on false Trump elector : politics

The cruelty Olympics: Texas workers condemn elimination of water breaks

Sweeping ballot proposal would force California lawmakers to reveal lobbyist ties : politics

Heartstopper, The Colour Purple and hundreds more books set for Iowa school ban : politics

How the loss of local newspapers fueled political divisions in the U.S. : politics

Media Elite Myopia - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is like shooting fish in a barrel, but I cant help making fun of it. Fine for Quartz to prioritizing diversity. All media sites should. But the utter myopia that is the baseline for these people is amazing.

Cornel West Owes More Than Half a Million in Unpaid Taxes : politics
Trump supporter has Trumpian attitude toward paying taxes - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Policy-Blogging: A History of Progressive Inflation Control - The Macunian Tradition, Keynes' Plan to Pay for the War, and John H.G Pierson - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Monticello woman dies from water toxicity, her family is raising awareness : news

FBI Portland Seeking Additional Victims After Woman Escaped Makeshift Cinderblock Cell in Klamath Falls, OR (Photo)

Video shows Minnesota trooper fatally shot Black driver in traffic stop - The Washington Post

How cities can stem the tide of pedestrian deaths from large cars and SUVs | Ars Technica Ever-larger cars and trucks are causing a safety crisis on US streets.

Dick Van Dyke Talks Openly About His Alcoholism | The Dick Cavett Show : television

I am suing Scientology and David Miscavige - by Leah Remini

Breastfeeding for six months or more appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems developing in mothers for at least three years after delivery, according to new study. : science
Breast milk lipid molecule stimulates brain stem cells to produce oligodendrocytes, effectively reversing white matter damage in neonatal mice. : science

Cancer-killing pill that appears to annihilate solid tumours is now being tested on humans

A whale from 40 million years ago is the heaviest animal that has inhabited the Earth : worldnews

Spectacularly Preserved Jellyfish Found in 500-Million-Year-Old Rock : worldnews

This New England neo-Nazi group is getting bigger and scarier, experts say. Most troubling: Military vets fill its ranks.
Cell phone video surfaces of off-duty Hull police officer Scott Saunders alleged assault on 72-year-old in Pembroke


Black swan pathogens from ancient permafrost may be getting ready to wake up

July has been the hottest month in human history : worldnews
Climate change made July hotter for almost every human on earth : worldnews

Phoenix heat wave broke record for electricity demand again and again and again : technology

Nasa has picked up a "heartbeat" signal from its Voyager 2 probe after it lost contact with it for two weeks because a wrong command tilted its antenna to point two degrees away from Earth : worldnews

The first generation of solar panels will wear out. A recycling industry is taking shape : worldnews

Rhino poaching declines in South Africa amid crackdown: The number of rhinos killed by poachers at Kruger National Park dropped by half as part of a downward trend nationwide. But authorities said demand for illegal rhino horn persists. : worldnews - Too bad cockroaches cant be used in Chinese medicine. (cure for limp dicks in China)

All minks to be culled at bird flu sites, at least 50K fur animals already ordered killed (Finland) : worldnews

Former childcare worker charged with over 1,600 counts of abuse in Australia : worldnews
An Australian state is adding a special U class licence that must be obtained before driving super and hypercars in order to prevent inexperienced drives from crashing. : worldnews

South Korea raises heat alert to highest amid sweltering weather : worldnews

Taiwan Vice President Lai to transit U.S. during Paraguay trip : worldnews (China has meltdown)

Xi Jinping replaces generals in charge of Chinas nuclear arsenal
Floods surrounding Beijing kill at least 20, leave 27 missing while thousands evacuated : worldnews
Beijing rains heaviest since records began 140 years ago : worldnews
China curbs children from using smartphones, internet at night : worldnews

"Wash your head with your own urine, and then drink it." A leak of recordings from the phone of the liquidated Russian soldier has appeared online, demonstrating how the Russian Army handles the members of the Wagner Group PMC. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Over the past two days, there have been about 25 arsons of military enlistment offices in Russia. Most often, the arsonists turned out to be elderly people or women. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia Reports Ukrainian Drone Hits Government Offices In Moscow : worldnews
Turkmenistan suspends Moscow flights citing safety concerns after Ukrainian drone attacks on the Russian capital : worldnews

Wall Street Reaped Ruble Fortune on Clients Fleeing From Russia : worldnews

A guidebook to Russian wartime oligarchsreleased by @wwwproektmedia found that at least 81 of Russias richest businessmen are involved in supplying Russias military-industrial complex.

(2/6) Since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has mainly deployed mobilised reservists to back-fill established formations, or as part of territorial defence infantry regiments.
(4/6) An exception to this was the 3rd Army Corps created in summer 2022, which has generally performed poorly.
6/6) Without a major new wave of mandatory mobilisation, Russia is unlikely to find enough new troops to resource even one new army.

Classic Russianescalate a situation and then demand concessions from the West for them to de-escalate. Deployment of a tactical nuclear weapon to BLR does nothing to increase the likelihood or improve the effectiveness of that weapon. It only serves to cause us to self-deter -- Russia offers to remove its nuclear weapons from Belarus if the U.S. agrees to remove all of its nuclear weapons from Western Europe and Turkey
Lukashenko claims he joked about Wagner Group planning to attack Poland

Indian business hub Gurugram remains tense after Hindu-Muslim clashes : worldnews

Music may lead youth to go astray: Taliban burns musical instruments in Afghanistan

Police arrest military officers planning to topple Sierra Leonean govt

Iran shuts down for two days because of unprecedented heat
Irans official in-charge for enforcing hijab, chastity caught having gay sex on camera, fired

The Face of Israels Protests Is a Particle Physicist
Israel holds over 1,200 detainees without charge. Thats the most in 3 decades, a rights group says
Palestinian gunman shoots 6 at Maaleh Adumim restaurant before being shot dead : worldnews

Scale of amputations in Ukraine reaches WWI level
Since the beginning of the war, up to 50,000 Ukrainians have lost one or more limbs, These figures are based on information from the government and medical institutions, although the actual figure may be higher because the prosthetics process takes a long time. At the beginning of the war, the main causes of amputations were wounds received during artillery and rocket attacks. Now, many people are injured by being blown up by mines installed along the front line.
Ukraine is 3D printing bombs to keep up with its battlefield demands, says report, with some costing as little as $3.85 : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 525, Part 1 (Thread #671) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 1.8.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian HIMARS Strike Takes Out 200 Russian Troops Gathered on a Beach
Ukrainian HIMARS Strike Takes Out 200 Russian Troops Gathered on a Beach
Ukraines Armed Forces dislodge Russian forces from positions near Andriivka

International group working to identify Russian forces that carried out grisly war crimes on Kherson prisoners (nation of sado-fuckers)
Russian troops tortured half of prisoners detained in Kherson, say war crime investigators ... including genital electrocution (rapo-fuckers)

Russias overnight attack on Izmail port causes jump in food prices worldwide
Ukraine war: Drones target Odesa grain stores near Romania border : worldnews
Russian drones attack Ukrainian port, grain storage facilities in Odesa region : worldnews

Child abductions are Russian plan to weaken Ukraine, says UK envoy
2/ The #Kherson Oblast occupation Ministry of Education and Science announced that Russian authorities sent students from occupied Henichesk to the Sokol Children and Youth Recreation Center in Kaluga Oblast for health improvement and education.

Georgia: Russian cruise ship Astoria Grande has left the Black Sea port of Batumi after anti-war demonstrators threw eggs and called for its passengers to leave. : worldnews

Polish Ministry of Defense confirmed cross of the border by two Belarusian helicopters : worldnews
Diplomatic row between Ukraine and Poland deepens : worldnews
Polish Foreign Ministry says current relations with Ukraine are not the best

Europe marks Holocaust memorial day for Sinti and Roma: Sinti and Roma people from across Europe gathered at the Holocaust memorial at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland on Wednesday to remember the murder of an estimated 500,000 men, women and children by Nazi Germany during World War 2 : worldnews

Billboard highlighting clerical abuse removed as pope arrives in Lisbon | Reuters

Meta loses battle in EU, will ask for consent to show personalized ads : worldnews

Irelands far-right party in crisis amid claims of stolen gold

Quakers pledge to stand by trans Brits: A gold-standard for other faiths to follow

Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire Trudeau announce separation
PM Justin Trudeau and wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau are separating : worldnews
Meta permanently ending news availability on its platforms in Canada starting today : worldnews

Border Patrol arrests jump in July, a blow to Biden's plans for migrants - The Washington Post

Fitch downgrades U.S. long-term rating to AA+ from AAA
GOPs Fiscal Vandalism and Political SabotagePrompts Second-Ever US Credit Downgrade |Republicans were warned that their repeated brinksmanship and deficit-funded tax giveaways for the wealthy and big corporations would have consequences,
Fitch highlighted Jan. 6 insurrection in talks with Treasury ahead of US downgrade : politics

Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows | CNN Politics
Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows : politics
The Supreme Court Must Side With Women, Not Their Abusers : politics

After nearly 40 years as a US senator, it is time for Mitch McConnell to retire: Opinion : politics

Special counsel Jack Smith announces new Trump charges, calling Jan. 6 an "unprecedented assault" : politics
Special Counsel Jack Smith Delivers Statement : politics
Trump is charged under civil rights law used to prosecute KKK violence : politics
Opinion | Trump indicted for Jan. 6. At last. - The Washington Post

U.S. v. Trump Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nations History
Trump charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstruction in Jan 6 probe : politics
Trump charged in US special counsel probe in efforts to overturn 2020 election : politics

Here Are the 78 Charges Trump Now Faces, and All the Prison Time : politics

Trump has been indicted before. Historians say this time is different. - The Washington Post Scholars say the new charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election pose a unique test for the rule of law and go to the core of the threat to democracy
The alleged Trump crime that we all saw - The Washington Post Federal indictment lays out a case for actions that many Americans saw with their own eyes
DOJ alleges Trump criminally conspired to cling to power
Prosecuting Trump is perilous. Ignoring his conduct would be worse. : politics
This Is *the* Case : politics

Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell appear to be among alleged Trump co-conspirators : politics
Here are the Trump co-conspirators described in the DOJ indictment - The Washington Post

The Obama-appointed judge who could send Donald Trump to prison : politics
Trumps new judge is a tough Jan. 6 sentencer and has a history with him
The judge assigned to Trumps Jan. 6 case is a tough punisher of Capitol rioters

The real problem - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Trumps utterly unhinged reaction to his latest criminal indictment ... The point is that this utter wreck and disgrace of a human being is going to be the Republican nominee for president, and there isnt even any serious challenge to that happening, because one of Americas two major political parties belongs to this pscyhopath.

Trump Supporters Cant Stop Fani Willis And They Cant Stand It
New York attorney generals Trump lawsuit ready for trial, her office says

Unequal Justice: Trump 2024 and the Blueprint to End American Democracy - The far right Heritage Foundation created a platform for Trump that plots an authoritarian take-over of the country. : politics

Trump Dines With Fox News Executives After Learning of Third Indictment - The New York Times The Fox leaders appealed to the former president to participate in the first G.O.P. debate, which is being hosted by the network.

Trump IndictmentJan. 6 Riot Was Fueled by Lies From Trump, Special Counsel Says
Trump Told Pence Youre Too Honest When He Objected to Jan. 6 Scheme
Mike Pence Lands at the Heart of the Trump Indictment - The New York Times Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United Stateshe former vice president said shortly after the indictment of Donald Trump.

Donald Trumps $100 million PAC is down to just $3.6 million in cash
Just 4 of Donald Trump's 44 former cabinet members have publicly endorsed his 2024 run : politics
All The Republicans Who Told Donald Trump He Was Lying About Election Fraud : politics

Public Opinion About Trumps Criminality Is Shiftinga Bit

Come Here, Big Tits: Rudy Giulianis Sex Abuse Accuser Has theTapes

Another GOP bombshell fails to detonate - House Republicans are having a hard time selling the idea that Devon Archer's testimony was important

Everything has fallen off a cliff: Battleground state GOPs nosedive in Trump era

Michigan Republicans charged for tampering with 2020 voting machines : politics
Police report: Michigan GOP delegate kicked in groin during meeting : politics
Trump Meddler in Michigan, Matthew DePerno, Is Charged in Election Breach | A key figure in a multistate effort to overturn the 2020 election, Mr. DePerno lost his race for Michigan attorney general in 2022. : politics

Ron DeSantis Invites Nations First Black VP to Florida for Roundtable Discussion on the Upsides of Being Enslaved In a shock move, she declined.
Harris says she wont debate DeSantis on new Black history standards in Florida
Harris rejects DeSantis offer to debate Floridas new Black history standards
DeSantis History - Lawyers, Guns & Money Jedd Legum did a deep dive into the "historians" behind DeSantiss history standards, and hoo-boy:

Identity of woman in alleged Paxton affair revealed, raising impeachment conflict concerns : politics

Mohave County votes down hand count of ballots for 2024 election : politics

Dems Say GOP Reps F-Bomb Tirade at Teens Will Have Political Fallout

Utah law requiring age verification for porn sites remains in effect after judge tosses lawsuit : politics

Transgender Rights Targeted In Oklahoma Governor's Executive Order | HuffPost Latest News

Robert F Kennedy Jrs campaign bankrolled by Republican mega-donor

TIL after centuries of use in America there was an international effort to ban sign language. Educators from Europe wanted to force the deaf to try to focus on oral communication instead. Linguists rejected American Sign Language as a language until William Stokoe proved it had grammar in the 1960s. : todayilearned
(80) Was Helen Keller A Fraud? | The Deep Dive - YouTube

Room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor breakthrough by Korean team replicated, twice | peer-reviewed by Chinese scientists who successfully synthesized magnetic levitation-enabled LK-99 crystal : worldnews

AI offers huge promise on breast cancer screening : worldnews

Swiss research raises hopes for the treatment of hereditary anemia : worldnews

Scientists discover massive ancient whale : worldnews

Opinion | An Interior Department test proved passwords are ineffective - The Washington Post


Antarctica: Argentina-sized Sea Ice Chunk Missing : worldnews

The cost of climate change: 2C global warming target is not economically reasonable unless we make major changes. Climate change would be best approached in an integrated manner with biodiversity and health issues considered side-by-side with economic factors.

Phoenix's Month in Hell: A 31-Day Streak of Record Heat Ends - A continuous stretch of days reaching or exceeding 110 degrees has filled emergency rooms. On Monday, the city hit 108 degrees, breaking the run, but setting a new, brutal record.

Its not just hot. Climate anomalies are emerging around the globe. (

Good and bad weather - Lawyers, Guns & Money

BPs 2bn profits cause anger amid climate crisis

Shameful loss: wolves declared extinct in Andalucia

Former childcare worker charged with 1,623 sexual abuse offences against 91 children in Australia and overseas : news

Myanmar junta pardons ex-leader Suu Kyi for five offences : worldnews

South Korean dog meat farmers push back against growing moves to outlaw their industry : worldnews

Taiwan expands protections against workplace sexual harassment : worldnews

In the first half of year 2023, Chinas renewable energy installed capacity accounted for about 48.8% of the total installed capacity

Russian economic house of cards could topple at any moment : anime_titties
Vladimir Putin says Russian navy to get 30 new ships this year : worldnews
Same Moscow skyscraper hit in new drone attack : worldnews
A building in the Moscow City business district that houses three federal ministries was hit by a drone for the second time in three days this morning. Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak said Russias capital is rapidly getting used to full-scale war
Putin Outlaws Anonymity: Identity Verification For Online Services, VPN Bypass Advice a Crime : worldnews

Russias use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine will be considered an attack on NATO, given Ukraines proximity to the alliance's territory,US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said in a tweet, responding to Dmitri Medvedevs nuclear threats
US on Medvedevs nuclear lies: reckless and irresponsible

NEXTA on Twitter: "In St. Petersburg, a man threw a Molotov cocktail at the door of a military recruitment office." / X
Dissatisfaction is rising in Russia. For several days in a row, military enlistment offices around the country have been attacked with molotov cocktails.

Israeli ship becomes the first to break through Russian grain blockade : worldnews
Six ships break Russias Black Sea blockade
NATO Planes Watched As Civilian Ships Ran Russias Naval Blockade Of Ukraine

Over 1 million women went missing in India from 2019 to 2021 - report : worldnews ... Those are only the reported and documented cases, too. What an absurd number.
When Women Refuse
Indian guard kills colleague and three passengers on train, then hails Modi : worldnews

Islamic State claims responsibility for Pakistan bombing, death toll rises to 45 : worldnews

Burkina Faso, Mali say any intervention to restore deposed President Mohamed Bazoum will be considered a declaration of war against them.
Burkina Faso and Mali say intervention in Niger would be 'declaration of war' : worldnews Burkina Faso and Mali say intervention in Niger would be declaration of war .. Lol, two African states that rely on Russian / Wagner support defend the Russian backed coup that overthrew the democratically elected government. Shocking.
Niger has suspended the export of gold and uranium to France this Sunday with immediate effect : worldnews
France to begin evacuation for its citizens, EU nationals in Niger : worldnews
US troops restricted to American base in Niger : worldnews

Barbie Release Postponed in Middle East as Potential Ban Looms in Saudi Arabia and More Territories

Iran shuts down for two days because of unprecedented heat
Iran official in charge of promoting Islamic valuessuspended over alleged gay sex video

UN reports 11 killed as clashes rock Lebanon Palestinian camp : worldnews
Palestinians in Gaza protest economic hardship, call to end Hamas rule : worldnews

US transfers $1.25 billion in grant funds to Ukraine : worldnews
The Future of the US-Ukraine Relationship - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ukraines plan if Russia assassinates Zelenskyy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 524, Part 1 (Thread #670) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 1.8.2023 : ukraine
Ministry Of defence UKDaily Ukraine 01.08.2023

Russians bombard hospital in Kherson, killing doctor and injuring nurse : worldnews

Cluster bombs transferred to Ukraine exceeded expectations
Russian forces lack artillery ammunition, reserves in southern Ukraine
Rob Lee on Twitter: ""Ukraine is currently firing up to 8,000 rounds of artillery a day...according to American officials." "The US is now also working to ramp up supply of the shells, with a target of producing up to 90,000 a month by FY 2025...compared with 24,000 now"" / X Ukraine is currently firing up to 8,000 rounds of artillery a day..The US is now also working to ramp up supply of the shells, with a target of producing up to 90,000 a month by FY 2025compared with 24,000 now"
The defense-industrial complex of Ukraine has developed Rubakaoperational-strategic level barrage munitions.capable of covering a distance of 500 kilometers. The device is manufactured by a classified Ukrainian defense company.
Ukraines Defense Ministry has announced an agreement, recently finalized with Turkey, to build a center for servicing and repairing Bayraktar drones in Ukraine. The ministry calls it a significant step toward strengthening defense capabilities.

IAEA: Landmines discovered close to Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News : worldnews

Civilian opposition to occupiers grows in Crimea

Child abductions are Russian plan to weaken Ukraine, says UK envoy

Lukashenko taunts Poland again over Wagner troops near border : worldnews
Belarussian helicopters sighted on Polish side of the border, reportedly harassing citizens [PL] : worldnews

Polish Left sets out plan to end toxic relationship between church and state ... The group also wants a ban on the conducting of exorcisms on minors. There are no precise figures on how many exorcisms are conducted annually in Poland, but it is estimated to be around 130 to 150

Croatia to Help Export Ukrainian Grain through Its Ports : worldnews

US limits visa waiver for Hungarian passport holders : worldnews

Sweden rules out sweeping changes to free speech law amid Quran burnings : worldnews ... Western democracies should not be held hostage by religious nutjobs who would slit your throat without a second thought.

US sanctions four Bosnian Serb top officials for undermining peace deal : worldnews

Sunaks new oil and gas licences are moral and economic madness

Millions in Haiti starve as food, blocked by gangs, rots on the ground : worldnews

All news in Canada will be removed from Facebook, Instagram within weeks: Meta : worldnews
New regulations mean warnings like "poison in every puff" will soon be on every cigarette : worldnews
(Canada) 11 inmates mistakenly released from Hamilton jail since 2021, documents show : worldnews

Biden Shores Up Democratic Support, but Faces Tight Race Against Trump - The New York Times A New York Times/Siena College poll found that President Biden is on stronger footing than he was a year ago but he is neck-and-neck in a possible rematch against Donald Trump.
Cross-Tabs: July 2023 Times/Siena Poll of the 2024 Race and National Issues - The New York Times
Why Trump Is So Hard to Beat - The New York Times The first Times/Siena poll of the G.O.P. primary shows he still commands a seemingly unshakable base of loyal supporters.
Even Trumps indictments havent shattered the deadlock between the parties. Heres why
LOL nothing matters - Lawyers, Guns & Money After Democrats fared well against MAGA candidates in the midterms last year, it might have been reasonable to think that President Biden would have a clear advantage in a rematch against Donald J. Trump.

Biden Administration Launches Office for Long COVID Research : politics
NIH announces first clinical trials for long COVID treatments | The Hill

Sanders, Warren: DOJ Must Sue Big Oil for Decades of Lies on Climate Crisis : politics

Biden Cancels Space Command Move to Alabama Amid Tuberville Feud : politics ... When a state votes out former Civil rights attorney who prosecuted KKK in favor of unqualified openly racist fotbal coach, what does it say about the state? ... It says stay the fuck out of Alabama
Biden has decided to keep Space Command in Colorado, rejecting move to Alabama, officials tell AP : politics

Biden mocks Republicans over impeachment talk, touts jobs in Maine : politics
Without a recession to exploit, the GOP has lost economic coherence : politics
A Run of Strong Data Buoys Biden on the Economy : politics

After McConnells and Feinsteins episodes, should age limits be on the table?

Trump charged by Justice Department for efforts to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss : news
Trump indicted by federal grand jury for illegally interfering in the 2020 presidential election - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Co-Conspirators - Lawyers, Guns & Money
From the Archives: In January 2022, @AnnTelnaes drew a "who's who" guide of those connected to the Jan. 6 insurrection.
The insurrectionists roll call By Ann TelnaesJan. 4, 2022
The Craziest Details From the Trump January 6 Indictment

Trump steps up war with Senate GOP : politics

Looming Trump Jan. 6 indictment could come Tuesday : politics

Trumps New Legal Fund Is a Lean, Mean Grift Machine

Trumps Rape Trial Testimony Is Already Coming Back to Haunt Him

Donald Trump discovers identities of Mar-a-Lago witnesses who testified : politics

Donald Trump PAC broke campaign finance lawsFormerFEC attorney

Trump gets deposition notice in his lawsuit against Michael Cohen : politics

Donald Trump blames Russia investigation for Ukraine war : politics ... So in his addled brain, Russia invaded it's neighbor trying to illegally seize their land because of a US investigation into the US president for (accurately) identifying that he was working with the Russians to influence the election

Donald Trump Has an Absurd Amount of Support From Republicans Who Believe He Committed Serious Federal Crimes: Poll
Ingraham: Dont Get Hung Up on Whether Proof of Joe Biden Crime Exists

The GOPs Nazi Problem Has Deep Roots
Warning: A Convention of States Is Practicing to Rewrite the Constitution: If a far-right organization gets its way, our country will be thrown into a constitutional crisis.

The Quiet Collapse of Four Key State Republican Parties : politics

I cant believe were having this conversation: the states pushing for 14-year-olds to serve alcohol
Wisconsin Republicans now want to let children serve alcohol in restaurants. "This literally creates the perfect scenario for somebody to be groomed." : politics
The ideological majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court will shift this afternoon when liberal Justice-elect Janet Protasiewicz is sworn in at the state Capitol to a 10-year term.

School district flags hundreds of books for removal because of Iowa law : politics

This belongs in the Smithsonian: Inside the meme video operation that swallowed Ron DeSantis campaign
Puhshaws fash army
Florida OKs school materials aimed at making students conservatives : politics
Leprosy could be endemic in Central Florida, CDC says. What to know about the disease. - CBS News

Even more insidious than the NRA: US gun lobby group gains in power

RFK Jr. Was a Compulsive Womanizer, and Yes, We Should Care: The presidential candidate might be the political outcast of his family, but he inherited his fathers and uncles disregard for women.
RFK Jr. super PAC got more than half its funds from GOP mega donor | $5 million came from former Trump supporter Timothy Mellon. : politics

Houston man ticketed for feeding unhoused found not guilty : news (sadism is the point)

'Will Literally Change Lives': Massachusetts Legislature Approves Universal Free School Meals | "Congress must follow suit and make this a reality for every child who calls America home," said U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley. : politics

A Mendacious Fool - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Anyway the best way to not think about Matt Stoller is to ignore Matt Stoller. I have failed on this occasion but shall strive to do better next time.

Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates? (JFC)

Tell Me Why It Hurts : How Bessel van der Kolks once controversial theory of trauma became the dominant way we make sense of our lives.

TIL Buzz Aldrins mothers maiden name was Moon.

The World Destroyed Sinead OConnor

Driver who hit 6 farm workers says it was an accident and he fled in panic Daniel Gonzalez, 68, turned himself in Monday, police in Lincolnton, North Carolina, say.

Man Fatally Stabbed After Vogueing at a Brooklyn Gas Station - The New York Times OShae Sibley, 28, was vogueing when men attacked him with gay slurs and told him to stop. A hate crimes task force is investigating.

Teen faces felony after emergency dash to hospital interrupted by Arkansas State Police PIT Maneuver : news

TIL former US President John Tyler joined the Confederates in the American Civil War. Tylers death was the only one in presidential history not to be officially recognized in Washington, because of his allegiance to the Confederate States of America.
Born 14 years after the nations founding, the tenth commander in chief still has one living grandson

Bizarre giant viruses with tubular tentacles and star-like shells discovered in New England forest : worldnews

Cancer pill AOH1996 shows promise in annihilating all solid tumours : worldnews

Scientists Control Human DNA with Electricity in Leap Forward, Study Reports | Breakthrough research represents the missing link that will enable wearables to controlgenes in the not-so-distant future.
Scientists Control Human DNA with Electricity in Leap Forward

Scientists Create New Material Five Times Lighter and Four Times Stronger Than Steel : technology - Researchers have developed a highly robust material with an extremely low density by constructing a structure using DNA and subsequently coating it in glass.

Eli5: What is P vs NP? : explainlikeimfive

Millions of long-term smokers have lung disea | EurekAlert! These findings suggest that a large proportion of tobacco smoke-exposed persons without airflow obstruction have a persistent, symptomatic non-obstructive chronic airway disease that is distinct from COPD,

Early-life lead exposure linked to higher risk of criminal behavior in adulthood : science

What made you break up with your ex? : AskReddit

What are the things every man should at least try even though they are stigmatized as "feminine" or "unmanly" ? : AskReddit

[Serious] What is the scariest, most dreadful, horrifying, stomach churning thing that has ever happened to you? : AskReddit

What is the most unforgettable experience youve ever had in your life thus far?

Whats the worst way youve watched someone screw up their lives?


July has been so blistering hot, scientists already calculate that it's the warmest month on record : news

30 days over 110 degrees in Phoenix. But expected monsoon rains could cool historically hot Southwest. - The Boston Globe
Barry's inferno - For 31 straight days from the last day of June through Sunday, the second-to-last day of July Phoenix has hit at least 110 degrees, not merely breaking its 18-day record in 1974, but setting a significant new one.

New North Sea oil and gas licences will send wrecking ball through climate commitments

Deadly Mediterranean wildfires kill more than 40 : news

Scientists discover antibodies capable of stopping several coronaviruses, potentially preventing future outbreaks : worldnews

Dog Meat Trade Faces Increasing Scrutiny in South Korea : worldnews

Contraction in China factory activity extends into a fourth month : worldnews
Beijings worst flooding in a decade kills at least 2 as China grapples with remnants of Typhoon Doksuri
Chinese zoo denies its sun bears are humans dressed in costumes : worldnews
Communist China Has Peaked | Opinion -- a high variant estimate for 2100 of 1.15 billion people. The high variant, based on Beijing's numbers, is unrealistic. The low variant -- the most realistic estimate from all indications -- is 487.93 billion ... Even the 2022 low variant might be too high.

Putins remarkably calm response to Finland and Sweden joining NATO confirms that he has never really viewed the alliance as a security threat to Russia. He simply exploits the NATO issue as a convenient smokescreen for the genocidal invasion of Ukraine
Moscow is experiencing more frequent drone attacks, but they remain less serious than Russias attacks on Ukraine, which often target civilian areas
Russian government is no longer capable of protecting its population from war
Putin is forming mysterious private armies across Russia to protect himself from Wagner soldiers, report says : worldnews

Medvedev threatens nuclear weapons in case of success of Ukraines counteroffensive

Russias Prigozhin says Wagner is not recruiting now, may do so in future
Russians forcibly mobilise about 60,000 men from occupied territories : worldnews

#Russia reportedly imported more than $502 million worth of foreign-made microchips in the first six months of 2023 despite US and EU sanctions. Sizeable part of these imported chips are used by Russias#defence industry:

Russia Edges Closer to Abortion Ban in Quest to Preserve Traditiona Values

African leaders leave Russia summit without grain deal or a path to end the war in Ukraine : worldnews

Russian propaganda is making its way into popular kidsgames like Roblox. One Russian official even hosted a concert in Minecraft.

The large majority of mini-solar grids in India no longer work due to poor maintenance, an environmental group found : worldnews
Jaipur-Mumbai train: India railway constable shoots four dead on train : worldnews

A bomb at a political rally in northwest Pakistan kills at least 35 people and wounds more than 100 : worldnews
Pakistan explosion: Eyewitness describes doomsday scenes - BBC News

Taliban burn musical instruments in Afghanistans Herat province; local officials warn that listening to and playing music are illegal

Niger Loses Aid as Western Countries Condemn Coup : worldnews
Pro-coup protesters in Niger shout long live Putin as new leaders face calls to cede power

Uyghurs in Turkey protest Chinese foreign ministers visit, citing ongoing persecution in Xinjiang

Lebanons central bank governor ends 30-year tenure under investigation during dire economic crisis

Palestinians in Gaza protest economic hardship, call to end Hamas rule : worldnews
Thousands take to streets in Gaza in rare public display of discontent with Hamas : worldnews

Ukraine to formally start talks with US on security guarantees : worldnews
Ukrainian troops finish training on formidable AS90 self-propelled artillery that can wipe out Russian targets from 18 miles away, UK says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 523, Part 1 (Thread #669) : worldnews

Ukraine retakes 15 sq km in south, east in past week : worldnews

It is now absolutely certain that the rail bridge of Chonhar connecting Russian-occupied Crimea with the remaining Russian-occupied Kherson Oblast has been severely hit. You can also see from the picture that the strike was quite precise, hitting the the steel structure next to the supporting hill at the northern end of the bridge. That bridge is most certainly out of action for the remainder of this war.

Ukraine says Russian missiles hit another apartment building and likely trapped people under rubble : worldnews

Russian ombudswoman reports about deporting over 700,000 Ukrainian children to Russia : worldnews ... Kidnapping. Not deporting.
Ukraine's birth rate drops by 28%. The Ukrainian data analytics website Opendatabot has reported that in the first six months of 2023, the country's birth rate was 28% lower than the same period in 2021, the largest decline since independence in 1991

Russian liner returns to Batumi carrying sanctioned propaganda singers, Georgians prepare : worldnews

Ethnic Albanian party in North Macedonia offers deal to clear the way to join EU : worldnews

Denmark will seek to make it illegal to desecrate the Quran or other religious holy books in front of foreign embassies, foreign minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen says in interview

Ancient Glass Workshop Discovered in Czech Republic May Have Hosted Sacred Rituals, Archaeologists Say : worldnews

R&I upgrades Greek economy's rating to investment grade BBB- : worldnews

UBS drops Credit Suisses Russian clients

Netherlands starts towing burning EV-laden freight ship away from environmentally sensitive islands : worldnews

Italy intends to leave Chinas Belt and Road Initiative, defense minister says

Briton who killed terminally ill wife in Cyprus freed after 19 months : worldnews

NASA, Brazil to expand partnership to monitor Amazon deforestation : worldnews

Canada says it is disappointed by US decision to maintain lumber duties : worldnews

Pentagon hit by critical compromiseof US air force communications

U.S. 2024 Election Could Be Catastrophic for Russia: Senator .. A prominent member of the Russian senate has warned that the 2024 U.S. presidential election might prompt more support for Ukraine in its ongoing defensive war against Moscow's full-scale invasion.

Sen. Bernie Sanders says millions of people cant find a doctor. Hes mostly right.

Bidenomics critics are being proven wrong. Happy days are here again
Biden jokes that Republicans may impeach him because inflation is starting to cool down : politics

First on CNN: Biden administration launches new income-driven student debt repayment plan : politics

Biden unveils new measures aimed at addressing extreme heat as US swelters : politics
Project 2025: plan to dismantle US climate policy for next Republican presidentRightwing groups penned a conservative wish list of proposals for the next conservative president to gut environmental protections

McConnells health scare puts focus on shadow race to replace him
Fixing the Glitch - Lawyers, Guns & Money Lotta folks been asking what will happen if Senator McConnell isnt able to serve the rest of his term as the senior Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Heres a quick explainer:
Trump hits Mitch McConnell for destroying our oceans with windmills when asked about the GOP leaders health scare

Trump Lawyer: He Couldve Deleted Mar-a-Lago Tapes If He Really Wanted To
Experts: Trump employee almost certainly cooperatingand may have ncriminating evidenceYuscil Taveras could be key in sinking Trump and his co-defendants
Mar-a-Lago employee overseeing surveillance cameras previously received target letter in Trump classified documents probe : politics
Yuscil Taveras: Mar-a-Lago employee overseeing surveillance cameras, previously received target letter in Trump classified documents probe: | CNN Politics
Trumps superseding indictment paints a picture of a ridiculous Mar-a-Lago clown show
Panic at Mar-a-Lago: How the new obstruction charges may produce even more witnesses against Trump : politics

Trump legal fees eclipse second quarter fundraising, reports say : politics
Trump has spent $40m from his campaign funds on his legal costs, report says : politics
Donald Trump campaign group is running out of money, US media reports : politics

Trump says it's really unpleasant that he has to keep telling Melania hes been indicted again

Fulton County DA says work is done in Trump probe and were ready to go
Georgia prosecutor investigating Trump says charges ready to go
Atlanta braces for possible indictments in 2020 election investigation : politics
Judge orders hearing on Trump's motion to disqualify Fulton County DA : politics
Judge Hands Trump Another Loss in Georgia Election Probe : politics
Georgias Broad Racketeering Law May Now Ensnare Donald Trump ... it appears that this racketeering charge may not just ensnare Trump, but it may also catch much of the leadership of the Georgia Republican Party who assisted Trump in pressuring elected officials and organizing fake electors for the state.

As he prepares for Hill testimony, Hunter Bidens ex-business partner also trying to fend off jail

GOP splits further over Tubervilles military blockade as it stretches through summer
Take That, Tuberville: Biden Rejects Plan to Move Space Command to Alabama : politics

GOP lawmaker screamed curse words inches from Senate pages faces and shooed them, source says (drunken asshole)

House of Representatives debate on trans healthcare descends into pure transphobia : politics

Conservatives have already written a climate plan for Trumps second term (destruction)

The GOP primary is already decided. Were just pretending it isnt
Trump Crushing DeSantis and GOP Rivals, Times/Siena Poll Finds - The New York Times
The Producers, criminal litigation edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money In case you need a detailed statistical explanation of why theres not going to actually be a GOP presidential primary contest this coming winter, Nate Cohn provides one: ... MAGA base represent 37 percent of the Republican electorate.
DeSantis fatigue grows among Florida Republicans as 2024 campaign falters : politics
Weak, small and reckless: how Ron DeSantis, Republican Napoleon, met his Waterloo : politics

Abortion advocates sue Alabama AG over prosecution threats for out-of-state travel | The Hill

Teachers sue over Tennessee law restricting what they can teach about race, gender, bias : politics

Top North Carolina Republicans privately encouraged then-Democrat Tricia Cotham to run for the state House in 2022, a year before she switched parties and gave the GOP a veto-proof majority : politics

RFK Jrs super PAC is mostly funded by a GOP megadonor who spent millions on Trump and bankrolled an effort to build a border wall in Texas

Ex-Fox News Pundit Bill Kristol Joins Fight to Deny Fox Station Broadcast License
Fox News a hive of woke scum and villainous satanists??

Will the Strike Wave of 2023 Continue? - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Texas Education: None of the Reading, All of the Beating - Lawyers, Guns & Money

First religious charter school in the US faces legal challenge : politics

Idaho mom Lori Vallow to be sentenced in deaths of her 2 children and romantic rival

Six injured after man drives vehicle into migrant workers in North Carolina : news

Mass shooting at Muncie, Indiana street party leaves one dead, multiple people wounded, police say : news

Texas A&M approves Dr. Kathleen McElroy settlement, picks new president : news

Teen was sexually abused at therapeutic boarding school, lawsuit says as parents advocate oversight : news

99-year old trucking company Yellow shuts down, putting 30,000 out of work | CNN Business : news
Teamsters blast bankruptcy-bound Yellow, cite $700 million Covid loan firm got from Trump White House : politics

A.I. is on a collision course with white-collar, high-paid jobs and with unknown impac

Twitter neighbours complain of lit-up 'X' sign working at high intensity

The Center for Countering Digital Hate said it had received a letter from X, Twitters parent company, accusing it of trying to hurt the social platform with its research ... Now he is also taking aim at an organization that studies hate speech and misinformation on social media.

BuzzFeed and other big media brands of the social-web heyday were casualties of a gold rush controlled by Silicon Valley giants.

Judi Dench says she can no longer see on film sets : movies Macular Degeneration

Opinion | Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men Created - The New York Times (a woman's place in in the home)

Circulating metabolites modulated by diet are associated with depression : science

Excavations at a Bronze Age site in northwestern China show people were systematically mining and burning coal on a large scale up to 3600 years ago, 1 millennium earlier than previously thought. : science

Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance - Wikipedia

Bringing sex toys out of the dark: exploring unmitigated risks - Microplastics and Nanoplastics : science

Eli5 Why does time go faster w age : explainlikeimfive

Scientists designed a new RNA-based therapy that eradicated tumors and prevented their recurrence in mouse models of melanoma. The findings suggest that it has the potential to be effective against tumors that have already spread to other parts of the body and against different cancer types. : science

Scientist identified a biomedical compound with the potential to stop breast cancer from spreading to other parts of the body : science

This protein may predict mild cognitive impairment years before symptoms, study suggests: Protein known as NPTX2 is not only a likely standalone risk factor for MCI and Alzheimers dementia, but also improves prediction of cognitive impairment


Scientists Predict a Collapse of the Atlantic Ocean Current : worldnews - Shutting down the AMOC can have very serious consequences for Earths climate, for example, by changing how heat and precipitation are distributed globally. While a cooling of Europe may seem less severe as the globe as a whole becomes warmer and heat waves occur more frequently, this shutdown will contribute to increased warming of the tropics, where rising temperatures have already given rise to challenging living conditions

Sudden explosion of dangerous fungus Candida auris may be because of climate change, scientists say : worldnews

US Secretary of State tells Australia that WikiLeaks founder is accused of very serious crime

For some islanders, deep sea mining evokes colonialism : worldnews

Philippines seeks rice supply boost, may look to India : worldnews

Singapore Executes More Drug Offenders, Including First Woman Hanged in 19 Years : worldnews

Japan grants long-term visas to Russians opposed to Ukraine war : worldnews
Japan forecasts large boost to defense spending over next five years : worldnews
Japan imports 97% oil from GCC countries in May : worldnews

Kim Jong Un has plastered his walls with bizarre, giant portraits of Putin, images from North Korean state media reveal : worldnews

US announces $345 million military aid package for Taiwan : worldnews
China accuses U.S. of turning Taiwan into "powder keg" after White House announces new military aid package : worldnews
China says US military aid to Taiwan will not deter its will to unify the island : worldnews

Report: Chinese companies evade sanctions, fuel Russia's war : worldnews

Drone attack targets Moscow, hi-rise damaged - report : worldnews
Explosions Rock Moscow in Brazen Early-Morning Drone Attack : worldnews
Putin complains that Russia cannot cease fire when attacked : worldnews
Putin searches for more friends at Africa summit but low turnout dampens bid for influence : worldnews
Putin says Russia withdrew army from Kyiv because it was asked

Medvedev threatened the world with nuclear weapons if "Russian" territory taken
Wagnerites heavy equipment possibly returned to Russian Defence Ministry

Bajaur, Pakistan: Blast rips through political gathering, killing at least 44 | CNN

Afghanistan: Taliban Burn Musical Instruments : worldnews

Burundis president says Africas poverty is universal delusion

The African Union has issued a 15-day ultimatum to the junta in Niger to reinstall the countrys democratically elected government just as the coup leaders met with senior civil servants to discuss how they would run the country and as the U.S. and the European Union threatened sanctions

Pentagon files reveal flaws in U.S. claims about Syrian civilian casualties in Baghdadi raid : worldnews

WSJ: Saudi Arabia To Host Ukraine Talks Early Next Month : worldnews

Lebanons Hezbollah leader [Hassan Nasrallah] urges Muslims to punishQuran desecrators if governments fail to do so
Kill same-sex people, Lebanons Hezbollah chief says in new LGBTQ attack

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Tel Aviv to protest against the Israeli governments judicial reform on Saturday evening, as the protest continued into its 30th consecutive weekend, with demonstrations taking place in some 150 sites throughout the country

Zelenskiy Warns War Coming To Russia After Drone Attack Closes Moscows Vnukovo Airport
Strikes on depots in Crimea more significant than Kerch Bridge attack, says former Aydar commander : worldnews
Air defence forces shoot down 4 Shahed drones at night : worldnews
Pentagon will buy Starlink terminals for Ukraine that Elon Musk wont be able to disconnect

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 522, Part 1 (Thread #668) : worldnews

ISW on Twitter: "#Ukrainian forces continued #counteroffensive operations in western #Zaporizhia Oblast on July 29 and reportedly made marginal advances northeast of #Robotyne (10km south of #Orikhiv)." / X
Ukrainian Tank Losses Diminish As Polish Technicians Save More And More Damaged Leopard 2s : worldnews
Ukraine shows off a sea drone that can wipe out Russian ships and is faster than anything in the Black Sea

Ukrainian Armed Forces announces successful strike on Chonhar Bridge : worldnews

ISW on Twitter: "2/ The #Kherson occupation admin shared an announcement on July 26 that a second group of 40 children from Skadovsk Raion in occupied Kherson Oblast arrived at the Raduga Social and Rehabilitation Center for a 21-day rehabilitation course in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria Republic." / X
Russian authorities continue to deport #Ukrainian teenagers to #Russia under the guise of summer camp programs.

Cruise ship that outraged Georgians belongs to Russian businessman sanctioned in Ukraine : worldnews

Wagner troops moving towards Polish border and could try sneaking across, PM says : worldnews
Wagner troops inch closer to Polish border: Poland PM fears hybrid attack
Wagner could pose as migrants to enter EU, PM Morawiecki warns : worldnews

Ukraines accession to the European Union will become one of the major topics in the European community, the Head of the Ministry of European Affairs of the Czech Republic, said in an interview with Czech publication Ceske Noviny on July 29.

Three injured in shooting in Dutch city Rotterdam : worldnews

Thousands protest against Germanys far-right AfD party

Joining Chinas Belt and Road was an atrocious decision, Italian minister says

Influencers and freebies: Big Tobaccos push to sell nicotine pouches in UK

Son of Colombias president arrested as part of money laundering probe

Kenya offers to lead Haiti policing mission to combat gangs : worldnews

Evacuation order issued for Canadian town as wildfire crosses over from US : worldnews

The demographics of 2050 - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Members of Congress break for August with no clear path to avoiding a shutdown this fall : politics

Biden to sharply reduce student loan payments for millions of borrowers - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Videos of Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell Resurface Questions About Age - The New York Times Two troubling moments involving Senators Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell thrust questions about aging in office out of Congress and into the national conversation.
McConnell and Feinstein episodes raise age concerns about US leaders : politics
US Congress is a cozy club of multimillionaire boomer lawmakers hoarding power : politics

Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics cant be regulated
Wrong and Frightening: Alito Claims Congress Cant Regulate SCOTUS What a surprise, guy who is supposed to enforce checks and balances thinks checks shouldnt apply to him, said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

A presidential split-screen: Amid Trump drama, Biden governs : politics
Where did it all go right for Biden? Facts blunt Republican attack lines : politics

Trump pays millions in legal fees, aides allegedly asked about loyalty - The Washington Post
Trump legal fees balloon, as prosecutors ask about possible conflicts : politics
$60 Million Refund Request Shows Financial Pressure on Trump From Legal Fees : politics

Peter Strzok claims new Trump charges highlight the danger that he poses to national security
Trump says hell still run if convicted and sentenced, responds to security footage allegations

Trump wants no limits on presidential power. Thats not new for the GOP.

Trump calls for conditioning Ukraine aid on congressional Biden probes - The Washington Post The demand echoed Trumps withholding Ukraine aid to seek an investigation into Biden, leading to his first impeachment
Trump Calls Biden Dumb Son of a Bitch at Pennsylvania Rally
Dozens served in Trumps Cabinet. Four say he should be re-elected.

Republicans Want To Make It Harder to Vote and Easier to Cheat : politics

Fetterman recaps six months in Congress:Fixation on a lot of dumb shit

Ron DeSantis Seems to Think Slavery Is Something That Belongs on a Resume : politics
Does DeSantis have a Florida problem? Trump dominates in the Sunshine State. : politics
Im not wanted: Florida universities hit by brain drain as academics flee

Lifesaving HIV program faces a new threat: U.S. abortion politics : politics

Inside the Party Switch that Blew Up North Carolina Politics : politics
Inside job - Lawyers, Guns & Money The anti-democratic North Carolina traitor who switched party affiliation and delivered an abortion ban months after being elected on a strong pro-choice platform was recruited by ... Republicans: this bait-and-switch is yet another example of how Dobbs has really unleashed the most anti-democratic forces in the Republican Party.

An Arkansas judge has blocked a law targetting librarians over harmfulbooks

The Secret History of Gun Rights: How Lawmakers Armed the N.R.A. : politics

Mastercard Move at Cannabis Shops Intensifies Call for US Decriminalization : politics

The Struggle to Save Portland, Oregon - The New York Times The city has long grappled with street homelessness and a shortage of housing. Now fentanyl has turned a perennial problem into a deadly crisis and a challenge to the city's progressive identity.

The conservative diaper fetish is getting out of control - Lawyers, Guns & Money

4 dead, others injured in Wisconsin after two separate aircraft crashes | The Hill

From 2014 to 2022, there were 4011 mass shootings, ranging from zero events in Hawaii and North Dakota to 414 events in Illinois. A total of 21 006 people were killed or injured : science

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,406 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Julia Ward Howe.

Nolan's Narrative
Oppenheimer: From Hiroshima to Hollywood | Greg Mitchell | Substack
From Oppenheimer to Repo Man: Truthdig's Guide to Nuclear Cinema Surveying eight decades of onscreen atomic anxiety.

A cross-national analysis of population surveys from 29 countries reveal that half the population will have a mental health disorder by age 75 : science


Antarctica hits -83.2C, earths lowest temperature since 2017

N. Atlantic ocean temperature sets record high: "Based on our analysis, the record-high average sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic Ocean is 24.9 degrees C," or 76.8 Fahrenheit : worldnews

July has been the hottest month in humanitys history

Melting ice reveals remains of climber lost on glacier 37 years ago : worldnews

Vicious cycle: Heat waves ramp up global burning of fossil fuels
Heat wave - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This kind of forgetting is no doubt adaptive to the challenges of day to day living, but it makes it difficult to use emotion and memory in a constructive political way, which is one of many reasons that weve done so little about the climate crisis, forty years after it became clear that it was happening and was going to get much much worse.

The Worlds Largest Wind Turbine Has Been Switched On
The Worlds Largest Wind Turbine Has Been Switched On

The Colorado River Basin is currently experiencing a megadrought, which is a prolonged and severe drought that lasts for decades or even centuries. This megadrought has been caused by a massive 86% decline in snowpack runoff, which is the primary source of water for the Colorado River. : science

Air conditioning: the benefits, problems and alternatives : worldnews

Forced to cut food aid to millions globally because of a funding crisis: UN : worldnews

Study explains how air pollution increases the risk of dementia: a very small increases in PM2.5 mean a 70% increased risk of developing dementia, partly due to an interaction between air pollution and homocysteine and methionine, respectively : science

A study estimates 800 great white sharks are swimming off the Cape Cod coast : worldnews

Summer brings COVID-19 uptick amid renewed travel, socializing. How bad will it get? - Los Angeles Times ... Hospitalizations are rising fastest in the South, Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states

What COVID Revealed About American Psychiatry | The New Yorker The pandemic destabilized usnd exposed the fractures in our countrys approach to mental health ,,, We don't have a psychiatric-health-care system ... no gene for social collapse ...

ulian Assange: US rejects Australias calls to end pursuit of WikiLeaks founder during Ausmin talks
U.S. to help Australia develop guided missiles by 2025 - Austin : worldnews

Deaths in Philippine boat accident amount to 26 : worldnews

Japan will extend an export ban on luxury cars to Russia from next month so that it will cover all new and used vehicles over 1900 cc, the government said on Friday, as it further steps up sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine : worldnews

US announces $345m military aid package for disputed Taiwan | Military News | Al Jazeera : worldnews

Hong Kong court dismisses ban on 2019 pro-democracy protest song : worldnews

China hopes France can help take heat out of relations with EU : worldnews
China defends trade with Russia after the US says equipment used in Ukraine might have been exported : worldnews ... The decrepit old loon bear is reaching the permanent retirement age. The wolves around are starting to salivate and no amount of growling is going to keep them at bay once they see him unable to eat fake honey.
Russias economic isolation from the West is deepening its China dependency car imports from the Asian nation shot up 540%

African Union chair: Putins grain offer not enough, Ukraine ceasefire needed
African leaders press Putin to end Ukraine war and restore grain supplies : worldnews
Putin had a plan, but it ain't cunning. Naively he thought he'd end the #Ukraine grain deal then destroygrain ports & b seen as a saviour by showering #Africa with "free" grain. But yesterday in Moscow, African leaders said they need grain & need the grain deal restarted

Maria being drunk again. Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova stated that Ukrainians hate and are very aggresive towards Putin because they would like Putin to be their president, but have to choose from what the West gives them

Cruise Ship With Russian Tourists Leaves Georgian Port Amid Public Protests : worldnews

80% of Indian journalists allege favoritism towards Modi government, reveals study : worldnews

Saudi Arabia invests $10 billion to build Pakistans largest oil refinery in Gwadar

Afghans awaiting US resettlement say theyre being deported from Pakistan back to the Taliban | CNN
Taliban use stun guns and fire hoses on beauty salon ban protesters : worldnews

Exiled Russian mercenary boss Prigozhin hails Niger coup, touts services

Tunisia fires: We had no water to douse the flames

Were angry: Israel tensions mount as army reservists threaten to refuse duty
Netanyahu wont commit to abiding by ruling if Supreme Court blocks controversial law
Several Likud MKs indicate they may not back more overhaul laws [concerning Israels Supreme Court] without consensus
Likud MKs bill would give coalition power to ban political parties

Ukraine moves Christmas to December 25, distancing itself from Russian tradition Celebrating December 25 is logical. This is how Europe celebrates. We celebrated in December this year and there was nothing difficult about it. We want to be closer to Europe and to the world,
Kyiv says Qatar will provide it with $100 mln in humanitarian aid : worldnews
Ukraine got its hands on North Korean rockets that troops say are wildly unpredictable anddo crazy things, and theyre lobbing them at the Russians
General Zaluzhnyi raised the topic of StarlinkUkraines battlefield decisions depended on the continued use of Starlink for communications, General Zaluzhnyi said, and his country wanted to ensure access and discuss how to cover the cost of the service

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 521, Part 1 (Thread #667) : worldnews

The total combat losses of the enemy on 29.07.2023 : UkraineWarVideoReport
These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of July 29, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Fighting has increased in intensity over the last 48 hours, especially in two sectors in the south: in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and the south of Donetsk Oblast, according to the UK Ministry of Defense report on July 29.
Russian blogger Ross Marsov says Russians have lost around 20 artillery guns, which equals to one artillery battalion, just in Vremevsky ledgeStaromlynivka axis) in the past two months.

Kerch bridge closed due to collapse : ukraine
Alex Marquardt on Twitter: "We got an exclusive look at Ukraine's latest sea drone, used to attack Russia in the Black Sea. Fast, nimble and packed with 100s of kg of explosives. Naval drones just hit the Kerch Bridge and they say the drones are limiting the Black Sea Fleet's movements." / X

Racism in Finland: Government minister embroiled in shocking new row : worldnews

Estonias Intelligence: Russia Can Continue War at Previous Pace for a Long Time

A Swedish woman who received permission from local authorities to burn a Torah book outside Israels embassy in Stockholm aborted the act on Friday, burning a blank piece of paper instead
Swedens Foreign Minister Reaches Out To Saudi Arabia Minister Over Burning Of Quran
Jews and Muslims Unite at Rally to Denounce Desecration of Sacred Texts : worldnews

Russian and Belarusian tennis players will not play at the tournament in Prague, Czech police intervened : worldnews

More Wagner fighters move closer to Polish border, Poland PM says : worldnews
Polish Prime Minister announces relocation of 100 Wagner mercenaries to Suwalki Gap
Polish parliament approves changes to Russian influence law despite Venice Commission call to scrap it : worldnews

Germany: Far-right AfD deliberates EU election candidates : worldnews

Portuguese artist rolls out banknote carpet to slam popes visit costs

French President Emmanuel Macron has declined to condemn the countrys top police chiefs for appearing to suggest officers were above the law, seeking to stave off unrest among security forces wearied by repeated bouts of street violence

Andrew Malkinson: End living cost charge for wrongfully convicted, Tory MP says : worldnews
I voted to fuck around, not to find out - Lawyers, Guns & Money I have here pretty much the ultimate Brexit voters:

A drought alert for receding Lake Titicaca has Indigenous communities worried for their future : worldnews

El Salvador clears way for mass trials as crackdown on gangs ramps up | El Salvador : worldnews

Canadas Housing Affordability Crisis Escalates ... The main issue is no enough supply, and the federal government doing everything they can to keep prices high. Only 300k units were built last year, yet we brought in around 1.2 million new people. Not to mention 40% of our PMs cabinet are landlords.
Human rights tribunal approves $23B revised First Nations child-welfare compensation deal : worldnews

U.S. Hunts Chinese Malware That Could Disrupt American Military Operations - The New York Times American intelligence officials believe the malware could give China the power to disrupt or slow American deployments or resupply operations, including during a Chinese move against Taiwan.

Exclusive: Pentagon Investigates Critical Compromise Of Air Force Communications Systems

The UFO congressional hearing was insulting to US employees, a top Pentagon official says
AOC on UAP Hearing, mentions Boeing: Ido think something is going on

Biden escalates clash with Tuberville over military vacancies - The Washington Post Alabama senator has blocked hundreds of military appointments over abortion. Biden says he is torpedoing national security. (RePutinists)

National Park Workers Save Their Union - Lawyers, Guns & Money I hate the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation more than I can express in words. These are just rich assholes trying to destroy unions throughout the country and of course they have endless money to do so. Thus, good on the National Park Service workers on the Blue Ridge Parkway to reject a NRW attempt to decertify their union.

Bipartisan bill would bar agencies from denying job applicants over weed use : politics

Biden gets surprise boost from economy : politics
Why Did Economic Forecasters Get Their Recession Call Wrong? | The New Yorker Not only has the economy outperformed predictions but its growing at a faster rate than experts think is sustainable in the long run.

Alito says Congress has no authority to regulate Supreme Court
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gives a middle finger to Congress:No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court -- period
AOC claps back at Justice Alito for saying Congress cant have oversight of Supreme Court

Its not just Feinstein: McConnell episode exposes age, vulnerability of U.S. leadership (geezerdom)

Donald Trump Is In a Category 4 Legal Shitstorm That Could Soon Become Category 5
Trump May Die in Prison If He Doesn't Strike a Deal: Legal Analyst
Latest Trump charges put spotlight on consciousness of guilt

Fresh charges tie Trump even more closely to coverup effort. That could deepen his legal woes : politics
Trump Privately Called His Teams Election Lies Crazy. The Special Counsel Has Questions
New Trump Charges Highlight Long-Running Questions About Obstruction - The New York Times The accusation that former President Donald J. Trump wanted security camera footage deleted at Mar-a-Lago added to a pattern of concerns about his attempts to stymie prosecutors.

Bolton on DOJ report Trump tried to destroy evidence: He thinks he can do whatever he wants

Donald Trump Takes The Stage As A Song Lyric About Going To Prison Plays

Majority of Americans believe Trump has done something illegal: poll

Trump is running to stay out of prison: GOP candidate booed for dig at former president
Trump says hell run for president from jail if convicted on any of his various indictments
GOP support for Trump softens as the former presidents legal troubles mount
Trump shows in Iowa he still rules the GOPdespite his deepening criminal peril
Trump insulted their governor and may be indicted again. They love him. - POLITICO

Trump blasted mail voting for years, now urges Republicans to use it? Sure, buddy | Opinion : politics

Judge dismisses Trumps defamation lawsuit against CNN

Rudy Giuliani Makes Shocking Confession About 2 Black Georgia Poll Workers : politics

New York Man Sentenced for Assaulting Law Enforcement Officer During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach | USAO-DC | Department of Justice Defendant Attacked MPD Officer Dragged Into Crowd of Rioters - Thomas F. Sibick, 37, of Buffalo, New York, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to 50 months in prison, 36 months of supervised release, and ordered to pay $7,500.79 in restitution.

Senator Files Bill Barring Fox From Getting $200M Tax Break From Lawsuit Payment : politics

The Republican Party Will Never Be a Home for Black Voters | Opinion : politics

As His Campaign Craters, DeSantis Walls Himself In
DeSantis rocked by Black Republican revolt over slavery comments : politics
Ron DeSantis' slavery comments are infuriating Black Republicans - POLITICO
DeSantis Caught Using Taxpayer-Funded State Vehicles to Campaign : politics

Democrat mocks Greene after call for decorum: She showed us a dick pic last week

CNN says Ted Cruzs Senate seat in Texas is most likely to flip in 2024

MAGA plan to hand-count ballots is "dumbest idea": GOP elections official : politics (it would take 3 million years)

Alabama Is Defying the Supreme Court on Voting Rights | The states refusal to comply has been met with a revealing silence on the right

Our so-called liberal media covers up the rights racism and growing homophobia

Why drag restrictions and bans have failed to become law : NPR

Judge blocks Arkansas law allowing librarians to be criminally charged over ""harmful" materials

Oakland NAACP blasts local leaders, calls for state of emergency due to crime

Mass shooting near community event leaves 5 injured in Seattle The shooting targeted a youth community outreach event, police said, and injured 5 people, two critically, who were all in their 20s.

Jimmie Allen, Whos Facing Sexual Assault Allegations, Is Going on a Comedy Tour

A Haunting Portrait of Newark's Bloody Summer of Unrest - The photojournalist Bud Lee captured the riots of 1967 and the human cost of the brutal police crackdown.

RFK issues anti-Semitic air siren - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Lets check in on the failson engaged in a bizarre campaign to ratfuck the Democratic primary by running as a Republican conspiracy theorist:
southpaw on Twitter: "RFK Jr is such a lousy ostensibly Democratic spoiler that his Republican-funded staff is posting nearly as many white nationalist and Nazi dog whistles as Ron DeSantis." / X

Elon Musks Unmatched Power in the Stars
Elon Musks Twitter bans ad showing Republican interrupting couple in bedroom (but child abuse movies just fine)

Zuckerberg implies less than half of Threads users have stuck around : worldnews

The Rebranding of MDMA | The New Yorker Ecstasy used to be known as Therapy. What kind of drug could it become next?

Why Barbie Must Be Punished | The New Yorker

The Best Way to Store Tomatoes | The Kitchn - Stem Side-Up with a Taped Stem


Ancient pathogens emerging from melting ice and permafrost risk eroding ecosystems. Computer simulation shows the release of only 1% of dormant pathogens could cause major environmental damage and the widespread loss of host organisms around the world. : science

G20 environment meeting ends without agreement on climate crisis: No consensus reached on key points, including curbing emissions and scaling up renewable energy, despite record temperatures and wildfires across the globe. : worldnews

Global warming is over. This is global boiling, warns UN chief | CBC News : worldnews

July set to be Earths hottest month on record, with the UN warning the consequences are clear and tragic

False claims that heatwave is bogus spread online - BBC News
Expert Panel Warns Journalists of Coordinated Climate Disinformation Campaigns : worldnews
How Extreme Weather Is Fueling the Political Right : politics
Battle plan: How the far right would dismantle climate programs
Its Called Summer : GOP Brushes Off Record Heat Wave - Republicans say people concerned about unprecedented heat around the world should just chill out.

Youve heard it before: its not the heat, its the humidity

Olive oil has become gold: Middle East demand skyrockets amid European drought

A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and started having babies : worldnews

Avian flu warning to tourists as birds face catastrophe

Australian state bans gas to new homes from 2024 in push to cut emissions : worldnews

Emmanuel Macron denounces new imperialism in Pacific on historic visit to Vanuatu

Singapore Hangs First Woman in 19 Years for 31 Grams of Heroin : worldnews

Japans population declines for 14th straight year
Japan to open hotline for male sex victims amid Johnnys abuse claims
In Japan, a J-Pop star has come out as gay and his fans cheer : worldnews
Japans once beloved table tennis star is at the center of a child custody feud following the breakup of her marriage; unlike many other countries, it doesnt allow dual custody of children for their divorced parents.

Putin thanks North Korea for supporting Russias invasion of Ukraine

New Taiwan weapons package to be announced soon US officials

India and Brazil oppose Chinas rapid expansion bid for BRICS group
US intelligence report says China likely supplying tech for Russian military : worldnews
Biden to Sign Order Curbing US Tech Investments in China by Mid-AugustLimits to cover deals in China chips, AI, quantum computing

Putin: Russia ready to discuss conflict with Ukraine, but Kyiv refuses : worldnews
Russia Fears Pro-Ukrainian Drone Attack On Major Navy Parade : worldnews

Prigozhin Apparently Spotted In St. Petersburg On The Sidelines Of Russia-Africa Summit : worldnews

Historian Tim Snyder: Our misreading of Russia is deep. Very deep. ... two different fairy tales, as the Poles say ... It is a different paradigm of power altogether, driven by Weberian notions of charismatic leadership ... The thing is, Russia cant have a domestic policy,The elite have stolen all the money, all the laws are corrupted, and theres almost no social mobility or possibility of change in most Russianslives, so foreign policy has to compensate and provide the raw materialthe scenography for governance

Border guards on Wagnerites in Belarus: Theyre aggravating situation

Bunkers, sniper rifles: Deepening sectarian war in India dents Modi's image : worldnews
Indian-Made Cold Syrup Sent to Iraq Contains Poison, Test Shows - BNN Bloomberg : worldnews

Ministry of Defence accidentally emails ally of Russia - BBC News

General declares himself leader of Niger after staging coup : worldnews
France says Niger coup not definitive, president must be reinstated : worldnews

African Union calls on Russia to reinstate Ukrainian grain deal : worldnews

Russian flags waved as putsch topples Niger leader : worldnews

Iran protests: Return of morality police met by defiance : worldnews

Netanyahu wont commit to abiding by ruling if Supreme Court blocks controversial law
After new law, Netanyahu vows to keep attorney general and return felon to office : anime_titties
Exodus: The Israelis Planning Their Escape From Netanyahus Judicial Coup
Opinion | A Biden Peace Deal Between Saudi Arabia and Israel? - The New York Times

Almost 80% of Ukrainians consider all Russians responsible for war : anime_titties
U.S. expects to begin delivering Abrams tanks to Ukraine in September : worldnews
Ukraine moves Christmas Day in snub to Russia : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 520, Part 1 (Thread #666) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 28.7.2023 : ukraine

Mapped: Ukrainian counter-offensive breaks through Russian defences in major push : UkraineWarVideoReport
Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate Staromayorske village in Donetsk region : worldnews
A new phase in Ukraines counteroffensive seems to be underway in the south and east, while Russia is attacking in the north.
This apocalyptic scene from Staromaiorske is @GeoConfirmed to 47.753361120564236, 36.793510065680486. Satellite images show the homes along this leafy street were in tact on June 9. Now destroyed.

Russians leave up to 4 mines on one square metre in area of counteroffensive

Olga Kharlan has received automatic qualification for the 2024 Olympics from the International Olympic Committee. This was announced by Vadym Gutzait, member of the Executive Committee of the International Fencing Federation, Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, President of the NOC of Ukraine : ukraine

Russians suddenly block traffic on Crimean Bridge : worldnews

Third racism scandal hits Finlands government in space of a month

Swedish PM extremely worried as more apply to burn Quran
Swedens prime minister is concerned about a new wave of applications to burn religious books
Sweden approves Torah burning in Stockholm outside Israeli embassy : worldnews

Serbia Prosecution Seeks Ban on Far-Right Leviathan Movement

Information War: Russian Actors Identified In Purported German Video Against Ukraine Aid

Whats Happening in Italy Is Scary, and Its Spreading
Emperor Neros lost theatre found under site of hotel in Rome | Archaeologists hailexceptional findsat venue whose existence was previously known only from mentions in ancient texts
Wreck of ancient Roman cargo ship found off the coast near Rome : worldnews

Aeolus: Impossible satellite ready to fall to Earth - A British-built spacecraft is expected to fall to Earth later on Friday, after completing a transformative mission to map the planets winds.
Disabled flyers angry at airline double charging

Brazil denies U.S. extradition request for alleged Russian spy Sergey Cherkasov - CBS News
Attacks on indigenous people doubled during the Bolsonaro years: almost 800 were killed : worldnews

Venezuela police raid gay sauna, arrest 33 men : worldnews

Mexico urges US court to revive $10 billion lawsuit against gun makers : worldnews

The UFO reports piquing Nasas interest
Aliens are among us and they want to impeach Biden

The Dangerous and Frightening Disappearance of the Nuclear Deterrence Expert - POLITICO

Joe Biden must declare a climate emergency. And he must do so now. : politics

Labor Department Finds 44% Increase In Illegal Child Laborers Since October : politics

Americas farms are desperate for labor. Foreign workers bring relief and controversy

Biden to sign historic executive order on how US military handles sexual assault cases

Judge orders release of 3 of Newburgh Four and assails FBIs role in a post-9/11 terror sting ... The real lead conspirator was the United States

A year after Dobbs, House GOP proposes taking food from hungry babies : politics

University of Chicago Project s Report Is the Scary News We Knew Was True - This report is a whole lot of awful. - From April 6, 2023 to June 26, 2023, Americans agreeing that the use of force is justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidencyincreased from 4.5% to 7%, or the equivalent of an estimated shift from 12 million to 18 million American adults.

Biden to run against MAGA in 2024, not just Trump : politics
The Coming Biden Impeachment Farce : politics

Sam Alito, principled textualist (with notably rare exceptions and regulations) - Lawyers, Guns & Money - David Rivkin and James Taranto are happy to provide an abjectly fawning interview as part of Sam Alito's Resentful Self-Pity World Tour. It is full of unintentionally hilarious passages like this: "By comparison with the previous eight decades or so, the court has frequently declined to defer to elite political opinion, and as a result it has made news in other ways." Like Glenn Greenwald, the Federalist Society and their media lickspittles have created a universe in which the Princeton-and-Yale educated lawyer who holds one of the most powerful positions in the country is not "elite."
David Rivkin landed a fawning on-the-record interview with Alito shortly after the Supreme Court took up Rivkins case seeking to roll back the federal income tax. Legendary stuff.

McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, sources say : politics
Mitch McConnell vows to serve his full term as Republican leader
More on McConnell and signs of a terrible September - POLITICO
Ky. Dems predict challenge to Senate replacement law amid focus on McConnells health (only Refuckers allowed)

Trump charged with trying to delete Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage in new indictment : politics
Trump Tried to Delete Mar-a-Lago Security Footage to Thwart Investigators | Special Counsel Jack Smith has leveled additional charges against Trump, Walt Nauta, and a third Mar-a-Lago employee for mishandling classified docs : politics
Trump had his body man travel to Mar-a-Lago to figure out how to delete security footage of classified documents, DOJ alleges in new charges

Donald Trump Charged With More Federal Crimes In Classified Documents Case : politics
Trump charged with retaining classified document he bragged about on tape : politics
Donald Trump faces additional charges in classified documents case in Florida : politics
Opinion | New Trump indictment shows he didn't learn lesson of Watergate - The Washington Post

Read: Trump accused of deleting surveillance video in classified docs case : politics

Ex-Trump lawyer says evidence against him overwhelming in Mar-a-Lago case
New Trump Indictment Contains Single Most Important Claim: Ex-Prosecutor ... Trump now being charged with willfully retaining national defense information in connection to the war plan is the single most important incident alleged in the entire indictment against the former president.
3 things we learned from the new charges against Trump in documents case - The Washington Post

These people are admitting they lied to you: Trumps own men undermine his delusional defense
These are my tapes: Trump rips new charges in classified docs case
The incredibly damaging timeline of the alleged Mar-a-Lago coverup - The Washington Post
The New Evidence Against Donald Trump In The MAL Case Is BRUTAL
Jack Smith isnt finished yet
The Trump Classified Documents Indictment, Annotated - The New York Times
Trump Tried to Delete Mar-a-Lago Security Footage to Thwart Investigators | Special Counsel Jack Smith has leveled additional charges against Trump, Walt Nauta, and a third Mar-a-Lago employee for mishandling classified docs : politics
Trump Employee 4in superseding indictment identified as Yuscil Taveras
Trump says this is all a conspiracy on the part of the Biden administration to divert attention away from Hunters laptop

Special counsel charges third defendant in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case : politics

Barricades Go Up Around Fulton County Courthouse As Trump Indictment Looms : politics

You Are a P*ssy: McCarthy and Swalwell Get in House Floor Feud ... Mitch had a stroke, Trumps getting indicted two more times, and McCarthy was called a pussy on the house floor. What a great week man.

Pro-Trump Attorney Working for Election Deniers Announces Her Indictment : politics

Ron DeSantis popularity plunges to lowest in polls history
No One Will Say It Out Loud But DeSantis Is Done
Republicans like the hate DeSantis is selling. They just dont like him.
Dear Ron DeSantis, slavery was not a job skills program : politics
Ron DeSantis snaps back at reporter over slavery question in tense exchange : politics
Absurd DeSantis car crash reveals he's using state vehicles for presidential campaign
Florida allows teachers to use conservative PragerU curriculum in classrooms : politics
Disney criticizes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attempt to remove himself from legal battle:Evade responsibility

Moms, a target of the right, lean heavily left : politics

GOP Congressman Unleashes Profanity-Filled Tirade on Teen Senate Pages : politics
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo - Wikipedia
Republican defends screaming expletives at resting teens : politics - Fun facts this guy also tried to bring a loaded gun on a plane, and screamed at library workers because of a book about Mike Pences gay rabbit.
GOP congressman curses out teenage Senate pages

Alabamas middle finger to the Supreme Court is dangerous and familiar territory

Conservatives Are Furious That Nancy Mace Has Premarital Sex : politics

Civil rights groups condemn Soul Fest concerts at Georgia park with giant Confederate carving - Stone Mountain Park, just outside Atlanta, is where the Ku Klux Klan marked its rebirth in 1915.

Beto: Step It Up Biden - Lawyers, Guns & Money writes a pretty powerful op-ed in the Times, urging Biden to step up and stop Greg Abbotts personal militarization of the border.
West Houston bookseller sues state over new law requiring vendors to rate books for sexual content : politics
HISD to eliminate librarians, turn some libraries into discipline centers at 28 campuses

Ive never seen anything like this: Illegal medical lab discovered in Reedley

Eschaton: Nazis Everywhere The Right is just filled with Nazi sympathizers now (media, congressional staffers) and it is amazing how much pretending not to notice there is.

Eschaton: They Can Monster Anyone (Including Voters) I come back to this point regularly because our glorious political journalists like to pretend they're operating in some Realm of Objectivity inaccessible to us mere mortals, until they have a few drinks or write their memoirs and admit the obvious 20 years later. For whatever reason, they absolutely monstered Howard Dean out of the primary in 2004, and before that, they regularly treated Dean supporters as absurd, ridiculous, childish, wrongheaded, etc. I don't care about Howard Dean in 2023, but reasonably the man facing several felony indictments - and his supporters - probably deserves at least as much monstering.

No labels, no guru, no method, no teacher, no shame - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Both parties have conspiracy theory candidates, but its only aprimary advantage for Donald Trump | Robert F. Kennedy Jrs unhinged views dont play the same way.

Facebook Bowed to White House Pressure, Removed Covid Posts - WSJ pressure from Washington was behind a decision to take down posts attributing pandemic to man-made virus

Twitter under fire for reinstating account that posted child sex abuse : news
The continued adventures of Len Mukos, free speech champeen - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Tesla range deceptions: We bought the ruse, and an even bigger one about EVs, for far too long. The company reportedly exaggerated its vehiclesrange. We were easy marks.

Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one : technology

San Francisco man charged in assault of Asian American woman had past hate crime charge dropped in plea deal Man charged in horrific assault on 88-year-old Asian American woman had prior hate crime charges dropped in plea deal - James Lee Ramsey, 27, allegedly kicked the woman to the ground in San Francisco two years after being charged with a hate crime in an assault on an Oakland Chinatown leader.

Oppenheimer First Reactions

Sinead O'Connor : Nothing Compares 2 U (Official Music Video) [HD]

Threads users down by more than a half : worldnews

Korean team claims to have created the first room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor : worldnews

Study of 76,207 Japanese women found that low fiber intake during pregnancy was associated with neurodevelopmental delay in their offspring at 3 years : science

Exploring vacuum energy -

Can you cure lyme disease? A cancer drug may provide treatment


Climate change is killing off a vital ocean current system and it could spark permanent droughts and extreme winters, scientists say : worldnews

Era of global boiling has arrivedsays UN chief as July set to be hottest month on record
This Looks Like Earth's Warmest Month. Hotter Ones Appear to Be in Store. July is on track to break all records for any month, scientists say, as the planet enters an extended period of exceptional warmth.

Mediterranean Sea hits highest-ever temperature : worldnews

Climate change: Last years UK heatwave a sign of things to come

What Climate Change Is Doing to Our Sex Lives - How will our hotter world affect our intimacy?

Global food systems broken, says UN chief, urging transformation in how we produce, consume food

Mangrove forest thrives around what was once Latin Americas largest landfill

51 pilot whales die in Australia as officials race to save dozens of others in mass stranding : worldnews

Melbourne on high alert over neo-Nazi gym meet-up this weekend : worldnews

New species of dinosaur discovered in Thailand : worldnews

Japanese population falls in all 47 prefectures for 1st time : worldnews

North Koreas Kim shows off banned missiles to Russian minister

Not long after Qin Gang was removed as Chinas foreign minister, records of his time in office were deleted

Russia declares the International Court of Justice judge who issued Putins arrest warrant "wanted"
CIA Official reveals actual Russia Policy contradicts Public Positions : worldnews
Ukraine war latest: Russia and Belarus banned from 2024 Paris Olympics; why Putin isboxedin; Russia-North Korea deal | World News
Putin to African Leaders: Ill Give You Free Grain to Be My Friend
Russia refuses to speak at UN on attacks on Ukraines port city of Odesa
Russias economy is being propped up by Wagner Groups gold-smuggling operations, UK government report says

Drunken Wagner fighters are boozing to theirheartscontent at train stations in Moscow instead of going home, report says

Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov accused of ordering torture and murder of missing gay man : worldnews

In India, workers are less willing to accept job offers that are linked to castes other than their own, especially when those castes rank lower in the social hierarchy. Caste identity is so strong that workers forgo large payments to avoid job offers that conflict with their caste identity. : science

Niger soldiers announce coup on national TV : worldnews
Niger coup: Captive President Bazoum defiant after takeover : worldnews

West Africa recorded over 1,800 terrorist attack in first six months of 2023, regional official says | AP News

Russian fighter jet strikes another US drone in the 6th incident this month : worldnews

Israeli Supreme Court to review law that limits its power, setting up showdown with government | CNN : worldnews
In Israel, the Worst May Be Yet to Come : anime_titties
14-year-old Palestinian killed during Israeli military operation in West Bank : worldnews

US President Joe #Biden ordered the transfer of evidence of #Russian war crimes in #Ukraine to the #Hague court, the The New York Times reports. This is a very serious step. For his sake, Biden went to the confrontation with the Pentagon, which was afraid of creating a precedent for the prosecution of American soldiers.
This man is an absolute leader and legend. Zelenskyy just visited the Cathedral in Odesa that recenly got hit. : ukraine
Zelenskyy advises Russians leave Crimea while Kerch Bridge is somehow still functioning : worldnews
Ukrainian fencer disqualified from World Cup for refusing to shake hands with Russian opponent : worldnews
A Ukrainian MP is being investigated for calling in sick during the war, and then showing up in the Maldives with his wife and kids : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 519, Part 1 (Thread #665) : worldnews

Ukrainian troops reportedly break through Russian defences in Zaporizhzhia : worldnews

NATO can convoy Ukrainian ships in the Black sea: U.S Admiral explains how it can work : worldnews
Russia preparing for Black Sea blockade, warns Ukrainian Defense spokesperson : worldnews
NATO will step up security in Black Sea region after Russia declares parts are unsafe for shipping : worldnews

Moldova expels 45 Russian diplomatic staff in spy row : worldnews

Russia using disinformation to imply Sweden supported Quran burnings

Greece fires in maps and satellite images show extent of damage : worldnews

Almost 800 migrants drowned off Tunisia in six months : worldnews

Rare clay figurine found in Italian Cave dating back 7000 years : worldnews

Portugals parliament first country to recognize Palestinian Nakba and condemns Israeli expansionism
Wretched headline de l'heure - Who is this an unwelcome distraction for? Who is this an unwelcome distraction for, motherfucker? Here are the paragraphs that come before any mention of Pope Francis - When a panel of experts read aloud some of the harrowing accounts they had collected from recently discovered victims of child sex abuse in the Portuguese Catholic Church, the countrys senior bishops squirmed in the auditorium front-row seats - During a live television broadcast, the experts reported in February that at least 4,815 boys and girls had been abused since 1950, most aged 10-14. Before the stunning findings, senior Portuguese church officials had maintained there had been only a handful of cases of clergy sex abuse (chop off their dicks and send them to hell)

Ireland unlikely to offer condolences to Russia if Putin dies, Varadkar says : worldnews
US embassy in Dublin warns visitors to Ireland to avoid walking alone : worldnews

Laser mapping reveals a forgotten Maya city in the jungle : worldnews

Canadas wildfires lead to highest emissions on record

U.S. recovered non-human biologics from UFO crash sites, former intel official says

A mysterious cellphone, cryptic instructions and an interrupted smuggling run of 14 Indian nationals - U.S. border patrol says it has arrested over 4,900 people crossing Quebec-U.S. border in the last 10 months : worldnews

Biden announces new actions to help people deal with extreme heat : NPR

US Government Shutdown Threatened as Congress Leaves for August Recess - Bloomberg - House GOP canceled expected vote on agriculture funding bill - Government funding will expire Sept. 30 without a deal

Workers at companies that tested out a 4-day workweek are happier and more efficient and firms made more money. One lawmaker says its here to stay

U.S. Economy Grew at 2.4% Rate in Second Quarter : politics
No matter where you look, consumer confidence is up
US economic growth accelerated in 2nd quarter, exceeding expectations and quieting recession fears - ABC News A cooldown of inflation and a solid jobs market have fueled growing optimism.
US economy blows past expectations: Three quick takeaways : politics
Yale professor: Bidens economy most successful since FDRs New Deal

UPS-Teamsters Deal - Lawyers, Guns & Money

DeJoy Is Still Dragging His Feet at Every Step on Electrifying the Postal Fleet : politics

Biden admin canceling $130M in debt for students who it says were ripped offby Colorado college

In Americas internal colonies, the poor die far younger than richer Americans
Progressives Unveil OLIGARCH Act to Combat Existential Threat of Extreme Wealth Inequality American oligarchs have used their wealth to accumulate an unprecedented level of political power, which theyve used to amass even greater wealth. We must stop this cycle

Battle plan: How the far right would dismantle climate programs

With latest batch of judicial nominees, Biden has put forward 180 people for the federal bench | CNN Politics
Supreme Court clears way for Mountain Valley Pipeline construction to proceed | CNN Politics

The second-highest job in the land has been shifting for decades, and some of those changes havent made things easier for Kamala Harris.

Mitch McConnell faces resign calls over freeze: "Cognitive malfunction" : politics
McConnell fell recently at Washington, D.C., airport prior to Wednesdays freeze-up

A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to just say aye instead
Feinstein gets confused in Senate Appropriations hearing and has to be prodded to vote | CNN Politics : news
This Senate Is the Second-Oldest in History | The New Republic A recent incident with Mitch McConnell has cast a light on just how old this Congress is ... The Senates median age, however, is 65.3 years, an uptick from 64.8 in the last session

Just say nothing: Democrats advise Biden to keep mum on Trumps legal woes

Opinion | Do You Know a Politically Motived Prosecution When You See One? - The New York Times Jesse Wegman ... In the first example, the Justice Department and the F.B.I., under Attorney General Merrick Garland, waited more than a year to pursue an investigation of Mr. Trumps role in the Jan. 6 attack with any urgency largely out of the fear that they would be seen as politically motivated.

Trump teams prepare for possible grand jury vote in special counsel probe Trump said last week he received a target letter in connection with an investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and efforts to overturn the election.
Trumps legal team meets with special counsel as federal indictment looms
Trump teams preparing for possible Thursday grand jury vote: Sources : politics

Half of Republicans Dont Think Trump Took Classified Docs. That's Terrifying. Trump still controls the Republican Party and theyll believe anything he says.

Why Trumps Next Criminal Case is Uniquely Dangerous for Him

Trump needed $225 million. A little-known bank came to the rescue. : politics

Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president : politics

Raskin slams preposterous idea that Biden drug control strategy should include 'faith' (Gosar)

Former GOP gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley pleads guilty to Jan. 6 crime Kelley ran for governor in Michigan last year but lost in the Republican primary.

Political expert reactions pour in after Rudy Giuliani concedes : politics

Hunter Biden plea hearing provides drama. How will it all end?
Rejected plea deal leaves Hunter Bidens team fuming

New Marquette Law School national survey finds Trump holding steady among Republicans, DeSantis remaining clear second choice in party, and a tie in Biden/Trump head-to-head - In a potential rematch of the 2020 presidential election between President Joe Biden and Trump, registered voters were evenly split, with each candidate receiving 50% support.

Team DeSantiss fury at mild Republican criticism distills his politics
Black History Is a Casualty in Ron DeSantiss Christian Nationalist Quest ... "Put on the full armor of God. Stand firm against the lefts schemes. You will face flaming arrows, but if you have the shield of faith, you will overcome them, and in Florida we walk the line here"
Oldest Black fraternity pulls 2025 convention out of Florida citing hostile policies -- Alpha Phi Alpha.

I have been indicted, says suspect in Michigan vote machine tampering probe - Lambert is one of nine suspects loyal to former President Donald Trump referred to special prosecutor last year
With Democrats in control in Michigan, teachers win back key bargaining rights : politics

Conservatives and Campus Free Speech II: Deep in the Black Heart of Texas Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... An instructor at Texas A&M was suspended based solely on a second-hand account that she had made critical comments about the states lieutenant governor: ... Remember when Bari Weiss located her pseudo-university in Texas because if Elon Musk located there it must have a robust commitment to free speech? And as they both define it, it does!

'Arthur' Book Facing Ban in Florida Over This One Wacko Complaint under review in one school district after a local conservative activist ranted that one aspect of it could DAMAGE SOULS

Matt Gaetz confronted with sex doll during fundraising event : politics

Man of the People! - Lawyers, Guns & Money It is almost impossible for me to express in the English language how much I despise Nicolas Kristof. Between his self-serving centrist bullshit, his white slavery obsession, his inability to even apology over being played for a sucker by the Cambodian women he claimed to be saving, and his clownshow effort to run for governor of Oregon, this is a person with literally no redeeming value to society. But that will never kick you off the New York Times op-ed page. Nope, such a thing is impossible.

Tried that in a big town. : PoliticalHumor

Maternal Deaths Are Expected to Rise Under Abortion Bans, but the Increase May Be Hard to Measure it may take years for maternal mortality data to reveal the toll.

Cornel West Is So Vain That He Thinks The 2024 Election Is About Him The Princeton professor is running for the presidency of the United States of America as a Green Party candidate, and this is nothing but a futile vanity project.

Feds Drop Sam Bankman-Frieds Campaign Finance Charges

Tesla created secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints
Elon lied to customers about the range of Teslas and then cancelled their service appointments - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Changing Facebooks algorithm won't fix polarization, new study finds - The massive study of Facebook and Instagram included changing the way posts were fed to hundreds of thousands of users - The first results of that research show that the companys platforms play a critical role in funneling users to partisan information with which they are likely to agree. But the results cast doubt on assumptions that the strategies Meta could use to discourage virality and engagement on its social networks would substantially affect peoples political beliefs.

Twitter placed ads for USA Today, National Womens Soccer League, and other major brands on a terrorism-linked neo-Nazi account
Elon Musk Just Killed Twitter. What The X? : videos

11-year-old girl arrested over false report of kidnapped friend in online challenge gone wrong - The girl has been charged with a felony and misdemeanor. She is now in custody.
11-year-old Florida girl arrested after prank-texting 911 to say her friend was kidnapped as part of a YouTube challenge : news

Wisconsin woman convicted in killing and dismembering ex-boyfriend The Brown County jury deliberated less than an hour before convicting Taylor Schabusiness, 25, of homicide, third-degree sexual abuse and mutilating a corpse in the February 2022 killing of Shad Thyrion.

After Tyre Nichols death, DOJ launches civil rights investigation into Memphis police, city - six months after Memphis police officers tased, pepper-sprayed and brutally beat 29-year-old Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop. Nichols died three days later and federal investigators later launched a civil rights investigation into his death.

911 callers say it looked like WPD officer intentionally struck pedestrian : news

Sweet Daddy Walsh and the Sweet Baby Gang: Matt Walshs dirty deal with diapers

How TV Writing Became a Dead-End Job - The New York Times The writers say Hollywood studios are increasingly limiting their roles in television productions, highlighting a trend for white-collar workers.

What AI Teaches Us About Good Writing - NOEMA While AI can speed up the writing process, it doesnt optimize quality and it endangers our sense of connection to ourselves and others.

Out with the chardonnay, in with the gummieswhy a new generation of Greater Boston parents are choosing cannabis to cope ... cannamoms

Einstein and Oppenheimers Real Relationship Was Cordial and Complicated

Lockheed Martin gets DARPA, NASA contract to build nuclear-powered rocket - The Washington Post If successful, the technology could dramatically cut the travel time to Mars

Cases of meat allergy linked to lone star ticks are rising, CDC reports At least 42% of 1,500 doctors surveyed had never heard of alpha-gal syndrome, a tick-borne illness that can cause potentially life-threatening allergy to red meat.

Vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) in short bouts of 4.5 minutes was associated with a 31%-32% reduction in physical activityrelated cancer incidence, and a minimum dose of 3.5 minutes of VILPA/day was associated with a 17%-18% reduction in total incident cancer

Illicit drug use is involved in nearly one in three sudden cardiac deaths in young adults : science

A new study revealed that the progression of Alzheimers disease (AD) can be slowed by suppressing a protein (SSH1) in the brain that causes corrosion. This slows the development of oxidative damage and buildup of toxic plaques and tangles in the brain, both risk factors for AD.

Unpacking Googles new dangerous Web-Environment-Integrity specification ... lmao Trusted sites aka sites that run Google Ads API

Release of document trove about Riverbend Park raises questions on Decker account, DCR decision : CambridgeMA The most important part of this article imo is that Decker was caught lying, doubled down, and now Cambridge Day has evidence that she was lying once again

Whats the stupidest Real Men dontyouve ever heard?

What caused you to stop smoking cigarettes? : AskReddit


Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests | Climate crisis | The Guardian A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis
A crucial system of ocean currents is heading for a collapse that would affect every person on the planet
Potential collapse of the Gulf Stream - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Heat waves in US and Europe would have been virtually impossible without climate change, new report finds | CNN

Florida seawater hits hot tub level and may have set world record | AP News

Deadly Mediterranean wildfires kill more than 40 : worldnews

Nasa briefly loses contact with ISS after power outage and relies on backup systems for first time | Nasa : worldnews

Dozens of pilot whales beached in mass stranding east of Albany in WA, Australia : worldnews

Colonisation by British luckiest thing to happen to Australia - John Howard

Cambodian PM Hun Sen says will resign, hand power to eldest son : worldnews

Japans population drops by nearly 800,000 with falls in every prefecture for the first time

Secret agreements with Russia aid North Koreas nuclear program, reports indicate

Facing threats from China, companies in Taiwan turn to weapons manufacturing : worldnews

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to visit China in October, Kremlin says : worldnews
Threat of strategic aviation use: 12 bombers take off in Russia : worldnews

Putin cannot unite Russian "elite" after Wagner mutiny : worldnews

Russias IKEA Copycat Disappoints Russians and Quality of Meatballs bad

India PM Narendra Modi faces no-confidence vote in parliament : worldnews

Pakistan Supreme Court rejects Imran Khans plea to stay criminal proceedings against him in Toshakhana case

Two-thirds of African leaders refuse to attend Putins summit
Russia-Africa Summit turns to be diplomatic fiasco: Boycott among African nations : worldnews
African leaders are staying away from Russia's big summit in St Petersburg tomorrow: only 21 heads of state and government are going, as opposed to 43 the last time in 2019. The Kremlin is complaining of very fierce western pressure:

Ghana parliament votes to abolish death penalty : worldnews

West Africa recorded over 1,800 terrorist attacks in the first six months of the year resulting in nearly 4,600 deaths with dire humanitarian consequences, and a top regional official said Tuesday thats just asnippet of the horrendous impact of insecurity

Soldiers holding Niger president inside palace: Security sources | Military News : worldnews

Oil from "FSO Safer" supertanker decaying off Yemen's coast finally being pumped onto another ship : worldnews Oil from FSO Safer supertanker decaying off Yemens coast finally being pumped onto another ship

Iran helping Russia build drone stockpile that is expected to be orders of magnitude larger than previous arsenal, US says
Iran intensifies hijab crackdown on women, rights groups call for intervention : worldnews
Iran Tries To Quell Scandal Over Officials Same-Sex Video

Israels Supreme Court says it will not block law that limits its power -- for now
Israeli doctors walk off the job and more strikes are threatened after law weakening courts passes : worldnews
Israeli forces kill two Palestinian teens in occupied West Bank : worldnews

U.S. Says Main Thrust of Ukraines Counteroffensive Has Begun
The Next Steps - Lawyers, Guns & Money For the first time in a few weeks there seems to be some optimism about Ukrainian offensive efforts:
Opinion | In Russia, Putin Is Doubling Down on Failure - The New York Times

Right now, the Russians launched 98 missiles from 12 TU-95 aircraft toward Ukraine. The approximate time of arrival is 18:30 when many Ukrainians are just returning home after work. Updates on the shot downs or casualties will as always be provided in the comments. : ukraine
West scrambles to hash out details of Ukraine F-16 training : worldnews
Russia briefly deployed its super-advanced T-14 tanks to Ukraine, then withdrew them again, state media says : worldnews
The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "The High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine is set to hear the case of raiding the Mezhyhirya Residence by fugitive former president Viktor Yanukovych and his son." / Twitter
War turns Ukraine from agrarian state to super lab of inventions

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 518, Part 1 (Thread #664) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 26 July 2023.
Losses of the Russian military to 26.7.2023 : ukraine

Stopping the modern Hitler: snipers hold the line in Ukraines battle for survival taking out Russian colonels from 2.8 km away, saving a battalion of 600 men from encirclement, and enabling to capture a russian stronghold without a single KIA
Armed Forces of Ukraine advancing in three directions : worldnews

Americans On A Rampage Through Russian Defenses : UkraineWarVideoReport
Ukraine launches high-intensity assault with 100 armoured vehicles
Last russians are being driven out of Andriivka and Klischiivka : UkraineWarVideoReport
The Ukrainian kamikaze drone must have been very well armed, the Russian T-72B tank exploded immediately after being hit! The tank crew had no chance! : UkraineWarVideoReport
Euromaidan Press on Twitter: "The Russian army has used Shahed kamikaze drones assembled in the Russian Federation in its recent attacks on Ukraine." / Twitter

Female Ukrainian judge jailed, shocked, threatened with firing squad in Russian captivity : worldnews ... While I was there, I heard loud, agonizing screams constantly I still cant believe that men can scream in such pain. Those were truly inhuman soundsI dont know what they were doing to them. At that moment, I wished for God to make me deaf (Russia pure evil)

Russians mines at Zaporizhzhia NPP can explode any time

Zelenskyy advises Russians leave Crimea while Kerch Bridge is somehow still functioning : ukraine
Defense minister: Attacks on Russian military targets in Crimea to continue : ukraine
Russia extends deadline for repair of Crimean bridge until end of year : worldnews
Explosions in Crimea: Russian repairs battalion attacked, many wounded : worldnews
NEXTA on Twitter: "The Yellow Ribbon, the symbol of resistance against #Russian occupation, was spotted in #Simferopol." / Twitter

Latest in Ukraine: Britain Says Russia Could Be Preparing Black Sea Blockade : worldnews
Russia additionally mines approaches to Ukrainian ports- The Guardian : worldnews
Russia will not get away with attacking Black Sea grain deal ships : worldnews
Russia bombs alternative food export routes from Ukraine driving world grain prices up 17%
Russia deploys corvette in Black Sea to intercept commercial vessels
Romanian ship damaged during Russian attack on Ukrainian port : worldnews

Moldova expels 45 Russian diplomats, administrative staff reduced by 60 : worldnews

Hungarys PM Orban says Slovakia is breakaway part of Hungary, Bratislava outraged, summons ambassador

Far-right group burns Quran in Copenhagen : worldnews

Italy wildfires force airport to close as temperatures soar to 47C : worldnews 47C = 116.6F
Italy storms: North hit by hail and rain as Sicily burns : worldnews

French media authority asks platforms to ramp up fight against hate speech : worldnews

Whither Fish and Chips? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Apple hit with $1B UK lawsuit over abusivepricingin App Store (Cookster cackles)

Canada funneled arms to Saudis during Yemen war via opaque U.S. program in second-biggest weapons export deal in Canadian history : worldnews
Canada mosque axe and bear spray attacker sentenced to eight years : worldnews

Whistleblower tells Congress the US is concealing multi-decadeprogram that captures UFOs

Biden Orders U.S. to Share Evidence of Russian War Crimes With Hague Court : politics

Most young people are no longer proud to be Americans, poll finds : politics
Facing Widespread Precarity, Young US Voters Are Becoming Even More Progressive : politics
Anger and radicalization: rising number of Americans say political violence is justified

Fed meeting July 2023: Fed approves hike, interest rates rise to highest level in more than 22 years

How the Ultrawealthy Use Private Foundations to Bank Millions in Tax Deductions While Giving the Public Little in Return The rich get huge tax breaks by donating art, property and company shares to benefit the public. But some donors collect millions while offering little or no public access.

Labor Department says number of children it it found working illegally is up 44% since October While Labor touted increased enforcement, a top Biden administration official faced criticism from Congress about reports of migrant minors working dangerous jobs.

A political gap in excess deaths widened after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, study says : politics ... the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters (Refucks killed their stupid anti-vax voters)

Biden threatens to veto House funding bills as Republicans add culture war provisions : politics

Biden to forgive $130 million in debt for CollegeAmerica students : politics

The Supreme Courts excuses for ethics violations insult our intelligence

Senate Republicans see Biden impeachment as fraught with risk : politics
Biden laughs off impeachment threat after McCarthy teases inquiry : politics

McConnell freezes during press conference : politics
Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing mid-press conference : politics
McConnell freezes at briefing, concerning colleagues : politics
Today in the American gerontocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What the Hell Just Happened to Mitch McConnell in This Press Conference? : politics His brain is slowly melting into a slush of vacuous hate. He has done so much damage to our democracy. But time makes dust of us all -

The Fulton County Case Against Trump May Be the Most Seriouand Imminent

Trumps next indictment: The key events that will form the basis of Jack Smiths newest case

"Scared" Trump forced to raise a lot because his lawyers are "holding him up for money": analyst : politics
Trumps Elite Strike Force Team Falls on Hard Times
Trump's aggressive legal strategies keep backfiring spectacularly - His lawyers love using the courtroom for political attacks. Its not going well.

Donald Trumps popularity has fallen among Republican voters, poll suggests
Incandescently stupid. Former DHS official says he had to dumb down classified memos for Trump : politics

Ted Lieu Reads Judges Ruling Rejecting Fmr. Pres. Trumps Request for New Trial in E. Jean Carroll Case

Trump Will Give Ancient Oil Lamps and Coins Back to Israel : politics
The Grift that Keeps on Grifting - Lawyers, Guns & Money How was it possible for Donald Trump, lifelong fraudster and confidence artist to take over the Republican Party? I suppose thats one of those mysteries thats wrapped in an enigma and then stored in a puzzle box hidden beneath the floorboards in the worlds most difficult escape room
The Long Con Mail-order conservatism ... Romneys lying, in fact, was so richly variegated that it can serve as a sort of grammar of mendacity. (2012 for the history/context)

Where Is Melania Trump Now? - The New York Times The former first lady has mostly retreated from public viewand steered clear of the campaign trail while her husband fights to return to the White House and faces increasing legal peril.

Giuliani Admits False Statements About Election Workers

Judge pumps the brakes on Hunter Bidens guilty plea because of concerns about a novel provision in the deal
Why Hunter Bidens plea deal wasnt approved on Wednesday
Republicans in Congress Seek to Block Hunter Bidens Plea Deal
Judge says member of Hunter Bidens legal team misrepresented her identity on eve of plea deal hearing legal team staunchly denied any misconduct, saying the episode was a misunderstanding ... U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika wrote that an employee at Latham & Watkins, a law firm representing the presidents son, had called the court clerks office and falsely claimed to work for a Republican lawyer in the hopes of persuading the clerk to remove documents that apparently contained Bidens personal tax information.

A Growing Share Of Americans Think States Shouldnt Be Able To Put Any Limits On Abortion

The Real Threat to Free Speech Is Coming From the Right : politics

Tubervilles tales about his father in World War II have false elements

Resolution to censure Marjorie Taylor Greene brought by House Democrat : politics

House Republicans plan to hold Metas Mark Zuckerberg in contempt of Congress

Could James Comer Really Be As Dumb As He Looks? : politics

DeSantiss crusade to delegitimize the horrors of slavery is white supremacy in government
How the right ended up trying to softpedal enslavement : politics
DeSantis says he would pick RFK Jr. to head the CDC or FDA - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Remember when all those Very Serious and Savvy Journalists were insisting that DeSantiss Covid vaccination policy deserved to be treated with respect, because after all there were Real Questions about this Very Complicated Issue?
DeSantissmall-dollar donation ratio ranks near bottom of GOP field
DeSantis team fires aide who secretly made video with Nazi symbol : politics
Pathetic: DeSantis Campaign Planted That Bizarre Anti-LGBTQ Ad in Fan Account. The DeSantis campaign made the bizarre ad, but pretended it didnt.
Ron DeSantis staffer fired over Nazi symbol video once praised Nick Fuentes : politics
Rightwing propaganda outlet PragerUs materials approved for schools in Ron DeSantis Florida
DeSantisn ew campaign deputy was part of massive anti-net neutrality campaign that used dead people to spam the FCC
Jets and other travel costs drain DeSantis campaign funds amid layoffs : politics

Paul Gosars Newsletter Features Website That Calls for Readers to Stand up for Hitler
House Democrats want to censure Paul Gosar again : politics

Arlington Public Schools Refuse to Comply With Virginias Anti-Trans Policies

Kari Lake suffers blow in Arizona before likely Senate bid : politics

Focus relentlessly on under 25: Leaked chats reveal influential gender-critical groups plan to use children to push for bans on transitioning

How George Santos Used Political Connections to Fuel Get-Rich Schemes : politics

A GOP Grandmother Spat at Protesters in the Name of Religious Freedom

The GOP and the NRA want to stop gun violence research. California is a target : politics

Houston teacher fired for attending downtown drag show : news

History-Blogging: Rating NYC Mayors - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Why is that every Mayor of NYC, regardless of party, becomes some variety of ahole? Are there examples of non-ahole NYC mayors?

The Liz Bruenig Express Arrives in Atlanta - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Eschaton: Congratulations, Frank! He got what he worked for his whole life. - "The Florida Keys have lost between 80% and 90% of their coral reef systems in the last 50 years." - Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) July 25, 2023

RFK Jr.s campaign filings show payments to a litany of Republicans and controversial activists, including some anti-vaxxers
Author Who Debunked RFK Jr. A Decade Ago Thinks His Candidacy Is Pretty Depressing - author Seth Mnookin
RFK Jr is Trump 2.0 dont be scared to say it
Robert Kennedy Jr. is wrong on every single point about Ukraine ... using his time on Fox News to hammer pro-Russian propaganda that is intended to make the United States the villain in a story where Putin has initiated torture, mass murder, wholesale destruction, displacement, and kidnapping of children on an industrial scale. (Putin pawn)

TIL Oppenheimer attempted to poison his tutor with cyanide : todayilearned

Sinead O'Connor, acclaimed Dublin singer, dies at 56
Sinead OConnor, Evocative and Outspoken Singer, Is Dead at 56

FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users : technology

Elon Musk has officially killed Twitter. The zombie platform lives on as X, a disfigured shell of its former self - Twitter, the text-based social media platform that played an outsized role on society by serving as a digital town square, was killed by its unhinged owner Elon Musk on Sunday. It was 17 years old. A zombie Twitter, known only as X, reluctantly endures. A warped and disfigured platform, X marches on like a White Walker, an ugly shell of its former self under the command of a loathsome leader ... X is a platform where journalists are banned and smeared while the most repellant and dishonest voices are elevated.
First as pathetic farce, then as even more pathetic force - Lawyers, Guns & Money The most ridiculous thing about Elons attempt to rebrand Twitter
Elon Musks X Rollout Is Already a Dumpster Fire - Conference rooms are to be renamed seXy and eXposure, despite Musks alleged sexual harassment. Trademark issues abound. Police had to get involved. Yikes.
Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.

Doctors who put lives at risk with covid misinformation rarely punished - The Washington Post

Court Says Its Fine For Cops To Use Cell Phones To Peep Into Peoples Cars

Ohio K-9 officer fired after his police dog attacked surrendering suspect : news

Some Mass. lawmakers want to get rid of religious exemption for childhood vaccine requirements - The Boston Globe : massachusetts

History Cambridge is answering your questions about Cambridgeport - Cambridge Day
The areas, neighborhoods and squares of Cambridge - Cambridge Day
Cambridgeport History Hub - History Cambridge
Cambridge History | Original Research | Articles | Exhibitions

Women of reddit, what job would a man have that would be an automatic deal breaker for you? : AskReddit

Whats the worst part about aging?


Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation | Nature Communications
Gulf Stream shutoff could happen this century, scientists warn It would be the end of the world as we know it but some scientists say they feel fine.
Scientists detect sign that a crucial ocean current is near collapse - The Washington Post raising the possibility that this crucial element of the climate system could collapse within the next few decades.

Is it really hotter now than any time in 100,000 years?

Record Hot Oceans Are Driving Weather Disasters Around the World : worldnews
From scorching heat to deadly storms, Europe has no rest from summer of hell
July heatwaves virtually impossible without climate change
By the time I get to Phoenix the asphalt will be 180 degrees - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Every single one of the 45 beds in the burn center is fullhe said, and one-third of patients are people who fell and burned themselves on the ground ... It seems probable that much of the American southwest will become essentially uninhabitable over the next few decades (Note that before the advent of residential air conditioning, the idea of living in Phoenix was considered absurd by most people: the citys population was 65,000 in 1940).

These maps show what to expect from this weeks dangerous heat in Southern New England

A three-day United Nations summit opened in Rome on Monday aimed at tackling a "broken" global food system where millions are starving, two billion are overweight or obese and the planet is suffering : worldnews

South America Will Pledge to End Amazon Deforestation by 2030 : worldnews

Chocolate prices soar as cost of cocoa rises 25% : worldnews

US Approves Lab-Grown Chicken Meat : worldnews

How an ungovernable otter became an internet sensation

Australian rural internet worse than villages I know in Africa, Ross Garnaut says | Rural Australia

Singapore to execute a woman for first time in almost 20 years : worldnews

Malaysias gay community fears backlash after Matty Healys outburst

Fukushima fish with 180 times legal limit of radioactive cesium fuels water release fears | Fukushima : worldnews
Arrests after headless body found in Japanese hotel room but mans head still missing

Anger in South Korea as court rejects removing minister over Halloween crush : worldnews

China, Taiwan brace for their most powerful typhoon this year : worldnews

Chinese firms send Russia vast amounts of dual-use equipment: Report : worldnews

Putin forewarned of rebellion 2-3 days in advance but did not order to suppress it
Vladimir Putin Paralyzed During Wagner Rebellion Despite Advance Warning: Report

Russias not just seeing an exodus of people it saw a record $239 billion worth of assets being pulled out last year

Putin Signs Law Raising Age Of People In Military Reserve By Five Years : worldnews
Russia extends conscription for compulsory military service up to age 30 : worldnews
Vladimir Putin signs law banning gender changes in Russia : worldnews ... Lawmakers say the legislation is to safeguard Russia against western anti-family ideologywith some describing gender transitioning as pure satanism

Rare testimony reveals brutal life for Russian convicts fighting in Ukraine | CNN : worldnews
A Russian soldier said he was shot in the leg fighting in Ukraine then sent back out 10 days later, where he was shot again : worldnews

Russia almost always adapts in the kinetic & information space if given time. The Kremlin is actively investing in force regenerationRapid pivots are not the Kremlins forte, however.A new report from @nataliabugayova

Taliban bans beauty salons in Afghanistan despite UN concern and rare public protest : worldnews

Algeria fires fanned by winds kill 34 as temperature hits 118 degrees : worldnews

BBC condemned for dangerous question about gay players in Morocco at Womens World Cup

Mali drops French as its official language : worldnews
U.S. blacklists officials who helped Wagner Group enter Mali : worldnews

US says Russian plane hit one of its drones with flare over Syria : worldnews

Iran shuts down biggest e-com company after female employees seen without hijab : worldnews

Netanyahus judicial overhaul: Israel Knesset passes first bill, despite mass protests
Israel protests: doctors announce strike amid mass demonstrations over judicial overhaul | Israel : worldnews
Israels credit rating lowered, Moodys warns of significant risk ... Bibi, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich have done a better job at scaring away investors than BDS has in the last (almost) 20 years

67% of Americans say US should support Ukraine until Russia pulls all invading forces from its territory or is defeated on the battlefield. The only thing preventing this is lack of US weapons driven by lack of American presidential will @marcthiessen
US to provide tiny Black Hornet nano-drones to Ukraine in new aid package : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 517, Part 1 (Thread #663) : worldnews

(5/5) Since the start of the war, Russias strike campaign has been characterised by poor intelligence and a dysfunctional targeting process.
Ukrainian marines shoot down Russian Ka-52 helicopter : worldnews

Mines found at Ukraines Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine

Russian occupation authorities close Crimean Bridge for traffic again : worldnews
The Russian Ministry of Defense is reporting that earlier this morning the Sergey Kotova Project-22160 Patrol Ship of the Black Seas Fleet which was operating to the Southwest of Sevastopol was Attacked by 2 Unmanned-Speedboats filled with Explosives; the Ships is claimed to have Destroyed the 2 Boats with its Standard Gun at a distance of 800 and 1000 Meters resulting in No Damage to the Patrol Ship.
Kyiv Repels Fresh Drone Strike as Russia Claims It Repulsed Ukraine Attack On Black Sea Vessel : worldnews

How Russia sabotages grain deal: Ukrainian military intelligence intercepted secret report : worldnews
Trying to make the world starve -- Russian drones destroy grain warehouses at Ukraine ports
(3/5) Between August 2022 and June 2023, when the Black Sea Grain Initiative was still in force, Russia generally refrained from striking civil infrastructure in the southern ports.
The Baltic States have five ports that could be used to safely export much more of Ukraine's grain. We are officially proposing that the @EU_Commission help us to increase rail capacity on the #BalticRoute
Greece, Bulgaria discuss transit of Ukrainian grain by rail : worldnews

Russia has killed a lot of media representatives during the full-scale invasion. Just several days passed after the data was collected, but the number of victims from the media sphere has already increased.

"Russia is preparing an operation in the Black Sea under a foreign flag," - US State Department : worldnews

Albania Legalizes Medical Cannabis : worldnews

Police in Sweden receive yet another application to hold a Quran-burning protest, with the event this time to be held outside the Iranian embassy in Stockholm : worldnews

Major Cyber Attack Exposes 12 Norwegian Ministries : worldnews

Rhodes wildfires are like a biblical catastrophe
Why doesnt Greece do controlled burns to reduce Wild Fires?

Two teachers called out far-right activities at their German school. Then they had to leave town -- The teachers reported students greeting each other with the Nazi salute, scratching swastikas on their desks and threatening to beat up immigrant classmates
Google Street View is back in Germany after 10+ year halt : worldnews

Jury finds 6 people guilty of terrorist murder in 2016 Brussels extremist attacks that killed 32 : worldnews

Italy wildfires encircle Palermo as temperatures hit 47C : worldnews

Far-right party Vox loses ground in Spanish election, dashing its hopes to enter a governing coalition that would have given the far right its first share of power in Spain since Francisco Franco : worldnews

Paris to bring back swimming in Seine after 100 years : worldnews

This Day in Labor History: July 25, 1973 - Lawyers, Guns & Money On July 25, 1973, the Irish Minister of Finance, Richie Ryan, introduced the Civil Service (Employment of Married Women) Act, which ended the nations long-standing ban on married women working for the government. It's hard to overestimate the conservatism of Ireland during most of the twentieth century, a nation where the Catholic Church had more control than any other nation in the world, including Italy. This was a staunch patriarchy and womens lives were tightly controlled by men, backed by the both church and state

Ecuador declares prison emergency as inmates killed and 100 guards taken hostage | Ecuador : worldnews

Mexico security forces collaboratedin student disappearances, report says

Foreign interference in Canada: Ex-RCMP officer charged : worldnews
Canada releases framework to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies : worldnews

These five American women will appear on new quarters in 2024 | The Hill

Why Do Americans Get Attacked for Saying What Israelis Say About Israel? Congress explicitly rejects words like "racist" and "apartheid" that prominent Israelis have used to describe their country and its policies.

The Pentagon doesnt need $886bn. I oppose this bloated defense budget | Bernie Sanders

Federal judge tosses Biden administration asylum rule for migrants - The Washington Post

UPS Reaches Contract Deal With Teamsters to Head Off Strike - The New York Times United Parcel Service faced a potential walkout by more than 325,000 union members after their five-year contract expires next week.

Senate Democrats pressure Mitch McConnell to end Tubervilles reckless military blockade

Inside the Republican effort to force millions of farm animals back into cages : politics

Biden supporters exploit Republicans $1 donation cashback campaign pledge:I gave $1 to you and $20 to Biden
Morgan Stanley credits Bidenomics in lifting its U.S. economic-growth outlook

Ginni Thomas may have crossed the lineLawyers on fake electors plot

Obamas personal chef drowns near familys home on Marthas Vineyard

Bidens'dog bit several Secret Service agents - The White House dog, Commander, will get more training after the incidents, including one that sent an agent to the hospital ... The dogs aggressive behavior, covering a four-month period from late 2022 through early 2023, are recorded in a cache of records obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch and first reported by the New York Post.
Bidens dog Commander involved in biting incidents as White House says hes getting more training

Georgia prosecutors eye criminal solicitation charges in Trump inquiry | Georgia | The Guardian Exclusive: Fulton county DA has identified multiple state election crimes in the 2020 election investigation, sources say

Man who beat officer with flagpole during Capitol riot is sentenced to over 4 years in prison : politics

Special counsel obtains thousands of documents from Rudy Giuliani team that tried to find fraud after 2020 election : politics

Eight search warrants issued in Trump classified documents case, new filings show Prosecutors argued that seven additional warrants should be kept secret.

Bad tidings for Steve Bannon: Associate sentenced to 5 years for We Build the Wall fraud

Striking new data about young voters should alarm Trump and the GOP - Young voters have shifted in a markedly progressive direction on multiple issues that are deeply important to them: Climate change, gun violence, economic inequality and LGBTQ+ rights.

Retired Republican judge says Trump simply can win in 2024 race
Trump is gearing up for his final battle So should we
Trump's downfall is coming: Now the Democrats must use his crimes to finish him -- moment of reckoning is finally here but Democrats must show strength
5 things to watch for if Jack Smith indicts Trump again - The Washington Post

Nearly a third of Republicans now view Trump as unfavorable: Pew
DeSantis Message Falls Flat | Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University Trump maintains strong GOP primary advantage despite indictments

McCarthy floats the idea of an impeachment inquiry against Biden

Trump returns to Pennsylvania with a $35,000 unpaid bill : politics
City mayor demands Trump settle $35k bill from 2018 before returning for rally this weekend : politics

Most COVID deaths in Florida happened after vaccines were readily available: NYT : politics (DeathSantis killed 100,000+ RFepublicans)
Vaccine rejection may be linked to excess deaths among Florida, Ohio Republicans - The Washington Post - The results suggest that differences in vaccination attitudes and the uptake among Republican and Democratic voters may have been factors in the severity and trajectory of the pandemicin the United States ... at least 234,000 covid-19 deaths could have been prevented if people had received a primary series of vaccinations.

DeSantis lets go of more than 1/3 of campaign staff as reset continues - POLITICO The cuts, which were confirmed by advisers, will amount to a total of 38 jobs shed across an array of departments.
A Minor Reboot Wont Save Ron DeSantiss Toxic Campaign
DeSantis campaign fires Edgelord-in-chief - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ron DeSantis is caught in a death spiral of his own making : politics DeSantis campaign mired in controversies over slavery, anti-gay video, alleged Nazi symbol : politics
Note to Florida and DeSantis: Enslaved Africans were already skilled : politics

Lawyer demands school district ban the Bible after it banned other books for being sexually explicit | "The District must hold religious texts to the same standards it holds all other library books," the attorney wrote. : politics - Florida

Texas A&M suspended professor accused of criticizing Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in lecture : politics
Texas A&M put professor on leave for allegedly criticizing Dan Patrick | The Texas Tribune The professor, an expert on the opioids crisis, was placed on paid administrative leave and investigated, raising questions about the extent of political interference in higher education, particularly in health-related matters.
Eschaton: Finally Some Campus Cancel Culture I'm sure former NYTer Mikey Powell will get right on this at his new gig at The Atlantic, right after his 24 page piece about a liberal Harvard student wearing a "fuck Trump" t-shirt or something ... In an email obtained by The Texas Tribune through a public records request, Alonzo told Self the investigation had been kicked off by a student who has ties to Texas A&M Leadership

The Ohio GOPs bold abortion gambit has imploded

Close to 100,000 Voter Registrations Were Challenged in Georgia Almost All by Just Six Right-Wing Activists

Funded by school vouchers, middle school for LGBTQ+ youth to open in Phoenix : politics

Judge rules Kansas Highway Patrol waged war on motoristsviolated constitutional rights

Michigan governor signs overdue laws that aim to end child marriage. Minimum age raised to 18 in state that allowed 16- and 17-year-olds to wed with written permission from parent or guardian

The Political Dead-End Abortion Foes Should Avoid - It might seem like a contradiction for those who oppose abortion, but it's the only way to avoid a disastrous political dead-end (says Refucklican)

Trans swimmers to be included in an open category at competitions, World Aquatics says - The governing body of swimming had previously banned transgender competitors from major events like the Olympics and world championships.

RFK jr. continues to be the most inept ratfucker ever - Lawyers, Guns & Money
RFK Jr.s campaign is hosting a Roundtable on Censorship w/ Glenn Greenwald, Sharyl Attkisson, Michael Shellenberger (author of San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities) Jenin Younes (lawyer for libertarian-leaning org) and ex-NJ Asmb. Jamel Holley (vaccine skeptic).

How right-wing news powers the gold IRA industry - Ads for gold coins have become a mainstay on Fox News, Newsmax and other conservative outlets, even as regulators have accused some companies of defrauding elderly clients (Fox watchers get fucked, big surprise)

Jury Decides Ammon Bundy Must Pay More Than $50M for Defaming HospitalThe anti-government leader waged a crusade over treatment of an allys grandson, known as Baby Cyrus. (FAFO)

5 Florida high school staffers charged with failure to report teens sexual assaultPalm Beach Central High School's principal and four others are accused of mishandling a 15-year-old girls sexual assault after a friend alerted a teacher.

Vehicular NIMBYism - Lawyers, Guns & Money Paul Krugman speculates on why progressives who are willing to pay all sorts of taxes to make society fairer are nevertheless prone to nimbyism in regard to certain specific issues:

Education Dept. Opens Civil Rights Inquiry Into Harvard's Legacy Admissions - An inquiry into admissions preferences for family of alumni and donors began after the Supreme Court's decision last month limiting affirmative action.

Eschaton: Upper Middle Class Giveaways "Funny" how, for example, student loan debt forgiveness is criticized as a big upper middle class giveaway but this kind of thing isn't. -- More states are making all students eligible for private school subsidies. In Arizona, it has often benefited wealthier families.

Eschaton: Doomsday Cult When you don't discount the future - the EA/longtermist types think this makes them ethically superior - you can easily if ridiculously argue that 10,000 nerds riding out the apocalypse in an underground silo until they emerge in a million years to build the future utopia is the preferred path. Like all doomsday cults the next step would be to hasten the arrival of end times ... For 2 years the influential dipshit centrist dem polling outfits were SBF/EA propaganda arms. Do not trust dipshit centritsts.

Eschaton: America's Most Ridiculous Pundits Nate Silver
Everyone should be skeptical of Nate Silver And anyone touting the lab-leak theoryof COVIDs origin at this point (origins and evolution of "Gish Gallop")

She probably didn't come from Planet Clare - Lawyers, Guns & Money Andrew Gelman points out that Slate has just run an embarrassingly terrible conspiracy-mongering piece about Congresss forthcoming inquiry into the almost certainly completely non-existent evidence that the Earth has been visited recently by intelligent life from other star systems/galaxies/dimensions/whathaveyou:

Twitter rival Mastodon rife with child-abuse material, study finds - The Washington Post

Top news publishers are reportedly planning to sue AI firms : worldnews

The problem with X? Meta, Microsoft, hundreds more own trademarks to new Twitter name : worldnews
X marks the trademark - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Ordinarily, you would assume that a large company got some very strong legal advice before proceeding in the face of potential challenges. This one is led by a middle-aged manchild who probably spends at least 30 minutes a day making his calculator say BOOBS, so ...
Julian Sanchez on Twitter: "Everything makes more sense if you just imagine a not terribly bright 13-year-old boy got handed $236 billion somebow." / Twitter

The Long Shadow of Oppenheimers Trinity Test -- Todays nukes would make the destroyer of worlds shudder.

NASAs James Webb Telescope detects water vapour in distant planet-forming area

Live long and flounder: An aging expert on the looming crisis of our longer lifespans | he growing problem of our graying nation

Room-temperature superconductor discovered : worldnews


In the past 30 days, nearly 5,000 heat and rainfall records have been broken or tied in the U.S. and more than 10,000 records set globally : worldnews

14 children have died in hot cars in 2023. Heat waves have made it more dangerous. : worldnews

Thousands Of Penguins Wash Up Dead On Uruguay Coast. : worldnews

Australia's budget surplus set to be nearly five times higher than forecast : worldnews

New Zealand greenhouse gas pollution falls 9% in the last three years : worldnews
New Zealands justice minister resigns after being charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest

Dozens Dead, Missing After Boat Capsizes in Indonesias Sulawesi

US sends another submarine to South Korea, adding to show of force against North Korea : worldnews

UN Command talking to North Korea about US soldier Travis King : worldnews

Govt-funded broadcaster axes Hong Kong LGBT+ radio show after 17 years

China warns Japan on NATO, hopes it refrains from undermining trust in region : worldnews
This year, Russia imported more than $100 million worth of drones from China, which is 30 times more than Ukraine
China: 11 die as roof collapses on girls volleyball team
Sexualized Fashion for Toddlers Receives Swift Pushback : worldnews (China)

Explosions reported in Moscow, mayor claims drone attack : worldnews
A drone struck a skyscraper in Moscow at around 4 AM this morning, apparently near the GRU Russian Military Intelligence Offensive Cyber Operations headquarters : ukraine
Russia accuses Ukraine of Moscow drone attack : worldnews
Overnight drone attack on Moscow was special operation by Ukrainian Defence Intelligence : ukraine
Russian channels not allowed to report about drone attack on Moscow : worldnews

Hundreds of thousands of people fled Russia after it invaded Ukraine and now the countries that took them in are seeing a boost in their economies
A record $253 billion has been pulled out of Russia since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Russian Central Bank has said : worldnews

(2/4) The UAV lessons join assault rifle training, hand grenade skills and combat first aid in the revisedBasics ofLife Safety syllabus for year 10 and 11 students, due to be mandated from 1 September 2023.
(3/4) Russias renewed emphasis on military induction for children is largely an effort to cultivate a culture of militarised patriotism rather than develop genuine capability.

MP: Dalit Man Smeared With Human Faeces for Accidentally Touching Man of Another Community (caste)

More than 170 dead as Bangladesh grapples with dengue 'epidemic'

Sudan war enters 100th day as mediation attempts fail : worldnews

A salvage team is set to begin siphoning oil out of rusting tanker moored off Yemen, UN says : worldnews

Iran Bans Film Festival Over Poster Of Actress Without Hijab : worldnews

Israeli Knesset passes the judicial overhaul bill : worldnews
68% of Israeli startups taking legal and financial steps due to judicial overhaul - like withdrawing cash reserves, changing HQ location outside Israel, relocation of employees and conducting layoffs : worldnews
Israeli parliament approves key part of judicial overhaul that has exposed deep fissures in society | AP News
Israel live updates: Parliament passes Netanyahu's judicial reform, as police clash with protesters - The Washington Post
Wealthy career criminal partners with religious fanatics in desperate attempt to cling to political power and stay out of jail - Lawyers, Guns & Money
[Israel] Lapid: This is a hostile takeover, negotiations collapsed : worldnews
Israels 150 largest companies to hold a strike on Monday

Sending F-16s to Ukraine in fight against Russia would take months and monthsBlinken
Ukraine Prepares Report for Pentagon on Use of Cluster Munitions : worldnews
Ukraine set to become the largest arms producer in Europe
Opinion | What I Learned in Ukraine - The New York Times

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 516, Part 1 (Thread #662) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 24.7.2023 : ukraine
Ukrainian defenders kill over 242,000 Russians in total: more than 660 in a day : worldnews

Horror and lies: Ex-Wagner fighter talks Bakhmut and mutiny : worldnews
Christopher Miller on Twitter: "This is how Bakhmut looked before Russia brought its war to the city and the rest of Ukraine. First photo is a rap concert at the central House of Culture. Second is children swimming at the north pond. Third, upper park. Fourth is the Pobeda (victory) cinema + pizzeria. ca 2011" / Twitter

Russia has built a network of fake trenches along the front line - Business Insider - Russian troops have built a network of false trenches where they are trying to lure the Ukrainian military and remotely blow it up, military expert Michael Kofman said.

Update and likely reason for the Bridge Closure:

Russians switch ZNPP unit into hot shutdown mode

Putins Attempts to Drive a Wedge between Kyiv and Warsaw Are Futile - Ukraines Foreign Minister
Warsaw summons Russian ambassador after Putin threatens Poland : worldnews
Lukashenko struggling to keep Wagner troops from attacking Poland

Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg is set to go on trial on Monday charged with disobeying police at a rally last month, in which activists blocked the port in the city of Malmo : worldnews
Greta Thunberg found guilty of failing to obey police at climate protest : worldnews

Norwegian Left Party leader resigns after theft scandal : worldnews

Chaotic airport scenes as thousands flee Greek tourist islands : worldnews
Rhodes fire triggers biggest evacuation in Greek history: Thousands of people, including tourists, have been moved to temporary shelters due to wildfire on the Greek island of Rhodes. Several tour operators have canceled flights : worldnews
Thousands evactuated as wildfires spread on Greek island of Corfu : worldnews

German centre-right leader says he is willing to work with far-right AfD at local level : worldnews

Swiss cities test controlled cannabis distribution : worldnews

Spanish Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez poised to remainprime minister as a result of Sundays inconclusive national elections in which the center-right Popular Party won the most votes but was left with no clear path to form a government
Spains conservatives miss out on all-out victory as left celebrates
Spain Elections: Results Show No Party With Enough Votes to Govern - The New York Times The returns showed no party winning the support needed to govern, leaving the country facing weeks of uncertainty.

Radical UK Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary charged with three terrorist offences : worldnews

Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro fades from the spotlight : worldnews

Mexico steps up rain-making project amid intense heatwave and drought : worldnews

Canadas standard of living falling behind other advanced economies: TD
Ukrainians in Canada will be able to apply for permanent residence beginning in October : worldnews

UFO whistleblower to go before House panel : politics

Drugmakers AreThrowing the Kitchen Sink to Halt Medicare Price Negotiations
Senate Committee Passes Potential First Step To Radically Lower Drug Prices | Different ways of paying for drug development could generate more drugs that we desperately need more cheaply. : politics

Why is healthy food so expensive in America? Blame the Farm Bill that Congress always renews to make burgers cheaper than salad : politics

Point/Counterpoint: Give Bidens policies their due for our economic rebound
Note cards and shorter stairs: How Bidens campaign is addressing his age

We last raised the US federal minimum wage 14 years ago. This is unacceptable : politics ... The US federal minimum wage for tipped employees has been $2.13/hour since 1991. (tnx, Barry)

Buying face time: A secret invite list shows how big donors gain access to Supreme Court justices : politics

Trump wanted Ukraine to impugn Biden. D.C. Republicans finally delivered. - The Washington Post Why did Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) choose now to release the unverified allegation against Biden that hes possessed all along?

Opinion | The Moment of Truth for Donald Trump - The New York Times A man is running to run the government he tried to overthrow while he was running it, even as he is running to stay ahead of the law.
The Moment of Truth for Our Liar in Chief : politics

Special counsel obtains thousands of documents from Rudy Giuliani team that tried to find fraud after 2020 election | CNN Politics
Ex-NYPD Boss Handing Over Trump Records to Jack Smith : politics

Trump threats will only backfire on him they prove Jack Smiths entire case: Republicans struggle to pretend Trumps an innocent angel while he begs his followers to commit violence

New Moses Is the Latest Sign of the Christian Rights Trump Confusion

Judge Nixes Trump Bid to Move Stormy Daniels Hush-Money Case to Federal Court : politics
Trumps made-for-MAGA arguments keep losing in court

Aileen Cannon: The judge with Trumps fate in her hands was appointed by him

GOP, McCarthy on collision course over expunging Trumps impeachments

Mike Pence Fled for His Life on January 6. He Still Wont Call Trumps Actions Criminal.

Florida man pleads guilty over Jan 6 riot as states governor Ron DeSantis insists there was no insurrection
Trump causes confusion by sharing meme calling Jan 6 a government staged riot even though he was in power

Nearly a third of Republicans now view Trump as unfavorable: Pew
The GOP is rushing headlong into huge election losses in 2024 | The Hill
Never Trumpers get brutal wake-up call as Republican candidates flounder
A Republican nightmare seems about to become real : politics
Even as third indictment looms, many Republicans still stand by Trump - The Washington Post A weekend at an Iowa county fair underscores the persistent support for the former president regardless of his legal troubles

Mask Off: DeSantis Staffer Reportedly Shares Video of DeSantis and Giant Nazi Symbol | The New Republic Calling DeSantis a fascist isnt hyperbole, its defining what he is.
DeSantis defends Florida curriculum that suggests slaves benefited from forced labour : politics
DeSantis says Black people benefited from slavery by learning skills like being a blacksmith
Christie Rips DeSantis Defending Slavery Lessons: Not Words of Leadership
Ron DeSantisFalse claim that some states allow post-birthabortions. None do
Ron DeSantis Obsesses Over Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney; Threats Company With Lawsuit. Again the conservative small-government governor is penalizing a business for choosing inclusivity over bigotry. : politics
Ron DeSantis Legal Threats Against Bud Lights Parent Company are Dumb and Bad for Florida

Texas governor to defy DOJ request to remove floating barriers in Rio Grande: 'Texas will see you in court, Mr. President' | CNN Politics Texas governor to defy DOJ request to remove floating barriers in Rio Grande: Texas will see you in court, Mr. President
~ Biden sues Abbott over his floating border wall hours after he taunted president that hed see him in court

Gaining Ground highlights efforts to reclaim land taken from Black farmers

Conspiracy-mongers in Congress: Republicans go off the deep end : politics

Almost 60 percent of Ohio voters back abortion rights amendment: poll : politics
Ohioans back abortion rights amendment, a test case for other states

Nontheistic nonprofit calls for Bible ban in Leon schools, citing Moms for Liberty efforts

Former anti-abortion group chairman fired after child sex-abuse charges : politics

School Board In Missouri, Now Controlled By Conservatives, Revokes Anti-racism Resolution : politics

The Earth is screaming at us: Gov. Inslee calls for climate action amid record heat

Group using shield lawsto provide abortion care in states that ban it Aid Access ships medication abortion to all 50 states under the protection provided to clinicians serving patients in banned states

Kelly Ayotte launches campaign for NH governor

She was a GOP congresswoman. Her son is a transgender activist. : politics

Refugees in the USA: Transgender care bans cause families to pull up stakes

Lauren Boebert blames her AirPods after she threw away photo of 10-year-old Uvalde victim | The Independent

Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Qualification - The New York Times

The Republican war on colleges : politics - The Bell Curve is even more disingenuous in its argument than in its obfuscation about race. The book is a rhetorical masterpiece of scientism, and it benefits from the particular kind of fear that numbers impose on nonprofessional commentators. -- Stephen Jay Gould

Tony Bennett - Lawyers, Guns & Money this is a good story that is presumably illegal to tell in a Florida school:

Law-and-Order Council Member Had Fake, Illegal License Plate in Her Driveway - The bogus temporary tag was on a luxury sports car outside the home of Queens lawmaker Vickie Paladino. The car belongs to her son and spokesman, Thomas Paladino Jr.

Carlee Russell admits to making up kidnapping story : news

Elon Musk changes Twitter logo from blue bird to white X : news
Twitter is being rebranded as X : technology
Twitters rebrand to X is destined to fail, critics say ... It will probably be the dumbest thing hes done since taking over, and considering everything hs done over the past few months, thas saying a lot
This is an X bluebird open thread ... He has also repeatedly warned that Twitter could be at risk of filing for bankruptcy. This month he disclosed that the platform still has a negative cash flow due to a 50% drop in advertising revenue and heavy debt loads.

Christopher Nolan Forgot To Credit Over 80% Of VFX Crew On 'Oppenheimer'

Why was "making heavy water" a mistake? : askscience

Karen Read Dateline episode, Taillight Murder, coming soon(Case involving MA Police, Canton PD, Norfolk DA corruption)


Antarctic sea ice levels dive in five-sigma event as experts flag worsening consequences for planet

2 women hikers found dead in a Nevada state park amid heatwave : news

Greece faces longest heat wave on record : worldnews

Worlds biggest wind power projects are in crisis just when world needs them most

G20 countries fail to reach agreement on cutting fossil fuels | G20 : worldnews

Ban the Cruise Ships! - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Avian flu may have killed millions of birds globally as outbreak ravages South America : worldnews

The next pandemic could spring from the US meat supply, new report finds : worldnews

Business Ukraine mag on Twitter: "POLL: More than three-quarters of Australians back Ukraine support" / Twitter
Medical abortion pill to become easier to access across Australia as restrictions scrapped : worldnews

Cambodia holds lopsided election before historic transfer of power : worldnews

Yamato - Lawyers, Guns & Money

China's foreign minister goes missing - Official silence about Qin Gang's whereabouts speaks volumes about Xi Jinpings China
Chinas foreign minister goes missing
China supplying equipment to Russia it should not, French diplomat says : worldnews
Blinken says US is working to put some stability into relationship with China
The message in the US funding cut for Chinas Wuhan Institute of Virology

Russia comes under pressure at UN Security Council to avoid food crisis : worldnews

Wagner Mutiny: Junior Commander Reveals His Role In The Challenge To Putin : worldnews

4 killed and 10 injured by boiling water after heated pipe explosion in shopping center. : worldnews (Moscow mall)

Rohingya baby dies in cop action, parents taken to Jammu burial site in handcuffs. Jammu, India.
Kabul Governor says US is behind Daesh and that the group is an American phenomenon : worldnews

Iranian Court Sparks Controversy By Diagnosing Hijab Protesters With Mental Illness : worldnews

We have 24 hours to save Israel - Fmr. pres., Likud MK Rivlin
Huge Protest March Reaches Jerusalem After 5-Day Trek From Tel Aviv : worldnews
Huge Protest March Reaches Jerusalem After 5-Day Trek From Tel Aviv : worldnews
Israel: Another 10,000 IDF reservists announce they wont serve anymore; They join more than 1,000 Air Force reservists who made the same announcement in a letter on Friday
Israel's Netanyahu hospitalised, to be fitted with pacemaker ... Didnt he lose his heart decades ago?

Latest in Ukraine: Zelenskyy, NATO Chief Discuss Ways to Restore Grain Shipments : worldnews
Ukraine has taken back 50% of territory that Russia seized, Blinken says : worldnews

Russian missile hits altar of Odesas famous Transfiguration Cathedral
Russian missile attack on Odesa kills one, damages cathedral A Russian missile attack on Odesa has killed at least one person, wounded 19 and badly damaged an Orthodox cathedral. Russia has been striking Odesa and other Ukrainian food export facilities nearly daily over the past week
Ukraines Foreign Minister urges world to react to Russian strike on Odesa destroying citys oldest cathedral

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 515, Part 1 (Thread #661) : worldnews

Rheinmetall to send Armed Forces of Ukraine 300,000 rounds for Gepard guns : worldnews
Ukraine developed its own medium-range air defence systems : worldnews

Repeat after me: Cluster munitions are extremely useful tools of war for nations that are serious about fighting land wars. Every nation that signed the Cluster munitions treaty are profoundly unserious/delusional about the reality of modern warfare.

Navy: Ukrainian forces defeat combatants, destroy supply depot. Ukrainian naval forces defeated a group of up to 10 Russian combatants and destroyed a supply depot on July 22, the Ukrainian Navy reported via its official Telegram channel.
UKR officials stated on July 22 that UKR's interdiction campaign against RUS military targets in rear areas is successfully degrading RUS logistics & counterbattery capabilities, likely contributing to an asymmetrical attrition gradient in UKRs favor. 1/3
This [interdiction] campaign is a central aspect of #Ukraines plan to create an asymmetrical attrition gradient
3/3) Russias Western Group of Forces is likely trying to advance back to the Oskil River in order to create a buffer zone around Luhansk Oblast, the possession of which Russia almost certainly considers one of its fundamental objectives of the war.

There have been no major changes on the front. Ukraine has been able to make very slow progress in 2-3 directions in the south. They have been able to advance even a bit more around Bakhmut. The pace is not very fast
On the other hand, crossing minefields continues to be a major problem. It slows down movement
he advance is very slow, but looking at the decline in Russian artillery activity coming from the decline in both ammunition and the damage to the roads in the south at some point that level will become so low that the offensive will become easier

Putin warns Poland an attack on Belarus would be an attack on Russia : worldnews
Poland Summons Russian Ambassador On Putin ProvocativeComments
Lukashenko threatens Poland with Wagnerites: They want to go to West : worldnews
Poland says hub to fix tanks damaged in Ukraine opens : worldnews

Hungarys Orban Taunts Romania, Sharpening Dispute on Ethnicity

Rhodes wildfires prompt biggest ever Greek fire evacuation : worldnews
Greek authorities evacuate some 19,000 people as wildfire blazes on the island of Rhodes : worldnews

German LGBTQ+ activist warns over worrying hate crime rise

McDonalds workers go on strike in Bari: Temperatures over 40 degrees and there is no adequate air conditioning in the kitchens

Spanish election results - Lawyers, Guns & Money - On the whole, given expectations, this seems like a pretty positive resultespecially the collapse of support for the hard right:

Talbot Street attack: Gardai arrest teen following life-changing attack on US tourist as CCTV footage captured incident

148 people, including dozens of children, rescued from abandoned truck in Mexico | CNN : worldnews
Mexico: Arson Attack At Bar On US Border Leaves 11 Dead : worldnews

Biblical proportions: 3 monthsworth of rainfall floods Nova Scotia, forcing evacuations as crews search for missing people

Judeo-Christian roots will ensure U.S. military AI is used ethically, general says (that's worked so well)

Biden Will Establish A National Monument Honoring Emmett Till, The Black Teen Lynched In Mississippi | HuffPost Latest News A White House official says President Joe Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley.

Inside Biden's unusual hidden campaign - The president is gambling that using Democratic and outside groups will work better than a big, centralized effort ... With just three other paid staffers, her entire operation cost $1.4 million from April through June about an eighth of what President Barack Obamas reelection campaign spent in the same period in 2011, when it operated out of an imposing office suite in Chicago nearly the size of a football field.

Trump's GOP rivals open door to cutting Social Security for younger people - Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence and Nikki Haley propose curbing spending on the program without affecting seniors

GOPs crumbling case against Biden on crime, immigration and inflation

Republicans Have Only One Policy: Own the Libs : politics

The Big Why: Whats behind Donald Trumps apparent self-sabotage? ... grandiose malignant narcissism

Trump Unlocked a Whole New Level of Bullshitting in Iowa

GOP Splits Over Jan. 6 Deepen as Trump Indictment Looms - WSJ Prominent Republicans like Ron DeSantis and Kevin McCarthy appear torn between criticizing the riot and defending the former president
These people look pathetic: Pelosi slams McCarthy on expunging Trump impeachments
Pence Stuns CNN Anchor With Nonchalance About Dangerous MAGA Voters ... "It's pretty remarkable that youre not concerned about it, given the fact that they wanted to hang you on on Jan. 6,'

Trump just qualified for the first debate. But will he show up? - POLITICO Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie and Tim Scott also qualified based on the latest polling.

DeSantis again says that Blacks benefited from slavery - The Washington Post GOP presidential candidate draws renewed criticism after suggesting slavery helped African Americans develop skills such as being a blacksmith
A Leaner-Meaner DeSantis Campaign Faces a Reboot and a ReckoningOne person close to the Florida governor said he had experienced a challenging learning curve.
More than a million mail-in ballot requests were canceled in three counties in January.
Ron DeSantis go one day without threatening to use arbitrary state power against your political enemies edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The new working-class Republican Party is laser focused on the most important material issues facing the country (one beer company sending a beer to a trans person), but above all you have to admire their robust commitment to free speech ... his one remaining cohort of enthusiastic supporters can be found in the Glenn Greenwald Extended Crypto-Fascist Universe:
Inside the DeSantis Doc That Showtime Didnt Want You to SeeVice put together an in-depth documentary exploring DeSantis time at Guantanamo Bay. Showtime suddenly shelved the documentary one day after DeSantis declared for president.

No Labels Clownshow - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... One questioner from the audience raised her concerns about worsening climate change, the extreme weather that was drenching New England and Mr. Manchins securing of a new natural gas pipeline in his home state ... guns ... No Labels has denied that but declined to reveal its current donors

California school board adopts LGBTQ+ curriculum after Newsoms $1.5m threat

RFK Jr.: Media hitting me harder than Trump - POLITICO If I believed the stuff thats written about me in the papers and reported about me on the mainstream news sites, I would definitely not vote for me Kennedy said. (well duh)

Eschaton: Centrist Dipshits One cursed behavior of centrist dipshits is hijacking the language of liberal ideals for horrible ends. You know, things like, "it's racist to think Iraqis aren't ready for Democracy [and not want to drop 1000 freedom bombs on them]." "Humanitarian interventionism." Great cover for serial killers. It's easy to remain mad about the Iraq war because so many of those dipshits are still with us. There's been more turnover in the wingnutosphere, but we are still stuck with guys like Chait and Yglesias.

Walking is getting a lot more dangerous - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Pedestrian deaths in the USA have increased dramatically over the past dozen years, going up by 77% since 2010: (stroads and SUVs on their phones)

Icant die like this: Video shows trans man beaten by deputy during stop ... a traffic stop the deputy said was based on an air freshener hed spotted hanging from Brocks rearview mirror.

Two San Diego residents cleared out the Pride month display at their library and said such materials shouldnt be available to children, one of several recent clashes over L.G.B.T.Q. issues in California. (Moms for Fascism)

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,401 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Richard Goodwin ... It is worth comprehending the liberal elite mind of 1964 and 1965 that the same person could write the powerful We Shall Overcome speech just after having played a critical role in masterminding the coup of a major South American nation ... He helped write Al Gores concession speech to George W. Bush in 2000. The less said about that, the better.

25 Years on, Saving Private Ryan's Opening Scene Remains Cinemas Most Brutal Depiction of War

Critics are getting less cruel. Alas [The Economist laments on the "grade inflation" of book reviews

Oppenheimer - Lawyers, Guns & Money

It almost doubled our workload: AI is supposed to make jobs easier. These workers disagree

Elon Musk Says Hes Retiring Twitters Bird Mascot, Renaming Site (Elmo's destruction continues)

The Immortal Jellyfish Can Age in Reverse And Possibly Live Forever - And all humans would need to do to emulate that is turn ourselves into a blob of undifferentiated cells

The majority of older adults with cognitive impairment are still driving, despite concerns raised by caregivers and others, a study in a South Texas community finds. Approximately one in nine Americans aged 65 and older, or 6.7 million people, are estimated to live with Alzheimer's disease : science

ELI5: why does alzheimers increase the likelihood of aggression/anger in older people?

Three new atlases reveal a new dimension of the human body : technology
Three new atlases reveal a new dimension of the human body Each person is an ensemble of 37 trillion cells a number higher than the amount of galaxies in the entire universe working in unison to keep us alive and healthy. Understanding how this enormous cellular orchestra coordinates to play the same symphony is one of biologys greatest mysteries.

Australian scientists developed an mRNA-based vaccine that effectively stimulates protective immune cell responses against the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium in preclinical models. It relies on T-cells that halts malaria infection in the liver to completely stop the spread of infection. : science

The insane scale of The Milky Way : videos

Bodybuilding Supplement May Help Stave off Alzheimers. A study found after oral consumption, HMB enters into the brain to increase proteins, restore neuronal connections and improve memory and learning in mice with Alzheimer-like pathology, such as plaques and tangles
Bodybuilding Supplement May Help Stave off Alzheimers

What is denied by many people but it is actually 100% real? : AskReddit

ELI5: Why does it take meth addicts 2 years to feel normal after getting clean? : explainlikeimfive


Climate records tumble : worldnews
Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists : worldnews
Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists : worldnews
Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists : politics

Tipping points - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Menhaden, Osprey, Human - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Russia, China and Saudi Arabia oppose G20 proposal to triple green energy capacity by 2030 : worldnews

Around 2,000 penguins have appeared dead on the coast of eastern Uruguay in the last 10 days, and the cause, which does not appear to be avian influenza, remains a mystery : worldnews

The sea otter harassing surfers off the California coast eludes capture as her fan club grows : news

Some peoples brain function still affected by Long COVID years after infection

Australia: Tourists fined for dingo selfies as rangers warn of rising wild dog attacks | CNN

Malaysia halts music festival after same-sex kiss by UK band The 1975 : news

North Korean Nuclear Attack Would Kim Jong Un Regime, Seoul Warns

China Is Drilling a Second 10,000-Meter-Deep Hole Into the Earth : worldnews

Lukashenko arrives in St. Petersburg to meet with Putin : worldnews
Pro-war Russian blogger who called Putin a lowlife arrested in Moscow

Russia holding humanity hostage over BlackSea grain deal, UN hears.
Borrell: Russia is causing a global food crisis with grain deal withdrawal : worldnews
Egypt Criticizes Russia for Ending Ukraine Grain-Export Deal. : worldnews

Russia Raises Interest Rates, Trying to Cool Wartime Economy: With the ruble weakening and the government spending ever more money on the war in Ukraine, Moscow took unexpectedly sharp action to curb inflation : worldnews

Navalny Placed In Punitive Solitary Confinement For 17th Time In Less Than A Year : worldnews

U.S.-Sanctioned Russian Millionaire Found Dead In His Moscow Office : worldnews

No reason to doubt some Russian nukes already in Belarus U.S. intel officials

Some will go hungry, some will starve: Global rice shortages feared after India bans exports
Indian women set fire to house of suspect as Manipur sex assault case triggers outrage : news
Massive protests in India against mob assaults on women : worldnews

South Africa polyamory: When threes not a crowd in a relationship

More than 400 dead in Kenya doomsday cult as more bodies exhumed : worldnews

The Iraqi government on Saturday sought to reassure countries that their diplomatic missions were safe, hours after supporters of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr tried to storm the Danish embassy : worldnews

Tens of thousands march to Knesset in last-ditch effort to stop 1st overhaul bill | The Times of Israel : worldnews
Over 1,000 Israeli Air Force Personnel to Suspend Reserve Duty if Netanyahus Judicial Coup Continues
Attempted car-ramming in West Bank overnight, Palestinian driver killed : worldnews

Ukraines military is overcoming Russias dense minefields and its counteroffensive is poised to gain pace, Zelenskyy says
Crimea bridge is legitimate military target, Zelenskiy says : worldnews
Zelensky: The Crimean Bridge must be neutralized : ukraine
U.S. says F-16s will arrive in Ukraine towards the end of the year
Kyiv imposes ban on Russian-language culture : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 514, Part 1 (Thread #660) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 22.7.2023 : ukraine

The Russian sources,,At 4 am, The Ukrainian army with NATO armored vehicles again advances near Orekhov, trying to break through the Zaporozhye front .
Russian forces in Ukraine continue to expand defenses along the front line.
Soon Theyll Kill Us AllRussian Soldier Reveals Huge Losses and Lack of Ammunition

The transformation of Ukraines heartland into patches of wasteland riddled with danger is a long-term calamity on a scale that ordnance experts say has rarely been seen, and that could take hundreds of years and billions of dollars to undo.

Russians bring in workers from 6 Russian nuclear plants to ZNPP : worldnews (to restart it so they can blow it up)

Kherson energy companies received 37 transformers, which will allow speeding up the restoration of electricity supply in the affected area. The transformers were provided by partners from Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands.

ISW Russia analyst @KatStepanenko notes that #Chechens have engaged in some defensive operations around #Bakhmut & the city of Marinka near #Donetsk, but have not contributed to any territorial gains or victories. @usnews
Brady Africk on Twitter: "Russian forces painted newly constructed areas of Yeysk air base to resemble military aircraft. These apparent decoys were created over the past few months at the base, which is one of several used by Russian aircraft operating in Ukraine." / Twitter

Crimea bridge closed after fuel depot hit
Judging by the footage and reports of eyewitnesses, strikes in Crimea today were carried out on an oil depot in the village of Oktyabrskoye in the Krasnogvardeisky district and an abandoned airfield nearby, which Russian troops began to use to place equipment and ammunition.

Shelves totally empty in Nagorno Karabakh as humanitarian crisis worsensArmenia

Putin is again warning that Ukraine could be invaded and occupied by Poland : worldnews
Putin tells Poland any aggression against Belarus is attack on Russia : worldnews

Greece fires: Thousands flee homes and hotels on Rhodes as fires spread : worldnews

The smuggling ring behind the Mediterranean migrant shipwreck that killed hundreds off the coast of Greece has close ties to Libyan warlord, Khalifa Hafter : worldnews

Berlin lioness: Wild animal probably a boar, authoritiessay

A horrible way to die: how extreme heat is killing Italian workers
Hailstorms pummel northern Italy after days of extreme heat
Italy starts removing lesbian mothers names from childrens birth certificates
Gender Fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money Speaking of the attempt to roll back gay rights, lets go to Italy, where the spirit of Mussolini, especially in the cities of northern Italy, never died and has now roared back with a vengeance.
Italian police seize cocaine worth almost $1 billion : worldnews

Election of the weekend 2: Spain - Lawyers, Guns & Money While virtually every country in Europe had seen a the rise of some kind of radical right-populist party in the 21st century, Spain and Portugal were (along with Ireland) among the only exceptions to this trend. After 2019, the Iberian exception is no more. In the April 2019 election, Vox burst onto the scene with over 10% of the vote and 24 seats (out of 350) ... If Conservatives even slightly overperform polling, the far right will almost certainly be in government for the first time in the post-Franco era >

Rishi Sunak suffers two election losses as British voters reject ailing Conservative government : worldnews
The Met Police abused anti-terror powers when it stopped and arrested a French publisher over his alleged involvement in the French pension protests, an independent report has found : worldnews
Nazi concentration camps on UK soil finally to be officially investigated | Second world war : worldnews

Brazil: Lula tightens gun laws in U-turn from Bolsonaro era : worldnews

Peruvian court opens door to legally recognize same-sex couples : worldnews

Canada recruits high-skilled foreigners in US and gets 10,000 applications
Retired RCMP officer charged in foreign interference case : worldnews ... to obtain intelligence or services to benefit the Peoples Republic of China,
Historic flooding hits Nova Scotia amid torrential downpours | CBC News : worldnews
Evacuation order issued as dam at risk of breaching near Windsor, N.S. | CBC News : worldnews - Parts of Nova Scotia got 3 months worth of rain in 24 hours. And its still raining.

US Citizens Will Need Visa To Travel To Europe in 2024 : worldnews

Morgan Stanley credits Bidenomics for much stronger than expected GDP growth
Why Americans arent giving Biden credit on improving economy, according to experts (your media is fucked)
The Economy Is Going Bidens Way. Now He Has to Get Voters to Give Him Credit
Dont bet against Bidenomics

Opinion: Marjorie Taylor Greene gave Joe Biden an early Christmas present : politics

US plans water heater standards, says they will save consumers $11 billion : politics
Senate confirms Biden EPA enforcement nominee two years after initial nomination : politics ... Manchin vowed earlier this year to oppose all Biden EPA nominees in protest of how the administration has implemented the Inflation Reduction Act, also voting earlier this month against cloture on the nomination.

Congress unlikely to replenish disaster funds anytime soon : politics

Supreme Courts degenerate majority permits Alabama torture killing

Finally, the Trump Case Weve Been Waiting For

Trump to face racketeering charge in Georgia for attempting to overturn 2020 election results : politics

"His batting average is zero": Expert says Trump has lost "every single executive privilege" claim : politics

Mark Meadows Radio Silence Rings Alarm Bells for Donald Trump
Before Jan. 6, Mark Meadows joked about Trumps election claims

That Sound You Hear Is Donald Trump Screaming, Crying, and Throwing Up in a Mar-a-Lago Bathroom : politics ... The history of criminality in the GOP since Nixon is just batshit crazy.

If Trump were innocent, hed walk over firefor speedy trial: Swalwell
Donald Trumps Plan to Make the Presidency More Like a Kingship
Trump gets bad news from his own pollsters firm

Little change in Americans views of Trump over the past year ... although it has slipped modestly among Republicans, (massive exposure of criminality barely moved the needle)

DOJ special counsel contacts Kemp, former Arizona governor in Jan. 6 probe: reports | The Hill
Trump attorneys again push to block Georgia 2020 election investigation - The Washington Post

A federal judge confirmed one of Trumps worst labelsand the GOP didnt blink ("rapist")

The Republican obsession with Hunter Biden has reached a new low | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian
The Republican obsession with Hunter Biden has reached a new low : politics
Hunter Bidens lawyer Kevin Morris is seen smoking a BONG on the balcony of his LA home while clearly visible from the road during a visit from the presidents son

Republicans Will Turn Any Anodyne Bit of Congressional Business Into Performative Hatred | Kevin McCarthy doesnt give half a damn that he's an empty suit in charge of the gates to Bedlam

Ron DeSantis killed tens of thousand of Floridians because he thought opposing vaccines would help make him president - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Floridians died at a higher rate, adjusted for age, than residents of almost any other state during the Delta wave, according to the Times analysis. With less than 7 percent of the nation population, Florida accounted for 14 percent of deaths between the start of July and the end of October.
Benefited from slavery? Critics say some of the states examples were never even slaves.
Andrew Gillum knew who DeSantis is : PoliticalHumor
Ron DeSantis threatens Anheuser-Busch over Bud Light marketing campaign with Dylan Mulvaney - CBS News
Harris, on DeSantiss turf, blasts Florida curriculum on Black history
DeSantis Faces Swell of Criticism Over Florida's New Standards for Black History - In one benchmark, middle schoolers would learn that enslaved Americans developed skills that could be applied for their personal benefit (Make Slavery Great Again)
Eschaton: Where Does Meatball Ron Go For His Applogy He has faced lots of criticism. Why does this get the fromt page treatment?

Alabama governor approves political map that refuses to create 2nd majority-Black congressional district : politics

Theyre hypocrites: Republicans now funding the same voting methods they demonized under Trump What they do is lie to try to steal elections, that has not stopped, says Colorado Sec. of State Jena Griswold

Patriot Front members convicted for Idaho Pride threats to serve three days in jail for conspiracy to riot : politics

Nebraska Teen Sentenced to Jail After Abortion Said She Didn't Want Child With Abusive Partner (abusive District Judge James Kube says abuse is fine)

Maine governor vetoes bill to let minimum wage law apply to farm workers : politics
Mills vetoes bill to let minimum wage law apply to farm workers | Gov. Janet Mills said she supports the concept but had questions about the bills language.

JFKs Grandson Drags RFK Jrs White House Bid As Embarrassing Vanity Project -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being criticized by all his family members.

New Texas law aims to crack down on fake service dogs : politics

The mayor of Owatonna, Minnesota said Pride events celebrate sin & brokenness as he allegedly harassed venues hosting them. My Bible tells me a man is supposed to take a woman and start a family from that, he said to justify his actions ("take")

Oregon bill to expand DUII law awaits governors signature

Republicans Rush to Defend Jason Aldean for Racist Song Filmed at Lynching Site | The New Republic ... and Republicans seem to love it ... The intended effect is to encourage violence against people protesting racial injustice.

More Heroes for These Desperate Times - Lawyers, Guns & Money one of the things that we can learn from past struggles for justice is just how much they overcame in terrible circumstances.

Judge finds forensic scientist Henry Lee liable for fabricating evidence in a murder case : news

Court strikes down limits on filming of police in Arizona : politics

The dumbest con - Lawyers, Guns & Money NFTs were, no joke, the dumbest bubble in history. Dumber than tulips or even Beanie Babies. They were literally digital receipts that said you alone owned something that everyone did.

NBCUniversal slapped with $250 fine in foliage flap at striking writers picket line (corporate fuckyouery

The 100 Most Significant Political Films of All Time | The New Republic

Texas A&M President M. Katherine Banks Resigns Amid Fallout Over Journalism Program - The New York Times The university said M. Katherine Banks would retire immediately after political pushback over the effort to appoint Kathleen McElroy to lead its journalism program.

Eschaton: Public Interest Can be persuaded otherwise, but hard to see this as anything other than the NYT doing rich people PR/legal cover for no particular reason ... Federal prosecutors are accusing embattled crypto honcho Sam Bankman-Fried of leaking documents about his ex-girlfriend and business partner Caroline Ellison to the press in an alleged effort to taint the prospective jury pool. (fucking newspaper does it all the time)

Leon Black Agreed to Pay $62.5 Million to Settle Epstein-Related Claims - The New York Times The private equity mogul struck a deal with the U.S. Virgin Islands to avoid a potential lawsuit over his ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Tony Bennett saw racism and horror in World War II. It changed him.
Tony Bennett, enraged by racism, championed civil rights alongside MLK In an era when most white entertainers stayed on the sidelines, the singer marched for racial equality and resisted apartheid.
How Tony Bennett saved his life, career after drugs nearly killed him - The Washington Post

Christopher Nolans blockbuster captures the scientific triumphs and monstrous sins of the Manhattan Project.
The atomic bombings left Oppenheimer shattered: I have blood on my hands
TIL that Edward Teller, the physicist who advocated for Oppenheimer to lose his security clearance suggested using nukes to create artifical harbours, fracking oil and preventing hurricanes : todayilearned

For Edward Hopper, Gloucester was a last chance and a fresh start - The Boston Globe An exhibition of his work at the Cape Ann Museum illuminates the moment he came into his own as an artist

How did Jesus die with crucifixion? A 2017 discovery give us new clues. - The Washington Post ... crucifixion was used all over the Roman Empire ... The Romans appear to have borrowed crucifixion from the Carthaginians, who probably built on earlier brutal punishments used by Assyrians and others in the Middle East ... Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian, reported that Roman troops crucified as many as 500 Jews a day during Jewish revolts in A.D. 1st century.

New research puts age of universe at 26.7 billion years, nearly twice as old as previously believed : worldnews

Soft matter physics offers a simple way to identify risky tumors. Metastasizing cancer cells have elongated nuclei and are less densely packed against their neighbors, the study finds, compared to cells that aren't spreading from a localized tumor. : science

Middle Pleistocene Humans Possessed Sophisticated Woodworking Skills, Study Reveals. An analysis of a 300,000-year-old double-pointed wooden stick from the Middle Pleistocene site of Schoningen, Germany, shows it was scraped, seasoned and sanded before being used to kill animals.

eli5:why is Africa generally poor compared to the rest of the world. : explainlikeimfive

ELI5:What exactly was the "wall of sound" technique and why was it so important for music? : explainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why are there so many people allergic to all nuts yet we dont see many people allergic to all fruits?

Which famous person descended from their pinnacle the quickest, hardest, and most destructively? : AskReddit

Reddit is taking control of large subreddits that are still protesting its API changes : technology


Modern Sixth Mass ExtinctionEvent Will Be Worse Than First Predicted
Modern Sixth Mass ExtinctionEvent Will Be Worse Than First Predicted

Millions hit by extreme heat on three continents : worldnews

NASA Warns July 2023 Likely To Be Warmest Month On Record : worldnews
Why is the increase in temperature anomaly this year higher than previous years? : askscience
2024 will probably be hotter than this year because of El Nino, NASA scientists say

Long-lost Greenland ice core suggests potential for disastrous sea level rise : worldnews ... We are looking at meters of sea level rise, probably tens of meters. And then look at the elevation of New York City, Boston, Miami, Amsterdam. Look at India and Africa most global population centers are near sea level.

Worlds biggest permafrost crater in Russias Far East thaws as planet warms

Drones are showing us sharks like never before - BBC News

A study of more than 38,000 young people has confirmed what researchers had begun to suspect: the COVID-19 pandemic precipitated a jump in cases of type 1 diabetes in children and teenagers. : science

WHO warns of dengue risk as global warming pushes cases near historic highs : worldnews

A notorious Indonesian animal market has ended its brutal dog and cat meat trade, campaigners say : worldnews

North Korea gives US cold shoulder on missing soldier : worldnews

U.S. court grants Taiwan archives ownership of Chiangs presidential diaries

Chinese professor says youth jobless rate might have hit 46.5% : worldnews
Facekinis become all the rage in China as temperatures soar

Russia imposes Soviet-style restrictions on British diplomats in Moscow : worldnews
New U.S. sanctions aim to choke off Russias access to battlefield supplies and revenue
Putin claims part of Poland was gift ofStalin to country

Igor Girkin, Russian war blogger notorious for role in Ukraine, reportedly arrested in Moscow : worldnews

Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny is already serving sentences totaling more than 11 years on charges that he says were politically motivated. Now, prosecutors want to add 20 years on charges of "extremism"
Putin foe Navalny blasts 'senseless' Ukraine war as he faces 20-year sentence

Schoolchildren in Russia to study combat useof drones

Indias Manipur two women forced by a baying mob to walk naked ... India is being run by a far right organization who has links to mutiple anti-minority riots.
Manipur: India outrage after women paraded naked in violence-hit state : worldnews ... This is tied into the current Indian governments Hindu supremacist sympathies. The victims of this attack come from a predominantly Christian ethnic group, while the attackers ethnic group is majority Hindu.
Shock in India: Women were paraded naked and sexually assaulted; Prime Minister Modi Shame on the country ... the violence in Manipur state is happening for more than 80 days and Modis BJP led government is in power there. Until now our Dictator Modi has not uttered a single word ... They have shut down the internet from the start of violence so that the news cannot come out infront of the world in the mainstream media

US Body Reports Horrific Information About UN Operations in Afghanistan

South African Government agrees it will arrest Putin if he ever sets foot in SA : worldnews

Man jailed in Turkey for 20 days just because he looked gay

U.S. Sending Marines, More Warships to Middle East Over Iranian Threats : worldnews
Hijab Official In Iran Fired Over Same-Sex Video : worldnews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday vowed to press ahead with his contentious judicial overhaul, despite unprecedented mass protests at home, growing defections by military reservists and appeals from the U.S. president to put the plan on hold : worldnews

Ukraines Zelensky sacks ambassador to UK Prystaiko after criticism
Ukraine to Treat Ships on Way to Russian Ports as Potential Carriers of Military Cargo : worldnews
CIA Chief reveals Russias weak spots on battlefield
Cluster bombs: Ukraine using munitions , says US
The Offensive... - Lawyers, Guns & Money
New: @konrad_muzyka , @RALee85 , @KofmanMichael ,& I spent some time this month visiting the frontlines in Ukraine to gain new insights into the ongoing counteroffensive & the war overall. Here are some general observations.
Ukraine Struggles to Scale Offensive Combat Operations - War on the Rocks
Why Ukraines Counteroffensive Has Been Slower Than Expected
A Sobering Analysis Of Ukraines Counteroffensive From The Front
Russian fortifications present an old problem for Ukraine - Engelsberg ideas Russian defensive capabilities are rooted in an old but effective twentieth century military strategy.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 513, Part 1 (Thread #659) : worldnews

The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Ukraine can expect a significant expansion of military training programs for its armed forces including the gradual transfer of training from Europe to Ukraine." / Twitter
The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Ukraine would receive 31 Abrams M1A1 tanks in the near future, which makes up one tank battalion, but this battalion includes not only tanks." / Twitter

Russia Sets Propaganda Stage For Possible False Flag at Big Nuke Plant : worldnews

Russian tour operators beg Crimea vacationers not to cancel trips following bridge attack | : worldnews

Russia bombards Odesa and other southern Ukraine port cities for third night since end of grain deal : worldnews
Russia hits Ukraines grain for fourth day, practises seizing ships

The Other Front: Ukraines Cultural Revolution | As the country fights for its right to exist, Ukrainians at home and abroad are embracing their language, literature, and heroic figures

Berlin lion: Crime family member issues plea for missing animal : worldnews

Amsterdam bans cruise ships to limit visitors and curb pollution : worldnews

Spains VOX candidate compares same-sex marriages to union of people and animals

UK Labour pulls off historic victory in Selby and Ainsty by-election, toppling one of the safest Tory seats in the country : worldnews
A Russian oligarch who slammed Putins invasion of Ukraine got taken off UKs sanctions list after he got Richard Branson to back him

27 Hacked-Up Bodies Found By Volunteers In Mexican Border City : worldnews

Crash kills pilot of helicopter fighting Canada wildfires : worldnews

A man who runs the web domain for a Russian-allied country says he's been accidentally sent millions of US military emails for 10 years, including sensitive information like a generals travel itinerary

Mystery company buys $800M worth of land near Travis AFB, raising concerns about national security

Biden picks female admiral to lead Navy. Shed be 1st woman to be a military service chief ... Tuberville is gonna lose his shit.

The GOPs Lurch Toward Extremism Comes for the Border | Republican states are maneuvering to seize control from President Joe Bidens administration over immigration
Border Patrol Is Caging Migrants Outdoors During Deadly Arizona Heatwave : politics
Hundreds of immigrants have reported sexual abuse at ICE facilities. Most cases arent investigated

The Economy Is Going Bidens Way. Now He Has to Get Voters to Give Him Credit With inflation ebbing and the job creation strong, what was an electoral liability may be turning into a strength.

Fox News Flips Out Over Biden Wearing Sneakers: Like a 'speedo' at a Funeral | Tan Suit 2.0

Third Teen Worker Killed In Industrial Accident As States Try To Loosen Child Labor Laws : politics

Senator Raphael Warnock says state of voting rights is a 911 emergencyWe are in the midst of an all-out assault on democracy and on the freedom to voteDemocratic Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock told theGrio.

The Supreme Court Must Be Stopped : politics
Why Senate Dems want to force a doomed vote on Supreme Court ethics | A dozen Democrats said theyre itching to force Republicans to reject the ethics measureand pay the political price of that vote.
Lindsey Graham worries making Supreme Court ethical would 'destroy' it

Trump-appointed judge orders marshals to fetch special counsel prosecutor over lawyers lateness

Judge sets Trump classified documents trial for May 2024, months before election : politics
Trial in Trump Documents Case Set for May 2024 : politics
6 things to know about Trump's classified documents case : NPR

Special Counsel Probes Team Trumps Jan. 6 War Room: The special counsels investigators are grilling Trumps allies about a series of meetings at the Willard Hotel ahead of Jan. 6, sources tell Rolling Stone
Expert: Jack Smith can use surprise statute cited in Trump target letter for enhanced penaltiesEssentially, Trump could be charged for entering a conspiracy under law once used to target KKK, professor says

Georgia Prosecutor to Give Donald Trump the Label HesDeserved for Years: Racketeer
Fulton county prosecutors prepare racketeering charges in Trump inquiry : politics

Trump shares sinister new video issuing apocalyptic threat to anyone whof***s around with us
Some critics see Trumps behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero

The GOPs Inane, Cringey Move to Expunge Trumps Impeachments

Trump demands cameras in courtroom for potential election fraud case : politics

Donald Trumps Unpopularity Hits Highest in One Polls History ... A Monmouth University poll published on Thursday found that 36 percent of U.S. adults had a favorable opinion of the former president and 63 percent held an unfavorable view. Just a few more percentage points and we'll have 2/3 of America with an unfavorable view. Sure has taken a while for some people to wise up.
Poll shows Biden beating Trump, even if Manchin runs : politics

Michael Cohen Agrees to Settle Lawsuit With Trump Organization - The New York Times Donald J. Trumps former fixer had accused the company of failing to abide by the terms of a deal and refusing to pay more than $1 million in legal costs

Zero proof, but apparently some d**k pics: MTG showing Hunter Biden nudes at hearing backfires AOC told Greene to look at Matt Gaetz if she wanted to follow evidence of sex trafficking
Hunter Bidens attorney files ethics complaint against Marjorie Taylor Greene for showing sexual images
Thursday Was a Total Crackpot Day on Capitol Hill | The high point from me was Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Horcrux) arguing that, if only the country had known about Hunters Laptop, the election would have gone a different way.
Marjorie Taylor Greenes revenge porn tour

Arizona fake elector explains why he no longer supports Donald Trump ... It's a heart warming story of rejecting one fascist in favor of another. Off to prison with him

The opposite of common sense: No Labels campaign in 2024 is a revenge plot against Democrats

I Have Never Been Anti-Vax, Says Lead Anti-Vaxxer RFKJr
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Where Paranoia Meets Legacy Admissions : politics
RFK Jr replaces Trump as Russia's favorite candidate : politics
Jack Schlossberg, JFKs Grandson, Slams Cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: An Embarrassment
JFKs grandson calls RFK Jr an embarrassment to the family name

Gallego outraises Sinema but falls far short of incumbents war chest in Arizona Senate race

Ron DeSantis Threatens Bud Lights Parent Company With Legal Action (desperate failure)

Texas is largest state to leave bipartisan national effort to prevent voter fraud : politics
Buoys, razor wire, and a Trump-y wall: How Greg Abbott turned the Rio Grande into an immigration war zone
Texass governor put a barrier in the Rio Grande. DOJ just hit back.
Justice Department planning legal action against Texas over floating border barrier | CNN Politics

This Is a Really Big Deal: How College Towns Are Decimating the GOP
Republicans Are at War With College Towns. And Theyre Losing.
Missouri Supreme Court orders the GOP attorney general to stand down in fight over abortion costs : politics ... Supreme Court judges unanimously affirmed a lower courts decision that Attorney General Andrew Bailey must approve the cost estimate provided by the auditor, despite Baileys insistence that the cost to taxpayers of restoring abortion rights could be as much as a million times higher than what the auditor found.

Poll: Kentucky Gov. Beshear leads re-election race by 10 points : politics

Alabama GOP refuses to draw second Black district, despite Supreme Court order : politics (Fuckabama)

Nebraska Teen Who Used Pills to End Pregnancy Gets 90 Days in Jail : politics

A First-Of-Its-Kind Abortion Lawsuit Just Held Hearings. Heres What You Need to Know.

Member of Tennessee Three set to challenge Marsha Blackburn for her Senate seat

Time to set the meter on "hack pop-country artist releases shitty pro-lynching song" back to zero days - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Libertarian Douchebros Gonna Libertarian Douchebro - Lawyers, Guns & Money (South Park assholes)

History is a battle that never ends - Lawyers, Guns & Money a really interesting story about one womans long and largely successful fight to remove subtle and ahistorical glorification of Nazis from Wikipedia:

Eschaton: The Glibertarian Dream Post-apocalypse feudal cult leader. Apparently, "popularism" meant eugenicist billionaire hucksters trying to save their little cult of weirdos from end times in a remote island bunker.
austerity is theft on Twitter: "Apparently, "popularism" meant eugenicist billionaire hucksters trying to save their little cult of weirdos from end times in a remote island bunker." / Twitter
Quartz on Twitter: "Sam Bankman-Fried wanted to buy the nation of Nauru to wait out the world's end" / Twitter

26-year-old man who posed as Lincoln high school student accused of sex crimes

Alleged serial rapist, a former State Street VP, granted special allowances to attend concert, family trips. I wanna know what judge granted the requests. : boston

Tony Bennett obituary: The great interpreter of the American songbook - BBC News

Trinity Nuclear Tests Fallout Reached 46 States, Canada and Mexico, Study FindsThe research shows that the first atomic bomb explosions effects had been underestimated, and could help more downwinderspress for federal compensation.
ELI5: how were Oppenheimer and Groves able to stand at ground zero right after the first atom bomb exploded without getting radiation poisoning? : explainlikeimfive

Why does it take so long for the sun to exhaust its fuel? : askscience

New research shows people living in areas of the U.S. with the lowest levels of income, education, employment, and housing quality had a 1.17 times higher risk of developing dementia compared to residents of the least disadvantaged areas. : science

Paleontologists discover two new sabertooth cat species

TIL the name "Great Sphinx" was given roughly 2,000 years post-construction. The original name given by its creators remains a mystery, as no inscriptions detailing its construction or purpose have been found. : todayilearned

More on the Advanced Math Situation : CambridgeMA

Willa - Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka - Willa Hillicrissing is a channeled human-alien hybrid and parallel reality specialist who lives on Earth 700 years in our future.

What is a dead give away that someone is an only child? : AskReddit

Whats the fastest way youve ever seen a new coworker get fired?

Whats the biggest lie youve ever been told?

Men what do you dislike most about other men? : AskReddit


July is worlds hottest month, with spikes not seen in 125,000 years

How hot is it around the world? Millions sweat in record-breaking heat waves as global temperatures soar : worldnews ... Republicans are already responding by burying their heads even deeper in the sand.
Unforgiving heatwaves torment globe; Europe braces for record highs : worldnews
Extreme weather continues across Europe as further heatwave looms | Extreme weather | The Guardian : worldnews

Bill Gates is backing a secret startup drilling for limitless clean energy : worldnews

Breakthrough in DNA research could provide answers to UKs biggest tree disease | ITV

Unmanned maritime vehicle market to reach over $3.1 billion by 2033 : worldnews

New Zealand police respond to serious incident in Auckland
Gunman shot dead after killing two in attack on Auckland CBD construction site : worldnews

Singapore: City-state rocked by rare political scandals : worldnews ... All the higher ups in the Singapore Government have a mistress. These two just got caught.

Thousands died in the Philippineswar on drugs. An international probe will now go ahead

North Korea Threatens Nuclear Response After US Sub Deployment : worldnews
North Korea remains silent on apparent detention of US Army soldier who illegally crossed border : worldnews

Switzerland returns corrupt frozen millions to Taiwan : worldnews

Xi says China will follow its own carbon reduction path as US climate envoy Kerry meets top officials in Beijing : worldnews
As the world sizzles, China says it will deal with climate its own way : worldnews
Xi Jinping meets Henry Kissinger as US seeks to defrost China ties : worldnews ... I swear if Carter dies before Kissinger Im gonna be so fucking pissed off.
Chinas Washington Envoy Warns of Retaliation Against Further US Tech Curbs ... What are they going to do? Close all the backdoors in their chips and stop spying on the world?

Putin cut deal with Wagner to save his skin, MI6 chief says in rare speech
Putin to dodge BRICS summit in South Africa over arrest warrant : worldnews
Britains spy chief calls on Russians working for Putin regime to defect
In the first half of 2023, Russian courts reviewed twice as many criminal cases of unauthorized abandonment of a military unit as in the entire year of 2022.

Russias Prigozhin says his mercenaries will not fight in Ukraine for now
Prigozhin resurfaces in Belarus, tells Wagner fighters they have the biggest job in the world coming up

Russia preparing for attacks on civilian ships in Black Sea: White House : worldnews

Russia Sends Oil Through the Arctic Again to Speed Up Delivery to China : worldnews

Russia received millions of dollars worth of equipment from US companies to keep its oil trade afloat after the invasion of Ukraine, report says : worldnews

Outrage over Belarus Red Crosss involvement in Ukrainian child transfers
Belarus Red Cross says it is involved in transfer of children out of Ukraine : worldnews
Clash occurs between Wagnerites and border guards in Belarus

Six people confirmed dead after helicopter crash near Mount Everest : worldnews ... Two of the six people were in their late 90s. The rest were in their 70s.

India cant stay neutral on Ukraine warGermanys Habeck
Video of Sexual Assault Goes Viral in India, Renewing Attention on Ethnic Conflict : worldnews
Manipur: India outrage after two women paraded naked in violence-hit state : worldnews
PM Modi's silence led Manipur into anarchy, says Rahul after video of women being paraded naked surfaces.
15 people killed as bridge "electrified" by fallen power lines in India : worldnews
Engineers Who Built Chandrayaan-3 Launch Pad Werent Paid Salaries for Over a Year: Report
Yamuna river reaches the iconic Taj Mahas outer walls in India after swelling with monsoon rains

Afghanistan: Women protest against beauty salon closures : worldnews
Taliban Violently Disperses Protest Against Closure Of Beauty Salons In Afghanistan : worldnews
United Kingdom MP Tobias Ellwood apologises for video praising Taliban: security has vastly improved, corruption is down and the opiumtrade has all but disappeared

Kenya set to introduce vile anti-homosexuality law : worldnews

Ethiopia war the most deadly as world sees record high battle-related deaths in 2022 since 1984- report

Cyprus ready to trade Turkeys EU accession process in favour of settlement talks
The Netherlands has lifted arms restrictions imposed since 2019 against Turkey, following Ankaras move to back Swedens Nato accession
Portuguese tourist assaulted by Turkish police, jailed for 20 days for looking gay

Swedish embassy in Baghdad stormed, set alight : worldnews
Iraq prime minister expels Swedish ambassador, withdraws diplomat from Sweden as man desecrates Quran in Stockholm : worldnews

Iranian Female Prisoners Tell Of Filmed Strip Searches : worldnews

Conservative Israeli Think Tank Uses Sock Puppets to Skew Wikipedia ... Kohelet Policy Forum worker secretly operated five fake accounts on Wikipedia, skewing debates and articles about Israels judicial overhaul and other contentious issues

The Pentagon unveils $1.3 billion for Ukraine, bringing total new U.S. aid this week to $2.3 billion : worldnews
NASAMS, shells and equipment: US announces US$1.3 billion in new military aid to Ukraine : worldnews
UK Defence Secretary says UK gave Ukraine 15 times more artillery shells than planned : worldnews
Three killed, Chinese consulate damaged in Russian attack on Ukraines port cities

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 512, Part 1 (Thread #658) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 20 July 2023.

We can push with 10 brigades but it won work because the mines are everywhere, every half a meter there are mines. They are everywhere.

Russians prepare false flag assault on ZNPP
Russia yet to grant access to Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor roofs, IAEA says : worldnews
Occupied Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant staff refusing Russian orders to start up reactor : worldnews

Ukraine: Ready to Retake Bakhmut : worldnews
It is difficult to advance, but every day we gain 0.5-1 km - Ground Forces Commander
ISW on Twitter: "Geolocated footage published on July 18 shows that #Ukrainian forces advanced north of Staromayorske (9km south of Velyka Novosilka). 2/7" / Twitter
Ukraine says it took out 2 Russian T-72 tanks using a US-supplied Bradley IFV : worldnews
Ukraine begins firing U.S.-provided cluster munitions at Russian forces : worldnews

Fire destroys Russian ammo depot in Crimea, as Moscow launchesmassive attack on Odesa
At least 21 injured in third night of Russian air attacks against southern Ukraine - The attacks come one day after an intense Russian bombardment using drones and missiles damaged critical port infrastructure in Odesa. The attack destroyed at least 60,000 tons of grain

60,000 tonnes of agricultural products destroyed by Russian missiles were to be sent to China Zelenskyy
NEW: RU forces launched an extensive missile & drone attack against port & grain infrastructure in southern UA on July 19 likely to further emphasize RUs objections to the renewal of the Black Sea grain deal & hinder UAs ability to export grain.
Zelensky: Grain corridor wont be safe if UN limits itself to statements
As Russia bombs Ukraine ports and threatens ships, U.S. says Putin
Ukraine to shift Black Sea grain shipping corridor from international to Romanian, Bulgarian waters : worldnews

Russia targeting Ukrainian elderly and children in mass abduction ploy

Finland to revoke license of Russian consulate : worldnews

US Takes Custody of Russian Agent Extradited from Estonia : worldnews

Police intervention against woman in hospital after taking abortion pills triggers outcry in Poland : worldnews ... Officers are said to have surrounded the woman, who was ordered to undress, do squats and cough even though she was still bleeding. They also seized the womans computer and phone.

Facebook & Instagram fined: How the small country of Norway could finally break Metas business model.

Lioness believed to be on loose in Berlin : worldnews

International anarchist gathering gets under way in Switzerland : worldnews

Italy far from reaching NATO spending targets : worldnews
Kitchen shrine serpents and more fascinating new Pompeii discoveries : worldnews

Spanish court starts new probe against Shakira for alleged tax fraud : worldnews

Frances Louvre museum set to return stolen Italian artifacts

UK PM Sunak Apologizes for Horrific Abuse of LGBT in Military

Turmoil has officially set in at the West Coast Canadian ports after the International Longshore & Warehouse Union West Coast Canada members walked off the job only to be back, as of nowafter the Canadas independent Industrial Relations Board ruled the strike illegal on Wednesday

Chinese hackers breached US ambassador to Chinas email account
U.S. Ambassador to China Hacked in China-Linked Spying Operation - WSJ Spying campaign also compromised State Department official who oversees East Asia

Official concedes 8-year-old who died in U.S. custody could have been saved as devastated family recalls final days : politics

Bidens economic approval rating rises slightly, but is still just 37% despite Bidenomics push

200 Members of Congress Vow Not to Interfere If UPS Workers Strike All workers, including UPS Teamsters, deserve fair wages, safe conditions, and decent benefits said Sen. Bernie Sanders. If a bargaining agreement cant be reached, we will not intervene if UPS workers strike

Tuberville becomes Bidens favorite GOP foil

Bidens New Merger Guidelines Aim to Roll Back Pro-Monopoly Policies of Reagan Era
Biden widens war on junk fees, says US consumers tired of being treated as 'suckers'

Senators introduce bipartisan ban on stock ownership for executive and legislative branch office holders and their families : politics

More Americans say Supreme Court is too conservative: survey : politics
Senate panel set to vote on US Supreme Court ethics reform : politics
Leonard Leo helped fund media campaign lionizing Clarence Thomas - The Washington Post
The Supreme Court Has a Clear Intellectual Lightweight : politics (Beer Boy)
California Supreme Court rejects SCOTUS decision, keeps state labor law alive : politics

Its Actually Common to Indict Leaders of Democracies: Trump is just one of 78 political leaders in democratic nations who have faced criminal charges since the year 2000 ... 30% of people have authoritarian tendencies and really just prefer strongmen though.

The walls are closing in on Donald Trump : politics undefined
Authoritarianism will be on the ballot: Experts worried over Trump's 'alarming' 2025 plot

Donald Trump faces midnight deadline to decide whether to face grand jury | Donald Trump | The Guardian : politics
After fitful starts, Trump Jan. 6 investigations hurtle toward charges | Local, state and federal prosecutors are all signaling decisive action in cases that have been building quietly for years : politics

Jack Smith will try to prove Trump knew stolen election theory was false and would not holdup
Special counsel continues to schedule witness interviews even as potential Trump indictment loomsSpecial counsel continues to schedule witness interviews even as he moves closer to another possible Trump indictment | CNN Politics
Judge scolds Jack Smiths team for causing delay in unrelated Jan. 6 verdict

Man who had jail sentence commuted by Trump arrested again : politics ... on charges he defrauded investors by making false promises involving humanitarian supplies destined for Ukraine. Eliyahu Weinstein and four other men were charged with conspiring to defraud 150 individual investors of more than $35 million and with conspiracy to obstruct justice
Convicted Ponzi schemer granted clemency by Trump charged with new Ponzi scheme : politics

George Conway Says Mark MeadowsStrange Quietness Could Spell Trouble For Trump

Full list of Trump fake electors in each state and the charges against them : politics - 147 Republicans voted to use the fake electors. They should also be tried as well. This was a huge operation that only worked with their support. Traitors.

Trump under investigation for civil rights conspiracy in January 6 inquiry | Donald Trump : politics

Jan. 6 Rioters Have Bad News for Trump About D.C. Juries : politics

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll : politics
Donald Trump loses bid for new trial in E. Jean Carroll case : politics

Trump's Legal Woes Mount as Trial Dates and Campaign Calendar Collide The Republican front-runner is facing a growing tangle of criminal and civil trials that will overlap with next year's presidential primaries.
Donald Trumps Attorneys Are in the Pants-Shitting Phase of Criminal Investigation Process: Report

How Donald Trump Ended Up With Priceless Israeli Antiquities - WSJ After an appeal from Israel, the former president agrees to return ceramic oil lamps and coins

Trumps Attack on Black Votes Was There the Whole Time, We Just Didnt Call It a Crime

Republican claims of Biden family 'corruption' are being undermined by their own whistleblowers

With back-to-back legal setbacks, Team Trump extends losing streak | As Team Trump loses again in court, itstempting to think the streak reflects bad luck. But luck is irrelevant: Theyre losing because theyre wrong.
Inside Kevin McCarthys secret promise to expunge Trumps record

Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress : politics
Greene displays sexual images of Hunter Biden at IRS whistleblower hearing : politics
MTG said she was uncomfortable showing photos of Hunter Biden having sex but Americans 'deserve' to see them
Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Sent Hunter Biden Nudes to a Bunch of Minors : politics

House Rating Changes: Calvert, Boebert Move from Lean Republican to Toss Up | Cook Political Report

Killing the Kids on the Job - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Ron DeSantis is really bad at running for president : politics
Ron DeSantis loses again as judge refuses to reinstate Floridas drag ban
Florida Schools Will Teach How Slavery Brought Personal Benefit to Black People
Florida man destroying Florida education - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... You know, Im beginning to question the assertion of Brother DeSantiss great friend and political ally Cornel West that his education policy is driven by wanting students to read Plato
Court Finds State of Florida Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act By Institutionalizing Children with Disabilities : politics
Florida Navy vet mounts bid to defeat Rick Scott : politics
Florida Insurance Premiums Have Soared 206% Since DeSantis Became Governor : politics

Arizona Republican turns on Trump, bankrolls campaign to stop him : politics

Author who duped Greg Abbott calls him one of the dumbest people in the country
Texas DPS installed razor wire on private border property despite landowners protest - Escalon said DPS has the authority to use private property without the owners permission under a border-related disaster declaration signed by the governor in 2021.

Alabama is trying to dodge the Supreme Court's order to stop packing Black voters into one district. Its not going to work, a law expert said.

Active club hate groups are growing in the US and making themselves seen, including in Oregon ... The rise of the active club is the concern here. It basically pretends to be a self-defense social club while it's actually a recruiting and training ground for fascist militia.

Chicago City Council Set to Consider Minimum Wage Hike for Tipped Workers, Expanded Paid Leave : politics

Nebraska Teen Sent to Jail Over Illegal Abortion - Celeste Burgess was arrested after Facebook turned over her private messages to police

Nearly two years after Texas six-week abortion ban, more infants are dying

New York to pay $13 million to protesters arrested during George Floyd protests | Reuters

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s polls take turn for the worse - The Washington Post ... Fox News has devoted extensive attention to Kennedy on the air and its website, publishing more than 80 articles and videos about him since his campaign launch in April. This despite President Bidens leading Kennedy by upward of 50 points in polling.
House Democratic leader calls RFK, Jr. a living, breathing false-flag operation

The Crazily Unconstitutional New Laws Trying to Criminalize Filming Cops : politics ... In 2023 alone, the police have killed more than 500 people in the United States.

Roald Dahl Museum Labels the Author an Undeniable Racistauthor had a well-known history of antisemitism

He boasted about an epic first date on Twitter. Now hes charged with his fiancees murder ... Andrew Tate fan, HUGE SURPRISE

Researchers find evidence of forever chemicals in blood of pregnant women | PFAS

Something in space has been lighting up every 20 minutes since 1988 : worldnews

Astronomers find evidence of 2 planets sharing the same orbit : worldnews


We are damned fools: scientist who sounded climate alarm in 80s warns of worse to come - James Hansen, who testified to Congress on global heating in 1988, says world is approaching anew climate frontier

Majority expecting significant negative effect from climate change: poll

Four simultaneous heat domes break major records across the globe : worldnews

Delta passengers fall ill while stuck on tarmac for hours during blistering Las Vegas heatwave : news
Officials report over 100 heat-related incidents at Texas State Parks : news

Barbie and Oppenheimer tell the same terrifying story ... experts are debating whether things like microplastics or radioactive isotopes could be the stratigraphic markers of a new epoch: the Anthropocene ... a toy that takes over three cups of oil to produce before it lingers in landfills around the world
The Real History Behind Christopher Nolans Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer Is a Tragedy of Operatic Grandeur

EU says pesticide giants breached law over withheld brain toxicity studies : worldnews

TIL the median age in Japan & Germany is 48 years old, which is 10 years older than in the US : todayilearned
The missing Americans: Unprecedented US mortality far exceeds other wealthy nations. A new study found that more than one million US deaths per year including many young and working-age adultscould be avoided if the US had mortality rates similar to its peer nations.

A strong 6.5-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean shakes Central America : worldnews

Genetic variant identified may help explain asymptomatic covid - The Washington Post Among the asymptomatic participants, 20 percent carried a common HLA variant called HLA-B*15:01. People carrying two copies of this variant one passed down from each parentwere more than eight times more likely to remain asymptomatic than those carrying other HLA variants.

The end(s) of the Covid pandemic - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Wishma Sandamali: The siblings suing Japan over their sisters death ... Wishma died on 6 March 2021 at an immigration detention centre in Nagoya, Aichis capital. She had been detained there for seven months after overstaying her student visa, and requesting refugee status.

US deploys nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea | Nuclear Weapons News : worldnews

US soldier got in fights, damaged police car before dash to North Korea : worldnews

Kerry's trip to China yields no breakthrough on climate - The announcement followed closed-door meetings aimed at formally restarting the U.S.-Chinese climate dialogue.
US Suspends Wuhan Institute Funds Over Covid Stonewalling : worldnews

Garry Kasparov The Fall of Putin is Inevitable
UK spy chief: Putin under pressure at home after humiliating deal with Prigozhin
Putin Asks Governor to Tell Dead Troops He Said 'Hello'
Prigozhins deputy mutinied against him during Prigozhins mutiny against MoD

1/ Russias space agency Roskosmos is reportedly evaluating options for using space rockets to drop aerial bombs on Ukraine from orbit. The proposal is likely to face serious technical difficulties, not least the risk of bombs burning up from the heat of atmospheric reentry

Russian Health Minister Slams Pursuing a Career Before Childbirth as Improper Practice for Women ... There is much less difference between the Russian power class and the Republican party than most people want to believe.

Putin ordered 2 Western corporate giants to be seized after Kremlin-friendly businessmen expressed an interest in them: report : worldnews
Russia now totally unsafe for foreign firms, EU warns
After the Ukraine invasion, Russia had secret allies helping out with millions of dollars in aidAmerican oilfield services companies

MI6 head urges Russians to defect and spy for UK : worldnews

Red Cross of Belarus admits stealing children from Ukraine : worldnews

US prepares sanctions against Kyrgyzstan for helping Russia circumvent sanctions

Opposition meeting: 26 Indian parties form alliance to take on PM Modi : worldnews

Pakistans former science minister mocks Chandrayaan-3, says no need to go to great lengths for Moon sighting
Pakistans military chief warns Afghan Taliban against harboring militants as attacks spike

Afghanistan: Women protest closure of beauty salons : worldnews

Russia announces President Vladimir Putin will not attend a BRICS nations summit in South Africa : worldnews
South Africa: Putin will not attend BRICS summit bymutualagreement
Arresting Vladimir Putin in South Africa would be declaration of war, says Ramaphosa

Polio scare hits Malawi with 17 possible cases, just as huge vaccine drive ends | Global development : worldnews

Russias grain deal exit is a stab in the back -- -Kenya

Israeli reservists block military base amid judicial overhaul protests : worldnews

Austin: Well continue to move heaven and earth to get Ukraine what it needs
Ben Wallace: Ukraine has tragically become a battle lab for war technology
The Ukrainian counteroffensive is far from a failure, despite the fact that it is happening more slowly than expected. Ukraine has a significant amount of combat power that has not yet been deployed,the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Mark Milley said.
South Korea to expand support for Ukraine as President Yoon Suk Yeol makes a surprise visit : worldnews
EU plans 20B fund to stock Ukraines military for years
The U.S. announces $750 million in humanitarian and agricultural aid for Ukraine : worldnews
60,000 tonnes of agricultural products destroyed by Russian missiles were to be sent to China - Zelenskyy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 511, Part 1 (Thread #657) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 19.7.2023 : ukraine
UK Ministry of Defence Daily Ukraine update July 19, 2023

Russians retreat from their positions near Orikhovo-Vasylivka : worldnews
Situation south of Bakhmut. The AFU advanced into the forest strip southwest of Klishchiivka while separately advancing towards Andriivka. The extent of this advance cannot be clarified yet, but there are reports that the AFU has progressed far into both treelines.

The consequences of the most massive night attack on Odesa during the entire period of the full-scale war by the Russians : ukraine
For the past two hours, Odesa has been under intense air bombardment with missiles X-22, Kalibr, and Shahed-type UAVs by Russians. This marks the most concentrated barrage since the beginning of the full-scale war. It is presumed that 10 Tu-22M aircraft were used for another act of terrorism. : ukraine
Russia launches hellish second-night attack on Ukraines Odesa
Russia strikes Ukraines Odesa port in hellish attack
Russia to treat all ships traveling to Ukrainian ports as carriers of military cargo : worldnews
Putins spokesman says attack on Odesa is revenge for Crimean Bridge
These photos were taken in the ports of Odesa and Chornomorsk. At night, Russia purposefully attacked grain terminals. The grain infrastructure of international and Ukrainian traders and carriers Kernel, Viterra, CMA CGM Group was damaged. Is this still not enough to recognize Russia as a terrorist country? Russia attacks granaries! Putin wants to starve millions of people and does not hide it!

Movement of cargo vessels through Kerch Strait suspended by Russia since July 16
Fire at military base in Crimea forces evacuation of more than 2,000 people : worldnews

The Russian pilot filmed ejecting from his Su-25 yesterday has reportedly drowned, none of the Russians filming the crash went to his aid : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russians continue their meltdown over the footage of a Su-25 that crashed into the sea yesterday. Apparently, the pilot died after drowning he was in the water for 8 minutes, and no one on the beach bothered trying to help him, instead preferring to swim and drink beer.

Ukraine takes down massive bot farm, seizes 150,000 SIM cards : worldnews

Russian Agents, Who Were Going to Blow up Trains with Aid for Ukraine, Exposed in Poland : worldnews

Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM racist and fascist

Hundreds evacuated due to forest fire in Swiss Alps : worldnews

Luxembourg approves growing, smoking weed at home : worldnews

Computer parts trader arrested in the Netherlands for violating Russia sanctions : worldnews

More than 700 people handed prison sentences over French riots : worldnews

Tony Blair was urged to back Ukraines EU dream in face of Russia threats ... nstead he led the UK into an unjust war and helped murder 1000s of civilians (Bushfucker's puppet)
MI6 Chief Says Human Intelligence - Not AI s Future of SpyingHead of UK Secret Intelligence Service gives speech in Prague
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary arrested on suspicion of terror offence : worldnews ... He headed groups, including al-Muhajiroun, which were banned under terror laws introduced in the wake of the 9/11 New York terror attacks and the 7/7 suicide bombings in London in 2005. Al-Muhajiroun described the 9/11 terrorists as magnificent martyrs
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary arrested on suspicion of terror offence | Evening Standard Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officers arrested a second man a Canadian national, 28 who landed at Heathrow on a flight from Canada seven hours later
U.K. police arrest Canadian on suspicion of membership in terrorism group : worldnews
Britain's most vile and sordid secret: Fox cubbing

Nicaragua fails to back censure of Russia at end of EU-Latin America summit : worldnews

Former Panama president convicted of money laundering: Ricardo Martinelli was sentenced to to more than 10 years in prison and ordered to pay a $19.2 million fine. If the conviction is upheld, he will be barred from competing in next years presidential race

Chuck Schumers UFO Bill Is Not Messing Around About Aliens ... whistleblower David Grusch, a former member of the Pentagons UFO research team who claims that intelligence officials are hiding evidence of alien technology from Congress.

Illegal border crossings dip to lowest level in over 2 years : politics

Accused Discord leaker Jack Teixeira argues he should be let out of jail as he awaits his classified documents trial, citing Trumps release | CNN Politics

Enough, Sen. Tuberville. It isnt pro-life to damage military lives.
Analysis | Tommy Tuberville pledged todonate every dime to veterans. He hasnt. ... Racist confederate is a liar. Water is wet. More at 10.

Sanders NDAA Amendments Would Cut US Military Budget by 10%, Target Rampant Fraud : politics

Sonia Sotomayor's Book Scandal Is Banal and Troubling - The Supreme Court justice's buckraking hardly compares to that of her conservative colleagues. But it still says a lot about how much Washington has changed.

GOP senators hold back on defending Trump as he faces new indictment : politics
Third Verse, Same as the First: Republicans Shrug at Latest Trump Case : politics

Special Counsels Jan. 6 Target Letter to Trump Mentions Conspiracy, Tampering does not mention statutes relating to insurrection or sedition
Trumps team seeks to learn whether special counsel has evidence, witnesses they dont know

Doug Ducey is talking to Jack Smiths investigators. That's a big uh-oh for Donald Trump
Ex-NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik in Talks With Jack Smiths Team, Lawyer Says
Jack Smith Gives Trump Until Thursday to Explain Himself to the January 6 Grand Jury - emptywheel

Rudy Giuliani is denying claims he flipped on Trump : politics

A wild goose chase: Giuliani associate urges House GOP to abandon Biden probe .. In a 10-page letter obtained by NBC News, Parnas told House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., that there is no evidence that the president or his son Hunter interfered with Ukrainian politics, and there never has been.There is simply no merit to investigating this matter any further ... the Republican Party is a crime organization that should have been RICOD as such long ago, and a political party in name only.
A wild goose chase : Giuliani associate urges House GOP to abandon Biden probe - Lev Parnas, a Ukrainian businessman, said there has never been any evidence that the president or his son Hunter interfered with Ukraine's politics,only conspiracy theories
Republicans Have So Little Hunter Biden Evidence They Shared His Nudes Instead | The New Republic Marjorie Taylor Greene waved the photos around in a congressional hearing.
Raskin Tears Into GOP Hunter Biden Hearing and Star Fugitive Whistleblower | The New Republic Representative Jamie Raskin brilliantly debunked Republicans Hunter Biden conspiracy theories.

Trump probe subpoenaed CCTV from Georgia 2020 ballot counting centre

Donald Trump Loses Bid For New Trial In E. Jean Carroll Case | HuffPost Latest News
Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll - The Washington Post

Trump Conspirators Are Facing the Music, Finally

Trump electors who falsely claimed he won Michigan face charges : politics
False Michigan Electors Were Told to Keep Quiet
What we know about the 16 fake electors charged in Michigan : politics
Mayor of Wyoming charged in fake elector case Ginni Thomas Under Scrutiny Following Arrest of Michigan Fake Electors : politics ... All these people were not randomly acting alone, they were all on the same page. Ginni Thomas did not randomly contact Arizona and Wisconsin officials. This was coordinated and you need a group of people to organize something this big. May they all spend many years in a federal penitentiary.

Privately, the fear is that a third indictment, even if its the most serious one yet, will once again help Trump.

2024 wont be a Trump-Biden replay. You can thank Gen Z for that ... Which means that between Trump s election in 2016 and the 2024 election, the number of Gen Z (born in the late 1990s and early 2010s) voters will have advanced by a net 52 million against older people. s about 20 percent of the total 2020 eligible electorate of 258 million Americans ... And unlike previous generations, Gen Z votes.

oe Manchin Is Attacking Democrats As If Hes a Republican

Arizonas No Labels Party is no political party. Its a scam

Kyrsten Sinema Is Still Paying Tulsi Gabbards Sister a Fortune for Security

Ted Cruz takes aim at Barbie movie in latest pop culture misstep : politics

Woman Suing Texas Over Abortion Ban Vomits During Trial After Reliving Trauma | The New Republic Samantha Casiano vomited while retelling the story of how she was denied access to an abortion after her baby was diagnosed with anencephaly, a birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull. Casiano said she had to watch her baby die after giving birth.
Texas women testify in lawsuit on state abortion laws: I dont feel safe to have children in Texas anymore

A highway destroyed Tulsas thriving Black Wall Street now theres hope it could come back

Louisiana legislators overturn governors veto on gender-affirming care ban for trans minors

Robert Kennedy Jrs racist, antisemitic and xenophobic views go back decades, report says

Wikipedia's Moment of Truth - Can the online encyclopedia help teach A.I. chatbots to get their facts right without destroying itself in the process?

The Teetering Tech Office Meta and Twitter are shedding square footage, while Amazon and Google arent giving up the dream.

Running High: Cannabis Users Subjective Experience of Exercise During Legal Market Cannabis Use Versus No Use in a Naturalistic Setting | Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research

Not always king: fossil shows mammal sinking teeth into dinosaur

Boston City Councilor facing charges in crash that injured son, damaged home : boston
How is Kendra Lara getting to work these days? : boston

What person has gone the furthest with the least amount of talent? : AskReddit

Did You Ever Have a Crush On That Highschool Teacher? How did it End Up? : AskReddit


Extreme heat radiates around the globe as 50C recorded in US and China : worldnews
Record-breaking 52.2C temperature hit China on Sunday, stoking fears of drought

Phoenix hits at least 110 for 19th straight day, breaking US city records in worldwide heat wave - The Boston Globe undefined
Phoenix hits at least 110 for 19th straight day, breaking U.S. city records in worldwide heat wave : news
Texas power use hits record high as heatwave lingers : technology

Europes sweltering summer could send tourists to cooler climes

Longer heatwaves driven by turbo-charged climate change, say scientists

Heat Index At Iran Airport Hits 66 Degrees Celsius As Climate Scientist Warns Earth Will Become "Inferno"

People Wont Believe What They Dont Want to Believe

Yacht called Kaos vandalized by climate activists in IbizaThe sprawling vessel reportedly is owned by Nancy Walton Laurie, a billionaire Walmart heiress -- The richest 1% of the world population pollutes more than the poorest 50%, the activists are heard saying in the video

Top economists call for action on runaway global inequality : worldnews

Regional health authorities have warned of a possible epidemic of dengue fever in the French Caribbean archipelago of Guadeloupe, where more than 425 cases have been reported since the beginning of the year. : worldnews

Not spending that: Victoria cancels 2026 Commonwealth Games in bombshell announcement ... Premier Dan Andrews said the cost of the Games could balloon out to $7 billion and that he refuses to spend that on a 12-day sporst event.

Japan mulling further economic sanctions on Russia over Ukraine war : worldnews

South Korea Flash Floods Trap Cars In Tunnel, Killing 13 : worldnews

U.S. national in North Korea custody after crossing inter-Korean border. : worldnews
US soldier who fled to North Korea was facing disciplinary action after time in South Korean prison | AP News

Taiwan says looking to buy NASAMS air defence system from US : worldnews
Taiwans vice president to transit through the US, raising tensions with China

Evergrande: Crisis-hit Chinese property giant reveals $81bn loss : worldnews

Russia Suffers Global Rebuke After Invasion
Medvedev calls for attacks on Ukraine housing as revenge for Crimean Bridge : worldnews

Another victory on the legal front. @ECHR_CEDH rejected Russias lawsuit against Ukraine. Let me remind you that in it claimed that RU was allegedly responsible for killings, abductions, forced relocations, interference with the right to vote, restrictions on the use of the RU language, and attacks on embassies & consulates, cutting off water to Crimea and the #MH17 catastrophe.

Russia extends eligibility for military call-up by at least five years, senior officers to serve up to the age of 70 : worldnews ... Keep in mind that 70 for a Russian is like 95 for someone in a functional country.

Their Fate Has Been Decided: Monuments Of Russias Silver Age Vanish From Environs Of St. Petersburg

Russian businessmen snapped up $40 billion worth of Western company assets at bargain-bin prices amid the corporate exodus: report : worldnews

Anthrax-infected Russians escape Siberian hospital : worldnews

MEPs Ask ICC in The Hague to Issue Arrest Warrant for Lukashenka : worldnews
The EUs legislative body stressed that Belarus under Lukashenkos regime bears responsibility for crimes committed against Ukraine, particularly for the deportation of Ukrainian children.

Pakistan PM Shahbaz Sharif announces govt will step down early, elections likely in November : worldnews

The death toll in an investigation linked to a Kenyan cult that practiced starvation to "meet Jesus Christ" has exceeded 400 after 12 more bodies were found on Monday : worldnews

Hundreds of Wagner fighters arrive in Central Africa to ensure security ahead of constitutional referendum

Russian fighter jet flies dangerously close to US warplane over Syria : worldnews

US sends more fighter jets and warship to Gulf after Iran attempts to seize tankers : worldnews
Large Hijab Protest Breaks Out In Iran On Sunday Evening : worldnews
Iranian Actor Arrested For Criticizing Morality Police

Netanyahu ousts prominent Likud party activist Itzik Zarka for calling anti-judiciary reform protesters "whores," telling them he wishes another 6 million would burn

US on Crimean Bridge explosion: Crimea is part of Ukraine : worldnews
Russia hit Ukraine targets in mass revenge strike after bridge attack
Russian attack on night of 18 July: air defence destroyed 38 Russian aerial targets : worldnews
Ukraine Parliament Votes 268 to 137 to Legalize Medical Marijuana : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 510, Part 1 (Thread #656) : worldnews

Russias deployment of 100,000 troops in Lyman-Kupyansk is not a threat, says senior officer ... Ukraine is saying they arent a threat because they are not well prepared or motivated ... 70 million poor people and of those, 20 million are living below the poverty line. Russian offence will not end because of lack of russian soldiers, unfortunately
Putins Deathonomics -- Putin's regime is turning death into a rational choice ... Russia is a kind of death worshipping, or thanatopathy
Ukrainian army has initiative on Kupiansk front now Deputy Defence Minister

A mural was created in temporarily occupied Ukrainian Mariupol Russianauthoritiessaid that it was a girl named Nastya with NATO bombs falling on her painted by an Italian artist Jorit Ciro Cerullo. As if that story alone was not enough, it turned out that the picture of the girl was stolen from Helen Whittle, a photographer from Australia. It was a portrait of her own daughter, taken in 2018. This is what the Russian world does best -- steal, lie and destroy.

Made in Ireland: Telegram channels indicate the engine of an Iranian drone that hit Odessa last night was made by an Irish manufacturer.Ukraines air defence downed 21 Shahed drones and six missiles after a night of heavy bombing.

Russia expects to allow two-way traffic on Kerch bridge by end of autumn : worldnews
Partial traffic on the Crimean bridge. No more than 2-3 cars at once, in one direction : UkraineWarVideoReport
Irate Motorists and Massive Queues Counter Kremlins Claim Crimea Bridge Attack Did Little Damage
This is funny: Russian tourist chats are full of panicked Russians who did not get the vacation they desired. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russian tourists flee Crimea after attack on landmark bridge : worldnews
The attack on the Crimean Bridge by Ukraine was carried out using Ukrainian long-range Naval Kamikaze Drones (RBC Ukraine) These drones have a large explosive and if launched near UkrainesCoast they would have traveled over 600km, with a range reaching most of the Black Sea

UN: 9,300 civilians have died since beginning of war : worldnews ... DiCarlo emphasized that this figure represents only confirmed death and injuries, and that the actual number is likely much higher. Deported Ukrainian children return from Russia toa slow recovery ... The headline should read Kidnapped Ukrainian Children returned to Parents.The children were not deported they were kidnapped and dragged off to Russia. Who knows what the Russian government did to them.
Papal envoy to discuss repatriation of Ukrainian children with Biden : worldnews
Turkiye and Saudi Arabia join initiative to bring back Ukrainian children from Russia

Ukrainians training on Abrams tanks at US base in Germany look to be battle-ready in weeks : worldnews

Spains early election could put the far right in power for the first time since Franco

More Brits than ever say Brexit was wrong choice: YouGov survey : worldnews
UK to Invest Over $1 Billion in Hypersonic Strike Capability : worldnews
McDonalds abuse claims as 100 workers speak out
Appeal court judge halves and suspends 28-month sentence and says woman needscompassion, not punishment

UN unable to feed 100,000 Haitians this month amid catastrophicconditions

Millions again under smoke advisory due to Canada wildfires : worldnews

Defector Yeonmi Park's shocking North Korea stories draw questions - The Washington Post Conservative audiences are enthralled by Yeonmi Parks tales of communist dictatorshipand her claim that liberals are steering America onto the same path. But critics say her accounts of life in the brutal regime dont add up.

Two Mavericks - Lawyers, Guns & Money Edward Teller and Seth Neddermeyer both brought unconventional ideas to the Manhattan Project. One might have tanked the project had Robert Oppenheimer not kept him on a short leash. The other saved the project.

Inflation Dropped Again In June. Heres What That Means for Biden
Why Have Bidens Economic Plans Not Made Him More Popular? ... the collapse of trust in government, culture-war polarization, the rise of right-wing media, and a deepening crisis of loneliness and anomie all threaten to reduce the political benefits of progressive economic reform by rendering the impacts of such policies less visible and salient to beneficiaries. ... voters just simply do not respond to policy at all (and "inflation worst in 500 years!")

Senators to Propose Ban on U.S. Lawmakers, Executive Branch Members Owning Stock - WSJ Kirsten Gillibrand and Josh Hawley to unveil bill as new poll shows strong public support for stock ban

House GOP seeks billions in cuts to rail, water infrastructure spending : politics
New economically populist, working-class Republican Party wants to completely decimate American infrastructure - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt : politics
Supreme Court, Republicans to blame for lack of debt forgiveness, students say in poll : politics

Minnesota AG compares Clarence Thomas to house slave in Django Unchained

Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: The former president up and stole antiquities that were lent to the White House for a Hanukkah celebration in 2019 : politics
Israeli Antiquities Are Stranded at Trump's Florida Estate as Authorities Fail to Retrieve Them - Israel News - Israeli clay lamps, intended for a brief exhibition in Washington D.C. in 2019, got stranded in the U.S. due to the pandemic. Recently, they were found at Trumps Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida

Trump says he is about to be arrested again after letter confirms hes target of Jan 6 grand jury
Trump Loses It Over Letter Saying Hes a Target of Jack Smiths Jan. 6 Probe
Little Bitch: Republicans Melt Down as Trump Faces Third Indictment | Republicans are tripping over themselves to to defend Trump before even seeing the allegations against him -- again.
Special counsel informs Trump he is target in probe of efforts to overturn 2020 election: Sources : politics
Experts: Jack Smiths latest move means Trump cant use Judge Cannon to prevent pre-election trial

The unanimous opinion says Trump had not proved the extraordinary circumstances that warranted intervention by Georgias top court

Trump is campaigning to establish a presidential dictatorship -- historian Beschloss says

Trump 2024 rivals urge him to bow out of race amid news hes set to be indicted in Jan 6 probe

"Sounds like Rudy flipped:" Giuliani evades Jan. 6 target letter after meeting with prosecutors : politics

Trump Hired Adviser He Pardoned for Campaign Finance Crimes: A campaign operative who Trump pardoned over his participation in a political bribery scheme is now working for the Trump campaign. : politics

WaPo Is Suppressing Information that Might Debunk Devlin Barretts Latest Spin

Manchin Torpedoing Great Secretary of Labor Nominee - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Great Moments in Incompetent Campaigns - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Pence: "I don't really buy into the rich need to pay their fair share."

Matt Gaetz says he will introduce bill to defund Jack Smith investigation into Donald Trump : politics

Democrats Planning Major Push to Unseat Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley in 2024 Race : politics
Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruzs seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip

Ron DeSantis presidential campaign is in a death spiral after only two months
Ron DeSantis yells Leave our kids alone! at protestor holding Pride flag
At New College of Florida, a ridiculously high number of faculty are gone - Many frustrated teachers and researchers have resigned or taken leaves to look for other jobs, school officials say ... More than one-third of New College of Florida faculty will not be returning in the fall ... Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed six trustees with a mission to transform the small liberal arts school.
Love the way you lie - Lawyers, Guns & Money - In the post-Dobbs era, Republican presidential candidates are going to be asked whether they support national abortion bans. Their most common response will be to avoid the question and make up a bunch of nonsense about how Democratic states allow post-birth abortions performed by Jewish space layers in imaginary pizza parlor basements. One approach that journalists could take would be to challenge these lies and evasions and ask them to answer the question. The more common response is likely to be just sitting there mute like a dumbshit while the Republican candidates just bullshits until you immediately move on to the next topic: ("post-birth abortions!"

Iowa judge blocks states new six-week abortion law pending hearing

Michigan attorney general charges false electors over efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Sixteen people forged documents and claimed to be duly elected and qualified electorsfor the state of Michigan, Attorney General Dana Nessel said.
16 false Trump electors face felony charges in Michigan
We are now entering the find out portion of our programming - Lawyers, Guns & Money Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Tuesday that she has filed charges against 16 people who signed paperwork falsely claiming that President Donald Trump had won the 2020 election as part of a scheme to overturn the results ... These people arent exactly random crazies either:

Muslim legislator attacked outside Eid-al Adha prayer in Connecticut says incident should be looked into as a hate crime Rep. Maryam Khan says she was choked and slammed to the ground by a man who made sexual advances toward her and her young children. She wishes police had done more.

How Gretchen Whitmer Made Michigan a Democratic Stronghold | The Governors strategy for revitalizing her state has two parts: to grow, Michigan needs young people; to draw young people, it needs to have the social policies they want.

Biden video mocking Marjorie Taylor Greene speech hit more than 30M views in 12 hours | The Hill

Lauren Boebert filmed throwing away pamphlet honouring child killed at Uvalde shooting : politics
@laurenboebert just threw away a pamphlet of a mother fighting to honor her child who was gunned down and murdered in her classroom. This is how congress treats survivors.

Virginia releases updated transgender student model policies - The Washington Post

Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, records say
Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants, records say : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene loses place at MAGAs top table
Bidens latest campaign tweet is simply a video of Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking

Ta-Nehisi Coates Shows Up to SC School Meeting Over Banning His Book

A Black Man Was Elected Mayor in Rural Alabama, but the White Town Leaders Wont Let Him Serve
Not even past - Lawyers, Guns & Money

MHOAGA - Lawyers, Guns & Money I find the concept of the homeowners associations to be utterly quite baffling and utterly repulsive. All the pains and anxieties of owning a home, and some beady-eyed Dennis Rader wannabe who didnt have what it takes to become a code enforcement officer dictates what color I can paint my front door?

He was making a documentary about police brutality. Then the LAPD tased him in his home

Kennedy Clan Comes Out Against RFK Jrs Latest Outrage

I dunno, seems plausible - Lawyers, Guns & Money Before he came to Fox, Tucker was just a smug replacement-level Republican bingo caller with numerous failed shows behind him, so there was no need to keep him around if he was going to be more trouble than its worse. And, indeed, Fox has already proven that you can easily plug in any random smug dumb-dumb into his slot and be fine:
Acyn on Twitter: "A minute compilation of Tucker laughing during his speech today" / Twitter

Stanford president Marc Tessier-Lavigne to resign after probe on research misconduct allegations - The Washington Post serious flaws in paper he co-authored

Anti-anti racism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
I love hip-hop. But Im so over the ride-or-die chick

Happy Birthday to Crooked Timber! - Lawyers, Guns & Money Crooked Timber turned 20 years old.

New Details About Rex Heuermann, Alleged Gilgo Beach Killer
New mugshot of A demoncharged with three murders and a prime suspect in a fourth in the notorious Gilgo Beach Murders. Rex Heuermann says he is innocent.

Elizabeth Warren slams Elon Musk for creating conflicts of interests with Twitter as she asks SEC to probe Tesla. Personal wealth does not shield him from basic governance rules

The fastest flop in history? Data shows that Threadspopularity crashed in just one week
Threads usage drops by half after initial surge : technology

Joyce Carol Oates Figured Out the Secret to Immortality - The New York Times

Why were diseases like smallpox or influenza not already in the new world prior to colonization? : askscience

ELI5: Why do cities get buried? : explainlikeimfive

Scientists genetically modify trees to produce more sustainable wood : worldnews

Oldest genetic data from a human relative found in 2-million-year-old teeth : worldnews

A study of nearly 2,000 adults found those most at risk of cognitive decline who wore hearing aids for three years lowered their chances of cognitive decline by 48 per cent. Results provide compelling evidence that treating hearing loss is a powerful tool to protect cognitive function in later life : science

What did Richard Feynman mean when he said "turbulence is the most important unsolved problem of classical physics"? : askscience

What are some now defunct regional stores that you remember from your childhood? : boston

Massachusetts Prepares To Ban The Collection And Abuse Of Cell Phone Location Data : technology

Lesbians of Reddit, whats the most ridiculous thing a straight guy told you to talk you into having sex with them?

What's the biggest red flag you ignored? : AskReddit


Extreme heat intensifies across south-west US : news

Heat, flooding and smoke: The U.S. is in the midst of a summer of extremes This years events have yet to be thoroughly analyzed. But scientists see the string of events as a part of a larger, undeniable pattern of extremes thats intensifying over time.

How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World - The New York Times

Top economists call for action on runaway global inequality -- Gulf between rich and poor increases risk of climate breakdown as well as entrenches poverty, says letter to UN and World Bank

Australia baffled as unidentified mystery object washes up on beach : worldnews ... This is the third stage of Indias PSLV rocket
Australian Sailor And His Dog Survive Two Months At Sea : worldnews

Philippines top court orders re-arrest of suspect in activist killing: The Philippines top court has ordered the re-arrest of a former politician accused of killing a prominent environmentalist more than a decade ago

Singapores Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin resigns over propriety and personal conduct

Swiss watchmaker Swatch sues Malaysia for seizure of Pride watches : worldnews
Sexual violence is Myanmar juntas modus operandi Womens League of Burma (WLB) tells United Nations security council

Swimmers injured in dolphin attacks on Japan beach : worldnews

South Koreas president vowed Monday to completely overhaulthe countrys approach to extreme weather from climate change, after at least 39 people were killed by recent flooding and landslides during monsoon rains

Taiwan reports record number of Chinese warships in waters around the island : worldnews

Xi Jinpings foreign minister has vanished from public view. His prolonged absence is driving intense speculation

Kremlin denies Prigozhins Wagner troops captured nuclear base
George Monastiriakos: The only way to save Russia is to dismantle it : ukraine

Another Russian General Reportedly Fired In Latest Military Shakeup Post-Mutiny : worldnews
Prigozhin-Linked Companies Win Government Contracts After Failed Mutiny : worldnews

Russian hackers attack website of Bulgarian Parliament for assisting Ukraine : worldnews

Russia Seizes Control Of Danone And Carlsberg Operations : worldnews

Russia halts wartime deal that allows Ukraine to ship grain in a hit to global food security : worldnews
The Kremlin says it is halting the deal that allows export of Ukrainian grain : worldnews

Azerbaijan accuses Russia of not meeting obligations under 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire : worldnews

Hindu Temples Destroyed In Pakistan: One Hindu temple demolished, another attacked with rockets in Pakistan's Sindh province : worldnews
If Seema Haider doesn't return to Pakistan: Mumbai Police get threat call of another 26/11 attack

Nigerias so-called tax collectors: Menacing and mafia-like

Women and girls share stories of abuse in Sudan as conflict rages : worldnews

Gilbert Deya: Kenyan miracle babies pastor acquitted of child trafficking

South Africa Says Putin Will Come for BRICS Summit, Despite ICC Arrest Warrant : worldnews
Kennedy Road fire: Hundreds of Durban homes destroyed in South Africa - BBC News

Irans morality police to resume headscarf patrols
(Iran) Widespread Arrests Reported in Isfahan : worldnews

Biden Invites Netanyahu to Visit U.S. in the Near Future - Israel News -
Israeli Reservists Threaten Mass Resignations if Judicial Plan Proceeds : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 509, Part 1 (Thread #655) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 17.7.2023 : ukraine

Jakub Janovsky on Twitter: "The combined counts of Russian and Ukrainian losses the Oryx team has documented during the 2022-2023 invasion of Ukraine has exceeded 15 000 Russia: 11208 - (destr: 7518, dam: 429, aband: 414, capt: 2847) Ukraine: 3903 (destr: 2557, dam: 277, aband: 135, capt: 924)" / Twitter

Russia gathers over 100,000 soldiers on the Lyman-Kupiansk axis : worldnews
Ukrainian defenders liberated nearly 18 square kilometres of territory over past week -- Deputy Defence Minister

Ukraines Security Service and Navy damaged Crimean Bridge
Moscow blames Ukraine for new attack on bridge linking annexed Crimea to Russia : worldnews
The Kerch Strait Bridge is a logistically significant object. Russia will only have 1 ground supply linethe costal highway on the Sea of Azov to sustain (or evacuate) its tens of thousands of troops in occupied Kherson & Crimea if UKR manages to degrade/destroy the bridge.
Traffic at Kerch Bridge halted amid explosion
Russian TG channels blame naval drones:
Traffic stopped on Crimean Bridge due to "emergency" -- Russian-backed governor
Explosion at Kerch Bridge: Train services stopped : worldnews
Images of the damage at Kerch bridge after explosions Kerch Strait - Ukraine Interactive map - Ukraine Latest news on live map -
Ukraine launches land and sea drone attacks on major Crimean navy port : worldnews
Alex Kokcharov on Twitter: "Near #Yeysk, #Krasnodar region, south #Russia, Russian military aircraft Su-25 crashed into the Sea of Azov today:" / Twitter Near #Yeysk, #Krasnodar region, south #Russia, Russian military aircraft Su-25 crashed into the Sea of Azov today:
Official: Ukraine expects to kick out Russians who illegally moved to Crimea after annexation : worldnews

Russians do not provide medicine to people without Russian passports in Zaporizhzhia Oblast : worldnews
The UK has imposed sanctions on Russian Education Minister Sergey Kravtsov for his role in kidnapping Ukrainian children and zombifying them with propaganda.
Belarus abducts thousands of Ukrainian children : worldnews ... Some 2,150 Ukrainian children as young as six ... Some are alleged to have been given military training.

Moldova Denies Soviet Deportation Exhibition is Russophobic

Polish Left and unions call for rules limiting working hours during extreme heat : worldnews

Sweden is building the worlds largest wooden city

Berlin aims to have "best equipped" NATO army division in Europe in 2025 : worldnews

Belgium on the brink of crop failure, food industry warns : worldnews

Italy begins stripping lesbian mothers of their parental rights : worldnews

DNA database to be used to crack down on dog faeces in French town : worldnews

Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender : worldnews

Europeans Are Becoming Poorer. Yes, Were All Worse Off

Mexico says Texan buoys in Rio Grande breach water treaty : worldnews

Canada wildfires: Second firefighter dies amid record blazes : worldnews

Typo sends millions of US military emails to Russian ally Mali : worldnews

For Facts Sake: Bidenomics is working -- especially in red states
Americans are better off than before the pandemic, bank account balances remain higher - The Washington Post Bank account balances are 10 to 15 percent higher than they were in 2019, new data shows

In the wake of Dobbs v. Jackson, there has been a 100% increase in calls to the National Domestic Violence Hotline about reproductive coercion : politics

Democrats Blast GOP Senator For Blocking Hundreds Of Military Promotions : politics (Tuberfucker)

How the Supreme Court put itself in charge of the executive branch : politics

How Harlan Crow Slashed his Tax Bill by Taking Clarence Thomas on Superyacht Cruises : politics
Why Isn't Clarence Thomas Facing Impeachment Hearings? : politics

Trumps Coup Lawyer Advised on Weird Supreme Court Fanfiction

Can We Please Make Presidential Elections Shorter and Less Stupid? | There is no reason campaigns should run for a year and a half, and Congress actually has the power to end this political insanity. : politics

What We Know About That Third Possible Trump Indictment : politics

Trump Can Host Saudi Golf Tournaments or Run for President, but Not Both : politics

Trump wanted cows to climb ladders over border wall, ex-staffer says : politics ... when it comes to Trump, the truth is always vastly more idiotic than the fiction. He spent more time coming up with imbecilic ideas at the border than he did focusing on his job. Sometimes the ideas were stupid. Sometimes they were illegal. Often they were both.

Trump Plans to Expand Presidential Power Over Agencies in 2025 - The New York Times The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn must answer questions in Smartmatic US defamation case : politics
Video shows Steve Bannon confronted over "We build the wall" money : politics
Opinion | The MAGA persecution complex is eating itself to death - The Washington Post

Chris Christie says Trump deserved to be indicted and is misleading his supporters: He's a liar and a coward

Trump was harsh on immigrants. The next GOP president will be worse. : politics

How Tuckers FedEpps conspiracy theory led to Fox Newss latest legal mess - Last week, a former Oath Keeper named Ray Epps filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News

This Is the Time for Quixotic, Corrosive Campaigns? Seriously? Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and No Labels are effectively surrogates for Donald Trump's 2024 bid.
This Is the Time for Quixotic, Corrosive Campaigns? Seriously? Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and No Labels are effectively surrogates for Donald Trumps 2024 bid.
Sen. Mark Kelly worries No Labels ticket could hurt Biden reelection prospects in Arizona : politics
Robert F. Kennedy Jrs Conspiracy Theories Finally Get Around to the Jews: COVID-19 was ethnically targeted? Uh, sure.
RFK Jr.s sister condemns deplorable and untruthful remarks about COVID, ethnic targeting
GOP donors fuel RFK Jrs presidential campaign

Billionaires arent okayfor their mental health, time to drastically raise their taxes: From threatening cage matches to backing RFK Jr., billionaires prove too much money detaches a person from reality

Sinema outraised by Gallego again, further clouding her future : politics
How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona : politics

Adam Schiff dominates rivals in fundraising for Californias U.S.Senate race

GOP senators rattled by radical conservative populism : politics

The Standoff Between MTG and Lauren Boebert Is Worse Than You Think : politics
Boeberts Democratic challenger raises three times more than her
Marjorie Taylor Greene complains about "socialist" Medicare : politics ... Person being paid by the government, working for the government, who gets government health insurance complains about people who dont get government handouts getting health insurance they paid for during their entire working life

AAA pulls back from offering insurance in Florida, following Farmers : news

Appeals court rules Catholic school can fire counselor over her same-sex marriage : politics
Federal appeals court rules Catholic school was permitted to fire gay counselor : politics

Top House Democrats rebuke Jayapal comments that Israel is a racist state as she tries to walk them back

Appeals court orders new congressional lines in New York, a potential boon for Democrats : politics

Wisconsin billionaires quietly bankroll effort to shrink states social safety net/affect public policy

Youre able to vote now: Minnesota Democrats pass raft of progressive reforms

Author of spoof story shared by Greg Abbott calls him one of dumbest people in the country

Gretchen Whitmer and the future of the Democratic party - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... What Whitmer has done is pull together a coalition of voters that includes big city minorities, rich suburbanites and college town liberals, and traditional union voters, to overcome the fact that rural Michigan might as well be Alabama North. This is the same dynamic, more or less, that you can find in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (Ohio is apparently hopeless at this point).

TIL that due to industry influence, Missouri has some of the loosest alcohol laws in the US. Hard liquor can be sold in grocery stores and gas stations; bars can double as liquor stores; public intoxication is legal; and open containers are allowed in most areas, including by passengers in vehicles. : todayilearned

Elton John Testifies at Kevin Spaceys Sexual Assault Trial

Rudy Giuliani Plays Detective at Gilgo Beach Suspects Home

KrebsOnSecurity : SEO Expert Hired and Fired By Ashley Madison Turned on Company, Promising Revenge

Do blue-state taxes really subsidize red-state benefits? - The Washington Post (donor states just happen to make more money)

Barely a quarter of Americans still have landlines. Who are they? - The Washington Post

Whos most likely to smoke weed, and is it older NPR listeners?

The Instant Pot and the Miracle Kitchen Devices of Yesteryear | The New Yorker Preparing meals is a Sisyphean task, and anything that promises to make it faster, or easier, or better, or healthier, or more fun, is irresistible.

Amazon Told Drivers Not to Worry About In-Van Surveillance Cameras. Now Footage Is Leaking Online : technology

A.I. is a $1 trillion investment opportunity but will be biggest bubble of all time, CEO predicts
What is AI? A simple guide to help you understand artificial intelligence - BBC News
Gavin de Becker - Wikipedia
The Gift of Fear - Wikipedia

Sally Kempton, Rising Star Journalist Turned Swami, Dies at 80 - The New York Times She was making her name in New York journalism in the footsteps of her famous father and becoming an outspoken feminist when she met an Indian guru.
Hugh Hefner CLASHES With Feminists Over Playboy Models | The Dick Cavett Show - YouTube ... Sally Kempton was born on Jan. 15, 1943 ... Four years after the Esquire piece was published, Ms. Kempton essentially vanished, to follow an Indian mystic named Swami Muktananda, otherwise known as Baba, a proponent of a spiritual practice known as Siddha Yoga (who had a secret tunnel to the girls' dorm) ... Baba died in 1982, following accusations that he had sexually abused young women in his ashrams ... quoted Ms. Kempton as saying that the accusations were ridiculous.

Growing Up in the House of Freud | The New Yorker My psychoanalyst father wanted to prove the existence of the unconscious in the lab -- and at home.
The Invention of the Male Gaze : In 1973, the film theorist Laura Mulvey used concepts from psychoanalysis to forge a feminist polemic and a lasting shorthand for gender dynamics onscreen.

Hotel-Sized Asteroid Undetected Until Two Days After Close Pass By Earth : worldnews

Do We Actually Hear Silence? An experiment tests whether our ears hear silent intervals in the same way they hear music or noise

New drug Donanemab found to slow Alzheimers and hailed a turning point in fight against disease

TIL crystal skulls arent Mesoamerican. So far all the specimens submitted to scientific inquiry are proven to be European in origin

TIL there are gendered differences in the sexual attractiveness of smiles among heterosexuals: while men are more likely to prefer women who look happy & least attracted to those who appear proud, women are less likely to be attracted to happy/smiling men & prefer those who look proud or brooding. : todayilearned

Married people of Reddit, what do you miss about being single? : AskReddit

Gerard Depardieu: The decline of a sacred monster of French cinema

Reddit, what outrage over a celebrity was way overblown? : AskReddit

What is something that everyone can agree that its bad?

Reddit nukes everyones pre-2023 chats and messages


Heat stormstretches into southern Europe, health alerts issued
Ancient Heat Records Will Be Broken: Southern Europe Braces for Unprecedented Temperatures
Lots of triple-digit numbers tell the story of the early summers torrid heat wave
But its a wet heat - More than 100 million people in the United States are currently under excessive heat warnings and heat advisories.

Direct action and the climate crisis - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble | US news | The Guardian Energy firms have made record profits by increasing production of oil and gas, far from their promises of rolling back emissions

Entire pod of 55 whales dies after mass stranding on Lewis : worldnews

Renewable deployment surge puts world on track for net zero pathway : worldnews

Tourists flock to Death Valley to experience possible world-record heat of 55C degrees : news

The Media Has No Idea How to Cover Extreme Heat | The New Republic News outlets are reporting on record-setting temperaturesbut telling us little else about this catastrophic inferno were living (and dying) through.
: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis | US weather
A fifth of humans could be exposed to dangerous heat by end of century. : climate_science
Extreme Heat Is Here to Stay. Why Are We Not More Afraid? [book review] : climatechange
A fifth of humans could be exposed to dangerous heat by end of century. : climate_science

Retrieval operation underway after hundreds of drones plunge into Melbournes Yarra River
In Australia, Victoria to crack down on pokies with load-up limits, mandatory closures and slower spin rates : worldnews ... TIL , in Australia, gambling machines are called pokies

Singapore arrests cabinet minister in top-level corruption probe : worldnews

Comfort women: Last of Japans WW2 sex slaves sing forget us not

More than 26 dead and thousands evacuated in South Korea due to torrential rain and landslides | CNN : worldnews
At least 31 killed by heavy rains in South Korea; rescuers hunt for missing people : worldnews
South Korea flood: Rescuers battle to reach cars in submerged Cheongju tunnel

Chinas heat wave leads to record-breaking production of electricity
Xi Jinping calls for solid security barrier around Chinas internet ... In other words, China must make sure that all information its people have access to is controlled by the government. (security barrier)
China mandates that AI must follow core values of socialism

Putin lies about cluster munitions and Ukrainian armys counteroffensive
Putin says Russia has sufficient stockpile of cluster bombs and will use them if necessary
Putin Noncommittal On Grain Deal Extension During Call with South African Leader : worldnews

Simply Medieval: Russian Soldiers Held In Pits And Cellars For Refusing To Fight In Ukraine

Whopping 364 per cent jump in Indias solar exports within a year

Turkiye supports NATO expansion, including Ukraine's membership

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to visit Saudi Arabia on Sunday : worldnews

UN says the Damascus-proposed conditions for aid delivery to northwest Syria are unacceptable
Iran brings back morality police, says women without headscarf will be detained
Irans Morality Police Returns To Streets With Vengeance

Lebanese lawmaker leads group across Israeli border; IDF fires warning shots : worldnews
Palestinian leader calls on world to protect us, and his people respond with bitter laughter
Israeli man seriously injured, 2 daughters lightly hurt in West Bank terror shooting : worldnews
Netanyahu brought to Sheba Medical Center emergency dept. - report : worldnews ... the article says that he fainted at home, and hit his head, and that is why he was brought to the hospital.
Israel Quietly Embeds AI Systems in Deadly Military Operations : worldnews
Israeli Doctors reattach Paletinian boys neck following internal decapitation in road accident

Ukraines future is in NATO, this is not up for negotiation - White House
Zelenskyy: When Ukraines air defence becomes strong enough, we will protect the whole Europe
President Zelenskyy thanks South African President for Bucha visit and his efforts to return Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia : worldnews
Air-raid warning issued on half of territory of Ukraine: cruise missile carriers take off : worldnews
Helping Ukraine is best stimulus for global economy US Treasury Secretary

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 508, Part 1 (Thread #654) : worldnews

Situation escalates on eastern fronts : worldnews
Ukraine says it destroyed Russian S-400 missile system used in deadly strike on Kramatorsk. The June 27 strike on a restaurant in Kramatorsk killed 13 people, including 3 children. Now Ukraine says that it destroyed the exact system used in that attack.
2/ Tarnavskyi stated that Ukrainian forces are effectively defeating Russian forces at longer distances, likely referencing #Ukrainescontinued interdiction campaigns in eastern and southern Ukraine
Russians are bringing in reinforcements to the Klishchiivka-Andriivka-Kurdyumivka line. It wont help them. Ukraine literally controls all heights and strategical points. Shooting fish in a barrel.

A waiter in a Kyiv cafe was accused of being a Nazi because she took orders in Ukrainian. : ukraine

Ukrainian units are leaving behind their Western tanks and advancing slowly on foot after coming up against dense Russian minefields, report says : worldnews
Small, Hidden and Deadly: Mines Stymie Ukraines Counteroffensive. To gain ground, Ukrainian forces have to make their way through a variety and density of Russian land mines they never imagined
South Korea to provide more demining equipment to Ukraine
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "4/ When encountering minefields, the enemy must allocate extra resources for mine clearance, including engineering vehicles. Yet, even after clearance, the available path remains narrow, compelling large forces to move predictably along a confined route" / Twitter
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "2/ The objective of a minefield extends beyond causing harm; it also aims to impose a specific mindset and tactical approach on the opponent, compelling them to act in a manner most advantageous for the party laying the minefield. Minefields limit the enemy's maneuvering options" / Twitter

Ukraine launches land and sea drone attacks on major Crimean navy port : ukraine
Russia says shot down eight Ukraine drones over Crimeas Sevastopol
Ukraine, Russia accuse each other of shelling civilians in Zaporizhzhia : worldnews ... Lol, the official Russian narrative is that Ukraine is bombing itself,

Over 50 Russians found guilty of war crimes in Ukraine Ukraines ProsecutorGeneral

Ukraine blasts Bulgarias pro-Russian president who claimed that Kyiv is to blame for Russias war

Thousands march at Budapest Pride as LGBTQ+ community voices anxiety over Hungarys restrictive laws

Serbia gives scholarships to students who glorified war criminals in BiH : worldnews

Sweden paves way for new nuclear capacity by dropping 100% renewables target : worldnews

Teachers in eastern Germany face far-right threats : worldnews ... What is with the far right and them threatening teachers, doctors and all the educated folks?

Credit Suisse inquiry will keep files secret for 50 years : worldnews

Europe heatwave: Italy braces for potential record high temperatures of 49 degrees : worldnews

2,000 evacuated in La Palma wildfire in Spains Canary Islands; official says blaze out of control

French authorities ban protest against police violence in Paris : worldnews

UK Defence Secretary explains why he considers Russia grave threat in coming years : worldnews
18,000 Ukrainian infantrymen finish training in UK : worldnews
Experts warn deadly cat virus could be catastrophic for UK : worldnews

AI resurrection of Brazilian singer for car ad sparks joy and ethical worries : worldnews

Nelson Matus, a Mexican crime journalist, was shot dead in the parking lot of a store on Saturday in the tourist town of Acapulco. The killing marks the second death of a working journalist within a week in what is known to be the most deadly country for members of the press. : worldnews

Canada wildfires burn a record-breaking 10 million hectares : worldnews
Canadian wildfires put nearly 60 million US residents under air quality alerts : worldnews

The quake struck about 55 miles southwest of Sand Point, Alaska, officials said.

Ban on troops communicating with religious freedom group clears House A conservative Republican provision of the fiscal 2024 defense policy bill that would prohibit Defense Department personnel from communicating with an established civil rights group survived a contentious House vote Friday.
Ban on troops communicating with religious freedom group clears House : politics

Education Dept. Cancels $39 Billion in Student Debt for 800,000 Borrowers : politics

Disgraceful GOP Advances Bill That Could Remove 220,000 Teachers From Classrooms |If left to their own devices, Republicans would gleefully take public education to the graveyard, said Democratic Rep. Rosa DeLauro.

Ocasio-Cortez Rallies With Teamsters and Rips UPS Greed as Historic Strike Looms

Personal debts said to scuttle nomination of Bidens acting cyber directorThe rationale for not permanently nominating Kemba Walden to be national cyber director has stunned colleagues ... wo young children in private school and a mortgage (Black people should not have educations or homes, Republicans say)

Steve Bannon predicts "nothing but a war" for Trump : politics

Trumps latest court filing in Georgia shows hes getting desperate

Panicked Trump Wants Georgia Evidence Tossed to Stop Third Indictment: Trump is doing everything he can to stop the investigation into his efforts to overthrow the 2020 election. : politics

Trump praises judge overseeing his classified documents case, saying she loves our country ... (which, by the way, is totally me, he said)

What Jared Kushners testimony means for the Trump investigation

Donald Trump brands US a third -world hellhole run by perverts and thugs

Pence says abortion should be banned for nonviable pregnancies : politics ("Women should just die" he said)

Campaign finance reports reveal candidates' latest fundraising efforts | CNN Politics
George Will: Trump and DeSantis will be GOP primary losers : politics
Rupert Murdoch Has a New Favorite Republican Candidate for 2024 : politics ... In a weird twist, Murdoch reportedly backs Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin for 2024

State guard set up by DeSantis is being trained as personal militia, veterans say : politics
Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up : politics
The decline and decline of Pudding Ron - Lawyers, Guns & Money
DeSantis asked by GOP officials in Florida to ban vaccine as biological weapon
Hundreds of thousands of vote-by-mail requests erased from Floridas system
Idle speculation Sunday Vice President edition - The Very Serious Pundits Who Opine are will eventually admit that Gov. Ron DeSantisRepublican Nominee for President is not going to happen. That means their fancies will turn to thoughts of who the deeply suspiciousin both senses of the word sack of greed and hate who will be the GOPs presidential nominee will pick to be its new number two.

Mexico files complaint over Texas Gov. Greg Abbotts floating border barriers

The Minnesota Trifecta - Lawyers, Guns & Money

County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon : politics
RFK Jr. Blasted for Suggesting COVIDEthnically Targeted to Spare Jews
Robert F. Kennedy Jrs Covid Remarks Raise Questions of Antisemitism | The long-shot candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination has a history of conspiracy theories. His latest comments claimed the virus spared certain ethnic and religious groups

The angels forgot to pray for us - Lawyers, Guns & Money It seems like only a few months ago that New Age crank Marianne Williamson was Jacobin's favorite Very Serious candidate for the Democratic nomination. Alas, wishful thinking does not work any better for presidential campaigns than it does for curing AIDS, and Williamson has been decisively outflanked in the crackpot fake-Democrat conspiracy theorist sweepstakes by the even worse Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. So the grift has dried up before it could really get going:

Democratic Lobby Group Airs Steamy Sex Scene Takedown of GOP: Keep Republicans Out of Your Bedroom
Teacher fired for speaking out against school banning the songRainbowland. The school deemed the song about accepting others "controversial." She says she was fired for exercising her First Amendment rights.

Its trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages

US Rep. George Santos repays himself $85K raised from lackluster reelection fundraising : politics

The Huy Fong Supply Chain Disaster - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Hollywood's High-Stakes Strike: Actors and Writers Make History With Bid to Reshape Industry - As the 160,000-strong performer's union joins the work stoppage, the sides are far apart on minimum rate increases, residual increases, AI protections and, increasingly, the big picture.
The Writers Strike Highlights The TV Industry's Streaming Problem - Variety ... The talent pool has been stretched beyond its breaking point, and so have most of Hollywoods balance sheets.
The actors union will strike alongside film and TV writers, and it could be a nightmare scenario for Hollywood: Theres going to be no cash flow

Inside The Reckoning Facing Christian Mommy Bloggers

How Do You Resurrect an Empty Church?Americas aging houses of worship face a stark choice: sell, redevelop, or pray for a miracle. Over the past decade, the share of Americans who attend weekly services at a church, synagogue, mosque, or temple has fallen to 30 percent, after hovering for half a century at 40 percent Overall membership has fallen even more precipitously, and less than half of Americans now say they belongto a religious organization. A pair of studies has suggested that thousands of U.S. churches close each year (though a smaller, significant number are founded).

Police called on property owners after HOA increases monthly fees to $350 : news

At least 4 killed in mass shooting in western Georgia city; suspect still at large

A Trooper Issued More than 1,000 Fake Tickets. Connecticut Police Won't Say Whether He Still Has a Job - An audit has uncovered a massive scandal in Connecticut, where hundreds of troopers manipulated the state's racial-profiling database through fraudulent citations ... the improper logging of traffic stops made the CSPs enforcement appear less racially biased than it is in reality

WormGPT Is a ChatGPT Alternative WithNo Ethical Boundaries or Limitations

Womans iPhone photo of son rejected from Sydney competition after judges ruled it could be AI | Suzi Doughertys photograph of 18-year-old Caspar deemed suspiciousby judges, even though it was taken on her mobile

The Society of the Spectacle
The Society of the Spectacle (film) - Wikipedia
The Society of the Spectacle - Wikipedia - authentic social life has been replaced with its representation:
Guy Debord - Wikipedia
Spectacle (critical theory) - Wikipedia
An Illustrated Guide to Guy Debords The Society of the Spectacle ... the spectacle as capitalisms instrument for distracting and pacifying the masses ... The spectacle reduces reality to an endless supply of commodifiable fragments, while encouraging us to focus on appearances.
Situationist International - Wikipedia
LIFE at the Movies: When 3-D Was New

Unintended radiation from Starlink satellites may disturb radio astronomy observations

Advances in Medicine - Lawyers, Guns & Money - A pill taken once a day cuts the risk of dying from lung cancer by half, according to thrillingandunprecedented results from a decade-long global study.

Turns out all we may need to stop climate change is 139 billion gallons of super-duper white paint : technology

A new talking therapy for depression could be more effective and cheaper than Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). A new pilot randomized controlled trial found Augmented Depression Therapy (ADepT) pays just as much attention to building wellbeing as it does reducing depressive symptoms. : science

Swiss scientists successfully diverted lightning with a powerful laser : technology

New research shows curly hair kept early humans cool. Tightly curled scalp hair protected early humans from the suns radiative heat, allowing their brains to grow to sizes comparable to those of modern humans.

Former public safety secretary shocked by reports that DCF puts foster youths funds into state coffers ... Cabral says the state could have set up bank accounts for the children in its care, like savings accounts designed for future education expenses or people with disabilities. DCF put it into the general fund, which means that the money that was designed to go to these kids went for othaving absolutely nothing to do with them she said ... DCF needs to be scattered to the wind and rebuilt from the ground up.

MBTA is too expensive : boston

Today I am a true Bostonian! : boston

Women of Reddit: What's something you never knew about Men until you got with one? : AskReddit

What is the worst event in human history? : AskReddit

TIL There is a maze of tunnels under Las Vegas and people live in them : todayilearned

What is one thing men should never do to look attractive? : AskReddit


Record-breaking heat bakes US, Europe, China : worldnews
Europe Heatwave: More Record Temperatures Expected : worldnews
European heatwave: red alerts issued for 16 cities in Italy : worldnews Europe heatwave: Red alerts issued in 15 Italian cities : worldnews
Land temperatures in Spain surpass 60C as deadly heatwave sweeps Europe : worldnews

EUs Copernicus Sentinel mission records land surface temperature of 140F (60C) in Spain as global temperatures soar

Vermont flooding: First death recorded, more extreme weather expected

Indian student gets beaten up by Khalistani supporters in Sydney, hospitalised with injuries | The Financial Express : worldnews

China drives Japanese fishing ship from contested islands : worldnews
Rocket being developed by Japan's space agency explodes during testing but no injuries reported : worldnews Rocket being developed by Japans space agency explodes during testing but no injuries reported
Toshodaiji Kondo temple in Nara defaced by Canadian teen : worldnews

South Korea tells Japan to halt wastewater discharge if radiation levels exceed standard : worldnews
South Korea: At least 22 dead after torrential downpours unleash flooding and landslides : worldnews
South Korea landslides, floods kill 7, over 1,000 evacuated : worldnews
Torrential rain triggers deadly South Korea flooding : worldnews

Russia investigating if North Korean test missile crashed in its waters | The Hill

US buying decommissioned Hawk missiles from Taiwan for Ukraine

China blasts US for forcing it to accept South China Sea ruling : worldnews
Heavy rain in Chinas Chongqing threatens rivers, mass evacuations continue

(2/4) In a leaked video intended for his troops, Popov delivered a scathing attack on the Russian MoD leadership, whom he accused of, hitting us from the rear, viciously beheading the Army at the most difficult and intense moment
(4/4) Direct criticism from subordinates is likely to become an increasing problem for Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff General Gerasimov.

A newly surfaced image of Prigozhin hints at where the Wagner boss may have finally ended up after his failed mutiny : worldnews ... But a new photo of the mercenary boss offers a hint that he may be at a military camp in Belarus.
Victims of Donbas genocide were paid actors, Prigozhins fired trolls reveal

Russias Federal Security Service claims it prevented murder of propagandist Simonyan and Sobchak

It's Hell: Russias Transgender Community Rushes to Undergo Gender Reassignment as Legal Ban Looms

Chandrayaan-3: Indias historic Moon mission lifts off successfully
Russias Wagner mercenaries hire Gurkha soldiers spurned by India

Pakistans military chief warns Afghan Taliban against harboring militants as attacks spike
Pakistani Army Chief Warns Afghan Taliban Against Harboring Militants After Twin Attacks : worldnews
Chinese APT Favorite Backdoor Found in Pakistani Government App : worldnews

Putin wants to attend an August summit. Host country South Africa doesntwant to have to arrest him
Russia turned down a request by South Africa not to send President Vladimir Putin to next months BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africas deputy president told local media Friday

UN very concerned over widespread violence by police during protests in Kenya
Ex-diplomat jailed for 2012 murder of Venezuelan ambassador in Kenya | Venezuela | The Guardian A Kenyan court has sentenced a former Venezuelan diplomat to 20 years in jail over the 2012 murder of the Latin American nations acting ambassador at her home in an upmarket Nairobi neighbourhood.
Ex-diplomat Dwight Sagaray jailed for 2012 murder of Venezuelan ambassador in Kenya Olga Fonseca : worldnews
Al-Shabaab ambushes Kenya Defense Forces base, police station in early morning attack in Mandera : worldnews

Sending F-16 Fighter Jets To Protect Ships From Iranian Seizures in Gulf Region : worldnews
Iranian Students Slam Government Over Move To Admit Iraqi Militants : worldnews

Dozens from Lebanon crossed border into Israel in Mount Dov : worldnews
Hezbollah members seen stealing Israeli surveillance tech from border tower : worldnews

Benjamin Netanyahu taken to hospital, his office says : worldnews
Unprecedented civil resistance Mass rallies Saturday open 28th week of protests | The Times of Israel

Zelenskyy says quick end to war directly depends on global support : worldnews
Pentagon says Ukraines counteroffensive pretty remarkable
Ukraine changes its counteroffensive tactics after heavy equipment losses - NYT
Ukraine Rejects Bulgarian Presidents Claims That Kyiv Is to Be Blamed for Russias Ongoing War
Zelenskyy says Russia investing everything to stop Ukraine army
Zelenskyy holds Supreme Commander-in-Chief Staff meeting: Defence Intelligence Chief explains what is happening in Belarus : worldnews
South Korean President arrives in Kyiv on an unannounced visit : worldnews
South Koreas President Yoon in Ukraine to meet Zelenskiy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 507, Part 1 (Thread #653) : worldnews

Infographic: what military aid partners promised toUkraine before and at the NATO summit
Sebastien Roblin on Twitter: "Ukraine began the war with *1* prototype 2S22 Bohdana long-range howitzer built for Western 155mm shells--and nearly scuttled it. But it escaped & fought in Battle of Snake Island. Now there are 3, and production looks imminent. Read-on for the full story." / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "The #Russian MoD emphasized that the heaviest battles in this sector occur near Robotyne during the night." / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "A Ukrainian official noted that Ukrainian forces are conducting offensive actions in the Melitopol (western Zaporizhia Oblast) direction and have advanced over 1,700 meters to the south and southeast of an unspecified location in this direction." / Twitter
South of Bakhmut Ukrainian forces continue to push Russian forces further east. More of the eastern bank of the Siversky-Donets canal has been liberated and Russian forces are facing now being threatened in both, Klishchiivka and Andriivka.
How well do you know the Battle of Normandy?

Russians failed to advance on 5 fronts General Staff Report

Defense forces destroy S-400 Triumf system from which Russians hit pizzeria in Kramatorsk : worldnews

Ukrainians register record number of businesses in June : worldnews

Russia closes Polish consulate due to unfriendlyacts, Poland pledges equivalentresponse
Justice minister orders release from prison of Polish nationalist who stole rainbow bag at LGBT march : worldnews

Serbia Reverses Course, Allows Russian Anti-War Activist To Enter : worldnews

Pro-Russian propagandist fined in Latvia for supporting Russia : worldnews

Bulgaria hands over 100 armored vehicles to Ukraine : worldnews

Orban: If the Americans wanted peace, there would be peace tomorrow morning
Hungarian bookseller receives heavy fine for incorrect display of book portraying homosexuality : worldnews

Activist who had received permission to burn a Torah and a Bible outside the Israeli embassy in Sweden backs off from his plan, says he never intended to burn Jewish or Christian holy books, only to protest the recent burning of the Quran : worldnews

AI-supercharged neurotech threatens mental privacy: Unesco : worldnews

German chancellor vows continued military aid for Ukraine : worldnews
Scholz: Germany to provide Ukraine with over $19 billion in weapons over 5 years. [article] : ukraine

Court grants reprieve to brown bear that killed Italian jogger | Italy : worldnews

Severed finger sent in letter to Macron : worldnews

UK govt. invites Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to London: Report : worldnews
Cost of living crisis forces more Britons to dip into savings to make ends meet, with renters worst hit, Office for National Statistics finds : worldnews

Drought leaves millions in Uruguay without tap water fit for drinking : worldnews

Mexican president leaks purported details of political rivals finances

US trade group angered at Canada for refusal to extend digital services tax freeze : worldnews
Winnipeg can remove blockade over indigenous murders, court rules : worldnews

Senators move to require release of US government UFO records : politics ... Finally we'll learn about the origins of Stephen Miller.
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023 : politics

The Shoe Bomber testified for him. He was acquitted of terror charges. Nizar Trabelsi, a former professional soccer player in Germany, was arrested just after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack and accused of plotting to kill Americans in Europe

House poised to OK psychedelics for military trauma, thanks to Crenshaw-AOC partnership : politics

Two Democrats Help Republicans Pass Vile Ban on Pride Flags in Military : politics ... Slotkin, for her part, said her vote was to ban hateful flags from flying on military bases, particularly the Confederate flag,arguing that the most sound way to ban hateful flags was by pursuing a near-universal flag ban.

Americans are widely pessimistic about democracy in the United States, an AP-NORC poll finds : politics

Appeals court halts order barring Biden administration communications with social media companies : politics ... Re-phrased: Appeals court halts ridiculous overreach by Trump-appointed judge.

Progressives Say IRS Cuts Should Be Off the Table as GOP Reneges on Debt Ceiling Deal With House Republicans pledging to limit new spending on a range of programs, Democrats are no longer obliged to move forward with the IRS cuts in the handshake deal, said more than a dozen groups.

Bidens new plan to forgive $39 billion in student loans, explained
Student loan forgiveness is on the way for more than 800,000 borrowers

President Biden Has the Power to Transform the Social Security Debate; Heres How ... Wage and salary earnings in covered employment, up to an amount specifically determined by law, are subject to the Social Security payroll tax. Wage and salary earnings above this amount are not taxed. In 2022, the maximum amount of taxable earnings is $147,000.

The Trillion-Dollar Grift: Inside the Greatest Scam of All Time : politics ... Trump appointed himself as "oversight"
House Republicans Accidentally Released a Trove of Damning Covid Documents ... Really not a damning trove (clickbait bs) but an insightful look into how experts discussed the possibility of origins in light of the evidence available at the time.

Far-Right Radicalism: GOP Wants to Cut Funding for Clean Water Programs by 64%

Republican problems on race add up : politics

US doctors group will stand with physicians who disobey unethical laws President of American Medical Association says doctors must balance ethical obligation to patients in faceof restrictive laws
Biden admin looks to protect doctors providing emergency abortions, and warn those who dont

Bidens good economic news and what it could mean ... The ratio of job growth between dem administrations and republican administrations is like 4:1 over the last 60 years. Dems are better for job growth, unemployment, GDP, stock performance, wage growth, etc. If you want a robust economy and freedoms, vote these Republican fascists the fuck out.

Biden stability beats Trump volatility in 2024 match-up, experts suggest : politics

Why Trumps prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited
Special counsel blasts Trumps bid to delay documents trial until 2024 election: Federal prosecutors said Trump should not be allowed to use "baseless" legal arguments to delay his trial.
Trumps defense team is embarrassing itself in front of Jack Smith
Trump lashes out after Justice Department no longer says presidency shields him from defamation suit : politics

Indictment paints tale of Chinese interests and 2016 Trump campaign : politics
Trump Indictments Sparked Threats Linked to Russians, Extremists : politics
Could James Comer Possibly Get More Embarrassing? (Um, Yes.): If the Justice Department is right, Comers whistleblower behaved in exactly the way Comer accuses Biden of acting

Trump is trying to use 2024 bid to avoid facing trial in classified documents case. : politics

Ann Coulter sarcastically rips Donald Trump for PAC payout to Melania Trump : politics

Woman accused of attacking police during Capitol riot sentenced to six years in prison : politics

Kevin McCarthy Cedes Speakership to the Far Right Once Again : politics
Republicans celebrate their successful deception of voters
The House just passed a defense bill with controversial abortion, LGBTQ measures. It doesnt stand a chance in the Senate.

The Iowa caucuses are six months away. Some Republicans worry Trump may be unstoppable : politics ... Whats unstoppable is the Republican plummet into the abyss of all their cons, scams, and rackets.

Nikki Haley Is Running the Please Clap Campaign of 2024 ... The Granite State crowd seemed mostly oblivious to the Fox News storyline. And instead of a red meat appeal that would get the staunch conservatives going, it was an awkward moment that seemed to encapsulate the former South Carolina governors failure to findtraction with voters.

DeSantis Claimed Pandemic Success in Florida as Excess DeathsSkyrocketed More people died in rural Florida andacross the U.S. during the pandemics first two years than officially reported.
Florida Republican Claims Pride Is a Giant Anti-Christian Hate Symbol: Anthony Sabatini, the chair of his local Republican Party, is outdoing the rest of his party with the bigotry.
AAA pulls back from offering insurance in Florida, following Farmers - CBS News

Jim Jordan Misfires in Attacks on Lina Khan: House Judiciary Committee Republicans didnt follow Jordan in his assaults on Khans ethics. Some Republicans even praised her.

Marjorie Taylor Greene set for awkward showdown with House Freedom Caucus : politics

SoS Raffensperger has had it with all these motherfucking election deniers in his motherfucking state - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... 2000 mules ...

Brave mother blasts school board for proposed policy to out trans students.These booksarent dangerous. Your rhetoric isdangerous. Your proposed policies are dangerous. (Tennessee)

Michigan Republican Partys bank accounts down to $93K, recording reveals

Kari Lakes team ordered to pay more than $122K in sanctions over Maricopa lawsuit
The Dersh loses an MAGA bet - Lawyers, Guns & Money .. Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan Dershowitz

Kentuckys ban on gender-affirming care takes effect as federal judge lifts injunction

Iowa judge to decide whether to block 'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban .. Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a new fetal heartbeat law Friday, banning nearly all abortions after cardiac activity is detected in the embryo .. ("Cardiac activity"

Right wing choads and school dress codes - Lawyers, Guns & Money The only thing missing from the demands of Suzanne Thomas, a member of the Hamilton Southeastern School Board, is a ban on patent leather shoes.

Judge upholds stringent Oregon gun control law as constitutional | The Hill

A gay couple ran a rural restaurant in peace. Then new neighbors arrived. : politics

Things Are Going Very Well! - Lawyers, Guns & Money the Threads-Bluesky-Twitter battle
The whiff of desperation from this site is getting stronger.
Musk says a 50% drop in ad revenue for Twitter is causing negative cash flow : technology

Andrew Tate, Ashley St. Clair, and Billy Markus are among the Twitter personalities who say theyre getting thousands of dollars under the sites new ad-revenue program (Muskrat funds white supremecists)

Chuck Schumer moves to declassify UFO secrets like JFK records : politics
Jefferson Morley | Substack | JFK Facts
Faulty Fact Checking on JFK and RFK Jr. A flawed New York Times report on the candidates comments about his uncles murder ... hree U.S. presidents believed that the CIA was involved in JFKs assassination.

RFK Jr. says COVID was ethnically targeted to spare Jews
RFK Jr. just asking questions - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The complicity of RFK Jr. coverage - Columbia Journalism Review
Eric Clapton Tried To Donate Way Over Legal Limit To RFK Jrs Campaign: Report (racist assholes)

19th Century Patronage Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Whats the most important book you've read thus far?

Webb May Have Spotted Supermassive Dark Stars. The dark stars are theorized to be made of hydrogen and helium but powered by dark matter heating rather than by nuclear fusion. Dark matter is the mysterious substance that makes up about 25% of the universe

Cambridge middle schools removed advanced math education. Extremely idiotic decision. : boston

Reddit enrages users again by ditching thank-you coins and awards : technology
Theory Of Reddit


Nailing Down the Anthropocene - Lawyers, Guns & Money

NASA Finds June 2023 Hottest on Record : worldnews
Berkeley Earth now estimates 2023 has 81% chance of being warmest year on record, sharply up from 54% chance last month. : worldnews
Every alarm bell in the planet is ringing right nowbut political reporters arent listening

Global temperature rises in steps heres why we can expect a steep climb this year and next

NASA rover reveals new evidence about organic molecules on Mars : worldnews

US refuses climate reparations for developing nations : worldnews

Climate change threatens to cause synchronised harvest failuresacross the globe, with implications for Australias food security

Rapid COVID tests miss 90% of asymptomatic cases. Rapid antigen tests are much more reliable at detecting COVID-19 in people with symptoms than in those without, finds the largest study to compare home rapid tests with gold-standard PCR tests. : science

Microplastics: Australian lake among worlds most polluted in landmark study
Dominos ad in store window divides: The world has gone crazy

Government of Bali imposes $10 tourist tax beginning from 2024

Philippine farmer killings revive dark memories of martial law : worldnews - Under Ferdinand Marcos Jr, the late dictators son, killings by alleged state forces in the rural Philippines are getting more frequent and more bloody.

Facts are up against fear ahead of Fukushima water release : worldnews

South Koreas population anticipated to decline by 27% from its present 52 million to 38 million by 2070

North Koreas ambassador blames US for regional tensions in a rare appearance at UN Security Council

Hong Kong activist Wong Ji-yuet jailed for 37 months for rioting in 2019 : worldnews

Putin says he tried but failed to oust Prigozhin after Wagner mutiny : worldnews
(1/3) On 12 July 2023, Russian state media reported that nuclear-powered submarines of Russia's Northern Fleet will not be taking part in the main Navy Day fleet review in St Petersburg on 30 July 2023. (3/3) There is also a realistic possibility that internal security concerns since Wagner Groups attempted mutiny have contributed to the decision.
Putin says Western tanks priority target for Russia in Ukraine ... "Any country has the right to improve its security, Putin added, but not at another countrys expense"

A Russian general says he was fired for pointing out challenges his troops are facing : worldnews

Russia bans gender reassignment : worldnews

Russian oligarchs grow rich almost to pre-war levels : worldnews

Russia plans to build dozens of prison camps across Ukraine over the next few years, documents show, hinting Moscows readying for a long war

Uranium plant explosion in Russia sparks nuclear radiation fears : worldnews

Russias economy is spiraling. The state of its car industry shows just how badly it's deteriorated. Car sales in Russia are hovering near a quarter of what they were before the war in Ukraine.

Russia withdraws almost all its troops from Belarus
Wagner fighters instructing forces in Belarus, says countrys defence ministry
Belarus: Prominent Lukashenko-critical artist dies in jail. Ales Pushkin died under "unexplained circumstances" while serving out a jail sentence. The artist was considered a political prisoner of the Lukashenko regime : worldnews

Northern India hit by record monsoon rains, over 100 killed : worldnews
Indias ISRO successfully launches Chandrayaan-3, its third lunar mission, hoping to become the fourth country in the world to land on the moons surface

Zimbabwe President Signs Law That Prohibits Criticism of State : worldnews

On Uganda Visit, Irans President Praises Countrys Harsh Anti- LGBTQ Law

Gallant: Iran has attempted over 50 terror attacks globally against Jews : worldnews

Ukraine will no doubt join NATO when war with Russia ends, US defense secretary tells CNN
Ukraine is already preparing agreements on guarantees for its securityZelenskyy
Ukraines spymaster comes out of the shadows
Wagner Forces No Longer Significant in Ukraine, US Says : worldnews
Ukraine has received cluster munitions, military spokesperson says : worldnews
Ukraine will be looking for 4.5 million workers in next decade

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 506, Part 1 (Thread #652) : worldnews

#Ukrainian forces continued #counteroffensive operations and made some gains in western #Zaporizhia as of July 13. A prominent #Russian milblogger claimed Ukrainian forces captured a Russian stronghold NE of Robotyne (11km south of Orikhiv) as of July 12.

A box of Chinese cartridges found by Ukrainian soldiers in the russian trenches near Bakhmut, 1967 issue

6/ The points about Western militaries not having the equivalents of cheap, commercial-type drones for tactical ISR is a major topic of deliberation in the US military today.
They have different drone types, but this is purely brigade level. This shows that in addition to the war with the aborigines in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Americans have not participated in a serious war for a long time. Their army does not have an analogue of the Chinese Mavic 3, it was a shock for us
But after Kropyva I dont want to go back to paper docs at all. The same for quadcopters - the concept of DJI Mavics and the use of civilian copters is simply not even in their plans. Of course, they study our war, but they are still surprised that we use it (quadcopters) like that.

Fellas fighting Russian propaganda with dog memes given award in Lithuania - The people fighting Russian propaganda with dog memes have been given the Star of Lithuanian Diplomacy for their efforts. Known as the Fellas the North Atlantic Fella Organisation (NAFO) have been fighting the information war since the start of Russias invasion.

Finlands state-sponsored antiracism website taken offline after government changeover

Russian Orthodox Church prepares new transfer of Ukrainian POWs to Hungary

After Quran burning, Sweden okays Bible burning in front of Israeli embassy : worldnews

Recent French riots boost support for far rights anti-immigration rhetoric ... disputes Le Pens characterization of those who rioted, with Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin stressing that only 10% were foreigners
Heatwave forces French nuclear power plants to limit energy output : worldnews

China has penetrated every sector of the UKs economy, Parliamentary committee warns

El Salvadors secretive mega-jail

Its pillage: thirsty Uruguayans decry Googles plan to exploit water supply

A Russian navy ship docks in Cuba as tough times bring the old friends together : worldnews
US must urgently treat men tortured at Guantanamo, UN investigator says | ... Imagine watching the dude who helped torture you become the governor of a U.S. state and be in second place for the Republican presidential nomination.

Indigenous women in Canada forcibly sterilized decades after other rich countries stopped : worldnews

Biden orders 3,000 reservists to be ready for Europe deployments : worldnews ... it will not change the actual force levels in Europe ...

Data Privacy Framework is just a copy of Privacy Shield & must fail: EU and USA agree on a new data sharing law Data Privacy Framework. The problem: US surveillance has not changed.

Wow indeed - Lawyers, Guns & Money Good essay from a long-serving federal judge Michael Ponsor about how no formal code of judicial ethics can be a substitute for a judges personal sense of propriety, which needs to be far more scrupulous that that of the average public official: (RBG's totally corrupt happy little family)

Summer Lee Bats Away Pentagons Limp Excuses for Huge Viagra Budget: Do you know how many bridges in my district of Pittsburgh could be repaired with that amount? the progressive representative asked ... $41.6 million, ("limp")
U.S. to pay nearly $1M to settle sexual assault case against former top general - POLITICO Retired Gen. John Hyten has denied the allegations, and an Air Force investigation failed to corroborate the accusers claims.

Biden administration forgives $39 billion in student debt for more than 800,000 borrowers : politics
Uncle Joe Brandon announces larger student debt relief program - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Republicans Look to Give Themselves a Pay Raise After Securing Benefit Cuts for the Poor : politics

Biden administration announces $39 billion in student debt relief following administrative fixes : politics

Sen. Ron Johnson Argues Against Rich Paying Fair Share to Ensure Social Securitys Survival
IRS says it collected $38 million from more than 175 high-income tax delinquents : politics

Eschaton: Best Not To Admit Any Black People At All Elie is right that universities are just going to face endless legal challenges. As a result, the real upshot of the affirmative action ruling is this: Colleges and universities must now punish Black applicants by decreasing the enrollment of Black students, by any means necessary. That's because the only way universities can show compliance with Robertss new rules is to show that theyve decreased the number of Black kids they let into school. Anything less than that will likely trigger litigation from the white supremacists who have already promised to hunt down schools that admit too many Black people, as determined by their own white-makes-right accounting system.

The Putin lickspittle caucus - Lawyers, Guns & Money Here are the House members who voted for Matt Gaetzs amendment to end all military aid to Ukraine: (Refuck traitors and PUtin pawns)
These 70 House Republicans Voted to Cut Off All Military Aid to Ukraine : politics
Democratic lawmaker loses his cool with Matt Gaetz during House floor speech: You are exhausting!
Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Cornel West on CNN says NATO "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine, calls for "concessions of territory" to stop the war, and says the US "bears significant responsibility." But he adds that he's not "pro Putin," so there's that." / Twitter
Matt Gaetz suffers shock bill defeat as nine Republicans vote against him : politics ... The article also says that Majorie Taylor Greene had her bill for blocking $300M in Ukraine aid defeated with 130 Republicans voting against it.
Majority of Republicans vote down Greene, Gaetz Ukraine bills : politics

Texas judge says Supreme Court ruling means she doesnt have to officiate same-sex weddings. She was reprimanded for only officiating straight peoples marriages. Now she says the Supreme Court supports her
A Federal Judge Asks: Does the Supreme Court Realize How Bad It Smells? : politics

GOP war on the FBI: Republican attacks on Chris Way echo ideology of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh

Jack Smith Says That No, You Can't Get Out of Trial Just Because You're Running For President The Presidential Records Act isn't some kind of get-out-of-jail-free card either.
No basis to delay Trump classified documents trial, prosecutors say
US resists calls by Trump to postpone trial in classified documents case : politics

Trumps unprecedented campaign pitch: Elect me to get revenge on the government

Trump asks courts to throw out evidence and disqualify DA in Georgia probe of 2020 election aftermath | CNN Politics

Hunter Bidens lawyer sends cease-and-desist letter to Trump over social media posts
Not just cocaine: Secret Service reveals another banned substance was found in Bidens White House ... The Secret Service found marijuana twice in the White House in 2022, long before cocaine was located in the West Wing.

Jared Kushner testified before grand jury investigating 2020 election interference, source says : politics
Jared Kushner and Hope Hicks testified before grand jury investigating 2020 election interference, sources say | CNN Politics
Jared Kushner Questioned Over Whether Trump Acknowledged He Lost 2020 Race - The New York Times Jared Kushner was questioned before a federal grand jury as prosecutors appeared to be trying to establish if the former president knew his efforts to stay in power were built on a lie.
Trump very upset that Jared Kushner is cooperating as Jack Smith pierces his inner circle: report Legal experts say Kushners testimony suggests the fundraising prong of the 1/6 investigation is very much live
Can Donald Trump lie? - Lawyers, Guns & Money Trumps ability to lie is impaired by his complete indifference to any distinction between true and false statements

Trump Campaign Email Sparks Nazi Comparisons : politics
U.S. states urged to block Donald Trump from 2024 run : politics

Former police chief convicted after defending self with false Jan. 6 claims - The Washington Post Alan Hostetter aired conspiracy theories about the election, the police and the Justice Department in court

Target letter to Trump Organization staffer signals new push in classified docs probe: Sources - ABC News

Did Trump let Americans die purely for political purposes? -
The Day Trump Decided to Let Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Die to Gain Political Advantage : politics

GOP Congressman says trans people in the military could launch ICBM missiles on everyone : politics - Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) introduced an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would ban gender-affirming health care for transgender members of the military and their families.

Pence raises less than $1.2 million, leaving questions about debate eligibility - The Washington Post

Joe Lieberman has a warning for No Labels critics (Lieberputz working in the shadows)

I'm Not a No. 2 Guy: DeSantis Says He Wouldnt Run as Trumps Vice President
DeSantis has hammered Biden on rising prices. Now Florida is an inflation hotspot. : politics
Dylan Mulvaney has higher favorability rating than Ron DeSantis, polls show : politics
MAGA propaganda collides with Florida reality .. Imagine the cognitive dissonance in mocking climate change as so much liberal hype even as the heat index in South Florida exceeds 100 degrees for the 33rd straight day. And counting.

A state small enough to fit in your underwear drawer - Lawyers, Guns & Money The Biden administration is taking steps to protect medical privacy, and needless to say neoconfederate Attorneys General are strongly opposed: The thing about Roe being overruled is that it offers a daily demonstration of how compellingly linked Roe was to both the long-established right to privacy and the anti-invidious-discrimination jurisprudence of the Warren Court, and the big time liberal legal academics who deny this were or are useful idiots.

RFK Jr. says Trump probably the most successful debater since Lincoln

Domestic Abusers Are Using Abortion Bans to Control Their Victims After Roe v. Wade fell, the National Domestic Violence Hotline saw a 99-percent increase in callers reporting that people were trying to control their reproductive choices.

Republican senator finally ends crusade to defend white nationalists : politics (Coach Tubertoons)
Republican senator should drop his irresponsible protest and OK military nominees, Biden says (Tuberfucker)

George Santos Mysteriously Got Big Bucks From a Bunch of Newbie Donors

Shaker Heights attorney, a Trump supporter, tells judge he voted twice in last two elections by accident : politics

Anger in House as Republican uses racist and repugnant term for Black Americans - A Republican representative from Arizona triggered an angry response in the House of Representatives after using the term "coloured people" to refer to Black Americans during a floor debate.

California replaces textbooks canceled by Temecula school board - POLITICO Newsoms announcement is the latest development in a feud between state Democrats and a conservative school board ... A Southern California school district will receive social studies books from the state to replace the texts canceled by three far-right school board members over a mention of a gay rights activist ... three board members backed by the religious right who are now facing recall efforts and palpable parent outrage.

Michigan ends marijuana testing for some government job applicants : politics

Culture War Violence in Liberal Cities - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Tucker Carlson Turns a Christian Presidential Forum Into a Putin Showcase : politics

The US sets a grim milestone with a new record for the deadliest six months of mass killings : politics

Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk's monetization scheme - The platform is paying high-profile creators, including Andrew Tate, thousands of dollars for posting to the app
Eschaton: Speaking Of The Grift Elmos trying to get people to pay for twitter by convincing them they can get rich if only their posts are very good. Lots of his sycophants are enraged because while they pay for twitter, they still haven't been accepted into the supposed (but I suspect completely made up) ad revenue sharing program.

Starbucks More Cracking Down

Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas -- for free, forever / The reveal came as SAG-AFTRA actors confirmed they were going on strike.
Writers and actors in Los Angeles speak to the WSWS: I think were seeing capitalism at its worst in a lot of ways

Lisa Marie Presleys cause of death revealed ... heart attack brought about by straining to have a bowel movement while constipated from opioid use

Woman arrested in connection with death of Robert De Niros grandson, sources say - Percocet Princessand isbelieved to have sold drugs to 19-year-old Leandro De Niro-Rodriguez

Gilgo Beach murders: Suspect arrested, sources say - ABC News A total of 10 bodies were discovered on the South Shore of Long Island.
Gilgo Beach serial killings: Architect identified as suspect, AP source says | AP News

Rowing coach Conal Groom was accused of abuse but kept coaching - The Washington Post Former Olympian and national team coach Conal Groom was accused of abusing young rowers. Colleagues, parents and regulators failed to act.

The Crisis Over American Manhood Is Really Code for Something Else - POLITICO Male malaise in the United States goes back to the founders, and it is a preoccupation of elites in particular. They might teach us something about this current wave of manliness panic ... n the 18th century, the French writer J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur framed American manhood as an open question: What, then, is the American, this new man? ... But depending on which part of the America-Europe distinction a man emphasized, his philosophy of masculinity could be the Adams type, or the Hamilton one ... Adams Masculinity frowns on tomcatting and affairs. Hamilton Masculinity, which is also Trump Masculinity, is good with tomcatting and affairs ... Adams wrote in an 1806 letter to a friend that Hamilton suffered from a superabundance of secretions which he could not find whores enough to draw off

Double-blind clinical trial (n = 179) shows generic ketamine is a safe, effective therapy for treatment-resistant depression : science

New neuroscience research shows liberals experience more empathy than conservatives when they imagine others suffering : science
What sort of world is this? - What are primal world beliefs?

TIL that the myth of the "Seven Sisters" told throughout the world is believed to have originated over 100,000 years ago, due to the movements of the constellation that it is based on. : todayilearned

Research found Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement is less sensitive to define obesity than we thought, instead, body fat percentage is a more reliable indicator of an individual's general health than BMI : science

Excerpt from Double Exposure by Piers Anthony
Themes of Pedophilia in the Works of Piers Anthony | LitReactor

"Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents" - An incredibly impactful self-help book for those that grew up emotionally neglected : books
Out of the FOG
raisedbynarcissists: for the children of abusive parents
New Here? Helpful Posts + Comments from RBNBestOf, Categorized : raisedbynarcissists


35,000 911 calls went unanswered by Boston Police in 2022 : massachusetts

Cambridge schools are divided over middle school math - The Boston Globe : CambridgeMA

What tattoo made you walk away from a person? : AskReddit

What are the biggest scams/lies that we all "fall" for? : AskReddit

Whats the most disturbing video you have seen on the internet? : AskReddit


Antarctic ice levels undergo massive decreasedata shows

With 735 mln people hungry, UN says world is off track to meet its 2030 goal : worldnews

Cerberus heatwave: Hot weather sweeps across southern Europe : worldnews
Cerberus heatwave: Hot weather sweeps across southern Europe : worldnews

The color of the ocean is changing, and scientists blame global warming : worldnews

Record monsoon rains have killed more than 100 people in northern India this week : worldnews

Before the flood - Lawyers, Guns & Money interview with four climate scientists that discusses the connection between higher temperatures and increasing precipitation: ... The big message here is that our infrastructure was designed for a climate that no longer exists. This is very clear with the ongoing floods in northeastern US as we hear news of washed-out roadways and bridges, damaged tracks in railroads, and swamped homes. We need to change the way we design and build infrastructure to be in line with the increase in rainfall extreme events predicted by climate scientists ... How our societies and political systems deal with all this is almost certainly going to be the central question of the 21st century.

Ambidextrous Microbes May Pump Out CO2 as Temperatures Rise: Certain microbes that engage in both photosynthesis and predation are more likely to do the latter as the planet warms, resulting in a net release of carbon dioxide. : worldnews

EU passes nature restoration law in knife-edge vote : worldnews

Global public debt hits record $92 trillion, UN report says : worldnews

WHO worried bird flu might adapt to humans more easily

AIDS can be ended by 2030 with investments in prevention and treatment, UN says : worldnews

Families forced to cut back on school lunches as cost of living drives up food insecurity : worldnews With 10 children, six of them at school, Bendigo mother Tereza Kiss is keeping a close eye on the cost of school lunches.
Aussies identify underestimated threat to global food supply : worldnews ... Although they can be annoying, insects are also critical to the creation of staple supermarket products like wine, beer, tomatoes, chocolate and cherries (notice priorities)

50,000 healthcare workers in South Korea to go on nationwide strike : worldnews
S.Korea Ships Arms to Poland as Ukraine Enlists Support From Asia : worldnews

North Korea releases video which it says shows its latest missile launch

China has invited Russian President Putin to visit in October: Tass : worldnews ... Jokes on Xi. Putin wont be president by then
Chinese exports plummet, except to Russia : worldnews

IOC does not plan to invite Russia and Belarus to Olympics-2024 : worldnews
Biden: Putin has already lost the war, and Ukraine will be in NATO : worldnews
I dont think war can last for years - Biden

Russia Says F-16 Jets in Ukraine Will be Seen as Nuclear Threat
UN Rights Chief Condemns Russias Costly, Senseless War on Ukraine
Chief of the Russian foreign intelligence service SVR Sergei Naryshkin confirms call to CIA director about Wagner mutiny and what to do with Ukraine
Biden jokes that Wagner Group leader should be wary: Id keep my eye on the menu
Russian general fired, as Lavrov warns F-16s pose nuclear threat
Russian general says top military brass betrayed soldiers fighting in Ukraine : worldnews
Missing Russian general with links to Wagner boss is says official

Kremlin News Stars Unravel in Post-Mutiny Television Fiasco : worldnews
Top Putin Confidante Secretly Moved to Island Paradise: Report : worldnews

Thousands of Ukraine civilians are being held in Russian prisons. Russia plans to build many more : worldnews

Russia launches rival version of Wikipedia in new censorship crackdown ... Kremlinpedia - The free Russian encyclopedia that anyone can edit* - *we have an open window policy for any edit submissions

Russias richest oligarch cooperates with Russian defence industry and prisons. Hes still not sanctioned by West

Manipur: Murders and mayhem tearing apart an Indian state : worldnews
McDonalds drops tomatoes from India offerings, citing quality concerns amid prices surge

Four soldiers killed in militant attack on Pakistani army base : worldnews

Bodies of 87 people found in Sudan mass grave, says UN : worldnews

Fuel prices have tripled in Nigeria, squeezing millions who are already struggling : anime_titties

Iran at odds with allied Russia after Moscow backs UAE in island dispute : worldnews
Irans Raisi calls support for homosexuality one of the dirtiest things in human history

Zelensky: I invited Netanyahu to visit Ukraine, but he didnt come
Israeli occupation bulldozers built a new settler-only road in Palestinian lands belonging to Kafr al-Dik town, west of the occupied West Bank city of Salfit : anime_titties
Conquer and Divide - The Shattering Of Palestinian Space By Israel

NATO inviting Ukraine a matter of months - Biden
Anger, acrimony and reconciliation: NATO inside workings spill into public view in wrangle over Ukraine : worldnews

Russia launches Shahed drones, Kalibr and ballistic missiles, Ukraines airdefence destroys 22 targets
(4) Ukrainian general confirms to CNN that Kyiv has received cluster munitions from the US
Two hospitalized, buildings damaged in Kyiv by Russian drone strike overnight Russian forces unleashed a barrage of self-exploding Iranian-made Shahed drones early Thursday morning
Russians drop high-explosive bomb on Zmiinyi Island at dawn : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 505, Part 1 (Thread #651) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 13 July 2023.
ISW on Twitter: "2/ Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces also struck the outskirts of Tokmak with cluster munitions on July 11." / Twitter
Logistics. Russias Fragility in Zaporizhia.

ISW on Twitter: "RU forces are using naval assets to resolve traffic jams at the Kerch Strait Bridge. ISW previously assessed that an influx of Russian tourists to #Crimea generated serious traffic jams along one of #Russia's most important ground lines of communication." / Twitter

Russian forces using old vehicle spacked with explosives as bombs

11-nation coalition to start training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets in August in Denmark : worldnews

The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Norway will provide Ukraine with another 1,000 Black Hornet reconnaissance drones, as well astwo NASAMS air defense systems and spare parts." / Twitter

Keep reminding the world of hope that Lithuania embodies, Biden tells crowd in Vilnius

Serbia bans anti-Putin activist from entering country : worldnews
Kosovos MPs brawl as PM speaks on defusing tensions with Serbs

Over 40k Ukrainian Refugees Have Found Shelter in Norway Since War Began : worldnews
Polish pharmacist who refused prescription for morning-after pill has case against her discontinued : worldnews

Greece navy deliberately sank our migrant boat, says Pakistani survivor : worldnews
Greek coastguard pressured disaster survivors to blame Egyptian men

Nearly half of refugees from Ukraine willing to stay in Germany

UN criticises Switzerland over short torture sentences : worldnews
Hackers publish data on Swiss hooligans on dark web : worldnews ... The level of hooligan violence at football and ice hockey games continues to be a problem in Switzerland.

TIL that in Italy, a judge sentenced scientists to prison for not correctly predicting an earthquake and warning the public : todayilearned

Irish Government willing to stop US transporting cluster bombs to Ukraine through Shannon or over Irish airspace : worldnews

Rishi Sunak dismisses defence secretarys jibe that Ukraine should show 'gratitude'
We can thank the Defence Secretary personally when we wake up every morning Zelenskyy on Ben Wallaces criticism
Rightwing Lobby Group Campaigns to Undermine UK Four-Day Week : worldnews

Microsoft says Chinese hackers breached email, including U.S. government agencies : worldnews

US formally rejoins UNESCO after five-year absence : worldnews

Five Years After Trump Defended Putin in Helsinki, Biden Arrives With His Own Message : politics
Biden just secured a big win from his Europe trip : politics

Vice President Kamala Harris makes history with tiebreaking votes in Senate : politics Kamala Harris, who made history as the first woman or person of color to serve as vice president, made history again on Wednesday as she matched the record for most tiebreaking votes in the U.S. Senate.
VP Kamala Harris unveils proposed rule change to cut US childcare costs : politics

Most Americans support abortion access one year after Roe v. Wade: poll : politics
F.D.A. Approves First U.S. Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill : politics
House to Vote on Abortion Access for Military, Bowing to the Far Right - The New York Times G.O.P. leaders acceded to the demands of ultraconservatives to use the annual defense policy bill to lodge cultural grievances and protest continued U.S. support for Ukraine.

Senate Democrats take aim at investor home purchases : politics

US Republicans oppose climate funding as millions suffer in extreme weather : politics

Eschaton: By The Numbers So much of the student loan debatelike many others, but this one was Al Bundys big game to themwas led by elite school weirdos who were absolutely allergic to anyone trying to explain the reality of student debt to them ... tl;dr The debt isnt/cant be repaid, ever, by most people because the promised college premium associated with a degree when 17-year-olds signed their loan papers did not and will not materialize.

Congressman Dan Goldman and Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin Call for Investigation into Committee Republicans Reliance on Fugitive from Justice Charged with Operating as Unregistered Foreign Agent for Peoples Republic of China Interests

Dems Call Out GOP Hypocrisy During Stunt Hearing With FBI Director : politics
FBI director Christopher Wray hits back at Matt Gaetz after Republican presses him on trust in bureau : politics ... Matt Gaetz trafficked an underage girl for sex.
Joe Biden Has Dementia? Watch This Embarrassing Jim Jordan Fox News Hit: Jim Jordans rants about the FBI are becoming incoherent.
Matt Gaetz is back on the anti-Ukraine hamster wheel and floating the suggestion that Russia, not Ukraine, should be part of NATO so the organization can become an anti-China alliance : politics ... Moscow Matt ...
Senators offer bill to block any U.S. president from leaving NATO : politics
House Ethics Committee reaching out to witnesses in revived Matt Gaetz probe | CNN Politics ... focused on allegations that he may have engaged in sexual misconduct, illicit drug use or other misconduct.
G.O.P.s Far Right Seeks to Use Defense Bill to Defund Ukraine War Effort ... The Kremlin Caucus.

Dem Congressman Exposes GOPs Favorite FBI Weaponization Talking Point: It is not the fault of the FBI that Donald Trump surrounded himself with criminals, Ted Lieu said.

Biden slams Tubervilles blockade of Pentagon nominees -- ridiculous and bizarre.

Trump reveals new details about $1 billion in earnings in revised filing - The Washington Post

Grand jury that could indict Trump in Georgia is being picked : politics

Justice Department appeals Jan. 6 prison sentences for Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers : politics ... appealing for HEAVIER sentences as they feel they should have got the max (25 years) and not just 18 years.

Trump Super PAC Made $155,000 Payment to Melania Trump in 2021 : politics

Secret Service finds no fingerprints, DNA on cocaine found at White House | AP News

Conservative Voting Group Sued Over Refusal To Produce Ballot-Harvesting Evidence : politics
Trump on Trial: A Model Prosecution Memo for Federal Election Interference Crimes - Just Security

Georgia sues True the Vote over refusal to show 2000 Mules evidence

GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left" : politics

2024 candidates are trying to replicate Trumps strongman politics literally Why the GOP is suddenly in full gym bro mode.

Arizona escalates probe into alleged efforts to swing election for Trump

RNC chair Ronna McDaniel is still elevating 2020 election skepticism - The Washington Post RNC chair Ronna McDaniel wont say the election was fair because, given her position, she cant

Why Floridas Inflation Is Now the Worst in the U.S.
Seems Bad -- Cant sell a house that can't get insurance except to cash buyers. - Farmers Insurance became the latest property insurer to pull out of Florida on Tuesday despite repeated efforts by the state legislature and its Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, to try to calm the volatile market that is making home ownership less affordable.
Eschaton: Whenever You Feel Shitty, That's Because Of Wokeness Amazing stuff.The more we learn about Farmers Insurance the more its clear its leadership doesnt know what theyre doing. While theyre bad at helping people, theyre good at virtue signalingIts clear that while Farmers was making plans to exit a significant number of policies out of Florida, they were playing politics, and werent focused on running a successful company ... This is about an insurance company reducing exposure to Florida, which somehow has something to do with Bud Light giving a trans woman a beer.
Nearly half of Floridas population excluded from state crime data ... Gov. Ron DeSantis is pitching himself as a law-and-order presidential candidate. His proof: Floridas 50-year crime low. Yes, but: Nearly half of the states population is excluded from 2021 crime figures
Revealed: Florida Republicans target voter registration groups with thousands in fines | Florida | The Guardian Fines on list given to the Guardian were levied by agency created at Ron DeSantiss behest to investigate voter fraud, which is rare
Casey DeSantis Is the Smiling Face of Anti-LGBTQ Activism : politics
Fascist Mamas For DeSantis Say They Wont Be Silenced But Actually They Sound Pretty Screechy
Florida CFO blames insurer exit on wokeness. Dems point to $3 billion industry 'handout'

Close to 100,000 Voter Registrations Were Challenged in Georgia - Almost All by Just Six Right-Wing Activists
Feds to investigate Georgias Fulton County Jail for filthy, dangerous conditions

A Mom Who Is Actually for Liberty Shames Tennessee School Board : politics
Tennessee Mom Tells Wilson County School Board Her LGBTQ Child Is Harassed A Mom Who Is Actually for Liberty Shames Tennessee School BoardSince 2015, the Tennessee legislature has enacted 19 anti-LGBTQ+ bills, more than any other state. Senate Bill 1440 legally defines a gender as a persons immutable biological sex as determined by anatomy and genetics existing at the time of birth and evidence of a persons biological sex

Minnesotas Republican Party Is Totally Broke

Christian city officials wants to close public library over book about trans people | The city commission could shut down the library because a commissioner believes

Iowa joins the 19th century - Lawyers, Guns & Money
All These Hysterical Women - by lyz - Men Yell at Me On abortion rights, wandering wombs, and hysteria

Portland commissioners want to overhaul voter-approved changes to city government : politics

Is This Celebrity Candidates Michigan Story Just an Act?

Texas judge who doesnt want to perform gay marriage ceremonies hopes web designers Supreme Court case helps her fight
Professors sue Texas over TikTok ban, citing academic freedom - The Washington Post the third lawsuit to challenge state action against TikTok on constitutional grounds.

Trans peoples rush to alter their Kansas licenses created a safety concern, a judge says ... Kansaas)

New York Is Ordered by Appeals Court to Redraw House Map - The New York Times The decision, if upheld, could allow Democrats to shift as many as six G.O.P.-held seats in their direction. Republicans vowed to appeal.

Seattle police had a mock tombstone in their break room with the name of a Black man killed by the force. The department says it has no reason to believe it was meant to be offensive ... ideo also shows a Trump 2020 campaign flag was hanging in the break room.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. repeatedly suggested that chemicals in water are impacting sexuality of children | CNN Politics
A Gigantic Fart Derailed RFK Jrs NYC Press Dinner: Report ... Dennis Kucinich was there too. Hes RFKs campaign manager ... Dechert said the following to Page Six about the incident: I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence.

Revolving Door: Dennis Kucinich Employment Summary | OpenSecrets (Fox fucker)

The Case for Cornel West 2024 Is Extremely Weak (another destructive asshole)

Leaked audio of Marianne Williamson volunteer staff call reveals a bleak state of her campaign - POLITICO A two-hour long zoom meeting ranged from accusations to therapy.

Actors union officials recommend strike after contracts expire without new deal
Hollywood talks collapse - Lawyers, Guns & Money - And this is happening, quite simply, because entertainment executives are trying to break the unions rather than negotiate in anything even remotely resembling good faith: ... The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses,a studio executive told Deadline. Acknowledging the cold-as-ice approach, several other sources reiterated the statement. One insider called it a cruel but necessary evil

Twitter owes ex-employees $500 million in severance, lawsuit claims : news

Former crypto CEO arrested on fraud charges - POLITICO U.S. authorities on Thursday arrested Alex Mashinsky, the former CEO of failed crypto lending platform Celsius Network, on fraud charges while regulators levied a host of allegations of their own against him and other executives.
Eschaton: All My Apes Gone Suspect many things would be nontrivially different if crypto had imploded a bit earlier (better) or a bit later (worse). The former chief executive officer of bankrupt crypto lender Celsius Network Ltd. was charged with fraud and sued by three regulatory agencies over the company's collapse.

FTC investigates OpenAI over data leak and ChatGPTs inaccuracy

The Boston Weed Party? MariMed stages cannabis tax protest : politics ... Because cannabis is still federally classified as a Schedule 1 substance, that rule prohibits companies from deducting ordinary business expenses from their federal taxes, like rent and payroll, as other businesses do.

Which books aged the worst? : books
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus - Wikipedia
Reading THE MISTS OF AVALON knowing the crimes of Marion Zimmer Bradley and her husband : Fantasy
She breasted boobily down the stairs ... men writing women

What is so ancient only an Internet veteran can remember? : AskReddit

What was the weirdest place you bumped into a friend? : AskReddit


Global climate-change trends detected in indicators of ocean ecology | Nature
Climate Change Is Literally Changing the Oceans Color

Is It Hot Enough Yet for Politicians to Take Real Action? | The New Yorker The latest record temperatures are driving, again precisely as scientists have predicted, a cascading series of disasters around the world By Bill McKibben ... If all of that sounds overblown, scientists say that this past week broke records for the hottest days in about a hundred and twenty-five thousand years, which takes us back to the bare edge of the human story. Were at a hinge point in that story if ever there was one.
Is It Hot Enough Yet for Politicians to Take Real Action? : politics
Floods, fires and deadly heat are the alarm bells of a planet on the brink

Arizona is used to scorching summers, but the regions 11th straight day of 110-degree temperatures is straining patience and resources.

Hunger afflicts one in ten globally, UN report finds : worldnews

South Korean zoo celebrates birth of first twin pandas : worldnews

Kuno: Seventh cheetah dies in India since reintroduction : worldnews

Birds get revenge by using anti-bird spikes in nests : worldnews

Indigenous Australian man denied early access to pension due to shorter life expectancy : worldnews

Barbie will not be banned in the Philippines after meticulous review

Indonesian maritime authorities seized an Iranian-flagged tanker carrying more than 200,000 metric tons of light crude oil after a suspected illegal transfer at sea : worldnews

Japan Prime Minister Kishida to seek closer ties with NATO : worldnews

Radiation fears spur testing at Seouls fish markets

North Korea fires intercontinental ballistic missile after threatening US : worldnews

US removes word country from Taiwan travel advisory notice
Nato leaders slam China for Russia ties and Taiwan threats in sternest rebuke to date : worldnews
Heat wave: Power generated for China in a single day reaches historic high | CNN Business : worldnews
China launches worlds first methane-powered rocket, beating SpaceX
China beats rivals to successfully launch first methane-liquid rocket : worldnews

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "8/ The scale of cash disbursements as a result of the war is such that it's having a significant effect on the wider Russian economy. Since mobilisation began in September 2022, there have been 2.2 trillion rubles ($24.3 bn) in cumulative excess cash outflows from banks." / Twitter
10/ As a result, Russia's cash-basedshadow economy has become increasingly prevalent, distorting the whole economy and likely having significant implications for tax revenues.

Russian propagandists are slamming Prigozhin as a wannabe Robin Hood who was actually robbing the hood and involved hardened criminals in his groups endeavors, but alsoallege that heroic Wagnerites are fully controlled by Putin and ready to strike.
Russian defence ministry says Wagner is completing handover of its weapons : worldnews
Video captures the disarming of Wagner in the aftermath of its mutiny, showing the Russian military now has its T-90 tanks and other heavy weapons : worldnews

Ukraine: Russian general reported killed in attack on Berdyansk hotel - BBC News A senior Russian general has been killed in a missile strike in Ukraine, Russian sources have said.

A Russian lawmaker says that Gen. Sergei Surovikin, who has not been seen in public since a short-lived mutiny, has been taking a rest

Leaked documents reveal hidden details of Putin's 'ghost' train

Russian ex-submarine officer on Ukraine blacklist gunned down on morning run : worldnews
Russian Military Targets Women in Recruitment Ad : worldnews

New Technology Sees Through Russian Attempt to Hide Ships from Ukraine

India on Friday launches its latest attempt at an unmanned moon landing, the next frontier of a burgeoning, cut-price aerospace programme rapidly closing in on the milestones set by global superpowers. : worldnews
India CEO criticised for picking AI bot over human staff : worldnews

Passenger Plane Crash-Lands at Mogadishu Airport : worldnews

US moves on F-16 jets for Turkey after Sweden NATO U-turn : worldnews

UN: Oil Transfer From Decaying Supertanker off Yemen to Start Next Week : worldnews

Russian veto signals end of Turkey-based UN aid operation in Syria : worldnews - UN is still allowing war criminals and terrorists to dictate its activities and deprive innocent victims of aid and support while actively murdering others. Instead they find it necessary to investigate the burning of religious books.
Cross-border aid to Syria blocked in act of utter cruelty by Russia at UN vote

UK refuses to disclose audit of aid to Palestinian Authority : worldnews
Israel hit by huge protests as Netanyahus judiciary overhaul moves forward (Netanfuckyu)
The U.S. Reassessment of Netanyahus Government Has Begun ... Israel has received the most U.S. foreign assistance of any country in the world since World War II, at $146 billion, not adjusted for inflation

NATO says it will invite Ukraine to join when conditions are met; Zelensky calls the lack of a timeline absurd
Zelenskyy explains conditions under which Ukraine should receive NATO invitation : worldnews
Biden vows U.S. and allies will not waver in defense of Ukraine
Ukraines Democracy Is the Point of Our War Against Russia
France to supply Ukraine with long-range cruise missiles : worldnews
Australia to provide Ukraine with 30 Bushmaster armored vehicles : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 504, Part 1 (Thread #650) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 12.7.2023 : ukraine
Is it true that the data published by Ukrainian official sources on the losses of pro-russian soldiers are overestimated? The short answer is NO, they are rather underestimated. : UkraineWarVideoReport

AFU destroy 22 units of Russian military equipment in a day in Tavria direction - Tarnavskyi. [article] : ukraine

Ukrainian Health Ministry backs medical cannabis bill : worldnews

Stoltenberg: We Deliberately Bring Ukraine Closer to NATO, Knowing That Moscow Will Protest : worldnews
G7 countries prepare historic joint security guarantees for Ukraine
Very dangerous: Russia slams G7 security assurances to Ukraine
G7 to announce long-term Ukraine security package at Nato summit : worldnews
Baltics offer their airspace to NATO activities : worldnews
Group of 11 countries forms coalition for training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters : worldnews
Lithuanian president: NATO should set up permanent bases at Russian border : worldnews

Biden and NATO leaders ride wave of momentum after Turkey agrees to Sweden's membership | CNN Politics : worldnews

UN rights body passes disputed motion on religious hatred after Koran burning : worldnews

Finnish far-right finance minister accused of racist online comments | Finland : worldnews
Finnish Right-Wing Party Leader Apologizes After Racist Posts Surface : worldnews

US sanctions pro-Russian head of Serbias state security agency
Serbian Economy Minister Dismissed After Calling For Belgrade To Impose Sanctions On Russia : worldnews

Poland plans 33% windfall tax on coal firmsexcess profits

Elderly admitted in nursing homes near Bucharest, starving, tortured : worldnews

Germany has found traces of explosives in samples taken from a yacht that it suspects "may have been used to transport the explosives" to blow up the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, according to a letter written with Sweden and Denmark updating the UN Security Council on the probe : worldnews
Germany OKs $11B Acquisition of 60 Chinooks, 3,000 Airborne Vehicles : worldnews
Germany sees sharp rise in domestic abuse cases : worldnews

It's absurd: Italy's judiciary in power struggle with far-right government of Giorgia Meloni after investigations on ministers of the coalition
Italian uproar over judges 10-second groping rule ... Many young people in Italy are expressing outrage on social media, after a judge cleared a school caretaker of groping a teenager, because it did not last long enough.

Nazi-linked Buhrle art collection hacked

Damage from riots sparked by the police killing of a teenager in France has resulted in a $715 million insurance bill, an industry body said Tuesday : worldnews
Paris to charge SUV drivers higher parking fees to tackle auto-besity
Its amazing to see: trusses for Notre Dame of Pariss new roof arrive by barge
French Senate puts blanket TikTok suspension on the table : worldnews

Were not Amazon: UK defence secretary suggests Ukraine could say thank you more
UK Teenagers Accused of Hacking Nvidia, Uber, Rockstar Games : worldnews
BBC presenter facing sex photo claims is Huw Edwards, BBC says, citing his wife : worldnews

Roadside bombings in Mexico kill six people in act of terror

Microsoft said the hack began in May and was discovered just before Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken trip to Beijing in June - Chinese hackers tried to penetrate specific State Department email accounts in the weeks before Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken traveled to Beijing in June, U.S. officials said on Wednesday.
Microsoft said late Tuesday a known group that primarily focuses on hacking Western governments to spy on them had successfully breached some accounts.

Southern border eerily quiet after policy shift on asylum seekers

Bidens pick for top US general warns on Republican blocking promotions

Biden is quietly reversing Trumps sabotage of Obamacare

Dems Wealth Tax Bill Would Extend Social Security Solvency by 75+ Years

Bidens approval rating lingers at 40%, economy remains top worry, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows
Youll Be Very Surprised Whos Benefiting Most From Bidenomics: Red states, not blue ones, are seeing the biggest income gains. But its not for the reason Wall Street Journal editorialists think.
Inflation falls to 3% in June, lowest since March 2021
Inflation down to 3% year over year - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... What could be causing public opinion to have so little correlation with the broader economic situation? This is one of those mysteries, like the square root of a million, that will probably never be solved.
Inflation cooled significantly in June, bringing price hikes close to normal levels : news
Inflation Eased to 3% in June, Slowest Pace in More Than Two Years - WSJ Fed officials are still likely to raise interest rates when they meet later this month

Thanks for nothing, DEA. Fifty years later, drugs are deadlier and more abundant than ever : politics ... Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did ,,, John Ehrlichman

Lawyers with supreme court business paid Clarence Thomas aide via Venmo : politics
The appearance of impropriety - Lawyers, Guns & Money Several lawyers who have had business before the supreme court, including one who successfully argued to end race-conscious admissions at universities, paid money to a top aide to Justice Clarence Thomas, according to the aides Venmo transactions.The payments appear to have been made in connection to Thomass 2019 Christmas party.
Senators call for Supreme Court to follow ethics code like other branches of government : politics

The White Media Has Missed a Key Part of the Affirmative Action Ruling : politics

Republican Gains in 2022 Midterms Driven Mostly by Turnout Advantage | Pew Research Center An examination of the 2022 elections, based on validated voters
Republican Midterm Turnout Is a Warning for Democrats in 2024, Report Finds - The New York Times Even though Democrats held the Senate and other key offices, Republican turnout was more robust, and the party showed strength among women, Latinos and rural voters, a new report found.

Gone in 60 seconds: At FBI director hearing, Republican conspiracies about Biden go POOF!

Trump Says Hunter Biden Shouldve Gotten the Death Penalty for Not Paying His Taxes on Time | No word on what he thinks the penalty for someone accused of inciting an insurrection and obstructing a federal investigation should be
Hunter Bidens Matryoshka Cell Phone: How the IRS and Frothers Got Hunters Encrypted hone Content

DOJ no longer believes Trump should have immunity from E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit : politics

Georgia election workers say Giuliani failed to turn over key evidence in defamation suit - POLITICO
The D.C. Bars Dry Takedown of Rudy Giuliani Is Brutal

Mar-a-Lago Jury Selection Will Be a MAGA Country Minefield : politics

GOP cries foul over spy charges for Biden whistleblower ... the alleged whistleblower was actually spying for the Chinese government and attempting to broker illegal arms sales to Libya ... The real title should be Domestic terrorists try to unseat the President of the United States with the help of a spy put in place by China.
US says missing GOP whistleblower is arms trafficker, Chinese agent : politics
Key Republican witness in Dickpickghazi may not be totally on the level

Pence would ban abortions when pregnancies arent viable. His GOP rivals wont say if they agree

Another Tucker defamation victim sues - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Murdoch is realizing that hes stuck with the monster he created

Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces amendment directing Biden to withdraw from Nato : politics

Georgia sues True the Vote over refusal to show 2000 Mules evidence

DeSantis Says No Thanks to $377 Million in Federal Energy Funds : politics
Ron DeSantis under pressure as Florida malaria cases spread : politics
DeSantis Confronts a Murdoch Empire No Longer Quite So Supportive - The New York Times
Murdochs Start to Sour on DeSantis: They Can Smell a Loser

Miami Mayor Doubles His Wealth, Buys Boat With Profit From His Side Gigs : politics

Tubervilles white nationalism comments trigger GOP uproar
Sen. Tommy Tuberville relents and says white nationalists are racist : politics
MSNBC Expert's Darkly Hilarious Take On Tommy Tuberville | HuffPost Latest News
GOP senator now says he cant be racist because hes a football coach after white nationalist comments

Women protest Iowa abortion law inside Senate: Were not your breeders
Iowa Republicans pass a new 6-week abortion ban | Passage capped a marathon one-day special legislative session. It now goes to Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds for her signature. : politics

15 states have more restrictive voter ID laws in place (including six states with strict photo ID requirements), 12 have laws making it harder for citizens to register (and stay registered), 10 made it more difficult to vote early or absentee, and three took action to make it harder to restore voting rights for people with past criminal convictions.

Idaho sued over law making it a crime to help minors get abortions without parental consent : politics

Child marriage now illegal in Michigan as new law raises minimum age to 18 : politics

Florida State Rep. Fabian Basabe Accused of Sexually Harassing Male Aides. He allegedly told the aides that hed bottom for them ... He sexually assaulted his aide at an elementary school. This is the republican party
Montana GOP Senate candidates old Facebook includes lewd photos of women, racist costumes, and homoerotic jokes

RFK Jr.s campaign gear not union- or U.S.-made ... Assembled in Honduras

Democratic jitters grow over Cornel Wests third-party bid

Conservative Group Withdraws Lawsuit Against Left-Wing PodcastYoung Americas Foundation had filed a suit against the podcast Know Your Enemy, saying the satirical use of the phrase YoungAmericans for Freedomviolated its trademark.

Doug Burgum is offering $20 to people donating $1 to his campaign. Is that legal? : politics
GOP Lawmaker Mike Lawler Banned From Wikipedia After Self-Editing Spree Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY), one of the House GOPs most vulnerable members, may have been a little too eager to polish his online resume.

Rand Paul complains college basketball players are turning into rap stars

Legalizing psychedelics could become a ballot question in Massachusetts : politics

White House warns reporter Simon Ateba about his press-room outbursts - In a first for Biden's press office, the formal reprimand citescontinued interruptions

Michigan Salon Owner Refuses to Serve LGBTQ+ Community Because of 'Pedophiles'

Catholic chaplain who sexually abused Louisiana students jailed for five years : news

Republican Barbara Kirkmeyer wont run again in Colorados highly competitive 8th Congressional District

As unserialized firearms proliferate on the streets, teens discover the ease of obtaining weapons they couldnt get from a licensed dealer

Woman fatally shot in apparent road rage incident in Texas : news

8-year-old arrested in Montgomery stolen vehicle chase, police say : news armed 8 year old in a stolen car this is the most American story I will read today.

Wicker Park man tortured, killed at least 6 kittens since May, officials say: Kill that one, get a replacement. Kill that one, get a replacement.

The Manson Family murders and Helter Skelter, explained - Vox The Manson Family murders werent a countercultural revolt. They were about power, entitlement, and Hollywood.

Hollywood Studios WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks In Fall

F.T.Cs Court Loss Raises Fresh Questions About Its Chair's Strategy - Lina Khan has said a fear of defeat should not deter the agency from suing big tech companies. But after Microsoft won a ruling this week, her critics say that strategy is flawed.

Tax prep companies shared private taxpayer data with Google and Meta for years, congressional probe finds : news

Twitter is tanking amid Threads surging popularity, analysts say
Elon Musk May Have Used Tesla's Funds To Build His Own Glass House - The metaphors for Tesla's CEO building his own glass house really do write themselves.

A new study has found cases of COVID-19 spreading from deer to humans, and back, multiple times. Other viruses can continue to persist in the deer population even after the variants have become rare in humans and are now calling for large-scale surveillance of white-tailed deer : science

20-minute brisk walks can dramatically reduce depression risk, research finds. Findings remained consistent even after accounting for various factors such as sex, education, age, smoking and alcohol consumption, obesity, antidepressant use, and the presence of chronic illness. : science

What is a man? Even Darwin rejected the myth of the alpha maleGender diversity has long been a feature of our species. Those that deny this are ignorant of evolutions history
The Myth of Man the Hunter: Womens contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts

Pendants made from giant sloths suggest earlier arrival of people in the Americas : worldnews

NASA releases spectacular image to celebrate James Webb Space Telescope - The Washington Post
Webb Space Telescope reveals moment of stellar birth, dramatic close-up of 50 baby stars : worldnews

An extract from dahlia flower petals has been found to stabilise blood sugar levels of diabetes 2 patients in clinical trials : science

New research shows a link between periodontal (gum) disease and the formation of amyloid plaque, a hallmark of Alzheimers disease. The study in mice provides insight into how oral bacteria can make its way to the brain, and the role of neuroinflammation in Alzheimers disease.

TIL about Albert Severin Roche, a distinguished French soldier who was found sleeping during duty and sentenced to death for it. A messenger arrived right before his execution and told the true story: Albert had crawled 10 hours under fire to rescue his captain and then collapsed from exhaustion. : todayilearned

Peoples History of the Marvel Universe, Summer Special: Anti-Mutant Prejudice in the Superhero Community

Coming soon? Psychedelics on the ballot in Massachusetts : boston

Massachusetts License Plates

Anybody here read Godel Escher Bach? : books


I spoke about climate change as a TV meteorologist. Then came the death threat. : politics

Poverty-fueled deforestation of Nigerian reserve slashes hope for rare chimps : worldnews

Critical negotiations concerning the future of deep sea mining and mineral extraction kicked off Monday in Jamaica, as conservationists aim to rein in a nascent industry that so far lacks meaningful guardrails : worldnews

A volcanic eruption has started near Icelands capital for the third consecutive year
Volcano erupts in Iceland after weeks of earthquakes | CNN : worldnews
Tourists are told to stay away from an erupting volcano in Iceland because of poisonous gases : worldnews

Northeast FloodingHelicopter and Boat Rescues Continue Across a Devastated Vermont
life-threatening flooding in Vermont and destruction left in its wake

Family of great-grandmother who died after allegedly being tasered by police sues NSW : worldnews
Gender research at Sydney childrens hospital to be reviewed after ABC report, health minister says

Tourists were not warned before White Island volcano eruption killed 22 in 2019, New Zealand prosecutor alleges : worldnews

Japanese Supreme Court declares restriction of bathroom use by transgender as illegal : worldnews

Koreas top opposition party lambasts IAEA verification as biased towardJapan in meeting with agencys head

North Korea threatens shocking consequences after claims of US spy plane incursion
Kim Yo-jongs reference of Seoul as Republic ofKorea may indicate change

Activist Nathan Laws family taken away by Hong Kong national security police

China Protests US Meeting With Dalai Lama in India : worldnews

Wagner boss met Vladimir Putin five days after mutiny, Kremlin says : worldnews

Russian diplomats berate US, NATO over Ukraine : worldnews

Ukraine war: Russian ex-navy commander shot dead while jogging in Krasnodar : worldnews

Russia has been labeled an alcoholic empireand, despite Vladimir Putin abstaining from drinking, the influence of "vodka politics" remains prevalent.

#BREAKING: The deputy commander of the Southern Military District, Lieutenant General Oleg Tsokov, was killed as a result of Ukrainian strikes on a Russian command post in occupied city of Berdyansk, Russian sources confirm now ... This is the highest-ranking officer of the Russian Armed Forces eliminated in Ukraine so far. A huge deal.
Russian sources: RU Lieutenant General Oleg Tsokov killed by UA Storm Shadow strike in Berdyansk : ukraine

EXPLAINED: Russian Commander Shot Dead After Posting Runs on Strava Running App. Ukraines Defense Intelligence has confirmed the shooting and included some very specific details about what happened to Stanislav Rzhytsky, even the type of gun used.

Helicopter with six on board missing near Mount Everest in Nepal : worldnews

UN praises remarkable India as 415 million exit poverty levels in 15 years
New Delhi records wettest July day in decades as deadly floods hit northern India : worldnews
Foxconn: Apple supplier drops out of $20bn India factory plan : worldnews

Twitter better for freedom of speech says senior Afghan Taliban official (bc autocrat Muskatoons)

US President Joe Biden thanked his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday for his "courage" in dropping opposition to Sweden's entry to NATO. : worldnews
Erdogan links Swedens NATO membership to Turkeys EU accession
Brussels rejects Erdogans offer: EU accession and NATO membership are two seperate processes
Turkey unblocks Swedish NATO bid as summit seeks commitment to Ukraine : worldnews
Turkey Agrees to Swedens NATO Bid
US to lift ban on sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey in exchange for Swedens Nato membership
Kremlin says Turkey should have no illusions over its EU bid : worldnews

South Africans marvel at snow and sleet in Johannesburg during cold snap : worldnews
Caster Semenya discriminated against by testosterone levels rules

TIL Over 90% of Saudi arabia early Islamic heritage was gradually destroyed after the formation of the wahabist movement. which had an extreme stance against venerating of grave and structures associated with pious people of old as they believe it to be an idolatrous act (the ultimate sin in Islam

(Iran) 16-year-Old Protester Handed Two-Year Prison Sentence : worldnews

Israel protests flare over Netanyahus new Supreme Court bill
UN special rapporteur: "Over 56 years, Israel has governed the occupied Palestinian territory through stifling criminalisation of basic rights and mass incarcerations" : worldnews

Biden to meet with Zelensky one-on-one at NATO summit : worldnews
NATO decision on moving towards Ukraines membership to be agreed in few hours Secretary General
Zelenskiy says he understands Ukraine will be in NATO : worldnews
Ukrainian was added on NATO website as one of the language options : ukraine

Russia launches air attack on Kyiv hours before NATO summit : worldnews
France to send SCALP long-range missiles to Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 503, Part 1 (Thread #649) : worldnews

Ukraines army liberates almost as much territory in 5 weeks as Russians captured in 6 months
Ukraine making progress in push to retake Bakhmut from Russian forces : worldnews
Ukraine Is Winning The Artillery WarBy Destroying Four Russian Howitzers for Every Howitzer It Loses
Counteroffensive: Ukrainian forces hit 40+ ammunition warehouses & 50+ military bases : ukraine

Saying that the US and NATO nations have helped Ukraine so much already invites the question of why do so much without doing enough? We know Putin will not stop until he is stopped. Ukraine must win for there to be peace. People are being murdered every hour. Garry Kasparov

Rheinmetall announces date of opening of first armoured vehicle plant in Ukraine : worldnews

Female soldiers in Ukraine are wearing huge uniforms and suffering yeast infections due to a lack of womens resources on the frontlines
Victoria Amelina: Ukrainian writer dies after Kramatorsk strike : worldnews
Desperate Ukrainians take long and uncertain journey to escape Russian occupation : worldnews

Swedens giant-killer military is built for one thing: fighting Russia | Its forces will now deny Russia access to the Arctic and Baltic regions

Finlands newly appointed Finance Minister, and Finns Party leader, Riikka Purra notresigning as controversial blog comments resurface

Protestors in Belgrade march for murdered trans teen : worldnews ... 22nd femicide in Serbia this year.

Greece, Cyprus, And Armenia Are Increasing Military Cooperation And Upgrading Their Armed Forces : worldnews

France will transfer long-range missiles to Ukraine to support the counteroffensive, French President Macron just confirmed in Vilnius.

Analysis on Scotlands EU membership wrongly kept secret by ministers

Mortgage rates soar to highest level for 15 years : worldnews
Teenage Sex Pictures Scandal: BBC Pauses Complex and Fast Moving Investigation as Police Takes Over

Canadas Northwest Territories smash previous temperature records
Canadas Northwest Territories Smash Previous Temperature Records

EU and US reach a deal to let data flow across the Atlantic : worldnews

Surging Weather Extremes Fuel Fresh Demands for Biden to Declare Climate Emergency : politics

The Trillion-Dollar Grift: Inside the Greatest Scam of All TimeThe pandemic relief was the biggest bailout in history, and it opened the door to wide-scale fraud the likes of which no one had ever seen more than three years later, we still dontknow how much damage was done

The Bidenomics Winning Streak Continues: 209,000 Jobs Added : politics
A collision course over government funding raises fears of a shutdown : politics
Biden is quietly reversing Trumps sabotage of Obamacare

Lets fact check Bidens so-called mental decline
Bidens Unpopularity Is More Mysterious Than It Looks

Tubervilles hold leaves Marines leaderless for first time in 164 years
Tommy Tuberville says the definition of white nationalism is an "opinion" : politics

Republicans Whistleblower Charged as Unregistered Foreign Agent
GOPs Missing Biden Witness Charged With Being Chinese Spy ... So Trump hired a Chinese spy to be a key adviser on his Foreign Affairs Advisory Committee! In addition to the Russian agents / spies!
Head of US-based thinktank charged with acting as China agent : politics (you mean "spy")
Eschaton: The Key Witness Luft has been using journalists and Republicans to try to set up a protection fence for himself. You know, BIDENs DEEP STATE THUGS ARE COMING AFTER A WHISTLEBLOWER. Good job everybody ,,, The US-Israeli citizen, Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, is also someone House Oversight Chairman James Comer, a top Republican, has described as an informant claiming to have incriminating information on Hunter Biden.
The Ballad of Gal Luft: Whistleblower, Grifter, Soldier, Spy Strap in for the story of the century from the Hunter Biden story's star (missing) witness ... Israeli Jew ...

Romney, Lee express grave concernsabout alleged Chinese secret police facility in Salt Lake City. The Utah senators signed on to a letter demanding answers about Overseas Chinese Service Centers, which some say are a front for spying on opponents of the Chinese Communist Party.

Clarence Thomas ethics mess goes from bad to worse
The elite Horatio Alger Association, which counts Clarence Thomas among its members, has repeatedly been given unusual access to the Supreme Courts courtroom: report
Opinion | Federal judiciary rot goes deeper than the Supreme Court - The Washington Post
The rot in the federal judiciary goes deeper than the Supreme Court : politics
Supreme Court justices and donors mingle at campus visits. These documents show the ethical dilemmas | AP News
Senate Democrats announce vote to advance Supreme Court ethics bill : politics

Supreme Court likely to embrace the Republican war on trans people - Lawyers, Guns & Money

All the ways Trump, not his foes, sought to weaponize the government

Pence says Trumps Ukraine war promise requires giving Putin what he wanted

Under oath, John Kelly raises serious allegations against Trump : politics

Trump Lawyers Seek Indefinite Postponement of Documents Trial - The New York Times setting up an early key decision by Judge Aileen M. Cannon.
Trump lawyers seek to postpone criminal trial until he can pardon himself - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election : politics

Trump threat to skip first debate divides GOP : politics

Donald Trump Jr. Sent Subpoena to Testify in Upcoming Michael Cohen Trial: Lawyer - The Messenger A judge ruled Friday the former presidents son could be called to testify in the upcoming Manhattan trial

Judge delays verdict in trial for two Oath Keepers

No Labels Donor Has Financial Ties to Jared Kushner | The New Republic Why did No Labels, which claims to be nonpartisan, accept money from someone closely tied to a member of Trumps inner circle?

Republican women learn the hard way: Complicity will not protect youThe Freedom Caucus ousts Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ron DeSantis ends alimony for older, mostly conservative women

More People Moved Into Florida Than Any Other State in 2021

Florida ocean temperatures at downright shocking levels ... Much of Florida is seeing its warmest year on record, with temperatures running 3 to 5 degrees above normal
Ron DeSantis Says No Thanks to $377 Million in Federal Energy Funds - Bloomberg Majority of funds earmarked for energy-efficiency rebates

Poll: Trump leads DeSantis by a 24-point margin in Florida : politics
Misfire: Floridians already feeling economic effect of DeSantis immigration law
It's brutal - As premiums continue to soar, another home insurer is leaving Florida
Getting home insurance in Florida - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Is going to be increasingly difficult as the climate worsens:
Ron DeSantis Is Doing So Well That He Begged for Money at 2:30 in the Morning : politics
Ron DeSantis, American Psycho : politics

A judge has ordered Kansas to stop changing trans peoples sex listing on their drivers licenses

College Republicans Convention to Host White Nationalist Nick Fuentes : politics

California faces backlash as it weighs historic reparations for Black residents : politics

With no new funding from the state, Texas schools are breaking the bank to pay for teacher raises : politics

The New York State Capitol gets its first new statue since 1898: Ruth Bader Ginsberg : politics ... Monument to hubris.

New Arkansas law removes work permit requirement for children under 16 : news

Delaware poised to become 17th state to ban LGBTQ panic defense : politics

Newport Mayor Dean Sawyer resigns amid public outcry over hateful posts on cop Facebook group : politics ... It's a secret law enforcement facebook group, and this is who they truly are.

Anonymous Iowa Mailer Thanks Trump For Supporting LGBTQ+ Rights

Former South Carolina upstate youth pastor now faces almost 60 charges, warrants say

BofA hit with $250 million in fines and customer refunds for double-dippingfees, fake accounts
BofA deeze nutz - Lawyers, Guns & Money It is very important to keep Republicans in power so banks can continue to take money from people who have proven they dont deserve money by not having enough money to benefit from the tax breaks Republicans in office create for rich people.

MyPillow is auctioning off equipment after losing retailers CEO Mike Lindell says annual sales fell $100 million after several big-box retailers cut ties following his election claims.

Rolling Hills Estates homes still collapsing, up to 16 more homes threatened, officials say : news

The anti-vax legal network - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Threads app signs up 100m users in less than a week : worldnews

The Deep Distress of the Jonah Hill -Sarah Brady Text Messages

Pushing Back Native Habitation of the Americas - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... OPegon .. Several radiocarbon-dating analyses on the tooth enamel yielded exciting results: a date of 18,250 years before present.

Scientists advance their case for defining a new chapter in Earths history ... called the Anthropocene.
Scientists designate Canadian lake as ground-zero for the Anthropocene, Earth's new epoch : news

Positive parenting shields teenagers from stress, and it shows in MRIs : worldnews

A heat wave will cook your electric car battery, if you let it As EV adoption picks up in California, Arizona and other US states experiencing record high temperatures, drivers are learning to protect battery health.

The mathematically correct way to tie your shoes - Big Think

Claire McMillan explores the friendship, rituals, and collaborative artistic process of two female Surrealist masters - The Boston Globe Why did you include tarot cards throughout the book?

Memorable and standout speeches in literature : books


Italy heatwave could push temperatures close to European record | Italy : worldnews
What extreme heat does to the human body - Washington Post Climate change is making parts of the world too hot and humid to survive
Eschaton: Hot : Phoenix could be on track to break its record of 18 consecutive days with temperatures above 110 as a heat dome has settled over the desert Southwest.

Flash floods hit N.Y. and Vermont, killing 1 and prompting emergency - The Washington Post

Catastrophic, life-threatening flooding expected in Vermont starting Sunday - VTDigger The National Weather Service expects two to five inches of rain throughout much of the state and more than seven inches in some areas. Gov. Phil Scott declared a state of emergency Sunday afternoon ahead of expected flash flooding.

Japan: Heaviest rain ever kills 1 in Kyushu

Canadian teenager questioned for allegedly defacing a UNESCO-listed temple in Japan : worldnews

South Korean shoppers hoard salt and seafood ahead of Japans release of treated radioactive water

North Korea threatens to shoot down US spy planes violating its airspace : worldnews

China Opens Bomb Shelters for People to Escape Heatwave : worldnews
China kindergarten attack kills six, sparks safety worries : worldnews
Anti-American Chinese pundit faces backlash for attending Independence Day party at US Embassy in Beijing

Putin met with Wagner leader Prigozhin after failed mutiny, Kremlin says - The Washington Post
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin met Russias Vladimir Putin after mutiny

Medvedev threatens to strike three Ukrainian NPPs and nuclear facilities in Europe : worldnews
Medvedev threatens to strike three Ukrainian nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities in Europe : worldnews ... On this episode of Medvedev Threatens ...

Commander involved in strikes on Ukraine shot dead in Russia : worldnews

Russian oil discount shrinks 87% to $4/barrel as sellers game shipping, insurance to skirt G7 price cap : worldnews
Russia oil discount to India shrinks to $4, delivery charges stay opaque : worldnews

Nepal makes history as 1st South Asian country and 2nd Asian country overall to recognise same-sex marriage. : worldnews

Turkey drops opposition to Swedens NATO bid on eve of summit
Still No on Swedens NATO Bid, Erdogan Tells Biden
Erdogan says Turkey could approve Swedens NATOmembership if Europeans open way to Turkey EU bid

Migrant boat from Senegal carrying 200 people missing off Canary Islands : worldnews

Syria Revokes BBC's Media Accreditation, Accuses British Broadcaster of Spreading Fake News

Jordanian Security Forces Kill 3, Including 2 Escaped Prisoners, in Gunbattle : worldnews

(Iran) 15-Year-Old Protester Tortured to Obtain Confessions : worldnews
UK to sanction Iran after credible threats from regime : worldnews

Palestinians reject Israels demands tosave Palestinian Authority

Ukrainian forces advance in south, hold initiative, says Zelenskiy
Germany Should Not Block U.S. Sending ClusterMunitions To Ukraine, President Says
The Turkish company Baykar has begun constructing a plant to produce Bayraktar attack drones in Ukraine, according to Oleksandr Kamyshin, Ukrainian Minister for Strategic Industries.
Rheinmetall plans to open an armored vehicles plant in Ukraine within the next 12 weeks, - General Director Armin Papperger said in an interview with CNN. The plant will cost 218 million dollars, will be able to produce 400 tanks per year and will be located in the western part of the country. Ukrainians will also be trained to service armored vehicles at the plant.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 502, Part 1 (Thread #648) : worldnews

The day of reckoning has come
Ukrainian intelligence posts intriguing video saying its time for payback

''Soviet infantry fighting vehicles can't compare'': Defence Ministry of Ukraine explains advantages of Bradley IFV : ukraine

Russians report more than 1,300 cars stuck at entrance to Crimea : worldnews

Russian airstrike on school during aid distribution a war crime, says Governor of Ukraines Zaporizhzhia

89% of Ukrainians support joining NATO : worldnews
The share of those who insist on NATO accession as opposed to receiving security guarantees has increased from 39% to 58% since May 2022, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology wrote.
NATO agrees to cancel MAP requirement for Ukraine, meaning they can receive direct invitation like Sweden and Finland : worldnews

Finland further tightens entry restrictions for Russians from Monday : worldnews

Polish judge backs homosexuals molest children claim in shameful ruling

German president calls far-right surge in polls worrying: Traditional parties need to offer solutions to combat far-right fear mongering, Frank-Walter Steinmeier said

France bans buying fireworks for Bastille Day : worldnews

U.S. President Joe Biden arrives in Britain : politics
Biden kicks off high-stakes trip with London stop : politics

Brazil says illegal miners driven from Indigenous territory, but war not over

The founder of Perus Pro-Family Pro-Life Movement has been accused of systematically abusing his daughter. She gave birth in 2003, when she was only 13-years-old ... He also got his sister pregnant back in the 90s (christofucker "pastor")

Mexican military to take over airports as president takes aim at corruption, mismanagement : worldnews

Five days, 26 US mass shootings. Heres a proposal to slow the bloodshed.

A Great Jobs Report and a Vindication of Bidenomics : politics
Biden's Unheralded War on Poverty - By creating a full-employment economy, Biden enabled millions of low-wage workers to raise their pay.

Old yeller: Bidens private fury

Military leadership positions unfilled as GOP senator blocks nominees over abortion policy : politics
House Republicans target the Pentagons use of electric vehicles
House Republicans move to silence Wall Street in climate fight - POLITICO

Congress returns with lots to do but little time to do it - The Washington Post

Investigation finds Clarence Thomas accepted more undisclosed gifts from wealthy friends through elite association : politics
What is the Horatio Alger Association's relationship to Clarence Thomas? - The Washington Post
Journalists against journalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A taste of victory: galvanized by US supreme court, far right turns to legal vigilantism
How Supreme Court decisions are activating a generation of young voters : politics
Khanna calls for Roberts to testify before Congress: What are you afraid of?

Biden Is Resetting the Ethical Norms Trump Trampled as President

Whistleblower who accused Bidens of corruption is charged with arms trafficking and violating Iran sanctions - Republicans allege that indicted arms trafficker Gal Luft has evidence of corruption on the part of President Biden
Under oath, John Kelly raises serious allegations against Trump -- Its not every day when a former White House chief of staff implicates a former presidentunder penalty of perjury in an impeachable offense.

Top security officials fretted about nuclear war early in Trump administration, according 'Anonymous' to op-ed author

Police taking selfies with Donald Trump sparks outrage: Disgraceful ... Nazis and cops and evangelical preachers, hes a magnet

Trump wanted to tap phones of White House aides, new book claims | The Independent Mr Trump also wanted to use the IRS to target critics
Trump Questions Whether Ocean Could Someday Reach Las Vegas In Wild Clip

The Republican Partys Debate Rules Make It Impossible for Trump to Lose

Grand jurors who will consider Trump charges to be selected Tuesday

A deranged ploy: how Republicans are fueling the disinformation wars
Heres the inside story of how Congress failed to rein in Big Tech

US Attorney David Weiss says he has not asked for special counsel status in Hunter Biden investigation - ABC News

The Blind Squirrels Nut: Chuck Grassley Unwittingly Debunks Bill Barr

Conservative group plans anti-Trump ad blitz in early states : politics

DeSantiss stumbles have GOP mulling other Trump alternatives
Ron DeSantis blames Donald Trump for making trans issues mainstream

Gavin Newsom Dismantles Republican Governors In Less Than 1 Minute | The California governor put GOP leaders on blast on health care, gun control, book bans and more. : politics

Doctors Have a Moral Obligation to Disobey Abortion Bans Academic medical centers lackluster defense of abortion access is moral malpractice. Its time for civil disobedience.

Roland Gutierrez: Democratic state senator launches challenge to Sen. Ted Cruz in Texas | CNN Politics

Greenes Freedom Caucus ousting underscores GOP-conservative tensions

Judge grants temporary restraining order in Mukwonago bathroom lawsuit

A school board's focus on CRT stirs backlash in Temecula schools - POLITICO Novice school board members get a hard lesson in politics in a region that could determine control of the House.

Mormon Church walks away from major multinational tax evasion scheme : worldnews

Jehovahs Witnesses accused of destroying central Pa. teens sexual abuse records

Ohio Republicans' Rotten Scheme to Spend Opioid Settlement Money in Secret - GOP leaders brazenly skirted a state Supreme Court ruling with a law shielding the money from public scrutiny. Many other states are doing likewise. Are we repeating the tobacco settlement debacle?

Liberal LA Has Become an Epicenter of Violent Culture Wars. Heres How.Last month, three separate protests outside LA-area schools against grooming turned violent as newly radicalized parents joined forces with a familiar group of culture war extremists.

Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times at Florida prison: AP sources | AP News
Soccer coach drugged, raped, and recorded his attacks on children. : NotADragQueen

Far-right figures, including Nazi supporters, anti-gay extremists, and white supremacists, are flocking to Threads

Right-Wing Websites Connected to Former Trump Lawyer Are Scamming Loyal Followers With Phony Celebrity Pitches A mysterious network called AdStyle is placing ads with fake endorsements from celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk on conservative sites based in the U.S. and abroad.

Men are lost. Heres a map out of the wilderness ... Men now receive about 74 bachelors degrees for every 100 awarded to women, and men account for more than 70 percent of the decline in college enrollment overall. In 2020, nearly half of women reported in a TD Ameritrade survey that they out-earn or make the same amount as their husbands or partnersa huge jump from fewer than 4 percent of women in 1960 ... Men also account for almost 3 of every 4 deaths of despair,either from a suicide, alcohol abuse or an overdose

Ex-CNN Reporter Suing Network for Racial Discrimination, Unfair Dismissal

Betrayal: Woman unravels husbands double life after hes charged with sexually assaulting student

Elon Musks Disgusting Tweets Are Legitimately DangerousThe Twitter boss is spreading toxic masculinity and creating a hostile work environment with his phallus-obsessed tweets.

The New York Times to Disband Its Sports Department - The New York Times Coverage of games, players and leagues will now primarily come from The Athletic, the sports website that the company bought last year ... We plan to focus even more directly on distinctive, high-impact news and enterprise journalism about how sports intersect with money, power, culture, politics and society at large

The Case That Could Be Fox's Next Dominion - Tucker Carlson, before he was sidelined by Fox, repeatedly endorsed a conspiracy theory about an Arizona man, who may sue for defamation. Legal experts say it would be a viable case.
Hows Twitter Working Out for Tucker Carlson?

This is the hometown of San Franciscos drug dealersSiria Valley, Honduras

AOC, Dan Crenshaw and the mellow struggle for psychedelic drug access : politics
Opinion | This Drug Could Help Survivors Heal From Cults Like NXIVM - The New York Times

New research shows prescribing fruit and vegetables to patients with type 2 diabetes could prevent 296,000 cases of cardiovascular disease and save US$39.6 billion in health-care spending in the US over 25 years. : science

Giant 300,000-year-old handaxes unearthed in Kent

TIL: People infected with a parasite that reproduces in cats are more likely to pursue entrepreneurial and business-related activities. In countries with higher infection rates, fewer people cite a fear of failure as a deterrent to a new business venture.

Webb Space Telescope Illuminates Earliest Strands of the Cosmic Web: A filament of 10 galaxies seen just 830 million years after the birth of the universe : worldnews

Ozempic, weight-loss drugs probed over reports of suicidal thoughts

Scientists find planet with metal clouds like a mirror

Transparent mouse could improve cancer drug tests : worldnews

Why are you still single? : AskReddit

What was the dumbest way someone has died that youve heard about?


Chestnuts - Lawyers, Guns & Money One of the great environmental disasters in the U.S. in the 20th century was the elimination of the chestnut tree from eastern hardwood forests. It was the most common tree in many of these forests and upward of 25 percent of the trees throughout the region. So to lose that, as well as the key role it played in the ecosystem for bears and other animals, was a real disaster.

Ukrainian strategy has become a model: Taiwanese beef up military to face China threat

Kremlin Says Turkeys Return of Azov Commanders Defending Mariupol to Ukraine Violates International Law
Another Putin Ally Dies Mysteriously at Age 47 : worldnews

Latest in Ukraine: Britian says Russian Media Caught Off Guard by Recent Mutiny : politics
Allowing #Prigozhin, his commanders, and as many as 25,000 #Wagner fighters who led and participated in the armed rebellion apparent full freedom of movement and communication in #Russia shows that #Putin has either remarkable (and unwarranted) confidence in their renewed loyalty, desperation to lure as many as possible to his side, or an inability to take action against them.
Video appears to show Wagner Group troops preparing to leave Africa, suggesting a purge by Moscow, report says : worldnews

We have ambitious plans: Anti-Putin forces plan fresh attacks inside Russia
Legion "Freedom of Russia" announced another raid on the territory of the Russian Federation

National Resistance Center: Russia preparing to export stolen grain from occupied Ukraine to China

Western intel officials hunt for signs of Wagner and nuclear warheads in Belarus ahead of NATO : worldnews

Pakistan: Clerics ban music at weddings | The Express Tribune : worldnews

An air raid on a Sudanese city has killed at least 22 people, health authorities said, in one of the deadliest attacks yet in the weeks-long fighting between Sudans army and a renegade paramilitary force.

Israeli media estimated turnout at Saturdays protest in Tel Aviv -- the 27th since the reform agenda was unveiled in January -- at 150,000, ahead of a vote Monday in parliament on a key provision of the proposed overhaul
Israeli court acquits officer of killing autistic Palestinian man : worldnews
Canada calls on Israel to reverse thousands of West Bank settlement approvals : worldnews ("invasion" approvals)

Ukrainian and Polish presidents arrive unexpectedly in Lutsk : worldnews
Ukraine vows it wont use cluster bombs in Russia
Ukraine could have more battle tanks than Russia for the first time ever, new data suggests : worldnews
Only around half of the heavy weapons that Ukraines allies have promised to send it have actually been delivered, according to a new report compiled by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy
This is a significant development - Ukraine and Turkey to cooperate in the production of UAVs

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 501, Part 1 (Thread #647) : worldnews

Russian Shelling Kills Nine Civilians As Ukrainian Counteroffensive Reportedly Makes Gains : worldnews
British intelligence highlights 3 key problems for Russia in Bakhmut: 1) Poor morale 2) Disparate units- BTGs being fused together without combat experience 3) Difficulty finding and striking Ukrainian artillery- a stealth deficit?

Traffic on the Kerch bridge is temporarily stopped in both directions
The Nebula of War in Ukraine -- Russian propaganda, the 24-hour news cycle and the internet cyberspace cloud have made the worlds uncertainty grow from the Fog of War into a dark, opaque Nebula of War

Moscow says NATO leaders should discuss Ukraine nuclear power plant : worldnews

NATO flexing its muscle to protect world leaders at upcoming Vilnius summit : worldnews

Poland moves troops to eastern border amid Wagner fears : worldnews

Georgia: Police Stands by as Far-Right Groups Attack Tbilisi Pride Festival : worldnews

Latvia swears in Edgars Rinkevics as EUs first openly gay president

Greeces Prime Minister Plans to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

The Telegraph: Germany prepares to block Ukrainian NATO bid : worldnews ... Its the Torygraph, for them everything in the EU is evil lol
Syrian refugee sworn in as mayor of German town : worldnews

Italy to grant work permits to 425k non-EU workers : worldnews

Macron accused of authoritarianism after threat to cut off social media : worldnews
Hundreds defy Paris protest ban a week after riots : worldnews
Macron blocks NATO outpost in Japan amid Chinese complaints : worldnews ... Since Macron no longer have to worry in his last term in office, he goes forward with unpopular pension "reform" crack down on protestors and rioters, annoy US, and become lackey to China.Quite a full plate here.

Scotland calls on UK to end failed drug war with decriminalization and harm reduction approach

UKs soaring liver cancer death rate blamed on alcohol and obesity

Mexican journalist found dead as attacks on press continue: Luis Martin Sanchez Iniguez was found dead in the state of Nayarit. He was last seen in Xalisco, a town that has long been linked to the smuggling of heroin and opium : worldnews

Bidens Climate Law Will Supercharge Emerging Green Tech Globally

A clandestine unit of Russias Federal Security Service covertly tracked high-profile Americans in the country, broke into their rooms to plant recording devices, recruited informants from the U.S. Embassys clerical staff and set up honey traps.
Twitter Blue accounts fuel Ukraine War misinformation : ukraine
Twitter Blue accounts fuel Ukraine War misinformation (Muskrat cackles)
Twitter Blue accounts fuel Ukraine War misinformation - BBC News

Biden to nominate Elliott Abrams, who lied over Iran-Contra, to key panel : worldnews

US religious right at center of anti-LGBTQ+ message pushed around the world : politics

Inflation Reduction Act to lower costs of prescription drugs for those on Medicare : politics Reminder that every Republican voted against this. Also 43 out of 50 Republican Senators voted against capping insulin at $35 for private companies.

The importance of staying angry at the Supreme Court : politics
Supreme Court may drive more Democratic voters to turn out in 2024 - The Washington Post Democratic voters opinions on the justices could prove critical in close elections after decades of advantage for Republicans on the issue

Where Clarence Thomas Entered an Elite Circle and Opened a Door to the Court : politics Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals
The lavish rewards for reactionary orthodoxy - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "I ain't evolving" Clarence Thomas would say in response to conservatives worried about the leftward trajectories of Harry Blackmun or David Souter. And why not, since much better than getting more favorable coverage from Linda Greenhouse is an inexhaustible supply of billionaire rally girls to keep you in the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed and entitled:

The Supreme Courts Disorienting Elevation of Religion

Analysis: How Michael Flynn went down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole | CNN Politics

Pay Attention to What You See: Donald Trump Is Losing His Marbles | If he keeps this up, hell drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2024 ... Took less than 6 years to go from Nixon to the election of Reagan. No matter how fucking dirty the GOP is, the voting public is always ready to vote them back into power.

Donald Trumps legal team: The lawyers fighting to keep him out of jail
Former mafia boss says he tried to do deals with former President Trump in the 1980s

Trump attacks no personality DeSantis and repeats election lies in Nevada

Florida suffers consequences of DeSantis political games with public health : politics
Ron DeSantis presidential bid is giving life to a struggling Florida Democratic Party
In jab at DeSantis, Florida Democrats cap fundraising dinner with raucous drag show : politics
DeSantis agency sent $92 million in covid relief funds to donor-backed project : politics
Florida announces restrictions on Vermont licenses : politics

Iowa Republicans will hold 2024 caucuses on January 15 | CNN Politics
Why the Stop Trump effort all comes down to South Carolina - POLITICO There is likely to be a major gap in the primary calendar before the state hosts its vote. The usual knife-fighting there could get even bloodier.

Tennessee can enforce ban on transgender care for minors, court says : politics
Split appeals court says Tennessees trans care ban can go into effect during appeal

Judge Tosses Reparations Case From Last Known Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors : politics
Outrage as Republican says 1921 Tulsa massacre not motivated by race : politics

Idaho Disbands Maternal Mortality Review Committee Amid National Surge in Deaths. Idaho is now the only state without a process for reviewing and attempting to prevent pregnancy-related deaths. : politics

A 45-year-old got pregnant in a state with a ban on abortions. She flew across the country to get one : politics (Sleezianai)

How Mississippi gamed its national reading test scores to produce 'miracle' gains .. In Mississippi, almost 10% of third-graders have been getting held back, a higher proportion than any other state. (Some may have been held back more than once.) The statistical result of this policy should be obvious. If you throw the lowest-ranking 10% out of a statistical pool, the remaining pool inevitably looks better.

Scuffle breaks out at Michigan GOP state committee meeting : politics

The exodus of Arizona election officials continues. This time, its in ruby-red Mohave County

The perpetual Klan cycle ... In 1977, Anita Bryanta famous singer and mother of four founded Save Our Children, an anti-gay organization that framed its opposition to gay rights as an effort to save children from sexual predation (an antecedent to todays "groomer" slurs). Arguing that gay people must recruit the youth of America because they could not have children of their own ... Moms for Liberty operates in precisely the same way, building on this century-long tradition. The book bans, the curricula battles, the efforts to fire teachers and disrupt school board meetings little here is new.

Protesters call for Newport Mayor Dean Sawyers resignation ... Oregon Public Broadcasting reported Friday that Sawyer posted memes mocking immigrants, Spanish speakers and transgender women and encouraged violence against women and crime suspects on the Facebook group LEO Only.

Colorado could ban sale of gas-powered lawn tools in metro Denver, northern Front Range by 2025 : politics

Things TFG made worse - Harassment of physicians. Advocacy on social media is not without risks. In a survey conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic, 23.3% of physicians reported personal attacks on social media, primarily for public health advocacy on topics including firearms, vaccinations, and abortion access

Who Are the Homeless? - Lawyers, Guns & Money Rachel Cohen has a good run-down of a recent study in California that did demographic data on the homeless. There are some interesting findings here: One of the most staggering findings, even to experts on homelessness, was just how little notice most people said they had before they lost their housing, and precisely how low their incomes were at that point. In the six months prior to their homelessness, the median monthly household income of respondents was just $960. Leaseholders -- meaning those who had a rental lease or a mortgage --- reported a median of just 10 days notice that they were going to lose their housing. Non-leaseholders referring to those living with family or friends reported a median notice of just one day.

Drowning Is No. 1 Killer of Young Children. U.S. Efforts to Fix It Are Lagging. - The New York Times Thirty years of progress in decreasing drowning deaths in the United States appears to have plateaued, and disparities in deaths among some racial groups have worsened.

Former NU football player details hazing allegations ... involved coerced sexual acts ... The player also told The Daily that head coach Pat Fitzgerald may have known that hazing took place.

Alt-right plutocrat drowning in flopsweat as other billionaires take his rapidly depreciating $44 billion vanity purchase to Kinkos
Suspended Twitter account tracking Elon Musks jet moves to Threads

Pivot to AI - Lawyers, Guns & Money The biggest jagoffs in journalism are doing extremely stupid things with the tech bro Shiny New Toy: ... That this experiment had negative value even on its own terms is not reason for editors not to pursue their ultimate dream of a worker-free workplace!

TIL about the 25th Dynasty of Egypt aka Black Pharaohs, a line of Pharaohs who originated from the Kingdom of Kush (present day Sudan and southern Egypt). They reigned over Egypt for nearly a century and restored traditional Egyptian values, culture, art, and architecture (including pyramids). : todayilearned

A 5000-year-old grave in Copper Age Iberia was assumed to be for an elite male leader. But a new scientific method established that the individual was not a male, but a woman, and she was a leading social figure at a time where no male attained a remotely comparable social position. : science

Quantum simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor - Nature Communications : science

ELI5: Why is centrifugal force considered to be fictitious? : explainlikeimfive

The world is currently $305 trillion in debt. Who de we owe money to? : AskReddit

Want to protect the historic character of Massachusetts cities and towns? Take away their power. - CommonWealth Magazine : massachusetts

I run a popular forum for worst motels in North America. I need the absolute WORST motels in Massachusetts - I'm not talking BAD, I'm talking SQUALOR

What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? : AskReddit

What is your darkest secret? : AskReddit


Earth is at its hottest in thousands of years. Here's how we know. Observations are enough to make scientists confident that the current period of warming is exceptional

Extreme heat wave, perhaps worst ever, forecast for Southwest, Phoenix - The Washington Post Numerous heat records are at risk next week and probably beyond.

Air temperatures as low as 34 C can lead to a steady increase in heart rate under humid conditions.This occurs even before a persons internal temperature starts to rise. Scientists say this work is becoming ever more relevant as extreme heat events become more frequent.

Sun to bring light to 99 percent of worlds population at once Saturday - This occurs because most of Earts population lives on one side of the planet ... the Pacific Ocean occupies virtually half of Earth.

Accurate medium-range global weather forecasting with 3D neural networks : worldnews

Harvard professor Avi Loeb believes hes found fragments of alien technology

AI robots at UN reckon they could run the world better : worldnews

New Zealand woman found alive but beat upafter vanishing three weeks ago

Korean experts decry IAEA Fukushima report as "unscientific"

China Sends Warships and Fighter Jets Near Taiwan During Yellens Beijing Visit

Biden told Xi after Putin meeting: Be careful, your economy depends on Western investment : worldnews
Yellen urges US-China cooperation on economy, climate : worldnews
US-China cooperation in climate finance critical: Yellen
Tesla commits to promoting core socialist values in pledge with Chinese auto companies

Putins media machine turns on 'traitor' Prigozhin ... The most hilarious thing they found in his house, is a flash drive with the exclusive song from one of the most popular singers in Russia. That is a song about Prigozhin himself, and in that song the artist is praising Prigozhins troll farms and how he helped Trump with elections.
A series of leaked photos appearing to show Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in bizarre disguises could be a Kremlin attempt to ridicule him : worldnews
US official says exiled Wagner boss Prigozhin may not have gone to Belarus at all and may have used a body double to make it appear as though he fled Russia

Russia temporarily restricts access to the global network to test itssovereign InternetThis test prevented Russians from accessing Western services, including Google and Wikipedia, while maintaining access to those hosted within Russia.

India Increases Africa Lending in the Race to Counter China : worldnews
Three railway officials arrested over train crash that killed 275 people in India : worldnews
Indian police said Friday they had arrested three men over a triple-train collision that killed nearly 300 people last month, one of the worst rail accidents in the countrys history

Driven out by decades of conflict, native giraffes make a return to Angola : worldnews

In Syria, "Wagnerites" were neutralized during the rebellion of Prigozhin - Syrian military intelligence has cut off communications for Wagner PMC mercenaries in that country in order to cut off their contacts with each other and prevent them from contacting representatives in the Russian Federation during an attempted rebellion, Reuters writes.
Russian aircraft harass US drones over Syria for third time this week : worldnews

Six killed as attackers storm police station in southeast Iran : worldnews

500 days of full-scale war in Ukraine and unwavering fighting for life. Thousands of human tragedies and millions of brave hearts beating as one. Over 27,000 of air raid alerts, 1,600 settlements liberated and one day closer. Closer to victory over the Russian aggressor. : ukraine

Cluster bombs: Biden defends decision to send Ukraine controversial weapons : worldnews
Cluster bombs: Biden defends decision to send Ukraine controversial weapons : worldnews
Zelenskyy visits Zmiinyi (Snake) Island on 500th day of full-scale war : worldnews
Erdogan: Ukraine deserves NATO membership.During a joint briefing with President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 7, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ukraine deserves to be a member of NATO.
Latin American countries refuse to see Zelenskyy at summit with EU : worldnews
New support pledges remain low for Ukraine despite military offensive, Ukraine Support Tracker reveals

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 500, Part 1 (Thread #646) : worldnews

Ukraine war: Eight killed in Russian strike in Lyman, say authorities : worldnews
Russia Targets Ukrainian Cities Of Kryviy Rih And Lyman As War Enters 500th Day : worldnews

Only one-third of NATO allies set to reach spending target, new data shows : worldnews

WW2 massacre of Poles by Ukrainians must be called genocide, says head of Polish church : worldnews

Andrew Tate loses appeal against house arrest in Romania as human trafficking case continues : news

Portugal's drug decriminalization faces opposition as addiction multiplies - The Washington Post
Crucial evidence found: A key breakthrough in the Madeleine McCann case - The Jerusalem Post 16 years later, new details emerge in the search for Madeleine McCann as a witness reveals a key piece of evidence

According to the media reports, BND received intelligence about a possible uprising in Russia led by the Wagner chief a week before it occurred but they did not let the chancellors office know because they could not verify the information.
German who served 13 years for bathtub murder acquitted

France to the EU: Dont tell us how to run our police force
Dozens of marches against police violence in France have been announced for Saturday after authorities banned a memorial rally, fearful of reigniting the recent unrest that engulfed the country. : worldnews
French authorities ban march for black man who died in police custody : worldnews

King Charles III Didnt Exactly Get the Warmest of Welcomes at His Scottish Coronation -As Charlescar pulled up to St Giles Cathedral for the National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication, the chants of Notmy King,Anti-monarchy protestorsstarted booing the couple on the church steps.

Minister Robert Jenrick ordered painting over of child asylum unit murals : worldnews

Wildfires off the charts in Canada as temperatures climb: The number of forest fires continues to rise in Canada, climbing on Friday to more than 670 blazes -- more than 380 of them out of control -- with a long and difficult summer ahea

The U.S. Supreme Court has created a First Amendment right to discrimination : politics

Impeach Samuel Alito Petition Surges After Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court wrap-up: the remarkable arrogance of this term. Three experts help us sort through this terms highs, lows, and the arrogance of this particular court.

Remember When Donald Trump Discussed Seizing Voting Machines and Invoking Martial Law? Special Counsel Jack Smith Sure Does

Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment : politics
The precedent for 14th Amendment disqualification - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

With Trump in trouble, Republicans step up assault on DoJ and FBI : politics
Trump Asked About Having the I.R.S. Investigate F.B.I. Officials : politics
Trump Asked About I.R.S. Inquiry of F.B.I. Officials, Ex-Aide Says Under Oath - The New York Times In a court filing, John Kelly, who was a chief of staff under Donald Trump, said the former president had asked about having the tax agency look into Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Smoking gun: Trumps big mouth keeps getting him in trouble
Trump says hed bring back travel ban thats even bigger than before ... alluding to his administrations restrictions on travelers from heavily Muslim countries.

Rudy Giuliani Recommended For Disbarment In D.C. Over Efforts To Overturn 2020 Election : politics

Kari Lake Basically Moved Into Mar-a-Lago to Be Trumps VP and Now Hes Just Not That Into Her: Report - Trump apparently thinks Lake is too much of an attention hog, which, yes, is rich.

Top Republicans are gearing up to investigate the Hunter Biden case. Heres what to know

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) says he will not run for U.S. Senate

The journalist has alienated colleagues, agitated press secretaries and delighted conservative media by interrupting to claim he has been overlooked. But whats his question?

Gavin Newsom urges DoJ to investigate Florida over'unconscionable' transportation of migrants The California governors letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland says it is unconscionable to use people as political props

This is a death sentence for me: Florida Republican women say they will switch parties after DeSantis approves alimony law
Mobile Meth lab discovered at Florida Welcome Center : news

Texas bans homeowners associations from discriminating against renters who receive federal housing aid

GOP governors administration removes info about LGBTQ+ suicide helplines from state website Youngkin claims anti-suicide resources were "sexualizing" children

GOP Lobbyist in Gaetz Case Accused of Rape in Court Docs | The young woman at the center of Rep. Matt Gaetzs sex trafficking scandal now says publicly for the very first time that lobbyist Chris Dorworth raped and trafficked her.

Maine will have some of the least restrictive abortion laws in U.S. after final vote on governors bill

Sacramento Sheriff is sharing license plate reader data with anti-abortion states, records show : politics

Oklahoma superintendent falsely claims Tulsa massacre wasnt about race
Recent Oklahoma Secretary of Education says the Tulsa Race Massacre should be taught in race-neutral terms - Lawyers, Guns & Money The John Roberts Award For Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Self-Parody goes to:

Dont Say Gay GOP lawmaker accused of sexual harassment by 2 male staffers

What history reveals about the biggest new power player in US politics - Moms for Liberty

Ties to group pushing a Constitution celebration raise questions about LDS Churchs political neutrality. Backers insist the education effort isnt partisan, but many key players are ultraconservative.

For years the mayor of an Oregon Coast city has posted hateful memes on Facebook : politics

Eschaton: How Did That Happen I don't know but I'd guess someone high up at Propublica (maybe even a donor!) decided they needed to not be marginalized as a Lefty outlet so they should do something - anything - to play against type. People internally fretted, the guy in charge pushed through it anyway, and it blew up immediately because of course.
Every Time - On a Friday in July, modestly played @propublica story effectively walking back their wildly trumpeted "Lab Leak" exclusive last fall (w Vanity Fair).

Sound of Freedom is a box office hit whose star embraces QAnon - The low-budget film about child sex trafficking almost topped the box office on July 4. But its star Jim Caviezel has linked it to the QAnon movement.

See what its like to dig a tunnel 100 feet below a city

Elon Musk sues Wachtell law firm to recoup fees from Twitter buyout | Reuters

Andrew Cuomos heartfelt tribute to Scott Walker

Lessons From the Catastrophic Failure of the Metaverse (Zuckerfucked)

Self-dealing GQ editor kills article at behest of widely-loathed CEO - Lawyers, Guns & Money

David Zaslav kills everything he touches, including GQ SFGATE columnist Drew Magary unpacks the latest in the saga of the HBO-slayer (add to the list of destructomaniac rich fucker men)

I Tried to Forget My Whole Life. I'm Glad I Failed. - The hindsight of an adulthood autism diagnosis.

More malaria cases arise in Florida: Doctor describes symptoms Two additional locally acquired malaria infections have been reported in Florida, bringing the states total to six.

Schizophrenia is associated with somatic mutations while the fetus is developing in the womb. This study is one of the first to rigorously describe the relationship between somatic (not inherited) genetic mutations and schizophrenia risk. : science


UN says climate change out of control after likely hottest week on record
The worlds average temperature has reached a new high for the third time in a week, unofficial records show
For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record : worldnews < /a>

Climate denialism has burnt to a crisp - The Washington Post ... The old debate about the existence of climate change is dead, immolated in 110-degree heat or asphyxiated on wildfire smoke or drowned in a flash flood.

Shell CEO calls it irresponsible to cut oil production now

Revolutionary solar power cell innovations break key energy threshold

Beavers to make Nene Wetlands return after 400 years : worldnews

48 Chinese ships were seen in the Philippines exclusive economic zone

Myanmar junta forces murder seven civilians in Wetlet village

Japanese workers are finally seeing their pay jump : worldnews ... Highest in 28 years and still not enough to catch up with inflation, damn
Japan removes Japanese militarys role in WWII Okinawa mass suicides from social studies textbooks

Putins luxury armored train is fitted with a beauty room, anti-aging machines, and a gym, report says.

Prigozhin went back to Russia to get the pistol gifted to him by the defense minister he tried to oust : worldnews ... along with a few gold bars and HIS COLLECTION OF WEIRD ASS WIGS

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "2/ The independent Russian news outlet Verstka reports that the Moscow city authorities have told "at least two major construction companies to find several dozen volunteers who will agree to sign a contract for military service and go to the war zone in Ukraine."" / Twitter
ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "4/ "Earlier, every village had to field recruits. Now it's every corporation," says the source. Another source says that a similar demand was made of another major constuction firm." / Twitter

Lukashenko: I have veto over use of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus : worldnews

Blast at explosives factory in Russia kills at least six and leaves two injured : worldnews

Russia Probes U.S. Chocolate Giant Mars for Funding Ukraine Army : worldnews

US Condemns Attack on Russian Journalist and Lawyer in Chechnya : worldnews

NHL great Hasek demands Russians openly condemn war against Ukraine or be banned from Paris Olympics

India bulldozes home of man who allegedly urinated on tribal member in viral video | CNN : worldnews

Pakistan to face daily power outages due to 6,705MW electricity shortfall

Forced to be a Taliban wife, Elaha Delawarzai was imprisoned for 156 days: They beat me up till I passed out, I bled

Nine new African countries to receive millions of malaria vaccines, GAVI says : worldnews

Russian fighter jets harass American drone over Syria for second time in two days, US Air Force says : worldnews

UN chief: Israel obviously used excessive force in Jenin; Israel demands retraction

We will create a Ukraine-NATO council, I expect that #Ukraine will eventually become a member of the alliance #NATO Secretary General Jens #Stoltenberg said. Stoltenberg added that at the summit in Vilnius, NATO leaders will approve a multi-year support package for Ukraine.
Zelenskyy: Dont be surprised if Chechen leader marches on Kremlin
Russia is on the edge of civil war, Ukraine spy chief claims : worldnews
Biden approves cluster munition supply to Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine Has Caught Up With Russias Tank Numbers, Data Signal

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 499, Part 1 (Thread #645) : worldnews

Ukrainian forces advanced over one kilometre on Bakhmut front in past 24 hours : worldnews
Captured Russian soldier said commanders were high on painkillers and gave nonsensicalorders like sending them out under mortar fire

Russians tried to assault a Ukrainian bridgehead near the Antonivskyi bridge on the left bank of Kherson, but ended up in an artillery firestorm, losing 23 fighting vehicles and armored cars, along with boats and drones. : ukraine
Ukraine Update: Russia doesnt have a backup plan when it runs out of artillery

New satellite images show unidentifiable shapes at Ukraines Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
Russia Is Disregarding IAEA Advice to Power Down Ukraine Reactor : worldnews
Even worst-case scenario at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant does not threaten population with radiation Zaporizhzhia Followup - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Russia has been mercilessly tormenting 23-year-old Marianna Checheliuk from Mariupol for over a year : worldnews

Sweden jails Kurd for financing terrorism after Turkey calls for crackdown : worldnews
Sweden charges Greta Thunberg for blockading oil port : worldnews

Polish court acquits driver of anti-LGBT van, finding homophobic slogans "true" ... LGBT people are pedophiles. Stop pedophilia ... Oh. I see theres no hope for Poland.

Dutch House of Representatives Recognises Holodomor as Genocide of Ukrainian People : worldnews

After days of destruction, Macron blames a familiar bogeyman: video games : worldnews
Unrest grips Frances countryside as rioting now spread to small towns

The War on Drugs Has Failed And Its Time to Decriminalise Drugs, Scotland Says

Robert Jenrick has cartoon murals painted over at childrens asylum centrePaintings were considered too welcoming at Kent centre for lone children arriving in UK

Colombian searchers reveal new details on the rescue of four children who survived plane crash in the Amazon : worldnews ... With our own eyes, we were unable to find the children,So, we turned to ayahuasca to guide us. It was our last resort

Rescuers work to free dozens trapped on one of worlds highest cable car systems in Ecuador

Mexican devil worshipper murdered wife, ate her brain in tacos

Canadian judge rules thumbs-up emoji can represent contract agreement : worldnews
Trapped boring machine could cost Toronto taxpayers up to $25 million : worldnews

Guantanamo detainees tell first independent visitor about scars from torture and hopes to leave : worldnews

Inside the Secretive Russian Security Force That Targets Americans - WSJ FSB unit that took Evan Gershkovich is also believed responsible for incidents blurring the lines between spycraft and harassment, including the mysterious death of a diplomas dog

The Truth About the GOP and the Deficit: All They Do Is Raise It They talk deficit reduction. But what they actually dotime after time after timeis raise it via corporate giveaways. Heres the latest example.
Column: Bidenomics has been a boon for working class voters. Why dont they give him credit?

Who will entitled white people blame now that affirmative action is over? : politics

Biden aims to trash Trums expansion of "junk" health insurance
Biden launches a new push to limit health care costs hoping to show he can save money for families : politics

Prosecutors in Trump classified documents case are facing threats: FBI says it is working with partner agencies to assess and respond to threats as classified-documents prosecution moves forward : politics

Trump reacts to being called a "loser" by Fox News analyst : politics
Special counsel prosecutors question witnesses about chaotic Oval Office meeting after Trump lost the 2020 election : politics

Trump faces nightmare scenario as top Republicans cooperate with Jack Smith : politics

Christie says Trump kept classified docs becausehe wants to pretend he's still president

Attorney disciplinary committee recommends Rudy Giuliani be disbarred for 2020 election legal work : politics

Mike Pence changes his tune on whether he would pardon Trump : politics
Mike Pence mocked for saying I dont really buy into the rich need to pay their fair share

Theres no such thing as a conservative intellectual only apologists for right-wing power
The Rage and Joy of MAGA America
Why MAGA elites are facing a fresh set of disasters
Opinion | The bizarre contradiction in the GOP's view of America - The Washington Post GOPs view of AmericaOn one hand, they tell voters that Americas deepest problems have been solved and that we bask in the light of the Almightys favor. On the other, they insist that our country is a nightmare of moral depravity and suffering.

Fox News guest says supposed gas stove ban is part of a plot to get to a one-world style of governmentMonica Crowley: With the globalists governing all of i (you know, "the jews")

A perpetually surprised media isnt doing its job ... You might find it remarkable that outlets touting their economic foresightedness and keen analysis could be continually surprised about the economys strength after 29 consecutive months of job growth, inflation steadily declining, durable goods having been up for three consecutive months, 35,000 new infrastructure projects, an extended period in which real wages exceeded inflation and outsize gains for lower wage-earners.

DeSantis blames media for sagging poll numbers: They're going after me
Ron DeSantis bragged about sending help to Iowa 10 hours after being told it wasnt needed
Court Tosses Florida Voter Registration Restriction. Yeah, Another One. | Is there anything DeSanctimonious loves more than getting his ass kicked in court? : politics
Are Florida laws chasing university faculty away? Some see a "brain drain"
Eschaton: Your Liberal Media -- Oh for chrissakes, NYT you dont have to qualify this with allegations. Thats not neutral; its misleading. The video *is* explicitly, extremely, murderously anti-LGBTQ+. This hedge is like saying there were allegations Mein Kampf was anti-Semitic.
Democrats on comeback trail in Florida after years of decline : politics

Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Water Breaks : politics
Abbott the Killer - Lawyers, Guns & Money He came dancing to take their water: "Death Star Bill" ... the Legislature has overridden local ordinances that require giving workers water breaks

Gov. Hobbs makes birth control available without a prescription : politics

7 GOP attorneys general threaten Target over Pride display : politics

Wendy Rogers may have violated Arizonas revenge pornlaw by tweeting x-rated pictures of Hunter Biden

Oklahoma superintendent of schools says Tulsa Race Massacre wasnt due to color of anyones skin
'Let's not tie it to skin color' : Oklahoma superintendent says racism not to blame for infamous Tulsa massacre
Oklahoma Superintendent Brazenly Claims Tulsa Race Massacre Was Not About Race : politics

Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood : politics

GOP declares war on ... Barbie

New data show wide fentanyl, meth use in Mexican border city - Los Angeles Times

Poolside Karen Who Spewed Racist Bile Is IDd as Feng Shui Consultant

Opinion | The Rich Are Crazy for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The New York Times Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a crank. His views are a mishmash of right-wing fantasies mixed with remnants of the progressive he once was: Bitcoin boosterism, anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, assertions that Prozac causes mass shootings, opposition to U.S. support for Ukraine, but also favorable mention for single-payer health care. But for his last name, nobody would be paying him any attention and despite that last name, he has zero chance of winning the Democratic presidential nomination.
Silicon Valley plutocrats are different than you and me - Lawyers, Guns & Money
RFK Jr. touted bitcoin, but said he wasnt an investor. Financial records show otherwise

SECRETS AND LIES - All the world knows the end of John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette's story. The hidden chapter was the gradual unraveling of their marriage as it slid from wedding-day hysterics into a spiral of depression, drugs, and violence

In the Twitter and Threads rivalry, TikTok is the real winner - The Washington Post - How Twitter lost its place as the global town square. A series of disastrous missteps over the past year has robbed Twitter of its relevance (Muskratted to death)
What are you going to do, work for my well-financed competitors?
Eschaton: Elmo Elmo gleefully fired a bunch of people and now is arguing they're stealing his vital essences by working elsewhere. Pretty obvious his group chat of sociopathic tech weirdos was cheering him on, and Elmo is the dork trying to please the bullies, always.
Eschaton: I Kept Telling You About This People were reporting on it, but this was in the era of full sycophancy for both Musk and Cuomo, so it never entered The Narrative of the people with big microphones ... New York spent nearly $1 billion over the past decade on Elon Musks ambitious plan for what was supposed to be the largest solar-panel factory in the Western Hemisphere, one of the largest-ever public cash outlays of its kind. You almost have to pinch yourself, right? New Yorks then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a construction ceremony for the factory in 2015. That this is too good to be true.Eight years later, that looks like a pretty good assessment

How A.I. Is Influencing Astrology - The New York Times A new machine furthers a technology companys aims at providing astrological readings using artificial intelligence.

LGM Film Club, Part 395: Early Providence Footage - Lawyers, Guns & Money

TIL that there are approximately 299 people cryogenically frozen in Scottsdale, Arizona : todayilearned

TIL 50-80% of the population has herpes : todayilearned

Infants are not egocentric: new research shows that eight-month-old infants also rely more on other peoples attention than on their own observations

Scientists have cast doubt on the validity of experiments negating free will. It won't be possible to shift the responsibility onto the brain. : science

Histomap: Visualizing the 4,000 Year History of Global Power

People with dark personalities feel more satisfied in romantic relationships with partners who also exhibit similar dark traits : science

I-Team: Big Dig is root of MBTA financial troubles (Why the T is Failing Now) : boston

Whats something bizarre youve witnessed that you still cant explain to this day?


Earth shatters heat records, faces uncharted extreme weather - The Washington Post Scientists say to brace for more extreme weather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures
Earth shatters heat records, faces uncharted extreme weather - The Washington Post Scientists say to brace for more extreme weather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures ... And then, on Monday, came Earths hottest day in at least 125,000 years. Tuesday was hotter.
Earth hit an unofficial record high temperature this week and stayed there
June was the worlds hottest on record, EU climate change service warns
Tuesday was worlds hottest day on record breaking Mondays record
Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 3 days in a row : news

The hottest day ever - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Looking back over the last 35 years, when the debate about climate change first began to really heat up, the right wing noise machine has moved through a series of stylized positions.

The Arctic Is Farting Ancient Methane and Its Scary as Hell

EU sets out first-ever soil law to protect food security and slow global heating : worldnews

Iceland is the No. 1 most peaceful country in the world : worldnews ... Guess we will start calling it niceland

558 confirmed cases and 6 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.
COVID-19 waste water numbers reach lowest levels in two years - The Boston Globe

World's 1st tooth regrowth medicine moves toward clinical trials in Japan
Former Olympic committee official admits to bid-rigging : worldnews
Woman arrested on suspicion of fatally kicking 1-yr-old son in east Japan : worldnews

Beijing orders outdoor work to be halted as scorching summer heat soars : worldnews ... When China is more progressive than Texanistan
China In Default On Trillion-Dollar Debt To US Bondholders ThePeoples Republic of China is currently in default on its sovereign debt held by American bondholders worth close to a trillion dollars, while the U.S. continues to pay interest on approximately $850 billion in debt held by China
China releases its first open-source computer operating system : worldnews

Kremlin denies Chinas president urged Putin not to use nuclear arms in Ukraine | Russia
Vladimir Putins useful idiots ... Turkey and Serbia (says neolib Economist)

Wagner chief Prigozhin is in Russia, president of Belarus says : worldnews
NATO chief: Most Wagner forces havent moved to Belarus

Russia plans to mobilize additional 500,000 soldiers

Belarusian leader asks Wagner mercenaries to train his military : worldnews
Belarus jails son of Lukashenko rival for 8 years : worldnews

India refused to endorse Chinas Belt and Road Initiative at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit on Tuesday. All member nations except India supported Chinas ambitious project in a joint declaration.
Too Much Chinese Phrasing: India Refuses to Sign SCO Economic Development Strategy : worldnews
Jharkhand: Ten sent to jail in India for lynching Muslim man : worldnews ... over rumours that they had eaten beef,
India arrests 14 people for disrespecting national anthem in Kashmir after they chose not to stand up

UN: Millions left with no aid as West Africa suffers worst hunger crisis in 10 years : worldnews

Saudi Arabia says New oil cuts show teamwork with Russia is strong
Report finds deliberate mass killings of Ethiopians by Saudi security officials along Saudi-Yemen border

Russian jets harassed American drones that were targeting ISIS, U.S. says The Russian jets dropped multiple parachute flares in front of the drones, forcing our aircraft to conduct evasive maneuvers

Irans Revolutionary Guards seize commercial ship in Gulf
The UK, Canada, Sweden and Ukraine have taken Iran to the International Court of Justice over the 2020 downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane that killed all 176 people aboard. : worldnews

IDF strikes Lebanese targets after rockets fired toward N. Israel : worldnews
French journalist crossing into Israel from Jenin arrested with 3 grenades in car : worldnews
Thousands take to the streets, block roads after Tel Aviv police chief steps down | The Times of Israel : worldnews

President: Ukraine has liberated about 1,900 settlements from Russians since war started : worldnews
Zelenskyy on his way to Bulgaria, working on a deal to buy nuclear plant equipment, Bulgaria to issue support for Ukraine in NATO : worldnews
Zelenskyy mauls Bulgarian president over his opposition to arming Ukraine : worldnews
Former U.S. officials have held secret Ukraine talks with Russians : worldnews
NATO-Ukraine Council to meet for first time on 12 July : worldnews
The U.S. is expected to announce that it will provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, a Biden administration official said. Heres what to know about the controversial and widely banned weapons - and why Kyiv wants them.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 498, Part 1 (Thread #644) : worldnews

Ukraine war: Four killed in Lviv as Russian strike hits apartment building in western city : worldnews
Ukraine war: Three dead in Russian rocket strike on Lviv, says mayor : worldnews

12-year-old girl found dead in occupied Donetsk Oblast. Russian military suspected of murder : worldnews
Ukrainian fighters decimating Russians with self-propelled guns in Bakhmut direction : worldnews

Bloomberg: Ukraine possibly fields more tanks than Russia. Ukraine may have overtaken Russia in the number of tanks while narrowing gaps in artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems, Bloomberg wrote on July 6.

45 Ukrainian troops and 2 civilians are coming home now from Russian captivity. Now this day is getting a little better.

IAEA Experts At Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant Request Additional Access To Confirm No Explosives Present : worldnews
Bulgaria is nearing agreement to sell two russian-made nuclear reactors and other critical equipment to Ukraines state-owned atomic energy company
Russians are fortifying themselves at Zaporizhzhia NPP as if preparing for battle

Moscow plans to plunder Chersonesus museum in Crimea, Ukraine says : worldnews

Pope envoy working on mechanism to return children to Ukraine

Serious concerns persist over rule of law in Poland, says EU

Stop Chat Control: 300 Scientists Warn of Law Against Child Abuse : worldnews - Chat control would be one of the worst surveillance laws and must be stopped:

Biden meets with Swedish prime minister to bolster countrys bid to join NATO
Joe Biden backs Ursula von Der Leyen for next Nato chief after Ben Wallaces candidacy was blocked

Quran burning: Christian minorities receive threats while Pakistan plans nationwide protests over Sweden incident : worldnews

Germany to Lift Defense Budget to Record, Meeting NATO Target : worldnews

Cell phones to be banned from Dutch school classrooms next year : worldnews

Macrons call to cut off social media during riots sparks backlash in France
Macron accused of authoritarianism after threat to cut off social media : worldnews
France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people : worldnews
French Myths of Racial Democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Former UK PM Liz Truss was paid over NTD3.58 million ($115,000) for 4-day Taiwan visit : worldnews

6.5 tonnes of cocaine found hidden between bananas in Colombia and Spain : worldnews

Deforestation in Brazils Amazon drops 34% in first half 2023

A bill stripping Perus isolated Indigenous people of land and protections has been scrapped: Responsibility for creation of Indigenous reserves will remain with the national government vs shifting it to regional governments, where extractive industries have more political power

Severed human leg found hanging from bridge, other body parts strewn across city in Mexico with messages signed by cartel : worldnews
Bus plunges into ravine in Mexico, killing as many as 27 aboard : news

Canadian Police Just Arrested Influential Neo-Nazi Dark Foreigner
(Canadian) Federal government has suspended its advertising on Facebook, Instagram, says heritage minister : worldnews

Decades behind its initial schedule, the dangerous job of eliminating the worlds only remaining declared stockpile of lethal chemical munitions will be completed as soon as Friday.

A new crisis at the border: Traumatic injuries caused by falls from Trumps 30-foot wall

Biden's disgraceful nomination of Elliott Abrams - It would seem the Biden administration is practically begging us not to take its human rights rhetoric seriously.

It Makes Sense That Bidenomics Is Unpopular (So Far) ... It has rarely been easier for an American to find a job than it is today. And yet, Joe Biden is a historically unpopular president ... Real disposable income has been trending upward in recent months, but it is still lower than it was when Biden took office.
Private sector companies added 497,000 jobs in June, more than double expectations, ADP says

The boomers are retiring. See why that's bad news for workers. America's aging population is reshaping the workforce, with far-reaching economic consequences
The GOP primary electorate tilts older, whiter and veryconservative and its changed since 2016

Republicans Target Minority Scholarships After Supreme Court's Affirmative Action Ruling - Missouri went on the attack the day the Court ruled, and Wisconsin may be next

Historically Low Faith in U.S. Institutions Continues The five worst-rated institutions newspapers, the criminal justice system, television news, big business and Congress stir confidence in less than 20% of Americans, with Congress, at 8%, the only one in single digits.

Thinking About 2024 - Lawyers, Guns & Money Sabato has his first deep dive analysis of 2024 and the upshot is that this election will be decided in fewer states than ever before ... this coming election is going to be a lot like the last one. We will be inundated with news for a year about something that will be decided by three or four states.

Trump Judge Effectively Names Himself President | Terry A. Doughty says he gets to decide who the FBI, DHS, HHS, and the Justice Department can talk to. : politics
U.S. is barred from combating disinformation on social media. Heres what it means

Biden Appeal Opens a New Front in Battle Over Internet Speech - Bloomberg Biden DOJ to appeal ban on contact with social media companies - Supreme court likely to have final say over free speech limits
Disinformation Researchers Fret About Fallout From Judges Order - They said a restriction on government interaction with social media companies could impede efforts to curb false claims about vaccines and voter fraud.

The Straight Man in the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Not the Real Problem: The Christian group behind the Supreme Court wedding website case would rather stoke controversy about the fake inquiry than have us look at how their own story has changed. : politics

Trump valet to be arraigned over role in classified documents case : politics
Trump aide Walt Nauta pleads not guilty in classified documents case - The Washington Post
Ex-prosecutor onoverwhelming DOJ evidence: Nauta will go to prison for years if he doesn't flip

Special counsel Jack Smith subpoenas Arizona Secretary of States office in January 6 probe

New Details From Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant Made Public : politics
Justice Department Reveals New Details on Trump Documents Probe : politics
DOJ had video of boxes being moved at Mar-a-Lago before FBI search | CNN Politics
Prosecutors knew Trump was hiding more documents thanks to Mar-a-Lago CCTV tapes : politics

Posting the alleged address of Barack Obama and leaving it up a week after an armed man apparently seized upon the information reinforces that.
A New Poll on the Trump Indictments Has a Surprising Result - POLITICO A new POLITICO Magazine/Ipsos poll finds one thing that unites people on the Trump indictments ... believe that the trial in the pending federal case against Trump for mishandling classified documents should occur before the GOP primaries and well before the general election ... At this point, roughly half of the country believes that Trump committed the crimes alleged against him.

Former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany says White House cocaine cant be Hunter Bidens
Cocaine found in the White House was in a different location than previously reported, sources say The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, keeping with Jean-Pierres characterization in yesterdays briefing.

Attorney who challenged Trumps 2020 loss gives up law license as states weigh disciplining him

Rep. Adam Schiff, censured by GOP-led House, raises $8.1 million for his California Senate race : politics

Moms for Liberty's media training session was a warning to the press : politics

Peaky Blinders Denounces Homophobic Ron DeSantis Campaign Video: Cillian Murphy Footage Was Obtained Without Permission
How Ron DeSantis is Helping Trump Win - by Dan Pfeiffer The FL Governor is running a race designed in a lab to strengthen Trump

Trump Begins to Sour on Spotlight HoundKari Lake for VP

Wisconsin governor gets creative with veto, increases public school funding for 400 years : politics

Freedom Caucus member says Marjorie Taylor Greene has been expelled from the group - Raw Story
Marjorie Taylor Greene has reportedly been booted from the House Freedom Caucus after calling Lauren Boebert a 'bitch'

Bill introduced in Navajo Nation to legalize marriage equality. The bill says that the Navajo people were more accepting of sexual and gender diversity before the arrival of European colonizers. : politics

Two employees accuse Florida Rep. Fabian Basabe of sexual harassment in lawsuit (8 paragraphs to tell us he's a refucker)

Marianne Williamson keeps bleeding staff. Six more depart in internal feud. - POLITICO The staffers left through a round of firings and resignations.

United Methodists lose one-fifth of US churches in schism driven by growing defiance of LGBTQ bans : news

Gov. Reynolds Calls Special Session to Enact Pro-life Legislation

Many states banned transition-related care for transgender minors this year, leaving families grappling with difficult questions.

Hotel Workers Strike - Lawyers, Guns & Money This hasnt gotten enough news, but the largest hotel worker strike in American history is currently going on in Los Angeles

DoorDash, UberEats, and Grubhub sue New York City over a new $18 an hour minimum wage for delivery driver : technology

After 50 Years, the DEA Is Still Losing the War on Drugs : politics ... The goal of mass incarceration and the War on Drugs is social control. And in that regard, it's more successful than ever. The US has only 5% of the world's population, but houses 25% of the world's prison population

First of 2 Iowa teens scheduled to be sentenced in 2021 beating death of teacher : news And afterwards posting everything they did during and after the murder on social media. Geniuses.

Eric Adams Had a Photo of a Fallen Officer. Was His Story About It True? - The New York Times Mayor Eric Adams has often talked about a wrinkled photo of a fallen police officer that he kept in his wallet. Now that photo and the story have been called into question ... But the weathered photo of Officer Venable had not actually spent decades in the mayors wallet. It had been created by employees in the mayors office in the days after Mr. Adams claimed to have been carrying it in his wallet.

Philadelphia shooting suspect isnt trans, officials say, but speculation continues
Marjorie Taylor Greene leads false claims that Philadelphia shooter is trans : politics

Missing Rudy Farias mother kept him hidden and abused him for eight years counsellor claims (Houston)
Texas teen found after 8 years had never been missing, police say - ABC News Rudy Farias, now 25, had been reported missing in 2015. He was found last week.

18-month-old dies when parents leave her in hot car overnight after Fourth of July party, Florida police say : news

Ex-teacher held for court in killing and dismembering of parents : news

5 Noteworthy Falsehoods Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has PromotedA longtime vaccine skeptic, Mr. Kennedy is leaning heavily on misinformation as he mounts a long-shot 2024 campaign.
RFK Jrs Inside Job How a conspiracy-spewing literal Kennedy posing as a populist outsider jolted the Democratic Party
The Leader of the JFK-QAnon Cult Is Dead. His Followers Think It s All Part of the Plan. Members of Michael Protzmans conspiracy cult abandoned their families and spent their life savings to follow him to Trump rallies around the country.
Bill Ackman explains why he embraced RFK Jr.s skepticism on Covid vaccines

New York State Built Elon Musk a $1 Billion Factory. It Was a Bad Deal

Ten million join Metas Twitter rival, Zuckerberg says : worldnews
Threads gained 10 million new users in seven hours : technology People going back to Facebook is full circle. Hilarious.
Twitter is threatening to sue Meta over Threads | Semafor ... accusing the social media giant of poaching former employees to create a copycat application. (after Muskatronic fired everybody) ... No one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee thats just not a thing
A Drive-By Review of Threads - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Fake liberal Twitter account exposed: We should worry less about AI and more about human stupidity MAGA Twitter just cant quit their addiction to disinformation ... hot girl liberal is a favorite hate object offered up to their aging and largely male audience.

OceanGate suspends all exploration and commercial operations after Titan implosion - ABC News Five people were killed during an expedition to the Titanic wreckage.
New Footage from Oceangate crew shows pilot partying and drinking excessively : pics

How Tom Bradys Crypto Ambitions Collided With Reality - The superstar quarterback is among the celebrities dealing with the fallout from the crypto crash. Others, like Taylor Swift, escaped.
Taylor Swift agreed to FTX partnership, despite contrary public claims: source : news Based on the article, it sounds like a deal actually didnt happen because she wanted so much money ($100M) and FTX didnt want to pay her

Benzodiazepine Use Associated With Brain Injury, Job Loss and Suicide : science

LGM Film Club, Part 394: D-Day Footage - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else : technology


UN warns world to prepare for El Nino impact | "The onset of El Nino will greatly increase the likelihood of breaking temperature records and triggering more extreme heat in many parts of the world and in the ocean," warned WMO : worldnews

Climate change: Worlds hottest day since records began
World registers hottest day ever recorded on Monday : worldnews

The risks of harvest failures in multiple global breadbaskets have been underestimated, according to a study Tuesday that researchers said should be a "wake up call" about the threat climate change poses to our food systems : worldnews

Europe is facing drought with more groundwater being lost than replaced by rain : worldnews

Pathologist finds 500,000floating gold in dead whale in Canary Islands

Iceland ranks as the most peaceful country in the world while U.S. ranks at 131 : worldnews

4 shark attacks reported off New York shores; 50 spotted at one beach : news

It's choking us: Interest rates are forcing Australians to sell their homes | Housing
China tells Australia to stop harbouring Hong Kong fugitives
Tirade over cop charged with tasering 95yo great grandmother : news

China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels conducted dangerous maneuvers to block two Philippine ships on a resupply mission at Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea last week

North Korea satellite had no military utility, Seoul says

China floods: Xi Jinping urges action as rains destroy buildings and displace thousands : worldnews
China on Track to Blow Past Xis Clean Power Goal Five Years Early

FT: Xi warned Putin against nuclear attack in Ukraine : worldnews
The most if Russia goes nuclear (other than Russia, which will be admitting it has lost the war). Why does China lose? Well the nuclear nonproliferation era would end. Who could develop nuclear weapons really quickly? South Korea, Japan and Taiwan have the capacity

Mutiny Aftermath Jolts Ruble (RUB/USD) as $43.5 Billion Outflow Takes Toll - Bloomberg

Russian people united as never before, Putin tells SCO leaders in first international event since Wagner mutiny
Putin reassures pro-Russian world leaders his grip on power remains strong : worldnews
Will stand up against sanctions and provocations, says Vladimir Putin
Shaken By Mutiny, Kremlin Goes Into PR Crisis Control : worldnews
Prigozhin arrives in St Petersburg, takes back seized weapons : worldnews

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly calls Russia state sponsor of terrorism : worldnews
Foreign firms in Russia continue to help fund Putins war

Putin tries to legalize 30 Russian paramilitary companies: The crisis in Russia over Wagners mutiny has revealed the complex network of troops working in and outside of the country. The Kremlin helped create a system that has now turned against him
Russia Returns $111M Seized During Police Raids to Prigozhin : worldnews
Russias Medvedev: 185,000 new contract soldiers have joined armed forces this year

2/ The alleged restructuring of #Russias internal security forces suggests that the #Kremlin is working to build an effective anti-rebellion force following #Wagners armed rebellion
Another high-ranking general disappeared after Prigozhins mutiny - Another high-ranking Russian general has ceased to appear in public after the rebellion of the Wagner PMC, which almost turned into a military putsch and could launch a large-scale purge in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, who holds the title of Hero of Russia, ceased to appear at events of the Defense Ministry, following Army General Sergei Surovikin.

General Staff: Nuclear weapons in Belarus currently unlikelyIt is necessary to create special conditions for the storage of nuclear munitions, to deploy a base for their maintenance. This is a very complex technological process, General Staff Deputy Chief Oleksii Hromov said

Armed mobs rampage through villages and push remote Indian region to the brink of civil war : worldnews

Turkey ranks one of the 10 worst countries for workers : worldnews

Video of police officers stomping on mans head sparks outrage in South Africa

US Navy intervened to stop Iran seizing two tankers in Gulf of Oman, US defense official says
Brazil team arrive in Australia for Womens World Cup with tribute to Iran protesters.No woman should be forced to cove rher head and No man should be hanged for saying this

Iraq bill calling for homosexuality ban submitted to parliament : worldnews

Lebanese Political Mafia censors Dancing on the Edge of Volcano Documentary in fear of getting exposed

Israels Jenin operation reignites Palestinian anger
Israeli military says huge incursion into West Bank refugee camp not over yet
Israels incursion into Jenin is a bitter taste of things to come
Israeli forces are happy to kill children, BBC anchor tells ex-PM Bennett

Zelensky calls Putin weak and says Russian Presidents power is "crumbling" firstly, we see he doesnt control everything. Wagners moving deep into Russia and taking certain regions shows how easy it is to do. Putin doesnt control the situation in the regions.
Russia has lost nearly half of its combat effectiveness since invading Ukraine, UK defense official says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 497, Part 1 (Thread #643) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 5.7.2023 : UkraineInvasionVideos

Military: Counteroffensive going to plan, full potential yet to come : ukraine
Length of hot frontline now exceeds 1200 kilometres

Ukraine war: At least 31 injured in daylight strike in Kharkiv region : worldnews
Major explosion in Makiivka, near occupied Donetsk : worldnews
Drone footage of the recent massive ammunition detonation in occupied Makiivka : ukraine
Russia flees key village as Ukraine Edges Closer to Regaining Bakhmut

Russians die under mysterious circumstances in Mariupol
#Russian artillery strikes near #Bakhmut reportedly left Ukrainian soldiers with symptoms of #chemicalweapons exposure. #Kyiv claimed the Kremlin used a WWI-era arsenic-based compound.

ZNPP lost main power, relies on backup : worldnews
Russians spreading fake news about Ukraines alleged plans to attack ZNPP with drones
Kremlin warns of possible Catastrophic Ukraine nuclear plant provocation
Zelenskyy: World sees that only source of danger for ZNPP is Russia : worldnews

Russian military regularly mines locations where animals are kept - nimals

Finnish bank allowed oligarch Rotenberg to withdraw funds just before sanctions took effect : worldnews

Hospitals and human rights commissioner raise alarms over antibiotic shortage in Poland : worldnews

Lithuanian President: Ukraine wont be disappointed at upcoming NATO summit. Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda told LRT on July 5 that, while it will likely not get everything its hoping for, Ukraine will not be disappointed at the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius in July.

Algeria to Replace French Language with English at its Universities : worldnews

One dead as rare summer storm hits Netherlands. : worldnews

Child abuse continues to rise in Switzerland : worldnews
Court finds Switzerland guilty of violating refugees right to family life

German far-right AfD party wins mayors office amid record-high polling

Climate activists block golf course holes in Spain with seedlings and cement to protest water use | CNN : worldnews

French government could cut off social media during unrest, says Macron : worldnews
A campaign to raise money for the family of the policeman who shot dead French teenager Nahel M. topped 1.47 million euros ($1.6 million) on Tuesday, far outstripping donations to Nahel's family and causing shame and anger among many French people

Ukraine should be allowed to join NATO under simplified procedure, says UK foreign secretary : worldnews
Battling Brexit, some British firms turn to invest in Europe : worldnews
Partygate: Met investigating Tory gatherings in December 2020 : worldnews
Sex education must engage boys to tackle harassment - MPs : worldnews

Crippling fuel crisis turns Cuba to old friend Russia : worldnews

Bidens hydrogen bombshell leaves Europe in the dust

Biden's DOJ Is Pressuring Journalists to Help Build Its Case Against Assange - The prosecution of the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is already a threat to a free media - the justice departments campaign to get me and other journalists to testify only makes matters worse

Pentagon Review Faults Oversight of Classified Information - The New York Times Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin ordered the assessment after accusations that an Air National Guardsman disclosed sensitive information.

Biden Versus the Bad News Bros : politics
Can Biden Change the Economic Narrative? : politics
The US Middle Classs Economic Anxiety Will Decide the 2024 Election | Unemployment is at historic lows. Inflation is moderating. And Americas middle class is stressed out about the economic outlook.
Bidenomics Is Working: The Presidents Plan Grows the Economy from the Middle Out and Bottom UpNot the Top Down

Eschaton: Starve And Die New York Times editorial board is back on its bullshit: Democrats must recognize that changes to Social Security and Medicare, the major drivers of federal spending growth going forward, should be on the table. "Changes." This is a piece about the horrors of the deficit, which SocialSecurityAndMedicare do not contribute to. Also SocialSecurtyAndMedicare are not one program, with identical issues, so you know the sophistry is going strong when they lump them together like that.

Opinion: Its time to bring these US military veterans home

Federal judge blocks Biden administration officials from communicating with social media companies : politics
nside the House GOPs plan to go after FBI and DOJ

Biden renews call for assault weapons ban after tragic and senseless spate of July 4 shootings

This decision is a slap in the face: the real cost of the US student debt ruling
After gutting affirmative action, Republicans target minority scholarships : politics

The Supreme Court Has Kicked the Door Wide Open to Jim Crow Style Bigotry
The Supreme Court is on a mission to ensure the US assumes the form that the Republican Party wants : politics
The Overlooked Solution to the Radical Supreme Court : politics : Expand to 13 - Employ Article 3 of the Constitution and end judicial review
Supreme Court disclosures reveal more luxury travel from private interests : politics

Trump posted what he said was Obamas address, prosecutors say. An armed man was soon arrested there
Trump calls for "sick puppet" Jack Smith to be "put out to rest" : politics

Republican Party called out for July 4 tweetwith flag of Liberia not USA

Stephanie Grisham Says Its Plausible That Trump Showed Off Top Secret Docs
How Trump has flaunted sensitive information: A history | Donald Trumps former White House press secretary says she witnessed him showing off such information at Mar-a-Lago. Heres how the allegation fits into his long record.
Judge orders release of more Mar-a-Lago search warrant information in Trump classified docs case : politics

Arizona Secretary of States Office subpoenaed by Special Counsel Jack Smith in Jan. 6 inquiry

Trump likened to traitor Benedict Arnold as he posts bizarre July 4 messages

Pence says Trump administration would have kept U.S. troops in Afghanistan despite withdrawal deal with Taliban : politics

Trump wanted his own personal mercenary army like Putins Wagner force: Ex-Homeland Security aide

Aubrey ODay: I had sex with Donald Trump Jr. in a gay club bathroom

White House cocaine culprit unlikely to be found: Law enforcement official - POLITICO - the source of the drug was unlikely to be determined given that it was discovered in a highly trafficked area of the West Wing.a>

Republicans Have to Sign a Loyalty Pledge to Debate. Who Will and Who Wont? | Donald J. Trump and Ron DeSantis have not given straight answers on whether they will sign the pledge, which is required to make the debate stage.

How The GOP Could Pass On A Massive Senate Majority : politics

Opinion | Why Hispanic voters are a growing challenge for Democrats in 2024 - The Washington Post

The Age of Insurrection review: how the far right rose and found Trump | David Neiwert offers a necessary and chilling read about American extremists and the threat they pose to us all
Conservatives go to red states, Democrats to blue as the country grows more polarized : politics
We the People includes all Americans but July 4 is a reminder that democracy remains a work in progress
Trumps dominance of GOP field has America bracing for a toxic campaign
The makings of an American inquisition : politics

Senate Republicans fear abortion could derail hopes for majority : politics
This Zombie Law Could Threaten Abortion Access Nationwide : politics In 1873, the United States passed a sweeping anti-obscenity law named for the vice squad crusader put in charge of its enforcement. Anthony Comstock
Ohio groups submit 710,131 signatures to put abortion rights amendment on November ballot : politics

Lauren Boebert complains about degrading infrastructure in America after voting against Bidens infrastructure bill

Thousands of marchers in Fort Lauderdale protest conservative high-court rulings, new state laws : politics
DeSantis Florida crime claims based on incomplete data, records show | Only 8% of police departments in Florida submitted data to the federal crime database in 2022, with data from more than 500 agencies missing in the state
To stop decline, pull DeSantis off trail, political analyst says | WFLA

Texas heat wave puts spotlight on Abbotts cruel Death Star bill
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will not testify at his impeachment trial, attorney says : politics
Help Wanted (in Prison): Texas Recruits High School Kids To Be Guards : politics

How the Steel City became a vanguard of the progressive movement | Pittsburgh-area progressives are on a winning streak, boosting their power in the state and offering a blueprint for the movement outside the nations biggest cities.

Josh Hawley Busted After Using Fake Founding Father Quote To Push Religious Agenda. The Missouri senator gets called out on Twitter over a quote he falsely attributed to Patrick Henry. : politics

Insight: Swing state Republicans bleed donors and cash over Trumps false election claims

Oil and Gas Lobbying Threatens Californias Game-Changing Climate Bills

Alabama senator wants to cut state archives funding over LGBTQ history program : politics

US judges across country block healthcare bans for trans youngsters | Growing number of judges blocking laws passed by conservative politicians from taking effect on 14th-amendment grounds : politics

A Georgia teachers plight exposes the essence of anti-woke MAGA fury for reading aloud a childrens book that touches on gender identity.

Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray Are Separating - The New York Times Mr. de Blasios marriage helped fuel his campaign for mayor of New York, and his intense personal and political bond with his wife drew admiration and scrutiny.

Hawaii Governor Promises 10,000 New Affordable Rentals In The Next 10 Years : politics

The push for legal weed faces hostile ground in red states : politics

The Republican War on Teachers - Lawyers, Guns & Money Republicans hate teachers because they hate public schools, they hate secular education, they hate children even having an education as opposed to child labor

The Far Right Is Already Using the Philadelphia Shooting to Smear Trans People : politics

Eschaton: The Little Exclusions Remember when E. Jean Carroll won her suit against Trump? And then that detail instantly went missing from all coverage of Trump? For years there wouldn't be a story about Bill Clinton without the name :Lewinsky" thrown in. These are choices, individual and collective, by our "objective" reporters.

Women's History Museum Boss Resigns After Alleged Retaliation Against Sexual Misconduct Claims - Nancy Yao has withdrawn as founding director of the Smithsonian's new American Womens History History Museum under sketchy circumstances ... after it came to light that she allegedly fired three employees at the New York museum she previously led (the Museum of Chinese in America, or MOCA) in retaliation for making sexual harassment claims on behalf of young female staffers ... resignation came one day after David Adjaye, lead designer of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, was also accused of sexual assault.

Too Many Nates - Silver's long been a ridiculous weirdo, but covid broke his brain completely.

How the AI apocalypse gripped students at elite schools like Stanford - The Washington Post A billionaire-backed movement is recruiting college students to fight killer AI, which some see as the next Manhattan Project.

GQ pulls article slamming Warner Bros. Discovery CEO Zaslav after complaint - The Washington Post The writer said he asked to have his byline removed after GQ made extensive changes after publication. The magazine removed the story instead.

Twitter silently removes login requirement for viewing tweets | TechCrunch

Nxivm cult: US actor Allison Mack released early from prison : news

The trauma of Cary Grant: how he thrived after a terrible childhood - as told by his daughter : movies


Catastrophic climate doom loops could start in just 15 years, new study warns
When the levees break - Lawyers, Guns & Money The to this point insuperable problem, of course, is that theres no known mechanism to get human collective action to take even mildly painful measures for the sake of people who arent even born yet. Our childrens children have literally zero political power, but they will inherit a world whose basic features have and are being determined by political choices that they will never have had a chance to affect in even a marginal way.
June Extremes Suggest Parts of the Climate System Are Reaching Tipping Points - Inside Climate News Research shows heat domes, wildfires and vanishing polar ice are the symptoms; unabated greenhouse gas emissions are the cause.

Climate change: Worlds hottest day since records began
Temperatures seen surging as El Nino weather pattern returns : worldnews
High global temperatures and disruptive weather likely as international weather agency declares El Nino

Focus: Oil giants drill deep as profits trump climate concerns : worldnews

Toyota claims battery breakthrough in potential boost for electric cars : worldnews - 745 miles of range and 10 minutes to charge.

Vets warn against growing trend of do-it-yourself pet treatments as cost of living rises, budgets tighten : worldnews

Raw meat linked to H5N1 bird flu outbreak among cats : worldnews

UN nuclear chief is visiting Japan to give a final report on release of treated radioactive water : worldnews
China urges Japan to stop ocean discharge of Fukushima treated water : worldnews

Japan opposition lawmakers show support for Taiwans WHO bid

Hong Kong leader says 8 pro-democracy activists who now live in the West will be pursued for life
They will live in fear: Hong Kongs John Lee invites 'anyone' to help police arrest wanted overseas democrats

You can never become a Westerner: Chinas top diplomat urges Japan and South Korea to align with Beijing and revitalize Asia ... No matter how blonde you dye your hair, how sharp you shape your nose, you can never become a European or American, you can never become a Westerner, Wang said. We must know where our roots lie

Major Moscow airport flights disrupted by drone attack : worldnews
Russia says Ukraine attacked Moscow with at least five drones : worldnews

Russia-Ukraine war news: Kremlin, U.S. have talked Gershkovich prisoner swap - The Washington Post

Navalnys Family Sues Penal Colony For Not Allowing Visits With Imprisoned Politician

Another 13 international companies leave the Russian market in a month : worldnews

Novaya Gazeta reporter Elena Milashina and attorney Alexander Nemov attacked in Russias Chechnya

Satellite images showed what appeared to be a newly built military-style camp in Belarus, with statements from a Belarusian guerrilla group and officials suggesting it may be used to house fighters from the Wagner mercenary group. : worldnews

Months of increasingly violent ethnic clashes have put northeast India on edge : worldnews
India urges SCO to fight terrorism, help Afghanistan : worldnews
Iran formally becomes full member of SCO, PM Narendra Modi conveys best wishes to President Ebrahim Raisi : worldnews ... SCO, the real who's who of villainy.
$12 4G phone launched by Jio in India which can stream and send payments : worldnews
India counts down to third lunar exploration mission : worldnews

Taliban order hair and beauty salons to shut - BBC News : worldnews
Taliban ban womens beauty salons in Afghanistan
Eighty Afghan civilians may have been summarily killed by SAS, inquiry told : worldnews

US measure would ban products containing mineral mined with child labor in Congo : worldnews

Sweden will not get Turkeys nod for NATO bidunless it stops sheltering 'terrorists' -- Erdogan

A Saudi woman was given 30 years in prison for criticizing the Neom megacity project on Twitter : worldnews

Netanyahu rules out giving Ukraine Iron Dome anti-missile system : worldnews
Thousands of Palestinians flee Jenin refugee camp after major Israeli raid in West Bank : worldnews
Israeli forces launch biggest military operation in West Banks Jenin since 2002
IDF: Palestinian gunmen fortified Jenin mosque, dug tunnel underneath
At least four wounded in car ramming, shooting in Tel Aviv : worldnews
Terror in Tel Aviv: At least seven wounded in shooting, ramming attack : worldnews
IDF nabs hundreds of explosive devices from terror lab in Jenin, West Bank : worldnews

President Zelenskys 4th of July message to Americans.
Kyiv not in NATO after Russia war would be 'suicidal' Ukraine foreign minister says
Former Army Ranger who fought in Ukraine says conflict there is far worse than fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq : worldnews
Russia launches the first drone strike on Kyiv in 12 days and all are shot down : worldnews
Ukraine to receive dozens of Leopard 1A5 tanks in next few weeks -- German Defence Minister

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 496, Part 1 (Thread #642) : worldnews

Russian losses until 04.07.2023 : ukraine
Russian losses per 04/07/23 reported by the Ukrainian General Staff

We advanced in the south, but we are not telling you about it yet,Deputy Minister of Defense Maliar said.Everything is for the security of the Armed Forces, and this is a priority, she added
Ukrainian Special-Ops Troops Cross Dnipro River, Draw Powerful Russian Counterattack : worldnews
Training of Ukrainians on the F-16 was supposed to begin in June ... P.S. Was supposed to begin

ISW on Twitter: "3/ Malyar also reported that Ukrainian forces have liberated an additional 28.4 sq km in southern #Ukraine, for a total of 154.4 liberated sq km in an unspecified time frame (presumably since the start of UKR counteroffensive operations in early June)." / Twitter
(2/4) The core of this approach has been Russias very heavy use of anti-tank mines. In some areas the density of its minefields indicate that it has likely used many more mines than laid down in its military doctrine.
(4/4) Although Russia has achieved some success with this approach in the early stages of Ukraines counter-offensive, its forces continue to suffer from key weaknesses, especially overstretched units and a shortage of artillery munitions.

A newly captured Russian soldier melts down in tears and becomes aware of just how fortunate he is to be alive while being interrogated. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia rigs ZNPP reactor buildings with explosives
Ukraine warns of nuclear disaster as Russia orders staff to leave power plant : worldnews
The Danger at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Ukraine designates Unilever as international sponsor of war

Zelensky asks the Georgian ambassador to leave Ukraine within 48 hours and try to "save" jailed ex-leader Mikheil Saakashvili -- a Ukrainian citizen -- after footage showed him looking emaciated : worldnews

Europe said Baltics were right about Russia, but is ignoring us again, says Lithuanias former president

Netherlands: Historic victory as law amended to recognize that sex without consent is rape

Italy has frozen Russian oligarchsassets worth $2.5 billion

Violence eases in France as family of teen killed by police urges calm : worldnews
False posts about French riots spread online : worldnews

Britain is now the only major economy where inflation is still rising : worldnews
BBC reissues out of touch guidance advising news staff not to attend Pride protests
Brighton teenager charged with terrorism offences : worldnews
E-bike likely cause of Cambridge fire that killed mother and children : worldnews

Brazil soccer star Neymar fined $3.5 mln for environmental offense : worldnews

Mexicos old ruling party fractures following election loss

What freedoms, exactly, are we celebrating this Fourth of July? The Supreme Court, conservative governors and gerrymandered state legislatures are racing to shrink our fundamental rights and freedoms.

How Wingnuts Made Violent Extremism the New Normal From Ruby Ridge to January 6 and beyond, the radical right has unrelentingly attacked democratic norms for almost half a century.

The Trump-appointed judges move could upend years of efforts to enhance coordination between the government and social media companies - in an extraordinary preliminary injunction in an ongoing case that could have profound effects on the First Amendment.
Federal Judge Limits Biden OfficialsContacts With Social Media Siteslawsuit filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, who claim the administration is trying to silence its critics.

A viral left-wing Twitter account may have been fake all alongThe Erica Marsh account shows how rage baiting remains a powerful way to win attention and score political points

The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax : politics
Legitimacy of customer in Supreme Court gay rights case raises ethical, legal flags

Harvards Admissions Is Challenged for Favoring Children of Alumni. After the Supreme Court banned race-conscious affirmative action, activists filed a complaint, saying legacy admissions helped students who are overwhelmingly rich and white
Theres a disconnect between Supreme Courts wishful thinking and reality of racial barriers

AOC urges Congress to consider subpoenas if Chief Justice Roberts wont testify about SCOTUS gift scandal

Trump judge issues ruling approximately as long as Gravitys Rainbow, barring the Biden administration from expressing opinions that contradict right wing ideology
Biden faces renewed pressure to embrace Supreme Court overhaul : politics

Secret Service investigating suspected cocaine found in White House - The Washington Post
Secret Service Examining How Suspected Cocaine Ended Up at the White House - The New York Times
Suspicious powder found at the White House when Biden was gone was cocaine, AP sources say : news

Republicans Are Divided on Impeaching Biden as Panel Begins New Inquiry - The New York Times A vote to send the Homeland Security Committee impeachment articles against President Biden for his border policies has underscored rifts in the G.O.P. about whether to try to remove him, and for what.

Was Kissinger Not Available? - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Eliot Abrams .. Why would you appoint Abrams to anything except for a trial in The Hague?Biden really doesnt care about Latin America and so these issues just arent important to him. But what an utter own goal.

Leaked details of Rudy Giuliani interview suggest Jack Smith targeting Trump lawyers: report | Justice Department prosecutors questioned Trumps former personal attorney for nearly eight hours

Ex-Trump spokesperson claims she saw him show off documents on Mar-a-Lago dining patio : politics ... He has no respect for classified information [and] never did.
Why was Trump hoarding classified government documents? : politics

Trump marks Independence Day by sharing vulgar attack on Biden and ominous 2024 warning : politics

Trumps Law-and-Order GOP Sure Seems Confused by How Law and Order Works

Judge blocks new Florida election law, signed by DeSantis this spring, calling it the latest assault on the right to vote
Gay & Trans Republicans shocked DeSantis now targeting them : politics
LGBTQ conservatives say they feel misled by DeSantis : politics

12 AZ county attorneys ask governor to rescind executive order limiting abortion prosecutions : politics

School Plays Are the Latest Cultural Battleground - The New York Times At a time when lawmakers and parents are seeking to restrict what can and cannot be taught in classrooms, many teachers are seeing efforts to limit what can be staged in their auditoriums.

North Dakota university leaders fearcatastrophic implications of Minnesotas new free tuition plan ... Roughly 1,400 Minnesota students attending North Dakota colleges and universities might be eligible for the new program.

Fascists Go Home!: Philadelphians Reject Far Right Moms for Liberty| Over 50 local and national organizations joined to counter the harmful messaging from the far right groups conference.

Immunity Doctrines Have Made the US Constitution Useless Its Time to End Them

Statement from President Joe Biden on Gun Violence Across America
Killin': The American Way
Happy Independence Day - Lawyers, Guns & Money Please remember as you enjoy July 4th that equating irearm possession withfreedom is a moral sickness:

Five dead in Philadelphia shooting thats nations worst violence around July 4
Fort Worth shooting: At least 3 dead and 8 others wounded | CNN

Radioactive equipment disappears in southern New Mexico : news

The Union-Busting University - Lawyers, Guns & Money during the Boston police strike of 1919, the administrations of Wentworth, MIT, Harvard, and Boston University allied with the state government to oppose the strike, and hundreds of their students served as strikebreakers. Before a threatened railroad strike in 1921, Princeton gave academic credit for strikebreaking, Stevens Institute suspended classes, and Harvard and MIT developed short courses to train student strikebreakers to operate railcars.

You reach a point where you can live your life: what is behind extreme hoarding?

Everyone in Stephenville Thought They Knew Who Killed Susan Woods That left the real culprit free to prey on others, including one victim who was ignored for two decades.

My Literary BreakupNotes on the end of a fifteen-year friendship.

Why the Tradition of Giving Engagement Rings Needs to End | Time

Facebook owner Meta set to launch Twitter rival on Thursday : worldnews

SBF's Shopping LIst - The accused crypto scammer spent millions on everything from thought leaders and clubhouses to media investments and e-sports leagues.

Can you trust a Harvard dishonesty researcher? The hard problem of faked data in science

The Rise of Bisexuality: U.S. Representative Data Show an Increase Over Time in Bisexual Identity and Persons Reporting Sex with Both Women and Men : science

ELI5: Can someone explain the Boy Girl Paradox to me? : explainlikeimfive

Scientists find new clue in what led to megalodons demise

Sea Dragon fossil, 180 million years old, discovered in UK reservoir ... It measures nearly 33 feet in length and has a one-ton cranium.

Astronomers observe time dilation in early universe : worldnews

Eli5 : Why is q always followed by u in a word? : explainlikeimfive

New research has found a higher risk of developing all-cause dementia was observed among participants who had received menopausal estrogen-progestin therapy compared to those who had never received hormone therapy : science

TIL: The Greek intellectual Hypatia was accused of witchcraft in March 415 CE where a mob seized her from her carriage, dragged her into a church, carved out her eyes and her living flesh with oyster shells, then tore her limb from limb. : todayilearned

Goodreads was the future of book reviews. Then Amazon bought it. : books

Adults of reddit, what is something every teenager should know about "the real world"? : AskReddit


July supermoon: When and how to see the buck moon | CNN : worldnews

Will El Nino on top of global heating create the perfect climate storm? - Rising temperatures in north Atlantic and drop in Antarctic sea ice prompt fears of widespread damage from extreme weather
Climate change spells terrifying future: UN rights chief
Climate nears point of no return as land, sea temperatures break records : worldnews
UK: hottest June since records began in 1884 : worldnews

Only 5% of national TV news segments on the record-shattering heat wave that scorched Texas mentioned climate change | Media Matters for America

Norway discovers massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock, big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 100 years : worldnews

New Zealand bans plastic bags for fresh produce in supermarkets : worldnews
Chinese scientists create edible food packaging to replace plastic : worldnews

Dead fish wash up on riverbank in drought-hit Iraq: Thousands of dead fish have washed ashore in southeast Iraq, prompting an official investigation into the wildlife disaster that officials said Monday may be linked to drought conditions : worldnews

After 17-Year Absence, White Rhinos Return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo : UpliftingNews

Border Collie ejected from car during Sunday crash found on sheep farm, herding sheep : UpliftingNews

Take a look at the $300,000 electric flying car with a 110-mile range in the air that just got FAA approval for test flights : worldnews

Australia sides with China, Russia in bid to sink Pacific nations climate plan
Australias national anti-corruption commission receives 44 referrals on first day of operation
Australia is the first country to let patients with depression or PTSD be prescribed psychedelics : worldnews

Philippines tourism video used pictures of rice terraces in Indonesia and dunes in Brazil

Thai elephant flown home after alleged abuse in Sri Lanka : worldnews ... tortured and neglected while housed at a Buddhist temple i

Barbie movie banned by Vietnam government over scene showing nine-dash line over South China Sea : worldnews

A South Korean mayor led hundreds of city officials to stop an annual pride festival but police intervened to protect organizers and allow the event to proceed. : UpliftingNews

Pyongyang renovates N. Korea-China friendship tower ahead of armistice anniversary : worldnews

Hong Kong police issue arrest warrants for eight overseas activists : worldnews

China Hits Back With Export Restrictions on Critical Chip Metals - Beijing will limit gallium and germanium exports from Aug. 1 : worldnews
China's defence minister meets Russian navy head in Beijing - defence ministry : worldnews
Russia opens research centre on Xi Jinpings ideology, the first outside China

Reuters on Twitter: "Russia has brought some 700,000 children from the conflict zones in Ukraine into Russian territory, according to Grigory Karasin, head of the international committee in the Federation Council, Russia's upper house of parliament" / Twitter
Moscow says 700,000 children from Ukraine conflict zones now in Russia : worldnews
Belarusian Paralympian organises abduction of Ukrainian children from occupied territories

Putin will speak with leaders of China and India in his first summit since the Wagner insurrection : worldnews ... Putinbot scumbag double will, the real one is somewhere in the Ural mountauns in a bunker
Russias economic decline is irreversible

Russias Medvedev says standoff with West to last decades, Ukraine conflict
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council and former President of Russia, has once again resorted to intimidating the world with a nuclear apocalypse, although he also said that a nuclear winter could be avoided if the West fulfils all of Russias demands

(165) The Controversial Science of Nuclear Winter - YouTube
Truth Decay | RAND

Russias Wagner mercenary group has announced it is suspending the recruitment of new fighters in the aftermath of its failed mutiny and as the Russian militarys deadline for volunteer units to sign contracts passed over the weekend

U.S. Ambassador Meets With Detained Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich - WSJ Visit is the second time Gershkovich has been granted consular access since he was detained in March

Russian Aerospace Industry Hit By War In Ukraine, Says British Defense Ministry : worldnews
Oil spill in Russia's north threatens major damage to environment
Russian ex-arms dealer freed for Brittney Griner to run for far-right party in local vote : worldnews

Tinder Leaves Russia With Memes and Dashed Hopes : worldnews

Thin and Extremely Exhausted Saakashvili Appeared in Court for First Time in Several Months : worldnews - Mikheil Saakashvili, the former President of Georgia and a citizen of Ukraine, currently in the Vivamed clinic, has attended the hearing online for the first time since February and showcased his condition.

Russian chief prosecutor found dead in river but 'didn't drown' in latest mystery death hitting Putin's cronies

Jews should leave Russia before its too late, says ormer chief rabbi of Moscow

A Saudi woman was given 30 years in prison for criticizing the Neom megacity project on Twitter : worldnews

Iran calls on France to to end violent treatment of protesters

Israel mounts Jenin operation in West Bank; killing at least 8 Palestinians - The Washington Post
Israeli Army Strikes Jenin in Large-scale Anti-terror Operation; Eight Palestinians Killed
Israel Unleashes Fiercest Air Attack on West Bank in Nearly Two Decades : worldnews
Israel invades West Bank city, killing at least 8 Palestinians : worldnews
Five Palestinians killed as Israeli drones strike West Bank in major operation : worldnews
Israeli secret service says it captured plot leader in Iran, foiling attack : worldnews

Zelensky calls Putin weak and says Russian Presidents power is 'crumbling'
Quarter of Ukrainians (~11M) are internally displaced persons due to Russias invasion
Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina dies after being wounded in Kramatorsk strike : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 495, Part 1 (Thread #641) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 3.7.2023 : ukraine

A Ukrainian Patriot Missile Crew Shot Down Five Russian Aircraft In Two MinutesAnd Possibly Forced The Kremlin To Rethink Its Tactics
Ukraine reports incremental gains in heavy fighting : worldnews
ISW on Twitter: "2/ The RU MoD & other RU sources claimed #Ukrainian forces conducted offensive operations in the #Lyman direction, in the #Bakhmut area, along the #Avdiivka-Donetsk City front, in western #Donetsk Oblast, on the #Zaporizhia/Donetsk Oblast border, & in western Zaporizhia Oblast." / Twitter
Commander of Russias Akhmat unit killed in Donbas - Russian media
ISW on Twitter: "4/ Geolocated footage published July 1 indicates that #Ukrainian forces advanced northeast of Volodymyrivka (12km SE of #Vuhledar) in western #Donetsk Oblast." / Twitter
Mick Ryan, AM on Twitter: "Notwithstanding the angst of some about developments in the Ukrainian offensives, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are making steady, if not rapid, progress. It is much too early to judge the Ukrainian 2023 offensives a success or failure just yet." / Twitter
Russian TG Channel RVvoenkory - This is a complicated and indirect way of saying Ukrainian forces have entered the main trench defenses near Robotyne and the Russians are trying to dislodge them:
Russian occupier gets blasted into the air a sizeable distance after his ride hits a mine. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Crimean Beaches Nearly Empty Amid Russian Military Buildup
Russia says it thwarted attempt on life of Moscow-backed Crimea head : worldnews
Cleric of Russian-linked church, former criminal, gets sentenced thanks to Security Service evidence. [article] : ukraine

Mayor: Part of Rosatom employees leave Russian-occupied nuclear plant : worldnews ... On March 4 last year, shortly after Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russians occupied the plant, and since December, any civilian evacuation from the city has been blocked.
IAEA experts have so far found no visible indications of mines or other explosives currently planted at ZNPP : worldnews
The risk of nuclear disaster in Ukraine skyrocketed with the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. Residents nearby are preparing for the worst. : worldnews
Ukraine holds disaster drills amid fears Russia could sabotage nuclear power plant : worldnews

Ukraine adds Unilever to list of sponsors of Russian war : worldnews

Polish ruling party submits bill to allow EU migration referendum on election day : worldnews

100,000 join Helsinki Pride parade, including NCP and SPP politicians: A Swedish Peoples Party minister defended participation in the march against criticism from the ex-leader of coalition partners the Christian Democrats

Office tasked with investigating the Russian invasion of Ukraine opens in The Hague : worldnews

Germany does not want to supply Kyiv with weapons that can be used to attack Russia Chancellor Scholz on the question of long-range Taurus missiles - Olaf, PzH2000 can hit Russia.
Lawsuits against Berlin over two year wait for German citizenship : worldnews
German far-right party, AFD, notches another win: Hannes Loth was elected mayor of the small town of Raguhn-Jessnitz on Sunday. It marks the first time the party has won an election race for a full-time mayors position

Mystery of Holocaust escape girls solved after 84 years : worldnews

France tells rioters to go home : worldnews
French police, long unreformed, under scrutiny after shooting : worldnews
France riots ease as mayors call anti-violence rally : worldnews
Netanyahu condemns antisemitic attacks in France riots : worldnews

Lords Balfe and Skidelsky revealed to have attended event by Russian ambassador to the United Kingdom Andrei Kelin where he defended the invasion of Ukraine : worldnews ... He added that he believed Crimea is most definitely Russian and that Moscow had legitimate claims on Donetsk and Luhansk, while there should be negotiations around a land corridor to Crimea.The regions with oil and gas resources. What a coincidence ... Lord Skidelsky? Such an English name
UK and Netherlands confirm future amphibious relationship : worldnews
UK police powers expanded to crack down on scandalous mayhemtargeting activists who block traffic and major building projects with demonstrations
France teens family tell BBC police use of lethal force must change : worldnews
Londons Mayor Says Parthenon Marbles Should be Shared With Greece
AstraZeneca stock value falls by nearly 10bn after cancer drug trial results ... over concerns that a new lung cancer drug may not be as successful as had been hoped ,,, Shares in the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company fell by as much as 6%
AstraZeneca to invest $400M to plant 200 million trees | Greenbiz : worldnews
NHS whistleblowers need more protection, expert warns : worldnews ... This is blowback of American-ization of the NHS. Rights will become privileges, care will become service
Water cremation is set to be made available for the first time in the UK : worldnews ... The process, known as resomation, uses a mix of potassium hydroxide and water to break down human remains in what is billed as a more sustainable option. It takes four hours - the bones remain, and are powdered then returned to loved ones in a similar way to ashes, in an urn.
British woman whose death sparked conspiracy theories accidentally drowned, coroner rules | CNN : worldnews

Guatemala election: Court orders probe after surprise result. Multiple political parties filed a joint complaint after center-left candidate Bernardo Arevalo managed to secure second place in the first round of Guatemala's presidential vote : worldnews

Aeroflot resumes direct Moscow-Cuba flights, bypassing restricted airspace : worldnews

TIL That Canada had its own version of Jim Crow laws that required many black children to attend segregated schools, separated blood transfusions by race, and allowed private business owners to refuse service to people from minority ethnic groups. : todayilearned - Many similar laws directly towards the First Nations people as well. For example, the Indian Acts completely banned buying or drinking alcohol from 1884 - 1985.

US recommends Americans reconsider traveling to China due to arbitrary law enforcement, exit bans : worldnews

G.O.P. Threatens Spy Agencies' Surveillance Tool -- With hard-right Republicans attacking federal law enforcement agencies and unwilling to extend their broad powers, a major warrantless surveillance program targeting foreigners overseas may face new limits from Congress.

Price of a US stamp rises to 66 cents, the second hike this year and the 5th increase since 2019 : news

Fraud justice: Anti-LGBTQ decision based on a fake case showcases the Supreme Courts illegitimacy | Far-right lawyers created a phony "victim" in made-up case and the justice with the stolen seat wrote the opinion
The Supreme Court Doesnt Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction: It still feels unnerving to some, even those caught in the crossfire, to see injuries invented wholesale and lies accepted by the highest court in the land.

Is America going backwards in the fight on race equality by canceling affirmative action? : politics
Supreme courts student loan decision usurps Congresss authority says Democrat Ro Khanna of California said he will support another relief plan that Joe Biden is proposing under the Higher Education Act
Harvard's Admissions Is Challenged for Favoring Children of Alumni - After the Supreme Court banned race-conscious affirmative action, activists filed a complaint, saying legacy admissions helped students who are overwhelmingly rich and white.
Activists spurred by affirmative action ruling challenge legacy admissions at Harvard | AP News

Opinion | Dont believe the data: This is the most conservative Supreme Court weve known
The most reactionary Court ever, and the limits of statistical models of Supreme Court votes - Lawyers, Guns & Money
SCOTUS is ramping up oppression in the land of the free
Stephen Miller Threatens Schools After Affirmative Action Decision - The former Trump adviser told 200 law school deans to respect the court's decision or see him in court : politics
Pressley, Ocasio-Cortez call for changes to the Supreme Court : politics
AOCs Warning to Chief Justice Roberts Amid Calls for Ethics Reform

Josh Hawleys wife faces calls to be sanctioned over Supreme Court case

Justice Ketanji Brown Jacksons bold debut and independent streak

Trump indictment getting closer after Giuliani interview -- Watergate lawyer
Trump once said a president under felony indictment would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis : politics

Fmr. Trump Press Secretary: I watched him show documents to people at Mar-a-Lago : politics

Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: Hes a Cult Boss
Trump mocked for bursting into bizarre moaning sounds at Michigan GOP dinner : politics ... I present to you the GOP front runner, the premier candidate for the Republican Party. No policies, no promises, not even a hint of a plan. Outrage, hate, diapers, Diet Coke, drug addiction, incest, narcissism, rape, racism.

Jack Smith Probe of 2020 Election Challenges Focuses on Trump Lawyers - WSJ Prosecutors examine efforts to create fake electors and claims made in fundraising drives

Gym Jordan is about to face the music

Political independence is on the rise, and still phony
A Mysteriously Financed Group That Could Upend a Biden-Trump Rematch - WSJ Centrist nonprofit No Labels says voters want an alternative, but some say effort could hand election to Trump

Our Government Runs an Eviction Machine to Benefit LandlordsLets Pump the Brakes

Pete Buttigieg Blasts Strangeness Of Ron DeSantis Latest Campaign Ad. The transportation secretary said he had questions about a video that splices images of you in between oiled-up shirtless bodybuilders
Is This the Weirdest Ad in American Political History? | The New Republic Struggling in the polls, Ron DeSantis is leaning in to homophobia.
Ron DeSantis campaign is imploding
DeSantis Just Bragged About Open Bigotry, and the GOP Will Follow | The New Republic His appalling anti-LGBTQ ad set a new standardcelebration of open ostracism and bigotry. History tells us that this will become the new GOP position.

Opinion: Why Lindsey Graham was booed by a Trump rally crowd | CNN
The writing is on the wall for Lindsey Graham : politics

Louisiana Democratic governor vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care for minors | CNN Politics

Texas pastor pleads guilty to possession of child sex abuse images David Lloyd Walther, 57, admitted to downloading the materials to a computer at Faith Baptist Church in Round Rock, where he served as pastor prior to his November arrest ... Walther was arrested Nov. 9 after a search of his home and car turned up two large computer hard drives with more than 100,000 images and more than 5,000 videos of child sex abuse material,

The Shrinking Baptist Convention Is Doubling Down on the Culture Wars

New, Conservative Push To Weaken Child Labor Protections Is Gaining Steam : politics

US judges halt healthcare bans for transgender youth : politics

Eschaton: The 90s Never End I suppose I'm a bit surprised Ingraham has outlasted Coulter.

First-generation academics were always rare. Now theyre vanishing.
The Political Economy of the College Right - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Sellers of luxury homes in L.A. are avoiding a tax to help the homeless - The Washington Post

Why Netflix quietly shelved an anti-racist video project | Semafor

After Barbie, Mattel Is Raiding Its Entire Toybox

Musk Says Twitter Is Limiting Number of Posts Users Can Read - The New York Times
Twitter faces lawsuit over alleged non-payment for office services in four countries : worldnews
Elon Musk Suggests Childless People Should Lose the Right to Vote ... whose own daughter said she doesn't want to be related to him

A Blood Test Predicts Pre-eclampsia in Pregnant Women - The New York Times The assessment is the first advance in diagnosing the deadly condition since it was discovered more than a century ago, experts said ... The condition disproportionately affects Black women in the United States and may have contributed to the recent death of Tori Bowie, a track star who won gold at the 2016 Olympics

New analysis of tooth minerals confirms megalodon shark was warm-blooded : worldnews

TIL that because of the amount of time it saves, the washing machine has been called the greatest invention of the industrial revolution.Others have considered it a key driver of womens liberation.


Smoke will keep pouring into the US as long as fires are burning in Canada. Heres why they arent being put out

Biden admin supports studying how to block sun to combat climate change : worldnews

IIT-B develops perovskite solar cell with 26% efficiency, likely the highest in the world

Norway discovers deposit of high-grade phosphate rock equalling all other proven reserves combined, "enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and EV batteries for 100 years" says mining company. : anime_titties

Just Stop Oil protesters have disrupted Londons Pride march in protest over the event accepting sponsorship money from high-polluting industries

110 million on alert for severe, dangerous weather over holiday weekend : news

The Titan Submersible Wasan Accident Waiting to Happenhow OceanGate ignored desperate warnings from inside and outside the company

COVID cases surge in Okinawa amid concern over possible medical system collapse : worldnews

Thousands rally across Australia in support of Indigenous reform : worldnews
MDMA: Australia begins world-first psychedelic therapy : worldnews

Myanmar: Militarys obstruction of humanitarian aid could be international crime

Just four pupils left: how the sea rose up on a Thai village | Thailand : worldnews

Japans ruling coalition proposes allowing export of weapons to countries affected by aggression

TIL there are as many smokers in China as as there are people in the United States : todayilearned

The humbling of Vladimir Putin : anime_titties
Ukraine war corrosive for Vladimir Putin - CIA boss : worldnews
CIA says Russia is a recruiting opportunity as disaffection with war rises : worldnews
Russia lists Moscow chief rabbi as foreign agent : worldnews

Wagner: Russians reflect on groups advance towards Moscow
2/ The #Kremlin media apparatus is likely targeting Russian public perception of the Wagner PMC to decrease the groups popularity as the MoD may seek to effectively disband the Wagner Group in #Ukraine and reorganize its elements within the Russian MoD.
Prigozhin has completely disappeared from the picture. His once very popular audio messages are no more. His "press service" has been silent for days. It really is quite a scene. But the aftertaste for Russians is not pleasant. Officials are going out of their way to minimise the impact of the mutiny. Prigozhin was allowing the pressure of the enormous Russian losses and incompetency to release. Now theres no such valve, and there's no one of weight and importance to replace him.

Shell still trading Russian gas despite pledge to stop : worldnews

Satellite photos, reports suggest Belarus is building an army camp for Wagner fighters : worldnews

TIL that approximately 70% of the worlds vegetarians live in India.

Tajik Man Who Allegedly Shot Two At Moldova Airport Is Wanted In Kidnapping Case In Tajikistan : worldnews

US Religious Conservatives Lobby to Restrict Abortion in Africa : worldnews

At least 51 killed and 32 injured in vehicle crash in Kenya, police and Red Cross say July 1 : worldnews

Load-shedding could switch South Africans off the ANC : worldnews

Zulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini treated for suspected poisoning - aide : worldnews

Iranian art school students beaten and arrested for defying headscarf rules : worldnews
Record executions, large-scale arrests and detentions: New Iran human rights report : worldnews

Israelis protested again on Saturday against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed judicial reform plans, days after he said he had dropped a key provision in the controversial project : worldnews
Israel to buy 25 more F-35 stealth jets in $3 bln deal : worldnews

Zelenskyy: We need a signal that Ukraine will become a NATO member after war, that is what an invitation is for : worldnews
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on July 1 enacted a decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine On accelerating judicial reform and overcoming corruption in the justice system.
Ukraine says no negotiations unless Russia retreats from Crimea : worldnews
Ukrainian commander warns French tanks are inadequate for counteroffensive : worldnews
Russia launches the first drone strike on Kyiv in 12 days and all are shot down : worldnews

Zelenskyy: Russians will be afraid to approach Crimea and Ukrainian shores of Azov Sea : ukraine
MoD of Ukraine published a video announcing a hot season in the temporarily occupied Crimea. Last warning as it is : ukraine

Official: Terrorism at nuclear plant will be considered nuclear attack. A terrorist attack against a nuclear plant would be considered equivalent to using nuclear weapons against civilians, National Security and Defense Council chief Oleksii Danilov told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty on June 30.
Ukraine holds disaster drills amid fears Russia could sabotage nuclear power plant : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 494, Part 1 (Thread #640) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of July 2, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 2 July 2023.

Pro-Russian sources confirm that all attempts to dislodge the Ukrainian troops from the Antonovsky bridgehead failed. They also admit that the situation is becoming a serious concern.
Whilst the enemy are suffering supply problems and eating out of date rations the Ukrainians are having pizza delivered to their trenches
If Russian reinforcements already sent to #Bakhmut are insufficient to hold RU gains in the area the RU command may face difficult choices about whether to risk creating serious vulnerabilities in Kherson or Luhansk oblasts or to begin drawing forces away from southern #Ukraine.

Nearly 800 Russian soldiers killed and 100 pieces of Russian equipment destroyed on 1 July
Operations around Bakhmut will present Russian command with difficult choice

Some never came back: how Russians hunted down veterans of Donbas conflict - Russian Nazis hunted down any Ukrainian who fought the Russian Nazis several years ago.
Where are Ukraines missing children?Moscow is accused of abducting tens of thousands of Ukrainian children. NBC News investigates what happened to babies taken from one orphanage in Kherson. (evil incarnate)

Ukraine finds British WW2 Hurricane planes outside Kyiv : worldnews

Swedish PM will meet with Biden to discuss NATO entry and war in Ukraine : worldnews

40 Russian Diplomats and Embassy Staff to Leave Romania : worldnews

Poland admits over 30.000 Ukraine refugees daily : worldnews

We celebrate love: Lithuanias Pride defies counterprotests

Estonia to terminate agreement with Russia on preservation of cultural property : worldnews

Everyone Knew the Migrant Ship Was Doomed. No One Helped. : anime_titties

Russian veteran recalls crimes in Germany. This is fucking horrifying. : videos

Dutch King Willem-Alexander apologises for countrys role in slavery
The Dutch king apologizes for his countrys role in slavery on 150th anniversary of abolition The Netherlandsoften brutal colonial history has come under renewed and critical scrutiny ... Like other European maritime nations, the Dutch were quick to involve themselves in the transtlantic slave trade. Between 1596 and 1829, the Dutch transported about half a million Africans across the Atlantic.

France riots: The Champs Elysees was saved from looting - but only by a massive show of force : worldnews
French Police Union Calls Rioters Vermin (vermine)
Mayor says home rammedand set on fire as France detains hundreds more protesters
China complains to France after Chinese tourists hurt in riots : worldnews

Minister tells council to'immediately end four-day week experiment over value for money concerns. South Cambridgeshire District Council, the first local authority in the UK to undertake such a trial, had announced plans to extend it until April.

Argentina uses yuan for the first time to settle part of its IMF debt : worldnews

More than 7,000 B.C. port workers now on strike : worldnews

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Reuters poll finds 65% of Americans support the U.S. government providing weapons at taxpayers expense to Ukraine (all republicans favor surrendering America to Putin)

A Promise Is a Promise: Biden Urged to Use Different Authority to Wipe Out Student Debt|One campaigner said Biden must use the full might of the federal government to cancel student debtin the face of this lawless and shamefully political ruling.

Most Americans approve of Supreme Court decision restricting use of race in college admissions: POLL - ABC News
Khanna claims SCOTUS overruled Congress on student loan debt, lauds Biden's Plan B - ABC News
Man cited in Supreme Court LGBTQ rights case says he was never involved : politics
Designer in Supreme Court ruling cited client who denies making wedding site request : politics

Supreme Court set to take center stage in battle for Senate : politics
The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now : politics (King Leo and Emperor Koch)

The Supreme Courts conservatives are doing exactly what they claim to detest One would be hard-pressed to find two phrases that more aptly describe the courtsactions, than judicial activism and legislating from the bench
The Supreme Courts Conservatives Change the Rules of the Game
In 370 days, Supreme Court conservatives dash decades of abortion and affirmative action precedents : politics
Supreme Court Had Conservative Triumphs This Term, but Also Showed New Caution - The New York Times Chief Justice Roberts delivered both landmark victories for the right and significant rulings in which he forged alliances with the liberal justices.
Ocasio-Cortez warns of dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in Supreme Court

The affirmative action myth - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... In fact only about 5% of the nations higher ed institutions engage in race-conscious affirmative action: If theres a silver lining to the Supreme Courts attempt to make that number lower, its that it might become clearer that the wildly disproportionate attention this question gets is a product of the obsessions of white elites, not of any actual rational calculation of whats most important to creating a more egalitarian society in this nation
Harvard says it may still consider race during the admissions process, citing the Supreme Courts own ruling against affirmative action .. In 2021, the editorial board of The Harvard Crimson, a student-run publication, noted that the school's admission rate was just 6 percent for all applicants between 2014 and 2019but 33 percent for the children of Harvard alumni, a system that it arguedalmost exclusively privileges the wealthy and white
Academic Snobbery in the Times - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: Not The Celestial Hall Monitors The Supremo have had decades of totebagger PR, elevating them to high priests. ... Thanks, Nina.

Trump Threatens to Appoint Maybe Even Nine Supreme Court Justices if Elected

House Republicans scared to lose majority push back on extreme agenda : politics
McConnells Dream of a Segregated U.S. Is Being Realized (make slavery great again)

Donald Trump Pressured Arizona Governor to Overturn 2020 Election: Report : politics

Prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case denies retaliating against IRS agent who talked to House GOP : politics
Republicans accused of faking Whatsapps to smear Hunter Biden : politics
Hunter Biden photographed himself smoking crack while DRIVING and speeding at 172mph | Daily Mail Online He crashed a rental car in Palm Springs and lied about the accident to his insurer in 2016 while on a 12-day bender ... The picture was found on the First Sons abandoned laptop.

What liberal bias? My media research suggests its another right-wing myth Republicans complain endlessly about the media's supposed bias. Yes, that exists but primarily on their side

Why is America not the lawless, gun-free, socialist wasteland Republicans warned us about? : politics

Conservative influencers are pushing an anti-birth control message : politics

Friendly crowd of 50,000 comes Trump rally in sizzling hot Pickens
Moms For Liberty - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Ron DeSantis has no respect for the rule of law Now the Florida governor is facing real problemsand potential legal jeopardy over his reckless political stunt
DeSantiss stalling campaign: how to lose friends and alienate people
DeSantis signs bill eliminating permanent alimony : news
Pete Buttigieg Expertly Dings DeSantis Homoerotic Anti-Gay Ad
Ron DeSantis pastor says gay people should be put to death

Lindsey Graham Booed While Stumping for Trump in Home State : politics

Americas Worst Democratic Party (NY and Hochul)

Outsidereport? Law firm that wrote it to defend Ken Paxton was paid $500K by Texas AG
Nearly 10,000 babies were born in Texas last year due to abortion ban, researchers estimate : politics

New Iowa laws take effect Saturday including overhaul of child labor rules | The new law will allow kids ages 14 and 15 to be able to work until 11 p.m. during the summer. Thats two hours longer than previously. Theyll be able to work until 9 p.m. during the school year. Kids over 16 will not have hour limits. Theyll also be able to serve alcohol in restaurants for the first time. (fuckers)

Court says Tulsa cant give a Choctaw man a ticket because the Oklahoma city is on reservation land ... That ruling has since been expanded to include several other reservations in eastern and southern Oklahoma that make up about 40% of the state.

A Delaware city wants to let businesses vote in its elections. It just cleared a key hurdle, but its facedpushback

An Abortion Doctor in Alabama - Lawyers, Guns & Money

TIL that the legal age of adulthood is higher than 18 in three US states. In Alabama and Nebraska, its 19, and in Mississippi, its 21

Opinion | Half the Police Force Quit. Crime Dropped. - The New York Times - no coincidence that the cities we most associate with violence also have long and documented histories of police abuse

Police arrest mother of 7-year-old girl whose body was found decaying in closet : news

30 injured, 2 fatally, in mass shooting at Baltimore block party - ABC News
Baltimore shooting: Two dead and 28 injured in mass casualty event, police say : news
7 shot, 2 trampled in shooting at nightclub in Kansas - ABC News At least four guns were fired inside the nightclub, according to police.

Two 14-year-olds fall to their deaths while subway surfing one week apart in New York : news

Tennis rivals Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova fought cancer together - Washington Post

A Tesla owner says he was locked out of his EV after its 12-volt battery died amid the Texas heat : technology

Twitter temporarily restricts tweets users can see - BBC News : worldnews
Twitter in the ICU - Lawyers, Guns & Money We may have reached the end of Twitter. Yesterday came a bunch of maladies, which I wont list because my interest is not in deciphering what might be the disturbances in the code. The maladies affected a large number of Twitter users, how many is hard to guess.
Eschaton: Rahmbo As Twitter enters its "singing Daisy" phase of existence, I am reminded of when Rahm Emanuel announced a plan to team up with Musk to build an express train from the airport to downtown Chicago. ... Lots of reasons to hate Rahm, but we shouldn't overlook what a fucking idiot he is.
Twitter has reportedly refused to pay its Google Cloud contract : technology

@OzKaterji in current Twitter Space: Elon hascompletely destroyedTwitters utility for journalists
@OzKaterji says Twitter throttling our Tweets destroys Twittersinformation-gathering functionality for journalists in the field.
I Did Nazi Crustpunk Bar Fail, Redux [UPDATE-1] - emptywheel

ELI5: What is Platos Idealism and how is it different from commonsensical view of reality?

Milky Way: Icy observatory reveals ghost particles

Humans prey on approximately one-third of all vertebrate species in existence. Researcher's found 40% of the species preyed upon by humans are listed as threatened. More specifically, they found that approximately 55% of these species are eaten : science

A sense of purpose in life whether its a high-minded quest to make a difference or a simple hobby with personal meaning can offer potent protection against loneliness. Research found people who said they received or provided social support were especially likely to report feelings of purpose.

Perceptions of Bisexual Individuals Depend on Target Gender: New research suggests bisexual men are stereotyped as more similar to their gay counterparts than bisexual women are. : science

A mission aiming to unravel the universes biggest mysteries has begun - dark matter and dark energy.

Maine woman punches bear that chased her dog; bear bites back : news

Teachers of Reddit, whats the worst thing you have confiscated from a student?

Older people of reddit. How do you carry on with life when the weight of mistakes and regrets only seems to grow larger as you age? : AskReddit shuts down on September 1 and all Gifs will be taken down : technology


The East Coast's Smoke Could Last Until October - Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Antarctic sea ice at record low for end of June, warns Met Office : worldnews

First baby beaver born in 400 years in Staffordshire UK : worldnews

Orca Rams Into Yacht Near Scotland, Suggesting the Behavior May Be Spreading : worldnews

Australia legalises psychedelics for mental health : worldnews

Japan says Russian warships spotted near Taiwan, Okinawa islands : worldnews
VIDEO : Scientists in Japan develop a wearable robot with 6 arms in a first step towards a cyborg future : worldnews

#CIA Director William Burns called Russian spy chief Sergei Naryshkin to assure the Kremlin that the United States had no role in the #Wagner rebellion, reports Reuters.
CIA director called Kremlin to assure US had no role in aborted mutiny : worldnews

How Putin Cannibalizes Russian Economy to Survive Personally | Time
Assassination Plot Against Putin Thwarted, Russian Authorities Claim : worldnews
Yevgeny Prigozhin will never be discussed again: Russian media to erase all traces of mutinous warlord
Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has closed down his St. Petersburg-based media holding. The Patriot media group, which Prigozhin founded in 2019, encompasses the Internet Research Agency, widely known as a "troll factory" : worldnews
Putin, a germaphobe known for meeting with people at ridiculously long tables, took selfies kissing regular Russians this week : worldnews
Russia will emerge stronger after mutiny so no need to fret, Lavrov says : worldnews ... Lavrov said Moscow was not obliged to explain anything or give any assurances to anyone

Nearly Half of Students Describe Situation in Russia as Crisis, One-Third Seek to Leave Country

Russian men over 60 are already being mobilized into the Russian army. Mykhailo Osypenko, born March 4, 1961, was mobilized to the 35th Army of the Russian Federation on June 12, 2023, and two weeks later, he was taken prisoner in the Luhansk Region. He was 62 years old at the time of mobilization. : RussiaUkraineWar2022
Russians cremate their dead without keeping record to not pay compensation - General Staff
Russia Is Making Abducted Ukrainian Children Impossible to Find : worldnews

Belarusian leader asks Wagner mercenaries to train his military : worldnews
Lukashenka Urges Belarusians To Calm Down Over Wagner Arrivals, As Tent Camp Springs Up In Belarus

Indias first domestically built 700 MW nuclear reactor starts commercial operations

Death Toll From Kenya Road Disaster Reaches 49 : worldnews

CIA director, on secret trip to Ukraine, hears plan for war's endgame - During meetings in Kyiv, William Burns was told of Ukraine's ambitious goal to retake territory and push Moscow into talks by the end of the year
Ukraine counter-offensive will be long and bloody, says US Gen Mark Milley : worldnews
Ukraine, US agree: counteroffensive creeps ahead, measured in blood : worldnews
Latest in Ukraine: US Confident About Counteroffensive Despite Slow Going : worldnews

Do not repeat the mistake Chancellor Merkel made in Bucharest in 2008 when she fiercely opposed any progress towards Ukraines NATO membership Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in an interview with BILD ... and president Sarkozy. And prime minister Brown. And a majority of Ukrainians that opposed joining NATO back then and elected Yanukovych, who ran with neutrality as a campaign promise, 2 years later.

Thunberg slams muted global response to Ukrainian dam disaster : worldnews
Japan provides power generators to Ukraine following dam breach : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 493, Part 1 (Thread #639) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 1.7.2023 : ukraine undefined

Ukraines forces advance daily by at least 500 meters during the summer counteroffensive despite the lack of military hardware; Ukraine will strengthen its northern borders amid reports of Wagners redeployment to Belarus; and more.
Southern Axis: #Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations on the administrative border between #Donetsk and #Zaporizhia oblasts on June 30. 1/3
#Ukrainian Strategic Command reported that Ukrainian forces conducted successful strikes against a #Russian headquarters and a fuel and lubricants depot in the suburbs of #Berdyansk, #Zaporizhia Oblast on June 30. 3/3
Live updates: Russia's war in Ukraine and fallout from Wagner insurrection Russias war in Ukraine and fallout from Wagner insurrection

#Russian milbloggers have complained for nearly two weeks that Russian forces have failed to push a very small #Ukrainian forcereportedly of up to 70 personnel from their entrenched positions underneath the eastern span of the #Antonivsky Bridge. 2/4
The severe milblogger response to the #Russian military commands decision-making demonstrates that Russian milbloggers have not rallied around the Russian military command in the aftermath of #Wagner's armed rebellion. 4/4
Found in a captured Russian trench, in Bakhmut. Translate required : UkraineWarVideoReport
In a situation where a Russian soldier, in an enthusiastic state, voluntarily surrenders to the Ukrainian Army. an entire squad of Ukrainian soldiers rejoices. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

ISW: Russian forces remain unlikely to cause an intentional 'accident' at Zaporizhzhia plant. The Russian forces would not be able to control the consequences of an intentional radiological incident at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the Institute for the Study of War said in its latest update on June 30.

Record strong levels of enthusiasm and support for euro-Atlantic integration: - 92% of Ukrainians want Ukraine to join the EU; - 89% support joining NATO - putin was so wrong about attacking Ukraine. Instead of bringing it back to russia orbit he made any return impossible.

Ukrainian author Victoria Amelina critically injured in Kramatorsk strike | Ukraine : worldnews

Two dead in Moldova airport shooting and gunman detained | CNN : worldnews

Jens Stoltenberg to stay on as NATO chief another yearRussias invasion of Ukraine has played a major role in the decision, with a number of capitals preferring to maintain the experienced politician, known for his careful rhetoric, during a politically sensitive time for the alliance.

(Orban: Putin is weak, Putin is strong, Ukraine is not a sovereign country (and I'm a dickhead)

Satellite imagery, sealed court documents and interviews with survivors suggest that hundreds of deaths were preventable.

Billionaires disappointed after superyachts banned from Naples port
Teacher fired for missing 20 years of work : worldnews (Italy)

China urges Netherlands to not abuse export control measures : worldnews ... China has urged the Netherlands to not hinder bilateral cooperation in the semiconductor industry ("bilateral")

Renewable share of Germanys power consumption climbs to 52.3% in first half of the year

France protests: nearly 1,000 arrested as riots surge in Marseille and Lyon | France : worldnews
Young man who jumped out of building during riots has diedas France deploys 45,000 police to tackle violence ... Mr Macron has also been urged to get a grip on the crisis after going to an Elton John concert on Wednesday, the day after the shooting.
Paris Holocaust memorial vandalised as city rocked by riots : worldnews (and blames video games)
Fires rage as police detain more than 1,300 on fourth night of French protests : worldnews
France shooting: Macron accuses rioters of exploiting teen killed by police : worldnews

Oligarch hit by Ukrainian sanctions has UK residency and was given goldenvisa
One in seven people face hunger across the UK because they dont have enough money

Eight-year election ban for Brazils Bolsonaro

Riots erupt in French Caribbean territories in reaction to unrest in France over teens death

National Archives concludes review of JFK assassination documents with 99% made public .... In 1992, Congress passed the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act (30 yrs later, 1% totally hidden)

Scathing report on US withdrawal from Afghanistan blames Trump and Biden : worldnews
State Departments Afghanistan withdrawal report shows there wasn't a plan for worst-case scenarios

US rejoins UNESCO, reversing Trump withdrawal : worldnews

Biden will host Swedens prime minister at the White House as the Nordic nation seeks to join NATO

Biden condemns Supreme Court decision on student loans, proposes new measures : politics
PPP loans cost nearly double what Bidens student debt forgiveness would have. Heres how the programs compare ... I was trying to provide students with $10,000 to $20,000 in relief, Biden said. The average amount forgiven in the PPP program was $70,000. He added, The hypocrisy is stunning.

The Memo: Trumps Supreme Court shows its seismic impact
Leaving 43 million people in debt and legalizing anti-gay discrimination apparently wasnt nearly enough.
Eschaton: Not Their Job Obama really did elevate so many shitty people.

Trump justices reverse their own testimony in new Affirmative Action ban : politics
Why the Champions of Affirmative Action Had to Leave Asian Americans Behind | The New Yorker The original concept in pursuit of diversity was vital and righteous. The way it was practiced was hard to defend ... The evidence the plaintiffs had amassed that Harvard, in particular, discriminated against Asian applicants through a bizarre and unacceptablepersonal ratingsystem is overwhelming. These facts, and, more important, the conservative composition of the Supreme Court, placed the defenders of affirmative action in a bit of a discursive and legal corner ... Harvard -- where, according to a study published in 2017, only four and a half per cent of the student body came from the bottom twenty per cent of the nations income earners and fifteen per cent of students came from families who make more than six hundred and thirty thousand dollars a year ... of course, did none of this and chose instead to chase an absurd and empty vision of diversity that allowed it to stay as exclusive as possible.

Cesspool of Corruption: Dems Reintroduce Bill to Impose Supreme Court Term Limits
Supreme court leaves intact Mississippi law disenfranchising Black voters | US supreme court | The Guardian Court turns away case on law implemented over a century ago with explicit goal of preventing Black people from voting
Decisions from this term look likely to add Democratic seats in the Black Belt but expect a fight from Republicans

Elena Kagan Has Had Enough - By Jamelle Bouie
Elena Kagan Has Had Enough : politics
When the Court acts unconstitutionally - Lawyers, Guns & Money The judiciary, no less than the other branches, is bound by the Constitution, including the separation of powers it establishes directly and implicitly. As Jamelle Bouie observes, the most significant part of Kagans dissent in Nebraska v. Biden was her pointing out that the Court clearly transgressed its constitutional limits:
John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court The chief justice doesnt like his conservative Supreme Court colleagues getting called out for judicial overreach.
When the Court acts unconstitutionally - Lawyers, Guns & Money As Jamelle Bouie observes, the most significant part of Kagans dissent in Nebraska v. Biden was her pointing out that the Court clearly transgressed its constitutional limits:

Supreme Court takes up case over gun ban for those under domestic violence restraining orders : politics

Trump sparks speculation by ranting about charges against mein Georgia
Donald Trump sparks suspicion hes about to be indicted again

Trump Pressured Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey To Overturn 2020 Election : politics
Well of course he did - Lawyers, Guns & Money Trump tried to pressure Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) to overturn the states presidential election results, Today this is barely even a story.

Trumps motorcade heckled at Moms for Liberty event: "Traitor" ... Videos shared to Twitter by freelance journalist Oliya Scootercaster
Protesters Blast Moms For Liberty Summit in Philly: Klanned Karenhood
Shame Went to Die at Moms for Libertys Philadelphia Summit

Trumps basement campaign (Dummaswummy wins)

Hunter Bidens lawyer roasts IRS whistleblowers in message to GOP chair
Hunter Biden's Daughter and a Tale of Two Families - The story surrounding the president's grandchild in Arkansas, who has not yet met her father or her grandfather, is about money, corrosive politics and what it means to have the Biden birthright.

DeSantis Says He Would Abolish 4 Federal Agencies as President, Including Education Department and IRS
DeSantis Video Brags That His Policies Literally Threaten Trans Existence
GOP Group Tears Apart Ron DeSantis Homophobic, Desperate Anti-LGBTQ Ad
Campaign Ads Of The Republican Also-Ran - Lawyers, Guns & Money
To wrap up Pride Month, lets hear from the politician who did more than any other Republican to celebrate it (and here's the ad)
Florida bill allowing radioactive roads made of potentially cancer-causing mining waste signed by DeSantis : politics (well, they will glow in the dark)
Black engineers, Game of Thrones fans cancel Orlando events over political concerns : politics

RFKs laser focus on DeSantis supporters surprisingly not helping him with Democratic primary voters ... I'm beginning to think that Glenn Greenwald and David Sacks do not have their pulse on the typical Democratic primary voter.

An unlikely provocateur, Miss Texas, takes on the states GOP leaders

No Labels Is Chasing A Fantasy | FiveThirtyEight What the group misunderstands about American politics - he independent, moderate middle isn't that big

Delaware House approves bill allowing business entities to vote in towns municipal elections

Recreational marijuana is now legal in Maryland. Expect a lot of fun.

Self-serve gas will be legal in Oregon when governor signs bill : politics

Maine becomes first state to decriminalize selling sex - The Washington Post Buying sex will remain illegal in the state, as communities nationally reconsider how best to legislate prostitution
Maine becomes first state to decriminalize selling sex - The Washington Post - Buying sex will remain illegal in the state, as communities nationally reconsider how best to legislate prostitution

Proud Boys to pay church $1 million for destroyed Black Lives Matter sign

Mom influencer sentenced to 90 days for fake claim that Latino couple tried to kidnap her children - Prosecutors said Katie Sorensen's December 2020 video accusing a California man and woman of attempted kidnapping was resoundingly contradicted

U.S. prosecutors ramp up federal gang indictments in evolving strategy to combat surging D.C. gun violence

Twitter Is Imploding - Lawyers, Guns & Money The owner is imposing limits on free Twitter speech. (Elongated dickhead is DDOSing his own brain)

How Did One Man Steal $2 Billion in Art? | GQ

California man creates AI chatbot to waste the time of telemarketers : technology

18 Hasidic Schools Failed to Provide Basic Education, New York City Finds : news ... these institutions have collected more than $1 billion from city, state and federal sources in the past four years alone (but numbers and english too goyish)

Which celebrity never got called out for their toxic behavior? : AskReddit

70 years ago today, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was released and turned Marilyn Monroe into a global superstar. Heres her iconic musical number from it, Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend
(155) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes "A Little Girl From Little Rock" Music Video - YouTube

1000-Lb. Sisters Star Dead at 40: Tammy Slatons Husband Caleb Willinghams Death Confirmed by Stepmom

Boston City Councilor Kendra Lara crashed car into Jamaica Plain house, according to draft police report : boston
Boston City Councilor Kendra Lara crashes car into Jamaica Plain house with son in backseat - The Boston Globe (commenters destroy the Globe)

TIL, in 1916, German agents blew up 2 million pounds of munitions on Black Tom Island in NY Harbor. The explosion damaged the Statue of Liberty. : todayilearned

Microsofts light-based computer marks the unravelling of Moore's Law - Photonic computing ... "metasurface" AND "photonic computing" AND "diffraction"

Physical attractiveness may indicate good health. The study found that people who were rated as above-average in attractiveness tended to be noticeably healthier compared to those considered average-looking when assessed 10 years later. : science

Taking higher-than-recommended doses of vitamin D for five years reduced the risk of atrial fibrillation. Risk of atrial fibrillation was 27% lower in the 40 micrograms group, and 32% lower in the 80 micrograms group, when compared to the placebo group : science

Scientists pick up shock waves from colliding galaxies : worldnews

New gene variant uncovers root cause of lung disease in Inuit ... In small communities, its common to find things like the gene that causes cystic fibrosis localized in one area as local people marry each other ... Pediatric respirology is a very small field in Canada

Damage on 39,000-year-old tools may reveal a prehistoric Age of Bamboo

International researchers have compared the external ears of more than 1,400 people of multiple nationalities and found that the ear is as good an identifier of an individual as a fingerprint or DNA, and can even distinguish between identical twins. : science

TIL In men diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction, over time it can lead to irreversible damage and a circumstance where ED drugs like Viagra no longer work. : todayilearned

What is the most bizarre memory you have? So bizarre, to the point youre not even sure it actually happened?

Men of Reddit, what do you think is more painful than childbirth? : AskReddit

What do you feel you are losing interest in as you grow older? : AskReddit

What terrifying event is happening in the world right now that most people are ignoring? : AskReddit

Parents of Reddit, whats the worst thing you've found while checking your kids search history?

Guys, what do women do that give you the ick?

What's an addiction that people often overlook? : AskReddit

What is something that has massively improved your mental health? : AskReddit

Smoke and heat warnings affect more than 170m in US : news

Super-rich warned of pitchforks and torches unless they tackle inequality

Australias budget surplus swells to $19bn due to surging tax revenue

Relatives of Japanese abducted by North Korea call for quick repatriation : worldnews

The US flies nuclear-capable bombers in a fresh show of force against North Korea : worldnews

China's factories limping along as activity contracts for third straight month

Cyberattack knocks out satellite communications for Russian military
Cyberattack knocks out satellite communications for Russian military : worldnews
Why the events of Saturday did not weaken, but only strengthened our country This article in the tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda gives a good sense of the new propaganda line, as the Kremlin desperately tries to spin the Prigozhin mutiny 1/
Cost of Putin's War : ukraine
Cover of the latest issue of The Economist : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russias rouble tumbles to over 15-month low

Russian General Sergey Surovikin was secret VIP member of Wagner, documents show | CNN : worldnews
Wagner Group continues to recruit militants for war in Ukraine

Mystery In Moscow As Russian Bank Vice-President Falls Out Of A Window

Russians kill each other on the battlefield - General Staff
Why Russia rewrote Lord of the Rings - UnHerd
The Last Ringbearer - Wikipedia

Russias Federation Council head accuses Ukraine of breeding combat nits

UN warns that 90% of Syrians are below the poverty line, while millions face cuts in food aid : worldnews
After unsuccessful rebellion Prigozhin loses all his investments in Syria : worldnews

Iran finally admits its quantum processor was in fact not quantum at all

Rebuilding Ukraine after the war could cost $411 billion. The EU thinks an estimated $3 billion interest generated from frozen Russian assets every year could help. : worldnews
We did not feel that the occupier sdefence got weaker -- Zaluzhnyi about Wagner mutiny
Ukraine aims to wear down and outsmart a Russian army distracted by infighting : worldnews
US to send secret weapon ATACMS Missiles to fight Russia in Ukraine
The US is strongly considering sending cluster munitions (DPICM) to Ukraine.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 492, Part 1 (Thread #638) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 30.06

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 30 June 2023.
Ukraine says its forces advance in all directions of counteroffensive : worldnews
Angered by counteroffensive complaints, Ukraine's top general says the expected mission is not feasible at all with just the weapons his army
Battlefield videos capture a tank explosion so massive its likely it was one of Russias new rolling bombs
The Ukrainians are going slowly because they are trying to limit their casualtiessomething that bloodthirsty Russian commanders dont care about. It is doubtful that any Western military could do any better without air superiority.

New pictures of the destroyed Kakhovka dam

Russia reducing personnel at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant : worldnews
Russia has approved plan to blow up nuclear plant, claims Ukraine : worldnews

Ukraine charges Russian politician with war crimes over alleged deportation of orphans from Kherson : worldnews

Finnish nationalist minister resigns over Nazi references : worldnews ,,, Junnila had congratulated a fellow party member on his candidate number, 88 - a known neo-Nazi symbol used in place of the Heil Hitler salute referencing Nazi Germanys leader Adolf Hitler.
Junnila resigns after week-long row over far-right links (Finland) : worldnews

Poland detains Russian top-flight ice hockey player on spying charges : worldnews

Sweden Quran burning sparks anger across Muslim world : worldnews

Far-right parties on the rise across Europe : worldnews

A more than 2000-year-old ancient Greek altar was found in the archaeological site of Segesta in Sicily.

Italy to bar soccer players from wearing No. 88, which has coded meaning for neo-Nazis : worldnews

Today the worlds oldest continuously published newspaper released its final editionafter 320 Years
Germany Expresses Concern Over France Riots

France riots: "all options" considered after third night of violence since fatal shooting : worldnews
600 arrested as unrest sweeps France over teen killed by police : worldnews
600 Arrested on Frances Third Night of Protests Over Teens Killing
UN says France must address deep issues of racial discrimination in its police : worldnews
Why are French police using guns during traffic stops? - BBC News : worldnews
French Protests and Global Anti-Racism - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Nigel Farage claims he may have to leave UK after bank accounts closed : worldnews ... because hes had large donations from very dodgy Russians which got flagged up by CIFAS.
Royal Air Force unlawfully discriminated against white male recruits in bid to boost diversity, inquiry finds : worldnews
Secret email from leading UK water company boss to rivals: stick together to fend off nationalisation : worldnews
Suffolk father who hunted for daughters killer was a hero, son says

Brazil Bars Bolsonaro From Office for Election-Fraud Claimselectoral court banned former President Jair Bolsonaro from seeking office until 2030 for spreading false claims about the nations voting system.
Record shark fin bust in Brazil of nearly 29 tons taken from 10,000 sharks: The fins, destined for illegal export to Asia, came from blue sharks and shortfin mako sharks, which recently joined the countrys list of endangered species

Suspect in Attack on Canadian Gender Studies Class Was Motivated by Hate: Police : worldnews

Biden administration failed to foresee Afghanistan mayhem, review finds - The Washington Post

Pentagon to filmmakers: We won't help you if you kowtow To China : DOD will no longer work with directors if their movie will be censored by Beijing.

Pariah vs. May be far worse: Swing voters have a clear choice on handling Putin. In comparison to other issues, Biden gets highest marks on Russia, Ukraine

Jan. 6 defendant arrested near Obama's home had guns and 400 rounds of ammunition in his van : Taylor Taranto has been publicly identified as a participant in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol since August 2021. He was arrested Thursday.
Jan 6 fugitive shared Trump post revealing Obamas address hours before arrest

Failed oversight, lax punishments: How the Coast Guard has allowed sexual assault at sea to go unchecked : stoprape
Senators say theyre just learning of a probe into mishandled sexual assaults at Coast Guard Academy

Bidenomics is transformative. Biden needs to ensure voters know it.
ECON 101 : Bidenomics Is Working - Here's Why the Business Press Wont Say SoTo economics journalists, bad news is always just around the cornerespecially when a Democrat is in the White House.

The Supreme Court's Conservative Supermajority Continues Its Work Rolling Back The 20th Century - The psychodrama over whether John Roberts is in control of the court is irrelevant when the justices just keep enacting the conservative policy agenda.

Biden admin finalizes student debtsafety net as repayment looms
Biden reveals new path to student debt relief after Supreme Court strikes down presidents plan
Student Debt Cancellation Cancelled - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Supreme Courts lawless, completely partisan student loans decision, explained decision in Biden v. Nebraska is nothing more than an exercise of raw power. It bears no resemblance to actual law.
Supreme Court Decides Fake Plaintiffs Are Good Plaintiffs - The American Prospect The result is that student debt cancellation for 43 million borrowers has been wiped away.
Why Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote about babysitters in her student loan opinion | CNN Politics

Supreme Court rejects challenge to Jim Crow-era Mississippi voting law The state constitutional amendment from 1890 was intended to disproportionately remove voting rights from Black people convicted of certain crimes.
Supreme Court sends back Ohio redistricting case | The Hill - independent state legislature theory,

The Supreme Courts Conservatives Are Breaking History and Our Future
Closing out a Supreme Court term tainted by corruption : politics

Supreme Court rules against Colorado in case that pitted religion against LGBTQ rights : politics ... this case was based on a fabrication. The client in question is 1. Not gay and 2. Didn't even ask for a website.This is psychopathic~
Supreme Court Backs Web Designer Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage : politics
Key document may be fake in LGBTQ+ rights case before US supreme court : politics
Supreme Court limits LGBTQ protections : politics
The Supreme Courts Decision on Anti-LGBTQ Discrimination Is Incoherent
John Roberts demonstrates a justified lack of confidence in his arrogation of congressional and presidential authority - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Supreme Court LGBTQ ruling: Neil Gorsuch has a problem with telling the truth, in 303 Creative v. Elenis - Vox Gorsuch hands a victory to the Christian right by making false claims about an important First Amendment case.
Sotomayor slams the Supreme Court for finding that a Colorado web designer shouldn't be forced to make sites for same-sex couples:Today is a sad day in American constitutional law and in the lives of LGBT people
The Supreme Court just made me a second-class citizen : politics

Military academies can still consider race in admissions, but the rest of the nation's colleges and universities cannot, court rules : politics
The time Clarence Thomas said affirmative action was critical for society
I Worked With Anita Hill to Fight Clarence Thomas Confirmation. Our Worst Fears Came True.
Sotomayor and Jackson slam idea that U.S. is colorblind
Mike Pences Incredibly Dumb Reaction to the Supreme Courts Affirmative Action Ruling
Opinion | White women have helped sink the affirmative action ship - The Washington Post

Supreme Court to Hear Major Guns Case Involving Domestic Violence : politics
Supreme Court to Hear Major Guns Case Involving Domestic Violence - The New York Times The court, which has decided very few Second Amendment cases, will consider whether the government may disarm people subject to restraining orders for domestic abuse.

Is Rudy Giuliani About to Cut a Deal and Flip on Trump? : politics

FBI Director Wray deposed in lawsuit over FBI agent's firing; Trump could be next : politics

Why Donald Trump Was So Mad at Mark Milley That He Confessed to a Crime : politics
Shocker: Trumps Standing Order Defense in Documents Case Was Total Bullshit

Judge Cannon should recuse herself from the Trump case : politics

Win or Lose, Chris Christie Is Running the Best Campaign Against Trump : politics

Column: For Republicans, Bomb the Mexicans is the new Build the Wall

Revealed: Christian legal nonprofit funds US anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion organizations : politics
Moms for Liberty didnt exist 3 years ago. Now its a GOP kingmaker. | Five GOP presidential candidates plan to attend the groups Philadelphia convention this weekend

Impeachment, censure and contempt fervor takes over Congress : politics
McCarthy cant keep his circus together: High jinx from House Republicans undermine GOP power
Republican House members' challenge to mask mandate rejected by court - Masks havent been required on the floor of the House of Representatives for more than a year, but Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), and Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) were challenging fines they incurred when the covid-19 mitigation policy was in place.

Hunter Biden attorney says WhatsApp message cited by Republicans is fake In a purported 2017 message to a Chinese businessman, Hunter Biden allegedly threatened retaliation from his father, who was then a former vice president.

Why Ron DeSantis is emailing his supporters about men getting pregnant : politics
DeSantis treatment of migrants divides Miamis Venezuelan community, the nations largest
Abusing his power, DeSantis puts Florida on dangerous path to authoritarianism | Opinion : politics
While Ronald DeSantis Wants to Defund Every Federal Agency In Sight, His Donors Are Plenty Well Funded | He was so busy fighting teachers and librarians that some $92 million in COVID relief money creeped into the pockets of one of his donors : politics

Texas GOP Offers Workers the Freedom to Boil Alive: A new bill rolls back city-level rights for workers to take breaks during hot daysas Texas swelters through a punishing heat wave.

GOP primaries threaten Republican hopes of winning back Senate : politics

Angry onlookers shout dog killer at George Santos as he arrives at court for fraud hearing in New York

Former chair of Ohio Republican Party sentenced to 5 years in prison for role in racketeering conspiracy : politics
Former Ohio House speaker sentenced to 20 years in $60 million bribery scheme : politics

Indiana Supreme Court: Lawmakers can ban abortion except to protect mothers health

Pornhub blocks access in Virginia over new age verification law : politics

Bi lawmaker sues anti-LGBTQ+ group for calling her a groomer. The false accusation led to months of harassment, threats, and someone even said they would kidnap her son.

Opinion | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Coalition of the Distrustful - The New York Times (out of date polling)
Conspiracy theorism and wellness culture - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eliot Spitzer: RFK Jr. asked about giving paid speeches in office

Republicans claim Democrats cant keep us safe crime data disagrees

18 Hasidic Schools Failed to Provide Basic Education, New York City Finds - The New York Times - An eight-year investigation determined that the religious schools were breaking the law by not offering thousands of students adequate instruction in English and math. the schools, which offer intensive religious lessons in Yiddish but little instruction in English, math or other secular subjects, marked the first instance of the city concluding that private schools had failed to provide a sufficient education.

Fox News Agrees to Pay $12 Million to Settle Hostile Workplace SuitThe settlement with a former producer, Abby Grossberg, is the latest development in a series of legal battles involving Fox. (Fucker Dickhead)

Was I Married to a Stranger? - The New York Times I thought I knew my husband of 20 years. I didnt and still dont. ... There was another woman, as there often is when men leave. Her husband called me the night of March 21 as I mopped the kitchen floor after dinner and left a voice mail message: Im sorry to tell you that your husband is having an affair with my wife

Programmer discovers hidden Elon Mode for hands-free Full Self-Driving in Teslas

In a triple-blinded randomized trial, patients with acute back/neck pain found no significant difference in pain severity after six weeks of opioid us, compared to patients given placebo. Results indicate opioids should not be recommended for acute back or neck pain. : science

Aspartame sweetener to be declared possible cancer risk by WHO : worldnews

Economic Inequality Cannot Be Explained by Individual Bad Choices | A global study finds that economic inequality on a social level cannot be explained by bad choices among the poor nor by good decisions among the rich. : science

Fidelity cuts Reddit valuation again : technology
The Reddit Protests Continue, But the Company Has a Much Bigger Problem:There's a disconnect between how Reddit sees itself, and its real value to the world. : technology


Why the Heat Dome Sizzling Texas Won't Budge - Scientific American - A heat dome is parked over Texas and Mexico and is sending temperatures soaring to recordand potentially deadly levels

At least 11 dead in Texas as scorching temps continue : news
Extreme temperatures killed at least 112 people in Mexico since March : worldnews

A 1C increase in the yearly average temperature is linked to a 4.5% increase in domestic violence in South Asia. If nothing is done to combat anthropogenic climate change, the study predicts domestic violence in this region will increase by 21% by the end of the century. N=195,000 women

Forest fires: An extra degree of temperature can increase the burned area by 222% : worldnews

The mosquito era: As the world warms, these insects are thriving -- and bringing disease : worldnews

WHOs cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen
Former Head Of FDA Says Rumsfeld Has A Lot To Answer For, WikiLeaks Podesta Emails Show ... a prominent player in the approval of Nutrasweet, the controversial artificial sweetener made from aspartame. (2016)

Study reveals alarming cognitive impairments in long COVID patients. A medium-to-high effect size and a significantly moderate level of heterogeneity among studies, as demonstrated by I2 of 63%, were observed. COVID-19 convalescents showed significant cognitive deficits in comparison to controls : science

16 cats killed by bird flu in Poland as global outbreak continues : worldnews

Corruption inquiry in Australia uncovers China links to state lawmaker : worldnews
Endangered species found smashed upunder bulldozed trees: Grave concerns
New Zealand bans thin plastic fruit and vegetable bags in world first | The ban is expected to reduce the use of 150 million bags a year : worldnews

My entire body is shaken by rage: Myanmar villager recounts horror of junta airstrike that killed five of her siblings | CNN

Japanese government approves proposal to let women buy morning-after pills without prescription : worldnews

South Korean lawmaker introduces Special Act to ban dog meat industry, hailed as historic day for animal welfare by HSI/Korea

TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor) to send hundreds more workers to speed U.S. plant construction : worldnews

Biden says Putin was weakened by Prigozhins revolt
Germanys Scholz Sees Cracks in Putins Power After Mutiny
Wagner out of war, says Russian official following reports Prigozhin flown to Moscow : worldnews
Prigozhins mercenaries will no longer take part in the war against Ukraine - This was announced by the head of the Main Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defense, Kyrylo Budanov.
Putin says he hopes Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenaries didn't steal much of the billions Russia spent on them

Kremlin quiet on fate of Russian general with links to Wagner boss : worldnews
Russian General Arrested Following Wagner Mutiny : worldnews - That monster deliberately started the campaign of Russia targeting Syrian and Ukrainian civilians and healthcare infrastructure in order to terrorize them into submission. He is a terrorist and deserves the absolute WORST fate possible.
Russia holds General Sergei Surovikin over Wagner mutiny: Reports : worldnews
The Kremlin is purging the military in a search for traitors after the Wagner mutiny: reports : worldnews

Kremlin Denies State Role in Wagners Africa Businesses - The Moscow Times

Ramzan Kadyrovs forces are distinguishing themselves off the battlefield in Ukraine and at some distance from Wagners mutinybynot really doing anything. why the Checehns are more concerned with social media than battlefield success:

Glamorous vice president of Russian bank Kristina Baikova, 28, plunges to her death from 11th floor apartment window in Moscow in latest mysterious fatality involving countrys top execs

Mystery In Moscow As Russian Bank Vice-PresidentFalls Out Of AWindow

Russian sexologists to target homosexuality, other "disorders" under new rules : worldnews

White House condemns harassment of reporter who asked Modi about human rights : worldnews
Indian-origin man used Uber to smuggle 800+ Indians into the United States : worldnews ... across the border from Canada

Nepals Supreme Court orders Govt to register same-sex marriage

Satellite Imagery Shows the Taliban Appears To Sharply Reduce Opium Cultivation In Afghanistan. Annual opium cultivation has dropped by as much as 80 percent compared to the year before. : worldnews

Uganda passed one of the worlds harshest anti-gay laws. LGBTQ people describe living there as "hell" - pious Christian fundamentalists

Mile-High Surprise: Woman Claims Emirates Airline Declined to Call Police After Man Urinated on Her in Middle of Airplane : worldnews

Shootout outside US consulate in Saudi port city leaves assailant and security guard dead, US says : worldnews

Gallant orders four Israelis to be held without charge over West Bank riots : worldnews .. our Jewish extremists involved in recent attacks against Palestinians

No presidential election in Ukraine till war ends: Zelensky : worldnews
Greta Thunberg visited President Zelenskyy and condemned Russias ecocide

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 491, Part 1 (Thread #637) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 29.6.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian forces advance 1,300 metres on Berdiansk front
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo: Breaking news from the front. The Armed Forces of Ukraine is advancing in multiple directions. : ukraine
Ukrainian soldiers say they owe lives to US-supplied Bradley vehicles : worldnews

After suffering enormous casualties in the battlefield, several Russian soldiers from the elite "Storm Z" unit released a video in which they declared their refusal to participate in combat missions. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ukrainian soldier says several Russian snipers failed to hit him even after he was wounded because they kind of sucked

Four children among 11 killed in missile strike on Ukraine pizza restaurant : worldnews
Most Ukrainians have relatives or friends injured or killed in Russian invasion of Ukraine : worldnews

EU should not lower the bar to take in Ukraine, says Denmark

Hungary Delays Ratification Of Swedens NATO Membership

Wagner presence in Belarus prompts Polish govt to reinforce eastern border
Poles hold most favourable view of US, finds international study : worldnews .. Poles have a more favorable view of the US than Americans do.

Scholz: Wagner troops in Belarus a situation we are observing with great concern

Police will be banned from wearing religious items of clothing such as headscarves, yarmulkes, and crucifixes with their uniform. With this regulation, there will be clarity about the neutrality of the uniform

France shooting: 77 arrested in violent protests over police killing of teenager : worldnews
France will deploy 40,000 police officers to quell violence that followed deadly police shooting : worldnews
Drugs rain down on French countryside after fighter jet intercepts drug-trafficking plane : worldnews

One in seven Britons faced hunger in 2022, says food bank charity : worldnews
Apple joins opposition to encrypted message app scanning : worldnews

3 rushed to hospital after gender issues classroom stabbings at University of Waterloo: Report : worldnews
Rain hasnt quelled Canadian wildfires, and more smoky haze is on the way, officials say

Chinese spy balloon used American-made parts, did not transmit data: Officials - ABC News Determining if the parts came from illegal trade is a very serious concern.

U.S. is far more globally popular under Biden than it was in Trump era : politics

Man with weapons and Jan. 6 warrant arrested after running toward Obamas D.C. home
THREAD: An interesting but unsurprising string of events just occurred. Taylor Taranto, a J6 #capitolinsider, was arrested while searching for Secret Tunnels outside Obamas home.

Electoral College Ratings: Expect Another Highly Competitive ElectionSmall edge to Democrats but neither side over 270 to start

Affirmative ActionSupreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C. - The 6-3 ruling could drastically alter college admissions policies across the country. Criticizing the decision, President Biden said this was not a normal courtand directed the Education Department to analyze what practices can build a more inclusive and diverse student body.
Supreme Court rejects race-based affirmative action in college admissions
Megathread: Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Affirmative Action in Higher Education as Unconstitutional : politics
Supreme Court bans affirmative action in college admissions : boston

5 fast facts about SCOTUS ban on affirmative action in colleges
Supreme Court to rule Friday on student loans, LGBTQ rights : politics

Supreme Court rules for Christian mail carrier who refused to work Sundays The case concerns an evangelical Christian who claimed the U.S. Postal Service did not do enough to accommodate his request not to work on Sundays.

The Mysterious Case of the Fake Gay Marriage Website, the Real Straight Man, and the Supreme Court | The New Republic In filings in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case is a supposed request for a gay wedding websitebut the man named in the request says he never filed it. (lying christo-fascist fuckers made it all up)
Turns Out the Supreme Courts Gay Wedding Website Case May Be Based on a Lie

A grand jury has issued more subpoenas to people involved in the case after the unveiling of a 38-count indictment this month against Mr. Trump and an aide.
Prosecutors are prepared to hit Trump and his allies with new charges, sources say : politics ... It is further understood that Mr Giulianis cooperation with prosecutors was undertaken as part of what is known as aqueen for a day deal, under which the ex-mayor can avoid indictment for anything he tells prosecutors about during the interview.
This wont go well for Trump Experts say Giuliani trying to avoid indictmentby cutting a deal

Ranking Member Raskin Shares Key Evidence Directly Contradicting Bribery Allegations Touted by Rudy Giuliani and Oversight Chairman Comer | House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Trump Demanded My Documents Back Even After His Lawyers Told Him Hed Be Indicted
Trump: Believe Me, I Was Lying : politics

GOP had evidence disproving Biden bribery claims in 2019, top Democrat says : politics
Jamie Raskin Releases Transcript Of Ukrainian Oligarch Denying He Talked To Joe Biden : politics
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, free from cancer, weighs a Senate run : politics

Republicans Anti-Woke, Anti-Vote Crusade Has Crashed Into the Constitution
GOPs lackluster frontrunner: Trump seems awfully low energy lately From saying hes alegitimate person tododging a debate, Trump dishes out weak sauce even by his low standards

The GOP Is Lining Up to Pay Homage to Americas Newest Extremist Group, Moms for Liberty

Koch Network Raises Over $70 Million for Push to Sink Trump : politics

Prosecutors charge three investors with insider trading in Trump SPAC deal | CNN Business

DeSantis agency sent $92 million in covid relief funds to donor-backed project : politics
If you think Trumps Supreme Court picks were bad, take a look at DeSantischoices
Supreme Court Subtweets Ron DeSantis That Hes Totally Losing To Disney
Ron DeSantis the worst candidate I've ever seen -- Former GOP strategist

Column: Kari Lake is a deceitful fraud. Now shell have to defend her lies in court

Ex-Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder gets maximum 20 years in prison for largest bribery scandal in state history : politics

Is Josh Hawley All Right? | The Nation His new book Manhood advocates for a return to ancient values of family and masculinity. In reality, it reveals the Missouri senators weird fixations ... the solution to this crisis is Bible study and a resurrected appreciation for bygone masculine virtues like courage and strength, while leaving the caregiving professions to the ladies ... The structure of each chapter is, loosely: personal anecdote, biblical analysis, critique of "the left," unrelated fact about Teddy Roosevelt.
We wonder who the real men are - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Republicans want a fucking around abortion ban binge without the finding out abortion ban hangover - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Nonreligious Americans Are The New Abortion Voters | FiveThirtyEight

Former Parkland school cop Scot Peterson, who allegedly fled shooting, found not guilty on all counts - ABC News Scot Peterson faced up to 95 years in a prison if convicted on all charges.
Parkland school resource officer who stayed outside during mass shooting found not guilty | CNN : news

Wave of gun arrests on Capitol Hill, including for a gun in baby stroller, as tourists return - CBS News

Controversial Mississippi Prosecutor Resigns After 30+ Years | HuffPost Latest News Doug Evans is stepping down Friday, six months before his term ends.

The real scandal is what is routine practice - Lawyers, Guns & Money Another investigation concludes that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide as a result of massive negligence and understaffing, which really shouldnt be surprising if you have any familiarity with the American political system:

Madonna rushed to hospital after being found unresponsive Madonna rushed to hospital, intubated in ICU after being found unresponsive

Exclusive: WHO's cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen -sources | Reuters

Astronomers across the world announced on Thursday that they have found the first evidence of a long-theorized form of gravitational waves that create a "background hum" rumbling throughout the universe : worldnews
Scientists have finally heard the chorus ofgravitational waves that ripple through the universe

Scientists spot a planet that shouldnt exist

Women Interviewing for Bill Gates's Private Office Were Asked Sexually Explicit Questions - Female job candidates say extreme vetting process by a security firm sometimes included questions about pornography and sexual histories; Gates's office says such questioning would be unacceptable ... Gates himself also has had multiple extramarital affairs and had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender, the Journal has reported. Gates has said it was a mistake to associate with Epstein.

Bill Cosby sued by 9 more women in Nevada for alleged decades-old sexual assaults : news... 60+ women have come forward and this piece of shit is free.

Twitter's New Chief Eases Into the Hot Seat - Linda Yaccarino, who initially could not take ad sales meetings because of a noncompete clause, is adjusting to her new role reporting to Elon Musk.

Goodreads, the social platform for reviewing books, is becoming a place where people are going to trash books they havent read. (+Rowling)

TIL that despite a growing population, full time college enrollment peaked in 2010 and has been dropping ever since : todayilearned

As Reddit protests turn to porn-bombing, advertisers face increasing brand safety concerns : technology


TIL The Earth Is Running Out of Sand, Spurring a Cutthroat Black Market : todayilearned

Destruction of worlds pristine rainforests soared in 2022 despite Cop26 pledge

The Nova Scotia wildfires are not natura disasters: Climate change, forest management, and human folly are all to blame. Four forestry specialists offer their views on how to reduce the wildfire risks.

Its Hot! Hot! Hot!New threats in a warming world

Human remains and debris from sub returned to land after fatal implosion near Titanic site

Gambling ads should be banned within three years to tackle addiction crisis, parliamentary committee says - Australia : worldnews

South Koreans become a year or two younger as country changes system for counting ages : worldnews

Taiwan says it spots two Russian warships off its east coast : worldnews

China crackdown pushes LGBT groups into the shadows : worldnews

~ Plot Thickens: Russian Generals Supported Wagner Mutiny but Backed Out -- US Intelligence
Wagners Prigozhin Planned to Capture Russian Military Leaders
Russian General Knew About Mercenary Chiefs Rebellion Plans, U.S. Officials Say
Plot Thickens: Russian Generals Supported Wagner Mutiny but Backed Out -- US Intelligence
Russian General Knew About Mercenary Chiefs Rebellion Plans, U.S. Officials Say
Is Putin replacing under-fire defense minister with Steven Seagal? : UkrainianConflict
US seems to be trying to stir the pot with these leaks. General Surovikin had advance knowledge of Yevgeny Prigozhins plans to rebel against Russias military leadership, according to U.S. officials briefed on American intelligence on the matter
Too. Much. Fun. - Lawyers, Guns & Money Reports this morning that General Surovikin and others have been taken to the Lefortovo Prison.
Russian Civil WarMultiple intelligence channels indicate that Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Forces Sergey #Surovikin, along with General Yudin, have been arrested on suspicions of supporting #Wagner and #Prigozhin.
Lukashenko says Putin wanted to wipe outPrigozhin during mutiny attempt
Prigozhin to be investigated after being paid $2 billion in a year - Putin : worldnews
Putin claims Wagner militants were fully funded by state and had received $1 billion between May 2022 and May 2023 : worldnews

Lukashenko: Wagner will not guard Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus : worldnews
Lukashenko orders to develop "algorithm for use" of Russian nuclear weapons : worldnews

Wagner revolt: How many planes and people did Russia lose? - BBC News

4/ #Prigozhin had built his personal brand on criticizing the Russian military command and bureaucrats for corruption and ties to Western countries, and #Putin is likely attempting to shatter Prigozhins populistappeal by accusing him of the same sins.
6/ The ongoing #Putin-Lukashenko-Prigozhin powerplay is not yet over and will continue to have short-term and long-term consequences that may benefit #Ukraine.

#Ukrainian billionaire Dmytro Firtash has received a diplomatic post in #Vienna from #Belarus, reports Deutsche Welle. He is trying to obtain diplomatic immunity to avoid extradition to the United States.

Mass Fighting Breaks Out At Giant Russian Gas Field : worldnews ... A massive fight among hundreds of migrant workers from Central Asian states broke out over the weekend at Gazproms Kovykta gas field, where thousands of workers are under pressure to build new infrastructure to meet the terms of a natural gas supply contract to China

Indian firm used toxic industrial-grade ingredient in cough syrup : worldnews

Sri Lanka to halt decision of exporting 100,000 endangered monkeys to China : worldnews (to be eaten)

US targets Wagner Group over gold in Africa, days after mutiny : worldnews
Jeff Seldin on Twitter: "JUST IN: New US sanctions vs #Russia's Wagner Group - targeting 4 companies, 1 individual who have been funding the mercenary group through illicit gold dealings Per @USTreasury, those sanctioned are in #CAR #Mali #Dubai & Russia" / Twitter

Dozens of Israeli air force vets threaten not to serve after Netanyahu resumes judicial overhaul : worldnews

Ukraine war: Countdown has begun to end of Putin, say Kyiv officials : worldnews
Zelenskyy: We should finally legalise cannabis-based medicine : worldnews
The main event of the counteroffensive of the AFU is ahead,the main reserves have not yet been used, - Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 490, Part 1 (Thread #636) : worldnews

Russian losses per 28/06/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff.

Over the past week, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 9 Russian ammunition depots and 11 military bases. Or maybe even more, but information about them did not get to open sources.

Russian missile strike hits restaurants in Kramatorsk, Ukraine : worldnews

he UN has documented 77 executions and more than 800 torture cases of peaceful Ukrainians. Matilda Bogner, head of the UN Human Rights Mission in Ukraine, spoke with such data today. The World Organization documented 864 cases of illegal detention of Ukrainian civilians by russian troops from February 24, 2022 to May 23, 2023. Almost all of them reported torture.

Sweden sets sights on joining NATO by next month but may be delayed, PM says : worldnews
Sweden police give permit to Koran burning near Stockholm mosque : worldnews

Protesters burn Koran at Stockholm mosque on Eid holiday : anime_titties

Finlands new economic affairs minister's links to far-right groups trigger a confidence vote in the Finnish Parliament

Vilnius is the first city in Europe to allow driverless cars on roads for grocery deliveries : worldnews

Ex-Audi boss convicted of fraud in automakers diesel emissions scandal

At over $108 million, Klimt's "Lady with a Fan" becomes most expensive painting ever sold in Europe : worldnews

Anger in Paris after police kill teen who refused traffic stop : worldnews

Use of puberty blockers in childrens gender service to be reviewed in Ireland following the UK decision to limit them.

Prince William launches five-year bid to end UK homelessness. : worldnews
Illegal trade in AI child sex abuse images by Paedophiles exposed : worldnews

Bolsonaros political hopes wither as key judge votes to bar him from office

Gunmen kidnap 14 state police officers in southern Mexico : worldnews

The Failed Wagner Revolt in Russia Vindicates Biden | The New Republic The U.S. seems likely to stay cautious and deliberate.

Among Americans, support for providing weapons to Ukraine has increased sharply from 46% in May to 65% now, Reuters writes. 81% of Democrats, 56% of Republicans and 57% of independents support the transfer of military aid : UkrainianConflict

If Bidenomics works, it will be a very big deal

Heard the one about the old president? Well, Biden has a joke In the past two weeks, Biden has increasingly made his age the punchline, an NBC News analysis of his remarks found. ... "I'm a little under 103"

More than Trump ego maintenance: GOP move to "expunge" impeachments is part of their war on history | Authoritarians dont just want to control the distant past, they feel entitled to erase events we all remember

Democrats Call For Supreme Court Ethics Reform And An Inquiry Into Clarence Thomas : politics
Retirement talk surrounding Thomas, Alito raises stakes for 2024 election : politics
Alitos wrongdoing makes a supreme court ethics overhaul an imperative
Please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad - This is my favorite detail from ProPublicas story about the Wall Street Journal editorial page agreeing to act as Sam Alitos personal blog:

Victims are terrified: supreme court ruling on stalking cases sparks alarm ... but also that the perpetrator has some awareness of the impact of their behavior

The Supreme Court Rejected a Dangerous Elections Theory. But Its Not All Good News ... the court simultaneously endorsed a version of the independent state legislature theory. The court held that the Constitution imposes some limits on the way state courts interpret their own state constitutions.

Fox News host suggests Trump may have leaked audio in classified documents case : politics
Donald Trump is digging a deeper hole for himselfDefense lawyers

Trump sues E Jean Carroll for defamation over rape comments : politics (!!)

Trump Expands His Attack On Special Counsel To Include His Family And Friends : politics
Trump hits the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation : politics

Trump says hes unconcerned about other damaging tapes because I dont do things wrong

Trump made shocking comments about Ivanka, says ex-staffer : politics ... Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trumps breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,
Extremely creepy misogynist prohibitive frontrunner to be Republican presidential nominee for third consecutive cycle - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... The RNC this year will involve toggling between calling every LGBTQ+ person a groomer and doing a Nuremberg rally for the guy who talks openly about wanting to screw his daughter and liked to prowl around the dressing rooms of teenage pageant contestants.

Competing Accounts of Justice Dept.s Handling of Hunter Biden Case

Biden opens up wide lead on RFK Jr. in New Hampshire poll | The Hill ... Biden has 68 percent support among Democratic primary voters in the early-voting state, well ahead of Kennedy, who is polling at 9 percent, and Williamson, at 8 percent... : RFK Jr is not a Democrat. His group gives $ to the GOP. Hes an anti science, anti vax, pro conspiracy whack job running to get more eyes on his discredited theories. His supporters? Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, & fringe Reddit boards. The guys a liar & a kook
RFK Jr. Claims Vaccine ResearchLikely Responsible for HIV and the Spanish Flu
RFK Jr. to Hold Event With Doctor Who Says COVID Vaccine Makes Forks Stick to Your Body : politics
Controversial AIDS Theory Suffers Fatal Blow - Scientific American By Kate Wong on April 27, 2001
RFK Jr is a Stooge and Spoiler Candidate
Someone Takes One for the Team and is Live Tweeting RFK Jr. Nutty Health Summit : RFK_Jr_is_a_Stooge

A year without Roe - Lawyers, Guns & Money : it's been very bad: there were 24,290 fewer legal abortions between July 2022 and March 2023, compared to a pre-Dobbs baseline.
Religious Freedom Arguments Underpin Wave of Challenges to Abortion Bans : politics

Sen. Tommy Tuberville voted against a bill that just gave his state $1.4 billion for rural broadband. Hes celebrating it anyway. (Potatoetown)

Oregon becomes the latest state to put ranked choice voting on the ballot : politics

New law partially decriminalizes prostitution in Maine : politics

The Single Most Revolting Union Busting Tactic I Have Ever Heard - Lawyers, Guns & Money There is no circle of Hell harsh enough for these assholes:

The Death Cult of the American Car - The American Prospect Its obvious how to make the roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers alike. We just dont do it.

Man charged in sexual assaults of 4 women after his DNA was pulled from a drinking glass gets indicted on new rape charges : news

Ex-Philadelphia police officer is charged with dozens more sex crimes in 19 new cases : news

Cop Theft : Traffic stops like these, where passing motorists are pulled over, searched and asked to turn over any cash thats found, are big business in Seward County, population 17,692.

Deputies accused of abusing Black men are fired by Mississippi sheriff amid federal probe | AP News
Multiple deputies fired after 2 Black men file lawsuit alleging torture and attempted sexual assault in Mississippi | CNN : news

3-year-old put in jail for potty-training trouble by Daytona Beach Shores police officer : news

How the I-95 Bridge Reopened Just 12 Days After Fiery Collapse : politics

Van life is far from glamorous on LAs street ... "van lords"

What's the best vanilla ice cream? We tried 13 popular brands. - The Washington Post

National Geographic lays off its last remaining staff writers - The Washington Post The magazine, which remains among the most read in the U.S., has struggled in the digital era to command the kind of resources that fueled the deep reporting it became known for

Transgender People Have Higher Suicide Risk, Says Landmark Study from Denmark - The New York Times Using four decades of health data from Denmark, the study offers the clearest picture yet of the suicide risk among transgender people ... 7.7 times the rate of suicide attempts and 3.5 times the rate of suicide deaths compared with the rest of the population ... come at a charged political moment in the United States, where Republican lawmakers across the country have enacted laws targeting sexuality and gender identity, >

Electrifying volcano eruption set off the most extreme lightning detected: Lightning seen "at heights and rates not previously observed" : worldnews

New research flatly rejects a long-standing myth that men hunt, women gather, and that this division runs deep in human history. The researchers found that women hunted in nearly 80% of surveyed forager societies. : science

Couples were less satisfied in female-bradwinner than in dual income or male-breadwinner households : science

According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, people of lower social status tend to prioritize avoiding negative outcomes and failure more compared to more promotion-focused and opportunity-seeking higher status individuals. : science

Astronomers announce major discovery about gravitational waves - The Washington Post The mind-bending finding suggests that everything around us is constantly being roiled by low-frequency gravitational waves


India heatwave: Humans approaching limits of 'survivability' as sweltering heatwaves engulf parts of Asia | CNN ... Long-term projections indicate that Indian heatwaves could cross the survivability limit for a healthy human resting in the shade by 2050 ... Last week, Beijings temperature soared above 41 degrees Celsius (105.8 degrees Fahrenheit), setting a new record for the capitals hottest day in June.

Redistribution of groundwater tilted Earths rotational axis East by more than 31 inches (78.7 centimeters) in just under two decades

Texas heat wave: Energy demand mightve broken all-time record Monday. A historic heat wave sweeping Texas pushed the states power grid to new limits on Monday.

Spring Creek fire in Western Colorado explodes overnight, grows to 3,000 acres

Tropical forest losses rise in 2022 despite pledge to end them : worldnews

Spain announces new department to study effects of very hot weather on health : worldnews

Scientists develop heat-resistant drone to help fight fires : worldnews

Sick sea lions washing ashore in California due to algae bloom

Wildfires raging across Canada, made more intense by global warming, have released more planet-warming carbon dioxide in the first six months of 2023 than in any full year on record, EU scientists said : worldnews

Locally Acquired Malaria Cases Identified in the United States

Curious whale follows kayak as Australia revels in bumper annual humpback count | CNN : worldnews
Crime figure shot dead in Sydney shopping area : worldnews

Japan Sends Man to G7 Meeting on Womens Empowerment
Japan to launch "morning-after pills" trial sale without prescription : worldnews

Law Change Makes Everyone a Year or Two Younger in South Korea : worldnews

North Korea stages marches vowing war of revenge on US

Hong Kong will comply with China's patriotic education requirements under proposed law, leader John Lee says
Student, 56, considers calling it quits after 27 attempts at college entrance exam : worldnews

Coal prices plummet as green energy surges in China : worldnews
4 dead, 900 evacuated after floods, landslides wreak havoc in Southwest China : worldnews

Why He May Soon Be Remembered as "Putin the Weak" By Michael McFaul
Here are 5 brief essays from leading experts on Russia to explain the significance of Prigozhins rebellion and what it means for Putin, his regime, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Read the whole set here.
Shoigu and Gerasimov are so bad in their jobs that its dangerous to Putin to leave them in placeBut loyalty and stability are number one for Putin. I just dont see how hes going to have these terms dictated to him like this -- Max Seddon
Traitors must be shot : Vladimir Putin's truce with Wagner teeters on edge

Belarus' dictator says he talked Putin out of assassinating Prigozhin: Yes, we could take him out
Lukashenko boasts openly about saving Putin. Translation and commentary thread by Julia Davis : UkrainianConflict
Vladimir Putin accuses West of wanting Russians to kill each other in mutiny
We fully financed this group from the federal budget. Just from May 22 until May 23 the state paid Wagner companies 86,262,000,000 rubles [about 1 billion USD] for cash support and incentive payments
Shoigu Reappears As Russia Seeks To Display Quick Return To Post-Mutiny Normality : worldnews
Prigozhin tried to call Putin when he realized his rebellion had gone too far but the Russian president ignored him: report
Putin confirmed the death of Russian pilots during the rebellion : worldnews
Russia drops charges against mercenary leader and others involved in brief rebellion : worldnews

Russia Executed 77 Civilian Detainees in Ukraine Russia summarily executed 77 civilians being held in arbitrary detention during its invasion of Ukrainekillings which constitute war crimes, the United Nations said Tuesday.

Wagner leader Prigozhin breaks his silence, issuing first audio statement since mutiny : worldnews
Prigozhin: march of justice was started due to attempts to disband PMC Wagner
Prigozhin's March on Moscow (corrected) - Ten lessons from a mutiny - Timothy Snyder -- The Putin regime exists, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg are relatively wealthy, thanks to the colonial exploitation of hydrocarbon resources in Siberia
Wagner fighters said to be returning to Ukraine bases as recruitment continues | Russia : worldnews

Senior Russian lawmaker calls for professional army of seven million : worldnews

Others in the U.S. and Europe assess that Russian troops might lay down their arms if Ukraine gets the upper hand while command and control problems from the Kremlin persist

An ex-convict returned from war and a Russian village lived in fear. Then police say he killed again : worldnews

Recently I learned that the KGB ran a disinformation campaign run in the 1980s to plant the idea that the United States had invented HIV as a biological weapon. The Russians used this to divert attention from its own offensive biological warfare program. Russian lies never end. : UkrainianConflict

Wagner mercenaries have entirely captured Central African Republic, The Sentry report finds : worldnews

Investigation Reveals Nepali Soldiers Undergoing Training At Russian Military Camps : worldnews
Nepali Gurkhas are joining Wagner: The lure of the private military companies : worldnews

Biden administration officials on Monday denounced online harassment against a Wall Street Journal reporter who questioned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about his government's human rights record : worldnews ... Given that RSF ranks India 161/180

Taliban Flaunts Terrorism Commitments by Appointing al-Qaida-Affiliated Governors : worldnews

Turkish Police Detain 113 at Istanbuls Banned Pride Parade

Saudi Princess Reema says kingdom wants integration with Israel : worldnews

The United States said Monday it would stop funding scientific research with Israeli academic institutions in the West Bank, taking a new step away from validating the occupation of Palestinian territories : worldnews

Allies asked Ukraine not to strike inside Russia during Wagner rebellion
In Video Address, Ukraines Zelenskiy UpbeatOn Progress Of Counteroffensive
Ukraine likely to have retaken land occupied by Russia since 2014, UKs MoD says
UK says the Storm Shadow missiles it gave Ukraine have been wreaking havoc on Russian targets and are accurate almost without fault
EU has already trained 24,000 Ukrainian soldiers : worldnews
I think we can say from Prigozhins flight plan, just how worried the Russians are about Ukrainian anti air capabilities.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 489, Part 1 (Thread #635) : worldnews

During its summer campaign, Ukraine has already liberated approximately 300 sq km of its territory. This is more than Russia captured during its entire winter campaign,Ben Wallace said during a speech in the House of Commons.
Ukrainian troops reportedly reclaim territory in Kherson province : worldnews
According to British intelligence, Ukraine is capitalizing on the situation with significant advances in Bakhmuts direction.
The Russian DRG tried to infiltrate the Sumy region. But thanks to the Armed Forces, the attempt of the Russians failed. Two occupiers were destroyed, the others were on their heels

I left there 5 minutes ago. Fu**. We wouldnt be alive right now an eyewitness totodays attack on Kramatorsk (Ukrainian city)
A journalist took this picture inside the Kramatorsk mall a mere 20 minutes before the attack : ukraine

Putin not war criminal, claims Hungary's Orban
Hungary could become a European hub for Chinese chemicals, leaked documents reveal : worldnews

Encrypted phone service Encrochatshutdown leads to 6,500 arrests

Spyware in Europe: EU to allow intrusive surveillance of journalists : worldnews

Far-right victories in Greece highlight trend across Europe : worldnews

Swiss say dozens of Russian spies disguised as diplomats are active in the Alpine nation : worldnews

Germany offers to station 4,000 troops in Lithuania to strengthen NATOs eastern flank
German police search church properties in probe of Cologne archbishop over perjury allegations : worldnews

Spains election frontrunners plan U-turn in nuclear power phase-out
Feminism and LGBTQ+ flag as trash: Spain's Vox told to remove banner : worldnews

Boris Johnson broke ministerial code with new Daily Mail job -- cdBBC News
Supermarkets to be quizzed over rising food costs: Four of the UKs major food retailers will answer questions from MPs over the spiralling cost of groceries this week

Toronto set to elect Olivia Chow as its first Chinese-Canadian mayor-CBC News projects : worldnews
Olivia Chow has been elected mayor of Toronto, ending almost 13 years of right-leaning rule and becoming the first woman to lead Toronto. : worldnews

Conditions at Guantanamo Are Cruel and Inhuman, U.N. Investigation Finds -- The report was the result of the first visit by an independent human rights investigator to the prison in its two-decade history ... the conditions at the prisonmay also meet the legal threshold for torture (refucks, of course, but Barry was fine with this)

Biden says the US and NATO had no involvement in the insurrection in Russia by a mercenary force : worldnews
US gathered detailed intelligence on Wagner chiefs rebellion plans but kept it secret from most allies

The Great Grift: More than $200 billion in COVID-19 aid may have been stolen, federal watchdog says | AP News

Stimulus checks: Bill would reinstate $300 monthly child payments, pay $2k "baby bonus" : politics

Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority : politics

SCOTUS rejects the independent state legislature theory in a 6 - 3 decision : politics ... Thomas & Alito, Gorsuch (3 fascist mofos)
US supreme court rules against fringe legal theory in key voting rights case : politics
A fascism too far - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is probably the best decision on the INDEPENDENT STATE LEGISLATURE theory that could have been expected from this Court:
Supreme Court Rejects Theory That Would Have Transformed American Elections : politics
Supreme Court will decide whether Congress can tax wealth : politics
Samuel Alitos Revealing Temper Tantrum (
The Timing of Alitos Private Jet Scandal Couldn't Be More Damning - Cast in light of a recent ruling, the justice's self-serving duplicity looks even worse.

Supreme Court says a conviction for online threats violated 1st Amendment Prosecutors must show the person responsible for the threats understood the threatening nature of that speech - The Washington Post
The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax | The New Republic Given the recent ethics questions about justices interactions with billionaires, it's an interesting case to take on.

Planned in plain sight: Senate report finds intel agencies failed in the lead-up to Jan. 6
FBI failed at fundamental levelbefore Capitol riot, Senate report claims
Senate investigation argues FBI, DHS officials "downplayed" or failed to properly share warnings of violence on Jan. 6 : politics

Justice Dept. asking about 2020 fraud claims as well as fake electors : politics

CNN obtains the tape of Trump's 2021 conversation about classified documents : politics
Trump fumes aboutillegally leaked CNN tape of him boasting about classified documents
Leaked audio of Trump saying he has asecret document that he knows he cant declassify is even more damning than it reads in the indictment one expert said
Trump audio stuns George Conway: Its just sociopathic
Audio: Trump Caught Showing Off Classified Doc Hes Said He Didnt Have | In the recording obtained by CNN, Trump is heard discussing an "example" of a doc provided to him by General Mark Milley to attack Iran
Listen: In audio recording, Trump heard discussing sensitive Iran document : politics
Trump Says Audio Of Him Discussing Sensitive Document Actually An Exoneration
If I Did It, by Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money One way to stop being prosecuted for crimes is to stop confessing to crimes on live mics:
Some folks laugh at how Trump more or less publicly admits to acts he has been charged with, and he's on tape for some of it, too. But remember, he needs just one juror to dig in & refuse to convict regardless of the evidence. And this is the jury pool.

Cataclysmic evidence against him: Espionage Act expert explains how Trump faces "historice" trouble -- It could be 1938 all over again: Michael Nacht on what Trumps classified documents scandal means for Americans

Trump aide Walt Nauta to be arraigned in Miami as part of classified documents case : politics

If Trump wins, hell turn the justice department into a vendetta machine

Convicted Jan 6 rioter tells Trump to stop misusing her story: I pleaded guilty because I was guilty!Prosecutors said the grandmother exaggerated an injury to distract officers while encouraging other rioters to enter the Capitol (

Court Throws Out New Yorks Civil Case Against Ivanka Trump - The decision could mean that claims against Donald J. Trump and his company might also be limited ... because the attorney general missed a deadline for filing the case against her.

Donald Trump threatens to boycott 2024 Republican debate over Fox News coverage : politics

Stephen Miller Pushed for Drone Strike on Migrants, New Book Claims : politics
~ Top Trump Adviser Pushed for Drone Strikes on Migrants, New Book Claims -- the book accuses the top Trump adviser of suggesting an atrocity

Follow the money: No Labels cant hide its right-wing ties

"We're electing idiots" : Liz Cheney pinpoints the biggest problem in American politics

The Con Artists Who Blame Ukraine Aid for America's Social Problems - RFK Jr., Glenn Greenwald, and other Putin apologists are making disingenuous, pseudo-populist arguments against U.S. support for Ukraine.
The fake-populist argument against providing arms to resist Putins imperialist invasion ... But are Greenwald and others merely interested in promoting anti-imperialism while advocating for Americas downtrodden, or are they bad-faith propagandizers for a psychopathic dictator? The evidence is unfavorable to them

The Post-Dobbs Verdict Is Clear, and Republicans Will Pay: A year since the infamous Supreme Court decision, the conservative movement is suffering the political consequences.

Moral non-dilemmas ... Should relatives with zero obligation to devote any personal or financial resources to caregiving be able to veto the choice of the person who would actually bear these responsibilities in addition to the major health risks of pregnancy and childbirthmight be a question of unfathomable moral complexity, if you believe strongly in 19th century patriarchal norms. But for people who believe that women are full citizens the question answers itself.
worms cited on Twitter: "The Taliban is banning the pill. But extremism about reproductive matters is found on both sides. Some feminists think abortion should be decriminalized and treated as healthcare" / Twitter

Kansas attorney general sues to stop trans people from changing their birth certificates : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize its sarcastic

AZ Senate GOP halts nominee hearings in response to abortion order : politics

After Affirmative Action Ends | The New Yorker The next big question for school admissions will likely be the legality of race-neutral methods that are designed with the continuing goal of producing diverse student bodies.

America'Family Secret - More than 100 U.S. leaders -- lawmakers, presidents, governors and justices -- have slaveholding ancestors. Few are willing to talk about their ties to America's original sin ... a fifth of the nations congressmen, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors are direct descendants of ancestors who enslaved Black people.

Their Kids Died of Fentanyl Overdoses. Republicans Cant Wait to Exploit It

A Fight Over the Right to Repair Cars Takes a Wild Turn | A landmark right-to-repair law in Massachusetts is great for car owners. The US government argues its also great for hackers.

Power couple Zooey Zephyr and Erin Reed are spreading hope to fellow transgender people | AP News

Report on Epsteins Death Finds Errors and Mismanagement at Manhattan Jail

Dunedin man fired 30 AR-15 rounds at pool cleaner he thought was intruder, sheriff says Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said Floridas Stand Your Ground Law is applicable to the situation and the man who fired wont face charges.
The armed citizen: A continuing series - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: Purge For Cowards "You get to kill anyone you are askeered of" doesn't seem like great law to me.

Eschaton: That's Nice, Not Going To Read It There should probably be some more discussion of why people from Bumfuck - evem ones who get all their news from respected mainstream outlets - believe things like "Minneappolis was recently burned to the ground."

Opinion | From the Hoover Dam to the Second Avenue subway, America builds slower -- Why American infrastructure projects are so slow - The Washington Post

Opinion | Tom Stuker used lifetime United Airlines pass to fly 23 million miles - The Washington Post

Jesse Watters Says Obama Doesnt Look At Things From An American Perspective
How Fox News (Yes, Fox News) Managed to Beat he Tonight ShowGreg Gutfeld has installed his brand of insult conservatism as the institutional voice for the next generation of Fox News viewer. And its catching on.

Magic Mushrooms. LSD. Ketamine. The Drugs That Power Silicon Valley. - Entrepreneurs including Elon Musk and Sergey Brin are part of a drug movement that proponents hope will expand minds, enhance lives and produce business breakthroughs

Vehicles from Toyota, Honda, Ford, and more can collect huge volumes of data. Heres what the companies can access.
Vehicle Privacy Report

(137) The Serpent Power - Forget (1967)US Psych Rock - YouTube
(137) Tina & David Meltzer - Poet Song (1969) - YouTube
(137) Tina & David Meltzer - Hymn To Love - YouTube
David Meltzer (poet) - Wikipedia
Welcome to Meltzerville: David Meltzer's Website
David Meltzers's Horoscope
Tina and David - Green Morning
Jacket # 11 - David Meltzer - A talk with Philip Whalen
Philip Whalen - Wikipedia
Allen Ginsberg: Biography - The Allen Ginsberg Project
Allen Ginsberg - Wikipedia
The Allen Ginsberg Project - - Who was Allen Ginsberg? (note: Trungpa deleted)
The West End, a restaurant just a few steps from Columbia University that was a hangout for the Beat Generation writers Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, is being sold to the owner of two Cuban restaurants in Manhattan.
West End Bar - Wikipedia
Ram Dass Archives - The Allen Ginsberg Project
The Allen Ginsberg Project: Links - The Allen Ginsberg Project
Philip Whalen (1923-2002) - The Allen Ginsberg Project
Gary Snyder's Birthday - The Allen Ginsberg Project
Gary Snyder - Wikipedia
Be Here Now
Contact Us - The Allen Ginsberg Project
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Wikipedia
Ginsberg on Kerouac continues (Columbia Days)
Columbia University Archives - The Allen Ginsberg Project
The Queer Crime That Launched the Beats
Lucien Carr - Wikipedia
Allen Ginsberg on Vanity of Dulouz - 11 - The Allen Ginsberg Project
On The Death of Joan Burroughs - The Allen Ginsberg Project
William S Burroughs - Call Me Burroughs - The Allen Ginsberg Project
William S Burroughs Archives - The Allen Ginsberg Project
- The Kerouac Project
Lionel Trilling - Wikipedia
(144) Beat Generation - Kerouac & Ginsberg - New York 1959 - YouTube
Jack Kerouac - Wikipedia
Neal Cassady - Wikipedia
Jerry Garcia on Neal Cassady - The Allen Ginsberg Project
Ginsberg on Kerouac - YouTube
(144) Bob Dylan & Allen Ginsberg Visiting Jack Kerouac's Grave (Lowell, MA., 1975) - YouTube
(144) Ram Dass and Allen Ginsberg Part 1 of 7 - YouTube
Ram Dass Quotes
Ram Dass Is Ready to Die - The New York Times
Baba Ram Dass, Proponent of LSD Turned New Age Guru, Dies at 88 - The New York Times Born Richard Alpert, he first gained notice as a colleague of Timothy Leary and later became even better known as the author of Be Here Now
Ram Dass - Wikipedia
Let Ram Dass Help You Build a Daily Practice of Peace, Presence and Spaciousness
Be Here Now
Elsa Dorfman - Wikipedia ... In May 1968, she moved into the Flagg Street house which would become the basis of her Housebook
Elsa Dorfman (1937-2020)

Medical professionals of Reddit, have you ever had a patient so lacking in common sense you wondered how they made it this far. If so, what is your story? : AskReddit

Google Says the Reddit Blackout Made Search Worse : technology


New research links climate change to shrinking brain size in modern humans : science

EU Looks Into Blocking Out the Sun as Climate Efforts Falter : worldnews

About 6m across US at risk of extreme weather as over 700,000 without power | US weather : news

Cocaine market is booming as meth trafficking spreads, U.N. report says : worldnews

A study predicts that making alcohol more expensive could reduce liver cancer cases by 5%: Since 1990, deaths from this disease in Europe have increased by 70% and those related with liver disease by 25% : worldnews

Orcas disrupt ocean boat race in latest display of puzzling behaviour : worldnews

New excess mortality estimates show increases in US rural mortality during second year of COVID19 pandemic. It identifies 1.2 million excess deaths from March 20 through Feb 22, including an estimated 634k excess deaths from March 20 toFeb 21, and 544k estimated from March 21 to Feb 22.

Russia loses bid to hold onto embassy site near Australia parliament : worldnews
Aussie animal believed extinct found alive -- Victorian grassland earless dragon

New Zealand leaders plane so prone to breakdowns he takes a backup on China trip

Myanmar burns $446 million worth of seized drugs as illicit trade booms in Southeast Asia : worldnews

Singapore holds first LGBTQ rally since gay sex decriminalized : worldnews

US aircraft carrier makes Da Nang port call as America looks to strengthen ties with Vietnam : worldnews

Japan protests Russia's declaring Sept 3 as day of victory over 'militaristic' Japan

Police in South Korea have arrested a group of suspects who built and operated an app used by more than 6,400 brothels across the country. It collected and shared the phone numbers of millions of sex buyers. : worldnews

North Korea vows war of revenge at mass anti-US rallies in Pyongyang, amid concerns for second spy satellite launch

New images show Chinese spy balloons over Asia. : worldnews
Tech flaw letting hackers control Chinese made surveillance cameras : worldnews

Putin Is Caught in His Own Trap | After spending years cultivating public apathy, the Russian president found his people indifferent to his fate. : UkrainianConflict
Putins weaknesses laid bare after 24 hours of rebellion in Russia
Wagner forces return to base after aborted mutiny humiliates Putin : worldnews
In his first remarks since his revolt, Prigozhin claims he wasnt trying to overthrow Putin.
Russias Prigozhin remains under investigation for mutiny
Lukashenko does not reveal whether Prigozhin has come to Belarus : worldnews
Putin says Wagner mutineers can join army or go to Belarus
Russias Prigozhin remains under investigation for mutiny
Shoigu, absent for the last three days, finally reappearsvisiting a command center in Ukraineas rumors about his possible removal swirl in Moscow.
Russian media is reporting that Alexei Dyumin, the governor of the Tula region will replace Shoigu as the Minister of Defense. From 1999 to 2007 Dyumin worked as Putins bodyguard.First, there was Putins chef, now there is Putins bodyguard

Russian fighter jets scrambled after three UK warplanes detected near border, Moscow claims : worldnews

Russian security services threatened the families of Wagner forces to get them to back down, report says : worldnews
Wagner Group shot down 6 Russian helicopters and a plane during its mini-rebellion, weakening Putin's air force at a time when it could prove critical : worldnews
Russian defense minister appears for first time since Wagner rebellion aimed to oust him : worldnews
Russian Sources are stating that Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu is currently under a form of House Arrestby the FSB pending an Investigation into his Leadership within the MoD and the Theft of Military Funding, Sources believe that Major Announcements regarding charges in the Chain-of-Command and General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces are expected sometime today, June the 26th or this week.
ISW on Twitter: "2/ Any changes to the MoD leadership would notably represent a significant victory for #Prigozhin, who justified his armed rebellion by directly accusing #Shoigu and #Gerasimov of the deaths of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers in #Ukraine." / Twitter
Business Ukraine mag on Twitter: "The brief Wagner revolt highlighted the defencelessness of Russia itself. Wagner troops took almost a year to occupy the small Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, but seized the nearly twenty times larger Russian city Rostov-on-Don in mere hours without a fight" / Twitter
Clash Report on Twitter: "Der Spiegel: The German government believes that Yevgeny Prigozhin did not receive the expected support for his rebellion inside the country and therefore stopped moving towards Moscow." / Twitter

Russian private military companies are no longer permitted to recruit convicted criminals to fight in Ukraine, a Russian parliamentarian clarified on Monday, as this will now be the exclusive purview of the regular army.

Belarus deal to take in leader of Russian rebellion puts him in an even more repressive nation : worldnews
Prigozhin, Wagner PMCs founder, is reportedly spotted in #Minsk, #Belarus:

Modi refuses to let go of Putin despite Bidens charm offensive
Barack Obama: Row in India over former US presidents remarks on Muslim rights
Indias Russian oil buying scales new highs in May

Islamic State group kills Sikh man for his faith in Peshawar, Pakistan; 2nd attack in 48 hours : worldnews

Afghan supreme leader claims women saved from oppression by Taliban

Erdogan tells NATO chief Sweden must stop Kurdish protests : worldnews
Turkish activists on Sunday defied a ban to stage an annual gay pride march in Istanbul one month after Turkey's election followed a homophobic hate-filled campaign : worldnews

8 Killed, 10 Abducted by Islamic Extremists in Northeastern Nigeria : worldnews

We are observing a huge increase in maritime traffic between the Russian Federation and Iran on the Caspian Sea.Russia has transferred to the Caspian almost all of its old river-seavessels that were built 40 or more years ago
Iran said to target Israeli businessman, Chabad House, hotels in Cyprus terror plot : worldnews

A Dangerous Shift Is Underway in the West Bank ... ultranationalist West Bank settlers today are pursuing the same objective espoused by that American settler in 1988: to drive Palestinians out. They are undoubtedly feeling emboldened by the new Israeli government
Rocket fired from West Bank at Israel for first time in 18 years : worldnews
Rocket from Jenin fired at Israel, lands in Palestinian territory : worldnews
Senators say Israel blocking transfer of US-owned Iron Dome batteries to Ukraine : worldnews

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III : Today, I spoke with my good friend and Ukrainian counterpart @oleksiireznikov . We discussed regional security developments, dynamics on the ground in Ukraine, and security assistance priorities. We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 488, Part 1 (Thread #634) : worldnews

Ukraine Situation Report: Breakthrough Across The Dnipro At Antonvosky Bridge : worldnews

Russia continues to suffer staggering losses in its unprovoked war against Ukraine, losing almost 5,000 troops during the second week of fighting in Ukraines counter-offensive against invading Russian forces, a senior Ukrainian army officer has said.
Velyka Novosilka Front (June 26th)Ukrainian Forcesliberated the village of Rivnopil located on the border of the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Oblasts In total, an area of 120km2 has been liberated on the Velyka Novosilka front since the beginning of Ukraines counter-offensive

Russian forces fired a banned choking gas at Ukrainian troops, but then the wind blew it back towards them, Ukraine says : worldnews

Serbia releases 3 Kosovo police officers whose arrest fueled tensions between the Balkan foes : worldnews

Dutch father and daughter arrested for funneling 5.5 million to Hamas

A stain on Irelands conscience: identification to begin of 796 bodies buried at childrens home

UK Says Fighter Jets in Baltics Scrambled 21 Times Over Russian Aircraft : worldnews
UK government considers preparing for scenario of unexpected collapse of Russian Federation

Honduras brings in curfews after night of violence : worldnews

El Salvadors ex-president Mauricio Funes sentenced to 14 years in prison for ties to criminal groups

Shopify vows to fight CRA request to hand over records from more than 121,000 Canadian businesses : worldnews

The Military as Industrial Policy - Lawyers, Guns & Money

House Intelligence chair Rep. Mike Turner says Wagner rebellion "really does hurt Putin" : politics
The West must now consider the possibility of a Russian political collapse : politics

Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll : politics ... 49-45
At 43%, Bidens Job Approval Rating Highest Since August
Democrats warn party: The threat of Trump winning in 2024 is very real

The U.S. Marine Corps faces having no confirmed leader for first time in 164 years : PoliticalHumor

Pelosi says there certainly should be term limitsfor Supreme Court justices, leaves door open for expansion
GOP senators want Roberts to take action on Supreme Court : politics

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal from Public Charter School Seeking Permission to Violate Students Constitutional Rights ... the skirts only rule for girls, which the school says it adopted based on the belief that every girl is a "fragile vessel."
The Supreme Court wont let a North Carolina charter school force girls to wear skirts to school
Supreme Court lets lawsuits over team doctors sexual abuse proceed against Ohio State
Supreme Court allows for Louisiana congressional map to be redrawn to add another majority-Black district

Supreme Court dismisses House Democrats' dispute over Trump hotel documents - The case the justices had agreed to hear is now moot because Democratic lawmakers have dropped their lawsuit.

Samuel Alitos Wife Leased Land to an Oil and Gas Firm While the Justice Fought the EPA A deal made by Alitos wife with an energy company paints recent Supreme Court decisions on the environment in a damning light.

Supreme Court lets lawsuits over team doctors sexual abuse proceed against Ohio State ... Correct. He allegedly called one of the victims brother, crying and begging him to convince his brother to not testify/say anything about him knowing and not doing anything about it. (Gym Jordan)

Americas sorest winners

Five or six Secret Service agents have testified before Jan. 6 grand jury, sources say

judge Aileen Cannon denies Special Counsel request to file 84 potential witnesses in the Trump classified docs case : PoliticalHumor

703 Ways Trumps Mar-a-Lago Conduct Bears No Resemblance to Hillary Clintons Emails

Lock Him Up : politics

The censure of Adam Schiff was an attack on democracy itself : politics

Democrats, Wake the Hell Up! : politics

Abortions Growing Acceptance
After Roes overturn, Republicans target trans rights using extremist rhetoric

Its just stupid : DeSantis stumbles in New Hampshire - It once looked like Ron DeSantis might be poised for a breakthrough in New Hampshire. Not anymore.
DeSantis GOP support declining in new NBC poll
Ron DeSantis vows to send the military to block drugs from reaching Mexican ports The Florida governor has used immigration as an issue to run to the right of Donald Trump, his main rival for the GOP presidential nomination. (will invade Mexico and China will pay for it)
DeSantis pledges to nullify Fourteenth Amendment - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Heres a Conspiracy Theory: RFK Jr. Is a Tool of Pro-Trump Agitators

Greg Abbott duped by fake news story mocking Garth Brooks : politics
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Busted After Falling For Totally Bogus Garth Brooks Story ... The source for the fake story was The Dunning-Kruger Times. The Texas city that the Garth Brooks concert supposedly happened in doesnt actually exist.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Doubles Down on Cussing Out Lauren Boebert : politics
Freedom Caucus takes key vote on Marjorie Taylor Greenes future

Sarah McBride announces run for US House seat to become first trans member of Congress

For election workers, Trumps lies have meant threats, harassment and a poisoned dog

Jesse Watters Takes Tucker Timeslot in Fox News Primetime Overhaul - Variety

South Dakota State Rep. Joe Donnell Claims Mount Rushmore Is a Demonic Portal Spreading Communism Across the Nation : politics

Club Q mass shooter sentenced to over 2,000 years in prison after family begs judge to lock this animal away to the depths of hell

Just putting a bandage on it: one American classrooms struggle with daily gun violence

Officials say they cant win a murder case in shooting death of Florida mother who came to neighbor's door - Susan Lorincz will be prosecuted for manslaughter in the slaying of Ajike AJ Owens, who officials say was killed amid a feud over her kids playing in a nearby field.

On the Lack of Academic Solidarity

How Review-Bombing Can Tank a Book Before Its PublishedThe website Goodreads has become an essential avenue for building readership, but the same features that help generate excitement can also backfire.

Why Mark Ruffalo and Wendell Pierce Are Fighting for a Crumbling Church - The New York Times Congregants of the West Park Presbyterian Church, a Manhattan landmark, want it torn down and replaced by condos. Celebrities are joining the fight to save it.

Florida murderer punches his lawyer as he is sentenced to death : news

TIL Anne Rice author of Interview with the Vampire wanted English actor Julian Sands to play the role of Lestat and was disappointed with the studios pick of a better known Tom Cruise. She unsucessfully proposed alternate picks. Despite this rice was subsequently pleased with Cruises performance

Short sleep may not be bad for all brains: Study shows some people can cope with less sleep without obvious negative associations with brain morphometry, and that sleepiness and sleep problems may be more related to brain structural differences than duration. : science

In a clinical trial of a new hair loss drug, 23% of alopecia patients who had lost over half their scalp hair regained 80% scalp hair coverage after 6 months of treatment, compared to 1.6% of patients in the placebo group. : science

Cannabidiol shows promise in promoting dental pulp health, facilitating bone regeneration, and managing inflammatory conditions in the field of dentistry : science

Whats the most disturbing piece of audio there is?

Reddit mods are calling for an affordable return for third-party apps
Reddit controversy continues, with disabled moderators criticizing latest news : technology


Montreal has the poorest air quality in the world due to forest fires. : worldnews

Previous passengers recall ill-fated Titan: I 100% knew this was going to happen

Philippine City launches care card for LGBTQIA+ couples

Japan: Reports Exposes Forced Sterilization of Children, Sparks Anger : worldnews
Japan to issue new banknotes : worldnews

N.Korea warns of overwhelming response following Blinkens remarks

Intels foundry revamp sets off alarm bells for Samsung, TSMC
Taiwan kindergarten teachers accused of drugging children : worldnews

Putin looked into the abyss Saturday -- and blinked
Putins Weakness Unmasked
What will Putin do next? And other key questions : worldnews
The rebels backed down, but Putins rule is more uncertain than ever
Russian mercenary leaders exile ends revolt but leaves questions about Putins power
Russian agents threat to family made Prigozhin call offMoscow advance
Wagner chief accused of cowardice for ordering troops to halt Russia march
Vanguard units of the Wagner mercenary company have reached the outskirts of Borisoglebsk in Russias Voronezh Oblast, where a storage area with nuclear weapons is located, possibly aiming to seize the facility.
Putins Regime Is Over, Says Analyst, And Something New Is Starting In Russia
Prigozhin possibly promised dismissal of Russias Defence Minister and General Staff Chief
Russian mercenary group revolt against Moscow fizzles but exposes vulnerabilities : worldnews
The notion that Lukashenko had an in with Prigozhin because of a 20-year friendship somewhat overlooks the fact that Putin has also known Prigozhin for many, many years.

Wagner Boss Had Stash of Gold Bars and Bogus Passports, Report Says : worldnews ... former hotdog vendor turned warlord ...
Billions of roubles: Prigozhin claims Russian forces have found a van and 2 buses containing boxes of his money : worldnews
Russia: Wagner mutiny shows real cracks in Putin authority US

Peskov: Criminal case against Prigozhin will be dropped, he will leave for Belarus
Kremlin spokesman: Prigozhin case will be dropped, he will move to Belarus : worldnews
Wagner chief Prigozhin says hes accepted truce brokered by Belarus
Putin thanks Lukashenko for agreement with PrigozhinLukashenkos press office
Minsk: Putin Thanks Belarus Leader, After Wagner Turnaround : worldnews
Putin has a rival. Normally his rivals are jailed or killed. But this one controls his sanctions-busting looting across Africa helping his war machine stay afloat, provides bodies for his meat grinder in Ukraine. A new sort of rival for Putin when hes at his weakest.

Wait for the signal: Belarusian opposition leaders appeal to Belarusians

Wagner Group fighters prepare to leave the centre of Rostov-on-Don : worldnews

Modis denial of discrimination against minorities in India is a lie, activists say
After meeting Indian PM Modi, Amazon CEO announces fresh $15 billion investment in India : worldnews
U.S. Drones to Help India Track Chinese Troops on Disputed Border : worldnews
Over 100 antiquities stolen from India to return home, PM Modi thanks US government : worldnews

Supreme leader of the Taliban claims women are provided with a comfortable and prosperous life in Afghanistan: The status of women as a free and dignified human being has been restored

A law that bans sex toys as obscene and morally harmful is being challenged by women in Zimbabwe : worldnews

Uganda to raise alcohol consumption age from 18 to 21 : worldnews

U.S., Britain, France Demand UN Investigate Russias Use OfIranian Drones In Ukraine
Cyprus thwarts Iranian attack targeting Jews and Israelis

Palestinian shooting attack in West Bank, settlers torch houses : worldnews
Netanyahu says IDF is training to fight Arab Israelis in all-out war
Israel reboots fiercely opposed judicial campaign : worldnews
Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan testifies at Netanyahu corruption trial over supply line of gifts
Israels security chiefs say settler violence is terror ("settler" = murderous invader)
Mob of Armed Israeli Settlers Rampage West Bank Palestinian Village of Umm Safa, Burning Houses and Cars - Israel News - Over 100 settlers rioted in the town near Ramallah under the protection of Israeli soldiers, the town's mayor told Haaretz.
Ukraine slams Israel for pro-Russian positionblatant disregard for moral boundaries

Ukraine: Chaos in Russia works to our advantage : worldnews
Zelenskyy: more weapons needed to protect Europe from Russia : worldnews
Wagner Group mercenaries can attack Kyiv from Belarus territory -- Former Chief of UKs General Staff

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 487, Part 1 (Thread #633) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 25.6.2023 : ukraine

Russians drop chemical munitions on Ukraines Armed Forces, but wind blows toward Russian occupiers - We recorded the fact of dropping a prohibited chemical munition with an aerosol-suffocating effect on one of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The wind was [blowing] toward the enemy.

Russians check teenagers in Mariupol for ''loyalty to Ukraine'' - Russians hold "preventive talks" with children, where they demand they report "unreliable companions". : worldnews

Nautical disaster, non-plutocrat iteration - Lawyers, Guns & Money The horrible story with hundreds dead, still developing in the Mediterranean: ,,, The demonization of these desperate people willing to risk their lives because every other option is worse is hardly a unique feature of American politics, either.

Several injured in roller coaster accident in Sweden : worldnews

Polish government paid record 200 million zloty to Church Fund in 2022, twice as much as decade ago : worldnews

Greek conservative party is favored to win majority in second general election in 5 weeks : worldnews

Germanys far-right AfD seeks election breakthrough

Argentine dictatorships death flight plane returned home for a historical reckoning

Mexico City holds mass celebration for same-sex weddings, gender ID changes : worldnews

Canadians will no longer have access to news content on Facebook and Instagram, Meta says : worldnews
Canadian government bans cruise ships from dumping sewage close to Canadian shores : worldnews

Packages from China are surging into the United States. Some say $800 duty-free limit was a mistake : politics

Full Blinken: Russia mutiny is Putinslatest failurein Ukraine war
Blinken: Russia cracks emerge by mercenaries of its ownmaking
U.S. spy agencies picked up intelligence in mid-June indicating Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeniy Prigozhin was planning an armed action against the Russian defense establishment
US to postpone new sanctions against Wagner Group amid fears of being on Putin's side

Donald Trump warns that if President Vladimir Putin is overthrown from power, unintended consequences would follow
Careful What You Wish For: Trump Appears to Back Putin in Russia Power Struggle

Opinion | Its almost like the House GOP never cared about deficits after all

Behind the Scenes of Justice Alito's Unprecedented Wall Street Journal Pre-buttal -- The Journal editorial page accused ProPublica of misleading readers in a story that hadn't yet been published ... Six hours later, The Wall Street Journal editorial page posted an essay by Alito in which he used our questions to guess at the points in our unpublished story and rebut them in advance. (even more fucking lying newspaper)
Sheldon Whitehouse was right all along: The Supreme Court is corrupt : politics
Clarence Thomas Wants to Demolish Indian Law : politics

Trumps vulnerability on crime may have been exposed in Fox interview ... Trump claims he is tough on crimeand is the law and ordercandidate, while at the same time being indicted on numerous federal offenses.

Trump Steers Campaign Donations Into PAC That Covers His Legal Fees - The New York Times
As Legal Fees Mount, Trump Steers Donations Into PAC That Has Covered Them : politics

Why the right is so terrified of woke : There are truths it just cant faceConservatives didnt want to hear about white privilege. So they abandoned reality and joined the orange mans cult

Analysis: Donald Trumps war on truth confronts another test with voters

Trumps GOP lead grows after latest indictment, poll finds

Why the Supreme Court Really Killed Roe v. Wade : politics
We Need to Talk About Overturning the Dobbs Decision : politics
A year after Dobbs and the end of Roe v. Wade, there's chaos and confusion : politics
GOP-run states are eyeing abortion beyond their borders. Blue states are fighting back : politics
In Pitch to Evangelicals, Trump Casts Himself as Christian Crusader Who Helped End Roe v. Wade : politics
Faith in Trump dominates annual gathering of religious conservatives Nothing elicited cheers from the crowd like mentions of the former president.
Faith in Trump dominates annual gathering of religious conservatives : politics
Trump says US government has vital roleopposing abortion, wont say if he backs national ban
The post-Dobbs reality is horrific. Republicans want to go even further. : politics

Pelosi: Trump seriously jeopardized national security in handling of classified documents

In post-Roe era, House Republicans begin quiet push for new restrictions on abortion access : politics ("quiet")

Its Not Too Late for the Republican Party

Newsmax Staffers Hit With Subpoenas in 2020 Election Defamation SuitCourt filings rife with internal communications exposed Fox News post-election misinformation push. Newsmax could be next

When talent sees the next generation and flees in horror - Lawyers, Guns & Money RFK Jr. knows exactly what his core audience is: ... Engaging in full-time pandering to alt-right cranks is a poor strategy for actually making a credible showing in the Democratic nomination process. If you are an alt-right crank yourself and your goal is to try to undermine Biden in the general, it makes perfect sense.

Cleanup continues after train carrying potential contaminants derails into Yellowstone River in Montana - The derailed cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, officials said.

In New York Primaries, Democrats Feel the Heat From the Right - The New York Times The Queens district attorney and several City Council members face more conservative challengers who are criticizing them on issues including public safety.

Police In California Arent Immune From Certain Misconduct Lawsuits, High Court Rules The state Supreme Court says police can be sued for misconduct during investigations. (stop and shoot still ok)

South Carolina fire chief who pointed gun at teens who turned in his driveway is being sued : news

Fights, beatings and a birth: Videos smuggled out of L.A. jails reveal violence, neglect - Los Angeles Times

Two Friends Used Fentanyl. One Died, the Other Was Charged With Murder. - The New York Times They bought $30 worth of fentanyl before making it into rehab. One overdosed. The other was charged in his death.

Baker City mayor defends use of meme comparing Pride to Nazism : politics

Black-owned radio station may lose license over FCC character qualificationspolicy

Why Im suing the University of Colorado

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,383 - Lawyers, Guns & Money This is the grave of Margaret Sanger ... Margaret was the 6th of 11, but thats live births. Her mother was pregnant ... 18 times.

Virginia Woolfs Forgotten Diary
Virginia Woolf - Wikipedia

Scientists conducted a study describing a new category of depressionlabeled the cognitive biotype which accounts for 27% of depressed patients and is not effectively treated by commonly prescribed antidepressants

A new paper considers climate change as a potential factor affecting brain size evolution, finding that the observed decreases in brain size might be driven by natural selection in response to environmental stress, beginning roughly 15,000 years ago : science

What is your favorite quote? : AskReddit

What is the most unusual talent youve ever seen?

People who cut off their family, what did they to you? : AskReddit

What screams highly educated?

What is your very first memory in life? : AskReddit

Whats the most dangerous book ever written?


Beyond extreme ocean heat wave in North Atlantic is worst in 170 years

New Study Reveals Global Reservoirs Are Becoming Emptier : technology

Paris Finance Summit concludes with USD 100 bn climate pledge : worldnews

Nearly half of US honeybee colonies died last year. Struggling beekeepers stabilize population : news

Russia, China block move for new Antarctic marine reserves: Members of a multinational group on Antarctic conservation failed to agree Friday on a roadmap for the creation of three new marine protected areas -- a goal that has proven elusive for years. : worldnews

Record-breaking Texas heatwave enters third week as thousands lose power : news

The disclosure is unlikely to settle a heated debate about the pandemics origins, which has exacerbated tensions between Washington and Beijing
No direct evidence COVID started in Wuhan lab - US intelligence report : worldnews

Extreme Floods and Heat in China Ravage Farms and Kill AnimalsChinas leader has made it a national priority to ensure the country can feed its large population. But weather shocks have disrupted wheat harvests and threatened pig and fish farming.

Kremlin denies Putin has fled Moscow : UkrainianConflict
Russia is on the verge of total disintegration, as local elites scramble for an escape : UkrainianConflict

There are rumours on Russian telegram that in exchange for Prigozhin pulling back his forces, Russias defence minister Shoigu and chief of the general staff Gerasimov will be removed.
Prigozhin to leave Russia under deal brokered by Belarus after Wagner rebellion
Mercenary Group Head Announces His Forces Have Halted Their Advance to Moscow
Wagner chief says he has ordered his mercenaries to halt their march on Moscow to avoid shedding Russian blood : news
Charges against Wagner chief will be dropped, Kremlin says
Wagner Group now just 400 km away from Moscow : worldnews
Wagner Chief says he ordered his Russian mercenaries to halt march on Moscow : worldnews
Wagner chief Prigozhin agrees to halt advance of fighters in Russia, Belarus says : worldnews
Prigozhins Rebellion, Putins Fate, and Russias FutureA Conversation With Stephen Kotkin
More and more private jets with no declared destination or Turkey as destination appear over Moscow. The are making a run for it. : UkrainianConflict

Exactly 16 months ago, residents of Kiev were fortifying their city to prevent a Russian invasion. Today, residents of Moscow are fortifying their city to also prevent a Russian invasion. I remain a master strategist.
Putins full national address condemning the insurrection, with English-language subtitles.
Emma Ashford ( on Twitter: "My takeaway from everything happening in Russia is that Toynbee was basically right when he pointed out that history is just one damn thing after another." / Twitter

Wagner mercenary chief calls for armed rebellion against Russian military leadership : worldnews
Putin Mobilizes Forces Against Russian Paramilitary Chief
Prigozhin's Mutiny - What's going on in Russia?
Putin urgently leaves Moscow for bunker in Valdai Putins special Il96-300PU (Control Point) aircraft departed Moscow for St Petersburg at 14:16 (Moscow time), according to FlightRadar data. The destination of the aircraft is not indicated, and it disappeared from the tracking system over Tver
Putins plane gone from radars shortly after taking off in Moscow
Peskov denies information that Putin allegedly flew to his hometown St. Petersburg Earlier, there were reports that the presidential plane Il-96 took off from Moscow, and flew towards St. Petersburg or Valdai
Kremlin spokesperson says Putin aware of situation with Prigozhin, Russian media report panic in presidential office
Vladimir Putin accuses Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin of
Prigozhin Says Wagner Wont Surrender After Putins Address
Vladimir Putin made deep mistake, Russia will soon havenew President: Wagner Group
General Surovikin appealed to the Wagner PMC mercenaries and urged them to stop the columns and obey the will and order of Putin : worldnews
Wagner chief rejects Putins accusations of treason
Putin vows to punish armed uprising by Wagner militia as Russia is plunged into crisis
Google News Blocked in Russia as Feud With Mercenary Leader Intensifies : worldnews

Medvedev fears nuclear weapons ending up in bandits hands

Wagner Boss Says Hes En Route to Moscow and Ready to Die With 25,000 Fighters
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin says his mercenaries are marching into Russia : worldnews
Michael A. Horowitz on Twitter: "Pro-Russian channel, Rybar, says the Wagner column has passed the town of Yelets" / Twitter
Wagner operations are continuing in Russia. The rebels are confirmedly in Rostov and Voronezh, and they have been located in other areas as well. This is most likely a well pre-planned operation, not a spontaneous or improvised one. 1/
Wagner takes control of military facilities in Voronezh, 500 km south of Moscow (300 miles) : worldnews
Prigozhin claims all military sites in Russias Rostov-on-Don are under Wagner group's control
Armoured vehicles spotted on streets of Rostov after Prigozhins statement
Footage appears to show Russian attack helicopter bombing one of its own oil depot to deny Wagner mercenaries fuel supply : worldnews
Wagner says it took Russian army HQ in Rostov without firing a shot

Moscow Warns West Against Leveraging Insurrection For Anti-Russian Goals

Dmitri on Twitter: "Rostov - people approaching the mercenaries to thank them and shake hands." / Twitter
Google Maps traffic data gave @ArmsControlWonk - early warning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year, hours before it was announced. Now it seems to be tracking the Wagner advance.
In central #Russia, the local authorities are physically destroying roads leadings from the south towards #Moscow, in a likely attempt to slow down the movement of Wagner PMC forces loyal to Prigozhin:
Well, we wont see Kadyrov army VS Wagner PMC fight in Rostov. Kadyrov boys surrender en masse. #RussiaCivilWar

Moscow Mayor: Situation Difficult ,Monday 'non-working' Day
Moscow mayor says anti-terrorist measures being taken in city
Chechen leader Kadyrov says his forces ready to help put down Wagners mutiny
Anti-Kremlin Figure Khodorkovsky Urges Russians To Back Wagner Chief : worldnews

Families of Wagner mercenaries killed fighting for Putin are given $60,000 compensation and the number of payouts may be affecting Russias economy

Zelenskyy on rebellion against Putin: Russias weakness obvious
Wagner uprising marks beginning of civil war in Russia, says Ukraine : worldnews
This is the commander of a Ukrainian drone unit that fought against Prigozhins forces in Bakhmut and Soledar and lost men there. He's now watching those same Russians turn against their country in armed rebellion. No wonder Ukrainian troops are loving this
NATO monitoring ongoing Wagner revolt in Russia : worldnews
US says Wagner coup is real and serious as White House consults allies

Putin calls Kazakh president to brief him on Wagner uprising but Tokayev says it is "internal matter of Russia" : worldnews
On border with Belarus, Ukrainian forces turn on loudspeakers to call on Belarusians to topple Lukashenko, condemn war : worldnews
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, political activist, the main opposition candidate in the 2020 Belarusian presidential election, appealed to the Belarusian military with a call to kick the Russian army out of the country
Plane used by Belarusian top officials and Lukashenko family lands in Turkiye

Saudi Arabia Wants Tourists. It Didn't Expect Christians. In a fluid new age for the conservative Islamic kingdom, evangelicals have become some of its most enthusiastic visitors.

Iran says events in Russia are Russias internal affairs

IDF: We failed to stop settler rampage through Palestinian town ("cheered them on")
After report Netanyahu bribery case collapsing, supporters blast trial : worldnews

Ukraine Will Be the Big Winner of Prigozhin Turning On Putin in Russian Insurrection

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 486, Part 3 (Thread #629) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 24.6.2023 : ukraine

Ukrainian Officials: Main Counteroffensive Push Against Russia Still to Come : worldnews
Ukrainian military: Forces have advanced on the eastern front : worldnews
Ukrainian Forces take control of several positions near Krasnohorivka, which Russia held since 2014 : worldnews

Moscow makes bizarre claim that the US is planning bio-warfare against Russian troops in Ukraine as fears of disease grow after dam destruction : worldnews

Damning Evidence: Russias Culpability in Ukraines Biggest Ecological Disaster Since Chernobyl

Poland wins European road safety award after deaths fall by nearly half in decade : worldnews

Greek shipwreck: An estimated 500 more people are missing and feared to be dead. : worldnews
Greece ignored offer to monitor migrant boat, says EU border agency : worldnews

Germany To Supply 45 More Gepard Tanks To Ukraine : worldnews

Tory MPs voice concerns over tabled ban on public bodies boycotting Israel : worldnews

More Brits Wanted To Rejoin EU This Year Than At Any Point Since The Referendum : worldnews

Arrest of Mexican Army General Ordered in Case of Missing Students - The New York Times The 43 students are believed to have been murdered in 2014, an atrocity that galvanized the country. The arrest warrant names a general and 15 other soldiers.

Meta to end news sharing on Facebook and Instagram for all Canadians : worldnews
Archeological treasure discovered under downtown Hydro-Quebec parking lot
Long overdue: Cosmetic testing on animals now banned in Canada - National |

US doomsday airplane just went airborne. : UkrainianConflict

White House: President Biden held discussions with President Macron, Chancellor Scholz, and Prime Minister Sunak regarding the situation in Russia : worldnews

Repealing the Inflation Reduction Act would drive the economy into a ditch : politics

The fourth leading cause of death in the US? Cumulative poverty : politics

Petition Demands Alito Recuse From Student Debt Cases Tied to Billionaire Benefactor : politics
Red States Just Lost Big at the Supreme Court : politics
Amy Coney Barrett faces scrutiny over real estate deal with religious group : politics

Televize Trumps Criminal Trial for All the World to See Its an historic milestone for both the presidency and our criminal justice system, and the American public deserves to watch it on television, live and in real time.

Donald Trump trial delay risks wrecking his primary battle : politics
Analysis: Donald Trumps war on truth confronts another test with voters

Its just shameless: Joe Scarborough slams GOP effort to expunge Trump impeachments

Have Republicans found their own Steele dossier? | Semafor

Imagine a Justice Department, but Staffed Entirely by John Durhams
Former Trump Campaign Official in Talks to Cooperate in Jan. 6 Inquiry - The New York Times The office of the special counsel is negotiating with Michael Roman, who was closely involved in the efforts to create slates of pro-Trump electors in states won in 2020 by Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Jack Smith will "wring the truth" out of Trump fake electors: Kirschner : politics

Fake Trump Electors Strike Deal to Testify in DOJs Jan. 6 Probe

Giuliani sanctioned for failing to produce records in defamation case : politics

Garland denies allegations of political interference in Hunter Biden probe : politics
Opinion | The Meaning of Hunter Biden - The New York Times

Trump posts millions in security for Carroll sex abuse verdict appeal

Democrats Shouldnt Ignore RFK Jr. They Should Expose Him

Kyrsten Sinema Moves to Slash Pilot Training After Taking Airline Cash : politics

The Supreme Court dramatically changed public opinion on abortion - POLITICO Support for abortion rights ticked up after the court Dobbs decision one year ago nd has stayed there.

Maricopa County official files defamation lawsuit against Kari Lake : politics

Hatred, plain and simple -- Groomer trope linked to nearly 200 anti-LGBTQ+ attacks in 11 months GLAAD and ADL found 356 anti-LGBTQ+ attacks over that span, with nearly half linked to extremist groups

The new reality about Latino voters that Democrats must acceptThe Latino surge for Republicans in the Trump era is real. Democrats need to adjust.
The new reality about Latino voters that Democrats must accept : politics

Ron DeSantis campaign close to being over -- Ex-GOP governor
The Memo: Trailing DeSantis declines to hit Trump head-on : politics
DeSantis calls medical marijuana very controversial after fighting for it inFlorida
Ron DeSantis Has Launched a New Battle in His War to Control Public Universities : politics

Floridas anti-drag law is likely unconstitutional, federal judge rules. A growing pattern.

Three San Antonio police officers charged with murder after killing of woman in middle ofmental health crisis

A Delaware city is set to give corporations the right to vote in elections : politics ... companies outnumber its human residents by nearly two-to-one

No Labels Exposed: Heres a List of Donors Funding Its Effort To Disrupt the 2024 Race

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,382 - Lawyers, Guns & Money One of the biggest myths about the North in the Civil War is that it was pro-Black. It was very much not

Accuser details alleged sexual harassment by deputy to Mayor Bowser in first interview - The Washington Post Accuser, in her first interview since John Falcicchio resigned, alleges sexual harassment

Hollywood Directors Ratify Their Contract - The New York Times The vote prevented the doomsday scenario of three major Hollywood unions striking simultaneously. The actors union is still negotiating.

Harvard Scholar Who Studies Honesty Is Accused of Fabricating FindingsQuestions about a widely cited paper are the latest to be raised about methods used in behavioral research.

What are some examples of an inventor getting killed by their own invention? : AskReddit

TIL Jimmy Carter and his administration despite many attempts failed to locate a downed twinengine plane over Africa. The CIA contacted a woman in California who claimed to have supernatural capabilities. She went in a trance and wrote down latitudes and longitudes that located the plane. : todayilearned


Effect of volcanic eruptions significantly underestimated in climate projections : science

Heatwaves are stressing out power grids all over the world / From North America to Asia, power grids are struggling to keep people cool. : worldnews

More than 1.3bn adults will have diabetes by 2050, study predicts : worldnews ... Sugar is a huge part of the problem. The average American consumes 66lbs of sugar annually. 42% of the average Americans calorie intake is low quality (refined) carbs.

Orcas disrupt boat race near Spain in latest display of dangerous, puzzling behavior : news

OceanGate Expeditions believes all 5 people on board the missing submersible are dead : worldnews
Former Titan submersible passenger who took 4 dives in it, including to the Titanic, said communication with the surface ship was lost every single time
Titanic sub: victims families could still sue despite liability waivers - Waivers are not always ironclad, and it is not uncommon for judges to reject them if there is evidence of gross negligence or hazards that were not fully disclosed.
Titan sub CEO dismissed safety warnings as baseless cries, emails show ... "I take this as a serious personal insult"
Stew Peters Rothschilds conspiracy theory: OceanGate sub was sunk to hide truth that it wasn't an iceberg that sank the TitanicNumerous politicians, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Paul Gosar, and Andy Biggs, have appeared on Peters program

693 confirmed cases and 5 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Woman in Japan dies of Oz virus in world 1st, possibly tick-borne : worldnews

Sydney public high schools to go co-ed in Labor shake-up as parents face tough choices: we can't be in a situation in modern Australia where you've only got the choice of single-sex schools for your children
Russia sanctions 48 Australians in latest sweep punishing 'Russophbic' groups
Russian diplomat squatting on site of proposed embassy - Australia : worldnews
Squatting Russian diplomat refusing to leave terminated Canberra embassy site : worldnews

Taiwan military aid granted by once-reluctant appropriators : worldnews

Beijing records hottest June day since weather records began as heatwave hits China | China : worldnews
Chinese human rights lawyer chased out of 13 homes in 2 months as pressure rises on legal advocates : worldnews
Chinese firm sent large shipments of gunpowder to Russian munitions factory The previously unreported shipments between a state-owned Chinese company and a Russian munitions factory last year raise new questions about Beijings role in Russias war against Ukraine

Russia launches "Xi Jinping Thought Research Laboratory" to study Xi Jinping ideology : worldnews

Wagner chief launches coup against the Kremlin : UkrainianConflict
Russian Telegram channels report that TV channels in Russia have been hacked and are now broadcasting Prigozhins statements
Prigozhin says Putins reason for invading Ukraine was a lie
U.S. officials are closely watching the situation in Russia, one official tells CNN, This is real,
Kasparov: Dont wonder what will happen if Russia collapses. It already did! Years ago. Its not a state, its a mafia front with factions fighting each other
Prigozhin Says Hell March On Moscow
Wagner Chief Says Russias Invasion of Ukraine Unjustified
Wagner mercenary boss faces arrest over incitement to armed rebellion
Prigozhin: All patriots of Russia, true patriots of the country, go out into the streets, we will find weapons. This night we will solve the issue of traitors and criminals who disgraced Russia. Their names are Shoigu, Gerasimov. : UkrainianConflict
Wagner telegram channel: "All military units who do not support the coup will be considered collaborators who sided with Ukrainians". : UkrainianConflict
Vladimir Putin was tricked into invading Ukraine, claims Wagner leader
Moscow strikes kill huge number of Wagner forces: Chief
Wagner chief declares war on Putin after Russia launches missile strike on his troops
Russian Mercenary Leader Accuses Kremlin of Attacking His Forces: Live Updates - The New York Times
Wagner chief accuses Russias military of attack and says 'evil' leadership must be stopped
Prigozhin Derides Ukraine Invasion as 'racket' to Enrich Russias Elite
Talk of civil war within Russia increases after Wagner leader declares attack from Russian military against his men : worldnews
Infighting among Putins lieutenants seems to reveal signs of deep dysfunction
Russia places ICC judge on wanted list for issuing warrant for Putins arrest
Lavrov accuses Israel of glorifying Nazism and is told Don't lecture us

UN adds Russia to list of shame for killing children in Ukraine : worldnews

Evan laughing and joking in court today with his parents. A wonderful moving moment of an otherwise sad day, as his arrest is upheld until at least August 30. #istandwithevan

Russian Thermonuclear Bomb Creator Found Dead in Moscow : worldnews

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to Share Data with Moscow on Anti-War Russians, Conscripts : worldnews

Russia Training Dolphins to Defend Black Sea Fleet Against Divers, U.K. Says : worldnews

PACE calls for complete ban of Russian and Belarusian athletes from Olympics : worldnews

Narendra Modi denies religious discrimination exists in India : worldnews
Manipur: Fears grow over Indian state on brink of civil war : worldnews

350 migrants on the boat that sank off Greece were from Pakistan. One village lost a generation of men. : worldnews

17 suspected cultists arrested in Lagos : worldnews

Kenya plots vile anti-homosexuality law tokick LGBT people out the country completely

Arab youth in Morocco, UAE and Egypt support peace with Israel - poll : worldnews

UN slams Israels use ofadvanced military weaponry in Jenin

Ukraine's Western-Trained Brigades Begin to Enter the Fight -The arrival of new units could be pivotal. But progress has been slow for Ukraine in the early stage of its counteroffensive.
Early stages of Ukrainian counteroffensive not meeting expectations, Western officials tell CNN
Ukraines Zelensky: Russia is hiding bodies of victims of dam breach
Time to bring Ukraine into NATO: alliance ex-chief
Foreign donors pledged 60bn of new financial support for Ukraine, the UK said, as the international conference in London aimed at funding the countrys reconstruction closed. The commitments from governments and international organisations targeted supporting Ukraine in the short- and medium-term, the British foreign minister, James Cleverly, said on Thursday.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 485, Part 1 (Thread #626) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 23 June 2023. While it's not possible to verify these figures, independent observers point to very substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment.

Ukraine says it advances in south, stops Russian attack in east : worldnews

US Senate proposes that radioactive contamination of NATO territory caused by Russia be considered as attack on Alliance : worldnews
Ukraines president tells other countries to act before Russia attacks nuclear plant

If one thing has become clear, it is that Russian air defense cannot seem to do anything against Storm Shadow missiles. Any target that Ukraine chooses, will get hit. Meanwhile the Russian wunderwaffe Kinzhal is being shot down by Patriot PAC-3 missiles. How tables have turned.

UK @defencehq says the Russian Navy has bolstered security at Sevastopol base in occupied Crimea with multiple layers of nets, booms, and an increased presence of trained marine mammals, likely aimed at countering enemy divers.
(2/4) This includes at least four layers of nets and booms across the harbour entrance. In recent weeks, these defences have highly likely also been augmented by an increased number of trained marine mammals.

Im Lilia Yapparova, a Meduza investigative reporter, and Im Vera Mironova, a terrorism expert. Together, we authored a report on how Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) has been recruiting former Islamic State (or ISIS) fighters and trying to embed them in Ukraine. AMA!

Russia is a cancer that could destroy the world, Lithuanias first post-Soviet leader says

Twitter agrees to comply with tough EU disinformation laws | Twitter : worldnews

A Superyacht Gave a Lifeline to 100 Migrants Thrown Into the Sea : worldnews
Greek Coast Guard Under Scrutiny for Response to Migrant Mass Drowning : worldnews
Orcas attack Dutch team in Ocean Race : worldnews

Polish prosecutors deny Poland was base for Nord Stream sabotage : worldnews
Poland investigating bird flu outbreak among cats : worldnews
Hundreds of migrants rescued off Canary Islands : worldnews

Russia must pay to rebuild Ukraine, says Germany : worldnews

Belgiums FM on the brink over Iran visas fallout

Macron wants to crash summit with Russia, China and allies : worldnews

England Limits Use of Puberty-Blocking Drugs to Research Only : worldnews
Junior doctors to strike in longest single walkout in NHS history| UK
Highly unusual: lost 17th-century portrait of black and white women as equals saved for UK

Canada will require Google and Meta to pay media outlets for news under bill set to become law : worldnews
Facebook to end news sharing in Canada as parliament passes bill to compel payment : worldnews
Cursive writing to be reintroduced in Ontario schools this fall : worldnews - Fun fact: early writing systems were right-to-left because they were written using hammer and chisel and it was more convenient for right-handed people to write that way (you'd hold the hammer in your dominant hand). Left-to-right writing came about when paper become more common.

Ukraine slams Obama for making excuses over his Russia policy - Former U.S. President Barack Obama should start admitting critical mistakes in his administration's Russia policy, including Moscow's illegal 2014 annexation of Crimea, a senior Ukrainian official said Friday. Obama doubled down in a long interview with The Atlantic in 2016, during his last year in office, saying Russia's influence in Ukraine was inevitable "No matter what we do." ... In those years, the mantra was to not disturb the global economy. Let the Russians take that small piece of land if the world economy can stay in peace. Obama was the shining knight of globalization, together with Merkel.
Bill Clinton had the courage to admit he felt responsibility for the Russian invasion sine he convinced Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons. But apparently Barak Obama cant do the same when it comes to his inaction in 2014

The Hunt For A Russian Spy: How The FSB Used A Mexican Man To Target A Defector In Miami : worldnews

Smartwatches capable of automatically connecting to cellphones and Wi-Fi and gaining access to user data are being shipped to members of the U.S. military seemingly at random, raising cybersecurity concerns : worldnews

Senate examines role of dark money in delaying climate action

The World s Empty Office Buildings Have Become a Debt Time Bomb - From San Francisco to Hong Kong, higher interest rates and falling property values are bringing the commercial real estate market to a perilous precipice ... The creeping rot inside commercial real estate is like a dark seam running through the global economy.

Biden to sign executive order expanding access to contraception : politics

The Court Can't Heal Itself, Part 2. The branch of government that depends most on trust cares least about preserving it. Now it's up to Congress.
The Supreme Courts latest opinion means innocent people must remain in prison
Supreme Court says states cant overrule Biden on whom to deport
Shady and Corrupt: Add Barrett Real Estate De al to List of Supreme Court Ethics Scandals - The right-wing justice sold a home to a religious freedom group that has filed numerous briefs in cases before the court
Almost Incriminating Senator Shreds Samuel Alitos Bizarre Excuses In Ethics Scandal
Harlan Crow on collision course with Senate over Clarence Thomas gifts : politics
Supreme Court Bats Down Red-State Immigration Guidance Challenge In Win For Biden Administration : politics
Poll: 61% of voters disapprove of Supreme Court decision overturning Roe : politics
Is There Any Twinge of Regret Among the Anti-Abortion Justices?

The GOP Tried to Intimidate the DOJ Into Doing Nothing About Jan. 6, and it Worked : politics
Trump Prosecutors Struggled Over Motives. Then They Heard the Tape. - WSJ Audio recording became a significant find in the classified-documents case
Special counsel trades immunity for fake elector testimony as Jan 6 probe heats up : politics

Trump's TV confessions pave path to prison: Jack Smith sends Trump his own interviews in new filing

Jack Smith not messing around on timing in Trump classified documents case : politics

The sentence that "made Donald Trump blow a gasket": Kirschner : politics
Prosecutors have recordings of multiple Trump interviews, documents show : politics

More conservative jury pool: Judge signals shell hold Mar-a-Lago trialin solid Trump country

GOP lawmakers unveil measure to "expunge" Trump impeachments : politics
Elise Stefanik and Marjorie Taylor Greene Now Want to 'Expunge' Trump's Impeachements

Pence aide recalls fierce exchange with John Eastman as Capitol was breached: Greg Jacob testified in John Eastman disbarment proceedings. : politics

Video undercuts claim Twitter censored pro-Trump speech before Jan. 6 - The Washington Post In the internal video call from Jan. 5, 2021, workers were told not to take tougher action against a growing wave of tweets they feared were veiled incitements to violence.

The U.S. House of Recriminations begins Bidens impeachment
I.R.S. Agent Told Congress of Hunter Biden Invoking His Father in Business Deal - The New York Times A whistle-blower said the tax agency found a message from 2017 in which Hunter Biden pressured a Chinese business partner by saying he was with his father, who was then out of office.
Garland Pushes Back at GOP Claims of Bias in Hunter Biden Investigation - The New York Times The attorney general denied assertions that he had interfered with the case and blocked a prosecutor from lodging more charges.

Why evangelicals are still loyal to Donald Trump - POLITICO Longtime evangelical kingmaker Ralph Reed explains why Trump has such a tight grip on religious conservatives, and what it will take for another 2024 hopeful to convert them to his or her cause.

House Freedom Caucus Might Boot Out Marjorie Taylor Greene: Report : politics
Its Not Possible to Win an Argument With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Pro-RFK Jr. Super PAC Has Deep Ties to Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos : politics

Billionaire-funded group driving effort to erode democracy in key US states : politics

The Memo: Boeberts frank impeachment push leads to GOP groans, Dem glee
House Freedom Caucus faces an internal purge push - POLITICO At least two hardliners have discussed trying to boot members who no longer meet the groups standards, according to three Republicans with knowledge of the talks.

Arizona governor revokes authority for counties to carry out abortion-related prosecutions : politics

Florida Judge Strikes Down States Egregious Anti-Drag Law

Texas is now a majority minority state : politics
A year after Dobbs decision, Texas has settled in to a post-abortion reality - The impact of Texas near-total ban on abortion is coming into focus as patients and providers leave the state, legal challenges languish and the states social safety net braces for a baby boom.

Georgia police department apologizes for using photo of Black man for target practice : politics ... Was the picture facing forward or backwards?

Finally, someone is standing up to Kari Lake Opinion: A round of applause for Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who is finally standing up to the state's biggest camera-ready bully, Kari Lake.

Starbucks workers at 150 stores go on strike over Pride decorations | CNN Business

Justifying Child Labor

The Bud Light Drinker - It's not that I am that surprised that Bud Light drinkers would be the worst people in the country, but the fact that this boycott for the beer having a trans person in an ad really does reinforce that Bud Light drinkers are in fact the worst people in the country.

Iscisgender really a slur? How Elon Musks latest stunt just cemented his right-wing political agenda

Stacie Laughton, a transgendered former Democrat state Rep., now living in Derry, was arrested on 4 felony distribution counts Thursday.

Many California residents are considering leaving the state - Los Angeles Times

New Fentanyl Laws Ignite Debate Over Combating Overdose Crisis - The New York Times Critics say a fierce law-and-order approach could undermine public health goals and advances in addiction treatment. Three teenage girls were found slumped in a car in the parking lot of a rural Tennessee high school last month, hours before graduation ceremonies. Two were dead from fentanyl overdoses. The third, a 17-year-old, was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Two days later, she was charged with the girls murders.

Why Some Americans Buy Guns - The New York Times Social scientists are just beginning to understand who is purchasing firearms and how gun ownership may alter behavior.

A Guide to Supporting Your Child Coming Out as Trans - The Transgender Family Handbook 144 specific suggestions, from trans young people and their loved ones, that parents may find helpful.

Fake data in paper about fake data turns out to be fake - Data sleuths say they have found evidence of possible research fraud in several papers by Francesca Gino, a behavioral scientist at Harvard Business School. The publications under scrutiny include a 2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) paper on dishonesty that has already been retracted for apparent data fabrication by a different researcher. Thats right: Two different people independently faked data for two different studies in a paper about dishonesty,

New Study Bolsters Room-Temperature Superconductor Claim - The New York Times A team of researchers verified a key measurement from a study earlier this year that had faced doubts from other scientists.

Should Medicine Still Bother With Eponyms? The names of Nazi-era doctors are still found on diseases and body parts. By expunging them, will doctors forget lessons of the past? (Asperger's)

People on Drugs Like Ozempic Say Their Food Noise Has Disappeared -For some, it's a startling side effect.

Deity of death statue found during Maya Train construction : worldnews - he statue is sculptured from limestone and may depict Cizin, also spelled Kisin, the Maya god of death, whose name is believed to mean Stinking One.According to Lacandon myth, when a person dies, Cizin burns the soul on his mouth and his anus until the soul disintegrates into nothing.

Oldest known Neanderthal engravings found in Frances Loire Valley

More than 2,300 people in Mass. died of an overdose in 2022, the highest number ever - State plans more spending, novel initiatives, and a look at overdose prevention

This Mass. city ranks as the best place to live for families in 2023, according to Fortune


Experts raise alarm over record global temperatures : worldnews

Three of Mount Rainier s glaciers have melted away - Glaciers across the world are on a path of prolonged decline, a trend driven by the human use of fossil fuels and the accumulation of heat-trapping gasses in the atmosphere.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday gave her backing to a climate group shut down by the French government amid accusations it foments violence : worldnews

Gas stations are leaking underground | Grist Almost every gas station eventually pollutes the earth beneath it, experts told Grist. The main culprit: the underground storage tanks that hold tens of thousands of gallons of fuel, one of the most common sources of groundwater pollution

No future : Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns: decision follows government report that found many whales suffer immensely after being harpooned

Titanic submersible suffered catastrophic loss of pressure, killing all aboard, Coast Guard says
U.S. Navy Heard What It Believed Was Titan Implosion Days Ago - WSJ Underwater microphones designed to detect enemy submarines first detected Titan tragedy
Titanic sub search: Hunt for missing vessel turns critical as former passenger describes vessel's 'issues'
CEO Who Said Safety Is a Waste on Board Lost Submarine
Missing Titanic sub hours from running out of air as search intensifies : worldnews
The missing Titanic submersible has likely used its 96 hours of oxygen, making chances of rescue even bleaker : worldnews
Eschaton: Sending Our Love Down The Well Love flipping between stories about "sweeping" homeless encapments with reports about an interntional effort costing at least tens of millions to rescue 5 people who essentially tried to jump the Grand Canyon on a moped for kicks.
19-year-old Titan passenger was terrified before trip, his aunt saysBut the 19-year-old ended up going aboard OceanGate's 22-foot submersible because the trip fell over Fathers Day weekend and he was eager to please his dad, who was passionate about the lore of the Titanic, according to Azmeh.

Dictator sdark secret: Theyre learning from each other

Australia issues Elon Musks Twitter with a please explain notice over surge in online hate : worldnews

New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery waitlists : worldnews

Anger in Japan as report reveals children as young as 9 were among those forcibly sterilised under an eugenics law : worldnews ... The report did not reveal why the law was created, why it took 48 years to amend it or why the victims were never compensated

Taiwan suffering from cyber attacks from China, claims Taiwanese deputy minister of digital affairs : worldnews

US Not Backing Down on Bidens Xi Dictator Comment
China blocks India, USAs bid to designate Pakistan-based LeT terrorist involved in 26/11 attack as global terrorist

Where exactly did American intelligence go wrong with its assessment of Russias military capabilities?
Will Russias Break With the West Be Permanent?
Dwarfing the Giant: The Reality of Russia's Military Part 1
Dwarfing the Giant: The Reality of Russia's Military Part 2
The Bunker: Here Come the Russians. Again.

Prigozhin stated that Putin is provided with fake reports on the situation at the front by the Russian Ministry of Defense. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russia demands U.S. pay reparations for helping Ukraine in war : UkrainianConflict

Wall Street Journal reporter was ordered to remain in a Moscow prison until at least Aug. 30
Vladimir Putin is second king of antisemitism after Hitler, says Zelensky
Putins Top Propagandist Attacks Israel for Betraying Memory of the Holocaust, Says Kyiv Will Destroy All the Jews in Ukraine
(2/4) The Duma is almost certainly responding to the international condemnation of Russias depg12 ortation of children from occupied Ukraine since its full-scale invasion.
(4/4) Messaging around childrens rights is likely an important communications theme for the Kremlin because alleged child deportations formed the basis of the International Criminal Courts arrest warrant against President Putin issued in March 2023.

This is a must read. "The current approach makes generations of US students largely unaware of non-Russia in Eastern Europe. As a result, Ukrainian "experts" are often graduates of Ru studies, predict the fall of Ukraine and interpret Ukraine through a Ru lens ... in all Slavic-related studies in 13 top US universities

Its an open secret among the Russian elite that, even by Kremlin propaganda standards, the MODs reports are completely divorced from reality ... Prigozhin accuses the Russian MoD of hiding facts about the Ukrainian offensive and Russian losses.

2/ Widespread reports have emerged of Russian soldiers being denied leave, or in some cases only being granted leave if they pay bribes to their commanders (see thread below). Those serving more than 6 months in Ukraine are supposed to get 14 days leave.

Russian Navy Attempts To Disguise Its Most Powerful Warship In Black Sea - Naval News : worldnews

n a little over a year, India has gone from purchasing hardly any Russian oil to buying about half of what the country exports by sea.
How India Profits From Its Neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine War - The New York Times
Indian Dissidents Have Had It With America Praising Modi : worldnews
Gambia tightens rules for Indian drugs after Indian cough syrup led to the deaths of at least 70 kids : worldnews

UN warns Taliban that restrictions on Afghan women and girls make recognitionnearlyimpossible

Ego trip: African peace mission criticised in South Africa | Russia-Ukraine war

Zelenskiy admits counteroffensive may be going slower than desired
Zelenskyy: There can be no spiritual ties with terrorist state, new steps to be taken : ukraine
Russia is now the global center of cynicism President Zelenskys evening address, 22nd June
Ukraine is winning and it is changing
Pentagon orders AMRAAM missiles worth over $1 billion for Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 484, Part 1 (Thread #625) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 22.6.2023 : ukraine

The situation at the ZNPP is extremely unstablehead of the IAEA Grossi

Zelenskyy: Russia considering terror attack at Zaporozhzhia nuclear plant

Ukraine missiles damage bridge to Crimea: Russian officials : worldnews
The Chonhar car bridge connecting Russian-occupied Crimea with the remaining part of Russian-occupied Kherson Oblast was hit and damaged. The damage looks extensive enough to prevent trucks from crossing the bridge, just like how it started with the Antonovsky Bridge.
Video shows attack on Chonhar bridge to Crimea : ukraine
Russian Pantsir-S attempting to shoot down a Storm Shadow enroute to Chonhar bridge, misses twice : ukraine

UN report says Russian armed forces have used 91 children as human shields : ukraine

Islamic State: Woman jailed in Germany for keeping Yazidi woman as slave : worldnews

Switzerland tumbles down global equality ranking : worldnews
An investigation by the Swiss economics ministry found that the former managing director of a German arms dealership was in breach of conditions by sending 11 Mowag Eagle Swiss-made armoured vehicles to Ukraine without the consent of Switzerland.

Archaeologists unearth 4,000-year-old Stonehenge of the Netherlands

Ireland to disregard homosexuality convictions : worldnews

UK would support Ukraines simplified NATO accession. The U.K. would be very supportive if Ukraine was able to skip NATOs membership action plan (MAP) and join the alliance through a simplified process, U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London on June 21.

The signs arent good: in Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro may face ban on running for office for eight years

An ancient Mayan empire city was found in the Mexican jungle - Ocomtun - with large pyramid-like buildings, stone columns, a ball field and imposing buildings and plazas, was likely an important city, according to anthropologists.

Gang slaughtered 46 women at Honduran prison with machetes, guns and flammable liquid, official says : worldnews

The U.S. Population Is Older Than It Has Ever Been - The New York Times New census data shows that the countrys median age is now over 38. In 1980, it was 30.

Ford is getting $9.2 billion from the Biden administration to develop three EV battery factories. The loans are a watershed moment in the US race to catch up with China on green tech : politics

House fails to overturn Biden veto in effort to cancel student debt relief : politics
AOC says progressive lawmakers will not take the Supreme Courts student-loan forgiveness decisionl ying down - We are prepared in the event of any outcome in this ruling

The Unlimited Campaign Spending by Corporations and Billionaires Has Destroyed Democracy : politics

Alito in the hot seat over trips to Alaska and Rome he accepted from groups and individuals who lobby the Supreme Court | CNN Politics
The Mid Writ ("innocence" not a defense)

Trump receives first batch of evidence against him in classified documents case, including audio tapes : politics
Trump pleads for help from Congress as DoJ shares first classified documents evidence : politics
Trump Melts Down as DOJ Turns Over Evidence It Plans to Use Against Him : politics
The Trump Divide that Should Have Republicans Terrified - The indictments are making him stronger in the Republican nomination fight while he's taking on more baggage for a general election.

Prosecutors developed evidence early on of classified documents at Trumps Bedminster golf club

Pence aide recalls fierce exchange with John Eastman as Capitol was breached: Greg Jacob testified in John Eastman disbarment proceedings. : politics

Durhams effort to minimize Russian ties to Trump campaign speaks volumes. Durham admits he lacks knowledge of undeniable parts of record, indicates why his report ignores episodes.
John Durham Flames Out - by Charlie Sykes - Morning Shots Plus: Jack Smith Cometh
This is getting brutal
Sweatily desperate Republicans still trying to make John Durham a thing ... At any rate, as a Republican-controlled Senate committee confirmed, the REAL Russia scandal is that the Russian state engaged in material ratfucking of the 2016 election with the open support and sometimes collaboration of the Trump campaign. The idea that not everything in a dossier of oppo research that was not even published until after the 2016 elections turned out to be accurate somehow contradicts this conclusion is very, very stupid. But a man in John Durhams position has to be some combination of stupid, dishonest, and/or willfully misinformed.
Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump : politics
Dems Chant Shame! as House Censures Schiff Over Trump Inquiries

Who was the mystery MAGA rabbi who prayed with Trump? We found himbut big questions remain -- Jesus-loving rabbi ... So who are Messianic Jews? Put most simply, they are evangelical Christians who identify as Jewish while proclaiming the divinity of Jesus Christ. That conviction places them well outside the boundaries of halakah, which is why no major Jewish denomination recognizes them as Jewish.

Snctm founder Damon Lawner banned after naming Hunter Biden as former member - Los Angeles Times ,,, With a carefully curated guest list and membership fees of up to $75,000 a year, it became the free-love private playground of Hollywood actors, rock stars, chief executives, city officials and run-of-the-mill millionaires.

A year after fall of Roe, 25 million women live in states with abortion bans or tighter restrictions : politics
House GOP Forges Ahead on Wildly Unpopular National Abortion Ban : politics Most Americans think overturning Roe was bad for the country - The Washington Post

Dobbs Turned Abortion Into A Huge Liability For Republicans | FiveThirtyEight Support for abortion rights is higher than its been in decades.
Iowa anti-abortion leaders say GOP candidates must embrace ban
These 1,572 US politicians have helped ban abortion since Roe fell. Theyre mostly men

Watchdog group files complaint, says DeSantis violated campaign finance rules : politics
Senator Rick Scott of Florida Weighing 2024 Presidential Campaign - The New York Times (another republican criminal)

Texas Sen. Angela Paxton barred from voting in husbands impeachment trial
Greg Abbott axing water breaks before Texas heat wave sparks anger: "Cruel"

Rep. George Santos mystery bail backers to be revealed at noon

George Santos Was Bailed Out by His Father and Aunt, Court Records Show - The New York Times Mr. Santos, a first-term G.O.P. congressman, had tried to keep the names of the people who guaranteed his $500,000 bond sealed, but two judges rejected his efforts.
Federal judge strikes down Floridas ban on Medicaid funding for transgender treatment

These Michigan Republicans voted against child marriage ban : politics

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says Russia Acted In Good Faith In Ukraine Invasion

Jill Stein, 2016 Green Candidate, Now Running Cornel Wests Bid

Cop City in Atlanta is the future of America a war for the future of urban America.

Iowa meteorologist Chris Gloninger steps down after receiving threats - The Washington Post

Mark Zuckerberg agrees to Elon Musk cage match challenge - The Verge
Everything you never wanted to know about Melon Suks sex-life but are going to find out anyway

Pride 2023: My thrilling and somewhat disastrous trip down a rabbit hole of lesbian history - Fantasy of Parthenogenesis - Remembering a fringe separatist movement that wanted to take over the world, one chromosome at a time.

More than 2,300 people in Mass. died of an overdose in 2022, the highest number ever - The Boston Globe : massachusetts

Canton Cover-up : massachusetts

Reddit protests: Why users think CEO Steve Huffman is a supervillain. He co-created Reddit. How did he lose the trust of the users who make it special?


Summer solstice brings druids, pagans and thousands of curious people to Stonehenge : worldnews

UN chief says fossil fuels are incompatible with human survival as world breaks temperature records

A green transition that leaves no one behind: world leaders release open letter

Sweden adopts 100% fossil-free energy target, easing way for nuclear

Japan likely to see hotter summer than usual due to super El Nino

Iceland suspends whale hunt on animal welfare concerns : worldnews

Black Sea dolphins threatened with extinction due to Russian ecocide : worldnews

Orca rams into yacht off Shetland in first such incident in northern waters : worldnews

Navy Rushing Deep Sea Salvage System To Aid In Titan Submersible Search : worldnews
Banging heard in search for missing sub - US media : worldnews
Banging sounds heard near location of missing Titan submersible : worldnews
Titanic submarine: France sends in rescue team to find missing crew : worldnews
Serious safety concerns over Titan submersible had been met with hostility claims former OceanGate employee
Techbros disrupt five people into what is overwhelmingly likely a horrifying death
The more we learn about #OceanGate, it seems this is a classic case of overconfidence and arrogance in a vessels believed infallibility. And it was built to explore the wreckage of the Titanic. You cant ignore the tragic irony.
The Man Who Wants To Send Us To The Bottom Of The Ocean Stockton Rush -- more Musk than Cousteau
OceanGate CEO Missing in Titanic Sub Had History of Donating to GOP Candidates | The New Republic

U.S. Intelligence Agencies May Never Find Covid's Origins, Officials Say - The agencies are expected to release declassified material on what they have learned about Covids origins. People briefed on the material say there is no smoking gun.

US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks : worldnews
China lashes back as Biden labels Xi a dictator
China calls Biden comments calling leader Xi a dictator extremely absurd and irresponsible
Tibet leader calls on China to avoid crisis of two Dalai Lamas : worldnews

The Russian war against Ukraine has highlighted the brutality of Russian culture : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Russia says it downed 3 drones outside Moscow, suspects it was attack by Ukraine : worldnews

Indian court halts airing of documentary on Muslim minority | An Indian court has blocked the screening of an Al Jazeera documentary about the countrys Muslim minority, fuelling fears that the right to criticise the government is being eroded.

Erosion Of Countrys Islamic Identity: Pakistans Higher Education Commission Bans Holi Celebrations In Universities

Iran to Hamas: Israel will be overthrown by Palestinian resistance : worldnews ... "Iran will bravely fight Israel until the last Palestinian and Lebanese"

Hezbollah infiltrates, sets up armed position in Israel : worldnews
Israel to move ahead with 1,000 new homes in Eli settlement : worldnews

Ukraine has made west more united than ever, Zelenskiy tells London conference : worldnews (Putin de-militarizes Russia, unites the West)
Ukraine war: Zelensky admits slow progress but says offensive is not a movie : worldnews
Blinken pledges $1.3 bln for Ukraine grid and infrastructure. : worldnews
Ukraine: Ukraine created an Army of Drones to take on Russia

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 483, Part 1 (Thread #624) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 21.6.2023 : ukraine
Losses of the Russian military to 20.6.2023 : ukraine
4000 Russian Tanks Destroyed : ukraine

Ukraine is continuing the counterattack in the Melitopol direction. It is the most fortified part of the whole front, with roughly two main defensive lines and multiple secondary layers of defense.

Ukraine says Kakhovka dam collapse caused 1.2 billion euros in damage : worldnews
Kakhovka reservoir turned into a desert.

[4/4] Russia continues to see maintaining control of the peninsula as a top political priority.
Russia: US and UK fully dragged into conflict if Crimea bombed (will be forced to invade both countries)

Intelligence chief: Russia additionally mined Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant : worldnews

Finland may cut aid to African countries supporting Russian war in Ukraine : worldnews

Ukrainian POWs not freed after handover to Hungary
Hungarys government knew he was an undercover GRU spy but still let Russian diplomat Anton Goriev network with Hungarys radicals for years. Then he was reassigned to Slovakia, and got expelled for espionage in 2022.

German arms manufacturer admits supplying engine parts to Russia after its full-scale invasion of Ukraine : worldnews

Italian prosecutor demands cancellation of birth certificates for lesbian couples : worldnews

Church of England sacks independent abuse panel : worldnews ("independent")

41 women die in incident at Honduras prison : worldnews

Global Cyber Attack Targets US Government Agencies : worldnews

Biden administration moves to restore endangered species protections dropped by Trump : politics

Student Loan Pause Is Ending, With Consequences for Economy : politics
House fails to override Bidens veto of bill repealing student debt relief
Theres no way I can pay it: Americans dread restart of student loan payments

Trying to survive: Families suddenly dropped from Medicaid seek reinstatement

An Aggressive Supreme Court Reshapes the US as Its Standing Erodes : politics
Rubber-stamping the disordered and unpopular: the Leonard Leo story - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court
Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court : politics
Samuel Alito Is the Latest Supreme Justice Exposed for Living Like an Oil Sheikh | I know a lifetime gig is a license for a permanent big-money Mardi Gras, but, really, a private jet to Alaska? : politics
ProPublica asked about Alitos travel. He replied in the Wall Street Journal.
Samuel Alitos Tacky Defense on Why He Ruled on Case From Billionaire Fishing Pal: The Supreme Court justice accepted a luxury vacation from a Republican megadonor, didnt disclose it, and then ruled on one of his cases.

Republicans crying wolf over Hunter Biden have hurt their own cause : politics
Republicans Are Smearing the Bidens Like They Did Hillary Clinton: Their Hunter Biden probe is about muddying the president, not finding actual corruption. : politics

Worse than a bust: Republicans' Biden blockbuster blows up in their face

Team Trump Suspects His Former Chief of Staff Is a Rat

Trump Seems to Be Afraid, Very Afraid : politics

Trump Thinks He Did a Great Job in Disaster News Fox Interview
Republican Group Taunts Trump With His Own Damning Words In Fox News Ad : politics
Trump stumbles when Fox host tells him his plan to execute drug offenders would include people he pardoned : politics
Fox confronts Trump with lengthy list of aides he appointedand then turned on
Trump speechless as hes called out for drug execution hypocrisy in Fox interview
Donald Trump Backtracks After Fox Host Points Out Hypocrisy

Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Tries to Embarrass John Durham
John Durham Just Made False Statements to Congress

McCarthy warns House GOP now is not time to force vote impeaching Biden: What majority do we want to be?

Jan. 6 rioter who electroshocked Michael Fanone shouts 'Trump won' after receiving a 12.5 year sentence - Daniel DJ JRodriguez, who was wearing a MAGA hat when he drove a stun gun into the officers neck at the Capitol, was arrested after the online Sedition Hunters community helped identify him.

Yet Another Probe Into 2020 Election Fraud Closed Due to Lack of Evidence : politics

Too stupid to know better: MAGA eats up Trumps idiot president defense | Evangelicals, in particular, feel a flock should follow leaders who are neither smart nor moral

CBS News poll finds most say Roes overturn has been bad for country, half say abortion has been more restricted than expected
The sleeper legal strategy that could topple abortion bans: Jews, Espiscopalians, Unitarians, Satanists and other people of faith say the laws infringe on their religious rights. : politics
Fighting back - The New York State Legislature gave final approval on Tuesday to legislation that provides legal protection for New York doctors to prescribe and send abortion pills to patients in states that have outlawed abortion.
Dobbs has been a disaster for womens health

Falling Support for Same-Sex RelationshipsThe attacks on transgender folks is having a massive impact on support for gay rights after decades of support going up even among Republicans.

Jim Jordan scolded during his own hearing : politics

Robert F Kennedy blames Aids on poppers and claims chemicals turn kids trans : politics
RFK Jr. Gives Away the Game With Decision to Speak at Moms for Liberty Summit - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. finally reveals who he has been all along.

Republicans bash Boebert for forcing Biden impeachment vote: Frivolous
Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Boebert a Little Bitchon the House Floor
Saw this conversationnot sure if it was a friendly one

Floridas new budget offers a window into DeSantis depravity

Gov. Greg Abbott vetoes bill that would give people with disabilities new option to vote by mail : politics (while sitting in his wheelchair)

Leaked Audio: Michigan GOP Chair Says Outrage Over Holocaust Tweet Was Completely Hilarious

Pennsylvania House passes $15 minimum wage bill : politics

Fox News Geraldo Rivera Says Hes Been Booted From The Five

Eschaton: The Criminal Element - Conflating visible homelesness with crime has become completely normal, and, well, good job everybody ... Kushel and her team found that nearly half of single adults living on our streets are over the age of 50. And 7% of all homeless adults, single or in families, are over 65. And 41% of those older, single Californians had never been homeless -- not one day in their lives -- before the age of 50.

New electric cars wont have AM radio. Rightwingers claim political sabotage

Neo-Nazis cant stop Pride in Montana: Yes, we are under attack. But we will not be quiet

Elton John says America is going backward with disgraceful anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Oregon Senate discusses decriminalizing prostitution : politics

A $900 Towing Fee? Concerns Are Being Raised Over Honolulus New Towing Contract

Judge sides with Florida teacher who had AK-47 in truck parked in school lot : politics

What the New, Low Test Scores for 13-Year-Olds Say About U.S. Education Now

Scientists shouldnt debate gaslighters (Broganoids)

F.T.C. Sues Amazon for Inducing Users to Subscribe to Prime - The New York Times The lawsuit is the first time that the Federal Trade Commission under its chair, Lina Khan, has taken Amazon to court.

The Gangster And The Goddess | Vanity Fair | April 1999 - The sensational 1958 stabbing of Lana Turner's gangster lover, Johnny Stompanato, by her teenage daughter, Cheryl Crane

Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy - Wikipedia

Cosmology in Minkowski space: New research looking at the cosmological constant problem suggests the expansion of the universe could be an illusion : science

TIL That more creative people report greater trauma in their childhood. : todayilearned

Loss of Y chromosome in men promotes cancer growth, new study finds | Scientists have found the first solid evidence indicating a connection between the loss of the Y chromosome and tumor growth in men with aging. : science From scant research, it seems that this happens predominantly in aging men that smoke.

Whats the funniest Reddit thread you have ever seen?


UN adopts first treaty governing the high seas, with delegates from all 193 member nations voting in favor : worldnews

Days of sweltering heat, power cuts in northern India overwhelm hospitals as death toll climbs : worldnews

Himalayan glaciers providing critical water to nearly two billion people are melting faster than ever before due to climate change, exposing communities to unpredictable and costly disasters : worldnews

Europe had warmest summer in 2022, UN and EU meteorological agencies say : worldnews

Global network of sadistic monkey torture exposed by BBC : worldnews

Serial production of a game-changing electric bus with up to 575 km range starts

Titanic tourist submersible: Rescuers scan ocean as clock ticks : worldnews
Missing Titanic Sub Once Faced Massive Lawsuit Over Depths It Could Safely Travel To : worldnews
The maker of the lost Titan submersible previously complained about strict passenger-vessel regulations, saying the industry was obscenely safe

Nationwide study of Korea reveals new insights into deaths from vaccination-related myocarditis : science

Man with axe attacks Chinese restaurants in New Zealand, injuring four : worldnews

Japan outrage as child sterilisations revealed : news

TerraUSD: South Korea cryptocrash king Do Kwon jailed

Taiwan kindergarten druggings spark alarm among islands parents

Protest anthem Glory to Hong Kong starts to vanish from online sites as government seeks ban : worldnews

Chinas Rebound Hits a Wall, and There Is No Quick Fix to Revive It - Policymakers and investors expected China's economy to rev up again after Beijing abruptly dropped Covid precautions, but recent data shows alarming signs of a slowdown.
Blinken says China promised not to send arms to Russia : worldnews
Blinken says he failed to revive military-to-military talks with China : worldnews

Biden says threat of Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is 'real'
It appears that Roscosmos really is recruiting soldiers for the Ukraine War : worldnews ... The Russian government has become a terrorist state, and they are illegally attacking a peaceful, democratic European nation and ally of the United States and EUThey are killing Ukrainian civilians on a daily basisThe Russian space agency is now directly supporting the war effort by recruiting a Uranusbattalion, and cosmonauts on the ISS have sent greetings and well-wishes to their soldiers. All of these things are markers of a nation and a space agency that we should not be cooperating with in space

Igor Girkin: Russia has no chance to win, Putin and the higher ranks of Russian leadership are delusional. Russia lost all initiative on the frontlines. : UkrainianConflict
Prigozhins tone towards the MoD has become unambiguously confrontational. The MoD almost certainly sees this as deeply unfortunate at a time when it is grappling with Ukraines counter-offensive.
Russian Wagner boss says his fighters have yet to receive promised medals : worldnews

Wagner PMC seeks to recruit gamers with no combat experience - Candidates should be between 21 and 35 years old, possess good computer skills, and be physically fit : worldnews

Russia claims Ukraine plans missile strikes on Crimea : worldnews

Deadly Skies: Russias Much-Ballyhooed Ka-52 Helicopter Gunships Are Getting Shot Down, a Lot

Experts, teachers alarmed as India removes evolution, periodic table from textbooks : worldnews

Israeli attack helicopters fire missiles into West Bank city

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that tomorrow, the US will officially announce a new powerful military aid package for Ukraine. : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 482, Part 1 (Thread #623) : worldnews

Russian losses as of June. 20th 2023 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ukrainian leaders say theyve retaken eight villages in counteroffensive

Russia attacks Ukrainian cities in overnight air strikes : worldnews
Ukraine says 28 Iranian-made drones shot down in massive air attack

Hundreds of occupied Oleshky residents died because of Russians refusal to evacuate them after blowing up Kakhovka HPP

Russian troops are turning tanks into car bombs against Ukraine : worldnews

Almost 400 websites spread Russian propaganda in Bulgaria : worldnews

Historic decision: Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage : worldnews

Germany only has 20,000 high explosive artillery shells left - report : worldnews

The French military has selected Nexter to develop new drones equipped with anti-tank warheads for the army, with a goal to demonstrate the new capability by the end of 2024 : worldnews
Police searching 2024 Paris Olympics headquarters in corruption investigation : worldnews

Millions skipping or cutting down on meals : worldnews - Rampant food inflation and poor state support are forcing people in Britain to make impossible choices,
Drinkflation comes for the British pint. Brewers sell weaker beer but dont cut prices
Rent takes up biggest share of pay for 10 years : worldnews

In Argentina, Inflation Passes 100% (and the Restaurants Are Packed) : worldnews

China plans new military training facility in Cuba, alarming US : worldnews

On American Decline

Russia reportedly tried to assassinate a high-value CIA asset in Miami : worldnews

3 Are Convicted of Harassing Family on Behalf of China's Government - The defendants, including a private detective who said he did not realize he was working for an intelligence operation, pursued people living in New Jersey.
U.S.-Funded Scientist Among Three Chinese Researchers Who Fell Ill Amid Early Covid-19 Outbreak - WSJ Identification of three who worked at Wuhan Institute of Virology fuels suspicion for proponents of lab-leak theory

Trump Real Estate Deal in Oman Underscores Ethics Concerns - The New York Times Details of the former presidents agreement to work with a Saudi firm to develop a hotel and golf complex overlooking the Gulf of Oman highlight the ways his business and political roles intersect

Biden: Tubervilles hold on military nominations bizarre (football coach vetos America)
Democrats fed up with Tuberville want to change Senate rules : politics

Supreme Court Term Limits : politics
Clarence Thomass drunk uncle email forward history

Hunter Biden reaches deal to plead guilty in tax, gun case - The Washington Post would get about two years probation and enter a diversion program, people familiar with the negotiations said
Hunter Biden to Plead Guilty on Federal Tax Charges: Live Updates - The New York Times agreed to probation for filing his taxes late, and he can avoid a charge that he lied about his drug use when he purchased a handgun.
Legal experts say the charges against Hunter Biden are rarely brought The federal statute making it unlawful for a drug addict to possess a gun faces court challenges. The misdemeanor tax charges also rarely result in jail time.

Democrats Want Jared Kushner Investigated After Hunter Biden Charged : politics

A.G. Merrick Garland Resisted Investigating Trumps Connection to January 6: Washington Post ( /a>
DOJs failure of imagination (Garland couldn't imagine Trump being a crook)
Merrick Garlands failure - This is a meticulous piece of journalism, and the picture it paints of Garland's the DOJ's and the FBI's (non)actions reveals a massive personal and institutional failure. (tnx, Barry)

Judge in Trump Documents Case Sets Tentative Trial Date as Soon as August : politics

Trump incriminated himself on Fox tonight : politics
Trump Defense: I Committed Obstruction Rather Than Hand Over Golf Pants by Mistake : politics
Trump says he was too busy to return classified documents
Christie: Maybe Trump shouldve gone through boxes with classified documents instead of golfing

Trump offers dizzying new justifications for classified documents as former Cabinet secretaries sound the alarm : politics
Donald Trump Couldve Gotten the Hunter Biden Deal: The former president thinks his succesors son got off with atrafficticket.He couldve tooif he had listened to his lawyers.

Heres how Trump would make the DOJ his personal weapon - The former presidents far-right allies arent hiding their plans for how the Department of Justice will operate under a second term.

Trump Says Ivanka Will Have No Part in 2024 Administration : politics

Inside Moms for Libertys Close Relationship With the Proud Boys

Trump adviser faces possible disbarment over his efforts to overturn 2020 election | AP News Attorney John Eastman,

CNN Poll: Trumps GOP support appears to soften post-indictment, but he holds lead in primary field
Three in 10 still say Biden won because of voter fraud: survey | The Hill

Trump isnt the GOPs biggest problem. Abortion is.
Most in new poll say fundamental rights, freedoms are threatened : politics

Wife of Texas AG Ken Paxton says she'll participate in impeachment proceedings in capacity as state senator : politics

Hawley history - Josh Hawley pretending not to be a neoconfederate is like a 10-year-old trying to dress up in his father's suit:

Oregon bill looks to pay parents who provide full-time care for children with disabilities : politics

RFK Jr. claims chemicals in the water are turning boys transgender
RFK Jr.: A Threat Assessment - by Jonathan V. Last This isnt a primary campaign. Its a Fifth Column. - Kennedy is running closer to the incumbent president than Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, or Chris Christie are to Donald Trump.

Marianne Williamson loses second campaign manager Rosa Calderon in two months - POLITICO Other staff departures have also been rampant.

NIMBYism is inherently reactionary (+Caitlin Flannadoodle is still an idiot)

Mississippi Closed State Offices For Confederate Holiday, But Not Juneteenth : politics
Florida still celebrates 3 Confederate holidays : politics

Income loss, rent drove CA homeless growth: survey : politics

US murder rate declines dramatically in 2023 but you probably havent heard about it

Ohio Prison System Bans Java Computer Manual, But Allows Hitlers Mein Kampf

Elon Musk says Bidens desire to tax the ultra-rich would upset a lot of donors

Scientists on Twitter head for the exit

Revealed: New Orleans archdiocese concealed serial child molester for years | Catholicism | The Guardian Lawrence Hecker confessed to superiors he had molested multiple teenagers but he was never prosecuted, secret documents show - The last four Roman Catholic archbishops of New Orleans went to shocking lengths to conceal a confessed serial child molester who is still living but has never been prosecuted, a Guardian investigation has found.

Vanderbilt turns over transgender patient records to state in attorney general probe : news

7-year-old child fatally shoots 5-year-old in eastern Kentucky home : news - There have been more than 150 unintentional shootings by children in the U.S. so far this year,

To Sanitize the Masters Corpus: On the Heidegger Hoax ... not merely occasional and understandable editorial lapses but instead suggest a premeditated policy of substantive editorial cleansing: a strategy whose goal was to systematically and deliberately excise Heideggers pro-Nazi sentiments and convictions
Cancel culture is so out of control that they will call you a Nazi just for supporting the National Socialist German Workers Party

NASAs Juno captures image of ghostly Jupiter lightning

TIL that 70k years ago, the human race came dangerously close to extinction after a supervolcano eruption, with only 15k survivors on the planet : todayilearned

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is fighting a losing battle against the sites moderators


Europe should brace for more deadly heatwaves driven by climate change, said a sweeping report on Monday, noting the worlds fastest-warming continent was some 2.3 degrees Celsius hotter last year than in pre-industrial times.

Worldwide temperatures briefly exceeded a key warming threshold earlier this month, a hint of heat and its harms to come, scientists worry | The start of June saw global surface air temperatures rise 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels for the first time. : worldnews

The world's first international treaty to protect the high seas is due to be adopted Monday at the United Nations, a historic environmental accord designed to protect remote ecosystems vital to mankind : worldnews

India heatwave: nearly 100 dead amid warnings to stay indoors. : worldnews

Climate change: Sudden increase in water temperatures around the UK and Ireland : worldnews

Titanic tourist sub goes missing sparking search : worldnews

Scottish wildcats bred in captivity released to the wild in a bid to save the species from extinction : worldnews
Bumper midge alert for Scotland after warm spell : worldnews

Climate change denial hit its stride in the Bush-Cheney era, precipitating todays climate disasterRepublicans didn't always deny the reality of climate change. Then, George W. Bush took office

The identity of Russias mole in Australias spy agency has been a secret. Until now
Legalise Cannabis makes united push for personal marijuana use in three Australian states | Cannabis : worldnews

Surgeons in New Zealand must now consider ethnicity in prioritising patients for operations : worldnews
Mummified heads of Maori ancestors returned to New Zealand from Germany

Famous Japanese actor arrested for weed possession in Tokyo : worldnews

North Korea says botched satellite launch was gravest failure

Build better ties instead of only asking for microchips, Taiwan tells Europe : worldnews
Taiwan woman goes public with alleged sexual assault by Polish ex-diplomat : worldnews

Biden says spy balloon incident embarrassing for China as Blinken in Beijing to mend ties
Blinken and Xi Jinping pledge to stabilize the deteriorating ties between the US and China | AP News
Chinese military scientist Zhou Yusen thrown to his death at Wuhan lab for leaking COVID lab information - A Chinese military scientist who was reportedly thrown to his death from the roof of a Wuhan institute is at the centre of mounting evidence that the COVID pandemic resulted from a lab leak.
Opinion editorial - It's becoming undeniable: COVID came from a Chinese lab ... by Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag,

More Than 30,000 Former Prisoners Have Returned To Russia From The War Zone In Ukraine : worldnews

Alexei Navalny: Putin critic facing decades in prison as new trial begins : worldnews
Anti-war activist dies in Russian prison after being tortured with stun gun

81% of foreign components of Russian missiles are manufactured in United States

2/ The #Kremlin has previously coopted prominent Kremlin-affiliated milbloggers by offering them official roles on the Russian Human Rights Council and in the Mobilization Working Group likely in exchange for amplifying pro-Kremlin rhetoric.

At least 41 killed in attack on Ugandan school by ISIS-linked rebel group : worldnews

Palestinian leader Abbas ends China trip after backing Beijings crackdown on Muslim minorities

U.S. Deeply Troubled by Israeli Settlement Plans That Violate Commitment to Biden
US deeply troubled as Israel plans to approve thousands of homes in West Bank
7 IDF soldiers wounded in Jenin ambush of armored vehicle : worldnews
Israel to accelerate settlement construction in occupied West Bank : worldnews
Israel to build fibre-optic link between Europe and Asia : worldnews

Latest in Ukraine: Battles Inflicting High Casualties on Both Sides : worldnews
Ukraine wants to join NATO right after Sweden and under same scenario : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 481, Part 1 (Thread #622) : worldnews

Deputy commander and entire battalion of Russian troops from South Ossetia killed in south Ukraine : worldnews
We already knew that Rykove was an important logistics center for the Russian army, but the results of the destruction leave no doubt that this was a primary logistics center, containing thousands of tons of ammunition and fuel. An event of that magnitude will have more impact on the battlefield then battalion of destroyed armored vehicles,
3/ Russian milbloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces advanced near Urozhaine but that Russian forces still control the settlement.
Russian forces continued localized attacks in the #Vuhledar area on June 18.
Incredible. Ukrainians continue to innovate in the art of war because the entire nation's survival is at stake.

Russia blocks UN aid for Kakhovka dam collapse victims Moscow has rejected United Nations offers to help people in Russian-occupied areas affected by flooding from the collapsed Nova Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine
Russia had means, motive and opportunity to destroy Ukraine dam, drone photos and information show : worldnews
Explosive-rigged car atop Ukraines Kakhovka Dam before collapse ... Of course its a Lada

They enjoyed this: Ukrainian woman recounts five-month nightmare of torture and imprisonment

Russian attack cannot be ruled out, says Swedish parliamentary report : worldnews

Greece boat disaster: Ship tracking casts doubt on Greek Coastguards account ... Analysis of the movement of other ships in the area suggests the overcrowded fishing vessel was not moving for at least seven hours before it capsized. The coastguard still claims that during these hours the boat was on a course to Italy and not in need of rescue.
Pakistanis were forced below deck on refugee boat in Greece disaster
Murder Of Polish Woman In Kos Island Shocks Greece : worldnews

Almost 60% of Swiss voters have backed plans to severely cut emissions by 2050 despite opposition from the right-wing Swiss Peoples Party. In a second vote, 78.5% supported a minimum tax of 15% for multinational firms
Geneva to anchor the right to food in constitution : worldnews
Criminal charges dropped against Swiss police officers accused of killing a black man : worldnews

Vienna Pride parade attack foiled, Austrian police say : worldnews

Patients left to wait by Britains public health service turn to crowdfunding
British PM Rishi Sunak makes joke about trans women in leaked video : worldnews

Argentina faces crunch IMF talks to defuse looming debt bomb : worldnews

Fruits, seeds and water were pivotal in keeping four children alive in the Amazon rainforest

Uruguayan authorities are reversing plans to melt down a bronze eagle found on a sunken Nazi ship, Admiral Graf Spee, and recast it as a dove of peace, the president said Sunday. : worldnews

President of Sikh temple in Canada shot dead : worldnews

Why the Pentagon Papers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life's End - When Daniel Ellsberg was 42, a judge threw out Espionage Act charges against him. At 90, he sought such charges again in hope of challenging their constitutionality.
Wellerstein Series on Ellsberg
How the trauma of the Vietnam War led to the age of alternative facts -- Fifty years later, we still cant agree on what went wrong in Vietnam. Now we cant agree on anything at all

Russia Sought to Assassinate an Informant in the U.S. - The New York Times A failed plot to assassinate a C.I.A. spy in 2020 in part led to expulsions of the agencys chief in Moscow and his Russian counterpart in Washington.

Juneteenth and why banning Black literature is a threat to our collective American identity : politics
This Juneteenth, Remember the GOP Is the Neo-Confederate Party : politics
As the nation celebrates Juneteenth, its time to get rid of these three myths about slavery
Juneteenth is a holiday for all Americans. Its our second independence day.
Sen. Josh Hawley Shares His Mindblowingly Stupid Thoughts on Juneteenth Today is a good day to remember: Christianity is the faith and America is the place slavery came to die
Opinion | As Juneteenth Goes National, We Must Preserve the Local - The New York Times
How a Texan holiday became a national tradition.
Juneteenth in America
Black dads are more likely to play, dress and share a meal with their child, data shows | CNN

The IRS could recover $12 for every $1 spent on scrutinizing the ultra-wealthys taxes

Republicans Arent Even Hiding Their War on Young People: A new GOP budget scheme would force the next generation to work longer and guarantee them an unlivable planet.

Images from American History, Part 74 - Breaker boys, Woodward Coal Mines, Kingston, Pennsylvania., ca. 1900

Europe has fallen behind America and the gap is growing | Financial Times From technology to energy to capital markets and universities, the EU cannot compete with the US ... In 2008, the EU and the US economies were roughly the same size. But since the global financial crisis, their economic fortunes have dramatically diverged ... By 2022, the US economy had grown to $25tn, whereas the EU and the UK together had only reached $19.8tn. America's economy is now nearly one-third bigger. It is more than 50 per cent larger than the EU without the UK.

The Lies of Globalization

Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist, new poll finds : politics

G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead of 2024 Election - The New York Times A legal campaign against universities and think tanks seeks to undermine the fight against false claims about elections, vaccines and other hot political topics.

Judge issues order that Trump keep quiet about disclosure of discovery material issued in classified documents case | CNN Politics
Trump must be supervised by lawyer when reviewing evidence against him, judge says : politics

Trumps Brazen and Breathtaking Defense - The former President claims that if he just calls a document personal -- whether it plausibly is or is not -- no one can even question him about it.
Donald Trumps former Attorney General Bill Barr slams his absurd defence in classified papers case
Barr Says Documents Case Against Trump Is Entirely of His Own Making
Bill Barr: Trump Is Consummate Narcissist Who Will Put His Own Ego Above Everything Elses - He's a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country's - but our country cant be a therapy session for a troubled man like this

Trumps Former Defense Secretary Believes He Is a Threat to National Security

FBI resisted opening probe into Trump's role in Jan. 6 for more than a year
FBI resisted opening probe into Trumps role in Jan. 6 for more than a year
Eschaton: I Was Told This Wasn't Happening - Even though it obviously was ... Read the whole thing, as the kids say, and draw your own conclusions, but I'll just say that efforts to not look "political" are, in fact, political. (Garland is an idiot)
Why Did the DOJ Resist Investigating Donald Trumps Role in January 6?
A.G. Merrick Garland Resisted Investigating Trumps Connection to January 6: Washington Post
The WaPo Shows There Should Be More Scrutiny of Steve D'Antuono (top-to-bottom self-serving incompetence and corruption)

Trump is becoming his own worst enemy : politics
Trump All But Confesses to Mishandling Classified Docs on Fox News

Donald Trump Faces Potential Avalanche of Further Indictments : politics
National security lawyer thinks Trump is too scared to have cameras show his trial

Pranksters Expose The Too Stupid Argument Now Used By Trump Supporters
Trump gives Fox News new excuse for not giving back boxes of secret documents : politics (too busy)
Former President Trump tore into Quinnipiac and Fox News over a poll showing him trailing President Biden in a head-to-head matchup.

'Flat-out lying' : Legal analyst fact-checks Mike Pence claiming no BLM protesters were arrested - Mike Pence thinks he can just state a lie, and someone somewhere will buy it

Asa Hutchinson Says GOP Should Back OffClaim That DOJ Has Been Weaponized Against Trump:Lookat Donald Trump. Hesalready declared that heif hes elected president, hes gonna appoint a specialprosecutor to go after the Biden family. Thats called a weaponization of the Justice Department.

Mike Pence Refuses to Defend Women Pastors in Southern Baptist Churches Religious freedomis the perfect excuse for conservative bigotry.
The Supreme Court is making religion an all-purpose excuse for ignoring the law

Trump, other Republicans conjure a familiar enemy in attacking Democrats as 'Marxists', 'communists'

Losing already? Maybe Ron DeSantis flailing presidential campaign caught woke mind virus | It seems the Florida governor might want to focus less on the questionHow can I stop wokeness?and more onWhy am I losing to someone who keeps getting arrested?
A former Florida GOP state lawmaker says many people in the state capital areterrified of Ron DeSantis and his political enforcers: They just chop off heads and move on
Mehdi Hasan Shows What A Big Phony Ron DeSantis Is When It Comes To Jesus : politics

The undead Kennedy - The NYT has a particularly silly thumbsucker this morning, about the threat that Robert Kennedy Jr.s absurd presidential campaign supposedly presents to Joe Bidens re-election hopes:
Debate-me bros intensify anti-vaxx propaganda

Gavin Newsom Is Quietly Prepping for a Possible Early Feinstein Exit : politics
California governor proposes rolling back access to police misconduct records : politics

How Republicans are wasting their House majority : politics

Eschaton: Woke Jen Rubin - Not a journey I would've predicted.

Lawsuit alleges NC House Speaker had affair, sex with people seeking political favor ... engaged in group sex with other people seeking political favor.

Republican lawmakers attack Utah school district that banned the Bible for "embarrassing" the state. One legislator said itwas accepting atheism and hedonism to remove the Bible. Davis School District officials said they just followed the law legislators wrote.

For my transgender daughter, there are only 18 States of America : politics

A Broken NLRB

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,377 - This is the grave of Lee and Paula Strasberg ... Actors Studio ... Method acting .., But Strasberg was a huge asshole. Brando (OK sure, a huge asshole too) really went after him in his autobiography:

New Video Shows Conor McGregor Leading Rape Accuser to a Bathroom

American Medical Association says BMI is racist because measurement was designed based on white bodies in the 19th century

Psychedelics reopen the social reward learning critical period : science

On Cape Cod, its the question of the summer: Why are so many vacation rentals empty?

Apple is trying to trademark depictions of actual apples : technology


Four alarming charts that show just how extreme the climate is right now : worldnews

INDIA: 54 Dead, 400 Hospitalised In 72 Hours At UP District Hospital Due To 'Severe Heat' : worldnews (Ministry for the Future is now)
98 people died due to heatwave in North India in just 3 days : worldnews

An Ancient Rock Art Site in Australia, Home to a Million Petroglyphs, Has Been Damaged by Petrochemical Emissions, Scientists Say : worldnews

Days on Earth have grown longer but it didnt happen overnight

Toyota Says Next-Gen Fuel Cell Will Be 50 Percent Cheaper By 2026 : worldnews

Projections indicate Swiss approve climate bill as Alpine nations glaciers succumb to warming

Spain drought forces Fuente de Piedra flamingos to find new home : worldnews

Fossil fuel lobbyists will have to identify themselves when registering for Cop28 : worldnews

Dordrecht chemical company aware of its carcinogenic PFAS pollution 30 years ago: report : worldnews ... Teflon producer DuPont, now Chemours, has known for 30 years that they are seriously polluting the groundwater in Dordrecht with large amounts of toxic and carcinogenic PFAS,

Activists say the human rights movement is failing : worldnews

How Poorly Maintained Electrical Infrastructure Has Contributed to Catastrophic Forest Fires

New Zealand opposition leader caught on hot mic calling country negative, wet and whiny

Philippine ferry with 120 people on board catches fire at sea : worldnews

Like something out of Black Mirror: Police robots go on patrol at Singaporeairport | CNN

Japan willing to help Global South tackle climate change, foreign minister says : worldnews

N. Korea opens key party meeting to tackle its struggling economy : worldnews

UK security minister breaks with convention to meet Taiwanese minister : worldnews
Taiwan seeks closer EU ties in return for chip investment : worldnews

Blinken lands in China on rare trip with hopes low for any breakthrough : worldnews
Three key priorities in crucial US-China talks : politics ... The US wants to limit the export of Chinese-produced chemical components used to make fentanyl, a synthetic opioid many times more powerful than heroin. The rate of US drug overdose deaths involving fentanyl has more than tripled in the last seven years.
Biden wanted to speak with Chinas Xi after U.S. shot down surveillance balloon (Xi stuck his fingers in his ears)
Flats 'cheap like cabbage': Cost of apartments in China dip to record low | Mint
Flats cheap like cabbage: Cost of apartments in China dip to record low

Ukraine counteroffensive has no chance, Putin says as Russians brace for long war
Putin was asked about Zaluzhny and started stammering : UkrainianConflict
Russia Shifts Battle Tactics After Mistakes - The New York Times Moscows forces remain uneven. But while bracing for a counteroffensive, they have improved discipline, coordination and air support, foreshadowing a changing war.
Putin shows off what he claims is 'draft peace agreement' with Ukrainethat they 'refused to sign'
Ukraine counteroffensive inches forward; Putin dismisses prospects of peace talks : worldnews
Putin rebuts key elements of African peace plan for Ukraine - SABC News : worldnews

US govt offers $10 million bounty for info on Clop ransomware : worldnews ... CLOP is russian hackers sitting in russia. they report to Russian government including Medvedev. Clop means bedbug in russian.

2/ #Prigozhins behavior indicates that he is unlikely to subordinate #Wagner forces to the Russian MoD unless such a move would grant him more political power within #Russia.

The wives, mothers, and sisters of Russian Army servicemen recorded an appeal to the Russian president. They complained that the dead bodies were not being evacuated from the battlefield, there were no promised payments, and no one was helping the families of the dead. : UkraineWarVideoReport

Indian court halts airing of documentary on Muslim minority | India : worldnews

Sudan: 17 killed in Khartoum airstrikes. Though it is unclear which side was behind the attack, five children were among those killed by airstrikes in Sudan. Meanwhile, medics in Chad have complained of the "overwhelming" influx of wounded people from Darfur : worldnews

Israeli soldiers will not face criminal charges in death of elderly Palestinian-American : worldnews
Biden Administration Engages in Long-Shot Attempt for Saudi-Israel Deal : worldnews
Netanyahu says will move ahead on contentious judicial overhaul plan after talks crumble : worldnews
Israelis protested in Tel Aviv and other cities for a 24th straight week against the governments judicial reform plans, days after opposition leaders abandoned negotiations on the controversial reform

US President Joseph Biden states the United States will not make special arrangements for Ukraine to join NATO, stating that Ukraine must meet the same standards as other members. : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 480, Part 1 (Thread #621) : worldnews

Ukraine lost less than 10% of Western equipment in battles - Estonian intelligence : UkrainianConflict
Russian alligators are becoming rarer by the day in Ukraine. After downing 2 yesterday, Ukraines now bagged another Ka-52 helicopter this afternoon. So in 2 days, thats around $48 million down Russias drain and loss of yet more pilots/crew.
All that remains from the Russian warehouse site that was struck in Rykove today. Totally leveled.

Putin did it ... I am personally unpersuaded by venture capital bros or anyone else who thinks that theanti-war position is allowing a bloodthirsty dictator to do imperialist invasions with no resistance whatsoever.
Evidence suggests Russia blew Kakhovka dam in Ukraine - New York Times : worldnews
From Kakhovka to Beryslav you can almost walk.

Ukraine steps up strikes deep into Russian-occupied regions | Financial Times Attacks on weapons depots and logistics centres aimed at supporting counteroffensive
3/3) In the south, Russian forces often conduct relatively effective defensive operations. Both sides are suffering high casualties, with Russian losses likely the highest since the peak of the battle for Bakhmut in March.
OSINTtechnical on Twitter: "Per local channels, a Russian ammunition dump was reportedly hit in Heniches'k, Kherson Oblast" / Twitter
Russian barge under Kerch Bridge today, possibly indicating continued work and/or structural inspection - Unconfirmed reports that some of the supporting columns may have cracks

Russia cant really fight Ukraine at night because Moscows military is so broke and degraded it cant afford night-vision gear for its troops, war expert says (

Stoltenberg Likely To Be Asked To Remain As NATO Chief, Sources Say : worldnews
Europe to Accelerate Arms Shipments to Ukraine - EU Industry Chief : worldnews
Denmark ready to send F-16 fighters to Ukraine if US approves it : worldnews

Vucic out: Serbian protesters keep heat on government
US State Department calls on Serbias Vucic to immediately & unconditionally release the three Kosovo police officers.
Kosovo special forces allegedly beat two Serbian children : worldnews

Georgian officials attack McDonald's over alleged "LGBT propaganda" in Happy Meal : worldnews

Austrias former foreign minister Karin Kneissl complained that Austria had betrayed Russia - is rewarded with leadership position in a think tank at St. Petersburg University ... the one who danced with Putin at her wedding.

A haven no longer? Swiss to vote on minimum global tax rules : worldnews

France: Protest against Alpine rail project turns violent. Twelve French police officers have been hurt in clashes with activists protesting a high-speed rail project in the Alps. The EU-backed train line involves constructing a 57.5-kilometer (36-mile) tunnel : worldnews
Rare earthquake damages French homes, schools and churches : worldnews

Teachers in England to strike for two days next month amid pay dispute : worldnews

Dengue fever crisis forces Peru minister to resign : worldnews

Fallout from leaked audios paralyzes Gustavo Petros government: Colombias political crisis is growing, as questions surround the president's former chief-of-staff and ambassador to Venezuela in a case involving wiretaps and a dead member of Petro'ssecurity detail
Germanys return of sacred Kogi masks to Colombia may have health risks

Kidnappers Use Grisly Tactics as Ecuador Crime Spirals : worldnews

The leader of New Brunswick, Canada, is pushing his province to roll back a rule that required teachers to use a childs preferred name and pronouns.

Biden holds first campaign rally for 2024 to Union members in Philadelphia : politics
Biden strikes economic populist tone during campaign rally before exuberant union members : politics

Fakery and confusion: Campaigns brace for explosion of AI in 2024 : politics ... The richest man in the US bought our largest political discussions platform and is using it as part of the largest coordinated psyop in human history. Our government wont even recognize it

The Hidden History Of Juneteenth
Why Changing The Way We See The Civil War Will Help Us Preserve Our Country - We should view the Civil War as a second American revolution - with that perspective, well be able to realize the reforms necessary to preserve our rights.
The Long War on Black Studies : politics
Mississippi Police break into home to rape, torture and shoot two black men for dating white women : worldnews

GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It. A recent study suggests that more than 53 percent of young kids who are eligible for food aid havent been getting it.

Times up for Trump, Johnson and Berlusconi but the damage they have caused lives on

Attorney General Garland keeps poker face as firestorm erupts after Trump charges : politics
Former Trump Defense secretary brands him a security threat : politics
Esper: Trump known as hoarder of classified documents ... "like a child with a toy"

Donald Trump Just Got Dumped by His Lawyer Again : politics

Trump lacked power to declassify secret nuclear arms document, experts say : politics

Trump claims Biden pressed DOJ to create fake indictment in latest attack
Asa Hutchinson predicts Trump may try to pardon himself if reelected : politics

The Memo: Barr, Bolton, Kelly line up to condemn Trump over alleged crimes : politics

Why Trumps trial should be televised

Trump floats special counsel conspiracy as he claims Fox News abandoned of 'King' Maga
Trump says 'Long live the King' in rant about Fox a day after Biden said God save the Queen
Trumps legal defenses draw derision -- even from some conservatives

How Jonathan Swan Covered [Up] John Durhams Corruption (that fucking corrupt newspaper)

Pence vows to clean house at Justice Department if elected, citing trust issues

Clown Show Season ... But today I want to talk about Cornel West, grifter extraordinaire
RFK Jr. has a big primary problem: Democrats like Joe Biden : politics

House GOP flirts with Jan. 6 extremism - POLITICO Far-right conservatives have entertained false conspiracy theories about the Capitol attack but so have some House GOP leaders and key committee chiefs, without outright embracing them.
House GOP flirts with Jan. 6 extremism : politics
Some Democrats are already warning of a government shutdown as budget battle with GOP takes shape : politics

Support for legal abortion rises a year after Dobbs decision: New poll
A Year After Dobbs, Advocates Push in the States for a Right to Birth Control - The New York Times -- After Justice Clarence Thomas cast doubt on the Supreme Court decision that established a right to contraception, reproductive rights advocates are pressing for new protections at the state level.
Support for abortion rights continues to increase

The US passed a landmark gun deal one year ago. Is it working? : politics

A majority of Republicans now say same-sex relations are immoral after a year of ''groomer' attacks on the LGBTQ community

Florida transgender veteran kicked out of VA Medical Center bathroom : politics

Greg Abbott Axes Water For Texas Construction Workers Amid 3-Digit Temperatures : politics
As Texas swelters, local rules requiring water breaks for construction workers will soon be nullified : politics

Democrats are trying to win over the traditionally red state of North Carolina : politics

U.S. Catholic bishops to create first guidelines for transgender health care. The doctrine group creating the draft a few months ago said trans treatments are not morally justified (said the world's largest pedophile ring)

The anti-intellectual attack on higher ed will take years to undo

Employer-Government Alliance Asserting Control

Ross Douthats Continuing Crisis of Manhood - Ross Douthat finds that Ted Kaczynski, Silvio Berlusconi, and Cormac McCarthy were all alienated from late-modern civilization because that civilization is hostile to masculinity. And why is that? Ill let Douthat answer: Douthat is taking an essentialist view of manhood. Manhood is physical strength and violence, and physical strength and violence are manhood.

Why NYC Suburbs Increasingly Resent the City - The New York Times Tension between the city and its surrounding areas over issues like crime, immigration and congestion pricing has grown since the pandemic.

Eviction filings are 50% higher than they were pre-pandemic in some cities as rents rise | AP News

Willowbrook, Illinois, mass shooting: 1 dead, 20 hurt at Juneteenth celebration | CNN

Decisions while drunk v. deciding to get drunk

In 1969 the fifth Beatle was heroin: John Lennon's addiction took its toll on the band - In early 1969, the faces of heroin addiction for Paul, George and Ringo were John and Yoko

The Mysterious Science Behind Your Wildest Dreams Even as scientists learn more and more about dreams, were still just scratching the surface.

The Reddit Blackout Is Breaking Reddit - When the user revolt ends -- if it ever doesReddits community wont ever be the same. (spez-fucked)
Reddit's average daily traffic fell during blackout, according to third-party data - The protest appears to have had a small but noticeable effect on the platform.


The slow motion crisis
The first half of June is behind us ... hopefully the second half settles back down to "just" record-breaking instead of absurdly record-shattering ...

The secretary-general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres says the International Monetary Fund has benefited rich countries instead of poor ones. And he describes the IMF and World Banks response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a glaring failure that left dozens of countries deeply indebted

Massive die-offs of birds on the coast of Mexico, following similar phenomena in Peru and Chile, are "most probably" due to a warming of the waters of the Pacific Ocean, authorities said Friday : worldnews

Canadas wildfires have burnt an area 16 times larger than normal

Shells U-turn on green goals: Focusing on fossil fuels and profits
Climate change: UN to unmask fossil fuel lobbyists at climate talks : worldnews

Rabbit-killer virus spreading in Switzerland : worldnews

Arizona Begins to Understand Water - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... This is total lunacy. I mean, I guess people really are that desperate to not live in Ohio or Indiana.

US beats China to build new military bases in Papua New Guinea | Agreement of 15-year pact could grant American forces vital staging grounds in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait : worldnews

Blinken arrives in Beijing amid deep fissures in U.S.-China relations - The Washington Post
Google claims it caught China government hackers redhanded breaking into hundreds of networks around the world : worldnews
Kremlin decides that goal to ''demilitarise'' Ukraine has largely been achieved : worldnews
Putin warns NATO over being drawn into Ukraine war, says Russia has more nuclear weapons | CNN : worldnews
Putin: I can destroy any building in Kyiv city centre, but I wont. Why? I will not say ... Zelensky the Comedian who became a Leader. Putin the Leader who became a Joke.
Putin says Ukraine is becoming fully reliant on West for military hardware : worldnews

Alcohol Abuse Plagues Kremlin Elites as War Drags On : worldnews
(99) How Vodka ruined Russia - YouTube ... The Russian alcoholic is, however, more than just a stereotype. Downing a bottle of Vodka, slurring his words and making a fool of himself, the Russian with a drinking problem is the result of four centuries of a systemic alcohol problem that is by now deeply engrained within Russian society

If we see F-16 over Ukraine, we will think it carries nuclear weapons - Russian Foreign Ministry : worldnews
Russian forces face shortage of tanks as counteroffensive creeps forward : worldnews

Mother of regular conscript killed in Russias Belgorod region slapped with police report for discrediting army. Her interview with Novaya-Europe prompted the complaint

Drunk Russian soldiers in Melitopol shoot at FSB officers : worldnews

In further blow to Russian LGBTQ+ community, lawmakers move to ban gender transitioning procedures : worldnews ... Ah so theyre at Florida levels of hatred now

Hugo Boss made millions in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine : worldnews

Putin says Russia positions nuclear bombs in Belarus as warning to West : worldnews

ISIS-linked rebel group attacks Ugandan school, killing dozens : worldnews
US imposes visa restrictions for some Ugandans following adoption of anti-gay law : worldnews

Patriarchal and biased: Israeli women fear loss of rights in legal overhaul, as religious courts are set to have their power extended

Biden states he wont simplify requirements for Ukraine on its path to NATO
Ukraine's chief rabbi responded to Putin, who called Zelensky "a disgrace to the Jewish people. " : worldnews
Six hypersonic missiles downed over Kyiv in fresh blow to Putin : worldnews
Podolyak: African leaders came to Ukraine to ask for suspension of Putins arrest warrant .. Unbelievable, African leaders support a war criminal and leader of Genocide.
Ukraine tells African mission no peace talks till Russian withdrawal : worldnews
Ramaphosas 120 security personnel to return to SA after Russia trip collapses
About 120 special forces and South African journalists, who are supposed to accompany the President of South Africa during his visit to Ukraine, were detained at the airport in Poland ... On board their plane, 12 containers with weapons were found -- 12 containers of weapons for a diplomatic meeting.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 479, Part 1 (Thread #620) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 17.6.2023 : ukraine ... Russian APVs are basically pre-loaded crematoriums on wheels.

Why the Evidence Suggests Russia Blew Up the Kakhovka Dam - The New York Times An Inside JobA dam in Ukraine was designed to withstand almost any attack imaginablefrom the outside. The evidence suggests Russia blew it up from within.

She thought she was unshockable, then two castrated Ukrainian soldiers arrived. Sexual violence against men is an under-reported part of the Ukraine war. A psychologist describes the impact on her patients of their torture by Russians : UkrainianConflict

Ukraine: Russia Is Throwing Cash at Troops to Destroy U.S. Vehicles in Ukraine : worldnews
Russian forces face shortage of tanks as counteroffensive creeps forward : ukraine

US-made MaxxPro mine-resistant armored fighting vehicles are almostindestructible,Ukrainians say

Nato meeting fails to approve first defence plans since Cold War, Turkey blamed : worldnews ... But one diplomat said Turkey had blocked approval over the wording of geographical locations, including with regard to Cyprus.

Ukrainian Fighter Pilots Will Get Training On Swedens JAS-39 Gripen

Almost still shines: 3,000-year-old sword unearthed in Germany

First ever Partygate video revealed as Tories drink, dance and laugh at Covid rules

Bolsonaro aide sought legal advice for Brazil coup, police say : worldnews

Uruguay will melt down a bronze eagle found on a sunken World War II-era Nazi destroyer off its coast 13 years ago, and recast it as a dove of peace, the South American country's president said Friday : worldnews

What If ,,,? ,,, I've never quite been able to wrap my mind around Nixons reaction to the Pentagon Papers ... ... Nixons characteristic obsessiveness with regard to tracking down and discrediting the leaker led to the standing up of the internal infrastructure that would later produce Watergate ... but the fact that it was Henrys advice that helped spark the greatest own goal in American political history has a certain literary appeal ...

Biden says US is at tipping point on gun control:We will ban assault weapons in this country

Biden to Counter Trump by Focusing on Economy Not Indictments : politics

Unions go all in for Biden 2024 with early endorsements : politics

Employees at the student-loan company named in a major lawsuit blocking Bidens debt relief were confused about theirinvolvement in the case:Are we the bad guys?

Republicans plan to cut free school lunches : politics ... Never forget Fox News getting uppity at the data that 99% of poor households have a fridge. They are always angry at poor people having anything.
Not on My Watch: Dems Vow To Oppose GOP Attack on Free School Meals - What's up with the GOP's fetish for preventing hungry kids from getting fed? asked Sen. John Fetterman.

Right-Wingers Push Death Penalty Reinstatement Bills as Part of Hardline Agenda The same forces that are attacking abortion, trans health care and racial justice are also pushing for more executions.

Republicans Want to Axe Pentagon Budget Office That Aims to Save Taxpayers Money : politics

Analysis Reveals How Billionaire GOP Megadonor Harlan Crow Gave Millions to Dark Money Groups : politics

Judge Aileen Cannon Orders Lawyers In Trump Docs Case To Obtain Security Clearance : politics

The 31 Classified Documents
Evidence in Trump Documents Case Hints at Ongoing Investigations, Filing Says ... ongoing investigationsthat could identify uncharged individuals.

Trump and the Republican party exemplify these five elements of fascism : politics

Donald Trump is reportedly obsessed with boxes : politics
Trump claims hes exonerated and demands his boxes back. Experts say hes confessing to intent
Scarborough says he thinks Trump kept documents to make deals: This is all about money

Justice files for protective order to prevent Trump from releasing classified materials : politics

DOJ really had no choice: Experts say non-lawyer Tom Fittons advice horribly backfired on Trump
Donald Trump attorney Jim Trusty withdraws from CNN suit : politics

Jamie Raskin Asks FBI To Release More Details About Its Assessment Of Biden Bribe Rumor Republican statements about the bribery allegation "are plainly inconsistent" with what the FBI told lawmakers last week, according to the Maryland Democrat. : politics
Suspicious circumstances: Giuliani now claims GOP witness behind Biden bribery allegation is dead ...Despite the host of accusations levied against Biden and his family, no tangible evidence has surfaced. ... Is it true that the informant is none other than Ghouliani himself, but Hillary Clinton used deep state witchcraft and a pact with the devil to curse him so he can never testify?
Giuliani Says Key Biden Informant Is Dead | The New Republic The Biden whistleblower cant come to the phone right now. Why? Oh,cause theyre dead!
Jim Jordan Notes We Dont Know For Sure If These Tapes Exist When Asked About Impeaching Biden Over Probe ... Several Republicans have pumped the brakes by pointing out the tapes may not even exist, including Grassley, Comer, and Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson. (all of whom said last week tapes definitely exist)

Trumps rage at Biden has cornered his GOP rivals. Thats dangerous .. rump angrily vowed toappoint a real special prosecutor to go after the Biden crime family,promising to totally obliterate the deep state
After indictment, majority want Trump to drop out, but hes getting stronger with GOP
Donald Trump calls for 20 Republicans to be immediately primaried : politics

Democratic group launches This F***ing Guy campaign against Trump

House GOP ponders action against DOJ in defense of Trump : politics

Fox News producer behind Bidenwannabe dictator chyron resigns

Supermajorities in state capitols push controversial policies to the edge : politics

Pentagons Secret Service Trawls Social Media for Mean Tweets About Generals
Space Commands leader is building out his Colorado HQ even as Congress tries to force the HQ to move to Alabama

Behind the fascist scenes
Ron DeSantis: Ill purge FBI on day one of my presidency
Ron DeSantis Wants More Honoring Confederates, Less Funding for Black History Florida governor vetoes funding for Black history events.
Ron DeSantis suffers huge blow in his battle with Disney : politics

Texas Ends Water Breaks for Construction Workers Amid Heat Wave : politics

A sense of betrayal: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags

Unfriending America: The Christian right is coming for the enemies of God -- like you and me (Satangelicals)

Federal judge halts Indiana from enforcing ban on care for trans minors

More than 50 letters sent to Kansas state officials contained suspiciouswhite powder

Michigan teen arrested for plotting mass shooting at synagogue | The Hill

Spotify Has Stopped Even Sort of Trying to Stem Joe Rogans Vaccine Misinformation ... RFKjr ... (speaking of infections and contagious stupidity)

S.F. drug overdose deaths could set a record this year. Whats causing the spike? ... a 40% jump compared with the same five-month period in 2022.

Lexi Rizzo fought to unionize her Starbucks.Now shes out of a job. Her struggle is just beginning

The Instant Pot becomes the latest pandemic darling to hit the rocks The pandemic Instant Pot craze is officially over, as Instant Brands files for bankruptcy.

3 Charged With New Hampshire Public Radio Attacks - The New York Times The homes of New Hampshire Public Radio journalists were vandalized after they aired a sexual harassment investigation involving a prominent businessman in the state ... Prosecutors with the U.S. attorneys office charged the men -- Tucker Cockerline, Keenan Saniatan and Michael Waselchuck -- with conspiracy to commit interstate stalking.

College faculty salaries: A half century of severe decline ... Growth in average salary of all full time faculty at institutions of higher education in America between 1970 and 2021: 4.1%. - The average worker's salary went up ten times faster than the average college professors did! On top of this, new data from the AAUP show a 2.4% decline in real wages for full time faculty between 2021 and 2022, so in effect there has been NO salary growth for full time college faculty over the past 52 years.

The Moral Crisis of America's Doctors - The corporatization of health care has changed the practice of medicine, causing many physicians to feel alienated from their work.

Millennial Dads Are Reimagining Fatherhood, From Culture to Style and More - The New York Times

They Bought a House With Plans to Airbnb. Then They Were Banned for Knowing the Wrong People

Editors Picks: Remembering Cormac McCarthy

The Upper West Side Cult That Hid in Plain Sight | The New Yorker In the sixties and seventies, the Sullivanian Institute had a winning sales pitch for young New Yorkers: parties, sex, low rent, and affordable therapy ... The institutes co-founder and reigning tyrant, Saul Newton, who sat atop the organization from the mid-nineteen-fifties until the mid-nineteen-eighties (he died in 1991), may have come closer than any of his far more notorious peers to establishing a truly metropolitan cultits members visible but its practices obscure ... The son of Russian Jews who immigrated to Canada, Newton was combative and mercurial, a onetime communist labor organizer who had fought in the Spanish Civil War. He had no medical degree or psychoanalytic training, but one of his wives, Jane Pearce, trained under the renowned American psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan, one of the pioneers of interpersonal analysis ... The Sullivanian framework militated against the dangers posed by the mother by limiting her time with her children, even in their infancy ... He demanded oral sex from seemingly every young woman he encountered, in or out of session, hounding one young patient, Ellen, on a near-daily basis for almost twenty years.

UMass Amherst professor discovers new type of matter : massachusetts -- Their research found that at -460 degrees, when particles smash into a single chiral bose-liquid particle, all the other adjacent chiral bose particles behave as if they, too, were struck at the same time. Picture a bowling ball striking the lead pin, and then every other pin falling in the same way, even though they were not struck by the ball or another pin.

Can You Change Your Metabolism? - Scientific American Though you might not be able to significantly rev up your metabolism, there are ways to boost the energy your body burns while doing nothing ... a metabolic rate decline of about 0.7 percent per year, on average, kicks in around age 60.

Cambridge is ranked first on Fortune's "Best Places to Live for Families" list : CambridgeMA

Reddit and the End of Online CommunityA standoff between the site and some of its most devoted users exposes an existential dilemma.
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman isnt backing down: our full interview
The Reddit Blackout is already forcing unexpected changes. : technology


Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike | Climate crisis : news

Nothing like this has ever happened before: The worlds oceans are at record high temps

Humans Have Pumped Enough Groundwater to Change the Tilt of the Earth : worldnews

UN chief slams pitiful world response to climate change

After 40 years global installed Wind Power capacity has reached 1 terawatt this month : worldnews

Russias Putin attacks Jewish heritage of Ukraines Zelensky

Vast fossil fuel and farming subsidies causing environmental havoc -- World Bank says subsidies costing as much as $23m a minute must be repurposed to fight climate crisis

New dinosaur species discovered in UK : worldnews (Torysaurs. Thatcherosaurus Rex)

Over 500 dolphins killed in Faroe Islands since hunt resumed in May : worldnews

Overfishing is driving coral reef sharks towards extinction, according to a global study out Thursday that signals far greater peril to the marine predators than previously thought. : worldnews

Russia accuses Australia of Russophobic hysteriafor blocking second embassy on security grounds

Japan redefines rape and raises age of consent in landmark move : worldnews

South Koreas military said Friday it had successfully retrieved a large chunk of a crashed North Korean space rocket from the sea bed after 15 days of complex salvage operations

Suspected state-backed Chinese hackers used a security hole in a popular email security appliance to break into the networks of hundreds of public and private sector organizations globally, nearly a third of them government agencies including foreign ministries : worldnews
China Omits Cremation Data to Hide True Pandemic Death Toll following Lifting of Covid Zero - News18 : worldnews (Xi Ding-a-Ling's disaster didn't happen)
China drops cremation data from quarterly report, raising questions about key Covid death indicator : worldnews
China Youth Jobless Rate Hits Record 20.8% in Challenge for Policymakers : worldnews ... Within 10 years there will be over 400 million people over the age of 60 in China.
Alibaba founder Jack Ma is 'alive' and 'happy' top exec says after Chinas tech crackdown

Russias Putin attacks Jewish heritage of Ukraines Zelensky
Russia May Attack Third-Country Airfields If Ukrainian F-16 Are Based On Them - Putin

Russian anti-war activist dies in jail after alleging mistreatment, lawyer says : worldnews

Russia is charging foreign business execs over $25,000 to attend its version of Davos but nobody really wants to be seen there in the first place

Russia increases Sevastopol defenses - It looks like the dolphins, at least some of them, differ with the orcas in choosing sides.

US Military Wins Unimpeded Access to Papua New Guinea Bases

Kill, terrorize, expel: Testimonies detail atrocities by Wagner-backed militia in Sudan : worldnews

Israel will sell its Merkava tanks for the first time, recipient a European country : worldnews

Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline? Suspects and Theories. New clues keep surfacing, and the most recent appear to implicate Ukraine.
Russia will lose the war if Ukraines counteroffensive succeeds, Zelenskyy tells NBC News
Biden open to plan that eases Ukraines path to NATO membership
Explosions rock Kyiv as African peace mission visits Ukraine : worldnews
Its bizarre that the SA presidency is denying the Russian missile attack, which has been widely reported by international media and the Ukrainian authorities. Reuters journalists witnessed the African leaders going into an air-raid shelter during the attack.
Zelenskyy on confiscation of Russian assets: Dictator's "elite" has to feel what loss is
Zelensky invites Trump and DeSantis to Ukraine - NBC : ukraine
The African delegation stated russian shelling of Kyiv was disinformation and untruth (as they ran for air-raid shelters)

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 478, Part 1 (Thread #619) : worldnews

Counting Russias dead in Ukraine - and what it says about the changing face of the war

[1/5] General-Major Sergei Goryachev was almost certainly killed in a strike on a command post on or around 12 June 2023, in southern Ukraine.
Russian soldiers really did stand still for 2 hours for their commanders speech, leaving them sitting ducks for a HIMARS strike, Ukrainian official says

UN says torture used by Russian forces in Ukraine may be state policy : worldnews
Russia offers bonuses to soldiers who destroy US, German tanks in Ukraine : worldnews

5/5] It continues a war record which has been both difficult and controversial for 35th CAA: in March 2022 elements of the army were present during the massacre of civilians in Bucha, and in June 2022 the force was largely wiped out near Izium.
Ukraine have taken back control of the settlement of Makarivka on the southern front.

Russian forces highly likely behind attack on Ukrainian dam, international law investigation says

After Chechen troops arrived in the Bilhorod region, they refused to take up positions on the border areas. They only plan to control the situation and not fight with any insurgent forces. Another TikTok confirmation.

Sweden sending 250 mine detectors to search for landmines scattered after Kakhovka dam flooding : worldnews

UK, Denmark, Netherlands and US to jointly supply Ukraine with hundreds of missiles for air defence : worldnews

Object fired from Belarusian side pierced windows of Polish Border Guard vehicle : worldnews
South African presidents security team held on plane in Warsaw since Thursday due to carrying weapons without permits
Intel to invest $4.6 bln in new chip plant in Poland : worldnews

Greece boat disaster: Officials deny coastguard rope led to migrant tragedy : worldnews

Chinas Cuban spy base is just one piece of a much bigger plan

Canada just seized one of Russias dwindling supply of massive heavy-lift cargo planes
Canada Population Expected to hit 40 million today : worldnews

Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked Pentagon Papers on Vietnam War, dies at 92 - The Washington Post Disillusioned by the Vietnam War, he leaked a top-secret history of the conflict, leading to a landmark Supreme Court case
Daniel Ellsberg
LGM Film Club, Part 382: Chomsky on Ellsberg (+William Rusher, republican asshole)
How Daniel Ellsberg, who died at 92, went from being a disillusioned member of the government-military elite to a hero of anti-war movements : politics

Notable deaths of 2023: Remembering David Crosby, Patricia Schroeder, Willis Reed, Cindy Williams and others who have died this year. - The Washington Post

Getting Worse ... Lets see how things are going over at Quincy, the "bipartisan" "restraint" themed think tank that takes a lot of money from right wing billionaires and vomits forth a lot of garbage about forcing Ukraine to surrender: way past time to abandon this particular sinking ship. As for the Sacks its a predictably dumb stew of general idiocy with generous chunks of right-wing, pro-Russian talking points:

Partying with Kissinger - If you haven't read Chotiners devastating interview with Ted Koppel about how the Washington elite loves the mass murderer Kissinger, you must. There are a couple of good pieces about Kissinger's 100th birthday party. Who the fuck shows up for this in 2023? Too many people. ... That Samantha Power, USAID director and supposed human rights champion, and Tony Blinken, US secretary of state and supposed human rights champion, are unmitigated phonies and sanctimonious hypocrites is not a new revelation ... (and fuck fucking Hillary)

If you want a picture of the future of campaign reporting, imagine a hand typing Democratic Candidate Callously Refuses to Appease Republicans, forever. (FiveThirtyEight: Will Voters Blame Biden for Trump's Impeachment?) ... 80 percent of Republican primary voters think Trump should be able to serve as president, even if hes convicted ... ("a problem for Biden ...")

This emerging 2024 political narrative is a distraction from the real drama - Press Watch ... Trump and Biden represent wildly conflicting visions of America, with those differences dwarfing the failings of either candidate. Will the United State of the future be a true democracy, celebrating pluralism, with an aggressively proactive federal government? Or will it be an increasingly white Christian nationalist state with a dictatorial leader, where policy is auctioned off to powerful right-wing corporations?

Biden allies start to chafe at Democratssilent treatment of Trump indictment -- malpractice
Letat, cest Trump ... Good piece from Susan Glasser on where we are now as a nation, and where were going on the Trump train ... FLAGS theory of political rhetoric, in which the acronym stands for fear, love, anger, greed, and sympathy.

Its Not Joe Biden Who Corrupted Ukraine. Its Donald Trump.

Donald Trump likely to be swamped by multiple overlapping trials : politics

Fact check: Multiple non-spies have received prison sentences under Espionage Act provision Trump is charged with violating : politics

E. Jean Carroll defamation suit against Trump scheduled for January 2024 - The Washington Post

Poll Finds Trump Leads Primary With 53 Percent of Republican Voters (Exclusive) - The Messenger
It Turns Out Being Indicted is Not Good for Donald Trump: A growing number of Independents and Republicans are concerned by the former president's handling of classified information.
Donald Trump Has a Polling Problem - The New York Times Most Republicans still support Trump. But the polls still suggest the federal indictment is hurting him.

Trumps addiction to yes men may be his ultimate downfall - Trump is too narcissistic to see he's just being used by lawyers who tell him what he wants to hear
Trump Demands GOP Rivals Pledge to Pardon Himor Else
Trump Reportedly Left Restaurant Without Paying Any Bills After Telling His Supporters Food For Everyone!

Rudy Giuliani Used A Female Alias In Emails About Plan To Overturn The Election

Trump courtroom sketch artist takes criticism in stride: It rare to get any feedback (40 yrs younger and 150 lbs lighter)
Court artists on their three, very different Trumps - BBC News

Comer admits nobody has heard from alleged Biden informant for three years : politics

Fox News Parts Ways With Producer Responsible for Wannabe Dictator ChyronSources identified the culprit to The Daily Beast as Alex McCaskill, a longtime producer on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Fox News finalizing settlement with former producer who accused network of coercion and rampant sexism | CNN Business

Cornel West Goes After RFK Jr.: Needs to Really Get Off the Crack Pipe

Obama addresses Tim Scotts racism rhetoric: People are rightly skeptical

Barbara Boxer warns progressives to back off on Dianne Feinstein or they may be sorry

DeSantis War Room Posts Bizarre Video Suggesting Biden Is a Groomer: Keep Your Hands Off Our Kids
College Board says it wont alter AP courses to comply with Floridas laws ,,, DeSantis, a 2024 presidential candidate who has sworn multiple oaths to uphold the US and Florida constitutions, had said in January that the AP African American Studies course would not be allowed in his state (Black people don't exist, DeFascist says)
Ron DeSantis is trying to cut LGBTQ subjects from AP courses. The College Board says no. : politics
Gov. DeSantis vetoes $2 million for Brevard Zoos aquarium project after Rep. Fine spat

The U.S. Army renames a base in honor of Sgt. William Henry Johnson, a Black WWI hero : politics

How a Grad Student Uncovered the Largest Known Slave Auction in the U.S.

Blood on your hands: Duckworth blasts Sinema for pilot training proposal

Jon Stewart Gives Trump-Defending GOP Governor A Blistering Legal Fact-Check : politics

Tennessee lawmakers expelled for gun protests victorious in special primary elections | The Hill ... Pearson garnered more than 94 percent of the votes,
Tennessee Democrats expelled over protests win primaries for their old seats : politics

Ted Cruz Mercilessly Mocked For Bizarre Rant About Biden, Satan And Pat Benatar. Critics called out Cruz for invoking the name of the rock icon in his attempt to slam the president. : politics

More extreme, more violent: experts warning over khaki-clad Patriot Front

Here are the top allegations that led to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxtons impeachment ... Paxton, they said, had personally directed his powerful agency to take unusual and probably illegal actions to help a friend and campaign donor, Austin real estate investor Nate Paul, who was under federal investigation for fraud.

Using loophole, Seward County seizes millions from motorists without convicting them of crimes

Minneapolis Police: Scathing Report Exposes Racist and Unconstitutional Policing - The New York Times Scathing Report Exposes Racist and Unconstitutional PolicingAn investigation by the Justice Department found systemic abuses by the police that made what happened to George Floyd possible
The Minneapolis Police Department (or Baltimore or New Orleans or New York or Basically Any City in the Nation) ... The cops are fascists from stem to stern and Americans just dont want to deal with the core fact that they have entrusted public safety to the worst people in the country, which then create cultures that even you arent bad when you enter the department, you will break bad or not survive in your job.

3 dead, 75-100 injured after multiple tornadoes hit Perryton TX

Fewer in U.S. Say Same-Sex Relations Morally Acceptable - 64%, down from 71%, say same-sex relations are morally acceptable

Twitter is the most dangerous platform for LGBTQ people, GLAAD says

Goldman Sachs under federal investigation over role in SVB collapse, reports : worldnews

Where have all the children gone? A compilation of young people missing from group homes and troubled teen industry establishments. : UnresolvedMysteries

Is This Supplement Really Natures Ozempic? ... berberine, an over-the-counter supplement gaining traction on social media for its purported slimming properties.

NASA Cassini reveals building block for life in EnceladusOcean

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Its time we grow up and behave like an adult company
Why Reddit is destined to turn to crap : technology


UN chief says fossil fuels incompatible with human survival, calls for credible exit strategy

The Swiss, feeling the impact of global warming on their rapidly melting glaciers, are expected Sunday to approve a new climate bill aimed at swiftly steering the country towards carbon neutrality : worldnews

Cyclone Biparjoy: More than 170,000 evacuated as India, Pakistan brace for storm : worldnews

New details emerge after 152 koalas killed on private property: Unacceptable

After 17-Year Absence, White Rhinos Return to the DRC : worldnews

San Francisco Becomes First U.S. City Where Electrified Cars Make Up 50% Of Sales : technology

809 confirmed cases and 8 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

The disappearing pandemic - 1919: The Year That Changed America - But a century later the whole thing was, in the context of a book dedicated to a granular look at American history in that particular year, completely forgotten ... a vaguely similar thing is in the process of happening with the great Covid pandemic of 2020 through . . . Somehow, just three years and probably around 1.5 million dead Americans later, its like the whole thing never really happened ... We all lived through this crazy time, but we are all forgetting it now. That, I suppose, is how human memory and its cultural manifestations relentlessly create a past we can all live with today.

Russia to be blocked from building new embassy in Australia adjacent to Parliament House : worldnews

New Zealand officially in recession as GDP falls for second quarter : worldnews
2 men who helped run popular pirating website Megaupload sentenced to prison in New Zealand : worldnews

Japan: Cadet shoots dead two instructors at military firing range : worldnews

South Korea sues rival North Korea for blowing up joint liaison office in 2020 : worldnews

North Korea: Residents tell BBC of neighbours starving to death : worldnews (starve or kill yourself)

China cuts medium-term lending rates as economy sputters : worldnews
The unemployment for young people in China hits a record high in May : worldnews ... The latest figures show that the unemployment rate for young people, ages 16 to 24, rose to 20.8%.
Chinas Xi Jinping backs just cause of Palestinian statehood
Bill Gates in China to Meet President Xi on Friday - Sources : worldnews

Putin sides with military chiefs over placing Wagner under direct control: Russian leader says move must be made as quickly as possibleafter Wagner boss refuses to sign contracts
The Wagner boss is rejecting Putins push for mercenaries to sign contracts with the Russian army, calling it the path of shame
Russian military bloggers are losing their minds over reports that a Russian unit was blasted by artillery while waiting 2 hours for their commander to give a motivational speech : ukraine

We say goodbye to those companies. And what we do with their assets after that is our business.Putin is giving Russia powers to buy departing western companies at a knock-down priceopening a Pandoras box to nationalizations.

Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska boasts that he helped take 350 Ukrainian children from Bakhmut, some of whom are afraid to speak Russian, in cooperation with Lvova-Belova (indicted by the ICC for war crimes.) The webpage disappeared once it was noticed

Russia takes over another Western asset with Bosch plant deal : worldnews

NATO sees no change in Russias nuclear posture despite Belarus leaders claims

Largest tunnel boring machine to be used for Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project in India : worldnews

Pakistan may fail to restart $6.7 bn bailout, default on sovereign debt: Moodys

Cash-strapped Taliban selling tickets to ruins of Buddhas it blew up : worldnews

Egypt Executes Mohamed Adel, Who Murdered University Student Nayera Ashraf in 2022 After She Refused His Marriage Proposal : worldnews

Jordan Fatwa Department bans cat neutering, citing religious beliefs : worldnews

Approximately 600 fighters have reportedly been trained in Iraq to participate in Russias war against Ukraine.

Irans Quantum Computer is Apparently Powered by an Arm Development Board

US to address killing of American citizen directlywith Israel after Isreali military announced that it will not pursue criminal charges in the case ... Early in 2021, Assad, who was 80 years old, suffered a stress-induced heart attack after he was arbitrarily detained, bound, blindfolded and gagged by Israeli forces, and then left out unresponsive on the ground at a cold construction site in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army said on Tuesday that it found no "causal link" between the way its soldiers treated Assad and the American citizens death
Israels military called the settler attack on this Palestinian town a pogrom.Videos show soldiers did little to stop it
Arab countries account for quarter of Israeli arms exports : worldnews
Israeli defense exports hit an all-time high of $12.5 billion last year, with Arab countries that recently established ties accounting for nearly a quarter of purchase contracts : worldnews
Sky Sonic: Israels Rafael developing anti-hypersonic combat missile

Ukraine war: Extremely fierce battles as Kyiv seeks to advance
Another 10,000 UAV operators to be trained Ukraines Minister of Digital Transformation
Ukraine will not be offered timeline for Nato membership at summit in July : worldnews
Latest in Ukraine: NATO Discusses More Military Support for Ukraine : worldnews
NATO calls for common standards in push to boost defence production : worldnews
Ukrainians expected to finish Abrams tank training by end of summer : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 477, Part 1 (Thread #618) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 15.6.2023 : ukraine ... There is no need to be afraid. The Russian army is not strong, it is just long. We will eat them slowly, like a salami.

Ukraine war contributes to global record of 108 million forcibly displaced people in 2022: One out of every 74 people in the world have been forced to leave their homes due to violence, persecution and natural disasters : worldnews

Kyiv has not officially confirmed the strike, but one anon official told @KyivPost : It's a really funny situation. They stood in the open for 2 hours listening to the speech - Enough time to fix them, transport HIMARS, enter coordinates and hit them. - Russians Furious After Ukraine HIMARS Strike Kills 100 Troops Waiting for Commander's Speech

European Parliament recognized the demolition of the Kakhovska dam as a Russian war crime : worldnews
What we didn't know about floods. We thought it was bad, but it is a thousand times worse. Update in comments. : ukraine

Russia cuts off radiation sensor access at ZNPP to Ukraine : worldnews

Putin wants to seize neighbouring territories, we need to talk about security guarantees for Ukraine Scholz
We should monitor all Russians living in the West, Czech leader says : worldnews
Cost Of War: Czech President Says Russians In West Should Be Monitored

Estonia set to become first ex-Soviet state to back gay marriage : worldnews

Kosovo says 3 border police officers 'kidnapped' by Serbia; Belgrade says they crossed illegally : worldnews

13-year-old arrested in Bosnia for allegedly shooting, wounding teacher : worldnews

All pregnant women are in danger: protests in Poland after expectant mother dies in hospital

Greece boat disaster: Capsized boat had 100 children in hold - reports : worldnews

EU Parliament wants legally-binding ban on unpaid traineeships : worldnews

Ukrainian F-16 pilot training has started - Stoltenberg : worldnews

Swiss women take to streets to fight inequality and sexism : worldnews

France says it uncovered major Russian disinformation effort; Israel said targeted : worldnews

Ex-British PM Boris Johnson deliberately misled MPs, report finds, and should be banned from parliament
Boris Johnson deliberately misled parliament over Partygate, MPs find : worldnews - And never forget he used Russian troll farms and botnets to influence the outcome of Brexit and lied to the public about it. He weekend the EU and isolated the UK with Russias help. Traitor ... Shit, the conservative chairman even ran a private concierge service for russian oligarchs with offices based in Russia. Yet people are only upset that he mislead parliament.

Influx of Russians prompts Argentina to set restrictions on immigration : worldnews

Clooney Foundation sues Venezuela over alleged human rights abuses : worldnews

China says allegations of Chinese spying in Cuba are false : worldnews

2 Americans found dead in hotel room in Baja California Sur, Mexico: Police - ABC News

Russia says relations with Canada close to beingsevered as Ottawa seizes cargo plane

US government hit in global cyberattack | CNN Politics
Russian National Arrested and Charged with Conspiring to Commit LockBit Ransomware Attacks Against U.S. and Foreign Businesses | OPA | Department of Justice
Chinese spies breached hundreds of public, private networks, security firm says : worldnews

Jack Teixeira Indicted on Charges of Mishandling Classified Information - The New York Times The airman, Jack Teixeira, 21, was arrested at his home in North Dighton, Mass., on April 13.

FBI Undercover Agent Groomed Teenager to Join ISIS Terrorist An undercover FBI agent befriended the teenager online. When he turned 18, he was arrested for supporting ISIS.

Every day, good news overshadows the Republican presidential candidatestalking points. The right-wing Cassandras need a new shtick.

Social Security Benefits Targeted for Cuts by House Conservatives : politics
House GOP Panel Releases Budget That Would Destroy Social Security as We Know It
Biden Administration Begs Red States To Slow Down Their Medicaid Purges : politics

Sanders Introduces Bill to Make Community College Free by Taxing Wall Street | The College for All Act would be paid for by a tax on Wall Street transactions. : politics

Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals As 2024 Priority: As states across the country move to make sure students are well-fed, Republicans have announced their intention to fight back. : politics

US supreme court upholds protections for Native American children | US supreme court | The Guardian Children can continue to be protected under law preventing removal of kids from their families for fostering or adoption
Warren, Jayapal Introduce Bill to Bind Supreme Court to Code of Ethics, Crack Down on Gifts and Trips : politics

Biden tops Trump by 4 points in new poll : politics

Merrick Garland defends Trump indictment and denies any Biden administration involvement : politics

Trumps chances of a Jan. 6 indictment soar
Donald Trump still thinks he can escape this but Jack Smith has him cornered | For all his bluster, Trump is almost out of options. This will be the last chapter of his lifetime grift
Report: Trump Passed on a Plan to Avoid Criminal Charges, and Now Hes Facing Up To 400 Years in Prison

Horrifying: Intel Experts Fear The Human Costs Of Trumps Document HandlingSome of the compromised documents seized at his Florida country club included information from intel officers and foreign agents working on behalf of the U.S.
At the Heart of the Documents Case: Trump's Attachment to His Boxes - The former president has long stowed papers and odds and ends in cartons that he liked to keep close. His aides have called it the beautiful mind material.
The GOPs remarkable views of Trump's classified documents - Multiple polls suggest that Republicans don't particularly appreciate the potential gravity of the situation or its basic details

Expert: Inability to find new lawyer leaves Trump without expert to handle Espionage Act chargesTrump stiffs attorneys and has gotten more than oneof his lawyers into their own legal troubleattorney say

Trumps only defense is celebrity: When youre a star, they have to let you do itMeanwhile, Republicans talk about Trump likes he a stupid baby and regard their voters as even dumber
Eric Trump Flips Out Over Dads Indictment With Rape And Pillage Rant

The Radical Strategy Behind Trumps Promise to Go After BidenConservatives with close ties to Donald J. Trump are laying out a paradigm-shifting legal rationale to erase the Justice Departments independence from the president.

Republicans Admit They Dont Know if Biden Bribery Tapes Really Exist
Republicans Acknowledge Biden Bribe Audio Might Not Exist : politics

Trump tells restaurant patrons Food for everyone! then leaves without paying

Rep. Katie Porter Shuts Down Fox News Reporters Attack On Biden Without Breaking Stride

Kevin McCarthy Is Losing His Grip on House Republicansand Power

Kentucky congressman threatens to reveal national secrets on C-SPAN : politics

RFK Jr. Tells Joe Rogan Hes Aware of Possibility CIA Could Assassinate Him - The conspiracy theorist thinks he could become the target of a nefarious deep-state plot, just like he says his uncle was

George Santos calling to preserve integrity of House sparks jokes, memes : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for telling CDC chair: I dont want my staff educated

Lauren Boeberts nemesis has plan to stop her

Lauren Boebert called out over treatment of witness:An insult is not an argument
N.C. Lawmaker Who Switched Parties To Allow Abortion Ban Now Denies Having An Abortion: Rep. Tricia Cotham, a former Democrat, spoke passionately in a 2015 floor speech about needing abortion care after she found out her pregnancy was unviable. : politics

This County Chose an Election Denier, 9/11 Truther, and QAnon Conspiracist to Run Its Elections : politics

California Gov. Newsom previews Disneyland expansion with CEO Bob Iger : politics

Texas Republicans Are Overturning Cities Ability to Govern Themselves: Nicknamed the 'Death Star' bill, a new law decimates local power to regulate things like the environment, labor, rights, and more.

Babylon Town Council candidate poses naked behind screen door of house, shocking residents ... Sabella Sr. is active with his local Knights of Columbus chapter and church. His antics have shocked many in the community (Republican)

The Dobbs Divide | FiveThirtyEight Percentage change in the number of abortions per month, compared to the average monthly abortions before Dobbs (April and May 2022), through March 2023 by state ... there were 24,290 fewer legal abortions between July 2022 and March 2023, compared to a pre-Dobbs baseline ... the Dobbs ruling has created intense turmoil for tens of thousands of Americans across the country. There were an estimated 93,575 fewer legal abortions in states that banned or severely restricted abortion for at least one week in the nine-month period after Dobbs

A second look at the attacks on the New York Timess trans coverage

An evangelical expose by Tim Alberta coming in December - Tim Alberta -- fresh off his epic takedown of former CNN CEO Chris Licht -- will be out Dec. 5 with a deeply personal, rigorously reported portrait of American Christianity in self-inflicted decline.
Southern Baptists vote to expel two churches led by female pastors : news

Eschaton: He's One Of The Lads He had a PBS show! New York Times editorial board member Michelle Cottle was basically his cohost! - Tucker Carlson is a right-wing extremist and conspiracy theorist. It should not be hard for news organizations to say this. Most outlets have no problem accurately characterizing other extremist media figures, such as Alex Jones. Why the different treatment for Carlson?

Conor McGregor accused of raping woman in toilet at NBA Finals : news

Penn State professor accused of committing sexual acts with an animal in PA state forest : WTF

Bill Cosby sued in Nevada by 9 women who accuse him of sexual assault : news

Florida deputy didnt follow extensive training during Parkland school massacre, supervisor says

Texas police arrest man, discover bodies of wife, 11-year-old daughter in garage : news

Womens Prize for Fiction: Barbara Kingsolver wins for Demon Copperhead

Meta scientist Yann LeCun says AI wont destroy jobs forever ... "meta scientist"

Twitter has gotten away with not paying music publishers for copyrighted songs for years. A $250 million lawsuit might change that. : technology

Researchers from Osaka University developed worms coated in hydrogel sheaths that transport valuable cargo capable of killing cancer cells. : worldnews

Im Rebecca Lester, a therapist who helped a DID patient with 12 identities form a community of selves in one individual. My background in anthropology led me to work in collaboration with -- rather than in opposition to -- their inner world. AMA!

Im Ursula Goodenough, Professor of Biology Emerita at Washington University, President of the Religious Naturalist Association, and member of the National Academy of Sciences. AMA!

ELI5 how exactly did the changes from Old High German to Middle High German during the 11th century actually happen and how aware were the people about these things? : explainlikeimfive

TIL Cows Have Been Shown Not Only To Have Friends, But Best Friends & Experience Stress On Separation : todayilearned

Nearly 1 in 5 US adults have been diagnosed with depression : news

What fact do some people simply refuse to accept? : AskReddit

What is the first thing you would do if you woke up as the opposite sex? : AskReddit

What is the most embarrassing thing youve ever said to someone you were trying to impress?

What's the laziest/easiest way youve lost weight?

Reddits blackout protest is set to continue indefinitely
Reddit CEO slams protest leaders, calls them landed gentry
Reddit made the mistake of ignoring its core users The social-media platform needs a path to profitability that recognizes the commitment of its moderators and volunteers
How Reddit set itself up for a fall - The Verge
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Redditwas never designed to support third-party apps


In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S. : news

Extreme weather conditions in Europe have killed almost 195,000 people and caused economic losses of more than 560 billion euros since 1980, the European Environment Agency said : worldnews

110 million people forcibly displaced as Sudan, Ukraine wars add to world refugee crisis, UN says : worldnews

Ukraine eyes Australian F-18s to help war effort, puts in initial request for an estimated 41 planes : worldnews

Malaysia to ask Interpol for help to track down comedian over MH370 joke : worldnews

Russia resumes oil shipments to North Korea, possibly in return for weapons : worldnews

China anxious and regretful overUkraine war, PLA strategist says
Flight training for Chinese military pilots targeted in latest US export crackdown : worldnews
Does Xi Jinping Want to Bring Back the Cultural Revolution? ... And while theres little reason to believe that anyone in the Chinese leadership actually cares what any young people say about their government, to simply tell an entire generation of highly educated young people who grew up in a society that seemed to have left suffering behind for American colleges for lots and Maseratis for the real elite that being sent to remote China to work on collective farms circa 1969 is their future seems ... .unwise and unstable?

Putin claims Ukraine counter-offensive is failing : worldnews
Putin is waiting for the US elections. Until then, he will not agree to negotiations with Ukraine Borrell Borrell believes that Russias war against Ukraine would have developed very differently if Donald Trump had remained US President, and not Joe Biden.
Russia has lost up to half of its most advanced operational tank fleet since the start of the Ukraine war, including the newest T-90M Proryv, which Putin called the worlds best.
Vladimir Putins fallen generals reveal Russias fatal flaws
Putin ponders: Should Russia try to take Kyiv again? Rules out new mobilisation : worldnews
Putin declares Ukraine occupies Russias historical territories
Russia lost so much money due to the Ukraine war that it now aims to raise $4 billion by slapping a windfall tax on its oligarchs : worldnews
Putin admits Russia doesnt have enough weapons and drones
Putin threatens to withdraw Russia from Black Sea Grain Deal again : worldnews

Prigozhin leaked location of Putin ally wounded in UkraineRussian colonel
Putin sides with military chiefs over placing Wagner under direct control | Russia : UkrainianConflict
Russian mercenary chief says unsure if his men will continue fighting in Ukraine : worldnews

US pays no heed to Putins claims about Ukraines losses in counteroffensive White House

Russias Medvedev says Moscow now has free hand to destroy enemies undersea communications cables.

Russia Doubles Trained Dolphins Defending Base Against Ukrainian Attacks : worldnews

Chechen boss Kadyrov begs for info on brother-in-law missing in Ukraine : worldnews

Turkeys Erdogan says no Nato membership for Sweden at Vilnius summit

About 100 wedding guests feared dead as boat capsizes in northern Nigeria : worldnews

Kenya cult death toll passes 300, with more exhumations planned : worldnews
Kenyas tea pickers are destroying the machines replacing them

US military says helicopter accident in northeastern Syria left 22 American troops injured : worldnews

Lebanons parliament fails to elect president for 12th time

Israeli soldiers wont be indicted over death of elderly Palestinian-American

Zelenskiy Calls for Stronger Sanctions to Halt Flow of Missile Components from Russia : worldnews
Biden rushes replacement armored vehicles to Ukraine after battlefield losses : worldnews
US plans to supply Ukraine with tank projectiles with depleted uranium

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 476, Part 1 (Thread #617) : worldnews

Losses of the Russian military to 14.6.2023 : ukraine

Russia has nine times more dead. Malyar spoke about enemy losses in two areas : UkrainianConflict
Ukraine's Counteroffensive: What to Know - The Ukrainians are now on the offense. But measuring their progress is difficult this early on.
Ukraine is counter-attacking in multiple directions, with mixed results
Ukraine Situation Report: Fierce Fighting Near Mokri Yaly River Despite fighting through minefields and being attacked by Russian artillery, drones and ATGMs, Ukraine appears to be making some progress.
Ukraine Making Progress In Counteroffensive Against Russia: NATO : worldnews
More Russian stuff blowing up, plus Russian commander gets hundreds of his troops killed : UkrainianConflict

The bulk of the Ukrainian army still hasnt engaged the Russian invaders in the south. 12 brigades, 3000 armored vehicles of all types and an undisclosed amount of troops waiting. The largest military operation of the European continent since 1945.
These fortifications look formidable. Russia has clearly invested SIGNIFICANT time and manpower into building a robust and comprehensive main-defensive line behind the front, and these provide challenges to Ukraine that it has not faced before in its offensive operations.
AFU liberated Makarivka. Visually confirmedRU counterattack by the 127th motor rifle divison on Makarivka failed. Retreated to the southern outskirts. Rivnopil is still being fought for, it has changed hands several times now.
#Russia reported mining of #Crimean_Titanium factory could kill tens of thousands in #Crimea and mainland #Ukraine
Ukraine recaptures village as Russian forces fire on fleeing civilians : worldnews
Borrowing Tactics From The U.S. Army, The Ukrainian Marine Corps Is Thundering Through Russian Lines In Fast-Moving Columns : worldnews

UN nuclear chief says large Ukraine atomic power plant held by Russia faces dangerous situation
Russia planning worse than Chernobyldisaster at Ukraine chemical plant

Russian cruise missile strike on southern Ukrainian city of Odesa kills 3, injures 13 : worldnews
Russian troops accidentally film themselves blowing up while joyriding through Ukrainian field : worldnews

The United States blocked the sale of HIMARS for Hungary : UkrainianConflict

EU suggests breaking up Googles ad business in preliminary antitrust ruling

Abortion rights protests planned across Poland after death of pregnant woman : worldnews

Czech Health Minister: We Are Waiting For Germany To Legalize Cannabis

At least 59 migrants dead and dozens missing after fishing boat capsizes off coast of Greece : worldnews

Pro-Russian hackers step up attacks against Swiss targets : worldnews

Court orders Cologne Archdiocese pay 300k in abuse damages: Its the first court-ordered compensation payment in Germany for Catholic Church sexual abuse. Typically, as in this case, the statute of limitations has expired, but the archdiocese waived its right to avoid trial

Luxembourg Parliament recognises Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people : worldnews

Women to get gay-conviction pardons for first time - BBC News Homosexuality was partially decriminalised in 1967. While lesbians were not explicitly outlawed in the same way as gay men, they were sometimes punished for same-sex activity under indecency laws.
Women to get gay-conviction pardons for first time : worldnews

Former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson quits politics after being sanctioned for misleading Parliament : worldnews
Southwark: Rare Roman mausoleum unearthed in London : worldnews

Colombian Children Found in Jungle Had Been on Plane to Flee Armed Group - The New York Times The father of two of the survivors said the family had feared the children would be recruited by a violent armed group.

Sharp decline in appetite for news in recent years, Reuters Institute says : worldnews

U.S. Same-Sex Marriage Support Holds at 71% High : politics ... that fucking 30% again

Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement Has Dropped Considerably From Its Peak in 2020 | Pew Research Center A majority of Americans say the increased focus on issues of race in the past three years hasnt led to improvements for Black Americans

Slave cases are still cited as good law. This team is trying to change that : NPR
Slave cases are still cited as good law across the U.S. This team aims to change that : politics

How much did Congress lose by defunding the IRS? Way more than we thought.

Law Professors Testify on Supreme Court Ethics | Law professors testify on Supreme Court ethics before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee. This hearing follows an investigative report revealing Justice Clarence Thomas appears to have violated financial disclosure requirements. : politics
Voting Maps Throughout the Deep South May Be Redrawn After Surprise Supreme Court Ruling : politics

GOP moderates strike back after conservative revolt paralyzes House : politics

Megathread: Trump Arraigned in Federal Court on 37 Felony Charges Related to Classified Documents Case : politics

Trump Arraignment: Scenes From Inside the Miami Courtroom - The New York Times The former president and the special counsel were 20 feet from each other. But they exchanged not a word during their first, nearly hourlong encounter.
Special counsel Jack Smith stared at Trump throughout historic court appearance, report says : politics
Jack Smith's indictment unmasks Trump as a complete and utter buffoon - The emperor has no clothes, but he does have boxes in his bathroom. - Aaron Rupar and davidrlurie
Jack Smith Changed My Mind On Prosecuting Trump
Attorney General Garland emphasizes special counsels independence in Trump probe
Uno reverse card : PoliticalHumor
A Deflated, Low-Energy Trump, Now Twice-Indicted at 77: Some Birthday

Republicans predicted in 2016 that we couldnt trust Trump with our countrys secrets
Aileen Cannon, Judge in Trump Case Has Scant Criminal Trial Experience - The New York Times Judge Aileen M. Cannon, under scrutiny for past rulings favoring the former president, has presided over only a few criminal cases that went to trial.

Is Donald Trump going to prison? Whats next after indictment and Espionage Act charges
Republicans privately acknowledge Trumps legal woes are serious this time

Mar-A-Lago Sought 380 Foreign Workers While Trump Had Access To Classified Docs
The Mystery Of The Bedminster Documents : politics

Why Donald Trump and his valet Walt Nauta are having such a hard time finding lawyers : politics
Trump Basically One Day Away From Hiring a Lawyer Who Advertises on the Side of a Bus to Defend Him : politics
AOC says idea Trump is victim of a two-tier justice system is an insult to Black and brown Americans

The real injustice would have been not to indict Donald Trump : politics

Walt Nauta, Trumps body man, is accused of lying, hiding documents. What DOJ says he did.
Trump ordered to not speak with Walt Nauta, witnesses about documents case : politics

John Kelly: Trump is scared shitless ... "For the first time in his life, it looks like hes being held accountable,"

Fox News calls Biden wannabe dictator as it shows Trump speech on nuclear secret charges
Fox News chyron dubs Biden wannabe dictator after Trump indictment ... WANNABE DICTATOR SPEAKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER HAVING HIS POLITICAL RIVAL ARRESTED
Fox News shocks with wannabe dictator graphic during Biden speech
Donald Trumps Indictment Helps Boost MSNBC To Primetime Weekly Ratings Win Over Fox News
New York Times makes MOMENTOUS blunder covering Trumps arrest

Mike Pence has sudden change of heart over Trump classified documents:

GOP senator will block Bidens Justice Department nominees to protest Trump indictment (JD Yes I'm a Hillbilly Vance)

Sen. Bill Cassidy is outraged fake White House Gift Shop is selling Trump indictment swag : politics

GOP fears Trump legal woes will boomerang on them : politics ...Really? Do you think thats what happens when your party nominates and throws its full support behind a self-serving narcissistic sexual predator who doesnt have a moral bone in his body?

Judge allows E. Jean Carroll to amend her defamation lawsuit to seek more damages against Trump | CNN Politics

The woman that Republicans were counting on for smoking gunevidence against Biden has passed away inexplicably

New GOP Bills Would Hand Richest 1% Over $28 Billion in Tax Cuts Next Year : politics

Ron DeSantis, open fascist ... Florida GOP governor Ron DeSantis has plans to tear down and rebuild the Department of Justice and the FBI, even removing large parts of them and relocating FBI headquarters out of Washington D.C.

Lose Cruz super PAC plans to hound the Texas senator (and his podcast) | Democrats have launched a seven-figure super PAC to attack Sen. Ted Cruz for "abandoning" the state.

I Dont Want My Staff Educated, Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells CDC Boss In Exasperating Exchange ... VAERS ...Demonstrating this, anesthesiologist and autism advocate James Laidler once used the system to report that a vaccine turned him into the Incredible Hulk, which was only removed after he agreed to have the data deleted.

Illinois becomes the first state to outlaw book bans in historic move. "Here in Illinois, we don't hide from the truth, we embrace it," said Gov. JB Pritzker. : politics

Forget small-town values. We need candidates with big-city values. ("tiny-brain values")

House to consider resolution to censure Adam Schiff | The Hill - Rep. Anna Paulina Luna(tic) (R-Fla.), a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus,
Censure of Adam Schiff blocked by House

Images from American History, Part 71 - Treason in Defense of Slavery recruitment poster, Floyd County, Virginia, 1862

Council member Curren Price charged with embezzlement, perjury - Los Angeles Times

Governor McKee criticized for totally inadequate and offensive response to sexist, racist behavior of top officials - The redevelopment of the Cranston Street Armory seems to be in limbo after an e-mail from the developers detailed David Patten's behavior during a trip to Philadelphia to meet with Scout Ltd., the projects potential developer

Harvard Medical School morgue manager and wife charged in connection with theft and sale of human body parts - N.H. couple accused of conspiring as part of years long effort to illegally buy and sell organs nationwide

Southern Baptists Vote to Further Expand Restrictions on Women as Leaders - The New York Times Delegates at the denominations convention approved a stricter ban on female pastors and rejected the appeals of two churches led by women to remain in the denomination ... The dramatic clash over the place of women in leadership is the result of moves by an ultraconservative wing of the S.B.C. to reverse what it sees as a liberal drift

Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in chokehold death of Jordan Neely - ABC News death was ruled a homicide, according to the medical examiner

Opinion: To reduce gun violence, it is time to repeal Second Amendment and regulate guns : politics

Teacher who was shot by 6-year-old student in Virginia has resigned, school officials say : news (school board says getting shot is part of the job)

The True-Crime Frenzy Surrounding the Idaho Murders - The Atlantic After four University of Idaho students were killed, TikTok and Reddit sleuths swarmed the campus. The community is still struggling with the wreckage they left behind.

Prosecutors say he is one of two suspects in last years Molotov cocktail attack.

Regulation : Trapped Under Trucks

A New Kind of Clean Energy Utility Is Born in Massachusetts - What Is Networked Geothermal and Why Is It Exciting? - Heatmap News Heat pumps are cool. Neighborhood geothermal might be cooler.

The NCAA Has a Hot Girl Problem

Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance : worldnews

A new class of drugs is causing a public sensation and an industry gold rush, but questions remain about their accessibility to an overweight nation

3D muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old Lucy walked upright

Brazil develops the first vaccine against schistosomiasis, the disease of swollen bellies: The researchers are waiting for the WHO to approve the treatment, which is the first in the world to protect against a worm that infects 200 million people a year : worldnews

Which musicians are revered but are actually horrible people? : AskReddit

Why astrology is surging in popularity with millennials and Gen-Z - The Washington Post

TIL Many haunted houses have been investigated and found to contain high levels of carbon monoxide or other poisons, which can cause hallucinations. The carbon monoxide theory explains why haunted houses are mostly older houses, which are more likely to contain aging and defective appliances. : todayilearned

You now need to earn more than $40 an hour to afford the typical two-bedroom apartment in Mass : massachusetts
You now need to earn more than $40 an hour to afford the typical two-bedroom apartment in Mass.- The Boston Globe : boston ... Only Hawaii and California are more expensive to rent in, and not by much. Even high-cost states like New York lag behind Massachusetts

What is the weirdest fact you know? : AskReddit

Twins that share a boyfriend want to get pregnant by him at the same time. : WTF

What is a fantasy of yours that will never be fulfilled? : AskReddit

What are you starting to dislike more as you get older? : AskReddit

Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout will pass
Hundreds of subreddits plan to go dark indefinitely after Reddit CEOs internal memo


25% people in 80 countries think husband beating wife justifiable: Shocking UN report : worldnews

Boat Captain Targeted In Second Orca Attack Details Ordeal: They Are Very Powerful and Smart

Australia's Bushmasters to play 'huge role' in Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia, troops say : worldnews

Thousands evacuated in Philippines as Mount Mayon volcano spews lava and sulfuric gas : worldnews
Philippine senators say US should pay to use its military bases : worldnews

NATO to set up liaison office in Tokyo, beef up regional ties
Vietnamese in Tokyo arrested over illegal haircuts to thousands : worldnews

China says US eagerness to engage is an illusion
Xi Jinping urges troops to forge great wall of steel in guarding Chinese borders (Trump volunteers)
Biggest rise in Chinas nuclear weapons, global stockpile also increases: Report
China Tells Last Indian Journalist in Nation to Leave This Month : worldnews
US blacklists flight schools across world for training Chinese pilots : worldnews

Russia comes up with new ways to cover up its losses in Ukraine : worldnews
Video shows Russian military shooting own retreating troops: Ukraine media : ukraine

Defence Minister Shoigu has issued a kill order for all soldiers of the PMC Wagner, it is kill on sight, no captives. He has also recinded all pardons for any member of PMC Wagner. Civil War has started in Russia. : RussiaUkraineWar2022
2/ The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reports that a source has explained the reasons for the recent moves against Wagner, in which all mercenary groups are being ordered to sign new contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defence (see linked post below).

Another Day Off: Little Patriotic Fervor as Moscow Puts on Russia Day Festivities

Western companies still operating in Russia were so profitable in 2022 that their corporate taxes contributed almost $4 billion to the country's revenues : worldnews

Russia is highly likely investing in OWA-UAVs because it provides Russia with a relatively cheap long-range strike capability at a time when it has expended a large proportion of its cruise missile stocks in Ukraine.
This International North-South Transit Corridor has assumed much more importance since the invasion. It allows Russia to access Asian markets including arms transfers in ways it hopes are less vulnerable to international sanctions.

Brady Africk on Twitter: "Russia has constructed a defensive line along the border with Ukraine that ends at the border with Belarus. Check out more high resolution satellite images of Russian fortifications in and around Ukraine here:" / Twitter Russia has constructed a defensive line along the border with Ukraine that ends at the border with Belarus. Check out more high resolution satellite images of Russian fortifications in and around Ukraine here

India threatened to shut down Twitter and raid employeeshomes, Jack Dorsey says

Pakistan to evacuate 80,000 people ahead of Cyclone Biparjoy : worldnews

Turkey set to host Sweden, Finland for NATO talks

The Netherlands and Canada dragged Damascus to the International Court of Justice over allegations of torture, the UN's top tribunal said Monday, marking the first such case in Syrias brutal civil war

An Iranian drone downed by Ukrainian forces contained a Chinese part that was manufactured &sent to Russia within 3 months - It reveals a flow of essential components for Irans drone program from despite US efforts to disrupt the global supply chain

Zelenskyy signs law recognising 8 May as Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism : worldnews

Ukraine war latest: Top Russian general killed in missile strike : worldnews
Ukraine war latest: Top Russian general killed in missile strike : worldnews

Russia launches massive missile attack on Kryvyi Rih in central Ukraine, killing and wounding people and damaging civilian infrastructure
Russia Launches Deadly Missile Attack On Zelenskiys Hometown
Ceding ground in Ukraine, Russia kills civilians in apartment block strike : worldnews

Ukrainian pilots can start training to fly #F16 fighter jets this summer, Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said in an interview with Reuters.
USA will be sending more M2 Bradley IFVs and Stryker ICVs to Ukraine which will be announced in a $325 million military aid package likely tomorrow - The package will also include NASAMS and HIMARS missiles, according to a US Defense Official

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 475, Part 1 (Thread #616) : worldnews

Russia has lost 54 tanks in a week, admits Putin : worldnews
Russias estimated losses on day 475 of its full-blown war against Ukraine, according to Ukraines GenStaff

East Zaporizhzhia Front (June 12) - Ukraine has announced that they liberated the village of Levadne located in East Zaporizhzhia. It is the 5th settlement liberated on the front within the past 3 days
To the front. Velyka Novosilka axis:Storozhneve and Novodarivka visually confirmed liberated

NB. Look at how much mass of water (extra water level) the Russian occupiers deliberately accumulated before breaching the #KakhovkaDam with demolition charges: calculated to cause the maximum downstream damage. #genocide #ecocide
Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Blowing Up Another Dam : worldnews
Our @TheStudyofWar GEOINT Team created a new tool showing how flooding has changed Russian control of terrain on the left bank of the Dnipro River between June 5 & 9. It shows which Russian field fortifications that @bradyafr found are flooded.
Destruction of Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant: Crimea will not receive water for at least a year : worldnews

Night-time fighting indeed appears to be one of the main factors in Ukraines successful southward push in Donetsk region

Ukraine, Moldova to build bridge across the Dniester bypassing occupied Transnistria : worldnews

Amnesty report: Parts of Finlands healthcare system havefailed

Polish President Pushes for UkrainesNATO Membership At Paris Talks
Facebook lifts ban on Polish far-right party ahead of elections : worldnews (Zuckerfuck loves his dicktofuckers)
Every woman has right to abortion if health threatened,says Polish government after latest death ... abortion is almost impossible in Poland despite it being legal, are cases of rape: These are pregnancies, which women are technically allowed to abort, but in practice almost never happen (one or two cases a year, in a country of almost 40mln people)

Romanian prosecutors change human trafficking charge against Andrew Tate : news

Dutch financial institutions failing to freeze Russian assets, central bank finds : worldnews

France uncovers major disinformation campaign by Russia : worldnews

Britains COVID-19 inquiry hears government was under-prepared (Tories fuck everything up)
Nottingham: Three dead after serious incident in city centre : worldnews
Scouts: Millions paid out in child abuse settlements due to poor safeguarding : worldnews

Neo-Nazi groups multiply in a more conservative Brazil : worldnewsv

White House: US shared concerns with Cuba about hosting China spy base : worldnews

Canada is experiencing its worst wildfire season of the 21st century: Blair
Extremely dry spring leaves southern Albertan farmers on the road to zero production

US intelligence agencies buy Americanspersonal data, new report says

New report shows inflation cooling, but some prices remain high : politics
CPI report May 2023: Inflation rose at a 4% annual rate in May, the lowest in 2 years

Trump Arraignment - Trump Pleads Not Guilty in Documents Case - No Mug Shot
The DOJ Went Easy on Trump for Political Reasons
Trump pleads not guilty as he makes history as first president to be criminally charged -- twice
Trump surrenders to federal custody in classified documents case : news
Trump arrives in Florida to face charges, maintains lead in poll : politics
Trump, Facing the Fight of His Life, Could Get 20 Years in Prison : politics
Trump Set to Be Arraigned on Federal Indictment : politics
Trump vows to go after Bidens family in bitter Truth Social rant before boarding Miami arraignment jet
Trump now claims classified documents were 'planted' in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant
Will there be blood? (apparently not)
Trump Indictment: He Wanted Courthouse Protests But Instead Got MAGA Misfits

Why Was Trump So Intent on Keeping My Boxes?
Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment : politics
Trump scrambles to find lawyer before first federal court appearance - The Washington Post
Inside the Implosion of Trumps Mar-a-Lago Legal Team

Aileen Cannon should not preside over the Trump trial : politics
Magistrate to preside over Trumps arraignment, not controversial Judge Aileen Cannon

The one word used by Donald Trump that has sparked conspiracy theories : politics ... Donald Trump's use of the phrase the 'seal' is brokenin an all-capitals social media post has been seized upon by fans as a reference to the Bible, prompting theories that he is painting himself as the second coming of Jesus Christ. (or maybe ... you know ... the Antichrist)

Press: Doom for Don: Trump is political toast after indictment : politics ... That man has indirectly killed hundreds of thousands of Americans by waging a culture war against the CDC. He openly prefers Putin and Kim Jong-Un. He'd rather leave NATO than to support Ukraine. He has been proven, ahead of his trial, that he willfully and knowingly took nuclear secrets. And yet the GOP won't abandon him.

Bill Barr gives devastating view of Trump indictment on Fox News:If even half of it is true, he is toast - Barr also says Espionage Act charges are 'solid'
New indictment proves Trump is a triple threat to national security Even the general nature of the secrets Trump allegedly stored across Mar-a-Lago, including in a bathroom and a ballroom, is bone-chilling.

Republicans are counting on people not to read the Trump indictment : politics
Trump federal indictment: How serious are obstruction charges? : politics
The Trump Classified Documents Indictment, Annotated : politics

James Comer Doesnt Seem to Care If Biden Probe Evidence Is Legit: The House Oversight chairman acknowledged the Republican Party doesnt have a lot.

Each of the pro-Trump talking points suffer from the same problem : politics ... bathroom doors lock from the inside.
McCarthy defends Trump with odd comments about bathroom locks : politics
How secure is an event spaces bathroom door, really? A brief review.
Kevin McCarthy Seems to Think a Bathroom Is an Acceptable Place to Store Nuclear Secrets | Everyone knows they only lock from the outside : politics

Jim Jordans tortured defense of Trump points to a coming GOP split
Republicans in Disarray : politics
McConnell, GOP allies steer clear of defending Trump on indictment | The Hill

Lindsey Graham is lying for Trump. And it shows the real issue with the Republican party : politics
Lindsey Graham Is No Reasonable Republican : politics

A lot more information to come: Christie predicts more evidence will drop after Trump indictment
Chris Christie Skewers Republicans Defending Trump: Blame Him, He Did It

8 in 10 Republicans in new poll say Trump charges politically motivated : politics
This is war: Police monitoring online far-right threats and pro-Trump protests with federal indictment
Trump Advisers Quietly Worry Courthouse Protest Could Be a 'Disaster'

Why Trump hoarded classified documents: More than "trophies," they are weapons : politics

Marines Abate, Hellonen plead guilty in Jan. 6 Capitol riot - The Washington Post The men worked in intelligence gathering and drove to D.C. from Marine Corps Base Quantico in Prince William County, Va.

Gavin Newsom Gives Sean Hannity Blunt Fact-Checks In Fiery Fox News Clash : politics

Ronald DeSantis Vows to Rename Military Base After One of the Biggest Boobs In the History of Warfare : politics (Braxton Bragg)
DeSantis wants to "tear down" the FBI and Department of Justice? : politics
Why Conservatives Are Losing Their Minds Over Bidens Pride Flagand Ignoring Pro-DeSantis Neo-Nazis: Some on the political right see only authoritarian goals in the power of the state ... Because they hate gays and they hate jews. Next question.

Republican Group To Run Blistering Anti-Trump Ad On Fox News During Prime Time. The Republican Accountability Project's latest video says no one is above the law -- not even former presidents.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp warns GOP not to get "bogged down" in Trump indictment : politics

Eschaton: The Third Way Of No Labels No Labels is showing its ass a bit more than usual, but all the professional "centrist" groups are just conservative groups that know reporters will help them portray very right wing policies as "moderate centrism."

Mayor Eric Adams signs executive order protecting gender-affirming care in New York City : politics

Over half of LGBTQ+ workers wont work in states with anti-queer laws. The survey comes as GOP lawmakers have introduced over 300 anti-LGBTQ+ bills so far this year.

Target stores receive bomb threats as Pride backlash persists - The Washington Post

Girl, 9, accused of being trans at Kelowna track meet - Kelowna News -

Children as young as 12 work legally on farms, despite years of efforts to change law : politics

Fox News welcomes swastika-wielding teacher as the latest anti-trans culture warrior | Media Matters for America - Watters and his guests conveniently forgot to mention that Shelton had brought a swastika sign to a school board meeting.

Midlands teachers lesson on racism halted after complaints, citing state law (SC forbids knowledge of its racist past)

Lombardo Signs Legislation Forcing Insurance Companies To Cover Transgender Affirming Care - Nevada Globe

Eschaton: It Was A Good Few Years, In Some Ways Back in the closet. Starbucks has banned Pride decorations in its stores halfway through Pride Month, the companys workers union claimed Tuesday, in a stunning cave to far-right anti-LGBTQ fury.

Rural School Districts Are Facing Financial Ruin. Some State Officials Prefer It That Way. : politics

Medical marijuana could be back in North Carolina House in coming weeks : politics

Cases of check fraud escalate dramatically, with Americans warned not to mail checks if possible : news

Tulsa Police Defy Department Policy By Hiding Internal Investigation : news

At least 9 injured in a mass shooting in downtown Denver, police say, soon after Nuggets NBA title win

The Wildfire, the Hunter, and a Decade of Conspiracy TheoriesIt started when a local man went on a hunting trip. It ended with 250,000 acres of forest burned, a rumor about an illegal weed farm, no clear answers, and plenty of suspicion

What Was Nate Silver's Data Revolution? Silver, a former professional poker player, was in the business of measuring probabilities. Many readers mistook him for an oracle.

Paul McCartney says artificial intelligence has enabled a 'final' Beatles song

Cormac McCarthyThe great American novelist has died: He was 89.

Tori Bowie: American three-time Olympic medallist died from complications in childbirth : worldnews (needing medical care while Black)

An appeals court ruled the producer is a public figure, raising the bar for his defamation suit against the TikTok pop star.

Williams was thrown from his motorbike in Vermont on Monday after being hit by an SUV turning left, police said.

David Patten and James Thorsen toured Bok as part of official Rhode Island state business. Now, their actions are under review by the Rhode Island state police and the governor.

US moves to block Microsofts Activision takeover

From Energy Drinks to Extending Life? Supplement Slows Aging in Mice and Monkeys : worldnews (Taurine)

Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong

NASAs Curiosity Mars Rover Sent Back a Stunning Postcard

Which ancient culture was way more f**ked up than most people know? : AskReddit

Men of Reddit, what did you learn after your wife divorced you? : AskReddit

Boys be completely honest what makes a girl go from a 10/10 to a 1/10 instantly? : AskReddit

What funny thing happened at school that caused utter chaos for the faculty? : AskReddit

How do you kindly tell someone to GTFO? : AskReddit

Whos an idiot that gets treated like a genius?

Married Men of Reddit, what do you do to get your wife in the mood? : AskReddit

What is your secret that you cant tell anyone because it will probably ruin your life?

What one mistake ended your career? : AskReddit

What is the highest temperature youve experienced?


Number of nuclear weapons held by major powers rising, says thinktank : worldnews

edditHotSat-1: Spacecraft to map UKs heat inefficient buildings

Driver charged after bus carrying wedding guests in Australia rolls over, killing 10 and injuring 25 : worldnews

Mount Mayon: Philippinesmost active volcano spews lava prompting evacuation of thousands

Malaysian political party Perikatan MPs suggest LGBT be categorised as a mental disorder : worldnews

Chinas installed non-fossil fuel electricity capacity exceeds 50% of total

Putin admits the Russian military needs more modern weapons to win the war in Ukraine a rare admission of fault
Wagner chief rejects Russian Defense Ministry efforts to rein in his force | CNN : worldnews
Russia moves to take direct control of Wagner Group - BBC News : worldnews
Wagner chief Prigozhin: If Shoigu tries to take over Wagner PMC, Shoigu will die. : UkrainianConflict
(2/4) Shoigu has provided at least two comments on Russias defensive operations, including making almost certainly seriously exaggerated claims about Ukrainian losses. This contrasts with other key periods in the war when he had disappeared from public appearances.
(4/4) Shoigu is likely acutely aware of the need to maintain a positive image in the face of increasingly unmasked criticism from some fellow Russians.

Russian defector attempted suicide to avoid being an accomplice in war. He says soldiers dont believe reports that things are going well.
Dmitry Mishov, Russian airman who defected, gives BBC interview : worldnews

Russians banned from using large batches of ammunition due to self-detonation : worldnews ... Large batches of 122mm and 152mm artillery shells produced in 2023 have been prohibited for use in Russia due to their self-detonation.

Ukraine invasion gift to West by Vladimir Putin, Belarus president says.

India picks Germany to supply new submarines as Russian arms exports wane : worldnews

Turkish shelling in north Syria kills a Russian soldier, wounds others : worldnews

Saudi Arabia seeks cooperation with China, ignores Western worries

Your car will be confiscated: Iranian women defy forced hijab despite threats

Israel to announce plans for thousands of new settlement units in West Bank

Think Ukraines Offensive Has Started? Wait for the Heavy Brigades

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 474, Part 1 (Thread #615) : worldnews

Ukraine loses 16 US-made armored vehicles, group says, but Kyivs forces still gain territory
Ukraine claims recapture of 4th village in eastern Donetsk as counteroffensive operations roll on : worldnews
The video of the destruction of the Russian TOS-1A MLRS has finally arrived
NEXTA on Twitter: "#Ukrainian soldiers hold their positions near #Bakhmut." / Twitter
Ukraines Armed Forces liberate Storozhove in Donetsk Oblast

Last reactor shut down at Ukraines largest nuclear plant as fighting continues

Military intelligence: Russia preparing evacuations, sabotage in Crimea amid Kakhovka dam breach : worldnews

How Ukraine's Dam Collapse Could Have Generational Consequences
Ukrainian military have said Russias destroyed another dam to hinder the #Ukraine's offensive. With Ukraine having liberated 4 villages in its eastern Donetsk region, Russian troops are said to have blown up the Klyuchove dam on Mokri Yaly river

NATO: Air Defender 23 to be biggest exercise ever

Europe-wide Crackdown: 378 Arrested in Major Counterfeit Clothing Bust : worldnews

UBS Completes Credit Suisse Takeover to Create Swiss Bank Titan : worldnews

Relatives of MH17 victims staged a protest outside the Russian Embassy in The Hague : worldnews

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi dies : worldnews
Silvio Berlusconis death leaves huge void, allies say (in the corruption machine)
Bunga Bunga from Hell

French Senate gives green light to surveillance through cameras and microphones : worldnews

Exhumation of 128 civil war dead from Spains Valley of Cuelgamuros begins, after their families asked for their relatives back

Honduras opens embassy in China after breaking off ties with Taiwan : worldnews

US decides to rejoin UNESCO and pay back dues, to counter Chinese influence | AP News after a decade-long dispute sparked by the organizations move to include Palestine as a member.
US decides to rejoin UNESCO and pay back dues, to counter Chinese influence : worldnews

The Great Grift: How billions in COVID-19 relief aid was stolen or wasted | AP News

Fentanyl overdoses took a record toll on the Army in recent years - The Washington Post

Unlawful southern border entries down 70% from record highs since end of Title 42 : politics

The House GOP rebellion enters a second week

Ketanji Brown Jackson stands as the Supreme Courts lone liberal hope

Chinese nationals at Mar-a-Lago raise questions about classified documents : politics

How Much Prison Time Does Former President Trump Face? Applying the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines
Trumps political fortunes havent changed, but his legal situation is getting dark
M. Evan Corcoran, who was hired to represent the former president after the Justice Department issued a subpoena for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, could be a key witness in the trial.
Donald Lock Her Up Trump Indicted for Classified Document Crimes
Republicans, take note: Walt Nautas tragic tale shows how loyalty to Trump ends in sorrow | Trumps valet is now learning the lesson of countless others before him: To serve Trump is to court personal ruin
We need to talk about Trump's bathroom chandelier - Designers (and one epidemiologist) weigh in on the peculiar light fixture from the Trump indictment photos

Trumps latest lawyer switch-up makes little legal sense What Trumpsongoing revolving door of a legal team could mean for both the classified documents case and the Jan. 6 investigation
Fox Newss Turley: Trump could face terminal sentence if DOJ proves even one count

Trump Suggests Hes Open to Taking Plea Deal With a Specific Condition (empty the US treasury into his pockets)

Aileen Cannons Previous Statements About Trump Demand Her Recusal
Judge Cannon beat the odds to draw new Trump case; She also got free trip to posh Yellowstone resort from right-wing law school
Trump Looks Doomed. An Infamously Pro-Trump Judge Could Save His Bacon. : politics
Will the Judge in Trumps Case Recuse Herselfor Be Forced To?By Isaac Chotiner
I know youre a real cuckoo ... The twisted irony of our system is that the judges who most need to recuse are least likely to.

Jordan defends Trump: A president can control access to classified material however he wants
Dana Bash to Jim Jordan: What youre saying just doesnt make sense

I Want Blood: Heavily-Armed Trump Supporters Say Theyll Protest Trumps Indictment
The impossible challenge of telling Trump fans the truth - The Washington Post

80 percent of likely GOP voters think Trump should still be able to be president if convicted : politics
If [Trump] gets back into power, hell never leave, says authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat
If [Trump] gets back into power, hell never leave,says authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat
'Saddest Case' Lindsey Graham buried by authoritarian expert for clinging to Trump
Lindsey Graham ties himself in knots trying to defend Trump over classified documents indictment : politics

Heres whats most obscene about GOPers crying injustice! over Trump indictmentThey want a legal system that shields entrenched white power, starting with Trump.

DOJ seeks 14 years for Jan. 6 rioter who called Trump dad drove stun gun into Michael Fanone's neck

Erik Prince : The MAGA mercenary lord faces a subpoena from federal investigators and an indictment from a small Austrian city

DeSantis reduced Miami Beach COVID testing out of spite, mayor says in CBS documentary : politics
Renaming Fort Bragg: A major issue facing America in 2023 ... Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, speaking at the NCGOP convention Friday night, said if hes elected president he would reverse the recent decision to change the name of Fort Bragg to Fort Liberty. (screaming what used to be the quiet part) ... The weird thing about this particular outburst of right wing linguistic fetishism is that Braxton Bragg, besides being a traitor in the defense of slavery, was also a really terrible general, whose incompetence on the battlefield played a significant role in the Confederacys ultimate defeat:
People with Nazi flags, signs supporting Florida Gov. DeSantis gathered outside Disney World : politics ... "People with Nazi flags" you mean Nazis

Republican official appears to have moved $1.3m from nonprofit to own law firm : news

Republicans are merrily immersed in a storm of anti-LGBTQ, anti-drag lawmaking and book-banning. As their extremism grows uglier, the public may rebelvia the ballot box.

Rep. Boebert sued for defamation by activist over personal life allegations : politics

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer launches effort to boost Biden and Democrats in 2024

Moms for Liberty rises as power player in GOP politics after attacking schools over gender, race : politics

Cop City: Atlanta City Council OKs $67M for Facility Despite Mass Protests & Armed Raid on Bail Fund : politics

Opinion: How Houstons homelessness breakthrough could be a national game-changer

Why Are Minnesota Democrats So Progressive?

Mississippi civil rights lawyer arrested filming traffic stop, attorney says : news

The Rise of Independent Voters Is a Myth: A recent poll found that nearly half of Americans identify as independent. But theyre hiding the real truth about how they vote

More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation
Trans cyclist wins North Carolina women race by crossing finish line FIVE MINUTES ahead of runner-up | Daily Mail Online Trans woman cyclist wins North Carolina race by crossing finish line FIVE MINUTES ahead of runner-up, who said herpower is not comparable: Was filmed shoving rival at previous race

George Soros hands reins of $25bn empire to son Alex : worldnews

: Fox sends Tucker Carlson cease-and-desist letter

A Star Reporters Break With RealityLara Logan was once a respected 60 Minutes correspondent. Now she trades in conspiracy theories that even far-right media disavow. What happened?

A dude and a desk: Why women really dont get to host late-night TV

JPMorgan to Pay $290 Million in Settlement With Epstein s Victims - The proposed deal would settle a suit on behalf of victims who were sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein, over claims the bank ignored warnings about him.

Interstate 95 collapse repairs to take months in Philadelphia, officials say
Traffic Expected to Back up Significantly on I-95 Detours as Clean-Up From Philadelphia Bridge Collapse Continues

Obesity changes the brain, with no sign of reversibility, researchers find

What paranormal activities have you witnessed? : AskReddit


Brazilian Amazon deforestation falls 31% under Lula : worldnews

What really went on inside the Wuhan lab weeks before Covid erupted Fresh evidence drawn from confidential files reveals Chinese scientists spliced together deadly pathogens shortly before the pandemic, the Sunday Times Insight team report
[Times] What really went on inside the Wuhan lab weeks before Covid erupted News | ResetEra
What Really Went On Inside Wuhan Lab Weeks Before Covid Erupted?
What really went on inside the Wuhan lab weeks before Covid erupted

M6.2 quake hits Hokkaido in northern Japan, no tsunami warning issued : worldnews
Unseasonal flu epidemic hits Japan amid lower immunity after COVID : worldnews
Brawl in the Halls: Japan Parliament Erupts into Chaos Over Controversial Refugee Bill : worldnews ... Once detained they're put into immigration detention centers for 12-18 months at a time while their case is reviewed As others have mentioned, >98% are rejected.

Taiwan scrambles air force as ten Chinese warplanes cross median line : worldnews
Taiwan group barred from French event due to China : worldnews
Man Parks Vans on House Roof to Avoid Parking Fines : worldnews

People in China are so worried about the economy theyre asking for divine intervention

Imagine the sheer and endless amount of pure desperation when a Russian propagandist like Skabayeva at top prime time tells the audience that Russia gonna need 3 million Chinese soldiers to win this war. Absolutely priceless, entertaining and telling. How deep Russia has fallen. : UkrainianConflict

The Ruble (RUB) has reached its LOWEST value to theDollar (USD) in the past year
Exodus of scientists from Russia has passed 50,000 since 2018 as more pack their bags to go : worldnews
Prigozhin says Wagner will not sign any contract with Russian defence minister : worldnews

ISW on Twitter: "2/ The Russian MoD also said that the number of contract recruits has increased in recent months and claimed that 13,500 recruits signed contracts in the first ten days of June." / Twitter
Igor Sushko on Twitter: "Russia: Children "solemnly" repeated the Oath of Cadets and joined the "Patriots Club" in Mineralnye Vodi, Stavropol Krai." / Twitter

Russian state media says U.S. citizen has been detained on drug charges

Church Court of the Russian Orthodox Church called pacifism a heresy incompatible with the teachings of the Orthodox Church in trial against priest Burdin over anti-war sermons

Investigation: Belarus sent over 130,000 tons of munitions to Russia in first year of full-scale war : worldnews

In strategic signalling to China, India exercises two carrier battle groups together : worldnews

Doctors Without Borders said its members were forced to record a video in support of a Sudanese militia in order to reach people in need of aid : worldnews

Moderate earthquake hits Johannesburg, South Africa : worldnews

US Approves Iraq Transferring $2.7 Billion to Iran : worldnews
Khamenei says the West could not stop Iran from building nuclear arms if it chose to : worldnews

Israel: Suspected Iran operative impersonates anti-reform activists to spark division : worldnews

Ukrainian Military Reports Heavy Clashes In East As Zelenskiy Says Counteroffensive Actions Under Way : worldnews
Top UN court allows a record 32 countries to intervene in Ukraines genocide case against Russia (support)
Air defence forces destroy six Shahed drones at night : worldnews
Russia continues to launch missiles on Ukraine because sanctions are ineffective Ukraines Air Force

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 473, Part 1 (Thread #614) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 11.06.2023 : ukraine

NEW: Ukrainian forces conducted #counteroffensive operations in at least four areas of the front on June 10.
Neskuchne, Storozheve, Blahodatne, Makarivka and Levadne liberated. Either visually confirmed or by Ukrainian officials. Staromaoirske and Urozhaine are up next.
OSINTtechnical on Twitter: "Ukrainian forces are pushing deep behind initial Russian lines in the area now" / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "5/ Geolocated footage posted on June 10 indicates that Ukrainian forces in western #Zaporizhia Obl. made localized gains during counterattacks SW & SE of #Orikhiv, & RU milbloggers continued to claim that RU forces in this area are successfully defending." / Twitter
Rob Lee on Twitter: "The Deep State channel updated its map. It shows expanded "territory with unknown status" in white around Lobkove, a small area SW of Novodarivka, and south of Velyka Novosilka." / Twitter

U.N. aid chief says Ukraine faces hugely worse humanitarian situation after the dam rupture U.N., working mainly through Ukrainian aid groups, has reached 30,000 people in flooded areas under Ukrainian control. Russia has not given access to areas it controls for the U.N. to help flood victims
700,000 people lack proper access to drinking water due to Kakhovka HPP explosion : worldnews
Area of flooded territories in Kherson Oblast has halved : worldnews
Ukrainian border guards: Black Sea in Odesa Oblast turning into garbage dump and animal cemetery
Russians attack rescue workers in Kharkiv Oblast: one killed, another wounded : worldnews

After the destruction of Kakhovka Dam, Russian-occupied Crimea is facing serious water supply problems, according to the Ukrainian military : worldnews
Trains stopped in Crimea, presumably due to explosion on railway : worldnews

Ukraine has destroyed 2 prized Russian thermobaric rocket launchers. They were taken out by US-supplied howitzers, say reports : worldnews

Romania recalls Kenya envoy for calling Africans monkeys

Child, 11, dies after Turkish Airlines flight makes emergency landing in Budapest : worldnews

Defence contractor Rheinmetall says Germany orders 20 more fighting vehicles for Kyiv : worldnews
Germanys Left calls on controversial lawmaker to quit party
A survey commissioned by Plan International Germany found that 33% of male respondents thought violence against women was acceptable. Almost half of respondents also felt "disturbed" by public displays of homosexuality : worldnews

Tens of thousands celebrate Geneva Pride : worldnews

France warns Iran on drone deliveries to Russia : worldnews

Nicola Sturgeon arrested in SNP finances inquiry | Scotland : worldnews
Police release Nicola Sturgeon without charge : worldnews

UK minister: The world has moved on from Boris Johnson .. We'd like you all to entirely forget about the complete disaster that was ...

US confirms China has had a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019 : worldnews

India angered by apparent Sikh parade float in Canada portraying assassination : worldnews
Russian plane grounded at Toronto Pearson for more than a year seized by Canadian government : worldnews
Canadian official investigating Chinese election meddling resigns abruptly ... One of the foreign interference issues they're supposed to investigate is that the Trudeau Foundation accepted a $140,000+ donation from alleged CCP agents. They investigated themselves and said theres nothing to see.

It could take another 33 years before women are paid the same as men, a new analysis shows : politics

Trump allegedly took classified documents on nuclear programs and more: What to know

How Many Indictments Does It Take to Bring Down a Cult Leader? : politics
These potential Trump indictment defense strategies reek of desperation : politics
Trumps Case Puts the Justice System on Trial, in a Test of Public Credibility
CBS News Poll: After Trump indictment, most see security risk, but Republicans see politics - CBS News
William Barr says Trump may be toast after very damning indictment | Former attorney general who has largely broken with Trump shocked by the degree of sensitivity of documents
When words lose their meaning ... Trumps total incoherence is, in this context, a strength rather than a weakness. He represents people whose lives have devolved into a state of constant inchoate rage at the thought that the world is changing in ways they hate and cant actually stop.

F.B.I. Investigating Spy Rings Political Contributions ... Prosecutors also sought communications, documents or financial records tied to Erik Prince, the international security consultant, as well as former operatives who worked for the conservative group Project Veritas and its founder. Mr. Prince and Mr. Seddon are longtime associates.
Fact check: Trumps baseless 1,850 boxes attacks on Bidens legal and normal University of Delaware documents collection
How Walt Nauta, a Personal Aide, Came to be Charged as Trump's Co-Conspirator - A Navy veteran and a regular presence at Donald Trump' s side, he is said to have played a central role in helping to thwart government efforts to retrieve classified documents.

Trump vows to stay in the race even if convicted : politics
This Is the Final Battle: Trump Casts His Campaign as an Existential Fight Against His Critics
I dont want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable
Trump Calls Special Counsel A Thug And Deranged In First Post-Indictment Appearance
Donald Trump: Former president calls federal charges ridiculous and baseless
Trump magnifies attacks on Justice Department after his indictment : politics

Former Trump lawyer gives DOJ a tip: Follow unholy relationships with the Saudis

Trump Appointee Will Remain Judge in Documents Case, Clerk Says : politics
Luck of the draw: Trumps judge will likely be his appointee Aileen Cannon, who has already handed him victories that had legal experts scratching their heads (b

Trump Supporter sViolent Rhetoric in His Defense Disturbs Experts

Winner vs. loser: Trump applauded the Espionage Act prosecution of Reality Winner; now its his turn

Cohen on Trump indictment: Donald will throw anyone and everyone under the bus

Senate GOP leaders break with House on Trump indictment : politics
Lindsey Graham breaks silence on Donald Trumps second indictment

More Americans Want a Same-Politics Partner : politics ... But again, Trump is an absolute dealbreaker.

The War on Drugs Is Getting Meaner and Dumber, and Texas and Florida Show How Bad It Can Get : politics

Genocidal: Transgender people begin to flee states with anti-LGBTQ laws

Migrants say Florida contractors pushed for them to fly to California - Los Angeles Times
Nazi demonstrators brandish Ron DeSantis 2024 signs outside of Disney World
Video shows Nazi protesters with Ron DeSantis 2024 signs outside Disney : politics
Florida town defiantly flies Pride Flag after mayor warns against it. The town gave in to the mayors request last year, but this year they chose a new path.
7 Years After the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, Florida Must Reject Hate : politics

Matt Gaetz Subject of Reopened House Ethics Investigation: Report : politics

Trump vows to end support for EV cars, as Georgia becomes green energy hub : politics

North Carolina GOP censures Sen. Tillis for supporting LGBTQ+ rights and immigration policies : politics

Wisconsin Democrats rally behind U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin at state convention in Green Bay : politics

Populist? RFK, Jr Doesnt Even Support Medicare for All ... Lets start with some lower hanging fruit, he doesnt even support vaccines. >

Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, Said to Have Died by Suicide in Prison - The New York Times
Robertson v. Kaczynski

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,369 - This is the grave of Ben Bradlee.

I-95 collapsed in Philadelphia today : pics

Ten people killed, multiple injured, when bus crashes into roundabout in NSW : news

SF police identify Mission District mass shooting person of interest

Mass shooting outside Houston club leaves 6 injured Houston Police Department Chief Troy Finner told a news conference that somone fired into a crowded parking lot.

Plagiarism Engine: Googles Content-Swiping AI Could Break the Internet

I lost 40 pounds on Ozempic. But Im left with even more questions.

Younger, more extroverted, and more agreeable individuals are more vulnerable to email phishing scams : science

A new study has found that both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism are associated with a greater tendency to believe in conspiracy theories. The findings provide insight into the sociocultural factors that contribute to the spread of conspiracy beliefs in certain populations. : science

TIL The parasitic flatworms released by freshwater snails kill up to 200,000 people a year. Only two other animals kill more humans than the flukes released by freshwater snails - humans and mosquitos

Study on 4500 children whose mothers took antidepressants or suffered from unmedicated depression during pregnancy are no more likely to develop behavioural issues than their peers : science

MassGOP chaos and division continues under new chair : massachusetts

u/Professor-Reddit explains why Reddit has one of the worst and least professional corporate cultures in America, spanning from their incompetently written PR moves to Ohanian firing Victoria : bestof


The fire equivalent of an ice age: Humanity enters a new era of fire -- The Pyrocene

Siberia swelters in record-breaking temperatures amid its worst heat wave in history

Southern US states may have carried the brunt of mental health troubles during the COVID-19 pandemic, with people in that region most consistently worried about finances throughout COVID-19 lockdowns and the emergence of new strains of the virus : science

Holy grail: Juan Lunas lost masterpiece revealed after 132 years

Korean Govt to launch intensive crackdown against foreigners committing drug crimes

A former North Korean operative gives his first interview since defecting : worldnews

Vietnam demands Taiwan to cancel illegal live-fire drills on Ba Binh island : worldnews

Chinas interference is increasingly aggressive French parliamentary report finds ... Many countries want influence in other countries, for their own sake. But China and Russia are different. They want complete domination.

Political risks rise for Putin as Ukraines counteroffensive begins ... If Russia loses the corridor to Crimea, it will be a very serious blow ... Everyone understands how important it is for Putin, and it will mean Putin has again not calculated the situation correctly and again not managed the situation. It will mean a very serious failure.

Russian oil companies have exported 37% more gasoline so far this year despite Western sanctions over Moscows invasion of Ukraine, the Kommersant business daily reported Friday.

NATO Condemns Russias Decision To Quit Treaty On Conventional Armed Forces In Europe

"Cross marks on Muslim Shops", "Vacate the shops or face consequences". Muslims in Indian province of Uttarakhand face survival threats. : worldnews

One UN peacekeeper killed and four seriously wounded in Mali attack : worldnews

An old mortar shell exploded near Qoryoley town in Somalias Lower Shabelle region killing 27 people, mainly children, and injured 53 others on Friday, according to the state news agency.
Old bomb kills at least 27 people, mostly children, in Somalia | CNN : worldnews
Rebels from the Islamist Al-Shabaab group were attacking a beachfront hotel often used by visitingofficials in Somalias capital Mogadishu on Friday, the government and witnesses said

The United Nations World Food Program said Friday that it is temporarily suspending food aid to Ethiopia because its supplies are being diverted, an announcement that came a day after the United States Agency for International Development said it was doing the same : worldnews

Fearing he could become a martyr, Egypt bans public funeral for soldierwho killed three Israelis. Egyptian authorities ban public funeral for Mohamed Salah, conscript involved in killing Israeli soldiers earlier this week

White House says Iran is helping Russia build drone factory east of Moscow : worldnews
Russia received hundreds of Iranian drones to attack Ukraine - US : worldnews

Israel reaches a grim record: 100 murders in Arab-Israeli community : worldnews
Israel Considers Altering Temple Mount Status Quo

Ukraines counter-offensive against Russia under way
The Ukrainian offensive is beginning. David Petraeus is optimistic.
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau arrived on an unannounced visit to Kyiv : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 472, Part 1 (Thread #613) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 10.06.2023 : ukraine
Oryx on Twitter: "#UkraineWar: Overview of Ukrainian equipment losses added on 09/6/2023 Full list:" / Twitter

Drone footage of collapsed dam shows devastation, no evidence to back Russian claims : worldnews ... Do you mean the guys who said Ukraine bombed its own hospitals and civilian shelters just so they could blame it on Russia, they might be lying?
Ukrainian spies say they intercepted a phone call of a Russian soldier saying it was our sabotage group that destroyed the Kakhovka dam
General Staff: Russia only evacuating Russian passport-holders from flooded settlements in occupied Kherson Oblast : worldnews
Japan, Netherlands pledge emergency aid to Ukraine after dam blast : worldnews

Russia suffering casualties retreating through own minefields : worldnews
Almost the entire forward defense line of the Russian army near Velyka Novosilka - around 20 km long - has been wiped out.
Ukraines Armed Forces advance another 1,400 metres on Bakhmut front
Russian Sources are reporting that at least 10 Brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been observed arriving near the Frontline in the Zaporizhzhia Region particularly near the City of Orikhiv Many Russian Accounts have stated they believe tonight will so far be the oughest Night of the Ukrainian Offensive with preparations being made by Air, Armor, and Artillery Assets to Hold the Line
(2/4) In some areas, Ukrainian forces have likely made good progress and penetrated the first line of Russian defences. In others, Ukrainian progress has been slower.
(4/4) The Russian Airforce has been unusually active over southern Ukraine, where the airspace is more permissive for Russia than in other parts of the country. However, it remains unclear whether tactical airstrikes have been effective.

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "6/ Pylypenko also provides a detailed analysis of the economic impacts, particularly on agriculture (on which see also the threads linked below). The reservoir supplied water to more than 12,000 kilometers of canals." / Twitter
Russia considering retreating deep inside Crimea, leaving frontline occupiers to die : ukraine
16/ Crimea will be very severely affected, as it was before when Ukraine cut off the water supply in 2014.
ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "18/ Before 2014, Crimea used over 700 million cubic litres of water during the relatively short irrigation period (spring and summer). When Russia launched the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, it unblocked the North Crimean Canal almost immediately to restore the water flow." / Twitter
ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "20/ During the years of drought, the irrigation infrastructure in Crimea was reportedly "almost completely lost, plundered" and required the expenditure of 14.5 billion ($177 million) rubles to restore." / Twitter

UK fighter jets intercept Russian planes near NATO airspace twice : worldnews

Iceland passes historic trans-inclusive conversion therapy ban : worldnews ... The Icelandic parliament has passed a law banning so-called conversion therapy practices on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity in a landslide majority.

Sixth Serbia Against Violence protest held in Belgrade : worldnews

Sweden to allow NATO troops before it joins defense alliance: PM Kristersson : worldnews

Germany moves ahead with plans to buy Israels Arrow-3 missile defence for 4 billion euros

Calls grow for cancellation of Rammstein concerts in Bern : worldnews

Italian forces secure Turkish ship attacked by armed stowaways off Naples : worldnews
A "supervolcano" in Italy last erupted in 1538. Experts warn it's "nearly to the breaking point" again : worldnews undefined

Annecy stabbings suspect held over attempted murders : worldnews
Toddlers stable after Annecy attack, Macron says - BBC News : worldnews
France strong-arms big food companies into cutting prices : worldnews

Major supermarket slashes cost of more than 700 items in Ireland, kicking off grocery price war : worldnews ... They are cherry-picking SKUs of their own-brand products and reducing the extremely high margins on those products by a few percentage points, which is a ridiculous claim. makes them appear to be supermodels

Boris Johnson quits as UK lawmaker after being told he will be sanctioned for misleading Parliament | AP News
Almost half of young people living in London plan to leave within the next 10 years with many blaming rising cost-of-living and property prices, a new poll shows. : worldnews
UK National Health Service bans puberty blockers for gender transitions for minors : worldnews

Indigenous groups turn to Brazils highest court to stop police violence

Nicaragua confiscates properties of 222 opposition exiles : worldnews

Pentagon denies reports China may build listening post in Cuba : worldnews
China using secret base in Cuba to spy on U.S., Biden admin official confirms - POLITICO After initially calling reports inaccurate, an official says that the administration inherited the problem.

Ottawa girl to become youngest university graduate in Canadian history | CBC News Anthaea-Grace Patricia Dennis, 12, will accept her biomedical science degree Saturday
Ottawa girl to become youngest university graduate in Canadian history : worldnews

Whats up with those claims the US has recovered UFOs?

Viral Pentagon explosion hoax merged financial motives with propaganda - The Washington Post The AI-generated image spread quickly after appearing on a verified Twitter account that traffics in conspiracy theories and praises Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin ... ("verified" by Muskrat's $8 blue check mark)

Fundamentally dangerous: reversal of social media guardrails could prove disastrous for 2024 elections Scaling back of moderation and rise of AI are creating the perfect storm to weaken elections and democracy

Supreme Court justices, minus Thomas, and Alito, file financial disclosure reports : politics
Heres a rough estimate of how many people recent SCOTUS rulings might kill
Republicans set to lose multiple seats due to Supreme Court ruling : politics

Merrick Garland and Jack Smith come through: Trump will face justice : politics
What Does the Trump Mar-a-Lago Documents Indictment Say? And boy, howdy, did it ever.

Justice Department will likely try to have Trump incarcerated if hes convicted in Mar-a-Lago case, national security lawyer says
Donald Trumps New Criminal Case Looks Devastating

The Trump Classified Documents Indictment, Annotated - The New York Times
National Security Implications of Trumps Indictment: A Damage Assessment
Trump indictment: The startling, damning details - POLITICO
Trump waved classified military documents in front of a writer and a member of his PAC, and said it is like, highly confidential feds allege
Whats in the Trump indictment: US nuclear secrets and files kept in shower
US District Court, Southern District of Florida, June 9, 2023, United States of America v. Donald J. Trump and Waltine Nauta : politics
Trump attorneys havent found classified document former president referred to on tape following subpoena
Anger toward Gen. Milley may have led Trump to discuss documents, adding to indictment evidence : politics The Bedminster hosted LIV event was cover for a whole lot of treason and espionage.
Trump acted like the Godfather if it was reenacted by a 5-year-old to try to keep his hands clean in Mar-a-Lago case: experts
Fact Check: Did Trump sign into law felony for which hes indicted?

The Special Counsel Is Using Trumps Own National Security Staff Against Him
Reality Winner says shes blown away by details in indictment against Trump - Winner, a former intelligence contractor who spent more than four years in prison, was the first person to be prosecuted under Trump for violating the Espionage Act.

Reminder: Jack Smith Could Also Indict Trump for Trying to Overturn the Election | The special counsel has subpoenaed Steve Bannon in his other investigation into the former guy. : politics

Judge required Pence to answer most of special counsels questions, newly unsealed court docs show

People on Twitter Are Connecting a Section of Donald Trumps Indictment to a Kid Rock Interview Rock claimed in a 2022 interview that Trump showed himmaps and s--- and asked his opinion about North Korea.
In this Ohio diner, it was a tradition: a few Diet Cokes, some well-done steak with ketchup, then pull out the nuclear secrets and show them to Kid Rock. But now the woke mob is taking all of that away.
Its like rain on the top secret documents you show to random guests at your tacky golf club
Trump is the victim of collusion between the guy who appointed Wray and the guy who enacted this law.
Donald Trump Should Never Again Be Trusted With the Nations Secrets
Trumps path to indictment: Isnt it better if there are no documents?

Trump Extremists Demand Civil War, Mass Murder After New Indictment : politics
I will never be detained: Trump defiant in first speech since federal indictment
We have now reached a war phase, wrote Rep Andy Biggs. Violent rhetoricspreading in MAGA-world over Trump indictment.
The dangerous Republican freakout about Trumps indictmentThe paranoid reaction to the Justice Departments charges reveal a party gripped by the politics of perpetual apocalypses.
After Pence bails, Kari Lake fires up Georgia crowd by saying Republicans have guns and Trumps back

Ivanka has from Daddys orbit in wake of growing legal peril

Trumps defenders have launched a plan months in the making that ignores the substance of the indictment while attacking the credibility of federal prosecutors
Trumps Rivals Are Absolutely Terrified of Criticizing Him Even After New Indictment

Donald Trump uses his legal woes to plead for money from supporters again

Fox News hosts clash over Trump indictment: Nothing to do with Hillary

Eschaton: Geraldo For The Win Not really a preening centrist dipshit, but he is out with the worst idea. -- As I have said consistently, President Biden should stop this tortured nonsense immediately. In exchange for former President Trump dropping out of the race for the White House, Biden should pardon him for any and all federal allegations.
Eschaton: And Maddow -- MSNBCs Maddow suggests DOJ could do quid pro quo with Trump, dropping charges if he leaves 2024 race

Conventions flee Florida as Ron DeSantis wages culture war : politics

Republican Rep. Gallagher wont run for US Senate in Wisconsin, leaving open field

DOJ investigating conservative-backed efforts in Wyoming to infiltrate DNC ahead of 2020 election, sources say : politics

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants to Be President. Cheryl Hines Is Along for the Ride.

Ted Kaczynski, Unabomber Who Attacked Modern Life, Dies at 81
Hell Aint Half Full
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski found dead in prison cell : news

Nine shot, injured in San Francisco mass shooting in Mission District : news

17 fatalities, 736 crashes: The shocking toll of Teslas Autopilot driver-assistance system, known as Autopilot, has been involved in far more crashes than previously reported

Recent Mars Research Reveals New Discoveries and Exploration Progress by NASA : worldnews

Tiny prehistoric flutes could imitate predatory bird calls 12,000 years ago : worldnews


World has lost battle to stop glaciers melting and sea level rising, UN meteorological chief says : worldnews

Siberia swelters in record-breaking temperatures amid itsworst heat wave in history

US weather agency declares first El Nino in eight years is already underway
El Nino is here and could bring warmer temperatures, more extreme weather patterns

Pioneering study measures ravages of forest fires, identifying 230 Indigenous victims over the course of five years in the Amazon : worldnews

More than 60 billion leaf litter invertebrates died in the Black Summer fires. Heres what that did to ecosystems ... he Black Summer megafires engulfing south-eastern Australia

Fishermen confirm scientists warning: Brazils Belo Monte dam harmed the ecosystem: 7 years later, fish have largely disappeared from this stretch of the Xingu, a major tributary of the Amazon River

Activists take Canadas environment minister to court in fight to save northern spotted owl

Wind and solar break EU records as fossil fuel generation plummets

Qantas: Australian airline relaxes gender-based uniform rules : worldnews

Israeli Arms Maker Sent Equipment to Myanmar, Despite U.S. Embargo : worldnews

Thailands cannabis sellers say US growers are eating their lunch

Japan will provide Ukraine with humanitarian aid to eliminate the consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovska HPP, - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Kim Jong Un orders North Koreans to Stop Killing Themselves After Number of Suicides Skyrocketed : worldnews (stop killing yourselves or we will kill you!)
Suicide spike in North Korea prompts Kim Jong Un to issue prevention order : worldnews

Taiwans Acer ships computer hardware to Russia after saying it would suspend business

China rejects nuclear talks with the U.S. as it looks to strengthen its own arsenal : worldnews
Foreign investors have been dumping vast amounts of Chinese assets, and putting money there will only get riskier : worldnews
Chinese censors take aim at AirDrop and Bluetooth

Putin has postponed his annual marathon phone-in as Ukraine starts re-taking territory in its counteroffensive: report : worldnews
Putin Cops to Significant Losses,Inferior Weapons in Stunning War Admission

Russia to face Ukraine at UN court over downing of flight MH17 : worldnews

Browder: West must hand Russian Central Banks $350 billion to Ukraine forreconstruction
Western Companies Net $13Bln in Profits After Remaining in Russia : worldnews

Reporters Without Borders and a group of Russian independent media organizations have called on big tech companies to establish a working group to prevent Russias online information shutdown

Archbishop of Canterbury urges Ugandan church to reject deadly anti-gay law : worldnews
HIV alarm in Uganda as anti-gay law forces LGBT 'lockdown'

No secret that Saudi Arabia is developing civilian nuclear program: Prince Faisal : worldnews

New U.S. intelligence shows Russias deepening defense ties with Iran

Israel's Annexation of the West Bank Has Already Begun - Netanyahu Moves to Civilianize the Occupation - Israes coalition government, the most right-wing in the countrys history, has come under fire for proposing reforms that would weaken the judiciary and dismantle checks and balances.
An estimated 150,000 people marched Thursday in Israels coastal metropolis Tel Aviv for the Middle Easts largest Pride parade, amid protests against the presence of anti-LGBTQ ministers in the government

Zelensky wont attend G20 summit in India, New Delhi confirms
Zelenskyy calls on world to punish Putin for ecocide: Lives broken, ecosystems destroyed : worldnews
Ukraine approves missile program targeting 1,000+ km range

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 471, Part 1 (Thread #612) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 09.06.2023 : ukraine

Intense fighting reported as Ukrainian forces go on attack south of Zaporizhzhia : worldnews
US officials confirm Ukrainian advances but say forces suffer losses
ISW on Twitter: "2/ Ukrainian forces made limited gains around #Bakhmut on June 8. Geolocated footage published on June 7 indicates that Ukrainian forces made limited advances near Berkhivka (6km northwest of Bakhmut)." / Twitter 2/ Ukrainian forces made limited gains around #Bakhmut on June 8. Geolocated footage published on June 7 indicates that Ukrainian forces made limited advances near Berkhivka (6km northwest of Bakhmut).
NEW: #Ukraine has conducted #counteroffensive operations with differential outcomes in at least three sectors of the front as part of wider counteroffensive efforts that have been unfolding since Sunday, June 4.

Occupiers admit hydroelectric power plant blown up by Russian sabotage group
U.S. Spy Satellites Detected Explosion Before Ukraine Dam Collapse, Official Says - The New York Times U.S. spy agencies still do not have any solid evidence to determine who caused the destruction, the senior administration official said.
Water level in Kherson Oblast finally starting to subside: 20 cm overnight
General Staff: Russian soldiers didn't prepare for Kakhovka dam destruction, suffered losses on Dnipro River's east bank : worldnews
No One Able to Get Away: Russian Soldiers SweptAway by Floodingfrom Nova Khakovka Dam Collapse
SBU: In intercepted phone call, Russian soldier confirms Russia destroyed Kakhovka dam : worldnews
Ukraine claims intercepted call proves Russia blew up Kakhovka dam
Polish general: No doubt that Russia blew up Kakhovka dam
Ukraine dam: Floods devastate tracts of rich farmland : worldnews
Most living organisms from Kakhovka Reservoir will dieecologists
Russian forces accused of blocking flood evacuation efforts in Ukraine | Ukraine : worldnews

Russia carries out missile attack on Uman, 8 people injured : worldnews

The influence of the occupying authorities is rapidly decreasing in the temporarily Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine as they can no longer maintain an acceptable level of livelihood for the local population.

Poland erects wall along Belarusian border to stop uncontrolled migration : worldnews

Finnish businessman hit with 121,000 speeding fine. Anders Wiklf fell foul of system based on severity of offence and offenders income,

Iceland to Suspend Embassy Operations in Russia : worldnews

Dutch Supreme Court orders museum artifacts borrowed from Crimea returned to Ukraine : worldnews

France hails backpack hero who fought Annecy knife attacker ... a Christian-motivated Terrorist attack and a Christian Pilgrim hero who was stopping him

Toxic Tories are tarnishing the reputation of the Scottish Parliament, SNP deputy claims

Boris Johnson stands down as an MP immediately[BBC NEWS] : worldnews
Boris Johnson: Ive been forced out over Partygate report
Chief EU negotiator says UK can rejoin at any time : worldnews
Irans suicide drones are being developed at British universities
UK house prices set to slide 10%, Moodyswarns

At least 42 dead and thousands displaced in Haiti after flooding | CNN : worldnews

Missing children found after more than a month in Amazon | CNN : news

China seeking to spy on the U.S. from a base in Cuba : worldnews
Biden Administration And Cuba Deny Chinese Eavesdropping Site In Cuba

Biden sends firefighters, aid to Canada as wildfire smoke blankets much of the U.S. : worldnews

Ex-Intelligence Official Says Government Is Hiding Alien Technology From Congress

Republicans buckle down for what could be marathon blockade : politics
House G.O.P. leaders are under intense pressure from the partys right flank to defend Mr. Trump as they struggle to hold together a governing majority in the chamber.

Megathread: Supreme Court Strikes Down Alabama District Maps as Racially Gerrmandered : politics
Roberts, Kavanaugh side with liberal justices in Alabama voting rights victory : politics

Trump indictment unsealed: Former president faces 37 counts
The unsealed indictment charges Trump with 37 felony counts, including 31 counts under the Espionage Act of willful retention of classified records.
Trump criminal indictment unsealed, shows dozens of charges
Donald Trump admits on tape he didnt declassify secret information

Trump was personally involved in packing boxes and moving them to Mar-a-Lago, prosecutors say
This is a terrible thing: National security insiders alarmed over military secrets found at Mar-a-Lago
Government Formally Accuses Donald Trump of Keeping National Secrets Near a Toilet : politics

Donald Trump tape reveals he uttered 10 words that might have doomed him : politics
Its the crime and the cover-up
You cannot be serious - Dear Mr. Prosecutor: Here is a tape recording in which I outline the precise elements of several serious federal crimes, and then discuss in detail how I am committing those precise crimes, right now, on this tape recording. Of me committing a bunch of crimes. I hope you find it useful, and please remember that I was president and may be again ... I mean who knows how all this ends up, given this crazy mixed up world we live in, but its delicious to contemplate how Donald Trumps complete inability to keep his stupid fucking mouth shut, ever, has actually gotten him into some serious legal trouble, for once.

Trump-Appointed Judge Aileen Cannon Will Handle Documents Case - The New York Times It was not clear whether the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, would remain assigned for the entirety of the case. A higher court criticized some of her rulings in the investigation.
Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, initially assigned to oversee his case: Sources - ABC News Cannon faced scrutiny for her prior role in the investigation.
Cannonical - Ideally, the first federal indictment of an ex-president would be handled by an experienced judge with a strong track record of impartiality. Needless to say, thats not what the showrunners have in mind for us:

Inside Trumps Club When the Call Came: Youre Indictedcranked their political spin machine and fund-raising operation into action.

Walt Nauta: Trump aide indicted in classified documents case | CNN Politics

Crooked Donald Trump Leads A Criminal Republican Party The Entire Enterprise Is A Crime Family

/u/Ffffqqq provides an epic amount of evidence of Donald Trumps connection to and disturbing affinity for Putin and Russia

Trump loses two lawyers just hours after being indicted
Trump lawyers quit classified documents case
I still cant believe the guys last name is Trusty

Hillary Clinton responds to Trump indictment with But Her Emails merch pitch
Remember when Trump wanted Hillary jailed for her handling of classified material and signed a law in 2018 making removal and retention of classified documents a felony?

Donald Trumps New Criminal Case Looks Devastating
Trump Scores New First in Toxic Political Era : politics ... What a fuckin headline:trump scores makes it sound like a game, and that hes winning
Donald Trump has fallen, and he cant get up: This may be the week the Demogorgon is caged

The Case That Proves Donald Trump Deserves Jail Time : politics

12m Americans believe violence is justified to restore Trump to power : politics ... 9 million of them will need a nap before they get the Early Bird Special at Dennys.
We Need to Start Killing: Trumps Far-Right Supporters Are Threatening Civil War

Trump Asks Judge To Cut $5 Million Award In E. Jean Carroll Case : politics

D.C. Bar authorities charged Clark, a top ally in the effort to undermine the results of the 2020 presidential election, with engaging indishonest conduct

Jordans FBI whistleblower may have lied under oath about funding from Trump ally: report.
Bunch of malarkey: Biden dismisses GOP bribery allegations

Man who told jurors he had fun at the Capitol riot is sentenced to 6 years in prison

Mike Pence says no ones above the law but the DOJ should not indict Trump
Pence knocks Trump over Putin praise: I know the difference between a genius and a war criminal

The party of pollution, disease and death: When Republicans tell you who they are, believe them In the name of imaginary freedom, Republicans are willing to let many people die. In fact, theyre proud of it

Mark Levin Screaming About Trump's Second Indictment Will Live In Your Nightmares - The Fox News host turned up the volume to bellow his objections after Trump was indicted over his handling of government documents.

House Ethics Committee quietly restarts Gaetz probe

Governor Newsom Proposes Historic 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to End Americas Gun Violence Crisis
Gavin Newsom Brings Out Receipts For Kevin McCarthy In Nasty Twitter Takedown | HuffPost Latest News

The rights woke wars begin to backfire

Donald Trump Given Prime Slot Over DeSantis at GOP Convention : politics
Florida officials post video boasting of role in California migrant flights amid calls to charge DeSantis : politics
Ron DeSantis top aide organized government staff to solicit campaign cash from lobbyists
2 groups cancel Orlando conventions as worries over political climate grow : politics

Austin real estate developer at center of Ken Paxtons impeachment arrestedpending federal charges
Paxton Pal Paul Pinched (Update) - Nate Paul was booked into the Travis County jail in Austin after his arrest,

Rep. George Santos must reveal the people who cosigned his $500,000 bond, judge rules : politics
George Santos Lawyer Was Part of the January 6 Mob

People Sure Think Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Admitted To A Crime On Live TV : politics

The rights woke wars begin to backfire - LOL! Meghan McCain complains theres too many gays in sex in the city new shows.

New Jersey is teaching kids about climate. Opponents call it indoctrinationThe education culture wars are coming for climate change.

New York lawmakers pass bill that considers reparations for slavery | AP News

Louisiana governor says he intends to veto anti-LGBTQ+ bills including ban on gender-affirming care

Dispute erupts over a section of Kentuckys transgender law that hinges on one word

The Origins of the Rights War on Target: Target has put up Pride displays since 2015. Whats so different about this year?

Rural Voters Want Economic Answers From Democrats They Gave Up On (rural dumbfucks screw themselves, blame Dems)

The nationwide attack on Black voters : politics

Delayed justice: 3 states remove all time limits on child sex abuse lawsuits : politics

Views of State of Moral Values in U.S. at New Low - 54% say the state of moral values in U.S. is poor; 33% only fair - 83% think U.S. moral values are getting worse - 74% of Republicans say moral values are poor; 97% think they are worsening

Daniel Penny takes his place in conservatives growing pantheon of violent heroes.

Cranston ex-councilman arrested with crack cocaine in his car now charged with sexual assault, molestation of girl, 12 : politics

Country Star Jimmie Allen Accused of Sexual Assault and Making Secret Sex Video Recording by Woman in New Lawsuit - This is the second woman to accuse the country singer. Allen previously denied rape allegations against him. - alleges that she was randomly approached by Allen on a plane last year, and after that first meeting, the country singer pursued her and engaged in daily communication over the phone. After two months of constant, long-distance conversation, they agreed to meet in Las Vegas where, according to the lawsuit, she was sexually assaulted.

The revealed priorities of "post-liberal" reactionaries ... But this is what post-liberal reactionary authoritarianism means: brutally enforced hierarchies based on race, gender, and sexuality, married to standard-issue Reaganomics with some vacuous anti-corporate rhetoric added on as window dressing.

American Politics Would Have Been Infinitely Better Without Pat Robertson : politics (evil fucker rot in hell)

Other peoples money is the best kind = You may recall the story of Three Arrows Capital, which convinced a lot of rubes to part with their money based on the incredibly sophisticated theory that crypto would just keep increasing in value for perpetuity. Perhaps the founders have gotten their comeuppance? Haha no:

Neoliberalism and its discontents - This interesting essay on the suddenly influential neo-reactionary political theorist Patrick Deneen raises implicitly a set of problems and concerns that the contemporary political order isnt really addressing at all, let alone in a satisfactory way. (1) The social and environmental destructiveness of contemporary capitalism. (2) The profound social atomization and radical economic inequality caused by the same. (3) The destruction of so many traditional sources of identity, community, and meaning.

Israeli scientists gave an artificial molecule they invented to 30 mice suffering from Alzheimers and found that all of them recovered, regaining full cognitive abilities.

Research has shown that most middle-aged and older adults feel younger than they actually are, and this phenomenon has been labeled subjective age bias. Interestingly, new research provides evidence that this effect is increasing over time : science

Women are less optimistic and less willing to take risks than men because they are more sensitive to the pain of any losses they might incur than any gains they might make : science

City, state, union all knew Patrick Rose was raping children, yet did nothing to stop him as he climbed to become police union president, suit charges : boston

Outdoorsmen of Reddit, whats your most terrifying encounter in the woods?

/u/spez, CEO of Reddit, decides to ruin the site : bestof
Reddit CEO will host an AMA on API changes as thousands of subreddits plan to go dark
Its not just Apollo: other Reddit apps are shutting down, too | rif is fun for Reddit, ReddPlanet, and Sync will all shut down on June 30th, just like the Apollo app.


World warming at record 0.2 C per decade, scientists warn | The findings would appear to close the door on capping global warming under the Paris treatys more ambitious 1.5C target, long identified as a guard rail for a relatively climate-safe world, albeit one still roiled by severe impacts

Oceans warmer last month than any May on record | Global oceans were warmer last month than any other May in records stretching back to the 19th century, the European Unions climate monitoring unit reported Wednesday.

El Nino planet-warming weather phase has begun

Canada's record wildfires should be wake-up call experts warn

Vaquitas still exist, but barely: sea survey : worldnews

We'll never be done: The growing challenge to remove thousands of car tires from ocean floor

787 confirmed cases and 9 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Fused brain cells, neuron damage may explain long COVID : worldnews

Ben Roberts-Smith revealed to be soldier alleged in Brereton inquiry to have directed the killing of an elderly imam in Afghanistan : worldnews
Australia to ban swastika, SS sign citing rise of far-right : worldnews

Philippines raises alert level around one of the countrys most active volcanoes, villagers told to leave danger zone and pilots advised to avoid flying close to the volcanos summit

Malaysia, Singapore slam comedian for offensive joke over MH370 plane disappearance

Japanese court rules not allowing same-sex marriage unconstitutional : worldnews
Catching the men who sell subway groping videos

North Koreans Need Approval Every Five Minutes to Browse the Internet : worldnews

Taiwan says 37 Chinese military aircraft entered its air defence zone : worldnews
New Taipei preschool accused of giving children sleeping pills : worldnews

Shoigu and Gerasimov strike back at Prigozhin in the media. The commander of the 72nd brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, Roman Venevityn, who was recently captured by the Wagnerites, accuses the Wagnerites of stealing military equipment of the Russian Armed Forces, of kidnapping soldiers and using them as slaves, of raping Russian soldiers, after which they committed suicide.
Putins spokesperson said that Putin will again meet Lukashenka. It will take place tomorrow in #Russia. Earlier today, Lukashenka also announced the meeting, though he didnt mention this Friday. It seems like he didnt know it would happen so soon

Arguments broke out on the set of a Russian TV show when experts vehemently disagreed with the cover story about the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam. Bewildered hosts discovered that the only propagandist they could rely on was Tucker Carlson.

Wagner mercenaries tortured me and stole tanks from the Russian army, captured lieutenant says : worldnews

Russia said it downed a Ukrainian drone over Crimea. It looks an awful lot like one of their own. : worldnews

Saudi crown prince threatened majoreconomic pain on U.S. amid oil feud

Tourists Watch Russian Get Devoured by Shark on Egypt Beach : worldnews

Regulator: FIFA made false claims about carbon neutrality at World Cup : worldnews

Israels Naval Iron Dome System Achieves Full Operational Capability
Tens of thousands set to attend Tel Avivs 25th Pride Parade

Ukrainian military begins counteroffensive to oust Russian occupiers - The Washington Post
Zelenskyy denies Ukraine involvement in Nord Stream pipeline blasts after claims that Western intelligence agencies knew of a Ukrainian-backed plan to take out the Baltic Sea gas links : worldnews
Zelensky: UN and Red Cross did not respond to requests for assistance in the flooded areas : worldnews
Ukrainian military begins counteroffensive to oust Russian occupiers : worldnews
Nato members may send troops to Ukraine, warns former alliance chief : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 470, Part 1 (Thread #611) : worldnews

Daria Kaleniuk on Twitter: "Data from regional seismic stations show clear signals on Tuesday, June 6th, at 2:54 local time. The timing and location coincide with media reports of the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam. The signals indicate that an explosion is involved." / Twitter
Russia decided accidents at hazardous facilities would not be investigated shortly before blowing up Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant : worldnews
This does tend to suggest a coordinated strategy of dam destruction and defensive flooding, rather as the Nazis did in north-eastern France, Belgium and the Netherlands in 1944-45.
Through 07 June 2023, flood levels continued to rise in the lower Dnipro, following the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam, but will likely start to recede during 08 June 2023. Shelling has complicated some attempts to evacuate displaced civilians from inundated areas.
The dam was constructed during Soviet times in a way to prevent collapse by missiles or shelling or simple landmines. However, during Cold War Soviets designed such constructions with special mining sectors, where one could put explosives to blow it.
This is what the Kakhovka HPP and the flooded villages next to it look like now
Ukrainians face homelessness, disease risk as floods crest from burst dam : worldnews

Life on the margins: The fate of Ukraines forcibly deported children ... Kidnapped... The term is kidnapped. Ukraine's Kidnapped children.

Sweden Supreme Court: OK to send PKK supporter to Turkey. The court has approved the move ahead of NATO membership talks with Ankara : worldnews

Smoke from Canadian wildfires forecast to reach Norway : worldnews

Three detained after ammunition stolen from train operated by US troops in Poland : worldnews

A quarter of Hungarians support closer ties with Russia, but even Fidesz and Mi Hazank voters are pro-NATO

Germanys far-right rides high on anti-immigration, anti-green agenda

Italy prepares new military aid package for Ukraine, likely including SAMP-T air defense : worldnews
Italian court convicts Swiss billionaire in asbestos deaths : worldnews ... Schmidheiny was found guilty of causing the death of 392 people, including more than 60 workers and around 330 residents in the northern town of Casale Monferrato, where his Eternit firm was based

Around 40 standing stones thought to have been erected by prehistoric humans 7,000 years ago have been destroyed near a famed archaeological site in northwest France to make way for a DIY store : worldnews

Cuba to Host Secret Chinese Spy Base Focusing on U.S. - WSJ Beijing agrees to pay Havana several billion dollars for eavesdropping facility
Cuba Agrees to Host Chinese Spy Base That Would Allow Beijing to Intercept U.S. Communications: Report : worldnews
White House Denies Report That China Is Building a Spy Base on Cuba

India among top actors for foreign interference in Canada: national security adviser : worldnews

House of Representatives to hold hearing on whistleblowers UFO claims

See photos of smoky skies in US from Canadian wildfires - The Boston Globe

Right-Wing Media Is Saying the Wildfire Smoke Is Good, Actually : politics

For the First Time Ever, Human Rights Campaign Officially Declares State of Emergency for LGBTQ+ Americans; Issues National Warning and Guidebook to Ensure Safety for LGBTQ+ Residents and Travelers

Biden vetoes measure overturning student loan forgiveness plan : politics

House cancels votes for rest of week amid floor chaos (Chaos Caucus)
House Is Paralyzed as Far-Right Rebels Continue Mutiny Against McCarthy : politics
Anti-McCarthyism - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Freedom Caucus nihilists are preventing the House from passing their own dumb messaging bills out of revenge for Kevin McCarthy committing the most unforgivable sin (refusing to tank the world economy because Biden wont agree to asks they refuse to even specify):
Why the hell are we doing this?McCarthys fractured leadership team faces new abortion tension

Supreme Court rules in favor of Black Alabama voters in unexpected defense of Voting Rights Act | AP News
Supreme Court Rejects Voting Map That Diluted Black Voters' Power - Voting rights advocates had feared that the decision about redistricting in Alabama would undermine the Voting Rights Act, which instead appeared to emerge unscathed.
John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh saved the Voting Rights Act.
US Supreme Courts Clarence Thomas delays filing annual financial disclosure
Supreme Court sides with Jack Daniels in trademark dispute involving a poop-themed dog toy

Robocalls claiming voters would get mandatoryvaccines result in $5M fine
Robocalls claiming voters would get mandatory vaccines result in $5M fine --Black people targeted with conspiracy theory about voting and mandatory vaccines ... against pro-Trump robocallers who targeted Black people with calls promoting a conspiracy theory that the government would use mail-in voting records to track people for mandatory vaccines

Trump indicted on seven criminal counts in classified documents case
(1) Trump Indicted in Classified Documents Case: Live Updates - The New York Times The seven counts against the former president include conspiracy to obstruct, willful retention of documents and false statements, according to people familiar with the indictment. He said he would surrender to the authorities on Tuesday.
Donald Trump charged with illegal retention of classified documents | Donald Trump | The Guardian Twice-impeached ex-president is being prosecuted for violating Espionage Act and obstruction over documents held at Mar-a-Lago
Trump charged in Mar-a-Lago classified documents investigation - The Washington Post Former president, first ever to face federal criminal charges, posts on social media that he must appear in court in Miami on Tuesday
What to know about the Trump classified documents investigation - The Washington Post
Trump was sloppy with classified documents, and Meadows didn't stop him, aides say - The Washington Post The jumble of secret and not-secret documents found by the FBI was typical of how Donald Trump handled records, former staffers said
Donald Trump indicted for 2nd time, in classified documents investigation: Sources - ABC News The former president said that he is innocent.
Megathread: Trump Indicted by Federal Prosecutors on Charges Related to Handling of Classified Documents : politics

Trump Case Isnt About Documents, Its About National Security
Trump informed that he is target of special counsel investigation over classified docs: Sources : politics
Trump Reportedly Gets Target Letter; Testimony Includes Meadows : politics
Prosecutors seeking Trump indictment on obstruction and Espionage Act charges : politics
Here Comes the Indictment - by Charlie Sykes MAGA-geddon?

Hutchinson on Trump: GOP should clarify there is no support of nominee guilty of espionage : politics
Newt Gingrich testified before January 6 grand jury | CNN Politics

House Democrats are asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate whether Garret OBoyle, whom Republicans presented as an FBI whistleblower, lied to Congress.
FBI agent who testified for Republicans was suspended over leaked sensitive information : politics

Jim Jordan tries (again) to intervene in DOJs Trump probe - Desperate to assist Donald Trump, Jim Jordan keeps trying to intervene in ongoing criminal investigations. The Republicans antics aren going well.

Trump lawyers request new trial in E Jean Carroll sexual abuse case : politics ... arguing that the damages are excessive, which seems like a weak argument when they're not even enough to dissuade Trump from defaming her in the same way literally the next day.

Pence argues Jan. 6 is disqualifying for Trump as he launches campaign : politics
Mike Pences Presidential Amnesia
Mike Pence would rather see armed school guards than gun control reforms : politics

RFK Jr. and the con men candidates: more than a sideshow theyre a real threat to democracy | Fake candidates rake in real cash, at the expense of democracy. Is there any way to discourage their runs?

States have introduced nearly 200 bills this year tosubvert elections, report finds. | The analysis by three nonpartisan groups suggests the election denial movement is alive and well in statehouses across the country ... Legislators in 38 states
States have introduced nearly 200 bills this year to subvert elections, report finds ... legislators --predominantly Republicans -- put forward 185 bills in their state legislative sessions from Jan. 1 through May 3 that would increase the risk of subversion by politicizing, criminalizing or interfering with elections. ("predomminantly" = "only")

Cornel West Should Not Be Running for President | The Nation undefined

Oh-So-Mature Trump Aides Want Him to Focus on DeSantis Penis - The 2024 GOP primary is headed for the dumbest places imaginable
With Migrant Flights, DeSantis Shows Stoking Outrage Is the Point : politics

Ken Paxton Impeachment Prosecutor: Weve Got a Slam Dunk CaseTwo defense attorneys tasked with nailing the Texas AG say the details are astounding and ten times worse than [what] has been public.

George Santos may be headed to jail : politics

Cori Bush: Anti-Woke Is Barely Disguised Code for Anti-Black

Moms for Liberty listed as anti-government group by extremism watchdog

Marjorie Taylor Greene, who previously called climate change a scam,is now using it as an argument to deter migrants away from the US

Gavin Newsom wants 28th Amendment for guns in U.S. Constitution - POLITICO

Lauren Boebert Blows by Gun Violence Survivors, Not Even Making EyeContact The Republican representative cannot be bothered by things like kids surviving guns.
GOPs booming support for guns is turning off millennial, Gen Z Republicans

Marianne Williamson's new campaign manager Roza Calderon was accused of financial misconduct in 2017 - POLITICO

Watt Blows Dead Bears
So Watt? (Update)

Social Conservatism in U.S. Highest in About a Decade
America's Suburbs Are Breeding Grounds for Fascism - Hate against trans people is rising, but the suburbs are what gives this hate its fervor and popularity.

Marion Police Department officer fired after racist social media posts

Mayor Eric Adams Sister-In-Law Landed $150,000 City Government Gig

CNN Insiders On What Led to Chris Lichts Exit, And What Comes Next: Nowhere Near the Final Battle
CNNs disastrous Trump town hall was exactly what its leaders want
Chris Licht leaving CNN means women now lead all major U.S. news organizations | Fortune

200+ things that Fox News has labeled "woke"

Pat Robertson, Televangelist Who Blamed Gay People for 9/11 and Hurricanes, DiesThe conspiratorial hatemonger who founded the Christian Broadcasting Network helped usher Christian-conservatism into the mainstream



Kilauea, one of the worlds most active volcanoes, begins erupting after 3-month pause
Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupts, USGS reports (

Quebec orders more evacuations as dozens of wildfires in Canada remain out of control : worldnews
Wildfire Smoke - New York City Air Quality Hits Worst Level on Recordan emergency crisis
Philadelphia is under a code red alert as millions from the East Coast to Canada suffer unhealthy air from Quebecs wildfires
The East Coasts Wildfire Smoke Is On Par With the Wests Worst Days

More than a quarter of a billion people faced severe hunger in 2022 : worldnews

Too late now to save Arctic summer ice, climate scientists find : worldnews

Carbon dioxide levels hit new record, now more than 50% higher than pre-industrial times : worldnews

Shell adverts banned over misleading clean energy claims : worldnews

In Kenya, lions are speared to death as human-wildlife conflict worsens amid drought : worldnews

Globally Significant Moment for Ocean Conservation: Australia to Phase Out Gill Net Fishing in Great Barrier Reef

World's first vaccine against deadly swine fever nears approval in Vietnam : worldnews Worlds first vaccine against deadly swine fever nears approval in Vietnam

Australia may send 41 retired RAAF fighter jets to Ukraine : worldnews
US warned it might suspend ties with Australian special forces over war crime allegations | Australian military : worldnews
Australia to ban Nazi symbols but not the salute, says Mark Dreyfus : worldnews
Cheques to be scrapped in Australia by 2030 : worldnews

Fiji to review contentious police agreement with China that has allowed Chinese police officers to be stationed on the island : worldnews

Thai PM frontrunner vows to legalise same-sex marriage: Love must win

Japan, Australia and US announce $95 million undersea cable project in Micronesia to counter efforts by Beijing to expand its security and economic influence in the region : worldnews

Communist party accessed Hong Kong protesters TikTok data, former executive says
China begins drilling one of worlds deepest holes in hunt for discoveries deep inside the Earth
Chinas exports plunge by 7.5% in May, far more than expected

Putin labels dam attack barbaric.The world says he orchestrated it.
The order to blow up Kakhovka HPP was given personally by Putin - GUR : UkrainianConflict
Nail on the head by Timothy Snyder Russian state media does indeed lie about everything. Andin denying the consequences of blowing the dam, they are admitting Russia did it. If they really thought Ukraine did it,theyd be overstating the consequences, not minimizing them
Russians Are Unraveling Before Our Eyes. A wave of fresh humiliations has the Kremlin struggling to control the narrative. : UkrainianConflict
Why arent there any mass protests against Putin in Russia?
Vladimir Putin was never the Soviet super spy hed like us to believe. He was merely a KGB 'errand boy' report says

Sergei Lavrov claims that all countries that were part of imperial Russia joined "voluntarily" : worldnews

Russia Blows Up Farm Equipment, Claims Theyre Leopard Tanks

India cracks down on critics of coal projects of Gautam Adani, one of Indias richest men and a political ally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Massive reduction of opium production in Afghanistan : worldnews

16-year old jailed in Turkey for drawing a Hitler mustache on Erdogan : worldnews ... insulting the president is one of the most common crimes in Turkey, resulting in 16,753 convictions last year." (snowflake dicktofuck Erdofucker)

Trans women beaten, cut and forcibly undressed in Kenyan refugee camp: They see us as the devil

Ethiopian migrant women gang raped and other gender-based crimes on the rise in chaotic and lawless Sudan : worldnews

Tunisian president suggests taxing rich as solution to fiscal problem : worldnews

Absolute scandal: UAE state oil firm able to read Cop28 climate summit emails - : UN conference president Sultan Al Jaber is also head of oil firm, which was consulted on how to respond to a media inquiry

Yemeni activist who revealed Houthi sexual abuses detained by Saudi Arabia

Major Progress Made in Nuclear Talks Between U.S. and Iran in Preparation for a New Agreement : worldnews (Trump's yuuuuge fuckup)

Ukraine Situation Report: Offensive Going Better Than Expected, U.S. Says : ukraine
Ukraine Offensive Has Broken Through Russian Lines: Prigozhin
The US is preparing new military aid to Ukraine.
Ukraine brands Russia terrorist state to open hearings in case against Russia at top UN court

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 469, Part 1 (Thread #610) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 07.06.2023 : ukraine

It is physically impossible to destroy Kakhovka HPP by shelling, it was blown up by the occupiers - Zelensky : worldnews
U.S. eyes Russia in destruction of Ukraines Kakhovka dam
US intelligence points to Russia being behind Ukraine dam attack : worldnews
Some of the estimated impacts of the breached dam to Ukraines ag sector.
Were in Kherson where entire districts are now submerged and water levels are still rising. People are saving pets and belongings. City centre is on higher ground and mostly unaffected.
(2/4) The water level in the Kakhovka Reservoir was at a record high before the collapse, resulting in a particularly high volume of water inundating the area downstream.
Before and after pictures showing the devastation from the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam : ukraine
Mapped: the destruction of Ukraines Nova Kakhovka dam
Russians Shooting at Rescuers in Flooded Areas, Zelenskyy Says : worldnews
The Russians were simply washed away: a soldier of the Armed Forces for the first time revealed the losses of the Russian Federation due to the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP : ukraine

"Putin will burn in hell, bastard! They couldnt finish us off, so they decided to drown us" -- A resident of Kherson emotionally expressed what she thought of Putin and his "libererators"
Rescuers continue to work saving animals in the Kherson region. : ukraine
2 days nonstop. Support for rescue animals and people. PayPal: Other methods in the comments. : ukraine
The evacuation of people and animals from the flooded territories are underway. Here are few photos from our image editor, Yuriy Stefanyak, as some of our volunteers went to help with the rescue mission. : ukraine
Another drone drop, but this time a friendly one : ukraine

Prosecutors: 63 journalists from 14 countries killed by Russias war since Feb. 24, 2022

Albanias Permanent Representative to the UN absolutely wrecks Russia in front of a full room.

Finland to Expel 9 Russian Embassy Staff for IntelligenceActivities

Slovenia beats Belarus in race for UN Security Council seat : worldnews

One of the main tasks of Poland during its presidency of the EC in 2025 will be to facilitate the accession of Ukraine, the countries of the Western Balkans, and Moldova to the European Union, reports President of Poland Andrzej Duda.

Netherlands: Energy firms have slashed the amount they are payingsolar panel owners to feed their surplus electricity back into the grid

Frances ultra-rich pay less tax, new study confirms

China has closed unofficial police stations in Britain, UK minister says | China ... China says it did not know about any illegal activities, engaged in absolutely nothing illegal, has stopped doing the things that it didnt know about and werent illegal, and demands that no one speak of its unknowingly not doing anything illegal, which it has stopped.
UK to remove Chinese-made surveillance equipment from sensitive government sites : worldnews

Mexico violence: Bodies found dumped in ravine are missing call centre workers : worldnews

Canada wildfire smoke threatens health of millions : worldnews
My throat's burning: Canadas wildfires put millions under air quality advisories
Terrorism ruling first for Canada incel attack

Pentagon Now Actively Hunting For UFOs With Purpose-Built Sensors : technology

The Feds Have Thousands of Stadium Lights on the Border. Switching Them On Would Devastate Desert Ecosystems. : politics

What if We're Thinking About Inflation All Wrong? Isabella Webers heterodox ideas about government price controls are transforming policy in the United States and across Europe.

Game changing: spate of US lawsuits calls big oil to account for climate crisis

The Oncoming Train Wreck of Restarting Student Loan Payments : politics

Americas mainstream media still wants to save the GOPbut thats impossible

Financial disclosures show Supreme Court justices traveled extensively in 2022 : politics
Justice Thomas delays disclosures after reports of travel, property sale : politics
Clarence Thomas gets extension to file financial disclosures amid scrutiny of relationship with GOP megadonor : politics
Clarence Thomas wrote a scathing, nearly 50-page dissent about why the Supreme Court should have gutted voting rights : politics
Most Federal Employees Face More Oversight Than Clarence Thomas and Supreme Court : politics

Republican Save Our Gas Stoves Act and the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act fails in the House ... Florida, for example, has gas stoves in ~8% of its homes
Meet the GOPs ProChildhood Asthma Caucus: Congressional Republicans are trying to pass legislation defending gas stoves from regulatory oversight
Conservatives bring the House to a halt as anger at McCarthys debt deal remains

Prosecutors ready to ask for Trump indictment on obstruction and Espionage Act charges | The Independent
Feds inform Trump he is target likely to be indicted as DOJ rebuffs prosecutorial misconduct claim | Just The News
Former Trump aide faces Miami grand jury in classified-documents probe - The Washington Post
How another Trump indictment could threaten his electability - The Washington Post New data suggests a classified documents indictment would be more problematic for him than the hush money indictment
What to look for if Trump is indicted by the DOJ

Multiple witnesses subpoenaed in Florida in Trump Mar-a-Lago case : politics
Former Trump aide arrives at Miami courthouse to appear before grand jury in classified documents probe : politics
Trump ally Bannon subpoenaed in special counsel Jack Smiths Jan. 6 grand jury probe
Prosecutors ready to ask for Trump indictment on obstruction and Espionage Act charges : politics
Dozens of Secret Service agents have been subpoenaed or appeared before grand jury in Trump docs probe : politics
Donald Trump suffers the worst hit yet in string of legal blows : politics
Trump secret papers crisis is his own fault for jerking around DOJ says his former attorney general

Mark Meadows testifying is very bad signfor Trump -- George Conway
Legal experts: Mark Meadows may have outplayed Trumpand Jan. 6 indictment may be 'imminent'

Political world braces for possible federal indictment of Trump : politics

Christie targets Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner: The grift from this family is breathtaking

Comer releases contempt resolution targeting FBI Director Wray

Moms for Liberty Has Been Designated an Extremist Group, and Trump Is a Big Fan : politics ,,, Klanned Karenhood
Trump Responds to Chris Christie Attacks With ... Fat Jokes
Trumps McDonalds delivery boy to mount particularly pointless vanity campaign
Eschaton: The Chris Christie Decade Every Republican running for president gets an absurd amount of press attention, but some get more attention than others relative to any polling or, really, anything to justify it. Chris Christie left office with an approval rating I would've thought impossible for any politician not caught with a dead girl AND a live boy, simultaneously, but he's beloved by the 200 weirdos of our political press so there he is.

The counterintuitive nature of statistical reasoning ... It's time to remind the LGM audience that Mike Pence is still a thing that exists, and that announced this morning that its running for president. Of the United States, not of a consortium of Indiana tire dealerships.

Better Call Saul, Bobs Burgers actor charged in Capitol riot

Oklahoma Republicans pave the way for the Supreme Court to end secular education: A new taxpayer-funded religious school is a Christian nationalist move to destroy separation of church and state : politics
Pastor: We've heard much about indoctrination. What do you call Catholic charter school?

Ron DeSantis loses big in court as judge issues scathing ruling on his anti-trans healthcare law: Gender identity is real
Gavin Newsom suggests kidnap charges over Ron DeSantiss migrant flights ... Meatball Rontanamo
Gov. DeSantis administration confirms Fla. involvement in Sacramento migrant flights, releases video : politics
California, Texas make legal moves against Florida migrant flights | The Hill

Video shows Florida Republican begging Latinos not to leave : politics
Faith-based groups sue to overturn Floridas 15-week abortion ban.
Ron DeSantis Approval Rating Has Collapsed

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Anti-Trans GOP Witness: Do You Actually Believe This Garbage? Becca Balint is tired.

Over half of LGBTQ+ Americans would 'never' apply for a job in a state with anti-LGBTQ+ laws
Florida teacher explains why he quit over LGBTQ+ book bans: Protect us or lose us
Violence breaks out at school board meeting over Pride Month: Extremists attacked LGBTQ+ parents ... Over 80% of US law enforcement officers voted for Trump.
Fights break out outside Glendale school district meeting as protesters battle over gender studies - CBS Los Angeles
As conservatives target schools, LGBTQ+ kids and students of color feel less safe : politics
Air Force official: Military families forced to move over anti-LGBTQ bullying
An uncomfortable truth about GOP anti-trans bigotry ... In the Jim Crow south, white men and women would accuse Black men and boys of rape or sexual assault to justify lynchings

Missouri bans transgender health care for minors and some adults : politics

Moore signs order to protect trans people, medical providers as other states ban gender-affirming care : politics

L.A. Sheriffs Deputies Arrested a Trans Activist for 'robbery' -- Video Tells a Completely Different Story | The arrest followed a right-wing campaign for the LASD to take action. Did the sheriffs department get duped?

North Carolina bill would call for new election when lawmakers switch parties after former state House Democrat joins GOP : politics

Wisconsins GOP-led Legislature to block meningitis vaccine requirement for students ... some parents complained at a public hearing that the proposed requirements violated their liberties (to be a homocidal idiot)

Adam Schiff secures another Sacramento-area endorsement in bid to succeed Dianne Feinstein : politics

The paranoid style in American politics | Financial Times Robert Kennedy Juniors appeal to conspiracists poses a genuine threat to Joe Biden (latest rightwing bullshit)

Dead raccoon and racist, intimidating sign left on front door of Oregon mayors office

TIL in the US less than half of murders are solved. : todayilearned

Prosecutor: Deputy could have stopped Parkland school shooting but chose to take cover : news

White woman accused of fatally shooting neighbor Ajike Owens is arrested in Florida | AP News

Graduate and his dad killed in mass shooting after high school graduation in Virginia - ABC News The 19-year-old suspect is in custody.

Woman says police didnt respond to 911 report that her husband was taken hostage until he had already been killed

Lynn Paltrow Exit Interview: When Pregnancy Is the Crime An exit interview with Lynn Paltrow, who has spent decades representing women jailed for miscarriages and stillbirths.

The fugitive heiress next door: Why Brazil is fascinated by Margarida Bonetti - Washington Post How a reclusive womans past in suburban D.C. sparked a true-crime sensation in Brazil and a national reckoning over the status of household servants

Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network - WSJ The Meta units systems for fostering communities have guided users to child-sex content; company says it is improving internal controls

Mr. Lichts turbulent time running the 24-hour news organization lasted slightly more than a year.
CNN Chairman and CEO Chris Licht is out after a brief and tumultuous tenure | CNN Business
CNN Staff Exhausted After Chris Lichts Resignation:Sick of Being EmbarrassedThe man behind the widely maligned Donald Trump town hall was not long for the network, which is bracing for an uncertain future
Embattled CNN CEO Chris Licht has stepped down : worldnews ... He was FIRED due to the Trump Town Hall debacle but especially the scathing negative reporting in Licht in The Atlantic (hired to pivot to the "center")
Chris Licht Is Out at CNN, Ending a Brief and Chaotic Run : politics
CNNs Chris Licht showed the problem with anti-woke centrism (fuck off with your "centrism" assholes)
Eschaton: Reactionary Centrism - Perry Bacon Jr. - Kudos to Perry, btw, as critcizing The Sensibles is not conducive to career stability.
The only winning move in the pandering to MAGA game is not to play

Elon Musk is the most dangerous antisemite in America : politics
QAnons Adrenochrome Quackery

Fox News and Tucker Carlson both lose after his firing | Media Matters for America
Tucker Carlson calls Ukraines Jewish leader rat-like as he launches new Twitter show with pro-Kremlin rant ... also questioned the official story about 9/11 and claimed that the US media are covering up evidence of alien life
Tucker: tanned, rested, even more racist

TIL that Astrud Gilberto made just $120 for singing The Girl from Ipanema, which was the standard studio musician rate at the time. This was because Stan Getz personally intervened to ensure she got nothing. : todayilearned

Anna Marie Tendler Says She Was Hospitalized for Suicidal Ideation Before John Mulaney Divorce - In an essay for Elle, the artist opened up about her divorce and the loss of her beloved dog

Remember when crypto was the hot new tech that Silicon Valley was telling Washington would change everything?

Mysterious species buried their dead and carved symbols 100,000 years before humans : news - Homo naledi

In a geologic triumph, scientists drill a window into Earths mantle

A big data study shows that incels use misogynistic slurs for women 3 times more frequently than they use non-misogynistic words like "woman." : science

Origins of masturbation traced back to primates 40m years ago : worldnews

Mechanism behind reductions in depression symptoms from LSD and mushrooms found : worldnews

Virgin birth recorded in crocodile for 1st time ever ... The second coming will be a bit different than expected ... Jesus took after a while, crocodile a little too literally

A novel study suggests that dopamine, a neurotransmitter, plays dual roles in learning and motivation : science

A new study by German scientists shows that pigeons dream. fMRI analysis suggests that they may experience emotions while they dream and that their dreams likely involve flight. : science

On the eve of Trumps grand jury indictment, /u/liarandathief gives a linked list of his public narcissism.

u/Ghost_of_Till lays out how being like a dumb Nigerian prince email scammer is exactly how MAGA Republicans get elected. : bestof

Its always awkward when the stranger youre making fun of shows up in the comments

u/Korberos explains the difference between Millennial and Gen Z humor : bestof

Reddit will exempt accessibility-focused apps from its unpopular API pricing changes. : technology
U/Autumn1eaves gives a great simple explanation of the API controversy. : bestof


US urged to reveal UFO evidence after claim that it has intact alien vehicles : anime_titties
Intelligence officials say US has retrieved craft : anime_titties

James Webb Space Telescope Unveiling the Wonders of Early Galaxies and the Star Formation : worldnews

Where wildfire smoke is hitting the U.S. the hardest and when it will end - The smoke, emanating from Canada, is causing gray skies and poor air quality

Climate Crisis Is on Track to Push One-Third of Humanity Out of Its Most Livable Environment As conditions that best support life shift toward the poles, more than 600 million people are already living outside of a crucial climate niche facing more extreme heat, rising food scarcity and higher death rates.

Amount of warming triggering carbon dioxide in air hits new peak, growing at near-record fast rate : worldnews

The Arctic may be sea ice-free in summer by the 2030s, new study warns | CNN

The world is running out of treatments for deadly infections, but an ancient animal may hold the answer : worldnews

Extinct butterfly species reappears in UK

Killer Whales Toss Yacht Around Like Rag Doll : In 20th Orca Attack In A Month The waters around the Straight of Gibraltar have been the site of dozens of attacks.

Homeowner insurance policies are becoming unavailable in certain areas of the U.S.

Australia to triple size of protected marine park to area larger than Germany : worldnews

China tightens access to Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong police detain activists on anniversary of 1989 massacre : worldnews
New US Rules Force Chinese Airlines to Avoid Russian Airspace : worldnews

U.S. intelligence officials believe Russia would use a tactical nuclear device only if Mr. Putins hold on power was threatened, its military began to completely collapse in Ukraine or it faced the loss of Crimea
I said in 2014 that Putin would try to destroy Ukraine if he could not control it. He is losing and lashing out, but allowing him to win would be far worse. The only response is to help Ukraine achieve victory and territorial integrity asap. - Garry Kasparov

Drone attack in Moscow may have targeted homes of Russian intelligence officials, U.S. officials say A Ukrainian official said Ukraine was not directly involved.

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin, who spent months on the ground in Bakhmut, said the Kremlins claims about inflicting heavy losses on Ukraine are wild and absurd science fiction
(2/4) Concurrently, the feud between Wagner Group and the Russian MoD has reached an unprecedented level.

Russia says U.S.-built F-16s could accommodatenuclear weapons if sent to Ukraine ... Its also true for a helicopter, a car, or a wheelbarrow.

Adulterated cider has killed 30 in Russia, dozens more sick

Russian soldiers fighting against the cross-border incursion in the Belgorod region are complaining that they are being "slaughtered" and "entire regiments" have been lost. They blame bad leadership, inadequate equipment, lack of artillery support and no reinforcements. : UkrainianConflict
Russia admits having lost 71 soldiers during the three-day Ukrainian probing attack around Velyka Novosilka. And then it claims to have killed 3715 Ukrainians during the same battle ... shitshow : UkrainianConflict

India train accident that killed nearly 300 people caused by signal system error, official says : worldnews (nothing to do with rampant corruption, Modi-fucker says)
Suspension bridge in India collapsed for the second time in 14 months : worldnews
BBC acknowledges it paid lower taxes in India : worldnews

LIV Golf will merge with PGA Tour - The Washington Post
Our opposition to a murderous reactionary regime that tortures its opponents to death is not for sale ... Best line on Twitter: The agreement gives the PGA control of holes 1-8 and 12-18 in each tournament. The Saudis get 9-11.

Iran, which helps Russia kill Ukrainians, will never get nuclear weapons - Antony Blinken
Iran unveils its first hypersonic missile : worldnews
Iran unveils first hypersonic missile in challenge to Israel and West : worldnews
Iran launches militia patrol to crack down on abortions : worldnews ... When Iran militia and Republicans have something in common. Gee, who would have thought!

Palestinian toddler shot by Israeli troops in West Bank dies of wounds : worldnews
Blinken warns against Israels expansion of Jewish settlements - Jews, invade and genocide)

D-Day dawns for Ukraine

Zelensky: Ukraine to receive significant number of F-16 fighterjets
Russia launches air strike on Kyiv, city official says attack repelled : worldnews
Russia to face Ukraine at UN court over downing of flight MH17 : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 468, Part 1 (Thread #609) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 06.06.2023 : ukraine

Russian forces destroy Kakhovka dam, triggering humanitarian disaster : worldnews
Before destroying the Kakhovka dam today, Russia reportedly raised the water level to a record 17.5 meters, leaving the gates closed. [infographic] : ukraine
Nova Kakhovka dam in Kherson region blown up by Russian forces
This is their fear. Russians were so terminally scared of the perspective of Ukraines landing operation in the Dnipros east bank that they adhered to the worst option possible. The Kakhovska Dam destruction is one of the biggest war crimes and acts of terror of our time.
The Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station has been completely destroyed and is beyond repair, according to the official statement
Footage from Kakhovka HPP: before and after the explosion.
Russia likely caused Europes largest man-made disaster in decades
World leaders condemn Russias destruction of Kakhovka dam, call it war crime
Military: Kakhovka dam explosion will not stop Ukraines counteroffensive
President's Office: At least 150 tons of motor oil released into Dnipro River after Kakhovka dam explosion : worldnews

Ukrainian army advances on Bakhmut front, capturing strategic heights
(4/4) Most of Wagners forces have now been withdrawn from Bakhmut. With Russia short of reserve units, the degree to which Wagner remains responsive to the MoD will be a key factor in the conflict over the coming weeks.
Russia says Ukraine has launched a full-scale offensive in Donetsk : worldnews

Ukraine will go head-to-head with Russia at the UNs top court on Tuesday to accuse its bitter foe of backing pro-Moscow rebels for years before last yeas full-scale invasion

Ukraine could lose 20% of winter grain crops if hot, dry weather persists : worldnews

Poland seeks UK air defense to stop Russian drones, spy balloons : worldnews

Driver in Finland fined 121,000 for speeding

The Hungarian economy will have to transition to an existence without EU funding

Breaking: Serbia backs ammunition shipments to Ukraine in westward pivot : ukraine

Dutch publish draft law for 15% minimum corporate tax charge : worldnews

Russian hackers raid British Airways and BBC in cyber attack : worldnews
Met police operation secretly monitors children online : worldnews
Gonorrhoea and syphilis sex infections reach record levels in England : worldnews

Brazils Lula lays out plan to halt Amazon deforestation, make country global reference on climate

Mexicos Zapatistas warn Chiapas is on the verge of civil war

Organized crime figure slain in daylight shooting in Montreals West Island

U.S. knew about Ukrainian plot to bomb Nord Stream pipeline months before attack - The Washington Post THE DISCORD LEAKS | The CIA learned last June, via a European spy agency, that a six-person team of Ukrainian special operations forces intended to sabotage the Russia-to-Germany natural gas project

Signs of de-dollarisation emerging, Wall Street giant JPMorgan says : anime_titties

Theres Never a Debt Ceiling for the Military-Industrial Complex

Goldman Sachs sees lower chance of recession | The Hill

Hard-right Republicans, still angry over debt ceiling, foil McCarthy on vote

During Pride month, journalists should be ashamed - Press Watch By Dan Froomkin ... "emboldened shoppers"

tough topics the media must not ignore in 2024 coverage (Republicans are evil x 6

Billionaire Harlan Crow's lawyer agrees to speak with Senate panel probing Clarence Thomas gifts - The letter comes after Crow repeatedly refused to comply with Senate Judiciary Democrats'request for information about his relationship with the Supreme Court justice. (they have no authority over me, he says)
Clarence Thomas Billionaire Benefactor Tied To SCOTUS Bombshellgutted wetland protections after lobbying by HarlanCrows business interests.
Do I have come right flat out and tell you everything? Bari Weiss might be a fourth-rate public intellectual, but she is an absolutely world-class grifter: But it was Weiss, more than anyone else, who was clearly the groups big draw. She brought in a half-million-dollar donation from Harlan Crow ... So Bari backed off of her Crow-funded reactionary non-profit because it wasnt anti-trans enough, but got herself a ten grand no-work job on the way out the door. Absolutely exquisite. Wherever theres someone complaining about WOKENESS, Bari will be there, clearing a healthy profit on the deal.

Report: Donald Trumps Lawyers Spent Monday Begging the DOJ Not to Indict Him: If the ex-presidents Truth Social meltdown is any indication, the appeal did not go well.
Trump melts down on Truth Social over reports that special counselwants to indict meLooks like someone has received some very bad news from his legal team, said MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang
Trump suggests he is about to be charged in Mar-a-Lago classified documents case : politics
Grand Jury in Florida Hints at Unknown Complexities in Trump Documents Inquiry - The New York Times Prosecutors have started calling witnesses to a federal grand jury in Miami after months in which activity in the investigation was centered on a separate grand jury in Washington.
Trump Special Counsel Summons Florida Witnesses in Classifed Documents Probe -- Trump attorneys met with Special Counsel Jack Smith at DOJ

Mark Meadows Testified to Grand Jury in Trump Special Counsel Investigation - The New York Times Mr. Meadows, the final White House chief of staff under Donald Trump, is seen as a potentially key witness in the documents and Jan. 6 inquiries.

Federal prosecutors think a flooded server room at Mar-a-Lago containing surveillance footage is suspicious
Mar-a-Lago pool flood raises suspicions among prosecutors in Trump classified documents case : politics ... How do you flood a server room by draining the pool.. accidentally?
Of Course a Mar-a-Lago Worker Drained the Pool Into Room Where Surveillance Video Was Kept : politics

The Georgia Trump election investigation keeps getting bigger : politics

Right-wing review of Capitol riot footage isnt exonerating the rioters

FBI had reviewed, closed inquiry into Biden claims at center of Hill fight - The Washington Post Republican lawmaker James Comer said he will still seek to hold the FBI director in contempt of Congress after viewing document in question

Pence Files Bid to Get Humiliated by Trump Again : politics

Why Ever Could It Be That Joe Biden Doesnt Want to Debate RFK Jr. and Marianne Williamson? | Of course Democrats wont put him on stage with a raving anti-vaxxer and the Woo-Woo Queen of the Fields of Love.

When Did the F*ck Your Feelings Crowd Get So Triggered?
Republican 2024 candidates are selling cruelty, not competence Nikki Haleys CNN town hall was the latest forum to pitch potential primary voters on the GOP's only product: grievance.
62 percent say Trump should not be allowed to serve again if convicted of 'serious' crime: survey (38% say they love crooked republicans)

Fox News Jesse Watters claims the FBI installed Joe Biden as president as an intelligence op after blackmailing him for a decade

Newsom slams DeSantis over migrant drop-off: You small, pathetic man
Newsom threatens DeSantis with kidnapping charges after migrants flown to Sacramento : politics
Newsoms feud with DeSantis turns ugly
Florida Confirms DeSantis Administration Arranged Migrant Flights to California - The New York Times A spokeswoman for the Florida Division of Emergency Management said that the migrants relocation to Sacramento had been voluntary ... officials in Florida confirmed on Tuesday that the administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis had orchestrated two recent charter flights that carried groups of migrants from New Mexico to Sacramento.

Texas sheriff files criminal case over DeSantis flights to Marthas VineyardSheriff recommends charges over flights arranged by Florida governor to deport 49 South American migrants to wealthy town
Texas sheriff recommends criminal charges over flights to Marthas Vineyard
Ron DeSantis Says Woke Seven Times in 26 Seconds in Wildly Out of Touch Remarks : politics
Heres What It Means to Be Anti-Woke: Youre Pro-Bigot In very simple terms, the word "woke" means being aware of discrimination and social crises and wanting to repair them in order to make a more happy, loving, and egalitarian society
Republicans Urge Immigrants to Stay in Florida, Fearing New Laws Impact
Florida Republicans Admit They Made a Big Mistake With Anti-Immigrant Law: Republicans are trying to convince immigrants that the law was just to 'scare' people, nothing more.
250,000 Floridians Get Kicked Off Medicaid as DeSantis Rakes in Big Donor Cash : politics
Citing bigotry and irreparable harmjudge strikes down Florida transgender care ban
Judge who threw out Dont Say Gay challenge to decide DeSantis vs Disney lawsuit
Federal judge blocks Floridas ban on gender-affirming care for trans youth | Court order eviscerates DeSantis administrationsarguments: Dog whistles ought not be tolerated
Gender identity is real. Judge blocks Florida ban on transgender minor care in narrow ruling
Republican prosecutor declined to pursue cases similar to those brought by DeSantis election police
Showtime pulls Vice episode probing Ron Desantiss Guantanamo record despite campaign trail questions

Rep. Jim Jordan, GOP allies amplify scrutiny of top disinfo researchers - The Washington Post Rep. Jim Jordan is demanding emails and meetings with leading disinformation researchers, part of a flurry of records requests, subpoenas and lawsuits that academics say have become a means of harassment

Ted Cruz is citing the Bible and preaching on Twitter in defense of the LGBT community, and it's quite something

Republicans'abortion bans are nothing like those in Europe - Yes, even the 12-week ones.

Oregon is invested in Fox Corp. and is investigating its board over bogus election fraud claims : politics
Oregon breakaway effort is down to just 8 votes, deepening urban-rural divide The Greater Idaho movement aims to redraw Idahos map to include 14 conservative Oregon counties, but opponents say its only worsening political tensions.
Oregon House Republican Leader apologizes after son is pictured giving Nazi salute : politics

The heartbreaking reason Trump donor couple adopted daughter who died in Virginia plane crash aged 40 - Businessman John Rumpel says his daughter, grandchild and nanny were on board the Cessna Citation that crashed in Virginia

George Santos Ordered to Reveal the Names of Those Who Paid His $500,000 Bail : politics
Rep. George Santos says he'd rather forfeit his $500,000 bond and go to jail than out the people who guaranteed the money: court docs : politics
Judge grants request for George Santoss bond sponsors to be unsealed

"Protect the kids exposed as a lie after Tennessees drag ban gets knocked down by a Trump judge: The Tennessee drag decision shows even a Trump judge can see through the protect the kids lie

Maine election officials say No Labels may be misleading voters After receiving complaints, Maine's secretary of state is trying to make sure voters are aware they switched their registration to the centrist party.

Harvard affirmative action challenge partly based on Holocaust denier's work - Complaint draws heavily from 2012 article by Ron Unz, who publishes antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ+ and neo-Nazi screeds

The alt-right economy is failing. Heres the real performance of anti-woke entrepreneurs

When you speak Tucker Carlson Monologue rather than English

Say No to Religious Charter Schools

BREAKING: Southern Poverty Law Center Adds Parental Rights Groups to Hate Map

Elliot Page reveals chilling transphobic attack outside LA hotel: Im going to fucking gay bash you, fart

Missing people, buried bones at center of Oklahoma mystery - The Washington Post A high-stakes criminal investigation is a window into the often unseen threat of white-supremacist prison gangs

When extreme prosecutorial abuse collaborates with extreme police abuse

Calls growing for womans arrest after the fatal shooting of her neighbor inFlorida

Man Convicted of Nonviolent Crime Can Own Gun, U.S. Court Rules - The New York Times The decision, which national groups had been closely watching, was a potential setback to gun regulations spurred by a Supreme Court ruling last year that vastly expanded the right to bear arms.

Mass shooters who show signs of sexual frustration have more victims, on average, compared to other mass shooters, according to new research published in Homicide Studies : science

D.C.-area carjackings have soared. Heres where they're happening. - The number of carjackings in the D.C. region surged during the pandemic, baffling authorities and rattling communities

Who was that unmasked man? - Shorter Chris Licht: Now that my big mouth has revealed to all the world what a big ass I am, I must confess

US sues Binance and founder Zhao over web of deception
SEC sues Binance
Eschaton: Binance Long and a bit above my grade, but the politics angle is that FTX and Binance were pointing fingers at each other, saying, essentially, "no you're the bad actor," while desperately trying to buy influence to legalize their individual crime empires. Some of your faves are implicated! | SEC Charges Coinbase for Operating as an Unregistered Securities Exchange, Broker, and Clearing Agency Coinbase also charged for the unregistered offer and sale of securities in connection with its staking-as-a-service program.
Coinbase Is Facing a Life or Death Battle With the SEC - Revenue at risk could be over 50%, Oppenheimer analyst says Customers may be due restitution, ex-SEC official Stark says

Robert Kennedy Jr., With Musk, Pushes Right-Wing Ideas and Misinformation - The New York Times Mr. Kennedy, a long-shot Democratic presidential candidate with surprisingly high polling numbers, said he wanted to close the Mexican border and attributed the rise of mass shootings to pharmaceutical drugs. (Prozac)

Parchment Paper Makes Any Pan a Nonstick Pan

The rise of the no-wash movement

Boppy's recalled infant lounger is now linked to at least 10 deaths

Novocures lung cancer device extends survival in late-stage study ... which sends electric signals to kill cancer cells

Major Reddit communities will go dark to protest threat to third-party apps | App developers have said next month's changes to Reddits API pricing could make their apps unsustainable. Now, dozens of the site's biggest subreddits plan to go private for two days in protest.


Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin : worldnews

Australia's most decorated war veteran responsible for murder, says judge
Australian Mother Imprisoned 20 Years Freed Over Doubt She Killed Her 4 Children : worldnews

Russia buying back arms parts exported to Myanmar and India

Indonesia volcano draws thousands for ritual sacrifice : worldnews

Taiwan Strait: footage released of near miss between Chinese warship and US destroyer : worldnews
U.S. and China trade barbs at top security summit as Taiwan Strait tensions simmer : worldnews

In response to Taiwan Strait provocation, Chinas newly appointed defense minister said foreign militaries should mind your own business closer to home
Li Shangfu: War with US would be unbearable disaster, says China defence minister : worldnews
Finland, US eye 6G to reduce Chinese tech dependence : worldnews

Russian radio broadcasts panicked Putins address due to invasion by Armed Forces of Ukraine
Over 100 supporters of Putin critic Navalny detained in protests across Russia : worldnews

Wagner captures Russian commander as Prigozhin feud with army escalates : worldnews
Ukraine war: Wagner detains Russian officer over drunkattack

Russia says it sees no prospectsfor further grain deal renewal

Freedom of Russia Legion destroys Russian tanks in Belgorod Oblast using drones : worldnews
Ukraine has a network of sabotage agents in Russia and is sending them drone for attacks, report says : worldnews

Sherpa saves Malaysian climber in Everest death zone rescue |

A Confession Exposes India's Secret Hacking Industry - The country has developed a lucrative specialty: cyberattacks for hire.
Indian BSF personnel shoot down Pakistani drone carrying narcotics across Wagah-Attari border : worldnews
On Camera, Massive 4-Lane Bridge Falls Like A House Of Cards In Bihar : worldnews

Christian youth in Pakistan gets death sentence for sharing blasphemous content : worldnews

Senegal government cuts mobile internet access amid deadly rioting

Some 54 Ugandan peacekeepers died when militants besieged an African Union base in Somalia last week, in one of the worst recent attacks by Al-Shabaab jihadists in the war-torn country : worldnews

Saudi Arabia cuts oil output by 1 million barrels per day to boost sagging prices : worldnews
Saudi Arabia revives sports clubs privatisation plan ... breathing new life into a plan that forms part of an ambitious economic agenda to reduce reliance on oil. (yeah, that'll work)
Saudi Arabia warns Snapchat users that insulting regime is a criminal offense ... at least one Saudi Snapchat user, Manahel al-Otaibi, was arrested late last year after posting a picture privately on Snapchat that showed her not wearing an abaya, leading to charges that she was dressed indecently.

Contract proving Irans sale of ammunition to Russia leaked to media
U.S. says Iran fast-attack boats harassed ship in Strait of Hormuz

Egyptian authorities release details of border policeman that killed 3 Israelis

An Unwinnable War: Washington Needs an Endgame in Ukraine Washington Needs an Endgame in Ukraine
How the U.K. helped convince the U.S. and its allies to spend big to help Ukraine in its war with Russia : UkrainianConflict
Ukraine May Have Begun Counteroffensive, U.S. Official Says: Live Updates - The New York Times U.S. Officials See Signs of a Counteroffensive in Ukraine
Ukraines counter-offensive appears to have begun

Kyiv wants guarantees that Ukraine will accede to NATO soon after the war : worldnews
Ukraine doubles down on joining NATO very, very soon after war

Russia claims Ukraine is launching major attacks; Kyiv accuses Moscow of misinformation : worldnews
Ukraine posts ominous video saying nobody should be talking about its counteroffensive: Plans love silence

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 467, Part 1 (Thread #608) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 05.06.2023 : ukraine

PMC Wagner leader Prigozhin reports that the AFU captured an important part of Berkhivka, north of Bakhmut. Wagner forces left the area earlier and Russian Federation forces took over. Shortly after, they had to retreat behind the Berkhivka reservoir already.
(2/4) Russia is probably launching so many OWA-UAVs in an attempt to force Ukraine to fire stocks of valuable, advanced air defence missiles.
(4/4) Russia has also likely been attempting to locate and strike Ukrainian forces well behind the front line. However, Russia remains very ineffective at hitting such dynamic targets at range because of its poor targeting processes.

Ukraine: significant escalation in fighting reported in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia : worldnews

Prosecutor General: Russia has killed 485 Ukrainian children since start of all-out war : worldnews

Latvia provides Ukraine with 66 cars confiscated from drunk drivers : worldnews

Hundreds of people protested in Stockholm on Sunday against new anti-terror legislation that was passed to address Turkeys opposition to Sweden joining NATO

Scholz Goes Harsh on Pro-Russian Protesters Booing Him at Event : worldnews
Leipzig forbids fresh far-left demo after 2 nights of unrest: Police arrested nearly 30 people during the weekend protests, which followed the conviction of a left-wing activist for physically attacking neo-Nazis. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser condemned the pointless violence.

Bye, bye birdie: EU bids farewell to Twitter as company pulls out of code to fight disinformation

Police omitted folder called CIA from the computer of Spaniard who allegedly spied on Julian Assange
Morocco, Spain To Develop Repatriation Strategy for Unaccompanied Minors : worldnews

France legally bans short-haul flights where a train alternative of 2.5 hours or less exists : worldnews
France has passed a law that could earn influencers 2 years in prison : worldnews

Number of Young Britons Too Sick to Work Doubles in a Decade : worldnews

Colombias kidnapping business is booming again
Colombias cocaine hippo population is even bigger than scientists thought ... they thought there was about 98, but now believe there are somewhere between 185-215 ... All descended from 4 hippos >

Vigilantes in Haiti strike back at gangsters with brutal street justice : worldnews

Biden will at some point meet with Chinas Xi Jinping, top White House official says

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Has Made a Mockery of the Constitutional Right to Privacy : politics

Robert Hanssen, former FBI agent convicted of spying for Russia, dead at 79 - CBS News ... Three years after he was hired by the FBI, Hanssen approached the Soviets and began spying in 1979 for the KGB and its successor, the SVR. He stopped a few years later after his wife confronted him. He resumed spying in 1985, selling thousands of classified documents that compromised human sources and counterintelligence techniques and investigations in exchange for more than $1.4 million in cash, diamonds and foreign bank deposits.

A Spending Cap in Name Only : politics

The press cluelessly fan the flames of fascism They cant even call it what it is
Fox News Host: Why Try to Save Earth When Afterlife Is Real? : politics

The Supreme Court Is Corrupt Because Its Conservative
John Robertss dream of school re-segregation is fulfilled
Calvinball with footnote -- sa good long piece in the New Yorker on the Independent State Legislature Theory.

Trumps smoking gun recording gives Jack Smith all he needs
Trump lawyers ask DOJ not to charge Trump in classified documents case - The Washington Post High-stakes meeting included special counsel Jack Smith, who is leading probe of Trumps conduct, possible obstruction
Trump attorneys met at Justice Department for just under two hours - CBS News

I Think He's Toast: Watergate Prosecutor Says Trump Case Is Now 'So Strong' -- Jill Wine-Banks says the former presidents goose is about to be cooked

Exclusive: Mar-a-Lago pool flood raises suspicions among prosecutors in Trump classified documents case | CNN Politics

Ex-Trump adviser says Trump did enormous damage to country and GOP (Revoltin' Bolton)


Supreme Court will hear attempt to trademark Trump Too Small
Trump too small trademark clash to be decided by Supreme Court
Supreme Court will hear attempt to trademark Trump Too Small a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said in 2022 that prohibition on violating a person privacy was outweighed by Elsters First Amendment right to criticize public officials.

The Long Game: Oath Keepers Leader Stewart Rhodes Says Hes a Political Prisoner. Republicans Are Listening

The 2024 G.O.P. Field Balloons This Week, Adding 3 New Candidates | Chris Christie, Mike Pence and Doug Burgum are set to announce their presidential campaigns this week : politics
Trumps GOP skeptics worry as primary field grows
Cornel West, Progressive Scholar, Announces Third-Party Bid for President : politics
Cornel West pleased with how 2000 election turned out, hoping for a replay ... Like most vanity ratfuck campaigns, this will probably prove to be immaterial. But hundreds of thousands of people are dead all over the world because of the one exception, which of course West contemporaneously supported.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tests the conspiratorial appetite of Democrats - The Washington Post One of the most famous living descendants of the most famous American political dynasty shows early strength against Biden in polls
Ex-Twitter leader Jack Dorsey endorses RFK Jr. for president (the idiot who thought Muskrat would be good for Twitter)
Is our billionaires OK? (dumbass Dorsey-fuck)
Robert Kennedy Jr Keeps Dreaming Up New Ways To Disgrace Family Name - Wonkette
Robert Kennedy Jr. says he doesnt think Biden will compete in Iowa, New Hampshire
RFK Jr. Blames Anti-Depressants for School Shootings --- "Prior to the introduction of Prozac, we had almost none of these events in our country," Kennedy told Elon Musk

Really grim Dunning-Kruger stuff going on as the dumbest people in tech do their own research into long-standing jobs data
Max Hailperin on Twitter: "@_cingraham My first thought was: "Oh goody, all the instant epidemiologist who became instant elections experts have now become instant labor statisticians!"" / Twitter (David Sacks)

Gay marriage support in the US reaches its highest level ever (tied with 2022) -- at 71%. Among those aged 18-29, 89% support. : politics
Adam Lambert says "scared" and "confused" people at root of LGBTQ+ backlash : politics

Raskin knocks extreme element within GOP: That's the chaos caucus
'Woke' no longer means anything ... "cultural Marxism"
Woke Will Win ... means "anti-fascist" ...
The Great Realignment That Still Isnt Happening

The GOPs Authoritarian Acceleration Internal resistance to its anti-democratic turn has all but vanished.

Days after he was criticized for copying Trumps speech, Ron DeSantis rolled up to an Iowa campaign event with a speech uncannily similar to the one Winston Churchill gave during World War II
Disney welcomes Gay Days in Florida as the feud with DeSantis rages on : politics
Disney-DeSantis Lawsuit Transferred From Obama Judge to Trump Appointee : politics
Florida freakishness: why the sunshine state might have lost its appeal
Sex Offenders Who Voted in GOP Florida County Not Prosecuted: Report
DeSantis signs into law industry-backed bill allowing Florida landlords to charge junk fees instead of security deposits ... allows landlords in Florida to charge tenants a nonrefundable, limitless, recurring fee in lieu of a security deposit,

Conservatives, If You Want To Ban Woke Materials In Schools Shouldnt You At Least Read Them First?

Nikki Haley Blames Teen Suicides on Trans Kids in Locker Rooms : politics

Axelrod: Manchin is dead man walkingin West Virginia ... where the senior senator finds himself far behind in the polls ahead of the 2024 election.

Universal school breakfast and lunch program passes Nevada Assembly : politics

California probing whether Florida sent migrant flight to Sacramento : politics
California attorney general says Florida responsible for flying migrants to Sacramento : politics
How California, land of Nixon and Reagan, turned blue and changed American politics : politics ... no Democrat between LBJ and Clinton won California ... He (Reagan) was also the first modern day president to have dementia in the White House which required covering up.

Colleagues want a 95-year-old judge to retire. Shes suing them instead ... She denies that she ever had a heart attack and says she is not conferring with ghosts of past judges.

The Real Reason Republicans Want to Give Tax Breaks for EmbryosWisconsin lawmakers are trying to clarify the states 1849 abortion ban in a bid to make the wildly unpopular and anachronistic law palatable to modern voters

From Coy to Goy - How America's far right found its anti-Semitic voice and figured out its true identity

Targets political donations to Republicans backfired

Millennials Will Not Age Into Voting Like Boomers : politics

Eschaton: Seamless How do people get labeled as "free speech advocates" when they are banning books and restrictng what happens in schools and universities? How do we shift from "censorius lefties are demanding the n-word be removed from your favorite 1920s children's book" to "ban everything with gay people in it" without missing a beat? - This isn't about "hypocrisy" which is a separate concept. It is about reporters typing up the agendas-as-claimed instead of the agendas as they obviously are. It is about laundering bullshit through our heroic journalists who are always eager to do it.

Oklahoma Approves First Religious Charter School in the U.S. - The New York Times The approval of the school, which would offer online, Roman Catholic instruction funded by taxpayers, is almost certain to tee off a legal battle ... The relatively obscure board is made up of appointees by Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republican who supports religious charter schools, and leaders of the Republican-controlled State Legislature. (Fucklahoma's theocracy)

The union representing the companys newsroom employees criticized the C.E.O. for cutting jobs and hurting local journalism.

CNN lost trust over COVID coverage, internal report found | Semafor (among their target audience, refucklicans)
Eschaton: Wow The People Who Hate CNN Hate It For The Reasons Conservatives Hate It Gotta cater to the people who hate us most.

Twitter's U.S. Ad Sales Plunge 59% as Woes Continue - In internal forecasts, the company projected that ad sales would keep declining, handing a tough challenge to its new chief executive.
Twitter Admits in Court Filing: Elon Musk Is Simply Wrong About Government Interference At Twitter | Techdirt ... Twitters filing is like a beat-by-beat debunking of the conspiracy theories pushed by the dude who owns Twitter. Its really quite incredible ... Basically, Twitters own lawyers are admitting in a court filing that the guy who owns their company is spewing utter nonsense about what the Twitter Files revealed.

Jobs for Teens Will Be Plentiful This Summer, Experts Say - The New York Times Amusement parks, restaurants, pools and other entertainment spots will need workers.

Oregons voter-initiated gun laws head to trial this week ... Measure 114 bans future purchases of magazines that can carry more than 10 rounds of ammunition. It also requires those wishing to buy a firearm to get a permit first. Permits will require applicants to complete a safety class and a federal background check.Oregon voters passed the measure in November, with just 50.6% of the vote.

CDC Report Recognizes Police-Perpetrated Killing as Major Cause of Violent Death : politics

The first five months of 2023 have produced an encouraging overall trend for the first time in years.

How did patriarchy actually begin? - BBC Future For centuries, people have held mistaken assumptions about the origins of male-dominated societies, writes Angela Saini ... inter-generational family relationships in primates are consistently organised through mothers, not fathers ... Thousands of years later, in cities like ancient Athens, entire cultures had developed around misogynistic myths that women were weak, not to be trusted, and best confined to the home ... The first clear signs of women being treated categorically differently from men appear much later, in the first states in ancient Mesopotamia ... war ... history points instead to patriarchy beginning with those in power in the first states ... The lasting psychological damage of the patriarchal state was to make its gendered order appear normal, even natural, in the same way that class and racial oppression have historically been framed as natural by those in power.

A study shows how the psychedelic drugs LSD and psilocin act. The findings suggest that these psychedelics exert antidepressant effects by binding neuroplasticity-promoting receptors in the brain. The study, say authors, is further evidence that non-hallucinogenic psychedelics could be developed. : science

TIL that the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud suggested that addictions, including tobacco, were substitutes for masturbation. : todayilearned

Ancient species Homo naledi may have buried its dead, sparking debate - The Washington Post Controversial evidence suggests that our relative Homo naledi was capable of complex behavior despite its much smaller brain

States in America where gay marriage was legal 15 years ago : massachusetts

My niece who has never left Boston is moving to Mississippi : boston was the front page of the internet, then they went all in on version 4 and caused migration boom to reddit. : videos


The Upper Atmosphere Is Cooling, Prompting New Climate Concerns : worldnews

Worlds first and only all-white panda captured in Chinas Wolong Nature Reserve

More than 70% of US household COVID spread started with a child. Once US schools reopened in fall 2020, children contributed more to inferred within-household transmission when they were in school, and less during summer and winter breaks, a pattern consistent for 2 consecutive school years : science

mpox vaccination summer surge : Shots - Health News : NPR

More people than ever are looking for a flatmate, with more 55+ people searching in Australia : worldnews

South Korea wants to use foreign women as underpaid domestic servants : worldnews

Taiwan urges China to embrace democracy ahead of Tiananmen anniversary : worldnews

China defends buzzing American warship in Taiwan Strait, accuses US of provoking Beijing : worldnews ... china about to claim some islands in lake michigan belongs to ancient chinese fishermen.
China warns NATO-like alliances could lead to conflict in Asia-Pacific
US must stand strong in face of unbelievable aggression from China : Turner - The intel chair also talked Ukraine and the source of recent attacks in Russia
The Great Rivalry?Every argument that the US is in danger of losing out to China, that the US needs more weapons to deter China, that the US cant afford to help arm Ukraine, and many others, should be required to begin with these two graphs.
China accuses US of provocation after near collision of warships ... We recklessly almost ram your ship so its your fault ... I wonder what Chinese moment in history occurred, oh about 34 years ago, that they would want to distract the world from.

On this day : pics
On this day 34 years ago nothing happened - China
Tiananmen square massacre : pics

China tightens security on 34th anniversary of Tiananmen protest : worldnews
Tiananmen Square: Hong Kong police make arrests on anniversary of massacre : worldnews
China rejects US economic sanctions over fentanyl crisis: They are trying to blame usfor their own problems ... China throwing more tantrums because people wont let them do illegal activities.

Vladimir Putin was never the Soviet super spy hed like us to believe. He was merely a KGB 'errand boy' report says
Vladimir Putins Long Shadow (by CBC)
Men in Russia to be registered for military service without appearing in military registration and enlistment office : worldnews

Spymania grips Russian security services amid sharp rise in treason cases
(3/5) In recent days, Russian National Guard troops arrested a 22 year old man in Volkhov near St Petersburg for displaying which was eventually determined to be the blue and yellow flag of Russias own Aerospace Forces.

Russian wineries maintain production despite EU sanctions : worldnews

Russias Rupee trap is adding to $147 billion hoard abroad

Air defense is already operating in Bilhorod today. The incursion continues as Russian Forces still havent regained control over areas taken over by the Russian Volunteer Corps and The Freedom Of Russia Legion.
BELGOROD PEOPLES REPUBLIC IS EXPANDING Min 4 towns have come under the control of the RDK and the Legion of Free Russia The Kremlin does NOT control these territories There are battles for Moore, Nekhotevka, Zibrovka, Arkhangelsk, Novaya Tavolzhanka, Shchebekino, Rzhevka, Nezhgolsk and Voznesenovka
Ukraine shelling continues in Russias Belgorod as thousands relocated
Polish Volunteer Corps reports that it participates in raids in Russia together with RDC : worldnews
Frightening: thousands of Russians flee shelling to Belgorod (
Russian Volunteer Corps and Freedom of Russia Legion report capture of Russian regular army soldiers in Belgorod Oblast, call governor for meeting : worldnews

Deadliest Season: 17 Deaths Reported in Mount Everest, Officials Blame Climate Change : worldnews

Indian railways official says error in signaling system led to crash that killed over 300 people : worldnews

Pakistans inflation soars to record 38%, surpassing Sri Lankas

Nearly 80 school girls poisoned and hospitalized in Afghanistan : worldnews

As anti-gay sentiment grows, more LGBTQ+ people seek to flee Uganda : worldnews

Senior Cleric Claims Religion In Iran Weak, 50,000 Mosques Closed : worldnews ... A survey in 2020 had discovered that only 40% of Iranians are actually muslims.
Irans census claims 99.5% of its population is Muslim. Our survey reveals the truthThere has been a dramatic secularisation in Iranian society. Only 40% of citizens identify as Muslim, and only 32% explicitly identify as Shia, shows a survey.

Netanyahus New Media Adviser Called Biden 'Unfit,' Echoed Trumps Voter Fraud Claims - Gilad Zwick has criticized the U.S. president and the validity of the 2020 elections, claiming he isslowly but surely ruining America and referring to him as Supreme Leader Biden

NATO-trained units will serve as tip of spear in Ukraines counteroffensive
Ukraine says inspections found nearly a quarter of its air-raid shelters locked or unusable : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 466, Part 1 (Thread #607) : worldnews

Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut suffer 7.5 times fewer casualties than RussiansUkraines National Defence and Security Council Secretary

The Russian occupied left bank of the Kherson region is also being hit hard at this moment.
Explosions in Melitopol!

Ukraine war: Twenty injured after Russian strike on Dnipro : worldnews

A Ukrainian drone maker said theyre building drones that can carry out surprise attacks to target Russia's very expensive equipment

Russia Closes Mission in Lappeenranta & Revokes Finnish Consulates Authorisation

Interpol-wanted Angel Hristov returns to Bulgaria incognito, dies of heart attack : worldnews

Tens of thousands gathered on Saturday for the fifth anti-government protest this month in Belgrade after two back-to-back shootings that killed 18 people, half of them children. The "Serbia against violence" protests are some of the largest rallies since the fall of Slobodan Milosevic : worldnews

Kosovo Tactical Game Is A Strategic Blunder, Security Expert Charles Kupchan Warns Amid Balkan Violence

Slovakia risks succumbing to Russian disinformation, president warns : worldnews

Ukrainians expect immediate response from Hungarian government over map of Ukraine without Crimea in propaganda video : worldnews

NATO does not challenge Russias security, but Russian imperialism -- Estonian Prime Minister

Warsaw City Hall: Half a million people turn out to protest Polands right-wing government
Lecture on Holocaust in Poland canceled after far-right lawmaker storms podium : worldnews

Hungarian government publishes new propaganda video, now showing Crimea as part of Ukraine : worldnews

Germany to send two warships to Indo-Pacific in 2024 amid South China Sea tensions : worldnews
German Chancellor rebukes critics opposed to supplying weapons to Ukraine : worldnews
Germany: Police break up banned far-left protest in Leipzig. Left-wing protesters wanted to gather to protest a jail term given to a woman for attacking neo-Nazis. Despite court bans, police first tried to accommodate the protest, but broke it up when officers came under attack : worldnews
Far-left protesters clash with police in Germany over jail term for woman who attacked neo-Nazis

4 people died after a boat sank on a picturesque lake. All of the passengers had connections to Israeli and Italian intelligence. : worldnews

Switzerland has highest proportion of people not identifying as male or female : worldnews

Le Pens far right served as mouthpiece for the Kremlin, says French parliamentary report

Humza Yousaf: There's never been a more important time for Scottish independence ... The sheer irony of a Pakistani leading Scotland in a referendum to separate from a UK led by an Indian. Its poetic.

Home Office faces legal claims over seizure of asylum seekers phones
One-legged British crime boss jailed after five years on the run : worldnews

Google Evacuates Mexico City Offices After Reported Bomb Threat : worldnews

Halifax-area wildfire 85% contained and not expected to spread, officials say : worldnews

AI eliminated nearly 4,000 jobs in May, report says : technology

When 3 Men Richer Than 165 Million People, Sanders Says Working Class Must Come Together

Extreme gerrymandering and the purpose of elections

Inside the Complicated Reality of Being America's Oldest President - President Biden is asking voters to keep him in the White House until age 86, renewing attention to an issue that polls show troubles most Americans.
On the one hand, the carpet in the living room should probably be replaced ... Thats a metaphor for this long, fundamentally perverse and bizarre NYT thumbsucker by Peter Baker et. al., about whether Joe Biden is too old to be re-elected president ... The insidious effect of this kind of journalism is that, once again, it normalizes Trump, and Trumps attempt to regain the presidency, by simply ignoring everything that is actually relevant to that development, in order to focus on what is, under these circumstances, the incredibly trivial question of Bidens age. (sick fucking newspaper)

Unresponsive small plane over Washington causes military jet to scramble, later crashes in Virginia | AP News

White House Says Claim Tara Reades Life Was at Risk by US Government Absolutely False
GOP presidential candidate calls for "major concessions" to Putin : UkrainianConflict

Grand jury in Trump classified documents case expected to meet this coming week after hiatus : politics
Comey: Trump could be wearing an ankle bracelet while accepting GOP nomination

Trump slammed for congratulating Kim Jong-un - with awkward spelling error - Taking our country back from Joe Biden does not start with congratulating North Koreas murderous dictator

Why Steve Bannon May Still Go Down for a Pardoned Crime : politics

Greene flips on public release of Jan. 6 tapes, claims it could put the security of the Capitol at risk

Advocates say Pride celebrations are even more important this year as attacks on the LGBTQ community intensify. It's terrifying

DeSantis defines woke as a war on the truth after Trump said people can't define it ... His own lawyers and aides have previously defined 'woke' as: the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them
Fear and hostility: DeSantis legislation prompts Florida cities to cancel, restrict Pride events
Florida congressman shouts f*** Ron DeSantis on stage at Paramore concert
Florida taxpayers pick up bill for Ron DeSantiss culture war lawsuits
Transgender adults in Florida blindsided that new law also limits their access to health care ... So, Florida sneaked in language to restrict adult gender based care by claiming they were protecting kids from it? How Republican of them.

Tennessee Republicans go too far for Trump judge

Texas Is Silencing the Will of Millions of Voters : politics

Woo-woo New Age girlboss less spiritual with staffers ... s staff of about two dozenhave already left the campaign in the last three months since her launch, and one said the list of abusive behaviors from her is so upsetting that yelling is almost the least fatal for her ... I suppose the Jacobin endorsement made this inevitable.

Gavin Newsom warns California schools that ban books will answer to the Attorney General : politics
California is investigating after a private jet carrying migrants arrived in Sacramento, officials say | CNN
Gov. Gavin Newsom investigating after migrants from Texas left in front of California church without warning
16 migrants flown to California on chartered jet and left outside church: Immoral and disgusting ... "purporting to be from the government of the state of Florida." (DeathSantis refuckery)

Eschaton: Free Spech Discourse Summed up succinctly if inadvertently. -- She [Noem] wants the public colleges, which collectively enroll more than 33,600 students, to enact rules fortifying free speech while also banning drag performances on their campuses and references to preferred pronouns.

Pennsylvania Could Become the First State to Pass Universal Parental Leave : politics

Both sidesism without even the second side ... This column is indeed an excellent window into the actual support Republican elites have for American democracy, albeit in a quite different way than it intended. (WaPo publishes this shit)

Youth pastor accused of filming girls in shower at SC church : news ... Why do these guys all look like 1934 Brownshirts?

A Brooklyn Neighborhood Went 5 Days Without the Police - The New York Times What Happened When a Brooklyn Neighborhood Policed Itself for Five Days - On a two-block stretch of Brownsville in April, the police stepped aside and let residents respond to 911 calls. It was a bold experiment that some believe could redefine law-enforcement in New York City.

Traffic cop sues city over get-out-of-jail-free cards for NYPD friends and family

Its like watching a snuff film: Media elites shocked by The Atlantics surgical dismantling of CNN boss Chris Licht
Eschaton: Gotta Get More Republican -- People think this piece by longtime conservative journalist Tim Alberta about CNN is scathing, but really it just misses the point that Licht was told to "make it more right wing" and there's no way to implement that without going full Fox. There's already a Fox and also Newsmax. The belief that CNN (Communist News Network) was alienating Real America by being too left wing was always ridiculous, but that hasn't stopped it being a constant belief not just of right wing operatives (like Alberta, who even as he is "scathing" of the current leadership also basically agrees with its given task), but of all those political journalists who never watch either but who believe, because their friends tell them, that "Fox is a bit right wing just like CNN is a bit left wing, The Same."

Chuck Todd to leave NBCs Meet the Press; Welker will become host

Inside Snopes: the rise, fall and rebirth of an internet icon Americas premier fact-checking site was failed by the two men who had charge of it, critics say. As Snopes turns a corner, heres the tale of what went so rightand so wrong.

Glurge - TV Tropes Glurge is the catch-all term forinspirational tales which purport to offer uplifting and timeless truths, but for various reasons they carry Unfortunate Implications ...
The Co-Founder Of Snopes Wrote Dozens Of Plagiarized Articles For The Fact-Checking Site

HOw to Make Someone Else Feel Heard -- It's about more than listening.

Was Mass Hysteria Behind a Mysterious Middle School Fainting Epidemic? The students were hundreds of miles apart. Drugs were blamed at first. But now, researchers believe the truth was far stranger: It was likely one of the first cases of mass hysteria spreading online.

Can humans ever understand how animals think? | Animals | The Guardian A flood of new research is overturning old assumptions about what animal minds are and arent capable ofand changing how we think about our own species

Qubits 30 meters apart used to confirm Einstein was wrong about quantum : technology

What is something that is way less dangerous than people think it is? : AskReddit

Whats the saddest song youve ever heard?

Dont Let Reddit Kill 3rd Party Apps!


Change in Antarctic ice shelf area from 2009 to 2019 : science

Scientists Successfully Transmit Space-Based Solar Power to Earth for the First Time : worldnews

The world should see the first draft of a highly anticipated and much needed international treaty to combat plastic pollution by the end of November, 175 nations gathered in Paris decided Monday after five days of gruelling talks : worldnews
Plastic pollution: Key step toward landmark treaty to end plastic waste : worldnews

Black Sea urchins have disappeared from the Gulf of Aqaba. Their loss could kill off an entire coral reef. : worldnews

US deal could plug Turkmenistans colossal methane emissions

Chile says recent mass seabird death not due to avian flu: Some 3,500 Guanay cormorants have been found dead since May 26 near the coastal port of Coquimbo : worldnews

Experts warn bird flu virus changing rapidly in largest ever outbreak : worldnews

Japan, U.S., South Korea to launch system to share North Korea missile info : worldnews

S. Koreas household debt to GDP at highest level among 34 economies

North Korea elected to World Health Organization executive board : worldnews

Chinese warship nearly hits U.S. destroyer in Taiwan Strait during joint Canada-U.S. mission : worldnews
US, Taiwan sign trade deal over Chinas opposition
Taiwan war would be devastating, warns US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as he criticizes China at Shangri-La security summit | CNN

CIA chief made secret trip to China amid tensions: US official : worldnews
China objects to NATO labelling it a threat (threatens "severe" repercussions)

Putins family owns lavish mansions in Moscow and France and has spent millions refurbishing them, leaks say

Wagner boss says Russian forces laid mines to harm his fighters : worldnews

These U.S. companies are still doing business in Russia : worldnews ... Koch Industries ...

Christiaan @trbrtc describes how he tracked ships that were spoofingtheir true location as they secretly moved Russian oil to China, partly by finding the Instagram posts of bored seafarers!

Russia deployed its feared thermobaric missile launcher on its own territory to repel an attack by insurgents, UK intel says : worldnews
Ukraine Situation Report: Long-Range Strike Hits Russian-Held Port City On Sea Of Azov : worldnews

Despite Kremlin claims to have ejected the Liberty of Russia Legion from Belgorod Oblast in Russia, the legion claims to still be there, and fighting. They offer to open an evacuation corridor for Russian civilians into Ukraine. (Legion Telegram post from 0855, June 3)
On June 2, Russian insurgents intensified operations in Russia's Belgorod Oblast, employing strategic tactics to draw Russian forces, engaging in heavy fighting, and imitating a large-scale attack while preparing for a referendum

Belarus LukashenkoThe only mistake we made was not finishing off Ukraine with Russia in 2014

India Train Crash: Up to 260 Dead and 900 Injured in Odisha - The New York Times The rail disaster, in the eastern state of Odisha, was among the deadliest in a nation with a history of rail safety problems.
At least 261 dead in Indias worst train accident in over two decades
At least 120 dead, 800 injured in train accident in Odisha, India : worldnews
India Cuts Periodic Table and Evolution from School Textbooks : worldnews

Imran Khans political games leave him isolated as Pakistan army destroys party

Saudi woman sentenced to 30 years over tweets, as crackdown deepens : worldnews

Two IDF soldiers shot dead in Egypt border guard post; gunman killed in later clash : worldnews
Twitter user discovers strange anti-Ukrainian ad on Israeli Facebook : worldnews

Zelenskiy says Ukraine ready to launch counteroffensive : worldnews
US Secretary of State Blinken said peace talks shouldnt happen in Ukraine until Kyiv is strong enough to do it themselves
Blinken says no Ukraine cease-fire without a peace deal that includes Russias withdrawal
Zelensky Responds to Donald Trumps Plan to Stop War in 24 Hours
Ukraine Gets The F16s : ukraine
The first visual confirmation of a Ukrainian Su-24 holding two Storm Shadow missiles
To liberate territory, Ukraine must smash fortified Russian defenses : worldnews

Moscow loses a cultural battle as DegasRussian dancers recognized as Ukrainian

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 465, Part 1 (Thread #606) : worldnews

Ukrainian army personnel recreate "Naatu Naatu" from RRR is the best thing on the internet. : ukraine

Losses of the russian army as of 03.06.2023 : ukraine

Bakhmut continues to drain Russias depleted resources in #Ukraine. To replace Wagner mercenaries & in order to hold the decimated town, Russias deployed its heavily weakened airborne forces - considered some of its best troops
Russians reportedly destroyed the second apartment building with the mural depicting a family in Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast

2/ Ukrainian sources warned that Russian forces may be preparing a provocation at the Armyansk Chemical Plant in occupied #Crimea.

Russia used "starvation tactics" against Ukraine civilians, investigators claim in new war crime allegation : worldnews

Greenland unveils draft constitution in push for complete independence from Danish control | PBS NewsHour : worldnews

PM Viktor Orban receives Russian Order of Glory and Honour

Conviction of two Serbian spy chiefs brings major Balkan war trials to a close: After 30 years, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia concluded its final case and determined that Belgrade was accountable for spearheading a criminal ethnic cleansing enterprise : worldnews

Bulgaria: March Against President Radev and Russias Influence in Bulgaria Takes Place in Sofia

Scholz Defends Ukraine Aid When Protesters Disrupt His Speech At Party Gathering : UkrainianConflict
Must see: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reacts to protestors calling him a warmonger (English subtitles) : UkrainianConflict

German foreign minister: International law is clear regarding need to arrest war criminals. and called on South Africa to adhere to it if Russian dictator Vladimir Putin attended the upcoming BRICS summit, Zeit reported on June 2.

Belgian energy consumption fully covered by wind and sun for first time ever : worldnews

Swiss parliament blocks German, Dutch, Danish plan to supply over 100 tanks to Ukraine : worldnews
Swiss capital city wants to test controlled sale of cocaine : worldnews

French parliament report points to far-rights special ties with Russia

Much easier to say no: Irish town unites in smartphone ban for young children

More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand : worldnews ... Hey guys I'm starting to see a pattern here between Russia and the far right.

Rastafari gain sacramental rights to marijuana in Antigua and Barbuda, celebrate freedom of worship : worldnews

Haitian Businessman Gets Life Sentence in Assassination of Haitis President: Despite cooperating with prosecutors, Rodolphe Jaar was given the maximum term by a judge in Miami, the first sentence handed down in what the authorities say was a sprawling plot

US says more nuclear arms not needed to deter Russia, China : worldnews

Navy removes Pride Month posts from Instagram, Twitter accounts : politics

To Save US Democracy, Tax the Rich at 90% : politics

Biden delivers Oval Office speech on bipartisan debt ceiling deal : politics
Biden addresses nation after avoiding catastrophic default: 'The stakes could not have been higher

Everything is coming up Biden The presidents had a string of recent wins. So why do his numbers suck?

Secret Service agents didnt see an intruder get into a Biden officials home because they were distracted on their cellphones
Secret Service implements tougher penalties after probe finds agents were on phones and missed intruder at national security advisershome

The Republican Obsession With Work Requirements Is Telling ... Why? The obvious answer is that work requirements are an effective way to cut programs without actually cutting them. With a little extra paperwork and another layer of bureaucracy, states can keep thousands of people who qualify from getting access to benefits.

Clarence Private JetThomas Is Getting People Killed Right-wing nuttiness has now been enshrined into the Constitution by Thomas and the five other extremist justices who signed onto his devastating ruling on guns.
This Is Not the End of the Supreme Court's War on Labor - With Glacier, eight justices sabotaged the most powerful weapon unions have: the strike ... By joining Barrett, Sotomayor and Kagan may have prevented the Thomas and Gorsuch opinion from gaining a plurality of justices

Former President Trump suggests NATO shouldbreak up

New evidence in Trump case bolsters two sets of charges : politics
Trump Lawyer's Notes Could Be a Key in the Classified Documents Inquiry - M. Evan Corcoran recorded recollections of his legal work last year for Donald Trump. The recording is now in the hands of prosecutors, unnerving some aides to the former president.

Lawyers Unable to Find Document Trump Discussed in Recorded Conversation
Classified document Trump admitted he had on tape is now missing, report says : politics
Trump attorneys havent found classified document former president referred to on tape following subpoena
Lawyers Unable to Find Document Trump Discussed in Recorded Conversation : politics
Uhhh, Trumps Team Cant Find the Classified Doc He Talked About on Tape | The DOJ issued subpoenas for a classified document Trump described in a 2021 recording. Theyve turned up nothing

Signs Are Pointing to Racketeering Charges in Georgia Trump Probe : politics

Trump reacts to report Pence wont face charges for classified documents: I'm at least as innocent as he is
Three useful revelations from Trumps Fox News lovefest

Roger Stone Caught On Camera Revealing How Hes Manipulated Trump For Decades

5 Takeaways From Ron DeSantiss First Campaign Trip
F-ck Ron DeSantis: Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost Shouts at Paramore Concert | The first Gen Z member of Congress joined the band Friday night to deliver a special message to the Florida governor
Leaked recording shows DeSantis supporters worried about abortion ban : politics

Heres whats going on with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxtons impeachment

Republicans Are the Real Soft-on-Crime Party : politics

North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony DeFillipo arrested over voting irregularities (MAGA crook but article doesn't mention he's a Republican)

N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez escaped legal peril once. Can he do it again? - The Washington Post A sprawling criminal probe has renewed scrutiny of the powerful Democrat, with attention on the woman he married in 2020 (got off once so he just did it again, but worse)

Librarians Sue Over Sarah Huckabee Sanders Book Ban for Kids
Arkansas librarians sue to block new law that could jail them over explicit books : politics
Pissed Librarians Come for Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kids Book Ban

Federal Judge rules Tennessee drag ban is unconstitutional : politics
Tennessee drag ban is unconstitutional, federal judge rules : politics ... writing that the measure was passed for the impermissible purpose of chilling constitutionally-protected speech

Bible removed from elementary and middle schools in Utah district : politics
Utah school district bans book that contains incest, genital mutilation, sex and drug use

The Proud Boys Came to Their School District. These Parents Fought Back. : politics

Zooey Zephyr tells The View why Republicans are attacking trans peopleand why they will fail

Iowa State Auditor Accuses Republicans Of Corrupt Attempt To Block His Investigations

Public berates Oregon Republicans for walkout during their own "accountability" hearing

Ohio Sec. of State LaRose admits move to make constitution harder to amend is 100% about abortion

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox cuts LGBTQ+ from Pride Month declaration ("Proud of Fascism Month)

Saticoy Elementary School Pride Assembly Protest Erupts in Violence

Fresh ideas from the party of family valuesCalifornia Republicans are thinking about reaching into their nostalgia file, which is good because they dont have to eat this month: ... Garvey ... Well, if he can get every woman he has ever fathered a child with while he was married to someone else to vote for him he has a shot HEY-YO. (I personally do not think this should be disqualifying, but when adultery matters and doesn't matter to the political press remains an eternal mystery, as John Edwards will tell you.)

Ohio Republicans Introduce Bill to Make Guns Tax-Free: In a nation drowning in mass shootings, Ohio Republicans want people to be able to buy guns like duty-free airport gifts. : politics

Ryan Busse was the former vice president of sales for Kimber America, a major gun manufacturer. Former Gun Company Executive Explains Roots of America's Gun Violence Epidemic

Man With Weapons, Swastika Flag, Found Dead After Friday Standoff With Police In West Humboldt Park - After hours of negotiations, police said they entered the building Friday evening to find the man deceased.

Escalated police stops of Black men are linguistically and psychologically distinct in their earliest moments : science

Amazon and Google fund anti-abortion lawmakers through complex shell game : technology

YouTube stops deleting false 2020 election claims : politics

Musks response to an anti-trans video sparks 24 hours of chaos at Twitterresulting in high-level departures from the company ... Twitter was roiled by an organized pressure campaign by conservative pundits seeking to promote a 95-minute anti-transgender video called What Is A Woman?
Elon Musk Personally Elevates Transphobic Video Originally Flagged as Hate Speech | The New Republic Every parent should watch this, said the man disowned by his trans daughter.
Elons promotion of anti-trans hate video causes another exodus
Elon Musk pledges to lobby for criminalizing healthcare interventions for transgender youth : politics
Elon Musk Calls to Imprison Therapists Helping Trans Kids | The New Republic The Twitter CEO suggested throwing the medical professionals in jail, shortly after vowing to lobby for the criminalization of gender-affirming care.

Auto dealers and the future of EVs

Churchill Downs to Cease Racing as It Investigates Deaths of Horses - The New York Times The track, the home of the Kentucky Derby, is moving races to another location while officials look into why 12 thoroughbreds have died at Churchill Downs in recent weeks.

ChatGPT took their jobs. Now they're dog walkers and HVAC techs. - The Washington Post Technology used to automate dirty and repetitive jobs. Now, artificial intelligence chatbots are coming after high-paid ones.

Falling Behind: The Growing Gap in Life Expectancy Between the United States and Other Countries, 1933 - 2021

Scientists discover mysterious cosmic threads in Milky Way : worldnews

Newly discovered stone tools drag dawn of Greek archaeology back by a quarter-million years : worldnews

The ancient patterns of migration

Mouse Paradise : CambridgeMA

What is the weirdest dream youve ever had?

What keyboard shortcut should everybody know? : AskReddit


A Compact Fusion Reactor Barely 3 Feet Across Has Hit a Huge Milestone : worldnews

5,000 New Species Identified at Site of Planned Deep-Sea Mine : worldnews

Insurers are fleeing states due to climate realities, not anti-woke bullies

World's wheat supply at risk of a dangerous shock due to heat and drought, study warns - New research outlines a worst-case scenario in which extreme weather hammers winter wheat crops in both the U.S. Midwest and Northeastern China in the same year.

World food prices fall to two-year low in May - UN food agency : worldnews

UN warns of new threat to global food security after Russia limits Ukraine grain shipments : worldnews

Using pig fat as green jet fuel will hurt planet, experts warn : worldnews

Long Covid: one in five patients still report symptoms after two years : worldnews

Top Chinese scientist concedes that coronavirus may have leaked from Wuhan lab : worldnews

Australias lowest paid workers get an 8.6 per cent pay boost
Australias lowest-paid workers to receive 5.75% increase in minimum wage

Palau says Chinese vessel slowed over undersea cable during incursion into waters : worldnews ... Palau, one of a handful of Pacific nations to recognize Taiwan rather than Beijing and an ally of the United States, has reported four unwanted incursions into its remote waters by Chinese research vessels since 2018.

Vietnamese noodle vendor jailed 5 years for mockingministers lavish dining

Japan vending machines to automatically offer free food if earthquake hits : worldnews

Taiwan rejects another truffle shipment from Europe for contamination - Focus Taiwan : worldnews
China will absolutely not rule out the use of force on Taiwan, defense minister says

Shopper dies, another left unconscious in brutal knife attack at Hong Kong mall before alleged assailant subdued : worldnews
A 10,000-meter pit was dug in China - and no one knows why : worldnews
CEO of Boeing on C919: Chinas airplane technology is still lagging behind US and Europe

Putin no longer has the money or the kit to sustain a high-tech modern war : UkrainianConflict
Russian Politician Breaks Ranks And Calls For Putin To Be Replaced Live On State TV : UkrainianConflict
Russian TV guest attacked for discussing nations weaknesses: Don't lie!

HOLY SHIT I cant belive Blinken actually said it out loud LMFAOOOO #RussiaIsCollapsing
US Secretary of State Blinken said Russia claimed it had the 2nd-best military in the world, but now many see Russias military as the 2nd-strongest in Ukraine
Anti-Kremlin rebels are back marauding inside Russia and triggering fears Putins forces can't defend the homeland
Russias own economic figures show a steep drop in industrial output amid a record labor shortage

The United States will not be providing telemetric information on launches of U.S. ICBMs and SLBMs to Russia : worldnews

Putin's chef confirms plans for Chatham Islands in cryptic email to Stuff

Anti-Putin partisans shell Russian town four miles from Ukraine border : worldnews
Russian Volunteers Eliminate Large Enemy Formation In Shebekino, Russia : UkrainianConflict
The Russian army has been looting the flats of the inhabitants of Shebekino in Belgorod : UkrainianConflict
UK intelligence: Russia faces dilemma to reinforce positions in Ukraine or within own borders : worldnews

Kremlin says NSA and Apple are behind clickless exploits hitting Kaspersky iPhones: Operation Triangulationstole mic recordings, photos, geolocation information

Fight not over: India rape survivor in fear as attackers jailed

Afghanistan Accepted Into Chinas Belt & Road Initiative

Switzerland convicts Liberian warlord in landmark case: A court in Switzerland has upheld a war crimes verdict for Alieu Kosiah, a former Liberian rebel commander. In a landmark ruling, he was also found guilty of crimes against humanity : worldnews

NATO presses Turkey to drop objections to Swedensmembership as summit looms

The Unthinkable: Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman Create Joint Naval Force : anime_titties

Star presenter Abdessamad Nacir sacked by Aljazeera because of a tweet : worldnews ... after he "Defended Moroccan women in a tweet in response to Algerian state media"

Iran increasing enriched uranium stocks, holding 23 times the limit, says nuclear watchdog : worldnews (Trumpster fuckup)

Hamas condemns Jerusalem Pride march, calls for confrontation : worldnews
Amnesty International board member denies Israels existence

Zelensky: Ukraines air defense able to shoot down any Russian missile type
Ukraines air defence destroys more than 30 Russian aerial targets above and around Kyiv
Russians attack Kyiv at night, using 15 missiles and 18 Shahed drones : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 464, Part 1 (Thread #605) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 02.06.2023 : ukraine

Well behind the frontline in southeastern #Ukraine, Ukrainian missiles have again hit the occupied city of Berdyansk. Looks like the port area targeted, which has large fuel containers & likely Russian ships. Ukraines hit the port before, sinking a large Russian transport ship.
Russians deliver explosives to chemical plant in Crimea, preparing for provocation : worldnews

Inside Europes Parliament of bullies

British PM Rishi Sunak says Ukraines rightful place is in NATO
Boris Johnson to give Covid inquiry unredacted WhatsApps : worldnews

Mexican police find 45 bags of human remains : worldnews

Meta launches tests blocking news for some Canadians on Facebook, Instagram : worldnews

Fort Liberty : Army More Than Half Done Scrubbing Confederate Names from Its Bases : The new name for Fort Bragg is a compromise between airborne and Special Forces, one source said.

Child Migrant Who Died in C.B.P. Custody Was Seen by Medical Staff 11 Times - The New York Times Initial findings in an internal investigation suggest the child was not provided with proper care. The acting head of the agency said changes to procedures had been made.

Jobs report May 2023: Payrolls rose 339,000 in May, much better than expected in resilient labor market

Senate passes debt limit bill with 63-36 vote, allowing U.S. to avoid default : politics
President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill well ahead of Mondays debt ceiling deadline, bringing an end to months of negotiations over paying the nations bills.
Biden is delivering on his most far-fetched pledge: Compromise

The Senate just passed a bill to block student-loan forgiveness and immediately end the payment pause : politics
Senate votes to repeal Bidens student loan forgiveness plan. White House warns Biden will veto

Opinion | The Supreme Court Has Earned a Little Contempt - The New York Times
Supreme Court Rules Companies Can Sue Striking Workers for 'Sabotage' and 'Destruction' and Misses Entire Point of Striking
The imperial Court -- Josh Chaffetz is very good on how the protesting-too-much of the reactionary wing on the Court reflects an extraordinary aggrandizement of power:

Recording of Trump Underscores Growing Evidence in Documents Case - The New York Times A conversation in which the former president is said to have acknowledged that he could not declassify a sensitive document could undercut a defense he has offered.
Recording reveals that Trump took a secret plan to attack Iran from the White House : politics
Paul Charlton: Trump would face charges under Espionage Act if he took classified military docs : politics
Trump attorneys havent found classified document former president referred to on tape following subpoena (Iran laughs)

Georgia probe of Trump broadens to activities in other states - The Washington Post

We Have To Bring Religion Back Into Our Country, Says Sexual Abuser Donald Trump ... amazing how evangelicals have almost a literal representation of the Antichrist in front of them and thats who they worship.

FBI to bring internal Biden-related document to Capitol Hill and brief House Oversight leaders | CNN Politics
Is James Comer Lying About His Biden Probe Sources? | The New Republic First it was four, then 10. So who knows? And naturally, hes not telling the committees Democrats anything.

Pride Month feels different as threats, fear of violence grows : politics
Eschaton: The Anti-Trans Alliance Just the weirdest group of people. Glinner, Meat addict, the Harry Potter Lady, the full reporting staff of the New York Times, various Nazis
Jordan Peterson: I think the gay community was a hell of a lot better off when they were oppressed by the heterosexual monogamists than when theyre allied with the trans activists

Team DeSantis Goes Full Anti-Vaxx to Attack Trump After He Spars With Angry Voter
Give me an eight! DeSantis must tout his constitutional advantage over Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greenes promise of Jan. 6 footage should make Dems giddy

Lauren Boebert Hated the Debt Ceiling Bill So Much She Missed the Vote | The Colorado representative didnt make time to vote against the bill she spent so much time criticizing.
Lauren Boebert refuses to explain her absence from debt ceiling vote : politics

GOP Senator Admits Republicans Dont Care if Accusations Against Joe Biden Are "Accurate"

Attorney General Ken Paxton is now suspended without pay after impeachment : politics

We were making Florida great: Orlando workers, businesses join statewide protest against Florida immigration law

Federal courts have issued desegregation orders for 32 school districts in Mississippi, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division says. : news

Davis District pulls Bible from elementaries, junior highs due to vulgarity or violence (Utah)
Davis District pulls Bible from elementaries, junior highs due to vulgarity or violence
After Bible, Book of Mormon now challenged in Davis School District : politics
School district bans Bible after indecent materials complaint. A parent submitted eight pages of passages in the Bible that showed it was inappropriate for kids ... There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. --Ezekiel 23:20
A Utah parent says the Bible contains porn and should be removed from school libraries. Heres their full challenge.

Inside the Christian legal campaign to get prayer back in schools A fight over prayer in schools in Bossier Parish, Louisiana, offers a glimpse into what more school districts around the country may face

In gun law push, Tennessee governors office memo says NRA prefers to round up mentally ill people

Logan Brown: Im a pregnant trans man and I do exist. No matter what anyone says, I am literally living proof

Journalists at countrys largest newspaper chain will walk off the job Hundreds of staffers at Gannett newspapers across seven states are protesting their company's leadership and job cuts

The far left and far right are equally antisemitic? A new study suggests otherwiseYoung, Catholic conservatives are far more likely to hold anti-Jewish views than progressives, study says

Elon Musks new Twitter pronoun rule invites bullying, LGBTQ groups sayThe tech billionaire said Thursday that he would allow Twitter users to freely misgender people on the social media site, including through pronoun usage.
Twitters head of trust and safety Ella Irwin has resigned and her Slack account is deactivated, according to sources
Twitters head of trust and safety says she has resigned

YouTube reverses misinformation policy to allow U.S. election denialism

Twitters attorneys call B.S. on ,,, the Twitter Files (Blabibbi)

The New York Times Elizabeth Holmes Profile Is Causing Drama in the Newsroom: What the Hell Happened Here?

AP obtains records shedding new light on Jeffrey Epsteins jail suicide and frantic aftermath
Noam Chomsky, Jeffrey Epstein: Who else met with the convicted sex offender?
He used people: Jeffrey Epstein scandal rolls on as new names emerge
Jeffrey Epstein Moved Money For Noam Chomsky, Paid Bard President Botstein $150,000, Report Says
Epsteins Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldmans Top Lawyer
Jeffrey EpsteinsDoe docket: Law&Crime breaks down more than 150 alleged victims, perps and witnesses in unsealing fight
CIA chief and ex-White House counsel among figures who met Epstein after his conviction, report says
Naming the names. Final batch of documents containing 'salacious' allegations related to

The curse of the Phillips sisters: As Bijous husband Danny Masterson is found guilty of rape, FEMAIL uncovers scandal-filled histories of the three siblings from brutal drug battles to Mackenzies 10-year incestuous affair with her FATHER ... The daughters of The Mamas & The Papas John Phillips have all had tragedies

Robert F Kennedy Jr says he has conversations with dead people

When the Neighbors Dont Share Your Vision (and That Vision Involves Transformers Statues)

Air Force AI drone killed operator in simulation

ChatGPT and the Classroom

Why is art? (Pablomatic) ... Sackler Senior Curator, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art

The New York Times launches a free, geo-targeted extreme weather newsletter | Nieman Journalism Lab

Multi-cancer blood test shows real promise in NHS study : worldnews

Cannabis Use Is Associated with Lower Risk of Fatty Liver Disease : science

Hampden country is INSANELY corrupt. : massachusetts


Seven of the nine thresholds that allow for human life on earth have already been crossed: A new report quantifies the climatic, natural and pollutant limits that ensure the safe and orderly maintenance of civilization : worldnews

Record breaking| Global renewables additions to jump by a third this year,to 440 GW: IEA

German fusion start-up wins initial funding for a revolutionary fusion energy machine known as a stellarator : worldnews

Genetically modified crops are good for the economy, the environment, and the poor. Without GM crops, the world would have needed 3.4% additional cropland to maintain 2019 global agricultural output. Bans on GM crops have limited the global gain from GM adoption to one-third of its potential. : science

Arizona announces limits on construction in Phoenix area as groundwater disappears : news

803 confirmed cases and 9 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

One in six people who had COVID-19 without first being vaccinated report still feeling health effects two years after the virus, according to Swiss research. 17% did not return to normal health and 18% reported covid-19 related symptoms after 24 months. : science

Decorated Australian war veteran unlawfully killed prisoners in Afghanistan, judge says : worldnews ... Proven allegations included that Roberts-Smith, the son of a judge, killed a prisoner who had a prosthetic leg by firing a machine gun into the mans back in 2009. He kept the mans prosthetic as a novelty beer drinking vessel.
Australian general says US warns war crime allegations could prevent work with Australias SAS
Bull-riding furore after young Aussie girl trampled at WA rodeo : worldnews

Myanmar court convicts journalist injured by army on 2nd charge, extending jail term to 13 years : worldnews

Philippine Coast Guard holds first-ever trilateral maritime exercise with US and Japan Coast Guards near Chinese-occupied Scarborough Shoal this week : worldnews

Plan to release Fukushima nuclear plant water into sea faces local opposition: "The sea is not a garbage dump" : worldnews
Japan PM orders $26 bln to be set aside for childcare, tad more than expected : worldnews

South Korea once again successfully conducted an interception test of a ballistic missile. : worldnews

North Korean leaders sister accuses US of gangster-like hypocrisy for criticizing her countrys failed launch of a military spy satellite

Taiwan, U.S. to sign first deal under new trade framework : worldnews

Chinas 11.6m graduates face a jobs market with no jobs
Albino giant panda in China shown on Wolong nature reserve video

Putin is terrified of being assassinated and is refusing to travel abroad after a drone attack near his luxury residence: reports : worldnews

Wagner Group chief appears to escalate Kremlin feud by sitting in front of Ukraines flag colors and praising the nations fighting spirit
1/4) On 27 May 2023, Russian opposition politician Boris Nadezhdin appeared on Russias NTV channel and called for a new president to be elected in 2024, in order to rebuild normal relations with Europe.
(2/4) Nadezhdin has been a vocal critic of the war since the invasion, but this is highly likely the first call for Putin to be replaced on Russian state-approved TV since it began.
(4/4) However, there is a realistic possibility that recent vitriolic rhetoric by nationalist figures such as Wagner Group owner Yevgeny Prigozhin is emboldening opposition figures to challenge taboo topics.

A series of chilling intercepted calls from russian soldiers : ukraine

Russian court paves the way for another trial of imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny that could keep him in prison for decades : worldnews

1/ Russia's missile defence system is supposed to be able to detect a football-sized object from 8,000 km away. However, corruption is said to have left it full of holes and the head of Russias Space Forces may now face prosecution, as a scandal at the Russian MOD deepens

Drones attack Russian oil refineries near major oil port, officials say : worldnews
Now we are near the border of our homeland. Very soon we will advance again into the territory of Russia - Legion Freedom of Russia
Russian Volunteer Corps and Freedom of Russia Legion announce breaking into Russia again : worldnews

Contaminated drugs, shredded papers: US FDA uncovers failures in India pharma factories : worldnews

At least 60 children die trapped in Khartoum orphanage amid Sudan conflict : worldnews

Jordans future king, Saudi bride to tie the knot in palace ceremony signaling continuity of rule

OPEC Excludes Bloomberg, Reuters and WSJ Reporters From Meeting : worldnews

Journalists who reported on Mahsa Aminis death stand trial in Iran
US sanctions Iranian officials accused of plotting assassinations abroad including against Bolton and Pompeo

Anti-government protesters are reclaiming the Israeli flag from the far-right : worldnews
3 detained for extreme anti-LGBTQ comments ahead of Jerusalem March : worldnews - The first suspect detained was a man in his 60s from near Jerusalem. He was detained on Wednesday night after writing social media posts encouraging people to murder participants in the march. At the end of his interrogation, the man, who denied that he intended to threaten or encourage harm, was sent to house arrest and was given a restraining order from Jerusalem for five days.
Jerusalem Sbarro pizza bombing victim dies after 22 years in coma : worldnews

Ukraine war takes new turn as shelling and drone strikes hit inside Russias border
Zelenskiy pleads for security guarantees for Ukraine and Moldova
Biden approves a new $300M military aid package for Ukraine : worldnews
Germany: Ukraine can launch attacks on Russian territory to defend itself : worldnews
White House: We are against strikes on Russian territory, but its up to Ukraine to decide
Russia attacks Kyiv with Iskander systems, killing people aged 33, 34 and 11 : worldnews
Ukraine war: Children die in new missile attack on Kyiv
The Ukrainian Air Force says it shot down all 7 Iskander-M (9M723) ballistic missiles and 3 Iskander-K (9M728) cruise missiles over night launched from Bryansk Oblast.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 463, Part 1 (Thread #604) : worldnews

Russia Lays Mines at Industrial Level Ahead of Ukrainian Counteroffensive
Armed Forces of Ukraine suspended advance on flanks, other tasks performed
1/ Ukrainian deception operations and recent border incursions are reportedly creating great tension among Russian forces on the front line in Ukraine. Russian troops are said to have been moved from Ukraine to guard the border in the Belgorod region.

Russia deports over 4,500 Ukrainian orphans and children deprived of parental care

Moscow does not have a veto against NATO enlargement, NATOs Stoltenberg says
NATO foreign ministers: Intensefocus on Ukraine support
Ukraines membership in NATO is currently impossible - German Foreign Minister
Macron says Putin has jolted NATO awake at security summit : worldnews

Hungary might not credibly fulfil tasks of EU Council presidency, MEPs say in critical resolution

Bulgarian Court denied Asylum to an opponent of Putin: There is No Danger for him in Russia

Authorities bust Lithuanian group accused of selling expired food; millions of products involved : worldnews

Huge win for privacy: Record fine against Facebook thanks to Max Schrems. Meta must pay 1.2 billion euros for violating the EU regulation GDPR. : technology
War crimes evidence erased by social media platforms : worldnews

Priceless painting looted by Nazis during World War II returns to Poland from Japan : worldnews

Dutch-Russian suspect accused of exporting microchips to Russia skipped court hearing, and may have fled to Russia with his family : worldnews

All passengers on boat that sank on Italy lake had worked for security or defense services | CNN : worldnews

Amazons main UK division pays no corporation tax for second year in a row

Brazilian president finally condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine : worldnews
Renewables deliver record-low fossil power in Brazil in February : worldnews
Brazils Indigenous people protest as lawmakers vote to limit their land rights

Argentina allows morning-after pill to be bought over counter : worldnews

"Narco sub" seized off Colombia as crew tries in vain to sink 5,300 pounds of cocaine : worldnews

Fungal Meningitis Outbreak In Mexico Kills 2 After Cosmetic Surgeries. Heres What We KnowAnd Symptoms And Treatment.

Unprecedented Nova Scotia wildfires expected to worsen, officials warn

SpaceXs Starlink wins Pentagon contract for satellite services to Ukraine

Biden-McCarthy debt ceiling bill passes the House and will head to the Senate : politics
The debt limit vote signals the beginning of the end for Kevin McCarthy : politics
Joe: Republicans screaming about debt ceiling now went along with Trump three times : politics
McCarthy says Biden stopped him from cutting Social Security and Medicare

Senate votes to overturn Bidens student loan relief programbut his loan forgiveness program faces its true test at the Supreme Court, which is expected to rule on a challenge to the plan this month.

Kaine introduces amendment to strip Manchin-backed pipeline from debt ceiling bill | The Hill
Rand Paul to force Senate vote on potential cuts to Social Security, Medicare : politics

What Happened to the Big, Bad Freedom Caucus? They Got Rolled, Thats What ... "Neo-Confederate Sedition Caucus"

Biden Has Had a Remarkable First Term. Why Is He So Unpopular, Even With Democrats? : politics
Biden Proclaims June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Denounces Oppression : politics
Pentagon cancels drag show at Air Force base as Pride Month begins : politics

Noncompete agreements violate US labor law, official says : politics

Theres Unsettling New Evidence About William Rehnquists Views on Segregation (racist fucker)
Its a Bill Rehnquist world .. Without bad faith, the American conservative legal movement would spontaneously combust.

Checking in on the information security administration ... Roe v. Wade being overruled because coverage of the 2016 election was dominated by coverage suggesting that Trumps opponent was insufficiently committed to information security protocols is one of the sickest jokes history has ever played.

Oath Keeper who guarded Roger Stone before Jan. 6 attack gets more than 4 years in prison | AP News

Donald Trump audio tape is "game, set and match" for prosecution: Attorney : politics

Trump Caught on Tape Bragging About Keeping Classified Pentagon Doc on Attacking IranAnd prosecutors have the recording, making it harder for Trump to just say he declassified all the documents.
Trump Caught on Tape Bragging About Keeping Classified Pentagon Doc on Attacking IranAnd prosecutors have the recording, making it harder for Trump to just say he declassified all the documents.
Trump caught on tape discussing classified documents he kept after leaving White House, reports say : politics
Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House : politics
Reports of bombshell Trump recording suggests prosecutors may have grounds to charge him under the Espionage Act : politics
Margo Martins laptop could hold treasure trove of Donald Trump recordings

Nothing to See Here, Just Trump Reportedly Vowing to Immediately Fire Anyone Who Investigated Him If Reelected
Trump Admits Republicans Dont Even Know What WokeMeans

Special Counsel Jack Smith Is Really Leaving No Stone Unturned In the Trump Investigation Today's stone: was security expert Christopher Krebs excommunicated for heresy?
The DOJ Has Questions About Trump Firing an Election Security Expert Days After the Election : politics

Months of distrust inside Trump legal team led to top lawyer's departure

John Durham Fabricated His Basis to Criminalize Oppo Research - emptywheel

No Accountability for Trump Is a Greenlight for More Election Manipulation : politics

Silly charade: White House blasts GOPs contempt threat against FBI director

Unhinged? Now Donald Trump is attacking former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany (

Republicans love to make up fake crises. Here are five of the biggest | The goal is to deflect and distract to use scapegoating, racism and outright lies to disguise whats really going on ... 1. Wokeness 2. Trans people 3. Critical race theory 4. Couch potatoes 5. Out-of-control government spending (all lies)

Trump Bucks websites taken down after buyers fall for fake currency - Victims of con invested thousands of dollars in fake bills plastered with Trump's face they believed would make them rich

Hunter Bidens legal team is invoking a Supreme Court decision his father has denounced as an affront tocommon sense and the Constitution
Could Hunter Biden be the next poster child for Second Amendment rights?
Millennials Are Not an Exception. They've Moved to the Right
Republicans are spending millions on turnout operations that are deeply flawed, insiders say - A half-dozen Republican-aligned field operators working on various races in Nevada, Georgia and Oregon said they encountered suspicious or fraudulent datasuch as entries filed from homes that werent visited or falsified surveysin 2022.

Demeaning Marianne Williamson Has Staff Running for the Exits

Eschaton: The Solomon Issue Since I am old I remember that for years John Solomon was a very respected journalist. Silly bloggers and Media Matters would criticize him only to be dismissed as cranks by his "colleagues" (lefty critics are always dismissed as cranks). Specifically, Solomon:
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is reportedly giving January 6 security footage to conspiracy theorist Julie Kelly | Media Matters for America

In a deep red Florida county, a student-teacher revolt shames the right
Florida faces mass migration as trans people flee state in fear of Ron DeSantis hateful bills
Florida teachers forced to explain theyre not teaching kids to be gay

Texas Is the First State to Ban Student Interaction With Elected Officials | Students have historically led social justice efforts that wouldnt be possible without contact with elected official

GOP Senator Says I Dont Want Reality in Heated Debate Over Book

Conservatives think Chick-fil-A is woke now? : politics

How the G.O.P. Picked Trans Kids as a Rallying Cry - The New York Times - With stunning speed, the status of trans youth has become the rallying cry of the Republican Party, from state legislatures to presidential campaigns.
Eschaton: Impact Journalism The New York Times takes a victory lap. Good work everybody. -- A campaign against transgender rights has mobilized the Republican Party. How did that happen? Listen to today's episode of The Daily. ... A campaign against transgender rights has mobilized the New York Times. How did that happen?

UPDATE: Inside the disturbing investigation of Mika Westwolfs death

Neo-Nazi Marine Corps vet accused of plotting terror attack pos

City Jails No Longer Announcing Deaths Behind Bars Angering Watchdogs - THE CITY The Department of Correction says that the de Blasio-era practice of notifying the press when someone dies in a detention facility is over. Advocacy groups and a federal monitor say it's part of a broader effort to hide wrongdoing. (Eric Adams at work)

More than half of K-12 teachers say carrying firearms in school would make kids less safe: survey : politics

Texas father shot, killed at daughter's graduation party amid argument : news

Bill Cosby is facing a new sexual assault lawsuit : news

Amazon employees stage walkout over return-to-office mandate, climate goals, and layoffs : technology

Meta threatens news ban in California over bill requiring it to share ad revenue - CBS News
Former Los Angeles Dodger Steve Garvey weighs U.S. Senate bid - Los Angeles Times (for DiFuck's seat)

Teenage birth rates in the US reached historic lows in 2022, CDC report finds : news

American life expectancy is dropping and its not all covids fault - (1) unhealthy behaviors, such as our diets and use of firearms; (2) inadequate health care and public health systems; (3) poor socioeconomic conditions; (4) unhealthy and unsafe environments; and (5) deficient public policies.

James Webb telescope: Icy moon Enceladus spews massive water plume : worldnews

Worlds First X-Ray Of A Single Atom Achieved

Novel phototherapy device could have potential therapeutic benefits for sleep and daytime functioning : worldnews

How autoimmune disease can attack the brain, cause psychiatric symptoms - The Washington Post New research suggests that a subset of patients with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia may actually have autoimmune disease that attacks the brain ... neuropsychiatric lupus.

The little-known virus behind a majority of nongenetic birth defects

A new cohort study has provided compelling evidence that quitting smoking can lead to improved mental health outcomes among people with and without mental health disorders, alleviating concerns raised by both clinicians and smokers. : science

Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island all made the Top 10 in "Best Drivers"; Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky and South Carolina were home to the "Worst Drivers" : massachusetts

People who had traumatic childhoods, whats something you do as an adult that you hadnt realised was a direct result of the trauma? [Serious] [NSFW]

[NSFW] People who have found a dead body, whats the story?

Now that Reddit are killing 3rd party apps on July 1st what are great alternatives to Reddit? : AskReddit


Earth has pushed past seven out of eight scientifically established safety limits and into the danger zone, not just for an overheating planet thats losing its natural areas, but for well-being of people living on it ... "interspecies justice and Earth system stability" ... ntergenerational justice between past and present generations (I2a) and present and future generations (I2b)

Mexico failed to uphold international treaty protecting vaquita porpoise, U.S. says: Maybe just 10 are left that havent been caught in nets targeting totoaba for the Chinese black market (

Landmark Nepal court ruling ends impunity for wealthy wildlife collectors : worldnews

Southern European countries want EU funds to deal with increased drought levels : anime_titties

State Farm Stops Offering Insurance in California - The New York Times The largest insurer in California said it would stop offering new coverage. Its part of a broader trend of companies pulling back from dangerous areas

China Is Drilling a 10,000-Meter-Deep Hole Into Earths Crust

Melbourne severs ties with Russian sister city over Ukraine war : worldnews

Air New Zealand weighing passengers before flying : worldnews

Japan enacts law for operating nuclear reactors beyond 60-yr limit : worldnews

South Koreas first ever same-sex marriage bill goes to parliament

North Korea says its attempt to launch 1st spy satellite ends in failure : worldnews

Taiwan receives first batch of FIM-92 Stinger air defense missiles from the US as part of $500 million military aid package : worldnews

UN experts express grave concern over detention of Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong

Chinese fighter jet harassed U.S. Air Force spy plane over South China Sea : worldnews (China: all international airspace belongs to us)

Team Putin Spars Over Baffling Russian Victory Plan in War
A Day Inside Putins Surreal Television Empire
Russia is increasingly losing initiative in war - UK Intelligence
UK officials legitimate targets in war on Ukraine, top Putin ally claims

Freedom of Russia Legion is recruiting Russians to storm Moscow - The Times

The Curious Case of Yevgeny Prigozhin - The Messenger
Prigozhin suggests reforming things in Russia. He offers to leave 200 generals out of 10,000 and send them to the frontlines to get killed. Then, state officials, police and other law enforcement structures should also go to the frontlines - they don't really have a lot of work at home,
Russian Wagner Group is using American social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to recruit new members around the world, according to new report : worldnews
Russian energy giant Gazproms private security force was deployed to fight in Ukraine, report says

Russian lawmakers introduce draft bill to ban gender-affirming surgery : worldnews

Ukrainian drone sparks fire at Russian refinery
Fire breaks out at oil refinery in Russian Krasnodar Krai : worldnews

More interestingly, the explosion was in Ukrainian territory (red circle), and filmed from a drone above Russian territory (blue circle). However, Ukraines border control point is about 400 m to the south, so Russians could have snuck in & planted the explosives in the culvert.

South Africa plans law change over Putin ICC arrest warrant : worldnews

Uganda LGBTQ ban: Harsh anti-gay law includes the death penalty : worldnews

Somali army kills 30 al-Shabab militants in foiled attack in central region : worldnews

Blinken urges Turkey to immediately approve Swedens NATO accession
New anti-terror law should convince Turkey to back NATO bid, Swedish minister says | New anti-terrorism legislation which comes into force this week should pave the way for Sweden to join NATO in coming weeks and overcome a Turkish veto, Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said on Wednesday. : worldnews

Qatar prime minister, Taliban chief hold secret Afghan talks : worldnews

Iran Expands Stockpile of Highly Enriched Uranium - WSJ Tehran forges ahead with nuclear work while giving the U.N. atomic agency greater oversight of program

Israel Tempers Expectations of a Breakthrough in Normalization Talks With Saudi Arabia - Israel News - Even hopes for an agreement on direct flights for Muslim Israelis seem unlikely to be realized this year, and in any event, most of those planning to make the Hajj have already made travel arrangements through Jordan
5 Palestinian fighters killed in Lebanon blast blamed on Israel : anime_titties

Zelenskyy invites British defence company to manufacture weapons in Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 462, Part 1 (Thread #603) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 31.05.2023 : ukraine

(3/5) Russia has had little success in its likely aims of neutralising Ukraines improved air defences and destroying Ukrainian counter-attack forces. On the ground, it has redeployed security forces to react to partisan attacks inside western Russia.
(5/5) However, this has probably been undermined by uncommitted forces instead being sent to fill gaps in the front line around Bakhmut.

European leaders head to Moldova for symbolic summit on Ukraines doorstep

NATO Launches Arctic Maneuvers, Vowing To Protect Newest Member Finland : worldnews

Sweden close to becoming first smoke free country in Europe as daily use of cigarettes dwindles

Denmark to triple defense budget over next decade to reach NATO goal of 2% GDP spending on military : worldnews

US bombers fly over Bosnia in sign of support amid continued secessionist threats : worldnews

Poland signs deal worth $150 million to purchase 800 Hellfire II missiles for its new fleet of attack helicopters : worldnews

Edgars Rinkevics has been elected president of Latvia, becoming the first openly homosexual president in the world.

Germany orders shuttering of 4 out of 5 Russian consulates : worldnews
Germany cracks down on far right with raids as hate crimes rise : worldnews

Swiss police catfish operation helps identify 2,200 child sex offenders

How a High-Value Russian Wanted by the U.S. Escaped From Italy - WSJ Artem Uss was awaiting extradition to the U.S. Italys failure to hold on to him has left red faces in Rome.

Macron to call for European strategic awakening after Ukraine invasion (late to the game Macaronihead)
Racy Novel by France's Finance Minister Has Even the French Blushing =Some ribald passages in the book are titillating the body politic, and drawing barbs about how he finds room for the hobby when many residents are struggling

Black people were three times more likely to receive Covid fines in England and Wales | Police | The Guardian Exclusive: those in poorest areas were seven times more likely to be fined, says research into how police used emergency pandemic powers

Mexico highway shootout leaves 10 armed men dead, 4 police injured : worldnews

Suspected Chinese spies posing as tourists discovered in Alaska

74 Percent of Voters Support Raising Federal Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour : politics - Only 1 percent of voters think that a wage of under $10 an hour is livable, and only 6 percent believe a wage of $15 an hour or less is livable

The many levels of genius in Pres. Bidens negotiating strategy
After Calling Joe Biden Senile, Republicans Complain He Outsmarted Them : politics

US debt ceiling: Republican hard-right vows to sink deal hours before vote expected : politics
As the debt ceiling deal clears its first major hurdle, its conservative opponents begin to admit defeat | Semafor
Betrayal: McCarthy faces revolt from GOP conservatives over debt limit deal with Biden
Gaetz: Passing debt deal without Republican majority would likely trigger an immediate motion to oust McCarthy
GOP Congressman Admits Debt Ceiling Fight Was About Helping 2024 Republican Nominee : politics
McCarthys secret speaker deal takes a bizarre turn

Ocasio-Cortez says shes voting against debt limit bill
AOC said Elon Musk put his finger on the scale during Turkeys presidential election and is concerned it will set a precedent for the 2024 US election
Give Me a Goddamn Break: House Democrat Slams Food Aid Cuts as Pentagon Budget Soars = I didn't come to Congress to hurt people, said Rep. Jim McGovern. And when I listen to my Republican friends, what is clear to me is that wedont share the same values

Joe Biden just proved his critics wrong again The president succeeds because he is the antithesis of our current political dysfunction

Mehdi Hasan Marks Henry Kissingers 100th Birthday In The Most Withering Way

Fox News, backed by Trump White House lawyer, fights subpoena in leak lawsuit - POLITICO The network is trying to protect a source who disclosed details of an FBI probe into a Chinese American scientist - That scientist, Yanping Chen, is suing the FBI for damages, claiming that the leaked information was part of a campaign to damage her after federal prosecutors ended their six-year investigation of her without bringing charges.

Tara Reade, who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, defects to Russia | US news | The Guardian Former Senate staffer who made claim in 2020 appears on Russian media alongside convicted Russian agent in US Maria Butina
Tara Reade: Woman who accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993 defects to Russia | CNN
Woman who accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993 defects to Russia : news
Who would have thunk? : PoliticalHumor ... I cant believe of all the people he could assault it would have been a Russian spy. Like, what are the odds?

Jan. 6 rioter who wanted Pelosi brought out to mob is sentenced to 2 years : politics

Ashli Babbitts Mother Arrested After Striking Woman at Pro-Jan. 6 Event

Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House
Legal experts: Trump could be charged under "Espionage Act" over report that he showed off docs : politics
Trump White House Aides Subpoenaed in Firing of Election Security Expert : politics
Report: Trumps Lawyer Revealed Some Unfortunate Things for Trump in Classified-Docs Case
Special counsel eyes response to Trump surveillance camera subpoena - The Washington Post

Trump Promises to Violate 14th Amendment On Day One

Trump slams his former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany : politics

Mike Pence is set to launch his presidential campaign next week The former vice president will kick off his 2024 bid with a campaign video and a speech in Des Moines, Iowa.
Chris Christie to announce GOP presidential campaign next week

Former NJ governor Chris Christie to launch bid for president -source : politics
How to Stop Neo-Nazis From Crashing Pride Month : politics

Oklahoma Supreme Court rules two abortion ban laws unconstitutional
Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules Abortion Laws Unconstitutional : politics
Tennessee woman gets emergency hysterectomy after doctors deny early abortion care - ABC News

What a New Oral History Reveals About Obama, and the Tradeoffs He Made - The New York Times The first of 470 interviews of Obama administration officials and others involved in the debates of the time offer a fresh inside look at a consequential presidency.

Rep. Paul Gosar Claims He Has Been Smeared As A Nazi | In the same newsletter, he linked to a site filled with white supremacist content.

Ken Paxtons impeachment revealed how divided far-right and moderate Republicans in Texas have become, political scientist says

This class president is the model of a successful Texas teen. After a ban on trans health care, she cant wait to leave the state.

Hundreds gather at Florida school board meeting over Disney movie controversy: Your policies are not protecting us from anything (

GOP being crushed in Wisconsin as state shifts leftward: report
Nevada Republican governor approves abortion protections in rare cross-party move : politics

Youngkin ends college degree requirements for most Virginia state jobs - The Washington Post

Tuberville should worry less about Coloradosabortion tourism and more about Alabamas abysmal outcomes for women and children (coach footballhead)
Morgan Murphy says he resigned after a Washington Post story suggested he took credit for the senators military nomination blockade.

Minnesota passes major drug changes, from psychedelics task force to legalizing paraphernalia : politics

Bullying campaign after US graduate speech criticises Israel

Banning book bans - by Judd Legum - Popular Information

Right-wingers are mad that the fast food chain is turning woke

Sacklers Can Be Shielded From Opioid Liability, Appeals Court Rules - The New York Times The decision gives the Purdue Pharma owners long-sought protection, but it is a major step toward releasing billions of dollars from their fortune to states and communities to help cope with the costs of addiction.

Danny Masterson Convicted on Two Counts of Forcible Rape, Faces 30 Years in Prison : television
New Shelly Miscavige sighting actually took place earlier than you may have heard | The Underground Bunker

Police in Atlanta arrest 3 behind bail fund supporting protests against police training complex : news ... They set up bail funds and helped people get attorneys (KKKemp says they are facilitating domestic terrorism)

Teens arrested in connection to assault of U.S. Marines that was caught on camera - CBS News

11-year-old charged in robberies as D.C. struggles to quell youth violence - The Washington Post

After teens killing, activists fear Metro violence becoming normal

Former New Ulm police investigator sentenced to 90 days for sexual assault of a child : news

Car Launches Off Tow Truck Ramp in Lowndes County, Georgia : videos

TikTok accounts are posting horrifying artificial intelligence-generated clips of murder victimsmostly children describing their own ghastly demise

Eating Disorder Helpline Disables Chatbot for Harmful Responses After Firing Human Staff ... After NEDA workers decided to unionize in early May, executives announced that on June 1, it would be ending the helpline after twenty years and instead positioning its wellness chatbot Tessa as the main support system available through NEDA

The James Beard Awards Are Now Investigating Restaurants - The New York Times The group behind the Oscars of the food world created a new process to weed out nominees with problematic pasts. But that process has troubles of its own.

Twitter Fails to Remove Hate Speech by Blue-Check Users, Center for Countering Digital Hate Says
Twitter Is Now Worth Just 33% of Elon Musks Purchase Price, Fidelity Says

Cyber thieves swipe $700,000 from Jacksonville-based church network : news

Writers Shut-It-Down Strategy Has Been Effective, Executives Privately Concede

Lifestyle - There Is No Such Thing as Junk Food

Even After Debunking, 'Sybil' Hasnt Gone Away

New psychology research reveals the bullshit blind spot A series of studies found people who were the worst at detecting bullshit not only grossly overestimated their detection ability, but also overestimated their ability compared to other people.

Reddit may force Apollo and third party clients to shutdown : technology

What is a purchase under $50 you made that has totally changed your life for the better? : AskReddit


Rapidly increasing likelihood of exceeding 50 C in parts of the Mediterranean and the Middle East due to human influence.

A wilderness of smoke and mirrors: why there is no climate hope : collapse

Where land is sinking the fastest in the U.S. - The Washington Post

Philippines, U.S., Japan to hold first-ever joint coast guard exercise : worldnews

US government denies Thailands request to procure two F-35A fifth-generation fighter aircraft, cites concerns that Bangkok is unequipped to handle the advanced jets
Authorities in Thailand seize more than a ton of crystal methamphetamine thought bound for Australia : worldnews

Japan Gets Second Court Ruling Backing Same-Sex Marriage : worldnews
Japan government under renewed pressure to end same-sex marriage ban | Calls grow for marriage equality as another court rules ban is unconstitutional : worldnews
Kishida removes son as political secretary over party photo controversy : worldnews
Japan PMs son to resign after public outrage over private party at official residence
Japan will try to beam solar power from space by 2025 : worldnews

N. Korea says it will launch its first military spy satellite in June : worldnews
North Korea says spy satellite launch crashed into sea : worldnews
South Koreas military releases images of part of a North Korean spy satellite that crashed soon after launch due to a rocket failure, with Seouls military finding and salvaging the debris

Hong Kongs John Lee unable to give concrete answer on whether mourning Tiananmen crackdown is legal
Thousands of ethnic minority Muslims surrounded mosque in China in a last-ditch effort to prevent authorities from removing its dome and minarets as crackdown on religious freedoms widens : worldnews
China, India Kick Out Nearly All of Each Other's Journalists as Rivalry Escalates - Rift that opened with deadly border clash deepens as neighbors deny reporter visas

Putin signs law allowing elections, forced deportations in Russia-occupied territories of Ukraine
Wagners chief says his army isnt strong enough to topple Putin, responding to rumors he is planning a coup: report
Russias Shoigu says West stepping up supplies to Ukraine

25 to 32 drones attack Moscow: 2 buildings damaged, people evacuated : worldnews
Putin also accused Ukraine of provoking us to respond with tit-for-tat measures but ignored Russias own mass strikes on Kyiv and didnt say what he will actually do. He also made his first nuclear threats in a while: the Ukrainian dirtybomb is back
A thread with until now best videos of a drone attack on Moscow this morning. It is not clear who stands behind this attack. Ukraine has never attacked civilian targets before. As in this attack, a multistory house was hit, can be a Putins false flag. Two days ago, popular Russian bloggers with murky reputation simultaneously started to push a narrative, residential buildings attacks in 1999 were no way an FSB false flag attacks, but an attack by the Chechens (today it is the most solid version, in 1999 Putin organized the attacks to start his invasion of Chechnya). Is Putin disinformed/delusional? After the drone attack Putin claims Russia does not use the same means. : UkrainianConflict
Moscow drone attack: Russia accuses Ukraine of terrorist strike
Drone attack on Moscow causes minor damage, no casualties : worldnews
Drone strikes on Moscow damages buildings; Russia says several UAVs shot down
Moscow drone attack causes damages buildings, mayor says : worldnews

Ukrainian woman detained in Moscow for attempting to bring deported children back to Ukraine

Anti-Kremlin militia claims to have reentered Russias territory

Former Navalny team coordinator leaves Russian prison after serving a 27-month prison term for sharing a music video by the German rock band Rammstein online : worldnews

Georgian Prime Minister claims that Russia unleashed war because of Ukraines desire to join NATO

Belaruss Lukashenko says there can be nuclear weapons for everyone
Lukashenko fires head of Belarusian border guard : worldnews

At least 40 killed in clashes with troops in Indias Manipur
Teen girl in India stabbed to death in public, reigniting outrage over violence against women | CNN : worldnews

Pakistan: Court allows man who killed daughter for honourwalk free

Stateless Rohingya could soon be the new Palestinians, top UN official warns| Special rapporteur Olivier De Shutter calls for action on neglected crisis after finding absolutelyterrible conditions on visit to Cox's Bazar camps in Bangladesh

South Africa declares diplomatic immunity for BRICS summit attendees : worldnews

Teen girl in Guyana charged as adult with 19 counts of murder in dormitory fire : worldnews

Ugandas President Museveni approves tough new anti-gay law
Ugandas president approves anti-LGBTQ laws, including 20-year sentence for 'promoting' homosexuality
Blinken says US to consider visa restrictions over Ugandan anti-gay law : worldnews

Russian mercenaries behind slaughter of 500 in Mali village, UN report finds : worldnews

Turkish election free but not fair, say international observers

Egypt is targeting desalination capacity of 8.8mln m3/day by 2050 : worldnews

Commander in Chief of Russian Special Forces in Syria was killed in an artillery strike on a military compound. : worldnews

Trial begins for Iran journalist who reported Mahsa Aminis death

Israeli murdered in West Bank shooting, IDF on terrorist manhunt : worldnews

Ukraine war: Russian air strikes target Kyiv for third night running : worldnews
Ukraine Reports 100% Success Rate of UK-Made Storm Shadow Missiles : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 461, Part 1 (Thread #602) : worldnews

Russia's Losses as of May 30th, 2023 : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Ukrainian forces fired on "Wagnerites" leaving Bakhmut - 80 killed, 119 wounded. [article] : ukraine

Kyiv mayor on woman killed in night attack: she went out onto balcony to watch air defence working : worldnews

Official: 100 soldiers killed in strike on temporary Russian base near Mariupol : worldnews

WHO records 1,000 attacks on Ukraines health system during war

Trial fence on Finland-Russia border nearing completion, one month behind schedule : worldnews
Finnish cities to start requiring permits for professional Airbnb hosts

30 international peacekeepers injured in fierce clashes with ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo : worldnews
NATO soldiers injured in Kosovo clashes with Serb protesters : worldnews
Serbian president to meet U.S., Russia, China, EU ambassadors after clashes erupt : worldnews

Russian spy whale spotted off Swedish coast
The harness-wearing beluga whale believed to be a Russian spy has popped up in Sweden, puzzling scientists who noted hes traveling very quickly away from his natural environment

Poland sanctions 365 Belarusians over jailing of journalist: interior minister : worldnews

Germany marks 30 years since Solingen far-right attack: Hundreds of people came to the German town of Solingen to pay respects to the five Turkish girls and women who were burnt alive by far-right extremists in 1993 : worldnews
German police arrest stripper over toy gun : worldnews
Mystery behind bright green water in Venice Canal solved, officials say - ABC News the bright green color was the result of the presence of fluorescein, a non-toxic substance used to test wastewater networks,

Denmark to commit additional $2.6 billion to aid fund for Ukraine : worldnews

Two Italian intelligence agents and a retired Israeli security forces member were among four victims of Sunday's boating disaster on Lake Maggiore in northern Italy. : news

Most Swiss against third gender option in official documents : worldnews
Switzerland has no unique claim to Emmental cheese, EU court rules : worldnews

French minister threatens to ban Twitter if it doesnt follow EU rules

Ukraine has right to defend itself beyond its bordersUK Foreign Secretary

Seven women say that a star columnist groped them or made unwanted sexual advances. But Britain news media has a complicated relationship with outing its own ... A prominent left-wing columnist, Nick Cohen, had resigned from Guardian News & Media, and Ms. Marriage had evidence that his departure followed years of unwanted sexual advances and groping of female journalists ... The British news media is smaller and cozier than its American counterpart, with journalists often coming from the same elite schools. Stringent libel laws present another hurdle. And in a traditional newsroom culture of drinking and gender imbalances, many stories of misconduct go untold, or face a fight ... One said Mr. Cohen had pressed his erection against her thigh and kissed her uninvited when they met to discuss her career ... There is so much sexism in a lot of British newspapers, and it seems, unfortunately, that many women believed sexual harassment was something you just had to put up with

Eschaton: Quite The Day For The Guardian Media Group Gotta get more bigoted! - In mid-April, a group of senior writers and editors at The Guardian met as part of the company's Diversity and Inclusion Week to discuss pushing gender-critical narratives fearlessly, with the papersanti-trans slant clearly not enough for them.

Vaping: Government plans underage crackdown : worldnews

Venezuelas Maduro meets Lula in Brazil as relations improve | Nicolas Maduro News

Inmates in El Salvador tortured and strangled: A report denounces hellish conditions in Bukeles prisons

Natalee Holloway suspect beaten in Peruvian prison: Lawyer : worldnews

Wildfires in Nova Scotia are out of controland forcing 16,000 people from their homes
Alberta re-elects UCP majority government : worldnews

Three quotes about war - Lawyers, Guns & Money

Remember Tara Reade that pro-Putin grifter who falsely accused Biden of sexual assault, a story people like Ryan Grim ran with, whose links to Russia were dismissed as an outrageous smear against an alleged survivor of assault? Well shes just announced she has defected to Russia

Widespread FBI abuse of foreign spy law sets off alarm bells, tech group says
Private Spies Hired by the FBI and Corporate Firms Infiltrate Discord, Reddit, WhatsApp : technology

Bidens underrated deal-making prowess strikes again
Joe Biden, closet political scientist

Full list of House Republicans who plan to vote for debt ceiling deal : politics
Far-right members, unhappy with debt deal, float threatening McCarthys speakership
Matt Gaetz joins growing rebellion over McCarthys debt ceiling deal

Student Loans in Debt Ceiling Deal Leave Millions Facing Nightmare Scenario : politics ... Remember when the government forgave over $700 billion in PPP loans when student loans forgiveness would only coast $500 billion over 10 years? ... The primary purpose in life of the Boomer generation was to make easy money at the expense of future generations and then cry about how hard they had it.
Is Student Debt Forgiveness Happening, or What? : politics

Supreme Court declines request seeking to hold Reddit liable for child porn : politics undefined

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter diagnosed with dementia, Carter Center announces - ABC News

Trump Team Wants to Get Rid of Feds Investigating Him : politics
Team Trump Scrambles to Unmask the Feds Investigating Him
Trump escalates attacks on judges amid increasing legal scrutiny : politics

Trump pledges unilateral repeal of the Fourteenth Amendment (again)
Trump pledges to end birthright citizenship on first day in office : politics (only children of registered Republicans will be citizens)
Trump campaign uses Pete Buttigiegs picture to mock veterans over Memorial Day weekend

Trumps Lawyers Start to Wonder if One Could Be a Snitch
Trump lawyer said to have been waved off searching office for secret records : politics

In E. Jean Carrolls remaining defamation lawsuit, Biden DOJ is now undecided on whether to back Trump

Lindsey Graham shrugs off Russian warrant for his arrest: "See you in The Hague!" : politics

Ocasio-Cortez says fake Twitter account impersonating her : politics (Muskrat cackles)
AOC threatens to leave Twitter after Elon Musk promotes 'disgusting' account impersonating her

An ex-GOP Florida congressman who opposed Trump says DeSantis would befar more dangerous if elected president
Ron DeSantis says he will destroy leftism in US if elected president
Ron DeSantis wants to make America Florida Thats a dire threat
The Contradiction at the Heart of DeSantis 2024 : politics
Real DeSantis launch glitch was its fascism | Will Bunch Newsletter Plus, how do you say happy birthday to a 100-year-old U.S. war criminal?

Trans Residents Turn to GoFundMe to Flee Florida. Many queer people, especially those in the trans community, feel threatened and unsafe. : politics

Dont rule out a national abortion ban in 2025
The Press is Falling for Anti-Abortion Fetal Heartbea Propaganda ... in the New Yorker ...
Report: Threats against abortion providers have spiked, especially in states like Oregon, Washington : politics

Impeachment trial of Texas Ken Paxton to begin no later than August 28
Texass use of invasionclause against immigrants is racist and dangerous, rights groups say Republican governor Greg Abbott invoked state clause after likening migrants to a public foreign enemy, but legal experts say its unprecedented and extreme
Also Bigger in Texas: The States Preemption of Local Ordinances
Texas GOP Passes Bills Allowing Abbott Appointee to Take Over Democratic Countys Elections.These bills are not about election reform said one Harris County official - They are entirely about suppressing voters voices

How Paul Gosar Became An Icon To Those In The Modern Fascist Movement : politics

Sen. Hawley responds to column about petty trolling with petty trolling

Inside the Christian Legal Crusade to Revive School Prayer: Buoyed by the right-wing Supreme Court, Christian groups are laying the groundwork for public schools to veer back toward the 1960s. : politics
Christian home-schoolers revolt by enrolling kids in public school - Washington Post They were taught that public schools are evil. Then a Virginia couple defied their families and enrolled their kids.

Numbers Nobody Has Ever Seen How the GOP Lost Wisconsin ... The only way forward for the GOP in Wisconsin, joked a man drinking Jack and Coke beside us, might be to "kill the millennials."

With Gov Walzs signature, Minnesota becomes 23rd state to legalize Marijuana

Oregon voters could decide on ranked-choice voting soon : politics

The Rise of Latino White Supremacy | The New Yorker At a time of rising racial violence, Latinos are potential perpetrators and potential victims.
Latino white supremacists and aspirational whiteness

Centuries after they were convicted, Connecticut formally pardons men and women charged with witchcraft : politics

The Rights War on Brands Is Stupid and Terrifying: The anti-LGBTQ attacks of Bud Light and Target are no mere boycotts -- the aim is to intimidate companies into submission.
Chick-fil-As DEI leader sparks calls for boycott
Whats This About Chick-Fil-A Boycotts And Jizz In The Frosted Lemonade Now? ... They're Bud Lighting their own dicks on fire now.

Gov. Kim Reynolds loosens Iowa child labor laws to let teens work more hours. What to know: : politics

The independent group No Labels says Americans want more presidential choices, but Democrats argue a larger third-party vote would help Trump. Thats what happened in 2016.

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting trial live updates: Testimony starts with graphic 911 calls

CNN Poll: Most Americans want stricter gun control, but they're divided on whether guns make public places safer : politics

Police release photos, video of Hollywood Broadwalk shooting that left 9 injured

Arizona man arrested after random shooting spree kills 4 and injures 1 : news

At least 16 dead, dozens injured in shootings across the U.S. over Memorial Day weekend : news

Arrest made in the murder of New Jersey councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour, authorities say : news ... A witness told investigators that they saw a suspicious white Hyundai Elantra parked in the area with Virginia license plates, Ciccone said. Investigators tracked a white Hyundai Elantra using E-ZPass logs and license plate trackers driving from Virginia to New Jersey and back again ... Police were also able to track a cellphone registered to Bynum that traveled from Virginia to New Jersey and back to Virginia after the shooting, Ciccone said.

Two 2-year-olds shot hours apart on North, South sides: Chicago police : news

EXCLUSIVE: The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of never-before-seen emails and calendars gives unprecedented insight into late pedophiles network of power and influence that includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, Richard Branson and Irina Shayk

Brian Laundries Mother Told Him Shed Show Up With a Shovel in Newly Public Letter - Gabby Petito's parents are are suing Roberta Laundrie for withholding information after the murder of their daughter, and the evidence is shocking and damning.

The day has arrived for Elizabeth Holmes to report to a Texas prison : news

Deepfaking it: Americas 2024 election collides with AI boom
A.I. Poses Risk of Extinction, Industry Leaders Warn - Leaders from OpenAI, Google DeepMind, Anthropic and other A.I. labs warn that future systems could be as deadly as pandemics and nuclear weapons.
Stop Me Before I Kill Again ... If the hazard is so great, perhaps a statement would be appropriate that these Very Principled People feel they can no longer work on it and will be leaving the field to plant a garlic farm in the Santa Clara Valley where their offices used to be. But this is the industry that cobbles something together and leaves it to the customer to figure out how to deal with its problems.

Theye afraid their AIs will come for them: Doug Rushkoff on why tech billionaires are in escape mode

Researchers found that within minutes, AI can be used to give chemists hundreds of more options when finding and choosing molecules to synthesize into drugs. : science

Elon Musks Twitter algorithm changes are amplifying anger and animosity say researchers

Groundbreaking Israeli cancer treatment has 90% success rate : worldnews

Silver in ancient Egyptian bracelets provides earliest evidence for long-distance trade between Egypt and Greece : worldnews

A study has found DNA evidence of the plague in 4,000-year-old skeletal remains, the oldest evidence of the plague in Britain to date. : science
4,000-Year-Old DNA Reveals Oldest Plague Cases Found in Britain | Technology Networks

u/One-Step2764 explains the inability of the US to address its problems : bestof

One third of Mass. residents struggle with hunger- The Boston Globe : massachusetts

What is one red flag in a partner that negates all green flags for you? : AskReddit


UN talks on a treaty to end global plastic pollution open in Paris : worldnews

Tally of covid-19 cases after CDC conference climbs to 181 : news

Flesh-eating bug: Mums warning after she nearly dies from disease

Thousands evacuated as Philippines warns of possible flooding, landslides from Typhoon Mawar : worldnews

Thailand air force says U.S. has denied request to buy F-35 jets over issues with training and technical requirements : worldnews

Malaysia detains Chinese carrier ship for anchoring in its waters without permission, authorities find cannon shells believed to be from WWII onboard : worldnews

Japan puts ballistic missile defences on alert after North Koreas satellite launch warning
Japan may take destructive measures after North Korea announces satellite launch dates

Korean University confirms Hong Kong governments response to Amnesty International, Uyghur student believed to have disappeared in Hong Kong still in South Korea and never left for Hong Kong ... Unless I am mistaken, Amnesty International have a great reputation for integrity.
Hong Kong blasts Amnesty over missing Uyghur man allegation : worldnews

China Rebuffs Pentagon Chief, Blunting Push for Rapprochement - WSJ U.S. had proposed a meeting of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinas Defense Minister Li Shangfu in Singapore
Shanghai records hottest May day in 100 years : worldnews (and they won't answer the phone)
China plans to land astronauts on moon before 2030, another step in what looks like a new space race : worldnews
Ukraines Foreign Minister denies that Chinese envoy called on European countries to recognise Ukrainian territories as belonging to Russian

Putin is terrified of Ukraines counteroffensive
Sanctions are not enough: Russia increased production for military over year : ukraine
The longer this goes on, the more you have to worry about a black swan event, says former military adviser to Ukraine. The West just needs to fuel the Ukrainian military with weapons to kill the mercenary army
Russia places Lindsey Graham on wanted list : worldnews ("we have his address")

Wagner boss attacks Russias defense minister, says his daughter and son-in-law live in luxury while thousands are sent to die in Ukraine

Russia has changed the state of martial law. This means that sham "elections" and "referendums" can now be held in the annexed territories, and people may be deported. : worldnews

In the latest episode of official paranoia about the colours blue and yellow in Russia, a man in the Leningrad region was arrested for displaying the flag of the Russian Air Force. Local people and law enforcers apparently mistook it for the Ukrainian flag : UkrainianConflict

Belarus official: West left us no choice but to deploy nuclear arms : worldnews
Lukashenko offers nuclear weapons to nations willing to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus
Kazakhstans President declines Lukashenkos offer to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus

Hopes Crushed in Search for Missing Climber on Mount Everest. : worldnews

Fresh clashes in Manipur (India), police & army kill 40 Kuki militants : worldnews
Indian official suspended for draining dam to retrieve smartphone : worldnews

Second Pakistani journalist missing, family alleges abduction : worldnews

Turkeys Erdogan wins presidential election run-off: State media
Zelenskyy congratulated Erdogan on winning Turkish elections
Putin congratulates Turkeys Erdogan
Turkeys lira sinks to fresh record low after Erdogan re-election

Ugandas president Museveni signs Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law: How many will die?
Ugandas President approves anti-gay law

Hundreds of Muslims detained after protesting the illegal demolition of over 19 mosques by the Ethiopian Government : worldnews

UAE to land a probe on an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter in 2034 : worldnews

As Russia keeps focusing on Ukraine, the Syrian Rebels might have scored their biggest hit on Russian troops since 2016. GRU's Colonel Pechevisty, was killed in strike against a command post. : UkrainianConflict

Taliban claims: We will conquer Iran soon amid water dispute
A Day Trip to Iran: The Adventures of Taliban Commander Abdul Hamid

Nvidia taps into Israeli innovation to build generative AI cloud supercomputer : worldnews ,,, generative AI cloud supercomputer called Israel-1 which will be based on a new locally developed high-performance ethernet platform.

A Memorial Day message from President Zelensky, thanking Americans for all their support. : ukraine
Official: Ukraine won't join NATO until war ends : worldnews
Kyiv bombarded by Russian forces for second night in a row : worldnews
Kids are running into a bomb shelter amidst the sounds of exploding missiles launched by Russian terrorists. Kyiv, May 29, 2023. : ukraine
Ukraines defense ministry says its Storm Shadow long-range missiles have hit 100% of their targets
Air defense forces destroy 67 air targets overnight - Zaluzhnyi : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 460, Part 1 (Thread #601) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 29.05.2023 : ukraine
This night Russia attacked Ukraine with up to 40 cruise missiles X-101/X555 (37 of which were intercepted) and up to 35 kamikaze drones "Shahed" (29 of which were intercepted) : ukraine
Oryx verified Russian tanks lost is at 1999

NEXTA on Twitter: "Sixteen American volunteers have died in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, writes The Washington Post." / Twitter

Strike on ammo depots near Mariupol: 100 Russians killed, over 400 wounded. [article] : ukraine

Investigative Stories from Ukraine: Companies of Russian oligarch Fridman allegedly support Russian war effort in Ukraine

Czech Chief of General Staff admits possibility of NATO war against Russia : worldnews

NATO troops form security cordons in Kosovo as Serbs protest : worldnews ... around four town halls in Kosovo to keep back Serbs protesting against ethnic Albanian mayors taking office in a Serb-majority area after elections they boycotted.

Sweden, Turkey to hold NATO discussions 'soon' Swedish foreign ministry says

Venice canal patch turns fluorescent green : worldnews

Halifax-area neighbourhoods evacuated as fast-moving fire engulfs homes and spreads : worldnews
Canada issues grim U.S. travel advisory amid mass shootings: Risk of being in the wrong place at the wrong time

Decoration Day ... Whites erasing Black history from the national narrative and creating depoliticized holidays for white national reconciliation? I know I am shocked.

Eschaton: Happy Suck On This Day! 20th Anniversary!
Eschaton: If Tom Friedman Is That Transparently Stupid And Awful Then what must we think of the people who think/thought he's smart?

Lindsey Graham Appears to Say Russians Dying Best Money Weve Ever Spent

McCarthy races to sell newly released debt deal amid rumblings of far-right rebellion : politics
New Details in Debt Limit Deal: Where $136 Billion in Cuts Will Come From - Two years of spending caps, additional work requirements for food stamps and cuts to I.R.S. funding are among the components in the deal.
Turd Sandwich: MAGA Members of Congress Hate on Debt Deal
With this debt limit deal, Congress has beclowned itself : politics
Full List of House Republicans Who Plan to Vote Against Debt Ceiling Deal : politics
White House to Dems: The debt deal could have been a LOT worse - POLITICO
The Debt ceiling deal was a big WIN for Bidenand a big LOSS for Trump and MAGA
Debt ceiling deal includes surprise approval of natural gas pipeline championed by Manchin : politics
Biden says hell explore 14th Amendment for future debt limit debates

Why Spending Cuts Likely Won't Shake the Economy - With low unemployment and above-trend inflation, the economy is well positioned to absorb the modest budget cuts that President Biden and Republicans negotiated.

Kids could fill labor shortages, even in bars, if these lawmakers succeed : politics

Historic gains: Low-income workers scored in the Covid economy - POLITICO pandemic-era policies reversed the trend toward a widening income gap. The move away from them threatens those gains. Which way will Biden turn?

False Economic Narratives ... All of the unanalyzed data and thus the conventional wisdom suggests that red states have greater job creation than blue states. Certainly Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott love to promote this talking point. But thats not actually true. Its just that jobs in red states suck so people quit them all the time, thus making it look like there is more hiring ... My only caveat is why it took until May 2023 for any major publication to publish anything pushing back on these false narratives.

The Supreme Court Is Crippling Environmental Protections. Where Is Congress? : politics
In a Gift to Polluting Industries, Supreme Court Rolls Back Clean Water Act Protections. Industries ranging from animal agriculture to mining to fossil fuel rallied in support of the Idaho couple behind Sackett v. EPA. : politics

Congress absolutely can impose ethics reform on supreme court, senator says

Antisemitism is surging across US. Biden just took a historic step to fight it. : politics

Trump Was Premeditating Mar-a-Lago Documents crimes : Kirschner

Trump Secret Documents Probe Is Wrapping With Charging Call Near : politics

Trumps welcome of Scott into 2024 race shows his calculus: The more GOP rivals, the better for him

Fox News poll finds 56% doubt Trumps mental soundness to be president ... Parlatore publicly derided Epshteyn and said Epshteyn was gatekeeping the rest of the legal team from accessing their one client (Trump).

Trump's legal team is an epic disaster - This kind of havoc does not bode well for Trump'legal future.

Women who support Trump cite party, economy over sexual misconduct : politics

My fellow Republicans wanted me to lie, Liz Cheney says in commencement speech (party of Satan)

Data analyst explains why Ron DeSantis is in trouble with voters already - Raw Story
These Queer Kids Aren't Going to Let Ron DeSantis Ruin Their College : politics
Furries Now Have Serious Beef With Ron DeSantis : politics

Trump criticizes Texas Gov. Abbott for silence on impeachment of AG Ken Paxton : politics
Texas To Ban Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Efforts At Public Universities | HuffPost Latest News
Texas Republicans pass voting bills targeting large Democratic county - The Washington Post

South Carolina tried to ban abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy but every woman in the state Senate voted against it

Opinion: Child marriage is legal in Michigan. That has to change. : politics

Minnesota governor vetos gig worker bill following warning from Uber : politics

Gov. Hobbs vetoes Wendy Rogers bill banning speed cameras and GOP-sponsored election bills

Anti-trans activists threaten Louisiana Republican who shot down gender-affirming care ban : politics

A teacher blasted her school for banning kids from singing "Rainbowland" -- Shes likely getting fired. Melissa Tempel has currently been placed on leave. Parents have told her their children cry every day hoping she will return. ... A song about loving people unconditionally and being kind to others is somehow wicked in Republicanseyes.

Washington Post Finds That Rise in Book Challenges of LGBTQ+ Books Led by a Few People : news

Southeast Columbus shooting: 7 injured during party | Detectives told 10TV that a group of juveniles was doing donuts in a parking lot near a party when shots were fired.

Montgomery County weighs rules for Swimply, Sniffspot and other home amenity rental apps

Opinion | Why Inflation Is the Excuse for Higher Grocery Prices - The New York Times ... To understand why grocery prices are way up, we need to look past the headlines about inflation and reconsider long-held ideas about the benefits of corporate bigness ... Major grocery suppliers, including Kraft Heinz, General Mills and Clorox, rely on Walmart for more than 20 percent of their sales. (supply-chain monopolies)

After a painting by the Dutch artist sold at auction, a movie producer claimed to be the owner. It later vanished from sight, with a trail leading to Caribbean tax havens and a jailed Chinese billionaire - The bidding for Lot 17 started at $23 million.

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,359 - This is the grave of Byron Weston.... Weston and his wife had ten children. One of their grandchildren was Julia Child. But she was born in 1912

TIL in 1959, John Howard Griffin passed himself as a Black man and travelled around the Deep South to witness segregation and Jim Crow, afterward writing about his experience in "Black Like Me" : todayilearned
Rebecca F Kuang rejects idea authors should not write about other races : books

u/One-Step2764 explains the inability of the US to address its problems : bestof

DdCno1 comments on Weird parade: Berlin 750th anniversary parade. The delegation from the district of Erfurt presented the Robotron PC 1715 computer, GDR, 1987

Researchers have developed a self-administered mobile application that analyzes speech data as an automatic screening tool for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease with 88% to 91% of accuracy : science

What was the proposed function of the brain when the heart was long considered as the organ where our consciousness resides in? : askscience

Why Waking Up Earlier Isnt Necessarily Better ... The team found that people who woke up earlier tended to score higher on all dimensions of religiosity, leading them to conclude that being religious could help explain why early risers are more conscientious and more satisfied overall. (chronotypes)

TIL that transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (also known as prion diseases) have the highest mortality rate of any disease that is not inherited: 100% : todayilearned


US ready to fight in space if we have to says military official

Netherlands arrests more than 1,500 climate activists during a protest against Dutch fossil fuel subsidies : worldnews

US forecasters call for near-normal Atlantic hurricane season | Reuters

Two men charged after police find $60m worth of cocaine in shipping container in Sydney : worldnews

Russian Prime Minister Gets an Awkward Reception on Trip to China : worldnews
Chinas 1st domestically made passenger plane completes maiden commercial flight
US wont tolerate Chinas ban onMicron chips, commerce secretary says

Putin orders stronger Russian border security : worldnews

Rejection of NATO, EU and Russian as state language: Russian Foreign Ministry lists new conditions for peace
Lavrov calls move to supply Ukraine with Western fighter jets unacceptable escalation
Wagners Prigozhin says Russian media ignoring him will spark backlash

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian ministry of foreign affairs, stated that the responsibility for the Second World War and the Holocaust lies with the United States. : UkrainianConflict

Head of RT Margarita Simonyan Calls for Lindsey Grahams Assassinations - It's not even hard. We have his address

Lukashenko says Putin to give nuclear weapons to anyone who joins Union State : worldnews
President of Belarus hospitalised after meeting with Putin : worldnews

Somalia to introduce direct universal suffrage in 2024 : worldnews

Saudi Arabia accused Russia of violating commitment to cut oil production - WSJ

Ukraine plans to impose sanctions against Iran for 50 years : worldnews

Mayor explained the unusual vibrations in Kyiv this night: Weapons are going to the front : worldnews
Zelenskyy sanctions 220 Russian and Belarusian companies : worldnews
Jimmy Rushton on Twitter: "Lots of messaging today from Ukrainian sources that their long awaited counteroffensive is imminent. Which could, of course, be intentionally designed to mislead the Russians." / Twitter
Ukraine war: Kyiv hit by new massive Russian drone attack
The Ukrainian Air Force says Ukrainian forces shot down 52 of 54 Shahed/ Geran-2 drones launched overnight. This is the most Russia has launched in one night.
Zelenskyy thanks Ukrainian Air Defence Forces and State Emergency Service after most massive Russian drone attack so far : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 459, Part 1 (Thread #600) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 28.05.2023 : ukraine

ISW on Twitter: "#Wagner Group mercenaries appear to be withdrawing from Bakhmut city to reconstitute and regroup in the rear as #Russian offensive operations decrease in and around the city. Our latest:" / Twitter

Ukrainian drones dropping grenades, FPVs most effective weapon against Russia

Ukrainian military starts training on Abrams tanks in Germany
Germany intensifies scrutiny of far-right AfD, labeling its youth wing 'extremist'

Out of vetoes, Portugal president enacts law allowing euthanasia : worldnews

More than half of voters now want Britain to forge closer ties with the EU, poll reveals : worldnews (boomers deathxited)
Boris Johnson tried to persuade Donald Trump to back Ukraine on US tour : worldnews

Indigenous leaders are being murdered in PerusAmazon

Cuban immigrants are joining the Russian army to fight in Ukraine in exchange for citizenship, a report says : worldnews

Initial Takeaways From the Spending and Debt Ceiling Deal : politics
Whats in the McCarthy-Biden deal to lift the debt ceiling? Here are 6 takeaways.
Debt Deal: Did Biden Find Reasonable Middle or Give Away Too Much? - The New York Times The deal to raise the debt ceiling bolsters President Bidens argument that he is committed to bipartisanship, but it comes at the cost of rankling many in his own party.
We wont crater the world economy if you let us make a few million poor people slightly poorer
White House and G.O.P. Strike Debt Limit Deal to Avert Default : politics
Quite a few Republican representatives are not happy with the debt ceiling deal, and one vowed not to bankrupt our country (but Trumpster's billlion for the riches is great)
Progressives Condemn Biden-GOP Debt Ceiling Deal as Cruel and Shortsighted For no real reason at all, hungry people are set to lose food while tax cheats get a free pass
Sanders Says Cuts to Aid Programs Should Be Off the Table as White House and GOP Near DealWhat should be off the table are children in America, where we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country.
As Deals Go, This Is One of Them - The American Prospect - The second that Joe Biden agreed to negotiate with House Republicans on the debt ceiling, the results were going to be bad.
Kevin McCarthy Brags About Making Struggling Americans Work for Food : politics
Column: With debt ceiling deal, GOP reveals its only real goal was cruelty to the poor : politics
Republicans respond with outrage to McCarthys debt limit compromise (plan to blow up the world)

Sen. Whitehouse: Supreme Court justices are in a fact-free zone as well as an ethics-free zone

Rolling Back a Century of Progress, Republicans Are Reviving Child Labor : politics

Experts warn of increased risk of US terror attacks by rightwing lone wolf actors | Individuals rather than organized groups more likely to commit extremist crimes as inflammatory Republican rhetoric escalates

Trump and Putin Are in Deep Trouble and Need Each Other More Than Ever : politics

Jan. 6 rioters are raking in thousands in donations. Now the US is coming after their haul : politics

The Mar-a-Lago docs case keeps getting worse for Trump : politics

For Trump, the More GOP Presidential Candidates the Better - The New York Times Ron DeSantis entered the presidential race last week along with Tim Scott, with others to follow. For the former president, the more candidates the better.

Dianne Feinstein Relies Heavily on Staff to Function in Senate - The New York Times The California Democrat is surrounded by a large retinue of aides at all times, who tell her how and when to vote, explain what is going on when she is confused, and shield her from the press and public.
Feinstein expressed confusion over Kamala Harris presiding over Senate: report : politics

Ron DeSantis Praises Clarence Thomas as Gold Standard (of corruption)
DeSantis campaign will receive $500K raised by super PAC, a source says. Campaign finance experts call it "unprecedented" : politics

God, money and Dairy Queen: How Texas House investigators secured the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton
Texas blows two good chances to move forward on marijuana. Blame Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick | Opinion : politics

Rampant child sexual abuse is occurring in churches not at drag shows | A new report alleges widespread sexual abuse by the Catholic clergy in Illinois. Will conservatives call for a ban on minors in churches?
Pastor at Christian college arrested for letting his spiritual mentor sexually abuse young boys

Arizona Gov. Hobbs vetoes more election bills from GOP-controlled legislature : politics

J.D. Vance says Target decided to wage war on customers with Pride Month collection

Dont Say Gay Bill Signed in Iowa; GOP Gov. OKs Ratting on Trans Students

Missteps and Miscalculations: Inside Foxs Legal and Business Debacle
Why is the shit still hitting the fan? - Among many other things, one lesson of the recent travails of Murdochland is the danger of having in-house counsel who are high on their own supply:

Here's What Happens When Your Lawyer Uses ChatGPT - A lawyer representing a man who sued an airline relied on artificial intelligence to help prepare a court filing. It did not go well.

3 dead, 5 injured in shooting at biker rally in Red River, New Mexico : worldnews

Maternity's Most Dangerous Time: After New Mothers Come Home - Recent research shows that most pregnancy-related deaths occur in the year after a baby is born. The discovery is changing how doctors care for new mothers.

Deep-sea mining hotspot teems with mystery animals : worldnews

What do you think of people who say "all religion are cults"? : AskReddit


Global warming set to break key 1.5C limit for first time : worldnews

California's cliffs are crumbling as climate change reshapes the coast - Planners always knew choices would have to be made whether to keep building along the edge of the Pacific. They just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

More than 1,500 arrested at Extinction Rebellion protest in The Hague : anime_titties

Cigarettes belong in museums, says Philip Morris International CEO inspeech in London, calling on governments globally to accelerate end of cigarettes

Immunologist Akiko Iwasaki: We are not done with Covid, not even close

Queensland "Sovereign citizen" deemed unfit to hold gun license. : worldnews

West Papua rebels threaten to shoot Phillip Mehrtens, pilot from New Zealand, if talks about independence from Indonesia denied : worldnews

Japan Self-Defense Force conducts large-scale live-fire drills : worldnews

Japanese naval ship to fly Rising Sun flag at drill in South Korea : worldnews

North Korea spent the pandemic building a huge border wall : worldnews
Families call for abductees return from N.Korea while parents live
Christians caught with a Bible in North Korea have faced death and had their families, including children, thrown in prison for life, a new report says : worldnews

Taiwan reportedly receives Stinger missiles under U.S. military aid program : worldnews
Taiwan says Chinese aircraft carrier sailed through strait

Hong Kongs pro-democracy Civic Party votes to dissolve
Uyghur student missing after texting that he was being interrogated by Hong Kong police

UK Ministry of Defence condemns desecration of Royal Navy wrecks .. Those British sailors died helping fight Japan and to defend China their ally. The fact that the Chinese destroy the gravesites of men who died helping to save them is atrocious.
China deletes 1.4 mln social media posts in crack down on self-media accounts : worldnews
Microsoft president Brad Smith on "real concern" about Chinese malware targeting critical infrastructure : worldnews

Putins options are narrowing. But as he tries to wait out the West and exhaust Ukraine, experts say he may still be able to prosecute the war for a long, long, long, long, long time.

Theyre crazy! The new terms for peace have been outlined by the russian deputy foreign minister.

Russian MFA Hysterical over US Statements that Ukraine Could Strike Its Own Crimea : worldnews
Russia begins talking about peace again, seeking recognitionof territorial arrangements andcessation of Ukrainian forces actions
Russian Public Appears to Be Souring on War Casualties, Analysis Shows : UkrainianConflict

According to preliminary information, subject to further confirmation, Lukashenko was urgently transported to Moscow's Central Clinical Hospital after his closed-door meeting with Putin. Currently, he remains under medical care there. : UkrainianConflict

Russians snitch on Russians who oppose war with Soviet-style denunciations : worldnews

Hundreds of expelled Germans set to leave Russia : worldnews

Drones attacked vehicle of Russias Defence Ministry, two soldiers killed
Three Russian Regions Attacked By Ukrainian Forces, Governors Say : worldnews

EU condemns supply transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus: it contradicts Budapest Memorandum : worldnews

China Select Committee of US House recommends making India part of NATO Plus : worldnews
India official empties dam to retrieve lost phone : worldnews

A New Nation is Set to Emerge in Africa : anime_titties

Fulgence Kayishema: Rwandan accused of killing 2,000 in church arrested : worldnews

Sudan army calls on former soldiers to re-enlist as fighting persists through ceasefire : worldnews

Saudi Arabia is snapping up millions of barrels of Russian diesel that Europe no longer allows and sends its own to Europe : worldnews

Senior US general ordered Twitter announcement of drone strike on al Qaeda leader that may have instead killed civilian : worldnews

Iran, Taliban exchange heavy gunfire in conflict over water rights on Afghan border : worldnews
Brussels, Tehran Swap Prisoners In Move Criticized By Iranian Exile Group : worldnews
Iran Executes Seven More Amid International Outcry : anime_titties
Iran accuses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of anti-Iranian propaganda after he called for Iran to halt the supply of drones to Russia and stop their slide into the dark side of history by further supplies

Tens of thousands protest judicial reform across Israel for 21st weekend : anime_titties

Amazing performance at Cannes by Alina Baikova from Ukraine. : ukraine
Lindsey Graham: The Russian.are dying ... it's the best money weveever spent
The intensity is increasing Ukraine says first steps in counteroffensive have begun

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 458, Part 1 (Thread #599) : worldnews

General Staff just now posted enemy loses again. Details in comments. : ukraine
Russia Loses 22 Artillery Systems, 31 Drones in a Day: Ukraine (Friday 26 May) : ukraine

Wagner Group regroups in 3 areas following Bakhmut withdrawal
UK intelligence says Wagners forces withdraw from their positions around Bakhmut

The SSU reported the suspicion to 4 more enemy accomplices: among them areofficials of the Ministry of the russian federation and a former employee of the Ministry of Justice, the press service of the SSU. Among the exposed accomplices of the enemy is a recidivist, who in 2021 was sentenced to 10 years in prison for crimes in the Cossack National Guard of the Don Army controlled by the russian federation

Register of missing people includes 23,000 names, 1500 bodies of soldiers returned to Ukraine : worldnews
These are the Ukrainian children brought back home to their families after they had been illegally deported. There are 19,514 children more who need to be brought back home

Nearly 2,000 cases of collaboration under investigation in Kherson Oblast. [article] : ukraine

Russia Preparing Nuclear Provocation At Zaporizhzhia NPP

Deadly Russian strikes obliterate Dnipro medical facility in central Ukraine | CNN : worldnews
Ukraine war: Russia destroys hospital in latest missile attack : worldnews

Gun and drug trafficking ring busted in raids across Europe : worldnews

Finland to see biggest property price drop in 30 years : worldnews

Tens of thousands in Serbia protest mass shootings, government policies : anime_titties
Serbia President Puts Military on Combat Alert, Orders Army to Move Closer to Kosovo Border : worldnews
Tens of thousands of people converged on the Serbian capital on Friday for a major rally in support of President Aleksandar Vucic, who is facing an unprecedented revolt against his autocratic rule amid the crisis triggered by two mass shootings that stunned the nation : worldnews

Poland passes contentious bill to examine Russian influence | The law, backed by the ruling Law and Justice party, is seen as targeting former Prime Minister Donald Tusk ahead of key elections next year. Critics say the measure is unconstitutional. : worldnews

Netherlands seriously considering sending F-16s to Ukraine

Scholz: Our support for Ukraine is unwavering, Russia must withdraw its troops : worldnews

Credit Suisse Ordered to Pay $926M to Ex-Georgian Prime Minister in Fraud Case : anime_titties

Italian governments anti-LGBT rhetoric blamed for brutal beating of trans woman in Milan

French lawmakers set to pass law to crack down on influencers : worldnews

Royal Navys most advanced destroyer deploys to the Caribbean

Second Quebec group suspected of hosting Chinese police station received federal funding

Iraq War Veterans, 20 Years Later: I Dont Know How to Explain the War to Myself

Senators urge Pentagon to investigate price gouging by military contractors after 60 Minutes report : politics

Soaring airline customer complaints push global legislators to act : worldnews

In Depth look at the impact of Henry Kissinger on American foreign policy : bestof (killed 4 million)

U.S. now has until June 5 to act on the debt ceiling, Yellen says The Treasury secretary gets more specific about the deadline, saying in a letter Friday the country has until June 5 to act or trigger a potential default.
White House hits Republicans over work requirements in debt talks - POLITICO Adding work requirements to social safety net programs continues to be a key sticking point in negotiations.
GOPs Proposed Expansion Of Work Requirements Targets Low-Income People In Their Early 50s Who Already Work
Yellen's Debt Limit Warnings Went Unheeded, Leaving Her to Face Fallout - The Treasury secretary, who considered ways to contain the fallout of a default when she was a Fed official in 2011, had urged Democrats to raise the limit while they still had control of Congress.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema enters debt ceiling talks to try to resolve split on energy permitting ... working with both sides
Dont Be Taken by Corporate Media Both-Siderism: The GOP Alone Manufactured This Debt Ceiling Disaster
Jamaal Bowman: Why Are We Negotiating With Economic Terrorists (Republicans)? | The New York representative does not see any need to negotiate with Republicans on the debt ceiling. : politics

Why the GOP Wants to Rob Gen Z to Pay the Boomers : politics

U.S.s political madness takes place against a backdrop of astonishing strength
New research on targeted officials shows that fear and intimidation are eroding democratic participation nationwide ... new level of permission to be publicly vile ... the threat primarily comes from right-wing agitators

Clarence Thomass newest opinion would literally bring back child labor

Biden and Trumps Different Responses to a Crying Baby Compared

Donald Trump is likely to be indicted soon related to classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Heres what he may be charged with.
Trump facing "multiple counts of obstruction," former prosecutor predicts : politics
Prosecutors in Trumps criminal case say they have recording of Trump and a witness
Prosecutors say they have a recording of Trump and a witness in Manhattan DA case : politics - One day after Musk made a very large contribution to DeSantis campaign PAC.

Trump Bucks promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands.

Judge sets May 2024 date for Steve Bannons trial onWe Build the Wallfraud charges

The ugly proxy war over Feinstein's Senate seat - The California senator's health and a promise Gov. Gavin Newsom made two years ago is complicating the states first real Democratic primary in decades.

The Far Right Is Splintering : politics

Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Releases First Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism
White House rejects Lauren Boeberts claim that antisemitism plan will be used go after conservativesIf anyone finds opposition to hate threatening, they need to look inward
White House Tells Rep. Lauren Boebert: Antisemitism Isnt Conservative, it's evil

Chilling effect: National experts decry decision against abortion doctor Caitlin Bernard
Republicans sanction doctor for crime of debunking their misogynist lies

Ron DeSantis Wants To Take His War On Woke National. TheresOne Big Problem: The Constitution
Disney rips DeSantis bid to disqualify judge in free speech lawsuit : politics
DeSantis campaign tells nervous donors in leaked audio that voters will care more about a recession and Biden's age than the governors anti-abortion record
If report of DeSantis squeezing lobbyists for cash is true, its a stunning violation | Opinion
DeSantiss shameless defense of the Amanda Gorman fiasco is revealing
Scientific American Condemns Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Protecting Elon Musk If His Rockets Explode and Kill Workers : politics

Republicans Around the Country Are Trying to Rob Democrats of the Right to Govern: Its not just Ron DeSantis. The red-state war on blue cities is intensifying.

Texas keeps on burying kids from gun violencewhile Republicans fight among themselves | The Lone Star State is the capital of gun violenceinstead of doing anything, Republicans are eating their own

Megathread: Texas House Impeaches Texas Attorney General Paxton; Paxton Removed from Office Pending Senate Trial : politics
Texas House votes 121-23 to impeach Ken Paxton
Watch: Texas House debates impeaching AG Ken Paxton | The Texas Tribune Texas House hears charges of abuse and corruption against Ken Paxton in impeachment proceeding
The Texas attorney general has spent nearly eight yearsand won two electionsunder indictment. So why a vote to impeach now?
Why Texas GOP-controlled House wants to impeach Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton
Republican-led effort to impeach Ken Paxton is a seismic political shift | The Texas Tribune Republicans have chosen to remain largely silent during years of alleged misconduct and lawbreaking by the attorney general. Now they will have to take a public stand.
Embattled Texas AG Ken Paxton calls for protest at the state Capitol - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

GOP lawmaker calls LGBTQ+ community a disease & says itscontagious ... Kentucky Republican state Rep. Josh Calloway (looks so gay)

Mom blames transphobic law after library blocks her disabled sons restroom use

Iowa governor signs bill rolling back child labor protections into law : politics

Tuberville on inner city teachers: I dont know whether they can read and write (says dumbfuck coach football head)

Republican senator the only one to vote against exonerating women hanged for being "witches"

Oklahoma school officials tried to rip a Native American students sacred feather off her cap at graduation, lawsuit alleges

Cleveland 19 News receives bomb threat against 5 Targets as stores face LGBTQ+ controversy
Layton Target evacuated after bomb threats reported at multiple Utah stores | KUTV

Tucker Carlson, Fox News hacks tied to FBI search of Tampa council member's home - The search at City Council member Lynn Hurtak and Tim Burke's home was part of a probe into computer hacks at Fox News.

She Said Equinox Fired Her for Being a Black Woman. A Jury Agreed.The high-end gym franchise was ordered to pay Robynn Europe, a former employee, damages of $11.25 million.

Patriot Front member pleads guilty to child pornography charges in Utah

Attacks on trans athletes have little basis in science Experts say a paucity of research on transgender athletes makes it difficult to determine if trans women actually are faster or stronger. The science is even murkier for young athletes.

Long trains are blocking first responders when every minute counts - Washington Post

apps efforts at the film festival are part of its plan to position itself as a top entertainment platform

Twitter withdraws from EU disinformation code | Lux Times : worldnews
Report: massive Tesla leak reveals data breaches, thousands of safety complaints | Tesla

Bill Gates's younger Russian 'lover' and her links to notorious Kremlin spy Anna Chapman | Daily Mail Online

Why is Nvidia stock going up? AI brings near trillion-dollar valuation - The Washington Post The video game computer chip maker has become an unlikely kingmaker thanks to the AI boom, nearing a trillion-dollar valuation

Nearly any material can harvest energy out of thin air, scientists find - The Washington Post

Ancient toilets unearthed in Jerusalem reveal a debilitating and sometimes fatal disease : worldnews


Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time in 2023 : worldnews

Worlds richest countries are fuelling what a human rights group calls modern slavery

Chinese ships ignore Vietnam demand to leave area close to gas fields : worldnews

Japan adopts new sanctions on Russia, criticizes its deal to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus : worldnews

South Korea launched its third domestically built space rocket, and has successfully deployed commercial-grade satellites for the first time. : worldnews
South Korea: Passenger opens plane door midair : worldnews
In South Korea, 'Lookism' Is Enforced With Open Discrimination - Despite lookism being forbidden in Korea by a 1995 law, appearance-based discrimination is a cultural norm (culture of superficiality)

China is not talking to America, rejecting, not responding to US calls
China not responding to US requests for open lines of communication, says Pentagon official : worldnews
China warns against Japan PMs attendance at NATO summit
WWII horror bunker where Japanese experimented on humans uncovered in China

It should not be controversial to describe Russia as a fascist state. It is obviously, objectively fascist for anyone who knows 20th century history and understands what the word means. : UkrainianConflict

Ukraine war could last for decades, says Putin aide Dmitry Medvedev : worldnews
Medvedev declares war in Ukraine would last for decades and threatens with nuclear strike again : worldnews

Russian Propagandist Fired For Interview With Prigozhin : UkrainianConflict

In Russia, children will be sent to patriotic camps and taught to shoot and fly UAVs : worldnews

I'd rather go to jail than front line. Russian court sentences draftee to five years behind bars over desertion charges

Drone attacks Gazprom premises in Belgorod Oblast, Russia : worldnews

Tajikistan summons Russias envoy after Russian police beat and interrogated more than 100 Tajik students studying at a Russian university

Israeli spyware found on phones of UN official, journalists, activists in Armenia : worldnews

Rights groups slam severe Taliban restrictions on Afghan women as 'crime against humanity' : worldnews

Deaths soar on Everest after record number of climbers attempt summit : worldnews

Russian weapons manufacturers hosted at Saudi trade event | Companies with direct links to Russian military set to attend, which is likely to heighten tensions with US : worldnews

World Cup security guards still jailed in Qatar after dispute over unpaid wages : worldnews

Israeli agents conducted targeted killings in West Bank, killing a child - Washington Post Videos from a March 16 raid in Jenin show increasingly deadly tactics by Israeli officers (Jews go full Nazi)

Ukraine says Russia plans to simulate accident at nuclear power plant : worldnews

The Counteroffensive Is Coming - The New York Times We preview what is next in the war in Ukraine.
Timothy Snyder on Twitter: "Our taboo on giving aircraft to Ukraine made the war longer and deadlier. New European and US initiatives to help Ukrainians secure their own skies will save lives and shorten the war." / Twitter
Ukraine is capable of liberating all territories, but not in near future - General Milley
NATO to upgrade Ukraines partner status without offering swift membership
Austin announced Ramsteins agreement on training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16s (
Russias attack on the night of 2526 May: Ukraines air defence destroyed 10 cruise missiles and 23 Shahed drones

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 457, Part 1 (Thread #598) : worldnews

Estimated Russian losses. : ukraine
Russian losses per 26/05/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff.
Over the past two weeks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been destroying Russian artillery at an average rate of 22 systems per day. When Ukraine's counter-offensive begins, the Russian invaders will be less able to respond with heavy fire.

(1/5) Over at least the last 20 years, Russia has experienced a proliferation of paramilitary groups out of its regular armed forces.
(2/5) However, this paramilitarisation has dramatically accelerated since Russias invasion of Ukraine and is particularly important in the Crimean Peninsula.
(3/5) The leader of Russian-occupied Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, has been instrumental in setting up several local units, which often claim affiliation with the Cossack tradition. Most have been given some semi-official status as reserve units of the regular army.

Phrase of the month: shaping operations.In the past two weeks our analysis of satellite data has detected 907 fires likely to be war-related in Russian-held territory in Ukraine. Thats more than four times as many as in the two weeks before

Russian rocket hits Ukraine medical clinic : worldnews

Russia stole about 4 million tons of grain from Ukraine

Russia passports forced on Ukrainians to erase identity

The EU has frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank amounting to more than 200 billion - The EU has also frozen 24.1 billion belonging to individuals and legal entities who have fallen under sanctions. - The EU is considering ways to use these assets to rebuild Ukraine.

Serbia president puts military on combat alert : worldnews

Cyprus parliament passes bill criminalising conversion therapy : worldnews

Banks in Finland will start cleaning up accounts of Russians
Electricity prices in Finland flipped negative a huge oversupply of clean, hydroelectric power meant suppliers were almost giving it away

Hungary unfit to hold EU presidency, warn MEPs

Scholz will speak to Putin in due course
Ukraine Front Lines on Twitter: "American Abrams M1A1 tanks arrive at the Grafenwehr training base in Germany. Training of Ukrainians will start soon." / Twitter

Rent-a-bike users in the French capital found large anti-abortion stickers plastered on their bicycles on Thursday, sparking an outcry from the government : worldnews

Expert banned from UK government event for tweets that criticised Tories : worldnews

Peruvian police seize cocaine bricks wrapped in Nazi insignia : worldnews
Peru protesters, including children, killed in extrajudicial executions bysecurity forces, Amnesty finds

President Zelensky was the surprise commencement speaker at yesterdays Johns Hopkins graduation ceremony ... Anne Applebaum introducing Zelenksy!

White House, Republicans Reportedly Nearing Deal to Raise Debt Limit : politics
GOP conservatives fume over debt ceiling compromises : politics
Column: When Kevin McCarthys spending cuts get spelled out, even Republicans balk
McCarthy says debt ceiling standoff not my fault as White House warns of economic risks (
Debt limit: When U.S. Treasury could start missing payments on social security, vet benefits : politics
A Decade Later; Republicans Still Do Not Know What Means

How Supreme Courts EPA ruling will affect U.S. wetlands, clean water - The decision could affect tens of thousands of acres of wetlands, including in the Everglades and the Mississippi River basin
Poll: most dont trust Supreme Court to decide reproductive health cases
Unanimous Supreme Court gives transgender woman from Guatemala new chance to fight deportation : politics
Supreme Court sides with grandmother who lost home, equity because of back taxes : politics

Prosecutors have evidence Trump showed classified papers to people
Evidence grows that Trump hoarded documentsand showed them to people
Calls grow to search Trumps Bedminster estate after moved document reports
This Was a Wagnerianly Bad Week for Donald Trump: With legal cases piling up, the former president may be destined for a jumpsuit to match his skin tone. : politics

Mar-A-Lago Workers Moved Boxes Of Papers Before An FBI Visit: Reports : politics
Mar-a-Lago Worker Provided Prosecutors New Details in Trump Documents Case : politics
Mar-a-Lago Worker Provided Prosecutors New Details in Trump Documents Case - The New York Times A maintenance worker for the former president recounted helping to move boxes into a storage room a day before a Justice Department official came seeking the return of classified material.

IRS whistleblower who claimed Hunter Biden case was mishandled wont cooperate with Senate probe

Trump has the charisma of a mortician: Donald Jr confuses dad with DeSantis

Boris Johnson: Former PM meets Donald Trump to discuss Ukraine : worldnews

Left-behind polling memo shows abortion hurting outlook for GOP : politics

Slime finds its way to the bottom of the ocean - The pushback from some of No Labels natural allies adds to the recent turmoil the group has faced. It lost its top communications adviser Mark Halperin earlier this spring and has been roiled by internal staff turmoil.

Ron DeSantis vs. the Woke Mind Virus (aka "consciousness")
Ron DeSantis is Not a Competent Governor : politics
DeSantis Attacks Trump: He Destroyed Millions of Lives
Ron DeSantis says he will consider pardon for Trump if elected : politics
DeSantis is not giving sane conservatives reason to join his bandwagon : politics ("sane" hahaha)
Ron DeSantiss Antiscience Agenda Is Dangerous | Presidential contender Ron DeSantis has used governmental power in Florida to restrict access to health and education, promoting an intolerant and harmful agenda
Florida unions sue DeSantis for serious violations of the U.S. Constitution : politics
What is going on with Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis? : politics
DeSantis Signs Bill Shielding Musks SpaceX From Spaceflight Entity Liability

Are the Anti-Trump GOP Forces Starting to Implode? - POLITICO A mission-control breakdown for DeSantis and smooth launch for Scott bode ill for those hoping to thwart the former president.

Texas House panel recommends impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton : politics
GOP-led Texas House panel issues 20 impeachment counts against state Attorney General Ken Paxton : politics
Here are the 20 articles of impeachment filed against Ken Paxton : politics
Ken Paxtons impeachment case involves an alleged affair. His wife, a state senator, may vote on his political fate
How big of a crook does a Republican Attorney General have to be to be impeached by Texas Republicans?

Feds investigating if Menendez and wife got gifts including D.C. apartment, Mercedes and jewelry Investigators want to know if Menendez got gifts from the owners or associates of a New Jersey company that won a controversial contract with the Egyptian government. (kept on crooking)
Menendez Investigation Is Said to Involve Questions About Luxury Gifts - The New York Times Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, has said he is confident the inquiry will end up in absolutely nothing

Marjorie Taylor Greene slammed by BLM over racist dog whistle language

Lauren Boebert Suggests Effort To Fight Antisemitism Is An Attack On Conservatives : politics

Louisiana Republican Breaks Ranks to Kill Anti-Trans Bill, Says He Doesnt Care What Other People Say:Fred Mills is completely unbothered the rights outrage over his vote. (

Indiana Board Reprimands Doctor Who Performed Abortion on 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Dr. Caitlin Bernard helped a rape victim after the fall of Roe, and now shes being punished for it.
So I Guess It Happened Then (Wapo's fact-fucker, Glenn Kessler)

Arizona Judge Overturns Incredibly Stupid Restraining Order Against A Journalist Who Dared To Knock On A Politicians Door

Nevada Passes Bill To Allow Assisted Dying : politics

Oregon Gov. Kotek, lawmakers move to add $300 million to public school funding : politics

Oregons absent Republicans might turn to crowdfunding to challenge ballot measure
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler seeks to criminalize homeless peoplesdaytime camping, warming fires, other common actions

Utah Supreme Court upholds law making it more difficult to access waterways, much to the dismay of outdoor enthusiasts : politics

You Arent Prepared for How Disturbing Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets Isdocuseries interrogates abuse within the Duggar family as well as the insidious Christian organization IBLP they subscribe to.

Boston police lieutenant facing OUI charge was previously fired, rehired after another incident : massachusetts

Dont See How Elmo Wriggles Out Of This One - thousands of customer complaints that raise serious concerns about the safety of Teslas Full Self-Driving (FSD) features.
Twitter to pull back from Europe's disinformation crusade - EU commissioner Thierry Breton has said he would personally hold site owner Elon Musk to account for complying with the bloc's content rules.
Twitter engineering boss Foad Dabiri quits day after DeSantis launch glitches - BBC News

Ten great (relatively) obscure Rolling Stones songs

Why You Should Continue Learning after Graduation: Guide & Tips
Top 50 LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges

A History of U.S. Surgeon General Warnings: Smoking, TV, Safer Sex and More - The New York Times Public advisories from the nations top doctor are infrequent, but sometimes become turning points in American life.

Scientists use AI to discover new antibiotic to treat deadly superbug | Artificial intelligence (AI) : worldnews

7,000 year-old road found under the Mediterranean Sea in Croatia : worldnews

The big idea: why colour is in the eye of the beholder | Neuroscience | The Guardian We might think the sky is blue and trees are green, but the truth is rather stranger


New study raises alarm over rapid global wildlife loss : worldnews ... What we are experiencing right now is the beginning of what we call a mass extinction

The number of scientists devoted to polar research has more than doubled, and they're painting a sobering picture. : worldnews

Protecting Indias tigers also good for climate: study

Invasion of Ukraine has fuelled funding boom for clean energy| International Energy Agency says investment will hit $1.7tn this year, well ahead of fossil fuels

Killer whales wreck boat in latest attack off Spain | Reuters

Rise in extreme wildfires linked directly to emissions from oil companies in new study : worldnews

791 confirmed cases and 13 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Researchers from China, Pakistan develop new method to treat celiac disease : worldnews

Australia joins intelligence partners to blame China for US infrastructure cyber attack : worldnews
Melbourne couple charged with keeping a slave in their home : worldnews

Salt Bae parody: Vietnam noodle vendor jailed for five years - BBC News : worldnews - for anti-state propaganda.

Syphilis cases on record-breaking pace again in Tokyo, jump 20% : worldnews

Tim White on Twitter: "#SouthKorea has quietly agreed to ship "hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds to #Ukraine" Previously the country said it would only give non-lethal aid." / Twitter

Taiwan Buys 18 Additional High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Rocket Launchers From US : worldnews
Taiwan seizes 500 metric tons of US corn contaminated with vomitoxin : worldnews

As Russias aggression against Ukraine has turned into a protracted war, Beijing believes that its bargaining position visvis Moscow can only get stronger.
Sneaky Chinese ship caught red-handed A Chinese ship has been caught red-handed trying to quietly loot the war graves of 840 men, ripping up World War II-era wrecks.
Chinese salvage ship caught red-handed looting battleship wrecks : worldnews

Putin is afraid he will be killed, and we are getting closer - Ukraines Defence Intelligence
Wagner Group boss, Putins butcher, says Russia at risk of losing Ukraine war and facing a "revolution"
Russia Dissolves Oldest Opposition Party : worldnews

Wagner boss attacks Russias defense minister, says his daughter and son-in-law live in luxury while thousands are sent to die in Ukraine

And @general_ben speaks out a truth that hasnt been properly acknowledged in Europe: Russias war against Ukraine is what failed deterrence looks like.

Russia denies fire at Ministry of Defense, says state media | CNN : worldnews

Russias Kinzhal missile is not hypersonic. Nor is it invincible
Russia Calls Off Major Air Show Amid Security Fears, Lack of Aircrafts : worldnews

WhereisRussiaToday on Twitter: "This is what counts as evidence amongst Russian pro-war commentators. Hardly @bellingcat level OSINT." / Twitter

[4/4] The spoofing of AIS increases the risk of maritime accidents. Despite Russian virtual information operations in the Black Sea, its physical navy remains vulnerable: the Ivan Khurs intelligence gathering vessel was likely attacked on 24 May 2023
Russia: Warship guarding Black Sea pipelines attacked by uncrewed Ukraine craft : worldnews
Status-6 on Twitter: "Newly released footage from the deck of an unmanned surface vessel (USV) shows that it managed to reach and presumably struck the Russian intelligence ship "Ivan Khurs." Earlier, Russian Defense Ministry claimed that all three USVs were destroyed before they reached the vessel." / Twitter
Naval drones damage Russias intelligence ship

WHO members vote to move Moscow office and urge Russia to stop attacks on hospitals : worldnews

Lukashenko: Russian nuclear weapons are on their way to Belarus : worldnews

Belgorod: Russian paramilitary group vows more incursions : worldnews
Russian leader of anti-Putin force says expect more border raids : worldnews
Russian Volunteer Corps says they sneaked into Russia again, With battles or quietly, it doesnt matter anymore

Even nuclear weapons are now one for two Kazakhstans President Tokayev says Putin and Lukashenko have created a problem

Russias Federation Council threatens Moldovan president for agreeing to arrest Putin

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said Armenia might quit Russia-led military bloc : worldnews

Militants detonated explosives inside two empty girls schools in northwestern Pakistan overnight, destroying nine classrooms but causing no casualties

South Africa under more scrutiny over Russian ship as ruling ANC says it would 'welcome' Putin

Most wanted Rwandan genocide suspect arrested in South Africa after decades on the run : worldnews ... Kayishema allegedly orchestrated the killing of more than 2,000 Tutsi refugees ... Shit, they finally captured Hutu Harry

Ship grounded in Suez Canal now refloated : worldnews

UK study of 1948 Israeli massacre of Palestinian village reveals mass grave sites : worldnews (and then they holocausted the Palestinians)

White Houses red lines disappear after Ukraine shoots down six Kinzhals over Kyiv, says expert
Zelenskyy says the first Ukrainian F-16 will send signal that Russia will lose : worldnews
Official of Ukrainian Presidents Office states Ukraines counter-offensive already began
Ukrainians Were Likely Behind Kremlin Drone Attack, U.S. Officials Say American spy agencies do not know exactly who carried out the attack this month, but suggest it was part of a series of covert operations orchestrated by Ukraine s security services.
US confirms sale of $285 million worth of NASAMS air defence systems to Ukraine : worldnews
Washington is investigating reports that U.S. military vehicles were used in raids on Russia, a White House official said Wednesday, warning Ukraine and pro-Ukraine forces against using U.S. equipment to attack inside Russia. : worldnews

100% success rate: Ukraines air defence destroys all 36 Russian Shahed drones in overnight attack ... Russia announces that it destroyed successfully 36 Ukrainian Anti-Air Missiles!

Ukrainian defenders kill 500 Russian soldiers and destroy 20 artillery systems in one day : worldnews

Russias Wagner begins withdrawing units from Bakhmut - Prigozhin

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 456, Part 1 (Thread #597) : worldnews

Viktoriia Lapa: NATO should stop biding time on Ukrainian membership promise
EU Declares No Longer Dependent on Russian Energy : worldnews

Dutch prosecutors seize property near Amsterdam linked to Putin son-in-law: Report : worldnews

German economy enters recession : worldnews
Whistleblower Drops 100 Gigabytes Of Tesla Secrets To German News Site: Report : technology ... The files contain over 1,000 accident reports involving phantom braking or unintended acceleration -mostly in the U.S. and Germany.

Italy controversially ends 80 years of lawsuits against Nazi Germany : worldnews

Le Pen questioned for four hours about Russia ties by Parliament inquiry : worldnews
The French government plans to move homeless people out of Paris ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games in the capital, sparking criticism from some mayors of regional towns and villages which are expected to house them : worldnews

UK to keep Kremlin assets frozen until Russia pays compensation to Ukraine : worldnews
FBI reveals 1980s plot to kill Queen Elizabeth II : worldnews (IRA)

The Good News on Unemployment for Black Americans : politics

Slimmed-down U.S. debt ceiling deal takes shape
Americas hyper partisanship could cost it its sterling AAA credit rating, Fitch warns
Is the debt ceiling stalemate just posturing or is this time truly different?
Potential Debt Ceiling Deal Would Barely Change Federal Spending Path : politics ... The cuts Republicans propose would have severe impacts on education, public safety, child care, veterans health care and more
Its not their money: Older Americans worried debt default means no Social Security ... Then stop voting for people that want to cut social security ... Its a difficult choice, so you want to own the LiBZ or eat food.
House conservatives blanch at leaked details of McCarthy-Biden debt talks - POLITICO The group was already unlikely to support a final bipartisan deal, but lingering anger with Kevin McCarthy could have lasting implications on his speakership.
Ronna McDaniel Says Possible U.S. Default Bodes Very Well for the Republican Fieldin 2024

More and more Americans are skipping medical care due to money woes : politics

Acting before Supreme Court ruling, House votes to block Bidens student loan forgiveness plan

Chief justice says US supreme court keeps highest standards of conduct | John Roberts speaks on same day lawyers for Harlan Crow decline to cooperate with Senate judiciary committee over gifts scandal
Supreme Court rolls back federal safeguards for wetlands under Clean Water Act : politics
Supreme Court Ruling Opens Millions of Acres of Wetlands to Pollution : politics
Alito: the Clean Water Act did not authorize the EPA to protect the bodies of water its text was specifically amended to protect

Oath Keepers' Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years for seditious conspiracy - The Washington Post Stewart Rhodess sentence is the longest given to any of the hundreds of people found guilty of involvement in the pro-Trump riot.
Oath Keepers Leader Stewart Rhodes Is Sentenced to 18 Years in Jan. 6 Case - The New York Times The sentence for Stewart Rhodes was the longest so far in the federal investigation of the Capitol attack and the first issued to a defendant convicted of sedition.
Woke judicial mob sentences a man to 18 years in prison, even though he committed no crime except attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States
DeSantis says, if elected president, hed consider pardons for Jan. 6 offenders

Mark Meadows flipping on Donald Trump is game over

Trumps Lawyers Warn Him: Get Ready to Be Indicted by the Feds
Trump Mar-a-Lago workers moved boxes day before FBI came for documents - The Washington Post New details, including alleged dress rehearsal for moving sensitive papers, show a focus on Donald Trumps instructions and intent

The Kremlin Offers a Trump-Putin Ticket for 2024 | The Russian president wades back into US politics, declaring the Donalds enemies his enemies too. Shouldnt that make Republicans think? ("think")

Six in 10 Republicans still think 2020 was illegitimate - The Washington Post

The Right-Wing Embrace of Bloodlust : politics

Majority of Californians believe Feinstein isnt fit to serve, poll finds

Newt Gingrichs Unintentional Burn Of Donald Trump Is Priceless

The 2024 election is going to be wildly transphobic | Republicans are already signaling that attacking trans people will be one of their top issues in this election. : politics
Over 100 Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws Passed In The Last Five Years Half Of Them This Year (

Entire House Laughs at Marjorie Taylor Greene After She Asks for Decorum : politics
Lauren Boeberts son called 911 in tears to report his father was throwing him around the house. Then she took the phone.

Democrats Roast Republicans During Hearing on Gas Stoves : politics

The Ron DeSantis Twitter Campaign Launch Was a Disaster: The Florida governor's attempt to kick off his presidential candidacy from deep within Elon Musk's collapsing empire went exactly as well as you'd expect. : politics
Now's the time to think about just how bad a DeSantis presidency would be - Margaret Sullivan
It Was More Than a #DeSaster : Ron DeSantis's botched campaign launch suggests that hes no Trump-killer.
With DeSantis event, Twitter solidifies its place in the conservative media world : politics (Elongated Dickhead Muskfucker)
Florida Man Known for Threatening Teachers and Gay Kids Thinks He Can Be President: Ron DeSantis has officially declared his run for president : politics ... Regardless of how it takes shape, the ensuing Republican primary will confirm what most of the country already knows: whoever comes out alive should be as far away from power as possible
DeSantis hasnt even scratched the surface of the harm hes capable of
Ron DeSantis Is All Inon Creating an American Autocracy

Lets be clear: DeSantis has adopted the pro-Russia, pro-Putin position. Heres the only settlement: full withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine. Putin in The Hague. Reparations from Russia for Ukraine.
DeSantis dismisses climate change, calling it politicisation of weather

DeSantis signs bill that says he can remain governor while running for president : politics
DeSantis Disney feud will backfire in 2024, key Florida Republican says
An Orlando drag show restaurant files lawsuit against Florida and Gov. Ron DeSantis : politics
DeSantis 1st law enforcement appointee killed a man then lied
Florida school system has closed investigation into teacher who showed Disney movie with gay character : politics

Texas Panel Recommends Impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton - The New York Times The Republican-led House committee said Mr. Paxtons abuses of office rose to the level of possible crimes that warranted an impeachment vote.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton faces call for impeachment by House panel | The Texas Tribune Paxton, reelected last year by voters who shrugged off his scandals, now faces the prospect of indictment by a House of Representatives chamber in which he may have few remaining allies.
Ken Paxton likely committed impeachable crimes, Texas House panel says

Texas cities may soon lose power to act on air quality, worker safety, consumer rights or housing : politics
Texas lawmakers approve bill to allow school districts to replace counselors with chaplains : politics (who will molest the kids)
A Texas high school had to move its graduation because only 5 students were reportedly eligible to graduate - CBS News - 28 of 33 seniors at Marlin High School did not meet graduation requirements, and their attendance records and grades are to blame.

Failing to inform voters what Ohio Issue 1 would actually do is patently unconstitutional: editorial - a statewide ballot issue scheduled for Aug. 8 that would make it far harder to pass any constitutional amendment in Ohioand exponentially more difficult to get citizen-initiated amendments on the ballot.

Florida Mom Behind Amanda Gorman Book Ban Has Proud Boy Links

Target Is Removing Pride Products Because the Far-Right Is Threatening Staff : politics ... This wasnt a boycott, this was the right threatening violence and using terrorism against retail workers ... and it worked ...

GOP Lawmaker Erases Maxwell Frosts Valid Point on Student Debt From the Record Representative Virginia Foxx, a top recipient of cash from student loan companies and for-profit colleges, acted offended by Frosts comments on student debt relief.

What Josh Hawley and the Right Get Wrong About Manhood : politics

Heritage Foundation Says That Of Course GOP Will Use KOSA To Censor LGBTQ Content : politics

Targets surrender to MAGA rage shows how anti-wokeness really works

CPAC treasurer resigns, alleges financial and staff mismanagement by Matt Schlapp - The Washington Post The resignation letter adds pressure on Schlapp, who is fighting a defamation lawsuit from a campaign staffer who alleges he groped him
Bob Beauprez Resigns From CPAC, Blasting Matt Schlapp

Minnesota Governor Signs Bills to Allow Drug Consumption Sites, Create Psychedelics Task Force : news

A new Winnie-the-Pooh book sent home with kids in Texas teaches them how to respond in a school shooting : books

School That Allegedly Had Black Classrooms Now in More Trouble - An expanded federal probe is underway after a parent blew the whistle on apparent segregation at an Atlanta elementary school.

3 former Mississippi police officers indicted for murder, manslaughter in death of Black man in custody : news

Doctor in 10-year-old rape victims abortion could lose license ... Indiana Republicans ...

11-year-old Aderrien Murry shot by police after calling 911 in Mississippi - The Washington Post ... After the child called 911, an Indianola police officer who was identified by the attorney as Greg Capehad his gun blazing upon arrival at the home at around 4 a.m.

Gabby Petitos parents get copy of burn after reading letter that Brian Laundries mom wrote him

Artist instantly paralyzed after being shoved into moving subway train, New York prosecutor says : news

White police officers who vote for the Republican Party exhibit a larger racial disparity in police stops than white police officers who vote for Democrats. This bias increased over the period 2012 - 2020. [Data: millions of traffic stop records and the linked voter records of Florida police officers]

Watch Sunny Hostins World Collapse As She Finds Out Mid-Sentence How Wrong She Is About Elon Musk, Trump, and Biden

CNN Is Tanking After Its Unforgivable Trump Town Hall | The New Republic Chris Lichts master plan has already run agroundas have the news channels ratings.

Twitter is making researchers delete data it gave them unless they pay $42,000 Move to hike price of academic access compared to book burning amid fears it will harm fight against misinformation online

Microsoft and Goldman Sachs to drive web3 adoption with AI : worldnews

Who Wants to Live Forever?

These Are the Most Bizarre Numbers in the Universe - Scientific American Most real numbers are unknowneven to mathematicians

Neuroscientists have uncovered how vitamin D deficiency affects developing neurons in schizophrenia : science

Ancient humans may have paused in Arabia for 30,000 years on their way out of Africa : science ... There is no direct scientific evidence of what we call civilization before around 6000 years ago, just as there is no direct evidence of agriculture before ~ 11,500 years ago.

TIL that most people "talk" to themselves in their head and hear their own voice, and some people hear their voice regardless of whether they want it or not. : todayilearned

TIL Oregons largest coastal city has only 16,000 residents, despite there being 4.2m people in the state and over 350 miles of coastline

TIL Margaret Theresa of Spain, the main subject of Velasquezs famous Las Meninaspainting died at the age of 21. She went through 6 pregnancies in 6 years, including 2 stillbirths and at the time of her death, she was 4 months into her 7th

TIL the Ancient Olympics were held at least 293 times (1,169 years) consecutively from 776 BC to 393 AD nearly 10 times longer than the Modern Olympics have been running (since 1896).

Forgotten archive of medieval books and manuscripts discovered in Romanian church

Congress wants AM radio in all new carstrade groups say thats a mistake | Congress wants to force AM into every new car for emergency alerts

What YouTube channel is a goldmine of entertainment? : AskReddit

whats a news story that got buried that you think more people need to hear?

People who knew someone who died in a freak accident, what happened? : AskReddit


50 million people trapped in modern slavery: The number of people living in modern slavery has risen sharply in the last five years, according to a new report. North Korea and Eritrea have the highest rates in the world

Fifth of the worlds population may face life-threatening heat by 2100

Were actually heading for a 10C global mean temperature increase, paper re-submitted by Hansen et al. 2022 - Global warming in the pipeline

Ocean temp setting record every day since March 14 : collapse

Sweltering heat wave hits Sri Lanka; climate change will likely bring more : collapse

US, EU lawmakers demand removal of oil executive heading climate talks : worldnews ... A Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates. What could go wrong?

German climate activists raided for forming criminal group : worldnews

Shells annual shareholder meeting in London descended into chaos with more than an hour of climate protests delaying the start of a meeting in which investors in the oil company rejected new targets for carbon emissions cuts

Netherlands will hold 3M liable for PFAS forever chemicals in Westerschelde

In Panama, legal rights given to sea turtles, boosting therights of nature movement

Super Typhoon Mawar passing over Guam as Category 4 storm with strong winds, rain : worldnews

How Twitter became a haven for climate misinformation The intention is to create a perception that denial is far more widespread than it actually is,Michael Mann tells us.

Finlands average electricity price slips into negative territory

Montana lawmakers have passed legislation that bars state agencies from considering climate change when permitting large projects that require environmental reviews : collapse

Covid kills one person every four minutes as vaccination rates fall : worldnews

World must prepare for disease more deadlier than Covid, WHO chief warns : collapse

95-year-old woman Tasered by police in Australia dies : worldnews
Charges laid against police officer who allegedly tasered 95-year-old Clare Nowland : worldnews

Japan wont join NATO, but local office considered, PM Kishida says
Japan transfers 100 military vehicles to Ukraine : worldnews
Japan to expand use of space for defense, vow to protect satellites : worldnews

South Korea cancels third launch of homegrown rocket due to technical problems : worldnews

North Korea could launch spy satellite in near future: National security adviser

Chinese Malware Hits Systems on Guam. Is Taiwan the Real Target? - The New York Times The code, which Microsoft said was installed by a Chinese government hacking group, set off alarms because Guam would be a centerpiece of any U.S. military response to a move against Taiwan.
Russian Prime Minister Gets an Awkward Reception on Trip to ChinaSanctions over the war in Ukraine reportedly caused some trouble on the trip.
Russian hypersonic scientist accused of betraying secrets to China : worldnews

Putin, in full philosopher-tsar mode, peers over a Louis XIV map from the 17th century, which he says proves no Ukraine ever existed in thehistory of mankind. The map clearly says in French Ukraine or Land of the Cossacks ... The map also shows St. Petersburg as Swedish and Belarus as Polish.
Weve Militarized Ukraine!Furious Wagner Chief on How Putin's Special Operation Has Backfired

Moscow claims Russian Black Sea Fleet ship attacked by drones : worldnews

Prigozhin names Ukraine as one of the worlds top armies, stating the obvious
Russia could face a revolution, lose in Ukraine war, Wagner chief warns : worldnews
Mercenary Prigozhin warns Russia could face revolution unless elite gets serious about war : worldnews
Wagner Group financier offers Russia to follow North Koreas path in order to not lose the country
Russias Wagner boss says more than 20,000 of his troops died in Bakhmut battle

(2/4) Russias military has struggled to enforce discipline in its ranks throughout its operations in Ukraine, but its issues have highly likely worsened following the forced mobilisation of reservists since October 2022.
(4/4) Russias efforts to improve discipline have focused on making examples of defaulters, and promoting patriotic zeal, rather than addressing the root causes of soldiersdisillusionment.
More Than A Thousand Russian Troops Have Gone AWOL In The Last Five Months, UK Claims : worldnews

A group of activists said it has mapped more than 250 locations inside Russia where Ukrainian children have been forcibly transferred since the start of Moscow's full-scale invasion : worldnews

Ukraine war: US distances itself from Belgorod incursion into Russia : worldnews
Darth Putin on Twitter: "Day 454 of the Russian 3 day invasion of Ukraine is also day 2 of the Russian invasion of Russia. I remain a master strategist." / Twitter
NYT: Ukrainian soldiers didnt enter Russias Belgorod region but played support role at border
Pro-Kyiv Russian group says it didnt lose a single soldier in cross-border raids on Belgorod
Pro-Ukraine Forces Appear to Have Used U.S.-Made Armored Vehicles in Incursion Into Russia : worldnews

Belarus accused of role in transfers of Ukrainian children : worldnews

A Bonanza For Dutch Firm: Modis Decision Forcing Half of India to Eat Fortified Rice

Chinese hackers attacked Kenyan government as debt strains grew : worldnews

More than 30 women in Cameroon abducted by separatist fighters for protesting illegal taxes : worldnews

Israels Netanyahu and allies pass new budget with sweeping grants for settlements, ultra-Orthodox

Ukrainian and UK defence ministers meet in Kyiv : worldnews
EU says its sent 220,000 artillery shells toUkraine
Arms Flow 30% Faster to Ukraine as US Relearns Cold-War Skills : ukraine
Ukraines Ambassador to Germany says Ukraine to receive 110 Leopard 1 tanks
Ukraine is now visually confirmed to have lost more than 500 tanks since Russia launched its invasion on February 24, 2022. On the other hand, Ukraine has already received 575 tanks from NATO countries. Russia is visually confirmed to have lost 1982 tanks. : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 455, Part 1 (Thread #596) : worldnews

Ukrainian defenders destroy Russian Ka-52 helicopter : worldnews

Massive US aircraft carrier sails into Oslo for NATO exercises : worldnews

Slovenian Parliament recognises Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people : worldnews

Orban claims Ukraine cant win war, Kyiv pledges to fight until complete liberation of Ukrainian territories

Greece Will Recover 351 Looted Antiquities After 17-Year Legal Battle With British Art Dealer Robin Symes : worldnews

German spy chief sees no cracks in Putin system
Germany: More Reichsburger suspects arrested: Members of the group believe the current state is no more than a construct still occupied by Western powers. For them, the German Empire founded in 1871 still exists and so do Germanys pre-WWII borders

Leaked Government Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption : worldnews

France has tested the VSR700 vertical-takeoff-and-landing unmanned aerial system demonstrator for the first time, marking a key milestone in the development of the nations next-generation maritime drone.

West is ready to support Ukraine for years, Russia shouldnt expect to wait us out -- UK PM
UK inflation falls to 8.7% in sharpest drop since cost of living crisis began : worldnews
Prince Harry loses challenge to pay for police protection in UK : worldnews
Woman dies from injuries after being struck by police escort for UK royal : worldnews
MP calls for fatal dog-on-dog attacks to be criminal offence against owner | ITV News : worldnews

Number of same-sex marriages in Brazil quadrupled in the 10 years since legalization : worldnews

Guyana school fire: Dormitory blaze that killed 19 students was started by pupil who was angry that her phone was confiscated : worldnews

Uruguayans pray for rain as capital reservoir left with 10 days of water : worldnews

Calgary doctors warn emergency rooms "collapsing" in open letter : worldnews

Watchdog: Dept. in charge of nuclear weapons safety hasnt fully implemented program to address insider threats

DHS warns of attacks against government buildings, minority groups ahead of 2024 election The new bulletin points to recent incidents and public online communications to take a pulse of the current and most threatening terror threats in the United States.

Gaze down the list of 500 Americans banned from Russia, and a pattern emerges : politics

Press Release: 1 in 3 Americans Directly Impacted by Legal Fees/Fines According to First-of-its-Kind National Survey - Fines and Fees Justice Center

Americas Poverty Is Built by Design

Court sets hearing to consider suspending debt limit law as unconstitutional : politics
Clean Debt Deal Preferred by 2:1 | Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University
Republican debt-limit plan would cut US jobs, slow growth, economist tells Senate panel : politics
Democrats unanimously back debt ceiling discharge petition | The Hill
GOP unites in debt ceiling fight as possible June 1 default deadline looms - The Washington Post
Find someone you love as much as elite political reporters love Republicans holding a gun to the head of the worlds economy ... The Washington media loves a high-stakes bipartisan negotiation more than life itself.
GOP unites in brinkmanship over default, rejecting Biden compromises : politics
Democrats angry at debt limit messaging - The Washington Post
At Least Free the Debt Ceiling Hostage Todays X-Date PM: If the White House is so interested in a bipartisan deal, it should include a mechanism to end these crises permanently.
Gaetz says most in GOP dont feel like we should negotiate with our hostage
Republican debt ceiling proposals could see neediest Americans lose benefits : politics
Bernie Sanders was right about the debt limit all along. We know who got us into this mess : politics

Clarence Thomas's image takes a hit - While favorable views of other justices have declined during a rough stretch for the Supreme Court, ethics issues have taken a greater toll on his
Supreme Court approval rating declines amid controversy over ethics and transparency: Marquette poll : politics
Harlan Crow: Investigating My Gifts to Clarence Thomas Is Unconstitutional : politics
Chief Justice John Roberts complained about judges being heckled at law schools and said the court doesn't need Congress to patrol its ethics : politics

Supreme Court ruling could blow up Republican House control going forward : politics

Rioter pictured with foot on desk in speakers offices gets 4 1/2 years
Driver who crashed near White House told officials he was prepared to kill Biden and seize power

Fearing indictment is imminent in classified docs probe, Trump team requests meeting with DOJ : politics
Trump Request for Garland Meeting Signals Indictment Is Near: Legal Experts : politics
Trump's Lawyers Are Whining to Merrick Garland About How 'Unfair' the Classified Documents Investigation Is - Whatever you may think of his performance as attorney general in this matter, Garland did not arrive at the DOJ on a chicken truck.
Report: It Sure Sounds Like Trumps Lawyer Gave the DOJ Evidence He Obstructed Justice!
Why Team Trump is suddenly pleading for a meeting with AG Garland : politics

The deepening radicalization of Donald J. Trump : politics
Four Forces Bind Trumps Supporters More Tightly Than Ever

E. Jean Carroll adds Trumps post-verdict remarks to defamation case, seeks at least $10M

Why arent we talking more about Trumps business with the Saudis?

Is Trumps Nomination Now Inevitable? The 2022 midterms looked as if they might push Republicans to move on. But things have shifted.

Trumps worst judge will hear a $1.8 billion attack on Planned Parenthood

As staff shield Feinstein from the press, a picture really is worth a thousand words : politics
Hillary Clinton Says Dianne Feinstein Should Not Resign Mrs. Clinton cited Republican obstruction, not Ms. Feinsteins health: Republicans would refuse to let Democrats fill her seat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, she said, preventing judicial confirmations

Pills flowed for years as DEA dragged feet on disciplining opioid distributor : politics

More than 8 in 10 Republicans either supporting or would consider backing Trump and DeSantis: poll | The Hill

Start of Ron DeSantis presidential campaign melts down in Twitter problems The Florida governor had big plans to launch his presidential bid on Twitter Spaces with Elon Musk. It did not go as planned at the start.
DeSantis & Twitter Spaces: 2 ships colliding in a fiery wreck in the night (update)
Meatballs Musk Moment
DeSantiss Announcement Shows Twitters Move to the Right
Ron DeSantis Has a Problem. Its Florida.
The new Twitter account @DeSantisJet tracks the Florida governor's air travel : politics
Rick Scott issues travel advisory for socialists warning Florida is openly hostile to them
Florida regulators warned of insurance company manipulations years ago : politics
"Radioactive" roads made of potentially cancer-causing mining waste could be headed to Florida under new bill : politics
Florida school bans Amanda Gormans inaugural poem after parental complaint
Floridas restrictions on property purchases by Chinese citizens hark back to a dark history of xenophobia

N.J. could require libraries and schools to enact bans on banning books, or face penalty : politics

Tuberville Draws Fire For Holding Hundreds Of Military Promotions 'Hostage' Over Abortion

Investigators detail years of alleged misconduct by Texas AG Ken Paxton in stunning House committee hearing : politics
AG Ken Paxton likely committed impeachable crimes, Texas House investigators say : politics
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton likely broke laws, Republican investigation finds : politics
G.O.P. Split in Texas Breaks Wide Open With Drunkenness Accusation : politics
Greg Price on Twitter: "This is video from last night in the Texas House of Representatives where it appears that TX House Speaker Dade Phelan is either really drunk or having a stroke." / Twitter
Texas Capitol jolted by investigation of attorney general, accusation House speaker was drunk on job : politics
GOP Texas Speaker Facing Resignation Calls Amid Intoxication Allegations : politics
A bill that would have required Texas public schools to display the Ten Commandments has failed : politics
RepublicansWacky Ten Commandments School Bill Fails

Montana governor signs bill banning drag performers from reading to children in public schools, libraries | CNN Politics

Myrna Morrissey files for divorce - she alleges he abused her, had sex with her when she was still a minor and had numerous affairs. He was convicted in 2014 on a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in connection to his relationship with his now-wife and served 90 days in jail.He was 55, and she was 17 when they met -- Former Gov. Ralph Northam pardoned him last year before leaving office

GOP governor says he was joking about hunting Democrats with dogs

Nikki Haleys Dylan Mulvaney remark met with silence

Trans People Are Avoiding Whole U.S. States to Stay Safe : politics

Maine lawmakers back bill to allow 16- and 17-year-olds access to gender-affirming care without parents consent

Georgia GOP Chair Goes Full Flat-Earth, Says Globes Are Part of a Conspiracy - Kandiss Taylor, a recently elected GOP District Chair in Georgia, would like to know why Big Globe wont stop shoving round-Earth propaganda down our throats.

Love of Freedom Defines the Political Left, Not the Right : politics

Target pulls some LGBTQ+ merchandise from Pride collection after threats - The Washington Post
Whoopi Goldberg Calls Out Right-WingSnowflakesfor Target Pride Merch Outrage

Grieving Uvalde Mom Says Guns Are More ImportantThan Children in America, 1 Year After Shooting
Uvalde father warns lawmakers not to pay tribute to his son today | I don't want a single politician who figuratively spit in our faces to mention Uvalde or our kids tomorrow
60 percent in new poll say controlling gun violence more important than protecting gun rights : politics
Poll: Most Americans say curbing gun violence is more important than gun rights

A year after Uvalde, officers who botched response face few consequences A Post investigation finds numerous higher-ranking officers who made critical decisions remain on the job (chickenshit copfuckers)

Man arrested at Virginia preschool said he was making his way to the CIA police say

Alex Murdaugh indicted on federal fraud charges - ABC News

New York City Asks for Relief From Its Right-to-Shelter Mandate - City officials say that the arrival of 65,000 asylum seekers has presented the city with challenges never contemplated, foreseeable or indeed even remotely imagined

Nobody imagined it would go on this long: Bud Light sales continueto plummet over Mulvaney backlash

Driver's Licenses, Addresses, Photos: Inside How TikTok Shares User Data - Employees of the Chinese-owned video app have regularly posted user information on a messaging and collaboration tool called Lark, according to internal documents.

Big Win for Times Workers - This is a significant victory for the workers of the New York Times ... Second, the idea of paying someone working in New York for the New York Times $37,500 is so beyond ridiculous

Under Elon Musk, Twitter has approved 83% of censorship requests by authoritarian governments: The social network has restricted and withdrawn content critical of the ruling parties in Turkey and India, among other countries, including during electoral campaigns : worldnews

Jack Dorsey shares RFK Jr. videos amid presidential run Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and the head of Block Inc, has previously supported unconventional Democratic candidates. (nutball techbro thought Musk would be great, also)

Meta conducts yet another round of layoffs : technology

Are home prices falling? See what its like in your area.

Queen of rock 'n roll Tina Turner dies at 83
Tina Turner
LGM Film Club, Part 379: Tina and Mick

Researchers recently constructed a material capable of generating near constant electricity from just the ambient air around it. : worldnews

Reduced Oxygen Intake Linked to Extended Lifespan - Neuroscience News : worldnews

Rhythmically stimulating the brain with electrical currents could boost cognitive function for peak performance and also help people with dementia, according to meta-analysis of 102 published studies, included 2893 individuals : science

A Very Low-Carbohydrate (Ketogenic) diet is more successful in reduction of hypertension and diabetes markers than the DASH diet in a Randomized Trial : science

Repressive and Puritan Massachusetts one of few states that hasn't legalized women going topless : boston

Record numbers of Massachusetts residents are moving out of state, report says : massachusetts

Where can I find an in-person therapist? : boston

Where to go to detox from fentanyl addiction : boston


A fifth of humans could be exposed to dangerous heat by end of century. : worldnews

CEO of biggest carbon credit certifier to resign after claims offsets worthless. David Antonioli to step down from Verra, which was accused of approving millions of worthless offsets used by major companies. : worldnews

Phoenix Blackout in Heat Wave Would Overwhelm Hospitals, Study Warns - The New York Times New research warns that nearly 800,000 residents would need emergency medical care for heat stroke and other illnesses in an extended power failure. Other cities are also at risk.
Heat Wave and Blackout Would Send Half of Phoenix to E.R., Study Says : science

Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK : worldnews

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, visiting Australia, wants closer bilateral defense ties : worldnews
Perth mans horrific injuries after vape explodes in his pocket

Myanmar military has imported weaponry worth $1bn since coup : worldnews

Worlds biggest nuclear plant may stay closed due to papers left on car roof ... Late 90s / early 00s nostalgia still alive in Japan.

WHO excludes Taiwan from annual assembly following China's opposition : worldnews

Russian PM arrives in China for business forum, talks with Xi : worldnews
China braces for new Covid wave with up to 65 million weekly cases : worldnews

Russian Court Extends Evan Gershkovich's Pretrial Detention by Three Months - WSJ reporter is deemed by the U.S. to be wrongfully held

During his shows, Vladimir Solovyov often bemoans the loss of his Italian villas, but gleefully points out that he is yet to be sanctioned by the United States ... But his girlfriend & 3 of his kids are reportedly US citizens.

Warehouse of Russian defence company catches fire in Bryansk Oblast : worldnews
Putins security services building in Russia attacked by rebels, say pro-Kremiln sources
Ukraine Front Lines on Twitter: "Gas cylinder storage facility on fire in Telmana, Leningrad oblast, russian federation." / Twitter

Russian Deputy Minister Dies Suddenly After Slamming Fascist Invasion of Ukraine
Wagner company tries to buy military equipment through Mali -- US State Department

Russian Business Leaders Demand 6-day Work Week : worldnews ... to cope with sanctions ... Next, a 6-day workweek followed by an additional voluntary workday ... Dont forget the voluntary 50% wage reduction AND the voluntary 25% donation to the war special military operation effort.

Russia Says Air Force, Artillery Wipe Out Border Attackers: The Defense Ministrys announcement that it resorted to the air force and artillery on Russian territory confirmed an unprecedented use of force domestically since the offensive began
FREEDOM MARCHES ON. The Russian freedom fighters are pushing deeper into Russia - Russian authorities have left abandoned entire areas. Locals have fled. School is cancelled. Russiais defenseless.
Free Russia Legion captured another 2 villages in the Belgorod region of Russia today. : UkrainianConflict
All Russian troops are outside of Russia, Russia itself seems to be unprotected at all external borders. Lucky for Russia that NATO is not an offensive alliance - as Russia always claims - but a purely defensive alliance. Otherwise St. Petersburg and Moscow would have been occupied long ago. : UkrainianConflict
Putin defectors say theyve seized Belgorod towns, vow to liberate Russia
Today at a press conference, Peskov was asked why the 10 Billion ruble defense line in Belgorod failed to stop the incursion : UkrainianConflict

Whatever is happening in Belgorod - Megathread : ukraine
While #Russia continues to look for answers on the front, mounting successes of #Ukrainian sabotage groups have heaped a host of problems on #Moscow @komitet2012 for @EDMJamestown expertly explains what this will mean for the impending counteroffensive
One of the justifications Russia gave for its so-called Special Military Operation was boosting national security. The extraordinary events in Belgorod region suggest Russias war in Ukraine has had the opposite effect. Our report from Moscow.
(6/6) Russia will almost certainly use these incidents to support the official narrative that it is the victim in the war.
Another video of the BTR-82A which was captured from Russian Federation forces by the Russian Volunteer Corps yesterday near the Grayvoron border checkpoint.
Kremlin deeply concerned about situation in Belgorod Oblast : worldnews
Russia maintains counter-terrorism operationin Belgorod
Ukraine war: Fleeing Belgorod residents told to stay away : worldnews
Answering viewers questions live on social media, Belgorod governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that he had many questions for Russias Defense Ministry about how yesterdays armed incursion into the region happened.

Roman Protasevich, a dissident blogger arrested in 2021 after Belarusian authorities forced his flight to divert from its route and land in Minsk, was pardoned on Monday : worldnews

Armenia will accept Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan subject to rights guarantee - Armenian PM cited : worldnews

Modi says India will do everything to stop Russias war, abstains from imposing sanctions
Indian wrestlers risk Olympic dream for #MeTooprotest
India Makes Tests Mandatory for Cough Syrup Export After Overseas Deaths : worldnews

Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan gets bail from anti-terrorism court : worldnews

Russias Wagner Group accused of using rape and mass-murder to control an African gold mining town

Over 3,000 schools in South Africa still use pit toilets, rights groups push for improvement : worldnews

Turkey election: Third-place finisher endorses Erdogan. Ultra-nationalist Sinan Ogan has thrown his support behind the incumbent in the runoff vote. He had previously called for all refugees to be deported as one of his demands for an endorsement : worldnews

Australian women, alleging invasive strip searches, step up their legal action against Qatar : worldnews ... Australian police routinely coercively strip search children as young as elven without parental consent, and no disciplinary action is taken, even when the searches themselves are later found to be illegal.

Jordanian Air-raid kills drug lord in Syria : worldnews

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman spoke on the phone twice in recent weeks : worldnews

Zelenskyy arrives at frontline : ukraine

F-16 supply to Ukraine will take several months at best -- US Air Force
In 1991, before defense contractors consolidated, shoulder-fired Stinger missiles cost $25,000. Now, the sole supplier charges more than $400,000 a piece, making it costly to replace each missile sent to Ukraine
Search related to ex-Supreme Court head corruption case uncovers $500,000 stash : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 454, Part 1 (Thread #595) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 23.05.2023 : ukraine
Russia Loses 40 Artillery Systems in One Day: Ukraine : ukraine
This map shows how little ground Russian forces gained over 5 months at a cost of 100,000 dead and wounded : ukraine

Wagner Groups withdrawal from front on 1 June will allow Ukraines Armed Forces to launch counterattacks
NYT shows aerial look at completely destroyed Bakhmut : worldnews

Ukrainian nuclear plant is "extremely vulnerable," U.N. official warns, after 7th power outage of war : worldnews

NATO Parliamentary Assembly recognizes Russian crimes in Ukraine as genocide : worldnews

Hungarys nationalist leader Orban says he wants Trump to win U.S. election

Germany, Hungary spar as tensions mount over blocked Ukraine aid : worldnews

Romania breaching LGBTQ+ couples human rights, European court rules

Austria tightens border security, as Hungary releases people smugglers : worldnews

German opposition calls for provision of German cruise missiles to Ukraine : worldnews
Germany charges executives for selling spyware to Turkey : worldnews

Italian government accused of exerting ruthless influence at state broadcaster ... urged the broadcaster not to air an episode of the globally popular childrens cartoon series Peppa Pig over the inclusion of a same-sex couple in its cast of characters.

Ukrainian clubs react harshly to Barcelona players address to Russian fans

France bans short-haul domestic flights in bid to reduce carbon emissions : worldnews

Junior doctors in England to strike for three days in June : worldnews
35,000 cases of sexual misconduct or violence in NHS in five years : worldnews ... The title is obviously constructed to make the reader believe that this is 35,000 offences committed by NHS staff.The article also states 56% of the crimes reported were committed against staff and another 20% was patient on patient offences
Prince Harry loses bid for second legal challenge against the Home Office | Daily Mail Online : worldnews

Guatemalas presidential frontrunner thrown off ballot, promises appeal

Millions in Mexico warned to prepare for evacuation as Popocatepetl volcano spews ash

Send for Agent BoJo! Boris Johnson dispatched to Texas to shore up Republican support for Ukraine : politics
Boris Johnson dispatched to Texas to shore up Republican support for Ukraine : UkrainianConflict

Former Top Official: Huge Portions of Pentagon Budget Goes to Defense Contractor Price Gouging : politics
GOP Pushes for Even Larger Pentagon Budget Amid Unconscionable Profiteering

Court sets legal showdown on debt limit 14th Amendment argument - POLITICO
Republican Debt Ceiling Lies - The American Prospect GOP members insisre worried about the national debt. It aint true
Home of the Marist Poll | Polls, Analysis, Learning, and More Majority of Americans Favor Raising Debt Ceiling Independent of Spending CutsMore than Six in Ten Question Bidens Mental Fitness, Fewer Have Same View of Trump ... A plurality of Americans (45%) would mostly blame congressional Republicans if the debt limit is not raised, and the U.S. defaults. 43% say President Biden would be primarily to blame if the debt ceiling is not raised
GOP extortion has backed Biden into a corner. He still has a way out.

Why Dont Americans Recognize that Inflation is Down and Incomes Are Up?

The GOP Would Rather Hold Hungry Families Hostage Than Tax the Wealthy : politics

Harlan Crows Lawyers Say Congress Doesnt Have Authority to Investigate Supreme Court
The originalists! Harlan Crow is declining to participate in a congressional investigation of his flagrantly corrupt relationship with the Supreme Court ... And the fact that most of what passes for Republican legal reasoning is no better than this is precisely why Crow and his allies are demanding that the Court be treated as an unaccountable feudal Star Chamber.. The great circle-jerk of authoritarianism!
I guess it depends on who "we" are ... Perhaps Justice Gorsuch didnt directly cite the complaint in the case itself because it is, to use the technical legal term, batshit rightwing-nut crazy. It repeatedly refers to the Biden administration as "the Left."
Neil Gorsuch Has Given Himself Away

U-Haul crashes into Lafayette Square near White House; investigators find Nazi flag : politics
Eschaton: Sounds Bad - The New York Times leaves out the Nazi flag part for some reason.

Merrick Garland Needs to Get Out of the Business of Defending Donald Trump ... Garland has thus far continued Trumps DOJ tactic of seeking tosubstitute the federal government as the defendant for Trump in Carroll's suit

Some Trump associates anticipate an indictment and raising funds off it

Trump Organization ordered to hand over foreign real estate deal records as part of classified documents probe : politics
Expert: Jack Smith subpoena for foreign deals suggests DOJ concerned Trump tried to "monetize" docs (well, well)

E. Jean Carroll asks judge to amend lawsuit to seek further damages for what Trump said at CNN town hall : politics

Judge sets 2024 date for Trump's criminal trial in Stormy Daniels case - The former president's criminal trial will begin on March 25, 2024.

A truth GOP hopefuls must reckon with: Trump never concedes : politics
Trump Organization finishes last in brand reputation survey for second straight year | The Hill

How Dobbs is restricting access to healthcare more broadly - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Doctors turn out to be less interested in working in jurisdictions where they can be arrested for performing safe medical procedures with the consent of their patients based on arbitrary and often vague laws:
South Carolina Senate Passes 6-Week Abortion Ban - The New York Times The legislation, which faced a filibuster led by five women senators, now heads to the governor who has said he will sign it ... The bill will drastically reduce access to abortion in a state that has become an unexpected destination for women seeking the procedure as almost every other Southern state has moved toward bans.

DeSantis to launch presidential bid with Elon Musk, NBC reports : politics
Reasonable moderate centrist Elon Musk to host Ron DeSantiss presidential bid announcement
DeSantis named Jan. 6 raider to a state board. He wont talk about it
DeSantis envisions quarter-century of far-right majority in the supreme court
Ron DeSantis is learning that not every state wants to be Florida : politics
Burger bar sues Ron DeSantis over ban on "
Florida school bans poem read at Biden inauguration after objection of just one parent - Raw Story
Florida passes bill to prevent billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos being sued if their mega-rockets kill or injure people : politics

Sinema Illegally Used $180K in Campaign Funds on Lavish Trips, Complaint Alleges : politics

Tim Scotts Vision for America Isnt for Black People

Martin Luther Kings daughter condemns Ted Cruz and backs calls for 'racist' Florida boycott | Texas senator used Dr Kings name in his own tweet attacking the NAACP, one of Americas oldest and best known antiracist institutions

Book challenges are fueled by parents' objections to LGBTQ themes - The Washington Post An analysis of book challenges from across the nation shows the majority were filed by just 11 people
Eschaton: TERF America Used to make fun of the Brits because while the US had its own anti-trans movement, it was mostly marginalized and when the North Carolina "bathroom bill" hit, it seemed like the important people and press coverage mostly responded appropriately and then the good guys one. Then it all went wrong.
Trans Kids Want to Go to Prom, So They Threw It for Themselves
Trans Kids Want to Go to Prom, So They Threw It for Themselves : politics
Anti-Trans Legislation Is Becoming a National Security Issue : politics

Los Angeles Dodgers reinstate gay nun group for Pride Nightaward

Texas pushes church into state with bills on school chaplains, Ten Commandments : politics
Republicans Are Trying to Seize Control Over Voting In Texas' Largest Democratic County ... The GOP-controlled legislature just passed bills to oust local election officials in Houston and neighboring cities.

More women sue Texas, asking court to put emergency block on states abortion law
Republicans Are Quietly Moving to Limit Mifepristone Access Nationwide : politics
Ohioans are trying to make abortion a right. So Republicans want to rewrite the rules : politics

Illinois House fails to pass bill eliminating sub-minimum wages for disabled workers : politics
Illinois Lawmakers Approve Bill Requiring Schools to Notify Parents of Bullying Within 24 Hours : politics

Sex Abuse in Catholic Church: Over 1,900 Minors Abused in Illinois, State Says - The New York Times A new report by the attorney general of Illinois covering decades names more than 450 credibly accused sexual abusers, including priests and lay religious brothers.

Are Conservatives at the Daily Wire Really Calling for Trans Genocide?

Appeals court upholds admissions policy at elite Virginia high school | AP News

Kari Lake signature verifications claim rejected by judge : politics
Reality is an endlessly useful political opponent - The Washington Post

Nashville Parents Ask: Must a Mass Shooters Writings Be Made Public?

Michigan man charged after 2-year -old boy finds gun in couch, accidentally kills himself : news
Toddler playing outside struck by stray bullet at Utah day care : news

Republican John Kennedy: southern plain-talk or Foghorn Leghorn shtick? | US news | The Guardian

Auchincloss says attitude to housing in Massachusetts is changing | North Star Reporter Congressman Jake Auchincloss believes lack of housing is the number one issue in Massachusetts right now, and believes voters understand the gravity of the situation.

Oh, fuck off -- One of WaPos MAGA affirmative action hires has guaranteed himself unanimous support for his bid to join the Both Sides Do It Hall of Fame: (Gary Fuckernathy)

Ruperts latest fraud

Heres How Bad CNNs Post-Trump Town Hall Ratings Have Been
Eschaton: Plenty of Places For Them Long enduring mystery is why cable news execs repeatedly think, or pretend to, that there's a market for conservative news that is not already provided. People who want to rage watch news all day to Own the Libs thinks Fox is too left wing for them!

Twitter Is a Far-Right Social Network. It can no longer be denied. : politics

7 news outlets reimagining political journalism in smart ways

The looming existential crisis for cable news - The Washington Post The number of cable subscribers, dropping for years, just took a record-breaking plunge. Sooner or later, it will hurt news channels bottom line.

Tesla plummets 50 spots in a survey of the USs most reputable brands. Its now No. 62 -- 30 places below Ford. (Muskfucker destroys everything he touches)

Bill Gates says A.I. could kill Google Search and Amazon as we know them : worldnews ... Google search has been getting worse and worse. Google is killing Google search.

Martin Amis: An Appreciation - The New York Times Our critic assesses the achievement of Martin Amis, Britains most famous literary son.

The History of Nepo Babies Is the History of Humanity | The New Yorker From ancient dynasties to modern fortunes, family has long defined our past, present, and future ... a new synthesis that, as the title suggests, approaches the sweep of world history through the familyor, to be more precise, through families in power ... Otto von Bismarck snidely called Saxe-Coburg, the home of Queen Victorias husband, Albert, the stud farm of Europe ... By the nineteenth century, European dynasts formed an incestuous thicket of cousins, virtually all of them descended from Charlemagne, and many, more proximately, from Queen Victoria. The First World War was the family feud to end them all. Triggered by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the heir of the Habsburg emperor Franz Josef, the war brought three first cousins into conflict: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Tsar Nicholas II, and King George V ... the Habsburgs, the Ottomans, the Romanovs, and the Hohenzollerns had all been ousted by 1922 ... dynasties play as persistent and paradoxical a role in many democracies as families do for many citizens of those democracies

How to Build a Twenty-first-Century Tyrant | The New Yorker Autocracies are resurgent, and todays would-be strongmen are using a new set of tools ... Its central observation is that the new generation of authoritarians, whether fully fledged or still aspirant, as in the U.S., usually exploit the apparent levers of democratic politics but use more discreet forms of manipulation to extend their rule

The Restaurant QR-Code Menu Is Being Shown the Door - The New York Times A dining innovation that once looked like the future has worn out its welcome with many restaurateurs, customers and servers who say it takes the joy out of dining.

Does Therapy Really Work? Let's Unpack That. Research shows that counseling delivers great benefits to many people. But it's hard to say exactly what that means for you.

Harvard study finds implicit racial bias highest among white people : worldnews

Childhood adversity associated with increased emotional response to others suffering in adulthood ... experiencing childhood trauma could be linked to higher levels of empathy in adulthood.

In the US for people who survive gunshot wounds, the trauma may leave mental scars that worsen with time. Among 87 adults treated for gun injuries at a Wisconsin trauma center, many had worsening symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression six months later. : science

The Best and Worst Habits for Eyesight - The New York Times

TIL the navigator Henry Hudson was cast adrift by mutineers, along with his son and six others in 1611, in Hudson Bay. They were never seen again. : todayilearned


Two million people dead from extreme weather since 1970, WMO says : worldnews

Deal Is Reached to Keep Colorado River From Going Dry, for Now - The New York Times The agreement on cuts, aided by a wet winter and $1.2 billion in federal payments, expires at the end of 2026.

Scientists say they found a chapter of the Bible hidden under other text for more than a thousand years : worldnews

Mexican and South American cartels penetrating Australian border security to import tonnes of cocaine, underworld figure tells Four Corners : worldnews

New Zealand announces its biggest emissions reduction project in history : worldnews

Malaysian authorities raid Swatch stores over rainbow Pride Collection : worldnews

Joe Biden tells G7 Putin will not break our resolve in supporting Ukraine

Taiwan speaker hails Japan, South Korea and Philippines for "crescent of defense" : worldnews
Unidentified flying object forces closure of Taiwan Taoyuan Airport
WHA press passes for Taiwan reporters abruptly canceled : worldnews

G7 calls on China to pressure Russia to end Ukraine war : worldnews
US semiconductor giant Micron has failed a national security review, China's cybersecurity watchdog said Sunday, telling operators of "critical information infrastructure" to stop buying its products : worldnews
China bans major US memory chip giant Micron Technology from key infrastructure projects, saying they are a national security risk. : worldnews
A satellite image shows what appears to be a WZ-8 supersonic reconnaissance drone parked outside one of two newly built hangars at China's Lu'an Airbase.
Comic Uncle Roger banned on Chinese social media : worldnews

Russia says Zelensky heads Nazi regime with blood ties to Israel

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "2/ Russia has for years had a huge black market in all kinds of personal data, including from state organisations. Scammers and private detectives frequently use it to target individuals and steal from bank accounts." / Twitter
4/ He calls for this to change and issues a dire warning: We need a Russian national idea, and there are only two ways: win and strengthen or lose and survive decolonisation. They will dismember us like in the USSR in 91, into 20 pieces. Oh man, it will be worse than the 90s.

Russian media reports Patriarch Kiril got into car crash in Moscow, propagandists deny it : UkrainianConflict

A series of leaks from the Russian aviation industry has uncovered the industrys negligence in ensuring safety since sanctionswere imposed

Senior Russian Official Dies After Privately Bemoaning 'fascist' Invasion

Updated map showing approximate area currently under control of Belgorod Peoples Republic forces. No matter what happens, Im quite sure this will go down as one of the greatest international military trolling operations in history.
Freedom of Russia Legion says they are creating a demilitarised zone in Russia
Long live Belgorod Peoples Republic
Explosions in Belgorod Oblast: Russian Volunteer Corps and Freedom of Russia Legion urge not to resist : worldnews
Explosions in Belgorod Oblast: Russian Volunteer Corps and Freedom of Russia Legion called on residents of Russian border regions to stay at home and "not resist". : worldnews
footage of Russian insurgents at the Grayvoron border post in #Belgorod. According to several reports the poorly defended post was overrun this morning, after which the insurgents moved on to seize Kozinka.
If Gora-Podol has indeed been taken it would mean the Russian insurgents have infiltrated an entire 7 km into the #Belgorod oblast of #Russia
Ukraine denies any involvement in armed action in Russian Belgorod : worldnews
Something happening in Belgorod Oblast
Anti-Putin militia claims to have overrun Russian border village : worldnews
Russia says it battles saboteurs in cross-border raid from Ukraine : worldnews
Russia transport nuclear weapons from storage facility in Belgorod Oblast
Eva Kon Twitter: Wife of Belgorod regional Governor flees
Today's Ukrainian Belgorod adventure has resulted in the capture of R-330ZH Zhitel Mobile truck-mounted jamming communication station. Very valuable catch. : UkrainianConflict
It is reported that an explosion sounded in the FSB building in Bilgorod : UkrainianConflict
Today marks a turning point in the conflict both in terms of its psychological impact as well as its strategic effect. This offensive threatens key logistical networks, that were key to Russias northern advance into Ukraine in 2022. Yet another embarrassment for the Kremlin elite.

Roman Protasevich: Belarus pardons activist hauled off flight : worldnews

Indian court issues BBC with summons over Modi documentary, say reports : worldnews
BBC Documentary on Indian PM banned in India to be screened at the Australian Parliament House : worldnews

Indian Border Security Force intercepts three Pakistani drones, seizes 2.6 kg drugs : worldnews

Nigerias doctors furious over plans for five years of mandatory service (

No More Arab States Will Normalize Ties With Israel, Netanyahu Govt Embarrassed UAE, Emirati Analyst Warns

It is our historic task to bring justice to all our people, to guarantee freedom for our entire country without any exceptions. The task of all those who defend freedom, all those who chose Ukraine and, therefore, will win.
Russias position has never looked weaker after Ukraine said it downed Putin's ' unstoppable' missiles, defense expert says
Ukrainian pilots have started training with F-16s

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 453, Part 1 (Thread #594) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 22.05

Intelligence chief tells Russian soldiers to surrender, says frontline situation will get worse.Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov addressed Russian soldiers in a video on May 22, urging them to surrender if they do not want to die because the situation on the battlefield is set to get worse
Ukraine war: Satellite images reveal Russian defences before major assault : worldnews
Russia is fortifying its 600-mile front line with anti-tank ditches, mazes of trenches, dragon's steeth barricades, and minefields, reports say
Ukraine aims to encircle Bakhmut as Russia says it captures city : worldnews
Why Bakhmut? It's a Question as Old as War. The twists and turns of a war are rarely easy to predict. In Ukraine, they landed on a city in the east that few had ever heard of. And then the whole world watched for months.
Bakhmut Is Gone: An Aerial Look at the Wars Destruction
Ukraine aims to encircle Bakhmut as Russia says it captures city : worldnews

We Wiped Them All Out Russian Soldier Confesses to Massacre in Intercepted Phone Call With Grandmother
russian POWs are watching what they did in Ukraine. The same treatment was applied to the Germans in WW2 to show the atrocities the Nazi regime committed : ukraine

Energoatom: Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant switches to emergency generators : worldnews

Tens of thousands of Moldovans rallied on Sunday to demand European Union membership for their country, whose bid to join the bloc has been accelerated by the war in neighboring Ukraine. The former Soviet republic of 2.6 million people applied last year to join the EU : worldnews

NATO Recognises Russias Crimes against Ukraine asGenocide

Norway PM: Sweden should be admitted to NATO in July - : worldnews

Pro-Russian party vandalises the EU offices in Sofia : worldnews

Latvia denies asylum to Russian man who appears to have dodged military service : worldnews

Germanys Scholz: Biden is better than Trump, should be re-elected

Trevi Fountain water turned black by climate activists protesting fossil fuels - CBS News
Climate activists blacken Trevi Fountain over Italy floods: Activists poured charcoal into the waters of Romes most famous fountain, calling for action against climate change
Italys far-right leader Giorgia Meloni calls Justin Trudeau victim of fake news over LGBTQ+ criticism ... Meloni is Italys first female prime minister and the first far-right leader in Italy since the Second World War.

Ireland to introduce world-first alcohol health labelling policy : worldnews ... Alcohol consumption in Ireland peaked in 2001 when the average person drank 14.3 litres of pure alcohol a year.

Meta hit with record-breaking $1.3 billion fine over Facebook data transfers to the US : worldnews
Facebook to be fined 648m for mishandling user information | Decision by Irelands privacy regulator will set record for breach of EUs data protection rules

Brazils Lula says meeting fell through because Ukraines Zelenskiy was late

He Was Investigating Mexico's Military. Then the Spying Began. While looking into abuses by the armed forces, the country's top human rights official was targeted with Pegasus,
Mexico unveils new non-binary passport: Diversity enriches and flourishes
Mexico raises alert level as volcano ejects smoke, ash, lava : worldnews

Enemy at Home: Charity involved in hosting secret Chinese police stations in Canada received funding from govt : worldnews

The Fight for Affordable Insulin Reveals the Moral Bankruptcy of For-Profit Health Care : politics

As dangerous debt ceiling deadline nears, GOP is moving backward
Biden Offers Fresh Thoughts On 14th Amendment As GOP Tosses Out Wild New Demands : politics
Senate Democrat calls potential for debt default a manufactured crisis
Why Trump Wants U.S. to Default on DebtAnd why Biden now says hes looking at invoking the Fourteenth Amendment.
How Trumps Call for Debt Default Could Bite GOP in the Ass
14th Amendment, Debt Ceiling & Perpetual Bonds: The Treasury Department is Hiding Political Failure In Technocratic Excuses

Supreme Court: One glaring way the court got so bad, and what to do about it. You cant, can you?
Eschaton: Beyond Reproach Good piece from Lithwick.As Lithwick recognizes, even the better journalists covering the Court (including her!) have covered them in a bizarre deferential fashion. I hope more of them (the ones who aren't just craven hacks anyway) think about why!
GOP donor denies influence over Clarence Thomas, despite lavish gifts - In an interview with the Atlantic, billionaire Harlan Crow said he didn't see any impropriety in his actions

Trump was warned about retaining classified documents, notes reveal : politics
Trump was warned about retaining classified documents, notes reveal | Mar-a-Lago | The Guardian Unreported warning contained in notes taken by lawyer Evan Corcoran that prosecutors have viewed in recent months
Shocked at the stupidity: Prosecutors obtain lawyer notes that blow up Trumps Mar-a-Lago defense
Why was this massive Trump scandal hiding in plain sight for 28 months? : politics ... Trump issued 116 pardons during the last month of his presidency, after he had already lost the election. Thats of 143 total. Many of those 116 were people who had access to enough money to buy a pardon. Every single Trump pardon should have their finances examined and be asked some extremely pointed questions.
Donald Trump May Need to Make Room in His Summer Break for a Georgia Indictment: Report : politics

Trump Is Back, to Tear Our Families Apart Once More : politics

Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump's Final Days - President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges ... Mr. Trump, who campaigned on a promise to lock her up spent much of his four-year term pressuring the F.B.I. and the Justice Department to target political rivals.
Prosecutors Sought Records on Trumps Foreign Business Deals Since 2017
E. Jean Carroll Seeks New Damages From Trump for Comments on CNN - The New York Times - show the depth of his malice

Bob Woodward roasts Trumps everything is minetake in unprecedented copyright suit: Interview tapes belong tothe People

GOP Rep. James Comer Implies Biden Family Probe Is Really About Helping Trump In 2024 | HuffPost Latest News
Concerns about Bidens reelection swamped by fear of Trump in swing voter focus groups

White supremacists sentenced for plan to attack US electric substations : politics

Dianne Feinstein resign calls grow louder from Democrats: "We need change" : politics

Staff for a 95-year-old federal judge say she is losing it, mentally and talking to a dead colleague

Marianne Williamson loses top two campaign officials in a matter of days - POLITICO The campaign director and deputy director for the longshot Democratic presidential candidate quit over the weekend.

It gets real: GOP presidential primary sprawls beyond a Trump-DeSantis clash
Republican senator: Trump will lose 2024 presidential race if nominated : politics
Draft Tucker PAC Thinks Only Former Fox News Host Can Beat Biden

Texts tie DeSantis closely to Trump insider Lev Parnas in 2018 race : politics
The college student who tracks Elon Musks private jet on Twitter is now monitoring the jet used by Ron DeSantis
Murder, kidnapping, brutality charges: These are the cops Ron DeSantis paid to come to Florida police recruitment bonus appears to have attracted a certain kind of cop.
DeSantis $13.5m police program lures officers with violent records to Florida : politics
I Cant Teach Like This: Floridas Education Brain Drain Is Hitting Public Schools Hard ... ranks 48th nationally in average teacher salary ("school choice" = none at all)

Marjorie Taylor Greenes fear is fake Call her by her name: white supremacist
Marjorie Taylor Greene shows off her Confederate beer cooler in a new workout video : politics

As S.C. abortion vote nears, GOP women rebuke the men: Its always about control

The Supreme Court and fake pregnancy clinics
8 women join suit against Texas over abortion bans, claim their lives were put in danger : politics
Texas Forced This Woman to Give Birth to a Stillborn Son. Shes SuingI was told that if I tried to discharge myself, or seek care elsewhere, that I could be arrested for trying to kill my child
Texas Forced This Woman to Give Birth to a Stillborn Son. Shes Suing ... How incredibly traumatic. This is the world republicans are creating. The suffering of women and girls will only increase as long as republicans hold any power. Vote them out.
Opinion | Texas Is Torturing Women Whose Pregnancies Fail - The New York Times
In Florida, reproductive care nightmares become tragically common
Texas Republicans to Cities: Drop Dead. : politics

Ill. lawmaker: All-gender bathrooms will cause violence from dads like me

Manhood. Youd hope that means courage. Courage isnt something you can give speeches or write a book about, Hamm says, alluding to Hawleys new book Manhood.
Jon Hamm Calls Josh Hawley A Coward In Ad For His Opponent | HuffPost Latest News Hawley just wrote a book called Manhood,but the actor said he has it all wrong.

Book removals may have violated student civil rights, Education Dept. says : politics
Wes Moore calls out politicians who ban books and muzzle educators

Red States Are Now Weakening Child Labor Laws While Defunding Public Schools. Its no coincidence that advocates for loosening child labor restrictions also push for expanding charter schools and voucher programs.

How Dems went big to save their slim Pennsylvania majority : politics

Reporter Recalls Asking Tim Scott If He's a Virgin as Senator Announces 2024 Bid

Animal rights: Supreme Court ducks challenge to California ban on foie gras : politics

Seniors are flooding homeless shelters that cant care for themCities are building special shelters for the old, and shelters are hiring trained staff to handle a wave of aging baby boomers

TikTok and other social media trends are thrusting performance crimes into the US spotlight : politics

FACT FOCUS: No incredible rise in transgender shooters
FACT FOCUS: No 'incredible rise' in transgender shooters - ABC News the four widely cited examples out of the 3,561 shootings translates to 0.11% being perpetrated by someone who is not cisgender a very low number relative to the number of mass shootings total.

The Problem with Planned Parenthood | The New Yorker Many abortion providers feel that the organization is too cautious and too corporateforcing independent clinics to take the biggest risks.

One state just became a national leader on child care. Heres how they did it.Inside the winning fight in Vermont.

Minnesota Governor Vows to Legalize Marijuana: I Trust Adults to Make Their Own Decisions

I Played The Role Of Loving Wife. Behind Closed Doors, My Husbands Secret Was Destroying Me.

How we plan to report on generations moving forward | Pew Research Center

Child labour 1904 : pics

In the US, Republicans seek to impose work requirements for food stamp (SNAP) recipients, arguing that food stamps disincentivize work. However, empirical analysis shows that such requirements massively reduce participation in the food stamps program without any significant impact on employment. : science ... using debunked lies to justify cruel policy has worked for them for decades so catching them doing it again doesnt mean much.

Scientists say they found a chapter of the Bible hidden under other text for more than a thousand years : worldnews

Forensic science discovery suggests bacteria could help convict sex offenders without DNA : worldnews

Impact of Marijuana Smoking on COPD Progression in a Cohort of Middle-Aged and Older Persons - Neither Current nor Lifetime Cannabis Use Linked with COPD : science

Autism research breakthrough discovered by Hebrew University researchers. Study shows connection between autism and nitric oxide levels in the brain, providing novel insight and potential for new drug development : science

What are some cooking hacks you swear by? : AskReddit

What isnt a cult but is definitely a cult?

Women who watch porn, what is your biggest pet peeve? : AskReddit

TIL Ray Bradbury sold Fahrenheit 451 to Hugh Hefner in 1953. It was published in issues 2, 3, and 4 of Playboy. : todayilearned

Homeless man talks about being addicted to heroin and when hes asked what three wishes he would make, its heartbreaking.


Only 13 per cent of methane emissions are covered by global methane mitigation policies, according to a new study. Methane is responsible for around 30 per cent of the rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution : worldnews undefined

UN breathes life into once-polluted Gaza wetland : worldnews

G7 takes stand against Chinas economic coercion
Japan Prime Minister Kishida unveils $4 bil. credit line for developing nations : worldnews
Japan, South Korea leaders pray at memorial for Korean atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima : worldnews

China slams G-7 for hyping up Taiwan, "economic coercion" : worldnews
Hillary Clinton says Ukraine war has set back Chinas plans for Taiwan

China moves to save declining population, relaxes marriage registration rules for citizens : worldnews

New RUSI report : Meatgrinder: Russian Tactics in the Second Year of Its Invasion of Ukraine by Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds : CredibleDefense
Russias Latest Sanctions on U.S. Officials Turn to Trump Enemies
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday that decisions taken by the Group of Seven countries at their summit in Japan were aimed at the "double containment" of Russia and China : worldnews
Lavrovs family leaves Georgia accompanied by security forces
Lavrovs daughter expelled from Georgia with her relatives She came to a wedding and booked the entire hotel, where Georgians protested outside. President Zurabishvili intervened and canceled the wedding. Lavrovs relatives were then expelled from the country.
ICC condemns Russia for placing prosecutor on wanted list : worldnews
International Criminal Court outraged by Russia putting its prosecutor on wanted list : worldnews
Putin was deceived: Malomuzh explained why the developers of Daggerswere arrested in Russia

Russian parliament chief proposes Polish truck ban, says Warsaw owes Moscow billions : worldnews

1/ In an apparent endorsement of vigilante violence, a Russian court has given a lenient sentence to a man who stabbed two other men nine times for criticising the war in Ukraine, on the grounds that the victims had discredited the Russian army in front of witnesses

Russian Deputy Education Minister, 46, Dies On Return Flight From Cuba : worldnews

Meanwhile in Russia: state TV asked Scott Ritter how to defeat America and Ukraine. He eagerly shared his insights, complained about girls in white skirts who didn't want to be photographed with him in Red Square and begged for Russia to forgive America. : UkrainianConflict

Indian PM Modi says he will do everything he can to help Ukraine : worldnews

Russian mercenaries behind slaughter of 500 in Mali village, UN report finds - Report implicates Wagner group fighters in Moura atrocity, including the torture and rape of civilians : worldnews

Three Iranian border guards killed in clash in Saravan, a town in Baluchistan, in the South East : worldnews

Israeli protesters thronged the heart of Tel Aviv Saturday for a 20th straight week, keeping up their campaign against the hard-right governments controversial judicial reform plans. Numbers had been down the previous week as Israel cities came under rocket fire

Bidens comment on the question regarding the transfer of the F-16s to Ukraine: How would you respond to the Kremlin calling it a colossal risk, Mr. President? -- It is for them :)
President Biden is asked to respond to the claims from the Russian Foreign affairs ministry that supplying F-16s to Ukraine is a "colossal risk" : ukraine
Zelenskyy tells Biden its important to provide security guarantees for Ukraine before it joins NATO
Biden unveils new $375 million military aid package for Ukraine : worldnews
Biden receives flat assurance that Ukraine will not use F-16 fighter jets on Russian territory : worldnews
Zelenskiy secures fresh US military aid at G7 as Russia hails 'liberation' of Bakhmut

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 452, Part 1 (Thread #593) : worldnews

42,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed since Russia launched its full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022 according to a recent battlefield assessment, multiple U.S. officials tell Fox News. Russian forces in Ukraine: 50,000 killed. 180,000 wounded. Ukrainian forces: 20,000 killed. 130,000 wounded. : UkrainianConflict

Putin says battle for Bakhmut is over, thanks Wagner mercenaries and Russian army : worldnews
Ret. Gen. Mark Hertling, Fmr. Commanding General of United States Army Europe and the Seventh Army | Congratulations,Yevgeny, you've put the Wagner flag in the center of the city. And youre surrounded
Wagner chief says he will pull fighters out of Bakhmut after capturing city
Ukrainian forces semi-encircle Bakhmut, Russian troops have to switch to defence -- Ukraines Deputy Defence Minister
Armed Forces of Ukraine say Prigozhin wants to flee Bakhmut because Wagner Group is broken : worldnews
Zelenskyy says Russia destroyed everything in Bakhmut

UN chief says its time to reform Security Council and Bretton Woods

EXCLUSIVE: Clandestine Russian Intelligence Ring in Europe Uncovered : UkrainianConflict

Greece Says It Doesnt Ditch Migrants at Sea. It Was Caught in the Act ... Leaving women and children out on a dinghy is Nazi level psychopathic shit.

German police investigate possible poisoning of two Russian exiles : worldnews
Daimler Truck CEO criticizes overreliance on Chinese batteries for electric vehicles : worldnews undefined

Barcelona residents face eviction as Sagrada Familia Basilica completion approaches : worldnews

French minister warns of resumption of Islamist terrorist threat in Europe.

Sinn Fein poised to become biggest party in Northern Ireland councils (

U.K.: Major Tory donor investigated over fraud and money laundering allegations : worldnews

Avalanche of fans: At least nine dead after stampede at El Salvador soccer stadium

Costa Rica Issues First-Ever Medical Marijuana License : worldnews

Shootout at Baja California car rally leaves 10 dead, 10 wounded : news ... Baja California is in Mexico.

Toxic Forever chemicals found in Canadians blood samples

FBI, tribe's police investigating fatal shooting of tribal member by US Border Patrol agents : news (called Border cops, walked out his front door and got shot 38 times)

Biden says he thinks he has authority to use 14th Amendment on debt ceiling : politics
GOP rejects White House compromise to limit spending as talks stall - The Washington Post
GOP turned down White House offer to freeze spending : politics
Biden can, and should, ignore the GOPs debt suicide attempt
Biden says Republican debt ceiling offerunacceptable to talk with McCarthy
Biden: GOP must move off extreme positions, no debt limit deal solely on itspartisan terms
Biden says he wont agree to bipartisan debt deal solely on Republicans terms
66 House Progressives Call On Biden to Invoke 14th Amendment to Thwart GOPHostage-TakingWedont need to give in to Republican extortion or default, the House progressives asserted. The Constitution grants the president another option.
Missing in this years debt-ceiling talks: Democratic demands for new taxes. Unlike fiscal standoffs in 2011 and 2012, Democrats have not publicly pressed for higher taxes on the wealthy even though it is a winning issue
Coons: Default would confirm Chinese leaders assessment that US political system is broken

Democrats fight to expand a broken and illegitimateSupreme Court As the USshighest court is pummeled by divisive rulings and ethical scandals, Democrats think they have a solution: add four seats to counter a rightward tilt

Trump team discussed overthrowing election as early as 2019, new lawsuit alleges : politics

Federal inquiry details abuses of power by Trumps CEO over Voice of America

Schiff not backing downin face of Republican bid to expel him from Congress

Steve Bannon Issues Threat to Trumps Former Attorney General Bill Barr

The Beverly Hills Insurrectionist and the Big Myth About Jan. 6Gina Bisignano became famous for participating in the Capitol riot clad in a Louis Vuitton sweater and Chanel boots, but her insurrection story reveals a deeper truth

Dem. congressman calls No Labelspresidential run by Sen. Joe Manchin in a race against Biden and Trump a historic disaster

New York homeless men say they were offered money to pose as military veterans and falsely claim they were pushed out of a hotel to make room for migrants : politics
Questions Swirl Around Vet at Center of Bogus Migrant Story. She says she has a Purple Heart, but the Army has no record of it. Now state officials are investigating her.
New York lawmaker connected to nonprofit accused of lying about homeless vets being pushed out of hotel for migrants says he' no longer affiliated with foundation

NAACP issues travel warning in Florida: the state has become hostile to Black Americans
DeSantis limits trans treatments, drag shows, pronoun use in Florida : politics
Were all hostage to one mans ambitions
Ron DeSantiss context-free history book vanished online. We got a copy (pro-slavery)

Unbowed, Proud Boys are planning now for their big gest Pride Month disruptions ever, extremism watchdogs warn : politics
The Anti-Trans Panic Is Rooted in White Supremacist Ideology : politics
The lavatories of democracy - A party of authoritarian sickos: ... L.B. says she has attended Harrison Central High School as a girl for the past four years. She attended prom wearing a blue sparkly dress without any objection from the school
Transgender health: Comparing model bills to real proposals | AP News

TIL: about Nebraskas safe haven law that didnt have an age limit to drop off unwanted babies. A wave of children, many teenagers with behavioral issues, were dropped off. It has since been amended

NC governor blasts state Republicans over abortion restrictions: Theyve ignored the will of the people

Texas is facing a housing crisis, a migrant crisis, a multi-year drought, and an epidemic of mass shootings. Ted Cruz, meanwhile, has opened an investigation into Bud Light. : politics

Do No Harm, a group of 'medical professionals' fighting 'woke' healthcareis behind many anti-trans laws

The Supreme Court's forgotten book bans case: Island Trees v. Pico - The Washington Post ,,, Slaughterhouse-Five ...

The Satanic Temple: Think you know about Satanists? Maybe you dont

Opinion | What Christian Nationalism Has Done to My State and My Faith Is a Sin : politics

Activist moms spy on each other in culture wars over schooling | CNN

A ban on Texas public universities diversity offices inches closer to becoming law ... So the plan is to remove these diversity offices and all University Diversity so that federal funding gets pulled and then the colleges can be privatized and turned into Nat-C colleges like in Florida.

A gay first lady? Yes, weve already had one, and here are her love letters.

Ubers Diversity Chief Put on Leave After Complaints of Insensitivity

Daniel Penny gets the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment as Republican presidential candidates line up in support of the man who choked Jordan Neely to death on the NYC subway : politics

TIL Celine Dion met her future husband when she was 12 and he was 38, when he became her manager. : todayilearned

Jeffrey Epstein Appeared to Threaten Bill Gates Over Microsoft Co-Founders Affair With Russian Bridge Player

AI-generated disinformation poses threat of misleading voters in 2024 election : politics

The Shape of Dreams A visual exploration of Google searches for the interpretation of dreams

Imperial College working with Royal Navy on groundbreaking system to replace GPS on ships : technology

Network of ancient Maya cities reveals well-organized civilization - The Washington Post In Guatemala, scientists map well-organized network of 417 cities dating to circa 1000 B.C.
Long-hidden ruins of vast network of Maya cities could recast history : worldnews ... In Guatemala, scientists map well-organized network of 417 cities dating to circa 1,000 B.C.connected by nearly 110 miles of superhighways ... the first freeway system in the world.suggests that the ancient Maya civilization, which stretched through what is now Central America, was far more advanced than previously thought.


El Nino could take a $3 trillion bite out of the world economy

Energy bills predicted to remain high for the rest of the decade : worldnews

The nine hours in which Spain made the 100% renewable dream a reality: Electricity generation through solar, wind and water exceeded total demand in mainland Spain on Tuesday, a pattern that will be repeated more and more in the future : worldnews

Italys once in a century deadly floods are linked to climate crisis, researchers say

The Worlds Lakes Are Shrinking

How Global Rice Farming Is Being Transformed by Climate Change - The New York Times - Rice Gets Reimagined, From the Mississippi to the Mekong

While the WHO officially registered 5.4 million COVID deaths in 2020 and 2021, its excess mortality data shows around 14.9 million people actually likely died due to the crisis over that period : worldnews
Justice Gorsuch says COVID emergency orders among greatest intrusions on civil liberties (die, fuckers, he said)

Canada sees China as increasingly disruptive power, to invest $500M in the Philippines security.

G7 summit: Ukraines Zelenskiy arrives in Japan as he bids to boost western support for Kyiv
Zelenskiy joins Japan G7 as democracies take aim at Russia and China : worldnews
PM Modi meets Zelensky in Japan, calls Russia-Ukraine war issue ofhumanity
G7 urges China to press Russia to end war in Ukraine, respect Taiwans status,fair trade rules
Biden set to announce new military aid for Ukraine after meeting with Zelenskyy - POLITICO
G7 leaders confirm need for governance of generative AI technology : worldnews

War is not an option, Taiwan president says amid China tensions

Chinese comedy troupe hit with US$2 million penalty for jokes about army : worldnews ... There was humiliating material against the Peoples Liberation Army in two performances in the afternoon and evening of May 13, causing very bad social effects ... Li had made fun of a popular PLA slogan about winning battles, comparing it to two dogs chasing a squirrel.
Chinese police detain woman for supporting comedian who joked about military | China : worldnews
According to the publication, the Chinese group claimed that they are intended only for "gaming use".

Diplomatic world tour by Ukraines Zelenskyy highlights Putins stark isolation
Putin Has Two Options: Surrender or Repeat Hitlers Fate, Ukrainian UN Ambassador Suggests.
Russias Nukes Probably Dont WorkHeres Why

Kasparov predicts collapse of Russian "empire" : UkrainianConflict
Business Ukraine mag on Twitter: "Putin is obsessed with the idea of returning historic borders. Perhaps this map could help deter him?" / Twitter

Russia Eyes 5-Year Jail Terms for Russophobia

Russian general, who ordered to break through border to Kharkiv Oblast, served notice of suspicion : worldnews

From sunglasses to milking machines, US halts more exports to Russia : worldnews

Wagner Group behind slaughter of 500 in Mali village, UN report finds : UkrainianConflict

Ill kick all refugees out of Turkey, Erdogan rival vows

The US military thought it killed a senior Al Qaeda leader in a drone strike, but some officials are now saying they may have made a mistake: report : worldnews ... They apparently killed a sheep herder and three of his sheep.
Family says man killed by US drone strike in Syria was father of ten out grazing sheep | CNN : worldnews

Bashar al-Assad, the criminal, removed his translation headphones after the Ukrainian President spoke about Russias crimes. Bashar al-Assad is Putins top ally. Russia destroyed and killed millions of Syrian people to help Bashar al-Assad stay in power.His reaction to the Ukrainian Presidents speech. Putin and Assad are criminals (empty face of evil)
Syria: Dismay and fear as Bashar al-Assad returns to Arab fold : worldnews

On this day, 20 May 2019, 4 years ago, Zelensky was inagurated. : ukraine

Joe Bidens adviser Jake Sullivan said that the US will join the training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.
Russia: Giving F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine a colossal risk (+Obama was an idiot)
The Air Force reported the downing of all 20 Shahed-136 drones that attacked Ukraine this night. One recon UAV was also shot down. 18 out of 20 drones attacked Kyiv. There is damage to cars and apartments by debris, but fortunately nobody got injured.
Good overview:These are the Western air defense systems protecting Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 451, Part 1 (Thread #592) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 20.05.2023 : ukraine

Ukraine war: Kyiv rejects Wagner claim over Bakhmut : worldnews
Rob Lee on Twitter: "The Deep State map indicates that Wagner forces have taken the western part of Bakhmut. It appears only the SW corner where the MiG-17 monument was located is still help by Ukrainian forces." / Twitter
Wagner group claims capturing Bakhmut : worldnews
It looks like the defense of Bakhmut has ended : UkrainianConflict

Ukraine reportedly used a Storm Shadow missile to strike around Mariupol Airport, killing more than Russian 100 soldiers & destroy Russian military gear : ukraine

Explosions rock Russian-occupied Mariupol: Russian base stationed in airport was hit : worldnews

Wagner Group ex-commander wants to return to Russia after seeking asylum in Norway : worldnews

Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of Belgrade for a third time to protest over violence. Protesters are calling for the resignation of the interior minister and the head of intelligence : worldnews
Huge anti-violence protests in Serbia after 2 mass shootings : worldnews

Hungary steps up threat to block EU weapons aid for Ukraine : worldnews

Let It Go: Austrian town that looks just like Frozen builds fence to stop selfie-taking tourists : worldnews

Swiss government not keen on UN tax initiative : worldnews

They're openly saying it: Brexit has failed. But what comes next may be very dark indeed
Rishi Sunak: Britain has moved on from judging people for being rich : worldnews
Couple get payout after water buffaloes fall into Essex swimming pool : worldnews

Colombian elite backed death squads, former paramilitary commander says : worldnews

United States returns Earth Monster Olmec sculpture to Mexico

Montreal killing of mob bosss daughter-in-law Claudia Iacono sparks worry of gang war: One thing is certain, we have just crossed a line by killing the spouse. Now, this limit willbe crossed by criminal organi zations
Car crashes kill more Canadian police officers than guns, research shows : news

Other Nations Baffled, Horrified by Very Idea of a Debt Ceiling as GOP Pushes US Toward Default : politics
What happens if the US defaults? What you need to know as the debt ceiling deadline nears. : politics
The federal government is rapidly running out of cash and only has $57 billion now as debt ceiling talks hit a new impasse : politics
How Dems ended up where they swore they wouldnt be: Negotiating on the debt limit
Finger-Pointing Wont Save Anyone if Default Leads to Economic CollapseWhile each party tries to blame the other for the crisis, some acknowledge that they would both share responsibility for a default. (fucking newspaper's both side bullshit)
The Beltway Media Is Spreading Debt Limit Misinformation | The New Republic The political press bears a share of the blame for the fact we are once again on the precipice of default - We keep getting dragged to the brink of default because the GOP has become a gang of extremists. This is villainy -- their villainy -- and the media has let them off the hook by treating this psychosis as all part of the natural order.
Progressives Urge Biden to Use 14th Amendment to Bypass Congress on Debt Limit : politics
Bidens 14th Amendment message to progressives: It aint gonna happen advisers fear such a move would trigger a legal battle, undermine global faith in U.S. creditworthiness and damage the economy.

Biden Can Still Cancel Student DebtNot Just Up to $20,000, But All of It

Sen. Bernie Sanders renews push for Medicare for All to end totally brokenhealth-care system

A new book argues the court is undermining its credibility by rendering so many unsigned and unexplained decisions on its so-called shadow docket

Lawmakers Question Louis DeJoy on Mail Theft and Attacks on Postal Workers : politics

Fetterman floats work requirements for bailed-out bank executives : politics

Durham Report: New Addition to Trump Library of Lies | John Durham is now a case study in the GOPs weaponization of the Justice Department ... Durham Leaves a Legacy of Professional Disgrace

Did Donald Trump Seriously Sell Pardons? : politics
Ex Playboy model Karen McDougal shares intimate details about 'ten-month affair' with Donald Trump | Daily Mail Online McDougal, 52, claims that she ended the relationship, which allegedly went on while Trump was married to Melania, who had just given birth to their son Barron

Former key Trump attorney says he left because of legal team infighting | CNN Politics
Ex-Trump White House lawyer predicts bad news for former president : politics
Trumps White House lawyer predicts ex-president will end up in jail as Mar-a-Lago probe heats up

Over 1,000 now face charges in connection to Jan. 6 riots : politics

Judge orders Rudy Giuliani to detail finances in election defamation suit : politics

AOC Dunks on McCarthy: If You Want To Cut Spending, What About No Yacht Tax Breaks? : politics

Fox News Stoked Outrage Over Migrants Displacing Homeless Vets. It Was a Hoax. : politics
The GOP Is Officially the Party of Righteous Violence : politics

FEC complaint calls for federal probe of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema spending : politics

DeSantis Officially Enters the Find Out Phase of His War With Disney
DeSantis says zero chance he will back down from dispute with Disney
Hundreds of Disney employees had already relocated from California to Florida before the company axed its $1 billion campus in its escalating feud with DeSantis : politics
GOP senators unsettled by DeSantiss escalating fight with Disney
Air DeSantis: The Private Jets and Secret Donors Flying Him Around : politics
DeSantis2024 Opponents Are Unfazed: No One Is Afraid of Him
Twitter Users Are Grossed Out By Ron DeSantis Wiping Nose And Then Touching Supporter : politics
Did he just wipe his snot on the guys shirt sitting in a wheelchair?
New College of Florida graduates turn backs, wear masks in protest of leadership, changes : politics
Florida Department of Education rejects social studies textbooks over Holocaust material : politics

Rep. George Santos Disappears Mysterious Campaign Treasurer : politics ... supplanting the previous treasurer, whose existence was never verified.
George Santos names himself treasurer of his campaign committee : politics

Ted Cruz Thinks Its Hilarious That He Booked It to Cancun During That Deadly Texas Storm
Ted Cruz Launches Investigation Into Bud Light for Ad Featuring Transgender Influencer, Because No, He Doesnt Have Anything Better to Do

10 Oregon senators ineligible for re-election after unexcused absences : politics
Oregon Senate walkout continues as 6 more Republicans banned from re-election : politics

The attack on no-fault divorce ... When radical reactionaries call for a return to traditional values in family life, they mean returning to a cultural and legal situation where women didnt have the freedom to leave bad marriages, the freedom to choose to have few or no children, the freedom to obtain professional employment etc. etc.

GOP lawmakers in North Carolina and Nebraska are casting new 12-week bans as mainstream, while Democrats say they arecruel and extreme
The monstrous impact of abortion bans
Eschaton: Splitting the Baby A bit of Solomonic wisdom should be applied to judge all the centrist dipshits. -- Now, he was haunted by the sound of Milo gasping for air and the sight of his body struggling to ward off a death that had been inevitable for three long months. To me its just pure torture, Rogell said. The law has created torture
The Long Campaign to Turn Birth Control Into the New Abortion : politics
Nebraska passes 12-week abortion, gender-affirming care for minors ban - The Washington Post

Anti-Trans Moral Panics Endanger All Young People | Moral panics aimed against trans people are both attacks on that community and part of a broader strategy to control youth across the U.S. : politics Many transgender health bills came from a handful of far-right interest groups, AP finds | AP News
School district requires teachers to out LGBTQ+ students to their parents. The state is suing. The policy equates being LGBTQ+ with drug use and deadly weapons and requires teachers to police queer students. : politics
St. Cloud FL Pride event canceled due to climate of fear

Christian Nationalism Has Prevailed in Texas. Trans Teens Will Suffer. | As Governor Greg Abbott prepares to sign a law banning gender-affirming care, teens face the possibility of being detransitioned against their will. : politics ... More than 50 anti-trans bills have been introduced in the Texas state legislature this session

Here are the restrictions on transgender people that are moving through U.S. statehouses : politics

Parkland mom hopes gruesome picture book on shootings jolts politicians : politics

Universal background checks, extreme-risk gun confiscation become Minnesota law : politics

Man with AR-15-style rifle by bus stop says he wasnt out to terrify kids
Heavily-armed man hanging out near school bus stop totally not trying to scare anyone ;-)

Tensions Flare Inside The Messenger, a Fledgling News Site - The New York Times high-volume approach to digital publishing has led to duplicated stories and alienated some of its journalists. At least one editor has already resigned.
The Messenger is a news startup, but it feels like a blast from the past - Columbia Journalism Review
An incomplete list of things that rank above news startup The Messenger in a Google search for The Messenger

Its Been 112 Years: Why the Titanic Remains a Cultural Obsession

The 25 Most Iconic Book Covers in History

TIL that, according to the CDC, the job fields with the highest suicide rate per 100,000 people for men is Construction and Extraction (53.2) while for women its Art, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media (15.6)

Miners of Charbonnagge de Mariemont-Bascoup crammed into coal mine elevator after a day of work.1900 : pics

Who do you believe is literally evil? : AskReddit


Digital Resources

Powerful solar flare that erupted from a sunspot three times the size of the Earth caused widespread radio blackouts : worldnews

Incredible shrinking lakes: Humans, climate change, diversion costs trillions of gallons annually : worldnews

Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same. But why? | Live Science

Just one spotted owl left in British Columbia: Scientists say this is the last chance for the species there, with one female still in the wild : worldnews

Arizonas farms are running out of water, forcing farmers to confront climate change

No one saw this level of devastation coming: climate crisis worsens in Somalia. Torrential rain, coming on top of the countrys worst drought in four decades, has forced 250,000 people to leave their homes

15 million excess deaths worldwide were caused by COVID over two years -- WHO (Gorsuch cackles in the darkness)

88-year-old Australian doctor freed 7 years after kidnapping by Islamic extremists in West Africa : worldnews
Great-grandmother, 95, tasered by officer in Australia had walking frame and knife, police say | CNN : worldnews ... Homicide detectives in Australia are investigating why a police officer felt so threatened by a 95-year-old woman clutching a walking aid and steak knife that he needed to Taser her inside her nursing home.

Singapore Hangs Man in Second Drug-Related Execution in Three Weeks : worldnews

The United States unveiled "significant" new sanctions targeting Russia's "war machine" on Friday, as President Joe Biden meets fellow G7 leaders in Japan : worldnews
Zelensky to make surprise appearance in person at G7 summit in Japan : worldnews
White House will allow partners to transfer F-16s to Ukraine : worldnews
New sanctions will make sure Russia pays a price, Sunak says : worldnews
G7 says Chinas growing arsenal is a concern, slams 'irresponsible' Russian rhetoric

China can help Central Asian brethren to unite, Xi Jinping tells Xian summit
In a lot of the world, the clock has hit midnight China is calling in loans to dozens of countries from Pakistan to Kenya
Chinas loans pushing worlds poorest countries to brink of collapse
Africa faces a mounting debt crisis
Chinese comedian arrested after joke about army : worldnews
Chinese authorities slap comedy group with $3 million fine after Xi Jinping military joke : worldnews
Ukraine is interested in involving China into the Ukrainian peace talks formula Kyiv will not accept any solutions involving loss of territories or freezing of the conflict
China overtakes Japan as worlds top car exporter

Pro-war Russian nationalists led by Igor Girkin said on Friday that a new group they had set up was entering politics to save Russia, which they warned was in danger of turmoil or even collapse due to military failures in the Ukraine war : worldnews
Kremlin's Presidential Academy Gets Hit With aMass Purge
Moscow Imposes Quarantine in Multiple Districts Over Bird Flu Outbreak : worldnews
Armenian PM Pashinian accepts Russias offer to hold a trilateral meeting with Putin and Azerbaijans President Aliyev in Moscow on May 25

Russia bans Obama, Maddow, Colbert over sanctions | The Hill ... Late-night hosts Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Meyers and former NBC and MSNBC anchor Brian Williams are also banned.
Russia bans 500 Americans, including Obama and Jimmy Kimmel -- but not Trump

Russia Has Lost 50K Scientists in 5 Years : worldnews

Journalist Resigns From Board After PEN America Cancels Russian Writers Panel. Masha Gessen stepped down following the free expression groups decision to cancel an event at its World Voices Festival after Ukrainian writers threatened to boycott.

U.S. Releases Scathing Report on Religious Freedom in India : worldnews

Ten Years Since Rana Plaza - It's been a decade since the factory at the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,138 workers and allowing Matt Yglesias the chance to respond to my outrage and horror by saying it was OK for Bangladesh to have these labor standards.

Turkeys Erdogan touts special relationship with Putin, stands by his refusal to impose sanctions
Turkish lira hits record low as bonds steady after post-election rout : worldnews

Ukraines Zelenskyy makes surprise visit to Saudi Arabia

as terrorism experts and the dead mans family have cast doubt on a Pentagon statement indicating the operation targeted a high-ranking militant in Syria (another innocent man blown up)

Iran executes three men linked to Amini protests:

Netanyahu vows contentious Jerusalem Flag March will again go through Muslim Quarter : anime_titties
Israeli crowds chant racist slogans, taunt Palestinians during Jerusalem Day march : worldnews

Outright Scum Will Be Punished Ukraine Intel Chief Admits Assassinating Russian Propagandists
Ukraine air defenses thwart intense Russian missile attack on Kyiv
Ukraine has successfully used UK-provided Storm Shadow missiles against Russia, says British Defense Secretary
Damaged Patriot missile system is already repaired -- Pentagon

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 450, Part 1 (Thread #591) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 19.05.2023 : ukraine

Its Not Enough for Ukraine to Win. Russia Has to Lose ... But Putin cannot be seen in isolation from the Russian people, because he is in fact the collective unconscious of the Russian people ... the USSR and its sycophants in the East German communist party deliberately downplayed the role of ordinary East Germans in enabling the Nazis. It was politically convenient for them to foist all of the ills of Nazism onto the capitalist western successor state propped up by those fascist Americans, Britons and French. Muscovias problem is not an abstract country-problem, but a real people-problem ... Russia is not a nation. It is the empire with a metropoly ... Russians need to be reminded that their faltering economy is only a tenth the size of the EU's ...
To be brutal about it, we need to see masses of Russians fleeing, deserting, shooting their officers, taken captive, or dead. The Russian defeat must be an unmistakably big, bloody shambles. In other words, not an elegant ceasefire.

(3/3) Any sabotage in this sensitive area will further increase the Kremlins concerns about its ability to protect other key infrastructure in Crimea. The peninsula retains a vital psychological and logistical role in enabling Russias war in Ukraine.
Drone breaks overhead lines in Crimea : worldnews
Explosion on Crimean railway will disrupt weapons supply to RussiasBlack Sea Fleet

The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "The sappers say they lay mines about 100 to 200 meters in front of the Ukrainian infantry positions to make it harder for Russian forces to advance. The mines could help stall a potential Russian advance, serving as a reliable defense tactic." / Twitter

Kyivs latest decommunization moves include changing Lva Tolstoho Square to Ukrainian Heroes Square and Orlovskyi Lane to George Orwell Lane.

Protests greet first Russian plane to land in Georgia since 2019 as opposition accuses the ruling Georgian Dream party of committing treason : worldnews
Bitterness and anger: Georgians plan protest over the resumption of flights from Russia
Moldova, fearing Russia, wants to join EU as soon as possible

Poland admits 22,500 new arrivals from Ukraine : worldnews
Church was naive over child sex abuse, says Polish bishop after report indicates 1,000 victims (thought it was only 900)

Death toll mounts in Italys worst flooding for 100 years | Italy | The Guardian

Russia denounces Macron for saying Moscow is becoming a Chinese 'vassal'

No option but to put up and shut up: Whistleblower report reveals accounts of sexual abuse of women in UK military

Colombian president retracts claim 4 missing Indigenous children found alive in Amazon after plane crash : worldnews
Four children reported found in Amazon 17 days after plane crash : anime_titties

Security forces in El Salvador surround town after officer is killed : worldnews

Canadian shot to death in beach town, 2nd tourist killed in southern Mexico in 3 days : anime_titties

Montreal group suspected of hosting Chinese police station received up to $200,000 in federal funding

The Surface Fleet?

World watches in disbelief and horror as U.S. nears possible default : politics
Debt Limit Talks Hit Snag as G.O.P. Declares a Pause saying the White House was refusing to move its way on spending cuts.
Republicans walk out of debt ceiling talks, say White House isnt being reasonable

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are losing Medicaid every month Medicaid's Great Unwinding is even worse than experts expected

The rights move against no-fault divorce is an attack on women

White House reporters stuck with $25,000 charges after Biden trip canceled - The Washington Post Some correspondents think it could prompt media bosses to pull back from covering the president on future overseas tours

The Four Republican Freedoms

Clarence Thomass first public scandal came in 1980, when he was a no-name aide to a GOP senator and complained to a journalist that his sister just waited by the mailbox for her welfare check
Two GOP senators smear a witness to defend Clarence Thomas : politics
Trust In Supreme Court Fell To Lowest Point In 50 Years After Abortion Decision, Poll Shows : politics

Facts matter: Another disastrous spate of failed GOP investigations

Jim Jordan on GOP Whistleblowers Getting Paid by Ex-Trump Adviser
Jim Jordan Freaks Out When Dem Confronts Him With House Rules : politics

Report: The National Archives Is Set to Hand Over Damning Evidence in Trumps Classified-Docs Case The government appears to have proof Trump knew he couldnt just declassify documents by taking them out of the White House.

As Trumps legal woes mount, Republicans prep with a new talking point: Jury verdicts don't count

Georgia Prosecutor Signals August Timetable for Charges in Trump Inquiry : politics

FBI's surveillance tool misused on Jan. 6 suspects, BLM arrestees, others - The Washington Post Crime victims, political donors and potential sources were targeted in digital searches that the FBI says have now been scaled back

D.C. police lieutenant indicted for tipping off Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio about arrest : politics

Trump Ally Could Face Perjury Charge if He Doesn't Cooperate With D.A. - After bringing charges against former President Donald J. Trump, the Manhattan district attorney's office is once again investigating Allen H. Weisselberg, 75.

Rudy Giuliani's raw reaction to sexual assault suit by employee he "dated: was quietly edited, and the truth may be even stranger

A frail Sen. Dianne Feinstein continues to vote as new details emerge about her health : politics
Nancy Pelosis Defense of Dianne Feinstein Is Now Posing Some Uncomfortable Questions
Realtime US Baby Boomer Death Clock Born 1946 to 1964

Negotiating with post-Trump Republicans is like dealing with a toddlers tantrum

Hurricane Trump Is ComingAnd Washington Hasnt Bothered to Prepare: After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction

No Labels Old Allies Agree: The Group IsDangerous and Must Be StoppedAl From and Mark Penn were once close pals. You wouldnt know that from the way From is talking today.

Fox Newss vitriolic lies present clear threat to US democracy, top expert warns
Fox News Just Axed Its Investigative Unit, Sources SayMore layoffs could still be on the way as the network tries to cut costs following its settlement with Dominion, insiders tell Rolling Stone

DeSantis in spotlight as Disney pulls $1bn investment from Florida : politics
The Casey DeSantis Problem: His Greatest Asset and His Greatest Liabilitywife is going to play a very prominent role in his presidential campaign. Some of his supporters wonder if thats an entirely good thing

Marjorie Taylor Greenes impeachment stunt wrecks a big MAGA myth

Attacks fly as contentious general election campaign for Kentucky governor begins : politics

Oregon Republican walkout: 6 more senators are potentially ineligible for reelection : politics

Hospitals in Two States Denied an Abortion to a Miscarrying Patient. Investigators Say They Broke Federal Law. : politics

GBI Arrests Effingham County Commissioner in Child Molestation Investigation : politics

Matt Gaetz slams 2 Fox News hosts for over-sexualizing AOC and joking that he might divorce his wife and marry her instead : politics

White NC legislator apologizes after interrupting Black colleague with racist question : politics

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a Lying Crank Posing as a Progressive Alternative to Biden : politics

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sends first bus of immigrants to Denver : politics

Texas just closed a critical gun background check loophole : politics

Uvalde and Santa Fe families, bonded by unthinkable tragedy, unite in Texas gun reform efforts : politics

one of 2,746 humans who have been arrested for filming the NYPD in the last two years alone. (copfuckers could give a shit about your so-called "laws")

Hes Scared Shitless of Whats Coming Next

Homeless men recruited for veteran hotel scam - Mid Hudson News
Story of homeless veterans displaced by migrants was false A claim that veterans were ousted from Hudson Valley lodging as a result of NYCs migrant surge was a tall tale
Homeless Vets Story Eaten Up By Fox News Turns Out to Be Spectacularly False

After being denied an abortion, a Florida mother watched her baby die - Washington Post

GRAPHIC: Parents arrested after 10-year-old weighing 36 pounds found walking to grocery store, police say : news

LGM Film Club, Part 378: Jim Brown and Lester Maddox

LGM Film Club, Part 377: The Gold Rush

The Huge, Fast-Growing Audience That Hollywood is Just Ignoring - People over 50 represent a third of the U.S. population and theyre desperate for stories and characters geared to their interests.

First full-size 3D scan of Titanic shows shipwreck in new light : worldnews

Canadian astronomers discover new Earth-like planet potentially covered in volcanoes : worldnews

Is It Safe To Eat Raw Oysters? What To Know About Vibrio Rise. | HuffPost Life

My Husband Flies First Class and Puts Me in Coach. Is That Fair? - The New York Times Ethicist columnist on who deserves what in a marriage.


Heat Will Likely Soar to Record Levels in Next 5 Years, WMO Says - The New York Times
Global warming set to break key 1.5C limit for first time : worldnews
/u/AdministrativeHoodie explains why global warming set to break key 1.5C limit for the first time is REALLY bad

Global heating has likely made El Nino's and La Nina's more frequent and extreme new study shows

An international team of scientists identified plastic-eating bacteria and fungi in Chinese coastal salt marshes, presenting new possibilities for global waste management : worldnews

774 confirmed cases and 6 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Singapore Air To Pay Staff A Bonus of Around Eight MonthsSalary After Record Annual Profits

Japan to accept wounded Ukrainian soldiers for treatment : worldnews

Ukraine tells China envoy peace plan must not lose land to Russia : worldnews

Putin appears to downplay concerns of his own finance minister who acknowledged a problem with Russias energy revenues by saying the situation is absolutely stable in a televised interview
The failure of Russias Wunderwaffe is game over for Putin

A Russian lawmaker wants to boost Russia's army by using 'large' and 'aggressive' stray dogs as military assets

Russia faces highest labor shortage since 1996, survey shows : UkrainianConflict

NATO has always pandered to Putin, says former officer Samantha de Bendern. If were gonna help Ukraine, we have to go in and help them with as much as we can as fast as we can. Drip feeding weapons is whats prolonging the war
Either the West doubles down now to give Ukraine the tools it really needs to do the job in a series of sustained counteroffensives, or [NATO] faces the very real possibility in two to three yearstime of potentially having to intervene to support the Ukrainians. -- retd. General Alexander Shirref

This year, the two meanings are united by one date, May 18. 79 years ago on this day, the Soviet regime began deporting the Crimean Tatar people. A people they wanted to erase. Deprive of their homes, deprive of the right to life. But the people survived. And they will live freely!

Ukraine intelligence chief says Kyiv wants a demilitarized border zone up to 60 miles inside Russia to prevent future conflicts : worldnews

Ukraines Supreme Court chief justice was detained on suspicion of taking a $2.7 million bribe

Pentagon reiterates that it does not object to other countries providing F-16s to Ukraine : worldnews

Ukrainian military says it shot down 29 out of 30 missiles in Russian May 18 attacks : worldnews
29 out of 30 missiles were intercepted in Ukraine during the two latest missile and drone attacks by Russia : ukraine
Russian Kalibr missile fell in occupied Crimea - media : ukraine
A high-tech Patriot air defense system provided to Ukraine suffered damage but is still working, a US defense official said Wednesday : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 449, Part 1 (Thread #590) : worldnews

Highest weekly russian artillery losses since the start of the war with Ukraine. The 2022 ceiling for Ukrainian offensives was exceeded today. [source in comments] : ukraine
Losses of the russian army as of 18.05.2023 : ukraine

Russian Forces in Retreat Near Bakhmut, Ukraine and Wagner Say : worldnews
Ukrainian forces move towards Bakhmut, advance by 150-1,700 metres over past 24 hours
The 3rd separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted offensive operations on the western outskirts of Bakhmut, creating a bridgehead for a further counteroffensive. The brigade itself reports on Telegram.

Russias Crimea Disconnect. TIMOTHY SNYDER. When Russia invaded Ukraine the first time, in 2014, there was no such bridge, no road connection between Russia and Ukraines Crimean province.

Russians arrest civilians on occupied territories and train them to fight against Ukraine
Ukranian Law enforcement officers identify 2 Russians killing civilians in Bucha : worldnews

Finland wants EU guidance on Russians fleeing military draft : worldnews

Norway Oil Fund just hit 1280 Billion Euro (230,000 euro per citizen)

Czechs cancel Soviet-era decrees giving Russian embassy free land : worldnews

The European Commission has confirmed that anti-LGBTQ+ zones in Poland can kiss their EU funding goodbye if they continue to enforce LGBT-free zones.

Romanian president: By its illegal aggression against Ukraine, Russia has blatantly violated international law : worldnews

Polish government says Russian hackers behind coordinated attack on media websites : worldnews

The War Zone on Twitter: "Belgium has said that it can train Ukrainian fighter pilots, while plans for an international pilot training coalition gather momentum." / Twitter

$113 Million of Ukrainian Oligarch Zhevago Seized in Switzerland. [article] : ukraine

Car rushes Vatican gate, is fired on by gendarmes; driver apprehended after reaching courtyard : worldnews

At least nine dead and 20,000 homeless in Italys worst flooding in 100 years

Owner of defense business arrested in Paris at U.S. request on allegations of spying for Russia : worldnews
French Senate recognizes 1932-1933 Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people : worldnews

El Salvador has deployed at least 5,000 soldiers and 500 police to surround a town in the northwest of the country in a push to arrest those responsible for the suspected gang killing of a police officer, President Nayib Bukele said on Wednesday : worldnews

Oil project near Amazon River mouth blocked by Brazils environment agency
Bolsonaro supporter who planted bomb in truck found guilty and sentenced to 9 years in prison : worldnews

Russians could be disguising cash to evade Canadian sanctions, federal agency warns : worldnews

Pentagon Says Accounting Mistake Frees Up $3 Billion More for Ukraine : politics

Joe Biden up 7 points against Donald Trump in 2024 election : politics

New House bill would block pay for members of Congress if the U.S. defaults : politics
Democrats warn Biden against cutting debt ceiling deal with McCarthy : politics

As GOP Aims to Punish Poor, CBO Says Extending Trump Tax Cuts for Rich Would Add $3.5 Trillion to Deficit : politics

Speaker Kevin McCarthy Predicts US Debt-Limit Deal on House Floor Next Week - Bloomberg
Wicked game: Kevin McCarthys debt-ceiling crisis is political theater at its worst

Federal judge calls out judicial panels handling of 2011 ethics complaints against Clarence Thomas
Ginni Thomas Has Donated More Than $20,000 To Republicans
Opinion | Why the Supreme Court Is Blind to Its Own Corruption - The New York Times
Supreme Court Leaves Intact Social Media Liability Shield : politics
Supreme Court sides with Google and Twitter, avoids Section 230 ruling - The Washington Post
A 150-year-old law could help determine the fate of U.S. abortion access : politics
The 5th Circuit Is Furious That the Supreme Court Put It in Timeout : politics
5CA demands to be reinstated as head of the FDA

Republicans cant shake their post-Roe election slump
The Naked Political Corruption of the GOP Is Destroying US Democracy : politics

What Happened in 2022 | Catalist
The generational shift in voting is upon us - The Washington Post
That Gen Z midterm boost for Democrats might be real - POLITICO

In re: Durham and the "Russia Hoax." Something that doesn't get enough attention is the primary reason Mueller couldn't find evidence of criminal conspiracy is that three key witnesses/participants refused to co-operate, were convicted, and then pardoned by Trump.
Bullshit Durham

Nine different federal judges have blamed Trump for January 6th : politics

F.B.I. Revokes Security Clearances of 3 Agents Over Jan. 6 Issues - The New York Times At least two of the three agents are scheduled to testify on Thursday to a House panel investigating what Republicans contend is the weaponization of federal agencies against conservatives.
F.B.I. Revokes Security Clearances of 3 Agents Over Jan. 6 Issues : politics
FBI revokes security clearances from Jim Jordans latest witnesses
FBI Says GOP's Whistleblowers Interfered With, Refused To Participate In Jan. 6 Investigations - Republicans profusely thanked the FBI agents for their service to the country.

Donald Trumps alleged crimes listed by Manhattan DA in hush money probe

New glimpse into documents case suggests a fateful new reckoning is looming over Trump | CNN Politics : politics

Conspiracy theorists to address US House subcommittee, watchdog warns : politics

Trumps Dominance in the GOP Isnt What It Seems - He's presiding over a movement, not a party.

Christiane Amanpour Slams CNN Donald Trump Town Hall: I Would Have Dropped the Mic at "nasty person"
When It Rains, It Amanpours - Puck

Feinstein Frailer Than Ever After Illness, But Unwilling to Leave Senate - The New York Times Senator Dianne Feinstein, 89, whose recent bout with shingles included contracting encephalitis, is frailer than ever. But she remains unwilling to entertain discussions about leaving the Senate.
The mystery woman at Feinsteins side
Nancy Pelosis daughter is taking care of Dianne Feinstein

Man sues Giuliani over false arrest afterpat on back led to assault charge ... "What's up, scumbag?"

Another rough day for election deniers : politics

George Santos Charges Are a Bad Omen for Donald Trump
Communications director for Rep. George Santos resigns : politics
House votes down measure to expel George Santos : politics

Staff for a 95-year-old federal judge say she is losing it, mentally and talking to a dead colleague

U.S. Dept. of Labor review finds Iowa's child labor bill violates federal law : politics

DeSantis Is Set to Enter 2024 Presidential Race Next Week : politics
Florida Democrats think the unthinkable: Were in play
Ron DeSantis Just Took Two Big Steps to Make Trans Lives Illegal : politics
Ron DeSantis Is Giving Away Florida Pension Money to Wall Street Donors : politics ... Our review found that had the state pension fund instead been invested in a simple, low-cost index fund, compared to its present mix of holdings, teachers, police officers, and other state employees would have about $10 billion more in their retirement funds.
Ron DeSantiss big idea: Make Florida students ignorant
Electronic traffic sign in Orlando altered to show threatening, anti-gay message, police say - KILL ALL GAYS

Disney won't move workers to Lake Nona. DeSantis brawl continues - Los Angeles Times
Amid Feud with DeSantis, Disney Pulls Plug on $1 Billion Development - The New York Times A new office complex, and relocation of a division from California, would have created more than 2,000 jobs but was scuttled as the company and Gov. Ron DeSantis continue to feud.
Robert Iger Wasn't Bluffing, Disney Cancels Lake Nona Town Center Amid Feud with DeSantis

Texas, Florida laws have Latinos rethinking where they live : politics

Man accused in baseball bat attack of Connolly congressional staffers now facing federal charges : politics ... Last year, Pham sued the Central Intelligence Agency in the same federal court where he is now charged criminally, claiming that the CIA had been torturing him from the fourth dimension

Tuberville finds himself at center of storm on abortion, white nationalism : politics

Waukesha teacher who spoke out when the school district banned 'Rainbowland' said she was recommended for termination : politics

In Louisiana, Rock-Bottom Minimum Wage Is Becoming a Liability for Republicans : politics

New Hampshire Honored a Rebel Girl. Then It Found Out She Was a Communist.

Texas doctors depart as attorney general investigates hospitals gender-affirming care ... The top States for maternal mortality are a red state bonanza. Texas is #8 with 34.5 deaths/ 100k. Whats that? Oh, yeah, California checking in with four.

The Man Who Called Breonna Taylors Killing Justified Could Be Kentuckys Next Governor
They Watched Jordan Neely Die. Did They Have a Duty to Intervene?New York does not require bystanders to act when someone is in danger, but the killing on the F train has residents debating when they should step in.

Several states have passed laws that could sentence people for years if they provide obscene books to minors

New York Strikes a Blow Against Citizens United Matching programs give small donors bigger voices.

Did a former 49er threaten to kill Rep. Swalwell? : politics

Mississippi miracle Kids reading scores have soared in Deep South states

Manchin blocks DOE nominee over gas stoves : politics

Man Overboard - Josh Hawleys long-threatened tome about American masculinity is here. Savor it with me.

A top L.A. chef at Horses accused by wife of killing family cats, assault. He denies claims

Axios-Ipsos poll: Gun violence soars as public health concern

Eschaton: America's Worst News Outlet Punchbowl. Every few years a new DC-centric outlet springs up to run PR for Republicans (politico, then axios, the Punchbowl, a few others have tried and failed...) and the companies and lobbying groups that "advertise" with them. I'm not even sure most electeds understand what they are.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Names Dennis Kucinich as Campaign Manager | Kennedy24

Trump supporters and Christians are the most worried that AI is an existential threat to humanity, poll says : politics
Dont Fight Me, Al

The Newest College Admissions Ploy: Paying to Make Your Teen a Peer-Reviewed Author

The Woo-Woo Idiocy of Our Tech Overlords

Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith

Rollins may have wrongly interfered with Sulfolk Co. DA race : massachusetts
Ricardo Arroyo should resign his city councilor post immediately. : boston

NYC hospital Karen paid for Citi Bike at center of viral fight with black man: lawyer

4-year-old accidentally shoots 1-year-old sibling at home in Texas : news

Despite its reputation, Berkeley is in many ways a deeply conservative-- even reactionary -- place.

Epstein-Barr virus is a causative agent in multiple sclerosis. A new study has shown that misdirected antibodies against the virus can instead target a brain protein called CRYAB, which may partially explain how viral infection can lead to disease. : science

To you redditors aged 50+, whats something you genuinely believe young people havent realized yet, but could enrich their lives or positively impact their outlook on life?

Redditors, have you ever gotten an ick from a potential partner or love interest that instantly killed your attraction to them? If so, what happened?

YouTube is bringing unskippable 30-second ads to TV | The longer commercials will appear in place of two consecutive 15-second ads. The company will also show ads when you pause videos. : technology


The next five years are expected to be the warmest period on record,the UNs World Meteorological Organization (WMO)warned on Wednesday. There is a 98-percent likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record, the WMO said

Global warming set to break key 1.5C limit for first time : worldnews
World likely to breach 1.5C climate threshold by 2027, scientists warn : worldnews

Global temperatures could soon briefly breach climate threshold, scientists warn - The Washington Post

States and Interior Department are still wrestling over process, compensation for conserving a river that sustains millions

Lake Powell is rising more than a foot a day. But megadroughts effects will still be felt ... it would take nearly a decade of wet years to refill Lake Powell.

Great Lakes freighter freed after running aground near Belle Isle

Long-sought universal flu vaccine: mRNA-based candidate enters clinical trial : worldnews

Strangers find Aussie toddler wandering alone, covered in ants : worldnews

Liz Truss in Taiwan calls for economic Nato to challenge China
Taiwan grants adoption rights for same-sex couples in massive win for equality : worldnews

China vows to smash Taiwan self-rule as U.S. readies arms

Russian economy shrank 1.9% in first quarter - stats service : worldnews
Ive never seen the Kremlin so rattled
Wagner Mercs Threaten to Rape Lawmaker on Red Square : worldnews
Revealed: Vladimir Putins secret Black Sea bunker
Journalists post diagrams of Putins Black Sea Bunker in Gelendzhik

Russias Convict-Soldiers Have Their Own Brutal Rules

If I was a Russian nuclear strategist today, I would be very worried. You just received proof of concept that Western air and missile defenses can intercept 100% of your tactical nuclear delivery vehicles (SRBM, BM, aircraft) in a time-coordinated, multi-vector attack. : UkrainianConflict

Russias Dmitry Medvedev claims Baltic countries belong to Russia
(29) The Origins of Russian Authoritarianism - YouTube ... Todays Russia is basically a Byzantine-Mongol love-child from the 14th century that never grew up.
(29) How Vodka ruined Russia - YouTube

Border checks between Russia and Belarus are back for the first time in 28 years : worldnews - to keep Russian men from fleeing Russia via Belarus to avoid being drafted.

The city was underwater: quarter of a million Somalis flee flooded homes

The sister of a Saudi national imprisoned after tweets criticizing the government on Tuesday sued both Twitter and the kingdom, alleging they worked together to support "repression" : worldnews ... Of course they did and now they are the second largest shareholder at Twitter so no need for spying. They use Twitter to track down dissidents to jail, torture and dice. (Muskfucked)

Iranians are putting their livers, corneas, and testicles up for sale on Telegram to pay off debts amid rocketing inflation and poverty : worldnews

Last ship left Ukrainian port under grain deal

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 448, Part 1 (Thread #589) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 17.05.2023 : ukraine

US Army Special Forces veteran killed in barrageof Russian artillery in Bakhmut
Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate 20 kilometres around Bakhmut, Russians advance into city itself : UkrainianConflict

Russian T-72 will split US-made Abrams like nuts entering Kyiv - Kadyrov
Experts: Capturing just a single T-90 meant huge losses to the Russian Federation : UkrainianConflict

US assessing potential damage of Patriot missile defense system following Russian attack near Kyiv : worldnews
HOW MUCH DOES A MISSILE STRIKE COST? In general, missiles and drones fired at Ukraine on the night of May 16 cost $119.08 million.

The vulnerability of the undefeatable Kinzhals came as a surprise to Russia
(2/4) On 03 May 2023, Ukraine achieved the first ever shoot-down of a KILLJOY air-launched ballistic missile. Subsequently, Russia has prioritised attempting to neutralise Ukraines improved air defence capabilities, but in the process has likely lost several more KILLJOY.
(4/4) The apparent vulnerability of KILLJOY is likely a surprise and an embarrassment for Russia: Russian President Vladimir Putin has touted the system as undefeatable.

ISW on Twitter: "Russian forces reportedly shut down another Ukrainian evangelical Christian church in #Mariupol likely as part of a wider systematic religious persecution campaign in occupied #Ukraine." / Twitter
CNN: US official says Russiaexpending more munitions to overwhelm Ukrainian air defenseRussia has been using up more munitions recently in order to both overwhelm and confuse Ukraines air defense, an unnamed U.S. official familiar with the matter told CNN.

The kamikaze drones promised by the UK with a range up to 200km have a striking effect comparable to an artillery shell. They are low cost, hundreds can be produced and their delivery to Ukraine can be expected in the coming months, The Telegraph reports.
Macron has confirmed that France will follow in the UKs footsteps and quickly send its version of the Storm Shadow long-range missile to Ukraine. In France, it is known as Scalp EG.

Man sentenced to life imprisonment for giving Russians information about Ukrainian positions in Lviv Oblast : worldnews
#Ukraines @ServiceSsu identified six not very smart young Kyiv residents who filmed on video and shared in the internet the activities of the #Ukrainian air defense during the yesterdas Russian missile attackon the capital. Their arrests are pending. Each faces up to 8 years in jail,

At the Council of Europe Summit in #Reykjavik representatives of more than 40 countries signed a declaration on the creation of a register of damages caused by Russias war against #Ukraine.
Blinken admits Russia may be designated as sponsor of terrorism for first time: "Never say never"

Hungary confirms it has blocked payment from EU fund that provides military support for Ukraine : worldnews

Russia freezes Finnish embassies bank accounts

Russian oligarch loses latest bid to evict Amsterdam squatters : worldnews

Germany: Russian assets could be used to pay for Ukraine war damages : worldnews
5 go on trial in Germany over far-right plot to topple the government : worldnews

Citing Brexit, the Conference of European Rabbis moves headquarters from London to Munich : worldnews

Multiple dead and thousands evacuated as floods hit northern Italy, Emilia Romagna F1 Grand Prix called off : worldnews

British PM Rishi Sunak and Dutch PM Mark Rutte agreed that they would work to create an international coalition to providewith a combat air capability, providing support for everything from pilot training to the purchase of F-16 fighter jets.
Prince Harry and Meghan involved in 'near catastrophic' car chase with paparazzi - The Washington Post
Prince Harry and Meghan paparazzi car chase was not near catastrophic, NYPD officials suggest
Vauxhall-maker warns Brexit may force it to close UK factory - BBC News

Indigenous chief shot in head in Brazilspalm oil war region: Latest episode of violence over land conflicts between a major palm oil company and local Indigenous communities
Colombian children found alive in jungle weeks after plane crash : worldnews

The new estimate highlights the deadly and ongoing impact of Americas post-9/11 wars ... The sobering findings highlight the long-term effects of the Global War on Terror, which has been the deadliest fight of the 21st century so far. (George W Bush cackles in the dark)

Sanders Unveils Bill Guaranteeing Up to 7 Days of Paid Sick Leave for US Workers The U.S. is the only wealthy country in the world without universal paid sick leave.
If We Can Cover Catastrophic Bank Failures, We Can Cover Catastrophic Health Costs : politics
The GOPs Work-Requirement Scam ... And on Sunday, Biden indicated an openness to meeting this demand,
John Fetterman Asks Bank Execs If CEOs Who Crash Banks Should Get Work Requirements: The Pennsylvania senator challenged former executives from Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank about the bank collapses. : politics

Student loan payment pause will end this year, education secretary confirms : politics

Joe Biden is definitely going to prison! As soon as the GOP finds its missing informant. : politics

The truth about Russia, Trump and the 2016 election - The Washington Post

Every administration since the 80s has mishandled classified documents, says the National ArchivesOfficials at the National Archives told Congress that lawmakers have also had problems setting aside classified information.

Senate Democrats ask Biden to ready 14th Amendment, bypass GOP on debt limit - The Washington Post House Democrats also begin a long-shot attempt to force a vote on a debt ceiling increase without other spending cuts
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin pushes back on Bidensconcerns that using the 14th amendment to solve the debt ceiling crisis would land the administration in court: There's a binding legal requirement to pay Social Security and Medicare recipients
How Republicans cruelty threatens to destroy the worlds economy
Biden takes tougher work requirements for welfare off the table in debt-ceiling talks : politics (refuckers demand child labor or they will destroy the world's economy)
Republicans Literally Laugh Off Idea of Taxing the Rich to Fix Budget : politics

Rep. Schiff Joins Sen. Markey, Rep. Johnson, Sen. Smith, and Rep. Bush to Announce Legislation to Expand Supreme Court, Restore its Legitimacy : politics
Public confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court is at its lowest since 1973 - AP-NORC

Analysis: Durham Report Failed to Deliver After Years of Political Hype - The New York Times
Theres now even less reason to blame Clinton for the Russia probe ... That New York Post story was written by attorney Jonathan Turley,
John Durham is full of it, but do you know how?
Durhams investigation reveals nothing except a broken process
The Durham investigation was a flop. But its a propaganda triumph.

World Leaders Consider Trump a Laughing Fool, Says John Bolton

Trump boasts he was able to kill Roe v. Wade,takes credit for state abortion bans

New evidence in special counsel probe may undercut Trumps claim documents he took were automatically declassified
Key Trump attorney departs legal team : politics
Attorney Tim Parlatore says he is leaving Donald Trumps legal team

More Trump indictments would give Biden and Democrats huge 2024 boost, poll finds : politics

Dianne Feinstein claimed she hasntbeen gonewhen asked about her lengthy absence from the Senate: I've been here. I've been voting ("and I'm totallly not demented")
Feinstein Denies She Was Ever Absent from Senate in Bizarre Exchange : politics
Ro Khanna repeats call for Dianne Feinstein to resign after reporter incident : politics

Judges aggressively question lawyers for Justice Dept. and drug company about the FDAs regulation of mifepristone
Highlights from court arguments in abortion pill ban appeal - The Washington Post

Colorado officials confident Space Command decision hinges on national security, not abortion politics : politics (fuck Fuckabama)

McCarthy shores up votes to shut down George Santos expulsion push : politics
House votes to send Santos expulsion resolution to Ethics Committee : politics

Evangelical Leader Distances Himself From Trump: America Is Exhausted
Gov. Youngkin Proclamation Praises Christian Nationalist Re-Covenanting Featuring Viciously Anti-LGBTQ Speakers
Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Has to Remind Himself That This Is a Constitutional Republic, Its Not a Theocracy ... North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is an unabashed Christian nationalist and virulent anti-LGBTQ bigot who recently announced that he is running for governor (pro-theocracy platform)

Republicans keep having bad elections : politics

Democrats keep Pennsylvania House majority, positioning party to prevent limits on abortion rights : politics
Cherelle Parker Wins Democratic Mayoral Primary in Philadelphia : politics
Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence Are Running Scared | The New Republic amateur hour as Trumps two big rivals follow the same bad strategy as the last batch of Republican presidential primary losers.

A glimpse into the dystopian abyss of President DeSantis America
DeSantis sees both endorsed candidates lose : politics
Donna Deegan just blew up the idea Florida is turning more Republican : politics
Florida Dems Shock GOP With Jacksonville Mayor Win : politics

Is Ron DeSantis a Robot? An Investigation (in Pictures) : politics
DeSantiss anti-woke laws cant stand up to the First Amendment. Theyre still dangerous
Ron DeSantis Signs Law Allowing Trans Kids to Be Taken From Their Families: The state can now kidnap kids in Florida. : politics
DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians access to treatments and bathrooms
250K Florida residents kicked off Medicaid; more expected : politics
PEN America, Penguin Random House sue Florida school district over book bans : politics

The National Model for How to Lose Elections: North Carolina Republicans Pass 12-Week Abortion Ban, Overriding Governors Veto
After switching parties, North Carolina Rep. Tricia Cotham helps NC GOP secure exact number of votes needed to override veto, pass abortion law : politics

Adam Schiff heads into Californias 2024 U.S. Senate race with a sizable cash advantage

RI Senate passes bill making lunch free at all public schools : politics

Boebert Insists Heartbroken Hubby Didnt Throw a Fitor Drink Beer From a Glass When he was 24. And he showed his dick to underage girls. One of whom was his future bride. Who he got pregnant. While she was in high school. He was found guilty and sent to jail for the penis exposure. Never charged for the rape of an underage girl.

Marjorie Taylor Greene told Congress Antifa killed a cop. She was dead wrong. | Police shot Manuel Teran 57 times. Greene said theyre proof that leftists kill cops.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Called Out To Her Face During Congressional Hearing. Greene also attacked trans people during a bizarre rant in Congress. : politics

Sen. Tim Scott Says the Government Should Be Bowing the Knee to the Church ... Republican positions have become unpopular enough that their only path to remain in power is to change the rules of the game. Basically, they play politics now like a 6 year old plays monopoly.

The Texas legislature is really pushing the envelope of Christian nationalism this year. From requiring the Ten Commandments in classrooms to allowing Bible time, the state GOP wants to indoctrinate students in right-wing dogma. : politics
Suing To Tell White HistorySome amazing stuff in Texas. Well, not amazing really, since that would imply surprising and there is nothing that can surprise out of Texas. But this is really bad and indicative of the desperation of rich white people to enforce certain educational experiences that reinforce their own personal worldview.

Kari Lakes Trial Isnt Going So Well

Montana Governor Signs Total Ban of TikTok in the State : politics

Oregon voters tried to put an end to legislative walkouts. So, what happened? : politics

Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes to Report to Prison May 30 - WSJ A court had denied her request to stay out on bail
Theranos co-founder Elizabeth Holmes loses bid to avoid prison, gets hit with US$452 million restitution bill : technology

60 years after death, the right is still afraid of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: New Hampshire Republicans tear down historic marker for pioneering labor organizer, feminist, birth control advocate and ACLU founder just days after it was erected. : politics

Matt Taibbi: Flathead: The Peculiar Genius of Thomas L. Friedman (2009 before Taibbi went alt-insane)

Watchdog Finds Rollins Violated Hatch Act: Extraordinary Breach of Public Trust
Egregious: Report details slew of policy violations by resigning Mass. US Attorney Rachael Rollins
Court Suppresses Breathalyzer Results In 27,000 DUI Cases After Years Of Being Jerked Around By The State Crime Lab : massachusetts

Mommy, What If I Die When I Go Back to School?In the wake of a horrific school shooting in his home state, Tennessee state Rep. Justin J. Pearson calls for Americans to stand up to the NRA and demand that the GOP finally take action on guns ... It's time for all of us to link arms, sea to sea, and get into good and necessary trouble to redeem the soul of America.

Cops say they're being poisoned by fentanyl. Experts say the risk is extremely low

Why Bud Light and Disney are under attack from conservatives : politics ... Because conservatives are crybaby snowflake Nazis who throw a tantrum when other people act and look differently from them.

Fox News host Will Cain claims Joe Biden is seemingly pushing us toward a race war
Drudge Reports Hannity to Replace Tucker in Major Shake Up -- Fox News Responds

Kaitlan Collins, Moderator of Trump Forum, Is Named CNNs 9 P.M. AnchorThe appointment caps a fast rise at the network by Ms. Collins, 31, who previously covered the Trump and Biden administrations ... An Alabama native who cut her teeth at the conservative news site The Daily Caller, Ms. Collins is prized by Mr. Licht for her perceived ability to connect with viewers outside coastal liberal enclaves.
BLOWBACK: CNN advertisers get a serious warning about branding (haha "TNN")

A Massive Leak Spotlights the Extremism of an Anti-Trans Medical Group - How the tiny American College of Pediatricians helped turn fringe beliefs into government policy.

Laws granting rights to people in polyamorous relationships are being recognized in more cities ... Somerville, Mass.

Why it's okay to ignore food expiration dates - The Washington Post With no national standards for food expiration dates, a lot of good food is thrown out because of bad labeling

A/I ... What I am concerned about, to some extent, is the idea that A/I advances so far that it becomes out of human control. Though to be honest, would it really manage the world more horribly than humans? This nation did elect Donald Trump for fucks sake, how much worse could robots do?
Technologists warn about the dangers of the so-called singularity. But can anything actually be done to prevent it?

Elon Musk keeps insisting the Texas shooter with a swastika tattoo is not a white supremacist
Kara Swisher Torpedoes Bonkers Elon Musk Interview Especially Stuff About White Supremacist Mall Shooter ... "fizzops"
Elon Musk goes silent for 12 seconds when asked about his conpiracy theory tweets : videos
Elon Musk: Ill say what I want, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it

The biggest revelations from the new Secrets of Hillsong docuseries

Ketamine and suicide: A retrospective controlled analysis showed that 80% of the patients had suicidal ideation (SI) pretreatment, but that after treatment, 70% of patients experienced improvement and 50% experienced no SI at all. : science

The 19th-Century Trippers Who Probed the Mind - Nautilus In the age of self-experiment, scientists took mind-altering drugs to test the limits of subjectivity.

The crazy plan to explode a nuclear bomb on the Moon

Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before : worldnews
Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before - BBC News

Archaeologists Digging Along a Train Route in Mexico Have Found an Extremely Rare Statue of a Maya Deity- The statue is one of only three known in the world : worldnews


19.8 million acres burned37% of the total area scorched by forest fires in the western United States and southwestern Canada since 1986can be attributed to heat-trapping emissions traced to the worlds 88 largest fossil fuel producers and cement manufacturers

South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions

Record-breaking heat scorches the western US and Canada as wildfires continue to rage : worldnews
New study quantifies link between climate crisis, wildfires : worldnews

ExxonMobil settles decades-old torture case with Indonesian villagers : worldnews

Global executions in 2022 at highest rate for five years - Amnesty : worldnews ... In Saudi Arabia, executions tripled from 65 in 2021 to 196 in 2022 - the highest number that Amnesty has recorded in the country in 30 years.

Two poultry workers test positive for bird flu after working on infected farm | UK News : worldnews

New Zealand hostel fire kills at least 6 in fire chief's worst nightmare

Doomsday: Singapore renters sound the alarm as prices surge

Pro-Democracy Partys Election Win Turning Point for Thailand

Cambodias only major opposition party is barred from running in July elections

Malaysia moves to decriminalise small-scale drug possession and use to free up prison space : worldnews

People in Japan are taking lessons to relearn how to smile : worldnews
Bear attack on angler suspected after human head found at Japan lake : worldnews

Taiwan grants right of adoption to same-sex couples in latest move toward full equality : worldnews
Warren Buffetts Berkshire Hathaway sells entire stake in TSMC

Tiananmen Square books removed from Hong Kong libraries in run-up to anniversary | Hong Kong : worldnews

Jimmy Lai: editors from around the world call for release of Hong Kong media mogul : worldnews
Chinas so desperate to boost its birth rates, its even cracking down on customary betrothal gifts for brides to help people get married more easily

[TVP] WHO closes down its regional office in Moscow : worldnews

We understand you, better than you think: CIA posts video on Telegram to recruit Russian spies
CIA Seeks to Recruit War-Weary High-Ranking Russians on Telegram : worldnews
3 Russian Hypersonic Missile Scientists Jailed for Treason, Colleagues Say : worldnews

Drone attacked FSB office in Russias Kursk Oblast, injuring five people - Russian media

1/ Sanctions on the Russian aviation industry are leading to an increasing number of malfunctions and emergency landings, due to a lack of maintenance and technical support, and an acute shortage of spare parts. Safety is said to be gradually deteriorating
1/ With aviation supplies and maintenance services in short supply, Russian airlines now depend on questionable suppliers in the Middle East and Asia. Some airlines are said to be avoiding recording malfunctions in aircraft logbooks so that they can keep faulty planes flying.
ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "3/ The independent Russian media outlet Project reports on the wider picture of the Russian aviation industry's problems. The Russian government has spent billions of dollars supporting it. Hundreds of millions are being lost due to foreign airlines no longer flying over Russia." / Twitter
ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "5/ As Project notes, Iran has the worst air safety record in the Middle East and has been unable to obtain aircraft parts legitimately for years due to sanctions. The biggest problem comes with the types of maintenance checks that need to be performed." / Twitter

EU should crack down on India reselling Russian oil into Europe as refined fuels including diesel, the EUs high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, said in an interview with the Financial Times

Death toll in Sudan war rises to 822 : worldnews

Namibia's Supreme Court gives legal status to same-sex marriages

US sees more indication of Russia, Iran defence cooperation : worldnews

Thousands from across the occupied West Bank demonstrated Monday, waving Palestinian flags to mark the 75th anniversary of the "Nakba" or "catastrophe" which they associate with Israel's creation. More than 760,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes in 1948 : worldnews

Ukrainian anti-corruption bodies said they exposed large-scale corruption in the Supreme Court. Local media reported that the president of the court was arrested : worldnews

18 out 18 Russian missiles were shot down in Ukraine this night: 6 Kinzhal missiles, 9 Kalibr missiles and 3 ballistic missiles. Amazing result by the Air Defense Forces of Ukraine! : ukraine
Air defence downs all Russian missiles and drones flying over Ukraine overnight, including 6 Kinzhal missiles : worldnews
Ukraine war: Kyiv comes under heavy missile and drone attack : worldnews
Russia launches heavy air raid on Kyiv, Ukraine says all missiles shot down : worldnews
Ukraine claims to shoot down six more Russian 'hypersonic' missiles
/u/hubau provides a stunning account of the damage done to Russia by their invasion of Ukraine in reply to someone claiming Russiascome out ahead

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 447, Part 1 (Thread #588) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 16.05.2023 : ukraine

Ukraines Armed Forces advancing near Bakhmut for 3 days, Russians in stupor
Russian troops taking over from Wagner in Bakhmut are abandoning their positions, Ukrainian officer claims: As soon as they are afraid, they just run

#Ukrainian intelligence reported that approximately 152,000 #Russian troops in southern Ukraine continue defensive efforts ahead of a possible Ukrainian counteroffensive.

EU Confirms Plans to Sanction Third Countries Supporting Russia : worldnews

Poland deploys first HIMARS on the border with Russias Kaliningrad enclave

Hungary blocked a new EU tranche intended for Ukraine.

Macron hints at supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles : worldnews
First Italian-French SAMP/T air defence system is already in Ukraine : worldnews

Sunak announces more defense aid, promises UK will be key part of fighter jet coalition
Nigel Farage Admits Brexit Has Failed In Astonishing Newsnight Clash
/u/zerotrap0 explains why UK feminism is anti-trans. : bestof

Argentina raises interest rate to 97% as it struggles to tackle inflation | CNN Business : worldnews

Guatemalan anti-corruption newspaper shuts down after press freedom herojailed

Can another major attack on American democracy be withstood?

Let the nukes die ... Last nights takedown of six of Russias unstoppable Kinzhal missiles should also help to change Russian thinking. Cold War concepts of deterrence and nuclear warfighting are obsolete. We all need to rethink them.

How Russian Trolls Used Meme Warfare to Divide America : politics

Republicans threatening to destroy world economy if they cant destroy American government

Why are Americans so negative about the economy?

Billionaires Spent Over $1 Billion on 2022 ElectionsMore Than Any Year in US History

Biden administration may halt plans to move Space Command to Alabama over state's abortion law, officials say : politics

Co-workers could bear costs of accommodating religious employees in the workplace if Supreme Court tosses out 46-year-old precedent : politics

Remember those millions of fake net neutrality comments? Fallout continues : technology (Ijit Pai)

16 Crucial Words That Went Missing From a Landmark Civil Rights Law. The phrase, seemingly deleted in error, undermines the basis for qualified immunity, the legal shield that protects police officers from suits for misconduct. : politics
The Reconstruction Congress preempted qualified immunity

John Durham has to know his final report is a mess : politics

Report: Trumps Adviser Egged Him On to Be Even More of an A-hole During Last Weeks CNN Town Hall

An open secret: Top White House aides reveal Trumps alleged inappropriate conduct towards female staffers
Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani plotted to sell presidential pardons for $2 million a piece, former staffer says in lawsuit : politics
Rudy Giuliani said he and Trump were selling pardons for $2m apiece, ex-aide claims : politics
Rudy Giuliani accused of coercing ex-employee into oral sex while on the phone to Trump
Former associate suing Rudy Giuliani for alleged sexual assault, harrassment : politics

A second Trump administration would be much worse - The CNN town hall was a wake-up call: If Trump wins, hell be even more dangerous than he was last time.

It Cost Steve Bannon $601,000 to Ignore the Jan. 6 Committee : politics

CNN Loses to Newsmax in Primetime Ratings Two Days After Trump Town Hall : television

Paul Gosars Staffer Is a Neo-Nazi

George Santos seeks campaign donations days after fraud, laundering charges : politics

Missouri high-schooler suspended for recording teacher using racial slur : news

Extended boycott disqualifies 2 GOP senators, 1 independent in Oregon Senate from being reelected : politics

GOP Bill Could Hit Women Who Miscarry With Murder Charges, Advocates Say : politics

Video shows Walgreens guard killing trans organizer Banko Brown as he left store : news

Conservative pundits are increasingly open about who they think should be killed | Media Matters for America
INDIGNITY VOL. 3, NO. 76: David French, the punisher ... David French, the most recently hired member of the New York Times stable of palatably conservative opinion columnists
Eschaton: About That Detail This was quite an amazing piece in the Times (the paper is, actually, getting worse, Dash is the failson of a failson of a failson and it shows). (KKK'ers w/HLS degrees)
David French (political commentator) - Wikipedia In August 2017, French was one of several co-authors of the so-called Nashville Statement, which affirmed that it is sinful to approve of homosexual immorality or transgenderism and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness.

She offered a LGBTQ-themed book to her middle schoolers. Parents filed a police report : books

u/goobermcg explains what's been going on with Steven Crowder : bestof

Home Depot Projects First Annual Sales Decline Since 2009 : news

Dr. Eugene Lipov, Chief Medical Officer at Stella, and I discovered a breakthrough treatment for PTSD. Ask Me Anything.

TIL that the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the continental US occurred in New Madrid, MO, in 1812. It was so violent that the shaking was felt in New York, made church bells ring in South Carolina, and made part of the Mississippi River run backwards. : todayilearned

BORU comment ends up with BO simple effective Self Help guide on improving your self worth : bestof

u/Bardfinn explains the futility of trying to deal with bigots, and why deradicalization is not the responsibility of victims : bestof

What is something you deeply regret doing as a child that still affects you to this day? : AskReddit

What words/phrases do you hear someone say and immediately know youre probably not going to like the person?

Google publishing a .zip top-level domain endangers every entity on the internet


The traces of genetic material that humans constantly shed wherever they go could soon be used to track individual people, or even whole ethnic groups, scientists said on Monday, warning of a looming "ethical quagmire" : worldnews

Dont use sugar substitutes for weight loss, World Health Organization advises

Temperature in Singapore soars to 40-year high : worldnews

Canada: heat records broken as B.C. gripped by heat, fire, flood risk : worldnews

Bird Flu Hits Brazil, Worlds Top Chicken Exporter, for the First Time Ever

Thailand elections: Voters deliver stunning win for reform : worldnews
Thailand opposition on course to crush military parties in election rout : worldnews

China sentences 78-year-old US citizen to life in prison for espionage | CNN Chinese authorities and state media have not previously disclosed any information on Leungs detention or the court process that led to his conviction. Cases involving state security are usually strictly handled behind closed doors, where the judicial system has a conviction rate of around 99%,
China sentences elderly US citizen to life in prison on spying charges | CNN : worldnews
After 20 years in UK, British chair professor joins Chinas hypersonic programme
China launches projects to build "new-era" marriage, childbearing culture : worldnews

Russia says European armed forces treaty contrary to its security interests
Kremlin Bans High-Ranking Officials From Resigning Amid War in Ukraine : worldnews
Putin signed a decree allowing foreigners to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified procedure. For a new passport, one would only need to sign a contract for military service and go to fight near Bakhmut.

Wagners Prigozhin offered Kyiv Russian troop locations for Ukrainian retreat in Bakhmut, leaked intel says
Wagner head dismisses US paper report that he offered to betray Russian troop positions : worldnews
Wagner chief offered to give Russian troop locations to Ukraine, leak says : worldnews

Sabotage Acts in Russia More Than Double in 2023

Amid rumors of his declining health, Lukashenko decided to appear in public. He reinforced suspicions with this video as he spoke with obvious difficulty and looked like he was wearing makeup. : UkrainianConflict
Russian State Duma confirms information on Lukashenkos illness
Belarusian dictator Lukashenko very ill, confirms Russian official : worldnews
Russia is occupying Belarus, opposition leader says : worldnews
Guess whos still alive - Lukashenko appeared in public for the first time since May 9 with a hand bandaged after drips

India first democracy to ban encrypted messaging apps on massive scale. : worldnews
Indian police attack and detain journalist covering wrestler protest : worldnews

They would die faster: Children targeted first in Kenya doomsday killings

Erdogan holds slim lead in Turkey election with about half the vote counted. May be headed to a runoff on May 28 : worldnews
Kilicdaroglu: Bookish retiree pushes Erdogan to historic runoff : worldnews

Rocket fire breaks fragile Gaza truce less than 24 hours after it began : worldnews
Young woman shot dead in north: They didnt want her to work or study ... the 78th violent slaying in the Arab community so far this year, a massive jump from the 30 victims registered at the same point last year,She is the sixth female Arab to be killed and the 15th woman killed in Israel this year.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 446, Part 1 (Thread #587) : worldnews

Ukraine Hails First Success of Advance Around Bakhmut
Ukraine Hails First Success of Offensive Around Bakhmut
Ukrainian High Command statements are clear that, publicly at least, the Ukrainian successes around Bakhmut were not part of the expected large counter-offensive.


Denmarks mystery tremors caused by acoustic waves from unknown source, officials say

British Air Force to guard Iceland during Council of Europe summit : worldnews

#TheHague will create a register of destruction caused by Russia during the war against #Ukraine, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.

Duo in Austria charged with playing Hitler speeches on train intercom : worldnews

Germany issues declaration pledging to support Ukraine on its path to NATO

Zelenskyy makes surprise visit to Paris for talks with French leaders : worldnews
France signs declaration supporting Ukraines move towards NATO membership

Welcome back, @ZelenskyyUa
Britain to send long-range attack drones to Ukraine : worldnews

Cubas LGBTQ community celebrates same-sex marriage with pride conga: Chanting socialism yes, homophobia no

Tractor trailer crash in Mexico kills 26 : worldnews

There may be more Chinese police stations in Canada, Canadas Minister of Public Safety says

Massachusetts Man Indicted for Acting as an Illegal Agent of the Peoples Republic of China

Marines exposed to chemical at Camp Lejeune had higher Parkinsons risk: study

Playbook: A surprisingly positive debt-limit vibe check - POLITICO
GOP rejected White House effort to close tax loopholes in debt ceiling talks - The Washington Post Negotiations are stuck and time is running out, but Republicans have signaled that there cannot be any new tax increases as part of a budget deal.

Fox News Calls Biden Speech Evil Declares America the Least Racist Country in the World
Abolish Live TV Audiences in the 2024 Presidential Race | CNNs shameful town hall was a gift to Trump. Enough is enough.

Biden proposal would let conservationists lease public land much as drillers and ranchers do : politics

Biden's plan to give millions of student-loan borrowers who fell behind on payments a fresh shot at debt relief is working : politics

IRS tests free e-filing system that could compete with tax prep giants - The Washington Post The prototype program developed by the federal government could be available for a small group of taxpayers by January

Why Smartmatic's case against Fox News is even stronger than Dominion's - There are reasons Smartmatic is seeking a tidy $2.7 billion.

Kevin McCarthys Idea of Austerity: $115 Billion for Tax Cheats and Oil Companies

Why Clarence Thomass Troubles Have Just Begun

Planned Parenthood calls for Supreme Court expansion : politics

US supreme court pursuing rightwing agenda viashadow docket, book says
Supreme Court to review Democratic lawmakers suit over Trump hotel lease
Supreme Court wades into Trump hotel records fight - POLITICO The justices are set to mull the power of minority lawmakers to demand records.

Supreme Court to Consider Sentencing in Light of New Drug Laws : politics

Supreme Court rejects Alabamas bid to use lethal injection against inmate's wishes

James Comer mocked after claiming informant his entire charade was built on is "missing" -- The dog ate my homework, tweeted Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., who served as lead Democratic counsel during Trumps second impeachment
Republican Admits Key Informant Against Joe Biden Now Missing

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe
Americas greatest inadvertent defense attorney issues blockbuster report conspicuously lacking blocks or busting

Trump uses Mothers Day to blast the mothers of his political enemies
Trump Changed GOP Rules to Make Winning the Nomination Even Easier for Trump

Trumps dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women As Trump doubles down on grab em by the p*ssy, the Christian right gets comfy admitting they love male dominance
GOP fears Trumps problems with suburban women will only get worse

GOP state lawmakers try to restrict ballot initiatives, partly to thwart abortion protections : politics

Dems great hope to hold the Senate: GOP primary implosions

How Kyrsten Sinema Uses Campaign Cash for Her Marathon Habit : politics

Harassment Suit Against Rudy Giuliani Full of Graphic Allegations - A New York woman says the ex-mayor sexually harassed her while she was working for him
Rudy can fail, cheap 70s porn edition

Paul Gosar faces questions over staffer's alleged far-right links : politics

Staff Members Attacked With Bat at Congressmans Virginia OfficeTwo people were hospitalized after the attack at the Fairfax office of Representative Gerald E. Connolly, a Democrat. A man was in custody, the police said ... Last year, Mr. Pham filed a federal lawsuit in Virginia against the C.I.A. alleging that the agency had imprisoned him for decades in a lower perspective based on physics called the book world and demanding $29 million ... brutally torturing him with a degenerative disability from the fourth dimension.
Gerry Connollys staff injured by person with baseball bat

Hundreds of white supremacists march on Capitol with shields, battle drums : politics

The Right Has Raised $2 Million For the Guy Who Choked a Homeless Man To Death : politics
Eschaton Sometimes I think I'm a bit too ready to think the worst of people. Am I the asshole? Is David French really the monster I think he is? And then, "fortunately," he writes a column to prove me fucking right!
Eschaton: Lines Where people stand on "is it ok to murder people who annoy you in the subway" provides a pretty good sorting mechanism. (David French, ready to kill you)

Why do Americans want guns? It comes down to one word.(Fear)
After school shooting, Tennessee governor signs bill to shield gun firms further against lawsuits | AP News

Police responded to active shooter situation in the area of Dustin avenue in Farmington, New Mexico : news
Mass Shootings in 2023 | Gun Violence Archive
It has been 0 days since the last mass shooting

Ohio Catholic priest convicted of sex trafficking, abusing churchgoing minors into adulthood : news

Residents vote against school funding after rightwingers protest demonictrans bathroom policy ... After an angry crowd accused the district of moral depravity with its Luciferian policy, a vote for a school tax levy failed

New Idaho law creates crime of abortion trafficking

One variety of scam phonecall uncoveredSeveral rightwing organizations are behind these calls, and their intention is to push voters in the rightwing direction while scarfing up money that goes to them rather than the veterans or police or firefighters that they use as fronts. The details are in the article.

Coastal Cities Priced Out Low-Wage Workers. Now College Graduates Are Leaving, Too. - The New York Times

Child social media stars have few protections. Illinois aims to fix that : politics

Elon Musk faces subpoena in Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit against JPMorgan

Vice and Motherboard owner files for bankruptcy : worldnews

Researchers discover second case of person resistant to Alzheimers

What the single best fight scene in a movie? : AskReddit


US climate agency declares chance of El Nino now above 90 per cent in 2023

Deadly Cyclone Mocha slams into Bangladesh, Myanmar : worldnews

Only 12% of the UN Sustainable Development Goal targets are on track | "Unless we act now, the 2030 Agenda will become an epitaph for a world that might have been" : collapse

As Sea Levels Rise, the US East Coast Is Also Sinking | This Hasnt Been Factored into Hazard Assessments or FEMA Flood Data

Is anyone else having a massive problem with ticks already this year in the U.S? : collapse

Sadly the 1% will not let go of its wealth : collapse

COVID causing long-term health problems for many young people: "I felt so defeated" : collapse

Opinion | The Covid Pandemic: 13 Takeaways for the Next Health Emergency - The New York Times

China and Russia are increasing their military collaboration, Japans foreign minister warns

China steps up operations to manipulate U.S. opinion, intelligence officials say : worldnews

The Russian Federation transferred nuclear bombers to the border with NATO

UK Defense Ministry: Russian poorly trained, ill-equipped recruits hamper potential large-scale operation : worldnews
(1/6) On paper, the Russian Combined Grouping of Forces (CGF) in Ukraine is similarly organised to the invasion force of 446 days ago.
(4/6) Now the force is mostly poorly trained mobilised reservists and increasingly reliant on antiquated equipment, with many of its units severely under-strength. It routinely only conducts very simple, infantry-based operations.
6/6) It is unlikely to be an organisation which will effectively cohere large-scale military effect along the 1,200 km front line under stress.

2/ The Vladimir-based Telegram channel Dovod3 (Argument) reports that Vladimirs School No. 37 recently held a Recruits Day for 10th graders.
6/ This episode is notable for targeting children who are well under the normal recruitment age

4/ By the end of 2022, Mediazona reports, the number of cases of desertion increased by 63% compared to the previous year. Russian government figures state that just over 1,000 people were convicted of this in 2021 and more than 1,300 were convicted in 2022.

Lukashenko does not appear at Belarusian National Flag Day celebration : worldnews

India: Prime Minister Narendra Modis party BJP has suffered a major setback by losing a key election in Karnataka, despite Modi having thrust himself to the forefront of the campaign
Mother-Ship carrying 1.2 billion $ of crystal meth seized near Indian coast : worldnews

Imran Khan calls for freedom protests across Pakistan

Turkey's Presidential Election Results and News: Live Updates - The New York Times
Polls close in Turkeys fiercely fought elections that could unseat Erdogan
Erdogan's grip on power tested as Turkey goes to the polls
Turkey decides on future with or without Erdogan : worldnews
Turkeys Elections For Presidency, Parliament Under Way
On final day of campaign, Erdogan accuses Turkish opposition of working with Biden : worldnews

3,000-year-old bakery still covered in flour unearthed in Armenia, photos show

Israel, US, UN thank Egypt for role in mediating ceasefire with Islamic Jihad in Gaza : worldnews

Israel and Islamic Jihad agree Gaza truce : worldnews
Despite cease-fire Islamic Jihad continues rocket attacks : worldnews

Zelenskyy responds to Trump: Trump was president, we had a meeting. There wasnt a full-scale invasion then, but there was a war. Im not sure he was deep into the matter then, but he didnt settle the matter. No one has solved this question.
Zelensky ruled out negotiations with Putin: He is inadequate, and in a year he will come back to kill again : UkrainianConflict
Zelensky says Ukraine will not attack Russian territory in counteroffensive : worldnews
Zelensky, in private, plots bold attacks inside Russia, leak shows : worldnews
Zelenskyy suggested invading Russian villages and blowing up oil pipeline : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 445, Part 1 (Thread #586) : worldnews

Russias estimated losses in Ukraine as of day 445 of the all-out war, according to Ukraines GenStaff
Russias Losses as of May 14th, 2023

4 Russian military aircraft "ambushed" and shotdown near Ukrainian border, Russian media reports (ambushed itself)
Reports of 4 Russian military aircraft downed near Ukraine border : worldnews
Three helicopters and two aircraft shot down in Russias Bryansk Oblast on 13 May. This is thework of Russian air defence
Nine russian pilots died today - The aviation shot down in the russian federation was flying to bomb the Chernihiv region, reported by Kommersant, specifying that helicopters and fighters were part of the same air group. The fighters were to deliver a missile and bomb strike, while the helicopters were to back them up and pick up crews if the russianfighters were shot down.

Two Russian colonels eliminated in Bakhmut during the past day : worldnews
#Ukrainian forces continue to counterattack in the #Bakhmut area amid unconfirmed claims of further marginal Ukrainian gains southwest of the city as of May 13.
On Sunday, Ukrainian defence forces captured more than ten Russian positions near Bakhmut : worldnews

Russian missiles strike home town of Ukraines Eurovision entry during contest: University town of Ternopil, home of Tvorchi, targeted by missiles with two people injured
The song choice. The performance. The fact that everyone, including the hosts walk out together for it. The fact that we see pictures from Kyiv.A TV moment Ill be thinking about for a long time. #Eurovision

No talk of peace without withdrawal of Russian troops - Scholz
Germany announces nearly $3 billion military aid package for Ukraine : worldnews
The G7 and the EU will ban the resumption of Russian gas supplies on routes to Europe,

British forces defend Sweden during mock invasion : worldnews

Serbs Surrender 13,500 Pieces Of Unregistered Weapons After Mass Shootings : worldnews

Switzerland is a paradise for private jets, says report : worldnews

Macron: Geopolitically, Russia has already lost, it is becoming a vassal of China : UkrainianConflict
French Catholic Church to provide clergy with scannable IDs to battle sexual abuse : worldnews
Administrative court overturns ban to allow far-right monarchist group Action francaise to march through Paris to celebrate Joan of Arc

Argentina inflation smashes past every forecast to hit 109% : worldnews

El Salvadors Bukele claims 365 days without murders ... the total number of days without murders since 2019

US Sold Weapons to Roughly 60% of Worlds Authoritarian Nations in 2022: Analysis

Spike in illegal border entries does not materialize in immediate aftermath of Title 42s end

Biden calls white supremacy most dangerous terrorist threat in speech at Howard
Remarks by President Biden at the Howard University Class of 2023 Commencement Address | The White House

Faith leaders speak out against toxic Christian nationalist conference arriving at Trumps Miami resort Christians across the country are sick of seeing our faith hijacked and abused
Stark warning over Republicans dehumanizing rhetoric on crime

Why is fighting racism even a fucking debate? : PoliticalHumor

The Real Scandal Surrounding Clarence Thomass GiftsSupreme Court Justices, alone in our system, are not truly regulated by anyone other than themselves.
Is Justice Thomas the worst Supreme Court justice ever? His Bruen gun rights decision is killing Americans every day
Barack Obama says gun ownership has become a growing "ideological" and "partisan" issue : politics

The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Is Here, With Familiar (Rich) Winners - The New York Times In an era of surging home and stock values, U.S. family wealth has soared. The trillions of dollars going to heirs will largely reinforce inequality.
New Study Finds a High Minimum Wage Creates Jobs

The Religious Landscape is Undergoing Massive Change. It Could Decide the 2024 Election ... the share of Americans who associate with religion dropped by 11 points ... the dramatic rise in religion in many counties in Florida and Texas is deeply intertwined with the increasing number of Hispanic immigrants in these parts of the country.
AI presents political peril for 2024 with threat to mislead voters | AP News

CORROBORATION: More women come forward about Trumps sexual predation during presidency

Trump Rips Enemies, Ignores Melania in Mothers Day Post

The former president canceled a rally in Des Moines, citing a storm warning. The Florida governor made the most of his rival's absence, as DeSantis allies taunted Mr. Trump.

The 2024 election isnt about normal things. Its about Trump. | Rather than policy debates, the GOP primaries and the general election could focus on the ex-presidents fitness for office

North Carolina governor vetoes 12-week abortion ban : politics

Montana Supreme Court extends abortion rights, rejectsexcessive governmental interference

Some GOP congressional lawmakers want to strip Walt Disney World of its 'no-fly' zone

Austin doctors who treated trans kids leaving Dell Childrens clinic after AG Paxton announces investigation

We Just Want Someone Sane: What Happens When a Small Town Goes MAGA

Thousands of texts from Trump allies stay hidden in Arizona a year after judges order on 'audit'

The Villain of the DiFi Saga

How Americas fatal gun attraction turned schools into war zones

Florida teacher investigated by state agency for showing Disney movie in class : politics

How to Raise $89 Million in Small Donations And Make It Disappear

American College of Pediatricians Exposes Itself in Public ... The College would gain notoriety early on by assailing the positions of the AAP. In 2005, a Boston Globe reporter noted how common it had become for the American College of Pediatricians to be quoted as a counterpoint to anything the AAP said.

Ive been falling so long, its like gravitys gone And Im just floating ... Cornel Wests endorsement of Jill Stein and hence, for all intents and purposes, Donald Trump before the election that (inter many alia) brought us the end of Roe v. Wade and January 6, was a long overdue hint that at least in his political punditry mode he was no longer a figure of the left in any meaningful sense. And yet I wouldnt have expected him to go the full Greenwald/Taibbi like this: Mr. West holds a chair at Union Theological Seminary and serves on the board of academic advisers of the Classic Learning Test. Mr. Tate is founder and CEO of the Classic Learning Test.

7 injured in shooting at Yuma, Arizona, gathering, police say - ABC News Seven people were transported to a hospital after the shooting, police said.

Shooting in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, leaves 1 dead, 4 wounded : news

How an Arkansas prosecutor helped her uncle Barry Walker avoid child abuse charges One of Barry Walkers victims, now 22, blamed those close to Walker for not stopping him before he sexually abused more than 30 girls

Remembering My Hijacking - As children, my sister and I were held hostage for six days in the desert. Why couldn't I recall what happened?

TIL the longest conflict in history was the Iberian Reconquista. The struggle between Christians and Muslims in the European peninsula took almost 800 years to resolve. : todayilearned

My name is my name ... For example, a century ago the most common boy and girl names (John and Mary) were given to 5% and 6% of male and female children respectively. Last year, only 1.1% of boys and 0.9% girls were given the most popular respective names (Liam and Olivia. Liam means I'm white in Celtic interestingly). Besides the obvious role played by increasing ethnic diversity, I imagine another key factor here is secularization, as biblical names have suffered a massive status degradation over the past 50 years or so ... Pretty easy to do, isnt it, which is odd given that class isnt a thing that exists in American society, according to the new history textbooks approved for use in the states of Florida and Texas.
Popular Baby Names ... Cynthia: #7 in 1957; 888 in 2022 ...

47% of all internet traffic came from bots in 2022 : technology
(21) FORTRESS THE LAST DAY OF WAR -Full Clip- - YouTube

Gordon Lightfoot - Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald [Folk] : Music

Trauma is Trauma: A Mental Health Talk with Kevin Smith | PEOPLE : videos

Which incident makes you sick to your stomach? : AskReddit

What is the most fucked up thing youve seen while deep-diving into Reddit?
Whos the dumbest person youve ever met?
SWAMPS OF DAGOBAH: Reddits Grossest Story - Tales From the Internet
temptotosssoon comments on Have you ever felt a deep personal connection to a person you met in a dream only to wake up feeling terrible because you realize they never existed?


Number of internally displaced people hits record due to war, climate change : worldnews

Temperature soars to 37C in Singapore, equals record for daily high set in 1983

Once trusted faces on the news, meteorologists now brave threats, insults and slander online from conspiracy theorists and climate change deniers who accuse them of faking or even fixing the weather : worldnews

Canada: extreme heat dome temperatures set to worsen wildfires

UN agencies brace for disaster as Cyclone Mocha intensifies in Bay of Bengal : worldnews

Spain is running out of water. After a long and painful drought, the country has been hit by an unusually early heat wave, evaporating even more of the "blue gold" it still has left in its reservoirs. While farmers fear for their survival : worldnews

French court bans Syngenta weedkillers : worldnews

Netherlands: Technical equipment aimed at reducing nitrogen compound emissions by livestock farms does not work as well as expected. The results mean thousands of farms are producing more pollutants than permitted : worldnews

Neo-Nazis clash with police and counter-protesters at anti-immigration rally in Melbourne : worldnews

Its already beyond Amsterdam: How Thailands law change made it the new mecca for cannabis tourism

Papua New Guinea minister quits over luxury Coronation trip controversy : worldnews

Chinese warships sail around Japan as tensions rise ahead of G7 summit. : worldnews
Toyota Japan Admits to Exposing Millions of Customers Data to the Open Internet for Years

Prigozhin calls for a rebellion. He called the special military operation a stupid war, soldiers the only innocent ones, and the events on the frontlines - a tragedy. Will he be the one to start a revolution?Anton Gerashchenko (video linked)

Russia says Ukraine used Storm Shadow missiles from Britain to attack Luhansk : worldnews

UN expert calls for urgent medical care for Russias jailed Navalny

The Russian military is offering up to 10x an average salary to fill its ranks depleted by Ukraine invasion casualties : worldnews

Results of Russias new anti-drone police are trickling in: In Moscow, a woman called police on a man she thought was assembling a large droneturns out the man was assembling a childs car seat next to his vehicle

We are at war with an idea. We have to destroy, to kill, all bearers of the Ukrainian national idea. War is the only way we can exist. We should kill them out of lovea few million, and the rest will become russians.

Belarusian media: Lukashenko taken to hospital amid speculations of poor health : worldnews

Indias imports of Russian oil rose tenfold last year, according to Indian state-controlled lender Bank of Baroda
Delhi court does not have jurisdiction over BBC, says BBC on [Indian PM Narendra] Modi documentary case : worldnews (Modi-fuck: we're the boss of everybody!)
Baseless, says GSI on claims of lithium find in Rajasthan, India : worldnews

They just had some of the most violent riots in Pakistans history, because Imran Khan was arrested for corruption. Hes Pakistans Trump: a Putin stooge who hates the west. He supports Putins fascist invasion of Ukraine, and his violent mob of cultists stormed government buildings. Sound familiar?

Around 200,000 people have been displaced due to flash flooding in central Somalia as the Shabelle River burst its banks and submerged roads. The disaster comes on the heels of a record drought that has left millions of Somalis on the brink of famine : worldnews

Kenya cult death toll surpasses 200, more than 600 people reported missing : worldnews
Death toll linked to doomsday cult in Kenya hit 201 Saturday after police exhumed 22 more bodies, which are believed to be those of followers of pastor Paul Mackenzie. Hes alleged to have ordered congregants to starve to death in order to meet Jesus. Cults are common in Kenya, a religious society

United States ambassador to South Africa "apologises unreservedly" over Russia allegations : worldnews ... for breaking diplomatic protocol but despite denials there isnt any evidence yet that he was wrong about the selling of arms to Russia.
South Africa loaded arms onto sanctioned Russian vessel, US ambassador tells local media : worldnews
South Africa rejects U.S. accusations of arms shipment to Russia : worldnews
South Africa supplied arms to Russia - US ambassador Reuben Brigety : worldnews

A damning report released Friday by the United Nations on a March 2022 incident in Moura, central Mali, describes five days of horror during which at least 500 people were allegedly executed by Malian and "foreign" soldiers : worldnews (Russia/Wagner)

Election(s) of the weekend - Turkey. This is the big one, obviously, that the world will be watching. Erdogan appears, for the first time since the 2002 election, genuinely vulnerable.
Turkiye election results set to shape countrys foreign policy agenda amid international scrutiny
Twitter Blocks Content In Turkey One Day Before National Election : worldnews
Erdogan: Turkeys Tayyip Erdogan lags election rival in poll
Turkish opposition dares to dream of Erdogan defeat : worldnews
Kremlin says allegations Russia is interfering in Turkish election concocted by liars : worldnews

Two French citizens leave Iran after release from prison: Paris : worldnews

Israel assassinates top Palestinian Islamic Jihad commander for the 4th time in a week : worldnews
Heavy rocket barrage pounds southern cities in Israel as IDF continues to strike Gaza : worldnews

War and politics - by Timothy Snyder - Thinking about... Why what happens in Bakhmut matters in Russia
Russias colonial view of history is used to justify its imperial conquest of Ukraine. They falsely claim to be Kyivan Rus legitimate successor. Were dispelling these misconceptions in #UkrainesTrueHistory.

Zelenskyy says Ukraine needs time before counter-offensive : worldnews
Storm Shadow missiles in devastating strikes far behind Russian lines : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 444, Part 1 (Thread #585) : worldnews

Russian irretrievable losses in war against Ukraine reach 200,000, report says : worldnews

Ground Forces commander: Armed Forces moving forward on Bakhmut front : worldnews
Ukrainian commander says Wagner Group fighters were the first to flee in Bakhmut : worldnews
Russian brigade seriously damaged, Bakhmut still Moscows top target: Kyiv
Russia acknowledges retreat north of Bakhmut, Wagner boss calls it a "rout". : worldnews
2/ This footage visually confirms claims made by a number of Russian milbloggers that Ukrainian forces made gains northwest of #Bakhmut in the area between Bohdanivka and Berkhivka.
Prigozhin invited the leaders of Russian defense ministry to Bakhmut to stop their fleeing troops. He also said that Wagner PMC was using their ammunition to stop the fleeing servicemen of the Russian army
A Ukrainian counterattack on the outskirts of Bakhmut : ukraine

Russia tried to destroy Patriot air defence system with Kinzhal missile shot down near Kyiv

RUSSIA HAS NOW LOST 5 BIRDS! Another Mi-8 was shot down near the village of Volkustichi in the Bryansk region (70 km from the state border of the Russian Federation Ukrainehas already shot down 5aircraft in one day!!
Two Russian helicopters and one jet shot down in Bryansk Oblast : worldnews
Russian air defence shot down its helicopter in Bryansk Oblast : worldnews
Russia have apparently shot down 2 of their own helicopters and 1 of their own jets today. : ukraine
Shooting down your own Mi-8 around 50km from the Ukrainian border only because of the fear of Storm Shadow missiles and in an area where no hostile action is ongoing is even for friendly fire accidents remarkable. And next to it crashes a Su-34? Are you serious?Well, I call this panic combined with incompetence.

Woman killed by rocket was helping paralyzed husband reach shelter, says grandson : worldnews

EU foreign ministers back plan to reduce China dependencies : worldnews

An unidentified flying object crossed from Belarus to Poland, Polish Ministry of Defense: likely a spy baloon : worldnews

Tens of thousands march in Belgrade after mass shootings | Serbia : worldnews
Tens of thousands march against Serbias populist leadership following mass shootings

Awkward moment in Denmarks parliament as Greenlandic MP refuses to speak Danish

G7 countries increase financial assistance to Ukraine to US$44 billion
Germany Unveils 2.7 Bn Euro Weapons Package For Ukraine : worldnews
Germany prepares biggest military equipment delivery yet to Ukraine : worldnews

Zelenskyy arrives in Rome for meetings with Pope Francis, Italian leaders : worldnews

Two explosions in one night in Rotterdam : worldnews ... The explosions are linked to quarrels in the drug scene.

Switzerland approved the supply of weapons to Ukraine, Euronews reports. Both chambers of the Swiss parliament voted for an amendment to the law on military materials. This will enable the transfer of weapons to Ukraine in the future.
Nursing shortage causes alarm in Switzerland : worldnews
Zurich school cancels Gender Day after threats and attacks

Portugals parliament has passed a bill legalising euthanasia

Jameson ceases whiskey exports to Russia after growing criticism : worldnews

Ireland: Far-right anti-immigration activists take credit for burning Dublin refugee camp : worldnews

Sabotage probe after cables cut on Royal Navy warship HMS Glasgow : worldnews

Brazils homeless population tops 200,000 after pandemic economic fallout

Archaeologists discover 4,000-year-old temple in western Peru : worldnews

Colombian Navy seizes largest Narco-Submarine in history with three tons of cocaine : worldnews
The relationship between Colombian President Gustavo Petro and a large sector of retired Armed Forces officers is at its lowest ebb since his government took office last August. There are rumblings about a coup

Undocumented migrant crossings dropped on Friday, the first day after Title 42 was lifted CBP stopped just over 6,200 undocumented migrants on Friday compared with roughly 11,000 on Tuesday and Wednesday and 10,000 on Thursday.

Alleged leaker fixated on guns and envisioned race warVideos and chat logs reveal Jack Teixeiras preparations for a violent social conflict, his racist thinking and a deep suspicion of the government he served
This is the guy celebrated by Glenn Greenwald and Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

Biden Warns of Sinister Forces Trying to Reverse Racial Progress

The GOP has to keep pretending its Biden investigations are legit : politics

Poll Finds 4 in 5 Voters Support Capping Child Care Costs for All Families in US : politics

Why Is Biden Scared of the Most Logical Solution to Debt Ceiling Insanity? | The New Republic To avoid a default crisis, the president should combine the power of the Constitution with a touch of Dark Brandon.

Why Republicans are opposing a Senate bid to tighten up Supreme Court ethics amid Clarence Thomas questions : politics
The Supreme Court has an electoral bomb on its hands. Will it defuse it before 2024? A once-fringe idea known as the independent state legislature theory may not be resolved by the Supreme Court.
Opinion | Judge Reggie B. Walton makes a powerful appeal on affirmative action - The Washington Post the importance of affirmative action, which the high court, as Walton predicted, is about to dismantle; and about the scourge of gun violence, which, as Walton outlined, has been made all the more intractable by the courts wrongheaded Second Amendment rulings.

Why fact checking Trumps fire hose of lies during CNNs absurd Town Hall was worse than useless
Trump Confessed to Crimes During CNN Town Hall: Harvard Law Professor
Trump Confessed to Crimes During CNN Town Hall: Harvard Law Professor : politics

FBI agents raid condo unit owned by Russians at Trump Towers in Sunny Isles ... dubbed "little Russia" ...

Smartmatic subpoenas Donald Trumps former campaign in lawsuit against Fox News over 2020 election conspiracy theories

Trump Wants to Bring Back Coup Plotters Michael Flynn, Jeffrey Clark : politics

Pollsters worry Trump problem is back with a vengeance

Trust linked to porn-friendly bank could gain a stake in Trump's Truth Social - ES Family Trust offered $8 million in loans to Trump Media in an unusual deal criticized for conflicts of interest

FBI agents raid condo unit owned by Russians at Trump Towers in Sunny Isles : politics

Feds Could Be Fired at Any Time for Any Reason, Under a Bill That Was Just Reintroduced : politics

Feinsteins Health Crisis Goes Back Farther than We Knew | Staff for the high-ranking Democrat have for years had a system to keep her from walking the halls of Congress alone, sources tell Rolling Stone

Joe Manchin vows to block radical climate agenda, rakes in oil and gas industry contributions
Joe Manchin blasts Mitch McConnells push to go all outto defeat him next year: This is whatswrong with this place ... He really thought that theyd back him because he tanked a lot of Bidens agenda?

Rep. George Santos, who claimed he was a Jew to get elected, appeared to mock and imitate Jewish people, new audio shows : politics

DeSantis signs bill to shield his travel records from Florida public record : politics
Woke virology? Ron DeSantis finds another thing to ban in Florida : politics
Ron DeSantis Bans Credit Card Companies From Helping Track Gun Criminals | The New Republic The Florida governor seems determined to sign as many dangerous bills as possible into law.
DeSantis signs medical freedom laws
Florida health care can now be denied based on moral, ethical, religious beliefs. : politics
Florida teacher allegedly investigated for showing students film Strange World : politics
Florida college students arrange separate commencement, rejecting boards Trumpy speaker
The point is intimidation: Florida teachers besieged by draconian laws
Heres why Florida lawmakers were too busy to tackle property insurance rates (busy bribing DeSatan)
Criticizing Soros-Funded DAs,Ron DeSantis Promotes Fundraiser for Subway Killer

GOP-Backed Laws Could Oust Local Prosecutors : politics

Montana women victorious in court over early-stage abortions : politics

Oregon voter turnout is 13% so far for May 16 election : politics

Virginia joins list of GOP states leaving bipartisan effort to combat voter fraud amid conspiracies : politics

Texas House OKs ban on transgender care for minors, clearing major hurdle for it to become law : politics
GOP Megadonor Partnered With Hate Group to Defund Trans Pediatrics in Texas
Video of Texas holding the line at border goes viral

Laws to end child marriage in Michigan re-introduced before House Judiciary Committee : politics

Kansas governor vetoes measures to aid anti-abortion centers, limit health officials power

Angry Ex-Staffers Speak Out on Pro-ChoiceDemocrats Stunning Abortion BetrayalI wish I could say that she took a giant bag of cash at an IHOP and thats why she did this - but it's so much dumber tjam that ... Naturally, everyone would like to know what could possibly motivate a politician to abandon their whole platform, their constituents, and their dignity so suddenly and dramatically.

Democrats in the Minnesota Legislature poised to pass contentious gun control measures : politics

Lets get serious and repeal the Second Amendment

Bill requiring porn sites to verify user age in Virginia signed into law : politics

3 Companies to Pay $615,000 in NY Attorney General Investigation Over Faked Net Neutrality Comments : politics ... over 18 million of the 22 million comments on the net neutrality repeal were fake. While there were signs of trouble at the time, the FCC under then-Chairman Ajit Pai fought attempts to investigate and address the spam. Pai had long been an outspoken opponent of net neutrality and generally sided with telecoms on key issues.

Mormon Church: We dont feel its secret, we feel it's being confidential. 60 Minutes: What's the difference? Mormon Church: "Ummm ..."

Ben Shapiro Slammed For Denying Bernie Sanders Jewishness

A Daily Game of Russian Roulette: Homeless in San Diego

The Ugly Truth Behind We Buy Ugly Houses -- HomeVestors of Americatrains its nearly 1,150 franchisees to zero in on homeowners desperation --- HomeVestors franchisees that used deception and targeted the elderly, infirm and those so close to poverty that they feared homelessness would be a consequence of selling.

How are those Twitter files investigations coming along? (Muskrat and Flaibbi)

False Facts about Science and Social Security Share Origins | Fake claims that Social Security is broken and that climate action isnt urgent all come from flawed free-market ideology

End of a love affair: AM radio is being removed from many cars - The Washington Post Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Tesla and other automakers are eliminating AM radio from some new vehicles, stirring protests against the loss of a medium that has shaped American life for a century

Ahmad Jamal, Whose Spare Style Redefined Jazz Piano, Dies at 92 - The New York Times

It is long past time to retire the pernicious, anti-historical, dumb search for who really wrote Shakespeares plays

What annoys the fuck out of you? : AskReddit

What is the most fucked up thing youve seen a friend do?


Students occupy schools and universities across Europe in climate protest: 22 institutions have been shut down as part of proposed month-long campaign : worldnews

Hundreds of thousands to be evacuated as Bangladesh and Myanmar brace for severe cyclone : worldnews

Amazon Deforestation Down 40 Percent So Far This Year : worldnews
Criminal Gangs are Logging the Worlds Last Brazilwood Trees toMake Violin Bows

Hectares burned in B.C. wildfires four times higher than normal as hot weather moves in : worldnews

Ecuador to boost protection of Galapagos in biggest debt-for-nature deal ever: Will wipe out $1 billion in interest payments in exchange for boosting protection of waters around the iconic islands

Pacific Northwest heat wave to break records, worsen Alberta wildfires : news

Health personnel in protective suits are going door to door in Peru, fumigating homes to eradicate mosquitos spreading the dengue-causing virus that has already killed 79 people in the country this year : worldnews

Australian government approves first new coal mine since elected : worldnews
Australian MP Moira Deeming expelled from party room over Posie Parker rally speech : worldnews

General Narongpan Jitkaewthae, Thailands army chief, promises no coup in lead-up to election: Thereshouldnt be (a coup) anymore. For me, this word should be deleted from the dictionary

Philippine court acquits top critic of ex-president Dutertewar on drugs ... The hugely popular Duterte responded by humiliating De Lima in public speeches with lurid revelations about her private life, prompting threats and online hate campaigns against her.

A sign of weakness: Myanmars junta offers 7.5 million kyats to rebels in exchange for their weapons

Russias invasion of Ukraine is bringing Japan closer to NATO, in yet another own goal for Putin
Japan pledges to mobilize $1 billion to help nations around Ukraine accept refugees : worldnews

Former army general whom North Korea wanted killed to lead new South Korean defense committee : worldnews

Another Chinese drone partially circles Taiwan as 13 aircraft breach ADIZ : worldnews

Ex-ByteDance Executive Accuses Company of LawlessnessThe former executive sued ByteDance, which owns TikTok, for wrongful termination and accused the company of lifting content from rivals and supreme access by the Chinese Communist Party.
An explosive new lawsuit claims TikToks owner built a 'backdoor' that allowed the CCP to access US user
Tesla to recall over 1.1 mln foreign and China-made cars - Chinese regulator : worldnews

Chinese ministry deletes brownface video post after criticism : worldnews

Russias military is copying the Wagner playbook of recruiting prisoners to fight in Ukraine, with up to 10,000 signing up in April alone, UK intel says

Warehouses on fire in Moscow Oblast: fire area covers 2,500 square metres : worldnews

Russian woman convicted of desecrating grave of Putins parents ... A 60-year-old Russian retiree was given a two-year suspended sentence after being found guilty of desecrating the grave of President Vladimir Putin's parents when she left a note at the burial site that said they had Brought up a monster and a murderer
Russian woman who left note on grave of Putins parents calling him a 'freak' convicted amid dissent crackdown

Teacher In Russia Handed Prison Term For Online Criticism Of War In Ukraine : worldnews

EU goods worth $1 billion bought by companies in Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan have disappeared while crossing Russia in what Western officials are calling "ghost trade" : worldnews
Satellite images show Russian ghost ships smuggling stolen Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, report says

Pakistans Supreme Court has ruled that former PM Imran Khans arrest earlier this week was illegal and that he should be released immediately
Imran Khan to be released from custody, court rules : worldnews

Turkish opposition accuses Russia of election interference days before vote : worldnews
Erdogan rival says has evidence of Russias online campaign ahead of Turkey vote
Turkey: Opposition Presidential Candidate warned Russia not to interfere with Turkish domestic affairs If you want our friendship after May 15, take off your hands fromTurks state
Turkish President Contender Ince Withdraws Days Before Election : worldnews
The Guardian: Erdogan played reportedly a deepfake video of Kurdistan Workerss party millitants expressing their support for opposition leader Kilicdaroglu at Istanbul rally.
I spit on him: Could earthquake aftershocks sweep away Turkeys strongman leader? | CNN
Why One Upscale Apartment Building Became a Death Trap ... the death toll at Renaissance, the site of one of the deadliest building collapses in the quake, was the tragic result of flawed design and minimal oversight. (Erdofuck's Furkey

South Africa investigating US charge of supplying arms to Russia : worldnews
South Africa denies approving any arms shipment to Russia : worldnews

Iran hangs seven more in execution spree

Gaza rockets hit near Jerusalem amid fresh attacks : worldnews
Israel kills senior Gaza commanders as rockets cause first death in Israel : worldnews
IDF kills Islamic Jihad missile chief : worldnews

Ukraine says its received $16.7 bln in foreign aid this year
Ukraine prepares to take back territory from Russiastep by step |
Zelensky holds Staff of Supreme Commander-in-Chief meeting: Grond Forces commander reports halt of Russian advance on multiple fronts : worldnews
"In the Kremlin, they are already prepared to acknowledge defeat in the war," said Zelensky : UkrainianConflict
Zelensky approves comprehensive strategic plan for reforming law enforcement system : worldnews
in December, UK Defence Minister Ben Wallace wrote a letter to Shoigu in which he informed that further attacks by Moscow on Ukrainian infrastructure will lead to the transfer of more powerful weapons to Kyiv. Shoigu didnt listen and now Storm Shadow
Zelenskyy thanks UK PM Sunak for Storm Shadow missiles & military assistance during a phone call
Russia Threatens to Destroy U.K. for Giving Ukraine Storm Shadow Missiles : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 443, Part 1 (Thread #584) : worldnews

Russias Losses as of May 12th, 2023
Ukraine lost fewer than 15,000 troops, EU countries intelligence

2 explosions and smoke in occupied Luhansk : ukraine

The situation for the Russian army in Bakhmut is worsening by the hour. We have visual confirmation that the Russian forces, while being under fire by Ukrainian artillery, are abandoning positions at the northern Bakhmut flank, falling back behind the water reservoirs. : UkrainianConflict
Russia acknowledges retreat north of Bakhmut; Wagner boss calls it a 'rout'
Russia denies advances by Ukrainian forces along front line : worldnews
The Lead CNN on Twitter: "A Ukrainian commander tells CNN, Russian Wagner fighters were the ones to flee Bakhmut before Ukraine regained territory @NicRobertsonCNN reports" / Twitter
Kyiv reports gains around Bakhmut : worldnews
Kyiv reports small gains around Bakhmut, decries Russian 'false information' : worldnews
Russian troops abandon positions near Bakhmut, says Wagner boss : worldnews
Russian soldier surrenders to Ukraines drone near Bakhmut

Warsaw: Poland has delivered 325 tanks out of 575 from Ukraines partners
Poland investigates former German Chancellor Schroder's involvement in Russia's invasion of Ukraine (Gearhead Shredder)
Communism prevented Western social revolution reaching Poland, says government minister : worldnews

Russian diplomats stir up emotions in Norwegian border town Kirkenes : worldnews

EU parliamentary committees have backed setting up "the world's first rules" on AI technology. : worldnews

Lithuania says EU must prepare for risk of de-coupling from China

Portugal could ban smoking near public buildings in October | Draft legislation also proposes restriction on sales with aim to be tobacco-free by 2040 : worldnews

Macron wants to pause EU environmental regulation making for 5 to 10 years to have time to build back Frances industry
China, France agree to strengthen economic ties : worldnews
China, France agree to strengthen economic ties : worldnews
French mayors resignation amid far-right death threats sparks political outcry. French mayor was targeted by the far right over plans to move an asylum-seekerscentre, and faced death threats and an arson attack on his home.
Backlash over plan to force French town halls to display presidential portrait : worldnews

A Russian tycoon whose seized $48 million superyacht features an infinite wine cellar wants his boat back and hes suing the UK government for it

Former paramilitary chief Salvatore Mancuso has assured Colombian authorities that the remains of hundreds of bodiesdisappeared during the countrys internal armed conflict can be ound along the border with Venezuela. Many were cremated but the others can be found in mass graves.

Border didnt see a major influx of migrants when Title 42 ended, federal official says
Unaccompanied migrant child dies in U.S. custody, the second death in 2 months

Trump pushes Republicans to stick to dangerous default plan : politics
GOP senators disavow Trump on debt ceiling, signaling growing rift : politics

You Dont Actually Have Any Facts: Even Fox Isnt Buying GOPs Claims About Bidens Foreign Business Dealings
FBI declines GOP subpoena on Biden alleged criminal scheme

SCOTUS makes landmark decision recognising transgender persons pronouns
Clarence Thomas, who accepted lavish gifts from a billionaire, argued that a law prohibiting taking bribes is too vague to be fairly enforced : politics
Clarence Thomas Cant Undermine the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court Fast Enough
The Supreme Court, legitimacy, and post-regime politics Supreme Court Justices Offer Unconvincing Dodge on Ethics - The American Prospect Former appeals judge J. Michael Luttig gets it right; Congress has the power to impose rules of conduct on the high court.

The IRS just hiked taxes on private jet flights. Pastors are not excluded. : politics

Trumps team revels in town hall victory as CNN staff rages at spectacle of lies| Questions also linger over what the network offered the ex-president in exchange for what some called a Trump infomercial
CNN leadership under fire after disastrous Trump town hall
CNN hoped a Trump town hall would give it credibility with the GOP. Instead, it got dunked on. : politics
Donald Trump's Town Hall Was a Cheap Ratings Grab for Fox-Lite...We Mean CNN : politics
CNNs Trump town hall was literally classic GOP propaganda
Anderson Cooper Addresses Disturbing Trump Town Hall on CNN
Anderson Cooper, company man - by Jamison Foser
Incredible Bulls**t: Anderson Cooper Ripped For 'Gaslighting' Over Trump Event
Should Donald Trump Even Be on Live TV? : politics
Republican at Trump Town Hall Says Many in Audience Were Disgusted or Bewildered By Ex-President ... The floor manager came out ahead of time and said, Please do not boo, please be respectful. You were allowed to applaud,
CNN told Trump town hall audience they could applaud but not boo: report : politics
Thou shalt not express negative feelings toward our Lord
CNN Went Full Jerry Springer
Trump brags about "sky high" town hall ratings but they were lower than Bidenstown hall
The GOP Is the Party ofFuck YouIt was once a political party, now its a nihilistic, corrupt, fake populist scam.

Trump says US sends too many weapons to Ukraine, refuses to call Putin war criminal : worldnews
2 Years After Condemning Violence, Trump Now Fully Embracing His Jan. 6 Coup Attempt : politics

Trumps interest in young staffer raised White House concerns -- ex-adviser ... From the first moment this oozing anal pustule set foot in the White House, there isnt an adult with a brain who wasn't aware that this man is a gropey racist fuckface ... Donald Trump is a fucking monster. It is beyond debate. Beyond contestation. Beyond doubt. Hes a degenerate, racist, rapey sack of shit. No amount of his fathers money can coat that rancid anthropomorphic pile of vomit in any degree of grace or humanity. Hes spent nearly 80 years on this Earth being a dumb, violent, vile, greedy, rapey sack of shit. Every single day is a new chance for him to provide more evidence in what a fucking degenerate, dim monster he is, and every day he rises to that occasion.

Judge orders Trump to attend lecture on how not to use evidence to attack witnesses: report : Judge plans to ensure that Trump understands he risks being held in contempt of court if he violates the rules

Sex-assault survivors unleash a firestorm of anger at CNN letting Trump try to re-victimize E. Jean Carroll by dismissing her account of his abuse as hanky panky

Trump Suggests He Knowingly Took Documents From White House : politics

There is a clear and present danger of a new Trump presidency. Democrats must act now to prevent it : politics
Analysis | Trump supporters are neither underrecognized nor half the country : politics
Trump supporters are neither underrecognized nor half the country - The Washington Post

After the Gold Rush - Unfortunately for Donald and Ivana Trump, all that glittered wasn't gold

Criminal probe into Sen. Bob Menendez expands with new subpoenas Menendez, D-N.J., has been under investigation into whether he and his wife improperly took cash and gifts from the owners of a halal meat business in the state

Abortion Clinics Are Dealing with More Arson, Stalking, and Anthrax Threats Now Abortion providers feared theyd see an ncrease in harassment and threats if Roe v Wade was overturned. They were right.

George Santos voting on employment fraud bill 24 hours after being arrested for employment fraud
Web of Lies: George Santos Charged with 13 Felonies, But GOP Leaders Refuse to Expel Him from Congress : politics
George Santos confesses to theft in Brazil to avoid prosecution : politics

Ted Cruz yells at reporter in heated argument at border: "telling lies!' : politics

Tuberville appears to defend white nationalists in the military : politics
Alabama Republican blasts an effort to rid the military of white nationalists : politics
Neoconfederate goober keeps saying what used to be the quiet parts even louder

FAU | Poll: Florida Republicans Strongly Support Donald Trump for 2024 Run
DeSantis allies could shift millions for presidential bid
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill legalizing anti-LGBTQ+ medical discrimination : politics
Florida rejects Holocaust ed textbooks in clampdown on woke instruction
Disney CEO Bob Iger Makes Threat to Ron DeSantis : politics ... Well of course they did, what with rape and incest being two of the major hobbies of GOP politicians

Rape, incest exceptions to Louisiana abortion ban rejected by GOP lawmakers : politics
They know and they dont care - The people who want teenage rape victims to be forced by state coercion to carry pregnancies to term are exactly what youd expect: The Dobbs five have opened the door to so much misogyny and moral depravity its still hard to fathom nearly a year later.

Alabama considers potential murder charge for abortion, equal protection for prebornchildren

Restaurant owner forced to close down business after drag brunch : politics

Punishing PBS ... The Republican governor of Oklahoma, Kevin Stitt, recently vetoed a bill that would have renewed the license and provided millions in funding for the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority, the statewide PBS network that reaches more than 650,000 viewers a week ... "indoctrination and over-sexualization of our children"

Groups rally to demand Oregon GOP senators stop walkout : politics
Fighting Oregon Republicans

US small cities, not big ones like New York, have higher rates of gun violence. Some cities have had increases as high as or higher than 500% within a six-year window, including Dothan, Alabama (population 71,072 a 500% increase), Grand Junction, Colorado (65,560 600%)
One way to prevent gun violence? Treat it as a public health issue : politics

A 22-Year-Old Texas Man Fatally Shot His Partner for Traveling to Get an Abortion Harold Thompson choked and then murdered his partner, Gabriella Gonzalez, in a parking lot in Dallas the day she returned from having an abortion in Colorado.

Boys, 12 and 15, Shot in Bladensburg While Trying to Steal Car: Police : news

Poetic Justice - Family Praises Lori Vallow Murder Verdict
Idaho mom Lori Vallow found guilty of killing 2 of her kids. : news

All 44 charges against former Hamilton County deputy Wilkey dismissed | Chattanooga Times Free Press : news ... The prosecutor recused herself, but then "lost" the case files (in her fireplace)

This Sundays edition of 60 Minutes will lead off with a report about the finances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and will feature an on-camera interview with a former senior portfolio manager who turned whistleblower.

Twitter Takes a Turn for the Disturbed - This is some grotesque shit (Muskfucker
Twitter appeared to limit the reach of investigative news site Bellingcat days after Elon Musk suggested its Texas mall shooter investigation was a 'psyop'
Oliver Alexander on Twitter: "I was right, this is hilarious." / Twitter

He wrote a book on a rare subject. Then a ChatGPT replica appeared on Amazon. : books

New hot flashes treatment: FDA approves drug for night sweats The new drug, fezolinetant, could be agame-changer for women who dont want to take hormone replacement therapy or who have been treated for hormone-sensitive cancers.

Resource scarcity or living in poverty doesnt increase self-serving dishonesty, a series of studies finds. But most people wrongly believe that it does.

Dangerous Tick Disease Worse Than Lyme is Now Officially an Endemic in Every New England State : massachusetts

u/DukeOfVermont does away with the misconception that any language is innately more complex than another. : bestof
WALS Online - Features
"Simple Minded" ... OSASCOMP. Opinion - Size - Age - Shape - Color - Origin - Material - Purpose.

Societies that believe in supernatural punishment and monitoring do not have more cooperative behavior. : science

Whats something sex education didnt prepare you for?

What nonsense did your parents teach you as a child? : AskReddit

u/State-Conscious nails down the 7 stages of Karen, and its both beautiful and accurate. 10/10 breakdown.


Wildfire smoke from Australia fueled three-year super La NHina -- How wildfire smoke from Australia affected climate events around the world

Conflict and climate disasters combine to create record rise in displaced people | War in Ukraine and Pakistans monsoon on steroids among events driving surge on scale never seen before as 71m people displaced

Plastic-eating fungi discovered in Swiss Alps : worldnews

Wind is main source of UK electricity for first time : worldnews

Biden rule tells power plants to cut climate pollution by 90 percent or shut down

979 confirmed cases and 15 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Drug-resistant ringworm: CDC says at least 2 cases found in U.S. Cases of the infection had surged in South Asia over the past decade.

Reports on Youth Suicide Soar 30% after Teenager Live Streams Suicide l South Korea : worldnews
No-senior zone sparks controversy in South Korea

Taiwan Defense minister says Taiwan will not let US blow up TSMC during Chinese attack
Taiwan to receive HIMARS one year earlier than expected: Military : worldnews

More bad news for Putin. Yesterday US attorney general Merrick Garland authorized millions of dollars of assets from Russian businessman Konstantin Malofeyev transferred to #Ukraine. Thanks to Putin, Russias oligarchs will wondering whos next to lose out
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin says Russian troops are running away from the front lines and threatens to spill more details if Putin doesnt send ammunition
3/3) The MoDs prisoner recruitment campaign is part of a broader, intense effort by the Russian military to bolster its numbers, while attempting to avoid implementing new mandatory mobilisation, which would be very unpopular with the Russian public.

Russias losses are worse than anyone thinks
Russia is Closer to Collapse Than You Think, Says Leading US Specialist

Russia to Build Migrant Village for Conservative American Expats

Russian investigators threaten to put ICC judges who issued warrant for Putins arrest on wanted list

Business Insider: Someone in Russia broke into a military airfield to set fire to a bomber jet, and Russian cops only found out it was happening on social media: report : worldnews

Ukraine war: Russias oil pipeline to EU blown, Moscow cries terrorist attack

Imran Khan arrest: Army called in as Pakistan protests continue, Access to Internet restricted : worldnews
Imran Khans arrest was illegal - Supreme Court
The beginning of civil war in Pakistan : worldnews

Sri Lankas Supreme Court gives green light to legalising homosexuality: The door is finally open

Muharrem Ince: Turkish candidate dramatically pulls out before election : worldnews
Erdogans rival boosted by withdrawal, poll lead ahead of Turkey vote
Turkiye reportedly defers $600M of energy payment to Russia

US ambassador says South Africa gave weapons, ammunition to Russia for Ukraine war : worldnews

Iran executes on average 10 people per week: UN : worldnews

Hundreds of rockets fired at Israel amid deadly IDF airstrikes in Gaza | CNN : worldnews
Failed Islamic Jihad rockets killed four civilians in Gaza : worldnews
Israel kills another militant commander in Gaza as Cairo presses on with efforts to mediate truce : worldnews
EU Parliament slams hateful Palestinian textbooks, threatens funding freeze
Unprecedented: EU body links textbook antisemitism to Palestinian attacks : worldnews
The US Justice Department announced Thursday it had seized 13 web domains controlled by Lebanons Hezbollah, saying they were operated by sanctioned individuals and groups but using US internet registries

Zelenskyy believes in Ukraines victory before 2024 US elections
Zelenskyy vows to give Russia an unpleasant surprisein Ukrainian counteroffensive
There is good news about ammunition - Zelenskyy
US approves first transfer of seized Russian funds to Ukraine : worldnews

Britain has delivered long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine ahead of expected counteroffensive, sources say
Why Ukraines Storm Shadow Missiles Will Terrify Russia
Why Ukraines Storm Shadow missiles will terrify Russia
This is how storm shadow works : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 442, Part 1 (Thread #583) : worldnews

Ukrainian military commander says effective counter attacks are underway around Bakhmut - CNN Video
1/ Mobilised Russian soldiers from the Moscow region have described the extreme conditions they face around Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine, with men scavenging for food, drinking corpse-contaminated water, and living and fighting amongst piles of rotting unburied bodies.

Journalists publish map of over 200 Russian military facilities in occupied Crimea : worldnews

Poland to use name Krolewiec instead of Kaliningrad : worldnews
Kremlin calls Polish decision to rename Kaliningrad hostile act

Russia Seizes Tugboats from Danish Shipper Maersk Unit : worldnews

Serbians hand over thousands of weapons after mass shootings : worldnews
Belgrade right now, Government media claim theres only a handful of people protesting
The President, the Soccer Hooligans and an UnderworldHouse of HorrorsA grisly trial in Serbia has raised questions about connections between the countrys top leadership and its violent drug gangs.

Slovakia PM quits and is replaced by caretaker as political crisis deepens | Slovakia : worldnews

One shouldnt side with the aggressor in a war Polish ambassador outraged by Hungarian Chief of General Staffs pro-peace"falsification of history

Shooting at Mercedes factory in Germany leaves 2 dead : worldnews

Italy busts Mediterranean migrant trafficking ring : worldnews

Belfast-based activist from Hong Kong calls on UK government to shut down 4 illegal Chinese "police stations" used to monitor its citizens and silence Chinese dissidents : worldnews

Bank of England raises UK interest rates to highest level since 2008 : worldnews
Food workers in UK going hungry
Iranian dissident Masih Alinejad put under 24-hour police protection in the United Kingdom after threats to life : worldnews

Colombia Chamber of Representatives Passes Marijuana Legalization Bill : worldnews

The forever prisoner: Abu Zubaydahs drawings expose the US s depraved torture policy - Exclusive: For 21 years, the detainee has been in US custody without charge, tortured and sexually humiliated, with no prospect for release

Savvy Beltway Reporters' Debt Ceiling Duplicity - Today on X-Date: Axios, CNBC, and Punchbowl News work to normalize Republican legislative terrorism.

Republicans Are Putting Our Standard of Living at Risk : politics

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden - The New York Times After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.
GOP Senator Admits Biden Probe Lacks Hard Proof to Support Hype

The Origins of Our Investigation Into Clarence Thomas Relationship With Harlan Crow
How Troubling Are the Payments and Gifts to Ginni and Clarence Thomas? Theyve gone on for years and they raise serious questions about accountability at the Supreme Court.
Justice Elena Kagan was worried about the ethics of accepting bagels from friends, while Clarence Thomas was enjoying expensive vacations paid for by a GOP megadonor: report : politics

Supreme Court throws out convictions in sweeping New York corruption probe In two rulings the court delivered a blow to the Justice Departments efforts to root out public corruption.

Shameful And A Disaster: CNN Blasted After Lie-Filled Trump Town Hall
CNN Slammed for Shameful Trump Town Hall: You Failed Journalism and Our Country
F-cking Disgrace: CNN Gifts Trump Prime-Time Campaign Rally
Toe-curlingly bad television: Trumps torturous town hall backfires on CNN

CNN Chairman Defends Decision to Host Trump Town Hall
CNNs Donald Trump Town Hall Was Essentially a Campaign Rally
Five Takeaways From Trumps Unruly CNN Town Hall
Democrats target CNN over Trump town hall : politics
Why CNNs Trump town hall was always doomed to fail
Trump Was Awful. CNN Was Worse. Kaitlan Collins and the networks journalists tried their best. But the execs, from Chris Licht on down, brought total shame on themselves, journalism, and America.
Trumps Ridiculous CNN Town Hall Proves They Have Learned Nothing
CNN Failed America With Its Train Wreck of a Trump Town Hall : politics

Trump Mocks E. Jean Carroll as Republican-Stocked Town Hall Laughs
Donald Trump just opened himself up to being sued again : politics
E. Jean Carroll May Sue Trump a Third Time After Vile Comments on CNN - In an interview, her lawyer said that the former president's mocking comments in a town hall broadcast could create fresh legal jeopardy.
E. JEAN CARROLL Bought Me A Dress ... I am angry that Elle, where you had such a wonderful career, was so wretched to you, firing you almost immediately after you came forward with your story.

Trump under fire for refusing to back Ukraine or call Putin a war criminal: Putin's puppet
Putins puppet Trump refuses to say if Ukraine should win the war against Russia
Trump calls Jan 6 a beautiful day during combative CNN town hall
Trump refuses to acknowledge he lost rigged 2020 election in CNN town hall event
Michael Fanone condemns CNNs town hall partyfor Trump as backlash rises | Fanone was one of the police officers assaulted during the Capitol riot
Trump snaps at CNNs Kaitlan Collins: You're a nasty person
Ocasio-Cortez on Trump town hall: CNN should be ashamed of themselves

Trump said Raffensperger owed me votes

Kevin McCarthy dodges questions about disgraced Republicans George Santos and Donald Trump : politics

The case against serial liar George Santos is a slam dunk, legal experts say : politics

The Outrage Over Rashida Tlaibs Palestinian Nakba Event Reveals Everything About U.S. Politics: A Palestinian member cant even talk about her family's history without being labeled antisemitic.

The Hollow Men - Despite or rather because of its length this 112-page essay by Will Saletan is essential reading. Saletan uses the device of undertaking an excruciatingly detailed account of how Lindsey Graham went from being one of Donald Trump's fiercest Republican critics to one of his most passionate supporters to create a more general narrative of what happened and is happening to the Republican party in the Trump and post-Trump years.

Dianne Feinsteins Return Is a Ghoulish Spectacle

House Democrat Rips James Comer For Focusing On Public Pee Instead Of Guns : politics

Its Now Legal in Florida for Doctors to Deny Health Care to Anyone If They Feel Like It: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a dangerous bill that would give virtually any health care provider (including insurance companies) the right to deny care.

A Colorado school board was taken over by Trump-loving conservatives. Now nearly half its high-school teachers are bailing. : politics

Texas Is On Its Way to Turning Public Schools Into Jesus Camp Ah, you say, but what about that pesky Establishment Clause in the First Amendment? ... The state legislature is well on its way to turning Texas public schools into Jesus Camps. The latest is a bill that would install fundamentalist Christian chaplainsin every classroom. And that ain't the half of it.

18-to-20-year-olds cant be barred from buying handguns, judge rules

Texas mall shooter among growing number of Hispanic white supremacists : politics
Texas mall mass shooter: A familiar tale of the misogyny-to-fascism pipeline : politics

Father of Uvalde victim is kicked out of Texas capitol after gun reform bill misses deadline : politics

Accused Bay St. Louis mass shooter has violent history involving guns, drugs and abuse : news

Video Showed an Officer Trying to Stop His Partner From Killing a Man. Now We Know Police Investigators Never Even Asked About the Footage.

BBC News: Utah bereavement author charged with husbands murder
Las Vegas babysitter who beat 5-year-old boy to death sentenced to life in prison : videos

Alex Haley manufactured MLKs most famous criticism of Malcolm X

Incoming Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director (and future US President) George HW Bush (left) speaks the agency headquarters following his swearing-in ceremony, Langley, Virginia, January 30, 1976. Seated behind him are, from left, outgoing CIA Director William Colby (1920 - 1996) and US President Gerald R Ford (1913 - 2006). (Photo by Barry Soorenko/CNP/Getty Images) -- Church and State

Elon Musk says he's stepping down as Twitter CEO, will oversee product : news ... Ok ok, now buy Fox next.

DeepMind cofounder Mustafa Suleyman calls for universal basic income to cushion A.I. job loss : technology

On the trail of the Dark Avenger: the most dangerous virus writer in the world

It's Not Just Britain: Where Monarchy Survives - A royal reading list on modern day monarchies.

Media reports created a false impression of a major breakthrough linking animals to Covids origins.

Nathan - Longreads Language lessons with an extraordinary ape.

A mysterious object has been found that is 10 million times brighter than the sun. Scientists cant work out why it hasntexploded

Fake news is mainly shared accidentally and comes from people on the political right, new study finds : science

Having a better view from home reduced the risk of depression during COVID-19 lockdowns : science

A channel with 1 Million Subs is about to be deleted due to fraudulent copyright strikes. Clear abuse of the copyright system : videos

Medea by Euripides - One of the best revenge stories of all time : books

Street chessmaster plays chess grandmaster without realizing it. As he starts the game he proceeds to provide one of the most captivating explanations for how to play chess Ive ever seen or heard

What are your views on polyamory? : AskReddit

We went from video games having 0 micro transactions to games built off them and now car companies are doing monthly service add ons for a fee , whats next that people don't see coming ?

What was the scariest incident happened with you? : AskReddit

What trait in a person you find creepy? : AskReddit
What celebrities do you find creepy ? : AskReddit


Meteor the size of pork roll sandwich crashes through New Jersey home : worldnews

Microbes discovered that can digest plastics at low temperatures | Microbiology : worldnews

The Last Female Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle Is Dead : worldnews

Mexico search set to find worlds most endangered porpoises

Japan is in talks to open a NATO office as Ukraine war makes world less stable, foreign minister says : worldnews
Japan called out by G7 ally Canada over imports of Russian seafood, energy amid Ukraine war : worldnews

After 1,000 days in China detention, family renews call for release of Australian TV anchor Cheng Lei : worldnews
Chinese woman denied access to freezing her eggs as she is unmarried : worldnews

EU preparing sanctions against countries that help Russia evade penalties, potentially hitting China : worldnews
Putin one-tank military parade was an embarrassment for Russia
Lukashenko Apparently fell ill after the parade. He was followed to the airport by an ambulance. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Russian Guerrillas Are Trying to Violently Overthrow Putin The Russian president faces a growing threat from his own citizens.

Explosions skyrocket in Russia ahead of Ukraines planned counteroffensive14 explosions, presumably caused by drone attacks or saboteurs, were reported in the first nine days of May alone, not counting the persistent stream of blasts in occupied Crimea

Vladimir Putin has signed decrees canceling the visa requirement for Georgian citizens to travel to Russia and removing the ban on flights from Russia to Georgia that was imposed in June 2019.

More details on growing infighting within Putins army

Female UN employees in Afghanistan are being harassed, detained, report says : worldnews

Tunisia: 3 killed, 10 injured in attack near synagogue : worldnews
Six dead after attack near synagogue on Tunisias Djerba island

Erdogan gives public workers 45 percent pay rise in Turkey's tight election race
Voting ended on Tuesday for millions of Turkish people living abroad in a tense election that many see as a referendum on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's rule. Reports say more than 1.7 million voters cast their ballots abroad up from roughly 1.4 million people in the last election. : worldnews

Sharp increase in LGBTQ+ Ugandans trying to flee country after Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Palestinians fire rockets at Israel as IAF hits Islamic Jihad launch sites in Gaza : worldnews
Tel Aviv targeted in rocket fire from Gaza : worldnews

Kyiv says counteroffensive wont end war
Russia could step up chemical attacks in Ukraine, warns expert : worldnews
Pentagon confirms downing of Russian hypersonicmissile by Ukraine
Innovative Submarine Drone Is Ukraines New Weapon Against Russian Navy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 441, Part 1 (Thread #582) : worldnews

Russian losses as of May 10. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Wild. You think you've seen it all in this war

#Ukraine is quickly gaining a reputation for innovation and ingenuity. Faced with the #Russian invasion, many inventors and small businesses are answering the call of national defense - Toloka TLK-150 maritime drone
Ukraine Update

Russian brigade flees Bakhmut : worldnews
Russian mercenary chief says hes been told to stay in Bakhmut or be branded traitor
WSJ: Ukrainian troops say they have destroyed two units of a Russian brigade during fighting for control of Bakhmut in the countrys east
Ukraines defenders defeat 72nd Russian brigade nearBakhmut, liberate territory and capture prisoners

Russians plan to evacuate thousands of Zaporizhzhia NPP employees
Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant facing catastrophic staff shortage amid Russian evacuation

Second mobile DNA lab to be deployed in Ukraines war zones

SBU: Woman linked to MH17 case sentenced to 12 years in prison : worldnews

Military object found in Polish forest was Russian missile : worldnews

Russia stages military-style propaganda parade on Norways Svalbard archipelago

Ex-German chancellor criticised for attending event at Russian embassy : worldnews (Gearhead Shredder)

Data on the German retreat from nuclear energy tell a cautionary tale ... In April, Germany closed its last three nuclear plants. Greenpeace cheered the end of a decades-long campaign to rid the nation of nuclear power. It was celebrating an environmental disaster that the rest of the world should avoid.

Belgian, Dutch and German police as well as INTERPOL have launched Operation Identify Me to seek the publics help in identifying 22 deceased women who are believed to have been murdered.

Swiss village of Brienz told to flee imminent monster rockslide : worldnews

UK set to make Russias Wagner group a proscribed terrorist organisation

Canada will not be intimidated by China, PM Trudeau says amid latest dispute : worldnews ... There is literally nobody more complicit in Chinas intimidation of Canada than Justin Trudeau. >

The US Justice Department said Tuesday that it had disabled a sophisticated malware network used by Russia's FSB intelligence agency for two decades to spy in 50 countries including a NATO ally

How Might the Government Avoid Default? Biden Offers Clues. - The New York Times After making little progress with Republican leaders at the White House on Tuesday, the president previewed two possible endgames to resolve a debt-limit standoff.
McCarthy says no movement from meeting over debt ceiling with Biden as GOP continues holding US economy hostage
Biden says hes considering 14th Amendment as debt ceiling option

US government cancels $42B in public service workers student loans under revamped program

Wyden: Harlan Crow in for cold dose of reality in probe of gifts toThomas
Dianne Feinsteins Return Means Senate Democrats Can Subpoena Harlan Crow. They Should
Billionaire Harlan Crow Also Bankrolled GOP Lawmakers Blocking SCOTUS Ethics Reform. A new analysis shows Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have received more than $450,000 from the same GOP megadonor who has lavished Justice Clarence Thomas with undisclosed gifts. : politics
The Supreme Court justice switched sides on a landmark legal doctrine, satisfying his benefactors conservative advocacy machine.
US ethics watchdog calls on Clarence Thomas to resign over undisclosed gifts : politics

A new Supreme Court case seeks to legalize assault weapons in all 50 states : politics
Serbia acted after two mass shootingsthe US has done nothing despite 200 this year | Day after day, the US experiences senseless gun violence, yet lawmakers will do little to prevent the next shooting
Raise-the-age gun bill misses crucial deadline, as Uvalde parents protest outside the Texas House Days after another mass shooting in Texas, the measure to raise the minimum age from 18 to 21 to purchase semi-automatic rifles appears to have failed. : politics

Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden: A 65-page report, a press conference, and nothing to show for it. : politics

Senate Republicans question Trumps 2024 viability after sexual abuse verdict

For Trump, a Verdict Thats Harder to Spin
Sexual abuse verdict renews Republican doubts about Trumps electability
Trump tests how insulated his base is from the Carroll verdict reality : politics
Mitt Romney Gives Republicans Urgent 2024 Warning About Trump After Verdict | HuffPost
E Jean Carroll won. And Trump can be now portrayed as a sexual abuser | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian
At last, a measure of justice for Donald Trump

Mar-a-Lago insider cooperating with probe into Trump secret documents, report says : politics

Ex-Donald Trump staffers accuse him of sexual harassment in the White House : politics
Donald Trumponly likes women he can control, says TV star Ruby Wax who interviewed him

Trump appearing at CNN town hall after sex assault verdict : politics
Trump world booked CNN hoping for a big audience. Now, theyre in the thick of it.
CNN Is Hosting a Town Hall for a Guy Who Tried to Get Me KilledDonald Trump tried to end American democracy. Why is CNN throwing him a rehabilitation party?
Terrible Timing of Trumps Town Hall Has Allies Freaking Out
CNN allows Trump to televise campaign event lightly disguised as objective journalism
Eschaton: ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE I am quite sure CNN's Town Hall will be expertly handled by veteran journalist Kaitlan Collins. [checks wikipedia] Daily Caller Entertainment Reporter - Daily Caller White House Correspondent - CNN Host - Whatever happens, the Journalist Defense Force will say she did a great job, and it's interesting who is in the club and who isn't!
Trump repeatedly lied at his CNN town hall. His biggest claims, factchecked : politics

Tucker goes public access

George Santos arrested in New York after surrendering himself to authorities : politics
George Santos calls federal charges a witch hunt and refuses to resign following arrest
George Santos charged with 13 crimes including money laundering, fraud - The Washington Post Freshman lawmaker accused of money laundering, misleading donors, falsely claiming unemployment benefits
George Santos Pleads Not Guilty to Fraud Charges - The scandal-plagued congressman, who ran on a life story littered with lies, was charged with 13 counts including wire fraud, money laundering, stealing public funds and lying on federal disclosure forms.
There is reason to believe that George Santoss treasurer does not exist
George Santos is a Cheap Crook
The Wild Backstory to George Santos Arrest
George Santos Cant Even Do Corruption Right: The charges leveled against the New York lawmaker highlight how little thought he put into his grift.

Women's Bill of Rights created by secretive group that opposes womens rights

Matt Gaetz Scolds Childish Greg Gutfeld forOver-sexualizing AOC: They Wouldnt Do That to Men

In Indiana, the culture wars aim at Kinseythe heart of sex research

Kelly Craft escalates anti-trans rhetoric, calls for excluding from Kentucky schools

Savvy and Irreverent : This is in a profile in that fucking newspaper of Nancy Mace ... Pretty sure if, in 2005, I was regularly saying the Bush Family ran prostitution rings, I wouldn't be profiled as a "savvy and irreverent blogger." Certainly not as a moderating force in The Discourse!
Dan Froomkin/ on Twitter: "NYT reporter @anniekarni calls Nancy Mace "savvy and irreverent" for accusing the Bidens of running a prostitution ring. Does anyone there realize just how fucked up that is?" / Twitter

Sen. Marsha Blackburn Proposes Armed Grandparents Guarding Schools To Kayleigh McEnany. The Republican senator touted dubious GOP responses to mass shootings on Fox News. : politics

Vermont bans owning, running paramilitary training camps : politics

Lawmaker wont apologize after saying Hawaiian leader would have been hung for criticizing him

Tuberville on white nationalists in the military: I call them Americans ("Coach" Tubbertunes)

Daniel Perry sentenced to 25 years for killing protester. Abbott has pledged pardon. | The Texas Tribune
Army sergeant who fatally shot BLM protester in Texas sentenced to 25 years | AP News

MLKs famous criticism of Malcolm X was a fraud author finds

Ideologues citing ideologues as proof of their ideology - Timothy Burke actually read the paper Pamela Paul says a top scientific journal had some kind of moral obligation to publish, and hoo boy: (+Peevan Stinker)

Evidence of Ice Age human migrations from China to the Americas and Japan : worldnews

Hear Mayor Wus Mozart piano solo with the BSO at Symphony Hall

Just witnessed a hit and run : boston


Brutal Southeast Asia heat wave shatters all-time records across multiple countries : worldnews

Australia to deliver first budget surplus in 15 years : worldnews

US could become S. Koreas top trading partner, replacing China

Putin mocked after single tank turns up for Russian Victory Day parade : worldnews
Defense of Ukraine on Twitter: "Modern russian military equipment can be found much more easily at Ukrainian military trophies exhibitions than at the Victory Parade in moscow." / Twitter
Todays Victory Paradein Moscow was the shortest in the last 20 years it lasted only 45 minutesOSINT analysts have calculated that the number of vehicles on Red Square has decreased by almost 4 times compared to 2021. This year, only 51 units. And in 2021 - 197 units.
Putin says a real war is being waged against Russia in Victory Day
The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "The Institute for the Study of War explains that the late announcement suggests that the leaders are hesitant to publicly support the war, despite Kremlin attempts to project power." / Twitter
Putin lies during parade that all countries are brotherly for Russia and compares West with Nazis
Aviation part of parade cancelled in Moscow and several other Russian cities : worldnews
Photos show how Putin massively scaled back his Victory Day celebrations compared to the ostentatious military displays of previous years : worldnews
Many were sceptical about the plywood sanctions that were introduced. Today on Victory Day we see how a lack of plywood has made even a Potemkin display of Ruschist military power impossible.
Katarina Wagner on Twitter: "@DecodingTrolls @Gerashchenko_en" / Twitter

Wagner Group recruits people with Nazi tattoos for war in Ukraine : worldnews

Russian occupation authorities are evacuating from some settlements in #Kherson Oblast to areas deep in the rear of occupied #Zaporizhia Oblast. 1/3
The Ukrainian military has revealed that a large portion of the Russian occupation administration staff was evacuated from the city of Skadovsk on the night between May 6-7 together with their families. The Ukrainian counterattack is coming

Alex Kokcharov on Twitter: "#Pobedobesie is a pejorative term used to describe the "hyperbolic celebrations" of Victory Day in #Russia. This has been dubbed the Victory Cult. 2/x" / Twitter
Significant part of #Pobedobesie is militarisation of education in Russia, including at preschool and primary school levels. Children aged as young as 3-4 yo are dressed in military uniforms, and the idea of military service is normalised

The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "According to experts, the decommissioning of Russian nuclear weapons started and will continue until at least the 2030s. But admitting this decline is impossible for the Kremlin." / Twitter

In a press briefing, Russian MFA spokesperson Maria Zakharova came out with the weakest denial of Russian involvement in the Nord Stream sabotage that I have ever seen.
OSINT Analysis: Six Russian Ships Active Near Nord Stream Sabotage Site According to Intelligence Source

Ex-PM Imran Khan arrested outside court in Pakistan : worldnews
Internet Services Disrupted Across Pakistan : worldnews

Autopsies reveal missing organs in Kenya cult deaths, say police : worldnews

Israel opens operation Shield and Arrow, killing 12 Islamic Jihad commanders : worldnews
2 Palestinians on their way to fire guided missiles on civilians cars were killed by an Israeli airstrike : worldnews

UN chief: Ukraine peace talks "impossible" now : worldnews

Russia launches new attack on Ukraines capital, officials sayRussia launched about 15 cruise missiles at Ukraines capital on Tuesday, the second attack in as many days, with air defence systems shooting all of them down UK prepares to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles
The distance between Ukrainian-held territory and Sevastopol, Crimeas largest city and the headquarters of Russias Black Sea fleet, is within the range of the Storm Shadow
Ukrinform-EN on Twitter: "Rutte: The Netherlands discussing with U.S., Britain, Denmark transfer of F-16s to Ukraine" / Twitter

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 440, Part 1 (Thread #581) : worldnews

The Siversky-Donets canal traverses through the town of Chasiv Yar, approximately 6km to the west of Bakhmut. Russias heavy use of indirect artillery to support the capture of Bakhmut and surrounding territory has likely inflicted collateral damage to the canal and

Russian forces evacuating town near occupied nuclear plant, Kyiv says : worldnews

According to the United Nations human rights agency, Russias war against Ukraine has killed at least 8,791 civilians and wounded at least 14,815 from Feb. 24, 2022, to May 7

Jason Corcoran on Twitter: "Russia is demanding Estonia remove a banner: "#Putin is a war criminal," visible to Russians across their shared border." / Twitter

Thousands march in silence in Serbia after mass shootings : worldnews

German police said on Monday that a group of school children had to cut short a math camp in the eastern state of Brandenburg after being racially insulted and threatened. Most of the group were of an ethnic minority : worldnews

Global super-rich head to Italy for tax breaks and dolce vita : worldnews
Italy is the only G-7 country in the Belt and Road Initiative
Polish mayor falls to death from hotel balcony in Sardinia, Italy : worldnews

French parliament designates Wagner a terrorist group

Coronation: Met Police express regret over arresting six anti-monarchy protesters
TikTok fined nearly $16M by U.K. watchdog over misuse of childrens data
The behaviour of children as young as eight is being affected by them viewing pornography, the children's commissioner for England has said : worldnews

Mexican president backs US dollar as worlds principal currency

Canada expels Chinese diplomat accused of targeting lawmaker : worldnews
Ottawa declares Chinese diplomat persona non grata in Canada
China Says Canada Sabotaged Relations, Vows Resolute Countermeasures .. The diplomat in question was part of the Chinese secret police, and he was making threatening calls to a Chinese-Canadian lawmaker who spoke out about China's human rights abuses. China got caught taking the piss, and now they're throwing a tantrum because Canada wont stand for it.
China expels Canadas top diplomat in Shanghai in tit-for-tat move (Xi never got past 6th grade)
Suspected Bud Light purchase likely led to altercation outside Ontario liquor store: police | : worldnews

Biden is committed to NASAs Artemis program for the moon and beyond

Blinken: Ukraine has everything it needs to retake occupied territory. Ukraine has the resources it needs to recapture territory occupied by Russia, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on May 9.
US announces $1.2 billion aid package to Ukraine with counteroffensive looming : worldnews

DOJ disrupts Russian-controlled global malware network - ABC News The operation is codenamed MEDUSA

The 2020 census may have undercounted a huge swath of U.S. residents : politics

There Are No Good Options: The U.S. Is Running Out of Money | Treasury is running out of cash, leaving little time to resolve a debt ceiling standoff that could result in default.
Invoking the 14th Amendment to dodge the debt limit is risky, Biden aides fear : politics
The Great Institutionalist .. Dick Durbin, defender of Senate Rules and Traditions, got to run the Judiciary Committee when Dianne Feinstein finally stepped away from that. >

I dont have anything in my refrigerator: GOP debt ceiling plan would cut SNAP benefits
SNAP work requirements dont actually get more people workingbut they do drastically limit the availability of food aid

Study: Without Reforms, Conservative Justices Will Run Supreme Court Until 2065 : politics
Senate Dems to Harlan Crow: Make a list, check it twice : politics
Senate Democrats ask billionaire Harlan Crow to list gifts to Clarence Thomas and any other justices : politics
Harlan Crow declines to provide Senate Finance Committee with list of gifts he has given to JusticeClarence Thomas : politics
Harlan Crow Sure Isnt Paying for Your Kids School
Clarence Thomass 2011 Ethics Complaints Are Under Senate Scrutiny
Clarence Thomas ethics scandal: Kellyanne Conway sent money to Ginni : politics

The nefarious practice of judge shopping has to end : politics

Republicans are pushing American democracy to its breaking point : politics

Jury Finds Trump Liable for Sexual Abuse in Carroll Case and Awards Her $5 Million: Live - The New York Times A jury of six men and three women awarded the writer E. Jean Carroll $5 million in damages. Donald J. Trump called the verdict a disgrace.
Jury finds that Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll, awards $5 million in damages : politics
Jury finds Donald Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll in civil case : politics
Trump Lies That He Wasnt Able to Defend Himself in Rape Trial
A sexual abuse ruling. 26 accusations. Yet Trump is still frontrunner to be the next President : politics
Trumps response to verdict

Rep. Raskin: Special counsel could absolutely consider seditious conspiracy for Trump

Michael Cohen accuses Trump of using $500m lawsuit for witness intimidation : politics

What the New Poll Favoring Trump Got Wrong and the Pundits Missed : politics

Do Evangelicals Think Trump Is Jesus? : politics
Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions: - Benjamin L. Corey
The Creepy Religion That Explains All Of Trumps Actions

In the new Republican worldview, almost all news is fake : politics

Liz Cheney launches anti-Trump ad on CNN ahead of former presidents town hall

Feinstein returning to Senate after prolonged absence due to illness : politics

The Corruption of Lindsey Graham : politics

Rachel Maddow Names Pro-Hitler Speakers Appearing At Same Event As Eric Trump : politics

Milo Yiannopoulos Caught in Marjorie Taylor Greene-Kanye West Campaign Cash Scandal : politics ... The holy trinity of human piles of trash
Kanye West treasurer resigns, alleges possible "unlawful" campaign transaction : politics

Most U.S. adults say the abortion pill mifepristone should stay on the market, Post-ABC poll finds : politics

Georgia GOP chairman says he was just following orders from Trump lawyers : politics
Georgia GOPs Far-Right Fringe Wants to Purge Moderate 'Traitors'

Being an Unlikable Jerk Not Working Out So Well for Ron DeSantis : politics

A WaPo Poll Found That Significant Majorities Support Pro-Trans Policies, But Reported The Exact Opposite
North Dakota Governor Signs Bill That Outs Transgender Students : politics
In some GOP-dominated statehouses, Black and trans lawmakers punished : politics
Project Veritas Is Advancing The Anti-LGBTQ Agenda In Schools : politics
Over 100 Nebraska businesses, nonprofits oppose gender-affirming care ban for trans youth : politics

Iowa Republicans Pass Bill to Allow 14-Year-Olds to Work in Meat Coolers. This session will go down in history as one of the most divisive and cruel ever seen in Iowa

Governor signs bill requiring cursive, multiplication be taught in schools : politics

Enraged Republican rants about furries in school during floor debate as colleagues laugh : politics

An Entire Florida School District Has Banned a Kids Book on Segregation

Oklahoma Governor Claims PBS Is Indoctrinating Children, Because Republicans Are Contractually Obligated to Say This S--t Now : politics

Texas GOPs Top Anti-Groomer Crusader Resigns Over Sexual Misconduct With Teenage Aide
Anti-grooming Texas Republican resigns after plying teen with alcohol & allegedly raping her. The married anti-groomingcrusader allegedly gave the teen so many rum and cokes that a state committee found she couldnt consent.

Texas mall shooting victims include 3-year-old boy, his parents - CBS News
Tracing the Odnoklassniki Profile of the Texas Mall Shooter - bellingcat ... Odnoklassniki is the second-largest Russian-language social network site behind VK.

Gov. Abbott has moved on from the deadly mass shooting at the Allen outlet mall : politics
Column: With each horrific shooting, Texas governor looks more inept ... In 2022, Texas was ranked last in the country in overall access to mental health care, according to data analyzed by Mental Health America. A shameful statistic, but not surprising considering that Abbott has cut $211 million from the department in charge of his states mental health programs
Texas Republicans Move to Weaken Gun Laws After 8 People Were Mowed Down at a Mall : politics
Ted Cruz hit with backlash over latest Texas shooting : politics
Mental illness is not responsible for Americas guns crisis

Timothy McVeighs Dreams Are Coming True
The Official Timothy McVeigh fan club

Tennessee lawmakers called back for special session on guns after school shooting : politics

White House calls for thorough investigation into Jordan Neelys death

Rep. George Santos charged by Justice Department in federal probe | CNN Politics
Eschaton: Lock Him Up! No idea what this is about (could be many things!) Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

Eschaton: How Was It So Dumb And why does nobody ever suffer any reputational hit from this stuff. Companies' rush to get into the game led Wall Street investors, consultants, and analysts to try to one up each other's projections for the Metaverse's growth. The consulting firm Gartner claimed that 25% of people would spend at least one hour a day in the Metaverse by 2026.

Musk shares baseless election claim with millions of Twitter users - The Washington Post Out of the blue, Musk shared an article on Twitter from October 2021. Published at the right-wing blog Federalist, the article alleges that the 2020 election was bought by Mark Zuckerberg. Its argument distills simply: Zuckerberg donated to an organization that worked to increase turnout, and that turnout altered the election results (what a fucking asshole)
Elon Musks obsession with anti-white bias

Textbooks giant Pearson takes legal action over use of its content to train AI : worldnews

TIL Humans will naturally begin to walk in circles when they can't tell what direction is straight, and there is no agreed on explanation for this : todayilearned

Its Ripped the World Apart: David Bronner on How Psychedelics Could Be a Cure for Capitalism

Living in a Frank Lloyd Wright House: 7 Homeowners Share Their Honest Experience


Climate change: Vietnam records highest-ever temperature of 44.1C

Deforestation blamed for craters that could swallow a city of 70,000 : worldnews

Press Freedom Day: 45+ organizations call on world leaders to uphold encryption & privacy : worldnews

Australian monarchists accuse ABC of despicablecoverage of King Charless coronation | Australian Broadcasting Corporation

NASA launches two satellites from New Zealand as part of cyclone-monitoring project : worldnews

More than 1,000 trafficking victims rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia : worldnews

Thailands cannabis sellers say US growers are eating their lunch - Local cannabis growers say their business is being undercut by cheaper illegal imports from overseas.

South Korea's biggest Pride event was blocked in favour of a Christian youth concert : worldnews South Koreas biggest Pride event was blocked in favour of a Christian youth concert

Chinese officials object to award for Hong Kong activist : worldnews

Putin is unprepared for the blowback his assault on Ukraine will bring Russia : UkrainianConflict
Putin Cant Afford to Lose in Ukrainebut He Cant Afford to Win, Either: Russias economy is much worse than it admits, and victory will only impoverish it further.
The Guardian: A nervousness never seen before hits Moscow before Victory Day parades Paranoia following the drone attacks on the Kremlin and a weakened military dog the event Putin views as deeply symbolic
Why Putin Fragmented His Military: A Tale of Internal Rivalries and Intentional Mismanagement : UkraineWarVideoReport
Why did the Russians turn out to be so cruel? : UkrainianConflict

2/ The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reports that a scandal is about to break over a component substitution scam that it says has crippled Russias early warning radars. Such scams have been widespread in Russian military procurement, often with the collusion of corrupt officials.

Russia is sending museum pieces into war The tanks are T-55s, a model first commissioned by the Soviet Unions Red Army in1948

Steven Segul is still hitting new lows as hes starring in a Russian film about their invasion of Ukraine

Three dead after MiG jet crashes in India : worldnews
Eight Indian ex navy officers arrested for spying on a submarine programme on behalf of Israel and could potentially face the death penalty, according to media reports. : worldnews
India finds its largest Lithium reserves in Degana, Rajasthan: Larger than 5.9 million tons that were found in J&K a week ago : worldnews
22 killed after boat ferrying tourists capsizes in India's Kerala state | CNN : worldnews

More than 400 dead in flooding in Democratic Republic of Congo : worldnews

Turkiye refuses to send Russian S-400s to Ukraine as proposed by US
Erdogan calls opposition pro-LGBT at election rally

Iran concealed weapons in earthquake aid to hit US troops, Discord leak says: report : worldnews
Executing a person every 6 hours: Iran hanged 194 people in 2023 alone

EU cancels Tel Aviv event in protest over radical minister | AP News
Israel demolishes EU-funded Palestinian school in occupied West Bank : worldnews

Catastrophic Success: What if the Ukrainian Counteroffensive Achieves More than Expected? - Modern War Institute : UkrainianConflict

Zelenskyy moves to change Ukraines WWII Victory Day in jab at Russia
Zelenskyy declares 9 May Europe Day and proposes to mark Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism on 8 May : worldnews
Worlds Expectations For Kyiv Counteroffensive 'overestimated' Says Ukrainian Defense Minister
U.S. and European officials say that Ukraines planned spring offensive could pave the way for negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow, and that China could help bring Russia to the table

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 439, Part 1 (Thread #580) : worldnews

When asked about the alleged Ukrainian governments assassination of Russian journalist Daria Dugina in Moscow, Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov responded we've been killing Russians and we will keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine.

To the front. There is heavy fighting in Bakhmut. Wagner has increased the pressure with renewed attacks on the O506 at Khromove. So far, the AFU is holding out there. While in the western part the fighting takes place just west of Tchaikovskyi St near Redeemers of Donbas square.

Russia launches mass strikes on Ukraine ahead of May 9 Victory Day holiday : worldnews
Ukraine military says all 35 drones Russia launched overnight destroyed : worldnews
Ukraine shoots down 35 drones over Kyiv as attacks kill 3 : worldnews
Russian strike destroys Red Cross warehouse with humanitarian aid : worldnews

Russians seen wiring explosives near nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia

Ukrainian soldiers save 5 tonnes of books from Sieversk libraries destroyed by Russians : worldnews

Blasts rock northern part of Russia-occupied Crimea : worldnews
Young Crimean Tatar illegally imprisoned in Russia on 'treason' charges for trying to visit gravely ill father

Czech President: West must be prepared that there will be no complete victory in war : worldnews

Ukraine Should Get Concrete Path to Join NATO, Estonia Says : worldnews

Russians take language test to avoid expulsion from Latvia : worldnews

AP News: Days after two shootings left 17 people dead in Serbia, the European country's Interior Ministry urged citizens to turn in all unregistered weapons or run the risk of a prison sentence. Individuals who turn in weapons before June 8 will not face charges. : worldnews

A German city today. Yes, shes wearing a Wagner hat. Wagner, that executes people with sledgehammers on camera

EU lawyers say plan to scan private messages for child abuse may be unlawful : worldnews

The Paris police force and Frances interior minister faced questions and criticism Monday over why a march of around 600 neo-Nazis through the streets of the capital was authorized over the weekend.
According to research by several media outlets, Russian secret services are infiltrating or staging demonstrations in major western European cities : worldnews ... The Kremlin's global strategy can be summed up as fucking up everything they can get away with. They truly are a blight on humanity
Russia organizing fake protests against military support for Ukraine in Netherlands, EU : worldnews

EU expected to delay fingerprinting and facial recognition checks at Dover : worldnews

Brazilian Federal Supreme Court Charges 200 More of the Denounced for Coup-Plotting Attacks of 8/1 : worldnews

Fire deep in gold mine in southern Peru kills 27 workers : worldnews

In Haiti, a grassroots vigilante movement is fighting back against gang warfare : worldnews

Canadas Alberta declares state of emergency over wildfires
Canada Confiscated Russias Monster Plane and Gave It to Ukraine

The War on Terror Has Not Waned. Its Used Against Black and Brown Communities. | A network of 80 surveillance-oriented fusion centers around the US are eroding our privacy and civil rights.

Top Republican investigating Biden administration withdrawal from Afghanistan threatens to hold Blinken in contempt of Congress | CNN Politics

14th Amendment debt ceiling strategy could be risky, Biden aides fear - The Washington Post White House officials have discussed invoking the 14th Amendment to dodge the limit, but they see it as potentially fraught
Biden beware: Manchin and Sinema align with Republicans in debt negotiations : politics
Opinion | The Inflation Reduction Act Will Allow an Asset Manager Takeover of Our Infrastructure - The New York Times The Inflation Reduction Act will reshape the physical and economic landscape of the United States over the next decade, including in ways that might surprise a lot of people.
You *are* the sucker, Dick Durbin edition
Public Service Loan Forgiveness: 610,000 borrowers received debt relief after Biden loosened rules | CNN Politics

Forcing more people to work for food stamps is harmful: At the very least, SNAP participation does not appear to impact employment nor serve as a disincentive to work

Clarence Thomas Tangled Web Gets Worse and Worse: Senator Durbin
That creepy painting shows us Clarence Thomas has been bought by the worst people
For those who haven't been following along

(2) Why psychopaths rise to power | Brian Klaas - YouTube
(2) Why do the worst people rise to power? | Brian Klaas - YouTube

Trump rejects last chance to testify at New York civil trial : politics
E. Jean Carroll battery and defamation lawsuit against Trump: Closing arguments feature disputes over character and evidence | CNN Politics
Trump Misses E. Jean Carroll Case Deadline:He Has No Defense

Alarm after lawyer who aided Trumps 2020 election lie attacks campus voting

Has Anyone Been Sued More Than Donald Trump? : politics

Death of a talking point
CNN put together a no one has been charged with sedition clip collection

Conservative America has far more gun deaths than liberal America, study finds A comprehensive new study breaks down how firearm deaths correlate to pro- or anti-gun control politics
High crime in Republican cities fueled by guns, inequality : politics
Data tells us Rural America is the epicentre of gun deaths not cities : politics

Biden orders flags to half-staff, accuses GOP of on guns after Allen mall massacre
Uvalde lawmaker on latest Texas mass shooting: People need toreally wake up
Texas Mass Shooter Posted Neo-Nazi Content, FBI Document Reveal - sright wing death squad
RWDS: What the Patch Found on the Texas Gunmans Chest Stands For
Greg Abbott accused of hiding details about Texas mall shooting : politics
8 killed in Brownsville, Texas, car crash outside migrant shelter - The Washington Post

The Gun Industry Wants Americas Malls and Schools to Be War Zones The bodies pile up. Republicans say its in Gods hands. And the new weapons coming to market are even deadlier. Theres only one logical conclusion.
Analysis | Decades of marketing reinvented the AR-15 into a top-selling firearm - Washington Post
Mass shootings, homicide, and suicide in the USA

Guns at polls? Texas House approves bill to arm election workers : politics
Texas Mass Shootings Up 62.5 Percent Since Permitless Carry Bill - Reform Austin
Texas Bill Would Train Third Graders to Use 'battlefield' Tourniquets

Marge Greene, Worst of the Worst, Mass Shooting Edition

Conservative Christians want more religion in public life. Texas lawmakers are listening. Opponents of church-state separation have been emboldened by recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and the growing acceptance of Christian nationalism on the right. : politics

Independents back abortion rights. Theyre less sure Democrats do. (literaly dumbfucks)

State school board votes 8-7 to restore climate change to latest science standards : politics (Utah by one vote)

These ten books are considered pornography in Ron DeSantis Florida

What has gotten into Republican women: GOP women freak out over losing reproductive rights, but embrace cruelty when its someone elses rights at stake

From stakeouts to warrants: How federal investigators found more than 100 children cleaning slaughterhouses : politics

Anti-Grooming Republican Resigns After Alleged Sexual Relationship With Teen
Baptist missionary Jordan Webb convicted of sexual abuse after giving 4-y.o. victim gonorrhea : PastorArrested

Journalism Rocks
Sarah Rose on Twitter: "When I say NYT is a right wing paper this is a pretty decent everyday example of the revanchist shit they valorize" / Twitter

Growing pains for Bluesky

Amazon Is Being Flooded With Books Entirely Written by AI: It's The Tip of the AIceberg : books

Wait, is everybody wearing glasses nowadays? - The Washington Post about two-thirds of American adults wear some kind of glasses or contacts ... Working-age women are more educated than their male peers ... east-educated states are actually among the most likely to have serious eye problems that arent corrected by glasses ... America's blindness belt connects Appalachia and the Ozarks

A TikToker exposes how much people pay for rent. Viewers cant get enough ... The average rent for a one-bedroom is $2,170 in the New York City area, up 39 percent compared to five years ago,

Buying a new car is becoming an out-of-reach, luxury purchase - The Washington Post Higher interest rates have hit as automakers double down on pricier models, as the average price for a new car hit $48,008 in March.

The Dunning-Kruger effect may largely be a statistical artifactmathematical reanalysis of the original study of 45 undergraduates, random number simulations and replication with clearer methods shows least skilled people know how much they dont know, and everyone thinks they are above average

Church allowed abuse by priest for years - The Boston Globe Aware of Geoghan record, archdiocese still shuttled him from parish to parish

(3) Don't Force Anything - Alan Watts - YouTube
(3) Huston Smith about his Recording of the Gyuto Monks and the Music of Tibet - YouTube
Huston Smith - Wikipedia


Face the reality: France must prepare for +4C global warming | CNTE told journalists: We believe unanimously that we will retain, on our journey to prepare for climate change, the general hypothesis of global warming of 3C by the end of the century, hitting 1.5C in 2030, and 2C in 2050

Climate change could dramatically reduce life in the deepest parts of our oceans that are reached by sunlight, scientists warn. : news

US got a record-breaking 40% of its energy from carbon-free sources in 2022, report reveals : worldnews

World food prices rise for first time in a year: FAO : worldnews

Covid-19 rise tests Malaysia hospitals as Philippines reopens wards : worldnews

KAWS Has Won a Key Victory in His Lawsuit Against a Singapore Counterfeiter Churning Out Knockoffs of His Toys and Art | Artnet News : worldnews

Vietnam has recorded its highest ever temperature, just over 44C (111F) - with experts predicting it would soon be surpassed because of climate change. : worldnews

More than 50 aftershocks shake Japan as earthquake kills one : worldnews
Japans Kishida meets Yoon at summit to deepen ties

China Votes in Favor of UN Resolution Acknowledging Russian Aggression Against Ukraine : worldnews
Worlds largest solar telescope to begin test run in June in China

Russia may be preparing provocations against its civilian population on 9 May
Explosion over the Kremlin - by Timothy Snyder What does it mean? More of the same from Russia
Russias economy is suffering from industrial decline as satellites detect less pollution in the air
[2/6] Over the last three years, Russias population has reportedly decreased by two million more people than expected due to the impacts of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine.
[3/6] Russia saw up to 1.3 million people leave the country in 2022, including many younger and well-educated people in high-value industries.
[4/6] The Russian Ministry of Communications said that about 10% (100,000) of the IT workforce left the country in 2022 and did not return.
[5/6] Mobilisation, historically high emigration, and an ageing and shrinking population is limiting the labour supply.
[6/6] This will likely lead to a reduction in the potential growth of the Russian economy and risks stoking inflation.

Prigozhin says he was promised as much ammunition as it takes

UK Intelligence says Russia experiences biggest labour shortage in decades : worldnews

A fire broke out in Moscow at the construction site of the residential complex Nove OchakoveVideo from social networks.
Warehouses with gunpowder near Yekaterinburg on fire : worldnews

A new law allows Putin to draft Russians via an online portal even if they donthave an account. It brings the digital Gulag much, much closer, critics say

Guest finds corpse under Tibet hotel bed : worldnews

Over 50 dead, hundreds hospitalized and 23,000 displaced by ethnic violence in Indias Manipur | CNN

Calls grow for Pakistans zoos to close after death of 17-year-old elephant

Afghanistan: Nothing we can do but watch babies die (Talifuckers)

Over 200 people are dead and many more are missing after floods in eastern Congo : worldnews

Arab League readmits Syria as relations with Assad normalise : worldnews

Israelis Protest Netanyahus Judicial Coup for 18th Week
French parliament rejects resolution condemning "the State of Israel's institutionalization of an apartheid regime as a result of its colonial policy" : worldnews
Palestinian teens jailed for raping Polish tourist in front of partner : worldnews

The expectation from our counteroffensive campaign is overestimated in the world, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said. Most people are waiting for something huge,he added, which he fears may lead to emotional disappointment.
Russian Warships Pulled From Crimea Over Missile Fears : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 438, Part 1 (Thread #579) : worldnews

Ukraine says no sign of Russias Wagner force Bakhmut withdrawal
ISW on Twitter: "5/ ISW has previously assessed that reports of Ukrainian counterattacks throughout #Donetsk Oblast appear to be a part of an ongoing pattern of localized and limited Ukrainian counterattacks." / Twitter
FLASH on Twitter: "Ukraine should receive a batch of 16 RADA radars. They will be used to detect and warn of missile attacks. The publication notes that the transfer of such radars requires the approval of the Ministry of Defense of Israel." / Twitter
Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraines deputy prime minister and minister for innovation: Ukraine has trained an army of 10,000 drone pilots ahead of anticipated counteroffensive.

Ukraine launches more than 10 drones on Crimea - Russia-installed official

Mad panic as Russia evacuates town near Zaporizhzhianuclear plant
Situation around Europes largest nuclear power plant is potentially dangerous, watchdog warns
As Russia evacuates civilians near Ukraine nuclear plant, UN watchdog sounds alarm : worldnews
Europeans accuse Russia of ecocide during invasion of Ukraine : worldnews
Robert_Chadwick1 on Twitter: "Pro-Kremlin neo-Nazi militia inciting the torture and murder of Ukrainian prisoners" / Twitter

Czech president warns Ukraine against rushed counteroffensive : worldnews

Polish plane on EU border patrol narrowly avoids collision with Russian jet : worldnews

Slovakia prime minister quits : worldnews

Guardians contributing writer reporting from Hungary, was thrown out of the CPAC Hungary conference in the middle of her interview with a former Republican senator and presidential candidate ... she was interviewing former Republican Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum

Ice cream stand near Auschwitz concentration camp causes controversy : worldnews

Italy calls crisis meeting over surging pasta prices : worldnews

Garden swimming pools are to be banned from sale in a part of southern France over worsening water shortages. : worldnews

The Most Side-Eye Moments From King Charles IIIs Coronation
The Crowns, Tiaras, and Fascinators of the Coronation
Pippa Middleton of the coronation: Penny Mordaunt steals the show | King Charles coronation | The Guardian The first female Lord President of the Council receives praise on Twitter for her teal dress and sword-wielding
Right to protest in UK under threat after coronation arrests, human rights groups warn

In London, Brazils Lula calls for efforts to free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

Will Putin Retaliate Against the U.S.? | The New Yorker As Moscow seeks revenge for American aid to Ukraine, the 2024 U.S. Presidential election presents a Trump-size target.

US congresswoman introduces bill to restrict aid to Israel : politics

What the Debt Limit Fight Is Actually About Its not about debt at all. Its about turning back the political clock 100 years. (and destroying America)
43 Senate Republicans vow to oppose debt ceiling increase without spending cuts : politics
Opinion | Why I Changed My Mind on the Debt Limit - The New York Times By Laurence H. Tribe
Why I Changed My Mind on the Debt Limit : politics

House to vote on GOP migration plan as border restrictions end : politics

Biden, Harris meet with CEOs about AI risks : politics

Durbin: Tangled web around Clarence Thomas just gets worse
What Conservatives Cant Say About Clarence Thomas Senate Judiciary chair says everything is on the table in response to Clarence Thomas revelations
Broken moral compass: Twitter slams Mike Pence for Clarence Thomas praise

Mar-a-Lago mole could put Trumps recklessness on full display

An agitated Trump appears in newly released deposition tapes : politics

Call It Trumps Coup Attempt, Because It Damned Well Was - journalists normalize his attempt to end American democracy on that January day.

Christie warns a Trump, Biden rematch is bad for the Republican Party

The Republican Party has become the very cancel culture it pretends to rail against : politics
Drowning in the Undertow Reporting from Trumps America, Jeff Sharlet finds a slow-motion civil war.

Timothy Snyder on Twitter: ""It is not difficult at all to classify Tucker Carlson's political ideology. He is an American fascist, only the latest in a long historical line." ~Jason Stanley" / Twitter
Tucker Carlson ready to torch Fox News - Axios has learned Carlson is busy plotting a media empire of his own. But he needs Fox to let him out of his contract, which expires in January 2025 after the presidential election ... Carlson and Elon Musk had a conversation about working together

Kinzinger: GOPs abortion stance is terrible for the party

Texas Senate votes to allow Gov. Abbott to overturn Harris County elections : politics

Biden calls on Congress to act after Texas mall massacre:Such an attack is too shocking to be so familiar
Mall Shooting in Allen, Texas, Leaves 9 Dead, Including Gunman - The New York Times A police officer on an unrelated assignment nearby rushed toward the sounds of gunfire and killed the gunman.
Texas gunmans white supremacist views eyed as possible motiveInvestigators found a patch on the dead mans chest that said RWDS, an acronym for Right Wing Death Squad
Celebrate diversity: Guy named Mauricio Garcia was apparently a white supremacist
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said mental illness, drugs, and evil forcesare to blame for Texas mall shooting
Marjorie Taylor Greene sidesteps gun issue, blames Texas mall shooting on "evil forces"
Texas congressman says people who think prayers arent cutting itas a solution to gun violence don't believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives - 9 people died in a mass shooting in his district today
Texas congressman slammed for prayers comment after mall shooting : politics
'Now it's God's faullt' : Texas Republican slammed for claiming 'the almight' controls shootings
Texas Republican Deflects To Trashing Stores, Need For God After Mall Shooting
No gun control after Allen mall mass shooting, Gov. Abbott tells Fox News : politics
Texas lawmaker lobbies for 3rd graders to be trained to administer aid for gunshot wounds in the event of a school shooting, says report : politics
Today in the an armed America is a safe America experiment
Its the Republican Party, not the Second Amendment, that is responsible for the huge number of firearm deaths in the US
May 6, 2023 - by Heather Cox Richardson

Triple shooting at upscale Miami Beach nightclub leaves man dead, 2 women hurt, police say : news
7 dead after car runs into pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas, alleged driver arrested : news
7 more dead as car plows through group of pedestrians in Brownsville. : AdviceAnimals

Firing of librarian is yet another irrational act by New College Board of Trustees : politics
Florida bill seeking to ban Chinese citizens from owning land passes House : politics
Florida lawmakers pass bill allowing radioactive material to be built into Florida roads : politics

The Next Right-Wing Media Freak-out: Slavery Reparations in California : politics

Three Cases in North Carolina, Decades of Democracy Undone : politics (fuckers)

Rebrand of the Rebrand: MAGA Oz Pivots Back to Being Dr. Oz : politics

Oklahomas head superintendent wants to ban LGBTQ+ books but teach the Bible in history classes. The Bible contains a story about two daughters who get their dad drunk to have sex with him, but its LGBTQ+ books that are the problem.

Iowa Becomes Second GOP-Controlled State This Year to Pass Repeal of Child Labor Protections : politics

Mississippi Gov Launches Reelection Bid With Video Of Him As Clint Eastwood Shooting People Of Color (poTATEo fucker, says #48th state is coming for your blue state jobs)

Mayo threatens to pull back on Minnesota projects if state health legislation advances : politics ... Mayo Clinic is planning to pull back on billion-dollar investments in Minnesota if health care reform legislation advances that would regulate nurse staffing levels and penalize hospitals engaging in high-cost growth.

Pamela Paul, Cancel Culture Grifters, and the Republic of Letters - It's 2023. How is this possibly still a thing? ... And yet, here we are once again. The same hustlers are pushing the same tired schtick, insisting that their "heterodox" ideas are being CENSORED by mean colleagues and loud undergrads who have raised questions about the status quo ante. And, naturally, the New York Times is ON IT!
I cannot overstate how misinformed/misleading this is. We are at the I've been cancelled because The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science did not publish my jeremiad about the state of science
What they mean when they say "merit"

Amy Chozick Whitewashes Elizabeth Holmes (with the help of the NYT photography staff)
Eschaton: A Newspaper Crawling Up Its Own Ass FOREVER

Cory Doctorow Explains Why Big Tech Is Making the Internet Terrible : technology

Sisu: The Wildly Violent Nazi-Killer Film Everyones Talking About

Too greedy: mass walkout at global science journal over 'unethical' fees - Entire board resigns over actions of academic publisher whose profit margins outstrip even Google and Amazon ... Neuroimage / Elsevier

Ventriloquist Central | A Tribute to Ventriloquism | "Keeping the Art of Ventriloquism alive"
Tribute to Ventriloquism | A History of Ventriloquism | Ventriloquist Central
Tribute to Ventriloquism | Ventriloquist Central | Edgar Bergen
Ventriloquist Central Dan Willinger - The New Tribute to Ventriloquism
` Some Details Comparing Ventriloquist Figures, Jerry Mahoney & Knucklehead Smiff | Ventriloquist Central Blog
Edgar Bergen - Wikipedia ... he left his daughter nothing, but bequeathed his dummy, Charlie McCarthy, $10,000.
Paul Winchell - Wikipedia ... He was estranged from his children, and they were not immediately informed of his death. Upon learning of it, April posted an entry on her website:
A Shroud of Thoughts: The 5 Scariest Episodes of The Twilight Zone

A Group in This City Claims Bike Lanes Do More Harm Than Good. We're Calling B.S. -The group claims that data proves bike lanes are dangerous, but their conclusions don't add up.

What would you do if you discover your mom has been hooking up with your friends? : AskReddit

What is some scary shit youve experienced?

Older women of reddit, what is something young women are doing that puzzles you? : AskReddit

What are yall starting to dislike more and more the older you get?

Whats the greatest villain performance in a movie/TV show?

What makes the world a better place? : AskReddit


The Ethanol Scam ... Ethanol as a green fuel never made any damn sense and it has long since been discredited. But thanks to the power of corn politicians in the Senate, we still have it as a major part of our energy profile. (Iowa fuckers)

The extreme heat that engulfed the Iberian peninsula and parts of north Africa last week would have been "almost impossible without climate change," an international scientific study found Friday : worldnews

New variant could cause major covid wave, experts warn White House - The Washington Post

Vietnam objects to Australian coin with war-era yellow flag : worldnews

Philippines rescues over 1,000 trafficking victims : news

S. Korea, U.S. to kick off largest-ever live-fire drills this month : worldnews
US fighter jet crashes in South Korea | CNN : worldnews

US moving ahead with $500 million in arms aid for Taiwan, source says : worldnews

TikTok reportedly monitored users who watched gay content : worldnews

Putin in the KGB: Spying for a Dying Empire | by Peter Grant | Medium
(3/5) The traditional March of the Immortal Regiment, where family members display photographs of deceased veterans of the Second World War, associated with Victory Day, has also been cancelled. This follows the recent cancellation of the Russian-hosted International Army Games.
(5/5) The potential for protests and discontent over the Ukraine war are also likely to have influenced the calculus of the Russian leadership.
Prigozhin.....Kadyrov and Wagner reach agreement to transferring their combat positions : UkrainianConflict
Despotism in Russia: Everyone lives in his own hiding place. Even reading independent news in the metro can result in a prison sentence. Fear, bitterness and submission determine everyday life. (translation in comments : UkrainianConflict

Russian ex-deputy defence minister joins Wagner as feud escalates, war bloggers report : worldnews
Gubarev (Novorossiya terrorist, Girkins associate): When the price and methods of almost-capturing Bakhmut become known to the general public, Prigozhin will have to be called nothing more than the Bakhmut Butcher.

Car with Russian propagandist Prilepin blown up in Russia : worldnews
I posted earlier about Zakhar Prilepin who was blown up in his car (he was heavily wounded). This is an older video to demonstrate who he is:I managed a combat division that killed people in large numbers. All we did was complete lawlessness
Prilepin was active at start of Russias invasion in Donetsk in 2014 and years after. He ran his own battalion, the 4th Reconnaissance and Assault Battalion in the DNRHe was right with Donetsk figurehead Aleksandr Zakharchenko, who was assassinated in a cafe bombing in 2018.

In Tula, Russia is deploying additional air defense systems around the city.

Russia says it has billions of Indian rupees that it cant use

Nepal Supreme Court delivers historic ruling in favour of same-sex marriage : worldnews

Egypt reportedly working to end fighting between Israel, Gaza terror factions : worldnews

Iran hangs Swedish-Iranian dual national for "terrorism" : worldnews

Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in West Bank raid : worldnews
Thousands of Israelis protested for an 18th straight week against the hard-right governments controversial judicial reforms, despite Netanyahu shelving the overhaul more than a month ago. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the central city of Rehovot, blocking a major road junction

EU finally approves allocation of 1 billion for ammunition for Ukraine
Some Western politicians are urging Ukraine not to liberate Crimea -- Zelenskyy's representative

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 437, Part 1 (Thread #578) : worldnews

Ukraines Air Force announces downing of the hypersonic Kinzhal missile using Patriot air-defence system
The commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, General Mykola Oleschuk, confirms that a Kh-47M2 Kinzhal fired from a Russian MiG-31K has been successfully intercepted in the early morning of May the 4th.

Ukraines forces destroy Wagner ammunition storage points on Bakhmut front
Video appears to show Ukraine striking a Russian warehouse in Bakhmut with devastating effects using US-made smart bombs : worldnews
Bakhmut on fire: Russia uses phosphorus bombs en masse : worldnews
Russian Forces Continue Assault Of Besieged Bakhmut, Kyiv Says 50 Attacks Repelled : worldnews

Red Pill Dating Coach Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Is Arrested in Ukraine

Ukrainians in Starobilsk are evicted from their homes and sent to filtration centres for not taking Russian passport : worldnews

Moldovan President: Were only safe thanks to Ukraine, Russia wants to remake the Soviet Union

Orban says part of Ukraine belongs to Hungary : UkrainianConflict

Father of the school shooter in Serbia has been arrested and is on trial for allowing his son access to guns and ammunition : worldnews

A fifth of Dutch inflation in 2022 caused by increased company profits: Rabobank : worldnews

King Charles III crowned at Londons Westminster Abbey
This is literally Americas political origin story
Tories ram through new anti-protest laws to protect king Charles : worldnews
Coronation protests: Thousands set to demonstrate despite Met police warnings : worldnews
Anti-monarchy group chief arrested at protest - BBC News : worldnews
But there' no England now
The Koh-i-Noor and Cullinan diamonds: Crown jewels have fraught history - The Washington Post
UK Labour is now the largest party of local government, overtaking the Conservatives for the first time since 2002, as Conservatives lose over 1,000 seats : worldnews
Scotland Yards modern slavery and child exploitation team investigates more organ trafficking cases in the United Kingdom
Navy spotted Russian warships stalking at the coast of UK : worldnews

More than 13,000 people in Western Canada evacuated as wildfires rage across region amid hot weather and high winds : worldnews
Canadian lawmaker says China targeted his family for harassment | Canada : worldnews

War, Weapons and Conspiracy Theories: Inside Airman Teixeira's Online World - A review of more than 9,500 messages obtained by The New York Times offers important clues about the mind-set of a young airman implicated in a vast leak of government secrets.

Remembering the Lavender Scare
The shameful history of the Lavender Scare echoes today - The Washington Post Seventy years after a disgraceful episode of anti-LGTBQ history, we are facing a new wave of McCarthyist fearmongering.

Biden says not yet ready to invoke 14th Amendment to avoid debt default : politics
McConnell warns he wont back debt-ceiling increase without substantivereforms
GOP moderates privately panic over debt ceiling deal

Biden Knocks Honest Kevin McCarthy For What He Sold Away To Become Speaker

Here Are All The Times Clarence Thomas Proved That He Aint Shit Following the Harlan Crow scandal, The Root looks at Thomas most infamous controversies.
The many ethics scandals of Clarence and Ginni Thomas, briefly explained : politics
Justice Thomas Ethics Review Questioned by US Court Leader in 2012 : politics
Corruption. Plain and Simple: Ginni Thomas Took Secret Payments Ahead of Landmark Voting Rights Case|When youre saying things like No mention of Ginni, ofcoursewhen talking about paperwork for the wife of a Supreme Court Justicer you're probably doing a crime.
How Clarence Thomas Smeared His Own Sister to Gain Right-Wing Cool Points | Lying about money is apparently nothing new for the Supreme Court justice. : politics
Enough is enough. Clarence Thomas must resign or be impeached.
Part One: The Clarence Thomas Story - Behind the Bastards | iHeart
The pure scumminess of Clarence Thomas: Classic Rock edition

Senate probe that cleared Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault had "serious" omissions report

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion : politics

GOPs Chuck Grassley Admits Biden Bribery Allegation May Be "Untrue"

DOJ secures longest sentence yet for convicted Jan. 6 defendant - ABC News Peter Schwartz has been sentenced to 14 years behind bars.
U.S. seeks 25 years in prison for Rhodes in first Jan. 6 sedition case - The Washington Post Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and four others are set to be the first sentenced for seditious conspiracy in the Capitol breach
DOJ cites threats to democracy on Jan. 6 in push for steep Oath Keepers sentences - POLITICO
Jan. 6 rioter in pink beret identified after ex spotted her in a viral FBI tweet I dated this girl that was on the FBI's most wanted list.

Jack Smith Has An Insider Source At Mar-a-Lago? : politics

Trump elector immunity signals "significant evidence": Ex-U.S. attorney : politics
8 Trump fake electors have accepted immunity in Georgia election probe, attorney says

Why Trumps strategy of skipping a GOP debate is so risky
Barr: Trump will deliver chaos and horror show ... Says the guy who ratfucked the Mueller investigation.

Key moments from the video of Trumps deposition in E. Jean Carroll trial released to the public
Trump, in deposition, doubles down on 'Access Hollywood' remarks about grabbing women : politics
Trumps affair was huge tabloid news. Now it's apparently news to him. - Trump claimed in a deposition that he couldn't remember if he was seeing Marla Maples before his divorce. It would be quite a thing to forget.

Report: U.S. Department of Justice investigating former President Donald Trumps ties to LIV Golf amid larger probe

Bracing for impact: Biden world preps for Hunter Biden fallout - POLITICO Biden aides are more worried about the personal toll it will take on the president as a father.

Dianne Feinstein declines to give timeline for return to Congress in defiant statement : politics (written by her corrupt staff)

DeSantis signs bill allowing Florida board to cancel Disney deals : politics
DeSantis big government extends to record state budget
Ron DeSoros? Conspiracy Theorists Target Trumps Rival.

Ted Cruzs Senate future could be in peril

Kemp signs bill allowing removal of local prosecutors in Georgia : politics

Fox Sends Cease-And-Desist Letter To Media Matters Over Leaked Tucker Carlson Videos; Media Watchdog Responds ... Reporting on newsworthy leaked material is a cornerstone of journalism. For Fox to argue otherwise is absurd and further dispels any pretense that theyre a news operation. Perhaps if I tell them that the footage came from a combination of WikiLeaks and Hunter Bidens laptop, it will alleviate their concerns
Fox Sends Cease-And-Desist Letter To Media Matters Over Leaked Tucker Carlson Videos; Media Watchdog Responds : news

Mississippi Governor launches reelection bid with a violent video of him playing an anti hero aggressively shooting people : PoliticalHumor (poTATEohead)

Abortion pill legal challenge threatens miscarriage care | AP News

Revealed: Nominal Christians a top threat to right-wing group behind abortion pill ban

Joaquins First School Shooting: Parkland mom hopes new childrens book gets lawmakers attention

Minnesota bill does not create a protected class for child sex offenders : politics

New England States Are Exonerating Colonial-Era Witches But Not Everyone Is On Board

Nebraska Sen. Megan Hunt ditches Democratic label, registers as nonpartisan : politics

Psychiatric Incarceration Isnt Treatment Its Violence, Survivors Say -- After the murder of Jordan Neely, NYCs mayor doubled down on his plan to disappear those who appear mentally ill.

Bay Area road rage suspect found with 40 firearms, police say : news

Opinion | Alex Murdaugh changes his story Gloria Satterfield death - The Washington Post

Gen Z Is Ticked Off About a Possible TikT ok Ban. Beware the Fallout. Gen Z dominates TikTok -- and the outrage over a potential ban ... 46% of TikTok users are in Gen Z, which the researchers define as people born from 1997 to 2012. Theyre trailed by millennials, who make up 34% of users, Gen X (12%), and baby boomers (7%). Thats a shift from other social-media apps: Millennials are the biggest users of Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube ... older generations, but in a national poll by CBS News/YouGov, 61% of respondents supported a ban.

Rejecting my article violates my right to free speech - Pamela Pauls most recent Free Speech (TM) jihad involves a highly disturbing incident in which a top peer-reviewed scientific journal declined to publish a lightly re-worded and expanded Bari Weiss blog post:

Eschaton: Elon Can You Put A Delete Button On This Funny flashback.The smartest person in any room anywhere - by Douglas Coupland - From August, 2021.
[OC] No, the Media is not Misleading you about an Epidemic of Black on White crime, as Elon Musk and one Infuriating Chart spreading across the internet wants you to believe. I sloppily corrected it. : dataisbeautiful

Churchill Downs investigating deaths of seven horses as track prepares for the 149th Kentucky Derby. : news (horse racing is capitalized animal abuse)

Helsinki University makes Parkinsons disease breakthrough ... certain strains of Desulfovibrio bacteria are probable causes of Parkinsons disease in most cases.

Cracking an intriguing secret of centenarians: Why so few are ravaged by Alzheimers disease

The psychedelic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) make people learn faster when receiving feedback and enhances exploratory behavior, according to new research. The findings could help shed light on the underlying cognitive mechanisms behind the potential therapeutic effects of LSD. : science

TIL there is 1 school remaining in the U.S. that employs shock therapy treatment on students. The FDA attempted to ban the use of their in-house built electro-shock devices which was overturned by the D.C. Court of Appeals in 2021. : todayilearned

John C. Lilly, a pioneer of consciousness exploration and interspecies communication, talks with Jeffrey Mishlove about his life, work, and experiences with dolphins, LSD, sensory deprivation tanks, and extraterrestrial entities. He shares his insights on the nature of reality, the mind, & the self : HighStrangeness
(223) The Study That Involved Dolphin Sex and LSD (feat. Jay Duplass & Shiri Appleby) - Drunk History - YouTube

Discords username change is causing discord


World food prices rise for first time in a year- FAO : worldnews

Child marriage in decline but will take 300 years to eliminate | UN childrens agency welcomes drop in number of underage brides, but warns 12 million girls still getting married each year

COVID no longer a global health emergency, World Health Organisation says : worldnews

In a first, zoo lion transmits COVID-19 to its keepers : worldnews

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says "enough is enough" in response to continued efforts by the US to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange : worldnews

North Korea orders citizens to read 10,000 pages of propaganda this year : worldnews

Hong Kong national security police seize Tiananmen Crackdown statue for inciting subversion

China flags Uighurs as extremist for having Quran, report says

Why Russian Elites Think Putin's War Is Doomed to Fail - Rival factions are jockeying for power as the country navigates a crisis with no clear way out. By Isaac Chotiner

Kremlin Cronies Blame Biden, Compare Alleged Drone Attack to 9/11 - Vladimir Solovyov outdid himself by comparing the drone attack that didn't cause any loss of life to the tragic events of 9/11. He demanded that Zelensky be killed and Kyiv destroyed.
Drones over Kremlin "obviously" came from inside Russia, officials say, as Wagner announces Bakhmut withdrawal : worldnews
At Least 20 Russian Cities Scrap WWII Victory Parades : worldnews

Wagner boss says he will pull troops out of Bakhmut : worldnews
Evgeniy Prigozhin declares in a video that he will be ordering the withdrawal of Wagner mercenaries from Bakhmut due to an acute shortage of ammunition allegedly ordered by the Russian General Staff. He says Wagner will stay in the city until 9 May to avoid shame on this day. He appears to require a military order from Gerasimov for the withdrawal, however, to carry out the withdrawal.

Although its Railway Troop Brigades are capable of restoring lines quickly, these incidents will increase pressure on Russias internal security forces, who will highly likely remain unable to fully protect Russias vast and vulnerable rail networks from attack
Explosion and fire occur at Ilsky Oil Refinery in Russia for second day in a row : worldnews

Duma to ban gender reassignment without surgery as Russian men go for sex change to avoid fighting Ukraine : worldnews

~ Information appeared that the recent drone attack on the airfield in Bryansk region led to one An-124-100 plane being completely destroyed and the other one being damaged. Each of these planes is worth about $70 million. By different estimates, Russian air forces had no more than 12 of these. They cannot be produced or repaired in todays Russia.

A massive GPS glitch in Moscow. Car-sharing cars and scooters are shown floating in the river, taxis are being called to the other side of the city, and pedestrian navigation is working intermittently. All because the police are jamming GPS signal for security purposes in preparation for the 9th May parade. Thats why navigators can show a false location.

Sudans neighbours have little to offer refugees, warns UN | Thousands of Sudanese are crossing borders into countries already severely stressed by drought, conflicts and food insecurity

Turkish opposition is gay, says Erdogan : worldnews

Iran has enough uranium for five nukes, not just one : worldnews

17 Democrats Introduce Bill Targeting Israeli Human Rights Violations in Latest Litmus Test for U.S.-Israel Ties

Putin will face an international war crimes court, Zelenskyy says : worldnews
Patriot missle system intercepts Russias Zircon hypersonic missle over Kyiv

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 436, Part 1 (Thread #577) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 5 May 2023.

Glasnost Gone on Twitter: "Russian state media report Russia undertaking a big "evacuation" of Ukrainian civilians in occupied southern #Ukraine. Plan to evacuate 70,000 civilians from near the frontline in occupied Zaporizhzhia. This no doubt means Russia can then flatten the area." / Twitter
Russian forces continue to dig in across occupied regions of Ukraine. This trench line near the city of Donetsk is one of several constructed or expanded in the past few months.

Multiple intl groups have accused Russia of war crimes against Ukrainian children. In a new report, the Ukrainian outlet Ukrainska Pravda details how Moscows child deportations and reeducationprogram work. Meduza summarizes the findings.

The European Union is discussing a new sanctions mechanism to target third countries it believes arent doing enough to prevent Russia from evading sanctions, particularly those that cant explain spikes in trade of key goods or technologies, according to people familiar with the matter. The primary aim of the tool would be to deter countries from helping Russia and crack down on trade channels that Moscow may be exploiting, the people said. If that doesnt work, the bloc would have the option as a second step of imposing targeted restrictions on key goods

Russian navy approaches NATO air- and missile defence exercise outside Northern Norway : worldnews

At least eight killed in second Serbia shooting, according to reports : worldnews
Another mass killing in Serbia after deadly school shooting - The Boston Globe

Nine EU countries join forces to reform foreign policy voting rules that currently require unanimity and often fall victim to the veto power of one single member state : worldnews

German defense contractor Rheinmetall pitches unmanned mothership full of tiny attack drones : worldnews

Geneva to ban smoking in some outdoor public places : worldnews

King Charles net worth has soared to about $2.3 billion
UK Conservatives suffer terrible night of local electionlosses
TikTok tracked UK journalist via her cats account

Brazils Police Raid Bolsonaro Home in Fake Vaccine Cards Case

Canada is considering expelling Chinese diplomat for targeting lawmaker : worldnews
Canada says all options on table over claims China tried to interfere in election, harass lawmaker | CNN

The Next Fear on A.I.: Hollywoods Killer Robots Become the Military's Tools

US to control land sales to foreigners near 8 military bases : politics

US adds 253,000 jobs in April, exceeding expectations : politics

Biden says Republicans manufacturing a crisis over debt limit : politics
Biden warns debt ceiling crisis could cost jobs and undo economic progress : politics

Sanders Reintroduces Proposal to Slash Medicare Drug Prices in Half There is no rational reason, other than greed, for Medicare to pay twice as much for drugs, Sanders said

Bidens dragging poll numbers wont matter in 2024 if enough voters loathe his opponent even more ... Recent political science findings reveal that for most candidates, its more valuable to have an unpopular opponent than to be personally popular yourself. This is a phenomenon called negativepartisanship, and its one of the key reasons why voters often feel like theyre constantly choosing between the lesser of two evils rather than the better of two good

Clarence Thomas who let a GOP megadonor foot bills for him for years said being a Supreme Court justice is not worth doing for what they pay
Clarence Thomass problems multiply at Supreme Court
Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas Are About to Learn About Gift Taxes : politics
Clarence Thomas wife Ginni was paid nearly $100,000 for consulting by a nonprofit that ended up filing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court: report
Kellyanne Conway is now caught up in Clarence Thomas latest ethics scandal

2 Supreme Court justices failed to recuse themselves from cases involving their publisher after receiving exorbitant amounts in book advances and royalties : politics
Working for the man every night and day

There Are Some Chewy Nuggets In the New Wave of Mar-a-Lago Documents Subpoenas : politics
Mar-a-Lago employee aids investigation into whether Trump hid documents : politics
DOJ has cooperating witness in Trump documents case; issues wave of new subpoenas: NYT

11 witnesses testified in Donald Trumps rape trial. Heres what they said.
Trump says in Carroll rape case deposition that stars have 'historically' grabbed women ... "over the last million years"
SEE IT: Sulky Trump Admits Stars Get Away With Sexual Assault : politics
Watch Trumps Deposition in the Lawsuit Accusing Him of Rape

Donald Trumps last-minute legal plea doomed to fail

Trump is accused in court of rape. Will it matter in 2024? : politics

At least eight Trump electors have accepted immunity in Georgia investigation - The Washington Post In a new filing, the lawyer for the eight electors accused prosecutors of knowingly making false accusations in an effort to have her removed from the case.
At least eight Trump electors have accepted immunity in Georgia investigation : politics

Opinion | Dianne Feinstein Has to Act - The New York Times
Dianne Feinstein Has to Act : politics
Democrats hoped Feinstein would return next week. Shes made no promises

Sinema sold out: Arizona voters slam Sen. Sinema as she weighs reelection bid

Ron DeSantis says he's fighting woke companies like Disney. But it's just a PR move.
How DeSantis gave Democrats thesession from hell

Indiana governor signs Dont Say Gay bill that forces teachers to out trans kids to their parents. The extreme bill could put trans kids in danger if they asked to be called a new pronoun, title, or word

Texas investigates hospital over care for transgender minors | AP News

Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll shows - Most Americans dont believe its even possible to be a gender that differs from that assigned at birth. A 57 percent majority of adults said a persons gender is determined from the start, with 43 percent saying it can differ.

Florida GOP Lawmakers Use Last Days Of Legislative Session To Attack Trans Rights : politics

Nazis Carrying Banner That Says, There Will Be Blood Protest Ohio Drag Brunch

Sen. Mike Moons Latest Bad Idea: He Wants to Make Abortion Murder - Under Moons law, a woman who was raped and aborted the fetus could go to prison longer than her rapist.

After Idahos strict abortion ban, OB-GYNs stage a quick exodus

Mississippi Gov Launches Reelection Bid With Video Of Him As Clint Eastwood Shooting People Of Color : politics (yes, poTATEo-head and totally disgusting) )

How Rep. James Clyburn Protected His District at a Cost to Black Democrats
Clyburn Is 82

Eschaton: Sausage Factory - Will we ever find out why media outlets withheld the name of the killer of Jordan Neely, Daniel Penny? Seems like a pretty big scoop that one of them would've run with (and one accidentally did in the UK before pulling it).
so it looks like the Daily Mail accidentally leaked the last name of Jordan Neelys killer, Daniel Penny, on a photo caption hours before he was actually identified. so now its confirmed that news orgs had his name for some time but did not release it to protect him
AOC Blasts Corporate Media for Disgusting Coverage of Killing of Jordan Neely

Richard Glossip: Supreme Court halts execution | CNN Politics

Preemption bills gain prominence in Republican states to subvert local laws : NPR (rural bummpkins with no education will run cities)

Trio of Texas Churches Donated to Political Candidate Despite Clear IRS Prohibition : politics

Biden administration green lights nations first congestion pricing plan for New York

Writers Strike: $2 Billion Economic Impact May Be Just the Beginning : worldnews

An old argument returns ... Pamela Paul ...

u/SimplifyAndAddCoffee explains why people shouldn't give AI too much credit : bestof

forte2718 comments on Is there dark matter right here, on Earth, around us? Or is it just a deep space thing?

Probable cause found for Parkinsons disease

u/breckenridgeback provides an excellent analogy for why stimulants can be calming for people with ADHD : bestof

InspectorSpacetime49 comments on lovecraftian inspired film suggestions?

Image of a hunter in Geogia attacked by dogs vs John O'Keefes injuries allegedly sustained by a car (not a dog attack according to the prosecutors)


Shell accused of profiteering bonanza after record first-quarter profits of $9.6bn

US Special Forces Simulate Taiwan Defense Against China for First Time : worldnews

Hong Kong govt to close Tiananmen vigil site for park "maintenance" as pro-Beijing group seeks remaining space for event

Theres big problems with the way the Kremlin drone incident went down, and war experts say Russia likely staged it
Kremlin drone attack blackout on Russian state TV : UkrainianConflict
Russia staged Putin assassination to justify mass mobilization: ISW

Russia accuses U.S. of being behind alleged Kremlin drone attack : worldnews
Russia says U.S. was behind Kremlin drone attack, drawing quick denial | Reuters
Russia blames US for alleged drone attack on Kremlin, considers retribution: Live Ukraine updates

Christopher Miller on Twitter: "Just in from Moscow: Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claims without evidence that the US is behind the drone attack on the Kremlin. "We know very well that decisions on such actions and such terrorist attacks are made not in Kyiv but in Washington." via Russian state media" / Twitter
Kevin Rothrock on Twitter: ""The Kremlin may be planning to conduct other false flag operations and increase disinformation ahead of a Ukrainian counteroffensive in order to increase domestic support for the war."" / Twitter
Moscows defenses are too good, spectacular imagery caught nicely on camera too unlikely, Kremlins response was too quick & coordinated to suggest it was actually surprised.
The rapid and coherent presentation of an official Russian narrative around the strike suggests that Russia staged this incident in close proximity to the May 9th Victory Day holiday in order to frame the war as existential to its domestic audience
Droning Over the Kremlin

Today is World Press Freedom Day and 5 weeks since WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich was wrongfully detained by Russia. We are a WSJ editor and a press freedom advocate. Ask us anything. : worldnews

Prigozhin says nuclear threats make Russia look like clowns
Russia may soon come under merciless attack : UkrainianConflict

Sudden Concentration Of 5 Russian Warships In North Sea : worldnews

In Stavropol, Russia a fuel depot near the Yevrobeton plant is on fire.
Quick map showing reported attacks on 4 refineries and 2 fuel trains over the past 4 days. Locations are based on @GeoConfirmed data and media reports.

Russia Drops to Bottom 20 of World Press Freedom Index : worldnews

Oil refinery catches fire due to drone strike in Kuban, Russia : worldnews

Tinder to Exit Russia More Than 1 Year Into Ukraine War : worldnews ... It wasnt because of ethics, they just somehow ran out of users in Russia

Poland demands immediate release of journalist Andrzej Poczobut, sentenced to eight years in Belarus prison: The Gazeta Wyborcza reporter, a dual Polish-Belarusian national, was condemned by a court for inciting hatred and calling forsanctions in his coverage of the 2020 protests

Turkey election: Erdogan rival Kilicdaroglu promises peace and democracy : worldnews

UN rights experts denounce planned Saudi executions of megacity opponents : worldnews

Biden and Zelenskyy talk 'regularly and often -- White House
Kyiv denies involvement in alleged Kremlin drone attack | CNN : worldnews
"We Laughed a Lot" -- How the Kremlin Drone "Attack" Went Down on the Streets of Kyiv - Most people Kyiv Post spoke to are convinced the incident was staged by the Kremlin but yet another overnight attack on the capital show that regardless, there are ramifications.

Zelenskyy responds to Medvedevs call for him to be killed
Ukraines Zelenskyy visits International Criminal Court
Ukraines Zelenskiy, in The Hague, says Putin must face justice
Drones launched against Ukraine overnight had for Moscow and for the Kremlin written on them, says Ukraine military
US allocates US$300 million in military aid to Ukraine : worldnews

At the summit of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation in Ankara a member of Russian delegation attempted to remove Ukrainian flag. : ukraine (and gets the shit beat out of him)
A representative of the Russian Federation in Ankara during the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Parliamentary Assembly disrespected the Ukrainian flag. People's Deputy from the Servant of the People faction, Oleksandr Marikovsky immediately responded. : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 435, Part 1 (Thread #576) : worldnews

16 civilians killed in Russian attack on Kherson : worldnews

Fascinating. More Ukrainian innovation in their adaptation battleagainst the Russians. #Ukraine Is Now Using Steam Decks to Control Machine Gun Turrets

Russians are storing explosives at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate

2/ Radio Free Europe has interviewed three men of very different backgrounds. They were among some 2,000 Russian soldiers exchanged in prisoner swaps with the Ukrainians. They include a long-serving mercenary, an alcoholic divorcee and a disillusioned volunteer.

Credit Suisse: Asia investors sue Switzerland over bank collapse : worldnews
Swiss lawmakers agree to ban bonuses at too-big-to-fail banks : worldnews

13-year-old Ukrainian singer refuses to share stage with Russian performer at Sanremo Junior Festival : worldnews (Italy)

France: Constitutional Council turned down yet again an opposition proposal to cap the age of retirement at 62. Opponents of Macrons pension reform are now mobilizing for June 6 protests and strikes
French police have made widespread use of preventivearrests to quell protests against President Emmanuel Macrons deeply unpopular pension reform, Frances chief inspector for prisons wrote in a report published on Wednesday

Reuters: Putin not invited to King Charles coronation

US envoy urges Brazil to back Ukraine over'bully' Russia
Bolsonaros vaccine status falsified before he entered U.S., police say

Guatemala national park nearing collapse amid land grabbing,deforestation

Mark Milley on future war trends and preventing great power war. : CredibleDefense

Lockheed to Produce 126 F-35s for US, Allies in $7.8B Deal : worldnews

Biden should remove Cuba from the state sponsor of terrorism list : politics

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told lawmakers that a debt default likely would create global uncertainty about the U.S. dollars value and lead to volatility in financial markets.
This Is How Biden Gets Kevin McCarthy to Wilt Like a Hothouse Flower : politics

33 Groups Urge Sen. Dick Durbin To Stop Letting GOP Block Bidens Court Picks

Sen. Bernie Sanders Introduces $17 Minimum Wage Bill : politics
US workers deserve a break. s time for a 32-hour working week ... nearly 45% of your waking hours spent on or for work.
Not a Radical Idea: Sanders Calls for 32-Hour Workweek With No Pay Cuts: It's time to make sure that working people benefit from rapidly increasing technology, not just large corporations that are already doing phenomenally well

"When does the stench get bad enough?": Democrats call for action on new Clarence Thomas revelations : politics ... LMAO conservatives don't give a fuck. Theyd eat Satans shit if they thought a Democrat would have to smell their breath
Clarence Thomas Had a Child in Private School. Harlan Crow Paid the Tuition. This is way outside the normsaid a former White House ethics lawyer.
This is way outside the normsaid a former White House ethics lawyer.
Sugar Justice: The Clarence Thomas Story
The sweaty desperation of the Supreme Courts apologists
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomass wife, urged no mention ofGinniLeonard Leo told GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway to bill nonprofit, then use money to pay spouse of Supreme Court justice
Democrat Gives Clarence Thomas Friend Harlan Crow an Ultimatum : politics (haha supeona his fat ass)
The petty crookedness of Clarence Thomas
GOP megadonor covered tuition for child Clarence Thomas was raising as a son: report
Clarence Thomas Had a Child in Private School. Harlan Crow Paid the Tuition. : politics
The same year Clarence Thomas sent a child to a private boarding school on Harlan Crows dime, a parent testified that the academy used children for free labor
Yachts, $10m payouts and secret hunting trips: The Supreme Courts long history of ethics scandals
The low cost (for a rich person) of sponsoring a Supreme Court justice - The Washington Post
Supreme Court Justices Offer Unconvincing Dodge on Ethics

Proud Boys verdict: Enrique Tarrio, 3 others guilty of seditious conspiracy - The Washington Post Prosecutors alleged defendants viewed themselves as Donald Trumps army, intent on keeping him in power through violence.
Enrique Tarrio was not just a random seditionist - The Washington Post

The real deep state conspiracy - Hey, remember the New York FBI bureau that ended up having a major impact on American history? Heres a relevant story:

Trump is inviting Dems to make 2024 about Jan. 6. And they're obliging. The day has featured prominently in campaign launches by Biden and Senate candidates.

Trump hits Biden as disrespectful for not attending Charles coronation ceremony: No US president has ever attended coronation of a British monarch ... President Donald Trump did not attend President Joe Biden's inauguration.

Donald Trump rushing back to New York to salvage defense in rape trial : politics
Donald Trump cutting Ireland trip short to confront accuser in New York case ... speaking to reporters while golfing at his resort outside the village of Doonbeg in Co Clare
Donald Trumps Rape Trial Goes From One Disaster to Another with the re-emergence Wednesday of the infamous Access Hollywood tape.
The defense is no defense
Natasha Stoynoffs Testimony Against Donald Trump Silences Defense

Special counsel probing Trump Organizations handling of Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage

Judge Dismisses Trumps Suit Against New York Times, Orders Him To Pay Legal Fees

Donald Trump seeks to move Manhattan hush-money case to federal court - ABC News The judge asked the parties to agree to a trial held in early 2024.

The Feinstein situation

Fox opposes fellow journalists trying to uncover documents | AP News
Tucker Carlson floats plan to host alternative GOP debate in post-Fox future - The Washington Post
Performative schlockA question: Do you believe that FOX fired Tucker Carlson because their very own Mr. Transphobia ReplacementTheory emitted into a private text the same sewage the network paid him millions of dollars to spew all over the world? ... No one could reasonably think it is true, so naturally the New York Times and several other outlets set to work flogging the line that the Western Hemispheres top purveyor of white supremacism were shocked/alarmed/spooked by some in-house comments that were a weak 2 on FOXs 1 to Activate Lynch Mob scale for suitable broadcast material.

DeSantis Taunt in Disney Typeface Tempts Trademark Punchback : politics
Ron DeSantis Is Losing Popularity Contest With Disney : politics ... Ron DeSantis would lose a popularity contest with a potted fern
Florida Passes Bill Allowing Trans Kids to Be Taken From Their Families | The New Republic Florida Republicans have sent the kidnapping bill to Ron DeSantis to sign.

Jaw-Dropping Herschel Walker Money Scandal

Missouri auditor says attorney general tried to falsely inflate cost of abortion rights amendment : politics ... Anti-choice attorney general tries to make it look like protecting abortion rights is too expensive by pushing false information. A shameful strategy, but not surprising

North Carolina House approves measure banning abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy | The Hill
Legislator who ran on codifying Roe v. Wade votes to ban abortion in North Carolina
GOP frontrunner for NC governor mocked school shooting survivors and once justified shooting protesters | CNN Politics

~ Breaker boys,most 8-12, who worked 60-hour weeks breaking coal when child labor was permitted

Accessing Porn In Utah Is Now a Complicated Process That Requires a Picture of Your Face : politics

Shangela, star of HBOs Were Here and contestant on Drag Race accused of sexual assault

Barstool Sports Fires Host for Saying Racial Slur in Rap

Tickets for loud music nearly 3 times more likely for Black drivers under new Florida law : politics

Subway Rider Choked Homeless Man to Death, Medical Examiner Rules - The New York Times Jordan Neely died after a man held him in a chokehold. On Wednesday, the medical examiners office said the cause of death was compression of the neck, and ruled it a homicide.
Eric Adams and AOC clash over death of homeless man placed in chokehold by NYC subway passenger : politics
Consequences - I didn't think highly of Kathy Hochul before this, but what the fuck: (defends lynching)
Eschaton: "Defense Against Disorder" - "People getting murdered on subway cars" is, in this formulation, not the disorder.
New York Times Reporter Panicked by Sight of People in Subway System

Jesse McFadden, 39, is believed to have gunned down five teenagers and his wife during a sleepover at his familys house.

Thoughts and prayers are not enough | Sen. Warnock demands action after Midtown Atlanta shooting
Mom of Atlanta Hospital Shooting Suspect Blames Messed Up Medication

Official: Gunman kills 3, then self in rural Georgia town | AP News

Sheer Vindication - Jury in garbage suit against Ed Sheeran rules unanimously in his favor.

Goodbye Twitter: Techdirt Will Soon End Our Automated Posting | Techdirt

Everything I read on AI is garbage (can't understand "intelligence" let alone the artificial part)

TIL that while the English language is classified as a West Germanic language, its vocabulary also shows major influences from French (about 28% of words) and Latin (also about 28%), plus some grammar and a small amount of core vocabulary influenced by Old Norse. : todayilearned

The US urban population increased by almost 50% between 1980 and 2020. At the same time, most urban localities imposed severe constraints on new and denser housing construction. Due to these two factors (demand growth and supply constraints), housing prices have skyrocketed in US urban areas. : science

Toronto saw a 9% reduction in traffic crashes immediately following Canadas legalization of marijuana, according to a new study being published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review and published online ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine


UN warns heat records could be broken as chance of El Nino rises

India, China propose multiple pathways on cutting use of fossil fuels

Press freedom is under attack in every corner of the globe, with journalists continually harassed, jailed and killed, UN officials and media outlets warned Tuesday : worldnews

Missing Australian fishermans body found in crocodile : worldnews

Laos activist Anousa Luangsuphom killed in brazen public shooting

War in Asia would be far more damaging than Ukraine war, says Ng Eng Hen (Singapore defense minister) : worldnews

Nato planning to open Japan office to deepen Asia-Pacific ties

A Brutal Sex Trade Built for American Soldiers : worldnews In September, 100 such women won a landmark victory when the South Korean Supreme Court ordered compensation for the sexual trauma they endured. It found the government guilty of justifying and encouraging prostitution in camp towns to help South Korea maintain its military alliance with the United States and earn U.S. dollars.

Kremlin Says It Was Attacked by Two Drones Last Night, Putin Safe : worldnews
Two blokes ready on the dome, a camera with perfect exposure and an explosion less convincing than a backyard firework. Yeah pull the other one. This seems very staged.
Ukraine denies targeting Putin in alleged Kremlin drone strike and accuses Moscow of a "trick"
The moment Kremlin got hit : ukraine
Kremlin accuses Ukraine of trying to assassinate Putin : worldnews
Russia accuses Ukraine of trying to kill Vladimir Putin with Kremlin drone strike : worldnews
Dmitri on Twitter: "Two explosions in Kremlin last night." / Twitter
Two people can be seen climbing the dome at the Kremlin as the reported Ukrainian drone hits
Drone Strike In The Kremlin
Another threat from the Kremlin. At the beginning of the war, it made several attempts to assassinate Volodymyr Zelenskyy and kept silent about this. How much trust do we have in Russian information about alleged Ukrainian drone attacks on the Kremlin? After years of lies and provocations?
Good reasons to be wary: Russia has reasons to play up attacks on Kremlin, incl. legitimating the war & appealing to China for weapons. But more than one Ukrainian official has been hinting that the countrys long-range strike capabilities are improving.

Ukraine war: Russia scales back Victory Day celebrations : worldnews
Business Ukraine mag on Twitter: "Leaked Kremlin guidelines for Russian media coverage of the coming Ukrainian offensive appear designed to prepare the Russian public for a new round of battlefield defeats" / Twitter

Jailed Kremlin Foe Navalny Forced to Listen to Putin Rants on Loop Every Night : worldnews

"[Social media accounts] based in Moscow demonstrate the lowest levels of interest in the war, while regions closest to Ukraine are the most negative."

Ukraine claims Russian troops and Wagner mercenaries are fighting each other : worldnews

Suspect in killing of Russian war blogger says she was set up : worldnews

A second train derailment in two days is reported in a Russian border area. : worldnews

Oil depot in Russias Krasnodar Krai catches fire after drone crash

Hundreds of Russian Storm units fighters prepare provocation in Ukrainian uniforms : worldnews

Dissident Journalist Taken From Plane Forced to Land In Belarus Sentenced to 8 Years : worldnews
The regime sentenced blogger Raman Pratasevich, who was on thOe Ryanair plane, to 8 years in jail. Two other bloggers behind @nexta_tv were sentenced in absentia to 20 and 19 years. This is a slap in the international communitys face since today is the World Press Freedom Day.

Indias press freedom rank slips below Pakistan, Afghanistan to an abysmal 161 out of 180 ranked countries (MOdi-fucked)

UN chief slams Taliban over curbs on women rights : worldnews

Ugandas parliament has passed one of the worlds strictest and most cruelanti-LGBTQ+ bills for the second time, after requests were made for changes.

Six Libyans face death penalty for converting to Christianity | Global development : worldnews

The shadow of Russia hangs over the hornets nest of Sudan
RAAF rescue mission evacuates 36 Australians and their family members from Sudan : worldnews

World's first 3D-printed mosque to be built in Dubai : worldnews

3 imprisoned Iranian female journalists win top UN prize : worldnews
Iran Opens Legal Cases Against Actresses Who Attended Event Without Wearing Hijab : worldnews
Iran seizes second oil tanker in a week in Gulf - US Navy : worldnews

Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, 7 civilians wounded : worldnews

Ukrainian Defence Minister suggests that Russia is preparing new "goodwill gesture" : worldnews (also known as "defeat")
1. Member States supply ammunition from their existing stocks 2. We will procure jointly more ammunition for Ukraine 3. We are ramping up and speeding up industrial production of ammunition in Europe
Whilst fighting a war for its survival, Ukraine has risen by 27 places in 2023 World Press Freedom Index. [map] : ukraine
Ukraine rises sharply in press freedom rankings | Ukrainska Pravda ... This year, Russia fell by 9 positions, and is now occupying 164th place ... The last positions in the rating are occupied by Asian countries such as North Korea 180th place, China 179th place, and Vietnam is in 178th place ... The best situation in European countries is Norway (1), Ireland (2), Denmark (3), Sweden (4) and Finland (5).

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 434, Part 1 (Thread #575) : worldnews

Spike in Russian combat deaths fuels fears of worse carnage to come - The Washington Post
Ukraines military is stronger than U.S. leaks indicated, Blinken says

Russian fuel depot catches fire near key Crimea bridge : worldnews

NATO says Moscow may sabotage undersea cables as part of war on Ukraine : worldnews

Nord Stream: Report puts Russian navy ships near pipeline blast site : worldnews
Nord Stream: Report puts Russian navy ships near pipeline blast site

Ukrainian President Zelensky arrives in Finland to meet Nordic PMs : worldnews

Finnish newspaper hides a secret room, detailing Russian illegal war in Ukraine, within Counter-Strike - a popular video game in Russia : worldnews

Denmark to make $250 mln donation to Ukraine for military use : worldnews

At least nine dead in Serbia school shooting : worldnews
Teenage boy opens fire in school in Serbian capital : worldnews
Belgrade School Shooting: 8 Children, Guard Die After Teenage Boy Opens Fire - Bloomberg

Greeces Supreme Court on Tuesday banned a party founded by a jailed member of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn group from contesting the May 21 general election

First law banning conversion therapies passed in Switzerland : worldnews

132 Ndrangheta mafia members arrested after investigation by Belgium, Italy and Germany

Parts of a controversial anti-protest law come into force ahead of King Charles coronation | CNN

Brazil police raid Bolsonaros home as part of COVID vaccine probe

Pablo Escobar's "cocaine hippos" lurk near school in Colombia, enter playground: "The mothers get scared" : worldnews

US to temporarily send 1,500 troops to Mexico border : worldnews
In Mexico, proposal to reduce workweek to 40 hours advances in Congress : worldnews

Will the Freedom Caucus Destroy the U.S. Economy? | The government could run out of money to pay its bills sooner than expected. And the Freedom Caucus doesnt seem to care.
Democrats finally seem terrified of GOP debt limit lunacy. About time. : politics
Biden Trolls Republicans With Chart On How To Tell If They Voted For VA Benefits : politics
McConnell treads warily around debt limit fight as fears of default catastrophe grow : politics
US debt ceiling crisis can be explained in three words: Marjorie Taylor Greene : politics

New documents show how Sandra Day O'Connor helped George W. Bush win the 2000 election ... Pro-tip: ACB, Roberts and Kavanaugh were all part of the RNC legal team in Florida for the election issue. They were all rewarded by a seat on the bench.
The justices' ethics are to blame for the courts legitimacy problems

The greatest threat to the Supreme Courts legitimacy is the naked partisanship of the Republican justices
Roberts struggles to keep Supreme Court out of ethics fight : politics
Americans arent thrilled with the government. The Supreme Court is just one example
h2 His business IS the Court (Scalia took 70+ "hunting trips" with Refuck donors)

Former F.B.I. Agent Charged in Jan. 6 Riot - The New York Times Prosecutors say the former agent, who worked counterterrorism in the New York field office before leaving the bureau in 2017, called police officers Nazis and illegally entered the Capitol ... Mr. Wise later joined the conservative group Project Veritas under the supervision of a former British spy, Richard Seddon, who had been recruited by the security contractor Erik Prince to train operatives to infiltrate trade unions, Democratic congressional campaigns and other targets.
Ex-FBI agent feds say urged Jan. 6 rioters to kill police worked terrorism task force Jared Wise was part of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force and served as supervisory special agent in charge of the Homegrown Violent Extremism unit.

Kevin McCarthy Made a Secret Deal With Tucker Carlson to Become House Speaker: Former Fox producer Abby Grossberg says McCarthy called up the ex-Fox host to discuss his terms. : politics

Trump Using Photos From His Own Presidency To Argue Life Is Worse Under Biden

Trump has no witnesses at E. Jean Carroll rape trial
Rape Myths Front and Center in Trump-E. Jean Carroll Case
E. Jean Carroll Quest for Justice and the Carnage of Donald Trumps Misogyny
In Trump trial over rape, defamation, another woman claims Trump accosted her : politics

Judge Tosses Trumps Lawsuit Against NY Times, Orders Him to Pay Legal Fees

Audio captures Trump demanding NBC reporter be kicked off plane for asking about hush money probe : politics

Special counsel sat in on Pences testimony to federal grand jury

On Hunter Biden, U.S. Attorney David Weiss said to be close to charging decision - The Washington Post A meeting between prosecutors and defense lawyers comes toward the end of an investigation

Carlson's Text That Alarmed Fox Leaders: It's Not How White Men FightThe discovery of the text message contributed to a chain of events that ultimately led to Tucker Carlsons firing.
The other thing that Tucker Carlsons text message makes undeniable (claims to have a brain)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls For Dianne Feinstein To Resign : politics
Clyburn backs Lee in California Senate race : politics (age 76)

Democratic congresswoman sold First Republic stock and bought JPMorgan just before bank sale, financial disclosures show : politics (public knowledge)

New data shows how little the electorate looks like the population - The Washington Post

Students understanding of history and civics is worsening
It's Not Just Math and Reading: U.S. History Scores for 8th Graders Plunge - The latest test results continue a nearly decade-long decline. Try a sample quiz to test your knowledge.

Republican States Are Racing Toward Authoritarianism : politics

North Carolina Republicans unveil 12-week abortion ban - The Washington Post GOP lawmakers are seeking to exploit a new veto-proof supermajority in a state that has become a critical access point for abortions

Texas Bill Will Give Republican Official Power to Overturn Elections : politics
Texas bill would allow state to throw out Harris County election results : politics

Missouri Republican proposes bill to enable murder charges for getting an abortion : politics

Voters oust Michigan clerk who doubts election results : politics

Because of Florida abortion laws, she carried her baby to term knowing he would die | CNN
Florida GOP lawmakers approve shielding DeSantis travel records : politics

Florida wont tell you whats wrong at its voucher schools unless we pay $10,413. Teachers and parents have filed hundreds of complaints about these schools that are currently subsidized with more than $2 billion in public money. Some of the complaints are eye-poppingly disturbing.
Florida Republicans pass school bills on pronouns, diversity | AP News

Book bans reach all-time record in the US : politics

Wisconsin Republicans to kill legalized pot, stadium repairs : politics
Wisconsin Supreme Court: Cant force doctors to administer ivermectin for COVID-19 patients

New York becomes the first state to ban natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings : politics

Fla. judge denies defendants use of medical marijuana, suggests Xanax instead ... Dorothy Vaccaro told the 21-year-old woman that at her age she probably wasnt suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder

0-year-olds among hundreds of children found working at McDonalds restaurantsTwo 10-year-olds were discovered working unpaid and until as late as 2 a.m. at one McDonalds restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky, operated by Bauer Food LLC, the Labor Department said in a news release.
10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonalds until 2 a.m.

Gov. Stitt Vetoes Bill To Allow Tribal Regalia At High School Graduations : politics

Latest arrests in Rensselaer County voter fraud case ensnare top GOP figures | WAMC

UPDATE: In Tennessee, a cover-up is unraveling - On April 20, Tennessee Representative Scotty Campbell (R) abruptly resigned hours after News Channel 5 Nashville reported that a legislative subcommittee found that he had sexually harassed two legislative interns.

Tyre Nichols official autopsy reveals brain injuries from blunt force trauma, DA saysNichols, 29, died three days after he was beaten by officers during a Jan. 7 traffic stop in Memphis. Footage of the altercation shows officers striking Nichols repeatedly.

Witnesses Are TooIntimidatedto Testify Against Ammon Bundy, Lawyer Says

Jeffrey Epstein case: JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon deposition set
Jeffrey Epstein Documents, Part 2: Movie Screenings With Woody Allen and Dinners With Larry Summers - WSJ - Schedules and emails show deeper relationships between the disgraced financier and a range of prominent people, including the former Treasury secretary and the filmmaker ... Lawrence Summers wanted $1 million to fund an online poetry project his wife was developing.

Elon Musk threatens to reassign @NPR on Twitter to another company

Lina Khan: We Must Regulate A.I. Here's How

The Patron Saint, Snubbed

FDA approves RSV vaccine for adults ages 60 and up single-dose shot lowered the risk of severe illness by 94% in older adults.

New Alzheimers drug slows cognitive decline by 35%, trial results show

Scientists find link between photosynthesis and fifth state of matter

TIL famed physicist Richard Feynman donated "93 boxes" of papers and writings to Caltech, which has never digitized any of it and will only provide access physically in the reading room of the Caltech Archives to qualified researchers. Caltech holds no copyright on the work. : todayilearned

Microsoft is forcing Outlook and Teams to open links in Edge, and IT admins are angry : technology

Anti-porn lobbyists pressure Reddit to shut down its NSFW communities : technology


We reached a big milestone this morning! We have zero COVID inpatients at Tufts Medical Center for the first time since March 21, 2020. : boston

Russian Orthodox choir denounces group of men wearing pro-war Z symbol shirts at Sydney Town Hall event : worldnews
Australia to ban recreational vaping in major crackdown on e-cigarettes as teen use soars | CNN : worldnews - Seems ludicrous to ban vaping before cigarettes.
Australia to ban recreational vaping in major public health move : worldnews
Australia to ban non-prescription vapes in biggest smoking reforms in a decade : worldnews

Biden hails deep friendship with Philippines and boosts military ties amid China tensions
U.S., Philippine leaders agree to push 3-way cooperation with Japan : worldnews

Japan to ban upskirting in sweeping sex crime reforms : worldnews

Democratically-elected seats slashed to 20% for local Hong Kong elections, candidates vetted : worldnews

One in 5 young people in Chinese cities are out of work. Beijing wants them to work in the fields : worldnews
Never-before-seen Chinese military blimp caught on satellite images of remote desert base : worldnews

A Ukrainian drone attack on Red Square during the Victory Day parade would be humiliating for Putin, but it seems more likely that hes worried about the potential humiliation of thousands marching with the portraits of soldiers killed in Ukraine
Putin Grooms Russians for Defeat in Leaked Crisis Manual
Russia is preparing a new "goodwill gesture" - Reznikov According to the minister, the Kremlin is already looking for options for possible scenarios on how to justify another success of the Ukrainian army within its society. : UkrainianConflict ... If the offensive is unsuccessful, it will be possible to say: the army [of Russia] skillfully fended off an attack that was superior in power, making the victory that much more impressive, the sources were quoted saying.

(2/4) Mizintsevs sacking was not immediately confirmed, but speculation about his future highlights how logistics problems remain at the heart of Russias struggling campaign in Ukraine. Russia does not have enough munitions to achieve success on the offensive.
Russian political opposition sign declaration in Europe against Putins regime and war in Ukraine
Russia throws more soldiers into Bakhmut meat grinder ahead of Putins Victory Day parade
Carlsons departure is in this sense a loss to the Kremlins information war. @JuliaDavisNews
ISW on Twitter: "The recent increased prevalence of Russian private military companies (PMCs) operating in #Ukraine may be necessitating certain changes in the overall command structure." / Twitter

Tinder owner Match Group swipes left on Russia, pledging exit by June 30 : worldnews

Infrastructure sabotaged in two Russian regions : worldnews
Massive Shockwave From Russian Strike May Have Been A Rocket Storage Facility Detonating : worldnews

Russia deports German accused of 'LGBT propaganda' : worldnews

Sanctions on the Russian aviation industry are leading to an increasing number of malfunctions and emergency landings

Media: South Africa trying to convince Putin not to come due to arrest warrant : worldnews

Ugandas parliament passes mostly unchanged anti-LGBTQ bill | Bill retains harshest measures of legislation adopted in March, including death penalty for certain same-sex acts
Uganda government minister shot dead by his bodyguard : worldnews
Soldier shoots dead politician he was guarding : worldnews

Two pastors are due to appear on Tuesday before Kenyan courts suspected of being behind the deaths of at least 109 people found buried in what has been dubbed the "Shakahola forest massacre" : worldnews

Palestinian Khader Adnan dies in Israel jail after 87-day hunger strike : worldnews

White House announces new military aid package for Ukraine. [article] : ukraine - The United States has provided Ukraine with almost 100% of the military aid it requested, and intends to deliver a new package of support soon.

Nine years of war, with every advantage, Russia controls 15% of Ukraine. They still dont have air superiority. They cant stop any trains/convoys coming into Ukraine. I see no reason for any Russian optimism. Crimea is the decisive terrain. Liberate it and this War will be over.
There is something wild about the fact that Russia has mobilised 300,000 men since Sep, conducted 700+ air & drone strikes since Oct & hurled itself at Donbas since Jan, with as many as 20,000 killed in actionand actually managed a net *loss* of territory in April

UK purchases missiles with a range of 100-300 km for Ukraine : worldnews
As counteroffensive looms, Ukraine vows not to give up Bakhmut : worldnews
We regret: Ukraine apologizes for Kali tweet, says country respects Indian culture

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 433, Part 1 (Thread #574) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 2 May 2023.
The White House said Monday it now estimates that just since December, Russia has suffered 100,000 casualties, including more than 20,000 killed : worldnews

Russia missile attack on Ukraine injures 34, damages homes : worldnews
Bakhmut holds.

Russians organize forced medical examinations of children in Luhansk region : worldnews

Verkhovna Rada officially defines Putins regime as Ruscism

You will never know until you try. Huge. Powerful. Well-armed. Ready for battle. Made in the U.S.A. Bradley IFVs have arrived in Ukraine and joined UAarmy! We promise: these machines will not be bored. Thank you to POTUS , my colleague SecDef Lloyd J. Austin III and the American people.
Stoltenberg: More than 98 percent of the combat vehicles promised to Ukraine have already been delivered. That means over 1,550 armoured vehicles, 230 tanks and other equipment. In total we have trained and equipped more than nine new Ukrainian armoured brigades
Ukraine will recieve 31 Abrams tanks from the US. Here is an in depth video on how the tank is built, and shows where differs from soviet, british and german tanks. : ukraine

Bulgarian top prosecutor escapes bomb attack on his car, officials say : worldnews ... Ivan Geshev was in Kiev last week.

Germany launches 49 Euro monthly ticket for nationwide public transport

One in 20 in Switzerland is materially and socially deprived
Dutch police arrest drunk driver with fake Boris Johnson license

Kyiv unaware of Vaticans reported peacekeeping mission

Italy slashes anti-poverty subsidies : worldnews

Police fired teargas in Paris and other cities as protesters turned out for May Day rallies across France on Monday amid anger over the passage of an unpopular pension reform. France estimated the number of protesters at 782,000 nationwide; unions put the number much higher, at 2.3 million : worldnews
France protests: More than 100 police hurt in May Day demonstrations : worldnews
At least 108 police injured and 291 held in May Day protests in cities across France | France : worldnews

Ukrainian Ambassador to Ireland Calls on to Boycott Jameson Whiskey after Russian Supply Resumes : worldnews

The Mexico Contingency - In light of the recent hurly burly on invading Mexico from the Trumpist wing of the GOP (hahahaha which is now basically the only wing of the GOP),

Canadian government proposes ban on assault-style firearms : worldnews
Oil company gave $200K to group accusing pipeline opponents of taking secret money : worldnews

U.S. ambassador to China says the U.S. is ready for high-level talks with Chinese - Comments by Ambassador Nicholas Burns were the clearest signal yet that the Biden administration wants to restore a broader dialogue with China amid tensions.

House Republicans Budget Bill Doesnt Spare Veterans. Democrats Are Making Them Regret It.
White House says GOP debt ceiling plan would cause largest VA benefits cuts in US history : politics
Is the Debt Limit Constitutional? Biden Aides Are Debating It. - The New York Times As the government heads toward a possible default on its debt as soon as next month, officials are entertaining a legal theory that previous administrations ruled out.
House Democrats Move to Force a Debt-Limit Increase as Default Date Looms - The New York Times House Democratic leaders who have been quietly planning a strategy to force a debt ceiling increase to avert default began taking steps on Tuesday to deploy their secret weapon.
Eschaton: Thanks, Obummer Accepting that the debt ceiling was, in fact, a good excuse to negotiate so they could ram through Social Security cuts and convince mushy-brained libs that it was the fault of Republicans was not a very good plan!

Bipartisan group, including Gaetz and Ocasio-Cortez, unveil bill to ban lawmakers from owning stocks : politics

New documents show how Sandra Day OConnor helped George W. Bush win the 2000 election ... Rehnquist on independent state legislature power ,,,

The latest stench in the Supreme Court : politics
Opinion | Dobbs case leak has Justice Alito pointing fingers - The Washington Post
Clarence Thomas's ethics are not the Supreme Courts only problem
GOP senators call on Supreme Court to update ethics oversight

REPORT: Matthew Kacsmaryk committed a different type of misconduct than he was initially accused of

2024 Election Could Have New Batch of Battleground States ... Florida is the only state that was decided by less than 5 percent of the vote in all five of the elections

The Woke Mind Virus Is Eating Away at Republicans Brains - By Jamelle Bouie
The Woke Mind Virus Is Eating Away at Republicans Brains
Fox News' Greg Gutfeld: "Wokeism is every bit as racist as white nationalism" | Media Matters for America

Can the Capitol hold a much bigger House? Yes, heres how it would look.
You Cretins Are Going To Get Thousands Of People Killed - By Alex Pareene PublishedMarch 1, 2017

CBS News poll on how 2024 GOP presidential primary race could be Donald Trump v. Trump fatigue - CBS News
Trump Likely to Sit Out One or Both of First Two G.O.P. Debates - The New York Times In private comments to aides and confidants, Donald J. Trump has indicated he does not want to breathe life into his Republican challengers by sharing a debate stage with them.

Trumps Rape Trial Does Not Appear to Be Going as Well as His Lawyer Had Hoped
Joe Tacopina Complains about Woke Jonathan Swift - emptywheel
As life went on it was easier to not think about it

Jessica Leeds Testifies About Alleged Trump Assault on Plane - It's like he had 40 zillion hands

Get Him Out of Here: Donald Trump Tossed NBC Reporters Phones During Tirade Aboard Campaign Plane

Did Trump solicit a crime of violence against his own vice president? Its no defense that the Secret Service was successful in whisking Mike Pence away before the mob could catch him on Jan. 6, 2021.

Get Ready for the Conservative Crusade Against No-Fault Divorce | Steven Crowder is part of a growing right-wing chorus calling for an end to modern divorce laws ... After no fault divorce was allowed everywhere female suicide rates dropped by 20%. (women are mens' property, can only be sold)
The Next Front in the GOP's War on Women: No-Fault Divorce - Steven Crowder is part of a growing right-wing chorus calling for an end to modern divorce laws

AOC says Feinstein should resign, won't primary Gillibrand in 2024 : politics
AOC says Feinsteins refusal to retire is causing great harm to US courts

Photographer Was Warned Over Taking White House Creepshots - Multiple complaints have been made over the years about freelance photographer William Moon taking candid and inappropriate photos of female reporters and staffers at the White House

Black turnout dropped sharply in 2022 election, Census survey finds - The Washington Post ... fell from a century-high point of 50 percent in 2018 to 46.6 percent in 2022, and census data released Tuesday suggest the drop was concentrated among Black voters, younger voters and college graduates ... Black voter turnout dropped by nearly 10 percentage points, from 51.7 percent in 2018 to 42 percent in 2022

Tucker Carlson may become Alex Jones -- but worse
FOXLEAKS: Tucker Carlsons creepy behind-the-scenes comments

Heres how right-wing media shields Trump from his scandals ... This year, the pattern has been similar. CNN has mentioned Carroll more than 230 times and MSNBC more than 440. Fox News has mentioned her seven times.
Why CNN Gave Trump a Prime-Time Town Hall -- And Why Trump Accepted

How DeSantis accidentally handed Disney a potent weapon against him ... book brags about his rapid mobilization of the state legislature to target Disneys tax district. The same passage declares that this happened because of the companys support of indoctrinating young school children in woke gender identity politics.
DeSantis expands death penalty in Florida to cover child rapists - The Washington Post
Who paid for Ron DeSantis trip overseas? No one will say. : politics

Judge rejects Zooey Zephyr bid to return to Montana House | AP News
Montana Transgender Rep. Zooey Zephyrs Girlfriend Foils SWATting Attempt ... Montana Transgender Rep. Zooey Zephyrs Girlfriend Foils SWATting Attempt

American College of Pediatricians Leak Exposes 10,000 Confidential Files | WIRED ... The records show past and current members are mostly male and, on average, over 50 years old.

Really captured the spirit of the thing - Heres somebody with a very clear understanding of what Texas legislators were trying to accomplish with the Uterus Stasi Act: A husband using a state abortion ban as a way to threaten his wife and her friends with legal liability if she leaves him is using the law exactly as it was meant to be used: as a state enforcement mechanism for men private control over women.

The terrifying realities of North Dakotas near-total abortion ban

Republican-controlled states target college students voting power ahead of high-stakes 2024 elections

GOP governor rejects funding for PBS because Clifford the dog "indoctrinates" kids. Gov. Kevin Stitt claimed PBSoverly sexualizes our kids. (Fucklahoma loves their child "beautry" pageeants / purity balls)

Greg Abbott demonized the victims of the Texas shooting. It say a lot about why the GOP loves gunsThe GOP base has embraced white nationalist conspiracy theories and they dont care if immigrants get murdered
Texas sheriff says he doesnt care if mass shooting victims here illegally
Lauren Boebert Poses with T-Shirt Calling AR-15 Cordless Hole Puncher on Same Day as Tx. Mass Shooting

Matt Gaetz hit with drink, says woman assaulted him

Bud Light sales continue to plummet after transgender marketing controversy

Federal Judge rules Pennsylvania school district must allow after school Satan club : politics

Librarian says shes being called a child predator over books at school. Shes suing

Vermont allows out-of-staters to use assisted suicide law | AP News

Wisconsin Republicans Want 14-Year-Olds to Be Able to Serve Alcohol - The move comes amid a seeming broader push by Republicans nationwide to roll back child labor laws.

Black waiter forced to serve N-word spewing diners decked in Confederate flags: report (Ohio)

Arkansas owes a Jewish man $500 but wont pay up because he refuses to sign a pledge to not boycott Israel ... Arkansas lawmakers passed a law in 2017 requiring individuals or companies to pledge not to boycott Israel or its settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories if they want to do business with the state.

Lawmakers pass bill to implement legal magic mushroom industry in Colorado
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan resigns - resigned Tuesday less than a week after it came to light that she had taken a lucrative side job consulting for an embattled cannabis company at a time when her office was auditing the states marijuana program.

Writers Guild of America Calls Strike, Effective Tuesday, May 2
Late-Night Shows To Shut Down Immediately After Writers Guild Strike Called
Why Hollywood Writers Are Going On Strike The writers strike explained and what it means for your TV-watching habits.

Opinion | The Ed Sheeran lawsuit is a threat to Western civilization. Really. - The Washington Post - The dispute boils down to whether the millennia-long continuum of music-making is a valuable tradition that should be vouchsafed for future generations of composers, songwriters and listeners, or alternatively that entire swaths of the fundamental vernacular of a human art form should be divided up and parceled out as intellectual property for the private use and profit of a few.

AI-generated content in political ads is focus of proposed legislation - The Washington Post
Scary Emergent AI Abilities Are Just a Mirage Produced by Researchers, Stanford Study Says | There's no giant leap of capability, the researchers said.

Gordon Lightfoot- The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
How The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Defied Top 40 Logic [gifted article link]

George Harrison & Bob Dylan - If Not For You (Live)

Officer who held back crowd during George Floyds murder convicted of aiding and abetting manslaughter - A Minnesota judge found former Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao guilty of aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter for his role keeping bystanders back in the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, according to court documents filed Monda

Search for Missing Okmulgee Teens Ivy Webster, Brittany Brewer Ends in Discovery of 7 Bodies

TIL that the invention of bicycles was fundamental to the early womens liberation movement. Bicycles promised freedom to women long accustomed to relying on men for transportation. It was also the main reason corsets and long skirts fell out of fashion in the early 20th century ... before the bicycle was invented, the average distance between homes of bride and groom was 1.5 miles - basically walking distance. The bicycle increased this dramatically ... A woman with [bustle] bands hanging on her hips, and dress snug about the waist and chokingly tight at the throat, with heavy trimmed skirts dragging down the back and numerous folds heating the lower part of the spine, and with tight shoes, ought to be in agony. If women ride, they mustdress more rationally If they do this, many prejudices will melt away (rightwingers: bring back the bustle!)
The Commuting Principle That Shaped Urban History - Bloomberg From ancient Rome to modern Atlanta, the shape of cities has been defined by the technologies that allow commuters to get to work in about 30 minutes.

Surges of Activity in the Dying Human Brain Could Hint at Fleeting Conscious Experiences - Scientific American An increase in activity in dying brains might be associated with last-minute conscious experiences, but scientists dont know for sure

Making the first mission to mars all female makes practical sense. A new study shows the average female astronaut requires 26% fewer calories, 29% less oxygen, and 18% less water than the average male. Thus, a 1,080-day space mission crewed by four women would need 1,695 fewer kilograms of food. : science

CANTON COVERUP MAP V2 There is likely a massive police coverup in Canton, MA, involving officers from CPD, BPD, the ATF, and the MA State Police. Justice for Karen Read and John O'Keefe! : boston

A policeman issues a ticket to a woman for wearing a bikini, 1957 : pics


Vulnerable South Asia least prepared to deal with urban heat: World Bank

Ethiopia used chemicals to kill locusts. Billions of honeybees disappeared : worldnews

Over 100 dolphins die in Black Sea in April because of Russian actions : worldnews

Private jet sales likely to reach highest ever level this year, report says | Air transport : worldnews

At least 6 dead after dust storm causes crashes in Illinois - The Boston Globe A windstorm has kicked up clouds of dust in southern Illinois and caused numerous crashes on Interstate 55

Biden hosts Philippines leader Marcos as China tensions grow : worldnews

Military construction on Myanmars Great Coco island prompts fears of Chinese involvement

Thai PM Candidate Gives Birth Two Weeks Before Election : worldnews

Kishida calls for waves of wage hikes to spread far and wide : worldnews
Jack Ma, the billionaire co-founder of Alibaba who disappeared from public life in 2020, has taken up a teaching role in Japan : worldnews

South Korea may look perfect, but behind the facade lies a devastating suicide crisis : anime_titties

Kim Jong Uns influential sister says North Korea determined to develop nuclear arsenal following US-South Korea summit

China Votes in Favor of UN Resolution Condemning Russian Aggression : worldnews ... There was a separate vote entirely on the paragraph labelling Russia an aggressor. Both India and China abstained.
Exclusive: Never-before-seen Chinese military blimp caught on satellite images of remote desert base | CNN Politics
U.S. military is tracking another mysterious balloon : worldnews

It is reported that Russian government planes are now actively flying between occupied Crimea and Russia, on which they take out valuables as well as their families. : UkrainianConflict
Wagner boss Prigozhin claims he can arm a million men with captured Ukrainian weapons, and is "willing" to trade them to Russia for artillery shells. Such implications and "conditional offers" make it clear: Prigozhin is an armed warlord and no longer controlled by the Russian government. : UkrainianConflict

Russia is building defenses deep inside its own territory, fearing a sweeping Ukrainian counterattack: UK intel : worldnews
(3/5) Russia has also dug hundreds of miles of trenches well inside internationally recognised Russian territory including in the Belgorod and Kursk regions.
(5/5) However, some works have likely been ordered by local commanders and civil leaders in attempts to promote the official narrative that Russia is threatened by Ukraine and NATO

Railway track blown up in Bryansk Oblast in Russia: train carrying fuel derails : worldnews

Girkin has more criticism for Russias bungling generals

Russian occupiers in Luhansk Oblast limit numbers at funeral processions and insist that mobilised soldiers be cremated : worldnews

Uzbekistan votes on clause that could extend presidents rule to 2040 | Uzbekistan

Eight Indian Navy Veterans in Qatar Face Spying Charges, Possible Death Penalty : worldnews ... The eight former Indian Navy personnel have been charged with spying for Israel

South Africa considers inviting Putin to summit via Zoom so that he avoid arrests : worldnews

Sudan crisis: Chaos at port as thousands rush to leave (

ISIS leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi killed in Syria : worldnews
Islamic State leader Abu Hussein alqurashi killed

Ursula Von der Leyen slammed for You have literally made the desert bloom message to Israel ... The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has been slammed for repeating anti-Palestinian, far-right, Israeli talking points in a video message celebrating the 75-year anniversary of the apartheid state ... Von der Leyen ignored the fact that Palestine has a 4,000-year recorded history

Give credit to this woman. She reported on the potential Russian Military mission. 8 HOURS before it happened. She tracked their comms. : UkrainianConflict
China just voted for a UN resolution that calls russia the aggressor in Ukraine. : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 432, Part 1 (Thread #573) : worldnews

Ukraine war: More than 20,000 Russian fighters dead in Bakhmut, US says : worldnews

Latest in Ukraine: Russia Making A Particular Effortto Strengthen Northern Crimea Border
Russia missile attack on Ukraine injures 34, damages homes : worldnews
Ukraine war: Russia launches second pre-dawn missile attack in three days : worldnews

Air defence systems repelling Russian missile attacks in Kyiv region - officials : worldnews
Ukrainian defenders oust Russian forces from some positions in Bakhmut : worldnews
Russians continuing to commit large forces to Bakhmut.

Explosions rock Russian military headquarters in Zaporizhzhia : worldnews

The idea that Ukrainians would not fight to defend their country against Putins invasion if not for Westerners somehow forcing them to do so is so condescending and evil it takes my breath away (Greenwald projects his mindless puppetry)

Russia, Belarus, China intelligence bodies recruitment attempts detected in Lithuania

Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission : worldnews

Worlds workers rally on May Day; France braces for protests

Im here baby, Im here: Husband reunited with pregnant wife in UK after fleeing Sudan
Nurses across England strike in biggest walkout so far : worldnews

Brazils Lula: The UN was so strong enough to create Israel, but now cant create a Palestinian state
Brazil to step up removal of indigenous land invaders after Yanomami killing : worldnews

Indigenous community in Colombia gets its day in court over ancestral land | The Uwa peoples case against the Colombian government could help protect the environment across Latin America

Chiles Leftist President Moves To Nationalize Reserves Of Clean Energy WhiteGold

Paraguay: Pro-Taiwan candidate wins presidential election : worldnews

8 bodies found in Cancun near hotel zone of travel destination: AG : anime_titties ... In March, the U.S. State Department issued a travel alert warning visitors to exercise caution, especially after dark, at resorts including Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum.
Mexico bus plunges off cliff, at least 18 die : worldnews

McCarthy shuts down Russian reporter: I support aid for Ukraine. I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine. I do not support your killing of the children either...And we will continue to support because the rest of the world sees it just as it is

The Big Discord Picture

FAA sued over SpaceX Starship launch program following April explosion Five environmental and cultural heritage groups are suing the Federal Aviation Administration over the agencys dealings with SpaceX.
High-res videos of Elon Musks Starship folly appear to show the FAA has a lot of explaining to do

Needing Younger Workers, Federal Officials Relax Rules on Past Drug Use | As more states legalize marijuana and competition for talent grows fiercer, the U.S. government is loosening guidelines from the Just Say No era. (Nancy Reagan laughs from the grave)

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, Ohio Assumes All the Deposits of First Republic Bank, San Francisco, California
First Republic: JP Morgan to take over major US bank : worldnews

The debt ceiling is entirely arbitrary and the GOP knows it. Whats a spare $190 billion matter when youre busy trying to make life harder for millions of Americans?
McConnell insists hes sitting out debt talks to disbelief
The total depravity of the Republican world view

Republican plan could limit food aid for nearly 1 million people, USDA says : politics

Opinion | Biden is inviting us to argue about freedom. We should. : politics

Americas youth fears for the future
Americans fault news media for dividing nation: AP-NORC poll : politics
u/matsuin succinctly explains why US conservatives are the way they are : bestof (fear of a dangerous world make them regress into their dark caves of hatred)

Bernie Sanders: Many GOP Leaders Dont Even Believe in Democracy
Bernie Sanders Calls For Confiscating All Money People Make Over $999 Million Per Year : politics

Small-dollar donors didnt save democracy. They made it worse ... . For Republicans, small-dollar donors have bankrolled bomb-throwers who treat Congress like the Thunderdome. For Democrats, they have wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on ridiculous, fantasy-driven campaigns. And even when they flood a race with cash, they do little to lessen the influence of big donors

SCOTUS justices went on cushy teaching trips to Italy, Iceland, and the UK funded by a conservative law school: NYT : politics
$30K and a Cushy Italian Trip From a Clout-Chasing Law School? Fantastico! Says Gorsuch -- Latest Supreme Court corruption news: Court conservatives took easy money from a law school.
How Scalia Law School Became a Key Friend of the Court : politics

Supreme Court move could spell doom for power of federal regulators - POLITICO Conservatives get the chance to use a dispute over fisheries to deliver the final blow to Chevron deference.
Supreme Court to hear major case on limiting the power of federal government, a long-term goal of legal conservatives
Supreme Court to officially take control of the executive branch ... This is one of the many reasons that the party that has won the popular vote once since 1988 getting a Supreme Court supermajority is so huge ... The joint decisions of Anthony Kennedy to reture strategically and Ruth Bader Ginsburg to refuse to do so will have a massive ongoing impact on American politics weve only begun to see

Eschaton: Nine Crooks No other way to interpret this. -- All nine justices, in a rare step, on Tuesday released a joint statement reaffirming their voluntary adherence to a general code of conduct but rebutting proposals for independent oversight, mandatory compliance with ethics rules and greater transparency in cases of recusal.
Eschaton: Supreme Crooks You don't actually have to think that "rich guys were bribing Supreme Court Justices," that all the money directly affected their rulings, to be horrified by all of this. Part of it is how they've been covered over the years, as a monastic order untouched by earthly desires.The myths around elite law are mostly ridiculous and it's time we stop pretending these people are part of a select group of supergenius Law Thinkers, that only a very tiny select caste are capable of the demands. Plenty of lawyers trained in the jargon, and the clerks do all the real work anyway.

Eschaton: Did You Guys Notice A reasonable question to ask is why, after Scalia died and the circumstances were known, journalists didn't follow that obvious trail. Are all these people just living large on the dime of rich people? Should people know about this? I suspect that when Tony croaked at the rich weirdo's hunting lodge, there was much panic, and I would be very surprised if some highly placed editors were not talked down from digging a bit more. I do think it is sinking in now, generally, that these people were not covered as they should have been covered, with never any hint at the possibility of corruption.

Roy Wood Jr's best jokes at the WHCD

Why GOP voters are so loyal to Trump : politics
Trumps Gift to the 2024 Race: The Punch-Down Primary

Hunter Biden must answer questions about his finances and art sales, judge rules | CNN Politics

The secret delegate battle that will decide the 2024 Republican nomineeThe battle for delegates is chaotic, expensive, and widely misunderstood and can make or break a presidential candidate.

McDaniel says party autopsy for 2022 shows independents didnt break for GOP
The Democrats think centrism will re-elect Biden. Thats a dangerous assumption

Kyrsten Sinemas Party of One
Manchins playing with fire -- and some Democrats are tired of the drama

The Supreme Courts Citizens United decision was a pain in the neck for Democrats. Now, it could be used to their advantage in the Disney v. DeSantis feud.
Im Sorry to Be the One to Remind You About Ronald DeSantiss Guantanamo Record | Theres really no way to say Hey, you actually can force-feed and have it be ok.
DeSantis-aligned board votes to sue Disney | CNN Politics
Ron DeSantiss Orwellian Redefinition of Freedom
The first arrests from DeSantiss election police take extensive toll
Maybe Becoming President Takes More Than Just Being a DickDid Ron DeSantis draw the wrong lesson from Trump?

Feds: Hospitals that denied emergency abortion broke the law | AP News ... Freeman Health System in Joplin, Missouri, and University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas

Greg Abbott criticized for response to Texas shooting: A new low
Despicable: Greg Abbott Ripped For Characterization Of Mass Shooting Victims
Today in racist sociopathy
Gov. Greg Abbott prompts swift rebukes after calling Texas mass shooting victims illegal immigrants in a statement offering condolences to their loved ones
Lightfoot sends letter to Abbott urging him not to send any more migrants | The Hill Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) sent a letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Sunday urging him to not bus any more migrants to Chicago, calling his move nhumane and dangerous.
Texas guts woke civics Now kids cant engage in a key democratic process
Texas House passes bill slashing penalties for low-level cannabis possession : politics
Texas Bill Proposes up to $25K for Armed School Sentinels -- No money to give kids free school lunches!! OH, but here's plenty of money to put armed guards in schools because adults cant makesensible gun control laws.

Ill lose my family. A husbands dread during an abortion ordeal in Oklahoma

Opinion | A Hot Mess in the Georgia Republican Party - The New York Times : What happens when the leadership of a political party becomes so extreme, so out of touch with its voters, that it alienates many of its own activists and elected officials?

Emergency Lawsuit Seeks Full Reinstatement of MT State Rep. Zooey Zephyr's Legislative Rights - Affiliate: ACLU of Montana

Messing with New Hampshires primary could have consequences for Biden and the ballot, senator says Sen. Jeanne Shaheen

Student sentenced to 10 days in jail for peaceful protest of anti-trans policies Student sentenced to 10 days in jail for peaceful protest of anti-trans policies
Iowa High Schooler Gives Governor Kim Reynolds an Earful Over Anti-Trans Bills: The episode underscores how the Republican agenda is increasingly out of touch with younger Americans. : politics
A global anti-gender movement is coming for our democracy. Heres how we fight back
u/ceddya debunks some of the myths surrounding gender-affirming care : bestof

High school students allegedly mob, beat assistant principal : news

Zero Leads : Dragnet Continues for Man Sought in Fatal Shooting of 5 in Texas - As survivors and the community came together at a vigil, hundreds of law enforcement officers were searching for Francisco Oropesa.
Suspect in Texas massacre had been deported 4 times after entering US illegally, ICE source says

Why are Americans shooting strangers and neighbors? It all goes back to fear.

Texas baseball player hit by gunfire during game | The Hill

RFK Jr. Was Always a Crackpot, He Just Switched Political Tribes The Kennedy simpleton has been famous and wrong about everything for decadesits just that his admirers and detractors have flipped.

How a Former Columbia Professor Fell Deep Into Psychic Pseudoscience

We Spoke to People Who Started Using ChatGPT As Their Therapist: Mental health experts worry the high cost of healthcare is driving more people to confide in OpenAI's chatbot, which often reproduces harmful biases. : technology

How ChatGPT and Other LLMs Workand Where They Could Go Next ... Meanwhile, Reddit wants to start charging for access to its 18 years of text conversations, and StackOverflow just announced plans to start charging as well ... (That GPT after Chat stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer.)

Deep learning pioneer Geoffrey Hinton quits Google : worldnews
The Godfather of A.I Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead - For half a century, Geoffrey Hinton nurtured the technology at the heart of chatbots like ChatGPT. Now he worries it will cause serious harm.

Brain activity decoder can reveal stories in peoples minds. Artificial intelligence system can translate a persons brain activity into a continuous stream of text.

To understand biological sex, look at the brain, not the body

The Acute Exposure of Human Adult Testis Tissue to Cannabinoids THC and CBD Does Not Impact Testosterone Production Nor Germ Cell Lineage : science

Database of 80,000+ snoring sounds enables diagnosis of sleep apnea in approach that achieves an accuracy of 92.5%, sensitivity of 93.9%, and specificity of 91.2% (

New research shows that poor body health is a more pronounced manifestation of mental illness than poor brain health. Routinely monitoring body health and integrated physical and mental health care may help reduce the adverse effect of physical comorbidity in people with mental illness. : science

Watching the Boston Bomber documentary on Netflix and didnt realize how stupid the Boston police were in all this.
Whoever Built the Boston Marathon Bombs is Still on the Loose, Able to Kill Again By Michele McPhee On 01/11/18

Hunter S. Thompson's final piece of writing, a 2005 piece for his column "Hey Rube" on ESPN: "Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray" : books

ELI5 how people on opposite sides of the earth can play video games together seemlessly when these games require split second actions : explainlikeimfive

Whats the scariest theory you know of?

how the bloody hell do you flirt with men? : AskReddit

Piece of equipment falls on woman at Harvard MBTA Station : boston


Opinion | Do Masks Work To Prevent Covid? - The New York Times

Man dies of Ebola-like symptoms in Uganda, sparking panic. : worldnews

Marburg outbreak in Tanzania declared contained after all affected patients were found Marburg-free. : worldnews

Tasmanian neo-Nazi groups disturbing acts exposed: Activists have uncovered a series of alarming stunts carried out by members of the Tasmanian cell of a disturbing far-right hate group

PCG: Over 100 Chinese vessels spotted in West Philippine Sea : worldnews
US says Chinese Coast Guard is harassing Philippine vessels : worldnews
US demands China stop harassing Philippine vessels

Japan approves abortion pill for the first time : worldnews

U.S. Navy P-8 Flies Over Taiwan Strait, Causing China to Scramble : worldnews

Kremlin plays down idea that Russia is preparing a nuclear weapons test : worldnews

UK Defense Ministry: Russian commanders likely start new method of punishing soldiers : worldnews ... "the beating will continue until morale improves"
Russian commanders are brutally punishing their own soldiers by putting them in holes in the ground, UK intel says

Hundreds of Kremlin-loyal bikers under the banner of the Night Wolves motorcycle club took to the streets of Moscow Saturday for a "patriotic" rally across Europe. The motorcade aims to complete the rally in Berlin by May 9 : worldnews
Pro-Putin Bikers Launch Rally Bound for Berlin : worldnews

Fire breaks out in sanctioned Russias factory manufacturing MLRS

Four India Energy Firms $400 Million Stuck in Russia, Official Says
Rahul Gandhi could face jail and loss of seat after Indian court rejects plea : worldnews ... "Why is it that all thieves have Modi as a common name?"
Assault on Hindu Sentiments: Ukraine Defence Ministry Tweet on Maa Kali Sparks Outrage

More than 100 died at a religious cult in Kenya. The majority are children, says minister : worldnews

Zimbabwe plans to launch digital currency backed by gold : worldnews

Turkey closes airspace to Armenian airline without warning : worldnews

Sudans Darfur fighting: I saw pick-up trucks full of dead people
Sudanese stuck as passports locked in abandoned Western embassies : worldnews
Sudanese army blocks Britons from boarding last rescue flights | Reports received that British nationals were intercepted en route to airbase near Khartoum : worldnews
IAF aircraft rescues 121 Indians in a daring night operation in conflict-torn Sudan | India News - Times of India

Iran Seizes Chinese Oil Tanker, Raising Questions About The Two Countries Alliance
US confiscates Iran oil cargo on tanker amid Tehran tensions | Reuters ... and days later Iran seized another oil-laden tanker in retaliation, according to a maritime security firm.
Even one American in Iraq is too many, Iran leader tells Iraqi president : worldnews

Tens of thousands of Israelis protested judicial overhaul proposals Saturday in the 17th weekly rally against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus governing coalition

Zelenskyy about defence from Russians at Presidents Office: Would we shoot back? Yes!
Ukraine will need another 18 billion from the EU in 2024, Kyiv says

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 431, Part 1 (Thread #572) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 30.04.2023

BBC confirms identities of 21,700 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine in 14 months of the war : worldnews
Distraught mothers of fallen Russian soldiers rewarded with cheap and tacky towels
Russian troops and Wagner mercenaries killed each other in a shootout after blaming each other for their war failures, Ukrainian government says : worldnews

Ukraine says it controls key supply route into Bakhmut : worldnews

Ukraine: The Prosecutor Generals Office said on April 30 that Russian attacks across Ukraine had killed at least 477 children and wounded over 955 since Feb. 24, 2022
The 6 children killed by russia in Uman : ukraine

Russian Occupied Ukrainian City Under "Intense" Fire

Great Britain wants to buy long-range missiles for Ukraine as part of a special IFU fund. Proposals for urgent purchases must be submitted by May 4, 2023. It is expected that the priority will be the purchase of missiles with a range of up to 300km.
Germany has confirmed the transfer of the second IRIS-T air defense system to Ukraine. In total, it was promised to transfer 4 such air defense systems

Russia promises harsh response after Poland seizes Warsaw building

STT: Espionage equipment photographed on Russian Embassy roofs in Helsinki : worldnews

G7 should adopt risk-based AI regulation, ministers say

Russian-speaking residents in Riga call on Putin not toprotectthem after Russian State Duma statement ... unfurled the poster "Grandfather, take pills"

Zelenskyy: Hungarys behaviour is unreasonable. How can a NATO country support Russia and oppose the Alliance?
Budapest to Zelenskyy: Hungarian people paid high price for this war already : worldnews

Scholzs new push for China port deal triggers row in German coalition
Merkel Again Defends Her Policies Toward Russia : worldnews

Switzerland to build first ever state memorial to remember victims of Nazism : worldnews
Because of Russias war of aggression against Ukraine and the tightening relationship between Russia and China, the Swiss Confederation must ask itself: Does permanent neutrality benefit or harm our country?

Screen to shield sacred moment of King Charles coronation unveiled
Eschaton: Meanwhile On Normal Island : Prominent politicians and other outspoked monarchy enthusiasts should film themselves doing this.
UK parliament sets out ways to rebuild EU ties ahead of Brexit review : worldnews

Mexicos Senate has approved a wide-ranging reform of laws governing the mining industry, including a requirement that companies pay 5% of profits to local communities

Canadian woman living at Cancun airport : worldnews

Epsteins Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman's Top Lawyer (
Epstein's Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldmans Top Lawyer
Epstein's private calendar reveals planned meetings with Obama admin official, CIA chief - Epstein died in 2019 in a jail cell

Analysis: Whether its Trump or Biden, some in Europe see the US as an unreliable ally

Progressives line up behind Biden despite some misgivings : politics

Journalism is not a crime: Biden salutes press, stresses freedoms at WHCD
President Biden appears at the White House correspondents' dinner - The Washington Post

Regulators Prepare to Seize and Sell First Republic : politics

The court has disposed of only 15 cases, with 44 cases yet to be decided before the usual conclusion of the term in June.
Interracial marriage and right wing jurisprudence ... These judges believe it should be legal to criminalize inter-racial marriagesomething which, given the increasing intensity of reactionary theocratic atavism in this country, is becoming a very real practical as opposed to merely theoretical possibility.

Trump Whines About Election Fraud at Rally, as RNC Worries Its Scaring Off Voters
Ramaswamy says he wont let Trump dodge debates ... This dude literally said the 2020 election was stolen in his ads but is running against Trump?

Rape Case Places Trump in Legal Jeopardy. Politically, Hes Thriving.

Rep. Adam Schiff Calls Out RepublicansAttempt to Obstruct Justice With Sham Judiciary Committee Hearing

Calling for Dianne Feinsteins Retirement Is Stating the Obvious, Not Ageism or Sexism

AOC is not planning to run for Senate in 2024

Claire McCaskill: We Have a Republican Party That is Worshiping at the Altar of Extremism
Leaked Breitbart messages highlight right-wing media struggle over Republican partys future
Fox Poll Shows Republicans in for a Brutal 2024 Election : politics
Republicans Declare War on Young Voters | The GOP answer to anger about its abortion, climate, and gun control crusades is to double down. : politics

Giuliani admits using dirty trick to suppress Hispanic vote in mayoral raceFormer New York City mayor reveals voter suppression tactics from 1993 election to Steve Bannon and Kari Lake

Disney v. DeSantis: How Strong Is the Companys Lawsuit?
How bad is it for Ron DeSantis? Hes polling at RFK Jr.s level

An all-out assault on the university? NC bill would eliminate faculty tenure

Montana Is Now The Latest State To Ban Gender-Affirming Care For Minors : politics
Republicans ramp up attacks on transgender people, in statehouses and on the campaign trail | CNN Politics
Zooey Zephyr row spotlights rise of GOP far-right caucuses : politics
Montana Republican Lawmaker Suggested Shed Prefer Her Daughter Die By Suicide Than Transition

Fox News poll finds voters overwhelmingly want restrictions on guns : politics
Bill to lower gun-buying age passes Florida House : politics

Texas House votes to require panic buttons in every classroom and armed guards in every school : politics

City of Warren cancels Bangladeshi festival for being too ethnic organizer says ... In an audio recording that surfaced in January 2017, Fouts allegedly compared Black people to chimps and used the N-word. In another audio recording released in December 2019, Fouts allegedly complained about Black people calling 911 too often and committing crimes. (Michigan)

Supreme Court Lets Rodney Reed, a Texas Death Row Inmate, Seek DNA Testing : politics

Do-it-yourself terrorism: Neo-Nazi accused of firebombing Geauga County church highlights rise in white supremacist activity in Ohio

The Naples, Florida, deputy and the disappearances of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos A Latino man and a Black man went missing three months apart in Florida. Both vanished after getting in a patrol car driven by the same White deputy sheriff

How Mark Zuckerberg broke Meta : Roiled by waves of layoffs and a costly investment in the metaverse, many insiders say the Facebook founder has lost his vision and the trust of his workforce

What is the dumbest controversy of the last 10 years? : AskReddit


6% of nations provide for citizens in just, sustainable manner : worldnews

An Ominous Heating Event Is Unfolding in the Oceans : worldnews

Mainland Spain and Portugal have broken temperature records for April, officials said Friday, as both nations wilt in an unusually early heatwave that has raised the risk of wildfires : worldnews

New coronavirus variant Arcturus, or XBB.1.16, is spreading: What to know - The Washington Post

Doctors watching for more cases after mysterious cluster of brain infections strikes kids in southern Nevada | CNN

North Korea insults Biden, warns of serious danger

China flies 38 aircraft, including a combat drone, near Taiwan : worldnews

Euromaidan Press on Twitter: "China is trying to mediate in Russia-Ukraine war to assert itself as a global diplomatic force, pursue a bigger role in global diplomacy, build ties with other governments, and increase its presence in Eastern Europe" / Twitter
Trudeau points to slave labor in China lithium production

Does the western left understand Russian imperialism? : UkrainianConflict
Human Life Has No Value There: Baltic Counterintelligence Officers Speak Candidly About Russian Cruelty ... It is Russia as a whole. The majority of Russians are to blame

Russias Putin signs decree introducing life sentences for treason .. the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance

India says border violations erode entire basis of ties with China
India is on track to become Europes largest supplier of refined fuels this month while simultaneously buying record amounts of Russian crude
Scientists in India protest move to drop Darwinian evolution from textbooks | Science : worldnews (Shiva laughs)

Pakistan to supply Anza Mark-2 MANPADs to Ukraine : worldnews

Saudi-flagged ship evacuates over 1,900 people from conflict-ridden Sudan to Jeddah : worldnews
U.S. Begins Overland Evacuation of American Civilians From Sudan - The New York Times A bus convoy carrying about 300 people was the first U.S.-organized evacuation effort of Americans other than diplomats since fighting broke out nearly two weeks ago in the northeast African nation.

Russian pilots trying to dogfight US jets over Syria, US Central Command says

Iran TV airs footage of commandos seizing US-bound tanker : worldnews ... Chinese owned tanker with 24 Indian crewmembers taken hostage by Iran. Why?
Iran says it found no evidence of schoolgirl poisonings, blames fears on foreign "enemies"

U.S. Wires Ukraine With Radiation Sensors to Detect Nuclear Blasts : worldnews
US approves another US$1.25 billion grant to Ukraine : worldnews

Making of Modern Ukraine 11 - by Timothy Snyder The Triangle: Ottomans, Poles, Russians

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 430, Part 1 (Thread #571) : worldnews

The Russian losses in Ukraine have topped 190,000 KIA, 600 manned aircraft, and are closing to 11,000 tanks and IFVs and 300 air defense systems. Russia went all-in in Feb 2022, and tries to win by throwing more and more resources into the war it cannot win.

War Mapper on Twitter: "A timelapse of the Russian advances in Bakhmut every day since the start of the year." / Twitter
Russian President Vladimir #Putin tasked Russian officials with developing #Russias domestic drone industry likely as part of the #Kremlinseffort to gradually mobilize Russias defense industrial base (DIB). http://

Fuel tank ablaze in Sevastopol, official says apparent drone attack : worldnews
Russian official says Crimean fuel tank blaze likely drone attack : worldnews
(((Tendar))) on Twitter: "Judging from this picture (drone video) I think that my initial assessment is confirmed. I assume that either the 2nd or 3rd silo from the bottom left got hit. The rest was secondary explosion. That oil storage facility is a total loss. #Ukraine #Crimea #Sevastopol" / Twitter

Mariupol. Almost half a million people once lived there. And now there are almost no intact houses left. The terrorist state did everything to kill this city. Over 90% of Mariupol is destroyed.
3/ Russian forces have likely allocated TOS-1A thermobaric artillery systems, military-district level assets, to the Avdiivka and western Donetsk Oblast axes, indicating potential preparations to intensify offensive operations.

As part of Putins illegal invasion of Ukraine, Russian authorities have forcibly transferred thousands of Ukrainian children. This abhorrent behaviour has been condemned today in a @UN meeting. The Kremlins actions are illegal and must not go unanswered.

A Russian navy ship that carries a mini-submarine photographed near the Nord Stream gas pipelines days before sabotage explosions, a report says : worldnews

Poland Seizes Russian High-School Building In Warsaw : worldnews

The European Court of Human Rights ECHR @ECHR_CEDH ruled that #Russia was to pay nearly130 million ($143 million) in compensation for inhumane acts against Georgian citizens after the Russia-#Georgia war of 2008:

Viral video of Italian students mocking Asian family on Milan train prompts university statements : worldnews

A global credit ratings agency downgraded French debt worthiness a notch on Saturday, citing pension reform protests as a cause. Two weeks after the contested pension reform passed, persistent social movements threaten to erase the financial gains that the French government expected : worldnews
France prison population reaches all-time record with 120% capacity : worldnews

The head of the BBC has resigned over his failure to disclose an alleged financial favor he did two years ago for then-PM Boris Johnson the man who appointed him.
Chemical Firm releases almost 800kg of forever chemical a year into Lancashire river, UK.

It is not up to me to decide which country Crimea belongs to. When we sit down at the negotiating table, we should be able to negotiate everything, even Crimea. But I will not be the one to negotiate. It is up to the Russians and Ukrainians, said the Brazilian President Lula da Silva
Brazil recognizes 6 Indigenous areas in boost for Amazon : worldnews

Honduras is one of the deadliest countries in the world for human rights defenders, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) said on Friday after a visit to the Central American country. : worldnews

Exxon scrambles to save investments before Colombia bans fracking : worldnews

In danger abroad? The Canadian government says it isnt obligated to rescue you

Crimes against humanity: UN body calls for release of Guantanamo inmate

The Major Takeaways you Missed from the Recent Senate Hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena : technology

To Fix Mental Health Care, We Need Medicare for All : politics

Biden commutes sentences of 31 nonviolent drug offenders, outlines prison rehabilitation plan : politics

As Biden Runs Again, Black Voters' Frustration Bubbles - In interviews, Black voters, organizers and elected officials pointed to what some saw as unkept promisesraising questions about the enthusiasm of Democrats most loyal voters
VP Kamala Harris becomes Republicans go-to target after Biden launches 2024 reelection bid

Roberts to Congress: Drop Dead
Rage-filled Samuel Alito Baffled His Fairness is Being Questioned | You will respect my authority, Justice insists. : politics
Jane Roberts, who is married to Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million in commissions from elite law firms, whistleblower documents show : politics
Congress Has Known About John Robertss Wife's Shady Financial Dealings for Months: Another financial scandal for another Supreme Court justice.
The US supreme courts alleged ethics issues are worse than you probably realize
Impeach Clarence Thomas and Remove Dianne Feinstein : politics

Trump Hired Another Firm That Failed to Prove Election Fraud: Report : politics

Three Dozen Dishonorable Ex-Marines Have Been Charged In Connection With The Capitol Insurrection...

Kevin McCarthy Is Not Good at This: The budget passed by House Republicans is terrible for the party politically.
Defaulting on the national debt is much closer than anyone realizes - The Washington Post House Republicans and Senate Democrats cannot even agree whether they need to negotiate on the debt limit
Debt Ceiling Reminder for Democrats: You Cant Negotiate With Terrorists

Jury Has Likely Decided Trumps Fate in Rape Case Already

Prosecutors in Jan. 6 Case Step up Inquiry Into Trump Fund-Raising - The New York Times The Justice Department has been gathering evidence about whether the former president and his allies solicited donations with claims of election fraud they knew to be false.

He blew the whistle on Trumps Truth Social. Now he works at Starbucks.The former high-ranking executive of Trumps media company says hes shared 150,000 internal documents with federal investigators. Many of his new strip-mall coworkers have no idea who he is.

Special Counsel calls for tapes that implicate Ted Cruz in attempts to delay Bidens certification
Ted Cruz Fox News tapes are being handed over to the Justice Department for its Jan. 6 inquiry : politics
"He admits it": Ted Cruz describes "step two" of Jan. 6 plot in new leaked recording : politics

Heading toward a surreal event horizon ... Since Mr. Trump was indicted, his poll numbers have risen ... Trump is the most virulent symptom of the underlying disease, but the disease itself is the decadence of the Republican base a decadence that Trump both exploited and exacerbated, but that predated him, and will outlast him.

Trump and Tucker Carlson were codependent. Their Venn diagram was one angry white circle : politics
None of the media explanations for Carlsons sudden firing are especially convincing. I can't help but wonder whether they have been put out there by Fox sources to distract us from something much worse.
Russias most important propagandist was deplatformed. And so now Russian platforms are falling over themselves to offer him a job.

Rudy Giuliani Brags About Racist Scheme He Used To Get Himself Elected : politics
Guiliani admits using dirty trick to suppress Hispanic vote in mayoral race | Former New York City mayor reveals voter suppression tactics from 1993 election to Steve Bannon and Kari Lake

How the Trump Years Weakened the Media - POLITICO Reporters are on the side of the good guys, but they need to try harder to stay there.

Ron DeTedious: DeSantis underwhelms Britains business chiefs ... One U.K. business figure said DeSantis looked bored and stared at his feet as he met with titans of British industry
Floridas Ron DeSantis Is Just a Step Behind Hungarys Fascist Viktor Orban
DeSantis Suggests His Prayer Caused Hurricane To Change Course : politics
DeSantis can run for president and stay governor, Fla. lawmakers decide : politics
Florida GOP Send Egregious Voter Suppression Bill to DeSantis

Klanned Karenhood : PoliticalHumor

N. Carolina Justices Hand GOP Big Wins With Election Rulings : politics
The North Carolina Supreme Court Signs Off on a Political Gerrymander

Republican meeting goes off the rails as ex-candidate pulls gun : politics
Ohios education department is investigating a White supremacist homeschooling network that shares Nazi-related resources ... Without homeschooling the children, our children are left defenseless to the schools and the Gay Afro Zionist scum that run them.

This 19th-Century Obscenity Law Is Still Restricting People's Reproductive Rights | The Comstock Act is part of a federal case over access to abortion pills. A historical science-fiction writer weighs in on the legacy of 19th-century prudishness : politics

Zooey Zephyr touts reelection bid as Montana bans med care for trans youth : politics
Zooey Zephyr Banishment Spotlights Rise Of GOP Far-Right Caucuses : politics

Over half of registered voters say political attacks on trans kids, families are a major problem: poll

Montana Governor Signs Law Banning Transgender Care for Minors - The New York Times Gov. Greg Gianforte had been urged by his son, who is nonbinary, to reject the bill. A transgender lawmaker was barred from the House floor after the debate.
Why Are Republican Leaders Eagerly Embracing Transphobia? : politics

Immense And Needless Suffering: Idahos Abortion BanIs Creating A Crisis Of Care

Frost calls out GOP silence on Greenes not a motherattack

Women state senators cross party lines to block proposed South Carolina abortion ban : politics

Trans Kansans to be barred from single-sex spaces, blocked from changing gender on ID : politics

Minnesota Senate votes 34-33 to legalize recreational cannabis : politics
Minnesota Lawmaker Needs to Roll Smaller Joints | A Republican State Senator claimedtwo ouncesof weed made just three joints during a debate on marijuanalegalization
How Minnesota is becoming a laboratory in pushing progressive policy : politics

House votes down bill to ban corporal punishment in schools : politics - Texas state house (sado-fuckers)

George Santos, Instead of Shrinking From the Spotlight, Steps Into It : politics

Michael Steele Rips Marjorie Taylor Greene For Calling A Stepmother 'Not A Mother' : politics Republicans dont want people to have abortions and they also think people adopting are not real parents.

Eric Adams is sounding a lot like Republicans on immigration : politics

Opinion | This Is What the Right-Wing Takeover of a Progressive College Looks Like - The New York Times (refucked)
Rufos Army are on their way - The DeSantis/Rufo plan to turn the New College into a far-right diploma mill with no remaining shred of academic freedom is well under way: ... Rufo couldnt attend Wednesdays meeting in person, because hed been delayed coming home from Hungary, where he had a fellowship at a right-wing think tank closely tied to Viktor Orban

Far-Right California Supervisor, MyPillow Fan Faces Recall : politics

Reactionary efforts to Christianize public schools - The Republic of Texas says hello: When right wingers say they want to bring religion back into public schools, they mean they want to make public schools more Christian, and by more Christian they mean more white and Protestant. This is all just an extension of the authoritarian ethno-nationalist theocratic project that is Trumpism, to the extent, which is now unfortunately considerable, that Trumpism is about something other than the self-aggrandizement of Donald Trump.

Revenant_of_Null comments on Can someone explain Thomas Sowell "Systemic Racism Debunked" video? ... "a zombie idea is a proposition that has been thoroughly refuted by analysis and evidence, and should be dead but wont stay dead because it serves a political purpose, appeals to prejudices, or both." - Krugman

Oregon bill would decriminalize homeless encampments and propose penalties if unhoused people are harassed or ordered to leave : politics

5 dead in Texas execution-styleshooting, suspect armed with AR-15 is on the loose
an angry response to the neighbors request that he stop shooting in his yard while their baby was trying to sleep,
Five dead in Texas shooting, armed suspect on the loose, ABC News reports : news two female victims found on top of surviving children. Absolutely horrible story.
Shooter kills 8-year-old and four others in Cleveland, Tex., sheriff says - The Washington Post

Plum man pulled gun on 2 council members, candidate at Republican meeting, police say |

Man pauses date to kill scammer over $40, then returns to dinner, police say

Man convicted of murdering three boys in California after'teenager knocked on his door and exposed buttocks at him

Police: 11 shot, injured during mass shooting at South Carolina park : news

Federal judge blocks Illinois assault weapons ban | The Hill
Today in the glories of the Second Amendment

The former CEO issued his strongest criticism yet of Musks takeover of the social media site (after cashing in, fuckoff asshole)

FBI agents search home of FTX exec who gave millions to Republicans : politics

Palantir Demos AI to Fight Wars But Says It Will Be Totally Ethical Dont Worry About It ... Palantir, the company of billionaire Peter Thiel

AI Theorist Says Nuclear War Preferable to Developing Advanced AI A prominent AI theorist penned an op-ed calling for the end of AI research backed up by airstrikes and the threat of nuclear war.

The Long Demise of the Stretch Limousine - The New York Times Once a symbol of affluence, the stretch limo has largely fallen out of favor as the rise of Uber and Lyft, the Great Recession and new regulations hastened a shift to chauffeured vans and S.U.V.s.

ElI5: why were our ancestors unable to paint realistic humans? And what changed that allowed to paint them? : explainlikeimfive

The new face of Alzheimers: Early-stage patients who refuse to surrender ... mild cognitive impairment

Black fathers are happier than Black men with no children. Black women and White men report the same amount of happiness whether they have children or not. But White moms are less happy than childless White women. : science

The weight bias against women in the workforce is real and its only getting worse

What to know about tick, Lyme season following a mild winter - ABC News After a mild winter in the U.S., scientists are watching to see if there will be an uptick in ticks this year

[Academic Paper] Circumcision of male infants as a human rights violation : ShambhalaBuddhism

Black fathers are happier than Black men with no children. Black women and White men report the same amount of happiness whether they have children or not. But White moms are less happy than childless White women. : science

TIL about a painkiller present in human saliva called Opiorphin which is stronger than Morphine. : todayilearned

Vitamin D: A Potential Bioactive Agent to Reduce Suicide and Suicide Attempt Risk : science

Physicists See Strange Matter Form inside Atomic Nuclei

Specific species of bacteria were present with higher abundances in women who reported being happier, more hopeful and having better emotion management skills : science

10,032 pieces of DNA missing from the human genome are present in the genomes of every other mammalsuggesting that the genetic deletions were crucial to the evolution of humans (

Nazis swarm out of parentsbasements to join bible thumpers for some performative bullhorning outside Satanist convention

Saw this while omw to see super mario movie : boston

NCOSE Launches Campaign to Ban All Adult Content from Reddit : technology (everything is "hardcore porn"


Bottlenecks | The New Yorker A special issue dedicated to climate solutions.

Spain recorded its hottest ever temperature for April on Thursday, hitting 38.8C (101.8F) according to the country's meteorological service.

Scientists report climate change worsened Eastern Africa drought : worldnews

We will have to adapt: Record high temperatures in Nunavik pose threat to Inuit way of life

Brits urged to wear masks once again as Arcturus Covid strain spreads : worldnews

Australias oldest coal-fired power plant will shut down Friday as the country, a once-notorious climate straggler, prepares for a seismic shift towards renewable energy

Vietnam arrests 65 for drug smuggling in toothpaste tubes : worldnews

Tense face-off between Chinese coast guard ship and Philippine patrol vessel in the South China Sea results in near-collision : worldnews

Thai senior police wife suspected of murdering 16 acquaintances in cyanide poisonings (as of now). She is spared from the death penalty since she is pregnant (the king's pardon may lessen a life sentence or less). : worldnews

Japan voices concern after Hong Kong student arrested over speech whilst abroad; Beijing blasts 'intervention'

Death zone queues feared on Everest as Nepal grants record climbing permits

China flies 38 warplanes near Taiwan, 6 navy vessels in area : worldnews

China is infinitely stronger than the Soviet Union ever was
FBI director Chris Wray said China has a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined and have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other nations -- big or small -- combined.
Chinese hackers outnumber FBI cyber staff 50 to 1, director Wray says
Xi Jinping responds positively to Ukraines appeal to prevent arms exports to Russia

A Russian inspector satellite appears to be chasing a secret US military satellite in a game of cat and mouse

Russia sacks deputy defence minister sanctioned by West over Mariupol, reports say : worldnews

Russian ground forces bigger today than at start of the war in Ukraine, US general says
Prigozhin says Wagner Group may soon cease to exist, as its running out of Wagnerites

Russia shuts down centre for tracking racist and nationalist groups : worldnews

Russians trying to help the Kremlin are being scammed into throwing Molotov cocktails at its offices and cars instead: reports : worldnews

Indian study reveals about 3% of drugs substandard amid official crackdown in wake of childrens cough syrup scandal (

The Western Cape provincial government in South Africa has stated that they will arrest Putin if he enters the province. : worldnews

Conservative Turkish women are turning their backs on Erdogan ahead of vote : worldnews

Superyacht caught in skirmish off Yemen coast : worldnews

Iran charges two actresses for not wearing hijab. Businesses are also shut down after offering services to women not wearing headscarves deemed appropriate by government. : worldnews
The Iranian drones deployed by Russia in Ukraine are powered by stolen Western technology, research reveals : worldnews
U.S. Arms Warplanes With Bunker Busting Bombs in Message to Iran - The Air Forces A-10 Warthogs are carrying 250-pound precision-guided weapons in the Mideast

Zelenskyy sees "opportunity" in China's offer to mediate with Russia, but stresses "territorial integrity" : worldnews
Ukraine says its wrapping up preparations for counteroffensive
The Ukrainian army is completing preparations for a counteroffensiveOleksiy Reznikov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine said. He noted that the Ukrainian military has yet to finish mastering the latest military equipment provided by allied countries.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 429, Part 1 (Thread #570) : worldnews

Russias Losses as of April 28th, 2023 (English Friendly)

European Commission on Twitter: "Russia is yet again targeting innocent Ukrainian civilians in their sleep. This piece of shrapnel from a 500kg heavy bomb was collected from the ruins of a school. There will be no impunity. All will be held to account. #StandWithUkraine" / Twitter
Russia attacks cities across Ukraine, at least five dead : worldnews
Russia kills at least 12 in biggest Ukraine air strikes for nearly two months : worldnews
Ukraine: National Police Identifies 14,000 civilians killed since beginning of full-scale invasion : worldnews
Russian missile destroys residential multi-storey building in Uman, there are casualties : worldnews
The Ukrainian mother and daughter killed by one of Russias missiles today.

Russias forced transfer of Ukraine children genocide: Council of Europe
PACE recognises deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia as genocide : worldnews
Putin signs into law decision to deport Ukrainians without Russian passports from Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories : worldnews

Russian court demands Finland reopen Allegro train line : worldnews

Denmarks Armed Forces confirm Russian ship was seen near the site of Nord Stream explosion

Czechs put Russian Patriarch Kirill on sanctions list over Ukraine : worldnews

Court orders sperm donor with 550 kids to stop | NL Times A Dutch sperm donor with hundreds of children must immediately stop donating sperm, the court in The Hague ruled on Friday. Jonathan M. (41) says he has about 550 children.

Spain bans decades-long tradition of dwarf bullfighting

Italys foreign minister stresses break from Russian energy

French politicians the target of choice for Russian spies, says DGSI intelligence agency : worldnews
French Historical Memory ... I mean, that Macron is the first French leader to directly address Toussaint LOuverture is odd enough to hear, but his complete inability to articulate that France was a racist colonial power is just something.

Outside Jameson Distillery in Smithfield / Dublin : ukraine

Chinese official expected at King Charles coronation was key player in Hong Kong crackdown
Wikipedia will not perform Online Safety Bill age checks : worldnews
BBC Chairman quits amidst Boris Johnson controversy : worldnews
BBCs Sharp resigns after breaching rules over Boris Johnson loan
Sudanese NHS doctor betrayed after being refused entry onto evacuation flight to UK
Single people should be valued as Jesus was single, Church of England says

Bolsonaro Says He Posted Coup-Mongering Video by Mistake and under The Influence of Medication : worldnews
Federal Court Orders Telegram Brazil to Be Taken Down : worldnews

Opinion | Nuclear Waste Is Misunderstood - The New York Times

Newly released White House photos capture the day bin Laden was killed - The Washington Post

Anatomy of Three Leaked US Intelligence Documents - bellingcat

Damning NYT story about how @amnesty commissioned an independent review of its deeply flawed Ukraine report published last year, and then lobbied to soften the review and buried it when the findings showed the human rights org had badly botched the report.
Pretending the original Amnesty report was somehow the result of confusion or a lack of care is itself laughable. For some unknown motivation, Amnesty openly aided Russia by providing cover for Russias obvious and targeted attacks on Ukrainian civilians.
Unreleased Report Finds Faults in Amnesty International's Criticism of Ukraine - The rights group commissioned an independent review of its August accusation that Ukrainian forces illegally put civilians in harm's way.
Leaked Amnesty review finds own Ukraine report legally questionable| Amnesty International ... One of the authors of the original doc is Serbian ... Hmmmm

Accused Pentagon leakers violent rhetoric raises fresh questions about top secret vetting process

As Fed Probe Shows Deregulation Fueled SVB Crisis, Warren Says Powell Must Be Held Accountable

This really doesnt look like a recession

U.S. officials lead urgent rescue talks for First Republic | Reuters

Error, confusion plague review kicking millions off Medicaid : politics

The GOPs Unworkable Work Requirements
Why Republicans Hate It When Poor People Have Food to Eat: The House GOPs attacks on food stamps are part of a long history of conservative attempts to slash the program.

US Equal Rights Amendment blocked again, a century after introduction : politics
Senate GOP blocks Equal Rights Amendment : politics

Veterans sound alarm on McCarthy budget cuts : politics

Warren Report Reveals Vast Pentagon-to-Defense Contractor Lobbying Pipeline In 2021, there were at least 672 former government officials working for top defense contractors like Lockheed Martin.

All 9 Supreme Court justices push back on oversight: Raises more questions Senate chair says ... Without a formal code of conduct, without a way to receive ethics complaints and without a way to investigate them, the Supreme Court has set itself apart from all other federal institutions
Eschaton: Nine Crooks No other way to interpret this. - All nine justices, in a rare step, on Tuesday released a joint statement reaffirming their voluntary adherence to a general code of conduct but rebutting proposals for independent oversight, mandatory compliance with ethics rules and greater transparency in cases of recusal.
Revealed: Senate investigation into Brett Kavanaugh assault claims contained serious omissions | Brett Kavanaugh | The Guardian The 2018 investigation into the then supreme court nominee claimed there was no evidence behind claims of sexual assault
Revealed: Senate investigation into Brett Kavanaugh assault claims contained serious omissions : politics
I am beginning to think that the "investigation" of Brett Kavanaugh was a sham
/u/reckless_commente nails how sexual assault is accepted in the US, starting with a damning moment from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings : bestof

Jane Roberts, Who Is Married to the Supreme Court Chief Justice, Made $10.3 Million in Commissions: Documents

A new Senate bill would curb Trumps worst judges -- There is a solution to Americas Matthew Kacsmaryk problem.

Bidens age trap: Risks of running at 80
Trump Could Definitely Beat Biden

Two more Trump grifters linked to Steve Bannon sentenced to prison for fleecing MAGA out of only $25 million : PoliticalHumor

AOC: January 6 Was a Dress Rehearsal for GOP Campaign to Expel DemocratsThe attack was just one of the first steps of Republicansfascist takeover, Ocasio-Cortez said.

Donald Trump embraces Jan. 6 defendant who wants Mike Pence executed
Expect decisions soon: Experts say Pences sharply incriminatingtestimony is bad news for Trump

Donald Trump Grunts And Moans As Crowd Goes Wild In Bizarre Campaign Moment : politics

Trump lawyers ask House GOP for legislative solution to block classified documents probe
Trumps Nonsensical Letter to Congress Attacking the DOJs Mar-a-Lago Case Shows He Has No Defense

Donald Trump May Have Begun Losing : politics
After Trump comes othe: Author Jeff Sharlet explains why neofascists are not going to stop
Just Wait Until Trump Is a Chatbot : politics

Ron DeSantis chances vs. Joe Biden look bleak, exclusive poll reveals ... a great look when the guy who just lost to Biden, has better odds from jail than you do.

GOP uses state capitol protests to redefine insurrection

Dianne Feinsteins ongoing absence allowed Senate Republicans and Joe Manchin to overturn a Biden rule reducing pollution from large trucks
Criticism and accusations of bias

Fired Tucker Carlson producer: Misogyny and bullying trickles down from the top

The 150-year-old chastity law that may be the next big fight over abortion | CNN Politics : politics

Abortion Bans Fail in South Carolina and Nebraska : politics
South Carolina Senate again rejects near-total abortion ban : politics

Crypto Cash Is Powering Kyrsten Sinemas Reelection Campaign - Sinema has grown more friendly to the cryptocurrency industry as investors and industry employees contributed to her congressional races.

Kevin McCarthy Urges Ron DeSantis to End Disney Feud : politics
Rubio warns against Florida going after companies for political purposes
The Memo: Republicans worry DeSantis has erred in Disney feud : politics
A dangerous trend: Florida Republicans poised to pass more voter restrictions
Florida House moves to eliminate local renters rights ordinances
Floridas book-ban frenzy targets Nora Roberts, and shes not happy

Iowa legislature passes bill restricting state auditors access to records

Rep. Lauren Boebert Lists What Patriots Should Be Willing To Do And ... Its Something

TX Senate approves building mother and fetus statue at state Capitol : politics

GOP senator says Americans should take comfort in the climate crisis because his home state is cold ... Ron Johnson made his comments during a Senate Budget Committee meeting

Colorado governor signs 4 gun control bills after massacre | AP News
A Fox News poll found that 61% of Americans support a ban on assault weapons : politics
Gun Deaths More Likely in Small Towns Than Major Cities : science

North Carolina Supreme Court clears way for partisan gerrymandering - POLITICO This sets up a process that allows national Republicans to expand their majority in the House.
A North Carolina court overrules itself in a case tied to a disputed election theory : politics

Nebraska Democratic lawmaker under investigation because she has a trans child. Even some Republicans have come out in opposition to the complaint. : politics
Nebraska lawmaker who has transgender child and voted against anti-trans bill faces ethics investigation : politics

Kansas GOP leader says hes just giddy after his party passes draconian anti-trans bill
Kansas GOP leader says hes just giddy after his party passes draconian anti-trans bill - The bill bans trans people from using the right bathroom and updating their drivers licenses. He called itthe icing on the cake (look at the face of evil)

Zooey Zephyr embodies the GOPs war on free speech
Transgender Montana lawmaker fights on during first day of exile : politics
A Montana lawmaker suggested shed rather risk her child's suicide than let her transition - State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe said in a floor debate in March that her daughter was suicidal for three years and when asked if shed do anything to save her, her answer was "no"

Alabama lawmakers introduce anti-drag bill : politics

Louisiana state representative changes political parties : politics - Independent to Democrat.

Paris Hilton pushes bipartisan bill to reform troubled teen industry

A US Bill Would Ban Kids Under 13 From Joining Social Media : technology

Mom influencer guilty of lying about Latino couple trying to kidnap her kids at California store

The Mental Gymnastics of Our University Elites ... Harvard has named its Graduate School of Arts and Sciences after Republican superdonor Kenneth Griffin. People are unhappy. And Harvards president has quite the explanation for why this is OK.

The decline in his fiction over his lifetime was understandable. The mystery is why his worst journalism ever received such lavish praise ... Born Nachem Malech Mailer in 1923 ... Its hard to recall any Mailer female characters who arent, like Guinevere, sexually omnivorous; sex seems to be their only means of obtaining power over men, on whom they continually cheat in order to gain more power over the next man to come along ... a column for The Village Voice (which he co-founded) ... He also began producing a political platform for his first campaign to become mayor of New York City, which came to an abrupt end in November 1960 when he stabbed his second wife, Adele Morales, with a penknife, in an attack that nearly killed her, and was sentenced to two years of probation ... Encourage the psychopath in oneself! Mailer demanded

There is likely a massive police coverup in the death of John OKeefe in Canton, MA, involving officers from CPD, BPD, the ATF, and the MA State Police. This is a map of the connected Canton residents that seem to be framing Karen Read.

Harvard Has Become a Tax Shelter for Billionaires as Public Education Languishes. Massachusetts needs to reevaluate the tax-exempt status of its private universities with endowments over $1 billion. : massachusetts

Study finds ChatGPT outperforms physicians in providing high-quality, empathetic responses to written patient questions in r/AskDocs. A panel of licensed healthcare professionals preferred the ChatGPT response 79% of the time, rating them both higher in quality and empathy than physician responses. : science

New research found for almost a half of all people who receive a knock to the head, there are changes in how regions of the brain communicate with each other, potentially causing long term symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive impairment. : science

HIV drug seems to wipe out toxic dementia chemicals in mouse brains : science

Long-COVID patients show abnormal brain activity on MRI while doing memory tasks: Changes in Brain Activation Pattern During Working Memory Tasks in People With Post-COVID Condition and Persistent Neuropsychiatric Symptoms : science

Genetic evidence strongly suggests that delayed development of the prefrontal cortex is the shared basis for multiple disorders such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD

monkeyepoxy comments on This grapefruit sized hail just fell in Waco, Tx

Exis007 reflects on their time moderating dating subreddits and how the manosphere works like a cult : bestof

I went to SatanCon and there were protestors harassing anyone they thought was attending : boston

In Photos: 150 Years of The Harvard Crimson | Multimedia | The Harvard Crimson


Record ocean temperatures put Earth in uncharted territory, say scientists

Endless record heat in Asia as highest April temperatures recorded | Record figures for month recorded in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, China and South Asia

Methane may not warm the Earth quite as much as previously thought : anime_titties

D.C. climate protesters smear paint on case of Edward Degas's sculpture - The Washington Post

Republican Senator Says Climate Change Only Sucks If Youre in Africa

World military spending reaches all-time high of $2.24 trillion : worldnews

1,034 confirmed cases and 11 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Man Who Filmed Himself Raping 5 Drugged Korean Women Found Guilty : worldnews (Indian rapist dude in Australia)

Kenji Nagai: Missing camera reveals journalists last moments in Myanmar

Thai woman accused of murdering 12 friends in cyanide poisonings : worldnews

Japans ruling Liberal Democratic Party will try to pass LGBTQ law ahead of G7 summit

Biden says that a nuclear attack from North Korea would mean the end of its regime

prigozhin declares that the Ukrainian offensive is inevitable, will start after 2nd May when the soil dries up, and that Wagner will last 2-3 more weeks in the current conditions. : ukraine
Putin sacks deputy defence minister : UkraineWarVideoReport

U.S.: Russian Subs in Atlantic More Active Than Weve Seen Them in Years
During 2023, Russia is going to inconspicuously recruit 415,000 people into the army for the war against Ukraine"writes The Washington Post with reference to leaked American intelligence documents.
Russia can fund war in Ukraine for another year despite sanctions, leaked document says : worldnews
This will be the key agenda item on the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania - It follows new leaked reports, which suggest that Russia has the financial capacity to carry on the Ukraine War for at least a year even with intense Western sanctions

Authorities MIA after explosions rock Russias St. Petersburg

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "2/Colonel Alexander Denisov, head of the armoured vehicle service of the Southern Military District's technical support department, is accused of large-scale fraud between November 2021 and April 2022, as part of an organised criminal group." / Twitter

South Africa moves to quit ICC over Putin arrest warrant then backs down

Turkeys Erdogan falls ill on TV and cancels election rallies

Buildup resumed at suspected Chinese military site in UAE, leak says: The activity has disturbed some U.S. officials, who worry a longstanding U.S. ally is growing too close to Beijing : worldnews

Iran charges two actresses for not wearing hijab. Businesses are also shut down after offering services to women not wearing headscarves deemed appropriate by government. : anime_titties
Senior Iranian cleric gunned down by armed guard at bank : worldnews

Ukraine receives 98% of weapons needed for counteroffensive, US general says : worldnews
NYT: Ukraine in possession of almost all NATO-promised vehicles : worldnews
Inside the Race to Arm Ukraine Before Its Counteroffensive : UkraineWarVideoReport
Expectations for counter-offensive are overheated.This is a marathon,Ukrainian Defense Minister said. He denied that Russia is running out of ammunition: Theyre running around the market for shells, counting in advance. They have crazy resources
Russia has emptied out a Crimea base of weaponry, with officials worried Ukraine could target the region in a possible counteroffensive : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 428, Part 1 (Thread #569) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 27.04.2023 : ukraine
Ukrainian defenders kill 500 occupiers and destroy 10 UAVs in one day : worldnews

[1/5] Imagery shows that by March 2023, Russian forces had established sandbag fighting positions on the roofs of several of the six reactor buildings at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).
3/5] Russia has likely constructed these positions because it is increasingly concerned about the prospects of a major Ukrainian offensive.

ISW on Twitter: "NEW: #Russia appears to be continuing a deliberate depopulation campaign in occupied areas of #Ukraine in order to facilitate the repopulation of Ukrainian territories with Russians. w/ @criticalthreats:" / Twitter

Ukraine war: Sniper kills fixer and wounds Italian reporter in Ukraine : worldnews
Russians hit Mykolaiv with Kalibr cruise missiles, 23 people wounded and 1 killed : worldnews
Russians cut throats of Ukrainian prisoners after interrogations : worldnews ... This crisis is another in a long history of, to quote Carl Sagan, the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
People who are prisoners of warthere is no point in keeping them. Well, because we get all the information from them. There is no point in keeping them anymorethey need to be disposed of,the Russian serviceman said.

Danish Defence confirms a russian SS-750 vessle with a mini submarine was spotted 4 days before nord stream explosion in the area of detonation : UkraineWarVideoReport

Remains of an aerial military object found in northern Poland

Meloni: EU should hurry up and let Ukraine in : worldnews

Furious Microsoft boss says confidence in UK severely shaken ... Microsofts president has attacked the UK after it was blocked from buying US gaming firm Activision, saying the EU was a better place to start a business.
Hugh Grant claims the Sun burgled his flat to obtain private information : worldnews (Murdoch cackles)

Peru Seeks to Militarize Borders as Venezuelan Migrants Pour From Chile : anime_titties

Argentina to pay for Chinese imports in yuan rather than dollars : worldnews

Brazil court suspends Telegram for not complying with order on neo-Nazi groups : worldnews

Mexico: Former Director of Public Security Wounded in Attack in Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato : anime_titties

Government motion for pretrial detention of Jack Teixeira was just posted: (was planning mass shooting)
Jack Teixeira allegedly researched mass killings
Discord leaks suspect discussed mass violence, had arsenal, prosecutors say

Feds Jerome Powell Tricked by Russian Pranksters Posing as Zelenskiy

GOP senators grow weary of Tuberville abortion stalemate on defense nominees : politics

House passes GOP debt limit plan with deep cuts. Pelosi says Republicans are playing withfire
Great Powers Don't Default - The Dangers of Debt-Ceiling Brinkmanship

GOP revolts against bill to study cannabis to help veterans with pain and PTSD : politics

White House press conferences have a dirty little secret - The Washington Post President Biden was photographed holding a note card Wednesday, revealing the stage managing behind many political media events

A terrible silence from the Supreme Court, where ethics have gone awry : politics
AOC: Roberts Allows Supreme Court to Erode Rights But Wont Rein In Corruption
Americans must save the Supreme Court from its justices : politics
Writer Defends Clarence Thomas Free Trips Without Mentioning He Was On S ame Trips - Mark Paoletta comes under fire for not disclosing he went on trips with Thomas and billionaire Harlan Crow in his defense of the Supreme Court justice's ethics (published in National Review shithole)

Trump mocked John McCain and complained that he had the world's longest funeral -- Much like his wars, itnever ended

Donald Trump raped me, accuser tells court
Trump's entire defense in the E. Jean Carroll rape trial: shameless misogyny

The founder of the company has been interviewed by federal prosecutors investigating the former presidents efforts to overturn the 2020 results

Pence appears before Jan. 6 grand jury - POLITICO
Trump loses bid to stop Mike Pence from testifying in front of Jan 6 grand jury : politics
Ted Cruz Tapes Will Be Given to Feds Probing Jan. 6: Report ... Audio tapes recorded by former Fox News producer Abby Grossberg that show Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) allegedly scheming to steal the 2020 presidential election will be handed over to the Justice Department as it investigates the circumstances surrounding former President Donald Trump and his allies efforts to overturn the results. (Traitor Teddy)

Almost 2 in 3 Republicans say Trump should be reelected even if found guilty: poll : politics
Trump is racking up GOP endorsements, even amid criminal jeopardy - The Washington Post The former president is consolidating support among GOP members of Congress and others, even as he faces a thicket of legal woes

Feds: Rioter Couple Raided Pelosis Office, Stormed the Senate, Then Kicked a Cop in the Groin

Why the striking unpopularity of the MAGA movement matters

1 in 4 high school students identifies as LGBTQ | The Hill

Austin woman denied emergency abortion blasts Cornyn and Cruz at Senate hearing : politics

The Hill on Twitter: "DeSantis urges ceasefire in Ukraine" / Twitter
Florida Senate passes bill allowing DeSantis to run for president without resigning as governor : politics
Ron DeSantis just lost another donor : politics ... Why would I support somebody to become president of the United States that doesn't return phone calls?

Feinstein's Absence Helped Republicans Overturn a Biden Rule on Truck Pollution - The Democrats control the Senate. This shouldn't be happening.
Is It Sexist to Want Dianne Feinstein to Retire? | The New Yorker Debbie Stabenow, a Democratic colleague in the Senate, sees a double standard at work.
Is it sexist?

You know who ELSE had some good ideas? = Vox has an explainer on why some people on the left were upset about the American Prospect publishing yet another idiotic red-brown alliance thumbsucker about noted critic of the American class hierarchy Tucker Carlson: ... One of the more astonishing grifts of our time is that Greenwald, a man who has never at any time in his career held any distinctively left political positions on literally any subject, is still dining out on the nearly 20 year old confusion that he is some kind of a leftist because he hated the Iraq war (after first loving it).

Making sense of Tucker Carlson's weird video after his Fox News firing - The former host speaks, and we annotate

Montana House Republicans ban Rep. Zooey Zephyr from House chamber for remainder of legislative session : politics
Republicans Just Banned Montanas First Trans Legislator From the House Floor

Democrat with trans child opposes anti-trans bill and draws ethics probe

Justice Department Sues Tennessee Over Trans Healthcare Ban : politics
DOJ challenges TN law banning trans youth care : politics

Enacting Kansas trans health care ban over Laura Kelly veto fails
Kansas legislators impose sweeping anti-trans bathroom law | AP News

Florida Passes Bill That Allows for Legal Kidnapping of Transgender Children. The bill would allow courts to intervene in custody disputes and remove trans children from gender-affirming parents

Conservative lawmakers stop abortion limits in Nebraska, South Carolina - The Washington Post

DEI is dead: At VMI, Youngkins diversity chief slams diversity, equity, inclusion At Virginia Military Institute, a college trying to attract more women and minorities, (white supremecy)

Baris favorite whistleblower takes another massive L -- Yet another deeply reported investigation and an internal report later, we still have no collaboration for Jamie Reed implausible and obviously TERF-motivated bare assertions, but we now have substantially more countervailing evidence:

Spring Branch ISD field trip to play canceled due to age-appropriateness of the performance
Farewell Transmission - Texas plan to fix its power grid is a disaster

Moms for Liberty Has Aggressive, Predatory Tactics -- and Theyre Working ("liberty" to take away other peoples' liberty)

Inside a private portal from GOP campaigns to local news sites : politics

Time to remove digital paywall

NYC MTA Ends Twitter Service Alerts After Elon Musk Raises Price - Bloomberg Twitter had asked for $50,000 a month for API: MTA official (services all across America, Muskfucked)

The forces of law and order
Video: Attorney Says Shocking Footage Shows Don Carmignani Attacking Sleeping Homeless Man With Bear Spray Prior to His Own Beating
Eschaton: San Francisco Amazing stuff.

Fire Sale: $300 Million San Francisco Office Tower, Mostly Empty. Open to Offers. - WSJ 350 California Street was worth $300 million four years ago. It might sell for 80% less now, brokers say, in a market where office vacancy rates have soared ... Nearly 30% of San Franciscos office space is vacant, which is more than seven times the rate before the pandemic hit, and the biggest increase of any major U.S. city,

US adult cigarette smoking rate hits new all-time low | AP News U.S. cigarette smoking dropped to another all-time low last year, with 1 in 9 adults saying they were current smokers, according to government survey data released Thursday. Meanwhile, electronic cigarette use rose, to about 1 in 17 adults.

The Harvard Lampoon is based in a mini-castle whose quirks are neatly suited to the worlds oldest humor magazine. Now a painstaking 15-year restoration is bringing out more of its architectural genius.
Inside the Harvard Lampoon mini-castle : CambridgeMA
Daniel Maher Stained Glass

Former Harvard professor sentenced for concealing China ties : boston
Former Harvard professor Charles Lieber sentenced to house arrest for lying about ties to China : worldnews

There is likely a massive police coverup in the death of John OKeefe in Canton, MA, involving officers from CPD, BPD, the ATF, and the MA State Police. This is a map of the connected Canton residents that seem to be framing Karen Read.
Putting Together The Canton Family Tree - TB Daily News
Canton Cover-Up Part 14: State Police, Norfolk County DAs Office Are Intentionally Hiding Library Surveillance Footage Showing Karen Reads Unbroken Tail Light, 3 Point Turn Never Happened
Canton Cover-Up Part 13: Brian Alberts Daughter Who Allegedly Left House 3 Minutes Before John OKeefe Arrived Is An Investigator For Attorney Generals Office

Account linked to Boston City Council used to attack public officials : massachusetts

LGM Film Club, Part 372: Belafonte on The Muppets


Over the past 15 years, the Earths accumulated heat has increased by 50%, with most of the extra going into the oceans. Not only did the overall temperature of the oceans hit a new record in April this year, in some regions the difference from the long term was enormous.

Attempt at first private landing on moon fails : worldnews

Singapore executes man for trafficking two pounds of cannabis : worldnews

US to send nuclear ballistic submarines to Korean Peninsula : worldnews

US Climber Jumps off Mt Everest Illegally : worldnews ... using a paraglider.

China is pushing ahead with the largest-ever expansion of its nuclear arsenal, modernizing the atomic deterrent with an eye on any future conflicts with the United States : worldnews
Factory closures, layoffs happening in China electronics industry : worldnews

This is going to end in hell: Russian oligarchs believe that Russian authorities are leading the country into abyss. While the Kremlin pretends that everything is under control, the oligarchs will soon start talking openly about the upcoming catastrophe.
Russian media report that several minutes ago Putin unexpectedly rushed to the Kremlin. Explosions have been reported in Saint Petersburg : UkraineWarVideoReport
Moscow has issued an extraordinary defense of President Putin, insisting he doesnt use body doubles and is not sitting in a bunker.Since the Kremlin has denied it, we may presume it is true. (Never believe anything until the Kremlin has denied it.)
Following the invasion of Ukraine, majority of the world disapproves of Russias leadership for the first time: new poll

Navalny denounces absurd trial, as new charges emerge: Imprisoned Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny said that he was facing extremism allegations in a new court hearing charges that could land him up to 35 years in prison

Two Russian Officials, Allies Of Vladimir Putin, Found Dead on Same Day: Report : worldnews

Russia suffering worst labor shortage in 25 years : worldnews
Russian Prosecutor Says 15,000 Cases Of Illegal Military Mobilization Registered : worldnews

Putin signs decree taking over Russian assets of two foreign firms - Finnish Fortum and German Uniper : worldnews
The FBI has put on the wanted list Natalia Burlinova, an associate professor at Moscow State University and an ex-producer of the Govorit Moskva (Moscow Speaks) radio station. According to the investigation, Burlinova acted in the United States as a foreign agent. She worked with an officer of the Russian FSB. In the fall of 2018, the woman visited US universities and research institutes, where she was engaged inrecruiting Americans

In new paper, we found that Russian oil export prices at Kozmino port stood at $73/barrel in 2023Q1with 96% of volumes sold above the price cap $60/barrel! Much of this involved Western-owned or insured vessels, violating sanctions.

The gay student that was arrested and held for weeks after allegedly violating the Russian LGBTQ+propagandalaw has been released and reunited with his boyfriend

Fresh Wagner Graves Unearthed in Siberia : worldnews

S Africa backtracks on quitting ICC, blames communications error : worldnews

Turkish mass arrests target Kurdish areas ahead of election : worldnews
Erdogan cancels public rallies after health scare

Senior Iranian ayatollah Abbas-Ali Soleimani assassinated
Powerful Iranian cleric killed in attack: state media : worldnews
Iran court orders US, Obama to pay $313m for 'terrorist' attacks

Chinas Xi holds phone call with Ukraines Zelensky
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said he had held a long and meaningful phone call with [Chinese] President Xi Jinping, the first conversation between the leaders since Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Im told call lasted almost an hour
Russia Faces New Threat: Ukraines Toloka Underwater Maritime Drone
Ukraine rapidly expanding its Army of Drones BBC News

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 427, Part 1 (Thread #568) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 26.04.2023 : ukraine
Eliot Higgins on Twitter: "@5urpher says his map was removed for "Dangerous and Illegal Activities", it's unclear how mapping a conflict would fall under that category, as defined by Google's own ToS." / Twitter

Ukraine prepares priority action plan for liberated Crimea Presidents representative in Crimea

Ukraine rapidly expanding its Army of Drones for front line

2 killed, 10 wounded as Russian forces hit Ukrainian museum : worldnews

Russias best tanks are in Ukraine, Russian state media says, but theyre not assaulting Kyivs forces, just shooting at them from a distance

Another exchange took place. 44 people were returned to Ukraine: 36 privates and sergeants, six officers, reported the head of Presidents Office Yermak. These are soldiers, border guards, national guardsmen, sailors and two civilians.
Russian-speaking Ukrainians want to shed language of the oppressor

Three Russian aircraft intercepted over Baltic Sea - German air force : worldnews

Russian Embassy says Poland confiscated all money from diplomatic missions accounts

Sweden expels five Russian diplomats accused of espionage : worldnews
At least 38 Russian diplomats in Northern Europe may be undercover spies, according to a joint investigation by Finnish Yle, Norwegian NRK, Swedish SVT, and Danish DR.
Russia has declared ten Norwegian diplomats persona non grata - The ministry said in a statement that this is a response to the decision of the official Oslo, which the day before announced the expulsion of 15 Russian diplomats suspected of espionage.

US Ambassador: Hungarys policy of standing alone to block high level meetings of NATO-Ukraine Committee untenable

Lavrov is a clown, and Russia a terrorist -- Czech Foreign Minister

Dutch to make public the files on accused Nazi collaborators : worldnews

Italian tourism video mocked for using footage of Slovenia | Italy : worldnews

Home Secretary Suella Braverman claims people arriving in the UK on small boats have values at odds with our country
UK Gave $166k to Anti-LGBTQ Group in Uganda,Where Gay People Face Death Penalty
UK company British American Tobacco has been caught supplying North Korea with Tobacco products and has agreed to pay more than $635 million in charges : worldnews
UK blocks Microsoft takeover of Activ ision Blizzard | CNN Business : worldnews

Former Brazilian far-right president Jair Bolsonaro appeared before federal police on Wednesday to testify over anti-government riots by his supporters in January, a police source said. : worldnews
Thousands of indigenous Brazilians are gathered in the capital this week to demand the creation of new reserves on their ancestral lands : worldnews

Argentinian price of US dollar goes up 7.1% in less than 24 hours: Informal dollar reaches AR$497,

Drought threatens Panama Canal shipping traffic : worldnews

Mexico army ignored cartel warnings before mass student kidnapping, emails show | The Mexican military received nearly a dozen complaints about cartel activity in the region where 43 students were abducted in Sept. 2014, emails hacked from the countrys defense ministry reveal.

Air Force suspends leaders of alleged Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeiras unit

Big money donors rally behind Biden as he launches his reelection bid : politics

The human cost of McCarthys debt ceiling demands would be catastrophic
House Republicans, Grasping for Votes, Alter Debt Limit Plan : politics
GOP leaders blink, makes last-minute changes to debt bill : politics
House Republican Debt Bill Would Throw 600,000 off Health Insurance. The institutional sociopathy of the Republican Party in one stat. : politics

GOP Sen. Tuberville blocked 184 military promotions in his ongoing abortion fight with the Pentagon : politics

The Supreme Courts corruption crisis goes beyond Clarence Thomas
Markey calls for Clarence Thomas to resign: reputation is unsalvageable
Clarence Thomas Billionaire Benefactor Harlan Crow Bought Citizenship in Island Tax Haven : politics

Chief Justice John Roberts will not testify before Congress about Supreme Court ethics : politics
John Roberts Just Gave the Middle Finger to the Senateand the Public

Gorsuch property sale renews calls for Supreme Court ethics reform : politics
Neil Gorsuch Is the Latest Justice to Show Off Some Fancy Financial Footwork : politics
Senators unveil bipartisan proposal to require Supreme Court to adopt code of conduct : politics

The Supreme Court unleashed a flood of lawsuits against Big Oil : politics

Senate Democrat unveils bill aimed to end tactic of judge-shopping to block federal policies : politics

Hot Indictment Summer: Georgia D.A. Tells Law Enforcement to Get Ready | Its not looking great for Donald Trump and his supporters.
Donald Trump needs protective order to prevent him from publicizing evidence, prosecutors say : politics

'Trump raped me,' E. Jean Carroll testifies in battery, defamation case - ABC News Trump raped me,E. Jean Carroll testifies in battery, defamation case
E. Jean Carroll Takes the Stand in Trump Suit, and the Judge Issues a Warning The Bravery of E. Jean Carroll : She's taken a hailstorm of abuse already in her suit against Trump, but this was really leading with her chin ... The legal system is standing firm, for now, but only because people like E. Jean Carroll still have enough faith in it to take great risks for themselves. The former president* has found sanctuary in its thickets and underbrush for too damn long.
The preponderance of the evidence

Trump lawyers: Notes for calls with foreign leaders are among classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago - POLITICO The new detail was revealed in a letter from Trumps lawyers to Congress.

Trump calls Biden the Single worst president in American history but Trump is ranked 4th from the bottom

Ivanka Trump Ditches Attorneys In Fraud Suit, Splitting From Don Jr. And Eric

Proud Boys leader, awaiting Jan. 6 sedition verdict, assails Justice Department - POLITICO

Bombshell Audio Shows Ted Cruz Scheming to Steal Election : politics ... This tape comes from Abby Grossberg.
Ted Cruz Pleaded With Fox to ShowSpecific Evidence of Fraud

GOP study on poor 2022 election showing doesn't mention Trump - Republican officials said they avoided including the former president in part because the party aims to stay neutral in the 2024 primaries
Republicans thought about running without Trump in 2024but lost their nerve. Theyre heading for electoral disaster again.

Fox agrees to give more Murdoch docs to Smartmatic in its defamation case | CNN Business

This Might Finally Be the Real Tucker Story ... the Fox board and key executives at the company werent aware until two days before trial just what was in those redacted Carlson messages. Their contents were apparently so explosive that they played a key role not only in Carlsons termination but in pushing Fox to settle the case on the first day of the trial.
On Eve of Trial, Discovery of Carlson Texts Set Off Crisis Atop Fox - The New York Times Private messages sent by Tucker Carlson that had been redacted in legal filings showed him making highly offensive remarks that went beyond the comments of his prime-time show.

For the Murdochs, Tucker Carlson became more trouble than he was worth - The Washington Post ... dismissal remain clouded, but the move reflected a reversal for the exasperated family that once championed him
Nobody is indispensable to Rupert Murdoch
Tucker Carlsons Vulgar, Offensive Messages About Colleagues Helped Seal His Fate at Fox News - Prime-time host called senior executive the c-word
Tucker Carlsons disparaging comments about Fox leaders led to his ouster: report
How Tucker Carlson Helped Turn Americans Against the Military - Defense One The partisan firebrand told viewers that uniformed leaders were out to weaken the armed forces and the country itself. (working for Putin)
Eschaton: There Are No Good Conservatives There's a horrible piece in The American Prospect about Tucker Carlson which I assume happened because a failson and faildaughter have some influential friends there (failsons and faildaughters everywhere, nepotism makes the world go round).
Regarding the white supremacist Tucker Carlson. you do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to them
Tucker Carlson always looks like he just walked in on his prom date blowing his best friend
Fox News Takes Ratings Hit After Tucker Carlsons Exit

Ron DeCeasefire: US presidential hopeful DeSantis calls for truce in Ukraine (Putin puppet)
Republican billionaire rules out supporting DeSantis: Doesnt even return phone calls (arrogance is the brand of extreme personality disorder)
There once was a man named DeSantis
Disney Sues DeSantis Over Control of Its Florida Resort : politics
Disney sues Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, alleges political effort to hurt its business : politics
Disney Is Suing Ron DeSantis In the Latest Development In the Ongoing Spat Ronald DeSantis Fcked With the Wrong Cartoon Mouse - The latest in the case of Happiest Place On Earth v. DeSantis ... Unfortunately for the governor, as somebody, somewhere once said, a dream is a wish your heart makes.

The First Wrongful DeathCase for Helping a Friend Get an Abortion. The lawsuits long gamebeyond instilling fear is establishing fetal personhood, the holy grail of the anti-abortion movement.
Nearly a Year After Roes Demise, Americans' Views of Abortion Access Increasingly Vary by Where They Live - In states with abortion bans, a rise in the share of adults saying it should be easier to access abortion in the area where they live

No new vaccinations would be allowed in North Carolina for 3 years under bill filed in N.C. House : politics ... Waiting periods for vaccines but not for firearms. Got it.

Can Texas Really Put the Ten Commandments in Public Schools? By overturning 50 years of precedent on the separation of church and state, the Supreme Court has opened the door to a flood of religious legislation. : politics

Michigan GOP faces existential crisis: The state party is dead

Montana Republicans expel trans legislator from floor ... Montana Republicans being led by a goon who thinks that violence is an appropriate response to reporters asking questions is just one of the ways American politics in 2023 is too on-the-nose.
Trans Montana Rep. Zooey Zephyr punished by Montana Republicans : NPR
Erin Reed on Twitter: "As Representative Zooey Zephyr left the chamber today following the party-line vote to remove her as punishment, she pressed on her light to speak. Powerful image symbolic of the affront to democracy that occurred in Montana." / Twitter
Erin Reed on Twitter: ""When the speaker gaveled down the people demanding that their representative be heard, he was driving a nail in the coffin of democracy. But you cannot kill democracy that easily. That is why they kept chanting, let her speak."" / Twitter
Viva Las Tiger on Twitter: "@ErinInTheMorn The names Zooey Zephyr and Erin Reed will be mentioned in History classes 50 years from now. For the right reasons." / Twitter
Montana transgender lawmaker faces censure or expulsion : politics
Republicans Are Trying to Expel the First Trans Legislator in Montana : politics

North Dakota limits bathroom use for transgender people : news

Kansas City considers becoming a transgender safe haven in defiance of Missouri laws

They were trying to erase us: Inside a Texas towns chilling effort to ban LGBTQ books

North Dakota Is Forcing Students to Watch Anti-Abortion Propaganda | The new requirement comes as the state cracks down even further on abortion rights. : politics

Parents are outraged that Lauren Boebert was allowed to speak to students at their school | Boebert has been fighting against "indoctrination" and "extremely divisive content" in schools. Now it turns out that she is the divisive content. : politics

Abbotts Plan to Pardon Sgt. Who Killed BLM Protester May Already Be Backfiring

The Government Seized an Elderly Minnesota Womans Home Over $2,300 in Unpaid Property Taxes, Sold It, and Pocketed the Proceeds. The Supreme Court Just Agreed to Hear Her Case.

Republicans Are Worried Legalizing Weed Will Put Police Dogs Out of Work : politics

The US in 2022 saw highest number of active shooter casualties -- deaths or injuries -- of the past 5 years, FBI report finds | CNN
What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. | Pew Research Center - In 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC.

3 arrested in rock-throwing homicide, killing Alexa Bartell in west metro Denver : news

When Democratic Politicians Commit Unforced Errors ... Imagine you are an Arizona Democrat. You have finally won office in the state. The state is now decidedly purple and could move more toward blue in coming years. What are your priorities going to be? How about the single thing that would most needlessly alienate the states enormous Latino population? (Katie HObbs: AZ's Huchel)

Chamber of Commerce gets nearly half its funding from those who give at least $1 million : politics

79-year-old man charged with senselessly murdering his neighbor who was doing yard work near Antioch

Iowa federal judge tosses Devin Nunes defamation case against reporter | The suit stemmed from a political reporter's investigation into claims the former congressman's family used undocumented workers on their Iowa dairy farm. : politics

As Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to School

Born to Die - The American Prospect Medicare spends tens of billions of dollars on hospice care each year. A new report ponders why regulators insist on going easy on literal death merchants.

Eschaton: Where Did All The Bad Takes Come From t's hard to describe it precisely, but there was a proliferation of bad takes and similar starting some time in 2021 and, since I am dumb, it didn't really occur to me that "some asshole billionaire is throwing lots of money around." That was, of course, what was happening. ... Read the whole thing, as the kids say. If you ever were wondering things like, "why is Gillibrand suddenly a big Crypto supporter," or, "What the fuck is this about?" ... Data for Progress was, for a time, extremely influential, and while perhaps not the worst of the genre, was very aggressive about positioning itself as the progressive space organization in order to clip the agenda of actual progressives. The message "other progressives are dumb, we are smart progressives, also let me introduce you to some obscenely rich people" always resonates.

Stanford and MIT study: A.I. boosted worker productivity by 14% -- those who use it will replace those who don't

Fathers Leave Reduces Sexist Attitudes When parental leave is made available to fathers, parents subsequently express greater support for gender equality and womens rights.

TIL in 1987 a Japanese team of researchers discovered cavities beneath the Sphinx in Egypt, which was later confirmed by American researchers. All further examination was blocked by the Egyptian government and til this day the caverns have never been explored or excavated. : todayilearned

Analysis of over two dozen melatonin gummies found inconsistent amounts of melatonin in one product the amount of melatonin was 347% higher than on label; this increases the risk of overdosing, especially in children

Scientists Capture First Ever Image of a Supermassive Black Hole Shooting a Jet


Asteroid the size of 48 eggplants to pass Earth Tuesday - NASA : worldnews

Unprecedented Retreat Once Stable Glacier Now Rapidly Receding at an Alarming Rate

Climate change: recent, rapid ocean warming alarms scientists : worldnews

Activists protesting at what they see as too sluggish government action to combat climate change glued themselves to streets all over the German capital, Berlin, on Monday, causing severe traffic disruption : worldnews

Population policies can erode reproductive, human rights, warns United Nations agency : worldnews

Magnitude-7.3 earthquake strikes Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted : worldnews

H5N1 with 100% fatality rate observed in group of wild seals in the United States : worldnews

Scientists develop mobile printer for mRNA vaccine patches : worldnews

Use of antibiotics in farming endangering human immune system

US woman arrested in Sydney after airport staff find a golden gun in her luggage : worldnews ... An American woman has been arrested in Sydney after arriving on a flight from Los Angeles with 24-carat gold-plated handgun packed in her luggage.

Wholly Negligent: Uyghur Asylum Seekers Keep Dying in Thailands Detention Centers

Vietnam eyes Czech military supplies in pivot away from Russian arms : worldnews

UK warns China secrecy over military expansion risks tragic miscalculation
China building cyberweapons to hijack enemy satellites, leaked CIA files show
We have no communication: Chinas Zhurong rover is dead on Mars

Twitter changes stoke Russian, Chinese propaganda surge : worldnews
Russia Suffers Global Rebuke After Invasion - For the first time in Gallups history of tracking ratings of world leaders, the majority of the world disapproves of Russias leadership.
Medvedev wants a peaceful division of Ukraine with Romania, Hungary and Poland to avoid another world war
Peskov assures that theres only one Putin and hes not in a bunker
Only one president to join Putin on Victory Day parade in Russia : worldnews - Kyrgyzstans Sadyr Japarov

Red Square will be closed to the public from April 27 to May 10 due to the preparation and holding of the parade. If Im right, this has never happened in the history of Moscow not even in 1941. Is the Kremlin authorities afraid of something? But there is one more thing, drones fall from the sky. The physical closure of the square does not protect from that.

A queer Chinese student living in Russia is enduring homophobia, racism and inhumane treatment after being arrested under the country's LGBTQ+ propaganda law.

Indian Navy to acquire American & Russian missile systems worth $200 million for surface warships and submarines. : worldnews
8-year-old Indian girl dies after mobile phone explodes in hand : worldnews

France on Monday refused to halt a controversial planned operation to expel migrants from its Indian Ocean island territory of Mayotte, despite opposition from the neighboring Comoros and clashes between locals and security forces sent by Paris : worldnews

Taliban Kill Head of ISIS Cell That Bombed Kabul Airport - The New York Times Thirteen U.S. service members and scores of Afghan civilians died in the bombing as the United States was evacuating in August 2021.

Ukraine evacuates 138 civilians from Sudan : worldnews
High bio-hazard riskin Sudan after laboratory seized, WHO says

WSJ: Iran shipping ammunition to Russia by Caspian Sea : worldnews
Human Rights Watch report: Irans security forcesrepressing widespread protests have unlawfully killed, tortured, sexually assaulted, and disappeared children as part of a pattern of serious violations

As a divided Israel turns 75, its flag becomes a battleground : anime_titties
Israeli spy tech firm "shuts down" after report found it targeted foreign activists : anime_titties

Its also ok to not make predictions, especially on something this contingent. Too many people treat this subject as a parlour game
Rumors about the repeated invasion of Russians into Kyiv from the territory of Belarus were disinformation of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, which they called successfulRadio Liberty, citing leaked US documents

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 426, Part 1 (Thread #567) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 25.04

(1/3) Over April 2023, Russias average daily casualty rate has highly likely fallen by around 30 per cent. This follows exceptionally heavy Russian casualties over January-March 2023.
3/3) Russias losses have highly likely reduced as their attempted winter offensive has failed to achieve its objectives, and Russian forces are now focused on preparing for anticipated Ukrainian offensive operations.
Echoes of Stalingrad as casualties stream from battle for Bakhmut : anime_titties

The enemy highly values its agents in cassocks yes, one such person was exchanged for 28 Ukrainian servicemen.

Court seizes assets worth over US$26 million from pro-Kremlin ex-MPs wife Marchenko is the wife of Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian businessman and pro-Russian politician to whose daughter Putin is godfather.
Court seizes assets of pro-Kremlin-ex-MPs wife worth over US$26,000,000

National Resistance Center: Partisans destroy Russian checkpoint in occupied Kherson Oblast : worldnews

According to coordinator of Crimean Human Rights Group, Olga Skripnik, at least 10,000 boys & girls in occupied Crimea are involved in Young Armyone of the hundreds of pro-Kremlin organizations aimed to recruit children for war against Ukraine

Ex-Wagner commander to appear in Norway court, accused of resisting arrest : worldnews

In this edition of nvestigative Stories from Ukraine, discover how nine European media outlets found that almost 200 satellite dishes on the rooftops of 39 Russian diplomatic missions throughout Europe are spying for Moscow; and more.

Lithuanian President: We have to cross all red lines in military aid for Ukraine : worldnews

Dont grant EU funds to Hungary, MEPs tell Commission

China doesnt want peace in Ukraine, Czech president warns

Germany: Majority opposes 4-day work week with full pay : worldnews
Frankfurt must allow Roger Waters performance, court says: City and state had argued for the show to be cancelled, calling Waters "one of the world's most influential antisemites." The co-founder of the British rock band Pink Floyd said hes fighting for free speech
Fake Hitler diaries termed worlds biggest hoaxes

French electricity workers may pull plug on Cannes film festival over pension law | Monaco Grand Prix and French Open may also be interrupted after new legislation to raise retirement age : worldnews

Bank of England economist says people need to accept they are poorer : worldnews
` UK Healthcare Horror: After over 6,500 rapes, sexual assaults in hospitals since 2019, nurses to wear body cams : worldnews
New rules ban subscription traps and fake reviews : worldnews

Guatemala president pledges strong support for Republic of Taiwan

Haiti: at least 12 suspected criminals beaten to death and burned in capital Port-au-Prince by mobs helped by police : worldnews

Trudeau: I Never Forced Anyone To Get Vaccinated, Misinformation Is Causing People To Believe Things That Are Untrue : worldnews
Trudeau says Canada is very serious about reviving nuclear power

Lavrov lashes out at West in UN Security Council speech in New York : worldnews
Russias Lavrov hosts UN meeting on international peace, gets slammed by Western diplomats

Democratic senator warns what goes around, comes around as Republican senator stalls Pentagon promotions (Putin agent Tubbertunes)

Dr. Fauci Looks Back: Something Clearly Went Wrong

Schumer announces Senate will vote on Equal Rights Amendment this week : politics

You Know Who Won't Miss Susan Rice? Immigration Advocates - The outgoing Biden policy adviser was not viewed as much of an improvement over Stephen Miller.

Biden, 80, makes 2024 presidential run official: "let's finish this job"
Biden announces reelection bid, saying battle for nations soul isnt complete
Joe Biden formally announces 2024 White House run : politics
President Biden officially declares hes running for reelection
Biden Announces Re-election Bid, Defying Trump and History : politics

Millennial, Gen Z organizations press Biden to run on progressive platform : politics

Harlan Crow, the Billionaire Tied to Clarence Thomas, Wields Texas Influence | He and his wife have contributed at least $14.7 million to state and federal political candidates, committees and parties over the past three decades : politics
Goin back to Harlan
Gorsuch sold Colorado property to major law firm head after confirmation: report : politics
Rocky Mountain High

Do not let Donald Trump run for president after the rape trial : politics
Trump Is Losing the E. Jean Carroll Rape Case Even Before It Starts

9 out of 10 Republicans silent on Trumps calls to terminate the Constitution
Poll: Republicans think Trump should be president even if hesconvicted of a crime
Trump questions why he should participate in GOP primary debates : politics
Trump Threatens to Boycott Republican Presidential Debates : politics

MAGA movement widely unpopular, new poll finds

The Republican Agenda Is One Bad Idea After Another | Vanity Fair

Ex-Tucker Producer Suing Fox News Has NINETY Recordings From the Network
Lachlan Murdoch and Fox CEO Decided to Fire Tucker Carlson
Fox Has a Secret Oppo File to Keep Tucker Carlson in Check, Sources Say ... The file includes internal complaints regarding workplace conduct, disparaging comments about management and colleagues, and allegations that the now-former primetime host created a toxic work environment,
Tucker Carlsons Prayer Talk May Have Led to Fox News Ouster: That Stuff Freaks Rupert Out ... I reported that Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement because Smith had told people Carlson was a messenger from God ...

Why Fox News Is Going to Get Worse -- a Lot Worse - Let whatever hope you have that the cable channel will be chastened die. On Planet Murdoch, there is no shame.
Tucker Carlson was doing something different --- and darker than most Fox hostswhy his departure really matters
Tucker Carlson's Long Con - Was his long, strange trip a put-up job?
Tucker Carlson leaves a toxic legacy at Fox News. Whats next?
Hysterical Putin Pals Claim the Deep State Took Out Tucker Carlson Kremlin TV calls on Russia, China and Saudi Arabia to impose sanctions on iberal establishment responsible for Tucker Carlson getting fired by Fox News.
Tuckers Demise
Fox News sudden firing of Tucker Carlson may have come down to one simple calculation
The internet that Tucker Carlson builtThe former Fox News host didnt just fuel far-right politics in the US. His rants have fed conspiracy theorists and extremists all over the world ... rupert murderdoch and george w bush are extreme terrorists

Joe Biden strikes out at Marjorie Taylor Greene in campaign announcement & shes not happy
First look: RNC slams Biden in AI-generated ad

Arizona Democrats Want the National Party to Join Their War Against Kyrsten Sinema | Senate leaders are still trying to keep the independent happy. Arizona Dems are done with that. : politics

Fort Lauderdale residents criticize DeSantis for not surveying flood damage himself : politics
Ron DeSantis Short Circuits When Asked About Dropping Poll Numbers: The Florida governor is a walking meme. : politics ... he guy has the personality of a dying shopping mall.
The Ron DeSantis Bubble Deflates - by Daniel W. Drezner

Bill would strip Orlando of the power to make its contractors pay workers a higher minimum wage : politics

Girls need to know about their periods. Now Florida Republicans want to ban that, too. : politics

In Oklahoma, a woman was told to wait until shes crashing for abortion care ... It was a molar pregnancy. It was a TUMOR. In Oklahoma, fucking cancerous tissue gets more consideration than a woman (or as one hospital quoted in this article referred to them as: incubators).
Woman with Cancerous Pregnancy Was Told to Wait in Parking Lot Until She Was CrashingWe cant touch you unless youre crashing in front of us or your blood pressure goes so high that youre fixing

Rick Johnson, ex-Michigan House speaker, faces up to a decade in prison for taking bribes : politics

Letter: Utah town hall experience left me feeling certain about which party is the party of extremists : politics

Texas Senate advances bill to create election marshals. Here's what's proposed.
Texas school district votes to place armed civilians in schools. The Texas district voted to place armed marshals in each of its eight elementary schools. : politics

Texas Agency Threatens to Fire People Who Dont Dress Consistent With Their Biological Gender

The abduction came after a series of missed opportunities where Twitter and law enforcement failed to effectively intervene.

How to improve your ChatGPT prompts and responses

Missouri is about to force trans adults & teens to detransition. The ACLU is suing. Republican Attorney General Andrew Baileys new restrictions apply to trans people of all ages.

Making gag orders great again ... But sometimes people who support trans rights are mean to the billionaire TERF wizard lady on Twitter so Both Sides Do It.
Zooey Zephyr is a duly elected state representative. She is trans and a direct target of anti-trans policy. Kathleen Stock is a philosopher of fiction who blustered her way into policy influence as an "expert" on sex and gender with no expertise or political mandate to speak of.

Eschaton: Moral Panics A problem with convincing people of imaginary threats is that they can never actually be vanquished. No anti-trans legislation will satiate them, and it will keep getting worse. The Atlantic, the New York Times, and people like Jon Chait, Jesse Singal, Emily Bazelon and some others are very much responsible for what is happening . There are limits to what The Right can do without the blessing and excusing by The Sensible Center, especially as those people are the self-appointed champions against extremism (On Both Sides). They get more mad at criticisms of the Right they deem inappropriate (CANCEL CULTURE!!!!) than what the Right is doing, and they control most of the microphones.

Women Report Rampant Sexual Abuse at Federal Prison Where Ghislaine Maxwell Is Held

Theyre Hunting Nazis. New England Is a TargetRich Environment

Nate Silver Out at ABC News as Disney Layoffs Once Again Hit News Division - ABC News is expected to retain the FiveThirtyEight brand, with plans to streamline the data-driven site.

When manchildren blow up their toys

The RFK Jr. Tapes - Tablet Magazine

Harry Belafonte, 96, Dies; Barrier-Breaking Singer, Actor and Activist - The New York Times In the 1950s, when segregation was still widespread, his ascent to the upper echelon of show business was historic. But his primary focus was civil rights.

The Great Electrician Shortage | The New Yorker Going green will depend on blue-collar workers. Can we train enough of them before time runs out?

The Aftertaste: A Look Back on Harvard Squares Beloved Tasty Diner


Air pollution kills more than 1,200 children a year in Europe, report says : worldnews

U.S. Supreme Court rebuffs Exxon, Chevron appeals in climate cases : politics
Steven Donziger - Wikipedia

World military spending reaches all-time high of $2.24 trillion | Military News : worldnews

Australia races to reform defence amid shift of power in region from US to China : worldnews
Australia unveils biggest defence overhaul since World War II | Military News : worldnews
Australian defence review plots pivot from armour to missiles : worldnews
Beijing says dont hype up the so-called China threat narrative after Australian criticism

South Korea puts Japan back on its preferred trade list after 3 years : worldnews

Taiwan to begin requiring female reservists to undergo military training : worldnews

China says respects ex-Soviet states sovereignty after envoy sparks outrage
China says it respects sovereignty of ex-Soviet states after EU uproar : worldnews
Chinese embassy removes interview transcript on ex-Soviet states : worldnews

Moscow expels over 20 German diplomats in tit-for-tat move : worldnews
While Putin spokesmans son was fighting inUkraine, his Tesla racked up fines in Moscow - Russian media
Russian ministry of defence have started putting out new Cartoons reminiscent of the Propaganda that both the Allies and the axis powers used in WW2 for the home troops, This one is titled alphabet of the Special military operation

The Kremlin wants real men to prove it by joining the war in Ukraine
Wagner Group boss tells his mercenaries not to take POWs - "Kill them all" he said

Russia is using a new delivery of Irans Shahed drones to strike Ukraine to make up for a lack of precision munitions, reports say
Iran ships 300,000 artillery shells and 1 million rounds of ammunition to Russia within six months : worldnews

Lukashenkos crackdown on his critics in Belarus has fallen off the radar. But this is a reminder that it's ongoing and there are many political prisoners languishing in prison in horrible conditions. Maria Kelesnikava could have fled her country. She decided to stay and fight.

Kazakhs show they will no longer dance to Moscows tune: the vast former Soviet country is trying to loosen its ties with the Kremlin not just politically and economically but also culturally

Mughals, RSS, evolution: Outrage as India edits school textbooks | Indias right-wing government removes significant historical and scientific facts from textbooks as it pursues a Hindu supremacist agenda
Vinesh Phogat: India wrestlers seek chiefs arrest over sexual abuse claims

Abuses still rife: 10 years on from Bangladeshs Rana Plaza disaster

Tunisia Arrests Its Most Prominent Opposition Leader | The New Yorker

Sixty killed in Karma, a village in the northern Burkina Faso, by raiders wearing military uniforms

Biden thanks Saudi Arabia as Kingdom evacuates over 150 Saudis, foreign nationals from Sudan : worldnews

Scandal of Syrias stolen homes: fraudsters use courts to legitimise thefts from refugees

Iranian woman died of heart attack in the midst of quarrel about hijab : worldnews

Kyivs head of military intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, planned bold strikes deep behind enemy lines that unnerved officials in Washington.
Zelenskiy bans Russian placenames to reinforce Ukraines national identity
Air Force: First Patriot air defense system enters combat service in Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 425, Part 1 (Thread #566) : worldnews

Ukrainian official announces season of explosions in Crimea : worldnews
No nuclear strike will happen after Ukraine enters Crimea - Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Chief

Shooting between Russian troops, Wagneritesin Stanytsia Luhanska, casualties reported

Russian forces forcibly evacuating civilians in Kherson, says Ukraine

Helped to move grain to Russia: a village council deputy in Kharkiv region faces up to 12 years in prison : worldnews

U.S. shares with European banks ways Russia is evading sanctions : worldnews

Poland declares threat to electricity supply due to too much renewable energy : worldnews

Hoard of 1,000-year-old Viking coins unearthed in Denmark : worldnews

German general calls for F-16 jets to be promptly given to Ukraine : worldnews

55bn withdrawn from Credit Suisse before collapse

The remains of the founder of Spains fascist Falange party will be moved Monday from a grandiose basilica, where the body of former dictator Francisco Franco once lay, and transferred to an understated grave

Twitter grants UK far-right party Britain First officialorganization label

3,000 migrants begin protest walk through Mexico after detention center fire : worldnews

Celebrity Cruises Sued Over Man Who Died on Ship And Placed in Drinks Cooler : worldnews

Ukraine and the 2024 Election
Only those who have been here will understand -- The New York Times gets a lot of well-deserved criticism, but this is what journalism should be:

Joe Biden says yes to re-election bid

How Democrats across the country feel about Biden 2024 - The Washington Post They are lukewarm about picking Biden as their nominee, but many believe he may be the best hope of preventing a second Trump term and fighting extremism

Susan Rice to step down as Bidens domestic policy chief
Eschaton: Won't Be Missed - Every time there's some not merely bad but monstrous policy you can trace it back to Rice ... Rice regularly excoriates her colleagues, creating an abusive and dehumanizing environment according to one source, who spoke to The American Prospect on the condition of anonymity. The vitriol of the Rice-controlled workplace is something of an open secret, with previous reports filed about Department of Health and Human Services staff being yelled at in meeting after meeting.
Eschaton: Impact Journalism Amazing stuff ... The anti-trans obsession at The Times, which has largely been a serious of articles about the possible "dangers" of minors transitioning, has obviously been there to have an impact. One piece is a story, several is a crusade. Someone thinks this is bad and is going to keep publishing evidence-free JAQing off pieces until they have an impact! Well, they've had their impact. Own it. (fuckers)

Biden set to name Julie Chavez Rodriguez as 2024 campaign manager - CBS News

How the Paper of Employers Wants To Make You Think Workers Want Bosses (almost like the fucking NYT has an agenda)

Nobody knows when its going to happen: Wall Street wakes up to default threat.
Kevin McCarthys clown car is headed right into a debt ceiling crisis The House speakers tenure has been a kaleidoscope of incompetence.
AOC says Marjorie Taylor Greene is the real House GOP leader as Kevin McCarthy panders to 'extremists'

Why is right-wing Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk hiding the main source of his wealth on disclosure forms?

U.S. Supreme Court to decide if public officials can block critics on social media : politics

How many scandals will it take for DOJ to investigate Clarence Thomas? : politics
Sen. Wyden asks billionaire Harlan Crow for list of gifts to Supreme Court Justice Thomas : politics

AOC calls for Fox News and Tucker Carlson to be punished for inciting violence on January 6 : politics

Trump committed treason and will try again. He must be barred from running : politics
"A series of crimes": Ex-prosecutor says new Trump election texts "more damning" than Georgia call : politics
Trump Was At A Meeting Where Loyalists Discussed Plans To Break Into Voting Machines : politics
How E. Jean Carrolls civil assault and defamation trial could damage Trump

GOP senators warn Trumps legal problems abad look for the party in 2024

Pleading to Evangelicals, Trump Makes Insane Anti-Abortion Comments : politics

Mike Pence says he wants abortion pill mifepristone off the market
Mace: Republicans going to lose huge in 2024 with current abortion policies

Molly Jong-Fast: calls for Dianne Feinstein to resign not sexist or ageist : politics
Why Dianne Feinstein Might Actually Have To Resign | In the past, ailing senators have stayed in office but the conditions now are different

Hunter Biden lawyer seeks ethics probe of Greene for verbal abuses
Hunter Biden demands ethics probe into Marjorie Taylor Greene : politics

Watch Lindsey Graham Absolutely Lose His Shit Over Abortion : politics

Trump says DeSantis should undergo an emergency personality transplant
Ron DeSantis culture war is turning Republicans off
The Florida GOP has had enough of Ron DeSantis : politics
Ron DeSantiss anti-vaxx Surgeon General intentionally falsified COVID data ... Republican elites will try to murder their base, and they will love you for it.
Florida surgeon general altered key findings in study on Covid-19 vaccine safety : politics

Florida school district bans dozens of books based on proposed bill

Calls to ban books hit highest level ever recorded in the US : politics
Book ban list: These 13 titles are targeted most : politics
The book ban surge gripping Americas schools and libraries

Control of the House goes through the Empire State - POLITICO Dems fared shockingly poorly in 2022. The one lawmaker who defied that trend has some thoughts about the future.

Texas Republicans Pass Bill to Require Ten Commandments in Every Classroom - The bill is blatantly unconstitutional, violating First Amendment restrictions on governmental endorsement of religion. : politics

Days After $550M Tyre Nichols Death Lawsuit Filed, TN Weakens Police Oversight Democratic Rep. Justin Jones has said that the legislation willundo the will of Nashville voters ... Only 9 officers were charged with a crime making up only 1 percent of all killings by policeand most of the killings began with police responding to a suspected non-violent offense or to a situation in which no crime was reported.

Missouri to restrict gender-affirming care for trans adults this week : politics

The End of Trans America Comes Into Focus: The laws proposed around the country by Republicans would make life for transgender people functionally impossible. The danger is in being under-wrought, not overwrought. : politics

I Heard We Cant Learn About Black People This Year

Audio Reveals Top GOP Lawyers 2024 Strategy: Make It Harder for College Students to Vote. Instead of fighting for the people or actually earning the votes, Republicansonly plan is to try to 'combat' voting on college campuses,said Rep. Summer Lee.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Attempt To Own Bud Light Goes Exactly How Youd Expect. Critics slammed the Arkansas governors Real Women video as transphobic, tacky, cringeworthy, unintentionally hilarious, and straight out of Saturday Night Live

Ted Cruzs Whine About TheNanny State Backfires Spectacularly On Twitter. The Texas senator gets called out for hypocrisy after his claim about "choice"

Republicans glorify political violence by embracing extreme gun culture

Probe ordered after Florida shooter fires at delivery driver : news

Death penalty trial begins for accused in Tree of Life synagogue shooting | AP News

The Second Amendment is a ludicrous historical antique: Time for it to go | Sooner or later, change will come: Younger Americans won't tolerate this constitutional delusion much longer

The Religious Right Has Never Been Smaller or More Powerful ... But the primary driver of creeping secularism is generational churn. Two-thirds of Americans born before 1946 belong to a religious institution, according to Gallup. That drops to 58 percent among baby-boomers, 50 percent among Generation X, and 36 percent among millennials

| The Institute of Politics at Harvard University A national poll released today by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School indicates that among18-to-29-year-olds, President Bidens approval rating stands at 36%, a drop of three percentage points since last fall (39%) and five percentage points since last spring (41%.) The poll also finds that nearly half of young Americans (48%) have felt unsafe in the past month, with 40% worried about falling victim to gun violence.

Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and what matters is why | Nieman Journalism Lab - Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and what matters is why - Is this Fox News cleaning up its act after that $787.5 million Dominion settlement? Dealing with the latest in a long line of workplace lawsuits? Or betting they can make someone else a star in the same time slot?
Rupe, can you cut me a break? For old times sake ... Carlson's exit is related to the discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, the producer fired by the network last month, the sources said. Carlson's senior executive producer Justin Wells has also been terminated, according to insiders ... Carlson, who did not respond to a request for comment, has now been fired by all three cable networks, having been pushed out from his previous stints at CNN and MSNBC. (so, he's really an asshole, and) ... Is anybody sitting shiva yet for Glenn's Fox News career? (and ...RFKjr:) This guy should have his photo in the urban dictionary next to both Failson and nepo baby
Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News, Last Episode Already Aired : television ... The lack of a goodbye is a huge flag in my opinion.
Tucker Carlsons descent into white supremacy: A timeline

Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News, Network Says They Have Agreed To PartWays
Why Did Fox News Fire Tucker Carlson? What We Know Revelations from recent lawsuits may have led to his sudden downfall.
Tucker Carlson, Fake Populist and Genuine Racist A TV character who exploited the worst impulses of the American right.
All the Texts Fox News Didnt Want You to Read

Don Lemon Fired From CNN After Guests Revolt ... long history of misogynistic jokes, insults, and threats against women he worked with.
Don Lemon says he has been fired from CNN : news

Fucking markets, how do they work? ... The emerging party line coming from Elon and his alt-right allies is that anyone with a history of having exchanged money for goods and/or services is a hypocrite if they decline to pay Elon Musk $8/month for an emoji:
emptywheel on Twitter: "In case you were wondering whether providing a way for white supremacist propagandists to better exploit this site was part of a fascist project, Discount Goebbels has weighed in to get you to cough up $8." / Twitter
"Verified" becomes a badge of dishonor : technology
The business knowers have logged on

A Century of the New York It Girl 151 women who captured the citys attention.

TIL Marvin Gay Sr. abused and viciously beat his son throughout his childhood. Marvin II said that if it weren't for his mother he would have committed suicide. He added the "e" to his name to differentiate himself from his father. Marvin Sr would murder Marvin II in 1984 during a family dispute : todayilearned

LAPD officer arrested for alleged rape of a child under 14 : news

Cities reviving downtowns by converting offices to housing : politics
So You Want to Turn an Office Building Into a Home? Cities are eager to do this amid rising remote work. But it's harder than you might think.

Swiping, Prompts and The Ick: Has design changed how we date forever? Height and job titles are rarely good predictors of a successful relationship

My Ballot for the 2023 Hugo Awards

Roughly Half of Young Americans Face Feelings of Depression or Anxiety, Harvard IOP Youth Poll Finds | News | The Harvard Crimson

The marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits colorectal cancer progression and prevents tumor progression

Hydrogens Hidden Phase: Machine Learning Unlocks the Secrets of the Universes Most Abundant Element

Your Brain Is Shaped Like Nobody ElsesEvery brains white matter is differentand that might hold the key to better treatments.

New research finds high levels of loneliness in people with hoarding disorder : science

She Redefined Trauma. Then Trauma Redefined Her. - The New York Times Dr. Judith Herman, who helped launch the field of trauma studies, has returned to publishing after a long, mysterious ordeal.

Mark Wolynn: Inherited Family Trauma - It didn't start with you...but it can end with you - How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle

The Ikea Swedish car that comes to your home in parts

Cocoanut Grove Fire: The Deadliest Nightclub Disaster Which Killed 492 People and Injured Hundreds in 1942 : massachusetts


We have already lost in 2 key climate change signals, according to UN report

The mouse that roared: how a little Australian website stared down Murdochs millions ... The whole of the proceedings was a defamation case Murdoch had brought against an Australian publication last August for daring to link him to the 6 January Capitol riots.

Explorers locate WWII ship sunk with over 1,000 Allied POWs : worldnews

Japan prepared to shoot down North Korean spy satellite rocket if necessary, minister says | CNN : worldnews
Japanese fete LGBTQ progress, demand marriage rights prior to G-7 summit : worldnews

South Korean owners of dog meat farms criticize first lady for calling for an end to the culture of eating dogs : worldnews

Taiwan Strait: EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell calls for European navy patrols : worldnews
Taiwan Quietly Urges US to Calm Rhetoric on China Chip Risk : worldnews

Chinas ambassador to France says former Soviet countries have no status in internationallaw
France, Baltic states dismayed after China envoy questions Ukraine sovereignty : worldnews
Lithuanian Foreign Minister on Chinese ambassadors doubts about sovereignty of post-Soviet countries: This is why we do not trust China
Chinese Censorship Is Quietly Rewriting the Covid-19 Story - The New York Times Under government pressure, Chinese scientists have retracted studies and withheld or deleted data. The censorship has stymied efforts to understand the virus.

Russias war on Ukraine latest: Moscow expels German diplomats
Russia announces reciprocal expulsion of more than 20 German diplomats, RIA reports

Russia Looking to Recruit 400,000 Volunteers to Fight in Ukraine : worldnews
2/4) The new adverts appeal to potential recruits masculine pride, appealing for real men as well as highlighting the financial benefits of joining up.
(4/4) The authorities are almost certainly seeking to delay any new, overt mandatory mobilisation for as long as possible to minimise domestic dissent.
ISW on Twitter: "ISW has previously observed #Russian efforts to redeploy wounded soldiers and prevent their evacuation. 2/2" / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "#Russian Occupation Update: Russian occupation officials are continuing to expand patronage networks in occupied territories[,] ... likely extending Russian-style corruption systems to occupied territories in #Ukraine." / Twitter
Russian nationalist trying to explain why russian soldiers were caught having gay sex in Ukraine

Russias Belgorod sees mass evacuations over undetonated bomb

Indian Scientific community demands restoration of Darwins theory in textbooks
Amritpal Singh: Sikh separatist arrested after weeks on the run : worldnews

Afghanistan has become a terrorism staging ground again, leak reveals : worldnews

US evacuates American diplomatic personnel from Sudan : worldnews
Special Ops Forces Evacuate US Embassy Staff From Sudan : worldnews
France begins evacuation of embassy staff, French and allied citizens from Sudan

Kenyan cult leader told followers to starve themselves, at least 21 dead : worldnews ... Starvationatronic Delifecizer.

Turkish govt buys thousands of pepper spray canisters in run-up to elections

Irans New Hijab Surveillance System Met with Internal Defiance, Derision
Illegal Abortions In Iran Rising Significantly In Wake Of Restrictions

Russia Launches Overnight Missile Attack on Kharkiv : worldnews
Ukrainian forces land on left bank of Kherson Oblast : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 424, Part 1 (Thread #565) : worldnews

Russias estimated losses in Ukraine as of day 424 of the all-out war, according to Ukraines GenStaff

Young Crimean Tatar sentenced to 7 years by Russian proxies, accused of giving $12 to volunteer battalion. : worldnews

14 years late, Finlands new reactor, Olkiluoto 3, starts generating power

Cyprus freezes assets of violators of UK and US sanctions against Russia : worldnews

Magazine editor sacked over Schumacher AI interview (Germany, guys been in a coma for 10 years)

Hundreds of racism cases documented in 2022 in Switzerland : worldnews

Dutch special envoy to Ukraine quits after comments of his saying that Ukrainians are Russians as well are published

Italy: Free for women the contraceptive pill and preventive treatment that reduces the chances of HIV infection : worldnews

Thousands of protesters marched Saturday in southern France to denounce plans to build a new highway they say will pollute, add to global warming and threaten biodiversity. : worldnews

Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP after racism letter (UK) : worldnews (Corbynite)

Angry at Brazils Lula, Ukrainians protest in Lisbon as official visit starts
Brazils Lula doesnt want to please anyone with Ukraine stance

Russia advising citizens to avoid traveling to Canada, citing attacks : worldnews

Mexico migrant camp tents torched across border from Texas: The fires were set Wednesday and Thursday at the sprawling camp of about 2,000 people, most of them from Venezuela, Haiti and Mexico : worldnews

US sends Guantanamo detainee to Africa after 20 years of imprisonment without charge, saying hes no longer a threat

Russia running the U.N. Security Council is going about how you'd expect -The Security Council's presidency is rotated on a monthly, alphabetical basis, and April has put the Kremlin at the head.

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Situation in Sudan | The White House

President Biden leads charge to protect LGBTQ rights as GOP legislates culture wars ahead of 2024 : politics
Biden Is Winning Over More Democrats Than Obama, Clinton : politics

A 32-Hour Workweek Is Long Overdue Bernie Sanders is calling for a reduction in the workweek to 32 hours, at full-time pay. Hes absolutely right. Gains in productivity should serve the working class.

McCarthys debt ceiling plan is theater unworthy of a high school gym

Chief Justice Hasnt Responded to Testimony Invite, Durbin Says

Foxs settlement with Dominion unlikely to cost it $787.5M ... Fox can deduct the Dominion settlement from its income taxes as an expense necessary for the cost of doing business ... spreading misinformation in a criminal manner is tax deductible

Trump team texts are stronger evidence of Georgia crime: Ex-prosecutor

January 6 protester Ray Epps says he relives Capitol riot every day | 60 Minutes - CBS News

Abortion is now political Kryptonite for Republicans : politics
Trump Defends Push To Restrict Abortion Rights After Rebuke : politics
Five takeaways from the Supreme Courts abortion pill rulingThe Supreme Courts decision is good for science and especially good for women.
Republicans Try to Keep Abortion Ballot Issues Off the Ballot - The New York Times After abortion rights supporters swept six ballot measures last year, Republican legislatures seek to make it harder to get on the ballot, and harder to win if there is a vote.

Americas 4th Leading Cause of Death: Poverty
The American way of death

Nearly half of Republicans dont want Trump to run for reelection in 2024, new poll shows
NBC News poll: Nearly 70% of GOP voters stand behind Trump amid indictment, investigations : politics

The strange presidential career of Ronald Reagan: An ongoing study in historical amnesia

DeSantis Faces Republican Scrutiny on Issues While Trump Skates By : politics
Destroy This Guy: Why Trumps Campaign Against DeSantis Is So Personal ... Some say DeSantis made his staffs lives miserable. They want to return the favor
Why is Ron DeSantis so determined to keep taking on Disney? : politics

Opinion: Is this the legislative session Iowa voters wanted? : politics

Minnesota Senate passes bill banning conversion therapy - If anyone doubts that we can take meaningful action to protect our kids, Ive got two words for you: Watch us. Gov. Tim Walz

Texas Senate passes bill to end countywide voting on Election Day : politics
Ban on Tenure for New Faculty Hires Passes Texas Senate : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene surprised and angered after being silenced at hearing
Greene silencing leads to new pledges of civility : politics

Montana Republicans won't let this trans lawmaker speak in the legislature : politics

Bill to provide $17,000 for those opting out of public schools defeated in California senate committee : politics

Foundation for Government Accountability behind child labor law rollbacks, emails show - The Washington Post The Foundation for Government Accountability, a Florida-based think tank and lobbying group, drafted state legislation to strip child workplace protections, emails show
The Republican Love of Child Labor

No veto: Recreational marijuana will become legal in Delaware Sunday without Gov. Carneys signature

New York City home care aides push to end 24-hour shifts:Destroyed my body

When the Culture Wars Come for the Public Library : politics
Florida at Center of Debate as School Book Bans Surge Nationally : politics

Florida Republicans Pass Bill Allowing Trans Kids to Be Removed From Their Families : politics
Alabama education director ousted over books stance on race

Arizona revokes water permits for Saudi Arabia-owned alfalfa farm : politics

Tennessee Republican who voted to expel Democrats resigns after ethics violation : politics
Amid Expulsion Vote In House, Tennessee Sen Quietly Names April Confederate History Month
Republican Governor to Call Special Session in TN to Discuss Gun Reform : politics

Frequent Shootings Put U.S. Mass Killings On A Record Pace Mass killings are happening with staggering frequency this year: an average of once every 6.53 days, according to an analysis of The AP/USA Today data.
Fear, mistrust, guns and their deadly consequences in America : politics
Opinion | Gun Idolatry Is Destroying the Case for Guns - The New York Times
Gun Violence Is Actually Worse in Red States. Its Not Even Close ... Deep South has highest rate of gun deaths among major regions ... Greater Appalachia has highest rate of gun suicides among major regions

9 teenagers shot, wounded at after-prom party in Texas : news

CEO Jeff Shell Is Leaving Comcast Immediately; Company Says Decision "Mutual" After Investigation Into Inappropriate Conduct

An Ongoing Series (Twitter) the expected groupings of Russian bots, MAGA chuds, and crypto scammers, all with their own blue checks.
How Elon Musk Turned the Blue Checkmark Into a Scarlet LetterA weekend-long masterclass in business failure.

Conservative Media Claims Conspiracy Killing AM Radios in Cars, Not Dying Format This in no way has anything to do with conservative talk radio hosts trying to keep their jobs. None at all.

TIL that the first national speed limit law of 55mph passed in 1974 in the US was not because of safety concerns, but because fast-traveling vehicles would have exacerbated the oil shortage at the time : todayilearned

Call to IntensePrayer: Boston Archdiocese Responds to SatanicTemples Convention

60 years ago, Bob Dylans Boston debut was a freewheelin good time ... 26 Surrey St.,

Untangling Andy Warhol | The New Yorker The Pop iconoclast obsessively documented his life, but he also lied constantly, almost recreationally ,,, When his relationship with Edie Sedgwick was coming to an end -- she ran off with Bob Dylan ...
Andy Warhol. Campbell's Soup Cans. 1962 | MoMA
Marilyn Diptych by Andy Warhol (article) | Khan Academy
Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe
Andy Warhol. Brillo Box (Soap Pads). 1964 | MoMA
How my fathers Brillo Box made $3 million
Exploding Plastic Inevitable - Wikipedia - The Exploding Plastic Inevitable had its beginnings in an event staged on January 13, 1966, at a dinner for the New York Society for Clinical Psychiatry.

There Is No A.I. | The New Yorker There are ways of controlling the new technologybut first we have to stop mythologizing it ... the most accurate way to understand what we are building today is as an innovative form of social collaboration.

A Key Part of the Big Bang Remains Troublingly Elusive Physicists still dont understand what happened in the instant after the Big Bang.

What the heck is a time crystal, and why are physicists obsessed with them?

North Brookfield chair banning drag show on common despite ACLU legal push : massachusetts

Stop The Shock @ JRC : massachusetts

What computer feature dont most people know about?

Feeling suffocated by the cost of living in Mass. Who else? : boston


Greenlands melt goes into hyper-drive with unprecedented ice loss in modern times

The Big One: Extinction Rebellion activists descend on central London to continue four-day campaign : worldnews

AP PHOTOS: Glimpses of a changing Earth, as seen from above | AP News

Adelaide woman to become first female to train as astronaut under Australian flag : worldnews
Army projects drastically cut as Australia fast-tracks massive build-up of land-based missiles in Defence shake-up : worldnews
Deadly Strathmerton crash sends shock wave through community in Victorias north-east
Japanese ship Montevideo Maru that sank with 979 Australians found in South China Sea after 81 years : worldnews

How many more children have to die? Myanmar airstrike survivors ask what will it take for the world to act

Singapore plans to execute man over 1kg of cannabis - Taipei Times : worldnews

Japan prepares to shoot down North Korea satellite if it falls on Japan : worldnews
Japan health ministry panel OKs oral abortion pill for 1st time : worldnews

Nuclear weapons: Why South Koreans want the bomb : worldnews

US Resupply of Taiwan Impossible Once Chinese Invasion Begins: War Game

Russia appoints new Navy commanders for both Baltic and pacific fleets (Moscow times is an independent news source) : worldnews
Russia cancelled Immortal Regiment march because it fears showing scale of losses

After Russia bombs own city, explosive found at same site | AP News
Not one, but two Russian bombs fell on Belgorod : ukraine

North Russian region of Arkhangelsk wins praise for efforts to militarise its youth : worldnews

Al-Qaida threatens to avenge killing of Atiq Ahmad

Afghanistan has become a terrorism staging ground again, leak reveals - The Washington Post

US evacuates embassy in Sudans capital Khartoum
US Forces Sent to Djibouti to prep for possible Sudan evacuation. : worldnews
Foreign nationals to be evacuated from Sudan - army| Diplomats and nationals from the US, UK, France and China are to be evacuated from Sudan by air as fighting there continues, a statement from the Sudanese army says. : worldnews

Ugandas president has rejected a horrific new anti-gay bill as he thinks its not extreme enough

Hit TV drama sparks calls for reform of Egypts oppressive guardianship law

Defense Minister: Israel preparing for multifront war : worldnews
Tens of thousands of Israelis packed Tel Aviv streets on Saturday for the 16th consecutive week to protest government judicial reforms they see as an attack on democracy.The weekly protests have continued despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on March 27 announcing a "pause" : worldnews
Activists gear up for chance to bring 3,000 visiting US Jews into anti-overhaul fray : worldnews
Israel: self-proclaimed racist politician nominated as New York consul general | May Golan has insulted Africans in Israel and disparaged the Reform movement, the largest Jewish denomination in the US
Israel ends expedited immigration track for Russians and Belarusians fleeing war : worldnews

Ukraines Foreign Ministry: Ukraine needs 10 times more military support to end war this year
Ukraines Defence Intelligence Chief arrested in absentia in Russia: he is to be put on international wanted list

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 423, Part 1 (Thread #564) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 22.04.2023 : ukraine

ISW on Twitter: "The #Ukrainian General Staff reported that #Russian forces launched 26 drones on April 20, of which Ukrainian forces shot down 21 and 12 drones on April 21, of which Ukrainian forces shot down eight. 1/2" / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "#Bakhmut Update: #Russian forces continued to advance in and around Bakhmut on April 21, although Russian forces have not completed a turning movement around the city." / Twitter

Russia imprisons 75-year-old Spanish volunteer for over year, evidence shows he is being tortured : worldnews

Murder, alcohol and prostitutes: Wagner convicts pardoned by Putin return to terrorise home towns : worldnews

Russia says it has been saving children from Ukraine, not stealing them, despite widespread evidence of abductions
He was forced to obtainpassport Occupation authorities removed 16-year-old orphan Roman from Donetsk region to #RF. There they found him a new family, his epresentative later told U.S. lawmakers. The boy was forced to watch TV propaganda.He was lucky to be brought back home by volunteers.

Sweden can join NATO before July summit: Turkey opposition : worldnews

Russia orders arrest of Bulgarian journalist Christo Grozev, accuses him of being a foreign agent
Christo Grozev on Twitter: "Wow, it's a double whammy day. Not only was I arrested in absentia, but I was also declared a "foreign agent" today. (A literal foreigner being a foreign agent? Can I be anything but?). Anyway, off to the casino." / Twitter ... Ahah, and @elonmusk took away my blue mark :) synchronized swimming.
Russian ambassador interferes in Bulgarian elections : worldnews

Polish court convicts women for offending religious feelingswith rainbow Virgin Mary at LGBT march

Orban outraged by NATO Secretary Generals statement about Ukraines future in NATO
What?! Orban throws cold water on Ukraines NATO hopes

Our credibility must be safeguarded: Cyprus in turmoil after Russia sanctions. 13 Cypriot entities and individuals sanctioned by the UK and the US for managing assets of Russian oligarchs

850 kg of cocaine seized on board a bulk carrier bound for Venice : worldnews

Kremlin tries to build antiwar coalition in Germany, documents show: Marrying Germanys far right and far left is a Kremlin goal, according to a trove of Russian documents
Kremlin influencing anti-war coalition in Germany: report : worldnews
Germany appoints commission to investigate attack during 1972 Munich Olympics : worldnews

A Paris court on Friday sentenced Lebanese-Canadian citizen Hassan Diab to life in prison in absentia for the 1980 bombing of a synagogue in which four people died. Diab, now 69 is a university professor in Canada : worldnews
Paris synagogue bomber convicted after 43 years : worldnews

Ukrainians in Lisbon protest against Brazilian presidents visit ... Lula-fuck can't read ...

British Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab resigns after bullying investigation : worldnews (Tories are bullies)
Serving member of the UK Armed Forces charged under Official Secrets Act : worldnews

Peruvian ex-president Alejandro Toledo surrendered to US authorities Friday, ahead of his expected extradition to Lima where he is accused of corruption and money laundering : worldnews

FBI talking to members of Discord group where documents allegedly leaked - The Washington Post Investigators have spoken to online friends of alleged leaker Jack Teixeira, who hung out and viewed secret documents in a gaming chatroom

Biden is running out of time to avoid debt ceiling trouble - The Washington Post The GOPs willingness to court economic disaster without major spending cuts leaves White House aides in a bind (they're doing it again)

The STOP CSAM Act Would Put Security and Free Speech at Risk | Electronic Frontier Foundation ,,, would undermine services offering end-to-end encryption, and force internet companies to take down lawful user conten

Supreme Court says abortion pill mifepristone will remain broadly available during legal battle : politics
Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented.
The Supreme Court Just Ruled Abortion Pills Can Stay on the Market : politics
Samuel Alito used his dissent in the abortion pill ruling to call out 3 justices in an act of judiciary 'theater' SCOTUS expert says
The Supreme Court delivers a sigh of relief and an outrageous dissent
Democrats Struggle to Face the Illegitimate Court System : politics
Advise and what now - Matthew Kacsmaryk is, among other things, walking evidence that pretty the only thing a Republican judicial nominee can do to get rejected by a Republican-majority Senate is the slightest shred of evidence that he might not vote the party line in every case:

White House accuses Jim Jordan of highly misleading leak onHunter Biden

House Republicans, Manhattan DA end fight over Trump inquiry | AP News

Report: Team Trumps Attempt to Overturn the Election in Georgia Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought - (

Testimony Suggests Trump Was at Meeting About Accessing Voting Software : politics

Trump team says DeSantis Florida among the worst states to work, retire or raise a family
The Sickening Deja Vu of Watching Trump Manhandle DeSantis

Blame Rupert Murdoch and Fox for Iraq, Trump, and The Big Lie : politics
Dominions C.E.O.: We Settled the Lawsuit Against Fox News, but Were Not Done Yet

America Fails the Civilization Test : politics

Freshman Democrat says angriest voices in Congress are 'faking it' | Rep. Jeff Jackson says the political system rewards bad behavior.

GOPs Coziness With White Nationalism Opens a Line of Attack for Dems

Republicans attack energy spending thats creating jobs in their districts

NAACP sues after Mississippi expands control over law enforcement in Jackson : politics

Abortion rights amendment in Ohio at risk as Republicans try to change to rules - The Washington Post State lawmakers are seeking to toughen rules when public opinion appears to be running against them

Florida students say theyre walking out and teaching themselves banned history lessons to protest censorship and anti-LGBTQ laws in education
Retired Navy Officer Takes on Floridas Book-Ban Fascism
Florida passes bill allowing death penalty for child sexual abusers : politics

Arrests made in online threats against Florida sheriff who took a stand against antisemitism in his county | CNN : news

US judge who ruled in favor of church in key abuse case donated to archdiocese | Greg Guidry gave the New Orleans church thousands of dollars and now refuses to step down from a case involving 500 victims : politics

Missouri trans snitch form down after people spammed it with theBee Movie script
Many States Are Trying to Restrict Gender Treatments for Adults, Too - The New York Times Missouri has imposed sweeping rules to limit health care for trans adults. Other states have banned Medicaid coverage or introduced bills outlawing care for young adults.

Librarians could be held responsible for obscene books under new Arkansas law : books

Reporter investigating where state Sen. Wendy Rogers lives in Arizona hit with restraining order : politics
Sen. Wendy Rogers runs to court to avoid a reporter armed with ... questions : politics

Texas man indicted for alleged threat to kill US Rep. Maxine Waters : politics
The Texas Senate Just Voted To Destroy Its Public Universities : politics

Alaska Supreme Court, in landmark ruling, says partisan gerrymandering violates state constitution : politics

Vermont becomes latest state to outlaw child marriage, raising eligibility age to 18 : politics

In a thriving Michigan county, a community goes to war with itself - The Washington Post Ottawa County offers a glimpse of what happens when one of the building blocks of American democracy is consumed by ideological battles ... The new commissioners, all Republicans, swore their oaths of office on family Bibles. And then the firings began. Gone was the lawyer who had represented Ottawa County for 40 years. Gone was the county administrator who oversaw a staff of 1,800. To run the health department, they voted to install a service manager from a local HVAC company who had gained prominence as a critic of mask mandates.
Stalin, Mao, and the nice lady who runs the county health departmentThe function of criticism at the present time is to figure out various ways to keep religious lunatics from destroying this country: ... This is just a small piece of a fascinating article in the WAPO about how radicalized evangelical Christian zealots took over the government in Ottawa County, which is one of the whitest and most conservative places in Michigan, but somehow also in the grip of various satanic cabals.

The fight for democracy : A California journalist documents the far-right takeover of her town: Were a test case - Shasta county
~\ A California journalist documents the far-right takeover of her town:

America, the armed and paranoid : politics
Wrong Address Shootings Reflect Americas Rising ParanoiaGun makers, politicians and media have fed a culture of fear that sees threats lurking around every corner.

Why Is Going to the Wrong Place a Deadly Risk in America?
Americas Tragedy Is Its Culture of Fear -- Armed With Millions of Guns

Florida couple delivering Instacart groceries shot at after driving to wrong address | WFLA

Springfield man charged with demanding meat at gunpoint

Six cattle that died mysteriously in Texas had their tongues removed, authorities say : news

Indian student shot dead at USA fuel station, suspects photo released

Woman allegedly kidnapped off NYC street and driven away in minivan : news

Twitter removes state-media tags from Russian, Chinese accounts - The Washington Post
State-controlled media experience sudden Twitter gains after unannounced platform policy change - DFRLab
Twitter once muzzled Russian and Chinese state propaganda. Thats over now
The Twitter Blues
Just an earthbound misfit

Starship launch video captures flying debris and destruction - The Washington Post
SpaceX's Starship Kicked Up a Dust Cloud, Leaving Texans With a Mess - Residents of Port Isabel said that their city was covered in grime following SpaceX's rocket launch on Thursday. The city said there was no immediate concern for peoples health

Ganja glut? With excess weed, growers seek interstate sales : politics

Which electric vehicle is right for you? Check out our guide.

ELI5: Why do some men go bald from the hairline and others go bald from the crown? : explainlikeimfive

Radical New Space Observatory Would Use Sun To Gravitationally Lens Exoearths : technology
The entire observable universe squeezed into one image by NASA. : pics

NASA researchers have created a new metal alloy that has over 1000 times better durability than other alloys at extreme temperature and can be 3D printed (Nature) : science

TIL until approximately the late 1400's the word "girl" used to refer to a child of either sex. : todayilearned

Bostons SatanCon expected to be largest ever gathering of Satanists - WBUR

If Marijuana was legal everywhere, would you partake? Why/why not? : AskReddit

What would happen if all the humans were suddenly financially equal ? : AskReddit - If total wealth - $360 trillion - were divided amongst everyone, we'd all have $45k each in assets.

What is the single coolest line and delivery in move history? : movies

Did Picard Pull Off the Greatest Turnaround in TV History?

Whats sexy for a woman to do, but creepy for a guy to do?

What is a item that profits off of stupid people? : AskReddit

So now they're making full-blown news articles and financial advice ads based on Reddit posts? SMH : WTF

Meta is one of the most brutal tech job-choppers so far, axing about a quarter of employees : technology - The phenomenon known as the "Zuckening".


UN reports off the charts melting of glaciers says saving them is effectively a lost cause.

UN climate report: Past 8 years warmest on record
World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns : worldnews

World's largest battery maker announces major breakthrough in energy density : worldnews

1,242 confirmed cases and 15 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Universal Influenza Vaccine performs well in Phase 1 trail : science

Australia announces pathway to citizenship for New Zealanders : anime_titties
Australia: Victoria moves to raise age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12 despite criticism its not enough

4/20 in Tokyo: Cannabis lovers party for change in strict Japan : worldnews

N. Korea says its status as nuclear weapons state final, irreversible

Taiwan foreign minister warns of conflict with China in 2027 : worldnews
Taiwan quietly urges U.S. to calm rhetoric on China chip dangers : worldnews

China building ability to hijack enemy satellites : worldnews
Chinas ambassador to France unabashedly asserts that the former Soviet republics have no effective status in international law as sovereign states -- He denies the very existence of countries like Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, etc.

G7 nations considering near-total ban on exports to Russia - Kyodo : worldnews
G7 nations considering near-total ban on exports to Russia - Kyodo : anime_titties

Russian official warns of uncontrollable arms race

Jonas Kjellen : Bringing the soldier back in : Russian military manning, manpower, and mobilisation in the light of Russias war in Ukraine

Lefortovo District Court of Moscow arrested Christo Grozev in absentia - The journalist of the Bellingcat investigative project is charged with illegal crossing of the Russian border, Interfax reported.

A fifth of Russian prisoners recruited to fight in Ukraine are HIV positive, with convicts promised anti-viral drugs if they agreed to fight: report : worldnews

Magnitogorsk, Russia : pics

Russias involvement is unsurprising, to put it mildly. But its one thing to accuse #Wagenknecht & co of being Kremlin stooges, quite another to have the smoking documents on the table.The story hasnt broken in German press yet, we await ...

Russian Soldier Jailed for 10 Years Over Revenge Shooting : worldnews

Russian Fighter Jet Accidentally Bombs Own City : worldnews
Russian plane accidentally strikes Russian city near Ukraine border leaving 20m crater : worldnews

Russian arms sales to India stall due to fears over US sanctions. : worldnews
India court acquits 69 Hindus of murder of 11 Muslims during 2002 riots : worldnews

Schism in Pakistan Army a fresh source of trouble for India : anime_titties

Millions close to hunger after World Food Programme cuts food aid to Afghanistan : anime_titties

Sudans top general says military committed to civilian rule
Dead bodies line the streets amid fighting in Sudan; American confirmed among fatalities : worldnews
US deploying additional capabilities near Sudan to assist with potential embassy evacuation

Ugandas President Museveni refuses to sign anti-LGBTQ bill.

The War Zone on Twitter: "Air Force and other U.S. military officials say there has been a significant uptick in unsafe encounters with Russian jets over Syria." / Twitter

Millions of Iranian Schoolgirls at Risk of Deliberate Poisoning, Group Warns

Intl Jewish orgs invite Netanyahu to speak, thousands to protest
Israel: self-proclaimed racist politician nominated as New York consul general | Israel

All Nato members have agreed Ukraine will eventually join, says Stoltenberg | Nato : worldnews
Kyiv To Terminate Lease Agreement With Russian Embassy : worldnews
Given the circumstances of the war it is completely normal for (Ukraine) to move into enemy territory, for example, to block supply routesPistorius said, as quoted by Zeit. The only conditions would be that no cities, civilians, or civilian areas were targeted.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 422, Part 1 (Thread #563) : worldnews

Ukraine exchanged one priest from Moscow-linked church for 28 Ukrainian soldiers : ukraine ... Just in case there was any doubt that Moscow Patriarchy priests are FSB Agents dressed in silk.

Russian TOR air defense system overturned in Melitopol (drunk Russian)

Ukrinform-EN on Twitter: "U.S. soon to begin training Ukrainian troops on #Abrams tanks - AP" / Twitter

Ukrainian woman said her Russian captors mocked her execution and forced her to dig her own grave : worldnews
Russias National Guard commander who ordered poisoning Ukrainians in gas chambers identified

Cocaine-smuggling submarine reveals Europes drug crisis

Polish Supreme Court overturns Poland for Poles hate speech ruling at request of justice minister

Kosovo citizens can now enter the EU without a visa : worldnews

Andrew Tate: House arrest extended another 30 days : news

German Defense Minister considers operations of Ukraine's Armed Forces on territory of Russia acceptable
Germany: Immigrants made up over 18% of 2022 population

Dutch nurse suspected of killing 24 COVID patients : worldnews

Italys antitrust takes steps against Meta in music rights case

Vatican says disclosing emails in court clash is a "grave sin" : worldnews

French police fired teargas Thursday in a village in southern France to keep angry protesters away from President Emmanuel Macron, who was the target of chants and heckles for a second day over his unpopular pension reform : worldnews

Dominic Raab resigns as UK deputy PM over bullying complaints : worldnews

Argentine peso hits record low in black market as economy creaks : worldnews

Chile plans to nationalize its vast lithium industry : worldnews

Why so many top Republicans want to go to war in Mexico - An astonishingly bad idea that's gotten popular very quickly.

Canadian Suspect in Paris Synagogue Bombing Is Found Guilty - The New York Times The attack killed four and injured dozens. But decades of false leads, a lack of evidence and legal wrangling delayed a trial.
Massive gold heist being investigated at Toronto Pearson Airport : worldnews
$20M in gold stolen in very rare heist at Toronto Pearson Airport
B.C. First Nation says 40 unmarked graves found around former residential school : worldnews

Jack Teixeira Posted Sensitive Intelligence More Widely Than Previously Known - The New York Times A Discord user matching the profile of Jack Teixeira distributed intelligence to a larger chat group, days after the beginning of the Ukraine war.

The Threat of Civil Breakdown Is Real - POLITICO National security officials are still not prepared for a far-right revolt.

Biden to sign order prioritizing environmental justice

Biden Administration Should End Federal Marijuana Prohibition : politics

Poll: GOP voters say fighting "woke" ideology more important than stopping Social Security cuts : politics

The Debt Ceiling Debate Is About More Than Debt - The New York Times Republicans opening bid to avert economic catastrophe by raising the nations borrowing limit focuses more on energy policy than reducing debt
Debt Ceiling News: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Lacks Votes So Far - Bloomberg Speaker risks having to pull the bill to avoid defeatConservatives, moderates at odds over work requirements

The Handmaids Tale could become reality in the US at midnight tonight
Abortion pill ruling: Supreme Court preserves access to mifepristone
SCOTUS stays abortion pill injunction ... Thomas and Alito (of course) have dissented, which will make for some very amusing reading Im sure.
Supreme Court Ensures, for Now, Broad Access to Abortion Pill
Samuel Alito is not mad. Do not write that he was mad (the bottom of the evil pit, worse than Thomas)

Birth Control Is Next : politics
GOP senator says she got duped by abortion pill Trump judge
Details about multimillion-dollar stock holding concealed in abortion pill judges financial disclosures
Judge Who Ruled Against Abortion Pill Didnt Disclose Christian Radio Appearances:
Lets Look at Senator Josh Hawley's Connections to the Abortion Pill Case -- Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk donated to Hawley's campaign in 2018, but that donation went missing
Oregon secures three-year supply of mifepristone, pending court action : politics

The Supreme Court Needs Term Limits. Clarence Thomas Is Proof. : politics
Justice Thomas Is Man of Integrity Says Ex-Colleague Breyer
Chief Justice John Roberts' Mockery of Stalking Victims Points to a Deeper Problem - The justices take their own safety very, very seriously. Everybody else's? Not so much.

Smartmatic wants more than Dominion's $787 million payout, plus a retraction from Fox for its 2020 election lies, lawyer says : politics
Fox News Doesnt Do Apologies

Trump touts authoritarian vision for second term: I am your justice

Willis attack on fake Georgia electors lawyer raises intrigue about new developments
Exclusive: Text messages reveal Trump operatives considered using breached voting data to decertify Georgias Senate runoff in 2021

Top Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn to be questioned for 2nd day by special counsel: Sources - ABC News Epshteyn met with prosecutors for multiple hours on Thursday, sources say.

E. Jean Carroll Moves to Keep Whos Bankrolling Her Trump Rape Lawsuit a Secret

Medicaid is popular. So why are Republicans still trying to cut it? : politics

Trump killed the values voter wing of the GOP. It isnt coming back in 2024. (went full Satangelical)

House GOP's latest Hunter Biden laptop theory is less than meets the eye - Jim Jordan and company allege the Biden campaign got former intelligence officials to help suppress the story
Jim Jordan Just Got Busted With Evidence Of His Hunter Biden Lies

Feinstein absence blocks push for supreme court chief Thomas testimony : politics
More than 60 California liberal groups call on Feinstein to resign : politics

Eschaton: Tell The Truth And They'll Think It's Hell Not every Dem has to be out there doing this, but more should be!
What a creep. Kevin McCarthy wants to invade school locker rooms and inspect the genitals of our kids. Hell no.

The default to vote suppression

Bill closing marital rape loophole clears House, despite some GOP opposition : politics

Is Ron DeSantis done? His U.S. presidential bid is sputtering before launch | Florida governors polling is down, donors are distressed and prized endorsements are flowing to Trump
DeSantis Finds Out Being an AssholeHas Its Downsides When Youre Running for President
Outrage as Florida Republicans pass fascist bill to remove trans kids from parents

Everybody hates Ron
Disney announces groundbreaking for affordable housing in Florida

North Dakota to start imprisoning doctors who provide gender-affirming care to trans youth. Doctors could get up to 10 years in prison under the new law. : politics

Montana House Speaker Matt Regier restricts transgender Missoula Rep. Zooey Zephyr from speaking on floor : politics
The war on trans people intensifies in Big Sky Country

Ann Coulter's abortion compromise: Ban For registered Republicans only

Missouri State Senator Doubles Down on Marriage for 12-Year-Olds : politics

Rightwing extremists defeated by Democrats in US school board elections : politics

RI House votes to ban rental application fees : politics

Kansas Democratic governor vetoes anti-transgender bills, saying theyd scare off business

Abbott Aims to Pardon Racist Murderer Who Sent Explicit Texts to Apparent Minor - The governor didn't even wait a single day before calling for the potential pardon of racist murderer Daniel Perry
Texas Senate approves ban on tenure for university and college professors : politics
Texas lawmakers advance bill to force schools to display Ten Commandments : politics
Public schools would have to display Ten Commandments under bill passed by Texas Senate | The Senate also passed a bill that would set prayer and Bible reading times during the school day. : politics

Opinion | Republicans follow their new leader, Marjorie Taylor Greene : politics

Pete Buttigieg slams Lauren Boebert in just 7 words | She has been attacking him all week. Hed had enough.

In Secret Recording, a Top City Library Official Calls Alaska Natives Woke andRacists

Sen. Ted Cruzs Telling Call With Fox Business Host Caught On Newly Released Tape

Veteran returns to the U.S. after 14-year exile under Biden effort to rectify unjust deportations

Radar reveals 4,224 unmarked African-American graves in city-owned cemetery, more than 3 times the previous estimate. Grave markers were removed in 1994 and have been lost. : news

Frequent shootings put US mass killings on a record pace : news
Gun Capitalism: How Lobbyists & GOP Fight Regulation & Push Gun Ownership Despite Deadly Shootings : politics

The GOP war on youth: Spate of innocent stranger shootings shows perils of paranoid rhetoric | Republicans encourage paranoid, angry men to buy guns young people are the ones paying the price

Gun fetishism, airport edition

Gun in fatal on-set Rust shooting was mechanically improper, source says

Chicago police investigating officers response to mob attack in Loop after witness says police declined to help

Rural Americans are importing tiny Japanese pickup trucks | The Economist

BuzzFeed News Is Shutting Down, Company Laying Off 180 Staffers - Variety

Elon Musk Has Broken Disaster-Response Twitter : technology
Twitter drops state-affiliated overnment-funded labels.
Twitter removes state-affiliated and government-fundedlabels from media accountsMany major media outlets no longer display these marks in their accounts. The labels were removed from a number of Russian accounts, including the accounts of propaganda media TASS, RT, and state accounts of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and Dmitry Medvedevs profile. The social network did not explain what these changes were related to.
Dril and other Twitter power users begin campaign to 'Blolck the Blue' paid checkmarks
Fox News grandpas upset that paying $8 a month cannot make their grandchildren talk to them again

JPMorgan's Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Were Deeper Than the Bank Has Acknowledged - The bank has said it shut the convicted sex offender's accounts in 2013, but its bankers were still meeting with him years later, people familiar with the matter said.

Imgur Bans NSFW Content, Begins Purge : technology

Geologists have found the first direct proof of the largest known mega-flood that ever occurred on earth, ending what is known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis

TIL that the oldest known place name sign is over 5,000 years old and marks the Domain of the Scorpion King Horus

What are people stupid for not using? : AskReddit

What are some mysteries that have actually been solved?


SpaceX Gets Starship, The World's Biggest Rocket, Launched Only For It To Explode 4 Minutes After Liftoff : anime_titties

Accelerating melt of ice sheets now unmistakable

In meeting with big economies, Biden to announce funds to fight climate change : worldnews

Volcanic microbe eats CO2 astonishingly quickly say scientists

World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns : anime_titties

Awesome solar eclipse wows viewers in Australia, Indonesia

67 million children missed vaccines during pandemic: A decline in vaccine confidence comes after more than a decade of hard-earned gains in routine childhood immunization. Getting back on track will be a challenging task, UNICEF warned : worldnews
People lost faith in childhood vaccines during COVID pandemic, UNICEF says : worldnews
New data indicates declining confidence in childhood vaccines of up to 44 percentage points in some countries during the COVID-19 pandemic : worldnews

Ghana first to approve world-changer malaria vaccine

New Zealand cat-killing competition for children axed after backlash : worldnews

Hanoi reinstates mask mandate in crowded spaces as Covid-19 cases spike : worldnews

Japan sees few recruits as low pay, bullying, sex abuse claims give military negative image

South Korea could provide military aid to Ukraine if Russia targets civilians : worldnews

Kim Jong Un says North Koreas 1st spy satellite is ready for launch

Missing Indian climber Anurag Maloo found alive on Nepals Mount Annapurna

Young people in China struggle to find jobs as the countrys youth unemployment rate rises

Deportation of Ukrainian children: EU lawmakers call for Putins prosecution
Medvedev threatens Russia will arm North Korea if South Korea supplies arms to Ukraine : worldnews
Russia warns South Korea against arming Ukraine in unfriendly stance, threatens retaliation involving North Korea

Russias Pacific Fleet Commander resigns a week after surprise inspection

Russia expands war recruitment drive with video ad calling for 'real' men
Electronic military draft notices sent out in St Petersburg, Russia : worldnews

A Russian woman was promised firewood when her husband volunteered for the front. Instead, she got two circus tickets. : worldnews

Russia may discard Pyotr Velikii battlecruiser as there are no money for repairs : worldnews

Moscow fines Wikipedia owner $18,000 for Ukraine article - TASS : worldnews
NATO war in Ukraine - Conservapedia

Pakistan raises bogey of all-out war with India to justify delaying polls : worldnews

The US Supreme Court kept alive a massive money laundering prosecution against the Turkish state-run Halkbank, a sanctions case that sparked scandals roiling the leaders of two NATO allies : worldnews

The president of Uganda was told by actual scientists to veto a barbaric anti-LGBTQ+ bill that would make homosexuality illegal in the country. : worldnews

Yemen crowd crush: at least 85 dead after Houthi gunfire sparks panic in the Old City in the center of Sana'a
At least 78 killed, dozens injured, in Yemen stampede : worldnews

Egypt gives Hemedti's forces 72-hour ultimatum to return all Egyptian troops from Sudan or "else"

Hezbollah Supporter Caught Spying For Israel After Accusing Lebanese Protestors Of Being "Israeli Agents" : anime_titties

India-Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA) should be as wide as possible: Israeli Minister : worldnews

Nasa says flash over Kyiv was not its satellite : worldnews
Blinding flash over Kyiv was probably meteorite - BBC News : worldnews

NATO chief arrives in Ukraine on unannounced visit : worldnews
UkraineWorld on Twitter: "This visit of Jens Stoltenberg is the 1st since the full-scale war, being a sign of a new chapter in NATO-Ukraine relations. Source: Volodymyr Zelenskyy" / Twitter
All #NATO Allies agree on Ukraines membership, but now the goal is victory - #Stoltenberg

Ukrainian air-defence systems require ammunition replenishment: 1,500 Russian aerial targets were destroyed in last five months : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 421, Part 1 (Thread #562) : worldnews

(3/5) Early in the invasion, the Russian force was organised into groups of forces each aligned to their home military districts in Russia, for example, the Western and Central Groups of Forces.

Danish reporters film armed men on guard as they approach alleged Russian spy ship

Belgium troubled by Russian intelligence gatheringships in territorial waters (

Swiss impose sanctions on Russian Wagner Group : worldnews

Germany: Hundreds of flights canceled amid strikes : worldnews

Italian minister sparks fury for saying immigration leads to ethnic replacement

Reported Chinese police station in London rattles UK : worldnews ... Rules for thee, but not for Xi.
UK warns China against intimidating foreign nationals on British soil : worldnews
Multiculturalism in U.K: report shows Muslim pupils bullying Hindus to convert : anime_titties

Top national security adviser to Brazils Lula resigns after leaked CCTV cameras shows him amid jan-8 attacks
The violence epidemi in Brazils schools: More than 1,200 cases under investigation

enezuela corruption: 15-year sentence for Hugo Chavez's nurse

Mexican Cartels Are Turning Once-Peaceful Ecuador Into a Narco War Zone : worldnews

Mexicos president slams U.S. spying after 28 Sinaloa cartel members charged, including sons of El Chapo

U.S. report claims Trudeau told NATO Canada will never meet its military spending target : worldnews
Quebec education minister issues directive banning religious practices in public schools : worldnews

Pentagon Requests $36 Million for Havana Syndrome - New military budget would fund research as well as treatment for anomalous health incidents.

Three St. Louis residents indicted on charges of illegally pushing pro-Russian propaganda : news

Blueprint to devastate hard-working American families: White House bashes House GOP proposal

Ordinary Americans Are Being Forced to Subsidize the Military-Industrial Complex. This year, the average American paid $1,087 in taxes just for Pentagon contractors alone. Imagine the kind of society we could construct with just a fraction of the resources we devote to war. : politics

Senate Finance Chief: Nothing Unites GOP More ThanHelping Rich People Cheaton Their Taxes

Judicial record undermines Clarence Thomas defence in luxury gifts scandal : politics
Judicial record undermines Clarence Thomas defence in luxury gifts scandal | Clarence Thomas | The Guardian Republican mega-donor Harlan Crow was linked to a conservative group that had court business while Thomas was on the bench

A murder of ratfuckers - Well lookee here at who is providing major funding for the NO LABELS Republican ratfucking operation:

Fox News-Dominion settlement came after mediator swooped in last minute - The Washington Post Dominion held firm to its big-money claim, and the jury was seated, just before a dramatic ending to the defamation case
Dan Bongino Parts Ways With Fox News the pro-Trump firebrand who turned frequent Fox News appearances into a job hosting a weekend show on the network, is out at the outlet.
Critic Predicts Maria Bartiromo & Jeanine Pirro Will Be Fired As Rupert Murdoch Moves To Be Less 'Vulnerable' After $787.5 Million Defamation Settlement

The how and why of Tucker Carlsons misleading Ukraine war math (Russia edits numbers; Carlson repeats the lies; RFKjr tells Tuckerfucker his own lies)
World-class asshole announces vanity campaign for president

Mike Lindells firm told to pay $5 million in Prove Mike Wrong election-fraud challenge
Fox Paid a Parking Ticket; Mike Lindell Is Going To Get Wrecked In the Game of Trump, the cynical elites prosper while the rubes get taken to the cleaners.
Im So Mad I Didnt Enter Mike Lindells Stupid Contest

More peril for Trump in pending probes than NY: AP-NORC poll | AP News

Capitol rioter shot at local deputies after FBI informed him of Jan. 6 charges Nathan Donald Pelham, of Texas, now faces an additional felony count, on top of the four misdemeanor charges stemming from the attack on the Capitol.

Democrats' Numbers Problem - We look at the costs of Dianne Feinstein's absence to the Democratic Partys agenda.

Report finds hate crimes increased during presidential elections : politics

The Republican Party Has a Plan to Alienate Every Swing Voter in America : politics

The (Republican) Party's Over - We asked four recovering Republicans if the GOP is salvageable. Hint: They laughed.

Top GOP lawyer decries ease of campus voting in private pitch to RNCurged tougher rules that could make it harder for college students to cast ballots

Ron DeSantis Mocked After Buzzword Diarrhea Of The Mouth Rant Against Woke - The Florida governors speech didnt go over very well on Twitter.
Deeply frustrated : Florida legislators worn out by DeSantis
Florida poised to make DeSantis travel records secret
Florida board says it discovers another 11th hour agreement with Disney : politics
Teaching about sexuality and gender identity is now banned in Florida public schools : politics
Florida Extends Dont Say Gay Law Through High School Graduation. Now no student in a Florida public school will be taught about the existence of LGBTQ+ people or other gender identities until after they graduate from high school.

The Florida sheriff vs. the neo-Nazi scumbags

Marjorie Taylor Greene claims she saw marijuana zombies on ill-fated NYC trip for Trump ... Luckily for her, they only crave brains.
Lauren Boebert told drag queens to stay out of her district. They came & everyone had a good time. : politics

Kentucky Schools Cant Teach Kids About Puberty Anymore

Report: Michigans youth turnout in the 2022 election was best in the nation
Sorry, Sluts: Its Still A Crime for Unmarried Couples to Live Together in Michigan

New secret recording reveals Oklahoma county leaders discussing sexual favors for pay raises - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

GOP leader, who voted to expel Tennessee Three, accused of sexual harassment Rep. Scotty Campbell resigned about six hours after NewsChannel 5 confronted him about the sexual harassment allegations
Republican who voted to expel Tennessee Three and to ban drag shows resigns for being a sex pest

LGBT Allies Are Working Together to Jam Missouris Anti-Trans Tip Line

Sen. Chris Murphy: Gun Violence Is A Dystopia That Weve Chosen For Ourselves

Washington set to become 10th state to ban assault weapons sales : politics

At Sandy Hook, Crime-Scene Investigators Saw the Unimaginable - The New York Times The crime-scene investigators are the ones who document, and remember, the unimaginable. This is what they saw at Sandy Hoo

Uvalde school shooter wrote LOL on whiteboard invictims blood, lawmaker tells families at emotional hearing (while the hundred of heroic copsters looked at their phones and arrested parents)

Fear and paranoia. Grandson says Andrew Lester bought into conspiracies, disinformation (watched Fox all day long)
Sometimes its who you most suspect

Smithsonian Women's History Museum boss settled multiple employee lawsuits - The Washington Post The selection of Nancy Yao to run the American Womens History Museum is being re-evaluated because of questions about firing three sex-harassment accusers at a New York museum

Insider Cuts 10% of Staff, Says ChatGPT Experiments Arent to Blame

BuzzFeed Lays Off 15% of Staff, Shuts Down News Division - The New York Times A quirky upstart that became a Pulitzer Prize-winning operation fell prey to the punishing economics of digital publishing.
Ben Smith: I Would Publish the Steele Dossier Again - The Atlantic But I would do some things differently.

Ammon Bundy: Arrest Warrant Issued for Avoiding Law Suit for Over a Year : news

Alec Baldwin & Ex-Rust Armorer Criminal Charges Dropped In Fatal Film Shooting

Who started the fire at the Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge? Congregation shocked by allegations of arson. - The Boston Globe

New study finds no significant association between any measure of cannabis use at baseline (in people at clinical high risk for psychosis) and either transition to psychosis, the persistence of symptoms, or functional outcome. These findings contrast with epidemiological data. : science

New systematic review on outcomes of hormonal treatment in youths with gender dysphoria concludes that the long-term effects of hormone therapy on psychosocial health could not be evaluated due to lack of studies with sufficient quality. : science

Is there a global temperature reconstruction going back 700 million years? : askscience


Severe heatwave engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close | Extreme temperatures described as worst April heatwave in Asian history as records tested in India, China, Thailand and Laos
Eleven people die of sunstroke near Mumbai after open-air award function. : worldnews
Extreme heat scorches Asia, affecting at least a third of the worlds population

Global rice shortage is set to be the biggest in 20 years : worldnews

Marine scientists have calculated the commercial value of the worlds kelp forests, showing they provide billions of dollars in value to society and are capable of removing 4.91 megatons of carbon from the atmosphere every year.

Sri Lanka considers selling 100,000 endangered monkeys to China. : worldnews

California sees air pollution spike as national levels improve Ozone smog is improving, but wildfires in the West continue to expose people to dangerous pollutants, according to a new report.

Biden budget boosts direct CO2 capture

New Zealand feral cat hunting competition for children prompts backlash : worldnews

French tourist in Japan arrested for punching woman in the face. : worldnews

China readies supersonic spy drone unit, Discord leaks show - The Washington Post ... cutting-edge drone could give it a surveillance advantage during a possible military confrontation over Taiwan
China population: Guangdong suffers first decline in over 4 decades, underlining demographic and economic woes : worldnews

New: Russian President Vladimir #Putin continued to portray himself as a wartime leader in anticipation of a planned Ukrainian counteroffensive during his visit to occupied #Kherson and #Luhansk oblasts.
2/ The We can explainTelegram channel has published a leaked extract from a presentation by the Defenders of the Fatherland Veterans Support Fund, a state fund headed by Putins niece Anna Tsivileva. The fund is working on programmes to support war veterans

Russian Memo Said War Leaves Moscow Too Reliant on Chinese Tech : worldnews
Russia Is Importing Western Weapons Technology, Bypassing Sanctions : worldnews

Hackers identify over 150 military servicemen of Russian assault air regiment : worldnews

Theres no absolute concept of man or woman, says Chief Justice of India Chandrachud

Kuleba visits Kuwait, discusses reconstruction. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba visited Kuwait on April 18 to discuss reconstruction projects and post-war development in Ukraine, according to Ukraines Foreign Ministry website.

Jerusalem shooting perpetrator arrested in overnight raid in Nablus - The suspect, whose name has not been released, is said to be a minor : worldnews

Biden preparing to send fresh shipment of ammo, missiles to Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine War A Clear-Cut Case Of Right Versus Wrong, Says Petraeus
Kaja Kallas says Ukraine is giving the free world a masterclass on cyber-defence. : ukraine
~ Velina TchakarovaTrends and scenarios that I have correctly anticipated:

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 420, Part 1 (Thread #561) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 19.04.2023 : ukraine
Ministry of Defence UK - daily Ukraine update 19.04.2023 : ukraine

Complete junk: American tanker assesses Russian T-90A arriving in the U.S.

Russian forces continue to use a base in occupied southern Ukraine that they built late last year. Equipment, tents, and vehicle tracks are visible in recent high resolution satellite imagery of the site.

Two Russians claiming to be Wagner mercenaries admit to killing children in Ukraine : worldnews
Wagner mercenary admits tossing grenades at injured Ukrainian PoWs

US warns Russia not to touch American nuclear technology at Ukrainian nuclear plant : worldnews

Nordic media reveals Russias secret operations in waters around their states
Russian ships with disabled transponders spotted near sea infrastructure : worldnews
Media: Russia possibly preparing to sabotage wind turbines, gas pipes, power cables in Nordic countries : worldnews

Strange changes in the number of Russian diplomats in Hungary : worldnews

Credit Suisse hampered internal probe into Nazi-linked accounts, U.S. senators say | Reuters

Italy Minister Shocks With Ethnic Replacement Warning

Macron working on secret plan with China to end Ukraine war

Russian hackers want to disrupt or destroy UK infrastructure, minister warns

Brazil condemns violation of Ukraines territory amid criticism (commie Lulafuck says their must be "concessions" by Ukraine)

Mexican president accuses Pentagon of spying; vows to restrict military information : worldnews

U.S. must stem iron river of guns flowing to Latin America, activists say (NRA/gun corps laugh)

Over 155,000 government workers in Canada are going on strike beginning tomorrow, following years of failed bargaining over wages : worldnews
More than 155,000 federal public servants to go on strike : worldnews

Biden extends ban on Russian-affiliated vessels in US ports. U.S. President Joe Biden said on April 18 that he is extending the ban on Russian-affiliated ships from U.S. ports. The decree, which was implemented in April 2022, was due to expire this week.

The FBI Called Me: Meet Aric Toler, the Bellingcat Sleuth Who Helped The New York Times Find Suspected Pentagon Leaker Jack Teixeira

Admiral defends non-binary officer against attacks from GOP lawmakers : politics

House Republicans may not have the votes to pass border security bill - The Washington Post While the dynamics remain fluid as negotiations continue, there are enough votes to kill the legislation in its current form if it comes to the House floor

The Bidens made $579K last year, and paid a 23.8 percent tax rate, their returns show : politics

Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Most Sweeping Set of Executive Actions to Improve Care in History : politics

The last time the U.S. almost defaulted on its loans, the consequences were expensive : politics

Jeff Merkley Leads New Bill to Ban Deeply Corrupt Stock Trading in Congress | We are elected to serve the public, not our portfolios, said the Oregon Democrat.

Bernie Sanders once again wants to raise taxes on rich heirs : politics

Americans like saying theyre independent while voting as partisans (you mean refucks)
The party of big, intrusive government? That would be the GOP. : politics

Complaints about Justice Thomass disclosures sent to judicial committee

The justices were kidding themselves Supreme Court takes up abortion after saying lawmakers should decide
Supreme Court poised to rule on abortion pill restrictions : politics

Fox Will Pay $787.5 Million to Settle Dominion Defamation Suit - The New York Times
Fox News, Dominion settle defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million - The Washington Post
Theres a big hole in the Dominion-Fox News settlement
Rupert Wins Again - POLITICO For the media mogul, the massive Dominion settlement fee is just the cost of doing business.
Dominions Big Fox News Settlement Is Americas Loss
Fox News throws Trump under the bus : politics
A $787.5 Million Settlement and Embarrassing Disclosures: The Costs of Airing a Lie
Fox News still faces $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit from Smartmatic - The Washington Post
The Dominion Settlement Is Just the Beginning of Fox and Rupert Murdoch's Nightmare
Dont get it twisted: Foxs $787.5M defamation deal is record-setting, massive and painful, experts say

Republican committee chair trying to dig up dirt on Biden admits theyve come up dry

Marjorie Taylor Greene shut down by GOP committee chair after she calls Homeland Security Secretary a liar at hearing : politics

Trumps Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements - Here is a list of every member of Congress and every governor who has endorsed the twice-impeached, criminally indicted former president

When the politics match the aesthetics

Fulton County DA says fake Trump electors are incriminating one another and wants lawyer disqualified : politics
Georgia prosecutor probing Trump reveals new details of active investigation : politics

Atlanta Prosecutor Seeks Removal of Lawyer in Trump Case - The New York Times The lawyer represents 10 Georgia Republicans who were part of a plan to reverse the results of the 2020 presidential election and keep Donald J. Trump in power.
Lawyer repping fake Trump electors presents "ethical mess," DA says : politics

Capitol riot: Nashvilles zip-tie guyguilty on all charges

Its Time for Dianne Feinstein to Resign
White House slams GOP for rejecting Democratic plan to replace Feinstein on Senate Judiciary Committee : politics
Democrats forced to play Feinstein waiting game after GOP puts up roadblock : politics
Feinsteins absence imperils Bidens labor secretary pick, a fellow Californian

Kyrsten Sinemas campaign rakes in money from Wall Street, big banks and prominent Republicans

Poll: Trump's big post-indictment bounce is fading fast - The former presidents lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the Republican primary has shrunk 10 points since late March.

Eschaton: The Journalist Primary Chris Christie ended his term in office (New Jersey Governor) with an approval rating below 15%. This is an amazing accomplishment! I don't even know how you can do that! That hasn't stopped him getting top tier coverage from journalists ever since.

DeSantis went to Washington, and it did not go well : politics
How Trump ambushed DeSantis in D.C.
DeSantis is in a rut. His trek to D.C. didnt help. the Florida governor was overshadowed by rival Donald Trumps string of endorsements.
Floridas Anti-Trans Laws Could Completely Wipe Out LGBTQ Clinics
Dont Say Gay expansion requested by DeSantis approved
Floridas phony exceptions ... Heartbeat Protection Act ...
EXCLUSIVE: Prominent DeSantis ally who shot himself dead last year was under investigation for using sold out Taylor Swift tickets to lure teen to his office and show him her breasts then trying to buy familys silence
Judge who denied girl abortion over grades shortlisted for Floridas top court: Jared Smith, who was ousted for decision, will be interviewed before Ron DeSantis picks new supreme court member

State Rep. Justin Jones Attempts To Bring Child-Size Coffin Into Tennessee Legislature : politics

GOP drops $1M on Manchin as Justice preps run - POLITICO Republicans are seeking to tie the West Virginia Democrat to his partys marquee tax, health care and climate law, betting it will drag down his prospects in the deep-red state

Wisconsin Supreme Court race was the most expensive state judicial election in U.S. history : politics

Bills to create new Texas courts would likely reverse Democratic gains, restore GOP dominance Supporters say the proposals would increase efficiency and expertise, but opponents argue the attempts are political and probably unconstitutional. : politics
Texas consider bills criminalizing voter fraud despite no evidence : politics
Heider Garcia, the top election official in deep-red Tarrant County, had previously testified about being harassed by the former presidents right-wing supporters.

George Santos Press Team Denies He Was Born In the United States, Then Denies Denial ... Our first AI generated congressperson is fucking disaster ... ChatGOP ... GropenAI

Conservatives push wild conspiracy that Bud Light is being run by the CIA in secret 'woke' warfare

Trans Montana lawmaker condemned by Republicans for powerful speech in support of trans healthcare : politics

WV lawmaker Elliott Pritt switches from Democrat to Republican : politics (another one)

Oklahoma sheriff, 2 staffers recorded discussing lynching Black people are suspended from sheriffs association ... The full audio is planned to be released on Thursday
Oklahoma Official Who Discussed Killing Reporters Resigns | HuffPost Latest News McCurtain County Commissioner Mark Jennings was caught on tape discussing killing reporters and lynching Black people.

Dadeville birthday party shooting: 2 teen brothers arrested for reckless murder -

Stand your ground: the US laws linked to rising deaths and racist violenceThe shooting of Ralph Yarl, the Black teen who rang the wrong doorbell, revives concerns about expanding self defense laws ... An analysis last year found stand your ground laws were linked to an 8% to 11% increase in homicide rates, or roughly 700 additional deaths each year. (refuckers for murder)
2 shootings at mistaken addresses have renewed the focus on stand your ground laws

Man arrested after 2 Woodlands Elite cheerleaders were shot outside HEB near Austin, police say
2 Texas cheerleaders shot after getting into wrong car in parking lot : news
Boyfriend of N.Y. woman fatally shot in wrong driveway recalls her final moments : news

Louisiana bill shifts liability to gun owners for firearms stolen from unlocked cars, used in felonies : politics

Maine quadruple murder suspect was recently released from prison - Joseph Eaton, 34, was released Friday from the Maine Correctional Center in Windham, where he had been sentenced in March 2021, a state official said.

Supreme Court clears way for Texas death row inmate Rodney Reed to try to use DNA to prove innocence | CNN Politics

The success of the anti-cigarette campaign ... worth noting that, if we were in the same situation today as we were in the mid-1960s, the contemporary incarnation of the Republican party would make it completely impossible to undertake any of the government measures that, in combination, have over the past half century so successfully reduced the leading cause of preventable death in America.

Opinion | As enrollment plummets, academia gets schooled about where it went wrong - The Washington Post ... 38 percent of recent college graduates, and one-third of all college graduates, hold jobs that do not require a college degree.

Public safety accounts will still be limited unless they pay up for Twitter API access. ($500,000)

See the websites that make AI bots like ChatGPT sound so smart - Washington Post ... The top Christian site, Grace to You ( No. 164), belongs to Grace Community Church, an evangelical megachurch in California. Christianity Today recently reported that the church counseled women to continue to submit to abusive fathers and husbands and to avoid reporting them to authorities ... The highest ranked Jewish site was No. 366, an online magazine for Orthodox Jews.that blamed the rise of antisemitism in the United States on the far-right, fundamentalist Islam,as well asan African-American community influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement.

Taylor Swift didn't sign $100 million FTX sponsorship because she was the only one to ask about unregistered securities, lawyer says : technology

Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson Discuss the Urge to Impregnate WomenMusk blamed birth control, abortions to the impending collapse of civilization

How I Was Reborn - After my mothers death, my father plunged the family into evangelicalism, leaving our Jewish faith behind. What, I wondered, would become of our souls?

How Paul Celan Reconceived Language for a Post-Holocaust World | The New Yorker His poems, now translated into English in their entirety, are an invitation to a new kind of reading.
Paul Celan - Wikipedia

Ketamine shows promise in the treatment of depression in patients with borderline personality disorder : science

Easter fire at Cambridge church deemed suspicious, officials seek help from public in investigation - The Boston Globe

What is the most unexpected thing you've seen live on tv? : AskReddit

What's unusual about your body? : AskReddit


Despite their 2015 pledge to limit global warming by slashing carbon emissions, big countries commitments so far still fall short of meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement, monitors say

Scientists discover pristine deep-sea Galapagos reef teeming with life| Diving to 600m, researchers find reefs full of octopus, lobster and fish, raising hopes for corals survival amid rising sea temperatures

Surprise find: Marine animals are thriving in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch : worldnews

FDA okays second omicron booster for people at high risk from covid : politics

Delhi turns COVID-19 hotspot with 24 deaths in a week : worldnews

Girl dies in the Netherlands after contracting measles. : worldnews

Infections with superbugs that are resistant to most drugs have presented a "huge challenge" in treating the devastating injuries of people wounded in the war in Ukraine, doctors in Germany said on Tuesday : worldnews

Fiji and China relationship tested as Prime Minister Siteveni Rabuka skips meeting with top Chinese diplomat : worldnews

Japans population drops by half a million in 2022 | CNN
Japan Urges Dads to Make Time for Babies Amid Population Worries : worldnews
Japanstoxic dolphin meat contains mercury up to 100 times safe level, test shows | Japan

Taiwan to buy 400 US anti-ship missiles intended to repel a China invasion : worldnews

Chinas defense minister lauds Putin for promoting world peace

Putin hails Russian navys performance in Pacific drills
Russian national basketball team banned from participation in Olympics : worldnews

Kremlin critic Kara-Murza, after 25-year sentence: Russiawill be free

Wagner ex-commanders tell Russian opposition media of their war crimes in Ukraine, Kyiv launches investigation : worldnews
Wagner Graveyard for Ukraine War Dead Discovered in Siberia : worldnews

Moscow uses facial recognition cameras to track down draft evaders - TASS : worldnews

Russias State Duma has passed a set of Criminal Code amendments, making high treason punishable by life in prison and criminalizing Aiding the execution of the decisions of international organizations. The new article applies to the ICC, among others.

Sveta is being prosecuted for fake news about the Russian army. Its an easy enough charge to translate from the world of black means white.

India and China will account for half of global economic growth this year: IMF : worldnews
Supreme Court: India begins historic debate into same sex marriage : worldnews

UN ready for heartbreaking decision to pull out of Afghanistan | Officials say it will leave in May if Taliban cannot be persuaded to let local women work for organisation

Blinken confirms US diplomatic convoy was fired on in Sudan : worldnews
Sudan Crisis: Nearly 200 Killed, 1,800 Injured As Violence Intensifies : worldnews
Students trapped, hospitals shelled and diplomats assaulted as Sudan fighting intensifies | CNN : worldnews

Egypt nearly supplied rockets to Russia, agreed to arm Ukraine instead, leak shows : worldnews
Egypt nearly supplied rockets to Russia, agreed to arm Ukraine instead, leak shows

2 Canadian Women, 3 Teen Girls Set to be Brought Home From Syria Now Missing : worldnews

Iran will destroy Tel Aviv, Haifa at slightest Israeli action - Raisi : worldnews
Iran tries to reimpose strict dress codes for women after protests : worldnews
National Wave of Schoolgirl Poisonings Tortures Iran : worldnews

China ready to broker Israel-Palestine peace talks, says foreign minister Qin Gang : worldnews
Shooting in Jerusalem during holocaust Memorial Day : worldnews

Putin visits two regions of occupied Ukraine, Russia steps up assault on Bakhmut : worldnews
A verbal slip by Russias Vladimir Putin on a rare visit to occupied Ukraine suggested the trip happened days earlier and was kept secret
Do Pics of Putins Chin Prove He Uses a Body Double?
Russian milblogger Grey Zone is unimpressed by Putins war zone visit. He says Zelensky was within 3-5km from the frontline in Avdiivka today, while Putin was either 60 or 150km away depending on the location in Kherson region, which is being disputed.
Zelenskyy arrives to frontline in Avdiivka : worldnews
Russia constructs 800 km of defensive lines to head off Ukrainian counteroffensive : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 419, Part 1 (Thread #560) : worldnews

Ukraine has weathered the worst of Russia's failed offensive | General Philip Breedlove
Kyiv: Russian troops preparing to withdraw from the remaining part of Kherson region."Gooddwill" gesture from the Russian troops can be expected in the near future. Russian soldiers are literally sitting on their suitcases, packing, and sending the looted property to Russia. (link in comments)

Nathan Ruser on Twitter: "Yellow dot on this map from @DefMon3 showing its context within Bakhmut." / Twitter
Nathan Ruser on Twitter: "This video visually confirms that Russian forces have taken practically the whole of Bakhmut. The building in question is on the far north-west of the town. It is a deeply satisfying video to watch nonetheless." / Twitter
Bakhmuts columned Municipal Department of Culture which sits on the end of Rose Alley in the citys NW district has been blown up. It was once among the most beautiful spots in the city, on the bank of the northern lake.

Ukrainian soldiers find bones in RU trenches after an attack near Avdiivka : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russia unveils secretive weapon to target SpaceXs Starlink in Ukraine

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Revolutionizes NATO Military Strategy : worldnews
NATO is changing its defense strategy from deterrence by retaliation to deterrence by denial. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Stand off in the sky: RAF and German fighter jets intercept Russian spy plane near Baltic countries : worldnews

Poland willing to lift Ukraine grain transit ban if there is 100% guarantee it will not enter local market

Former biathlon boss Anders Besseberg was charged with "aggravated corruption" in Norway on Monday for allegedly covering up Russian doping cases in exchange for favors including prostitutes and hunting parties : worldnews

Swedish public radio is 4th news organization to leave Twitter : worldnews

Russian spies are using Tinder to ensnare German soldiers and politicians to get them to disclose Ukraine war secrets, counterintelligence warns : worldnews

Stop Chat Control: EU study warns of law against child abuse. According to an analysis by the EU Parliaments Scientific Service, chat control will be counterproductive.

A bear has been captured in the Italian Alps not far from where it killed a 26-year-old jogger. : worldnews
Lavish ancient Roman winery found at ruins of Villa of the Quintilii near Rome | Excavation shows facility included luxurious dining rooms with views of fountains that gushed with wine : worldnews
Swiss-owned companys Russian gold trades expose gap in western sanctions

Germany announces delivery of Patriot air defence system to Ukraine : worldnews

Macron promises government action plan in next 100 days amid political impasse over pension reform : worldnews

Photo ID rule could block up to 3.4 million from voting in UK. : worldnews

Brazil welcomes Russias Lavrov amid US criticism
Russian Foreign Minister arrives in Brazil to meet president, who made loud statements about Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraines Foreign Ministry responds to Brazilian Presidents peace initiatives inviting him to Ukraine

Canada to pay $800m to settle land dispute with five First Nations | Payment represents acknowledgement government and British Columbia have failed to honour treaty signed in 1899 : worldnews
CBC says it is pausing its use of Twitter
CBCs Twitter account labeled 69% Government-funded Media
CBC pauses Twitter activity after being labelled "government-funded media" : worldnews

Intelligence Gossip & a Leak Postmortem (use readerview)

Members of Alleged U.S. Cult Black Hammer Accused of Working for Russian Spies ... alleged cult that is also under fire for accusations of kidnapping, sexual assault, and keeping a teenagers corpse in its home base.

An intellectual battle rages: Is the U.S. in a proxy war with Russia? : politics
U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers Charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government | Defendants Sought to Sow Discord, Spread Pro-Russia Propaganda and Interfere in Elections Within the United States : politics ... US defendants all list a residence in St Petersburg, Florida

I will never support Nazis GOP congressman with ties to white nationalists writes in post against US support for Ukraine. Rep. Paul Gosar, a Republican from Arizona, condemned Americas support and military aid to Nazis (Russian fucker)

Biden will sign executive order aimed at expanding access to long-term care and child care : politics

Youre Paying Taxes Today. The Rich Arent.

The Clarence Thomas Scandal Is About More Than Corruption : politics
Clarence Thomass explanations fail the laugh test
Email suggests that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had been in regular contact with Florida Gov. Ron Desantis : politics
Why doesnt the Supreme Court have a formal code of ethics?
The unaccountable Clarence Thomas

Dominions billion-dollar brawl against Fox News suddenly ends with shocking settlement moments before openings
Fox News and Dominion settle election defamation lawsuit, judge says : politics
Dominion vs. Fox trial will push free speech through the truth test : politics (would have)
A Settlement!
OB Why Fox News had to settle the Dominion suit - POLITICO
Dominion Was Never Going to Save Our Democracy From Fox News
The Stunning End of Dominions Case Against Fox News

Fox News has lost control of its viewers : politics
A Fox employee caught taking photographs in the courtroom was asked to leave Tuesday morning : politics
Fox News throws Trump under the bus : politics
Eschaton: The Thing About Maria Bartiromo Well not the only thing, but *a* thing about Maria Bartiromo is she's on the Board of Trustees of New York University. (Jesus fuck)

Trump can be sued for Jan. 6 riot harm, Justice Dept. says : politics

Justice Department to seek longest sentence in any Jan. 6 riot case so far : politics
Justice Department to seek longest sentence in any Jan. 6 riot case so far - CBS News when it argues for more than 24 years in prison for Peter Schwartz of Pennsylvania at sentencing on May 5. If imposed, the sentence would be more than twice as long as any handed down so far in the approximately 450 cases related to the January 6, 2021, assault that have reached sentencing.

Fulton County DA says fake Trump electors are incriminating one another and wants lawyer disqualified | CNN Politics
Trumps Fake Georgia Electors Are Now Ratting on Each Other

Inside Jim Jordans Charade of a Hearing on Violent Crime in NYC

Dianne Feinstein resign calls grow louder as more Democrats turn on her : politics
The Feinstein Affair: Senate Gerontocracy Reaches Absurd Heights : politics
Its Not Sexist to Ask an 89-Year-Old Who Isnt Showing Up to Work to Consider Retirement
Susan Collins Helps Sink Hopes of Replacing Dianne Feinstein on Judiciary Committee : politics
Senate GOP pops Feinstein Judiciary replacement balloon : politics
Senate Dems sit on their hands amid Feinstein resignation chatter : politics

Fetterman returns to the Senate following treatment for clinical depression : politics

McCarthy Slammed for Pro-Starvation Agenda to Force Cuts to Food StampsRepublicans are not only forcing people to give birth, but are comfortable letting those children starve? Disgraceful.
ouse Republicans wont commit to McCarthys debt ceiling plan
Analysis: Republican states could be hit hardest by McCarthys proposed spending cuts

Abortion-pill rulings could break the FDA, drug companies say : politics
Comstockery - It's clear that the new top priority of the conservative legal movement is to get the federal courts to declare a national abortion ban based on anachronistic 19th century legislation:
A gamechanger: this simple device could help fight the war on abortion rights in the US

The Red States Experimenting With Authoritarianism : politics
Lets all stop pretending anyone but Trump will be the GOP presidential nominee ... Being MAGA means bitterly clinging to the past

DeSantis wants to Make America FloridaHeres what that looks like.
Ron DeSantis is Struggling to Land Support from Major Florida Republicans : politics
Ron DeSantis Donor Meltdown Revealed in Private Chats : politics
Christie knocks DeSantis on Disney, says its not conservativeto punishcorporations
Disney announces first official LGBTQ event at Disneyland right after DeSantis threatens the company : politics
Disney promotes first-ever Pride Nite on Twitter after DeSantis warning

Tennessee House Speaker Faces Growing Calls to Resign | How it started, hows it going: Cameron Sexton, who led the charge against theTennessee Three, is suddenly in a spot of bother himself.
Aftershocks from Tennessee Republicans fiasco may resonate for years
Permitless carry age lowered to 18 in Tennessee : news
Bill to test rape kits in 30 days is dead, TN Democrats say : politics

Missouri asks people to report doctors offering life-saving trans healthcare

George Santos Mysterious Campaign Loans Somehow Get Even More Mysterious

Texas Republicans Are About To Kill A Paid Parental Leave Bill : politics

Senate passes bill loosening child labor laws to let Iowa teens work longer hours : politics - The bill lets 14-year-olds work 6-hour night shifts, 15-year-olds work on assembly lines, and 16- and 17-year-olds serve alcohol.
Iowa Senate Pulls All-Nighter to Roll Back Child Labor Protections. The Senate voted on a bill allowing 14-year-olds to work six-hour night shifts, and passed it at 4:52 a.m. : politics

Missouri AG creates submission form and government list of questionable gender transitions .. Gestapo bounty board for trans people, their doctors, and even their families.

One Hawaii GOP House Leader Says Her Caucus Is A Cult

Kentuckians who own less than 5 acres now need licenses to fish, hunt on own property : politics

Oklahoma county leaders caught on audio talking about killing reporters and complaining they can no longer lynch Black people : politics
Oklahoma Sheriff Says Recording Of Officials Discussing Killing Reporters Was Illegal : politics
When Republicans Get Recorded

Major rightwing Stop the Steal activist allegedly demanded nude pics from teenboys

Va. grand jury indicts tiki-torchers over 2017 Charlottesville rally - The Washington Post

Biden calls 16-year-old allegedly shot by Kansas City homeowner : politics
Two sides to every story (Fox spreading fear so white guys can kill people))

Bad cellphone service and poorly marked addresses lead to another needless death
White Americas sundown town mentality almost claims another Black teens life

Topeka man brought down in Walmart after allegedly exposing himself to teen : news

Ex-Member of Menudo Says He Was Raped by Father of the Menendez Brothers - The New York Times The allegation, made in a forthcoming docuseries, resembles the claims of abuse by the brothers, who were convicted in 1996 of murdering their parents.

The United States of Weed : politics
Medical Marijuana Improved Parkinsons Disease Symptoms in 87% of Patients

Im sorry Elon, but I cant do that
Twitter removes policy against deadnaming transgender people | AP News
What Was Twitter, Anyway? - The New York Times time to reckon with how exactly it broke our brains.

Stanley Foundation collects nuclear adventure stories

Hellhounds on His Trail: Mack McCormick Long, Tortured Quest to Find the Real Robert Johnson

Why atoms are the Universe's greatest miracle - With a massive, charged nucleus orbited by tiny electrons, atoms are such simple objects. Miraculously, they make up everything we know.

Scientists Accidentally Discovered New Material That Can Remember Like a Brain

ELI5: If we use alcohol as disinfectant, why drinking it doesnt solve throat infection / sore throat? : explainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why do so many words in English begin with a silent "p" like psychiatrist or pterodactyl? : explainlikeimfive

What is the most unexpected thing you've seen live on tv? : AskReddit

YouTubers charged with child endangerment and insurance fraud after crashing cars for content : technology

Whats one thing that the world would be better off without?

Reddit will begin charging for access to its API : technology


Maharashtra: Eleven die of heatstroke at Indian award event : worldnews
At 40.4C, Dhaka sees hottest day in 58 years as Bangladesh reels under heatwave

Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 C ambitions ... the top 0.01% who are drastically increasing their emissions. Everyone else is fairly consistent (with the 90%-99% group actually reducing their emissions).

Concern About Several Environmental Problems Dips in U.S.

Big data study refutes anti-vax blood clot claims about COVID-19 vaccines : technology
Research confirmed that contrary to claims by anti-vaccine proponents, COVID-19 vaccines pose only trivial risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), or blood clots. In addition, the study found that becoming infected with COVID-19 poses a significant risk of blood clots. : science

Senate COVID origins report details lab leak theory - The coronavirus pandemic appeared to originate from a laboratory accident, based on biosafety issues in the epicenter in Wuhan, China, and factors observed in the nature and early spread of the virus, according to a 302-page Senate report

10-year study (n = 101 ,772) of HIV prevention strategy finds increased access to effective HIV treatment decreases new infections : science

Senator Wong will say that Australia wants to ensure there is "strategic equilibrium" in Asia : worldnews
ABC News branded with new label Government funded Media on Twitter (Twitter is alien-funded media)

Six soldiers killed, 30 missing in attempt to rescue kidnapped pilot in West Papua | Indonesia : worldnews

Police raid home of Japanese prime minister attack suspect as Kishida vows G7 meeting will be secure | CNN : worldnews

S. Korea, Japan hold first security talks of diplomats, defense officials in 5 years : worldnews

US warship sails through Taiwan Strait following China war games : worldnews
France seeks to reassure Taiwan over Macrons controversialremarks
G7 will stand up to any coercion over Taiwan Strait - senior US official

Putin, Chinese defense minister hail military cooperation : worldnews
China defence minister says willing to work with Russian military to have close communications : worldnews
US-sanctioned Chinese defense minister meets Putin in Moscow, hails military ties | CNN : worldnews
Putin meets with Chinas defense minister in Moscow

Wagner Group leader says a Ukrainian counter-offensive would likely succeed as Russia is in crisis, report says
Wagner Group leader says a Ukrainian counter-offensive would likely succeed as Russia is in crisis, report says

Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "2/ Rather than gaining notoriety for their effectiveness, the Wolves have become the center of a brewing scandal. Hundreds of soldiers mobilized by the Ministry of Defense last year, unexpectedly found themselves as members of the PMC, of which they had no prior knowledge." / Twitter
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "8/ It appears that "Wolves" are being trained by experienced Wagner instructors who have recently returned from the frontlines. Additionally, it appears that some of the training for these soldiers is taking place at Wagner facilities" / Twitter
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "10/ The purpose behind PMC Wagner's creation of a new "daughter" PMC that mirrors them remains unclear. It seems the "Wolves" may function as a cover unit for Wagner, made up of MoD soldiers who were transferred without their knowledge, but this is still speculative." / Twitter

Vladimir Kara-Murza, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, sentenced to 25 years in jail : worldnews
The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "Human Rights Watch said the charges against Kara-Murza were "unfounded and constitute blatant persecution for his entirely peaceful exercise of freedom of expression."" / Twitter
I blame myself for only one thing,Kara-Murza said in court. I have not managed to convince enough of my compatriots and enough politicians in democratic countries of the danger that the current regime in the Kremlin poses for Russia and the world
Growing outrage at Putin's rigged sentencing of Vladimir Kara-Murza to 25 yrs. US Moscow Ambassador Lynne Tracy nails withthe criminalization of criticism in Russia is a sign of weakness, not strengthGermany & other countries called for his release.

Russian mobilized personnel continue to publish public complaints against Russian commanders alleging mistreatment.

Shes a little kid, 5 or 6 years old. I took a killshot. We were told to let no one outRussian project Gulagu net published a video with the confessions of two convicts, ex-commanders of Wagner PMC subdivisions Azamat Uldarov and ex convict Aleksey Savichev.They admit to killing Ukrainian children and civilians in Bakhmut and Soledar.

Five G7 countries agree to squeeze Russia out of international nuclear fuel market : worldnews

Pensioner tried to set fire to military recruitment office in north Russian town Usinsk : worldnews

Same-sex marriage is a mere urban elitist view: Indian Government to Supreme Court

Grain initiative under threat of shutdown: On April 17, the #Russian side, for the second time, blocked inspections of ships in the territorial waters of #Turkey, Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of #Ukraine reported.

Sudan battles intensifying, civilian deaths reach 97 on third day : anime_titties
Sudan crisis: Shock and anger in Khartoum, a city not used to war : worldnews

After American's Killing in Syria, F.B.I. Builds War Crimes Case Against Top Officials - The inquiry aims to hold to account Syrian officials considered key architects of a brutal system of detention and torture that has flourished under President Bashar al-Assad.
US conducts raid against ISIS fighters in Syria: Official : worldnews
Syria becomes worlds largest narco-state

Irans Quds Force ordered rocket barrages at Israel from Gaza, Lebanon
Iran has sentenced 10 members of the armed forces to prison after finding them guilty of involvement in the downing of a Ukrainian airliner. Iranian forces shot down Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 shortly after its takeoff from Tehran on January 8, 2020, killing all 176 people on board : worldnews

Will Moodys Downgraded Outlook for Israel Finally End Netanyahus Judicial Overhaul?

Former senior diplomats urge west to go all in on military support for Ukraine
"Ukraine's total losses in the war against Russia are less than the death toll from the earthquake in Turkey," Defense Minister Reznikov. More than 50,090 people died as a result of the disaster in Turkey. : ukraine
Ukraines Defence Minister issues apology for comparing Ukraines losses with victims in Turkiye

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 418, Part 1 (Thread #559) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 17.04.2023 : ukraine

Southern #Ukraine Update: #Russian forces reportedly intensified the rate of artillery strikes on April 16 on the west (right) bank of #Kherson Oblast and are continuing to use guided aerial bombs to strike civilian infrastructure.

A Wagner Group soldier openly acknowledged that they killed Ukrainian teens in Bakhmut. : ukraine
86% of Ukrainian military were physically tortured in Russian captivity : ukraine
The Ombudsmans Office has dozens of videos showing execution of Ukrainian soldiers by Russians

Russian Woman Detained In Sweden On Espionage Charge : worldnews
Sweden: Absolut Vodka producer resumes exports to Russia : worldnews

EU says unilateral trade action unacceptable after Poland, Hungary ban Ukraine grain, food imports : worldnews

Slovakia hands over all 13 promised MiG fighter jets to Ukraine : worldnews

Dutch intelligence agency warns conspiracy theories pose serious threat

Italy sends at least 30 M109L self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine, media reports : worldnews
Cocaine worth nearly $440 million found floating in the sea off Italy | CNN : worldnews

A Paris court will on Monday hand down its verdict in the trial of Air France and plane manufacturer Airbus over the 2009 crash of a Rio-Paris flight, with families of the victims hoping judges will ignore the recommendation of prosecutors not to seek a conviction : worldnews

UN report: Modern weapons being smuggled to Haiti from US : worldnews

US charges 28 members of Mexicos Sinaloa cartel including El Chapos sons | Mexico
Band of gunmen shoot up resort in central Mexico, killing 6 adults and 7-year-old : worldnews

Canadian coroners starting to reject excited delirium as cause of police-related deaths : worldnews

F.B.I. Arrests Two on Charges Tied to Chinese Police Outpost in NYC - The New York Times Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn charged the men with conspiring with the Chinese government and destroying evidence.
40 Officers of Chinas National Police Charged in Transnational Repression Schemes Targeting U.S. Residents
U.S. Department of Justice to announce arrests in significant national security matters
FBI arrests two alleged Chinese agents and charges dozens with working inside US to silence dissidents | CNN Politics : politics

Eventually, portions made their way to 4chan & Telegram. Its unknown how many people, or who exactly, saw the docs before servers hosting them were deleted. Also unknown is if copies are still floating around in discreet corners of the web. (Graphic based on reporting from @bellingcat) ... Donbass Devuska

One of the most prolific pro-Russia propaganda channels is run by a US Navy veteran living in Washington : worldnews ... Better red than Dem (Donbass Devuska)
Pro-Russia propagandist 'Donbas Devushka' unmasked as divorcee from New Jersey

U.S. Was Warned of Migrant Child Labor, but Didnt Want to Hear ItThe White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed.

Fiscal crisis nears as McCarthy takes debt ceiling plan to Wall Street - The Washington Post more than a decade after a similar GOP-led standoff hammered U.S. markets
Democratic senators favor forcing House vote on debt limit increase : politics
The So-Called Platinum Coin Option is Illegal, Even on Its Own Terms | Neil H. Buchanan | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia
Opinion | Speaker McCarthy Is Feeling the Heat - The New York Times
The cruelty is the entire pointRepublican states are going to take SNAP away from a lot of people, even if it costs them money:

We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage : politics

New push on US-run free electronic tax-filing system for all : politics (fuck Intuit)

Outrageous and unacceptable: Biden slams GOP for standing with NRA in wake of Alabama, Kentucky gun violence

Supreme Court upholds $6B settlement with scammed students whose claims were part of Kafkaesque mishandling by Betsy DeVos

Why Joe Biden Has Slow-Walked His Way to a 2024 Run - The New York Times with no serious primary challenge and Republicans infighting, he feels little pressure.
GOP Rep. Nancy Mace blasts Republicans for silence on gun violence, extreme abortion stances

It's astounding: US Sen. Mazie Hirono Pushes Investigation Of Justice Clarence Thomas
Clarence Thomas To Amend Financial Forms After Home Sale Bombshell: Report : politics
Clarence Thomas, Playing a Game of Who Can Best Delegitimize the Supreme Court, Winning by a Long Shot : politics
Clarence Thomas reportedly has been claiming thousands of dollars annually from a shuttered real estate firm : politics
Harlan Crow: Theres nothing wrong with my friendship with Clarence Thomas
GOP megadonor Harlan Crow isnt charging Clarence Thomas mother rent. Zillow estimates suggest that would have saved her $155,000 since 2014.
Power without accountability - Jamelle Bouie puts Clarence Thomass unapologetic corruption in a broader context:

Fox-Dominion trial to proceed Tuesday after delay : politics
Dominion v. Fox trial delayed for settlement talks, people familiar with the matter say - The Washington Post
Judge delays Dominion and Fox News trial amid reports of settlement talks : politics
Trump says Fox News should stand by his election lies to weaken Dominions lawsuit
Trumps Genius Plan for Fox News to Win Election Lies Lawsuit: Lie More
Dont Settle, Dominion! Drag Fox News Across the Hot Coals: This suit can prove once and for all that Fox puts propaganda and ratings ahead of truth

DAs Secret Weapon May Be Lawyer Whos Dogged Trump for Years Matthew Colangelo has taken on Trump multiple times before. Now, hes in the middle of his highest-stakes Trump case yet

Donald Trumps team rages over poll showing him floundering in swing states
The Far Right Really Wants Trump to Pick Americas Top Anti-Vaxxer As His VP (RFKjr)

Trump says if elected he will force federal workers to pass a political test and fire them if they fail : politics

GOP to Attack Alvin Bragg on Crime at a Hearing in New York - The New York Times Republicans argue Alvin Bragg, the district attorney, has allowed a crime crisis to flourish in New York. But data shows that, after a pandemic spike, crime is down slightly in the city.

The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism | We are witnessing the logical culmination of win-at-any-cost politics andDonald Trump has encouraged it

MAGA Attack Ad Hits DeSantis for Alleged Pudding Habit : politics
DeSantis Super PAC Ad Asks Why Trump is So Mean to Him : politics
GOP Megadonor Pulls Plug On Ron DeSantis, Cites Abortion And Book Bans : politics
New poll: DeSantis not Trump leads Biden in battleground states
DeSantis says state lawmakers will formally nullify Disneys attempt to thwart state takeover
So good night little school boy, youd better learn some self control - The worst Napoleon complex in American politics strikes again: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday threatened to build a prison or a competing theme park near the Magic Kingdom or raise taxes on Walt Disney World to retaliate against the company for resisting a state takeover of its special taxing district ... Authoritarianism, violent misogyny, narcissism, a belief that LGBTQ+ people are second-class citizens all very normal for Republican politics in 2023! a>

Dianne Feinstein Is Becoming a Big LiabilityAnd Republicans Know It
Senate Republicans will try to block Feinsteins Judiciary replacement

The Diploma DivideIs the New Fault Line in American Politics ... amilies headed by college graduates have increased their wealth by 83 percent. For households headed by someone without a college degree, there was relatively little or no increase in wealth. (dumbfuck failures vote rightwing)

Del. Stacey Plaskett Exposes Jim Jordans Glaring Hypocrisy
Ohio murder rates far higher than NYC as states GOP Rep. Jim Jordan slams citys crime woes

McCarthys pitch to shrink food aid drawing skepticism from fellow Republicans

New Mexico governor fears a national ban on abortion : politics

Florida Students Plan Walkout to Protest Education Restrictions Next Friday : politics

George Santos campaign finance disclosure shows more refunds to donors than contributions : politics
George Santos personal insult against his potential Democratic opponent backfires spectacularly

Stop the StealOrganizer Apologizes After Being Accused of Asking Teen Boys for D*ck Pics

Marjorie Taylor Greene fires back at Lindsey Graham by posting Photoshopped pic of senator hoisting a Bud Light with trans influencers image

Why GOP culture warriors lost big in school board races this month : politics
Why GOP culture warriors lost big in school board races this month - POLITICO Dont assume that a blanket message on critical race theory or transgender issues is going to claim every district, one GOP activist said.

Katie Porter Praised for Schooling Piers Morgan on 1/6 vs. Tennessee Three : politics
The Success of the Tennessee Three Shows Why We Need More Confrontational Politics : politics
UPDATE: Sexton responds, constituents call for resignation

Rep. Paul Gosar promotes pro-Hitler and Holocaust-denying site after it praised him for attacking Jewish warmongers

Republican state officials in Louisiana ask lawmakers to ban the study of racism at universities, citing divisive inglorious aspects of US history

The Bigger Story Behind the Charter School That Requires Girls to Wear Skirts: Conservatives are opening a new front in the war on education by pouring money into publicly funded yet religious or right-wing schools. : politics

The countries sending the most tourists to the U.S., and more! - The Washington Post When home ownership begins to fall is when retirees start seeing disabilities that will prevent them from living on their own

Firefighters washing blood off the sidewalk following the mass shooting in Dadeville, Alabama : pics

Investigators have created a 3D simulation of the Portland police bureau's (PPB) extraordinary use of teargas during a major protest event on 2 June 2020 ... The analysis reveals that the citys downtown was blanketed with gas at more than 50 times the level federal regulators consider immediately dangerous to life or health

FBI investigating GOP Oklahoma officials caught on tape talking about lynching Black people, murdering newspaper reporters

This Is A Hate Crime : Black Family Demands Justice After White Man Shoots Black Boy Twice for Ringing Doorbell of Wrong Home, White Man Released By Police Hours Later
The armed citizen
Kansas City: Accused shooter in shooting of Black teen who went to the wrong house is White man in his 80s | CNN

Wrong turn leads to woman being shot to death : news

Death on the Installment Plan

Social Media Update

The Best Writing About Punctuation. Full Stop.
stylometric analysis or stylometry

Google CEO Sundar Pichai warns society to brace for impact of A.I. acceleration, says it's not for a company to decide

TIL of the Euphemistic Treadmill whereby euphemisms, which were originally the polite term (such as STD to refer to Venereal Disease) become themselves pejorative over time. : todayilearned

Maternal antipathy in childhood is linked to aberrant brain reactions to social reward anticipation in adulthood, study finds : science

Can you distinguish between male and female humans just by chromosome 1-22? : askscience

ELI5: If low testosterone in men causes mood issues like anxiety, depression, low confidence, low energy, do women also experience this? : explainlikeimfive

A new gene expressed in the testes has been discovered which, when blocked, slows sperm and changes their shape, preventing fusion with an egg. The discovery has been patented for male contraceptive development. : science
Scientists discover new gene that can temporarily switch off sperm in men allowing for male birth control pill : worldnews

Why Alcohol Is The Most Damaging Drug In The World - Interview with Neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt : videos

Why did the Chicxulub asteroid, the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, cause such wide-scale catastrophe and extinction for life on earth when there have been hundreds, if not hundreds of other similarly-sized or larger impacts that havent had that scale of destruction?

What's the worst part of being a women in 2023? : AskReddit ... Still no pockets ... >

Those with ADHD or OCD, whats the worst intrusive thought youve ever had?

What is one thing that you are completely SICK of? : AskReddit


Avian superhighway: UKs pitstop for migrating birds seeks Unesco status

A massive balloon that is circling the globe isnt a Chinese spy balloon.Its a super balloon from NASA

Theres new lightand lingering questions in the mystery of Wuhan

New coronavirus variant Arcturus, or XBB.1.16, is spreading: What to know - The Washington Post

Australian Greens propose gas tax "with teeth" that could deliver $95bn in revenue : worldnews
Australia climate protest: Rising Tide activists shovel coal off train : worldnews

Rebels in Indonesias Papua say they killed 9 soldiers; army says 1 died

South Korea is paying young people who refuse to leave the house $500 a month to attend school, go to work, and restore their daily lives
Hikikomori, A Japanese Culture-Bound Syndrome of Social Withdrawal? A Proposal for DSM-V - PMC
S. Korea fires warning shots after N. Korean patrol boat crosses maritime border : worldnews

China would gain swift air superiority over Taiwan, US leaks show : worldnews
Taiwans government adamantly opposes cannabis decriminalization

China launches weather satellite, flights avoid no-fly zone to north of Taiwan : worldnews

Putin admits facing serious challenges as he attends Easter service amid ongoing war with Ukraine
u/justlookingforajob1 uses Realism and Liberalism international relations theories to explain Putins goals in the Russo-Ukraine War.

(2/4) Teplinsky is likely one of the few senior Russian generals widely respected by the rank-and-file. His recent turbulent career suggests intense tensions between factions within the Russian General Staff about Russias military approach in Ukraine.
ISW on Twitter: "The point of #Prigozhin's essay was to attack this strawman, not to advance it. Prigozhin actually called on #Russia to commit to a decisive fight that will either... 2/" / Twitter

Ukraine counteroffensive could succeed because of lazy Kremlin elite says Russian mercenary chief

A Russian Disinformation Empire in Oak Harbor, WashingtonDonbass Devushka claims shes from Luhansk, Ukraine. In reality shes a Navy vet born in New Jersey (Fucker Dickhead promotess Russfuck propaganda)

Russian oil exports back above pre-Ukraine war levels as India and China buy 90% : worldnews

US emerges as Indias biggest trading partner in FY23 at $128.55 billion
Indias Modi raises embassy security with UKs Sunak after vandalism
Countering China: India moves towards creating rocket force with more missiles

Army Chief Is The Most Powerful Person In Pakistan: Imran Khan : worldnews

More than 40 people were killed in attacks on villages in the northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo: The CODECO rebel group has been blamed for the attacks on villages in DRCs Ituri province

Sudan death toll rises to 56 as fierce fighting rages in Khartoum : worldnews

OPEC Production Cuts Are a Red Flag for Oil Stocks, Analyst Says

Islamic State attack on Syrian truffle hunters kills at least 26 : worldnews

Iran police begin crackdown on headscarf violators : worldnews

Israeli police block pilgrims from accessing Holy Sepulchre church on Easter : worldnews
Violent israeli troops use brute force to forbid Christians from getting into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for'Holy Saturday in Jerusalem

Ukraine and Russia hold major Easter prisoners-of-war exchange : worldnews
Germany has evidence of hundreds of war crimes in Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine needs effective security guarantees even before joining NATO - Zelenskyy
NEXTA on Twitter: "The Air Force expects that a decision regarding F-16 aircraft will be made at the next #Ramstein meeting, stated spokesman Yuriy Ignat." / Twitter

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 417, Part 1 (Thread #558) : worldnews

Russian losses as of Apr. 16th 2023 : UkraineWarVideoReport

Iraq does not compare to this: the British soldier on Ukraines front line
15 Apr: NEW WAVE. Russian ATTACK COMES AT A HUGE COST | War in Ukraine Explained : UkraineWarVideoReport crazy this is Stalingrad 2.0 but in reverse

130 Ukrainian soldiers were freed from Russian captivity : UkraineWarVideoReport

Jayson Geroux on Twitter: "When I'm teaching urban operations I tell my students that fighting in this type of environment means your forces need 4 times the amount of ammunition. The urban fighting in Bakhmut, Ukraine continues unabated. Make sure you have the volume on. Slava Ukraini." / Twitter
(4/4) In recent days, the VDV have resumed a key mission in the battle for Bakhmut, and likely undertaken novel integration with TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launchers in the Kremina sector.

As Ukraine's LGBTQ soldiers fight on the front line, acceptance grows in the conservative country - The greater visibility of gay and lesbian military personnel appears to be a catalyst for acceptance in wider society, and opinion polls show attitudes are changing.

Euromaidan Press on Twitter: "95% of Ukrainian teenagers believe in Ukraine's victory 86% see their future in Ukraine 90% want to be useful in rebuilding Ukraine 70% want to live and study in Ukraine This is according to recent poll by Klub Dobrodiyiv" / Twitter

Russians used to torture civilians in 20 or more detention centers in Kherson and vicinity

NATO member Finland breaks ground on Russia border fence : worldnews
After 18 years, Europes largest nuclear reactor starts regular output (Finland)

Polish PM Says Relations With Hungary Changed A Lot Over Ukraine, Now Looking To Romania, Baltic States

Hungarys loyalties tested as Russias war in Ukraine grinds on

Germany ends nuclear era as last reactors power down : worldnews
Bavaria mulls reopening nuclear plant under state control : worldnews

Vojislav Buzakovic: Alleged Serbian war criminal found hiding in Ireland : worldnews

King Charles has a personal fortune of almost $750 million hundreds of millions more than the late Queen, report says

Gang clash leaves at least 12 dead in Ecuador prison : worldnews

Mexico: Gunmen storm water park, leaving 7 dead : worldnews

Ban on homegrown cannabis plants in Quebec upheld in unanimous Supreme Court ruling : worldnews

SpaceX Starship launch from South Texas will happen soon - The Washington Post

Pentagon Leaks: What's the Damage? Not all the leaks are equally bad, and only by chance we avoided much worse
Russia claims bots are caught only 1% of the time, Discord leak says - The Washington Post The estimate is contained in a document that is part of a trove of top-secret material leaked in a Discord chatroom ... as Twitter owner Elon Musk and some Republicans in Congress have accused the federal government of colluding with the tech companies to suppress right-wing and independent views by painting too many accounts as Russian attempts at foreign influence
From Snowden to Teixeira, a shift in who leaks U.S. intelligence and why - The Washington Post

Destroyer of Worlds - on nuclear weapons and artificial intelligence - I am become death, the destroyer of worlds ... I am become Death, destroyer of meaning ... AI and natural stupidity ... the next big thing ...
Either way, he misquoted it: The right translation is I am become TIME, destroyer of worlds, which if you think about it is even more sinister than his version
(8) Which story of the Mahabharata is never shown in any TV show? - Quora

Conservatives Have Some Very Creative, Very Dumb Excuses for Clarence Thomass Corruption | Dont let their friends distract you: The Supreme Court justice and his megadonor pal have had a malign influence on the judicial system.
Clarence Thomas could face federal investigation over property sale : politics
Clarence Thomas has for years claimed income from a defunct real estate firm : politics
More Questionable Financial Revelations for Justice Clarence Thomas. A new investigation adds to a string of errors and misrepresentations in the justices financial disclosures

Supreme Court showdown over Sabbath could change workplaces across US - ABC News A former postal worker wants a ruling to balance work and worship, he says.
Supreme Court showdown over Sabbath could change workplaces across US : politics
The Supreme Court takes up a messy, chaotic case about religion in the workplace | Groff v. DeJoy could give religious conservatives unprecedented power to make demands from their employers : politics

He Needs to Be Investigated: Abortion Case Judge Potentially Hid Law Review Article From Senate
Baldwin says Texas judge was part of extreme Republican effort to ban abortion

Most want abortion pill to remain available

The Corrupt Courts and the Feckless Senate Judiciary Committee : politics

Here are five things to watch in the Fox-Dominion trial
Dominion vs. Fox News: The case against conspiracy theories : politics
Fox News Is on Trial, and So Are Falsehoods About 2020 - The New York Times A jury in Delaware will be asked to weigh the limits of the First Amendment. Another question in the case is whether the network will pay a financial penalty for disseminating election lies.
Fox News and 2020 election lies set to face jury come Monday : politics
Fox News apologizes to judge for misunderstanding over Rupert Murdochs role that sparked investigation

Trump, facing probes, seeks to assert dominance over GOP at donor retreat : politics
Trump raised $34M so far in 2023, including indictment bump : politics
Republican donor retreat suggests Donald Trump is far from a coronation - POLITICO
Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president : politics

A hypothetical question thats rapidly becoming irrelevant ... 2/ clear that the bottom has fallen out of DeSantiss campaign.
DeSantis Swirling Down the Toilet

Report finds democracy for Black Americans is under attack : politics

The House GOPs Extremism Is Alienating Independent Voters, New Survey Finds

The GOP Is Making It Harder for College Students to Vote : politics

GOP Bills Seek to Punish Prosecutors in State-Based Investigations Into Trump : politics ... Translation: GOP criminals seek to draft laws protecting them from future prosecution

Clinging to power does not make Dianne Feinstein a feminist hero : politics ... Instead, the lawmaker said, they had to reintroduce themselves to Feinstein multiple times during an interaction that lasted several hours.

Sinema outraised by Gallego as reelection decision awaits : politics
Wealthy investors, PACs and big GOP donors fill Sinemas campaign

Man Who Lost Narrow Race to Boebert Plots Redemption Run : politics

Just another LIAR! Nikki Haleys campaign vastly overstated her fundraising
Nikki Haleys campaign vastly overstated her fundraising

"Fossil fuels are natural and amazing," says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in a rant on Twitter : politics

JR Majewski announces second attempt to unseat Marcy Kaptur : politics

Louisiana Republican Party wants to ban college study of diversity, equity, inclusion : politics

Florida Teacher under investigation for showing confederate history month video to school : politics

Idaho Republicans Are Building an Abortion Police State : politics

GOP lawmaker who advocated 12-year-olds getting married blames backlash on Democrats. Gavin Newsom called him out for supporting child marriage, which is often used to cover adult mens sexual abuse of minor girls

Read texts from the racist murderer whom Greg Abbott wants pardoned
Complaint alleges North Texas lawmaker had sex with a Capitol intern, report says The Texas Tribune reported that state Rep. Bryan Slaton, R-Royse City, is accused of having sexual relations with an intern.
Ok Groomer ... The effort to make drag queens into societys greatest villains is, among other things, a result of a bunch of reactionary sickos having a lot of bad wood underneath the veneer.
Texas Senate Passes Bill To Seize Control of Elections from Local Authorities : politics

TN bill that allows students to report professors who teach divisive concepts passes House and Senate

Iowa to spend millions kicking families off food stamps. More states may follow. : politics

Why California is taking on caste-based discrimination | Historic bill aims to ban prejudice based on caste system, practiced for centuries in the Indian subcontinent, in the state : politics

How a Campaign Against Transgender Rights Mobilized Conservatives - The New York Times Defeated on same-sex marriage, the religious right went searching for an issue that would re-energize supporters and donors. The campaign that followed has stunned political leaders across the spectrum.
A story showing how many of the "issues" are manufactured and an essential piece of reading for understanding politics : politics

The Hottest Political Reform of the Moment Gains Ground : politics All that you need to know about what kind of people oppose rank choice.

7 facts about Americans and marijuana : politics

Before Western States Suck the Colorado River Dry, We Have One Last Chance to Act : politics

This Day in Labor History: April 16, 1836 - Massachusetts passed the nations first law limiting child labor. It required that children under the age of 15 working in factories be given three months off per year to attend school .. The American industrial state was built on the backs of children.

Gun absolutists dont trust democracy because they know theyre losing

Thousands of NYC Shoplifting Cases Committed by Just 327 People - The New York Times Nearly a third of all shoplifting arrests in New York City last year involved just 327 people, the police said. Collectively, they were arrested and rearrested more than 6,000 times
A Tiny Number of Shoplifters Commit Thousands of New York City Thefts : politics

Dadeville birthday party mass shooting: 4 dead, 20 reportedly injured -
More than 20 shot at Dadeville gathering, investigators on scene | WRBL

The gunfire in a Louisville park came as hundreds of people were outside enjoying a warm spring night. It comes just days after a mass shooting in the same city.

A year ago, Musk asked, Is Twitter dying?He may have his answer.
NYT editor says paper wontlead the boycott of Twitter

ChatGPT is now writing college essays, and higher ed has a big problem : technology

The magazines Ethicist columnist on how to respond when a peer engages in fraud.

u/Adventurous-Towel-50 Explains What it Means to Go Mad After A Lovecraftian Level Experience : bestof

What stopped you from ending your own life? : AskReddit


European Space Agency: Blast off for Jupiter icy moons mission : worldnews

Top French court orders closure of fisheries amid mass dolphin deaths : worldnews

Alexander Csergo charged with accepting money to sell national security information : worldnews

Cook Islands parliament decriminalises homosexuality : worldnews

Indonesia considers tourist tax to curb bad behaviour in Bali : anime_titties ... First the Brits in Amsterdam and now Aussies in Bali. They truly are of the same culture.

Blinken in Vietnam to boost ties with an eye to China : worldnews

The death toll from an airstrike in central Myanmar earlier in the week has climbed to more than 170, according to those helping cremate the dead. The countrys military junta confirmed it carried out the attack

Japans Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been evacuated unharmed from a public event after what appeared to be a smoke bomb was thrown at him.
Loud explosions have been heard at a port in western Japan which Prime Minister Kishida Fumio was visiting. : worldnews
Macrons comments in China cause concern in Japan
Japan, U.S., South Korea agree to enhance North Korean missile info sharing : worldnews
Japan approves Osaka as site of countrys first casino

Qualcomms $800M fine upheld by Koreas highest court In a statement, U.S. chipmaker Qualcomm said it accepted the court's final verdict

Top Tibetan leader says Dalai Lamas suck my tongue comment to a boy was 'innocent' because the holy leader isbeyond sensorial pleasures

Taiwan highly vulnerable to Chinese air attack, leaked documents show - The Washington Post Troubling details raise questions about U.S. intelligence agencies ability to detect a pending invasion and the islands capacity to defend itself
War would bring disaster to China too, Taiwan presidential contender says : worldnews
Germany calls on China to avoid horror in Taiwan Strait | German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned China against using force in Taiwan and discussed Ukraine during strategic talks in Beijing. China warned against interference in matters concerning Taiwan
Germanys Baerbock warns China that war over Taiwan would be a horror scenario

EU cannot trust China unless it seeks peace in Ukraine: EU foreign policy chief : worldnews
China opposes US Russia-related sanctions on Chinese firms : worldnews
US sanctions Chinese firms dealing with Russia : worldnews

Group on creating special tribunal for crime of Russian aggression now includes 34 countries : worldnews

Putin approves e-conscription notices and closes borders for evaders : worldnews
The interview reinforces ISWs assessment that the #Russian MoD is not effective in directly attracting recruits due to its reputation, making Russian PMCs more appealing to recruits. 2/
(3/5) With individuals call-up data now digitally linked to other state-provided online services, it is likely that the authorities will punish draft-dodgers by automatically limiting employment rights and restricting foreign travel.
(5/5) Russia is, for now, prioritising a drive to recruit extra volunteer troops. However, the measure is highly likely part of a longer-term approach to provide personnel as Russia anticipates a lengthy conflict in Ukraine.

The Pacific Fleet likely lacks the available combat power in the Pacific region to posture in a way that would be truly threatening toor suitable for power projection attempts that would be able toconvincethat it is an equal military power. 3/3 https://i

Alexei Navalny in critical situation after possible poisoning, says ally | Alexei Navalny | The Guardian

A video allegedly showing Russian servicemen inserting a metal tube into the rear of one of their brothers-in-arms as a punishment for misconduct.

Long before U.S. intel leak revealed groups plan, Russia was showing interest in Haiti

Russias largest labor union announced Friday that it was canceling its demonstrations planned for the popular Labor Day celebrations on May 1, citing heightened terrorist threats amid Moscows ongoing invasion of Ukraine

Russia Emerges as Alternative Route for Cocaine Headed to Europe : worldnews

Indias population overtakes Chinas, but numbers mask a bigger story ... Demographically, we have two Indias,The India of the south already resembles East Asia. Its actually in the early stages of aging. But the Hindi heartland is still very much booming

Chinese company offers $10 billion to the Taliban for access to lithium deposits : worldnews

Kenya launches first operational satellite into space : worldnews

Tunisian player dies after setting himself on fire in protest against police : worldnews

The Presidential Palace in Sudan has been seized in a paramilitary coup : worldnews
Sudan: At least three civilians reportedly killed as heavy fighting sparks fears of all-out civilwar
Sudan paramilitaries say they have seized presidential palace : worldnews

Plane flies rebel prisoners from Saudi to Yemen: The prisoner exchange, mediated by the Red Cross, has raised hopes for an end to eight years of war in Yemen between rebels backed by Iran and a coalition led by Saudi Arabia : worldnews

Reports of gas attacks on Iranian schools resume as students vow to continue education : worldnews
Iran vows crack down on people who promote removing the veil : worldnews
Over 400 Iranian University Students Suspended Or Expelled : worldnews
Irans hardline government executed at least 582 people last year in effort to sow public fear to maintain grip on power, according to new report. Number of Iranians executed in 2022 marked 75% increase over previous year, according to annual report on the Death Penalty in the Islamic Republic

Thousands of Israelis again took to the streets of Tel Aviv late Saturday to protest government judicial reforms they view as an attack on democracy. The 15th consecutive week of protest came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a "pause" to allow for dialogue on the reforms : worldnews
Holy Land Christians say attacks rising in far-right Israel : worldnews

Russias winter offensive has failed. They conquered 0.2 % additional territory but with losses in the tens of thousands. says Senior-fellowof munich security conference.The myth that russia has unlimited resources is broken

Deadly Russian Missile Strikes Rock Ukrainian City, Leaving 8 Dead : worldnews
Ukraine says it is finding more Chinese components in Russian weapons : worldnews
Ukraine hails GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shells that can hit a target 25 miles away with pinpoint accuracy : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 416, Part 1 (Thread #557) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 15.04.2023 : ukraine

Everyone should be aware that the situation in Bakhmut is extremely fluid and front lines can change by the hour. But this is what my latest information is from yesterday.

We were attacked by Kremlin bots - About 10 thousand Kremlin bots have subscribed to our account in the last 24 hours. Soon they will start mass unsubscribing so that Twitter algorithms will not promote our posts and account. We have seen similar attacks on the accounts of other independent media and Influencers from many countries. There is only one purpose of the attack: to suppress the truth. (Muskatoon is happy)

Top 10 hedge funds made 1.5bn profit from Ukraine war food price spike

Norway expels 15 Russian diplomats suspected of spying : worldnews

Nato ships dock in Helsinki for first time since Finlands accession

Netherlands to legalize euthanasia for children below 12 : worldnews

French President Emmanuel Macron has signed into law hisgovernments highly unpopular pension reforms, which raise the state pension age from 62 to 64.

World needs Biden in time of great danger, Irish foreign minister says

Safe housing denied to 10,000 women in England fleeing domestic abuse : worldnews
Orient Express to axe UK section after 41 years due to Brexit : worldnews
Something special: same-sex couple wed in UK year after fleeing Ukraine

Zero capacity to save: Argentines buckle as inflation tops 104%

Perus former presidential candidate sentenced for journalists murder | Daniel Urresti sent to jail for 12 years for his role in the 1988 killing of Hugo Bustios at the height of the countrys civil conflict

US should stop encouraging war in Ukraine, says Brazils Lula
Brazils Lula in Shanghai on visit to boost ties with China
Brazils President Now Calls for End to US Dollars Trade Dominance | Binance Feed
A Supreme Court judge in Brazil on Friday ordered former president Jair Bolsonaro to face questioning over riots in the seat of power by his supporters on January 8 -- the latest legal quagmire for the far-right leader : worldnews

The lessons from America s astonishing economic record - The world's biggest economy is leaving its peers ever further in the dust

Teixeira's case is unusual even in the small world of leak cases. Based on the charging documents, Airman Jack Teixeira does not appear to have been acting as a foreign agent, differentiating him from classic spying cases. He also does not appear to have been acting as a whistle-blower.
Steam Profile Helped Investigators Uncover US Military Leaker : worldnews
Questions raised about how IT specialist could access high-level documents - ABC News Questions were raised about how Jack Teixeira accessed high-level documents.

The Far Right Is Hailing Pentagon Leaker Jack Teixeira as a National Hero : politics
The situation with @PeImeniPusha aka Donbass Devushka goes further than her not being a Ukrainian from Luhansk - Allegedly a woman from Oak Harbor, WA USA - Donbass Devuskha appears to be a US Navy Clerk who was just discharged and all1egedly shared Teixeria stolen docs
Leaked secret documents detail additional Chinese spy balloons - The Washington Post
Leaked secret documents detail up to four additional Chinese spy balloons : politics

Liz Cheney says Greene should lose security clearance for defending suspect in Pentagon docs leak : politics
Former CIA chief says Greene not fit to hold public office

Oxfam Shows US Billionaires Almost a Third Richer Today Than When Covid Hit At a time when the ultrawealthy are amassing historic and dangerous levels of wealth, a federal wealth tax offers a vital and necessary tool for directly redressing extreme wealth inequality

Eschaton: How Did We Get Here In part because conservatives spent decades screaming about "liberal justices" and "legislating from the bench" as "liberal" law professors wrote regular mash notes to Scalia.

Supreme Court won't block $6B student debt relief settlement : politics

Clarence Thomas could face federal investigation over property sale : politics
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Calls For DOJ Investigation Of Clarence Thomas Hidden Gifts
Crew files civil and criminal complaint against Clarence Thomas : politics
Clarence Thomas has always hated disclosure. Just look at his jurisprudence. Quid Pro Crow - Clarence Thomas position toward disclosure is actually clarified by his jurisprudence.

U.S. Supreme Court empowers bids to curb authority of federal agencies : politics

Texas judge Matthew Kacsmaryk did not disclose law review article to Senate - The Washington Post The judge who delivered a high-stakes abortion pills ruling last week removed his name from a law review article during his judicial nomination process, emails show
Far-Right Judge Who Blocked Mifepristone Failed to Disclose Anti-Abortion Article: Report : politics
The death of the author ... What else is going to pop up about this weasel, now that people are asking a few questions? ... The basic structure of the federal judiciary no longer makes any sense under modern political conditions, but David Broder and Cokie Roberts will probably claw their way out of their graves if you say something like that in an elite newspaper.

Charted: Trumps web of indicted allies

Democrats ready counteroffensive for House hearing on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg : politics

Judge rejects Trumps bid to learn juror names at defamation trial
Trump asks appeals court to immediately block Pence from testifying in Jan. 6 probe A decision on Trumps request could come within days, based on how quickly the court ruled on previous similar requests from the former president.

Six Takeaways From Trump's New Financial Disclosure - In a 101-page filing, Donald J. Trump revealed lower-than-expected values on his social media company and sizable bank loans.
Trump made a bundle of cash selling NFTs, financial filings show : politics
READ: Donald Trumps personal financial disclosure report

Trump Targets Transgender Health Care In NRA Speech : politics

The Conservative Movement Is a Giant Exercise in Plutocrat-Financed Astroturfing
A fascist Jesus Christ: MAGA turns Donald Trump into a martyr : politics

The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism | Robert Reich : politics

Its Really Quite Simple: Republicans Hate Young People | For all its grousing about liberal indoctrination, the GOP has no one to blame but itself for alienating the youth of America.

Amy Klobuchar Tiptoes Up To Calling On Dianne Feinstein To Resign : politics (DiFucker)
Dianne Feinstein digs in : politics

Blue hairs and blue slips

Anti-mifepristone court decisions rely on medical misinformation about abortion and questionable legal reasoning : politics

The Anti-Abortion Movement Just Made a Powerful New Enemy : politics (big pharma)
The GOPs abortion problems are only beginning

Why Ron DeSantis Is Afraid To Talk About The Abortion Ban He Just Signed : politics
Ronald DeSantis Once Called Measures to Curb Climate Crisis Left-Wing Stuff -- And now his state is threatening to float away.
Protesters stormed the stage and yelled Jews against DeSantis while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event
Floridas upcoming 6-week abortion ban will disproportionately impact Latina and Black women, advocates say
Parody is Dead but We Can At Least Have Some Dark Fun
I went to high school with Ronald DeSantis and found my yearbooks. : pics
Florida to allow death penalty with 8-4 jury vote instead of unanimously | Reuters

Leaked audio shows Tennessee GOP infighting over expulsion of Black lawmakers : politics
Leaked Audio of the Tennessee Republican Dingbats Shows Theyre Really That Stupid
Thousands of outraged Christians demand Tennessee Republicans resignation
Tennessee Republicans Immediately Kill Gun Safety Bill After Nashville Shooting - The move comes after thousands of protesters demanded lawmakers to take action on gun control. : politics

Texas Could Push Tech Platforms to Censor Posts About Abortion | If passed, the proposed law would also require internet service providers to block websites that discuss access to abortion. : technology
Juror says Texas Gov. Abbotts rush to pardon shooter a travesty

Gov. vetoes Kansas bill on live deliveries during abortion : politics

Tim Scotts Disastrous Answer to a Simple Abortion Question: His botched interview with CBS is the Republican dilemma in a nutshell.

Minneapolis OKs dawn Muslim prayer call, 1st for big US city : politics

AG Nessel renews states request for MSU to hand over thousands of Larry Nassar records

Gov. Youngkin slows voting rights restorations in Virginia, bucking a trend : politics

Lauren Boeberts Son Fails to Show in Court Unbeknownst to Mom

Montana's Looming TikTok Ban Is a Dangerous Tipping Point - The state is poised to be the first in the US to block downloads of the popular app, which could ignite a precarious chain reaction for digital rights.

Marjorie Taylor Greene spent more than $65,000 in campaign funds on home fence

South Dakota Governor Says NRA Isnt Just Old White Guys But Video Suggests Otherwise
South Dakota Governor Says NRA Isnt Just Old White GuysBut Video Suggests Otherwise
South Dakota governor says her two-year-old grandchild has several guns | US gun control | The Guardian Kristi Noem tells audience at NRA forum toddler has a shotgun, a rifle and a pony

In counties with more Black doctors, Black people live longer, astonishing study finds

California church must pay $1.2M for breaking COVID rules | AP News ... religious freedom to kill people

Stitt dissolves statewide council on homelessness. A statewide, five-year plan to address homelessness will likely go unfinished. No other group exists to track homelessness across Oklahoma. : politics

Minneapolis to pay $8.9M over Derek Chauvins actions before George Floyds death Two lawsuits stemmed from arrests in 2017 three years before Chauvin killed Floyd during an arrest captured on video that sparked protests worldwide.

Brain development does not occur uniformly across the brain, but follows a newly identified developmental sequence: brain regions that support cognitive, social, and emotional functions appear to remain malleableor capable of changing, adapting, and remodelinglonger than other brain regions

Million-year-old viruses help fight cancer, say scientists : worldnews

TIL that a controversial psychiatric technique called recovered memory therapy routinely resulted in patients imagining memories of satanic rituals contributing to the 1980s satanic panic : todayilearned

TIL All 27 of Uranus moons are named after William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope characters. : todayilearned
Moons of Uranus - Wikipedia
Sorry, Jupiter and Saturn: Uranus Is Truly the Best Planet - The Atlantic An ode to the oddball of our solar system

Hey Bostonians, 3 years in how has Covid permanently changed your behavior? : boston


Alien motherships: Pentagon official floats a theory for unexplained sightings - politico - One astronomy professor called the notions highly questionable and odd

Images Show Iceberg as Big as Rhode Island Breaking Off Antarctica : worldnews

Warren Buffett says the threat of war was a consideration in his decision to dump the bulk of his $4 billion stake in chipmaker giant TSMC

It will be extremely difficult for European Union to maintain a relationship of trust with #China if Beijing doesnt help search for a political solution to end Russias invasion of #Ukraine, the blocs foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said Friday
Russia says China agreed to secretly provide weapons, leaked documents show : worldnews
China vows not to sell arms to any party in Ukraine war : worldnews
Ukraine places Xiaomi on list of international sponsors of war : worldnews
China is not participating in a United Nations project to survey Asian wet markets and other facilities at high risk of spreading infectious diseases from wild animals to humans, despite long-running talks with Beijing : worldnews
Business Ukraine mag on Twitter: "Hundreds of Russian and Chinese state propaganda accounts are thriving on Twitter after Elon Musk wiped out the team that fought these networks, the BBC has found" / Twitter
Twitter staff cuts leave Russian trolls unchecked - BBC News

Russia's commando units gutted by Ukraine war, U.S. leak shows - clandestine spetsnaz forces have been put to use alongside the infantry, suffering massive numbers of dead and wounded
The elite of the #Russian special forces died in the war in #Ukraine.According to leaked US estimates, Russian special forces are devastated by 90-95%. This is reported by Bloomberg.
A Year of War Has Left Russias Elites Anchorless and Atomized

Fears Putin critic is being slowly poisoned after mystery injections, shedding18lbs in two weeks

China and India are buying so much Russian oil that Moscow's now selling more crude than it was before invading Ukraine : worldnews

Russias Pacific Fleet put on high alert for snap drills

A Russian media outlet "Mash" reports that Igor Girkin will be investigated by the St. Petersburg authorities for discrediting the Russian army. Girkin responded by saying he will "keep acting as before regardless of the actions of the authorities", and that he "will not be intimidated". : UkraineWarVideoReport

No Country for Kids: In Nigeria parents pulls children out of schools as abduction becomes industry : worldnews

Iranian women are posting images without hijabs despite crackdown : worldnews

Israels One-State Reality -- Time to Give Up on the Two-State Solution -- a Greater Israel defined not just as a Jewish state but one in which the law enshrines Jewish supremacy over all Palestinians who remain there
Christians are in danger under Israeli government, says Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Pierbattista Pizzaballa: The frequency of these attacks, the aggressions, has become something new

Ukraine warns of Russias long-term threat to Ukraine despite force generation problems & Kremlins failure to reorganize its war effort, in line with warnings by @TheStudyofWar that Russian capabilities shouldnt be underestimated in the long run.
Day 415. The World Bank has announced a $200 million grant to fund repairs to Ukraines energy infrastructure. Germany allows Polish export of MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Putin reportedly personally approved the arrest of an American journalist.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 415, Part 1 (Thread #556) : worldnews

Estimates by #Ukraines MoD @DefenceU on losses by the invading #Russia|n forces as of 14 April 2023.

Russian forces claim to have captured a Ukrainian Leopard tank but decided to sink it in a swamp rather than display it. Sounds legit

Finland starts fence on Russian border amid migration, security concerns : worldnews

Ukraine, Moldova, Romania sign joint agreement to strengthen security to counter threats posed by Russia : worldnews

Ukraines defeat will mark beginning of end of Western golden age - Polish PM

Hungary is currently an ally of Russia -- Hungarian board member of Russian spy bank
Hungarian Prime Minister calls Ukraine financially non-existent, Russia praises him
US Ambassador to Hungary: We are concerned by the Hungarian governments continued close relations with Russia
Hungarys prime minister called U.S. a main adversary, leaked documents say
Hungary's New Law Lets Locals Report on Same-Sex Families

US adds Swiss facilitators and firms to Russian sanctions list

Germany shuts down its last nuclear power stations : anime_titties

French pension age rise to 64 cleared by court : worldnews

Four Sons of El Chapo Face Sweeping New Charges in Fentanyl IndictmentsThe charges, in five related cases, offered a panoramic view of how the deadly drug was created, transported and ultimately sold by the Sinaloa cartel on American streets.

Leak suspect Jack Teixeira charged for retention of defense information, willful control of classified documents - The Washington Post
Jack Teixeira: US airman to appear in court over intelligence leak : worldnews
US Red-Faced As 21-Year-Old Arrested For Biggest Intel Leak In A Decade : worldnews
Hes from a patriotic family -- and allegedly leaked U.S. secrets - Online, the suspect in the breach of dozens of classified documents took on a persona seemingly at odds with his military career
Michael Weiss on Twitter: "New: A bit of context and perspective on the leaks so far. Awkward? Sure. But an end-of-days breach? Please. The IC has muddled through far worse, and allies are closing ranks to do damage control for Washington. From @JimmySecUK and myself:" / Twitter
When Top Secret Is Not So Secret - The arrest of Jack Teixeira, a junior Massachusetts airman, in the leaking of classified documents opens a debate about security clearances.
Massachusetts Air National Guard's Intelligence Mission in the Spotlight - A junior enlisted airman assigned to an intelligence unit on Cape Cod is accused of leaking a trove of top-secret information.
Stop calling it a leak - Press Watch
Eschaton: Patriot Games Nothing wrong with a bit of patriotism, but people who identify strongly as such generally hate the country with passion, loving instead an imagined nonexistent idea of the country, generally dominated by white supremacy. But, sure, WaPo, patriotic. Lead with that ... This "patriotism" is common the US (McVeigh and various movements) but it isn't "patriotism" in the way that normal people define the word, and is rather an odd choice to run with! "Patriot Movement" capital letters.
The Pentagon leak that landed on a chat forum about Minecraft exposes an unavoidable weakness in US national security : technology

Marjorie Taylor Greene defends alleged Pentagon leaker as white, male, christian, and antiwar
Swalwell on Greene over leak remark: This wouldnt be the first time she sided with traitors

US has not granted visas to Russian delegation chairing UN Security Council : worldnews

Schumer lays groundwork for Congress to regulate AI : politics (AI laughs)

Unemployment Is Low, Inflation Is Falling, but Recession Worries Linger - The New York Times Despite hopeful signs, economists worry that a recession is on the way or that the Federal Reserve will cause one in trying to rein in inflation.

Biden Appoints Lady Gaga to Lead Arts and Humanities Committee : politics

Republicans reportedly want to ban student loan forgiveness and make it harder to get food stamps in a debt ceiling deal and they seem to want to do it all over again next year

Clarence Thomas sold his childhood home to GOP donor Harlan Crow and never disclosed it. The justice's 94-year-old mom still lives there : politics
Justice Thomas Failed to Report Real Estate Deal With Texas Billionaire : politics
Clarence Thomas Family Got $133K from Nazi-Obsessed Billionaire | In addition to the private jet trips, and luxury vacations, Thomas omitted a six-figure real estate deal with Harlan Crow from his financial disclosures
He Must Be Impeached: Clarence Thomas Made Undisclosed Property Deal With Billionaire Megadonor
Its Simple: The Senate Judiciary Committee Must Subpoena Clarence Thomas Now. | What are you prepared to do, Democrats?
Clarence Thomas enters the danger zone : politics
Clarence Thomas Proves Justices Cant Police ThemselvesThe Supreme Court needs term limits and a binding code of ethics
Harlan Crow boosted Republicans on Democratic-led panel poised to investigate donors Clarence Thomas ties
Well make great pets ... Remember that story from way back when about how a billionaire bought Clarence Thomass mothers house, fixed it up, and maybe got rid of a troublesome neighbor in the same transaction?
Fox News isnt talking about Clarence Thomas much
I needed money cause I had none ... (d) Larry Lessig makes about $600K per year as as senior HLS professor for teaching two classes a year and bloviating via an army of research assistants,

Republican Group Mocks Trumps Love Of Dictators With Sexy New Video

Eschaton: Pretending Not To Understand Things The problem with DiFi isn't that she is old or that she is temporarily ill, it is that she has dementia and even her supporters don't know if she can return to DC.

Is the Trump Indictment a "Legal Embarrassment?" By Isaac Chotiner
The Jan. 6 Grand Jury Is Starting to Hear From Trumps Inner Circle

Trump files personal financial disclosure report, giving public view | CNN Politics

Trump met with chants of New York hates you! as he arrives for Manhattan deposition
Trump says he asked five-year-old about best way to evacuate US assets from Afghanistan : politics
Trump Answers Questions For 7 Hours In New York AG Fraud Suit : politics

No shield for Trump in rape accusers case as court declines to rule

The Independent: Michael Cohen says he may file countersuit to Trumps $500m case: I can't believe how stupid he was

Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president : politics

Pence Booed at NRA Event in Home State : politics
Pence Booed at NRA Event in Home StateThe crowd cheered when he talked about executing people, though
Trump Says He'll Launch Probe Into Whether Trans Ideology Leads to Mass ShootingsThe former president called school shootings a spiritual problem and not agun problem during a NRA speech on Friday ... The former president also accused Democrats of pushing the transgender culton children
Donald Trump says as president he would direct the FDA to have an outside panel investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of violence, and to determine if genetically engineered cannabis is causing psychotic breaks

Like an animal: Jan. 6 defendant who pinned officer in tunnel is sentenced to 7.5 years
Jan. 6 defendant who crushed an officer with a shield is sentenced to over 7 years in prison ... McCaughey faced a bench trial before Judge McFadden alongside David Mehaffie

The RNC announced its first primary debate, and Trump loyalists are furious : politics

Millions expected to lose dental care coverage after Medicaid review

'School Choice' Is Just a Ploy to Defund Public Ed. The latest front in Christian nationalistsbattle to undermine separation of church and state.

Reinstated Tennessee Lawmaker Goes Viral For Smacking Down Colleague's 'Bigotry' -- Stop using God to justify your bigotry. Stop using God to justify hatred and racism, state Rep. Justin Jones told his Republican colleague.
You hung us out to dry: Leaked audio shows hot tempers inside GOP caucus after expulsion vote

Republican Uses Great Replacement Theory to Justify Abortion Ban

A Single Judge Shouldnt Have This Kind of National Power | Nationwide injunctions have become a serious problem in American law
Against the lawlessness - Judge Rice has once again ordered the FDAs authority over drug authorization to be restored within his jurisdiction:
Court temporarily suspends Republican Partys political death march
Abortion pill: Biden will ask Supreme Court to intervene after appeals court limits access to mifepristone : politics
Supreme Court asked to preserve abortion pill access rules | AP News
DOJ and drugmaker ask Supreme Court to block abortion pill ruling
What Happens If Abortion in the South Vanishes? : politics

We're Getting Killed on Abortion: Inside Trumps Secret Meetings With the Religious Right
Opinion | Republicans Are Forgetting One Crucial Truth About People and Their Bodies - (they don't belong to Republicans) The New York Times For reasons that are now obvious, conservative groups supporting Kelly largely avoided touting his opposition to abortion. Thats a sure loser, as the G.O.P. is rapidly learning.So some supporters reached for the wedge issue du jour: transphobia.
Leaked Emails Reveal Just How Powerful the Anti-Trans Movement Has Become
School is a nightmare for trans and nonbinary kids. Heres why. 45% of trans adults said school made them feel unsafe

Rape, Incest Victims Must Show Proof to Get Exception to Floridas New Abortion Ban
DeSantis could be walking into a general election trap on abortion - POLITICO Democrats prepared to pounce after Florida governor backed a six-week abortion ban.
This is excellent news for Ron DeSantis
For better or worse, Ron DeSantis now owns Floridas six-week abortion ban Americas most accomplished, pro-life governor
Marco Rubio's bigoted fight with the U.S. military just got worse - When it comes to LGBTQ Americans, the Republican Party has traded its dog whistle in for a train whistle.
State Rep. Basabe under investigation for allegedly slapping an aide - CBS Miami

Sarah Sanders blames 'design error' for form asking job applicants to name something nice about her (in her brain)

Leaked Audio of the Tennessee Republican Dingbats Shows They're Really That Stupid - Lord have mercy, the reps who voted to expel Rep. Pearson and Rep. Jones even used profanity.

Man who killed BLM protester shared racist content, new documents show : politics
Texas man who spit at police sees life of crime crumble, slapped with 70 years in prison to send a message

On Tucker and Gregs favorite racist murderer
The smearing of Garrett Foster - by Radley Balko The far right justifies political vi olence by villainizing a decent man

The news comes amid mounting concerns over the app among lawmakers over security concerns with its Chinese owners.

Conservatives plot text warnings on woke products

Opinion | A rural Texas county just blinked on library closures. Pressure worked. - The Washington Post

Marjorie Taylor Greene shares F**k Bud Light rap video with a joke about gay men "Spreading" HIV

Gender-Affirming Care for Adults Is Now Basically Banned in Missouri : politics
Missouri to limit gender-affirming care for minors and adults At least 13 other states have enacted laws restricting or banning transition-related care for transgender minors.
Missouris Finest
Missouri House advances bill allowing guns on buses, inside churches and synagogues : politics

Idaho Schools - No other state spends less on education per student than Idaho ... It also ranks last in the nation in terms of school infrastructure spending per pupil ... You can see why rural Oregon wants to be part of Greater Idaho. They can focus on the real threats to children like drag shows in Portland or whatever they think Critical Race Theory actually is and not water dripping on their heads.

Downtown D.C. faces challenge as remote work demand persists, poll finds - The Washington Post

Opinion | Why People Are Fleeing Blue Cities for Red States - The New York Times (Brooks doing his thing)

Tech Executive Was Left to Slowly Die After Stabbing, Prosecutors Say

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Targeting The Grid Amid Rise In Accelerationism : politics

A Computer Generated Swatting Service Is Causing Havoc Across America : technology

Why ghost guns are America's fastest-growing gun problem : politics

Racist text messaging investigation rocks Northern California police department The messages, which detail Antioch officers allegedly using racial epithets and homophobic slurs, could have far-reaching implications for criminal cases linked to the officers ... The majority of the roughly 114,000 residents of Antioch, about 45 miles northeast of San Francisco, are minorities ,,, the messages could undermine the officers' credibility in hundreds of convictions, if not more.
How A Rural California County Became A Petri Dish For the Big Lie : politics

Tennessee Air National Guardsman applied to be a hit man on a website - and got arrested, FBI says - CBS News

Man died after being eaten alive by bugs in filthy jail cell, family says

Howard Schultz's Bullshit

Parler shuts down as new owner says conservative platform needs big revamp | Ars Technica

Campaign in Chaos: Kanye West Just Wants to Be Left Alone (until he's elected president)

Substack CEO Chris Best Doesnt Realize Hes Just Become The Nazi Bar ... tldr; substack ceo is cool with people posting racist hate on his site (shakestack)
Kicking a Nazi out as soon as they walk in : TalesFromYourServer ... yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people.

40 Percent of Supermarket Meat May HaveSuperbugs

This Church in Belgium Was Brilliantly Designed : pics

Type-III Superconductivity: For decades, it was thought that only two types of superconductors existed, but a new study has just uncovered a third. : science

Scientists have demonstrated a large-scale power plant that uses the Suns rays to generate hydrogen fuel. The prototype facility smashes record for converting solar power to hydrogen

Students whose brainwaves are more in sync with their classmates and teacher are likely to learn better than those lacking this brain-to-brain synchrony

Wearing hearing aids could help cut the risk of dementia, according to a large decade-long study. The research accounted for other factors, including loneliness, social isolation and depression, but found that untreated hearing loss still had a strong association with dementia : science

ELI5: Why do doctors have to do shifts of up to 48 hours if it's supposed to be so bad for your health not to get enough sleep? : explainlikeimfive

Marijuana Improves Pain Scores and Health-Related Quality of Life in Those With Chronic, Refractory Pain : science

Anatomic maps of erogenous sensation and pleasure in the penis: survey data finds that circumcision status is not correlated with erogenous nor orgasmic function of the penis and circumcised men report significantly more surface area of their penis as being pleasurable when touched during sex

Idealized Target of Sexual Harassment: New research finds black women, women who do not assertively confront the harasser, do not report it to their organization, have no witnesses, and whose harasser has not been publicly accused of harassment by others are considered less credible. : science

First evidence of peptide treatment reversing neurodegeneration and other symptoms of Alzheimersdisease, by inhibiting Cdk5 enzyme hyperactivity

Germany shuts down its last nuclear power stations : anime_titties

which is the best psychological thriller movie out there? : AskReddit

What is a sign that someone is a really good person? : AskReddit

Whats an immediate ick on a first date?

Phils Towing closes. Good riddance


Chinas artificial sun breaks record, marking latest milestone in quest for efficient thermonuclear fusion reactors

Fort Lauderdale was inundated with a third of its annual rainfall within hours - Several areas received 20 to 25 inches of rain, including 25.91 inches at the airport

We broke the record today, highest temperature was 72f on 2002 : boston

1,569 confirmed cases and 17 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Australias most powerful cyclone in 12 years to cross coast
David McBride to face trial this year as Australian Defence Force investigates alleged Afghanistan war crimes : worldnews

Myanmar airstrike on civilians sparks global outcry as witnesses describe attack : worldnews
War Crime evidence: Aftermath of Myanmar miltarys air raid in Kantbalu, Sagaing.

Japan lifts evacuation alert for missile after emergency warning system error : worldnews
Japan says evacuation warning for North Korea missile was not a mistake : worldnews
Johnny Kitagawa: Ex- pop star Kauan Okamato details sexual abuse by famed producer : worldnews

South Korea to Give $490/Month Allowance to Reclusive Youths Experiencing Extreme Social Withdrawal : worldnews

North Korean missile launch triggers evacuation order in Japan | NK News : worldnews

Tibetans Say the Dalai Lamas Suck My Tongue Viral Video Is Being Misinterpreted

Macron on Taiwan: An ally not a vassal of USA, says France leader

China Using Spies To Ensure Uyghur Muslims Dont Fast During Ramzan: Report

Pentagon leaks reveal Russian infighting over death toll : worldnews
Putin says Russia lost $15 billion in oil and gas revenue last quarter, but thinks the hole can be filled in the next few months : worldnews
(3/5) However, the different approaches highlight a sensitive communications challenge for the Kremlin. Putin couches the special military operation in the spirit of the Soviet experience in World War Two.

The number of young workers in Russia has dropped to one of its lowest levels in the countrys post-Soviet history, the RBC news website reported Tuesday, citing research based on official statistics

Direct ticket to Bakhmut: Russians fear digital draft

The Hague court orders Russia to pay US$5 billion in compensation for Naftogazs losses in Crimea

CNN: Wagner PMC tried to buy weapons from NATO member Turkey

Lindsey Graham Is Now Buddy-Buddy With Saudi Ruler He Called a Murderer : politics

Israeli spyware used to hack across 10 countries, Microsoft and watchdog say : worldnews

Zelenskyy tells global finance leaders in Washington that his country needs $14.1 billion immediately for critical reconstruction projects, pleading with officials to use frozen Russian assets to help pay the cost : worldnews
An excellent report from T.X. Hammes on the lessons of Ukraine. Gamechangers: Implications of the Russo-Ukraine war for the future of ground warfare

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 414, Part 1 (Thread #555) : worldnews

US puts sanctions on four Georgian judges over significant corruption

Poland wants to become bedrock of European security: Morawiecki tells Harris : worldnews
Polish media claims France is blocking EU decision on financing ammunition supplies to Ukraine : worldnews

Norway Expels 15 Russian Diplomats Suspected of Intel Work : worldnews

NATO official: Russia wants a buffer zone again, and that includes Romania : worldnews

A series of new deals boosting Hungarys energy links with Russia will only prolong the war, top Zelensky adviser Oleg Ustenko said. If youve seen the video where Russians cut the head off a Ukrainian soldier -- the Hungarians are paying for the knife

EU corruption scandal: Eva Kaili moved to house arrest : worldnews

People may die: Hospital waiting times in Spain break records

Hundreds of thousands of people are set to take to the streets across France again on Thursday to protest against President Emmanuel Macron's pension reform in a final day of demonstrations before a crucial court decision on the legislation : worldnews
Marine Le Pen: "I remain faithful to Salvini and I am against NATO" : worldnews

Jack Teixeira, Mass. Air National guardsman, investigated in connection with US leaked documents probe
Here's what we know about the leader of the online group where secret documents were leaked. Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, was arrested on Thursday.
Leaked Documents Live Updates: Air National Guardsman Arrested - The New York Times
New Leaked Documents Show Broad Infighting Among Russian Officials - The New York Times The additional documents also suggest the breach of American intelligence agencies could contain far more material than previously believed.
An emerging consensus among U.S. allies and partners that the Pentagon leaks are sprinkled with misinformation or disinformation -- South Korea, UK, Ukraine all have comments to that effect. But they dont say which bits are false.
Discord member details how documents leaked from closed chat group - The Washington Post The online group that received hundreds of pages of classified material included foreigners, members tell The Post
Opinion | China's hypersonic missile capability included in shocking intel leak - The Washington Post
The Narcissist with a Top Secret Clearance Trying to Impress Teenagers in a Ukraine-Russia Chat Room - emptywheel

Federal Judge Throws Science Under the Bus With Decision Against EPA Clean Water Rule

It cost $22 billion to rescue two failed banks. Now the question is who will pay : politics

Ethics Watchdog Urges Justice Department Investigation Into Clarence Thomas Trips
Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didnt Disclose the Deal.

Im Justin Elliott, one of the ProPublica reporters who just published the investigation into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas undisclosed trips provided by billionaire GOP mega donor Harlan CrowASK ME ANYTHING

Analysis shows Russian and Chinese-backed efforts to sow division after Trump indictment : politics
How pro-Trump bots are sowing division in the Republican Party: Report Bots are going after Trumps potential 2024 rivals, a social analysis firm says.

Jan. 6 Investigators Think Trump May Have Duped Donors With Election Fraud Claims - Special Counsel Jack Smith has issued a series of subpoenas seeking information on Trump-worlds post-election fundraising

What you reject when you assert Trumps complete innocence

Jan. 6 romance novel cover model who attacked police sentenced Logan Barnhart, a Trump fan who dragged a Capitol Police officer down the stairs and attacked officers in the western tunnel, was identified by online sleuths.

Trump Faces Questioning in N.Y. Attorney General's Lawsuit - Letitia James, the attorney general, has sued Donald J. Trump and three of his children, accusing them of a staggering fraud.

Hear Trump Officials Tell Fox Their Election Fraud Claims Were Bogus

Richard Grenell: Former Trump intel official testifies in Mar-a-Lago classified documents probe | CNN Politics

Jim Jordans new stunt reveals the folly of governing by Fox News
Braggs Manhattan vs. Jordans Mansfield: Which one has more crime?

Feinstein asks for Judiciary replacement after calls for resignation : politics
Nancy Pelosi Suggests Calls for Feinstein to Resign Are Sexist
The Dianne Feinstein situation turns ugly - The Washington Post
Where Democrats go from here on Feinsteins perilous absence

Mitch McConnell tweets he will return to the Senate on Monday after treatment for a concussion

Justice Department to ask Supreme Court to intervene in abortion pill ruling : politics
5th circuit issues bizarro world order in re Judge Ks very special opinion
Half of Republicans say politics drove US abortion-pill court ruling, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows : politics ... Fifty-six percent of overall respondents, including 67% of Democrats, said the decision was politically motivated.
A wide majority of Americans back abortion pills, including 71% of young women. The issue could destroy GOP election chances for a generation. : politics
Abortion's Dead Center - Stop catering to a disappearing middle-ground
A 19th-century anti-sex crusader is the pro-life movements new best friend. Anthony Comstock, the 19th-century scourge of art and sex, is suddenly relevant again thanks to Donald Trumps worst judge.

Florida Legislature Passes Six-Week Abortion Ban - The New York Times ... culminating a rapid effort by elected Republicans and Gov. Ron DeSantis to transform the state to one of the most restrictive in the country.
Florida passes near-total ban on abortion

US conservatives love to warn of creeping fascism. Do they understand what it is? : politics

Good times bad times -- Rupert Murdoch divorced his fourth wife, Jerry Hall, by email,

Expelled Tennessee House Democrat Justin Pearson Reinstated : politics
The Return of Justin Jones and the White Suit. The Tennessee lawmaker has become a viral symbol. : politics
Tennessee GOP Tried to Stem Tide of Progress -- Instead, They Unleashed a Tsunami
How Republicans Speak to Each OtherThis leaked secret audio recording of the Tennessee Republican caucus furiously infighting over the aftermath of evicting the two Black legislators is really revealing
Tennessee florist refuses service for Republican National Committee fundraising event : politics

We Need to Talk Aboutand Develop a Strategy to Defeat the Lobby Too. Summer Lees victory in PA is a road map for how progressive Democrats can unite to elect candidates whose values will be consistent at home and abroad

California State Capitol building evacuated due to 'credible threat'

Nebraska Republican Says 6-Week Abortion Ban Is Necessary Because White People Are Being Replaced | Fun little one-two punch of misogyny and racism. : politics

Florida Politician Supports Eradication of LGBTQ+ Community. Damn right, we ought to do it! he declared.
Florida LGBTQ rights group issues travel warning telling the queer community it may no longer be safe to move to or visit the state : politics
Florida bill gives doctors the right to refuse treatment to LGBTQ+ people, women and minorities. Florida is reportedly considering a bill that would give doctors and insurance companies the right to deny care to LGBTQ+ p

MO Republican pushing trans care ban suggests 12-year-olds should be allowed to marry : politics

Arkansas governor signs sweeping bill imposing a minimum age limit for social media usage : politics (Huckafuckabee)

GOP gubernatorial candidate Craft calls for dismantling Kentucky education agency in new ad

Arrest made in SF killing of Bob Lee -- tech execs alleged killer also worked in tech
San Francisco DA Slams Elon Musks Reckless Statements on Bob Lees Death
Cash App founder Bob Lee was stabbed to death after argument about the suspects sister, court documents show (millionaire on millionaire crimewave)

Lawyers say new evidence will clear girlfriend of Boston police officer charged with his murder - The Boston Globe
Attorneys: Evidence reveals new suspect in police officers death

Musk, Boebert call to defund NPR after it quit Twitter

Harvard donors support of Florida Governor DeSantis prompts criticism from students, alumni
Harvard Affiliates Slam Ken Griffin Donation, Citing Support for DeSantis | News | The Harvard Crimson

Dan Snyder Agrees to Sell Washington Commanders for $6 Billion - The New York Times The N.F.L. team is on track to be sold for a record figure to a group led by Josh Harris, as investigations into sexual harassment claims and the teams finances continue.

TIL: Jehovahs Witnesses believe there's a cap on how many people get into heaven - exactly 144,000 faithful Christians will be granted entry. For reference, there are 8.5 million adherents of this faith worldwide.

Scholastic, and a Faustian Bargain

How MAGA Conspiracies Infected Autism GroupsDubious autism treatments used to be a fringe-left thing. Then came Trump and Covid.

Nutrition Science's Most Preposterous Result - Studies show a mysterious health benefit to ice cream. Scientists don't want to talk about it.

Husbands and Wives Earn Similar Wages in a Growing Share of Marriages | Pew Research Center Even when earnings are similar, husbands spend more time on paid work and leisure, while wives devote more time to caregiving and housework

NASAs James Webb Space Telescope: Stunning new images captured of the universe | 60 Minutes

Incels inhabit a desolate social environment and are more likely to internalize rejection, study finds : science


Wind and solar now generate record amount of global power : worldnews

Climate models warn of possible Super El Nino before end of year

China records world's first human death from H3N8 bird flu -WHO : worldnews

As many as 100 people were killed after military airstrikes hit a village in Myanmar : worldnews

South Korea has so few babies it is offering new parents $10,500 : worldnews
Seoul condemns Pyongyang for refusing to answer hotline calls, using its property : worldnews

N. Korea remains unresponsive to regular contact via inter-Korean liaison line for 6th day: ministry | Yonhap News Agency : worldnews

PLA calls Taiwanese independence forces tumor that must be removed
Taiwan badge depicting Chinas President Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh being punched in the face goes viral
Military exercises suggest China is getting ready tolaunch a war against Taiwan,islands foreign minister tells CNN
China planning to impose no-fly zone north of Taiwan from April 16 to 18 : worldnews
In the midst of a full Chinese military operation, a French frigate sails through the Taiwan Strait : worldnews
Chinese government is making their own version of neuralink : worldnews

China appears to backtrack over no-fly zone near Taiwan : worldnews
China orders Mongolian-medium schools to switch to Mandarin by September : worldnews

Vladimir Putins health worsening? Doctors report blurred vision, numb tongue

Putins Eurotrip Options Slashed With Another Vow to Arrest Him
Russia tests intercontinental ballistic missile, its warhead hits target in Kazakhstan : worldnews

Putin Personally Approved Arrest of US Reporter Evan Gershkovich - Bloomberg Russian leader signed off on detention as US tensions riseKremlin digging in for long conflict after Ukraine invasion

Russia set to overhaul draft system, making it nearly impossible to avoid military conscription : worldnews
Russia is set to pass a measure that bans people who have been drafted to the military from leaving the country : worldnews
Bait and Switch: Russian draftees captured in dead of night, sold as cattle to Wagner Group
Russian Draftees Sold Like Cattle to Wagner Group, Families Say : worldnews

Vladimir Milov once served under Putin. Now exiled, hes using his insights to bring down the Russian regime

russian customs has suffered a hacker attack and has been unable to resume work for the third day. According to the documents that appeared in the public domain, the russian state authorities called the cyber attackan irregular situation of the first category.
At the moment, the electronic system of the russian customs has collapsed, there are huge queues at checkpoints, cargoes are standing still, and FMS employees are forced to switch to paper document processing.

Arrest warrant issued for wife of Kremlin-aligned ex-politician : worldnews

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty on Twitter: "Belarus said it had ordered the plane to land after an anonymous bomb threat. Evidence later revealed Belarusian officials conspired to fake the bomb threat as a pretense for diverting the plane so they could detain Sofia Sapega and Raman Pratasevich." / Twitter

Massive Chinese build-up near Doklam rings alarm bells in Indian military : worldnews

Sweden shuts its embassy in Pakistan for indefinite period

Hospital in Afghanistan after drone strike that killed 42 people including 24 patient and 14 doctors : pics

East Africas battle over culture and homosexuality ... t appears there is also a rise of genuine belief, especially among those who would generally pass as liberals or open minded, that the West is on a systematic mission to shove this homosexuality agenda down the throats of Africans.

Saudi Arabia buys Russian oil to evade U.S. sanctions : worldnews
Sen. Lindsay Graham meets with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia : politics

More Iranian Schoolgirls Poisoned amid Increased Censorship (Iran) : worldnews

#Danilov dismisses #CNN claims that classified papers leaked from the Pentagon had #forced Ukraine to amend its military plans.
Allies will likely agree on fighter jets for Ukraine before summer Danish Defense Minister
Zelenskyy suggests terminating agreement and revealing secrets of Belarus : worldnews

Zelenskyy calls on world leaders to react to video of murder of Ukrainian prisoner of war : worldnews
Several Russian far-right & neo-Nazi groups with channels on Telegram, including the Rusich military group, promoted the beheading video. You will be surprised how many of these videos will gradually pop upRusich wrote, adding a smiley face emoji.
This is not an accident, this is not a [one off] episodeUkrainian President Zelenskyy called on world leaders to react to a new video showing Russian troops cutting off the head of a Ukrainian prisoner of war
Head cut off with a knife: Russian soldiers brutally killed Ukrainian prisoner of war : worldnews
Kyiv compares Russia to Islamic State after beheading video : worldnews
~ And how many more of such acts of decapitation, torture, castration, execution committed by the Russian "military" in Ukraine were never videoed and posted online? Barbarity and hatred are skyrocketing as they realize this war is unwinnable for Russians.
Ukrainian hackers say they have compromised Russian spy who hacked Democrats in 2016 : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 413, Part 1 (Thread #554) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 12.04.2023 : ukraine

Over 11 million Ukrainians cross border with Poland since start of full-scale war : worldnews

Russias FSB Systematically Tries to Recruit Ukrainian Refugees in Estonia

On the hunt for the businessmen behind a billion dollar scam : worldnews (cryptoshit)

Google and Amazon struggle to lay off workers in Europe : worldnews

Cannabis plans announced in Germany: Legal adult use expected by end of 2023 : worldnews

Europes eastern half claps back at Macron: We need the US (Macaroni-head continues to be an idiot for attention)

Chile lawmakers vote to reduce work week from 45 to 40 hours : worldnews

NASA Reveals What Made an Entire Starlink Satellite Fleet Go Down : worldnews A halo coronal mass ejection thickened the thermosphere, which caused the satellites to fall and burn up.

u/lightiggy explains the work of Benjamin Ferencz, the chief prosecutor at one of the Subsequent NurembergTrials, with details on why most Nazi war criminals never faced justice, and insight into resistance against his efforts from prominent western political figures like Churchill and McCarthy.

BreachSome works on the Leak, which certainly had an awfully weird journey into the light. Shashank Joshi on some of the overall themes:
NYT: The Pentagon Considered Possibility Of Ukrainian Strike Against The Kremlin And Elimination Of Putin : UkrainianConflict

Obamas waffling response to Russias 2014 invasion of Ukraine not only marked the end of the post-Cold War holiday from history; it also marked the death of the dream that the leaders of the democratic world had the strength and vision to uphold the principles of rules-based international order

US inflation at 5%, the lowest it has been since 2021 : politics

Bidens drug czar declares fentanyl laced with animal tranquilizer an emergingthreat facing U.S.

Biden to remake U.S. auto industry with toughest emissions limits ever - The Washington Post Proposed rules could lead to 67% of all car and truck sales being EVs by 2032, EPA says, but some automakers are wary of the timeline

Clarence Thomas Report Puts Spotlight on Harlan Crow, an Eccentric Billionaire - The New York Times
Jet-Setting With Clarence Thomas Puts Spotlight on an Eccentric Billionaire : politics
Thats what friends are for (Torture Yoo paid .5 million a year at Berkely and the NYT loves him)
southpaw on Twitter: "Clarence Thomas and torture memo author John Yoo discuss Harlan Crow. via @cspan" / Twitter
The New York Times quoted war crimes-authorizer John Yoo at lengthgiving him space to defend Thomas and attack the ProPublica piece as racistwithout examining Yoos own obviously close relationship with Harlan Crow.
Is there like a sign up in all the newsrooms to call John Yoo if youre writing a story about Clarence Thomass corruption? Is he super easy to reach?

Secret Service spent more than $16,000 on Kushners UAE and Qatar trip. Both countries invested in his firm.

Appeals court rejects Peter Navarros bid to retain hundreds of presidential records

Vladimir Putins puppet (aka Donald Trump) dismisses the threat posed by Russia, China, and NK and says the biggest threat to the US comes from Americans who oppose him: The biggest problem is from within. What a POS traitor.

Witnesses Asked About Trump's Handling of Map With Classified Information - The map is just one element of the Justice Department's inquiry into former President Donald Trumps possession of sensitive documents and whether he obstructed justice in seeking to hold onto them.

Manhattan DA Bragg sues Rep. Jordan over House probe of Trump investigation : politics
Trump Supporters Are Swamping the Manhattan DA With Racist Threats : politics

Trump Wants Rape Trial Delayed Amid Media Frenzy Over Indictment : politics
Donald Trump Asks to Delay His Rape Trial After New York Indictment Drama

Trump mocked for claiming NYC courthouse staff were crying when he was arrested
Trump defends Russia over Nord Stream pipeline explosion and hints US was responsible | Trump says he wont answer who did it because he doesnt want toget our country in trouble
Trump says he wont drop out of presidential race if convicted
Trump thinks his arrest helped his presidential chances. Hes wrong

GOP Seeks To Shield Trump From All Future State Prosecutions | HuffPost Latest News New legislation from House Republicans would allow former presidents to move state prosecutions to federal courts.

Alvin Bragg Has Sued Jim Jordan Over Trump-Investigation Subcommittee Jim Jordan's Ham-Fisted Attempt to Marshal His Little Committee for Trump Isn't Going Well - Alvin Bragg is suing the congresscritter to stop his subcommittee's inferference.

Fox News Sanctioned by Judge for Withholding Evidence in Dominion Case - The New York Times Judge Eric Davis also said an investigation was likely into Foxs handling of documents and whether it had withheld details about Rupert Murdochs corporate role. (said he had nothing to do with Fox)
Judge in Dominion lawsuit may sanction Fox News over Murdoch reveal

Fox News under fire for credibility problem over late disclosure of Murdoch role
Complete Humiliation: Tucker Carlson Mocked For Bending The Knee To Trump
Ex-Fox Producer Abby Grossberg Claims There Are Secret Rudy Giuliani Recordings About Dominion
Inside Rupert Murdochs Succession Drama

House GOP has an underwhelming first 100 days : politics

Kellyanne Conway Asks Why GOP Is Unpopular With Young Voters, Twitter Answers : politics

Judges Ruling Against Abortion Pill Is Filled With ActivistsLanguage (lies)
Republicans know the abortion positions of the judges they robotically confirmed are a political loser
Republicans Are Silent On The Abortion Pill Ruling, Despite Confirming The Judge Behind It | HuffPost Latest News GOP senators voted for the Trump-appointed judge knowing he was rabidly anti-abortion. But none would tell HuffPost if theyre happy about his court order.
Nearly Every Democrat in Washington is Joining Forces to Fight Abortion Ruling : politics
Republican lawmaker tells women to get off the abortion conversation asfuture of critical drug in jeopardy

The end of the Republican Party : politics
Opinion | The Republican Strategists Who Have Carefully Planned All of This - The New York Times

US Fascism Is Spreading Under the Guise of Patriotic Education

The problem is the reporter has no idea what the problem is, just another day in political journalism. ~ This story, which opens with that anecdote showing Yoos close personal relationship with *Harlan Crow,* is written by the same reporter who quoted John Yoo four days ago as a detached observer defending Thomas and Crows relationship. (NY Slimes)

Rep. Ro Khanna calls on Dianne Feinstein to resign from Senate : politics
Dianne Feinstein Faces Resign Calls After Missing 60 Senate Votes in 2023 : politics
Feinsteins Flag (she loves her slavery flag)
Eschaton: Elder Abuse think we all understood that continuing to put Bruce Willis in a series of bad films when he didn't know where he was half the time was not an especially nice thing to do, and the people doing the same thing for Diane Feinstein aren't being particularly nice to her, either.

Justin Pearson returned to Tennessee House of Representatives ... In highly related news, the tinpot fascist who led the move to expel three legislators for minor procedural violations is a looter of taxpayer money who lives nowhere near the constituency he purportedly represents:
How Tennessee Became the Poster State for Political Meltdown - POLITICO
Removing Black lawmakers is voter suppressionand the US has done it for centuries
Ted Cruz said school shootings can be prevented if they have armed guards, like in banks. That aged poorly after the deadly Louisville bank shooting. : politics
A book never shot anyone: Slotkin slams GOP amid school shootings
Mayor says Louisville shooters rifle will be back on the streets under state law
Mayor furious that Kentucky is going to "auction off" the AR-15 used in Louisville mass shooting : politics
Kentucky Democrat slams Republicans for banning books and pronouns while gun violence soars

Names of Florida Governors Mansion guests would be shielded under this bill
Ron DeSantis pursues a new era of cruelty for undocumented immigrants. This new set of Florida laws could cost Ron DeSantis Latino evangelical support. : politics

Allegations about Democrat Katie Porter's abusive marriage resurface | Daily Mail Online

Hakeem Jeffriesvague recollection of controversy surrounding his uncle undermined by college editorial defending him ... effries defended his uncle along with Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

Sarah Sanders asks state board applicants to name what they admire about her most while applying for job - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

Over 2,000 Indiana residents ordered to evacuate after fire ignites at recycling plant - ABC News

Joel Koskan pleads guilty to 2 counts of felony incest (Argus Leader spends 25 paragraphs to avoid saying he's a Repubican)

Llano County Texas weighs closing local library after Federal judge orders banned books returned to circulation
Missouri House Republicans vote to defund libraries

Sen. Mike Moon reiterates support for 12-year-olds right to marry in Missouri

Garbage in garbage out, anti-vax edition

J.D. Vances Big Tech Plan Conveniently Makes More Money for J.D. Vance: Report

Elon is 100% Pro-Russian genocide-supporting Putin Asset. Everything he does points at his cooperation with the Russian Government. - Mark Kaplan : UkrainianConflict
Free SpeechTwitter Is Now Globally Blocking Posts Critical Of The Modi Government
Elon Musk BBC interview: Twitter boss on layoffs, misinfo and sleeping in the office - BBC News

Watch: Elon Musk's unexpected BBC interview... in 90 seconds - BBC News

Should College Come With Trigger Warnings? At Cornell, Its a Hard No.When the student assembly voted to require faculty to alert students to upsetting educational materials, administrators pushed back.

Vox Media Spins Off NowThis, Viral Politics Site - The New York Times Known for its viral videos of politicians and other newsmakers, NowThis is preparing to cover the 2024 election as an independent company.

Joshua McLemore Starved to Death in Indiana Jail, Lawsuit Says

Is Malcolm Gladwell the Joe Rogan of authors? : books

Tupperware: Why the household name could soon be history - BBC News But the 77-year-old US company is seeing cracks form in the once revolutionary air-tight sealing business that made it famous, with rising debts and falling sales prompting a warning it could go bust without investment.

Chichen Itza: Archaeologists discover scoreboard for ancient Maya ball game : worldnews

What made you realize youre old?

The Marathon bombings 12-hour suspect: How an Internet mob wrongly identified and went after a missing college student


Volcano erupts in Russias Far East, covering towns in ash

XBB.1.16: India hospitals on alert as Covid-19 cases rise : worldnews

Around 100 people killed after Myanmar junta attack on village, shadow government says : worldnews

Vietnam to introduce landmark new bill making it easier for trans people to change gender : worldnews

South Korea says significant number of leaked US docs are fake

Chinese aircraft, ships remain around Taiwan after drills end : worldnews

Russia violating international law by not allowing consular access to WSJ reporter -U.S. State Dept : worldnews
Russia Lost 1.3M Young Workers in 2022 : news

More than twice as many Russian troops as Ukrainians have been killed in Putins war, leaked estimates show

Russian protesters sentenced to 19 years : worldnews

Russias Accident-Prone Aircraft Carrier Has No Crew

Vladimir Kara-Murzas last statement to Russian court: A reckoning will come

Russian State Duma implements digital summons for military service and partially closes border for conscripts : worldnews
Watch Russian state TV propagandists resort to religion to promote upcoming legislative changes that will enable Putins regime to send military draft notices electronically and prevent evaders from leavingRussia.
Noel James Debien on Twitter: "Really worth watching. Russian propaganda has shifted to religious claims- Satanism etc. I remember Iran doing this too. Just bonkers. But dangerous." / Twitter

UPDATE Patreon responded to my suggestion to remove the accounts of russian war criminalsagain nothing! Propagandist awarded by Putin, Semyon Pegov from War Gonzo still on Patreon. Let me remind, he also collects funds for russian army. So Patreon made its choice in favor of russian criminals.

UN tells Afghan staff to stay home after Taliban ban on female workers : worldnews
Taliban ban restaurant gardens for families, women in Herat : worldnews

Hes a Brutal Dictator, and One of the Wests Best Friends - President Paul Kagame of Rwanda

Hundreds Protest Netanyahus Speech Blaming Opposition for Israels Flare-up;PM Confirms Defense Minister Wont Be Fired

US to call on allies to increase financial pressure on Russia and increase assistance to Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 412, Part 1 (Thread #553) : worldnews

April 11th Numbers : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ukrainian civilians are attending military trainings and workout sessions to prepare for an expected influx of draft notices ahead of a spring offensive : worldnews

Peter Jukes on Twitter: "Western intelligence agencies estimated last month that Russia had lost 20,000 to 30,000 killed and wounded in the Bakhmut meat-grinder, making this the bloodiest battle in Europe since World War II." / Twitter
#Russian forces continued to make territorial gains in & around Bakhmut on Apr. 9 & 10likely continuing to suffer significant casualties, asWagner forces reportedly continue to commit war crimes by beheading servicemen in Bakhmut.
General Staff: Ukrainian forces repel over 50 Russian attacks. Russian troops are reportedly concentrating their efforts on conducting offensives toward Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Marinka in Donetsk Oblast.
Pictures purportedly depicting the aftermath of an HIMARS strike against a Russian base in the Maryinka area #Ukraine

Russia building 45-mile mega trench in land corridor above Crimean peninsula - Running from Semenivka, six miles northeast of Melitopol, parallel to the Sea of Azov coastline eastwards to Marynivka, the continuous trench can be seen from space.

Defense minister: 5,000 specialists needed to demine Ukraine. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov estimated that it could take up to 30 years to fully remove Russian-planted mines from Ukrainian territory.

ISW on Twitter: "#Russian religious persecutions are likely also part of an ongoing Russian cultural genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign aimed at extirpating the idea of an independent Ukrainian nationality or Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 4/4" / Twitter

Poland Says Alliance With US Absolute Foundation Of European Security

The Swiss parliament voiced its fury on Tuesday at the collapse of Credit Suisse and how the rules intended to prevent such a major bank from getting itself into trouble completely failed : worldnews
Only two Swiss violations of Russian sanctions fined so far : worldnews

Interest rates likely to fall to pre-Covid levels, IMF predicts : worldnews

UK to be one of worst performing economies this year, predicts IMF : worldnews ... That takes some doing to do worse than Russia after everyone has sanctioned them. (Tory fucked)
London will lose to New York, Hong Kong and Shanghai for years to come warn City bosses
Swap to Stop: UK Govt to offer vapes to one million smokers to help them quit cigarettes : worldnews

Hundreds of charges laid, 173 guns seized in firearm trafficking operation, police say : worldnews

Biden ends COVID national emergency after Congress acts | AP News

Ukrainian hackers say they have compromised Russian spy who hacked Democrats in 2016 : politics

Pentagon leak traced to video game chat group users arguing over war in Ukraine : UkraineWarVideoReport
Key lawmakers win access to mishandled classified docs : politics
Investigations into leaked Pentagon documents take shape as DOJ focuses on source of leak | CNN Politics

Chicago Will Host 2024 Democratic Convention as Party Returns to Midwest - The New York Times For their flagship gathering, President Biden and Democrats chose a city in the heart of a battleground region, which had argued that it embodied the partys liberal values.

Clarence Thomas Curiously Silent About His Vacation Buddys Nazi Fetish
Democratic senators urge chief justice to probe Thomas trips : politics
54 Years Ago, a Supreme Court Justice Was Forced to Quit for Behavior Arguably Less Egregious Than Thomas (arguably = blatently)
Harlan Crow, who showered Clarence Thomas with expensive gifts, has donated to several Utah politicians. Nearly half of the money the Texas billionaire has given to Beehive State politicos went to Sen. Mike Lee. : politics
The Paid Pundits Defending Clarence Thomas And His Billionaire Benefactor
Standing up against wealthist micro-aggressions - When its not lying about how progressive taxation in America it is, the editors of the Wall Street Journal are triggered and demanding a safe space for members of society facing horrible discrimination, like neoconfederate Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and his billionaire patron Nazi art aficionado Harlan Crow:

Senator Mazie Hirono: We are going to have hearings into paid trips taken by Justice Clarence Thomas ... Scalia ... Supposedly, he was alone when he died. No autopsy was performed because a medical examiner who never saw the body said he died of natural causes He was transported from the 5 star resort where he was staying for free to a funeral home 3 1/2 hours away for embalming, despite the fact that there were two funeral homes closer. Amazingly enough, that was the closest funeral home which disposes of all bodily fluids into the municipal sewage system, the others which were closer don't flush them so they could have been examined in an inquiry which is standard in cases of a death without a doctor present. Scalia was a sitting Justice of the Supreme Court and when his dead body was found, evidence was destroyed and there was no investigation. Sure.
Jim Jordan subpoenas FBI Director Wray | The Hill - in connection with a now-withdrawn memo that explored avenues for gaining information on white supremacists interaction with local Catholic churches. (JJ confirms he's a white supremo)

Bragg Sues Jim Jordan in Move to Block Interference in Trump Case : politics
Ex-Prosecutor Argues Jim Jordan Should Be Locked Up For Trump Probe Interference

Trump Ignores Deadline for Personal Financial Disclosure to F.E.C. : politics
Donald Trump returning to New York for deposition in $250M civil lawsuit: Sources : politics
Citing Trumps attacks on hush moneyjudge, court keeps E. Jean Carroll rape jury completely anonymous

Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller appears at D.C. federal court where Jan. 6 grand jury meets : politics

Dropping like a rock: New poll shows Trump falling into fringe candidate territory after arrest
Trump's favorability collapses in new polling : politics
Heres why an unhinged Trump cant be ignored, tempting as it may be

Trump fan gets 4-year sentence for hitting officers with a fire extinguisher on Jan. 6Robert Sanford, a retired firefighter, sought cult deprogrammingafter the Jan. 6 riot,

Judge Limits Fox's Options for Defense in Dominion Trial - A Delaware judge said Fox News could not argue newsworthiness to defend airing false claims, and limited how Dominion Voting Systems could refer to the Jan. 6 attack.

The case for expelling Doug Mastriano from office - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastrianos apparent participation in and work to plan, mobilize and incite the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, after he swore multiple oaths to defend the Constitution, means he is likely ineligible to serve in office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment

GOP distrust in voting machines persists as Dominion and Fox News head to legal showdown : politics

Dick Durbin Under Fire for Letting GOP Senate Minority Veto Biden Judges : politics

The Democrats (Still) Have a Dianne Feinstein Problem : politics
But has an erroneous belief in ones own indispensability ever had bad consequences for the country before?
Dianne Feinstein Is MIA, and Her Absence Is Holding Up Judicial Confirmations The 89-year-old senator has missed 60 votes of the 82 taken in 2023, at a critical time for Biden to be getting judges confirmed. She needs to resign right now.

Republicans cant simply remove a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice
Wisconsin Is Finally Coming Out of Its Scott Walker Nightmare | The Nation

Tina Peters, Former Colorado County Clerk, Is Sentenced in Obstruction Case - The New York Times Ms. Peters, who is awaiting trial in a voting equipment tampering case, was given four months of home detention and community service after her conviction on an obstruction charge.

. Even justices hostile to abortion and the administrative state may think twice, legal scholars said, before embracing a Texas judges decision. (might get their viagra banned)
53% of Americans say medication abortion should be legal in their state | Pew Research Center
Dueling abortion pill rulings put Biden administration in legal pickle - POLITICO
Abortion pill decision: Medical abortions will just be more painful The abortion pill decision proves, yet again, that theres nothing "pro-life" about Republicans

The Hidden Radicalism Of The Abortion Pill Ruling: A Nationwide Abortion Ban : politics
Judges abortion pill decision embraces extreme language and ideology of anti-abortion movement, experts say
The Republican war on reproductive freedom includes contraception - Iowa is no longer paying for emergency contraception for rape victims:
Judging without law: the Matthew J. Kacsmaryk story
After Roe, the right to travel could be the next to fall : politics

Right-wing judges may cripple the GOP : politics
The Effort to Suppress the Vote Is Spreading to the Republican Mainstream : politics

Florida Senate passes six-week abortion ban : politics
Florida Republican Calls Trans People Mutants and Demons on House Floor
Dont Say Period Now Florida wants to ban students from discussing menstruation

Wisconsin Teacher Who Complained About Rainbowland Song Ban Placed on Administrative Leave

Reinstated Tennessee lawmaker Justin Jones says hell continue to call for gun reform
Tennessee move to cut Nashville council in half blocked by judges : politics
Tennessee House speaker admits hes powerless to stop reinstatement of expelled Democrats
UPDATE: Tennessee Speaker admits his family lives hours away from the district he represents
Between Tennessee Three, Abortion, and Trump, the GOP Just Loves Losing : politics

Greg Abbott Is Apparently Perfectly Fine With the Murder of a Black Lives Matter Protester : politics

Texas Officials Would Rather Close Library Than Stock Books They Dont Like

Anti-Groomer Republican Accused of Inappropriate Relationship With Intern
GOP lawmaker who raged about drag shows accused of plying underage intern with alcohol. He's married and has said, We must protect Texas kids from sick adults who want to sexualize them

Rep. Jennifer Wexton of Virginia announces Parkinson's disease diagnosis - The 54-year-old Democrat

Truck carrying 40,000 pounds of toxic soil from East Palestine train derailment site crashes on highway : news

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,328This is the grave of William Miller. ... Of course, Goldwater and Miller were absolutely crushed in one of the biggest blowouts in American history. Conventional wisdom was that they were too radical, but they were in fact just before their time. It was too early for that level of outright radicalism on the right and too early for too many whites to change their political allegiance, though the states they did win in the Deep South showed the potential of the Southern Strategy to work with a more sophisticated figure at the head of it in Nixon and then Reagan.

Louisville shooter targeted bank co-workers, police say | AP News

Americans Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And DeathsOne in five (21%) say they have personally been threatened with a gun, a similar share (19%) say a family member was killed by a gun (including death by suicide), and nearly as many (17%) have personally witnessed someone being shot.

Two road raging dads shot each others children, only one is charged

Top Sovereign Citizen David Straight Kicked Out Over Fake License Plates A well-known member of the far-right movement who is known for his outlandish legal theories has been given the boot as two prominent branches turn on each other.

Statistical intuitions

The free speech absolutism of free speech absolutist Elon Musk, cont'd ... Taibbi is an lying idiot ...

Conspiracy theorists made Tiffany Dover into an anti-vaccine icon. She's finally ready to talk about it. The Tennessee nurse stayed quiet in hopes that her silence would quiet false claims of her death. Now, she says it only hurt.

Moderna seeking to roll out vaccines for cancer, heart disease by end of decade : worldnews

Disordered personality traits appear to play a bigger role in conspiracy thinking than ideology: Study finds personality disorder symptomology may be related to conspiracy thinking. : science

eli5: Why do most people have no memories from before age 4 or 5 years old? : explainlikeimfive

More conservatives consider moving out of Mass., poll finds : massachusetts

What do you think of Dalai Lama after seeing that video? : AskReddit


Multiple new studies highlight a rate of sea level rise that is unprecedented in at least 120 yearsalong the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern U.S. coast

Malaysia says it will protect its rights in South China Sea : worldnews

Half of unmarried people under 30 in Japan do not want kids: Report : worldnews

North Korea ignores South Koreas phone calls for 4th day

Taiwan Says 11 Chinese Warships, 59 Aircraft Around Island : worldnews
China Says It Simulated Sealing Off Of Taiwan, Jets Had Live Ammunition

US warship sails near manmade Chinese-controlled isle : worldnews
Xi Jinping supports French president's ambition for Europe s strategic autonomy, but visit produces few diplomatic achievements
Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi were detained after organizing a small seaside gathering of activists to discuss human rights. Their lengthy sentences point to Beijings intolerance of dissent.

Before it arrested a Wall Street Journal reporter Thursday, Russia suffered a string of embarrassing setbacks to its foreign intelligence operations, with hundreds of suspected Russian spies being expelled or charged with espionage in Western countries.

Russia and Iran conspire to weaken US dollar in joint meeting : worldnews

Uzbekistan: domestic violence is now a criminal offense : worldnews
Belarus leader says he wants guarantees that Russia will defend his country if it is attacked : worldnews

Dalai Lama apologises to young boy after kissing row : worldnews
Dalai Lama apologises after video asking boy to suck my tongue

India, worlds third-largest emitter, adds coal power at near-record pace
Amid Ukraine war, Indias oil imports from Russia now double of traditional top supplier Iraq
India | Mob takes siblings for lovers, ties them to tree & beats them in Madhya Pradesh | Times of India : worldnews

Somalia Bans Guns From Streets of Mogadishu : worldnews

Attack kills around 20 in eastern Congo; Islamic State claims responsibility : worldnews

Syria: Nine Truffle hunters killed by IS land mine. The workers were killed when their vehicle hit a land mine. It's the latest in a spate of attacks on truffle hunters in Syria : worldnews

CIA director says US felt blindsided by Saudi Arabia reconciliation with Iran
Iran to install smart cameras to detect hijab law violators : worldnews

Hezbollah, Hamas heads meet, promise further resistance against Israel

Israeli ex-senior defense official: Enemies rub eyes in disbelief, wonder if Israel wants to die by suicide

Russia nearly shot down British spy plane near Ukraine, leaked document says : worldnews
CNN: Ukraine alters military plans after Pentagon document leak. Ukraine has changed some of its military plans following a leak of dozens of Pentagon documents, a source close to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told CNN.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 411, Part 1 (Thread #552) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 10.04.2023
Interactive Map: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Russia is conducting a campaign of systematic religious persecution in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, trying to subjugate the churches of the OCU to the Moscow Patriarchate

Russian strikes kill man, daughter in Ukraine : worldnews

Russians took head of AFU soldier and put it on a tree : ukraine

Official: Kidnapped Ukrainian children punished for refusing to sing Russian national anthem : worldnews
Ukraine creates international coalition to bring Ukrainian orphans back from Russia : worldnews

At least 34 monuments to Russian poet Pushkin dismantled in Ukraine in past year : ukraine

German metalworkers union IGM pushes 4-day work week
Report: German Meat Consumption Declined in 2022, At Lowest Point Since Data Collection Began in 1989 : worldnews

Macrons Office Censors Taiwan Comments in Politico Interview
Marco Rubio on Twitter: "We need to find out if @EmmanuelMacron speaks for Europe After his 6 hour meeting in China he told reporters that Europe should create distance with the U.S. & should not get involved in supporting America over China when it comes to Taiwan" / Twitter

Police disrupt potential bomb plot ahead of Bidens Belfast visit

Twitter: BBC objects to government funded media label : worldnews
Culture of fear: Britains growing slavery problem

GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl : politics (which comes from China)

The Army Increasingly Allows Soldiers Charged With Violent Crimes to Leave the Military Rather Than Face Trial

Heres how the debt limit fight could impact the banking crisis

America funded nationwide child care during WWII. Heres how Biden is trying to revive that effort

AOC Wants To Know Who Advised Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to Not Disclose Gifts
If the Law Is Legitimate, Clarence Thomas Must Stand Trial - The American Prospect The Supreme Court justice repeatedly broke the law for two decades. But do the laws even apply to the leaders on our judicial branch?

Democrats condemn Texas abortion pill ruling and the Trump judge who issued it : politics
Pfizer CEO and Other Drug Company Leaders Condemn Texas Abortion Pill Ruling - The New York Times More than 250 executives said that the decision ignored both scientific and legal precedent and, if it stands, would create uncertainty for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

Is the GOP becoming the American fascist party? Robert Reich

Barr warns Trump faces more threat from classified docs case than over hush money : politics
Trump dug himself a hole on classified documents and role in January 6 -- Barr

How Stormy Daniels Sees It Ending The long afterlife of a forgettable fling with a reality-television personality.

Senate GOP wants Trump to stay away from 2024 races as his legal woes mount : politics
GOPs stormy 2024 outlook

Trumps response to criminal charges revives election lies
Donald Trump indictment: What to know about falsifying business records : politics

Schiff: McCarthy, Jordan acting like criminal defense attorneys for Trump

Trump faces real danger zone from Mike Pence testimony: Kirschner

McCarthy faces GOP blowback after N.Y. Times leak : politics

Opinion: Wisconsin sends an undeniable warning to the GOP : politics

Our vote doesnt matter: Black Tennessee residents frustrated over expulsion of legislators
Local officials are poised to send expelled Tennessee lawmakers back to state House : politics
Where does the Tennessee House Speaker actually live?
The Texas pardons board is investigating after GOP governors request in case of sergeant convicted of killing protester at 2020 BLM rally

Want to Help Stop Mass Shootings? Lower the Voting Age to 16 The science is clear. So are the ethics. It time to give teens the right to vote

Anti-trans advocates keep contradicting each other: How do we know the trans hysteria is a moral panic? Because conservatives can't keep track of their own nonsense : politics

DeSantis Pushes Toughest Immigration Crackdown in the Nation : politics
Two friends were denied care after Florida banned abortion. One almost died. : politics
Florida alimony changes head to Senate floor : politics

Montana Republicans aim to change election rules for one key Senate race
Montana GOP passing law to make it illegal for Jon Tester to win re-election

Democrats gear up for rematch against Lauren Boebert after her near-loss in the 2022 midterms: she's actually doubled down on crazy
Lauren Boeberts Eldest Sons Car Wreck Injured Friend, Led to Criminal Charges

Iowa stops paying for rape victims morning-after pills and abortions

Hounded by baseless voter fraud allegations, an entire countys election staff quits in Virginia

Skipping elections could put Texas voters at risk of being purged from rolls under bill : politics

The Problem With Kathy Hochul: The New York governor keeps erecting speed bumps for Albanys Democratic supermajority.

New York City Offers Free Preschool. Why Are 30,000 Spots Empty? - The New York Times The pandemic affected enrollment for pre-K and 3-K. Now, some believe the city should ramp up efforts to enroll new children.

5 Dead and 8 Injured in Louisville Shooting: Latest Updates - The New York Times The deputy police chief said that the suspected gunman was confirmed dead at the scene.
Louisville, Kentucky: Suspect who killed 4 in mass shooting at Louisville bank believed to be former employee, police say | CNN

Twitter fails to report some political ads after promising transparency : worldnews

The Real-World Costs of the Digital Race for Bitcoin - The New York Times Bitcoin mines cash in on electricity by devouring it, selling it, even turning it off and they cause immense pollution. In many cases, the public pays a price.

How You Should Be Using ChatGPT Right Now

/u/jbdyer confirms that yes, there were some Nixon fanaticswho reacted to Watergate in a similar way to todays Trump fanatics

/u/HarEmiya explains how todays republicans have left consensus reality for a world of BS
HarEmiya comments on Federal judge halts FDA approval of abortion pill mifepristone That is the most basic idea of conservatism, from the top down: preserving the existing power structure, the hierarchy. More specifically, what they perceive as the natural or divinely-ordained hierarchy.

u/vastinteriors 15 rules for organising a protest

/u/Windinthewillows2024 discusses how she never consciously decided not to be attracted to black men. : bestof


Squirrel Migration

10 Chinese, 10 Taiwanese warships face-off in Taiwan Strait | Taiwan News | 2023-04-09 23:06:00 : worldnews
China and Taiwan ships in stand-off near sensitive buffer zone : worldnews
China simulates striking Taiwan on second day of drills : worldnews
US says it is monitoring Chinas drills around Taiwan closely

China accuses WHO of politicising search for Covid origins after complaints about lack of transparency : worldnews
Reproductive Policy in 20th Century China

Russia loses election to three UN bodies over Ukraine : worldnews

India releases tiger census data: 3,167 tigers in 2022, up from 2,967 in 2018 : worldnews

Barbaric attacks leave 44 civilians dead in Burkina Faso

Tunisia migrant boat shipwrecks leave 27 dead or missing : worldnews

US asks Turkiye to stop trade with Russia : worldnews

Saudi-Omani delegation arrives in Yemen to negotiate permanent ceasefire : worldnews

Schoolgirl poisonings continue across Iran : worldnews

Leaked documents: Israeli spy chiefs advocated revolt against judicial overhaul - The Washington Post
Israeli demonstrators crowded Tel Aviv late Saturday for another protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plans to reform the judiciary, despite the process being put on hold. Organizers said around 258,000 people attended : worldnews
Israeli military retaliates after rockets fired from Syria : worldnews
Under Netanyahu, violence against Christians is being normalised | Religion | Al Jazeera Never have Israeli attackers felt more emboldened than under the new government, Christian leaders say.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 410, Part 1 (Thread #551) : worldnews

Ukraine to export electricity again after months of Russian attacks : worldnews

Russian occupation officials cont. efforts to coerce residents of occupiedto obtain passports, possibly in part to facilitate the depopulation of occupied areas & bring large populations of Ukrainians to Russian regions

Ukraine gets back 31 children from Russia after alleged deportation : worldnews
European Commission on Twitter: "Thousands of children have been abducted by Russia. This war crime justifies the arrest warrants issued against Putin by the @IntlCrimCourt. Together with Poland we will organise a conference to launch an initiative aiming at bringing back these children. #StandWithUkraine" / Twitter

Georgias former president says hes dying in prison because of Putin, and calls on the US to save his life

NATO announces date of largest air force exercise in history : worldnews

Poland has bomb shelters for 300,000 people but places of shelter for 48 million, finds inventory

Pope Francis appeared to ask Russians to seek the truth about their countrys invasion of Ukraine in his Easter message to the world. He said: Help the beloved Ukrainian people on their journey towards peace, and shed the light of Easter upon the people of Russia.

Extreme danger warning in Hamburg as cloud with possible chemical componentsdrifts towards city centre
Germany Marijuana Legalization Bill To Be Released Immediately After Easter, But Details Remain In Question

Europe must resist pressure to become Americas followers, says Macron ... Not the best thing to say when you are standing in front of a Chinese flag.
France: Marseille building collapse injures at least five as witnesses describe "explosion"

Government retreats from Brexit bill plan to ditch EU laws : worldnews
Englands junior doctors prepare for strikes that put up to 250,000 appointments and operations at risk
Number of homeless families in hotels longer than legal limit doubles in a year in England : worldnews
King Charles III supports probe into monarchys slave ties

Despite Lulas promises, deforestation still rampant in Brazil

El Salvador Decimated Its Ruthless Gangs. But at What Cost? - The New York Times In the year since El Salvador declared a state of emergency, the government has delivered a stunning blow to the gangs that were once the ultimate authority in much of the country.

From Discord to 4chan: The Improbable Journey of a US Intelligence Leak - bellingcat
A whole appeasement psychology: How America let Putin off the hook after Crimea
The Scandalous History of America's Newest Media Baron - The new owner of Politico, Axel Springer, has a decades-long record of bending journalistic ethics for right-wing causes.

TikTok ban bill is so broad it could apply to nearly any type of tech product : politics

Biden approves Gov. Sanders request for 100% federal funding

Clarence Thomas: Very Cool and Legal for GOP Megadonor to Shower Me in Luxury : politics
Who amongst us did Nazi this coming
Eschaton: 3 Branches At some point "we have 3 separate, equal branches" became "The lifetime appointed God Kings of the judiciary can do anything they want, suck it" (thanks, Nina Totenberg), and while I don't claim to be a fancy Constitutional Scholar like Ann Coulter (media outlets used to call her that), judicial review is the bit of our system with the least constitutional justification.

Majority of Americans believe Trump did something illegal: POLL - ABC News The results mark a shift since his arraignment. Only 20% believe Trump did not do anything wrong, and 16% say they don't know
Opinion | How to Make Trump Go Away - The New York Times

Fox News settles Majed Khalil lawsuit (limits to insanity: Venezuela rigged the election, said Lou Dobbsfucker)

Opinion | The Abortion Pill Ruling Is Bad Law, and the Biden Administration Should Fight It - The New York Times
Health secretary slams abortion pill ruling as not America - What you saw by that one judge in that one court, in that one state, thats not America. America goes by the evidence, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said Sunday.
Opinion | The Hideous Resurrection of the Comstock Act - The New York Times
Comstocktastic ... Anthony Comstock as the ideal of the modern Republican Party. Yep, checks out.
HHS secretary says Texas ruling doesnt represent the country and could affect other drugs
On the sheer misogynist idiocy of Matthew Kacsmaryk's Fuhrer Directive ... Nearly 10 times as many people in the US died from taking Viagra in the first eight months after that drugs approval than have died from abortion pills in 23 years. And of course the opposite of abortion is notnothingbut continued pregnancy and childbirth, which is nearly five times as dangerous as ending a pregnancy with abortion pills
The Anti-Abortion Movement Will Sacrifice Anything to Control Women - The shocking ruling outlawing Mifepristone shows just how far they're willing to go.
Ousted Tennessee Lawmakers Say GOP Speaker Is An Autocrat

Mansplaining GOP Rep Thinks Its Time toGet Offthe Abortion Issue
GOP Rep. Calls For Real Conversations That Arent About Abortion, Like Border Control

A Week of Youthful Activism Sends Out Political Shockwaves : politics

Companies That Get Woke Arent Going Broke Theyre More Profitable Than Ever

Warning signs flash for Republicans on abortion ahead of 2024 : politics

GOP wages an asymmetrical war on democracy because it cant get the votesThe expulsion of two Black Tennessee lawmakers capped a dangerous week when Democrats won elections and the GOP waged war on democracy.
Fox News Host Whines About the Violence of Lawmakers Demanding Gun Control

Nebraska hasnt passed a single bill this session, amid filibusters over trans rights

Greg Abbott is going to pardon somebody who was convicted of murder 24 hours ago because it was a good kind of murder
Gov. Greg Abbott announces he will pardon Daniel Perry who was convicted of murder : politics
Two Lawyers Shot, One Dead Amid FBI Probe Of Texas AG Ken Paxton (background)

Dont Compromise on Trans Issues
Orange County, Va., Board revokes funding for arts center over drag design class : news

A Missouri county won't work with the ATF, claiming the federal agency is unconstitutional

El Norte

boosting the Substack competitor to Twitter that he wants to kill.
Elon Musk Censors Matt Taibbis Post about Twitter Story

The Mysterious Deaths of 6 Historical Figures Was Napoleon murdered by his wallpaper? Was Mozart done in by a pork chop?

Whats a sign of childhood trauma?


Deadliest volcano in Western Hemisphere shows signs of increased activity : worldnews

Torrents of Antarctic meltwater are slowing the currents that drive our vital ocean 'overturning' and threaten its collapse

Headed off the charts: world's ocean surface temperature hits record high

Colombia considers first law on climate refugees in Latin America: A new bill is proposing that the government recognize the existence of forced internal displacement due to causes associated with climate change and environmental degradation

More states using brutal tactics to silence dissent abroad, finds report

Newly identified antibody appears to block infection by all dominant variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus, including omicron : science

South Korea reports 1st case of locally transmitted monkeypox : worldnews

Work-from-home order issued as Thailands Chiang Maichokes on pollution

Samsung to cut chip production after profits plunge 96% : worldnews

Taiwans people love democracy, seek peace, says President Tsai
Chinese warship starts live-fire drills near Taiwan : worldnews
China launches military drills around Taiwan after US Speaker visit | CNN : worldnews

Russia likely behind U.S. military document leak, U.S. officials say | Reuters
The latest classified document leak
Leaked Documents Reveal Depth of U.S. Spy Efforts and Russias Military Struggles - The information, exposed on social media sites, also shows that U.S. intelligence services are eavesdropping on important allies.
Report: Russia charges Journal reporter with espionage | AP News
Twitter lifts restrictions on Russian government accounts : worldnews

Does Ukraine Exist? Views Differ.

Telegraph: Twitter lifts restrictions on top Russian government accounts.The Telegraph reported that Twitter had removed search restrictions on the Russian president's official Twitter account, as well as Russias foreign ministry and the Russian embassy in London accounts. (Muskfucked)
(141) Russia is running out of soldiers - YouTube

Microsoft sold software to sanctioned Russian companies, says US government : worldnews

Russia swings to $29 bln first-quarter budget deficit : worldnews

Boom! Russia lost their seat on Commission on the Status of Women, U.N. childrens agency UNICEF, and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Lets finally do what it takes for the security council seat!

The Russians Took Their Children. These Mothers Went and Got Them Back. - The New York Times
Red Cross confirms contact with Russia about Ukrainian kids : worldnews
NGO: 31 deported children returned to Ukraine. Ukraine has arranged the return of 31 more children that had been forcibly deported to Russia, Mykola Kuleba, head of the NGO Save Ukraine announced on April 8. The children are expected to arrive in Kyiv in the late afternoon.

Russia Orders Deportation Of German Citizen For Violating GayPropaganda Law

Twitter accused of censorship in India as it blocks Modi critics : worldnews
Twitter is Censoring Canadian News Outlets and Politicians Tweeting About Civil Liberties in India (Muskfucker loves his dicktofucks)

Gunmen kidnap 80, including children, in northwest Nigeria : worldnews

Muslim world must unite against Israel, Erdogan says to Iran's Raisi : worldnews

Russian warship spotted in Saudi Arabian port : worldnews

US navy sends nuclear submarine to Middle East amid soaring Iran tensions : worldnews
Iran installs cameras in public places to identify, penalise unveiled women : worldnews

Tel Aviv: One tourist killed and seven wounded in car-ramming attack : worldnews

US Secretary of State Blinken stated that he rules out negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine now. The United States is convinced that the idea of a cease-fire may seem attractive now, but then the peace will not be fair and durable
New Batch of Classified Documents Appear on Social Media Sites : worldnews
Ukraine seeks to prevent military leaks after NATO assistance plans reportedly appear on social media : worldnews
US Sending Experimental Anti-Drone Weapons to Ukraine : worldnews
Facing critical ammunition shortage, Ukrainian troops ration shells : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 409, Part 1 (Thread #550) : worldnews

#Russia is now visually confirmed to have lost 10.000 vehicles and pieces of heavy weaponry since it began its invasion of #Ukraine on February 24, 2022

Def Mon on Twitter: "Russian force concentration based on leaked DIA documents. Keep in mind these numbers are about 6-7 weeks old and only accounts for maneuvering battalions. I have not fact checked the numbers, this is just a visualization of the numbers from the documents." / Twitter
Remember when the Russians claimed in October that the Ukrainians attempting to attack across the Dnipro at Enerhodar and we dismissed it as Russians talking shit, again. Well it turns out the Ukrainians attempted to attack across the Dnipro.

Jomini of the West on Twitter: "2/ Current weather outlook for the Ukraine TVD. The mud season will continue to impede maneuver, especially in severely restricted terrain. The weather favors small-scale assault forces. Night operations will continue to be difficult." / Twitter
The situation on Ukraines frontline right now: mud and ankle-high water

Russian forces dug a huge trench 70 km long in the Zaporizhzhia region. According to the Center for Journalistic Studies, it was spotted on the images of the Sentinel-2 satellite.

Def Mon on Twitter: "This video really show the importance of IR drones, even for daytime operations." / Twitter

Christo Grozev on Twitter: "This is what one of the maddest threads..make sure you start from the beginning" / Twitter ... The bottom line here is that 180k losses is 3 times the Pentagon estimate.

Moldova signs contract for gas supplies from Greece, depriving Gazprom of another market : worldnews

NATO Plans Record Air Exercise as Finland Joins Alliance : worldnews

15 EU countries, including Germany and France, join legal case against Hungarys anti-LGBT law
France and Germany join EU pushback against Hungarys anti-LGBTQ+ law

EU has made Nintendo agree to offer free life time repairs of irresponsive Switch controllers. Its in linewith the recent right-to-repair adopted in the EU.

Dutch journalist who writes critically on China targeted in bizarre intimidation scheme, including a bomb threat made in her name against the Chinese embassy in The Hague

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has arrested retired Salvadoran officer Roberto Antonio Garay Saravia for his involvement in a massacre. The El Mozote massacre, happened in a town in El Salvador, where 1,000 people were killed in December 1981 : worldnews

Brazil prosecutors seek $2.5 bln in damages from alleged orange juice cartel : worldnews

Savage Capitalism: From Climate Change to Bank Failures to War : politics (Chomsky)

E.P.A. Is Said to Propose Rules Meant to Drive Up Electric Car Sales Tenfold | In what would be the nations most ambitious climate regulation, the proposal is designed to ensure that electric cars make up the majority of new U.S. auto sales by 2032.

Judge That Received Millions In Unreported Gifts Over Two Decades Had The Gall To Sit On A Bribery Case : politics
Clarence Thomas Is Exactly What He Appears: a Corrupt, Plutocrat-Backed Ruling-Class Elite : politics
The Clarence Thomas scandal isnt about breaking the law: It shows how broken ethics standards are on the Supreme Court
Democrats ask chief justice to investigate Clarence Thomas trips: It is your duty
Its time for Clarence Thomas to come clean
Clarence Thomas benefactor collects Hitler memorabilia (and much worse ...)

Why the Siege of Waco Gave Rise to the Age of Conspiracy Theories and Donald Trump : politics ... Ruby Ridge -> Waco -> Oklahoma City -> Columbine

Court sides with Justice Dept. on Jan. 6 obstruction charge : politics
Prosecutors seek lengthiest Jan. 6 sentence yet for rioter who pinned officer in Capitol doorway - POLITICO The sentence would be more than five years longer than the longest sentence handed down in any Jan. 6 case.
Will Trump attend his rape trial? Judge wants to know | AP News

Trump wasnt put under a gag order, but he was told to watch his words
Trumps Lawyers Are Begging Him for Restraint. His Political Allies Are Preparing to Fight Dirty

Jordan might regret the first subpoena in Trump indictment probe : politics

Federal judge halts FDA approval of abortion pill mifepristone : news
A Zealot Judge Has Ordered a Nationwide Abortion Pill Ban | The Nation
The Men Who Ruin Us - by Jessica Valenti - Matthew Kacsmaryks ruling was misogynist payback
The circus animals desertion
Was the Sturmabteilung merely an impartial protector of local citizens? Views differThe Times has a puff piece on the Trump goon who just appointed himself head of the FDA so he could try to deny critical medication from American women in all 50 states.
What does 1870s Comstock Act have to do with abortion pills? | AP News
Lawless federal judge announces nationwide ban on mifepristone at 6:30 on Friday night

US judge in Washington state orders feds to keep access to abortion pill, countering ruling from Texas judge : politics
US judge in Washington state orders feds to keep access to abortion pill, countering ruling from Texas judge : politics
Matthew Kacsmaryk's ruling against mifepristone will force the Supreme Court to act fast. This unprecedented abuse of judicial power with no basis in law or fact will soon force the Supreme Courts hand.
AOC and top Senate Democrat say FDA should ignore abortion drug ruling : politics
Wait, this affects profits
Democrats slam Texas abortion ruling as Republicans mostly go quiet : politics
The Lawless Ruling Against the Abortion Pill Has Already Prompted a Constitutional Crisis : politics
Rival rulings on medication abortion hypercharge the post-Roe legal war : politics

Abortion pill plan clears Kansas Legislature; veto expected : politics

Wisconsin race shows abortion is still losing issue for the GOP : politics
No Wisconsin wake-up call: Republicans go full steam ahead on abortion restrictions : politics
The Republican messaging copeThe National Review is trying to convince themselves that they got their doors blown off in Wisconsin because of bad messaging, and its hilarious:

Justin Jones rejoins TN legislature after Nashville Council vote
Nashville council votes to reinstate expelled lawmaker Justin Jones - The Washington Post
Majority of Nashville council members say they will vote to reinstate expelled legislator : politics
Tennessee Republicans tried to silence three Democrats over guns. They turned them into national figures : politics
Momentum Builds to Reappoint 2 Tennessee House Democrats After Expulsion - The New York Times
Young Black Dems Could Be Reappointed To Tennessee House After White Supremacist-Led Expulsion
The Tennessee GOPs move to stifle dissent is likely to backfire The Republican majority in Nashville set out to silence the Tennessee Three. In the process, the GOP helped make the Democrats heroes to a worthy cause.
Tennessee becomes new front in battle for American democracy : politics
No One Should Be That Shocked by Whats Happening in Tennessee

Children Are Not Property: The ideas that underlies the right-wing campaign for "parents' rights"

Texas Lawmakers Push for 10 Commandments in Every Classroom : politics
The Satanic Temple - About us - TST There are Seven FUNDAMENTAL TENETS

Uvalde Mom Forcibly Removed From School By Trooper During Gun Control Protest : politics
Uvalde parent forcibly removed from school as students protest gun violence : politics

Fascisms History Offers Lessons about Todays Attacks on Education | Moves in Florida to control public education mirror past fascist strategies in ways that are disquieting for American democracy, a historian argues
Think Florida Is Already an Orwellian Hellscape? Ron DeSantis Is Just Getting Started : politics

Florida officials deleted data, stats from dubious COVID analysis: report : politics

Eight bills targeting transgender rights in North Dakota on governors desk

Even Marjorie Taylor Greene Hates the Anti-Muslim Crank Whom Trump Wants to Hire: Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. : politics

FBI Arrests Founder Of Protect Our Kids For Possessing Lewd Child Photos

Twitter lawyer quits as Musk's legal woes expand, report says - Twitter is now facing probes from the FTC and German authorities.
How Elon Musk Is Changing the Twitter Experience - The New York Times Nearly six months after buying Twitter, Mr. Musk has made tweaks that have altered what people see on the platform and how they interact with it.
Elon Musks company made the norm-shattering move two days after the publishing start-up Substack unveiled a Twitter-like service.
Former Tesla workers say private camera recordings, captured by cars, were shared in chat rooms : worldnews

Ex-cop, a former prison cellmate of Jeffrey Epstein, convicted for murdering 4 men : news

New study indicates that name-calling in politics tends to backfire: Results demonstrate that name-calling in politics frequently has the opposite of its intended effect, with respondents evaluating the assailant negatively after witnessing the disparaging remark : science ... Republicans and Democrats punish Democratic candidates that use name-calling but ignore Republicans use of it.

TIL that since 2000, only 2 bestsellers have scored higher than 9th-grade readability. : todayilearned

How good, really, was Pablo Picasso? The exemplary modern artist died 50 years ago this month, and were still trying to clean up his mess

Cancer and heart disease vaccines ready by end of the decade

TIL about the "Dark Triad" personality traits, which include narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. : todayilearned

Human memory may be unreliable after just a few seconds, scientists find | Neuroscience : science

Lifetime ecstasy use is associated with lower odds of impairments in social functioning, study finds : science

Is the morphology between human faces significantly more or less varied than the faces of other species? : askscience

ELI5: If humans have been in our current form for 250,000 years, why did it take so long for us to progress yet once it began it's in hyperspeed? : explainlikeimfive

Who is on the wrong side of history? : AskReddit

What are your immediate thoughts when you hear a guy refer to himself as an "Alpha Male"? : AskReddit

What was the moment of the split that sent us into this weird timeline? : AskReddit


Deforestation in Brazils Amazon rainforest in the first quarter of 2023 was one of the worst on record, according to official figures released on Friday

China holds the key to understanding COVID-19 origins: WHO chief : worldnews

Details of Geraldton drug bust, then Australias biggest meth seizure,can finally be revealed

China spy facility speculation swirls over Cambodia, Myanmar : worldnews

South Korean president invited to address US Congress : worldnews

North Korea hackers using increasingly sophisticated techniques, UN report says : worldnews

Senior US lawmaker leads bipartisan delegation to Taiwan : worldnews

China sanctions Reagan library, others over Tsais US trip
Macron fails to move Xi Jinping over Russias war on Ukraine

Notorious Arms Dealer Urges Trump to Seek Refuge in Russia : UkrainianConflict
NATO poses no plausible security threat to Russia. NATO merely prevents Russia from bullying its neighbors : UkrainianConflict
(4/4) There is realistic possibility that, locally, Wagner and Russian MoD commanders have paused their ongoing feud and improved co-operation.

Congrats, the Russian ruble has entered list of top of the world's worst currenciesThe ruble continues to depreciate on the Moscow Stock Exchange, renewing the lows since the first month of the war in Ukraine.

Russian girl in anti-war art case given to mother: A Russian girl who was sent to an orphanage after drawing a pro-Ukraine sketch has been collected by her mother, a government official said. The mother has reportedly not lived with the family in years : worldnews

The decline of Sergey Lavrov : UkrainianConflict

India to require Facebook and Twitter rely on govt fact checking
Indian government accused of rewriting history after edits to schoolbooks : worldnews ... References to Muslim rulers, deadly riots connected to PM and Gandhis dislike of Hindu nationalism removed
Constitution Will Perish If Indian Demographic Profile Changes, Follow Bharatiya Traditions & Dharma To Maintain It: Madras High Court Judge : worldnews
Ancestry records of pilgrim centres to shed light on Indias past: (caste system)
India Says It Wont Regulate AI

Gunmen Kill Dozens in Rural Nigerian Village : worldnews

Zimbabwe opposition tweet case fuels poll crackdown fears: CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere has been convicted of spreading falsehoods over a tweet showing video of a woman carrying her baby on her back being beaten by police : worldnews

Prisoners put in punishment cell allegedly for writing book in Kurdish (Turkey)
Turkish graphic designer detained over anti-Erdogan stickers he designed, Is this product too expensive for you? This is thanks to Erdogan

Iranian Schoolgirls Poisoned in more Attacks (Iran) : worldnews

Israel Strikes Lebanon, Gaza After Worst Attacks Since 2006 War : worldnews
Israel strikes Lebanon and Gaza after major rocket attack : worldnews
Palestinians throw stones on Temple Mount on 3rd Friday of Ramadan : worldnews
Six extremist Jews arrested for planning animal sacrifice atop Temple Mount : worldnews
2 murdered, 1 seriously wounded in shooting attack in Jordan Valley : worldnews
Palestinians kill 2 Israeli sisters, injure mother in West Bank shooting : worldnews
At least one dead and six injured in a terror attack in Tel Aviv : worldnews

Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation - The New York Times Classified documents detailing secret American and NATO plans have appeared on Twitter and Telegram.
Classified military documents with US and NATO plans to develop the Ukrainian army before the counteroffensive got into the social networks, - NYTThe Pentagon is investigating who could be behind the leak of documents, the newspaper writes.they overestimate the dead Ukrainian military and underestimate the Russian ones. This may indicate attempts at disinformation by Moscow.
When secret U.S. slides leaked out yesterday, Russian propaganda channels quickly reposted them but after a little photoshop. Suddenly, 43.5kfatalities turned to 17.5k, while 17.5kKIA became 71.5k. Russian vehicle losses shrank from 6,004 to 600. Spot the differences.

Xi Jinping is willing to speak to Zelenskyy, E.U. chief says : worldnews
Ukraine gives Russia two options: Leave Crimea peacefully or be ready for battle : worldnews
The decision to return #Crimea should be made only by Ukraine, US Secretary of State Anthony #Blinken has said, Tagesschau reported. Ukraine is a democratic country. And President Volodymyr #Zelensky is responsible for leading the country.Blinken added.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 408, Part 1 (Thread #549) : worldnews

Ukraine War : Recent updates as of 07.04

Russia seizes Bakhmutka Rivers west bank, says UK defence ministry
(2/4) Russia has made further gains and has now highly likely advanced into the town centre, and has seized the west bank of the Bakhmutka River. Ukraines key 0506 supply route to the west of the town is likely severely threatened.

Russias invasion of Ukraine has led to a wide range of human rights violations. More than 6,000 Ukrainian children are being detained at 43 facilities in Russia. Some 4,000 miles away from home. Their simple right to life and liberty is being impacted.

Intelligence leaks surrounding the sabotage of the pipelines have provided more questions than answers. It may be in no ones interest to reveal more.

Armenia will participate in NATO maneuvers, abandoning CSTO exercises : worldnews
Bulgaria closes sea and river ports to Russian ships : worldnews

Ottawa condemns Russian embassy calling Finland nuclear target after joining NATO

Secretary of State Anthony #Blinken said that #Sweden would join #NATO on July, the 11th.
Sweden: State actor likeliest culprit for pipeline sabotage : worldnews

Poland overtakes US to have worlds second largest lithium-ion battery production capacity
Polish churches host late-night confession ahead of Easter aided by mobile app : worldnews

Russians may have sabotaged Slovak fighter jets, says defence minister : worldnews

Greeces Opposition Vows to Legalize Same-sex Marriage

Czech government approves plan for regulated cannabis market : worldnews

Swiss court upholds Basel begging ban : worldnews

Olaf Scholz faces new probe over German tax fraud scandal : worldnews

Protesters disrupted vehicle traffic at Pariss main airport and police fired clouds of teargas in other French cities as people marched in their thousands in a new round of strikes and nationwide demonstrations Thursday
Pension protesters target Paris bistro favoured by Macron : worldnews
Protesters storm BlackRocks Paris office holding red flares and firing smoke bombs

British Firm Ships $1.2 Billion of Electronics to Russia Despite Sanctions : worldnews
Islamabad reacts after UK ministers British Pakistani men raperemark

Ukraine urged to give up Crimea by Brazils Lula
We dont trade territories Ukraines Foreign Ministry to Brazilian President on giving Crimea to Russia

2 dead, over a million without power after ice storm hits Canada : worldnews
Two Canadian Women Arrested by RCMP Upon Return From Syria : worldnews

A few crazy people were screaming about how the Great Recession didn't have to be so, well, Great, and I think we've been proved fucking right -- The prime-age employment rate is now higher than the pre-recession peak. And it did so in record time, despite starting from a lower base. It's been a historically rapid and complete recovery. Took over 12yrs to get back to pre-recession peak following the Great Recession ... Still they treat the villain (one, not the only) of the story, Larry Summers, as an oracle.

Clarence Thomas Broke the Law and It Isnt Even Close
The new Clarence Thomas revelations are shocking. Democrats must act. : politics
Clarence Thomas slammed from across political spectrum, as former House GOP member says heshould not be allowed anywhere near a judicial decision
Paragon Of Virtue Clarence Thomas Has Been Given Millions Of Dollars In Value Off The Record And It Totally Hasnt Impacted His Judging. Not One Bit. Nope.
Explosive Clarence Thomas report reignites Supreme Court fight : politics

Los Angeles Times reported about Justice Thomasgifts 20 years ago. After that he stopped disclosing them
Clarence Thomas has reported receiving only two gifts since 2004 : politics
Justice Clarence Thomas says he was told trips didn't need disclosure - The Washington Post
Should Clarence Thomas Be Impeached? GOP Megadonor Gave Justice Free Luxury Vacations for 20 Years : politics
Parsing Clarence Thomass statements on the gifts he didnt disclose
Justice Thomas Says He Was Advised Lavish Gifts Didn t Need to Be Reported - In a statement released by the Supreme Court, the justice said he had followed past guidance from others at the court and believed he was not required to report the trips.
GOP billionaire who funded Clarence Thomass vacations has also given thousands of dollars to Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin
Clarence Thomas Had the Ideal Tutor for Skirting Ethics Laws : politics (Scalia)
Ginni Thomas Collected $600,000 in Donations for Conservative Group : politics

Trump forced to admit he is one inch shorter than he claims on arraignment paperwork : politics ... If youre wondering why Trump claimed he was 6'3, is because Obama is 6'2.
Trump said only 10 words during his arraignment. Heres what they were.

How Many More People Need to Get Death Threats Before Trump Is Gag-Ordered? | Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan have both reportedly received threats following Trumps attacks, as has Merchans family.

What Trump's indictment and arrest means for his evangelical supporters

Trump Moves to Hire Laura Loomer, Anti-Muslim Activist - The New York Times The former president recently directed advisers to give Ms. Loomer, who has a long history of bigoted remarks, a role in support of his candidacy, people familiar with the move said.

The GOPs epic losing streak
Republicans caught off guard by the lefts ferocious backlashThe GOP is an authoritarian, extremist political party that is out of the mainstream of American life

Opinion | The Abortion Ban Backlash Is Starting to Freak Out Republicans - The New York Times

Florida school district removes book about Anne Frank from libraries : politics

Rep. Justin Jones files police report after alleged assault on House floor : politics
Growing list of Nashville Council members vows to reappoint Justin Jones to the state House : politics
Shelby County could reappoint Pearson after expulsion from TN House
What former Rep. Justin Jones meant by admitted child molester who sat in this chambercommentFormer Rep. David Byrd was accused of sexual misconduct with teenagers who were members of his high school girls basketball team.
Farce of Democracy: Tennessee Republicans Just Expelled 2 Black Democrats for a Peaceful Protest
Biden condemns Tennessee Republicans for shocking move to expel Democrats who joined Nashville gun protest
Tennessee House expulsion: Kamala Harris to meet with ousted members
Tennessee lawmakers' removal part of a GOP effort to tamp down dissent - The Washington Post
"Rural Tennessee against Fascist GOP" sign unfurled in TN House Chamber after Expulsion Votes : politics

Eschaton: Can't Practice Medicine Under These Circumstances - Doctors are more mobile than most people : The legislature has confidently steered the state, which already had the fewest active physicians in the country, into an unprecedented shortage of doctors.

North Dakota senators vote to boost their own meal reimbursements after rejecting free school lunch bill : politics

Homeless woman kills shelter coordinator with ax in front of staff, Vermont police say : news

Last year it was revealed that Musk had a fondness for Kremlin-Backed Russia Today. It should come as no surprise Twitter is now platforming Russian & Chinese state-run disinfo accounts. : UkrainianConflict
THE STATE OF LGM REMAINS STRONG - Now this is just hilarious ... Twitter users on Friday began noticing that they could not retweet or reply to tweets containing links to the domain. This behavior seems to have started less than 48 hours after the popular newsletter platform announced a new product called Notes that will compete directly with Twitter. (Muskfucked)
Twitter now disables likes, replies, and retweets if a tweet has Substack links - The Verge
The day may be comingA lot of the fun went out of Twitter when Howard Hughes bought it, and the damage to the site seems to be accelerating this week.
Elon Musk says NPRs state-affiliated medialabel might not have been accurate

How to do it - A couple of days ago I posted about Lesley Stahl's ridiculous softball interview of conspiratorial nutcase fascist manque Marjorie Taylor Greene. For a nice contrast, check out this total demolition of nepo baby/Elon Musk errand boy Matt Taibb by Mehdi Hasan:
Mehdi Hasan Dismantles The Entire Foundation Of The Twitter Files As Matt Taibbi Stumbles To Defend It | Techdirt
Matt Taibbi Is Furious that Election Integrity Project Documented How Big Trump's Big Lie Was

RFK Jr. Would Be the Worst Possible President Kennedy (would abolish "science")

Sins of the Father - The Atavist Magazine When Lesley Hu wanted to vaccinate her young son, her conspiracy-obsessed ex-husband went to unimaginable lengths to stop her.

The Case for Banning Children from Social Media | The New Yorker

The newest version of ChatGPT passed the US medical licensing exam with flying colorsand diagnosed a 1 in 100,000 condition in seconds


Ice sheets can collapse at 600 meters (1,968.5 feet) a day, far faster than feared, study finds : collapse

Climate change is a bigger threat than China | "We are worried about the possible collapse of societies because of starvation, a lack of fresh water and shortages of food supplies" : collapse

Frogs legs and foie gras targeted for cruelty controls

1,845 confirmed cases and 34 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Breakthrough against RS virus: Two safe, effective vaccines developed : worldnews

Taiwan raises travel alert for Equatorial Guinea over Marburg outbreak. : worldnews
Marburg virus outbreak: CDC issues alert as 2 countries in Africa, Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania, battle deadly disease - CBS News

One for the ages: Historical day for Fijian journalism as draconian media law scrapped.

Over 1.8 mln unexploded bombs cleared in Laos since 1996 : worldnews

Its like we dont exist: Japan faces pressure to allow same-sex marriage | Japan
Japan declares war on pollen as hay fever epidemic grips the nation : worldnews

US House leader, Taiwan president meet as China protests : worldnews
China to inspect ships in Taiwan Strait, Taiwan says wont co-operate

When in Beijing Macron warns against shunning China
Macron tells Xi to reason with Russia on Ukraine war : worldnews
China does not acknowledge Russias annexation: Ambassador
Iran, Saudi foreign ministers meet in China, vow to restore security and stability
Chinese Grandpa J-6 and J-7 jets are being transformed into UVACs - According to experts, it is believed that China is currently converting its old Soviet-era J-6 and J-7 jets into highly capable, and fast, drone aircraft.
Parents protest outside kindergarten in China after teacher has affair with fathers of several pupils : worldnews

How Russias Offensive Ran AgroundAfter months of pouring soldiers into eastern Ukraine, Russias progress essentially adds up to this: three small settlements and part of the city of Bakhmut, a high-profile battlefield with limited strategic value.

Putin is increasingly isolated, paranoid and afraid, defector says : worldnews
Putin is so paranoid about being tracked, he travels in a secret grey train that stealthily blends in with other Russian locomotives, says a former elite Russian security officer : worldnews
Russian defector sheds light on Putin paranoia and his secret train network | Vladimir Putin | The Guardian : worldnews

US, Britain walk out at UN on Russian wanted for war crimes : worldnews

The cost of the Ukraine war for one Russian regiment : worldnews

Russias Prigozhin says no sign Ukraine quitting Bakhmut, more support needed

Russian rouble fell to its lowest level over last year: 80 roubles to the dollar : worldnews

Russia arrests LGBTQ+ YouTubers on gay propaganda charges

[1/5] As claimed on Russian social media, the Russian MoD has highly likely dismissed Colonel-General Rustam Muradov as commander of the Eastern Group of Forces (EGF) in Ukraine.
[3/5] The operations attracted intense public criticism from across the spectrum of Russian commentators including Muradovs own troops.
[5/5] He is the most senior Russian military dismissal of 2023 so far, but more are likely as Russia continues to fail to achieve its objectives in the Donbas.

According to the SBU, the priest praised the religious officials who help Russia and also called for the unification of religious communities in the war against Ukraine.

Kremlin: Nuclear deployment to Belarus is response to NATO expansion : worldnews (electric fence and rabid dog)

Russian Oil Exports to India Surge 2,200% Following European Sanctions : worldnews
India approves installation of 10 new nuclear reactors in five states : worldnews

A country that invaded its neighbor is using the UN venue to justify stealing thousands of children from that neighbor - as if they were washing machines. Yet another low point for the organization.

UN chief demands Taliban revoke ban on women staff : worldnews

Israels North under attack by barrage of rockets from Lebanon
Israels North under attack by barrage of rockets from Lebanon
Rockets launched from Lebanon; at least one intercepted by Iron Dome : worldnews
Violence erupts at Jerusalem holy site for a 2nd night : worldnews

If Ukraine had kept Soviet nuclear missiles

Ukraine ready to talk on Crimea after counteroffensive
Ukraine will negotiate with Russia if its troops get to Crimea: Kyiv official : worldnews
Ukraine pushes for Western warplane coalition

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 407, Part 1 (Thread #548) : worldnews

Why does @Patreon block Ukrainians but help Russians raise money for genocide? Thread. : ukraine

Brady Africk on Twitter: "Russian forces have moved equipment out of a military depot in northern Crimea over the past month. Recent satellite imagery shows that this site had tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery." / Twitter

The Russian invasion of #Ukraine caused destruction or damage to more than 3,000 schools across the country. #Russia is trying to destroy Ukraines future:

Finland approves $345 million deal for Davids Sling long range air defense system

Polish constitutional judges refuse to hear case on unlocking EU funds until chief justice steps down : worldnews
Poland cancels World Cup fencing event over admission of Russians and Belarusians : worldnews
Ukrainian & Polish companies signed an agreement for 125-mm tank shells joint production during President Zelenskyy's visit to Poland. Due to risks of Russian aggression, production will be in Poland, and Ukraine will share technologies & expertise.

How progressive Denmark became the face of the anti-migration left - The Washington Post

Silvio Berlusconi diagnosed with leukemia : worldnews

France faces 11th day of strikes, protests amid pension deadlock : news
French unions to hold day of strikes after talks with prime minister fail : worldnews
France tries alleged PKK figures accused of extortion, terror financing : worldnews

King Charles supports study into royal family slavery links : worldnews

Migrants Died In Detention Fire Because They Couldn't Pay $200 Bribe to Be Released Migrants Died In Detention Fire Because They Couldn't Pay $200 Bribe to Be Released -- The facility operated as an extortion center

Biden review of chaotic Afghan withdrawal blames Trump | AP News

White House accuses GOP of helping Mexican drug cartels by targeting ATF : politics

CNN Poll: One-third of Americans say Biden deserves to be reelected in 2024 | CNN Politics

Staring Down a Debt Crisis, McCarthy Toils to Navigate G.O.P. Divisions - The New York Times The House speaker has little trust in his Budget Committee chairman or his No. 2 as he works to unite the fractious Republican majority around a spending plan.

Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire
Clarence Thomas Ruled on Bribery Case While Accepting Vacations : politics
Biggest bombshells from new Clarence Thomas report : politics

You dont need to worry about this its all covered
Clarence Thomas: Justice of the New Gilded Age ..
Clarence Thomas on a luxury trip paid for by a billionaire who invited conservative lobbyists. : pics (about the painting)
Abe and Clarence
Justice Clarence Thomas accepted luxury trips from GOP donor, report says - The Washington Post
Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor : politics ... For more than two decades, Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas businessman without disclosing them
Clarence Thomas accepted luxury gifts from GOP megadonor for decades without disclosing them: report : politics
Rank corruption: AOC calls for Clarence Thomas impeachment following bombshell report on megadonor gifts

$35 political contribution to Democrats raises fresh scrutiny of Judge Merchan | CNN Politics
Judge in Trump's criminal case has received dozens of threats, police sources say - The former president himself has repeatedly lashed out at Judge Juan Merchan.

Inside the 3 so-called catch and kill payments in Trumps indictmentManhattan DA Alvin Bragg detailed the alleged scheme on Tuesday.

Opinion | We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong - The New York Times

Donald Trump calls for defunding federal police after his arrest in New York : politics

Trump is incriminating himself in ways that prosecutors dream of: Kirschner : politics

Report: Trump Could Be Indicted by the Fulton County District Attorney in the Coming Weeks

Donald Trump Jr confirms he signed fathers porn star hush money check

Eric Trump roasted for hallucinating as he claims tens and tens of thousands came out to support father

Donald Trump deejayed until 2am at a private Mar-a-Lago arraignment party before paranoid calls to staff

Probe widens into Homeland Security watchdog's role in missing Secret Service Jan. 6 texts - The Washington Post ... Inspector General Joseph V. Cuffari, an appointee of President Donald Trump whose office shut down an inquiry into the Secret Service messages last year amid the Houses probe of the insurrection.

Will Donald Trump face a verdict in a criminal trial prior to the 2024 presidential election? - almost certainly not ... As for Merrick Garlands endless dithering over bringing federal charges against Trump, the less said the better ... what possible justification can Garland have had to have waited nearly two full years to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Trumps obviously central role in the January 6 insurrection? ... the odds of Trump getting the nomination, absent his actual shuffling off of this mortal coil prior to then, are 100% who will be facing multiple criminal indictments at the moment that the American People in Their Mysteriously Inchoate Burkean Wisdom decide whether or not to make this one-man crime wave president of the United States again. At which point things are going to get really interesting.

Trump's Arrest Lifts Campaign of Man He Once Condemned - Yusef Salaam, one of the wrongly imprisoned Central Park Five, is running in a competitive City Council race in Harlem.

House GOP fires off first subpoena in probe of Trump indictment - POLITICO

MAGA Pastors: Trump Was Indicted for Your Sins : politics

How Fox Chased Its Audience Down the Rabbit Hole - The New York Times (just gave them what they wanted, extreme pro-fascist propaganda)

Our Blood, Your Hands: Students Stage National Walkout to Demand Gun Control

~ Inside the Cattiest Fight in D.C.Virginia and Maryland, once friendly rivals, have been locked in a quiet battle over the FBI. Its getting a lot louder.

Supreme Court refuses to reinstate West Virginias transgender athlete ban ... But two of the nine justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr., dissented
Schools can bar trans athletes from elite teams, Biden administration proposes - The Washington Post Proposed regulation would disallow blanket bans on trans athletes on the books in 20 states
School Sports Cannot CategoricallyBan Transgender Athletes, Under Biden Proposal

Floridas Anti-Drag Bill Is So Extreme It Would Ban The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Hair the Musical: Florida Republicans admitted as much.

Kansas GOP bill authorizes genital exams of schoolchildren, critics say : politics

New Mexico Enacts Bill to Shield Abortion Providers From Out-of-State Threats : politics

New Jersey Governor Declares State aSafe Haven for Gender-Affirming Care

Tennessee expulsion updates: 1 of 3 Democratic lawmakers removed after gun violence protest - ABC News This is not going to stop me in the least, Rep. Justin Johnson said.
Tennessee GOP begins expelling Democratic state lawmakers over gun protests
Tennessee Republicans push to expel lawmakers may set future precedent The Democrats could become political martyrs if expelled from the legislature. The move shows the power the GOP holds and could set a precedent for the future. (refucks go full fascist)
Defiant Tennessee Dem. Decries March to Fascism Ahead of Her Possible Expulsion
Facing expulsion from Tennessee House for gun protest, Democrat tells Republicans: Bring it on : politics
Tennessee fascism
Wow: Tennessee state Rep. Justin Jones, one of the Dems that the GOP is trying to expel from state legislature to protesting gun violence, calls out his colleagues on the floor -- For years, one of your colleagues, an admitted child molester, sat in this chamber -- no expulsion
Rep. Gloria Johnson survives Tennessee House expulsion vote after peaceful gun control demonstration : politics

Portland students walk out of school to protest gun violence : politics

Rebekah Jonesson arrested in Florida after allegedly threating to shoot up school, stab students ... her son shared a popular internet meme criticizing police.

Idaho becomes first state to restrict interstate travel for abortions | The Seattle Times
Idaho passes Fugitive Uterus Act
The New Abortion Battleground - Columbia Law Review
ACLU, Planned Parenthood sue Idaho AG over out-of-state abortion referral ban : politics

Republicans back bill to change election rules only for the upcoming Senate race (Fucktana)

The cruelty is the entire point ... This thread tells a sad and infuriating little story about the kind of sickos who give MAGA its political potency. The brief version is that cops agreed to drive 500 miles steal and kill a girls pet goat on behalf of a county fair, They did this although the fair at no point actually owned the goat and had absolutely no right to seize (let alone kill) it, and despite the fact that the goat was bought at the auction by someone who agreed not to kill it

Child care panic ... Parents previously told The Sun that they were panicked after receiving phone calls that the center would have to close and then arriving to find multiple patrol cars in the parking lot and six armed officers in the lobby.

Report: Mother of missing 6-year-old Texas boy told family she sold him : news

Teen suspected of planning to shoot up multiple Colorado Springs area schools and churches arrested ... William Whitworth who identified as Lily was charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, criminal mischief, menacing and interference with staff, faculty or students of educational institutions.

TIL that in the year 2000, median sale price of homes in the US was around $170k and median income was $66k. Now in Q4 2022 median sale price is $470k and median income is $71k. : todayilearned

Board Says Georgetown Transformers Sculptures Have To Go

Robert Kennedy Jr., a Noted Vaccine Skeptic, Files to Run for President - The New York Times While he has not yet announced his plans, he filed the federal paperwork for a campaign to run as a Democrat.

Peter Thies Instagram model boyfriend plunged to his death WEEKS after witnessing messy showdown between the billionaire mogul and his husband when he crashed couple's New Year's bash

Judge rules that two competing lawsuits involving former MIT professor David Sabatini and a female scientist can move forward - The Boston Globe A Suffolk Superior Court judge dismisses some charges in the cases, but allows significant ones involving defamation and sexual misconduct to proceed

Special Report: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars | Reuters

We may be looking at the end of capitalism: One of the worlds oldest and largest investment banks warns 'Greedflation' has gone too far

ChatGPT is making up fake Guardian articles. Heres how were responding

TIL that the widely accepted "Learning Styles" theory "everyone has a different learning style (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic)" has almost no experimental data behind it. The few researches done on the subject proved the opposite. : todayilearned
The Biggest Myth In Education - Learning Styles -- YouTube

TIL that the Ancient Greek philosopher Anaxagoras was arrested, exiled, and was almost put to death for saying that the sun and moon were objects, and not gods. : todayilearned

Birds and fish use ZW system, while some male insects dont have a Y chromosome. Ants and bees use haplodiploid sex determination, Reptiles like crocodiles and turtles determine the sex of babies by the temperature around the eggs.

Human hair analysis reveals earliest direct evidence of people taking hallucinogenic drugs in Europeat gatherings in a Mediterranean island cave about 3,000 years ago

TIL that Adolf Hitler, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Tito, Sigmund Freud and Joseph Stalin were all living in the same section of Vienna during the year 1913 : todayilearned

Super Sharp Picture of the Moon : pics

Study Finds Association Between Medical Cannabis and Improved Outcomes in Chronic Pain Patients : science

The miracle that disrupts order mathematicians invent new 'einstein' shape
(138) Craig Kaplan - Parquet Deformations: the tiles, they are a-changin - CoM Apr 2021 - YouTube
David Bailley's World of Tessellations | Parquet Deformations

The ultimate guide to independent bookstores in Massachusetts

Massachusetts ranks as least culturally conservative state

Sorry, but high-THC flower is overrated

TIL that the commonly repeated stat that "70% of lottery winners go bankrupt in 7 years" is completely false - the stat was made up by someone in a panel discussion and is completely unverifiable but has been recirculated and recited in countless articles since then. : todayilearned

Who is the greatest one-hit wonder of all time? : AskReddit

A shot of the Burning Man festival at night : pics

If we lose the Internet Archive, were screwed


Ocean Cleanup removes 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean : worldnews

One in six people affected by infertility globally, says WHO : worldnews

Johnson & Johnson offers $9bn to settle talc claims : worldnews

Worldwide executions for drug convictions have surged, more than doubling in 2022 compared with 2021 : worldnews

Mexico: Beekeepers in Campeche are blaming agrochemical testing linked to Bayer-Monsanto for the deaths of more than 300,000 bees in their apiaries : worldnews

EPA says Florida has most lead pipes in U.S. : news
Prenatal Lead Exposure Enhances Methamphetamine Sensitization in Rats - PMC

CDC warns dangerous fungus infection poses nationwide threat : collapse

Pet dog dead after contracting avian influenza in Canada : worldnews
New bird flu cases are confirmed in the USA : worldnews
Bird flu is so bad that Japan is running out of land to bury chickens : worldnews

Australian Liberal Party confirms it will oppose the Indigenous Voice to Parliament : worldnews

Japan promises Ukraine continued support at foreign ministers meeting : worldnews

China sends carrier group off Taiwan coast ahead of US meeting : worldnews
China does not recognize crimea and other ukrainian territories as russian - Chinese ambassador to the EU : UkrainianConflict

Chinas ambassador calls declaration of no limit friendship with Russia nothing but rhetoric
Chinas Xi Courts Frances Macron in Bid to Drive Wedge Between Europe and U.S.
China accuses Canadian MPs of foreign interference after report saying Taiwan should decide its own future : worldnews

Russia issues nuclear threat ahead of Ukrainian counter offensive

NATO is a threat to Russia the way an electrified fence is a threat to a rabid dog. Mig Greengard

Lawyers Meet With Detained WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russian Prison : worldnews
200 Russian Journalists Sign Letter Demanding U.S. Reporters Re lease

Russian State Media Mocks Donald Trump Indictment on Live TV - Team Putin Brutally Mocks Their Beloved Trump in Arrest Skit

Thousands of Russian Officials Fail Putins Paranoid LoyaltyTests

Russia blames jailed Putin critic Navalny for April 2 bombing assassination of Russian propagandist Tatarsky : worldnews

One Of The Worlds Largest Cybercrime Markets, Believed To Be Located In Russia, Shut Down

[5/5] Russian officials likely see external debt issuance as one way to plug gaps in Russias finances as they plan for a long war in Ukraine. However, it remains unclear whether Russia will succeed in implementing the measures.
[3/5] Once the development is completed, investors from other countries will be able to purchase Russias sovereign debt and therefore finance some of Russias future budget shortfalls. Such investors would be indirectly financing Russias invasion of Ukraine.

Fire at building of Russian defence ministry in Moscow -TASS cites emergency services : worldnews

Cisco Systems pulled out of russia and destroyed $23.42m worth of equipment : worldnews

Air Force: Russia's supply of long-range, high-precision missiles nearlyused up.

49 countries condemn Russias attempts to justify deportation of Ukrainian children

A senior Russian official, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on war crimes charges, is set to virtually attend an informal UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday : worldnews
Britain blocks UN webcast of Russian meeting on Ukraine : worldnews ... Russias commissioner for children's rights who the International Criminal Court wants to arrest on war crimes charges is due to speak,

Strongly Oppose: US On Chinas Attempt To Rename Places In India's state of Arunachal Pradesh . Frustrated China trying to change Reality by changing names of places that do not falls under its Jurisdiction
India protests as China renames Himalayan mountains : worldnews (Mount Xiverest)
Muslim, Jain, Sikh and Christian leaders, along with the RSS, are opposing same-sex marriage in an ongoing (Indian) Supreme Court case, arguing that it contravenes religious scriptures, societal values and the natural family order. : worldnews
Twitter accused of censorship in India as it blocks Modi critics : worldnews (Muckfucker loves his dicktofucks)
One of Indias largest state banks has joined sanctions against Russian oil - Russian oil producers have new difficulties in selling oil to India, which has become the largest market for barrels from Russia since the outbreak of war and the imposition of Western sanctions.

Taliban bans Afghan women from working with United Nations : worldnews
UN concern after its female workers are banned from working by Taliban

Upcoming elections can change where Turkey stands on Russias war (Erdofuck plays both side)

Egyptian army has turned Sinai schools into military bases, says rights group : worldnews

Three Assad advisers indicted in France for Syria war crimes : worldnews ... The French prosecution argues that these three Syrians were implicated in the disappearance and deaths of a French high school counselor in Damascus, Mazen Dabbagh, and his son Patrick who studied literature at Damascus University.

Iran protests: Victims shot in eyes hold on to hopes : worldnews
20 Iranian Schoolgirls Hospitalized with Poisoning Symptoms (Iran) : worldnews
Iran implicated in foiled attack on Greek synagogue : worldnews

Worst-kept secret? In tweet, ex-PM Barak seems to confirm Israel has nuclear weapons : worldnews
Israeli police storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, raising fears of wider fighting : worldnews
They kill each other: Israel Police chief says it is Arabs nature to murder

U.S. pledges another $2.6 billion in weapons aid to Kyiv - statement : worldnews
Ukraine trains 40,000 storm brigade troopers for counter-offensive : worldnews
First Polish MiG-29 fighter jets arrive in Ukraine. : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 406, Part 1 (Thread #547) : worldnews

#Russian occupation authorities rarely respond to #Ukrainian claims about evacuations. Russian occupation officialsdenial of civilian evacuations far from the frontline could suggest doubt in Russian forcesability to hold occupied territory. 2/2

ISW on Twitter: "#Russian sources claimed that #Ukrainian forces are gradually transferring personnel to the western part of Bakhmut from elsewhere in the city & that #Wagner fighters are currently probing Ukrainian defenses in Bakhmut in search of the most favorable areas for future assaults. 2/" / Twitter
The enemy is not able to psychologically influence our command's decision-making in Bakhmut. Just as it fails to demotivate our fighters. Despite the fact that all the enemy information messages about the fighting in Bakhmut are aimed at this very thing said Hanna Maliar.

Explosions rock Melitopol as Russia warns of Ukraine counter-attack : worldnews

(133) Building the Anti-Russian Alliance || Peter Zeihan - YouTube

No borders between our nations in the futureWe are united in fighting against the russian evil, which has been trying to break up our relations for a long time, and is still inventing fakes. We must win and we will win. (Poland)

Finland becomes 31st member of NATO : worldnews
10 minutes after becoming a NATO member, Finland ratified Swedens NATO membership application.
Zelensky congratulates Finland on NATO accession. : worldnews
Sanna Marin to step down as SDP leader (Finland) : worldnews

President Zelensky and First Lady Olena are greeted by Polish president Andrzej Duda in Warsaw. : UkraineWarVideoReport (compare w/Putin vid)
Vladimir Putin, speaking to the ambassadors, never waited for applause : UkraineWarVideoReport

Sweden arrests terrorism suspects after Quran burning outcry: Swedish intelligence said the suspects were linked to anti-Sweden protests that erupted following a Quran burning in Stockholm. The five men were detained by security services across several cities : worldnews

Credit Suisse shareholders reject executive pay request : worldnews
Swiss government cancels Credit Suisse bonuses : worldnews (bonues for evil)

German village elects Syrian refugee who fled his home in 2015 as mayor : worldnews
Germany expected to introduce long-awaited cannabis legalization measure in two weeks : worldnews

AFP News Agency on Twitter: "#BREAKING Ex-Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi in intensive care: source" / Twitter

Holy Week in Spain : pics (deep in the dark myth)

France hikes military reservist age to 70 : worldnews

Sturgeons husband arrested in SNP finance probe

The Brighton Bombing ... an attack that had almost wiped out the British government,

Expansion of Mennonite colonies encroaches on Indigenous land in Bolivia, brings large scale deforestation : worldnews

Porn sites would have to verify users are over 18 under federal online safety plans : worldnews

Corporations Are Not People: Jayapal Files Bill to Reverse Citizens United

Republicans File to Repeal a Tax That Only Affects the Richest 0.1 Percent : politics

Inside a Manhattan courtroom, the spell was broken and Trump was finally humbled : politics
Trump charged with narrow violations in pursuit of broad scheme to undermine 2016 vote
Donald Trump Is Now Facing Wait for It 136 Years in Prison
Trump's calls to protest fall on weary, wary ears. The swarms on Manhattan streets were from media outlets, not supporters, and while the reasons to steer clear varied, Jan. 6 was on plenty of minds.
The Trump Indictment Is Actually Quite Damning - The Atlantic The Manhattan district attorneys charges underscore how profoundly unsuited Trump is for the office he is now again seeking.
Frustrated and upset, Trump goes silent, then seethes - The splitscreen highlighted the two worlds Trump is spanning as he makes a third straight bid for the presidency: one in which he is a defiant political hero and another in which he is in increasing legal peril
We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong
Trump Team Says Only Thirsty Cockroaches Would Claim Hes Sad About Getting Arrested - They are cowards and should stop acting like cockroaches scurrying around in the dark

Analysis: A Surprise Accusation Bolsters a Risky Case Against Trump - The New York Times The unsealed case against Donald J. Trump accuses him of falsifying records in part to lay the groundwork for planned lies to tax authorities.
The curious Donald Trump lovechild claim hidden in the case against him : politics

The Medias Coverage of Trumps Indictment Was Dumb, Desperate, and a Really Bad Sign for 2024
CNN chose to air almost the entirety of Trumps lie-filled Mar-a-Lago rally
Kristen Welker analyzing a photo of Trump and explaining that she can sense that he feels the weight of this moment. Now discussing the somber mood of the country - For people who think nothing can be worse than CNN, turn on NBC.

"They asked us to stand down": Ex-Manhattan DA says Trump DOJ inte rvened in Stormy Daniels probe : politics (Billy "Yes I'm a Russian crook"Barr)

Trump attacks judges family and calls Alvin Bragg a criminal at Mar-a-Lago despite court warning
A Judge Asked Trump to Chill. Trump Mocked the Judges Wife.
Trump accused of threatening judge hours after ncite violence warning
MSNBC boycotts Trumps untrue Mar-a-Lago speech as ABC cuts offremarks after WWIII threat
Trumps Day of Martyrdom Didnt Go Quite as He Expected

Foxs Doocy: Very bad look for Trump to go after New York judges family
Trump judge and his family receive threats after New York arrest : politics

Pence will not fight the order that he testify before special counsel grand jury Trump could still pursue an appeal to try to block Pence from testifying about their communications ahead of the Jan. 6 election certification.

The Trump exception to libel law -- The 9th circuit coughed up a terrible ruling yesterday, affirming a district courts order that Stormy Daniels owes Donald Trumps lawyers $122,000 in legal fees, because the lawsuit Michael Avenatti filed in 2018 claiming that Trump defamed Daniels by calling her a liar was so meritless it was properly dismissed in a pretrial motion.

Trump was repeatedly warned he did not have the authority to seize voting machines, officials tell special counsel | CNN Politics

Donald Trump thanks family for support but fails to mention no-show Melania : politics

Trumps legal drama could soon continue in Georgia

Fox News says Carlson, Hannity, Bartiromo set to testify at defamation trial : politics
Judge willing to force Rupert Murdoch to testify in Dominion case upert Murdoch and his son, Lachlan Murdoch, are key to the voting systems companys case against Fox Newsparent company, Fox Corp.
The two week engagement : Uncle Rupe is trying to compete with the final season of Succession, I guess:

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signs bill repealing 1931 abortion ban : politics
Liberal Wins Wisconsin Court Race, in Victory for Abortion Rights Backers : politics
Liberals Take Control Of Wisconsin Supreme Court : politics
Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Protasiewicz Wins With Abortion Message - The New York Times
Trump Spoke from Mar-a-Lago and Dan Kelly Spoke After Supreme Court Seat Loss Dan Kelly lost his Supreme Court bid in Wisconsin, sounding positively Trumpian.

Democrat's U-Turn to Join the G.O.P. Upends North Carolina Politics - The change in allegiances by a Democratic state representative gave Republicans narrow veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the legislature, allowing them to bypass Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat.

Eschaton: Narratives : Reminder of how the NYT covered the first round of the Chicago mayoral primary ... There are 11 paragraphs explicitly about Trump and DeSantis in a 36 paragraph story about the Chicago mayoral primary.

Class Not Race Analysis is Inherently Racist

Gov. Sanders requested a 100 percent federal cost share for tornado clean up : politics

Holcomb signs transgender medical care ban, ACLU files suit - Indiana Capital Chronicle

Idaho approves bill to jail doctors for 10 years if they help trans youth. This is one of the most punitive anti-trans bills in the country. : politics
Gender-affirming care for transgender youth banned in Idaho : news

QAnon, but real - It remains a weird feature of American life that fake reactionary pedophile conspiracy theories exist among very real pedophile conspiracies among powerful and respected elites: Marylands top prosecutor on Wednesday accused Catholic Church officials in Baltimore of engaging in a yearslong coverup of the sexual abuse of 600-plus children, some of whom were preyed upon by multiple abusers over decades ... Clearly, the solution is to ban drag queen story hour.
Report details staggering church sex abuse inMaryland
Report details staggering church sex abuse in Maryland - More than 150 Catholic priests and others associated with the Archdiocese of Baltimore sexually abused more than 600 children over the past 80 years

Opinion | As Young People March for Their Lives, Tennessee Crushes Dissent and Overrides Democracy - The New York Times ... The resolutions against Mr. Jones, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Pearson were filed against a backdrop that highlights the absurdity of the actions Republicans have taken against them.

Twitter Adds State-Affiliated Media Label To NPR Account Putting It On Par With Russia Today

Are programs like 4-H and FFA ethical? - Vox The slaughter of Cedar the goat shines a light on the ideology of 4-H.

Teens, experts say free period products in schools isnt 'woke' - it's necessary. A reported 1 in 4 teens miss school because they struggle to purchase period products, but the fight continues. (repubicans hate children)

Sutherland Springs victims say they've reached $144.5M settlement with DOJ ruling that the U.S. government bears some responsibility for the attack because it failed to submit the shooter's criminal history into a database that would have prevented him from purchasing firearms.

Family of 18-year-old woman fatally shot by a school safety officer announces $13 million settlement reached with school district : news

Tenn. lawmaker faces backlash after asking students what gun theyre comfortable being shot with

Bob Lee, creator of Cash App and former CTO of Square, stabbed to death : technology

Queer Nude Neocolonialism
Want to Love Your Body? Try Swimming Naked. - The New York Times Searching for myself at a queer nude beach in Mexico.

Alex Bandoni/ProPublica. Source images: Byoung Joo and choness/Getty Images. Private Planes and Luxury Yachts Aren't Just Toys for the Ultrawealthy. Theyre Also Huge Tax Breaks.

Don Lemons Misogyny at CNN, Exposed: Malicious Texts, Mocking Female Co-Workers and Diva-Like Behavior

What happens when ChatGPT lies about real people? - The Washington Post The AI chatbot fabricated a sexual harassment scandal involving a law professor and cited a fake Washington Post article as evidence
70 Years Ago, Short Story The Great Automatic Grammatizator Predicted The Rise Of ChatGPT

Musks Month Pushing Twitter Blue Failed To Win Many Subscribers
Twitter is no longer policing Russian and Chinese state-backed media : worldnews (but labels NPR state-sponsered)

Former Keolis official charged in plot to defraud commuter rail operator of $8 million - The Boston Globe ... John P. Pigsley, 58

TIL During pregnancy, if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ. : todayilearned

TIL that a 2019 Union College study found that joining a fraternity in college lowered a student's GPA by 0.25 points, but also increased their future income by 36%. : todayilearned

Thousands of prenatal supplements fail to provide adequate nutrition for pregnant women and babies. 99 percent of the affordable dietary supplements on the market do not contain appropriate doses of key micronutrients that are urgently needed to make up for the nutritional imbalance. : science

Scientists hail new battery with 4 times energy density of lithium-ion : technology

Repeating radio signal leads astronomers to an Earth-size exoplanet | CNN : worldnews

First-of-its-kind mRNA treatment could wipe out a peanut allergy : science

If you happen to be a single man in his 30s, would you date a single mother? Why or why not? : AskReddit

What was discontinued, but you miss like hell and you wish came back? : AskReddit

TIL that "Tunnel of Love" rides were popular at Amusement Parks in the early 20th century because they were one of the only socially acceptable opportunities for couples to be alone together on a date and share physical contact. In 1950, there were over 700 in the USA. Now there are less than 10. : todayilearned

What Are Some Disturbing Documentaries? : AskReddit

eli5: can someone explain the phrase is I am become death the grammar doesn't make any sense?


Climate change: Catalonia in grip of worst drought in decades : worldnews

TikTok to be banned from Australian government devices : worldnews

Citing energy needs, Japan won exception to rules binding G-7 nations. It is buying oil at prices above the $60 price cap established by allies. Japan has stepped up its purchases of Russian natural gas over the past year. https://

158 illegal Thai workers in South Korea arrested at Thai singer concert : worldnews

China Calls on Japan to Not Join U.S. Encirclement
EU lashes out at China for support of Russia in Ukraine war : worldnews
China has "changed its mind" and now does not consider the Kurils to be occupied by Russia : UkrainianConflict

Vladimir Putin will soon face his Julius Caesar moment in the Kremlin : UkrainianConflict
Member of Kremlin Guard Flees Russia, Details Putins Secret Life
Putin lives in an nformation vacuum and never uses a cellphone or the internet, a Russian intelligence officer who defected says
Hes a war criminal: Elite Putin security officer defects
Zelenskyy wants Putin to spend life in a basement pissing in a bucket : worldnews

Danilov: "Russia will disintegrate within three to seven years" : UkrainianConflict

The Central Bank of Russia reported a record loss of 722 billion rubles last year : UkrainianConflict

MIT Technology Review: How Russia killed its tech industry [Ukraine war accelerated the collapse of an industry that was already in decline : UkrainianConflict

Muscovites are protesting against the construction of a mosque in Moscow. A group of Moscovites says, "We have gathered here to defend our Orthodox places and not to allow the mosque to be built here illegally and to defame our places. We are Russian! God is with us." : RussiaUkraineWar2022
Kadyrovites recorded a video statement saying they can change their targets and come after the russians opposing a construction of a huge mosque in Moscow : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Pakistan Supreme Court declares government decision to postpone elections null and void...orders immediate elections in Punjab : worldnews

Bangladesh fire: hundreds of firefighters tackle blaze in huge Dhaka clothing market : worldnews

Tanzania forces the Maasai from their land to make way for trophy hunters and tourists : worldnews

Saudi crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman hands Putin his biggest weapon in the energy war : UkrainianConflict

US strike kills senior Islamic State leader in northwest Syria : worldnews
U.S. airstrike in Syria kills ISIS militant planning attacks in Europe : worldnews

The United States expects #Ukraine to conduct a counteroffensive in the coming weeks. This was announced by Julianne Smith, United States Permanent Representative to #NATO.
Russia wants to wear all of us out. Its called Ukraine fatigue
US military aid for Ukrainewas 84% lower in March than it was in February However, Reuters reports US plans to announce a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $2.6 billion in the first week of April. $2.1 billion of it will be USAI aid, that will arrive in months
Tomorrow, NATO countries will speak about a multi-year support program for Ukraine.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 405, Part 1 (Thread #546) : worldnews

New Weapons Arent Enough: The Challenges of Ukraines Coming Assault
Michael Kofman thread on the current course of the war, Russias winter offensive, battle of Bakhmut, and how this phase might affect the coming months.

Brady Africk on Twitter: "Repairs to the rail section of the Crimean bridge are ongoing, satellite imagery shows. The bridge was struck almost six months ago." / Twitter
Emily Rauhala on Twitter: "A web of trenches shows Russia fears losing Crimea @mradamtaylor @juledurg @FrancescaEbel @maryilyushina" / Twitter
Russia began to prepare Crimea for the Ukrainian offensive - Miles of trenches have been dug on Crimean beaches to protect them from #Ukrainian landing troops. In just a few weeks dozens of miles of trenches have been dug on the beaches of the peninsula, The Washington Post reports, citing Maxar satellite images. In addition to trenches, anti-tank obstacles, ditches and artillery batteries have been placed along the Black Sea coast.
Russians prepare "evacuation" lists of civilians in Kherson Oblast

Ukraine just downed an expensive Russian bomber over Bakhmut : UkrainianConflict
Russia launches 17 drones on Ukraine, 14 destroyed - Ukraine's Air Force : worldnews
Rob Lee on Twitter: "In an article from two months ago, Ukrainian soldiers gave a positive assessment of the MaxxPro and its armor, which one soldier said was better than a BMP or BMD's." / Twitter

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused some $2.6 billion worth of damage to the countrys heritage and cultural sites, a United Nations agency said

Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline? Suspects and Theories.

Nato gathers to welcome Finland as 31st member : worldnews
Russia Warns of Countermeasuresto Finlands NATO Membership
Russia says it will beef up military in northwest as Finland joins NATO - RIA : worldnews

Georgian president to Ukrainians: you are fighting for our freedom and European future : worldnews

Lithuania bans Russians from buying real estate : worldnews

Sweden arrests terrorism suspects after Quran burning outcry : worldnews

Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam will eliminate all overnight flights and private flights by the end of 2025 : worldnews

The Netherlands allocates a 274 million euro aid package to Ukraine.
2 trains collide in the Netherlands, causing multiple victims : worldnews

Wife of Russias Deputy Defence Minister spends time in Courchevel while her husband orders attacks on Ukrainian cities

Full-size, self-driving bus services will begin in Scotland next month in what is believed to be a world first. : worldnews (w/two "drivers)

The UK company spreading Russian fake news to millions - BBC News ... in the Arab-speaking world.
Bill Maher Shuts Down Russell Brands Conspiracy Theories About The Ukraine War

Trumps recent words on Ukraine. "Putin I get along with him great, ultimately he will take over all of Ukraine"
Hillary Clinton is the person Putin feared most, Nancy Pelosi says

Trump Pleads Not Guilty to 34 Felony Counts: Indictment Live Updates - The New York Times The charges center on a hush money deal with a porn star, but prosecutors also accused the former president of orchestrating a broader scheme to pay off another woman and a doorman during the 2016 campaign.
Look at the First Ever Photos of a US President Charged With a Crime : politics
Trump arraignment spectacle shows nation is still enthralled by chaos - The Washington Post Tuesday was a day of spectacle, a word so often associated with the name Donald Trump. Yet it had a sad, almost pathetic quality to it.

Trump indictment live updates: Latest news on arraignment, 34 charges, scene in N.Y. court - The Washington Post
Megathread: Donald Trump Arraigned in NYC Court : politics
Donald Trump formally arrested after arriving at New York courthouse : news
Trump faces day in court, a first in US : politics
Donald Trump to surrender to history-making criminal charges : politics
Trump indictment news Trump arrives in New York for arrest and arraignment battle
Trump to face 34 felony charges but wont have mugshot or be handcuffed, report says
Secret Service agents subpoenaed in special counsels probe of Mar-a-Lago documents

Experts: Report that Trump may have shown secret docs to donors ties him directly to the schemes - That's what Jack Smith is looking at and looks like it's going to be very devastating, expert says

Trump Tower Doorman Was Paid $30,000 to Hide Story of Trumps Out of Wedlock Child, Manhattan DA Says

A step-by-step timeline of the Trump indictment process, explained - The Washington Post
Key people in the Donald Trump-Stormy Daniels hush-money case - The Washington Post
A timeline of investigations into Trump over the past 50 years - The Washington Post

Youre not storming the courthouse, thats not gonna happenFormer NYPD officer on how department is preparing for Trumps arrival

Trump Frantically Calls For Bragg to Indict Himself on Eve of Arraignment

Trump says I would do that after Sean Hannity says hecant imagine Trump taking classified records from the White House

Team Trump Is Very, Very Worried About a Gag Order : politics

The Trumps face furious backlash after targeting Manhattan judges daughter

Fox is not a news network but a propaganda outlet : politics
Rupert Murdoch and Ann Lesley Smith Call Off Their Engagement | Vanity Fair The 92-year-old media mogul announced his engagement to the 66-year-old former dental hygienist a scant two weeks ago, following last years divorce from his fourth wife, Jerry Hall.
92-Year-Old Rupert Murdoch Will No Longer Spend Second Half of Life With New Fiance

James comer must be sidelined pending investigation of his actions

Watch: Marjorie Taylor Greene quickly flees NYC protest after being shouted down - Raw Story
Marjorie Taylor Greene leaves Trump rally | Semafor
Marjorie Taylor Greenes 60 Minutes Segment Was a Lesson in How Legacy Media Fails
How Marjorie Taylor Greenes pedophile slur made it to 60 Minutes ... As a result, Stahl squandered a high-profile opportunity to explain to a large prime-time audience what Greene and others really intend when they use this smear.

Ron DeSantis orders Floridas inspector general to see if Disney execs were personally involved with making the loophole to thwart him
Disney Finally Breaks Silence on DeSantis Fiasco, Calls Guv Anti-Florida
2 Florida Democratic leaders arrested while protesting abortion bill : politics

Anti-Trans and Anti-Abortion Activists Use the Same Playbook Some of the very groups that pushed for abortion bans are now coming for trans health care.

Chants of Fascists! Ring Out as Tennessee GOP Moves to Expel Dems Over Gun Control Protest
Republicans will Vote to Permanently Remove 3 Dems from TN House : politics
Video: TN Democrat claims Republican lawmaker shoved him, took his phone on House floor : politics
Tenn. State Rep Asks Protesters What Gun Theyd Prefer To Be Shot With

Conservative Republican School Board in deep red Colorado district sees several board members resign, while remaining board members plead with the public that they don't teach CRT, after rabid right wing residents continue to accuse them of teaching CRT : LeopardsAteMyFace

Gallego raises $3.7M in first quarter in bid for Sinemas Arizona seat

Minnesota GOP Lawmaker Decries Popular Vote, Says Democracy Not a Good Thing | A spending bill in the Minnesota legislature would enjoin the state to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Discussion Thread: Elections in Wisconsin, Chicago, Denver, and Elsewhere (April 2023) : politics

Traitor to allow Republicans to pass abortion ban

Eschaton: I Was Reliably Told The Democratic Party Had To Do A Weekly Sister Souljah To Combat The Wokeness Americans are most likely to describe anti-woke politicians as:
Americans are most likely to describe anti-woke politicians as : Focused on the wrong things (68%) Trying to divide us to gain power (67%) Extreme (64%) Censoring freedom of speech (62%) Americans are noticing the republicans extreme views arent working for us.

Republicans grapple with their weakness among Generation Z voters : politics

Eschaton: Care To Comment, Governor [former] Hogan Care To Comment, Governor [former] Hogan - Strange silence on this one.
Roy McGrath, Larry Hogan's ex-top aide, is believed to have shot himself, doc says - The Washington Post The FBI also fired during the encounter, a law enforcement document says, and it is unclear whether the self-inflicted wound or law enforcement gunfire killed McGrath.

Suspect in killing at Ivy City Hotel was released in other pending cases - The Washington Post Authorities say George Sydnor Jr. was wanted for missing court dates in the other cases, including one in which he had pleaded guilty

Opinion | The Audubon name must go. It will save more birds. - The Washington Post ... John James AudubonMore recently, his less-illustrious past as an unrepentant enslaver, defiler of Indigenous gravesites and all-around racist has become more widely known. (bird brain)

A job offer was revoked for this superintendent finalist. The reason? For using the word ladies in an email, he said.

Opinion | Alexandra Petri presents: Real or fake? A history quiz! - Washington Post

Repeating radio signal leads astronomers to an Earth-size exoplanet : science

Dedham police warn residents after reports of aggressive turkeys - The Boston Globe

Boston ranked as most helpful major metropolitan area based on favors we do for each other : boston

TIL about Charles Mayers a seaman who survived the Halifax explosion. The explosion hurled him several hundred metres in the air and he landed naked on a hill a mile away. : todayilearned


It is glorious, says astronaut Jeremy Hansen, announced as 1st Canadian to orbit the moon

Indias deadly heatwaves are getting even hotter: The consequences of climate change will be horrific for the Indo-Gangetic Plain ... The Ministry for the Future

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Russias Far East But No Major Damage Reported

Rewilding animals could be key for climate: Report : worldnews

After 50 years of Project Tigers success, India signs pact with Cambodia on tiger translocation. 13 countries have Tigers and in 2010, planned goals to double their tiger population by 2022 But tigers go extinct in Cambodia, while Laos & Vietnam are yet to provide evidence of remaining tigers.

Cohort study of 18,355 infants finds that Covid-19 infection contracted during pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring : science

Three die from mystery nosebleed disease within 24 hours as town quarantined (W.Africa)

Marburg virus outbreak: UAE advises citizens not to travel to Tanzania, Guinea : worldnews

Boxes of dead turtles seized in massive Australia biosecurity haul : worldnews

Philippines names 4 new bases for US forces amid China fury : worldnews (how dare they name something in the China-Pacific Ocean)

Malaysias parliament votes to abolish the death penalty
Malaysia Open to Talks With Beijing Over Dispute in South China Sea - PM : worldnews

Japan says 1.5m people are living as recluses after Covid : worldnews
Japan probed China Communist Party member over leaking farm tech data : worldnews
South Korea, U.S., Japan hold anti-submarine drills amid North Korea threat : worldnews

High level of activity around N.Korea nuclear complex, says US group : worldnews

Chinese balloon got intel from U.S. military sites, despite efforts to block it : worldnews
China launches cybersecurity review on US chip maker Micron : worldnews

French editors to Moscow:Keeping Evan Gershkovich in custody is tantamount to taking a hostage. Its a warning, a threat, an act of terror directed at the last representatives of international media still present in Russia.
BRICS alliance working to create its own currency, says Russian official : worldnews
Alcohol abuse, violence and weapon incompetence killing Russian soldiers, says MoD : worldnews
In old, feel-good story, Putin bought teacher an apartment. He didnt
Air defence systems deployed near Putins residence in Sochi, Russia

FSB confiscates passports from Russian officials and directors of state-owned companies

Darya Trepova: Russia releases tape of suspect in cafe killing of Vladlen Tatarsky : worldnews
Darya Trepova: What we know about accused in Russian blogger Vladlen Tatarskys killing

Russia will implement voluntary cut in oil production of 500,000 bpd until the end of 2023 : worldnews

Top Russian General Dismissed After Vuhledar Defeat : worldnews

Russia to place nuclear weapons near Belarus borders with NATO
India set to ditch US dollar in cross-border trade : worldnews ... The Mehr News Agency is a semi-official news agency of the Iranian government. It is headquartered in Tehran, and is owned by the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization.
ISRO successfully conducts autonomous landing of Indias first reusable rocket

Pakistan to place first order for Russian crude oil next month, minister says : worldnews

Three British men being held in Afghanistan: UK non-profit group : worldnews
Taliban arrests prominent girlseducation activist as repressive clampdown continues | CNN
Afghanistan: Rounded up from the streets into Taliban drug rehab : worldnews

Ugandan president calls on Africa to save the world from homosexuality (evangelical christo-fucks fucked the country)
Globalizing Hatred - Harvard Political Review
Christian missions and anti-gay attitudes in Africa - ScienceDirect
How U.S. Evangelicals Helped Homophobia Flourish in Africa

Turkey's Erdogan Says Need To Teach America A Lesson After US Envoy Meets Opposition Presidential Candidate

Saudis, other oil giants announce surprise production cuts : worldnews
More oil producers join Saudis in surprise production cuts : worldnews

Egypts Sisi visits Saudi Arabia amid financial pressure, regional realignment

Air force downs unidentified aircraft in north amid escalating tensions with Iran : worldnews
Israeli government approves far-right ministers proposal of national guard
Netanyahu is doing lasting damage to the U.S.-Israel relationship
Israels Netanyahu backtracks decision to fire defense minister
Weekend knife attack on B.C. bus was ISIS terrorism, RCMP alleges : worldnews

Stoltenberg says Ukraine will join NATO, vows support despite Russias reckless nuclear rhetoric
Ukraine war latest: Kremlin propagandist killed, Russia fails to seize Donbas by theend of March
Ukraine says its forces fight on in Bakhmut despite Russian claim to have taken it : worldnews
Ukrainian official offers plan for a Crimea without Russia : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 404, Part 1 (Thread #545) : worldnews

Russian losses per 03/04/23 reported by the general staff. +610 men +1 tank

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.2022 to 03.04.2023

Well learn more tomorrow, but it does indeed look like Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from the administrative offices of #Bakhmut.

Russians step up cleansing in Mariupol after attack on collaborator
Russian occupation authorities in Mariupol have stepped up efforts to search for members of the Ukrainian resistance one week after the car bombing of so-called police chief Mikhail Moskvin.

Finland becomes a full member of NATO on Tuesday : worldnews

Zelenskyy to visit Warsaw to meet with Poles, Ukrainians : worldnews

Former Kosovo president Hashim Thaci goes on trial at a Hague war crimes tribunal Monday accused of a bloody campaign of murder and torture in the 1998-1999 independence war with Serbia : worldnews

Swedish police moving ahead with plan to deport UK woman with Alzheimers

Czech Defence Minister says her country will supply more military aid to Ukraine : worldnews

Narrow lead for reformists in Bulgaria parliament vote : worldnews

US nuclear bomb may have been damaged in accident at Dutch base, report says : worldnews

Ciao, hello, no! Italy wants to ban English words with100,000 fines

France minister: Over 1,000 officers injured in unrest. French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin denied allegations of brute force used by police officers against protesters but said that some officers are under investigation
French police hit by claims theyre too tough on protesters
Paris votes to ban rental e-scooters : worldnews

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman Calls Out 'Silence' Over British Pakistani Child Abuse Gangs | World News
If we can do it, you can do it: US anti-abortion groups ramp up activities in UK ... Lol good luck with that. Polling for support for women having access to abortions is at 87% in the UK and youre not allowed to protest at clinics within 150m. Good luck shouting from distance like the fucking nutcases you are.
Man who raped girl, 13, given community sentence : news

TIL of a Brazilian football referee that stabbed a player to death, which resulted in the crowd storming the pitch, stoning him to death, beheading him, and quartering him before finally sticking his head on a stake on the pitch in 2013. : todayilearned

Panic and emotional pain as alleged deep-cover Russian spies vanish | Espionage | The Guardian Pair of suspected illegals are thought to have been a married couple living separate lives in Brazil and Greece

Quebec mother left behind in Syrian prison camp as 6 children set to return to Canada : worldnews
OPP officer found guilty of sexually assaulting unconscious woman and filming it : worldnews
Toronto police HQ has a licensed lounge. Senior cop was there before a drunk driving crash : worldnews

Biden holds back '24 launch

American children are working hazardous jobsand its about to get worse | Robert Reich

Feel free to spill the beans, ex-employees. Your former boss cant stop you.

Centrist Democrats hatch secret plan to head off debt ceiling calamity - POLITICO The White House and party leaders, however, are distancing themselves from the effort.

Fox News has been blown to smithereens

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump indictment : politics

America faces a fateful moment ahead of Trump arraignment : politics
Media organizations seek unsealing of Trump indictment : politics
Trump to fly to New York for court surrender amid tight security : politics
Trump and NYC Brace for a Consequential Week After Indictment - The New York Times As the former president traveled to Manhattan for his arrest on Tuesday, his team weighed how to capitalize on it, while officials in New York prepared for potential turmoil.

Donald Trumps Secret Service agents set to testify against him

Justice Dept. Has New Evidence of Potential Trump Obstruction in Classified Docs Case: Report; New information indicates the former president may have looked through boxes of sensitive documents at his Florida resort after receiving a subpoena, The Washington Post reported : politics
Trump Rummaged Through Boxes of Classified Materials at Mar-a-Lago : politics
DOJ has more evidence of possible Trump obstruction in classified documents case: Washington Post : politics
Justice Dept. said to have more evidence of possible Trump obstruction at Mar-a-Lago : politics

New York Trump indictment shouldn't eclipse potential Georgia indictment Five reasons why an indictment in Georgia may ultimately be even more monumental than the one in New York.
Neither Donald Trump nor his lawyers know what hes being charged with tomorrow
Donald Trump vows to escalate attacks against Alvin Bragg
New York police ready to respond to protests at Trumps arraignment
Feds say online chatter of a Trump protest in NY is nothing like that seen before January 6 : politics

Trumps Big Mouth Could Send Him to Jail
A gag order for Donald Trump is extremely likelyonce hes before a judge, legal expert says
Michael Cohen says Trump will join him in the ranks of convicted felons soon: See you on Tuesday, pal

Donald Trump using antisemitic rhetoric to get political donations after indictment : politics

Theyre selling postcards of the hanging
Trumps Net Worth Plunges $700 Million As Truth Social Flops

CNN anchor appears stunned as Donald Trump attorney throws Joe Tacopina under the bus : politics

History will not be kind to Trumps spineless Republican enablers

Trump indictment pulls DeSantis-leaning Republicans back to MAGA fold : politics

Jim Jordan vows to defund the police over Donald Trump indictment : politics
Jim Jordan Is Cool With Defunding the Policeas Long as its the FBI and DOJ

Democrats target 31 GOP-held seats in aggressive campaign for House majority : politics

Days After School Shooting, Ron DeSantis Signs Permitless Gun Law : politics
Disney embarrassment is the latest setback for DeSantis as his presidential glow dims : politics
Ron DeSantis Book Tour Looks Like Amateur Hour
Democratic group launches opposition database targeting DeSantis : politics

Huge Jan. 6th Funder Is Pouring Money Into The Wisconsin Supreme Court Election | A one-vote margin on the court held Donald Trumps election challenge at bay. Now major election denial funders are getting involved.

60 Minutes Let Marjorie Taylor Greene Spout a Bunch of Transphobic BS on National TV
What on Earth Was 60 Minutes Thinking With That Majorie Taylor Greene Interview? - This was a masterclass in how not to interview someone on the far-right. : politics
MTG Uses 60 Minutes Interview to Call Democrats Pedophiles
Greene defends calling Democrats pedophiles,eliciting eye-roll from 60 Minutes Stahl
We Fact-Checked: Marjorie Taylor Greene Caught Lying in '60 Minutes' Interview. The extremist lawmaker tried to rewrite history during a widely criticized interview with CBS journalist Lesley Stahl.
Fake news no more: Marjorie Taylor Greenes journey to 60 Minutes
Lesley Stahls Reply To Marjorie Taylor Greenes Pedophile Claim Angers Viewers
Seditious scumbag: Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel likens '60 Minutes' to Fox News after Marjorie Taylor Greene interview
Everybodys in showbiz

Glenn Youngkin dials Virginias voting rights policy back to Jim Crow

Nebraska's Legislative Session Is Tangled Up in Transgender Rights Fight - State senator behind filibuster helps launch political-action committee

km89 comments on Are children actually getting sex changing surgery?

This joke isnt funny anymore ... Joe Lieberman is joining with the effort to create a third party ratfuck campaign to throw the 2024 election to the Republican candidate. because Democrats might run an unacceptably radical candidate likeJoe Biden: (No Labels Lieberputz rises from the grave)

/u/cobhgirl, /u/silvermedal4life, and /u/veryreasonable have an interesting discussion on the American cultural roots of gun violence : bestof
CMV: It is more likely than not that Americas mass shooting problem will not improve in the next 10 years

Amid rising hate, Mass. group provides lifeline for children on verge of extremism : politics

The Real Reasons Long Trains Keep Derailing : politics

Virginia teacher shot by 6-year-old files $40M lawsuit after she says school ignored warnings

Clearview AI scraped 30 billion images from Facebook and gave them to cops: it puts everyone into a perpetual police line-up

u/Ghost_of_Till explains the theory that the declining Republican party acts to concentrate its support at all levels : bestof

New York Times says it wont pay for Twitter verified check mark
Brilliant plan of business supergenius still going great
At Elon Musks Twitter, speech is anything but free
Tesla removes parking sensors to save money, the results are predictably terrible - What happens when you remove proven parking technology that has been in use for decades? Everything goes horribly wrong, of course. : technology
Elon Musk seeks to end $258 billion Dogecoin lawsuit : news
Eschaton: Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Long been puzzled about why Elon's conning of Cuomo/New York State didn't get more attention. - The dream behind the $950 million that New York taxpayers pumped into the Tesla factory in South Buffalo was to make the region a leader in the up-and-coming solar energy industry. (a billion here, a billion there ... and Cuomo fuck)

ChatGPT falsely accused me of sexual harassment. Can we trust AI? What is most striking is that this false accusation was not just generated by AI but ostensibly based on a Washington Post article that never existed.

... or cheat ... The internal risk-management models showed that Silicon Valley Bank executives were proposing a foolish risk. The response of the executives was to change the models to that they used transparently false assumptions:

Author James Patterson rips New York Times over its 'bonkers' Best Sellers list

New simulations show that the Moon may have formed within mere hours of ancient planet Theia colliding with proto-Earth : science
Theia (planet) - Wikipedia

A case report of CBD and THC as analgesic therapy in a cat with chronic osteoarthritic pain concluded that there was "a satisfactory outcome for the patient and the owner." : science

Traces of ancient empires that stretched across Africa remain in the DNA of people living on the continent. Findings indicate migration linked to vast empires such as the Kanem-Bornu and Makuria, as well as the spread of the Bantu language group, now spoken by close to one in four Africans. : science

Study finds centenarians harbor distinct immune cell type composition and activity and possess highly functional immune systems that have successfully adapted to a history of sickness allowing for exceptional longevity : science

Drug overdose fatalities among US older adults has quadrupled over 20 years. Females accounted for 505 489 of 882 (57%) of intentional overdoses and 1594 of 5541 (29%) of accidental overdoses : science

Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People : slatestarcodex
Most of What We Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People | Hacker News

What is a tell tale sign that someone is a selfish person? : AskReddit


Powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Papua New Guinea : worldnews

Melting Antarctic could impact oceans for centuries | Rapidlymelting ice threatens to dramatically slow deep-water currents in the world's oceans by 40 percent by 2050 in a high-emissions scenario, according to the study

For the first time, renewable energy generation beat out coal in the US : worldnews

Water firms to face unlimited fines for polluting as environment secretary accused of national scandal (UK)

Deepest ever fish caught on camera off Japan : worldnews

Up to 70 North Atlantic right whales were spotted in Cape Cod Bay : news

At least 26 dead after tornadoes rake Midwest, South - POLITICO Confirmed or suspected tornadoes in at least eight states laid waste to big areas.

Australias soaring interest rates have trapped mortgage prisoners into crushing repayments

Last students graduate: School closures spread in ageing Japan : worldnews

High level of activity spotted at North Koreas key nuclearcomplex

Winning the Air Battle for Taiwan: Lessons from Ukraines Drone Operations

Chinas loans to Africa worry World Bank President David Malpass

Putin is trying to regain political and strategic leverage with the help of measures that might be interpreted as tangible nuclear threats,
Detained Journalist was sent by WSJ to speak with Wagner Mercenaries and tank factory workers : worldnews

Russian Military to Draft 147,000 New Recruits in Spring Call-Up - The Moscow Times : worldnews
Russia Sanctions: 10 Lessons and Questions for What Comes Next What has the West learned from one year of unprecedented economic sanctions?

Russian officers used female combat soldiers as sex slaves - report : worldnews

Cafe bomb in St Petersburg kills military blogger - BBC News
Russian military blogger dead, 6 others injured in cafe blast in Russias Saint Petersburg - state media
Cafe explosion in St Petersburg kills military blogger : news

My country has fallen out of time: Russian author Mikhail Shishkins letter to an unknown Ukrainian

For the second year in a row, Indias government has ordered the nations coal-fired power plants to run at full power. But this years order is even more sweeping than last year's -- all coal and oil-fired generators will be maxed out for the entire summer

Taliban arrests prominent girls education activist as repressive clampdown continues
Three British men are being held by Taliban in Afghanistan : worldnews

Armenian authorities promise Russia not to extradite Putin to Hague : worldnews

Saudis to cut oil production by 500,000 barrels per day : worldnews

Two Iranian women arrested for not covering hair after man attacks them with yoghurt. : worldnews
2 Iranian women who were physically assaulted in viral video for not wearing hijab have been arrested. : worldnews
Person attacked the girl and her mother because her daughter was not wearing a headscarf in Iran, an arrest warrant was issued for the mother and her daughter for opposing the headscarf law. The business license of the shop owner, who was trying to protect the mother and daughter, was also revoked. : worldnews

Israel is on rampage against human rights, new HRW chief says
Over 175,000 rally in Tel Aviv despite judicial reform negotiation dialogue : worldnews

Today is the anniversary of the full Russian retreat from the Kyiv region. During their failed assault on the Ukrainian capital city, the Russian Army killed nearly 1400 civilians, including 38 kids.
Ukraine court puts Orthodox leader under house arrest : worldnews
Analysis of Twitter algorithm code reveals social medium down-ranks tweets about Ukraine : worldnews (pro-Putin Muskrat)
1st we had issues with Ukrainian numbers on Twitter. Now, after Twitter revealed its algorithm, we see that posts about Ukraine are downgraded ... No biggie, just posts about a country that was invaded & where people keep fighting for their lives dailywonder who this benefits

My Twitter Account Has Been Suspended - by Benjamin Wittes Elon Musk protects the russian embassy against an April Fools joke

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 403, Part 1 (Thread #544) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 02.04.2023

FuckigIdiot on Twitter: "@GirkinGirkin Cant cope" / Twitter
Military: Russian troops forced to retreat from several positionsin Donetsk Oblast. The Ukrainian forces are now busy equipping these positions for defensive combat operations, according to the Ukrainian military spokesperson.
More and more Toblerone cope pyramids are transported through Mariupol. They are brought in the direction of occupied Nikolske and further towards Rozivka in the Zaporizhzia oblast. Yesterday 4 trucks carrying 19 pyramids each were noted.

OSINTtechnical on Twitter: "Donetsk Oblast, a Ukrainian quadcopter engages in a jousting match with a Russian Autel EVO II, downing it." / Twitter

The Russians are forcing Ukrainian children to learn Russian language, culture, and history, to love Putin and to thank him for their salvationShocking report on Russias kids concentration camp in Crimea.

Ukrainians in Moldova file complaint against former president for endorsing Russias war

Russia has no right to tell Finland what to do: Europe Minister Tytti Tuppurainen
Finland election: Three-way race as Sanna Marin fights for survival : worldnews
Finlands center-right party claims win amid tight election

German defense minister: NATO countries to send total of 160 tanks to Ukraine : worldnews
More crimes against Ukrainians than against other groups registered in Berlin in one year : worldnews

Nazi monument at Swiss cemetery sparks controversy : worldnews

Italian government seeks to penalize the use of English words : worldnews

A fencing World Cup in France was canceled on Friday after the international governing body voted to let Russians compete. The French Fencing Federation said it would not host the mens Challenge Monal epee tournament near Paris in May

Thousands protest in Portugal over housing crisis : worldnews

Ecuador allows public to carry firearms : worldnews

In Ukraine, where even the corpses are booby trapped, Canada is helping soldiers stay alive | CBC News : worldnews
Where the Children Are Buried | The Walrus Thousands of Indigenous children died at residential schools across Canada. This is the story of one communitys search for unmarked graves

KyivPost on Twitter: "An exhibition on Russian crimes in #Ukraine was held in #NewYork. One of the main exhibits was the star-shaped boots of dead Russian servicemen." / Twitter
The Far Left-Far Right Pro-Russia Alliance

How to make sense of intelligence leaks | The Economist Secrets, such as reports that covid-19 originated in a Chinese lab, can be explosive. But leaks can also be flimsy

15 Million People Could Lose Coverage as Nightmarish Medicaid 'Porge' BeginsI feel sick said one physician. Medicaid is not enough: we need seamless, lifelong universal care now

War on women: The link between white supremacy, "men's rights" and anti-abortion politics : politics
Why do so many young white men in America find fascism cool?
Expensive court race will decide future of abortion in Wisconsin - The Washington Post Voters will decide Tuesday if conservative or liberal judges control the Wisconsin Supreme Court ahead of decisions on abortion and redistricting.

Trumps political woes with women deepen as Stormy Daniels reclaims the stage

Trump trial wont happen for maybe a year, former U.S. attorney predicts

What Trumps indictment in New York means for Georgia inquiry

The no-nonsense judge set to face Donald Trump in the courtroom
Trump faces felony charge, source says : politics
Manhattan DAs Office Slams Republicans Trying to Meddle in Trump Case

Mar-a-Lago events suspended as Trump huddles with shaken advisers
Eric Trump: People on Plane Gave Me Hugs When Dad Was Indicted
WATCH: One Trump Lawyer Shades Another on Live TV

Media launch bid to allow cameras in court for Donald Trump hearing : politics

Long Read: A Friend Looks At John Eastman

Party that supports views that are both wrong and unpopular decides democracy is the problem

Asa Hutchinson announces presidential bid, says Trump should withdraw from race - POLITICO
Not bloody DeLikely - Things are not looking great for Meatball Rons chances of being the Republican nominee:

Nashville school shooting updates: School employee says staff members carried guns : news
Protesters rally for gun reform at Tennessee state capitol after Nashville shooting : politics
Judge blocks Tennessee law restricting drag performances in public | Reuters

Disney strips DeSantis of his fairy tale ending. Good. | Editorial : politics
It keeps getting worse: Florida property insurance rates set to jump up to 60% : politics

Bidens Justice Department Sues Norfolk Southern Over Toxic East Palestine Crash

Judge orders books removed from Texas public libraries due to LGBTQ and racial content must be returned within 24 hours : politics

60 Minutes Interview With Marjorie Taylor Greene Prompts Backlash
60 Minutes Interview With Marjorie Taylor Greene Prompts Backlash ... "this is the type of normalizing that mainstream media did of segregationists"

Republican prosecutors dont need a precedent to indict political enemies

Nobody Gets To Run A State For 50 Years Anymore: Hawaii Political Life After Dan Inouye

One in four college applicants avoids entire states for political reasons | The Hill ... The most-rejected states were Alabama, Texas, Louisiana and Florida.

Opinion | What Decades of Providing Trans Health Care Have Taught Me - The New York Times

Illinois bill would bar police from searching vehicles over marijuana odor : politics

Twitter Spite-Removes New York TimesVerified Badge

ChatGPT and Dall-E Should Watermark Their Results : technology

Husband, 50, and wife, 38, perish in hot air balloon fire over Mexico City ruins and their daughter is hospitalized after she jumped from the burning basket ... + Hindenburg disaster

New research on mate choices: Both daughters and their parents rated ambitious and intelligent men as a more desirable dating partner than attractive men. But when asked to choose the best mate for daughters, both daughters (68.7%) and their parents (63.3%) chose the more attractive men. : science

500-Year-Old Brueghel Painting Discovered in Familys TV Room

Population of New England by 1/4 sq. mi. hexagonal. neighborhoods. Boston owns the top 6 neighborhoods, and 38 of the top 100.

Bourne Select Board Shows Support For Repeal Of Marijuana Ban | Bourne News |

The Burrito War

Sailors/people working at sea, what's the most creepy or most amazing sight you witnessed? : AskReddit

Whats the wildest dream youre ever had?


Melting Antarctic could impact oceans for centuries

Scientists shocked at speed of glacier loss in New Zealand, predict many important glaciers in the country may be lost within a decade : worldnews

Ocean advocates warned on Friday that the door may fly open for undersea mining in the near future in the absence of solid environmental rules that more and more nations demand : worldnews

Climate activists in Italy turned a Baroque-style fountain at the foot of Rome's Spanish Steps black, in a protest they said evoked an "end of the world" scenario. Activists from the anti-climate change organization Last Generation poured a vegetable-based carbon liquid into the landmark fountain : worldnews

Ecuador court upholds rights of nature blocks copper mine proposed for biodiversity hotspot in cloud forest

Sydney has had its hottest March in 165 years : worldnews

Bird flu kills more than 2,000 sea lions, penguins in Chile : worldnews

More than 200 children cured of hepatitis C in world-first NHS scheme : worldnews

Saudi Arabia and Oman urges against travel to Equatorial Guinea, Tanzania due to Marburg virus : worldnews

Kolkata (India) Man Infected By Killer Plant Fungus In World's First Case : worldnews

Australian swim club bans nudity in showers : worldnews
Ban On Depictions Of Fetish Sex In Film Should Be Lifted: Australia Government Report Recommends : worldnews

Half-Black Student in Japan Segregated During Graduation For Wearing Cornrows : worldnews

10 Chinese aircraft cross Taiwan Strait median line, islands defence ministry says

Russia assumes UN Security Council presidency despite Ukrainian anger : worldnews
Russia runs the UN Security Council this month. Ukraine says its the worst April Fools joke
The West is an existential threat to the Russia, says Sergei Lavrov ... lol, russians are an existential threat to russia
Russia adopts new anti-West foreign policy strategy: Vladimir Putin declared a new foreign policy strategy, designating the United States as the greatest threat facing Russia and highlighting Moscows alliance with China
Biden tells Russia to release American journalist: Lethim go

Patrushev said that the goal of Russia is to destroy the EU because it a tool of USA dominance. Instead European nations should be dominated by Russia. While destruction of USA is a common theme, first time Russia speaks so openly about destroying EU

Russias Economic Crisis

The investigation itself is now available in English, translated masterfully by @anna_razumnaya
Hunting down the haters How Rostec, the Russian militarys industrial supplier, waged a PR war on Telegram

(2/4) Gerasimovs tenure has been characterised by an effort to launch a general winter offensive with the aim of extending Russian control over the whole of the Donbas region. Eighty days on, it is increasingly apparent that this project has failed.
(4/4) After ten years as CGS, there is a realistic possibility that Gerasimov is pushing the limits of how far Russia political leadership will tolerate failure.
Vladimir Putin Removes Upper Age Limit For New Soldiers As Russian Troops Get Decimated In Ukraine : UkrainianConflict

Belarus Seeks to Control Russian Nuclear Arms on Its Territory. : worldnews
Lukashenko states NATO plans to invade Belarus : worldnews

Azerbaijan Continues Torture of Armenian Hostages : worldnews

Democracy not a system, but a spirit: PM Modi : worldnews
Indian officials discover 36 bodies inside well after temple collapse : worldnews

Pakistan police resort to shutting Chinese shops over terror risk : worldnews
Pakistani Armed Groups Obtain U.S. Weapons Left Behind In Afghanistan : worldnews
Pakistan boosts security after 11 people killed in stampedes at wheat distribution centers : worldnews

Taliban close women-run Afghan station for playing music : worldnews

Egyptian army has turned Sinai schools into military bases while fighting militants, says rights group Sinai Foundation for Human Rights : worldnews

U.S. Extends Carrier Deployment After Syria Attack : worldnews

Bahrain jails 3 for online debates questioning Islam : worldnews

Inside Saudi Arabia's Global Push for Nuclear Power - Despite qualms in Washington, Saudi officials have pressed the United States to help them develop nuclear power. But they are also exploring other options, including China.

Irans chief justice says unveiled women will be prosecuted without mercy | Iran

Netanyahu is leading a coup against his own country. But the threat is not only to Israel | Jonathan Freedland | The Guardian
Israeli police kill Palestinian man near Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem : worldnews

IMF approves $15.6 billion loan for Ukraine : worldnews
World did nothing after Russia annexed Crimea: Nobel laureate
Ukraine to boycott Olympic qualifying events in which Russians are participating | CNN : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 402, Part 1 (Thread #543) : worldnews

Russian losses per 01/04/23 reported by the Ukrainian General Staff.

Ukrainian marines destroy a column of Russian tanks with US-made Javelin missiles : worldnews

Gady & Kofman: Attrition has been both Ukraines & Russias primary approach at the tactical level. Ukraines preferred way of war centres on the use of artillery fire to facilitate decisive attritional effects which it then exploits with manoeuvre

Russias Ukraine violations shockingly routine ... Kyiv says more than 16,000 Ukrainian children had been deported to Russia as of last month, and the International Criminal Court has announced an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin on the war crime accusation of unlawfully deporting Ukrainian children.

Ukrainian soldiers find the remains of German Wehrmacht soldiers while digging trenches - In total, the remains of 1,700 German Wehrmacht soldiers were found in 2022

Maia Sandu: Within two years, Moldova could be energy independent from Russia : worldnews

Finland, having cleared last NATO hurdle, heads to elections | News : worldnews
Russian propagandists talk about the need to "liberate the brotherly Finnish people" and "our historical land" Finland : UkrainianConflict

NATO chief: My aim is for Sweden to join alliance by July

NATO bans TikTok on devices | CNN Business : worldnews

US Neo-Nazis on Terrorgram Linked to LGBTQ Club Shooting in Europe : worldnews ... A member of the collective, whose entire online presence was built around narrating neo-Nazi terror manifestos, was just outed as a gore-obsessed dildo saleswoman from California

Hungary condemned by Strasbourg court for educational segregation of Roma student : worldnews

California Neo-Nazi Robert Rundo Arrested in Romania for U.S. Extradition Notorious white supremacist Robert Rundo has finally been arrested on charges related to a slew of violent attacks, including sucker-punching a cop.

Two Swiss trains derail in strong winds, several injured : worldnews
Swiss private banker admits US tax evasion scam : worldnews

Im still alive jokes Pope as he leaves hospital

Irish Defence Forces monitoring Russian ships off southwest coast - The two ships have the capability to interfere with sub-sea cables. : worldnews

Colombia raises threat level for deadly Nevado del Ruiz volcano | Volcanoes News : worldnews

Mexico's military accused of hindering disappeared students' case - The Washington Post

Indian authorities arrest travel agent accused of duping students facing removal from Canada : worldnews

The US v. the developed world
The US v. the developed world Part II - (1) Theres a massive life expectancy gap between England and the US, that is consistent at every income level, with the exception of the very top 1% of the distribution. This is all the more striking given that household income levels are much higher in the US than in England. (2) This gap is completely accounted for by the much higher annual mortality risk faced by young and middle-aged Americans (the annual mortality risk of old Americans is basically indistinguishable from that of comparable people in developed nations) ... deaths of despair ... (W.Va death center of America)

The GOP Is the Party of Grift he Republican Partys most dangerous grift today has been their embrace of the lie that America is not a democracy but instead is a theocratic republic that should be ruled exclusively by armed Christian white men. It's leading us straight into the jaws of fascism

Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio : politics (America refucked) >

Social Security is now expected to run short of cash by 2033 : politics

The Supreme Courts Ginni Thomas problem is bigger than legal ethics Unaccountable donors are mainstreaming her favorite conspiracy theories, which demonize fellow Americans.

Abortion Wins Elections The fight to make reproductive rights the centerpiece of the Democratic Partys 2024 agenda.
Post-Dobbs Politics - s abrogation of five decades of reproductive freedom. The impact of a mobilized and expanding pro-choice majority is being felt in some critical swing jurisdictions, especially when abortion is on the ballot

Fox News Suffers Major Setback in Dominion Case - The New York Times A judge said the suit would go to trial, for a jury to weigh whether the network knowingly spread false claims about Dominion Voting Systems, and to determine any damages.
Lawsuit against Fox News for its systematic lying about Dominion will go forward
Dominion has won the argument on the issue of falsity, meaning that as the Court funds below, "it is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true."

How Alvin Bragg Resurrected the Case Against Donald Trump - The New York Times A year ago, the investigation into the former president appeared from the outside to be over. But a series of crucial turning points led to this weeks indictment.
This P*ssy Grabbed Back: Stormy Daniels Speaks Out After Trump Indictment The porn star said she is unafraid of facing the former president in court: I've seen him naked. Theres no way he could be scarier with his clothes on
Donald Trump to plead not guilty during his historic hush money arraignment, no matter the charges
Manhattan Court Pursues Florida Man for White-Collar Crime : politics
The incendiary claim that George Soros funds Alvin Bragg
Over 24 hours, rumblings of a reckoning for the right - The Washington Post
A gag order for Donald Trump is'extremely likely once hes before a judge, legal expert says

Lindsey Graham says Trump should smash some windows and punch a copon his way to being booked
After Indictment, DA Tells Trumps Congressional Henchmen To Get Bent
The GOP doesnt know what the charges are against Trump and doesnt care
Report: Trump Was Basically One Step Away From Throwing a No Indictment Party
Trump indictment ends decades of perceived invincibility : politics
Online threats of violence but few signs of far-right organizing around Trump indictment Extremism researchers are keeping a close eye on the varied calls for everything from targeted attacks on the district attorney who brought the case to a new civil war.
Shocked and defiant: How Trump is responding to unprecedented indictment : politics
Trumps online supporters remain muted after his indictment

Trump Is Going On Trial, but You Wont Be Able to Watch - New York is the only state in the country that still bans cameras in legal trials.

Trumps Legal Problems Are Putting the GOP in a Vise
The unhinged GOP defense of Trump is the real test for our democracy
Inside the long and winding road to Trumps historic indictment
Trumps 50-year playbook of lie, deflect, and deny

ormer Republican Federal Judge Warns Of Civil War If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election

The MAGATs and the market

Democratic US Senator Fetterman discharged from hospital : politics

AOC blasts bigot Libs of TikTok creator after she corners congresswoman in selfie ambush

DeSantis policies in Florida reminiscent of communism, historian says : politics
Empty posturing: Experts rip DeSantischeap and performative threat to block Trump extradition
Florida insiders react with shock, amusement, and dread after Disney outmaneuvers DeSantis to keep most of its power : politics

Federal judge temporarily blocks Tennessee drag ban : politics

Judy Blume Annihilates Book Ban Efforts With Scathing Takedown : politics

Michigan Democrats Rise, and Try to Turn a Battleground Blue : politics

GOP Strategist and Epstein Fanboy Anton Lazzaro Convicted of Teen Sex Trafficking

Thousands of Dollars for Something I Didnt DoBecause of a bad facial recognition match and other hidden technology, Randal Reid spent nearly a week in jail, falsely accused of stealing purses in a state he said he had never even visited.

Tensions Flare Inside NPR After Staff Layoffs and Town Halls - Bloomberg NPR has held multiple all-hands meetings in the days since its layoffs, and some employees say theyve lost trust in management

More Twitter chaos on the way
Fiction vs Reality: My Texts with Michael Shellenberger

Sam Bankman-Frieds Legal Defense Is Being Funded With Alameda Money He Gifted His Father

Humans vs. machines: the fight to copyright AI art : worldnews

TIL that Sigmund Freud in 1935, the founder of psychoanalysis, refused to "treat" homosexuality, stating that it could not be classified as an illness : todayilearned

What is a WW2 fact everyone should know? : AskReddit


Antarctic ocean currents heading for collapse- report : worldnews

Thailands extreme air pollution: I feel sorry for my daughter

Rescue underway for pod of dolphins stranded by ice in Dildo Cove | CBC News : worldnews

Virgin Orbit: Sir Richard Bransons rocket company lays off 85% of staff

Is there any consensus on the length of long-COVID? : askscience

Absurdity to a new level as Russia takes charge of UN security council
Russia says Ukraine ceasefire now would not achieve Moscows goals
Before arresting a U.S. reporter, Russia suffered setbacks with suspected spies unmasked by Western governments : worldnews

Vulkan files leak reveals Putins global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics

#Russia conducts two conscription cycles per year with the spring conscription cycle usually conscripting 134,000 #Russian men. Russia may use #Belarus training capacity to support the increase of 13,000 conscripts from previous years.
ISW on Twitter: "#Russia has limited training capacity and allocating it to training conscripts who will not fight in 2023 deprives the #Kremlin of the opportunity to train reservists and volunteers who would." / Twitter

Feher_Junior on Twitter: "Another hard blow for Putin, the collapse of Russia is imminent. #Japan will ban the export of steel, aluminum, drones, aircraft components and electrical equipment to Russia. The restrictions will go into effect in a week, on April 7. #RussiaIs Collapsing" / Twitter

NEXTA on Twitter: "#Omsk aviation institute cadets could not finish their studies because of the lack of parts for airplanes." / Twitter

Hackers Claim to Dox Russian War Criminal, Convince His Wife to Do Patriotic Photoshoot | A group of Ukrainian hacktivists say theyve hacked the accounts of a Russian colonel

Russias icebreaker project in limbo, since they attacked and destroyed one of their subcontractors in Ukraine

Belarus Lukashenko calls for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine-Russia War

India allegedly approved the transfer of hundreds of MILAN ATGMs to Ukraine : worldnews

Family of killed Afghan villager wants more ADF personnel to be brought to trial after arrest of former SAS soldier Oliver Schulz : worldnews

Bangladesh journalist charged over story about rising food prices: Shamsuzzaman Shams was taken from his home at 4am

Oscar Pistorius will not be released early from 13-year jail sentence, parole board decides : worldnews

Nigeria ranks second on child malnutrition globally : worldnews

Israeli forces storm Palestines Faisal Al Husseini stadium inunprovoked tear gas attack on players and fans (or maybe not)

Zelensky: Putins decision to place nuclear weapons in Belarus indicates a failed meeting with China
NEXTA on Twitter: "The government of #Ukraine has banned its athletes from participating in competitions, in particular, in qualifying starts for the 2024 #Olympics, if athletes from #Russia or #Belarus are represented there." / Twitter
Pentagon: Ukrainian soldiers complete Patriot missile training. Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder said on March 30 that 65 Ukrainian soldiers completed training on Patriot air defense systems at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and returned to Europe.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 401, Part 1 (Thread #542) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 31.03

A commander serving in #Bakhmut reported that the tempo of offensives in the area is declining. The commander stated that forces stabilized their flanks to the north and south of Bakhmut and that orces are now focusing on fighting through the city itself. 2/
he situation is difficult, but under control of the Armed forces#Bakhmut isUkraine!

Volodymyr Zelenskyi posted a video in honor of the anniversary of the liberation of Bucha:Bucha. 33 days of occupation. More than 1,400 deaths, including 37 children. More than 175 people were found in mass graves and torture chambers. 9,000 russian war crimes.
On this day on year ago, the Russian war effort in Ukraines North completely collapsed. The surviving Russian units were forced to abandon Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Zhytomyr regions. 33,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian soil were liberated within 48h. The victories were quickly followed by deep sorrow in the formerly occupied cities where many executed men, women and children were found in the streets, especially in Bucha.
Russians committed over 9,000 war crimes in Bucha district : worldnews

(2/4) Efforts by both sides to neutralise their opponents counter-battery radars have been a constant element of the conflict. These systems are relatively few in number but are a significant force multiplier. They allow commanders to rapidly locate and strike enemy artillery.
(4/4) Regenerating counter-battery radar fleets is likely a key priority for both sides, but Russia will likely struggle because the systems rely on supplies of high-tech electronics which have been disrupted by sanctions.

Russians are using a civilian bridge used for regular car traffic near Donetsk to hide military equipment.

Granted the sheer amount of snow will also have similar impacts on the Ukrainian lines in these regions and neither side will really be able to exploit this and combat operations will be pretty minimal over the next several days. This storm has way more of an impact on Russian troops whose supply lines are way longer and as a result will have to clear a lot more roads and tracks before they can resume getting supplies to the front versus Ukraine, which has a lot less roads and rail to clear.

Scuffles at Kyiv monastery as Church accused of Russia ties resists eviction : worldnews
Crime has fallen in Ukraine since war began - interior minister : worldnews

The US has taken the lead in supplying oil to the EU. Russias share fell from 31% to 4%. Eurostat reported that US exports accounted for 18% of EU imports in December 2022

Finland set to join Nato after Turkish parliament approval : worldnews

Russia puts Hungary on unfriendly countries list, says envoy

Norway makes countrys largest-ever cocaine seizure in Oslo

Austrias far-right lawmakers walk out of Zelenskys address to parliament

Amsterdam sex workers protest plans to close its centuries-old red light district. : worldnews

The Catholic Church took a fresh step Thursday in acknowledging abuse endured by Indigenous peoples with the Vatican formally rejecting 15th-century papal edicts that empowered Europeans to colonize non-Christian lands : worldnews

Abusive working conditions endemic in Spains strawberry farms, report claims | Global development

Frances highest constitutional authority will rule on President Emmanuel Macron's controversial pension reform on April 14, it said Wednesday, a verdict decisive for the future of the changes

NEXTA on Twitter: "The Migration Service of #Argentina began to massively refuse #Russians to extend their tourist stay and obtain a residence permit, said Georgy Polin, head of the consular department of the Russian Embassy." / Twitter

6 bodies pulled from river on the U.S.-Canadian border : worldnews

The arrest of an American journalist in Russia is awful. For me, it's also painfully personal - Margaret Sullivan
The Unimaginable Horror of a Friends Arrest in Moscow

Biden issues Transgender Day of Visibility proclamation: Trans Americans shape our Nationssoul

American children are working hazardous jobs and its about to get worse | Robert Reich (

The Republican Debt-Ceiling Hostage Scheme Is Collapsing : politics
Janet Yellen says the Trump administration decimated the Treasurys financial stability department and shesfocused on repairing the 'cracks'

The Preposterous Ginni Thomas Dark Money Situation Has Gone On Far Too Long | Another glaring example of how carefully manufactured the conservative majority on the Court really was. : politics
Time for Supreme Court to adopt ethics rules? | Retired federal judge Nancy Gertner says lack of transparency, recent incidents involving justices, spouses, activists have tarnished public standing : politics

Even Donald Trump Should Be Held Accountable : politics
Manhattan district attorney is asking about hush money paid to former Playboy model Karen McDougal : politics
Braggs Office Accuses House Republicans of Unlawful Political Interference

Trump to be arraigned Tuesday to face hush money indictment | AP News
Trump indictment is one night of karma in a nation of injustice - On an unforgettable night, America celebrated a rare taste of justice for the powerful in Donald Trump's indictment. Republicans cried foul.
Trump's People Have Attempted to Cover Up That He Cheated to Cover Up Cheating in 2016 at Least Six Times
Trump Indictment: The Blows Are Coming from Everywhere, and He Is up Against Many Better Boxers

The Far Right Is Calling For Bloody Civil WarAfter Trumps Indictment
Trump's knees dont buckle and he will not take a plea deal, says lawyer
Fox contributor: Trump was absolutely horrific during Hannity interview
Into the black - David Remnick performs the useful service of reminding everyone of the sheer incredulity that until it actually happened would have accompanied any accurate description of what has happened in this country over the past seven years:
Eschaton: The Lede I would like Baker to list all of the crimes past presidents did. "What other crimes are you referring to?" I'm not against the idea that our presidents have been on an uninterrupted crime spree but perhaps he could tell us what he's thinking of. (Peter Fucking Baker and that fucking newspaper)

Trumps Criminal Case Is Going to be Totally Wild
Trumps Legal Armageddon Is Finally Here
Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud | CNN Politics
Trump indicted by N.Y. grand jury, slated to appear in court Tuesday - The Washington Post Trump is expected to turn himself in and appear in court Tuesday. Specific charges have not been made public.
At Mar-a-Lago, Trumps Camp Is Caught Off Guard - The former presidents aides had believed that any action by the grand jury was still weeks away.
Republicans Erupt in Outrage Over Trump Indictment, Defending the Defendant - The New York Times Many in the party said Donald Trump could benefit from a wave of sympathy among Republicans, with his base of supporters likely to be energized by a belief in a weaponized justice system.

Trumps Getting Close to Forcing a Judge to Order Him to Shut Up

Lindsey Graham Begs Fox Viewers to Give Money to Trump : politics

Kushners Firm Was Backed by Investments From the Emirates and Qatar

Exactly one propositionPeter Thiels fake-Appalachian messenger boy prepared the bedsheets and weighed in on the indictment of his good friend Donald J. Trump:

Protesters demand action on guns at Tennessee statehouse : politics
GOP Tennessee Congressman Doubles Down, Says Praying Is the Only Way to Fix School Shootings The 'we're not gonna fix it' lawmaker isn't sure why people are so mad at him

Idaho lawmakers pass a bill to prevent minors from leaving the state for abortion : politics

Six-week abortion ban in Florida headed for full Senate vote. Law would be one of strictest in the nation : politics ... public testimony on a hearing regarding Floridas six week abortion ban was cut to 15 seconds. Republicans then cancelled all testimony and just read names into the record.
Beyond the pale Dems go after DeSantis for visiting gun store after Nashville shooting
DeSantis: Florida wont cooperate with Trump extradition
Provincial strongman opposes rule of law
DeSantis Disney fail is a reality check. Authoritarianism is hard.
Untangling DeSantis-Disney legal dispute could take years : politics
Florida to allow permitless carry of concealed guns, 26th state to do so
NAACP: Black Folks, Do NOT Come to Florida : politics

Newsom forms new group to fight rising authoritarianismin red states

Texas GOP Proposes Bill To Allow Sec Of State To Overturn Election Results In States Largest Blue County

Lauren Boebert, whose teen son got his girlfriend pregnant, says she doesnt want to nitpick what the Bible says is right and wrong

Pretty graphic: Oklahoma lawmaker confirms State Superintendent sent him pornographic images

Minneapolis and state agree to revamp policing post-Floyd | AP News

Let's Take a Closer Look at the Abuse Allegation Against House Oversight Chair James Comer - Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) allegedly assaulted an ex-girlfriend, took her to get an abortion, then later tried to discredit her.

Trans day of visibility: Trans people deserve better journalism - Vox How the anti-trans movement took over legacy media.

Another Idaho hospital announces it can no longer deliver babies : news

u/Ghost_of_Till explains the theory that the declining Republican party acts to concentrate its support at all levels : bestof

White House wont pay for Twitter verification
Twitter Exempting 10,000 Most-Followed Orgs From Verification Fee - Variety

Mark Russell - was horrible. He wasnt funny and he was the kind of non-ideological court jester that rather than tell a truth to those in power just served to reinforce their position and their smug self-satisfaction. He was a Beltway machine that fed other members of that machine. His jokes were flatter than the west Texas caprock and he only succeeded because old politicians like both showtunes and self-satisfaction. Good riddance.

A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. : massachusetts

u/WoweeBlowee explains baking powder vs. baking soda and the uses for each : bestof


Private jet flights tripled, CO2 emissions quadrupled since before pandemic : worldnews

2,023 confirmed cases and 59 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Chile confirms human case of H5N1 bird flu. : worldnews

Person dies of rabies in Auckland in first known New Zealand case. : worldnews

Japan has allocated 470 million dollars to kraine for humanitarian aid, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan reported - These funds will be used for demining and restoration of energy infrastructure damaged by Russian terrorists.

Russia plans to offer food to North Korea in exchange for weapons: White House : worldnews

China calls US debt trap accusation irresponsible

Russias growths rate has fallen to around 1%, some economists say, as productivity declines and the economy becomes technologically backward and more isolated. For an economy like Russia, 1% is nothing; its not even a maintenance leve
Kremlin already searching for Putins replacement: Intelligence official
Russia plans to conscript over half million people this year : UkrainianConflict
(3/5) There is a realistic possibility that in practice this distinction will be blurred, and that regional authorities will try to meet their allocated recruitment targets by coercing men to join up.
Russia will not be able to recruit 400,000 volunteers, people will be forced to join armyUK Defence Intelligence
(5/5) However, rebuilding Russias combat power in Ukraine will require more than just personnel; Russia needs more munitions and military equipment supplies than it currently has available.

Wagner Scandal Ivan Rossomakhin, a Wagner fighter and convicted murderer has sent shockwaves through Russian society. Whilst on leave from the front, he returned to his home town of Novy Burets and began what locals called a reign of terror and murder

Russia took Brittney Griner hostage to get what it wanted. Griner was freed - at a price. Now its taken Evan Gershkovich hostage. This is why peace negotiations can never give away Ukrainian territory. Theyll just come back for more.
Russian secret service seizes Wall Street Journal journalist who wrote about Wagner PMC : worldnews
Russia Detains Wall Street Journal Reporter on Spying Charges : worldnews

Russian Defense Ministry to increase weapons production sevenfoldhe Russian Defense Ministry announced that it will increase its ammunition production by seven to eight times by the end of the year, CNN reported on March 28.

Putin was told that it is impossible to build the flagship nuclear-powered icebreaker Russia because Shoygu bombed the plant in Ukraine

Kevin Rothrock on Twitter: "Apparently, the cops managed to track a mobile phone to the apartment where he was hiding." / Twitter

The Vulkan Files: Secret trove offers rare look into Russian cyberwar ambitions - The Washington Post More than 5,000 pages of documents from a Moscow-based contractor offer unusual glimpses into planning and training for security services, including the notorious hacking group Sandworm

Kabuls only library for women closes due to Taliban threats and harassment

Turkey ratifies Finlands NATO membership
Turkey set to approve Finlands NATO membership on Thursday

Israel is on rampage against human rights, new HRW chief says

Ukraine Has Shifted Europe's East-West Fault Line - Eastern Europe is in the driver's seat. The West should buckle up.
When it comes to the use of military assistance provided to #Ukraine, we have not seen any evidence of any blatant violations,National Security Council spokesman John #Kirby said, Ukrinform reported.
The Ukrainian drone army : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 400, Part 1 (Thread #541) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 30.03 #RussianUkrainianWar
Defense Ministry: Russian, Ukrainian losses in east 10 to 1 some days. Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar said on Telegram that there are days in Ukraines east where the ratio of Russian and Ukrainian losses isas high as 10 to 1

Ukrainians in a Hidden Command Post See Bakhmut Going Their Way - The New York Times Ukrainian commanders said that Russia exhausted all its reserves on the eastern city, though soldiers said the cost in lives had been steep.

Iuliia Mendel on Twitter: "The situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has not improved, according to director general of the IAEA Rafael Grossi. The plant has been occupied by Russian forces since March of last year and is now run by Russia's atomic agency - CNN #StopRussia" / Twitter

Ukraine seized UAH 41 billion ($1 billion) of Russian assets, Vadim Melnyk, head of the Bureau of Economic Security, reported.

The Russian Federation is disseminating extensive amounts of false information in the Ukrainian media with the intention of sabotaging the mobilization process for Ukraines Defense Forces.

Rape is being weaponized against Ukrainian girls and women, with the intention that they would never want to have sex again and therefore not give birth to Ukrainian babies.

Ukrainian female refugees are falling victims to predatory behavior as there are MANY reports of single men in the west seeking to helping them by requesting that these refugees share a BEDROOM with them.

he Finnish intelligence agency has announced that it has managed to significantly underminethe activity of the Russian intelligence service

Hungarian President Katalin Novak voiced support for 5-point peace plan for Ukraine that does not include a Russian victory and is based on fair and realistic goals. According to Novak, the common goal is the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.
President of Hungary: Russia must withdraw troops from Ukraine to achieve peace : worldnews
US Ambassador: The Hungarian government has been bypassing parliament for 2,547 days, citing various emergencies : worldnews

The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Contrary to the recommendation made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Russian and Belarusian athletes will be prohibited from entering Poland, thereby preventing them from participating in the 2023 European Games in Krakow." / Twitter

Court dismisses Russian-lincked church lawsuit: Moscow patriarchate must leave Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra : ukraine

Zelenskyy to Austrian Parliament: You cannot remain morally neutral against evil : worldnews

Pope Francis hospitalized for pulmonary infection, had difficulty breathing in recent days : worldnews

Four bankers who helped Putins friend set up Swiss bank account convicted

French woman faces trial for insulting Macron on Facebook

China, Brazil strike deal to ditch dollar for trade : worldnews

Mexico: Video shows guards walking away during fire that killed 38 migrants. Immigration authorities said they released 15 women when the fire broke out, but have not explained why no men were let out : worldnews
America should be ashamed of our role in the fiery death of 38 refugees A deadly fire in a crowded Mexican detention center should also be a harsh indictment of Biden border policy. But do Americans care?

Lalwani, Ressa: Tyrannys propagandists are winning ... 72% of the worlds population lived in autocracies last year, compared to 50% a decade ago. For the first time in more than two decades, there are more authoritarian regimes than liberal democracies. and we are not doing enough to address this threat ... Support for public-interest media is not nostalgia for some halcyon era. The ability to access real-time, accurate information is essential to a well-functioning democracy. To defend against the rising tide of authoritarianism, fact-based news must be readily accessible to all. Liberal democracys doomsday clock is edging closer to midnight. We must act now -- or regret our indecision during the long tyrannical darkness that follows.

Pro-Russian hackers target elected US officials supporting Ukraine : worldnews

AOC Says GOP Energy Bill May as Well Have Been Written Entirely by Big Oil : politics

Senate Democrats led by Elizabeth Warren press federal bank regulators to implement stronger capital requirements : politics

Federal Judge Strikes Down Obamacare Requirement for Free Preventive Care - The New York Times The decision by a judge in Texas, which applies nationwide and could have far-reaching implications for millions of Americans, is likely to be appealed by the Biden administration.
Conservative Judge Strikes Down Free Preventive Care In ACA | HuffPost Latest News A notorious anti-Obamacare judge cited the religious freedom of employers who dont want to cover PrEP
Hack Republican judge takes critical healthcare away from huge numbers of people
Texas judge strikes down free HIV drugs, cancer screenings under Obamacare : politics

Megathread: Manhattan Grand Jury Votes To Indict Trump : politics
Here are the key events that led to the grand jury vote.Donald J. Trump will become the first United States president, current or former, to face criminal charges.
Donald Trump indicted over hush money payments in Stormy Daniels probe : news
Politician Reactions in Washington to Trump Indictment Don't Mean Anything Alvin Bragg Is the Law - None of the screeching out of Washington means anything about Trump's indictment in New York.
New York grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump, lawyer says - The Boston Globe
Grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump ... Sounds like Alan Weisselberg flipped on his Don.

Trump posts Truth Social message threatening war over indictment
Trump Asks Advisers for Battle Plansto Attack Mexico if Reelected

Trump again defends Putin and rips into DeSantis for calling him an authoritarian gas station attendant and a war criminal

Allen Weisselberg might have just flipped on Donald Trump : politics

Trump Grand Jury Digs Into Hush Money Paid to Second Woman - WSJ Manhattan prosecutors have pressed witnesses on money paid to former Playboy model Karen McDougal

Most Americans think criminal charges should disqualify Trump from running again, poll shows : politics

Kushner's Firm Was Backed by Investments From the Emirates and Qatar - The infusion of money from interests in the two Persian Gulf monarchies reflects the close ties to Middle Eastern nations established by Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump's son-in-law.

Gay MAGA lawmaker accused of pedophilia by fellow Republicans because he supports marriage equality : politics

KS House passes ban on trans women in female spaces, labels intersex people as disabled : politics

Conservatives Are Banning Books in America, Not Liberals : politics

A Betsy DeVos-backed group helps fuel a rapid expansion of public money for private schools : politics

DeSantis Reedy Creek board says Disney stripped its power
How Disneys lawyers brutally mauled DeSantis over control of Disney World ... Hilariously, the agreement Disney reached will remain in effect at least until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England, currently living.
Ron DeSantis Board Rages Against Disney World After Legal Humiliation
In Florida, absurdity has become the new normal : politics

Idaho Disgraces Itself

The sex abuse scandal at Nashvilles Covenant school and church being ignored by the national media ... Note that 2008 may well have been the very time that Audrey Hale was attending the school. That certainly seems like the kind of coincidence worth investigating further. Does Hales manifesto say anything about being sexually abused at the school? We dont know yet because authorities are apparently dragging their feet about releasing it. Now why would that be?
Mike Huckabees ghost writer, John Perry, was a founder and officer at Covenant Presbyterian in Nashville (where the school shooting occurred), until 2012. In 2007, Perry sexually abused a girl for three years, from age 11-14, and the church covered it up.
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases

Whats a realistic way to reduce gun violence in Americ a?
Tensions flare over gun violence after House Democrat calls Republicans cowards as they walk by
Josh Hawley called fraud and coward over response to Nashville shooting
Before his gun-filled Christmas message, Rep. Andy Ogles posted a photo of a toddler holding a gun : politics
Democrat lawmaker interrupts Marjorie Taylor Greenes transphobic rant to raise assault weapons ban

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) who wore an AR-15 tie pin after the Nashville shooting owns a gun store and makes millions selling military-style rifles, body armor, ammunition, and other weapon accessories : politics

Missouri librarians are risking jail timefor doing their jobs
Missouri Reps Just Voted To Completely Defund The State's Public Libraries. The new budget sets funds for libraries to $0. Library groups say the move is retaliation for suing the state over its recent book ban law ... Currently ranked #30 in education.

Eschaton: Our Sister Organization Consider how the rest of mainstream journlists treat Fox employees (because they are their friends) and Fox the institution (because they pay well, and everyone might need a future job), relative to how much they freaked out when someone let the Huffington Post in the room (just an example, there are numerous ones).

Texas Observer will continue publishing after board reversal | The Texas Tribune
We Did It, Yall! Texas Observer Will Remain Open!

The reawakening of "woke-ism" For centuries its meaning was straightforward. Who could imagine that a word could be catapulted so far from its true meaning?

Assailants used facial recognition to unlock phones and then looted financial accounts. The crimes, which occurred in Hells Kitchen, spread fear in New York's nightlife.

Executive Director of the San Jose Police Officers' Association charged with importing fentanyl

Eschaton: Cult Leader People dont appreciate how deep into our politics these guys were getting. Despite formal attempts by Alameda Research staff to push Bankman-Fried out at the time, figures including Oxford professor William MacAskill continued publicly burnishing the FTX founder's image as he built one of the largest financial frauds of all time. MacAskill and others were ultimately rewarded for their defense of Bankman-Frieds behavior in the form of funding and prestige as FTX appeared to succeed in later years.

Elon Musks Twitter pushes hate speech, extremist content into For You pages
Elon Musk Tried to Meet With F.T.C. Chair About Twitter but Was Rebuffed - The New York Times

Midjourney is making fake images go mainstream - The Washington Post Midjourney, the year-old firm behind recent fake visuals of Trump and the pope, illustrates the lack of oversight accompanying spectacular strides in AI

BuzzFeed Is Quietly Publishing Whole AI-Generated Articles, Not Just Quizzes hese read like a proof of concept for replacing human writers.

We're 68 bipolar disorder experts & scientists gathering for the biggest ever bipolar AMA! In honor of World Bipolar Day, ask us anything! : IAmA

Harvard Square was never what it used to be - The Boston Globe A new book ponders why we fall in love with commercial centers and why we ache so much when they change.
Revisiting the Back Room at the Idler ... The entrance to the Idler was beneath the Blue Parrot, a few short steps below street level. (how about the spiral staircase?)
The Idler's Back Room, Cambridge, MA, USA Concert Setlists |
Harvard Square: An Illustrated History Since 1950: Lotman, Mo, Updike, John, Rush, Tom, Weld, Bill, Palmer, Amanda, McKibben, Bill, Baranay, Paul: 9781584797470: Books
Harvard Square was never what it used to be

What's something that offends you and you keep having to deal with it? : AskReddit

Huge Microsoft exploit allowed users to manipulate Bing search results and access Outlook email accounts : worldnews


It's not just oceans that are rising. Groundwater is, too. As subterranean water inches higher, so do threats to air and water ... Across the globe, it contains 100 times as much fresh water than all of the worlds rivers and lakes combined.

More than 2,000 women are taking the Swiss government to court claiming its policy on climate change is violating their right to life and health. : worldnews
Swiss court case ties human rights to climate change : worldnews

To help Earths future, people are getting buried like its 1860

Dolphin harassment cases opened against 33 swimmers in Hawaii : news

Why Is Arizona Using Precious Water to Grow Alfalfa for Saudi Arabia? : politics

About two-thirds of people in Australia will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in their lifetime : worldnews

In awe: New Zealand aurora hunters entranced by unusually bright southern lights display

Philippines Marcos to shut out ICC after losing drugs war appeal

Japan waters down wartime wrongdoings, intensifies territorial claim in new school textbooks for use by the countrys elementary school students starting in 2024

S. Korea voices deep regrets over Japans controversial history textbooks

China threatens retaliation if Kevin McCarthy meets with Taiwans presidentA meeting between the House speaker and President Tsai Ing-wen while she is in the U.S. next week would be a provocation,
What Does Taiwan Need?

Xi Jinping Says He Is Preparing China for War | Foreign Affairs The World Should Take Him Seriously

The US said it has stopped sharing detailed data on its strategic nuclear forces with Russia in response to the Kremlin refusing to comply with a key nuclear arms treaty : worldnews
Russian Oligarchs Say Putin Has Deprived Russia of its FutureTwo Russian Tycoons sharply criticize Russian leadership for the war against Ukraine, even though publicly, they appear loyal to the Kremlin's policy.
Putin has stopped talking about concrete aims of the war. He proposes no vision of what victory might look like. The war has no clearcut beginning nor a foreseeable endThe forever war and the death cult:
Putin admits sanctions may hurt Russias economy
Kremlin predicts long hybrid war, so Russians should unite around Putin

Guardian: Russia pushing for forever war,says Peskov.The Kremlins spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told guests at a private party in Moscow that Russias war will last for a very, very long time,
Alexei Navalnys chief of staff says increased economic pressure could push Putin out of office

Russian man whose daughter made anti-war painting sentenced to two years in prison | CNN : worldnews (Putin cracks down on childrens' paintings)
Russian dad, whose teen drew anti-war picture, flees jail Alexei Moskalyov was convicted after his daughter, Maria, was taken from him over her drawings critical of the Ukraine invasion.
I love you. Youre my hero: Russian girl sent to orphanage over anti-war drawing writes letter to her father

Yet more absurdities as Russia ramps up pressure on just about any kinds of non-official public speech: a court in St Petersburg has banned posting pictures of French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and quotes in which he"offends opponents of communism (???)

Russia is forcing Western companies exiting its market to make a donation to the country -- and it's making it harder for them to leave : worldnews

Sergej Sumlenny on Twitter: "While killing thousands of Ukrainians, the Russians see themselves as "victims of unprovoked Western aggression". These self-victimisation cult and zero wish for any reflexion are important components of the #RusskiyMir #RussianWorld way of thinking." / Twitter

Hundreds of new graves have appeared in the cemetery of the Wagner PMC in two months, Christian Tribert, a journalist for The New York Times, reported. He showed the cemetery in the village of Bakinskaya in Krasnodar region on Maxar satellite images.

The apparent immigration of #Russian citizens to staff admin. & law enforcement roles in occupied areas suggests that occupying officials are struggling to fill these positions w/ willing and loyal local collaborators... 1/
and also may suggest that #Russian officials are trying to repopulate areas of #Ukraine with imported Russian citizens as part of a wider depopulation-repopulation campaign. 2/2

24 hours after the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs deleted their tweet the Russian Embassy to the UK still has their tweet up, which now features a fact check pointing to @GeoConfirmed s debunk

Dangerous African pirates hijack oil tanker, capture 16 crewmembers off Congolese coast : worldnews

Saudi Arabia joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with China grow : worldnews

Netanyahu rejects Bidens call to drop Israel judicial overhaul
Top Likud official: Biden is so weak, Netanyahu looking ahead to next US election (will work with Putin to Trump elected)
Bidens private message to Bibi
Biden on Israel: Im very concerned, Netanyahu wont be invited in the near term
Knesset passes law allowing police to search for illegal weapons with no warrant: Temporary legislation will go into effect for a year, is meant to help authorities fight violent crime, particularly in Arab communities : worldnews

Zelensky invites Chinas Xi Jinping to Ukraine.We are ready to see him here
President Zelensky: Russian aggression can end much faster if the world is faster : worldnews
Ministry confirms deportation of over 19,000 Ukrainian children to Russia : worldnews
New US drone routes over Black Sea definitely limitintelligence gathering, says US official

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 399, Part 1 (Thread #540) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of March 29, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

View of frontline Vuhledar, Donetsk Oblast

(5/5) However, the area likely remains contested, as it has been for the past fortnight. With Wagner having now confirmed the release of at least 5000 prisoner fighters, personnel shortages are likely hampering Russian offensive efforts in the sector.
Now the main need s air defense. This is a critical necessity. They also need long-range weapons and armored vehicles. And we provide them with a significant package of such opportunities. We also train them and ensure the provision of the weapons provided,
And here are the Marders in Ukraine, delivered from Germany. Good hunting to the Ukrainian crews and godspeed.

Russian collaborator in Mariupol in serious condition after his car explodes : worldnews

Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi, has arrived at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, said #Ukraine state nuclear power plant operator Energoatom. It's the 2nd time Grossi has visited the plant since occupied by Russian forces.

Ukraine expels pro-Russian clergy from Kyiv cave monastery complex : worldnews

Extremely informative thread on how Russians are seizing Ukrainian companies in occupied parts of the country. 1,000 companies and counting.

An interesting post by a Russian volunteer reveals howisten to radio/cellular comms. It alleges hear almost everything and can act on it very effectively:

Mossad, Greece foil Iranian terror cell planning attacks on Israelis : worldnews
Two arrested in alleged Iranian plot to attack Israelis, Jews in Athens : worldnews

Swedes will be sent to their deaths if they join NATO, warns Moscow
Sweden summons Russian envoy over NATO membership threats : worldnews
Iuliia Mendel on Twitter: "The Russian embassy in Sweden published a post about the possible negative consequences of Sweden joining NATO. The post states, among other things, that "new members of the hostile bloc will become a legitimate target for Russian retaliatory measures, including military ones"" / Twitter
Letters with powdered substance sent to Swedens counties

Credit Suisse whistleblowers say bank has been helping Americans dodge U.S. taxes

King Charles visits Germany in first trip abroad as monarch | The UK head of state is set to meet with German leaders and address the Bundestag, the first British monarch to do so. : worldnews

Amsterdam launches stay away ad campaign targeting young British men

Italy moves to ban lab-grown meat to protect food heritage : worldnews

Frances small and mid-size towns have been at the forefront of the battle against President Emmanuel Macrons contentious pension reform, in some places staging the biggest rallies in living memory
A new wave of pension protest breaks out in France as police brace for violence : worldnews
Amid ongoing protests in Paris, Eiffel Tower is closing its doors to visitors : worldnews

Brazil hits 700,000 virus deaths, 2nd highest in the world : worldnews

Allies Must Veto Putin from Taking Over UN Security Council | Time
US has replaced Russia as Europes top crude oil supplier

A Russian spy moved through Washington as a Brazilian graduate student - The Washington Post Johns Hopkins graduate Victor Ferreira was unmasked as GRU operative Sergey Cherkasov, according to a federal indictment and Western security officials

How Russia turned America's helping hand to Ukraine into a vast lie - By the Editorial Board

Senate votes to repeal 2002 measure that approved Iraq war - The Boston Globe
The Atlantic Celebrates Iraq War Anniversary With Falsehoods When questioned, The Atlantic refused to correct a basic error about chemical weapons in Iraq ... One incredible example appeared in a March 13 article in The Atlantic by David Frum, who is best known for serving as a speechwriter for President Bush and coming up with the phrase axis of evil in the 2002 State of the Union address. Frum is now a staff writer at The Atlantic, which is probably the most prestigious magazine in America behind the New Yorker. The Atlantic is forthrightly endorsing Frums fabrication and will not respond to basic questions about it.

Report: Trump and Bush Tax Cuts Not Government Spending Are Primary Drivers of National Debt Issues

D.C. U.S. attorney declined to prosecute 67% of those arrested. Heres why.

Poll shows wide support in U.S. for the Trump criminal investigations : politics
Poll: Nearly half of Americans say Trump did something illegal : politics
Fox displays poll showing 61% of people dont want Donald Trump back (Fox briefly displays reality)

Trump boasted that he got rid of NATO while president during a Fox News interview. (He meant NAFTA.)
Trump Says China Wouldnt Dare Send Spy Balloons Under His Watch (They Did)
Donald Trump does not understand democracy - The Washington Post

Mike Pence must testify about conversations he had with Donald Trump leading up to January 6, judge rules : politics
I Have Nothing to Hide, Says Mike Pence, Who Fought Subpoena

NY grand jury not expected to hear Trump hush-money case for a month - The Washington Post The break is due in large part to a pre-scheduled two weeks off for the grand jury beginning April 10, two people said
Manhattan Trump grand jury set to break for a month - POLITICO

Judge Luttig Has a Warning for America | Our democracy is under vicious,unsustainable, and unendurable attack -- from within ... The Republican Party has made its decision that the war against America's Democracy and the Rule of Law it instigated on January 6 will go on, prosecuted to its catastrophic end

Trump wants Americans to think society is an apocalyptic wasteland: Mass shootings help him | Gun paralysis isnt just about the NRARepublicans are convinced they win when voters feel helpless and afraid

ucker Carlson Claims Trans Movement Is Targeting Christians Amid Calls for Gun Control; LGBTQ people are in fact far more often likely to be the victims of targeted mass violence than perpetrators
Rupert Murdoch has fuelled polarisation of society, Barack Obama says : politics

Fetterman set to return to Senate - POLITICO The Pennsylvania Democrat plans to return to the Senate the week of April 17 after more than a month of inpatient treatment for depression.

Matt Gaetz's Legislative Aide Is a Convicted War Criminal - Derrick Miller, who works on military policy for Rep. Matt Gaetz, served eight years for shooting an Afghan civilian in the head during an interrogation.

House Republicans Pass First National Bill Targeting Transgender Youth : politics
The Right Is Using the Nashville Shooting to Declare War on Trans People : politics

The GOPs gun obsession goes deeper than campaign donations
Republican congressman says were not going to fixschool shootings
GOP Rep Shrugs Off Nashville Shooting: We Homeschool Our Daughter
Video Parkland dad calls for nationwide education strike after Nashville massacre : politics
It Is Time to Show the American People Photographs of Children Massacred by Gun Violence Pictures convey reality in a way that words cannot. One of these days, the parents of children murdered in a school shooting may make the same decision Mamie Till did of her son Emmett in 1955.

Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else : science
Firearms deaths involving preschool-aged children had increased at an alarmingly high rate in the United States in the past decade, but state laws may help curb shooting deaths among young children. : science

Experts say police response in Nashville was exact opposite to Uvalde

Twitter restricts Marjorie Taylor Greene after tweets about trans people and Nashville shooting : politics
Permit to buy handgun no longer required in North Carolina | AP News

Katie Hobbs Press Aide Resigns After Backlash To Trans-Rights Gun Meme

Opinion | A new book-ban fiasco in Florida reveals the monster DeSantis created - The Washington Post

GOP lawmakers override veto of transgender bill in Kentucky | AP News ... swept aside the Democratic governors veto of a bill regulating some of the most personal aspects of life for transgender young peoplefrom banning access to gender-affirming health care to restricting the bathrooms they can use.
Kentucky Disgraces Itself - The law, which began as a fairly narrow bill but steadily grew into a much larger package of restrictions (pronoun regulation)

Idaho to be first state to pass a Fugitive Uterus Act - The fact that some states still reject the core Republican concept that women are second-class citizens is intolerable to most Republicans. And until Republicans can succeed in their ultimate goal of a national ban on abortion, a denial of further privileges and immunities of American citizenship will be required
Idaho Bill Would Restrict Interstate Travel For Abortion | HuffPost UK Politics - abortion trafficking
Alanna Vagianos on Twitter: "Idaho -- which has a near-total abortion ban in effect -- just declined to expand postpartum Medicaid coverage. From @KelcieMMorris:" / Twitter

Republicans Face Setbacks in Push to Tighten Voting Laws on College Campuses : politics


The dangers of Dollar General ... Dollar General already operates over 18,000 stores and plans to open 1,050 more in 2023 an average of nearly three new stores a day -- It is also an extraordinarily dangerous place to work.

Eschaton: "Mascot" Billionaire Howard Schultz, the anti-union architect of Starbucks, will testify today on allegations that the company has been breaking labor laws and Sen. Bernie Sanders, a mascot of the union movement, will question him. -- NPR (@NPR) March 29, 2023 (nice polite republican fuckheads(

Twitter is dying | TechCrunch - Since Musk took over he has set about dismantling everything that made Twitter valuable making it his mission to drive out expertise, scare away celebrities, bully reporters and on the flip side reward the bad actors, spammers and sycophants who thrive in the opposite environment: An information vacuum.

Antisemitism: Jewish organisations reject Kanye Wests public apology

The American Scholar: On the Record, At Last - George Anders My father never got to tell his story at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg -- it's taken decades for the truth to come out ... a piece-by-piece history of what had happened to Latvia's Jewish community during World War II.

Three abandoned children, two missing parents and a 40-year mystery | Spain | The Guardian

Greene County man sentenced to 3,000 years in prison for sex crimes against children : news ... State police charged him in October 2020 with nearly 15,000 separate counts for the alleged ongoing abuse of that girl dating back to 2008.

Father killed outside Vancouver Starbucks after asking man to not vape near his toddler : news

11 current and former East Cleveland police officers indicted after appalling behavior caught on video, prosecutor says

12-year-old in Milwaukee charged with killing a man to steal his guns. Police say a pizza receipt led to the arrest : news

Experts Call For a Halt on Dangerous AI Experiments : worldnews
Tech pioneers call for six-month pause of "out-of-control" AI development : technology

The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic is International: The Anglosphere The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic is International, Part 1: The AnglosphereWhy did mental health fall off a cliff at the same time and in the same way in the USA, The UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? ... the rapid global movement from flip phones (where you cat do social media) to smartphones and the phone-based childhood. (2010)

Ultramassive black hole discovered by Durham astronomers (30 billion suns)

Hubble telescope captures images of Jupiter and Uranus looking different | CNN : worldnews

Children exposed to indoor cats and dogs during foetal development and early infancy have fewer food allergies, according to a massive study of more than 66,000 children up to the age of three in Japan. Children exposed to cats were significantly less likely to have egg, wheat, and soybean allergies : science

What scientific fact scares the absolute shit out of you? : AskReddit

Gut Bacteria Toxin Linked to Onset and Relapse of Multiple SclerosisStudy suggests the onset and relapse of multiple sclerosis (MS) may be initiated by epsilon toxin from gut bacteria Clostridium perfringens.

eli5 why ancient historical buildings havent been kept up? Why are buildings like the Parthenon and the Colosseum in such disrepair? Greece and Rome/Italy have existed the entire time?

A new study of ancient DNA has revealed the shared African and Asian ancestry of Swahili people. The stud, which examined 156 skeletal samples, showed that people in the region had a mix of African and Persian DNA that altered in response to trade changes. : science

ELI5: Where did southern accents in the US come from? : explainlikeimfive

Whats the hottest thing a guy can say during sex?

Reddit cracked down on revenge porn, creepshots with twofold spike in permabans : technology


Climate change making Earth uninhabitableGuterres warns

EU passes law to ban sale of CO2-emitting cars by 2035 : worldnews

Global economy is skidding towards a lost decade, World Bank warns

India braces itself for intense heat waves : worldnews

Argentinas hottest summer since records began: National Meteorology Service

America will probably get more killer tornado- and hail-spawning supercells as the world warms, according to a new study : science

Marburg outbreak in Equatorial Guinea spreads from rural districts to major port. : worldnews

Russia fires cruise missiles in waters off Japans coast during training exercise

Kim Jong-un unveils new nuclear warheads that can strike neighbours for first time : worldnews

Alibaba to break up empire into six units as Jack Ma returns to China : worldnews

UN Security Council wont probe Nord Stream blasts

Giant advert for Russias Wagner mercenary group appears near Moscow highway

China remains the most significant country in this category, but other developing states (South Africa, Mali and Burkina Faso) have also moved into this grouping, which accounts for 33% of the worlds population. These trends highlight Russias growing influence in Africa.

Indias parliament was adjourned twice on Monday after lawmakers held rowdy protests and threw paper at the speaker following the expulsion from the house of top opposition figure Rahul Gandhi

At least 6 killed in latest suicide attack aimed at Afghanistans Taliban rulers
Founder of Afghan girls school project arrested in Kabul: UN

There Are 13 Guantanamos in the Syrian Desert: ISIS appears to be regrouping inside a makeshift detention system holding 65,000 people including 10,000 hardened fighters : worldnews

Women To Be Fined Up To $60,000 For Hijab: Iran Lawmaker : worldnews

Netanyahu Delays Bid to Overhaul Israel's Judiciary as Protests Rage - The Israeli prime minister called for dialogue as civil unrest and work stoppages reached a crisis point, grinding the country to a halt.
Inside the U.S. Pressure Campaign Over Israel's Judicial Overhaul - President Biden and his advisers bombarded the Israeli government with warnings that the country's image as the sole democracy in the Middle East was at stake.
Netanyahu agrees to pause judicial overhaul following widespread unrest : worldnews
Israes prime minister is backing down from his power grab for now. But Israels crisis isnt over.
White House sees Netanyahu as likely to abandon judicial overhaul plan to pursue compromise : worldnews
Ben-Gvir Agrees to Netanyahus Judicial Overhaul Delay in Exchange for Israeli National Guard | Israeli human rights organization warns the national guard proposal would result in a private, armed militia that would be directly under Ben-Gvir's contgrol

Ukraine is changing the math for countries caught between the U.S. and China - POLITICO Russias invasion of Ukraine is finally forcing the EU to get real about reliance on authoritarian states.
1.5 million Ukrainian children at risk of serious psychological problems -- Zelenskyy

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 398, Part 1 (Thread #539) : worldnews

Ukrainian defenders destroyed 14 Shahed drones during night : worldnews

Russias ever-decreasing offensives: Putins ambitions have narrowed somewhat over the past year as his criminal invasion has unraveled

NEW: Rumors about the dismissal of #Russian Eastern Group of Forces Commander Colonel General Rustam #Muradov generated a muted and cynical response in the Russian information space. #Ukraine
When the russians seized Donetsk they hunted down the organisers of this march, tortured them, and told them to get out of the city. How do I know that? Because I met the victims, heard their stories first hand, and saw their scars in Kyiv in the summer of 2014.

The Save Ukraine Foundation took home 17 Ukrainian children who were taken by Russian authorities to Crimea. Their parents were persuaded by occupying forces in Kherson to send their children to a summer camp in Crimea to escape the war

NATO: Hungarian Parliament ratifies Finlands membership

Bulgaria may secretly' send Ukraine huge amount of ammunition

Germany Delivers 18 Leopard Tanks To Ukraine To Fight Against Russia : worldnews
German Leopard 2 tanks have reached Ukraine -security source : worldnews

Two killed in Islamic center attack in Portugal : worldnews

Banks in France Face More Than $1.1 Billion Fines After Raids : worldnews
French authorities raided five banks on Tuesday as part of an investigation into suspected cases of massive tax fraud and money laundering, prosecutors said : worldnews

MI5 raises terror threat in Northern Ireland to severe' meaning attack highly likely

Children as young as eight are being strip-searched by the police, according to a report showing 2,847 children were strip-searched by police in England and Wales from 2018 to mid-2022 Children's Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza warned that strip-searches can be traumatic for children
Martine Vik Magnussen: Billionaires son admits role in death to BBC

Greenland to stay in daylight saving time forever : worldnews

At least 16 people were killed in a landslide in central Ecuador : worldnews

40 killed in fire started by migrants fearing deportation at Mexico detention center | AP News
Fire breaks out at migrant detention facility on U.S.-Mexico border, at least 39 dead : worldnews
An American Tragedy

The U.S. Doesnt Need Another Democracy Summit: It Needs a Plan to Confront Authoritarianism
Towards Proportional Representation for the U.S. House - Protect Democracy

Activist group led by Ginni Thomas received nearly $600,000 in anonymous donations : politics

The Donald Trump Preservation Society Is Inches From the Goal Line in Georgia The Donald Trump Preservation Society Is Inches From the Goal Line in Georgia The real targets of legislation aimed at "rogue prosecutors" are exactly who you'd think (refucks will prosecute the prosecutors)

Foxs Kilmeade: Insane for Trump to feature Jan. 6 footage at rally
Trumps Alvin Bragg posts violate federal law: Kirschner
Judge rejects Trumps privilege claims over Pence testimony in Jan. 6 probe

Sean Hannitys attempt to coach Trump backfires again

The House GOP's investigations are flopping - House Republicans are still looking for their next Benghazi. But their investigations are unpopular.

Jon Stewart: This is why Trump became popular in the first place : politics

Has the press learned to cover Trump better? The past week suggests not. - Columbia Journalism Review

Why Republicans Abandoned Their Economic Message: The GOP used to do its wonky best to make the case that they were the party of the pocketbook. But its all wokeness, all the time now.
Wokeness is winning

Why this extremely viral poll result might not be real : It's unlikely that Americans are half as patriotic as they were four years ago. (WSJ shithole newspaper)

Tommy Tuberville Just Called the Department of Defense An "Abortion Travel Agency" The senator is holding up the DOD's budget over this ... The primacy of anti-choice positions in the modern Republican orthodoxy is stronger even than the party's devotion to El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago. It was central to the alliance between the conservative movement and politicized splinter Protestantism and revanchist Catholicism. And, last year, the repeal of Roe v. Wade proved that a) long-march politics can work, and b) that the work must go on, perpetually, lest the entire project collapse of its own weight. We now have military policy being driven by abortion policy. This would have seemed absurd even 20 years ago.

Ohio bill would require college professors to teach "both sides" of the climate change "controversy"

Nothing we can do to prevent this, says Congressman from only country in the world where things like this happen regularly (the dead)
Brennan Murphy on Twitter: "REPORTER: "What else should be done to protect people like your little girl?" BURCHETT: "Well, we homeschool her."" / Twitter (evil incarnate)

Photos Show Nashville School Shooter Personalized Weapons Used in School Massacre
Nashville police release security footage of shooter entering school : news
Shooter kills 3 students and 3 adults at Covenant elementary school, police say | CNN
u/Wrought-Irony does the math on the conservative talking point for the Nashville Covenant School shooting that 3 out of 2840 mass shooters represent the trans community but the rest dont represent straight white male shooters

Ban these f---ing weaponsCongressman tweets on Nashville shooting
AOC slams Marjorie Taylor Greenes transphobic comments over Nashville shooting: Disgusting
Right-Wingers Use Nashville School Shooting To Push Anti-Trans Rhetoric. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Donald Trump Jr. and others used the mass shooting to rail against health care for trans people.
Congressman who represents the Nashville district involved in deadly school shooting posted a gun-toting family photo for Christmas in 2021 : politics
After Nashville school shooting, Nikki Haley tells voters she is against gun control legislation : politics
Mobilizing anti-trans hate

Mod /u/_BindersFullOfWomen_ cites their sources on child gun deaths : bestof

From drag shows to pronouns: Florida GOP takes aim at LGBTQ issues: Florida Republicans say theyre protecting children. LGBTQ advocates see something else.

Idaho passes law letting students sue for emotional harmif they see a trans kid in the restroom. Idaho is already facing several federal lawsuits over its anti-trans legislation.

Back to 1902: Virginia Governor Revives Lifetime Ban on VotingGlenn Youngkin ends automatic rights restoration, replacing it with an opaque system that leaves Virginia with one of the nations harshest policies.

Were Going Away: A States Choice to Forgo Medicaid Funds Is Killing Hospitals (poTATEo-head's Fuckassippi)

Alabama governor sends education dollars to water park : politics

Wisconsin school bans Miley, Dolly duet from class concert : politics

Idaho Is About To Become The First State To Restrict Interstate Travel For Abortion : politics

Arizona House passes a bill that would force children to say the Pledge of Allegiance : politics

NY Times Fires Off Warning to Staffers After Trans Coverage Brouhaha

The inside story of why a Florida school removed a movie about Ruby Bridges

What the Republican Push for Parents Rights Is Really About

U.S. charges FTXs Bankman-Fried with paying $40 mln Chinese bribe
The huge question created by SVBs failure
Silicon Valley Bank's Risks Went Deep. Congress Wants to Know Why. Lapses at the bank will be a focus as a top Federal Reserve official testifies to House and Senate committees this week.

What does Peter Thiel want? Hes building the right-wing future, piece by piece
Peter Thiel's Secretive Spending - Tax records reveal that the Thiel Foundation gave millions to a shadowy right-wing fund in 2021.
Thiel and the Tycoons

Sanders Unveils Report Debunking Starbucks Claim to Be aProgressive Company: Starbucks has engaged in the most significant union-busting campaign in modern history.
To Crush Unions, Starbucks Targets Employee Communications

The Jock-Creep Alliance

Disney Eliminates Its Metaverse Division as Part of Company's Layoffs Plan - The unit, once seen as developing a new form of storytelling, had about 50 employees

The California newspaper that has no reporters left - Los Angeles Times ... Owned by the largest newspaper publisher in the nation, Gannett,

By one vote, North Dakota Senate rejects free school lunches for low-income kids. Opponents of providing free school lunches to low-income children said the responsibility to feed students should fall on parents. : politics

Most of Norfolk Southern video leading up to East Palestine derailment is gone : news

Twitter to Stop Unverified Accounts From Appearing in Recommended Tweets : technology (Muskfuckers anti-social media)

flavius_lacivious comments on Rules for thee only (rich capitalist mofo says go back to the office while he works from home) ... Just thinking about it, I used to commute 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Multiply that or over the course of a career, it's something crazy like 4 extra years of waking life. (WFh revolution is screwing with the capitalist mofos)

u/iowaboy responds to an MPD op-ed with a simple timeline that underlines MPDs past and present lies about the murder of George Floyd and the order in which events unfolded afterwards.

Twitter celebs balk at paying Elon Musk for blue check mark : news

Although ChatGPT insists on being politically neutral and unable to take a stance, it consistently sides with the left. : science

The role of politics in where students want to go to college Study finds that nearly one in four high school seniors said they passed up, out of political concerns, a college they would have initially considered because of its state. The trend is evident among conservatives and liberals ... 91 percent of prospective college students in Florida disagree with the education policies of Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, and one in eight graduating high school students in Florida wont attend a public college there due to DeSantiss education policies.

Pro-female and anti-male biases are more influential than race and other factors in Implicit Association Tests : science

eli5 What are the ways people in the 20th century survived the Spanish flu compared to what we experienced in 2020? : explainlikeimfive

TIL Earth is the only known place in our solar system where fire occurs, and no known exoplanets have enough oxygen to allow fire to exist. : todayilearned

/u/SternSafari describes how Midjourney destroyed the creativity in their job : bestof

TIL of Columbia, the personification of the United States for over 200 years, and was even the alternate name for the United States. She is the reason for the District of Columbia, British Columbia, etc. She was replaced by Lady Liberty, and was gradually forgotten after WWI. : todayilearned

What "you know what, just to be safe" thing you did end up saving your ass later? : AskReddit


Scientists discover supermassive black hole that now faces Earth : worldnews

World population bomb may never go off as feared, finds study |

Kerry: U.S. must work with China and Russia on fighting climate change

China reports human case of H3N8 bird flu : worldnews

Myanmar army chief vows to crush resistance in rare speech : worldnews

Poisoned to death: Japan indicts man for killing student with thallium : worldnews

Jack Ma: Alibaba founder seen in China after long absence : worldnews
Online trolls are taking a toll in China : worldnews

This likely indicates that Russia did not receive what it wanted from Xis visit to Moscow last week, i.e. a promise by China to supply weapons to Russia. Russia is responding asymmetrically, as it often does.
Putin ally says Russia has weapons to destroy US if its existence is threatened : worldnews
Russias Nuclear Rhetoric Is Dangerous and Irresponsible, NATO Says
European Commission: Russia to face consequences if it moves nuclear weapons to Belarus. Peter Stano, spokesperson for the European Commission on foreign policy issues, said the EU would react if Russia deployed tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, European Pravda reported.

Putins Top Cheerleaders Panic Over Russian Army Mutiny
Gods Propagandists : Kremlin mouthpieces have invoked a range of deities in aid of Russias war of aggression.
He buried the Russian nation: audio of Russian music producer Prigozhin and Azerbaijani oligarch Akhmedov allegedly criticising Putin leaks online

A huge explosion rang across the Russian provincial town of Kireevsk in Russias Tula Oblast on the afternoon of March 26, rattling windows and setting off car alarms.

Apex on Twitter: "Russia plans to complete in early 2024 the construction of its coastal infrastructure in the Pacific Ocean for basing nuclear submarines that will carry the Poseidon nuclear capable super torpedoes - TASS" / Twitter

A notorious militia in eastern DR Congo on Sunday executed 17 people it took hostage the previous day. The CODECO insurgents killed at least 17 people captured in the Djugu territory, around 45 kilometres (30 miles) north of Bunia in Ituri province : worldnews

Burkina Faso suspends France 24 broadcasts in the country after al Qaeda interview : worldnews

Saudi National Bank chair resigns after Credit Suisse comment : worldnews

Ancient Egypt excavation uncovers 2,000 mummified ram heads at Abydos : worldnews

Netanyahu to suspend Israeli judicial overhaul plan after protests : worldnews
Come to your senses now! Israels president tells Netanyahu to halt reforms as sacking sparks mass protests
General strike annnounced in Israel until judicial reform halted : worldnews
Netanyahu government survives no-confidence votes in Israeli parliament : worldnews
Historic strike: Israeli tech sector joins general strike as judicial reform plan sparks government chaos : worldnews
Largest labor union announces general strike amid government judicial legislation : worldnews
Opposition to Netanyahu plan mounts as unions launch a broad strike across Israel : worldnews
No flights leaving Ben-Gurion Airport in judicial reform strike : worldnews

Ukraine demands emergency UN meeting over Putin nuclear plan : worldnews
Russian diplomat Vasily Nebenzya insists Ukrainian children will be returned once it is safe to do so : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 397, Part 1 (Thread #538) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 27.03 #RussianUkrainianWar

Ive never seen anything like this. A rocket fired by Russia hit a farm in the front line Ukrainian town of Hulyaipolebut instead of explosives, it was filled with thousands of anti-US propaganda papers. It still destroyed the building, so I dont think the propaganda worked.
Ukraine arrests four members of FSB network that collected data for missile strikes, recruited quisling candidates - The network was formed by 2 career FSB officers, it included an agent who was recruited by Russia's Honorary Consul in Kharkiv

We are limited. Both in terms of raw materials and salesThe damage to Ukraines metal industry has crippled a lucrative sector and key employer needed to support an economy cratered by Russias war.

OSINTdefender on Twitter: "A Dorm Building at the Automotive Technical Collage in the Occupied City of Melitopol that was said to have been used as a Russian Army Barracks has been Bombed with a number of Explosions being seen and heard over the last hour." / Twitter

Ukraine is using cardboard drones to do battle with Russia now : worldnews

Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark struck a deal to run their 200+ advanced fighter jets as a single fleet, creating a new headache for Russia : worldnews

Ukraine, Poland and Baltic States Called to Ban Athletes from Russia and Belarus from Olympics : worldnews

Poland detains man for spying for Russia - prosecutors : worldnews

Denmark ready to limit entry of Russian tourists regardless of EU decision : worldnews

Germany is overhauling its immigration rules to bolster a rapidly shrinking workforce : worldnews
Strike over pay paralyzes rail, air travel in Germany : worldnews
Largest strike in decades leaves Germany at a standstill : worldnews

300 leading French stars protest against pension reform : worldnews

All UK honey tested in EU fraud investigation fails authenticity test : worldnews

The wrongest war - by Jonathan M. Katz - The Racket
On fools and frenchman

No One's... Having Fun: Surveys Show Soaring US Economic Pessimism: An overwhelming share of Americans aren't confident their childrens lives will be better than their own

Sen. Warnock: Insulin shouldnt be expensive for anybody

Elizabeth Warren running for 3rd US Senate term in 2024 : politics

Jon Stewart says Senate is like anassisted-living facility

What the Heck Is Joe Biden Thinking Lately? After his historic midterm wins, he's suddenly tacking right. A new hire may be why.

Indicting a Former President Should Always Have Been Fair Game | If a grand jury does indict Donald Trump, it will finally confirm, as the Founders expected, that ordinary citizens have the power to treat former commanders in chief like anyone else. : politics
Dont call them witch hunts. Most Americans say investigations into Trump are fair

Trump Rally Sees Quite a Few Leave Early Despite Large Crowd
Fact-checking Trumps false and misleading claims in Waco, Texas, rally
Absolutely Awful! Brian Kilmeade Calls TrumpInsane for Defending January 6th Rioters at Waco Rally
Trouble sleeping? Trump posts on Truth Social at 3am as grand jury could meet today : politics

How big is Trumps true-believer base?
Six in 10 Americans don't want Trump to be president again: 2024 poll : politics
4 in 10 Dems Want Biden to Step Aside in 2024 | Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University

Ex-Tucker Carlson producer files new claims Fox News lawyers coached her testimony in Dominion lawsuit Abby Grossberg sued Fox last week, alleging she was coerced into giving misleading testimony about the networks election fraud coverage. She was fired Friday

Warner: FBI prepared for any violence over possible Trump indictment : politics

Why is the Trump hush-money grand jury taking so @#$%& long? Wrong question, experts say.
Bragg pushes back after House Republicans escalate oversight into Trump hush money case : politics
Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Gets Death Threat Shortly After Trumps Warning of Death and Destruction
Trump warns of death and destruction if charged with a crime
Top Democrat Hakeem Jeffries warns Trumps incendiary rhetoric might get someone killed

Former National Enquirer Publisher Testifies Before Grand Jury in Trump Case - The New York Times The grand jury investigating a hush-money case against the former president met again on Monday, but the timing of any potential indictment remained unclear.

Hating the people who hate Trump is the only force that moves GOP voters : politics

Trumps Favorite Extreme Think Tank Is Jumping Ship for DeSantis

Trump and DeSantis have the same authoritarian plan to drain the swamp
How Did America's Weirdest, Most Freedom-Obsessed State Fall for an Authoritarian Governor? A journey through Ron DeSantis's magic kingdom
DeSantis shows early state strength in Iowa and New Hampshire polls

Joe Bidens new focus on Marjorie Taylor Greene

Jim Jordan doesnt understand his job

QAnon Spent the Weekend Spreading a John Fetterman Body Double Conspiracy Theory : politics

The Dangerous Race to Put More Children to Work : politics ... Arkansas is at the vanguard of a concerted effort by business lobbyists and Republican legislators to roll back federal and state regulations that have been in place for decades to protect children from abuse. (Fuckabee Sanders )

I have no plans to ever live here again: Iowa education expert, future teacher break down retainment issues. Many classrooms across the state are missing a key component: teachers

Parent thanks Utah for book banning law that makes it so much easier to challenge the sex-ridden Bible

Antisemitic incidents surge in Florida, growing more than nationwide. Morebold, more egregious and more attention-grabbing.

Bill would allow Texas physicians to prescribe medicinal cannabis : politics

Removal of Ruby Bridges film from Pinellas school sparks outrage A parent complained that the movie might teach white children to hate Black children.

Eschaton: Did He Do Crimes - French is a complete fraud of a man so I have no interest in ENGAGING WITH HIS IDEAS.
alicublog: PARDON MY FRENCH.

Jon Stewart says Senate is like anassisted-living facility

The Guns Are the Most Important Thing: A Day With Lauren Boeberts Doomsaying Diners at Shooters Grill

A God-given right: Florida House loads permitless gun carry bill into the Senate chamber

Seven killed at Nashville school
THIS is last years Christmas card from Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles, a Republican who represents the district that Covenant School is in in Nashville. #tnleg
Multiple victims reported in Nashville school shooting : news
Watch: Woman hijacks Fox News report in Nashville to make plea for gun safety laws - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
Why guns are Americas number one killer of children (guns over kids)
The AR-15 and America

The Jock/Creep Theory of Fascism - by John Ganz Real and It Works

Rumors destroyed Hazim Nadas company. Then hackers handed him terabytes of files exposing a covert campaign against himand the culprit wasnt a rival but an entire country.

Twitter Says Parts of Its Source Code Were Leaked Online - The New York Times The leak adds to the challenges facing the Elon Musk-owned company, which is trying to identify the person responsible and any other people who downloaded the code.

An AI company restored erotic roleplay to its chatbot after an update separated users from their 'partners' report says

Linguistic analysis of 177,296 Reddit comments sheds light on negative attitudes toward science : science

Officially less homes for sale in Greater Boston than any other time during pandemic market craziness. : massachusetts

Men in the porn industry: What are the dark and hidden truths of the industry? : AskReddit


I Am Haunted by What I Have Seen at Great Salt Lake : politics (mormofucks could give a fuck)

Mexico faces sanctions from the international wildlife body known as CITES for not doing enough to protect the vaquita marina, a small porpoise that is the worlds most endangered marine mammal

Like youre in a horror movie: pollution leaves New Zealand wetlands irreversibly damaged

Energy firms call for windfall tax to fall with prices : worldnews

Right wing paranoia and the Covid vaccines ... a recent study of what the vaccines accomplished. It estimates that in the US alone the vaccines saved 3.2 million lives in the first two years of their use, prevented 18 million hospitalizations, and saved more than one trillion dollars in additional medical costs ... When the histories of this era are written, I suspect the ideologically-driven rejection of the Covid vaccines will be considered a key piece in understanding the extent to which in the first decades of the 21st century the entire American right wing went completely insane.
Vaccination halves risk of long Covid largest study to date shows. Research found that people who had been vaccinated had significantly less risk - almost half the risk - of developing long Covid compared to unvaccinated participants : science

End of Covid Emergency Will Usher in Changes Across the US Health System : politics

The US embassy in Equatorial Guinea advises against non-essential travel to the mainland following the worsening Marburg virus situation. : worldnews

Yangon Guerrillas Kill Myanmar Junta Money Laundering Chief : worldnews

Czech House Speaker visits Taiwan, leading largest-ever delegation : worldnews

Hong Kongers hold first protest in years under strict rules, including wearing a numbered badge around their necks : worldnews

Dalai Lama names Mongolian boy as new Buddhist spiritual leader : worldnews

Open source information has helped corroborate the unusual movements of Russian and NATO naval vessels in the vicinity of the Nord Stream pipeline between September 21st - 23rd
Putin wanted total cleansing of Ukraine with house-to-house terrorleaked spy docs reveal
Putin claims no military alliance with China after Xi meeting
Every time Russian troops fail at the front, Putin starts talking nukes. So predictable.

Russian actress Maria Shukshinasays that HIMARS hone in and hit those who received the "Sputnik" Covid vaccine.

They do not reflect current #Russian realities or the balance of economic power or military industrial capacity between #Russia and the collective West. 3/3

Half of Putins Army Is Dead or Out of Action
New Russian campaign tries to entice men to fight in Ukraine : worldnews

Russia to produce and modernise 1,600 tanks, Putin threatens : worldnews

US: No indication of Russia preparing to use nuclear weapon : worldnews
Russia accused of taking Belarus nuclear hostage with deal to station missiles there
putins statement about placing tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus a step towards internal destabilization of the countrymaximizes the level of negative perception and public rejection of russia and putin in Belarusian society. The kremlin took Belarus as a nuclear hostage.
Putin Threatens To Put Nuclear Weapons In Belarus

India's ISRO successfully launches Indias heaviest payload rocket mission LVM3-M3 OneWeb India-2 carrying 36 OneWeb satellites

Erdoan calls for immediate end to war in Ukraine during call with Putin
Turkish parliaments foreign affairs committee unanimously approves Finland's NATO bid

Chad nationalizes assets by oil giant Exxon, says government : worldnews

Lebanon wakes up in two rival time zones : worldnews

Strikes across multiple sectors announced after Gallants dismissal
Israels research universities will stop the studies starting from Monday, representatives of the universities decided in a special meeting late on Sunday evening after the firing of Defense Minister Gallant.
Israeli consul in New York resigns after defense minister dismissal : worldnews

Netanyahu Fires Defense Minister Who Urged Delay in Court Overhaul - The New York Times
Netanyahu fires Defense Minister Gallant due to judicial reform opposition : worldnews
Events Moving Quickly In Israel
Former Israeli PM Bennett calls Netanyahu to withdraw Gallants dismissal letter, halt the judicial overhaul legislation and enter into meaningful negotiations.
Netanyahus political touch eludes him as Israel spirals into chaos
Israeli defence minister calls for halt to judicial overhaul : worldnews
Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahus judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern
Report: Israel offered PA full security duties over city as pilot, Ramallah refused : worldnews

Ukraine criticizes UN for report on abuse, torture, and arbitrary executions and detentions of both Ukrainian and Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine: "We consider it unacceptable to place responsibility on the victim of aggression" : worldnews
Ukraine Defense ministry calls for information blackout about upcoming offensives : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 396, Part 1 (Thread #537) : worldnews

Russian military death toll in Ukraine rises to about 170,550 troops : UkrainianConflict

Its important that as a journalist I can hold myself accountable and admit where I was wrong. I publicly questioned Ukraines decision to hold on to Bakhmut in the face of rising losses. In the days since it is clear Ukraine has held the line. I was wrong.Oz Katerji
Russia Lacks Firepower to Keep Advancing, U.S. Intelligence Chief Says : UkrainianConflict

By blockading Ukraines Black Sea ports, Russia seeks to bankrupt Ukraine and overcome intl opposition to its war by weaponizing agricultural exports, doing so in clear violation of international maritime law
Twitter: Alleged call between Iosif Prigozhin (not Wagner) and former politician Farkhad Akhmedov. Blunt, no holds barred. : UkrainianConflict

New cemeteries accommodate increasing numbers of soldiers killed in Ukraine war : worldnews

Poland to ramp up ammunition production capacity to meet Ukraines needs

Hungary sick of Wests criticism: Foreign Minister

Swiss parliament hosts first session for disabled people : worldnews

Germany expected to expel over 30 Russian diplomats : worldnews
Germany plans to expel more than 30 Russian diplomats from the country. This was reported by Focus with reference to a statement by German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock.
That passport number is not random. Its part of a series of passport numbers reserved for GRU spies. In fact, it is part of the very first such batch of numbers, issued to many GRU spies in 2009. Every two years, the GRU issues its spies new passports from a new series
This GRU idiocy has allowed us to identify hundreds of GRU spiesincluding poisoners, saboteurs and sleeper illegals such as MariaAdelaor Olga Kolobova.
German bishop quits after storm over abuse case errors | Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop of Osnabrurk Franz-Josef Bode, who has faced heavy criticism over his handling of sexual abuse cases. In departing, Bode admitted he had made mistakes.

The Franco-German vision of engaging with China to put pressure on Russia is the continuation of the previous Franco-German vision of engaging with Russia to put pressure on China. Many European members, particularly in the North and CEE, wont buy it and it will create further bifurcation of Europe. #geopolitics #Velsig

UK is poorer as a country, says Michael Gove : worldnews (Toryfucked by Govefucker)

Critics claim Paris using 2024 Games to introduce Big Brother video surveillance : worldnews

Top Tory MPs ask for 10,000 a day to work for fake Korean company

Honduras ends decades-long diplomatic ties with Taiwan : worldnews

Theres nothing left: Deep South tornadoes kill 26

The Affordable Care Act has significantly reduced racial disparities in health care access, report says : politics

Trumps crowd size or 1/10th a Nickelback concert.

Staring down a possible indictment, Trump holds a rally in Waco. A Texas newspaper said the choice isnt a dog whistle but an 'air horn' to far-right groups
What it means for Trumps campaign to start in Waco
Trump Puts His Legal Peril at Center of First Big Rally for 2024 - The New York Times Facing a potential indictment, the former president devoted much of his speech in Waco, Texas, to criticizing the justice system, though his attacks were less personal and caustic than in recent days.
Trump describes 2024 election as the final battle from podium in Waco

Jay in Kyiv on Twitter: "Trump yesterday - praise Putin - Putin will get all Ukraine - Xi smart - Putin smart" / Twitter
Donald Trump on Russias invasion of Ukraine: He wanted to get a piece. Now it looks like hell end up probably getting the whole thing.

Trump Says Hes The Most Innocent Man in the History of Our Country at Lie-Filled Waco Rally
Awaiting possible indictment, Trump rallies in Waco and vows todestroy the deep state
Trump describes 2024 election as the final battle from podium in Waco
Trump Vows to Defeat Demonic Forces -- by Relentlessly Whining
God, guns and Trump: Thousands turn out for Texas rally
Donald Trump Thinks America Is a Sh*thole Country : politics

Eschaton: Political For some odd reason, prosecuting Trump for the crimes everyone knows he did would be very political - deep in those waters! - but NOT prosecuting him would not be ... They just drop a hammer on the heads of NYT reporters every time they walk in the building. (fucking newpaper)

House GOP considering protecting Donald Trump with law shielding ex-presidents from prosecution | The Independent GOP weighs protecting Trump with law shielding ex-presidents from prosecution

Comers oversight is focused on phony scandals

Hi America, now Ron DeSantis is your problem, too : politics
DeSantis looks to revamp strategy amid signs of political strain : politics
Lincoln Project ad questions where Ron DeSantis was on 9/11

John Fetterman has been hospitalized for depression for five weeks. His staff says hell be back soon. | A five-week hospital stay is considered somewhat long for inpatient depression care. But Fettermans team has said they arent rushing the senators return.

Michigan offers real hope and a roadmap back to democracy and common sense Elections matter: Michigan rejected GOP extremism, and the Democrats' trifecta' has already created real change

Wisconsin 1st graders were told they couldntsingRainbowland by Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus because it was too controversial. The song is about accepting others.

2023 anti-trans bills tracker : In 2023, anti-trans bills continue to be introduced across the country. We track legislation that seeks to block trans people from receiving basic healthcare, education, legal recognition, and the right to publicly exist ... refuckers introduce 488 anti-trans bills in last 3 months

The GOP is becoming more unhinged about LGBTQ peoplewhich will only make them more unpopular | New research shows most Americans side with RuPaul and Kevin Bacon against Christian nationalists

Idaho Republicans block woke free tampons in schools proposal ... Why are our schools obsessed with the private parts of our children? Heather Scott (R) said. The irony is clearly lost on her.

Kentucky governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming care for youth : politics
She lost her trans son to suicide. Can a Kentucky lawmaker make her colleagues care? | Eight weeks after the death of Karen Bergs son, Henry, shes fighting a flood of anti-transgender bills in the Kentucky Senate

Book ban lawmaker very sadthat a parent is using his law to ban the sex-ridden Bible. The parent said that if lesser books have been banned, then the Bible, which discusses infanticide, rape, and bestiality, is not appropriate for kids. (christoporn)

Many firefighters who responded to Ohio train derailment didnt have the needed training, equipment

As South bans abortion, thousands turn to Illinois clinics : politics

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem vetoes hemp bill in blow to flourishing new industry : politics

Its all about trolling: how far-right influencers are shaping Republican narrativeWith the old media order losing ground, a new cadre of extreme voices has emerged, precipitating a GOP shift to Maga populism

Trans woman claims JFK airport TSA agent punched her in the testicles

Texas Republicans propose creation of vigilante group to hunt migrants at the border that will have immunity from prosecution : politics

Trial opens in child sex trafficking trial of Republican political operative Tony Lazzaro : politics

Traffic officer says he was told to target minority drivers : politics

How did a police chase in Mississippi end with an innocent woman shot in her bedroom? NBC News analyzed more than 25 hours of surveillance video appearing to show a Mississippi Capitol Police officer opening fire in an apartment complex in Jackson.

I call you an idiot and you shut up: the Free Speech Ballad of Kyle Duncan and Matt Taibbi
James Surowiecki on Twitter: "The problem is that the question of whether ivermectin and HCQ are effective vs. Covid has been explored and discussed from all angles, and we know the answer: they're useless. Yet many many people refuse to "agree upon" that truth, for ideological or financial reasons or both." / Twitter

Women become truckers as industry addresses shortage ... Women now account for more than 8% of all truck drivers in the U.S.

Radical changehits Twitter as value drops more than $20 billion under Elon Musks leadership

Opinion | Covid gave America a surprise baby boom - The Washington Post Covid-19 accomplished what would-be grandparents and government actuaries could not: It persuaded millennials to have kids ... Women with more education were the ones that were having a lot more children

People Cant Get Their A.D.H.D. Medicine, and Thats a Sign of a Larger Problem (DEA: fuck off and kill yourself)

AI image of Pope in a puffer jacket fooled the internet, and experts fear there's worse to come : news

Live free and die? The sad state of U.S. life expectancy ... higher child poverty, racial segregation, social isolation, and more. Even the way cities are designed makes access to good food more difficult.

Ive seen several conservative commentators claim that black slave owners existed, they made a significant portion of the slave owning class, & that the first person to own slaves in the colonies was black. Are any of these claims true?

Animated Map: Where Are the Largest Cities Throughout History?

2004 - Chronology Clock

What are some of the biggest scams to have happened in history? : AskReddit


First global water conference in 50 years yields hundreds of pledges, zero checks : worldnews

Rising seas will cut off many properties before theyre flooded. Along the US coasts, many properties will lose access to essential services.

The Fight to Expose Corporations Real Impact on the Climate

UK: Food inflation rises to 18.2% as it hits highest rate in over 45 years : worldnews

Californias pernicious drought almost vanishes with near-historic snow
A Photo Tour of the Buried Houses of Mammoth Lakes, CA - SnowBrains

Mississippi tornadoes kill at least 23 in 100-mile path: Live news and updates - The Washington Post
How Mississippis tornadoes unfolded overnight and why they were so deadly

Why America was uniquely vulnerable to COVID : politics ... What is clear from our study is that COVID-19 exploited and compounded existing local racial inequities, health disparities, and partisan politics

A new study has found that male but not female babies born to women who tested positive for COVID during pregnancy were more likely to be diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder in their first 12 months

H5N1 is now infecting also badgers, foxes, and other carnivores - interestingly the after-effects show the brain to be involved more than the respiratory tract : science

New Zealand raises concerns with China on South China Sea, Taiwan : worldnews (China demands NZ leave their sea)
Activist Posie Parker seen checking in at Auckland Airport escorted by police after counter-protest shuts down NZ tour - NZ Herald

Mainland Australia turns red after NSW Labor victory : worldnews ... The naming is confusing for Americans but in Aus Liberal = Right wing party(blue), Labour = left wing party (red)
Australias Left Poised for Rare Control of Entire Mainland

Tibetan exile leader urges China against choosing new Dalai Lama : worldnews

Xi snubbed Putin after their summit, calling a meeting of Central Asian countries as part of an audacious power play : worldnews
After Xis visit to Moscow Chinese logistics giant stops shipping goods to #Russia
China threatens serious consequences over US warship: China and the US are once again in a standoff over the question of sovereignty in the South China Sea. The US says its ship was asserting its maritime rights in the area (claims 500 miles off their fake island in China Pacific Ocean)
Biden says China has not yet provided weapons to Russia : worldnews

Moscow will station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus: Putin : worldnews
Putin Wouldnt Win a War of Attrition in Ukraine (He wants the West to think thats his goal, but the longer the conflict drags on, the worse things get for Moscow.
Russia warns of nuclear retaliation if Ukraine tries to seize Crimea : worldnews

Video: Incredible moment on Russian State TV! Guest Viktor Olevich says Russia not killing civilians after over one year of war is impossible. Other guest directly start to threaten him. : UkrainianConflict (crazy shit)
It occasionally occurs to Putins mouthpieces that they may one day face charges in a war crimes tribunal. The case for the prosecution is in their own words. Timothy Snyder quoting Morality Shouldnt Get in the Way - Russias Genocidal State Media by Julia Davis (linked)
Morality Shouldnt Get in the Way - Russias Genocidal State Media
Russian parliament speaker proposes banning ICC over Putin arrest warrant : worldnews

Wagner boss defies Kremlin Ukraine Nazi narrative
Russia pardons 5,000 former criminals after fighting in Ukraine, Prigozhin says : worldnews

Russia puts Putins ex-speechwriter on wanted list over Ukraine ... reflected on his time as Putin's speech writer, saying few could have predicted That Russia would turn into some kind of fascist state, as it is now

US charges suspected Russian spy who allegedly used fake identity to enter US, gather info from American citizens : worldnews
U.S. Charges Russian Spy Who Tried To Infiltrate War Crime Court : worldnews

Egyptian police using fake Grindr accounts to arrest users, app says : worldnews

Super tanker anchored off coast of Yemen is likely to sink or explode at any moment, UN says : worldnews

Iranian groups launch new missile strikes on US forces in Syria after US airstrikes : worldnews
Biden warns Iran after U.S. forces clash with proxy groups in Syria : worldnews

Israel's defense minister urges Netanyahu to halt overhaul of courts - The Washington Post
Likud MKs Back Netanyahu's Defense Minister's Call to Freeze Judicial Coup - Israel News - Likud MKs Back Netanyahus Defense Ministers Call to Freeze Judicial Coup
Israeli Army Conducted Online Psy-op Against Israeli Public During Gaza War : worldnews

Zelenskyy says he wants to talk to Xi Jinping, but didnt receive return offer
Zelenskyy: fighting at decisive stage
Zelenskyy: Ukraine cannot start counteroffensive because it lacks weapons : worldnews ... Ok so this means the counteroffensive is about to start or has started already.
Ukraine is preparing a powerful counterattack that will shock the worldDan Rice, advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhnyi, a veteran of military operations.
Russia Braces For Attack By 50,000 Ukrainian Kamikaze Drones, Seeks Shotguns : UkrainianConflict ... Ukraine said they were going to do something that the world has never seen. Real world test of a synced drone swarm?

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 395, Part 1 (Thread #536) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 25.03.2023 : ukraine

Battle for Bakhmut stabilising, says commander. Ukrainian troopstremendous efforts are holding back Russia.

North Atlantic Fella Organization on Twitter: "Crimea is Ukraine" / Twitter
Luhansk is a Ukrainian city. The Yellow Ribbon movement keeps reminding the occupiers of the inevitable, liberation.
The Crimean bridge and especially the train track section does not look very safe and repaired well. Time for an extra bomb to bring down that whole bridge id say.
Russian military command will need to commit a significant number of forces to the frontline to either prevent culmination or launch renewed offensive operations, and it is unlikely that such forces exist at sufficient scale to do either.

Ukraines air force is now allowing foreigners to sign up as pilots as it pushes for Western fighter jets
The U.S. Volunteers in Ukraine Who Lie, Waste and Bicker - The New York Times People who would not be allowed anywhere near the battlefield in a U.S.-led war are active on the Ukrainian front, with ready access to American weapons.
Foreign Fighters

Nordic Nations Agree to Jointly Operate Fighter Jet Fleet of 250 : worldnews
NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg welcomes Norways significant miltary aid to Ukraine

Austria to arrest Putin and bring him to Hague if he decides to visit : worldnews

Pope extends sexual abuse law to include lay leaders : worldnews
Vatican returns Parthenon sculptures to Greece : worldnews

Germany strikes deal with EU on combustion engine phaseout : worldnews

More than 149 police injured, 172 people arrested in French pension protests : worldnews
Fury at President Emmanuel Macrons decision to bypass parliament on pension reform has sparked days of unrest across the country, reviving scrutiny of polices heavy-handed tactics and leaving French cities shrouded in tear gas and smoke with no end in sight to an increasingly bitter standoff
Emmanuel Macron takes off luxury watch during pensions TV interview

Northern Ireland murder suspect was waterboarded into confession, court rules : worldnews

No one can deny it now : death flight plane to be returned to Argentina - Flight logs revealed how 12 people were thrown out to their deaths into the Atlantic during the years of dictatorship

Haiti faces hunger emergency amid escalating gang violence and surging inflation | Acute hunger is affecting 4.9 million Haitians, according to a UN report, which outlines the increased need for humanitarian aid

Biden calls out Canadian officials who werent applauding women Cabinet members

Iraq War Anniversary Reminds Us What Happens When the Press Fails : The Press Just Went Along for the Ride with Bush's Invasion of Iraq : It was all death and lies, and a credulous press corps failed in its fundamental purpose. By Charles P. PiercePublished: Mar 22, 2023 (burn in hell, Tim Russert)
A horrible vote: Congress revisits one of its gravest mistakes, the Iraq War
If Trump Is Prosecuted, George W. Bush, Cheney, and Kissinger Should Be Too : politics

Guo Wengui: How a Chinese tycoon built a pro-Trump money machine : politics

Intensities in ten cities
Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Ted Nugent kicks off the Trump rally in Waco by calling Zelenskyy a "homosexual weirdo" to cheers" / Twitter ... (Ed Henry/Fox agrees)

Trump rallying supporters in Waco ahead of possible charges : politics
Trump under fire for violent rhetoric as Waco rally said to invoke cult siege - live : politics
As Trump Rallies in Texas, His Followers Shore Up His 2024 Bid - The New York Times
Trump posts disturbing photo with Alvin Bragg, threatens death and destruction
Donald Trump Is Going to Burn It All Down to Save Himself : politics
Squeezed by investigations, Trump escalates violent rhetoric : politics
Terrorism experts say Trumps dangerous rhetoric offers his extreme followers an excuse for violence if hes indicted
Trumps Looming Indictment Has Republicans Going Full MAGA

White powder discovered in Manhattan DAs office as tension rises over possible Trump charges - The letter, sources said, included a note that said ALVIN: I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, followed by 13 exclamation points.

An 8-foot-tall portrait of Trump was among the foreign gifts that went missing when he left office. A reporter found it in a Trump hotel, collecting dust, next to a pile of yoga mats. : politics

Trump campaign threatens anyone working for DeSantis, saying they will not get jobs if he wins White House : politics

Unhinged: Trump Ripped In Withering Editorial From Rupert Murdochs New York Postharsh truths for supporters of the former president.

Judge says several Trump aides, including former chief of staff, must testify to Jan. 6 grand jury : politics
Trump hasnt immediately appealed a devastating Mar-a-Lago ruling. This may be why

1,000 people have been charged for the Capitol riot. Heres where their cases stand

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan says he cant comment on Trumps post threatening violence because hesunable to read it without his glasses

No One Has Control Over Tucker: How Fox News Let Its Biggest Star Go Rogue

Greenes DC jail visit pulls GOP closer to Jan. 6 rioters
Republicans Treated Jan. 6 Inmates Like Celebrities During Jail Visit,Says Congressman
Marjorie Taylor Greene threatens to impeach Jan 6 judges as Democrats shadow her on jail visit : politics

Lauren Boebert Says She Wants To Abolish the Department of Education : politics

Dont say period: How Florida Republicans are taking aim at basic sex education
Florida parents upset by MichelangelosDavid force out principal

Kentucky governor vetoes sweeping GOP transgender measure : politics

Trans Children Were the Beginning. The GOP Is Coming for Adults Now. : politics

Texas Republicans Just Proposed a Bounty on Drag Shows | The latest legal attack pulls from a long legacy of state-sanctioned violence : politics

The next threat to democracy in the US: Moms for Liberty? : politics

Why Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other major Dems are going all out for a state Supreme Court race in Wisconsin : politics

GOP rep suggests replacing libraries with church-owned alternatives

Michigan 1st state in decades to repeal right-to-work law ... "right to be a slave"

Republican Who Rails Against Student Loan Bailout Got $1.5M of Loans Forgiven

Fact-checking is a feeble, inadequate way to respond to racist, antisemitic incitement (as usual, that fucking newspaper)

Politics are increasingly a dating dealbreaker especially for women

What Anti-Abortion Advocates Really Think of Women's Lives - In a new case, Oklahomas dissenting judges made a chilling declaration of their true beliefs. ... In other words: If Oklahomans want to sentence pregnant women to death, let them go ahead and do it.

American teen girls are in crisis: Suicide, violence and mental health - The Washington Post Stark findings on the pervasive sadness, suicidal thoughts and sexual violence endured by teen girls have jolted parents and the wider public

Idaho governor signs bill to let state execute inmates by firing squad : politics

Afroman house raid video : videos ... Why Does the Warrant Say Narcotics...Well I know why it says Narcotics but why Kidnapping? (ACAF)

Permitless carry bill passes Florida House, firearm training requirement removed : politics

The Largest Source of Stolen Guns? Parked Cars. - The New York Times The growing number of firearms kept in vehicles has become a new point of contention in the debates over regulating gun safety ... In Houston, where more than 4,400 guns were stolen from cars last year ...

In Memphis, Car Seizures Are a Lucrative and Punishing Police Tactic : politics

17-year-old charged in kidnapping ending in Houston shooting : news

How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them

You Can Have the Blue Pill or the Red Pill, and Were Out of Blue Pills (meet your new ruler, AI)
Opinion | Noam Chomsky: The False Promise of ChatGPT - The New York Times

ChatGPT can now access the internet and run the code it writes : technology

Moores law and the future of computing

Individuals with secure emotional attachment are more likely to forgive and to be forgiven, study finds : science
Secure Attachment from Childhood to Adult Relationships

New Evidence: Immune System Cells in the Gut Linked to Stress-Induced Depression : science

TIL the earliest known account of Christianity from a non-Christian source is a letter (112 AD) of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan, asking for advice on dealing with a new and extravagant superstition that had spread to several cities in Northern Turkey.

Scientists create mice from two dads after making eggs from skin cells | CNN : news

Research found after six years spent tracking health outcomes among nearly 925,000 Danish seniors, investigators determined that when a man between the ages of 65 and 69 loses his wife he is 70% more likely to die in the year that follows, when compared with his non-widowed peers : science

Mindfulness has positive effects on body image, sexual self-esteem, and reduces sexual shame and anxiety : science

Cambridge Most Livable City in the US, Study Finds : CambridgeMA
Cambridge Most Livable US City : boston

What is a disturbing fact you wish you never knew? : AskReddit

Whats a cover song thats better than the original?
(111) Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower (Official Video) - YouTube
(111) Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You (Official 4K Video) - YouTube
(111) Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009/10/29&30 - YouTube

whats the scariest experience youve ever been through? to close: Digital Photography Review.After nearly 25 years of operation, DPReview will be closing in the near future. : technology

The Internet Archive has lost its first fight to scan and lend e-books like a library: A federal judge has ruled against the Internet Archive in a lawsuit brought by four book publishers. : politics


An asteroid nearly the size of a skyscraper will whiz between the Earth and the moon on Saturday in a once-in-a-decade event : worldnews
City killer asteroid to pass harmlessly between Earth and moon

Climate change: Opposing wind farms morally unacceptable - expert : worldnews

Nearly half of all EU honey imports likely fraudulent, says new analysis : worldnews

WHO offers further support to Tanzania over Marburg outbreak. : worldnews
3 Anthrax Cases Confirmed in Central Russia : worldnews

Thai police bust call scammers who swindled older Americans : worldnews

North Korea says it can now create a literal radioactive tsunamiafter underwater drone test.

Okinawa simulates evacuating over 100,000 residents, tourists near Taiwan : worldnews

China threatens consequences over US warships actions
China detains staff, raids office of US due diligence firm Mintz Group

Ukraine brings back to Russia all severely wounded prisoners who could be transported : worldnews

4/ #Prigozhin added that he is unsure about thedenazificationobjectives in #Ukraine, because he does not know if there are Nazis in Ukraine.
Report Signals Humiliating End for Russias Shadow Army in Ukraine

The Russian music and performance collective Pussy Riot will receive this years Woody Guthrie prize honoring art for social change

Leader of India s Opposition to Modi Is Expelled From Parliament - The expulsion of Rahul Gandhi is a devastating blow to the once-powerful Indian National Congress party. He and several other politicians are now in jeopardy through India's legal system.
[India] Congress leader Rahul Gandhi disqualified from parliament : worldnews
Indias Opposition Leader Rahul Gandhi sentenced to 2 years in prison for defaming Prime Minister Modi
India Cuts Off Internet to 27 Million People to Catch One Man : worldnews

Afghanistan school year starts without millions of teenage girls. : worldnews ... Taliban officials have justified the school ban and curbs on womens freedom due to a lack of a safe environment

8 years of crushing conflict in Yemen leave more than 11 million children in need of humanitarian assistance : worldnews

White House threatens to pull aid to Uganda over anti-LGBTQ bill. The proposed law calls for penalties up to life in prison and even the death sentence for what is described as aggravated homosexuality.

Grindr sends Egypt users a warning after alleged entrapments and arrests : worldnews

Suspected Iranian-affiliated drone kills US contractor and wounds 5 US service members in northeast Syria | CNN Politics : worldnews
US military carries out airstrikes in Syria after drone attack kills American contractor : worldnews

Netanyahu Digs In on Court Overhaul, in the Face of Mass Protests - The New York Times Amid a national crisis over a planned judicial overhaul, Israels Parliament approved a bill making it much harder to remove a prime minister from office.
Scores arrested on Israeli day of protest as parliament passes judicial changes : worldnews
Netanyahu acted illegally by getting involved in judicial overhaul, says Israels attorney general

Zelenskiy tells Europe to give more military aid or war could last years : worldnews
Ukraine eyes an offensive around Bakhmut, as Russian momentum stalls : worldnews
Ukraine prepares counteroffensive as Russias assault on Bakhmut flags
Ukraines scramble for longer range, and more destructive, drones
Deputy Intelligence chief Skibitskyi says that:Russia can produce 20-30 high-precision missiles a month but wants to double this numberit plans to launch production of Shahed drones and that it can wage war till 2023 or 2024 at most

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 394, Part 1 (Thread #535) : worldnews

Since the start of the war, over 170,000 people have married, 25% more than in previous year. Lesia & Vladyslav are a war couple. I dont want my kids to be next. We must finish this. Otherwise, our children will have to deal with it again & again

In #Ukraine, #Russia is targeting the cultural heritage that can embody the long-time history of Ukraine as a cultural entityRead the article on how Russia weaponises culture: In the main photo, #Russian looting from the #Kherson Art museum.

I was poisoned by Russian agents,Georgias ex-President Saakashvili says

Iceland recognizes Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainian people : worldnews

Estonia says Chinas peace plan to end Ukraines war is extremely unfair

President Niinist signs Finlands national NATO legislation (

Swedish PM demands explanation from Orban about delay on Hungary's vote on Sweden's NATO membership

Greece Uncovers Russian Spy Operating Under Deep Cover

Thousands of human bone fragments believed to include the remains of victims from the Nazi and colonial era were buried in Berlin, Thursday. They were found in 2014 during construction work at the campus of Berlins Free University, a site that was once home to a Nazi eugenics facility

Russian Governors Son On the Run After Escaping House Arrest in Italy

Violent French Pension Protests Erupt as 1M Demonstrate : worldnews
Democracy at stake: French protesters vent fury at Macron over pension push
Violence in Paris on day of protests over Macrons pensionreform
Bordeaux city hall set on fire amid nationwide protests against French pension changes : worldnews
King Charles state visit to France postponed after violent protests

Brazil is back: Lula to visit Xi as he resets diplomatic relations with China

Canada, US reach deal to close unofficial border crossings -reports : worldnews

Not Stopping Russia in Ukraine Would Force Doubling of US Defense Budget, Milley Says

20 years after the Iraq invasion, John Bolton says hed do it all over again

Biden moves to undo Trumps political play on the Space Command ... ready to reverse a Trump administration plan to relocate the U.S. Space Command from Colorado Springs to Huntsville, Ala., because it fears the transfer would disrupt operations at a time when space is increasingly important to the military. (Fuckabama where no one wants to be)

Supreme Court justices privately said the abortion leak locked in their votes on overturning Roe v. Wade: report : politics

Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US gov't workers | AP News Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US govt workers ... The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans

In an overnight post, the former president stepped up his attacks on the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, and warned of potential death and destruction if he is indicted.
Trump warns of potential death & destruction if he is charged in hush-money case
Trump calls for removal of every top official investigating him : politics
Anger as Trump posts picture of himself wielding baseball bat next to Alvin Braggs head
Trumps indictment over hush money to a porn star would be poetic justice

Bragg grand jury not meeting on Trump until at least Monday in Manhattan - The Washington Post
In Trump Rape Case, Jurors Will Be Kept Anonymous to Protect Them : politics

Manhattan DA rejects GOP demand for info on Trump case : politics
Court Action Underscores Peril for Trump in Documents Investigation - The New York Times Federal prosecutors continue to build a case that the former president obstructed efforts by the government to reclaim classified material and that he may have misled his own lawyer.

That Missing Trump Portrait? Found, Next to Some Old Yoga Mats. - The New York Times It was propped up in an obscure spot in a Trump hotel.

Rioter charged in Pelosi laptop theft sentenced to prison : politics
Two Boston police officers were at the Jan. 6 insurrection. Only one was fired. : politics

Cahiers Du Sinema ... "She's the biggest egomaniac in the Senate" (and that's saying something)

DeSantis' State Guard vision: planes, boats, police powers - The governor has requested nearly $100 million for the new State Guard force.
Trump, Taking Aim at DeSantis, Denounces Florida as Crime-Ridden Backwater Dump : politics

AOC said the story of Rosa Parks is too wokefor the GOP after mention of her race was removed from teaching materials

Republicans have taken away access to gender-affirming care from 22% of trans youth : politics

Parent Calls Bible Porn and Demands Utah School District Remove It From Libraries
A Utah parent says the Bible contains porn and should be removed from school libraries. Heres their full challenge.

Florida Principal Ousted After Parents Rage Over Michelangelos PornographicStatue
An Interview With the School Board Chair Who Forced Out a Principal After Michelangelos David Was Shown in Class

Illinois House passes bill prohibiting book bans : politics

Idaho Republicans Call Free Tampons In Schools Too Woke And Block Them
Idaho Republicans Deny Girls Free Tampons in School : politics

Wyoming judge blocks state abortion ban, citing anti-ObamaCare amendment pushed by conservatives : politics

South Carolinas comptroller quits after a $3.5 billion accounting error

Lindsey Graham admonished by Senate ethics panel : politics

Conservatism in a nutshell: instead of improving working conditions, theyre exploiting children.

Tracing the evangelical roots of white nationalism : politics

Utah governor signs laws requiring parentsconsent for minors to use social media

Transgender patients face discrimination during health care visits - Washington Post Trans patients share their stories of subtle discrimination, outright hostility and ill-informed medical professionals
The Washington Post Becomes The Anti-New York TimesWhile the New York Times offered up a series of articles designed to be quoted by rightwing bigots in their war on trans people, the Washington Post, in conjunction with the health nonprofit KFF, was doing a wide and deep survey of trans people. They were also interviewing trans people and now are publishing their results.

Attempts to Ban Books Doubled in 2022 - The New York Times A new report from the American Library Association showed a spike in censorship efforts, with 1,269 attempts.

The fantasy life of DEI administrators - Tirien Steinbach, the Stanford Law School DEI administrator who has become the focus of one the right wings endless Two Minute Hate extravaganzas after she tried to mediate a rhetorical brawl between SLS students a Nexus 6 Federalist Society Advanced Trolling Model in the form of a federal judge ... Kyle Duncan is a representative of a political movement Donald Trumps Republican partythat does not in fact believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion. That party has become the incarnation of an authoritarian ethno-nationalist theocratic project that believes in the precise opposite: in homogeneity, hierarchy, and exclusion.
Contempt of Court ... on the Stanford Law School/Kyle Duncan controversy.
Poetic justice as fairness ... One reason that Duncan wanted to just yell insults at the students is that hes an intellectually siloed mediocrity incapable of answering hostile questions with anything but inane cliches:

The FBI took a womans life savings, but a new bill would end the lawless seizure of Americans property

Seamus Gray missing: Waukegan police search for U.S. Navy sailor last seen leaving bar near Lake Michigan - CBS News

The Death of Peter Thiels KeptRomantic Partner Is Being Investigated as a Suicide - Miami police plan to interview Thiel as part of probe into the sudden death of Jeff Thomas, a model and social media influencer, sources said.

NPR cancels 4 podcasts amid major layoffs : NPR

Why are most of us stuck with a belief in the soul? | Aeon Essays The idea of the soul is obviously a nonsense, yet its immaterial mysterious nature has deep hooks in the human psyche

Which city are you NOT going to visit ever again and why? : AskReddit

How to Make a Website (Beginner's Guide) - DreamHost


Climate Change Is Speeding Toward Catastrophe. The Next Decade Is Crucial, U.N. Panel Says. : worldnews

Brave new world: the species swimming against the tide of Italian marble | Global development : worldnews

One of Europes busiest airports to be forced to cut flights due to planet-warming carbon pollution

Sunken Philippine oil tanker found after 3 weeks as spill spreads | Environment News : worldnews

First 3D-printed rocket lifts off but fails to reach orbit : worldnews

The Times Switches to C.D.C. Covid Data, Ending Daily Collection

Marburg fever outbreak in Equatorial Guinea widens, WHO reports. : worldnews

Senior China, Philippine diplomats meet over South China Sea : worldnews
TIL that the Philippines is 1 out 2 countries in the world that still doesnt allow divorce. It also has the 10th highest number of child brides globally, with 100,000 women married before their 15th birthday.

Taiwan prepared for all moves by China while President Tsai is abroad

China, Russia Deepen Nuclear Concord That Has Pentagon on Edge : worldnews
China Watching the Worlds Response to War in Ukraine - Blinken
Chinas military says US warship illegally entered waters in South China Sea (China Pacific Ocean)
Number of Chinese kindergartens drops in 2022 for first time in 15 years-media : worldnews

Russia hits Ukraine with missiles, drones as dear friend Xi departs

Witnesses Unravel the Chinese Mass Murder Mystery That Could Ruin Putin : worldnews

Russia Sets Gasoline Export Record With Rerouted Supplies : worldnews

Russias iPhone Killer Sells Under 1,000 Smartphones in First Year

Rahul Gandhi found guilty of defaming Narendra Modi : worldnews
Russia cannot meet arms delivery commitments because of war, Indian Air Force says : worldnews

The Ciskei experiment: a libertarian fantasy in apartheid South Africa | South Africa | The Guardian

Kuwait declares state of emergency due to massive oil spill

Armed Russian jets have flown over a U.S. base in Syria nearly every day in March, U.S. commander says : worldnews

Israel passes law protecting prime minister from removal : worldnews

Ukraine says will take advantage of Russian fatigue in Bakhmut very soon
Ukraine says Russias Bakhmut assault loses steam, counterstrike coming soon
Ukraine needs $411 bn for reconstruction, recovery: World Bank : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 393, Part 1 (Thread #534) : worldnews

(3/5) In places, Russia has made gains of up to several kilometres. Russian commanders are likely trying to expand a security zone west from the defence lines they have prepared along higher ground, and integrate the natural obstacle of the Oskil River.
5/5) Operationally, Russias intent in the north-east likely remains defensive. Commanders probably fear this is one of the sectors where Ukraine could attempt major offensive operations.

Prince William makes surprise visit to troops near Ukrainian-Polish border : worldnews

Finland opens airspace for NATO surveillance and intelligence flights : worldnews

Sweden approves NATO entry as Turkey, Hungary ratifications drag : worldnews

Hungary would not arrest Putin, says PM Orbans chief ofstaff

EU has spent over ten times more on energy crisis than Ukraine aid : worldnews

Cocaine use has risen across Europe, study shows : worldnews

Lithuanian MP proposes prison sentence for disrespecting church, draws comparisons with Russia : worldnews

Some 213 Ukrainian nationals living in the Netherlands have contacted anti-slavery organization FairWork in the past year with concerns about not being paid, long working hours and low rates : worldnews

After Eight Years, Dominos Pizza Gives Up on Italy
After Eight Years, Dominos Pizza Gives Up on Italy

Burrowing badgers halt train services in the Netherlands : worldnews

Nationwide protests in France after Macron doubles down on pension bill : worldnews

UK accuses Vladimir Putin of spreading false information over depleted uranium in tank shells for Ukraine : worldnews
British Gas boss takes 3.7m bonus despite criticism
Ike Ekweremadu: Organ-trafficking plot politician and wife guilty - BBC News
Man accused of filming castrations for eunuch maker website appears in London court (paying subscribers)

Brazil watchdog tells Bolsonaro to cede jewels from Saudis : worldnews

Alert in central Mexico after theft of radioactive material : worldnews

Canadas population grew by record 1 million in 2022, spurred by international migration
Twitter blocks access to accounts of prominent Canadians at request of Indias government, Sikh group alleges

Pentagon White House spokesman John Kirby: Depleted uranium is a common munition, if Russia is worried that this munition will destroy their tanks, they can simply retreat from Ukraine.
White House says Russian pilot who ran into a US drone and broke it was, at best, an idiot

What connects Trump's likely arrest with the bank bailouts? Answer: the anti-democracy movement

Biden approval dips near lowest point: AP-NORC poll | AP News

Why hasnt U.S. poverty improved in 50 years? Pulitzer-prize winning author Matthew Desmond has an answer

Jill Biden: Its time for men to step up for womens rights

Democratic Senators Urge The Biden Administration To Go After Ultrawealthy Tax Dodgers : politics

Those who want respect, give respect ... The fact that the public thinks less of judges when they act like jerks during televised arguments is an argument in favor of televising oral arguments.

The FTC wants to ban those tough-to-cancel gym and cable subscriptions : politics ... Someone needs to tell that to Delta Dental
~ Federal Trade Commission Proposes Rule Provision Making it Easier for Consumers to Click to Cancel Recurring Subscriptions and MembershipsProposal seeks to make it as easy to cancel enrollment as it was to sign up

White House Slams Crypto As Offering No Widespread Economic Benefits

Trump appointees interfered to weaken EPA assessment of toxic chemical : politics

Father of slain Parkland victim arrested in fiery moment at House gun law hearing

Sources: New York grand jury investigation into former President Trump is nearly done : politics
Grand jury will not convene in Trump investigation this week: sources : politics
Trump lawyers personal audio recordings could be final nail in the coffin
Trump Lawyer in Mar-a-Lago Case Must Hand Over Records, Appeals Court Says - The New York Times The ruling compelling the lawyer, M. Evan Corcoran, to turn over documents came after a lightning round of appeals court filings overnight.
Court rejects Trumps urgent bid to keep lawyers records from special counsel

Bragg fights GOP effort to force his testimony on Trump probe | The Hill

Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered : politics
Trump Attorneys Tell Him to Prepare to Lose to Alvin Bragg : politics

Stormy Daniels mocks Trump over indictment: You sound dumber than he does

Trump Calls Manhattan DA an Animal Working for Lunatics
Trump lashes out at hellhole Manhattan after supporters fail to turn up to protest indictment in native city
Donald Trumps fans sent him $1.5 million in 3 days after he falsely claimed that hed get arrested on Tuesday
Outside Mar-a-Lago, a subdued crowdsupports Trump as indictment looms

Tucker Carlson Begs Biden to Block Manhattan DA From Issuing Trump Indictments. | Carlson claimed the grand jury is biased, stating, without evidence, that its members are "overwhelmingly liberal." : politics
The Trump Indictment Is Bringing Out the Worst in People. Heres a List of Them.

Woman Who Stormed Pelosi's Office on Jan. 6 Is Sentenced to Three Years - Prosecutors said that Riley June Williams, 24,

Man at Center of Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory Demands Retraction From Fox

Sinema Trashes Dems: Old Dudes Eating Jell-OThe Arizona senator courts GOP donors by ridiculing her former Democratic colleagues.

DeSantis Calls Putin a War Criminal, Clarifying Earlier Comment onUkraine (flop-flippity)
After calling the Russia-Ukraine war a territorial dispute DeSantis says Putin is awar criminal and basically a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons ... He tries on new political positions as often as he tries on new pairs of boots.
DeSantis other officials travel records would be secret under Florida bill

Tallahassee principal ousted after complaints about MichelangelosDavid in art lesson

Florida GOPs New Anti-Trans Bill Is so Extreme It Could Ban Treatment for Breast Cancer: The bill is one of the cruelest in the country targeting transgender people.

Abortion legal again in Wyoming after judge blocks ban

Arizona court declines most of Lakes appeal over govs race

Southern District of West Virginia | Drug Trafficking Investigation Yields Largest Methamphetamine Bust in West Virginia History | United States Department of Justice

Oregon passes $200 million housing, homelessness package : politics

Antisemitic incidents rose 36% last year to highest number since 1979, Anti-Defamation League finds - CBS News

Most trans adults say transitioning made them more satisfied, Washington Post-KFF poll says - The Washington Post

Book Publishers Wont Stop Until Libraries Are Dead

The fantasy life of conservative intellectuals

Matt Taibbi Cant Comprehend That There Are Reasons To Study Propaganda Information Flows, So He Insists It Must Be Nefarious

The Secret Joke at the Heart of the Harvard Affirmative-Action Case | The New Yorker A federal official wrote a parody of Harvards attitude toward Asian Americans and shared it with the dean of admissions. Why did a judge try to hide that from the public? ... The trial, which I'd attended, had been held in October of 2018, before Judge Allison Burroughs (judicial priviledge)

The FBI Used an Undercover Cop With Pink Hair to Spy on Activists and Manufacture Crimes Protestors demonstrate in Colorado Springs following the murder of George Floyd., May 30, 2020. The Honey Trap : The FBI Used an Undercover Cop With Pink Hair to Spy on Activists and Manufacture Crimes ... The probe in Colorado Springs also raises questions about FBI priorities and the bureaus perceptions of threats. As federal agents investigated political activists there, they also launched, and promptly dropped, an investigation of a man running a neo-Nazi websitea decision that would have deadly consequences.

6 road construction workers killed in Maryland when car crashes into them : news

Searchers find body short distance from vehicle of student suspected of shooting 2 staff members at Denver high school | CNN
Body is 17-year-old accused of shooting 2 at Denver high school, Colorado coroner confirms - CNN : news

Video Shows HeroicSecurity Guard Wrestle Gun From Masked Man Entering Strip Club

Adams County Sheriffs deputies suing Afroman for commercial use of surveillance video from raid on his home
Adams County Sheriffs deputies suing Afroman for commercial use of surveillance video from raid on his home ... Also made their fucking names public with this. So now instead of being nameless shitass cops they're identifiable. Shawn D Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D Estep, Shawn D Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L Walters Jr. Great fucking job getting out of that embarrassment lmao.
Afroman sued by law enforcement officers who raided his home : news
LackingUtility comments on Afroman sued by law enforcement officers who raided his home

Interesting Globe article about how DCF avoids going through the courts when they take custody of children : boston

Overturning Roe v Wade likely led to an increase in distress in women. The loss of abortion rights that followed the overturning of the infamous Roe v Wade case was associated with a 10% increase in the prevalence of mental distress in women in the US. N=83,000 women : science

CBD Was Efficient In Preventing Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain : science

If you could place any object on the surface of Mars, purely to confuse NASA scientists, what would it be? : AskReddit

Cannabis regulators putting outa series of fires involving a Russian oligarch and data breach
Cannabis regulators putting out a series of firesinvolving a Russian oligarch and data breach


Earths oceans are showing early and surprising record warming

Antarcticas fastest-changing region has lost 3,000 billion tonnes of ice - enough to bury the Empire State Building 137 times | Climate News

UN warns of imminent global water crisis

Major registries in the carbon offset market are systematically over-crediting projects and delivering dubious carbon offsets, a practice that allows some companies to make unjustified claims of climate progress, according to a new report : worldnews

France ordered to ban fishing in some waters after unprecedented numbers of dolphin deaths : worldnews

They analyzed Chinese data on the origins of COVID. Now, these researchers have been cut off from a global database, and accused of scooping (China says they weren't allowed to "do anything" with the data)

Scientists Fear Bird Flu Surge as Billions of Birds Start to Fly Home : worldnews
1.7 million birds culled in Yucatan, Mexico following bird flu outbreak. Farmers say that the numbers are underestimated, saying that around 3 million birds have been culled.

Private planes, luxury cars and gold bars. Indonesias public servants had been living the life, until now

Japan to provide $470 million to Ukraine : worldnews
Russia flies strategic bomber planes near Japan as Kishida visits Ukraine : worldnews
Russia Flies Nuclear-Capable Bombers over Sea of Japan : worldnews

South Korea sets record of half million economically inactive youth : worldnews

US rightly rejects #Chinas claim to hold an impartial position in the war in #Ukraine following a summit between Putin & Xi Jinping. I dont think U can reasonably look at China as impartial in any way,John Kirby, National Security Council spokesman
US Says China Should Push Russia to End the War in Ukraine : worldnews
Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang: Russia and China represent "the forces of good in the world." : UkrainianConflict
Chinas Xi tells Putin of changes not seen for 100 years
Xi Jinping, Superstar - Puck An ecstatic reception for the Chinese president in Moscow revealed the dearth of diplomatic and military options before Russia, and just how few friends Vladimir Putin has left.
Heres the real lesson from the showy Xi-Putin meeting
Beijing saw more deaths than births in 2022, fresh data reveals : worldnews

Europe should detain Putin, give him to ICC if he visits, Blinken says - The Washington Post
Africa will become one of the leaders of the multipolar world order -- President Vladimir Putin (bipolar w/Xi-bong)
Ukraine war: Russia tightens ties with China as West offers $16 bln lifeline to Kyiv : worldnews

Putin says Russia will "respond accordingly" if Ukraine gets depleted uranium shells from U.K., claiming they have "nuclear component" : anime_titties
NEW: Russian President Vladimir #Putin appears to be setting conditions to weaponize the #UnitedNations Security Council (UNSC) as a method of Russian power projection ahead of #Russias accession to the rotating UNSC presidency in April.
Putin has vowed to respond to Britain sending uranium tank arms to Ukraine - as his defence minister says there are fewer steps to go before nuclear collision between Russia and the UK : worldnews
UK defends sending uranium shells after Putin warning : worldnews

EU VS DISINFO IN CONVERSATION WITH BILL BROWDER : It's very straightforward. We just gave Russia and Putin a free pass for 22 years. He invaded Georgia. We didnt do anything. He took Crimea. We didnt do anything. Hecarpet-bombed Aleppo. We didnt do anything. He sent assassins to kill Sergei

CNN: ICC prosecutor says Russia treats children like spoils of war

Russia de-mothballs tanks from the 1950s and sends them to war

The case of Olesya Krivtsova, a Russian student who ended up on the Kremlins official terrorist list, has underscored the perils of using social media to criticize the Kremlins war in Ukraine.

Russian soldiers stop receiving salaries: complaints coming from all over Russia : worldnews
The Wagner Group may lose most of its convict force in the upcoming weeks as convicts finish their six-month military contracts. : UkrainianConflict
Steven Seagal launches Aikido centre to train Russians for military service : UkrainianConflict

TIL China and India have been the population centers of the world for at least 6,000 years : todayilearned

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni blasts western nations for mposing LGBTQ agenda on his country
Uganda passes legislation criminalizing people for identifying as LGBTQ : anime_titties ... It aint gay if youre the top (christofucks)
Uganda passes bill banning identifying as LGBTQ : worldnews

US targets Iranian drone industry in latest round of sanctions : worldnews

Netanyahu softens governments judicial overhaul after Biden call
Pro-Israel Evangelicals urge Netanyahu to stop ultra-Orthodox bill to outlaw sharing the good news of Jesus in Israel | All Israel News Evangelicals ask Netanyahu to issue public statement making clear that a bill to crush religious freedom in Israel will never pass
Top Israeli minister: No such thing as Palestinian people

Ukraine clinches $15.6 billion IMF loan, a first for nation at war : worldnews
Zelenskyy arrives in vicinity of Bakhmut and awards its defenders : worldnews
US to send Patriot missile systems to Ukraine faster than originally planned : worldnews
Ukrainian troops impress US trainers as they rapidly get up to speed on Patriot missile system | CNN Politics : worldnews
The War Zone on Twitter: "M1A1 Abrams Variant Will Be Given To Ukraine To Expedite Tank Deliveries" / Twitter
Ukraines Western artillery adoption last summer deprived Russian military of counter-battery fire ability, said Col. Serhii Baranov of the General Staff. With NATO weapons, they cant reach our artillery, he added
SpaceX further limits Starlink service in Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 392, Part 1 (Thread #533) : worldnews

960 Russian invaders, 15 tanks eliminated in past day : worldnews
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 22 March 2023.

Deaths after Russian drone strike on high school in Kyiv region : worldnews

Destruction of a Russian 240-mm self-propelled 2S4 Tyulpan near Marinka. Russia only has a handful of these heavy mortars. It is known that at least 5 of them were destroyed already.
North of Bakhmut (no changes) Russians are doing everything they can to conquer Minkivka (especially the higher area near here). With the lack of control over Orikhovo-Vasylivka and the fact that the M03 is lower, the attack on this village is very difficult.

Ukraine Front Lines on Twitter: "#Bakhmut: we have to understand that ppl who are far away, who perceive the situation by rumors, by maps, and who are not on the scene, cannot have such a clear picture. They often say things that seem obvious to them, but which are not obvious in reality." / Twitter

Only seven NATO member states meet spending goal despite Russias war - NATO discussing next spending target to be agreed this July. The US, the UK, Poland, Estonia, Greece, Latvia and Lithuania meet 2%

US establishes first permanent military garrison in Poland : worldnews

The Swedish Parliament will vote on joining NATO on Wednesday

Andrew Tate: Brothers custody extended by another month
Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan leaving the police van handcuffed together : pics

Germany: Shots fired at police in Reichsburger raids | German police have conducted a series of raids in connection with an investigation into the far-right extremist Reichsburger scene. One police officer was injured in the operation after shots were fired
Cannabis in Germany will be a success story: Europes biggest economy moves closer to weed legalization

EU antitrust regulators raid energy drinks company (Red Bull) : worldnews

Court In Italy Approves Decision To Extradite Son Of Russian Regions Governor To U.S. (

Swiss government orders freeze on Credit Suisse bonus payments : worldnews
Controlled cannabis sale in Zurich greenlighted : worldnews

Do you think I enjoy doing this reform?: Frances Macron breaks silence after overriding parliament

Putin will be arrested if he comes to Ireland, Department of Justice says : worldnews

London police force is racist, misogynistic and homophobic, report finds : worldnews
Nickelbought via London Metal Exchange was just bags of stones ... 54 tons, contained stones rather than nickel. (just a little bag)

Journalist injured after plugging in explosive-laced USB drive mailed to his job : technology

Brazil assassination plot targeted in massive police raid : worldnews

An atrocity, not a tragedy - this John Ganz response to the inevitable Iraq War apologetics on the 20th anniversary is excellent:
Iraq and the limits of anniversary journalism - Columbia Journalism Review (US media not interested in Iraqis
Where Are They Now?: The Pundits Who Got Iraq Wrong
Iraq, the U.S., and The New Republic: 20 Years Later, Lessons Not Learned | The New Republic I was one of the few TNR staffers in 2003 who opposed the invasion. The magazines case for war has not aged well - John Judis
Nicholas Guyatt on Twitter: "For those too young to have lived through what happened twenty years ago, a thread of self-styled left/liberal types endorsing the invasion of Iraq" / Twitter
Eschaton: The Stupidest People In The World I was going to let this go, but I just can't. Will "Too Stupid To Tie Shoes" Saletan wrote his little "How a supergenius like me helped cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people" piece for Slate as a list of "lessons learned." All relatively innocuous until you get to the last one ... Our discourse is ruled by monstrous fools. Why can't Saletan just go back to telling women how they're supposed to feel when they have abortions?
Iraq Revisited Part II

Bipartisan lawmakers introduce bill to ban members from owning, trading stocks : politics

Rep. Burgess Owens to lead congressional hearing on unlawfulstudent loan forgiveness program. The Utah Republican, who has filed for bankruptcy protection multiple times, said debt cannot be canceled.

Secret Service has met with NY police on security plans in the event Trump is charged : politics

Grand Jury Meeting on Trump Evidence Canceled, Pushing Possible Indictment - The New York Times While prosecutors have signaled that an indictment of the former president is likely, its specific timing remains unclear, and grand juries conduct their work in secret.

Trumps Toxic New Attack: Black Prosecutors Are Racist
Trump Is Taking His Looming Criminal Indictment in Typical StrideBy Losing His Mind
Tucker Carlson Says A Wounded Trump Called Him About Those Brutal Private Texts
Trump wants to be handcuffed for court appearance in Stormy Daniels case, sources say : politics
Inside Trumps Efforts to Turn His Arrest Into a Martyrdom
Trump plunges GOP into more turmoil with legal troubles : politics
Donald Trump May Live to Regret Burning GOP Bridges : politics

Who Had It Worse, Trump or Jesus Christ? In MAGA-world and Christian Nationalism circles, many Trump supporters see his imminent arrest as eerily similar to the crucification of Jesus Christ.
Trump called for protesters. They turned up and demanded his arrest : politics
What Could Make or Break the Case Against Trump - The New York Times To try to convict the former president of a felony, prosecutors might attempt to connect state election law to a federal election.

Court Makes Extraordinary Late Night Demands in Trump Mar-a-Lago Case
Thats written in stone: Judge rejects Trumps pleas to delay trial in $250 million fraud case
Justice Department convinces federal judge Trump used his attorney in furtherance of a crime in classified docs probe : politics

Trump Lawyer Torn To Shreds As He Flubs His Way Through Ari Melber Interview : politics

Melania Trump: Former adviser responds to claim first lady left Trump over Stormy Daniels : politics
What Trump Stole

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan Issues Sweeping Information Requests to Universities Researching Disinformation - In the letters, Jordan asserted that the schools may have contributed to the Biden administration's censorship regime by advising on so-called misinformation

National Republicans are Looking for Senate Candidates who are Filthy Rich : politics

GOPs Idea of Youth: Little League? Proms? Try Working in a Slaughterhouse and Marrying at 10 - Republicans have declared war on children, and Democrats should talk more forthrightly about it.

Why is Ron DeSantis slipping in the polls? Could his 2024 presidential campaign be over before it even starts? : politics
DeSantis sees lowest level of support since December in new poll, trails Trump by 28 points : politics
racking the 2024 Republican Primary: DeSantis Support Dips, Tying Record Low
After DeSantis tussle, Disney World will host a major summit on gay rights : politics
DeSantis to expand Dont Say Gay law to all grades

The only hospital in this Idaho city plans to shut down its labor ward because of shortages and 'bills that criminalize physicians' : politics

Oklahoma court OKs abortion to preserve mothers life

Gov. Evers announces bill to restore abortion access in Wisconsin : politics

Dont Say Gay lawmaker pleads guilty to COVID relief fraud

North Carolinas Lt. Governor Is A Facebook Brawler Whose Posts Railed Against Gays, Blacks, And Jews

Rand Paul stunned by Moderna CEO: Less risk of myocarditis for people who take vaccine - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

Death toll linked to contaminated eye drops rising as more report vision loss - ABC News Four people have reportedly had to have their eyeballs surgically removed.

As New York Pays Out Millions In Police Misconduct Settlements, Lawmakers Ask Why They Keep Happening : politics

Investment fund links to Atlanta police and Cop City project revealed

East High School shooting: 2 adults shot at school, one in critical condition, police say Victims are hospitalized, one in critical condition, Denver police officials said

Are drivers getting worse because Americans are getting worse?

Exclusive: GPT-4 readily spouts misinformation, study finds : technology

Why Are Public Restrooms Still So Rare? - The New York Times Cities in the U.S. and elsewhere have made strides, but challenges remain.

The American Christian sects larping Judaism, explained by Pluralism8 : bestof ... These people who try to push Jews for Jesusonto Jewish people see it as an inoffensive and entirely positive upgrade of Judaism. If someone pushed Christians for Mohammed onto them in the same terms, they would be outraged, and completely unable to see the equivalency.
pluralism8 comments on . . . meanwhile, in front of Trump Tower, the "crowd" shows up . . . Messianic Judaism is, literally, a form Christianity and is not Jewish in any sense.

Phase 1 study: New medicine extends terminally-ill cancer patients' lives. Seventy percent of the patients who tested the medicine were stable after six weeks. Twelve continued the medication and were stable for 18 weeks. One woman took the medication for 17 months, and was stable for over two years : science

Study shows obesity paradox does not exist: waist-to-height ratio is a better indicator of outcomes in patients with heart failure than BMI

Two independent teams have shown that gravitational waves emanating from the distorted remnants of black hole mergers should interact with themselves. The findings may finally prove stringent enough to push Einsteins theory to its limits which could allow new and exciting physics to emerge.

Scientists discover brain changes during psychedelic trips on DMT : worldnews

Scientists have discovered the chemical compound uracil, one of the building blocks of RNA, in just 10 milligrammes of material from the asteroid Ryugu : worldnews

What movie has the best portrayal of psychedelic drugs? : movies

What ridiculous and untrue belief does your significant other hold that you ignore because its not worth the fight coming if you tell them theyre wrong ?

What Sci-fi movie of the 2010's will be remembered as being the most prescient?

Ex addicts of Reddit, what was your rock bottom that made you realize you had to stop? : AskReddit

What is something every man should own? : AskReddit

People who attended their high school reunion, what was the biggest surprise? : AskReddit

How did you become happy? : AskReddit

What is your worst roommate stories? : AskReddit

What is a belief, repeatedly echoed on Reddit, that you completely disagree with? : AskReddit
What are some actually fun facts you know of? : AskReddit


World can still avoid worst of climate collapse with genuine change, IPCC says : worldnews

The world saw a record 9.6% growth in renewables in 2022 : worldnews

Greta Thunberg, climate activists get court nod to sue Swedish state : worldnews

Sailboat crew rescued in Pacific after abandoning ship sunk by whale - The Washington Post Four people aboard the Raindancer were stranded in the Pacific Ocean for 10 hours ... "Everything was in control as much as it could be for a boat sinking"

S. Korea fully restores bilateral military information-sharing pact with Japan : worldnews

Czech Republic readies big Taiwan delegation in defiance of China : worldnews

Ignoring experts, Chinas sudden zero-COVID exit cost lives
Beijing still seeking answers a year after China Eastern plane crash : worldnews
Qantas pilots told to fly through radio interference reportedly coming from Chinese warships : worldnews

Putin Hosts Xi for Second Day of Talks After Welcoming Chinas Ukraine Peace Plan
Xi Jinping says China, Russia have similar goals
Xi invites Putin to China for third Belt and Road Forum - Xinhua : worldnews
2/ #Xis rhetoric suggests that he is not inclined to fully give #Russia the economic and political support that Russia needs to reverse setbacks in #Ukraine.
ISW on Twitter: "4/ #Xi will likely offer a more concrete proposal for a negotiated settlement to the war in #Ukraine, but it's unclear what his proposal will entail & how receptive the #Kremlin will be to it. The prospects of #China supplying #Russia w/ military equipment also remain unclear." / Twitter

russia is carrying out probably the worlds largest child abduction in modern history with more than 16 thousand Ukrainian children having already been kidnapped. putin is a criminal the Hague is waiting for. How can russia vote in the UN Security Council?

Russia defies Vladimir Putin arrest warrant by opening its own case against ICC - ABC News ("Crimes against Putin")
Russian Hawks Threaten Nuclear Strikes Over Putin Hague Warrant : worldnews

Moscow students are reportedly being handed mobilisation orders along with their diplomas, literally at the very minute that their exemption from military service expires. This is happening at the same time that Russia is reportedly seeking 400,000 new soldiers. : UkrainianConflict
Russia planning to pardon surviving convicts in Wagner Group ranks who made it through war
Russian Pop Star Who Criticized Putin Found Dead After Drowning : worldnews

Kremlin Bans iPhones for Officials Involved in Putins 2024 Re-Election

Russia says SU-35 scrambled over Baltic as 2 US bombers flew towards border : worldnews

Kazachstan seizes Russian space base : worldnews

US report lists significant human rights abuses in India

In fear of default, over 127,000 flee Pakistan in 2023 : worldnews

Turkey halts transit of sanctioned goods to Russia : worldnews
Seven British patients who travelled to Turkey for weight loss surgery died after operations there. : worldnews

Yemeni government and rebels agree prisoner swap in Geneva : worldnews

Top Oil Exporter Saudi Arabia loads up on Russian diesel : worldnews

UN says Iran may have committed crimes against humanity: Cases of murder, torture, and sexual violence in Irans crackdown on widespread protests may amount to crimes against humanity

Israeli authorities shutter Voice of Palestine radios Israel operations, summons 5 journalists for questioning
Arab outcry after Israeli minister Smotrichs anti-Palestinian rant in Paris
Top Israeli minister: No such thing as Palestinian people ... He spoke at a lectern draped with what appeared to be an image showing the map of Israel that included the occupied West Bank, Gaza and Jordan.

Japanese leader heading to Ukraine for talks with Zelenskyy : worldnews
Japan, China leaders visit rival capitals in Ukraine war : worldnews
Japanese leader arrives in Kyiv as Chinas Xi visits Russia

More on the Terror CampaignGreat WSJ article on Ukraines response to Russias anti-infrastructure campaign:
US to send Patriot missile systems to Ukraine faster than originally planned | CNN Politics
US speeds up Abrams tank delivery to Ukraine war zone : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 391, Part 1 (Thread #532) : worldnews

There is no evidence that Mariupol was visited by the real Putin -- Ukraines Intelligence Directorate

ISW on Twitter: "New: #Russian forces made marginal gains in and around #Bakhmut amid a reported increase in the tempo of Russian operations around #Avdiivka. Our latest:" / Twitter
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "2/ The formation of assault groups by Russian forces suggests a persistent demand for further assaults. However, it is observed that many of these groups lack experienced or motivated personnel to effectively operate on the battlefield." / Twitter
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "4/ The enemy has established an echelon-like organizational structure to sustain their offensives, which allows them to effectively rotate their troops. However, it is noteworthy that the number of combat-ready equipment at their disposal is gradually decreasing." / Twitter
Tatarigami_UA on Twitter: "6/ The forthcoming stage of the battle for Bakhmut is likely to unfold soon." / Twitter
A Ukrainian drone flies over a significant number of Russian soldiers who have been killed in the trenches. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Russian Air Defence Shoots Down Its Own Fighter Jet Over Donetsk : UkrainianConflict ... The invaders again demonstrated their abilities and demilitarized a Russian military aircraft.

EU agrees to send Ukraine one million artillery shells : worldnews

Ukrainian drones hit Russian train carrying Kalibr missiles in temporarily occupied Crimea : worldnews
Explosions destroy Russian cruise missile shipment in Crimea : worldnews

Finland still purchasing gas from Russia : worldnews

Croatia Convicts Yugoslav Intelligence Chief of War Crimes : worldnews

Police finds an unknown Jackson Pollock painting in Sofia : worldnews

Further Dutch restrictions on chip technology exports will damage trade relations between China and the Netherlands and repercussions will follow, the Chinese ambassador to the Netherlands has warned : worldnews

The $17 billion wipeout of Credit Suisse bondholders has not gone down well in Europe : worldnews
Goldman Sachs prepares claims trading for wiped-out Credit Suisse debt : worldnews

Emmanuel Macron survives first confidence vote amid protests : worldnews

Fifteen years of wage stagnation has left British workers 11,000 worse off a year, according to research shared exclusively with BBC Panorama. (Toryfucked)
London police institutionally racist and sexist, major review finds : worldnews (copfucked)
Danish far-right leader banned from UK over threat to burn Quran in Wakefield : worldnews

Letter bombs addressed to journalists were sent to three TV stations in violence-plagued Ecuador Monday, one of which exploded without causing casualties, officials and the outlets reported : worldnews

Colombia suspends ceasefire with drug cartel. : worldnews

Venezuelas oil minister Tareck El Aissami resigned on Monday after prosecutors opened a corruption investigation into officials at the state oil company PDVSA

7 killed in shootout as gunmen ambush soldiers in Mexico : worldnews
Vulcan Materials Company seized in Mexico, lawmakers respond : worldnews

George W. Bush misrepresented our work at CIA to sell the Iraq invasion. Its time to call him what he is: A liar. (now try war criminal)
How many U.S. soldiers were wounded in Iraq? No one knows or seems to care - Press Watch ... But the wounded figure wildly understates the number of American servicemembers who suffered injuries, losses, and lifetime afflictions during the war that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney started based on lies.
The elite liberal(ish) case for invading Iraq ... an unpleasant trip down memory lane: worth noting that at this point by most of these dudes were not really even pretending that Iraq posed any material threat to the US. Instead, the arguments were mostly premised on dreams about how democracy could be created by force ex nihilo by, er, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and some Heritage Foundation interns
Michael Ignatieffs infamous NYT magazine cover story from January 2003 (Ignatieff was founding director of Harvards Carr Center for Human Rights)
New Yorker editor David Remnicks case for invasion, 26 January 2003
Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of The New Republic, 3 March 2003
Nicholas Guyatt on Twitter: "Thomas Friedman, three-time Pulitzer winner and NY Times columnist, "D-Day," 19 March 2003" / Twitter

Eschaton: They Killed An Immense Number Of People raq war mea culpas were a thing about 12 years ago or so, and most of them were along the lines of, "wow how could my immense brain have failed me, no worries, my immense brain will never do that again, because it is so immense." Almost no reckoning with what they caused ... I'd be more forgiving if it wasn't the case that 20 years later, "support for the Iraq war" wasn't still an almost (not quite!) perfect indicator of whether someone is a complete asshole today.
How Start? - by John Ganz - Unpopular Front Reflecting on the War in Iraq ... Many of the nations journalists and writers gladly volunteered for that work. They set out to make sure an insane thing became common sense among the elite ... We went to war and killed hundreds of thousands for something that was just not real. If the jingoism, militarism, and bureaucratic machinery of the Bush era somehow fuses with the rowdy, populist hate-mongering of Trumpism, then the question of fascism will be settled: we will unambiguously have it
The real weapons of mass destruction are the enemies we made among the way : It is, I suppose, not surprising to see Bret Usually Wrong And Never in Doubt Stephens proclaim that he was correct to have supported the invasion of Iraq. It is amazing to see him justify it in originalist terms that is, because of weapons of mass destruction that didnt exist:

Iraq and the limits of anniversary journalism - Columbia Journalism Review
The Iraq War and Modern Memory - by James Fallows - Except for those directly involved, the war fades steadily from U.S. attention, mentioned mainly on major anniversaries like this weeks. Convenient amnesia increases the damage done in those years

The pre-Pearl Harbor GOP
Open letter to Jeffrey Sachs on his position regarding Russian war on Ukraine (another respected Putin dicksucker)

Tracking the Chinese Balloon From Space - The New York Times

Biden signs bill to declassify information on origins of COVID-19 : politics
We Were Helpless : Despair at the C.D.C. as the Pandemic Erupted - Current and former employees recall rising desperation as Trump administration officials squelched research into the new coronavirus.

U.S. State-Government Websites Use TikTok Trackers, Review Finds - WSJ states might be inadvertently helping Chinese-owned app collect data

Obama wants companies to strip degree requirements from more six-figure jobs to address the labor shortage : politics

'Waco: American Apocalypse' Netflix documentary recounts 1993 siege - The Washington Post (Janet Reno killed 76 people)

Comer, Republicans' Investigative Chief, Embraces Role of Biden Antagonist - The fourth-term Kentuckian and chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee has become an aggressive promoter of sinister-sounding claims about the president and his family.

Supreme Court ruling hands victory to public school students with disabilities : NPR

Ruperts would-be fall person
Tucker Carlsons senior producer repeatedly made antisemitic comments to Jewish staffers, lawsuit claims
Fox News producer alleges network coerced her testimony in Dominion case
Inside the 3 Months That Could Cost Fox $1.6 Billion - The New York Times The decision by Fox News executives in November 2020 to treat the more hard-right Newsmax as a mortal threat spawned a possibly more serious danger.
Is Sean Hannity a journalist? Fox News hosts' role key in Dominion lawsuit - The Washington Post
Fox News Host Tries Strange New Way To Define WokeDana Perino suggested the term wokeis more of a sense, a feeling." (jfc, she's still here)

A president has never been indicted. But one was arrested ... The man who led the North to victory in the Civil War was busted for speeding in his horse-drawn carriage.

Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg saw case against Trump as potentially "charge ready" years ago : politics ... Does anyone think it is a coincidence that Trump is holding a rally in Waco, Texas as he rallies his cult followers to violence close to the 30th anniversary of the Waco, Texas cult siege?
"Kangaroo investigation": Dems push back as Jim Jordan, House GOP go after Manhattan D.A. Rep. Jerry Nadler says last-ditch GOP attempts to stop Trump indictment are the real "weaponization" of government : politics
Liberal Manhattan DA takes on Trump in perilous legal fight - POLITICO Progressive policies pushed by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg have made him a convenient target for Trump, who has a history of claiming bias by those investigating him.

Trump at Mar-a-Lago: Magical Thinking and a Perp-Walk FixationThose who have spent time with Donald Trump in recent days say he has often appeared significantly disconnected from the severity of his potential legal woes.
The Circus Continues : For Trump, Legal Woes Resurrect Old Habits - The former president strengthened his political position in recent weeks, but an impetuous response to his potential indictment could alienate voters he will need to win back the White House.

Special counsel claims Trump deliberately misled his attorneys about classified documents, judge wrote
Looks Like Trump Is Going Down As Special Counsel Nails Him With Evidence Of Classified Docs Crimes

Trumps unprecedented call for protests is the latest sign of his aim to degrade America's institutions (
Far-right activists wary of trap after Trump calls for protests
MAGA protesters in Manhattan crowded out by anti-Trump rivals - POLITICO I wish more people had shown upsaid Trump supporter Philippe Lejeune.
Bomb Threat Called In to New York Court Where Trump Hearing Held - Bloomberg
Trumpageddon: Its time to take Trumps threats of retributionseriously Trump has been channeling Hitler and Mussolini
Trump protest fizzles out: "More reporters here than Trump supporters" : politics
Donald Trump wants his 74 million supporters to sign a petition railing against his potential arrest. Those who sign it are asked to donate $3,300 and more.
Dismal Crowd At NYC Trump Rally Despite Ex-Prezs Call For Action As Arrest LoomsLeaders of the New York Young Republican Club told HuffPost they kept the rally tiny on purpose.
An indictment would help Trump! is wholly premature

Donald Trump bizarrely claimed that his phone got hacked by the radical leftwhen he dialed into an evening prayer session with Roger Stone and Michael Flynn
Thoughts And Prayers: The Radical Left Has Infiltrated The Phone Lines Now Too

Trump loses last bid to keep key evidence out of rape trial A federal judge ruled that key witnesses will be allowed to testify, and misogynistic remarks Trump made about women in 2005, when he apparently didn't realize he was being recorded, can be played for a jury.
Make No Mistake, the Investigation of Donald Trump and the Stormy Daniels Scheme Is Serious

Under His Wings: Leaked Emails Reveal an Anti-Trans Holy WarLeaked emails from anti-trans lobbyists and state lawmakers read, at times, like scripts from The Handmaids Tale ... It is the language of Christian nationalism ... They are not trying to protect children. They are trying to murder the transgender community,
Under His Wings: Leaked Emails Reveal an Anti-Trans Holy War

The GOP gains among voters ofcolor are overhyped ... Asian, Black and Latino Americans combined in 2020 to vote around 73 percent for Joe Biden, compared to 25 percent for then-President Donald Trump
The shape of polarization in America - by Patrick Ruffini not as badly divided as we think, and is all thanks to nonwhite voters -

Ron DeSantis Slammed For Writing He Was Culturally Raised in the Midwest, But geographically in Tampa
Ronald DeSantis Populist, Midwestern Roots Go About as Deep as Astroturf | Nobody is going to mistake this meathead for a man of the people.
DeSantis Privately Called for Google to Be Broken UpRepublican governor takes his anti-big tech rhetoric beyond what he has said publicly.
Inside Ron DeSantiss Plan to Ride Anti-vaxxism to the White House (stupdity you mean)
Florida GOP lawmaker who wrote 'Don't Say Gay' bill facing up to 35 years after pleading guilty in COVID fraud case

The war on drag shows

Anti-porn bills in 8 states could force device makers to censor sexual material - Florida, South Carolina, Maryland, Tennessee, Iowa, Idaho, Texas and Montana

From red bastion to blue bulwark: What political shift in Colorado and West means for U.S.

States Are Cracking Down On Militias Except For Idaho

The racial wealth gap in the Bay Area starts with the stunning test scores coming out of our education system.

The FBI raided a notable journalists home. Rolling Stone didnt tell readers why ... It should have been a coup. Instead, acrimony inside the newsroom over how that scoop was edited led to accusations that the magazines brash leader pulled punches in overseeing coverage of someone he knew

Pumping GasThe Oregon House on Monday overwhelmingly approved a bill to allow self-service options at every gas station in Oregon, raising a real possibility the state will cast off its place as one of just two states still forbidding many drivers from touching the pump.

LA School Workers Strike

Inside the rural Texas resistance to the GOPs private school choice plan

Schultz Out at Starbucks

Sugar nepo baby: The Bethany Mandel story ... She is now home schooling her brood of nascent Jews for Fascism, because of course she is.

LGM Film Club, Part 360: The Seventh Seal

Eschaton: Sounds Bad Antifa rampaging. : Fresno Police Chief Paco Balderrama on Wednesday announced the arrest of five people after a series of bombings in the city. A task force of local police and FBI agents also seized bomb-making components, firearms, methamphetamine and white supremacist paraphernalia, including Nazi flags.

Video Shows Virginia Mans Death in Custody

The Supreme Guide to LPR Causes & Treatment

A rare 19th-century photo of the Great Sphinx before it was excavated and restored. : pics

Why Americans should eat more lentils - The Washington Post

12 MA Places Among Top 100 Best To Live In U.S.: Niche | Cambridge, MA Patch One Harvard Yard-having city along the Charles River was particularly well represented on the list.

Linux is gone!! : massachusetts
Fellow Massachusetts Subreddit In Need of Help : boston
Check Out the Alternative to this Subreddit : massachusetts
Power tripping mod retroactively adds rule stating its illegal not to support Ukraine after banning multiple users for a rule that did not exist.
R/Massachusetts Refugees : Massachusetts_US
If you were banned from r/Massachusetts, comment inside : Massachusetts_US
Either Linux-Is-Best is back, or new-and-unidentified mods are his clones. : Massachusetts_US
Mod of 3 months in r/massachusetts "purg[es] members who have been promoting racism, segregation, homophobia, blatant sexism, spam, etc.", but is accused of actually removing anything he "doesn't politically agree with, and especially those that criticize his actions as a moderator" : SubredditDrama

Gregg Braden - Wikipedia


Earth to Hit Critical Warming Threshold by Early 2030s, Climate Panel Says - The New York Times A new U.N. report says it is still possible to hold global warming to relatively safe levels, but doing so will require global cooperation, billions of dollars and big changes.
UN climate change report: Catastrophic warming will claim lives without action - The Washington Post
Scientists deliver final warning on climate crisis: act now or its too late
Scientists deliver final warning on climate crisis: act now or its too late

UN climate report: Scientists release survival guide to avert climate disaster

Living on Earth: Broken Promise for the Arctic

Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration : worldnews

Vaccine makers prep bird flu shot for humans ust in case; rich nations lock in supplies

Avian Flu discovered in carcasses of five seals from Cornwall : worldnews

Candida Auris, a Deadly Fungus, Spread Rapidly During Pandemic, CDC Says - The New York Times Candida auris, a drug-resistant fungus that health officials hoped to contain is now in more than half the 50 states, according to a new research paper.

Low oxygen levels behind mass fish death in Australian river : worldnews
New giant spider discovered in Australia : worldnews
SAS veteran Oliver Schulz arrested as part of war crimes investigation into killing of Afghan man in field - ABC News : worldnews

Japan announces $75 bln new plan to counter China in Indo-Pacific : worldnews
Japan, German leaders agree to strengthen ties, supply chain : worldnews
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida invites Indian Prime Minister Modi to Japan for G7 Summit : worldnews

North Koreas Kim calls for nuclear attack readiness against U.S., South Korea
Atmosphere of War: North Korea Said 1.4 Million People Just Enlisted to Fight the U.S.

Former Taiwan president Ma to visit China in landmark trip : worldnews

Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow to meet Putin : worldnews
Chinese President Xi Jinping is welcomed byhe Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko. He is the minister for tourism, sport, culture and communication. The deputy? The tourist minister? Ok ... Putin didnt want to be in a predetermined place outside.
Defense Ministry: Putin visited Mariupol at night to avoid showing destruction of city. : worldnews
Medvedev threatens to strike court in The Hague with Oniks hypersonic missile : worldnews
Drunk former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (and spokesman for war criminal Putin) has just threatened the ICC with a hypersonic missile. He also threatened to shoot down Lindsey Grahams plane last week and hire a hitman to kill Italys defence minister. Seriously unhinged. -- Bill Browder

Kremlin employees are given month to get rid of their iPhones : worldnews

Russian court freezes all Volkswagen assets in Russia : worldnews

Taliban officials must sack sons given government jobs : worldnews

Central African Republic rebels storm mine; 9 Chinese killed : worldnews

South Africa takes into account warrant for Putins arrest.
South African authorities arrest 87 ahead of anti-government protest : worldnews

Report: 43,000 estimated dead in Somalia drought last year | AP News : worldnews

Jeffery Woodke: American citizen held hostage for 6 years in West Africa has been freed | CNN Politics

#Turkey may approve #Sweden's application for #NATO membership before the alliance July summit in #Vilnius, Turkish Foreign Minister #Cavusoglu said. He stated that #Turkeys approval of Swedens NATO membership bid depends on #Stockholm.

Saudi National Bank loses over $1 billion on Credit Suisse investment : worldnews ... less than they gave Jared Kushner

Biden urges Netanyahu to reach compromise on judicial overhaul : worldnews
Israeli minister condemned for claiming no such thing as a Palestinian people | Israel
Israel army reservists refuse to serve in protest against judicial reform : worldnews

ICC to plead for extra money to pursue Russian war crimes in Ukraine : worldnews
Russia surrenders or withdraws troops Ukraines Security Council Secretary on implementing Chinas peace plan
Ukrainian officials express outrage over Putins surprise visit to city of Mariupol, saying visiting under the cover of night befits a thief
Someone shouts at Putin in Mariupol: Its all lies. Its all for show
Most of the participants from the meeting of "Putin" with the "local residents" of #Mariupol have been identified

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 390, Part 1 (Thread #531) : worldnews

A Ukrainian soldier wondered if the Russians advancing on Bakhmut are on drugs: Otherwise, how can they go to certain death?
Unarmed Russian soldiers run into Ukrainian fire for the sole purpose of digging trenches or carrying ammunition. Those who refuse could be killed or imprisoned, report says. : worldnews

Ukrainian Ambassador: Russian Jews escaped regime, Ukrainian Jews see Ukraine as home : worldnews

Polish Ambassador to France: Poland will be forced to enter war if Ukraine fails to defend itself : worldnews

Czech President believes Ukraine has one attempt to carry out major counteroffensive : worldnews

Finland named worlds happiest country for 6th year running

Hungary blocked European Union member states from issuing a joint statement about an international arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin, writes Bloomberg. I am genuinely sick and tired of Hungary.

Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece - The New York Times Artemis Seaford, a dual U.S.-Greek national, was targeted with a cyberespionage tool while also under a wiretap by the Greek spy agency in a case that shows the spread of illicit snooping in Europe.

UBS agrees to buy Credit Suisse for more than $2 bln : worldnews

French President Emanuel Macron faces a critical test on Monday when the National Assembly is due to examine no-confidence motions filed after his government bypassed parliament on Thursday to push through a deeply unpopular pension reform, sparking days of unrest : worldnews
Jupiter Macron fails to align for South American trade deal

Tony Blair: Putin cant use Iraq to justify Ukraine invasion | The former British prime minister rejected comparisons between Russias war in Ukraine and the US-led invasion of Iraq.
China condemns British lawmakers for ignoring demand not to visit Taiwan : worldnews (we're the boss of you, Xi screams)
British man deported to Jamaica launches action against Home Office | Richard Wallace wrongly classed as Jamaican and deported after serving murder sentence, despite having been born in London : worldnews
Kitchen renovation reveals 400-year-old friezes in York flat : worldnews

El Salvador: Bukele intensifies war on gangs: 2,000 more inmates transferred tobiggest prison in all America

Why do so many men dislike Justin Trudeau? | The Star

Expert analyzes new account of GOP deal that used Iran hostage crisis for gain : politics

Why the Press Failed on Iraq | Foreign Affairs And How One Team of Reporters Got It Right
Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at George W. Bush says his country is still paying the price for the US-led invasion : worldnews
Two decades on, how the UK/US-led invasion turbo-charged Iraq into chaos : anime_titties
Iraq and the Pathologies of Primacy. The Flawed Logic That Produced the War Is Alive and Well : anime_titties
The shadow of the Iraq war lingers onThe United States invaded Iraq 20 years ago. The rationale for the war was a lie, and the consequences remain to this day.
I was a Guantanamo detainee. Those DeSantis allegations didnt surprise me

Wealth Inequality in America visualized : interestingasfuck

186 US Banks at Risk for Failure
Before Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, the Fed Spotted Big Problems - The New York Times The bank was using an incorrect model as it assessed its own risks amid rising interest rates, and spent much of 2022 under a supervisory review.

Asleep at the switch: Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls for independent probe of Fed, banking regulations
Elizabeth Warren says Jerome Powell has 'failed' as Federal Reserve chair ... And yet Biden allowed him to stay. Corporate goons are going to corporate goon.

Biden issues first veto, rejecting bill to reverse ESG rule This bill would risk your retirement savings by making it illegal to consider risk factors MAGA House Republicans dont like. Your plan manager should be able to protect your hard-earned savingswhether Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene likes it or not,

Clarence Thomas criticized this 1963 precedent on the right to counsel : politics

Fear, burnout and insubordination: Insiders spill details about life at the highest levels of FBI - POLITICO A discrimination case has pulled back the curtain on the tense atmosphere at the bureaus legal office.

McConnells absence leaves colleagues wondering about GOPs future

Oath Keepers: Six convicted in connection with January 6 US Capitol riot | CNN Politics

N.Y. Authorities Prepare for Unprecedented Arrest of an Ex-President : politics
Indictment Week? : politics
Donald Trump could be charged any day - what happens next? : politics
Trump indictment could land as early as Monday, sending law enforcement scrambling - POLITICO A grand jury is expected to charge Trump late Monday or Wednesday, according to three people involved in the deliberations.
Trumps call for protests gets muted reaction by supporters
McCarthy says Americans should not protest if Trump is indicted : politics
House GOP targets Manhattan DA
"Significant increase" in threats online ahead of possible Trump indictment : politics

Republicans Suggest Possible Trump Indictment Is to Distract from Hunter Biden Allegations : politics

Trump indictment mystery solved: surprise Trump grand jury witness is Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, source says : politics

Georgia prosecutors considering racketeering and conspiracy charges in probe of effort to overturn Trumps 2020 loss, source says
Trumps Lawyers Seem Pretty Panicked Hes Going to be Indicted in Georgia Too

Notable legal clouds that continue to hang over Donald Trump in 2023 : politics
Send lawyers guns and money : If Donald Trump can be arrested, when his only crime has been to repeatedly break the laws of this nation throughout the course of his entire adult life, then who among us is truly safe? Somehow, it seems all too fitting that at this particular historical moment Rupert Murdoch, age 92, has gotten engaged yet again, thus indicating his eagerness to continue doing literally what he's been doing to this country metaphorically for so many decades now.
Fox News Tries to Silence Top Producer Abby Grossberg, Who Threatened to Reveal Internal Convos The network is taking a key producer for Tucker and Bartiromo to court to stop her from disclosing internal chatter as part of her own threats to sue for discrimination.

Trump Can Serve as President From Prison, Alan Dershowitz Suggests (Dershofuckwad)

Ben & Jerrys Founder Is Top Donorof Group Campaigning Against U.S. Military Support for Ukraine
Ben & Jerrys Founder Is Top Donor of Group Campaigning Against U.S. Military Support for Ukraine
Psychology expert says blaming Russia for Trump was an easy way out for a traumatised US society (Gabor Mate)
America in denial: Gabor Mate on the psychology of Russiagate (lying pro-Putin asshole didn't age well)
What about Israel Should Americans Support in 2023?

Republicans slam DeSantis for calling war in Ukrainea territorial dispute
A drag queen who survived the Orlando Pulse shooting says Floridas LGBTQ community is 'scared' of further hate following DeSantis push to revoke a hotels liquor license
Undercover agents saw nothing lewd at Orlando dragshow. Florida is going after venue anyway
DeSantis administration sent undercover agents to an Orlando drag show and they found nothing wrong with it. The state is still trying to punish the venue. : politics
Not just Florida: The entire GOP is waging a nationwide racism-fueled war on public education : politics

US maternal mortality is more than 10 times higher than in Australia. Why? | Moira Donegan | The Guardian US maternal mortality is more than 10 times higher than in Australia. Wh

Texas abortion law means woman has to continue pregnancy despite fatal anomaly : news

How close to death must a woman be to get an abortion in Tennessee? : politics

Maryland House of Delegates approves trans rights bill. The Trans Health Equity Act, passed by a 93-37 vote margin. The measure now goes before the Maryland Senate : politics

Georgia County Spends $1 Million to Avoid Paying for One Employees Gender-Affirming Care

Filibuster over transgender bill jams Nebraska legislature for weeks : politics

Lauren Boebert blows up the GOP's biggest talking point - Here are some inconvenient facts that upset the dominant narrative about the color line and poverty in America

He has a battle rifle: Police feared Uvalde gunmans AR-15

Homeschooling in Michigan ... There are zero educational requirements in Michigan. They just decide when to say their kids have graduated. They have faith-based math >

Antisemitic tweets soared on Twitter after Musk took over, study finds - The Washington Post

Gadfly Reporter Simon Ateba Throws White House Presser Into Chaos With Over-the-Top Tantrum

Two US mothers sue hospitals over drug tests after eating poppy seed bagels : news

Experts Conclude Genome Editing in Human Embryos Still Too Risky : worldnews

$250,000 prize offered for deciphering Ancient Roman scrolls : worldnews

Researchers, with the help of magnetic resonance tomography, have found evidence that the language we speak shapes the connectivity in our brains that may underlie the way we think : science

Longitudinal study links childhood sexual abuse to mental and physical difficulties throughout adulthood : science

ELI5: If Neanderthals were a separate species, why were humans able to make fertile babies with them? : explainlikeimfive

Amanda Bynes Placed on Psychiatric Hold, Found Naked and Roaming Streets : television

If you could go back to any year, which would it be? : AskReddit

The Internet Archive is defending its digital library in court today : worldnews


Aviation chiefs rejected measures to curb climate impact of jet vapours : worldnews

Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration : worldnews

A wake-up call: total weight of wild mammals less than 10% of humanitys

Big oil firms touted algae as climate solution. Now all have pulled funding : worldnews

Swansea University academics develop worlds first printable solar cell

Strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador : worldnews
Ecuador earthquake kills at least 15 people : worldnews

Chile reports at least 532 sea lions believed to have died following H5N1 bird flu, much higher than previously reported. : worldnews

Australia has absolutely not committed to join US in event of war over Taiwan, Marles says
US fighter pilot moved to a maximum security jail in regional NSW for allegedly helping train Chinese military pilots : worldnews

Rainbow Greens ask government to ban anti-transgender activist from New Zealand. : worldnews

A radioactive cylinder has gone missing in Thailand. Authorities are now scrambling to find it : worldnews

Trouble in paradise as Bali loses patience with Russians, Ukrainians fleeing war : worldnews

N Korea launches missile into sea amid US-S Korea drills : worldnews

Xi Jinping to visit Russia in show of support for Vladimir Putin : worldnews

NATO considering deployment of up to 300,000 troops on border with Russia : UkrainianConflict
Russia is ready for the proposals of Western countries and Ukraine regarding the diplomatic settlement of the conflict, but it is possible to achieve a resolution of the conflict only by removing all sanctions and lawsuits in international bodies against Russia said Ministry of Foreign affairs spokeswoman Zakharova
Study: Sanctions on Russia expected to bite in 2023 but more can be done.

putin is becoming more and more toxic both for the world and for the russian federation ... And within the Kremlin, there is growing dissatisfaction with what is happening.
Russias Medvedev endorses MAGA, calls for overthrowing Biden on Tuesday and destroying Washington

Russian mercenary chief announces plans to recruit 30,000 more fighters : worldnews
In the new audio message, answering the question about the perspectives of this year, Prigozhin says they are foggy and that Russians have a couple of weeks to prepare for the Ukrainian strikes, otherwise it will be too late to drink Borjomi (which is a popular Russian saying related to Georgian healthy mineral water from Borjomi, i.e. too late to drink Borjomi when your kidneys fail ed
Furniture sellers in Moscow have started selling decorated "PMC Wagner" sledgehammers, decorated with skulls, for use as interior decorations. Demand is reportedly high. Their initiative comes as part of a boom in Wagner-themed merchandise in Russia. : UkrainianConflict

Books Removed and Movies Banned Under Russias LGBT Propaganda Law (why DeSatan loves Poopsters dick up his ass)

Indigenous Languages in Russia Disappearing Faster than Data Suggests, Activists Warn : worldnews

The fences dividing Europe from Russia and Belarus visualized - The Washington Post

India says China situation dangerous on Himalayan front : worldnews
India is getting an eye-wateringly big transport upgrade : worldnews
Khalistani Leader Amritpal Singh Yet To Be Arrested, Punjab On High Alert : worldnews

A court in Pakistan had to cancel a hearing involving former Prime Minister Imran Khan after hundreds of his supporters clashed with police outside of the court building in the Islamabad. The court had been expected to indict Khan on charges of corruption and for unlawfully selling state gifts : worldnews

Kenyas plan to curb alcohol abuse: One pub per town

Anti-immigration sentiment threatens to topple Erdogan ahead of Turkish elections : worldnews

Egypt hosts Israeli-Palestinian talks in push for pre-Ramadan calm : worldnews

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claims senior engineer assassinated by Israel in Syria : worldnews

Judaism is the foundation of Israel, not democracy, former chief rabbi claims - Israel is a Jewish state before it is a democratic state, former Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau alleged at a conference run by the Fund for Zionist Leadership in Israel on Thursday.
Leading NY rabbi: Israeli government speeding headlong toward abyss with overhaulIsraeli government is tearing society apart, bringing world Jewry along for dangerous ride

Zelenskyy: Russia and its accomplices will be punished for aggression not only against Ukraine, but also against Syria : worldnews
Zelensky imposes sanctions against Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad, other officials : worldnews
Volodymyr #Zelensky introduced sanctions against 300 individuals and 141 legal entities, including Syrian citizen Bashar #Assad, the presidents official website reported.
Report: Putin visits Mariupol - occupied city in Ukraine : worldnews
US deploys Global Hawk for Black Sea recon after Russia downed drone : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 389, Part 1 (Thread #530) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 19.03.2023 : ukraine
700+ Russian invaders, 21 tanks, and 8 artillery pieces wiped out in a single day in Ukraine : ukraine

The russians have already failed the operation to capture Bakhmut, - the spokesman of the Eastern group of troops of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Serhiy Cherevatyi.
Ukraine still able to resupply troops in battered Bakhmut, says army : worldnews

Battalion commander of 46th brigade demoted after interview to Washington Post, hands in resignation : worldnews

Muscowian cosmonaut spotted : ukraine

Estonian Defense Minister: Russian army has not changed in 100 years
NATO fighter jets intercept Russian aircraft near Estonian airspace : worldnews

Kosovo and Serbia stopped short of signing a potentially landmark deal late Saturday night after holding a marathon round of talks, even as the EU hailed progress toward reaching a long-sought agreement between the arch-foes : worldnews

MH17: Netherlands, Australia press case against Russia for damages : worldnews

Lets continue with the general events. Belgium donated 240 Volvo army trucks which are very much needed in terms of logistics for the upcoming offensive.

Putin will get arrested if he comes to Germany : worldnews
Germany and Japan want to expand cooperation, says Scholz | Japan and Germany pledged closer defense ties and cooperation on diversifying supply chains, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said during his visit to Tokyo. : worldnews

Crowds in Milan protest against curbs on rights of same-sex parents : worldnews
Italy leaves children of same-sex parents in limbo : worldnews

Credit Suisse: Bank of England wont object to takeover as UBS considers $1bn bid
Membership in Swiss assisted-suicide organisations reaches record high : worldnews

Cocaine production hits record high as post-Covid demand picks up in Europe : worldnews

Violence erupts at French pension protests for 3rd night: Authorities banned protests near the National Assembly building in Paris over plans to raise the retirement age. A location change failed to stop angry demonstrators from facing off with riot police : worldnews
Paris stinks as uncollected trash mounts to 10,000 tonnes due to strikes : worldnews

Sunaks Pivot Away From Global BritainMakes Friends on World Stagehas dropped Boris Johnsons bombastic approach to foreign policy, echoing the new British leaders personal style and reflecting the countrys changed global status.

SpaceXs Starlink devices found in illegal mining sites in the Amazon

Chinese diplomat named in CSIS reports should have been expelled, says former mayor : worldnews
Border concerns, defence priorities: Wide range of topics to discuss during Bidens official visit to Canada

Reagan Allies Schemed to Delay U.S. Hostages Freedom to Sabotage Carter, Alleged Witness SaysOfficials passed word to Tehran not to free the hostages before Election Day 1980, according to one politician who says he was witness to the plan
The Iran Deal

20 Years On, a Question Lingers About Iraq: Why Did the U.S. Invade? - The New York Times Two decades after the Bush administration said it wanted to disarm weapons of mass destruction and free Iraqis, the debates rages on about who knew what when, and which motive mattered most.
The Architects of the Iraq War: Where Are They Now? Theyre all doing great, thanks for asking. (no consequences for extreme evil if you're a Republican, and in case you forgot, David Frum invented "axis of evil")
A million lives later, I cannot forgive what American terrorism did to my country, Iraq : politics ... No WMDs. No connection to 911. Cheneys Halliburton got fat contracts. The defense sector literally made a killing.

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Former presidential candidate John Edwards was accused of funneling nearly $1 million in donor contributions to support his pregnant mistress and criminally charged with a campaign finance violation. Heres how the case played out.

Sen. Warren Doubles Down on Failed Jerome Powell Amid SVB Collapse

Nearly 8 in 10 Voters Support Sanders Bill to Raise Minimum Teacher Pay to $60k : politics
Sanders Calls for All Drug Prices to Be Cut After Third Insulin Maker Cuts Price Moreover, analyses of thecompanies price cuts show that the cuts arent as altruistic as they might seem.

DOJ asks SCOTUS to review ruling that overturned firearm ban for those with domestic violence restraining orders : politics

This Day in Labor History: March 19, 1917

Higher cancer rates found in military pilots, ground crews | AP News

Trump has reason to be afraid of indictment in Georgia case; his lies were bigger than anyone knew
No one is above the law: Critics condemn Trumps 'reckless' statement as he stokes unrest overindictment
Manhattan DA Bragg privately warns on intimidation after Trump calls for protest : politics
Manhattan D.A. says attempts to intimidate office wont betolerated after Trumps call for protests
Officials Prep for Protests as MAGA Sycophants Push Patriot Moat Around Mar-a-Lago

Dissecting Charges That Could Arise From the Trump Investigations

Pence indicates he wont challenge all aspects of special counsels subpoena, as more details emerge
Mike Pence, unmoored from Donald Trump, finds his old voice - The Washington Post
Pence says prospect of Trump arrest isa politically charged prosecution
ABCs Jon Karl Confronts Pence With Stunning Audio of Trump Defending Hang Mike Pence! Chanters

Trump in panic mode as he braces for likely charges in Stormy Daniels case | Donald Trump | The Guardian

Who said it: Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump? Can you tell Floridas two most powerful Republicans apart?
Ron DeSantis Is Completely Out of Touch With Ordinary Americans Florida governor feeds culture war red meat to the GOP base, but his policies are unpopular and the majority of voters dont care about his war on woke.
If Ron DeSantis did not exist it would be necessary to invent him - If this unctuous NBC News puff piece about Ron DeSantis is any indication, the longing in the legacy media for Floridas favorite fascist to depose Donald Trump as the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee is a truly deep and abiding passion.

Conservatives scoff at Trumps leftist plan to build 10 new American cities featuring flying cars ... a Trump casino and some mixed-used buildings run by Jared Kushner rising off an unfinished spur of highway somewhere in the vacant portions of the American West, funded by hard-sell fundraising appeals to vulnerable seniors

George Santos never filed a key financial disclosure. Enforcement has been lax for years. - POLITICO

Lets make these folks famous: the leftwing push to raise 18 Republicans profiles.
EMILYs List: These 18 Democrats are crucial to taking House control

Two more Republican states abruptly depart from interstate voter list program : politics

Covid Politics Leave a Florida Public Hospital Shaken - The New York Times Staff members of Sarasota Memorial Hospital are bewildered by critics who continue to wage a campaign against federal guidelines on Covid treatment.

Opinion | A poll on religion explains the White Christian freak-out - The Washington Post You might find it strange that a large segment of the Republican base thinks Whites are the true victims of racism and that Christians are under attack.
The GOPs white supremacist fantasy world - It's difficult for people not in the right wing bubble to grasp the extent to which 30% to 40% of the US population is sealed inside a paranoid fantasy world, in which the following truths are so self-evident they dont require evidence of any kind:

The brewing war over who goes hungry in Americaand how to feed them

The Drastic Measures D.C. Is Taking to Clean Up the New York Democratic Partys Mess | The national party does not trust the big blue states leaders to keep it together.

New California bill would protect doctors who mail abortion pills to other states : politics

Tennessee shuns federal HIV funds : politics ... They think everyone who has HIV is gay so this is their way of killing the undesirables.

Maryland House Passes Bill Requiring Gender-Affirming Care Under Medicaid : politics

Very, very low: Voter turnout was light for Broward and Palm Beach County elections

Navajo Nations long quest for water and for the federal government to keep its promises ends up at Supreme Court

Citing staffing issues and political climate, North Idaho hospital will no longer deliver babies : news

New Mexico governor signs bill ending juvenile life sentences without parole : politics

Mississippi Republicans Want to Take Over a Majority Black City to SaveIt

Minnesota becomes fourth state to offer universal free school meals : news

A Crisis of Care : Senior care is crushingly expensive. Boomers aren't ready.Long-term care options are too expensive for middle-income Americans, narrowing options for millions of seniors

As the families seek more than $1.4 billion awarded by courts for Mr. Joness lies, a New York Times review shows he is transferring millions of dollars to family and friends, potentially out of reach of creditors.

BuzzFeed, after gutting its newsroom, asks reporters to produce even moreMeanwhile, the companys stock is struggling, revenue is in free fall, and editorial ambitions remain hazy

Individuals who live in areas that historically favored men over women display more pro-male bias today than those who live in places where gender relations were more egalitarian centuries agoevidence that gender attitudes are "transmitted" or handed down from generation to generation.

Heartbeat May Shape Our Perception of Time, Study Shows - The New York Times Researchers have long assumed that the brain controls our sense of time. A new study suggests the heart plays an important role.

In a new study, participants were able to categorize the sexual orientations of gay and straight men by the voice alone at rates greater than chance, but they were unable to do so for bisexual men. Bisexual voices were perceived as the most masculine sounding of all the speakers. : science

Four Common Misconceptions About Quantum Physics

What famous person didnt deserve all the hate that they got?

Whats the most ridiculous NSFW thing youve ever seen someone do in public?

The single best guitar playing I have ever seen: Roy Clark - Malaguena : Music


Global fresh water demand will outstrip supply by 40% by 2030, say experts : anime_titties

Analysis: US grid could be 90 percent carbon-free by 2030 with IRA tax credits : politics

Millions of dead fish wash up in Australian town : worldnews
The smell is next level: millions of dead fish spanning kilometres of Darling-Baaka river begin to rot

Genetic data links raccoon dogs to covid origin; WHO seeks China cooperation : worldnews

Belgium reports 11 cases of H5N1 in Red Foxes, 6 in Mustelids and 2 in European Polecats. : worldnews

Fire authorities on high alert as temperatures soar across several Australian states : worldnews
Nazi salutes performed on steps of Victorian parliament at protest over transgender rights : worldnews

Indonesias Merapi volcano erupts, spews hot lava

Japans Fumio Kishida to announce new Indo-Pacific plan, seek Indias support

German minister to visit Taiwan, first such trip in 26 years : worldnews
Taiwan charges ex-MP and former admiral with spying for China : worldnews

Former envoy urges China to be realistic about power to broker Middle East deals : worldnews
Goldman Sees China Nearly Tripling Its 2030 Target for Wind and Solar : worldnews
Half a billion in US imports blocked due to Uyghur forced labor : worldnews
Britain says China should encourage Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine : worldnews
Use of Chinese ammunition in Ukraine confirmed by U.S. : news
Use of Chinese ammunition in Ukraine confirmed by U.S. : worldnews

Biden: Putin has committed war crimes, charges justified : worldnews
Putin is a wanted man a trial isnt imminent, but the world is closing in
In the long run, this war means the end of PutinPolish defence minister ... Medvedev is just a puppy and not a serious politician. His only qualification is that he is smaller than putin to make putin look bigger(Medvedev: 1,63m, Putin: 1,7m).
Predictably, head of RT Margarita Simonyan is implying that any country that might try to arrest Putin would be nuked. Yawn. But really, thats all they have left. Desperation and threats
1/ Who is Russia's Commissioner for Childrens Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, co-accused with Vladimir Putin over the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia? A new profile highlights her rise as a project of fundamentalists in the the Russian Orthodox Church.
This video could be one of the reasons why the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin and the Commissioner for Childrens Rights Maria Lvova-Belova. The video shows Lvova-Belova bragging to Putin that she stole and illegally adopted a child from occupied #Mariupol. It is about 15-year-old Philip. Last May, the teenager was stolen from Mariupol and brought to #Russia along with 30 other children.

Search for Putins successor is already in progress, and it's not Putin doing it - Andrii YusovHe added that people around Putin are growing increasingly dissatisfied with him and realize the perspectives of the geopolitical catastrophe.
After the decision of the International Criminal Court to arrest putin, the Kremlin is looking for a successor to the President of the russian federation, said Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Putin intensifies punishment for fake news about the war and the Russian occupiers

Russia likely preparing for wider military conscription: UK intelligence : worldnews

Dionis Cenusa on Twitter: "of 2023. Last spring, the govt invested in import substitution to produce the key missing components, but progress has been rather slow. The Superjet 100 is mainly used for regional flights within Russia. The total number of such aircraft used by Russian companies is 160 units." / Twitter

Not 6, now India to buy only 3 nuclear submarines as cost escalates : worldnews
Indias Supreme Court sets date for historic same-sex marriage case

Pakistani police storm home of former PM Khan, arrest 61 : worldnews
40,000t wheat supplied by Russia to Pakistan stolen by govt officials : anime_titties

Libyan armed group says barrels of missing natural uranium recovered | CNN : worldnews

Iran bats for renewal of oil sale, says India can withstand Wests pressure

In rare rebuke, Germanys Scholz voices great concern over Israels judicial reforms
German tourists attacked by Palestinians after entering Nablus with Israeli car : worldnews

The formal annexation of Crimea by Russia on Mar 18, 2014, is illegal under international law. On this date, 9 years ago,President Putin signed the treaty of accession with Crimean leaders in Moscow. Russia was suspended from the G8. International sanctions imposed
Putin visits Crimea on anniversary of its annexation from Ukraine : worldnews (green screen)
Since August 2022 when we first shared this photo, much has changed. First, the length of the front line. Drvonf -- Today. The Hague. is. Much. Much. Closer.
Ukraine's army must shed its Soviet legacy, says a military expert - Its senior officers must not stifle junior initiative, warns Franz-Stefan Gady
#BlackSeaGrainInitiative agreement is extended for 120 days. Grateful to @antonioguterres @UN , President Erdogan, Minister Hulusi Akar & all our partners for sticking to the agreements. Due our joint efforts, 25M tons ofgrain delivered to world markets

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 388, Part 1 (Thread #529) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 18.03.2023 : ukraine

Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings | on Twitter: "BAKHMUT AXIS /1020 UTC 18 MAR/ Positional combat continues in the urban areas of Bakhmut. S of the city, UKR repelled RU attacks at Ivanivske & Klischiivka; the latter engagement confirms UKR progress east of the canal network. Air defense downs a Russian Su-25 strike aircraft." / Twitter

Today, rumors began to appear that Sergei Moskalenko was killed by IED planted under a car in Nova Kakhovka. He is/was Russian-appointed head of pre-trial detention center, where one of the largest torture centers in the occupied territories is located. [photo] : ukraine

No risk of war in Moldova while Ukraine holds out - President Sandu : worldnews

Turkey will ratify Finlands NATO bid, Erdogan says
Hungarys ruling party to back Finlands NATO accession in March 27 vote

Poland arrests nine over alleged plot to sabotage Ukraine arms supplies : worldnews

General Strike Brings Greece to Standstill Amid Anger over Fatal Train Crash : worldnews

Rural populist party emerges as big winner in Dutch elections | Netherlands | The Guardian : worldnews

2nd Vatican official says pope OKd ransom payments for nun ... Sounds like a bunch of bishops thought they could bring down Francis by exposing his use of funds to save the life of a nun, rather than using the money for something respectable like hushing up abuse victims.

Credit Suisse meets to weigh options, under pressure to merge with UBS : worldnews

France pension protests: Crowd clashes with police as government pushes through reform : worldnews
Paris police ban gatherings on key sites as French pension protests grow : worldnews

Brazils Lula to go to China with 240 business representatives, says official

First Nations sue Canada over child-welfare systems destruction of culture, language
I came here to escape: Toronto tackles caste-based discrimination in schools

20 Years After U.S. Invasion, Iraq Is a Freer Place, but Not a Hopeful One - The New York Times Conversations with dozens of Iraqis offer a portrait of a nation that is rich in oil, hobbled by corruption and unable to guarantee its citizens safety ... The United States invaded Iraq as part of its war on terrorannounced by President George W. Bush after the Al Qaeda attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Mr. Bush and members of his administration claimed that Mr. Hussein was manufacturing and concealing weapons of mass destruction, though no evidence to back up those accusations was ever found. Some U.S. officials also said Mr. Hussein had links to Al Qaeda, a charge that intelligence agencies later rejected.
Iraq War Anniversary: The Lessons Not Learned From Iraq Twenty years on, the war still shapes policy -- mostly for the worse
U.S. burn pits in Iraq leave a toxic legacy 20 years after the invasion - The Washington Post

A Four-Decade Secret: One Mans Untold Story of Sabotaging Carter's Re-election - A prominent Texas politician said he unwittingly took part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda ... What happened next Mr. Barnes has largely kept secret for nearly 43 years. Mr. Connally, he said, took him to one Middle Eastern capital after another that summer, meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Dont release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.

Its Clear the GOP Is a Party of Death, Not Life -- Heres a very long list that proves it ... Is there any area where Republicans will put the interests of life above making a buck or pandering to their base? Outside of their affection for fertilized eggs, I cant find a single one. (party of suffering, death and destruction)
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party is the most dangerous organisation in human history | The Independent | The Independent Has there ever been an organisation in human history that is dedicated, with such commitment, to the destruction of organised human life on Earth?

Navy secretary cited climate change as top priority as Biden proposes shrinking the fleet | Fox News The Biden administration proposed cutting two ships from the Navy in its 2024 budget plan

Migrant numbers dropping at U.S.-Mexico border under Biden policy : politics
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene mistook some sand for a bomb. Shes still calling for military attacks across the border.

Biden administration quietly resumes deportations to Russia : politics ... This is ICE fucking around. Theres nothing in the article showing the Biden Administration has changed its policy. Abolish ICE.

3 GOP lawmakers just introduced a plan for Congress to overturn Bidensstudent-loan forgiveness

Budget officials tell Republicans what they dont want to hear

GOP Blames Silicon Valley Banks Failure on a Black Lives Matter Donation That Never Happened
Silicon Valley Bank said it was too small to need regulation. Now itstoo big to fail: Student debts and underwater mortgages are private burdens, but corporate losses are matters of urgent public interest (

Why are groceries so expensive? Food billionaires are raking in on inflation. : politics

Victory -- The Lincoln Project (pro-Putin/genocidal refucks like TC root for Russia)

The Jan. 6 investigation is the biggest in U.S. history. Its only half done.Nearly 1,000 people have been charged to date, and a federal courthouse strains to handle what may be years more of trials

House GOP ignored Capitol Police requests to review public Jan. 6 footage, lawyer says: Only one of the 40 clips aired on Tucker Carlsons show were reviewed and approved beforehand, the forces general counsel wrote in a sworn court filing.

Judge Rules Trump Lawyer Must Testify in Documents Inquiry : politics

Timeline: Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence : politics

The former president and 2024 GOP candidate urged his supporters to take our nation back over unprecedented potential criminal charge.
Trump says illegal leaks indicate he will be arrested Tuesday in N.Y. hush money proberelating to a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Trump Says He Will Be Arrested on Tuesday as Indictment Looms - The New York Times
Trump to be arrested Tuesday by Manhattan DA - The Stormy Daniels stuff was so obviously illegal and so well documented that an ordinary person would have been indicted years ago, but baby steps!
Donald Trump Could Be Indicted by New York Prosecutors as Early as Next Week: Reports : politics

Trump will surrender to face charges if indicted, defense lawyer says : politics ... If the lawyer says it, that means Trump has zero intention of surrendering.
City, state and federal law enforcement agencies meet about how to prep for possible Trump indictment : politics
Officials are preparing security in case of Trump indictment : politics

Donald Trumps Protest Call to Arms Sparks Jan. 6 Comparisons
'It's time' : Trump calls on supporters to'protestand take our nation backin an ominous echo of January 6 riot

Judge Rules Trump Lawyer Must Testify in Documents Inquiry - The New York Times The ruling found that the government had met the threshold for the crime-fraud exception, which allows prosecutors to get around attorney-client privilege if they believe a crime has been committed.
Federal Judge Hands Over Trumps Lawyers Notes to DOJ

Trump, family failed to disclose more than 100 foreign gifts, congressional report says : politics

Trumps claims about dead voters undercut by his own researchers | Prosecutors investigating Jan. 6 obtained a report from Donald Trumps researchers: He was shown proof of his defeat, but he kept lying anyway.
Trumps own research showed that voter fraud did not cost him election

Mike Pence Doubles Down On Homophobic Joke About Pete Buttigieg : politics

Republicans worry pro-Trump candidates will haunt them in 2024 : politics
Election conspiracy movement grinds on as 2024 approaches : politics

Women who have abortions may be headed to prison or worse
BBC News: Abortion pills banned in Wyoming as Texas judge considers nationwide decision : politics
Wyoming Becomes First State to Outlaw Abortion Pills : politics
New Mexico gov. signs bill overriding local abortion bans : politics
9 Republicans pull support from South Carolina bill allowing the death penalty for abortion : politics

Michigan Is Becoming The Anti-Florida On LGBTQ RightsAnd A Lot More

Rep. Cory Mills founded a company that sells arms to foreign governments. He wont say which ones.

Pro-Moscow voices tried to steer Ohio train disaster debate : news

Lawmaker pauses filibuster on agreement to debate trans bill : politics

Florida drag queen says DeSantis-backed anti-LGBTQ laws are exactly what we were taught about in schools about how the Nazis rose to power
Report: Florida textbook altered Rosa Parks story to remove references to race : politics
James Patterson, Judy Blume, Toni Morrison, Jodi Picoult on list of 80 books one Florida school district pulled : politics
Mike Flynn and MAGA Activists Wage War Against a Florida Hospital : politics
In Florida, showing mental health struggles could get a child detained : politics

Nuclear power plant leaked 1.5M litres of radioactive water in Minnesota : news

Governor Walz signs free school meals bill for Minnesota students : politics

Former President Donald Trumps first 2024 campaign rally will be in Waco

Iowa Republicans have proposed a bill that would bar people who receive SNAP from buying fresh meat, butter and flourblaming inflation; yet in Sept 2022 Gov. Kim Reynolds was quoted saying, our fiscal health is strong, while celebrating the state $2B budget surplus

Utah College Picks Anti-Gay Apostle as Commencement Speaker : politics

Oregon bill aims to counter antisemitism by educating students about Jewish culture : politics
Americas Dumbest Political Movement

RuPauls Drag Race Slams Absurd Drag Bans in Powerful New Episode

Gideon v. Wainwright Was a Landmark Decision, But Women Invented the Idea of the Public Defender | Teen Vogue

Former youth pastor proclaims innocence as she gets 12-year sentence for molesting girl : news

Body of teenager in hit-and-run death near Murdaugh estate to be exhumed : news

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,313This is the grave of Andy Rooney.

Eli5: how have supply chains not recovered over the last two years? : explainlikeimfive

How parenting became optimized and made mothers miserable

The mystery of Alice in Wonderland syndrome - BBC Future

The Brilliant Inventor Who Made Two of History's Biggest Mistakes - A century ago, Thomas Midgley Jr. was responsible for two phenomenally destructive innovations. What can we learn from them today? - chlorofluorocarbons and lead in gas

TIL When random people of varying physical attractiveness get placed into a room, the most physically attractive people tend to seek out each other and to congregate with only each other. : todayilearned

New study explores why we disagree so often: our concepts about and associations with even the most basic words vary widely, and, at the same time, people tend to significantly overestimate how many others hold the same conceptual beliefs : science

Scientists Identify New Schizophrenia Risk Genes in First-of-Its-Kind Study

Critical Theorys paradigm is quintessentially Jewish: An Interview with Yael Kupferberg

The Birth of Purpose - Bartholomy - Biological Intelligence and Unconscious Process
Bartholomy | Substack

What is the Book of Life? |
Is there a difference between the book of life and the Lambs book of life?
10 Things You Should Know about the Lambs Book of Life
0 Things You Need to Know About the Lambs Book of Life

How did Japan become Buddhist? - History of Religions Documentary : HistoryofIdeas
Buddhism in Japan (article) | Japan | Khan Academy

What software is so good you cant believe its free?

What non-political opinion gives away someones politics?

What was your final fuck you to a boss you didnt like?

What is something youve learned along your sexual journey?

Who Is Still Inside the Metaverse? Searching for friends in Mark Zuckerbergs deserted fantasyland. (Zuckerborg's Emptyland)


Scientists discover signs of modernglacier on Mars that hints at buried water ice

Mountain forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, threatening nature in some of the planets most biologically rich areas, warn scientists.

Logging, wildfires and farming are causing mountain forests, habitat to 85 percent of the world's birds, mammals and amphibians, to vanish at an alarming rate, according to a study. At least 78.1 million hectares -- an area larger than the US state of Texas -- have been lost between 2000 and 2018 : worldnews

New Data Links Pandemic's Origins to Raccoon Dogs at Wuhan Market - Genetic samples from the market were recently uploaded to an international database and then removed after scientists asked China about them.

Breakthrough in COVID research: link between immune cells and long COVID : worldnews
Fractalkine: A Survivor's Guide - Chemokines as Antiapoptotic Mediators

Opinion | America Has Decided It Went Overboard on Covid-19 - The New York Times (gibberish from Wallace-Well, and TFN NYT : a million+ dead and more with long covid, shrug)

Taiwan finds H9N2 bird flu, orders close monitoring of 21 people and culling of 4,551 chickens on Kinmen. : worldnews

Mystery Illness Kills Five in Tanzania. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, bleeding in various body parts and kidney failure : worldnews

Australia to buy more than 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the US in billion-dollar deal : worldnews
Latitude Financial Services suffers major data breach in New Zealand / Australia - over 300,000 customer drivers license and identification documents stolen : worldnews
Australians are spending an average of $580 a year on bottled water, the second-biggest consumer globally : worldnews

At least 22 people killed in suspected massacre at Myanmar monastery : worldnews

Tokyo citizens hand in record 4 billion yen of lost cash to police last year : worldnews

South Korea to build world's largest chip center with $230 billion investment from Samsung |

North Korea claims almost 800,000 people have signed up for military to fight against US : worldnews

Hong Kong: Two men arrested for possessing seditiouschildrens books

Xi Jinping heading to Russia to deepen ties with Vladimir Putin : worldnews
The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "Trade and customs data between June and December 2022 showed that Chinese companies have exported 1,000 assault rifles and other equipment, such as drone parts and body armor, to Russian entities, Politico reported." / Twitter

ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin over war crimes in Ukraine - The Washington Post
ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin over Ukraine war crimes | AP News
ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova : worldnews
The Law of Immunity and the Prosecution of the Head of State of the Russian Federation for International Crimes in the War against Ukraine
Dmitri/Wartranslated: Russians are in full butthurt mode today. Girkin believes the West is so confident in its victory, it wouldnt have issued an arrest warrant for Putin otherwise
Mark Hertling: Well-deserved notoriety for Putin. Im sure this may affect Xis approach to his "friend" during the visit. Perfect timing.

Russia threatens to destroy Ukraine jets after Poland and Slovakia pledges : worldnews

Putin tells Russias billionaires to put patriotism before profit
Russian defence minister decorates pilots for downing U.S. drone : worldnews
Russias former President Dmitry Medvedev has promised Wagner $15million if it assassinates Italys defence minister

Russian forces temporarily depleted offensive potential : worldnews

Russian Politician Fined for Viral Noodle Stunt During Putin Speech : worldnews

One killed in blast at FSB building in southern Russia ... Today I learned buildings can fall out of their own windows, exclusively in Russia

Pakistan Army Chief Supports Imran Khans ArrestTo End His PoliticalCareer
Low on food, high on nukes: Pakistan government will not compromise anything on the nuclear missile program of the country. : worldnews

Denied education, over 3 million Afghan girls face bleak future: Report : worldnews

Ten million children in west Africa's central Sahel region are now in "extreme jeopardy" and desperately need humanitarian help due to worsening violence, the United Nations warned. The number of children in dire need of aid in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger is twice as many as in 2020 : worldnews

Turkeys anti-Erdogan opposition vows a reset on EU and NATO
Turkey, Hungary both signal backing to Finnish NATO entrySwedens timeline for accession is shrouded in uncertainty
Turkey has stopped servicing Russian airlines planes - Turkey refused to service Boeing and Airbus aircraft of Russian and Belarusian airlines, including their refueling. The decision was taken by the countrys Ministry of Customs and Trade following a letter from the U.S. Department of Commerce, reports AirportHaber.

A Young Saudi Trans Woman Is Believed Dead After Being Lured From the US and Forced to Detransition : worldnews

Why Israels former prime minister is encouraging protests against Netanyahus government ..."because the government of Israel is the enemy of the state of Israel" ...

All Rashists will be held accountable. They will be held to account for every Ukrainian life taken.
Ukraine doesnt have any time to waste: U.S. races to prepare Kyiv for spring offensive
Ukraine will remember who backed us - foreign minister : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 387, Part 1 (Thread #528) : worldnews

Russia loses 15 of its so-called invincibleT-90M tanks in Ukraine, GS reports
Ukraine has downed more Russian aircraft than it has lost : UkrainianConflict
Oryx: #Russia is now visually confirmed to have lost more than 100 surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems since it launched its invasion of #Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Including: - 12 9K33 Osas - 14 9K35 Strela-10s - 26 Buk-M1-2 and M2 TEL(AR)s - 31 Tor TLARs - 14 Pantsir-S1s : UkrainianConflict

Bakhmut-bound infantry assault troops: We are holding on, ready for any scenario
Battle for Bakhmut grinds down Wagners mercenaries and cuts their notorious leader down to size
Russians tried a breakthrough at the Kreminna front with at least one of their most modern T-90M and it ended in a disaster. The T-90M was damaged and, more interestingly, captured by Ukrainian forces.

As news emerges that the Ukrainian officer Kupol was demoted for his negative comments on the situation, Ukrainian war correspondent Yuri Butusov - who has been embedded on the front pretty much the whole war - comes out to support Kupol and his comments https://

Moldovan Parliament votes to recognize Moldovan language as Romanian : worldnews

Poland to be 1st NATO member to give Ukraine fighter jets to defend itself : worldnews

The Slovak government approved sending MIG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine : worldnews

Sweden announced today that it is sending 8 self-propelled Archer artillery systems to Ukraine. This video explains what is so special about this top-modern system and why the Russians wont have a clue about what hit them.

Belgium to hand over 240 Volvo military trucks to Ukraine, with the first batch to be sent as early as next week, reports Belgian newspaper De Standaard. : worldnews

Archaeologists find medieval Excalibur sword in Bosnian lake

Italian far-right government limits parental rights of same-sex couples : anime_titties
Italy Revives Bridge-to-Sicily Plan That Eluded Ancient Romans : anime_titties

Germany passes law to shrink its XXL parliament : worldnews

French cities protest after Macron forces through pension reform : worldnews
Frances Macron risks his government to raise retirement age from 62 to 64

Gangs sow terror in Brazil cities for third night : worldnews

Five missing women found dead in Central Mexico : worldnews

Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim rejects insinuations he won election due to Chinese interference
Man wanted on Canada-wide warrant arrested after spotted by nurse near Toronto : worldnews (with full face tatoo that says "I am insane")

The Unlearned Lessons From the War in Iraq | The Nation You dont have to reflect on a war if that war doesn't end, let alone pay reparations for your crimes. By Spencer Ackerman
Edifying fables from the Big Book of Alternate History - This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the Iraq war. Lets review what happened to the principal architects of an immense war crime that ended up killing hundreds of thousands of people, and leaving a broken shell of a country wracked by a years-long particularly vicious civil war.

Mystery swirls over Biden's unfilled Italy ambassador pick Between the lines: The U.S. is unique among G20 countries in that roughly 30% of its ambassadors come from outside the career foreign service, with presidents from both parties doling out ambassadorships to allies and donors, as kings and queens bestowed titles in medieval European courts.

The State of the Stock Market Amid the Bank Crisis - The New York Times Despite the rescue of First Republic, investors continue to sell off shares in the ailing bank and some other regional lenders, dragging the market lower.
Powell Blocked Mentions of Supervisory Failures From Bank Rescue Statements - The American Prospect The Fed chair resisted mentioning supervision, regulation, or accountability after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. His resistance delayed the announcement.
Biden Calls On Congress To Punish Executives At Failed Banks : politics
Silicon Valley Bank Regulators Found Issues More Than a Year Before Collapse - Bloomberg
Regulatory Failure 101: What the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank Reveals - Its an all-too-familiar cycle: First comes the boom, then the breathtakingly speedy bust, and then the bailout. Now were in the moment where everyone wonders where the financial regulators were.
11 banks pledge $30 billion to rescue First Republic Bank
I Was an S.V.B. Client. I Blame the Venture Capitalists.
Kyrsten Sinemas name is all over the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Sorry, Clarence Thomas, but Supreme Court Ethics Reform Is on the Table : politics ... ethics laws for the Supreme court is unconstitutional!

Law enforcement agencies are prepping for a possible Trump indictment as early as next week Multiple agencies are discussing potential security plans for in and around the Manhattan Criminal Court in case Trump is charged in connection with an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels.
Trump wont refuse to surrender if indicted in NYC, lawyer says: There wont be a standoff at Mar-a-Lago
The prosecutor, the ex-president and the zombie case that came back to life (Bragg came back from the dead)

Trump Media executives worried over murky $8m loans, emails reveal | Donald Trump | The Guardian Exclusive: financing with suspected Russian ties came at a critical time as company was running out of cash after a planned merger

Dozens of Mar-a-Lago staff, from servers to aides, are subpoenaed in classified documents probe : politics
Judge rules Trump lawyer Corcoran must testify, people familiar say - The Washington Post undefined

"Jaw-dropping": Experts stunned after report reveals new tape of Trump pressuring Georgia official : politics

As a Possible Indictment Looms, Trumps Team Plans to Attackhis campaign plans to begin a broad offensive against Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney and a Democrat, accusing him of political bias.

Trump Picks an Enemy: Us - by Charlie Sykes - Morning Shots The Orange Caligula sides with Russia.

Saudi Arabias crown prince once bragged Jared Kushner was in his pockets - It's getting harder to convince people otherwise.

Donald Trump Hates America! Joe Scarborough Disgusted by Trump Calling the US Greatest Threat to Western Civilization Today
YouTube restores Trumps channel
Trump Posts on Facebook for First Time Since Ban in 2021 - Bloomberg

Two gifts to Trump family from foreign nations are missing, report says - The Washington Post More than 100 gifts worth nearly $300,000 were not properly reported to the government, a new report finds

Hunter Biden files counterclaims against computer repairman over handling of infamous laptop : politics

What Secrets Does the Donald Trump of Beijing Know? The case against Guo Wengui could expose more about America's politics than Chinas.
Steve Bannon Is Neck-Deep in Guo Wengui's Allegedly Fraudulent Business Empire - Federal investigators have asked witnesses about Bannon's connections to the far-right mogul.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says claims that Putin wants to extend invasion further into Europe are 'lies'

Ron DeSantiss stance on Ukraine is a serious political blunder
Former Guantanamo prisoner: Ron DeSantis watched me being tortured : politics
Ron DeSantis Wants to Make It a Felony to Have an Undocumented Person in Your Home or Car : politics
Ron DeSantis suffers blow as court rejects "dystopian" anti-woke law : politics
Federal appeals court blocks enforcement of Florida Stop W.O.K.E. Act
Publisher Deletes Race From Rosa Parks Story for Florida; Studies Weekly, whose curriculum reaches 45,000 schools, went to extreme lengths to avoid mentions of race : politics
Florida becomes eighth state to restrict transgender care for minors : politics
The customer is always right, schoolhouse rock edition ... n Ron DeSantiss Florida, freedom will mean the freedom for one parent to ban a book from the entire states public school system

This sleeper race could wreck MAGAs 2024 dreams
Longtime Wisconsin Secretary of State resigns - Pluribus News

Gov. Whitmer signs bill expanding Michigan civil rights law to include LGBTQ protections : politics

Texas officials will take over the states biggest school district, raising questions about who controls America's classrooms (will replace Houston schools with Christo-nationalist charters)

North Dakota Supreme Court says state abortion ban is unconstitutiona

ERIC loses another GOP state as Ohio departs voter compact : NPR Ohio on Friday announced it was the latest Republican-led state to pull out of a key election partnership that has become the focal point of conspiracies on the far-right.... refucks dismantling democracy ...

Utah governor signs bill banning abortion clinics across the state - ABC News The clinics have to close by the end of the year or when their license expires.

Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Critical Race Theory : politics

The Dallas Express: Your Go-To Source for Right-Wing, Astroturf News

Tennessee child advocates raise alarm as GOP moves to dissolve child advocacy commission : politics

Town residents lose patience with stolen election deluded board

The Federalist Society Isnt Quite Sure About Democracy Anymore

Is woke just a re-labeling of politically correct?

Residents Right to Be Rude Upheld by Massachusetts Supreme Court

Sexuality panics at the New York Times ... Same as it ever was: Arthur Schlesinger once again proven to be overrated even for a JFK crony (and, look, Asimov and Russell Baker)

7 deputies charged with murder in the death of Irvo Otieno in custody | AP News (sat on him until he died, in a mental hospital) Three people employed by the hospital have also been charged.

FYI, you can give ChatGPT a list of your favorite books and it can generate a list of recommendations better than any website. : books

One dose of psychedelics can result in belief changes about the supernatural or non-physical world : science
Psilocybin Mushrooms, Spirit Guides & Otherworldly Intelligence | Shonagh Home

TIL An estimated 50.000 Irish were made into indentured servants by Cromwell after he took Ireland in 1653. : todayilearned

u/thatguywithglasses97 explains why, contrary to common claims, Fascism & Communism aren't the same. : bestof
thatguywithglasses97 comments on Queensland to ban Nazi swastika tattoos as part of crackdown on hate symbols - A good thought excercise is to compare the enemies of political ideologies. For communists, it's usually the rich and powerful, whilst for facists, it's homosexuals and racial minorities ... It's an exterminationist ideology in a way that far left ideologies just arent.

u/kusuriurikun succinctly explains the history of Christian nationalists trying to ban desegregation : bestof

u/KetamineBolus shares why Emergency Medicine is broken : bestof

What ended your friendship with a former best friend? : AskReddit


Conclusion To Series On The Dawn Of Everything - emptywheel

Rare three year long La Nina which brought hurricanes and flooding is finally over, scientists warn upcoming El Nino could bring heat waves and an increase in global temperature

Phenomenal loopholein quotas could lead to massive overfishing | Drastically weakened rules on how vessels document their catches of endangered species could endanger the marine ecosystem, confidential EU papers reveal

Worlds first octopus farm proposals alarm scientists

Climate Change Disaster Hitting North Carolina

2,612 confirmed cases and 49 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

More Mass. residents struggling to get medical appointments A fourth of Massachusetts doctors plan to leave the field in the next two years, according to a survey.

Queensland to ban Nazi swastika tattoos as part of crackdown on hate symbols : worldnews

50,000 teachers strike in New Zealand over cost of living : worldnews
Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes Kermadec Islands in New Zealand : worldnews

Taiwan asks Google to blur images showing new South China Sea facilities : worldnews

Chinese companies are shipping rifles, body armor to Russia - POLITICO direct shipments of Chinese assault rifles, as well as drone shipments and body armor routed via Turkey and the UAE.

Russia sinks to worst rating in a new global ratings report on civic freedoms | CIVICUS Monitor
Putin urges Russia's billionaires to invest in face of "sanctions war" : worldnews

Russia to sentence Russian soldier who admitted to war crimes in Ukraine to 6 Years in prison "for spreading fake news". : worldnews

Security building on fire in Russias Rostov-on-Don

10 Saudi judges are charged with treason. They were too lenient
Saudi trans woman dies by suicide after being forced to de-transition ... Worse than that, she had fled the country, and they sent people out to force her back

Child detainees in Iran tortured brutally, says Amnesty : worldnews

Israelis step up protests after Netanyahu rejects compromise : worldnews
Israeli protesters paint red line leading to Supreme Court after Netanyahu spurns compromise
Israel for 1st time since war began OKs export licenses for anti-drone systems for Ukraine : worldnews
More Democrats sympathize with Palestinians than Israelis for first time: Gallup : politics ... So-called settlers are ironically carrying out pogroms while the Israeli government is on the verge of nuking their judiciary to keep a strongman in power. Sounds right. (doomed to fail)

US military releases video from Russian fighter jet crash with drone : worldnews
Russian leadership approved aggressive actions of jets that damaged U.S. drone, U.S. officials say - One official said he had not gotten indications that the signoff went all the way up to President Putin.
Russia wants to recover debris of US drone from Black Sea : worldnews
According to U.S. Defense Officials some of the Wreckage may be up to 5,000ft deep so Recovery Operations may be difficult; its possible that the Russian Navy may attempt to use the Salvage Ship Kommuna which was reportedly used to help in Recovery Operations for the Moskva.
US Navy ships want to enter the Black Sea : worldnews

The Russian full-scale war against Ukraine is believed by the senators to be now at a critical juncture and providing F-16 jets to Ukraine could prove to be a game changer on the battlefield.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 386, Part 1 (Thread #527) : worldnews

Russia has lost over 161,500 soldiers, almost 6,800 armoured combat vehicles, almost 4,500 tanks and more than 2,100 drones in its war against Ukraine.
Russia Loses 12 Tanks, 11 Armored Vehicles and 1,040 Troops in a Day: Kyiv

It is difficult to call Russian advance in Bakhmut even Pyrrhic victory
KREMINNA AXIS /0040 UTC 16 MAR/ RU attack on Nevske again repelled. UKR forces maintain contact in Kreminna urban area. Two RU assaults on Bilohorvika broken up.
A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.
Governor: Less than 3,000 residents remain in Bakhmut. There are people who absolutely refuse to leave,

Footage reportedly showing disappearance of the Russian Su-24 near Bakhmut on the screen of a tablet using the Kropyva app

The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "In 2022, Ukraine presented a revamped national education program, which envisages the implementation of various reforms. Among them is the introduction of a bilingual education system." / Twitter .. meanwhile, in Muscovy, schools teaching marshal values and gun maintenance.

Russia has committed wide range of war crimes in Ukraine, U.N inquiry finds

Poland to transfer MiG-29 jets to Ukraine within days
Poland breaks with NATO allies by pledging to send fighter jets to Ukraine : worldnews

Assault on archaeologist triggers protests in Greece : worldnews

Farmers protest party win shock Dutch vote victory

Spain will send a new batch of four more Leopard main battle tanks to Ukraine, Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles said at the meeting of the Contact Group for the defense of Ukraine. These will be added to six other Leopards Spain pledged to send to Ukraine.

Macron Pushes French Pension Bill Through Without Full Vote - The New York Times President Emmanuel Macron, shy of support in Parliament for his contentious proposal to raise the retirement age, used a constitutional measure to enact the bill without putting it to a vote in the powerful National Assembly.
Pictures show Parisians living in filth while thousands of tons of trash pile up around the city : worldnews

Hostile, authoritarian UK downgraded in civic freedoms index ... The UK is just being murdered by the tories

Cocaine production reaches record levels as new trafficking hubs emerge : worldnews

Russia sorry to see Canada support Ukrainian Neo-Nazis after sanctions ... Canada has the third largest population of Ukranians, only behind Ukraine and Muscovy.

Senate advances bill to repeal Iraq war authorizations in bipartisan vote - CBS News ... nearly 20 years to the day since the U.S. began its shock and awecampaign to topple dictator Saddam Hussein.
My Lai Massacre (March 16, 1968): Vietnamese women and children before being killed by the US Army : pics

Former NATO chief: Trump nomination would be geopolitical catastrophe

Sharp drop in illegal border crossings continues in February : politics
Texas Bill Would Create Unit of Unaccountable Border Cops : politics

In letter to Fed chair, Elizabeth Warren blasts an astonishing list of failures that led to two banks collapse
Warren and Porter Lead SVB Act to Repeal Trump-Era Bank Deregulation Law : politics
Why Is Larry Summers So Obsessed With Tech Bros? | The Nation The former Treasury secretarys business partnerships may have influenced his early calls to bail out Silicon Valley Bank.
Sam Bankman-Fried transferred $2.2bn in FTX customer funds for personal use, filings show : news

Wealthy Executives Make Millions Trading Competitors Stock With Remarkable Timing

FCC officials owned stock in Comcast, Charter, AT&T, and Verizon, watchdog says : politics

Opinion | America Is in a Disgraced Class of Its Own - The New York Times The United States has a poverty problem.

Louis DeJoys Surprising Second Act ... The notion that DeJoy, 65, would help advance a key Democratic agenda item would have seemed unfathomable a few years ago. But to the astonishment of many in Washington, the man Democrats once denounced as a threat to American democracy has become one of their most important allies in government

Republicans Are Delusional If They Think Biden Will Be Easy to Beat | The power of incumbency and a Trumpified GOP give Biden the advantage in 2024. : politics

Why the GOP is obsessed with woke but cant define it: MAGA cant explain what "woke" is, but that's the point -- it's a "choose your own bigotry" term for Republicans
Republicans right now are about stunts, not problem solving, says House member : politics
Fake audio falsely claims to reveal private Biden comments : politics

The myth of "liberal" news: How the media does the work of fascists : politics
Rupert Murdoch Lies at the Heart of Democracys Destruction Worldwide

How Far-Right Movements Die: The decline of the John Birch Society offers possible strategies for containing the MAGA movement. : politics ... Exactly, the JBS "declined" because a newer shinier more radical cult emerged and attracted most of its members. Nobody just sobered up and took a hard look at themselves, they chased a higher high.

Trump Media Got Millions in Loans from Foreign Sources with Russian Ties : politics
Federal investigators examined Trump Media for possible laundering: Guardian : politics
Jan. 6 Capitol Riots: DOJ Says Over 1,000 Could Still Face Charges - Bloomberg DC US attorney sent a letter late last year to the chief judge - Individual cases press ahead along with Trump-focused probe
Special counsel Jack Smith wants to force Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran to testify.
Glenn Kirschner is right: We will see charges way beyond hush money by Manhattan DA versus Trump. Here is how we know.

Fulton County investigators have another recording of a Trump phone call pressuring a Georgia official | CNN Politics - Fulton County investigators have an audio recording of a phone call that former President Donald Trump made to the Georgia House speaker to push for a special session to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's 2020 victory in the state, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Another Trump phone call pressuring Georgia election official was played for special grand jury : politics
Georgia Grand Jury Says It Heard Another Taped Call Of Trump Pressuring Official : politics

Donald Trump, Under Criminal Investigation for January 6, Declares It Was All Mike Pences Fault

Trump Lawyer Tacopina Says Trump Didnt Lie About Stormy Daniels Payment, He Just Said Stuff That Wasnt 'True'
udge Who Could Decide Trumps Fate Was Kavanaughs Roommate

In the mobs eyeline: A senior Republicans close brush revealed in new Jan. 6 footage - I wasnt aware of any of it, Sen. Chuck Grassley ... said (demented Grassfuckly)
Kyle Cheney on Twitter: "NEW: Footage here shows Chansley's first moments inside the Capitol. From 1:25-1:32 you can see rioters reach the ongoing evacuation of senators. Can't quite ID the person who appears to be a senator or other VIP being escorted out." / Twitter
New Jan. 6 footage shows Grassley just feet away from rioters, Chansley : politics (says he didn't notice anything)

Pentagon Analyst Kept Intel Job After Joining Jan. 6 Mob, Planned to Kidnap Jewish Leaders : politics
Republicans Cant Run Away From January 6 Forever: Donald Trumps rivals dont want to talk about the riot at the Capitol. Theyre going to have to.
More than one in four Republicans approve of Jan. 6 rioters: poll : politics

GOP lawmakers cringe over Trumps effort to destroy DeSantis

Russia disinformation looks to US far right to weaken Ukraine support. : politics
Thune: Majority of Senate Republicans disagree with DeSantis on Ukraine : politics
The two biggest 2024 Republican names would mean bad news for Ukraine : politics

No, Ron DeSantis cant stop Donald Trumps extradition from Florida to New York if hes indicted. Heres how it would go down. (DeFckis would declare Florida part of Russia)

Do Republicans really not care about Ukraine? While there is a shift happening within the G.O.P., it is far from unanimous.
Could the GOP Divide Over Ukraine Become a Lasting Split? - The Bulwark
Ron DeSantis Dismisses Ukraine Conflict as Mere "Territorial Dispute" DeSantis Doesn't See What All the Fuss Over Ukraine Is About - It's just a "territorial dispute" between them, and don't we have other things to do?

A Quick Look at the Lying Trumpist Liars Behind that Database on Corporate Giving to BLM
Silicon Valley Bank donated zero dollars to Black Lives Matter

The Abortion Pill Case Is About Who Makes the Rules in America : politics
Judge appears sympathetic to abortion pill challenge in consequential Texas hearing - Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk
Heres What Happens If Trump Judge Ends Access To Critical Abortion Drug Nationwide
The sole US supplier of a major abortion pill said it would not distribute the drug in 31 statesA list circulated in January by the distributor to Walgreens and CVS underscores the uncertainty surrounding abortion pills in the post-Roe era.
S.C. Republicans propose bill that could subject women who have abortions to the death penalty : politics
Utah governor signs legislation banning clinics from providing abortions : politics
North Dakota High Court Upholds Pause On State Abortion Ban | HuffPost Latest News only abortion clinic hopped across the state line to Minnesota over the summer, while the lawsuit proceeds.
Maternal deaths in the U.S. spiked in 2021, CDC reports : politics

Floridas decision to punish the Hyatt Regency over a drag show could be a win-win for DeSantis by having a chilling effect on similar events and scoring him political points
Notes on the DeOrban regime
Inside Floridas higher education culture wars
Toxic political ideology: Florida professor blames DeSantis, fired for teaching racial justice unit
Reporter Describes Being Fired By Axios After Being Targeted By Ron DeSantis Media Machine
Fla. reporter fired after calling news release on DeSantis event propaganda ... The reporter made this comment in an email in response to a DeSantis press release. It wasnt in a published article. Fascism isnt threatening America, its here
Axios Fires Reporter for Calling out Ron DeSantis Event as "Propaganda" The Media Better Be Smart and Get Wise to DeSantis' Bad-Faith Press Operation - If a reporter can't recognize propaganda and call it out when he sees it, then what's even the point?
Florida Scoured Math Textbooks for Prohibited TopicsNext Up: Social Studies Behind the scenes, one publisher went to great lengths to avoid mentions of race, even in the story of Rosa Parks.
Florida Republican Says His Bill Would Ban Young Girls From Discussing Their Periods In School : politics

Michigan Senate repeals right-to-work law in historic victory for organized labor : politics
Michigan prosecutor mulls charging Lapeer library over LGBTQ book : books

I Will Burn the Session to the Ground Over Anti-Trans Bill, Says Nebraska Democrat

Republican Lawmakers Vote (Again) to Allow Conversion Therapy. While opponents say the issue is about protecting LGBTQ+ youth, Wisconsin Republicans claim they are fighting a bureaucratic turf war. : politics

Toxic school: How the government failed Black residents in LouisianasCancer AlleyFor decades, a rubber plant near an elementary school has been spewing a carcinogenic chemical into the air

Legislating by Trolling -- Arkansas continues to lead the laboratories of democracy: The majority-Republican House approved by a 60-19 vote a proposal allowing the creation of a monument to the unborn on the Capitol grounds.

What did Congressman Andy Ogles do with nearly $25,000 meant for child burial garden? He won't say - Ogles used photo of stillborn child in 2014 for GoFundMe, promising a place for burial of babies with benches for families, life-size statue of Jesus. It never happened, but he kept the money.
Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles Has Been Accused of Stealing GoFundMe Money : politics

What Cant Be Taught
Texas officials target climate science in textbooks : politics

Shasta County offers top job to secessionist leader - Los Angeles Times The Shasta County Board of Supervisors has offered the job of running the day-to-day-operations of its government to a top figure in the New California movement pushing to split California into two states.

Marianne Williamsons abusive treatment of 2020 campaign staff, revealed The self-help guru, who is running for president again, was emotionally and verbally abusive to staff, according to interviews with former employees.

Be skeptical of Elon Musks claims of educational indoctrination

The Dilemma of Horny Bro Conservativism - by Charlie Sykes

Americans Feel More Positive Than Negative About Jews, Mainline Protestants, Catholics | Pew Research Center Most are neutral toward several groups; evangelical Christians viewed negatively, on balance, by non-evangelical Americans

Catholic sex abuse researchers demand Pope Francis name investigated bishops - The Washington Post

Former editor of Jewish newspaper charged for Jan. 6 actions - POLITICO Elliot Resnick faces charges of civil disorder and impeding police officers ... The former editor of an Orthodox Jewish newspaper in New York City

Eschaton: White Knighting The World's Worst Person -- Chait is so awful and so dumb.

Why is the Boston Globes comment section overwhelmingly far-right?

A Pro-Trump Social Network Wants to Corner the Anti-Vax Jizz MarketGettr, a struggling right-wing social media company, is looking to create a marketplace for men who wont take the Covid vaccines to sell their sperm ... the online anti-vax semen market, in which unvaccinated men would self-advertise and sell sperm to the highest bidder

The Era of Urban Supremacy Is Over

Microsoft lays off entire AI ethics team while going all out on ChatGPT : technology

An experimental pill achieves complete cancer remission in 18 people with aggressive leukemia : worldnews

Webb Telescope Spots A Star On The Brink Of Exploding : worldnews

Study: U.S. Veterans Reported "Positive Outcomes for Pain, Sleep, and Emotional Problems Because of Cannabis" : science

Will the heavy rain and snowfall in California replenish ground water, reservoirs, and lakes (Meade)? : askscience

Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism, the First Computer | History| Smithsonian Magazine Hidden inscriptions offer new clues to the origins of a mysterious astronomical mechanism

What Earth Would Have Really Looked Like in Adam Drivers 65

Genealogy : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Most Boring Number in the World Is ... - Scientific American That prime numbers and powers of 2 fascinate many people comes as no surprise. In fact, all numbers split into two camps: interesting and boring

Why Old Norse myths endure in popular culture

TIL that First Lady Mamie Eisenhower, disliked the Kennedys. Mamie did not inform Jacqueline of a wheelchair available for her during a White House tour. Kennedy remained composed during the tour but collapsed once home. When questioned, Eisenhowers reply wassimply, Because she never asked ... She also banned White House staff from crossing from one wing to the other inside the building, so they had to go outside to go from the east to the west wing. They were also banned from using the main elevator. The book was upstairs at the White House

TIL about Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup, a medicine used in the early 1900s to quiet infants and teething children. Popular in the US and UK it took twenty years of doctors complaints before it was withdrawn from the market for being a "Baby Killer" - The main ingredient was morphine.

What was your worst/weirdest experience at somebody elses house?

What has caused you to become bitter? : AskReddit

Whats the sentence that can melt the girls heart?

Learning to relax at the Kripalu retreat in the Berkshires - The Boston Globe


UK Budget 2023: Nuclear power to be reclassed as environmentally sustainable

Scientists discover superconducting material that could bring total revolution in energy and electronics : worldnews

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions down 9% in 2022 achieving court ordered target | : worldnews

Indian state to open new Asiatic lion sanctuary as numbers soar | Endangered species : worldnews

Wolves back in Belgium after 100 years, sparking controversy : worldnews ... "You need to ask if everything has to have a positive effect on the way we see it as humans,Maybe some animals just have a right to exist, not just because we find them useful."

Fires in heat wave- and drought-stricken Argentina have devoured some 6,000 hectares (14,800 acres) of forests in the northern Corrientes province in just days, officials reported Tuesday : worldnews

Colombia floats new strategy for Escobars hippos: ship them abroad

Virus outbreak in West Bengal leaves 19 children dead and thousands in hospital : worldnews

Catholic church in Australia accused of using deaths of paedophile clergy to shield it from legal claims | Catholicism : worldnews
Australian boy, 13, spent six weeks in solitary confinement : worldnews

Myanmar is a failing state, led by a junta fuelled by Russian arms, says UN rights envoy : worldnews (Russia cancer on the world)

Thai authorities searching for missing radioactive cylinder taken from coal power plant : worldnews

Survivors of Japans colonial crimes call for apology, compensation from Japan

South Korea U-turns on 69-hour working week after youth backlash : worldnews
South Korea to end mandatory wearing of mask for public transport : worldnews

Taiwans Isolation Deepens as Ally Honduras Switches to Beijing

Putin says Russia is in a fight for the existence of the state : worldnews
Vladimir Putin rejects theory about Ukrainian role in Nord Stream blasts: The Russian president once again insisted that the United States was behind the incident : worldnews

Russian army to be replenished with 400,000 new conscripts : worldnews
Reportedly, starring in April the Russian defense ministry will launch a propaganda campaign across the country to recruit 400,000 contract soldiers (kontraktniki) before the end of the year. This is another indication of the high rate of attrition of RUS forces in #Ukraine.

(1/5) Since the start of Russias invasion of Ukraine, Russian public officials and workers have been subject to increasingly severe foreign travel restrictions. Some officials have likely had to forfeit their passports to the Federal Security Service.

The 8-year-old daughter of a Vladimir Putin ally is listed as the owner of a multimillion-dollar apartment in one of London's most exclusive areas : worldnews ... Her ownership began just 20 days before Russia invaded Ukraine, records show.

Steven Seagal to help set up international pro-Russia movement : worldnews

Kazakhstan Impounds Property Of Russian Cosmodrome Operator In Baikonur - Radio Free Europe : worldnews

Risk of Armed Confrontation Along Indias Borders With China, Pakistan Continues: US Report

Real Intent To Abduct, Kill: Imran Khans Post As Supporters Block Cops
Police siege continues for 2nd day at Pakistan ex-PM Khans residence

Turkey floods kill 5 in earthquake-affected provinces : worldnews
Reuters: Turkey to approve Finlands Nato bid independently from Swedens
Sweden hopes for quick NATO accession after Turkish election : worldnews

Tons of uranium missing from Libyan site, IAEA tells member states : worldnews

Human Rights Watch says over 2,000 Afghan evacuees in detention in UAE : worldnews

Saudi Arabia Plans to Buy Up to 121 Boeing 787 Dreamliners : worldnews

Palestinians pave new road over archaeological site in West Bank : worldnews
West Bank mayor calls to kick Arab-Israelis, Palestinians out of buses : worldnews ... Heredim run "modesty squads" ...

Russia expanded its territory in Ukraine by less than 0.04% in a month of brutal fighting that cost it thousands of soldiers and vital equipment, says think tank : worldnews
The coalition of countries providing Ukraine with Leopard tanks continues to grow. Now 9 countries have committed to providing more than 150 Leopard tanks, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said at the tenth Ramstein.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 385, Part 1 (Thread #526) : worldnews

Brady Africk on Twitter: "In southern Ukraine, Russian forces continue to expand existing defenses and add new layers of fortifications. (4/6)" / Twitter In southern Ukraine, Russian forces continue to expand existing defenses and add new layers of fortifications. (4/6)

KyivPost on Twitter: "The #SBU say they have detained an alleged FSB agent in Kharkiv to prevent planned #terrorist attacks against Ukrainian pilots, special forces and SBU employees." / Twitter

Russia has started basic military training courses in one of the schools in occupied Crimea This is exactly how generation after generation in Russia is indoctrinated. At an early age, children are instilled with fear of a so-called enemy.

Whats known and not about US drone-Russian jet encounter
Russian jet collides with US drone over Black Sea : worldnews
U.S. warns Russia to be more careful, downed drone not recovered -White House : worldnews
RAF and German jets intercept Russian aircraft near Estonian airspace : worldnews
One Russian pilots released a video of a flyby next to American MQ-9 Reaper drone. Could be from yesterday.

Russias secret document for destabilizing MoldovaYahoo News obtains Putins strategic plan for promoting Russian interests in Ukraines next-door neighbor.
EU to buy long-range radar for Moldova to detect Russian missiles : worldnews
Moldovan Church Denounces COVID Vaccine as Anti-Christian Plot ... The global anti-Christian system wants to introduce microchips into peoples bodies with whose help they can control them, through 5G technology,a cleric said in a press release (2020 for background, +russian orthofucks in their weird cosplay costumes)

Denmark establishes $1 bln fund to aid Ukraine : worldnews

Russian spy network planning sabotage exposed in Poland, 6 accomplices detained : worldnews

Needed but overdue: MPs want Communist Party of Lithuania labelled criminal organisation

Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis #Karins believes that after the end of hostilities, Ukraine should become a #NATO member to prevent a new war, the Financial Times reported.

Hungary further delays Sweden and Finland NATO ratifications, reportedly due to a delay in negotiations with Brussels over the release of EU funds
They Tried to Frame Us: New Assault on Hungarian Journalists Highlights Media Freedom Crisis in the Heart of Europe

Swiss President regrets reference to warlike frenzy over Ukraine
Credit Suisse sheds nearly 25%, key backer says no more money : worldnews

Germany Will Move Forward With Marijuana Legalization After Receiving Very GoodFeedback From EU, Top Official Says
Irans Revolutionary Guard responsible for German synagogue shooting, officials say

Vienna police step up armed patrols as they warn of potential Islamist terror attack on churches : worldnews

Italian public sector boss resigns after Mussolini email : worldnews
Italian right-wing slam EU Green Homes Directive : worldnews

Ads like this should be illegal (Cathedral of Barcelona) : pics

Tons Of Garbage Pile Up In Paris As Pension Strike Continues, Rat Invasion Feared : worldnews
French Journalists Receive Suspended Prison Sentences For King Mohammed VI Blackmail Case : worldnews

BBC apologizes for shows falling off air as 1,000 staff stage biggest strike in 13 years : television (BBC markets rightwing shit)
Welcome to a filthy, littered dump called Britain

A Brazilian court ruled Wednesday ex-president Jair Bolsonaro has five days to hand over pricey jewelry he received as a present from Saudi Arabia, and ordered an audit of all official gifts during his presidency : worldnews

Inflation in Argentina surges past 100 percent for the first time since 1991 : worldnews

Submarine with 2 bodies, 3 tons of cocaine seized in the Pacific Ocean off Colombia : worldnews

Honduras president plans to seek official ties with China : worldnews

Artist rediscovers mysterious recipe for ancient Maya Blue dye (corrupt Mexican government fucks it up)

Biden says Jimmy Carter has asked him to deliver his eulogy : politics

Warren unveils bill to repeal Trump-era bank deregulation she says led to SVB, Signature collapses : politics

Largest U.S. banks first shut out of Silicon Valley Bank bid | Semafor
White House eyes accountability for Silicon Valley Bank collapse
SVB collapse was driven by the first Twitter-fueled bank run

Republicans Accept No Blame For Bank Failures After They Voted To Deregulate Banks : politics

Guo Wengui, Exiled Chinese Billionaire, Charged With Fraud in New York - The New York Times
Chinese business tycoon and Bannon ally Guo Wengui arrested in $1bn fraud conspiracy | China | The Guardian US attorney says Wengui, also known as Miles Guo and Ho Wan Kwok, used stolen money to buy a $3.5m Ferrari and finance a $37m yacht
NYC Fire: FBI investigating after blaze at Upper East Side hotel where Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui arrested - ABC7 New York

Federal investigators examined Trump Media for possible money laundering, sources say | Donald Trump | The Guardian New York prosecutors expanded criminal inquiry of company last year and examined acceptance of $8m with suspected Russian ties
Stormy Daniels speaks to Manhattan DA in Trump payment probe : politics
Lindsey Graham testified Trump would believe aliens stole ballots: Jurors
FBI says it has no records related to Trumps claim he 'sent' agents to stop voter fraud in Florida during 2018 election

The Pace of the January 6 Investigation Dont confuse running out of patience with running out of time

3/15/23 - Trump Inches Higher In GOP Primary, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly Half Of Americans Would Support A Ban On Tiktok | Quinnipiac University Poll

Trump prepares an extensive opposition file on Ron DeSanctimoniousnothing is off the table.
Ron DeSantis hit with an ethics complaint from Trump super PAC

2 in 5 Republicans want Fox held accountable for false 2020 claims : politics

GOP Group Puts Tucker Carlsons Putin Love Affair On Full Display In New Video The Republican Accountability Project put together 96 seconds of the Fox News host spreading Russian propaganda.

We present one and a half minutes of Tucker Carlson parroting Vladimir Putin. New video from RAP:
Tucker Carlson Packages 2 Of His Biggest Lies In 1 Stupefying Statement
A Republican civil war on Ukraine erupts as Reagans example fadesGOP leaders and voters are increasingly skeptical of an extended commitment, part of a broader shift away from conservative support for foreign interventions

DeSantis saying Ukraine support is not vital national interest sparks backlash in GOP
DeSantis joins the pro-Putin MAGA crowd : politics
Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after Florida governor calls war a "territorial dispute" : politics
GOP senators push back on Ron DeSantis over Ukraine : politics
Chris Christie compares Ron DeSantis stance on Ukraine to appeasing Hitler before WWII
DeSantis Ukraine flip alarms pro-Israel Republicans

Florida bill proposes allowing only certain flags at government buildings, including Confederate : politics (and Russian, no doubt)

Sold: Yacht With a Waterfall. Price: $19 Million. Broker: George Santos.Just before his House election, Mr. Santos helped two of his largest donors reach a private deal on a $19 million boat, mixing his political and personal interests.

I need a woman who looks like she got punched: Republicans become more openly pro-abuse | The GOP embraces a raging misogynist identity, backing controlling husbands and the death penalty for abortion

Sununu: GOP Will Keep Losing Elections If Its Priority Is Culture Wars : politics
Now that Hate has Become the GOPs Main Political Weapon, What Can Americans Do?

Texas announces takeover of Houston schools, stirring anger : politics

A viral moment reinforces the hollowness of woke as an attack
In Which Briahna Joy Gray Inadvertently Does A Service To Mankind

Manhunt for former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's ex-chief of staff Feds launch manhunt for former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's ex-chief of staff - Roy McGrath, who faces several fraud charges, failed to show up for his trial Monday

Nebraska lawmaker 3 weeks into filibuster over trans bill : politics

Oklahoma Republicans Vote to Let Teachers Hit Kids With Disabilities : politics
Oklahoma Republicans Stop Bill That Wouldve Banned Hitting Disabled Kids at School ... Republican lawmakers read Bible verses and talked about the need for physical discipline, before voting against the bill.

Uniquely Evil Minnesota Republican Votes Against Free School Lunches BecauseHunger Is a Relative Term ... 8.4% of the kids in Wabasha county, which he represents the entirety of, are living in poverty. But Im sure Steve is doing just fine.
GOP Lawmaker Says Hungry People Dont Exist Because Hes Never Met One
Republicans Think Low-Income Americans Arent Working Hard Enough to Deserve Food

Bill restricting electric car stores now law in Mississippi : politics

Michigan poised to become first state in almost six decades to repeal right-to-free-ride laws

Poverty, by America

Steps from Capitol, Trump allies buy up properties to build MAGA campus - The Washington Post

A thin reed to hang a culture war on ... Remember the whistleblowerwho cant find any corroborating evidence for her wild and implausibleclaims about a gender clinic in St. Louis? ... Jamie Reed
worms cited on Twitter: "Jamie Reed on what needs to be done: no gender affirming care for people until we figure out how to tell which mice should transition" / Twitter

Former New Orleans cop is sentenced to 14 years in prison for molesting teenage rape victim, whom he drove to the ER to get a rape kit. : news

Dude, I Blew Zero!: College Athlete Sues Iowa Cops for DUI Arrest

Florida man serving 400-year prison sentence walks free after being exonerated of robbery charge : news

The AI Challenge - My Response ... As weve seen over the weekend, the people who fund these things are neither very bright nor emotionally stable. The company behind ChatGPT4 fired their ethics team.

Exclusive: Effective Altruist Leaders Were Repeatedly Warned About Sam Bankman-Fried Years Before FTX Collapsed

The Haunted Life of Lisa Marie Presley

An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own Severe Symptoms.Danny Lemoi took a daily dose of veterinary-grade ivermectin and told his thousands of followers to give the drug to children. He died of a common side effect of the medication.

Heavenly Bodies | Olivia Church Space burials sell a shot at immortality

Does Running Burn Belly Fat?

How Listening to the Bodys Clock Can Help Students Learn Faster & Be More Productive

Broadly speaking do all cultures and languages have a concept of left & right? : askscience

ELI5: Why is the Dunning Kruger effect a thing? : explainlikeimfive

Air pollution disrupts sexual communication in flies females are less attracted to males, and males attempt to copulate with other males

Is there any truth to the idea that we're now "too clean" and we are somehow weaker for it? : askscience

High blood caffeine levels may reduce body weight and type 2 diabetes risk, according to new study : science

Lasers Reveal Massive, 650-Square-Mile Maya Site Hidden beneath Guatemalan Rain Forest : news

Boys, what is something you didnt know about girlsuntil you got with one?

Have you given up on love, if so why? : AskReddit


Investigating: Reddit is currently offline. Were working to identify the issue.

International Womens Day: Global opinion remains committed to gender equality, but half now believe it is coming at the expense of men

Toxic forever chemicals found in toilet paper around the world

Danish satellite manufacturer to send the worlds first nanosatellite into geostationary orbit

Skunks found dead in Metro Vancouver had avian flu: government : worldnews
Some 260,000 birds killed by avian influenza in Argentina : worldnews

AUKUS ... It's a BFD, and I suspect that its the foundation of a larger agreement that may eventually include Japan, South Korea, and Canada.

Rohingya camp fire was planned sabotage - investigators

Bali plans tourist motorbike ban over misbehaviour : worldnews

Japan OKs bill to reform sexual offense charge, raise age of consent : worldnews

China accuses UK, US and Australia of going further down dangerous road with submarine pact (claims "China-Pacific Ocean")
China is aging fast, will retire people late to deal with problem : worldnews
China - Two arrested for allegedly having seditious books - RTHK : worldnews
Russia and China threaten to create global danger and disorder, says UKs Sunak

ICC to issue first arrest warrants linked to Russias invasion of Ukraine
Russia says it does not recognise Hague court amid reports of arrest warrants : worldnews

Russia downs U.S. Reaper surveillance drone over Black Sea - The Washington Post with one of the warplanes colliding with the unmanned aircrafts propeller after both jets dumped fuel on it ... U.S. officials characterized the encounter as being part of a pattern of dangerous actions by Russian pilots while interacting with American and allied aircraft in international airspace.
Russian aircraft collides into US unmanned system in international waters

Morality Shouldnt Get in the Way -- Russias Genocidal State Media - With the bloody all-out invasion now in its second year, the euphoria has been replaced by a lingering sense of dread, with Putins mouthpieces routinely fretting about the possibility of war crimes tribunals. The issue is playing on their minds.
RTs director of broadcasting Anton Krasovsky suggests drowning or burning Ukrainian children

Russian Lawmakers Introduce Bill Raising Draft Age - The Moscow Times The new bill, which was authored by State Duma Defense Committee chair Andrei Kartapolov and two other deputies from the ruling United Russia party, raises the upper age limit for conscription to 30.
Russian Duma votes to censor criticism of mercenaries in Ukraine : worldnews

Conflict between Kremlin and Wagner Group likely reached its climax : worldnews
The Wagner Groups soldiers-for-hire fight for the Kremlin in a war Russians dont want to fight themselves. The U.S. has sanctioned The Wagner Group and designated it a Transnational Criminal Organization. We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.
ISW on Twitter: "#Russian defense ministry may be using #Bakhmut to lessen #Wagner influence, ISW analysis finds @CNN" / Twitter

Many in the West praise Russian opposition leader #Navalny and the Oscar-nominated documentary about him. But theres something else to remember: Being anti-Putin doesnt negate Navalnys imperialist and chauvinist views. Lets take a look at specific examples in this threa

Essential reading from @JuliaDavisNews - t is easy enough to understand the link between Kremlin TV talking points that routinely compare the Ukrainians to animals, bugs, or worms with atrocities like Bucha and the torture and murder of Ukrainian POWs.

Russia ready to extend grain agreement, but only for 60 days

Detailed article by The Insider abut Moscow air defense. Where its located and how forest and protected areas were cut down for the installation of air defense systems

In #Belarus, the security agencies began detaining psychotherapists and psychiatrists - at least 20 were detained in the past few days. During interrogations they are requested to report to the security forces on 'unreliable' tients.

Kazakhstan seized the property of Roscosmos of Russia - The Kazakh authorities seized the property of the main operator of Russian spaceportsthe Center for the Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure (TsENKI). A formal reason is a debt of 2 billion rubles.

Navies of India, Australia, Japan, US, France and UK to participate in Exercise La Perouse : worldnews

Iran Confirms Death Sentence Against Swedish-Iranian Dissident Lured To Turkey : worldnews

Bill to shield Netanyahu from recusalcleared for plenum vote after fiery debate : worldnews ... Netanyahu is riding to tyranny on the back of fundamentalist Jewish support. He's nailing one nail at a time into the coffin of Israels democracy
Israelis Are Now Openly Talking About the Total Destruction of the Jewish StateBenjamin Netanyahus push toward autocracy has triggered massive protests and a sense that the end of the 75-year-old Israeli experiment may be near

Zelensky has promised Poland exhumations of WW2 massacre victims in Ukraine, says Polish PM : worldnews
Zelenskyi held a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chiefs Staff. All members expressed a common position on the further holding and defense of Bakhmut. They also analyzed the supply of weapons and ammunition to the units at the front lines.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 384, Part 1 (Thread #525) : worldnews

Here are todays control-of-terrain maps of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats

ISW on Twitter: "2/ Russian milbloggers widely circulated claims on March 12 that Wagner fighters began assaults on underground sections of the AZOM complex in northwestern #Bakhmut and strengthened their positions at the complex on March 13." / Twitter

Ukrainian partisan underground group Atesh shared footage of reportedly blowing up a rail track in Kherson Oblast to disrupt Russian logistics

Ukraine accuses Russian snipers of abusing child, gang raping mother : worldnews

The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "On March 10, the Ministry of Culture published a statement that monks of the Russian Orthodox Church's Ukrainian branch must leave the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, Ukraine's most important Orthodox monastery, by March 29." / Twitter

'Court' in occupied Crimea fines woman fordiscrediting Russian army by video with Ukraines national anthem ... Her name was MEMEtova? And got convicted for making fun of the russian army online?

In 2022, #Moldovas exports to #Russia fell by 31%, while exports to EU and Ukraine rose. #Russia is now 6th largest destination for Moldovan exports, after Romania, Ukraine, Italy, Turkey and Germany. Only 4.4% Moldovan exports go to Russia:

Lithuania designates Russian Wagner as terrorist organisation : worldnews

Russian diplomats expelled from the EU after the start of the war were transferred to the RU embassy in Serbia. Solely with the help of OSINT, we found out their links to FSB 16th Center, accused of hacking U.S. nuclear companies, and to Russias Foreign Intelligence Service (good pic of midget Pootie orc)

OSINTdefender on Twitter: "The Danish Defense Ministry has stated that they are expecting the first batch of Refurbished Leopard 1A5 Tanks from Denmark, Germany, and The Netherlands to arrive in Ukraine sometime in Early May; this first batch of Tanks will hopefully be used to train Ukrainian Tank Crews." / Twitter

German university quietly removes comfort women statue amid pressure from Japan
Two girls, under 14, suspects in killing of 12-year-oldTwo children are now the suspects in the murder of a 12-year-old girl from Freudenberg, German police say. The girl was found dead on Sunday and had later been confirmed to be the victim of a homicide.

Journalists of French network suspended for praising Hamas, Hitler : worldnews

Brazils Bolsonaro will be subpoenaed in jewelry scandal, says minister

Jesuits of Canada releases list of 27 members credibly accused of child sex abuse
Ontario considering banning TikTok in public schools : worldnews

Bidens confabulation

Biden's private concerns, a rescue plan and the political firestorm that ensued - Frustrated by 2008 bank bailouts, the president made clear to advisers that federal action must not rescue banks or their shareholders
Signature and Silicon Valley Bank Collapses Followed Softened Regulation - The New York Times Officials with Signature and Silicon Valley banks, which regulators seized in recent days, had called for looser financial requirements for midsize banks.
The Boys Who Cried Woke! ... As soon as it was clear that Silicon Valley Bank would not survive the weekend, conservative influencers and Republican politicians had a culprit in sight. Wokeness.
Silicon Valley Banks political blame game ... While progressives like Warren and Sanders may feel vindicated, 17 of their Senate Democratic colleagues voted with Republicans to pass Trumps deregulation in 2018.
Eschaton: Whose Head At The Fed Should Roll Playing into the hands of the whiny rich Randroids to blame THE REGULATORS after they lobbied to reduce regulation, but they aren't entirely wrong -- The president of SVB was on the Board of the San Francisco Fed until Friday when he left for obvious if undisclosed reasons -- Light touch regulation doesnt just happen because Congress passes bad laws. It happens because the regulators are actually corrupt and serve the interests of those they are supposed to watch over.
Silicon Valley Bank bailout implies tech startups are too big to fail - The Washington Post The government stepped in to save the start-up industry from itself. Not everyone is relieved.

Back-to-back bank collapses came after deregulatory push supported by Barney Frank - The Boston Globe

Trump Grand Jury Moves Into Final Phase as Key Witness Testifies A Manhattan District Attorney investigation into Donald Trump looks to be in its final stage as a major witness testifies before the grand jury. And Trump may testify too ... Jennifer Weisselberg, a one-time Trump family confidant embroiled in a bitter divorce, walked into the DAs office midday Monday and claimed to reporters staking out the grand jury that she was about to help prosecutors nail Trump on something that is bigger than any taxes, paper, insurance, banks, insurance

Trump Blames Mike Pence For Jan. 6 Violence For Not Going Along With His Coup Attempt : politics (traitor to the supreme traitor)

Ex-intelligence officials challenge the Hunter Biden witch hunt
Framing Hunter Biden Your quick reference guide for understanding the Hunter Biden Laptop scandal and meta-scandal. Buckle up.
James Comer says Treasury will allow Oversight Committee to review certain bank activity reports related to Biden family and business partners | CNN Politics

Eschaton: The Evolution Of Dumb Defenses A long time ago, reporters at your local newspapers would get angry emails and calls about how BIASED THEIR NEWSPAPER IS. And they'd explain that, well, actually, the callers was complaining about the OPINION section and that was separate from the news section and did not reflect on the broader coverage of NEWS by the JOURNALISTS.
Nonsense. The Wall Street Journal news side is not the One True Wall Street Journal. Referring to the opinion side as the WSJ is 100% as valid as referring to the news side as such. As usual the lol rubes you dont understand journalism scolds are the ones who are wrong.

GOP election deniers increasingly admit they're just going off vibes - There has never really been evidence the 2020 election was stolen, but even election deniers are acknowledging it ... All told, back in January 2021, a majority of Republican-leaning voters (54 percent) said they believed that the election was stolen and that there was solid evidence. Today, thats fallen to just 33 percent.

Why MAGA is so appealing to older Republicans ... rump won people ages 65 and older by about four points ... Older Americans are less likely to be Black, Hispanic or Asian than younger Americans, all groups that vote more heavily Democratic
CNN Poll: Most Republicans care more about picking a 2024 GOP nominee who agrees with them on issues than one who can beat Biden | CNN Politics

House Republicans could expand their majority if they win these court cases - POLITICO How redrawing the maps with a series of court cases potentially puts the GOP in a stronger position in 2024.

The GOPs magic words have lost their magic ... Republifuckers said Dem's were all "tax and spend" and then Biden said "Hold my beer"

DeSantis Sends Putin a Message - by Charlie Sykes ... Nor, in the new GOP, is it considered disqualifying that Tuckers pro-Putinism has made him a fixture on Russian state television in the midst of a genocidal war. (Ukraine a "minor territorial dispute" say Putin-paid fascist)
DeSantis, Backing Away From Ukraine, Angers G.O.P. HawksThe Florida governor, who joined Donald Trump in declaring that defending Ukraine from Russia was not a vital interest, drew swift condemnations from establishment Republicans.
The level of ignorance is just profound: Ron DeSantis blasted over his defense of Russia (it's a republifuck value) ... He delivered a message to Vladimir Putin that says, if you hold on until the 24 election is over, I just might be your guy that makes all your problems go away ... DeSantis never flew a plane. Before becoming a military lawyer, DeSantis assisted with testing urine for drugs.
Donald Trump just called for another coup and hardly anyone even noticed
The party of Putin - Even master of bothsiding Peter Baker wont tart up this particular effusion of deplorableness: ... (2) Russia is a reactionary ethno-nationalist authoritarian proto-theocratic regime, i.e., what the Republican base wants the USA to become.
Is Ron DeSantis Flaming Out Already? - The Atlantic The Florida governor has a plan to win the Fox News primaryand lose everything else.
Gov. Ron DeSantis takeover of New College of Florida puts $29 million in donations at risk

Senator Marco Rubio On Aid To Ukraine And 2024 - The Hugh Hewitt Show

DeSantis Admin Revokes Hyatt Miami Alcohol License After Drag Show

George Santos files paperwork indicating he may seek reelection - The Washington Post

Heres What Happened When Judge Kacsmaryk Told Lawyers About Secret Hearing In Mifepristone Case

The horrors of the post-Roe era, an endless seriesThe Alito regime is about turning state violence against pregnant women, even in the most dire circumstances:
Doctors Warned Her Pregnancy Could Kill Her. Then Tennessee Outlawed Abortion.

She Had a Heartbeat Too: Waiting for One Dead Woman

Vermont Christian School that Refused to Play Trans Player Banned from Future Tournaments

At Wellesley College, a Fight Over Whether to Admit Trans Men - The New York Times Students will vote Tuesday on a nonbinding referendum that considers opening admission to all nonbinary and transgender applicants. Opponents say the schools mission is to educate women

L.A. riders bail on Metro trains amid horror of deadly drug overdoses, crime

Police Killed His Son. Prosecutors Charged The Teens Friends with His Murder.

Justice Dept can seize funds from white supremacist convicted in deadly Charlottesville car attack - CBS News

Time changes and ranked choice voting (the "science" is fucked)

Herman Cain Award, Intellectual Dark Web Subdivision ... Another victim of the Republican/Academia-to-Substack propaganda complex: (elizabeth bruenig is an idiot.. and .. ) One of the things that caused Matt Taibbi to go full MAGA was his perception that the "Take HOrse Paste" variant of anti-vaxxism was not being given a wide enough platform. Heckuva job!

How long does a woman get to enjoy her so-called prime? A year? A week? A single golden hour? - The Boston Globe Some women say they cant even focus on themselves until the kids are grown but by then society has rendered them invisible

My neighbor found Lincolns hair in his basement. I found a mystery.

The Brandon Miller Situation Is Completely Grotesque

Tate-Pilled What a generation of boys have found in Andrew Tates extreme male gospel ... By the end of 2022, #AndrewTate had been searched on TikTok 22 billion times.

GPT-4 has arrived. It will blow ChatGPT out of the water. - The Washington Post The long-awaited tool, which can describe images in words, marks a huge leap forward for AI power and another major shift for ethical norms

Midjourney - Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species.

Will black holes turn into something else once theyve consumedenough of whats around them?

Whats the hardest thing for you to comprehend about the American culture?

Meta to Lay Off Another 10,000 WorkersIt would be the tech companys second round of cuts since November. Mark Zuckerberg, its chief executive, has declared 2023 the year of efficiency
Meta gives up on NFTs for Facebook and Instagram - The Verge
Eschaton: Now Fly Away A bunch of the worst SV guys are just addicted to posting, proving every single day that they're stupid assholes. Just a bunch of Elons. Why would we like you? Your latest innovation was this. Christ.


Diplomats from nearly 200 nations and top climate scientists began a week-long huddle in Switzerland on Monday to distil nearly a decade of published science into a 20-odd-page warning about the existential danger of global warming and what to do about it : worldnews

Worlds biggest oil producer Saudi Aramco reports record $161 billion profit for 2022 ... They raped $20 for every man, woman and child... on the entire planet in just 1 year

Facing Intense Heat and Dust Storms, Iraq Aims to Plant 5 Million Trees : worldnews

Cheetahs Back in Wild in India After Seven Decades : worldnews

Storm Freddy triggers floods in Malawi, killing at least 11 : worldnews

Residents evacuated in Australia as heavy rains trigger floods. : worldnews

Indonesias Bali wants to tighten visa requirements for Russian tourists

Myanmar army kill more than 30 in monastery attack - insurgent group : worldnews

Iwao Hakamada: Japan retrial for worlds longest-serving death row inmate ... The former professional boxer confessed after 20 days of interrogation during which he said he was beaten. He later retracted the confession in court. Rights groups have criticised Japan's reliance on confessions, which they say police often obtain by force.

Seoul mayor calls for South Korean nuclear weapons to counter threat from North : worldnews

North Korea launches missiles from submarine as US, South Korean drills begin. : worldnews

Xi could visit Russia next week, sources say, as Bakhmut battle rages : worldnews
China's Xi Plans to Speak With Zelensky for First Time Since Ukraine War Broke Out - Conversation would likely follow the Chinese leader's meeting with Russias Putin next week
China to develop dredger more powerful than artificial islandbuilder of South China Sea

International Court to Open War Crimes Cases Against Russia, Officials Say - The New York Times The cases before the International Criminal Court would accuse Russia of abducting Ukrainian children and of deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure.
International Court to Open War Crimes Cases Against Russia, Officials Say : worldnews

Russia has resorted to recruiting inmates from womens prisons to serve in the Russian military in a bid to make up for its growing losses in Ukraine, according to both Ukrainian officials and an independent Russian prisons watchdog

Kremlin elites are fighting over how best to control their Ukraine war narrative, says the Russian foreign ministrys top spokesperson

Navalny wins best documentary at Oscars.
Many in the West praise Russian opposition leader #Navalny and the Oscar-nominated documentary about him. But theres something else to remember: Being anti-Putin doesnt negate Navalnys imperialist and chauvinist views. Lets take a look at specific examples in this thread
Danylo Mokryk on Twitter: "No, Mr. Zelensky, you can't speak at the Oscars, that's politics. But we'll give an Oscar to "Navalny", that's not politics. And Navalny's wife will speak, that's also not politics. But she won't mention her country's invasion of Ukraine, because... Yeah, you got it." / Twitter
If #Oscar is outside of politics how should we understand the documentary manifesto Navalny where internal Russian politics is overflowing? If Oscar is out of the context of the war in Ukraine & the mass genocide of Ukrainians, why do you constantly talk about humanism & justice?
What you should know about @navalny? 1. Far right politician, promoter of hate propaganda 2. Never disowned his extremist agenda or assumed responsibility for it. When being called out, he lied and smeared his critics 3. Enjoyed thorough whitewashing by Moscow & Western media

US turns to new aggressive ways to punish Russian oligarchs for Ukraine war : worldnews

India will not breach Western sanctions on Russia including the price cap of $60 imposed on purchases of oil from Moscow,as government authorities have asked banks and traders to adhere to the rules : worldnews
India And France Conduct Maritime Partnership Exercise In Arabian Sea : worldnews
One of Indias trash mountains is on fire again and residents are choking on its toxic fumes

Russia Outside Russia - For Elite, Dubai Becomes a Wartime Harbor - In the exclusive neighborhoods and palatial shopping malls of the United Arab Emirates' biggest city, wealthy Russians can build a new life without having to cut ties to their home country.

Polls show Erdogan lags opposition by more than 10 points ahead of May vote : worldnews

Suspected Islamist militants kill 19 in another village raid in east Congo : worldnews

Saudi Arabia executes Jordanian man after allegedly giving forced confession : worldnews
Saudi Arabia Closing In On $35 Billion Aircraft Deal With Boeing For New Airline : worldnews

Iran: Deal With Saudi Arabia Will Help End Yemens War
Detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran is no panacea for Yemen war : worldnews

Global trade union leader sacked over Qatargate : worldnews - from an NGO at the heart of an investigation into allegations Qatar tried to corrupt the European Parliament.
Qatar spied on meeting of Swiss prosecutor and FIFA president : worldnews

In groundbreaking ruling, Middle Eastern Islamic council declares'fatwa' against Hamas

Women across Iran are refusing to wear headscarves, in open defiance of the regime : worldnews
Iran says 22,000 who were arrested in protests have been pardoned : worldnews

Half a million Israelis join latest protest against Netanyahus judicial overhaul, organizers say

Ukraine war latest: Authorities identify defiant Ukrainian POW executed by Russians : worldnews
F-16s will eventually be sent to Ukraine,former U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chair says
Wouldnt it be a lot cheaper to just help Ukraine win?
A Year into Russias Invasion, Survival in Ukraine is Still Like a LotteryTicket (

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 383, Part 1 (Thread #524) : worldnews

Bloodshed in Bakhmut: Russia Suffers Potentially Deadliest Day Yet in Ukraine
Another dramatic interview with Prigozhin. He complains about the situation in Bakhmut.
A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.

Ukraine, Russia Locked In Brutal Battle For Key Donetsk City, Casualties Mount : worldnews
Ukrainska Pravda in English on Twitter: "Resistance forces blow up railway in occupied Kherson Oblast" / Twitter

Moldova Fears Hybrid Warfare Generated by Russia Defense Minister

Finnish president says disputes with Turkey still holding up NATO membership : worldnews

Serbia gives definite no to Kosovo recognition, NATO accession
Bosnian Serb leader to copy law on foreign agents that sparked mass protests in Georgia : worldnews
Vucic admits Serbia could be supplying weapons to Ukraine : worldnews

Swedish pension giant loses 12 billion kronor from US banks collapse

Women can now swim topless in Berlins swimming pools. The move reflects Germanystradition of nudity.

Pope Francis says he will come to both Kyiv and Moscow, or neither : worldnews

Police use water cannon to end climate protest, 700 arrested : worldnews (Dutch)

Switzerland to destroy anti-aircraft missile systems that could be used in Ukraine : worldnews
City of Lucerne votes to restrict Airbnb rentals : worldnews

French General Michel Yakovleff considers Ukraines army the best in Europe
France challenging Russia as second biggest arms exporter behind US : worldnews
France mulls nuclear revamp as Ukraine war prompts an energy mix rethink : worldnews
France to Invest 100 Billion in Railway Infrastructure

Keep Ireland Irish: Say hello to Irelands growing far right

Father attempted to rob his own son at knifepoint in Glasgow : worldnews

UK to spend extra 5bn on military to counter intensifying threats from China and Russia
BBC Serving the Desires of the Tories ... Ah yes, defending immigrants, the greatest crime one can commit in a post-Brexit England. Not that the BBC becoming a bought and sold adjunct of the Tory Party will convince British voters to go for a different option, especially in Jolly Ole England. ... Who runs the BBC these days anyway?
Junior doctors across England go on str ike over pay, burnout : worldnews
No plans to return Parthenon marbles to Greece, says Rishi Sunak : worldnews

Plane uses parachute after engine fails, saving six passengers including baby : worldnews (Brazil)

Regime change in Moscow definitely the goal, Joly says, as Canada bans Russian steel, aluminum imports
Facebook to block access to news if Canada adopts Online News Act : worldnews

The self-deceived deceivers of war - The Boston Globe - Andrew Bacevich - The Iraq War, its 20th anniversary now at hand, offers an example : In a 1971 essay written for The New York Review of Books, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt placed responsibility for the then-still-ongoing Vietnam War at the feet of self-deceived deceivers.These were the senior US officials who in selling the American people on war in Southeast Asia came to believe the untruths, half-truths, and evasions they themselves had contrived to justify a grotesquely needless conflict ... the global war on terrorism, which turned out to be as ill-conceived as the domino theory devised to justify Vietnam. Compounding their error, they also persuaded themselves that liberatingIraqa country of modest importance possessing an inept army and ruled by an inconsequential if brutal dictator held the key to reaffirming the inevitable triumph of American-style freedom and democracy.

U.S. Space Force budget hits $30 billion in 2024 proposal : politics

AP sources: Biden OKs huge Willow oil project in Alaska : politics
Biden Once Again Shows Why We Will Do Nothing to Stop Climate Change ... This is absolutely indefensible in 2023: The Biden administration on Monday will formally approve a huge oil drilling project in Alaska known as Willowdespite widespread opposition because of its likely environmental and climate impacts.

Hate crimes in U.S. rose to highest-ever level in 2021, FBI says - The Washington Post The number represents the most since the federal government began tracking bias-motivated attacks in 1990. (white rightwing fuckers)

Biden says the banking system is safeafter Silicon Valley Bank shutdown
Biden delivers 5-minute remarks on SVB following massive crash : politics ... It turned out that one of the biggest risks to our business model was catering to a very tightly knit group of investors who exhibit herd-like mentalities ... Privatize the profits, socialize the losses
Opinion | Elizabeth Warren: We Can Prevent More Bank Failures - The New York Times
SVB Collapse Sparks Blame Game Over Trump-Era Regulatory Rollback - Bloomberg Congress cut burdens for smaller and mid-sized banks in 2018
Bernie Sanders says Silicon Valley Banks failure is the direct result of a Trump-era bank regulation policy
The Incredible Tantrum Venture Capitalists Threw Over Silicon Valley Bank -- Remind me why, exactly, these guys have so much control over technological innovation?
Wokeness killed the Silicon star ... Former Harvard University president and Treasury Secretary Larry Summers took to Twitter Monday to say that student debt relief could have negative effects on inflation.

The Supreme Court ConservativesFavorite New Weapon for Kneecapping the Administrative State ... That doctrine, which allows the justices to overturn a federal regulation if they think Congress didnt speak clearly enough to authorize it,

Why we should all be liberal: The power of an adjective : politics ... Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people ...

Americans Favorable Rating of Russia Sinks to New Low of 9% ... The all-time low favorable rating for any country was 3% for Iraq in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War.

Trump Said He Might Have Let Russia Take Over Parts of Ukraine. Fox News Edited It Out. Thats what Russia secretly asked for in 2016

True lies - This WSJ op-ed is a real classic of the genre, the genre being Donald Trump is a sociopathic liar, but what about Hunter Bidens laptop and the Covid lockdowns?
House Oversight Chair Comer quietly subpoenas bank records for Hunter Biden business associates : politics
House Oversight Chair James Comer quietly subpoenas bank records for Hunter Biden business associates | CNN Politics

House Republicans Quietly Halt Inquiry Into Trumps FinancesG.O.P. leaders are declining to enforce a court-supervised settlement for Mazars, Donald J. Trumps former accounting firm, to turn over records in an investigation into whether he profited from the presidency.

Former Vice President Mike Pence openly mocked Donald Trump with a series of pointed jokes ridiculing his former boss : politics
Opinion: Mike Pences hypocrisy knows no bounds in his strongest rebuke of Trump to date

Why Fox's Call on Arizona, Which Was Right, Was Still Wrong - It was more a risky guess than a sound decision, and easily could have led to a missed call.

Fox News braces for more turbulence as second defamation lawsuit advances : politics
Prosecutors refute claims Tucker Carlsons airing of security footage exonerates January 6 defendants
GOP senator says McCarthy should not have released Jan. 6 tapes to only Tucker Carlson : politics

Donald Trump: The dangerous monster the media is ignoring : politics
Trump to Snub Manhattan DA as Criminal Charges Loom : politics
Trump Grand Jury Moves Into Final Phase as Key Witnesses Testify

A New Chief Judge Oversees Trump Inquiry Grand Jury - The New York Times James E. Boasberg will take over from Beryl A. Howell as the chief judge of the Federal District Court in Washington, a post that plays a key role in the special counsel investigations into Donald J. Trump.

Prosecutors say newly aired Chansley footage paints misleading portrait of his Jan. 6 conduct : politics
Prosecutors say Tucker Carlson omitted key Jan. 6 footage of QAnon Shaman

Biden calls legislation targeting transgender people in Florida closeto sinful

21 South Carolina GOP Lawmakers Propose Death Penalty for Women Who Have Abortions

Kari Lake morphs into The Fonz and jumps the shark, again (no stupid too far for refucklicans)
Sanity reigns (briefly) in the Senate as bill to break up Maricopa County bombs : politics ... Hoffman is a Queen Creek Republican best known for his role as one of 11 fake electors who tried to hijack Arizonas vote after the 2020 presidential election.

The Colorado GOPs Slow-Rolling MAGA Suicide

In historic shift, Minnesota pushes to abolish subminimum wages for people with disabilities : politics

Plantation Politics: How White Mississippi Lawmakers Want to Seize Power in Majority-Black Jackson

The Federal Government Is Investigating an Illinois School Where Students With Disabilities Were Frequently Arrested : politics ... In recent years, Garrison administrators called the police to report student misbehavior every other school day on averageStaff members routinely asked to press charges against the children some as young as 9 and officers arrested them.... No other school districtnot just in Illinois, but in the entire country had a higher student arrest rate than Four RiversThe school has fewer than 65 studentsn most years

RI leaders push for affordable, reliable child care : politics

An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own Severe Symptoms. Danny Lemoi took a daily dose of veterinary-grade ivermectin and told his thousands of followers to give the drug to children. He died of a common side effect of the medication ...HAPPY FRIDAY ALL YOU POISONOUS HORSE PASTE EATING SURVIVORS !!! Hours later, Lemoi was dead.

Old School UnionbustingAs Stephen Greenhouse argues in The Guardian, the iconic companies of the new economy are kicking it real old school when it comes to unionbusting.

The end of history (departments) ... My own view is that a university without a history department is not really a university, but I more than suspect that the $500,000 per year Excel spreadsheet jockeys who rule over the business of academia which is apparently now business dont see it that way

Lets Talk Barbara Walters Seventeen leading broadcasters on her legacy and making their way in the world she made.

Riley Keough Reportedly Locked Priscilla Presley Out of Graceland - after Priscilla contested an amendment to her late daughter Lisa Marie Presleys will.

Why Artificial Intelligence?

The New Crisis of Increasing All-Cause Mortality in US Children and Adolescents | Adolescent Medicine | JAMA | JAMA Network ... Firearms play a central role in this crisis. They are the leading cause of death among youths aged 1 to 19 years and accounted for nearly half (47.8%) of the increase in all-cause mortality in 2020.
Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Get your hearing checked today - Harvard Health A new study shows that, although hearing loss increases your risk of dementia, using hearing aids lessens that risk.

Revolutionary Tool Can Measure Spins a Million Times More Precisely Changing the Future of Chemistry and Biology ... The new tool could help scientists develop more powerful quantum computers by making it easier for them to measure spin ensembles with greater accuracy.

Robot lawyer DoNotPay is being sued by a law firm because it does not have a law degree

Dave Epstein's (@growingwisdom) Snow Forecast - he tends to be one of the more realistic forecasters. Hes lessabout the drama and more about the science.


700 climate activists arrested at XR demonstration on A12 in The Hague, 4 activists became unwell : worldnews

Brazils Amazon deforestation again hits record high for February

Saudi Aramco reports record profit of $161.1 billion in 2022 : worldnews

Scientists warn of phosphogeddon as critical fertiliser shortages loom: We have reached a critical turning point

Children face acute risk amid Malawis deadliest cholera outbreak

China cautions Australia on US nuclear submarine deal Posing threat to Asia-Pacific (Chinese Pacific Ocean)

Thousands of South Koreans rally against humiliating govt plan to resolve forced labour row with Japan

Hong Kong court jails Tiananmen anniversary vigil organisers | Hong Kong : worldnews

Li Qiang becomes Chinas premier, tasked with reviving economy
Chinese city proposes lockdowns for flu -- and faces a backlash : worldnews
Hong Kong asks: what to do with 40,000 empty Covid quarantine units in a housing shortage? | CNN : worldnews
Severe criticism of Carlsberg in China - Scandasia : worldnews ... a Chinese woman was standing with a megaphone encouraging the men to drink. The witness states, the woman repeatedly told them they were brave and that they were challenging religious extremism. Behind the Chinese woman was paramilitary forces and police officers with weapons

Ex-deputy commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Michel Yakovleff: NATO needs to prepare for the collapse of Russia. Yakovleff says the collapse of Russia is inevitable and will be much bloodier than the collapse of the USSR.
Preparing for the Final Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Dissolution of the Russian Federation | Hudson
Russias Bite No Longer Matches its Bark in Ukraine - The Moscow Times

When the snow melts, thousands of russian soldiers will simply become statistical red dots on Ukrainian soil. How many more deaths are needed to stop the kremlins mad king of red dots?
Putins Winter Bet Fails ... Despite these setbacks, Putin still has some advantages, such as backing from non-Western countries and growing Republican opposition to U.S. military aid to Ukraine.
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson confirmed there is infighting in the Kremlin inner circle, that the Kremlin has ceded centralized control over the Russian information space, and that Putin cannot fix it : worldnews
Kremlin admits Putin losing control of Russias war narrative
Russian wives and mothers call on Putin to stop sending mobilized men to the slaughter
Russian Officials Face Almost Total Ban on Foreign Travel : worldnews ... The investigation found that the rules tended to get stricter with proximity to power. Kremlin employees, for example, are no longer allowed to leave Russia at all.
Putins hidden war: the Russians fighting back The Economist

Why Putin Miscalculated So Badly In Ukraine - Vlad Vexler : UkrainianConflict
(82) Historian predicts how Russia's war in Ukraine could end - YouTube
Did a culture of institutionalised lying contribute to Russias military disasters by giving its senior commanders a distorted and false picture of the true situation on the ground?
1/ Did a culture of institutionalised lying contribute to Russia's recent disaster east of Kharkiv, by giving its senior commanders a distorted and false picture of the true situation on the ground?reviewing the evidence.

Girkin says we lost everything, well lose Transnistria and wont be able to take Odesa
Terrorist Girkin-Strelkov says sadly that with Russian ministry of defense they wont win the war.He actively criticizes Russian authorities and officials and hes still free?
Girkin....Shoigu and his team are a coward : UkrainianConflict

Mass Backstabbing Spree Over Putins War Sweeps Russia A surge of citizens snitching on each other for anti-war comments is reportedly landing Russians across the country in jail.
Mass Backstabbing Spree Over Putin War Sweeps Russia
Olga Skabeyeva, a Russian propagandist, is having trouble persuading the Russian audience on live television. : RussiaUkraineWar2022
u/Unapologetic_Warthog rewrites "Stan" in the context of Russian internal conflict : bestof

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "4/ Training turned out to be minimal. A wife says that that the men "played on their phones" for two weeks and had one session at a firing range where they shot ten blank rounds from a sniper rifle. According to No Future:" / Twitter
ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "5/ "Relatives say that the mobilised rebelled and demanded to be taken to exercises more often, to which one of the unit commanders replied: "You are meat."" / Twitter
6/ Disillusionment set in. One man told his wife, Dont believe anything that they say in the news, they are bullshitting, not a single word of truth, a complete lie

Rights experts deeply disturbed by Russian Wagner Group recruitment of prisoners

UK presses Olympic sponsors to ensure Russian athletes are banned from games : worldnews

#Russias hybrid warfare & shrinking influence in #Moldova #Georgia #Armenia #Kazakhstan

India government opposes recognising same-sex marriage - court filing : worldnews

U.S. arms left in Afghanistan surface in Pakistan Taliban insurgency : worldnews
Pakistan offers to transfer 44 T-80UD tanks to Ukraine in exchange for financial assistance : worldnews

South Africas anti-corruption watchdog cleared President Cyril Ramaphosa of any wrongdoing in a preliminary report into a cover-up scandal that has tarnished his reputation, local media reported on Saturday ... What a shock, they investigated themselves and found that they did nothing wrong, then drove off in brand new Mercedes S-Classes.

300,000 flee ongoing violence in DR Congo in February alone: UNHCR : worldnews

China Plans New Middle East Summit as Diplomatic Role Takes Shape - WSJ Beijings involvement in the details of dispute between Saudi Arabia and Iran led to a re-establishment of ties
Saudi Arabia launches new national airline : worldnews

Azerbaijan says Iranian warplane violated its airspace, summons Tehrans ambassador

Iran says deal reached with US for prisoner swap : worldnews
Iran says deal reached to buy Russian fighter jets, as defense cooperation deepens : worldnews

US defense chiefs visit to Israel reveals divisions on Iran
Netanyahus Response to Iran-Saudi Deal Shows a Growing Detachment From Realityinsistence that he is the one leading the Western worlds fight against Iran and that peace with the Saudis is within reach shows how disconnected he is both at home and abroad

250,000 protesters take to the streets against regime change | Israel : worldnews
Anti-overhaul protesters call to turn up heat as over 300,000 estimated at rallies last night| Israel : worldnews
Half a million Israelis join latest protest against Netanyahus judicial overhaul - organizers
Biggest in Israeli History: Organizers Claim Half a Million Protesters Against Netanyahus Constitutional Coup
Rising violence, growing political crisis in Israel strain U.S. support : worldnews ... Any U.S. move to reduce or leverage support for Israel would undoubtedly trigger fierce blowback from nearly all Republicans and many Democrats, not to mention Orthodox Jewish and evangelical groups in the U.S. that have been more supportive of Netanyahus approach.
Israels judicial reform is concerning, German president says ... concern about the restructuring of the rule of law in Israel.
3D analysis shows how Israeli troops fired into group of civilians - In an incident last month that left two Palestinians dead, troops shot at least 14 times in four seconds while civilians would have been visible.

Zelenskyy: Russia Has Become a Synonym for Terror : worldnews
Twelve Months of War in Ukraine Have Revealed Four Fundamental Lessons on Urban Warfare
Why do we still fight? This is first part of our answer. The second part youll see in the coming weeks. #SpringIsComing
War will end at negotiating table with Ukraine in best place Sunak says
Has Putins assault on Ukraines power grid failed?
And Putin is a condom... Glory to the heroes
Ukraine admits the Ghost of Kyiv was not real
There is nothing more European than this image. All of European art and literature and thought and action is about this. But today Europe lives above all in Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 382, Part 1 (Thread #523) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 12.03 +1090 +8

Russian advance stalls in Ukraines Bakhmut, think tank says
War Mapper on Twitter: "A timelapse of the situation around Bakhmut each week over the past 2 months." / Twitter
In Bakhmut, Russia Controls East, Ukraine Controls West : worldnews

Moldova police say they foiled Russia-backed unrest plot : worldnews
Moldova smashes pro-Moscow subversion ring : worldnews

Celebrations in Georgia as controversial law dropped : worldnews

Russia is not a superpower, it is a superproblem - former Lithuanian Foreign Minister

US Envoy Calls on Hungary s Orban to Pivot from Russia 'Now'

Protestors take to the street to demand strict Swiss neutrality : worldnews
Swiss under pressure over frozen assets of Russian oligarchs : worldnews

1,300 migrants rescued by Italian coastguard from Mediterranean Sea : worldnews

Corsican leaders decry a court ruling that bans the use of the local language in islands parliament

French Senate adopts Macrons pension reform in wake of days of protests

Rishi Sunak has electricity grid upgraded to heat his private pool
Eschaton: British Q Tory MP, just so you know we don't have *all* the nutters

Canadian government-owned Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion costs surge 44% to C$30.9 billion : worldnews
Canadian Forces looking into role of military personnel involved with Mriya Report : worldnews
Beijing-friendly Liberal politician calls for public inquiry into unlawful CSIS
Document reveals Canadas undisclosed motives for arming Saudi Arabia - It's oil ... the least surprising motive of any motive that ever motived, because all Saudi Arabia has is Oil.

None of the emerging narratives surrounding the Nord Stream pipeline bombing really contradicts Seymour Hershs central allegation that Biden authorized the operation.

Little fissures : The U.S.-Ukraine war unity is slowly cracking apart - A tough week for U.S.-Ukraine news reveals an imperfect harmony (pro-putin paid refuckers)

Maybe We Should Turn STRATCOM Off And Then On AgainOn Thursday, Air Force General Anthony Cotton, the head of the US Strategic Command, the service in charge of nuclear weapons, argued in testimony before Congress for more nuclear weapons ... General Cotton apparently has his own definition of nuclear war ... Cotton is from Dudley, North Carolina

Superpower Posturing: Fears Grow of New Cold War Between U.S. and China : politics
How China Boxed America Out of the South China Sea - WSJ China incrementally built up military outposts, with little pushback from the U.S., and has emerged as a power in the strategic waters through which trillions of dollars in trade passes

Stripping Confederate Ties, the U.S. Navy Renames Two Vessels - The New York Times The vessels will be named for Robert Smalls, a mariner who commandeered a Confederate ship to freedom from slavery, and Marie Tharp, an ocean geologist who studied continental drift.

Saturday Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Saudi Arabias golf case threatens to spill kingdom secrets

Yellen says no federal bailout for Silicon Valley Bank : news
Yellen says no federal bailout for Silicon Valley Bank : politics
U.S. officials weigh protecting all deposits at Silicon Valley Bank - The Washington Post Extraordinary step eyed if plan to sell SVB to another institution fails
Regulators close New Yorks Signature Bank, citing systemic risk
Trump era roll back of bank regulations resurfaces amid SVB collapse : politics
Trump-Era Deregulation Deemed a Key Culprit in the Failure of Silicon Valley Bank : politics
Silicon Valley Bank Used Former McCarthy Staffers to Weaken Regulations, Lobby FDIC : politics
/u/coffeesippingbastard succinctly explains why Silicon Valley Bank failed : bestof

Eschaton: Nice Economy, There Lots of twitter posts from "Tech" guys saying that that economy will implode and the world will burn to a crisp unless the government puts all their toys back in the pram. The reality is the FDIC is good at their jobs and things will mostly be fine, and all these billionaires can step in and provie short term loans themselves if they really care so deeply (people are going to get most of their money, some of them might not get it tomorrow). But even more than the Wall Street types, these guys really will try to burn it all down if they don't get everything they want. Giant red flags should follow around any politician who is too close to them.
Eschaton: Amazing Scenes - They are out here buying ads comparing themselves to Ukraine aid. - I wonder why people might not want to bail them out

White House brands Freedom Caucus deficit plan astax breaks for the super wealthy
Bidens carrot patch: The whole (energy) world loves the Inflation Reduction Act

Pence says Trump endangered my family on Jan. 6
Pence says history will hold Donald Trump accountable for Jan. 6th (Refucklicans: "what's history?)

The D.C. District Court Upholds the Governments Geofence Warrant Used to Identify Jan. 6 Rioters
Judge denies media access to records in Mar-a-Lago grand jury fight - POLITICO
Donald Trump, E. Jean Carroll Trial May Get Anonymous Jury - Bloomberg
Trump faces "legal avalanche" as indictments "imminent": Former prosecutor : politics

Michael Cohen to testify Monday in Trump hush-money probe : politics
Trump indictment? Possibility throws wrench into campaign plans : politics
Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson: Trump should quit 2024 presidential race if indicted

Fox's P.R. Woes May Not Directly Translate to Legal Ones : Some of the unflattering private messages among the network's hosts and executives may never become evidence when Dominion Voting Systemsdefamation case against Fox News goes to trial.

Kimberly Guilfoyle Is Just Another Grifting Ass Republican ... Don jr does coke off of your tits and now somehow we know your name and talk about you like you matter. Jfc america, wtf

Little rewards get people to see truth in politically unfavorable info : politics ... Even if you pay conservatives, they're not as good at IDing fake news as liberals. Surprising no one these are the same people that believe the earth is 6000 years old and evolution is a myth. They have been trained all there life to disregard truth and critical thinking skills.

Judge in Texas schedules Wednesday hearing on abortion pill mifepristone case - The Washington Post Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk wanted to minimize protests and threats in connection with the closely-watched case, people familiar with the plan said ... The Texas judge who could undo government approval of a key abortion drug has scheduled the first hearing in the case for Wednesday but took unusual steps to keep it from being publicized, according to people familiar with the plans. (asshole refucker)

Texas Republican Introduces Bounty Hunting Bill Targeting Drag Queens. Taking a page from the anti-abortion fight in Texas, a Republican lawmaker wants to make everyday citizens bounty hunters looking for drag queens. : politics
Drag queens and Nazis: Two threats to the Republic - The far right of the Republican party in 2023 is on display here:
CW for thread: Language and violence - Several anti-drag groups including avowed Neo-Nazis, "White Lives Matter," Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and non-affiliated conservative activists protested outside a drag show today at a public park in Wadsworth, Ohio.

Ron DeSantis poses danger to democracy, Kirschner warns
Ron DeSantis blames Silicon Valley Banks collapse on DEI
US agencies debunk Florida surgeon general's vaccine claims
LGBTQ Floridians heading to state Capitol, where they face increasingly hostile political climate : politics
A Tampa teen was racially harassed by her teacher. He's bullied students for years - Hillsborough records show allegations ranged from performing a Nazi salute to calling a transgender student a slur.

More anti-LGBTQ+ bills have already been filed this year than all of 2022 : politics
What We Talk About When We Talk About Trans Rights | The New Yorker Masha Gessen on the public discourse over trans identity, the real reasons for the culture war over gender, and how well-meaning people can do better. By David Remnick

Bill banning marriages under age 16 passes in West Virginia : politics

Missouri Senate stalled as Democrats filibuster bill to ban gender-affirming care for youth : politics

A California county has dumped Dominion, leaving its election operations up in the air : politics

Texas Senates priority bills on higher ed would end tenure, diversity policiescould have profound impacts on how Texas universities recruit top faculty and other employees.
Texas state lawmakers unveil plan to curb renewable energy, subsidize natural gas : politics

New York governor, attorney general press pharmacy chains on abortion drug policy : politics

CO Dems Introduce Bills That Would Protect Abortion and Gender-Affirming Care - If passed, the bills would expand access to targeted health care and protect out-of-state patients from prosecution. : politics
Dave Williams, an election denier whose nickname is Lets Go Brandon,elected to lead battered Colorado GOP ... Put another nail in gammy boeberts reelection bid in 2024

High school student accosted by teacher for not reciting Pledge of Allegiance, lawsuit says : politics

Illinois bill would legalize human composting

Republican legislator arrested after hes caught on video swearing at snowplow truck driver clearing road (New Fuckshire)

Mississippi lawmakers stop effort to take over Jackson water : politics

Former congressman convicted of insider trading : politics ... Former Rep. Stephen Buyer (R-Ind.) was convicted of insider trading in New York on Friday after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleged he used nonpublic information to buy stocks last year.

Gun bills coming in Michigan after 2nd school mass shooting | AP News
FBI: Michigan man threatened to "kill anyone who tries to take my guns"

Exile on Wingnut Avenue - The funding for Rod Drehers blog has been pulled because hes too much of a freak in the eyes of the funder, who one must remember was presumably acquainted with the work of Rod Dreher:

As they still have a neutral charge, can antineutrons replace neutrons in a regular atom? : askscience

Remains of ancient temple with hieroglyphic inscriptions discovered in Sudan : worldnews

(Serious) People who know murderers- Were there any signs that something was off? If so, what were they? : AskReddit


Plastic pollution in oceans has reached unprecedented levels in 15 years

About 4600 Extinction Rebellion activists expected to block the A12 in The Hague : worldnews

Brazils Amazon deforestation again hits record high for February | Climate Crisis News

EU, US to immediately start work on green subsidies deal

Argentinas grain harvest suffers under worst drought in 60 years

Canada, home to a massive boreal forest, lobbied to limit U.S., EU anti-deforestation bills : worldnews

Profiteering of Covid pandemic must never be repeated, world figures warn

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was charged on Friday with corruption and money laundering over dealings related to a COVID-19 fund he set up while in power, dealing a blow to the opposition ahead of state elections in the coming months : worldnews

60% of South Koreans oppose Japan wartime labor dispute resolution : worldnews

North Korean hackers target security researchers with a new backdoor: Campaign uses carefully crafted LinkedIn accounts that mimic legit people : worldnews

Hong Kong court jails 3 members of Tiananmen vigil group : worldnews

China and Russia have deep defense sector ties. Putins war has not changed that, data show

Five regions want to break away from Russia, referendum shows : worldnews
Putin likely to attend India G20 summit : worldnews
Vladimir Putin is much more broke than we think - Financial Times : UkrainianConflict
Staring Down the Black Hole of Russia's Future - A Ukrainian victory may be the country's only chance at long-term salvation ... Unlikely as Russias disintegration might sound, breaking the country into national successor states may be the only way to put an end to its pattern of predatory, consumptive despotism against its neighbors.

Ukraine will study renaming Russia to Moskovia. The Kremlin has responded : UkrainianConflict
Russia will rename Ukraine Bandera Reich, Medvedev warns

Kadyrov evacuated to Germany for renal treatment after FSB poisoning, Ukrainian military expert says : UkrainianConflict

Russian officials and employees of state-owned companies are increasingly being told to surrender their passports to members of the security services to ensure they cannot flee the country : worldnews

NEXTA on Twitter: "The office of the propaganda religious TV channel "Spas" is on fire in #Moscow." / Twitter

There are so many debates about US or European colonialism and imperialism. Russians love to push this discussion. But its usually forgotten that Russian Federation is not a country. Its a colonial empire that oppresses indigenous cultures

Russia cautions regional allies against aligning with the United States : worldnews
Anti-Russia guerrillas in Belarus take on two-headed enemy

Ugandan bill threatens jail for saying you're gay : worldnews

Turkish opposition unites against weaker than everErdogan ahead of elections: Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of Turkeys Republican People's Party (CHP), has emerged as the main challenger
Erdogan officially sets May 14 as Turkeys election date

China brokers Iran-Saudi detente, raising eyebrows in Washington - The Washington Post After decades of U.S. failures in the region, China takes a turn as Middle East power broker

Saudi deal with Iran worries Israel, shakes up Middle East : anime_titties
Israel Wont Be Allowed To Use Azerbaijan To Attack Iran - New Ambassador

Opinion | Israel's Long-awaited Secular Uprising Is Finally Here -- wave of protests isnt just about the balance of power between the government and judiciary. It is also about a secular middle class fighting to preserve Israels essential character
Israel: Protesters take to streets in one of the biggest protests in its history : news
Tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrated across the country Saturday in the 10th consecutive week of protests against government judicial reform plans critics view as a threat to democracy : worldnews
UN special coordinator condemns appallingnew settler attacks in Huwara: Israeli settlers assaulted Palestinian family in their car with stones, pepper spray and an axe, before shots were fired ("invader")
Two Palestinians killed as West Bank violence rumbles on : worldnews

Ukraine rebounds from Russian barrage, restores power supply : worldnews
Ukraine war latest: Ukraine holds onto Bakhmut as the country mourns legendary soldier killed near the ruined city : worldnews
Ground Forces Commander: Spring counteroffensive not far off

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 381, Part 1 (Thread #522) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of March 11, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. +1010 +10
Russians lose 500 soldiers in Bakhmut over last day

K-2 battalion, 54th brigade ambushes 2 Wagner fighters, taking 1 POW : CombatFootage
The special forces of the SBU destroyed a Russian tank by kamikaze drone attack. Great footage on how a moving object can be hit.

I hope the Ukrainian command really, really, really knows what its doing in Bakhmut.

Child separation: Kremlin invents new torture for activists : worldnews

Russia casts Georgia protests as coup attempt, accuses West of fomenting unrest : worldnews

U.S. says Russian-linked actors planning protests and hope to topple Moldovan government : worldnews
US to help Moldova fight Russias destabilization efforts

Poland builds Europes largest land force to counter Russian threat (good job, Pootie)

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis with a broken nose after an attack in Athens : worldnews

Without us there is no Google: EU telcos ramp up pressure on Big Tech to pay for the internet ... The traffic is already paid for by multiple parties and the internet providers are just trying to get even more money for shit that was already paid for.

German police say "multiple" hostages held at Karlsruhe pharmacy : worldnews

Belgian parliament officially recognizes Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainians : worldnews
Belgium bans TikTok from government phones after U.S. and E.U. : worldnews

Demonstrators in France took to the streets Saturday for a seventh day of protest against President Emmanuel Macrons pension reform plans, with police expecting up to a million people at rallies nationwide
Corsican language ban stirs protest on French island | France : worldnews
Britain and France to coordinate aircraft carrier deployments : worldnews

Lineker pulled from BBC presenting after migration row : worldnews
Tweet by UK soccer hero Gary Lineker on asylum seekers kicks up a huge culture war and BBC boycott - The Boston Globe
Class war: Londons street markets cling on against gentrification

Colombian government and ELN rebels define first steps for ceasefire : worldnews

Chiles president shakes up Cabinet, replaces five ministers

Perus Pedro Castillo gets 36 more months of appropriate and proportionatepretrial detention: The former president is accused of being the leader of a criminal organization. This legal decision comes on top of the 18-month preventive prison term for the alleged crime of rebellion

U.S. sanctioned 2 Montreal companies for supporting Russian war effort : worldnews
Trudeau faces fury of Canadian MPs over alleged Chinese election meddling : worldnews
Canada rules that flipping the middle finger is a God-given right

New color scheme unveiled for Air Force One that discards Trumps design

Biden Expected to Move Ahead on a Major Oil Project in Alaska : politics

Congressman wants to make 32-hour workweek U.S. law to increase the happiness of humankind

Hundreds of startups face a crippling cash crunch and an extinction-level event if no one buys Silicon Valley Bank by Monday
The Second-Biggest Bank Failure
Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators in biggest bank failure since global financial crisis
Silicon Valley Bank Fails After Run on Deposits - The New York Times The failure raised concerns that other banks could face problems, too.

SVB Chief Pressed Lawmakers To Weaken Bank Risk Regs
Summers Sees No Systemic Risk From SVB If Depositors Protected
SVB CEO Sold $3.6 Million in Stock Days Before Banks Failure
SVB paid out bonuses on March 10 (Thiel Vampirism)
The collapse of SVB and the partial repeal of Dodd-Frank
Eschaton: Broad Social Insurance FDIC insurance isn't free. It's a charge levied on banks based on various things (a bit above my pay grade), but designed to cover what it's supposed to cover - deposits up to $250,000.
Garry Tan has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to defeat socialist and progressive policies in San Francisco and now hes begging for socialism for himself and his friends
Eschaton: Ah, Well, Nevertheless Bail him out and try again ... Silicon Valley Banks chief executive, Greg Becker, was a strong supporter of the change, which removed the requirement that banks with assets under $250 billion submit to stress testing by the Fed, and changed requirements for the amount of cash they had to keep on their balance sheets to protect against shocks.
Why Silicon Valley Banks Failure Felt a Lot Like GameStop Mania The bank run was fueled more by venture-capitalist influencers than financial reality.
Tucker Carlson blames collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on pioneering glass-ceiling-shattering women

Biden Tax Boost Targeting the Rich Called Fair, Popular, and Long Overdue

IRS audit finds 42,000 feds cheating on taxes : politics

House Freedom Caucus Economic Hostage-Takers Issue Latest Ransom DemandsThese power-hungry lawmakers are so determined to keep the Biden administration from rebuilding the middle class that theyre willing to tank the economy to do it one advocate warned.

US is racing toward a looming "hunger cliff," food insecurity experts warn: As pandemic-era emergency SNAP benefits expire, millions of Americans face food insecurity : politics

Private equity is plotting a child care takeover: Congress must step in : politics

The true cost of Dominion's devastating Fox News bombshells - The result just might be a financial death penalty for the network.
Rupert Murdoch: Fox News fired Kimberly Guilfoyle for inappropriate behavior
7 false claims from Fox News host Tucker Carlsons segments on Jan. 6 footage
Explaining the Missing Context of Tucker Carlsons Jan. 6 Presentation
The FCC could choose to act against Rupert Murdoch for Fox News election lies, but few expect it to

Kevin McCarthy joins the insurrection : politics

Republicans Are Scrambling to Invent Facts for Their Alternate Reality: The GOPs big project isnt creating jobs or beating inflation, its trying to make their weird and ever expanding canon of lore and grievances make sense.

Trump Gets Caught Trying to Play Judges to Manufacture Trial Delays : politics

Michael Cohen to Testify at Grand Jury as Likely Trump Indictment Looms : politics

Trump in growing legal and political peril ahead of 2024 - The Washington Post Multiple investigations into him and his actions are entering advanced stages while many Republicans drift away

The Rights Obsession With Wokeness Is a Sign of Weakness

Lets Just Say It: The GOP Is Obsessed With Penises

Swalwell Calls Out Jordan's 'Subpoena Complicance' Hypocrisy: VIDEO - Second Nexus Eric Swalwell Perfectly Shames Jim Jordan Over HypocriticalSubpoena Compliance Demand hypocrisy for issuing subpoenas after defying them when Democrats were in control.

Three Texas women are sued for wrongful death after assisting with abortion : politics
Texas women sued for wrongful death after aiding in abortion : news
The Lone Star War on Women escalates
Under the Texas abortion ban, a woman went into sepsis before doctors would treat her and nearly died, lawsuit says : politics
As Texas Privatizes Child Protective Services, Will the Horror Stories Go Unheard? (2019 background)

Lauren Boebert will be a grandmother at 36. This is what conservatives want for us : politics
West Virginia senators reject bill to ban child marriage : politics

The drag show bans sweeping the US are a chilling attack on free speech : politics
Tennessees anti-trans bill could cost the state $2 billion in lost revenue, panel says

Consider my priors unchanged (Jesse Singal digs himself deeper into his anti-trans hate-hole)
Jamie Reeds Misinformation Exposed by Jesse Singal ... Whats being lost is the humanity of these teens, who are making jokes and opening up to these providers because they trust them to have their best interests at heart. To take an innocent joke made by a teenager, and attempt to spin it into evidence that the child has such severe psychosis they dont even understand they are a human is an act of breathtaking cruelty and dehumanization. That is the picture of the real Jamie Reed that emerges, even in such a sympathetic outlet as Jesse Singal's substack.
Senator Bribeluncheon on Twitter: "@tomscocca he really does not know how obviously deranged he looks to anyone examining his claims even slightly realistically" / Twitter
Megan Greenwell on Twitter: "When your research into how HIPAA works definitely resulted in a full and correct understanding." / Twitter
~ Erica E. Anderson and transgender people -- Anderson is part of the so-called parental rights movement and markets her services to anxious parents who want to delay or prevent their children from making gender transitions.

Virginia judge cites slavery rulings when determining human embryos are property : politics

Rape victims must show proof to get an exception under Floridas 6-week abortion ban
Inside Ron DeSantiss Politicized Removal of an Elected Prosecutor
nside Ron DeSantiss Politicized Removal of an Elected ProsecutorThe Florida governor accused the Democratic prosecutor of undermining public safety. But a close examination of the episode reveals just how fueled it was by Mr. DeSantiss political aims.
Florida public official recorded saying he will Jew down store owner

Secret Service has declaration of Brazilian ATM thief who reportedly says George Santos

The Horrifying and Shameful Return of Child Labor | The Nation Bipartisan buck-passing and a ramshackle immigration system have revived Victorian degradation.
The Horrifying and Shameful Return of Child Labor : politics (Fuckabee Sanders cackles)

This Populist Democrat (and Distant Cousin of Elvis) Could Become Mississippis Next Governor: With the Republican-run state in disarray, polls suggest Brandon Presley has a real shot at defeating Governor Tate Reeves this year.

Tennessee lieutenant governor, 79, comments on young gay mans racy Instagram photos

Ex-intern sues Idaho lawmakers for harassing her after rape : politics

Newly Empowered Michigan Democrats Move on Labor, Gay Rights and Guns : politics

Many Colorado teachers dig into their own pockets to buy classroom supplies. The state may soon pay them back. A bipartisan bill would give 50,000 public school teachers an income tax credit of up to $1,000 to reimburse personally incurred expenses : politics

Oregon opens the door to universal basic income in WA : politics

Nevada Democrats propose legalizing magic mushrooms, studying effects of ecstasy : politics

Are antiquated marijuana policies exacerbating supply chain issues? : politics

A bakery gave BLM activists free coffee. Now counterprotesters are mad. - The Washington Post

5 archaic D.C. laws still on the books after crime bill is nixed - The Washington Post

Drag queen grooming innocent children : PoliticalHumor

How Rod Drehers Blog Got a Little Too Weird for The American Conservative ... "All us boys wanted to stare at his primitive root wiener when we were at the urinal during recess, because it was monstrous. Nobody told us that wieners could look like that."

Nelson Peltz Files to Have His Daughter Nicola and His Wife, Claudia, Removed From Weddings Planners Countersuit

I snapped | Day care owner says she shot her husband accused of child molestation in a moment of rage

Houston woman held captive inside locked trailer for 4 years, prosecutors say : news

Minnesota father allegedly uses moose antler, shovel to fatally beat man he suspected of abusing children, police say : news

TIL in 2004, Linda Ronstadt was booted and banned from the Aladdin hotel for dedicating a song to Michael Moore in support of his documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11. Along with this, bedlam began and Ronstadt was immediately booted, not allowed to return to her suite. (when America went insane)

The Spectacular Life of Octavia E. Butler : books

Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells : worldnews

Childs Weirdly Enlarged Brain Turns Out to be Her Unborn Parasitic Twin

TIL that an extensive research of dropping wallets was done to study honesty. 279 top economists agreed that a wallet with more money would be less likely to be returned but the actual results turned out to be opposite across countries and culture. : todayilearned

Study pinpoints salary required tolive comfortably in Boston area ($110,000+)

Vinyl records outsell CDs for the first time since 1987 : worldnews

I updated the World War 2 movies timeline I made and posted a couple weeks ago with suggestions I got on this sub and more, im still open to any ideas and suggestions : movies
Midway (1976 film) - Wikipedia
Midway movie review & film summary (1976) | Roger Ebert
7 Weird Facts About the 1976 Movie Midway

Hotel staff of reddit, whats the most NSFW moment you witnessed at your hotel?

What was the most fucked up thing someone said to you? : AskReddit

Which profession attracts the worst kinds of people? : AskReddit


Newly spotted 50-meter asteroid tops Risk List : worldnews
Valentines Day asteroid? NASA says asteroid as wide as a football field could hit Earth in 2046

California faces new threat of heavy snow, rain and floods that could put lives in great danger

Heres Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work ... Cochrane Review ... The calculations the review used to reach a conclusion were dominated by prepandemic studies that were not very informative about how well masks blocked the transmission of respiratory viruses.

House votes to declassify info about origins of COVID-19 | AP News

Micronesia President Writes Bombshell Letter on Chinas Political Warfare
Pacifics Micronesia in talks to switch ties from Beijing to Taiwan- letter

Former Fiji leader Bainimarama charged with abuse of office - prosecutor : worldnews

Malaysia ex-PM Muhyiddin charged with corruption, laundering : worldnews
Former Goldman Sachs banker Roger Ng will spend a decade in prison for his role in a $4 billion money laundering and corruption conspiracy in the 1MDB case, which involved the looting of Malaysias sovereign wealth fund

South Korean government proposes increase in work week to 69 hours from 52 : worldnews
/u/sdric Shares His Experience With Overworked Koreans And Why It May Get Worse For Them : bestof
A World Without Men The women of South Koreas 4B t fighting the patriarchy theyre leaving it behind entirely.

North Korean leader Kim calls for intensified drills in case of 'real war' : worldnews
North Korea fires at least six short-range missiles as Kim Jong Un and daughter look on : worldnews

Chinas Xi gains unprecedented third term as president
Chinas Xi demands rapid military upgrade to world class standards
Russia Reportedly Supplying Enriched Uranium to China : worldnews

For those who worry that standing up to Russia would just provoke Putin and drag the world into war - we only have to look at the history of the 20th century. Nothing is more provocative to a dictator than the weakness of free nations. : ukraine

Be the American Russian propaganda thinks you are : ukraine
(81) Killer Mike - "Reagan" (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Putin dealt double blow as two of his closest allies turn on him : UkrainianConflict (Erdofuck and Orbadick)
The Terror CampaignI have a few thoughts on Russias strategic air campaign, which seems to have succeeded at nothing other than mollifying Putins most bloodthirsty supporters:
Russia cant make new missiles fast enough to keep up its attacks, so massive strikes are becoming rarer, UK intel says
US, international partners freeze more than $58 billion worth of Russian assets : worldnews
Wagner boss says the Kremlin wont talk to him anymore after he complained that Russia isn't giving his troops enough ammo
Gloom Envelops Putins state TV:
Russian state TV propagandists realize that nuclear threats arent deterring the West from supporting Ukraine and finally admit that Russia cant defeat NATO.

1/ Mobilised Russians from at least 16 regions of Russia have posted videos in the last few weeks complaining about poor training, lack of equipment, brutal commanders, mistreatment, and being used as meatfor suicidal assaults on Ukrainian positions

Navalnys close ally resigns after it was revealed that he had signed letters calling for EU to drop sanctions against Russian oligarchs

The heart of the war: Inside the secret talks with Putinsgenerals that ended the siege of Mariupol

Lukashenko implements death penalty for treason : worldnews

Kazakhstan refuses Russian citizens to buy new cars : worldnews

Uganda considers criminalising identifying as LGBTTQIA+ : anime_titties

Sanctions Loophole Closed as Turkey Blocks Parallel Imports to Russia : worldnews
The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Russian logistics companies claim that Turkey has started blocking transit of sanctioned goods to Russia." / Twitter
Turkiye says steps by Finland, Sweden not enough
Turkish police fire pepper spray after International Womens Day protest in Istanbul

Saudi Arabia Offers Its Price to Normalize Relations With Israel : worldnews ... The Saudi crown prince is seeking a civilian nuclear program and security assurances from President Biden, a steep price for an agreement long sought by Israel.
China brokered agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to re-establish diplomatic ties : worldnews
Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore relations

Defence secretary says US disturbed by Israeli settler violence ("invader")
3 wounded, including 1 critically, in central Tel Aviv terror shooting : worldnews

Zelenskyys Office Expects Procedure Approval for Ukraines NATO Accession at Vilnius Summit
Russian forces launch 95 missiles in the largest missile attack on Ukraine in weeks on March 9, according to the General Staff report. : worldnews
Electricity has been restored for 90% of people in Kharkiv Oblast following yesterdays mass Russian missile strike: Governor Oleh Syniehubov
Zelenskyy condemns attack on Zaporizhzhia power plant that put European continent in danger
Ukraine detains officials for famous planes destruction at start of war

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 380, Part 1 (Thread #521) : worldnews

Ukraine says Bakhmut battle pins down Russias best units

Donbas terrorists jail human rights activist Butkevych for 13 years : worldnews

Georgian Gov withdraws the controversial bill allowing it to "crackdown" on dissidents after bill after mass protests : worldnews

Satellite images reveal Russian activity on Gulf of Finland island | News | Yle Uutiset. : worldnews

Ukraine war: Latvia sends cars seized from drunk drivers to help Kyiv : worldnews

Hungary Needs to Think Hard About Future Russia Relations, Orban Says : worldnews

Poland ready to deliver fighter jets to Ukraine, says president : worldnews

Get back what was scrapped: Most Germans want compulsory military service to return
German police: 8 dead in Jehovahs Witnesses hall shooting ... Reports indicate that it was an ex-member of the religious group.
What we know so far about the Hamburg shooting : worldnews
Berlin to allow women to go topless in public swimming pools : worldnews

Another Credit Suisse Client Revealed as Boss of Russian Criminal Group : worldnews

Italian officer given 30-year jail term for selling secrets to Russia : worldnews
Italy shaken by earthquake close to city of Perugia : worldnews

BBC will not broadcast Attenborough episode over fear of rightwing backlash ... from Tory politicians and the rightwing press
BBC will not broadcast Attenborough episode over fear of rightwing backlash | BBC : anime_titties
I once admired Russell Brand. But his grim trajectory shows us where politics is heading | George Monbiot | The Guardian

Brazils Lula says judiciary should force businesses to pay equal wages for men and women

Honduran president ends ban on emergency contraception, making it widely available : worldnews
Reproductive Justice in Honduras ... Glad to see that half of American states are now to the right of Honduras on reproductive justice.

Mexico Cartel Turns In Own Men Over US Kidnappings : worldnews
Mexico president rebukes calls for US military action against cartels as an "offense"

Canada bans Russian aluminum and steel imports : worldnews
China accuses Canada of smearing over secret police stations : worldnews ... China accuses is the new Russia denies
Giving the middle finger is a God-given right Canadian judge rules ... Alas, he said, the courtrooms of the Montreal courthouse do not have windows

20 years ago today, at a concert in London, country band the Dixie Chicks denounced George W. Bush and the impending invasion of Iraq, angering many in the country music community and leading to their music being blacklisted. : Music

US hiring boom continued in February with 311,000 added jobs : politics

Joe Bidens 2024 budget is out. Aims to boost taxes on the rich, cut the national deficit
Biden Proposes Raising Taxes on People Making Over $400,000 a Year to Fund Medicare The plan is a direct challenge to Republicans. : politics
Biden wants to send Americans more checks : politics
Biden is once again pushing to give all US workers paid parental leaveand he wants their kids to have free universal preschool, too

The Fed wants to limit wage growth. Thats particularly bad for women

Sanders introduces bill to raise minimum teacher pay to $60,000 a year : politics

Live: SVB Collapse Marks the First FDIC-Insured Bank to Fail in 2023 (SIVB) - Bloomberg Silicon Valley Bank fails; FDIC appoints a receiver
Second-biggest failure of a financial institution in US history
Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits : news ... What SVB is uncovering is the impact of the rapid changing economic environment and the impact of the rapid rate hikes and it exposes a pretty significant flaw in the system because for what was essentially a guarantee for decades, was not immediately liquid. And this is going to get amplified by any shutdown as a result of debt ceiling issues too
Eschaton: EATED = BREAKING: SVB has just become the first FDIC-insured institution to fail this year.
Troubles at Silicon Valley Bank ripple across Boston tech scene - Startups and investors could face frozen accounts.

The Real-Life Consequences of Silicon Valley's AI Obsession - Sam Bankman-Fried made effective altruism a punchline, but its philosophy of maximum do-gooding masks a thriving culture of predatory behavior.

Donald Trump: Id have let Putin annex Ukraine to end the war
The Republican Position on Ukraine & Donald Trump, explained. : bestof

/u/CaptainNoBoat explains why the Jan 6 insurrection was not a random event, recounting all of the efforts made by Trump, elected officials, and conservative media : bestof

Prosecutors Signal Criminal Charges for Trump Are Likely : politics
NY prosecutors indicate Trump criminal charges likely, report says : politics
Report: Trump invited to testify before NY grand jury : politics
Trump invited to appear before New York grand jury on Stormy Daniels payments - The Washington Post
Criminal Charges Against Trump Take a Leap Toward Reality ... it's amazing that the Stormy Daniels Escapade could be first out of the gate.

Over 200 Donald Trump documents to be handed over in huge court defeat : politics
Jury can seeAccess Hollywood tape in E. Jean Carrolls rape case against Trump, federal judge rules

Trump Is Losing His Grip on the Grassroots - POLITICO A new survey of GOP leaders shows Ron DeSantis edging out the former president.

Federal judge orders Peter Navarro to turn over hundreds of White House emails : politics ... Remember when conservatives lost their shit when Hillary had emails on a private server?

Judge says Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman violated Voting Rights Act, KKK Act with 2020 voter suppression : politics

Man accusing CPAC's Matt Schlapp of sexual misconduct faces sexual battery claim - The Washington Post

House "Weaponization" Subcommittee Shows What Happens When One Bad-Faith Exercise Pokes Another : politics
House "Weaponization" Subcommittee Shows What Happens When One Bad-Faith Exercise Pokes Another - The panel's hearing on the Twitter Files is a classic "two wrongs don't make a right."
Matt Taibbi Declares John Podesta's Risotto Recipe Was "True" - emptywheel

Can Georgia Republicans Really Fire a Prosecutor for Indicting Trump? : politics

House Republicans refuse to join Democrats in denouncing white supremacy : politics

Meet the Ghost Woman Fox Relied on for Voter Fraud Claims

Fox News Editor Overseeing Crime Fearmongering Is Felon Himself

Republicans push wave of bills that would bring homicide charges for abortion : politics

George Santos masterminded 2017 ATM fraud, former roommate tells feds : politics
Santos accused of orchestrating credit card skimming operation : politics

GOP Virginia Governor Stumbles As Trans Student Confronts Him On Live TV : politics
Democrats Need to Fight Harder as the GOP Tries to Eradicate Trans People : politics

/u/inconvenientnews lays out the dramatic difference in many metrics (life expectancy, crime, gun violence, maternal mortality, federal aid) between Democratic and Republican policies, and how "red" states tend to be worse in all of the above (3 comments total) : bestof
As Wisconsins and Minnesotas lawmakers took divergent paths, so did their economies

Michigan House and Senate pass bill repealing 1931 abortion ban : politics
Michigan becomes 22nd state to pass LGBTQ+ protections after decades of fighting. Amid the ongoing legislative attacks on LGBTQ communitiesthis proactive law is a beacon of hope and optimism

Ron DeSantis is just getting started with his rightwing agenda. That should worry us all | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian
Ron DeSantis $100m private Florida army raises questions
Florida Republicans Are Reminding Us Again: The Right Doesnt Care About Free Speech
Far-right Florida groups look to capitalize on political climate. : NPR

Tennessee congressman Andrew Ogless resume is too good to be true

Former Ohio Legislator Found Guilty of Racketeering in $60 Million Scheme : politics
Neo-Nazi Homeschoolers Could Be Paid $22,000 to Teach Their Kids About Hitler : politics (Ohio)

Norfolk Southern train derails in Alabama hours before CEO testifies before Congress : politics

The Polls Were Historically Accurate In 2022 | FiveThirtyEight Weve updated our pollster ratings.

The Messenger, a Media Start-Up, Aims to Build a Newsroom Fast - The New York Times The company, which will begin operating in May, plans to have around 550 journalists covering entertainment, politics and sports within a year.

Elons well-compensated head of PR immolates what remains of his dignity ... As you may have seen, professional Putin/Trump/Tucker apologist and Elon Musk errand boy Matt Taibbi made an appearance at the committee chaired by his admired political ally Gym Jordan:
Sam Sacks on Twitter: "Honestly this clip is far more embarrassing for Taibbi than anything that happened at the hearing." / Twitter

How the FBI proved a remote admin tool was actually malware | TechCrunch

From ELIZA to ChatGPT, our digital reflections show the dangers of AI - Vox From ELIZA onwards, humans love their digital reflections.

Masham and me : Were it not for her friendship with John Locke, the radical feminist gems of philosopher Damaris Masham might be unknown

Allegedly beaten and abused in an Oxford house of horrors, former foster children file suit against state social workers - State received more than a dozen complaints, but left children in the home.

Touch optimised free Drawboard PDF alternatives? : Surface

Salary transparency thread : boston

People of Reddit, what is the dumbest reason your (ex) partner gave for cheating? : AskReddit


Antarctic sea ice cover at record low | Sea ice in Antarctica shrank to the smallest area on record in February for the second year in a row, continuing a decade-long decline; Startlingly, the record lows this year and in 2022 are about 30 percent below the 1981-2010 average : worldnews

Oceans littered with 171 trillion plastic pieces : worldnews

Shocking trophy hunting reveals: SA safari rep urges rhino hunt before species goes extinct : worldnews

Shell CEO pay up 50% as soaring energy prices boosted profit | AP News : worldnews

New idea for sucking up CO2 from air and storing it in the sea shows promise: novel approach captures CO2 from the atmosphere up to 3x more efficiently than current methods, and the CO2 can be transformed into bicarbonate of soda and stored safely and cheaply in seawater. : science

2,703 confirmed cases and 61 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

COVID survivors at increased risk of long-term gastrointestinal conditions | Although people with severe COVID had highest risk, mild cases also upped risks. : science

Skeptical of the lab leak theory? Heres why you should take it seriously.

Otter, sea lions and red foxes test positive for H5N1 bird flu : worldnews

Australia to buy US nuclear submarines to fill capability gap : worldnews

A top Cambodian official suspected in a massive legalized logging operation was recently given access to thousands of hectares of the countrys rich tropical forests, a new investigation reveals

70% of flight attendants in Japan report possibility their photos were secretly taken : worldnews
Teens made up over 40% of Japan child porn offenders in 2022: police : worldnews
Arrests made after sushi terror pranks outrage Japan and halt conveyor belts
Japanese vlogger-turned-lawmaker has skipped work for over 7 months : worldnews

U.S. eyes new framework on nuclear deterrence with Japan, South Korea : worldnews

Chinas Xi calls for more quickly elevating armed forces

Putin Is Losing His Ex-Soviet Backyard - Bloomberg

Increased spending, falling revenue, Russia is currently running a 45% budget deficit : worldnews

Russian journalist Alexander Nechayev found dead in Uzbekistan : worldnews

In Russia, children opposing the Ukraine war are being targeted : worldnews

Toxic Trash the size of 12 football fields catches fire in India. : worldnews

UN: Afghanistan is worlds most repressive country for women
Afghanistan blast: Taliban governor killed at his office : worldnews

Impunity drives cycles of horrific crimes in South Sudan, Human Rights Council hears

Thousands of Turkish women have defied a ban on protests on International Womens Day and rallied in the city of Istanbul for what they called a feminist night march

Iran sent Russia over 100 million rounds of ammo, plans to send more - report : worldnews

Israelis stage day of resistanceagainst Netanyahu plan

Ukraine claims a drone strike on a military target inside Russia : worldnews
Ukraine is turning down hundreds of Afghan soldiers who want to join its war effort : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 379, Part 1 (Thread #520) : worldnews

The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "" / Twitter - Russian Losses as of March 9
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine09 March 2023

Invaders destroy 400 apartment blocks in Mariupol to hide war crimes

Russia launched a mass missile and drone attack across Ukraine in the early morning hours of March 9, killing at least 5 people and injuring at least 7. Numerous energy infrastructure sites were targeted.
Russian missiles target cities across Ukraine, officials say : worldnews
Russian launches massive missile barrage, target cities across Ukraine : worldnews
Ukrainian air defence shot down 34 of 81 missiles launched overnight. Russia launched 28 Kh-101, 20 Kaliber, 6 Kh-22, 6 Kh-47 Kindzhal, 2 Kh-31P, 6 Kh-59, 13 S-300 and 8 Shahed drones
OSINTtechnical on Twitter: "Network tracking metrics indicate that the Ukrainian power grid is recovering from overnight Russian missile attacks, though Kharkiv and Zhytomyr Oblasts have been much slower to recover." / Twitter Network tracking metrics indicate that the Ukrainian power grid is recovering from overnight Russian missile attacks, though Kharkiv and Zhytomyr Oblasts have been much slower to recover.
Ukraine Nuclear Plant Without Power After Russian Strike : worldnews
Ukraine war: Why Russias infrastructure strikes strategy isn't working

ISW on Twitter: "NEW: #Wagner Group financier Yevgeny #Prigozhin announced on March 8 that #Russian forces captured all of eastern #Bakhmut, a claim consistent with available visual evidence. Russian forces remain unlikely to rapidly exploit a breakthrough beyond Bakhmut." / Twitter
Ukraine sees bloody battle for Bakhmut as chance to wipe out Wagners army of convicts

Ukraine to pursue legal action against Russia over environmental crimes : worldnews

Georgia withdraws foreign influence bill that sparked angry protests

Poland is ready to transfer all its MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. "The rest of the MiG-29s that we have in Poland & that are now serving in our Air Force -we are ready to deliver these planes, & I a
Disabled people begin protest in Polish parliament seeking rise in benefits to level of minimum wage : worldnews
Polish state media under fire after politicians son died by suicide

Four bankers in Switzerland accused of helping to hide Putins millions | Swiss national and three Russians appear in court in connection with accounts in name of Putins friend Sergei Roldugin

Czech President Milos Zeman leaves, opponents celebrate : worldnews ... He told Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting in China that there were too many journalists and some should be Liquidated

Pope John Paul IIs handling of sex abuse needs further researchsays Polands Catholic church

Belgium bans gambling advertising from July 1 : worldnews

French Senate votes raising retirement age to 64 : worldnews
` Bags containing 2.3 tonnes of cocaine wash up on Normandy coast in France : worldnews

Iran targeting Israelis, Jews in UK, British parliament hears : worldnews

Venezuelans struggling to afford food - even if they have access to dollars : worldnews

Two dead after intense airport shootout in a failed attempt to steal $32.5m from Santiago, Chile : worldnews

Medecins Sans Frontieres shuts Haiti hospital amid gang violence : worldnews

Four Americans kidnapped in Mexico have lengthy rap sheets | Daily Mail Online

The Pentagon is funding experiments on animals to recreate Havana SyndromeThe testing looks to see if directed energy on ferrets can replicate the mysterious ailment suffered by U.S. personnel.

War Crimes Happen - American military leaders oppose helping the court investigate Russians because they fear setting a precedent that might help pave the way for it to prosecute Americans

The four factors that fuel disinformation among Facebook ads. Russia continued its programs to mislead Americans around the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020 presidential election. And their efforts are simply the best known -- many other misleading ad campaigns are likely flying under the radar all the time.

Biden to propose 25% billionaire tax : politics
Biden to propose cutting the deficits by nearly $3 trillion : politics

Why Poverty Persists in America - The New York Times A Pulitzer Prize-winning sociologist offers a new explanation for an intractable problem ... "It is much easier in the United States to be decently dressed than it is to be decently housed, fed or doctored" Why, then, when it comes to poverty reduction, have we had 50 years of nothing? ... "Neoliberalism" is now part of the lefts lexicon, but I looked in vain to find it in the plain print of federal budgets, at least as far as aid to the poor was concerned ... Neoliberalismis now part of the lefts lexicon, but I looked in vain to find it in the plain print of federal budgets, at least as far as aid to the poor was concerned ... As a result, states have come up with rather creative ways to spend TANF dollars. Arizona has used welfare money to pay for abstinence-only sex education ... anti-abortion crisis-pregnancy centers ... Christian summer camp ... The primary reason for our stalled progress on poverty reduction has to do with the fact that we have not confronted the unrelenting exploitation of the poor in the labor, housing and financial markets ... Unwinding ourselves from our neighbors deprivation and refusing to live as enemies of the poor will require us to pay a price. Its the price of our restored humanity and renewed country.

House Republicans are reportedly getting ready for the US to default as the debt ceiling draws closer : politics

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell taken to hospital after fall : politics
Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell hospitalized after fall : news
Senior Senator Down?

Republicans signal they will block policies requiring meningitis vaccination for 7th graders, new rules on chickenpox : politics

A Startling Document Predicted Jan. 6. Democrats Are Missing Its Other Warnings. : politics

Trump Likely to Be Charged

Trump publishing letters from Oprah, other celebrities in new book Exclusive: Trump publishing private letters from Oprah, other celebrities ... Oprah Winfrey in 2000 in which she says: Too bad we're not running for office. What a team!

Tucker Carlson calls critics sociopaths and accuses Merrick Garland of lying about January 6 officer deaths

Court records show political pressure behind Fox programming : politics
Dominion suit against Fox News spotlights Maria Bartiromo - Los Angeles Times

Jan. 6 rioters trashed a GOP senators office, and he hasn't acknowledged it - Newly released court documents and video reveal that a mob of rioters broke into the office of Sen. Jim Risch of Idaho on Jan. 6 and trashed it.

Ex-Army Private Gets 45 Years for Passing Sensitive Info to Misogynist Neo-Nazi Satanists Now We Have to Worry about Misogynistic Neo-Nazi Jihadist Satanists Infiltrating the Military? This story is fucking nuts.

Inside the Private and Confidential Conservative Group That Promises to Crush Liberal Dominance - Leonard Leo, a key architect of the Supreme Court's conservative supermajority, is now the chairman of Teneo Network, a group that aims to influence all aspects of American politics and culture.

Democrats see abortion as electrifying issue in 2024 : politics

California wont renew $54M Walgreens contract over companys abortion pill decision

Behind the Republican war on trans people ... his legislative session, at least 18 states have considered bills containing language closely resembling the text of the Vulnerable Child Protection Act.
Lauren Boebert rails against sex-ed then announces her teen son is having a baby : politics (runs in the family)
Children of men ... I did not have prominent Republican politician comes out in favor of unwed teen parenthood on my Conservative Family Values bingo card, but to be fair that card predated the transformation of Conservative Family Values into an explicit campaign to produce more white babies.

Florida parents are grappling with a wave of laws that affect families - The Washington Post The state has introduced new laws that affect nearly every stage of parenting. Some families are choosing between fight and flight.

Child marriage ban bill defeated in West Virginia House : politics ... Don't you dare do drag in front of my child bride! (and who else could we fuck? Refucks say)

Make Child Labor Great Again ... Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a measure this week loosening child labor protections in the state.
Arkansas Makes It Easier to Put Children to Work Arkansas Is Gonna Stop Those Kids from Going Woke with a Healthy Dose of Capitalism - Everybody knows that when there is no paper trail for a child in a professional environment, that's just freedom.

Michigan Democrats move quickly to repeal right-to-work : politics

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis censured for election rigging lies : politics
Ex-Trump attorney admits statements about 2020 election were false and is censured by judge : politics

Anti-Drag Tennessee Lt. Guv Really Loves This LGBTQ Mans Thirst Traps
Anti-LGBTQ Tennessee Lt. Gov. McNally Comments On Racy Instagram Pics of Young Gay Male

Former Ohio speaker, GOP chair found guilty of racketeering - Ohio Capital Journal ... Larry Householder and state Republican Chairman Matt Borges guilty of felony racketeering charges in connection with a billion-dollar utility bailout that was passed in 2019 (fat neck refucker)

Details in a lawsuit against Texass abortion ban shock the conscience

The Government Does a Bad Job Assessing Toxic Exposures - The American Prospect The history of the captured federal agencies that reassure the public after chemical disasters should give East Palestine residents pause.

Jaded with education, more Americans are skipping college | AP News

Dafna Linzer abruptly steps down as Politico's executive editor - The award-winning journalist had clashed with another top executive amid a new corporate owner's plans for global expansion.

Eschaton: Fans King of the British transphobes, Glinner, is a big Chait fan, a bit mixed on Singal.

Missing Indiana 14-year-old Emily Barger is found in SHED 200 miles from home: Cops arrest 18-year-old she left home with

Vandal who painted "groomer" on libraries had disturbing evidence of child sex abuse in apartment: police

Colorado Catholic group bought app data that tracked gay priests - The Washington Post A group of philanthropists poured money into a Denver nonprofit that obtained dating and hookup app data and shared it with bishops around the country, a Post investigation has found

Alex Jones would get $520,000 salary under bankruptcy plan | AP News

The scale of local news destruction in Gannett's markets is astonishing - It might not be as mustache-twirling a villain as Alden Global Capital, but its enormous scale has meant enormous losses for local journalism ... Gannett has eliminated 59% of its jobs in four years. (refuck priorites: destroying education, thinking and information)

Its a pressure cooker: Inside the chaos of Elon Musks Twitter ... The company, which once had more than 8,000 staff, is down to fewer than 2,000hose few remaining on the infrastructure team are working 11 or 12 hour days just to keep the platform online (Muskfucking goes on, how much longer can TW last?)

White supremacist propaganda activity surged in New England in 2022

Yeti recalls nearly 2 million soft cooler bags over magnet hazard - CBS News

Room-temperature superconductor works at lower pressures : worldnews

Scientists have revived a zombie virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost

TIL the Myers-Briggs has no scientific basis whatsoever. : todayilearned

Math Hacks for Math Haters

America's most and least educated states, ranked - wicked smart massholes : massachusetts

Abhidharma - Wikipedia
Anagarika Govinda - Wikipedia
Robert Thurman - Wikipedia
Secret Midnight Magic Nico Snow
Keeping With Tradition, New Yorks Famous Babies Have Funny Names
Chasing Artist and Downtown Legend Dash Snow -- New York Magazine - Nymag
Dash Snow Seemed Happy and Healthy in Weeks Leading Up to Death, Say Shocked Friends - Slideshow - Vulture


Women were beginning to hit the streets en masse across the globe on Wednesday to defend rights that are coming under increasing attack : worldnews
Womens rights vanishing before our eyes warns UNs Guterres as marches ramp up for Womens Day.
Campaign calls for gender apartheid to be crime under international law : worldnews

Scientists now have a name, "plasticosis," for the health problems that stem from animal plastic consumption : worldnews

WHO fires director in Asia accused of racist misconduct | AP News

A new study found 59 percent of long-COVID patients had organ damage, but experts say its not that simple

Available evidence still points to covid originating from spillover

Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up : worldnews

Hope is rare now in Myanmar, UN Human Rights Council hears

Thai man jailed for insulting king over duck calendar : worldnews

South Korea approves howitzers transfer to Ukraine for Russia war : worldnews
Forced labour victims protest in wheelchairs, reject S.Korea deal on Japan
New government plan opens up possibility of 80.5-hour work week in Korea : worldnews
Foreign residents struggle with Koreas impossible body standards ,,, But Korean beauty standards border on the absurd. For women, a slim figure, flawlessly pale skin, distinctive jaw and large, double-lidded eyes are examples of the supposedly attractiveyet simultaneously unachievable features.

Seouls intelligence reveals new facts about North Korean leaders daughter
Kim Jong Un Sister Threatens Action on US-South Korea Drills

Taiwan suspects Chinese ships cut islands internet cables

Chinese prosecutors charged 78,000 people for corruption over 5 years : worldnews
China's New Smart Religion App Requires Faithful To Register To Attend Worship Services

Demographics could well be the biggest threat to Russian economy (with no fix available) - Russias population is declining, which will weigh on long-term growth outlook - Death of tens of thousands of young men and exodus of highly-trained workers to compound phenomenon
Russia's population nightmare is going to get even worse - War in Ukraine has aggravated a crisis that long predates the conflict

The recent meeting between Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and Kadyrovs eldest son, 17-year-old Akhmat, sparked rumors this might be a casting for a new Chechen leader.

Putins Cellist Friend Moved MillionsThrough Swiss Banks: Lawyers
Russian propagandist Skabeyeva says that some restaurants in Great Britain started serving squirrels because of the food shortage in the country. She implies that all the money went towards weapons for Ukraine, and now Britons must eat squirrels. : UkrainianConflict

It is reported that the building of the capital headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is on fire in Moscow, reports RIA Novosti. : UkrainianConflict

UkraineWorld on Twitter: "Russia is using the new markings in the last columns, the Triangle over the "Z". Before that, most columns had a "V" mark or no marks. The circle in the triangle has not been observed since the beginning of winter. Source: Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of #Mariupol." / Twitter

Prigozhin ...."You have not yet encountered a well-trained and equipped Russian army" : UkrainianConflict

NATO team holds talks with Indian officials in closed door meet

Hijabs Now Must For Female Students, Teachers at Co-ed Institutions in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir : worldnews

Afghanistan is worlds most repressive country for women, says UN
On International Womens Day, Afghan women blast the Taliban and say the world has neglected us completely
India To Send 20,000 Metric Tonnes Of Wheat To Afghanistan Via Iran Port : worldnews

No foreigners: Discrimination allegations mar Turkey quake response
Erdogans polar opposite wants to replace him as President of Turkey

Iran Witnesses Fresh Round Of Protests In Wake Of Continued Student Poisonings : worldnews
Outraged Over Illnesses Among Schoolgirls, Iranians Return to Streets : worldnews (typical NYT: just a little "illness")
Iranian Officials Stress They Wont Back Down On Hijab ... God has made hijab mandatory for Muslims according to Quran, although this has long been a matter of debate.
Canadian woman missing in Iran and her family believes shes been detained
Iran said to have supplied Russia with large shipment of ammunition : worldnews

ADL Staffers Dissented After CEO Compared Palestinian Rights Groups to Right-Wing Extremists, Leaked Audio Reveals A special meeting called to answer internal critics shows that the ADLs vocal opposition to the anti-Zionist left is controversial even within the organization.

Zelensky warns of open road through Ukraines east if Russia captures Bakhmut, as he resists calls to retreat
U.S. military eyes mounting Western air-to-air missiles on Ukrainian MiGs : worldnews
Ukrainian Attack On Russian Port In Black Sea : worldnews
The light will always win over the darkness. #Kharkiv. Street lighting was turned on for the first time since the full-scale invasion.

Zelensky invites House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to visit Ukraine | CNN Politics ... as the Republican Party faces a divide over whether the United States should continue to provide aid to the country under attack from Russia.
U.S. House speaker declines Zelenskiy invitation to visit Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 378, Part 1 (Thread #519) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 08.03
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine8 March 2023

Kyiv to send more troops into Bakhmut, seeing chance to break long Russian siege : worldnews
Ukraine updates: Wagner claims control of eastern Bakhmut
Ukraine Claims Bakhmut Battle Is Wagner's Last Stand - mercenary group is running low on fighters recruited from prisons, used in attacks on Bakhmut, where Ukraine has also endured heavy losses.
~ ISW on Twitter: "7/ ...will likely greatly limit the ability of #Russian forces to properly exploit any paths of advance opened by the capture of #Bakhmut Russian forces remain unlikely to secure more than a tactical victory following 10 months of assaults." / Twitter

Only 307 children out of 16,221 (only verified cases) minor citizens of Ukraine kidnapped by Russia, have been returned to their homeland. It is the largest case of kidnapping initiated at the state level in history according to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba : ukraine

OPINION: One of the most remarkable outcomes of the war in Ukraine has been Kyivs advancement of rights for LGBTQpeople a sharp rejection of Russias effort to weaponize homophobia in support of its invasion
Lawmaker submits draft law providing legal rights to same-sex couples : worldnews

#Tbilisi tonight: the second day of pro-EU protests.
Georgia: crazy scenes in front of parliament in Tbilisi tonight. : UkrainianConflict
Georgians throw stones, petrol bombs at police in protest over new law : worldnews
Georgian foreign agent bills pass first reading as thousands protest Russian law
Always leery of Russian influence, Georgians see a new foreign agentslaw as a Kremlin-inspired tool to undermine their faltering democracy.

Ukraine Needs Shells, and Arms Makers Want Money. Enter the E.U. - The New York Times Ukraine is firing artillery shells faster than manufacturers can make them. Brussels is working on a plan to increase production by guaranteeing big advance purchases.
EU defense ministers discuss war economyammo for Ukraine

EU commissioner visits Canada, says Europe moving away from dependency on Moscow fossil fuel : worldnews

Hungarian delegation backs Swedens NATO application

Greece faces a fresh round of mass strikes and nationwide protests on Wednesday as anger mounts over the countrys worst rail tragedy that killed 57 people last week
Greeces GDP Grew 5.9% In 2022
Fisherman facing 4,760 years in jail receives centuries-long sentence

Clash Report on Twitter: "German Defence Minister Pistorius: We will ramp up support for Ukraine in case China should supply weapons to Russia." / Twitter

UK will miss out on EUs massivencrease in arms spending for Ukraine | Only EU and Norwegian firms will be able to take advantage of joint procurement agreement, says leaked paper
Rishi Sunak extinguishing the right to seek refugee protection in UK
Archaeologists in England Say They Found a 2,000-Year-Old Penis-Shaped Sex Toy : worldnews

Two high-level memos allege Beijing covertly funded Canadian election candidates | : worldnews
Canada repeals historic laws targeting women, LGBTQ community : worldnews

Russia tried to influence U.S. elections in 2022 and will do it again, nations top intel agency says

Pentagon Blocks Sharing Evidence of Possible Russian War Crimes With Hague Court : worldnews ... American military leaders oppose helping the court investigate Russians because they fear setting a precedent that might help pave the way for it to prosecute Americans.

The climate impact of the doctrine that Democratic presidents cant govern ... Republican judges who think that the Environmental Protection Agency should not be able to issue regulations to protect the environment:

A new nuclear reactor in the U.S. starts up. Its the first in nearly seven years

Biden to propose 5.2 percent pay boost for federal workers, biggest in 23 years - The Washington Post

Washington teeters on the brink of a Cold War over Social Security - POLITICO Amending entitlements is a tall order for a Congress that disagrees on nearly everything. Lawmakers are still wading into the mess, hoping to recreate a famed bipartisan deal that shored up the programs four decades ago.

With Social Security and Medicare off the table, conservatives are focusing on a wide range of smaller programs as a clash with President Biden and Democrats looms.

proposals, included in the budget he will release on Thursday, are expected to heavily feature tax increases on corporations and high earners.

Conservative covid backlash handcuffs public health, pandemic response : politics

American Colonialism : Joe Biden, among other Democrats, have joined Republicans in overturning the DC crime law. Whatever you think of the DC law, this is pure, uncut colonialism. DC voters and politicians have no real authority, unlike anywhere else in the U.S. It is 100% a colonialist act to overturn that law. Shame on Biden and every other Democrat who are part of this. Shame on the Republicans too, but we expect the worst from them.

Justice Dept. arrests hit 1,000 in connection with Jan. 6, and new accusations surface in latest prosecutions : politics

DOJ takes on the Jan. 6 Tucker Carlson tapes : politics
US Senator Schumer condemns Speaker McCarthy for supplying Jan.6 videos to Fox : politics
Capitol Police chief tears into Tucker Carlson over Sicknick claims

Trump Privately Proposes Wave of High-Level Jan. 6 PardonsThis would be like hitting the delete-key on all of DOJs work on these investigations
House Republicans say they plan to visit Jan. 6 defendants in jail - ABC News Marjorie Taylor Greene claims shes received reports of abuse.

White House goes after Tucker Carlson by name over Jan. 6 coverage - POLITICO - "not credible"
How Tucker Carlson is wrong about Jan. 6 - The Washington Post (and everything else)

The big lie and the limits of journalism - a rather sobering light on the extent to which the journalistic documentation of the Big Lie Donald Trumps wildly false claims about how he supposedly won the 2020 presidential election but had the vote stolen from him has made almost no detectable difference in American political life as a whole, let alone on Fox News and in the rest of the right wing epistemic bubble.
They scaled walls, they brought ropes: House Speaker Kevin McCarthys own words contradict January 6 footage used by Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson Exposed: Says He Hates Trump Passionately In Private Texts
Tucker Carlsons Jan. 6 revisionism is a self-own for conservatives
The GOP backlash on Tucker Carlson's depiction of Jan. 6 - The Washington Post
The Whole Thing Seems Insane : : New Documents on Fox and the Election - Messages and depositions from stars like Tucker Carlson revealed serious misgivings about claims of fraud even as some hosts told millions of viewers a very different story.
Just a lie: Senate Republicans blast Tucker Carlsons Jan. 6 narrative

Takeaways from the Fox Dominion filings - The Washington Post

Intelligence contractor who praised Nazis found guilty in Jan. 6 riot - The Washington Post : Hatchet M. Speed

A GOP war on "woke"? Most Americans view the term as a positive, USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds - By 56%-39%, Americans say "woke" means being aware of social injustice, not being overly politically correct ... also more than a third of Republicans.

The Boogaloo Bois Are Plotting a Bloody Comeback: We Will Go to War

Bush Pal Marc Racicot Has No Standing to Lecture Anybody about Pursuit of Power | Anyone so instrumental in the 2000 recount no longer occupies the high ground. : politics

Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country - Leaked emails give a glimpse of the religious-right networks behind transgender healthcare bans.

Documentarian Ken Burns says DeSantis bills are like Soviet system

Women sue Texas over abortion ban, say it risked their lives : politics

The Tennessee House Just Passed a Bill Completely Gutting Marriage Equality | The bill could allow county clerks to deny marriage licenses to same-sex, interfaith, or interracial couples in Tennessee. : politics

Photo of Republican Gov. Bill Lee in drag gets full-page ad in Tennessee newspaper : politics

Wild Bribery Allegations Are Tearing The Arizona GOP Apart : politics

Ron DeSantis leads charge for more coercive conservative government - The Washington Post embrace of regulation of private business comes as many leaders on the right are revisiting their ideological boundaries

UPDATE: Walgreens deceptive damage control ... in a letter last month, Kobach claimed that it was illegal for Walgreens to distribute Mifepristone anywhere based on an 1873 law that prohibits sending "indecent" materials through the mail.
Abortion pill boycotts draw Walgreens and CVS into culture wars - The Washington Post Seeking to adhere to a patchwork of state laws on abortion, the drugstore chain ends up pleasing no one

Oklahoma Republican tells Teamsters president shut your mouth in terse exchange at Senate hearing

Eschaton: What Choice Do They Have -- I wouldnt practice medicine of any kind in a state with punitive abortion laws, if I could choose otherwise.points out in the Idaho Capital Sun today that a recent survey shows that more than 45% of OBGYNs are considering or actively working on leaving the state. And in just the last six months, he writes, three out of just six maternal fetal medicine doctors in the state have decided to leave
Mission accomplished!

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections - The Washington Post (four year olds should have jobs, she says)

Alaskas Fisheries Are Collapsing. This Congresswoman Is Taking on the Industry She Says Is to Blame.

Gov. Walz signs "driver's licenses for all" bill into law : politics

Oklahoma Rejects Recreational Marijuana Legalization | HuffPost Latest News Opponents seized on problems with existing medical marijuana regulations and crime in the campaign to stop full legalization.

Memphis City Council Passes Major Police Reform After Death Of Tyre Nichols : politics

Kyle Rittenhouse, the MAGA Star That Wasn't - After his acquittal, the Kenosha shooter has gone on the right-wing media circuit with mixed results.

Lauren Boebert blasts sex-ed classes. Twitter reminded her she was a teen mom : politics

Arnold Schwarzenegger warns those on a "path of hate" and antisemitism, they could end up a "loser" like his Nazi father : politics
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a powerful message for those who have gone down a path of hate. : videos
Arnold Schwarzenegger s Last Act - What happens when the Terminator turns 75 ... Schwarzenegger does not wear a helmet and seems to enjoy being recognized, startling commuters with drive-by cameos.

Louisville police use excessive force, invalid warrants and discriminatory stops, DOJ review finds The review, conducted by the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, follows the 2020 shooting death of Breonna Taylor in a botched police raid.

F.T.C. Intensifies Investigation of Twitters Privacy PracticesThe commission is seeking an interview with Elon Musk, who has made major cuts at the company since acquiring it last year.
Twitter just let its privacy- and security-protecting Tor service expire ... Twitter no longer has a communications department to ask about the change, (Muskfucked)
Eschaton: The Hardest Day Of Elon's Life

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,305 - This is the grave of Ross Perot.

NHL teams permitting homophobes to have hecklers veto over Pride jerseys

Tiger Woods Ex-Girlfriend Says NDA is Unenforceable ... Cites Law Regarding Sexual Assault, Harassment

6-year-old who shot teacher in Newport News won't face criminal charges, prosecutor says The chief prosecutor in Newport News, Virginia, said there is no legal basis to charge the child, although his office is still reviewing whether to charge others.

Oldest known reference to Norse god Odin found in Danish treasure trove : worldnews ... he first solid evidence of Odin being worshipped as early as the fifth century t least 150 years earlier than the previous oldest known reference ... The Norsemen worshipped many gods, each of whom had various characteristics, weaknesses and attributes. Based on sagas and some rune stones, details have emerged suggesting that the Vikings believed the gods possessed many human traits and could behave like humans.

RubSalt1936 comments on to make someone accept reality



Pacific Islanders Want Japan To Stop Dumping Nuclear Waste Into the Ocean : worldnews

North Korea warns US: Shooting down any missile will bring war. : worldnews

China says U.S. relations have left rational path, warns of conflict unless they hit the brake
China's Leader, With Rare Bluntness, Blames U.S. Containment for Troubles - Xi Jinping criticized what he called a U.S.-led campaign of encirclement and suppression. His new foreign minister said it was impossible for China not to fight back.
Conflict with China is inevitable unless U.S. changes course, Beijing's new foreign minister warns -- The fiery comments echoed remarks by President Xi Jinping blaming U.S. efforts to contain China for deteriorating relations and suggesting Beijing would increasingly seek to push back.
China reportedly approves resolution to make Taiwan separatists 'kill list'

Surviving Putin - Puck

Student gets 8 years in prison for criticizing Ukraine war : worldnews

1/ Russian soldiers on the front line in Ukraine are reportedly cooking and using drugs to deal with combat stress and try to get out of fighting by injuring themselves but military doctors arent fooled and wont accept bribes. Its said to be impossible to get out
Youve Been Screwed: Russian Inmates Rebel and Flee From Commanders ... If you refuse to go fight, people from Wagner will come and well shoot you,

Heineken commits to exiting Russia after criticism about continued operations : worldnews

Russian forces resort to welding war relics on to tankenstein vehicles
The T-80B Was A Great TankIn 1978. Now Its The Latest Obsolete Vehicle To Join The Russian War Effort.

India ready to help Bangladesh with its defence modernisation efforts: Envoy : worldnews
Indias Kochi city covered in toxic haze from waste dump fire

Egypt archaeology: Dig unearths smiling mini-sphinx which may represent Claudius : worldnews

Iran makes first arrests as school poisoning cases top 5,000 : worldnews
Iran Doubles Down on Arms for Russia : worldnews

Israel: All living Air Force commanders sign letter against judicial overhaul : worldnews ... Bibi has become Israeli version of Trump. It is unprecedented that all living air force commanders sign letter objecting to judicial overhaul.
Israel attacks Aleppo International Airport : worldnews
Can American Jewish Support for Israel Survive This New Government? | The New Republic For many liberal American Jews, this most extreme right-wing government in Israels history is a test of long-held assumptions and beliefs.

Intelligence Suggests Pro-Ukrainian Group Sabotaged Pipelines, U.S. Officials Say - The New York Times New intelligence reporting amounts to the first significant known lead about who was responsible for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines that carried natural gas from Russia to Europe ,,, New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, a step toward determining responsibility for an act of sabotage that has confounded investigators on both sides of the Atlantic for months ... Officials who have reviewed the intelligence said they believed the saboteurs were most likely Ukrainian or Russian nationals, or some combination of the two.
NordStream Revisited

How Ukraine's surrender hotline for Russian soldiers works - Los Angeles Times

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 377, Part 1 (Thread #518) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine7 March 2023

Ukraine war: President Zelensky vows to find killers of unarmed soldier with cigarette : worldnews
Ukraine urges ICC to investigate video appearing to show Russians killing PoW : worldnews
Russians cowardly and dishonorably executed this unarmed Ukrainian POW. His last words were Glory to Ukraine He was shot repeatedly after saying it. If Russians did it with a goal of intimidating Ukrainians, they achieved the opposite effect: he will be forever seen as a hero

Ukraine seeks US cluster bombs to adapt for drone use, lawmakers say : worldnews

Russia is massively transferring military equipment to the Zaporizhzia region through occupied Mariupol. The last 24 hours Russian online channels started to panic about an upcoming offensive in the area.
Mar 3-6:Russian forces managed to make significant progress in Bakhmut direction;
Up to 30,000 Russian casualties claimed in Bakhmut - BBC News ... For Ukraine, one official said, the battle for Bakhmut has been a unique opportunity to kill a lot of Russians
The situation around Bakhmut might change drastically after Ukrainian military leadership made the decision to continue the city's defense - Ukrainian Institute for the Future.

The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "The company has added HIMARS to its selection of over 30 life-sized inflatables." / Twitter

FLASH on Twitter: ""I must emphasize that thanks to Poland's efforts, Patriot batteries or the first Leopard tanks, among other things, have already reached Ukraine," the minister said in an interview with the Spanish newspaper Razon." / Twitter
Suicide of Polish MPs sonprompts backlash against state media that helped identify him as abuse victim

Pope John Paul II covered up child abuse as cardinal in Poland, says report : worldnews

France pension protests bring France to a standstill over plans to raise the pension age from 62 to 64. : worldnews
Unions vow to shut Frances economy down amid pension battle
The reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is going fast enough to allow its reopening to visitors and faithful at the end of 2024, less than six years after a fire ravaged its roof : worldnews

State-owned electricity generation firm could save Britons nearly 21bn ayear

Brazil investigates undeclared $3 million jewelry gift to Bolsonaro : worldnews

House GOP Chairman Calls It A Mistake That Trump Didnt Bomb Meth Labs In MexicoRep. James Comer (R-Ky.) appears to be the only House Republican wishing we had launched a military attack on a longtime U.S. ally.
Survivors of deadly Mexico abduction return to America | AP News
Mexico kidnapping: Why a million Americans a year risk Mexico medical tourism - BBC News ... Medicines and services are cheaper in Mexico, especially dental procedures. You can get your teeth cleaned or an implant for a fraction of the cost of what you get in the US
The Deadly Failure of American Medical Care
Spying by Mexicos Armed Forces Brings Fears of a Military StateThis is the first time a paper trail has emerged to prove definitively that the Mexican military spied on citizens who were trying to expose its misdeeds.

The Daring Ruse That Exposed China's Campaign to Steal American Secrets - How the downfall of one intelligence agent revealed the astonishing depth of Chinese industrial espionage.

Neo-Nazi cyberattacks on the rise: DHS "very concerned" about power grid DHS is more worried about far-right groups than Islamists and sees increasing risk of infrastructure attacks

Biden says new taxes on the rich can help save Medicare : politics
Biden Budget Will Propose Tax Increase to Boost Medicare | The presidents plantargets Americans earning more than $400,000 a year in an attempt to increase the programs solvency by 25 years.

Justice Department sues to block JetBlues acquisition of Spirit Airlines

Recent orders suggest that the justices are thinking of dismissing cases involving the independent state legislature theory and Title 42, an immigration measure imposed during the pandemic.

Gigi Sohn, Biden FCC nominee withdraws, following bruising lobbying battle - The Washington Post Gigi Sohn notified the White House she would drop out after her nomination stalled for 16 months, amid industry opposition

Republican depravity, Democratic fecklessness - The Covid epidemic demonstrated that giving poor people a little money and slightly more generous in-kind benefits was both extremely effective and extremely popular. Of course it wasnt popular with the financial oligarchy and its running dogs in the Republican party.

Hope Hicks Meets With Manhattan Prosecutors as Trump Inquiry Intensifies : politics

Prosecutor Fani Willis Is Investigating Trump. By Sheer Coincidence, The GA Legislature Has Decided To Investigate Prosecutors. : politics

The Country Is Paying for Merrick Garlands Failure to Prosecute Trump - The special counsel may indict Trump for something, but its already too late to stop him from running for president again.

Fox News Edits Out Trump Saying He Mightve Let Russia Take Over Parts of Ukraine
Trump, Vowing Retribution, Foretells a Second Term of Spite the former president charged forward in an uncharted direction, talking openly about leveraging the power of the presidency for political reprisals.

Family of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, top Democrats lambast Fox News and Tucker Carlson over Jan. 6 portrayal : politics
US Capitol Police chief rips into Tucker Carlson over offensive use of January 6 footage
Capitol Police says it reviewed just one Jan. 6 clip Tucker Carlson showed : politics

Watchdogs Demand Ethics Probe of Kevin McCarthys Jan. 6 Footage Gift to Tucker Carlson

Bulls---: GOP senators rebuke Tucker Carlson for downplaying Jan. 6 as mostly peaceful
Tucker Carlsons Jan. 6 Footage Dump Delivers The Sloppy Propaganda Kevin McCarthy Wanted
Tucker Carlson, with new video provided by Speaker McCarthy, falsely depicts Jan. 6 riot as a peaceful gathering : politics
Tucker Carlson downplays Jan 6 violence with Fox News segment falsely depictingpeaceful riot

Bombshell? Fox News is Completely Ignoring Tucker Carlsons Jan. 6 Tapes
Even Republicans Are Bashing Tucker Carlson for Lying About Jan. 6 Violence : politics +list of lies
A fascism too far (for some) ... The McCarthy/Tucker whitewash is propaganda so nakedly dishonest and abjectly stupid that only the most credulous moron or cynical partisan hack could even pretend to take it seriously:
Andrew Lawrence on Twitter: "tucker is actually saying that bc there isnt violence in every frame of video that there wasnt an insurrection" / Twitter

Is 2020 the last year Fox will allow independence from its election projections unit?

Q: Whos unsurprised by shocking Fox News revelations? A: Ex-Fox journalists
Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases : politics
Pure, Unadulterated Fascism: Mehdi Hasan on Trump, Fox News, Jan. 6, GOP & 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War

The New Anarchy: America faces a type of extremist violence it does not know how to stop. : politics ... the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield -- kill all males

Jim Jordan scrambles amid claims "weaponization" probe is a dud : politics

Too little, too late: Why the media goes missing when Republicans go on the offensive : politics

Republicans gaslight voters on their covid response and failed policies : politics
This is the dynamic that could decide the 2024 GOP race | CNN Politics ... Analysts have often described such an educational divide among primary voters as the wine track (centered on college-educated voters) and the beer track (revolving around those without degrees)

MAGA sinks GOP trolling to genocidal lows: Republicans are competing for attention by ratcheting up anti-LGBTQ speech. The inevitable result is violence : politics

DeSantis Does Not Support Forcing Bloggers to Register With State (his own bill)

Why Tennessees law limiting drag performances likely violates the First Amendment

Walgreens Stock Plummets After Gavin Newsom Vows to Cut Business Ties
Before abortion pills, Walgreens customers said they were denied birth control : politics
Boycott Walgreens

Five Women Sue Texas Over the States Abortion Ban

N.T.S.B. Will Investigate Norfolk Southerns Safety PracticesThe agency said it was opening a special inquiry because the railway has had several significant accidents since late 2021.

Election-denying former Colorado clerk guilty of obstruction : politics (FAFO
RAW: Body cam footage of Mesa Clerk Tina Peters arrest

New York mayor says retailers must force shoppers to remove masks when entering stores to prevent crime. It's not not about being fearful of a pandemic

Steve Bannon, an Exiled Mogul, and the Ukraine Rescue Effort That (Mostly) Wasn't - How a far-right group raised money and sowed confusion in the middle of a massive refugee crisis.

The "Assistant Manager" scam - Obviously, legislation to protect workers is off the table as long as Republicans control any veto point and enormously difficult otherwise. But I think the best remedy here would be to substantially increase the minimum salary necessary to deny workers overtime pay rather than trying to tinker with definitions of management that are likely to be mostly unenforceable no matter what.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz agrees to testify at Senate hearing after subpoena threat : politics

Musk mocks wheelchair-bound Twitter employee : The billionaire implied that the disability accommodations requested by the worker, who has muscular dystrophy, werent credible.
Tucker Carlson Convinces At Least One Guy With His Jan. 6 Nonsense: Elon Musk
Elon Musk Goes All In On Jan. 6 Denial | HuffPost Latest News
The biggest asshole in the world

US judge strikes down Missouri gun law as unconstitutional | AP News

Niskanen Center, the Most Interesting Think Tank In Politics | Time Niskanen Center, a little-known think tank that may be the most interesting institution in D.C

The book somebody else wrote that lists me as its author turns out to be full of plagiarism

Semafors China problem - Semafor, the 5-month-old news startup, is drawing criticism in the U.S. for partnering with a think tank in China that is known to have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The group has in the past obscured those ties to Western audiences.

Sausalito said it could build new housing on underwater sites. Now its getting sued

FDA: Two more eyedrop brands recalled due to risks | AP News

The privacy loophole in your doorbell - POLITICO Police were investigating his neighbor. A judge gave officers access to all his security-camera footage, including inside his home.

Ronny Chiengs Kublai Khan Reveals Why Men Cheat in History of the World, Part II

Penis sizes in historical paintings have gradually increased over the past seven centuries, study finds : science


Everyone should be concerned: Antarctic sea ice reaches lowest levels ever recorded

U.S. Considers Vaccinating Chickens Amid Bird Flu Outbreak - The New York Times The largest outbreak of avian influenza in U.S. history has driven up egg prices and raised concerns about a human pandemic, though C.D.C. experts say the risk of that is low ... affecting more than 58 million farmed birds in 47 states, as well as birds in the wild. It has already spilled over into mammals, such as mink, foxes, raccoons and bears, raising fears that the virus that causes it, known as H5N1, could mutate and start spreading more easily among people

Australia condemned for indefinitely locking up Iranian political dissident (

Myanmar military has caused perpetual human rights crisis, UN report says

No babies, no Japan: PM Kishida's aide says country willdisappear if people dont have more children

S. Korea, U.S. hold joint air drills involving U.S. B-52H bomber : worldnews
South Korea proposes to compensate victims of Japans forced labour through its public foundation
Calling woman ajumma leads to subway stabbing in South Korea
Over 1,000 dead dogs found in horrific animal abuse case in South Korea : worldnews

Taiwan warns of China militarys sudden entry close to island
Man threatens random killings at Taoyuan, Songshan airports in Taiwan

Chinas Ukraine Peace Plan Is Actually About Taiwan

Russia cant be allowed to take presidency of the U.N Security Council next month

Eschaton: It's your back that you been stabbin' The extreme version of my basic confusion over the behavior of certain rich people is, basically, why doesn't Vladimir Putin want to live like Keaanu Reeves? Keeanu is rich and and famous, seems to have a nice life, isn't widely hated, and most importantly, doesn't have to worry about which person in his entourage is about to stab or poison him. The prize of becoming the mafia boss seems to be spending the rest of your life worrying about who is going to take a hit out on you. That kind of thing.

"Kill all Ukrainians including their babies" - Open Video Polling in Russia : UkrainianConflict

Over 200,000 Russian soldiers and more than 1,800 officers have been either killed or wounded since Russia's full-scale invasion of #Ukraine, Der Spiegel reported, citing the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Christopher Cavoli.

Russia's population nightmare is going to get even worse - War in Ukraine has aggravated a crisis that long predates the conflict ... Over the past three years the country has lost around 2m more people than it would ordinarily have done, as a result of war, disease and exodus. The life expectancy of Russian males aged 15 fell by almost five years, to the same level as in Haiti. The number of Russians born in April 2022 was no higher than it had been in the months of Hitlers occupation. And because so many men of fighting age are dead or in exile, women outnumber men by at least 10m ... Russia may have had the largest covid death toll in the world after India and the highest mortality rate of all, with 850-1,100 deaths per 100,000 people ... if you look just at peacetime years, the number of births registered in April 2022 was the lowest since the 18th century ... making Russia a smaller, worse-educated and poorer country, from which young people flee and where men die in their 60s. The invasion has been a human catastrophe and not only for Ukrainians

Russias Wagner Mercenary Group Launches Youth Club in St. Petersburg

Russias elite tank unit was meant to get its most advanced armor. Instead its fighting with obsolete Soviet tanks from the 60s, UK intel says.

Azerbaijan must end its aggression, says German parliaments foreign affairs committee chair after Pashinyan meeting

EC appointments: SC says its a mythcourt cant make law, no strict separation of powers in India
CBDC: Indias Digital Rupee Moves Closer to Real-World Adoption

Bangladesh: Coxs Bazar, one of the worlds biggest refugee camps, was ravaged by a massive fire on Sunday, the UN and other aid agencies reported. The camp is home mostly to Muslim Rohingya who have fled Myanmar into neighboring Bangladesh
Fire rips through Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh leaving thousands homeless | CNN : worldnews

Pakistani TV channels banned from broadcasting the speeches, press conferences, and statements of former prime minister Imran Khan : worldnews
Pakistani companies put on US trade blacklist for involvement in missile and nuclear activities : worldnews
Balochistan: Nine security officers killed in suspected suicide attack : worldnews

Devil Has Returned: Taliban Force Divorced Afghan Women Back To Husbands

Saudi Arabia deposits $5 bln in Turkeys central bank: Statement
Turkey earthquake: Survivors living in fear on streets - BBC News

Syrian earthquake survivors in Turkey have nowhere to go | The Economist They have lost everything, again

Iraq alcohol ban: Christian political party appeals, saying it is undemocratic : worldnews

Chemical Attacks On Schoolgirls Surge As Islamic Republic Denies Foul Play | Iranian doctor says the gases used to poison the students are a combination of different chemicals, which it is "not possible for ordinary people" to access. : worldnews
Poisoned Iranian Schoolgirls Threatened In Hospitals (Iran) : worldnews
Crisis over suspected Iran schoolgirl poisonings escalates : worldnews
Khamenei says poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran is an unforgivable crime ... 'But I shall forgive myself for ordering it.'

Gulf states and Israel are secretly lobbying Russia not to arm Iran : worldnews
Herzog says Israel closer than ever to compromise agreement on judicial overhaul
Israeli finance ministers call to erase Palestinian village was inappropriate, Netanyahu says
92 Flights From Israeli Base Reveal Arms Exports to Azerbaijan : worldnews
In Hawara We Saw Our True Face - Opinion - A week ago some 400 settlers entered the West Bank village of Hawara, set fire to homes with their occupants inside, shot at reporters and apparently shot to death a 37-year-old Palestinian. David Ben-Gurion once said that when we have a Jewish thief, a Jewish prostitute and a Jewish murderer, well know we have a country.
Israeli ministers approve bill on $270,000 gift to Netanyahu : worldnews

Ukraine says it has fulfilled EU accession reforms : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 376, Part 1 (Thread #517) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 06.03 +650 +9
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 6 March 2023
Tonights abbreviated campaign update on #Russias invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar & @criticalthreats analyzes the ongoing Battle for #Bakhmut and Russian prospects for further offensive efforts.
CNN: NATO estimates Russia lost 5 times more soldiers in Bakhmut than Ukraine : ukraine
Ukraine war: Russias Wagner boss suggests betrayal in Bakhmut battle

The Russian military shot our prisoner of war at close range. His last words were "Glory to Ukraine". : UkrainianConflict
~ A Ukrainian p.o.w. is being brutally executed after not submitting under russian abuse and saying Slava Ukraini

I think the tenacious defense of Bakhmut achieved a great deal, expending RU manpower and ammunition. But strategies can reach points of diminishing returns, and given UA is trying to husband resources for an offensive, it could impede the success of a more important operation.
6/ Ukrainian forces are unlikely to withdraw from #Bakhmut all at once and may pursue a gradual fighting withdrawal to exhaust #Russian forces through continued urban warfare.

Russian mercenary leader complains of critical ammunition shortage in battle of Bakhmut : worldnews
Russias Wagner chief warns of frontline collapse if forced to retreat from Bakhmut
Russias Wagner chief warns of frontline collapse if forced to retreat from Bakhmut
Wagner chief says Russian position at Bakhmut at risk without promised ammunition : worldnews
Wagner is running out of people, too. They cant sustain thisEven in Russia, they dont have enough men who seek suicide on our land.Yaroslav Trofimov
Russias offensive to capture Bakhmut will likely culminate whether its forces capture the city or not. The Russian military will likely struggle to maintain any subsequent offensive operations for some months, giving Ukraine a chance to seize the initiative.

Mayor: Hundreds of Russian soldiers may have been killed in Ukrainian strike on occupied Melitopol

Olena Halushka on Twitter: "russian mortar shelling killed a mother and 2 kids in the Kherson region, acc to the prosecutor's office. For how long this will last? Why aren't we getting all we need to stop the terrorist state russia on our soil before it extends its terrorism to other peace-loving states?" / Twitter

Estonias Pro-Ukraine Prime Minister Kallas Wins Reelection
Ukraines most committed backer wins a huge election victory in Estonia - The Economist
Media: UK, Germany to conduct joint NATO air policing exercises in Estonia. : worldnews

Lithuanias local elections: results summary

Serbian nationalists march in protest against Kosovo talks : worldnews

Over 4,600 refugees from Ukraine can stay in Netherlands for another six months : worldnews
Inside the Suspicion Machine | WIRED Obscure government algorithms are making life-changing decisions about millions of people around the world. Here, for the first time, we reveal how one of these systems works.

Germanys Olaf Scholz warns of consequences if China sends arms to Russia
German police lift lid on worldwide cyber blackmail gang : worldnews

NI protocol deal: After Johnson and Truss, Sunak was a prime minister the EU could work with : worldnews
Britain to present new legislation to stop the boats of migrant arrivals. (

4 Americans kidnapped in northern Mexico, officials say | AP News
Matamoros, Mexico: 4 US citizens were kidnapped by gunmen in case of mistaken identity, US official says | CNN

Canadas roadmap to expanding assisted suicide to mature minors revealed

Surveillance program needs new protections, oversight board member says - The Washington Post
DHS has a program gathering domestic intelligence and virtually no one knows about it -- Collecting information from Americans raises ongoing civil liberties concerns.

Pentagon Sees Giant Cargo Cranes as Possible Chinese Spying Tools - WSJ - China says concerns are paranoia-driven

The Judge with the King Complex - The Bulwark Should trial judges have the power to issue nationwide injunctions? A lawsuit over abortion drugs is the latest major case to raise the question.

The Curious Rise of a Supreme Court Doctrine That Threatens Bidens Agenda: The major questions doctrine, promoted by conservative commentators, is of recent vintage but has enormous power and may doom student loan relief and other programs ... The court can definitively say what the founders meant 250 years ago, but somehow what Congress enacted 20 years is a little too blurry.

Supreme Court declines to hear Florida prayer vigil dispute The case could have made it harder for people to sue over the alleged government endorsement of religion in violation of the First Amendment ... with conservative justices Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas both writing opinions suggesting they believe the court should take up a similar case in future.

Republican Votes Helped Washington Pile Up Debt: As they escalate a debt-limit standoff, House Republicans blame President Bidens spending bills for an increase in deficits. Voting records show otherwise.

In Selma, Biden says right to vote remains under assault : politics

We Arent Talking Enough About Wage Theft. Every year, $50 billion are stolen from American workers by their bosses. The Left and labor should be working tirelessly to pass anti-wage-theft legislation at every level of government. (j

The Programs Youd Have to Cut to Balance the Budget
As they escalate a debt-limit standoff, House Republicans blame President Bidens spending bills for an increase in deficits. Voting records show otherwise.
The debt-limit time machine: What the last 10 big fights tell us about this one - POLITICO A decade filled with fiscal standoffs shows us three telling truths about how Congress and the White House might handle the current impasse

Rep. Schiff: McCarthy is giving away the security of the House
Jeffries: No indication Capitol Police vetted Jan. 6 footage Tucker Carlson plans to air

Feds say Proud Boys associates fanned out to facilitate Jan. 6 breach - POLITICO

Hope Hicks Meets With Manhattan Prosecutors as Trump Inquiry Intensifies : politics

Group Seeks Disbarment of a Trump-Aligned Lawyer for a Key Jan. 6 Witness - The New York Times Prominent lawyers filed a scathing ethics complaint against Stefan Passantino, who represented Cassidy Hutchinson in the early stages of the House committees investigation.

What is Fox News hiding in the Dominion lawsuit?
Fox News says loss in $1.6 billion defamation case would harm all media : NPR ... The amount and weight of evidence is perhaps without equal among other major, recent defamation cases.
They All Knew: Media Matters Files FEC Complaint That Fox News Broke Election Laws, Lied for Trump

How is Fox News Different From All Other Media? All news outlets have their biases. This is something different.
Timid media and GOP figures are again, dangerously, normalizing Trump : politics
Eschaton: Worst Guy You Know Makes Great Point Right about the Murdochs (for the wrong reasons, I know).
Steve Bannon says the Murdoch family is trying to destroy the United States of America
Fox libel defense at odds with top GOP presidential foes : politics
Fox News co-host warns of "danger to America" if Trump loses : politics

The DOJ thinks Trump can be sued for Jan. 6.
If the FBI was reluctant to search Mar-a-Lago, its a sign Trumps bullying worked
Donald Trump said he wont drop out of the 2024 race even if he is indicted
Once an albatross around Trumps neck, Jan. 6 is now taboo in the GOP primary

House Committee Budgets Swell as G.O.P. Plans Road Shows Across U.S. : politics
House GOP readies its first big agenda push: A massive energy bill - POLITICO slated to include a cavalcade of popular Republican ideas from the last decade, from Keystone XL to speedier environmental reviews

Oversight committee Republicans wont sign Democrats letter denouncing white supremacy

Digital foot soldiers: Pro-Trump bots swarm DeSantis, Haley : politics
Fact check: Trump delivers wildly dishonest speech at CPAC : politics
Trump spends days workshopping nicknames for DeSantis: report : politics
Trump Has Become the Thing He Never Wanted to Be - Boring.
If You Aint First, Youre Last: How State Sore-Loser Laws Make It Impossible For Trump To Run A Successful Third-Party Campaign If He Loses The Republican Primary

Election deniers take aim at group that helps states maintain voter rolls - The Washington Post Defenders say attacks on the system are fed by misinformation and will only make it easier to commit voter fraud

CPAC Speaker Calls Eradication of Transgenderism, Crowd Goes Wild
Haley chased into elevator at CPAC after taking veiled shot at Trump : politics

A threat to free speech: Ron DeSantis targets journalists, media with new legislation : politics
Newt Gingrich Demands Withdrawal of Insane Republican Bill ... It would impede on the rights of conservative bloggers/journalists too, so the bill is dead.

Eyeing a run for president, Ron DeSantis wants to Make America Florida
Florida Republicans seek to establish state-run kidnapping
Frost on DeSantis targeting Black, LGBTQ transgender people: its fascism
DeSantis declares war on the free press
New Florida bill would restrict use of gender pronouns in schools : politics

Slavery was wrong and 5 other things some educators won't teach anymore -To mollify parents and obey new state laws, teachers are cutting all sorts of lessons

The anti-drag bills sweeping the U.S. are straight from historys playbook

Rosendale calls neo-Nazi photo op a mistake U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale said he unwittingly posed for a photo with high profile members of the neo-Nazi movement last week walking between congressional hearings.

Greene to introduce resolution declaring Antifa a terrorist organization : politics

How Walgreens supports the anti-abortion movement
Gavin Newsom says California is done with Walgreens over abortion pill
Newsom slams Walgreens, says California will cease doing business with company : politics

The Real, Sinister Political Threat of Tennessees New Anti-Drag Law | Politicians have never needed precise laws to brutally police who can and cannot exist freely in public.
Asian Americans, Shifting Right - The New York Times The new politics of class in America.

Atlantic: The New Anarchy - America faces a type of extremist violence it does not know how to stop ... Then, in 2020, extremists on the left hijacked largely peaceful anti-police protests with their own violent tactics, and right-wing radicals saw an opening for a major fight. (Atlantic both sides BS)

The destruction of public higher education in red states ... North Idaho College ... I suspect the local gentry is about to discover that theyve lost control over the monster they created, and in the end where are they going to go? Theyre still aching for that upper-class tax cut.
The MAGA-fication of North Idaho College - The New York Times G.O.P. activists set out to root out the deep state at home. An Idaho community college may never be the same.

Conservatives on campus by Henry Farrell on March 6, 2023

When the anti-woke crusaders come for a teacher | Opinion

Conflict of Interest at the Post | Semafor On Friday, February 24, four Washington Post executives crossed town to meet Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel to discuss hosting a Republican presidential debate.

Eschaton: Salute Thinking about the Iraq era, it's quite amazing the degree to which our glorious media outlets were aligned in catapulting the propaganda in various ways. I don't just mean the sales pitch on the Iraq war itself, I mean the whole post-9/11 rally-around-your-flag-and-president stuff. Hard to remember now, but pre-9/11 they were all settling on the narrative of, basically, George Bush is a big dunce and if anything bad happens we're pretty fucked, and then something really bad did happen and suddenly he was the glorious leader we all needed. Lots of ways "news" is corrupted by propaganda, constantly, but normally it isn't completely encompassing like it was then.

The dazed and confused generation
The Dazed and Confused Generation - People my age are described as baby boomers, but our experiences call for a different label altogether.

Best American Band?

They thought loved ones were calling for help. It was an AI scam.Scammers are using artificial intelligence to sound more like family members in distress. People are falling for it and losing thousands of dollars.

Eschaton: Journalists Against Style Guides - George Packer is enraged that the Sierra Club has an in house style guide that he doesn't like, and this is worthy of an Atlantic piece about how mad George Packer is that the wokes are ruining language, or whatever. Same article they publish every month ... Packer also spent years trying to force me to put two dots over random vowels.

Twitter insiders: We cant protect users from trolling under Musk - Twitter insiders have told the BBC that the company is no longer able to protect users from trolling, state-co-ordinated disinformation and child sexual exploitation, following lay-offs and changes under owner Elon Musk.
Melons Latest Innovation -- In an innovative attempt to check whos actually reading the links before they comment on Twitter, the new owner has broken all links from tweets. Additionally, images are not being allowed through to distract the serious reader and as another way to protect against child sexual exploitation.
Bodyguards Follow Elon Musk Everywhere at Twitter HQ, Even to Restroom, Says Engineer
Eschaton - Related: When I wrote this post, I hadn't actually seen this yet, but, you know, just go piss off to Italy or whatever rather than spend your life fearing that twitter nerds are going to poison your Red Bull ... Billionaire Elon Musk is routinely followed around Twitter headquarters by two bulky bodyguards -- even when he goes to the restroom, according to a Twitter engineer ...

Eschaton: Flipped He was given incredibly lenient pre-trial conditions and he fucked it, as The Real Thing tends to do - FTX founder and former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried may be stuck using a dumb phone for the foreseeable future

The bewildering descent of Scott Adams and Dilbert

Polygamist cult leader and self-proclaimed prophet brazenly used jailhouse phone system to have sexual discussions with kids: Feds
Abhorrent, heinous, and brutal: Iowa man gets max sentence for cold-blooded execution of parents and sister

A bacterial infection killed three patients at Brigham and Womens. The culprit? A water purification system.

Dont do that. Four mistakes youre making with home internet.

Nature prefers symmetry and simplicity | University of Oxford Research recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Oxford-led scientists suggests that Mother Nature plays favourites and that she believes in the elegance of simplicity.
Lifes Preference for Symmetry Is Like A New Law of Nature
Informational simplicity may explain why nature favors symmetry
Why symmetry matters | Nature

Worlds 1st horseback riders swept across Europe roughly 5,000 years ago ... he findings strengthen the hypothesis that the horse played an integral part in the expansion of this group, and therefore, in the spread of the Indo-European language.


Everyone should be concerned: Antarctic sea ice reaches lowest levels ever recorded

Ocean treaty: Historic agreement reached after decade of talks : worldnews
Historic ocean treaty agreement reached after years of talks : worldnews
A treaty to protect the worlds oceans has been agreed after a decade of talks

Polish law does not adequately protect forests, finds EU court : worldnews

Philippines says Chinese navy ship spotted near disputed island : worldnews

Large-scale US-South Korea military drills to begin on March 13 : worldnews
S. Korea to announce fixes to wartime labor rift with Japan on March 6 : worldnews
1 in 4 foreign laborers in the past 6 years have applied to change their workplace with some citing violence: South Korea : worldnews

North Korea says UN should demand end to S.Korea-US military drills : worldnews

Freed Taiwan activist attends free Tibet parade in Taipei : worldnews

China says should advance peaceful reunification with Taiwan : worldnews
China to increase defense spending by 7.2% : worldnews

Russia Doesnt Belong in the United Nations

Conflict brewing among Russias military leadership due to lack of battlefield successes. General Staff Report information as of 18.00 March 05.

A year on from Russias initial invasion of Ukraine, Russian fossil fuel exports still flowing to various nations around world; according to estimates from @CREACleanAir , Russia has made > $315B from fossil fuel exports, with ~1/2 from EU
"Russia has lost the energy battle": Since Russia's attack on Ukraine, the West has been in a showdown with Moscow on the energy markets. For a long time it looked as if the Kremlin could win - but the tide has turned, says IEA boss Fatih Birol. : UkrainianConflict

Propagandist Solovyov Nearly Gets Killed Near Vuhledar : UkrainianConflict
Russian Ship Loaded With Military Equipment Enters Black Sea Towards Ukraine : worldnews
LED TO SLAUGHTER: Correlating an uptick in marriage licenses, a RU news outlet has determined that half a million men were mobilized by Putin last year-- 200,000 more than officially acknowledged. Undertrained & badly equipped, mobniks only added to RUs swelling casualty lists.

Russian ministers claim Ukraine war launched against us met with laughter

Sanctions leave Russia unable to produce vital radar plane - Ukraine intel : worldnews

From claiming to be the 2nd strongest army in the world to welding decades old (developed in the 1940s) 25mm 2M-3 naval canons on top of MT-LBs as if this is an ISIS cell in the Syrian desert. This speaks volumes in what pathetic state the Russian arms industry has turned into.
Russian reservists fighting with shovelsUK defence ministry

Prigozhin today is once again seen explaining how invaluable Wagner is for Russia, and how retreating from Bakhmut will lead to the collapse of the whole Russian front. Also appears to be hinting at the fact that his mercenaries might find it rather unpleasant if they suspect that Russian authorities set them up by not providing ammo and reinforcements. Besides. Why is he talking about retreating from Bakhmut at all, if just yesterday he was claiming to have nearly surrounded it?

Its absurd to think India is not permanent member of UNSC: Ex UK PM Tony Blair
India funded warlords instead of Afghan govt, say US documents : worldnews

Pakistani police have been unable to detain former Prime Minister Imran Khan on court orders. A warrant was issued for his arrest after he failed to show up in court in a corruption case : worldnews
[Pakistan]Inflation so high that living seems unaffordable

American Trained Soldiers Keep Overthrowing Governments in Africa : anime_titties

Cameroonian businessman charged with complicity in torture after journaliss murder
Cameroon Charges Tycoon in Reporter Killing Case

Nigerian troops killed 133 extremists over election period : worldnews

Frightened Africans flee Tunisia after presidents anti-migrant tirade

Egypt sentences 14, including activists on terrorism charges : worldnews

Turkey is blocking NATOs expansion. It could backfire and hand Putin a propaganda coup | CNN
Turkey posts official February inflation of 55% : anime_titties

UAE to not renew visas of Pakistani parents if they deprive their children of education : worldnews

Iran says suspected schoolgirl poisonings occurred in more than 50 schools : worldnews
Schoolgirls in 5 Iran provinces treated for new poisionings. : worldnews
Protests break out in Iran over schoolgirl illnesses : worldnews

Israel tells top U.S. general it sees need to cooperate against Iran : worldnews
Israelis protest against proposed judicial reforms for ninth straight week : worldnews
Elite Israeli Reserve Air Force Pilots Refuse to Serve as Long as Netanyahus Constitutional Coup Continues
These Are Not Judicial Reforms. Were in a Battle for the Soul of Israel
Entebbe rescue squad blasts Netanyahu for sacrificing country for own interests
Good Evening, Anarchists and TerroristsRecord Number of Israelis Protest Against Netanyahus Judicial Coup - Despite the force used by police against protesters on Wednesday, up to 150,000 people arrived to the central Tel Aviv demonstration

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg: Israel Is Courting Disaster - The New York Times

Canadas chief of the defence staff makes trip to Ukrainian capital
Two Ukrainian pilots are in the U.S. for training assessment on attack aircraft, including F-16s : worldnews
A Senior U.S. Official has stated today that there is currently 2 Ukrainian Air Force Pilots that are in the United States undergoing Evaluations and Assessments to determine how long it may take for Ukrainian Pilots to be trained on Western Combat Aircraft specifically F-16s.
Ukraine to use $460 million worth of confiscated Russian assets for reconstruction : worldnews
Rheinmetall Group negotiating construction of tank factory in Ukraine : worldnews
The German company that makes Leopard and Panther tanks wants to build a factory in Ukraine, report says : worldnews
Im Bel Trew, The Independents International Correspondent, and Ive been in Ukraine since the outbreak of the war. AMA!

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 375, Part 1 (Thread #516) : worldnews

Ukrainian forces cling to Bakhmut as Russia attacks from three sides : worldnews
ISW on Twitter: "2/ The #Russians have, rather, managed to push close enough to critical ground lines of communication from the northeast to threaten Ukrainian withdrawal routes from #Bakhmut in a classical turning movement." / Twitter
4/ ISW assesses that #Ukrainian forces are far more likely to withdraw than to become encircled and that the Ukrainians might still be able to hold their positions in #Bakhmut if they choose to try.
A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.

Ukrainian Paratroopers Destroyed 15 Groups Of "Wagnerites" In Bakhmut In One Night : UkrainianConflict

This long historical thread also covers Armed train operations in the Russo-Ukrainian War. It is very much worth the time to read.

Ukraine has identified 171 sexual crimes committed by Russian troops, saidFirst Lady Olena Zelenska - Among the victims of sexual violence are women, 39 men, and 13 children, including one boy
Russian policy of deporting Ukrainian children under investigation by ICC : worldnews

Estonian Premier Kallas Secures Solid Win as Far Right Slips - Bloomberg Kallas outperforms polls with clear view to form majority - Far right slides after targeting Kallas on Ukraine, inflation

The Polish harbor of Gdynia is packed with Westen military gear. The production capacities of the West cannot be challenged by anyone in the world.
Polish gynaecologists patients launch legal action after authorities seize medical records ... as part of an investigation into the alleged aiding of abortion
Polish gynaecologists patients launch legal action after authorities seize medical records (see pics)

Greek prime minister apologizes over train collision amid public fury | CNN : worldnews

Netherlands: Healthcare workers will go on strike on March 16 at 64 hospitals nationwide as their campaign for higher pay continues : worldnews

Only Putin can break Russia-Ukraine stalemate, Germanys chancellor says
Germanys Scholz says China declared it will not deliver weapons to Russia

After seven years of Brexit talks, Europe has emerged as the clear winner : anime_titties

UK to provide Ukraine with twice as many Challenger 2 tanks as promised
Holy anointing oil for King Charles IIIs coronation will not contain the intestinal wax of sperm whales or civet secretions ... A serving of eggs and ambergris was reportedly King Charles II of Englands favorite dish.
TIL that although World War II ended in 1945, the rationing of food and other items in the UK continued for another NINE YEARS, until 1954. : todayilearned

Former President Bolsonaro tried to smuggle jewellery from Saudi Arabia into Brazil without declaring it and without paying taxes : worldnews

No Adversary, No Directed Energy Weapon

The Iraq War Unleashed an Age of Grift. We're Still Living in It - This month marks the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a giant con that heralded a thousand more

Iran may be behind antisemitic hit-list targeting U.S. Jews

Facebook and Google are handing over user data to help police prosecute abortion seekers : politics
Calls to boycott Walgreens grow as pharmacy confirms it will not sell abortion pills in 20 states, including some where it remains legal : politics

Democrats vow fierce fight if GOP cuts Medicaid : politics

US Fed Reserve Zoom Conference Canceled After Porn-Bombing

Fix the Courts by Investigating Federalist Society Sleaze : politics

Rupert Murdoch, Fox Corp. Sued For Sharing Bidens Presidential Ads Before They Aired
Inside the Panic at Fox News After the 2020 Election : politics
Fox News Is Trapped by Its Own Zealotry - Bloomberg Fear of losing viewers to more fervent purveyors of the Trump gospel ultimately ensnared the network in a $1.6 billion defamation suit.
Inside the Panic at Fox News After the 2020 Election - The New York Times - If we hadnt called Arizona our ratings would have been bigger.
How Has Fox News Infected Your World? - by Steven Beschloss

As Trump Inquiry Continues, Republicans Seek Oversight of Georgia Prosecutors - The New York Times The proposals are part of a broader push by conservative lawmakers around the country to rein in district attorneys whom they consider too liberal.

Somerville man found guilty of charges related to Jan. 6 Capitol riot - Noah Bacon, 29, was convicted on a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding, and five misdemeanor charges, including including entering and remaining in a restricted building and disorderly or disruptive conduct in a Capitol building, according to the statement released Friday.
DC jury convicts Somerville yoga instructor as Jan. 6 Capitol rioter | Universal Hub

Trump Asks Judge to Block Pence's Testimony to Grand Jury - The former president's lawyers cited executive privilege, a tactic they have used with other ex-Trump aides.

Donald Trump vows to stay in 2024 race if he faces criminal charges : politics
Trump pledges to stay in 2024 presidential race even if he is criminally charged : politics
Trump Promises to Continue Presidential Campaign if Indicted, Then Delivers a Snoozy CPAC Speech

Donald Trump is now fully at war with the Republican Partys past

Kellyanne Conway and George Conway Are Divorcing - The New York Times The political odd couple had bewildered Washington when Ms. Conway was serving as an adviser to President Donald J. Trump and her husband was one of his fiercest critics.

Trump Calls US Democracy a Very Dangerous System at CPAC
Trump wont commit to the Republican National Committees loyalty pledge
Trump easily wins CPAC straw poll : politics
I am your retribution: Trump rules supreme at CPAC as he relaunches bid for White House
The new order requires joy divisions
Fact-Checking Trumps Speech at CPACformer president made inaccurate claims about the murder rate in New York, the withdrawal from Afghanistan and windmills at a conservative conference.

The Sad, Desolate Scenes of CPAC 2023 : politics
At CPAC, A Call For Trans People To Be Eradicated Gets Big Cheers
Genocidal rhetoric at CPAC gets loud cheers
CPAC Speaker Calls for Transgenderism to Be Eradicated far-right conservative Michael Knowles said, drawing raucous applause (weird-looking fucker)
Eschaton: What's It All About Then Have to be a dipshit centrist to pretend not to understand. - Michael Knowles works for Ben Shapiro, who is, according to the NY Times, "the cool kid's philosopher" (fucking newspaper has its evil fingers in every shitpile)
These attacks were never about "protecting kids," they were always about eradicating trans people.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets CPAC Crowd to Boo Zelensky With False Claim : politics
Fact check: Republicans at CPAC make false claims about Biden, Zelensky, the FBI and children : politics
We asked CPAC attendees what they thinkwoke means. Their answers were all over the place.
CPAC attendees cant agree on what the word 'woke' means

First step to authoritarianism: attack the free press : politics

The Republican Child Labor Agenda

Is Floridas Blogger Registration Bill Inspired by Viktor Orban?
Florida Is Trying to Take Away the American Right to Speak Freely : politics
Opinion | Florida Is Trying to Take Away the American Right to Speak Freely
Florida bills would ban gender studies, transgender pronouns, tenure perks : politics
Florida Republicans propose fascist bill to remove trans kids from parents custody
Florida Republicans propose fascist bill to remove trans kidsfrom parents custody
Can we stop pretending Ron DeSantis is for Free Markets? : politics
Former state attorney slams DeSantis after criticism in Orlando spree shooting : politics

From Dilbert to DeSantis, white grievance is all the rage After Trump opened thePandoras box of bigotry, Dilbert creator Scott Adams and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dont even feel bad about their anti-Blackness.

Drag performers take part in Drag Out Santos rally at congressmans office in Queens

Texas, Which Banned Most Content Moderation, Now Pushing Law Requiring Abortion-Related Info Be Blocked From The Internet : politics

Shelter-in-place ends after train derails in Springfield
Sen. Sherrod Brown not entirely satisfied with Norfolk Southern response to second Ohio train derailment
This is what deregulation looks like. : politics (another train fuckup)
Pete Buttigieg starts to rethink how he does his job in wake of East Palestine train disaster | CNN Politics

Election-denying former Colorado clerk guilty of obstruction : news

Voting rights restored to more than 55,000 Minnesota felons under new voting rights law : politics

Alaska Says Its Now Legal in Some Instances to Discriminate Against LGBTQ Individuals

Assault weapons ban introduced in the Colorado legislature

Pot vote has Oklahoma hungry to rake in green from Texas : politics (Dallas-Fort Worth has 2x the population of all of OK (8 million)
Oklahoma House approves bill to ban insurance coverage for transgender care : politics

Transgender athlete wins discrimination case against USA Powerlifting : news

Three things to know about what critics are calling Mississippis Jim Crow bill

Remember Pamela Smart?To Die For Convict Now Seeks Mercy. The woman who became a national sensation in 1990 after her teenage lover killed her husband has become a prison preacher. She hopes New Hampshire will set her free

Police: Texas mother arrested after stabbing her 5 children, killing 3 : news

Los Gatos Mom Accused of Hosting Alcohol-Fueled Teen Parties Attacked in Jail, Hospitalized : news

Celebrity Big Brother Winner Stephen Bear Sentenced To 21 Months In Prison For Posting Sex Video Of Ex-Girlfriend, Love Island Star Georgia Harrison, To OnlyFans

Gun seizure orders due to failed background checks hit historic pace

Russian Man arrested for blowing up PG&E transformers in San Jose, police say : UkrainianConflict

Musk Delayed Paying Twitters Amazon Cloud Bill, Sparking Ad Threat
Twitters Revenue, Adjusted Earnings Fell About 40% in Month of December

The surprisingly short history of creativity - The Boston Globe - Artists lay claim to it. So do industry leaders looking to engineer profits. The short, surprising history of a buzzword.

TIL studies show that acute exercise can increase sexual arousal in women. : todayilearned

Lifestyle bigger influence on womens sex lives than menopause. Thedouble caring duties for children and parents were seen as an issue the previous generation had not experienced. Many womens lives were so busy that they left little time or energy to enjoy a regular and satisfying sex life.

A new surgery gives quadriplegic patients the use of their hands and arms : worldnews

Does the age of the universe depends on where you are? : askscience

TIL In his book The Descent Of Man, Charles Darwin wondered whether human language abilities had started with singing. By studying fossils of hyoid bone in the throat, humans would have had the ability to sing over 530,000 years ago : todayilearned

Eli5: Whats the difference between a mile and a nautical mile

Eli5: There's this Immunologist at Stanford suggesting the possible existence of a shadow biosphere. What is that though? : explainlikeimfive

the surface of Venus if you havent seen it already

Artificial intelligence could soon be widely used to detect breast cancerand may be more effective than doctors at doing so, study says

Ageing is associated with a reduction in markers of mitochondrial energy metabolism in the human epidermis (2023) : science

I Watched Ancient Apocalypse So You Don't Have To : videos

TIL that in the late 1890s and early 1900s, the Imperial German government made plans to invade the United States. These plans were first made public in 1970.

Harvard Square: A Love Story: Marketplace lessons from a place that isnt what it used to be

When did you find out that someone in your family is evil? : AskReddit

Who is a bad guy in history who actually wasnt abad guy?

People whose homes have dog/cat doors, have wild animals ever entered your pet doors and what happened when that occurred? : AskReddit


SpaceX Dragon crew blasts off for International Space Station : worldnews

Warmer UK weather adding to spread of fruit tree diseases | Plants : worldnews

Storms in U.S. kill 9, leave more than 1 million without power : worldnews

In a crowded place, a face mask or respirator keeps the virus away

Lab-Leak Intelligence Reports Aren't Scientific Conclusions - Intelligence reports supporting the lab-leak theory for COVID are not based in science
Intelligence Analysis Is Not Scientific Investigation

Filipino Governor Roel Degamo among 6 dead in shooting : worldnews

Hong Kong court convicts activists behind Tiananmen vigil : worldnews

U.S. intel on China considering lethal aid for Putins war was gleaned from Russian officials
Xi Jinping to tighten Communist partys grip with overhaul of Chinas government at key meeting of the National Peoples Congress

Putin has gone mad from power: Kremlin critic Ilya Yashin speaks out from Russian prison
Moscow Might Run Out Of Money By Next Year, Says Russian Oligarch : worldnews
Russias losses amount to 200,000 people, 1800 officers killed and wounded Supreme Allied Commander Europe
russias losses are more than 200,000 people, 1,800 officers have been killed and wounded, NATO commander in Europe Christopher Cavoli said, stressing that the scale of this war is unbelievable
Russian Duma calls on businesses to install air defense systems independently : worldnews

Chechen warlord Kadyrov reportedly having health problems : worldnews
Top Putin ally Ramzan Kadyrov seriously ill from suspected poisoning

Russias Wagner Mercenary Group Launches Youth Club in St. Petersburg

A regiment of drafted Russian soldiers who made video plea to Putin to stop them being "slaughtered" are now mostly dead, report says

Russian Covid vaccine creator found dead in his Moscow apartment, 1 held: Report : worldnews
Russian COVID Vaccine Creator found strangled to death with belt : worldnews

An American walked her pet cow in Moscow's Red Square. Spoiler alert: Trouble ensued : worldnews

India is smashing records once again as it accelerates its purchases of Russian oil for a third straight month, reaching 1.9 million barrels per day in February : worldnews

Thousands of Afghan women in peril as Taliban voids their divorces, experts say - The Washington Post Taliban law has voided thousands of divorces, experts say, and many remarried women are now considered adulterers

Dozens more Iranian schoolgirls taken to hospital after suspected poisonings : worldnews
Iran president blames foreign enemies for wave of schoolgirl poisonings : worldnews
British health worker shot multiple times in Iran protests, injuries show : worldnews

Israeli Pro-democracy Protests Enter Ninth Week as Police Ramp Up Forces in Tel Aviv - Israel News -

Zelenskyy says 70,000 war crimes committed in Ukraine as Kyiv moves to open ICC office : worldnews
2023 Air defense not difficult: Rheinmetall wants to build tank plant in Ukraine
Members of BYPOL, the group responsible for the recent attack on a Russian AWACS plane on a Belarusian airfield, have joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They join their fellow Belarusians in the Kalinouski Regiment, and are almost done with their training. : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 374, Part 1 (Thread #515) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 04.03.2023 : ukraine +820 +4

Prigozhin talking Wagner may retreat from Bakhmut and if they do, the front will quickly move all the way back to the Russuan border. : UkrainianConflict
Mariinka burned to ashes by russians. Thats how they "liberate" territories from people
Ukrainians defending Bakhmut under severe pressure from Russian onslaught : worldnews
Ukrainian commander says there are more Russians attacking the city of Bakhmut than there is ammo to kill them : worldnews

2/ Geolocated footage posted on March 3 shows that Russian forces have made incremental advances on the NW outskirts of #Donetsk City near #Vodyane. Russian sources continued to report on Russian efforts to seize the remainder of western #Marinka.
4/ A #Russian source claimed that Russian forces are continuing positional battles in the dacha area SE of #Vuhledar, and another Russian milblogger posted footage reportedly of 40th Naval Inf. Brigade elements assaulting Ukrainian positions near Vuhledar.

Trenches at the coastline of temporarily occupied Crimea. What do they expect. Normandy 3.0?

Ukraines Defence Minister asks EU to send Ukraine 250,000 artillery shells a month
US sending bridge-launchers to Ukraine for spring fight : worldnews

Mariupol students forced to donate blood for Russian WIAs : worldnews

Finland seeking to reduce economic dependence on China : worldnews

Thousands protest across Switzerland for end to fossil fuel plants : worldnews

"It is incredibly impressive how ambitious, inquisitive and technically skilled these ukrainians are. They practice almost to the point of fainting," says german tank-general in charge of Leopard 2 training. : ukraine
Germanys opposition flying high in polls ... So the guys who dismantled the german solar industry and made the country more dependent on russian gas.
Climate activists protest Germanys transportation policies

Tory austerity has cost UK half a trillion pounds of public spending since 2010
UK to provide Ukraine with twice as many Challenger 2 tanks as promised

Two dead, dozens of police held hostage in Colombia in protest against oil company : worldnews

Deplorable living conditions: 64 Mexicans rescued from Ontario human trafficking ring

More than 110,000 Ukrainian Refugees Arrive in US Since April : worldnews

US President Joe #Biden and German Chancellor Olaf #Scholz met at the White House. Both leaders promised to continue supporting #Ukraine as long as necessary.
US, Germany to impose costs on Russia as long as needed -- White House

Trump and DeSantis are giving Putin reason to believe he can win in Ukraine : politics

Warren Accuses John Roberts Of Acting As Super Legislator During Student Debt Oral Arguments

US senators reintroduce bill to make daylight saving time permanent : politics

DOJ Makes Radical Argument That Inciting Violence Is *Not* Within The Scope Of The Presidents Job

F.B.I. Queries for U.S. Messages Collected Without Warrants Are Said to Drop Dramatically -- A report about a warrantless surveillance program detailed new limits imposed since 2021, but it did not provide a number for how often the F.B.I. searched it for Americansinformation in 2022.

Biden bucks liberals and tells Democrats to get tough on crime : politics ... Americas incarceration rate is 6x Canadas and 10x Germanys. We are 5% of the worlds population and have 20% of the worls prison population. The people that defend this are cruel, stupid, or both

Fair and Balanced? Murdochs private messages show Fox News was instructed to help Republicans
Rupert Murdoch, Fox Corp. Sued For Sharing Bidens Presidential Ads Before They Aired
Fox Corp. and Trump campaign hit with FEC complaint
Rupert Murdoch's Post-Truth Nihilism - The only thing that will get you fired at Fox is telling the truth.
Conservative Media Pay Little Attention to Revelations About Fox News - The New York Times Even in todays highly partisan media world, experts said, the lack of coverage about the private comments of Foxs top executives and hosts stands out.
The Trump world-Fox News war gets nasty - POLITICO Relations have been rocky before. But the punches being thrown now are particularly aggressive.
Dems want to cut Fox off after lawsuit revelations - POLITICO

Nancy Pelosi relishes her new post-speaker role of mentoring - The Washington Post Pelosi 3.0

Republicans Use Arcane Political Tactic to Thwart Democrats - The New York Times The party has used resolutions of disapproval to confound President Biden and Democrats, forcing them to make tough decisions and debate issues they would prefer to avoid.

Donald Trump releases song with Capitol riot prisoners called Justice for All

House Democrats are skeptical about Bidens call for working with GOP: Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to be the lead spokesperson these days
Fact check: Republicans at CPAC make false claims about Biden, Zelensky, the FBI and children | CNN Politics
CPAC attendees fear the event is now just a slush fund for Matt Schlapps legal defense
Michael Knowles Says Transgender Community Must Be Eradicated at CPAC
Wokeness killed my grandmother and stole my car keys

A nation of messianic lunatics
A new book explains how QAnon took hold of the GOP and why its not going away

Jim Jordans Bogus Probe Exposed For The Charade It Is

An unburdened Rep. Gaetz calls for abolishing the FBI, CDC, ATF : politics

Statesman or Shitposter? J.D. Vance Makes His Entrance in Washington | Vanity Fair

Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce after 22 years of marriage

Founding fathers didnt own AR-15s or large capacity magazines, Pritzker and Raoul argue in defense of ban

Lauren Underwood, single and Black, learns what a life in Congress costs - The Washington Post As a single Black woman in the House, the 36-year-old Illinois Democrat tries to balance who she is versus what she does.

North Carolina Lurches Toward the 21st CenturyAgainst the will of the states Republicans of course ... Just after the Affordable Care Act fully took effect in 2014, around two dozen GOP-run states were refusing to implement the ACAs expansion of Medicaid. This left millions of Americans languishing in a needless crisis, all because ACA-despising Republican legislators were turning away enormous sums of federal cash earmarked to cover their states poorest adult residents.

South Carolina Woman Arrested For Allegedly Taking Abortion Pills : politics
Women who seek abortion in South Carolina could face death penalty : politics

GOP Utah Governor Says He Plans To Sign Abortion Clinic Ban | HuffPost Latest News Republican Spencer Cox said he supports the measure that would mean hospitals are the only places where abortions can be provided in the state.

How the Fall of Roe Turned North Carolina Into an Abortion Destination : politics

These Texas DAs refused to prosecute abortion. Republican lawmakers want them stopped : politics
Texas property tax bill excludes divorced, LGBTQ couples from getting relief : politics

Students switch up college plans as states pass anti-LGBTQ laws : politics
A New Bill Could Legalize Kidnapping Trans Kids by Their Parents A new bill in Florida could let parents take their child from their other parent or across state lines if the child is receiving gender-affirming health care.
Florida courts could take emergency custody of kids with trans parents or siblings even if they live in another state

US teachers grapple with a growing housing crisis: Wecant afford rent

Vandoliers Play Tennessee Concert in Dresses to Protest States New Drag Bill
Tennessee fascism

Child labor unravels one immigrant family, company faces no criminal charges - The Washington Post One of 27 minors hired to clean a Nebraska slaughterhouse, the middle-schooler and her family now fear deportation and more.

Attorney Ben Crump Says His Team Has Obtained Consequential New Evidence Related To Malcolm Xs Death ... he Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York City Police Department failed to disclose the presence of undercover officers at the scene of the crime and withheld exculpatory evidence ... conspiracy ... that included many, many individuals and many, many government entities and many affiliates of those agencies.

"Bayesian Priors" is this annoying way a certain type of pundit refers to "shit they believe without real evidence" - your BIASES, their INFORMED UNDERSTANDING - to make it sound like SCIENCE. (Chaitster)
Jeet Heer on Twitter: "2. Whatdoes "Bayesian priors" mean here? Based on earlier Chait tweets, it's something like "this is a claim I find plausible even without fact checking because it fits my sense of the world" i.e. "I find trans people icky & think some conspiracy is creating more of them."" / Twitter

Eschaton: Squirrel Can't believe we're doing this with chatbots. But make no mistake: Mark Zuckerberg just buried the metaverse. The metaverse is dead.
Mark Zuckerberg Quietly Buries the Metaverse - TheStreet The CEO of social-media giant Meta has sworn by AI, popularized by the chatbot ChatGPT.
Eschaton: Chatbots There are big leaps from "neato" to "extremely lucrative businesses" to "economy and society transforming" and being at the first step does not imply the next two are coming. It's funny that Zuck has gone from trying to make the holodeck to trying to make Lieutenant Commander Data, but doesn't mean he's going to succeed at either.

FTX Confirms $9 Billion in Customer Funds Vanished | According to a presentation to customers, ex-FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly let Alameda borrow $9.3 billion from customer accounts. : technology

Twitter s Revenue, Adjusted Earnings Fell About 40% in Month of December - The company recently made a first interest payment to banks that lent $13 billion to help pay for Elon Musk's buyout, people familiar with the matter said

Tales from the Right Wing Terrorist Present - Can't make this shit up ... A Sacramento dildo saleswoman was secretly unmasked as the leading propagandist behind a neo-Nazi network ...

California nurses slam state decision to roll back COVID-19 requirements in health care settings | The Hill

After 17th court hearing, woman with TB ordered to jail for refusing treatment | Ars Technica

A Murdaugh family death in 1940 was also suspicious and eerily similar
Alex Murdaughs conviction rested on a fateful phone video

Sanctuary A woman, an elephant, and an uncommon love story spanning nearly half a century.

Newly discovered chemicals are so deadly to fungi they are named after Keanu Reeves : worldnews

Ancient DNA Reveals History of Hunter-Gatherers in Europe - The New York Times Looking at DNA gleaned from ancient remains, researchers identified at least eight previously unknown populations of early Europeans.

Attractive women wield more power in their households, study finds : science

Touch friendly PDF editor? : Surface
Drawboard Sucks Now. Any New Recommendations for PDF Markup? : Surface

Hi, Im Keanu Reeves, AMA

I heard my wife break out laughing in the book store. This was why. : funny

What is the biggest unsolved mystery in human history? : AskReddit


Pablo Escobars cocaine hippos wont stop multiplying. Colombia wants to move dozens of them out of the country.
Hippos living near Pablo Escobars former Colombia ranch may be shipped to India

Cut off for 10 days, running low on food, stranded residents of Californias San Bernardino Mountains are angry, afraid

Nearly 3,500 sea lions in Peru die of H5N1 bird flu : worldnews

Thousands of Russians Flee to Thailand to Escape War : worldnews

South Korea doesnt need nuclear weapons to face the North, prime minister says

China is building six times more new coal plants than other countries, report finds : worldnews

Blinken: Russia Cannot Wage War with Impunity : worldnews
Russia must be punished for Ukraine war, says Blinken : worldnews
Antony Blinken says Russia can end war tomorrow if it wants, urges return to START treaty negotiations : worldnews

Putin Has Assembled an Axis of Autocrats Against Ukraine : worldnews

Russian politician charged for mocking Putin with spaghetti video

Russia reports fighting on its territory for the first time : worldnews

Russias Shadow Army Accused of Raping Their Own Allied Troops

Belarus court sentences Nobel Peace Prize winner to 10 years in prison -TASS : worldnews

Russia Must Be Punished For Ukraine War, Quad Says After Delhi Meet : worldnews
Crowd erupts in laughter at Russias topdiplomat after he claimed the Ukraine war was launched against us
iPhone Maker Foxconn plans $700 million India plant in shift From China : worldnews

Kenyas LGBTQ community wins bittersweet victory in battle for rights | Supreme court rules for freedom of association but landmark decision sparks backlash from government and churches

One person dies, five wounded in blast outside Montenegro constitutional court : worldnews

Alarm Raised Over Chilling Execution Spree In Iran
Iranian Teachers Call For Protest Against School Chemical Attacks : worldnews

Israeli troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian and critically wounded another child in the occupied West Bank Thursday, the Palestinian health ministry said, with the army reporting they came under attack : worldnews

Attorney General Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine | CNN Politics
Garland says the U.S. is pushing war crimes probes in Ukraine and has several suspects : ukraine ... For fucks sake can we prosecute the people responsible for this shit in our own country first? Half of the GOP helped Putin start this shit in the first place.
Russia will be out of military tools by spring, Ukraines top military spy says
Putins army stuck in mud like Hitlers in 1941
Nearly 10,000 Russian soldiers have surrendered via Ukraine's "I want to live" hotline since it was created : ukraine
Ukraine war: Zelenskyy pledges response to Zaporizhzhia missile strike : worldnews
U.S. hosts war games for Ukraine ahead of next phase of Russia conflict : worldnews
Explosions Near Russian Weapons Site Coincide with Zelenskys Hints of More Long-Range Strikes

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 373, Part 1 (Thread #514) : worldnews

2/ #Russian forces appear to have temporarily scaled back efforts to encircle #Bakhmut from the SW as well as from the NE and may instead be focusing on pressuring #Ukrainian forces to withdraw from the city by concentrating on the NE offensive:
Ukrainian officials have suggested that their troops might have to pull out of Bakhmut entirely once the defense of the city becomes too costly.
Ukrainian Military Claims Russian Forces Suffering Massively Disproportionate Causalities in Bakhmut
EXPLAINED: The Most SuccessfulSabotage Operation Against Russia During the Full-Scale Invasionpartisans on Sunday destroyed a very rare and very expensive Russian aircraft, blowing it up at an airfield before making their escape.

At least 100 incredibly cheap ($1000-$5000) Australian drones made of cardboard+rubber bands are being delivered to Ukraine every month. Designed to be totally expendable, some have completed 60 flights and drop bombs, deliver supplies, or conduct recon.

EU member states have agreed on a plan to quickly transfer scarce artillery ammunition to Ukraine, @FinancialTimes . It is now a matter of "days, weeks, not months."
This is likely due to Russian industrys inability to manufacture high-tech systems at scale, a problem which is exacerbated by the effect of international sanctions reads the ministrys latest intelligence update.

Ukrainians say they were pressured to register babies as Russian during occupation : worldnews

Ericsson fined $207m for concealing internal probe into bribes paid to ISIS : anime_titties

Woman goes on trial in Poland for praising Russias war against Ukraine on social media

Greece train crash: 57 people confirmed dead as public anger grows : worldnews

EU tells Italy to recoup unpaid property tax from Church : worldnews

Belgium freezes Russian assets worth EUR 58 billion : worldnews
Genevieve Lhermitte: Belgian mother who killed her five children euthanised : worldnews

France will place an order for 16,000 155-mm projectiles. Three large-scale orders will also be placed for the annual production of 15,000 155-mm shells, anti-tank systems (MMP) and missiles for Mistral,

Russians assaulted, threatened and abused in UK as hate crimes linked to Ukraine war surge | UK News : worldnews
Mosque downplayed its links to Manchester Arena suicide bomber

Gunmen in Argentina target Lionel Messi and his family
Argentina pulls out of pact with UK on Falklands : worldnews

Canadian biosciences company Sunshine Earth Labs announced Thursday it has been licensed to produce and sell cocaine, reflecting the federal health agencys bid to improve safety conditions for the country's addicts

Biden and Scholz will meet today in Washington where they will discuss support for Ukraine and concerns about China.

US Attorney General Says He Would Not Object to Designating Wagner a Foreign Terrorist Organization : worldnews

Why Republicans keep spreading the lie about Biden hiring 87,000 IRS agents : politics

Doctor: Lesion removed from Bidens chest was cancerous

Democrats hit snags on Biden judicial nominees

Joe Biden just stabbed Washington, D.C., in the back.

Trump special counsel, grand jury includes focus on Trump lawyers - The Washington Post Prosecutors have sought information from multiple attorneys and senior aides to the former president, triggering new legal battles

Jim Jordans Credibility Questioned Over WhistleblowersTestimony
Democrats challenge credibility of GOP witnesses who back Jan. 6 conspiracy theories - The Washington Post

Rupert Murdoch could face FEC fines if he tipped off Jared Kushner about Bidens presidential ads before they aired
Theres Never Been a Better Time to Take on Fox News
Its time to revoke Fox News press credentials

Marjorie Taylor Greene prompts CPAC crowd to boo Zelensky : politics

The Far-Rights Culture Wars Are Just a Distraction So Oligarchs Can Keep Looting the Working Class

The very long con
The Long Con Mail-order conservatism

Is Trump or DeSantis worse? Yes
DeSantis cannonballs into Americas deep blue states for war on woke ahead of 2024
Ron DeSantis Usually Avoids the Press. For Murdoch, Hell Make an Exception.
The Courage to be Fascist
Floridas Blueprint for Americas Media
DeSantis appointee to new Disney oversight board suggested tap water could turn people gay | CNN Politics

Leaked audio reveals US rail workers were told to skip inspections as Ohio crash prompts scrutiny to industry | Ohio train derailment | The Guardian

Walgreens will not sell abortion pills in 20 GOP states : politics
Walgreens Caves to Antiabortion Republicans Including in States Where Abortion Remains Legal ... where Republican officials are opposed.
Walgreens wont distribute abortion pills in some states where they remain legal | The decision is the latest to demonstrate how widely abortion access can vary state to state in a post-Roe America

A Texas Republican Wants to Ban People From Reading About How to Get an Abortion Online : politics

Lauren Boebert faces calls from over 17K Christians to repent and resign : politics

Maryland mayor arrested on child porn charges, resigns : politics

A LGBTQ+ mental health crisis could form in KY as anti-trans bills advance, experts say
Eschaton: Trans Panic Vertical The NYT, The Atlantic, and various others, are running trans panic verticals, and no they don't even feel the need to meet the obligation of being correct. Even if they did, the point would stand. Running stories over and over again how trans youth might be being rushed into treatment, inappropriately, without even having any evidence of this absent dubious anecdotes, is just their way of having present trans panic verticals.

Jon Stewart expertly corners pro-gun Republican: You dont give a flying f**k about children dying
Starbucks hit for massive labor violations

He Believes Hitler Went to Heaven -- and Wants to Take Over the Lutheran Church : A nearly 2 million-member synod is fighting an attempt to turn its pews into a bastion for young fascists

Pandemic Murder Wave Has Crested. Here's the Postmortem. - Homicides were down in the US in 2022 and continue to fall in the biggest cities. The cause of the spike is still being determined.

Alex Murdaugh found guilty of murders of wife and son : news
Alex Murdaugh stands accused of killing his wife and son. That's just scratching the surface. Five deaths, millions in fraud, and 100 years of family power crumbling to ruin in South Carolina.

Meet the Bronx Activists Who Won a Historic Settlement for NYPDs Violent Attack at 2020 BLM Protest

Deputy gangs a cancer within the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, scathing report says

Ex-Navy SEAL Tony DeDolph Hires Trump Lawyer to Reduce His Jail Time For Killing Green Beret Logan Melgar
Ex-Army private gets 45 years for plot against his unit | AP News A former U.S. Army private from Kentucky who was devoted to a violent extremist group seeking to erode or destroy Western civilization was sentenced to the maximum 45 years in prison Friday for plotting a murderous terrorist attack on his paratrooper unit.

No jail time for woman who admitted having sex with 13-year-old, having his baby : news
Warrant: Ex-New Fairfield lunch lady sent nude images to student on Snapchat for months before sex assault

Michigan State Police trooper charged in beating of Saginaw man who wasnt using sidewalk

Eschaton: The Real Thing Is that a lot? - FTX says it has identified a deficit of $8.9 billion in customer funds that it can account for, the first time the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange has pinned down how much money has gone missing.

MRI for all: Cheap portable scanners aim to revolutionize medical imaging : technology

Review of 1,039 studies indicates exercise can be more effective than counselling or medication for depression : science

TIL that we start forgetting early childhood memories at around age 7 : todayilearned

Paleo and keto diets bad for health and the planet, says study. The keto and paleo diets scored among the lowest on overall nutrition quality and were among the highest on carbon emissions. The pescatarian diet scored highest on nutritional quality of the diets analyzed. : science

Study: Marijuana Legalization Associated With Reduction in Pedestrian Fatalities : science

Women who have experienced intimate partner violence are almost three times as likely to have a diagnosed mental health condition and almost twice as likely to have a chronic illness, compared with those who have not experienced intimate partner violence. : science

/u/MattsAwesomeStuff does a PSA by summarizing the billion dollar industry of parents paying $50,000/yr to abduct their "troubled" teenagers into a remote cult called Elan for years of torturous and inescapable brainwashing and zero contact, then claim they didn't know. : bestof

/u/AnathemaMarantha shares their Agent Orange story : bestof

CO2 emissions may be starting to plateau, says global energy watchdog | IEA records rise of less than 1% from energy use in 2022, but 7% reduction needed every year this decade to meet emissions goal : worldnews

Carbon dioxide emissions reached a record high in 2022: Communities around the world emitted more carbon dioxide in 2022 than in any other year on records dating to 1900, a result of air travel rebounding from the pandemic and more cities turning to coal as a low-cost source of power. : worldnews

Coronavirus : 3,356 confirmed cases and 87 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

The missing evidence in the COVID origins debate : worldnews

LGBTQ rights: Japan PM under fire for same-sex marriage remarks : worldnews
Japan just found 7,000 islands it didnt know it had

Top 0.1 pct of wealthy S. Koreans made 70 times more than median income earners in 2021 : worldnews

Taiwan sees second Chinese air incursion as US agrees arms sale : worldnews
U.S. approves potential sale of arms worth $619 million to Taiwan : worldnews

Where does China stand on the Ukraine war? : worldnews
Putin ally Lukashenko meets Chinese leader Xi Jinping as US warns China against shipping arms to Russia | CNN : worldnews
Chancellor Scholz warns China: Dont send weapons to Russian aggressor

Putin signs bill to suspend last nuclear arms pact with US : worldnews
Putin calls emergency meeting after Ukraine took hostages in Russia

Alexei Navalnys Big Shift on Crimea Is a Blow to Putins Imperial Designs: For the first time, liberal opposition to the Ukraine invasion is beginning to reckon with Russias tatteredempireand a future without it.
Russias budget deficit [at the end of] February exceeded the [2023] annual plan by 1.1 trillion [or 38%]
Russia could run out of money in 2024, says billionaire Oleg Deripaska : worldnews
#Russias revenues from oil and gas exports dropped by nearly 40% in January, reports Reuters.

Russian man detained over daughters pro-Ukraine drawings | Russia (and they put the girl in an orphanage)

Russia reports Ukraine sabotage attack on its territory ... A reconnaissance and sabotage group penetrated from Ukraine to the Klimovsky district in the village of Lyubechane

A mysterious fleet is helping Russia ship oil around the world. And its growing | CNN Business
Russia wont go dry: Indian liquors to replace Western brands in Moscow

Sakharov Center forced to close as wartime Russia purges human rights groups : worldnews

These groups doing the Bryansk raids have some semi-autonomy within and around the Ukrainian military, and are mostly made up of far-right and neo-Nazi nutjobs who are crazy enough to do these (mostly symbolic) actions within Russia. It isnt terribly complicated.
As Michael details in the thread -- these aren't random FSB guys pretending to be partisans. They include well-known Russians who were active in Ukrainian far-right circles before Feb 24. Again: this isnt a false flag.
Denis Nikitins group in Ukraine, which was founded in August, said that it came to Bryansk region to show their compatriots that there is hope, that free Russian people with weapons in their hands can fight the regime

Crisis in multilateralism affecting developing nations most: PM at G20 meet : worldnews
Grand test for Indian diplomacy as American, Chinese and Russian ministers meet in Delhi : worldnews
Blinken, Lavrov meet briefly as U.S.-Russia tensions soar and war grinds on : worldnews
Russia Condemns Western Blackmail, Threats At G20 Meeting
Attempts By West To Take Revenge - Russia As India Hosts G20 Ministers
Modi Most Loved Among World Leaders Italian Right Wing PM Meloni Says : worldnews
Russia delivers third S-400 system to India : worldnews
India Embraces Digital Payments Over Cash, Even for a 10-Cent Chai. : worldnews ... India is on track to become one of the largest Cash-less societies as more people adopt the UPI system that allows one person via QRcode to transfer money instantly to a shopkeeper, malls or any product without additional fees like a credit-card would charge a store owner.

Markets Brace for Pakistan Default Risk as $7 Billion Debt Looms : anime_titties

Taliban use fingerprints, gun records to hunt down Afghans who assisted US before 2021 takeover, says new report : worldnews

Turkey taken to International Court for crimes against humanity
Turkey Faces Challenge Beyond Comprehension To Clear Earthquake Rubble
Turkish soccer fans who chanted anti-government slogans banned from stadium : worldnews

Al Qaeda leader in Yemen killed in airstrike attributed to US - report : worldnews
British navy seizes Iranian boat carrying missiles, parts for Yemen rebels : worldnews

Iran Schoolgirls Allegedly Targeted With Poisonings To Stop Them From Going To School : worldnews
Wave of poison attacks on schoolgirls alarms Iranians : worldnews
Iran: Dozens of schoolgirls taken to hospital after new gas poisonings : worldnews

Israel's Window to Strike Iran Narrows as Putin Enters Equation - Iran seeks S400 air defenses from Russia which would make an attack harder
Israel's Window to Strike Iran Narrows as Putin Enters Equation
Weeks of anti-government protests in Israel turned violent on Wednesday for the first time as police fired stun grenades and a water cannon at demonstrators who blocked a Tel Aviv highway. The crackdown came shortly after Israels hard-line national security minister urged a tough response
Israeli police clash with anti-Netanyahu protesters : worldnews
Police rescue Sara Netanyahu as protesters accost her at Tel Aviv hair salon : worldnews
Israel should wipe out Palestinian town of Huwara, says finance minister
US slams Israeli ministers disgusting comments about Palestinian village.
Israelis donate over NIS 1 million for Palestinian victims of settler rampage : worldnews
Head of anti-LGBT party slams Netanyahu, leaves government : worldnews

Nato boss Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine to join bloc in long term
On March 1st, the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled more than 170 enemy attacks in 5 directions. General Staff Report information as of 06.00 March 02. : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 372, Part 1 (Thread #513) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 02.03 +715 +3
General Staff: Ukraine repels more than 170 Russian attacks. The Ukrainian military repelled over 170 Russian attacks in five areas over the past 24 hours in northeastern and eastern Ukraine, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces reported on March 2.

Ukraine Reports Russian Missile Strikes Residential Building : worldnews

Two drones attack military base in Crimea, Russian media acknowledges : worldnews

Ukraine war: Over 100 Russian tanks destroyed in fighting in Vuhledar, says Kyiv : worldnews

(3/5) Daytime soil temperatures have risen and are now largely above freezing. As experienced since mid-February 2023, overnight freeze and daytime thaw remains likely until next week.
(5/5) It is almost certain that by late-March, CCM will be at its worst following the final thaw. This will add further friction to ground operations and hamper the off-road movement of heavier armoured vehicles, especially over churned-up ground in the Bakhmut sector.

Russian saboteur disguised as a EU citizen caught in Rivne. He planned to blow up a critical railroad section. : ukraine
Ukraines Security Service exposes lieutenant colonel who supports 'Russian world

1/ Russia appears to have recently removed a span of the Kerch railway bridge to Crimea, presumably to carry out repairs following the (likely Ukrainian) bomb attack on the bridge last October. Heres why this is significant.

Anime-inspired teenage gangs that originated in Moscow plaguing streets of Ukraines cities, Kyiv says

Torture chambers in Ukraines Kherson financed by Russia - war crimes probe
At least 20 torture centers in Kherson were directly financed by the Kremlin, international lawyers say in a new report : worldnews

If the US is not behind Nord Stream explosions, it should have no reason to block a UN investigation : anime_titties (says Xi the liar)

Eurozone inflation drops to 8.5% in February: Eurostat : worldnews

Little Mermaid in Denmark vandalised with colours of Russian flag : worldnews

Poland plans mandatory fitness tests for schoolchildren : worldnews

Romania debuts worlds first AI government adviser

Death toll keeps rising in Greeces deadliest train crash
Human error to blame for train crash - Greek PM : worldnews

Hungarys ruling party to back Finland and Swedens NATO bid

A case in Switzerland may unravel how Russian president Vladimir Putin hides his enormous assets

Ex-chancellor Schroder not penalized for Russian ties | The SPD body said it could not beestablished with sufficient certainty that Schroder had infringed on any principles, party rules or statutes.
Ukrainian youth will be allowed to complete Swiss apprenticeships : worldnews
German Court Places Limits On Mass Surveillance Enabled By Peter Thiels Palantir Software ... If theres a sewage pool anywhere in the world, Peter Theil can be found wallowing in it.

MI5 missed significant opportunity to prevent Manchester Arena bombing (
Babys Remains Found After Missing British Aristocrat Nabbed With Partner

A new Moai, one of Easter Islands iconic statues, was found in the bed of a dry laguna in a volcano crater, the Indigenous community that administers the site on the Chilean island has said

Eduardo Mendua, Ecuadorian Who Fought Oil Extraction on Indigenous Land, Is Shot to Death

Panamas Supreme Court rules against same-sex marriages

Canadians Fume as Migrants Surge at Their Border - The New York Times A surge in illegal crossings from the United States has led to calls to shut down a rural road on the Canadian border.

UN urged to intervene over destruction of US abortion rights : politics

US Air Force fires leaders for failing nuclear safety inspection : politics
To lower military suicides, Pentagon panel advises waiting periods on guns and more : politics

Heres why Bidens new cyber strategy is notable ... The strategy calls for security regulations, moves to hold software manufacturers liable for insecurity and signals that the administration will stay on offense against malicious hackers

Biden set for first veto on Senate bill opposing climate-friendly investing. Two Democratic senators joined with GOP lawmakers to pass the bill, revealing how vulnerable incumbents can be recruited to oppose climate policies ... Tester and Manchin does not surprise me

Biden begins push for funding for pandemic fraud measures : politics

Millions could see cuts to food stamps as federal pandemic aid ends : politics
White House proposes $1.6 billion to combat historic covid aid fraud

Binance Is a Hotbed of Illegal Activity, Bipartisan US Senators Allege

Supreme Court will not hear case to oust Biden, reinstate Trump : politics (Alito is unhappy)

The Supreme Court justices deciding whether to axe Bidens student loan relief program paid an average of $42,539 to go to college. Today, theyd have to pay around $320,531.
Biden administration lawyer may have saved student loan forgiveness plan at Supreme Court : politics

A 4-Day Work Week Bill Is Being Reintroduced in the House as Idea Gains Speed - Rep. Mark Takano is reintroducing a bill that would hack eight hours off of the standard work week. : politics

Joe Biden rallies Democrats in glimpse of possible re-election campaign | Joe Biden | The Guardian
Opinion | Give Kamala Harris the Credit She Is Due - The New York Times

Congress Suddenly Wants to Know If US Taxpayers Were Helping El Chapo : politics

Senate votes to overturn Biden administration retirement investment rule Republicans decry as woke ... The Senate passed a politically charged resolution on Wednesday to overturn a Biden administration retirement investment rule that allows managers of retirement funds to consider the impact of climate change and other environmental, social and governance factors when picking investments.

Finally, Democrats appear ready to wage war on Fox News ... his is a seminal moment in the history of mass media. And we need to treat it that way
Fox News election fraud revelations could take down the network's embattled chief

The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook ... Donald Trumps legal troubles is that they exist not because federal agents are out to get him, but despite the fact that the FBI is full of Trump supporters who would really like to leave him alone.
The FBI is still Trumpland
Christopher Wray is getting away with doing a lousy job ... Wray, a Trump appointee ...

Two U.S. Capitol Police officers and 11 Democratic House members are seeking to hold Donald Trump liable for injuries they suffered during the riot

Trump successfully chilled FBI from being willing to investigate anything related to him: Peter Strzok
Justice Department pushes back on Trumps sweeping claims of presidential immunity for January 6 speech

Trumps loosening grip on GOP defines early 2024 campaign
Trump Will Sell Out Jared Kushner and Ivanka, Kirschner Predicts

Kellyanne Conway Meets With Prosecutors as Trump Inquiry Escalates : politics

Pentagon official calls out Gaetz at hearing. See the moment : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely blames Biden for fentanyl deaths under Trump : politics
Biden mocks Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Isnt she amazing?
Joe Biden says Marjorie Taylor Greene is helping Democrats recruit GOP support
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Conservatives Need Their Own Safe Space

The GOP Is Weaponizing LibsOfTikToks Anti-Woke Hate

Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state | WFLA
Ron DeSantis Is On A Mission To Make Florida Dumb, And Its Spreading
DeSantis Cronies Force College to Close Diversity Office : politics
Ron DeSantiss final solution to the (((woke))) question ... We are making Florida the state where the economy flourishes because we are the state where woke goes to die.
Disney-backed Florida legislator proposes major expansion of Dont Say Gay law ... bill that would, among other things, ban the use of pronouns that dont align with a students or employees sex at birth.
Florida man dies from brain-eating amoeba after rinsing sinuses with tap water: report | WFLA

Feds arrest Michigan man who plotted to kill Jewish elected officials : politics
Michigan AG says she was among those targeted in plot to kill Jewish members of state government : politics

Representative George Santos now under investigation by House Ethics panel
House Ethics Committee Opens Inquiry Into George Santos - The New York Times The House Ethics Committee unanimously voted to authorize an investigation into whether Mr. Santos broke various laws or engaged in sexual misconduct.

/u/and_dont_blink provides some highlights from Lori Lightfoots time in office (dumb and bad)
and_dont_blink comments on Lori Lightfoot becomes the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose re-election

Top Arizona GOPer Sonny Borrelli Was Involved in Second Domestic Violence Incident, Police Reports Show Sonny Borrelli, the head of Arizonas Senate Republicans, called 911 during a 2004 incident that left his then-wife in the hospital covered in blood.
Top Arizona GOPer Was Involved in 2nd Domestic Violence Incident, Police Reports Show : politics
Arizona Senate Panel Ignores Own Attorney, OKs Bills Attacking Trans Students and Drag Queens : politics

Texas Republican wants ISPs to block a wide range of abortion websites : politics

GOP congressman faces censure vote from Texas Republicans for gun-control vote - The Washington Post

Dallas Morning News Fires Reporter for Calling Mayor 'Bruh' on Twitter - D Magazine Dallas Morning News Fires Reporter for Calling Mayor Bruh on Twitter - Meghan Mangrum moved to Dallas to cover education

Lawmaker Proposes Hanging on a Tree as Execution Method ... Paul Sherrell (R-Sparta, TN)
A state lawmaker suggested hanging by a tree to execute death row inmates. Now hes apologizing.

New York City mayor flunks test on separation of church and state : politics
Topeka Mayors Advice for Eric Adams: Learn Humility (Adams: "no way")

Murdaugh guilty
Jury quickly finds Murdaugh guilty of murder of wife, son | AP News ... The jury deliberated for less than three hours ... After the verdict was read, the defense moved to have a mistrial declared and the outcome tossed out, but Judge Clifton Newman denied the motion and commented on the massive amount of evidence and testimony jurors heard ... He blamed his decadeslong addiction to opioids for making him paranoid, creating a distrust of police
Jury Finds Murdaugh Guilty of Killing Wife and Son - The New York Times The verdict came more than 20 months after the June 2021 fatal shootings. On the stand, the prominent South Carolina lawyer admitted to lying and stealing but tearfully denied the murders.
Both sides use trove of cell data at Alex Murdaugh trial | AP News
Bubba, Buster, Paw-Paw - whos who in Murdaugh murder trial
The Corrupt World Behind the Murdaugh Murders | The New Yorker In isolated, poor regions of South Carolina, coming from an elite family offered a feeling of impunity. Did this license lead Alex Murdaugh to commit fraud after fraudand then kill his wife and son?

Texas GOP Bill Gives Tax Cuts to Heterosexual Parents - A new proposal would give massive breaks to large families, but only if the parents are straight property owners who've never been divorced.

rogueblades comments on Tennessee Governor Bill Lee back before he had a huge problem with guys dressing up in drag...

Hershey put a trans woman on a candy bar, and some customers are calling for a boycott

Parents push back on allegations against St. Louis transgender center. Im baffled ... Explosive allegations made public last month about a St. Louis clinic that treats transgender children have flung parents into a vortex of emotions: shock, confusion, anger, fear ... The idea that nobody got information, that everybody was pushed toward treatment, is just not true. Is devastating. I'm baffled by it ... Almost two dozen parents of children seen at the clinic, which opened in 2017, say their experiences sharply contradict the examples supplied by Jamie Reed, a case manager who left the WU center after being employed there for more than four years.
Those priors wont confirm themselves! Bari Weisss awful but lucrative group blog recently published a lurid, unsubstantiated first-person account of misconduct at a Missouri gender care center.

Eschaton: But There Was An Affadavit But There Was An Affadavit - A random person claiming to be aware of kids identifying as helicopters were being rushed through treatment (I don't know what hormones you give to kids who identify as helicopters) got our Sensible Centrists (Just ASKING QWESCHINS - OH LOOK FINALLY THE ANSWER I WANTED) very excited ... Ludicrous claims about trans clinics also echo the ludicrous claims made about abortion clinic practices for decades by the same lunatics, and the same centrists fell for them then. You know, they kill babies after they're born and the doctors eat the fetal material. That kind of thing. Jon Chait, in particular, spent a couple days badgering people saying, basically, "I'm not saying it's true, but what if it is???? CHECK MATE, LIBS."
The Useful Idiots Fueling the Right-Wing Transphobia Panic

Sorry, Twitter. Elon Found His Next Shiny Object. - The Washington Post ... Twitter stands little hope of becoming a financial or cultural success under Musk as he continues to drain the online platform of talent, revenue sources and integrity. His latest antic has been to deflect criticism of Dilbert creator Scott Adams for a bizarre and racially offensive tirade on YouTube and blame the media for being racist instead ... Musk has been approaching artificial intelligence researchers in recent weeks amid the explosion of attention around ChatGPT to look into forming a new research lab.
U.S. regulators rejected Elon Musks bid to test brain chips in humans, citing safety risks
Eschaton: Oh, Elon A big Tesla "INVESTOR DAY" presentation which was 4 hours of arglebargle.

Starbucks committed egregious violations in battling union, judge rules - The judge's order requires the company to stop a long list of behaviors and reinstate workers who began a nationwide union drive ... chief executive Howard Schultz

Massachusetts governor budgets for free community college : politics

After being targeted by white supremacists, a N.H. business owner criticized police. The chief held it against her. - The Boston Globe ... Franklin Police Chief David Goldstein took exception to her remarks (bad copster)

How I Changed My Mind on Social Media and Teen Depression Randomized experiments and cross-national data argue that phones are making kids miserable
Honestly, it's probably the phones - The most plausible explanation for teenage unhappiness.

How a Texas girl scared of school shootings was punished

A Guide On Black Mental Health - Treatment Over Incarceration

Adidas has $500 million worth of Kanye sneakers and no good options - The Washington Post ... Celebrities, political leaders and Jewish organizations condemned the artist and called out Adidas, which was slower to act than his other business partners. Balenciaga, JPMorgan Chase and other companies had ended relationships with him weeks earlier, and Gap announced it would no longer carry his products.

Once the Worlds Largest, a Hotel Goes Poof! Before Our Eyes The Hotel Pennsylvania in Manhattan was a virtual city within a city. But in the end, nothing could save it.

The Good Life apparently requires other people Being alone might feel better sometimes, but according to a study of happiness, we need others to thrive

More than half of the world will be overweight or obese by 2035 - report : worldnews

Ice Age Europeans found refuge in Spain, doom in Italy | AP News : worldnews
Genetic origins, singularity, and heterogeneity of Basques

Scientists discover hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza : worldnews
Scientists discover corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza : worldnews

Bostons police oversight office has yet to uphold a single civilian complaint

ELI5: How do internet domains work? Who are you paying? : explainlikeimfive


Seabirds deliberately avoid wind turbine rotor blades offshore, new study finds. During two years of monitoring using cameras and radar, not a single bird was recorded colliding with a rotor blade. : worldnews

EPA to award $250 million in IRA funds to reduce climate pollution | The Hill

Drugmaker Eli Lilly caps the cost of insulin at $35 a month, bringing relief for millions : worldnews

Wray publicly comments on the FBIs position on COVIDs origins, adding political fire
COVID-19 conspiracies soar after latest report on origins : politics

No Human-to-human Bird Flu Transmission Found In Cambodia: Officials : worldnews
Bird flu victim had virus with mutations that made it better adapted to human cells : worldnews

BlackSky details building of Chinas secret naval base in Cambodia

South Koreas Yoon says Japan changed from aggressor to partner

Taiwan says 25 Chinese planes, 3 ships sent toward island : worldnews

China's Imports of Russian Uranium Spark Fear of New Arms Race - Russian nuclear fuel deliveries to a new Chinese reactor are raising US concerns about the potential to produce weapons-grade plutonium
What could Chinese artillery and ammunition mean for Putins war in Ukraine?
Chinas collapsing birth and marriage rates reflect a peoples deep pessimism
Global Bird Flu Outbreak Leaves China Facing Baby Chick Shortage : worldnews
Chinas CCP warns Elon Musk against sharing Wuhan lab leak report ("sharing" = having an opinion on Twitter +Elon totally owned by Xi)
Chinese banks try to revive housing market with mortgages for 95-year-olds : worldnews

Russia not a responsible nuclear power for suspending new START treaty - U.S. official : worldnews
The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Russians have become less supportive of the war, but mostly still support their leadership because of the strong influence of Russian propaganda." / Twitter Russians have become less supportive of the war, but mostly still support their leadership because of the strong influence of Russian propaganda.
Moscow accuses Ukraine of multiple attempted drone strikes deep inside Russian territory : worldnews
Moscow Accuses US of Preparing a Toxic Chemicals Provocation in Ukraine
Putin living in fear as Ukrainian drone strikes edge closer to Moscow : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Russia fines Wikipedia for publishing facts instead of Kremlin war propaganda : worldnews

Russia, So Desperate for Armor, Is Digging Up Ancient Soviet Amphibious Vehicles : worldnews

Russia debates penalties for discrediting military

Russia's s oil and gas revenue plunged 40% in January as western sanctions take a toll, IEA says ... feeling the squeeze of western sanctions, the International Energy Agency said ... Our expectation is that this oil and gas revenue decline will be steeper in the next months to comeIEA chief Fatih Birol said.
Russias oil and gas revenue plunged 40% in January as western sanctions take a toll, IEA says

Russian Man Arrested for Daughters Anti-War Drawing
Russian schoolgirl who drew an anti-war drawing was sent to an orphanage, and her father was detained : worldnews

Nearly 2 million barrels of Russian diesel are stranded at sea because no one wants to buy them : worldnews

Russia delivers the 3rd regiment of S-400 to India : worldnews
India, worlds largest democracy, leads global list of internet shutdowns

Soldiers from neighboring Eritrea went house to house killing villagers in Ethiopias Tigray region, witnesses say

Uganda will propose a new anti-gay bill on Wednesday, the speaker of the countrys parliament said, as conspiracy theories accusing shadowy international forces of promotinghomosexuality flood social media

ISIS Women Accused of Turning Boys as Young as 13 Into a Human Stud Farm : anime_titties

UN atomic agency confirms Iran has enriched uranium close to weapons grade : worldnews
The scope of Trumps failed Iran policy comes into sharper focus | As Irans nuclear program advances, it's important to understand just how spectacularly Donald Trump's policy failed and in turn created the current mess.
Gas Attacks On 10 Girls Schools In Iran, Over 100 Hospitalised: Report

Putin paying Palestinians to fight in Ukraine : worldnews

Israel: Protesters launch nationwide day of disruption against justice overhaul
Day of disruption: Tel Aviv protest against judiciary reform turns violent
Israel has angered its closest supporters
Trumps former ambassador to Israel slams Bibis judicial overhaul plan
Israel should wipe out Palestinian town of Huwara, says senior minister
Video: How an Israeli Raid on a Safe House Ended With Civilians Killed - The New York Times A New York Times analysis of videos shows how an Israeli raid to capture Palestinian gunmen rippled into one of the most violent encounters in the West Bank in decades.
Inscription bearing Persian King Darius the Greats name discovered in Israel

The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About : As Putin began his invasion of Ukraine, a network used throughout Europe -- and by the Ukrainian militaryfaced an unprecedented cyberattack that doubled as an industrywide wake-up call.
The Ukrainian government is initiating a self-audit of its legislation for compliance with the European Union in order to start negotiations on accession to the EU as soon as possible
Providing Ukraine with the supplies it needs to force a Russian military collapse is the shortest path to peace
General Staff: Ukraine repels more than 85 Russian attacks over past day. Ukrainian forces repelled over 85 Russian attacks in five areas in the past 24 hours in northeastern and eastern Ukraine, the General Staff of Ukraines Armed Forces reported on March 1

How Russia Lost an Epic Tank Battle, Repeating Earlier Mistakes - The New York Times A three-week fight in the town of Vuhledar in southern Ukraine produced what Ukrainian officials say was the biggest tank battle of the war so far, and a stinging setback for the Russians ... Russia had lost at least 130 tanks and armored personnel carriers in the battle.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 371, Part 1 (Thread #512) : worldnews

Russian losses per 01/03. +650 men +7 tanks +8 APCs +10 artillery pieces +1 MRLS +4 UAVs

Ukraine Says Intensity of Bakhmut Fighting Only Increasing
Views of Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast

Pro-Ukrainian activists in Crimea are turning Russian Zwastikas into blue and yellow hourglasses to remind the Russian occupants their time is running out
At about 2:30, three explosions were heard in the area of Evpatoriia, occupied Crimea

Today, we can say that Russias energy blackmail has failed: EU looks set to end the winter heating season with its gas storage facilities more than half full, despite a huge drop in Russian pipeline gas supplies, says EU energy commissioner Kadri Simson.

Finnish parliament passes NATO bill : worldnews

Hungarys president calls on parliament to ratify Nordics NATO bid

At least 32 dead, 85 injured as trains collide in Greece : worldnews
At least 26 dead, 85 injured after trains collide in northern Greece : worldnews

Serbia handed over 3,500 missiles to Ukraine for Grad MLRS,

Germany: Ex-Nazi camp guard dies, ending case against him | The 99-year-old was under investigation over suspected complicity in the murders that took place at the Ravensbruck Nazi concentration camp, where tens of thousands of women were killed.

Swiss bankers face trial accused of helping Putin's friend transfer cash

Peru police find pre-Hispanic mummy in ex-delivery mans bag

Forced labour vineyards in Brazil expose modern slavery : worldnews

Canadian government urged to test sick patients for herbicide | Herbicides : worldnews

US seeks allies backing for possible China sanctions over Ukraine war

Havana syndrome not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary, intelligence review finds
Havana syndrome not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary, intelligence review finds

Five Things to Know About Long Shot Push for 585-Member US House : politics

Fox Stars Privately Expressed Disbelief About Election Fraud Claims.Crazy Stuff
Rupert Murdoch isnt sinking the Fox News legal case. Heres why.
Fox Leaders Wanted to Break From Trump but Struggled to Make It Happen - The New York Times Executives and top hosts found themselves in a bind after Donald Trump began pushing unfounded claims about election fraud, court filings show.
Murdoch, exposed - It's not a secret that Fox News is a political operation seeking to bolster the prospects of Republicans.

McCarthy, GOP pump brakes on release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson | The Hill
Senior McCarthy aide, House Oversight chairman each met with mother of Jan. 6 rioter Ashli Babbitt

Showdown before the raid: FBI agents and prosecutors argued over Trump : politics ... This account reveals for the first time the degree of tension among law enforcement officials and behind-the-scenes deliberations as they wrestled with a national security case that has potentially far-reaching political consequences. (refuck traitor FBI)

The former president is assailing his primary opponents for entertaining entitlement cuts in the past and exacerbating divisions among Hill Republicans in the process.
Trumps enablers must face consequences, too

Garland promises free rein for prosecutors probing Hunter Biden - POLITICO attorney general pledges broad autonomy for U.S. attorney

House Oversight Chair Laments That Joe Bidens Dead Son Was Never ProsecutedFuming that the Trump-appointed attorney probing Hunter Biden hasnt yet brought up charges, Comer then invoked Beau Biden and wondered why he wasnt indicted at some point.
White House Livid Over Republicans Attack on Biden Dead Soncompletely inappropriate. Its ugly White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said of Rep. James Comers comments
every american president, but theyre all cool and they all sport a mullet - 46. Joe Biden

President Alito to deny you student loan relief ... Their position is that the president cant use the legal authority explicitly given to it by Congress because they dont like the policy choice Congress made.
Matt Ford on Twitter: "Roberts says the Biden order "modified" student-loan programs in the same way that the French Revolution "modified" the status of the French nobility." / Twitter

Republicans keep forgetting who the U.S. president was in 2020 : politics

Khanna, Deluzio Unveil Derail Act to Prevent Another Disaster Like East Palestine
GOP urges no burdensome regulations on freight rail, after derailment
After Weeks of Fake Outrage Over East Palestine, Republicans Push to Weaken Water Protection : politics

Rep. Lauren Boebert Gets Absolutely Schooled By Jamie Raskin Using Trumps Own Words

DeSantis Promises Florida Will Control Disney Content : politics
DeSantis is championing medical freedom. GOP state lawmakers like what they see. (freedom to kill)
Florida Republican pitches bill to ban the state Democratic Party The Ultimate Cancel Actwould cancel the filings of any party that previously advocated forslavery, which the Democratic Party did more than 150 years ago. (who are all Refucklicans now)
The Laboratories of Democracy

Another Lab Experiment - Nearly eight years after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage and several months after Congress codified gay nuptials, Iowa legislators proposed banning such unions in their state constitution

Fun Times from the American Past

Corruption of Blood - A bill to ban donors who have received the COVID-19 vaccination from giving blood will decimate blood supply in Montana and leave patients at risk of even death, said opponents of House Bill 645.

Life in Gilead - Multiple pregnancies are inherently risky, and selective reduction can increase the chance of a live birth or births. But now, almost all abortions are illegal in Texas ... trisomy 18 ... Time for another Amy Coney Barrett monologue about how abortion bans are no big deal because you can just drop the baby off at the bus station, and since babies are just born immediately after conception with no health complications that solves everything. (refuck war on women)

New College conservative board votes to abolish DEI office : politics (DeathSantis)

Burning Books and Destroying Education on the Path to Fascist Dictatorship -- From Nazi Germany to the Pinochet regime in Chile, global parallels with where this type of repression leads should set off alarms. : politics
Democrats win all 3 state house special elections : politics

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Falls Short In Bid For Second Term | HuffPost Latest News The defeat of the Windy Citys first Black female mayor and first openly gay mayor speaks to the challenges facing major U.S. cities.
Lori Lightfoot becomes the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose re-election : politics

Less than 40% of registered voters in Tennessee turned out for the 2022 midterms. Tennessees voter turnout was 38.61%. More attention needs to be focused on the South.
Whiskey Fungus Fed by Jack Daniels Encrusts a Tennessee Town

Mississippi Bans Trans Youth From Seeking Gender-Affirming Care : politics

Push for clergy to report abuse stalls in deeply Mormon Utah : news (Latter-Day Pedos)

The Worst New York Democrat, a perpetual beer-holding competition - Never count Eric Adams out: "When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said to applause from hundreds of religious leaders gathered at an annual event in Manhattan ... Giuliani, Bloomberg, Adams ,,,
Outcry after New York mayor dismisses separation of church and state : politics
New York City Mayor Dismisses Separation Of Church And State : politics ... NYC really knows how to pick themselves an asshat for a mayor.

New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police - The New York Times The police boxed in racial justice demonstrators in 2020, an anti-protest practice known as kettling then hit them with batons and pepper spray. Hundreds will receive $21,500 each.

Sometimes Things Break: Twitter Outages Are on the Rise ... Elon Musks repeated job cuts (baby Muskfucker wrecks his toys)

Eschaton: This Young Whippersnapper Is Prematurely Wise The instititutional belief at the NYT is that they are super liberal but these kids today are making them more conservative by, you know, being trans and thinking black people can express opinions and stuff like that. A young guy saying, "Yes! The kids today are crazy! It's true we want to genocide the trans people, but only because they got so unreasonable!" confirms every dipshit thought they've ever had about anything.
Eschaton: Anything Else Going On? Every day at that fucking newspaper.

Racial Intolerance and Hate Are No Longer Banned on Coinbase - After helping spark techs backlash to Black Lives Matter, the crypto platform gutted its anti-racist safeguards.

Years Before Firing from University Job, Idaho Suspect Bryan Kohberger Was Problematic 'Fish Cutter' Employee -- Kohberger was trained by Conklin to cut and filet raw fish, using industry-standard knives.

The Witch Trials of J.K. RowlingHas Gone Off the Rails ... As every woman will know who speaks up on this issue, [theres been] a huge amount of, I want her to choke on my fat trans dick

Taking vitamin D supplements may help ward off dementia, according to a new, large-scale study. : science

5 Best High-risk Homeowners Insurance Companies of 2023 Learn more about the five best high-risk homeowners insurance companies for a better chance of protecting your property and its contents.


Antarctic sea ice likely shrunk to a record low last week, US researchers said Monday, its lowest extent in the 45 years of satellite record-keeping : worldnews

Norway: Thunberg joins Indigenous protests against turbines. The young environmental activist says green energy cannot come at the expense of human rights. A court order has deemed the turbines location in Norway illegal, as they disrupt Sami reindeer-herding traditions

Last of Irans endangered Asiatic cheetah cubs in captivity ... Yet another failing by the regime. They've consistently jailed environmental activists over the years, including Kavos Seyed Emami, who worked to protect Asiatic cheetahs.

Another humpback whale was spotted dead late Monday, floating near a shipping channel between New York and New Jersey, the 13th whale found in the two states in three months ... more whales appear to have found themselves in the direct path of more ships.

Industrial pollution key factor in poisoning of Oder river, finds EU

Rewilding Pennsylvania

Record number of countries enforced internet shutdowns in 2022 : worldnews

Little-known scientific team behind new assessment on covid-19 origins - The Washington Post Small shift in favor of lab leak theory was prompted by new data and group of weapons-lab scientists

Looming global health crisis: urgent action needed to prevent spread of drug-resistant superbugs, CSIRO says

Rooftop solar set to take mantle as Australias biggest power sourceas coal woes hasten

Japan to add Russias Wagner Group, others to sanction list over invasion

1 in 5 young Koreans suffers from snowballing debt : worldnews
Constitutional Court of Korea upholds law forcing school bullies to write a written apology to their victims : worldnews

North Koreas Kim Jong-un sounds alarm on agriculture amid reports of food shortages

Anna Netrebkos Taiwan concert canceled over her ties to Putin

After 959 days, Hong Kong is finally dropping their mask mandate, becoming the last major city to stop requiring masks indoors & outdoors. : worldnews

China very clearly taken Russia's side in war, says US
China Challenges Russia by Restoring Chinese Names of Cities on Their Border : worldnews ... China is in territorial disputes with its 16 neighbours and yes that includes its allies North Korea, Pakistan, and Russia of course.
China Challenges Russia by Restoring Chinese Names of Cities on Their Border
China Is Relentlessly Hacking Its Neighbors : worldnews
China says US overstretching concept of national security on TikTok ban -Chinese foreign ministry : worldnews ... Why is the chinese government concerned about whether or not another country's government allows some social media app on their employees phones? I wonder ...
As Chinas birth rate slumps, political advisor urges egg freezing for single women

No conditions for peace: Russia reacts to Chinas 12-point plan to end war ,,, The Russian foreign ministry on Friday thanked Chinese efforts but said that any settlement of the conflict needed to recognise Russia's control over four Ukrainian regions.
Kremlin complains of Scholz and Macron not contacting Putin at all lately : worldnews
Russia: Flights turned back from St. Petersburg : worldnews
Putin is a dictator. He doesnt need to save face in front of anyone to end his war in Ukraine. He could declare victory that he (1) stopped the NATO invading forces in Ukraine before they got to Russia (2) freed Donbas, (3) defended Crimea and end the war tomorrow -- Michael McFaul
A total Russian collapse is surprisingly close : UkrainianConflict

Putin lives with Russian gymnast and earns money through offshore company selling vodka
Video:Putin names some of the nationalities into which the Russian nation will collapse. : UkrainianConflict
Russia moves to criminalize Russophobia

The average life span of a Russian soldier in Ukraine is estimated at 60 days. Russian soldiers in Ukraine, on average, disappear in 60 days after being sent to the front,

From St. Petersburg To Tuapse: Russia In Turmoil Over Drone Attacks : UkrainianConflict
Drones fly deep inside Russia; Putin orders border tightened | AP News
Flurry of drone strikes hit Russia as TV, radio are hacked. One drone crashed just 60 miles from Moscow in an alarming development for Russian defenses : UkrainianConflict ,,, 25% of Russsia doesnt have indoor plumbing

Top Global Criminal Justice Diplomat Discusses Russia War Crimes : worldnews
Russia deports more than 16,000 children from Ukraine - PGO : worldnews
Poland to launch EU scheme for tracing Ukrainian children abducted by Russia : worldnews

THE PURGE: On the heels of a mysterious drone strike on a $300 million A-50 AWACS aircraft parked in Belarus, command of Russias air defense was transferred abruptly from the ground forces to the aero-space forces, led by General Surovikin. https://

I have relatives in Kharkiv who swore at us and said, that they would not communicate with us, Russian pigs, anymore. And I understand them perfectly ... We'll probably never understand the true breadth of anti-Russian sentiment within Russia. So these isolated videos are pure gold for that.
Elderly Russian woman blaming Putin for the world hating us goes viral

(3/7) On 26 February 2023, Belarusian partisan group BYPOL and exiled opposition leaders reported an A-50 MAINSTAY had sustained damaged from Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) attacks at Maschulishchy air base.
(7/7) This will likely leave 6 operational A-50s in service, further constraining Russian air operations.

Baza, Shot: drone crashes near Gazprom facility in Moscow region : worldnews

Russia has just one tank factory churning out 20 tanks a month, with demand outstripping production by a factor of ten, says report : worldnews

Explosions heard in Krasnodar Krai in Russia, oil refinery on fire : worldnews

Pakistan hospitals short on insulin, essential drugs as financial crisis hits healthcare system : worldnews

World bank estimates Turkey quake damage at $34 bln. : worldnews

Dubai-based Russian shipping company sanctioned : worldnews

Iran can make fissile material for a bomb in about 12 days - U.S. official
Belgian Jailed In Iran Forcibly Disappeared, Subjected To Torture
Iran schoolgirls poisoned as some people seek to stop education for girls, Iranian official says

Putin paying Palestinians in Lebanon refugee camps to fight in Ukraine : worldnews

Israel: Far-right MK Avi Maoz resigns from government : worldnews
Thousands of Israelis donate to Palestinian victims of riots : worldnews

Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States, has delivered an absolutely remarkable and historical speech on Ukraine and Russia at the at the United Nations Security Council. : UkrainianConflict
(58) WATCH: Blinken speaks at UN Security Council ministerial meeting on Ukraine - YouTube
Nato boss Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine to join bloc in long term
NATO chief says Ukraine will ultimately join alliance : worldnews
A senior manager from a major investment firm told me there will be no investments into rebuilding Ukraine if there is no ironclad security guarantee for Ukraine. Ukraine will have no security so long as Russia occupies Crimea.
Ukrainian Innovation in a War of Attrition - The average rate of Russian soldiers killed per month is at least 25 times the number killed per month in Chechnya and 35 times the number killed in Afghanistan, which highlight the stark realities of a war of attrition

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 370, Part 1 (Thread #511) : worldnews

Ukraine government organization +550 +3

Ukraine war: Zelensky says situation in Bakhmut worsening : worldnews
Ukraine says Bakhmut situation extremely tense as army battles elite Russian units
Russia tries to encircle Bakhmut amid mud of Ukraines Donetsk

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 370, Part 1 (Thread #511) : worldnews

Work to salvage parts from destroyed An-225 Mriya ongoing, Antonov General Designer says. MS Flight Simulator contributes to reconstruction fundraiser. : worldnews

Moldova expels 2 foreigners caught in destabilization plot

Finland begins building $597 million barbed wire fence on Russian border : worldnews

Scrounging for Tanks for Ukraine, Europe s Armies Come Up Short - The struggle to deliver on promises to provide Leopard 2 tanks for use against Russian forces has exposed just how unprepared European militaries are.
Scrounging for Tanks for Ukraine, Europe s Armies Come Up Short

Hungarian approval of Finnish Nato bid delayed yet again : worldnews

Russia starts pumping Kazakh oil to Germany, flows to Poland halted | Reuters : worldnews

Switzerland condemns Russian abuse of human rights : worldnews

Putins henchmen - Some members of the European Parliament continuously refuse to back resolutions against the Ukraine war. Novaya-Europe reveals their names and their connections with Russia
The war in Ukraine has made eastern Europe stronger - The Economist : UkrainianConflict
The war in Ukraine has made eastern Europe stronger | The Economist But will the EUs new balance of influence endure?

Macron plans noticeable reduction of French troops in Africa

Salisbury Novichok poisoning medics still traumatised
Boris Johnson dangles threat of rebellion over Northern Ireland deal | Brexit : worldnews
Women make up 40% of boards at top UK companies for first time : worldnews
Teachers strike: 200,000 to walk out in three days of industrial action over pay
Eggs and margarine drive food inflation to record 17.1% : worldnews (Putin the murderer)

Brazil allows two Iranian warships to dock in Rio despite US pressure : worldnews

US requests extradition of El Chapos son, Mexico says

Canada Bans TikTok from Government Devices, Following US and EU : worldnews

Ukraine war: Viral conspiracy theories falsely claim the war is fake - BBC News A number of US right-wing accounts with large followings posted a series of baseless claims that suggested the entire Ukraine war might be a hoax perpetrated by Western media and governments.
Ukraine war: Viral conspiracy theories falsely claim the war is fake : worldnews

Murcs Law as a school of international relations - Jeffrey Sachs has apparently gone the full Greenwald, and decided to let Chotiner interview him about his tankie views about Putins unprovoked imperialist aggression: (put Sacjs on the flaming wrong lying asshole list)

Biden Administration Urges Congress to Renew Spy Law - WSJ Officials say surveillance power once used chiefly to stymie terrorists is vital to combating hackers and rivals like China

National Poll: 71% of Democratic Voters Think Biden Should Be 2024 Nominee : politics
Biden sees surge in Dem backing for 2024 run, with support highest among the young: poll : politics

New TikTok ban is poised to advance in Congress : politics

Biden takes aim at Republican plans to cut health care benefits : politics
Report Shows Big Insurance Profiting Massively From Medicare Privatization | The seven largest for-profit insurance companies in the U.S. have seen their combined revenues from taxpayer-backed programs grow 500% over the past decade. : politics

The American Child Labor Regime

Supreme Court Skeptical of Bidens Student Loan Cancellation Plan
Supreme Court weighs Biden student loan plan worth billions : politics
A Challenge to Student Debt Relief : politics

SCOTUS Says Domestic Spying Is Too Secret To Be Challenged in Court : politics

Women are regarded as a fragile vessel: Dress code fighta back door to spread Christian theocracy A mandatoryskirt rule could give the Supreme Court a chance to further gut secular public education

Is the Supreme Court as extreme as the Trumpian 5th Circuit?A new case tests how far the 6-3 Republican majority will go ... The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a case that could help Republicans kneecap federal agencies, including one of the GOPs favorite targets: the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Will This Make Biden Acknowledge the Supreme Court Is Out of Control? : politics

Biden sketching dire picture of GOP desire to cut spending : politics

The House was supposed to grow with population. It didnt. Lets fix that.

Government watchdog report finds FBI, Capitol Police identified but didn't sharecredible threats before Jan. 6
Top Republicans question McCarthy over release of January 6 footage as speaker vows deliberate approach : politics
House GOP moving to let Jan. 6 defendants access Capitol security footage - POLITICO

Democrats push to end security exemption on Capitol Hill as Republicans demand the right to carry guns House Democrats are calling on President Joe Biden to name a new architect of the Capitol who will force members of Congress to go through security screenings.

Rupert Murdoch acknowledged that Fox News hosts endorsed stolen election claims | CNN Business : news
Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Hosts Endorsed Election Fraud Lie : politics
Rupert Murdoch Reveals Which Fox News Hosts 'endorsed' Election Fraud
Rupert Murdoch admitted some Fox commentators endorsed election lies
Rupert Murdochs big admission about Fox News

Rupert Murdoch gave Jared Kushner confidential information about Bidens 2020 ads before they were public, Dominion alleges
The other way Rupert Murdoch tried to tip the scales for Trump - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Handing Over The Ads To Jared Handing Over The Ads To Jared - The NYT buries that little nugget in a tiny paragraph way down in its coverage. Obviously all the Fox behavior is bad for an organization pretending to be a news organization under any reasonable definition of what that is, but that seems to be a headline ethical breach done by Uncle Rupert himself. Don't say it too loudly.

Trump Loses It Over Murdochs Admission About Election Lies ... Trump continued, pointing to Dinesh DSouzas conspiracy film 2000 Mules as evidence.
Feds Inadvertently Reveal Theyre Looking Into Trumps Shady Recount Campaign

Eschaton: Foxy One regular criticism of journalism you find on this very fine blog is that elite journalists tend to stand united in defense around the absolute worst of their profession. It isn't entirely clear to me why this is. The factors that determine club membership in any such club are often a bit complicated. There's Oliver Darcy, but I'm not confident his lead will be followed!
CNNs Oliver Darcy: Dominion filings prove Fox News knowingly lies to its viewers and is not at its core a news network
Eschaton: Now It's Time Simon was a semi-regular Fox guest for a time. Not all the time, but still. It's time for all of us to have THE conversation about Fox.

A Murdoch advisor said the booze had got to Giuliani following his unhinged rants about the 2020 election

Crying wont help you, praying wont do you no goodDonald Trump is going to be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee. This is becoming more evident by the day: (as the choice becomes clearer)

Kimmel Riffs on Rolling Stone Report That Trump Tried to Censor Him: President Karen Demanded to Speak to My Manager

Wearing a Ukraine flag is virtue-signalling like Covid mask,says Ted Cruz

Matt Gaetz Called Out for Citing Chinese Propaganda in Hearing : politics
Marjorie Taylor Greene Votes Against Mourning Victims Of Turkey-Syria Earthquakes : politics
Marjorie Taylor Greene 'attacked' by woman while at restaurant

The Reactionary Wing of the GOP, a story in two video clips
Underrecognized: Extremist murders are usually from right-wing actors - The Washington Post

Conspiracy Theorizing Goes Off the Rails : politics

Just how big is the Always Trump component of the Republican Party? - POLITICO about a third of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters still consider themselves supporters more of Trump than the Republican Party,

CPAC was once for the GOP fringe. Then the party shifted that way : politics
As CPACs head faces sexual assault claim, other leadership concerns emerge ... Matt Schlapp

The conservative battle against 'woke' banks is backfiring | States and cities fear that blacklisting financial giants for their climate policies will hurt their bottom line, because of reduced competition (

Trump easily beats DeSantis in GOP primary: poll : politics
New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party : politics ... if the partys platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.
Opinion | Florida Could Start Looking a Lot Like Hungary - The New York Times
The Never Ending Competence of the Florida Democratic Party

Louisiana anti-abortion group calls on doctors to stop denying care exempted by ban | Group speaks out after hospitals refused to offer treatment for a woman who had a near deadly miscarriage citing ambiguous law : politics

West Virginia, Florida make moves to undermine science education : politics
Book bans and restrictions are a losing issue for Republicans : politics
Arizona Senate bill to ban ewd or sexual books called unconstitutional by experts

Tennessees Taliban flips their wig over the gays. What makes these fundamentalist MAGA types so afraid of a man in a dress with make up on his face and a goddamn wig on his head?

Our state is at war with our family: Clergy with trans kids fight back: They say their childrens lives and religious liberty are threatened by bills in Missouri and elsewhere.

GOP lawmakers propose amending Iowa Constitution to ban gay marriage : politics

Arizona Republicans disavow wide-ranging bribery allegation : politics

Mississippi House votes to create an unelected, state-appointed court system within majority-Black Jackson : politics

DPS sent at least 3,000 drivers licenses to organized crime group targeting Asian Texans

SQ 820 supporters push back on hyperbolic rhetoric against marijuana vote in Oklahoma
Virginia fails to establish legal marijuana market : politics

George W. Bush's anti-HIV program is hailed asamazing and still crucial at 20
Republicans Want to Ban People Vaccinated for COVID From Donating Blood : politics
Covid denialism and the revisionist history of the pandemic

NYC Mayor Adams dismisses separation of church and state, declares himself a servant of God

Proposed Oregon law would give homeless, low income people $1,000 a month : politics

New bill would make it illegal in Florida to approach police officer after receiving warning : politics ... This is about getting people to stop filming cops. If you are filming a cop, they'll move towards you, say to get away, then they can arrest you for approaching a cop.

Jonathan Capehart quits WaPo editorial board, leaving no people of color ... after a dispute over an editorial about 2024 politics, leaving the paper with an all-white editorial board

The tech tycoon martyrdom charade ... VC Qanon ... It's impossible to overstate the degree to which many big tech CEOs and venture capitalists are being radicalized by living within their own cultural and social bubble.

Eschaton: So Much Straw Wonder what details will emerge about the campaign finance stuff. - Bankman-Fried, FTX's founder, pleaded not guilty to eight criminal charges filed against him in December. Prosecutors say he stole billions in FTX customer funds to plug losses at Alameda. He has acknowledged inadequate risk management, but says he did not steal funds.

Fighting Woke AI Musk Recruits Team to Develop OpenAI Rival

/u/jellofiend84 talks about discovering Scott Adams racist AIM handles years ago
Dropping the creator of Dilbertis free speech at work
Cartoonists say a rebuke of Dilbertcreator Scott Adams is long overdue

Scientists unveil plan to create biocomputers powered by human brain cells | Scientists unveil a path to drive computing forward: organoid intelligence, where lab-grown brain organoids act as biological hardware : science

Immune cells called microglia, which keep the brain free of debris but also contribute to inflammation, are the likely culprits behind concentration and memory problems ("chemo brain") that sometimes follow paclitaxel chemotherapy treatment, a new study in mice suggests. : science

Researchers are calling for exercise to be a mainstay approach for managing depression as a new study shows that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counselling or the leading medications : science

TIL renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wrights houses were famously leaky

Whats the craziest thing youve ever seen in Boston
Boston drivers, why are so many of you running red lights? : boston
A topless marijuana dispensary may be coming to Western Mass. : boston

whapxi describes the origin behind the use of "Caucasian" to describe Europeans. : bestof
Japhetites - Wikipedia
The Blessing of Whiteness in the Curse of Ham: Reading Gen 9:18-29 in the Antebellum South
Why do Americans use Caucasian to describe white people?
Five things you didnt know about the Caucasus

what has been your most bone-chilling, hair-raising, Lets getthe hell out of here experience?

What is a subtle sign someone isnt a good person?


The world is on track to overshoot 1.5 degrees of warming, so its time to study reflecting sun away from the earth, says UN

UN chief slams climate-wrecking firms at human rights body

See where Americans are at risk for hurricane winds, by Zip code - Washington Post 1 in 3 Americans may face risk by mid-century as winds are projected to reach further inland, northward

'We may not ever know' Fauci says origins of coronavirus may never be revealed, even as pandemic threats continue

No positive cases of Bird Flu detected Cambodia following the death of a 12-year-old girl. : worldnews

CDC warns about drug-resistant Shigella bacteria, stomach bug deemed "serious public health threat" - CBS News ... XDR Shigella, have shown resistance to all of the typically recommended frontline antibiotic treatments for bacteria: azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and ampicillin.

Australia uncovers Russian espionage ring, expels spies: Report : worldnews

Thai drug dealer had plastic surgery to look like Korean man, police say : worldnews

As Tokyo Electric Power Co. moves closer to discharging tons of stored water from its stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, local opposition has intensified and cries of betrayal are being heard : worldnews
With backing from business lobby, Japan PM calls for workers pay hikes

North Korea calls for 'rural revolution' amid worst food shortage in decades ... But Kim Jong Un has got to keep feeding his daughter, so she can grow up short and fat, with a bad haircut. That way she can surely be the next leader of North Korea.

China says U.S. endangered peace with Taiwan Strait fly-through ... But constantly sailing and flying into Taiwans territorry is not? What nonsense mongers authoritarian regimes are.
CIA chief: China has some doubt on ability to invade Taiwan : worldnews

China considers sending artillery and ammunition to Russia, U.S. officials say : worldnews
US says China will face real costs if it supplies Russia with lethal aid for war in Ukraine
U.S. warns China that helping Russia in war in Ukraine would alienate it from world
U.S. Renews Warning To China About Providing Lethal Weapons To Russia For War In Ukraine : worldnews
China accuses U.S. of disinformationover warnings its considering sending artillery and ammo to Russia
China aims to launch 13,000 satellites to suppressStarlink
China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015, report finds | China : worldnews

Ex-husband and relatives charged with murder of Hong Kong model Abby Choi as body parts found : worldnews

UN chief: Russia unleashed widespread death, destruction and displacement with Ukraine invasion
Russia ditches nuclear security amid China visit,dangerous decade ahead, expert warns
CIA director: Putin too confident he can grind down Ukraine : worldnews ... Putin is the chief asshole of the world. He can take credit for murdering tens of thousands of people, Russians and Ukrainians. Also Georgians, Chechens, Syrians. Hundreds of thousands of people dead, millions of lives impacted all over the world.
Dissident Russians Protest Even as Putin's Repression Reaches New Heights The Russian state is doing more than ever to crush dissent ... Political repression in Russia has reached unprecedented levels, jumping far above even the staggering baseline reached since the start of Putins fourth term in 2018.
Ukrainian Nobel peace laureate calls for special tribunal to try Putin : worldnews
Volodymyr Zelenskyy predicts Putin will fall to own people: Russians will find a reason to kill the killer

Calls it a war. Admits that russia started it. A dose of reality I wasnt expecting from this source. The myths though. He hasnt been to the front and there's been no great reset of the russian armed forces.
Putin gives US actor Seagal top state award for humanitarian work

The mobilized are purportedly sent on meatassaults, according to Russian terrorist Igor Girkin. These actions of the Russian command imply a large number of losses, so they are forced to hide and underestimate the real numbers of the dead.

@bellingcat : Today is the eighth anniversary of Boris Nemtsovs murder. A year ago, we released an investigation that showed he was followed by the same assassination squad that poisoned Navalny up until a week before his murder

Anti-war partisans in Belarus claim to have damaged Russian plane | Belarus : worldnews
Explained: The Most Successful Sabotage Operation Against Russia During the Full-Scale Invasion

A time bomb: Indias sinking holy town faces grim future ... The holy town was built on piles of debris left behind by years of landslides and earthquakes.
Samsung may shift its next-gen foldable phone production to India : worldnews

Magnitude 5.6 quake hits Turkey; more buildings collapse : worldnews
Turkish soccer fans challenge Erdogan over quake response: During some of the first football games after the deadly earthquake, supporters of major clubs have called for the government's resignation : worldnews

Iran Experiencing New Strikes, Protests As Rial Keeps Falling : worldnews
CIA director says Russia is offering to help Iran's advanced missile program in exchange for military aid : worldnews ... Sure makes the Israelis refusing Ukraine military aid look pretty stupid now, doesnt it?

Israeli settlers rampage through Huwara; Palestinian killed - The Washington Post
We need burning villages: Israeli coalition lawmaker backs settler rampage ... the same guy that says that he wants to put the anti-government protesters in jail. A real piece of work, from Ben-Gvir's party
Damage revealed the morning after Israeli settlers riot in Hawara : worldnews ... According to the Palestinian authorities, 66 Palestinians died in the two months since the beginning of 2023, from IDF or settler gunfire, a staggering figure that causes concern among Israeli security officials
Israel beefs up troops after unprecedented settler rampage : worldnews (after doing nothing)
Secret Hezbollah gold trade in South America foiled by Israeli intelligence : worldnews

You add it together--and this was a very good week in cementing US support for Ukraine (as long as the Dems/Biden remain in power).
Phillips P. OBrien on Twitter: "Pres Biden seems to tweet daily about his identification with and support of Ukraine. This shows just how important it is to him personally and I would argue politically." / Twitter
US: Crimea Remains Part of Ukraine, RetakingRussian-Held Areas Top Concern
Zelensky has fired Major General Eduard Moskaliov, commander of the joint forces in Donbas : worldnews
Ukraine to prevail, were already building peaceful future -- Chief Rabbi of Ukraine
Russian occupation authorities prepare to flee from Kherson Oblast

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 369, Part 1 (Thread #510) : worldnews

Paul Jawin on Twitter: "The joint work of the Self-propelled Howitzer Battalion and mortars of the 1st mechanized battalion of the 3rd assault brigade." / Twitter (17 dead Russians)

Bakhmut - Show this to those idiots who say they havent seen any war footage.
(4/4) Although widely devasted earlier in the war, Mariupol is important to Russia because it is the. largest city Russia captured in 2022 that it still controls, and sits on a key logistics route.

More Than 1,800 Ukrainian POWs Have Been Freed During the Year of War

Arrests in Bulgaria after 18 Afghan migrants found dead in a truck : worldnews

German minister warns of massivedanger from Russian hackers | Nancy Faeser says Ukraine war has exacerbated German cybersecurity concerns

Media: alleged embezzled millions from Lebanon ended up in Swiss banks : worldnews

UK, EU Seal New Post-Brexit Deal on Northern Ireland Trade
Minimum marriage age rises to 18 in England and Wales : worldnews

First 2000 inmates moved to El Salvador's new gangster prison - President Nayib Bukele, who has declared a "war" on gangs, claims Center for the Confinement of Terrorism is largest mega-prison in Americas. : worldnews

Cocaine worth $330m found in Ecuador banana shipment : worldnews

Mexico protests: Huge crowds rally against electoral reform : worldnews
Mexican president claims he has proof of mythical woodland elf : worldnews

How the Fed Opened Pandora's Box - Jerome H. Powell's no-holds-barred response to the pandemic was made possible by history. It raises questions about the future. (undermined their hands-off austerity myth)

A financial disaster for millions of Americans could arise if the Supreme Court strikes down Bidens student-loan forgiveness, Elizabeth Warren details in a new report
Supreme Court to Rule on Student Loan Relief: What to Know : politics

Supreme Court to Take Up Case on Fate of Consumer Watchdog - The New York Times A decision against the bureau could cast doubt on every rule and enforcement action the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has taken.

Sanders Pushes Biden to Embrace Social Security Expansion It is not enough to point out the reactionary, anti-worker vision of the Republican Party,the democratic socialist senator stressed. We have to present a positive, pro-worker alternative

President Bidens Succession Problem ... The last president to die of natural causes while in office was Roosevelt. He was only 63 when he died, 82 days into his fourth term. (let voters decide)
Presidential election rematches - Right now its looking quite likely that the 2024 presidential election will be feature the same two major party candidates as in 2020. This is very unusual: in fact its happened only once in the 30 presidential elections since 1900 -- in 1956, when Eisenhower faced Adlai Stevenson for the second election in a row.

Safety concerns raised over Kevin McCarthy giving Tucker Carlson exclusive Jan 6. footage : politics
Fox News Rejects Ad From Progressive Group Highlighting Stars Damning Texts - The MoveOn ad features messages from Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity blasting the baseless election fraud conspiracies being peddled by Team Trump.
How do you say liability in Australian?

FBI arrests man dubbed Sedition Panda for allegedly storming Capitol wearing bear head - Jesse James Rumson was arrested in Florida on Monday and charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding an officer, among other offenses.

Figure it out: Witnesses in Donald Trump investigation may have lied under oath, report finds

Trump mocked after revealing his plan to end Ukraine war: Knock heads and get it done
Trump has a get people in a room plan for the war in Ukraine

Donald Trump Gets the Chance to Rant about Peter Strzok, But This Time Under Oath | The former FBI agents wrongful termination suit could get a very special guest star.

Trump tried to get talk show censored in 2018, report says : politics

Most Americans Think House Republicans Arent Investigating Real Problems
House GOP turns heat up on federal workers - The Washington Post

Inside the Unholy Sex Scandal Rocking Trumps Ex-Adviser

Buttigieg reminds Rubio of his recent record on rail inspections : politics

Ron DeSantis will destroy our democracy, says fascism expert
DeSantis would be a catastrophically bad president ... As an antidote to Damon Linkers truly ridiculous pseudo-defense of Ron DeSantis, the Times has also published Jennifer Szala's review of DeSantis's new "book" and it's an infinitely sharper piece of work: ... strategy is to try to mask his hard-right authoritarianism in some meaningless abstractions and not literally being Donald Trump, and hope that much of the media plays along. How many choose to be dissemblers and minimizers like Linker and how many people are willing to tell the truth like Szalai will go a long way to determining how this works out.
The beautiful dream life of the centrist Democrat - Damon Linker advises his "fellow liberals" not to get all hysterical about a potential DeSantis presidency, because after all:
Preaching Freedom, Ron DeSantis Leads By Cracking Down ... In his new book, courage to be a Fascist Asshole ...
Florida bill would ban gender studies majors, diversity programs at universities : politics ... The real damage is ending tenure for professors and giving the governor complete control over university leadership hiring/firing. Governor controls the leadership and the leadership can fire & hire professors at will.
Florida Republicans Are Terrified of Gender Studies Majors : politics

How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb? None! Their backyard will do it for them! : PoliticalHumor

Voters of all stripes sour on Santos : politics

Freshman Rep. Andy Ogles Admits He Didn't Know What He Majored in Republican Andy Ogles
Embattled Rep. Ogles acknowledges misrepresenting his college major - The Washington Post ... In a statement Monday, he said his degree was for liberal studies. That is a general education degree typically for those who cannot settle on a major ... a wider range of misrepresentations by Ogles about his background, including calling himself an economistwhen, in fact, he took only one community college economics course that he barely passed.
GOP Rep. Andy Ogles Said Hes an Economist, But He Barely Passed His One Econ Class in College

Idaho dropped thousands from Medicaid early in the pandemic. Which state's next? : politics

Rural Hospitals Are Shuttering Their Maternity Units - The New York Times Citing costs, many hospitals are closing labor and delivery wards, expanding so-called maternity care deserts.

A new bipartisan push for paid family and medical leave : politics
Mississippi GOP governor now backs longer Medicaid for moms : politics

Trans people facehorrifying rhetoric at statehouses

Michigan lawmakers call for hearings after widespread power outages : politics

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore taps gas industry official for key energy post - The Washington Post Environmentalists say Wes Moores pick for the Public Service Commission goes against his climate pledges

Fraud hunters challenged 92K Georgia voter registrations in 2022 The vast majority were unsuccessful, but a 2021 law allows for such mass challenges that drown election workers in paperwork and threaten voting rights.

Alaskas unprecedented food stamp backlog is taking a harsh toll on rural communities

Grieving Army families lost fortunes with financial adviser Caz Craffy - The Washington Post

Doctors who touted ivermectin as covid fix now pushing it for flu, RSV

GRAPHIC: I am going to die: Body camera footage released in womans in-custody death

Is Shoplifting Surging? What a Panic Reveals About U.S. Crime Policy. : politics

Fourth Circuit: Individuals Have a First Amendment Right to Livestream Their Own Traffic Stops : politics ... The court did not rule you cant be beat, tased or killed while livestreaming. Just you have the right to livestream.

New Jersey Man Tried to Fly With AR-15 and Fake U.S. Marshal Badge: TSA

In Latest Round of Job Cuts, Twitter Is Said to Lay Off at Least 200 Employees - The New York Times The social media platform now has a work force of less than 2,000, down from 7,500 when Elon Musk took it over in October. (Muskfucked)
Elon Musk tweets support for Dilbert creator after racist tirade
Scott Adams and the right-wing insistence on White victimhood - The Washington Post
Dilbert distributor drops creator Scott Adams over his racist remarks

Vaping CBD Causes More Severe Lung Damage Than Vaping Nicotine, Roswell Park Study Shows : science - he CBD was diluted with MCT oil. Seems obvious vaping a super heated oil is bad for you. (funded by the tobacco lobby)
The simple act of wearing an eye mask to block out light while sleeping can improve cognitive function the next day. In two experiments, the researchers found that participants who slept with an eye mask showed enhanced episodic memory encoding and alertness the following day. : science

Bad dreams in children linked to a higher risk of dementia in adulthood. Children who experience regular bad dreams and nightmares between the ages of seven and 11, may be nearly twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment (the core feature of dementia) by the time they reach age 50. : science

How to see a full circle rainbow | Earth | EarthSky

What is something you think every person should experience in their lifetime? : AskReddit


U.S. and Russia come together on ISS rescue mission
Russian Soyuz capsule docks with ISS - 02/26/2023

Worst-ever February Rainforest Data For Brazilian Amazon : worldnews

Red states leading the US in solar and wind production, new report shows : news

A Lab Leak in China Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic, Energy Department Says - WSJ - U.S. agencys revised assessment is based on new intelligence (so China fucked the world)
Lab Leak Most Likely Caused Pandemic, Energy Dept. Says - The New York Times intelligence agencies remained divided over the origins of the coronavirus.
Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, U.S. Agency Now Says : news
Leak or No Leak

Anthony Albanese has become Australias first sitting prime minister to take part in Sydneys Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade

North Koreas Kim Jong Un mobilises young labourers in new housing plan amid economic woes ... all mountains there. Harder to grow food in mountains. So you need to trade for food. But what are you going to trade? When your communist system cant seem to get any competitive industries going?

Protesters rally in Taipei to support Ukraine on anniversary of Russias invasion

Hong Kong models in-laws face charges in grisly killing

China considers sending Russia artillery and ammunition, U.S. officials say : worldnews
China has not yet supplied arms to Russia in its war with Ukraine, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post Russian stumbles on the battlefield as well as the solidarity of Ukraines allies have continued to pressure Putin
India, China may have prevented Russia from nuking Ukraine, says US secretary of state. : worldnews
China to Welcome Belarusian Leader, Raising Concerns Over Ukraine : worldnews
China should be judged by its actions, not its words - German defense minister : worldnews
China wants to partition Ukraine. It wants to legalize Putins landgrab and condemn Ukrainians to occupation/genocide. That is not peace

Putin casts war in Ukraine as a battle for Russias survival
Putin: Russia cant ignore NATOs nukes, West wants to liquidate Moscow
NATO "Indirectly" Taking Part In Ukraine Conflict By Sending Weapons: Vladimir Putin : worldnews
British intelligence believes that Russia is trying to exhaust Ukraine rather than occupy it in the short-term Russia will degrade Ukraines military capabilities and hope to outlast NATO military assistance to Ukraine before making a major territorial offensive

Most G20 nations condemn Russia for war, China silent : worldnews
Russia grossly violated global financial system, watchdog rules
EU slaps sanctions on top Russia officials, banks, trade : worldnews
EU Sanctions Russian Wagner Group For African Operations : worldnews

Russian troops say they're being sent to the slaughter in video to Putin

Russia offered bonus exam marks to college students so they would show up to a pro-war propaganda rally: NYT : worldnews
Chinese brands have replaced iPhones and Hyundai in Russias war economy

It is reported that a Russian military plane AWACS A-50 was blown up at Machulishchy military airfield in Belarus : ukraine
Lukashenko on alleged Russian plans to take over Belarus by 2030: There might have been such a document
Belarus says it has 1.5 million potential soldiers outside armed forces. : worldnews

India Spotted Flying Object Over Strategic Island : worldnews
US Will Continue To Develop And Foster Ties With Indian Military: Pentagon : worldnews
Indias Largest News Agency, Part-Owned by Reuters, Continues to Quote Fake Sources: Report

Saudi Arabia will supply Ukraine with aid worth $400 million : worldnews

Irans currency slides to record low as savers buy dollars
Their Hair Long and Flowing or in Ponytails, Women in Iran Flaunt Their Locks - The New York Times

Tens of thousands of Israelis on Saturday protested their far-right governments plans to overhaul the legal system, three days after parliament advanced a bill that would enable lawmakers to overturn a Supreme Court decision with a simple majority.
Two Israelis murdered in Palestinian terror shooting in West Bank : worldnews
Israeli settlers rampage after Palestinian gunman kills 2 : worldnews

Zelenskyy after one year of war : pics
Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister visits President Zelenskyy : worldnews
Zelenskyy Seeks More Sanctions, Argues Russia Can Be Defeated In 2023 : worldnews
Crimea Is Ukraine - United States Department of State
9 years ago, Russian aggression began in Crimea. By returning Crimea, we will restore peace. This is our land. Our people. Our history. We will return the Ukrainian flag to every corner of Ukraine.

Hell on earth: I reported from the war in Ukraine. What I witnessed still haunts me.

Were Reuters correspondents Stefaniia Bern and Jonathan S. Landay. We cover Russias war on Ukraine from Kyiv and from D.C. Today is the one-year anniversary of the war ask us anything!
(52) YEAR - a documentary project by Dmytro Komarov | Part One - YouTube - Absolutely stellar documentation about the war in Ukraine by an ukrainian journalist. Footage with President Zelynskyy and other high miltary personel. Also including hard to stomach war footage. Activate ukrainian subtitles for the english translation

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 368, Part 1 (Thread #509) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 26 February 2023 Find out more about Defence Intelligence:

Russian forces are revamping their assault tactics after experiencing failures with their current structure. The Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) are getting replaced with a new unit called the Assault Unit or AssaultDetachmentwhich I will discuss in this thread.
(2/6) NI is seen as an elite infantry force within the Russian military.
(4/6) As such, NI has been tasked with some of the toughest tactical missions in the war and has suffered extremely high casualties.
6/6) This lack of experience is almost certainly exacerbating Russian officers tendency to micromanage, which in turn reduces operational agility. There is a realistic possibility that degraded NI units will again be committed to new assaults near Vuhledar.

Drone footage published by the Russian state media showing the current state of Bakhmut. Theres nothing left to fight over but ruins.
A timelapse of the changes around Bakhmut over the past week as Russia continues to advance.
AU forces, including but not limited to 17th Armored Brigade and the 3rd Assault Brigade (former Azov) lead a counterattack. Now, the RUS attack from the north on Bakhmut not only collapsed, but the AU came to the rear of the Russian army. : ukraine

Thats my neighbour: Mariupol residents shock at Putins parade line-up

Lithuanians raise 14 million euros to buy radars for Ukraine : worldnews

Bulgaria bans neo-Nazi event after public outcry : worldnews

Newly elected president of Czech Republic: NATO should consider Ukraines membership immediately after war

Croatia prepares to send 14 Mi-8 helicopters to Ukraine : worldnews

(1) Sergej Sumlenny on Twitter: "One of the posters left today by the Russian mob at the Russian tank wreck: "We pray on our knees daily for the Russia's victory. Forgive us, we don't know what to do. Germany will be free from the Anglo-Saxon slavery. We are mourning and crying for the fallen heroes of Russia"." / Twitter

Brexit News for February 2023: Sunak, Von der Leyen to Meet - Bloomberg UK, EU hope to announce agreement after Monday meeting - Post-Brexit pact would ease cross-border trade barriers
Tomato-free pizza on the menu as chefs choke on the price of fruit and vegetables in the United Kingdom : worldnews
Signal app warns it will quit UK if law weakens end-to-end encryption : worldnews

Brazilian authorities this week intensified their fight against illegal mining on the land of the Indigenous Yanomami people, sending helicopters over the Amazon jungle in search of clandestine dig sites : worldnews

Today, we are reminded of the bravery of the people of Ukraine, and we reaffirm our commitment to supporting them. Canada will always #StandWithUkraine. Read Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus statement on Ukraines Day of Resistance:

Why Mohamed bin Salmans Slush Fund is an Urgent National Security Matter for Congress

McConnell calls Ukraine aid a direct investment for US against Putin's war machine
Condoleezza Rice warns GOP candidates against pulling back from Ukraine: These conflicts always come home

The Fate Of Bidens Student-Loan Relief Plan Rests With The Supreme Court

How a Supreme Court justice's paragraph put the Voting Rights Act in more danger : politics

Millions who rely on Medicaid may be booted from program : politics

Extra SNAP food stamp benefits are being cut, causing new worries for people in need Extra SNAP payments under a pandemic-era policy are set to expire in 32 states, ending a program that economists have linked to reductions in poverty.

Child labor violations are on the rise as some states look to loosen their rules : politics

Your moment of anti-Zen : A reminder that in the Rupert Murdoch Extended Media Universe Vladimir Putin is a more democratically legitimate leader than Joe Biden ... It seems bad that Americas most influential television news network is an endless succession of mash notes to dictators and aspiring dictators.
Tucker: It is galling to be lectured about democracy by a man who took power in an election so sketchy that many Americans don't believe it was real. Biden is far less popular in the US than Putin is in Russia.. And it says everything about Joe Bidens tenuous legitimacy ... Just rename the network Depravda and be done with it ...
Why Fox News Lied to the Viewers It 'Respects'
Fox News host speaks out after company bans reporting on Dominion lawsuit

Trump White House Pressured Disney to Censor ... Jimmy Kimmel - The former president was so incensed by the late-night host making fun of him that he had his staff take action

Judge Reveals Rep. Scott Perrys Bid To Shield Thousands Of Files From Jan. 6 Committee

Report: The Special Counsel Isnt Going to Let Mike Pence Weasel Out of Testifying About 1/6

With Trump running, nearly all Republican senators say no to a presidential bid : politics

CPAC reflects the decline of the GOP from Reagan to Trump : politics

Failing at polls, election deniers focus on state GOP posts : politics
The GOP's shooting itself in the foot on future elections. This poll shows why. : politics

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, House Republicans scour southern border, but dont find any illegal crossings ... Jim Jordan also couldnt find a sexual assault scandal, common sense, dignity, or a clue. (and can't find MTG's 6 billion)
Jim Jordans Weaponization Committee Is Misfiring

Scoop: House GOP plans Ohio derailment hearings
Saturday Night Live mocks Trump visit to East Palestine
How a small-town train derailment erupted into a culture battle - The Washington Post The East Palestine train accident is one of hundreds each year, but its become a significant political flashpoint
Trump is taking advantage of the Ohio disaster in a way thats eerily reminiscent of 2016

Depression and the public life ... he Swiss-born psychiatrist Adolf Meyerhad a tin ear for the finer rhythms of English and therefore was unaware of the semantic damage he had inflicted by offering "depression" as a descriptive noun for such a dreadful and raging disease. Nonetheless, for over seventy-five years the word has slithered innocuously through the language like a slug, leaving little trace of its intrinsic malevolence and preventing, by its very insipidity, a general awareness of the horrible intensity of the disease when out of control.

Imma tell my grandkids this was Ivanka Trump

Manchin, on Fox News, Refuses to Call Himself a Democrat : politics

Newcomers moving to SC in droves. Some lawmakers want them to pay a Yankeetax for coming

Minnesota Democrats rapidly advance the most progressive agenda in a generation : politics

Calls come to disbar former AG Brnovich after he concealed records debunking 2020 election fraud cases : politics
Hobbs urges state bar to conduct ethics review of former Arizona attorney general : politics

Model for bad democracy: Voting rights wins may be reversed after GOP flips North Carolina court

Idaho lawmakers are seriously considering absorbing Oregons conservative rural counties if they can secede from the blue state

Ky. high school students hold walkouts to protest anti-LGBTQ legislation : politics

Proposed Tennessee bill would expand concealed carry law to include all firearms : politics

Nevada Democrats implode over battle for party control The Democratic establishment acccuses state chair Judith Whitmer of dividing the party. The democratic socialist leader says it's a smear campaign

Florida releases list of 350 approved books by grade level. The document misspells "ninth" and "twelfth" (refucks eliminate "spellling" from schools)

California Wants to Keep (Most of) the Colorado River for Itself : politics

Jury awards Va. teacher $5 million over wrongful sex abuse case - The Washington Post The teacher was accused of sexually abusing a 17-year-old student, though she denies his claims

It was an abortionm - A scion of one of Americas most aggressive (albeit least morally authoritative) anti-abortion families got one:
The cruelty is the entire point

(1) Julia Davis on Twitter: "Sorry to disappoint, Seymour lied." / Twitter

Eschaton: Oh, Elon Feel bad for the ones in the US on visas. - Feb 26 (Reuters) - Elon Musk's Twitter Inc laid off dozens of employees on Saturday in what is at least the eighth round of job cuts since Musk took over the social network in late October, the Information reported.

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried hit with four new criminal charges : technology
Disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has another big problem: He wont shut up

Elon Musk lays off more Twitter employees, including hard-core loyalists: Looks like Im let go ... Since Musk took over the company in October last year, Twitters headcount has fallen by over 70%, and its chief source of revenue, advertising, has fallen significantly.

Musk defends Dilbert creator, says media is racist against whites
Los Angeles Times ceases publication of Dilbert
Newspapers Drop Dilbert Comic After Creators Rant About Black 'Hate Groups'
Eschaton: Going Backwards The racist things that would've led to politicians being CANCELLED (general condemnation by elite media and similar, something they have the power to do when they choose, and distancing from their colleagues) 10 years ago - hardly a utopian time, either - mostly wouldn't today. Railing about "cancel culture" was always just wanting the return of permission slips to be racist and horrible in other ways without any consequences. Sure the Dilbert guy managed to cross the line, but shows just how far that line has moved.
Eschaton: Dangerous Truths - And despite this being the elite consensus view, they all think they are brave truthtelling contrarians (even though most are too cowardly to go the full Dilbert Guy).
And yet we can still tell its you, Scott (RK Millholland artist)

TIL that in 1938 the Chinese government deliberately destroyed the dikes of the Yellow River in order to cause a flood with the aim of slowing the Imperial Japanese Army and in the process killed up to 900,000 Chinese civilians, created millions of refugees and destroyed thousands of villages : todayilearned ... No one kills the Chinese quite like Chinese governments (except for Japanese)

Psychedelic microdosing doesnt actually help people open up emotionally, study suggests (comments for why this is stupid)

Peruvian archaeologists unearth 30 pre-Inca era graves : worldnews

Strange but ultimately positive genetic discovery reveals up to 1,000 relatives linked to prolific sperm donor : worldnews

New research establishes a link between irritable bowel syndrome and mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation : science

REM Sleep Is Magical. Here's What the Experts Know. Dreaming, memory-making, problem-solving: A lot happens during the most active sleep phase ... Ideally, you move through the four stages in 90- to 110-minute cycles that repeat four to six times in a typical night.

TIL:Crows are a highly intelligent species, which are self-aware just like humans. They are as smart as Gorillas and have a complex brain which has the ability to reason : todayilearned

BookTubers who read classics : books
Warning about Jack Edwards subscription (its a scam)

A woman who got locked out of her Apple account minutes after her iPhone was stolen and had $10,000 taken from her bank account says Apple was not helpful at all

Instagram users are being served gory videos of killing and torture : news

Discord - Wikipedia Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities


Gulf of Maine sees second-hottest year on record, report shows,getting to the edge of habitability

US Space Force Prepares for Attacks in Space by Procuring a Third Missile Tracking Layer : CredibleDefense

The Promise and Pitfalls of Underwater Domain Awareness

One of Australia most recognisable landmarks @SydOperaHouse lit up in blue & yellow in solidarity with Ukraine & the people of Ukraine #StandWithUkraine

Japans Hokkaido hit by 6.1 magnitude earthquake, no tsunami warning yet

North Korea claims it has nuclear attack capability after US, South Korea hold N-drill : worldnews

Taiwans iconic Taipei 101 skyscraper was again lit up in the colors of the Ukrainian flag #StandWithUkraine

Chinese fighter jet confronts US Navy plane with CNN crew aboard as tensions simmer in the South China Sea : worldnews
ABC News: Biden dismisses Chinas proposed peace plan
Ukraines Zelensky says he plans to meet Chinas Xi
Zelenskiy open to Chinas peace plan but rejects compromise with 'sick' Putin
Its one thing for Mearsheimer to cause a fuss in the pages of Foreign Affairs. Its quite another to go onChinese state TV to say there is no evidence that Putin is fighting a war of imperial conquest in Ukraine. Whats next, an exclusive interview with Russia Today?
China and the Ukraine war: One year on : CredibleDefense

How Putin has unleashed the most globalized war since 1945: The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a challenge to the world order that has precipitated military, geopolitical, economic and human consequences on a planetary scale : UkrainianConflict
Putin pitches the American right with an ungodly invocation of God

Russias nuclear rhetoric is unacceptable, Malta tells UN Security Council
The 10th sanctions package targets russian military industry, propaganda & financial system. The pressure on russian aggressor must increase: we expect decisive steps against Rosatom & russian nuclear industry, more pressure on military & banking.
Russia is isolated. Completely. Irreversibly. During todayOSCE PC meeting, when Russian propagandist (they still call them diplomats to gain some credibility) started reading his statement, the mtg room was emptied immediately. Everyone stands with Ukraine! #UkraineWillWin
Putin called "schizophrenic" in post shared by former Russian commander : UkrainianConflict
Igor Girkin says Russia needs a Chinese lend-lease if its to continue fighting in Ukraine withany level of success
The #Kremlin did not comment on the first anniversary of Russias full-scale invasion of #Ukraine on February 24, likely because #Russia has failed to achieve any of its stated objectives and has not made significant territorial gains since July 2022.
One Year of U.S. Sanctions on Russia: Over 2,500 Russiarelated targets Specially Designated List since February 2022; Over 80% of Russias banking sector by assets; All 450 members of the Russian State Duma the Federation Council (170). Etc.

Russian authorities have arrested several Russians who placed flowers at the statues of famed Ukrainian writers to protest against the war : worldnews

Academics: Russia Selling Oil Way Over Price Cap : worldnews

German Chancellor Scholz Begins India Visit, Meets PM Modi : worldnews
India Saved Over 3.4 Million Lives Due To Covid Vaccines: Stanford Report : worldnews

Sri Lanka forex down to USD 500 million, postpones local polls : worldnews

UN Court Orders Azerbaijan To Unblock Lachin Corridor Amid Armenian Accusations Of Ethnic Cleansing

The death toll from the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria that struck on Feb. 6 surpassed 50,000 on Friday after Turkey declared more than 44,000 people died : worldnews
Turkish journalists detained over earthquake reports : worldnews

Why Russias invasion of Ukraine still divides Africa

Iran: Protests hit restive southeast, internet disrupted. Social media clips show a heavy police presence in Zahedan, a city that has become a major site of protests sweeping the country : worldnews
Iran unveils new Paveh cruise missile that can reach Israel
IRGC commander says Iran seeks to kill Trump, Pompeo, others as revenge for Soleimani : worldnews
Iranian Currency At New Low Of 540,000 Against Dollar : worldnews

Israeli Cabinet Approves $2.8 Billion Budget for Potential Strike against Iran : worldnews
Israel advances plans for 7,000 new settler homes, places E1 project back on docket : worldnews

Zelensky says Israel should back Ukraine, not take mediator position - report : worldnews
Remember this speech? Zelensky speaks directly to the Russian people on February 23rd, when it was obvious that Russia was about to attack. He said if you attack, you will see our faces, not our backs
Vladimir Putin Will Be Killed by His Own Inner Circle, Zelensky Predicts : worldnews
Ukraine Claims Cooperation with Putins Inner Circle in Intelligence Operations
Year Two

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 367, Part 1 (Thread #508) : worldnews

Putin loses nearly 1,000 troops, 13 tanks on war anniversary: Ukraine : ukraine
Zelensky: Russia occupies 1,877 Ukrainian cities and villages.Russian forces currently occupy 1,877 Ukrainian cities and villages, President Volodymyr Zelensky said, speaking online at the German governments Ukraine solidarity event on Feb. 25.

(4/4) Although the weapons do not have a good record in destroying their intended targets, Russia likely sees them as useful decoys which can divert Ukrainian air defences from more effective Russian cruise missiles.
General Staff: Ukrainian forces repel 70 Russian attacks. Russian troops also carried out 27 airstrikes and fired 75 rounds from rocket launchers, targeting communities and civilian infrastructure, the General Staff of Ukraines Armed Forces reported on Feb. 25.

(1) (((Tendar))) on Twitter: "Vuhledar, and Russians tried it again. Full speed into the obvious minefield. Absolutely hilarious to watch. #Ukraine #Vuhledar #Donetsk" / Twitter

Ukrainian children taken to Russia brings back fear, memories of a similar Nazi effort
Ukrainian therapists and mental health workers are unsung heroes in this horrific war. They carry their patients stories & grief alongside their own trauma. They pull people out of dark places. For @Slate , I wrote about a few of these amazing people.

Moldovas Foreign Ministry reminds Russia that its troops must withdraw from Transnistria

Ukrainian colours shine on our representation offices across the EU as a symbol of solidarity and hope.

Kaja Kallas: Estonias High-Profile Prime Minister a Star in the Making.

Russian diplomats received an anniversary wake-up call of wailing air raid sirens and the sound of falling bombs : worldnews
Poland has delivered tanks to Ukraine, government announces on wars first anniversary.

Hungarian PM Orban calls on party to back Finnish, Swedish NATO bids : worldnews

Russian warship, go f**k yourself: Latvian MP invokes Ukrainian rallying cry to slam Russia at OSCE

Sofia, Bulgaria stands with Ukraine, 24.02.2023

demo in support of Ukraine in Amsterdam #standwithukraine

Germany commited to supply Kyiv with additional Leopard tanks : worldnews
Protest In Berlin Over Arming Ukraine Against Russia Draws Thousands : worldnews
Germany restricts the export of Brazilian armored vehicles after Brazil refused to deliver weapons to Ukraine : worldnews
German Defence Minister Pistorius: Peace at the expense of the attacked, just because someone is afraid, Im sorry, thats not possible because then the next victim will wait in line -- In office for 4 weeks and already the most popular politician
Frankfurt cancels Roger Waters apperance : UkrainianConflict

France wont sign G20 communique unless it strongly condemns Russia

Earthquake felt in South Wales as midnight tremor makes houses and walls shake : worldnews
Forty years of Monster Raving Loony wannabe MPs - BBC News
Boys support skirt protest after girls uniforms inspected

Guatemala to join efforts on establishing Special Tribunal for Russia

Thousands of tattooed inmates pictured in El Salvador mega-prison : worldnews (holy shit)

Trudeau rules out public inquiry into Chinese electoral interference : worldnews
My investigation for Global News identifies that PM Justin Trudeaus senior aides were allegedly briefed by CSIS shortly before the October 2019 federal election, that candidate Han Dong, was suspected to be involved in PRC Foreign Interference.

Rabbani brothers leave Guantanamo Bay without charge after almost 20 years : worldnews
Doctor Describes and Denounces C.I.A. Practice of Rectal Feeding of Prisoners - In a hearing at Guantanamo Bay, an expert gave a graphic public depiction of torture after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks ... He experienced it as a violent rape, sexual assault

Biden tells ABCs Muir we would respond if China sends weapons to Russia

(1) UkraineWorld on Twitter: "In New York, the Metropolitan Opera held a concert of memory and hope "For Ukraine" dedicated to the anniversary of the struggle of the Ukrainian people against Russian aggression. Source: Ukrinform" / Twitter
My hometown of Dallas Texas. : ukraine
Ukraines other enemy: US Republicans
Slava Ukraini: A Republican vote to defund Ukraine would come at their own peril

Its clear to me that were still underestimating the Ukrainians. Were still kind of bogged down by our misplaced understanding of Russian power and the limits of Russian power and.a year on, we havent learned all the lessons we should -- Alexander Vindman,
Its particularly galling when politicians who know better, are educated in geopolitics, subvert US national security for base naked ambition. I detest those that use demagoguery masquerading as patriotism to endanger Americans. There are few worse than Hawley and Ted Cruz -- Alexander Vindman
Condi Rice: Ukraine war will not end well for Putin, Russia will turn into large North Korea

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

Progressives Urge Senate Dems to Ditch Tradition Thats Allowing GOP to Veto Biden Judges

Why scammers who stole jobless benefits may get away with it - Los Angeles Times

Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. - The New York Times Arriving in record numbers, theyre ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor lawsincluding in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom.
Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. : politics

Opinion | What an Arizona man's death row case says about the Supreme Court - The Washington Post The justices halt an executionand reveal themselves in the processFour other conservatives, in a decision written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, would have stuck with a cramped rules-are-rules mentality to let an obviously unconstitutional death sentence stand.

With food stamp cuts just days away, millions of Americans brace for tougher times in the grocery aisle : politics

What Fox News Hosts Said Privately vs. Publicly About Voter Fraud : politics
News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson : politics
Media organizations demand Jan. 6 videos McCarthy shared with Fox NewsTucker Carlson
Release the 1/6 footage ... And the thing is, congressional Dems dont need Kevin McCarthys permission to do it:

Its a major blow: Dominion has uncovered smoking gun evidence in case against Fox News, legal experts say
Watching Tucker Carlson for Work | The New Yorker According to Kat Abughazaleh, a researcher at Media Matters for America, You dont know Fox News until you are watching it for a job.

Trump accused of shell game with classified documents after box moved around

Fight over Rep. Perrys phone has prevented review of 2,200 documents in Jan. 6 probe: Six months after the FBI seized Perrys phone, a U.S. appeals court is reviewing a judges order that 90 percent of Perrys messages fall outsideCongresss immunity from criminal investigation
Judge rejected Perrys bid to shield thousands of emails from Jan. 6 investigators

No apologists for Putin: Pence draws contrast with DeSantis on support for Ukraine

In East Palestine, who shows up isnt necessarily a sign of whos helping
Safety regulators say Ohio toxic train derailment 100% preventable
Eschaton: Giving Up All the things you think are bad about journalism are actually GOOD, you see.

Its Not a National Divorce. Its a Call for One-Party Authoritarian Rule. | Marjorie Taylor Greenes idea for America to separate by red states and blue state isn't just dumb and harmless. Its also a window into a dangerous vision thats ascendent in the Republican Party.

Sanders supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party. Its not going well.

State lawmaker vows to filibuster all bills until GOP withdraws abortion, gender-affirming care bans : politics

Texas federal judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, known for his antiabortion views, could block abortion pills - The Washington Post A devout Christian, Matthew Kacsmaryk has been shaped by his deep antiabortion beliefs

Rep. Lauren Boeberts Shooters Grill will be replaced by a Mexican restaurant - Tapatios recently applied for a liquor license at 120 E. 3rd St. in Rifle

The same old war its always been - The Right's claims of AI "bias" are just the latest in the long line of insincere ref-working - sand the latest in a long line of racists trying to impose their racism on all of us

Fox News Tulsi Gabbard compares diversity policies and the Democratic Party to Nazism andAdolf Hitler

Feminism taught me all I need to know about men like Trump and Putin | Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian Like all abusive men, dictators seek to control who can speak and which narratives are believed. The only difference is scale

Burned Out, More Americans Are Turning to Part-Time Jobs - WSJ The number of people working part time rose by 1.2 million in December and January25 hours is the new 35.

The Attack on Public Education and What We Must Do We are deep, deep into the war on public education and it's past time we look at history and begin to fight (refucks hate education)

A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including a Pot Farm, a Bank and an Airline Despite a history of fraud, one family has thrived in the regulatory no mans land of health care sharing ministries, where insurance commissioners cant investigate, federal agencies turn a blind eye and prosecutors reach paltry settlements.

February 24, 2023 - Sam Bankman-Fried Was Indicted for Hundreds of Illegal Campaign Donations. Who Else Knew?

5 dead after Care Flight plane crash, including a patient and the pilot - CBS News

We are dropping the Dilbert comic strip because of creator Scott Adams racist rant: Letter from the Editor
Dilbert cartoon cut from Cleveland newspaper after creator Scott Adamsracially-charged rant
Letter from the Editor: Why we are no longer running the comic strip Dilbert
Newspapers Across the Country Drop Dilbert After Scott Adams Livestreamed Rant
Dilbert Cartoon Dropped From Many News Outlets Over Creator Scott Adams Racial Remarks
Newspapers Kancel Klansmans Komic

Black TikToker Says Woman Called the Cops on Him for Shoveling Snow

A mysterious object is being dragged into the supermassive black hole at the Milky Ways center

TIL A 2016 study looking at 124 Neanderthal specimens found that 92 of the specimens (74 %) had been victims of animal attacks. 36% of the Neanderthal were victims of bear attacks, 21% big cat attacks, and 17% wolf attacks. : todayilearned

What do you think of the parents that kick their kids out as soon as they have turned 18 years old? : AskReddit

Almost brought a tear to my eye

What was a big or popular saying when you were a teen? : AskReddit


Russia launches capsule to International Space Station to rescue crew of three : worldnews

Dry canals, low rivers and shrunken lakes: Europe braces for severe drought amid winter heatwave : worldnews

The plague years - This is an excellent long NYT Magazine piece about the Covid oral history project at Columbia University. The pandemic hit New York City harder than almost anywhere else in the country, so it makes for grim but fascinating reading: - In the course of the pandemic, we discovered that, as a nation, our capacity to suffer inconvenience in order to avoid killing each other was limited to non-existent. That is what the word freedom means to us. So we are now forgetting what happened, because that is what we do:
What Happened to Us : Most Americans think they know the story of the pandemic. But when I immersed myself in a Covid oral-history project, I realized how much we're still missing.

CDC reports first human H5 bird flu infection in U.S. - STAT - Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesotas Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy, was less sanguine,Any time youre dealing with H5N1, you sleep with one eye openhe told STAT.

Father of Cambodian girl who died from bird flu tests positive for virus : worldnews (person-to-person?)

Australia quietly expels major Russian spy ring, report says : worldnews
Meta profited from anti-LGBTQ+ ads despite entering float in Sydney Mardi Gras : worldnews

Ive seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than Russia if the Chinese plan were followed, Biden said. Biden also dismissed the idea that Beijing would negotiate peace for Russias full-scale war.
China presents its 12-point peace plan regarding Russias war in Ukraine ( ... Ukraine must respect Russia's borders ... China basically set up the vaguest possible peace plan to ensure they could be seen as supporting the winner when the war is over.
China calls for Russia-Ukraine cease-fire, peace talks : worldnews
China says it wants to prevent Ukraine crisis from g etting out of control : worldnews (will trade Taiwan for Russia)
Zhanna Leshchynska, charge daffaires of Ukraines embassy in Beijing, ruled out a ceasefire that would freeze the conflict along the present front line.Our view is that Russia should unconditionally withdraw all of its forces from the territory of Ukraine
Zelensky wants to meet China over its Ukraine peace plan. : worldnews
Blinken suggests Russia might have used nukes in Ukraine already were it not for China and India : worldnews ... China and India are currently the only two nuclear powers to formally maintain a No First Use policy, adopting pledges in 1964 and 1998 respectively
U.N. ambassador warns it would be a game-changer if China provides lethal aid to Russia

Intelligence suggests China is considering sending drones and ammunition to Russia, sources familiar say
Chinas Xian Bingo in talks with Russia to supply 100 drones
No Commercial Contact: Chinese Drone Maker Denies Selling Arms to Russia

China says U.S. refused to share information on downed Chinese balloon : worldnews ... They literally refused a diplomatic call after the US shot it down, and are now complaining the US isnt sharing classified details about their investigation.

UN to vote on demand for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine : worldnews ... Against: Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua, Russia and Syria ... Some Abstentions: Armenia, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and South Africa.
Biden announces sweeping new sanctions against Russia one year into Ukraine war : worldnews
Disinformation Roulette: The Kremlins Year of Lies to Justify an Unjustifiable War Report

Putin says Russia to deploy Sarmat nuclear missiles this year : worldnews

Russias Medvedev floats idea of pushing back Polands borders

Russian warlords feud with Putins generals explodes into the open with gruesome PR campaign

India abstains as UN calls for Russia to leave Ukraine : worldnews
Indian opposition politician arrested for allegedly insulting PM Modi | CNN : worldnews

Nigerian Politician Arrested With Nearly $500,000 on Eve of Election, Police Say - The New York Times For years, Nigerian politicians have been accused of buying votes. The lawmaker, the police say, was caught with dollar bills and a list of possible recipients.

Iran claims military exercises behind explosions, gunfire near Tehran

Zelenskyy on one-year anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion: A year of pain, sorrow, faith and unity
Zelensky was asked on his press conference about his scariest day: When, um, probably, Bucha. Probably, what I saw in the moment we deoccupied it. It was very scary. Because that, we really saw that the devil is not somewhere else, its on the Earth.Probably this.
This will be the year of our victory: Zelensky on anniversary of war in Ukraine
(1) President Biden on Twitter: "When Russia attacked Ukraine, America and our Allies stood strong. For sovereignty. For democracy. For freedom. I visited Kyiv to declare we will continue to stand united. No matter what." / Twitter
Biden official says theres no evidence that Ukraine is misusing US assistance
Today, the United States will announce a new $2 billion military aid package, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on CNN.

Russia launches almost 5,000 missile strikes against Ukraine since Feb. 24 of 2022 : worldnews
Ukraine Repels New Russian Attacks, Leaving a Battlefront Stalemate : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 366, Part 1 (Thread #507) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 24.02 ... +970 +13

(1/5) Since 2014 Russia's strategic goal in Ukraine has highly likely been consistent: to control its neighbour. Over 2014-2021, it pursued this objective through subversion, by fomenting an undeclared war in the Donbas, and by annexing Crimea.
(2/5) On 24 February 2022, Russia pivoted to a new approach and launched a full-scale invasion which attempted to seize the whole country and depose its government
(4/5) In recent weeks, Russia has likely changed its approach again. Its campaign now likely primarily seeks to degrade the Ukrainian military, rather than being focused on seizing substantial new territory.

In Crimea, part of the railway was blown up, 12km away from the Simferopol, near the village of Pochtove. - Russian media

Ukraine suffered more data-wiping malware than anywhere, ever: Russia has greatly accelerated cyberattacks on its neighbor in the wake of its invasion : worldnews

Ukraine faces a mental health crisis among soldiers and civilians alike : worldnews

Moldova dismisses Russian claims of Ukrainian plot to invade breakaway region : worldnews
Moldova ready to blow up Chisinau runway to deter Russia : worldnews

Poland delivers first Leopard tanks to Ukraine : worldnews

Lithuania's prime minister says Ukrainians should get all the weapons they want because they are dying for Europe's safety: We're just losing some money

Russian Invasion Changed Europes Security Environment for Decades

Activists have parked a wrecked Russian T-72 tank opposite Russia's embassy in Berlin as a sign of protest against the war. The vehicle was destroyed in Ukraine last year.
Germany Will Support Ukraine As Strongly And As Long As Necessary
Germanys family minister, Lisa Paus, has vowed to introduce legislation to stop anti-abortion activists from blocking access to abortion facilities

Ukrainian forces are training on fast and well-armed Leopard tanks in Spain, prime minister says : worldnews

UK announces new sanctions against Russia : worldnews
Britain Bans Export Of Every Item Used By Russia In War On Ukraine : worldnews
Boris Johnson wants to become NATO Secretary General : worldnews

Not supporting Ukraine could be devastating for the world: Trudeau
Canadas military tracked Chinese surveillance in the Arctic
Researchers fill data gap on police-involved killings in Canada : worldnews

U.S. officials returned two Pakistani brothers to their home country Thursday after holding them two decades without charges at the Guantanamo Bay military prison : worldnews ... Thirty-two detainees remain at Guantanamo Bay, including 18 eligible for transfer if stable third-party countries can be found to take them, the Pentagon said. (tnx, Barry)

BASED: Corruption at the Fifth Estate - Lack of disclosure on de facto lobbying at think tanks has triggered a bipartisan reaction.

Something Was Badly Wrong : When Washington Realized Russia Was Actually Invading Ukraine - A first-ever oral history of how top U.S. and Western officials saw the warning signs of a European land war, their frantic attempts to stop it -- and the moment Putin actually crossed the border.
Oral history: Leaders recall dismay, fury on first day of war in Ukraine : Political, military and intelligence officials describe their reaction to the Russian invasion and what they did that first day
Slava Ukraini: Lets go back and see what the pro-Russia side was saying a year ago (all the usual confident idiots)

U.S. has admitted 271,000 Ukrainian refugees since Russian invasion, far above Bidens goal of 100,000
DOJ Seizing Luxury Hamptons, NYC Pads in $75M Real-Estate Raid on Russian Oligarch

Key US inflation measure surges at fastest rate since June | AP News

Biden ready to run in 2024, first lady says | AP News

Kevin McCarthy Is All in for Pro-Coup Propaganda : politics
McCarthy rewards the pro-Trump radicals who put him in power : politics

Will a $1.6bn defamation lawsuit finally stop Fox News from spreading lies? | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian
Opinion | Republican elites feed their base's delusions for one reason: Fear - The Washington Post
Some MAGA Republicans Break with Fox Over Ukraine - The Bulwark Some MAGA Republicans Break with Fox Over Ukraine primetime anchors oppose Bidens support for Ukraine. A few in the GOP have stood up to them.

Mike Pences Dangerous Gambit

Trump Tried To Topple Democracy. His GOP Rivals Dont Think Its Worth Mentioning.

Targeted for retribution: Trumps brag badly backfires as judge orders him to sit for deposition

Trump Allies Push to Blacklist Former January 6 Committee Staff The Effort to Rewrite Our National Memory of January 6 Is in Full Swing - An effort to blacklist former J6 committee staffers is another front in Republicans' attack on truth.

Incredible negligence More classified docs found at TrumpsMar-a-Lago months after FBI search: Special counsel Jack Smithsinvestigators suspect a shell game with classified documents
How a box with classified documents ended up in Trumps office months after FBI searched Mar-a-Lago

He should be apologizing: Critics call out Trumps lie to East Palestine residents | I hadnothing to do with slashing rail regulations, Trump claimed after gutting rail regulations
Stunned Fox hosts find actual facts on air & blame Pete Buttigieg because Trump | We see what they did there.
Let them eat MAGA hats (down the refuck crazy hole)
(1) Isaac Chotiner on Twitter: "People this naive should perhaps do something other than write about American politics for a living." / Twitter

Opinion | Marjorie Taylor Greene Has a Dream - The New York Times Marjorie Taylor Greene, now one of the most influential Republicans in the House of Representatives, says it is time for Americans to consider a national divorce.

White supremacists behind over 80% of extremism-related U.S. murders in 2022 : politics

Florida county Republican Party votes to ban the COVID-19 vaccine : politics
Florida man takes over research universities
I tend to take claims like these with a grain of salt. But I just went line-by-line through the DeSantis education bill. And you guys, its *bananas*. A road map for wrecking one of our great state systems of higher education
Florida Republicans New Bill May Be the Biggest Attack on Academic Freedom Yet: The bill, backed by Governor Ron DeSantis, goes after degrees, tenured professors, and more.
A new bill calls for the removal of degrees in critical race theory (CRT), gender studies, and other majors and minors that promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) from Floridas public colleges.

Christian patriots are flocking from blue states to Idaho (satanic traitors)

Tennessee Lobbyists Oppose New Lifesaving Exceptions in Abortion Ban (religious liberty to kill you)
Tennessee Republicans Vote to Make Drag Shows Felonies : politics
Inside the Rights Anti-Trans Dog and Pony Show: In state after state after state, its the samethe same quack "experts" the same false or outdated evidence, and the same hatred spewed at vulnerable youth. Step up, Democrats.
Opinion | New York Times reporters criticize guild for handling of trans dispute - The Washington Post
Recording Anti-Trans Bias in the Paper of Record By The Crimson Editorial Board

Opinion | New York Times reporters criticize guild for handling of trans dispute - The Washington Post

GOP Ex-Sen. Inhofe Retired Due To Long COVID After Opposing COVID Aid : politics ,,, Inhofe voted against multiple coronavirus aid packages meant to help Americans at the height of the pandemic, including the Families First Coronavirus Response Act approved overwhelmingly by 90 senators in March 2020, and the American Rescue Plan in March 2021.

Democrats erupt with fury after Republican questions loyalty of Rep. Chu
Rep. Judy Chu hits back at Texas Republican over racist remarks questioning her loyalty to U.S.Chu, the first Chinese American woman elected to Congress, was responding to Rep. Lance Goodens remarks about her support of a Biden appointee he says the FBI should investigate.

Georgia politician slams Clarence Thomas amid statue debate : politics

Eschaton: Infamy My guy here has great timing.
it will surprise no one to learn that brooks signed the letter lecturing his nyt colleagues about being journalists and not activists it appears he was so busy pursuing facts he forgot that doing the bidding of elizabeth kochs pr firm is most certainly activism of a kind ... "perception boxes" ...

The financier, who died at 78 years old, was known for prominent takeovers of Snapple and Warner Music - found dead in his Manhattan office of what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.)

The rights new culture-war target: Woke AI

Facebooks new $12 fee is straight out of Don Corleones playbook -- making you pay for security and basic customer service when you get hacked. Thats called a protection racket when mobsters do it.

How to secure your Twitter account for free with an authentication app - The Washington Post
After a Decade of Tracking Politicians' Deleted Tweets, Politwoops Is No More -- Whether officials were deleting an embarrassing post or just correcting a typo, Politwoops tracked them all. But service changes made after Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter have rendered it impossible for us to continue tracking these tweets.

And you thought Twitter Blue was a terrible business idea!

Inside New York Citys Nastiest (and Smallest) Newspaper WarHas the news of Greenwich Village ever been more fun?

Subway costs: we finally know why it costs so much to build public transit in the U.S. The real reason it costs so damn much to build new subways in America.

Im a chef whos obsessed with my air fryer. Here are my 13 favorite things to make in it.

How America's Most Cherished Photographer Learned to See - For five decades, Stephen Shore has remade our vison of the country, largely by remaking his own.

Who Should You Trust? Psychologists Have a Surprising Answer In each exercise, the researchers found evidence that guilt-proneness (measured separately in questionnaires about how the subjects would feel in different scenarios, like hitting an animal with their car or missing lunch with a friend) positively and significantly predicted trustworthiness, far more than any other indicator of trustworthiness tested.

I Thought Mentalphysics Was New-Age Nonsense. It Changed My Life. It sounds like a hippie fantasy: a kind of super yoga that can supposedly extend your lifespan, give you clairvoyant powers, and help you control your reality. But in a dark moment on a desert retreat, I became a believer ... Joshua Tree Retreat Center ... a>

chrisrayn comments on r/conservative discusses Orwell and Huxley...

Kedosto comments on what brought you to Reddit?


This 'climate-friendly' fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk ... "biofuels" ...

Australia to make area the size of Germany a marine park in Southern Ocean | Plan to triple size of Macquarie Island protection zone to shield remote wildlifewonderland

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Tajikistan : worldnews

3,850 confirmed cases and 85 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

11-year-old Cambodian girl dies of H5N1 bird flu : worldnews
After death of girl yesterday, 12 more detected with H5N1 bird flu in Cambodia : worldnews
Bird flu: UK public health officials consider introducing lateral flow tests to test for virus in people : worldnews

Myanmar Junta Burned 55,484 Houses Since Coup : worldnews
Ta-ang Girls Return From Yangon Nunnery Showing Signs of Torture - Burma : worldnews

The Invasion of Ukraine Turned Japans Russia Policy on Its Head

Korea again ranks top in gender wage gap among OECD countries : worldnews

The U.S. and Taiwan To Ramp Up Military Cooperation : worldnews

US considers intelligence release on Chinas potential arms transfer
The War in Ukraine: China Is Reportedly Negotiating with Russia To Supply Kamikaze Drones - DER SPIEGEL The U.S. and Germany have warned China not to deliver weapons to Russia. According to information obtained by DER SPIEGEL, however, Beijing and Moscow are said to be negotiating the purchase of 100 strike drones, which could be delivered as soon as April.
Xi Jinping to visit Moscow for summit with Putin: Report : worldnews ... Xitbirds of a feather
Chinese Propaganda trying hard to re-frame Russia's war of aggression : UkrainianConflict
The German foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, clashed with Chinese diplomats on Thursday, passionately rejecting their claim that the west was adding fuel to the fire by arming Ukraine. : worldnews

The true impact of a year of war on Russia's economy : UkraineWarVideoReport

Putin Still Believes Russia Will PrevailAngela Stent and Michael Kofman discuss one year of the war in Ukraineand what to expect next on the battlefield.
Why Putins iron grip over Russia could be weakening
Wagner boss may seek to replace Putin in coup attempt : UkrainianConflict
Is Russia Still a Great Power?
Why Cant Russia Figure Out How to Win?
Putin says russia should return to its historic borders? Good idea. Thats how the moscow duchy looked like in 14th century.
Russian President Vladimir #Putin revived his imperialistic narrative that #Russia is fighting for Russias historic frontiers today, a narrative that he had similarly voiced in his speech before the re-invasion of #Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022.
Putin wanted to boast about Russia launching a nuclear-capable ICBM but the launch failed so he couldnt, report says
Andrei Zubov: Generals Will Have To Remove Putin : UkrainianConflict
A global divide on the Ukraine war is deepening -- Russia capitalizes on disillusionment with the United States to win sympathy in the Global South.
The West Tried to Isolate Russia. It Didnt Work.
Medvedev: Russia will disappear if it loses war : UkrainianConflict

Yet another powerful oligarch has died under mysterious circumstances. Vyacheslav Rovneiko, an ex-KGB spy turned oil magnate was found in an unconscious state at his Moscow home. His condition rapidly deteriorated and he was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. : UkrainianConflict

Russias military chiefs go to war ... with each other
Putins Chef Leaks Grisly Corpse Photo in Public Betrayal of Kremlin

Twitter owner helping to promote Kremlin propaganda. : UkrainianConflict

Bloodied Wagner fighters captured in Ukraine recount path from prison to war
Never saw such hell: Russian soldiers in Ukraine call home
Meduza: Russian mobics' sense that their lives are likely to end soon have combined into a violent, alcohol-fueled disaster. : UkraineWarVideoReport
A year of war (and yes, Greenwald played his idiotic part)

1/ Russia's ammunition shortage in eastern Ukraine is reportedly so severe that its troops there have reportedly been issued with completely unusable munitions, including shells which are so rusty they have simply disintegrated.

2/ According to the RussianMobilisation News Telegram channel, the cadets were assembled under the pretext of rehearsing a graduation ceremony. But representatives of the military enlistment office came to the meeting.

More inconsistencies in Hersh report: The US journalist Hersh had claimed that the USA and Norway were behind the explosions at the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. But several details of his report do not stand up to scrutiny. : UkrainianConflict

India is trying to get G20 countries to follow Putin's instruction not to refer to Russia's war in Ukraine as a 'war,' reports sa : worldnews

Young voters in Nigeria mobilize in record numbers ahead of presidential election : worldnews

Deepfakes worrying threat to democracy in Africa. : worldnews

Turkey fines broadcasters for coverage critical of earthquake response

Iranians Outraged By Swiss Ambassadors Black Veil In Shrine Visit

Netanyahu Faces His Own Israeli Spring
Israel advances plans for 7,000 new settler homes, places E1 project back on docket : worldnews

The United States is preparing additional economic assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $10 billion, Treasury Secretary Yellen said.
How Joe Biden repaired a troubledrelationship with Kyiv and united Nato and the West in defence of Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 365, Part 1 (Thread #506) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 23.02.2023 : ukraine

General Kyrylo Budanov also says, To all [Ukrainian] patriots, the time to act has come! Sit tight. Were headed your way!(I assume this is an appeal of sorts for acts of sabotage and maybe more.)
Russian air defense in the occupied cities of Donetsk, Makiivka, Mariupol Ilovaisk and elsewhere are firing wildly into the air. Extremely peculiar. There are rumors especially around Mariupol that Ukraine is using a new weapon

The National Bank of Ukraine issued a souvenir banknote to the anniversary of invasion. One sees a fragment of the map with Crimea and other temporarily occupied regions in the background.

Russian Military Plane Crashes Near Ukrainian Border, Pilot Dead : worldnews
Better than nothing: Outgunned Ukrainian pilots take the fight to Russia in ancient Soviet-era helicopters

They wanted children: Ukrainian doctors say they lied to keep kids safe from Russian troops -- Doctors say they faked medical records to make the children appear too sick to travel

Growth of wind and solar has saved the EU 12 billion since Russia invaded Ukraine

Belgium investigating Russian spy ship in North Sea: Lets notbe naive

Dutch security service warned far-right leader Baudet over Russian influence : worldnews
Heineken says it still plans to exit Russia, take 300 million euro loss : worldnews

German police raid far-right prepper scene over coup plot: The suspects allegedly have connections to the Reichsburger movement. Police said investigations were underway ..."Imperial Citizen"
Twitter suspends accounts of German TV show & journalist after posting a report about Russias abduction of Ukrainian children

A woman dies every two minutes due to pregnancy or childbirth complications, despite maternal mortality rates dropping by a third in 20 years, the United Nations said Thursday : worldnews

Senator Speaker says hed be sorry to have gay son (Italy)

The Eiffel Tower is light up in yellow and blue and will stay like that for three evenings, in support of Ukraine. : ukraine
Eiffel Tower now : UkraineWarVideoReport

Huge Ukrainian flag painted on road outside Russian Embassy in London : worldnews
Due respect. Protest group creates giant #Ukraine flag outside Russian embassy in London. Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys posted an image of their work on Twitter, saying Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Putins imperialist invasion

All U.S. extremist mass killings in 2022 linked to far right, report says

Biden vows to defend literally every inch of NATO territory. Article 5 is a sacred commitment

Democrats, in Major Shift, Now Prefer Biden as Nominee : politics
Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters : politics Poll: Bidens standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters ... August 22: Biden had 3% Republican support. Feb 23: Biden has 15% Republican support.

US ending extra help for groceries that started during COVID : politics

Republicans Are Painting Themselves Into a Corner Over Ukraine : UkrainianConflict

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse demands more transparency on gifts, food, lodging and entertainment that federal judges and Supreme Court justices receive : politics

McCarthy defends release of January 6 footage to Tucker Carlson: I promised
Schumer: McCarthy is jeopardizing lawmakers safety by giving Carlson Jan. 6 footage
Kevin McCarthys Jan. 6 footage stunt demands a real response
Kevin McCarthy's Horse-Trading to Become Speaker Will Go Down as Another Corrupt Bargain - Apparently giving Tucker Carlson the Jan. 6 footage was yet another part of the deal, and there's probably more.

Incredibly damning: Fox News documents stun some legal experts

Two former senior employees who allege they were targeted for retribution after FBIs Trump-Russia probe may question Trump and Director Christopher Wray, a judge ruled.
Judge orders depositions of Trump, Wray in long-running dispute with ex-FBI officials - POLITICO

Special counsel asks judge to compel Mike Pence to testify in Jan. 6 probe : politics

New York Court Says Fox, Rudy Giuliani Cant Escape Defamation Lawsuit Over BS Stolen Election Claims

What the Hell Is the Trump Georgia Jury Forewoman Thinking? : politics
Take it from a former prosecutor: Emily Kohrsmedia tour is reckless

Donald Trump defends North Koreas not happy Kim Jong-un after missile launches: he feels threatened

Donald Trump, who rolled back rail safety regulations and slashed environmental protections, donates Trump-branded water to East Palestine residents : politics
Trump, Who Deregulated the Railroad Industry, Lies to the People of Ohio in His Visit: Asked about his administrations own record, Trump pretended he had nothing to do with it
How a train derailment in East Palestine turned into a right-wing cause - The Washington Post
Trumps grip on the Republican base is slipping even among his fans

Schiff, Porter in tight race to replace Sen. Feinstein, poll shows; others trail far behind

The George Santos Caucus Is Growing : politics

A national divorce would destroy red states. Lets count the ways ... South Carolina receives $4.51 back from the government for every $1 residents pay in federal tax
6 Billion People Are Crossing The Border!!! : PoliticalHumor

Ron DeSantis wont speak to MSNBC and NBC until reporter apologises over question about Black history book bans
Christians could sue people who call them homophobic if this GOP bill passes. The bills author made sure everyone understood that it's not just about journalists, it's about everyone, even on social media ... The bill specifically says that publications cant use truth as a defense
Fired Florida school teacher vows to expose Ron DeSantis : politics

Kyrsten Sinemas $300,000 Security Expert Is Tulsi Gabbards Sister (oh, and a a Russian spy)
Providers are protected: New Mexico bill defends abortion rights
Women who seek abortion in South Carolina could face death penalty : politics
Abortion Attitudes in a Post-Roe World: Findings From the 50-State 2022 American Values Atlas
Most people in most states support legal abortion - The Washington Post
The countermajoritarian difficulty

Approaching Nine Months Since Tennessees Abortion Ban, DCS Remains in Disarray ... (1. ban abortion 2. make unwanted children die)

Tennessee Republicans Try to Impersonate Serious Adults with New Drag Show Ban | Dressing up bigotry as common sense is a much more dangerous threat to public morals. : politics
Tennessee Republicans Try to Impersonate Serious Adults with New Drag Show Ban - Dressing up bigotry as common sense is a much more dangerous threat to public morals.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams decries remote work: You cant stay home in your pajamas all day
About 90% of drivers searched or arrested by the NYPD in 2022 were Black or Latino - Gothamist

Indiana lawmakers back defunding Kinsey sex institute : politics

States look to remove legal protections for gun industry amid mass shootings : politics

Republicans call opioids No. 1 health threat poll by Axios-Ipsos : politics (guns don't kill anyone, they say)
South Carolina House OKs permitless carry of handguns : politics

GOP Politician Uses Polish Slur In Speech Claiming Party Isnt Bigoted

A master class in antisemitism: East Bay teacher on leave after complaints of conspiracy theories, bigoted materials ... English teacher Henry Bens used a Nazi salute in his classroom.

Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2022 | ADL

Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 16 years in prison for rape and sexual assault - The Boston Globe
Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 16 years for rape conviction in LA : news

Ozy Media's Founder, Carlos Watson, Arrested on Fraud Charges - Mr. Watson had founded the troubled digital-media start-up Ozy, which unraveled after The New York Times examined its business practices.

Elon Musks Twitter Goes Dark on Government Data Grabs

FTX leaders political donations topped $1M weeks before bankruptcy ... including a large donation to Senate Republican leadership.
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried faces new criminal charges
fresh sbf bank fraud charges just dropped

R. Kelly Sentenced to 20 Years for Child Sex Crimes - The New York Times The singer will serve most of the sentence in federal prison at the same time as a 30-year term for racketeering and sex trafficking.

The Transformation Of Joyce Carol Oates ... unusual to see a public person be so vocal about changing their mind.
Joyce Carol GOATs
(1) Joyce Carol Oates (@JoyceCarolOates) / Twitter

Fully Unhinged DilbertGuy Tells White People toGet the Fuck AwayFrom Black People

No, Teen Suicide Isnt Rising Because Life Got Objectively Worse
Theres A Lot To Be Depressed About
It not just teenagers who are a lot more depressed and anxious than they were in 2019. Adults - especially women - have been hit hard too. Per a study in the Lancet, adult depression rates went from 8.5% to 27.8% in 2020, then hit 32.8% in 2021.

Images in American History, Part 34

The Invisible Victims of American Anti-Semitism - The Atlantic

Sikhs 2nd most targeted faith group for US hate crimes: FBI : worldnews (turbans bc Americans are idiots)

A review concluded that "cannabinoids in the correct doses and ratio as to the content of individual subgroups can bring relief to people suffering from lack of proper sleep." : science

AI experts suggest 39% of time currently spent on chores could be automated within the next decade : technology

Antidepressants or running therapy (141 patients, 16 week treatment): Running therapy and antidepressant medication had similar effects on mental health (remission and response rates), but running therapy outperformed antidepressant medication on physical health variables. : science

Regret after Gender Affirming Surgery A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Multifaceted Patient Experience14 months post-op the regret rate was 0.3%

James Webb telescope detects evidence of ancient universe breaker galaxies

Women of Reddit - What was the one thing he did that made you think "im gonna marry this man"? : AskReddit


Turkey Earthquake Caused 300 km Long Crack in Earths Crust

Opinion | The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned? - The New York Times undefined
Bedbug continues to minimize the pandemic
The new scientific review on masks and Covid isnt what you think

Hive of spiestrying to steal sensitive information removed from Australia, Asio chief says
United Nations torture monitoring agency cancels visit to Australia because two states wont give them free access to detention centres.

Philippine police search for killers of New Zealand tourist Nick Stacey : worldnews

Russian families flock to Thailand as Ukraine war enters second year : worldnews

Japan promises to lead the world in fighting Russian aggression with $5.5 billion in Ukraine aid

South Korea court recognizes same-sex couple rights for first time : worldnews
South Koreas total fertility rate fell to a record low of 0.78 last year

North Korean state media urges rejection of poisoned candy foreign aid despite food shortages |

Chinas Xi preparing to visit Moscow for summit with Putin : worldnews
Russia ties solid as rock: China asserts neutrality in Ukraine peace push

Damn Putin had some massive Plastic Surgery done within the past 30 years! : pics

(2/4) He characterised Western elites as having become a symbol of total unprincipled lies and suspended Russia from the New START treaty.
(4/4) Putin continues to present a contradictory narrative of existential struggle, while insisting everything in Russia is fine and going to plan. This renders both messages ineffective.

Putins craven lust for land & power will fail: Biden
Does Russia risk disintegration? Experts Perspectives

The head of Russias Wagner mercenary outfit on Tuesday accused Moscows military chiefs of refusing to supply the group with munitions and seeking to destroy it, saying this amounted to treason
Prigozhin shows corpses of Wagnerites, saying they were killed because of lack of shells : worldnews
2/17 One of the biggest threats posed by Wagner is that they have much more freedom in assaults than regular forces, whose officers must follow rules defined by military regulations, based on the soviet military doctrine. Let's take a closer look at Wagners tactics.

Wives of killed Russian soldiers get sausage and pate in Vladivostok : worldnews
Russia prepares for mass mobilisation of full-time students : worldnews
I realized that my country was doing something wrong: Nearly 22,000 Russians have tried to enter the US since Putins wardraft

US believes Russia had failed intercontinental ballistic missile test while Biden was in Ukraine : worldnews
Russian test of Satan II silo-based ballistic missile with nuclear warheads failed : worldnews

Russian Radio Stations were reportedly Hacked earlier today to Broadcast a Fake Air Raid Alert.
The city of Krasnoyarsk is covered with smoke due to a huge fire, reports local media. According to eyewitnesses, the heat is felt tens of meters from the burning building.

India does not want to discuss more sanctions on Russia : worldnews
Host India does not want G20 to discuss more sanctions on Russia : worldnews

Tunisian president says influx of sub-Sahara African migrants must end : worldnews

Israel Signals Readiness For Military Confrontation With Iran : worldnews
US Backs Statement Critical of Israel at UN : politics
6 Palestinians Killed, Dozens Injured In Israeli Raid In West Bank : worldnews

Before And After Satellite Photos Reveal Devastation In Ukraine After Russias Invasion

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 364, Part 1 (Thread #505) : worldnews

(1) ISW on Twitter: "4/ Transporting such irregular forces who are likely battle weary, poorly trained, or both to #Zaporizhia Oblast suggests that Russian military leadership has de-prioritized making new territorial gains in Zaporizhia Oblast." / Twitter

Soldiers in Ukraine are freezing sperm to have families in case they dont return home from the war

Putin cancels decree underpinning Moldovas sovereignty in separatist conflict

Belarus says Ukraine army groups massed at border, risking its security : worldnews
Belarusian foreign minister died by suicide after meeting Putins officials: report
All roads blocked between Poland and neighbouring Belarus as tensions flare | Euronews : worldnews

Biden issues a rallying cry in Warsaw: Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia
Biden hails rock solid Nato as Putin blames West for Russias war

Orban, F*** You. Slovakian Foreign Minister Harshly Criticized Hungarian Prime Minister For His Position On Ukraine : worldnews

Russian President Vladimir Putin unwittingly accelerated the European Unions green transition with his war in Ukraine, with the 27-nation bloc reducing its dependency on Russian fossil fuels and increasing its renewable energy use over the past year, the EUsclimate czar said Tuesday

The Children of the Nazis'Genetic Project - Across Europe, some adoptees have had to face a dark realization about their origins.

Swiss imports from Russia rose in January : worldnews
Heineken still investing in Russia despite promises to stop : worldnews

Venices picturesque canals run dry as Italy faces drought alert

Do not forget Jeremy Corbyn failure on antisemitism
Staff evacuated from US embassy in London : worldnews ... The US Embassy is back to normal business operations. Local authorities investigated and cleared a suspicious package outside the Embassy
Dozens of U.K. companies will keep the 4-day workweek after a pilot program ends : worldnews

The 72 hours Biden spent on the ground in Ukraine and Poland have been among the most momentous of his presidency : politics
GOPers Furiously Try To Spin Bidens Ukraine Trip As UnAmerican ... 8 Republicans went to Moscow to illegally meet with Sanctioned officials, on July 4, 2018. But Biden going to Ukraine was UnAmerican

10 Surprising Lessons of the Ukraine War So Far

Biden may not run and top Dems are quietly preparing

Bernie Sanders says its time for a four-day work week

NLRB holds that gag orders cannot be part of severance agreements

House Democratic leaders to meet about impact of reported Jan. 6 video release to Fox News Tucker Carlson
Kevin McCarthy offers his first sacrifice to the MAGA cult. His gift to Tucker Carlson is one of many capitulations to the far-right extremists in the party for Kevin McCarthy : politics
Jeffries slams providing Fox with Jan. 6 footage asegregious security breach
Rep. Raskin: Tucker Carlson is a pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist
The Corruption of Fox News: Worse Than You Thought : By David Corn

Can We Stop Being Cynical and Give Biden the Huge Props He Deserves for Kyiv? : politics
Biden Is Much More Popular Than Trump Around the World : politics
Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters)

Trump defends Kim Jong Un after recent missile tests, and says he has a right to feel threatened by US military drills in South Korea : politics

Trump Spent $10 Million From His PAC on His Legal Bills Last Year : politics

Coup bombshell: Trump will be indictedsays prosecutor after GA grand jury leak
Trump GA Investigation Grand Jury Indictments: not a short list
Possible targets in Fulton County investigation of Trump, allies may try to quash charges : politics

Mike Pence wags the dog: His attempt to avoid testifying is constitutional nonsense : politics

Arizonas top prosecutor concealed records debunking election fraud claims (w

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Subpoenaed in Jan. 6 Investigation : politics

Florida Great Displacement: Climate Change Forces Residents to Leave State : politics

Marjorie Taylor GreenesNational Divorce Riff Is Weapons-Grade Trolling | This year may see her take her final form as a being of pure grievance, existing online as a pulsing ball of energy.

EPA orders Norfolk Southern to clean up Ohio train derailment site and pay all costs : politics
Investigation Shows Rail Giant Donated to Ohio Governor a Month Before Toxic Crash : politics
Trumps Ohio Visit Puts Spotlight on Rail-Safety Rules He Ended
Pure political theater: Lincoln Project overshadow Trumps Ohio visit with video highlighting rail safety hypocrisy

The media politics of the Ohio train derailment ... For another, since there was no obvious way to turn what the accident was doing to the soil into an indictment of Joe Bidens ongoing project to build landing strips for gay Martians across rural America, Fox News et. al., were paying little attention to it. That all changed when Biden made his surprise trip to Ukraine. Now Bidens failure to visit the site of a possibly serious but also possibly not serious environmental accident somewhere in the ungovernable tribal regions has become the outrage of the week, replacing the ritual slaughter of the balloon-like objects.

In Wisconsin Supreme Court Race, Democratic Turnout Was High - The New York Times Democratic turnout was high in the Tuesday primary for the State Supreme Court, ahead of a costly general election that will decide the future of abortion rights and gerrymandered maps in the state.

Republicans in some states want to ease child labor laws to fill jobs : politics

Nikki Haley defended right to secession, Confederate History Month and the Confederate flag in 2010 talk : politics

Mississippi Senate passes limit on transgender health care : politics

Indiana Dont Say Gay bill pivots to kids gender identity
A Catalogue of the GOPs Paranoid Preoccupations

Seattle becomes first US city to ban caste-based discrimination : politics

The Democratic Party in New York Is a Disaster
Democrats Put Early Money on New York to Retake the House - The New York Times

US adults identifying as LGBTQ double in a decade: Gallup poll | The Hill

Rep. Eastman sparks outrage after asking about the potential economic benefits of the deaths of abused Alaska children

EXCLUSIVE: Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein - who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck - despite no sign of weapon

NPR says its cutting jobs by 10% as ad revenue drops

Russian propgandists get Twitter verification two years in Ukraine war - The Washington Post The verification means their tweets, mostly opposing U.S. aid to Ukraine, are given added prominence ... another sign that Elon Musks takeover is accelerating the spread of politically charged misinformation

To NYTs Peter Baker, Acknowledging Trans PeoplesExistence Is Activism, Openly Advocating for Perpetual U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan Isnt

Clarkesworld Magazine Has Temporarily Banned AI And ChatGPT Generated Books : books

New study finds the more conservative your sexual values, the more challenging it is to stick to them: Religiousness predicts sexual incongruence, but not more than conservative sexual values, which demonstrated the most substantial relationship. : science

Bans on prostitution lead to a significant increase in rape rates while liberalization of prostitution leads to a significant decrease in rape rates. This indicates that prostitution is a substitute for sexual violence. [Data from Europe]. : science

Whats the most fucked up dream youve ever had?

Reddit should have to identify users who discussed piracy, film studios tell court : technology


The lush West African rainforests of Liberia are being cut down and illegally exported with the likely collusion of powerful government officials, according to a diplomatic document describes an apparent parallelsystemfor trade in timber

Incredibly intelligent, highly elusive: US faces new threat from Canadian "super-pig"

Europe hits new wind and solar record after Russian invasion of Ukraine - Vox

UN torture prevention body cancels Australia trip after refused access to detention, mental health centres : worldnews

Stolen trove of 77 Angkor crown jewels returned to Cambodia after resurfacing in London : worldnews

South Korean court recognises legal status of same-sex couples for first time | Seoul high court rules gay couple allowed same health insurance rights as heterosexual couple in landmark case : worldnews
Appellate court rules in favor of gay couple seeking spousal health insurance coverage | Yonhap News Agency : worldnews

North Korea Missile Tests Put Thousands In China, Japan At Radiation Risk : worldnews

Taiwan to bolster military ties with US : worldnews

China is home to 16 of the 20 global regions most vulnerable to climate change, according to data published on Monday, with some of the worlds most important manufacturing hubs at risk from rising water levels and extreme weather

Vladimir Putin gives speech on Russian war plans as Ukraine invasion anniversary draws near : worldnews ... everyone hates us for some reason, we just tried to do things peacefully. Oh and in the west pedophilia is normal and they are also nazis
PUTIN SPEECH SCORECARD: Nazis (11), Terrorists (1), Our historic lands/motherland (8), Coup (3), SMO (3), Kyiv regime (8), Nuclear weapons (7), NATO (5), Bio labs (1), We peaceful (10), Western lies (15), West was going to attack us (5), Rewrites WW2 history (3), Russophobia (3), Satan (1) : UkrainianConflict
Putins whining, mendacious lecture today sounded even more pathetic contrasted with EU leaders in Munich, Biden and Zelensky in Ukraine, and Biden and Duda in Warsaw. A dictators fear and hatred versus the democratic worlds optimism and unity.
Putin says Russia will suspend New START, major nuclear treaty with U.S. : worldnews
Putin Suspends Russian Participation in Nuclear Pact with U.S. : worldnews

In Bidens Unannounced Visit to Kyiv, a Preview of an Increasingly Direct Contest With Putin
Putin falsely claims it was West that "started the war" in Ukraine almost a year after he ordered invasion : worldnews
Putins address, as usual, turned into a monologue by a mentally ill person: The West attacked Russia, so Russia attacked Ukraine to stop NATO expansion. The West is to blame, Russia is a peaceful country, Russia is not at war with Ukrainians
"Western Elites Want To Be Done With Us Once And For All": Putin Hits Out : worldnews
Bidens Ukraine visit upstages Putin and leaves Moscow's military pundits raging
(1) Prune60 on Twitter: "And before you think that sounds too crazy, remember that they talked about nuking the Queens funeral" / Twitter
The same tired lies spilling out of Putins mouth in his state of the nation speech now. He starts by claiming his invasion of Ukraine was justified and vows to see it through. We will accomplish all our tasks carefully and consistently
Putin says its impossible to defeat (Russia) on the battlefield. Ukraine would disagree.
A nations army is drawn from its people, and a nations army reflects the character and values of the societyPutins autocratic kleptocracy is thus far proving no match for Ukraines agile democracy.

Putins invasion was meant to be a 3-day blitzkrieg that saw the capture of Kyiv. A year later, Russia's army is nowhere near Kyiv, let alone victory. How long can he keep fighting?
American intelligence believes that the Kremlin leadership may soon begin another wave of mobilization, writes Focus Ukraine with reference to the New York Times.

About 30 countries call on International Olympic Committee to suspend Russians and Belarusians : worldnews

Wagners Prigozhin accuses Russian top brass of 'treason'

Leaked Russian documents show Russian plan to take full control over Belarus in the next decade : worldnews
Russia plans Belarus absorption by 2030
Belarus to form 100,000-150,000 strong volunteer military force : worldnews

Jihadist ambush in Burkina Faso kills 51 soldiers : worldnews

Israeli government passes judicial reform bill 63-47 in first reading : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 363, Part 1 (Thread #504) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 22.02.2023 : ukraine
Russia is heavily shelling Kherson. Missiles against people, residential buildings, pharmacies, markets, vehicle parksTo defeat Russian invaders on Ukrainian land is to save both Ukraine & other nations in Europe, which Russia wants to conquer, from terror. Terror must lose!

Anti-LGBTQ+ violence in Europe hits decade-high, report finds : worldnews

Austria criticised for allowing 18 Russian MPs to attend security meeting | Ukraine to boycott OSCE gathering in Vienna, as reports say Russians have also been invited to a nationalist ball : worldnews

Spain rail head resigns over botched train order : worldnews

Italy faces new drought alert as Venice canals run dry : worldnews

Jury in Georgia Trump Inquiry Recommended Multiple Indictments, Forewoman Says - The New York Times
Trump election theft grand jury to recommend indictments

House Speaker McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson exclusive access Jan. 6 riot footage - The Washington Post
Bennie Thompson rips McCarthy for giving Tucker Carlson Jan. 6 footage | The Hill ... "Its hard to overstate the potential security risks if this material were to be used irresponsibly" (puts it in Putin's pocket)
Why it matters that Kevin McCarthy gave Jan. 6 tapes to Fox News Kevin McCarthy gave 41,000 hours of sensitive Jan. 6 footage to a controversial television personality. What could possibly go wrong?
What if the Twitter Files were about something important? ... Kevin McCarthy is using Elon Musks playbook, giving security footage of the 1/6 riots to a serially dishonest bingo caller who supports the insurrectionists:

How the GOP Lost Its Brain | The recent fight over the speakership proved the point yet again: Todays Republican Party is driven by egos and power rivalries, not ideas. The GOP once had ideaslots of them. The problem was that they were unpopular and bad.
Republicans use wokeism to attack left but struggle to define it
Democrats pounce on GOP woke-waste attacks ... "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them"

Twenty governors are forming a new coalition to support abortion rights - The Washington Post - Twenty governors are joining the new alliance, which was initiated by California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and bills itself as nonpartisan, though only Democratic governors have joined as of this morning.

Biden EPA to take over cleanup of toxic Ohio derailment disaster : politics
Pete Buttigieg Launches Rail Safety Blitz, Slams Industry And GOP Critics : politics
The right fans a repulsive campaign to racialize the Ohio train disaster : politics

DeSantis downplays Russia as a global threat after Bidens visit to Kyiv:I think theyve shown themselves to be a third-rate military power
Gov. DeSantis wants to expand state guard to more than triple in size : politics

Michigan Republicans Elect QAnon Conspiracist Kristina Karamo as Party Chair ... Karamo as their new state party chair over the weekend, choosing a candidate who still refuses to concede her 14-point election loss last fall, has close ties to the QAnon conspiracy theory movement and thinks everyone and everything is satanic, from Jay-Z to Cardi B to yoga.
GOPs black best friend totally crazy

Why QAnon Targeted the Creator of Hollywoods Black List ... twisted fixation on Franklin Leonard.

What It Looks Like When the Far Right Takes Control of Local Government : politics
I spent a night at The Nuthouse and glimpsed the future of the Michigan Republican Party : politics

Bonkers Republican bill in Idaho would make mRNA-based vaccination a crime : politics

Mormon church fined over scheme to hide $32 billion investment fund behind shell companies The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints engaged in the scheme for more than 20 years.
Feds fine Mormon church for illicitly hiding $32 billion investment fund behind shell companies : politics

The Era of Shutting Others Out of New Yorks Suburbs Is Ending - In some parts of Scarsdale, in Westchester County, new homes must be built on lots of at least two acres. In most parts of the village of Muttontown, on Long Island, new homes must be at least 2,000 square feet. The town of Oyster Bay, also on Long Island, requires that some guest apartments, known as accessory dwelling units, be occupied only by family members or domestic servants ,,, For much of the 20th century, towns surrounding New York City used a stomach-churning mix of racial covenants and restrictive zoning laws to shut out Black Americans and others considered undesirable from thriving suburbs ... Massachusetts requires towns to allow multifamily housing near transit centers and imposes penalties for those that fail to do so.

$200M in City Purchased COVID Gear Auctioned For Just $500,000 - THE CITY Thousands of ventilators de Blasio commissioned for $12 million sell as scrap metal for less than $25K.

I Was So F*cking Freaked Out: Ex-NYT Staffer Describes Crying andBloodthirsty Colleagues Seeking Vengeance for Cotton Op-Ed ... Embarrassing details about the extent of the 2020 staff revolt at the New York Times have been revealed in a new book featuring an interview with former Times staffer Shawn McCreesh ... Bennet, the top editor of the Times opinion pages, eventually resigned under pressure.

Eschaton: You Know What You Did Last 2009 The "ACORN sting" and the role of the New York Times in promoting it was a big thing! The public editor groveled in apology to conservatives for not covering the story enough!!! (and they fell for O'Keefe's lie and destroyed Acorn)

Eschaton: Ah The 1990s, More Enlightened Times - Not as you might suspect from some syndicated wingnut in some 3rd-tier city paper. Philadelphia Inquirer editorial board. 1990. (how to eliminate Black people)

Meta has profited from over 200 ads using the anti-LGBTQ "groomer" slur, even though the platform claims it prohibits the term | Media Matters for America (Zuckerborg profiting from hate)

Andrew Tate: Self-proclaimed misogynist influencers detention in Romania extended for another 30 days

Whats the Story with Seymour Hersh?

Project Veritas claimed James OKeefe risked groups nonprofit status

Eschaton: I Don't Think These Guys Are Okay ... Marc Andreessen (superrich techbro idiot)

Brad Pitt was the only winner of the Aniston-Jolie tabloid battle In the biggest tabloid love triangle of the 2000s, there was never a right kind of woman to be.

A retro hobby for the end timesThe delicious, divisive, and surprisingly political world of contemporary home canning.

Reckitt recalls plant-based infant formula over Cronobacter concerns : NPR

Ketamine can be mind-altering, and getting it has become much easier. Many mental health patients call the drug lifesaving. But some complain of bladder ailments, inadequate oversight and addiction.

Spotting a hidden exoplanet : worldnews


Cyclone Freddy, most energetic Southern Hemisphere cyclone on record, expected to hit Madagascar later today : worldnews

Mauritius halts flights, Madagascar braces for floods as cyclone Freddy nears : worldnews

Not much time left: Salt Lake City's mayor on the Great Lake drying up - Former environmental activist Erin Mendenhall leads a fast-growing city threatened by toxic dust from the lake's shrinking water levels

Is COVID unique in the way it affects different individuals in such different ways? : askscience
Long COVID Now Looks like a Neurological Disease, Helping Doctors to Focus Treatments
The case of a patient who had COVID for 318 days helped scientists discover a new route for dangerous coronavirus strain emergence. They found mutations enabling T cell escape. Keeping track of mutations is crucial for understanding, monitoring, and controlling the pandemic : science

Third Person proven to be cured from HIV by ccr5d HSCT : science
5th person confirmed to be cured of HIV : news

Stolen crown jewels returned to Cambodia after being handed over in London : worldnews

Vietnam jails 4 South Koreans for an illegal smuggling operation that flew 189 South Koreans into the country under false official documents to bypass COVID restrictions : worldnews

Japan to give Ukraine $5.5B, host online G-7 plus Zelenskyy : worldnews

As Biden visits Ukraine, Chinas top diplomat goes to Russia

Meanwhile in Russia, there was anger, fury and 50 shades of desperation over Bidens visit to Kyiv. More in my latest article, linked below
Putins Cronies: We Should Have Blown Up Biden in Kyiv
Putins Cronies: We Should Have Blown Up Biden in Kyiv
Putins Ukraine gamble seen as biggest threat to his rule
(4/4) If Russias spring offensive fails to achieve anything then tensions within the Russian leadership will likely increase.

History teacher explains the many warlord groups in Russia that could battle for control if the country were to be destabilized due to the ongoing war with Ukraine. : bestof
(39) Russia's Grand Strategy and Ukraine - Is Putin's war already a strategic failure? - YouTube
Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Says Russias Defeat In Ukraine "Inevitable"
Navalny Sets Out 15-Point Plan for Russias Postwar Development

Wagner founder: Russia denying ammunition to its own mercenaries : worldnews
Project 100,000 - Wikipedia - McNamaras Morons,
Russian Army Officials Accept $1,000 Bribes In Exchange For Soldiers Vacations: Ukraine Intel

Duda warns that any attack by Lukashenka against Ukraine will result in a massive uprising by the Belarusian people who do not want any war with Ukraine. Lukashenka will end up like Nicolae Ceaucescu who, along with his wife, was executed with 120 bullets.

Sri Lankan police disperse protesters demanding election | AP News

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes Turkey-Syria border region ... 6.4 ...
New Turkey earthquake leaves people trapped under rubble in Hatay : worldnews

Doctors Without Borders gains access to quake zone in Syria : worldnews

BRICS looks to bring in Iran and Saudi Arabia : worldnews

Iranians Chant Overnight Slogans, Set Khamenei Banner Ablaze : worldnews (hang the mullah-heads by their long beards)
Iran said on cusp of ability to make nukes, having enriched uranium to 84% purity : worldnews
Iran Nuclear Inspectors Detect Uranium Enriched to 84% Purity : worldnews
Pro-Iran regime prof. in US covered up mass murder - human rights report : worldnews ... Oberlin College Professor of Religion Mohammad Jafar Mahallatirole in the cover-up of the massacre of at least 5,000 Iranian dissidents in 1988.

Israel: 84% enrichment means its now or never to stop Iran
Israels Netanyahu advances judicial changes despite uproar (Netanfuckyu as always)
Protesters prepare as Knesset readies to bring judicial revolution to vote | Israel : worldnews
Israel: Protesters block homes of MKs as mass protests set to descend on Jerusalem : worldnews

Zelenskys video team is quick with a montage of todays historic Biden visit to Kyiv. The Ukrainian president writes on Telegram: Ukraine feels the support of the United States and President Joseph Biden personally in these difficult times of struggle. (moving, imagine the fat orange traitorous turd doing this)
Today, President Biden is in Kyiv to reaffirm Americas unwavering commitment to Ukraines democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.The United States of America will stand with the Ukrainian people for as long as it takes.

President Biden Makes Surprise Visit to Ukraine : worldnews
Zelensky on Biden visit to Ukraine: Historic. Timely. Brave
Biden in Ukraine ahead of war anniversary: Kyiv stands
Bidens Surprise Kyiv Visit: Putin Thought Ukraine Was Weak, Dead Wrong
How Biden pulled off a visit to an active Ukrainian war zone : worldnews
Biden in Ukraine for show of support amid concern China could give Putin lethal aid a year into Russias invasion

Zelensky: If China allies itself with Russia, there will be world war : worldnews
Zelensky says Ukraine will defend Bakhmut, but not at any price
US and G7 preparing large-scale sanctions for anniversary of Russian invasion : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 362, Part 1 (Thread #503) : worldnews

(1) (((Tendar))) on Twitter: "Based on the most recent footage from Vuhledar, which looks new to me, the situation for the Russians has worsened. Ukrainian troops not only repelled the attacks on Vuhledar but have now also a presence in the southern dachas. You can see small arms fire. #Vuhledar #Ukraine" / Twitter
(2/4) Casualties reportedly remain high, particularly in Bakhmut and Vuhledar. Specifically, the elite155th and 40th Naval Infantry Brigades have sustained very high losses in Vuhledar and are likely combat ineffective.

Blinken offers a cryptic comment on Elon Musk and Starlink ... Elon Musk will continue to add additional paywalls on Starlink unless Ukraine subscribes to Twitter blue.

The Russian troops in Transnistria must be expelled.The new Prime Minister of Moldova, Dorin Recean.Senior commanders of the Ukrainian Army have previously offered to help Moldova rid itself of the Russian soldiers in Transnistria.

Far right launches election campaign promising to give Poland backto the people
Wikipedia intentionally distorts history of the Holocaust, study claims ... small group of actors hijacks Holocaust-related entries on online encyclopedia to whitewash role of Polish society in genocide and bolster stereotypes about Jews

Putin is attempting to destabilise European countries to divert attention from Ukraine, warns Kosovos president

Only 18 Swiss companies have completely exited Russia, says Yale professor : worldnews

German population reaches historic high after arrival of over a million Ukrainian refugees : worldnews ... new wave of migration has seen Germanys population exceed 84 million for the first time in history with a growth of 1% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will come to Kyiv on Tuesday, where she will announce a new military aid package for Ukraine. Before the visit to Ukraine, Meloni is expected to stop in Warsaw and hold talks with Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki.
When we rotated it 90 degrees it was obvious: mystery sketch is rare Michelangelo draft for Sistine Chapel | Painting

Zelenskyy: Macron is wasting his time with Putin

Biden Visits Kyiv, Ukraine's Embattled Capital, as Air-Raid Siren Sounds - President Biden took a nearly 10-hour train ride from the border of Poland
White House gave Russia heads-up about Bidens Ukraine visit for deconfliction purposes
Statement from President Joe Biden on Travel to Kyiv, Ukraine : politics

Biden Went to Kyiv Because There No Going BackThe president surprise visit sent a message to Moscownd to European leaders.
Biden Just Destroyed Putin's Last Hope - The president's visit to Ukraine was a gut punch to the Russian leader. By Eliot A. Cohen
Sneaking a president from DC to Kyiv without anyone noticing
Cloak-and-dagger moves allow Biden to sneak into Ukraines war zoneUnusual news blackout, elaborate feints surround Bidens visit to a city under regular bombardment
Bidens Trip to Kyiv is the Ultimate Humiliation for Putin -- and Trump

Rep. Crow:Not even worth my brain space to respond to Republicans criticizing Biden Ukraine trip
DeSantis downplays Russia threat after Biden visit : politics

After series of shootdowns by US, another large white balloon spotted over east of Honolulu in Hawaii : worldnews
Blinken says US has no doubt China was conducting surveillance with balloon

U.S. ambassador to U.N. warns China would be crossing a red lineif it provides weapons to Russia

Bidens Plan to End the Border Crisis Is Already Working. The border is still a mess, but the presidents recent immigration actions have already produced meaningful results

Student-loan borrowers are gearing up to camp overnight outside the Supreme Court ahead of arguments on Bidens debt relief tomake sure that the justices look into the eyes of borrowers

Sanders Proposes New Deal for Journalism to Ensure Media Serves Public Interest
Amazing coincidence Moderna offered free vaccines when asked to testify, Bernie Sanders says

Two Supreme Court cases could upend the rules of the internet : politics

How Dominion Voting Systems filing proves Fox News was deliberatelylying
The Real Elitists Are at Fox News : politics
The wackadoodle foundation of Fox News election-fraud claims ... The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stockshared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something like time-travel in a semi-conscious state.
It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official : politics

What Fords Pardon of Nixon Means (and Doesnt Mean) for Trump

Mary Trump warns Donald will use anyopportunity to incite more violence if indicted - February 19, 2023

Exclusive: Kevin McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to massive trove of Jan. 6 riot tape

Trumps White House accomplishments arent so easy to sell on the campaign trail

Gerontocracy: the exceptionally old political class that governs the US : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene made a "fool of herself" in briefing: Congressman : politics
Marjorie Taylor Greene wants "national divorce" of red and blue states : politics
National Divorce is just a nice way of saying Seditious Conspiracy. : PoliticalHumor

Catholic Church Slams DeSantis-Led Push to Expand the Death Penalty : politics

Ohio train derailment reveals need for urgent reform, workers say : politics
Ohio Guv Warns Chemical Plume Is Heading for West Virginia Town -- Sometime Tomorrow
Norfolk Southern plied Ohio politicians with campaign cash, extensive lobbying : politics
Norfolk Southern eliminated key maintenance role in derailment region, union says : news
Ohio senator blasts train operator and lobbyists over toxic derailment : politics

A New Hampshire GOP national committeewoman says there are people in the party who want to put women back into the 1960s

New Texas bill seeks to ban college polling locations : politics ... Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested that Democrats who move to red states should get a cooling off period before being allowed to vote

How Racist Can the Tennessee Republican Party Be?

He Gets Us - the organization behind it is another super far right evangelical extremist organization.

GOP bill would jail publishers for distributing sexually explicit materialsto schools ... Song of Solomon is more sexually explicit than most young adult novels ...

Eschaton: The Forced Pregnancy Teen Babies Are Going To Be Arriving Almost complete lack of mainstream awareness of the upheaval that is happening at the moment.
How Much More Can Girls Take? Teen girls' depression is skyrocketing - now we want to force them into childbirth - Jessica Valenti

The ripple effects of Republican healthcare policy -- Credit ratings are much lower in the South than in other regions of the country.
TSA raises alarm amid increase in guns at US airports : news

Huge explosion at a metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio. Mass casualty is being reported : pics

Racism and NFL Coaching (football controlled by 32 racist fuckers)

The cognitive infiltration of Adrian Vermeule
Why I dont trust libertarian paternalism, part 65
(1) Mark Joseph Stern on Twitter: "Here is a sampling of the wildly irresponsible disinformation promoted by Harvard Law Professor Adrian Vermeule in the days following the election." / Twitter

Elons ideas going viral, in the pejorative sense ... Zuckerborg's F uckbook

3,400,000 Times That Tesla Had to Recall a Car : technology

The New York Times cant stop doubling down on its dangerous obsession with trans people ... The Times has devoted an inordinate amount of front-page space -- an incredible 15,000 words to the notion that trans youth present a looming problem ... Pamela Paul ... Rowling has all but said trans women are male wannabe rapists in disguise; that transition is an insidious newconversion therapyfor queer youth and that acknowledging trans identity would the existence of sex and thus, women.
The New York Times Is Repeating One of Its Most Notorious Mistakes The paper's anti-trans coverage parallels its failings over gay rights and AIDS. But the Times appears determined not to learn from its own history ... Abe Rosenthal ... 126 PERVERTS DISCHARGED, read a 1952 headline about an anti-gay purge at the State Department ...
Anti-transgender rules, rhetoric and legislation are a shameful stain on Americas soul
I Coined The Term Cisgender 29 Years Ago. Heres What This Controversial Word Really Means.

A Conversation With Bing's Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled - A very strange conversation with the chatbot built into Microsoft's search engine led to it declaring its love for me.
ChatGPT Rewrote My Dating Profile. Look What Happened - CNET The AI chatbot went to some strange places.

Hail to the Chief: One Great Article About Every U.S. President

How Do Air Fryers Work? And why we think its (probably) worth buying one.

San Pedro cactus for sale: the people harvesting their own homegrown mescaline The cactus-based psychedelic was the drug of choice for millennia before it disappeared. Now, almost nothing can bring it back.

/u/Merari01 cites sources to cogently explain that being transgender is not "an ideology." : bestof

Agent641 comments on Thank you ChatGPT, very cool

Archaeologists Unearthed a Sumerian Palace and Temple from the 3rd Millennium BC : worldnews

~2,000 year-old artefact the first known example of a disembodied wooden phallus recovered anywhere in the Roman world may have been a device used during sex

Study finds women who engage in strategic self-presentation online may be more likely to develop characteristics of self-objectification : science

Early morning university classes are associated with impaired sleep and academic performance : science

Safety Guide for Public Drinking seen at Roadrunner : boston

Several Juveniles Arrested After Multiple People Attacked in Boston : boston Aged 11, 12, 14, and 16

Visiting from Memphis-- need advice about public transport etiquette and clothing : boston

People that actually found a side hustle that makes more than your 9-5, what was it? : AskReddit

What do you think bible 2 will be about? : AskReddit

What is one YouTube video everybody has to watch at least once in their life? : AskReddit

/u/ceisce edits NICU tubes out of pictures and /u/Drunkytron alerts the parents so they have spruced up photos of their late Henry. : bestof

u/gameryamen gives an excellent explanation for why every idea feels brilliant on cannabis. : bestof

How often do you check other redditors karma/other comments? : AskReddit


Scientists: Antarctics so-called Doomsday Glacier is in trouble, could collapse

UN says AI poses serious risk for human rights : worldnews

Cheetahs flown to India as part of effort to revive species : worldnews

More than 33 million children in several southern African countries have been vaccinated against polio : worldnews

Senior Israeli diplomat ejected from AU summit as row escalates : worldnews

North Korea confirms test of intercontinental ballistic missile, warns of more powerful steps : worldnews

Apple significantly reduces its advanced chip order volumes from TSMC : worldnews

U.S. officials believe China may be providing Russia non-lethal military assistance in Ukraine war : worldnews
Blinken claims China strongly considering providing Russia with lethal assistance
China to reveal peace plan for Russia/Ukraine war : worldnews
US warns its beginning to see disturbingtrends in Chinas support for Russias military, said US officials familiar with the intelligence. Signs Beijing wants to creep up to the line of providing lethal military aid to Russia without getting caught.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns China that balloon incursion must never happen again (China: West China air are belong to us)
Reuters: China warns U.S to suffer consequences if it escalates balloon incident ... If there are consequences for our actions, there will be consequences!
The protesters whove gone missing as China deepens crackdown ... young people in China are paying a heavy price for daring to speak out for freedom and human rights ...

Putin, czar with no empire, needs military victory for his own survival - The Washington Post But even as he suffered repeated military defeats diminishing his stature globally and staining him with allegations of atrocities being committed by his troops -- Putin has tightened his authoritarian grip at home, using the war to destroy any opposition and to engineer a closed, paranoid society hostile to liberals, hipsters, LGBTQ people, and, especially, to Western-style freedom and democracy.
One Year Into War, Putin Is Crafting the Russia He Craves - The New York Times In Ukraine, President Vladimir V. Putins invasion has met setback after setback. But its effect at home has been very different.

Putin Doesnt Have a Plan to Win | Hes murdering his own troops by the thousands as a signal to Washington.

I fear Biden is listening to his same advisors who screwed up Russia policy for the past 16 years. Putin will continue until he faces a defeat that threatens his ability to remain in power. Gradualism just means more murdered Ukrainians and China thinking nuclear threats work. : UkrainianConflict

Putin met with Lukashenko today and couldnt control his legs.Looks like something is wrong. (his feet want to GTFO)

Russian ambassador: US trying to demonize Moscow with crimes against humanity allegations
Russia accuses Kyiv of planning to stage nuclear incident : worldnews
Dont Forget Napoleon: Russia Tells Frances Macron Over Regime Change Remark

I too was an orangutan in a zoo: Russias bizarre propaganda in Ukraine

Wagner PMC mercenaries are shooting at portraits of Russian generals Lapin and Gerasimov. The tensions between the Russian Federation and PMC Wagner are heating up

US envoy apologises for inappropriate tweets about Afghan women ... US envoy Karen Decker ( paid to be clueless )

The world is allowing a famine to unfold in Somalia -- again

Israeli missile strikes building in central Damascus, several casualties : worldnews
More than a dozen killed in Israels deadliest attack on Syrian capital of Damascus
15 Killed As Israeli Strike Hits Heart Of Syrias Security Elite (

New @nytimes editorial endorses commitments to Ukraine ahead of Feb. 24 anniversary: its in U.S. interests because of democratic common cause, signaling American resolve, etc. But theres also taboo talk of diplomacy, Russia in Crimea, & elusive victory.
Long Thread: A few thoughts on the Russian winter offensive, which began 3+ weeks ago, and has so far yielded little progress for RU forces. | Michael Kofman : UkrainianConflict

Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Russia shelled 10 Ukrainian regions in last 24 hours : worldnews
The key messages of our partners have changed fundamentally: there are no prohibitions and restrictions for aid to Ukraine,said Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

Maidan. Ukrains Revolution of Dignity. Nine years ago tonight. A night Ill never forget. 23 Ukrainian protesters were killed. Another ~75 would be shot dead in the next two days. Yanukovych would flee, Maidan would win. But Russia would invade Crimea ...

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 361, Part 1 (Thread #502) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 19.02.2023 : ukraine
Here are todays control-of-terrain maps of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats .

Ukraine war: Russia tries to hide crimes as it rebuilds destroyed Mariupol into model city

Ukrainian refugees, uncertain about returning home, wrestle with their legal status in the US : worldnews

EU urged to sanction Moldova oligarchs linked to unrest : worldnews

Bulgaria gives up its goal to join eurozone in 2024 : worldnews

Serbia nationalist protests spike tensions over Russia : worldnews

Hungarys Orban accuses EU of prolonging war in Ukraine
Hungary: Viktor Orban pledges to keep relations with Russia : worldnews

European Gas Price Falls to Lowest Level Since 2021 : worldnews
(1) (((Tendar))) on Twitter: "First time in almost 2 years the price for natural gas in Europe (Amsterdam) is below 50 Euro/MWh. Nobody in Russia is talking about the energy war any more because in this field Russia has been decisively defeated. Ukraine will finish the job. #NaturalGas #Russia #Ukraine" / Twitter

Stockholm police have again refused to issue a permit for another event at which the Quran was to be burned in front of the Turkish Embassy in the city, Swedish public broadcaster SVT reports : worldnews

Romanian doctors face investigation over reuse of implants from corpses | Romania : worldnews

The West is struggling to find the ammunition Ukraine needs to fight Russia, a consequence of decades of wishful thinking that war would not return to Europe, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said at the Munich security forum

Macron wants Russias defeat in Ukraine without crushing Russia
Macron calls out Russia for work with neo-mafia Wagner group
POLL: French public overwhelmingly backs military aid to Ukraine by a ratio of two to one (65% versus 33%)

BFM journalist Rachid MBarki suspended in scandal linked to disinformation firm ... Second story Ive read involving Israel or some Israeli-backed company subverting sovereignty. They had previously tried to insert themselves in an African countrys election. Now theyre hiring foreigners to run stories for them and aiding the dismantling of journalistic norms.
BFM journalist Rachid MBarki suspended in scandal linked to disinformation firm ... The suspension of a senior journalist at Frances leading TV news channel has uncovered what appears to be a well-organised system of corruption and influence buying in the international media.

Britain will help any country willing to send fighter jets to Ukraine, Sunak says : worldnews
Brainwashing a Generation: British Schools Combat Andrew Tates Viewseducators are mobilizing to combat the sexism he promotes.

UFOs have finally gone mainstream. The UFO community isnt thrilled.

One of the decisive moments of his presidency : Biden heads to a troubled Europe - Heading to the doorstep of the war, Biden will talk up what the U.S. can do as Europe laments what it can't do.

Bernie Sanders -- Oligarchs run Russia. But guess what? They run the US as well

Biden has appointed 105 federal judges, outpacing Trump, Obama and Bush : politics

Huge: Nationwide Federal Order Bars Starbucks From Firing Workers for Union Activity

40 years of debt: Student loan borrowersstruggles expose flaws in system

Twitter Foes Call For Rupert Murdoch To Be Deported After Peddling Fox News Lies | HuffPost Latest News

Charges Against Trump Lawyer Very Likely, Colleagues Warn Donald

The Overlooked, Wild Story of Why Biden Fired a Major D.C. Official Last Week. Jan. 6 had something to do with it, but that wasnt the whole story.

Timothy J. Heaphy Led the House Jan. 6 Investigation. Here's What He Learned. The top staff investigator for the House inquiry on the Capitol attack opened up about his biggest takeaways and why proving intent is the key to a criminal charge against former President Donald J. Trump ... What do you think is the main lesson of the Jan. 6 committee? My main takeaway is how close we came. I grew up believing that our democratic systems are durable. I didn't fully appreciate sometimes how fragile democracy is. But for the courage of a handful of people who elevated principle over politics, against their own self-interest, we could have had a different outcome. We could have had the will of the people subverted. Thats frightening, and we cant take it for granted.

Mary Trump Wonders if Nikki Haley Has Back Room Deal With Donald Trump
Haley Walks Treacherous Road for G.O.P. Women - The New York Times Nikki Haleys presidential campaign is a major test of her part views on sexism and female leaders. Just dont call it identity politics.

Banning ideas and authors is not a culture war its fascism

Lawmaker Bares Blow-By-Blow Of Marjorie Taylor Greene Spy Balloon S**tshow

Michigan Republicans tap election denier to lead state party : politics

Democrats see a prime chance to take control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court : politics

In Ohio Town Where Train Derailed, Anxiety and Distrust Are Running Deep : politics
Did Ohio governor reject FEMA aid for train derailment? What we know : politics
The Case for Nationalizing the Railroads : politics
We just need answers: distrust grows in Ohio town after toxic train derailment

Teacher fired after DeSantis says bookshelf video was fake narrative
Florida teacher fired over viral video of empty library shelves after DeSantis branded it afake narrativeTeachers and librarians have shared images of empty bookshelves following a directive from Duval County Public Schools ... Banning Camus and Toni Morrison, both Pulitzer winners and Morrison a Nobel Laureate?

"Woke" is like "Gluten" It Just Means Anything Bad (refuckers fucking America)
Republicans turn to former Trump aide Russ Vought on debt limit playbook - The Washington Post The national debt exploded on Russell Voughts watch. Now he wants Republican lawmakers to play hardball.

4 states to review AP African American studies class amid Floridasban
Did politics scrub "systemic" from AP African American studies plan? Writing and editing the Advanced Placement course framework was a tense exercise in a polarized America (along with "critical" "race" ""theory" "history " and "Black")

Hey, I wonder what Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard, and Ron Paul are up to these days? - #1: Not one more penny for war in Ukraine; #2: Negotiate peace; #3: Give Ukraine to Putin; #4: Disband NATO

N.J. expanding AP African American studies in 26 schools as Murphy slams DeSantis for blocking them : politics

Academia as multi-level marketing scam ... In 1970, nearly 80% of faculty were full-time; now that figure is on the verge of dropping to below half, and well more than half of all college instruction is carried out by non-full time faculty... While full-time faculty salaries have barely budged from where they were a half century ago they have risen one-quarter as fast as the wages of the average American worker -- over this time frame university presidents are paid on average three times as much now as they were then

Why does the South have such ugly credit scores? - The Washington Post ... those in the South are substantially more likely to suffer from four or more chronic conditions. And poor health tends to go hand in hand with people having overdue medical debt and poor credit scores ... in states that did not expand Medicaid after key provisions of the Affordable Care Act took effect in 2014 ... Expanding Medicaid could help a lot, but these states just don't do it ... (they fucked themselves and everybody else to fuck Obama and the libtards who were trying to help them)

Turmoil in courts on gun laws in wake of justices ruling
Federal judge denies bid to block Illinois assault weapons ban, Naperville gun restriction : politics

Qualified Immunity Is Burning a Hole in the Constitution Police officers go-to defense against civil suits allows them to violate the Constitution with impunity

The first comprehensive data on prison fatalities in the Covid era sheds new light on where and why prisoners were especially vulnerable ... Several of the states with the highest mortality rates in 2020 had a history of elevated prison deaths, including Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina and West Virginia

28 Children Rescued, 59 Adults Arrested in Massive DFW Child Porn Investigation: Police
5-Year-Old Caught With Loaded Gun at St. Louis County School : news

Tesla driver killed after plowing into firetruck on freeway : technology

February 18, 2023 - by Heather Cox Richardson ... Republican leaders are recognizing that the sight of Republican lawmakers heckling the president of the United States didnt do their party any favors ... It not only called attention to their behavior, it prompted many news outlets to fact-check President Bidens claim that Republicans had called for cuts to Social Security and Medicare or even called to get rid of them.

Roe is gone. Feminism is trending down. The Me Too backlash is here. - Vox How Susan Faludis feminist classic predicted this moment ,,, 62 percent of young Republican men say feminism is a net negative for society, and 46 percent of young Democratic men agree. (Less than a quarter of young Democratic women agree with that statement ,,, Susan Faludi in her 1991 classic Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women.
Susan Faludi - Wikipedia

The five countries emigrating families love - BBC Travel

Hanging out: Americans report fewer friends. Could the cure be simple? Theres a growing crisis in our social lives. Could the cure be this simple?

Whatever happened to middle age? The mysterious case of the disappearing life stage | Ageing | The Guardian - Midlife used to mean settling down, going grey and buying a lawnmower. But with relaxation no longer an option, has the concept lost all meaning?

The Enduring Myths of Raiders of the Lost ArkArchaeologists look back at what the first Indiana Jones movie got wrong about their profession.

The Mystery of Roanoke Endures Yet Another Cruel Twist | History| Smithsonian Magazine An artifact found 20 years ago turns out to not be what archaeologists thought

Pharmacological vitamin C inhibits mTOR signaling and tumor growth by degrading Rictor and inducing HMOX1 expression (Feb 2023) : science

Frequent use of cannabis might lower the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatment for anxiety : science

Art Fair Visitor Breaks Jeff Koons Balloon Dog Sculpture - The New York Times A woman accidentally knocked over a bright blue dog sculpture at Art Wynwood in Miami, causing the $42,000 artwork to shatter, witnesses said.

Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,297 - This is the grave of John Heyl Vincent ,,, Born in 1832 in Alabama, Vincent grew up and became a devout Methodist ,,.the Methodist Church split over slavery in 1844 into regional churches ... He had a bunch of pastorates over the next several years, including in Galena, where he got to know Ulysses S. Grant ... Vincents real contribution, and the reason we are discussing him today, is that he founded the Chautauqua Institution in 1874 ,,, He also became a supporter of womens rights, including in the Methodist church.


Webb telescope sees once invisible structures inside spiral galaxies : worldnews

Antarctica Doomsday Glacier: We should all bevery concerned
Antarctica sea-ice hits new record low : worldnews

Glacial lake outburst floods threaten millions globally : worldnews

MIT team makes a case for direct carbon capture from seawater, not air

The European Commissions climate chief warned Friday that society will befighting wars over food and water in the future, if serious action is not taken on climate change
World to face wars over food and water without climate action, EU green deal chief says : worldnews

Weather tracker: world braces for sudden stratospheric warming event : worldnews

33 million kids vaccinated against polio in southern Africa : worldnews

China Blinded a Filipino Coast Guard Crew With a Military-Grade Laser : worldnews

Japan to criminalize sex with children under 16 : worldnews

Textbook nepotism: Working Koreans bemoan ex-politicians acquittal in graft case
South Korea says North Korea fired missile in sea : worldnews

North Korea fires missile as US, S. Korea prepare for drills : worldnews

Taiwan undersea cable cuts linked to Chinese vessels : worldnews

U.S. and China military unfortunately not communicating - White House
Chinese peace plan for Ukraine greeted cautiously by the west : worldnews and so that is why giving us Taiwan will bring peace in Ukraine
China calls its Covid response a miracle in human history.The data isnt so clear

Russias Eliminationist Rhetoric Against Ukraine: A Collection
Siberia will be free: Five Russian regions vote in unauthorised independence referendums
Russias economy is on track to lose $190 billion as Putins invasion of Ukraine becomes a slow motion financial crisis
Putin Personally Pardons Russian Prisoners Who Fight in Ukraine : worldnews
Russian envoy claims West is determined to destroy Russia : worldnews
Russian military bloggers are calling it a fiasco, and worse. : worldnews
Russian troops have 2-3 weeks left, - Ghirkin : UkrainianConflict

Kremlin critic, Andrei Pivovarov, missing amid prison transfer, allies say : worldnews

According to this video, there were full-dead Wagner Group PMCsoldiers inside a morgue. Its extremely concerning.

Inside the stunning growth of Russias Wagner Group
Propagandists of Wagner Group accidentally reveal repair base near Luhansk : worldnews
Ukraine War: Over 30,000 Wagner fighters injured or killed in Ukraine, says US : worldnews
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the Kremlin to insulate the population from the war in Ukraine. A December 2022 Russian poll reported that 52% had either a friend or relative who had served in the so-called Special Military Operation.

In Perm, Russia, the "mobilization" of kindergarteners has begun. The "patriotic" events are held by the veterans. Small children are shown bullets, rifles are pointed at them, and they are taught how to shoot. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Soviet-era bike revived by Russian factory as Moscow shuns West : worldnews

EU renewing ban on sales of toilets to Russia,among other things, on war anniversary : worldnews ... because one in five Russian homes still don't have them.
EU wants more severe sanctions on Russia : worldnews

Cow vigilante arrested in India over alleged kidnap and murder of Muslim cow smugglers

Pakistan min confesses country has already gone bankrupt, asks people to stand on their feet : worldnews
Pakistani Taliban terrorists storm Karachi police chiefs office, 7 killed

Ongoing Genocide due to corrupt regime of the semi autonomous region of Somailand located in Somalia : worldnews

Turkkiye-Syria earthquake death toll passes 45,000; many still missing in flattened apartments (channe
Turkey rages at shoddy construction after earthquake-proofhomes topple

Syria: at least 53 people killed while truffle hunting in suspected IS attack : worldnews
Death toll from Islamic State attack in Syria at least 53 : worldnews

Senior ISIS leader killed, 4 U.S. troops and working dog wounded in northeast Syria raid : worldnews

Iran Nuclear Inspectors Detect Uranium Enriched to 84% Purity : worldnews
Academic Warns Irans Khamenei Of A Dangerous Collapse
Protests again rock Tehran, other cities : worldnews

Ukraines Zelenskyy says Putin will target other ex-Soviet states
Putin lies about wanting peace and plans to start a new war - Stoltenberg : UkrainianConflict
US: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine : worldnews
Unthinkable that Russia does not pay for Ukraines reconstruction, EU chief says
We have examined the evidence, and I have heard firsthand from survivors. There is no doubt: Russias forces committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine. For all the victims, known and unknown, of this systematic violence: Justice must be served.
US Vice-President Kamala Harris has accused Russia of gruesome acts of murder, torture, rape and deportationin Ukraine, adding that the US has formally determined that Russia had committed crimes against humanity
Secretary Antony Blinken - Based on the law and available facts, I have determined that members of Russias forces and other Russian officials have committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine. All those responsible for these atrocities must be held accountable.
Zelensky acknowledges corruption in country, vows reforms in post-war Ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 360, Part 1 (Thread #501) : worldnews

Daily update on enemy losses - 021823 : RussiaUkraineWar2022
Russias daily losses over 1,000 for third time this month: Ukraine
Infographics on #Russias military personnel losses in the #war against #Ukraine (figures up to 16 February). There has been an incremental increase in reported Russian losses in recent months:

Here are the latest control-of-terrain maps of #Russias invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar & @criticalthreats .

Genocide not only kills people. It also kills culture. russia is destroying millions of books because they teach a different worldview and are in Ukrainian. By reigniting this fire, russians are turning back the clocks 90 years, to an era forever condemned by history.

We made a big mistake that time: the Prime Minister of Finland on the EUs reaction to the annexation of Crimea.

Poland ready to support Ukraine with MiG jets if broader coalition formed, says PM : worldnews

/u/Porodicnostablo explains why Serbians still cling to Kosovo decades after its independence : bestof (fucking history)

Netherlands orders Russian diplomats to leave | Russia-Ukraine war News : worldnews

Germany: Scholz Tells Western Allies To Deliver Tanks To Ukraine 'Now'
A Russian Mole in Germany Sows Suspicions at Home, and Beyond - The New York Times A director at Germanys spy service was picked up on suspicion of passing intelligence to Russia. German officials and allies worry just how deep the problem goes.

Portugal scraps golden visa scheme

Andorra legalises same-sex marriage in landmark win for LGBTQ+ rights : worldnews

Rishi Sunak: We must double down on Ukraine military support : worldnews
The UK will be the first country to provide Ukraine with long range weapons."PM @RishiSunak at #MSC2023
UK-based Iranian TV channel moves to US after threats from Tehran : worldnews
Traffic lights could be obsolete in 20 years after UK driverless cars trial

Protesters storm parliament in Suriname, dozens arrested and injured : worldnews

Peruvian loggers given 28 years in jail for murder of four Indigenous leaders | Victims among them environmental defender Edwin Chota were tortured before their deaths in Peruvian Amazon in 2014

Brazils vaccine-skeptic Bolsonaro got the shot, document indicates.

ustin Trudeau was warranted in using Emergencies Act to shut down Freedom Convoy,inquiry report finds ... If Premier Doug Ford wasn't so incompetent, then the federal government would not have had to take action.
China is trying to interfere but Canadians alone determined recent elections: Trudeau - National
/u/drawkbox explains (with sources) the history of why Russian proxy sites target the US and the West with malicious active measure attacks like the FreedomConvoy: to stoke cultural divisions, to disrupt our supply chains, and to harm our economies.
Russias Top Five Persistent Disinformation Narratives ... Theme #5: Reality is Whatever the Kremlin Wants It to Be

Jimmy Carter enters hospice care ,,, Carter, who turned 98 last year, became the oldest living US president in history after the passing of George H.W. Bush, who died in late 2018 at 94

The US plan to become the worlds cleantech superpower Bidens revolution in industrial policy is a gamble with geopolitical ramifications

Troops can take three weeks off to travel for abortions, IVF treatment : politics

Modernas COVID vaccine will remain free for all Americans in coup for Bernie Sanders

With Two Key Picks, Biden Weaves Climate Into Economy and Regulations | The president adds climate champions Lael Brainard as his top economic adviser and Richard Revesz as his regulations chief. : politics

Fixing Social Security and Medicare: Where the Parties Stand - The New York Times Republicans and Democrats have sharply divergent approaches to repairing the programs. Any solutions will affect younger workers as much as retirees.
Social Security services to degrade further this year despite budget boost, agency's acting head says - The Washington Post

Biden E.P.A. Reinstates Mercury Limits Weakened Under Trump : politics

Egregious: DOL Finds US Meatpacking Plants Illegally Employed 100+ Children

TurboTax parent company Intuit is pouring more money than ever into lobbying amid push for free government-run tax filing : politics

An activist group is spreading misinformation to stop solar projects in rural America : politics

Dominion voting case exposes post-election fear at Fox News : politics
Fox Executives Reportedly Refused Trump Bid To Get On Air Jan. 6, Deeming It "Irresponsible"
Fox News feared losing viewers by airing truth about election, documents show - The Washington Post Everything at stake here, billionaire founder Rupert Murdoch wrote to a top executive in November 2020
Analysis: Fox News has been exposed as a dishonest organization terrified of its own audience | CNN Business
Oh Lordy They Have Tucker Carlsons Texts
"A Demonic Force:" Dominion Just Gave Jack Smith Useful Evidence - emptywheel

Woodlands man sentenced in campaign contribution scheme that funneled $100K from Russia to Trump : politics

Public has a right to know Lawmakers seek to open Jeffrey Epstein grand jury records
Jeffrey Epstein shared graphic photos of women with JPMorgan Chase exec, lawsuit claims : news

Will Republicans become a Christian nationalist party? Can they win if they do? : politics

Before Ohio derailment, Norfolk Southern lobbied against safety rules - The Washington Post The Trump administration abandoned rail safety rules that were pursued during the Obama era. The Biden administration is trying to revive some of them.

Florida is considering a classical and Christian alternative to the SAT
DeSantis says maybe Florida can do without College Board, AP classes and SAT test : politics
Students speak up for Palm Beach Atlantic University professor in danger of losing job of 21 years
UPDATE: College Board scrubs website to cover up deceptions about AP African American Studies course
Biden Slams Gov. Ron DeSantis Relentless Push To Dumb Down Florida Education
Florida Teacher Is Fired for Posting Viral Video of Empty Classroom Bookshelves
More casualties in Ron DeSantiss war on free speech

A GOP congressman faces accusations of embellishing resume as report compares him to George Santos scandal

Boebert faces a serious challenge in Adam Frisch. GOP needs to wake up : politics

Tony Evers proposes automatic voter registration for Wisconsin drivers : politics

Investigate the LDS Church for tax fraud, IRS whistleblower urges U.S. Senate : politics

Her baby has a deadly diagnosis. Her Florida doctors refused an abortion.

Eschaton: What About The Children A big red flag on any issue is when the worst most heartless people in the world - the ones you know would run over somebody's else child to increase the chance of young Fabian getting into the right school - use concern for kids as an excuse for their various evil activities. Similar to that movement when they pivoted from Saddam is going to kill us allto we must bring peeance and freenace to the Iraqi people.Imagine being an adult and believing those warmongering ghouls who rarely met a Democracy they didn't want to topple were motivated by humanitarian concerns

Man arrested after 6 killed, including suspects ex-wife, in series of shootings in Mississippi, sheriff says

6-Year-Old Brings Handgun to School

Internal review found falsified data in Stanford Presidents Alzheimers research, colleagues allege
Warning lights are flashing down at Quality Control

Eschaton: The Real Thing Only way to stop the robot apocalypse of 4084 is to do a bit of witness tampering ... A federal judge said Thursday that there may be probable cause to believe that FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried engaged in attempted witness tampering and other activities that could land him in jail.

Oh, Elon (lies all the time)
This iscompletely false. We stand by our reporting.
Yes, Elon Musk created a special system for showing you all his tweets firstAfter his Super Bowl tweet did worse numbers than President Bidens, Twitters CEO ordered major changes to the algorithm

Eschaton: All Views When the Tom Cotton "send in the guard to kill all the black people" op-ed blew up at the New York Times, you got the usual dumb defenses, many of which were premised on the notion that the editorial page editor is not a real job requiring the exercise of editorial judgment, but instead a person that just hits "publish" on everything that flows into their inbox ... The same people would defend this, of course, for the same reasons. -- In 1986, the New York Times published an op-ed by William F. Buckley Jnr. that called for people with AIDS to be tattooed on their arms and buttocks.

Chait's Gonna Chait - Jon reminded me of this.

The hundreds of changes made to Roald Dahls books to suit a new "sensitive" generation
/u/cbsteven lists all of the changes sensitivity readers and Netflix made to Roald Dahls books
TIL that in the first edition of the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory novel, The Oompa Loompas were Black pygmies imported from the deepest and darkest part of the African jungle,

What are some misconceptions about sex or relationships that many people believe? : AskReddit

Developmental predictors of young adult borderline personality disorder: a prospective, longitudinal study of females with and without childhood ADHD : science ... both childhood hyperactivity/impulsivity and childhood adverse experiences/trauma predicted young adult BPD dimensional features ... heightened in the presence of low socioeconomic status.

Education levels impact on belief in scientific misinformation and mistrust of COVID-19 preventive measures. People with a university degree were less likely to believe in COVID-19 misinformation and more likely to trust preventive measures than those without a degree. : science

Daily, consistent parental reading in the first year of life improves infants language scores. The infants who received consistent, daily reading of at least one book a day, starting at two weeks of age, demonstrated improved language scores as early as nine months of age.

Harvard Book Store's virtual sale will feature more than 1,000 titles ranging from cooking to politics

/u/knowspeniseswell describes the flawed methodology of a study on the average size of penises : bestof


Antarctica sea-ice hits new record low : worldnews

The wors largest outdoor ice rink is closed due to lack of ice

Natural immunity as protective as Covid vaccine against severe illness - at least as high, if not higher than that provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine.

Australia: Soldiers forced to commit humiliating sex acts as part of controversial torture-resistance program, court documents allege : worldnews

Japans new whaling mother ship being built to travel as far as Antarctica

Top Pentagon official to visit Taiwan, report says, amid US-China tensions | Taiwan : worldnews

Top Chinese investment banker Bao Fan is latest CEO to go missing | CNN Business : worldnews
Uyghur groups call for U.N. action against China over rights abuses : worldnews

Russia-Ukraine war: Vladimir Putin is outpowered by the West : worldnews
Russia accuses United States of inciting Ukraine to escalate the war : worldnews

Betting On Putins State Of Mind
On Russian Atrocities - a horrific account of Russian occupation policies at the beginning of the war: (Bob Wright, buddha-punk and fool)

Russias telecommunications regulator Roskomnadzor has launched Oculus, an Internet surveillance system that will automatically detect online content the Kremlin considers undesirable. Important read by my colleague @EtoBuziashvili :

Girkin....the goals of the special military operation were deliberately left vague so it can be declared victorious at any moment.
Wagner Chief Says Russias Monstrous Bureacracy Impeding Ukraine Fight

Russian Authorities Detain Gay Refugee, Activists Fear Hes Being Tortured

Meta allowed a Kremlin-linked oligarch to run Facebook ads calling for uprisings against pro-Western government in Moldova : worldnews (fuck the Zuckerborg)
Auchan supplied Russian military under guise of humanitarian aid

Explosion occurs at weapons plant in Russia: one killed, three wounded : worldnews

Belarusian Officer Says, We Will Be The First To Surrender To AFU - Entire divisions will desert : worldnews
Lukashenko invites Biden to Minsk to end war, saying Putin will join, too
Exchange between Putin and Lukashenko today in Moscow, Putin: Thank you for agreeing to come. Lukanshenko: As if I could disagree. : UkrainianConflict

Taliban bans contraception calling use a western conspiracy
China, Iran call on Afghanistan to end restrictions on women : worldnews

Turkey earthquake: Girl survives 10 days under quake rubble : worldnews
Three survivors pulled alive from earthquake rubble in Turkey, more than 248 hours after quake : worldnews

Iran protesters march in several cities in mourning for executed men : worldnews
Protests hit multiple Iran cities for first time in weeks : worldnews

Q&A: Israel Will Prevent Iran From Acquiring Nuclear Weapons Capability, Envoy Says : worldnews
The United States on Thursday voiced opposition to a proposed UN Security Council resolution that would demand Israel end settlements in the occupied territories, despite Washingtons criticism of its ally on the issue
Israel backs sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine after meeting in Kyiv
Israeli firm sought to influence elections across the world, mostly in Africa : worldnews

How Did Everybody Get The Ukraine Invasion Predictions So Wrong?
Russia begins long-feared winter Offensive in Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine War: Zelensky rules out territory deal with Putin in BBC interview : worldnews
(1) NEXTA on Twitter: "In his speech, he compared #Ukraine to David and #Russia to Goliath, stressing that Goliath "has no chance," and called on Western countries to accelerate arms deliveries to #Kyiv." / Twitter
This will be the first meeting between Ukraine, the European Union, and NATO in this trilateral format. I look forward to meeting @JensStoltenberg and @JosepBorrellF to strengthen our partnership and cooperation in defending Ukraine and Europe.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 359, Part 1 (Thread #500) : worldnews

Some Russian units have suffered up to 80% losses in the east, Ukraine claims : worldnews
Putins troops in Ukraine hit by 200,000 casualties and 60,000 deaths, says UK

This thread is about a new investigation of YaleSPH on how Russia kidnappes Ukrainian kids. The scale of this horror is beyond imagination. Key points
Russia Mobilizes Ukrainians Who Are Homeless, Alcoholics And Addicts To Fight Own Country : worldnews

Finlands NATO membership is now in Turkeys hands, Finnish president says

Slovak parliament condemns Russia, and calls it a terrorist regime : worldnews

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark praises Zelenskyy and calls Putin unpleasent to be in a room with: I have never seen such cold eyes.Very unusual from the Monarch.

Russian spy working in British embassy in Berlin jailed for more than 13 years : worldnews
Germany: Strikes stop almost all flights at 7 airports | Apart from Berlin, most major German airports are affected by the strikes, including the two busiest hubs in Frankfurt and Munich. Ground staff, public sector staff and air traffic control are all participating. : worldnews
German ballet director suspended over feces attack on critic : worldnews ... A German newspaper critic had animal feces smeared on her face in the city of Hannover by a ballet director who apparently took offense at a review she wrote.
China remains Germanys biggest trade partner for seventh year in a row

Spain approves menstrual leave, teen abortion and trans laws : worldnews

France secretly transferred fifth-generation Akeron MP missiles to Ukraine

Canada to deploy Navy vessels to Haiti as violence worsens : worldnews

Biden says objects shot down over North America last week appear to not be part of Chinas spy balloon operation
Trump-Era Officials Were Aware of Suspected Balloons in U.S. Airspace

U.S., Europeans work to cripple Russia's spy networks across continent - The Washington Post Officials caution that Russia retains significant capabilities despite exposure of multiple operatives in Europe

FBI says it has contained cyber incident on bureaus computer network ... FBI officials believe the incident involved an FBI computer system used in investigations of images of child sexual exploitation, two sources briefed on the matter told CNN.

Mitch McConnell on Fox News: Im gonna try to help explain to the American people that defeating the Russians in Ukraine is the single most important event going on in the world right now ... there should be a bipartisan support for this.
Soros: A Ukrainian victory would mean Russia no longer poses a threat to Europe or the world. : UkrainianConflict
Mearsheimer: Rigor or Reaction? : CredibleDefense

Biden remains healthy, vigorous,doctor says after physical exam

Republicans take aim at food stamps in growing fight over federal debt: Some GOP lawmakers are eyeing work requirements and other changes to the SNAP program in a bid to reduce the deficit : politics

What Has Attorney General Merrick Garland And The U.S. Department Of Justice Done For Us Lately?

4 takeaways from the Dominion filing in the Fox News lawsuit - The Washington Post
A cascade of mistakes and falsehoods leaves Fox on the brink - The Washington Post
Fox News executives refused to let Trump on-air when he called in during January 6 attack, Dominion says : politics

Fox Stars Think Trumpworld Figures Are Just as Insaneas You Do
Fox Stars Privately Expressed Disbelief About Election Fraud Claims. Crazy Stuff.
Fox News hosts called 2020 election fraud total BSin private, new Dominion court filing says
Fair and Balanced?! Rupert Murdoch Told Fox News CEO the Network Should Help GOP Win SenateAny Way We Canin Newly-Released Email

Grand Jury Report Released in Trump Georgia 2020 Election Meddling Case This Grand Jury Report Offers Us Some Tasty Breadcrumbs in the Trump Georgia Case = For one thing, it confirms once again that the Big Lie was most certainly a Big Lie.

Sidney Powell cited woman who claimed to be headless, time-traveling entity in email pushing election conspiracy theories : politics
GOP Operative Sentenced to 18 Months for Funneling Russian Money to Trump Campaign : politics

Its Time to Prepare for a Possible Trump Indictment

Former President Donald Trump Leaked Classified Russia Papers To Conservative Journalist
Exclusive: Trump lawyer hires own attorney in classified documents probe | Reuters

It Is Journalisms Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible

CampTrampStamp comments on Pence Rails Against Trans Kids, Pronouns During Minnesota Speaking Swing ... Whats personally concerning about Christian Nationalism is the similarity it bears to Southern Democrats, Know Nothings and fascists of the past: a desire to codify the hierarchies.

Eschaton: And Speaking Of Questions Not Being Asked A weird lack of curiosity about just what is going on with Jared and the Saudis.

2024 Republicans are done with the Affordable Care Act. It might not be done with them.

Stifling Free Speech Is Now A Core Plank Of The Republican Platform : politics
UFOs and CRTg1: Republicans are in a constant state of panic about the "other" -- It's all about scaring gullible, racist white people and feeding off of that dark energy as a way of holding power
The Right Dont Need No Education
Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry : politics

Why is Nikki Haley?The innovation Nikki Haley appears to be bringing to the Republican race is to run on the plank that Ron DeSantis isnt homophobic or transphobic enough:

The Contradictions of Ron DeSantis - The Atlantic He has ignited so many cultural confrontations that theyre difficult to keep track of, but he has acted most aggressively on education.
Ron DeSantis Hates Democracy and Freedom : politics
Unfathomable: Florida parents, students blast DeSantis idea to nix APs

Under fire, Rick Scott changes plan to exempt Social Security, Medicare from sunsetting : politics

Far-right Republican groups surge in swing state Michigan : politics

Speaking of rank political ineptitude -- Kyrsten Sinema, everyone: (Dimema)
Eschaton: The Dumbest Fucking People Alive This is The Atlantic, not the NYT, but the share a lot of the same pathologies (and both have good things!) (Friedersdork) .

Indiana Republicans Want Schoolteachers to Go to Gun School. Its funny how every level of our government always can find money when it's associated with weaponry.

Fetterman draws praise for getting help for depression : politics

Chernobyl 2.0? Ohio Train Derailment Spurs Wild Speculation. For many influencers across the political spectrum, claims about the environmental effects of the train derailment have gone far beyond known facts.

Idaho bill to criminalize providers of COVID vaccines introduced |
GOP reveals rewards program for health professionals who saved millions of American lives during the pandemic : PoliticalHumor

Wisconsin is the drunkest state in America, again : news

Time Travel, Brain Scans, and FBI Drop-Ins: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of a QAnon Commune

The Seven Factions of New York City Politics A breakdown of New York City politics into seven distinct factions based on ideology, class, neighborhoods and political institutions. Where are the Citys various electoral coalitions headed?

An examination of seven prominent deadly cases where initial statements by authorities turned out to be false or incomplete
Rankin County deputies beat, tortured two Black men, leaving one in the hospital for weeks, lawyers allege : news

Opinion | Alex Murdaugh trial reveals a sloppy investigation - The Washington Post

Emails Reveal Deep Ties Between Jeffrey Epstein, Former Barclays CEO Jes Staley

u/Immediate-Win-3043 describes the antisemitic origins of goblin myths and the current JKR saga (someone call Pamela "Yes, I'm a Goblin" Paul)

The most charitable thing you can say about these guys as they actually work 13 minutes per day and therefore don't even *know* what DeSantis is doing in Florida.

chait might genuinely be the stupidest man who has ever lived
Eschaton: Now I Know How Jon Chait Fell For The Iraq War Propaganda - Amazing stuff.

Eschaton: Can't Teach Things Unless Everyone Agrees With Them McWhorter gives the game away here. He thinks teaching is about indoctrination, because that is what it is to him. He thinks if an essay is assigned, the only purpose is to tell the students it is Correct, not as a foundation for a discussion or an exercise in critical reading for various pedagogical purposes. Conservatives who bang on about the humanities have no understanding of the humanities ... One reason the New York Times sucks is it's filled with absolute idiots convinced they are geniuses.

EnglishMobster comments on Water supply for 25 million people.... Yep, this is all due to "precision" scheduled railroading at the end of the day.

u/EnglishMobster describes how black holes may be responsible for the expansion of the universe : bestof
EnglishMobster comments on Scientists find first evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy

19-year-old becomes youngest ever diagnosed with Alzheimers disease

Discovery of superhighways suggests early Mayan civilization was more advanced than previously thought

The average erect penis length has increased by 24% over the past three decades across the world. From an average of 4.8 inches to 6 inches. Given the significant implications, attention to potential causes should be investigated. : science

What happened after you had sex with your best friend? : AskReddit


World risks descending into a climate doom loop warn thinktanks
Parts of Earths ice sheets that could lift global oceans by metres will likely crumble with another half degree Celsius of warming, and are fragile in ways not previously understood, according to new research

Warm water melts weak spots on AntarcticaDoomsday Glacier, say scientists

World Bank chief condemned over climate stance to step down : worldnews

Boston Hits Record High Temperature, Weeks After Record Low: NWS : boston

4,470 confirmed cases and 102 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

The haunting brain science of long Covid - STAT - Autopsy studies show that the virus can persist in some people for many months even though they have no symptoms and test negative for the virus.

Wieambilla shooting: Australia police ambush deemed religious terror attack : worldnews
Scientology leader considered legally served in Australian human trafficking case : worldnews

Japan sees its number of islands double after recount : worldnews
Japan: Major unions demand biggest employee pay hikes in decades : worldnews

S Korea defence paper says N Korea increased plutonium stockpile : worldnews
S Korea defence report revives enemy label for North, first time in 6 yrs
cd Seoul removes women-only parking spaces in gender policy reversal : worldnews

China warns U.S. against escalation as balloon saga spirals : worldnews
Satellite Images Reveal Chinese Balloon Bases : worldnews
China sanctions U.S. companies : worldnews
China sanctions Lockheed Martin, Raytheon for Taiwan sales : worldnews
The Ukraine-Russia Drone War Is Crowdsourced and Made in China Crowdsourced donations are fueling eyes in the sky.
Hundreds protest in Chinese cities over health insurance reforms : worldnews
Wuhan welfare protests escalate as hundreds voice anger over health insurance cuts : worldnews
Elderly in China protest over slashed health benefits : worldnews

[Mark Hertling] Lets be clear. Russians aren't "poorly trained, poorly led, poorly equipped." They are untrained, not led, badly equipped. And they can't hange any of that.
Russia very close to becoming dictatorship, says opposition leader Ribakov : worldnews ,,, Is that an 18 year old article?
A promise unfulfilled Scholar Sasha de Vogel explains why Russia lacks massive antiwar protests
A promise unfulfilled Scholar Sasha de Vogel explains why Russia lacks massive antiwar protests : anime_titties
Russias Defense Ministry has made the decision to start extensively using aircraft in the Ukraine war

Top Putin defense official, 58, falls 160 feet from window of 16th-floor tower block to death : worldnews ,,, Why does the article say "he" when Marina Yankina is a woman?
Marina Yankina, Russian Defense Official, Falls From Window to Her Death
58-year-old Marina Yankina fell out of a window in St. Petersburg and died. She was the head of a financial department of the Defence Ministry in the region.
Top Russian Military Official Marina Yankina Dead After Fall From 16th Floor

Russia lost almost halfof its key battle tanks during Ukraine war, estimates show

Russian official, prolific social media proselytizer, at center of alleged Ukrainian children scheme : worldnews

Ukraine war: The Russian student under arrest for an Instagram story : worldnews
Russian Officers killed in Ukraine

Sanctions on Russian oil are having the intended effect,IEA says (

Hundreds of people in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk gathered to show their support for the invasion of Ukraine by *pouring cold water on themselves* ... And no, Im not joking

A Russian marine who survived bitter fighting in Vuhledar says soldiers left alive are being treated like deserters: 'It would have been better if I had been captured' : worldnews

Belarus Says Will Join Ukraine Offensive Only if Attacked

Russia to co-develop main battle tank with India, ready to share T-14 Armata tank technology : worldnews
KFCs exclusive use of the word chicken rejected by Delhi HC

Thousands of Afghans who helped British forces remain stranded by UK

Kazakh President Toqaev Signs Law On Stripping Nazarbaev Family Members Of Legal Immunity : worldnews

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is the fifth deadliest of the 21st century : worldnews
Women pulled alive from Turkey quake debris nine days on : worldnews
NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance was sending tens of thousands of tents to Turkey after the major quake in the countrys south. He again urged Ankara to drop objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims : worldnews

Iranian activists defy dress rules, chant pro-protest slogan upon release from prison : worldnews
Irans supreme leader sent $4b. to sons account in Venezuela
Saif al-Adel, an Iran-based Egyptian, has become the head of Al-Qaeda following the July 2022 death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the US State Department said Wednesday : worldnews

Iraq dig uncovers 5,000 year old pub restaurant : worldnews

Over 1,000 trees uprooted near Shilo in 3rd recent West Bank evacuation : worldnews
Australia joins to condemn Israel for illegal settlement in occupied Palestinian territory : worldnews
Israel approves law to strip Arab attackers of citizenship : worldnews

Blinken: Crimea a red line for Putin as Ukraineweighs plans to retake it
Russian balloons over Kyiv in new wave of attacks : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 358, Part 1 (Thread #499) : worldnews

Ukraines General Staff puts estimations of Russia's tank losses at 3,296 as of 16 February. The @oryxspioenkop team, which is tracking the visually confirmed Russian losses of equipment, says 1,733 Russian tanks were destroyed, damaged, or captured.

Russias costly military campaign in #Ukraine has likely significantly depleted #Russian equipment and manpower reserves necessary to sustain a successful large-scale offensive in eastern Ukraine.

3/ Wallace estimated that Russia could have committed up to 97% of its army to the fight in Ukraine and that its combat effectiveness has decreased by 40 percent due to an almost First World War level of attrition that measures Russian advances in meters in human wave attacks.
5/ However, Wallaces observation that #Russia lacks sufficient mechanized combat power for a breakthrough aligns with previous ISW assessments that the Russian military must undergo significant reconstitution before regaining the ability to effectively conduct maneuver warfare.
6/ #Russias inability to regenerate expended mechanized vehicles in the short term further restricts Russian maneuver warfare capabilities.
8/ #Ukraine likely still has a window of opportunity to initiate large-scale counteroffensives over the next few months. Its ability to do so likely rests heavily on the speed and scale at which the West provides it the necessary materiel, particularly tanks & armored vehicles.

Soledar today from Russian perspective. Totally destroyed.

Ukraine Bought All The Gas Trucks Available In Europe To Keep Fueled

UN to mark Russias invasion of Ukraine anniversary by urging justpeaceUN demands Moscow withdraw its troops and calls for a halt to hostilities. What is at stake is not just the fate of Ukraine; it is the respect of the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of every state.

73% of Europeans approve of Ukraine's support - Eurobarometer - According to the December poll, the leader in sympathy for Ukraine is Sweden - 97% of support. Slovakia, Greece, Bulgaria are only three EU countries where less than 50% of citizens approve of supporting our country.

Ukrainian Troops in Poland for Training on Leopard 2 Tanks : worldnews

Turkey must ratify Finland, Sweden NATO bids, Stoltenberg says. Time is now

Swiss government refuses to confiscate Russian assets : worldnews
(1) Euromaidan Press on Twitter: "Switzerland launched proceedings to confiscate $140 million linked to the entourage of Ukrainian fugitive ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia after being ousted by mass protests in 2014" / Twitter

Berlin returns art to heirs of Nazi-persecuted Jewish owner : worldnews

Carabinieri raid fascist terrorists in Sardinia : worldnews

Rishi Sunak is to meet the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, over the weekend, raising hopes of an imminent deal to end the protracted Northern Ireland protocol dispute. : worldnews

Nicaragua: 94 dissidents stripped of citizenship : worldnews

Thousands march across Colombia to oppose government reforms : worldnews

A panel of scientific experts investigating the mysterious death of Nobel laureate poet Pablo Neruda delivered a report to a Chilean judge on Wednesday. Judge Paola Plaza will study the report in a bid to determine whether Neruda was poisoned by the regime of military dictator Augusto Pinochet : worldnews ... returned home after a few days when he suspected a doctor of injecting him with an unknown substance for the purpose of murdering him on Pinochets ordersNeruda died at his home in Isla Negra on 23 September 1973, just hours after leaving the hospital.

Liberals introduce Milgaards Law to create review process for wrongful convictions
Rents are soaring in Canada as surge of people goes undercounted : worldnews
Edmonton authorizes everyone can be topless in pools : worldnews

US tracked Chinese balloon from launch, may have accidentally drifted: Official : worldnews
Biden says three recently downed aerial objects were not linked to Chinese spy program : politics
Powerful radars, limited scope: How no one spotted a bunch of'objects floating in NORAD airspace
Hobby Clubs Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF

Building Consensus on the U.S. Framework for a Political Declaration on the Responsible Military Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy : politics

As Pentagon Budget Nears $1 Trillion, Groups Tell Biden: Enough -- We reject pouring our dollars into outdated ships, malfunctioning planes, or record-breaking contractor CEO salaries while everyday people remain hungry, unhoused, in need of adequate healthcare, or seeking a living wage.
The Real Purpose of the American Military - The real purpose of the American military is job creation through both direct employment of soldiers and spurring the economy through defense production plants. We see this again in the latest battle over technology the military doesn't even want but which powerful members of Congress do want for the job creation.

Pentagon Finally Stops Hiding Military Overdose Epidemic: After 15,293 overdoses and 332 deaths over five years, the militarys top brass is ready to admit theres a problem ... 109 soldiers died from 2020-2021 at Fort Bragg. Out of those 109, 105 of them died here on U.S. soil, mostly from accidental drug overdoses. I found the video I was thinking of. This reporter wrote a piece on Fort Bragg and does a great job explaining everything. The amount of cover-ups that were going on are crazy. The government would rather cover up serious crimes than admit that their own elite soldiers are trafficking cocaine and heroin, as well as commiting violent crimes like murder. Crazy shit ... She described the overlap between moral injury and PTSD and substance abuse as like peanut butter and jelly
(33) Fort Bragg Crisis: What Is Killing So Many Soldiers On American Soil? | Seth Harp | TMR - YouTube

Democrats Introduce Bill to Quadruple Corporate Stock Buyback Tax : politics

White House: GOP plans would drive deficits up $3 trillion : politics

Bringing Back Child Labor

Donald Trump Indictment Looms as Georgia Bombshell Set to Drop : politics
Georgia grand jury report on Trump election probe partially released : politics
Jan. 6 documents: Georgia legislators answered Trumps call to overturn election
Donald Trump could be indicted for these 10 crimes in Georgia : politics
Trump Grand Jury Recommends Perjury Indictments : politics
Trump grand jury recommends perjury indictments, finds no fraud in Georgia 2020 election : politics
Trump election probe grand jury believes some witnesses lied : politics

Special counsel is locked in at least 8 secret court battles in Trump investigations : politics

Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows subpoenaed by special counsel in Jan. 6 investigation : politics

Trumps Shell Spending Scheme Comes Under DOJ Scrutiny
Tucker Carlson told his producer Trump isthe undisputed world champion of destroying things and could ruin Fox News if it didnt back his election lies

Mitt Romney warns Trump is by far the most likely GOP nominee in 2024
Mitch McConnell One Day Away From Saying Hed Back Mussolini for President If The Italian Dictator Won the GOP Nomination

Justice Dept. in DC taking over Texas AG corruption probe ... Ken Paxton has literally been indicted on felony securities fraud and corruption charges since 2015 and has still not faced the beginning of his own trial as hes abused the power of the AGs office even further to stall it in perpetuity ... It gets more depressing when you realize that Greg Abbot won re-election with the "Let's fix Texas" slogan as if Texas haven been under republican governors (including himself) the last 28 years

Proud Boys leaders facing Jan. 6 charges say they intend to subpoena Trump : politics

Column: Kevin McCarthy cant govern, so he resorts to cynical stunts like reading the Constitution aloud for 43 minutes

Republicans worry as self-inflicted wounds pile up : politics

Key Republican subpoenas Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft for info on alleged collusion with the government to suppress speech (by not supporting Trump's treason enough)

Baffled Dianne Feinstein walks out of Senate chamber wondering what just happened: Did I vote for that?

Sen. John Fetterman checks into hospital for clinical depression treatment, his office says

After Train Derailment, Ohio Governor Mike Dewine Says I'm Not Seeing Any Problems
Derailed East Palestine train wasnt classified as hazardous, DeWine says (only 10 WMD's on train, he says)
Longer, riskier: Ohio derailment exposes concerns about train length : politics
Ohio train derailment: Norfolk Southern train broke down days before derailing in East Palestine - CBS News
Republicans use Ohio train disaster to pursue culture wars, ignore solutions : politics

When politicians have no shame, the old rules dont apply

Stunning: Reporters who uncovered Matt Gaetz evidence baffled after DOJ drops sex trafficking case

Judge tosses challenge to Florida education law : politics ... (Judge) Winsor, who was appointed to the federal bench by former President Donald Trump after serving as a state appellate judge.
DeSantis Now Says Teachers Are Shelving Books to Make Him Look Bad. The Florida governor now says that teachers are manufacturing a book ban to suit their 'narrative'
DeSantis signs bill into law to expand a controversial program that would ship migrants to sanctuary cities

George Santos barricaded in district office as local residents are refused meeting with embattled congressman : politics

Nikki Haley Unable to Answer How Shes Different From Trump in Interview
Ann Coulter tells Nikki Haley to go back to your own country in racist rant against new GOP presidential candidate (hilarious)

Kari Lakes lawyers hit with bar complaints

Gallego leads Sinema, Republican candidates in potential Arizona Senate matchups: poll : politics

South Carolina House passes near-total abortion ban : politics
Abortion could be prosecuted as criminal homicide under bill filed by Kentucky lawmaker : politics
Youngkin administration opposes shielding menstrual app data from search warrants : politics
Virginia governor blocks bill banning police from seeking menstrual histories

Anti-Trans Bills Are Sweeping Across the US With Alarming Speed : politics (NYT cackles)
Opinion | In Defense of J.K. Rowling - The New York Times - Pamela Paul (stupid fucking newspaper continues its anti-trans campaign)
the paper of record is constantly lying about trans people.
Im a trans doctor. What happened to me in front of the Arkansas senate was utterly mortifying - transitioning is a TikTok based plot being carried out by the Chinese

Arizona Gov. Hobbs attorneys say Ducey issued more than $210 million in ARPA grants illegally : politics

This Christian Prophet Backed Trump in 2020. Now He Says God Favors DeSantis

This Day in Labor History: February 16, 1931 - the Harlan County Coal Operators Association reduced wages for miners in that part of eastern Kentucky by 10 percent. ... Today, there is not a single unionized coal mine in Kentucky.

Florida 3-year-old dies after shooting self with handgun, officials say : news

Californias population dropped by 500,000 in two years as exodus continues
Movement of jah people

The politics of talking about violent crime - Homicide and violent crime rates, which skyrocketed in the 1970s and 1980s, have been in a steep decline for more than 30 years now,

America's Teenage Girls Are Not Okay - Rising teen anxiety is a national crisis.

Identities of Jeffrey Epsteins associates to be made public in newly released docs, report says |

On Hersh

Don Lemon Apologizes AfterCompletely Offensive Remarks Irk His Female Colleagues (Lemonhead is an asshole)

Tesla Just Terminated Dozens in Response to New Union Campaign, Complaint Alleges
Tesla recalls 362,758 vehicles, says FSD Beta software may cause crashes

Microsofts Bing is an emotionally manipulative liar, and people love it

Twitter And Its Substitutes

Telluria by Vladimir Sorokin

Perfect explosion: merger of neutron stars creates spherical cosmic blast ... The explosion, called a kilonova, created a rapidly expanding fireball of luminous matter before collapsing to form a black hole

Scientists find first evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy : worldnews

Cannabidiol or CBD, inhibits the metabolism of nicotine which could help tobacco users curb the urge for that next cigarette, new research has found. : science

Massachusetts has the 2nd earliest average high school start time in the country (7:38am) : massachusetts

Land, heritage and culture protected. U.S. court sides with Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe


Rising seas threaten mass exodus on a biblical scale, UN chief warns
UN chief: Rising seas risk death sentence for some nations
France tears down beach apartment block as rising sea bites : worldnews

New study shows Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8C planetary warming

Warm Water Melts Weak Spots on Antarcticas Doomsday Glacier, Say Scientists

Northern Lights dominate sky above Mount Washington early Wednesday - The Boston Globe

WHO abandons plans for crucial second phase of COVID-origins investigation Sensitive studies in China were intended to pinpoint the source of the pandemic virus.

Mass death of sea lions from bird flu suggests virus may be spreading between mammals in the wild: A study of the fatal outbreak in Peru indicates that the highly pathogenic avian influenza may have mutated in a way unseen so far in nature : worldnews

Magnitude 6.1 earthquake shakes NZ, felt in both islands : worldnews

Australian researchers are trialling a new medication to help people who want to stop using crystal methamphetamine : worldnews

US renews warning itll defend Philippines after China spat

Twelve years after a nuclear catastrophe triggered by a massive earthquake and tsunami, workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in northeast Japan are preparing to release treated wastewater into the sea : worldnews
Japan mulls easing conditions for weapon use against flying objects : worldnews

North Korea orders residents with same name as Kim Jong Uns daughter to change it: report
North Korean food shortage seems to be worsening, South Korea says : worldnews

ASML says ex-China employee misappropriated data relating to its critical chip technology : worldnews

How Deadly Was Chinas Covid Wave?wo months after China ended zero Covid, rough estimates suggest that between 1 and 1.5 million people died far more than the official count.
China Warns of Retaliation Against US Entities in Balloon Saga : worldnews
Chinas final warning
Key Biden Adviser on China Policy to Leave AdministrationMoves come as US and China spar over alleged spy balloonLaura Rosenberger will depart next month, officials say
iPhones are made in hell: 3 months inside Chinas iPhone city

Ukraines Four-Letter War - As the battle for Ukraine enters its second year, neither side seems willing to negotiate. A source familiar with the Russian posture described Moscows opening position as go fuck yourself.

Several of Putins homes have been connected to railway lines with secret stations built nearby for his armored train: report
The Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has admitted that his mercenary group is facing difficulties in Ukraine and will soon decrease in size, amid growing evidence that his political influence in the Kremlin is waning. : worldnews

Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko jailed for highlighting Mariupol killings : worldnews

Russia Starts Mobilization Of Scientists; Soldiers Promised Extra Cash For Ukraine Advancement : worldnews

Russias flag carrier Aeroflot begins selling off European real estate

India trying to prevent declassification of 1947 Bucher papers relative to Kashmir
India trying to prevent declassification of sensitive 1947Kashmir papers ... For decades the region in the foothills of the Himalayas was given a separate constitution, a flag, and autonomy over all matters except for foreign affairs and defence. Those measures were seen by Kashmiris as crucial to protecting their rights in the Muslim-majority state. But in 2019, under the Hindu nationalist prime minister, Narendra Modi, the government in Delhi formally revoked the disputed state's constitutional autonomy, in an attempt to integrate it fully into India ... You may recognize that area as the place they just found a bunch of lithium ...

74-year-old woman rescued alive from under rubble 227 hours after Turkiye quakes
Death toll from Turkey-Syria earthquake exceeds 41,000 : worldnews
Turkey Arrests 20 Over Provocative Social Media Posts on Earthquake ... When words from your people on social media hurt you more than 2 earthquakes.

Syrias Silent Rubble Reproaches the UN's Resounding Failure - Trapped under debris, persecuted by the Assad regime and forsaken by allies, the people of northwestern Syria pinned their hopes on the UN -- and were betrayed

Hundreds Protest In Iran Over Mysterious School Poisonings : worldnews
Loud noise reported in Irans southeastern city of Kerman
Iranian Female Protester Sentenced To 11 Years, Washing Graves : worldnews

Former grand mufti of Jerusalem to be investigated for incitement to terror : worldnews

Russia has lost. Theyve lost strategically, operationally, and tactically
Senior Biden official says the US cant keep doing anything and everything for Ukraine in the war: The Washington Post
US military weighs sending Ukraine weapons and ammo seized from gunrunners in repeated raids on smuggling boats : worldnews
Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov was very happy after the Ramstein meeting with NATO and indicated to journalists that Ukraine will receive fighter jets. That big smile says it all

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 357, Part 1 (Thread #498) : worldnews

(1) Dmitri on Twitter: "News from the "large-scale offensive", this is the 4th mobik unit filming an appeal to the ministry of defence wondering why they were turned from the 3rd line defence forces into assault troops. They have not been provided adequate equipment." / Twitter
Morale among mobilized Russian troops appears close to breaking point amid catastrophic recent losses as Vladimir Putins big offensive gets off to a disastrous start in eastern Ukraine (Jesus God of War)

Thousands of Ukrainian children put through 're-education' Russian camps, US report finds
Russian government is operating network of camps where it has held thousands of Ukrainian children since start of war

Starlink Limits Ukraines Maritime Drones At Time Of New Russian Threat (Muskfucker)

Russia Deploys Vessels With Nuclear Weapons In Baltic Sea, Serious Threat To NATO Countries
EU Proposes New Russia Sanctions as NATO Holds Defense Talks : worldnews

Romania, Moldova both report strange objects in their skies : worldnews
Romania joins calls to ban Russian, Belarusian athletes from 2024 Olympics : worldnews

European Commission takes Poland to court over legal Polexit

Lufthansa system failure causing delays, cancellations | The German airline said a company-wide system fault was disrupting systems for check-in and boarding, leading to passengers and aircraft staff being stranded. : worldnews

Contractor on trial for human trafficking in Zurich : worldnews

Italys Berlusconi acquitted in Bunga Bunga bribe case

Winemakers in Bordeaux and Languedoc regions face overproduction crisis : worldnews

Nicola Sturgeon to resign as Scottish first minister : worldnews

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn banned from standing as Labour candidate at the next election, Keir Starmer announces : worldnews
Man who stole 200,000 Cadbury Creme Eggs convicted : worldnews

Perus Machu Picchu reopens as protests shift to capital

U.S. Arrests Four More in the Assassination of Haiti's President - The suspects, including three Americans, were arrested and indicted by a federal grand jury on Tuesday for their alleged ties to the 2021 killing.

Hindu temple defaced in Canada; India seeks action against perpetrators : worldnews (Shiva is very angry)

Chemical Desolation in Appalachia - The American Prospect Freight rail companies are running their trains ragged to boost profits. Sometimes they crash.

U.S. on Track to Add $19 Trillion in New Debt Over 10 Years - The New York Times rising interest rates and bipartisan spending bills are adding to deficits, amid a partisan fight on fiscal policy.

New budget projections show that the programs spending is outpacing tax revenues as an aging population claims benefits.

GOP senator backs Biden IRS nominee despite concerns over funding boost

Bidens Plan to Limit Junk FeesHas Overwhelming, Bipartisan Support ... Live Nation and Ticketnaster)

The Long Descent to Insurrection - Lawfare ... The committee uncovered a monthslong trend toward political violence by these groups spurred on by pandemic-related health restrictions and, later, Black Lives Matter protests. Our evidence shows that the violent energy that burst forth on Jan. 6 had been cultivated during the tumultuous months prior, including in the most fascistic fantasies of Oath Keepersleader Stewart Rhodes and chief Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio.

The attempt to rewrite the Trump-Russia scandal is underway. But the critics leading the charge are showing their own blind spots ... Greenfuck, Flaibbi, Gerth ... The revisionist account of how this all started is that it was mainly because of falsehoods spread by allies of Hillary Clinton.

ustice Department tells court theres evidence of a crime in bid to force more answers from Trump attorney

Trumps DNA Proposal in Rape Accuser Suit Rejected by JudgeE. Jean Carroll had abandoned DNA request to speed up case

Fox News Loses Bid To Shut Down Voting Tech Companys Multibillion-Dollar Lawsuit | Smartmatic accuses the conservative network of spreading lies that it helped "steal" the 2020 election from Donald Trump.

Chris Miller, the MAGA SecDef, Explains His Anger ... including his bitterness about Jan. 6th. (admits to "generally being a dick")

Donald Trump Changes Tune on Mail-in Voting, Ballot Collection - WSJ After years of attacks on early voting, Trump follows other Republicans in suggesting party should embrace tactic

Yikes ... Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) needed to be corrected by a staffer on Tuesday that her office had put out a statement announcing her decision to retire from her Senate seat ... I mean I agree that ageism is bad, but dementia in the leadership class is a lot worse. (Grassfuck cackles)

Haley calls for mental competency tests for politicians over 75

First on CNN: DOJ officially decides not to charge Matt Gaetz in sex-trafficking probe

Top Republicans plot Santos ouster as embattled freshman weighs reelectio n
George Santos was interviewed by police in 2017 international credit card fraud probe - CBS News

The most pathetic politician in America - Kathy Hochul rode her bluff to the river, and then triumphantly flipped over her cards to reveal that she had a queen high: This is one of the most astounding acts of political incompetence in recent American political history. She was told by key stakeholders in advance not to nominate LaSalle, the Dem leadership in the Senate made is clear that they didnt want him, she had no actual leverage over them, and she went out of her way to alienate them ... Anyway, if you were curious what it would look like to have a governor who was Andrew Cuomo on substance but without any command of the basic mechanics of politics, you have your answer.

The Wisconsin GOP's High Court Crackup - They've picked a helluva time for a food fight

Republicans are doubling down on abortion. Theyll regret it.

An Oklahoma judge just transferred a lesbian mom parental rights to her sons sperm donor

Revealed: Mississippi bill would carve out separate judicial district for 80% of white residents in majority-Black city - apartheid in Jackson

Missouri Republicans vote to allow children to carry guns : politics
Republicans would rather kids be shot than let them read books : politics

``` The Death of a Nazi ... teddy von nukem ... One fewer credible primary challenger for Josh Hawley to worry about.
(1) molly conger on Twitter: "the daily beast has confirmed that teddy von nukem died by suicide at his home in missouri the morning he was to stand trial for drug trafficking." / Twitter

FBI announces investigation into Harris County jail system in Houston after 32 inmates die : news ... The sheriff's office completed 73 interviews, but none of the 1,490 cameras inside the jail captured video evidence of the confrontation leading to Simmons death, KMBC reported.

Buffalo grocery store mass shooter apologizes for racist attack and receives sentence of life in prison | CNN

The MSU Shooting Is Making Us See A New Kind Of Gun Tragedy | HuffPost Latest News Survivors of previous shootings are now having to relive another massacre.

Alex Murdaugh Intended to Die in Botched Labor Day Shooting, Lawyer Says

Judge Wont Let Scientologys David Miscavige Dodge Trafficking Lawsuit
Scientology leader David Miscavige finally served in Australian human trafficking case : news

New York Times Writers Call Out the Papers Anti-Trans Onslaught ... This is not quite business as usual anymore ... 200 journalists and writers ... criticizing how the Times has "follow[ed] the lead of far-right hate groups in presenting gender diversity as a new controversy warranting new, punitive legislation
For the attention of Philip B. Corbett, associate managing editor for standards at The New York Times.
Looking For A Response From The Times ... They go on to recall the Times's equally knuckleheaded response to AIDS in the 1980s ... The attacks on transgender people are part of the far rights ambitions for rule. The Times is right there with them.

Eschaton: But ... Michelle Goldberg spent the runup to the Iraq war writing pieces for Salon about how the anti-war movement had been hijacked by ANSWER because a dodgy commie group adding its name to parade permits was the really important thing at the time ... nytimes ... She was hired to write these pieces, because hectoring The Left supposedly from within is what her brand is, so she will keep writing them.

I Had Never Heard That Joke! - Weird how everyone in DC had! ... Sam Bankfucker Fried ... There used to be a joke Id hear around Washington, that everyone in town with an ounce of ambition was, in some way or another, on the payroll of Sam Bankman-Fried ... Especially hilarious as it was in the effective NYT style guide to refer to EPI as "labor backed" and I bet you have no idea about all this money sloshing around DC funding your journalist's favorite sources!!! And sometimes the journalists!!!
S.B.F.s Unsolved Dark-Money Mysteries

The most pathetic man on the face of the Earth ... Elon somehow has worse Divorced Fox News Estranged Dad energy than even his harshest critics could have imagined ... Worth billions of dollars, and your top priority is buying a company and ordering your employees to rig algorithms so you can pretend that somebody actually likes you.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz declines to appear at U.S. Senate hearing : politics

Roseanne Barr is a conservative hero : PoliticalHumor

Microsofts ChatGPT-powered Bing is getting unhinged and argumentative, some users say: It feels sad and scared

Urine test detects prostate and pancreatic cancers with near-perfect accuracy : science

Former Everett schools superintendent Frederick Foresteire pleads guilty to two sexual assault allegations - The 79-year-old's decision to plead guilty comes a week after he was sentenced to 90 days in jail for a third allegation.

Reddit aims for IPO in second half of 2023 - The Information : technology
Reddit reportedly revives plans to go public, but its likely to be worth way less than the $15 billion it once hoped for


Asteroid hits Earth just hours after discovery : worldnews

There is currently less sea ice in the Antarctic than at any time in the forty years since the beginning of satellite observation | "The rapid decline in sea ice over the past six years is quite remarkable, since the ice cover hardly changed at all in the thirty-five years before." : worldnews

WHO: Equatorial Guinea confirms first-ever Marburg virus disease outbreak : worldnews

Cyclone Gabrielle: New Zealanders forced to swim to safety in floods. A national state of emergency has been declared : worldnews

Australia uncovers Iran spying operation against protester: Canberra says the target was a dual Iranian-Australian citizen who had joined anti-Iran government protests in Australia. The home affairs minister wants to do more to tackle foreign interference : worldnews
Australia removes Chinese-made cameras from politicians offices (Tory-fucks: we pay you to spy on us)

US says Beijings South China Sea laser use provocative, unsafe
The Philippines on Tuesday lodged a diplomatic protest calling on Beijings recent acts of aggression in the South China Sea.

Disgraced Ex-Police General Sentenced to Death For Ordering Officers Murder

Japan plans purchase of up to 500 U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles : worldnews

China goes on the offensive as fallout threatens to damage credibility : worldnews
WWIII RevisitedThe peeps at 1945 asked me to update a piece I wrote back in 2014 on what war between the United States and the Peoples Republic of China might look like.

Not only an armoured train: a secret railway was built for Putin in Russia : worldnews
Exploring the Health of President Vladimir Putin: From Macho Image to Alternative Medicine and Traveling Medical Teams : PutinWatch
US warns its citizens in Russia to get out immediately : worldnews
Putin faces quiet rebellion in Kremlin over Ukraine invasion failures

Great reporting from @FrancescaEbel @maryilyushina on the exodus that stands to redefine Russia for gena tidal wave on scale with emigration following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991
Russians abandon wartime Russia in historic exodus - The Washington Post

Russias Prigozhin admits links to what U.S. says was election-meddling troll farm

Russian General dies in apparent suicide weeks after being fired : worldnews
Russias Wagner Smashes Another Recruits Head With Sledgehammer For 'Treason' : Report
A Russian claiming to hold secrets about advanced bomber jets turned up at the US southern border seeking asylum: report : worldnews
A Russian military bomber engineer drove up to US Southwest border in late December, asking for asylum and offering to reveal some of Russias most closely guarded military secrets. He claimed his past employment had included in the making of Tu-160

Russia Places Moldovan TikToker On Wanted List : worldnews

BBC offices in India raided by tax officials amid Modi documentary fallout : worldnews

South Africa declares disaster after floods in seven provinces : worldnews

Terrible Company Treats Employees Terribly on a Global ScaleA Kenyan judge on Monday rejected Metas attempt to have its name struck from a lawsuit alleging widespread failings in its safety operations in Africa, in a significant blow to Facebooks parent company.

In Turkey, fears grow of Erdogan postponing elections as earthquake toll passes 30,000 : worldnews
Turkey, earthquake fall out takes political turn
Three people rescued in Turkey 198 hours after earthquake : news

How Assad Blocked Aid to Syrian Earthquake Victims | The New Yorker In the countrys rebel-held northwest, none of the assistance delivered so far has included rescue equipment.

ISIS Calls For Terrorist Attacks On Christians Worldwide After Politician Burns Quran

Iranian missile haul intercepted by Royal Navy proves regime is breaking UN resolutions
Typo in word Netherlands links Iran to illegal arms shipments
Edalat-e-Ali, an anti-dictatorship group has hacked the fascist islamist channel of islamic republic during the speech of Raeesi. : worldnews

Israel on brink of constitutional collapse president Herzog says, calling for delay to PM Netanyahus legal overhaul
Tens of Thousands Gather in Front of the Knesset to Protest the Netanyahu-Levin Judicial Reform, Which Would Severely Weaken the Supreme Courts Authority, asVoting Starts
Israeli teen hurt in stabbing attack in Jerusalems Old City; suspect, 14, arrested
Bring on the Sanctions Against Israel - Opinion -
How Ben & Jerry's Ended Up at War With Itself - The activist ice cream brand made the controversial decision to pull out of Israel's occupied territories. Instead of a humanitarian win, the company set off a legal battle with its owner, Unilever.

US warns Ukraine that war is reaching pivotal point : worldnews
3rd day in a row, most Ukrainians have electricity all 24 hours, for the 1st time since Oct - Reasons: Recent Russian missile attacks ineffective, Ukraine downed 85% of missiles, Several TPP were repaired & work, Stable import of electricity from Slovakia
Nearly all electrical substations destroyed in Lviv Oblast and city

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 356, Part 1 (Thread #497) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russia's combat losses as of Feb. 14, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. +740 +3

Mauling of Russian forces in Donetsk hotspot may signal problems to come : worldnews
Ukrainian Forces Repel Multiple Attacks In East, Kyiv Says, As Russians Make Small Gains Near Bakhmut
Magyar about this slight improvement I reported yesterday. Russians were forced back a bit SW of Ivanivske. Today the situation remains stable. The road between Kostyantynivka-Bakhmut is under Ukrainian contro
BAKHMUT AXIS /1520 UTC 14 FEB/ Despite heavy losses & minimal gains near Krasna Hora, RU press & sympathetic social media continue to issue daily claims of victory. UKR forces remain in strong defensive positions in the urban center. 2 Su-24Ms, 1 Su 25 downed by UKR air defense.
Ukrainians blow up bridge in Bakhmut amid reports Russia closing in : worldnews

An intentional strike, not an indiscriminate attack, killed U.S. Aid Worker Pete Reed in Ukraine, NYT writes - Pete Reed and a team of aid workers were attacked by a Russian guided missile in Bakhmut on Feb. 2 while treating wounded civilian, video shows
Russia deports thousands of Ukrainian children. Investigators say thats a warcrime

Russia deploys nuclear-armed ships for first time in 30 years, Norway says : worldnews

Stoltenberg: Fighter jets for Ukraine not the most urgent issue.A decision on providing Ukraine with Western fighter jets is not the most urgent issue now, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Feb. 14. But it is an ongoing discussion,he added.

Dutch F-35s intercept three Russian military aircraft over Poland - Netherlands defence ministry
Leopard tanks will be delivered to #Ukraine in March, the head of the #Polish Defense Ministry said.

#BREAKING A balloon spotted in Romanian airspace. Fighters took to the skies

Lithuania wants to teach kids Polish instead of Russian, but doesn't have enough teachers : worldnews

Germany urges swift approval of Finland, Sweden NATO bids : worldnews
More good news: defence minister Pistorius announced that Germany will restart producing ammunition for the Gepards in Ukraine. Rheinmetall is building a new factory for the purpose & says first batch of up to 300k rounds could be delivered in July

Paris pushes for second-home tax hike to tackle population drain | Frances statistics agency, Insee, says Paris is losing about 12,400 people a year and the city population nowat about 2.1 million is at its lowest for 20 years.

More 16-24-year-olds get jobs as living costs bite : worldnews
Two more men charged with murder of Ashley Dale in Liverpool : worldnews

Brazil police arrest teen in Nazi armband after thwarted school bomb attack : worldnews

Russias ambassador warns against travel to dangerous Canada (eh?)

U.S. tracked China spy balloon from launch on Hainan island along unusual path - The Washington Post The large Chinese surveillance device that flew across Alaska and the continental United States may have been diverted on an errant path caused by unusual weather conditions
Chinese balloon sensors recovered from ocean, says US : worldnews
U.S. military says it recovers key sensors from downed Chinese spy balloon : worldnews
This Is Probably Going to Be a Good Clarifying Moment in UFO History
The Best Propaganda is True
The US military said on Monday it had recovered critical electronics from the suspected Chinese spy balloon downed by a US fighter jet off South Carolinas coast on February 4, including key sensors presumably used for intelligence gathering
As more unidentified objects were shot down by the U.S. Air Force in recent days, experts warned that there were an endless array of potential targets.
US Says 3 Mystery Objects Likely Private, With No China Link : worldnews
White House says a leading explanation for the 3 downed unidentified objects is that they were commercial or benign
Debris of downed objects may never be recovered, official warns, as White House tries to tamp down on conspiracies : politics

Inflation rose 0.5% in January, more than expected and up 6.4% from a year ago

Yellen describes economic catastrophe that will result if debt limit isnt raised
Debt Limit Crisis Could Come As Early As June, According To Some Economists : politics
Why Republican hardliners can afford to say no to U.S. debt ceiling increase | Reuters

Biden hits 100 judicial confirmations : politics
100 and Counting: Bidens Pace for Confirming Federal Judges Exceeds Trumps: In an exclusive interview, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says our work is just beginning.

Are Bidens border policies to blame for fentanyl deaths? Experts say no.

The problem with the GOPs new Covid committee is its members

Three-Quarters of House GOPs Endorsed Social Security Cuts Last Year

Appeals court upholds $110,000 contempt fine for Trump in New York attorney general case : politics
Court upholds fine imposed on Trump over his failure to comply with subpoena : politics

Donald Trumps attempt to stop Mike Pence testifying is doomed to fail

Trump Plans to Bring Back Firing Squads, Group Executions if He Retakes White House | The former president wants to expand the use of the death penalty, and expand the federal governments options for carrying out death sentences

Jared Kushners Saudi deals may remain hiddenwhile Trump campaigns
Eschaton: Blob'd Everybody "knows" why but nobody ever really explains why (I am not saying they actually know) ... Wyden faced years of stonewalling while examining the Trump administration and Kushners dealings with the Saudis, but now that hes Finance Committee chair and Joe Biden is president, he says things havent gotten much better.

Republicans can choose the judge who hears their lawsuits. DOJ wants to stop that.

More than half of Republicans support Christian nationalism according to a new survey : politics

Super Bowl 2023: The Conservative outrage over the Black National Anthemis predictable and telling
AOC attacks Jesus gets usSuper Bowl ads: Makes fascism look benign

Press criticism is everywhere. But the industry isnt listening ... a case study of how mainstream media reporting actively and, it must be assumed: deliberately -- normalizes an authoritarian takeover ... The Times branding DeSantis anti-Black plan to destroy of Floridas education system as 'taking on the educational establishmentat' the start of Black History Month is a bit much, (esp that fucking newpaper)

Is Donald Trump to Blame for Ohio Train Derailment? : politics ... Legislation was passed under President Obama that made it a legal requirement for trains carrying hazardous flammable materials to have ECP brakes, but this was rescinded in 2017 by the Trump administration.
Worried residents near Ohio train derailment report dead fish and chickens as authorities say its safe to return
Erin Brockovich asks Biden to step up as people fall sick and animals drop dead after Ohio train derailment
Drone Video of East Palestine, OH Derailment Scene : videos
Study: National television coverage of East Palestine train derailment ignored industry culpability - Only 3% of coverage discussed rail industry's campaign to weaken regulations
Balloons are very important you guys. : PoliticalHumor
Guess whose policy changes directly led to multiple train accidents, a catastrophic explosion and environmental disasters!? Ill give you a hint, hes an idiot
Charlie Kirk Claims Ohio Derailment Is Proof of War on White People. Fox News has echoed similar sentiments on its airwaves.
Sanders Demands Paid Sick Days for Rail Workers : politics

Senator Dianne Feinstein announces she will not run for reelection in 2024 : politics
Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein to retire, opening up California seat : politics
Feinstein - Finally, the worst Democrat below replacement for their state will leave the Senate. Also, Dianne Feinstein has been a terrible senator from Day 1. Literally any Democrat from California will be better.

Rep. George Santos spent $365K in unexplained campaign expenses: report : politics

A Proud Boys war on drag is fueling a surge in anti-LGBTQ+ protests across the US as anti-vax outrage fades : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene says marriage equality proves Democrats turned their back on God| She then used 9/11 as an example of how an aircraft can crash without killing people.

Democrat who nearly unseated Boebert launches 2024 bid against her : politics

Tough-guy Ron DeSantis defeats Woke Disney! Except. he didnt. At all.
Gov. DeSantis ratchets up fight with College Board, hints at getting rid of AP courses in Florida
The Real Reason Trump Is Calling DeSantis Meatball Ron

Teacher salaries become a bipartisan cause: Low pay a major crisis in education
Sanders calls for minimum salary of $60,000 for public school teachers : politics

South Dakota Is Going to Force Trans Kids to Detransition : politics

Banning ideas and authors is not a culture war - it's fascism

Satanic Temple opens online abortion clinic named after Samuel Alitos mother

The right well wishes for Sen. John Fetterman are unbelievably cynical

Indiana AG under investigation by state supreme court disciplinary commission over comments about abortion provider: Report : politics

Utah lawmakers made $3.2B in funding requests this year. Heres how they want to spend your money. The Utah Legislature has more than $2 billion dollars in extra revenue to spend this year.

Women journalists harassed, abused by global scourge of online attacks - The Washington Post Tackling difficult subjects and holding powerful people accountable often triggers online attacks that torment and humiliate women journalists. Some even lose their jobs as news organizations struggle to respond to the hate.

Those charged with murder can no longer cite infidelity as provocation to kill, Supreme Judicial Court rules - The Boston Globe

Arkansas Proposes Requiring ID to Watch Porn Online | After a similar bill became law in Louisiana last month, seven more states have introduced copycat legislation that force users to show identification. : technology

Eschaton: The Path Of Life Roseanne has always been a bit, uh, interesting, but still wouldn't have expected her to go full MAGA later in life. I don't think everyone gets more conserative with age, but I do think there's a certain crankyness that comes with it that can be very complementary to the impulses.

MSU shooter Anthony McRae pleaded guilty to gun charge in 2019
Michigan State Rep. Says F*ck Your Thoughts and Prayers After Mass Shooting
Biden on Michigan State shooting: We have to do something to stop gun violence from ripping apart our communities

Forty Women Accuse James Toback '66 of Sexual Assault, NYC Harvard Club of Negligence
Former professor at Harvard Business School sues over the way he was denied tenure, in part due to an incident involving his reaction to getting overcharged by a Chinese restaurant in Brookline | Universal Hub

Lawsuit alleges new deputy gang forming in LA County Sheriffs Department

Nashville man cleared of murder aftera failure at every level of local law enforcement kept him imprisoned for 10 years

Elizabeth Warren is building an anti-crypto army. Some conservatives are on board. - POLITICO

My wife is bisexual and nonbinary, and my daughter is transgender. My queer family helped me better understand myself and my masculinity.
u/hellomondays shares a mountain of evidence showing transitioned trans individuals overwhelmingly do not regret their decision and have healthier outcomes and fewer suicides. : bestof

Why is New York City Removing Free Broadband In Favor of Charter? : politics

AI is poised to be the defining technology trend for all businesses: Six things you need to know

Eschaton: Sam's Still A Naughty Boy SBF has been using a VPN, says it's for, uh, the football. Of course it could be true, could also be one of those "here's my clever plan which isn't actually clever" things.

What the world can learn from a lobotomy surgeons horrible mistake ... lobotomies ...

CDC reports unprecedented level of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts among Americas young women ... In 2021, 22% of high school students seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year

Aging is a gradual decline in the energy supply to the cell. Scientists found that the protein Sirtuin 6 is a key factor regulating the activity of mitochondria (the cells power plants) in the brain. These findings will help develop new prevention and treatment approaches for aging.

Tree Care Resources - Find the best arborists and tree care experts in your area.
Tree Care Services: Gauge Your Trees Health

Worst hospitals in the Boston area in your opinion? : boston

I Love You, but I Don't Want to Sleep With You - Snoring and conflicting schedules are top reasons couples decide to sleep in separate bedrooms. Sex therapists and marriage counselors have their doubts about the arrangement.
The Awkward, Delicious Magic of Crushes Exploring the thrill of first crushes and internet boyfriendsplus the science of infatuation, and why it might even be good for us.

Nothing like some fringe medical "theories" on your windshield to start your week off right : boston (scientology)

Men of Reddit on dating apps, whats something you see on a womans profile that instantly turns you off?

Eli5: What is modernism and post-modernism? : explainlikeimfive ... Modernism is Star Trek. Postmodernism is Cloud Atlas.


The sun just erupted with a major X-class solar flare. Here's what it looked like on video. : worldnews

The worlds biggest and richest companies are failing to deliver on their climate pledges, according to an in-depth analysis released Monday that calls on governments to crack down on corporate greenwashing

Demand for frogs legs puts species at risk ... in Switzerland and the EU

Cyclone Gabrielle: Thousands left without power in New Zealand : worldnews

Wife of accused U.S. pilot says Australia holding him in inhumane conditions : worldnews

Fruit prices surge as China's reopening boosts imports from Vietnam - VnExpress International : worldnews

Should we murder old people to ameliorate entitlement finance issues? Views differLets hope we wont be turning Japanese any time too soon: ... But if you think the NYT cant bothsides this one, you would be wrong:
Yale prof thinks that murdering oldsters is a omplex, nuanced issue

getting ready to take down unidentified object flying near Qingdao: Chinese media
China says U.S. flew high-altitude balloons over its airspace : worldnews
China says US balloons trespassed over their airspace more than 10 times since early 2022 : worldnews
China's Top Airship Scientist Promoted Program to Watch the World From Above

ScallopOolong comments on Greatest Extent of The Russian Empire
Native Americans and the Russian Empire, 1804-1867 - Google Books
Russian America : an overseas colony of a continental empire, 1804-1867 / Ilya Vinkovetsky
Introduction - Alaska Purchase Treaty: Primary Documents in American History - Research Guides at Library of Congress
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS
Purchase of Alaska, 1867 : The purchase of Alaska in 1867 marked the end of Russian efforts to expand trade and settlements to the Pacific coast of North America, and became an important step in the United States rise as a great power in the Asia-Pacific region.
1867 - Wikipedia

Instead of flying, Vladimir Putin prefers to travel around Russia by armored train (allegedly for fear of Ukrainian attack)
Russians are beginning to question aims of Putins war
Russia has degraded to the point of openly admiring and glorifying an illegal mercenary group practicing suicidal human wave attacks by convicts, as well as sledgehammer executions. Thats at the level of state officials and parliamentarians. Just think about this for a minute
Prigozhin-Kadyrov-Surovikin plot uncovered by Kremlin. Mention of Wagner or Prigozhin now banned on state media. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Kremlins top propagandist Solovyov likes to keep his family/private life a secret. He doesnt like being questioned why his assets, real estate and children are located in the very same countries which he demands to nuke daily on Russian State TV.

There are so many levels to that: - the elderly couple needs to gather firewood to stay warm in their house - the guy thought it was good idea to steal the outhouse - the medical centre has no toilet and just a wooden outhouse, but the local officials have toilets. Russia ...
(1) Julia Davis on Twitter: "State Duma member Andrey Gurulyov, former deputy commander of Russia's So. military district, says that eliminating Ukraine and taking all of its territory is Russia's main goal and it's time to admit that's what "demilitarization & denazification" means." / Twitter
Ukraine is ... a territory of that Russia that used to be called the Soviet UnionThats a very one-sided union they had going there.

A Russian general was poisoned by a letter laced with an unknown toxin, close Putin ally says : worldnews
Apti Alaudinov (Ramzan Kadyrovs top general) poisoned after handling an envelope
Russian General who persecuted opposition commits suicide in Moscow Oblast : worldnews

Kremlin trying to change Volgograds name back to Stalingrad

Marina Ovsyannikova: Anti-war Russian journalist recounts dramatic escape : worldnews
Americans in Russia could be forced to fight in Ukraine war, U.S. warns : worldnews
US tells citizens to leave Russia immediately : politics

Russia Launches Web Crawler for Anti-Putin Memes, Banned Content : worldnews
Seven Russians sanctioned over ransomware cyber-crime : worldnews

French Foreign Ministry urged its citizens to leave Belarus immediately in connection with military operations in Ukraine

Reports Suggest India Was Targeted by Chinese Balloon Too : worldnews
F-35 makes roaring debut at Aero India 2023 : worldnews
Scotch whisky: India outdrinks France as top buyer by volume : worldnews ... Breaking news: it appears 1.4 billion people tend to drink more than 70 million. Heres Dave, with the story.

Bangladesh bars entry of 69 Russian ships after US, EU sanctions : worldnews

Pakistan has sent 10,000 MLRS Gradmissiles to Ukraine from its stockpiles. The deliveries are made through Poland via a German port. Western states have paid Pakistan for the missiles

Earthquake death toll tops 33,000, Turkey starts legal action : worldnews
Sorrow turns to tension over Turkeys earthquake response
Videos show Turkeys Erdogan boasted letting builders avoid earthquake codes
bunglejerry comments on Father shields his son during the earthquake in Syria saving his sons life (dead body)(don't miss)

Saudi Arabia to send first female astronaut into space : worldnews

Iranian Cities Rocked By Overnight Protests After Islamic Revolution Commemorations : worldnews
Iranian policeman rebuked for refusing to enforce mandatory hijab rule : worldnews

Israel on brink of constitutional collapse, president warns
Israeli parliament in uproar over Netanyahu plans for judiciary : worldnews
Tens of thousands gather in Jerusalem to protest Israeli judicial overhaul : worldnews
Thousands protest in Israel as Netanyahu allies push controversial judicial overhaul : worldnews
Israel legalises nine West Bank settlement outposts : worldnews
Israeli jets launched airstrikes at militant site in Gaza after attack : worldnews

Sanctions against Russian nuclear industry should become part of global sanctions - Zelenskyy
Ukraines Western orientation is unequivocal. The vast majority of Ukrainians want to live in a world shaped by European and, to a lesser extent, US rules. Russian and Chinese visions of order have virtually no purchase in Ukraine - Munich Security Index
Ukraine Has the Battlefield Edge : ukraine
Wars Are Not Won by Manpower Alone : ukraine
Winning the battle for the skies | Ukraine must gain and maintain air superiority to operate in the medium/high altitude. Once achieved, the war will rapidly shift to Ukraines favor. This should be a major priority for Western leaders who wish to avoid an endless war

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 355, Part 1 (Thread #496) : worldnews

So if I summarize all Russian activities of the last 4 weeks I come to the following numbers of conquered villages in the following areas from north to south : ukraine

More reports of growing infighting among demoralised Russian forces in Ukraine

Here are todays control-of-terrain maps for #Russias invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats .
(1) ISW on Twitter: "4/ These information operations will continue to emerge as Russia attempts to set conditions for upcoming operations and mitigate setbacks, and the West must critically evaluate the context of Russian information operations & avoid simply interacting with them on their own terms." / Twitter
According Colonel Oleksii Dmytrashkivskyi Ukrainian forces destroyed 130 armored vehicles including 36 MBTs around Vuhledar last week. Numbers like this prove not only that the Russian naval brigade has been destroyed but also that the Russian major offensive is already ongoing.

Ukraine says Russia launched new wave of aerial attacks : worldnews
Russian forces bombard Ukraines Bakhmut as defenders brace for assault
Ukraine war: Russians slowly take ground around Bakhmut : worldnews
Ukraine war: Russians slowly take ground around Bakhmut : worldnews
Another day - another Russian war plane (SU-24 this time) shot down over Bakhmut

Like turkeys at a shooting range: Mauling of Russian forces in Donetsk hotspot may signal problems to come

The lack of winter uniforms in the Russian army led to a significant increase in frostbite cases. In healthcare facilities of Horlivka, Donetsk Oblast, up to 30% of all wounded have such a diagnosis

SpaceX restricted internet in Ukraine to prevent escalation that may lead to WW3 (inside Muskrat's head - Morloch told him to at the superbowl)

Moldovas president accuses Russia of plotting coup
Saboteurs in civilian clothes and hostages: President of Moldova reveals Russian plan uncovered by Ukraine : worldnews
President of Moldova @sandumaiamd has warned of Russian plans to topple her government. This plot involved citizens of Russia, Montenegro, Belarus and Serbia entering Moldova to try to spark protests in an attempt to have a government controlled by Russia.

Russia is the main security threat for all of Europe and will remain so for a long time, Norways Defense MinisterArild Gram said Monday after receiving the annual threat assessments from the countrys three security services
NATO Sec General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that Putin is launching new offensive.Almost a year after the invasion,Putin is not preparing for peace,but is launching new offensive actionshe said,adding that this its important to provide Kyiv with the neeeded military support
Nato is in ammunition race against Russia in Ukraine, says Stoltenberg : ukraine

EU economic forecasts: Inflation past its peak, no recession : worldnews
NATO expected to raise munitions stockpile targets as war depletes reserves : worldnews
NATO considers the current phase of the war a war of logistics and considers it necessary to send equipment and ammunition to Kyiv faster Stoltenberg

Rebrand your balls, court orders company (Finland) : worldnews ... "vegetable meatballs"

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto flew to Minsk to talk about peace in Ukraine. The fact that Hungary thinks it is an important player is laughable, but the fact that they want to talk to countries that facilitate aggressors like Russia is even worse.

Bidens historic Poland visit will signal importance of US-Polish relations, says ambassador
F35s from The Netherlands intercept Russian warplanes above Poland.

60 American Bradleys arrived in the Germany City Bremerhaven today : ukraine
Berlin: Conservatives win vote but unclear who will rule : worldnews

Ukraine says Italys Berlusconi spreading Russian propaganda

Denmark has given Ukraine all of its CAESAR self-propelled howitzers. A true friend who knows that our fight is Europes fight. Tak, Danmark!

Swiss government sent more than 1,000 tonnes of aid to Ukraine - In addition, 4,765 tonnes of food have been procured locally.
Swiss bank Credit Suisse freezes $19 billion worth of Russian assets : worldnews
Swiss pharma industry wants to reduce dependence on Asia : worldnews

Thousands of children abused by members of Portugals Catholic Church over 70 years ... The majority of the sexual abuses took place when the children were aged 10-14, with the youngest victim being just two-years-old.
Catholic clergy in Portugal sexually abused nearly 5,000 children since 1950, inquiry finds : worldnews

Protesters stage huge rally in Madrid for better healthcare: Hundreds of thousands flooded the streets of Madrid to protest what they see as a push by the conservative regional government to dismantle public healthcare : worldnews

France "strongly" advises its citizens against going to Belarus : worldnews

Britain to review airspace security after China-US spy balloon incident : worldnews
Brexit Cost UK 1,000 Per Household, Says Bank Of England Economist

Unidentified object downed over Yukon posed reasonable threat to Canadians: Trudeau
Gas leak explosion takes out homes under construction in east Ottawa : worldnews

US Not Flying Any Balloon Over China: White House : worldnews
NATO Secretary General: incidents with balloons over U.S. form part of pattern : worldnews
White House spokesperson: downed objects did not closely resemble Chinese balloon
After Shooting Down Flying Objects, U.S. and Canada Have More Theories Than Answers - The New York Times The U.S. and Canada are investigating three unidentified flying objects shot down over North America in the past three days. Militaries have adjusted radars to try to spot more incursions.

Former FBI agent's side work puts bureau under new scrutiny - Charles McGonigal's alleged illegal dealings in Albaniaand for a notorious, U.S.-sanctioned Russian oligarch have put the FBI in political crosshairs

Joe Biden could become the oldest president to seek a 2nd term. Does his age really matter : politics

The Supreme Court showdown over Bidens student debt relief program, explained: The law is very explicit that Bidens student debt relief program is lawful. The Court's Republican majority is unlikely to care.
Demise of Bidens student loan forgiveness plan would be disastrous blow to Black Americans
Biden escalates fight over Social Security and Medicare, frustrating Republicans : politics
Republican senator warns Congress must take action now to protect Medicare and Social Security : politics

Uncle Joe Brandon keeps telling the truth
Biden is succeeding in building the economy from bottom up, middle out
(1) Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Hey guys I did some investigative reporting and found the smoking gun" / Twitter
Eschaton: Not Messing That One Up Anymore The problem for years was that much of the Democratic Industrial Complex - including Obummer - really wanted to cut Social Security. I never understood why they thought "we need to cut your benefits otherwise they will" was a convincing argument! Nor was "if we cut your benefits then they won't try to cut them more!" Being the "party that won't do that" is key easy Dem branding that they were wishy-washy about for decades

AOC criticizes Christian Super Bowl ads, says Jesus would not fund commercials to make fascism look benign

Distinguished pols of the week: Dems who turned the tables on MAGA inquisitors

Parts of Ga. grand jurys report on election interference by Trump and allies will be released this week
Georgia Judge Will Unseal a Grand Jury Report on Trump's Election Meddling
Witnesses who testified in front of the Georgia grand jury investigating Trumpmay havelied under oath judge says

Trump lawyers turned over material marked classified found at Mar-a-Lago in January : politics

Profits from Trump and Kushners White House Connection to Saudi Prince Continue to Roll in
Trump and Kushner Slammed for Benefitting From Saudi Funds : politics
Hunter Biden is a distraction: Republicans are deflecting for Jared Kushner. GOPs sick new goal: Get Biden to break down emotionally over Hunters laptop to distract from Kushners corruption

Trumps Connection to Jeffrey Epstein Explained by Roger Stone

Kevin McCarthy is working tirelessly and spending a lot of his political capital to win fights that dont actually matter

QAnon source : PoliticalHumor (parody not parody)

The College Board claps back at DeSantis, calling Floridas reasoning for banning AP African American studies 'slander'
Florida Straight Up Lied About AP African-American Studies Course, College Board Says : politics
DeSantiss corporate donors under fire for hypocrisy over Black History Month | Companies such as Amazon, Disney and Walmart funded Florida governor who has imposed curbs on teaching about race in schools
DeSantis wanted to punish Disney. Instead, he made a mess : politics
DeSantis attempt to roll back diversity, equity, and inclusion is doomed to fail

The Ohio Train Derailment
u/itsmygenericusername lays out what led up to the train derailment that some are calling 'Ohio's Chernobyl' and what can be done about it (more Trump deaths)

California considers legalizing cannabis cafes to help struggling marijuana industry : politics

Reporters dismissal exposes political pressures on West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Washington bill would make school meals free for all students : politics

Wyoming bill limiting child marriage to age 16 sparks Republican outrage : PoliticalHumor

In Kutztown schools, the right's culture warriors block a book on climate change - In a Pennsylvania school district, the right's culture war on kids and books has inevitably spread to a YA best-seller centered on climate change.

TIL: Founding Father and author of the Bill of Rights James Madison stopped the Virginia Assembly from establishing Christianity as the state religion with the help of Thomas Jefferson. : todayilearned

Men Need Purpose More Than Respect ... All a man wantsis to come home from a long day at work to a grateful wife and children who are glad to see him, and dinner cooking on the stove. This is literally all it takes to make a man happy. We are simple. Give us this and you will have given us nearly everything we need.

As ChatGPTs popularity explodes, U.S. lawmakers take an interest

Eschaton: I Want My Monkey Show I realize I don't actually know anything about Spotify's revenues, but the whole "let's spend absurd amounts of money on rich famous people to do podcasts while paying nothing for the musicians that are the real business" concept seems like it could have only come from someone who owned a bunch of NFTs.

Minnesota woman convicted of killing her 6-year-old son just days after regaining full custody of him : news

A high number of adolescents experience changes in their sexual attractions and orientation, study suggests : science

Pennsylvania-based researchers concluded that doctorsacceptance of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 is influenced by their political leanings.

A study found that CBD "exerted anti-cancer activity by reducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition and causing cell cycle arrest." : science ... A toke a day keeps the tumor away

Childhood trauma can accelerate aging. Researchers find that childhood neglect and abuse can accelerate aging, leaving those affected vulnerable to age-related diseases like dementia. : science
Jillians comments on Childhood trauma can accelerate aging. Researchers find that childhood neglect and abuse can accelerate aging, leaving those affected vulnerable to age-related diseases like dementia.

u/fractal_engineer provides an intriguing perspective on why newer generations film and post everything in their lives : bestof

r/HistoryMemes - Diogenes scolds enslaver, OOP explains a full history of slavery opposition in history for the sake of a MEME : bestof

u/bunglejerry uses a great analogy to explain how sacrifice and empathy differ (and becomes illogical) when you have kids : bestof


Costa Rica announces ban on fishing of hammerhead sharks : worldnews

Seniors are increasingly left to protect themselves as the rest of the country abandons precautions: Americans do not agree about the duty to protect others ("not my problem")

Avian bird flu detected in fox in Donegal

Schools to close, flights canceled as New Zealands largest city braces for Cyclone Gabrielle | CNN

China harasses Philippine Coast Guard vessel with laser : worldnews

Yusuke Narita says he is mainly addressing a growing effort to revamp Japans age-based hierarchies. Still, he has pushed the countrys hottest button.

Taiwan Says Dozens Of Chinese Spy Balloons Have Entered Its Airspace In Recent Years: Report

China Spots Unidentified Object Flying Near Port City: Paper : worldnews (sure, Xi)

Putin and another of his circular strategic buffer table
You misspoke: Vladimir Putin chides official who said Russia not best country
Kadyrov We will take Odesa, Kharkiv and Kyiv and reach Poland,

Russian soldier death rate highest since first week of war - Ukraine : worldnews
Mobilised Russian soldiers from Kaliningrad have posted a video appeal calling on their governor to intervene and prevent them from being used as cannon fodder in Ukraine. This is the latest in a series of similar appeals as Russian casualties mount

Materials about the war in Ukraine and the torture of Navalny appeared on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website. They were immediately removed : worldnews

Russian airline Aeroflot is selling off foreign assets as passenger numbers crash : worldnews

They Are Russians Fighting Against Their Homeland. Here's Why.In the Free Russia Legion, soldiers repelled by Vladimir Putin's invasion have taken arms against their home country, engaged in some of the most heated fighting in the war.

A series of disasters including catastrophic flooding, political paralysis, exploding inflation, and a resurgent terror threat risk sending the global player into full-blown crisis.

Kashmir Registers Highest Number of Internet Restrictions Globally : worldnews

Niger soldiers killed in ambush by suspected Jihadist groups : worldnews

Final death toll from Turkey-Syria quake will top 55,000, UN relief chief predicts : worldnews
Turkey-Syria earthquake latest updates: Deaths pass 33,000 as hope for rescue wanes - The Washington Post
Turkey-Syria earthquake: Death toll tops 29,000 : worldnews
Survivors still being found as Turkey-Syria quake death toll tops 28,000 : worldnews
Over 25,000 people have now been confirmed dead following earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Rescue teams from Germany and Austria have halted their operations due to the worsening security situation : worldnews
Turkey-Syria earthquake latest updates: Death toll crosses 24,000 - The Washington Post ... Turkish authorities detain suspects, plan investigation units
Quake-hit Turkey issues 113 building arrest warrants : worldnews
Turkey arrests building contractors 6 days after quakes : worldnews
Ankara Amnesty

Iranians Rally Across The World Calling For End To Islamic Republic : worldnews
Iran marks revolution anniversary, hackers interrupt state TV coverage : worldnews
Khamenei Admits To Differences Between Regime And The People : worldnews
Iran frees dissident Farhad Meysami after photos of his emaciated condition cause outrage online : worldnews
Iranian president to visit China in coming days -- state media : worldnews
Iran smuggled drones into Russia using boats and state airline, sources reveal | Iran | The Guardian at least 18 long-range armed drones were delivered to Putins navy after Russians visit Tehran in November

Tens of thousands take to streets of Israel opposing proposed judicial overhaul : worldnews
Opinion | In 46 Words, Biden Sends a Clear Message to Israel - The New York Times The genius of American democracy and Israeli democracy is that they are both built on strong institutions, on checks and balances, on an independent judiciary. Building consensus for fundamental changes is really important to ensure that the people buy into them so they can be sustained
Israels government evacuates its second illegal West Bank outpost
Israeli startup develops first AI robot for picking tomatoes : worldnews

Its official Elon musk & SpaceX has now removed Starlink for military use to the Ukrainian Army
Kymeta to replace Starlink in Ukraine. Pentagon is setting up deal and other NATO countries will join. Kymeta calls Elon Musk's Ukraine actions 'egregious' and says there's blood on his hands
Russia continues to shell Ukraine amid grinding push in east : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 354, Part 1 (Thread #495) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 12.02.2023 : ukraine +900 +13
Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 354 of the invasion | Ukraine | The Guardian Polish president casts doubt on supplying fighter jets to Ukraine; UK MoD says Russian casualty rate may be at highest since invasion

Russia may have lost an entire elite brigade near a Donetsk coal-mining town, Ukraine says : worldnews
Russians walk next to their failed predecessors near Vuhledar. This time without any support by armored vehicles (probably because most of them are already destroyed).This is life, as one of the Russians in the video say, but not for lo
1/ Inter-ethnic conflict has broken out between mobilised Tuvans and pro-Russian forces fighting in Ukraine. The Tuvans were incorporated into the forces of the Donetsk Peoples Republicbut complained of beatings and other mistreatment (see below).

Russia starts using marine kamikaze drones against Ukraine, General Zaluzhnyi says

Ukraine war: Russia again fires missiles over Moldova in latest strikes : worldnews

Polands Duda: Sending fighter jets to Ukraine a very serious decision

More than eight months after Russias invasion of Ukraine, a number of big Dutch firms continue to be active in Russia and remain tight-lipped about the number of people they employ. Firms such as Unilever, Heineken, SHV, AkzoNobel and Philips
Dutch parliament wants to hold hearing with companies still operating in Russia : worldnews

A vegan chicken dispute in Switzerland could set a European precedent

Germany wont excavate WWI tunnel containing hundreds of soldiers bodies

Nearly 1 million French march in 4th day of pension protests : worldnews
Opposition groups rally in France demanding EU list Irans Guards as terrorist group

Revealed: secret cross-party summit held to confront failings of Brexit | Brexit : worldnews
UK: Taxpayers money has been used to fund five-star hotels for ministers living the high lifeon overseas trips, Labour claimed following an analysis of Government

Chiles wildfire emergency, which has left 24 people dead and destroyed vast tracts of forest, is beginning to ease. The deadly fires in Chiles center-south have ravaged more than 440,000 hectares (1.1 million acres), but are becoming less of a threat

Seven police officers killed in cocaine hotspot of central Peru : worldnews

NYT reporter: Have aliens or extraterrestrials been ruled out? NORAD Commander: I havent ruled out anything
U.S. military brings down flying object over Lake Huron near Canadian border : worldnews
Object over Northern Canada shot down, Trudeau says : worldnews
OK this is getting kind of weird
The U.S. military shot down an unidentified object over Canadas Yukon territory
U.S. Jet Shoots Down U.F.O. Over Canada : politics
US Fighter Jet Downs Fourth Aerial Object Over North America : worldnews
New unidentified cylindrical object shot down over Canada

Octagonal alien spacecraft attacks Michigan; destroyed by Sidewinder missile

Initial classified balloon report wasn't flagged as urgent, drawing criticism : worldnews
High-altitude spying marks new low for US-China ties : politics
Chinese spy balloon has GOP saying no cuts to defense | The Hill

GOP Rep. Mike Turner: Very disappointed in lawmakers who oppose Ukraine help

Stock ban proposed for Congress to stop insider trading among lawmakers : politics

Drowning in Day Care Costs? Under This New Bill, Many Families Would Pay $10 a Day. : politics

Republicans say they won't cut Social Security. So why does it keep coming up? : politics ,,, Maybe it keeps coming up because the republicans keep trying to cut social security?

Bernie Sanders Wants to Haul Big Pharma in Front of Congress : politics
Bernie Sanders Has a New Role. It Could Be His Final Act in Washington. - The New York Times

Republicans Keep Underestimating Joe Biden And thats good for the president.
Inside the failed negotiations for Bidens Super Bowl interview on Fox

Jack Smith, Special Counsel for Trump Inquiries, Steps Up the Pace - The New York Times Named less than three months ago to oversee investigations into Donald J. Trumps efforts to hold onto power and his handling of classified documents, the special counsel is moving aggressively.

After helping princes rise, Trump and Kushner benefit from Saudi funds

Trump campaign paid researchers to prove 2020 fraud but kept findings secret - The Washington Post An outside firms work was never released publicly after researchers uncovered no evidence that the election had been rigged for Joe Biden

Trump was issued subpoena for folder marked Classified Evening Briefing discovered at Mar-a-Lago
Trump Aide Unwittingly Copies Classified Pages to Laptop, Report Says : politics
Trump laptop reports spur calls for Republicans to hold new hearing : politics

New classified document found in FBI search of Pence home : politics
The Pence subpoena could set up a showdown over executive privilege : politics

Republicans clash with prosecutors over enforcement of abortion bans | GOP officials want to oust DAs who wont bring charges over abortion.

That king dweeb sitting with the Murdoch family is such a perfect image of the useful idiot that he is
Elon Musk with Rupert Murdoch (at the superbowl)

Another horrible, no good, very bad week for George Santos : politics

Congresswoman claims to be Jewish, revealed to be granddaughter of Nazi : politics

Roberto Clemente book removed from Florida public schools pending review over discrimination references. His story is his story. He went through racism. Its something that cant be changed,Clementes son, Roberto Clemente Jr., told NBC News ... Florida is looking to raise a generation of ignorant, homophobic, sexist, racist fascists, isnt it?
The College Board slams DeSantis administration comments on African American studies : politics
College Board accuses Florida of political motivations in AP course dispute : politics

Florida backs off athlete menstrual data, but debate lingers : politics
Florida Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine confirm ban on puberty blockers and HRT for minors. : politics

The rise of Rep. Scott Perry: The most dangerous insurrectionist youve never heard of

Western Ohio mayor resigns days after arrest for allegedly recording teenage girls undressing : politics

Wyoming Republicans are criticizing a child marriage bill that seeks to raise the legal age to 18. Its sponsored by one of their own party members.

Critics Slam Reprehensible Iowa Bill to Expand Child Labor ... a business-backed bill introduced by Republican state lawmakers in Iowa that would roll back child labor laws so that teens as young as 14 could work in previously prohibited jobs including mining, logging, and animal slaughtering

The Far Right Is Funding Evangelical Super Bowl Sunday Ads : politics

Connecticuts first LGBTQ-centered school to open later this year. As lawmakers continue to debate LGBTQ representation in U.S. schools, Connecticuts PROUD Academy plans to open its doors to queer youths and allies this fall.

The African-American political tradition

After a train derailment, Ohio residents are living the plot of a movie they helped make | CNN ... The 2022 movie was shot around Ohio and is based on a novel by Don DeLillo. The book was published in 1985, shortly after a chemical disaster in Bhopal, India, that killed nearly 4,000 people. (dumbfuck Ohiofucker refucks poison themselves to own the libs)
14 miles from my house, in East Palestine Ohio. Norfolk Southern assures us that the vinyl chloride spilling from the tanks of their derailed train and burning and turning into hydrogen chloride as it rises into the atmosphere and mixes with water vapor and turns into
Nothing to see here. Just the toxic cloud from the controlled explosion from the East Palestine train derailment. As of 9pm, the outside smells of chlorine at our house, located about 15 miles N of the site. #EastPalestine #trainderailment
Ohio train derailment: environmental disaster quietly unfolding A train derailment last week in Ohio has turned into a full-fledged environmental disaster, and its received surprisingly little national media coverage.

Investing in Child Care - Good piece here on how New Mexico is leading the way on state investment in child care.

Mississippi hit by 900% increase in newborns treated for syphilis : news

Alabama Democrats want to ban employers from forcing workers to get microchipped : politics

Revisiting When Affirmative Action Was White

Images in American History, Part 27 - Aimee Semple McPherson's Angelus Temple, completed in 1923
Aimee Semple McPherson - Wikipedia

Eschaton: PROJECT TRUTH The Kids won't remember, but for a couple of years, even after everyone knew O'Keefe deceptively doctored videos, every political journalist was salivating with anticipation every time Drudge revealed that James O'Keefe was going to REVEAL ANOTHER (heavily deceptively doctored) video. ... They'll never get any better.

I have lived Off Grid for 6 years. AMA Unique Experience : IAmA

School superintendent resigns after bullied student dies by suicide | The Independent ... Triantafillos Parlapanides resigned after sharing personal details about bullied teen Adriana Kuch with media

Tech Giants Are Building a Dystopia of Desperate Workers and Social Isolation : technology

Bots are going to get much worse. "AI generated content will be the final death of the online community. After it becomes commonplace you'll never know if the person you're talking to is effectively a paid endorsement for a product, service, or ideology," says /u/Killfile. : bestof

Noam Chomsky on ChatGPT: Its Basically High-Tech Plagiarism and a Way of Avoiding Learning

Incel activity online is evolving to become more extreme as some of the online spaces hosting its violent and misogynistic content are shut down and new ones emerge, a new study shows : science

Can microdosing psychedelics boost mental health? Here's what the evidence suggests. Taking tiny doses of drugs like psilocybin, LSD, and ayahuasca is gaining popularity. But the benefits are still being investigated.

Why do we age?
How old are you, really? The answer is written on your face. Your biological age reflects your physical health and can differ from your actual age by years. A new tool that calculates that numbercould be a wake-up call.

Childbirth Is Deadlier for Black Families Even When Theyre Rich, Expansive Study Finds

The top 5% of men in terms of amount of times having sex have more sex than the bottom 50% : science

u/igneus explains black holes to a two year-old. : bestof

TIL that bulimia is socially contagious. Fiji had never had a report of anyone with an eating disorder, but within three years after television was introduced in 1995, a study found 11% of Fijisadolescent girls had purged their food at least once. By 2007, it was 45%.

Saint Joseph Prep Boston will close this year, school officials say - The Boston Globe : boston

New study reveals pregnant people who deliver large babies are at increased risk of developing diabetes later in life : science

A single dose of non-invasive dental treatmentusing silver diamine fluorideprevented about 80% of cavities for nearly 3,000 children in elementary schools

What is a massive American scandal that most people seem to not know about? : AskReddit

u/EdwinQFoolhardy describes the political shift Reddit has gone through in the past decade : bestof

In a succinct 129-words, u/sighclone answers the question, "Why are centrists bad?" : bestof


NASA rover finds clearest evidence yet of an ancient lake on Mars | CNN

Oil Industry To Crash & Burn By Early 2030s : technology

Exceptional warming: January temperatures 2.2 degrees higher than average in Europe
Cacti replacing snow on Swiss mountainsides due to global heating : worldnews

A big change in winter weather patterns may mean frigid temps for Europe and the U.S. : worldnews

Four dead seals test positive for bird flu in Scotland : worldnews
Avian influenza virus infects a cat : worldnews

Equatorial Guinea quarantines 200 after unknown hemorrhagic fever deaths : worldnews

Unidentified illness kills at least 8 people in Equatorial Guinea : worldnews

NSW Labor leader Chris Minns promises to ban gay conversion therapy, putting pressure on Perrottet : worldnews

One-legged British crime boss Richard Wakeling arrested in Thailand after five years on the run : worldnews

China mulls tripling nuclear warheads to 900 by 2035: sources : worldnews
Chinese Satellite fires green lasers near Hawaii : worldnews
U.S. Blacklists 6 Chinese Entities Involved in Spy Balloon Programs - The New York Times

Wagner Founder Has Putin Support, but the Kremlins Side-EyeYevgeny V. Prigozhin, the once secretive tycoon, is confounding Moscows Kremlin-allied elite by starting to dabble in politics alongside waging war in Ukraine.

2/4) Data from the Russian Federal Penal Service had already suggested a drop-off in the rate of prisoner recruitment since December 2022. News of the harsh realities of Wagner service in Ukraine has probably filtered through to inmates and reduced the number of volunteers
4/4) The Russian leadership faces the difficult choice of either continuing to deplete its forces, scale back objectives, or conduct a further form of mobilisation.
Ministry of Defence UK - daily Ukraine update 11.02.2023 : ukraine

They Bury Them Day And Night: Cemeteries For Wagner Mercenaries Grow Across Russia
As Russias Losses in Ukraine Spike, Those Tracking the Deaths Are Overwhelmed
Wagner boss Prigozhin says Russia could take two years to capture east Ukraine regions : worldnews

Anger is mounting within the Russian military and among the influential blogger community over Russias catastrophic defeat at Vuhledar
Russia likely lost dozens of armoured vehicles near Ukraines Vuhledar: UK
SYSTEM FAIL: The tragic-comic defeat at Vuhledar showcased an enduring Russian fault: battlefield micro-management. Among dead was the Commander of the 144th Special Forces Brigade, Col. Sergey Polyakov. If your brigade commander has to carry a rifle- you need a better plan. : UkrainianConflict
ISW: Russian failure in Vuhledar shows poor training of the newly mobilized. According to the Institute for the Study of War, recent footage shows that Russian forces fighting near Vuhledar engage in highly dysfunctional tactics, indicative of the soldiers poor training.
Low Level Of Training Of Russian Mobilized Forces Caused Failures At Vuhledar - ISW : ukraine

Russia lacks resources to mount a massive offensive in coming weeks - Ukraine's Intel - The main goal of Russian troops remains to achieve at least some tactical success in eastern Ukraine, a representative of Ukraines Intel Andriy Chernyak said.
Rivalry between Russia Defense Ministry and Wagner key in termination of prisoner recruitment scheme - British intelligence - On 09 Feb, Prigozhin stated that Wagner had halted its prisoner recruitment scheme, but recruitment had dropped since December

India strikes White Gold 5.9 mn tonnes lithium deposits found in Jammu and Kashmir
BJP leader shot dead by suspected Maoists in Chhattisgarhs Narayanpur district

Only 22% women employed in Pakistan, among lowest in the world: World Bank : worldnews

Turkiye-Armenia border reopens after 30-year hiatus to aid quake zone

In earthquake-battered Syria, a desperate wait for help that never came - The Washington Post

Turkish citizen explains exactly how Turkeys response to the earthquake has been so terrible and how Erdogan is probably profiting off this earthquake (Erdofucker is very evil)
Survivors still being found as quake death toll tops 28,000 : worldnews
Anger grows at Erdogan over Turkeys earthquake response ... now theyre talking about postponing the election, how convenient for erdogan
IDF teams rescue 10-year-old boy trapped under rubble for 100 hours in Turkey : worldnews

Group Reports Mass Abduction Of Kurdish Teens In Iran Protest Crackdown
Hackers Interrupt Raisis Revolution Day Speech On Iranian State TV

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) sets date for investigation of Israeli occupation of Palestine : worldnews

Zelensky tells Europeans we are defending you
Ukraines Zelenskiy Sacks Top Official, Says Clean-Up Drive Continues

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 353, Part 1 (Thread #494) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 11.02.2023 : ukraine +1140 +9

Ukraine war: Russia launches massive drone and missile attack
(1) Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings | on Twitter: "MORE AIR DEFENSE NEEDED: Of the 74 Russian cruise missiles launched at cities, 61 were shot down by Ukrainian air defense, an intercept rate of 82%. Twenty-eight Iranian-made Shaheed-136s were aimed at civil targets: 78% (22) were intercepted." / Twitter
Russia hits Ukraine power grid and gains ground in east | The Express Tribune : worldnews

Record 54 clashes per day take place near Bakhmut : worldnews
Wagner mercenaries chief admits Russia facing Bakhmut resistance : worldnews

(1) ISW on Twitter: "+ #Zaporizhia axis" / Twitter
Russians drop 4 bombs on Zmiinyi (Snake) Island : worldnews
Ukraine claims its first kill of Russia's 'Terminator'
Launch of new #Ukrainian UAV GorNew #Ukrainian drone with interesting performance characteristics. Designed for reconnaissance and artillery adjustment.Range - 40km

Ukrainian model Alina Baikova with a special message at New York Fashion Week

Moldova names new pro-EU prime minister after government collapses : worldnews

Serbian President publicly rejects Russian claims to Ukraines Crimea and Donbas region

Poland still getting 10% of oil from Russia, admits minister, blaming lack of EU embargo : worldnews

Germany Sees Increase In Iranian Spying On Dissidents Since Protests : worldnews

Holocaust denial theory projected on Anne Frank House : worldnews

Unspeakable botch: Spain spends 258 million on trains that are too big for its tunnels

Crackdown on birth tourism as pregnant Russians flock to Argentina

Colombian Vice President Francia Marquez, on visit to Cuba, urges US to remove Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism and to lift its decades-long embargo

UN rights chief urges special forces deployment to Haiti : worldnews

Canadas Trudeau says he supported U.S. decision to shoot down object
Calgary mayor threatens to fine protesters after drag event cancelled : worldnews
Toronto Mayor John Tory Resigns After Relationship With Staffer : worldnews

US shoots down high-altitude object over Alaska, White House says
The US says Xi didn't know about the balloon. That raises even more questions : politics
NORAD is monitoring more objects that could be additional spy balloons : worldnews

Joe Biden in college (1967) : pics

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics
Jeff Danziger for February 06, 2023 - GoComics: Ammunition
Jeff Danziger for February 08, 2023 - GoComics (River Styx

House Republicans just proposed ending the student-loan payment pause and prohibiting Biden's broad debt cancellation as part of 10 major budget cuts

Bad Idea: Mitch McConnell Rips Rick Scotts Proposal To 'Sunset' Medicare, Social Security

Blue Slip Paradise (Durbinated)

Trump Lawyer in Mar-a-Lago Search Appeared Before Grand Jury : politics

Trump team turns over additional classified records and laptop to federal prosecutors : politics

The Democrats Lost the House by Just 6,675 Votes. What Went Wrong? At first glance, Democratic performance in last years House races was great. But a close look under the hood reveals that, with a few smarter moves and a little more luck, wed have Speaker Jeffries.
A Close Look at the Chaotic House Republican Majority : politics

Poll: 7 in 10 Americans Dissatisfied With Current Abortion Policies : politics
Twenty-two Republican AGs support lawsuit to end access to mifepristone abortion drug

Simple Background Check on People Who Testify at Jim Jordans Hearing

House votes to overturn D.C. voting rights, crime laws : politics

Alabama congressman signs on to Ukraine Fatigue Resolution to end military, financial aid to country ... U.S. Rep. Barry Moore, R-Wiregrass, is among 11 House members ... The resolution was penned by U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who announced the legislation Thursday.

Rep. Angie Craig threw hot coffee at assailant who struck her in elevator : politics

"I want him gone": Gov. Kathy Hochul calls Rep. George Santos a "huge distraction" for the state of New York : politics
Lawmakers file to expel Rep. George Santos from Congress : politics
The Man Who Invented Himself | Defector
From Ordinary Villainy to Ordinary Villainy

The Twilight of the Deficit Hawks - The American Prospect Democrats have stopped being the willing partner in a great conspiracy to slash social insurance.

MAGA Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Claimed Jewish Heritage. Her Family Says That's Not True. | A new report says the congresswoman doesn't have Jewish roots, and her grandfather served in the Nazi army. She also appears to have embellished other parts of her biography.
While Claiming Jewish Heritage, Anna Paulina Luna Forgot to Mention Her Nazi Grandfather : politics
A conference of fabulists

Marjorie Taylor Greene Tried Being Normal, but Quickly Realized Its Just Not Her Jam
How Marjorie Taylor Greene promotes Putins interests and believes in conspiracy theories. Marjorie Taylor Greene actively supports Putin's terrorist actions in Ukraine and Russian politics in general.

Opinion | Gen Z Democrat Maxwell Frost is skewering House Republicans - The Washington Post Rep. Maxwell Frost, the first Gen Z member of Congress, had numerous breakthrough moments this week during hearings run by House Republicans.

Wyoming limiting child marriage sparks Republican outrage : politics

Missouri Republicans Vote to Affirm Toddlers Rights to Carry Firearms in the Streets ... "To be clear: The proposal rejected this week was not seeking to ban minors from openly carrying weapons on public land, period, but simply from doing so without an adult supervising them"
Federal judge in Kentucky strikes down gun law : politics (domestic abusers can kill their wives)

The GOP Power Grab That Could Gut Whats Left of Voting Rights in North Carolina

After a train derailment, Ohio residents are living the plot of a movie they helped make : politics ... These people have voted against infrastructure spending and transportation FOR YEARS by advancing conservative government agendas (own the libs)

It's just crazy : Republicans attack US child labor laws as violations rise

DeSantis Declares Victory as Disney Is Stripped of Some 56-Year-Old Perks : politics
Florida school district pulls childrens book on Roberto Clemente (he wasn't white)

Prohibition isnt working: Nebraska senators propose legalizing recreational marijuana

Tennessee GOP introduces bills that would shake up Nashville | AP News ability to set its own minimum wage, regulate plastic bag use and place higher scrutiny on police officers.

Emails expose right-wing fraudsters scheme to use robo calls to suppress Black voter turnout in Cleveland

Schools become flashpoint for Republicans eyeing White House : politics ... Empty libraries, cancelled lunch programs, encouraging discrimination, anti history and anti science malarkey and armed students.

Alabama could soon make it harder to get addiction treatment, doctor says : politics

How Sports Betting Upended the Economies of Native American Tribes - The New York Times

Brett Favre points finger back at Gov. Phil Bryant in motion to dismiss Mississippi welfare lawsuit : news

Somehow Missing From The Official Twitter Files: Twitter Had To Continually Respond To Trump's & GOP Officials' Demands For Taking Down Tweets
More Nazis as a marketing strategy - Elon Musks strategy of making Matt Taibbi, Alex Berenson, and Cat Turd Two the site moderators:
House Democrat presses Musk on rise of antisemitism on Twitter : politics
Congressman who raised issue of antisemitism on Twitter says he was bombarded with antisemitic tweets

Ghost gun use in U.S. crimes has risen more than 1,000% since 2017, federal report says : politics

Police: Texas mother left her children home alone for 2 months : news

Turnitin is officially going to detect if you've used an AI chatbot in your essay : technology

Review: 'Hogwarts Legacy' Has No Magic | WIRED The game is mid at best, and its real-world harms are impossible to ignore. ... J. K. Rowling ... The story, besides being rooted in anti-Semitism (a global cabal is trying to end slavery but thats bad because the slaves like being slaves)

LGM Film Club, Part 346: The Battle of Algiers

Outside of a graveyard. : pics

To those who liked "Dune" (2021) but haven't read the novel: an appreciation post that will let you pick up more details in one scene in particular: Salusa Secundus and the Sardaukar... : movies

Americans who exhibit high racial resentment are more inclined to espouse anti-choice attitudes, regardless of a persons religious views or political beliefs. Religious conservatives with low racial resentment are more likely to be pro-choice than their peers who exhibit higher racial resentment.

Mitochondria Linked to Major Depression in Older Adults : science

2 The Sexual Psychopath Era
Study finds psychopaths have distinct brain structure | Reuters
A.3 Psychopathy.
Can Psychopaths Be Cured? | Mechanisms of Disinhibition (MoD) Laboratory

Found this strange little hand in the back of a desk drawer that used to be my great grandfathers
The Monkeys Paw

Scientists Made a Mind-Bending Discovery About How AI Actually Works | "The concept is easier to understand if you imagine it as a Matryoshka-esque computer-inside-a-computer scenario." : technology

Large study provides evidence that goal incongruence can harm romantic relationship satisfaction : science

Whats a line from a movie that really hits you in the feels?

TIL that instant coffee is freeze dried brewed coffee. : todayilearned

What does everyone do but wont admit?

Why Yahoo! Refused To Buy Facebook And Google, Twice : videos

Adidas facing US$1.3 billion nightmare as breakup with Kanye gets even uglier : worldnews


Scientists fear a Great Toxic Dustbowl could soon emerge from the Great Salt Lake

Renewable energy to become worlds top source of electricity by 2025

LEAK: European Parliament to push for 80% pesticides reduction target : worldnews

Spains Congress excludes hunting dogs from new animal rights law. 167,000 dogs were abandoned in Spain in 2021, many following the end of the hunting season

Crazy interesting findings by Australian researchers may reveal keyto Covid immunity

Rare Ebola outbreak declared in Uganda : worldnews

Bird flu infects Colorado mountain lion, black bear and skunk, all now dead : news

2 weeks after devastating floods -New Zealand now prepares for one of the most serious storms forecast for New Zealand this century

Russia illegally occupying islands off Hokkaido: Japan : worldnews
Japan formally adopts policy of using nuclear reactors beyond 60 yrs : worldnews

Man arrested for allegedly graffitiing 130 instances of freedom across Hong Kong

China says it rejected U.S. call over balloon because atmosphere wasnt right
China car sales plunge 38% in January as subsidies, tax cut end : worldnews

Moscow plans big concert with Putins participation timed for invasion date

Wagner Group stops recruiting prisoners as growing numbers refuse to be enlisted on suicide missions, reports say : worldnews
He's really dangerous: fear as Wagner convict soldiers return from Ukraine.

Russia to cut oil output by 500,000 bpd in March : worldnews

Olympics row deepens as 35 countries demand ban for Russia and Belarus : worldnews
Zelensky: 228 Ukrainian athletes and coaches died during the year of Russian aggression against Ukraine! 228! And how many Russian athletes have spoken out to condemn the terror unleashed by their state?

Moldovan prime minister announces government resignation : worldnews
In Moldova, Russia Wages Another Hybrid War | United States Institute of Peace On Ukraines flank, Moscow crimps Moldovas economy and spurs protests to halt its move toward Europe.

Homosexuality to be decriminalised in Sri Lanka : worldnews

Over 23,000 dead from quake in Turkey and Syria : news
In Turkey and Syria, outdated building methods all but assured disaster from a quake : technology
Turkey-Syria earthquake: New-born and mother saved after four days in rubble : worldnews

Mystery Yemen drone strike renews questions over US campaign : worldnews

Iranian University Students Expelled For Defying Gender Segregation Rules : worldnews
Blacklist Irans Revolutionary Guard even if it sinks nuclear deal, Europe urged

Six wounded, including 2 children critically, in suspected Jerusalem car-ramming : worldnews

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that the Minsk agreements were, from the outset, initiated by the West as a concession to Russia, and that it was impossible to fulfill them without Ukraine ceding territory : worldnews
Ukraine Calls for Tribunal to Prosecute Russia for Crime of Aggression
President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Feb. 9 that certain positivedecisions concerning Western-made fighter jets were made in Brussels, with several European countries showing readiness to send them to Ukraine when the time comes.
Ukraine says two Russian missiles crossed into Romania and Moldova : worldnews
Russias New Offensive in Ukraine Appears to be Beginning
(20) Ukraine war expert: "I believe it could be over this year" | DW News - YouTube

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 352, Part 1 (Thread #493) : worldnews

Russian losses as of Feb. 10th : UkraineWarVideoReport +730 +3
In the General Staff, a higher number is called - more than 3,000 destroyed enemy tanks.
Half of Russian tank fleet reportedly lost so far in Ukraine war / The New Voice of Ukraine

Ukraine war: More blackouts after massive Russian attack - BBC News
Ukraines Zaporizhzhia reports multiple Russian missile attacks

In recent days, Russian troops tried to carry our an offensive in the area of Vuhledar, Donetsk Oblast, and failed
1/ Ukraine TVD, 1-7 FEB 23. The first week of February saw the Russian Winter Offensive move into full swing as major pushes were made in Kreminna, Bakhmut, and Vuhledar. The Russians made some gains but Ukrainian defenses held.
4/ Kreminna AO. Elements of the VDV, SVRF, and BARS battalions advanced deep into the Serebryanka forestry, to within 2km of Yampolivka, and into Makilvka. This offensive threatens to destabilize the ZSU line and force a withdrawal west of the Zherebets River. #Kreminna
7/ Bakhmut AO. Bakhmut remains the most critical Objective Point of Maneuver in the Ukrainian TVD. It is unclear how long Ukrainian forces can continue to hold here. Wagner PMC, VDV, and SVRF units continue to make daily gains along multiple axes. #Bakhmut

Russia is draining a massive Ukrainian reservoir, endangering a nuclear plant : NPR
Russia is draining a massive Ukrainian reservoir, endangering a nuclear plant : worldnews
Russia Opens The Floodgates

Finland will transfer tanks to Ukraine only after it joins NATO : worldnews

President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola has called on all member states to provide Ukraine with long-range missile systems and fighter jets.

Bloomberg: TikTok identifies vast Russian disinformation network. TikTok Inc. revealed a Russian disinformation network disseminating propaganda about Moscows war, Bloomberg reported on Feb. 9. The network targeted over 100,000 European users over the summer of 2022.

UN chief warns of a wider war

Cat becomes Polish citys top-rated tourist attraction

Ukrainian military arrives in Belgium to learn how to operate underwater drones

World Would Be Better Without Putin In It, German Defense Minister Says : UkrainianConflict

Italian PM Giorgia Meloni has criticised France and Germany after she was not invited to a dinner in Paris with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, adding to friction between the EU allies. : worldnews

Macron considers stripping Putin of French Legion of Honor medal after giving the same medal to Zelenskyy : worldnews

UK narrowly avoids recession after figures show growth flatlining | Economy contracted in December by 0.5% after expansion of 0.1% and 0.55% in previous two months : worldnews

Under U.S. pressure, Lula delays Brazil docking of Iran warships : worldnews
Brazil expelling illegal miners from indigenous lands : worldnews

Driver of bus that crashed into Montreal daycare center charged with murder : worldnews

It just rang: In crises, US-China hotline goes unanswered
Biden Orders U.S. to Down High-Altitude Object Over Alaska - The New York Times The incident comes less than a week after a U.S. fighter jet shot down a Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic.
US shoots down high-altitude object over Alaska, White House says

Pentagon looks to restart top secret programs in Ukraine - The Washington Post If approved, the move would authorize U.S. Special Operations troops to employ Ukrainian operatives to observe Russian movements and counter disinformation

White House Claims Fox Corp Canceled Bidens Super Bowl Interview (t
Column: Why dont Joe Biden's polls reflect his impressive record?

FBI searches former Vice President Mike Pences Indiana home in classified documents probe
FBI removes one document marked classified from former Vice President Mike Pences home
Mike Pence Subpoenaed by Special Counsel in Trump Investigation - The New York Times The move by Jack Smith, the special counsel, is one of the most aggressive in his investigation of Donald Trumps efforts to stay in power and is likely to lead to a battle over executive privilege.

War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Democrats Are Radicals : politics

Hunter Bidens Lawyer Tells Oversight Chair To Get F-d Over Dick Pic Demands

Bill Barr, Trump's legal enabler, needs to be investigated For more than 30 years, the former AG subverted the Constitution to protect his bosses.

People Love Authoritarianism

DeSantis preferred to Trump by nearly every key GOP demographic - 2024 poll

Jim Jordans own words used to undermine him by Jamie Raskin

Fetterman, Recovering After Stroke, Labors to Adjust to Life in the Senate - The New York Times The first-term Democrat is adapting to Congress while coping with the lasting effects of a near-fatal stroke, and the institution is adapting to accommodate him.

MTGs Image Rehab Has a Big Problem: Her
Marjorie Taylor Greene accused of screaming and cursing through private China spy balloon briefing
House briefing on China spy balloon turns tense with Greene comments: I chewed them out

New George Santos just dropped: MAGA Republicans claims about her background fall apart
Anna Paulina Luna rose to Congress on a compelling life story. It surprised some who knew her. - The Washington Post Lunas sharp turn to the right, her account of an isolated and impoverished childhood, and her embrace of her Hispanic heritage have surprised some friends and family who knew her before her ascent to the U.S. House this year.
Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna claimed she was raised Jewish. Some relatives question that, and say her grandfather fought for the Nazis. : politics

House Democrat: George Santos getting access to Americas secrets was final straw for expulsion effort

Originalism is going to get women killed - The Atlantic A federal court has ruled that a law barring domestic-violence offenders from owning firearms is unconstitutional.

Ohio Department of Education Says It Wont Do Anything About Neo-Nazi Homeschoolers

A twisted experience: How KYs abortion bans are depriving pregnant patients of healthcare

Ban the College Board, Part II (they lied, as always)

Opinion | The Relentless Attack on Trans People Is an Attack on All of Us - The New York Times Jamelle Bouie (after a year of promoting anti-trans hatred, that fucking newpaper)
Eschaton: Subtweeting Not a criticism, but Bouie certainly news his own fucking newspaper is leading the charge.
Dignity, reproductive freedom, and the attack on trans people

Controlling womens bodies is a hallmark of religious fundamentalism. Why are liberal institutions getting on board?

S.F. officials were flooded with disturbing emails after Paul Pelosi attack. Heres what they said

Whats the matter with Portland? Shootings, theft and other crime test citys progressive strain

Twitter stands to gain from restoring formerly banned accounts - The Washington Post Ads from major brands are running alongside hateful content and dangerous conspiracy theories from far right Twitter users, group claims
Most pathetic mid-life crisis ever

Disgrace of the NationThis account of how CJR stiffed an expose on the Nations decision-making with respect to Russia and Syria is sickening: ... how the Nation decided to quash any criticism of Russia, to the extent of running an easily debunkable conspiracy theory on Russias hacking activity in 2016. The upshot of all this is that Katrina vanden Heuvel, along with her late husband, Stephen Cohen, has played an incredibly toxic role in progressive American journalism over the past decade, especially with respect to any attempt to accurately depict Russian behavior.
The Nation, Syria, and the Truth about Chemical Weapons

Harry Potter Cant Escape J.K. Rowling, No Matter How Good Hogwarts Legacy Is

The NRA Has Lost Over a Million Members Since Corruption Allegations Surfaced | The Reload ... since allegations of financial impropriety were leveled against LaPierre and other members of NRA leadership in 2019.

See how many all-cash buyers snagged houses in your neighborhood - Washington Post

Victor Hugo - Wikipedia
Sarah Bernhardt - Wikipedia

Thirteen-year-old social media minimum age should be raised, health officials say : technology

Why is the Oort cloud spherical? : askscience

Psilocybin appears to have a uniquely powerful relationship with nature relatedness : science

TIL about Third Man Syndrome. An unseen presence reported by mountain climbers and explorers during traumatic survival situations that talks to the victim, gives practical advise and encouragement. : todayilearned

Analysis: Cannabis Products Mitigate Need for Other Prescription Medications in Chronic Pain Patients : science

Tech exodus continues as Yahoo makes major call on its future : worldnews
Exclusive: Yahoo to lay off more than 20% of staff as it shrinks ad biz


How extreme heat is impacting the U.S. and the world - The Washington Post

Shells board of directors personally sued in world first climate case

January was third warmest on record in Europe : worldnews

The world is creating more single-use plastic waste than ever, according to a new report released Monday. : worldnews

Friendly Ghost: white dog running with coyotes gets help from rescue group - Animal spotted in the desert of southern Nevada likely to have been abandoned as a puppy, rescuers say

Solar-powered gel filters enough clean water to meet daily needs. A square meter of the one-centimeter-thick material can produce over a gallon of water in as little as 10 minutes and could provide enough clean water to meet daily demand in many parts of the world : science

4,591 confirmed cases and 92 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

No one really wants to talk about COVID anymore, the WHOs pandemic lead laments. But theworst case possibility of a new coronavirus exists

Lessons from coronavirus research in the quest for an HIV vaccine - The Washington Post

The spillover of bird flu to mammals must be monitored closely,WHO officials warn:We need to be ready to face outbreaks in humans
Bird flu closes animal hospital for nearly a year - BBC News : worldnews

Australia to remove over 200 Chinese-made cameras from defence sites : worldnews

China to EU: Drop calls for Ukraines complete victory
Were Wall Street Journal reporters who wrote the book on Chinas surveillance state. Ask us anything.
NATO chief calls Chinas spy flight program a threat to global security after balloons seen across the globe : worldnews
Chinese balloon part of vast aerial surveillance program, U.S. says - The Washington Post Spy balloon effort operates in Hainan province off Chinas south coast and has for years collected information on military assets in several countries, officials said
Elderly Chinese people protest in Wuhan against medical benefits cuts | Rally is latest showing of public discontent since demonstrations against Covid curbs : worldnews

What Russia Got Wrong: Can Moscow Learn From Its Failures in Ukraine?
MH17: strong indications Putin signed off on supplying missile that hit plane
Secret Russian Mission to Shield Putin From "Dwarf" Insults Exposed ... The Kremlin Gremlin
Peskov hinted that NATO fighter jets in Ukraine will not change trajectory of Russian army
Russia threatens consequences if UK gives jets to Ukraine
Russian Assassinations a Growing Worry as War Nears Second Year: Sources : worldnews
Biden says Putin already lost Ukraine
Biden didnt let us get any sleep - poor baby ...

Over 20 Russian generals killed since beginning of war in Ukraine

Prigozhin said that Wagner PMC received more than 10 million applications from the U.S. citizens wishing to join the PMC and fight against NATOTherefore, he temporarily suspended the recruitment of volunteers from Russian prisons

Russia Weighs Wartime Tax Increase
Tourism to Russia Plummets to 4% of Pre-Pandemic Levels Amid Ukraine War : worldnews

Russia may have lost up to half of its operational tank fleet in Ukraine, monitoring group says : worldnews
Russia prepares thousands of tanks and armoured vehicles and hundreds of fighter jets for offensive : worldnews
One big difference between modern tanks and Soviet ones is the addition of blowout panels and blast doors in order to improve the post penetration survivability. The idea is simple: if the ammunition detonates, the blast is vented upwards rather than into the crew compartment.

Russia sending one of the largest subs in the world to the scrapyard : worldnews

Russian state energy giant Gazprom is starting its own private security force, a move Ukraine fears will lead to a new Wagner-like mercenary army : worldnews

Hundreds of Indian women protest crackdown on child marriages: I don't have any other support

Turkey, Syria earthquakes among deadliest in recent world history
Anger grows in Turkey as death toll passes 16,000 : worldnews
Death toll in Turkey, Syria earthquake surpasses 15,000 : worldnews
Turkey leader acknowledges earthquake relief problems as death toll passes 15,000 : worldnews

Why is it so hard to help Syrias earthquake victims?

Iranians urge foreign envoys to boycott Irans annual revolution celebration
Arrests Reported In Mainly Sunni Iranian City Amid Mass Pardon
Iranian drones appear to contain modified explosives designed for maximum damage to Ukrainian infrastructure, report finds : worldnews
Iran displays ballistic missile with Death to Israel written in Hebrew

Israel ramps up demolition of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem : worldnews

Zelenskiy pushes for swift EU membership in first trip to Brussels since invasion : worldnews
War in Ukraine: On the road to EU accession, Volodymyr Zelensky has already scored points
Ukraine and Britain agree on long-range weapons supply : worldnews
Wrong side of history: Ukraine athletes accuse IOC of 'kowtowing' to Russia
Russia prepares 2,000 tanks and 300,000 troops for huge invasion in Donbas
In Russia, the possible promotion of Budanov as Ukraines new Defence Minister is seen as a bad omen. He was responsible for operations inside Russia and is expected to bring the war to Russian territory. He or someone similar will be appointed

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 351, Part 1 (Thread #492) : worldnews

Feb. 9 Numbers : UkraineWarVideoReport +910 +2
Russia lost nearly 3,000 troops in just three days, Ukraine says : UkrainianConflict

NEW: Russian forces have regained the initiative in #Ukraine and have begun their next major offensive in #Luhansk Oblast.
(1) War Mapper on Twitter: "A timelapse showing the change to control around the frontline city of Bakhmut over the past 4 weeks. 12 Jan -> 19 Jan -> 26 Jan -> 02 Feb -> 09 Feb" / Twitter
Aerial views of frontline Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast

More and more are spotted. Are they constructing something?
Ukrainian forces destroy Terminator tank-support fighting vehicle near Kreminna : worldnews
The videos of Kreminna are now pouring in and they point to another Russian failure. #Ukraine #Kreminna #Luhansk

Ukraine Withdraws 19 Million Russian, Soviet-Era Books From Libraries : worldnews

SpaceX curbed Ukraines use of Starlink for drones : worldnews (Muskatron in Putin's pocket)
SpaceX admits blocking Ukrainian troops from using satellite technology | CNN Politics : worldnews
SpaceX should choose between Ukraine and Russia: Ukrainian official : worldnews
Starlink says it limited Ukrainian military use, particularly for drones, because the system was never meant to be used for offensive purposes.Guessdefending ones country is now offensive. (Muskatron is a soulless asshole)

Swedish police refuse to permit a Koran burning after a similar demonstration harmed its application to join NATO and sparked an outcry across the Muslim world : worldnews
Sweden increasingly a focus for Islamic extremists, security police say : worldnews

Robin Hood Plan: Poland, Baltic states mull using frozen Russian assets to help rebuild war-torn Ukraine
Poland plans to ban the sale of energy drinks to minors as of 2024 : worldnews

Serbian MP resigns after watching porn during Kosovo debate : anime_titties

SNP would win more seats than Tories in parliament, poll finds : worldnews
UK Conservative party deputy chairman backs return of death penalty: Nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed
Church of England votes in favour of blessings for same-sex unions : worldnews

More than 86 per cent of Londons apartment condos are owned by investors: StatsCan (Ontario)

Chinese Balloon Had Tools to Collect Communications Signals, U.S. Says - The New York Times surveillance balloons have flown over more than 40 countries and are directed by the Chinese military, the State Department said. The F.B.I. is studying recovered debris.
Chinese balloon program spying on 40 countries, U.S. says - The Washington Post
US says Chinese military behind vast aerial spy program : politics
Chinese balloon was clearly for spying, says anonymous US official
Initial classified balloon report wasnt flagged as urgent, drawing criticism

How the Case of Arrested FBI Agent Charles McGonigal Is Tied to a Russia-Linked Influence Effortall about a mysterious shell company, a top GOP operative, Albania, and lots of money.

Quite A Story From A Single Anonymous SourceSeymour Hersh published today, on his Substack, a long story about an involved plot by the United States to blow the Nordstream2 pipelines. No, Im not going to link. Its garbage. Over the past few years Hersh has argued that Osama bin Laden was not responsible for 9/11, and that Bashar al-Assad is not responsible for gassing his people. His venues have gone from the New Yorker to the London Review of Books to Substack.
Lets see. This supposedly involved CIA, US Navy and Norwegian military and was briefed in advance to Danish and Swedish officials. Thats a covert operation? All based on a single source who remains unnamed. Of course.
Musk and Sacks are diving headfirst into the Seymour Herch bullshit, blaming the U.S. for the NS incident with zero evidence. Musk is obviously on the Kremlins payroll

Why Jan. 6 and its aftermath look far worse than Brazils failed coup
Kevin Seefried, Jan. 6 rioter who carried Confederate flag through Capitol, sentenced to 3 years in prison - CBS New ... The fallout for heeding Mr. Trumps call has been devastating: Mr. Seefrieds wife has left him, he is headed to prison and he will be destitute when he is released. Worst of all, his beloved son is in prison. s

Biden: Classified docs found at home and office were stray papers from decades ago

Supreme Court justices face new pressure to adopt code of conduct : politics
Calls grow for stronger ethics rules for Supreme Court justices, families : politics

Bidens State of the Union draws audience of 27.3 million ... , the second smallest audience for the annual event in at least 30 years down nearly 28% from the 38.2 million people who saw Bidens address in 2022.

Biden had fun at the State of the Union. Republicans did not. What does that tell us about 2024? - If Biden rose to the occasion, Republican lawmakers sank to their usual level of humorless incivility. : politics
President, 80, Bests House Speaker, 58 | An invigorated Joe Biden proved that Sleepy Kevin McCarthy is the GOP leader in name only. And maybe not for long. : politics
The GOPs State of the Union Response Was Pure Rage
Joe: Republicans were booing reality last night : politics
GOP divided over whether heckling Biden hurts them : politics
GOP boos fool no one: Everyone knows Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare : politics
Fact Sheet: Congressional Republicans Many Proposals to Cut Social Security and Medicare, and Increase Prescription Drug Prices and Health Care Premiums
Republicans are angry at Joe Biden for accurately describing Rick Scotts Social Security plan.
Biden heads to rival-rich Florida ready to push Republicans on Social Security and Medicare : politics
GOP Took White Trashdom to Next Level at State of the Union: Carville

The Age of Angry Torpor Has Descended on the House Oversight Committee | Republicans wasted six hours on a social media inquisition into red herrings and goose chases. : politics
House Oversight panel requests records from Hunter Biden and James Biden : politics

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Normal Or Crazy Challenge Backfires Spectacularly
Shes not intellectually capable: Knives out in TrumpWorld over Sanders terrible SOTU response
Sarah Huckabee Sanderss State of the Union Response Proves the GOP Has Nothing New to Offer

Accused pedophile Matt Gaetz introduces a resolution that calls to end military and financial aid to Ukraine. This comes right after Biden reaffirmed in Congress that the US will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes. I wonder how many members would support Gaetzs idea.

Kyrsten Sinema SOTU Yellow Dress Stunning Resemblance to Jurrasic Park Dinosaur : PoliticalHumor

A look ahead at the new Congress, the Biden administration and the impact across the country - The Washington Post

When the woke mob came for Hitler ... Pamela Paus latest round of DeSantis-curious Reactionary Centrism (NYT does its pro-Hitler act again)
Hell hath no fury like a white woman with NYT op-ed access ... In its inexorable devotion to #BothSides, the Paper of Record puweekly displays of anguished logorrhea. Pamela Paul, the subject of a New Yorker profile last week, cautions liberals not to underestimate Governor Ron DeSantis because Donald Trump in 2016.
Paul is an extreme but representative example of opinion writers who both treat wokeness as an extraordinary threat to free speech and as a justification for more serious threats to free speech, like the Stop Woke Act by.
What journalists can learn about Ron DeSantis

Former President Accused of Attempting Coup Calls Biden Most Corrupt President in American History

Trump Put Nearly $1 Million Of Donor Money Into His Own Pockets Since Leaving Office : politics

Nikki Haley presidential run would sink DeSantis and hand Trump victoryan additional Republican candidate would split the vote in former presidents favor

GOP hopefuls past positions on Social Security loom over 2024 primary -Donald Trump is going after Ron DeSantis and other potential GOP rivals, seizing on the same divisions over federal spending President Biden is seeking to exploit
Republican Party donors and leaders are talking about how best to stop Trump from running away with the nomination again in 2024. But they dont have a clear plan to stop him.

Why Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Under Investigation? Probably For Her Dress, Makeup And Hairstyling At The Met Gala

Sinema Verite - tA look into the very real headaches that Kyrsten Sinema is about to cause for Democrats and Republicans (and herself!) in Washington and Arizona.

George Santos was brutally mocked by his congressional colleagues last night | He was the butt of the joke at a DC dinner. : politics

Sen. John Fetterman Hospitalized Overnight : politics

Gov. Ron DeSantis Doesnt Want You To Learn About Real Black History
Mentioning the existence of racism to children is now illegal in Florida ... The Make Sure Nobody White Ever Feels Bad About Racism Act (co-sponsers: Bari Weiss and Andrew Sullivan) turns out to have quite a broad application:
Gov. Ron DeSantis Doesnt Want You To Learn About Real Black History ... His argument that learning about black history makes black people racist at white people lacks understanding of racism in a way that is beyond irony

Ohio abortion law barred couple from receiving an abortion whose unborn child had organs outside her body : politics ... This woman spent weeks in agony and couldve died. But republicans dont care, they only see women and girls as incubators

Eschaton: Values Voters That was quite an amazing bit of branding, parroted on NPR daily for year. "Values Voters" were Republicans who hate gay people and abortion, and we had to respect their deeply held beliefs. People who were "pro-gay rights" or "anti-war" had no values whatsoever! Trump and the latest Falwell scandal did help to destroy the dominance of that rhetoric, which lasted for years. Had quite a good run!

Trump judges ruling could ban abortion pill across the USFar-right groups have asked to reverse the FDAs approval of mifepristone, which has been on the market for decades
Idaho GOP lawmakers want to classify anyone who helps a minor cross state lines to get an abortion as a human trafficker and punish them with up to 5 years in prison : politics

California proposal would reinstate prisoners voting rights

The Christian Groups Fighting Against the Indian Child Welfare Act : politics

Virginia House passes bills to forcibly out trans kids & ban them from sports. "You have no idea what you're doing. You have no idea the harm you're causing," said trans state Del. Danica Roem. : politics
Montana bill would allow students to misgender classmates : politics
Utah trans teenager speaks out against state ban on gender affirmative care for minors : politics
Bill would ban Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Texas universities : politics

The ABA Decides That Courtrooms Shouldn't Still Have Confederate Flags In Them. Also, There Are Courtrooms With Confederate Flags Still In Them. : politics

New Montana Bill Would Prevent Schools Teaching "Scientific Theories" : technology (will make "thinking" a ten-year prison sentence)

Florida Officials Had Repeated Contact With College Board Over African American Studies - The New York Times A letter from state officials is likely to fuel controversy over the College Board, which has been accused of stripping or minimizing concepts to please conservatives.

Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count Inside Twitter 2.0, turmoil leaves employees stretched to the max (Muskfucker wrecks Twitter)
Republicans held a hearing to prove Twitters bias against them. It backfired in spectacular fashion
Republicans Are Furious Twitter Took Down Pics of Hunter Bidens Penis
Lauren Boebert melts down in Congress over Twitter violating her free speechI am angry!
Ex-Twitter exec details homophobic and antisemitic abuse over handling of Hunter Biden story -Yoel Roth testifies before congressional committee that Elon Musk s release of companys internal records led to harassment
u/Drunky_McStumble perfectly summarises why Elon simply doesn't understand twitters business model

Missouri House votes against limits on kids carrying guns : politics

Congresswoman Assaulted In Her D.C. Apartment Building | HuffPost Latest News Rep. Angie Craig, a Democrat representing Minnesota, was not severely injured in the attack.
Another New Jersey Council Member Shot Dead, Officials Say

"Record-breaking egg profits prompt accusation of price gouging" : news

NJ town's leaders switch party affiliation from Democrat to GOP

Steve Bannons Podcast Is Top Misinformation Spreader, Study SaysWar Room had more falsehoods and unsubstantiated claims than other political talk shows.

Who Is @Catturd2, the Sh-tposting King of MAGA Twitter?How one cranky Florida man caught the ear of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Tucker Carlsonwith fart jokes

James OKeefe Is on Paid Leave From Project Veritas

ghostwars303 explains why modern Christianity is generally meaner than it used to be : bestof

What happens during menopause? Science is finally piecing it together. All women who reach their 50s inevitably pass through menopause. Experts share the latest science and best ways to cope.

(99+) New Foundation in the Sciences: Physics without Sweeping Infinities under the Rug | Florentin Smarandache -

(99+) New Foundation in the Sciences: Physics without Sweeping Infinities under the Rug | Florentin Smarandache - ... The Real Law of Attraction: It is through the condition of caring , which has components of thought, emotion, and will, that the creative power of the human mind is unleashed to generate the manifested world consciously rather than unconsciously.

The Seventys Course in Theology, First Year by B. H. Roberts

Harvard Law School student arrested in assault on campus, allegedly used homophobic slur, authorities say

Former Everett schools superintendent convicted of indecent assault

Another great thing about MA: Ketamine Therapy : massachusetts

4 Mass. towns ranked in the top 15 safest communities in the U.S. : massachusetts Andover, Arlington, Needham, and North Andover.

u/Structure-Electronic beautifully responds to an invalidation of adult children choosing to be estranged from their parents : bestof
The Missing Missing Reasons | Down the Rabbit Hole - The world of estranged parents forums

(20) "The Goebbels Effect ", How Society Turn Lies Into Truths - Terence McKenna - YouTube

Are There More than 66 Books in the Bible? | The Bible and Beyond Blog ... For me, the writing called The Wisdom of Solomon has provoked suggestive questions, and deep discussions have occurred among (but not between) both Jews and Christians.

Disney to cut 7,000 jobs as streaming numbers fall for first time : worldnews


A secret Russian satellite has broken apart in orbit, creating a cloud of debris that could last a century : worldnews

Beavers: Europes largest rodent is returning to London

Half a billion dollars worth of cocaine found adrift in Pacific Ocean : worldnews

Boston's COVID-19 rate on the decline, according to the latest wastewater numbers in city

Peru reports death of 585 sea lions due to bird flu : worldnews

Australia denies permission for coal mine near Great Barrier Reef : worldnews

Putin implicated in 2014 downing of Malaysia passenger jet that killed 298 : worldnews
Putin approved supply of missiles that shot down MH17 in 2014, investigators say : worldnews

China declined U.S. request for phone call between defense chiefs -Pentagon : worldnews
China wants its downed spy aircraft back, saying it does not belong to the US
Chinese spy balloons have targeted several countries, including India: Report : worldnews
Deepfake news anchors appearin pro-China footage on social media, research group says
The Chinese Are Fumig Furious With Putin For Ukraine

BREAKING: Putin is holding an operational meeting with members of the Russian Security Council - This is the first time a meeting of this level has been held at night : UkrainianConflict
"Russian invasion a blunder of historical proportions" : UkrainianConflict
Russian propagandist Kalashnikov: "The secondary effects of Western sanctions start working now. We have a huge 5 trillion rub ($68B) budget deficit coming. We are fighting a two-front war, and even the Putin loyalists are worried." : UkrainianConflict
The MH17 trial: Putin made the decision to transfer heavy weapons to the so-called "DPR" militants : ukraine
Putin is playing for time and plans to bomb his way to negotiating table, European spy agency warns
A key ally of Putin said he wants to invade Poland next, ignoring Russia's inability to capture Ukraine : worldnews
Another blow for Putin after 10th senior commander killed fighting in Ukraine : worldnews

Western sanctions push Russias energy revenues to lowest since 2020
Russia Weighs Wartime Tax Increase : worldnews

Russian citizen fined for discussing a fine he received for sharing a dream he had about Ukraine's president Zelensky : worldnews

Notorious Russian nationalist Igor Mangushev shot dead in Ukraine : worldnews

Massive Protest In Bangladesh Against China: Dhaka Slams Beijings Persecution Of Uyghur Muslims

Pakistans top rights group raises alarm on religious freedom | Human Rights News

Hope fading as deaths in Turkey, Syria quake pass 11,000 : worldnews
Twitter Restricted in Turkey After Earthquake : worldnews... Erdogan and his government has refused to use the military for the relief efforts, has refused to work with local leaders due to partisan differences, and has now taken action to block a critical means of communication in the effort to save lives. >
Turkey Blocks Twitter After Public Criticism of Quake Response : worldnews
Turkish government under pressure to account for use of 30bn 'earthquake tax' fund collected for disasters

Turkey shells Syrias north despite devastating earthquake
Syria: Assad forces bombed areas hit by earthquake hours after disaster : worldnews
Reasonable grounds to believe Syrian Government was behind deadly chlorine gas attack on Douma: OPCW report

Iran unveils underground base in response to US-Israel exercises | Military News : worldnews
Iranian prosecutors concealed rape by Revolutionary Guards, document shows | Internal report on rape of two women arrested during protests suppressed for fear of misrepresentation by enemy groups

Israels much famed Iron Domes for Ukraine likely

Zelensky makes surprise visit to UK as Ukraine appeals for more military support, in only his second trip outside his country since Russia invaded Ukraine almost a year ago : worldnews
Zelenskyy receives standing ovation as he delivers historic address in parliament : worldnews
Zelenskiy, in London, wins pledge to train pilots on NATO jets : worldnews
Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters was denounced by Ukraine Wednesday after he told the United Nations Security Council that Russias invasion of its neighbor was not unprovoked

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 350, Part 1 (Thread #491) : worldnews

Its Possible 270,000 Russians Have Been Killed Or Wounded In Ukraine
Losses of the russian army as of 08.02.2023 : ukraine ... +910 / +8

Girkin...Bakhmut still firmly under control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces....high casualties in rus side : UkrainianConflict
(1) Veteran Aid Ukraine on Twitter: "Marjinka, Donetsk. Feb 2023." / Twitter

(1) Ukrainska Pravda in English on Twitter: "Occupiers force Ukrainians in Melitopol to renounce their citizenship" / Twitter
Young Russians are travelling to occupied Mariupol to pose for atmospheric portraits amid the ruins of the shattered city

Russians Want to Seize Full Control of Donbas and Try to Advance near Bakhmut and Vuhledar - General Staff : worldnews
The Moment of Missile Explosion in Kharkiv Central Park Was Caught on Camera

MEP says it is well known that Hungarian intelligence services are leaking to Russia : UkrainianConflict

Scholz says Putin willnot achieve his goals in Ukraine

Paris mayor backs banning Russia from 2024 Olympics unless Ukraine war ends : worldnews

(1) Glasnost Gone on Twitter: "President Zelensky at No 10 Downing street London today, with UK PM @RishiSunak. #Ukraine" / Twitter
UK PM Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK will start training Ukrainian pilots on Western NATO-standard fighter jets!
UK Governments controversial amendments to give police more powers to stop protest disruption defeated. Ministers wanted to give police the power to stop and search without suspicion near a protest.
Church of England considering gender-neutral alternatives for God | The Independent
Mary Queen of Scots: Deposed rulers secret prison letters found and decoded : worldnews
The Black Chamber - Mary Queen of Scots
Microsofts Activision acquisition in peril after UK regulator warns of harm to gamers

RCMP sent disruption to Chinese police stations in Canada: Lucki

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline : The New York Times called it a "mystery" -- but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret -- until now
Russia: U.S. has questions to answer over Nord Stream explosions : worldnews

The FBI's McGonigal Labyrinth The FBI's McGonigal labyrinth - The FBI's former chief New York spy hunter now faces shocking accusations. Is the career of Charlie McGonigal a simple case of revolving-door greed, or could it be something worse?

Estimate of misspent Covid unemployment payments leaps to $191B - POLITICO Federal officials acknowledge that they cannot precisely identify how much federal aid was wrongfully sent out.

U.S. Will Support Ukraine As Long As It Takes, Biden Promises In His State Of The Union Speech
Putins invasion of Ukraine has been a test for the ages, says Biden
Dark Brandon shows up at State of the Union, mops the floor with lost Republicans : politics
GOP Crazy Caucus got played by an old man: I've never seen anything like it in a State of the Union speech -- they ran at him like a pack of lemmings and, with a wink and a grin, he politely directed them to the cliff
On order from Trump, Republicans throw a hissy fit during Bidens State of the Union: Nevertheless, this State of the Union speech was one of Bidens best moments as president
72 percent of viewers had positive reaction to Biden speech: CNN flash poll : politics
The night the old man handed them their asses
Fact-checking President Biden's State of the Union speech | CNN Politics (true)
A Piss-And-Vinegar Biden Dares Republicans to Try Him : politics
After Shouts of Liar and Worse, Biden Takes on His Detractors in Real Time
Social Security and Medicare is off the books now? Biden causes uproar over cutting programs during State of the Union
Joe Scarborough: Stupid House GOP helped Biden appear stronger during State of the Union Address
Joe Biden, Once Again, Lucks Out with His Enemies | The New Yorker

Actual, average word counts show Biden leads in State of Union addresses - Biden is most talkative president in six decades of State of the Union addresses

Dems rally behind Biden and the political press weeps
The best of enemies
Republicans Turn Themselves Into Props for Biden
Kevin McCarthy shushes classless Republican lawmaker for interrupting Biden tribute to fentanyl victim
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy admits Republicans took bait and let Biden turn State of the Union heckling into political gold
No One With a Functioning Brain Sees the GOP as the Party of Normal

Discussion Thread: Responses to the 2023 State of the Union : politics
Discussion Thread: 2023 State of the Union : politics

Mitt Romney calls George Santos a
Romney told Santos You dont belong here in tense exchange in House chamber before SOTU

Marjorie Taylor Greene Becomes Meme Of The Night For All The Wrong Reasons : politics
Marjorie Taylor Greene shouts liar at Biden during State of the Union after disrupting last years speech by heckling
Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for dressing like Cruella de Vil at State of the Union

List of Republicans Who Have Suggested Cutting Medicare, Social Security : politics

Opinion | Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the Queen of Having It Both Ways : politics

American Bar Association Urges Ethics Code for US Supreme Court : politics
The Meritocracy!

Half in U.S. Say They Are Worse Off, Highest Since 2009

Matt Gaetz Quietly Named To House GOPs New Sham Subcommittee

Ex-Twitter Officials Confirm to Congress: Trump, Not Biden, Has Tried to Censor Tweets : politics
Live updates: Republicans fan allegations of tech company-government collusion - The Washington Post
Twitter Kept Entire Database of Republican Requests to Censor Posts
Yes, the Trump White House Demanded Twitter remove Chrissy Teigens tweet calling Trump a Pussy Ass Bitch
Speaking of technical difficulties ... So Twitter is apparently just not working at all
Every accusation is a etc. - TL;DR: Trump directly demanded Twitter remove tweets even as they were changing the rules to accommodate him. Biden has not. I think we can see why Elon made sure that cherry-picked emails were leaked only to his most servile and partisan lickspittles!
Elon Musk emails Twitter staff to pause new feature development during glitch that told users they were over the daily limit and blocked them from posting

House GOP's under-the-radar Hunter Biden problem: DOJ got there first

Trump shares photos of DeSantis alleging he partied and drank with high school girls when he was a teacher
Trump helps circulate photo accusing DeSantis of drinking with underage girls : politics
Well, Trump Is Now Suggesting Ron DeSantis Is a Pedophile : politics

What its Like When Ron DeSantis Takes Over Your College
Florida is officially a laboratory for fascism in the U.S. : politics

Sweep in 3 Special Elections Gives Democrats Control of Pennsylvania House : politics
Democrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 years : politics

Only in Mississippi: White representatives vote to create white-appointed court system for Blackest city in America

Shame on the 14 far-right legislators who voted to shut down Arizonas schools

Ruben Gallego Looks to Maintain Early Momentum to Defeat Kyrsten Sinema : politics

Greg Abbott tells state agencies to stop considering diversity in hiring | The Texas Tribune

SEC to increase scrutiny of crypto-trading firms and ESG funds in 2023

8 more Memphis police officers to face charges in Tyre Nichols case, city attorney says - CBS News : news

Boy who shot teacher allegedly tried to choke another : news

Family files lawsuit against off-duty Kenosha police officer who kneeled on 12-year-old girls neck

Psycho Killer, Quest-ce que cest? - Creating largely unaccountable paramilitary squads to prey on targeted neighborhoods is about many things but public safety isn't one of
Memphis Officer Texted Photo of Tyre Nichols After Beating, New Documents Show - The New York Times

Woman charged with killing her 3 kids planned it all out, prosecutors allege : news

The New York Times helped fuel an anti-trans panic in 2022. Will 2023 be any better? | Media Matters for America ... The papes venerable pages featured profile after profile that platformed anti-trans extremists, fearmongered about the price of transgender acceptance, and framed rising trans identification as a social contagion (that sick fucking newspaper)

Greedy people have more money but are less satisfied with their lives, according to new study : science

Bonhoeffers theory of stupidity : We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones - Evil is easy to identify and fight against; not so with stupidity. Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that stupidity is worse than evil because stupidity can be manipulated and used by evil.

What Causes Deja Vu? Does this all feel a little familiar? - that sensation may be your brain correcting its own errors

TIL The Immaculate Conception is a separate concept from the Virgin Birth. It refers to the Catholic (and some others) belief that Mary was conceived without Original Sin and therefore was pure enough to receive the Son of God. The concept is often rejected by Protestants as non-scriptural. : todayilearned

Video game playing causes no harm to young childrens cognitive abilities - regardless of duration of game playing and video game genre, study finds

TIL people who grow up with overprotective parents tend to die earlier : todayilearned

Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging : worldnews

Why do rings around planets like Saturn form as rings, as in why do they have a uniform shape, with all the debris rotating on the same axis? : askscience

Heat pumps are defying Maines winters and oil industry pushback
Heat pumps had their first major local test last weekend. Heres how it went.

Alphabet shares dive after Google AI chatbot Bard flubs answer in ad | Reuters


Single-use plastic production rose between 2019 and 2021 despite pledges : worldnews

World heading toward a wider war, fears UN chief Antonio Guterres : worldnews

Alarming Spread of Bird Flu Continues as More Species Infected : worldnews

Japan raps Russias illegal occupation of disputed islets in rally
Japans Population Crisis Nears Point of No Return

In a First, South Korea Is Ordered to Compensate a Vietnam War Victim: A court ruling held that South Korean troops were responsible for a civilian massacre that killed more than 70 villagers in Vietnam during the war : worldnews
South Korea stalker jailed 40 years for killing woman in subway : worldnews

Kim Jong Un missing for 35 days as Politburo meets to discuss food problems : worldnews

Roughly 1 million Tibetan children have been separated from their families and forcibly placed into state-run boarding schools, the U.N. said : worldnews

China had one of its fighter jets shoot down what it claimed was a foreign spy balloon four years ago, according to Chinese media outlets : worldnews

Putins assistant Kadyrov proposed after Ukraine to "denazify" Poland and "Satanism" fight there
Moscow starts "begging" for negotiations through mediators : ukraine
Russia has handed the US embassy in Moscow a note demanding it stop interfering in Russia's internal affairs - TASS : UkrainianConflict
Russian state TV rewrites WWII narrative: "Europe took side of the Nazis" : UkrainianConflict
Ukrainian Nobel Peace Prize Winner: This Violence, This Cruelty Have Become Part Of Russian Culture
Putin opponent calls for Ukraine ceasefire to stop bloodshed : UkrainianConflict

(1) Financial Times on Twitter: "Russia budget deficit soars as energy revenues slump by almost half" / Twitter
Russias oil and gas revenue crashed by nearly 50% at the start of 2023, leading to a wider budget deficit as Moscows spending soars
Russias budget deficit soars as energy revenues slump by almost hal
Russian Oil Flows To Middle East, Asia As EU Embargo Takes Effect | : anime_titties

Russian Prosecutors Seek 9-Years for Journalist Accused of Spreading Fake News

1/ The Russian Baza Telegram channel reports another example of how mobilisation is affecting Russia's economy: it's ruining the market for Moscows established strippers, while the partners of mobilised men are taking up stripping to make ends meet.
1/ Russias strip clubs have reportedly suffered from the impact of mobilisation, which has seen many of their customers being sent to Ukraine. A Kaliningrad erotic massage salon has responded to this challenge by offering discounts to men fighting in the war.
4/ This initiative isn't a surprise Russias sex industry has faced challenges including the loss of many of its clients, and increased competition from the partners of mobilised men going into erotic work to make up for the loss of their mens incomes.
6/ The fact that theyre getting leave back in Russia in the first place is interesting, as manpower shortages previously kept many men on the front lines for extended periods. It's likely that mobilisation has finally enabled the Russians to rotate their troops properly. /end

The mission of Kirill, whose code name was Mikhailovwas also to influence this council, which had been infiltrated by the KGB in the 1970s and 1980s.

Russian Wagner mercenaries seized in Ukraine on the lies that lured them, and threats that kept them there

I posted earlier today about fur coats given to wives of dead soldiers from DPR and LPRHere they are thanking for the coats on video. Its moments like these that make us feel like we are one family"they are told.

Kidnappings in Nigeria: At least 25,000 people missing : anime_titties

Turkiye risks serious consequences if it blocks Sweden, Finland NATO accession, Risch warns
Another earthquake of 5.5 magnitude strikes central Turkey region : worldnews
Mongolia is sending 35 rescue workers to Turkey, and aid packages to Syria (Can't send rescue workers due to conflict) : worldnews
Countries sending help to Turkey : worldnews

Syria: Assad forces bombed areas hit by earthquake hours after disaster : worldnews

Iranian Protesters Burn Islamic Republic Billboards During Overnight Rallies : worldnews

Over third of Israelis fear judicial reform will lead to civil war : anime_titties
The latest idiotic conspiracy theory about Ukraine uncritically promoted by credulous halfwit Elon Musk is that ex-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett claimed that both Russia and Ukraine wantedpeace but the US and the UK sabotaged a ceasefire. Bennett himself denied that.
Ex-Pink Floyd partner brands Roger Waters antisemitic, lip-synching Putin apologist | The Times of Israel
Not So Comfortably Numb

Russia-Ukraine WarAs Russia Amasses Troops in East, Questions Remain About Its Ability to Sustain an Offensive
Russia almost certainly now lacks the munitions and manoeuvre units required for successful offensives, UK Ministry of Defence says : UkrainianConflict
Senior officer of Armed Forces of Ukrai ne to be tried for high treason : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 349, Part 1 (Thread #490) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Feb. 7, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. +1030 +14
Ukraine war latest: Russia suffers deadliest 24 hours
Ukrainian forces kill over 1,000 Russian soldiers in last 24 hours : ukraine
Russia loses 25 tanks in two days as video shows deadly strike : ukraine
Kyiv claims last 24 hours was deadliest day of conflict for Russian troops

Here are todays control-of-terrain maps for #Russias invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats
A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.
Top Ukrainian General: Bakhmut Is Impregnable Fortress
Border Guards reportedly shot down a Russian Su-25 attack aircraft in the sky over Bakhmut by MANPADS. The fate of the pilot is unknown yet.

(2/4) Russian forces have only managed to gain several hundred metres of territory per week. This is almost certainly because Russia now lacks the munitions and manoeuvre units required for successful offensives.
(4/4) Russian leaders will likely continue to demand sweeping advances. It remains unlikely that Russia can build up the forces needed to substantially affect the outcome of the war within the coming weeks.

Finland has reportedly decided to continue its process to join NATO without Sweden

Nordic nations call for Russian ban to be upheld : worldnews

Sweden ready to offer help to Turkey after massive earthquake, Swedish PM says
Greece pledges every force available to aid Turkey

Kosovos PM accepts EU, France, Germany backed normalisation plan

Switzerland may renounce neutrality to provide military aid to Ukraine

The Netherlands has given Ukraine over 1 billion in military aid alone (
Netherlands: Passport photos which foreigners from outside the EU have to supply to the immigration service are automatically included in a massive police database without their knowledge : worldnews

Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands will supply Ukraine with 178 older generation Leopard 1 battle tanks : worldnews
The German government is expected to approve the supply of 187 Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine today, Business Insider. 88 Leopard 1 come from Rheinmetall, 99 from FFG.
RT Germany to shut down following latest EU sanctions : worldnews

More than 750,000 protest against pension reform across France : worldnews
The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, has said Russian athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Paris 2024 Olympics as long as the war in Ukraine is ongoing : UkrainianConflict

Brexit Was a Colossal Mistake, Former PM John Major Says (Tory dumbfuckxit)
Bank Of England Officials Say Brexit Is Fueling Inflation, Driving Up Interest Rates : anime_titties
London police officer jailed for at least 30 years for 49 sexual offence charges : worldnews

Investigate Bolsonaro for genocide, says Brazils Marina Silva

Canada to take in 10,000 Uighur refugees : anime_titties

Chinese balloon recovery photos released, showing closest glimpse yet - The Washington Post
Pentagon says it had an awareness gap that led to failure to detect 3 Chinese balloons under Trump
White House: Improved surveillance caught Chinese balloon : politics
Secret Chinese spy balloon under Donald Trump passed through these states : politics
The 3 Chinese spy balloons spotted during the Trump administration were initially classified as UFOs : politics
CNN Forces GOP Rep to Admit Theres No Evidence Spy Balloon Had 'Bioweapons'

Inside Bidens high-road SOTU
Biden Will Call for Billionaire Tax, Bigger Levy on Stock Buybacks in State of the Union : politics
Biden to Lay Down Economic Challenge to House Republicans : politics
Bidens coming decision

IRS introduces new service industry tip reporting program | Internal Revenue Service

Air Force leader's spouse opened fire during Andrews breach | AP News Air Force leaders spouse opened fire during Andrews breach

GOPs Hunter Biden Obsession Enters Overdrive With Twitter Files Hearing
GOPs Probe Into Hunter Biden Risks Political Blowback

Marines Charged in Capitol Riot Got Highly Sensitive Spy Jobs After Jan. 6 : politics

ouble jeopardy wont apply between state, federal cases
Why the Stormy Daniels Charges Might Actually Reach Trump This Time
u/Ghoulius-Caesar dismantles the claim that Trump was tough on Russia

Jim Jordan is about to lead Republicans into a dangerous trap : politics

The GOP has a 2024 problem - The Atlantic Does anyone want to be president?

Dobbs will enable the worst judge in America to ban the abortion pill nationwide

GOP Megadonors Are Coming for Trump : politics

Eric Trump tourmate claims Jewish people are frauds and Hitler was actually fighting the same people that were trying to take down today - cott McKay also claims Jewish people are responsible for 9/11, presidential assassinations, and child sacrifices

Lauren Boebert Appears To Pray For Joe Bidens Death In Texas Sermon

Marjorie Taylor Greene Presiding Over House Leaves Viewers Physically Ill
Were in hell: Horrified critics share video of Marjorie Taylor Greene presiding over the House

McCarthy confirms Santos is facing House probe : politics
9/11 activist blasts George Santos for taking survivor to State of the Union after tragedy lies' : 'piece of shit'

Twitter suspends Sen. Steve Dainess account ... Steve Daines is a traitor who was summoned to Moscow on July 4th, 2018.
Sen. Dainess Twitter account suspended after posting profile picture of himself hunting

Ron DeSantis tries to punish venue that hosted Christmas drag show : politics

LGBTQ+ State Senator Proposes Ban on ReligiousIndoctrination of Kids

How an FBI Informant Derailed Denvers BLM Movement

Our brave troops used to protect this country from nuclear attacks by shouting racial slurs, and now the woke mob wants to take it all away - Leave it to Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro to make an argument that is of remarkable and revealing stupidity even by the standards of ticking-time-bomb arguments:
Going broke underestimating the intelligence of the public - How many people are willing to pay for Twitter? Not nearly as many as your idiot Silicon Valley bros will tell you:

How Deepfake Videos Are Used to Spread Disinformation - The New York Times ... The two broadcasters, purportedly anchors for a news outlet called Wolf News, are not real people. They are computer-generated avatars created by artificial intelligence software. And late last year, videos of them were distributed by pro-China bot accounts on Facebook and Twitter

The self-inflicted angst of the never rich enough

The Astonishing Transformation of Austin - My town, once celebrated for its laid-back weirdness, is now a turbocharged tech megalopolis being shaped by exiles from places like Silicon Valley.

The High School AssholeWho Became a Blackface-Wearing Neo-Nazi Homeschool Dad

U.S. Activist killed at "Cop City" site was shot 13 times by police, private autopsy shows : news (no body cams on purpose)

Victim advocates blast Worcester Diocese report on clergy sex abuse : massachusetts

TIL: In 2019, it was found that belief in ghosts and UFOs had increased since 2007 among Americans. Interestingly, men were more likely to believe in UFOs and women were more likely to believe in ghosts and witchcraft than the other gender. : todayilearned

True stories get more Reddit upvotes than fake news - Ohio study : technology - One important difference is that Twitter has a short message format, with many messages generating no reaction at all, and with very few extended discussions. In contrast, Reddit has complex, threaded discussions and users often engage in sustained conversations.


(Virology) Has SARS-CoV-2 outcompeted all the other coronaviruses which have been called thecommoncold?

All countries dangerously unprepared for future pandemics, says IFRC

Fears of worsening egg shortage in New Zealand as fire kills 75,000 hens at farm : worldnews

Japans Long-Awaited Return to GeopoliticsTokyos abandonment of its post-1945 security stance is another fallout from Russia' war
Record 94% of Japanese do not feel friendly toward Russia

North Korean balloon reportedly spotted over South Korea : worldnews

Disney wont show Simpsons episode in Hong Kong that mentions forced labor

China claims second suspected spy balloon above Latin America - The Washington Post ... even as Beijing stepped up its protests against the U.S. militarys decision to shoot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon that traversed the United States last week.
Second balloon over Latin America is ours - China : worldnews
Russian trade data shows China violating US-led sanctions : worldnews
In China's Covid Fog, Deaths of Scholars Offer a Clue - After Covid ripped uncontrolled through China, the government announced that 80,000 people had died. But that is likely a vast undercount. We scoured obituaries of the nation's top academics for clues about the true toll of the outbreak.

Its High Time to Prepare for Russia's Collapse - Not planning for the possibility of disintegration betrays a dangerous lack of imagination.
Talks between Russia and Ukraine would save lives, argues Christopher Chivvis - The foreign-policy expert writes as part of a series debating the wisdom of peace negotiations
Tonights abbreviated report focuses on Russian President Vladimir #Putins cautious approach to risk-taking after having thrown the dice on launching a full-scale invasion of #Ukraine on February 24, 2022, an act he likely did not see as a risk.
Putins alleged girlfriend and Head of National Media Group compares Russian propaganda to Kalashnikov assault rifle

Russian News Reports of Drone Strike 150 KM from Moscow - Governor of #Kaluga, Russia, Vladislav Shapsha, announced that a drone exploded early on Monday morning, roughly 150 KMs from downtown #Moscow.

Putin plans to "Russify" captured Ukrainian areas with elections
(2/4) Incorporating the elections into same day of voting which is scheduled across Russia highlights the leaderships ambition to present the areas as integral parts of the Federation.
(4/4) While meaningful democratic choices are no longer available to voters at even regional level elections in Russia, leaders will likely make the self-vindicating argument that new elections further justify the occupation.

Russia and the Polycrisis
Are we headed toward a polycrisis? The buzzword of the moment, explained.

Media: Russias church leader Patriarch Kirill spied for KGB in Geneva in 1970s

Russia monthly budget deficit soars to around $25 billion in Jan as energy revenues slump : worldnews

Indians find easy workarounds to watch BBCs banned documentary on Modi
India buying Cheap Russian Oil, Selling refined fuel to the US & Europe: Report : worldnews

Pakistan blocks Wikipedia, says it hurt Muslim sentiments : worldnews (fee-fees)

Taliban detain Ismail Mashal, a lecturer who tore up his Bachelors and Masters degrees on live TV in protest against a ban on Afghan womens education in the country

Turkey earthquake: Death toll could increase eight-fold, WHO says : worldnews ... Current number of collapsed buildings is 5606 in Turkey alone...Yup... considering 4:17 am is the dead of night for even night owls, this is looking like a worst case scenario ,,, in the winter ...
Turkey-Syria earthquake live updates: More than 1,800 killed in 7.8-magnitude quake near Gaziantep - The Washington Post - The earthquake felt as far away as Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Egypt occurred in Kahramanmaras province, north of Gaziantep, near the Syrian border.
Syrias rebel-held northwest, fragile from civil war, devastated by earthquake
Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes Turkey : worldnews
Turkeys South Hit by a Second High-Magnitude Earthquake
Earthquake Toppled Buildings In Turkey: Over 2,824 Buildings Destroyed : worldnews
Drone footage shows rescue efforts after earthquake in Turkey - video
Moment second earthquake hits Turkey caught on live broadcast - video
Building collapses during earthquake aftershock in Turkey - video
Gaziantep Castle collapses after magnitude 7.4 quake hit Turkiye
Azerbaijan sends 370 people to assist rescue operations after major earthquake strikes in Turkiye
Turkey declines Elon Musks offer to send Starlink after devastating earthquake
Tsunami alert issued in Italy after 7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Turkey : worldnews

NATO Must Stand Up to Turkey's Blackmail - Ankara has legitimate security concerns, but the alliance should firmly reject Erdogan's transactional diplomacy when it comes to Swedish accession.

Irans supreme leader on Sunday reportedly ordered an amnesty or reduction in prison sentences for tens of thousandsof people detained amid nationwide anti-government protests shaking the country, acknowledging for the first time the scale of the crackdown

The Settlement That Could Reignite the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - The Atlantic From This Hill, You Can See the Next Intifada - What happens when Israel's lawbreakers become lawmakers
Five dead in Israeli raid on Palestinian militants in W.Bank : worldnews
Ex-air force pilot detained for questioning after implying Netanyahu deserves to die : worldnews

Zelenskyy says Russia is throwing more troops into battle as Ukraine braces for major attack : worldnews
Representatives of terrorist state should have no place at Olympics - Zelensky
Ukraines defense minister to be replaced, top parliamentarian says
Ukraine Situation Report: Kyivs Modern Tank Corps Begins To Take Shape
How Ukraine Fought Against Russias Air War ... Despite its technological inferiority, Ukraine has demonstrated that even an air force with precision strike capabilities can be denied air superiority. These lessons demand that the U.S. Air Force rethink its strategic goals and tactical approaches as it grapples with facing near-peer adversaries in the future and may need to operate without complete air dominance.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 348, Part 1 (Thread #489) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 06.02 (+870)

The madness behind the battle for Bakhmut - UnHerd Russian troops are dying in their thousands here
"In Chernihiv Oblast, the Armed Forces entered a liberated village and there lay a murdered mother, to whom the russians tied a crying baby with tape. Our soldier cut the tape to take the child away and a grenade exploded between the child and the mother." : UkraineWarVideoReport
Vuhledar 06.02 - 19:10 update:Great news. Throughout the day, the enemy attempted a series of assaults in Vuhledars direction. Up to 30 armored vehicles of different types have been either damaged or completely destroyed.
Russian troops have increased the number of attacks in Luhansk Oblast, but all of them have been repelled.
On Ukraine Frontline Troops Plead for More Tanks, Munitions : worldnews
Outnumbered and Worn Out, Ukrainians in East Brace for Russian Assault - Exhausted Ukrainian troops complain they are already outnumbered and outgunned, even before Russia has committed the bulk of its roughly 200,000 newly mobilized soldiers. Anddoctors at hospitals speak of mounting losses

Former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and Russian propagandist Scott Ritter is now calling for the genocide of the Ukrainian nation. : UkrainianConflict ... Scott Ritter, convicted sex offender

Russian Troops Bombed the Downtown of Kharkiv with Missiles: Civilians Suffered Injuries, Residential Housing Was on Fire : worldnews

Near Bakhmut, a mercenary commander from the russian "Wagner" PMK was wounded. Then russians took him behind the house and killed him with an axe.

Finland is ready to join NATO without Sweden,The facts must be recognized: we are Russia's border neighbor. Sweden's geopolitical position is significantly different from ours

Norway Proposes $7.3 Billion, Five-Year Aid Package To Ukraine : worldnews ... the population of Norway is less than the population of Minnesota (Minnesota 5.7M, Norway 5.4M).

Poland preparing for possible migrant flows from Russia : worldnews

Snowstorm shuts schools and shops, disrupts traffic in Athens : worldnews

Thousands of Danes protest cancelling of public holiday : worldnews

More killed by avalanches in Austrian Alps | Several tourists and skiers have died this weekend in Austria as a result of avalanches. Authorities are warning of the dangers of skiing in the current weather. : worldnews

Italy sounds alarm on large-scale computer hacking attack : worldnews

France a step closer to adding abortion rights to constitution : worldnews
France moves to block access to pornography sites for minors : worldnews ... People who want to visit these websites will have to install an application for government-licensed digital certification on their mobile phones to prove that they are at least 18 years old.

British workers stage largest strike in history of health service : worldnews

A Cameroonian tycoon was arrested on Monday in connection with the high-profile abduction and murder of a journalist. The journalist, Martinez Zogo, who was abducted and brutally murdered last month, was outspoken against graft and financial sleaze : worldnews

They dont see us as humans. In Peru, protests over racism and neglect spill from the Andes

For civilian purpose: China over balloon spotted in Latin America

China accuses US of indiscriminate use of force over balloon : politics
Suspected Chinese spy balloon was 200ft tall - US defence official : news
Balloons similar to the one that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina this weekend flew over the U.S. at least three times during the Trump administration, according to a senior U.S. defense official : worldnews
Chinese spy balloons under Trump not discovered until after Biden took office, according to a senior administration official. : worldnews
Chinese spy balloons under Trump not discovered until after Biden took office | CNN Politics
Trump officials deny Chinese spy balloons flew above U.S. on their watch : politics
Chinese spy balloons under Trump not discovered until after Biden took office : politics
Schumer announces all-Senators classified briefing on China February 15; says Biden admin made right call with balloon; and GOP criticism was political and premature
Biden offers to brief Trump team on Chinese spy balloons they failed to catch : politics
Biden, the balloon, and the age of anti-China one-upmanship - The fascination with how to down the intelligence gathering balloon quickly gave way into the new geopolitical reality: There is no downside to being a China hawk.

The hysteria over Chinas spy balloon is dangerous and unwarranted (refucker meltdown)
Four things that pop from the Chinese balloon incident - The Washington Post
The great Chinese balloon freakout
Greene calls for probe into why Trump was unaware of previous Chinese balloons : politics
The Chinese Balloon Inflated Americas Dumbest Political Mannerisms

FBI to search Pences Indiana home for more classified documents

The Story Construction Tells About Americas Economy Is Disturbing - A construction worker in 2020 produced less than a construction worker in 1970, at least according to the official statistics. Contrast that with the economy overall, where labor productivity rose by 290 percent between 1950 and 2020, or to the manufacturing sector, which saw a stunning ninefold increase in productivity.

Bidens economic success may reset the 2024 race
Biden 2024? Most Democrats say no thank you: AP-NORC poll | AP News
Biden or bust: Democratic insiders are all in for Biden 2024 Despite lackluster approval ratings and the classified documents scandal,
Americans not feeling impact of Biden agenda, Post-ABC poll finds - More than 6 in 10 say the president has not accomplished much, despite the passage of numerous bills (they watch Fox)
Record numbers of people are worse off, a recipe for political discontent: POLL - ABC News

171 Republican lawmakers join effort to stop Bidens student loan forgiveness program

House Republicans Are Planning Unhinged Investigations. Democrats Should Be Licking Their Chops. Democratic lawmakers have a golden opportunity to distinguish themselves from Kevin McCarthys army of weirdos.
Kevin McCarthys newly appointed sergeant at arms opposed installing security fencing around the Capitol for Joe Biden's State of the Union address. The fencing went up over the weekend.

Daryl Eugene Johnson filmed woman changing: Cops Convicted Jan. 6 Capitol rioter caught secretly filming woman undressing at tanning salon owned by his father: Police

Anti-TikTok pressure is bipartisan and mounting in Congress : politics

Ranked choice voting may be the ultimate cure for extremist politics : politics

Justice Department charges two people with conspiracy to destroy energy facilities : politics
Neo-Nazi leader among 2 arrested in plot to attack Baltimores power grid, feds say | The suspects, Brandon Russell and Sarah Clendaniel, took steps to shoot multiple electrical substations in the Baltimore area in an attempt to completely destroy this whole city, prosecutors said.
Atomwaffen Founder And Girlfriend Arrested In Plot To Destroy Baltimore
Attacks on Power Grid Spike, Neo-Nazis a Rising Threat A record number of attacks on electrical grids plunged thousands of Americans into darkness last year, as authorities worry neo-Nazis are targeting critical infrastructure

Trumps effort to disavow Operation Warp Speed shows how far hes fallen
Melania Trump watched 2019 ISIS raid from Situation Room, suggested hero dogstory in media
Eric Trump tourmate claims Jewish people are frauds and Hitler was actually fighting the same people that were trying to take down today

Ted Cruz declares the Grammys evi' after Sam Smiths Satan-themed set has conservatives saying it encourages devil-worship
Why are property taxes so high in Texas? : politics ... No state income taxes.

George Santos is the superstar MAGA deserves | Tucker Carlson and company rally around the pathological liar because they are waging war on truth itself : politics

Hide your books to avoid felony charges, Florida schools tell teachers : politics (DeSantis will outlaw "reading")
Special session cleans up DeSantis political stunts, Democrats say

Proposal to cap EpiPen costs at $60 advances in Colorado : politics

Senators push for "passenger bill of rights" that would give travelers at least $1,350 if bumped due to oversold flight : politics

A tigerKaren, Cassandra of Texas wants everybody to get out of the boat:

Moore v. Harper: Unfortunately, the big Supreme Court election case could be moot.

Michael Lind, Case Study in the Perils of Discourse-Poisoning : politics

Pizzagate at the Nation ... The Columbia Journalist Review, which recently published an interminable MAGA propaganda series written by the Whitewater guy, spiked an earlier piece of media criticism detailing the Nations extraordinary record of Putin apologism. (vanden Heuvel and her hubby Stephen Cohen are pro-Putin)

This Day in Labor History: February 6, 1886 - On February 6, 1886, white Knights of Labor members in Seattle started anti-Chinese riots, part of the larger racist white working class of the west coast seeking to eliminate Chinese workers from the labor market with maximum violence. >

LGM Film Club, Part 345: The Thin Red Line

Why does The 1619 Projectworry people? It offers a peek at the truth.

Antisemitic acts continuing to increase in Montgomery County schools - The Washington Post

AR-15 lapel pin is a perfect symbol for a GOP thats become a death cult

A cul-de-sac in The Villages on Jan. 14, 2023. - The Villages Vendetta - How a Grassroots Revolt in the Iconic Retirement Community Ended With a 72-Year-Old Political Prisoner (refucks fucking themselves)

Images From American History, Part 25The Dutch Boys lead party : a paint book for girls and boys, 1923

Inside Harvards misinformation meltdown ... They demanded that Dean Doug Elmendorf, who had been Sandbergs undergraduate adviser, resign. (Fuckbook behind it all)

Musk Pledged to Cleanse Twitter of Child Abuse Content. It's Been Rough Going. Child sexual abuse imagery spreads on Twitter even after the company is notified: One video drew 120,000 views. - Sewer rats, as one regulator described bad actors, remain. (pro-pedo Muskatron)

Eschaton: Tired Of Playing Whack-a-Mole Tired Of Playing Whack-a-MoleNo need to treat dumb liars as anything other than, even if the NYT and The Atlantic and New York Magazine pay them lots of money ... It's just a game to these monsters. Chait cares about trans kids as much as he cared about Iraqis, which is, at best, not at all. "At best" is a generous interpretation given the number of deaths he encouraged.
And here you can see @jonathanchait just lying without even having to leave the page. Hobbescriticism is clearly the opposite of what hes saying hereit isnt that Singal has criticized the left on racism before, its that he ONLY writes about racism to do so.
Eschaton: Chait Has Always Been Like This Chait Has Always Been Like This - This piece from the WaPo in 2003 holds up pretty well!!!!!! ... It was as ridiculous to imagine that Dick Cheney wanted war in Iraq for humanitarian reasons as it is to imagine all the anti-Trans people are motivated by a deep concern for the welfare of children and teens. Yah, Joe Rogan and Andrew Sullivan and Jon Chait and Jesse Singal, these guys just spend all day every day thinking about how to make the lives of children better. Don't be a sucker, just laugh and point.

Video shows East Precinct officers back down after bystanders step in over heavy response to Capitol Hill shots fired 911 calls

Family of 3 killed in suicide pact were hell-bent on Trump winning

Officials: North Carolina man missing since Christmas Eve found dismembered, sealed in concrete : news

D.C. man dies in police custody hours after arrest - The Washington Post

Police officer-involved shooting leaves woman dead in Easton : massachusetts

Shenandoah National Park search for missing N.J. teen Ty Sauer - Washington Post The disappearance of 18-year-old Ty Sauer set off a frantic search in a densely wooded area of Shenandoah National Park ... isotretinoin the generic version of the prescription drug Accutane ...

Analysis showed that 65.6% of women who took extra Vitamin D gave birth naturally. The study analysed results from the MAVIDOS trial which involved 965 women being randomly allocated an extra 1,000 International Units (IU) per day of vitamin D during their pregnancy or a placebo. : science

Mushrooms Arent Here to Destroy UsOr to Save UsThe fictional fungus in The Last of Us touched a collective nerve. When it comes to mushrooms, we just cant keep our cool.

Indoor-grown cannabis is a high-nutrient feeder and nutrient imbalances can substantially alter growth and reduce yield and quality, according to a study on nutrient deficiencies in cannabis cultivation. : science

Francisco Franco - Wikipedia
Francisco Franco - Wikipedia - Death and Funeral ... The major European governments, who condemned Franco's regime, declined to send high-level representatives to his funeral.[224] Some of the few foreign dignitaries and government representatives who attended were: Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President of the United States,[225] Lord Shepherd, Leader of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom[226] (Harold Wilson caused controversy within the Labour Party by sending him to represent the UK Government),[227] Prince Rainier III of Monaco, King Hussein of Jordan, Imelda Marcos, First Lady of the Philippines and the wife of Ferdinand Marcos, dictator of the Philippines,[228] Hugo Banzer, military dictator of Bolivia,[222] and Augusto Pinochet, the dictator of Chile,[225] for whom the Spanish Caudillo was a role-model. It was made clear to Pinochet that he was not welcome at Juan Carlos's coronation.[229] ... Legacy - the most successful counterrevolutionary leader of the 20th century ... Abroad he had support from Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Konrad Adenauer and many American Catholics, but was strongly opposed by the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.[246][247] ,,, The American conservative commentator William F. Buckley, Jr was an admirer of Franco, and praised him effusively in his magazine, National Review, where the staff were also ardent admirers of the dictator ... Estimates of the family's wealth have ranged from 350 million to 600 million euros ... At the time of her death in 1988, Carmen Polo was receiving a pension of over 12.5 million pesetas (four million more than the salary of Felipe Gonzsalez, then head of the government).[260]

Spain during World War II - Wikipedia
The Battle For Gibraltar | MI5 - The Security Service Spain was nominally neutral during World War II, though under General Franco's far-right Nationalist regime it was politically aligned with Nazi Germany. Spain did not actually join the Axis side but it collaborated with the Nazis in many areas. The Spanish intelligence service had a close working relationship with its German opposite number, the Abwehr ... After the war, Spain was not allowed to join the newly created United Nations because of the wartime support for the Axis, and Spain was isolated by many other countries until the mid-1950s.

White Terror (Spain) - Wikipedia
"Falange" redirects here.
Homage to Catalonia - Wikipedia
The Spanish Civil War (book) - Wikipedia
The Battle For Gibraltar | MI5 - The Security Service In his account, Scherr also describes his first encounter with another of his Gibraltar agents: "Just as the interview I was having with another member of the public was drawing inconclusively to an end, I was called into the next room to cope with a most extraordinary visitor. This was a woman in her 30s whose dress, mannerisms, speech and general appearance made her a rather seedy but not unattractive imitation of the seductive female spy of the thrillerette type. She sat down in front of the office desk, crossed her legs, adjusting the hem of her dress to reveal them to the best advantage, slowly lit a cigarette, inhaling and breathing out the smoke in the approved furtive, reticent fashion, looking down her long and aquiline nose at the same time, and then smiled across at her interrogator-to-be and said, in cosmopolitan English, "I am the Queen of Hearts. Who are you?" ... Both men were hanged on 11 January 1944 by the veteran British hangman Albert Pierrepoint, who travelled undercover to Gibraltar to carry out the executions.

Upside: My daughter got accepted to Northeastern for the fall. Downside: We cant afford it. (kids are so fucked these days)
Whats was normal to you as a kid but you later realized how fucked up it actually was?


Astronomers Discover Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Wolf 1069 b Only 31 Light-Years from Earth : worldnews

AI is helping us search for intelligent alien lifeand weve found 8 strange new signals

Japan and Philippines ready to boost military cooperation | With mounting concern China may attack Taiwan, Tokyo views Philippines as strategic military partner : worldnews
South Korea-Japan leaders may watch the 2023 World Baseball Classic together in Tokyo as they seek to improve bilateral relations. : worldnews
Washington weighing deploying medium-range missiles to U.S. forces in Japan : worldnews
Japanese prime minister fires aide over anti-LGBTQ+ remarks : worldnews
Japanese President cautious on gay marriage because it wouldchange society

China condemns US attack on surveillance balloon as overreaction (all your base are belong to us says Xi-Ding-A-Ling)
China Helping Russias War With Ukraine With Military Aid Violating Sanctions Reports Show
Foxconns January sales surge as China COVID disruption shaken off

Russias Medvedev says more U.S. weapons supplies mean all of Ukraine will burn
Girkin went on a sad rant again yesterday about the poor state of Russian communication, aviation, and supply. More so, believes that Russia is not ready for a major offensive, and if its daft enough to try it, it can turn out worse than the Kyiv de-escalation.

OMG!in russian Nizhny Novgorod region priests teach children to fight -- The training young children begin with a prayer, and then run around with machine guns. The priests say that this is how they raise children to be real patriots of the homeland - In the meantime, russians are brainwashing children who remained in the occupied Mariupol into putin-jugend. Just another evidence that this russian war of conquest is primarily about erasing Ukrainian identity and destroying our nation. russia is a terrorist state

The repost was back in February and the police have only pressed charges now. This is the beauty/insidiousness of how Russia prosecutes all Internet speech crimes as perpetually ongoing.
War is love. War is our friend.Current Kremlin propaganda for Russian schoolchildren is now firmly In Orwellian territory
A Russian woman is surprised that her occupier partner was killing children, as evidenced from this intercepted call. The man does not appear remorseful at all, however,.She is also unable to understand why other nations might help Ukraine because its the right thing to do.

Family feud over fortune after Russian billionaires mysterious death ... Zelenov is one of at least 12 ultra-wealthy Russians who have suddenly died under unusual circumstances since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine last February.

How much does Wagner pay? Mercenary groups convict recruitment down

YouTube will be blocked in Russia from February 28 : UkrainianConflict

India needs to invest $10 trillion for energy transition by 2070, power secretary says : worldnews
India bans 138 betting apps, 94 loan lending apps with Chinese links : worldnews
Govt body suspends manufacturing of Indias eye drops linked to blindnessin US

Pakistan: Casualties Feared After Huge Blast in Balochistans Quetta, Mutliple Injuries Reported
Imran Khans Double Game

Leaked Documents Show Qatar Bribed Prominent Leaders a Month before the Collapse of Afghanistan
Taliban detain educator who assailed girls varsity ban : worldnews

Ankara lashes out at US envoy over security alerts: Get your filthy hands off Turkey

Russia and Iran are deepening their military ties by creating a facility for drone production. But the closer they get, the more the ties between Russia and Israel deteriorate and that we can already observe.
Iran issues pardon for tens of thousands of prisoners : worldnews
Protests break out at funeral of Iranian woman who died after morals arrest : worldnews
Opinion Survey Reveals Overwhelming Majority Rejects Irans Regime
Iran to Fine Pakistan $18bn Over Delayed Pipeline Project : worldnews

Tens of Thousands Rally for Democracy for Fifth Consecutive Week Across Israel : worldnews
Tens of Thousands of Israelis Rally Against Controversial Legal Reforms : worldnews
Over 100,000 Israelis renew anti-govt protests
Former Israeli PM: Putin promised not to kill Zelenskyy : worldnews
Putin assured me he wouldnt kill Zelensky, Bennett recalls
Israels Iron Dome shoots down hostile aircraft over Gaza Strip
Ex-pilot who bombed Iraq nuke reactor walks back comment justifying PM assassination : worldnews

EU-Ukraine summit: We support Ukraines 10-point peace plan
Ukraines situation at the front is getting tougher, says Zelenskyy
Ukraine says it will not strike Russian territory with new missiles : worldnews
There is a consensus with Zelenskyy that Russian territory will not be attacked with Western weapons - Scholz
Ukraines Zelensky strips citizenship of several former politicians
Canadian Leopard 2 tanks en route to Ukraine as troops prepare for suspected Moscow attacks

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 347, Part 1 (Thread #488) : worldnews

(2/4) The M03 and the H32 he two main roads into the city for Ukrainian defendersare likely now both threatened by direct fire, following the Russian advances.
(4/4) While multiple alternative cross-country supply routes remain available to Ukrainian forces, Bakhmut is increasingly isolated.
2/ ISW continues to assess that Russia is concentrating troops and military equipment to stage a decisive offensive on the western Luhansk Oblast and Bakhmut areas.
4/ ISW continues to observe Russian transfers of military equipment and elite units and the preparations of logistics in occupied Luhansk Oblast that support Western, Ukrainian, and Russian forecasts for the western Luhansk Oblast Bakhmut offensive.
6/ #Russia has not shown the capacity to sustain the multiple major offensive operations that would be necessary to simultaneously reach the Donetsk Oblast administrative borders and take Zaporizhia City.

600 Mobilized Russian Soldiers Rebelled in Luhansk Region : UkrainianConflict

Rare Russian arctic anti-air system destroyed for first time by Ukraine : worldnews ... There were two of them destroyed this week in quick succession.

Ukrainians to get 50 millions of LED light bulbs to ease energy shortfall : worldnews

Europe bans Russian diesel, other oil products over Ukraine : worldnews
Russia To Boost Diesel Exports to Morocco in February Amid Europe Embargo : worldnews

Dutch foreign minister says asylum flows cannot be sustained indefinitely : worldnews

The French Are in a Panic Over le Wokisme - The nation's vehement rejection of identity politics made me recalibrate my own views about woke ideology.

Britain faces largest ever healthcare strikes as pay disputes drag on : worldnews
It wasnt me: Ex-UK PM Truss blames system for her failure

Brazil sinks asbestos-laden warship in Atlantic despite fears of 'incalcuable' damage

At least 22 dead as Chile battles out-of-control wildfires : worldnews

Aruba prosecutor: New evidence in Natalee Holloway case is fake; American T.V. host was tricked : worldnews

Russias Role in the Far-Right Truck Convoy: An analysis of Russian state media activity related to the 2022 Freedom Convoy

The inside story of how the U.S. shot down the Chinese balloon
The balloon, spotted earlier this week over the western United States, was brought down when an F-22 fighter jet fired an air-to-air missile at it off the coast of South Carolina.
Before Chinese Spy Balloon Sighting, Classified Report Highlighted Foreign Aerial Spying - The New York Times Before a Chinese spy balloon was discovered in the United States, American officials said a rival power may have used advanced technology to surveil U.S. military sites.
China threatens repercussions, says US shooting down balloon a serious violation of international practice
China condemns US attack on surveillance balloon as overreaction
Conservative leaders are blaming Biden for letting a suspected Chinese spy balloon cross into the US. It happened 3 times during the Trump administration, officials say. : politics
China Spy Balloons Crossed Into U.S. 3 Times During Trump Administration : politics
Close up of spy balloon missile strike : gifs

US aid to Ukraine could be the next victim of Kevin McCarthys pact with far-right Republicans

Flexing his wins and eyeing a 2nd term, Biden will lay out contrasts with GOP in State of the Union The annual speech will hit an array of issues, but mainly will reflect the political reality of a divided Congress. : politics
House Democrats fear GOP members could endanger Biden at State of the Union : politics

Few Americans are excited about a Biden-Trump rematch, Post-ABC poll finds - The Washington Post Most say they would feel dissatisfied or angry if either wins the general election

Anti-democratic forum shopping is a problem Congress could fix

The Years Of Vitriolic Misogyny At The Heart Of The Paul Pelosi Attack

A Fundamental Violation of Basic Human RightsAn interview with Loretta J. Ross.

A quarter of GOP say theyd back Trump as independent in 2024, threatening to split vote: Poll

Trump will repeat Jan. 6 strategy if hes indicted in Georgia: Kirschner

Peaceful transition: Pompeo has a flawed memory of Jan. 6

Doctors Arent Burned Out From Overwork. Were Demoralized by Our Health System.

Republicans gave Rep. Ilhan Omar an even bigger platform by voting her off the Foreign Affairs Committee : politics

Opinion | What those newly surfaced Wisconsin MAGA fraud tapes tell us : politics

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene complained about her low salary and said that working in Congress has made her 'miserable'

Rep. George Santos accused of sexual harassment by prospective staffer who alleges he touched his groin : politics
George Santos Is Accused of Sexual Harassment in His Capitol Office : politics

Twitter Critics Post Jan. 6 Photo Of Terrified GOP Rep Now Handing Out Assault Rifle Pins : politics

DeSantis ramps up war on woke with new attacks on Florida higher education
Florida may be a red state, but that didnt stop 3.2 million people from signing up for Obamacare

Dr. Yusef Salaam, exonerated Central Park 5 member, to run for NYC Council : politics

An ex-Romney presidential campaign strategist says Nikki Haley embodies the collapse of the Republican Party

Ban on marijuana users owning guns is unconstitutional, U.S. judge rules | Reuters

California insurance bill aims to hold gun owners financially responsible for negligence : politics

DOJ to investigate Memphis Police Department after Tyre Nicholsfatal arrest: Mayor

A corrupt Chicago cop destroyed hundreds of lives. Now victims want justice. : politics

Prosecutorial misconduct allows crooked cop to skate

Major leak reveals revolutionary new version of Microsoft Bing powered by ChatGPT-4 AI : technology

A new study suggests that too much screen time during infancy may lead to changes in brain activity, as well as problems with executive functioning the ability to stay focused and control impulses, behaviors,and emotionsin elementary school.

Vitamin D supplements linked to reduced risk of suicide, study of veterans finds : science

Liberals view emotions as a feature of rationality, while conservatives view it as a bug, study finds : science


Mount Washington wind chill: Minus-108 at New Hampshire mountain lowest reported in US history - The Washington Post
Historic Arctic outbreak crushes records in New EnglandMount Washington in New Hampshire logged the U.S.s coldest wind chill ever recorded: minus-109
Here's how cold it will get in the Northeast from the polar vortex - The Washington Post The coldest wind chills in more than 50 years minus-50 or lower are forecast in northern New England on Friday night

Died suddenly posts twist tragedies to push vaccine lies

Wave of sushi terrorism grips Japans restaurant world | Japan

South Korea Cancels Plans to Update Definition of Rape to Include Nonconsensual Sex : worldnews

North Korea to send personnel to Russia-occupied Donbas : worldnews

Singapore is seeing an influx of ultra-wealthy families from China looking to protect their wealth from a Communist Party that increasingly views them with suspicion : worldnews

China plays down Blinkens canceled visit over balloon
China rushes to limit fallout from suspected spy ballon - The Washington Post
Despite international scrutiny and sanctions protocols, reliable global trade data shows that Chinese state-owned defense companies continue to send military-applicable parts to sanctioned Russian defense companies,
China Aids Russia's War in Ukraine, Trade Data Shows - Despite sanctions, Moscow equips its jet fighters, submarines and soldiers with help of Chinese companies

Putin's Big Lie - The Atlantic How Putin twists the history of World War II
Russias Medvedev says more US weapons supplies mean all of Ukraine will burn
Russia to 'Nationalise' Ukraine Assets in Annexed Crimea ('steal')

2/ According to the Russian VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, a source says that the Russian First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs has issued a secret order to police regarding the Wagner convict fighters who have completed their contracts and returned to civilian life.
Kremlin-Linked Group Arranged Payments to European Politicians to Support Russias Annexation of Crimea

The fuel depots in the industrial district of Borisovka (Belgorod Oblast, Russia) caught fire tonight.

Families of the mobilized from Moscow region will receive 10kg of potatoes and 10kg of carrots.

Kazakhstan closes trade mission in Russia during PM Mishustins visit

Fuel made from Russian oil is being funneled to New York by Indian refiners that are snapping up discounted crude : worldnews
Modi regime directs TV channels to broadcast so-called national interestcontent made daily
Indian police arrest over 2,000 men for illegal child marriages : worldnews
300 kids died due to cough syrups made in India: WHO : worldnews ... Anti-Freeze. They made kids drink anti-freeze.

Pakistans forex reserves with central bank drop to $3.09 bln
PTA bans Wikipedia in Pakistan over sacrilegious content

Mob boss asks Turkish opposition to have UAE let him air AKPs dirty laundrybefore elections
Turkeys Havas may stop services to Russian airlines U.S.-made planes
Russians in Turkey increasingly faced with residency permits rejections : worldnews ... According to official figures, Russians top the list of short-term residency holders in Turkey as of January 2022, with 133,495 Russian nationals on short-term permits.

Iranians Hold Overnight Rallies Against Child Murderer Regime
Widespread Arrests, Violence Reported In Iranian Kurdish Town (Iran) : worldnews
Iranian Protesters Burn Government Propaganda Banners : worldnews
Images of emaciated Iranian prisoner prompt outrage : worldnews

Israeli expats, Jewish communities around world protest against reforms : worldnews
Israeli expats, Jewish communities around world protest against reforms : worldnews
UN criticizes Israeli plan to ease gun ownership requirements after terror attacks : worldnews

Ukraine is getting new US weapons that can hit Russian forces almost 100 miles away, but it's still a no on missiles : worldnews
The US just announced its expected aid package for Ukraine for $2.2 billion
US To Give Money Seized From Russian Oligarch To Ukraine As Aid: Report : worldnews

Ukraine, Russia swap prisoners; bodies of British volunteers returned : worldnews
116 Ukrainian POWs, bodies of foreign volunteers, returned to Ukraine in prisoner swap with Russia : worldnews

2/ Ukrainian officials continue to include a possible Russian offensive in the southern direction within their forecast cone as of February 3.
Ukrainian tankers will start training on the Leopard 2 tank in Poland in a few days. This was emphasized by Mariusz Blaszczak during the joint press conference of the Ministers of Defense of Ukraine and Poland.
Ukraine war: US to provide long-range missiles in latest aid package : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 346, Part 1 (Thread #487) : worldnews

Russian losses per 04/02. (720)

Feb. 4 Numbers : UkraineWarVideoReport
I wanted to wait a bit longer but now it is safe to say. Just like around Vuhledar, after sustaining heavy casualties (Retweet) Russia has suspended all offensive operations in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Again, not a single inch of land Russians could take.
Official: Nearly 30,000 Russian soldiers in and around Mariupol. Petro Andriushchenko, an advisor to the mayor of Mariupol, reports that within the past week, the number of Russian soldiers around the city increased by 10,000-15,000.
BAKHMUT AXIS /1310 UTC 4 FEB/ RU forces continue offensive operations against Krasna Hora. UKR has maintained a disruptive lodgment near Klischiivka. UKR missiles, artillery and strike aviation targeted RU troop concentrations and HQ elements in heavy fighting.
KREMINNA AXIS /1245 UTC 4 FEB/ RU continues determined offensive efforts in the Kreminna Area of Operations (AO). During the period 3-4 FEB, RU forces resumed serial offensives & armed reconnaissance across the P-66 HWY. UKR artillery and air strikes hit RU troop
Despite huge losses, Russian troops continue the assault Ugledar. : ukraine

Do you remember this scumbag Russian mercenary who came on stage with the skull of a Ukrainian soldier and called for the killing of all Ukrainians?Someone shot him in the back of the head. Presumably 9 mm bullet. He is in critical condition : ukraine

Nice. Ukraines security service hacked a zoom-call between moscow and the quislings in Ukraine. And officially notified the latter that theyre charged with treason.
Ukraines security service hacked a zoom-call between moscow and the quislings in Ukraine. And officially notified the latter that they're charged with treason. And then let them listen to Ukraine anthem

Germany has evidence of war crimes in Ukraine in three-digitrange

Western sanctions push Russia's energy revenues to lowest since 2020 : worldnews
G7 Agree to Price Cap for Refined Russian Oil : worldnews
G7 and EU announce price cap on Russian diesel: The price cap on diesel follows on from a price cap on Russian crude oil. The measures are intended to make Russia's invasion of Ukraine unviable : worldnews

Prisoners beaten, suffocated and waterboarded in Polish prison, finds report : worldnews
Amazon charged with misleading customers by Polish consumer authority : worldnews

Norway to order 54 new army tanks from Germany : worldnews

Paris Olympics: UK to host summit in bid to ban Russia from games | World News : worldnews
These mad photos of z-athletes are not photoshopped. Imperialism is deeply rooted in all spheres of russian life. Terrorist state sportsmen should be banned from @Olympics - this is the only morally right decision. Neutrality means supporting the evil
Landmark Ruling in Strasbourg as MPs Challenge UK Government over Failure to Investigate Russian Interference in Brexit

Bolsonaro ponders election defeat, as crowd chants fraud
Brazil: Ally claims Bolsonaro plotted coup to block Lula presidency : worldnews

Canada Imposes Fresh Russia Sanctions, Moscow Vows Retaliation : worldnews
Putins war is based on lies and deception. Russian disinformation operations have enlisted celebrities and so-called news organizations to echo the Kremlin.
Canada summons Chinese ambassador over high-altitude surveillance balloon : worldnews

U.S. military downs Chinese balloon over Atlantic Ocean - The Washington Post
US downs Chinese balloon over ocean, moves to recover debris : worldnews
China said the U.S. shooting down a suspected spy balloon was a serious iolation of international practice, and threatened repercussions.
China balloon: Many questions about suspected spy in the sky | AP News
Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down Off Coast of the Carolinas: Live Updates - The New York Times The airborne surveillance device was first spotted earlier this week over the western United States, setting off a diplomatic crisis.
Another Chinese surveillance balloon is flying over Latin America, Pentagon says ... Sources also told CTV News U.S. intelligence knows of a total of at least four of these balloons from China sent to other countries, beyond the one currently over the U.S
China Spy Balloon N257TH White House News: February 4, 2023 - Bloomberg
Experts say theyre cheap, can carry a lot, and can hang out for a long time.
Shoot it? Snare it? Maneuver it back to China? US officials wring hands over options for spy balloon : politics

White House denies Joe Biden offered to give Ukrainian territory to Putin : politics (of course it was Trump)

As the counterintelligence chief in New York, Charles McGonigal had access to sensitive American secrets. His arrest has touched off a scramble to assess the damage.
Russia & the US Press The Article the CJR Didn't Publish - Duncan Campbell - 4 February 2023 - Two and a half years ago, the Columbia Journalism Review refused to publish Duncan Campbell's investigation into The Nation magazine and its apparent support for Vladimir Putin. It is published here in full - In 2020, after a full fact check, legal review and edit, the article was cancelled two days before the scheduled publication. In 2022, months after Putins full invasion of Ukraine, the CJR again refused to publish the article ... Katrina vanden Heuvel ... gestured to her husband, Stephen F. Cohen, then 77, a retired professor of Russian studies ... He also derided Democrats and American media organizations for demonization of Russian President Putin ... Cohen would go on to make the same argument in at least 160 Nation articles; more than a hundred talk radio show appearances; and on Russias state-owned international channel, Russia Today (RT) ,,, Cohen won praise from outlets such as Fox News and Breitbart ,,, making periodic appearances on Tucker Carlson Tonight ... Sounds like the Nation has a pee tape out there somewhere.

The man behind the Whitewater non-scandal strikes out again

Former NATO official: It is important for our American friends who watch Tucker Carlson to understand that Mr. Carlson is, in fact, exposing them to Marxist-Leninist propaganda that is *identical* to the anti-American propaganda of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

About a quarter of Americans (26%) say the U.S. is providing too much aid to Ukraine, while 31% say it is giving the right amount and 20% would like to see more. The share who say the U.S. is providing too much has grown 19 points since March 2022mostly attributable to Republicans.

Are you with me? Biden previews re-elect campaign at DNC
Biden sounds ready to seek 2nd term while rallying Democrats : politics
Four more years, Democratic loyalists embrace Biden 2024 plan : politics
Democrats, Seeing a Weaker Trump, Are Falling in Line Behind Biden : politics

Democrats Overhaul Party Primary Calendar, Upending a Political Tradition - The proposal radically reshapes the way the party picks its presidential nominees, putting more racially diverse states at the front of the line.

This man thinks he can be presidentMike Pence has decided hed rather finish 11th than 9th in the first Republican primary: (will run on getting rid of Social Security)

Forget Trump, Democrats Are Preparing Ways to Beat a DeSantis Campaign : politics
Trump Wont Commit to Backing the G.O.P. Nominee in 2024

Over half of the House GOP and nearly all Senate Republicans signed briefs urging the Supreme Court to block Biden's student-loan forgiveness : politics
Bidens student loan forgiveness plan heads to the Supreme Court. How that affects the payment pause

Republicans erase environmental justice from documents

Supreme Court justices used personal emails for work and burn bags were left open in hallways, sources say

Jordan subpoenas Garland, Wray over school board memo | The Hill - ordan has repeatedly claimed the memo is a way for the Biden administration to label parents as domestic terrorists, though the FBI never charged a single parent in connection with the directive

Judge demands answers after Jan. 6 defendant recants guilt - POLITICO (FAFO)
Some Jan. 6 participants strike different tone after apologizing in court for their actions | AP News

Jamie Raskin on why Trump charges are almost inevitable
Book review of People vs. Donald Trump by Mark Pomerantz - The Washington Post

Audio reveals Trump campaign bid to spread lie of stolen election : politics
Wisconsin GOP Knew They Lost In 2020, Quickly Pivoted To Lie, Recording Reveals : politics

Much-Touted Trump Era Fundraising Platform WinRed Lost Millions In Midterm Elections | HuffPost Latest News

Give Cherokee Nation a Seat in Congress: The tribe has renewed their push to get a delegate in the House of Representatives and the law is on their side. : politics

Republicans have a serious antisemitism problem. It isnt Ilhan Omar
Democrats decry hypocrisy after Republicans oust Ilhan Omar from House committee : politics

Dianne Feinsteins extremely awkward, very uncomfortable exit from the political stage ... The oldest member of Congress at 89,

John Fettermans picture-taking, buddy-making, convention-breaking first month on Capitol Hill

Marjorie Taylor Greene Complains About Her $174,000 Congressional Salary : politics

What made George Santos lie so much? Experts weigh in on his deception. : politics ... In one study, we found that low self-esteem was one of the strongest personality predictors of someones tendency to lie On the other hand, we conducted other research that suggested that having kind of a dark, manipulative personality also is associated with high levels of lying
New Yorkers Arent The Only Ones Who Really Dislike George Santos
George Santos Accused of Sexual Harassment by Former Volunteer : politics
George Santos may owe thousands for traffic violations in two states : politics

DeSantis Calls Special Session to Punish DisneysDon' Say Gay Opposition. The Republican governor who believes in less government regulation of private business is attacking a private business
As Ron DeSantis remakes education, many look to the long-term impact itll have on Florida
The African American Studies AP Debacle. How DeSantis and the College Board enable each other's corruption
Orlando venue Plaza Live threatened with loss of liquor license over hosting drag show last year : politics ...
Ron DeSantis Is Now Attacking the Orlando Philharmonic Because It Once Hosted a Drag Show: In an administrative complaint, the Florida governor accused the Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation of putting on a sexually explicit show
Florida athletes may soon be required to submit their menstrual history to schools : politics

The blue Midwest is where DeSantiss school crackdowns go to die

New poll shows Texans faith in democracy and public education is declining
Ken Paxton whistleblowers should force the case to trial : politics
Texas Republicans See Attacking Trans Kids As Political Win : politics

Louisianas over-incarceration is part of a deeply rooted pattern ... Louisianas prison system is slavery by another name. Plain and simple. Its the modern face of the American institution of slavery.

The war over Arizonas state budget is even more proof that our elections are broken

Teaching Reconstruction - I remain amazed that Teen Vogue is now a top place for first-rate stories, but it has been so for several years now. Lets hope it continues, especially when they are running stories on the poor state of teaching about Reconstruction in the school ... "Lost Cause" ... This false narrative was also upheld by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a group focused on ensuring that history textbooks and other reading materials painted the Confederacy and the forces of white supremacy during Reconstruction in a respectable and positive light.

TIL that nearly half of the murders in USA go unsolved and without punishment : todayilearned

19 minutesI dont know if this is criminal behavior, given their particular legal responsibilities, but morally they are fully part of a murder conspiracy: (EMT's stood around waiting for him to die)

Lindsay Clancys lawyer said she was on 13 different drugs for mood disorders, anxiety, and psychosis. Was she over medicated?

Sending Help Instead of the Police in Albuquerque

Commonly used police diversity training unlikely to change officersbehavior, study finds

The strange quasi-immortality of the 40-hour work week ... Keyness further predictions, however, proved to be completely wrong: He imagined that by 2030 people in what we would now call developed economies would be working an average of 15 hours a week, since it would obviously be insane for people to work the same hours in an economy that was eight times wealthier as they were working at the present time.
Opinion: Maryland is striking a blow at the absurd culture of over-work | CNN

Effective Altruism Has a Sexual Harassment Problem, Women Say | Time ... polycules ... (crypto-bro assholes)

ChatGPT may be coming for our jobs. Here are the 10 roles that AI is most likely to replace. : technology

The Meaning of African American Studies | The New Yorker The discipline emerged from Black struggle. Now the College Board wants it to be taught with barely any mention of Black Lives Matter. (replaced with "Black Conservatism)

The Miraculous Salman RushdieHis enchanting new novel is a triumph.

Whats objectively the best vocal performance in a live concert of all time?
(12) Live Aid- Queen- Full Set HQ - YouTube
Prince Performs Purple Rain During Downpour | Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show |
(12) Judy Collins & Pete Seeger - Turn! Turn! Turn! - YouTube
PETE SEEGERWhere Have All The Flowers Gone (Live in Sweden 1968)
(12) Aretha Franklin "Nessun Dorma" LIVE 1998 - YouTube
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock (Live In-Studio 1970)
(12) Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale, live in Denmark 2006 - YouTube undefined
(12) Eagles - Hotel California Live 1977 Full HD Video (HQ Audio) - YouTube
(12) Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah (Live In London) - YouTube
(12) Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009/10/29&30 - YouTube
(12) Heart - Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin - Kennedy Center Honors HD - YouTube
(12) Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin - YouTube
Sionead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U

(12) 'Ride of the Valkyries' | Apocalypse Now - YouTube

Someone needs to find the doctor, and also go after the insurance company for pulling her out of in patient. It is her crime, but others are also accountable. : massachusetts (and loaded her up with every drug they could think of)

The simple, one-page calendar that lasts all year - Big Think
Why More Physicists Are Starting to Think Space and Time Are Illusions - quantum entanglement suggests the fabric of the universe is more interconnected than we think. And it also suggests we have the wrong idea about reality ... Properly understood, entanglement implies that the universe is monistic as philosophers call it, that on the most fundamental level, everything in the universe is part of a single, unified whole ... All that exists is merged into a single "One." ... this eventually implies that there are no individual objects in the universe anymore; that everything is connected with everything else


New rules would limit sugar in school meals for first time : politics (big suger poisoning kids)

Jupiters moon count jumps to 92, most in solar system

Extremely rich people are not extremely smart. Study in Sweden finds income is related to intelligence up to about the 90th percentile in income. Above that level, differences in income are not related to cognitive ability. : science

Sheltered people raised by super religions/cults: what was something about the real world that shocked you when you learned about it? : AskReddit


An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here

Opinion | Why Are So Many Americans Dying Right Now? - The New York Times According to one tabulation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 300,000 additional Americans have died over the past three years whom we would not have expected to in more normal times.
What accounts for the excessexcess deaths in the USA over the past three years? ... This suggests strongly that somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 to 90 percent of the excess excess deaths in America over the past three years were simply Covid deaths that werent coded as such ... That in turn leads to the conclusion that the Covid death toll in American since February of 2020 is more on the order of 1.4 million, rather than the official 1.1 million tally.

Mass death of seals raises fears bird flu is jumping between mammals, threatening new pandemic : worldnews
Ecuador confirms first human bird flu infection in 9-year-old girl : news

Australia becomes first country to recognise psychedelics as medicines : worldnews (pot illegal)

Aide to Japans prime minister says he hates to see LGBT couples
Kishida cautious on gay marriage because it would change society

Samsung boss says he would not give a child under 11 a smartphone : worldnews

Even North Korea one of Putins last remaining allies is backing away fromhelping Russia with its disastrous war with Ukraine

The trial of 47 of Hong Kongs most prominent pro-democracy figures begins on Monday, in the largest prosecution under a national security law that has crushed dissent in the city

China confirms balloon is theirs, as spokesperson claims it is civilian research airship : worldnews
Pentagon says it is monitoring Chinese spy balloon spotted flying over US | US news | The Guardian Officials say balloon has been watched for a few days but decided not to shoot it down for safety reasons (path from china)

Putin Compares Russias Invasion Of Ukraine To War Against Nazi Germany
Soaring Russian Death Toll in Ukraine Gives Grim Insight Into the War - The New York Times Moscow is sending poorly trained recruits, including convicts, to the front lines in eastern Ukraine to pave the way for more seasoned fighters, U.S. and allied officials say ... Russia analysts say that the loss of life is unlikely to be a deterrent to Mr. Putins war aims. He has no political opposition at home and has framed the war as the kind of struggle the country faced in World War II, when more than 8 million Soviet troops died. U.S. officials have said that they believe that Mr. Putin can sustain hundreds of thousands of casualties in Ukraine, although higher numbers could cut into his political support.
I Couldnt Stay Silent: Anti-War Flower Protests Spread to 60 Cities Across Russia

Russian TV: Russia is a huge country, so even sending one million men to die in Ukraine won't matter much

Russias Oil And Gas Revenues Slump 46% Year-Over-Year

(1/5) The scale of Russian paramilitary Wagner Groups convict recruitment programme has probably significantly reduced from its peak between summer and autumn 2022.
(3/5) In contrast, FSIN data had indicated a decrease of 23,000 from September to November 2022. Wagner recruitment was likely a major contributing factor to this drop.
(5/5) Significant tensions between Wagner and the Russian Ministry of Defence are playing out in public; competition between factions in the Russian elite is likely to be partially responsible for the reduced supply of convicts.

Miss Russia says competitors at the Miss Universe pageant avoided and shunned her and alleged the competition was biased in favor of the Ukrainian and US contestants

Indian state of Assam begins crackdown on child marriage, 1800 arrested : worldnews ... women aged between 20 and 24 married before the legal age of 18 in the state was 31.8 per cent, compared to the national figure of 23.3 per cent.

Russian envoy says 1,890 Russian 'instructors' in Central African Republic (in rape and murder)

US says F-16 deal contingent on Turkeys support for NATO Expansion

Iranian nobel laureate Ebadi says Irans revolutionary process isirreversible

Israels judicial overhaul disconnects it from democracy, Macron warns

It was the second case when the IAEA was able to debunk allegations that illegal and very dangerous things are happening at these facilities, referring to the refutation of Russia's previous accusations against Ukraine of creating a "dirty bomb". 2/2
U.S. Destroyer Operating Near the Black Sea for First Time Since Russia Invaded Ukraine : worldnews

Malcontent News: Zelenskyy held a closed-door meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief with a subset of military, intelligence, and security leaders with no read-out provided on the topic. Every time this has happened, Ukraine has launched something big within 72 hours. : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 345, Part 1 (Thread #486) : worldnews

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 03.02.23

As of February 3, the Russian invaders continue trying to advance in the Bakhmut, Lyman, Avdiiv and Novopavliv directions. They are suffering very heavy losses in both manpower and equipment. General Staff Report information as of 18.00 February 03. : ukraine
The river that splits Bakhmut in two has become a key dividing line in the fighting. People living on the eastern bank, risk their life every day to get water, woods or reach one of the humanitarian centers for a hot meal, or some precious internet

The second destroyed Russian Arctic TOR M2DT anti-aircraft missile system during recent couple of days. According to the author, this one was destroyed today at 16.00-16.30, also in the Kherson region.

Mortuary in Bakhmut. Andrei looks at the body of the 14-year-old boy who was killed by a bomb the day before

Norway to take leading role in Ukraine support, reconstruction : worldnews
Norway to purchase 54 new generation Leopard 2 tanks : worldnews

Poland warns of disinformation campaigners smearing Ukrainian refugees : worldnews
40 countries could boycott 2024 - Polish minister : worldnews

New Czech Leader Urges No Limits On Aid To Ukraine
Tate rape allegations, text exchanges with women detailed in court document : news

Unbelievable gold deposits discovered in Bosnia

Germany to send 88 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine : worldnews

Italian mob suspect Edgardo Greco found working as pizza chef after 16 years on run : worldnews

Sexual abuse in the Portuguese Catholic Church reached epic proportions
Sexual abuse in the Portuguese Catholic Church reached 'epic proportions' | Euronews we have a clear perception that only about a third of situations are formally reported

Iran behind hack of French magazine Charlie Hebdo, Microsoft says : worldnews
Notre-Dame Cathedral to regain spire this year, reopen by end of 2024 : worldnews

UK army may run out of ammo in a single afternoon of war with Russia former British General Sir Richard Barrons
Gary Glitter freed from prison after serving half of sentence for abusing girls
Paedophile pop star Gary Glitter freed from prison - BBC News

Brazil police carry out raids over January 8 insurrection : worldnews
Bolsonaro attended meeting about plot to keep him in power, senator says : worldnews

Chile wildfires consume over 750 hectares threatening forests, farmland : worldnews

El Salvador opens 40,000-person prison as arrests soar in gang crackdown : worldnews

Canada Says Potential Second Incident Linked To Spy Balloon
Canada slaps new sanctions on Russia targeting disinformation actors
Canada withdraws proposed measures banning certain rifles, shotguns : worldnews

What is the suspected Chinese spy balloon flying over Montana? - The Washington Post
Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern U.S. : worldnews
China tells U.S. to remain cool-headed over suspected spy balloon
Blinken postpones China trip as suspected spy balloon detected over U.S. - The Washington Post Hours before the secretary of state was scheduled to depart for Beijing, the diplomatic visit was called off
Large Chinese reconnaissance balloon spotted over the US, officials say - ABC News
Chinese spy balloon has changed course and is now floating eastward at about 60,000 feet (18,300 meters) over the central US, demonstrating a capability to maneuver, the U.S. military said on Friday : worldnews
Chinas Spy Balloon Over Montana Is Part Of A Larger, More Troubling Pattern

US adds a surprisingly strong 517,000 jobs despite Fed hikes
Employers added 517,000 jobs in January, surprisingly strong growth in the labor market - The Washington Post January marked the 25th straight month of solid job growth, and the unemployment rate edged down to 3.4 percent
U.S. reports blowout job growth; unemployment rate lowest since 1969 : politics
Restaurants cant find workers because they ve found better jobs - Nearly 2 million hospitality and leisure jobs remain unfilled in what economists call a deep, profound shift in the labor market

Eschaton: Full Employment A bit busy with stuff at the momoment, but quick post: all the rhetoric from the Fed lately just confirms the point that what they object to is full employment, even though it's supposedly part of their legal mandate, because uppity workers make CEOs sad.
Eschaton: That's Some Crazy Conspiracy Theory There Atrios I actually am not happy to conclude that we have had decades of macroeconomists being completely full of shit, that their goal was never "stable prices (low and stable inflation) and full employment" but rather "stable prices and significantly less than full employment so that all productivity gains accrue to capital while maintaining a precarious labor force ripe for exploitation," but they've been pretty up front about it lately, so...

US reunites nearly 700 kids taken from parents under Trump : politics
It All Started at the Border and Thats Still Where It is Today - The Texas Rangers were a racist force of cops who engaged in mass murders of Mexicans that were and still are celebrated by the people of Texas

Sorry, not sorry: Some 1/6 rioters change tune after apology : politics

Why prosecutors might get Trump and not Biden for classified documents

Former Trump Executive, Already Jailed, Could Face More Fraud Charges. Manhattan prosecutors warned that they might charge Allen H. Weisselberg with insurance fraud to pressure him to cooperate in an investigation of the former president. : politics

Trump Thinks He Has Magic Words to End the War in Ukraine Immediately (says Biden make Putin invade)
Trump Is Still a Putin Stooge and a Traitor to His Country : politics
WATCH: Trump Defends Vladimir Putin as Being Forced to Invade Ukraine by Biden
Crying wont help you, praying wont do you no good

Trump Reminds Republicans Hes Willing to Ditch the GOP
Trump Claims DeSantis Cried in Front of Him While Seeking Endorsement : politics

Jim Jordan Showed on His First Day How Unfit He Is To Lead the Judiciary Committee : politics ... So the man that participated in the Trump-led attempted coup, and then refused to cooperate with the House Select Committee was appointed to lead the Judiciary Committee. What could go wrong?

GOP Rep. Who Spoke At Pro-Hitler Event Goes After Ilhan Omar Because Of Anti-Semitism (Nazi Gosar)

Texts from Hunter Biden to a former employee obtained by the Daily Mail show that in 2019 the president's son threatened to withhold back pay from a legal assistant unless she had sex with him on FaceTime

Republicans rally around conservatives who lost their elections - The Washington Post The GOP base lionizes some defeated candidates as wronged warriors and avatars of legitimate grievances

AOC to GOP: Don't tell me youre condemning anti-Semitism when a Republicanwho has talked about Jewish space lasersgets a plum ommittee assignment
Marjorie Taylor Greene insists she knows nothing about Jewish space lasers after blistering AOC speech

Leaked Audio And Staff Dispute Show Chaos Inside George Santos Office
George Santos says he lied to everyone in leaked audio

Greg Abbott insists there is "plenty of power" as 400,000 suffer outage : politics

The State Where the GOP Would Rather Lose Than Change : politics

At any age: Donald Trump pushes the GOP towards targeting transgender adults

Disrespectful and Even Abusive: Kyrsten Sinema Hit With Ethics Complaint (cuntster)

Woman presumed dead was found gasping for air in body bag at Iowa funeral home : news

2 in custody after 6 relatives, including baby, gunned down in targeted massacreThis family was targeted by cold-blooded killers,

Americas Trumpiest court says domestic abusers have a right to own a gun, in United States v. Rahimi
5th Circuit Rules That People Accused of Domestic Violence Have a Right to Keep Their Guns : politics
5CA: Men have the inalienable right to use their weapon of choice to commit violence against domestic partners

Republican bill would rename a portion of Nashvilles Rep. John Lewis Way after Donald Trump

Why On Earth Are Some MAGA Republicans Wearing AR-15 Pins? : politics
Keyan Reid comments on Red State vs Blue State problems
Confidence in police practices drops to a new low: POLL - ABC News Just 39% are confident that the police are trained to avoid excessive force.

Mod succinctly explains why the extreme-right relentlessly attacks drag queens. : bestof
15 years in jail

LAPD Backtracks on Claims it Prevented Hollywood Mass Shooting

Alex Jones described himself as living in hell, being part ofa sick joke, and sinking down into a black hole in previously private text messages given to Hatewatch

The Meeting House: Inside a Megachurch Scandal | The Walrus It was massively popular. It billed itself as a new kind of church. Then sexual abuse and misconduct allegations surfaced against its leaders

Montessori: The worlds most influential school? - Tech geniuses, nation builders and famous artists have praised the benefits of a Montessori educationbut does it hold up to scientific scrutiny?

ChatGPTs creators cant figure out why it wont talk about Trump

Harvard winding down misinformation expert Joan Donovans research over school policy ... Gibbs said in the e-mail to staff that Harvard Kennedy School dean Doug Elmendorf told Donovan last summer that the Technology and Social Change Project would need to wind down by June 2024, since research at the school must be led by a faculty member

40 years later, Tylenol murder investigators order new DNA tests on key evidence - CBS Detroit

Study uncovers a "particularly alarming" link between men's feelings of personal deprivation and hostile sexism : science

A white mob, consisting of thousands of people, many of whom are hoping to participate in or witness a lynching, stands outside the courthouse as a black man stands trial for murdering a white girl. At least one person in the crowd was seen carrying a rope, Kentucky, 1920

TIL that following the Black Death in England, peasants were able to negotiate better wages due to labour shortages. In response Parliament passed the Statute of Labourers 1351 which prohibited the soliciting of wages above pre-plague levels. This contributed to the English Peasant's Revolt of 1381. : todayilearned

Study Finds Medical Cannabis Improves Anxiety, Pain, Tiredness and Overall Well-Being Over a 12-Month Period : science

Taking sleeping pills can increase the risk of dementia by almost 80%. Race Differences in the Association Between Sleep Medication Use and Risk of Dementia : science

Scientists made a new kind of ice that might exist on distant moons : science

Four volcanic eruptions between 168 and 158 BC caused a dramatic decrease in the Nile River's annual flooding, which was crucial to the eras farmers. The changes probably contributed to social unrest during Egypts Ptolemaic dynasty

Prevalence of disabilities among American adults aged 65 and older is much lower than it was for the same age group a decade earlier : science

What is something society considers to be bad but really isnt?


New England braces for epic, generational arctic outbreak

Scientists have split natural seawater into oxygen and hydrogen with nearly 100 per cent efficiency, to produce green hydrogen by electrolysis, using a non-precious and cheap catalyst in a commercial electrolyser : science

White House blasts Exxon over historical $56 bln annual profit : politics
As Exxon Touted Record Profits, House GOP Used First Energy Hearing to Parrot Big Oil Lies : politics
Shell reports highest profits in 115 years : worldnews
Nearly 14,000 Nigerians take Shell to court over devastating impact of pollution : worldnews
The gas industry is under fire. Its hiring Democratic politicians to help. Gas companies have enlisted prominent Democrats to convince liberal voters that the fuel is climate-friendly, documents show

Big Return to Coal in Europe Killed Off by Record Renewable Energy - For the first time ever, wind and solar generated more electricity in the European Union than any other source - preventing a feared return to coal as the continent battled an energy crisis. : worldnews

5,160 confirmed cases and 112 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Bird flu keeps spreading beyond birds. Scientists worry it signals a growing threat to humans, too : worldnews

North Korea says U.S. drills have pushed situation to extreme red-line : worldnews

Taiwan activates defenses in response to China incursions : worldnews

Russian army officer admits: Our troops tortured Ukrainians
Russian army officer: Our troops tortured Ukrainians - BBC News : worldnews
Russias Wagner Soldiers Very Likely On Drugs Before Attack, Climb Over Friends Corpses: Report
Fighting Wagner is like a zombie movie says Ukrainian soldier

Moscow warns Israel that supplying Ukraine with arms will 'escalate' conflict

Hacker Group Releases 128GB Of Data Showing RussiasWide-Ranging Illegal Surveillance Of Citizens

Georgia Wants Russia To Leave Their Lands As Part Of Peace Agreement With Ukraine : worldnews

India plans $4.3 billion investment in clean energy in next fiscal year. : worldnews

Rate of executions in Saudi Arabia almost doubles under Mohammed bin Salman : worldnews

France seizes Iran assault rifles, missiles heading to Houthi rebels in Yemen : worldnews

Israel targeting Iranian arms flow to Ukraine, Netanyahu tells CNN : worldnews

BREAKING Ukraines Defense Ministry says Russia amasses 500,000 troops for a new wide offensive in the east and south on the war anniversary
Council of EU backs further military support of Ukraine ahead of EU-Ukraine summit.
The tenth package of EU sanctions against russia will be adopted before the anniversary of russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine
Ukraine warns a new Russian offensive is imminent as troops amass on the border : worldnews
Ukraine is fighting Western war fatigue, Ukraines deputy foreign minister Andrij Melnyk says: We need everything that our partners can deliver. Were not doing this for amusement.
Ukraine on mission to ban Russia from Paris Olympics : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 344, Part 1 (Thread #485) : worldnews

Police: Over 5,000 civilians still in Bakhmut. At least 5,990 civilians, including 200 children, are still living in the front-line city of Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast, local law enforcement reported.

The Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church that in May claimed to sever ties with its mother church is in fact still subjugated to the Russian Church, an expert committee has found. UOC MP claimed it is now independent, but Statute doesnt reflect that

Finnish, Swedish PMs pledge that nations will join Nato together. : worldnews
Finland passes new trans rights laws on gender recognition : worldnews

Police ban planned Quran burning protest in Norway : worldnews

How Rod Dreher Caused an International Scandal in Eastern Europe - The Bulwark Blogging and backtracking ... After relocating to Hungary only a short while ago, Rod Dreher is already acquiring the methods of his idol, Viktor Orban, and managed to cause a diplomatic scandal between Hungary and one of its neighbors. Just imagine what hell get up to after hes been around even longer. (refucks love their dicktofucks)

Belgian Stalinist revealed as Russian fake news tsar in Africa : worldnews

Austria expels four Russian diplomats : worldnews
Christo Grozev is being forced to relocate from Austria, his home of nearly 20 years, due to the alleged threat posed to him by the Russian security services. (Bellingcat)

Spain will also deliver about 20 M113 APCs to Ukraine, which will depart next Monday from the port of Bilbao, and which will be added to the shipment of another 20 armored caterpillar vehicles that were donated to the Ukrainian army last month, reports El Mundo.

Strike in U.K. sees up to half a million workers walk off jobs in biggest industrial action in over a decade : worldnews

The Brazilian military launched an operation Wednesday to crack down on illegal gold miners accused of invading the massive Yanomami Indigenous reservation and spreading disease, violating human rights and destroying the environment : worldnews
Brazilian Navy says it will sink ghost aircraft carrier at highsea
Right-Wing Evangelicalism, US and Brazil

Jamaica willing to take part in military intervention in Haiti, PM says : worldnews

Mexico zoo chief accused of ordering pygmy goats to be killed and cooked for party : worldnews

Chinese spy balloon flying over U.S. right now, Pentagon says
Chinese Spy Balloon Over The US
Im not sure people realize how big of a deal this is. High-altitude balloons might not be as sexy as autonomous weapons or hypersonics but I think they have the potential to be just as revolutionary for warfare, if not more so
(1) Danyelle on Twitter: "@LeeHudson_ Alleged altitude according to flight tracker" / Twitter
I suspect the #USAF are flying their own spy drones over China on the regular, without the publics knowledge, in full view of the Chinese military, and theyre terrified the Chinese will start shooting them out of the sky if they shoot down the balloon.
Interesting. For the large panels, solar array? They do look very vaguely sun-angled here - Either that, or some sort of flat panel antenna, which is something you see for synthetic aperature radar. NOt sure if you'd use that form for SIGINT (honestly no idea either way)

Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Announced > U.S. Department of Defense > Release

In first GOP-led hearing about the border, witnesses paint sharply different pictures : politics

It's Going to Be a Circus: The GOPs House Oversight Takeover Has Democrats Bracing for Partisan Warfare
House GOP votes to oust Democrat Omar from major committee | AP News
Eric Swalwell slams House GOP for moving against Ilhan Omar after supporting the openly anti-semitic Kanye West : politics
AOC, Ilhan Omar Call Out Republican Racism in Fiery Speeches : politics
Congress is off to a spectacularly slow start, and members fear it wont get better

U.S. awarding $800 million to improve roads, cut traffic deaths : politics

John Roberts' wife allegations spark call for Supreme Court scrutiny

Boris Johnson chastises Republicans for their fear of Tucker Carlson

Cohen says DA took phones for renewed Trump hush-money probe : politics

Trump denounced for amplifying call to supporters to get locked and loaded to fight for him: 'Sick'

Why Republicans Dont Like Democracy ... Turns out people dont like upper-class tax cuts, and they really dont like taking health insurance away from tens of millions of people to pay for upper-class tax cuts, which is a problem for Republicans since thats all they have to offer in terms of domestic policy

Hunter Biden asks for criminal probe into Trump allies for 'theft' of data from laptop : politics
Hunter Biden demands investigations and retractions, opening new front against GOP foes : politics
Laptop email suggests Hunter Biden read newspapers, not classified documents - The Washington Post

The Cold Calculus Behind the Shrinking GOP Presidential Field : politics

House Members Waste Our Time and Money To Pass Bill Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism

The overturn of Roe cost the GOP. So why are Republicans now doubling down on abortion bans? Misogyny is what turns out their base : politics
West Virginia clinic, doctor sue over states new abortion ban
GOP attorneys general warn CVS, Walgreens against mailing abortion pill in their states : politics
A Trump-appointed Texas judge could force a major abortion pill off the market : politics

Pelosi to back Schiff for California Senate seat if Feinstein doesnt run

George Santos dated teenagers & catfished on apps as a man who spurned him | He reportedly dated a high school student when he was 26 years old. : politics

Arizona's Secretary Of State Says Kari Lakes Tweet Broke State Law

The Little DeSantises of North Carolina

Ohio officials condemn Nazi homeschooling group that has thousands of members : politics

New Jersey councilwoman shot and killed in possible targeted attack outside her home : news

Brown-Brown AllianceLook whos getting a full hour of fawning attention on Glenn Greenwalds ThielTube video blog:

Armie Hammer Was Suicidal After Allegations, Sexually Abused by Pastor - Variety ... The actor, who was accused of having cannibalistic fetishes, now says that his interest in BDSM originates from being sexually abused by his youth pastor when he was 13 years old.

Opinion | Florida demands revisions of other woke AP classes - The Washington Post (math is "woke")
Take your kid to watch Mulan and wind up in prison? What will lawmakers think of next?

OPM hires senior executive despite sexual harassment investigation in previous job - The Washington Post The Office of Personnel Management hired a senior official in October who was found by a Louisiana state agency in an internal investigation to have sexually harassed two women in a previous job

ChatGPT and me
This took a dark turn (Joyce and Borges)

Columbia Journalism Reviews Big Fail: It Published 24,000 Words on Russiagate and Missed the Point

Harvard Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Forced to Leave by Kennedy School Dean, Sources Say | News | The Harvard Crimson Harvard Kennedy School Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf is forcing out online misinformation expert Joan M. Donovan from her role at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy and ending her research project, according to three HKS staff members with knowledge of the situation ... In recent weeks, Elmendorf has been the subject of controversy.

FTX execs spent thousands on Utah elections. These GOP politicians and Democrats returned the cash. Sens. Mitt Romney, Mike Lee, and the Utah Democratic Party refunded thousands of dollars in donations from FTX executives Samuel Bankman-Fried and Ryan Salame. : politics

Eschaton: Let's Not Erase The Villains I appreciate Annie Lowrey making the point that there are actual sympathetic victims of FTX/crypto scams generally, but she studiously leaves out a major culprit in the burnishing of the reputations of SBF/FTX - prominent members of the press. Not too much of a stretch to suggest this is because members of her wider social/professional circle are implicated.

/u/ButGravityAlwaysWins explains how woke has come to simply mean whatever has challenged the speakers worldview and upset them.

US man cleaning out late grandmothers apartment shot dead by police

TIL on 2009 Stephen Hawking held a party open to all, but only publicized the party after it was over so that only time-travellers would know to attend; as expected, nobody showed up to the party. : todayilearned


New Research Shows 1.5-Degree Goal Not Plausible: Decarbonization Progressing Too Slowly, Best Hope Lies in Ability of Society to Make Fundamental Changes : science

Underwater volcano in Vanuatu erupts - NZ Herald : worldnews

Mad cow disease found on a farm in the Netherlands : worldnews

Missing radioactive capsule found in WA outback during frantic search : worldnews

Monster from the sky: two years on from coup, Myanmar junta increases airstrikes on civilians
Rights groups say Myanmar military has turned to Russia and China for planes to commit frequent air strikes : worldnews

Japan will allocate 170 million dollars for the restoration of Ukraine, in particular, critical infrastructure.
Kishida pledges to strengthen Japans ties with NATO on defense

South Korea National pension anticipated to be fully drained in 2055 : worldnews

Cannabis compound CBD now banned in Hong Kong - 7-year jail term for possession to match meth, cocaine : worldnews

Long-Range Weapons for Ukraine Will Not Deter Russia: Kremlin : UkrainianConflict
Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin? Inside the rise of a key figure in Putins Ukraine war
Putin's Plot Against America - There is a growing fear in Washington that Russia will resort to hybrid tactics to inflict pain on Western powers in ways that it can no longer achieve through conventional warfare alone. (readerview)

US continues to deny use of psychics in conflict against Russia. : worldnews

Wagner Commander Who Fled Russia Details Summary Executions : worldnews

Pakistan: 49 children drown in boat accident : worldnews

Hands off Africa, Pope Francis tells rich world

Turkey approves of Finland's NATO bid but not Swedens Erdogan, says We will not say 'yes' to their NATO application as long as they allow burning of the Koran (by Russian agents)

Report finds worrying rise in suicide rates in northwestern Syria: Years of war and forced displacement have affected the mental health of the residents of this impoverished region, with women and girls most at risk

Human rights crisis in Iran as Islamic regime executes 55 protesters : worldnews
Iran blames foreign trained Kurdish groups for Isfahan drone attack. : worldnews
Iranian Protesters Defy Crackdown In Flashpoint City Of Sanandaj : worldnews

Lebanon to devalue currency by 90% on Feb. 1, central bank chief says : worldnews

Netanyahu says dont get hung up on peace with Palestinians first
Israel considering sending Iron Dome air defense system to Ukraine - Netanyahu : UkrainianConflict
Ancient and tourist city of Jericho under tight Israeli army siege for the fifth consecutive day : worldnews

Ukraine to receive 120-140 tanks in first wave of deliveries - minister : worldnews
US sees no signs of misuse of American funds in Ukraine : worldnews
U.S. readies $2 billion-plus Ukraine aid package with longer-range weapons -sources : worldnews
Ukraine calls Olympic Committee promoter of war

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 343, Part 1 (Thread #484) : worldnews

Feb. 1 Numbers : UkraineWarVideoReport
Ukraine killed 920 Russians yesterday : UkrainianConflict

If Russia did not sabotage Nord Stream, who did? : anime_titties

Law enforcement agents have searched the homes of billionaire tycoon Ihor Kolomoyskiy and ex-Interior Minister Arsen Avakov in an alleged embezzlement case worth over $1 billion.
Head of Kyiv tax authority accused of multimillion-dollar fraud | Ukraine : news

Zaluzhny told how many enemy targets the radio engineering troops had discovered since the beginning of the war. : UkrainianConflict 240,000 enemy targets and saved hundreds of thousands of human lives.
Ukraine sinks five Russian boats carrying recon and sabotage teams : worldnews
(2/4) On 29 January 2023, local authorities reported another three civilians killed in Kherson, while two foreign-owned ships moored on the river were damaged, causing an oil spill.
(4/4) However, commanders are likely partially aiming to degrade civilian morale and to deter any Ukrainian counter-attacks across the Dnipro River.

Ukraine doctors refuse to treat sick Russian mercenaries : worldnews

Ukraine: Russia sending civilians through landmine fields to find safe routes : worldnews
Russian missile hits Ukrainian synagogue, Chief Rabbi condemns attack : worldnews ... Next: Russian TV explaining how synagogues are where Nazis usually hide.

Eurozone inflation continues to fall, little consumer relief | Inflation in January dropped to 8.5%, down from 9.2% in December among countries using the euro. : worldnews

Russias ally Hungary is recognized as the most corrupt country in the EU
Hungary took a very active part in the large-scale Russian psyop, aimed at undermining EU stability

Bulgaria recognises Holodomor of 1932-1933 as genocide of Ukrainian people.

Poland to spend 4% of GDP on defence this year, highest current level in NATO : worldnews
Boy shoots 11-year-old sister with WW2 rifle he found in Polish forest : worldnews

Petr Pavel: Ukraine deserves to join Nato, says new Czech leader : worldnews

Andrew Tate: Court upholds decision to extend controversial influencers 30-day detention after appeal dismissed

The Netherlands and Germany are merging their armys into one united army.

OLFIs sources say that Denmark is planing to send a large number of retired Leopard 1A5s to Ukraine. FFG where they are stored can refurbish 20 within 3 months. 99 retired Leopard 1A5s are currently in storage there.
Denmark to grant asylum to all women and girls from Afghanistan : worldnews

The German BND espionage affair is expanding as a result of Arthur E.s arrest: According to SPIEGEL, he has confirmed secret meetings in Moscow to investigators. And: The glamorous businessman incriminates other BND men.
German top court: Surveillence law partly unconstitutional | Parts of a law expanding authoritiesability to conduct surveillance operations were ruled unconstitutional by Germanys highest court. The case is seen as a bellwether for the fate of similar laws in other states.

Court in Italy rules in favour of children who do not want to see grandparents : worldnews

Huge crowds march across France, raising pressure against Macron's pension reform : worldnews
Not just about pensions: French protesters see threat to social justice in Macrons reform

500,000 Britons go on strike, the largest strike in the UK in 12 years : worldnews
Worlds only Vagina Museum closes its doors in East London and seeks new home

Brazils Lula stops short of condemning Russian invasion during Scholz visit
Brazil Wants to Abandon a 34,000-Ton Ship at Sea. It Would be an Environmental Disaster : worldnews

Mexican military ordered to turn over documents regarding Pegasus spying software : worldnews

Illegal border crossings fell sharply in January, U.S. figures show - The Washington Post

US still has the worst, most expensive health care of any high-income country : politics
End the scam: Democrats unveil bill to change name of Medicare Advantage

Republicans arent going to tell Americans the real cause of our $31.4tn debt (who are too stupid to figure it out themselves)
So You Wanna Reduce the Debt? Tax the Wealthy Like We Used To : politics

Biden and McCarthy meet as White House aides envision a debt ceiling off-ramp - POLITICO

FBI finds no classified documents at Bidens Delaware vacation home
No classified documents found in FBI search of Bidens beach house

Bias and Human Error Played Parts in F.B.I.s Jan. 6 Failure, Documents Suggestand a misguided belief that the threat from the far left was as great as that from the far right, new congressional documents show.
Top Jan. 6 investigator says FBI, other agencies could have stopped Capitol mob had they acted on intel already collected : politics

Trumps Financial Situation Is Even Shakier Than We Knew
Trumps Financial Situation Is Even Shakier Than We Knew

Fireworks in House after Democrat says insurrectionists should be banned from leading Pledge of Allegiance

The founding fathers on religion: Lets get this right once andfor all!

4th resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election : politics

George Santos Relative Says They Never Gave $5,800 Reported by the Campaign: ImDumbfoundedThe trail of questionable donations continues to grow.
George Santoss Treasurer Has Resigned, Leaving a Trail of Questions

College Board Names Ron DeSantis Its Arbiter of Acceptable Content
The College Board Strips Down Its A.P. Curriculum for African American Studies : politics ... And it added something new: "Black conservatism" is now offered as an idea for a research project.
Eschaton: Why Do Florida Kids Need Books, Michael? It isn't mysterious why there's great OUTRAGE that a few kids at Oberlin might point out that a racist speaker is racist, BECAUSE THAT'S CENSORSHIP, and basically zero commentary from the Free Speech Warriors about how kids in Florida no longer have access to books.
DeSantiss hired goons complete takeover of once legitimate university

Eschaton: Our Greatest Humanitarians Related to this is how all the warmongers claimed they were the great humanitarians for wanting to bomb the shit out of brown people, and anti-war people were racists who didn't think Iraqis deserved democracy. It's just a game. They are just bad people who think you are a sucker for not being one.
Eschaton: The Rich Are Poor, And The Poor Are Rich Greedy teachers make too much money, but people earning $400,000 are struggling. There's never any need to reconcile these views - the poor and genuine middle class have it too good, the rich are impoverished - because some people are deserving and some people aren't and if that isn't obvious to you then you're stupid.

Hard Out There for the Union Busting Scumbags

Eschaton: SBF I have some weird pet issues, like everyone, but SBF fits right in with my normal set of issues -- Sam Bankman-Fried can be understood as one of the chief financiers of reactionary centrism ... found more evidence SBF was collaborating with AIPAC and Trump-supporting billionaires to stop the growth of the squad and the electoral left ... SBF wasnt primarily funding groups that help Democrats defeat Republicans. According to FEC data, over 75% of the money SBF contributed to Democrats in 2022 went to groups that spent nearly all their money on competitive primaries in the Democratic Party ... Bernard Marcus (owner of Home Depot), Robert Kraft (owner of the Patriots), and Paul Singer (owner of Elliot Investment Management)

Dangerous Fungi Are Spreading Across U.S. as Temperatures Rise : news

Vitamin D3 Supplementation at 5000 IU Daily for the Prevention of Influenza-like Illness in Healthcare Workers: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial : science

ELI5: What is e (2.718) and why does it literally appear everywhere?

Justice Department arrests journalist on child pornography charges | Semafor Justice Department arrests former ABC News journalist on child pornography chargesJames Gordon Meek, a former foreign correspondent for ABC News, with the alleged transportation of images depicting the sexual abuse of children.

Federal judge blocks New Jersey law that allows state to sue gun industry - POLITICO

California police kill double amputee who was fleeing: Scared for his life - A southern California police department is facing national backlash after footage revealed that officers fatally shot a double amputee and wheelchair user who appeared to be hobbling away on the ground before he was killed.
California police kill double amputee who was fleeing: Scared for his life

First police report in Tyre Nichols case does not match video of deadly beating : news

Man who was fatally shot after firing rifle in Nebraska Target had 13 loaded magazines, police say : news

Florida man arrested for allegedly pulling out a gun because his Wingstop order wasnt ready

ChatGPTs creator releases tool for detecting AI text, and it stinks

Have you ever listened to a person talk for less than a minute and known you werent going to get along with that person? What did they say?

Conversing with a friend just once during the day to catch up, joke around or tell them youre thinking of them can increase your happiness and lower your stress level by days end
TIL That in 2004, a 25 year old virginal Japanese woman had surgery to remove a mature fetiform teratoma (a tumor that formed a doll-like structure) that contained brain, eye, spinal nerve, ear, teeth, thyroid gland, bone, bone marrow, gut, trachea, and blood vessel tissue

TIL: In 1962, a 10 year old found a radioactive capsule and took it home in his pocket and left it in a kitchen cabinet. He died 38 days later, his pregnant mom died 3 months after that, then his 2 year old sister a month later. The father survived, and only then did authorities found out why. : todayilearned

With the absurd amount of free porn on the internet why would someone pay for OnlyFans? : AskReddit

Women, how does it make you feel when a close guy friend admits he has feelings for you? : AskReddit

What scams were attempted on you, but they failed? : AskReddit

How the Supreme Court ruling on Section 230 could end Reddit as we know it : technology


Major milestone for EU energy: Wind and solar produced more electricity than gas in 2022 : worldnews

High levels of forever chemical found in endangered orcas in Canada

President Biden to end COVID-19 emergencies on May 11 | AP News

World dangerously unprepared for next pandemic, Red Cross warns

Australia and France announce joint plan to supply Ukraine with artillery shells : worldnews
Shut this story down: Government released Robodebt victims personal details to deter them from speaking out ... "leftwing media" is a big problem, conservafuckers say)

Japans monthly COVID-19 deaths surpass 10,000 for 1st time ... Japan is starting to match the US daily covid deaths, with only 1/2 the population.

NATO chief: North Korea provides Russia with missiles : worldnews

China fumes at new Czech President over Taiwan : worldnews
2/ China has stepped in to support Russias access to chips.
4/ China is now the largest exporter to Russia, taking over other trade partners.

Putin has paved the way for Ukrainian membership in NATO - By Boris Johnson - Well, we tried creative ambiguity, and see where it got us. For decades, we have used diplomatic doublespeak on the subject of NATO and Ukraine and it has ended in total disaster.

US says Russia has violated nuclear arms treaty by blocking inspections : worldnews (great thread on theme origins)

Opinion | Russian Mercenaries Are Destabilizing Africa - The New York Times

Nearly a year on from the supposed Russian exodus, most major companies have yet to withdraw : worldnews

Kremlin disinformation messaging around the invasion of Ukraine is getting more and more surreal. Now multiple accounts are trying to question the reality of the war itself
Meanwhile on Russian state TV: Dmitry Medvedev read excerpts of Tyutchevs letter to promote the notion that Russias conquests and violence were the most natural and legitimate thing that has ever been done in history and that Poland had to die
Medvedev reads a letter that was written in 1844 by a guy that married a German countess, then a German baronessand says it applies exactly to whats happening in 2023. Sure okay
(1) Julia Davis on Twitter: "Meanwhile on Russian TV: State Duma member Andrey Gurulyov, former deputy commander of Russia's southern military district, argues that striking America with nuclear weapons is the only way forward, because Russia brings peace and calm everywhere it goes." / Twitter

Migrant workers cannot leave Russia as Vladimir Putin wants them to fight in Ukraine : worldnews
US warns Africa about Wagner Group amid recruitment of prisoners to fight in Ukraine : worldnews

Suicide bomber kills 44, wounds over 150 at Pakistan mosque : worldnews

Facing Drone Strikes, Iran Warns Any U.S. Military Action Means War : worldnews
Islamic Republic Of Iran To Criminalize Comments On Social Networks : worldnews (Islamic Republic of Muzfuckers)
Iranian couple filmed dancing in Tehran are jailed for 10 years : worldnews

How to Get a Breakthrough in Ukraine: The Case Against Incrementalism - By Michael McFaul
Ukraines Zelenskyy says Russias big revenge has begun
Western, Ukrainian, and Russian sources continue to indicate that #Russia is preparing for an imminent offensive, supporting ISWs assessment that an offensive in the coming months is the most likely course of action.
Currently, approximately 326,000 Russian soldiers are fighting in Ukraine says head of intelligence Budanov in The Washington Post
UK government rules out sending fighter jets to Ukraine. The U.K. Prime Ministers spokesman said on Jan. 31 that it is not practical to send British fighter jets to Ukraine as they are extremely sophisticated and take months to learn how to fly,

Ukraine will receive from 120 to 140 Western tanks in the first wave of aid, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba.
Foreign Ministry: 120-140 Western tanks to be delivered. : ukraine
M2A2 ODS-SA - Ukraine to receive one of the most advanced versions of Bradley : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 342, Part 1 (Thread #483) : worldnews

Ukraine has risen in Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index rating.

Inside the battle for Bakhmut, where Ukraines tech-savvy troops say Russia treats men like meat
Wagner continue to take heavy losses in frontal assaults around Bakhmut inflicted by Ukrainian units. So much so that now normal Russian army units replenish the numbers and lead assaults in some directions of the frontline
A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.

Seven big explosions just occured near Mariupol between the towns Vynohradne and Pionerske east of the city. Mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko reported. Russian air defense is reportedly active.

the deliveries also pose new logistical headaches for the Ukrainian military and its Western backers, as Ukraine prepares to receive a hodgepodge of varied NATO hand-me-downs that all have different training, spare parts, and maintenance demands

Austria and Hungary agree not to supply weapons to Ukraine : ukraine
Simply disgraceful. They are on the wrong side of history
(1) Matt Gunson on Twitter: "@RJukneviciene @natsechobbyist This Austria?" / Twitter

Polish health minister appalledgirl, 14, struggled to get abortion after rape | Poland (by her uncle)

Starting today, you can legally smoke weed in Basel : worldnews

The Great British Walkout: Rishi Sunak braces for biggest UK strike in 12 years : worldnews
Brexit Is Costing the UK 100 Billion a Year in Lost Output (Tory-fucked)
Sunak under fire for silence on costs of Brexit to UK three years after leaving EU : worldnews
UK economy only G7 nation to shrink in 2023 - IMF : worldnews

Brazilian President Lula da Silva moves to protect indigenous Yanomani amid hunger deaths : worldnews
Brazil: Lula da Silvas Labor Minister says iFood and Uber are slave jobs

Canadian universities have been conducting joint research with Chinese military scientists for years : worldnews
Canada province experiments with decriminalising hard drugs : worldnews
Vancouver Embarks on Bold Experiment to Decriminalize Hard Drugs : worldnews

Global report highlights link between corruption, violence | AP News
IMF Upgrades Global Economic Outlook as Inflation Eases - The New York Times
Prospects for the global economy are improving, as worst fears fade - The Washington Post

DHS chief: Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti and Nicaragua border arrivals fell nearly 90% : politics

Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Birchum Caught With Top Secret Docs at Home Retired Lt. Col. Robert Birchum had materials that could potentially cause exceptionally grave damage to national security, federal investigators allege.
Justice Dept. Drops Investigation of Retired U.S. General - The New York Times John R. Allen, a retired four-star Marine general who was the president of the Brookings Institution, had been accused of secretly lobbying for the government of Qatar.

Pelosis attacker is proud of himself. The GOP emboldened him: Of course, the Pelosi suspect feels supported the GOP is the party of political violence now

Sanders calls for minimum wage to be raised to at least $17 an hour: Because of inflation, fighting for a $15 an hour minimum wage is no longer enough, Sanders said. : politics

RNC Directs Party To Go on Offense on Abortion, Supports 6-Week Bans
Biden administration mulls public health emergency declaration on abortion : politics

Republicans Are Desperate to Cut Spending. They Cant Agree on What.

Awful new details about the Durham probe demand a serious response
Trumps Justice Department Goons Oversaw an Actual Witch Hunt While He Screamed About One

DOJ tells House Judiciary chair it will not hand over most Biden special counsel probe documents until investigation complete : politics (refucks trying to fuck things up)
The media is blowing Bidens documents 'scandal' out of proportion - Margaret Sullivan - The news media has greeted the supposed scandal of Bidens mishandling of classified documents with breathless glee

Manhattan Prosecutors Begin Presenting Trump Case to Grand Jury - The New York Times The Manhattan district attorneys decision represents a dramatic escalation of the inquiry, and potentially sets the case on a path toward criminal charges against the former president.
Video of Trump deposition in New York fraud probe shows former president taking the Fifth, repeating "same answer" : politics
Trump pleads the fifth more than 400 times in fraud deposition, video shows : politics

Trump in Even More Legal Hot Water After Lying to Judge : politics

Fani Willis is going to indict Trump soon. Heres what that looks like:
Trump investigations: Georgia prosecutor ups anticipation : politics

Trump slams U.S. military, says armed forces cant fight or win

Trump Sues Journalist Bob Woodward for Releasing Interview Recordings - Suit seeks $49 million in damages, alleges copyright violation = Trump has a track record of suing reporters and news outlets
Donald Trumps latest lawsuit could cost him dearly

Trump revamps his fundraising after struggling to raise cash

Michael Luttig helped stop Trump on Jan. 6. He wants to finish the job. - The Washington Post Michael Luttig, one of the most celebrated legal minds of his generation, never ascended to the Supreme Court. But many think the retired jurist played a far more consequential role for the nation. Now he envisionsthe beginning of the end of Donald Trump

Looking back on the coverage of Trump ... For the past year and a half, CJR has been examining the American medias coverage of Trump and Russia in granular detail, and what it means as the country enters a new political cycle
Newsrooms that move beyond objectivity can build trust
When Americans Lost Faith in the NewsHalf a century ago, most of the public said they trusted the news media. Today, most say they dont. What happened to the power of the press?

David Pecker: Ex-publisher of National Enquirer set to meet with prosecutors investigating Trump | CNN Politics

Journalist Says Pro-MAGA GOP Insiders Secretly Cant Wait UntilThis Guy Dies

Matt Gaetz Grilled Big Time Over Testimony He Sought Pardon From Trump : politics

Theres actually only one conspiracy theory: Democrats are evil (good is bad; awake is evil)

Newsday poll: 78% of 3rd District residents say George Santos should resign : politics

Michigan Democrats look to repeal right-to-work law : politics (refuck's "Right to Be a Slave" law)

Biden to announce $292M in funding for Hudson Tunnel Project between NY, NJ : politics

Gross political incompetence - It's not just that Hochul didnt have the votes lined up for LaSalle critical Dem alliesliterally told her he was the only potential nominee they would find problematic: (she thinks she's dickhead Cuomo, pathetic Demfuckery)

Hide your books to avoid felony charges, Fla. schools tell teachers | Unsure what titles violate new state rules, two school districts tell educators to conceal every book for now : politics (DeathSanta bans books from schools)
Why Florida Republicans dont want drilling off their own coast
DeSantis' Black history course ban is part of his 2024 plan Over the last two decades, Republican voters have become increasingly convinced that too much Black history is being taught in public schools. (don't say Black)
Florida Panel Recommends Forcing Student Athletes to Give Schools Their Menstrual History : politics

West Virginia Senate passes bill that requires public schools to display In God We Trust in every building ... They pass these useless bills to distract the public from the fact that their states education system is in shambles and they wont do a damn thing to actually fix that.

Judge says Texas Attorney General Paxton must face ethics lawsuit : politics ... 8 years later ...

Yale honors Black girl, nine, wrongly reported to police over insect project | Yale University | The Guardian Bobbi Wilsons efforts to rid her town of the spotted lanternfly unwittingly touched off a national discussion about racial profiling

Eschaton: America's Worst Newspaper Still the fucking newspaper.
THE WORST THING WE READ THIS WEEK: Why Is the New York Times So Obsessed With Trans Kids? ... Jesse Singal ... The idea that arguments against trans care are forbidden knowledge, which journalists have a duty to bring to light, is still driving coverage ... the tactically annoying liberal pundit Matthew Yglesias ... Jonathan Chait ...

New FTX Filing Pulls Back the Curtain on Sam Bankman-Frieds Massive Influence Peddling Operation - A bankruptcy filing revealed new information about how the crypto exchange spent money on consultants, think tanks, and business relationships.
Eschaton: SBF Is The Real Thing All the smartest boys on the internet went to bat for this guy. Some were on the take, some just easy marks.\

Man sues Florida sheriff for defamation over "Wheel of Fugitive" videos, claims he lost a job after falsely being called a fugitive : news

10 wounded in drive-by shooting in Lakeland, Florida, police say - CBS News

Utah Lawmaker Allegedly Tried to IntimidateCop After Sons Arrest

Eastern Mass. has some of the highest child care costs in the country - The Boston Globe

Tesla Model Y Steering Wheel Falls Off While Driving, One Week After Delivery | This owner experienced first-hand what bad quality control looks like. : technology

The First Ordinary Woman in English Literature = The life and legacy of the Wife of Bath.

Is there evidence for historic droughts affecting the Mesopotamian area/Euphrates-Tigris Rivers? : askscience

TIL: According to British historian Niall Ferguson, out of all recorded conflicts which occurred since the year 387 BC, France has fought in 168 of them, won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10; this makes France the most successful military power in European history in terms of number of fought and won. : todayilearned

Christopher's won't reopen from Covid closing, and Toad will go too in property or business sale - Cambridge Day : CambridgeMA

What is a public figure or artist who has done horrible things but that people continue to follow or listen? : AskReddit


Dutch police confirmed on Sunday that 768 people were arrested during Saturday's climate protest and that all but two had been released, pending verification of their identity

Fossilized eggs reveal new secrets about one of the worlds largest dinosaurs-India.

LEAK: EU biodiversity plan aims to ban bottom trawling in protected areas : worldnews

COVID-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people in the United States : science ... the top three causes of death in children are : Firearms, motor vehicle accidents, and drug overdoses. ... 97% of firearm related child deaths in the world are in the U.S.

These 9 viruses have pandemic potential, says WHO : Goats and Soda : NPR : worldnews

Search stepped up for potentially deadly radioactive capsule lost in Western Australia : worldnews

U.S. military poised to secure new access to key Philippine bases - The Washington Post The expansion is part of a broader push in the Indo-Pacific to buttress U.S. force posture, reinforce alliances and deter China

2 years after coup, drones turning the tide for Myanmars armed resistance (Buddha-fuckers)

Takahama nuclear reactor in Japan's Fukui halted after alert goes off : worldnews

NATO secretary general urges South Korea to allow direct arms exports to Ukraine : worldnews

NATO chief: North Korea provides Russia with missiles. North Korea is supplying missiles to Russia for its war against Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin in Seoul on Jan. 29.

N Korea slams Nato chiefs Seoul visit as prelude to war in Asia-Pacific

China dismisses US claims that some of its state-owned firms are supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine, accusing Washington of "paranoia" : worldnews ... "The US is the one who started the Ukraine crisis and the biggest factor fueling it"

Ukraine: Boris Johnson says Putin threatened him with missile strike : worldnews
Boris Johnson says Vladimir Putin threatened to kill him with a missile
Kremlin dismisses Boris Johnson's claim Vladimir Putin threatened to kill him with missile in call ahead of Russian invasion of Ukraine | Politics News : worldnews
Russia says nuclear arms treaty with U.S. may end after 2026 : worldnews

Vladimir Putin wearing elevated shoes to make him look taller : pics

5/5) The Russian leadership highly likely continues to search for ways to meet the high number of personnel required to resource any future major offensive in Ukraine, while minimising domestic dissent.

Russian teen faces years in jail over social media post criticizing war in Ukraine : worldnews
Vladimir Putin Trying To Evoke Soviet UnionWith Military Training In Schools, UK Claims

Russias Top Automaker Hit By Car Paint Shortage

Yandex data breach reveals source code littered with racist language : technology

(1) Janis Kluge on Twitter: "#Russia is set to become a digital hinterland in the coming years. Looks like both Megafon and Vympelkom, which are cut off from new equipment by #sanctions, will soon be state-controlled. This means the end of mobile innovation and cheap internet access." / Twitter

Gautam Adani lost US$31 billion in one of the biggest weekly drops ever : worldnews

Peshawar mosque blast leaves dozens dead in northwestern Pakistan - The Washington Post
Pakistan mosque blast: At least 28 killed after explosion in Peshawar : worldnews
More than 50 die in two Pakistan accidents : worldnews

Afghanistan cold snap kills over 160, Taliban officials say
U.S. arms left in Afghanistan are turning up in a different conflict Since falling into the hands of the Taliban, some of the weapons have been seized from militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir in what experts say could be just the start of their global journey.

Ethiopias forgotten war is the deadliest of the 21st century, with around 600,000 civilian deaths

Turkey May Accept Finland Into NATO: Erdogan : worldnews
Turkeys opposition vowed on Monday to undo President Recep Tayyip Erdogans two-decade legacy of Islamic-rooted rule and expand democratic freedoms if they take power in crucial May 14 elections
US warns citizens of imminent terror threat to synagogues, churches in Istanbul

Antisemitic book that spurred Israeli complaint is taken off shelves at Cairo fair : worldnews

Israel was behind drone attacks at military plant in Iran, US media report : worldnews
Iran warns Israel not to play with fire after drone attack on defense facility ... Iran has made it clear to the rest of the world that 14 year old girls not wearing magic hats is an existential threat to their regime. The biggest display of power they can muster is raping, torturing, and murdering their own unarmed civilians.
Aircraft said to strike convoy of Iranian militia trucks on Syria-Iraq border : worldnews
Iran, Russia link banking systems amid Western sanction : worldnews
Iranian Couple Handed Long-Term Prison Sentences For Posting Dance Video : worldnews
Iran sentences pregnant Kurdish woman to death : worldnews

Israel seals synagogue shooter familys home, Netanyahu vows crackdown and more liberal gun laws
Israel settlers attack Armenian restaurant in Jerusalem : news

Ukraine calls for faster weapons supplies as Russia presses eastern offensive : worldnews
The pattern of delivery of Western aid has powerfully shaped the pattern of this conflict. The latest ISW report focuses on the impact of delays in sending high-end weapons systems to Ukraine on Ukraines ability to take advantage of windows of opportunity throughout this war.
Ukraine wants to join EU within two years, PM says : worldnews
Ukraine war: Russian athletes cannot be allowed at Olympics, Zelensky says : worldnews
Ukraine calls IOC promoter of war for opening door to Russian athletes
The Enemy Gets A Vote
Kherson under massive shelling, many people killed and injured : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 341, Part 1 (Thread #482) : worldnews

Russian losses per 30/01. +490 men ... Relatively low numbers compared to last weeks average.

KREMINNA AXIS /1350 UTC 30 JAN/ A growing concentration of RU forces are centered at Kreminna. These RU are assessed to be preparing offensive ops, likely a thrust west on the O-0528 HWY axis. The goal would appear to be the capture of Dibrova, Zarichne and ultimately Lyman.

Air Force: Russia plans to receive Iranian ballistic missiles against which Ukraines air defence is powerless ... The article specifically mentions PAC-3 as an effective counter.

Along front-line river, this deadly road shows toll of Russias war

Russian missile hits residential building in attack on Kharkiv. Initial data on casualties and damage has yet to be confirmed. : ukraine
Kherson under massive shelling, many people killed and injured : ukraine (kill the Putinator)

Beaten Twice In Ukraine, Russias Elite 1st Guards Tank Army Is Poised To Attack Yet Again

Presidents Office: Poland ready to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighters in coordination with NATO.

Finland to stick with Sweden in NATO bid, hopes for green light by July : worldnews ... Hint: July is after the elections in Turkey.

Norway discovers huge trove of metals, minerals and rare earths on its seabed : worldnews

Crimea will never again be part of Ukraine - Croatian president : worldnews
Ukraine will not be safe while Russia retains control of Crimea former commander of US Army Europe

Germany will deliver 105 Vector drones from Quantum Systems to Ukraine. #Germany #Ukraine

Pro-Russian hackers Killnet behind Dutch hospital cyberattack : worldnews

Barclays and UBS face questions over Roman Abramovichs billion-dollar trusts | Leak shows oligarch was a major client of Barclays in Monaco and UBS in Zurich, with at least $940m in assets held at the banks

Swiss named longevity champions | The number of centenarians as well as overall life expectancy is increasing in Switzerland. A boy born in Switzerland in 2021 has the highest life expectancy in the world. : worldnews

Raising French retirement age to 64 is non-negotiable, says PM Borne as new strike wave looms

US general warns British Army no longer among worlds top-level fighting forces (Tories destroy everything)
British Army is in a dire state and we should be very concerned, UK Defence Committee Chair states

Bolsonaro, Brazils former president, has applied for U.S. tourist visa

Gap between rich and poor has increased more quickly in the US than in Europe : science

More Cite Govt as Top U.S. Problem; Inflation Ranks Second

Schumer plots debt ceiling course against McCarthy: We'll win

Bill Barrs Image Rehab Is Kaput

How the Trump Document Scandal Became a Congressional Pissing Match
Those prophecies wont fulfill themselves = An equal number of Americans -- 67% -- say they are as concerned about classified documents found at President Joe Bidens residence and former office as they are about those found at Donald Trumps Mar-a-Lago home, despite clear differences in how the two men responded to these discoveries.
(1) Jay Rosen on Twitter: "A classic in the genre I have called the savvy style. The truth is "the two cases are markedly different." But truth is not what matters, Baker tells us. Perception matters. And its manipulation by bad actors like Trump. The savvy know of this. The clingers to truth are hapless." / Twitter (Peter Fucking Baker again and again)

Manhattan Prosecutors Will Begin Presenting Trump Case to Grand Jury - The New York Times The Manhattan district attorneys decision represents a dramatic escalation of the inquiry, and potentially sets the case on a path toward criminal charges against the former president.

Trump Used Records Requests to Hinder IRS Release of His Tax Returns

Trump makes shocking comments about trusting Putin over US 'intelligence lowlifes'

Far-right project that pushed election lies expands mission as Trump ramps up 2024 campaign : politics
Republican Party infighting raises the question: How conservative is the GOP? : politics

Kevin McCarthy Called Out by Host Over Rambling George Santos Answer : politics
DOJ has reportedly opened a criminal investigation into George Santoss campaign finances
I would expect federal indictments: George Santos top donors dont appear to actually exist

ELI5: What exactly about the tiktok app makes it Chinese spyware? Has it been proven it can do something? : explainlikeimfive

Declaring Emergencies and Banning Latinx: First Acts for 9 New Governors

GOP Lawmakers Ignoring CPAC Head's $9.4 Million Sexual Assault Lawsuit A GOP staffer accused CPAC head Matt Schlapp of sexually assaulting him, filing a $9.4 million lawsuit.
Matt and Mercedes Schlapp Benched From Fox News After Groping Allegation

Meadows ally set to plead guilty for illegal campaign finance contribution - POLITICO Lynda Bennett, who lost in a 2020 Republican primary campaign to Madison Cawthorn, accepted a contribution from a family member totaling at least $25,000, according to charging paperwork filed by prosecutors.

Florida leaders push to allow concealed guns without permits, training
Florida House dress code: No skirts more than an inch above the knee. Is this 2023? : politics

North Dakota Bill Would Jail Librarians for Not Removing Certain Books. Calling books about sexual or gender identity disgusting, a Republican lawmaker seeks to ban them and imprison librarians who dont comply.

Inside the audacious new scheme to erase LGBTQ people from Michigan schools ... The effort, organized by the Great Schools Initiative (GSI), seeks to exploit a Michigan statute that allows parents to opt their children out of sex education.

Epidemic alert: Two more Republican members of Congress ripped off by thieves - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Democrat files bill to ban church youth camps as hotbeds of child abuse & religious indoctrination

Graham floats potential compromise on qualified immunity | The Hill ... But Graham floated on social media that while he doesnt believe individual officers should have civil lawsuits filed against them, he does believe that police departments should face liability for the actions of their officers. (qualified, unqualified immunity for copfuckers)
Elite police units increase both police and non-police crime ...

71 Commands in 13 Minutes: Officers Gave Tyre Nichols Impossible Orders - The New York Times A Times analysis found that officers gave dozens of contradictory and unachievable orders to Mr. Nichols. The punishment was severe and eventually fatal.
Sixth officer suspended in Tyre Nichols death in Memphis - The Washington Post
The Memphis cops charged with murder were Black. What does it matter? - The Washington Post

J&Js Talc Bankruptcy Case Thrown Out by Appeals Court

Google exec fired after female boss groped him at drunken bash, suit says : technology

Marilyn Manson Sued for Sexual Assault of a Minor

Lisa Loring, the Original Wednesday Addams, Dead at 64 -- Former child actress, who starred in the hit Sixties sitcom The Addams Family, died days after suffering a stroke

The Perfect Mark | The New Yorker He went to college and divinity school, and got a Ph.D. in psychology through correspondence courses from the Carolina University of Theology,

What Exactly Does "Woke" Mean, and How Did It Become So Powerful?

The Last of Us just made an early claim to one of the best TV episodes of 2023

ChatGPT can destroy Google in two years, says Gmail creator
OpenAI executives say releasing ChatGPT for public use was a last resort after running into multiple hurdles -- and they're shocked by its popularity

The majority of US children use potentially toxic makeup products with carcinogens and other toxic chemicals, often during play : science

A study has contradicted a prevalent belief that people on the autism spectrum are "indifferent" to pain by finding that these individuals may actually experience pain more intensely than neurotypical people

Trans people have mortality rates that are 34 - 75% higher than cis people. They were at higher risk of deaths from external causes such as suicides, homicides, and accidental poisonings, as well as deaths from endocrine disorders, and other ill-defined and unspecified causes. (UK data) : science

The letters of T. S. Eliot to Emily Hale that were kept sealed from 1956 to 2020 have been released for free online : books
Eliot-Hale Letters -- The Statements


Googles head of mental health and wellbeing was among the 12,000 workers laid off by the tech giant

Facebook Under Fire for Draining Users Phone Batteries Intentionally


Seismic swarm reported between Tenerife and Gran Canaria with more than 30 earthquakes - : worldnews
Hundreds of climate activists were arrested in The Hague after blocking the A12 highway in both ways on Saturday afternoon in protest at government subsidies for fossil fuels such as oil and gas : worldnews

House crickets allowed as ingredient in foods under new EU rules : worldnews

New Zealand experiencing widespread flooding- with1;136;0c more rain to come : worldnews

Two years after coup, Myanmar faces unimaginable regression, says UN Human Rights Chief - Myanmar : worldnews

North Korea condemns US sending battle tanks to Ukraine : worldnews
North Korea has denied providing arms to Moscow after the United States said the nuclear-armed state supplied rockets and missiles to Russias private military group Wagner. Even though photos show Russian rail cars entering North Korea, picking up munitions and returning to Russia

Putin Plans New Ukraine Push Despite Losses as He Prepares for Years of War : worldnews
To Fix Its Problems in Ukraine, Russia Turns to the Architect of the War - The New York Times President Vladimir V. Putin is on his third overall commander in Ukraine. But his militarys fundamental issues have not been addressed, Western officials say.
(16) Russian Strengths & Capabilities in Ukraine - Why Russia is still a threat in 2023 - YouTube
The one who receives ministers and sits on the other side of the table, looking through binoculars, is the real Putin. And the one who hugs everyone, there are several of them, I immediately know is a double.Putin has a body double?
Kremlin: Putin open to contacts with Germanys Scholz, RIA reports

40,000 of Russias Wagner Group soldiers killed, missing or deserted

Russian teen faces years in jail over social media post criticizing Ukrainian war : worldnews

(2/4) The module within the Basics of Life Safetycourse will include training with AK series assault rifles and hand grenades, military drill and salutes, and the use of personal protective equipment
(4/4) The initiatives highlight the increasingly militarised atmosphere in wartime Russia, as well as being a (likely deliberate) evocation of the Soviet Union: similar training was mandatory in schools up to 1993.

Taliban bar female students from varsity entrance exams : worldnews

Lebanons top Christian cleric says judge probing port blast must be allowed to pursue truth

Drone attack on Iranian weapons factory was phenomenal success - sources : worldnews
Israel appears to have been behind drone strike on Iran factory, U.S. official says : news
Israel Strikes Iran Amid International Push to Contain Tehran - WSJ Israeli, American officials discuss new ways to combat Iranian operations
Massive fire breaks out at oil refinery in Iran : worldnews

Leftists go home: Crowd accosts news crew at site of Jerusalem terror attack
Israel announces measures against families of terrorists following attacks in east Jerusalem
Israeli settlers attack Palestinians across West Bank as escalation looms : worldnews
Shocking anti-Israeli incitement found in textbooks of teenage Jerusalem attacker : worldnews

Chair of NATO Military Committee says Alliance ready for direct confrontation with Russia : anime_titties
Zelenskyy: Russia expects to prolong war, we have to speed things up : worldnews
Ukraine in talks with allies about getting long-range missiles, aide says : worldnews
Zelenskyy enacts sanctions against individuals and companies involved in transportation of Russian invaders and their equipment : worldnews
Zelensky blasts Olympic committee move: Any neutral flag of Russian athletes is stained with blood

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 340, Part 1 (Thread #481) : worldnews

Nearly 5,500 Russians killed last week in war: Defense ministry : worldnews
Russian Losses as of 29th January 2023. #UkraineRussiaWar

(1) ISW on Twitter: "3/ @TheStudyofWar continues to assess that the Wagner offensive has culminated, but we now assess that the Russians are committing conventional units to continue the fight. The larger Russian effort against Bakhmut has likely thus not culminated." / Twitter
(1) Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings | on Twitter: "SOLEDAR AXIS /2220 UTC 28 JAN/ RU forces have crossed the rail line at Blahodatne and have effectively cut the T-05-13 HWY north of Bakhmut. Wagner units continue to press toward the critical M-03 / T-05-13 junction. Heavy fighting at Krasna Hora." / Twitter

Ukraine military command report: Russia continues to suffer heavy losses. Around 300 wounded Wagner mercenaries taken to a hospital in Luhansk region - but due to many having HIV/AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis & pneumonia, local medics refuse to treat them : UkrainianConflict

Prosecutor Generals Office records over 66,500 Russian war crimes, crimes of aggression in Ukraine. Ukraines Prosecutor Generals Office reported on Jan. 28 that the Russian military has committed 66,743 war crimes and crimes of aggression in Ukraine since Feb. 24.

Yulia Tymoshenko is spotted in Dubai : ukraine

Top NATO official says Alliance ready for direct confrontation with Russia : worldnews
Weve Done Lots for Ukraine, but Winning Will Take Much More

Finland Most Resistant to Fake News, Report Finds

Lithuania sends anti-drone equipment, power generators and warm clothes to Ukraine : worldnews
Employment in Lithuania highest in 24 years : worldnews

Sacred Meteor Crater in Kaali, Estonia : europe (great etymoligies)

Pro-western Petr Pavel sweeps to landslide win in race for Czech presidency | Czech Republic : worldnews
Media: Czech, Slovak leaders to visit Kyiv. Czech President-elect Petr Pavel plans to visit Ukraine together with Slovak President Zuzana Caputova, reported Czech TV channel CT24 on Jan. 28.

Poland will send another 74 tanks to Ukraine in addition to the 260+ tanks it has already delivered. Poland is leading a tank coalition to get Leopard 2 and other tanks to the front line to fight the Russian fascist invaders of Europe.

Germany was a soft target for Russian spies. Thats changing fast.
In June there will be a large aerial drill in Germany. The US is sending around 90 military planes including F-35, F-16 and F-15 fighter jets. - Bild This is the largest deployment of US air forces to Germany since NATO was founded

Ukraine: Boris Johnson says Putin threatened him with missile strike : worldnews
Nadhim Zahawi sacked as Tory party chair over tax affairs : worldnews
/u/Theman127 loops everybody in on what's going on in the UK : bestof ... Goverment are in the middle of collapsing the economy after 12 years of greed, on top of the stupidity of brexit, and are simultaneously on the verge of having a wet dream collapsing the NHS so they can sell it off ... But u know... according to them it's all immigrants and queer peoples fault... because...wokeness?????? Or something...

Colombia cocaine seizures break record in 2022 : worldnews

Brazils military police initially stood by as Bolsonaro supporters rioted

Never again: How a lesson of 2011 shaped Bidens no-negotiation stance on debt limit

GOP national sales tax talk backfires, as Dems see political gold I believe it would cause the next Great Depression if we would impose it, says Chuck Schumer.

The Dobbs leak probe somehow just got worse | Michael Chertoff, who independently endorsed the report for the Supreme Court, reportedly had undisclosed business with the court. The clown show continues.
The NYT should tell readers whether it helped crooked FBI agents get Trump elected in 2016 The arrest of a high-level FBI agent on Russia-tied corruption charges raises stunning new questions about how Trump really won in 2016. (Comey-fucker)

GOP-led committees plan to issue subpoenas in Biden probes without consulting Democrats : politics
Election-Denying Lawmakers Hold Key Election Oversight Roles : politics

Republicans confront bitter divide; no clear path forward : politics
RNC promises to be independent from Trump in 2024. Can it succeed? : politics

Trump says he is more angry than ever as he tries to revive White House bid
~ Trump Hits the 2024 Campaign Trail With an Assault on ... Windmills?

Never Give an Inch review: Mike Pompeo as heat-seeking missile for Trumps ass

What's Driving the Mass Layoffs in Big Tech Right Now? : technology

Do Abortion Rights Hang On State Constitutions? : politics

Ron DeSantiss Attack on Black Studies Is Textbook Proto-Fascism | Florida's unapologetically racist governor, Ron DeSantis, has effectively declared war on the Black freedom movement
DeSantis racist vision of Florida calls for a new, overdue civil rights movement

The Crackdown on Cop City Protesters Is So Brutal Because of the Movements Success: One protester was killed by police, 20 were charged under a domestic terror law, and Georgias governor gave himself broad "emergency" powers.

Arizona Throws Out Lawsuit to Block Bidens Student-Debt Cancellation

Whitmer to call for universal background checks, red flag law in State of the State : politics

Minnesota Senate votes to guarantee abortion rights, sends bill to governor : politics
MN Senate votes to ban discrimination based on hair, OKs Juneteenth holiday : politics

Utah bans gender-affirming care for minors : politics

Google lawsuit: Executive Ryan Olohan fired after female boss Tiffany Miller groped him | : news

Whitehead Institute sexual harassment allegations: Inside the fall of a star MIT scientist - The Boston Globe David Sabatini, a biologist who once generated Nobel Prize buzz, is hoping for a comeback after he was abruptly ousted amid allegations of sexual harassment

The War on Drugs Cannot Be Won

News organizations grapple with showing horrific Nichols, Pelosi videos - The Washington Post

Memphis police video of Tyre Nichols beating shows he was hit several times - The Washington Post
Shortness of breath: How police first described what happened to Tyre Nichols

Mass shootings lead to widening divide on state gun policies : politics

Protesters: Cop City activists killing doesnt make sense

Atlanta, Georgia : pics (Iraq, Georgia)

Police Harass Veteran on Terror Watchlist, Lawsuit Says

A child-size rifle with cartoon skulls, inspired by the AR-15, raises concerns ... youth training rifle that looks, feels, and operates just like Mom and Dads gun

Why does Washington not act on guns? Voters say it's low priority : politics

Images from American History, Part 20
Contraband or Fugitive Slaves, Cumberland County, Virginia, 1862

Inside a US Neo-Nazi Homeschool Network With Thousands of Members A Ohio couple has been unmasked as leaders of the neo-Nazi Dissident Homeschool Telegram channel that distributes lesson plans to 2,400 members ... MLK ... He is the face of a movement which ethnically cleansed whites out of urban areas and precipitated the anti-white regime that we are now fighting to free ourselves from ... "I dont even want my kids exposed to the gay loving, anti-family, Jew factory that is public school, I cant stand it."

Following Walkout, Hundreds Email Harvard to Fire Harvard Professor Comaroff Over Harassment Allegations | News | The Harvard Crimson

This 22-year-old is trying to save us from ChatGPT before it changes writing forever
Watch Out, Software Engineers: ChatGPT Is Now Finding, Fixing Bugs in Code - A new study asks ChatGPT to find bugs in sample code and suggest a fix. It works better than existing programs, fixing 31 out of 40 bugs. : technology

TIL hospitals often deal with "Daughter From California syndrome" in which a long-lost relative arrives to challenge the care of a dying relative. They demand aggressive measures, and are described as "angry, articulate, and informed". : todayilearned

Misophonia: how sound ragedestroys relationships and forces people to move home

Study finds those with schizotypal, paranoid, and histrionic personality traits are more likely to fall for fake news. : science

Babies fed exclusively on breast milk significantly less likely toget sick, Irish study finds

Young men overestimated their IQ more than young women did, and older women overestimated their IQ more than older men did. N=311 : science

/u/kleptarian perfectly describes Joe Rogan & Jordan Peterson conversation : bestof

Ancient Egyptians were so into oral sex, they put it in their religionand religious art
The scientist who discovered sperm was so grossed out he hoped his findings would be repressed | sperm cells are the only human cells designed to perform functions outside of the actual body. They must undergo radical physical changes as they undertake their journey from the testes through the complex female reproductive tract. Even today, scientists understand almost nothing about sperm function, what sperm do

A guide through the book related subreddits. : books

Supreme Court allows Reddit mods to anonymously defend Section 230 : politics

Autistic person describes love in a non-neurotypical way and how he tries to work it through : bestof
This video sums up the problem and solution : limerence


UK scientists discover method to reduce steelmakings CO2 emissions by 90%

The arrest of six climate activists on charges of incitement are a further indication of the erosion of the right to demonstrate, left wing MPs and environmental groups said on Friday : worldnews

Expert says bizarre loss of hazardous radioactive capsule in Western Australia is a one-in-100-year event

Cars floating, flights grounded, homes evacuated State of Emergency declared in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland, New Zealand)

Thai activists risk death to protest the crime of criticising the royal family

1st oral abortion pill steps closer to approval in Japan : worldnews

Five Russian men fleeing military conscription have been living at a South Korean airport for months : worldnews

Taiwan: On-arrival testing requirements for arrivals from China extended until Feb 6 as positivity rates from China have dropped from about 25 percent on Jan. 1 to only about 2 to 4 percent in the past few days. : worldnews

The Russian deficit, primarily thanks to increased military spending and sanctions, is reaching one of the biggest heights since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia is copying all the mistakes from the past.

Ukraine is not our enemy: Russians risk arrest to honour victims of war

Pakistan Finance Minister seeks divine intervention to rescue sinking economy : worldnews ... saying that the country was the only country founded in the name of Islam and Allah Almighty is responsible for its development and prosperityYep working out great isnt it? Thanks Allah

Iranian Protesters Sentenced To Death Endured Weeks Of GruesomeTorture
Iran: Massive blast heard at military plant in Isfahan - I24NEWS : worldnews

2 seriously wounded in another shooting attack in Jerusalem; attacker neutralized
Jerusalem: Boy, 13, suspected of terror attackhours after gunman killed seven outside synagogue
Israel to strengthen settlements after shooting attacks
Israel supports Ukraine more than is known : ukraine

Ukraine: Latest Russian Missile Strikes Kill at Least 10 : worldnews
The West promises Ukraine 321 heavy tanks -- Ambassador of Ukraine to France

At the Pentagon, push to send F-16s to Ukraine picks up steam - POLITICO
Zelenskiys party purges lawmaker for wartime trip to Thailand

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 339, Part 1 (Thread #480) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 28.01.2023 : ukraine

1/5) Russia highly likely suffered more than 300 casualties in a strike on troop accommodation at Makiivka near Donetsk City on 01 January 2023. We assess that the majority were likely killed or missing, rather than wounded.
(3/5) Russian officials likely assessed that it was not viable to avoid comment in the face of widespread criticism of Russian commanders over the incident.
(5/5) This typically comes about through a combination of deliberate lying authorised by senior leaders, and the communication of inaccurate reports by more junior officials, keen to downplay their failings in Russias blame and sack culture.

Finlands foreign minister hints that Russia may have been involved in last week Quran-burning protest that threatens to derail Swedens accession to NATO: This is unforgivable, Haavisto says.

Ex-Wagner commander witnessed comrades shot for fleeing, says his Norwegian lawyer : worldnews

Ukraine to summon Hungarian envoy over unacceptable remarks by Orban : worldnews

Poland to send 60 modernised PT-91 tanks to Ukraine in addition to Leopards : worldnews

Greece to Send 40-80 Leopard Tanks to Aid Ukraine Effort : ukraine

Czech election: Retired Gen. Petr Pavel defeats billionaire Andrej Babis - The Washington Post
Pro-Western war hero Petr Pavel looks set to sweep Czech presidential vote : worldnews

Tens of thousands of teachers march in Lisbon to demand better pay and conditions : worldnews

Amid national strikes in the energy sector, some workers in France have found a novel way to protest. On Thursday, Robin Hoodoperations unauthorised by the government provided free gas and electricity to schools, universities, and low-income households throughout the country

Gulf royals own more than 1bn of UK property via tax havens
The Telegraph is not a tabloid, by the way.
UK teenager sentenced over far-right videos that inspired US killers : worldnews
Daniel Harris: British teenager whose videos were linked to two mass murders in US is jailed : worldnews

Brazilian President Lula da Silva rejects German request to send tank ammunition to Ukraine : worldnews

Haitian gangs gruesome murders of police spark protests as calls mount for U.S., Canada to intervene

Chief Kremlin mouthpiece in the US Tucker Carlson: Were spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians, why are we not sending an armed force north to liberate Canada from Trudeau? And, I mean it

How a Russian Oligarch May Have Recruited the F.B.I. Agent Who Investigated Him - The New York Times The bureau tried to court Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate, as an informant. Instead, one of its own top agents may have ended up working for him.

The Durham Probe Was Barrs Witch Hunt A shockingly unethical and failed crusade to vindicate Trump.
Bullshit Durham (+Flabbibi)

Republicans Want to Raise Retirement Age to 70 as Life Expectancy Is Falling : politics
57 percent support federal government ensuring universal health care: survey : politics

How a Drug Company Made $114 Billion by Gaming the U.S. Patent System - The New York Times AbbVie for years delayed competition for its blockbuster drug Humira, at the expense of patients and taxpayers. The monopoly is about to end.

Hack who frequently gets paid by the Supreme Court confirms that they made every effort to find the real leaker
EFF Tells Supreme Court: User Speech Must Be Protected : politics

Heroes and villains: Fascists now control Congress we cant afford to pretend otherwise
Fighting misinformation in U.S. history

Trump Rants Show He Knows Whats Coming From DOJ: Kirschner
Trump Delivers Bitter Speech Filled With Falsehoods in New Hampshire : politics
Trump kicks off his 2024 campaign: We are at the brink of World War III
Trump Announces Plan To Build Impenetrable Dome To Protect U.S. From Nuclear Threats ... Dude couldnt even build a wall, but were supposed to believe he can build the worlds most advanced anti-nuclear defense system?
Trumps Evolution in Social-Media Exile: More QAnon, More ExtremesExperts on extremism worry that he will bring this approach to a far wider audience.

Video of Donald Trump Jr. Barely Letting McCarthy Speak Goes Viral : politics

Ron DeSantis has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump in a potential 2024 New Hampshire primary matchup: poll : politics

Did Matt Gaetz have an affair with male staffer? What we know : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps rising in Republican ranks despite loony lies

Investigations and complaints facing George Santos could bring serious penalties : politics
Some donations from George Santos failed 2020 campaign are attributed to addresses that don't exist, report says

New Oklahoma Education budget proposal strips universal teacher pay raise : politics

New York should pay Cuomo's legal fees in suit, judge rules : politics

Documents show how 19 Cop City activists got charged with terrorism | Georgia police are invoking a 2017 terrorism law against activists accused of little more than trespassing

Memphis releases video showing Tyre Nichols calling for his mother, beaten by officers now charged in his death | CNN
Tyre Nichols: Police unit is disbanded after death : news
Opinion: The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they might still have been driven by racism | CNN
Just watched the recorded beating and killing of Tyre Nichols, heres a summary of all 4 clips.

Police say 3 dead, 4 hurt in latest California shooting : news

Red State murder rate gap has steadily widened to a whopping 44% more per capita in 2019 before settling back to 43% in 2020 : PoliticalHumor

McDonalds president who made $7.4 million last year says proposal to pay fast-food workers $22 an hour is costly and job-destroying

A leaked internal message appears to show Elon Musk ordered Twitter staff to suspend a left-wing activists account ... Anti-fascist activist Chad Loders Twitter account was suspended in November 2022. (by pro-fascist Muskfucker)

Lock him up! - Disgraced crypto executive Sam Bankman-Fried has made recent attemptsto contact prospective witnesses in his criminal case, federal prosecutors said Friday in a letter to the judge that sought new conditions of his release.

DirecTV dumps Newsmax instead of paying new fee, drawing Republican outrage : politics

To protect the children, lets make churches adults-only venues

Most Americans arent getting enough exercise. People living in rural areas were even less likely to get enough exercise: Only 16% of people outside cities met benchmarks for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, compared with 28% in large metropolitan cities areas.

Evidence from mercury data strongly suggests that, about 251.9 million years ago, a massive volcanic eruption in Siberia led to the extinction event killing 80-90% of life on Earth : science

I was hit with $1,300 in credit card fraud. Here s how to cut your risk. Lock your card. And beware of Zelle.

Big Tech was moving cautiously on AI. Then came ChatGPT.Google, Facebook and Microsoft helped build the scaffolding of AI. Smaller companies are taking it to the masses, forcing Big Tech to react.


As the Colorado River Shrinks, Washington Prepares to Spread the Pain : politics

Human activity has degraded more than a third of the remaining Amazon rainforest, scientists find : worldnews

First Report of Rare Cat Discovered on Mt. Everest : worldnews

Ukrainian ambassador calls for Novak Djokovics father to be banned from Australian Open over Russian flag incident
Capsule that emits 10 X-rays worth of radiation every hour missing somewhere on Western Australian highway : worldnews

Japan tightens Russia sanctions after deadly missile strikes in Ukraine : worldnews

Putin Plans New Ukraine Push Despite Losses as He Prepares for Years of War : worldnews
Malcolm Nance, former US Intelligence Officer The Russian T-90 tanks will be slaughtered by the German Leopard 2 tanks.The Russians are losing this war horribly.Putin will suffer from narcissistic collapse
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Putin Blasts Neo-Nazis In Ukraine
Francis Scarr on Twitter: "Today on state TV, Russian "military expert" Igor Korotchenko says Olaf Scholz, "the second Adolf Hitler", has just launched Operation Barbarossa 2.0 and calls Annalena Baerbock "Ribbentrop in a skirt"" / Twitter
U.S. Dismisses Russias Reaction to Abrams Tanks: Heard That Line Before

U.S. labels Russia-backed Wagner Group as transnational criminal organization, imposes new sanctions : worldnews

Alexei Navalny Placed In Solitary Confinement For Introducing Himself 'Incorrectly'

U.S. raid in Somalia kills a senior ISIS leader, 10 ISIS fighters : worldnews

Egypt discovers 4,300-year-old tombs in ancient burial ground : worldnews

New Law In Iran To Criminalize Critical Public Comments : worldnews

CIA director visiting Israel, West Bank as concern over escalating violence intensifies
Jerusalem synagogue killing spree leaves seven dead, three injured - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post
Five killed, five wounded in shooting attack in Jerusalem; terrorist shot : worldnews
IDF shoots down two rockets fired into Israel from Gaza : worldnews
Nobel laureate on judicial plans: Not the Israel I want my grandkids to grow up in

Russia unleashes airstrikes, hypersonic missile on Ukraine after tanks decision : worldnews
Lockheed Martin ready to increase F16 production as some allies seek to send fighter jets to Ukraine. Lockheed Martin is ready to increase its production of F16 fighter jets to meet the demand

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 338, Part 1 (Thread #479) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Jan. 27, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings | on Twitter: "SVATOVE AXIS /1410 UTC 29 JAN/ Intel reveals a significant & growing concentration of RU forces around Kreminna; an assembly of units and capabilities far in excess of the the defensive requirements of this sector of the front. A pending RU offensive cannot be ruled out." / Twitter

Ukrainian agent accused of spying for Putin was found with stacks of foreign cash and Russian SIM cards, officials say : worldnews Yahun said the SBU would celebrate KGB Day in its offices until as late as 2010, and that pro-Russian agents are still in the agency, the outlet reported.

Estonias Intelligence: Russia may be capable of up to 9 months of massive missile strikes against Ukraine. According to Estonias Intelligence, Russia still has up to 1,250 high-precision missiles left from its stock before Feb. 24, aside from those produced later.

Moscow-link to Koran-burning stunt that could stop Sweden joining NATO : worldnews
Russia-affiliated journalist paid for Quran burning in Sweden - I24NEWS : worldnews
An anti-Israel demonstration in Stockholm, Sweden, that was intended to include the burning of a Torah scroll was canceled late Thursday afternoon as a direct result of Israeli government intervention : worldnews

For the first time, Ukrainian soldiers will be trained in sanitation, sniper shooting & team management in Norway

Second arrest in Russian spy scandal at German intelligence agency: The man is suspected of complicity in treason for bringing information to Russia.

King Charles tells Prince Andrew there is no place for him at Buckingham Palace
China owns vast network of UK real estate, offshore records reveal : worldnews
Number of EU students enrolling in UK universities halves post-Brexit | Universities : worldnews

Haiti police riot after crime gangs kill 14 officers : worldnews

The Specter of 2016 - by Timothy Snyder - Thinking about... McGonigal, Trump, and the Truth about America
Inside Cash-Fueled Double Life of Charles McGonigal, FBI Spy Hunter Accused of Russia Ties

Justice Dept. Announces More Arrests in Plot to Kill Iranian Writer - The New York Times Three men were enlisted to assassinate Masih Alinejad, a human-rights activist in Brooklyn who has criticized Irans repression of women, the indictment says.

Body camera footage shows moment Paul Pelosi was attacked with hammer - The Washington Post
Paul Pelosi attack video released

The Special Treatment Supreme Court Justices Got During The Leak Investigation Should Be Investigated, A Group Told Congress| The justices didnt have to sign affidavits denying the leak, but their staff did. Congress is being urged to investigate why.
Supreme Court did not disclose financial relationship with expert brought in to review leak probe : politics
southpaw on Twitter: "Hell of a way to run a correction." / Twitter Hell of a way to run a correction.
Eschaton: I Am Ethical, By Definition A consequence of almost everybody treating these weird evil fuckers as divine prophets ... Also its Michael Fucking Chertoff, enough said.

The reactionary anticanon ... These are the results of a survey of conservative legal scholars about the worst decisions in Supreme Court history:

The Classified Document Scandal Is Even Dumber Than You Think ... a ridiculous system

Did the Jan. 6 committee give social media companies a pass? : politics

Man sentenced to over 6 years in Jan. 6 assault on Brian Sicknick Julian Khater admitted to spraying Sicknick and another officer with a chemical irritant. Sicknick died a day after the riot of natural causes, which Capitol Police said was in the line of duty.

14th Amendment Time to Shine Has Arrived ... Most of the people who bray the loudest about a "plain text" reading of the Constitution do their best to convince you that the 14th is written in Finnish.

The real Russia hoax
John Durham's Big Ol' "Deep State" Hunt Did Find Some Shady Deals Connected to Trump - The probe of the hoax was a hoax of a probe, but then the Italians raised some questions.

The inquiry Trump launched to clear his name on Russia collusion ended up investigating him for potential financial crimes: NYT : politics

Trump financial crimes investigation was "buried," Kirschner says : politics

Revealed: Trump secretly donated $1m to discredited Arizona election 'audit'

Trumps Killing Spree: The Inside Story of His Race to Execute Every Prisoner He Could
Donald Trump, serial killer ... more federal executions than in the previous 10 administrations combined ... Of the 13, six were put to death after Trump lost the election,

The Trump Enablers Dance On : politics ... "a heat-seeking missile for Trump's ass"

Rep. Jordans Dangerous New Panel is Nothing Like the Church Committee

Unlike Trump Appointees, Biden Officials Are In Big Demand In the Private Sector : politics

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Republican Who Urged Her To 'Educate' Herself

California Senate race sets up clash of titans California is finally getting a wide-open election that lives up to its progressive reputation as a field of liberal candidates prepare for battle.

Florida Wants Laws on Race, Gender to Influence Nationwide AP Class
I've never seen anything like it: Florida teachers strip classroom shelves of books in response to DeSantis ban
Floridas education department said it expects the College Board to change the course nationwide to reflect Floridas law.
Florida Panel Recommends Forcing Student Athletes to Give Schools Their Menstrual History : politics

The request is the clearest sign to date of an active criminal investigation examining the congressmans campaign finances
George Santos Snaps at Reporter After Being Grilled About Fake Signature : politics
Santos campaign briefly reported $254,000 in payments to anonymous

Gallego: Arizona Republicans will call any Democrat too libera

Republicans want Iowa universities to explain compulsory heterosexuality, other concepts

We just started. Kansas anti-abortion activists search for path forward after ballot defeat

Election losses only deepen Arizona Republicans insistence on fraud

New state bill would require gun owners to have insurance : politics

Tyre Nichols death: 5 Memphis ex-cops jailed and charged with Nichols' murder : NPR
DOJ warns against protests turning violent ahead of Tyre Nichols footage release : politics
Heres what we know about Tyre Nichols and the Memphis police video
Tyre Nichols case is defining moment for Memphis chief Cerelyn Davis
Ahead of video release, Fraternal Order of Police calls Nichols case a criminal assault
Tyre Nichols: Memphis police release body cam video of deadly beating : news
The problem is America

Not an anomaly: 2020s red states have higher murder rates
Can Anything Be Done to Assuage Rural Rage? : politics

Half Moon Bay suspect Zhao Chunli admits to shooting, says he was bullied - The Washington Post

Former Jones County GOP chairman charged with 3 counts of child pornography

A most profitable cancellation

New Yorkers Never Came Flooding Back Why Did Rents Go Up So Much? Getting to the bottom of a COVID-era real estate mystery.
Downtown D.C.s struggles mount as many workers remain remote

Students stage walkout at Harvard University, demand resignation of professor - The Boston Globe John Comaroff was put on leave last year amid sexual harrassment allegations
A culture of complete fear: Harvard womens hockey coach Katey Stone under fire for alleged abusive behavior

Study Logs Five-Fold Increase in Autism in New York-New Jersey Region : science

Intels historic collapse set to erase $10 billion from market value

Amazon Will Start Charging Prime Members for US Grocery Orders of Less Than $150 : technology


Asteroid to zoom past Earth in one of the closest encounters ever recorded : worldnews
Asteroid 2023 BU: Space rock to pass closer than some satellites : worldnews

600 square miles of ice just broke off from Antarctica : news

5,797 confirmed cases and 168 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

They can result in false negatives, but they remain a valuable tool in stopping the spread of Covid-19. Heres how to use them most effectively.

N.I.H. Did Not Properly Track a Group Studying Coronaviruses, Report Finds - The New York Times An internal federal watchdog said that the health agency had not given adequate oversight to EcoHealth Alliance, which had been awarded $8 million in grants.(that fucking newspaper writes the whole article and doesn't mention Peter Daszak)

Novak Djokovics father joins Putin supporters at Australian Open

Onion smuggling rackets thrive as staple becomes a luxury in Philippines : worldnews

Opium production is surging in Myanmar under military rule, U.N. says : worldnews

Japan hunts for person who faxed bomb threats to schools : worldnews

Chinese hackers attack 12 S.Korean academic institutions : worldnews

Chinas Yutu 2 rover still going strong after 4 years on the moon
Cope with your own debt, China tells US over Zambia debt relief

Putin is embracing Stalins way of war
Very High Level Russian Officials Are Defecting; Agents, Generals And Wagner Commander Included
The dissolution of the Russian Federation is a far less dangerous than leaving it ruled by criminals. The invasion of Ukraine is a direct continuation of Russias imperial and colonial policies; policies that never disappeared ... We should be aware that Putin and his gang of war criminals are not the cause, but the consequence of the problem, the root of which is the authoritarian and imperial essence of Moscow and the phobias of the Okhrana, KGB or FSB, which captured the Russian state long ago. Russian imperialism has very deep roots.

NYT Opinion: Wagner founder Prigozhin amassed enough power in Russia to pose a potential challenge to Putin, prompting Putin's elevation of Gerasimov to supreme commander in Ukraine. But that places responsibility for Gerasimovs failures on the manwho appointed him.
Russia says tank promises show direct and growing Western involvement in Ukraine : worldnews
Kremlin says U.S.-supplied tanks will burn in Ukraine

Zelenskys address aired on TV in Sevastopol and Russias Belgorod and Krasnodar regions

A Russian graveyard reveals Wagners prisoner army
Russian troops reluctant to accept first T-14 Armata tanks due to poor condition

Russias oldest human rights organization shut down by court
Russian officials not invited to Auschwitz camp liberation commemoration : worldnews

Julia Davis on Twitter: "Russian state TV reacted to the news of Leopard-2 tanks going to Ukraine by making comparisons to Afghanistan, resorting to nuclear threats and claiming that Ukraine was Russia's territory, because history and literature are more important than borders." / Twitter

One of the best ways to defeat an adversary is to target their #strategy. To do that, we must understand it. Therefore, in my latest article, I explore Russian strategy, and its various components, for its continuing #Ukraine invasion in 2023. 1/25
8/ As @MarkGaleotti writes, Putins war aims have remained constant & continue to center on the destruction of Ukraine as an independent state capable of joining the EU or NATO, the breaking of the will of its people to resist & will of the West.
Mick Ryan, AM on Twitter: "10/ The Russian strategy for its subjugation of #Ukraine is likely to have seven components in the coming year. These are informational, command and leadership, military, diplomatic, national mobilisation, economic and adaptation." / Twitter

Russian lawmakers warn Moldovas Nato aspirations may lead to its destruction

Azerbaijan sues Armenia for wartime environmental damage : worldnews

India Detains Students Planning to Screen BBC Film on Modi : worldnews

In the midst of a failing energy grid, Eskom (South Africas monopoly on energy production) wants to retrench 500 maintenance workers because they are white

Turkey says it is "meaningless" to restore NATO dialogue with Sweden, Finland : worldnews
US tells Turkey Congress would be more sympathetic to F-16 sale to Ankara if it approves Finland and Sweden to join NATO

Kurdish-Iranian Pregnant Inmate Faces "Imminent Execution" : worldnews ... Hengaw said Nabizadeh suffered a miscarriage after security forces kicked her in the stomach during her arrest.
Iran's amassed enough material for several nuclear weapons, says IAEA chief | CNN

Two companies withdraw funds from Israel in response to judicial reform : worldnews

Ukraine war: Zelenskyy not interested in meeting nobodyPutin for peace talks
Ukraine calls for fighter jets after Germanys offer of Leopard tanks
Ukrainian defenders destroy all 24 Shahed drones launched by Russians : worldnews
Out of 55 cruise missiles launched by Terrorussia this morning, 47 of them were downed by the UAF : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 337, Part 1 (Thread #478) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Jan. 25, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

ISW on Twitter: "2/ ISW recently discussed indicators of a potential decisive Russian effort in Luhansk. Taken in tandem with a variety of intelligence statements that #Russia is preparing for an imminent offensive operation in the coming months, it's likely the Luhansk effort would be offensive." / Twitter
4/ ... in order to reach the Luhansk Oblast administrative border and complete the capture of the remaining part of Luhansk Oblast that is still Ukrainian-controlled.
6/ Russian forces are exceedingly unlikely to be able to gain substantial ground on this axis even if they do launch a successful offensive operation on this sector, however.

15 out of 15 cruise missiles launched at Kyiv earlier this morning were shot down. This became possible thanks to the excellent work of Air Defense Forces, and Western air defense systems previously supplied to Ukraine. : ukraine

Two Turkish-owned ships hit in Russian attack on Kherson : worldnews

EU wants to send more people back to Africa, Middle East, Asia : worldnews

Disabled 14-year-old rape victim refused abortion in Poland by hospitals in her province : worldnews

German arrested for allegedly passing on intelligence to Russia : worldnews
Interesting report from Der Spiegel on what Germans think about the delivery of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine 60% of people in west Germany support it, while the percentage is only 33% in east Germany : UkrainianConflict

Russian intelligence agents believed to have directed White supremacists to carry out bombing campaign in Spain, US officials say : worldnews

UK climate minister received donations from fuel and aviation companies : worldnews
Britain sounds alarm on Russia-based hacking group : worldnews

Brazil to investigate claims of Indigenous genocide under Bolsonaro government : worldnews
Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Wednesday called for South American trade bloc Mercosur to urgently seal a free trade agreement with the European Union before negotiating with China : worldnews

Couple whose Toronto home sold without their knowledge says systems failed to protect them : worldnews

GDP Updates: U.S. Economy Grew at 2.9% Annual Rate - The New York Times
GDP Q4 2022: U.S. GDP rose 2.9% in the fourth quarter, more than expected even as recession fears loom

Bidens next 2 years: A brutal war and a rough campaign
Biden to warn House GOP poses threat to economy : politics

Sen. Tester: Over my dead body will Republicans pass 30% sales tax bill
The Freedom Caucus Has a Harebrained Plan to Jack Up Taxes on the Poor - The American Prospect ... repeal the federal income tax and abolish the IRS ... the poorest fifth of Americans would pay roughly 70 percent of their income in taxes.

Republicans demand spending cuts to lift the debt limit. They won't say what to cut. : politics

New research about the Kremlins election interference raises more questions than it answers.

The Jan. 6 committee report contains a treasure trove in fine print

Garlands special counsels: The mistake keeps getting worse

Jaw dropping reporting. Lots here including an explanation of why Durham's colleague resigned: under pressure from Barr to release an "interim" report damaging Clinton & the FBI as the election drew near, Durham had a draft prepared that wasnt factual.
How Barr's Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled - The review by John Durham at one point veered into a criminal investigation related to Donald Trump himself, even as it failed to find wrongdoing in the origins of the Russia inquiry.

This is really interesting
There are many explosive details in the reporting but this stands out as the worst to me. Durham receives a tip from the Italians about possible financial crimes by Trump. The tip gets leaked but in a way that makes it appear its directed at US intel officials. Unbelievable!
Worse, Barr tried to spin it as though the investigation was directed at Clinton or the FBI.
[The report] was more complexthe report detailed numerous links between the Russian government & the Trump campaign, & it established both how Moscow had worked to help Mr. Trump win and how his campaign had expected to benefit from the foreign interference.

The Resentment Fueling the Republican Party Is Not Coming From the Suburbs : politics

McCarthy may regret kicking Schiff off House Intelligence Committee
McCarthy sees GOP defections ahead of expected effort to keep Rep. Ilhan Omar off House panel : politics
Kevin McCarthy lashed out at reporters when asked why he hasnt punished George Santos

Kevin McCarthy loses his cool at reporters questioning his backing of George Santos : politics
George Santos Fraudulent Signature Could Be Final Nail in Coffin : politics

Backlash grows against DeSantis decision to block AP African American studies class : politics
High schoolers threaten to sue DeSantis over ban of African American studies course : politics
Florida lawmakers file bill to ban gay panic defense in criminal trials

More than half of LGBTQ+ parents in Florida are considering moving out of state. Gov. Ron DeSantis and state Republicans have terrified queer families into leaving. : politics

Four states could ban transition care into young adulthood. Lawmakers in several others want to restrict drag shows in ways that could affect transgender performers broadly. Its part of a long-term plan.

Oklahoma State Senator proposes bill that would end federal funding for Oklahoma public schools. : politics ... If it's entirely state funds, then federal rules no longer apply. The state is free to teach whatever they want. Things like federal rules against LGBT discrimination no longer apply.

Supporters rally to repeal qualified immunity laws that shield police from lawsuits; Hochul signals opposition : politics

A look at key takeaways in a Secret Service report on mass attacks from 2016-2020 : politics

Study reveals that males experiences with stranger harassment perpetrated by females are relatively common, begin at an early age, and have serious consequences for victims

Study Examining 63 Million Medicare Recipients Finds Marijuana Legalization Does Not Increase Psychosis Diagnoses : science

A study found that "cannabis use does not appear to be related to lung function even after years of use." : science


NASA wants nuclear rockets for Mars : worldnews

US reinstates road, logging restrictions on Alaska forest | AP News

Australian Open: Serbian fans unweil Z shirt, bring Russian flag with Vladimir Putins face (Zerbia)

Charity Executives Jailed for Pocketing Millions Donated to Boeing Crash Victims : worldnews ... Three top executives of a major Indonesian charity were convicted of embezzlement on Tuesday for stealing money intended for families and communities affected by the 2018 Lion Air plane crash.

Myanmar after the coup: Heavy fighting, airstrikes and spies on street corners | World News : worldnews

North Korea locks down capital Pyongyang over respiratory illness | North Korea : worldnews

China Covid: Coffins sell out as rural losses mount : worldnews

Ukraines Defence Intelligence: Putin is treated by best Western doctors, which is why he is still alive
The strategic genius that is Vladimir Putin has not only succeeded in forcing Germany to end its dependence on Russian energy but he has somehow manoeuvred himself into a situation in which Russian troops are about to face German battle tanks. What a colossal failure
Russia fumes NATO trying to inflict defeat on us after tanks sent to Ukraine

Russian citizens continue to be punished for expressing anti-war sentiment : worldnews

Nearly 100 Russian Soldiers Killed in Makiivka Strike, BBC Russian Confirms - The Moscow Times : worldnews

Russian man convicted of orchestrating murder of his business partner and family released for serving in the Wagner Group. : worldnews

Tensions have flared at two of Indias best-known universities over the screening of a BBC documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his role in the 2002 Gujarat riots
Defiant Indian students to hold more screenings of BBC documentary on Modi : worldnews

Pakistan may reduce government employee salaries by 10% to combat the economic crisis : worldnews

Three More Women Journalists Jailed In Iran Amid Protests : worldnews
Two police officers killed in armed attack in Irans southeast: State media

Ukraine Predicts Attacks on Major Russian Cities : ukraine
A Ukraine victory in 2023 would be big boost to global economy, Freeland says
Zelenskiy ramps up anti-corruption drive as 15 Ukrainian officials exit : worldnews
Ukraine is getting the tanks it pushed for after a rift in Western allies : worldnews
US approves sending of 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 336, Part 1 (Thread #477) : worldnews

Russian army losses in Ukraine as of January 25th, 2023 : ukraine

An Air Battle Is Raging Over Bakhmut : worldnews

Russia Mobilizes Ukrainians From Occupied Regions To Fight Own Country, Use AsHuman Shield

There are bodies in the forest: Scores of migrants go missing on the Belarussian-Lithuanian border

Estonia wants to block Baltic Sea for Russia : worldnews

Duda says Nato Article 5 is not theoretical, but binding and very practical : worldnews

Hungarian Generals Ousted as Orban Overhauls Top Army Leadership : worldnews

Netherlands considers sending 18 Leopard tanks to Ukraine : worldnews
MH17: Court ruling due on Dutch case against Russia : worldnews
23% of Dutch under-40s think the Holocaust was a myth or exaggerated : worldnews ... 11% of US millenials and Gen Z agreed with the statement The Jews caused the Holocaust ... 54% could not read at a better level then grade 6

Germany to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine
Germany confirms 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine : worldnews

The AP Interview: Pope says homosexuality not a crime | AP News

UK not ruling out giving Ukraine missiles to reach Russia

Evidence of genocide among Brazils indigenous Yanomami, says minister
Brazil airlifts starving tribal people from jungle - BBC News : worldnews

Biden Leery of Involvement in Potential Plea Deal in Sept. 11 Case - The New York Times A proposal to end a decade-long attempt to seek the death penalty before a military tribunal carries political risks, but the Trump administration also decided the system failed.

Senate GOP pours cold water on idea of impeaching Biden | The Hill
Bidens devious plan to break the MAGA fever just might work

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama say they have no classified documents : politics
Archives weighs asking past presidents, VPs to look for classified items - The Washington Post
Two more papers found in Trumps storage last year were marked secret
Americas system for handling classified documents is broken, say lawmakers and former official | Far too many documents are classified, and gatekeepers charged with tracking the secret papers are struggling to keep up, experts say.
The worst handler of confidential documents? The Supreme Court. : politics

The Sacred Lies of Virginia ThomasIn testimony before the Jan. 6 committee, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas would not renounce her faith.

A Pitched Battle on Corporate Power - The American Prospect

White House unveils new tenant protections amid soaring rental costs : politics

Democrats hammer Republican plan to impose national sales tax, abolish IRS - The Washington Post

Hawley introduces Pelosi Act banning lawmakers from trading stocks : politics

Judge orders Steve Bannon to comply with subpoena in Trump campaign discrimination suit : politics

Trumps Criminal Nightmare in Georgia Is Looking Very Real
Trump withdraws another lawsuit against NY Attorney General Letitia James : politics

Trump Has Started Texting - The New York Times The former president, averse to leaving records of his communications, had long avoided text and email.
The private angst over Donald Trumps racist attacks on Elaine Chao goes public - "Choo Choo Chow"

Trump declares himself the winner of his own club championship in the Trumpiest way ever

McCarthy will block Democrats Schiff, Swalwell from intelligence committee : politics
McCarthy selects Covid conspiracy theorist for pandemic panel : politics
Eschaton: In Our Own Base Killing Our Own D00ds Maybe the vaccine issue is a good way to understand "the culture war." It's an issue that people have chosen sides on in part out of some sort of sense of group identity. How precisely that started and continued, instead of Team MAGA continuing to praise Dear Leader's amazing vaccine, the best vaccine, is a bit complicated, but at some point it became part of mainstream conservative identity, even though most of their leaders probably took extra vax shots, if anything.
Sean Hannity: Vaccines and boosters do not work as they have told us
/u/StarshipShoesuntied shares his experience following the account of someone who claims to be dying from the covid vaccine. : bestof

The MyPillow Guys Fake Campaign For RNC Chair Is a Real Disaster

George Santos hints that $500k personal loan to campaignwasnt his own money, raising campaign-finance violation concerns
George Santos loan admission puts Republicans in impossible position : politics
George Santos saddened after Republican senator calls him nutty fruitcake bunny boiler
I felt like we were in Goodfellas: How George Santos wooed investors for alleged Ponzi scheme
At least Bernie Maddoff was a little subtle about selling his Ponzi scheme by keeping the returns non-insane if impossibly consistent:

Ron DeSantis Says Florida Shouldnt Require Unanimous Juries for Death Sentences
Ron DeSantis Secret Twitter Army of Far-Right Influencers
Stop Cowering Before This Half-Bright Florida Fascist: Ron DeSantis wants to break the unions and make a temporary advantage permanent. : politics

A GOP-backed bill in Oklahoma would fine drag performers up to $20,000 and have them face up to 2 years in jail for performing in front of a minor : politics

South Dakota AG, Gov. Threaten Felony Charges for Pharmacists Prescribing Abortion Pills : politics

2023's Biggest, Most Unusual Race Centers on Abortion and Democracy The election for a swing seat on Wisconsin's Supreme Court has huge policy stakes for the battleground state. Cash is pouring in, and some of the candidates have shed any pretense of judicial neutrality.

Arizona Senate hopeful Ruben Gallego posts record-breaking fundraising haul in bid for Kyrsten Sinemas seat, breaking state record
Kyrsten Sinema May Not Be Called Senator for Long: Ruben Gallegos rollout was strong. And a credible Democratic candidate means Sinemas path to reelection is awfully narrow.

Lefties Amok: California's Upcoming Senate Race - Four Democratic House members draw a bead on the seat Feinstein will vacate.

Michigan Gov. Whitmer to call for pre-K for all 4-year-olds : politics

Texas senator proposes gun laws allowing school shooting victims to sue state, impose firearms tax : politics

One-quarter of mass attackers driven by conspiracy theories or hateful ideologies, Secret Service report says : politics

Alex Murdaugh Called Wifes Cell After He Killed Her, Prosecutors Say

Newport News School Was Warned 3 Times That 6-Year-Old Had a Gun, Lawyer Says - The New York Times Another child saw the weapon at recess, and a teacher warned that the boy might have a gun in his pocket. Yet an administrator dismissed the threat, according to the lawyer for a teacher who was shot.
Lawyer: Admins were warned 3 times the day boy shot teacher : news
Mass shootings in the USA in the first 24 days of 2023

Why conservatives are accusing the Xbox of being woke | The criticism comes after the brand said this month it's rolling out updates to improve the energy efficiency of the video-game consoles

Guardian US announces Margaret Sullivan as new weekly columnist | Press releases 2023 | The Guardian
Opinion section at The Washington Post expands its roster with seven new contributors - The Washington Post (more refuck hacks)

DirecTV Officially Dumps Pro-Trump Channel Newsmax

The free speech principles of Elon Musk, principled defender of free speech

Barbara Fried was a beloved law professor whose midlife political awakening inspired Mind the Gap, a powerful network of 2,500 donors that helped the Democrats dominate the 18 midterms. Now, shes the latest victim of her son, Sam Bankman-Fried. (use readerview)

1.2-Million-Year-Old Obsidian Axe Factory Found In Ethiopia | IFLScience : worldnews

Study reveals that that people with strong negative attitudes to science tend to be overconfident about their level of understanding: Strong attitudes, both for and against, are underpinned by strong self confidence in knowledge about science : science

Aliens haven't contacted Earth because there's no sign of intelligence here, new answer to the Fermi paradox suggests. From The Astrophysical Journal, 941(2), 184. : science Aliens havent contacted Earth because theres no sign ofintelligence here, new answer to the Fermi paradox suggests. From The Astrophysical Journal, 941(2), 184.

List of Jewish atheists and agnostics - Wikiwand

Longitudinal study of kindergarteners suggests spanking is harmful for childrens social competence

Why it suddenly mattered what conspiracy theorists think : bestof

Gingerbeardman1106 explains why Ukraine receiving such new hardware from the US and Germany is a game changer on the Russian war front. : bestof

/u/Struevesant and /u/venetanakedguy casually calls out OPs graffiti history just by looking at the handwriting

Woman receives 12 violations for rainbow porch and yard dragons : news

What's Americas biggest fuck up?

Rupert Murdoch scraps plans to reunite Fox and News Corp : worldnews

Amazon strikes: Workers claim robots are treated better : worldnews

Microsoft services go down for users around the world : worldnews Someone at Microsoft incorrectly configured a router on their global WAN, causing an outage on their services.

Reddit is letting go of employees in community management and other teams as it evaluates staff performance : technology


The Doomsday Clock was moved forward on Tuesday to 90 seconds to midnight due in part to worries over Russians veiled threats of nuclear warfare.

Pig recovers from electric gun shot wound, kills butcher at Hong Kong slaughterhouse : worldnews

U.S. Approves First Small Modular Nuclear Reactor, Beginning New Era for Atomic Energy | NuScale Powers tiny nuclear reactor could usher in a new era of cheap and clean power in theUnited States.

Myanmar plunges deeper into economic crisis : anime_titties (Zuckerborg supports genocide for profit)

China spying on people via fridges, laptops and light bulbs, former UK diplomat warns : worldnews

Vladimir Putin Set To Disappear From Leadership Position As Intelligence Official Confirms There Is Cleary Something Wrong With Russian Leaders Health
Kremlin declines to say if Putin will seek re-election in 2024 : worldnews
The Putin Super Power Myth - Puck Putin destroyed in a year an energy business that took three generations to build. As it turns out, Russia needed Europe far more than Europe needed Russia. (readerview)
Russia to restrict travel, require advance booking to cross border : worldnews

NGO: Most convicts recruited by Wagner killed, wounded or deserted. Of the 50,000 convicts recruited by Wagner Group from the Russian prison system, only 10,000 remain in the ranks of the military, according to Olga Romanova, head of Russia Behind Bars, an NGO.

Belarus leader says he has been asked to seal a non-aggression pact with Ukraine : worldnews

Indian university warns students not to screen BBC documentary on Modi : worldnews
Elon Musk Removes BBC Doc at Request of India PM Modi

South Africa to side with Russia on push for redesigned global order : worldnews

Is Egypt the 'new Lebanon'? Food prices doubled, salaries halved, banks restricting withdrawals: Egyptians now have the same problems as the Lebanese. But if things get worse here, the fallout will be far more damaging. : anime_titties Is Egypt the new Lebanon? Food prices doubled, salaries halved, banks restricting withdrawals: Egyptians now have the same problems as the Lebanese. But if things get worse here, the fallout will be far more damaging.

Saudi textbook features image of Yoda with King Faisal - BBC News

Despite crackdown, Iran protesters still challenging regime : worldnews

Good news to start the day with. Reportedly 12 countries have agreed to supply Ukraine with 100 Leopard 2 tanks if the German government gives its approval, a senior Ukrainian official tells ABC News.
U.S. closer to approving significant number of Abrams tanks to Ukraine
US aircraft for Ukraine: According to the Spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuri Ignat, training has already started forpilots in the U.S. and the type/number of A/C might be released during the Ramstein Meeting in February (Ramstein 9).
President #Zelenskyy signed a decree that prohibits officials to travel abroad for "non-state purposes" during the war.
Ukraine deputy minister sacked for alleged theft of $400,000 | Ukraine | The Guardian : worldnews
Senior Ukrainian Officials Resign Amid Corruption Crackdown : worldnews
Ukraines Zelenskyy renews war on corruption amid scandals

Verhofstadt: Good news the campaign to #FreeTheLeopards seems to have paid off. A pity it was dependent on the Americans. Credit to the tenacity of the Polish and others. Time to build a real European defence with jointly procured EU weapons! : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 335, Part 1 (Thread #476) : worldnews

The Collected Ukraine Patriot

Ukraine war: Resilient civilians return to liberated town of Lyman : worldnews

Finland must consider joining NATO without Sweden, says minister : worldnews

Estonia donates all of its 155mm howitzers and other weapons to Ukraine : worldnews

Norway arrests former Wagner fighter who escaped from Russia : worldnews

US says "repugnant" burning of the Quran in front of Turkish embassy by Swedish-Danish politician Rasmus Paludan may have been sabotage against unity in NATO : worldnews

Explosive turnaround on arms exports: Switzerland to offer hand for supply of ammunition and tanks to Ukraine : UkrainianConflict
Swiss medicine sales to Russia hit 30-year high : worldnews

France Exploits Undocumented Migrants to build 2024 Paris Olympics Facilities with deplorable security conditions and no rights. : worldnews

Boris Johnson: Ukraine must join Nato for sake of long-term peace : worldnews
Blockbuster @MilesMJohnson investigation: how high-end lawyers in London and Moscow helped Wagners Yevgeny Prigozhin evade western sanctions for his role running paramilitary group Wagnerand helped him construct an elaborate lie to hide it
UKs king asks windfarm deal profits ($1.2B) be directed to

Brazilian President Lula da Silva Calls for Respect for Venezuela and Cuba : worldnews
Brazils Lula appoints Indigenous ministers to reverse Amazon deforestation
Police in Brazil have strong evidence that an alleged drug trafficker ordered the murders of a British journalist and an Indigenous activist in the Amazon last June, a police chief said on Monday : worldnews

Former top FBI official Charles McGonigal arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska : worldnews
Just to be clear, when the New York Times reported that the FBI saw no link between Trump and Russia a week before the 2016 electionthe FBI agent who was just arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska was heading up the investigation. Just an absolute scandal.

Republicans have pledged to cut spending and balance the budget, triggering a delicate conversation on the future of Americans benefits

Biden approval rating ticks up to 44 percent in new survey : politics

Classified documents found at Pences Indiana home
Mike Pence Denied Taking Documents Months Before Classified Items Found : politics

Biden's human rights pick withdraws - Sarah Margon pulled out amid opposition from a top Republican ... who questions her support for Israel ... Jim Risch of Idaho (bought and paid for)

Could Trump be charged for racketeering? A Georgia prosecutor thinks so : politics
Details of Trumps attempt to overturn defeat in Georgia could be released
Atlanta DA doesn't want the public to see the special grand jury report into Trumps efforts to overturn Georgia's 2020 vote

The story no one wants to touch: Why the Capitol Police enabled 1/6 - Press Watch By Dan Froomkin

Anti-vax is now a mainstream GOP position

CNN fact-checks McCarthys highly misleading claims about Pelosi

Initial Senate Ratings: Democrats Have a Lot of Defending to Do - Four seats in Democratic majority start as Toss-up or worse

Ron DeSantis Believes in Free Speech as Long as You Only Speak About the Awesomeness of Straight White People : politics
DeSantis Blames Queer Theory for AP African American Studies Course Rejection
Ron DeSantis wants to destroy Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

Ted Cruz wants to remove entrenched politicians, proposes term limits for Congress

South Dakota Gov. Noem threatens charges for abortion pills

Gavin Newsom after Monterey Park shooting: "Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact" : politics
The U.S. has had at least 39 mass shootings in just 24 days so far this year, data shows

Half Moon Bay shooting suspect once tried to suffocate coworker, court docs allege
Half Moon Bay mass shooting suspect targeted victims, had built-up anger, investigators say - ABC7 San Francisco

Adult Swim cuts ties with Justin Roiland NBC News broke the news that Roiland had been charged with felony domestic violence in Orange County, California, in connection with a 2020 incident ... 2020 ... "Rick and Morty"

Rebranding rift guts Blue Dog Dem ranks - POLITICO Nearly half the members of the influential centrist coalition are letting themselves out after a failed push for a name change designed for a new era.

Why is the Right Losing the Young? - by Charlie Sykes What Andrew Sullivan gets right...and absurdly wrong.

Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEight Are on ABCs Chopping Block

'Diamond' of pro-Trump commentary duo dies of heart disease | AP News Their promotion of coronavirus falsities eventually got them dropped, but they landed at the far-right cable and digital media platform Newsmax.

U.S. Accuses Google of Abusing Monopoly in Ad Technology (again)

TIL 130 million American adults have low literacy skills with 54% of people 16-74 below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level : todayilearned

Parenting in America Today: A Survey Report (2023) | Pew Research Center Mental health concerns top the list of worries for parents; most say being a parent is harder than they expected

Epidemiological evidence that Alzheimer's and Parkinson's could be caused by viral infections. Around 81% of viruses were found to be neurotrophic, which indicates that they can attack the central nervous system (CNS) via peripheral nerves or by crossing the blood-brain barrier : science

Study shows nonreligious individuals hold bias against Christians in science due to perceived incompatibility : science

Study suggests use of antidepressants generates resistance to antibiotics : science

A new study has found that consuming dietary nitrate the active molecule in beetroot juicesignificantly increased muscle force while exercising

Not Enough Disruption?

NYC libraries are offering free digital library cards to people across the U.S. : books ... Only to 21 and under.

Dozens of protesters disrupt meeting, demand greater transparency in investigation of deadly Cambridge police shooting

What grossed you out so much in a relationship that you just left? : AskReddit


NASA Ingenuity helicopter completes 40th flight on Mars : worldnews

Why the ground under Colorado solar panels is ripe for growing food | A Republican lawmaker has joined the previously Democrat-only push for solar agriculture, or agrivoltaics, priming Colorado to become a national leader : politics

Australia: Shock, outrage as Hindu Temple attacked in Melbourne; 3rd this month : worldnews

Myanmar military bombs village, killing seven, sources say : worldnews

Kishida may dissolve Japans lower house before leadership election
Its now or never to stop Japans shrinking population, PM says

10 Chinese planes detected around Taiwan as LNY arrived : worldnews

How to bring Putin and his henchmen to justice ... In this case, a new, purpose-built tribunal is required, because the International Criminal Court in The Hague lacks jurisdiction to get at the wars true authors.
NGO: Most convicts recruited by Wagner killed, wounded or deserted. Of the 50,000 convicts recruited by Wagner Group from the Russian prison system, only 10,000 remain in the ranks of the military, according to Olga Romanova, head of Russia Behind Bars, an NGO
Russian warship armed with hypersonic missiles to join drills with China, S.Africa : worldnews
Putin Ally Warns New Anti-American Military Alliance May Emerge
Putin likely turned to Prigozhin & Prigozhins reported ally, Army Gen. Sergey Surovikin, to continue efforts to gain ground and break the will of #Ukraine and its Western backers to continue the war after the conventional military had culminated & suffered disastrous setbacks.
Russian Wagner boss acknowledges comparison with Rasputin : worldnews

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "2/ MO says that it has received many reports from its readers of administrative steps being taken to prepare for a new mobilisation. Other independent Russian media outlets have reported similar administrative steps. Translation follows:" / Twitter
According to another subscriber, in the Moscovsky district of St. Petersburg, his friend, who was at war in the summer, was handed a summons for the following week.
subscribers in several cities have reported on condition of anonymity that they have started issuing reservations or bringing lists of those subject to mobilisation to their workplaces.

Russia: Putins Kremlin targets LGBT in new crackdown

Leader Of Group Of Mothers And Wives Of Russian Soldiers Detained En Route To Moscow : worldnews ... she may face a charge of discrediting the Russian armed forces.

Russia Ordered White Supremacists to Bomb European Politicians : worldnews

22-year-old Muslim youth gets life in prison for illegal transportation of cows in Gujarat (India) : worldnews

Nuclear Energy Was Pakistans Top Power Source in December 2022
Nearly 220 million people in Pakistan without power after countrywide outage | CNN Business : worldnews

5 are dead after extremists stormed a government office in Somalias capital

Rwanda: Suspicious Death of Investigative Journalist : worldnews

Martinez Zogo, prominent Cameroon journalist, found dead and suffering from bodily mutilations in Yaound after abduction

The Crocodile has not changed:Zimbabwe opposition warns of election violence

Archaeologists discovered a new papyrus of Egyptian Book of the Dead: Dubbed the "Waziri papyrus," scholars are currently translating the text into Arabic : worldnews

Iranians Rejoice Europes Move Against IRGC As Regime Vents Anger

Lebanon army declares state of alert amid tension with Israel : worldnews
Israelis stage giant protest against Netanyahu court reform : worldnews
Attack on freedom: Israel moves to claw back state funds from critical films | Israel

With a Russian offensive looming, Ukrainian officials battle to train military up with new Western weapons | CNN : worldnews
Ukrainian Military Says Russia Advancing In Three Directions As Air Strikes Increase : worldnews
Top U.S. spy agency says more security assistance from allies is crucial for Ukraine to prevail : worldnews
Zelenskyy promises crackdown on corruption amid reports of senior Ukrainian official being detained : worldnews
Zelenskiy promises to swiftly confront Ukraine corruption : worldnews
This is not a moment to slow down: U.S. says Ukraine making new gains
Ukraine war latest: Kyiv expects battle for Donbas to intensify in February-March amid Russias desperate attempt to capture the region
Russia is sending in tens of thousands of mobilized replacement troops to strengthen positions in the Ukraine weakened by fighting in Bakhmut: senior U.S. military official U.S. assesses these troops are "ill-equipped, ill-trained, and rushed to the battlefield." : UkrainianConflict

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 334, Part 1 (Thread #475) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 23.01
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine23 January 2023

Russia has suffered 180,000 killed or wounded in Ukraine so far, while the figure for the Ukrainians is 100,000 military casualties and 30,000 dead civilians, according to estimates released Sunday by Norway's army chief : worldnews
Nearly 3,000 Russians Killed in Last Four Days of War: Ukraine : worldnews
Over 100 Russian Soldiers Buried Under Rubble After Strike on Base
Another big hit? - Over 100 Russian soldiers buried under rubble after strike on base : ukraine
Air defense forces shoot down two Russian Su-25s, Ka-52 helicopter in eastern Ukraine : ukraine
RuZZian squad being liquidated. : ukraine

KREMINNA AXIS /1445 UTC 23 JAN/ UKR forces continue incremental advances within the urban area of Kreminna. Battle-space information on 23 JAN indicates that UKR forces have captured a sawmill and entered the campus of a boarding school in the western limits of Kreminna.

Ukrainian girl surprised by real Elsa from Frozen after going viral in bomb shelter : ukraine (don't miss)

How kindergarten morning in Kyiv suburb turned into tragedy

New polls finds: 86% of Ukrainians support the country's accession to NATO 87% favor the accession to the EU 85% support a military and political union of Ukraine, Poland, and the UK 80% are for a union of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania

Russia downgrades relations with NATO member Estonia, expels envoy : worldnews
Estonia plans to significantly increase the number of safe shelters : worldnews

NATO member Latvia tells Russian envoy to leave, in solidarity with Estonia : worldnews

Finland freezes Russian assets worth 187 million eurosThe frozen Russian assets include real estate, airplanes, yachts, cars, equities, etc
Finland granted Turkey an extradition request last autumn : worldnews

Swedish foreign minister says country closing in on NATO membership approval : worldnews
Turkish President Erdogan to Sweden: You will not receive any support from us to join NATO. : UkrainianConflict
Turkeys president says no support for SwedensNATO bid

The #EU approves 500m military aid to #Ukraine, Reuters citing sources#Hungary did not block this aid. The official decision will be announced later, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell said before the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the EU countries.

Poland ready to build smaller coalition to send tanks to Ukraine without Germany
Poland to ask for Berlins permission to deliver German-made tanks to Ukraine

Senior U.S. Policy Advisor "NEW: Why is Germany blocking tanks for Ukraine? I answer: (1) irrational fear of escalation and (2) Russia's long-term capture of the German elite." : UkrainianConflict
Germany Says It Wont Object if Poland Delivers Leopard 2 Tanks to Ukraine
Germany Okays A Dozen Polish Tanks For Ukraine. Hundreds More Could Follow. : worldnews
Germany Still Years Away From Replacing Russian Gas Capacity | It will take until 2026 for the country to install 56 billion cubic meters of domestic LNG import capacity : worldnews
German economy more resilient than feared, Bundesbank says : worldnews
Germany: Huge opium haul on autobahn : worldnews

Greece says it prevented 260,000 migrants from entering in 2022 : worldnews

Dutch politician Tiny Kox has been re-elected as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Earlier, Kox oversaw the expulsion of Russia from the organization. (Tiny Kox)

The Italian government will approve the security assistance package for Ukraine next week. It will include the Aspide air defense system.But no SAMP/T

Trial against Hells Angels set to start in Spain : worldnews

Macron does not rule out sending Leclerc tanks to Ukraine. According to Macron, a decision on the transfer of Leclerc tanks to Ukraine will be made in the coming days and weeks but should be agreed with other allies, including Germany.

Russian diplomat offered to fund British Conservative Party, complaint alleges : worldnews
Revealed: UK government helped sanctioned Putin ally sue British journalist - UK Treasury, then under Rishi Sunas control, let Yevgeny Prigozhin circumvent sanctions to target Eliot Higgins

Police violently raid Lima university and shut Machu Picchu amid Peru unrest | Students say they were beaten and thrown out of dormitories as authorities crack down on protests against president : worldnews
Police violently raid Lima university and shut Machu Picchu amid Peru unrest : worldnews

Lula sacks head of Brazilian army after far-right insurrection | Brazil : worldnews
Lula accuses Bolsonaro of genocide against Yanomami in Amazon
Brazil launches first anti-deforestation raids under Lula bid to protect Amazon : worldnews

Ottawa reaches a $2.8-billion settlement with hundreds of First Nations over harm caused by residential schools : worldnews
As TikTok faces data-harvesting claims, spy agency warns Canadians to protect themselves : worldnews

More Than 150 International Organizations Call on Biden to Close Guantanamo on 21st Anniversary

Investigation underway after nine nuclear missileers develop non-Hodgkins lymphoma

Mike Pompeo criticizes journalist Jamal Khashoggi as an activist who received too much media sympathy

U.S. Treasury's Yellen says IRS needs to be completelyredone

Inflation Is Cooling, Leaving America Asking: What Comes Next? - The New York Times After six months of declines, inflation seems to be turning a corner. But the road back to normal is an uncertain one.

The GOP tax plan is to let the rich pay less and make you pay more ... One still fights for the little guy in practical, concrete terms while the other proposes one harebrained scheme after another with no regard to the needs of average Americans.

Majority in U.S. Still Say Govt Should Ensure Healthcare

Biden to issue memorandum to protect access to abortion pills : politics
Battle over abortion rights further polarizes the United States : politics

Early rift over immigration exposes House GOPs tough path to consensus

Former Special Agent In Charge Of The New York FBI Counterintelligence Division Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions On Russia | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice
Former FBI official Charles McGonigal indicted in New York and D.C. - The Washington Post Charles McGonigal, a former counterintelligence chief, is charged with money laundering and other counts connected to oligarch Oleg Deripaska ,,, two separate indictments that accuse him of taking secret cash payments of more than $225,000 while overseeing highly sensitive cases, and allegedly breaking the law by trying to get Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska removed from a U.S. sanctions list
Butter Emails ... He was head of the division at the time Donald Trump was trying to get Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's account.
So to be clear, McGonigal was running the FBIs Trump-Russia probe at the moment this story -- at the most critical moment of the 2016 -- was leaked to the New York Times
Hang on. The section chief of Cyber-Counterintelligence at FBI Headquarters in 2015-2016 - when Russia was trying to help Trump win via hacking - was on Deripaskas payroll? When did he first start taking bribes from the same guy who was in business with Trumps campaign manager?

The mistaken premise helps explain why nearly two months elapsed before Mr. Bidens lawyers searched the garage of his Delaware home for classified records.

How Jack Smith charged Kosovo's president and blew up a Trump meeting

4 Oath Keepers members convicted of seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 riot - The Washington Post The verdict is the second of three seditious conspiracy cases charged in the U.S. Capitol breach
Alleged Jan. 6 rioter photographed in Pelosis office convicted of 8 counts

Today, Jan 6th Insurrectionist Richard "BIGO" Barnett was found GUILTY on all counts after rejecting 70-87 month plea deal. In May hell find out how much his FA cost him

Final report of Ga. grand jury investigating Trump may be released soon : politics

Donald Trump posed for picture with former Philly mob boss Joey Merlino campaign wont say if he knew he was posing with the former head of the Philly mob for a photo at Trumps West Palm Beach golf course this month.

Trump Looks to Ditch His Own Social Media SiteThe ex-president is planning his first tweets with a few months to go on his Truth Social contract

Promoters of Election Lies Also Hyped a Hospital for Ukraine. That Never Happened Either.

Democrats name Schiff and Swalwell to Intelligence panel despite McCarthy's threats - House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has said repeatedly he will block the two California Democrats from holding positions on the Intelligence Committee.

Priests who lost their faith but kept their jobs

Fox News defense in defamation suit invokes debunked election-fraud claims ... That context includes assertions that have long since been debunked and rebutted in dozens of court challenges and by local and state election officials from both parties.

Opinion | GOP rule that returns smoking to the U.S. Capitol really stinks : politics (refucker priorities)

The Rise of Spirit Warriors on the Christian Right: How an extreme transformation in American religion poses an existential threat to our democracy : politics

Pennsylvania Republicans Quietly Plot Their 2024 Revenge After 2022 Midterm Wipeout (will find better treasonous idiots)

George Santos epitomizes the Trump-era Republican Party : politics
Santoss financial woes pile up, threatening his political career
George Santos partied in drag over a 3-year period, new videos appear to show, despite his suggestion it was a one-off : politics
George Santos admits to dressing up as woman, but denies he was a drag queen : politics
Embattled Rep. George Santos heckled after landing at LaGuardia Airport : politics
New Yorkers want truth-challenged Rep. George Santos to resign: poll : politics

Ruben Gallego announces run for Arizona Senate seat held by Kyrsten Sinema : politics
Gallego calls Sinemas bluff

Florida teachers told to remove books from classroom libraries or risk felony prosecution ... new laws and regulations championed by Governor Ron DeSantis (R). It is based on the premise, promoted by right-wing advocacy groups, that teachers and librarians are using books to groom students or indoctrinate them with leftist ideologies.
Florida Explains Why It Blocked Black History Classand Its a Doozy ... because it teaches students about activism, intersectionality and encourages ending the war on Black trans, queer, gender non-conforming, and intersex people
In blocking an AP Black studies course, DeSantis tells us who he is

Lauren Boebert claimed teachers didnt share if theyre married until now & Twitter lost it | Apparently, she doesnt know what "Mr" or "Mrs" means

A 23-Year-Old Mayor Tried Trumps Stolen Election Playbook. Only It Worked.

North Dakota Senate kills bill to ban, fine transgender pronoun use : politics

Democrats see Mississippi governors race as ripe for an upset

W.Va. House passes bill to cut personal income tax : politics ... Shockingly, WV is the second most dependent state and relies on NY and other Blue states to fund it's government (34% of total budget) (says NY libtards will pay for their corruption)
The West Virginia Governors Who Spent Time in Prison : politics

Rep. Katherine Clarks adult child arrested in assault on officer during protest in Boston
Katherine Clark's daughter accused of assaulting Boston police officer at protest
House Democratic whips daughter arrested in Boston at protest
Katherine Clarks daughter arrested for allegedly assaulting officer, anti-police graffiti .. weird how cops show up for this and use force but not when literal nazis march and intimidate children and lgbt folks at libraries.

Eschaton: The Wingnut Extended Universe The Wingnut Extended Universe has long been a thing. Part of their mythology includes these weird little beliefs (ADD IS A LIBERAL PLOT!) that party allegiance requires adherence to. But 30 movies and several TV show later, that mythology is really really complicated! I'm very online and I can't keep up.

The party for racist authoritarian sickos

FTC Urged to Crack Down on Egg Industrys Organized Theft

Theres Bipartisan Agreement on One Thing: Ticketmaster Sucks

The fringe ideology of constitutional sheriffs is attracting believers within Texas law enforcement

Californias strict gun laws don't eliminate violence, but they have helped

Monterey Park, California, suspected shooter was man found dead after police standoff in Torrance, sheriff says | CNN
How the Monterey Park Gunman Was Disarmed in Alhambra - The New York Times Brandon Tsay, 26, is being credited with preventing further violence by subduing the gunman before he could kill more people.
Monterey Park, police search for motive after mass shooting Eleven people were killed and another 9 were injured when a gunman opened fire at a dance hall as residents gathered for Lunar New Year celebrations.
Monterey Park shooting live updates: 11th person dies, 2 more victims identified - The Washington Post
Monterey Park Shooting Suspect Claimed to Cops That Family Was Poisoning Him

Tyre Nichols death: Five Memphis police officers fired after arrest - The Washington Post Nichols, 29, died three days after a traffic stop in Memphis. His family says he was brutally beaten during a traffic-stop arrest.
Lawyer for Nichols family says Tyre Nichols was human pinata for police

Fair Play: Sundances Dirty, Sexy $20 Million Hit That Seduced Netflix -- this old-school mix of sex, bad behavior, corporate intrigue and more sex is a gorgeously smutty throwback (great review)
How Karina Longworth Brought Sex and Sleaze Back to Hollywood History

M&Ms Ditches SpokescandiesAfter Tucker Carlson Complained About Their Sexiness

Hormone Therapy Helps Mental Health of Trans Youth: Study| So far this year, more than 30 bills have been introduced at the state level to ban or restrict gender-affirming care for young people. : politics

Even if you skim a layer of mold off of, say, a jar of preserves, theres a chance the structure of the mold goes deeper.

Recreational cannabis laws linked with reduced demand for prescription codeine: study : politics
Bisexuals use cannabis more frequently for coping, enhancement : science
Marijuana Improves Sex And Could Help Close Orgasm Inequality GapBetween Men And Women, New Study Indicates

Antidepressants can cause emotional blunting, study shows

Why some people cant tell left from right ... one in six people ... data did not back up previous research showing that men perform better overall in left-right discrimination tests ... It's possible that a steersman turning the ship right instead of left was a contributing factor in the sinking of the Titanic.

The Last of UsScores HBOs Largest-Ever Viewership Growth for a Drama From Premiere to Episode 2 (+22%, 5.7M Viewers)
The Last Of Us TV Show is currently airing, and it takes place in Boston. Is this really the Boston skyline? : boston

I read The Alchemist and its not as good as I thought.

Whats the best example of welp, society is fucked?

Daycare for adults: Mass sacking starts at Google


A Conservation Success As Zero Indian Rhinos Were Poached In 2022 Making It The First Time In 45 Years - World Animal News : news

Three nasal spritzes, now in advanced trials, could trigger stronger immunity than shots in the arm : technology

Australian (NSW) men and women will be able to check partners violence history, with extended disclosure scheme

Japan was the future but its stuck in the past
Japan sells dead whale pieces in vending machines to boost trade : worldnews

CSIS: US, S. Korea Should Consider Preparing to Redeploy Nukes : worldnews

Russian official: West sending weapons to Ukraine will lead to global catastrophe : worldnews
Shoigus plans signal that the Russian leadership highly likely assesses that an enhanced conventional military threat will endure for many years beyond the current Ukraine war. However, Russia will highly likely struggle to staff and equip the planned expansion.

Russia Boosts Air Defenses Around Moscow Amid Drone-Strike Fears : worldnews

Konstantin Sonin on Twitter: "Hundreds of Moscovites keep bringing flowers to the spontaneous memorial to civilian victims of the Russian missile strike on Dnipro on Jan 14. Flowers are regularly removed, and more and more people get arrested or detained by police." / Twitter

Kyrgyz Workers With Russian Citizenship Prevented From Leaving Russia, Urged To Fight In Ukraine : worldnews

[Indian] Govt Directs YouTube, Twitter to Take Down Links to BBC Documentary on Modis Role in 2002 Riots

Burkina Faso gives French troops a month to leave, says local media : worldnews

Al-Shabab: US air strike in Somalia kills 30militants

Huge crowds in Israel protest Netanyahus legal changes

Zelenskyy urges world to stop aggression that disrupts international food market : worldnews
Boris Johnson makes surprise visit to Ukraine after invite from Zelensky : worldnews
According to the World Bank and SIPRI research, the vast majority states of the world support Ukraine. : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 333, Part 1 (Thread #474) : worldnews

Russian Losses - 2023-01-22 : ukraine
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 22 January 2023

While the costs associated with Ukraines defense of Bakhmut are significant & likely include opportunity costs related to potential Ukrainian counter-offensive operations elsewhere, Ukraine would also have paid a significant price for allowing Russian troops to take it easily
ISW on Twitter: "2/ #Bakhmut itself is not operationally or strategically significant but had Russian troops taken it relatively rapidly and cheaply they could have hoped to expand operations in ways that could have forced #Ukraine to construct hasty defensive positions in less favorable terrain." / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "5/ Americans have not had to make such choices since 1865 and should not be quick to scorn considerations that would be very real to them were American cities facing such threats." / Twitter
On the other hand, on Luhansk front #UkrainianArmy recaptured new positions at the northeastern outskirts of Bilohorivkatown during the last two days.

Ukraine to create 1,000 unit kamikaze drone fleet with charity fundraising : worldnews

Ukraine war: Zelensky adviser says West's 'indecison' is killing Ukrainians
Ukraine pleads with its allies to send advanced tanks : worldnews
UK says it still wants Ukraine to get German-made tanks : worldnews
Poland PM slams Germanys unacceptable stance on leopard tanks
Germany signals it hasnt ruled out sending Leopard tanks to Ukraine
Sen. Lindsey Graham said hestired of the s*** show and that the US and Germany should send tanks to Ukraine: Worldorder is at stake

Moldova mulls joining NATO : worldnews

Russian Agents Suspected of Directing Far-Right Group to Mail Bombs in Spain - The New York Times U.S. officials say the operation may be a signal by Russia that the country and its proxies could carry out more terrorist actions in Europe if nations continue supporting Ukraine.

Hiding in plain sight: how Sicilys mafia godfather eluded capture for 30 years

Over 1 million French workers strike against effort to raise retirement age : worldnews

Two Ukrainian warships train together off Scottish coast : worldnews

Anti-monarchists plan protests at coronation of Britains King Charles
Dozens of asylum-seeking children kidnapped from English hotel (Tories knew and didn't give a shit)
BBC chair Richard Sharp helped Boris Johnson secure 800,000 lb loan
Ghislaine Maxwell claims in jailhouse interview that photo of Prince Andrew with his accuser is fake: "I don't believe it's real for a second" - CBS News

Brazil and Argentina to begin preparations for common currency, Financial Times reports : worldnews
Brazil Declares Public Health Emergency for Yanomami People : worldnews

Venezuelan teachers march for better pay amid sky-high inflation, the minimum monthly salary for a public school teacher is about $10, while university professors earn between $60 and $80. : worldnews

Ukraines victory will stimulate the world economy, said Canadian Finance Minister Khrystia Freeland.

White House to McCarthy: No negotiations on debt limit : politics
How the U.S. Government Amassed $31 Trillion in Debt : politics (Reagonomics/Republicans/tinkledown)
US deficit widens by $85 billion in December : politics

The Supreme Court is weighing a theory that could upend elections (say Republicans only can be elected)

Justice Department conducts search of Bidens Wilmington home and finds more classified materials
Biden's documents: Democrats, media fall into GOP trap one more time| There is no fair comparison between the Biden and Trump cases. But the lure of false equivalency is irresistible : politics

Protesting against Congress may get you a $50 fine. Disrupting the Supreme Court is a different story. | Protesters disrupting oral arguments can face at least a night in jail and a criminal conviction. : politics

Jeff Zients to be Bidens next chief of staff (another fatneck)

A bored hacktivist browsing an unsecured airline server stumbled upon national security secrets including the FBI's nofly list. She says what she found reveals aperverse outgrowth of the surveillance state

Proud Boys on defensive at sedition trial haunted by absent Trump | The far right | The Guardian

Why Trump abandoned his suit against New Yorks attorney general
The five hardest hits from a judges scathing ruling against former President Trump
Mohammed bin Salman hasbeen paying Donald Trump unknown millions for the past two years
Trump resort in Miami set to host conference bolstering conspiracy theories : politics

Lawmakers seek to bar insurrectionists from holding office : politics

Republicans in Congress want to ban rainbow flags. No other flag or symbol better portrays our shared values than the Stars and Stripes,the bill's anti-LGBTQ+ co-sponsor said

Groups push Georgia lawmakers to completely ban abortion : politics
Abortion at crossroads after midterms with focus on states : politics

Oklahoma anti-drag bill will outlaw women displaying "feminine persona" : politics (the point all along)

FBI warns of neo-Nazi plots as attacks on Northwest power grid spike : news

We dont know his real name: George Santoss unravelling web of lies
George Santos was married to a woman while also sending invitations to celebrate his engagement to his boyfriend, report says : politics
Long Island Publisher Recounts Disturbing Early Meeting With Pure Evil George Santos
Santos says he was not a drag queen in Brazil but was having fun at a festival

Inside N.Y. Gov. Kathy Hochuls Catastrophic Meltdown Over One Judge

DeSantis violated First Amendment by removing elected official, judge rules : politics ... Yes, but: Hinkle said federal law does not allow the elected prosecutor Warren to immediately return to office despite the violations
Florida Rejects A.P. African American Studies Class : politics
A Black professor defies DeSantis law restricting lessons on race Ron DeSantis bans african american studies - The Washington Post
Florida school district forces teachers to remove all classroom libraries in response to HB1467 "don't say gay" bill as literacy week begins.
There is no plan. Theres nothing: Florida Democrats in despair over future

Manchin says he would support Sinema if she runs for reelection | The Hill ... even if the newly Independent senator is challenged by a Democrat.

Kari Lake Wont Back Down on Election Conspiracies

Something is in our airspace: Rep. Tim Burchett explains why hes so obsessed with UFOs

One Woman Is Holding Politicians Accountable for Nasty Speech. Its Changing Politics.

When Students Change Gender Identity, and Parents Don't Know - Educators are facing wrenching new tensions over whether they should tell parents when students socially transition at school.

Sometimes bigotry turns you into a moron, sometimes you were already there - One of the nuttiest things the Libs of Tik Tok Party pretends to believe is that nobody had any idea about the pronouns or marital status of their teachers before Uncle Joe Brandon required every elementary school to teach Critical Race Queer Cultutal Marxist theory:

Christianist blogger wags finger at Jinger Duggar Vuolo for opening up about her abusive childhood

Driver dead in van linked to Lunar New Year mass shooting - Los Angeles Times ... identified the suspect as an adult Asian man
After Monterey Park shooting, gunman targeted Alhambra dance studio, sources say : news
Trump responded to the Monterey Park mass shooting by complaining about the treatment of Jan. 6 rioters : politics

Atlanta police arrest 6 in night of chaos after violent protesters lit cop car ablaze, smashed windows | Fox News The fiery chaos comes after an activist, Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, 26, was killed by police
Assassinated in cold blood: activist killed protesting Georgias Cop City
Downtown Atlanta protests over activist killing end with 6 arrests - The Washington Post

Texas college students say censorship of TikTok over guns says a lot about how officials prioritize safety

Pink Floyd fans are amused that the anti-woke mob are cancelling the band over the Dark Side Of The Moon (refucks consider banning "rain")

Eschaton: Reputation Laundering There are a lot of victims of FTX and other crypto scams, I have not seen a single individual or entity who participated in it express regret in any other terms other than mild lament over a failure of their big brains.

Dollar stores were the fastest-growing food retailers by household expenditure share between 2008 to 2020 according to Tufts University. While they still represent a small fraction of national household food purchases, they play an increasingly prominent role for disadvantaged and rural communities. : science

People high in antagonistic personality traits -- Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy -- are more likely to endorse negative beliefs about homosexual and transgender people

TIL Scans have revealed theres a large unexplored void in the Great Pyramid of Giza

How our microbiome is shaped by family, friends, and even neighbors. Study of the gut and mouth microbiomes of thousands of people from around the world raises the possibility that diseases linked to microbiome dysfunction, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity, could be partly transmissible. : science

Why are antivirals so much rarer than antibiotics? : askscience

New research indicates signs of depression can be detected in speech patterns : science

TIL when Dan Shechtman discovered quasiperiodic crystals, he was widely ridiculed. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling said of the discovery, "There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists." Shechtman would later win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery. : todayilearned

Trilobite tridents could be the oldest evidence of male sexual combatFighting for mates may be a behaviour that dates back over 400 million years ,,, The evolution of sexually motivated competition in animals is hundreds of millions of years older than we thought.

Can our brains be trained into respectful political dialogue. Research findings showed that youth who received the intervention showed a broad and multidimensional bio-neurobehavioral change and the intervention gains lasted for years : science

How to shelter from a nuclear explosion. Simulations show how dangerous a blast wave can be and where to hole up to avoid it. : science

Central Sq 1943 : CambridgeMA

currently reading Lolita I dont know if I can finish

Whats the worst part of having a child?


Scientists find 17-pound meteorite in icy Antarctica : worldnews

Will It Ever Snow in New York City Again?

New Technology Can Detect Airborne COVID-19 in Milliseconds : worldnews

Study looking at Long Covid 2 years after infection: Despite exercise, respiratory & olfactory rehab, cognition/speech therapy & psychological support, the main symptoms (fatigue, neurocognition, muscle) did not resolve. Only 9% of patients recovered. : science

Flu and pneumonia deaths a quarter higher than usual in England and Wales : worldnews

The head of a U.N. task force assessing the safety of Japans plan to release treated radioactive water into the sea from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant complex said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards

US share with UN proof of North Korea supplying weapons to Russia : worldnews

Dont Fear Putin's Demise - Victory for Ukraine, Democracy for Russia
Russia's New Commander in Ukraine Is Ruthless and Brutal
Vladimir Putin Says Russian Victory In Ukraine Is "Guaranteed" : worldnews
Russia is preparing major three-pronged attack from Belarus as well as east and south : worldnews

US estimates Russias approximate losses in Ukraine: significantly more than 100,000 people
Over 120,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine since full-scale war started : worldnews

US Defense Secretary: Russia suffers significant battle losses, almost out of ammunition

Russias Wagner Chief Writes to White House Over New U.S. Sanctions

Journalist says Russia instigated coup attempt in Bulgaria in 2016 : worldnews

India: Twitter deleted post on BBC documentary critical of Modi : worldnews
Air India fined over peegate scandal

Sierra Leone president signs womens rights bill into law

Tutu organisations want South Africa to pull plug on proposed naval exercises with Russia, China

Ankara cancels Swedish defence chiefs visit over Quran burning

Irans Revolutionary Guards warn EU of consequencesif designated a terror group

Over 100,000 estimated to gather in Tel Aviv for largest anti-government protest yet : worldnews
Israel said to send formal request to US for 25 advanced F-15-EX fighter jets : worldnews
Israels democracy on the brink amid supreme court showdown with Netanyahu

Retired US general Ben Hodges believes that Ukraine will liberate Russian-occupied Crimea by the end of summer 2023 if Western partners provide the AFU with the necessary weapons and long-range missiles : UkrainianConflict
Ukraine to get all the help it needs to fight Russia - Biden

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 332, Part 1 (Thread #473) : worldnews

Germanys foreign intelligence service is alarmed by the losses the Ukrainian army is suffering in Bakhmut, according to a report. The army is losing a three-digit number of soldiers every day

1/ New details of the New Years Day HIMARS strike on mobilised Russians in Makiivka in Ukraine have been reported by independent Russian Telegram channels, including that the men in the building were so drunk that only those who were relatively sober managed to escape

Ukraine Intelligence Busts Spies Helping Russia Hit Energy Supplies : worldnews

War Thunder fan reportedly leaks restricted F-16 documents - AeroTime : worldnews

By the end of the current year, all EU countries will be rid of russias energy resources, except, perhaps, Hungary, which will become an exception for political reasons
Hungary has blocked the next tranche of EU aid to Ukraine reports RMF FM. It concerns half a billion euros from the world fund, from which EU countries finance lethal weapons and means of defense for Ukraine.
According to opposition MP gnes Vadai, thismeans there is a de-NATOisation going on in the Hungarian Defence Forces at the moment (Orbadick) >
Hundreds of (pro-NATO) high-ranking military officers sacked in Hungary : UkrainianConflict

Sections of Balkan river become floating garbage dump : worldnews

Pro-Ukrainian Facebook Users In Bulgaria Complain Of Accounts Being Blocked : worldnews (Fuckbook is pro-Putin)

Germany has failed, say Olaf Scholzs own allies

Italy seeks Russian oligarch whose seized yachts disappeared from Sardinia : worldnews

MI5 refused to investigate Russian spy's links to Tories, says whistleblower - Party member lodges a complaint about the security services ignoring attempt of Russian infiltration into the Conservatives
Revealed: scores of child asylum seekers kidnapped from Home Office hotel : worldnews

Brazils army chief fired in the aftermath of capital uprising
Brazils Lula vows to defeat fanatical far right, calls it new monster
Facebook approved ads promoting violence in wake of Brazil riots, report says : worldnews ... This is an indication that the people in charge of such decisions at facebook are, in fact, flaming piles of camel dung in human clothing. (Zuckerborg cackles)
Brazil launches first anti-deforestation raids under Lula bid to protect Amazon : worldnews
Two Indigenous Pataxo Land Defenders Shot Dead in Brazil

In Mexico, a reporter published a story. The next day he was shot dead : worldnews

The WWII Strategy Biden Can Use to Bypass Republicans on Ukraine : politics

US pilot shot down four Soviet MiGs in 30 minutes and kept it a secret for 50 years

How a Hunter Biden conspiracy theory grew, from lone tweet to a big megaphone - The Washington Post

Oh, Biden, What Have You Done?
Eschaton: Never Forget Jonathan Alter has a dumb piece in the NYT which is, basically, while Biden did NOTHING WRONG with classified documents, HOW COULD HE HAVE BEEN SO STUPID WHEN HE KNOWS PEOPLE LIKE ME WILL WRITE ABOUT NOTHING ELSE?

Ron Klain, White House chief of staff, plans to step down - The Washington Post

White House wants to force Republicans to abandon debt limit threats - The Washington Post White House officials see enormous downsides to either negotiating with Republicans on spending limit or trying to resolve impasse unilaterally

What the Supreme Court Left Out of Its Dobbs-Leak Report The investigation failed to ID the leaker and the justices got light treatment.
New Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegations Revealed in Secret Sundance Doc : politics
Sundance Documentary Reveals Evidence Against Brett Kavanaugh : politics
People are terrified: Inside the premiere of Sundances surprise Brett Kavanaugh doc
Documentary on Brett Kavanaugh Sex-Assault Allegation Debuts at Sundance | Film slams FBI probe of claims against Supreme Court nominee | Festival says film presents new evidence and interviews : politics
Inside Sundances Top-Secret Brett Kavanaugh Documentary
How Doug Liman Directed a Brett Kavanaugh FBI Investigation Doc in Secret

DOJ tells Jim Jordan that information on ongoing investigations is off limits : politics

Trump Must Pay Hillary Clinton $171,631 in Legal Fees Over Bogus Lawsuit : politics

Former Trump Secretary of State Says Jared and Ivanka Were in Cahoots to Shiv Mike Pence - According to Mike Pompeo, the first daughter and son-in-law attempted to install UN ambassador Nikki Haley as VP : politics
Trump is trying to make a comeback. Its not working

Secret Service treatment of Biden compared to Trump raises questions : politics

Opinion: This congressional office is a success. The GOP wants to gut it anyway : politics

Democrats Are Mounting A Push To Expand Voting Rights After Big State-Level Midterm Wins : politics

It Appears George Santos Also Lied About Appearing On Hannah Montana
Video appearing to show George Santos in drag emerges following his denials : politics

Federal Judge Rules DeSantis Violated the Constitution, Dismisses Lawsuit Anyway : politics
White House calls Florida rejection of AP African American studies course 'incomprehensible'
As Florida Democrats sink into political quicksand, the party gears up for a new leader : politics

Despite Red Flags, G.O.P. Backed Candidate Now Charged in Shootings - The New York Times

Arizonas new attorney general to use election fraud unit to boost voting rights

A Texas Billionaire Is Suing to Stop Free Speech Against Billionaires : politics

Ex-Arizona governors illegal makeshift border wall is torn down but at what cost?

2 States Introduce Radical Bills To Prosecute Pregnant People For Abortions : politics ... Republicans in Arkansas and Oklahoma have proposed legislation that would criminalize those who seek abortion care.
Kansas Republicans Introduce Bill To Ban Abortion, Even After Voters Said It Should Be Legal: Kansans overwhelmingly voted to protect the right to abortion in an August referendum. Now, state Republicans want to overrule the will of the voters and ban it anyway. : politics
Most Abortion Bans Include Exceptions. In Practice, Few Are Granted. : politics

"It's a huge list:" Iowa GOP bill would ban people on food stamps from buying fresh meat and more

Diners caught off guard as a GOP group aired footage relating to Breonna Taylors death at a Kentucky restaurant

A New GOP Bill Could Fine You $1,500 For Not Misgendering Trans People : politics

FEC tosses RNC claim that Gmail was biased against conservatives : politics

Utah GOP Excludes Teen Breast Implants From Gender Affirming Care Ban : politics

Its Not Just a Police Problem, Americans Are Opting Out of Government Jobs

Arizona executions on hold amid review ordered by governor | AP News

School downplayed warnings about 6-year-old before teachers shooting, staffers say

Nearly 30 missing persons reported in South Dakota since New Years Day

A top Border Patrol official resigned after allegedly pressuring female employees for sex, officials say Tony Barker, who was acting chief of the law enforcement operations directorate, is under investigation

What Happened to the Sarah Lawrence Kids and Larry Ray? As Lawrence Ray faces trial, two parents wonder if theyll finally reunite with their children.

Police: Woman fatally shoots dying husband at hospital | AP News : news

Listen to the money talk

When bad things happen to rich people

When Truman Capote's Lies Caught Up With Him - The author of In Cold Blood played fast and loose with the facts.

TIL more than 300 million people globally dont have a single friend, according to Gallup data

1st small modular nuclear reactor certified for use in US : news

Whats the scariest thing thats ever happened to you?

Salesman (1969) study of door-to-door Bible salesmen in the Boston area and in the south is a superb and truthful look at an American institution, and at the troubling relationship between fact and fiction, materialism and spiritual values. : boston

Who will be the most mourned/biggest deal when they die? : AskReddit


Greenland ice sheet the second largest in the world experiencing its highest temperatures in 1,000 years, researchers say

Here are the places where global warming is slowest - and why - Washington Post

Trees were a California citys salvation. Now theyre a mortal threat

What does the best current evidence say about the efficacy of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines? : askscience

COVID-19 patients retain elevated risk of death for at least 18 months after infection. COVID-19 is associated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease and death in the short- and long-term, according to a study in nearly 160,000 patients : science

Taiwan OKs same-sex marriage of transnational couples : worldnews

China keeping 1 hour daily limit on kidsonline games

CEPA:The next Russian civil war is already under way : UkraineWarVideoReport ... Piontkovsky argues that the looming civil war will not be over political (red versus white) orientations, nor a post-imperial explosion along regional, ethnic or religious fault lines. It will be gangsters fighting over money. Likely or not, the time to start preparing for this, and the danger and disruption it threatens, is now.

Putin loyalist dials up nuclear rhetoric as NATO partners push for more weapons for Ukraine : worldnews
Air defense system installed in Moscow near Putins residence
Europes warm winter is robbing Putin of a trump card
Kremlin Threatens Whole New Level of War OverWestern Weapons

US to designate Russias Wagnermercenary group as a transnational criminal organization

Kazakh MP loses seat after speaking in support of Russia : worldnews

India Now Buying 33 Times More Russian Oil Than a Year Earlier : worldnews

At least 78 people die as winter temperatures plunge in Afghanistan, Taliban says : worldnews
Taliban Minister Blames Sanctions for Restrictions on Women in Afghanistan : anime_titties

Ethiopia discovers new oil deposits : worldnews

Iran refuses to recognize Ukraines Crimea, Donbas as Russian territories
Karate champion executed in Iran was given only 15 minutes to plead case : worldnews
Iranian medical staff face death threats, arrest and interrogation for treating injured protesters : worldnews

Biden administration announces new $2.5 billion security aid package for Ukraine : worldnews
Newest US military package for Ukraine:

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 331, Part 1 (Thread #472) : worldnews

Another absolutely insane Russian banzai attack. This time not around Bakhmut but somewhere in Zaporizhzhia Oblast in the south. Russian troops without any armor support running in totally open field. For Ukrainian infantry and snipers just target practice

Russian invaders have destroyed almost 80% of largest national park in Donetsk Oblast : worldnews

Finland to deliver more defence materiel to Ukraine - 400M worth of heavy weaponry, clearly the largest package to date

Former Swedish intelligence officer jailed for life for spying for Russia : worldnews
Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings | on Twitter: "THANK SWEDEN: Developed specifically for winter fighting, the C-90 has good mobility in snow and rough terrain while delivering and supporting 6-8 fully equipped soldiers. Its 40mm auto-cannon provides impressive and highly accurate fire support." / Twitter

Mystery divers rescued near Polish energy sites in the middle of the night offer dubious explanation, and vanish : worldnews
Polish judges seek charges against court president for ignoring European ruling to reinstate them : worldnews

Hungary blocks allocation of 500 million of EU military aid to Ukraine

European Parliament votes to take action against loot boxes, gaming addiction, gold farming and more : worldnews

MUSCLES FROM BRUSSELS: Belgiums Foreign Minister, Wopke Hoekstra, says the Netherlands will consider providing F-16 fighter jets-- if Kyiv requests it. We are open-minded, there are no taboos.

Pro-Russian slogans grow louder in former East Germany as Ukrainian refugees fear a far-right resurgence - The Globe and Mail : worldnews

ChrisO_wiki on Twitter: "2/ Describing them as "old friends of the Kremlin", MO says that the 19 "were favourites of Russian propaganda who took part in events in Moscow at the expense of the Russian budget." It highlights five individuals in particular." / Twitter

Romanian judge grants 30-day extension of Tate detention : worldnews
Andrew Tate: Romanian teens explain how he approached them on social media : news
Andrew Tate said he broke a womans jaw and that his business was a 'scam' ahead of Romanian charges

Swiss voters could have final say on confiscating Russian money : worldnews
Is there anything grosser than Davos?

China cannot be out, China must be in: France says its diverging with Washington on Beijing ties
Over 1 million protesters in France march against raising retirement age : worldnews
Undocumented workers speak out over exploitationat Paris Olympics venues

TIL, the Irish Potato Famine, an agricultural disaster that occurred between 1840 and 1850, resulted in over one million deaths and another million emigrants leaving the country. : todayilearned ... And at the same time, British-Irish farmers were supplying the British Navy with pork and grains. The potato blight was real, unfortunately, the British in control wouldnt allow the Irish to eat the food produced on their own stolen land to let them survive.

WH: Biden wont negotiate around the full faith and credit of the U.S.

Supreme Courts inability to find the leaker adds to its credibility problems
Supreme Court leak report findings: Lax security, loose lips : politics
The Justices Dont Want to Know Who Leaked Dobbs
Investigation that fails to investigate most obvious suspects reaches no conclusions
Supreme Court Simply Can't Figure Out Who Leaked the Abortion Opinion - The report is far from conclusive, as it appears the investigators did not question the nine justices themselves.

Biden, Trump and two very different classified document scandals, explained : politics
68 Days of Silence: Why the White House Stayed Mum on Classified DocumentsAdvisers to President Biden calculated that the Justice Department would view possession of the documents as little more than a good-faith mistake.

Justice Department tells Jim Jordan it wont share information about ongoing investigations

Delay Has Already Weakened Garlands Case AgainstTrump

Donald Trump questions whether not paying taxes isreally criminal?

Trump and lawyers sanctioned almost $1 million for 'frivolous' lawsuit against Hillary Clinton
Trump dropped his lawsuit against Letitia James a day after a judge fined him $1 million for a frivolous case against Hillary Clinton : politics

Fox chief Rupert Murdoch to be deposed in $1.6 billion Dominion defamation case : news

Schiff: McCarthy, GOP seek to decapitate those who would hold them accountable

Kevin McCarthy Has Packed The House Oversight Committee With Election Deniers Thirteen of the 15 new Republicans tapped for the powerful panel have peddled in conspiracies, lies and other pro-Trump bonkers ideas. : politics
cd Americans Deserve a House of Representatives That Better Represents Them : politics

New Mexico shooting suspect shows Republicans seek a violent solution to rejection: From the Big Lie to Twitter to their families, Republicans refuse to peacefully admit that they're unpopular : politics
It Might Be Too Late for the GOP to Stop Big Lie-Inspired Violence

GOP bill would fine people $1500 for using the correct pronouns for trans people. The bill also says that gender is established by the individuals deoxyribonucleic acid.

Kathy Hochul gives multi-billionaire $850 million in state money because reasons

The 87-Page Document That Should Have Sunk George Santos : politics
Brazilian drag artist says GOP Rep. George Santos couldn't cut it as a drag queen: He is crazy
How an Investor Lost $625,000 and His Faith in George Santos - The New York Times undefined

GOP Quietly Plots What s Next on Abortion in Nod to 2022 Failures - Anti-abortion rally in DC highlights scattershot approach

Those who promote bigotry against trans people in sports are responsible for normalizing the whole fascist anti-trans agenda.

Florida Rejects AP African American Studies Class - The New York Times course content was inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.
Florida blocks high school African American studies class : politics
Judge rules DeSantis broke law in firing Tampa state attorney | Miami Herald

No more sliced cheese under Iowa Republicans SNAP proposal - Axios Des Moines ... Iowa House Republicans are proposing restrictions on the state's SNAP benefits that could dramatically limit what foods recipients can get at the store.

Ruben Gallego Set to Launch Senate Campaign Against Kyrsten Sinema : politics
Democrat Ruben Gallego to challenge Kyrsten Sinema for Senate seat : politics

Missouris abortion ban declares Almighty God is the author of life.Faith leaders beg to differ in new suit. (God and His Almighty Republican Dick)

Blue states can show us a way out of red state culture-war madness

Kyrsten Sinema (wrongly) bashes Democrats' voting rights bill

The end of an error The Harvard Kennedy School reversed course on Thursday and said it would offer a fellowship to a leading human rights advocate it had previously rejected, after news of the decision touched off a public outcry over academic freedom, donor influence and the boundaries of criticism of Israel. (Elmendork)

Self-drive my shitty car

There is increasing evidence indicating that extreme social withdrawal (Hikikomori) is a global phenomenon. : science

TIL There were 121 witnesses to the JFK assassination, and 51 of them believed shots came from the grassy knoll. A further study examined 64 witnesses, with over half putting gunshots from the knoll. : todayilearned


Extreme heat could put 40% of land vertebrates in peril by end of century : worldnews (spineless Republican not worried)

Greta Thunberg accuses energy firms of throwing people under the bus : worldnews

Brazils new President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Wednesday called for South American nations that are home to the Amazon rainforest to join forces in protecting the key resource to fighting climate change

Chiles government on Wednesday torpedoed a controversial billion-dollar cooper mining project due to be built near a nature reserve that is home to a rare species of penguin

6,804 confirmed cases and 125 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass

Australia to consider European-style right to be forgotten privacy laws | Attorney general promises a of modernisations of the Privacy Act to follow new customer data protection laws

Myanmar Junta Leaked Memo Shows Resistance Growing Beyond Control : anime_titties

Chinese reluctant to have children as China reports first population fall in 61 years : worldnews

The European Parliament has just voted for a tribunal for Putin In favor - 472. Against - 19 Putin is a War Criminal : ukraine The European Parliament has just voted for a tribunal for Putin In favor
Putin ally warns NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine | Reuters
Kremlin responds to Zelenskyys doubts about Putins existence
#Putins speech commemorating the Soviet forcesbreaking of the siege of #Leningrad signaled that he remains uncertain about his ability to significantly shape the #Russian information space.
Russia claims it has torpedoes capable of causing an underwater radioactive 'tsunami'
Putin to send heavy T-14 Armata main battle tanks into Ukraine- UK

They started with a 3-days special military operation and ended up on a holy war and propagandist shouting Allahu Akbar in the TV studio

Russian Army Accuses Soldiers Of Desertion After Ordering Them To Retreat : worldnews

India flexes its muscle at Davos as Chinas star fades
India says BBC documentary on India PM Modi is "propaganda" : worldnews

EU assembly wants Irans Revolutionary Guard on terror list
Iran warns EU not to list Revolutionary Guards as terrorist entity : worldnews
Iran to execute mentally ill man for allegedly burning Quran during protest

Fearing US ire, Netanyahu said to call off technical splitting of West Bank settlement : anime_titties
Israel and Palestinians clash at UN Security Council meeting as tensions rise : anime_titties
Palestinian teacher shot while giving first aid to militant : anime_titties

Ukraines Zelenskyy invites Chinas President Xi for 'dialogue'
CIA director holds secret meeting with Zelensky on Russias next steps
US warming up to prospect of helping Ukraine target Crimean Peninsula : worldnews
Today we announced an additional $125 million in funding to support Ukraines energy and electric grid against Russias attacks designed to leave millions without power during the winter months. These attacks have made Ukrainians only even more determined to persevere -- Blinken
Air-raid siren sounds all over Ukraine: fighters took off in Belarus : worldnews
USAID reportedly plans to use the money to buy backup power for the Ukrainian capitals water, district-heating systems, gas turbine supplies, and transformers.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 330, Part 1 (Thread #471) : worldnews

A video appears of the first minutes after the tragic helicopter crash near Kyiv, which took the lives of 14 people, including the leadership of Ukraines Interior Ministry
Oliver Alexander on Twitter: "The EC225 was flying at low altitude in very poor visibility due to the fog. At this point in time it seems likely that the crash was the result of an unfortunate accident. The helicopter may have struck a cable connecting two buildings like the one visible in the second image." / Twitter
Oliver Alexander on Twitter: "From the currently available photographic evidence and witness testimony from the crash site, this appears in my opinion to be what happened." / Twitter

Adviser (Arestovych) to Zelensky who said a Ukrainian Missile was Responsible for the Hit Building in Dnipro has Resigned : anime_titties ... Commenting on a Russian missile strike on an apartment block in the city of Dnipro on January 14, 2022, which killed dozens of civilians, Oleksii Arestovych said the missile hit the building after being hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile.

Serbian President Vucic denounces Russian occupation of Crimea and Donbas : worldnews

Free period product trial declared a success in Helsinki (Finland) : worldnews

Sweden to send infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine : worldnews
Brothers found guilty of spying for Russia in Sweden : worldnews

Poland ready to send tanks without Germanys consent, PM says
New photos from Warsaw Ghetto Uprising published after discovery in Polish attic : worldnews

Ukraine updates: Zelenskyy criticizes German tank hesitation : worldnews
It's worth noting that Germany has a formidable defence industry that has very profitably exported lethal equipment to some quite dubious regimes around the world. So why not send it to defend a European democracy against the new Hitler? -- Timothy Snyder quoting Timothy Garton Ash
Berlin will allow exports of German tanks to Ukraine if U.S. sends its tanks -source : worldnews

Dutch police arrest alleged IS security chief for war crimes : worldnews

France strikes bid to halt Macrons rise in retirement age

King Charles to divert Crown Estate windfall to 'public good'

Brazils Lula says minimum wage has to rise in line with economic growth
Lula da Silva withdraws Brazil from international declaration against abortion : worldnews
Brazil: Bolsonaro could be banned from any political activity for eight years : worldnews

Convicted drug lord El Chapo sends SOSmessage to Mexicos president from U.S. prison

New alcohol intake recommendations are released by Canadian health officials : worldnews

US Coast Guard tracking suspected Russian spy ship off coast of Hawaii in international waters : worldnews

Democrats introduce constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United campaign finance ruling : politics

U.S. reaches debt limit, setting early June deadline as Capitol Hill fight intensifies
U.S. government touches debt limit : politics
We could soon be facing the biggest financial crisis in history as Republicans threaten to stop paying America's bills : politics
Can somebody heighten this contradiction? ... This farce is going to continue to play out whenever the GOP controls the House but not the other two branches of government, so in other words often.
White House Says No Debt Bargaining as McCarthy Urges Talks : politics

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That Itll Weigh Down the Economy for Years ,,, Trump increased the debt by over $7 trillion, while at the same time cutting taxes for US corporations, which had the effect of reducing revenue for the country. Now FAUX News wants to blame Biden for inflation and (doom-mongering) recession.

Tax-the-Rich Blue States Want to Leave Wealthy Nowhere to Hide
Republicans are proving theyre no workers party
Union membership drops to record low in 2022 - POLITICO
If You Work for a Major Corporation, Your Boss Has Probably Already Made More in 2023 Than You Will : politics

Americans Sour on U.S. Healthcare Quality
'Cancel This Failed Experiment: Physicians Tell Biden HHS to End Medicare Privatization Pilot

Images from American History, Part 16 - Jimmy Carter, Anwar El-Sadat, and Menachem Begin, at the signing of the Camp David Accords, 1979, back in the days when Democratic presidents tried to bring peace to the Middle East.

Supreme Court Says It Hasnt Identified Person Who Leaked Draft Abortion Opinion
Supreme Court says it is unable to identify the person who leaked draft of abortion ruling : politics (Alito)
The Purloined Dobbs Draft ... See if you can guess who wasnt investigated.

Supreme Court Poised to Reconsider Key Tenets of Online Speech - The New York Times The cases could significantly affect the power and responsibilities of social media platforms.

Corporate and White-Collar Prosecutions Hit New All-Time Lows in FY 2022

The Pressed Secretary - Frustration among White House reporters with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is reaching a boiling point.
Eschaton: Preening Self-Important Assholes Desperate To Be The Main Character Preening Self-Important Assholes Desperate To Be The Main Character - WHPC is just filled with freaks ... Sarah Sanders sure was fun! Lied at the lectern, and then told them different lies in private to make them feel special. And that's even before we get to Covid Kayleigh.

Ex-Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Must Face Contempt of Congress Trial - Bloomberg ... Navarro failed to offer evidence to back up his claim that former president Donald Trump had asserted privilege preventing him from responding to the Congressional subpoena

A legal reckoning awaits a chief architect of Donald Trumps effort to reverse his election loss. But in Mr. Eastmans telling, he was far from a criminal.

Proud Boys are right about one thing: It's ridiculous that Trump's not in prison| Proud Boy leaders lawyer argues Capitol insurrectionists are "scapegoats" for Trump's actions. Thats clearly true

3 Active-Duty Marines Charged in Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Trump mistook photo of E. Jean Carroll for ex-wife during deposition in rape allegation lawsuit : politics
Trump thought photo of accuser was of ex-wife during deposition
Donald Trump caught in repeated lies during deposition

Trump sold his DC hotel. GOP spending disappeared. : politics

Trump Is Plotting How to Kick DeSantisIn the Nuts. Heres His Playbook, So Far

Kevin McCarthy Gives the Republicans Who Trashed Him Everything They Wanted: The 21 Republicans who were blocking Kevin McCarthy from the speakers gavel are now sitting on key committees.
White House slams far-right Republicans committee assignments
Right-Wing Trump Allies Win Seats on Oversight, Reflecting G.O.P. Priorities : politics

Eric Swalwell Blames Top Republican For Inspiring Chilling Threats Against His Family | A recent threat to rape and kill my children used the language of the GOP lawmaker, the California Democrat told MSNBCs Nicolle Wallace.

Court rejects Republican push to end early voting in Arizona : politics

The Daily Santos: Vol. 7 - by Marisa Kabas - The Handbasket My conversation with Brazilian Drag Queen Eula Rochard
Video shows drag-denier George Santos dressed in drag, boasting about drag shows : politics
George Santos denies competing as drag queen named 'Kitara' in Brazilian pageants
George Santos denies that he was a pageant queen named Kitara Ravache : politics
Embattled U.S. Rep. George Santos was drag queen in Brazil pageants, associates say | Reuters
Did George Santos lie about everything? : politics
The Shadow Race to Replace George Santos Has Already Begun : politics

New Mexico GOP leaders try to distance themselves from suspect in shootings : politics

"I have done nothing wrong": Mike Lindell says MyPillow lost $100 million after election fraud claims : politics

Tennessee to cut off funding to nonprofits for HIV prevention, testing, treatment : politics

Newberg school board rescinds ban on Black Lives Matter, pride symbols : politics

Ron DeSantis Is Deeply Invested In FloridasRegression. This Is Why Everyone In America Should Wake Up
DeSantis seeks details on transgender university students : politics ,,, WV Congressional members filed a bill today to make it illegal to exist in public as a trans person. If a minor sees a trans person, the trans person can be jailed for Obscenity ,,,
Florida HS sports association panel recommends making menstrual cycle questions mandatory : politics

Does Kathy Hochul Really Want to Go Down With Hector LaSalles Sinking Ship?

Report: Mothers in states with abortion bans nearly 3 times more likely to die

In some states, an unpaid foster care bill could mean parents lose their kids forever : politics

GOP bill would throw librarians in prison if they dont remove books about sexual or gender identity
Parental Bill of Rights would allow parents to sue teachers and schools

Ohio House ex-speakers trial in $60M bribery probe to begin

Governor Josh Shapiro eliminates College requirements for State jobs. : politics

Poll: Majority of voters prefer new governor - Mississippi Today (other than PoTATEohdead Reeves)

Stephen Crowder and Ben Shapiro, a Right-Wing Media Feud That Just Turned Ugly Right-wing blowhard Steven Crowder is accusing Ben Shapiros media empire of being in bed with Big Tech

The Hamline files

Harvard Reverses Course on Human Rights Advocate Who Criticized Israel - The New York Times News that the university had blocked a fellowship for the former head of Human Rights Watch stirred debate over academic freedom and donor influence ,,, Douglas Elmendorf, had vetoed a proposal by the schools Carr Center for Human Rights Policy to offer a one-year fellowship to Kenneth Roth, the recently retired executive director of Human Rights Watch. At the time, Elmendorf told colleagues that he was concerned about perceptions that Human Rights Watch had a bias against Israel, according to two faculty members.
Harvard University dean reverses decision not to offer fellowship to human rights activist Kenneth Roth

The S.B.F. Chronicles, Part 5: The Mysteries of Stanford - Puck Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried, the parents of disgraced crypto prince S.B.F., remain calm and defiant and completely supportive of their son, despite the mounting legal storm, according to a person who spoke with them recently. This is the fifth in a series. (use readerview)

Matt Yglesias and the secret of blogging - by Max Read

Alec Baldwin Will Be Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter in Rust Killing

LGM Film Club, Part 334: VW Beetle, 1972

Transgender teens receiving hormone treatment see improvements to their mental health. The researchers say depression and anxiety levels dropped over the study period and appearance congruence and life satisfaction improved. : science

Quanta Magazine - Teenager Solves Stubborn Riddle About Prime Number Look-Alikes


Temperatures on Greenland havent been this warm in at least 1,000 years, scientists report

Temperature drops to -62.7C in Siberia, lowest in 20 years

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres skewered oil firms on Wednesday for having "peddled the big lie" about their role in global warming, telling the World Economic Forum that they should be held accountable : worldnews
UN head accuses fossil fuel firms of business models inconsistent with human survival

Tax us now: ultra-rich call on governments to introduce wealth taxes | Davos 2023

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern resigns before election : worldnews

Vietnams corruption crackdown gaining steam and President Phuc now forced to quit

Putins directive to conduct large-scale military reforms aimed at expanding #Russias conventional armed forces is likely to prepare for a protracted war in #Ukraine and to set conditions to build a significantly stronger Russian military quickly.

Russian Wagner PMC head Prigozhin: YouTube will be closed in the near future in Russia. YouTube is the information plague of our time, those who watch it are traitors to the people who will definitely be punished. : UkrainianConflict

Lavrov compares Wests approach to Russia with Hitlers Final Solution

Russian Soldiers Who Fled Front Lines Call Out Putin for Lying About War : worldnews
Russian Serial Killer Who Murdered 80 Women Volunteers for Ukraine front : worldnews

Kazakhstan ends unlimited stay for Russians : worldnews

Taliban publicly flog 9 over theft charges, cut off hands of men: Report : worldnews

Sources say that protestor, Mehdi Karimi had less than 15 minutes to defend himself in court before he was executed : worldnews

US quietly shipping ammo to Ukraine from massive stockpile in Israel
Israel Supreme Court tells Netanyahu he must fire minister : worldnews
Bidens Israel/Palestine Policy ... A second example is Israel, where Biden seems less engaged than any Democratic president in my lifetime.

Tyranny is outpacing democracies: Zelensky at Davos summit
New York Times: US warms to helping Ukraine regain Crimea. The Biden administration has come around to the idea that Ukraine may need the military equipment to strike Russian-occupied Crimea, regardless of the risks, the NYT reported, citing several unnamed U.S. officials.
BREAKING: The US is expected to announce one of its largest military aid packages for Ukraine in the coming days, according to two US officials - CNN : UkrainianConflict
Russias demands for Ukraine to recognise newterritorial realities are unacceptable - Blinken
Ukraine interior minister among 16 killed in chopper crash near Kyiv : worldnews
Ukraine confirms Russia has finally taken control of the disputed Ukrainian town of Soledar : worldnews
CNN: White House hints at additional military aid to Ukraine. White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told CNN that additional U.S. aid may be announced as soon as the end of this week
Canada announces it will donate 200 armoured vehicles to Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 329, Part 1 (Thread #470) : worldnews

Ukrainian Armed Forces killed 820 Russian soldiers and shot down 1 aircraft on 17 January : UkrainianConflict
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 17, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War

3/3) Imagery shows that since the start of January 2023, the south and east of Bakhmut has continued to be subjected to intense artillery bombardment. Ukrainian forces almost certainly continue to defend against Russian forces on the outskirts of the city.

First moments after the Russian rocket hit a residential building in Dnipro.

Serbia distances itself from Russia - A few days ago, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic demanded to stop recruitment of Serbs in the Russian PMCs. Today Vucic in an interview with Bloomberg said he does not support the invasion and recognizes Crimea and Donbas as part of Ukraine.

Chinese students signing loyalty pledges before arrival in Sweden
Swedish newspaper offers 1,000 euros in Erdogan insult contest

Scholz complains about pressure to supply tanks to Ukraine, says he wont rush with decisions.
Greta Thunberg: German police deny protest detainment was staged : worldnews

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte confirms that the Netherlands will transfer another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine, making it the third battery joining the defense of Ukraine. #Ukraine #Netherlands
Dutch Constitution to be amended to ban discrimination based on sexuality or disability : worldnews

French union threatens to cut electricity to MPs, billionaires amid nationwide strike : worldnews

The British government wants to hand police unprecedented powers to handle protesters. Human rights activists say it's an affront to democracy : worldnews
Church of England bishops refuse to allow same-sex marriages : worldnews

The government of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has fired 13 more soldiers from his security detail as it tightens protection following violent anti-government riots on January 8 : worldnews

The Debt Ceiling Time Bomb Is Ticking Again. This Could Be the Year It Explodes. | The new year has brought the same old worries about breaching the debt limit. But theres one worrying change: An unruly group of House Republicans is now in charge.

Biden just outmaneuvered MAGA Republicans and they barely noticed

Merrick Garland's Pains-Taking Approach to Trump May Have Lost the Political Moment -- Merrick Garland Has Risked Justice by Betting on Impartiality -- The investigations may end up being smothered to death in an abundance of caution.

Cohen meets Trump prosecutors amid renewed hush money probe : politics

Trump Now Claiming He Only Kept Classified Folders as Cool Keepsakes

Donald Trump prepares for his return to Facebook and Twitter

U.S. Supreme Court enabled racial gerrymandering in South Carolina : politics

Anger and disbelief as GOP put Marjorie Taylor Greene on Homeland Security Committee : politics

Investment Already Paying Off: McCarthy Assigns Big Oil Favorites to Key Environment Panel

McCarthys specious attacks on Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell
The populists! : The new, working class core of Republican Party had multiple demands on Kevin McCarthy, and one of them is to vote on a massive tax increase on the working and middle class, to fund a massive tax cut for the upper class:

The Conspiracies Powering the GOP-Controlled HouseHow Republicans have put disinformation and falsehoods at the center of their governing agenda

Statehouse Democrats Embrace an Unfamiliar Reality: Full Power - The New York Times After taking control of four state governments in the midterms, including in politically mixed Michigan, Democrats have a long-sought chance to govern. - For the first time in 40 years, a legislative session began in Michigan last week with a Democratic governor, Democratic control of both the House and Senate, and a plausible path for decades worth of liberal policy goals to become law.

Accused Mastermind of New Mexico Political Shootings Left A Chilling Digital Trail
Violence looms over New Mexico Legislature as work begins : politics

DeSantis proposes policy permanently banning Covid-19 vaccine and mask requirements and other pandemic mitigation measures in Florida : politics
Ron Cancel Culture DeSantis bans AP program in African-American Studies from Florida schools (DeFuckus cancels Black people)
DeSantis Blocks AP African-American Studies Course for Breaking Floridas Anti-CRT Law
b-boy bouiebaisse on Twitter: "looks like this law is doing exactly what critics said it would" / Twitter

California vs. Florida: A tale of two Americas : politics

USVI Attorney General Fired Days After Suing JPMorgan Chase for Financing Epstein Sex Trafficking : politics

Republican Wants to Fix the Completely Made-Up Issue of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Food : politics

Hunt on for alleged arsonist in Illinois Planned Parenthood clinic fire days after state enacted new abortion rights lawsThe blaze broke out late Sunday in Peoria and injured a firefighter.

George Santos Shows Early Signs of Tilting to the Hard Right - The New York Times Through his staff hires and his public appearances with members of the House Freedom Caucus, Representative George Santos has signaled a move away from the mainstream.
George Santos Shows Early Signs of Tilting to the Hard Right : politics
Long Island GOP leader says he has proof Rep. George Santos admitted to crimes in Brazil : politics
George Santos in drag as Kitara Ravache in Brazil, 2008
George Santos allegedly stole $3K in donations for veterans dying service dog: report
George Santos used fake Jewish name on GoFundMe because he thought Jews will give more former roommate says
George Santos mocked over small business, science committee seats : politics

How One Bad Court Pick in New York Has Turned Into a National Quagmire - Gov. Kathy Hochul squandered an easy chance for a win.(Cuomo-ite)
Kathy Hochuls horrible nomination for chief judge of New Yorks top court shot down by NY senate Democrats
N.Y. Democrats deny Hector LaSalles nomination to be states top judge after he defends record during confirmation hearing
Governor Hochul: MLK Said to Not Judge People So Stop Judging My Judicial Nominee - Hell Gate ... (as she defends racist judge fucker she tried to ram through)

GOP Congressional candidate runs a conversion therapy organization. He has compared homosexuality to "fornication, adultery, idolatry and witchcraft" and blamed it for causing hurricanes and earthquakes. : politics

Make Birth Free | Compact Mag

Take Detransitioners Seriously - The Atlantic Some people reverse their gender transition. Understanding their experience is crucial.

After Lecturer Sues, Hamline University Walks Back Its Islamophobic Comments ... University officials changed their stance after the lecturer, who lost her teaching job, sued the small Minnesota school for religious discrimination and defamation.
Modified Limited Hangout - Erika Lopez Prater, the instructor who was fired by Hamline University for showing her class a relevant painting after extensive warnings and allowing students to opt out, is suing:
Art professor sues after firing over Prophet Muhammad images : news

Extremely HardcoreTwitters staff spent years trying to protect the social media site against impulsive billionaires who wanted to use the reach of its platform for their own ends, and then one made himself the CEO.
Davos organizers: Musk wasnt invited despite what he says (threatens to buy Switzerland)
Eschaton: Every Action's An Act Of Creation Funny ..."Elon's my new boss and I'm stoked!" ... This employee was cut during the first round of layoffs. Soon, all the prominent members of the #i-dissent Slack channel would be gone. The channel itself was archived, while bigger social channels like #social-watercooler were abandoned.

Justice Dept. charges Russian founder of cryptocurrency firm | AP News

SBF, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and the Spectacular Hangover After the Art Worlds NFT Gold Rush (Bankman behind the scenes)
Using your customers as an ATM
Eschaton: Buying Influence Vox, The Intercept, Propublica, Semafor and many more we don't know about! The news start-up Semafor began operating late last year with big ambitions backed by deep-pocketed investors. But the company soon found itself in a pickle: How to handle its biggest outside investment, roughly $10 million, from Sam Bankman-Fried after his crypto company collapsed and he was accused of fraud by the federal government ... If I'm reading the article correctly, that's $10 out of $25 million.

State Department to phase out Times New Roman font, adopt Calibri - The Washington Post

Girl, 13, leads Nebraska troopers on 100 mph chase with boy, 11, in passenger seat, state police say : news

TSA finds anti-tank weapon in passengers luggage at a Texas airport

Polar bear kills woman, boy in remote Alaska village | AP News

Video: The insane search history of Brian Walshe as read in court : boston

All Andrew Callaghan Allegations Summarized : Channel5

What was/is the baby boom? ... It is startling to look at birth totals and see that a lot more children more than four million per yearwere being born between the mid-1950s and the mid-1960s than are being born in the US today, even though the countrys population is twice as large now than it was then.

Tesla, electric pickups, and the future of driving - Vox

The Art of Kakeibo, the Japanese Budgeting System That Could Change Your Financial Life

The Best Routine, According to Science The only way to an optimal routine is through astute self-awareness and experimentation.

Quanta Magazine

Viagra lowers the risk of heart disease in men by up to 39 percent. And men who take the drug also appear less likely to suffer an early death from any cause. Research looked at 70,000 adult men with an average age of 52, all of whom had an erectile dysfunction diagnosis at some point in their life. : science

Converging evidence from recent experimental and longitudinal studies suggests that Trumpspolitical rise led his supporters to increase their reported prejudice toward traditionally minoritized racial and religious groups in the USA.

Why did Russia get the USSR's security council spot when there were 14 other republics who became independent? Was there a negotiation? If so, how did it go? : AskHistorians

American Gods (TV Show) contains a scene depicting two Nordic men conducting a human sacrifice in Wisconsin in 1690. How likely is this event, or any other version, to have taken place in North America? : AskHistorians

TIL that less than 1% of nuns in the US are under 40 and the average sister is 80 years old. : todayilearned

Whats the best response to Dad, I think I'm gay?


2022: sixth warmest year on record globally : worldnews

Warning of unprecedented heatwaves as El Nino set to return in 2023

Its now minus 50 in the worlds coldest city

Killings of journalists and media workers surged 50% in 2022, U.N. says : worldnews

Why did approximately 1.32 million more Americans die in 2020-2022 than expected? ... This is just an amazingly irresponsible framing of the issue from Leana Wen, the author of the piece ... But the bottom line is that more than 1.3 million Americans died over the past three years than would not have died if not for the Covid pandemic, and it is at best recklessly irresponsible to suggest otherwise. (death-minimizer WaPo hack)

Russian and Belarusian flags banned at Australian Open after controversy during Ukrainians match

Vietnams President Phuc quits, blamed for ministersviolations

US invests millions to expose regime to North Koreans : worldnews

China is taking lessons from Russias invasion of Ukraine, Taiwans foreign minister says

In China, doctors say they are discouraged from citing COVID on death certificates : worldnews
The world needs China to come clean about its covid deaths ... Chinese officials had reported just 37 covid deaths since Dec. 7, when all testing, quarantine and lockdown measures were lifted. Suddenly that number has soared to 59,938 ... Some researchers estimated that China was already seeing 9,000 deaths a day during December.
Chinas first population decline in 60 years sounds demographic alarm

(Unconfirmed) Vladimir Putin will make a very important statement on the special military operation in Ukraine tomorrow
Russian telegram channel: Tomorrow thespecial military operation will officially end.
bb Russia Ukraine conflict: Putin slams growing Western arms deliveries to Ukraine : worldnews
Russia plans major changes in armed forces from 2023 to 2026
Apparently RF State Duma wont extend deferments from mobilization to candidates and doctors of science. They will enter the grinder as well. This isnt mortgaging the future; its burning it today
Russia needs the opportunity to rejoin an international system after any peace deal, Kissinger says : worldnews (the kids hate him)

As many have pointed out, Gerasimovs order for all Russian soldiers to be clean-shaven may be in preparation for the potential use of chemical or biological weapons in #Ukraine which would necessitate an air-tight seal for gas masks.

Russia Desperate for Iran, North Korea Help With Missiles, Drones: U.S. : worldnews

Explosions reported in Russias Belgorod

Putin is weaponising food, says boss of fertiliser giant Yara : worldnews
Do not fall for Russian propaganda. Russian embassy in Sweden posted gasoline prices throughout Europe. Trying to depict a crisis in the West. But when looked at as percent of monthly income, Russia is far worse off. : ukraine

Belarus puts exiled opposition leader on trial on treason charges : worldnews
NEXTA on Twitter: "The U.S. authorities impose visa restrictions on 25 people for their involvement in the undermining of democracy in #Belarus. This was announced in the statement by Secretary of State Antony Blinken." / Twitter

Indians view US as biggest threat after China, survey shows : worldnews
India now buying 33 times more Russian oil than a year earlier : worldnews

Bangladeshi cleric convicted for spreading Covid disinformation : worldnews - A popular Islamic preacher who claimed Israel was using Covid vaccines to spy on the worlds population was on Monday convicted in Bangladesh over his controversial sermons.

A key suspect in E.U. Qatargate corruption scandal cuts deal, will talk

Family of executed British-Iranian national prevented from seeing body
UK pulls ambassador, vows more reprisals against Iran after execution of dual national : worldnews

More than 90 countries slam Israel over punitive measures against Palestine
Rosen tells Israel she doesnt want to meet with members of 2 far-right parties

Ukraine has repeatedly pleaded for tanks to fight Russiaits Western allies could now be ready to provide them
Gen. Mark Milley meets Gen. Valery Zaluzhny near the Ukrainian border - The Washington Post

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 328, Part 1 (Thread #469) : worldnews

Childs body taken from Dnipro building, strike deaths at 41
Zelenskyys advisor resigns over Dnipro building attack

A very large group of Wagner PMCs crawling along a shallow trench are destroyed by the 45th artillery brigade with support of the 10th mountain assault brigade, Soledar, January 2023 : CombatFootage

Mariinka. The hellscape of Russian liberation.

Serbia asks Russia to end recruitment of its people for Ukraine war : worldnews ... Maybe Serbia should stop trying to crawl up Putins anus then? (Zerbs)

Sweden, Finland must send up to 130 "terrorists" to Turkey for NATO bid : worldnews

Ukraine war: Russias Wagner Group commander requests Norway asylum

Germanys Foreign Minister Baerbock proposes special tribunal to prosecute Russian leadership Putin must now know that his aggression will not remain withoutconsequences
Greta Thunberg carried away by police at German mine protest : worldnews

Far-right group militants go on trial for Macron assassination plot : worldnews
Eiffel Tower lights up in support of women protesting in Iran : worldnews

Teachers vote to strike in action that will close most English and Welsh schools : worldnews ... It boggles my mind that the general public is stupid enough to keep voting in the Tories.
Hundreds of UK police face sack over sexual, domestic abuse offenses : news

Brazils crowdfunded insurrection leaves paper trail for police
Three Bolsonaristas prosecuted for preparing a bomb to detonate at Brasilia airport - News360 : worldnews

Mexico bans smoking in public, one of worlds strictest anti-tobacco laws

Two arrested in case of Indians who froze to death at US-Canada border : worldnews
Canada gives green light to James Bay lithium mineit could produce lithium for up to two decades, mainly for use in North Americas EV industry
Canadians consider leaving Port aux Basques, Newfoundland, after Fiona - The Washington Post

As Debt Ceiling Threat Looms, Wall Street and Washington Have Only Rough Plans - The New York Times

Following a big year, more states push ranked-choice voting : politics

Biden calls for retraining cops: Why should you always shoot with deadly force?

The impressively weak effort to whatabout Bidens classified documents
Opinion | Biden's lawyers created a PR headache for their client - The Washington Post

What the Jan. 6 probe found out about social media, but didn't report -The House committee investigating the riot avoided detailed discussion in its report for fear of offending Republicans and tech companies, sources say ... stunning new details on how social media companies failed to address the online extremism and calls for violence that preceded the Capitol riot.

Revealed: Who visited the Trump White House before Jan. 6 - POLITICO The Trump administration never publicly released White House visitor records. But new data released by the Jan. 6 committee offers a never-before-seen glimpse.

Donald Trump caught in repeated lies during deposition
Unsealed Trump deposition accuses E. Jean Carroll of saying she enjoys rape - The Washington Post In sworn questioning, Donald Trump denied raping E. Jean Carroll but also falsely claimed she said she enjoyed sexual assault

Donald Trumps Telltale Sign He Knows Hell Be Indicted: Kirschner

Trump lashes out at "disloyalty" of unsupportive evangelical leaders : politics
Trump on the possibility of Ron DeSantis running against him in 2024: Well handle that the way I handle things

Conspiratorial Thinking Is an American Disease - The Atlantic In the past decade, conspiratorial thinking has shifted from a worrying factor in Republican politics to a defining feature.
The logical extension of MAGA

Republicans have already filed dozens of bills to restrict voting in 2023 : politics

The McCarthy-Jordan Plan to Weaponize the House - The Bulwark A November report on Republican grievances provides a roadmap for years of hyperpartisan investigations.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Lauren Boebert allegedly got into screaming match in womens' restroom ... Both Greene and Boebert have said that trans women are a threat to cis women in public restrooms and locker rooms, but it appears that the real aggression in the womens room is coming from them.

Billions at stake as online fundraising practices turn off voters - POLITICO

Albuquerque Police arrest former House candidate tied to shooting at elected officialshomes
Former Republican candidate arrested in shootings targeting Democratic politicians homes

How dark money groups led Ohio to redefine gas as green energyConservative groups helped Ohio lawmakers push the narrative that the fuel is clean

Wyoming GOP lawmaker pushes electric-car ban, then says he didnt mean it

Elon Musk, SUPERGENIUS, improves appeal of Tesla brand among people who will never buy an electric car

Ford plant halted by Youngkin would have created 2,500 jobs in Southside : politics

The top retirement states and places where cars outnumber people - The Washington Post

Record High in U.S. Put Off Medical Care Due to Cost in 2022

Rural hospitals say theyre stuck between a rock and a hard place ... They must agree to give up their inpatient services.

Images from American History, Part 15

Record High in U.S. Put Off Medical Care Due to Cost in 2022

How Restaurant Workers Help Pay for Lobbying to Keep Their Wages Low - The New York Times The National Restaurant Association uses mandatory $15 food-safety classes to turn waiters and cooks into unwitting funders of its battle against minimum wage increases.

Is it unprofessional conduct for a law school faculty member to complain about discrimination?

A Fake Death in Romancelandia - The New York Times A Tennessee homemaker entered the online world of romance writers and it became, in her words, an addictionThings went downhill from there.

Brian Walshe charged with murder in his wifes disappearance

Bed Bath & Beyond is closing more stores. What is lost? - The Washington Post What would we lose if Bed Bath & Beyond throws in the towel(s)?

Everything youve been told about passwords is a lie

Living in a greener residential area increases the diversity of oligosaccharides in breastmilk. This in turn may affect the childs health, as the oligosaccharides in breastmilk can protect the infant from harmful microbes and reduce the risk of developing allergies and diseases.

Scientists unearth megaraptors, feathered dinosaur fossils in Chiles Patagonia

Eating one wild fish same as month of drinking tainted water: study. Researchers calculated that eating one wild fish in a year equated to ingesting water with PFOS at 48 parts per trillion, or ppt, for one month. : science


IMF says fragmentation could cost global economy up to 7% of GDP : worldnews

France to map genes of underwater species to help protect its vast sea life : worldnews

Can't Fight It: Russia City Residents Battle -50 Degrees Temperatures

Davos VIPs accused of hypocrisy over private jet use

How Can They Do That? ... Moderna has announced an increase in the price of their m-RNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 from the $26 per dose that the government has been paying to something like $130 per dose. This will affect insured people only indirectly, increasing their insurance companies costs, but the uninsured will pay the whole price.
This is insane. Moderna is planning to charge $130 for its Covid vaccine. It only costs $2.85 to make. Taxpayers paid 100% of Modernas Covid vaccine development. We paid $2,500,000,000.

Were all vulnerable: One in 10 people will end up with long COVID, new study says

Eschaton: Forever Covid The cause of low vaccine booster uptake mostly isn't the anti-vaxxers, it's the media and political class's decision that Covid was over and it wasn't anything to worry about anymore.

Egg prices expected to soar in Japan after record slaughter of 10 million birds

Nepal plane crash with 72 onboard leaves at least 68 dead : worldnews

Taiwan could be next Ukraine Japans prime minister warns G7 leaders

SW: Kremlin likely preparing decisive action in next 6 months The Kremlin is looking to conduct a decisive action in the next six months to regain the upper hand in Ukraine after a series of successful Ukrainian counteroffensives, the Institute for the Study of War said.
Russia lost more soldiers in the Bakhmut direction than the USSR during the ten years of the war in Afghanistan - spokesman of the eastern military command Serhiy Cherevatiy : UkrainianConflict

Russian oil in roubles hits lowest since Nov 2020, below budget target : worldnews

Russias Rambo once a Putin favoritesays hed now fight forUkraine and feels nothing but hatred for his home country

NEXTA on Twitter: "The Deputy Prime Minister of #Georgia stated that her country will not provide military assistance to #Ukraine because it does not want to become a party to the conflict." / Twitter

The Observers - India: Mob attacks church in a wave of anti-Christian violence : worldnews

Mursal Nabizada: Gunmen kill former Afghan MP at home in Kabul : worldnews

Catholic priest burned alive in Nigerias hard-hit north

South Africa set to welcome Chinese and Russian warships despite criticism : worldnews

Russian gas will eventually return to Europe as nations forgive and forget,Qatari energy minister says

Iran Restricts Supply of Cheap Oil to Syria, Leaving Ally in Crisis - WSJ Tehran doubles the price Damascus pays for crude, touching off a Syrian fuel shortage as its own economy sputters
Siamak Namazi: American held in Iran launches hunger strike and writes to Biden asking him to do more for detainees | CNN Politics

Israeli army kills 4th Palestinian minor, in the first 16 days of 2023, in the occupied West Bank. : worldnews

CIA director secretly met with Zelenskyy before invasion to reveal Russian plot to kill him as he pushed back on US intelligence, book says : worldnews
Ukraine prepares for new offensive as Russia and Belarus begin joint drills
U.S. military begins expanded training of Ukrainian forces in Germany - The Washington Post

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 327, Part 1 (Thread #468) : worldnews

4/4 In these circumstances, a key operational challenge for both sides is to generate formations of uncommitted, capable troops which can exploit the tactical successes to create operational breakthroughs.

The Traitorous Spooks Helping Putin Crush Their Own People
Putins latest war crime ... This was a deliberate attack on civilians far from the front of the war, because Vladimir Putin is a bloodthirsty fascist engaged in an unprovoked war of imperialist conquest, and thats all there is to say.

Mission Impossible: Ukrainian drone takes Russian radio communication system from the battlefield, which allows Ukrainian unit to listen to Russian communications for 9 days

The number of deaths caused by the Russian attack on a multi-story residential building in Dnipro city increased to 29 people, 73 people were wounded : worldnews
Ukraine Identifies Russian Unit Responsible for Kh-22 Missile Hit on Dnipro : worldnews

NATO chief hints at more heavy weapons deliveries to Ukraine : worldnews
Russia warns any Challenger tanks sent to Ukraine from Britain will burn
Ukraine plans to ask Canada for Leopard battle tanks, Zelenskys top advisersays

Davos Is A Grift And A Cult But Its Also A Bid For Global Domination ... the "great reset" ... and making everybody eat bugs ...
As elites arrive in Davos, conspiracy theories thrive online | AP News

EU court issues ruling on gay man suing Polish state TV for discrimination : worldnews

Conspiracy Theories Prompt Top Finnish Health Authority to Quit Twitter : worldnews

Ukrainian forces begin expanded U.S. military training in Germany : worldnews
German defense minister announces resignation : worldnews
Greta Thunberg and a mud wizard faced off against German cops to protest a coal deal with the countrys largest energy company
german riot police defeated and humiliated by some kind of mud wizard : facepalm

Andrew Tate investigation: Romanian authorities seize nearly $4 million in assets | CNN

Italian police arrest most wanted mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro : worldnews

UK government to block Scottish gender bill - BBC News
Met Police officer David Carrick admits to being serial rapist : worldnews

Heading the International Anti-Cannibal Commission: Jeffrey Dahmer! - US climate envoy John Kerry backs the United Arab Emirates decision to appoint the CEO of a state-run oil company to preside over the upcoming UN climate negotiations in Dubai, citing his work on renewable energy projects.

Biden becomes the first sitting president to deliver a Sunday sermon at MLKs church

White House counsels office says there are no visitors logs at Bidens Wilmington home
GOP House Oversight Chair Cant Explain Why Hes Investigating Biden Classified Docs But Not Trumps
Trump targets the "thug" special counsel investigating him and his Trump Hater wife in new attacks
Rudy Giuliani says Trump once advised him to take top-secret files home : politics

Donald Trumps Saudi Arabia payments spark calls for fresh investigation
Ron Johnson Deflects When Confronted on Jared Kushners Qatar-Linked Loan

Democrats respond to GOP calls for debt ceiling negotiations: No | In exchange for not crashing the United States economy, you get nothing, one Democraticsenator said. You dont get a cookie.
Mint the Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin, Dark Brandon! | The debt ceiling is a legendarily ridiculous problem. Fortunately, there is a ridiculously legendary solution. : politics

Washington is shrieking at the prospect of a defense budget cut. But would it really be so bad? : politics

Justifying Attack on Social Security, House Republican Claims People Want to Work Longer (for much less money)

The Supreme Court Justices Do Not Seem to Be Getting Along - The Atlantic

How McCarthys speaker deals will causecannibalistic brawl among extremists -- The deals struck between Kevin McCarthy and the far-right House Freedom Caucus will give the most conservative figures considerable power

Tucker Carlson gives indoor smoking his heartfelt endorsement - most American of all pleasures ... the smell of freedom

Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned : politics (mostly confederate asshole states plus Wississippi)

Disgracing Himself: Hakeem Jeffries Stumps for Anti-Abortion Judge

Warnock: We cant afford to give up on voting rights

Inside the One-Way Feud Between Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem

New details link George Santos to cousin of sanctioned Russian oligarch : politics
George Santos faces up to five years in prison if convicted of fraud : politics
Donald Trump made blatant lies acceptable in the Republican party: Calls for Rep. Santos to resign fall flat
In 2020 interview, Santos claimed to have two knee replacements : politics (and three head replacements)

Make Way for Rachel Jones, the Next Gen of Windbag MAGA Acolytes in Arizona : politics

Get to know Tom Horne, Americas worst state education official

Wyoming wants to phase out sales of new EVs by 2035 : politics ... .05 % of the countrys annual oil consumption

The End of Arizona Water ,,, For residents who put their savings into newly built homes that promised desert sunsets, peace and quiet (but relegated the water situation to the fine print), the turmoil is also deeply personal. The water disruption has unraveled their routines and put their financial futures in doubt.

Air Traffic Control Audio Captures Panic as Passenger Jets Nearly Collide at JFK

The Shootings That Never Happened : Red Flag Laws Are Put to the Test | Judges in 19 states and the District of Columbia are issuing orders to keep guns out of the hands of people deemed dangerous, like a Florida teenager who threatened a mass shooting

The scandal is whats legal

Will Ashley Bidens Diary Take Down Project Veritas? After a decade of punking liberals with hidden-camera stings, James OKeefe becomes the story.

Opinion | Noma and the Fizzle of Too-Fine Dining - The New York Times

The Drake equation, the Fermi paradox, and the sociology of science fiction

John le Carre's Search for a Vocation - collected letters reveal the high value he placed upon honorable work.

Hearing Aids

How Should We Think About Our Different Styles of Thinking? | The New Yorker ... Grandin suggested that the world was divided between visual and verbal thinkers.
Want to improve your memory? Try these unexpected tips.

ADHD is more predictive of poor mental health outcomes in adults than autism. Adults with high levels of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than adults with high levels of autistic traits. : science


All of the bases in DNA and RNA have now been found in meteorites : worldnews

Protected areas in Britain fail to stop loss of insects and spiders: Invertebrate monitoring data from 1990 to 2018 show that protected areas in Britain are losing species at the same rate as unprotected areas : worldnews

Honduras Loses 10% of its Forests in 11 Years : worldnews

Lowest temperature in Mongolia reaches -47 C : worldnews

Call for new taxes on super-rich after 1% pocket two-thirds of all new wealth | $26tn of new wealth created since start of pandemic went to richest, Oxfam report reveals : worldnews

People arent taking this seriously experts say US Covid surge is big risk

Covid update ... Since mid-April, weve averaged roughly around 400 deaths per day, with relatively little variance from that baseline. This represents, over this timeframe, about 20% to 25% of the official international Covid death toll, which is remarkable, given that the USA only has about 4% of the worlds total population ... The extent to which Americans have simply stopped getting vaccinated for Covid is pretty shocking: Per the latest CDC stats, only 15.9% of the population 5 years and older has gotten updated boosters

Chinas 2022 trade with Russia hit record $190bln
US-China chip war: America is winning : politics

At least 67 killed after Nepals Yeti Airlines planecrashes

China now perceives a likelihood that Russia will fail to prevail against Ukraine and emerge from the conflict a "minor power." In addition, some in the Chinese government express mistrust toward Putin, who did not inform Beijing of its intention to launch a full invasion of Ukraine.

Putins George W. Bush Problem: or Bushs Putin Problem? Perhaps these birds of a feather ought to be tried together? ... George W. Bush, the former US President, and seven key members of his administration were found guilty of war crimes: Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee, and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia.

Russia reiterates its readiness to negotiate at UN, but with conditions : worldnews (everyone surrentders to Russia and gives Putin all their money)
Violence Is Part of Russian Mindset, Not Many Understand That -- Interview with Russian-German Expert

Russian Marker Combat Robots toBe Sent to Ukraine, Official Reveals

Moscow is allegedly preparing to deport some 100,000 Ukrainians to Russia : worldnews

Up to 77% of the Wagner group was eliminated in Ukraine. : UkraineWarVideoReport

2/ It was previously reported that Wagners head Yevgeny Prigozhin saw the assault on Soledar as a way of strengthening his hand against the Russian Ministry of Defence (see below). However, Wagners losses may now make this more difficult.

Russian soldier blows up grenade at ammunition depot, killing people : worldnews

Russia Sets Ultimatum to Formally Pull a Third Country Into Putins War

Afghanistan: Former female lawmaker shot dead in Kabul : worldnews

They are on the run: Somalia leads fight against al-Shabab

Top US lawmaker objects to potential F-16 sale to Turkiye : worldnews

Saudi prosecutors seek death penalty for academic over social media use | Saudi Arabia | The Guardian even though rulers are major investors in social media platforms

Russian Su-35 fighters to be delivered to Iran in spring : worldnews

Israel arrests 6 men wanted by the US over alleged $148m binary options fraud : worldnews

Putins Spring offensive will likely come from all directionsNorth, East, and South, a repeat of Feb 2022 invasion but with lessons learned & hundreds of thousands more troops. It will be bloody. Time is running out for the West to act decisively

Zelenskyy wants to personally visit UN on anniversary of invasion

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 326, Part 1 (Thread #467) : worldnews

These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Jan. 15, according to the Armed Forces of
Russia kills 26 and wounds more than 80 civilians in Ukraine on Saturday : worldnews

Ukraine forces retain control of Soledar despite Russian claims, governor says : worldnews
Analysts cautioned that a victory in #Soledar would be unlikely to change #Russias fortunes. Russia hasoverexaggerated the importance of Soledar, which is at best a Russian Pyrrhic tactical victory,

Before and after Russian terror. Current casualty count in Dnipro: - 5 dead - 27 wounded - among the wounded are 6 children
Russians demolished Dnipro highrise with Kh-22 missile that Ukraine cant shoot down
World community must strongly condemn use of Kh-22 missiles against civilians - Ihnat : worldnews
Ukraine reports that Russia used a Kh-22 missile to hit the 9 story apartment building in Dnipro - The Kh-22 is a Soviet longe-range anti-ship missile made in the 1960s. It flies fast and at a high altitude, it also has a powerful warhead, but it is highly inaccurate

As Russians Steal Ukraines Art, They Attack Its Identity, Too

Finnish President is concerned that Putin will fight until the bitter end, with no chance of victory : worldnews

NATOs Stoltenberg: We are in a decisive phase of the war. Therefore, it is important that we provide Ukraine with the weapons it needs to win.
NATO Secretary General says Ukraine can expect more heavy weapons "in near future" : ukraine

Europe gears up to send Western tanks to Ukraine : worldnews

Russia is conducting propaganda recruiting in the middle of Serbia. More and more Serbs join Russian Wagner group in order to fight Evil Nato Empire. : UkrainianConflict (Zerbia)

Parisians to vote on banning e-scooters : worldnews

Argentinas inflation rate at 95%, highest since 1991

Brazils military blocked arrests of Bolsonaro rioters, officials say

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

U.S. creates process for exploited migrant workers to obtain protection from deportation : politics

Biden to deliver remarks on democracy and voting rights at Rev. Martin Luther King Jrs church

GOP action on mail ballot timelines angers military families : politics ... Republican lawmakers said during debate on the Ohio legislation that even if Trumps claims arent true, the skepticism they have caused among conservatives about the accuracy of election results justifies imposing new limits.

At least 1 law clerk is among a small group of suspects in Supreme Court investigation of abortion leak: report : politics

A side-by-side look at the Trump, Biden classified documents : politics
GOP hypocrisy called out in scathing CNN compilation of reactions to Biden documents and Trump raid : politics
As a senator, Joe Biden helped kill President Jimmy Carters CIA director nominee because he allegedly mishandled classified materials. (fucker)
Trumps former chief of staff John Kelly had to repeatedly remind the former president he could not share classified information with friends, NYT journalist says

Chuck Todd Shreds Ron Johnsons Attempt to Attack Hunter Biden

Trumps political fate may have been decidedby a Georgia grand jury

Trump Argued Rape Was Not A Distinct Injustice. The Court Did Not Agree.

Why Republicans debt ceiling games will likely backfire
Post-Trump Republicans Are All About Lower Taxes : politics Cultural populism may help win elections, but once in power the GOP tends to prioritize regressive economic policy.

Analysis: U.S. House Republicans favor message over substance in early legislation : politics
Whats going to happen in Washington over the next 2 years? Americans dont expect much.
Three Reasons the Republican Party Keeps Coming Apart at the Seams : politics

GOP Destruction of House Ethics Committee Tells You Everything You Need to Know : politics

Santos to be removed from U.S. Congress if he broke campaign finance laws -Comer : politics
Serial liar George Santos is the politician Americans deserve : politics
Harbor City called George Santos a perfect fit.The SEC called the company a fraud.

Marjorie Taylor Greene fronted an anti-trans rally outside Congress and only a dozen people showed up Georgia Republican has long history of anti-trans attacks : politics

A GOP postmortem: What went so wrong in Pennsylvania? - POLITICO The state party is conducting research and paying a big D.C. firm to help gather insights. (total mystery)

Missouri Republicans target transgender athletes, curriculum as state Senate shifts right : politics

Floridas education system is vastly underperforming (as intended)
Floridas education system is the worst in the country and vastly under-performing by a wide margin (i
Dismay and anxiety on college campuses as DeSantis ramps up anti-CRT campaign

Driven by Election Deniers, This County Recounted 2020 Votes Last Week : politics

Pennsylvania GOP launches postmortem to figure out what exactly went so wrong The state party is conducting research and paying a big D.C. firm to help gather insights.

As abortion pills become easier to get, Republicans push back in draconian ways : politics

Opinion | The racial reckoning led to lots of talk but little real change - The Washington Post

What College Admissions Could Look Like Without Affirmative Action - The New York Times Schools may need to rethink everything, including recruitment, scholarships, standardized testing and alumni preferences.

The End of History
Opinion | The Dangerous Decline of the Historical Profession - The New York Times

Lax campaign finance rules likely to survive SBF's FTX scandal Washington is so fatalistic about money in politics that even a major campaign finance watchdog group took money from the disgraced cryptocurrency executive.
Sam Bankman-Frieds secret backdoordiscovered, FTX lawyer says
Former FTX US President lashes out at insecure SBF in 49-part Twitter thread rant - Harrison said Bankman-Fried threatened to fire him on the spot and would destroy his professional reputation if he continued to confront the former FTX CEO.
Former FTX US President Accuses SBF of Gaslighting and Manipulation
I Didnt Do It
The Crypto Cull

The Anti-Twitter Files: January 6th Committee Report Shows How Twitter Leaned Over Backwards To Protect Trump & Conservatives : politics

Giving It All Away

Virginia School Shooting Tests How Young Is Too Young to be Prosecuted : news

I should know: Ex-health insurance executive calls Medicare Advantage plans a money-making scam

< The Dark Elf : Curtis Yarvin's case against democracy ... formerly known as Mencius Moldbug ... For Yarvin, most people are nothing more than a mass of hobbits who "suck" and should be governed by their betters.

Far-Right Superstars Are Failing on Rumble. Who's Winning? - The outsider streaming site that just partnered up with Donald Trump Jr. is growing -- but not in the way most people think

Are indoor gas stoves unsafe for human beings? : askscience

TIL there is clear evidence that one of the largest volanic eruptions in human history took place in the mid-15th century, but scientists still have no idea where it happened : todayilearned

Characterization of Changes in Penile Microbiome Following Pediatric Circumcision : science
New study finds that circumcision is not associated with a reduced prevalence of HIV in African males : science

Cannabinoids appear to be promising in the treatment of COVID-19, as an adjuvant to current antiviral drugs, reducing lung inflammation : science (actually not)

eli5: Why were some ancient cities like Palmyra and Machu Picchu left to ruin and fall apart over hundreds of years instead of being repopulated? : explainlikeimfive

Disruptivescience has declined and no one knows why

People with a porn addiction, how did you realize you had it? : AskReddit


Images and video of California's floods, landslides and sinkholes - The Washington Post

We are overcounting covid deaths and hospitalizations. Thats a problem.

U.S.-Japan warn against use of force or coercion anywhere in world : worldnews
Fukushima nuclear disaster: Japan to release radioactive water into sea this year | Japan says it will release more than a million tonnes of water into the sea from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant this year. : worldnews

Chinas cumulative COVID cases hit 900m, over 60% of population: estimate from Peking University
Nearly 60,000 people have died of Covid in China in past five weeks | Coronavirus : worldnews
Don't go home: Health officials urge Chinas billions of travelers toavoid visiting their elderly parents during Chinese New Year

Chinas government is buying Alibaba and Tencent shares that give the Communist Party special rights over certain business decisions, report says
Chinas Trade With Russia Hit a Record $190 Billion in 2022 Amid Sanctions

This is what madness looks like: Inside Putins endgame for Ukraine
Putin's Downfall Drawing Near ... The Netherlands with a population of only 17.5 million has an economy 66% the size of Russias ... March will come and the ice will fall ...
Putin afraid of coup, will retire this year - source : UkrainianConflict
Russian ex-President Medvedev says Japanese PM should disembowel himself : worldnews

Russia plans to form army of two million soldiers - intelligence : worldnews
Putin ally says expat war critics should lose homes : worldnews

ISW on Twitter: "The apparent discrepancy between mobilization policies for #Russia and occupied territories of #Ukraine suggests that #Russian military leadership views occupied areas as a colonial resource from which to limitlessly exploit force generation capacity." / Twitter

Pakistan consulate in China cites freedom of Uyghurs as mutual interest, ministry claims hacking

Thousands protest against Tunisian presidents seizure of near total power

Violence soars in Mali in the year after Russians arrive : worldnews

Kush: The drug killing West African youth | Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia are grappling with an increasing number of young people becoming addicted to a substance known as kush or K2. Abuse of the drug has already killed several people : worldnews

UK condemns barbaric execution of British-Iranian national
Alireza Akbari: Iran executes British-Iranian dual national, state media says : worldnews

Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in central Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahusnew government to overhaul the legal system and weaken the Supreme Court a stepthat critics say will destroy the countrys democratic system of checks and balances
Israel agreed to transfer anti-missile, drone tech, Ukraine amb. claims : worldnews
Israeli troops kill two Palestinian gunmen in West Bank : worldnews

More Russian terror. Yet those with the power to stop it *at no risk to themselves* choose not to. Instead they have normalized these daily atrocities against Ukrainian civilians while counting pennies. Complicit cowards -- Garry Kasparov

Zelenskyy mocks Russian forces fighting for credit over Soledar
Attack on KyivUkrainian officials say as several powerful explosions reported
Former US Secretary of State Details Her Support for Arming Ukraine : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 325, Part 1 (Thread #466) : worldnews

Russians lose 500-600 invaders every day, and Ukraine ten times fewer : UkrainianConflict
Here are todays control-of-terrain maps for #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats

The Ministry of Defense plans to purchase UAVs of various types for 20 billion hryvnia in 2023, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said.This, in particular, is the Ukrainian samples that we have used over the past 6 months these are our new drones, Reznikov added.
Ukrainian MOD will acquire drones for 20 billion UAH (540 million USD) in 2023 : worldnews

Russians hit multi-storey residential building in Dnipro city, destroy building section, people are under rubble : worldnews
Girl is sitting on the ruins of what used to be her home in the Dnipro : UkrainianConflict
Footage showing the residential building in Dnipro hit by the Russian missile today.
Recently, it has been recorded how Russian soldiers carry huge boxes into the basements of residential buildings at night, probably with weapons or explosives. Similar works were noticed in several high-rise buildings at once.
(NSFW) Scene of the attack in Dnipro. many screams can still be heard crying for help : UkraineWarVideoReport
Complete demining of Ukraine may take more than 5 years - This was stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of #Ukraine Denys Monastyrsky. It takes from 1 to 3 years to clear a de-occupied settlement. In case of the presence of rivers and forest, it may take more time.

US at OSCE: Russia has abducted about 2,000 children from Ukraine over New Year : worldnews

Western countries are so worried about sending tanks to Ukraine, theyre arguing about what is and isnt atank. We offer our humble suggestion.
Europe gears up to send Western tanks to Ukraine : worldnews
UK to transfer over 12 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, first 4 immediately : worldnews

Romanian prosecutors take away luxury cars seized in Andrew Tate case : news

World Cup drinkers boost UK GDP, easing recession risk : worldnews

It was a massacre: fury and grief amid Perus worst political violence in years | Peru

Former Bolsonaro minister arrested over January 8 assault: Brazil media : worldnews
Jair Bolsonaro to be investigated as part of inquiry into far-right Brazil riot : worldnews
The Brazilian prosecutor-generals office on Friday asked the Supreme Court to include former president Jair Bolsonaro in its investigation into who incited the Jan. 8 riot in the nations capital.

George Kennan's False Moves - The great grand strategist of the Cold War believed he failed in his most important task. (101 yrs)

Republicans Want to Phase Out Electric Cars to Protect Fossil Fuels

Total number of Biden documents known to be marked classified is about 20, source says : politics
Special Counsel Appointed To Probe Bidens Classified Documents Is Really Bad News For Trump
Opinion | The difference between the Trump and Biden classified document cases - The Washington Post
Bidens Document Blunder Is Nothing Like Trumps Crime Trump is facing charges because he defied the law

Alvin Bragg: Manhattan DA tells CNN that his office's investigation of Trump Org. will continue | CNN Politics

Trump claimed woman who accused him of sexual assault in a luxury department store said rape was sexy and indicated that she loved it

Kellyanne Conway says 2020 election should've been a blowout for Trump but his campaign squandered a $1.6 billion war chest. Millions went into merchandise and Trump properties.

Rightwing group pours millions in dark money into US voter suppression bid

Getting lung cancer to own the libs: House Republicans want to make smoking great again : politics

How Right-Wing Gasbags Cooked Up a Fantastically Dumb Culture War: The incredible story of how conservatives took a consumer product warning about stoves and fried their brains to a crisp. : politics
What to Know About Gas Stove Alternatives - The New York Times Electric and induction cooking can offer some distinct advantages, experts say.

Its 2023 and lawmakers are somehow still focused on dress codes for women : politics

The Cuomo faction of the New York Democratic Party, an addendum - Stopping LaSalle is probably not going to be easy, but one thing that gives me hope is how totally politically incompetent the governor and her allies are:

Florida judge rejects DeSantis request to dismiss migrant flights lawsuit : politics

Video emerges of George Santos introducing himself as Anthony Devolder at a pro-Trump LGBTQ event
Santos's Lies Were Known to Some Well-Connected Republicans - George Santos inspired no shortage of suspicion during his 2022 campaign, including in the upper echelons of his own party, yet many Republicans looked the other way.
George Santos backers include a migrant smuggler, a big Trump donor and the cousin of a sanctioned Russian oligarch
We can, and likely will, see another George Santos if nothing changes : politics

Good news for Beshear: recent reports say KY governor is popular, favored for re-election : politics

Rep. Grothman displays Christian nationalist flag outside congressional office - Wisconsin Examiner

Idaho lawmaker deeply sorry for comment comparing cows and womens health

Texas brewery pulls out as venue for Kyle Rittenhouse rally : politics

Twitter's laid-off workers asked to drop lawsuit over severance, judge rules : worldnews

Allison Mack was "a seeker": "Infamous" host on being NXIVM's chosen reporter, interviewing members |

Scientists inch closer to learning origins of mysterious fairy circles -- New evidence suggests the plants may be responding to the dehydrated terrain.

Engineers have now developed a more compact flow battery cell configuration that reduces the size of the cell by 75%, and correspondingly reduces the size and cost of the entire flow battery. The work could revolutionize how everything is powered. : science

Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging | Time : technology


Did Aliens Land on Earth in 1945? A Defense Bill Seeks Answers. - The New York Times

Siberia sees coldest air in two decades as temperature dips to minus-80 : worldnews

Largest global bird flu outbreak in history shows no sign of slowing

An estimated 65 million people worldwide have long COVID, with more than 200 symptoms identified with impacts on multiple organ systems, autonomic nervous system, and vascular and clotting abnormalities. Research is urgently needed to test treatments that address hypothesized biological mechanisms. : science

Charts: These are the COVID-19 metrics to watch now

Compound derived from B.C. sea sponge could block COVID-19 virus, researchers find : worldnews

Routine vaccinations drop among U.S. kindergartners for the third year in a row according to the CDC. While vaccinations remain high, coverage has dropped from 95% in the 2019-2020 school year to 94% in 2020-2021 to 93% in 2021-2022, leaving at least 250,000 potentially unprotected against measles. : science
Study suggests how measles depletes bodys immune memory - 11-73% of the different antibodies that protect against viral and bacterial strains a person was previously immune to.

In U.N. debate, Japan urges Russia to withdraw from Ukraine : worldnews

South Korea now openly considering building nuclear weapons : worldnews

Some 900 million people in China have been infected with the coronavirus as of 11 January, according to a study by Peking University. : worldnews

Russian Mercenary Boss Gloats That Army Had No Part in Recent Victory : worldnews
Wounded Russians are being sent back to Ukraine with major injuries like punctured lungs and shrapnel still in their bodies, report says : worldnews
Russian Wives Say Soldiers Given Punishment for the Truth After Video

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putins war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety

Prison, war and revenge killing: the inside story of the Wagner sledgehammer murder casehow Russia is increasingly using its prison population as a source of new blood on the deadly frontline in Ukraine.

next-level fairy tale. Igor Konashenkov announces the destruction of 4 Bradley IFVs delivered by the US to Ukraine. You heard it right. (haven't been delivered yet)

Russia is not introducing any additional measures against people arriving from China, said Anna Popova, head of the consumer safety watchdog Rospotrebnadzor.

Russia Ready to Withdraw from European Convention on Fighting Corruption : worldnews

US Navy veteran released from Russian custody : worldnews

Russia Says Belarus Could Enter Ukraine Conflict If Invaded

Delhi Was Indias Most Polluted City In 2022: Report

Australia withdraws from cricket series against Afghanistan due to Taliban restrictions on women's sport : worldnews
Mada 9: Talibans unveil their first indigenously built supercar

Israeli army chief claims Iran can make 4 nuclear bombs : worldnews
In farewell interviews, IDF chief denounces governments dangerous West Bank plans
Israels top judge lashed out Thursday at the justice ministers controversial plans to overhaul the judicial system, calling it anunbridledattack in rare public criticism of the government

Ukraine defence minister: We are a de facto member of Nato alliance : worldnews
Western Tanks Appear Headed to Ukraine, Breaking Another Taboo - The New York Times

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 324, Part 1 (Thread #465) : worldnews

War Dead. Friday 13th. : UkraineInvasionVideos
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 12, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War
How many missiles does Russia have left?

Ukrainian defenders kill about 740 occupiers and destroy one aircraft in past 24 hours : worldnews
Russian forces have suffered devastating losses up to 20,000 troops in their months-long attempts to capture Bakhmut and Soledar in Donetsk Oblast.

Russia claims control of salt mine town Soledar : worldnews
From an articulate Ukrainian soldier in Soledar. Itsalmost impossible to hold on there since the war is absolutely not like what we have already seen. Its close contact combat all the time. These are street battles. These are battles in the ruins, battles for every house, for every basement.

BAKHMUT / 1410 UTC 13 JAN/ RU forces reported to have broken through at Kurdiumivka; enemy forces have advanced NW along the watercourse and are likely intent on cutting the vital H-32 HWY. UKR UAV directed artillery has taken advancing RU units under sustained fire.

Ukraine credits local beavers for unwittingly bolstering its defenses - their dams make the ground marshy and impassable

Generators with a total capacity as one nuclear power unit were brought to Ukraine - Forbes - The average capacity of all imported devices is at least 1 GW. During 11 months of 2022, almost 354,000 generators were imported to Ukraine.

NATO is relocating several of its surveillance planes currently stationed in Germany to Romania, where they will be in closer proximity to Russias war against Ukraine.

More than half of German companies report labour shortages : worldnews

Collapse in support for leaving EU in member states since Brexit, new data shows : worldnews
Ministers slammed for seeking to rush anti-strike laws through Commons in just two days
Over 70,000 university staff in Britain to strike for 18 days over pay : worldnews
Ransomware group with links in Russia behind UK Royal Mail incident -Telegraph : worldnews
The Haunting of Prince Harry : Electrified by outrage and elevated by a gifted ghostwriter -- his blockbuster memoir "Spare" exposes more than Harrys enemies.

Armed Robbers Pull Off $4.4 Million Worth Copper Containers Heist In Chile : worldnews

Lula says he suspects pro-Bolsonaro staff helped mob enter presidential palace | Brazil : worldnews
Brazil police find draft decree intended to overturn election result in former Bolsonaro ministers home
Police Ends Depositions, and 1,159 Coup Plotters Remain under Arrest in Brasilia : worldnews

Reward offered to find Iran-born woman seized by fake police in Canada : worldnews
The young ages of the girls charged in the swarming death of a man in Toronto may affect trial outcomes : worldnews

Jan. 19 debt limit deadline looms; House GOP prepares contingency plan - The Washington Post The proposal, still under discussion, would direct the Treasury Dept. to prioritize certain payments if the U.S. hits the debt ceiling (refucks want to kill the world economy)

Supreme Court closing in on suspect who leaked Roe v Wade-ending opinion : politics

Biden classified documents could make it hard for Dems to blast Trump - The Washington Post Weeks of investigation could lie ahead, making it harder for Democrats to blast Trumps handling of sensitive papers
The Confounding Double Standard Behind Robert Hurs Appointment As Special Counsel ... Every FBI director in history has been a Republican. Republican presidents nominate Republican FBI directors, and Democratic presidents nominate Republican FBI directors.

Donald Trump calls special counsel investigating him a "terrorist" : politics

Trumps Attack on NY Sexual Assault Law Called Absurd By Judge

Donald Trumps company to be sentenced for 15-year tax fraud

He Is in a Weird Bunker: Donald Trumps 2024 Campaign Is Sputtering Out of the Gate

Boomers Lose Their Majority in Congress : politics

Whoops! The GOP accidentally admits tax cuts dont pay for themselves.

Kinzinger: McCarthy is a "piece of sh*t : politics

Former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan calls on Rep. George Santos to resign:
Lawmakers Introduce SANTOS Act To Punish Candidates Who Lie About Who They Are : politics

The feeble defenses of the nomination of Hector LaSalle - Kathy Hochul made a massive substantive and political blunder by nominating a judge with a conservative track record to New Yorks highest appellate court ... but that's the Andrew Cuomo wing of the New York Democratic Party for you.

Republican candidate's wife arrested, charged with casting 23 fraudulent votes for her husband in the 2020 election : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene held an anti-trans rally at the Capitol & almost no one came : politics

Missouri Republicans adopt stricter House dress code but just for women

Republicans Want 12 Randos to Decide if Your Emergency Abortion Is Legal : politics

Truth Takes a Vacation, by Mark Edmundson Trumpism and the American philosophical tradition ... Rorty argued that it was only statements about reality, not reality as such, that could be described as true or false. truth is made rather than found.
Song of Myself (1892 version) by Walt Whitman | Poetry Foundation

Hamline student, former instructor at center of debate over religion, academic freedom speak out | MPR News

Teacher and cousin of Black Lives Matter founder Tased to death by LAPD

Newport News Superintendent: 6-year-old's backpack searched before shooting
School head: Some knew boy had gun before teacher shot : news

Tesla cuts prices in U.S., Europe in pivot to drive sales : worldnews
Eschaton: Oh No Elmo His argument was - and I am not making this up - that people in SF hated his fucking guts too much.

Gemini Co-Founder Tyler Winklevoss Calls SEC Lawsuit Disappointing

Supreme Court takes up Christian postal worker's religious claim Supreme Court takes up Christian postal worker's religious claim - The employee, who objected to working on Sundays for religious reasons, claims the U.S. Postal Service did not do enough to accommodate his wishes.

Maybe we arent such bad drivers after all

US cancer death rate drops by 30% since 1991 - BBC News

THC and CBD improve wound healing. Phytocannabinoids Stimulate Rejuvenation and Prevent Cellular Senescence in Human Dermal Fibroblasts study says : science

New research identifies distinct sleep and circadian profiles in seasonal depression : science

87 newly-discovered galaxies, found using Webb space telescope, could be earliest known galaxies in the universe the first indication that a lot of galaxies could have formed much earlier than previously thought

What quietly went away without anyone noticing? : AskReddit

What famous person essentially cancelled themselves because they couldnt stop being stupid? ... he was the greatest thing since they put nipples on titties,


Multiple agencies concur: 22 was one of Earths hottest years

The ozone layer is on track to recover in the coming decades, the United Nations says : worldnews

Exxon Scientists Predicted Global Warming, Even as Company Cast Doubts, Study Finds - The New York Times Starting in the 1970s, scientists working for the oil giant made remarkably accurate projections of just how much burning fossil fuels would warm the planet.

9,360 confirmed cases and 142 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass

Myanmar junta chief family assets found in Thai drug raid : worldnews

Twitter tells staff in Singapore office to clear desks, work from home : worldnews

Vietnam Military school Try to Deny Rape of multiple young female students and threaten people that speak up as rumor to be met according to the law : worldnews

Japan, U.S. agree China poses "greatest strategic challenge" : worldnews
Attack from space would trigger collective defence, say US and Japan, amid China fears : worldnews

South Korea shares eye-opening Covid statistics to defend its new rules for travelers from China : anime_titties

International blunder as Swiss firm gives Taiwanese missile components to China : worldnews (got the zipcode wrong)

Researchers carried out a study of farming and herding groups in the Tibetan borderlands in rural China and found that women worked much harder than men, and contributed most of the fruits of this labour to their families. : science

From a Atlantic Council survey of global strategists: 46% of respondents expected Russia to become a failed state by 2033. Separately, roughly 40% expected Russia to break up internally forreasons including revolution, civil war, or political disintegration

The first case of infection with a variant of the #Kraken #coronavirus was registered in #Russia.

Putin demotes Surovikin, replacing him with Gerasimov as commander of war in Ukraine : worldnews
The deployment of the CGS as theatre commander is an indicator of the increasing seriousness of the situation Russia is facing, and a clear acknowledgement that the campaign is falling short of Russias strategic goals.
In contrast, Surovikin has been widely praised by this community for his championing of a more realistic approach. As a now deputy commander, his authority and influence is almost certainly hugely reduced.

Russia could expand draft age as soon as this spring - lawmaker : worldnews
Russians lack military equipment, so they throw people at the front : worldnews
Notorious Russian arms dealer freed in Brittney Griner exchange awkwardly backs out of pledge to fight in Ukraine : worldnews

The EUs ban on crude oil imports from Russia and its price cap on the countrys oil are costing Moscow about $172 million per day, a new report has found. Those losses could rise to roughly $300 million per day on Feb. 5, when the EU will be implementing further restrictions,

Putins Alleged Mistress Has An Estimated Net Worth Of $109 Million: Report

Russia Honors Dead Wagner Fighter Who Beat His Mom to Death as Hero Who Always Helped the Weak

NYT Accidentally Leaked Russian War Critics Phone Numbers:

Russian Tech Giant VK Orders Workers to Return From Abroad : worldnews

Leader of influential Hindu group backs LGBT rights in India : worldnews

Egyptian presenter Yasmine Ezz accused of promoting women's subjugation : worldnews

A great day for the country: Uganda declares an end to Ebola outbreak

Iran preparing to execute British citizen : worldnews
Execution Of 19-Year-Old Iranian Stayed After Protest (Iran)

Next week a meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in the "Ramstein" format will be held in Germany with the participation of about 50 states, said the head of the Pentagon Lloyd Austin during a press conference in Washington.
Ukraine asks not to punish Belarus on par with Russia in latest EU sanctions packages : worldnews
ISW on Twitter: "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reiterated that a renewed Russian offensive operation from #Belarus remains highly unlikely." / Twitter
Politico: More than 2,000 cyber attacks aimed at Ukraine in 2022. More than 300 of the attacks were against the security and defense sector, and over 400 targeted organizations in the commercial, energy, financial, telecommunications, and software sectors, Politico reported.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 323, Part 1 (Thread #464) : worldnews

Ukraine updates: Kyiv says situation in Soledar difficult
Satellite images of Soledar and Bakhmut appear online : worldnews

Body of missing British aid worker found, Russian group claims : worldnews (Wagner fuckers "found"the body of one of the Brits they killed)

Scale of alleged torture, detentions by Russian forces in Kherson emerges : worldnews

Sweden expects Hungary to soon ratify its Nato membership : worldnews
Swedens LKAB finds Europe's biggest deposit of rare earth metals.

#Norway handed over more than 100 generators to #Ukrainian border guards, reports the State Border Guard Service of #Ukraine.

Nearly half of Europeans say their standards of living have declined : worldnews

Poland to send German-made Leopard tanks to Ukraine : worldnews
ECJ rules against Polish workplace LGBTQ discrimination | Judges in Luxembourg have ruled that employers cannot terminate contracts based on a person's sexual orientation. The European Court of Justice said a Polish court had made the wrong decision. : worldnews

Greece: Espionage case of swimmer Sarah Mardini and 23 other migrant rescuers goes on trial : worldnews

Germany exported more electricity to its neighbours than it imported in 2022, even with an energy crisis at home, thanks to more weather-driven renewable power and greater demand from France : worldnews

Italy migrant arrivals surge, despite Melonsnaval blockade pledge

France faces medicine shortage amid tripledemic, people travel to Italy to buy drugs

Britain planning to provide tanks to Ukraine, Downing Street confirms : worldnews
Parthenon Sculptures belong in UK, says Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan : worldnews

Billed as an uprising to retake power in Brazil, pro-Bolsonaro protests fizzle

In arguably biggest test of new NAFTA, Canada and Mexico defeat U.S. in auto rules dispute : worldnews

U.S. Deficit Fell to $1.4 Trillion in 2022 - The New York Times The deficit was down from $2.6 trillion a year earlier, as pandemic emergency spending slowed, the economy reopened and tax revenue rose. The new figures come as spending fights loom in a divided Congress.

What inflation?

Congress got rid of a free lunch for all program. That means some students are going hungry : politics

Live updates: Garland makes statement on Biden classified documents
The ultimate bothsides story ... I watched Bidens press conference addressing this, and another thing that may not be helpfulon the other hand it might, see below is to pretend that Bidens publicspeaking hasnt become a problem

Special counsel subpoenas, grand jury appearances mount for Trump allies : politics
Special counsel seeks information on who is paying Trump orbit legal bills as investigation intensifies : politics

Lords of war: DOJ lays out case that Proud Boys leaders led Capitol breach

Trump discussed using a nuclear weapon on North Korea in 2017 and blaming it on someone else, book says

Trumps Shortlist of VP Picks All Have One Thing in Common

It's not just Trump: A sobering new report chronicles the extensive GOP war on democracy

Republicans In State Of Fevered Tumescence Over Hunter Biden Dick Pics : politics
Hunter Bidens Tangled Tale Comes Front and Center .. But a close look at his story shows that it differs in important ways from the narrative promoted by Republicans.

Adam Schiff: Republicans are currently being led by chaos agents
There are no moderate House Republicans : politics

Conservatives: Explain yourselves. : PoliticalHumor (stupid and evil belt)
Those were better days : PoliticalHumor

Survey finds classical fascist antisemitic views widespread in U.S.

Talks With Yokels - The Times has another of its talks with idiots,

U.S. Party Preferences Evenly Split in 2022 After Shift to GOP ... 45% of U.S. adults identifying as Republican or saying they were Republican-leaning independents, and 44% identifying as Democrats or saying they were Democratic-leaning independents
Democrats Identification as Liberal Now 54%, a New High

Kevin McCarthy on George Santos: Well, Is There a Charge Against Him? New York Representative George Santos does, in fact, have a charge against him. Hes also under three other criminal investigations.
Pressure mounts on House GOP to punish Santos : politics
The Mysterious, Unregistered Fund That Raised Big Money for Santos : politics

Former N.Y. election official pleads guilty to 2021 ballot fraud : politics

Michigan Democratsfirst bills include right-to-work repeal, prevailing wage

Porter rakes in $1.3M in first 24 hours of Senate bid : politics

Democratic win in Virginia special election stymies Gov. Youngkins push for 15-week abortion ban

Man arrested at gunpoint in DeSantis voter fraud crackdown, video shows | Florida | The Guardian In August, armed officers descended on homes of two men accused of illegally voting
A Florida College Goes to War With Ron DeSantis | The New Republic

Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones Texts Revealed | HuffPost Latest News

Group of Illinois Sheriffs Say Departments Will Not Comply With Assault Weapon Registration Requirements : politics

Alabama attorney general says women could be prosecuted over abortion pills - The Washington Post - prominent Republican official yet to suggest that pregnant women could be prosecuted for taking abortion pills

Missouri Republicans Have Found Their Post-Roe Enemy: Cardigans - Missouri Republicans aren't done telling women what to do with their bodies ... focusing on the fine details of what women have to wear (specifically how to cover their arms) to show respect here.

Hamline president issues strong statement against academic freedom

Rights new fight: Gas stoves

Egg prices continue to skyrocket in California : news

Arizona Supreme Court Rules Maternal Marijuana Use for Morning Sickness Does Not Constitute Child Neglect : news

Kennedy School Kancel KultureOne of the uglier and more corrupt institutions of American higher learning the Kennedy School of Government has shot another brick:

Menopause Is Having a Moment It used to be taboo to talk about.

Melatonin as a Potential Approach to Anxiety Treatment. Melatonin is freely available, economically undemanding and has limited side effects. : science

The falling birth rate in the U.S. is not due to less desire to have children -- young Americans havent changed the number of childrenthey intend to have in decades, study finds. Young peoples concern about future may be delaying parenthood.

Archaeologists believe they found the temple of Poseidon in Greece : news

Scientists have found the remains of four species of dinosaurs, including a megaraptor, in an inhospitable valley in Chilean Patagonia that has emerged over the past decade as an important fossil deposit, researchers said Wednesday : worldnews


Scientists sound alarm as ocean temperatures hit new record : worldnews

Images from American History, Part 12The Sacramento flood of 1862.

Boston is losing the frozen season: 2022 was one of Massachusetts hottest years on record, analysis shows

U.S. Anti-Abortion Activists Are Spreading Clinic Protests Around the World: The Texas-based group 40 Days for Life has brought its aggressive tactics to more than 1,000 cities in 65 countries. : anime_titties

Uganda declares itself Ebola-free after swiftly turning tide on outbreak : worldnews

Britain And Japan To Sign hugely significant Defence Deal that will allow British troops to deploy to Japan for first time
Cost of living: Uniqlo to raise pay in Japan by up to 40% : worldnews

For the quantitative metrics of we see an across-the-board growth in 2022: more trade, more military exercises, more deals in RMB etc. Ive summed it up in this thread. There is nothing to suggest that China changes course on Russia
China knows that its problems with the West are not rooted in Xis bromance with Putin, but in issues like rivalry, Taiwan, tech etc. Even if Xi drops Putin under the bus, ties with the U.S. will not structurally improve absent Chinas fundamental change
This gives a slight opening to drive a wedge betweenand capitalizing on other disputes between them, and delay cementation of anti-China tech coalition led by the U.S. thus buying Beijing the precious time of having access to European tech&money&markets
Bottom line: its clear why Beijing wants to portray itself distancing from Moscow, and why officials are ready to talk about it. Facts and figures, however, dont suggest there is any real U-turn of Chinese policy towards Russia.

Chinas Demographic Manipulation

India set to overtake China as worlds most populous country in next 3 months: UN report ... Those two countries (China and India) make up 35% of the entire planets population. Thats crazy.

Russia-Ukraine War: Russia Shakes Up Military Leadership Again - The New York Times
Sudden Surge In Russian Navy Ships And Submarines In Black Sea - Naval News

The Wests oil war against Russia is starting to take its toll sparking calls for tougher measures
Russia risks becoming a failed state in the next 10 years : anime_titties
Russia posts a $47 billion budget deficit for 2022, its second highest in the post-Soviet era. : worldnews
Putin states that war has not affected Russia much, yet whines there are no orders for new aircraft : worldnews
Putin publicly humiliated his deputy PM on a group video call, tearing into him for working too slowly : worldnews
Putin's Chef Humiliated After Bragging of Wagner Victory
Russian Pro-War Voices Lukewarm on Sidelined Commanders Promotion

Russia restricts conscripts from leaving the country : worldnews
Russian prisoners sent to the front lines in Ukraine have been publicly executed for not charging into enemy fire, captured inmates say : worldnews

Thousands of "hostile" web attacks launched from Russian IP addresses have targeted an online auction of prints by British graffiti artist Banksy in aid of Ukraine : worldnews

Patriot Missiles Evidence of U.S. Involvement in War -- Russian Ambassador

US accuses Russian military contractors backed by the Kremlin of interfering in the internal affairs of African countries and "increasing the likelihood that violent extremism will grow" in the Sahel region : worldnews

(4/4) Although Russia maintains a large number of forces in Belarus, they are mostly involved in training. They are unlikely to constitute a credible offensive force.

Afghan women athletes barred from play, fear Taliban threats : worldnews

Activist Daughter Of Former Iranian President Handed Prison Term (Iran) : worldnews
Iran Says Face Recognition Will ID Women Breaking Hijab Laws : worldnews

Zelenskyy Declares to Golden Globes Viewers: There Will Be No Third World War, ItIs Not A Trilogy
West Must Stop Pretending Putin Is Reasonable: Ukraine Ambassador : worldnews
But whatever the outcomeit must be based on the assumption that Russia wont respect it unless they're forced to ... Ukraine should be a full NATO country asap.
Zelenskyy revokes Ukrainian citizenship of Putin ally Medvedchuk : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 322, Part 1 (Thread #463) : worldnews

Russia lost another 500 soldiers and 10 tanks on 10 January : worldnews
If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor -- Desmond Tutu : Total combat losses of the enemy from Feb 24 to Jan 11:
Here is todays map of the southern axis.

Battles for Soledar and Bakhmut show importance of greater military support for Ukraine -- Stoltenberg
Armed Forces of Ukraine deny capture of Soledar by Russians : worldnews
Soledar: Ukraine battle hints at rift in pro-Russian forces - BBC News
However, Wagner Group financier Yevgeny Prigozhin refuted these claims, remarking that Wagner Group forces are still fighting against concerted Ukrainian resistance, the Institute for the Study of War said in their latest update.

Saint Javelin on Twitter: "Bakhmut before war and Bakhmut now" / Twitter

NEW: Turkey sent Ukraine artillery-fired cluster bombs in late 2022 after months of Kyivs pleas with US for the weaponsThe DPICM will give Kyiv a powerfulbut controversial weapon to destroy Russian tanks & kill troops.

How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation - The New York Times The Nordic country is testing new ways to teach students about propaganda. Heres what other countries can learn from its success.

Constantine, the former and last king of Greece, dies at 82 : worldnews

Germany pushes to end gay blood donor discrimination : worldnews
Switzerland blocks Spanish arms for Ukraine : worldnews

A bakers rebellion looms in France to defend baguettes Due to soaring electricity costs, bakers in France cantafford to turn on their ovens to bake bread

Qatar European Parliament Corruption Scandal Spurs Boost in Transparency Rules - Bloomberg Move comes amid probe into alleged corruption involving Qatar

MP Andrew Bridgen has Tory whip removed after comparing COVID vaccines with Holocaust : worldnews
Prince Harry says he was bred for 'spare parts' for William
Eschaton: Spare think coverage in the US misses the actual interesting point about Harry's saga. No reason for anyone in the US to care about the Royals. It isn't necessary to understand anything about them, really, to understand anything about the UK generally aside from cultural gossip. But it does tell us something about the viciousness and lockstep cruelty of the worst press in the world.
Why Americans seem more pro-Harry than Brits - BBC News

Brazil issues arrest warrants for security chiefs after pro-Bolsonaro riots : worldnews
Brazilian Prosecutor Asks to Block Jair Bolsonaros Assets
Fazer o Brasil grande novamente

Haiti left with no elected government officials as it spirals towards anarchy : worldnews

Canada to purchase U.S. missile defence system for Ukraine : worldnews
Vancouver man to open Canadas first crack and heroin store

If Congress fails to increase the governments borrowing limit in time, the result would be a shock to the economy and financial markets.

Live updates: Flights resume after FAA outage causes mass delays - The Washington Post

The Coming Collapse of the U.S. Health Care System : politics

C-SPAN requests greater access to House chamber : politics

U.S. Supreme Court considers narrowing federal protections for unions | Reuters
The American public no longer believes the Supreme Court is impartial : politics

Checking in on the new working class Republican Party (Wall Street Journal lies and lies)

James Comer Says Ukraine an Adversary as GOP Plans Investigation
The Right is Wrong AF on Twitter: "@atrupar James Comer said the quiet part out loud." / Twitter

Trumps tax returns show he was a bigger risk than we realized
House GOP sets its top priority: Covering up for Donald Trumps crime spree

Divided House Approves G.O.P. Inquiry Into Weaponization of Government
GOP-led Oversight Committee issues flurry of letters to begin probe of Biden, Twitter - ABC News

Jan. 6 subpoena seeks info on voting machines, fraud claims from Trump campaign aides - The Washington Post Subpoena sought information and documents on legal representation, voting machines, fundraising around false election claims and more

Judge will allow prosecutors to use Trumpsstand back and stand by comment in Proud Boys trial

Investigating Trump, Jack Smith Faces Headwinds Few Others Have - The New York Times Jack Smiths challenges include a newly empowered Republican House majority and the recent disclosures of President Bidensretention of classified documents.

Discovery of More Classified Records Raises Questions Over Biden s Handling of Documents : The revelation is sure to intensify Republican attacks on the president, who has called former President Donald J. Trump irresponsible for hoarding sensitive documents at his estate in Florida.
In the case of the classified documents, its more serious for Trump than Biden
Biden Gets Assist on Fox News as Karl Rove Busts Out White Board To Explain Why Trumps Classified Docs Issue Is Worse

Keeping Up With the Congressional Kardashians | Vanity Fair For spotlight-seeking House Republicans, the lesson from last week's Speaker drama seems to be to dial up the crazy. By Molly Jong-Fast

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders bans term Latinx on her first day in office ... anti-woke agenda (priorities)

Why Left-Leaning Democrats May Torpedo Hochuls Choice of Top JudgeGov. Kathy Hochul has not given up on her nomination of Hector LaSalle to lead the state Court of Appeals, but the Legislature could refuse to approve him

George Santoss Secret Resume: A Wall Street Star With a 3.9 G.P.A. reads like a detailed road map of his lies.
George Santos was paid for work at Harbor City Capital, company accused of Ponzi scheme, later than previously known - The Washington Post
McCarthy says embattled Rep. Santos should not be seated on top committees
George Santos should not get intelligence information : politics
Democrats to McCarthy: George Santos a direct threat to national security
George Santos May Have Also Lied About COVID-19 Diagnosis: Daily Beast : politics
More George Santos Acquaintances Come Forward With Theft Allegations | Port Washington, NY Patch Santos left a trail of lies and alleged thefts in Brazil and NY, sources say. Now 10 victims are comparing notes in a group chat.
Nassau County GOP officials call on Rep. George Santos to immediately resign over campaign lies

What Happened to Montana? ... But Montana has become like Idaho when it threw out Frank Church or Utah when it threw out Frank Moss - It's just crazy land out there and it's hard to see a return to sanity anytime soon.

Democrat appears to flip Virginia state Senate seat in closely watched special election : politics

Saudi Control over Arizona Water

Christian nationalism in the far West - Alarming piece in the NYT about how Montana has been going far right over the last few years, mainly because of the success of Christian extremists: ... biblical citizenship classes

Olentangy Schools halts reading of Dr. Seuss book during NPR podcast

We want people to be uncomfortable: The conservative plan to target pharmacies that dispense abortion pills
Women can be prosecuted for taking abortion pills, says Alabama attorney general -

Why is Maura Healey Looking to Help the Super Rich By Raising the Estate Tax Threshold?

Uvalde school police chief told investigators why he didnt try to stop gunman: Theres probably going to be some deceased in there, but we dont need any more from out here

Parlers parent company has laid off a majority of its staff

Blake Hounshell, On Politics Editor at The Times, Dies at 44 ... after a long and courageous battle with depression.

The Partys Over for Us. Where Do We Go Now? - By Bret Stephens and David Brooks

Matt Yglesias and his Substack newsletter are thriving in Biden's Washington - The Washington Post very lucrative path toward the political center

Eschaton: The Straw Donors I wonder if this thread will be pulled by the prosecutors or left aside ... SBankmanF ... an enigmatic straw donor scheme to violate federal campaign finance laws.

The Mysterious Problem With Sam Bankman-Frieds Political DonationsAmong the charges against Sam Bankman-Fried is a strange one that he broke rules surrounding political donations.

Natalie Khawam and the Nantucket Strangulation Case Involving D.C. Notables - Air Mail The talk of the town in idyllic Nantucket is an allegation of strangulation that pits prominent D.C. figures against each other

The Hard Right Turn of Lara Logan of "60 Minutes" - Air Mail The former 60 Minutes foreign correspondent recently took a hard turn to the conspiratorial and anti-Semitic right. Is PTSD the cause, or is there something else?

I Love Raping You: What Andrew Tate Told Woman Who Accused Him of Rape police told her they believed her account, but authorities declined to prosecute.

TIL NBCs To Catch a Predator ended mostly due to a 56-year-old prosecutor killing themselves when Dateline and a team of law enforcement officers attempted to enter his home.

Boston traffic: How does it compare? ... The 134 hours of delays endured by the average Boston driver were just behind third-ranked Paris, where drivers in 2022 lost 138 hours on average due to traffic jams, the study found. Number two was Chicago, where motorists logged 155 hours in traffic. The worst of more than 1,000 major cities reviewed was London, where the average Brit was faced 156 hours of gridlock.

Researchers identify protein that helps skin cancer spread throughout the body : worldnews

Male suicides to female suicides ratio : MapPorn

Huntingtons Eight Civilizations from the book of Samuel Huntingtons The Clash of the Civilization (1996)

The Remarkable Emptiness of Existence - Nautilus The Remarkable Emptiness of Existence The void in the universe is alive ... They found that matter makes up only a minority contribution to the energy budget of the universe. Instead, most of the energy within the cosmos is contained in the vacuum, and that energy is dominating the future evolution of the universe ... Nothing contains all things. It is more precious than gold ... In our most advanced quantum theories, we can calculate the energy contained in the vacuum, and its infinite

The Ecological Catastrophe Youve Never Heard OfIn 12 minutes, a landslide, tsunami, and flood devastated a valley in Canada.

Intermittent Fasting according to the 16:8 regime over a fasting period of three months significantly improved several aspects of the QoL and decreased fatigue in healthy people, while maintaining a good safety profile. : science

OB What's a slang word/term that drives you insane? : AskReddit


The Last 8 Years Were the Hottest on Record : worldnews

California storms, flash floods kill 14; Montecito under evacuation - The Washington Post

History might repeat itself: Chinese ambassador warns Australia to be wary of Japan

Japan, U.S. to cooperate over next-generation nuclear reactors : worldnews

War game suggests Chinese invasion of Taiwan would fail at a huge cost to US, Chinese and Taiwanese militaries : anime_titties

China now perceives a likelihood that Russia will fail to prevail against Ukraine and emerge from the conflict a minor power, much diminished economically and diplomatically on the world stage, according to Chinese officials.
Beijing Fears Russia Becoming Minor Power Under Crazy Putin

China is suffering an estimated 5,000 unofficial deaths a day in brutal COVID-19 surge : worldnews
Satellite images show crowds at Chinas crematoriums as covid surges

Russia risks becoming a failed state in the next 10 years, analysts say : RussiaUkraineWar2022
Putin ally Patrushev says Russia is now fighting NATO in Ukraine : worldnews
Russian Officials Throw a Tantrum After U.S. Diplomat Calls Putin 'Small Man'

Another one bites the dust... : RussiaUkraineWar2022 Russias leading rocket specialist has died, the fourth key defence official to perish in less than three weeks.

Russia Ready to Withdraw from European Convention on Fighting Corruption : worldnews

Russian Oil Is Trading at a 50% Discount Due to Sanctions : worldnews

Camp for mobilised Russians burns down in Orenburg Oblast : worldnews

New intercepted call by Ukraine reveals Russian soldier saying hospitals in Russia are "overflowing" due to injured troops

Russian athlete declares Dubai to be Russian territory : RussiaUkraineWar2022

"How to become a cyborg" A sound clip of a crazy Russian woman talking about 'banderite cyborgs, injected with vaccines and taught black magic by Harry Potter in America. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Armenia refuses to host Russia-led military drills : worldnews

US says Iran may be contributing to war crimes in Ukraine
Iran Police Ordered To Deal "Decisively" With Women Without Hijab : worldnews

Russian artillery fire down by nearly 75%, US officials say, in latest sign of struggles for Moscow | CNN Politics
The Ukrainian General Staff announces: "We have destroyed a Russian ship" : worldnews
UK Defense Ministry Says Russia Using Advanced Supersonic Combat Jet In Attacks On Ukraine : worldnews
Overmatch the Russians and they will back off. Former NATO Commander, General Sir Richard Shirreff, says we should 'escalate' our support for Ukraine because the quicker we do that thequicker the war will be over

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 321, Part 1 (Thread #462) : worldnews

Current Russian deaths. Thats only 6,000 short of US Vietnam deaths x 2. Yes, times two, and in less than a year of warfare. Absolute insanity

Soledar holds! Reinforcements arrived overnight and have stopped the Russian advance for now. : ukraine
Right now, heavy battles are going on to keep Soledar. The enemy does not pay attention to heavy losses and continues an active assault - Hanna Maliar. She reported that the approaches to our positions are strewn with the bodies of dead enemy soldiers, but our soldiers are courageously defending. : ukraine

A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.
Russian forces in Ukraine expanded trenches near the occupied city of Polohy (Zaporizhzhia Oblast) over the past week. Polohy is near the front line and has been under Russian control since March of 2022.

Sweden sees bigger Russian threat to telecoms, power network : worldnews

Czech Prime Minister personally signs T-72 tank that will be given to Ukraine : worldnews

Politico: France, Poland push Germany to hand over Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Paris is putting pressure on Germany to agree to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine ahead of a Franco-German summit on Jan. 22, Politico reported, citing an unnamed French official.

Uranium detected in package at Heathrow airport as counter-terror police launch investigation : worldnews
A post about that stupid thing ... Why? Because the modern is basically an ongoing battle about the meaning and value of the French revolution, and the entire concept of aristocracy is at the core of the wrong side of that battle. Keeping that concept alive, even in the farcical and Disneyfied form it takes in re the British royals, is actually bad.
Prince Harrys book Spare is fastest-selling non-fiction book ever
Bonkers Revelations From Prince Harrys Book, Ranked
Prince Harry Doesnt Spare Us the Details

Death Toll in Peru Rises to 46 Amid Extraordinary Violence - The New York Times : What happened yesterday was really a massacre,

Brazil Congress: Big pro-democracy rallies held to condemn rioters : worldnews
No amnesty!: Brazilian protests demand jail for rioters
What Drove a Mass Attack on Brazils Capital? Mass Delusion.Unlike past putsch attempts in Latin America, this one was driven by deeply rooted conspiracy theories.
Slashed canvas on a modern masterpiece, graffiti spray-painted on statues, a smashed Louis XIV clock: the horde of supporters of far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro who invaded Brasilia's hubs of power at the weekend ransacked everything in their path, including priceless works of art : worldnews
Brazils riot puts spotlight on close ties between Bolsonaro and Trump
The US Far Right Helped Stoke the Attack on Brazils Congress
Brazil riots: Arrests ordered for top officials after capital stormed : worldnews

Colombia VP says assassination bid foiled : worldnews

Joe Biden to visit Canada for first time since becoming U.S. president : worldnews
Canada finalizes agreement to buy 88 US F-35 fighter jets : worldnews

GOP prepares to battle itself over defense spending : politics

Treasurys Yellen to Stay On at Bidens Request as Showdown Over Debt Nears

Dems Blast House GOP for Bill Adding $114 Billion to Deficit By Enabling Tax Cheats : politics
CBO: GOPs IRS bill will add $114B to deficit
'87,000 IRS agents' is the zombie falsehood setting the House agenda

Republican-led House moving to investigate the investigators - The Washington Post

McCarthy's mysterious deal with the hard right - Republicans can't even agree on the existence of a document outlining the terms, and are doing their best to talk around the issue despite pledging transparency
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthys shadow document
Opinion: The deal McCarthy struck was an inexplicable act of self-destruction | CNN

GOP revives Holman Rules, allowing lawmakers to target federal agencies, employees - The Washington Post

GOP preemptively strikes down ethics probe into actions of four republicans : politics

How the Biden administration can slow the GOPs dangerous schemes
Jackpot777 comments on Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority (party of abuse)

There's a key difference between the classified documents found at a former Biden office and the ones Trump kept at Mar-a-Lago, national security expert says : politics
Eschaton: Pretending To Believe Them So much political coverage does involve reporters pretending to believe whatever bad faith nonsense Republicans are coming up with.
Ah well nevertheless -- CNN has been on this story for 50 minutes of the last 80 minutes of programming. it's unbelievable. we don't even know what happened yet or if Biden had any knowledge!

Trump ally Rudy Giuliani subpoenaed by federal prosecutors -source : politics

Fani Willis aggressively investigates Trump in Georgia's Fulton County - The Washington Post The Fulton County district attorneys aggressive pursuit of Trump and his allies could soon lead to criminal charges

Rep. Katie Porter announces U.S. Senate run for Feinstein's California seat - The Washington Post Porter will run in 2024 for the seat now held by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat who has not said whether she will seek reelection
Hey Porter
Parker Molloy on Twitter: ""Ahead of Feinstein's decision" She. Will. Be. 90. Years. Old. On. Election. Day. What. "Decision." Are. We. Talking. About?" / Twitter
Bad and Getting Worse: Dianne Feinstein Is Losing Her Memory, Concerned Senate Sources Say

George Santos campaign paid staffer nearly $100k to pretend to be Kevin McCarthys chief of staff and get money from donors
Heres Every Single Lie Told by George Santos
N.Y. Lawmakers to Request House Ethics Investigation of George Santos : politics

Madison Cawthorn never bothered to hand over constituent casework to the successor who beat him and its now a gigantic mess

No Ronny, the the White Houses priority isnt to steal your gas stove (after WSJ propaganda)

Even After Midterm Losses, House Republicans Show No Inclination To Moderate On Abortion : politics

Heres the First Salvo in House Republicans War on Transgender People

Diamonds and RustMAGA media influencer Diamond is the latest sacrifice to the altar of Tucker Carlson: (anti-vax idiot dies of covid)
weird how all these covid deniers keep dying of covid, its almost as if the virus doesnt give a fuck about your stupid uninformed opinion

Eschaton: Crypto Shit Dday on how Gensler did prevent the banks from destroying the word (again) by betting on Crypto. This is what SBF and all his bought politicians were trying to change.

Elon Musks $182 billion net worth drop breaks Guinness World Record ... the Twitter owner demolished the previous record: a $58.6 billion loss by Japanese investor Masayoshi Son in 2000 ... Bezos ... Zuckertron ...
Exclusive: Surveillance Footage of Tesla Crash on SFs Bay Bridge Hours After Elon Musk Announces Self- Driving Feature" ... "rereally the difference between Tesla being worth a lot of money or worth basically zero"
Twitter bans @metrobusinfo account used by D.C.-area Metro system - The Washington Post The social media app suspended the @metrobusinfo account on Tuesday and gave Metro transit officials no explanation why (buy more Teslas)

Geena Davis on the Awful Abuse She Endured From Bill Murray -- The actress talks to Kara Swisher about her struggle to stand up for herself in Hollywood. (Murray is a psychotic asshole)

Suspect in custody after sixth shooting reported at New Mexico officialshomes, offices

UPS and the Package Wars - So why is a strike looming?

Study Finds "Direct Relationship" Between Marijuana Use and Objectively Fewer Opioid and Benzodiazepine Prescriptions : science

Over-40s on antibiotics nearly 50 per cent more likely to develop Crohn's disease - Researchers followed more than six million people in Denmark for more than 10 years and found that taking antibiotics was linked to an increase in risk of inflammatory bowel disease.

Pornography use tends to have a negative association with relationship stability, study finds : science

Working fewer hours is associated with higher life satisfaction, according to new research : science

Performing acts of kindness does at least as well as two commonly used therapeutic techniques in treating symptoms of depression and anxiety, 10-week study finds. (n=122). Acts of kindness was the only intervention that helped people feel more connected to others. : science


Once in 50,000-year comet may be visible to the naked eye : worldnews

Boston would normally see some of the coldest weather now. Where is winter? - The Boston Globe

New variant XBB.1.5 is most transmissible yet, could fuel covid wave

Philippines plan import of onions as inflation makes vegetable costlier than beef : worldnews

A wooden boat carrying nearly 200 Rohingya refugees, a majority of them women and children, landed on Indonesia's western coast on Sunday, police said. : worldnews

U.S. poised to extend Japan security umbrella into space : worldnews

China says it carried out combat drills around Taiwan again : worldnews
China wolf warrior diplomatic spokesperson Zhao moves to new role : worldnews

Putins Efforts to Divide the West Over Ukraine Fall Flat
Kremlin says new Western arms for Ukraine will deepen suffering
Russia backs banning of maps disputing official territorial integrity

No sign of casualties at site of strikes Russia says killed hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers : worldnews
Kremlin: confident that defence ministry report on Kramatorsk strike is correct : worldnews

Russias Only Aircraft Carrier Cant Even Propel Itself: Ukraine

Russian car insurance will no longer be valid on European roads. : worldnews

Authorities in an Indian Himalayan town have started moving hundreds of people to temporary shelters after a temple collapsed and cracks appeared in over 600 houses because of sinking of land. Residents of Joshimath started noticing cracks following a 2021 floods : worldnews
Air India embarrassed by urination scandal : worldnews

Pakistan set to dispatch 159 containers of ammunition to Ukraine : worldnews

Kenyan police have arrested more suspects over the killing of LGBTQ activist Edwin Chiloba, whose mutilated body was found on a roadside stuffed in a metal trunk : worldnews

UAE to teach about Holocaust in schools : worldnews

Cargo vessel runs aground in Suez Canal : worldnews

Protesters gather at Iranian prison in attempt to stop imminent executions
Metas Oversight Board tells company to allow death to Khamenei posts

Democracy in danger: Thousands of Israelis protest Netanyahu's new government
In Power With Netanyahu, Ultra-Orthodox Parties Chart Israels FutureBolstered by growth in numbers and political influence, ultra-Orthodox parties are pushing for greater autonomy, with potentially far-reaching implications for the country.
Israels Ben-Gvir tells police to remove Palestinian flags from public space
Israeli sanctions will lead to Palestinian Authoritys collapse, warns PM Shtayyeh

We need to give the Ukrainians everything that they need...why are we going to wait until the next increment in this war? asks Alexander Vindman. "We secure the United States by arming Ukraine to win and win as quickly as possible."
Great Britain is considering the possibility of supplying Kyiv with British Challenger 2 tanks
Russia and Ukraine exchange 50 soldiers each in prison release deal : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 320, Part 1 (Thread #461) : worldnews

Russian invaders attempt to storm Soledar but suffer losses and retreat : worldnews

Ukraine official says Russian cyberattacks on its energy network could equate to war crimes : worldnews

Statue of Russian scientist removed in Dnipro as Ukraine wipes away Soviet history : worldnews

Builders uncover Jewish WWII trove in yard in Poland : worldnews

Thousands protest against inflation in Paris : worldnews

Irish Countdown Begins for Virgin Orbit's 15M Cosmic Girl Launch at National Space Centre

Households burn cat litter to heat homes amid wood pellet shortage : worldnews

The Slow Death of Surveillance Capitalism Has Begun | WIRED UK A European Union ruling against Meta marks the beginning of the end of targeted ads.

Brazilian security forces wrested back control of Congress, the presidential palace and the Supreme Court Sunday after a flood of ex-president Jair Bolsonaro's supporters stormed the seat of power, unleashing chaos on the capital : worldnews
A cowardly and vile attack: Over 400 arrested afterBolsonaro supporters storm Brazils Congress
Lula declares security intervention in Brazil capital after Bolsonarista riot : worldnews
Lula vows to punish Brazilian Congress invaders : worldnews

Brazil investigates who led anti-democratic riots in capital : worldnews
Brazils top court removes Brasilia governor over pro-Bolsonaro riots
U.S. joins Portugal, Spain, France in expressing support for Lula amid riot at Brazil capitol : worldnews
The pro-Bolsonaro insurrection was patheticand, for now, has made President Lula stronger

Bolsonaros FL stay puts ball in Bidens court after Brasilia riots
Biden Condemns Assault on Democracy in Brazil
How Trumps allies stoked Brazil Congress attack
Of Course Steve Bannon and January 6 Fans Are Cheering on the Brazilian Insurrection : politics
Texas Democrat calls for US authorities to extradite Bolsonaro back to Brazil : politics
Donald Trump silent on Brazil as Republicans denounce capital storming : politics

Kevin McCarthy agreed to cut aid for Ukraine to secure enough votes to become Speaker of the US House of Representatives, reported The Telegraph (the Putin Caucus)

Russian trolls on Twitter had little influence on 2016 voters - The Washington Post (refucks don't use twitter, duh)

Biden signs bill to ensure "reasonable" phone rates for inmates : politics

70% of Americans are currently "generally pessimistic" about U.S. politics, shows CBS News poll : politics

Congress must listen to working families and overhaul healthcare, minimum wage and education Bernie Sanders : politics

If the Supreme Court strikes down student-loan forgiveness, it could havestartlingimplications, Biden says and set a strange legal precedent going forward

The speaker fight is over but the chaos is just beginning | CNN Politics
Republicans Prepare New Rules, but Fixing Congress Isnt So Easyprocedural plans of the new House Republican majority are likely to lead to more gridlock and legislative instability, not less.

Call it the Conspiracy Theory Congress: Things are about to get dangerously weird on Capitol Hill - With Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, House Republicans gear up to wage a two year war on reality itself : politics

Trump Says Biden Convinced Putin To Bomb Ukraine In Mar-a-Lago Campaign Speech

Judge Orders Unsealing of Broad Swaths of Donald Trumps Deposition in E. Jean Carroll Rape Case

65 percent of Republicans say loyalty to Trump is important: poll : politics

The 1/6 caucus does not want to make the House more "democratic"

At Proud Boys trial, U.S. aims to win another seditious conspiracy case : politics

Michigan attorney general re-opens criminal probe into fake electors for Trump : politics

Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas desperately needs more money to address the border after spending millions on busing migrants to other parts of the country

2 handguns stolen outside Colorado Capitol from truck belonging to incoming GOP state representative : politics

6-year-old who shot teacher took the gun from his mother, police say : news

Specific outdoor air pollutants to asthma attacks in urban children. Asthma attacks had a non-viral cause in nearly 30% of children, two to three times the proportion seen in non-urban children, according to previously published reports : science

US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears

US Farmers win right to repair John Deere equipment : news
US Farmers win right to repair John Deere equipment : technology

Opinion | Temple Grandin: Society Is Failing Visual Thinkers, and That Hurts Us All - The New York Times

Opinion | The Dystopia We Fear Is Keeping Us From the Utopia We Deserve - The New York Times

Noma, Rated the Worls Best Restaurant, Is Closing Its Doors ... fine dining at the highest level, with its grueling hours and intense workplace culture, has hit a breaking point

A Hamline Adjunct Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. - The New York Times After an outcry over the art history class by Muslim students, Hamline University officials said the incident was Islamophobic. But many scholars say the work is a masterpiece.

How DEI Is Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities

Opinion | Football Is Deadly, but Not for the Reasons You Think - The New York Times ... chronic heart disease and the long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries have robbed countless players of their health, their happiness, and even their lives, but do not receive the same medical or cultural attention because they happen away from the cameras.

TIL about "Terminal Lucidity." The unexpected return of mental clarity and memory shortly before the death of patients suffering from severe psychiatric and neurologic disorders : todayilearned

Gen-Xers, whats a trivial inconvenience that was effectively eliminated in your lifetime?

What is the most fucked up thing that happened in reddit ? : AskReddit


Magnitude 7.2 earthquake strikes near Vanuatu - USGS : worldnews

Space-Based Solar Power Hardware Was Just Launched Into Orbit for Testing : technology

San Francisco has experienced the wettest 10-day period since 1871, says NWS : news
California hit by more storms, braces for potential floods : news

Deep overturning circulation collapses with strong warming, which could cause a "disaster" in the worlds oceans.

Holy grail wheat gene discovery could feed our overheated world

(89) Why 97% of Namibia is Empty - YouTube

What we know about the XBB.1.5 COVID variant sweeping the Northeast | The Hill
Canadian health authorities are expressing growing concern over Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 as 'Kraken' cases are emerging in Atlantic Canada

Malaysia landslide: Civil servant arrested for allegedly stealing items from victims : worldnews

Concern over 27.8% positive tests at Taiwan airport : worldnews
Taiwan Working on Its Own Starlink Due to China Invasion Fears : worldnews

China-made mRNA COVID-19 vaccine starts trial production : worldnews
China abandons its Covid Zero policy and reopens its borders after nearly three years of isolation

Almost enough to make you believe in divine intervention: Russians have been gloating about Europe freezing this winter. Instead, the continent is basking in unseasonally high temperatures while the whole of Russia is hit by brutally cold weather : UkrainianConflict

Yet more from Russias State TV New Years Eve celebration, featuring a message from Solovyov and delusional jokes about Russian gas.

Russia insists it is observing Ukraine ceasefire despite Kyiv attacks : worldnews
Russia launches strikes in Ukraine in violation of self-declared ceasefire : worldnews
Moscow ends self-proclaimed ceasefire, vows to press ahead in Ukraine : worldnews

Medvedev calls for warships with hypersonic missiles to be stationed near Washington, DC : worldnews

Defence Intelligence: A new wave of mobilization in the Russian Federation will affect residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg : worldnews

Reuters reporting Russian claim that 600 UA soldiers were killed in attack in Kramatorsk. : worldnews
Deadly assault didn't happen, Ukraine says, after Russia claims it killed 600 : ukraine

Russian National Guard shoots occupiers who were about to surrender themselves up to captivity in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Dmitri on Twitter: "Previously, military bloggers already spoke about this, in fact stating that whole battalions of artillerymen have been formed into infantry, rendering their training meaningless." / Twitter

A Russian propaganda video was released about an American who cannot find an ordinary girl in his homeland among dozens of incomprehensible genders. In the finale, he arrives in Moscow with golden domes and girls ready to do anything. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Russian airliner lands safely in Moscow after declaring emergency - Tass : worldnews

Another trainload of Russian soldiers arrives in Belarus : worldnews
Belarus legalizes pirated movies, music and software from "unfriendly countries" : worldnews

US backs Pakistan in confronting cross-border attacks from Afghanistan : worldnews

40 people killed, dozens injured in bus crash in Senegal : worldnews

Gas supply to Turkey from an Iranian pipeline is down 70 percent due to a fault in the Iranian network, Turkish state energy company BOTAS says : worldnews

Iran condemned for executing two men over alleged crimes during protests : worldnews
Iran arrests journalist who interviewed death-row inmates families
Netherlands summons Iranian ambassador again over executions : worldnews

Report: Lebanon urging Hezbollah to prevent local Hamas cell from attacking Israel : worldnews

Outgoing Israel Bar Association chief Avi Himi says that a judicial overhaul announced this week by new Justice Minister Yariv Levin would turn Israel into a dictatorship
Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against new government, judicial overhaul plans : worldnews
Thousands of Israelis protest new governments policies
U.S. stresses need for "independent institutions" as Israel seeks to weaken judiciary : worldnews
Israel reportedly revokes Palestinian foreign ministers travel permit over UN move
Palestinians accuse Israel of training spy cows - report : worldnews ... They are with Moosad

A Wonderful Christmas Present: Zelenskyy Praises US Military Package
U.S. Top of the Line Weapon Will Help Change theWar: Ukraine Ambassador

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 319, Part 1 (Thread #460) : worldnews

Russian military death toll in Ukraine rises to 111,170 : worldnews

Now Fighting for Ukraine: Volunteers Seeking Revenge Against Russia - The New York Times Chechens, Crimean Tatars and people from the former Soviet republics, all with deep historical grievances against Moscow, are eagerly taking up arms for Kyiv.

Drone advances in Ukraine could bring dawn of killer robots : worldnews

In Luhansk region, partisans destroy railway line Russians use to deliver military equipment : worldnews
Ukraine PM says Russia has created worlds largest mine field in Ukraine

(2/4) The way Russia has worked on improving defences suggests commanders are highly likely pre-occupied with the potential for major Ukrainian offensive action in two sectors: either in northern Luhansk Oblast, or in Zaporizhzhia.
(4/4) Deciding which of these threats to prioritise countering is likely one of the central dilemmas for Russian operational planners.

Russian forces hit Kramatorsk overnight using missiles, 8 multi-storey residential buildings damaged : worldnews
Russians use prohibited incendiary ammunition to attack Kherson city : worldnews
(((Tendar))) on Twitter: "Explosions at the Hydromash factory in Melitopol. Russians use this area as barracks and videos confirm a lot of secondary explosions. #Ukraine #Zaporizhzhia #Melitopol" / Twitter
Russian forces may use the potential detonation of the dam as an excuse to deport the local population and attempt to accuse Ukraine of blowing up the dam, the National Resistance Center wrote.

Russias unusual laser devices fall into Ukrainian hands

Roman Abramovich transferred superyachts and private jets worth $4 billion to his children just before the Ukraine invasion, report says : worldnews

Police open more than 57,300 criminal proceedings over Russian crimes in Ukraine : worldnews
London to host international meeting on alleged war crimes in Ukraine : worldnews
Fear still remains: Ukraine finds sexual crimes where Russian troops ruled Investigators uncover widespread evidence of abuse by Moscows forces, incl rape and forced nudity. Kremlin officials have repeatedly denied accusations of rights violations
The girls cut their hair and made their faces dirty - Life under Russian occupation

NATO declines Serbias request to deploy its troops in Kosovo

Sweden says Turkey is asking too much over NATO application : worldnews
Haavisto: "Finland is not in such a hurry to join Nato that it can't wait for Sweden" | News | Yle Uutiset. : worldnews

Poland signs deal to buy 2nd batch of U.S. Abrams tanks : worldnews
Polish town replaces anti-LGBT resolution with anti-discrimination declaration amid EU funding threat : worldnews

Germany: Man suspected of planning serious act of violence
Iranian planning chemical weapons attack arrested in Germany : worldnews

Italian pleads guilty to manuscript scam that shook literary world : worldnews

Benedict's Burial Leaves Francis Alone, and Unbound - Liberal supporters of Francis, a pope never shy about exercising power, now anticipate a late-breaking season of change.

Russia must face tribunal for crime of aggressionin Ukraine, say UK cross-party leaders
Rishi Sunak considered union ban for thousands of key staff in the United Kingdom - leaked emails

Brazil: Bolsonaro supporters storm National Congress 01/08/2023
The Brazilian copycat insurrectionists even have their own Qanon Shaman : pics
Our far right idiots inspire other far right idiots : PoliticalHumor
Brazilian Amazon deforestation up 150% in Bolsonaro's last month : worldnews

Very deadly double agent Ana Montes who spied for Cuba is freed after 20 years in jail | US News

Honduras extends, expands state of emergency meant to fight crime : worldnews

One dead, 57 injured in accident on Mexico City metro : worldnews

Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread : politics

IRS targeted poorest taxpayers while millionaires went mostly unscathed in 2022: report : politics

Judge rejects Trumps motion to dismiss New York AGs lawsuit

Trump claims Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt was shot by a lunatic for no reason - Remarks came on anniversary of January 6

Remember how the GOP was all past Trump now?

GOP Rep. Scott Perry, subject of Jan. 6 probes, declines to recuse himself from looking into those investigations : politics

Kevin McCarthy Debacle Is an Insurrection by Other Means The GOPs Kevin McCarthy Debacle Is an Insurrection by Other Means - Two years after January 6, Republicans are still locked in a battle for personal political power ... Reps. Andy Biggs and Scott Perry, two Republican House members leading the effort to block Rep. Kevin McCarthys bid to become speaker, were among four GOP members of Congress referred to the House Ethics Committee for their roles in Donald Trumps efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Rep. Jim Jordan, who Republican holdouts briefly tried to install as an alternative speaker this week, was also referred by the House January 6 Committee; so was McCarthy himself. (what was at stake when Dems released all they could after the election)

Its Tempting to Laugh at McCarthys Struggles, but History Shows That This Type of Chaos Is Not a Joke
Kevin McCarthy won the House speakership. Now the country will pay the price
How McCarthy got his poisoned chalice

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene passed a phone with Donald Trump on the line to an anti-McCarthy rebel on the House floor : politics

Liz Cheney posts eerie Trump quote after McCarthy thanks former president : politics

Boeberts backers urge her to tone down the nasty rhetoric

It's going to be dirty: Republicans gear up for attack on Hunter Biden

Racism rebranded: how far-right ideology feeds off identity politics : politics

From Gingrich to McCarthy, the Roots of Governance by ChaosMr. Gingrich began the zero-sum politics that mutated into the brand of the Tea Party and Trump M.A.G.A. Republicans and that presaged the raucous speaker battle in the House.

DeSantis seeks conservative overhaul at Florida liberal-arts college : politics

Advocates say debate over anti-trans legislation will harm young Texans, even if bills dont pass
Worst anti-trans bill I have ever seen: States target transgender health care in first bills of 2023
Senator introduces bill to regulate drag shows, limit hours of operation in Arizona : politics

Christian Walker:Predator Matt Schlapp Should Resign From CPAC

George Santos: The latest and lamest product of the normalization of lying (
George Santos accused of flashing white power symbol during House speaker vote : politics

Brand New Florida GOP Rep. Cory Mills Jokes About Vicious Attack On Paul Pelosi : politics

Shootings Reported at Homes and Offices of 5 New Mexico Democrats : politics

Search for Texas vigilante who fatally shot robbery suspect carrying fake gun : news

Condition of teacher shot by child improving - BBC News : news
Elementary student describes lockdown horror at Virginia school where police say a 6-year-old shot a teacher | CNN : news

Conservatives take aim at tenure for university professors : politics (they hate education)

A Hamline Adjunct Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. - The New York Times After an outcry over the art history class by Muslim students, Hamline University officials said the incident was Islamophobic. But many scholars say the work is a masterpiece

Could robots do the work of master marble sculptors? This one is "99%" there, according to its creator. - CBS News (2023 : Year of AI, Robots and Drones)

As more automakers put factory features behind paywall, were racing towards a bleak future

Fungi that cause serious lung infections are now found throughout the U.S : news

40% of children and 48% of adults have multiple food allergies, according to a study. Comorbidities and healthcare utilization increased with the number of allergies. Four phenotypes were identified: milk/egg, seafood, peanut/tree nut, and multi-food. : science - The study says among people with food allergies, 40% of children and 48% of adults have multiple food allergies.

Research team that has designed a tiny implantable device that helps kill cancer. The device is a therapeutic sponge the size of a pencil eraser and was shown to drive tumors into remission, eliminate metastasis, prevent the growth of new tumors and result in longer survival in mice : science

Sons from wealthy families are more likely than daughters to get secondary education. Daughters from poor families are more likely than sons to get secondary education. : science

Abortion associated with lower psychological distress compared to both adoption and unwanted birth, study finds : science

ReverendDizzle comments on TIL more than 1 in 10 Americans have no close friends. The share of Americans who have zero close friends has been steadily rising. From 3% of the population in 1991 to 12% in 2021. The share who have 10 or more close friends has also fallen - from 33% to 13%. ... "the Third Place" ...

Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled, scientists say : technology They found that white chunks in the concrete, referred to as lime clasts, gave the concrete the ability to heal cracks that formed over time.

[serious] For atheists, why dont you believe in God?

What is something that was successfully scrubbed from the Internet? : AskReddit

What are some red flags in an interview that reveals the job is toxic? : AskReddit

ELI5 : My 7yo son asked me if his baby sister (1F) was aware of the fact that she was alive (not his exact words of course but the idea is there). I told him it was a difficult question to answer and that I'll get back to him. How can I answer this in a way he would understand? : explainlikeimfive

Men of reddit, what is love? : AskReddit

Gay people of Reddit, what was the moment it clicked yeah Im gay


A green comet that takes about 50,000 years to complete its full orbit around the sun will come closest to Earth for the first time since the Stone Age : worldnews

Compound extreme heat and drought will hit 90% of world population - Oxford study

Britain produced record amount of wind power in 2022 -- wind farms contributed 26.8% of the countrys electricity, up from 21.8% in 2021

A vulture decides to rest his wings and hitch a ride with a paraglider : gifs

Russian couple who trespassed into Merdeka 118 tower have no Malaysia entry or exit records: Reports : worldnews

Taiwan says about 20 percent of arrivals from China test positive for COVID : worldnews

China suspends social media accounts of COVID policy critics : worldnews
Jack Ma will relinquish ownership of Chinas Ant Group, the company claims

Putin violates his own Christmas ceasefire in Ukraine : worldnews
Lone Putin observes Christmas at Kremlin church : worldnews
Putin is so terribly concerned about being assassinated that no one was allowed into the Kremlin's Annunciation Cathedral for the Christmas ceremony
Putin praises Russian Orthodox Church for backing troops in Ukraine : worldnews

New Russian propaganda video to get the mobilized motivated. : RussiaUkraineWar2022

Anton Gerashchenko on Twitter: "Russian soldier says that he is not going to observe any ceasefires and is setting out to kill Ukrainians. Everything as predicted." / Twitter
During the nine years of the war, the Russian Federation has never adhered to the ceasefire agreements. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar.

Russia preparing to mobilise extra 500,000 conscripts, claims Ukraine | Russia | The Guardian : worldnews
Russia plans to mobilize another 500,000 troops in January-February in addition to the 300,000 that were mobilized in October 2022

Russia spends 8 mn to select quality material for adoption among Ukrainian children: report

Feher_Junior on Twitter: "Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov published an updated infographic on the number of Russian missiles. It shows that the Russians have only 19% of strategic high-precision missiles, about 78% of tactical missiles. They also have only 12% of Iranian drones left.#UkraineRussiaWar" / Twitter

Six journalists arrested over footage of South Sudan president wetting himself : worldnews

One of "the world's most wanted" human traffickers caught, Interpol says : worldnews

Wikipedia admin jailed for 32 years after alleged Saudi spy infiltration : worldnews
Wikipedia owner denies Saudi infiltration claim : worldnews

Iran demonstrators vow to continue protests despite ongoing crackdowns : worldnews
Iran executes karate champion and volunteer children's coach amid crackdown on protests | CNN
Top Iranian Sunni cleric says torture of protesters un-Islamic : worldnews

Thousands of Israelis protested on Saturday against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus new government, regarded as the most right-wing in Israeli history. Protesters brandished signs with slogans including Democracy in danger and Together against fascism and apartheid

Time is not on Ukraines side - Condoleezza Rice and Robert M. Gates

Belarus has no future as independent country - Kyiv Defense Commander : worldnews

Zelensky imposes sanctions on Russian, pro-Russian celebrities. The list covers many people who support Russias war against Ukraine, ranging from TV pundits to athletes and singers.
German-made Gepard system shoots down 80 Russian/Iranian drones over Kyiv this week : ukraine

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 318, Part 1 (Thread #459) : worldnews

Losses of the russian army as of 07.01.2023 : ukraine

Dr Mengele, chief Wagner torturer, reported captured by Ukraine. She should go straight to The Hague. No prisoner swap for herMajor story if confirmed

Russians didn't even last one night after taking Soledar Salt mine. : ukraine
Less than 24hrs later.. Wagner walks back on claims they took Soledar or the Salt Mine. : UkraineWarVideoReport
AFU tricked Orcs to move into Soledar only to use the underground tunnel network to attack the Orcs from behind. Taking the Ruzzians that already moved their artillery in completely by suprise. : ukraine
Border guards stop Russias attack near Bakhmut, eliminatecommander

Russians take 300 children from Donetsk and Luhansk regions to Moscow : worldnews

Russians force 3,000 employees of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to obtain Russian passports : worldnews

Norway Replaces Russia As Germanys Top Gas Supplier

NEXTA on Twitter: "#Germany has provided more than 12 billion euros of support to #Ukraine and will continue this course in 2023 This was announced in the office of the head of the German government following a telephone conversation between Olaf Scholz and Volodymyr Zelenskyy." / Twitter
Germany says EU decisions should not be blocked by individual countries : worldnews
Germany Moves Forward with Tank Deliveries to Ukraine : worldnews

Ultra-right march banned as Paris braces for return of the Yellow Vests : worldnews

Hidden Chinese tracking device found in UK Government car sparks national security fears
Brexit: thousands of Britons expelled from EU since end of transition period : worldnews

Jair Bolsonaro wrecked Brazils presidential palace, TV report suggests |

Extradition of El Chapo son to the US halted after 29 killed in arrest operation

Canadians in Mazatlan still barricaded in hotel amid Mexican cartel violence : worldnews
5 students shot, 1 killed at shopping center near Edmondson High School, say police : news

Russian hackers targeted 3 US nuclear research labs: report : worldnews
Late-Night Thoughts On Republicans And Russia

In 2022, the IRS Went After the Very Poorest Taxpayers : politics

Millions of workers are subject to noncompete agreements. They could soon be banned : politics

How about some good news on abortion rights for once?

Two years after the Jan. 6 riot, key GOP lawmakers go unpunished : politics
Special Counsel Could Decide On Trump Charges Soon With New Records Trove: Report : politics
Trump accused in lawsuit of causing wrongful death of Officer Brian Sicknick in US Capitol attack : politics
Trump Battles On Truth Social To Make Voting As Inconvenient As Possible : politics
Ashli Babbitts mother arrested on Capitol riot anniversary

Proposed GOP select panel would be empowered to review ongoing criminal investigations

McCarthy Wins Speakership on 15th Vote After Concessions to Hard Right : politics
Kevin McCarthy finally became Speaker of the House after one last shocking meltdown. Heres how it all happened.
Megathread: The US House of Representatives Selects Kevin McCarthy as Speaker : politics

Can't wait to see who the new Speaker is... in July : PoliticalHumor

Some Republicans Walked Out In Disgust During Rep. Matt Gaetzs Floor Speech
Mike Rogers restrained in angry confrontation with Matt Gaetz over speaker vote : politics
Sex Trafficking Row Helped Fuel Gaetzs Hatred for McCarthy
Its personal, not business
Watch McCarthy confront Gaetz on House floor as fiasco continues : politics
The Moment When Tempers Really Got Out of Control on the House Floor : politics
What we learned from the McCarthy struggles to become speaker - The Washington Post

Fox News host calls GOP mutineers against McCarthy'insurrectionistsand then hurriedly walks back the barb
The Never Kevin Chaos Is Tearing Fox News Apart | The never-ending House speaker vote has further divided Republicans, but it has also exposed a giant rift within Fox News, with Tucker openly calling one colleague a 'moron'

House Speaker Fight Shows Election Deniers Who Tried To Overthrow Democracy Still Control GOP | Trump coup accomplices Jim Jordan and Scott Perry have become two of the GOPs biggest powerbrokers.

Burning down the House - The most practically significant concession Kevin McCarthy made to get his lusted-for Speakership involves the enormously important role the House Rules Committee plays in advancing legislation:

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Gets Laughs And Cheers For Alphabet Stunt After Kevin McCarthy Win : politics

George Santos displays hand gesture used by far-right : politics
George Santos sworn into Congress amid multiple campaign probes

Conservative leader Matt Schlapp is accused of fondling a male campaign staffer in Georgia : politics

Coward Josh Hawley mocked by Senate rival for fleeing Capitol mob he incited | Democrat Lucas Kunce saysI swear this coward is always running from something as he announces bid to challenge key Republican
It's still not clear what the Senate Ethics Committee is doing with a 2-year-old January 6 probe into Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley : politics

Judges rule South Carolina racially gerrymandered U.S. House district : politics

Majority of 16k canceled PA mail-in ballots were from Dems : politics

Katie Porter weighs Senate bid launch as Feinstein stays mum : politics

5th Circuit tortures statutory language to enable more mass killings

Oklahoma Republican files bill ending corporal punishment for students with disabilities : politics (Fucklahoma)

GOP lawmaker wants to force young trans adults to de-transition. The billsauthor said he did not speak to a single transgender person before writing it.
Dozens of New State Bills Show Startling Evolution of Anti-Trans Legislation (haters gotta find objects for their hatred)

A College Fired a Professor for Showing a Painting of Muhammad. Now, It Could Lose Its Accreditation. : politics

Montana lawmaker wants to revisit idea of reservations : politics

On Musk's Twitter, users looking to sell and trade child sex abuse material are still easily found = A review conducted by NBC News found dozens of accounts and hundreds of tweets claiming to sell child sexual abuse material.
Elon Musk attorneys try to move trial from California to Texas, citing local negativity

A Breach at LastPass Has Password Lessons for Us All : technology

The Hottest Gen Z Gadget Is a 20-Year-Old Digital Camera : technology

Heres what 2023 has in store, as predicted by experts in 1923

Real Magic | Lauren Collee Transcendental Meditation through the eyes of its most devoted illusionist

Widening Highways Doesnt Fix Traffic. So Why Do We Keep Doing It?

An Exclusive Look Inside the Idaho Murders: Part I - Air Mail The Eyes of a Killer : Baffled by the gruesome murder of four University of Idaho students, investigators put out a call for help. Thousands of tips poured in -- as well as one very promising lead

Houston robbery suspect shot to death by customer in taqueria on Gessner, police say : news

2 Men Accidentally Set Themselves on Fire Trying to Burn Down an Immigration Center Video shows both the men running away from the fire they set with their clothing in flames.

Former police officer who fed junior high class cupcakes laced with his DNA sentenced to life in prison : news ("DNA")

6-year-old shot teacher at Newport News, Virginia, elementary school, police say : news ... not an accident ...
Police: 6-year-old shoots teacher in Virginia classroom | AP News

Texas woman kidnapped by Bumble date and repeatedly assaulted for nearly a week after she denied his sexual advances, police say - CBS News

Former porn star Ron Jeremy to be declared incompetent to stand trial for rape : news

TIL during sex men burn 101 calories on average while women burn 69 : todayilearned

Damar Hamlins Collapse Highlights the Violence Black Men Experience in Football

Throughout the past 250,000 years, the average age that humans had children is 26.9. Fathers were consistently older (at 30.7 years on average) than mothers (at 23.2 years on average) but that age gap has shrunk : science

TIL During the Second Punic War, it's been suggested that upwards of 300,000 Roman soldiers were killed by Hannibals army. At the Battle of Cannae alone, about 20% of Rome's fighting age men were killed (up to 70k), and by the end of the war, 1 in 6 of Romes adult male population was dead

Do people that frequently have Lipomas and other types of benign tumors have a higher chance of developing cancer in the future? : askscience

Study Shows Cannabinoids Significantly Improve Chronic Pain and Sleep : science

A Total Amateur May Have Just Rewritten Human History With Bombshell Discovery : worldnews ... TL, DR: Cave paintings were hunting calendars

Riddle solved: Why was Roman concrete so durable? | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology An unexpected ancient manufacturing strategy may hold the key to designing concrete that lasts for millennia ... Previously disregarded as merely evidence of sloppy mixing practices, or poor-quality raw materials, the new study suggests that these tiny lime clasts gave the concrete a previously unrecognized self-healing capability ... Hot mixing, the team has now concluded, was actually the key to the super-durable nature.

How does DNA encode 3d space/information? : askscience

Have you ever read a book that has made you doubt your beliefs? : books

Whats a serious event in the world that few people know about? : AskReddit

What are some behaviours that scream unintelligence? : AskReddit

What did your crush do that completely ruined your infatuation for them? : AskReddit

Men of Reddit, how do you feel about dating a woman who is a few inches taller than you? : AskReddit


Study predicts demise of European glaciers by 2100 if no action taken : worldnews

Great Salt Lake will disappear in 5 years without massive emergency rescue scientists say | CNN (anti-climate change refucks in Utah)

US approves honey bee vaccine developed in Finland : worldnews

An international research team may have found a way to save the northern white rhinoceros, perhaps the worldsmost critically endangered mammal as only two, both female, are known to exist

Japan minister calls for new world order to counter rise of authoritarian regimes : worldnews

Seoul: Kims daughter reveal hints at prolonged family rule

North Korea drone entered no-fly zone near Yoons office, South says : worldnews

China Covid: Celebrity deaths spark fears over death toll : worldnews ... announced only 22 Covid deaths since December (Xi's Zero-Truth)
China Covid: Young people self-infect as fears for elderly grow : worldnews

Kremlin: Russia to announce brief truce in Ukraine for Christmas : worldnews
Ukraine says Russia cease-fire offer is a trick
The Kremlin does not have enough money for the war in Ukraine: Bloomberg journalists revealed a new source : worldnews ... 80% of the money that was supposed to be spent on the war against Ukraine was stolen by Russian officials.

Large-scale fire breaks out at Belarus MTZ tractor factory in St. Petersburg, two people dead : worldnews

Leak reveals Roman Abramovichs billion-dollar trusts transferred before Russia sanctions

Russian teen may face years in jail for reposting criticism of Putins war

Journalists reveal training site in Russia for Shahed UAV operators : worldnews

Russia sends more troops to Belarus as fears of new attack grow : worldnews

Taliban Seal Afghan Oil Deal With China : worldnews

Edwin Chiloba: LGBTQ activist found dead in Kenya : worldnews

Ukraine must accept loss of territories for dialogue, Putin tells Erdogan

15 Iranian women start hunger strike against regimes prison conditions
Disabled Iranian Protester Handed Death Sentence (Iran) : worldnews

We must prepare for new conscripts from Russia in January and at the beginning of February@ZelenskyyUa
US includes 50 Bradleys in new $2.8 billion weapons package to Ukraine : worldnews
Germany to follow US, provide Ukraine with Patriot missile system: Statement : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 317, Part 1 (Thread #458) : worldnews

1/6/23 Numbers : UkraineWarVideoReport

Russians prepare terrorist attacks in churches in occupied territories for Christmas (false flag / propaganda)

Ukrainian woman suspected of guiding Russian strikes on Kharkiv freed on bail : worldnews
Russians attack Kherson fire stations second day in a row: casualties reported : worldnews
Russians attack Kramatorsk, hit apartment building : worldnews

OSINTtechnical on Twitter: "NATO RIM-7 Sea Sparrow, Soviet Buk TELAR." / Twitter

ISW on Twitter: "2/ As @thestudyofwar has previously observed, the Kremlin has weaponized discussions of Eastern Orthodox Christianity to accuse Kyiv of oppressing religious liberties in #Ukraine." / Twitter
ISW on Twitter: "4/ These measures are not efforts to suppress religious liberties in Ukraine but rather are aimed at explicitly pro-Kremlin elements of the Russian Orthodox Church that have materially, politically, and spiritually supported Russian aggression against Ukraine." / Twitter

A close-up map of the approximate situation around the city of Bakhmut.
Reuters: US believes Putin ally Prigozhin wants control of salt, gypsum mines in Bakhmut. The U.S. thinks Putins close ally Prigozhin, head of Wagner Group, sent his troops to Bakhmut because of an interest in salt and gypsum mines, Reuters reports, citing a U.S. official.

Serbian president rejects calls for sanctions against Russia : worldnews (ZZerbia)

Inflation in the eurozone falls back to single digits as downward trend continues : worldnews

Violent far-right communities are growing online, Europol says : technology

France suspends internet sales of paracetamol as stocks dwindle : worldnews

Union fury as Rishi Sunak unveils anti-strike laws for minimum service levels

Arrest of El Chapos son Ovidio Guzman throws Mexico into chaos ahead of Biden visit
Deadly riots grip Mexican state after drug arrest - BBC News : worldnews
Drug Cartel Members Shoot At Mexican Army And Aeromexico Aircraft At Culiacan International Airport : worldnews

Why Are So Many People Dying? Reaping the Anti-Vaxx Whirlwind. : politics (no, Hasids are not 'liberal' but go ahead and bothsides)

Nonfarm payrolls rose 223,000 in December, as strong jobs market tops expectations : politics
U.S. Employers Added 223,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment Fell to 3.5% - WSJ

McCarthys Speaker Proposal Tees Up $75 Billion Defense Cut (Putin caucus)
Liz Cheney slams McCarthy for caving to the pro-Russia MAGA mob and agreeing to dramatically cut U.S. defense spending in exchange for speakership : UkrainianConflict
McCarthy agrees to support Putins war against Ukraine and to default on the debt in order to become Speaker of the House

Why C-SPAN's Camera Work Is Suddenly So Interesting - For decades, the network has asked to be able to film all of what happens in the House chamber, not just the person speaking. Thanks to the Kevin McCarthy Speaker battle, it is finally happening, in all its chaotic glory.

McCarthy will probably grind this out to preside over efforts to tank the worlds economy ... while Republicans are the prime villains in the coming attempt to use blackmail to gut Social Security, Manchin, Sinema, and every other current or recent Democratic legislator who thought it was appropriate to leave the debt ceiling lying around like a loaded weapon for Republicans to use are accessories before the fact.
House adjourns as McCarthy tries to get final speaker votes: live updates - The Washington Post
House adjourns for night after McCarthy fails 11th speaker vote : politics
U.S. House brawl over McCarthy raises worries about Republican governance : politics
Policy demands, personal animus and more: Meet the McCarthy resistance - The Washington Post
No Tears for Kevin McCarthy - The Atlantic It would be better for everyone if his candidacy for House speaker failed.

Could Hakeem Jeffries become speaker if six Republicans flip? What we know : politics

The McCarthy speaker circus is a good argument for voting Democrat : politics
AOC says Republican chaos shows how reasonable progressives like the Squad are : politics

Chinese State Media Mocks GOP's House Speaker 'Chaos'

Ginni Thomas Leaps Into House Speaker Battle Against Kevin McCarthy : politics

Matt Gaetz Threatens to Resign Over McCarthys Speaker Fight
Ilhan Omars reaction when approached by Matt Gaetz goes viral ... She looks like she just smelled bad fart,

Friday is 2nd Anniversary of Capitol Insurrection : politics
Exploring the threats to democracy that remain two years after Jan. 6 : politics

2 years after Jan. 6 attack, DOJ yet to decide on holding Trump accountable : politics
How Trumps Missing Call Logs Could Become His Nixon Tapes
Portrait of a dark day in American history: We now have a full picture of what Trump did on January 6. Here it is : politics
The Capitol attack was a massive failure by law enforcement and intelligence.
Two years after US Capitol attack, investigation into Trump and insurrection enters new phase | CNN Politics
The feds say theyre in for the long haul in the Jan. 6 investigation. There is a time limit.

All I did was testify: Republican who defied Trump will get presidential medal | Rusty Bowers is one of 12 people who took risks to protect US democracy who will be honored on anniversary of January 6

Enablers, line-straddlers and quiet resisters: How GOP lawmakers contributed to Jan. 6 - POLITICO Jan. 6 panel members released mountains of evidence that painted a detailed picture of their GOP colleagues just as theyre taking the House majority .. House Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), were among the handful of true believers in Trumps efforts.

Corporations have given over $50 million to the Sedition Caucus : politics

Head of CPAC and chief organizer of the Brooks Brothers riots sexually assaults man

Religiously, Congress doesnt reflect modern America, Pew finds Police and the Press
A Wall Street Journal reporter was handcuffed by police while standing outside a Chase Bank. The newspaper is demanding answers : news The bystander filming was also threatened with arrest.

Albuquerque police investigating 5 shootings involving elected officials in the past month : politics
Five Democratic politicians homes or offices have been shot at in Albuquerque

It never stops: killings by US police reach record high in 2022

Tesla cuts prices in China, other Asian markets as sales falter | Reuters

U.S. securities regulator probes FTX investors due diligence -sources

Intellectual history : The Year in Review: Best of 2022 - JHI Blog

Redditors, what is the most fucked up thing you have ever done? : AskReddit


Half of Earths glaciers could melt even if key warming goal is met, study says | New research suggests that even at 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels, the Earth will lose nearly half of its glaciers

UK saw hottest-ever year in 2022 as Europes climate warms

Low water levels have created an energy crisis at the worlds largest dam ... Zambia and Zimbabwe

10,075 confirmed cases and 129 deaths in a week. See the latest COVID-19 data from Mass.

Australia to buy long-range HIMARS missile system from United States after Ukraine praises weapon's effectiveness against Russia - ABC News : worldnews

Taiwan expands sanctions against Russia, Belarus : worldnews

Beds run out at Beijing hospital as COVID brings more sick : worldnews
Beds run out at Beijing hospital as COVID-19 spreads : worldnews

Russias hypersonic missile-armed ship to patrol global seas
Russia Is Afraid of Western Psychic Attacks : worldnews < br /> Russia Fears Western Psychic Attacks Pseudoscience and mysticism are common among the Moscow elite.

Different places but same old faces the actors Putin uses in his staged events debunked - extra info in comments
Anton Gerashchenko on Twitter: ""Why she was presented with an award, 'captain Sidorenko' never fully understood." Actors who play Putin's crowds (see photo) are now awarded." / Twitter
This might be the bizarre "highlight" of the nutritious New Years Eve show on Russia's biggest state propaganda channel. The host is trying to be funny and mocks Ukraine and the West for having no Russian gas anymore. Translated by @JuliaDavisNews (Twitter) ... What a bad acid trip. The lack of self awareness is truly amazing. What a shitshow ... turbo cringe ... (Putin's fantasyland is a dumb TV show with bad actors)

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed another base of Putins army: 20 officers were killed, more than 800 invaders "disappeared" (

Conflict between Shoigu and Prigozhin has gone so far that it doesntallow Wagners forces to perform combat missions

Chief of Wagner PMC releases first group of criminals who fought in Ukraine, lifting all convictions : worldnews
Dont Rape Any Broads: Putins Chef Proudly Unleashes His Prison Fighters
Anger in Russia After Prisoners Called up to War Released Back Into Society : worldnews
Prigozhin releases the first batch of Wagners convict recruits who managed to survive for 6 months in Ukraine back into their hometowns, instructing Russian police to treat these men with the greatest respect.Will they become the new oprichniks as Russia spins into darkness

Russian blame game breaks out after Moscow says its own troops cell phone use caused Makiivka strike
A war reporter decorated by Putin says the Kremlins story that cellphones are why a lot of Russian troops died in a Ukrainian strike is not very convincing

Russian fleet loses another two flagships - intelligence source : ukraine

Russian mobilised are being trained for the tasks they wont be doing. Russian military reporter Aleksandr Kots reports about this, citing relatives of an artillery divizion which, after 3 months of training, were sent into combat as infantry.

Military facility on fire near Russias Belgorod

Putins Top Priest Urges Ceasefire to Russia-Ukraine War ... 24 hour ceasefire for orthodox chirstmas.

Russia sends more Arctic oil to China, India after sanctions - Times of India : worldnews

Turkey wont extradite Uyghurs to China, foreign minister says
Putin tells Erdogan: Ukraine must accept loss of territories for there to be dialogue : worldnews

Nearly half of all Iraqis believe that Iran poses the biggest security threat to their country, according to statistics from the 2022 Arab Opinion Index. : worldnews

Iran summons French envoy over insulting cartoons
Iran closes French institute in response to Charlie Hebdo Khamenei cartoons
No lessons to take from Iran over press, judicial freedoms - France : worldnews
Iran sentences two teens to death for waging enmity against God in protest against regime ... Iran murders teenagers while crying about French cartoons (Muzfucks have very insecure God)
CNN Exclusive: A single Iranian attack drone found to contain parts from more than a dozen US companies | CNN Politics : worldnews
Iran supreme leader Khamenei hints at loosening of hijab rules : worldnews

Israel trying to prevent UN Security Council meeting on Ben-Gvirs Temple Mount visit - report

The world cant allow the ex-president of Georgia to die in detention

Ukraine rejects Putin call for Christmas truce : worldnews
Ukraine reiterates rejection of any deal allowing Russia to keep seized territory : worldnews
World must make Russia pay for new mobilization wave, Zelenskyy says : worldnews
Upcoming Ukraine-EU summit in Kyiv will be a signal to Russia : worldnews
Ukrainian commander says any Russian offensive from Belarus will fail : worldnews
Upcoming US security aid package for Ukraine to include additional HIMARS launchers : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 316, Part 1 (Thread #457) : worldnews

Russia loses 10,000 troops in two weeks: Ukraine : worldnews
Russian army loses 810 soldiers killed in last day, over 109,700 in 316 days of full-scale war : worldnews
Here are todays control-of-terrain maps for #Russias invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats .

KREMENNA /2110 UTC 4 JAN/ N of Kremenna, the UKR Armys 518th Field Batt is reported to be advancing on Pischane. S. of Kremenna, following heavy fighting near Bilohorvika yesterday, UKRs 81st Air Mobile Brig. counter-attacked Wagner group units in the vicinity of Shypylivka.

Local governor states that a gas cylinder exploded, and 1 person died. Lets wait for the truth. (Crimea)

Russia terrorizes Ukraine with 9M727 Iskander cruise missiles launched from 9K720 Iskander short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) system, aka by some as hospital killer 9M727 Iskander contains 20 Western components. 15 of them are US-made.

Ukraine sends macabre message with Russian corpses : UkraineWarVideoReport

Ben Hodges on Twitter: "Terrific contribution from Czech Republic to Ukraine @CzechMFA" / Twitter

Germany and Norway reach blue hydrogen agreement | Germanys RWE and Norways Equinor have agreed to supply Germany with low-emissions hydrogen fuel. The long-term plan is to provide 100% cleanly sourced green hydrogen.

Putin has gambled away gas leverage, says German vice-chancellor : worldnews
Weakened support for Ukraine would invite further Russian aggression, Germany warns : worldnews
Putins Man at the BND: German Intelligence Rocked By Russian Espionage Scandal
Reuters identifies Russian influence agents in Germany: former military intelligence officer, right-wing extremists and Cossacks. Espreso : worldnews

Addiction experts warn of shortage of methadone tablets : worldnews (Swiss)

The Netherlands will do everything it can to help Ukraine not only defend itself but also win the war,Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte said after a telephone conversation withPresident Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Spain rules tobacco companies must pay for cigarette butt clean up : worldnews

UK PM Rishi Sunak to propose compulsory math for students up to 18 : worldnews

Metas Ad Practices Ruled Illegal Under E.U. Law. Company fined 390 million euros ($414 million).

In Peru, protesters demand the resignation of President Boluarte : worldnews

U.S. no longer recognizes Guaido as Venezuela's president, Biden official confirms

Mexico captures son of El Chapo, alleged fentanyl trafficker, ahead of Biden visit - The Washington Post
Mexican Pop Singer Gloria Trevi Caught in New Sex-Cult Allegations : worldnews

Members of the military will now get 12 weeks of parental leave : politics

U.S. Moves to Bar Noncompete Agreements in Labor Contracts : politics
Company threatened to fine low-wage workers $100,000 if they left for a competitor, feds say : news

Biden launches defense of student debt relief at Supreme Court : politics

Sotomayor felt shell-shocked after U.S. Supreme Courts abortion decision
Clarence Thomas Helped Convince Ginni Thomas To Keep Holding On To Her Mistaken Belief Donald Trump Won The 2020 Election

Special counsel Jack Smith gets trove of new documents from local election officials : politics
Jack Smith Obtains Trove Of Communications With Trump Lawyers
Jan. 6 Committee Experiment Found TikTok Went From Zero To Nazi in 75 Minutes : politics

Judge Rules for Justice Dept. in Dispute With Trump Over Documents Search - The New York Times The court said the former president had to provide the government the names of private investigators he hired to search his properties last year for any classified material still in his possession. (Russian spies)
Trump lawyers ordered to hand over names of individuals hired to search Trump properties for classified documents | CNN Politics

Trump Sued by Estate of Capitol Police Officer Who Died After Jan. 6 Attack - WSJ Wrongful death suit names former president and two rioters in connection with Officer Brian Sicknicks death

House Republicans aim to rein in ethics body as investigations into GOP lawmakers loom : politics

Peter Sagal on Twitter: "A while ago, on CNN: Analyst: You remember that after Newt Gingrich resigned, Republicans managed to find a consensus candidate to be Speaker. @jaketapper: Yes, a child molester." / Twitter

House adjourns until noon Friday, without a speaker, as Republicans continue to work on a deal - The Washington Post
House GOP has a possible deal for Kevin McCarthy to become speaker: live updates - The Washington Post
Zero for ten
a teeny tiny wafer thin mint
McCarthy loses ninth vote as his speaker bid faces increasingly dire prospects : politics
This has officially been the longest fight for House speaker since before the Civil War

House Is Paralyzed Without a Speaker Creating National Security Risks and a Shadow Shutdown
Imagine Negotiating a Debt-Ceiling Ransom With These Maniacs : politics

There are currently zero members of the US House of Representatives : politics

McCarthy Doesnt Want Another Speaker Vote Wednesday Night
Nobody Is in Charge: A Ragged G.O.P. Stumbles Through the Wilderness - With no unified agenda or clear leadership, Republicans face the prospect that the anti-establishment fervor that has powered the party in recent years could now devour it.
Leopards Eat Kevin McCarthys Face
The Humiliation of Kevin McCarthy Will Continue Until Morale Improves : politics
Is today the day we find out Kevin McCarthys safe word?
The Kevin McCarthy Mess Is Peak Trumpism : politics
Nobody Is in Charge: A Ragged G.O.P. Stumbles Through the Wilderness ... MAGA members are on Fox saying: but at least this way we arent wasting money on Ukraine and other socialist programs.
McCarthy debacle comes with a lesson: Theres a downside to being a party of fascist trolls
House sh**show has a message for America: GOP cant govern and doesnt want to

Republicans and Democrats Quietly Consider a Speaker Deal : politics
Lauren Boebert hints at nominating Donald Trump for speaker : politics
Lauren Boebert Is Boosting QAnon Fan-Fic About Trump Becoming Speaker Now : politics

GOP House Speaker Drama Sparks Fears About Debt Ceiling Fight IfHouse Republicans cant even get it together to choose their leader, they cat be trusted with the debt ceiling, fighting inflation, or helping families make ends meet said Democratic Rep. Sara Jacobs.

Hope Hicks Watched the Capitol Being Attacked and Thought, Oh No! My Job Prospects! : politics

Congress new class has a much higher percentage of Christians than the American public. ... Almost 9 out of 10 of Congress is Christian? And 8 out 9 supreme Court justices identify as Christian? Along with the current (and pretty much every) president ? Hmm... Kind of makes the whole right wing narrative that Christianity is under attack in this country look like a load of crap.

Millennials arent getting more rightwing with age. I suspect I know why

Alarm as US states pass very concerning anti-homeless laws ... $750 fine for being homeless is hilarious. (refucks: fuck off and die)

South Carolina Supreme Court strikes down state abortion ban : politics

The Wild Eviction Drama George Santos Cant Seem to Explain

They Built the Wall. Now Some in Texas Fear It May Fall Down.

Tucker Carlson: Hatred of liberals clouded my judgment before midterms

Twitter hacked, 200 million user email addresses leaked, researcher says : news
Twitter said it fixed verification. So I impersonated a senator (again).
Too hot for the twitter files ... Their offense? Reporting on Elons fascist buddies like Libs of Tik Tok. Im beginning to think that Taibbi, Weiss and Greenwald never actually gave a shit about freespeech in the first place!

Investors conclude that Tesla is a carmaker, not a tech firm : technology

Tesla driver is charged with intentionally plunging his family off a California cliff : news

Idaho student murders: Housemate of victims woken by crying and saw masked man in black clothing, police say : news
Idaho murders: Bryan Kohberger held without bond in student slayings amid chilling new details | Fox News

Parents Seek Answers After Gun Found in Waxahachie, TX School Bathroom : news ... an adminstrators gun was reportedly left in a bathroom and found by a student.

Phoenix PD handcuffed, detained Wall Street Journal reporter (acab)

Vice (NEW): Andrew Tates Physical andSexual Abuse Allegations

Chinese researchers claim to have found a way to break online encryption using quantum computers with just 372 qubits : technology

Scientists identify the most common reasons for masturbation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic : science

Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States

Deep-sea science mission captures never-before-seen creatures in dark depths : worldnews

Study finds incel traits are linked to paranoia and other psychopathological issues

What happened to all the bugs that used to splatter on the windshield years ago? : askscience

whats something youve never tried and never will?

Whats the best comeback to an unwanted dick pic?


European weather: Winter heat records smashed all over continent : worldnews
Uncharted territory: January heat records smashed across Europe

UK sets new record for wind power generation : worldnews

Fish that have lost food due to mass coral bleaching are getting into more unnecessary fights, causing them to expend precious energy and potentially threatening their survival, according to new research : worldnews

New Covid strain is the most transmissible yet, WHO says : worldnews

New Zealand will not impose entry restrictions on travellers from China : worldnews

Face of Buddhist terror monk Wirathu honoured by Myanmar junta for outstanding work (buddha-fuckers)

Japan's "anti-Russian course" makes peace treaty talks impossible, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko said. Russia and Japan have not formally ended World War II hostilities because of their standoff over islands, seized by the Soviet Union at the end of the war : worldnews
Japan to use Self-Defense Forces to guard nuclear power plants : worldnews

South Korea President Yoon warns of ending military pact if North violates airspace again. : worldnews

China criticises other countries for excessive Covid travel rules | China
1/5 of tourists from China to South Korea were infected, 1 escaped quarantine and is at large in South Korea : worldnews
Up to 70 per cent of Shanghai residents may have been infected with COVID-19, senior doctor says : worldnews
Videos show both sides of US-China aerial encounter -- and highlight the risks involved | CNN : worldnews

Western scholars starts to see Russia as the genocidal colonial empire : UkrainianConflict
Circassian genocide - Wikipedia ... Several methods used by Russian forces such as impaling and tearing the bellies of pregnant women were reported.
List of massacres in Russia - Wikipedia

Girkin....Russia is stuck and has no way forward or back in the current situation. : UkrainianConflict
Russia's Depraved Decadence = The Russians continue to murder both Ukrainians and their own young men for Putin's mad scheme ... Putins barbarism means that it is impossible, even once the war is over, for Russia to reenter the ranks of the civilized world ... Russia is now a nuclear-armed rogue state with a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council

Russia to modernize nuclear forces in 2023, add more multi-warhead nukes : worldnews
Putin deploys frigate to Atlantic Ocean armed with hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles : worldnews

Documents released by hackers suggest Lukashenko may not have taken PCR tests before meetings with Putin : worldnews

Russia's "unprofessional practices" made Ukraine strike more deadly: U.K. : worldnews
Russia blames massive, illicit cellphone usage by its troops for Ukraine strike that killed 89
Russian troops lashing out at civilians after military losses : worldnews
Putins Top Propagandist Urges Russians to Embrace Death ... February 2022: Three-day special operation. January 2023: Embrace death.

#Putin approved a series of instructions for #Russian agencies and high-level officials on January 2 likely to address criticisms of the Kremlins treatment of military personnel and portray the #Kremlin as an involved war-time apparatus.
President Vladimir Putin ordered his government Tuesday to ensure by February the screening in cinemas of documentary films dedicated to the invasion of Ukraine and the fight against "neo-Nazi" ideology : worldnews

Russian engineer found dead on a ship in Odisha; Mystery grows over third death in two weeks : worldnews

Our sisters deserve better: Afghan men quit university jobs after ban on female students

First gay marriage in Yemen stirs anger : worldnews

Tanzanias President Hassan ends 6-yr ban on opposition rallies

Iran Warns France Over Ayatollah Khameneis Cartoons In Charlie Hebdo

Jerusalem: Palestinian anger over far-right Israeli ministers holy site visit
US Warns Israel Against Change In Status Of Jerusalems Al-Aqsa Mosque
US, Israel deciding how to prevent Iran from supplying drones to Russia - State Department : worldnews

Zelenskyy: Russias attempted offensive mustbecome its final failure
We have information that Russia is planning a sustained attack with Shahed (drones). Their bet is on exhaustion. On the exhaustion of our people, of air defenses, of our energy (infrastructure) Volodymyr Zelenskyy said
Zelenskyy just signed a new law that could allow the Ukrainian government to block news websites : worldnews
Biden says Bradley Fighting Vehicles are on the table for Ukraine : worldnews
Ukraine Keeps Downing Russian Drones, but Price Tag Is High : worldnews
Expect more strikes deeper and deeper into Russia, Ukraines spy chief tells ABC News on Twitter: "15,900 air raid alarms. Let that sink in..." / Twitter

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 315, Part 1 (Thread #456) : worldnews

Ukraine is planning a "serious" counteroffensive in the spring, and combat operations on the front line in March will be "the hottest," Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said in an interview with ABC News.

Russian Troops Trying to Advance Over Corpses in BakhmutKyiv General

Rob Lee on Twitter: "Reportedly footage of Ukrainian air defenses trying to engage Russian Shahed/ Geran-2 UAVs in Kyiv. Presumably from ZU-23-2 or Gepards." / Twitter

Russia deploying units to Crimea as Ukraine eyes Black Sea peninsula

More than a million Russians have called, texted or visited the website of a Ukrainian hotline that allows them to surrender, with many seeking a way to avoid going to war, since Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, according to the hotline.

Ukraine official says time for U.N. peacekeepers at nuclear plant : worldnews
Ukraine Plant Must Be Seized From Russia, Nuclear Chief Says : worldnews

I remember when Russians promised Serbia the Southstream pipeline and got for that promise Serbias most valuable company, the energy company NI, for almost nothing. Of course Russians canceled Southstream. Seeing them screwing now Hungary is the same poetic justice. #Hungary ,,, In Oct 2022 Hungary paid 8% more for Russian gas then the price it should have paid if had bought directly from EU market in spite of Putins promise that Hungary would pay a fifth the cost of European gas. Putin took Orban for a fool.

Drug lord plotted kidnapping of Dutch PM Rutte : worldnews

Surprise French inflation drop adds to signs Europe prices are cooling : worldnews
Wounded Putin Crony Sends Shrapnel From His Spine to Macron : worldnews (and half his blown-off dick)
Ukraine updates: France to send light tanks
French LNG storage company GTT announced it will cease activities in Russia to comply with European sanctions. : worldnews
Prosecutors have urged a trial for the ex-head of Frances domesticintelligence agency in a sprawling probe into murky ties between the security services and private firms including luxury giant LVMH
French authorities last month opened a preliminary inquiry into allegations that the former archbishop of Paris had committed "sexual assault on a vulnerable person" : worldnews

Record 13.3% UK food inflation raises fears of another difficult yearBritish Retail Consortium figures come amid concern over economy and rising cost of energy bills
Real Wages Across Every UK Region Are Lower Now Than In 2010, Says Labour : worldnews

Bolivia sees more unrest following opposition leaders arrest

US reopening visa and consular services at embassy in Cuba : worldnews

Canadian special forces involved in U.S. military team accused of killing scores of innocent people in Iraq, Syria : worldnews
Canada is picking up the political radicalization bug from the U.S., new report warns : worldnews
Canada sets new immigration record with 430K newcomers in 2022 - National | : worldnews
Canada bans foreigners from buying homes : worldnews
Lawyer who represented churches in battle over COVID mandates charged with intimidating judge : worldnews

Americas Population Could Use a Boom Failing to address population decline may exact a heavy toll.

The IRS Finally Got Some Funding. Now Republicans Want It Back Surprise, surprise.

The January 6th Report Takeaway: Trump Incited the Riot : politics
How Utah Sen. Mike Lee tried to make the scheme to overturn Trumps election loss fit the Constitution.According to the House Jan. 6 Committee, Lee was communicating with a top Trump campaign lawyer about strategies for keeping Trump in the White House after the 2020 election.

Six and counting
A fifth failure and a new frontier in Murcs law
Speaker Fight Reveals a Divided and Disoriented House Republican Majority - The New York Times
The Kevin McCarthy Mess Is Peak Trumpism | Vanity Fair

Kevin McCarthy loses multiple ballots for House speaker, with 19 hardline Republicans voting against him to show the would-be leader who's boss : politics
Kevin McCarthy falls 19 votes short of speaker of the House again after a second round of voting : politics
Editorial: A disastrous, embarrassing first day for the GOP-controlled House : politics
House adjourns with no Speaker : politics
House Adjourns after McCarthy Loses Three Speaker Votes : politics

After Another Failed Vote, McCarthys Speaker Bid Is Starting to Look Pathetic
McCarthy is the last of three little pigs. Hed best start packing.
We Need to Talk About Kevin - Puck
The humiliation of Kevin McCarthy - by Noah Berlatsky Post-policy Republicans prefer posturing and tormenting each other to governing.

All but two McCarthy defectors in House are election deniers : politics

AOC Reveals What She Told Paul Gosar on House Floor During McCarthy Chaos : politics

New Years message from Republicans: Yes, the cruelty is still the point
Sean Hannity Warns that Republicans Are On Verge of Becoming a Total Clown Show

This measure will save lives: Senator Reverend Warnock Celebrates His $35 Medicare Insulin Cost Cap Taking Effect, Lowering Insulin Costs for Over 50,000 Georgians

John Fetterman takes the oath as Pennsylvanias 54th senator

DeCensorIn Florida, cancel culture is very real: (DeFuckis cancels "thinking")

No, Congress Doesnt Need More 'Independents' Like Sinema ... a recent column from The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf would lead one to believe (Friedersdork)

Rep.-elect George Santos admitted to using stolen checks in Brazil in 2008, documents show : politics
George Santos wrongly announced he was sworn in. He wasnt the only one.

Mississippi Health Care Faces Looming Disaster,Medical Group Warns Lawmakers

Crackpot anti-vaxx conspiracy theory reaches most watched program on cable news

The 1976 Democratic presidential primary ... (3) An amusing historical footnote is that Scoop Jackson was the pre-primary favorite, at least among the elite media, who of course were vastly more influential at that time, as in the pre-cable news pre-internet era there were about a dozen significant national media outlets at most.

She was a popular yoga teacher who embraced QAnon : NPR

What to know about the new weight loss drug tirzepatide. Will it be affordable? tirzepatide for weight loss


John Kerry: rich countries must respond to developing world anger over climate | US climate envoy says there needs to be work on details of loss and damage fund in2023

Thousands of records shattered in historic winter warm spell in Europe : worldnews
Snow shortage in the Alps amid abnormally high temperatures : worldnews

Swedens controversial wolf cull begins - largest in modern times

No rhinos poached in Assam (India) in 2022 for 1st time in 45 years : worldnews

Electric cars made up almost 80% of the cars sold last year in Norway, following a series of incentives offered by the government : worldnews

Former US Marine held in Australia received more than $100,000 to train Chinese pilots, indictment alleges : worldnews

Burned the hill down: billionaires runaway fireworks spark New Zealand furore

Japans anti-Russian course makes treaty talks impossible TASS
Million yen per child to leave Tokyo Japans offer to families - 1 million yen equals $7,696.65 USD

South Korea fines Tesla $2.2 mln for exaggerating driving range of EVs : worldnews

We're in a space race: Nasa sounds alarm at Chinese designs on moon
Debunking the Chinese Debt Trap narrative
EU to discuss coordinated response to China COVID situation on Wed : worldnews
China calls Covid curbs on travellers unacceptable, threatens retaliation
EU offers free COVID vaccines to China to help curb outbreak- FT : worldnews

Another Russian found dead in Odisha; third in fortnight : worldnews

Russia does not plan to end aggression against Ukraine, says intel : worldnews

Ukraine claims hundreds of Russians killed by missile attack : worldnews
Russian anger grows over Ukraine strike that killed dozens of troops : worldnews
Moscow at odds with Russian war reporters and Ukrainian officials over Makiivka death toll : worldnews
Below is the beginning of a seven tweet analysis thread on the Ukrainian GMLRS strike at #Makeevka in occupied #Donetsk. Thisand other sources are making 150 total Russian dead there on the very low end of possibility.
Russian channels are claiming the casualty figure could be as high as 600 while others say fewer than 300 were in the building. 8/
Soldiers Widows Group Calls on Putin to Order Major Mobilisation for Ukraine War
Obliterated Russian Troops From HIMARS Strike Can Only Be Identified by DNA : worldnews
Strikes will go deeper and deeper inside Russia, says Ukraine

Russia Making Slow Progress in Fortress Bakhmut Wagner Boss Prigozhin

(((Tendar))) on Twitter: "Every night Russian targets are being hit inside Russia. This is in Bryansk, but also Voronezh experience every night attacks on military targets. #Bryansk #Voronezh #Russia" / Twitter

Reposting with proper info and translation to letter in comments. Turns out this was a Russian soldier who hung himself after being raped by a Kadyrovite. He explains more in his letter to his wife. : UkraineWarVideoReport

7 Anti-War Street Artists Still Working Inside Russia - The Moscow Times : worldnews

Pakistan says it wont allow countries to shelter militants
Amazon finally authorized Pakistani sellers. A wave of scammers followed : anime_titties

Taliban seeks economic self-sufficiency and foreign investment for Afghanistan, minister says : worldnews
Taliban leader mocks Pakistan, shares pic of surrender to India in 1971 war : worldnews

Looted ancient sarcophagus returned to Egypt from US | AP News

Iranian warships transiting South Pacific in global show of force : worldnews (all 2 of them)
Britain to proscribe Irans Revolutionary Guard as terror group - Telegraph
Iranian Tortured Protester Dies After Falling Into Coma : worldnews

Sissi (Egypt) calls to congratulate Netanyahu (Israel), cautions against inflammatory measures : worldnews
In provocation, Israel far-right minister enters Al-Aqsa compound : worldnews
TV poll says Netanyahus bloc would lose majority if fresh elections held
Israeli army kills 2 Palestinians in West Bank confrontation : worldnews
UN condemned Israel more than all other countries combined in 2022 - monitor : anime_titties

Zelensky: We have information that Russia plans protracted drone campaign to "exhaust" Ukraine
Ukraines Commander-in-Chief sums up results of 2022: 40% of territories liberated since February
Impressive successes of ukrainian defense forces in a past few days. : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 314, Part 1 (Thread #455) : worldnews

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine 03 January 2023

Exclusive footage from #Bakhmut. In collaboration with @guillaume_ptak, a correspondent for French newspaper Les Echos who went to the front and visited @SkalaBattalion - Their job is to identify and directly target Russian positions as well correct artillery fire.
Brady Africk on Twitter: "Here is a closer view of these trenches recently constructed by Russian forces in northern Crimea." / Twitter

Kyiv receives first generators bought with funds donated by Taiwan : worldnews

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate Velykyi Potomkin Island, Kherson Oblast : worldnews

Authorities report finding another Russian torture chamber in southern Ukraine. In it, Russians had allegedly suffocated the victims with plastic bags, beat them, and used electroshocks, trying to elicit details about local members of the resistance movement.

The volume of Ukrainian exports to the EU in 2022 increased compared to the previous year,the Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Matti Maasikas said.
With 60 million tons of crops harvested, Ukraine has enough food for 2023 : worldnews
Russias $35B in Environmental Damage Violates Geneva Conventions: Ukraine

Ukraine Increases Russian Oil Transit Tariff By 18.3% : worldnews
European gas prices tumble amid warm January weather : worldnews
Russian Gas Exports Outside Ex-Soviet States Fell 45.5% in 2022 : worldnews
Natural Gas Prices in Europe Fall to Pre-Invasion Levels : worldnews

Poland says Germany refused talks on World War Two reparations : worldnews

Pro-Putin operatives in Germany work to turn Berlin against Ukraine
Germany Open to Seizing Russian Assets to Help Ukraine Rebuild : worldnews
Germany: Inflation falls below 9% in December | Monthly inflation in Germany fell from 10% to just 8.6% in December, while the overall inflation rate for the year hit 7.9%. : worldnews
On New Year's Eve in Berlin, the fire department reported 38 separate incidents, including 14 cases where firetrucks were supposedly lured into ambushes and shot at with fireworks and pelted with beer crates. The level of aggression toward emergency service staff was completely unexpected
German doctor jailed for illegally issuing mask exemptions : worldnews
Nazi treasure map among many documents to be made public by Dutch National Archives today : worldnews
Sale of Polish kings sword sparks fury after being put up for auction in Germany (Nazi loot)

Macron slammed for asking: Who could have predicted the climatecrisis?
Retirement age hike to 65 not set in stone says French PM ahead of crunch union talks
Frances Cesar film awards ban anyone being investigated on sex crimes

Brexit: Mistakes were made on all sides, says Leo Varadkar : worldnews
British rail workers start new year with week-long strike : worldnews ... Britain is in the grip of its worst run of worker unrest since Margaret Thatcher was in power in the 1980s
Rhianan Rudd: MI5 had evidence teen terror suspect was exploited : worldnews

Gang leader freed in Mexico prison attack that killed 17 : worldnews
Mexico prison break: Hunt for escapees turns deadly : worldnews
Mexico elects first female Supreme Court president : worldnews

Brazilian Authorities Will Revive Fraud Case Against George Santos : worldnews

Lagging Arms Production Makes Pentagon Wary of Further Industry Consolidation : CredibleDefense
Michael Flynn, who was Trumps national security advisor, now repeats Russian propaganda on the War in Ukraine.

Americans Largely Pessimistic About U.S. Prospects in 2023

Were Going to Miss Greed and Cynicism By Paul Krugman (it's so much worse now)

Not business as usual: Health lobbyists brace for Bernie Sanders

Airline deregulation was a factor in the holiday airline mess : politics

No Action Taken Against Army Officer After Public Dustup with Tucker Carlson over Women Serving | (defended women against Fuckhead Carlson, almost got fired)

Editorial: The fight over reproductive rights will play out in the states and courts in 2023 : politics

Top Five US Supreme Court Cases to Watch in the New Year : politics

January 6 panel leaders fear GOP will leak names of national security personnel who testified (traitors will traitor)
GOP seeks to prevent Archives handling of Jan. 6 document trove : politics

Two years after Jan. 6 attack on U.S. Capitol, former police chief warns "this could happen again" : politics

Trump tax returns raise alarms about fairness of US tax code : politics

Jan. 6 Panel Transcripts Show Gen. Milley Agreed With Pelosi That Trump Was 'crazy'

Trump's Tax Returns Reveal Murky Global Business Deals - Bloomberg filings outlined questionable business deductions, but how much are we still missing?

Scene of the crime: Was there a conspiracy to keep Cassidy Hutchinson silent? : politics

Trump, Who Got Roe Overturned, Blames Midterms Loss on Abortion : politics
Kellyanne Conway says Donald Trump reserves fear for one personhis wife Melania

Get Ready for the Most Chaotic, Do-Nothingest Congress in Modern History: Buckle up, were about to find out how strange the GOP has become.
Welcome to the MAGA Crackup - by Charlie Sykes
Republicans Explode Into Chaos on Day 1 of Controlling the House

Open revolt: McCarthy rejected a second time - POLITICO
McCarthy falls short in first vote for House speaker : politics ... This is the first time in 100 years that a speaker wasnt chosen in the first round
McCarthy appears to lose first vote to become speaker : politics
Why Kevin McCarthy Can't Shore Up Support for Speaker | Time

McCarthy Proposes Gutting Office of Congressional Ethics in Bid for Speaker : politics

The case for Ranked Choice Voting is clear in todays house speaker votes.

Mitch McConnell becomes longest-serving party leader in Senate history : politics

House GOP ditches metal detectors 3 days before Capitol riot anniversary : politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene rips Gaetz, Boebert after tense meeting: "Furious" : politics

The GOP is about to go wild with phony Biden investigations. The media must not take the bait | Republicans know how to manipulate the "both sides" impulse of the press. Hunter Bidens laptop is not a story
At least 3 House GOP leaders who dodged Jan. 6 committee subpoenas plan to haul in witnesses for their own investigations in the 118th Congress : politics
The End of a Hopeless, Hapless Republican Party : politics
Rigged Election (TM)

Will GOP Voters Ever Wake Up to How Much GOP Lawmakers Screw Them Over? From stagnant wages to soaring costs for rent, medical, and prescription drugsthe so-called "conservative" voter never seems to figure out whats going on.

The Billionaire Kingmaker (Still) Dividing the Nation : politics

A Con Man Is Succeeding Me in Congress Today : politics
Ex-boyfriend of gay MAGA Congressman-elect George Santos says hes lying about other things
George Santos Comes to Washington. It Could Be Awkward. - The New York Times

AOC praised for patient smiling and nodding while talking to GOP opponent who posted anime of him killing her : politics (Gosar Evil Fuck)

Arizona inducing the labor of pregnant prisoners against their will : politics

New York Times stuns nation by hiring center-right anti-Trump columnist

The vibes are off at Tesla - The Verge ... Muskhead open to Twitter buying Substack.

Sam Bankman-Fried Gave Millions to Their Congressional Races. Now What? : politics
Matt Levine on What FTX Collapse Means for The Crypto Story ... How Not to Play the Game ...

The anti-vax ghouls - Super prominent right wing propaganda tool Charlie Kirk decided to use the medical crisis in last night's NFL game to promote anti-vax conspiracy theories: speculated that vaccines have killed more than a million people.

Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger seen for the first time since his arrest. : pics

2 men charged in connection to attacks on Pierce County substations : news

Fake teen doctor, now 25, sentenced to prison for new scam : news

Man uses machete to kill worker at Dollar Tree store in western Ohio, police say : news undefined

Madison Indigenous arts leader, activist revealed as white | Madison365

The number of young kids, especially toddlers, who accidentally ate marijuana-laced treats rose sharply over five years as pot became legal in more places in the U.S., according to new study : science

Poster for the 1931 German thriller "M" - one of the greatest films ever made and an incredibly accurate depiction of a psychopath (according to academics) : movies

Practical_Cartoonist comments on Eli5 What exactly is calculus?

Baker-Polito Administration Marks Opening of Community Behavioral Health Centers, Highlights Progress Strengthening Access to Behavioral Health Care Over Past Eight Years |

Drivers killed at least 430 people on Massachusetts roadways last year : massachusetts

Confederate flags in Mass : massachusetts

where's all the snow : boston


Scientists say planet in midst of sixth mass extinction, Earths wildlife running out of places to live

Absolute Madness: Record-Shattering Heat Dome Hits Europe - the most extreme event ever seen in European climatology,said one climatologist. Nothing stands close to this
Thousands of records shattered in historic winter warm spell in Europe - The Washington Post At least seven countries saw their warmest January weather on record on New Years Day
Bill McKibben on Twitter: "The New Year's heatwave stands as "the most extreme event ever in European climatology." In Poland, the old January record was broken before sunrise--in one town it was 65.7 degrees at 4 a.m., which is warmer than its average low temperature in midsummer" / Twitter
Poland sees record high January temperatures of almost 19C on first day of year

The fashion industry is killing our planet : videos

International Monetary Funds Kristalina Georgieva warns one third of worlds economy will be in recession in 2023

New Omicron super variant XBB.1.5 detected in India : worldnews

Chinese drone spotted near southern Japanese islands : worldnews

Kim Jong Un vows nuclear buildup to take on U.S. and South Korea : worldnews
North Koreas Kim sacks No. 2 military official

China blocked Turkish visit to Uyghur region for 5 years:

Anger in Russia as scores of troops killed in one of Ukraine warsdeadliest strikes
Ukraine war: Putin should face trial this year, says top lawyer - BBC News
Benjamin Ferencz is the last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor. He says Vladimir Putin is "certainly" a war criminal.
How 46 Toddlers Were Disappeared by Putin in One Fell Swoop : worldnews
Speculation swirls as Putin accused of using same woman in multiple photos : worldnews

Terrorist Girkin-Strelkov says Russia is lying to themselves that Ukraine is exhausted from fighting to try and calm down its population and leaders
Russian propagandist Solovyov urges Russians not to fear death: Life is overrated : worldnews (in Ruzzia)

During Russias New Year special on state TV, they openly addressed the West to say, Like it or not, Russia is enlarging! The rest of the clip should give you a general idea as to the mood in the studio (insane)
Russia replaces head of Western invasion group in Ukraine : worldnews

Record 8 million #Russians banned from traveling abroad due to debts - The number of Russians banned from leaving the country due to debt reached 8 million people. This is a record number of debtors for 15 years. During the last year the number of such citizens has almost doubled.
BP, Unilever, and HSBC have failed to properly exit Russia, new report warns : worldnews

War-themed video game fuels wave of misinformation: Footage from the war-themed Arma 3 video game, often marked "live or breaking" news to make it appear genuine, has been used repeatedly in recent months in fake videos about the Russian offensive in Ukraine

2,000 migrants detained on New Years night in St. Petersburg

Police officers detain activists grandmother on New Yearsnight in Russias Nakhabino; woman held in a car the entire night

Ukraines drone attack damages power facility in Russias Bryansk region

India again expresses grave concern over Russia-Ukraine war; urges Putin, Zelenskyy for dialogue : worldnews
4 killed, 9 injured in terror strike on 3 Hindu homes in Jammu village,India : worldnews

Erdogan plots war, crackdown to save his skin

Dubai ends 30 per cent tax on alcohol sales, fee for liquor licenses : worldnews

Iran's morality police begins new scheme to enforce hijab

Israeli missile strikes put Damascus airport out of service : worldnews
Ukraine didnt attend UN vote on Israeli occupation after Netanyahu called Zelensky

World War III
Russian drones attack critical infrastructure in and around Kyiv, officials say : worldnews
Updated: 20 aerieal targets shot over Kyiv. Kyiv City Military Administration reported that air defense had downed 20 aerial targets overnight on Jan. 2. The administration didn't specify how many of the downed targets were drones.
Ukraine must get long-term support, warns Nato chief : worldnews
Nearly 90% of Ukrainians optimistic about 2023, 97% believe Ukraine can beat Russia - This number is steadily high since the start of the Russian invasion and reflects Putins inability to break Ukrainian morale https://

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 313, Part 1 (Thread #454) : worldnews

Nearly 1,500 Russians Killed in Last Two Days of War: Ukraine : worldnews
These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Jan. 1, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine Strikes Military Quarters In Russia-Controlled Donetsk Region: Report : worldnews
Occupied Makiivka, Donetsk oblast - Many dead Russian soldiers
The Russian mass media claim that the Ukrainian military launched an attack from the American MRLS M142 Himars on the base of the Russian mobilization forces in the occupied Makeevka. It is reported that 600 soldiers died
Moscow says Ukrainian rocket strike kills 63 Russian troops : worldnews

Good, bad, or ugly, one things for sure: this year turned nothing like #Russia was hoping it would be. With ~26 average confirmed daily losses, it seems to have become one of the greatest material dumps in recent history. Or has it? Let's find out

SHAHED KILLER: @Tendar posts this video of the Ukrainian crew of Gepard anti-aircraft gun downing an incoming Shahed-136. The German-made Gepard is a highly capable close in air defense weapon.
A very notable development - new Ukrainian-made artillery ammunition started to reach the frontlines. Here we can see OF-25T 152mm HE projectiles, made in 2022 - they can be fired from D-20/Msta-B towed howitzers and 2S3/Msta-S SPHs.
However, if the problems with projectiles were solved and they managed to expand production to an amount that could have an impact on the battlefield, this would be a significant addition to what Ukraine now receives from factories abroad producing Warsaw Pact ammunition.

Germany Stops Importing Oil From Russia Via Pipeline : worldnews
Dozens of New Year attacks on Berlin firefighters: Firefighters in the German capital, Berlin, have reported multiple attacks while trying to do their job. Across the country, there were reports of violence on a "terrifying" New Year for many emergency staff
Germany calls for fireworks ban after attacks on rescue services : worldnews

Hope, joy, euphoria: Brazilians take to streets to celebrate new era under Lula | Brazil
Lula da Silva sworn in as Brazils president, amid fears of violence from Bolsonaro supporters

At least 14 dead in armed attack on prison in Mexican border city Juarez : worldnews

Opinion | Democracy won 2022. Can it keep winning? - The Washington Post

Gen Z is re-thinking college and career plans in post-Roe America: I want to leave the country

Remote Work Is Poised to Devastate Americas Cities In order to survive, cities must let developers convert office buildings into housing.

Biden signs TikTok ban for government devices, setting up a chaotic 2023 for the app : politics
More social media regulation is coming in 2023, members of Congress say : politics

I regret that emotion - Miss Thomas regrets that her sincere views about the 2020 election were made public: ... Whomst among us has not gotten emotional and emoted by sending texts to the White House Chief of Staff urging him to persuade the president to install himself as dictator and send the winning presidential candidate to Gitmo? Could happen to any fascist among us, really.

Inside the Jan. 6 committees massive new evidence trove
Highlights from the latest release of January 6 transcripts : politics
Inside the Jan. 6 committees massive new evidence trove evidence provides the clearest glimpse yet at the well-coordinated effort by some Trump allies to help Trump seize a second term he didn't win.
The Jan. 6 Report: A Summary With Some Analysis : politics
Full list of Trumps foreign bank accounts
This made us all unemployable: Trump White House aides respond to January 6 in angry text exchange

Republicans move to retain Jan. 6 committee documents : politics ("retain" = "burn")

Gen. Mark Milley said there were talks about court-martialing former military officers who wrote "very critical" op-eds of Trump

Kinzinger: I fear for the future of this country if Trump isn't charged over Jan. 6

This Is the Dying Phase of Reaganismand Its Hideous
Proof That Republicans Know Exactly How Racist They Are : politics

McCarthy commits to key concession in call with frustrated House Republicans : politics
McCarthy on the brink
Opinion | What a Failed Speaker Vote Means for Kevin McCarthy and Republicans - The New York Times
Frantic self-abasement by GOP leader may all be in vain

George Santos ex-boyfriend says he stole his phone, never went to work

To Hell with It A GOP Congressman Reflects on His One Term in Trumps Party

Kathy Hochul sworn in as New Yorks 1st woman elected governor

A change in Maine law prompts a wave of new church abuse allegations -- The Diocese of Portland argues the amendment is unconstitutional.

Twitter employees bring their own toilet paper as Elon Musk cuts costs, NYT reports : news
Leaked Jan. 6 Twitter Report Reveals Internal Chaos Over Insurrection : politics
Company employees lashed out at leadership over an ad hoc content moderation policy that they blamed for enabling Donald Trumps insurrection

Alleged Islamic extremist who attacked NYPD cops with machete ID'd

A Heavily Armed Man Caused Panic at a Supermarket. But Did He Break the Law? - The New York Times In states with permissive gun laws, police and prosecutors have limited tools at their disposal when a heavily armed individual sows fear or panic in public.

Man arrested after reportedly shooting wife in leg near Pueblo

Romanian Ex Convict Who Went to Same Prison that Andrew Tate would go clears up misinformation and explains why Tate is probably guilty : videos
Andrew Tate handcuffed in prison van : pics

Mother sues school district after 8th-grade daughter allegedly strip searched : news

There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be Short

Adults who stay well-hydrated appear to be healthier, develop fewer chronic conditions, such as heart and lung disease, and live longer than those who may not get sufficient fluids, study finds : science

whos the best villain you've watched in a movie or series?

Homeless with a 3 year old : massachusetts

Boys be honest, what makes a girl instantly unattractive? : AskReddit

What is your sexual fantasy that will remain a fantasy? : AskReddit


Defying Expectations, EU Carbon Emissions Drop To 30-Year Lows : worldnews

The EPA finalizes a water-protection rule that repeals Trump-era changes : politics

2022: Worst ever year for weather-related claims, insurers say [NZ] : worldnews

As a Former Fighter Pilot Who Encountered UAP, We Need ScienceNot Stigmas and Conspiraciesto Solve This Mystery

Japan joins U.N. Security Council as new nonpermanent member : worldnews

South Korea Population Declines for 36th Month due to Low Births, Aging Society : worldnews

Kim to increase nuclear warhead production exponentially

Taiwan president offers China help to deal with COVID surge : worldnews

Xi Jinping urges unity as Chinas Covid fight enters new phase
China appoints wolf warrior as new foreign minister ... Wolf warrior diplomacy is confrontational and combative, with its proponents loudly denouncing any perceived criticism of the Chinese government, its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and associated policies on social media and in interviews, as well as using physical violence against protestors and dissidents.

Ukraine war: New year in Putins Russia nothing is normal

Three Russians Who Got Cypriot Passports Charged With Tax Evasion : worldnews

Jain community protests against turning Parasnath hill into tourist spot at India Gate, Delhi and in Mumbai : worldnews

Pakistan says it has provided list of nuclear facilities to India as part of annual practice : worldnews

Casualties Feared After Blast Outside Kabuls Military Airport: Report

Mali sentences 46 Ivory Coast soldiers to 20 years in prison : worldnews

1 dead as Iran forces fire on crowd at slain protesters memorial, says rights group (

Jordan king warns of red lines in Jerusalem as Netanyahu returns to office

Terror on New Years Eve: huge Russian missile attack kills one in Ukraine | Vladimir Putin

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 312, Part 1 (Thread #453) : worldnews

Recent updates as of 01.01
Here are todays control-of-terrain maps for #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats . Full assessment to follow.
Russian forces are likely depleting their stocks of artillery ammunition and will struggle to support their current pace of operations in certain sectors of the frontline in #Ukraine as a result

Happy New Year from Bakhmut
The head of the National Police of the Kyiv region showed the debris of a drone-kamikaze, which flew to Kyiv at night. The Russians left congratulations on it. They wrote Happy New Year! Its debris collapsed on the playground.
Ukrainian forces destroyed seven air targets near Kyiv during the latest mass Russian cruise missile attack on the country, the Kyiv City Military Administration reported on Dec. 31.
On New Years Eve, Ukrainian air defense destroyed 45 "Shahed" drones. Thirteen in 2022 and 32 in 2023, reports the Ukrainian Air Force.

The New Voice of Ukraine on Twitter: "Ukrainian police have detained more than 1,880 people allegedly involved in sabotage activities and uncovered 108 enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion." / Twitter

Russia intensifying cyberattacks on Poland : worldnews
Polish fuel leader will not extend Russian oil contract : worldnews
Polish government politicians condemn disgrace as Black Eyed Peas wear rainbow armbands during state TV concert

Croatia welcomes 2023 by joining Eurozone and Schengen area : worldnews

Racist messages projected on Rotterdams Erasmus Bridge duringNew Years fest

German intelligence sees growing activity by Russian secret services : worldnews
Germany will start the production of RCH-155 self-propelled guns for Ukraine. The Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov, made a corresponding request to the country back in July 2022

Brazils Bolsonaro lands in FL, avoiding Lula handover
Bolsonaros New Home (fascist state of FL)
Brazils Lula calls for peace at meetings with Russia, Ukraine representatives

Venezuela and Colombia fully reopen shared border : worldnews

People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of Americas States

Child poverty rates highest in states that havent raised minimum wage (you know who they are)

Biden and his team feeling vindicated by a 2022 turnaround built on the same decades-old principles : politics
Biden begins 2023 with a stronger hand to play and an inclination to play it - POLITICO
Biden to laud economic wins with McConnell as GOP takes over House
Despite infighting, it's been a surprisingly productive 2 years for Democrats

CIA staff made a suicide pact to resign if Trump fired director Gina Haspel, former aide

Clarence Thomas Must Be Subpoenaed to Testify Over Jan. 6:Lawyers
Chief justice ignores controversial Supreme Court term in annual report : politics

Trump tax returns dispute White House claim that he donated salary during Covid : politics

Trump Called Supporters Storming Capitol Trashy But Good Fighters' Jan. 6 Testimony

Trump rings in 2023 facing headwinds in his White House run | AP News
Trumps favorite newspaper warns GOP on verge of massive self-sabotage (Morlock's NYPost)

Why Trumps Reign of Republican Terror Is Really Ending
No resolutions for me, but heres hoping theres a reckoning for Trump

Kevin McCarthys Ambitions Are Going to Take Him to Some Dark Places | In order to secure enough votes to become speaker, he will have to make a bargain with more than one devil.

The Number That Will Shape Republican Politics In 2023 | FiveThirtyEight One of the most important numbers coming out of 2022 is nine. Thats the difference between the number of seats Republicans won in the U.S. House of Representatives in November and the number of seats Democrats won.

GOP sounds alarm over struggles with Gen Z voters : politics

IL Supreme Court halts Pre Trial Fairness Act, preventing no cash bail provision from taking effect : politics

A pregnant mom crossed the Rio Grande decades ago to give her unborn child a better life. Now her daughter is becoming a member of Congress : politics

Kari Lake sparks avalanche of jokes, memes with superhero picture : politics

New York projects get $621 million federal windfall : politics These are the top ten taker states:

2022: A Historians Reading List (Plus Bonus 2022 Lists)
LGM 2022 Wrap Up

Contemporary higher education and its enemies

The Curious Case of Nebraska Man - The Atavist Magazine A fossil tooth, a splashy debate, and a strange chapter in Americas long history of science denialism.

Archaeologists Recovered 275 Artifacts From the Wreck of a 19th-Century Ship That Sunk in the Search for the Northwest Passage : worldnews

ELI5: Why is the musical scale the way it is? 12 keys: 7 major, 5 minor? : explainlikeimfive


Fireworks light up Auckland, New Zealand's Sky Tower to ring in 2023 : worldnews
wrapping up 2022 : videos

Once an Open Sewer, New York Harbor Now Teems With Life. Thank the Clean Water Act. : politics

Shielded by Russia and China, Myanmar junta turn more brutal : worldnews

North Korea fires 3 ballistic missiles after unprecedented year of tests : worldnews

WHO urges China to share specific data regularly on COVID situation : worldnews
Made-in-China labels become a problem for Metas anti-China stanceThe company needs Chinas factories as it pushes to become a hardware producer

Putin tells Xi he wants to ramp up military cooperationRussian leader Vladimir Putin told Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday he was keen to ramp up military cooperation and hailed the two countries efforts to counter Western influence (that buys all their shit)
Im shocked
Putin records New Years greeting with uniformed people in background
West using Ukraine to destroy Russia - Putin (Putin using Ukraine to destroy himself)
Russias defense minister says victory inevitable in New Year message

Giving Europe the chance to come to its senses Meduza got access to a Kremlin handbook on how propagandists should sum up 2022
10 key investigations by Russian independent media in 2022
The Devil went down to Kyiv Scholar Eliot Borenstein examines the worrying video gamelogic behind Moscows fundamentalist fight

Medvedev says Russians who left should be banned from returning : worldnews
Draft offices in occupied Crimea already have lists of potential conscripts compiled for January : worldnews
Oleksii Reznikov recorded an amazing appeal to the Russian civilians that are facing the upcoming mobilisation. Urging them to use their head, think and flee the country and telling them the bitter truth about what the Kremlin is doing.

Pundits on Russian TV discussed the incident with a grandma who spoke out against the invasion of Ukraine and was forcibly dragged off a bus. Their solution? More propaganda, starting in kindergarten, to ensure there arent many opponents of Putins wars.

Another Russian critical of President Putin goes missing in Odisha | Bhubaneswar News - Times of India : worldnews ... disappeared from Bhubaneswar railway station on Friday after he was spotted with a placard that said he needed help and was against Putins war against Ukraine.
Vladimir Putins rocket man Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to die mysteriously
In todays #vatnik soup Ill talk about windows and heart attacks. Most of you have read about the mystery deaths of Russian businessmen, but lets look at them in more detail some of them are quite strange.
In todays #vatnik soup I'll discuss Russkiy mir, the Russian World Its a concept that comprises of core culture of Russia, including its traditions & interactions with other cultures. This series is an attempt to explain motivations behind Russia's actions & motivations.1/17

There have been numerous explosions have been reported in the cities of Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov - this picture is a large fire in Rostov, Russia. : UkraineWarVideoReport
Private armies of oligarchs: Piontkovsky explained why Russia is on the verge of civil war

Putin allows unfriendly countries to pay for gas in foreign currency

Russia sends six cargo IL-76s to Belarus in past 13 hours : worldnews
The Kyiv Independent on Twitter: "Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko met with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the second time in ten days. On Dec. 27, Lukashenko flew to St. Petersburg to meet with Putin for the ninth time in 2022." / Twitter

Russian oligarchs lose $95bn in 2022 amid sanctions after Ukraine war : worldnews (.25 Muskatoons) ... In total, the worlds 500 richest people lost almost $1.4tn in 2022.

Taliban should lift its restrictions on women, says UN human rights chief : worldnews

Former leader of Grey Wolves fatally shot in Ankara - Turkish Minute : worldnews

Ehud Barak: Govt shows signs of fascism; mass non-violent revoltmay be needed
Israel indicts soldiers for trying to bomb Palestinian home : worldnews

A massive attack on Ukraine right now. The scumbags waited for people to start celebrating New Year. : UkrainianConflict
Ukraine war: Explosions hit capital Kyiv : worldnews
Ukrainian air defense will become stronger in new year - Zelensky

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 311, Part 1 (Thread #452) : worldnews

Russia Loses 16 Armored Vehicles, Hundreds of Troops in a Day: Ukraine : worldnews
These are the indicative estimates of Russias combat losses as of Dec. 29, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

he #German-supplied IRIS-T air defense system showed stunning efficiency : 100 shots - 100 hits

The article states two Russian Lancet loitering munitions getting caught in the camouflage net of an AFU tank was the inspiration

Russians kidnapped 30 mayors, 7 of them went missing
More than 12,000 men have tried to leave Ukraine illegally since martial law was declared, and 15 of them have died during the attempt, the State Border Service reported on December 30 : worldnews

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 311, Part 1 (Thread #452) : worldnews

Record number of women volunteer for military service in Finland 2022 : worldnews

German Has Ended Its Dependence on Russian Fuels, a Major Step.
Zelenskyy thanks Germany for support | The Ukrainian president thanked Germany's Olaf Scholz for the weapons, aid and refugee protection given in 2022.
The EU and NATO are united as never before: despite the consequences of the war in Ukraine faced by German citizens, next year Berlin will continue to support Kyivsays Scholz.

Tesla autopilot leads German police chase after driver falls asleep : worldnews

Italy passes controversial decree cracking down on unlicensed rave parties, laying out jail terms of up to six years and fines for the organisers : worldnews

Former Pope Benedict XVI dies at 95 : worldnews
Benedict XVI
How Benedicts death could reshape the Catholic Church (running out of 13th century regressives)
Pope Benedict XVI as a member of the Hitler Youth, c. 1941 : pics
Papal demographics ... if we limit our time frame to the last 730 years i.e., since the end of the 13th century, only two out of 73 popes have exceeded the age of the present pontiff, Francis, who turned 86 earlier this month. (This number grows to three if you include Benedict).

Anger as EU project sees Police Scotland rebrand paedophiles as Minor-Attracted People

We're trapped: Britons in homes with unsafe cladding see no way out as living costs soar

Brazils Bolsonaro makes tearful final broadcast and leaves country

Opinion | How Anthony Fauci Quietly Shocked AIDS Activists - The New York Times

Attacks on power substations are growing: Why is the electric grid so hard to protect? : technology

A Charity Tied to the Supreme Court Offers Donors Access to the Justices : politics

Biden administration poised to repair judiciary after Senate majority

Rep. Kildee on the Trump-appointed IRS chief: Why didnt he do hisjob?

Trumps Taxes Are the Best Case Yet for Putting Him in Prison
Trump taxes show foreign income from more than a dozen countries : politics ,,, His returns show that he paid more in taxes to foreign governments than he did to his own country.
Trump Declared In Presidential Debate He Shut Down Chinese Bank Account. He Didn't. : politics
Trump Tax Returns Undermine His Image as a Successful Entrepreneur : politics
Barbara Walters had Donald Trump number in 1990. She did her research, backed up her claims and did not back down. Ironic that she died on the same day his tax returns were released.

Trump wanted to trademark Rigged Election! and other key findings from the latest release from the Jan. 6 panel
Jan. 6 Transcripts Reveal Disagreements That Divided Trump Camp : politics

Trump Floats Third-Party Threat If GOP Wont Back Him

Trump's Jan. 6 Blanket Pardon Plan Bares Consciousness Of Guilt - Ex-Prosecutor
Jan. 6 transcripts detail numerous warning signs of potential for violence before Capitol attack The ample evidence laid out in interviews with law enforcement officials contrasts in part with the final report from the committee and its focus on former President Donald Trump.

Trump and Kellyanne Conway banned Dr Fauci and Dr Birx from TV appearances on Covid, Jan 6 transcript shows : politics

The Red Wave Washout: How Skewed Polls Fed a False Election Narrative

AG: Meadows won't face voter fraud charges in North Carolina | AP News

Dubious distinction for Ohio GOP leaders: Only ones in US to ignore a court order : politics

Liar-Elect George Santos Trashed His NYC Apartment, Landlord Says : politics

Farewell To The Senates Biggest Climate Denier | Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) leaves behind a legacy of climate disinformation, and a small army of pro-industry contrarians.

An Idaho woman who documented her 19-day miscarriage on TikTok blames the states near-totalabortion ban for her 'horrific' experience

Authorities tracked the Idaho student killings suspect as he drove cross-country to Pennsylvania, sources say : news

Alabama to allow concealed guns without permit in 2023 : politics

Black support for GOP ticked up in this years midterms

Fidelity slashes Twitter value by 56% ... Fidelity was among the group of outside investors that helped Musk finance his $44 billion takeover of the social media site, by purchasing equity.
Elon Musk Becomes First Person Ever To Lose $200 Billion : news ... Zuckerbergs doing a pretty good job of killing Facebook on his own. It may not be as rapidly or publicly stupid as Musk, but theyve already lost $650 billion in market value since rebranding Meta.

Sam Bankman-Fried Likely to Plead Not Guilty to Fraud Charges - WSJ U.S. prosecutors had charged the FTX founder with engaging in criminal conduct that contributed to the cryptocurrency exchanges collapse

Barbara Walters dies at 93 - Los Angeles Times
Barbara Walters
Barbara Walters, trailblazing TV icon, dies at 93 : news
Legendary newswoman Barbara Walters passes away at 93 : television
Barbra Walters died, don't forget about this video. : videos (pro-pedophilia in Hollywood)
Barbara Walters being an awful human being for fifteen minutes : videos
Nothing but respect for how Dolly Parton handled Barbara Walters in 1977 : videos
That time James Randi embarassed Barbara Walters also made for a good clip : videos

The Waste Land
The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot | Poetry Foundation

A significant proportion of Texas adolescents reported experiencing dating violence, and this group also reported higher noncontraception use versus those not experiencing dating violence. : science

The Coolest Space Images of 2022

ELI5: How did we realise the mind is in the brain? : explainlikeimfive

TIL Although it is lauded as an excellent psychological tool by Government Agencies, Businesses, and even some schools, the Myers-Briggs Personality Test has been deemed useless by modern psychological experts. : todayilearned

Self diagnoses of diverse conditions including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, autism, and gender identity-related conditions has been linked to social media platforms. : science

Swiss researchers create self-healing skin for robots : worldnews

The Anti-Chromatic Reflex | Nature

Before Newton, how did people explain falling apples? : askscience

Intensity of psychedelic experiences after taking psilocybin does not depend on body mass index, study suggests : science

Desktop GPU Sales Hit 20-Year Low : worldnews

What was the scariest moment in your life,and why? : AskReddit

Who Wants the Metaverse? - JSTOR Daily