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Psyche's Links: 2008 : 10,000 Links

Boston Review — Special Feature: Closing Guantánamo
Torture prosecutions finally begin in the U.S. - Glenn Greenwald - - . if they're from Liberia
Israel moves forward and sends more troops to Gaza
ANALYSIS / Rivalry among Israel's leaders at root of row on Gaza cease-fire - Haaretz - Israel News
Israel rejects truce call, pursues bombing Gaza
Gaza Voices, American Silence - by Kenneth Ring
Robert Fisk: Leaders lie, civilians die, and lessons of history are ignored - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
Ali Abunimah: No words left to describe latest Gaza catastophe | Comment is free | The Guardian Palestinians are at a loss to describe this latest catastrophe. International civil society must act now
Johann Hari: The true story behind this war is not the one Israel is telling - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
ei: "If there is an Israeli invasion hospitals will collapse"
Gaza relief boat damaged in encounter with Israeli vessel - ("accidentally" rammed three times)
Al Jazeera English - Americas - Obama's Gaza silence condemned
B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities
Neve Gordon and Jeff Halper: Where's the Academic Outrage Over the Bombing of a University in Gaza?
Americans Should Act to End Violence Against Gaza
YouTube, Twitter: Weapons in Israel's Info War | Danger Room from
Mondoweiss: In their own words Sallai Meridor, Israel's ambassador to the United States, talking to reporters
Mondoweiss: It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fabulous) Iraq comes home ("NPR, which administers the IV drip every morning on what Elite Blue Staters Are Allowed to Think")
Mondoweiss: Is Gaza curtains for the Israel lobby? Ross and Blankfort debate ("Israel that broke the cease-fire on Nov.4 (which was by no coincidence) the night Obama was elected")
Redress Newsblog: Pirates of the Mediterranean Israel has now confirmed itself as a rogue state by launching into international piracy.
The Nakba - an event that did not occur (although it had to occur)
Booman Tribune ~ Answer Gonzo's Question
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Gonzo: I'm A Casualty Of The War On Terror
All Spin Zone » Alberto Gonzales Can’t Find a Job, Whines
News NewsReel - - Gonzales Defends Role in Antiterror Policies
Whiskey Fire: Good for You, Asshole! : Blagojevich's decision to go ahead and name a new senator. Sure, he's being an asshole, but there's a certain "joie de fuck you" quality to the announcement that you just have to admire
The Crypt: Roland Burris's Monument to Me -
Russia Aside, Georgia Chief Is Pressed at Home -
Conservatives Preparing For Coleman Defeat
TPM Election Central | Minnesota Recount Almost Over -- But Coleman Could Keep A Franken Win Bottled Up For Weeks
Michael Tomasky: Welcome to America's hall of shame | Comment is free | The Guardian From Sarah Palin to AIG's pamper-hungry sales reps, the following characters have made us less than proud

Paulson says U.S. lacked tools to tackle crisis: report | Reuters (oh?)
Property Values - What You Get for ... $150,000 -
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler Forecast for 2009 ("May of 2009, the stock markets will resume crashing with the ultimate destination of a Dow 4000 before the end of the year")
California readies IOUs -- legislators would be first - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
Paul Kedrosky: Scenarios for 2009: Straight Lines, Moonshots, EKGs, etc.

NASA faults equipment in Columbia shuttle disaster -
Lawsuit would challenge oath, invocation - (in a Republican God we trust)
Human beings are born with numbers on the brain | Easy as 1, 2, 3 | The Economist People come into the world ready to count its wonders
Hustler Articles: Who Is MSNBC Anchor Joe Scarborough? (coverup?)
2008 Science Retrospective: Science Journalists Need Some New Clichés In 2009
How to Press the Reset Button On Your Life | Zen Habits
Lake Superior State University :: Banished Words List :: Banished Words List
The Top 10 Political Technology Stories of 2008 | | The Future of the Republican Party Is a volcano big enough to cause an ice age really about to blow its top? (Yellowstone supervolcano)
A New Fleet of Spacecraft - Interactive Graphic -
Google: Firefox and Chrome Run Gmail Twice as Fast as IE, Says Google
Must Have Cake? How are you going to get it? - NoNewbs
YouTube - Yoshimoto Cube
CSS Sprites + Rounded corners | Css Globe - powerful new interface for analyzing and managing your search results. No plugins, logins or passwords required.
Time For Some Stories (Davesecretary)
SaruDama: Kwaidan - Yuki-Onna (Snow Woman) - Japanese Folklore
Yuki-Onna - SamuraiWiki
Yuki-onna ~ part of The Obakemono Project: An Online Encylopedia of Yokai and Bakemono
Play Flash Element TD 2, a free online game on Kongregate
27xezpi.jpg ("we sell more seats than the Governor")
HAA, Hired Assassin Agency
An Oral History of the Bush White House: Politics & Power: Farewell to All That
Cheney's Legacy of Deception By Robert Scheer (worst VP ever)
ANALYSIS / Hamas is hoping for an IDF ground operation in Gaza - Haaretz - Israel News
Israel bombs Gaza home of top Hamas commander - Haaretz - Israel News Tuesday's death toll included two sisters, aged 4 and 11, who perished in an airstrike on a rocket squad in northern Gaza on Tuesday.
Firedoglake » Why Are Palestinians Expected to Do What Americans Would Never Do?
Glenn Greenwald - George Washington's warnings and U.S. policy towards Israel (Congress way out of step with American public) - Kucinich criticizes Israel; wants U.N. probe
The Washington Monthly: The Well Was Fine (more lies from the history re-writers)
Talking Points Memo | Zbig Smacks Down Mornin' Joe: Zbig to Joe: "You have a such stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on it's almost embarrassing to listen to you."
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | Ex-aides say Bush never recovered from Katrina Former Bush advisers say Katrina severely damaged Bush's ability to talk to nation
'Magic Negro' flap might help Saltsman - Andy Barr - (Republicans: party of southern racists over 50 years old)
From the left, a call to end the current Dutch notion of tolerance - International Herald Tribune
The Progressive Puppy: Judge to lesbian mom: No cohabitation, or lose your child - George Robert Ellis of Tennessee's 28th Judicial District, homophobe
Nervous About Nixon? by David Schwartz - Moving Image Source A new DVD offers the real Frost/Nixon Watergate interview from 1977
Why Can't I Get Off This List? - (homeland stupidity)

Daily Kos: Former Merrill Lynch executive pays 37 million for NYC apartment (with taxpayer money) (he worked 3 months)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/29/2008 | When textile quotas end this week, will U.S. jobs go, too?
As More Retailers Fail, Malls Could Be Next Victim - Holiday Central -
Parent Company, a Retailer, Files for Bankruptcy -
What Consumer Confidence Means for the US Dollar in 2009
Home Prices Fell at Their Sharpest Pace in October -
Breaking Up Is Harder to Do After Housing Fall -
Open Left:: More Perspective On Great Depression / FDR
Why Wall Street Always Blows It - The Atlantic (December 2008) (Henry Blodget)

Firedoglake » Dennis Prager’s Helpful Marital Advice To The Ladies, Part II (LOLRepublicans)
The Associated Press: Mass. says new pot law allows other THC drugs, too
25C3: MD5 considered harmful today
Researchers Use PlayStation Cluster to Forge a Web Skeleton Key | Threat Level from
Major Break in MD5 Signed X.509 Certificates
RIAA Thomas Appeal Denied; Retrial Likely to Set New Copyright Infringement Course | Threat Level from
The Seven Best Capers of 2008 | Threat Level from
50 Resources for Getting the Most Out of Google Analytics
Recent Earthquakes for Yellowstone
Widespread Female Circumcision Highlights the Plight of Kurdish Women - The Widespread Practice of Female Circumcision in Iraq's North Highlights The Plight of Women in a Region Often Seen as More Socially Progressive (submission to male authority)
Phenomenica: Two 7th century B.C. graves accidentally discovered in Turkey
One year in 40 seconds on Vimeo
Israel says Gaza assault 'war to the bitter end'
Daily Kos: Today I end my support of Israel
Rice: People will soon thank Bush for what he's done - (sure they are)
The Noose Tightens | Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and other top Bush officials could soon face legal jeopardy.
Imprisoning Our Own: 8 Shocking Facts about American Incarceration | EcoSalon - The Green Gathering
Op-Ed Columnist - You’re Likable Enough, Gay People -

Lehman bankruptcy filing wiped out billions: report - Yahoo! Finance (Paulson's $75 billion fuckup)
TPMMuckraker | What Happened To Madoff's Money? Worldwide Holiday Sales Drop to Force Bankruptcies, Closings
Class War: The $37 Million Park Ave. Apartment Your Bailout Bought
Robert J. Samuelson - The Crash in Conventional Wisdom - - It was once believed (everyone agreed with conventional wisdom except a few dirty hippies)
Whose Infrastructure? | The Big Picture (U.S. lived through biggest boom and spent almost nothing on infrastructure and education)(the bond markets would have crashed)

YouTube - THC Kills Glioma Cancer Cells - Medical Miracles from Europe
Think Progress » Study: Premarital abstinence pledges are ineffective (it was always about control and punishment) )
Everything you know about ARGs is wrong
A Cat's Nine Lives Video -- National Geographic
Bellflower: Child and his cat
Text Messages Cost Carriers Nothing | Gadget Lab from - Verified torrents
Scientific illiteracy all the rage among the glitterati - Science, News - The Independent
Nanomedicine, Nanomaterials, and the NIH
Schneier on Security: Gunpowder Is Okay to Bring on an Airplane
Atheist Revolution: Patron Who Complained About Indiana Library Nativity Faces Retaliation
We're Witnessing the Return of Religion as a Principle Cause of Warfare | | AlterNet
The Relaxation Response: A Bio-behavioral Perspective - The Tap Water Elixir (mindlessness meditation)
Tendency for Rumination in midlife may decrease risk for dementia decades later
...: A Bloody Day in Gaza: Over 230 killed, hundreds injured
Disinformation, secrecy and lies: How the Gaza offensive came about - Haaretz - Israel News
IDF mobilizes tanks, reinforces troops along Gaza border - Haaretz - Israel News
Rockets land east of Ashdod - Israel News, Ynetnews
Greg Mitchell: Attack on Gaza: As Usual, U.S. Media (And Most Liberals) Silent -- As Israeli Newspaper Raises Doubts
'An earthquake on top of your head' | World news | Dr Eyad Al Serraj, a practising psychologist in Gaza City, describes his family's terror as the Israeli attack began
J Street : Statement by Jeremy Ben-Ami, Executive Director, on Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Op-Ed Contributors - Transitions - Should the Obama Generation Drop Out? - (Times publishes Charles "Bell Curve" Murray again - 90% of Americans too dumb for college)

The Reckoning - WaMu Built an Empire on Bad Loans - Series -
Economic View - Bailout of Long-Term Capital - A Bad Precedent? -
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Nightmare on Main Street - 25.8% of 182 large retailers it tracks are at significant risk of filing for bankruptcy or facing financial distress in 2009 or 2010
Cash-strapped states weigh selling roads, parks - Yahoo! News (to the banks with the money they got from taxpayers, oh wait...)
Dark days for dynasty built on debt - Salt Lake Tribune (Bucksbaum family - Tom Friedman's wife - General Growth Properties - " As the mortgages came due, the company would replace them with even larger mortgages to provide cash for additional acquisitions." - sound familiar?)
Cars leaving lots without drivers | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/28/2008
OpEdNews » American Banking's Shameful Double Standard
Beat the Press Archive | Getting Rich Helping the Poor (Dean Baker thinks Nicholas Kristof is wrong about high-paid charity CEOs - "They are very effective at making themselves rich while destroying everything around them.")

Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2008 - The Big Picture -
Judith Warner - Living the Off-Label Life - (Provigil)
Johann Hari - My experiment with smart drugs: Viagra for the brain? (compare w/Judith Warner's piece: why the NYT is doomed)
Get ready for 24-hour living - health - 18 February 2006 - New Scientist (Provigil)
How Many Silicon Valley Startup Executives Are Hopped Up On Provigil?
The Frontal Cortex : The Hidden Cost of Smart Drugs Latin America Expecting a Late Night? Sleep Deprivation Boosts Heart Risk
Agony and ecstasy | Agony and ecstasy | The Economist Ecstasy may be good for those who can’t get over something truly horrible
Polly Toynbee: My Christmas message? There's probably no God | Comment is free | The Guardian It is neither emotionally nor spiritually deficient to reject religions that seek to infantilise us with impossible beliefs
Top 100 Stories of 2008 | Discover Magazine
Sharon Smith: Rockefeller Family Fables The Self-Righteous Rich
xs The Lure of the Open Road - 1944 - Wartime wandering through the Eastern states by bicycle, truck, and riverboat. 1944.
nyc taxi photo
Scouting NY
English Russia » The Soviet Mayan Playing Cards
Watch Hippie Masala - SnagFilms
YouTube - Weng Weng Rap
TopTenTopTen - The Top Ten Top Ten Lists
"top ten" 2008 - Google News
Technorati Search: "top ten" 2008
The Top Ten Top Ten Lists About Video Games | The Exploding Barrel
Something Else: Top Top Ten Lists for 2008
My 10 top top 10 lists for 2008 - Computerworld Blogs
Just The Best Tech Lists of 2008 - PC World
Best Of 2008: Most Popular Top 10's of 2008
Swan Fungus » Top Ten Top Ten Top Tens! of 2008!(Ten)
Social Citizens Top Ten, Top-Ten List's for 2008 | Social Citizens Blog
The Top Ten Top-Ten Lists - Paper Cuts Blog -
Israel demolishes Hamas compounds, over 200 dead - Yahoo! News
Who is Israel targeting in the Gaza - 40 police cadets and children among dead
Scores in Gaza Strip Killed in Wave of Israeli Airstrikes - Israeli Defense Minister Says Operations Targeting Hamas Will Be Expanded as Needed
United Press International: Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel
Jeb Bush Ready to Roll For US Senate? | (tanned, fit and corrupt)
t r u t h o u t | The Tennessee Coal Ash Disaster "Empty Promise": The Broken Federal Commitment Behind the Tennessee Coal Ash Disaster (clean coal)
The Hill’s Pundits Blog » Apture — A Tool for Political News Transparency
Marianne Mollmann - A Way to Help the World's Women -

Federal Cases of Stock Fraud Drop Sharply -
Think Progress » SEC Chair Asked If He Deserves Blame For Wall Street Crisis: ‘Absolutely Not,’ It ‘Wasn’t The SEC’s Job’ (it was nobody's job)
Jim Hightower | A Senatorial Hissy Fit Over The Bailout (8 Trillion for the financial guys just fine; autoworkers not so much)
Mortgage rates are still too high - Paul Krugman Blog -
Matthew Yglesias » Retail Sales Down
Editorial - The Gas Tax -
(Calvin and Hobbes explain the financial crisis)
The Housing Bears Are Wrong Again by Larry Kudlow on National Review Online (Kudlow, always wrong, makes more shit up)
The Economic News Isn't All Bleak - We may be in for a long slide. But there are also reasons to think the economy could rebound quickly (these guys were so right before, surely they're right this time)
Bubble, Bubble, Where’s the Housing Bubble? Margaret Hwang Smith Department of Economics Pomona College Claremont CA 91711 (why do these Republicans still have jobs?) w
24/7 Wall St.: Holiday Success At Amazon (AMZN) Runs Against The Grain

Faster Climate Change Feared New Report Points to Accelerated Melting, Longer Drought (someone tell Inhofe)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | On Blogging Specialization.
Advice on how to blog from Arianna Huffington, Om Malik, and more of the Web's best pundits. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine Advice from Arianna Huffington, Om Malik, and more of the Web's best pundits.
Please don't divorce us
Internet sites could be given 'cinema-style age ratings', Culture Secretary says - Telegraph
Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star - Telegraph
A Bridge to Somewhere (Else) :: John Kotre :: Global Spiral A Review of Ann Belford Ulanov and Alvin Dueck, The Living God and Our Living Psyche: What Christians Can Learn From Carl Jung
Entangled Narratives: Competing Visions of the Good Life By William Grassi
What is Neurotheology? :: Charles Zeiders :: Global Spiral (the "Chrisitan Clinician" wtf)
Review - Radical Alterity - by Jean Baudrillard and Marc Guillaume
Somatosphere: Microbes and Anthropology
Venus Once Had as Much Water as Earth - What Happened?
YouTube - Asteroid Impact (HD)
Poll: Obama is man Americans admire most - Usatoday.Com
Op-Ed Columnist - Barack Be Good -
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Three out of four Americans glad to see Bush go - Blogs from
Bush's $1 Trillion War on Terror: Even Costlier Than Expected - TIME (Bush changed it on his China card)
Little Blue Pills Among the Ways CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan -
California will run out of money in February - Americas, World - The Independent
Tutu Calls for Threat of Force to Deal With Mugabe -
Vatican Rewrites History On Galileo
Pew Survey Confirms What We All Know: Net Beats Newspapers As A Source For News

Truck and SUV sales rising as gas prices drop - Dec. 22, 2008
Press reports document criminality of US financial elite
China has put too many eggs in the American basket -
The Federal Reserve Abolition Act
SEC Chair Defends His Restraint During Financial Crisis - (Christopher Cox: Republicans NEVER accept responsibility for anything)
In Pictures: Affordable Health Insurance In Six Steps -

Ovablastic: Euler's identity
Technology Review: Tiny $10 Microscope
Women's special: How far have we come in 80 years? | Life and style | The Observer
Baltimore City Paper - Arts: The Incident - Was Bill Clinton's Affair With Monica Lewinsky Merely The Weakness of An Inveterate Horndog--or Something Else? (psychobio)
Technology NewsReel - - Among Dolphins, Tool-Using Handymen Are Women
The Spittoon Hidden in Plain Sight: New Genetic Discoveries Shed Light on the Spread of Farming in Eastern Europe
Harold Pinter: the most original, stylish and enigmatic writer in the post-war revival of British theatre - Telegraph
YouTube - Mr Bean in Weihnachtsstimmung
Dakota: Merry Christmas Eve
Poll: America's honeymoon with Obama continues - (82% - what happened to all the Palin voters?)
Image: Cheney's Delusions part of Cheney's delusions His defense of waterboarding, Guantanamo and the Iraq invasion is indeed Darth Vader-like.
#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation | Project Censored
Jonathan Freedland: Seasonal forgiveness has a limit. Bush and his cronies must face a reckoning | Comment is free | The Guardian
Dismantling the Imperial Presidency
Who Lost the Election? | The LA Progressive
Editorial - E.P.A.s Doctor No - (Stephen Johnson: environmental war criminal)
The Claremont Institute - When Worlds Collide - review of The Great Arab Conquests: How the Spread of Islam Changed the World We Live In, by Hugh Kennedy and Gods Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570 to 1215, by David Levering Lewis
Who Lost the Election? | The LA Progressive
Don't Buy From Bigots - Business List - Prop 8 Donors lists (check MA)
Balloon Juice - Compare and Contrast: Tom Friedman
The Datsun and the Shoe Tree | The American Prospect Thomas L. Freetrademan | May 21, 2000
Sadly, No! Four Feet Six Inches of Stupid - Kathy Shaidle

Book Review - 'The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath,' by Robert J. Samuelson - Review - NYTimes
Doubts grow on whether Madoff acted alone in fraud - Yahoo! News
Pope decries selfishness in economic crisis - Yahoo! News (man on gilded throne)
The Bag Lady Papers - The Daily Beast Alexandra Penney - a New York artist and former editor of Self Magazinelost her life savings in the Madoff debacle (poor baby, hasn't taken a subway in 30 years)

The lack of female Einsteins is all down to numbers - science-in-society - 24 December 2008 - New Scientist
50 Things We Know Now (We Didn't Know This Time Last Year): 2008 Edition
Lies We Tell Kids
Times Higher Education - Night's Black Agents: Witches, Wizards and the Dead in the Ancient World
Who Lost the Election? | The LA Progressive
One Hacker's Audacious Plan to Rule the Black Market in Stolen Credit Cards
This link kills spam (email harvester bots)
Flickr: Best of Cats (Invited photos only) - VOTE NOW!!
My girlfriend farted while we were kissing should I break up with her? - Yahoo! Answers
Daily Kos: Appreciating the Foes of Torture
Inside the Shadow Factory -- In These Times James Bamford’s important new book details America’s post-9/11 surveillance-industrial complex
Supreme Court Rules On Minnesota Senate Race: Window Closes On Norm Coleman ("It is more common for Democratic voters to make clerical errors on their absentee ballots than it is for Republicans")
The Brad Blog : The End Finally Nears in Coleman/Franken Race
Media Matters - Media run with unsourced assertion by Sun-Times columnist of "rumbles" that Emanuel "is reportedly on 21 different taped conversations" (how they make shit up)
cab drollery: Bankrupt Ideas
Did Contractor Expose Troops To Toxin?, CBS Evening News: American Soldiers Are Dying Of Lung Cancer - And May Have Been Knowingly Exposed
Police use excessive force, ER docs say - Yahoo! News

Sadhbh Walshe: Over 30 million Americans are now living on food stamps | Comment is free | The idea of chief executives being bailed-out while more than 30 million Americans are living on food stamps is unappetising (you mean disgusting)
Jobless Claims Surge By 30,000 to 26-Week High -
Business & Technology | JPMorgan dumping WaMu's leased space in Seattle | Seattle Times Newspaper
Paul Krugman on the Return of Depression Economics - Big Think - Featured Ideas
'The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008,' by Paul Krugman - Los Angeles Times
The Big Bailout: Product of a Flawed Democracy | LiveScience

NASA - Earthrise at Christmas
Americans Believe Religion is Losing Clout (hit low in 1970)
Lessig: It's Time to Demolish the FCC | Newsweek Technology |
Book Review of The Price of Truth - how money affects the norms of science | Logos
You Have Too Much Mail - Our brains, overloaded and distracted now, evolved in a simpler environment.
The new feminists: lipstick and pageants - Times Online
The 104th King William's College quiz | UK news | The Guardian Table of Contents (December 20 , 337 [7684])
The Greatest Love Story Ever Sold
Penguin Silent on Rosenblat Memoir - The Plank
Review: Sherlock Holmes Was Wrong by Pierre Bayard
At Magazines, It's 2.0 Steps Forward, 1.0 Step Back | The New York Observer
Netbook: Psion Orders Websites to Stop Using the Term Netbook
Gelf Magazine The Sex Blogger's Sex Blogger
Last Call? | Popular Science - The most definitive study yet could finally determine whether cellphone use causes cancer
Top 10 New Organisms of 2008
95 Old School Games You Can Play Online | AMOG
Think Progress » White House: Expect more pardons from Bush.
Washington Times - Exclusive: Obama wants Bush war team to stay (like we said, he's keeping all his neocons)
Dick Cheney's unique gift for making hard questions easy and vice versa. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine Dick Cheney's unique gift for making hard questions easy and vice versa.
Exiled Online - » The Day America’s Empire Died - By Mark Ames (“Everything that the Georgians left behind, I mean everything, was American. All the guns, grenades, uniforms, boots, food rations — they just left it all") (your MSM blackout)
History of civil marriage in the U.S. - Wikipedia (Jim "I love gays" Warren: "The definition of marriage hasn't changed in 5,000 years")
Rick Warren Scrubs Anti-Gay Language From Website (no gays allowed)
E. J. Dionne Jr. - Obama's Invitation to Warren Is a Risk Worth Taking - (big tent for haters)
New York State (NY) Poll * December 23, 2008 * New York Is Semi-Sweet On Caroline - Quinnipiac University (and 50% of Republicans hate Bush) Executive Editor to Step Down - (brought us Ben Domenech)
Tucker Bounds... We're gonna miss you buddy - - News
Diplomatic Immunity Going Too Far: Diplomatic Impunity | Michael Crowley | Reader's Digest
Obama on Marijuana Legalization - Will Obama Legalize Marijuana? - Esquire

Calculated Risk: WSJ: Commercial Property Investors Seek Bailout
New and existing home sales fall again in November -
Mad Money: Jim Cramer's Advice Slightly Worse Than A Coin Toss?
Thierry de la Villehuchet: Madoff Investor Dies After $1.4 Billion Lost (first suicide)
The Rise of the Four-Day Work Week? - BusinessWeek

Google Maps Mashup Combines Your Address, Nuclear Blast | Wired Science from
5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year | FlowingData
Original Essay: The Not Rape Epidemic at Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture
Long Tail theory contradicted as study reveals 10m digital music tracks unsold - Times Online
Magnetic-Shield Cracks Found; Big Solar Storms Expected (to start in 2012: Mayans were right)
Kennedy Declines to Make Financial Disclosure - (did she think this through?)
Matthew Yglesias is shrill - Paul Krugman Blog - - "a criminal enterprise launched by madmen cheered on by a chorus of fools and cowards" (PK picks up on MY's capsule summary)
Glenn Greenwald - - Cheney says top congressional Democrats complicit in spying (like Biden)
Think Progress » Biden on prosecuting Bush officials for torture: ‘I think we should be looking forwards, not backwards.’ (moving on)
Even jury hiring is frozen - Los Angeles Times
M of A - Avraham Burg - A Gerechter
Matthew Yglesias » A Special Note Re: Third Way (“hyper-timid incrementalist bullshit” - Jennifer Palmieri sucks at the internets)
Matthew Yglesias » Third Way’s First 100 Days: Retirement Security Edition
Third Way: Board of Trustees (bunch of people you never heard of)
Talking Points Memo | Major Error in Judgment (by) Jennifer Palmieri
Open Left:: Thou Shalt Not Criticize Thy Fellow DC Democrat
Brendan Nyhan: Save Matthew Yglesias from CAP!
Daily Kos: And yes, the Third Way is a bunch of assholes who make the DLC look downright palatable.
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Hebron Agonistes: Too Much For Israel
The National Interest - Flight of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn
On Talk Radio, Conservatives Are Energized -
Howard Kurtz - Mika Brzezinski, Letting Her Opinions Percolate on 'Morning Joe' and the Radio -
The Washington Monthly far-right blowhards are disappointed with the outcome of the elections, but they're thrilled about having new targets for their rage.
George F. Will - Executive Power Play Makes Congress Moot - - Making Congress Moot
The suspicious, disturbing death of election rigger Michael Connell | Columbus Indymedia Center
The Raw Story | German intel head threatens whistleblower site
Media Matters - It's official: Readers pick Cokie Roberts' "foreign, exotic" Hawaii comments as Most Inane

Gary Younge: Greed has pushed political credibility and financial trust into freefall | Comment is free | The Guardian Recent scandals in America reveal a value system that puts the wealth of a few before the welfare of many
YouTube - Benoit Mandelbrot thinks we're all screwed (Paul Soloman interview on PBS with Nassim "Black Swan" Taleb)
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Fiscal Insanity Virus Rapidly Spreading The Globe (Part 1) | (Part 2)
Stall Speed | Chris Martenson
National Press Club Luncheon Video - Paul Krugman
Obsidian Wings: Oblivious
Itv News | Bailed-Out Businessmen's Bonanza
Black Swans and Dark Matter — Crooked Timber
Bailed-Out Executives Got $1.6 Billion In 2007
Trade Barriers Toughen With Global Slump - Despite Free-Market Pledge, Many Nations Adopt Restrictive Policies
Can you afford it now? - Los Angeles Times
IMF chief warns 2009 may be 'even darker'
World faces "total" financial meltdown: Bank of Spain chief
Free Advice: Obama Raises Target to 3 Million New Jobs
Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret - Yahoo! News
The Unauthorized Biography of $200 Billion Broadband Scandal (how Bush killed the American internet)

E-Mails Reveal Cho's Troubles At Va. Tech -
Inventor's 2020 vision: to help 1bn of the world's poorest see better | Society | The Guardian
How Opium Can Save Afghanistan - The Daily Beast
Smart kids are more likely to be heavy drinkers - Times Online - There's a link between a high IQ and developing alcohol problems
Print Article: Octopuses give eight thumbs up for high-def TV
Jupiter's Moon Plays Peekaboo With Hubble | Wired Science from
Dr. Dobb's | Neurobiology Will Become "No-Brainer" Substitute for Software | December 16, 2008 The ability of devices to learn and adapt is in the not-too-distant future
Six Apart - Blog - TypePad and Journalism
After Credentials
Jew or Not Jew: Choosing the Chosen People
2pie: Snow Prints
If criminal penalties are removed, what will deter lawbreaking by political officials? - Glenn Greenwald - (Ruth Marcus/WaPo no prosecutions necessary, Republicans will voluntarily not break the law again)
Hans Blix Would Testify Against Bush-Cheney War Crimes |
Cheney: If President Does It During War, It's Legal
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (December 21, 2008) - The Right To Dissolve The Constitution (see, in time of war, defined by you-know-who, there's a Constitutional right to dissolve the Constitution, indefinitely)
White House Accuses NY Times Of 'Gross Negligence' In Latest Chapter Of Tense Relationship (Times finally speaks its mind)
Obama Report On Blagojevich Contacts: Rahm Exonerated (media will speculate on his innocence) / US - Rice says Obama likely to follow Bush on foreign policy (can't escape Bush)
Chris Kelly: Is Caroline Kennedy our Sarah Palin? (no)
Huxley wept - Paul Krugman Blog - Rick Warren, last year: If you’re asking me do I believe in evolution, the answer is no, I don’t. (morons elevated in our national discourse)
Biden: Cheney's Policies Have Created More Terrorists (fuckyou!)
Karl Rove Destroyed My Life - The Daily Beast Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman blames Republican dirty tricks for the nine months he spent in prison
Third Committee Draft Text Endorses Recommendations, Future Workplan Of Human Rights Council’S Working Group On Right To Development (UN votes on the right to food, 180 for, 1 against. Who was against? The United States. And you thought refusing to support decriminalizing homosexuality was bad...)
Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation - Yahoo! News
General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph
Back to the Future with The Complex?
The Pentagon is muscling in everywhere. It's time to stop the mission creep. -
The poetry of Donald Rumsfeld. - By Hart Seely - Slate Magazine (2003)
Our Annual Top 10 Newspaper Industry Stories of the Year

The Reckoning - Bush’s Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - Series - (really?)
Synagogue Of $Ufferers - New York Post (Members of a posh Upper East Side synagogue suffered a $2 billion bloodbath in Bernie Madoff's epic Ponzi scheme) Worldwide FBI Agents Shifted From Terror Work to Madoff, Subprime Probes (FBI still can't walk and chew gum)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | SECer: Agency "In A State Of Complete Panic" Over Madoff Revelations (shredders working overtime) / US / Economy & Fed - Hedge funds gain access to $200bn Fed aid (bailing out the rich)
Paul Krugman's horror story: The Swamp
News from The Associated Press AP study finds $1.6B went to bailed-out bank execs (they should have been shot)
The American Conservative » The Toyota Republicans (Country First! is Japan)
Jobless rate for N.C. surges to 25-year high |
Golden West deal doomed Wachovia in crisis |
Calculated Risk: U.S. retail gasoline prices decline to $1.66 per gallon - Eight major undersea Internet communication cables cut in 2008: We most definitely do live in interesting times
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations
EPA veils hazardous substances - JSOnline (Bush: you don't need to know what's killing you)
Skin Deep - Putting Vanity (and Botox?) on Hold -
Itv News | Ancient Soil Replenishment Technique Helps In Battle Against Global Warming
Vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder runs in families, study shows The Great Attractor (cosmic Niagra Falls)
YouTube - Sara, 13-yrs girl, plays RUSH - YYZ with stick performance
Goethe-Institut Schiller-Rap - Schillerjahr 2009 - Der Wettbewerb - Gewinner
Editorial - The Torture Report -
Demands for war crimes prosecutions are now growing in the mainstream - Glenn Greenwald -
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (December 15, 2008) - Reynolds Responds (InstaPundit)
Republicans get really nervous as Al Franken pulls into the lead | Crooks and Liars
at-Largely: One of my sources died in a plane crash last night... (GOP Ohio election stealing)
Arrests at Iraqi Ministry Based on a 'Big Lie,' Interior Chief Says -
Chris Matthews Eviscerates Neocon Frank Gaffney: "4,000 People Are Dead Because Of The Way You Feel" ("It is regrettable that they had to die," Gaffney said, "but I believe they did have to die") (easy to say when other people are doing the dying)
Media Matters - Media Matters: Matthews for Senate (?)
John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham - A Chance for Consensus on Iraq - (3 Stooges)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/19/2008 | Palin soap opera: Drug in Levi's mom's case is oxycontin ("hillbilly heroin")
Prop. 8 Sponsors Seek To Nullify 18,000 Gay Marriages (pro-family Christians)
How Obama tapped into a powerful—and only recently studied—human emotion called "elevation." - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
TPM Election Central | Rick Warren: Syria Treats Jews Really Well
Robert Fisk’s World: One missing word sowed the seeds of catastrophe - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent No one in 1967 thought the Arab-Israeli conflict would still be in progress 41 years later (Jewish lawyering: they tried this with G-D and it didn't work out so well)
How to end the South's economic war on the North | Salon The South's attempt to kill the North's auto industry is the latest battle in an ongoing conflict. It's time for a Third Reconstruction to put an end to it.
Katrina's Hidden Race War
YouTube - Letterman's Top 10 George Bush moments

TPMMuckraker | Cox "Worked to Dismantle The SEC," Says Commission Vet (more Bush wreckage)
Profile of SEC Chief Christopher Cox - Executive Articles - Under chairman Christopher Cox, the commission has undermined and demoralized its enforcement staff
SEC Report: Employees Browsed Porn, Ran Private Businesses - ProPublica (pro-business)
George's Bottom Line oe Biden said the U.S. economy is in danger of "absolutely tanking"
History Repeats Itself in Different Hues – Japan vs. United States
The Atlantic Online | December 2008 | China: “Be Nice to the Countries That Lend You Money” | James Fallows ("you have to have someone to tell you the truth")
The Reckoning - On Wall Street, Bonuses, Not Profits, Were Real - Series -
On the Contrary: The Talmud, the Stock Market and Bernie the Goniff
Business & Technology | How marketing tricks you, and how to beat it | Seattle Times Newspaper

YouTube - 'Soulgasms' and the Christian War on Masturbation
YouTube - Five Biggest LIES About Christianity
Single word change in Book of Mormon speaks volumes - Power & Sex: (Christian) America's War on Sexual Rights
Itv News | 'Hobbit' Fossils Represent A New Species, Concludes Anthropologist
BBC NEWS | Health | Breast cancer gene-free baby due
YouTube - Evelyn Glennie: How to listen to music with your whole body
When Jesus met Buddha - The Boston Globe
California Drones Mystery Solved By Sarah Connor Chronicles? - Screen Rant
NatGeo: Top Ten Archaeology Finds: Most Read of 2008
Healing Combat Trauma: Combat Veterans, PTSD and Domestic Violence - A Sometimes Deadly Combination
Good Math, Bad Math : Fitness Landscapes, Evolution, and Smuggling Information The Giant Impact Theory (formation of the Moon)
Blake retrospective: Tate Britain stages 1809 show | Art and design | The Guardian
LRB · James Wolcott: Caretaker/Pallbearer The Widows of Eastwick by John Updike
The 8 Best "Drunk Jeff Goldblum" Videos - Viral Video - Videogum
How Jewish is Hollywood? - Los Angeles Times
The Explainer questions we never answered in 2008. - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine
'Seeing' The Quantum World: How A Quantum Computer Would Work
Earth's Original Ancestor Was 'LUCA' - Last Universal Common Ancestor - hyperthermophilic organism
Think Progress » Report: Gonzales Appears To Have Lied To Congress For Rice About Vetting Bush’s Pre-War Uranium Claims (hundreds of thousands dead)
Tortured Reasoning:
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Breaking: Al Franken Takes The Lead In Minnesota Recount!
The Washington Monthly A Bad Rule
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | The Top Dozen Insights of Conservatives, 2008
Bristol Palin's Future Mother-In-Law Arrested On Drug Charges (meth? ya think?)
Civil Liberties Examiner: Galveston police haven't apologized for beating 12-year-old girl
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/19/2008 | Most corrupt state? It may just be North Dakota. Really.
BBC NEWS | Health | People 'still willing to torture'
US Balks at Backing Condemnation of Anti-Gay Laws |
APS Observer - Replicating Milgram

President Bush: Automakers to get $17.4B - Yahoo! News (after Republicans say fuckyou to the country)
Paulson: Congress needs to release second $350B - Yahoo! Finance (with absolutely no oversight)
Krugman - The Madoff Economy -
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | Madoff investors hope for bailout Wiped out Madoff investors pray for bailout as SIPC money seen too small, too long to process (rich Jews want taxpayer money) / Companies - Banks lent billions to Madoff ‘feeder funds’ Worldwide Madoff’s Misconduct Said to Date to 1970s as Client List Surged (the SEC at work)

Association for Psychological Science - Are Power and Compassion Mutually Exclusive?
BBC NEWS | Technology | Severed cable disrupts web access (the FLAG FEA, SMW4, and SMW3 lines, near the Alexandria cable station in Egypt, have all been cut + GO cable off Sicily)
The Mundaneum Museum Honors the First Concept of the World Wide Web -
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits - (what?)
YouTube - HD videos
YouTube - Princess Bride Lightsaber Battle
How to bake a potato
Dakota: High Tech Report
Sunlight Foundation » Yes We Can…Use Comments, Web Services on Government Web Sites
Alaska Racist Emails Against Obama On State Accounts Probed
Minnesota Recount: Franken Starting To Make Big Gains On Challenged Ballots (Nate Silver's call looking good)
Minnesota Senate recount: Latest Coleman-Franken results
35 Iraqi Officials Are Held in Raids on Key Ministry -
Obama Selects Evangelist for Invocation -
TPM Election Central | Obama On Rick Warren Pick: We have To Be Able To Agree To Disagree
Obama: We have to be able to agree to disagree - Funny how you only reach across the aisle when it's someone else's family, gay families in particular, getting the shaft
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Warren Invocation (on the other hand)
What's the Matter With Rick Warren? (anti-evolution, gay marriage=child rape)
Firedoglake » The Divisiveness Of the Rick Warren Choice
Media Matters - NBC's Curry repeated Warren falsehood about Prop 8 without noting it's false (liars and their media enablers)
Obama's Talking Points On Rick Warren
Clinton Foundation Donor List: Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Raised From Foreign Governments (no conflict of interest, heh)
Washington News Bureaus Are Shrinking - Big News in Washington, but Far Fewer Cover It
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting » Blog Archive » Bob Kerrey, New School's 'Moderate' War Criminal
The Strange and Bizarre Story of Wallace Scarborough’s Fight Against Democracy. « Jones On Politics (bizaare Southern Republicans)
Perino Grades Political Pundits: "Zero" For Fairness
YouTube - George W. Bush's Nightmare Before Christmas

naked capitalism: New York Times Pulls Punches On Wall Street Bubble Era Pay (refuses to call looting looting)
Madoff Scandal Shaking Real Estate Industry - ("Many developers had pledged their investments with Mr. Madoff as collateral for projects")
Open Left:: During the Madoff Scandal, the SEC Goes After... The National Lampoon (priorities, priorities)
Sports teams fear hit from economic crisis --
NPR: Sports On The Skid?

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Changes 'amplify Arctic warming' Scientists say they now have unambiguous evidence that the warming in the Arctic is accelerating (too late)
Triple Helix: Designing a New Molecule of Life: Scientific American
The year 2008 in photographs (part 1 of 3) - The Big Picture -
If you send disparaging E-mails about me to someone else and I find out about it, I can and will pursue defamation charges. I have an excellent lawyer and I rather doubt you do. : WTF (Joe Clark loses at the Internet)
Scientists debunk myth that most heat is lost through head | Science | The Guardian
Architects Rule! : Real-life Dilbert manager quotes
Review: The Definitive Coast-to-Coast 3G Data Test
Featured Download: Dropbox Syncs and Backs Up Files Between Computers Instantaneously
Open Source Windows - Free, Open-Source software for Windows XP and Vista :: Where has my disk space gone? (du | sort -rn | head -n 20)
WinDirStat - Windows Directory Statistics
Home Page EN | Molleindustria (Oiligarchy, Free Culture, Faith Fighter, Pedopriest)
Bush: Job Ratings
Person of the Year 2008 - TIME - Obama
CNN Political Ticker: Rick Warren to give inaugural invocation (rightwing homophobe, Prop 8 supporter, given national stage again: change that just makes you sick or genius move by O?)
Firedoglake » Obama Selects Eliminationist Preacher Warren for Inauguration Pulpit: The Audacity of Hate
Warren To Deliver Invocation at Inaguration | Right Wing Watch Rick Warren is really just a friendlier version of James Dobson
Pam's House Blend:: Homobigot Rick Warren to deliver invocation at inauguration
Obama picks homophobe pro-'Prop 8' evangelical preacher to give the invocation at inaugural
Box Turtle Bulletin » Some of Rick Warren’s Best Friends Are Gay…
Wonk Room » Rick Warren: Stopping Evil ‘Is The Legitimate Role Of Government’
Rick Warren, Obama Invocation Choice, Causing First Real Rift With Progressives
Paul Abrams: No Choice But to Prosecute Cheney, for the Good of the Country
Bush says sacrificed free-market principles to save economy - Yahoo! News (what's wrong with this picture?)
Patrick Cockburn: Each Shoe was Worth a Thousand Words
Michael Hudson and Jeffrey Sommers: The End of the Washington Consensus ("Austerity and “fiscal responsibility” are for other countries")
Matthews, Hitchens Lead Stirring Fight Against Pro-Torture Views Of Michael Smerconish
Tough questions for Caroline Kennedy as she leaves meeting in Syracuse - On Politics - Tough questions for Caroline Kennedy as she leaves meeting in Syracuse (and no answers)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect: Speculation Journalism (Politico making shit up) OA
The Washington Monthly: Party Like It's 1999 (Republican solutions: back to the past)
Elizabeth Drew: Frost/Nixon: A Dishonorable Distortion of History
The Associated Press: Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf
Epoch Times - Bin-Laden's System to Bankroll Terrorism
Print This Article : Hawala, or The Bank That Never Was

ABC News: Morgan Stanley Is One Bank That Cites a Loan From TARP Money
Low-Interest Mortgages Are the Answer - (the Republican solution: reinflate the housing bubble)
The Mortgage Meltdown Video -
CalPers losing 103% on its housing bets - Lansner on Real Estate -
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate - How is OC Doing?
Madoff house arrest ordered as European banks reel - Yahoo! News Worldwide Madoff’s Wife Said to Be Investigated Over Ponzi Scheme Records
Warren Buffett Granddaughter - Nicole Buffett - Marie Claire - The Billionaire's Black Sheep
Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms -

Salman Hameed: How to quell the rise of Muslim Creationism | Science |
Butter Holds the Secret to Cookies That Sing -
Video: KickYouTubes Lets You Download Videos Without Extra Software or Hassle
Firedoglake » Inhofe Plays while the Boxer’s Away (Republican psycho-creep and his climate "report")
Death map USA: Natural disaster hotspots revealed - image 3 - environment - 17 December 2008 - New Scientist Standardised mortality ratios at county level,
Annals of Education: Most Likely to Succeed: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
HIV infects women through healthy tissue: U.S. study | U.S. | Reuters
New 'Molecular Memory' Only 10 Atoms Thick: Massive Storage Possible
Securing Firefox: How to avoid hacker attacks on Mozilla's browser | ZDNet Photo Gallery 2008 End-Of-Year Lists
It's official: Barack Obama elected 44th president - Yahoo! News
Matthew Yglesias An Empire of Sentimentality - a criminal enterprise launched by madmen cheered on by a chorus of fools and cowards (esp your media)
Poll Finds Support for Obama's War Views - Less Pessimism on Iraq, But 70% Back Pullout
Nicolas Sarkozy Assassination Attempt: French President Unharmed
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Shoe thrower 'beaten in custody' (of course)
Matthew Yglesias Cohen: Online News Reading is Undermining My Sexist Stereotypes
Instaputz: Ungrateful Iraqis.
AFP: Iraqi justice to probe case of Bush shoe assailant Iraqi justice to probe case of Bush shoe assailant (more interrogation to find out "who's behind this") - Cheney says waterboarding was appropriate ("it would be very unfortunate if the incoming administration were to roll back some of the programs")
American Civil Liberties Union : Court Rules Patriot Act's "National Security Letter" Gag Provisions Unconstitutional (this is big)
Alex Jones' Infowars: Marine Military Presence Confirmed in San Bernardino County
Big brother is NOT watching you: Cash-strapped towns leave CCTV cameras unmonitored | Mail Online

FRB: Press Release--FOMC statement--December 16, 2008 The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to establish a target range for the federal funds rate of 0 to 1/4 percent.
ZIRP! - Paul Krugman Blog -
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Why Didn't SEC Look Closer At Madoff?
S.E.C. Image Suffers in a String of Setbacks - (Christopher Cox: your Republican SEC at work) Worldwide Housing Starts in U.S. Fell 18.9% to 625,000 Pace
Michigan Messenger Changes in bank bailout plan avoids executive salary restrictions

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Rom-coms 'spoil your love life' Watching romantic comedies can spoil your love life
YouTube - "The View"--Elisabeth Hasselbeck Attacks Evolution (idiot on parade)
YouTube - Billy Connolly on Catholicism and Sarah Palin
Microsoft: Big Security Hole in All IE Versions - Security Fix
Internet Explorer Data Binding Memory Corruption Vulnerability - Secunia Advisories
Virustotal. MD5: 06834a694e541347a6c8f09c5e1f858c TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen Suspicious File Malicious Software
YouTube - Ian Freeman arrested and jailed for 93 days (93 days in jail for taking 6 seconds to sit down) | Free Keene Couch Court Audio & Orders ("justice" Edward J Burke, Keene NH)
Couple who add rock dust to barren soil develop process into export business | UK news | The Observer
Arctic Ice Melt Of Over Two Trillion Tons Has Occurred Since 2003
Conceptual Trends and Current Topics: Unthinkable Futures
TNH FTW! A final post and a question for you. - Boing Boing
Dinosaur Killer May Have Been Volcanism, Not Asteroid - Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq rally for Bush shoe attacker
12-11-2008 - Levin, McCain Release Executive Summary and Conclusions of Report on Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody : Senator Carl Levin: News Release
Dan Froomkin - Pack of Liars -
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Architect Of Abu Ghraib (Bush) | The Media Yawns - Even PBS demanded that guests not use the word torture to decribe torture
Glenn Greenwald - - Senate report links Bush to detainee homicides; media yawns
Itv News | Bush On Al Qaeda Not Existing In Iraq Before Invasion: So What?
The Raw Story | US Supreme Court orders Guantanamo torture case review
Obama: No Blagojevich Contact, No "Inappropriate Discussions"
Cheney: Obama Will "Appreciate" Our Expansion Of Power ("We did not exceed our constitutional authority, as some have suggested")
Which state is the most corrupt - Illinois or Louisiana? - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine
The Raw Story | Coulter: Minnesota Senate race 'being openly stolen'
Tapes have potential witnesses speaking out :: Chicago Sun-Times :: Gov. Blagojevich
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect: Rick Warren Doth Protest Too Much: I'M Not A Homophobe (gay marriage=incest, pedophilia, polygamy, but he's not anti-gay)
U.N. Rights Investigator Turned Away by Israel -
Israel's merry band of Klansmen, the extreme right - Haaretz - Israel News
Turks apologize for Armenian massacres - Europe- - Prominent intellectuals show regret online for World War I-era atrocities
MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Arundhati Roy: 9 Is Not 11 (on India-Pakistan, Mumbai is not 9/11, Kashmir: info not in US media)
Tomgram: Arundhati Roy, The Monster in the Mirror

Economic crisis of 2008 - Wikipedia (otherwise known as "the Bush Crash")
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/15/2008 | Business bankruptcies keep rising; no relief in sight
Limits on Executive Pay May Prove Toothless - Loophole in Bailout Provision Leaves Enforcement in Doubt (who could have predicted?)
States Funds for Jobless Are Drying Up - (Benefits funds in two states, Indiana and Michigan, have already dried up)
The 17th Floor, Where Wealth Went to Vanish -
Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme: Victim List Grows
TPMMuckraker | SEC Didn't Probe Madoff's Investment Biz -- Despite Complaints U.S. Fairfield Sent Madoff $7.3 Billion as Funds Took Fees (made 11%, nice due diligence, guys) Worldwide Madoff Said to Use Unregistered Side-Unit for Clients
Prominent Jewish foundations shut down due to Madoff Wall Street affair - Haaretz - Israel News
New Bubble, Same Old Frauds - Enron and Worldcom, Madoff and Dreier. Is anyone really surprised?
Talking Points Memo | Don't We Have Laws ... (Paulson lied to Congress)
Economic Scene - Figure Skews Debate of a Bailout for Detroit - - $73 an Hour: Adding It Up (union-busting propaganda)
history.gif (national debt since 1940)
M of A - Stimuli And Global Balance
Nobel Economist Says More Stable Currency Needed
TPMMuckraker | Schumer Helped Block Regulation Of Ratings Agencies (wy to go, Chuckie, you screwed the whole country)
After the Crash: How Software Models Doomed the Markets: Scientific American Overreliance on financial software crafted by physics and math PhDs helped to precipitate the Wall Street collapse
Books of The Times - In The Ascent of Money, Niall Ferguson Argues That Financial Systems Drive History - Review -
Hackers 'Responsible' for 546m of Illegal Deforestation in the Amazon
The author of the MPG illusion on why we misunderstand the meaning of miles per gallon (and why we shouldnt completely hate the hybrid Cadillac Escalade)

Google Wants Its Own Fast Track on the Web -
Pixies, Sheilas, Dirtbags and Cougar Bait: Modern Slang
An index of promiscuity | Sex and the citizen | The Economist Where people are most, and least, promiscuous
More Americans Believe in the Devil, Hell and Angels than in Darwin's Theory of Evolution - MarketWatch - Nearly 25% of Americans Believe They Were Once another Person
Letter From West Hollywood: Special Treatment: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The rise of luxury rehab.
Google Blasts WSJ, Still 'Committed' to Net Neutrality | Epicenter from
When Justice Got Bonged: Mary Beth Buchanan Vs. Tommy Chong | (crazed Bush prosecutor spent $12million to entrap Chong)
The Story Of Tommy Chong - What The Feds Don't Want You To See
Neuroscience Sheds New Light on Creativity - Rewiring the Creative Mind | Fast Company
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Cargo cult lives on in South Pacific (A Christian youth worker said: "Those people are holding on to a dream that will never come true")
Itv News | Supermassive Black Hole Dissected With Natural Magnifying Glasses: 1,000 Times Clearer Than Best Telescopes Can Do
Good news for wind, bad for ethanol in major energy study
The Yawn Explained: It Cools Your Brain : Discovery News
'Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963,' by Susan Sontag -- New York Magazine Book Review - PC Game Piracy Examined
YouTube - Bill Clinton - The Final Days
The Ungroundable (South Park)
Bush Visits Iraq For Final Time
Iraqi Throws Shoes At Bush Press Conference ("This Is A Goodbye Kiss, You Dog"...)
Bush Defends Iraq War During a Farewell Visit - - Iraqi Journalist Hurls Two Shoes at Bush During Press Conference With Al-Maliki
Troops to Stay Longer in Iraq as Support, U.S. Says -
Official History Spotlights Iraq Rebuilding Blunders - (My friend, Mr. Rumsfeld replied, if you think were going to spend a billion dollars of our money over there, you are sadly mistaken")
Obsidian Wings: Details, Details (complete stupidity of our military leaders)
Jesus' General: From the White House to a Whites-Only House? George W. Bush Goes Home From the White House to a Whites-Only House? George W. Bush Goes Home
Record Breaking 131 Million Voted In November Foolocracy
Op-Ed Columnist - Two Cheers for Rod Blagojevich - Editorial -
Washington Wire - : The Real Story Behind the Rushed Blagojevich Bust: How the Feds Are Frustrated by Losing (Maybe) Half of Their Case
Hugh Muir: The jury should have been allowed to consider a verdict of unlawful killing in the inquest of Jean Charles de Menezes | Comment is free | The jury should have been allowed to consider a verdict of unlawful killing. The inquest was meaningless
Iraq's reconstruction a 100-billion failure: report - Yahoo! News (but no money for Detroit)
Glenn Greenwald Talks To Bill Moyers About The Rule of Law | Crooks and Liars our highest political officials are free to break the most serious laws that we have (Republican lawnorder for other people)
Associated Baptist Press - Judge halts Christian-themed South Carolina license plates (theocrats)
David Gregory - Dickipedia - A Wiki of Dicks
It's a Wolff hunt for angry Judith Regan over Rupert Murdoch bio . "He's a repulsive specimen." (TOTKO)
AP: Many Insisting That Obama Is Not Black
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Ramstad's Earmark Problem (O's Drugz Czar maybe pick: rightwing Christianist who "completes" Jews and hates needle exchanges: change you won't notice)

Talking Points Memo | So Different? U.S. Bernard Madoffs One Big Lie Drew Investors: Table
Is the Madoff Scandal the Story of the Year? (with links)
The Madoff Unit: A new metric for the Big Shitpile | Corrente
The End of Wall Street's Boom - - by Michael Lewis (author of Liar's Poker: history of modern financial greed and stupidity: if this isn't evil, what is?)
Op-Ed Columnist - Two Cheers for Rod Blagojevich - Editorial - ("Its a sad snapshot of our centurys establishment that Rubin has been an economic adviser to Barack Obama and Gramm to John McCain.")
The Reckoning - Series - The New York Times
Daily Kos: Hartmann Eloquently Defends American Workers our perilous economic situation is the direct result of Reaganomics.
Bad Economy Hits Green Companies Hard | Newsweek Project Green | Despite all their promise, green companies are awash in red ink.
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/14/2008 | GOP hangs tight on taxes as red ink rises - the state's minority party tries to squeeze a spending cap and pro-business policies from fiscal chaos.

The Rag Blog: The Vatican: Working Their Way Back in Time Will a New Vatican Document Affect Science and Reproductive Health?
Politics: Meg Whitman, homophobe (eMeg, supported Prop 8, wants to be CA gov)
Xiu Xiu - Women As Lovers - David Horvitz | Essay - Consider the Philosopher - After the Death of David Foster Wallace -
Memories of the Skokie that was -- Writer Howard Reich, a child of Holocaust survivors, recalls the joys and torments of the town of his youth
Nuclear reaction: Cast, crew of 'The Day After' reunite for 25th anniversary of film shot in Lawrence, KC
YouTube - ABC News Viewpoint - "The Day After" (Part 1, 1983)
FCC cancels meeting for free Internet vote | Wireless - CNET News
Falling in Love is Now Called Rape in America as teens by the thousands end up in jail for having consensual sex with their girlfriends.
List of common misconceptions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2008: Dave Eggers, Judy Blume: Books
Playboy Virgin Mary Cover Sparks Outrage In Mexico
Can a cat and a rabbit ever find happiness?
Bird Watcher's General Store
12x12 Tic-Tac-Toe
Carter hopes for early Obama peace push in Mideast | Politics | Reuters
Bush's Final F.U. : Rolling Stone The administration is rushing to enact a host of last-minute regulations that will screw America for years to come
False flags attacks common but rarely reported in the corporate media
Media Matters - Media Matters: Media pick up where they left off 8 years ago (your liberal media at work) Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour? (only in the minds of corporate media)
Hullabaloo: Matthews is very nearly nuts as far as I can tell ("a bridge too far")
Evangelicals Upset With Bush Bible Comments Foolocracy: Government by fools, silliness and unintelligent people
Josh Gerstein: NPR Salaries: Raw Data

Vitter faulted for derailing auto bailout - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune - "He'd rather pay a prostitute than pay auto workers."
YouTube - Leaked GOP Memo Suggests Auto Bailout Bill was Killed for Political Reasons (union busting, they never miss a chance to screw you) Exclusive Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion (says fuckyou to taxpayers)
Now Accused of Fraud, Wall St. Wizard Had His Skeptics - (Bush's SEC "completely surprised by the charges of fraud")
Few questioned Bernard Madoff's money-making ways ("they thought it was insider trading, not a Ponzi scheme" which was just fine with them)
Charities count missing millions in Madoff case - Washington Post- Philanthropic groups hit hard by ex-Nasdaq chief's arrest on fraud charges
Bernard L. Madoff - Wikipedia - Alleged victims
Cassandra Does Tokyo: Bernie Comes Out of the Closet
Club Ties
The Madoff Dilemma | The Big Money
I Knew Bernie Madoff Was Cheating--That's Why I Invested With Him
Marginal Revolution: How to run a Ponzi scheme
YouTube - 12/12/2008 Peter Schiff: Will Washington Save Detroit?
Marc Dreier, a Lawyer With a Lavish Lifestyle Accused of Stealing Millions -
Msnbc panel sees slow growth but no recession - Eye on the Economy- (2008 predictions worked out so well)
Ad industry debacle could kill your favorite TV shows, net sites - WalletPop Blog (end of advertising: it didn't produce anything anyway)
Economist's View: Bankruptcy Reform Caused More Foreclosures
Economist's View: Yet Again, Tax Cuts Do Not Pay for Themselves (Mark Thoma: 2007: Laffer/Greed Curve)
The Reckoning - A Champion of Wall Street Reaps the Benefits - Series -

Play Auditorium
Virginia Tech Massacre, Seung-Hui Cho: Mobbing And The Virginia Tech Massacre (Nikki Giovanni's role, among others, as bullies)
The Truth About the VT Shooting (4/2007)
ABC News: Study Reports Anal Sex on Rise Among Teens: Lack of Sex Education, Virginity Pledges, Ignorance Contribute to Risky Behavior (see "Purity Balls" and "Christians")
Big Pharma Spends More On Advertising Than Research | ZME Science
Kintaro ukiyo-e prints ::: Pink Tentacle
Obama logo ideas that werent chosen | Logo Design Love
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Black hole confirmed in Milky Way
Is This Your Paper On Single Serving Sites?
ACLU Blog: Because Freedom Cant Blog Itself: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union Video: ACLU Lawyers on Landmark Al-Marri Case (Bush: we can keep an American in jail forever without charges)
TPM: News Pages | Illinois AG asks high court to declare gov. unfit
How Waterboarding Got the Green Light from Bush | Newsweek Voices - Terror Watch (told it worked "100%" of the time)
How to Break a Terrorist - TIME
Becoming 44 | Tracking Obama's Transition Team & Appointees
TPM: News Pages: TPM Presents The GOP Mailers and Robocalls: The Map of GOP sleaze
Smoke and Mirrors. The Subversion of the EPA | Philadelphia Inquirer (Republicans at work)
Dakota: Hard to Disguise
The Republic of T. The Myth of a Bush Recovery, Pt. 2 of 3 (June 2007: "He was, finally, a president as sick as we are")
'Liars': Jury at De Menezes inquest refute police claim that they shouted a warning before they gunned the Brazilian down | Mail Online
Craig Murray - The Disgraceful Sir Michael Wright, A Grovelling Tool of the Police State
YouTube - FCO Human Rights event Worldwide: Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion in Lending
Calculated Risk: Retail Sales Off Sharply in November
Jim Rogers calls most big U.S. banks bankrupt | U.S. | Reuters
8 really, really scary predictions - Nouriel Roubini (1) - FORTUNE
2009: The year of unsustainability | The Economist
December's tally: 115,416 job cuts so far - Dec. 12, 2008
UAW Wage Bailout vs Republicans: Does this infuriate you?
Treasury ready to prevent collapse of automakers - Yahoo! Finance (Republicans can't find a way to bail out executives but not employees, say screw it)
Republican Senator Admits Opposition to Auto Bill is All About Union Busting - Democratic Underground
Cheney: It's 'Herbert Hoover' time - Yahoo! News Senate Republicans dramatic revolt against a White House-backed auto industry rescue plan is fraught with political risk (for the no-accountability crowd? doubtful)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/12/2008 | McConnell faces criticism at home for killing auto bailout (Republicans: SMASH AND DESTROY)
Daily Kos: UAW: GOP Trying to Destroy Union & Middle Class; GM: US Only Gov't Not Aiding Auto Industry - blocked by Southern Republicans who are antiunion and who represent communities that are home to foreign automakers ("two-fer") Nine Ways To Ask About a Bailout (questions that use the fewest words tend to show narrow disapproval)
Auto Suppliers Share in the Anxiety -
Ex-Nasdaq chairman arrested on fraud charge in NYC - Yahoo! - accused of $50B `Ponzi scheme'
Madoff Scam Bigger Than Enron
Multiple Red Flags in Madoff Case -
Lessons from Iceland | Cracks in the crust | The Economist
What new credit card rules may mean for you
October's Books Sales Down 20 Percent, Publishers Say - GalleyCat
ABC News: Are Social Networks Sinking?
Firedoglake Riots Spread in Europe - When will Americans decide they've had enough and start rioting?

Archimedes and the 2000-year-old computer - tech - 12 December 2008 - New Scientist (Antikythera)
GE Launches Incandescent-Shaped CFL Bulb : CleanTechnica
Sarcasm used to diagnose dementia | National Breaking News |
Ages of consent in Europe - Wikipedi - Vatican City has the lowest age of consent in Europe (set at 12
20% of teens say they've put nude pics of themselves online
Evaluating the Efficacy of Alternative Medicine | Newsweek Voices - Her Body
ABC News: Chritianist "Purity Balls" dripping with inscest and weirdness
YouTube - Photograph Of Jesus by Laurie Hill in association with the Getty Images Short & Sweet Film Challenge
Panel Cites White House, Not Soldiers, for Abuse - (rendite them all)
Bush Regime Declares Itself Above the Law
The Rag Blog: Senate Report on Torture : Blood on Rummy's Hands
Panel: Bush officials to blame for abuse - Security- Bipartisan report says guards and interrogators not the true culprits
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Powell: GOP polarization backfired in election - Blogs from ("Can we continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh?" )
Eunomia Mr. Tumnus, Fast Eddie And Misjudging Obama
Greek-inspired protests spread across Europe - Yahoo! News
Patrick Cockburn: Total Defeat for U.S. in Iraq
The Raw Story | Obama may spell end of blank cheques for Israel
Mondoweiss: The assimilationist ramifications of the brutalized Israeli wanderjahr
Feds Argue Return Law Makes Jews Flight Risk
Tom Daschle To Also Oversee New White House Office Of Health Reform
Orlando Sentinel - NASA has become a transition problem for Obama - NASA administrator Mike Griffin is not cooperating with President-elect Barack Obamas transition team - John Ashcroft Argues Against Releasing Detainees ( 'Stunned' People Think Detainees Deserve Trial)
Suit seeks Todd Palin e-mails that were withheld: Gov. Sarah Palin | Governor: Staff says "executive privilege" justifies her secrecy
Joe the Plumber trashes McCain in new book |
NPR to Cut Workforce - WashBiz Blog - projected fiscal 2009 budget deficit of $23 million
Letter From Npr Interim President And Ceo Dennis Haarsager On Layoffs And Show (the endowment lost value and did not generate earnings for this year) (oh?)
Pam's House Blend:: NPR cancels News & Notes, Day to Day, and lays off dozens
Philip Greenspuns Weblog Government-funded radio, U.S. versus Canada (NPR is broken)
Foreign Policy: The 10 Worst Predictions for 2008
Video from the Presidential Campaign, Republican Division - Boing Boing
Donklephant - Kop Busters

Joseph E. Stiglitz on capitalist fools: About Us: (getting history right: what happened and assigning blame: in the end it was Greenspan)
Our Words: Joseph Stiglitz: Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1996 until 1999, during which time he became quite critical of World Bank policy. Under pressure to keep quiet, he resigned in protest (remember?)
Jobless Claims at 26-Year High; Import Prices Fall -
TPMMuckraker | Bailout Oversight: Too Little, Too Late?
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Goldman Recommends Credit Default Swaps Against NJ, CA, WI, FL, OH, MI, Others
Pay Raise For Judges Tucked Into Auto Bailout Plan
Auto Bailout Bill Appears Stalled in the Senate - (Republicans: country last)
Daily Kos: Senate GOP: Let Us Destroy UAW, Or We'll Destroy the Economy Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis: Part II the 700 Billion Dollar Bailout: Who Pays?
Sit-In at Factory Ends With 2 Loan Agreements -
KB Toys files Chapter 11; to have going out of business sales | Philadelphia Inquirer
Study Finds White-Collar Unemployment Spreading - City Room Blog -
3 News > Business > Story > Prospects dim for US$14 billion auto industry rescue
M of A - S.&.P. Companies' Divestment S&P 500 companies did not invest one dime of their earnings into additional or new business or increased productivity (Republican focus on the short-term, high paid hacks)
The Manipulation of Gold Prices - Seeking Alpha ($3K-9K/oz GLD?)

Calorie restriction speeds mitochondrial turnover Ouroboros
This year will be just a second longer - LiveScience-
Science News / Superglass Could Be New State Of Matter Some atoms in glasslike solid could flow with zero friction
"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!" - A Saturn Moon Teaming with Organic Chemicals
White House opposes FCC's free Internet plan | Wireless - CNET News
The Best Viral Videos Of 2008: A Retrospective - Viral Video - Videogum
Gmail Enables SMS Messaging From Chat
Google Tackles Magazine Archives -
Gmail Tip of the Day - Consolidate All of Your Email Accounts into Gmail | Enquiring Mimes
70 Beautiful Dual-Screen Desktop Wallpapers | Graphics | Smashing Magazine
John M. Perez.Com: The 25 Best Alternatives To Your Enterprise Applications & Functions
ABC News: Study Reports Anal Sex on Rise Among Teens
Meth madness: Montanas prevention program increases abuse - AmyTuteurMD - Open Salon
Photo Gallery: An Etymologist's View of the World - Spiegel Online
Monster Cable: Tell Monster Cable To Stop Suing A Monster-Themed MiniGolf Park
Self Love: 92% Of Women Masturbate; But How Often Do They Do It?
Terry Eagleton: Milton's republic | Comment is free | The Guardian
best of craigslist : To the wingnut who stole my Obama/Biden magnet and left a note - w4m
2hchhc2.jpg (squirrel)
Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama --
ABC News: Sources Say Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Is 'Senate Candidate No. 5' Feds Plan to Interview Chicago Congressman as Part of Blagojevich Probe (did JJJ offer million dollar bribe?)
Sabotage at Gitmo By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (neocons tying O's hands)
Intel Chief To Bush: Stop Blaming Us For Your Failures
Governor Threatened Tribune Over Criticism -
YouTube - Countdown: Comment on the Bush Legacy
Matthew Yglesias WSJ: Only Secret Illegal Surveillance Will Provide Accountability (idiots on parade)
Media Matters - Most Outrageous Comments of 2008 (media making you crazy)
Matthew Yglesias Qualifications I Can Believe In (Amity Shlaes, "senior fellow in economic history" at the Council on Foreign Relations, is an English major with no qualifications except hackitude)(cf Peter Bienart)
Media Matters - Hannity falsely claimed that under Bush, "We created 10 million new jobs" (lying is what they do)
Md. Court Weighs Internet Anonymity - Case Pits Free Speech Against Redress for Defamation (another idiot, Zebulon J. Brodie, fails at the internet)(defame this, Zebulon)
Pam's House Blend:: Jon Stewart slays the homophobic Huckabeast without breaking a sweat
Mike Huckabee Pt. 2 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Kerrey Gets Vote of No-Confidence at New School - (no one could have seen that coming)
Bill Ayers On Hardball: Calls Accusations "Profoundly Dishonest" (video)

The Worst Is Yet To Come: Anonymous Banker Weighs In On The Coming Credit Card Debacle - Executive Suite Blog -
Calculated Risk: AIG: A Black Hole? (eating more of your money)(pays bonuses, too)
Daily Kos: Whither Goest Thou, Stock Market? (2008: worst year since 1931)
Ismael Hossein-Zadeh: Whose Interests Will Shape Obama's Change? (the "loony left")
Herring | Icelandic News in English | 60-70% of the herring infected (there goes plan B)

I was celibate for 15 years | Salon Life I didn't intend to go without sex for a decade and a half. But celibacy isn't something you necessarily plan.
Rat research shows regular exercise good for a man's sexual prowess | Health & Lifestyle |
Women find happiness is not about the economy, stupid | U.S. | Reuters
5 Movies That Totally Ruined the Theory of Evolution | SpoutBlog
Study analyzes why people pray -
SitePoint Is Online Censorship On the Rise?
Schneier on Security: Flying While Armed
How to Toilet-Train Your Cat: A step-by-step guide to teach your cat to use the human toilet
Physics License Plates
Manjula's Kitchen | Indian Vegetarian Recipes | YouTube - Naan Bread Recipe by Manjula | Why no Onions and Garlic? (rajasic, not good for celibacy)
Indian Police Disclose Larger Pool of Suicide Attackers -
Gen. Hayden and the claimed irrelevance of presidential appointments - Glenn Greenwald -
Think Progress Illinois Governor Taken Into Federal Custody For Abusing His Authority To Appoint Obama Successor - Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested By Federal Agents
Open Left:: What Would Obama Do? (ODS)
The Washington Monthly - To many Americans, the Bush Administration was a national disaster
Google Earth accused of aiding terrorists - Times Online (next up: paper maps to be banned)
SA Current : The panopticon economy (Bushwar spyin' on you)
Hidden Travels of the Atomic Bomb -
The New York Times > Science > Image > A Chain Reaction of Proliferation

Op-Ed Columnist - The Brightest Are Not Always the Best -

Mass. students outperform peers on international exam - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Hysteria in Four Acts
Marijuana Uses - Dr. Lester Grinspoon - Mr. X By Carl Sagan
Science Box: Honeybees are found to interact with Quantum fields
Basics - Primal, Acute and Easily Duped - Our Sense of Touch -
Low fat diets: Not fit for purpose - The Independent - For 30 years we've been told to eat less of it. Yet there's no proof cutting down is good for us, says Jerome Burne
The Great Debate Debate Archive Einstein, insanity and the war on drugs | The Great Debate (U.S. has 5 percent of the worlds population and around 25 percent of the worlds prisoners) (used to finance terrorism)
Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy : Article : Nature
Study Illuminates Star Explosion from 16th Century - TIME
Biomolecule formation by oceanic impacts on early Earth : Abstract : Nature Geoscience
Hope for malaria vaccine within five years - Science, News - The Independent
Obama Birth Certificate Challenge Turned Down By Supreme Court (wingnut brains explode)
Biden To Be Barred From Democratic Caucus Meetings
TPM Election Central | Top Obama Adviser Hits "The Left Wing Of Our Party" For Criticizing Cabinet Picks
Open Left:: Mandate Watch: Were Democrats Elected to Attack "The Left?" Part II
New Bush Neighbor In Dallas: I'm Afraid "The Whole Neighborhood Is Going To Be A Target" Until 2000, the neighborhood association's covenant said only white people were allowed to live there (except for slaves)
alicublog: Not Rocket Science (libertarians hate light bulbs)
Times Co. to Borrow Against Building - (fancy new building)
Deeply in Debt, Tribune Co. Could Be Flirting With Bankruptcy -
Tribune files for bankruptcy - Chicago Breaking News
Why do political wives stand by their men?
Obama Preserves Political Capital for Stimulus Plan -
Editorial - The Deluder in Chief -
White House Disputes NYT Editorial
Obama's Afghanistan Dilemma: "Growing Dissent" On More Troops
Think Progress The Hayden Record: Condoning Torture, Destroying Evidence, Misleading Congress
Our view: Palin's deposition: Opinion | Governor refuses to release it, despite pledge of transparency
The American Spectator : Learning From the Bush Legacy
H-Net Reviews Constructing America's War Culture: Iraq, Media, and Images at Home
Global Media Journal - Unethical Consequences of Pack Journalism
End, don't mend, the Transportation Security Administration | Passenger pat-downs haven't dug up a single terrorist. U.S. lawmakers aim to limit border searches (Bushwar on you)

Detroit Bailout Is Set to Bring on More U.S. Oversight - (but not for the banksters)
White House says auto deal is 'very likely' - Yahoo! News
Laid-off workers occupy Chicago factory, seek pay | U.S. | Reuters
Merrill's Thain Wants $10 Million Bonus:
The Associated Press: AP IMPACT: How Freddie Mac halted regulatory drive (bought and paid for with your money)
Porsche breaks the hedge funds | Squeezy money | The Economist How Porsche fleeced hedge funds and roiled the worlds financial markets
Making Light: How To Read an American Newspaper
Bailout: The redemption of Barney Frank
Cato Unbound: What Happened? Anatomies of the Financial Crisis / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Is Americas new declinism for real?

Cold Sore Virus Linked To Alzheimer's Disease: New Treatment, Or Even Vaccine Possible
Vitamin B3 Reduces Alzheimer's Symptoms, Lesions: Clinical Trial On Nicotinamide Effect In Alzheimer's Patients
Pot joins the fight against Alzheimer's, memory loss: Scientific American Blog
Attacking Alzheimer's with Red Wine and Marijuana | DrugReporter | AlterNet
Alzheimer's Society - Leading the fight against dementia
Holding Bishops Accountable: How Lawsuits Helped The Catholic Church Confront Clergy Sexual Abuse
A Truth-teller for Our Times
Brain-boosting drugs: Why not?, experts say | U.S. | Reuters
The Age Of Mass Intelligence | More Intelligent Life
Improbable research: Marc Abrahams on the way the church calculates how many of us are heading for hell | Education | The Guardian
Only the bright commit suicide - Times Online
It's official: Men really are the weaker sex - Science, News - The Independent Evolution is being distorted by pollution, which damages genitals and the ability to father offspring, says new study
Gelf Magazine Gelf Help: Setting Advice Columnists Straight
New Statesman - Orgies and ecstasy
Origin of Sex Pinned Down | LiveScience (wild strawberry plants)
Facebook and the Social Dynamics of Privacy James Grimmelmann
IEEE Spectrum: How We Found the Missing Memristor The memristor - the functional equivalent of a synapse could revolutionize circuit design
HIV's ancestor millions of years older than thought | Science |
Platypus genome is a mish-mash of reptilian, av... -
Methamphetamines Pollute More than the Body : TreeHugger
YouTube - mouse agility II / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / The Hidden Burden of the Icon: Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian
XWord Info All about the New York Times Crossword Puzzle
Cartoon porn kids are people, judge says in Simpsons porn case | How To Fail At Being a Lesbian by Natasha Long - Read a Wikipedia article about tracing A-Z with your tongue
Firedoglake Condi Rice Still Lying About BushCos WMD Claims, Implies We Wouldve Gone To War Anyway (no-credibility-Condi)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Rice takes responsibility for troubled Iraq occupation - Blogs from (for sure)
Obama's Meet The Press Interview: Discusses Economy, Auto Bailout, Iran, Foreign Policy
Firedoglake Caroline Kennedy? Thanks But No Thanks - when things were tough, she was nowhere to be found.
Nadler Pardon Resolution |
Supply trucks hit in brazen attack in Pakistan - Los Angeles Times (Taliban insurgents attacked two truck stops, destroying more than 150 vehicles carrying supplies bound for U.S.-led troops in Afghanistan)
Donklephant - Our Massive Defense Budget
Open Left:: Rewarding Those Who Were Right
Think Progress Rove planning to name names of Bush haters in his new book (Nancy Pelosi?)
Pejman_Yousefzadehs blog Poseurs (Redstate invokes Krugman to refute ... wait for it ... Keynes)(apparently Friedman and Greenspan are Keynesians)
Science/AAAS | ScienceNOW: ScienceInsider: Should Politicians Defer to Scientists?
Israeli PM: Settlers' actions tantamount to 'pogrom' - (how did this happen?)
Children 'Executed' in 1950 South Korean Killings - (60-year coverup by US Army)("dangerous leftists" as young as 10 years old)

Calculated Risk: Great Moment in Journalism: "Thud"
Charlie Rose - A conversation about economics with Nassim Taleb
YouTube - Peter Schiff Dec 4 CNN Headline News - Part 1
YouTube - "Financial Crisis: The Musical" Lyrics: B. Hopman Vocals: R. Hopman
YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See Part 1 of 8 (exponential function)
A guide for the newly poor - Los Angeles Times

Psyleron + Wholphin DVD Experiment: Select Your Intention
Jenn Ackerman | Photojournalist | Documentary Photographer: Trapped: Mental Illness in Americas Prisons
Op-Ed Columnist - A Killer Without Borders - (XDR-TB)
Cal Study: Poor Kids Lack Brain Development | NBC Bay Area
BBC NEWS | Health | Brain tests show child wealth gap
Good Math, Bad Math : Wind-Powered Perpetual Motion
Intelligent men have better quality sperm, research finds | Mail Online
Cabinet Magazine Online - Leftovers / The Orienting Stone
Review - Cognitive Dissonance
Review - The History of Human Rights - Wikipedia (CIA front)
Some Of The Best Greasemonkey Scripts For BitTorrent Users |
Brewster Kahle builds a free digital library | Video on
REG-OperatorDemo (Experimental micro-psychokinesis)
Police Foiled Earlier Plot Against Mumbai -
Your Seat at the Table | The Obama-Biden Transition Team
Walrus Magazine Canada in Afghanistan in 2009 By Charles Montgomery The Archipelago of Fear: Are fortification and foreign aid making Kabul more dangerous?
Bush Admin Overturns Ban On Firearms In National Parks
Hullabaloo Can someone explain to me how it is that Peggy Noonan can claim that Bush kept us safe?

When a Job Disappears, So Does the Health Care -

This is real talk - Ta-Nehisi Coates - white fear of black crime
12.02.2008 - EEGs show brain differences between poor and rich kids
Unlocking The Mysteries Of Memory
New trojan in mass DNS hijack The Register
Thieves Winning Online War, Maybe in Your PC -
One sneeze, 150 colds for commuters - News
Vinegar Connoisseurs International
If the Romans killed Jesus, then why don't Christians hate Italians? - Yahoo! Answers
Scientists explore basis of swearing - Science
The CAT CAM - a set on Flickr
Bush reported to be drinking heavily
Matthew Yglesias Stuart Taylor: Obama Should Conduct Illegal Surveillance (obeying the law weakens our defenses!)
End Times Countdown - Bush Exit Interviews | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (Bush: EPIC FAIL)
Booman Tribune - George is Nero (mission accomplished)
Bush Acknowledges Recession For The First Time
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (December 05, 2008) - A Fourth Picture (Palin 3 weeks before delivering Trig - pregnant or not? you decide)
Let's End Drug Prohibition - Most Americans agreed that alcohol suppression was worse than alcohol consumption.
MotherJones Blog: New Palin Expenses Are... Curious
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Gonzo's Lawyer Quits Civil Case. Another Sign That Prosecutor Is Circling?
Media Matters - Maureen Dowd is a "stupendous reporter" (and Gail Collins is a moron)
Op-Ed Contributor - The Real Bill Ayers -

Employment Situation Summary
AP IMPACT: Some bailout holdings down $9 billion - Yahoo! News (who could have predicted taxpayers would eat the whole shitpile?)
Toll ends fourth quarter with fix-rate plea | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/05/2008 (bailout the big builders, reinflate the bubble!)
How The Poor Die - Essay by George Orwell

BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Moral maze If natural selection favours the selfish, why do humans help each other?
Birth Control Pills Affect Women's Taste in Men: Scientific American
Teen Self-Esteem May Be Too High | LiveScience
Walrus playing saxophone
First Lady confirms: Dallas is new home - San Antonio Business Journal (rancher boy hangs up his hat, no good bars in Crawford)
YouTube - Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan (Reagan dedicating shuttle launch to the Taliban)
Booman Tribune ~ Which Muslim Capital to Choose? (Washington?)
The Washington Monthly - Warren Endorses Hannity'S Warmongering (Pastor Rick likes to kill people)
Think Progress: Novak: I Dont Think I Hurt Valerie Plame And I Would Out Her Again Because The Left Tried To Ruin Me (evil old man)
Lickspittle for a Pig (revisionist historians of the Bush disaster)(more brilliant writing from thepoorman) | Alaska Politics Blog : Begich on jail time for Stevens: 'Im not sure thats the best use of space and time' :: Al Franken Holds An Interesting Lead

Government to Post Huge Deficit Under CBO Estimate - News Calls for $1 Trillion Stimulus Package Grow as Economy Tumbles (a trillion here, a trillion there)
Calculated Risk: WSJ: Treasury Considers Plan to Lower Mortage Rates to 4.5% (new plan: reinflate the bubble with YOUR taxdollars)
Happy Holidays? Economy Goes From Bad to Worse - (nextup: worser) AT&T Will Eliminate 12,000 Jobs as Slump Deepens
Jobless claims in surprise decline - Dec. 4, 2008 But continuing claims rise to a 26-year high as weakness in employment picture persists.
Worries about next year - Paul Krugman Blog - (PK is "getting scared)
Media Matters - Joining the pack, Blitzer falsely claimed union autoworkers "make[] $73 an hour, on average, when you factor in all the benefits" (CNN's war on facts)
Below The Beltway - The Big Three, Big Labor, And Corruption In Washington - In 2000, among the Dingells GM assets were stock options worth up to $5 million (D., General Motors)
PC industry has a great fall

Win Ben Stein's mind - Roger Ebert's Journal (demolishes the Stein-wanker)
The secret signals in human sweat - life - 03 December 2008 - New Scientist
Researchers Manage To Regenerate Neurons In Eyes|Device Daily
Op-Ed Columnist - Raising the Worlds I.Q. - (iodized salt)
Vermont called healthiest state, Louisiana last | Reuters (HI #2, NH #3 MA #6 CN #7 ME #9)
Old People Feel 13 Years Younger Than They Are | LiveScience (37 is the new 50)
Neurophilosophy : The body swap illusion
PLoS ONE: If I Were You: Perceptual Illusion of Body Swapping
Alien-like Squid With "Elbows" Filmed at Drilling Site (holyshit)
Dakota: Setting A Precedent
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Franken Camp's Claim: We're Now Ahead! (or maybe not)
Rove: We Wouldn't Have Invaded Iraq If We Knew The Truth About WMDs
Cliff Arnebeck: "Rove Is A Common Criminal" - Rove "Destroyed Emails That Would Have Revealed His Role In Extending [Iraq] War"
Media Matters - Rove repeatedly misstates Obama's vote increase over Gore in 2000 to downplay victory
Truthdig - Reports - Cleaning Up After Bush
Obama Gives Political Ambassadors Their Pink Slips | 44 |
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/02/2008 | Military contractor in Iraq holds foreign workers in warehouses
Revealed: Britain's torture of Obama's grandfather | World news | Hussein Onyango Obama, a British soldier in the second world war, was locked up as a Mau Mau rebel in Kenya
Pointless Easterbrook-baiting (Council on Foreign Relations stuperhack)
Amity Shlaes: Clueless as Ever | The Big Picture Recall that a few short months ago, Ms. Shlaes was insisting that we were not in a recession. What is her solution to the current situation? Tax cuts ("Senior Fellow of CFC)
Zimbabwe Hiding Cholera Epidemic, United Nations Says Almost 500 People Have Died But Sky's Emma Hurd Hear The Numbers Could Be Far Higher - Sky News Video Player
CNN: Declassified government docs show U.S. let Saddam gas Kurds for farm deal - Democratic Underground
Mumbai Attackers Made Sophisticated Use of Technology -

Private Businesses Shed 250,000 Jobs in November -
The Bailout Isn't Being Policed Properly: Government Accountability Office (no one could have predicted)
Paulson Debates Second Infusion - - Hostile Lawmakers, Competing Bailout Demands and GAO Criticism Pose Dilemma
GE shares rally after it vows to preserve dividend, rating - Dec. 2, 2008 (you just bailed out their shareholders)
Harvard's Endowment Loses $8 Billion (up to 30% drop, guess they didn't cash out)
Global Financial Crisis 2008 Global Issues
The Five Stages of Collapse | Energy Bulletin by Dmitry Orlov
Consumers Don't Cause Recessions - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute
Americas Great Depression by Murray N. Rothbard | Excerpt: 'Climate Wars' by Gwynne Dyer
Montreal Mirror - Hot times at the apocalypse: Author Gwynne Dyer examines the coming catastrophes as the planet warms in his new book Climate Wars
He Found the Innate Humanity in the Human Brain | Learning | DISCOVER Magazine Noam Chomskys position in the history of ideas is comparable to that of Darwin or Descartes.
Higher Education May Soon Be Unaffordable for Most Americans, Report Says -
Under God: It's Time to Update the Pledge - On Faith at (Red-scare Republican slogan)
Vatican attacked for opposing gay decriminalization | International | Reuters
The Religion Virus: One Catholic Priest Destroyed the Entire Mayan Written Language
Eight rebellious U.S. regions and secessionist efforts -
Above the Ignorance of 'Above the Influence' | Designer High (ridiculous anti-pot ads brought to you by the warondrugz)
Access To Life | Magnum Photos and The Global Fund
Apprendre un louveteau hurler la lune |
Wolfram Blog : The Incredible Convenience of Mathematica Image Processing
Slashdot | iPhones, FStream and the Death of Satellite Radio (i/gphone kills Sirius/XM)
Edge: Bootstrapping Our Way To An Ageless Future By Aubrey de Grey
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky
On Washington - Political Archaeologists Find Surprises During the Transition - (Bush watched the war on tevee)
Media Matters - Speak for yourself, Alexandra Stanley (NYT wanker)
Broader medical refusal rule may go far beyond abortion - Los Angeles Times
M of A - Afghanistan: Merging News and Psy-Ops
Media Matters - MSNBC's Brewer cited Drudge-promoted Daily Mail story on Obama's $30K ring, didn't mention Obama denial (Contessa Brewer: MainSlimeMedia)

TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Paper Wealth and the Economic Crisis
Dow Plunges 680 Points as Recession Is Declared -
Bailout Monitor Sees Lack of a Coherent Plan - (no one could have predicted this would happen)
Icelandic News Translated to English
London warms to Islamic finance | (no failed banks)
Business Spectator - A tsunami of hope or terror? (synthetic CDOs)

Learning by heart is 'pointless for Google generation' - Telegraph
The Truth About Lies: The long and the short of it (part one) | The Truth About Lies: The long and the short of it (part two)
cleoland wiki / Twilight | shinga's deviantART Journal: Twilight, the condensed version | defective yeti: Books: Twilight
The Atlantic Online | December 2008 | What Girls Want | Caitlin Flanagan A series of vampire novels illuminates the complexities of female adolescent desire (complex desires?)
Apple: "No Reasonable Person" Should Trust Their Marketing
Swedish researchers create body-swap illusion | Science | Reuters
Atheists want God, Bible out of homeland security law - (God is keeping us safe)
ASA:U.S. Supreme Court: State Medical Marijuana Laws Not Preempted by Federal Law (drug warriors can't choose what law to use)
741.5 Comics - Five-Card Nancy?
Obama Unveils His National Security Team -
ABC News: Bush: 'I Did Not Compromise My Principles'
Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security - - 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011
India Security Faulted as Survivors Tell of Terror -
Media Matters - Woodward on reported Clinton appointment: "She never goes away, she and her husband"
Cohen: Olmert to Obama: Think again - International Herald Tribune (Bush on Israel: wrong, wrong, wrong) Deletes New 9/11 Investigation Idea Even Though It Had Most Votes (change that says fuck you)
The Raw Story | Conservative crowd cheers when Palin mentions 9/11, Iraq (teh stupid is burning)
U.S. Warned India in October of Potential Terror Attack specific locations, including the Taj hotel, were listed in the U.S. warning.
California Prop 8 Battle Far From Over The Policy Report
GOP's path to victory still goes through God - Opinion - (by Rod Dreher, Evangelical Christianist)

Dow Falls Off Nearly 700 Point Cliff...Watch Out Folks! -
AP Impact: Under pressure, US eased lending rules - Yahoo! News
Citigroup Making $10B Construction Company Acquisition
Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions
Paulson Says Treasury Actively Mulling New Rescue Programs -
Balloon Juice Blog Archive The New Look of Union Busting

Social Networks Site Usage: Visitors, Members, Page Views, and Engagement by the Numbers in 2008
Groklaw - An Amicus Brief: Issues in the Cyberbullying Case That Affect You - Updated 3Xs
The Secret to Raising Smart Kids: Scientific American: focus on effortnot on intelligence or abilityis key to success in school and in life
YouTube - Religion Smackdown: Huckabee vs. Bill Maher
North Atlantic cold-water sink returns to life : Nature News
Questioning God is Apparently Hate Speech | Friendly Atheist
Book of Mormon critic Simon Southerton responds to his critics: Answers to Apologetic Claims about DNA and the Book of Mormon
Pharyngula: Shame on the Cincinnati Zoo - Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and the Creation Museum have made a joint marketing agreement and are selling "combo tickets"
Isolation, Once Forced, Is Now Chosen - The New York Times - Kalaupapa
'The Complex' author John Duignan cites Tom Cruise control (what does Scientology have on Amazon?)
Furious Seasons Biederman, Goodwin "Bringing The Profession Of Psychiatry To Its Knees"
Calif. priest tells Obama supporters to confess because voting for Obama was a mortal sin (take away their tax-exempt status)
Donklephant Blog Archive 77% Want Kids To Say Pledge Every Day (under God, whether they believe or not)
vintagephoto: Pinups.
MAKE: Blog: Open source hardware 2008 - The definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2008
BBC NEWS | South Asia | The age of 'celebrity terrorism'
Mumbai attacks: surviving terrorist says he belonged to Pakistan militant group - Telegraph
Taj Mahal hotel chairman: We had warning -
Clinton, Obama seal the deal - Yahoo! News (Bill will reveal all)
The GOP's McCarthy gene - Los Angeles Times Think Goldwater is the father of conservatism? Think again (haters)
I'm Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq -
One Man’s Military- Industrial-Media Complex - Series -
The ongoing disgrace of NBC News and Brian Williams - Glenn Greenwald - (conflict of interest? too bad, suckas)
Matthew Yglesias » Kristol’s Next War (very disgusting man)
Last Secrets of the Bush Administration - Charles Homans - How to find out what we still don't know.
Decoder: What Docs Can the White House Put in the Shredder? - ProPublica
I Beg Your Pardon: Thanksgiving Comes Early - ProPublica
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda (preventing adoption)
The Irresponsibility of Thomas Friedman ("the role of journalists in mis-shaping public understanding of the Israel/Palestine struggle")
The Truth About the Election - The New York Review of Books

What to Do - The New York Review of Books - By Paul Krugman
Changes in money-wages and Amity Shlaes - Paul Krugman Blog -
Economic View - What Would Keynes Have Done? -
The Keynesian moment - Paul Krugman Blog -
Howard Schweber: Was Marx Right? The Bailout and the Auto Industry (Republicans eliminate middle class)
As Crisis Mounts, Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate and Illegal | ForeignPolicy | AlterNet (Citigroup gave them loan-shark rates) / UK - Why the Germans just hate to spend, spend, spend (Paulson: people need more credit; Germans: why?)
It's a depression By Helen Thomas
Transitions - Keep Your Distance - (Hoover to Roosevelt: don't govern like a Democrat)
Think Progress » Will: Economic Crisis May Only Be ‘A Financial Problem,’ ‘Rest Of Economy Is Doing Rather Well’ (hahahahaha)
DollarDaze Economic Commentary Blog - The Return of the Skyscraper Index

Black people can’t swim, &c. « The Edge of the American West (read comments: 1968 racist Amerika)
Death to film critics! Hail to the CelebCult! - Roger Ebert's Journal says exteme porn isn't illegal if you delete it... • The Register
Clean bodies, dirty minds | Cleanliness is next to godlessness | The Economist Soaping away your outer dirt may lead to inner evil
The New Atlantis » Beyond Mankind: Enhancing Evolution (transhumans)
Times Higher Education - Nine out of ten dogmas
Powell's Books - Review-a-Day - The Book of Animal Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong by John Lloyd, reviewed by
Is It OK To Be Liberal Again, Instead of Progressive? | The New America Foundation
The turn to online research is narrowing the range of modern scholarship, a new study suggests - The Boston Globe
What's the Matter With Libertarians?: Thomas Frank blames the freedom movement for Jack Abramoff and George W. Bush - Reason Magazine
The Postmodern Condition as a Religious Revival: A Critical Review of William Connolly’s Why I am Not a Secularist, Dipesh Chakrabarty’s Provincializing Europe, and Alvin Plantinga’s Warranted Christian Belief. :: Ryan McIlhenny :: Global Spiral
YouTube - Ricky Gervais - Nursery Rhymes
Can’t Keep Track of Your Sex Life? The Internet Can. - Columns - Village Voicepage 1 - Village Voice
Man Wants Cop Fired - NBC Action News KSHB-TV 41 (small town in MO. bankrupted by corrupt cop)
New rifts form on Antarctic ice shelf -
Harvard Team Unlocks Clues to Genes that Control Longevity ("After six months, resveratrol essentially prevented most of the negative effects of the high calorie diet in mice")
The strange phenomenon of fungi that glow in Japan | Corner Mystery
Microsoft to Pay $20 Billion for Yahoo Search
Outbreak: could a million-killing superbug really happen? - Times Online
Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop - (no acorns in Virginia, not one)
Gore: Don't Count On Magic | Newsweek Future Of Energy |
Sex Addiction: Ooh! Aah! Eek! Ugh. Zzzz ... Ooh! -
Microsoft is hugely profitable - just not where Google rules - Nov. 26, 2008
so weirdo...: The Most Unethical Experiments
You’re Leaving a Digital Trail. What About Privacy? -
YouTube - The Hunger Music Video
BadPsychics: Amazing Jesus & Rowan Atkinson In Hell
Indian forces kill last gunmen in Mumbai; 195 dead
Mumbai photographer: I wish I'd had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would not fire back - World news, News - (wtf)
Battle Royale: Center-Right Versus Center-Left In the Democratic Party (because people voted for things to stay the same and look what happened to Bill Clinton)
Downturn Drives Military Rolls Up - - "There's no way to sugarcoat it: We're a nation at war" (America is always at war)
WarCardChart.jpg (Bush/media lies ramping up Iraqwar)
Think Progress » Kristol Calls On Bush To Pardon Torturers And Wiretappers, Reward Them With Medal Of Freedom (of course)
Patrick Cockburn: Pakistan is the root of the problem - Columnists, Opinion - (another extreme Bush fuckup)
Bush Aides Rush to Enact a Safety Rule Obama Opposes - (1 of 20 fuckyous on the way out, not counting pardons)
Sex Will Make You Go Blind / Single? Under 30? You are in grave danger. Your government says so. Please, stop laughing (rule against sex under 30)
Probe into LDS Church's Prop 8 donations going forward - Salt Lake Tribune California commission » Panel looks into nonmonetary contributions | COLUMN: Oklahoma heartbreak (most conservative state: every county voted for McCain, wedded to Fundamentalism)
Greta Van Susteren - Dickipedia - A Wiki of Dicks

Rubin says not to blame for Citi's troubles - WSJ - Reuters (because he could have made more money fucking someone else up)
Daily Kos: AIG Pulls Fast One--"Cash Awards" Going To Managers (not a bonus)
Calculated Risk: Office Space in Exurbia ("45 percent of Temecula Valley office tenants were escrow, real estate, mortgage and title companies" - you can see where this is going)
Matthew Yglesias » Nobody Could Have Predicted… “Nobody was prepared for this,” Mr. Rubin said in an interview (if you were a bankster, anyway)
When Corporations Get Too Large - The Seminal (corporate nanny state for the banksters)
RGE - Can China Adjust to the US Adjustment?
We told you so
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Atlas Shrugged Updated for the Current Financial Crisis.
YouTube - Monster Crash

Why left-handed men earn five per cent more every HOUR than right-handers | Mail Online
A rare glimpse into a forgotten Hindu world - International Herald Tribune
FDA Sets Melamine Guide for Baby Formula higher than level found in US-made product
Monsanto: Number One Enemy of Humanity | War Is Crime
Sick babies denied treatment in DNA row - National - diagnosis delayed and their treatment compromised because of a company's patent on a key gene (all your genes are belong to us)
Nukes In Space The Rainbow Bomb
Foreign Policy: The List: How We Will Die in 20 Years
Tuesday Map: World disaster hotspots | FP Passport
Dancing Plague of 1518 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Abstract Masterpieces of Frost
Essential free apps for your web design toolkit | News | TechRadar UK
YouTube - WKCR 89.9 FM
5 Hostages Die as Mumbai Siege Persists - Mumbai Hotel Is Last Scene of Conflict -
Mumbai under attack - The Big Picture -
CNN Political Ticker: Bush reflects on legacy: ‘I’m leaving with the same set of values’ « - Blogs from (didn't learn one damn thing the whole time)
Bush wants history to see him as a liberator of millions - Yahoo! News (billions, even trillions! of dollars, legacy accomplished)
America's Most Wanted: 'The Most Dangerous Woman in the World' - Spiegel Online (illegally rendited, Bushwar, no coverage in America)
You Cannot Pardon a Crime You Authorized |
The Raw Story | Texas DA reveals evidence against Cheney
Strange Map - Who Owns The West? - The Government! (well, really the mining companies)
If Obama Doesn't Prosecute Bush's Torture Team, We'll Pay a Big Price Down the Road | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet ("Obama isn't likely to pursue torture atrocities during the Bush era") (post-partisan)
Hullabaloo: Torture Zombie ("Obama has been making it quite clear that he doesn't intend to pursue government officials through the Justice system")
The macho stimulus plan - The Boston Globe

The World in 2009: forecasting the year ahead | The Economist (didn't get 2008 right either)
What to Do - The New York Review of Books - Krugman - What the world needs right now is a rescue operation
Calculated Risk: Hoocoodanode? ("Bush economists Greg Mankiw and Eddie Lazear ... missed the biggest economic story of our times")
Citigroup bailout slammed by New Yorkers | U.S. | Reuters
RBS to be taken over by British government: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance Royal Bank of Scotland says British government will buy majority stake in bank
Report: 36 million Americans food insecure - (let them eat cake)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Unnamed GOP Senator Blocking Appointment Of Key Bailout Overseer (Republicans hate oversight/accountability)

Most Planets May Be Seeded With Life -- Berardelli 2008 (1126): 2 -- ScienceNOW
JAXA | Gravity Anomaly detected by using 4-way Doppler observation data from the RSTAR (OKINA) (RSAT) -New finding in study on the Origin of Dichotomy for the Moon- | sciencetech | 2,700-year-old marijuana found in Chinese tomb Stash seems to have been intended for buried shaman to use in the afterlife
Biologists find new environmental threat in North American lakes
Cosmic-ray hot spots puzzle researchers : Nature News : Proton discovery may cast doubt on dark-matter theories.
How To Send Email To Any Cell Phone (for Free) |
Jonathan Steel: This is no sop. It is a vote to end the occupation of Iraq | Comment is free | The Guardian The total defeat of the US plan to install a supine ally in the Middle East is likely to be confirmed today in Baghdad (but Bush wins)
Militant Attacks In Mumbai and Their Consequences | Stratfor
Mumbai Blasts: Taj Burning; More pics from terrorist killing « Arun Shanbhag
Timeline: Attacks in India | World news |
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Live updates: Mumbai attacks
Amanpour: Attack comes at crucial time for region -
India sees external link to attacks - South and Central Asia-
blast tag: Mumbai
Sophisticated Attacks, but by Whom? -
How the media talks about torture and the rule of law - Glenn Greenwald - (erases record on Brennan, waterboarding ok, "liberal blogs" should shut up)
NPR Check: The Company They Keep (NPRepublicans on Brennan: Inskeep and Gjelten erasing the record: managed news)
Attackerman » Here Comes The Argument
NPR Check: Six Figure Fools Meet Five Figure Problems - 1/3 of a million dollar dimwits at NPR
Lieberman Contributed to GOP Senate, House Candidates - Capitol Briefing
Jonathan Turley on The Rachel Maddow Show: We're all complicit in Bush's war crimes if we ignore them | Crooks and Liars
Rumsfeld's Attempts to Rewrite Himself on the Right Side of History Are Laughable | Media and Technology | AlterNet
DocBug: Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear

Government bailout hits $8.5 trillion
AIG receives $40 billion from government program: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance / Companies / Insurance - AIG to pay retention bonuses to executives
Non-Banks Can Soon Buy Ailing Banks - AOL Money & Finance
Calculated Risk: Roubini: Policies will lead to "much higher real interest rates on public debt"
The Washington Monthly: maybe it's car buyers, not car companies, who should get a bailout. GM Asks U.S. FAA to Bar Public Tracking of Leased Corporate Jet (of course)
American News Project: It's a bank-eat-bank world
Bleak Holiday Shopping Season - | What? No Locusts?
Biggest Losers: Anil Ambani

BBC NEWS | Health | Distractions 'hit old-age memory'
Inexpensive Cancer Screening -
Procrastinating Again? How to Kick the Habit: Scientific American
Speeding Ticket Fail « FAIL Blog
Man arrested for possession of explicit manga | MetaFilter
Saint Anxieté of Malta
50 Strange Buildings of the World | Village of Joy
WR 25 And Tr16-244: Previously Unseen Mammoth Stars Get The Hubble Treatment
InfraRecorder: free CD/DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows
Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 250 injured-India-The Times of India
Gunmen kill at least 78 in 7 attacks in Mumbai
India: 80+ Reported Dead, 200+ injured in Bombay Terror Attacks - Boing Boing (links to more coverage)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Georgian row over origins of war (admits they started it; American media heads explode)
Revealing RNC document leaked :: ACLU of Minnesota: Pentagon's Northern Command, NORTHCOM (and other military/spy agencies involved in planning for RNC)
Maddow: Why Won't Obama Pursue War Crimes Investigations? | War on Iraq | AlterNet
Joe Klein's extreme revisionism - Glenn Greenwald - (because no one has a memory for Klein's lies)
Salt Lake Tribune: Prop 8 has become a PR "fiasco" for Mormons
Government by Contractor Is a Disgrace - Many jobs are best left to federal workers (privitazation)
Inquiry Set on Mormon Aid for California Marriage Vote - (what goes around)
Ruth Marcus - Michelle Obama's 'Mommy' Stamp - (a sample of what will come)
Charlotte Higgins says one of the most interesting aspects of Barack Obama's speeches is the enormous debt they owe to the oratory of the Romans | World news | The Guardian

New $800 billion rescue includes money for credit card debt - Politics AP -
FDIC adds 54 more banks to its 'problem list' -
October Durable Goods Orders Drop by 6.2 Percent -
Calculated Risk: Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims: 4-Week Moving Average at 25 Year High
Obama: bank execs shouldn't get bonuses this year
Citi Should Be Punished - Citigroup's failings demand more than a bailout—the public should see punishment for all involved.
M of A - The Value of the Financial Industry
TPMCafe | Why Does Robert Rubin Still Have a Job? (crony capitalism)
t r u t h o u t | The Bear Is Cool: Overcoming Fears of Falling Stock Prices (Dean Baker)
Philip Greenspun’s Weblog » Where does the Fed gets its money? (they print it)
Why CNN Struggles to Cover The Economic Panic - Boing Boing (too complicated for their little brains)
A little Thanksgiving holiday reading - James Fallows (Global Trends 2025 report from the National Intelligence Council+ "America's Defense Meltdown,")
John Tepper Marlin: Experts Slam DoD Waste in Book for Obama
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (November 25, 2008) - How The Pentagon Bankrupts America
Alex Jones' Infowars: Obama’s odious entourage

FDA Finds Traces Of Melamine In US Infant Formula (so the FDA changes the rules, Republicans applaud)
Apple Confuses Speech with a DMCA Violation | Electronic Frontier Foundation (bullying is jobs one)
Dancing atoms now understood | Science Codex
Solar-powered sea slug harnesses stolen plant genes - life - 24 November 2008 - New Scientist (planimal)
Google's Banned Words (safe search exclusions)
How not to write a sex scene | Books |
Minims (opposite of maxims)
Robert Gates: Obama's Defense Secretary (and all his neocon staff)
Report: Clinton Camp Fabricated Initial Obama "Offer"
Iraq Ally Lists Were Altered, Study Shows - (Bush revising Iraq War history on White House web site)
GOP senator: We haven't learned - Roger Simon - (neither has Politico: grants fucking Senator anonymity)
Bush's pardon list shows no high-profile convicts - Yahoo! News (guy who killed 3 bald eagles, symbolic gesture by Bush)
DownWithTyranny!: Susan Collins Already Making Pre-emptive Excuses For Backing GOP Policy of Obstructionism The stupider and more clonish (sic) of Maine's two Republican senators
Eunomia » Paying A Price
Brennan Pulls Out Of Running For CIA Chief, Blames Liberal Blogs (the power of Glenzilla)

Heckuva Bailout: Citi and AIG Still Pay Hundreds of Millions in Sports Sponsorship | PEEK | AlterNet (Federal Reserve Field(s))
Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war, and NASA's lifetime budget -- *combined*! - Boing Boing (Bushwar on you)
Calculated Risk: Fed Announces New Facility to Buy GSE MBS Fed Announces New Facility to Buy GSE MBS Worldwide Paulson May Ask for Remaining $350 Billion of TARP
Economic tumble worse than expected in 3rd quarter (no shit Sherlock)
76 percent of American middle-class households not financially secure
Nouriel Roubini on Obama's Economic Team | Newsweek Business |
In 2007, pundits scoffing accurate predictions about the economy - Boing Boing (Ben Stein and Laffer LOL)
AlterNet: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008
Sens. Dodd, Gregg: No More Bailouts On The Horizon : NPR (9/17/08)
Citigroup - Paul Krugman Blog - - Amazing how much damage the lame ducks can do in the time remaining.
Congressional Panel Seeks Inquiry on Roots of Spitzer Scandal - - Was the federal government out to get Mr. Spitzer? (ya think?)

Is Urban Loneliness a Myth? -- New York Magazine (small towns much worse)
City of Neighborhoods - New York City Department of City Planning
Pro-Anorexia Groups Spread to Facebook |
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in fast food: Signatures of corn and confinement — PNAS (all you eat is corn)
Oceans Ten Times More Acidic Than Thought
'Wiring' in the brain influences personality
Cal Scientist: Jupiter Has Core 2X as Big as Thought | NBC Bay Area
Closure: 'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' Guy, Joseph Frederick | ($45K speech infringment settlement)
YouTube - Dude Transports 20 bricks on his head
See Questions & Answers as They Come in -
Wild Beasts (Droste Effect music video)
The Big List of What Your Airline Really Charges You
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/24/2008 | Obama's unusual transition: Already a co-president
Study: Many Obama Small Donors Really Weren’t - The Caucus Blog - (because they kept giving, duh!)
Firedoglake » Time Magazine: News At The Speed Of Two Tin Cans And A Piece Of String
Democracy Now! | Noam Chomsky: "What Next? The Elections, the Economy, and the World"
Matthew Yglesias » What a Time It Was (USS Clueless and other memories)
My Left Nutmeg:: Joe The Paskudnyak* (Lieberman)
Princeton Proposition 8 to protect traditional sidewalk values
Big Budget Events - Slideshows -
RIA Novosti - World - Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.
Balloon Juice: Gotta Love It: New Republic is the Michael O’Hanlon of magazines- usually wrong, always loud, and for reasons no one can really explain, looked upon as if they know something.

Fed Has Giant, and Opaque, Role in Financial Crisis Aid (opaque is the new transparency)
Bush sees more moves like Citigroup bailout - Economy in Turmoil- Also says bank rescue necessary to ‘safeguard the financial system’ (giving it all away)
Citigroup Bailout: Feds Offer Massive Rescue Package To Financial Giant (another day, another bailout) Exclusive Fed Pledges Top $7.4 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit Worldwide U.S. to Back $306 Billion in Citigroup Assets, Regulators Say
A Reporter at Large: Anatomy of a Meltdown: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker Ben Bernanke and the financial crisis.
Media Matters - MSNBC's Brzezinski falsely asserted "the average Big Three automaker union worker's compensation is $73/hour" (elite media talking points)
YouTube - Peter Schiff
Eschaton: Deep Thought: I'm so old I can remember when spending $8 billion to give more health care to kids would spook the bond markets so badly that it just couldn't be done.
US seeks 300 billion dlrs from Gulf states: report
Darling unveils 45p tax on rich to fund recession package | Business | The Guardian • VAT cut forms main plank of fiscal stimulus • Chancellor also warns banks to start lending
America’s Debt to Income Ratio as Compared with Other Countries
The Corruption of Economics (Henry George and Neo-Classical Economics (NCE)) (see above)

We must plan a survival strategy for our species - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
Scientists Discover 21st Century Plague
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic melt faster than forecast Arctic ice is melting faster than computer models of climate calculate
Furious Seasons: Joseph Biederman, a Harvard child psychiatrist, worked J&J for money
Score: Romantics, 1 - Cynics, 0 | Science Blog (long-term passionate love stimulates same area as cocaine)
MAKE: Blog: The Chemistry gift guide - Celebrating chemistry and inspiring the next generation of chemists!
Guns N' Roses' New Album Is Up Against a Chinese Wall - (authorities have no sense of irony)
Nature Best Photography of 2007 - Euphoria Magazine
What "Effective Governance" Looks Like
You Might Be A Sex Offender If... Once Fallen
Final judgment: SCO owes Novell millions (plus interest)
Melt Mail. Your temporary e-mail forwarding.
Dakota: Infographics
Are Men Boring?
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Supreme Court To Review Obama’s Citizenship (Clarence Thomas)
The Raw Story | Security firms told they lose immunity in Iraq: official
White extremists lash out over election of first black president - Los Angeles Times
Jesus' General: Mike Huckabee: The Smiling Happy Face of Theocratic Fascism
No comment from Germany on Kosovo spy report (false-flag provocateurs)
Axelrod: No "Potted Plants" In Obama's Cabinet (no Bush plastic ferns)
Giving Up on God - (Kathleen Parker, con-cons against theocons: "the evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP")
2025: the end of US dominance | World news | The Guardian (try 2010)
One Hundred Pages for the Future ... - Google Book Search
Why the demise of civilisation may be inevitable - life - 02 April 2008 - New Scientist
Keeping Presidents in the Nuclear Dark (Episode #1: The Case of the Missing “Permissive Action Links”) - Bruce G. Blair, Ph.D.

Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect | The Washington Post Is Scared About the Economy (WaPo editorial last January: quoting Bernanke: "There is not yet any proof of a recession" ...if one comes ... "Goldman Sachs thinks it's likely to be short and mild")
Calculated Risk: CNBC Reports Government could buy $100+ Billion in Citigroup Assets Worldwide Goldman, Morgan Stanley May Want Citigroup, CreditSights Says (buying the bailout)
TPMCafe | King Larry (Tim Geithner is Larry Summers' first mate; other captains: Rubin and Greenspan)
BBC NEWS | Programmes | UBS loses favour with angry Swiss: "give us our money back, or we'll feed you to the crocodiles."(good idea)
Why all those Great Depression analogies are wrong. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine - Don't Get Depressed, It's Not 1929
FHA-Backed Loans: The New Subprime - BusinessWeek The same people whose reckless practices triggered the global financial crisis are onto a similar scheme that could cost taxpayers tons more

5 Myths About Our Ailing Health-Care System -
Antidepressants may reduce male fertility
Pranking Pride - The Biggest Pranks in Geek History - TIME
Science News / Brain Reorganizes To Make Room For Math Between childhood and adulthood, neural map of the brain rearranges to conceptualize arithmetic
Science News / How To (really) Trust A Mathematical Proof Mathematicians develop computer proof-checking systems in order to realize century-old dreams of fully precise, accurate
Beauty Is Truth In Mathematical Intuition: First Empirical Evidence
The Happiness Gene -Is it Inherited?
Yay Hooray | Infopornographic! Datagraphic! Diagramatic!
Christians Against Cartoons!
YouTube - VD July Challenge - Rock music
YouTube - Bruce Lee plays ping pong with nunchuck.flv
Saving Journalism | Columbia Journalism Review | Find Articles at BNET
Bush Appointees Land Career Science Jobs With Seemingly Unrelated Backgrounds - Bush Appointees Land Career Jobs Without Technical Backgrounds (Republican hacks in permanent science jobs)
Obama Considering Commission On Bush Admin Torture
TPMCafe | Frankenstein in Mesopotamia by Tom Hayden (40-50,000 Iraqis currently held in detention centers)
Media Matters: When did experience become a flaw? (media games: as soon as a Democrat was President again)
Republican Christian Ex-Md. delegate sentenced in porn case -- - during the time McKee was using child porn, he had sponsored, co-sponsored or voted for a number of child-protection bills, including the Child Protection From Predators Act this year. - Transcripts - 2002 - Eric Holder: detainees have no rights under Geneva Convention
AlterNet - Conservatism: Trashing Government on Its Way Out
Study Shows 'Center-Right Nation' Narrative Spiked Immediately After Election Day | PEEK | AlterNet Universal Healthcare in America? Yay or nay? Non Americans encouraged to contribute - nonfiction Discussion Forum America is the ONLY westernized country that doesn't1 provide any affordable health care options for it's citizens
An End to the Southern Strategy, But No Post-Racial America | The LA Progressive
Hate incidents in U.S. surge -- Election seen as factor behind revival of Klan
A new kind of election map | Axis Maps Blog

Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect | Dean Baker | Protectionists Oppose Protectionism (usual bunch of hypocrites)
The Reckoning - Citigroup Pays for a Rush to Risk - Series - (Rubin and Prince: bandits)
four-bears-large.gif (Four Bad Bear Markets - beating the curve) Worldwide Citigroup May End Up With U.S. Government Rescue (dwarfs AIG, too big to fail, etc)
Rothschild Investment Banking Posts Record Results: What's Their Secret? - Seeking Alpha (shock doctrine)

NEJM -- Table of Contents (November 13 2008, 359 [20]) (Primary Care)
NEJM -- South Dakota's Abortion Script -- Threatening the Physician-Patient Relationship (Republicans in your doctor's office)
Best Esquire Magazine Stories - The 7 Greatest Stories in the History of Esquire Magazine
scans_daily: Watchmen: The condensed version
Review - Weakness of Will and Practical Irrationality
The Screens Issue - If You Liked This, Sure to Love That - Winning the Netflix Prize - (singular value decomposition)
Obama Looks to Axe Daylight Time -- NYT Explains Why - Green Daily
George Smoot on the design of the universe | Video on
The Disappearing Male - Doc Zone | CBC-TV | Dissapearing Male on Google Video
How to Store Sperm in 4 Steps - Just in Case
Six Symptoms Not to Ignore | Your Medical Care | Reader's Digest
NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer
TG Daily - YouTube surpasses Yahoo as world’s #2 search engine
Is YouTube the Next Google? - ReadWriteWeb - Anything that can be a video will be a video
SitePoint » Google To Launch Customizable Search Tonight
Apple Downgrades Macbook Video with DRM | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Billions Of Particles Of Anti-matter Created In Laboratory
New Class Of Superweak Particles May Reveal Secrets Of Hidden Mass In Universe
Out Of Pure Light, Physicists Create Particles Of Matter
APOD: 2008 November 22 - From Moonrise to Sunset
High quality YouTube video hack
How To - Webmonkey - How To: Watch YouTube Movies in Full 720p HD Glory
iSerenity - Environments
Birthday: The White Album Turns 40 < The Beatles' White Album 40th Anniversary | PopMatters
Are We Having Fun Yet? Video (cruise ship caught in cyclone)
Having a big brother 'cuts your chances of children' | Mail Online
New Pain-Inducing Advil Created For People Who Just Want To Feel Something, Anything | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
all streets | ben fry
The Washington Monthly George W. Bush told New Yorker writer Ken Auletta, "No President has ever done more for human rights than I have."
Iraqi Shiites burn Bush effigy to protest US pact
Asia-Pacific Leaders Worry Ties With U.S. Are Fraying - - 11/21/2008 - Report: Several St. Louis County polling places had hours-long waits (lost MO by 4K - Republican voter fraud)
The E&P Pub: You Turkey! ("no worries" on scaring the shit out of children)

Calculated Risk: Goldman Slashes GDP forecast - unemployment will reach 9% by Q4 2009.
Layoffs, Once a Boon to Stock Prices, Now a Burden -

Miss at la Playa: The magic of make-up, photography and a good model
'Single-Celled Giant Upends Early Evolution' by Discovery -
Sounds Like Bach
Daily Kos: Converting Dead Mormons into Homosexuals (Update!!)
GOP Takes Another Image Hit Post-Election (Republican=unAmerican)
YouTube - CNN Reports on President Bush - Where's the Love? (bully shunned at G20)
Think Progress » Senate Throws Good-Bye Party For Ted Stevens, Gives Convicted Felon A Standing Ovation (disgusting)
Media Matters - O'Reilly falsely claimed Coleman "was certified the winner" in MN Senate race (BillO facts=lies)
Pensito Review » GOP Obama Supporter Proposes Prop 8 Compromise: Civil Unions for All, Leave ‘Marriage’ to Churches
New friendly fire coverup: Army shreds files on dead soldiers | Salon News New friendly fire coverup: Army shreds files on dead soldiers (corrupt American miliary)
A document saved from the Army's shredder | Salon News A soldier who was ordered to shred documents about two soldiers killed in an apparent friendly fire incident rescued some of the paperwork and provided it to Salon.
Giving Up on God - ("Armband religion is killing the Republican Party")
What should the GOP do now? (1) - By Tucker Carlson, Ross Douthat, Douglas W. Kmiec, Jim Manzi, Kathleen Parker, and Christine Todd Whitman - Slate Magazine A Return to Reaganism Won't Be Enough (food fight)

Over 100 U.S. blue chips now selling for under $10 a share | Reuters (S&P 500)
Stocks Slump As Signs Point To Harder Times - Key Indicators Suggest Deep Recession
If Stocks Are So Cheap, Why Are They Still Going Down?: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Jobless Claims Hit 16-Year High, Above Forecast -
Calculated Risk: GGP Hires BK Firm General Growth Properties (Tommy Friedman's family business)
GM, Ford Executives Say No To $1 Salary In Exchange For Government Aid
A Sea of Unwanted Imports - (Long Beach biggest export: recycled cardboard to China, to send boxes of stuff back to us)
EH.Net Encyclopedia: Deflation

The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
Denmark: Proposal to ban child circumcision | EuropeNews
Power To The Poster
Report: Rove Deeply Involved in U.S. Attorney Firings
Mayor sorry for kids' anti-Obama chant - Life- Parents in Idaho town accused of 'damaging young hearts and minds' (western appalachia)
Media Matters - For second day in a row, NY Times falsely suggested Bill Clinton refuses to disclose source of speaking fees
Texas grand jury indicts Cheney, Gonzales of crime | Reuters
Michelle Bachmann denies saying she wanted the media to investigate members of Congress who might be anti-American | Crooks and Liars Politics Done Right: An Interview with John Ziegler on the Zogby "Push Poll" (rightwing idiot: "pinhead!" "go fuck yourself")
The Democratization of America (end of white Christian rule)
Tim Robbins: An Open Letter to the New York City Board of Elections (Gregory C. Soumas: "petty vindictive corrupt scumbag")

Dow plunges nearly 430 to fall below 8,000 mark - Yahoo! Finance
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect - Post Covers Up for Paulson (no one could have predicted ... etc.)
ABC News: Big Three CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds (they just don't get it)
Op-Ed Contributor - Mittster - Let Detroit Go Bankrupt -
Sex, Lies, and Subprime Mortgages - BusinessWeek
You Might Want To Think About Stopping Your Mortgage Payments and Reducing Your Income

A healthcare system badly out of balance - The Boston Globe Elite hospitals are paid much more for care that is often no better than average. It is the best kept secret in Massachusetts medicine
Garlic chemical tablet treats diabetes I and II orally
ABC News: Ecuadorean Dwarfs May Unlock Cancer Clues Scientists Study a Small Population That Has Neither Cancer nor Diabetes
Study Shows Sexy Women Can Affect Men’s Spendings | Device Daily
Beat the itch : Nature News Scratch it by knowing first which type you have.
New PBS series exposes Old Testament fairy tales - Yahoo! News
2,800-Year-Old Monument to the Soul Is Discovered in Turkey -
Detected - Matter Shredded By Sagittarius A* Black Hole
Human Gut Loaded with More Bacteria Than Thought | LiveScience (5000+)
LoseThos: 64-bit non-unix non-windows operating system
The Associated Press: AP NewsAlert: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens has lost his re-relection bid to Democrat Mark Begich (1 down, 2 to go)
Obama job offer to Clinton annoys his supporters - Telegraph
The Washington Monthly: Newsweek Considers Antichrist Talk (The people who believe Obama is the Antichrist are perhaps jumping to conclusions, but they're not nuts: "They are expressing a concern and a fear that is widely shared")(Newsweek elite goat-blowing (widely shared) reporter Lisa Miller)
Our system owes Troy Davis another day in court | It is wrong to execute an innocent man. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit will now consider whether it is constitutional
Media Matters - Win or lose on Election Day, Republicans and conservatives hold majority on Face the Nation and Fox News Sunday (your center-right corpomedia)
Think Progress » Huckabee Claims Civil Rights Of Gays Are Not Being Violated: They Aren’t Getting Their ‘Skulls Cracked’ (moron)
Georgia and Russia: the aftermath | open Democracy News Analysis (Saakashvili's balls + 130 American advisors)
Exiled Online -Please Don’t Help the Georgians - By Gary Brecher America’s chickenhawks are ready to turn Georgia into a nation of missing-relative-seeking refuge

Paulson, Bernanke defend $700 billion bailout (no one could have predicted ...)
Techalooga » The Beginning of the End for Yahoo! : Jerry Yang decides to step down as CEO (way too late)
YouTube - Wayne County Foreclosures Nov2008
Dealbook Column - A Bridge Loan? U.S. Should Guide G.M. in a Chapter 11 -
Engineers Rule - At American auto companies, finance guys and marketers rise to the top. Not at Honda
Chinese May Buy GM and Chrysler | The Truth About Cars (firesale)
Dutch Insurer May Buy Thrift to Get US Bailout Funds -

YouTube - Roomba Driver
George W. Bush’s “Missions Accomplished” « Unreasonable Faith
Vetting of Hillary Rodham Clinton for Secretary of State Includes Look at Bill Clinton -
Don't Believe Spending Cut Rumors - Defense News
Mormon Church feels the heat over Proposition 8 - Los Angeles Times
WordPerfect co-founder: $1 million for gay marriage ban | Coop's Corner - CNET News
Prince Talks Religious Conversion, Anti-Gay Marriage Stance (what an idiot)
Media Matters - Gingrich: "[T]here is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us" (Newt, the next leader of the GOP)
If I Ran the Zoo: One Hundred Years Of I.F. Stone
Murdoch to media: You dug yourself a huge hole | Coop's Corner - CNET News
Ted Kennedy Returns To The Senate (video)
At National Review, a Threat to Its Reputation for Erudition - (j/k)
Five Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Secretary of State—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) (Kissinger of death)
Rove: The GOP's Path Back to Power | Newsweek Politics | (act like the Democrat Party)
Joe Lieberman's transgressions | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/17/2008
Christopher Hitchens Calls Hillary Clinton As Secretary Of State A "Ludicrous Embarrassment"
Palin Book Deal Said To Be Worth $7 Million ("She's poised to make a ton of money")
Gulf War illness is real, new federal report says - (15 years too late)
Daily Kos: License to Steal (asset forfeiture in the War on You) Worldwide Bush Administration Said to Not Seek Remaining Bailout Funds (Paulson: we'll take the $350bn we got and go home)
Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions - (biggest heist in history)
The Raw Story | Conservative senator: Paulson may have given bailout money to friends
Print: In Praise of a Rocky Transition The more details emerge, the clearer it becomes that Washington's handling of the Wall Street bailout is not merely incompetent. It is borderline criminal (scratch borderline)
Matthew Yglesias » Bailing Out in the Real World
More Americans slipping into bankruptcy - International Herald Tribune
Massachusetts Foreclosure Rates | Rankings
What Toyota knows that GM doesn’t |
GM delays payments to dealers to save cash - Autos- Signal that the company is having cash-flow problems (meltdown)
Citigroup to cut another 53,000 jobs: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Vacant homes, fewer people. This is Vegas? - Las Vegas Sun
Gold Standard: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty
Paul Krugman Schools George Will On The Great Depression
Oiligarchy Postmortem | Molleindustria
The Reckoning - Phil Gramm, Unswayed Champion of Deregulation - Series - (predatory borrowers" to blame)

Radio 4 - 120 years RCO - 10 beautiful symphonies (free downloads)
Chemical From Medicinal Plants May Be Used To Fight HIV
Deleting your digital past -- for good
Crypto-Gram: November 15, 2008 - Me and the TSA (TSA catching dozens of "terrorist related individuals" a week)
Orange County fires - Patrick Franks - Los Angeles Times
Computer virus attacks 'to peak next Monday' | Technology |
Improve Your Luck Scientifically | Family Fun | Reader's Digest
Men who take aspirin have significantly lower PSA levels
BBC NEWS | Europe | French 'virgin' ruling reversed
xkcd - A Webcomic - A Bunch of Rocks
Too much candy on Vimeo - Capucine
YouTube - Etre et avoir - Poésies
YouTube - Ensuring the Future of Food
YouTube - George W. Bush Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame
George W Bush could pardon spies involved in torture - Telegraph
The Crypt: New video goes after Lieberman -
Op-Ed Columnist - The Moose Stops Here - - Frank Rich
Think Progress » Dorgan: Lieberman’s Actions Were ‘Unacceptable’ For Committee Chairman (still the gang of two)
Why Sarah Palin Fired up the Public's Sexual Imagination | Sex and Relationships | AlterNet
Why Sarah Palin Cost John McCain The Election • VideoSift: Online Video *Quality Control
Bush Revisionism: "Good Guy, Bad People" |
Progressive Politics Examiner: The U.S. is not a 'center-right' country
330 - From Pickin’ Cotton to Pickin’ Presidents « Strange Maps
TBogg » Blowback is a bitch
Chronic malnutrition in Gaza blamed on Israel - Middle East, World - The Independent Donald Macintyre reveals the contents of an explosive report by the Red Cross on a humanitarian tragedy
White rage: The rednecks out to kill Obama - Americas, World - The Independent
Milwaukee Magazine : Feature Story : Secrets of Talk Radio
Don't count Matt Drudge out. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine (cause he has links to news sites!!)
Can new pro-Israel group J Street generate political clout? | U.S. | Jewish Journal

TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | The High Priests of the Bubble Economy
YouTube - Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition)
Citigroup Plans to Cut 10% of Its Global Workforce: Source -
The Nation - Will the Safety Net Catch Economy’s Casualties? - (not what it used to be)
Financial Crisis, Housing Crisis, Recession, Budget Crisis, What It Means to Your Financial Planning |
The Five Most Wanted Rip-off Artists from Wall Street and Washington | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
Oil companies benefiting from tax subsusidies and record profits | Kevin Colby
10 Cars That Sank Detroit - FlowChart
Our government's approach to housing has grown nonsensical: encourage borrowing to keep homes expensive. It's time to rebuild. - The Boston Globe
Crisis as prelude to a new Golden Age | open Democracy News Analysis
Melting into Air: A Critic at Large: The New Yorker: Before the financial system went bust, it went postmodern.

Irwin Redlener on surviving a nuclear attack | Video on (watch this and despair) ("Al Qaeda does not have a return address")
Islamic Theologian Says Prophet Muhammad Likely Never Existed -
Satan's Faces: The many lives of Lucifer - Reason Magazine
Deductive indeterminism - The case for a science of history | Encefalus
How warfare shaped human evolution - life - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist
29kx62p.gif (circular reasoning)
QDB: Quote #4799
APOD: 2008 November 16 - Anticrepuscular Rays Over Colorado
bush_before_after.jpg (Bush: 2000/2008)
AIDS vaccine developed in Ont. nears human trials | Agence France-Presse, a global news agency Aussie scientist to unveil skin cancer vaccine: report
When Alzheimer's Hits at 40 -
Our Story Ended With a Slow Fade to Black - New York Times
YouTube - Your Weekly Address from the President-Elect
Alaska Senate: Begich Widens Lead Slightly - The Fix
Media Matters - Media Matters: The media's Minnesota debacle (eating rightwing TPs)
Media Matters - The NYT's woeful Minnesota recount reporting, cont'd
Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media. » ‘Ordinary voter’ in New York Times recount story has strong GOP ties (how they work)
The Washington Monthly: Demint: "Americans do prefer a traditional conservative government" (McCain not rightwing enough)
Bill's Foreign Deals May Pose Issue For Clinton As Secretary Of State
Obama Mosaic Small.png (PNG)
Iraeli PM Candidate's Website Looks A Lot Like Obama's... (Photo) (Tzipi)
Body of Lies: The CIA's involvement with US film-making | Film | The Guardian | The CIA is often credited with 'advice' on Hollywood films, but no one is truly sure about the extent of its shadowy involvement.

The Gavel » Blog Archive » Pelosi and Reid Announce Three Members of Congressional Oversight Panel (closing the barn door ...)
Thomas Friedman’s World Is Flat Broke: Politics and Power: (wife's fortune: 3.9 bn to 25mil: Friedman is cranky)
Bush cites progress at world economic summit (after destroying world economy)
Lawmaker says AIG executive should resign after resort event -
YouTube - Dennis Kucinich (Not Barack Obama) Grills Neel Kashkari On Bailout Scam (Skeletor)
Should We Really Bail Out the Big Three Automakers with $73.20 Per Hour Labor? - Seeking Alpha U.S. Hartford, Lincoln, Genworth Buy Lenders, May Gain U.S. Funds
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » A FDIC gift voucher for all
Leveraged ETFs With 300% Exposures Set To Launch - News In Focus / Weekend / Reportage - Letter from Iceland
Seeing the Forest: How did Iceland go bankrupt? ("regulations that were too strong, or by a confluence of unlikely events, including a rise in “leftist attitudes“.")
In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole? | The Onion

Mineral Kingdom Has Co-evolved With Life, Scientists Find
Royal Society Publishing - Biology Letters (2005 - ) - First Cite - Circum-menopausal effects on women's judgements of facial attractiveness - Journal Article Circum-menopausal effects on women's judgements of facial attractiveness
Dr Petra Boynton I Blog I Do women get bitchier as they get older? Only if they’re faced with research like this
Marine plankton found in amber
YouTube - Crazy Cat Attacking Spuds Dog
Failing hard drive sounds -
Science fiction special: The future of a genre - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist
Digg Graveyard
Elderly Ghetto Gospel Choir is Today's BIG Thing - NOV 13, 2008
reddyenumber4: One Cuil = One level of abstraction away from the reality of a situation.
Science News / How To (really) Trust A Mathematical Proof
Malcolm Gladwell asks is there such a thing as pure genius? | Books | The Guardian (10,000 hours to genius)
How to Run a Con | Psychology Today Blogs
Top 10 Bizarre Mormon Beliefs - The List Universe
Lolcats, "I Can Has Cheezburger?" | Salon Life
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Leahy Becomes First Senator To Demand Lieberman's Ouster From Homeland Security Committee
Sarkozy Chides Putin On Russian Tough Talk: "You Want To End Up Like Bush?" ("I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls," Mr Putin declared.)
The YouTube Presidency | 44 |
The Death of the US-Colombia FTA - The Seminal (war on drugs=corporate welfare)
Lawmaker plans bill on Web neutrality | Technology | Reuters
The Washington Monthly: Gerson Fears Fairness Doctrine (which almost no one is asking for: hacks on parade at WaPo: tps from hate radio)
Firedoglake » Error In Justice: Siegelman Prosecutors Received Notes From Jurors DURING Deliberations (totally corrupt Bush DOJ)
Some Israeli Settlers Are Looking for Way to Leave West Bank -
Rahm Emanuel Facts: The Complete Dossier
A Nuclear Needle in a Haystack: The Cold War's Missing Atom Bombs - Spiegel

Calculated Risk: Retail Sales Collapse in October
Bush Warns of Aggressive Economic Regulation (because, you know ...)
Top 10 Bailout Junkets of 2008 -- A Scrapbook (where your money is going)
Op-Ed Columnist - Bailout to Nowhere -
Op-Ed Columnist - Depression Economics Returns -
Peter Schiff - Don't Blame Capitalism - - July 7, 2007: President's Weekly Radio Address: "Our Nation's strong economy is no accident. America is now in a position to balance the Federal budget." - Housing Bubble and Bear Links

From Silver Lake to Suicide: One Family's Secret History of the Jonestown Massacre - News - LA Weeklypage 1 - LA Weekly A cache of letters hidden in the basement brings to life a house, a family and the tragedy that would change everything
Trans in the Red States | The American Prospect
Stealing Your Library: The OCLC Powergrab (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
Novels 'better at explaining world's problems than reports' - Telegraph
A scientific formula for popularity on Digg, YouTube | Webware - CNET
Questions about buying Metals Online | Rarely Asked Questions
The RED is here, DSMC is here, DSLR executives crying in their offices! - 1001 Noisy Cameras
Official RED Scarlet and EPIC pics are sure to induce drool [Updated with OMG] - Engadget
RED's Digital Still and Motion Camera System now official - Engadget
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/14/2008 | Scientists rethinking what makes us get old (free radicals)
EFF: Kentucky domain seizures flawed on many levels
Air Art on Vimeo (air fish)
WSJ: Photo Journal
Play Splitter, a free online game on Kongregate
Obama Team Faces Major Task in Justice Dept. Overhaul - Goal Is to Restore Confidence in Law Enforcement Actions
Alaska: Gems Election Results (Begich up by 800+ ; Hulk smashed)
Matthew Yglesias » Blogger Solidarity (Rachel: we are all bloggers)
Republican Governors Meet, Glumly - After Election Losses, Many See Bleak Future for Party
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Moon's money - the billions that moved America right and theocratic
Bush, Out of Office, Could Oppose Inquiries - (Cheney too?)
TPM: News Pages | Obama team expected to broker deal on subpoenas (Bolten, Miers and Rove to walk?)
Palin's First Press Conference Cut Short (Video)
YouTube - AC360: Dan Savage Takes on Tony Perkins Over Prop 8
Ted Nugent loves him some Malkin and says a "Conservative revolution is brewing" | Crooks and Liars (wingnuts on parade)
Truthdig - Reports - America the Illiterate (our childrens ain't learnin')
Daily Kos: Zogby STILL Push Polling - Does he know the election is over?
Exiled Online - War Nerd: Bush Fought The Wars And The Wars Won - By Gary Brecher
TPMCafe | The Anatomy of Conservative Self-Deception
Bush Tells UN That Faith Sustained Him Through Presidency (that, and booze)
The New York Times - Little Tommy Friedman apologizes for being wrong, wrong, wrong and quits Times (we wish)
The Supreme Court grapples with the primordial ooze of the Summum case. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine The Supreme Court grapples with the primordial ooze of the Summum case - Government establishment of religion is only impermissible when it freaks out Justice Stephen Breyers

New Jobless Claims Pass 500,000 to 7-Year High - (just the beginning)
Bloomberg Sues The Fed For Disclosure | The LA Progressive
Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged - - Watchdog Panel Is Empty; Report Is Unfinished (the fuckups fucked up, again)
Alex Jones: Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012
BBC NEWS | Business | Russia's role in rescuing Iceland (the price is right)
Retail: Is the American Shopping Mall Dead? | Newsweek Project Green |
Wreck & Salvage
Robert Reich's Blog: The Real Difference Between Bankruptcy and Bailout The Real Difference Between Bankruptcy and Bailout

Once upon a time... on Vimeo (Capucine)
OpenGoo: An Open Source Web Office
BBC NEWS | Health | Doctors 'rely on chemo too much'
Is Earth at the heart of a giant cosmic void? - space - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist (yes)
Humans may have prevented super ice age - environment - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist
DNA strands become fibre optic cables - tech - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist
How warfare shaped human evolution - life - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist
YouTube - M7.0 Earthquake Simulation for Hayward Fault, California
Atlas of hidden water may avert future conflict - environment - 24 October 2008 - New Scientist
12 Principles For Keeping Your Code Clean | CSS | Smashing Magazine
The Cave » Blog Archive » (Politely) Kill Explorer.exe
Washington secretly authorized military raids on 20 countries since 2004 (Bushwar!)
The Washington Monthly . Well, I certainly have my nomination for Wanker of the Day: Michael Barone (old and stupid)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UN warns over Gaza food blockade (Israel blocks food; Mormons will baptized Palestinians before they die)
Forget Red vs. Blue -- It's the Educated vs. People Easily Fooled by Propaganda | Media and Technology | AlterNet Millions of Americans live in a non-reality-based belief system informed by childish clichés
The Raw Story | Maddow: New rule kicks Patriot Act foes 'right in the teeth' (more fuck yous from Bush)
Dems eye midnight regulations reversal - Erika Lovley and Ryan Grim -
Liberal Pranksters Hand Out Times Spoof - City Room Blog - | The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Frank Schaeffer: Sarah Palin Will Never Be President -- Trust Me
Bush Says He Regrets Use of Iraq `Mission Accomplished' Banner - Yahoo! News (and that's all)
Uppity Socialists | Guns and Eagles
Obama's Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani - Steven Waldman
American RadioWorks - What Killed Sergeant Gray
Matthew Yglesias » The Myth of Poor Democratic Electoral Performance
Hopeful signs on health care - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict
Jonathan Martin's Blog: Luntz's straight talk - "Stevie Wonder reads a teleprompter better than John McCain,"

US May Lose Its 'AAA' Rating - (to be downgraded to junk) Worldwide GE Wins FDIC Insurance for Up to $139 Billion in Debt (I don't think that word, "bank" means what you think it does) Worldwide Zero Rate World May Lie Ahead as King, Trichet Cut
The Provocateur: The Bailout: The Feds Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes
Lobbyists Swarm the Treasury for Piece of Bailout Pie - (check out Bushie Jeb Mason)
CondéNet cuts: lays of 25% of staff
The End of Wall Street's Boom - National Business News - (Liar's Poker)
Calculated Risk: Paulson: Buying Troubled Assets Not Effective Use of TARP (How things have changed ...)
Trickle Down Effects of Letting U.S. Automakers Go Bankrupt | Business Pundit
Op-Ed Columnist - How to Fix a Flat - - GM: the Toyota Prius “make no economic sense.” And ... global warming “is a total crock of [expletive].” (bailout!)
How Google Could Turn Evil More than 80% of the Valley's 150 largest publicly traded companies had some employees holding stock options that had fallen below their strike prices as of Oct. 24

Now - The Rest of the Genome -
Princeton University - Evolution's new wrinkle: Proteins with cruise control provide new perspective
Evolution: Princeton Scientists Discover Proteins that Control Evolution
Pharyngula: Prediction: self-promoting hype meets interdisciplinary ignorance
Luca Turin on the science of scent | Video on
The Chronicle: 4/14/2006: Mob Rule In departmental disputes, professors can act just like animals - home :: mobbing, bullying and workplace harassment resources
neuron-galaxy.jpg (image)
Google Flu Trends | How does this work?
The philosopher and the wolf - Telegraph
10 Best Post-Apocalypses | Science Not Fiction | Discover Magazine
Mining for Dark Matter, Some Go Wimp-Hunting -
Urgent regulation needed for nanomaterials: experts | Environment | Reuters
Bacteria In Mouth Help Make Certain Foods Tasty
Study: DDoS attacks threaten ISP infrastructure | Latest Security News - CNET News
Newspaper Website Design: Trends And Examples | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Sprint: Plug into Now.
Spam Volumes Drop by Two-Thirds After Firm Goes Offline - Security Fix
Give Up and Use Tables » Blog Archive » My First and Last Webcomic: PNG vs JPEG
APOD: 2006 February 16 - The Color of the Moon
The Raw Story | Documents linking Iran to nuclear weapons push may have been fabricated
Senate GOP to Privately Debate Stevens' Fate Next Week - Yahoo! News
Whiskey Fire: New Directions ("conservative intellectual" = oxymoron; there IS no debate)
YouTube - Special Comment on Gay Marriage ~ Keith Olbermann
The Southern Strategy Comes of Age—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
For South, a Waning Hold on Politics - (stupid, poor, ignorant, racist)
Independent Examiner: Should we 'kill' people over gay marriage? - yes, says Orson Scott Card, Mormon douchebag /a>
GoodBye Mr.President | :: :: Photo Channel
YouTube - Lieberman Must Go Once and for All
Alaska Daily News: Most uncounted ballots will be tallied Wednesday: 2008 Election |
\ The Brad Blog : Alaska Update: Thousands of Ballots 'Found', One-Third Remain Uncounted in the State's Still-Fishy '08 Election | Alaska's New Numbers: Still Very Stinky Isn't It Time for the U.S. to Consider a Secretary of Election Integrity?
The Washington Monthly: Irrational Fear Of The Fairness Doctrine (latest wingnut TP: Obama will make them play fair (he won't))
Political Punch Obama Derangement Syndrome

Wall Street falls, unable to shake economic woes - Yahoo! News
America Discovers That Bailout Will Be Used To Pay Wall Street Bonuses
Op-Ed Columnist - Beyond the Fat Cats - - When the Champagne and caviar crowd is in trouble, there is no conceivable limit to the amount of taxpayer money that can be found, and found quickly.
Toll’s Plea: Subsidize House Prices - Floyd Norris Blog - Toll’s Plea: Subsidize House Prices (bailout big homebuilders!)
ABC News: Another AIG Resort "Junket": Top Execs Caught on Tape KNXV Discovers $343,000 Secret Gathering, AIG Signs and Logos Hidden (spendin' yr money)

In a Novel Theory of Mental Disorders, Parents’ Genes Are in Competition - | GTA | Lesbians attacked outside school | Charged is Mark Scott, 43, of Oshawa (asshole hater of the week)
Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews -
YouTube - "The Night Journey" trailer
Dothetest - Whodunnit?
40 Awesome Versions of Jesus |
Obama Plans Guantanamo Close, US Trials
Booman Tribune - I'd Treat DC as a Crime Scene
MSNBC’s Tag for Now - ‘The Power of Change’ -
Bush leaving office more unpopular than Nixon - (whole country afflicted with "Bush Derangment Syndrome")
Gallup: 68% 'favorable rating' for Obama - On Politics - Usatoday.Com
Dean Prepares To Step Down As DNC Chair (mission accomplished)
GOP at Odds with Country
Media Matters - Absurd View : Hasselbeck, Shepherd suggest clergy could have been jailed without Prop 8
Charlie Brooker: Is Obama really president or am I just watching a fantasy? It's almost too good to be true | Comment is free | The Guardian The Republican campaign was so horrible, it could only have been orchestrated by Skeletor
Alaska's voting turnout puzzling: Politics | LESS THAN '04? Total isn't in yet but appears below expectations.
Daily Kos: Arkansas anti-gay adoption: Worse than Prop 8 ("blunting the gay agenda" - send children back to their orphanages!)
The Smoky Mountain Hiking Blog: PBS documentary on Appalachia in early 2009
Martin Eisenstadt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Eisenstadt the source for Sarah Palin Africa leak… and proud of it.
Deep Secrets of ‘The Daily Show’ - City Room Blog -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Your Morning F-Bomb
BBC NEWS | Europe | Mystery of lost US nuclear bomb

The Crisis & What to Do About It - The New York Review of Books - By George Soros
Yes We Will (Have A Depression) - The Market Ticker Exclusive Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose (surprise)
Fed won't give info on nearly $2 trillion in loans | Business | - Houston Chronicle
A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks With Attention on Bailout Debate, Treasury Made Change to Tax Policy (i.e. behind your back)
A.I.G. May Get More in Bailout - ("despite assurances" etc)
Ohio braces for reported DHL layoffs - Nov. 9, 2008 - About 8,000 job cuts reportedly may be announced tomorrow (66% of whole city)
NPR: Hear: A Tale of Intertwined Misery: school districts that bought some of the worst stuff on Wall Street.
American Express to Become Bank Holding Company - DealBook - New York Times (everyone is a bank)

Mormons Continue to Try to Steal Anne Frank's Soul
Renaldi - Photographs - Touching Strangers
Bullies' Brains Light Up With Pleasure as People Squirm (Bush)
Op-Ed Columnist - It Still Felt Good the Morning After -
Undernews: Can We Talk About The Real Obama Now?
Forget the Honeymoon - by Justin Raimondo
Assessing modern Presidents (on a scale of +/- 3, Bush is -18)
us_election_iq.jpg (2008 Election by State IQ)
Pragmatos : How much is your vote worth?
2008 Electoral Map By 18-29 Year Olds | Prose Before Hos
Most 'undervotes' cast in counties won by Obama Electoral Projections Done Right: Uncounted Votes May Push Begich Past Stevens (despite vote-rigging)
Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions - - Stem Cell, Climate Rules Among Targets of President-Elect's Team
Op-Ed Columnist - Obama and the War on Brains -
50 things you should know about Barack Obama: video | The Courier-Mail
Barack Obama: The 50 facts you might not know - Telegraph
Barack in Hebrew is lightning
Kirby on gay marriage: It's official - I don't care - Salt Lake Tribune
Barack Obama - Conservapedia | ?arack Hussein Obama? - Christopedia, the Christian encyclopedia (for those times when Conservapedia isn't conservative enough, see photoshopped pic)
Right-wing media feeds its post-election anger - Los Angeles Times
The Washington Monthly: 2012 Speculation? Already? (Newt Gingrich for Pres - generational change you can trust)
alicublog: Where Are They Now? - Kim du Toit -- celebrated author of "The Pussification of the American Male" (kind of what you thought)
Making Light: du Toit, du (TNH's transphobic comment)
Extraordinary Observations: Hypocrisy of Joe the Plumber | Joe the Plumber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NeuroLogica Blog » Politics and Science - The RFK Jr. Test

Boiled Down: Credit Bubble - The Market Ticker - "Cramer needs to be put in the stocks - alongside Paulson Bernanke and Bush"
Buy General Motors (GM)? Did We Say That? - Henry Blodget - Barron's picks G.M. (stock goes from $17 to $4)

The Daily Star - Politics - Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'
The Sum Of All Human Knowledge: Wikipedia volunteers reject dishonest donation drive
16 Health Tips for Coping with Cold and Flu Season : Eco Child’s Play
One day everyone is going to look like this - Times Online (blondes going extinct)
Footballers fall prey to fatal disease | European Football - Times Online
Steve Kubby: Wake up and smell the ganja
Simple Device Invented in 1833 May Lead to Cheap Hydrogen : Gas 2.0
Ada Louise Huxtable, the Dean of Architecture Critics, Discusses New York -
Language Mysteries Explained In 'Alphabet Juice' : NPR
Memoirs of a Space Engineer
Report: Georgia May Have Sparked War With Russia - Washington Post Investigations (WaPo decides to tell U.S. what rest of world has known for months)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Obama denies Poland missile vow
Judge asks media whether to release Guantanamo Bay 'torture' evidence - Telegraph

The Numbers Guy : Breaking Down Voter-Turnout Numbers
The decadent left, in its enclaves on the coasts - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
Daily Kos: Your Abbreviated Pundit Round-up
Dakota: Modern Love
Media Matters - Postelection poll results contradict media claims that U.S. is a "center-right" country (what they want you to believe)
Fables of the reconstruction: The Unbearable Lightness of Thomas Friedman
Hullabaloo: Problems: "Democratic strategist" and uber-villager Michael Feldman
Wall Street Decamps to K Street for Work on Bailout - (crazy WaPo selling it to you: bailout based on "free-market" principles)
Media Matters - Media Matters: All over but the lying (Republican tool Brokow: McCain won more land!)
The Washington Monthly: Jon Kyl will filibuster "too liberal" Supreme Court nominations; supported "nuclear option" in 2005)
Undercover cops were among the unruly at DNC - The Denver Post (provocateurs)
'No More Mr Nice Gay' as Mormons face vote backlash - Americas, World - The Independent Protesters vent fury after church funds successful effort to ban gay marriages
Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service for death threats against Barack Obama - Telegraph - attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" | USElection | Bill Ayers: Becoming a target of 'terrorist' attack
A Darfur-supporting, time-tithing, self-deprecating newcomer unseats the incumbent in Virginia's big electoral surprise. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine (another hater down)
Watching Them Squirm: Is Fox News Abandoning the Mob It Created? | Media and Technology | AlterNet huge schism develops between Fox's post-election attempts at "civility" and its pitchfork-wielding audience.
Faster, Please! » Election Thoughts ("Josh" trolling pjmedia on election night)
The New Atlantis » Rethinking Public Opinion
» Bush: A Retrospective in Pictures - - TimeSpace: Election
389 years ago… | The Art of Information
Raw Replay - Students asked not to say Obama’s name (threatened with expulsion for saying their President's name)
Mystery man doesn't need Oprah to dry-clean his coat --

ABC News: Unemployed Nation: America's Shrinking Payroll More Than 1 Million People Have Lost Their Jobs in the United States in 2008
Stunned Icelanders Struggle After Economy’s Fall -

A Doctor, a Mutation and a Potential Cure for AIDS -
Tolerance Over Race Can Spread, Studies Find -
Elderly Evanston woman found living with bodies of 3 siblings --
Transcripts of a Troubled Mind - The Atlantic (April 29, 2004) - Breece D'J Pancake | The Believer - The Secret Handshake -
Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question - ("Newly available accounts" is bullshit; Times admits what the world has said since the invasion; this is managed news inside US) - Ann Wright: Voices of Conscience
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/07/2008 | Can Barack Obama undo Bush's tangled legal legacy?
Is Obama Screwing His Base with Rahm Emanuel Selection? | Election 2008 | AlterNet ("one of the most conservative Democratic members of Congress" pro-BushDogs)
Shannyn Moore: Stolen Election from Alaska? (you betcha!) | Shannyn Moore: Alaska On eBay?
A Butler Well Served by This Election - (read 'til the end)
The Man at the Door -
Franken's deficit: 239 votes
Dana Milbank - It's a Mitzvah - - Obama hanged himself into an Israel hard-liner (outdoes Bush and the Neocons)
Obama Withdraws Support for Marijuana Decriminalization - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime (Emanuel, Biden big drug warriors)
The Washington Monthly As political theater goes, the exploits of Joe Lieberman really are odd
Think Progress » Bayh: Democrats ‘Should Have a Spirit Of Forgiveness With Regard To Joe Lieberman’ (yeah, sure)
Former Defense Official: Obama Keeping Gates The "Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard"
No we didn't: Obama Win More Hysterical Than Historical | The Smirking Chimp
The Promised Land? Obama, Emanuel and Israel By John V. Whitbeck
North America - Wikipedia (how many countries in North America?)

Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Wall Street Lays Another Egg: Politics & Power: Las Vegas Sands Plunges on Default, Bankruptcy Risk: billionaire Sheldon Adelson (far-right bankroller)
Sprint suffers loss as customers flee, shares slump | Reuters
Tent cities rise across the country - Life-
Defining 'Homelessness Down' - TIME
Foreclosures | InSight America
TechCrunch Layoff Tracker

A misguided joint initiative - The Boston Globe (Globe is rightwing on pot, editorial makes no sense, see comments)
Henchmen's Helper
Internet Archive: Details: Goa Gil talking about Gurus and Sadhus
Exploring the Genetic Differences Between Chimps and Humans | Wired Science from
APOD: 2005 October 23 - At the Center of the Milky Way
Unknown "Structures" Tugging at Universe, Study Says ("dark flow")
Internet Security | WOT Web of Trust
Why plastic isn't always fantastic : Nature News Experiment-ruining chemicals leach from plastic lab equipment.
Fountain of Youth: Drug Restores Muscles | LiveScience (MK-677)
Turmeric on the Brain: Food Politics :
Forget Brain Age: Researchers Develop Software That Makes You Smarter "n-back task"
Brain Workshop - a Dual N-Back game
Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory — PNAS
Rice Says Mideast Deal Unlikely Soon -
Israel cautions against dialogue with Iran - Yahoo! News UK (one-upped by Ahmandinijad?)

The next President of the United States - The Big Picture -
Campaign Gives Some Clues to How Obama Will Govern -
YouTube - Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent
Center Stage |
Matthew Yglesias » Wingnuts Prepare to Wind the Cocoon Tighter
Magnanimity is nice, but let's not forget the hideous race John McCain ran
History of McCain for President - Post-Election John McCain Biography - Esquire
Equating Clinton's "scandals" with George Bush's - Glenn Greenwald - (MoDo returns to insanity)
The Republican Party of Whiners - The Seminal (WSJ's whiny mean-to-Bush ("bipartisan efforts") editorial)
Emanuel (Il05) - Speeches and Statements - Emanuel to Gonzalez: “Thanks for the White Flag” (big drug-warrior, but so's Biden)
John Walsh: Election 2006, the Fix is Aleady In Election 2006: The Fix is Already In (Israeli Rahmbo supported pro-war candidates)
A Rematch for the Georgia Senate: Will Obama Help? - TIME
Barack Obama: How He Did It | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008
sums it all up
The Brad Blog : All Diebold Touch-Screen Systems Impounded by Judge in PA County All 185 of the completely unverifiable Diebold touch-screen voting machines used in Northumberland County, PA's election were ordered impounded by a judge Tuesday night
Prosecutors Won't Charge Spitzer in Prostitution Scandal - (mission accomplished, Wall Street got their money)
The Brad Blog : Something Smells Very Fishy In Alaska: Turnout Rate Reported as Lowest Ever in State, Down 11% From '04 Even With Both Palin and Obama on the Ballot (Diebold) Worldwide Credit-Default Swaps Top $33 Trillion, Depository Trust Says (giant sucking sound you hear)
Holiday outlook turns grimmer after dismal October: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

Evolutionary Psychology 2008 - Big Five Traits Related to Short-Term Mating: From Personality to Promiscuity across 46 Nations (PDF)
Phys Ed - Stretching - The Truth - (don't)
Male hormone boosts female sex life | Health & Lifestyle |
Japanese researchers make brain tissues from stem cells - Yahoo! News
Make a Local Backup Of Your Gmail Account - Wired How-To Wiki
Obama Elected President as Racial Barrier Falls -
The Challenge - For Obama, No Time for Laurels; Now the Hard Part -
Transcript: Obama's acceptance speech - Yahoo! News
YouTube - Stevie Wonder- Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours
2008 Voter File Analysis: Election of a Century?
Editorial - So Little Time, So Much Damage - George W. Bush still has 77 days left in the White House — and he’s not wasting a minute.
Three huge, immediate reasons to be happy about last night - Glenn Greenwald -< (supremos)
The monster years - Paul Krugman - NYT Blog - the past 14 years America’s political life has been largely dominated by, well, monsters (shrillest)
How the Map Changed From 2004 - Interactive Feature - (Rightwing retreats to Appalachia, rest of country turns blue)
Online Only: The New Yorker: Mr. Ayers's Neighborhood ("I wish I had known him better")
California propositions county-by-county map, margin of victory - Los Angeles Times (geography of prejudice)
Local Ballot Measures - Election Center 2008 (more geography of prejudice)
ET Exclusive Interview: Oprah Tears Up Over Obama
Dakota: Hallelujah
Highlights: Newsweek's Special Election Project | Hackers and Spending Sprees (embargoed info: computers hacked, "hillbilly shopping spree" - $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for first dude, death threats correlated with Palin rallies)
The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace - - Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies (demographics of delusion)
CNN Political Ticker: Palin: God will do the right thing on election day « (and She did)
Voters approve marijuana law change - The Boston Globe voters favored the Question 2 proposition 65 percent to 35 percent.
AlterNet: U.S. Raid into Syria an Idiotic Move (when idiots attack)

The feminine touch carries more germs - New Scientist (girls have cooties)
Gut Bacteria May Cause And Fight Disease, Obesity : NPR
Review - Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories
Review - Persons and Things by Barbara Johnson (fall of postmodern/deconstruction, John Searle: Derrida: obscurantisme terroriste)
Featured Download: Gmail Backup Archives Your Email Account
YouTube - The DiVincenzo Code
Electoral Map by Daily Kos
Election Protection - The Nation’s Largest Nonpartisan Voter Protection Coalition (non-partisan Republicans=oxymoron)
MSNBC Continually Features Inaccurate Poll Closing Times Looking for Presidential Exit Polls?
Poll: McCain Gains, But Obama Well Ahead, CBS News - Survey Finds Democrat With Nine Point Advantage Among Likely Voters Nationwide On Eve Of Election Day - the president is extremely unpopular: his approval rating now stands at 20 percent, the lowest EVER recorded for a president.
The Greatest Election Ever: A Retrospective -- Daily Intel -- New York Magazine
Think Progress » Kristol: Palin ‘reminds me a lot of FDR.’ (tnx, Bill)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow - The New Poll Tax - Paying To Vote (Republicans at work)
YouTube - CNN anchor takes on Joe the Plumber (Joe the stupid)
YouTube - Barack Obama - The Tide Is Turning
BTVNEW: Yes We Can
American Rhetoric: Martin Luther King, Jr. - I Have a Dream
YouTube - Barack Obama - times they are a changin'
YouTube - Superbarack
Seth's Blog: Marketing lessons from the US election
Senior Corporate Executives Warned to Leave N.Y. on 9/11: Source
Colorado Independent » Elite combat brigade for homeland security missions raises ire of ACLU “This isn’t a military police brigade or a civil affairs brigade. This is actually a combat brigade being assigned a domestic mission,

Mortgage Prospects Dim for Illegal Immigrants - - Less than 5% of Bank of Bartlett's ITIN loans are delinquent (while Republicans default everywhere)
Fed Hires Bear Stearns Risk Boss (Epic Fail=Big Reward)
The Bailout Profiteers | Naomi Klein

We Found Who to Tar and Feather! (science of Spore)
Why Systems Fail and Problems Sprout Anew Commentary on the principles of "Systemantics"
Psychology Today: The Art of Now: Six Steps to Living in the Moment We live in the age of distraction. Yet one of life's sharpest paradoxes is that your brightest future hinges on your ability to pay attention to the present.
Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters
Oil Creation Theory Challenged by Fuel-Making Fungus - Yahoo! News
A Conversation With Stuart L. Pimm - Zoologist Stuart Pimm Asks, ‘Why Do Species Go Extinct?’ - Interview -
Behind the Statistics on TV and Teen Pregnancy - Well Blog -
YouTube - Shrimp Running On A Treadmill With The Benny Hill Theme
YouTube - Björk talking about her TV
Swing State Project:: Nov. 4, 2008 Poll Closing Times & Key Races
Daily Kos: House, Senate, Governor Final Race Ratings
Poll: McCain Gains, But Obama Well Ahead, CBS News Survey Finds Democrat With Nine Point Advantage Among Likely Voters Nationwide On Eve Of Election Day - Fourteen percent of Obama's supporters say they once supported McCain, and the top reason given for their switch was McCain's selection of Palin as his running mate.
Republicans Scrambling to Save Seats in Congress - (good maps)
This. Fucking. Election. (what the media has been feeding you)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Republican Rump - (batshit crazy wing of the wingnuts)
My wife made me canvass for Obama; here's what I learned | This election is not about major policies. It's about hope.
The Washington Monthly: Advice To Be Ignored (just because you win, don't think you can govern like you won, from the Bush mandate people)
Joe the Plumber and GOP 'Authenticity - It's hard to reach out to workers while cracking down on unions.
5 Myths About Values Voters -
The Phoenix > Talking Politics > Wacko patrol: America's 25 scariest conservatives The Phoenix ranks the individuals who will hold the most sway over the right-wing message machine in 2009, and beyond.
Foreign Policy: The List: The World’s Top Religious Power Brokers
Twelve prominent Americans give their verdict George Bush's cultural legacy | World news | The Guardian | USElection | Straight talk? Depends who's listening The U.S. is separated between red and blue, liberals, conservatives but the deepest rift might be linguistic
Spreading the Wealth Around - The Daily Beast To suggest that "redistribution" is a dirty word is a terrible insult to American history—and to the democratic process itself.
John Cusack: No Currency Left to Buy the Big Lies - This is the end of Milton Friedman, Reaganomics and supply-side theory » The Triumph of Ignorance Why morons succeed in US politics (is our children learning?)
Talking Points Memo | Palin's Rising Star? The woman is an ignoramus of almost unprecedented magnitude in the annals of national politics.
Mondoweiss: 'The New Yorker' and Iraq--Still No Penance (neocons never sorry/responsible)
The American Conservative -- The Right to Remain Silent
Undernews: Swampoodle Report: No Child Law Is Even Making Liberals Dumber: the No Child Left Behind Law is the equivalent of creationism
Fodder for Comedy -- MJ Rosenberg (John Stewart on AIPAC, wow)
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Warning as Israel settler funds cut
Indonesia mud volcano caused by gas well drilling | World news |

IMF may need to "print money" as crisis spreads - Telegraph ("nuclear option")
Calculated Risk: Report: GM Turned down by Government
Effectiveness of AIG's $143 Billion Rescue Questioned -
Fair Game - Was There a Loan It Didn’t Like? - (WaMu executive crooks)
Economic View - Challenging the Crowd in Whispers, Not Shouts -
Daily Kos: First National Brontosaurus
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Is Credit Card Relief Coming?
Hellenic Shipping News - Worldwide Online Daily Newspaper on Hellenic and International Shipping
Could Globalization Fail? ("Policies that spawn economic inequality rather than free trade could bring about an economic crisis")(could?) - How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse 660 Years Ago - Housing Bubble and Bear Links
China acts to stem the tide of officials fleeing with cash |
Nation: Naomi Klein: The Bailout: Bush's Final Pillage
Dean Baker: European investors can't stop losing money in the US | Comment is free | The collapse of the housing bubble hasn't stopped European investors from throwing money away in the US
Alan Greenspan: Who Could Have Known? | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet By Dean Baker,
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: NY Times Lending Conspiracy Madness
The New York Times > Week in Review > Image > Cities in Trouble vs. Growing Cities Exclusive Lehman Good-for-Retirement Notes Worth Pennies for UBS Clients

Get Published - 50 Online Writing Websites for New Writers |
yWriter4 - word processor for authors
Want a free education? A brief guide to the burgeoning world of online video lectures. - The Boston Globe
Big Think - We Are What You Think
Freshwater Day 4: "Science can't be trusted" - The Panda's Thumb “Science can’t be trusted. Science can’t teach us anything.”
Think Al Gore is Too Soft? Join This Climate Change Cult! : Planetsave (Ramtha/bleep)
Arthur Benjamin does "Mathemagic" | Video on Lightning calculation and other "Mathemagic"
Read this column before you die / 1,000 sights, 1,000 books, a few hundred drugs, 397 kinky positions, one million blasphemies. Get busy (Morford)
PeterWatkins_Films: listings | PeterWatkins_Statement3: Role of American MAVM, Hollywood and the Monoform
He Saw It Coming - The Atlantic (November 2008) (Peter Watkins)
Roger's little rule book - Roger Ebert's Journal
Flickr: Semiotic Syntax
Astaxanthin may help quell reflux syndrome - Swanson Health Products
Biologists Discover Motor Protein That Rewinds DNA
Ancient Meteorites Give Clues to Planet Formation | LiveScience
Science News / An Ancient Healer Reborn: Excavations in Israel reveal one of the oldest known graves of a shaman, from 12,000 years ago
Build LED light Video –
Boston Review — Richard M. Stallman: Not Free at Any Price
Hacking a Network Attached Storage (NAS) | Your Electronics Open Source Help > Shipping & Delivery > Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging FAQs
Code: Flickr Developer Blog » The Shape of Alpha
27 Indispensable Web Design and Development Firefox Extensions : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
PhotoFunia (online effecterizer)
Reid Says Stevens Cannot Serve - Roll Call
McCain First, Second, And Always Should he have been expelled from the Senate? Exclusive evidence reveals the Keating Five story you've never heard
'My Heart and My Values Didn't Change' - In Bush, Loyalists See a Good and Steadfast Man Who Has Gotten a Bad Rap
OpEdNews » NH recounts no check and balance for its privatized corporate-controlled elections (Republicans at work)
Daily Kos: What to Expect in Saint Louis (how Republicans steal elections)
Opus Hussein X's Blog | Talking Points Memo | Palin Gets Pranked by Canadian Duo, Thinks She's Talking to French President Sarkozy (with audio and transcript)
Woman denies Halloween candy to Obama supporters | | Shirley Nagel of Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
The Washington Monthly: The Town-Hall Myth (Broder: McCain's racist rallies are Obama's fault)
"Doonesbury" Comic Strip Presumes An Obama Victory: "You must be so proud," responds a soldier, who isn't white.

The Memory Bank » The Book
Iceland, mired in debt, blames Britain - International Herald Tribune
Investors shun Greek debt as shipping crisis deepens - Telegraph Investment Tools: Baltic Dry Index
BBC NEWS | Business | Ryanair set for £8 flights to US

Review - How to See Yourself As You Really Are - A Practical Guide to Self-Knowledge by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Book Reviews By Berel Dov Lerner: Neil C. Manson and Onora O'Neill: Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics.
Review - Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind by Brian McLaughlin and Jonathan Cohen (Editors)
Review - Mind, Brain and the Elusive Soul - Human Systems of Cognitive Science and Religion by Mark Graves
Review - Blubberland The Dangers of Happiness by Elizabeth Farrelly
Book Review - 'Descartes’ Bones,' by Russell Shorto - Review - By Gary Rosen
Review - How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe? by John R. Anderson

The Perfect Human
YouTube - Take On Me: Literal Video Version
The Shallowest Generation - Seeking Alpha - The Baby Boom Generation will never be mistaken for the Greatest Generation ("putting a yellow ribbon on the back of your $50,000 SUV is not sacrifice")
Luminous-Lint - Online exhibition - Ghosts, apparitions, angels, spiritual visitations and views of the future
The Machine That Changed the World: Great Brains -
NASA - Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth - flux transfer event or 'FTE
Halloween drawing scares teacher, gets student in hot water | (educated stupid)
Regulating the sex trade | The oldest conundrum | The Economist The red lights are going out all over Europe—but not elsewhere
Haywire Hacking ~ Anyone Can Hack - Main - Hacking Google: Turning a Search Engine into an MP3 Downloader
50 websites you'll wonder how you lived without | News | TechRadar UK
No charges but US may never release Guantánamo Chinese | World news | The Guardian (Bushwar)

Gallup Daily: Obama 52%, McCain 42% Among Likely Voters
Media Matters - The Right's "bias" charade (and the media's real one)
McCain avoids trouble from volatile crowds - U.S. Politics & Elections - (wingnuts will be winguts)
Judge orders Coffman to stop voter purge : Elections : The Rocky Mountain News (Rethug dirty tricks)
The Raw Story | Documents reveal how Ohio routed 2004 voting data through company that hosted external Bush Administration email accounts (someone call NPR)
The Brad Blog: Federal Judge Compels GOP IT Guru Mike Connell To Give Deposition in Ohio '04 Election Case
Bogus Robocall Tells Floridians They Can Vote By Phone | Threat Level from (and on the 5th!)
The dustbin Stasi: Half of councils use anti-terror laws to watch people putting rubbish out on the wrong day | Mail Online
YouTube - John Cleese (part 2): Obama, Biden & Fox News (America: "the village idiot")
Talking Points Memo | Breaking the Law for McCain | Barack Obama's aunt (who he does not seem to have a relationship with) was denied asylum in the US four years ago (Bush leaks story to Murdoch)
iowahawk: As a Conservative, I Must Say I Do Quite Like the Cut of this Obama Fellow's Jib By T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII, Columnist, The National Topsider
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Biden: Never thought I’d see this from McCain « - Blogs from - Evansville, Indiana
Barack Obama favors redistributing wealth. So does John McCain. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine (bottom 99 vs top 1%)
Daily Kos: Palin Pranked
A scary Halloween with Sarah Palin | Salon News | In central Pennsylvania, the Republican base is afraid of Obama, and lost in fever dreams of a neo-Soviet nightmare. But it's all in God's hands
Flickr: The Sarah Palin on Halloween Pool

Naughton: The Demise of Chrysler | Newsweek Voices - Keith Naughton | links - Starling speaking in tongues
TED | TEDBlog: A 3-minute fairy tale of mixed emoticons: Rives on
YouTube - François Macré - Thriller (reprise a'cappella 64 pistes)
CIA officers could face trial in Britain over torture allegations - Home News, UK - The Independent
A Last Push To Deregulate (final? Bush fuck you to America)
Political Pulse: Poll: One in seven voters still persuadable
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | GOP Voter Suppression: More Miss than Hit (call Tom Ashbrook)
Truthdig - Ear to the Ground - Not Exactly ‘AccuVote’: Diebold Machine Removed in Colo.
Raw Replay - Revisiting History Ohio official says she can’t check voter database because it might crash
Barack Obama speaks with Rachel Maddow | Crooks and Liars
Business Technology : HuffPo Beats Drudge (sirens)
Daily Kos: They Dressed Trig as an Elephant
Sarah Palin speaks on the First Amendment - Glenn Greenwald - (Palin: unconstitutional to criticize Republicans)
The Triumph of Ignorance: How Morons Succeed in U.S. Politics | | AlterNet (and cable news)
The Pirates of Somalia - The New York Times > World > Slide Show > Slide 6 of 15

Naomi Klein: The Bush gang's parting gift - a final, frantic looting of public wealth | Comment is free | The Guardian The US bail-out amounts to a strings-free, public-funded windfall for big business. Welcome to no-risk capitalism
NYC - We’re All Bankers Now. So Why’s the A.T.M. Still Billing Us? -
Talking Business - So When Will Banks Give Loans? - (fugeddaboutit) - Rep. Frank warns banks against diverting funds

America is not #1, sorry
Bored Octopus shoots out lights, then trashes aquarium and juggles crabs - Telegraph
Dailymotion - Réinvente ton jeu
Galaxy map hints at fractal universe - space - 25 June 2008 - New Scientist Space
YouTube - Sulfur (new version) - Periodic Table of Videos
A Virulent New Form of TB | Newsweek Health | How mistakes in the treatment of TB resulted in a virulent and fatal new form of the disease.
Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple? | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization (9KBCE megalithic temples)
Shelby Knox: As Abstinence Pledges Falter, A New "Middle Class Morality" Emerges
Soulgasms of the Christian Right Thomas Laqueur A revolution in American sex, and its Evangelical regulators
Why Dogs Don't Enjoy Music: Scientific American: Human neurons are extraordinarily sensitive to changes in pitch
The Ultimate Productivity Toolbox for Creative People | Lateral Action
McCain Chief Loyalist Has New Role - Mark Salter Now 'Litigator' of What He Views as Media Wrongs Against Candidate (media atrocities)
Q&A With Robert Draper... The Cuts Go On... Meredith Down... American Nobel Prize winners endorse Obama
Red State Socialism (of the 32 states that receive more than they contribute, 27 states (84%) are Republican)
Talking Points Memo | McCain's Edge 23% of Texas think Obama is a Muslim.
Booman Tribune ~ Bob Kerrey the Concern Troll (aother idiot we won't have to listen to)
Barack Obama should be the next president of America | It's time | The Economist America should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world

Paulson's Swindle Revealed (your taxpayer dollars at work)
Calculated Risk: Wells Fargo Issues Shares to TARP for $25 Billion National Debt has increased $880 billion since the beginning of September Exclusive Wall Street Won't Surrender on Bonuses, Veterans Say Commodities Gold, Oil Extend Record Gains as Rate Cuts May Spur
KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana |Postal Service Looks To Cut 40,000 Jobs In First Layoff In History
Eschaton: Full Circle ("Heckuva job, credit card lobbyists")

Business Process Patents Overturned - (can't patent an abstraction)
Harvard’s Charlie Nesson raises Constitutional questions in RIAA litigation | ZDNet Government |
Blu-ray is dead - heckuva job, Sony! | Storage Bits |
Featured Windows Download: Gmail Drive Config Mounts Multiple Gmail Accounts as Disks

Brain's 'Hate Circuit' Identified
Creationists declare war over the brain - opinion - 22 October 2008 - New Scientist
Chalmers: fragments of consciousness: The problem of consciousness meets "Intelligent Design"
Conscious Entities » Consciousness: the new battleground for creationists? (two reasons why dualism is No Good, but see Blake: "Man has no Body distinct from his Soul for that calld Body is a portion of Soul discernd by the five Senses. the chief inlets of Soul in this age")
Linking dualist and creationist over mind/body - FRDB Linking dualist and creationist over mind/body
BBC NEWS | Georgia accused of targeting civilians - BBC has discovered evidence that Georgia may have committed war crimes in its attack on its breakaway region of South Ossetia (not what the teevee said)
Foreign Policy: A World Enslaved: There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history
Foreign Affairs - From Great Game to Grand Bargain - Barnett R. Rubin and Ahmed Rashid Ending Chaos in Afghanistan and Pakistan
A note to our subscribers from the managing publisher | (ceases print publication) - Timeline of U.S. Presidential Elections - Popular and Electoral Vote Totals - Courtesy of

YouTube - American Stories, American Solutions
AP Poll: Obama Leads Or Ties In Eight Crucial States ("If you believe in miracles,you still believe in McCain.")
The Washington Independent » A Myth of Voter Fraud (Republicrooks at work, someone call Tom Ashbrook)
New Mexico GOP Sued For Voter Intimidation (see above)
Obama Camp Giddy Over Early Voting Extension In Florida
Obama's Day In The Rain (wow)
Why Not to Vote for McCain - John H. Richardson - Anti-McCain - Esquire - McCain, Palin and the Free Lunch Party lost sight of what matters in America now.
F&M Poll: Obama Crushing McCain in Pennsylvania -- Political Wire - One more thing about that Politico article (journalists as "social liberals" - “Do you live the values you claim, or are you a giant hypocrite?”)
Think Progress » After Calling Social Security An ‘Absolute Disgrace,’ McCain Says Safety Nets Are ‘What America Is All About’ (McDizzy)
Eschaton: Wingnuttery: Michael Barone: they're going to vote for Obama because George Bush destroyed all their wealth but this is ironic because Obama's going to destroy their wealth. Or something. Electoral Projections Done Right: McCain Miami Rally, Getting Ugly Down Here - "People were screaming 'Terrorist!' 'Communist!' 'Socialist!'"
McConnell Calls on Stevens to Resign - Roll Call (3rd GOP Sen to throw Stevens under the bus)
What Sarah Palin Is Saying - Anil Dash
YouTube - Sen. Obama Predicts McCain's Next Line of Attack | YouTube - Charles Meets Barack
YouTube - ACORN vote fraud, William Ayers the domestic terrorist, and the Muslim Obama
Obama rips Sarah Palin in new campaign ad | (commentors don't agree, at all) / Columnists / John Gapper - Shock: Drudge loses his grip on US media! Rachel Maddow, a chirpy gay liberal

Editorial - Loans? Did We Say We’d Do Loans? - (take the money and run) News Zuckerman Says U.S. Economy May Face `Perfect Storm' ("worst set of macroeconomic conditions since the Great Depression") Worldwide GMAC Added to Commercial Paper Plan, May Become Bank (where do we sign up?)
GM, Chrysler Ask for $10 Billion to Aid Merger - (Two companies that can't sell their cars asks the US Gov't for $10 B (taxpayer dollars) to merge into an even bigger company that can't sell cars)
Henry Waxman joins Andrew Cuomo - let's talk about that bonus money (70Bn: 10% of bailout: bonuses to failed Wall Streeters, Republicans hard at work)

Metaphors of the Mind: Why Loneliness Feels Cold and Sins Feel Dirty: Scientific American
Link found between physical and emotional warmth - Los Angeles Times
The Metaphor Observatory: Top Ten Metaphors of 2007 | Yahoo Axes Staff, Then Dumps Bodies
Annals of Sociology: Red Sex, Blue Sex: The New Yorker: Why do so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant? (half of girls who pledge their virginity to their fathers get pregnant, hmmmm)
Copper door handles and taps kill 95% of superbugs in hospitals | Mail Online
Scaryduck: Babylon and Ting
YouTube - Chris Morris Phones the Sun Newspaper
Processing 1.0 (Beta)(open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions)
Stefano’s Linotype » Blog Archive » Why Programmers Suck at CSS Design
Ulcer-rated - newsbites - garlic as ulcer treatment
YouTube - Google Mercury: New NASA Images
Overview: McCain Support Continues Downward Spiral (0+16)
GOP Draws Internal Battle Lines Around Sarah Palin ("serious civil war" - if you're not an idiot, you're dead to the party)
CNN Political Ticker: Stevens verdict likely to inch Dems closer to ‘magic 60' « - Blogs from
Bush's third term
GQ Blog on - Palin, Alone Aboard the Bus ("scripted robot or an unscripted ignoramus")
News Orgs Investigate Possibly Fatal McCain '64 Car Crash
New poll shows McCain-Obama deadlocked in Indiana |
The Washington Monthly: The GOP's Factional Warfare
Talking Points Memo | Tire Swinging: A Love Story (LA Times' Maeve Reston, who today dreamily relives her time on the Straight Talk Express as if she were Streisand to McCain's Redford)
Playbook 24/7 - - top McCain adviser one-ups the priceless “diva” description, calling her “a whack job.”
McCain Campaign Soaked by Stories of Palin Strife -- Daily Intel -- New York Magazine
Think Progress » McCain calls for Stevens to resign.
Open Left:: Opening the Day: Uglier and Uglier for the GOP
A wave for GOP staffers? - (Atrios: "a million tiny violins")
YouTube - Bush Trying To Pardon Himself

Why Recession Is The Least Of Our Worries - “tidal wave” of monetary inflation that will follow - Could it Be Worse this Time? - Housing Bubble and Bear Links
Frank Breaks Taboo on Military Spending
Iceland hikes interest rate to 18 percent -

Culture of Lies: 2008 Politics | (culture of life=culture of lies)
BBC NEWS | UK | Extremists to be barred from UK

Texas: falling over the cliff of DOOM | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Class of 76 'cleverer' than kids of today - Yahoo! News (morlocks)
Epilepsy drug could reverse early stages of Alzheimer's disease, say scientists | Mail Online
Dimming down: How the brainpower of today's 14-year-olds has slipped 'radically' in just one generation
Ted Stevens found guilty in corruption case - Yahoo!
Corruption Conviction of Sen. Stevens Enhances Democrats' Prospects - The Fix
Newsweek Poll: Obama Stays Well Ahead | Only 23 percent of voters now say they approve of the job that George W. Bush is doing as president, a new low for any president
Syria: Deadly U.S. attack 'serious aggression' - Conflict in Iraq- Eight reported dead; U.S. says raid targeted foreign fighter network (when you weren't looking)
U.S. forces staged attack in Syria, U.S. official says - (mostly children killed, no apologies)
McConnell Needs Kentucky to Deliver - Minority Leader Fights for Survival
The Washington Monthly: Nuclear Safety Is For Wusses
Abu Nidal, notorious Palestinian mercenary, 'was a US spy' - Middle East, World - The Independent Secret papers claim the feared assassin was hired to find links between Saddam and al-Qa'ida. Robert Fisk reports (Bush doesn't deal with terrorists, except when he does)
Aide who said terror attack would benefit McCain faces calls to quit - Americas, World - The Independent
Talking Points Memo | Poll: Obama Winning Florida Early Vote In Landslide
Talking Points Memo | Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama
Ashley Todd, PA Racist Hoax "Victim," Was Paid Organizer for College Republican National Committee, Not a Volunteer | (they lie alot, don't they?)
Fraudulent Election 2008 | In a stunning admission Sequoia Voting Systems has admitted to not printing and mailing over 11,000 absentee ballots to Denver (said they were "lost in the mail" : Republicans at work)
Some voters 'purged' from voter rolls - (more Republicans at work: 50,000 likely Dem voters in Georgia disenfranchised)
YouTube - CNN - Republicans trying to steal Colorado? (wild guess?)
Impeach Bush For Peace » Bush "exhibit number one for the danger of having a nut job in the oval office"
Sarah Palin Lies: Debunked: McCain's Meet the Press interview rivals Palin's media gaffes
Open Left:: Things Are Looking Very Good (don't listen to media lies)
Daily Kos: Young Eagles on the attack! (young=45, $7,500 is the membership fee)
Like, Socialism: Comment: The New Yorker (Palin: socialist Republic of Alaska)
("Sarah Palin" | "Barack Obama") - Google Search (experienced?)
Geezer/Dingbat Yard Sign - CafePress
Preserving Our Traditional Internet Values - Time Cube Guy endorses McCain (this explains alot)
Washington Times - Hard times in Barrackville are hurting McCain
October Ratings - MSNBC: "We Tamed the Giant of Larry King" - TVNewser (Rachel Maddow beats King in 2 months)

No respite in global equities rout after G7 comments | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters
Europe on the brink of currency crisis meltdown - Telegraph - This is the biggest currency crisis the world has ever seen
How This Bear Market Compares - Interactive Graphic - (steepest fall ever)
Credit Default Swaps Video -
China Backs Europe's Push for Oversight - (no more cowboy America)
How Capitalism Will Save Us - - Steve Forbes (just trust your Republican daddies, who always get it wrong)
Talking Business - So When Will Banks Give Loans? - - we’ve been sold a bill of goods (taxpayer $ to be used to pick off other banks)
The American dream - on hold - Fortune (weep for the rich)
Calculated Risk: WSJ: GM may get $5 Billion Government loan (to buy Chrysler: your $ at work)
Daily Kos: RIP John Galt

New FAS-FAX Out: Most Major Papers Continue Circ Decline
Methane Thaw Worries Climate Scientists
The Public's Dangerous Misunderstanding of Climate Change - Time ("54% of Americans advocate taking a "wait-and-see" approach to climate change action," guaranteeing doom)
BBC NEWS | Health | Suicide linked to brain changes
Rands In Repose: The Nerd Handbook
Who says that animals don't experience pleasure? - Science, News - The Independent They feel remarkably similar emotions to humans - including euphoria, love and mischievousness
YouTube - The Best Cat Video You'll Ever See
This is the age of paranoia, scientists say - Telegraph The 21st century is the "age of paranoia" according to British scientists.
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | You can run... but can you hide?
Kevin Kelly -- The Technium - The rapidly increasing sum of all computational devices in the world connected online, including wirelessly, forms a superorganism of computation with its own emergent behaviors (un huh)
John Hodgman's brief digression | Video on (on matters of lost time)
TG Daily - New solar cell material achieves almost 100% efficiency, could solve world-wide energy problems
Can birth order determine your career? -
Spiegel's "Bush Warriors" Covers
YouTube - 5th Grade Reporter Interviews Senator Joe Biden ("What does a VP do?)
Military Prepares for Threats During Presidential Transition - First Wartime Handover in 40 Years Is Seen as Vulnerable Time (because we haven't had foreverwar before)
Campaign Finance Gets New Scrutiny - Obama's Take Raises Questions About Web (too many little people gave small donations; "conservative bloggers" get their knickers twisted; WaPo wants to ban teh intarwebs)
Over 100,000 at Obama rally in Denver today (this is what terrifies the Washington Post/Village)
The Washington Monthly: Joe Lieberman adopted the role of Republican attack dog early on, but as the election draws near, he's hoping the political world has a very short memory (R from Israel)
Obligatory Post-Mortem (That Isn’t) « Off Our Pedestals - Conservatism really went crazy with William F. Buckley (meth-head racist from the get-go, listen up, leftybeans)
Republican fears of historic Obama landslide unleash civil war for the future of the party - Telegraph (we can only hope)
Sorry, Senator. Let's Salvage What We Can. - - John McCain is losing in a way that threatens to take the entire Republican Party down with him (neocons at WaPo worried)
Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama (fear, fear, fear and Jesus wouldn't vote for a black guy)
Winning The Electoral College - (as of today, Fox calls election for McCain)
YouTube Videos Draw Attention to Palin’s Faith - (spiritual warfare - do you believe in magic?)

Go to Centrelink: Swan's advice on frozen funds | (Aussie banks freeze up, retirees screwed)
LRB · Donald MacKenzie: What’s in a Number? (LIBOR)
Wall Street layoffs could surpass 200,000 - Los Angeles Times
JP Morgan: Of Course We Won't Use Bailout Money To Make Loans | Henry Blodget (suckas!)
New Left Review - Robert Wade: Financial Regime Change? (‘the deep slumber of a decided opinion’)
The financial crisis: burst bubble, frayed model | open Democracy News Analysis (Robert Wade, correct a year ago)
Wall Street wives had the richer, now they're a bit poorer - Los Angeles Times (trying to make do on $200K+/yr)

For Fruit Flies, Gene Shift Tilts Sex Orientation - New York Times (defund those fruity scientists)
The miracle machine that turns cheap plonk into vintage wine | Mail Online
DIY CD spectrometer
New on the streets of Orlando (prayer booths)
19 Ways to Slash Your Utility Bill - Popular Mechanics
Over 100 Quick and Easy Healthy Foods - Stepcase Lifehack
Enceladus up close - The Big Picture -
Foreign Policy: The Worst of the Worst? vast majority of prisoners detained there never posed any real risk to America at all (Guantanomo was always a sham, Enron accounting in the GWOT, America morally bankrupt)
Time and Money Running Out for Pakistan - TIME

Barack Obama: The Time Interview: Joe Klein commentary
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | White House Wants DOJ Action On Ohio Voting Case (they never change)
Denver Checking Whereabouts Of 11,000 Mail-In Ballots - Politics News Story - KMGH Denver (Sequoia Voting Systems=Diebold)
National Briefing - Voting - Colorado Faces Suit on Voter Purges - (but they don't call it voter fraud)
The Brad Blog : Video: The Truth About the GOP's ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Scam (Greenwald)
Ashley Todd Fail | Prose Before Hos (FTW)
YouTube - "Defining Moment" Ad
Countdown: Palin Wants To Help Special Needs Kids By Doing Away With Science | Crooks and Liars
Perceptions of Palin Grow Increasingly Negative, Poll Says -
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain aide: Palin ‘going rogue’ « - Blogs from (she's a diva, sees herself as next leader of the Repubs, supremely confident in her own wisdom)
McCain Faces Internal "Palin Insurgency"
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Let the Defenestrations Begin - Her future, such as it is, lies with the wingnut rump of the party, and she knows what her audience wants: John McCain's blood. And lots of it
Fables of the reconstruction: Palin '12! Sarah Palin is the true maverick. She's so mavericky, she realized McCain was no longer a maverick a millisecond after the convention, long before anyone else.
Daily Kos: No means no (long Troopergate/Branchflower Report article, detailing Palin's "outsized ego and micro-targeted vindictiveness")
Daily Kos: Fighting the SD Abortion Ban - We're Winning, But It's TIGHT (one example of what else is at stake)
Matthew Yglesias » Everything is Bad News for Democrats! (the narrative)
Media Matters - The clouded wrath of the crowd

Talking Business - So When Will Banks Give Loans? - (all your money still belong to us)
Think Tank: Steve Coll: The New Yorker: The Whole Intellectual Edifice (Greenspan: EPIC FAIL)
XE - The World's Favorite Currency and Foreign Exchange Site
Renovate the Old Economy, Don't Rebuild It - BusinessWeek We can't rely on a consumption-based economy. We have to encourage a production-driven one (HBS has a brainstorm)

First Person Plural - The Atlantic (multiple selves make pursuit of happiness harder)
The case for videotaping interrogations - Los Angeles Times
Science commentary by Gregg Easterbrook « THE TOOT Make … the pain … go away:
Obey the Kitty! : Obey the pure breed! The Cat Revolution :
What the real crisis is like! | The Fun Stuff
Earliest reference describes Christ as 'magician' -
How You'll Probably Die — Ten Car Train
200+ Tools for Surviving the Economic Crisis
ABC News: New Allegations in Mahoney Sex Scandal (thank you Rahm Emmanuel; it's what rich Republicans do) - McCain Campaign Volunteer Confessed To Making Up Story Of Attack (remember, Drudge started this)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain Communications Director Gave Reporters Incendiary Version Of "Carved B" Story Before Facts Were Known
Daily Kos: Lynch Mob (mccain bone connected to the drudge bone connected to the fox bone)
Greg Mitchell: Fox News VP: If McCain Worker 'Mutilation' Story Is a Hoax His Campaign Is 'Over' ("Moment of Truth")
This is what College Republicans do. - The Daily Shocker
Media Matters - Conservative media figures allege Obama's Hawaii trip is about discredited birth-certificate rumors, not his ailing grandmother (wingNUTS at work)
Palin's Makeup Artist Is McCain's Highest Paid Staffer For First Half Of October (slideshow)
The Uptake: Michele Bachmann: "Not All Cultures Are Equal" (how racist is that?)
Sarah Palin: future media star? Hollywood looking to capitalize on candidate's fame
Something About Sarah -
The Brad Blog : Big Setbacks for GOP Voter Suppression Efforts in Swing States
E. J. Dionne Jr. - Civil War on the Right (idiocracy: "conservative writers are discovering that the very anti-intellectualism their side courted and encouraged has begun to consume their movement.")
Hack: Confessions Of A Presidential Campaign Reporter: GQ Features on (Michael Hastings - see Hilliary coverage)
Death Defying Heroism's grip on the political subconscious.
YouTube - Wassup 2008 (*) | YouTube - Wassup (the original) | YouTube - Wassup (w/milk & cookies)
YouTube - John McCain vs Barack Obama dance-off (*)

Justice and the financial crisis | The guilty men of Wall Street | The Economist Jail time for financial titans?
Madeleine Bunting: The world's poor will pay the price for a crisis sparked by the rich | Comment is free | The Guardian
Dissent Magazine Beyond the Abyss: America's Economic Future After the Financial Crisis
UPDATE 1-S&P slashes New York Times rating to junk | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters (that must hurt)
Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains: The credit crisis as Antarctic expedition on Vimeo
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Citing the Biggest Losers: Post Shows Why Fed Missed the Bubble
Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand
When Do Market Circuit Breakers Kick In - Markets -
Chrysler to cut 25 pct. of salaried work force - Yahoo! News
Blogdial: The Myth that Laissez Faire Is Responsible for Our Present Crisis (rather gov. intervention in form of Fed polices, leverage rates, delusional since 2001)

mental_floss Blog » 7 Close Calls in the Nuclear Age
Johann Hari: The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists
History and the Universe - A Thing on Mondays
Japanese Woman Arrested for Virtual Murder | Bitten and Bound (blurring the lines)
Why humans are so quick to take offense, and what that means for the presidential campaign. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
YouTube - Cube
Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation - (small boo-boo that no one could have predicted)
Wall Street Layoffs Could Surge Past 200,000
The Full Obama Interview - Swampland - TIME
Times poll: Obama 49, McCain 42 A new St. Petersburg Times/Bay News 9/Miami Herald
Shouts & Murmurs: David Sedaris: Undecided: Humor: The New Yorker: “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : 'Times' Op-Ed Pages Hires Bono - New York Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal likes Megan McArdle and NatRev Byron York - Comments - Lucian K. Truscott IV on Colin Powell
# 5 Seizing War Protesters’ Assets | Project Censored

Mending an ulcer: natural remedies like red wine and zinc carnosine may significantly improve his recovery | Natural Health | Find Articles at BNET
Ulcer-rated - newsbites - garlic as ulcer treatment - Brief Article | Better Nutrition | Find Articles at BNET
ABC News: Daily Tracking Poll: Barack Obama Answers on Experience, Improves on Commander-in-Chief Obama Leads McCain 54-43 in ABC News/Washington Post Poll
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain playing defense in states Pres. Bush won « - Blogs from
Block the Vote : Rolling Stone Will the GOP's campaign to deter new voters and discard Democratic ballots determine the next president? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Greg Palast
GOP "Death List" Predicts Democratic Blowout in the House - Washington Whispers (
Crooks and Liars I tried to clip Hannity last night, but he's a friend with an unrepentant Neo Nazi named Hal Turner
Media Matters - Jim Geraghty Comes Undone (Republifucks surprised to find voter named Duran Duran)
Matthew Yglesias » Jihadists for McCain
Open Left:: The McCain Pennsylvania Theory
Matthew Yglesias » Feminists and Sarah Palin
Palin Clothes Spending Has Dems Salivating, Republicans Disgusted - Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothing and make-up for Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, and even her infant son
ImageShack - Hosting :: pricelesslr8.jpg (Palin/Obama)
Daily Kos: Is Sarah Palin This Amazingly Stupid? (or her personal shopper?)
Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Thank You for Your Donation...

The Big Picture | S&P: We Knew Nothing! Nothing! ("it could be structured by cows and we would rate it") Friedman under attack “He was the darling of the Reaganite revolution and the American right,” said Bruce Lincoln
Paul Krugman: Who Was Milton Friedman? - The New York Review of Books (2007) (discredited delusional "free-market" economist influential for Republicans)

Bill Maher vs. the "talking snake" - Beyond the Multiplex -
Yale Environment 360: Environmental Failure:
A Case for a New Green Politics

WWF - The heat is on – climate change gathers pace faster than scientists expected
The fallibility of scientific journals | Publish and be wrong | The Economist One group of researchers thinks headline-grabbing scientific reports are the most likely to turn out to be wrong
In search of a light Higgs boson
World_200_BCE.PNG (PNG Image, 4500x2234 pixels) - World in 200 BCE
Thatcher and Haughey were warned of UFO attack - Local & National, News -
Mysterious 'dead water' effect caught on film - fundamentals - 21 October 2008 - New Scientist
Calculated Risk: Report: Iceland to Accept IMF Bailout
Base: How Low Can You Go? « The Poor Man Institute (white conservative republicans are History’s Secret Victims - again! The next 4-8 years are going to be utterly insane)
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open - (forever)
Bear found dumped at WCU with Obama signs | Asheville Citizen-Times
Incoherence - Swampland - TIME John McCain had a fabulously loony weekend, flipping out charges and attacks like a mud tornado.
McCain seeks special 'fair use' copyright rules for VIPs | Surveillance State - CNET News (special baby)
Britain's freedoms under threat from 'Big Brother security state', warns Director of Public Prosecutions | Mail Online (too late)
Matthew Yglesias » The Wages of Wankery - Campaign spokesperson Michael Goldfarb responded that “we don’t allow Daily Kos diarists on board either.”
The Washington Monthly There They Go Again ... (Cliff May is stupid)
Daily Kos: CNN's John King: McCain writes off Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa
Some seeking US aid worked to avoid taxes - The Boston Globe At the same time some massive companies are relying on taxpayers for help, they have been finding ways to avoid paying taxes
Sarkozy calls for halt to foreign ownership - Times Online
The Political Scene: The Insiders: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker How John McCain came to pick Sarah Palin (to counter "the liberal feminist agenda')
U.S. policymakers mull creation of domestic intelligence agency -
Media Matters - Drudge unplugged: How his campaign influence has collapsed
Glenn Greenwald - - Mark Halperin defends Rush Limbaugh's Powell/race theory
Georgia: The Ignored History - The New York Review of Books (too complicated for Americans)

Middle-aged women drive rise in U.S. suicides - Mental health-
Mutant Seeds for Mesopotamia :: (Monsanto)
Freedom’s Curse - The Atlantic (November 2008) Why Washington’s crusade against swearing on the airwaves is f*cked up
Radio 4 - 120 years RCO (10 free symphonies)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Real Plumbers of Ohio - Paul Krugman
Judith Miller Joins Fox News, Fox Says "She Has A Very Impressive Resume" (for Fox)
Arianna Huffington: The Judy File
The Raw Story | Kucinich calls for probe of bonuses for Wall Street aid recipients
The Brad Blog:: CA GOP Vote Registration Contractor Arrested for Registration Fraud, Perjury
The Raw Story | Fox's Kilmeade: Why is no one looking for Obama's drug dealer? (why is anyone calling Fox a "news" channel?)
YouTube - Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video
The Blog for » Compare the endorsements for Obama and McCain - there is no comparison
Emptywheel » MI Republicans Admit to Illegal Foreclosure Scheme, “Surrender” to Democrats
The Washington Monthly - Republican campaign the sleaziest of the last 35 years ("pinata politics")
Open Left:: The Victory Chart (Updated with new polls)
Media Matters - Quinn falsely claimed most average-income bus drivers, teachers, and autoworkers "don't pay any taxes" (Quinn: stupid or lying?)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | RNC On New Mexico "Voter Fraud": Never Mind
Mark Salter on the Press and John McCain - Jeffrey Goldberg
Booman Tribune ~ The GOP Crackup
WTF??? Bill Kristol Claims That 9/11 Did Not Result In "Islamophobia" or "Xenophobia" | Crooks and Liars (speaking of which and the NYT is stuck with him)

chartjunk » Blog Archive » Tax Plans (that’s one for you, nineteen for me) (WaPo tax plan chart distorts, blogger corrects -- and reveals their bias)
Japan's young turn to Communist Party as they decide capitalism has let them down - Telegraph
Antidepressant Studies Unpublished - New York Times
Sacred Intentions: Inside the Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Studies | DrugReporter | AlterNet "Working with these drugs was like the third rail. You don't touch that without damaging your career."

Jim Bramlett @ This Is Extremely Serious - Block African witchcraft curses against McCain and Palin NOW!
What We Stand For! « Christian Nymphos
TPM Election Central | Poll: Debates Improved Opinions Of Obama Among Independents AND Conservatives (not what they said on teevee)
Rising Hegemon: Inconceivable!!! Barack Obama reports raising more than $150 million in September in an unprecedented eruption of political giving.
Daily Kos: Kossacks, Thank You and Michele Bachmann, $488,127.30 raised! (that worked really well, Michele)
Swing State Project:: MN-06: Tinklenberg Raises Nearly $500K in 24 Hours, DCCC to Enter Race (heh)
Think Progress » Pfotenhauer Insults Virginians: ‘Real Virginia’ Is Only Where McCain Is Winning - "Real Virginia, I take to be, this part of the state that’s more Southern in nature, if you will." (code for racist)
Frank Rich: Op-Ed Columnist - He Just Can’t Quit W -
Eschaton: what little credibility Colin Powell had is in a little vial of white powder somewhere
The Charleston Gazette - More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes  In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP (Republicans are responsible for overseeing elections, blame voters)
Think Progress » CNN fact-check: ‘This is looking like a fraud committed against ACORN.’ ("destroying the fabric of democracy," one lie at a time)
The Washington Monthly McCain On Obama's Fundraising (stupid, stuck in the past of big donors)
Matthew Yglesias » The Synthetic States of America (states are red but people are blue)
Todd Palin seeks votes from sportsmen - "our core values -- hunting and fishing"
Think Progress » Friedman Wants Obama To Add A Friedman Unit To His Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
TPM: News Pages | TPM Presents: McCain & The Pundits - tire-swinging
Yes We Carve | Change Your Pumpkin, Change Your World
YouTube - McCain: Palin is a counter to "Liberal Feminist Agenda"
The self-fulfilling prophecy of election-stealing. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
Freddie Mac Paid GOP Consulting Firm $2M To Kill Legislation

S.Korea Joins Global Rescue, Crisis Summit Planned - Worldwide Bush to Host First in Series of Summits on Financial Crisis (more summits!)
Investigation: Prosecutors subpoena ex-Lehman CEO Richard Fuld - Nachrichten English-News - WELT ONLINE
Probe of Lehman collapse escalated: report | Reuters
Wall Street bankers in line for $70bn payout | Business | The Guardian Pay and bonus deals equivalent to 10% of US government bail-out package
National Journal Online - Garlbraith - Is There Room For Fiscal Stimulus? But did David Walker, Eugene Steuerle -- or Peter G. Peterson himself -- devote even five percent of the vast resources that they have lavished in recent years on the supposed "entitlement crisis" to warning about the impending mess on Wall Street?

Passports will be needed to buy mobile phones - Times Online (next up, food)
TSA agent steals $200K worth of gear, resells it on eBay : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech (where your stuff goes)
plenty-of-yes-please.jpg (JPEG Image, 2200x1318 pixels) - Scaled (48%)
The Anti-Wedding - When two intrepid women set out to slay the Wedding Industrial Complex, things get complicated fast
YouTube - People like us - pilots - part 1/3 (just watch it)
Azure - Ideas for the Jewish Nation: Roots of Antisemitism (an ancient nation that is still, after some three thousand years, hammering away so intensely and so obsessively at the enigma of its identity")
Review of The Spiritual Brain :: Varadaraja V Raman :: Global Spiral
What Does Fido Believe?
Why I Am A Skeptic About Religious Claims - Paul Kurtz recommends we subject religious claims to proper critical scrutiny. He believes that when we do, we will discover that skepticism is the only sensible position to adopt.
God and Morality: A Philosophical History By John E. Hare
Alain Badiou - Number and Numbers - Reviewed by John Kadvany - Philosophical Reviews - University of Notre Dame
Hypnosis, Memory and the Brain: Scientific American
The big bounce vs. the big bang
Big Bang or Big Bounce?: New Theory on the Universe's Birth: Scientific American
Using Math to Explain How Life on Earth Began: Scientific American
Numbers that cannot be computed | Igor Ostrovsky Blogging
20bn barrel oil discovery puts Cuba in the big league | World news | The Guardian • Estimate means reserves are on a par with US (Cheney: Cuba threat to Israel)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraqis stage mass anti-US rally "Get out occupier!".
How We Lost the War We Won : Rolling Stone A journey into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan

Chicago Tribune Endorsement: Chicago Tribune endorses Barack Obama for president (first Democrat in 161 years)
Republicans Rain Negative Automated Calls on Voters in Swing States - (McSmear)
McCain Using Same Robocall Firm That Helped Smear Him In 2000 (McNothingistoolow)
Dissecting Cindy McCain's private world - Glenn Greenwald -
Booman Tribune - Casual Expressions of Racism (patriotic Americans)
ABC News: Racist/AntiSemitic Mike Lundsford in Ohio
Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Obama HQ Blogger: 100,000 in St. Louis, MO: "All I can say is, wow."
Voters say they were duped into registering as Republicans - Los Angeles Times (how they work: the real ACORN)
Daily Kos: [Update 2] Michele Bachmann Exposed
BREAKING: Obama Campaign Calls For Investigation Into DOJ/McCain Collusion On ACORN Smears | Crooks and Liars
Michelle Bachmann Channels McCarthy: Obama "Very Anti-American," Congressional Witch Hunt Needed (this will not end well)
Media Matters - Media Matters: Loose ends: The lack of media attention to the Liddy-McCain relationship is one of the clearest double standards in recent political history

The End of Bailout Transparency Already? - BailoutSleuth
Hedge Fund Manager: Goodbye ... And Think Pot - - All of this behavior supporting the Aristocracy, only ended up making it easier for me to find people stupid enough to take the other side of my trades. God bless America.
Smartest Guys In The Room (Enron: the Republican model for everything)
The Pyramid of Capitalism | Prose Before Hos
Daily Kos: State of the Nation 10% of $700 billion bailout to cover Wall Street banker pay and bonuses - The same captains of finance who sent the world into a financial meltdown are now going to be rewarded handsomely (how Republicans win)

Never Say Die: Why We Can't Imagine Death: Scientific American
Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android
The War on Pot Is a War on Young People | DrugReporter | AlterNet 74% of all Americans busted for pot are under 30
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Teen Girl Arrested for Sending Nude Pictures - could be forced to register as a sex offender over this.
YouTube - Tim Minchin - If You Open Your Mind Too Much...
Quantum Cryptography: As Awesome As It Is Pointless
HowStuffWorks "Can owning a pet help you live longer?"
Rome workers uncover city of dead -
28 Free File Storage Hosting Websites - Something you need to Bookmark!
10 years on, high-school social skills predict better earnings than test scores
Robert Harrison: Entitled Opinions (about Life and Literature) KZSU - 90.1 Stanford University Radio Station (podcasts)
36 Hours in Paris - The experiment that made Einstein an "Overnight Superstar" (Zavijava)
Twisted-strip model on Flickr - "Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology?", by JG Williamson and MB van der Mark
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Iglesias: "I'm Astounded" By DOJ's ACORN Probe (scare tactic: it's what they do)
Talking Points Memo | Hate Politics Palin Palin also made a point of mentioning that she loved to visit the "pro-America" areas of the country, of which North Carolina is one (the John Birch states)
Palin's Staffers Keep Her Away From The News To Avoid Being "Depressed" (just wait)
Secret Service Blocking Reporters At Palin Rallies: Milbank: Secret Service is in dangerous territory (like, WTF?)
YouTube - Obama Roasts McCain at Al Smith Dinner | YouTube - McCain Roasts Obama At Alfred E. Smith Dinner (High Quality)
YouTube - We're in a lot of trouble!! See and think for yourselves (shut up)
Media Matters - Ignoring its own reporting, NY Times omitted key facts on ACORN voter registration allegations (facts are inconvienient for the NYT)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 10/17/2008 | Death threat, vandalism hit ACORN after McCain comments (Republican terrorism)
U.S. Supreme Court throws out largest GOP "voter fraud" case involving ACORN, others
Dakota: Joe the Plumber - Elucidated

Op-Ed Contributor - Buffet - Buy American. I Am. -
A.I.G. to Help Cuomo Recover Millions in Executive Pay -- DealBook - New York Times
How the Recession Could End the Iraq War - TIME
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Making "Who Could Have Known?" Unacceptable: The Key to Popping Bubbles (Greenspan is why no one got fired)
CounterpunchChris Floyd: The God That Failed: The 30-Year Lie of the Market Cult (the Creationism of Conservative Economics)

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people « How good is that?
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The other man on the podium (Peter Norman, 1968 Olympics)
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Bradley Effect - Selective Memory
A Truly Frightening Prospect
maria_sputnik: Forty-Four Presidents and a Letter to a Cat
Laura Carlsen: The Fall of the Bush Dynasty Plan
LEX18 - Lexington, KY - News, Weather, Sports - Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening Says Incident A Misunderstanding (fiction outlawed)
Overheard Everywhere | ... Today, when you hear the word "virtue", you just kind of laugh. And that's because your souls are all festering masses of corruption (via Jorn)

Pharyngula: Old scientists never clean out their refrigerators
The Smart Set: The Term Paper Artist - October 10, 2008
'Net filters "required" for all Australians, no opt-out (we decide, you follow)
Scientists Adapt Economics Theory To Trace Brain's Information Flow
Slashdot | Flash Cookies, a Little-Known Privacy Threat
Detector has an ear for dark matter -
Torturing Democracy | YouTube - "Torturing Democracy" Excerpt
Gitmo torture tips. - By Bonnie Goldstein - Slate Magazine
Did PBS Bury an Exposé on Torture? - The Daily Beast - "Torturing Democracy" premieres on affiliates as PBS ducks the torture issue ("no time slot could be found for the documentary before January 21, 2009”—the day after Bush leaves office")
Andy Worthington: The trail of torture now leads to the White House | Comment is free | That the White House authorised 'waterboarding' is disturbing. But that no one in mainstream US politics seems to care is worse
The End of the War on Terror - Al Qaeda - Esquire Noah Feldman on the end of Al Qaeda. And what happens next
Noah Feldman says politics and religion are technologies | Video on
Enemies of Intelligence Enemies of Intelligence: Knowledge and Power in American National Security Richard K. Betts

CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Obama Won Final Debate - Horserace (all six of them)
Poll: Debate watchers say Obama wins - By 48 points, they said Obama was more likeable (McDisagreeable tanks)
Who Won The Last Debate? Obama Dominates By Largest Margins Yet
Gergen: McCain's Performance "An Exercise In Anger Management" (VIDEO)
Huffington Post: Obama-McCain Presidential Debate Reaction: HuffPost Bloggers Weigh In
YouTube - Mccain'S Deer In Headlights Moment (McZero?)
Swampland - TIME - Senator Government V. Joe the Plumber
Talking Points Memo | Joe The Privatizer | turns out Joe the "Plumber" is like the perfect McCain supporter. He says Social Security is a joke and he "hates" it.
'Joe the Plumber' becomes a national fixture - Los Angeles Times The Ohio resident who met Obama on Sunday is mentioned 26 times during the debate.
Jonathan Martin's Blog: Joe the Plumber: No new taxes -- and no old ones,either - Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has a lien placed against him to the tune of $1,182.92 (unintended consequences of concern trolling)
Daily Kos: Joe The Plumber Admits He Wasn't Undecided After All
Talking Points Memo | McCain: Don't Gimme That "Health of the Mother" Crap
'Angry McCain' At Final Debate Already Famous On YouTube
Presidential Debate - Yahoo! News Photos (McZombie) | The Impolitic: The Debate: This pretty much sums it up.
Thinking conservatives: MIAs of the GOP - Los Angeles Times Paranoid, rage-driven, xenophobic nuts are taking over the Republican Party.
Daily Kos: Palin's Trooper Complaints Grow Still Crazier
Media Matters - CNN reports leave out relevant facts on ACORN voter registration allegations (what they get paid to do - leave out facts)

Look out below - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
Op-Chart - Bulls, Bears, Donkeys and Elephants - Interactive Graphic - (fuck yourself: vote Republican)
FDIC Chief Raps Rescue for Helping Banks Over Homeowners -
YouTube - Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show "End Game!!" 1/2 U.S. AIG Bonuses, Retreats Violate State Law, Cuomo Says
AIG executives spent thousands during hunting trip -
Credit card defaults up 54% and growing
Exiled Online - » Tips for New Paupers - By John Dolan
The Politics of Michelle Obama's Hair - The Daily Beast

The American Conservative -- A Life of Vice -- Iraq was but a means to an end—a tool to expand presidential prerogatives
'Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency' by Barton Gellman' - Los Angeles Times
Barton Gellman's Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency - By David Greenberg - Slate Magazine
Book Review - 'Angler - The Cheney Vice Presidency,' by Barton Gellman. - Review -
Man Without a Shadow: An Interview with Barton Gellman | The American Prospect
‘Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency’ |

God Wins In Nebraska Court : NPR
Israeli bestseller breaks national taboo  : Information Clearing House - ICH Dr Shlomo argues that the idea of a Jewish nation is a myth invented little more than a century ago.
Trailhead : The Life Cycle of an Internet Meme
PC World - A Decade of Internet Superstars: Where Are They Now?
Susan Blackmore on memes and "temes" | Video on
Internet Memes
The Information Paradox: John McCain Must Have Read Richard Dawkins (mean memes)
What the West makes of Chinese science John Keay TLS
Times Higher Education - A touch of smell, sound and vision
Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | U.S. | Reuters
Smaller Banks Resist Federal Cash Infusions - ("much chagrined that we will be punished for behaving prudently by now having to face reckless competitors who all of a sudden are subsidized by the federal government.")
Blog Action Day: Alarming Poverty Statistics - The Seminal
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | That Big Bad Poll And Tonight's Debate (lizard-brain Republicans prefer attack to explain) U.S. Obama Widens Lead as Americans See `Serious' Crisis
David Gregory: (MSNBC hack): Meet and - should be embarrassed (runs old polls to make race look closer)
Whiskey Fire: Little Man Bleeding: McCain "Ambushed By History" and forced to "look small." Naughty history! Spankings for you!
Ruth Marcus - When Life Hands You Deficits . . . (neo-Hooverist Marcus hates the middle class: "the weird disease everyone who works for the Washington Post has")
Carter Tried To Stop Bush's Energy Disasters - 28 Years Ago - Ronald Reagan's first official acts of office included removing Jimmy Carter's solar panels from the roof of the White House, and reversing most of Carter's conservation and alternative energy policies.
Hackers got into 18 computer servers at World Bank - Usatoday.Com (all your banks are belong to us)
Hank Paulson and His Wall Street Cronies Move to Plan B | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
House Prices 'Will Not Recover Until 2023'
CIA Tactics Endorsed In Secret Memos - Waterboarding Got White House Nod (Tenet, you know, lied)
Interview with Noam Chomsky: 'The United States Has Essentially a One-Party System' - Spiegel Online
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Sen. Rockefeller Reacts to WaPo Report on White House Torture Memos (you know, the ones Bush didn't have)
My Friend Bill Ayers - Once wanted by the FBI, he's since become a model citizen (WSJ!) w
Commentary: Time for Palin to answer tough questions - Tina Fey has actually done more interviews about playing Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin has done about being Sarah Palin!
Breaking NEWS: Report reveals White House attempted to influence Congressional elections - General News
Palin has checkered history on ethics issues - Yahoo! News
Rush Limbaugh sets the world straight on blackness and Obama : Opinion L.A. : Los Angeles Times (Arab is the new Black)
Annals of Democracy: Rock, Paper, Scissors: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker How we used to vote.
The Permanent (Smear) Campaign | The American Prospect If Obama wins the election, they will try to destroy his presidency with lies, just as they sought to do to Bill Clinton (what they do)
Fafblog! Barack Obama: Black?.
YouTube - CNN on Palin's Membership in the Anti-American Radical Group AIP
YouTube - Misconceptions of Obama fuel Republican campaign - 13 Oct 08 (crazywingnutsLOL)
pushback » Blog Archive » Spend Valentine’s Day With John Ashcroft! For just $4,281, you can embark upon a romantic getaway with former Attorney General John Ashcroft (conservativesLOL)
YouTube - Batman vs. The Penguin: The Debate
YouTube - McPenguin
Dakota: Fishy (things to keep in mind from All of Us Here at Dakota)

Susan Savage-Rumbaugh on apes that write | Video on | and start fires and play Pac-Man
Inflation soars to 16-year high | Personal Finance | Reuters
U.S. to Buy Stakes in Nation's Largest Banks -
Open Left:: Bush Dogs Move to Block Mortgage Reform
Germany and France restore trust with guarantees - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Working Lunch | Where has all the money gone? / World - Icelandic exchange reopens for trading Worldwide World May Be Lucky to Get Worst Recession Since 1983
U.S. Forces Nine Major Banks To Accept Partial Nationalization -
The Quadrillion Dollar Powder Keg Waiting To Blow - The International Forecaster
We have successfully transformed credit risk into solvency risk
Watch the Dow Hit 5,000 After This Bear Market Bounce
'If we get through the next few weeks...' - MIT News Office Expert MIT panel analyzes financial crisis, debates cures Worldwide Roubini Sees Worst Recession in 40 Years, Rally's End
Firedoglake » Schumer: Banks Won’t Take Help if CEOs Don’t Get to Keep Huge Salaries (what crisis?)
Housing Sales Hit 30-Year Low

ABC News: Lawmakers: Bush Stymied Plame Probe
ABC News: Did NSA Lie, Cover-Up? Senators Open Second Probe
Bush Strategist: McCain Knows He Put Country At Risk With Palin Pick
Think Progress » Parker: White House Officials Agree That Palin Should Be Off GOP Ticket
Buckley Bows Out of National Review - The Daily Beast (fired for endorsing Obama)
They Have a Word for It § Unqualified Offerings - Peak Wingnut Theory
The Washington Monthly: Demanding A Double Standard ... The Washington Post's Dan Balz
Playing Balz - The Plank
The Book of Sarah (Palin) - News - Village Voice
The Stakes 2008

Why Sufferers From Alzheimer's Disease Might Have Lower Blood Pressure
Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimer’s - Alzheimer's Disease- Active ingredient in pot may help preserve brain function (miracle drug)
Terry Pratchett: I'm slipping away a bit at a time... and all I can do is watch it happen | Mail Online

Central banks offer unlimited dollar funds - Oct. 13, 2008 Fed to offer dollars to Bank of England, European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank to lend to private bank (free money!)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 10/12/2008 | Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis
Columnist Paul Krugman wins Nobel economics prize: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance (all by himself)
Morgan Agrees to Revise Terms of Mitsubishi Deal -
Think Progress » Politico removes its claim that McCain’s tax cuts are ‘aimed directly at the middle class.’ (Updated)
Economic Dishonor Roll (economic war criminals)
The Big Picture | How to Repair What Ails Us
BBC NEWS | Business | Viewpoints: Where now for capitalism?
NC 911 Truth --- America has been Hijacked: Follow the Money -- The Assassination of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer
The Harder They Fall, the More I Smile - (What could possibly go wrong?) / Companies / Financial services - Markets surge on £1,465bn European bank bail-out

If the Dems Totally Rule the Senate... - BusinessWeek What U.S. business can expect should Democrats reach a filibuster-and-veto-proof 60 seats (sanity)
CQ Politics | McCain Camp Ignores Questions About Candidate’s Military Record (darker version of the Forrestal tragedy)
Truthdig - Reports - Investigating John McCain’s Tragedy at Sea
MotherJones Blog: McCain's New Lurch: I Will Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight (he's a fighter)
Obama Up by 10 Points as McCain Favorability Ratings Fall - (Bush at 23%!)
Matthew Yglesias » Strange Trump new Time cover has text saying “Why The Economy Is Trumping Race (and then they say: "Among all white voters, McCain leads Obama by 7 points")
John McCain Promises To “Whip” Obama » Oliver Willis
McCain's Week Off To Rocky Start "the economy has hurt us a little bit in the last week or two" and "direct connection between the September 11 terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq" (McOutofit)
The Washington Monthly: We Report; You Decide (Fox slime)
The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama - (Andy Martin is known for filing many lawsuits)
ABC: "Palin Makes Troopergate Assertions That Are Flatly False" (otherwise known as "lying")
Commentary: McCain campaign following in Hillary's footsteps -
YouTube - Pittsburgh to Palin: Keep the Puck Out
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (October 13, 2008) - Inside The Troopergate Report Palin camp displays a childish impetuousness and sense of entitlement.
Palin Falls Prey To Fey - New York Post - Thanks to Tina Fey, Sarah Palin isn't just a target of jokes - she's been swift-butted ("Tina Fey is well on her way to ruining Sarah Palin's political career")
Tina Fey On Sarah Palin: "If She Wins...I'm Leaving Earth"
The Big Picture | Change in Presidential Philosophy “The Bush administration, which took office as social conservatives, is now leaving as conservative socialists.” -Allan Mendelowitz (rimshot)
The Big Picture | No Time to Waste . . (history of Hank Paulson always getting it wrong) .
Vote Obama. McCain lacks the character and temperament to be president. And Palin is simply a disgrace. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Know Your Human Rights!
Evidence grows that Israel, with U.S. aid, is preparing to attack Iran - Wire - News - Opinions - Belleville News Democrat
Baby Wee Wee Pee Pee Commercial - Unbelievable British UK Ad | Ad Savvy
The True Price of SMS Messages | A GThing Science Project (zero)
YouTube - Crazy shooting range (teaching kids to use automatic weapons: check out the Bush/Cheney shirts)
Break out the bubbly: White wine may be good for you - health - 13 October 2008 - New Scientist
The Sun - The Big Picture -
The Forbidden City: Beyond Space and Time
frontline: a class divided | PBS (Jane Elliot: brown-eyed/blue-eyed experiment on white children)
Chimpanzee and tiger - best friends | FunTim (don't miss)
Political Science: What Being Neat or Messy Says about Political Leanings: Scientific American: Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to surround themselves with calendars, postage stamps, laundry baskets, irons and sewing material (not surprised)
Guantanamo prosecutor who quit had 'grave misgivings' about fairness - Los Angeles Times
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 10/12/2008 | Daring to utter the 'L' word: Obama on track to a landslide
McCain Chief Uses POW Card To Defend Rally Rhetoric
Brad DeLong: the media death spiral watch continues, led by the Politico (Drudgico)
Think Progress » Philadelphia Flyers fans boo ‘hockey mom’ Palin. She said, 'How dare they boo Piper!'"
Todd Palin, the 'shadow governor' - US Election -
YouTube - Theft of the 2008 Election
Concern in G.O.P. After Rough Week for McCain -
Orcinus: Sarah Palin's dalliances with Wasilla's own extremists
McCain tussles with Palin over whipping up a mob mentality - Times Online (she's all mavericky)

Why I'm Negative Now - Cramer - 6,700 for Monday and then 4,700 for Tuesday
Nathan Gardels: My Interview with George Soros: End of Financial Crisis Could Be in Sight
White House Overhauling Rescue Plan - (changed their minds)
BBC NEWS | Business | Bank crunch 'may hit council pay' Fears are growing that some local government workers may not be paid this month,
Lehman: One Big Derivatives Mess - BusinessWeek Enron may look tame compared with this: a fight over billions of dollars posted as collateral, then used in a tangled web of deals | Canadian banks the soundest in the world (health care, budget surplus, no war, no failed banks)
:: :: I.O.U.S.A. :: I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today
Brown lawn means jail time - St. Petersburg Times - Bob Ryan (Bayonet Point, may teh intarwebs never forget his name): "But in the end, I have to say he brought it upon himself."
McCain's Not Very Big Guns - The Plank (fail)
Bank savers run at the click of a mouse | Technology | Reuters
All Aussie deposits guaranteed |
Failing Lehman in $100m payout plan - Times Online The company approved huge packages for executives days before it went bust (looters should be shot)
McCain guru linked to subprime crisis - Lisa Lerer - (guess who?)
Sequoia Capital on startups and the economic downturn
Don't Watch the Dow | The Big Money Investment Tools: TED Spread
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Kemp: “The United States is now, in some very general sense, bankrupt” - Real DJIA 1924 to 2006
The Big Picture | 10 Bullish Charts, Signals, Indicators
The Fuckface Trader with the GOP ID tag blames market downturn on Obama « CNBC
World Beta - Engineering Targeted Returns and Risk: 100% Cash and Out of Sample Returns

America's Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor's Degree -
Hoax Post: Bush's Comments (Preznit Moron)
How to fight a rumor - The Boston Globe
Witches of Cornwall (witchcraft in the 17th century)
What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek
NEWSWEEK Poll: Obama Opens Double-Digit Lead | Newsweek Politic (11 points)
The Washington Monthly McCain/Palin ticket is the first in American history in which both candidates were found to have violated ethics standards before a national election (reformers! mavericks!)
Sarah Palin Is Out of Her League (and America-hating Republicans)
The Daily Weekly - Anti-Obama Virus Hits Home - Seattle Weekly
(Video) Two Alaskan women speak out on Palin « the bruce blog ("Alaska has very low standards for politicians")
Why I'd Be a Better VP than Sarah Palin (Or, The Bridge to New Zealand)
Palin Blurs Line Between Church And State As Governor
RJ Eskow: GOP's Defense: She Shot the Sheriff, But She Did Not Shoot the Deputy "there was no underlying crime."
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Bush’s Legacy: not pretty
A Hidden Agenda: John McCain and the IRI - Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Is He American Enough? - TIME - Peter Beinart (your liberal media at work)
Media Matters - The media's enduring pro-McCain double standard - McCain historically has been the recipient of the most favorable media coverage of any politician in modern American history.
McCain Draws Line on Attacks as Crowds Cry ‘Fight Back’ - (see what they did?)
White House Memo - In Final Months in Office, Bush Is Burdened but Still Confident - (Bush: it's a good thing I'm in charge during this crisis)
Troopergate Report: Full Text
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Alaskan Independence Party: The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
YouTube - "Obama Is An Arab" - Says McCain Volunteer In Letters (Gayle Quinnel: dumbest of the dumb)
GOP Sheriff in SW Ohio Shadows New Voters | AlterNet (Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer on the lookout for voter fraud)
TPMMuckraker | Colin Powell Vouches for "Sterling" Sen. Stevens (in case you had any doubts about either of them)

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 10/11/2008 | Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis (Dept. of Facts)
Global leaders race clock as IMF endorses G7 plan - MarketWatch IMF confident governments will act in time to avert meltdown
The News Blues: Entertainment & Culture: James Wolcott (we're doomed and you know who to blame)
Madeleine Bunting: Faith. Belief. Trust. This economic orthodoxy was built on superstition | Comment is free | The Guardian (economy is political)
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS . George Soros (Soros: "Paulson must go. His entire mode of operation is the problem" 14:45 in)
11 Things I Learned While Trying to Figure Out the Financial Crisis - 2parse/blog
Paul Kedrosky: Jeremy Grantham in Weekend Barron's (Bankstas focused on the short term)
The Next Meltdown: Credit-Card Debt - BusinessWeek Rising rates are accelerating credit-card defaults and soured debt could further undermine the financial system
The Financial Crisis: Where Do We Go from Here? - Council on Foreign Relations Speakers: Nouriel Roubini
David Zephyr's Journal - George W. Bush Has Hurt the United States More Than Bin Laden Ever Could Have (who are the real terrorists?)
Rescue Was Sold Softly to the Street - Kashkari Told Financial-Industry Players That Salary Caps Wouldn't Be Too Onerous (of course)

Gravitational Lensing, A Cosmic Eye And Some New Light On Galaxy Formation | Scientific Blogging
the world's most bad-ass grotesques and gargoyles
New machine prints sheets of light - (OLED)
Verizon to Increase Fees For SMS Delivery, Discourage Innovation | Verizon announced plans to charge content providers $0.03 per SMS message, in order to send messages to Verizon subscribers (wipe out)
RIAA v. The People: Five Years Later | Electronic Frontier Foundation (fail)
RIAA Seeks Sanctions for N.Y. Lawyer’s ‘Vexatious’ Blog Posts of Case Filings | ABA Journal - Law News Now
GADISS: Top Mass Murderers in History
How Much Do Top Tier Bloggers and Social Media Consultants Get Paid? We Asked Them! - ReadWriteWeb
Legislative Panel - Palin Abused Authority -
NEWSWEEK Poll: Obama Opens Double-Digit Lead | An astounding 86 percent of voters now say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States, while a mere 10 percent say they are satisfied. That's the highest wrong track/right track ratio ever recorded in the NEWSWEEK poll (wait til next week)
The End Of American Capitalism?
Empire Falls: America the Banana Republic: Politics & Power: Hitchens:
New Mogul | Peter Schiff: The Beginning of the End - "our economy will now face death by hyperinflation" Schiff predicted the current crisis with stunning accuracy over two years ago and now he is sounding another alarm bell (martial law)
Wall St. giants buried in global stock market panic: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance Worldwide Berlusconi Says Leaders May Close World's Markets (all your stocks are belong to us)
Radical Measures May Be In The Wings - - Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs to be nationalized)
We Are Facing an 'Inflation Holocaust': Jim Rogers - (don't think Bush is done wrecking the country)
Dan Froomkin - Bush Just Makes It Worse - ("listless platitudes" and market falls more)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect We Could Have Another Great Depression! (the people who cosmically fucked up won't fix the problem)
NPR: The Fear Index
YouTube - Jim Rogers: Stay SHORT - P1
CANOE Money - News: Canada's banking system kept high and dry by strict regulation: Flaherty (Hi, I'm Canada. I have universal healthcare, a budget surplus, no war, and financially sound banks. Who's the moron now, America, you dumb piece of shit?)
Gordon Brown considers legal action against Iceland | Business | PM says he is freezing assets of Icelandic companies in the UK in response to 'illegal action they have taken
Matthew Yglesias » A Canadian Solution? Iceland is no further from Ottawa than is Vancouver (Mexico to annex America?)
Iceland, in Financial Collapse, Is Likely to Need I.M.F. Help -
Country for sale: ICELAND - 99p start price no reserve on eBay
ISKUSD - Icelandic Króna in United States Dollar - Google Finance
We are treating Iceland disgracefully :: Daniel Hannan - anti-terrorist legislation against a friendly country
An apology from Icelanders
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate - Give It 2 Me (sort of the CRA for Republicans)
What Letter Was McCain Referring to? - ProPublica
Ex-president Carter slams Bush on market crisis | Politics | Reuters the "atrocious economic policies" of the Bush administration had caused the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s (BUSH CRASH)
Whiskey Fire: Water Abuse: Your 21st-Century Intellectual Conservative Movement: red-baiting, race-baiting, masturbating. Fwap fwap fwap indeed (and very stupid)
Daily Kos: Palin caught lying on video about Troopergate
YouTube - Top GOP Strategist: It's Over, Obama Will Win In Landslide
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Avoiding The Issue (the critical distinction between registration fraud and voter fraud - more bullshit from the lying media)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Morning Reading: Mccain As Dole (hopefully, our last Vietnam War Election)
YouTube - Obama Knew It Was Coming All Along
The Palin-McCain Mob | Crooks and Liars It was reported on Monday that the McCain campaign was restricting the media from talking to Palin supporters at recent events. This video may show why.
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 10/07/2008 | Latin leftists gloating over 'Comrade' Bush's bailout - "But now they don't criticize Bush for having nationalize . . . the biggest banks in the world. Comrade Bush, how are you?"
WiFi is no longer a viable secure connection - SC Magazine UK
Scientists: Virginia shark's pup a 'virgin birth' - Yahoo! News (Jawsus)
Making math uncool is hurting America, report says - Yahoo! News (Bushematics)
In Defense of Dignity - Dan Savage (Doctor assisted suicide and dignity)
The Year in Beer: Beer Drinking in America by Volume | Sloshspot Blog
Major shock: Eavesdropping powers abused without oversight - Glenn Greenwald - (Bush lied, now caught in a crime)
States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal -
ABC News: Exclusive: Inside Account of US Eavesdropping on Americans US Officer's "Phone Sex" Intercepted, Recorded, Shared Across NSA Listening Post (NSA: we would never abuse our infinite spying powers)
The Reckoning - Taking Hard New Look at a Greenspan Legacy - (why don't you look at how the press sucked up to him for 4,000 years)
McCain changes homeowner plan - Mike Allen - (to benefit large financial institutions!)
Fed to lend billions more to AIG - MarketWatch
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive: Bush can suspend elections in economic crisis)
Maryland Police Redefine “Terrorist” - Activists Beware « TheZoo “I don’t believe the First Amendment is any guarantee to those who wish to disrupt the government,”
The End of America? | BU Today Consumerism, expansionism undermine democratic way of life, Bacevich says
HolyJuan: Blackwater Contracted to Evict People in Foreclosed Homes (Predators to provide air cover) AIG Plans Meeting at California Ritz-Carlton Resort Next Week (in your face)
ABC News: Outrage Leads AIG To Cancel Second Luxury Retreat
Op-Ed Columnist - Can This Be Pro-Life? - The Bush administration this month is quietly cutting off birth control supplies to some of the world’s poorest women in Africa (evil 'til the end)
G.O.P. Facing Tougher Battle for Congress -
Talking Points Memo | TPM Presents a Collection of John McCain's Worst Attacks...
Glenn Greenwald - Dan Balz’s corrupted journalistic “balance” (more false witness from WaPo)
Report: McCain Exploded With Rage During Gambling Outing (McUnstable)
Father Sam Explains It All - Swampland - TIME (McCain's bogus health care plan)
Todd Palin had unusual access to wife's staff - Yahoo! News
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Real Conservatism: the GOP is going to be riven by factional warfare for years (Ross Douthat: McCain not nasty enough)
Dem strategists see landslide in the making - David Paul Kuhn -
Media Matters -'s First Read again falsely claimed McCain "did not vote" against troop funding (Big Media Lies)
McCain launches Ayers ad - Andy Barr - (Ayers is referred to as a terrorist throughout the ad, as is his “friendship” with Obama)
Dependable Renegade: Sarah Palin's fan club (skirts and high heels)
Matthew Yglesias » Media Whine The McCain campaign plane is better than Obama’s, which is cramped, uncomfortable and smells terrible most of the time (our elite Washington Press Corps: Dean Reynolds, sponge and tool)
McCain: '100-percent negative' ads: The Swamp
Think Progress » The Bridge To Nowhere Lie Returns: McCain Claims Palin ‘Stood Up Against’ The Project (McLiar)
Campbell Brown Blasts McCain Campaign For "Race Baiting"
Coleman Spokesman Humiliated During Press Conference
Obama, McCain Transition Efforts Are Worlds Apart
Right-Wingers Mock Obama's "Ostentatiously Exotic" Pronunciation Of Pakistan (egregiously stupid)
U.S. May Take Ownership Stake in Banks - (Only Nixon could go to China. Only Bush can finally bring the Marxist Revolution home!)
Anti-feminists tell me what my book is about: Turning teens into sluts! - Feministing (Right Wingers hate sex for other people)
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » The truth-telling ad ABC won’t let you see — and what you can do about it So ABC will take millions of dollars from oil companies to run misleading energy ads, but they refuse to run one truthful ad from the Alliance for Climate Protection’s Repower America (corpaganda)
Mysterious DNA Found to Survive Eons of Evolution | LiveScience Ultraconserved regions
Senecavirus Structure Revealed (Oh, And It Still Kills Cancer Cells 10,000 Times Better Than Traditional Chemotherapeutics) | Scientific Blogging
The Minimalist - Faster No-Knead Bread, Plus Whole Wheat -
Return to sender: Artist puts Royal Mail to the test - This Britain, UK - The Independent
America’s Five Fattest (and Getting Fatter) States
Women's voices get higher in pitch at most fertile point of monthly cycle, say researchers | Mail Online
Sex, science and the art of seduction: What really makes us attractive to the opposite sex | Mail Online
MIT report debunks China energy myth - MIT News Office The problem isn't in the technology, it's the operations
Smugglers' Britain
Gallup Daily: Obama’s Lead Expands to 11 Over McCain
Who Won The Debate? Clean Sweep For Obama
US military may destroy interrogation videos - Wikileaks
Md. Police Put Activists' Names On Terror Lists -
2008 Recession & Credit Crunch Predicted 2 Years Ago | Peter Schiff on Debt & Inflated Housing Prices » Web TV & Video (the Laffer curve: ideology at work)
No Quick Fix Roubini Forecasts Worsening Economy 2 Year Recession: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Editorial - Politics of Attack - (McSleeze: the dark territory of race-baiting and xenophobia)
Why Wall Street CEO’s Must Go To Jail And Payback Billions In Bonuses | War On You
Office Space to Let, and Lots of It - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times Blog
Housing Pain Gauge: Nearly 1 in 6 Owners 'Under Water' -
Treasury prepares for a TARP-and-switch. And it's a good thing, too - The Curious Capitalist - Justin Fox - Economy - Markets - Business - TIME
Open Left:: Pandering to Undecided Voters... Bleh
BBC NEWS | Americas | Fact-checking the presidential debate
YouTube - The McCain-Obama Post-Debate "Handshake"
Not "The Senator," But "That One"
The GOP Peddles Economic Snake Oil - Suddenly Republicans are against market values?
Did Anti-Depressants Cause the Mortgage Crisis? - The Daily Beast (how many of our financial geniuses on Prozac?)
Talking Points Memo | Losing It? John McCain just referred to the country as "my fellow prisoners." (we're all POWs in McCain's head)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation My Fellow Prisoners... (video)
David Brooks: Sarah Palin "Represents A Fatal Cancer To The Republican Party"
Brad DeLong - John McCain wants to give $100 billion of taxpayers' money to America's worst-behaving mortgage financiers.
Matthew Yglesias » The Shadow Knows - If McCain knows how to get Osama, ... couldn’t he have taken the opportunity sometime over the past seven years to tell George W. Bush?
John McCain and the POW/MIA coverup : The Sirens Chronicles
For First Time, Palin Takes Questions (syntax worse than Bush: alcohol impairment, or just stupid?)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect If Social Security Was a Private Corporation Then it Would Sue Tom Brokaw for Every Penny He Has (Browkaw: False Witness: "everyone agrees Social Security is bankrupt: throw grandma under the bus)
slacktivist: False witnesses (they know they are lying)
Just Once I Wish A Conservative Would Crack Open A History Book - Erick Erickson of Redstate is either incredibly stupid or ... )
Will Obama Kill Science? by John Derbyshire on National Review Online The unasked question (Obama will kill science so it doesn't find out white people are better than black people)
BBC NEWS | Business | Extra help for Icesave customers
Q&A: E-voting security results 'awful,' says Ohio secretary of state How bad? 'I thought I was going to throw up,' Jennifer Brunner recalls
American Civil Liberties Union Voting Rights for People with Criminal Records: 2008 State Legislative and Policy Changes
Nothing but the truth: Internet hoaxes - Features, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
"Skeleton of Giant" Is Internet Photo Hoax - people's desire for mystery and their desire to see concrete confirmation of religious legends." (ha, Sonseed wasn't a hoax, hozers)
The Ultimate 9/11 'Truth' Showdown: David Ray Griffin vs. Matt Taibbi - Part I | AlterNet
The Ultimate 9/11 'Truth' Showdown: David Ray Griffin vs. Matt Taibbi -- Part II | AlterNet
The Ultimate 9/11 'Truth' Showdown: David Ray Griffin vs. Matt Taibbi -- Part III | AlterNet
foto_decadent: Madonna: Sex
NASA - NASA Spacecraft Finds the Sun is Not a Perfect Sphere
Flickr Photo Download: Attractive Face Scale
1 in 4 wild mammal species at risk: Report
Free Advertising James Egbert Midkiff Opening Page Advertising adgency Marketing Psychology
YouTube - Audi -- BULL
A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century - Esquire
Converting Pi to binary: Don't do it!
Fred 2.0 » LCSH is to Thesaurus as Doorbell is to Mammal (wow)
Court Orders Release of 17 Innocent Guantanamo Detainees into U.S. | Center for Constitutional Rights
Media Matters - Memo to media: The Palin rape-kit story has not been "debunked"
McCain linked to group in Iran-Contra affair - Yahoo! News (remember Army Maj. Gen. John Singlaub?)
Daily Kos: Massive Obama gains in past five days
Talking Points Memo | Fed to buy massive amounts of short-term debt (now bailing out corps) w
Bush Job Approval at 25%, His Lowest Yet (give him time)
Matthew Yglesias » Youth Decay
Dana Milbank - Unleashed, Palin Makes a Pit Bull Look Tame - (full bore racisim)
The Bomb That Is Blowing Up in GE's Hold: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Why McCain's Time With Council Of World Freedom Matters
How town-hall debates can go very wrong for a candidate. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
TPM Election Central | Polls: Obama Edging Into Lead In Ohio (if you call 8% lead "edging")
Richard Cohen - This Debate's Biggest Loser - (the Ditz from the North) Olbermann on Palin
CPD: Commission on Presidential Debates Announces 2004 Sites and Dates
McCain, Obama deal puts limits on "town hall" debate - Lynn Sweet
Talking Points Memo | US author of anti-Obama book detained in Kenya Kenya immigration official says American author of anti-Obama book is being detained (Corsi, no work permit)
Yes We Can (hold babies). international source for pictures of Obama holding babies.
BBC NEWS | Health | Premature ejaculation gene found (fast reaction times)
The Next President Will Be Forced to Disclose the Truth About UFOs | Autopia from
Occasional memory loss tied to lower brain volume
8TA9D69 - Astronomy News: Asteroid to collide with Earth tomorrow, Oct 7 (1 kt blast over the Sudan)
Obama widens lead in national poll -
Poll: Almost 6 of 10 Americans see depression as likely - Oct. 6, 2008 Poll finds 6 of 10 believe a depression is somewhat or very likely - seeing 25% unemployed and millions homeless and hungry (Bush crash of 2008)
Calculated Risk: More on the European Financial Crisis
European, Asian markets plunge on crisis fears: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
The Money Meltdown (Bush crash)
What Will Wall Street Look Like in the Fall of 2009? -- New York Magazine Things look grim at the moment, but where will we be a year from now? That depends on who’s president. By James J. Cramer
Live Blogging Amid Panic - Floyd Norris Blog - ("Invoke the Bush Doctrine and ... send Marines to Frankfurt to take control of the European Central Bank")
Drilling Down on the Facts in McCain’s Speech - The Caucus Blog -
Basu: Is McCain too thin-skinned for presidency? | | The Des Moines Register (McPsycho)
Open Left:: Responsible Journalism on the Bailout (well, how quickly they change their minds)
Keating Economics
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fact Check: Did McCain intervene on behalf of Charles Keating? « - Blogs from (yes)
McCain's Economic Policy Keating Five All Over Again (VIDEO)
Keating Inquiry Appears Different, 17 Years Later | The Trail |
Full of Doubts, U.S. Shoppers Cut Spending -
BBC NEWS | Americas | Lehman Bros head took home $300m
Truthdig - Reports - Dennis Kucinich on the Democrats’ Bailout Betrayal “This was the largest single act of class warfare in the modern history of this country,”
The Long Countdown - One Way Up - U.S. Space Plan Relies on Russia - Series - (Bushonomics at work)
Former Goldman Sachs Executive Neel Kashkari To Head $700 Billion Bailout (of course)
YouTube - Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty (coup has already happened)
Jim Cramer: Time to get out of stocks - Today Technology & Money - Financial guru warns that investments could lose 20 percent of their value (CNBC is first with the news)
Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt, Delta Force Commander Says The Best Plan To Kill The Al Qaeda Leader In 2001 Was Nixed - CBS News Delta Force Commander Says The Best Plan To Kill The Al Qaeda Leader In 2001 Was Nixed (from above: how above?)
TPMMuckraker | Court Delays Miers and Bolten Congressional Testimony
TPMMuckraker | More in the Adventures of Bill and Ted
Foreclosure Alley - SoCal Connected
This American Life: 355: The Giant Pool of Money
This American Life 365: Another Frightening Show About the Economy
The party's over for Iceland, the island that tried to buy the world | World news | The Observer (bubble)
Mystery, Alaska - The National Newspaper
Harold Meyerson - A Pal Around McCain - - Phil Gramm was always Wall Street's man in the Senate.
Op-Ed Columnist - Health Care Destruction -
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Pushes Obama's "Radical Connections" On "The View"
Generation Tehran
US cuts funding for condoms in Marie Stopes' African clinics | World news | The Guardian (Bush/Fundy insanity)
Psychology Today: Magical Thinking Even hard-core skeptics can't help but find sympathy in the fabric of the universe—and occasionally try to pull its strings.
Of Jock Straps and Conspiracy Theories | Psychology Today Blogs
Lacking Control Increases Illusory Pattern Perception
Astronomers find a planet denser than lead | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Government will spy on every call and e-mail - Times Online
Calculated Risk: More on the European Financial Crisis
Make-Believe Maverick : Rolling Stone A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty
Op-Ed Columnist - Pitbull Palin Mauls McCain -
Palin on Freedom of the Press - The Plank - mutually beneficial relationship here with those fighting the freedom of the press
Virginia GOPer Writes Racist Anti-Obama Column
Matthew Yglesias » Economist Poll of Economists
Iraq to Give 82% of Proven Oil Reserves to International Oil Companies | War on Iraq | AlterNet
Image - Sign in North Carolina: "Osama-Obama, Not American, Not Welcome" (swift justice from teh intarwebs)
British commander says war in Afghanistan cannot be won | Reuters (surge!)
Now Wall Street may shun $700bn bail-out | Business | The Observer | don't like limiting stock-related pay and banning 'golden parachutes' for executives.
OpEdNews » AIG subsidiary parties in style in OC, two weeks after bailout
Prosecutors Expected To Spare Wall St. Firms - (it would upset the market)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fact Check: Is Obama ‘palling around with terrorists’? « - Blogs from (lies from the Ditz of the North)
YouTube - Drill Drill Drill - Eve Ensler
YouTube - John McCain's Keating Five Problem In 97 Seconds
YouTube - Lil' O'Reilly
Hullabaloo Palin and Bush speak in the same tongue. It's a very special language that only national conservative politicians (and toddlers) speak. It's called "gibberish"
Think Progress » Bush 2000 = Palin 2008.
TPM TV | Talking Points Memo | The Vice Presidential Debate: Distilled
YouTube - Republicans Are So Funny
I've seen John McCain's temper - Jeff Mapes on Politics -
Undernews: The Worst & The Dumbest: The Establishment That Destroyed America'S First Republic
Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: Not that it matters ...
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | Palin as a female archetype we've had to deal with for years. In modern vernacular, she's a "mean girl," who is ambitious and has no trouble stabbing people in the back to get what she wants.
Troopergate expands into workers comp - Juneau Empire Monegan firing investigation looks into whether compensation system was abused
YouTube - Obama s next move ? Rachel Maddow with Michael Dukakis
YouTube - Begala: Dangerous for McCain to use guilt by association.
Glenn Greenwald - (Bush: humiliation in torture good, in porn, bad)
AFP: Israel will hit Iran nuke sites, France's Kouchner warns
Jewish "Modesty Patrols" Sow Fear In Israel (Jewish Taliban)
When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed
Carbon Nanotube Manufacturing Breakthrough Could Mean Bye-Bye Steel - Gizmodo Australia
De Facto Discrimination - Foreigners who are HIV-positive still can't enter the United States.
The Most Popular Life Style on Earth | Conservation Magazine (parasites)
Weird News: No Signs of Intelligent life on Earth, Says Stephen Hawking
570 Million Year Old Tracks In Nevada Are Earliest Animal Footprints Ever Found | Scientific Blogging (legs)
Ancient Peru pyramid spotted by satellite - Infrared and multispectral images reveal 9,000-square-mile structure (sic)
Credit markets to Washington: Bailout isn't enough: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance (more!)
A.I.G. Uses $61 Billion of Fed Loan - (all gone, still bankrupt, you lose)
The Big Picture | Misunderstanding Credit and Housing Crises: Blaming the CRA, GSEs (persistent rightwing lie: always blame the poor)
RGE - Bailout Redux: The Real Choice Ahead Robert Reich
$700 billion bailout? You ain't seen nothin' (suckers)
Bethany McLean: Enron was the pit canary, but its death went unheeded | Comment is free | The Guardian (Bush used Enron accounting on everything)
ABC News: Sorting Through the Bailout Bill's Effects Economy May Get Worse Before It Gets Better
Firedoglake » Economic Consequences of the Bailout Plan Japanification plan.
The Information Paradox: Stephen Colbert Details The Credit Crisis: Formidable Opponent
Tom Davis Gives Up -
Prophet & seer Jim Rogers says U.S. Dollar is doomed; let banks fail; abolish the Fed | Wake Up From Your Slumber
The Reckoning - Agency’s ’04 Rule Let Banks Pile Up New Debt - Series -
“The biggest bank robbery in Icelandic history” — The Iceland Weather Report (we'll see more of this)
Free For All! the movie (2004 Presidential Election, Ohio election theft)
Free for All :: :: Reviews
None dare call it stolen: Ohio, the election, and America's servile press—By Mark Crispin Miller (Harper's Magazine, August 2005)
Ben Smith's Blog: McCain camp: Obama is 'radical,' pals around with terrorists - (this is just the beginning)
McCain Planning 'Fiercely' Negative Campaign In Final Days (what they do)
The Raw Story | Post-debate, Palin power putters out
Think Progress » VIDEO: Watch Sarah Palin Read Her Answers In Last Night’s Debate
GOP Strategists Whisper Fears Of Greater Losses in November - (surprise, people are angry at Republicans)
U.S. to Fund Pro-American Publicity in Iraqi Media (300 Million for propaganda: bringing American democracy to Iraq)
Media Matters - Time for clarity (and the press is stupid, clueless and unclear)
YouTube - Bush in 2000, Palin in 2008
ABC News: Record Refutes Palin's Sudan Claim Palin Administration Against Sudan Divestment Before It Was For It, Documents Show
octophant3.jpg (JPEG Image, 480x599 pixels)
The Bilerico Project | The War on Intellectualism (rise of the stupid)
LRB · Jonathan Raban: Cut, Kill, Dig, Drill
Obama: McCain health plan 'radical' - Mike Allen - - taxes health care benefits for the first time in history
Sarah Palin: Tax Cheat
Shakesville: Nothing Up My Sleeve (or in my ear - Bush bump tech microminiturized)
Voices - When Will America wake up from her slumber? Israel is destroying America financially (the "Israeli factor")
YouTube - Welcome to Saudi Britain
Sha Na Na and the Invention of the Fifties | Columbia College Today
YouTube - The Byrds - Turn, Turn, Turn from 1966 (on fucking horses)
2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal | Universe Today
YouTube - Doctor Who: What are you doing here?
Bacteria Think Ahead | LiveScience
Types of Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills - Popular Mechanics
A Fresh Look At Google's Gears -
Loss of control fuels rituals, superstition: study (and religion?)
iTWire - Brainy men found more appealing to women
House passes historic financial rescue plan - Oct. 3, 2008 President Bush poised to quickly sign historic $700 billion plan into law.
Smells Like Pork, Feels Like Tsushima, Watch This Sector, and More! | 5 Min. Forecast (pork in the bailout for the Republicans)
Bailout Blues
Foreclosures: Did God Want You to Get That Mortgage? - TIME
Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free! Why Paulson’s Plan is a Fraud
Next: The Mother Of All Bank Runs? - Nouriel Roubini
Dear Wall Street: We're Watching You
New World Rhinos: Wall Street "Bail Out" Protest !
The Real Great Depression - The depression of 1929 is the wrong model for the current economic crisis
YouTube - Rep. Brad Sherman - Martial Law
"Breakdown Approaches Climax" by Jim Willie, CB, FSU Editorial 10/02/2008
Wachovia liquidates college investment fund - Oct. 2, 2008 Wachovia Bank says it will liquidate a fund used by about 1,000 colleges and private schools to help pay bills.
Media Matters -,, falsely claim McCain never voted against troop funding bill
Debate Training - Biden learns what makes girls cry (WITH HOT PICS!) - - News
E. J. Dionne Jr. - Hockey Mom on Thin Ice -
2909496470_d751e8a3dc.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x417 pixels) (Palin debate flow-chart)
The Truth About Sarah Palin : Rolling Stone
100 percent, absolute truth? - (McCain's lies)
The Tax Foundation - Vice-Presidential Debate: Plenty of Errors in Tax Policy Rhetoric
Stevens trial to continue despite prosecution errors |
YouTube - O'Reilly Blasts Barney Frank On Fannie Mae Mess!!
Lord Owen contemptuous of 'hubristic' Blair - Former foreign secretary Lord Owen believes Tony Blair deserves "contempt" for his decision-making before and during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Freshwater Wants Student Exposed: Whenever Christian hegemony is challenged in this country, a subset of those who enjoy that hegemony and want it to continue react violently. It has always been that way.
Marijuana Is Real Medicine | DrugReporter | AlterNet
Tissue sample suggests HIV has been infecting humans for a century : Nature News 48-year-old lymph node biopsy reveals the history of the deadly virus.
Religulous :: :: Reviews
Politico's 2008 Swing State Map -
Rice Admits She Led High-Level White House Talks About Torture | The Smirking Chimp
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Wall Street's Infinite Sleaze: Goldman and AIG It is impossible to exaggerate the corruption of this Wall Street crowd.
A Memo Found in the Street - (timeline of financial deregulation: how the Republicans + Clinton created the financial crisis)
Pragmatos : To bail or not to bail (we're fucked)
Talking Points Memo | House girds for second try on financial rescue
Jonathan G.S. Koppell and William N. Goetzmann - The Trickle-Up Bailout -
Who's profiting from the crisis? Goldman Sachs, of course - MarketWatch : Opponents have been vanquished and bad bets wiped away (the Goldman bailout)
Poll: Obama Makes Gains with Women, Hits New High - TIME
Dan Froomkin - Bush's New Highs and Lows - Bush hits a career-low 26 percent approval rating. But even more striking, his 70 percent disapproval rating is the highest of any president since the dawn of modern polling.
Poll: U.S. Concerned But Split On Bailout, CBS News Survey Shows That Americans Fear Effects Of Financial Crisis But Are Not Convinced Bailout Plan Is The Solution - CBS News 70 percent disapproval rating is higher than any measured since Gallup began asking about presidential job approval in 1938
SEC gives banks more leeway on mark-to-market | Reuters
Images - Which Politician is Supporting the Bank Bailout...
Warren Buffett explains the credit crisis to Charlie Rose |
An Everyman on the Trail, With Perks at Home -
Senate passes $700B rescue; House votes lured
Wash Post's Pearlstein: Anyone opposing the bailout is ignorant - Glenn Greenwald - (Pulitzer prize-winning wanker)
STATS: Betting on the bailout
Will credit default swaps cause the next financial crisis? - Sep. 30, 2008 The $55 trillion question
The Next New Deal - 4/1992 (last time around)
Magpie » No Money Down: Rushkoff on the rigged credit system - Arthur Magazine blogs for you... People’s homes were just a medium for the redistribution of wealth.
Magpie » It Bears Repeating: Rushkoff on the credit crisis (Arthur Magazine, May 2008) - Arthur Magazine blogs for you...
The Fuel That Fed The Subprime Meltdown
Journalists, bail yourselves out at
Whiskey Fire: A Gift to Every Naked Fat Baby Has there ever, ever been a sorrier, more discredited asshole than Glenn Reynolds?
Hooman Majd | The Daily Show | Comedy Central | explains that it's within Iran's rights to have nuclear enrichment of uranium on their own soil.
Trojan Horse - by Christopher Ketcham - How Israeli Backdoor Technology Penetrated the US Government's Telecom System and Compromised National Security
LBJ and Israel
Mondoweiss: Has Israel Got a Taliban Too?
Dakota In Anticipation Of The Vice Presidential Debate
Dakota Why People Still Vote for Republicans: ("The Ditz of the North for a position one mole away from the Presidency")
The V.P. Debate: What to Watch for - The Caucus Blog - Katharine Q. Seelye, wanker
SCENARIOS - How the Palin-Biden debate could play out | World | Reuters
CQ Politics | Beyond the Dome - Obama Makes McCain Very Uncomfortable
Kurtz: Journos Checking Their Tongues On Palin, McCain Cracks Down On Dowd
Bob Cesca: Sarah Six-pack Needs To Put Country First by Stepping Down - "It's time that a normal Joe Six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency"
Things Sarah Palin Can Name
Couric to Palin: Do You Know We're Recording This? - - The Room
Raw Replay - Revisiting History Olbermann: Attempt to ‘pre-blame’ moderator ‘pure racism’
Media Matters - Ignoring polling data on Obama's debate performance, Chuck Todd said Obama was "judged as not winning" (why not just poll the media?)
The scariest thing about Sarah Palin isn't how unqualified she is - it's what her candidacy says about America | The Smirking Chimp
LBJ and Israel (where it started)
Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol And Cigarettes, Says A Report From The Beckley Foundation | Health | Sky News
New York Press - David Blum - David Carr: From Crackhead to Potato Head
David Carr's Crash: Drug Rehab Memoir Remakes the Genre | The New York Observer
The Riff: Why Former Addicts Dread Addiction Memoirs
Jeff Hawkins on how brain science will change computing | Video on
Jupiter Stars In The Sharpest Ground-Based Whole-Planet Picture Ever Taken | Scientific Blogging
The United States of Mind -
Presidential Swing States (FL, OH & PA) Poll * October 1, 2008 * Obama Over 50 Percent In Fla, Oh, Pa - Quinnipiac University
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Rep. Brad Sherman On Bailing Out Foreign Investors
Bush Approves Loans for Auto Makers - (sideshow: $25Bn for stupid automakers)
Bad credit-card debt could be next shot to rip through economy - MarketWatch Another shoe to drop
Making a Deal with the Devil - we gambled on the alluring riches of real estate and we lost. The price must be paid.
Open Left:: Take Action: Demand Senate Pass the Sanders Millionaire Tax Amendment TODAY
Branch Banking & Trust (PDF: why your bailout sucks)
Stochastic cascades, credit contagion, and large portfolio losses : Ulrich Horst
The $1.4 Trillion Question The Chinese are subsidizing the American way of life. Are we playing them for suckers—or are they playing us? (everyone in America owes China $4,000)
Charlie's Diary: Living through Interesting Times
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers - Wikipedia
Head of Sweden's national debt office lectures US policymakers on successful banking bail-out | Business | The Guardian | How the Swedes did it
Financial Tsunami: The End of the World as We Knew It
RGE - Roubini Sees `Silent' Run on Banks, Urges `Triage': Bloomberg Radio Interview (only 63% of domestic deposits are insured)
Calculated Risk: National Debt Exceeds $10 Trillion
Happy New Year, Federal Debt! - - Times Sq Debt Clock runs out of digits: mission accomplished!
"A tourniquet for a hemorrhaging economy" - How the World Works -
Prudent Bear: Fannie & Freddie - Holding Back The Tide! by Satyajit Das
The BRAD BLOG : CBS News: New Study Details Massive Voter Roll Purges Underway in At Least 19 States
The people in urgent need of long-term banishment - Glenn Greenwald -
Firedoglake » Kathleen Parker Shocked To Find Her Party’s Full Of “Vicious”, “Threatening”, Delusional Wingnuts (she said: "These bastards like Clark and Kerry and that incipient ass, Dean, and Gephardt and Kucinich and that absolute mental midget Sharpton, race baiter, should all be lined up and shot.")
Raw Replay - Revisiting History Jon Stewart: McCain campaign is melting down
Matthew Yglesias » The McCain Bubble?
Something just went wrong with McCain's face on national TV
Community Reinvestment Act had nothing to do with subprime crisis - BusinessWeek (even though the righttards are blaming black people for the bailout)
Bubble memories - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog (Powerline: "[T]here is little reason to fear a catastrophic collapse in home prices." Powerstupid)
Video - Breaking News Videos from McCain family's 13-bedroom estate will be auctioned in October
McCain Gets Testy -- Political Wire - Des Moines Register
Firedoglake » “I didn’t want this guy anywhere near a trigger.” - Panamanian Strongman, John McCain (McCrazy)
CBS: Palin can't name one single newspaper or magazine that she has EVER read in her life (gift that keeps on giving)
Mysteries of the wingnut mind « The Poor Man Institute ConFURvatives! (furry stupidity + Classical Values)
NORAD says NOWAY « TheZoo
Nervous GOP urges McCain to attack - Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin -
YouTube - Sarah Palin Explains Why Women Should Be Forced To Bear Their Rapists' Babies
U.S. Army conducting training exercises in cities, towns (while you weren't looking)
Media Matters - MoDo banned from McCain plane; we're oddly torn (doesn't know what the 1st Amendment is)
YouTube - I'm a Little Confused
YouTube - Palin Appeared To Endorse Hamas In Couric Interview
YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits
Video: CBS News On Nationwide Vote Purging
House Website Crumbles Under Weight of $700 Billion Bailout | Threat Level from
Ecuadorians to vote on constitution making its nature a rights-bearing entitiy
Oprah vs. over 9000 PENISES
Viking Age triggered by shortage of wives? -
Viking Age - Wikipedia
The 10 Most Mysterious Cyber Crimes - Reviews by PC Magazine
Academics spat over intelligent design | Science | AC Grayling pans fellow academic's book as "300 pages of wasted trees"
Jack Schofield meets Vint Cerf, the 'father of the internet' | Technology | (every machine for itself)
Earth's Poles Are Shifting to New Coordinates - Lava flows underneath the planet's crust show reasons for polar shift - Softpedia
Google 2001 Index
Presidential Election 2008 FAQ
Politics, fear spell doom for bailout | | The News-Press “Those that voted no will own the Great Depression,”
Common Sense Reasons Why The Bailout Is A Scam and Caused By Lenders | Dakota Democrat Americans could likely purchase every single house in foreclosure for $700 billion
WaMu’s odd subprime timing - Mortgage Insider - (WaMu doubled down on the shitpile)
Think Progress » Did Gingrich Give Marching Orders To House GOP To Vote Against Bailout? (yes)
Ben Smith's Blog: Hugo of Arabia? - (McSenile)
Could bailout's pay caps launch Wall Street trend? - Yahoo! News
The Brad Blog : Stay Lifted In '04 Ohio Election Fraud Case, GOP 'Tech Guru' Subpoenaed
The Raw Story | Republican IT consultant subpoenaed in case alleging tampering with 2004 election
Cheney Watch: Halliburton Bribery Investigation Proceeding in UK and US—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
Many Eyes: Word Tree of Barack Obama speaks at Democratic National Convention, 8/28/2008 Visualizations : Word Tree of Barack Obama speaks at Democratic National Convention, 8/28/2008
Obama Sites Generate 6x More Traffic than McCain's - MarketingVOX
Crooks and Liars » The Pelosi speech that made House Republicans cry
Republican party was secretly opposing bailout bill BEFORE Pelosi spoke
Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog - Death by plastic?
Talking Points Memo | Bailout Burnout
cab drollery: Brain Freeze By anti-intellectualism, I mean especially an aggressively anti-scientific perspective, backed by disdain for those who adhere to science and evidence
Media Matters - CNN's Foreman falsely claimed McCain "has always said" private accounts "should be in addition to" Social Security
McCain's Odds Crash Along With Stock Market
Analysis: With bailout, McCain reaches dead end
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain Denies Blaming Obama And Democrats For Bailout Collapse
Underplayed Stories of the Day - Swampland - Time (pundits want O to keep GOP daddies on board)
New Urgency Over McCain Medical Questions As Election Nears (cable news says subject offlimits)
Analysis: McCain hits political dead end - International Herald Tribune
The Rescue Package Will Delay Recovery - Frank Shostak - Mises Institute
Commentary: Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer -
Blacksville #2 Mine Idle After 440 Workers Stay Home - (bosses let NRA in to slime Obama)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Don't know much about history (dim-bulb Sarah)
slacktivist: She doesn't care
Blue Tidal Wave, American Political News and Opinion Blog Couric Hides Embarrassing Palin Tape in Exchange for Exclusive Interviews (ooh, blackmail)
Former secretary of state says Palin lacks VP qualifications - Openers -
Raw Replay - Revisiting History - Maher: McCain, Obama ‘lying’ about their religious faith ("They stuff it into your head before you’re old enough to fight back.”" "This is a skin I truly believe that we need to shed if mankind is going to go forward.”")
Michael Moore Dares to Ask: What's So Heroic About Being Shot Down While Bombing Innocent Civilians? | War on Iraq | AlterNet
I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain, and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button | Election 2008 | AlterNet
Daily Kos: "It's split" (watch it, it's short)
092908 Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System
Crooks and Liars » Bush Sidesteps Congress? $630 Billion To Be Pumped Into Economy Despite House Bailout Rejection
House Republicans Destroyed $1.1 trillion in wealth today
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Why Bail? The Banks Have a Gun Pointed at Their Head and Are Threatening to Pull the Trigger
Dow posts worst-ever point decline - Stocks & economy- Disappointment over failure of House vote on financial rescue package
House rejects bailout plan - David Rogers - (Repubs pull the football away)
Bailout Package Fails As Dow Plunges
Talking Points Memo | Comic Relief House GOPers had decided to put party over country
McCain takes credit for bill before it loses - Mike Allen - » Pelosi Attacks Bush, Praises Clinton Surplus Prior to Vote on Bailout
$1 Quadrillion of Unregulated Debt At Core of Coming Derivatives Crisis (Republican house of cards collapsing)
Citigroup to buy Wachovia banking operations | AP | 09/29/2008
BoA to close credit cards for approximately 60% of customers? - Forums
Op-Ed Columnist - The 3 A.M. Call - Op-Ed -
Big European bank, Fortis, fails - Sep. 28, 2008
America's No. 1 Export: Debt - TIME (American consumer economy must die) - wachovia - Search Results: Sort By Date (Cramer: buy Wachovia: another idiot) : The Rich Are Staging a Coup This Morning ...a message from Michael Moore
Why the Bailout Sells America Short
RGE - Is Purchasing $700 billion of Toxic Assets the Best Way to Recapitalize the Financial System? No! It is Rather a Disgrace and Rip-Off Benefitting only the Shareholders and Unsecured Creditors of Banks
IMF: Systemic Banking Crises: A New Database
Economist's View: The Great Depression
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush: Politics & Power: (2007)
Our Republic: DOJ: Rove, Miers Behind U.S. Attorney Firings
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Prosecutor Named In U.S. Attorney Firing Probe
When Judges Make Foreign Policy - United States Supreme Court -
Think Progress » McCain disregards Petraeus’ advice, hits Obama for not using the word ‘victory.’
Chris Matthews: It's McCain's fault bailout bill failed
McCain blames Obama for bailout defeat - Politico Staff -
For McCain, Days of Chaos, Improvisation and Drama -
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | With Bailout Package Failure, Is McCain's Campaign Suspension Stunt Backfiring?
Oh, the Drama! McCain in the Theater of the Absurd - TIME
YouTube - Joe Biden in Detroit
The Two McCain Videos That Obama’s Campaign Should Be Using |
Palin Needs To Deliver A Game Changing Debate Performance
Daily Kos: Muslim Children Gassed at Dayton Mosque After "Obsession" DVD Hits Ohio
Guess who's not coming to dinner :: :: News & comment
33 Pastors Flout Tax Law With Political Sermons - voting for Sen. Barack Obama would be evidence of "severe moral schizophrenia."
McCain Said To Conceal Facts About POWs Left in Vietnam
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Why Mccain Will Use Rev. Wright.
Stanley Fish - Think Again - Opinion - New York Times Blog - George Bush: The Comeback Kid (2006: Fish displays his idiocy)
YouTube - CNN Laughs It Up Over Sarah Palin Interview
Palin Claimed Dinosaurs And People Coexisted
Jonathan Martin's Blog: In reintroduction, Palin to do more interviews and "tell her story" - After noting Roe vs. Wade, Palin was apparently unable to discuss any major court cases.
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | CBS To Air More Footage Of Couric Interviewing Palin This Week
Howard Kurtz - 'Substantive' Press Is Taken for a Spin
The Truth About Politicians? It's At --
Short North Koreans . . . and Americans - Well Blog - (shrinking American worker)
Censorship in Modern Times - Banned Books - TIME
The Oil Drum | Gasoline Shortages: Our Inventory Problem
Invisibility cloaks could take sting out of tsunamis - tech - 29 September 2008 - New Scientist Tech
Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder | Technology |
NASA - NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
xkcd - A Webcomic - Height
Gallup Daily: Obama Moves to 50% to 42% Lead
$700B rescue plan finalized; House to vote Monday
Tricky bailout politics - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
RGE - RGE Conference Call on the Economic and Financial Outlook..and why the Treasury TARP bailout is flawed (business as usual w/your money)
YouTube - Interrupting the negotiations to save his campaign
Op-Ed Columnist - McCain’s Suspension Bridge to Nowhere - Op-Ed -
Op-Ed Columnist - Impulsive, Impetuous, Impatient - Op-Ed -
Hey U.S., welcome to the Third World! - Los Angeles Times It's been a quick slide from economic superpower to economic basket case (mission accomplished)
McCain never bothered showing up for the bailout talks Saturday, but he did have a very swanky dinner with Joe Lieberman
Is This a 'Victory'? - The New York Review of Books (it always is)
Casio watch is terror 'evidence' at Guantanamo U.S. cases against at least 8 detainees cite the timepieces
Diamond and Kashyap on the Recent Financial Upheavals - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Sarah Palin's Foreign Policy Follies - TIME "a high-schooler trying to BS her way through a book report,"
Talking Points Memo | "It Would Be Fantastic." (Bristol/Levi marrying week before election: "shut down the race for a week")
YouTube - 27/09/08 - Tina Fey As Sarah Palin: Amy Poehler As Katie Couric SNL Skit
Cartoon Wapo wouldn't run in print - Vapors Howell compares it to Danish cartoons
putinrearshisheadnz7.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x537 pixels)
How McCain Stirred a Simmering Pot -
The Associated Press: AP Investigation: Palin got zoning aid, gifts
For McCain and Team, a Host of Ties to Gambling -
20080926_Oxford_MS_FirstDebate0344 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Peter Hitchens: How China has created a new slave empire in Africa | Mail Online
The Cab Ride I’ll Never Forget | Zen Moments
Men Who Cheat: It's Not About Sex, But Appreciation | | A new book on why some men stray, and what women can do to stop it.
Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals Illuminated By Lava Flows Study
How Loss of Privacy May Mean Loss of Security: Scientific American
SRWare - Browser
'Chemical equator' dividing globe is found - World environment- 30-mile wide atmospheric line divides polluted north and cleaner south
ISPs: We Swear, We Won't Watch Your Every Move - Networking - IT Channel News by CRN and VARBusiness
Media Matters - Matthews on Obama's debate performance: "[D]id it surprise you that he was so un-ethnic tonight?" (nonwhite="ethnic")
McCain, Obama fight for title of 'most qualified' -
Presidential debate: The claims vs. the facts |
Daily Kos: McCain said "horseshit" tonight in debate on live TV
YouTube - McCain's Lack of Eye Contact: A Sign of Contempt?
Mad Dog Palin | Election 2008 | AlterNet
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | Why Obama Won Big
Round 1 in debates goes to Obama, poll says -
Who Won The Debate? Reviews Go To Obama
The Wars of John McCain (bombs-away McCain)
James Fallows (September 27, 2008) - On strategy and tactics (Language)
YouTube - Thank John McCain - Final for Broadcast
YouTube - Real Time: New Rules (9/26/08)
The Real News Network - Story - Once in a century rip-off Economist Michael Hudson: The bailout is a giveaway that will cause hyperinflation and dollar collapse
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/27/2008 | Subpoenaed Palin aides could be found in contempt
Enquirer Names Alleged Palin Lover, Bolsters Claim - Politics news | Newser: Know More. Search Less.
Erin Callan: Lucky to get out - Sep. 26, 2008
S.E.C. Concedes Oversight Flaws Fueled Collapse - ("voluntary regulation" didn't work, OMG)
Media Matters - Ignoring Keating (don't look, don't think)
Sami al-Haj: the banned torture pictures of a journalist in Guantánamo | Andy Worthington (M.D.'s for torture)
International Court of Justice
NEJM -- Military Medical Ethics -- Physician First, Last, Always
NEJM -- The Ethics of Interrogation -- The U.S. Military's Ongoing Use of Psychiatrists
New Lobbying Group Calls for Internet Filtering | Threat Level from
092608 - President Bush's Approval Rating - Polls | AP Polls | Gallup Poll (26%, lowest ever for Fox)
RealClearPolitics - Electoral Map
What Did Bush Tell Gonzales? Gonzales is now saying that George Bush personally directed him to make that hospital visit.
National Review asks: Did WaMu fail because it employed minorities? - Glenn Greenwald - (not because their fat-cat leaders fucked up)
Media Matters - NYT 's baseless assertions about Obama & the economy are undermined by its own polling ("in the tank")
Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence (Republican nutcases on parade)
Wonk Room » House Republican Bailout Plan Would Be Totally Ineffective “breathtakingly hairbrained” (Republikan daddies you can trust)
Calculated Risk: Cliff Diving: Wachovia and National City
Money As Debt - WaMu Gives New CEO Mega Payout as Bank Fails - That's right, $20 million for 17 days on the job ... and his company failed.
As economists, we want to express to Congress our great concern for the plan proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson to deal with the financial crisis.
Wall Street to GOP: Drop Dead - Capital Commerce (
The Daily Show Full Episode | Tuesday Sep 23 2008 | Comedy Central |
Clusterf#@k to the Poor House - Dive of Death | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Daily Kos: McCain's Mental Problems
Green Party of Monroe County: Ten Ways the McCain/Palin GOP Is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote
Balloon Juice: Sell Alaska back to Russia for $700 billion. Win, win.
Palin Problem by Kathleen Parker on National Review Online She’s out of her league
Palin In A Bikini. For Real.
Report: McCain Aides Complain That Palin Is "Clueless" (not to mention dumb as a rock)
Editorial Observer - Wasilla Watch - Sarah Palin and the Rape Kits - Editorial -
Palin's preacher: Jews control the economy, that's causing all the corruption, and we need to have Christians take over business and banking
Palin Accepted $25,000 in Gifts, Alaska Records Show -
putinrearshishead.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x537 pixels)
YouTube - John McCain's Wandering Eyes
Sarah Palin's Retrograde Gender Politics | The American Prospect
Point/Counterpoint: Gov. Palin Has No Experience vs. Please Keep Your Voice Down, My Poor Retarded Child Is Sleeping | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Little Green Footballs - Video: Couric vs. Palin (read the comments and weep)
YouTube - Sarah 'Miss Teen USA' Palin
YouTube - Sarah Palin channels the South Carolina beauty queen
Wonkette: The D.C. Gossip » Blog Archive » Couric/Palin Sexterview Part III: OMG You Are So Awful We Want To Die
qqxsgFiscalConservative.jpg (JPEG Image, 540x373 pixels)
The last days of David Foster Wallace | Salon Books
Warren Buffett opens up about his love life in 'The Snowball'
Cell phones, cancer debated Pitt official asks House subcommittee to keep close eye on emerging research
YouTube - Maori Haka
TV ad | Hovis
The conservative bailout solution - How the World Works -
JPMorgan to buy Wamu deposits: report - Yahoo! News
Think Progress » Sanders Schools Kudlow: ‘You’ve Become A Socialist — Your Version Of Socialism Is To Bail Out The Rich’
No bailout agreement after White House meeting -
Lawmakers Agree on Outline of Bailout -
China banks told to halt lending to US banks-SCMP | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
Save the world? Hank just didn't have a clue | Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online The staggering incompetence of the US Treasury Secretary is now acknowledged - and is a disaster for George Bush
Banks Will Need Another $500 Billion: Gross - (all your money are belong to us: now 1.2 TRILLION) )
Richest Americans See Income Share Grow - MarketWatch
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Condi Admits White House Role in CIA Interrogation Talks
Editorial - Absence of Leadership - Editorial -
Democrats claim Wall St. bailout breakthrough | U.S. | Reuters - Soros: Paulson cannot be allowed a blank check - Housing Bubble and Bear Links
Michael Tomasky: McCain desperately wants to change the subject | Comment is free | A move so unserious, contemptible and cynical that it's hard to imagine how they even thought of it
McCain Camp Wants To Postpone VP Debate
Political Punch Barney Frank: White House "Photo Op" Designed to Help McCain
McCain's Financial Crisis Timeline
Washington Wire - : WSJ/NBC Poll: Voters Doubt Palin’s Qualifications to Be President while 40% said she is qualified to be president (yes, 40%)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain: Bailout Deal Won't Pass Could it be that the fate of civilization as we know it doesn't hinge entirely on McCain's heroic return to D.C.? (pathetic old man)
A Frightened President Tries to Scare American Public on Bailout | | AlterNet
State rep seeks witness-tampering probe in Palin inquiry - / World / US & Canada - House clears $25bn for carmakers
Are You Fucking Kidding Me?!???! : Rolling Stone : “We just wanted to choose a really large number.”
Initial jobless claims soar - Sep. 25, 2008
Cost of the bailout (in perspective) - First Read -
A sneaking suspicion - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
Calculated Risk: August New Home Sales: Lowest August Since 1982
YouTube - NBC: McCain Suspended Campaign Due To Slipping Poll Numbers, NOT Economic Crisis!
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community The Big Bailout
Open Left:: Pelosi: There's a Deal, Boenher: No Deal Pelosi: There's a Deal, Boenher: No Deal (on, off, on, off) - McCain has not sponsored a banking bill this Congress (McAWOL sits on his secrit plan)
Irvine Housing Blog - Generation Pwned (HELOC abuse rampant)
Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says - Asset Sales May Lead to Write-Downs, Insolvencies, Orszag Tells Congress
Op-Ed Contributor - The Crisis Last Time - Op-Ed -
Sen. John McCain [R-AZ] - Voting Record - (most absent Senator)
Stats: Harvard MBAs the most toxic investment on Wall Street (gave us Bush, gave us financial meltdown)
McCain stands up David Letterman - Los Angeles Times
Hit & Run > Stop Me if You Think That You've Heard This One Before - Reason Magazine
Campbell Brown Holds Paulson, Bush Accountable For Crisis: "Seriously, What Were You Thinking?"
Open Left:: Al Gore Should Start Leading Sarah Palin Speaking In Tongues To Katie Couric Tonight, Was She Thinking No One Would Notice?(Video)
Bush Defends Veto of Health Care Bill - New York Times (2007)
07cf533ddb1d06350cf1ddb5942ef5ad.jpg (JPEG Image, 2448x1584 pixels) - What Part of Legal Immigration Don't You Understand (flowchart)
RIAA loses $222K verdict against Jammy Thomas |
Does ideology trump facts? Studies say it often does
Eurozine - Manual for postmodern childrearing - Athena Farrokhzad, Tova Gerge
Exclusive: The methane time bomb - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
Methane release off Siberian coast prompts concern over runaway climate change | Environment |
Neal Stephenson, "Anathem" | Salon Books
Rudy’s Blog » Blog Archive » Anathem
Neal Stephenson Breaks Down Anathem's 'Bulshytt' | The Underwire from
Neal Stephenson :"Anathem : Acknowledgements
Anathem Wiki
Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate - John McCain News- Republican plans to return to Washington to help deal with credit crisis (and the dog ate his homework)
Political Radar: McCain: Scrap Friday Debate for Bailout; Obama: The Debate is On
Obama Rebuffs McCain on Debate Delay - “It’s the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys,” Mr. Frank told a group of reporters
Republican presidential nominee Arizona Senator John McCain ... - Yahoo! News Photos (see anything strange?)
This is why McCain canceled the debates. Watch Sarah Palin on CBS tonight. Utter disaster.
It's Judgment Day for McCain -
YouTube - Oct. 1st Military starts Martial Law Mission
Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1 - Army News - Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army
Daily Kos: Goodbye Posse Comitatus: Army Begins Permanent "Dwell Time" Missions Oct 1
Civil Liberties Examiner: Army to station active-duty unit in the U.S. for 'crowd control' Army to station active-duty unit in the U.S. for 'crowd control'
Why is a U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the "Homeland"? - Glenn Greenwald -
Warning! A police state is coming fast, Naomi Wolf cautions | | Star-News | Wilmington, NC
Spies Warn That Al Qaeda Aims for October Surprise - September 22, 2008 - The New York Sun
Truth or Terrorism? The Real Story Behind Five Years of High Alerts : Rolling Stone
t r u t h o u t | RFK Jr., Mike Papantonio: "Is Your Vote Safe?"
Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct - - "We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen"
Matthew Yglesias » A Real Answer Needed (knee-capping the next Administration)
McCain Aide’s Firm Was Paid by Freddie Mac -
Michael Tomasky: Bye-bye, Rick Davis? | Comment is free | the biggest political story of the campaign.
Liar's Poker Why McCain just can't tell the truth
The Page - by Mark Halperin - Time - McCranky)
Election Forecast: Obama ahead by 66 | Hubdub
Firedoglake » How the Financial Meltdown Came To Be: The Crooked Deal’s Collapse
FLASH: Fed Speaking Out Both Sides Of Mouth - The Market Ticker Electoral Projections Done Right: Intrade Betting is Suspicious
YouTube - Joe Scarborough: "John Mccain Is In Trouble"
Americans reluctant to fund bailout, poll finds - Los Angeles Times
James P. Rubin: The Politics of War: McCain's Disastrous "Diplomacy Doctrine"
Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up? (June, 2008)
I ghost-wrote letters to the editor for the McCain campaign | Salon News
PageOneQ | Republican source: Lesbian rumors ruined Condoleezza Rice's VP chances
Warren Buffett Reveals Bailout's Dirty Little Secret Henry Blodget
AIG 'nationalized' as insurer signs up for $85 billion Fed loan - MarketWatch Insurer effectively 'nationalized' after failing to raise capital in private market
St. Petersburg Times | FBI investigating companies at heart of meltdown
Jared Bernstein: Watching History Unfold - the sound of decades of conservative ideology collapsing (Bush's ownership society: you own tons of toxic dept)
YouTube - Defazio "We shouldn't be rushed into this!"
How Sweden Solved Its Bank Crisis - - Bin Laden: Goal is to bankrupt U.S. - Nov 1, 2004 (terrorist won, game over)
naked capitalism: Banking Expert: Bailout Not Necessary, Industry Can Take Losses
Sen. Bernie Sanders: America's Wealthy Should Pay For Bush's Bailout | PEEK | AlterNet
Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter Eighty-Five - Palin Popularity Goes Polar in Alaska
NBC/WSJ poll: Doubts about Palin - First Read - Forty-nine percent say that Palin is unqualified to be president (but 40% think she is)
Our Republic: Campbell Brown: Let Palin Answer Questions
McCain-Palin team forced to rethink media freeze-out | - No Talk Express
The Witch Hunter Anoints Sarah Palin -
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan The Twelve Lies Of Sarah Palin
ABC News: Will the Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up?
McCain: The Mavericking Maverick Mavericks More
Flickr Photo Download: How come he gets horsies?
March 2003: Zelikow and 9/11 Commission Consultant Complete Outline of Final Report before Staff Start Writing It
good evening: Pretty Chilling U.S. frees Afghan fixer after 10-month detention he describes as 'hell' "the Canadian reporter."
Hullabaloo: Drudge Report is a right wing oppo laundering site. It always has been (rules their world)
US Homeland Security FAST Becoming Thought Police | Mark's Technology News
Three Years Later: Pyrex Dishes Still Go Boom Government safety agency mum, company blames victims for cuts, burns
YouTube - Paranoia mix
iTWire - Google Chrome: not faster, safer or smaller after all
Micro Persuasion: Make Magic with Metadata in Gmail
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Kentucky Wants to Ban Online Gambling
Analyzing Malicious SSH Login Attempts
Think Progress » EXCLUSIVE: Maliki Suggests Bush Pushed To Extend U.S. Presence In Iraq To Help McCain
Image - Islamabad Hotel Bombing Why do so many Pakistanis believe that Americans blew up the Marriot?
George F. Will - McCain Loses His Head -
Troopergate is all about getting even, not justice: Opinion |
ABC News: McCain Gaffes Could Undercut Message on Economy, Foreign Affairs Presidential Candidate's Misstatements Threaten to Derail Campaign Message
Abstract of the Day, Ponzi Scheme Edition - Finance Blog - Felix Salmon - Market Movers -
Bernanke: Recession more likely without bailout
Obama: The Price of Being Black - The New York Review of Books
The Raw Story | Court orders release of Pentagon prisoner abuse pics
Democracy Now! | Sen. Bernie Sanders, Robert Scheer and Dean Baker on the Proposed $700 Billion Bailout of Wall Street, the Largest Government Bailout of Private Industry in US History
The Associated Press: Palin bans reporters from meetings with leaders
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | The Press vs McCain
Matthew Yglesias » Punitive Measures Ben Bernanke saying that there should be no “punitive measures” for companies that participate in a bailout
YouTube - Let's Play "WALLSTREET BAILOUT" The Rules Are... Rep Kapture
David Brooks thinks he sees a "new establishment" to run economic policy - Glenn Greenwald - (looking for his Republican daddies) Special Report: Clinton Accused (Sally Quinn on Lewinsky: 1998: how the Village thinks)
Think Progress » Paulson: I Didn’t Suggest Oversight In The Bailout Plan Because That Would Be ‘Presumptuous’ (liar)
Talking Points Memo | Pigs at the Trough (Fratto: liar)
Open Left:: There Is No Crisis-Summary
What Nobody's Saying: The Bailout Will Kill the Dollar |
Berkshire Hathaway to Invest $5 Billion in Goldman Sachs - MarketWatch
House GOP rises up against Cheney - Daniel W. Reilly and Patrick O'Connor -
Herbert: Op-Ed Columnist - A Second Opinion? -
Getting real and letting the cat out of the bag - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - Taxpayers lose any chance of being made whole
Financial lobbyists urge speed on bailout - Stocks & economy- (hurry up)
The 50 Richest Members of Congress - Roll Call
The Crypt: Yours Faithfully Minister of Treasury Paulson -
GOP support for CEO pay is sticking point on bailout. Make them vote for it publicly.
Blue Tidal Wave, American Political News and Opinion Blog
Here to Stay, 14,000 Strong, and Armed With Non-Lethal Weapons - America, Meet Your New Local Military | I Love
Impeach Bush For Peace » Bushies to keep secret 'grim' Afghanistan report quiet until after election
Barack Obama: Reforming Washington - Barack Obama | News from Presidential Candidates, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House
6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now |
EPA won't limit rocket fuel in U.S. drinking water -
Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night - The New York Post
Schneier on Security: The Two Classes of Airport Contraband
Adobe Unveils Creative Suite 4 Apps || The Mac Observer
Chrome antics: did Google reverse-engineer Windows?: Page 1
Microsoft's Plot to Kill QuickTime
Calculated Risk: CNBC: No Deal Reached on Paulson Plan (just give us the money)
CNN Political Ticker: GOP takes brunt of blame for economy, Obama gains (24% of country thinks Dems caused financial meltdown)
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.
Business - Wall Street comes full circle after Depression-era breakup -
Daily Kos: Bush-Pelosi bailout plan (Repubs vote no, run against Dem bailout - "bottomless crack pipe")
Daily Kos: Your Abbreviated Pundit Round-up
RGE - The Shadow Banking System is Unravelling: Roubini Column in the Financial Times. Such demise confirmed by Morgan and Goldman now being converted into banks
Think Progress » New poll: Zero percent of Americans think national economy is improving (zero?)
Op-Ed Columnist - Cash for Trash - Op-Ed -
Calculated Risk: Paulson Plan: Questions for Congress to Ask
The Crypt: Dodd bill more aggressive than Treasury plan -
A Sense of Resentment Amid the 'For Sale' Signs
Hullabaloo - God Himself couldn't have given rank-and-file Republicans a better opportunity to create political space between themselves and the Administration.
Calculated Risk: Report: Paulson Agrees on Equity Stake Hey Washington, can you buy my bad investments too?
Open Left:: Statements from Grayson, Darcy, Steve Cohen, Zeitz, Al Franken, Jeff Merkley, and More
Open Left:: An Anonymous Lawmaker Diagrams the High Stakes Chicken in the House
Loan Titans Paid McCain Adviser Nearly $2 Million -
Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter
Kuttner: Paulson's Folly | The American Prospect
Bush Pushes To Pass Bailout Package.... Dems Say Not So Fast - Leahy: "if we learned anything from right after 9/11, it's that the biggest mistake is to pass anything they ask for just because it's an emergency,"
Press TV - Report confirms Israel's nuclear arsenal The Sunday Times has revealed that an Israeli factory beneath the Negev desert is manufacturing thermo-nuclear weapons for atomic bombs.
Republicans Allege McCain Covered Up His Collaboration with the North Vietnamese While a POW | Election 2008 | AlterNet
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain Campaign Slams New York Times: Not A Journalistic Organization "By Any Standard" (McHissyfit)
Sam Harris on Sarah Palin and Elitism | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |
Associated Press | Obama campaign staff pulling out of ND (hopelessly stupid State)
Matthew Yglesias » Won’t Get Fooled Again
McCain camp criticism rife with errors - Ben Smith - But the call was so rife with simple, often inexplicable misstatements of fact that it may have had the opposite effect ...
Image: Driving Mr McCain: comparison of vehicles and homes of McCain and Obama
If Democrats were Republicans, they would totally run this ad - - Video
'Obey' Street Artist Churns Out 'Hope' for Obama | The Underwire from
WhiteWalls SF : Shepard Fairey: The Duality of Humanity
Obey Plagiarist Shepard Fairey
OBAMA - Obey Giant
'Friendly' bacteria protect against type 1 diabetes, Yale researchers find
The Nerfherder, by Rob Domanski (deletion of deletion info at Wikipedia)
How you can help to save some cherished words from oblivion - Times Online - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Some Political Views May be Related to Physiology - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
The Politics of Fear -- Holden 2008 (918): 2 -- ScienceNOW (Republicans are scaredy-cats)
Psychology voting | Salon My candidate, myself (facts ignored)
Lean Left: Why People Vote Republican
YouTube - THE TORTURER aka Force Drift - The Film That Will Put BUSH Behind Bars!!!
FOUND: Artifacts From the Future
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 | Project Censored
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Don't dismiss people with diabetes as fat'
DIPEx Home: Patient Experieces of health and illness, cancer, heart disease, screening
Stonehenge birthdate discovered by archaeologists - Telegraph
8 hacks to make Firefox ridiculously fast | News | TechRadar UK
Pressure Builds at Morgan Stanley, Goldman -
Open Left:: Yes, There Are Deeply Angry Democratic Members of Congress
naked capitalism: Why You Should Hate the Treasury Bailout Proposal
Why Paulson is wrong: Saving capitalism from the capitalists | vox - Paulson RTC ... creating a charitable institution that provides welfare to the rich – at the taxpayers’ expense
Fury at $2.5bn Lehman bonus - Times Online
The Mother Of All Frauds - The Market Ticker
Balkinization Bush Administration: Give Us More Unreviewable Power; We Did So Well The Last Time We Asked
Matthew Yglesias » Hurry! Hurry! If you can’t trust George W. Bush with an unlimited grant of authority then who can you trust?
Thinking the bailout through - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog an enormously expensive plan that doesn’t seem to address the real problem.
No deal - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
News Analysis - A Bailout Plan, but Will It All Work? - News Analysis - Worldwide Treasury Seeks Asset-Buying Power Unchecked by Courts
Sebastian Mallaby - A Bad Bank Rescue -
The Wall Street Bailout Plan, Explained - Question -
Obama: No Blank Check on Bailout - The Caucus Blog -
Calculated Risk: NY Times Makes a Funny
Dems on bailout: Include homeowners - David Rogers - (Paulson refuses to cut big compensation packages for failed execs)
HousingPANIC - The end of America as you knew it is at hand. It was a good 232 year run. But it is about to be stolen in the night. The Patriot Act of Finance
BBC NEWS | Business | Buffett warns on investment 'time bomb'
Financial crisis: Default by the US government is no longer unthinkable - Telegraph
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Opinion Sue Them, Jail Them, Make Them Pay for Meltdown: Ann Woolner
ABC News: Foreign Firms to Be Included in Bailout
A choice of Tweedledum or Tweedledumber | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online The US economy is in crisis but neither presidential candidate has a credible solution
YouTube - President Reagan - Government is the problem - Greenspan says ARMs might be better deal Posted 2/23/2004
Open Left:: Ethnic Cleansing Decreased the Violence, Not the Surge
What surge? In Baghdad, they just turned out the lights and left | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
‘Einstein’ replaces ‘Big Brother’ in Internet surveillance
Judge To Cheney: Don't Destroy Your Records (Cheney to judge: FU)
Gallup Daily: Obama 50%, McCain 44%
Real Time with Bill Maher: Free Levi!
Enterprise Security Today | Suspect Nabbed in Palin E-mail Hack
Army of Dude: A Veteran's Case Against John McCain
YouTube - ABC Panel Tears Into McCain
Jesse Ventura Slams “911 Conspiracy Debunkers”, - 12.160 MHz
Venice architecture biennale is like nerds talking about sex
Online Literacy Is a Lesser Kind - Slow reading counterbalances Web skimming
Sue Blackmore: Can human consciousness survive without a brain? | Comment is free | | Back from the grave
DNA indicates humans in N. America 14,300 years ago - The Boston Globe Remains found in ancient dump in Oregon cave
Move Over Ethanol - Sugar Into Gasoline Is Cheaper And Easier, Say Researchers | Scientific Blogging
Interstellar Space Molecules That Help Form Basic Life Structures Identified
Psychology Group Changes Policy on Interrogations - September 18, 2008 - The New York Sun
2008 APA Petition Resolution Ballot (against Torture) | 2008 APA Petition Resolution Ballot (pro Torture)
The Party's Over - Yahoo! News
Rescue plan seeks $700B to buy bad mortgages: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance - Bush would raise the statutory limit on the national debt from $10.6 trillion to $11.3 trillion t
Paulson Bailout Plan a Historic Swindle (what did you expect?)
$700 Billion Is Sought for Wall Street in Massive Bailout -
Congressional Leaders Stunned by Warnings - (dumb)
The complete (though ever-changing) elite consensus over the financial collapse - Glenn Greenwald -
The corporate financiers are wrong | Salon Would they please shut up about the wonders of an unfettered free market?
Talking Points Memo | Innovative Products (McBullshit)
Banking crisis: Merrill Lynch top brass set to share $200m | Business |
Uneasy feelings - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog (the illusion of a liquidity crisis)
McCain on banking and health - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog (make healthcare like Wallstreet!)
Economist's View: Recapitalization
Calculated Risk: Bailout Proposal
Eschaton 0 To $1 Trillion In 4 days Flat
Political Memo - Dazed Capital Feels Its Way, Eyes on Election -
YouTube - Rachel Maddow: John McCain's Bad Week
Open Left:: Charges Dropped Against Democracy Now Journalists
PressThink: Retreat from Empiricism: On Ron Suskind's Scoop (2006)
MediaShift Idea Lab . Can the Political Press Self-Correct? Spinewatch Hopes it Can | PBS
Media Matters - After cropping Michelle Obama's "cute" comment, MSNBC's Gregory baselessly asserted: "She was talking about Governor Palin" (flaming liar)
CBS got Emmy for edited war propaganda
FoxNews commentator Bill O'Reilly's website hacked • The Register
YouTube - US Interrogator: "You have THREE minutes to live"
Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals, Say Scientists | Wired Science from
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - The media's counterproductive focus on negative campaigning
MEMRI is not a Non-Partisan Propaganda Organization - Super Zoop (neocon Zionist front)
Driving While Texting Worse Than Drinking, Drugs - Asylum
Daily Kos: Palin lies on Troopergate exposed (Updated)
Daily Kos: I worked for Sarah Palin
Palin Disputed In Troopergate Probe, Document Reveals Trip To Washington Supposedly Unauthorized Was Approved By Her Office - CBS News
PC World - Business Center: New Twists and Turns in Palin E-Mail Hack
YouTube - Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase 2 Demons in the South
YouTube - Barack Obama, Women for Change, Miami, FL
YouTube - In Charge - The Role of Inconvenience in Designing Social Systems
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/19/2008 | Will latest bailout plan work? No one actually knows
Radical rescue: Hundreds of billions for bailout: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Vast Bailout by U.S. Proposed in Bid to Stem Financial Crisis -
Seeing the Forest: Shock Doctrine Bailout: Taxpayers To Cover Debts Of Wall Street Zillionaires
Government planning a new bailout - Sep. 18, 2008
Talking Points Memo | Paulson says bold approach needed to end crisis
Beat the Press Archive | What Happened to the Committee to Save the World? 02/15/99 (Committee to Save the World: these guys: couldn't follow their own advice)
Calculated Risk: Moody's: Possible Downgrades for Ambac and MBIA
Ben Smith's Blog: Obama: 'Panicked' McCain's solution is 'to blame me for it' -
Is the 'Good Life' as America Knows It Over? | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
This is the death of the Reagan era | Jay Bookman |
James Moore: A Nation of Village Idiots (Phil Gramm, Keating 5) )
Rising prices tip another 75 million towards starvation: FAO - Yahoo! News (no bailout for you, starving baby)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Urge Congress to Vote Contempt for Karl Rove: Live Blog by Don Siegelman
The Washington Monthly Is it me, or has John McCain's message become completely incoherent this week?
Matthew Yglesias » The Opportunity (billions for fat cats, nothing for you)
Media Matters - Michael Scherer debates Michael Scherer, loses
Open Left:: Top Ten Minor Complaints about Palin by Andrew Sullivan
Sarah Palin said yes, thanks, to a road to nowhere in Alaska - Los Angeles Times
White women, no way / Once pro-Obama, but now swoon for McPalin? Who the hell are you? (Morford)
Off on the Great Schlep - Los Angeles Times Jewish grandkids get an earful in Florida as they try to woo relatives toward Obama.
My Alaska, and Sarah Palin's, deserves better from America. - By Jim Albrecht - Slate Magazine My Alaska, and Sarah Palin's, deserves better from America
Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul | PEEK | AlterNet
Report: Voting problems in several swing states -
The Bush/McCain/Palin contempt for subpoenas and the rule of law - Glenn Greenwald -
Biden links tax on wealthy to patriotism - The Boston Globe
Anonymous: Bill O'Reilly's next... // Current (don't fuck with the /b/'tards)
Flickr: jennikwade's Photostream : Bolivar Peninsula after Ike | Picasa Web Albums - heather - - Crystal Beach 1 - 091808
Welcome to Common Ties : Your Daily Diversion
Calculated Risk: Report: Morgan Stanley CEO: 'Need a Partner or Not Going to Make it'
Business Feed Article | Business |
China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales
The Potential End Of America's Government - The Market Ticker
Central banks join forces over credit squeeze -
The Big Picture | How SEC Regulatory Exemptions Helped Lead to Collapse - Is Financial Innovation just another word for excessive and reckless leverage? (yes: exemptions granted to 5 firms, 3 of which are dead)
How the Federal Reserve Created the US Recession video and other Economy videos at 5min Worldwide Morgan Stanley Said to Be in Talks With China's CIC
Op-Ed Columnist - Need a Job? $17,000 an Hour. No Success Required. - Op-Ed -
Labour costs | You're fired | The Economist | What it costs to sack a worker (nothing in U.S)
Darkest day for Scottish banking as the Bank of Scotland faces its end - News
Lehman Brothers: The 10 Biggest Chapter 11 Bankruptcies In US History / In depth - FSA bans short-selling financial stocks
Clinton, Republicans agree to deregulation of US financial system By Martin McLaughlin 1 November 1999 (no one could have predicted ...)
BBC NEWS | Americas | Rice criticises 'isolated' Russia Ms Rice acknowledged that Georgia had fired the first shots in the breakaway region of South Ossetia.
TSA: Transportation Security Operations Center Re-Named Freedom Center
Maybe America is only 37 percent stupid « The Church of the Apocalyptic Kiwi
EU gambling firms see WTO case coming against U.S | Technology | Internet | Reuters
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India drug firm turns to Giuliani (seriously, check out the photo they used)
How the GOP Wired Ohio's 2004 Vote Count for Bush to Win | | AlterNet
EFF to sue Bush, Cheney, NSA and others over telecom spying | Community (how about Pelosi?)
After vows to respect sovereignty, U.S. strikes in Pakistan - Yahoo! News » r blog » WR (9/11)
Gallup Daily: Obama 48%, McCain 44%
Palin excitement levels off as Democrats regain lead -
The Big Whisper: What's Up With John McCain? - "He has defaced his beloved military code of honor. He has run a dirty campaign."
John McCain and the Lying Game - TIME
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | How Racism Works
Matthew Yglesias » Commanding Heights II Who knew the “Washington Consensus” would die in Washington, DC under a Republican President in a mad fit of bailouts and nationalizations?
The Washington Monthly Drew Joins The Enough Club
The Washington Monthly Obama Takes On Mccain On Choice
YouTube - Chris Matthews Ridicules Entire GOP! pt2
MotherJones Blog: McCain Attacks Wall Street Greed—While 83 Wall Street Lobbyists Work for His Campaign
Media Matters - Dodgy Journalism: Time's Michael Scherer debates strawman, loses
What does Sarah Palin have to hide in her Yahoo e-mails? - Glenn Greenwald -
AP Refuses To Comply With Secret Service Request On Sarah Palin's Hacked E-Mails
Crooks and Liars » Epic Fail: Palin can’t answer softball question about national security experience at first town hall meeting
John McCain just forget where Spain was. Seriously, not kidding.
Did McCain Diss Spain? - TIME
Talking Points Memo | What They're Saying ... the Post's Karen DeYoung isn't buying Randy Scheunemann's line that McCain wasn't confused - ""reckless promises to meet America's adversaries"
John McCain Gets Confused About Spain, but His Advisers Get Dumb - Robert Schlesinger (
Insertion of millions of Obsession DVDs in swing-state newspapers appears to aid McCain campaign
Erik Ose: Pro-McCain Group Dumping 28 Million Terror Scare DVDs in Swing States
Why is libertarianism wrong?
YouTube - Lopez Murphy for president - Truth (Upside - Down)
Experimental Mail Server Analyzer Online : DoxPara Research
Alice Experiment: Welcome to ALICE Portal
NBA's 60 Greatest Playoff Moments
Water Flowed on Mars Longer than Thought - US News and World Report Mars may have been wet for a billion years longer than scientists previously thought,
The Raw Story | Attack on US embassy in Yemen leaves 16 dead
China paper urges new currency order after financial tsunami | Reuters
Is the U.S. Going Broke? -
Bush suddenly scraps comments on financial markets - San Jose Mercury News
Calculated Risk: Fed: AIG Deal Done U.S. government will receive a 79.9 percent equity interest in AIG
Stocks sink after government bailout of AIG - Yahoo! News
Wall St. CEO Poker Tourney Diamond Trumps Fuld Thain Suckers Lewis: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance » Archives » RUSSIAN STOCK MARKET CRASHES, CLOSES
Talking Points Memo | Level the Playing Field
Video: Larry Elliott's guide to the financial crisis after the Lehman Brothers liquidation | Business |
Federal bank insurance fund dwindling - Yahoo! News (FDIC near bankruptcy)
Washington Mutual Begins Efforts to Sell Itself - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
Pelosi orders wide Wall Street probe - Mike Allen -
UC Computer Scientists Release Video on How to Hack a Sequoia Touch-Screen Voting Machine (in 2 seconds)
The Power of Political Misinformation (why you can't argue with a wingnut) Worldwide Russian Emergency Funding Fails to Halt Stock Rout
McCain Embraces Regulation After Many Years of Opposition
Alex Jones' Infowars: Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53
Kucinich: U.S. Must Stop Abusing Ally Pakistan |
Offshore Drilling: Two-Tenths of 1c Price Reduction in 18 Years (Drill, Baby)
Poll: McCain, Obama virtually tied in battleground states -
Think Progress » McCain Described The Economy’s Fundamentals As ‘Strong’ At Least 18 Times In 2008
The Associated Press: McCain has 2 faces: Washington in- and outsider
Obama airs unusual economy ad - Mike Allen -
Dakota Yet Another Reason to Vote for Obama
The Associated Press: Hackers claim break-in to Palin's e-mail account
pastebin - Anon hacks Palins secret Yahoo email account
Palin's private e-mail hacked, posted to 'Net | Community
Sarah Palin Emails: Sarah Palin's Personal Emails
Palin comes under fire for using Yahoo e-mail for state biz
Group Posts E-Mail Hacked From Palin Account | Threat Level from
Think Progress » Martha Stewart: ‘I would feel weird, really weird’ about having a president who can’t use a computer.
Talking Points Memo | Natural Born Liars
Ruth Marcus - True Whoppers -
YouTube - Bill Maher on the Rachel Maddow Show: Palin is not ready
Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - What does it mean when Palin won’t cooperate with legislative investigation? « - Blogs from
Palin Spent $50,000 In City Funds To Redecorate Mayor's Office, Ex-Colleague Says
McCain Laboring to Hit Right Note on the Economy -
MyDD :: He Rules Their World Chris Cillizza and others in the traditional media seem intent to defend their dependence on Drudge
Sarah Palin Thinks Jesus Will Return in Her Lifetime, and That the Earth is Less Than 7,000 Years Old • Group: Palin's energy claims ‘not even close’ to the truth
The Raw Story | Exposed: McCain team includes 83 Wall Street lobbyists
Les Gara: Round 2 Of McCain Troopergate Stall: Part Karl Rove, Part Laurel & Hardy
Crooks and Liars » CNN Demolishes Every McCain Campaign Lie
to Alaska AG Says None Will Testify in Troopergate Probe. « Mudflats
Op-Ed Columnist - ‘Barbies for War!’ - Op-Ed -
Think Progress » McCain reportedly ‘furious’ with Fiorina, campaign adviser says she will ‘disappear’ from TV (Cara Sneed bites the dust)
Jennifer Donahue: Keating 5 Survivor John McCain Now Favors Regulating Same Industry He De-Regulated When Lobbied 15 Years Ago
Why Politicians Have to Lie (Thinking Hard about Politics)
Willamette Week | “Señor Smith, Part Dos” | September 17th, 2008 WW finds more evidence Sen. Gordon Smith’s company has employed undocumented workers.
I Spent 16 Years in Jail for a Crime I Didn't Commit. Here's What Should Be Done. | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
att_history.jpg: History of AT&T (and all the other telecoms)
50 Greatest Charles Barkley Quotes
Vatican: Guess what, Darwin? Evolution is OK - Science-
Edge: The Fourth Quadrant: A Map Of The Limits Of Statistics By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
I don't believe that believers really believe | Jamie Whyte - Times Online
Search Magazine - What Happens to Religion When It Is Biologized? Scientific approaches to describing spiritual life are changing the face of faith.
Debunking Christianity: Prof. Helmut Koester: A Reality Check for Him
Tests of faith | Science | The Guardian
Op-Ed Contributor - Why the Fed Can’t Let A.I.G. Go Under - Op-Ed - - "an extinction-level event"
AIG's cash hunt in high gear - Sep. 16, 2008
Deal Journal - : The AIG Crisis, By the Numbers / In depth - Russia halts trading after 17% share price fall
100 Year Crash: McCain advisor spurred $62 trillion derivatives market that will swamp global markets - BloggingStocks - Phil "Americans are Whiners" Gramm responsible for $62 trillion loss (mission accomplished)
Phil Gramm’s Enron Favor - News - Village Voicepage 1 - Village Voice Watchdog: Senator Pushed End to Oversight for Campaign Contributor
FRB: Testimony, Greenspan -- S. 2697, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 -- June 21, 2000 (Al was on board)
GovTrack: House Vote On Passage: H.R. 4541 [106th]: Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (Mass. Reps all on board)
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote
Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke   : Information Clearing House - ICH The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy
Rating agencies downgrade AIG, more cuts possible | Markets | Markets News | Reuters / In depth - Shocked Lehman staff told to ‘move on’
CREW Sues VP Cheney Over Vice Presidential Records | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Italy: Berlusconi government seeks to rehabilitate fascism
Op-Ed Columnist - McCain’s Radical Agenda - Op-Ed -
Obama comes out swinging - How the World Works -
Obama says McCain is 'passing the buck' on economy - Yahoo! News
Ben Smith's Blog: Obama dismisses McCain commission as 'stunt' -
Obama campaign accuses GOP of planning voter suppression - War Room -
Pakistan is the problem. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine And Barack Obama seems to be the only candidate willing to face it.
Commentary: Dilbert guy's economic poll on McCain, Obama -
McCain staffers attempt to derail McCain’s campaign |
Stumper : Palin's Favorability Ratings Begin to Falter
Palin supports $600 million 'other' bridge project - Yahoo! News
Eugene Robinson - Running on a Lie -
Cousin John, where did you go? - St. Petersburg Times (ouch)
Jonathan Martin's Blog: Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry -
Political Punch Palin and the Teleprompter (lie about everything)
YouTube - Law & Order Alaska Troopergate
Sarah Palin, Wasilla, book banning | Salon News The pastor who clashed with Palin (Palin says she will see Jesus in her lifetime)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Governor Palin's Reading List ("some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.")
McCain's Son Sat on Troubled Bank's Board - (acorns not far from the tree)
Fantasy and Science Fiction: Fiction
McCain Furiously Backpedals On 'Strong Economy' - The Jed Report
Why Obama's Health Plan Is Better -
My Husband Fell Asleep With Rubber Bands Around His Testicles For... - Blurtit
d IsoHunt Lawsuit Sends Message to CRIA, RIAA, MPAA & More - Linking is Legal -- Star Cluster to Hide Behind Moon
Wall St. in Worst Loss Since ’01, Despite Reassurances From Washington -
Creative Destruction on Wall Street
McCain and the Mortgage Meltdown
A.I.G. Seeks Billion in Fed Aid to Survive (good Communist)
Lehman Files for Bankruptcy; Merrill to Be Sold -
Calculated Risk: Fed Announces New Liquidity Initiatives
The Washington Monthly Mccain Still Sees The Fundamentals of The Economy As Strong
John McCain Revealed: Retirement Security (put your money in Wall Street!!)
Simple Justice: Banking and Brokerage Got its Wish - Big business got its chance to rule, and it blew it (how's that working out for you, America?)
Concurring Opinions - More on the Financial Sector
Calculated Risk: AIG: NY State Governor to Make Statement AIG stock is now off 63%.
European Tribune - Lehman: more socialising the losses of the rich
self-evident » How big are Lehman, Merrill, and AIG?
Stocks tumble amid new Wall Street landscape - Yahoo! News
YouTube - Market Meltdown (classic 8/6/07 Cramer clip: "they have no idea")
Calculated Risk: S&P Lowers WaMu Credit Rating to Junk
Wilbur Ross: Possibly a Thousand Banks Will Close - Financials * US * News * Story -
Firedoglake » As the Markets Plunge, Bernanke and Paulson Gamble Depositor’s Money
George Washington's Blog: Why The Fed Allowed Derivatives Trading on a Sunday
Cheney Shielded Bush From Crisis - Did peripheral vision mean a broader view of the consequences?
This is Your Nation on White Privilege | Red Room
Our Own Strength Against Us: The War on Terror as a Self-Inflicted Disaster: The Independent Institute y Ian S. Lustick
Did Saakashvili Lie?: The West Begins to Doubt Georgian Leader - Spiegel Online - News - International
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel raid 'could be war crime'
Rep. Kucinich, ImpeachBush Press Conference Renews Impeachment Call |
Glenn Greenwald - - What illegal "things" was the government doing in 2001-2004? Electoral Projections Done Right: Was Obama's 50 22-State Strategy a Mistake?
Mute magazine - Obama is Preaching Transcendence
Goldberg's War, By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) | Sadly, No! » Shorter Jeffrey Goldberg, Part Deux
John McCain's Journey From Maverick to Liar - John A. Farrell ( John McCain's Journey From Maverick to Liar
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | New Ad Stars Fellow McCain POW Suggesting He's Unfit To Be President
The GOP plays the victim card - Los Angeles Times Republican Party encourages its base to feel aggrieved at the hands of the 'elites.'
Sunday Herald - A letter to America: you cannot be serious
A Tangled Story of Addiction - Consequences of Cindy McCain's Drug Abuse Were More Complex Than She Has Portrayed
Did McCain Tamper With the Drug Enforcement Agency to Protect His Career? | | AlterNet
YouTube - Sarah Hyland IS Cindy McCain
TPMtv: Sunday Show Roundup: The Palin Factor
Washington Diarist: by Leon Wieseltier: Against Integrity
Katha Pollitt: Lipstick on a Wing Nut
Dakota: Yet Another Reason to Vote for Obama Sarah Palin's Pastor Problem Just Got Worse.The Viral Church Video They Tried To Bury And YouTube Took Down.
Sarah Palin's 9 Most Disturbing Beliefs | | AlterNet
Dan Froomkin - What Is the Bush Doctrine, Anyway? -
The Secret Journal of Levi Johnston by Sarah Hepola - The Morning News
Think Progress » McCain Loses Fox News: Megyn Kelly Rips McCain Flack For Claiming Obama Would Raise Middle Class Taxes
YouTube - Cartoon banned by the Mormon church
Sex Education as Liberation | The American Prospect
Babies and the sticky mitten test Alison Gopnik TLS - News Blog - Hubble Finds a Mystery Object
Google search finds seafaring solution - Times Online (datahavens!)
Dropbox - Log in - Secure backup, sync and sharing made easy.
How Dropbox ended my search for seamless sync on Linux
American Journey: Jesse Ventura Educates Naive "Reporters" re 911 Building Demos
VLC media player - Overview
Conflict Over Spying Led White House to Brink - (the Cheney Presidency)
Ben Smith's Blog: Obama raises $66 million in August -
Lehman Heads Toward Brink as Barclays Ends Talks - - liquidate! (one of biggest Republican failures ever)
Last Gasp of a Doomed Currency - Seeking Alpha
Greenspan: This Is The Worst Economy I've Ever Seen
In Frantic Day, Wall Street Banks Teeter -
Angry Bear: Roubini and the Bail-in this weekend
Bailouts Will Push US into Depression: Manager - General * Europe * News * Story -
charles hugh smith-Two Failed Parties: The Real Political Narrative of The Past Half-Century (*)
It's the creepy plotters who rule us we should really be scared of | Mail Online There is no such organisation as ‘Al Qaeda’.
Emptywheel » Bruce Ivins Rips the FBI’s Anthrax Case to Shreds in His Will
Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win - Yahoo! News
The Washington Monthly: Compare And Contrast
Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes - (small-town values!)
As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin Cut Own Duties, Left Trail of Bad Blood -
Bruce Wilson: YouTube Censors Documentary on Palin's Churches
Op-Ed Columnist - The Palin-Whatshisname Ticket - Op-Ed -
Tina Fey As Sarah Palin On SNL (VIDEO)
Fred Goldring: American Idolatry and Sarah Palin
Palin camp clarifies extent of Iraq trip - The Boston Globe Says she never ventured beyond Kuwait border
‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage!
YTMND - Palin's Army (holy shit)
YouTube - Bill Maher: Palin, Politics, & Truth (John Fund is a total idiot)
If All Women Lived in Sarah Palin's America
YouTube - Voting for Vaginas
Drawger - Palin by the Book
Sinfest: BarackStar
America's silly kid names - Los Angeles Times
Palin's 'Heretical' Church: Censored Video the McCain Campaign Doesn't Want you to See: | PEEK | AlterNet
Very Bizarre 'Holy Laughter Annointing' Theology at Sarah Palin's Juneau Church | Election 2008 | AlterNet
YouTube - Alaska Women Rally Against Sarah Palin 2008 Rejection Signs
Media Matters - Over five-day period, Fox News provided far more campaign stump time to Republicans than to Democrats
U.N. agency eyes curbs on Internet anonymity | Politics and Law - CNET News
David Foster Wallace - Commencement Speech at Kenyon University (2005)
Comedian Sabina Guzzanti 'insulted Pope' in 'poofter devils' gag - Times Online "offending the honour of the sacred and inviolable person" of Benedict XVI.
Unintelligent design -Times Online The myth of Creation is not a scientific theory; there is no case for including it in science education alongside evolution
Inspecting YouTube's ban on "drug abuse" videos | Web Scout | Los Angeles Times
BBC NEWS | Health | Tea 'healthier' drink than water
Gene Expression: Personality variation by region (USA)
Pakistan order to kill US invaders | The Australian
Editorial - Gov. Palin’s Worldview - Editorial - we kept wondering what on earth John McCain was thinking.
ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview |
McCain: Mr. Straight Talk? - First Read -
Michael Gerson - Faith-Based Condescension -
Daily Howler: Charlie Gibson did just fine--except for that one giant bungle
McCain Barbs Stirring Outcry as Distortions -
Op-Ed Columnist - She’s Not Ready - Op-Ed -
Media Matters - Old habits die hard - written by Los Angeles Times reporter Andrew Malcolm? Would it surprise you to learn that Malcolm used to be Laura Bush's press secretary?
Whoopi asks McCain: "Do I Have to Be Worried about Becoming a Slave Again?" | Video | AlterNet
Crooks and Liars » Alaska National Guard General gets promoted after retracting damaging Palin statements (Generalgate)
Did McCain Tamper With the Drug Enforcement Agency to Protect His Career? | | AlterNet
McCain-Palin Crowd-Size Estimates Not Backed by Officials - Yahoo! News (they lie about everything)
YouTube - Problems With Sarah Palin 11 The Press Gets to Interview Her
PERRspectives Blog: From Maverick to Prostitute: The Untold Story of John McCain
Daily Kos: MSM's New Meme: John Mccain Is A Liar (Backup Requested)
In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics - (duh, she's a Republican)
Report: Palin Did Not Visit Iraq | The Trail |
at-Largely: White Power: The Republican Base
Did Palin consider "rape kits" a form of abortion?
My Way News - Forum sells 'Obama Waffles' with racial stereotype
Albert Lea Tribune | Will a pork-barrel mayor become president? The bums have tiptoed out the back door and circled around to the front and started yelling, “Throw the bums out!”
Sadly, No! » Now THIS is what I like to see!
Palin/Stalin (worth a look)
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator: Make Your Own Palin Baby Name
YouTube - John McCain vs. John McCain
Campaign of lies disgraces McCain - St. Petersburg Times
Why McCain is going so negative, so often - Yahoo! News
Jill Greenberg :: The Manipulator (good)
YouTube - Joe Biden Speaks to HQ Staff and Volunteers
Literary Gulag :: Political Fictions by Diana Sheets Politics & Literature: Framing the Political Narrative for Victory in the 2008 Presidential Election
Don't Think of a Maverick! Could the Obama Campaign Be Improved? | Election 2008 | AlterNet
Frameshop by Jeffrey Feldman: The Winning Frame has Emerged: Solve Real Problems
Biologists on the Verge of Creating New Form of Life | Wired Science from
Visual Search Lab - Idée Inc.
The universe is a string-net liquid - A mysterious green crystal may be challenging our most basic ideas about matter and even space-time itself
Mysterious Stellar Blast in the 1840s Was a “Supernova Imposter” | 80beats | Discover Magazine
Cranach Magnified-Introduction (Getty Museum)
Bad Science » Matthias Rath drops his million pound legal case against me and the Guardian (backstory: scandalous and tragic South African Gov)
Matthias Rath: Fall of the doctor who said his vitamins would cure Aids | World news | The Guardian
stoney321: LDS Sparkledammerung IS HERE ! | | Twilight Series | Breaking Dawn | FAQ
Wunder Blog : Weather Underground Ike's record storm surge pushing into Texas
BBC NEWS | Middle East | No victory in Iraq, says Petraeus
Raising Kaine:: Webb: Bush Administration on verge of "constitutional coup d'etat"
BBC NEWS | Europe | Putin defends Georgia offensive "What did you want us to do? Wave our penknives in the air and wipe the bloody snot off our noses?" he asked
Video: Endgame in Iraq | World news |
For First Time, Figure in Rosenberg Case Admits Spying for Soviets -
Talking Points Memo | Fear of Losing Drove US Ground Raid in Pakistan (playing US politics again)
Is CNN Getting Kicked Out of Russia? | AlterNet
Hackers infiltrate Large Hadron Collider systems and mock IT security - Telegraph
Viewpoint: What Bush Will Surrender in Iraq - Yahoo! News (nothing; bypasses Congress and Constitution)
The Associated Press: Lawmakers vote for subpoenas for Troopergate probe
Drill here, drill now | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist (how insane are the Republicans? This insane.)
The two faces of John McCain | Salon The press needs to accept that the vicious, unprincipled McCain of the 2008 campaign is just as real as the virtuous McCain they admire.
Alaska under Sarah Palin has the highest rape rate of any state
AP's Tom Raum confuses his fantasies for fact - Glenn Greenwald - (straight from McCain to you)
Balloon Juice Quote of the Night
The Brad Blog : D.C. Election 'Glitch' Blamed on Sequoia Voting Machine Failure (all your glitches vote Republican)
Think Progress » Hannity explodes on air, calls guest ‘fool’ and ‘idiot,’ tells him to get off set. Sean Hannity and The American Prospect’s Robert Kuttner had a tense exchange about the election.
Media Matters - Matthews does not believe McCain would personally join in his campaign's attacks -- but he did Energetically Wrong Palin says Alaska supplies 20 percent of U.S. energy. Not true. Not even close.
BREAKING: Palin Linked Directly to Rape Kit Scandal « Op-Edna
If Democrats were Republicans, they would respond like this: - - News
YouTube - Les Misbarack (*)
Michelle Obama Dances On Ellen: "I'm A Better Dancer" Than Barack (VIDEO)
Op-Ed Columnist - Blizzard of Lies - Krugman -
Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska
Marc Fisher - For Working Moms, 'Flawed' Palin Is the Perfect Choice -
Exiled Online - Mankind’S Only Alternative » Sarah Palin’s Big Sleazy Safari - By John Dolan
Think Progress » On ‘The View,’ McCain Falsely Claims Palin Never Requested Earmarks As Governor Of Alaska
The Washington Monthly: I get the feeling there's a media decoder ring, and the Obama campaign doesn't have one
Media Matters - Fox's Williams falsely suggested Obama has changed position in now supporting ROTC on campuses
Political Punch: Dear Senator McCain: Here is Gov. Palin's list of earmark requests from February 2008
Talking Points Memo | Lying McCain | Palin: her state gets more earmarks than any other state in the country. And this year she asked for $197 million worth of them herself.
Balloon Juice Dan Drezner Cuts To The Chase (John Cole: Sarah Palin is the distilled essence of wingnut, George Bush in a dress)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Trooper-Gate: Everything You Need To Know
James Fallows (September 12, 2008) - The Palin interview (brutal: Bush Doctrine: 1) Ignorance 2) Lack of curiosity 3) "Decisiveness")
Bob Altemeyer: The Authoritarians - free ebook (why Republicans think the way they do)
excerpts from the book What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America by Thomas Frank (good quotes)
U.S. Helps Lehman Go Up for Sale - Regulators Are Seeking a Weekend Deal Not Involving Public Money (banana financial firms)
Calculated Risk: Retail Sales Decline Retail Sales Tumbled in August
Are the fire hydrants in your neighborhood turned on? | Latest News | "These hydrants need to be cut off in a way to prevent vandalism or any kind of terrorist activity (Texas turns off hydrants to fight terrorism) - It's all in your mind...
Poet's rhyming riposte leaves Mrs Schofield 'gobsmacked' | Education | The Guardian
What Your Global Neighbors Are Buying - Interactive Graphic -
BBC NEWS | Health | Bed sharing 'drains men's brains' (but vampire women sleep better)
Geocide in fiction @ Things Of Interest
Astrobiology: 'Galactic Internet' Could Broadcast Alien Signals
The Florentine: A Critic at Large: The New Yorker
Morality Quiz/Test your Morals, Values & Ethics - Your Morals.Org

Review - Socrates: A Life Examined by Luis E. Navia
Review - Philosophers without Gods - Philosophy Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life by Louise M. Antony (Editor)
Review - The Immeasurable Mind The Real Science of Psychology by William R. Uttal
Review - Neuroethics - Ethics Challenges for the 21st Century by Neil Levy
Review - The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology - Philosophy by David L. Hull and Michael Ruse (Editors)
Review - Vital Nourishment Departing from Happiness by Francois Jullien
McClatchy Washington Bureau | Guantanamo: Beyond the Law: America's prison for terrorists often held the wrong men (Enron accounting in the WOT)
Matthew Yglesias » Naive and Irresponsible “Bush Said to Give Orders Allowing Raids in Pakistan”
Sex, Drug Use and Graft Cited in Interior Department -
The government, the media and Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald - - Working in unison, Fox and the Pentagon continuously denied claims that large numbers of civilians had been killed in the airstrike (P-gon gets their casualty reports from FOX NEWS)
Michigan Messenger » Lose your house, lose your vote Michigan Republicans plan to foreclose African American voters (next step: only landed gentry can vote)
A Better Way to Have Handled 9/11
World Trade Center Rebuilding - Of Time and the Freedom Tower - Esquire
Dozens of journalists arrested at RNC - News - City Pagespage 1
AIG has $600 million Fannie, Freddie preferred: source | Reuters (o rly) Latin America Argentina's Fernandez to Lehman: Worry About Yourself (shadenfreud)
The death of OPEC - Top Stocks Blog - MSN Money
McCain Still Struggling With The Basics, By Steve Benen - CBS News (incoherent in Portland)
Palin leaves open option of war with Russia - Yahoo! News
ABC News: EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin (who'da thought she'd be a BSing airhead?)
A Palin double standard - Los Angeles Times The McCain campaign is insisting on deference in the questioning of the vice presidential candidate
What's the Pig Deal? - With a phony flap and a misleading attack ad, the McCain campaign sinks into silliness.
WaPo unpublishes story about Cindy McCain's drug abuse)
The E&P Pub: The Case of the Missing 'Post' Posting
Youtube: This Is How You Stick It To Lying Republican Hacks
Is the Washington Post hiding a major corruption story about John McCain and his wife's drug use?
Daily Kos: Wall Street Journal scrubs their article on Palin UPDATED X9
The American Prospect | the great tradition of American stenography (fact free reporting by WaPo's Jonathan Weisman)
Presidential Swing States (FL, OH & PA) Poll * September 11, 2008 * Palin Boosts McCain In Florida - Quinnipiac University
YouTube - John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof.
Open Left:: "I Am Not A Crook"--The Anti-Palin/McCain Ad Obama OUGHT To Run
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Former GOP senator calls Palin a ‘cocky wacko’ « - Blogs from
Questions for Palin: Opinion | This week, she'll finally emerge from her protective shell
The New Realities of the 2008 Presidential Election -- New York Magazine -- With one hastily made decision, John McCain upended the presidential race. An investigation of the bloody new political realities
YouTube - Countdown: Lying in State
Media Matters - On Fox, MRC's Graham criticized MSNBC for "adding this lesbian Air America radio host, Rachel Maddow" to its lineup
YouTube - Republicans and military men on John McCain
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/11/2008 | Critics: Under Palin, Wasilla charged rape victims for exam (only Wasilla)
McCain Voted Against Biden Law Requiring Free Rape Exams - The Jed Report
Talk To Action | A Palin Pastor Primer
Palin Warned to Stop Disparaging Sister's Ex | A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's ex
How to Get Promoted in PalinWorld. « Mudflats
Fafblog! Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin!
Open Left:: From "Bitch-Slap" To "Gaslight" -- Grokking The GOP Game
YouTube - ABC investigates Sarah Palin's book censorship
slacktivist: Gov. Palin and the Fib from Outer Space
Stumper : The Politics of Stupidity
ABC News: Match-o-Matic 2
Ben Smith's Blog: Palin's source - - Westbrook Pegler.
Send us your dreams about Sarah Palin. - By David Plotz - Slate Magazine
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Meet Track Palin, Drug Addict
Campaign Silo » Carville Says McCain Too Honorable To Know About Attack Ads (sure, Snakehead)
Calling a Lie a Lie The dicey dynamics of exposing untruths
Exiled Online - Is CNN Getting Kicked Out of Russia? - By Yasha Levine (Cheney spikes interview w/Putin)
YouTube - Stroke Heroes Act Fast
Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness
The Key to Wedded Bliss? Money Matters -
Findings - As External Barriers Disappear, Internal Gender Gaps Widen -
:: Bradley University :: Personality and Culture Lab (PaC Lab) :: International Sexuality Description Project
Fermilab Looks for Visitors from Another Dimension: Scientific American
Science Now: The observations reveal that the jets of the gamma-ray burst called GRB 080319B were aimed almost directly at the Earth.
Brattleboro Reformer Gov't officials probed about illicit sex, gifts (Republian "culture of substance abuse and promiscuity")
Peter Kornbluh: 35 Years After Original 9/11: New Transcripts of Kissinger's Role in Chilean Coup
U.S. Intelligence Sees It Russia’s Way - Kommersant Moscow
Jonathan Freedland: The world's verdict will be harsh if the US rejects the man it yearns for | Comment is free | The Guardian
Edge 256 (Haidt and see Scott Atran)
Edge: Moral Psychology And The Misunderstanding Of Religion: A Talk With Jonathan Haidt
Edge: What Makes People Vote Republican? By Jonathan Haidt
Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives | Video on
How Buddha got it wrong
Foreign Affairs - When to Leave Iraq - Colin H. Kahl and William E. Odom - The Rising Cost of the Iraq 'Surge'
Uncertainties slow Iraqi withdrawal plans - International Herald Tribune
Iraq’s Political Transition After the Surge: Five Enduring Tensions and Ten Key Challenges
Does the Truth Matter Anymore? - PostPartisan - Quick takes by The Post's opinion writers
Media Matters - Scarborough claimed media will talk about "[w]hatever the McCain campaign wants us to talk about, because the McCain campaign is assertive"
Daily Kos: Gallup: Shows "Palin Bounce" largely contained to South (Updated)
Think Progress » Just Like Bush White House, Palin Uses Personal E-mail Accounts And Claims Executive Privilege
The Raw Story | Obama: McCain pig ad 'a made-up controversy'
Gutter Politics: McCain Campaign Called Out For Half-Truths
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/09/2008 | Out of bounds! McCain misstates Obama sex-ed record
Palin lies could lead to Bridge to Oblivion | Jay Bookman |
Political Punch A Piggish Debate
McCain plays dirty on Obama & sex-ed: The Swamp
McCain's campaign perfects its outrage over sexism. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
The Pig Takes the Cake - PostPartisan - Quick takes by The Post's opinion writers
Jonathan Martin's Blog: The race descends -
Ben Smith's Blog: CBS takes down McCain webad, suggests it's 'misleading' -
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/10/2008 | Palin expensed her children's air travel to the state McCain-Palin Distorts Our Finding Those attacks on Palin that we debunked didn't come from Obama.
As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They're Undone (Palin is an "insurgent" says Repubs)
Gutter Politics: McCain Campaign Called Out For Half-Truths
Palin Interviewer Gibson Let Multiple McCain Lies Go Unchallenged
Hard Fall: What Happened to NBC? | The New York Observer (Repub Corporate Overlords)
How to Sell Your Gubernatorial Airplane - Swampland - TIME
McCain rolls out health plan and a few punches: The Swamp (attacks Hilliary)
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room » Obama Camp: New McCain Ad 'Shameful'
Apology Not Accepted - Swampland - TIME - Klein: one of the sleaziest ads I've ever seen in presidential politics
Think Progress » McCain Adviser Tells CNN: McCain Refuses To Talk About Bush’s Iraq Policy Because It’s ‘A Political Death Knell’
Matthew Yglesias » Weisman Gets on the Tire Swing
Sarah Palin: Good for the Jews? | The Trail |
Palin Family Shockers: What Sarah'S Really Hiding! - Celebrity News | National Enquirer
The New, Interactive Singles Map. Or, Looking for Love in All the Statistically Wrong Places.
World Names Profiler
Congress questions high cost of texting | Politics and Law - CNET News
Obama is RESTful » Idol Hands: Days in the Life of an Alpha Geek
Crowds flock to Tottori Sand Dunes to see sculptures shaped like World Heritage sites - The Mainichi Daily News
308 - The Pop Vs Soda Map « Strange Maps
Dead Reckonings » The Art of Nomography I: Geometric Design
Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home - - Taxpayers Also Funded Family's Travel
Matthew Yglesias » Good Stuff
Bob Herbet - Hold Your Heads Up - - How else, over so many years, could the G.O.P. get away with ridiculing all things liberal?
Nick Cohen: When Barack's berserkers lost the plot | Comment is free | The Observer
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Flashback: McCain Favored Abolishing Department Of Education
Think Progress » Reid boots Lieberman from party lunches. (Updated)
Poll Madness: McCain Takes Lead Even As Democrats Out-Register Republicans?
Gordon Brown backs Barack Obama for US president - Telegraph
Poll shows big shift to McCain among white women | Reuters (20% change their minds to vote against themselves)
Nonprofit Law Prof Blog: ADF Calls for "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" - A Day When Ministers Are Asked to Violate the Ban on Endorsing (or Opposing) Candidates for Elective Office
Ban on Political Endorsements by Pastors Targeted - (rise of the theocrats)
Calculated Risk: Bove on WaMu: Problem is Simple, Too Many Bad Loans - "We're going to see a whopper, we're going to see a big one, one of the big investment banks or big banks."
The Big Picture | Lehman Goes Boom
Howard Kurtz - MSNBC Bombs in Blogosphere -
Do journalists have any obligations beyond their self-interest? - Glenn Greenwald -
The Real Argument to Make Against Keith Olbermann: He's a Flip-Flopping Apologist / Jossip
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Why The Press Can'T Report The Campaign
Dakota Scratching Sarah Palin's Surface
Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics - TIME
In Palin's Past, the Personal Got Political -
McCain must embrace Palin's beliefs, evangelical leader says -
Think Progress » Hannity: No One At Fox News Has Ever Accused Obama Of Being A Muslim
Open Left:: John McCain and Sarah Palin Think Americans Are Stupid
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain camp says Biden ’sunk to a new low’ « - Blogs from McCain camp says Biden 'sunk to a new low' (more inconvienent facts)
Daily Kos: New revelations re "stealth dominionist" Sarah Palin Electoral Projections Done Right: Palin, Biden Less Popular than Cheney
Language Log » Fade to narrative
Literary Gulag :: Political Fictions by Diana Sheets: Politics & Literature: Framing the Political Narrative for Victory in the 2008 Presidential Election
Twenty-Six Things We Now Know Seven Years After 9/11
Six-Year-Old News Story Causes United Airlines Stock to Plummet -- UPDATE Google Placed Wrong Date on Story | Threat Level from
Cato Unbound » Blog Archive » Towards a Culture of Responsible Psychoactive Drug Use
The 5 Greatest Office Pranks of All-Time
First Person: 'We're married, we just don't have sex' | Life and style | The Guardian
WebAIM: Blog - History of the browser user-agent string
BBC NEWS | South Asia | US to review Afghan attack case (they lied)
Boston Review — Elaine Scarry: Presidential Crimes - Moving on is not an option
Woodward: Bush tried locking in strategy - Mike Allen - Bob Woodward Writes Self-Adoring New Bush Chronicle 2008 National Presidential General Election:McCain vs Obama
Media Matters - The Denver media migraine by Eric Boehlert
Sebastian Mallaby - McCain's Convenient Untruth - McCain's Convenient Untruth
For the Republican Base, Palin Pick Is Energizing
MSNBC Drops Olbermann, Matthews as News Anchors - (not Fox enough)
You can turn off NBC and MSNBC during the debates and elections
The right dictates MSNBC's programming decisions - Glenn Greenwald -
Republican Pollster Confident Racists Will Deliver a John McCain Victory | Indecision2008 | Comedy Central
BBC - Today - Why rednecks may rule the world - we are hearing a lot from the pundits and candidates about "heartland voters," and "white working class voters."
Ban on Political Endorsements by Pastors Targeted (Fundies want to endorse candidates in church)
Think Progress » Woodward: Bush Doesn’t Understand Why Iraqis ‘Are Not Appreciative’ Of ‘Liberation’
Fusing Politics and Motherhood in a New Way -
Poll: Convention lifts McCain over Obama -
Joe Biden can beat Sarah Palin by pretending she's a man. And that he's not Joe Biden. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
Palin Makes Her First Gaffe (facts are stupid)
Palin - Republican Party Infiltrator? Damning Video. « Mudflats (well, whackos anyway)
Pastor: GOP may be downplaying Palin's religious beliefs - (they made the rules) Worldwide U.S. Takeover of Fannie, Freddie Offers `Stopgap'
When markets are wrong -- Why the Fannie-Freddie bailout is a bad sign | L.A. Land | Los Angeles Times
Massive Takedown of Anti-Scientology Videos on YouTube | Electronic Frontier Foundation
L'Eglise de scientologie renvoyée en correctionnelle - Société - Le
Scientologists charged with fraud in France: source - Yahoo! News
From The Magazine : Radar Online - Secrets of a Hipster Hooker
Prions jump species barrier : Nature News Test tube experiments may help identify the most hazardous prion proteins.
Chrome-fed Googasm bares tech pundit futility | The Register
Debate: 'Behavioural economics: is it such a big deal?' by Pete Lunn | Prospect Magazine September 2008 issue 150
Edge Master Class 2008: A Short Course In Behavioral Economics—Introduction
Designing better choices - Los Angeles Times Libertarian paternalism gives you options while achieving society's goals.
The University of Chicago Magazine Can behavioral economics save us from ourselves?
Edge Master Class 07: A Short Course In Thinking About Thinking—Daniel Kahneman
Furious Seasons Placebo Effect In Depression Treatment Much Larger Than Previously Thought
A Summer of Madness - The New York Review of Books By Oliver Sacks (manic-depressive/bipolar illness: review of Hurry Down Sunshine by Michael Greenberg)
Zogby International Zogby Poll: Republicans Hold Small Post-Convention Edge
Republicans Regain Largest Colorado Voting Bloc
Kunstler on Virtual Reality For children, no escape from America's car-dependent, cheap-oil fiesta
Greg Palast, Author of Armed Madhouse, on How Rove May Have Already Stolen the 2008 Election |
Bush Administration Lied 935 Times About Iraq Before Invasion: Study - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News
Olmert: We must prepare now for the evacuation of West Bank settlers - Haaretz - Israel News (will bill U.S.)
MP calls for new Kelly death probe after MoS revelations cast doubt on whether he was able to kill himself | Mail Online
New Statesman - Diehard teen republicans
The escalating breakdown of urban society across the US | Media | The Guardian
Fred Gardner: Joe Biden, Drug Warrior (see above)
Media Matters - Brokaw falsely suggested Oprah hosted Obama as a presidential candidate (how could he not know that?)
Daily Kos: 600,000 Ohio voters subject to GOP caging. . .
McCain's history of hot temper raises concerns - Yahoo! News
Kunstler on Virtual Reality For children, no escape from America's car-dependent, cheap-oil fiesta
The Big Picture | Treasury Takeover of GSEs: 10 Key Points
Dan Rather nails it!!!
Will the GOP's negativity produce a backlash? - Glenn Greenwald -
The Political Scene: Party Faithful: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker Can the Democrats get a foothold on the religious vote?
Republicans, Stop Calling Obama Elitist | Because the real reason you don't like him is that he's smarter than you.
Watching Republicans makes me insane | Salon Life
Teen Sex, Sex Education And Sarah Palin : NPR
Sarah Palin : A lipsticked pitbull that's a scaredy cat with the press | culturekitchen
Op-Ed Columnist - Palin and McCain’s Shotgun Marriage - Op-Ed - - Why can't Sarah Palin talk to the press? (clock)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/07/2008 | Palin used state funds for trip to speak at her former church
Jon Stewart Hits Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris On Sarah Palin Hypocrisy
YouTube - Is McCain Palin's Bitch?
YouTube - Palin vs Obama - A Dark Comedy
YouTube - Heart Barracuda
Could Florida Survive the Big One? - TIME (they aren't all going to hit NOLA)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Polish agents tell of CIA jails - Polish intelligence sources have for the first time confirmed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ran a secret prison facility on Polish soil.
Right at the Edge - Special Report -
YouTube - Joe Biden On Fire
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - A test for the media
Obama vs. McCain: Taxing and Spending
Open Left:: Mortgage Industry Nationalized
The Blog from Another Dimension » Earmark Queen
The Vanishing Republican Voter - An Analysis -
Media Matters - Jonathan Weisman's failure to understand history Washington Post congressional reporter downplayed the significance of John McCain voting with George Bush 90 percent of the time
John McCain's Big Acceptance Speech | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
John McCain: Reformed Maverick | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
YouTube - Countdown: Lying in State
When did the idea of freedom become a political orphan? --
A Most Unchristian Republican Convention - The Seminal
How Palin will beat the press: by running as the new Spiro Agnew. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Why We're Planning to Prosecute Cheney and Bush
Michael Collins: Not One Dime for Georgia
The Best F#&king News Team Ever - Small Town Values | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Dakota: All Pit Bull, No Lipstick
Letter About Palin Goes Viral : NPR
Palin: wrong woman, wrong message - Los Angeles Times By Gloria Steinem
Open Left:: From "Bitch-Slap" To "Gaslight" -- Grokking The GOP Game
Lexington | The woman from nowhere | John McCain’s choice of running-mate raises serious questions about his judgment Electoral Projections Done Right: Sarah Palin Is Not a Hockey Mom
US Election 2008: Sarah Palin ‘affair’: big media stays quiet as ‘lover’ named | News | The First Post
Doug's Blog: Christian Mothers, Pastors, Writers, Students Communicate Their Opposition To A Feminist Vision of Family Life and the American Presidency (what the real fundies think of Sarah Palin)
Shadow Governor? | (First Dude has his fingers in the pie)
metaquotes: Modern-Day Conservative - Imagine it sung by Palin, with a group of young Republicans as her chorus.
Palin claim on eBay plane sale doesn't fly --
One Palin Mystery Solved - September 8 Privacy, not intrigue, behind pol pal's bid to seal divorce records
Alaska Lawmakers to Seek Subpoenas in Palin Inquiry -
How pro-life absolutism undermines family values. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine
Talk To Action | Palin's Churches and the Third Wave Part One | Palin's Churches and the Third Wave Part Two
The Matanuska Colony: The New Deal in Alaska - ExploreNorth
From a distance: The real scandals « TheZoo
The Home Front: Vets For Democrats: The Talk of the Town: The New Yorker by George Packer
Jonathan Drori on what we think we know | Video on
The 25 Funniest Web Videos (No, Really!) : Rolling Stone
BBC NEWS | Health | Universal flu vaccine tests start | Rare condition gives toddler super strength
How the Human Got His Thumbs | Popular Science
Not Exactly Rocket Science : Did a gene enhancer humanise our thumbs?
When sex becomes an addiction - (it's a brain disease)
Neurophilosophy : Lessons about memory from Homer Simpson
U.S. Spied on Iraqi Leaders, Book Says - Woodward Also Reveals That Political Fears Kept War Strategy Review 'Under the Radar'
YouTube - Activists Charged With Terrorism Under the Patriot Act at the Republican National Convention ----- Part 1 of 3
U.S. Nears Rescue Plan For Fannie And Freddie -
Polish prosecutors probe possible CIA jail | Reuters (will look under the rug)
Mexico drug plane used for US 'rendition' flights: report - Yahoo! News UK (story goes mainstream: CIA coke smuggling)
They'd Rather Be Right - The New York Review of Books (from Jan/2008 - accurate Michael Tomasky
The death of a taboo - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - GOP Talked of Terrorists and Iraq, But Not Veterans, Dead Troops
John McCain Speech Reactions (VIDEO)
Keith Olbermann Apologizes For RNC's Graphic 9/11 Tribute (VIDEO)
Media Matters - Tipping the scales: Cable news channels dedicate more coverage to RNC's scheduled programming during peak hours than to DNC's
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Policies Of Ressentiment
Klein: McCain's Muted Acceptance - TIME
New Republican slogan from FOD Team and Adam "Ghost Panther" McKay (not bad)
Image - Why people say “you’d have to pay me to live in Alaska”COMIC
Politics and Power Blog: (Palin pregnancy timeline)
McCain Ally Moves to Curb Probe of Palin | Newsweek Politics: Conventions
YouTube - Devastating ABC Investigative Report on Troopergate
Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean.” | The LA Progressive - “So Sambo beat the bitch!”
YouTube - Real McCain of Genius: Houses
Media Matters - Will Ron Fournier break out his abacus again? (McCain uses "I" over 100 times, AP puts fingers in ears)
Media Matters - ABC repeatedly noted controversial comments by Obama's "allies," but has yet to report comments by McCain endorsers
palinpicuv1.jpg (Palin and McCain in their Hitler poses)
Think Progress » McCain Campaign Plans To Keep Palin Away From The Press
Palin's stall: Opinion |
ABC News: Investigation into Palin Now on Fast Track Sources Tell ABC News that Report Will Be Released Almost Three Weeks Early
YouTube - CNN Documents Sarah Palin's Truthiness Problem
Alaska Court Records - Public Access - Docket List (Scott Richter, Palin's love-interest)
Mat-Su Real Property Land Detail
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Heart condemns McCain-Palin use of ‘Barracuda’ « - Blogs from
YouTube - Jon Stewart defends Community Organizers
Home loan troubles break records again: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance Delinquencies, foreclosures rise to more than 9 percent of US home loans in second quarter (and if 10% of Americans lose their homes?)
Genome Quilts by Beverly St. Clair
Did the Romans destroy Europe's HIV resistance? - health - 03 September 2008 - New Scientist
Height Linked With Prostate Cancer Risk - Well Blog -
Pakistani parliament condemns US-led attack - Yahoo! News Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term "uppity" to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday.
Think Progress » Romney mocks Gore for non-existent private jet.
Fake Soldiers Used In RNC Video, Patriotic Montage Shown At RNC Featured Actors Hired For One Day Shoot, Not Military - CBS News
Palin Attended 5 Colleges In 6 Years
YouTube - Palin National Convention Re-Edit
The Sarah Palin FAQ. - By Derek Thompson - Slate Magazine
AP: Attacks, Praise Stretch Truth At GOP Convention (stretch=lie)
Factchecking Palin, By Hilzoy - CBS News
Sarah Palin Gender Card | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Sarah Palin forced to fight claims she had an affair | Mail Online
YouTube - Sarah Palin sat in church during anti-Jewish tirade!
Open Left:: So Now Giving A Strong Speech IS Enough To Be President? OK! Good To Know! ("a shift from a producer culture of solidarity to a spectacle culture of celebrity")
Sarah Palin - Note from Anne Kilkenny
Juneau Empire Story Archive - Troopers dub Mat-Su area the meth capital of Alaska - WASILLA
The Washington Monthly - Let's Define 'Primary Responsibilities'
James Fallows (September 04, 2008) - Sarah Palin (Politics)
ABC News: Fired Alaskan Official Says Palin Hasn't Been Truthful
YouTube - Barack Obama on Gustav: "We Rise and Fall as One Nation"
The Reality-Based Community: Palin v. Reality
Booman Tribune - On Community Organizers (RNC code-words)
Douglas Rushkoff » Hate Party (thought vs violence)
Linda Grant on the two opposing sides of America | Comment is free | The Guardian
As Republicans unveil VP candidate: Democrats silent on threat from religious right
Palin: What Should Worry Us Most
Study firmly shows no connection between measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism | Science Codex
Mormons are almost as crazy as the Scientologists!
Political Radar: Biden Rips Bush Administration Obama-Biden government would go through Bush administration data with "a fine-toothed comb" and pursue criminal charges if necessary.
Holding murderers accountable: The case against Bush, Cheney et al.
Media Matters - ABC, CBS aired no analysis from Dems during Day 2 of RNC coverage, despite airing analysis by Republicans during Day 2 of DNC coverage
Think Progress OHanlon: Bush deserves credit for Iraq being free of WMD (why he's a wanker)
Foreign Policy: The List: Obamas 10 Worst Ideas
Political Radar: Dems Call Palin Experience Ad 'Ridiculous'
Sarah Palin Visits AIPAC: That Didnt Take Long From the Left
McCain: Stop questions on Palin background - GOP campaign spokesman lashes out at media's old boys' network (McPsycho)
Daily Kos: McCain VP Vetters in Fantasyland
Reebosak Forums - Election 2008 - The thorough vetting of Sarah Palin, collected and partially color-coordinated for your perusal!
Bad Attitudes: Palin Spokesman says its a Witch Hunt Just Like Ken Starr (whoops, wasn't supposed to say that)
Texas to teachers: Bible will be taught
Nathaniel Bach: Epic Fail: McCain Campaign Magnifies CNN/Palin Debacle
Editorial - Candidate McCains Big Decision -
PressThink: The Palin Convention and the Culture War Option
Angry Amateurs - Swampland - TIME
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - Palin's preacher: Anti-Jewish Terror is "God's Judgment" (she was in the pew)
Dakota On Airing One's Dirty Laundry in Public
McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer's Palin Rumor - From The Road (affair w/Todd's business partner)
Sarah Palin: a loveable woman, but an appalling candidate | Alice Miles - Times Online
ABC News: Another Controversy for Sarah Palin Former Police Chief Says He Was Fired for Challenging Palin's Campaign Contributors Fark Video Player (3845739) Video of Sarah Palin talking to her church about our divine mission to invade Iraq, the need for Jesus, the gift of prophecy
Monthly Review - Jeremiah Wright in the Propaganda System
Top 100 Recipients of Federal Assistance for FY 2008
Hoover Institution - Hoover Digest - Economies Evolve, Too
Dead at 47, the man who told us how to live life to the full - Americas, World - The Independent
Features : Radar Online : Charting the origins of cougar mania
Lady Janes plea for forgiveness may unlock 260-year-old mystery of a lady who lied - Times Online
In Our Genes, Old Fossils Take On New Roles -
Fermilab physicists discover 'doubly strange' particle
Important work can be done while daydreaming - The Boston Globe
McCain was rushed, got sloppy - War Room -
Bob Herbert: Head for the High Road - International - Spiegel Online - Sarah Palin is the latest GOP distraction This is why so many liberal men shy away from writing about reproductive rights
'Stealing America': Voting-fraud documentary
Gallup Daily: Obama Hits 50% for First Time (heh)
Daily Kos: McCain Throws Tantrum Over CNN Interview (McHissyFit used to media rollovers)
Think Progress Infuriated About Tough CNN Interview, McCain Cancels Larry King Appearance (Blitzer shreds McCrazy)
Palin Disclosures Raise Questions on Vetting Process -
With Palin revelations, McCain's gamble is clearer - Los Angeles Times
McCain Fought Teen Pregnancy Programs
YouTube - Tucker Bounds on Palin's National Security Experience
The madness must end The Poor Man Institute (the Editors do it again)
Mayor Palin: A Rough Record - TIME (book burner, tried to fire librarian)
Political Punch - Another AIP Official Says Palin Was at 1994 Convention
Daily Kos: Year-by-year break down of Palin & Obama resumes - Updated 2x
Republicans Rush In
Leighton Woodhouse: Red Alaska
Bristol Palin's pregnancy was an open secret back home
Bristol Palin Gone Wild :
Cenk Uygur: What If Bristol Palin Were Black?
Sarah Palin is Lying--Again - Leigh Bailey - Open Salon
Michael Calderone's Blog: Enquirer's Perel: "We triggered Palin announcement" -
Sally Quinn: Palin's Pregnancy Problem - On Faith at
Monogamy gene found in people - sex - 01 September 2008 - New Scientist
Vaccine Induced Inflammation Linked to Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic... | Reuters
Loss Of Sleep, Even For A Single Night, Increases Inflammation In The Body
Arctic becomes an island as ice melts - Telegraph
Hope2604 - Steve Rambam Pt 1 Privacy Is Dead Get Over It
Project Pluto: The Flying Crowbar
Poll: Obama/Biden Take Eight-Point Lead, Democratic Ticket Gets Boost After Convention, CBS News Poll Finds - CBS News
Howard Schweber: Russia, Georgia... and Iran
Fables of the reconstruction: Ed Rendell Accepts Federal Abstinence-Only Sex Education Funds for Pennsylvania Schools - "or what have you"
Media Matters - CNN's Velshi falsely claimed "no oil shed into the Gulf of Mexico" because of Hurricane Katrina (zombie lies from the moron stream media)
Bristol Palin pregnant -- right now - First Read -
Daily Kos: Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]
Palin On Abortion: I'd Oppose Even If My Own Daughter Was Raped
TAPPED Archive | Palin And The Meaning Of Choice | Alaska's news and information source | Palin hires attorney for public safety controversy
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | "Water Breakgate" - 8/31/2008 - New and Disturbing Information (good roundup so far)
The Final Days of the Presidency of George W. Bush -
Media Matters - NY Times' Kristol stressed need for foreign policy experience before Palin pick -- but now says "insiders ... overly value" it (little Billy Kristol)
George Lakoff: The Palin Choice and the Reality of the Political Mind
NATIONAL JOURNAL: Obama: Most Liberal Senator in 2007 (01/31/2008)
The TSA's useless photo ID rules - Los Angeles Times
Ben Goldacre on the medicalisation of everyday life | Business | The Guardian
BBC NEWS | Health | Gene 'links food and fertility'
Internet traffic begins to bypass the U.S. - CNET News The era of the American Internet is ending.
Scientists unlocking mysteries of intuition | | our decisions can, in fact, be influenced by subconsciously-perceived cues.
Lifehacks - Everything Shii Knows
Mummy News Home Page
Mandatory evacuations to begin Sunday morning in New Orleans -
GOP cancels convention opening night as Gustav nears | Front page | - Houston Chronicle
Economic View - Is History Siding With Obamas Economic Plan? -
Federal government involved in raids on protesters - Glenn Greenwald -
Judges consider whether FBI violated free speech | Reuters
The BRAD BLOG : 16,632 Votes Reportedly 'Unaccounted For' in Palm Beach County Primary Election 'Recount'
t r u t h o u t | Did a Mississippi Raid Protect Rightwing Politicians?
Police raids enrage activists, alarm others
Wake up America, Sign up America! | - Join Dennis Kucinich & Demand Impeachment Hearings
Think Progress McCain Says He Is Obviously Against Torture, Forgets His Vote To Allow Waterboarding
Daily Kos: BabyGate: Explosive New Details [Photos+Video]
Sarah Palin and children conceived out of wedlock - an uncomfortable question needs to be posed
What is McCain Thinking? One Alaskans Perspective. Mudflats
Alaskan Governor's child may be her daughter's? -
sarahpalinla4.png - Palin Pregancy Decision map
Greg Mitchell: 2 Top Alaska Newspapers Question Palin's Fitness
Palin and Her Pastors: Those that die without Christ have a horrible, horrible surpriseBy Ken Silverstein and Sebastian Jones (Harper's Magazine)
YouTube - Dobson crony prays for rain on Obama's Speech in Denver (plan backfires)
The Lovenstein Institute - It is tough being a Republican in 2008
The 50 greatest arts videos on YouTube | Technology | The Observer
Mythbusters Gagged: Credit Card Companies Kill Episode Exposing RFID Security Flaws (call the MBTA)
Adam Savage Is a Geeky God|ArsGeek
Flickr: The Banksy Does New Orleans Pool
Oddest book title prize | Books |
les habits de la nature (Omo Valley Tribe -- just wow) | (on my wish list) Natural Fashion - Barbara's W.I.P.
tiny houses small dwellings of every shape and size
The best Olympic photographs of 2008 | Sport |
Christmas Island atomic bombs | Salon
Famine as commerce: Africa's tragedy Devander Sharma / AgBioIndia 6aug02
Photo Tampering Throughout History
YouTube - The End of All Things
Exclusive: Chief Fired by Palin Speaks Out - Washington Post Investigations Exclusive: Chief Fired by Palin Speaks Out (this will be good)
Media Matters - claimed Palin "oppos[es]" earmarks -- but her administration said it requested them this year
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Palin Probe Could Mean Election-Eve Trouble for McCain
6 things the Palin pick says about McCain - Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris -
EzraKlein Archive | The Palin Reception
John McCain Chooses a Running Mate | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Palin on the Issues
YouTube - Scarborough reacts to Palin news
DNCC Video Experience (HD video of Acceptance Speech)
YouTube - OBAMA FULL SPEECH: Offers Policy Specifics, Goes on Offense v. McCain
YouTube - OBAMA: Convention Bio Video/Intro
The Corner - Barack Obama's Acceptance Speech (transcript)
American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank - Index of Speeches A-F
Barack Obama Democratic National Convention Speech Map | Political Maps
Obama Theme Song | Ask Metafilter (wow)
UPDATE 1-Obama acceptance speech believed to set TV record | Reuters
YouTube - Pat Buchanan Loved Obama's Convention Speech
Barack Obama: He Completes Us | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Jon Soltz: 60 Days To Judge a Commander in Chief?
Media Matters by Jamison Foser - An Olympic-sized opportunity missed
Alpharetta-based Integrity bank fails | - had Christian-centered philosophy, prayers every day, faith-based accounting and huge compensation
Confessions of a porn addict pastor | The Daily Telegraph
Ian Angus, "The Myth of the Tragedy of the Commons" - most-reprinted articles ever to appear in any scientific journal (written by prof Garrett Hardin w/no evidence at all - A Politically Useful Myth)
PrawfsBlawg: Michael Heller's The Gridlock Economy
SSRN-The Tragedy of the Anticommons: Property in the Transition from Marx to Markets by Michael Heller
The Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: Library of Economics and Liberty
YouTube - MYTHBUSTERS - Fascination With The Dodo Bird Pt 1, with Adam Savage.
Gallup Daily: Obama Stretches Lead to 8 Points
Palin Pick Leaves Bruised Feelings | The Trail |
Think Progress McCain To Announce Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin As His Vice Presidential Pick /a>
Sarah Palin: Dems Pounce On McCain Pick
Bearing Up - New York Times (Palin hates polar bears)
Talking Points Memo | Palin: A Scandal We Can Believe In!
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | AK Gov. Says Staffer Pressed for Trooper's Firing
Afarensis: Intelligent Design and the Alaska Governor's Race (Palin is a fundie creationist)
Sarah Palin on the Issues
Daily Kos: Conservatives React to Palin - We're looking at a full-blown meltdown.
Sarah Palin Vice President Nominee (that didn't take long)
Daily Kos: Betraying McCain's desperation
Below The Beltway - Absurd Comment Ever - Fox News Channels Steve Doocy says Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because her state is across the Bering Sea from Russia.
Anti-choice, anti-science, and corrupt - The Jed Report
Daily Kos: Obama campaign should ram Rove's quote down McCain's throat
Analysis: Palin's age, inexperience rival Obama's - Yahoo! News By Ron Fournier, Associated Press Superhack
Media Matters - CNN's Castellanos falsely claimed Obama never held a job for four years in his life
Putin Asserts Link Between U.S. Election and Georgia War -
Russia 'to Absorb' South Ossetia - TIME
Attack on Iran expected - Domestic -
Fear and Loathing | Democratic National Convention | Denver 2008
MSNBC Host Rips AP Reporter's Analysis of Obama Speech
ABC News: ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors
Asa Eslocker: An Update - FishbowlDC (cigar-chomping thug Denver cops, meanwhile, hotel admits it doesn't own the sidewalk)
AT&T thanks the Blue Dog Democrats with a lavish party - Glenn Greenwald - Worldwide GM Offers Early Retirement to 9,000 Salaried Workers
GM Recalling 944,000 Vehicles - Time -
the physics arXiv blog Blog Archive Do nuclear decay rates depend on our distance from the sun?
Now Hear This: Don't Remove Earwax | LiveScience
Cure for deafness now within reach - Telegraph
Bosnia Overcomes Ancient Ethnic and Religious Divisions to Unite in Anger Against Gay Festival News
It's official: Comcast starts 250GB bandwidth caps October 1
London from above, at night - The Big Picture -
YouTube - Adam & Jamie draw a MONA LISA in 80 milliseconds! at NVIDIA's Show
The Top 100 Classic Web Sites - Fun and Games - Reviews by PC Magazine
NASA Images Show Gamma Ray Bursts Across Milky Way -
10 Most Incredible Ancient Oases in the World
US election: McCain tries to spoil the party | World news | Republican candidate may reveal name of vice-presidential running mate in effort to steal the limelight from Obama
Op-Ed Contributor - Robert A. Caro - Op-Ed Contributor - Lyndon Johnsons Dream, Obamas Speech - Op-Ed - - Op-Ed (Racist South)
Military help for Georgia is a 'declaration of war', says Moscow in extraordinary warning to the West| News | This is London
Daily Kos: McCain Advisor: There are no uninsured Americans ("So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved.")
That, Democrats, is how it's done - Swampland - TIME - That, Democrats, is how it's done (but it was "Beautiful Day" not "Addicted to Love," Amy, geesh)
Rove Versus Lieberman: Rove Tried To Kill Lieberman As VP Pick
McCain's Prickly TIME Interview - Time (McGrouchy)
What is the Keating Five? For anyone not aware of the Keating Five, heres a very simple summary (McSleazy)
\ Daily Kos: Beer Heiress Foreign Policy Cindy McCain is in the country of Georgia. Are you freaking kidding me?!? - calculate your tax cut under Obama
Stuart Sender: Ted Koppel Tells Us Why the Media Fails to Cover the Real Issues the mainstream media is too distracted by what's immediate to cover what's important (bright shiny objects)
Hustler Articles - Who Is MSNBC Anchor Joe Scarborough?
The Messiah-Complex Complex The right's silly obsession with the Obama "cult."
Seumas Milne: Georgia is the graveyard of America's unipolar world | Comment is free | The Guardian Russia's defiance in the Caucasus has brought down the curtain on Bush senior's new world order - not before time (America the has-been)
Talking Points Memo | The Golden Speech - John Kerry
The History Of The Word Fuck | Funny Monty Python Video Web TV & Video
Science Today: It is not you, but low chemicals in your brain causing obesity
Bell Labs Kills Fundamental Physics Research | Gadget Lab from
Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: A Structure-Activity Study
Scientists Reprogram Adult Cells' Function
Think Progress Bush administration sought to extend troop presence in Iraq through 2015
Hillary Clinton Speech Reactions (VIDEO)
YouTube - Dennis Kucinich * WAKE UP AMERICA!!!* Dems Convention 2008
Charles Hurt: Convention Insider Pelosi Heckled Everywhere She Goes (poor baby)
The Raw Story | Ohio GOP illegally funneled $495,000 from federal account, top campaign finance official writes (Kenny "no vote for you" Blackwell)
Media Matters - Minutes after Begala debunked the falsehood, CNN caption claimed Casey "was denied a speaking role ... because he opposed abortion rights" (the undead lie)
Religion and politics | Losing their religion? | More Americans are questioning the role of religion in politics (just as the DNC goes all faithy)
Davis warns of a new civil war with Southern states : Home : The Buffalo News Candidate for 26th Congressionial district sees possibility of secession due to Mexican immigrants
Media Matters - O'Donnell asked why not let McCaskill give a "red meat" speech at the DNC -- McCaskill did, but MSNBC didn't cover (Noron)
Media Matters - AP "FactCheck" distorted Dems' claim that McCain voted with Bush "90 percent of the time" (Darlene Superville, facts are liberal)
100 Photographs that Changed the World by LIFE - The Digital Journalist
Pictures that Changed the World
What Does a Sick C.E.O. Do to His Company? - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog
From papyrus to cyberspace: Israel to make Dead Sea Scrolls available online | World news |
Killing bacteria with cannabis (MRSA)
Black Raspberries Slow Cancer By Altering Hundreds Of Genes
Scoop: PR Push for Iraq War Preceded Intelligence Finding (US, Britain colluded in lies)
AC Grayling: Safe in our cages | Comment is free | Proposals to monitor all our communications are an intolerable assault on liberty in the name of security
Israel Threatens Use of Force Against Free Gaza Movement Boats - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do - Author's Notes
motivational photo poster: Conspiracy Theories - You can trust Fox News to deliver everytime - Demotivator 2514
Hullabaloo Who's Our (Sugar) Daddy?
McCain has to campaign in Arizona. McCain is barely ahead in the state where he has the most houses
U.N. Says U.S. Airstrikes Killed 90 Afghan Civilians Last Week - (military lied, again, and again, and again)
Swing State Project:: NC-Sen: Hagan Takes the Lead in New Poll (over the 200 year-old Liddy Dole)
ABC News: McCain's Ambien Use: a Security Threat? Sleep Drug Known for Memory-Linked Side Effects; Most Doctors Unconcerned
Judge Denies White House Request for Stay, Says Miers Must Testify
Mission Creep: America's Unwelcome Advances The Pentagon's foreign overtures are running into a world of public opposition.
Glenn Greenwald - Warnings to Russia from Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham
Washington Is Quietly Repudiating Its Debts -
ABC News: FDIC Warns of More Bank Troubles The Government Insures Depositors When Banks Fail, But Does It Have Enough Cash?
AGORA Entertainment & I.O.U.S.A.
Forgot your password? may be weakest link - The Red Tape Chronicles -
Dramatic Spread of H1N1 Tamiflu Resistance Puzzles Experts
Did Rumbling Give Rise to Rome? -- Malakoff 2008 (822): 3 -- ScienceNOW
Burning incense linked to respiratory cancers | Health | Reuters
Evolving Thoughts: Why are there still monkeys?
Iraq PM says U.S. agrees to withdraw troops by 2011 | U.S. | Reuters (Iraq will kick out Bush 3 years into Obama's terms)
Patrick Cockburn: US Out of Iraq by "2011" Contractors Lose Immunity
Think Progress » 80 percent says United States is on the wrong track (but they'll vote for McStupid anyway)
Op-Ed Columnist - Accentuate the Negative - Op-Ed -
Joe Biden's pro-RIAA, pro-FBI tech voting record - Yahoo! News (Sen. MBNA, tried to outlaw "unauthorized programs" on your computer)
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Joe Biden: The Democratic Dick Cheney
YouTube - Bush, Cheney, PNAC, & The Criminal Conspiracy To Invade Iraq
Daily Kos: The Traditional Media is Trying to Destroy Obama's Candidacy With Update
DeLay might be cleared of charges Appeals court says money-laundering law didn't apply to checks.
Baldwin Park Democrat: Where is John McCain's Missing POW History?
THE.personal.IS.political: McCain's Gambling, And Tax Evasion?
Talking Points Memo | John McCain considers his philandering and abandoning his first wife and kids a "blessing." McCain has never earned a dime in the private sector during his entire seventy-two years on this planet
Glenn Greenwald - - AT&T thanks the Blue Dog Democrats with a lavish party (cheap whores)
Matthew Yglesias Im a Brilliant, Original, and Idiosyncratic Thinker But Dont Ever Disagree With Me
Media Matters - Cavuto guest Hoenig: "[W]hy should I be responsible for paying for Joe Biden's brain aneurysms?"
Think Progress NBC Censors Sexual Orientation Of Openly Gay Gold Medalist Diver
Where have all the real men gone? - Times Online
For a vet, McCain's record sorely lacking | | The News Leader (anti-veteran)
Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Observer
Tensions boil between Obama-Clinton camps - John F. Harris and Mike Allen -
Richard Cohen Displays Delicate, Wafer-Thin Skin (pissed because O'b hasn't invited him to dinner)
Media Matters - NY Times again repeated falsehood that Casey was denied speaking slot at '92 Dem convention "because of his anti-abortion views" (zombie lies, recycled again)
T alking Points Memo | Howard Wolfson Confirms Rift Between Bill Clinton And Obama - BC feels like he was painted as a racist during the primary process (o rly)
Voting in America
AP: Drugs found in drinking water -
Does air conditioning make people vote Republican? | Salon Life
Women and Children First! | Bitch Magazine What's Up With War Reporting's Chivalry?
dispatches / Godville
Armed Forces Journal - Cause for relief - June 2008 - Why presidents no longer fire generals
Armed Forces Journal - Carpet bombing in cyberspace - May 2008 Why America needs a military botnet
Armed Forces Journal - The counterterrorism paradox - June 2008 Put the terrorist threat in perspective
Get the Right Amount of Sex - Big Think - Featured Ideas
Mindful Exercise - New York Times
Picturing our thoughts - The Boston Globe We're looking for too much in brain scans.
Free Will vs. the Programmed Brain: Scientific American
Fleshmap: Studies of Desire
Death Of Print: 5 ways the newspapers botched the Web
Drilling Down - Preferring the Web Over Watching TV - children ages 10 to 14 who use the Internet, the computer is a bigger draw than the TV set
Glob-a-log » Blog Archive » Thatcher is now so senile she forgets her husband is dead – which is an improvement: When she was Prime Minister she forgot 99% of the people were alive
Swedish government makes it illegal for schools to teach religious doctrine as if it were true | Political Bunker
YouTube - Richard Dawkins reads his email (from Christians)
Science: Cool Total Solar Eclipse PICS view!
Olympic Recap pics
13 DAYS IN AUGUST - Yahoo! News - The Polish Missile Crisis: Bush's Last War?
Think Progress Halperin: McCains Houses Gaffe One Of The Worst Moments Of The Campaign For ... Barack Obama (of course)
The Raw Story | Documents reveal PR push for Iraq war preceded intel findings
Op-Ed Columnist - Last Call for Change We Can Believe In - Op-Ed -
Political Irony I just dont know about this Obama fellow
Joe Biden's pro-RIAA, pro-FBI tech voting record | Politics and Law - CNET
Images That Changed The World ?
IEEE Spectrum: Quantum Weirdness: Two Times Zero Doesn't Always Equal Zero
Ten ancient observatories spied from space - Space-
10 Questions, and Answers, About Evolution -
Documents Reveal PR Push for Iraq War Preceded Intel Findings |
Talking Points Memo | Coalition air strikes kill 76 Afghan civilians: interior ministry (19 women and 50 children)_
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/23/2008 | As Democrats gather, liberal positions gaining in popularity (but no one calls themselves that)
Commentary: Why VP choice is crucial for values voters - ("values voters" = white Evangelicals, no one else has "values")
Name on government watch list threatens pilot's career - (convert to Islam, get added to terror list)
Slashdot | As of October, FBI To Allow Warrantless Investigations would allow them to spy on American citizens who are not suspected of any crime.
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCains Bought Second Beach Condo At Around Time McCain Said Struggling Homeowners Needed To Skip Vacations
The Columbus Dispatch : Ohio's voting machine glitch exposed Touch-screens can't be fixed before election, Brunner says - half of Ohio's counties
Company acknowledges voting machine error - Yahoo! News (and 33 other states)
Unfit for Publication: Swiftboater Book 'The Obama Nation' Filled with Falsehoods | Media and Technology | AlterNet
ARPA: Celebrations and critiques of contemporary journalism
Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act - Wikipedia (Biden sponsered RAVE Act)
Political positions of Joe Biden - Wikipedia (pro-invasion, pro-War, pro-Bush, pro-Israel, anti-drug)
Gerry Canavan: 'The Case Against Delaware' - rapacious parasite state with a long history of disloyalty and avarice.
Biden in 2007 interview: I am a Zionist - Israel News, Ynetnews
Gripping Tales, Unknown Sources - - Review by Ron Suskind
Jonathan Mahler's 'The Challenge' Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and the Fight Over Presidential Power
University of Illinois Legal Working Paper Series: Spiritualism and Will(s) in the Age of Contract
Disney's rights to young Mickey Mouse may be wrong - Los Angeles Times
Suicidal bacteria illustrates evolution of co-operation | ZME Science
AFF Doublethink Online Some Like It Raw (big dairy's war on un-boiled milk) w
5 Scientific Theories That Will Make Your Head Explode |
Surfer Cat is Amused : Wacky Archives
H-Net Review: Kimba Allie Tichenor on The Future of Gender
Polygamy is the key to a long life - being-human - 19 August 2008 - New Scientist
Council for Secular Humanism Why Is Polygamy Illegal?
Archives & Museum Informatics: Museums and the Web 2008: Paper: Mannion, S., Seeing Tibetan Art Through Social Tags
Flickr: The Great Diagrams in Anthropology, Linguistics, & Social Theory Pool
Pseudoscience: Gavin Menzies: 1421 The Year China Discovered The World | The Baheyeldin Dynasty
The myth of Menzies' "1421 " exposed
The online image editor pixlr
Flaws Found In Watch List For Terrorists - (1/2 billion dollars and you can't search it)
Google Enterprise: Google Search Appliance
RussiaToday : News : Syria: well host Russian missile system
Crooks and Liars FBI wants power to investigate citizens without any basis for suspicion
Barack Obama's aides worrying over what Bill Clinton will say in his convention speech - Telegraph
Automaker Bailout: Detroit's Big Three Want $25 Billion in Loans: WSJ (Detroit flops, wants big bailout by taxpayers) Worldwide GM, Ford Seek $50 Billion From U.S., Double Request
Dan Froomkin - A Timetable By Any Other Name -
Open Left:: Mommy, Where Do Wankers Come From? The McCain campaign has released a sequel to Barack Obama: Antichrist Pimp,
Who says John McCain is out of touch with the common people?
Matthew Yglesias Income Distribution Fun Facts
YouTube - CNN Talks With John McCain About His Keating Five Scandal
Mark Nickolas: The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains Changed Their Baby Adoption Story Just Before 2008 Campaign Began
The right and men who live off their second wives' inherited wealth - Glenn Greenwald -
Obama slams McCain's inability to count family residences -
Stumper : The Danger of McCain's 'Seven Houses' Slip: Age, Not Wealth - Bill Donohue opens his foul trap on The Mike Signorile Show
Daily Kos: Keys to the Democratic Convention/ ZOMG!!! I Got Linked By Josh Marshall!!!
The book they can't stop! A Review of Bugliosi's -- The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
New Bush Rule: Doctors Can Refuse To Give Women Abortions
Street Prophets: Faith and Politics: Dear Jim Wallis: Who Is "We"? (telling women what they "need")
David Rothkopf's "Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making" | Salon Books Are Bill Clinton, Rupert Murdoch, the pope and Osama bin Laden part of a new global power elite that may make traditional governments obsolete?
Children are swearing already, so why can't Jacqueline Wilson? | Books |
In Praise of Melancholy - American culture's overemphasis on happiness misses an essential part of a full life
BLDGBLOG: Mayan Muons and Unmapped Rooms
UT Maya Muon Group - About Us
Computerworld - New attack against multiple encryption functions New mathematical attack works against a broad range cryptographic functions.
U.S. demands Russia leave Georgia "now" - Yahoo! News (or Condi will turn blue)
The decay of serious journalism and Rachel Maddow's new show - Glenn Greenwald - - Sacha Zimmerman (OMG there's a librul on my teevee)
Report Rejects Medicare Boast of Paring Fraud - (more lies from the Bushies)
Lifestyles of The Rich & Out of Touch : McCain vs. Minnesota (McNutz' 7 or 8 or 10 or 11 homes)
Planning to E-Vote? Read This First: Scientific American With less than three months before the presidential election, the hotly contested state, Ohio, along with others, continue to have problems with E-voting technology (O Rly O hio)
Richard Clarke: "Quick Draw John" McCain Wanted War Before Bush Did
White House missing as many as 225 days of e-mail (Cheney ate them)
Failed venture follows anti-Obama author - The Boston Globe (Corsi Swiftboated by himself) w
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan Does Bush Believe McCain Was Tortured?
Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain
Wtf: McCain Blamed Sadistic Gays For Ill-Treatment In Vietnam
Pastor Rick's Test The Candidates Submit, and a Principle Suffers
YouTube - "War President" John McCain Would Implement Mandatory Military Service!
I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain, and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button | Election 2008 | AlterNet
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain Camp Responds On Houses Gaffe: He Was A POW!
Think Progress Limbaugh: Obama won primaries because no one had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy.
White House Spy Scare
ABC News: TSA Fires Back: Blames Airline for 'Security Violation' (idiot TSA inspector wrecks 9 planes, blames airlines)
News: Many support ex-principal in gay rights case | davis, gay, students : - "I guess I didn't realize we were this bad," Scott said (Christian hicks run up 325K in court costs)
The Autumn of the Multitaskers : Multitasking is dumbing us down and driving us crazy (if you a guy, anyway)
Visualization Strategies: Text & Documents - Tim Showers
Norway: Russia to cut all military ties with NATO - Yahoo! News
Candidates' church chat erodes U.S. principles --
Homeland Security Today - news and analysis - Of Torture and Terrorism
The Great Consumer Crash of 2009 - Seeking Alpha
Fat into muscle - how to turn a beer gut into a six-pack - Telegraph
Star sign could lead to Olympic gold - Yahoo! News
Science News / I, Magpie
SEOmoz | Google Search Engine Ranking Factors
We're running out of IPv4 addresses. Time for IPv6. Really.
Synthetic Molecules Could Add Spice To Fight Against Cancer
People History for the Classroom (Howard Zinn)
YouTube - An anthropological introduction to YouTube
Official Google Blog: We knew the web was big...
Review - Postcolonial Disorders
Hoover Institution - Policy Review - Deterring Terrorists What Israel has learned
The neuroscience delusion TLS Neuroaesthetics is wrong about our experience of literature and it is wrong about humanity
Nancy Pelosi, the Author's Tour and Impeachment
Rice: Military power is "not the way to deal in the 21st century" - Glenn Greenwald -
Seymour Hersh: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
Pope warns Italy in danger or returning to fascism | Berlusconi moves to limit damage caused by anti-racism comments
Commentary: Is McCain another George W. Bush? -
Tom Shales Hits Helen Thomas -- Way Out of Line? Shales accuses Thomas of stridency in criticizing Israel and defending its enemies but offers no evidence (your Israeli media)
Think Progress Gingrich Claims Tire Inflation Lines Big Oils Pockets
Media Matters - LA Times suggested Casey did not speak at 1992 convention because he was an "outspoken abortion opponent" (zombie lies)
Court: Passengers can challenge no-fly list
Asia Times Online :: Russia bids to rid Georgia of its folly
Remembrance of viruses past : Nature News Long-lived survivors of the 1918 flu pandemic may hold the key to defeating future outbreaks.
Neuroscience: One Pill Makes You Autistic -- And One Pill Changes You Back
Picturing our thoughts - The Boston Globe We're looking for too much in brain scans.
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | FBI Agrees To Release More Details From Anthrax Probe, Backpeddles On Key Elements (cracks in the case)
NYT Backs Up NBC: McCain Was Not In "Cone Of Silence" Before Saddleback
Think Progress Colbert, Stewart viewers more well-informed than those watching OReilly, Dobbs.
The Secret Deal For Iraq's Oil (Cheney/Halliburton)
YouTube - John Conyers learns of Bush crimes on Democracy Now! Part 1
RussiaToday : Interview with Eduard Shevardnadze - a big mistake
OpEdNews Sibel Edmonds Case: FBI files "formal complaint" with Sunday Times
Youth Delegates at DNC Outnumber Those at RNC 15 - 1 | Future Majority
Wall St slides as credit worries rattle financials: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Antidepressants May Lower Driving Skills - Health News Story - WPLG Miami
Science News / Do Subatomic Particles Have Free Will? If we have free will, so do subatomic particles, mathematicians claim to prove
Astronomers Find a New "Minor Planet" near Neptune | Universe Today
OSI Gazette Blog Archive McCain Calls Americans Stupid (People who make under $80,000 are too stupid to understand taxes anyway)
Think Progress The partisan divide of cable news viewers (Republican news for Dems) - The Voice of the White House (Bush fucks up again with Georgia)
RussiaToday : News : War moves from battleground to broadcasting studio
Putins War Enablers: Bush and Cheney -
Firedoglake Georgia Blames Russia And BushCo For Invasion
YouTube - TPMtv: Am NOT Not An Expert!
A. Siegel: McCain Lied or was Confused: You make the call
ABC News: McCain's Ambien Use: a Security Threat?
F.B.I. Will Present Scientific Evidence in Anthrax Case to Counter Doubts -
Daily Kos: 127 Republicans Behaving Badly (including 100 child-molesters)
YouTube - 1st Foundational Falsehood of Creationism
Zwamneus Report, opmerkelijk nieuws, commentaar en ongein | Religion
Obituaries - Vallejo Times Herald Dolores Aguilar
YouTube - The Most Important Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8)
How copyright got to its current state (Patry blog ending) - O'Reilly News
Mp3: VidtoMP3 Converts Online Video Clips to MP3
Richard Dawkins' attack on Islamic Creationism is long overdue :: Damian Thompson
U.S. May Ease Police Spy Rules - More Federal Intelligence Changes Planned (domestic spying mainstreamed + permanent dossiers)
Domestic plan would turn cops into spies, ACLU says | Nation |
Daily Kos: Suskind Sees Hope in Unfolding Investigations
Wire Politics - McCain and his mother don't recall old lawsuits -
Blast Off!: Wingnut deconstruction
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Sixteen years later, media still peddle Bob Casey myth
YouTube - BBC Elections Report 2001 - Where it all started
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The American Military Crisis
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The Lessons of Endless War
Television - The Most Trusted Man in America? - Jon Stewart
'We Are All Georgians'? Not So Fast. -
Is Not Western Hypocrisy Astonishing? by Patrick J. Buchanan (yeah, compare Israel's "disproportionate response")
Open Left:: Rick Warren, Neutral Arbiter (lying, invading countries, torture ok)
Dr. Doom - Profile - Nouriel Roubini - Predicting Crisis in the United States Economy -
Review: Bracing For Armageddon? by William R. Clark The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America
Censorship in the United States - Wikipedia - Ban on material support for foreign boycotts - Economic and political boycotts of Israel (no divestment for you)
CJR: Quashing Climate Dissent? Technology | Are you losing your memory thanks to the Internet? The ability to continually look up information is changing how and what we remember. But maybe that's not a bad thing.
Frogs on the Verge of a Major Extinction | Popular Science Scientists say amphibian death could be the start of the first mass extinction since the dinosaurs
Bad science: From the mouths of morons in the media | Comment is free | The Guardian
BBC NEWS | Technology | Legal milestone for open source
Czech political scene split over Georgia - 15-08-2008 14:34 UTC - Radio Prague
On the Hill - - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on The Why-Haven’t-You Impeached-the-President Book Tour (NYT claims "no talk of impeaching her" heh)
The Page - by Mark Halperin - TIME The Obama campaign releases a 41-page, point-by-point rebuttal of Corsi’s new Swift-Boat-style book about the Senator.
The Raw Story | 'Obama the Antichrist?' CNN actually asks
Daily Kos: Breaking: Conyers Calls Committee Back from Summer Recess to Investigate Suskind Allegations
The Raw Story | News crew crashes Denver's DNC 'concentration camp'
Open Left:: How the Villagers Defend Their Turf
BBC NEWS | Americas | US jail guards in Iraq abuse case
Media Matters - Myths and falsehoods about oil policies (Bush/McCain lies)
Talking Points Memo | His Grandiosity on Display - pampered commentators
YouTube - Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Truth about Georgia
Is It Worse Than Watergate? Americans Won't Know - Unless We Investigate, Charge and Prosecute |
Rhetorical Questions Who will win the presidential debates? (the moderators suck) - on the Massachusetts ballot this November, only one question -- #2 the decriminalization of marijuana -- appears all but certain to pass
Judge refuses to lift gag order on MIT students in Boston subway-hack case
Drug that uses the body's cells to blast cancer | Mail Online
Review - Philosophy of Biology - Philosophy
Review - Revolution in Psychology - Psychology (more Marxism)
Review - Experimental Philosophy - Philosophy
Review - Fear of Knowledge
Teacher's 'branding' case opens a religious divide - Los Angeles Times
foto_decadent: Sex (Madonna, for as long as it stays up)
National Geographic Magazine - Map of the Day
Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered | The Register There's something rotten north of Denmark
Nothingness of Space Could Illuminate the Theory of Everything | Subatomic Particles | Discover Magazine | Could the vacuum contain dark energy, gravity particles, and frictionless gears?
Teleportation? Very Possible. Next Up: Time Travel. | Subatomic Particles | DISCOVER Magazine
The Sunspot Enigma: The Sun is “Dead”—What Does it Mean for Earth?
Honeybee deaths reaching crisis point threatening fruit and vegetable pollination | Environment |
Mankind is the 'Earth's biggest threat' - Telegraph
MIT solves puzzle of meteorite-asteroid link - MIT News Office
Winnipeg Free Press - New water lily species called proof of evolution
Visual Science - The Genetic Map of Europe -
Splashup.swf (online photoshop-like app)
Russia's aim in Georgia battle was strategic - Los Angeles Times U.S. experts say Moscow's goal in the Georgia battle has been to lay claim to a sphere of influence on Russia's periphery.
They gave us a republic...:: Real News: Nuclear War By Miscalculation, and The Russo-Georgian War and the Balance of Power (Neocons may cause nuclear war)
Vladimir Putin's mastery checkmates the West | Michael Binyon - Times Online Russia has been biding its time, but its victory in Georgia has been brutal - and brilliant
Clinton to get roll call at Democratic convention
Hair Samples in Anthrax Case Don't Match - Strands From Mailbox in Princeton Are Not From Ivins, Investigators Say
Emptywheel » Shorter WaPo: The Anthrax Case Sux
Talking Points Memo | Put Not Your Faith in AEI
McCain's Confusing Message On Who's to Blame in Georgia - The Jed Report
Media Matters - MMFA investigates: Who is Jerome Corsi, co-author of Swift Boat Vets attack book? (worthy of the Times front page)
Pelosi warns Lieberman for undercutting Obama
Op-Ed Columnist - Yes, She Can - Op-Ed - “A woman who wildly mismanages and bankrupts a quarter-of-a-billion-dollar campaign operation, and then blames sexism in society, will dampen the dreams of our daughters.”
The Associated Press: New Orleans cops cleared in bridge shooting (no trial for killer cops)
Irvine Housing Blog - Indy Crack Indy Crack
John McCain on Civil Rights
Glenn Greenwald - Salon Radio: Morton Halperin (former DC ACLU head gave cover to FISA)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Don't Do Them Any Favors Peter Beinart gets plenty of criticism for being wrong about the Iraq War, but in fairness he's been wrong about other things too.
Think Progress » U.S. Troops Deployed Abroad Reject McCain’s Iraq Plans, Donate 6:1 To Obama (media: troops love McCain)
John McCain Technology | Salon News Why the Arizona senator, who can barely Google, is not the chief that an increasingly technological world requires
The Associated Press: Documents: Julia Child part of WWII era spy ring
Op-Ed Columnist - Harmony and the Dream - Op-Ed - - societies with an individualist mentality and the ones with a collectivist mentality.
Today in the NY Times: Interactions or Causes? « Neuroanthropology (David Brooks, among others)
Cultural Neuroscience « Neuroanthropology
High-Aptitude Minds: The Neurological Roots of Genius: Scientific American
Psychedelic Healing?: Scientific American Hallucinogenic drugs, which blew minds in the 1960s, soon may be used to treat mental ailments
Asia Times Online : Sufism, sodomy and Satan By Spengler
Reclaiming the morality of abortion and the overdue change to the Democratic platform. - By Linda Hirshman - Slate Magazine
Open Left:: McCain Prepares to Hand the Internet Over to Comcast, Verizon, AT&T
Johann Hari: We need to stop being such cowards about Islam - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
Julian Critchley: All the experts admit that we should legalise drugs - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
Court: violating copyleft = copyright infringement
Physicists spooked by faster-than-light information transfer : Nature News Quantum weirdness even stranger than previously thought.
Uni. Washington and Microsoft Research collaborates on (yet another) mindblowing 3D photo viewer - istartedsomething
For Most People, College Is a Waste of Time - (Mr Bell Curve)
How to End a Relationship |
Language Log » David Brooks, Social Psychologist
Annals of Crime: The Chameleon: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Brain will be battlefield of future, warns report | Science |
"Elite" HIV wife may hold secret to AIDS vaccine - Yahoo! News
Experts Accuse Bush Administration of Foot-Dragging on DNS Security Hole | Threat Level from
Who Lives There - Clingstone - The Old House and the Sea -
Some Georgians Blame Saakashvili for Russian Raids | Newsweek International |
Georgia Says Russian Attack Continues in Spite of Accord -
Before the Gunfire, Cyberattacks -
U.S. refuses Israel weapons to attack Iran: report | U.S. | Reuters
Think Progress McCain: In the 21st century, nations dont invade other nations (McBumble)
Why Impeachment is Off The Table - Jack & Jill Politics
Protestors Dog Pelosi on Her LA Book Tour at American Jewish University | The LA Progressive
Friedman calls McCain a cynical candidate who thinks Americans are bloody stupid - The Carpetbagger Report (suck. on. this.)
Booman Tribune ~ Understanding MoDo
YouTube - Firestorm Erupts As Colmes talks about McCain's Infidelity
> Matthew Yglesias - Being Wrong Isnt Strong - "Strong on National Security" Evan Bayh
Media Matters - Limbaugh: "Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk"
Talking Points Memo | Main Squeeze (NYT, as usual, missed the point)
Cokie Roberts Draws Heated Reactions | KGMB9 News Hawaii
Operation Northwoods
Operation Northwoods: US Planned Fake Terror Attacks On Citizens To Create Support For Cuban War
Seed: A New State of Mind: New research is linking dopamine to complex social phenomena and changing neuroscience in the process.
TG Daily - Surprise, surprise: U.S. broadband is slow. Really slow.
Call for compensation after shelving of Islam novel | Books |
You Still Can't Write About Muhammad -
Judge says UC can deny religious course credit
BBC NEWS | UK | Tough-on-drugs policy 'pointless'
The Pill Makes Women Pick Bad Mates - Yahoo! News - Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes

YouTube - cnn
Medical trials explore benefits of hallucinogenic drugs to patients with terminal illnesses | Science | The Guardian
Ceasefire in Georgia: Putin Outmaneuvers the West - International - Spiegel Online - News (wasn't that hard)
Matthew Yglesias The Limits of Bluster (what was Shakashvili thinking? Took Bush seriously)
The Front-Runners Fall (the Hilliary Memos)
Talking Points Memo | McCain's Memos (press thought Hilliary's negative ads were accidental)
Justice Staffers Won't Be Prosecuted For Illegal Hiring Practices
Intel Abuse:as if you needed more evidence - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Bush to relax protected species rules - Environment- Plan takes scientists out of decision making on species status (developers to decide what's endangered)
Daily Kos: Torture Generates Turmoil at the APA
Daily Kos: American Psychological Association Turns Blind Eye To Psychologists' Aid in Torture Programs Worldwide One Third of New Owners Owe More Than House Is Worth (holy shit)
Our phony economy By Jonathan Rowe (Harper's Magazine) (economic "stimulus")
Representation Without Taxation: Study Says Most Corporations Avoid US Income Tax
Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance Comes to Brookings -
Photography as a Weapon - Errol Morris - Zoom - New York Times Blog
Why Digg and Reddit are Doomed (and Metafilter Isnt) : The Cranking Widgets Blog
BBC NEWS | Health | Running 'can slow ageing process'
FuturePundit: Men Subconsciously Prefer Blue Eyed Women As Paternity Test
Worcester Telegram & Gazette News: Chemist allowed to go home, sans his lab ("no more dangerous than typical household cleaning products" - Pamela A. Wilderman cited for exteme ignorance)
Dan Froomkin - Bush's Georgian Betrayal - (war preznit bunnypants is still clowning around at the Olympics)
Booman Tribune ~ Georgia: A Reality Check for the Left
Putin Assails US Over Conflict With Georgia
We helped in Iraq - now help us, beg Georgians - Times Online If they wont help us now, why did we help them in Iraq? (ask Georgie)
Think Progress Neocons Call For U.S. To Launch War With Russia
Exiled Online - War Nerd: South Ossetia, The War of My Dreams - By Gary Brecher
Russia: Again Savior of Peace and Life - Pravda.Ru (Israel involved)
Think Progress Rice refuses to interrupt her holidays to deal with Georgian conflict.
What's the answer to this? - Glenn Greenwald - (FBI's fake "evidence")
Op-Ed Contributor - Open Questions on a Closed Case - Op-Ed -
Al-Qa'eda in Iraq alienated by cucumber laws and brutality - Telegraph brutal crackdown on activities it regards as un-Islamic - including women buying cucumbers (dirty minds)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/11/2008 | McCain donor tied to questionable contributions in Florida
How Is John McCain's Affair Different from John Edwards'? | Election 2008 | AlterNet
ABC News: Wolfson: Edwards' Cover-up Cost Clinton the Nomination (not a good idea, Howard)
President Bush: The Clockwatcher-in-Chief? - David Corn (bored child)
Talking Points Memo | Bob Kerrey: McCain "Can Deal With Crisis" (Kerrey always was an idiot) / Asia-Pacific / China - China to overtake US as largest manufacturer
2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony - The Big Picture -
Sexual harrassment okay as it ensures humans breed, Russian judge rules - Telegraph
Get the Facts - Domestic Violence is a Serious, Widespread Social Problem in America: The Facts
Oliver Tickell: On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction | Comment is free | The Guardian
PC World - 11 Things We Hate About iTunes
Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart | LiveScience
Scientists stop the ageing process (ABC News in Science)
Federal Judge in DefCon Case Equates Speech with Hacking | Threat Level from
Ex-chairs: FCC must stop "Victorian" indecency crusade (war on bad words and breasts)
Related Content: Students Subway Security Talk Canceled by Court Order - The Tech
Think Progress Bush White House has its own interrogation room.
Think Progress Fox News Host Refuses To Talk About Russia-Georgia War, Insists On Covering Edwards Affair
Call My Travel Agent; There's an Election Coming Up - Phoenix New Times (the real McCain story)
Dependable Renegade: "Ah can't bounce a quarter off Laura's ass no more."
Between Barack and a Hard Place - (Bush/Cheney/Israel will attack Iran after Obama wins)
Do You Feel Safe Now? (axis of evil: US, Israel, and the UK.
Nation: Thomas Frank: Why Misgovernment Was No Accident in Bush's Washington
Pelosi Admits Not Reading Articles of Impeachment; Rep. Kucinich Asks Americans to Double-Down On Impeachment Efforts | (Nancy: I see no evidence of crimes, Constitution also off the table)
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Mail Online My marriage ended because John McCain didnt want to be 40, he wanted to be 25. You know that just does.
John Edwards' False Assertion During The ABC Interview
Poll: Americans support conservation - (if it doesn't cost them anything)
Democracy and deference By Mark Slouka (Harper's Magazine) (individualism and anti-truth)
Medical Dispatch: Superbugs: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker (bugs regain ascendency)
Null Hypothesis | How Marijuana Works
How fairness is wired in the brain
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Can you manufacture good character?
Flags of Convenience | Worth
Franz Kafkas porn brought out of the closet - Times Online
1930s Marital Scale
1,500 Reported Dead As Russian Troops Raid Georgia
War between Russia and Georgia orchestrated from USA - Pravda.Ru (Cheney from an undisclosed location)
Taunting the Bear -
Travels in the former Soviet Union. - By Joshua Kucera - Slate Magazine
John McCain's Cheating Heart - The Jed Report - McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license on March 6, 1980, while still legally married to his first wife.
McCain Dazed And Confused (Video)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Obama coverage finds dark lining around silver clouds
F.B.I. Says It Obtained Reporters Phone Records - (the irony)
If I Were a Betting Man, I'd Wager that Cheney Was Behind the Anthrax Attacks |
Technology Review: The Brain Unmasked
On Language - Me, Myself and I -
What's really killing newspapers:They're no longer the best providers of social currency. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Georgia: Russia has invaded and we are under attack - World news, News -
Would Barack Obama prosecute the Bush administration for torture? | Salon News Obama's brain trust wants to form a commission on torture and call Bush officials as witnesses, but put off prosecutions -- if any -- till a second term (uh huh)
Op-Ed Columnist - Know-Nothing Politics - Op-Ed - - Republicans: Real men dont think things through.
Atlantic Scores Internal Clinton Campaign Emails | The Trail |
Edwards: I was "99% honest"! - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine - I Lied. It's Friday. Can I Go to Denver Now?
Allow Bret Easton Ellis to Introduce You to Alison Poole, A.K.A. Rielle Hunter -- New York Magazine
Ive Been Banned At DailyKos Because Of John Edwards | Stranahan dot com
The Raw Story | Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery
The American Conservative Suskind Revisited (it was Cheney and Feith at an undisclosed location)
Crooks and Liars 100K Signatures for Impeachment Delivered to Pelosi (still covering Bush's ass, no media coverage)
Cindy Sheehan Makes It On Ballot To Challenge Nancy Pelosi | (you know what to do)
TPMMuckraker | DOJ Plans To Close Anthrax Probe As Questions, Critics Mount (move along, nothing to see)
TPMMuckraker | Capitol Hill Questions FBI Anthrax Investigation: Where's The Polygraph?
Ivins Troubled But FBI Docs Fall Short - ProPublica
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Scientists Say Many Questions Remain In FBI Anthrax Probe
George Washington's Blog: Handwriting Analysis Fails to Tie Ivins to Anthrax Letters (passed two polygraph tests)
Why McCain would be a mediocre president - MarketWatch It's not a given that Republican candidate has the right stuff
Revisiting Robert Drew's groundbreaking John F. Kennedy documentaries. - By Elbert Ventura - Slate Magazine
Accountability Now/Strange Bedfellows money bomb - Glenn Greenwald -
Anti-War Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs | (Bushcreeps)
National Risk Register
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting | Untold Stories
Examples of Republican hypocrisy on moral values - dKosopedia
Republican Sex Scandals - dKosopedia
Republican values create child molesters
Scandals involving leaders from the Democrat Party from (compare w/above)
Top 10 Democrat Sex Scandals in Congress
Border agents seize couple's laptop containing gay porn (DHS policy)
Pretty Pictures : DoxPara Research (DNS patches in real time)
Apple Watch - Channel - Should You Pay Twice as Much for a Mac? (the stupid tax)
rodcorp: How we work (Writers' Rooms)
APOD: 2008 August 8 - The Crown of the Sun
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | 80 more things that make men cry
NORML Blog Blog Archive Medicinal Marijuana Eases Neuropathic Pain In HIV Patients - Vista's Security Rendered Completely Useless by New Exploit ("That's completely game over.")
Defcon: Excuse me while I turn off your pacemaker VentureBeat (2.6 million vulnerable)
U.S. Attorney Scandal Probe Enters White House Circle
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Explosive: WAPO raises serious McCain fundraising questions
Secret EU security draft risks uproar with call to pool policing and give US personal data | World news | The Guardian
STLtoday - State rep charged with assaulting teen (Republiperv)
The Tire-Gauge Solution: No Joke - TIME
Dana Milbank Leaving Countdown With Keith Olbermann (started "uppity" cycle)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Myth Of Casey Never Dies (NYT spreads 16-year old lie) - So history can end when you do (end times for you)
Anthrax Vaccine -- posts by Meryl Nass, M.D.: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
George Washington's Blog: FBI's Allegation that Ivins was "Sole Custodian" is False
Bruce Ivins: The Movie- by Justin Raimondo
Thomas Frank, "The Wrecking Crew," interview | Salon Books Thomas Frank on the Bush administration: Sabotage by design
China: Humiliation & the Olympics - The New York Review of Books
YouTube - show da natureza (lightning in super slow motion)
the physics arXiv blog Blog Archive Quantum communication: when 0 + 0 is not equal to 0
Justice Department Subpoenas Its Former Lawyers In Civil Rights Probe
The Raw Story | Suskind: Sources of WH forgery claim now under pressure to deny it
Think Progress Flashback: Seven years ago today, Bush received Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S. memo.
Think Progress Pentagon: U.S. will still detain Hamdan even if he is acquitted.
Daily Kos: Baghdad Reporter Posts Youtube Video-Updated w/New Video
Open Left:: John McCain: Key Player in Speading the False Anthrax Story About Iraq
Sportsbetting Forums | Offshore Sportsbooks & Online Sports Picks - View Single Post - Dr. Bruce Ivins, anthrax scientist was murdered by The CIA
Keeping Obama in His Place | | When Camp McCain says he's arrogant, they're playing to those who think he's another black man who doesn't know his place.
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/06/2008 | Kansas politician who crusaded against abortion loses big
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/06/2008 | Did New York couple give $61,600 to McCain, GOP?
Open Left:: The Audacity of the Unwashed Masses: Part 2. Common vs National Interests "Democracy, Inc: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Totalitarianism".
Media Matters - CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck on Obama: "[T]his guy really is a Marxist"
Max Blumenthal: Lynching Advocate Toby Keith: Obama "Talks, Acts, And Carries Himself As A Caucasian"
Ken Gude: Salim Ahmed Hamdan verdict reveals the feebleness of military commissions | Comment is free |
The Existentialist Cowboy: Exposing GOP Lies, Myths and Propaganda About Ronald Reagan
A 'Change' Election Changes the South | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Southern Discomfort - A journey through a troubled region.
YouTube - Lessig: i-9/11
Vitamin C Shows Promise as Cancer Treatment | LiveScience
BBC NEWS | Health | Broccoli may undo diabetes damage
Old Masters and Young Geniuses by David Galenson
How magicians control your mind - The Boston Globe
Chris Harrison's Visualization Projects
Review - God and Phenomenal Consciousness - Philosophy
Times Higher Education - All the privileged must have prizes
Flag Identifier - vexillologic database
Moving Dots Demo (synesthesia)
Viruses can catch colds, says study that redefines life itself - Telegraph
Contagious cancer: The evolution of a killer By David Quammen (Harper's Magazine)
Book says White House ordered forgery - Mike Allen - (crooks)
The Raw Story | Suskind: Bush ordered fake letter linking Iraq to 9/11
Ron Suskind: The Forged Iraqi Letter: What Just Happened?
Pelosis Latest Justification for Barring Impeachment... 'Bush Would Never Cooperate With His Own Impeachment' (the Imperial "I" "took it off the table")
White House 'buried British intelligence on Iraq WMDs' - Times Online
The FBI's emerging, leaking case against Ivins - Glenn Greenwald - - The FBI's emerging, leaking case against Ivins
Salon Radio: Rep. Rush Holt on anthrax - Glenn Greenwald - - Salon Radio: Rep. Rush Holt on anthrax
Bruce Ivins Wasn't the Anthrax Culprit -
FBI used aggressive tactics in anthrax probe (went after his children, compromised his "therapy", provoked his suicide)
New Textbook for Surgeons in the Battlefield Makes It Past the Army's Censors - - higher-ups in the military had been worried that the pictures could be spun politically to show the horrors of war (!)
Talking Points Memo | The Latest Meme: Hardball: McCain too out of it to run campaign, but ok to be Pres
Daily Kos: Olbermann: Dana Milbank And Unhappy Endings
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Looking On in Stunned Disbelief... Lee Siegel (rewrites his history of lying and sockpuppetry) Richard Cohen Is Afraid Of R2D2 (old, stupid, out of it)
Paris to McCain: "See You at the Debate, Bitches!" -
Talking Points Memo | Take My Wife, Please!
Debate Moderators Announced - Swampland - TIME
Media Matters - Citing Media Matters report on Obama Nation falsehoods, MSNBC's Brewer asked Corsi: "[W]hy should we give you the credibility?"
Gallup Daily: Obama Holds 4-Point Advantage
Marty Kaplan: Why Americans Hate Journalism, Part 62
Donklephant Blog Archive Offshore Drilling Vs. Tire-Gauge & Tune-Up
Don't Know Much About History - The Pentagon looks back to four great empires for tips on how to rule the world
Schneier on Security: Italians Use Soldiers to Prevent Crime
Iraq Government Has $79 Billion in Unspent Cash -
Rakan's story - (US shot and paralyzed him, killed his parents, fixed him up, sent him back to Iraq where he got killed by a bomb -- mission accomplished!)
Craigslist Troll Gets Sued - 10 Zen Monkeys
EFF forces spoon-bender Geller to eat crow over bogus copyright claim - Boing Boing
FQXi - The LHC may be shut down, from the future. Say what now?
What Happened? (Extended) - The Jed Report (McNutz)
Obama Leads, Pessimism Reigns Among Key Group
YouTube - Keith Olbermann: Dick Cheney is Worst Person in the World (tries to lie his way into another war)
Corporate Media Ignores White House Planning of "False Flag" Operations to Trigger War with Iran |
Think Progress Former FBI Official: After 9/11, White House Told FBI To Blame Anthrax Attacks On Al Qaeda
Anthrax Evidence Called Mostly Circumstantial - (i.e. bullshit)
The Raw Story | Daschle criticizes anthrax investigation, saying FBI should provide more information
Additional key facts re: the anthrax investigation - Glenn Greenwald -
at-Largely: Jean C. Duley... tell us again...
Bentonite and ABCs credibility John McQuaid (Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist)
Other Issues!: Inside the Martial Law Act of 2006
Obama's crime? Acting too presidential - Los Angeles Times
Media Matters - On Face the Nation, Schieffer baselessly claimed "Obama's people are trying to denigrate" McCain's "military service" (stupid lying media)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Multiple Oil Company Executives Gave Huge Contributions To Electing McCain Just Days After Offshore Drilling Reversal
Changing Lanes: Comment: The New Yorker (McPutz: truth is me)
Robert Novak To Retire After "Dire" Prognosis
Italian mayor bans gatherings of three or more people as soldiers hit streets - Telegraph (beats Mussolini's 5-person ban)
The Myth Of A Toss-Up Election, Crystal Ball, U.Va.
Housing Lenders Fear Bigger Wave of Loan Defaults - - The first wave of Americans to default on their home mortgages appears to be cresting, but a second, far larger one is quickly building (NYT discovers Alt-A mortgages)
Polly Toynbee and David Walker: an extract from their new book on the widening gap between rich and poor | Money | The Guardian - jaw-dropping arrogance of the wealthy
Stephen Pinker: The Moral Instinct - New York Times ("the science of the moral sense")
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Do they really think the earth is flat?
NORML Blog - Mr. Burns Goes To California- "No drug matches the threat posed by marijuana"
The real thing. Or is it? Cracking the Coca-Cola code | Life and style | The Guardian
YouTube - Countdown: Anthrax Attacks Inside Job?
Scientists Question FBI Probe On Anthrax Ivins Could Not Have Been Attacker, Some Say
Journalists, their lying sources, and the anthrax investigation - Glenn Greenwald - Journalists, their lying sources, and the anthrax investigation
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: Suicide of Microbiologist Demands Thorough Investigation of 2001 Anthrax Attacks
Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US | Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today's population, that is more than $5,700 per person (the Israel tax- 2x Vietnam war)
McCain: The Most Reprehensible Of The Keating Five, page 1 - News - Phoenix New Times - Phoenix New Times The story of "the Keating Five" has become a scandal rivaling Teapot Dome and Watergate (1989)
TV Barn | Wall St Journal's "Skinny Obama" story was first done 6 mos ago ... by The Onion! (Murdoch to buy Onion)
The Minimum Security Prison of America (aka "Fun Times at the Canadian Border!")
Why Tuesday? Blog Archive NYT Rips Voting Machine Bill Voters cannot trust the totals reported by electronic voting machines; they are too prone to glitches and too easy to hack.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Sole Black Reporter Booted from McCain Event
Talking Points Memo | Pole Axed Or Not Disquieting Rasmussen numbers this morning--McCain's crying racism worked.
Majority of banking websites found insecure : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech Women: Not the ones being babies here (only men allowed to swear, and Tim Blair is an idiot)
Health Matters: Jerry Adler on the Grieving Brain | Newsweek | Memories of the person they missed prolonged their grief, giving them pleasure as well as pain
Should you recycle an ex? After all, he's already on the curb --
More than 56,000 in U.S. infected with AIDS each year | Reuters in the United States -- 40 percent more than previous calculations
Trading Places The demographic inversion of the American city
Kids need the adventure of 'risky' play | Education | The Observer A major study says parents harm their children's development if they ban tree-climbing or conkers
Sadly, No! Even Worseness: The Even-Worsening (our MSM at work: WSJ used Yahoo message boards for "research" on "beanpole guy" Obama)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - The media debunk McCain smears, then promote them (more morons at work hurting America)
Wonk Room - The Billionaires Behind Newts American Solutions For Winning The Future - Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Op-Ed Columnist - Running While Black - Op-Ed -
Media Matters - Rather than acknowledge flaws in Obama column, Wash. Post 's Milbank mocked critics in online chat as "whiners"
The Truth Seeker - Was 9/11 an Inside Job?
Is Mudslinging the Only Way John McCain Can Win? -- New York Magazine Mudslinging will damage McCains brandbut it may be the only way he can win.
Why nothing the press throws at Barack Obama sticks. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Is it considered a hate crime if you're targeting liberals? - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine - Only in a few states.
Has America Become Fascist?
Video: Electing a US President in Plain English | Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English
Dakota: Anthrax Gets Complex
ABC News: Dr. Ivins Faced 'Relentless Pressure'
Letters: Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News - Salon
Code Name Artichoke (script)
US auto sales slump to 16-year low in July: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance US auto sales slump to 16-year low as automakers try to meet demand shift, lease troubles loom
Obama Shifts, Says He May Back Offshore Drilling
FDIC: Press Releases - PR-65-2008 8/1/2008 SunTrust Bank Acquires the Insured Deposits of First Priority Bank, Bradenton, Florida
Phillip Toledano - Days with My Father
Jesus loves you -- and your orgasm | Salon Books The religious right is celebrating sex to stroke its conservative message. Liberals better rise to a secular defense soo
My Beloveds Garden Christian sex - Christian sex toys
Christian Sex Toy Retailing - Niche Marketing of Sex Toys
Book22: intimacy products for married Christian women
Science News / Building 'The Matrix' Simulating the complexity of quantum physics would quickly overwhelm Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters
NASA - Phoenix Provides a Panorama of Mars
Scientists report a breakthrough in stem cell production - The Boston Globe Created cells that match those in ALS patient
The White House is Briefed: Phoenix About to Announce "Potential For Life" on Mars | Universe Today
A photo that can steal your online credentials | InfoWorld | News | 2008-08-01 | By Robert McMillan, IDG News Service
FCC rules Comcast violated Internet access policy - (3-2 split decision)
Members Of Congress Demand An End To Federal Pot Possession Arrests. The Use Of Cannabis Ought To Be None Of The Government's Business, Lawmakers Say At Capitol Hill Press Conference - NORML
EFF Tool Hunts BitTorrent Throttling ISPs | TorrentFreak
Switzerland Network Testing Tool | Electronic Frontier Foundation Suicide's genetic key discovered
Instant-Messagers Really Are About Six Degrees from Kevin Bacon - Big Microsoft Study Supports Small World Theory
Large Hadron Collider nearly ready - The Big Picture -
Why Islam Is Unfunny for a Cartoonist -
Biological fathers not necessarily the best, social dads parent well too
Psychology Today: Marriage, a History Long ago, love was a silly reason for a match. How marriage has changed over history.
In defense of casual sex | Salon Life A new raft of chastity books laments a hookup culture that is hurting young women. As one of those young women, I beg to disagree.
Tough Choices: How Making Decisions Tires Your Brain: Scientific American
Sleep on It: How Snoozing Makes You Smarter: Scientific American
New Yorker: Jonah Lehrer: The Eureka Hunt
Discovering How Greeks Computed in 100 B.C. - Antikythera Mechanism
Dept. of Archeology: Fragmentary Knowledge: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker Was the Antikythera Mechanism the worlds first computer?
YouTube - Antikythera mechanism working
Dan Sweeney: Paging Karl Rove: U.S. District Judge Sides With Congress
Md. Anthrax Scientist Dies in Apparent Suicide - Grand Jury Was Preparing to Indict Bioweapons Expert for Role in 2001 Anthrax Attacks
EXCLUSIVE: How the FBI Botched the Anthrax Case Former Agent Explains What Went Wrong in the Investigation
Anthrax suspect dies in apparent suicide
Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News - Glenn Greenwald - Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News (inside job, coordinated w/media propaganda, & Richard Fucking Cohen)
Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th
Worldandnation: Hijackers linked to tabloid (Antraxed editor rented to 9/11 hijackers)
A Nation Challenged: The Germ Attacks; Inquiry Includes Possibility of Killer From a U.S. Lab - New York Times (vintage Judy Miller)
Rigorous Intuition: The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11 (2004: political uses of anthrax)
Free From Terror - Government by Anthrax evidence implies conspiracy (2002)
Anthrax Scientists Lawyer Asserts His Clients Innocence - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times Blog
Travelers' Laptops May Be Detained At Border ( No Suspicion Required Under DHS Policies (all your everything belong to them)
Editorial - The Government and Your Laptop - Editorial -
Think Progress EXCLUSIVE: To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them
Through the Looking Glass - The Seminal (DOJ is the Red Queen)
Making Nuclear Extermination Respectable - ICH - Israeli-Jewish historian, Professor Benny Morris, advocating an Israeli nuclear-genocidal attack on Iran with the likelihood of killing 70 million Iranians
Wal-Mart Warns of Democratic Win - "I am not a stupid person. They were telling me how to vote,"
Mad Money: Yes, the Market Has Bottomed - Cramer -
Unemployment Jumps Despite Modest Job Cuts - Economy * US * News * Story -
'Major discovery' from MIT primed to unleash solar revolution - MIT News Office
The Kindergarchy Every child a dauphin
Malwebolence - The World of Web Trolling -
Cyber-nationalism | The brave new world of e-hatred | Social networks and video-sharing sites dont always bring people closer together
YouTube - Dennis Kucinich Responds to Nancy Pelosi's Statements (no crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi thought impeachment would be "divisive," she wanted to be "bipartisan")
The Associated Press: US judge: White House aides can be subpoenaed (Congress still exists)
How Saudis Pressured the U.K.s Blair Government | Newsweek Voices - Terror Watch |
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect: Not Stephen Glass: Jamie Kirchick (TNR just makes shit up)
Daily Kos: The Great White Hope
Media Matters - MMFA investigates: Who is Jerome Corsi, co-author of Swift Boat Vets attack book?
Political Punch: Tapper: The Elitist Celebrity Quiz
Political Radar: Clinton Supporter Angered By 'Other Women' Obama VP Talk (who cares what Lanny Davis thinks?)
China to Limit Web Access During Olympic Games - (big surprise, IOC lied)
The Raw Story | Documents show Georgia's Secretary of State knew of Diebold patch
Open Left:: People Who Are Different Suck (Republican message)
Oil Profits Shatter Records (more subsidies! drill!)
Blue Tidal Wave: The White House and Fox News violate anti-propaganda laws
Cory Doctorow: Filesharing deal will drive swapping underground | Technology | The deal between record companies and ISPs will drive music-swapping underground and erode their profits still further
Will Loneliness Spell Society's Doom? | Mental Health | DISCOVER Magazine A new book explores the negative effects of being alone: heart disease, cancer, gastrointestinal ailments, etc.
Quantum porn engine foiled by strawberries and muffins | The Register
BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Prehistoric land under the sea
ESA Portal - Mars Express acquires sharpest images of martian moon Phobos
Nasa discovers giant lake on surface of Saturn moon | Science |
Respectful Insolence: All hail the Jesus Cat!
Judge Milian Tears Dude A New Asshole video
Democracy Now! | House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Defends Her Opposition to Impeachment: "If Somebody Had a Crime that the President Had Committed, That Would Be a Different Story."
House panel votes to cite Rove for contempt -
Media Matters - Tracking a smear: Obama "snubbed" wounded soldiers because there were no media or "cameras"
Obama Would Order Review Of Bush's Executive Orders
Karl Rove Held In Contempt By House Judiciary Committee (not as much contempt as Rove has for them)
Those privacy-hating Chinese communist tyrants - Glenn Greenwald - - Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan voted for all of Bush's illegal spying (hypocracy meter broken)
Informed Comment: A Social History of the Surge
Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of The Dark SideBy Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
FACT SHEET: Military record of John Sidney McCain III (crashed FIVE planes)
Hugh's List of Bush Scandals
Dakota: When Your President Is a Dumb Cluck
When Extremists Attack - Swampland - TIME - these people represent a very small sliver of the Jewish population in this country (yet determine US foreign policy)
One of Fournier's job options: McCain - Michael Calderone - (AP: Republican tools)
Hullabaloo Why They Hate Us ("Liberals" on tv are idiots) Good news for marriage equality in MA and CA, bad news for fundies
Talking Points Memo | Keeping Track | John McCain's new tactic of associating Barack Obama with oversexed and/or promiscuous young white women.
House apologizes for slavery, 'Jim Crow' injustices - (show us the money)
The 100% unofficial blog of the Indian Prime Minister | Parody | Funny | Smart | Indian :: Daniel W. Drezner The Internet can do what now? (Monica Goodling Jan Williams caught in lies)
Mormon Times - State job is not to redefine marriage (Orson Scott Card, again)
Let's Call a Jackass a Jackass | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper Orson Scott Card is a homophobe
Blood & Rhetoric Orson Scott Cards anti-gay rant
Feministe Orson Scott Card is a hateful homophobe
Boston Review ferguson.php The Unending War: Argentina's quest for justice
Merrill CDO Sale Not as Good as It Looks - Analyst - (o rly)
Hullabaloo Cokie's Law
Poll: Obama beats McCain as bbq guest :: Chicago Sun-Times :: Barack Obama (how the press thinks)
Let's Play: If I Were a Right Wing Blogger - the $520 shoes belong to John McCain
Schneier on Security: TSA Proud of Confiscating Non-Dangerous Item
myliblog: Uncle Bobby's Wedding (librarian's reply to book-censor)
New Alzheimer's drug shows early promise - Alzheimer's Disease-
5 Tiny Mistakes That Led To Huge Catastrophes |
Warp Speed Engine Designed : Discovery News : Discovery Channel
theferrett: The Open-Source Boob Project
So open it hurts | San Francisco online | Living Life Online: pitfalls and perks
Why are there no green stars? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Rapid Evolution Gives Sperm the Advantage | LiveScience
Review - Dialectics of the Self (Charles Taylor, Marxist philosophy)
Corning Museum of Glass | Articles | Does Glass Flow?
Anything but clear - International Herald Tribune
Dual personality of glass explained at last - tech - 22 June 2008 - New Scientist Tech (icosahedral structures with five-fold symmetry)
Big Buck Bunny on Vimeo
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 07/29/2008 | Indictment of Alaska's Ted Stevens part of 4-year probe (RepubliKrook: Sen. Internet is Tubes falls)
Think Progress White House press corps hasnt asked Perino about DOJ politicization (not important)
Marc Ambinder (July 29, 2008) - Weird Correction Of The Day (no Democrats in Military)
Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity on accused shooter's reading list : Church shooting : Knoxville News Sentinel
Home Prices Fall in May, Erasing Four Years of Gains - Real Estate * US * News * Story -
Gains for McCain in latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll - On Politics - (McStupid up by 4, voters flock to Republicans)
Bush Leaving Next President Record Federal Budget Deficit (1/2 Trillion: Mission Accomplished!)
ABC News: Terror Watch: High-Profile Events Put U.S. in 'Heightened Alert' Stage Exclusive: Major Events on the Horizon Prompt a Surge in Anti-Terror Efforts (remember: Republicans keep you safe!)
Greg Palast Obama Doesnt Sweat. He should (1/5 of Colorado voters purged, FL refused to register black voters)
Daily Kos: Call to Action: Voter Rolls in several States purged!!!
Homeland Security Today - news and analysis - Of Torture and Terrorism New book argues that coming to terms with legacy of secret torture program is top priorit
Hullabaloo: The Power Of Sustained Memory (faith-based torture and prosecuting war crimes)
Think Progress Goodling Passed Over Experienced Counterterrorism Prosecutor Because Wife Was A Democrat (America's greatest patriot)
EzraKlein | The American Prospect | the media likes to make policy disputes sound incredibly complicated. Much too complicated for mortals to understand (they really are stupid)
cab drollery: On, No! They Didn't! (LA Times: we're center-left in our own minds)
Open Left:: Obama's Lead Might Not Be Good For McCain (stupid)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Claim: Ad Attacking Obama For Canceled Troop Visit Mainly Intended For Media (McCain's base)
Media Matters - MSNBC's Hall falsely suggested that Obama did not "visit[] wounded American troops" on overseas trip (see?) w
The Washington Post editorial page's latest rule of law sermon - Glenn Greenwald - (Russia's President should obey the law but not Bush)
Andrea Mitchell: McCain attack ad "literally is not true" - The Jed Report (you don't say)
FOX News Officially Busted Video | Bill OReilly & Sean Hannity Are Ventriloquist Dummies
The Political Carnival: John Sidney McCain's abysmal voting record AGAINST our troops (he supported the troops by being against them)
Police: Accused shooter hated liberals, expected to be killed : TVUU church shooting : Knoxville News Sentinel 4-page letter outlines frustration, hatred of 'liberal movement' (dittohead)
Who Are Muslims?
Oliver Stones W. Teaser Trailer | /Film
Politics of Foreign Debt - Part I: Why the government had to bail out the GSEs - Forums
Conservation Science at The Nature Conservancy - How Air Pollution Impacts Nature: A New Report
Nukes Are Not the Best Way to Stop an Asteroid | Wired Science from
The Ranger's Blog - Post details: Spider vs. Bee... BBC vs. National Geographic (education vs entertainment)
the symptom Philosophy as Biography Alain Badiou
the symptom The Lacanian Real Television Slavoj Zizek
borderlands e-journal: There is a Spectre Haunting . . .: Ghosts, Their Bodies, Some Philosophers, a Novel and the Cultural Politics of Climate Change
Global Spiral :: Home Subject, Self, and Soul: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Personhood
TPM Online Article: The Politics of Ignorance : Kenan Malik : Strange Fruit: Why Both Sides are Wrong in the Race Debate
Philosophy Now: Saving Truth Raymond Tallis asserts the truth about the truth
Bruce Mazlish: The Uncertain Sciences Chapter One
Review - The Uncertain Sciences - Psychology by Bruce Mazlish ("Human Sciences")
Diamonds May Have Jump-started Life on Earth | LiveScience
10 of the Most Annoying Things about the iPhone
WebToSnailMail - online speed reading application
Earth Scars - Siberian Blast - National Geographic Magazine A new supercomputer simulation models the cataclysmic power of an asteroid strike.
Bit bombs and other dangers | Dayvan Cowboy
Medpedia Site Preview - Medpedia
Not So Cuil After All @ Templature [HostScope]
Industry Gushed Money After Reversal on Drilling - (to McCain)
Obama Arrives Home, to a Not-So-Warm Welcome from McCain - Swampland - TIME
Daily Kos: State of the Nation The Audacity Of Competence (& the incompetence of the press)
Brzezinski: Surge In Afghanistan Risky, Some McCain Backers Want World War IV
War With Iran? State Department Realists vs. Cheney's Ultras | The Smirking Chimp (World War V)
Slammed: The Coming Prison Meltdown (prison-state America)
Op-Ed Columnist - How Obama Became Acting President - Op-Ed -
Our torture policy has deeper roots in Fox television than the Constitution. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine Who would James Bond vote for? (Modo)
Nobody Loves a Three-Year-Old SUV ("This caught everyone by surprise" no one could have predicted, etc)
NOAA Open Letter to Google Lunar X PRIZE Participants Res Communis (X-Prize has to ask Noaa permission to take pics of Earth)
Literacy Debate - Online, R U Really Reading? - Series -
PTSD leaves physical footprints on the brain
How the Personal Genome Project Could Unlock the Mysteries of Life
Robert Jensen, "Universal Patterns within Cultural Diversity: Patriarchy Makes Men Crazy and Stupid"
Featured Windows Download: DVD Catalyst Rips DVDs to Friendly Formats in One Click
Shadow to picture - Picshadow
b o r d e r l a n d s - e-journal - Ann Coulter and the Problem of Pluralism: From Values to Politics | Optimism Deficient?
Have corporate-sponsored Internet pranks gone too far? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Inkling Magazine - The Ultimate Problemsolver: Computer + Evolution = Genius
Seed: Cultural Evolution (symbols evolve faster than materials)
Wexler Wants Real Impeachment Hearing Now |
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Even while carrying McCain's water, media worry they aren't doing enough for him (the press is his "base")
VetVoice:: McCain's Double Standard on Campaign Visits to Military Bases
YouTube - Fox News Busted (Rove sent talking-points to Fox)
Sadly, No! Throughline (latest wingnuttery: The Obama Death List)
YouTube - Hearing on Limits of Executive Power: Vincent Bugliosi
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Torture Memos Makes DOJ Sound Like Mob Attorney
YouTube - FOX tries to make McCain look younger
YouTube - Internal Suspicionless Border Patrol Checkpoint July 18th 08 (DHS: no 4th Admendent for you)
GOP stalwart arrested in 2-day St. Paul prostitution sting (add him to the list)
FDIC: Failed Bank List
Matthew Yglesias (July 26, 2008) - Beer: It's What's For Dinner (Miscellaneous)
Noscope | Journal | Why iTunes Really Really Sucks, Part 2
Bad science: Barbara Nash had good reason to think she was correct | Comment is free | The Guardian
Big Brains Tell Really Big Lies
How High Fructose Corn Syrup Makes you Gain Weight
A new era in search for 'sister Earths'? | A Place for Science
Daily Kos: USA! USA! USA!
The parade of "shrill, unserious extremists" on display at today's impeachment hearings - Glenn Greenwald - (Obama advisor, S.C. pick, Cass Sunstein: torture is fine)
An interactive guide to Bush-administration lawbreaking. - By Emily Bazelon, Kara Hadge, Dahlia Lithwick, and Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
Media Matters - In latest response to video-splicing controversy, CBS News acknowledges error but falsely claims it did not "in any way distort" McCain's comments (a true Republican response)
Media Matters - CBS News omitted a second McCain falsehood: his characterization of Iraq war as "the first major conflict since 9/11" (Kouric loses any credibility she had)
McCain Doesn't Need a Fact-Checker; the Media Edit His Mistakes for Him | Media and Technology | AlterNet
Bob Cesca: The Barbeque Media Wants Senator Obama To Win? That's Rich (e McCain campaign's Gripe Surge is working)
Think Progress » Giuliani: ‘It’s Natural’ Troops Watch Fox News Because Fox Covers Iraq ‘In A More Balanced Way’
Katie Couric To Obama: People Are "Scratching Their Heads" About Your Opposition To Surge (news bimbo asks same question four times)
Daily Kos: How To Read Polls Without Hyperventilating
Think Progress » 27 percent: Bush hits new approval low in Fox News poll (Fox only polls Republikcans)
End of the Affair: Adam Nagourney (Time's Ad Nags steemed Obama didn't clear their criticism of him with him first)
Republican Offenders (Republicrooks)
Republican Sex Offenders
Pew News IQ
Calculated Risk: Cost of WaMu Debt Protection Increases Sharply
AP: Food industry bitten by its lobbying success - Yahoo! News (Salmonella cost much more than regulation would have - but we're Republicans!) Worldwide U.S. Foreclosures Double as House Prices Decline (but Bush says housing crisis is over, the bailout surge worked)
Talking Points Memo | US foreclosure filings more than double
Pope Benedict Warns Of The "Spiritual Desert" Spreading Throughout The World
Court Rules Against Same-Sex Divorce - New York Times
How Price Comparison Site Results in Google Hurt Consumers >> The Far Side of Tech
DRM still sucks: Yahoo Music going dark, taking keys with it
A Reporter at Large: Dr. Kush: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker How medical marijuana is transforming the pot industry.
Featured Article - No gender differences in math performance (game over)
Study: Girls equal to boys in math skills -
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Psychoanalysis Q-and-A: Steven Pinker (Crimson 2005: Pinker: girls play with dolls, boys build bridges)
ScienceDirect - Hormones and Behavior : Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children
Parents lose custody of girl for naming her Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii | Life and style |
Views of Jupiter - The Big Picture -
Speculation over back door in Skype - News - heise Security UK
Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up |
Why play a losing game? Study uncovers why low-income people buy lottery tickets | Science Codex
DelSquacho » Making a Bitchin’ First Aid Kit
Artweaver :: the artist way
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video -- Publications -- Center for Social Media at American University
The Largest Known Star (Canis Majoris)
The Raw Story | ACLU: Memos authorized CIA torture
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | DOJ: Torture Is Legal With "Good Faith" (good Christian Faith, presumeably)
Obama Berlin Speech: US Foreign Service Workers Instructed Not To Attend
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Is there a word for projection in ancient Greek?
The Washington Monthly Are these guys ever going to stop letting Drudge lead them around by their nose rings?
Patent Law Blog (Patently-O): The Death of Google's Patents?
Read Giles Coren's letter to Times subs | Media |
Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up |
Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power | Salon has uncovered new evidence of post-9/11 spying on Americans. Obtained documents point to a potential investigation of the White House that could rival Watergate.
CBS covers-up humiliating McCain error, misleads national audience - The Carpetbagger Report
Think Progress » Lieberman Compares Hagee To Moses, Says Bloggers Would Have Attacked Him Too (Sen. OUter Space)
Novak cited after hitting pedestrian - Jonathan Martin and Chris Frates - (and running)
Think Progress » Witness: ‘No way’ Novak didn’t know he hit someone; victim was ’splayed across the front’ of his car.
CHINA Beijing 2008: bars forbidden to serve "blacks" and Mongolians, outdoor tables banned - Asia News
Baby’s First Internet - The Morning News
god is a number
Open Left:: Obama's Iraq Trip Changes McCain's Position On Iraq (Iraq war is won!)
Hullabaloo: Charming Patriarchs (purity balls)
Obama Far More Popular Among Jews Than Lieberman (Senator from Israel)
Coverage of 'Netroots' Confab Draws Protest-- Snarky Article Spiked -- Editor's Note Apologizes
Wikileaks - Photo of a detainee held by the United States, with his face wired, lips sewn, red eyes and torso sacked.
Media Matters - The AP has a Ron Fournier problem Worldwide Fannie, Freddie Rescue May Cost Taxpayers $25 Billion, CBO Says (cut taxes!)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 07/22/2008 | Wachovia bank has $8.8 billion loss, slashes dividend
Calculated Risk: AmEx: "Super Prime" Problems: We are all subprime now!
Why the Founders Rejected a Central Bank » Tenth Amendment Center
What Generation Kill gets right about the invasion of Iraq. - By Peter Maass - Slate Magazine
A Brief History of Dangerous Ideas
American physicists warned not to debate global warming | The Register
Shalizi: Chris Anderson: Aware of All Statistical Tradition
Wonk Room » The Politics Of Wired: Saucy, Ignorant Contrarianism
Details of major Internet flaw posted by accident | 2008-07-22 | By Robert McMillan, IDG News Service
ADD / XOR / ROL : DNS flaw revealed
general pastebin - matasano blogpost - post number 1078776
DoxPara Research
Jon Hart's Blog: Mitigating DNS cache poisoning with PF
DNS-OARC | The DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center
Matasano Chargen » Blog Archive » Regarding The Post On Chargen Earlier Today
Physicists shed light on key superconductivity riddle
Lots of Sex May Prevent Erectile Dysfunction - US News and World Report It's the 'use it or lose it' principle at work, one expert says
Glenn Greenwald - - Britain: we can no longer rely on assurances from a US administration that purports to uphold the civil and political standards of behaviour
The Raw Story | US military jails 'black holes', say US lawyers for Afghan reporter
Crooks and Liars » Fired US Attorney David Iglesias: Rove Skipped Testimony to Avoid Indictment
McCain adultery story rocks political world — oh wait, no it doesn’t - The Carpetbagger Report
Think Progress » McCain Warns Of ‘Hard Struggle’ On The ‘Iraq-Pakistan Border’ (McStupid)
Firedoglake » DNC Cash Buys Bigoted, Anti-Choice Propaganda
Crooks and Liars » The Chris Matthews Show: Why The White House REALLY Wants McCain To Win
Conservative Christian leader considers McCain endorsement - - James Dobson (bigot vote)
Back to the USSR McCain's plan for the next cold war
FindLaw's Writ - Lazarus: What the Past Term Reveals About the Roberts Court: Evidence that the Court Is Disturbingly Elitist and Anti-Democratic
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 07/20/2008 | Housing prices haven't hit bottom yet
Violent Britain | Island savages | How Britons became the angry men of Europe—and how to calm them down
This brain test maps the truth-Mumbai-Cities-The Times of India - experiential knowledge is retrieved from his brain
Facebook never forgets - Los Angeles Times
This American Life 359: Life After Death
Are Men Having an Identity Crisis? | Sex and Relationships | AlterNet
The Phoenix > Lifestyle Features > Facebook phobia Thought high school was bad? Social-networking sites jack up Web-era insecurities
ARPA:The idea of the ‘bad girl’
'The Dumbest Generation' by Mark Bauerlein - Los Angeles Times How dumb are we? Thanks to the Internet, dumb and dumber, this author writes.
Is the Internet Bad for Science? | Wired Science from
Why Chris Anderson's "Long Tail" theory might be all wrong. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Edge 250
Festooning The Tree Of Life | The Loom | Discover Magazine (lateral DNA transfer)
First Europeans shunned Neanderthal sex - being-human - 16 July 2008 - New Scientist
The genetic prophecy - The National Newspaper Blood Matters: A Journey Along the Genetic Frontier
The Future of Babies: Artificial Wombs and Pregnant Grandmas | LiveScience
Time Magazine hearts Purity Balls - Feministing
Disputatio - International Journal of Philosophy Special issue on Normativity and Rationality
How Your Brain Can Control Time | Memory, Emotions, & Decisions | DISCOVER Magazine The three methods your mind uses to reverse, speed, and even slow the minutes
The social psychology revolution is reaching its tipping point | Daniel Finkelstein - Times Online
TPM Online Article Experiments in Ethics Kwame Anthony Appiah (Harvard University Press)
New model explains why we overestimate our future choices
H-Net Review: Sander Gliboff on Heredity Produced: At the Crossroads of Biology, Politics, and Culture, 1500-1870 Towards a New Cultural History of Heredity
Revising Night: Elie Wiesel and the Hazards of Holocaust: Theology: Peter Manseau (PDF)
Butterflies and Wheels Article Heat and Light: Christopher Hitchens and His Critics
Windows Updates Downloader Program Files
Democracy Now! | “Broken Laws, Broken Lives”: Medical Study Confirms Prisoners in US Custody Were Physically & Mentally Tortured
Matthew Yglesias (July 20, 2008) - The Walkback - a statement released by the occupying army (CENTCOM)
Daily Kos: UPDATE: Der Spiegel responds to CentCom and stands by the story
Bush and Pelosi: Both are failures | Capitol Hill Blue
McCain gets $1,930 a month from 'broken' Social Security system - San Francisco Business Times:
How China's taking over Africa, and why the West should be VERY worried | Mail Online
Analysis: The World’S Shifting Balance (economoics/World Bank)
How reliable is DNA in identifying suspects? - Los Angeles Times (your FBI doesn't want you to know)
The Medium - Stet - The Internet's Typographical and Grammatical Morass -
Microsoft Plays Dirty With Gmail ||
Science News / Decoding The Quantum Mystery Signals from space to Earth could establish the reality of Einstein's worst fear
Easing Off Online Obscenities - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog (Katharine Q. Seelye and her pearls)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Media's assessment of likability doesn't match voters' (horserace journamalism)
Maryland troopers spied on activist groups // Current
Impeachment Is Not Enough - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 07/19/2008 | Commercial bankruptcies soar, reflecting widening economic woes
America's Most Walkable Neighborhoods - Walkability Rankings of the Largest 40 U.S. Cities
McCain Leaks Details Of Obama's Iraq Trip (security breach)
Terrorism Funds May Let Brass Fly in Style - -- Luxury Pods for Air Force Debated
Electrical Risks at Iraq Bases Are Worse Than Said - (meanwhile)
Media Matters - ABC News/ Wash. Post withheld results of poll favorable to Obama (facts are inconvienient when you're tying to push bullshit)
On the White House - Bush Team in Flux as Term Winds Down - (20-somethings take over as rats jump ship)
US before and after Bush
Calculated Risk: Quote of the Day Mr. Dimon of JP Morgan, via Housing Wire: “Prime [mortgage book] looks terrible,” he told analysts on the call. “And we’re sorry, and there’s nothing else we can say."
Citigroup Posts $2.5 Billion Loss on Write-Downs -
The Drucker Brothers Choose You, Raichu!: Bush Wants You To Know That Conception Starts At "Hello"
U.S. figures show 25.6 pct of citizens obese - Yahoo! News UK
ROTTEN TOMATOES: Golden Tomatoes: The 10 Best Movies for each of the Last 10 Years
Smell of Marijuana Is Insufficient Cause for Search and Arrest | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper
The Gavel » Blog Archive » Bush Administration Tries to Redefine Contraception as Abortion
Sadly, No! » It Gets Worse - toxic levels of wingnuttery (Newsweek: pardon all the Bush war criminals)
Mosques increasingly not welcome -
US health care system: Most expensive least effective | you.presscue
Nick Davies on the bloody battle of Genoa | World news | The Guardian
A Phony Crisis -- and a Real One - A Democratic House that came to power denouncing the rush to war on Iraq is about to vote to demand that Bush commit an act of war against Iran.
The Raw Story | US imposes arms sales freeze on Taiwan (China tells Bush what to do)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Ashcroft: Sometimes I Confuse What People Tell Me With Reality
TPMMuckraker McCain's Education Adviser Was Accused Of Mismanaging Money (Republicrook)
Wachovia Hit With Inspection In Auction - Rate Probe -
The Wall Street Examiner | Winter (Economic & Market) Watch » Take Downs and Drawing the Wrong Straw
HOLY FRAK! Moon transits Earth! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Court Backs Bush on Military Detentions - ("indefinite detention" ok)
Al-Marri and the power to imprison U.S. citizens without charges - Glenn Greenwald -
Think Progress » Fox News host: 15 year-old detainee ‘maybe deserved’ harsh treatment.
Barry Steinhardt: "Terrorist" Watch List Hits One Million Names (send them to Gitmo!)
The Raw Story | CNN reporter criticizes TSA, finds self on terror watch list
Daily Kos: 9 Republicans Vote for Impeachment Hearings, 10 Abstain (Pelosi turns blue)
ABC News: Tillman Investigation Hampered by 'Lack of Recall' (nobody remembers anything)
Bush Claims Executive Privilege In Valerie Plame Leak
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | What The New York Times Won't Tell You About Joe Lieberman (the Senator from Israel is in the "Middle") Page 2 : Fear & Loathing in America (9/12/2001 prophecy from Hunter S Thompson)
Think Progress » Boehner falsely claims there’s no ‘wildlife’ in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Think Progress » For Second Day In A Row, McCain Cites The Non-Existent ‘Czechoslovakia’ (stupidhead)
World Court to rule on US executions - Yahoo! News
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain Camp's New Attack: Obama Is The One Who's The Same As Bush (McStupid)
Reporters sans frontières - Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - 2007
ITV - John Pilger - How Britain wages war
Maureen Farrell: Top 10 'Conspiracy Theories' about George W. Bush
The Existentialist Cowboy: The Historical Significance and the Failure of George W. Bush
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Spent $200M To Buy Influence
HHS Moves to Define Contraception as Abortion | Reproductive Health | (call Will Saletan)
ABC News: Day of Reckoning? Super Rich Tax Cheats Outed Technician in Liechtenstein Turns Over Names of Americans With Secret Bank Accounts
Liechtenstein's Shadowy Informant: Tax Whistleblower Sold Data to the US (Spiegel is better, as usual)
Robert Scheer: The Real Legacy of the 'Reagan Revolution' (deregulate and bail-out)
Suspect Soldiers -
Registrar Who Won't Serve Gays Because of Religious Beliefs has Illegitimate Child
Incredible pictures of Mars - and they look surprisingly like some parts of Earth | Mail Online
Craigslist phone verification system - Black Hat Forum
Pathologists Believe They Have Pinpointed Achilles Heel of HIV | Science Blog
Running for Office: It's Like A Flamewar with a Forum Troll, but with an Eventual Winner (don't miss, give $)
Think Progress » Mayer: Cheney ‘Repeatedly’ Held ‘Highly Unusual’ Meetings With CIA IG Before Torture Probe Stopped (all roads lead to Big Dick)
NSA's Domestic Spying Grows As Agency Sweeps Up Data - (Constitution in trashcan)
Talking Points Memo | Universal Theory of Bamboozlement? "Keep up the fight," Fournier tells Rove (media playing army-men)
Think Progress » O’Hanlon ‘livid’ over Obama’s plan for withdrawal from Iraq (all pouty-faced)
Think Progress » McCain spokesperson lies: Katrina and Rita ‘didn’t spill a drop’ of oil.
Daily Kos: Bush Gave Taliban $43 Million Four Months before 9/11
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Guantanamo Bay video released
Al Jazeera English - Africa - Sami al-Hajj hits out at US captors
THE EXILE - Eleven Years of Threats: The eXile's Incredible Journey - By (Anonymous) - Feature Story
Military Soft On Don't Ask, Don't Tell?, 60 Minutes: Is Military More Tolerant Of Gay Members In Wartime? - CBS News Duncan Hunter (R.Idiot) argues that gays do not belong in the U.S. military because American troops need to be hardened warriors
Republican Jewish Official Spends Day Lying To Reporters About Obama
News Analysis - Government as the Big Lender - News Analysis - (Socialism for Bigcorps)
Science News / Scooping The Political Pollsters Who will win the election in November? A technique from baseball stats may predict the answer.
best of craigslist : RAVE: My Life Since Getting Out of Prison
Glenn Greenwald - - Accountability Now and Strange Bedfellows: The strategy and rationale (2006 Dem majority: they were really Republicans)
Torture and the rule of law - Glenn Greenwald - ("55 percent of detainees had never engaged in hostile acts against the United States, and only 8 percent had any association with al-Qaeda.")
Talking Points Memo | What The New York Times Won't Tell You About Joe Lieberman (big news orgs just won't stop airbrushing away the fact that Lieberman misled his constituents)
cab drollery: Determined To Get It - Wrong Texas spent a nation-high $17 million last year for abstinence education programs (which failed completely)
Bush to lift executive ban on offshore drilling - Green on The Huffington Post (Dems will roll over)
Jim Webb Speaks out on FISA and the Role of Bloggers in Legislative Fights - The Seminal (Webb hates blogs, FISA too complicated for bloggers to understand)
Talking Points Memo | Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq (Chalabi!)
"Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Presidency" | Exclusive Citigroup's $1.1 Trillion of Mysterious Assets Shadows Earnings (liars, of course)
Calculated Risk: Regional Banks in the Spotlight (It's a Wonderful Life)
Foreclosures go high-end : Real Estate : The Rocky Mountain News Million-dollar homes, offices, show up on rolls
Ideology and the GSEs - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog - the stockholders should be cleaned out
Sebastian Mallaby - Nationalization: A Solution for Housing - - Neal Stephenson: Science Fiction as a Literary Gen
YouTube - The Mystery Hexagon on SATURN
mental_floss Blog » 8 Forgotten Kids Shows Sure to Give You Nightmares
Ms Americana vs The Cat Burglar | Kama Sutra
Bush gives Israel tentative 'OK' to strike Iran (and raise oil to $250)
U.S., Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces - Long-Term Agreement Will Fall to Next President
Glenn L. Carle - Overstating Our Fears - (war on terra)
BBC NEWS | Africa | China 'is fuelling war in Darfur' BBC has found the first evidence that China is currently helping Sudan's government militarily in Darfur.
Think Progress » Bush Homeland Security Aide Caught On Tape Offering High-Level Access For Donations To Bush Library
Think Progress » Fiorina: ‘To Say McCain Was Aligned With Bush On Iraq Is To Change History’ (Cara Carleton Sneed)
The Political Scene: Making It: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker How Chicago shaped Obama.
Political Radar: Schwarzenegger Blasts Bush on Global Warming
Ben Cohen: Bush's Banned Interview: An Insight Into Insanity - Politics on The Huffington Post (never seen in America)
Truth Be Known News | Blog of Acharya S: France: "No Woman Enslavement Allowed"
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
ACLU Blog: Because Freedom Can’t Blog Itself: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Strip Search of 13-Year-Old for Ibuprofen Ruled Unconstitutional (can sue the Principal)
Phaistos Disc declared as fake by scholar - Times Online
GOOD Magazine | Goodmagazine - Train in Vain
Semiconductor: magnetic fields visualized
Darwin Conspiracy (evolution for stupidheads)
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | Fall in tiny animals a 'disaster'
BBC - Climate Change - Bloom - Home Please Use This TinyURL of the Future - ReadWriteWeb
Securing Name Servers on UNIX
Domain registrar comparison
Amity Shlaes - Phil Gramm Is Right - - "mental recession" (Wapo: voters are whiners)
NEWSWEEK Poll: Obama, McCain in Statistical Dead Heat | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Barack Obama leading John McCain by only 3 points. What a difference a few weeks can make (shift to the center: fail)
Sticking A Wrench In The Gearbox - Politics on The Huffington Post
YouTube - Countdown: War Crimes Prosecutions Possible
The dangerous hostility game with Iran | Salon With negotiation starting to work, Bush administration hawks promote an atmosphere of crisis -- and the risk of actual conflict grows.
The ‘Repeal Immunity’ Movement Begins Today | Electronic Frontier Foundation
It's Time to Be Smart on Juvenile Crime - TalkLeft (Conservative stupidity)
McCain Campaign Had Protestor Holding "Bush=McCain" Sign Removed From Event - Politics on The Huffington Post (McCain's "open meetings")
Carol Kreck: McCain=Bush (SS lied)
Daily Kos: Netroots get played; Don't realize it.
The First Amendment and its Discontents | Corrente | Stephen Diamond threatens to sue Corrente (big bully has a snit fit)
Hullabaloo Packer's Iraq Problem
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - McCain: it is actually just the simple fact of access that makes people give him that second chance (the press, that is)
McCain Divorce Account Contradicts Court Documents - Politics on The Huffington Post
Dissident Voice : Swap the Donkey for a Weasel - a weasel holding a white flag and wearing knee pads
Wonkette: The D.C. Gossip » Blog Archive » Anti-Gay Republican Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay
Why is Tony Snow's 401(k) empty? - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine (how he lived)
Patrick Smith, Ask the pilot | Salon Technology Propped up by a culture of fear, TSA has become a bureaucracy with too much power and little accountability. Where will the lunacy stop?
U.S. Census Bureau won't count same-sex marriages - San Jose Mercury News (changes data to fit their ideology)
Crisis Deepens as Big Bank Fails - (more whiners)
IndyMac Bank seized by federal regulators - Los Angeles Times
The Brain Hides Information From Us To Prevent Mistakes
IEEE Spectrum: Superconductors Enter Commercial Utility Service
AuroraBorealis.jpg (Northern Lights from space)
2418848398_4a27188dbf_o.jpg (Dubai from tallest building) )
Sex, lies and emails: The assassin, the partner and a plot to poison a millionaire | World news | The Guardian
The Mystery of Shakespeare's Identity - TIME
BBC NEWS | South Asia | US 'killed 47 Afghan civilians' 39 of them women and children, an
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Rove defies second Congressional subpoena (Dems crumple)
Karl Rove Flees the Country | PEEK | AlterNet
Tom D'Antoni: It's Outrageous That Rove Is Walking Free - Politics on The Huffington Post
Emptywheel » Yeah, What ABOUT that Anthrax Terrorist? (whooah, heavy with innuendo)
Interview with ACLU re: constitutional challenge to new FISA law - Glenn Greenwald -
McCain's broken marriage and fractured Reagan friendship - Los Angeles Times
EPA Won't Act on Emissions This Year Instead of New Rules, More Comment Sought (not on Bushie's watch)
YouTube - Generation Kill (2008) Miniseries Extended Trailer
No Imminent Government Bailout For Fannie, Freddie -
U.S. Weighs Takeover of Two Mortgage Giants -
Oil Hits Record Near $147 on Supply Fears - Futures Commodities Overview * News * Story -
Pharyngula: Fight back against Bill Donohue! Fight back against Bill Donohue! (PZ was rude to a cracker, gets death threats from Catholics)
F.C.C. Chairman Favors Penalty on Comcast -
Scientists Uncover Deadly Ebola Virus's "Achilles' Heel": Scientific American
An Astonishing Collaboration : DoxPara Research
Cert: Securing an Internet Name Server (PDF)
ZoneAlarm blocks internet access following Microsoft's DNS patch - heise online UK
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-037 – Important: Vulnerabilities in DNS Could Allow Spoofing (953230)
Shocker DNS spoofing vuln discovered three years ago by a student | The Register
MS DNS patch snuffs net connection for ZoneAlarm users | The Register
ZoneAlarm SmartDefense Research Center: Severity: High: Workaround to Sudden Loss of Internet Access Problem
Approximately 800 vulnerabilities discovered in antivirus products | Zero Day |
Senate Approves Bill to Broaden Wiretap Powers -
American Civil Liberties Union : Senate Passes Unconstitutional Spying Bill And Grants Sweeping Immunity To Phone Companies ACLU Announces Legal Challenge To Follow President’s Signature
Dana Milbank - Putting Her Foot Down and Getting the Boot - - "failed to act in an inappropriate manner"
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Lieberman On Questioning Obama's Commitment To Israel: "Why Wouldn't I Do That?" (Senator from Israel)
Hullabaloo: McCain Thinks Social Security - As A Concept - Is A Disgrace (because it's you know, Social Security)
Whiskey Fire: My Next Free Cheese - Jonah Goldberg Worldwide Fannie, Freddie `Insolvent' After Losses, Poole Says (Bush-Wrecked)
Age of Riches - Challenges of $600-a-Session Patients - Series - (45 minute sessions, too)
Dan Kaminsky breaks DNS, massive multi-vendor patch coming, details at Black Hat Vegas ‘08 | Zero Day |
US-CERT Vulnerability Notes: Multiple DNS implementations vulnerable to cache poisoning
An Astonishing Collaboration : DoxPara Research (DNS flaws)
DNSstuff: DNS tools, DNS hosting tests
Secure BIND Template v6.3 27 MAY 2008 Rob Thomas
Senate Approves Telecom Immunity and New Eavesdropping Rules -
ABC News: Spy Bill Passes: Gov't Free to Spy on You
American News Project: Finance, Favors and FISA (how they were bought)
Firedoglake » The FISA Cavein Is Congress’ Shame
Suing George W. Bush: A bizarre and troubling tale | Salon U.S. officials went to extremes to stifle our legal challenge to Bush's warrantless surveillance -- but a federal judge says the program is criminal, anyway (don't worry, Dems will immunize him)
Crooks and Liars » Harry Reid says “NO” to the new FISA bill (after he made sure it would pass)
Iran Test-Fires Nine Missiles, Warns It Will Retaliate - The Huffington Post
Talking Points Memo | Another AP Beaut ... (Nedra Pickler wanks again)
Calculated Risk: More Bad News for Malls: Steve & Barry's BK Worldwide SEC Ratings Probe Reveals Conflicts in Grading Debt (no one could have predicted ...)
Is it Safe Now to Admit Jimmy Carter Was Right? (no)
Unequal America  (July-August 2008) Causes and consequences of the wide—and growing—gap between rich and poor
Reason Magazine - The Uses of Hyperbole Exaggerated doomsday forecasts are false, regrettable, inevitable, and possibly necessary.
Julian Baggini: Courage of the flip-flop | Comment is free | The Guardian It's easy to be a conviction politician. Real bravery consists of changing tack according to the evidence
Review of Buchanan, Mark: The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You
Helen Fisher tells us why we love, cheat | Video on The science of love, and the future of women
Psychology Today: Secrets of Married Men Men, especially married men, are at a disadvantage in relationships, both verbally and emotionally (2004)
Women talk three times as much as men, says study | Mail Online (Dr Luan Brizendine makes shit up - 2006)
Study: Men Talk Just as Much as Women : NPR (2007)
Gender Jabber: Do Women Talk More than Men?: Scientific American
Men Talk More Than Women Overall, But Not In All Circumstances
Ancient 'Dead Sea' Stone Tablet Predates & Might Rewrite the Bible
Google Lets You Monitor Access To Your Gmail Account
strange characters display instead of letters • mozillaZine Forums
Musipedia: The Open Music Encyclopedia
Bob Ostertag: Obama, FISA and the Netroots - Politics on The Huffington Post
August 8, 1974 v. July 9, 2008 - Glenn Greenwald - (craven Dempublicans dump your Constitution)
Washington Times - "Want some torture with your peanuts?" by Aviation Security
What's John McCain's Technology Policy? (back to the 17th Century)
TPMMuckraker (all kinds of domestic spying going on)
The Spying Started Before September 11 -- That's The Whole Point
Naomi Wolf: Sex Crimes in the White House - Politics on The Huffington Post
Jukebox John changes his tune every few minutes - The Carpetbagger Report
5 Myths About the Bust That Will Follow the Boom(ers) -
History News Network Just How Stupid Are We?
Cutting-edge, supplemental science comes to Louisiana - The Carpetbagger Report (the Flintstones)
Monsanto has to Accept Full Responsibility for Genetic Contamination
Mystery of the meat-eaters' molecule - Telegraph
Astronomers Discover the First Ring Around a Moon | Solar System | Discover Magazine
Crooks and Liars Wolf Blitzer looks back at 10 years of Iraq War Bush lies
The Media Equation - When Fox News Is the Story -
Beltway myth: "The left-wing base" vs. "the American people" on Iraq - Glenn Greenwald - - Mara Liasson (NPR Republican super-wanker)
Open Left:: Republicans Go Retro With Hapless Flip-Flop Attack
Media Matters - Matthews: "Can Obama now win over the regular folks, white folks, against John McCain?" (they won't give up)
Fiorinas Fuzzy Math - Swampland - TIME (a little unusual fact-checking)
Matthew Yglesias (July 07, 2008) - Don't Talk About the War (ignore the central reason Clinton lost) (Media: "hideously stupid people who are wrong about everything" --Atrios)
Think Progress Lieberman: After Iran wipes out Israel and Arab countries in the Middle East, were next! (they'll invade and make soccer moms wear burkas!)
The Iraq war movie: Military hopes to shape genre - Los Angeles Times (you pay for propaganda against you)
Free Government - Democracy in Your Hands Worldwide Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae Plunge on Capital Concerns
Washington Sketch: Economic Anxiety Disorder - (Bushonomics)
The Hindenburg Omen: Crash Signal In Play - Seeking Alpha
Be Aware Of The Hindenburg (Omen of crash) | Hindenburg Omen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The night I lost my faith - Every doctor is spiritually vulnerable, the author says. His unsuccessful effort to save a dying baby triggered his personal crisis.2004 Doctors' Writing
The Urge to End It - Understanding Suicide -
American Murder Mystery (Section 8 Housing spread crime)
Famished gene is found and could help tackle obesity - Telegraph
Super atoms turn the periodic table upside down
Reflections: Robert Silverberg: Tyhe Death of Gallim (endangered elements)
Hands on: 12 quick hacks for Firefox 3 - LinuxWorld
AP IMPACT: US wavered over S. Korean executions | Newsweek News | US colonel wrote he sanctioned mass killing
Why the new wiretapping law is a lot worse than you think. - By Patrick Radden Keefe - Slate Magazine
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 07/03/2008 | Commentary: How dare they rip the Fourth Amendment? (Dems)
Loss of Civil Liberties Since 9/11
Crooks and Liars John McCain: I hate the bloggers
For Republicans, the Senate outlook is bad - Los Angeles Times
Obamas cunning capture of the centre ground | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online
Op-Ed Columnist - Wall-E for President - Op-Ed -
CEO of Firm That Signed Controversial Iraq Oil Deal Longtime Bush, Cheney Adviser (shocking)
Crooks and Liars Glenn Beck on how the US should treat Gitmo detainees: Were going to shoot them all in the head (CNN: most trusted name in xenophobic news)
Spy chief Alex Allan found with 'blood everywhere' - Telegraph
UBS, CS May Have to Set Aside $68 Billion - Report -
Daily Kos: Wall Street's Haute Con Job
Times Higher Education - High IQ turns academics into atheists Intelligence is a predictor of religious scepticism (Gordon Lynch: science "not the most helpful response")
Bumper Mentality | AlterNet the bigger the SUV, the more of a jerk its driver is likely to be.
Salmonella signs point to peppers --
This is the U.S. on drugs - Los Angeles Times Only cops and crooks have benefited from $2.5 trillion spent fighting trafficking.
Mexican Cartels and the Fallout From Phoenix | Stratfor
Send Messages That Self-Destruct With Privnote - ReadWriteWeb
Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Database - Special Report
AVG anti-virus attacking Whirlpool with DDOS - Forum feedback - Whirlpool Broadband Forums (AVG Linkscanner fiasco)
Register Scolds AVG For Generating Fake Traffic As Link Malware
How Prozac sent the science of depression in the wrong direction - The Boston Globe
22 civilians killed by U.S. airstrike, Afghan governor says - International Herald Tribune (again)
Hullabaloo: Running With The Devils (Obama tacks hard right)
Obama to 'refine' Iraq plan - Mike Allen -
Eunomia - Wouldnt Be (And Isnt) Prudent defending the Fourth Amendment against egregious, systematic violation by the government is some far-out extremist position that must be watered down or abandoned in order to appeal to the middle.
The Sideshow July 2008 Archive: The crazy woman (Cynthia McKinney criticized Bush, Dums run screaming)
CNN poll: Most say Founding Fathers wouldn't be impressed -
Bringing Ireland to Baghdad: How the Resistance Will Eventually Kick the Americans Out | War on Iraq | AlterNet
Hullabaloo Unpacking A Fragment Of Packer (that's George "Always Wrong" Packer)
ABC News: Pentagon Top Brass: Israel: Don't Attack Iran : Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen: 'A Third Front ... Would Be Extremely Stressful'
UT Documents: Obama's new statement on FISA (folds)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | A Time-line Of Obama's Statements On FISA (flip ... flop ... flip ... flop)
Analysis: NSA Spying Judge Defends Rule of Law, Congress Set to Strip His Power | Threat Level from
The Crypt: Rove refuses to appear before House Judiciary panel - (says fuck you to Conyers)
Talking Points Memo | Please, Please, Reporters with Brains
Brilliant or a sham? Questions asked over Ingrid Betancourt rescue - Times Online
How the "patriotism" debate might actually help Obama. - By David Greenberg - Slate Magazine How the Republicans Claimed the "Patriotism" Mantle in Presidential Politics Worldwide Condoleezza Rice Says She's `Proud' of Decision to Invade Iraq
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The evolution of a conspiracy theory
CORRECTED - Fed's Bullard says bank's credibility on line | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters | Fed uses indices that exclude food and energy Deutsche Bank AG
Naomi Klein: Big Oil's Iraq deals are the greatest stick-up in history | Comment is free | The Guardian
Global markets | Bearish battalions | Almost everything that could is going wrong for world stockmarkets
Wine and health | Of sommeliers and stomachs | Red wine exercises its benefits before it enters the bloodstream
Celebrity Passport Records Popular - State Dept. Audit Finds Snooping Was Frequent
A-Rod's wife tells pals she believes Madonna lured Yank with kabbalah
Team finds language without numbers (7/3/2008)
RussiaToday : SciTech : Extinction 100 times closer than expected
The WTF World of Wikipedia | GamesRadar
Sexual Healing, page 1 - News - Broward-Palm Beach New Times - Broward-Palm Beach New Times Sad stories and otherwise freaky tales from Florida's last sexual surrogate
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library: The Book of accidents; : designed for young children.
Costco - Emergency Food Kit - 275 Servings
Scroogle Scraper (search Google without Viacom getting your IP address)
Judge Rejects Bushs View on Wiretaps -
Daily Kos: FISA: Why we continue to fight (best summary of Bush lying and Congress folding)
Barack Obama: My Position On FISA - Politics on The Huffington Post (more lies: no "important surveillance tools" lost)
On FISA - Swampland - TIME (Joe Klein and Pelosi wrong again, see above)
Obama advisor Greg Craig: Adding insult to injury - Glenn Greenwald -
The Al-Haramain ruling and the current Congress - Glenn Greenwald -
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | A Time-line Of Obama's Statements On FISA
Matthew Yglesias (July 03, 2008) - I'm Worried (David "Dean" Broder is not worried about Bush's law-breaking)
Justice Department Considers Racial Profiling For Terror Prevention - Politics on The Huffington Post
Freed hostage Ingrid Betancourt embraces children - Yahoo! News
Fears, Again, of Oil Supplies at Risk - New York Times - "He said at one point that he wants oil to be $144 a barrel'' -- about six times what it sells for now (10/14/2001: Game Over, Bin Laden wins)
U.S State Dept. role in Iraq oil deal questioned - International Herald Tribune (Bush cronies)
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community Feith Still the Stupidest Guy (Bush Admin: Ship of Morons)
Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom | Threat Level from (Viacom wins, gets all your user data)
Think Progress 6th straight month of job losses.
Intellectuals: 'Top Public Intellectuals: the results' by | Prospect Magazine July 2008 issue 148
Intellectuals: 'How Glen triumphed' by Tom Nuttall | Prospect Magazine July 2008 (they got gamed)
Mini Movie Channel - Putin On The Ritz
YouTube - puttin on the ritz
Bad is good as a mating strategy NewScientist, 21 June 2008 ("dark triad" of bad-boy traits)
New Hope Against the Cold Sore Virus | LiveScience
The World Health Organization Documents Failure of U.S. Drug Policies | DrugReporter | AlterNet (highest rates of marijuana and cocaine use)
Dave Shaw | Outside Online | Raising the Dead
New paper offers insights into blinking phenomenon - University of Notre Dame : News & Information
The Scientists Who Revived Magic Mushroom Research | Newsweek Health |
YouTube - Tara Busch (2) Over The Rainbow backwards (see Pt 1)
Think Progress » Hersh: Cheney ‘Privately’ Says He Prefers U.S. — Not Israel — Strike Iran Because ‘We’ll Get Blamed Anyway’ (insane)
Media Matters - Matthews: "They're the working-class white voters ... the regular folks" (like you, Chris)
Hispanic Voters Solidly Behind Obama (but ... that's not what my teevee said)
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Muddy Brooks (David Brooks "misrepresents" the facts)
Want to know if waterboarding is torture? Ask Christopher Hitchens (Hitch changes his mind)
Believe Me, It's Torture: Politics & Power:
Firedoglake » Six Years Later, McCain Says He Still Would’ve Invaded Iraq — Presumably For The Hell Of It
Media Matters - Fox News airs altered photos of NY Times reporters
Crooks and Liars » Department of Pots and Kettles “Most vacation days taken by a sitting president,” (hard work, prezident'n)
Bringing Down Bear Stearns: Politics & Power:
US STOCKS-Dow enters bear market amid broad sell-off | Reuters
BBC NEWS | Technology | Internet overhaul wins approval (Icann goes for the gold)
Muslim outrage at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat | Mail Online (but they sell dog food)
A Very Memorable Trip - Psilocybin - ScienceNOW 8-hour experience in the lab as similar in significance to life events such as the birth of a first child.
Illegal Drug -- Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) -- Found Good for Long-Term Health
Well - Diabetes - Underrated, Insidious and Deadly -
‘Ghost’ Photos through Quantum Physics | Blog | Futurismic
The Minimalist - 101 Picnic Dishes to Make in 20 Minutes - List -
Loading.Ready.Run. - New hilarious sketch comedy every Monday
Enabling International Support in Windows XP/Server 2003 Family
Big archaeology find in Egypt | Science Blog
true and non-trivial social scientific propositions «
Contents of Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
Viewzi — What are you looking for?
Windows SteadyState
FLDS Dress
Obsidian Wings: Packer Says, "Iraq 4-Evah!" One can only hope that the Obama campaign will completely ignore George Packer’s political advice
Media Matters - Broadcast networks falsely suggested that Clark criticized McCain's service (it's what they do)
The 10 Most Awesomely Bad Moments of the Bush Presidency | Election 2008 | AlterNet
Come back with your keyboard or upon it « The Poor Man Institute
Raw Replay - Revisiting History
Strutting Fascism and swaggering militarism how Republicans perfected a propaganda system that could fool tens of millions of Americans, intimidate Democrats, and transform the vaunted Washington press corps from watchdogs to lapdogs
What Bush hath wrought - The Boston Globe By Andrew J. Bacevich
alicublog: I Want You To Hurt Like I Do. Crunchy Rod Dreher is back from vacation (how their minds work)
news from me - (whoah)
U.S. Stops Solar Projects En Masse, Citing Environmental Concerns | CleanBeta
LAist: California to Legalize Weed for Everyone
Gene Editing Could Make Anyone Immune to AIDS | Wired Science from
10 Useful Apps To Reduce Your Dependency On Google Products
How Does Language Exist In The Brain?
PLoS Medicine - Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Cocaine Use: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys - Americans by far lead the world in rates of illegal drug use, despite America's crusading role in prosecuting the Global War on Drugs (land of hypocrisy)
Crooks and Liars » Late Edition: Sy Hersh Says Attacks On Iran Happening Now (Dems in bed w/Cheney)
Report: U.S. 'preparing the battlefield' in Iran - - President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have rejected findings from U.S. intelligence agencies that Iran has halted a clandestine effort to build a nuclear bomb (sound familiar?)
Media Matters - Fox's Henneberg deceptively cropped Clark interview while claiming Clark "seemed to attack McCain's military service"
Talking Points Memo | DC Press Lords Lay Down Fire for McCain
CJR: "Attacking" McCain's Military Record What Wesley Clark really said, and how the press missed it (hissy-fits from the Press Lords)
Think Progress » White House: Polls are flawed, Bush sees a ’shift in attitudes’ toward him
ABC News: EXCLUSIVE: How the FBI Botched the Anthrax Case (no mention of ABC hyping the Saddam connection)
Open Left:: AIPAC and Darcy Tussle (targeting liberals)
House Resolution Calls for Naval Blockade against Iran America’s powerful pro-Israel lobby pressures the US Congress (America is client state of Israel)
The Ohm Project: an exercise in resistance - "And Leave the Laptop with Us" U. S. Customs officials are routinely seizing 5-10% of the laptop
Higher Costs and Delays Expected at Ground Zero - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog
Detroit's mood grim as automakers face the brink | U.S. | Reuters (dug their own grave)
Fortified Cassava Could Provide A Day's Nutrition In A Single Meal
Martin Rees on the building blocks of the universe | Science | The Guardian
Astronomy | Stars in their eyes | An armchair astronomer discovers something very odd
Olbermann-O'Reilly feud spreads - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety
TV viewers' average age hits 50 - Variety Study: Median age outside the 18-49 demo (geezers watch the tube)
Bacteria evolve; Conservapedia demands recount (dumbasses)
Some Proof that Marijuana is a Powerful Medicine | Wired Science from
Annals of National Security: Preparing the Battlefield: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
U.S. Escalating Covert Operations Against Iran - Report -
David Ignatius - Why Not A Debate In Dubai? - (the elites love their authoritarian regimes)
Balloon Juice: The Dimmest Bulbs on the Internet (RedState wankers) “We’re one bomb away from getting rid of that obnoxious court.” (Addington)
McCains Defaulted On Home Taxes For Last Four Years, Newsweek Reports - Politics on The Huffington Post
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS "age of neoslavery" that thrived from the aftermath of the Civil War through the dawn of World War II.
The float vote - Los Angeles Times
Foreign Policy: The Failed States Index 2008 (#1: Somalia - #58: Israel)
Political Freelancers Use Web to Join the Attack - (Robert Greenwald)
Federal Judiciary Conservative Bias (image: all you need to know in one look)
Why don't we hear more about Equatorial Guinea? - By Peter Maass - Slate Magazine
NNDB Mapper: Tracking the entire world | Dick Cheney's connections
How English Is Evolving Into a Language We May Not Even Understand (Chinese)
Steamboats Are Ruining Everything: How Is the Internet Changing Literary Style? (and how to write for the web)
Research and Resource results from Joseph Culligan (see Keith Olbermann's and Peggy Noonan's tax issues)
Economist's View: Women’s Rights: What’s in it for Men?
Little Women - When did the sexual objectification of young girls become normal?
Baby to be born free of breast cancer after embryo screening - Times Online
Revising HIV's History -- Pennisi 2008 (625): 1 -- ScienceNOW - Discoveries - Not a Quirk But a Quark ... a Quark Star! - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
Quantum computing breakthrough arises from unknown molecule
Massachusetts is the most tech savvy state, again : Gina Hughes : Yahoo! Tech
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - The GOOG->MSFT Exodus: Working at Google vs. Working at Microsoft
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | New model 'permits time travel'
Obama Undercuts His Brand - Politics on The Huffington Post
AT&T Whistleblower: Spy Bill Creates 'Infrastructure for a Police State' | Threat Level from (Obama on board)
Media Matters by Jamison Foser The Edwards standard and John McCain
The Sideshow June 2008 Archive The Supreme Court was right about this (no DP for child rape)
Think Progress » Louisiana Governor Jindal Unaware Katrina Caused ‘Major’ Oil Spills In His Own State
It's My Party, I'll Cry If I Want To - Politics on The Huffington Post
Bush Fulfills His Grandfather's Dream | Let's Try Democracy (getting rid of Congress)
Publiic Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER): Federal Wildlife Report Censored (Republikan anti-facts)
Raw Replay - Revisiting History Fox hosts outraged Al Qaeda might watch C-SPAN (you can see where they are going with this)
Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS (Barbara Boxer and Republican climate-change-deniers, Inhofe)
YouTube - American Theocracy: Radical Religion Oil and Borrowed Money
'Dutch Jimmy Carter' accuses Israel of terrorism in new book - Haaretz - Israel News (failed ethnic state)
U.S. Suspends Solar Power Projects | CleanBeta (drill!)
Louisiana passes first antievolution "academic freedom" law
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Drug classification rethink urged
Marina Hyde: This surveillance onslaught is draconian and creepy | Comment is free | The Guardian
Science Journal - (Don't overthink your plate of beans)
BBC NEWS | UK | Birth defects warning sparks row British Pakistanis were 13 times more likely to have children with recessive disorders
Marijuana Has Anti-Inflammatory That Won't Get You High
Hacking Skype: 25 Tips to Improve Your Skype Experience - VoIP News
700,000 yr old Qatar settlement may be oldest organised human community ever found
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Wiltshire | 100-ton stone astounds academics
Stephen Hawking's explosive new theory - Telegraph - Quantum Gravity
Glenn Greenwald - Keith Olbermann's reply and Obama's secret plan to protect the rule of law (it's a secret)
Seumas Milne: Bush is trying to impose a classic colonial status on Iraq | Comment is free | The Guardian
Sanford Levinson: DC v. Heller: A Dismaying Performance By The Supreme Court - Politics on The Huffington Post (we're so surprised)
The CNN Wire: New high for Afghanistan deaths « - Blogs from
McCain has missed the most votes of any senator - War Room - (but he's a hero)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Helping Lebanon's torture victims
The Independent: No ice at the North Pole Polar scientists reveal dramatic new evidence of climate change
The BRAD BLOG : Conyers Asks John Yoo If a President Could Order a Suspect Buried Alive
ABC News: DOJ Official Fired After ABC News Investigation - Michele DeKonty (Republican crook)
“We Went To War For The Oil Companies” Kucinich Tells Congress |
Matthew Yglesias (June 27, 2008) - Have You Heard McCain Was a POW? (where are the swift-boaters?)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/27/2008 | Is Obama turning out to be just another politician?
What does McCain mean by ‘we’? - The Carpetbagger Report (well, you, maybe they, but not me)
Open Left:: It Must Be Scary To Be A Conservative (also stupid)
GM's Market Value Is Only $7 Billion—Half That of Avon - (how have the mighty fallen)
Barclays warns of a financial storm as Federal Reserve's credibility crumbles - Telegraph (along with everything else American)
Inflation and job losses keep consumers glum: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance News Texas Real Estate Slump Lets Mexicans Take It Back (remember the Alamo)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect: Abortion Reduction And The Democrats (more advice from the Evangelicals: let's have "reasonable restrictions" on abortion)
Clear Channel Bans Ads For Harry Shearer's CD Over Anti-Bush Image - Media on The Huffington Post (Republikan radio)
Notes From A ZOG Youth Rally (recruiting new Jewish Neocons)
Police Used "Agents Provocateurs" At UK Bush Protests
alicublog: The Mosquito Coast (the Crunchy Cons dilemma: not enough slave labor)
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Fossil fills out water-land leap (fish with four legs)
"Flooded London" & James Hansen’s Prophetic Warning
062608 Electoral Projections Done Right Which Candidate has a Base Problem? (yeah, take a guess)
TBogg » “Optical intercourse” (Esther Slater) McDonald (DOJ crook) (alum of Pensacola Christian College)
Media Matters - Hume falsely claimed Obama "contradicted what he wrote in his book" about town hall meetings (your media making shit up)
Matthew Yglesias (June 26, 2008) - Your Liberal Media - The Washington Post opinion pages it's columns from George Will, David Broder, and Robert Novak balanced out by op-eds from Bjorn Lomborg and Richard Perle.
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Quote of the Day: Vice President Is a "Barnacle" on the Legislative Branch (or a leech on your ass)
Lara Logan, Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle - Media on The Huffington Post
Daily Kos: A pragmatist's view on FISA
Think Progress » President Beck: I Wouldn’t Detain Terror Suspects, I’d ‘Shoot Them All In The Head’
Hullabaloo: Yoo And Addington On The Hill
Keith Olbermann: Then and now - Glenn Greenwald -
The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics - We’re Going After Hoyer
Crude futures reach fresh record above $140 on Globex - MarketWatch Why does this man still have a teevee show? Lawrence Kudlow (wrong on everything)
The Big Picture | No War, Economy Expanding (financial news you can trust)
Judge Orders Legal Fees in RIAA v Andersen | Threat Level from
AFP: Internet body approves domain name big bang (.you)
The Price Of Food: 2007 Versus 2008 (forget eating)
Senate Housing Bill Snags on Lone Lawmaker - (but FISA can't be stopped)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama On FISA: Telecom Immunity Issue Doesn't Override National Security (Obama caves on telcom/spy bill)
Daily Kos: 2010 will be primary season (list of House Dems who sold out the Consitution on FISA/Immunity)
Hullabaloo They Like Him, They Really Like Him (Steny Hoyer: the new Joe Lieberman)
Obama holds 12-point lead over McCain, poll finds - Los Angeles Times
Talking Points Memo | Again! Chris Matthews, for the second day in a row, makes the Obama/Osama goof (paid to be stupid)
The Existentialist Cowboy: The Un-American Lies of Antonin Scalia (Boumediene v. Bush: "At least 30 of those prisoners hitherto released from Guantanamo have returned to the battlefield." is false)
Follow the Money? God forbid. | Why was the cashing out of billions of dollars just before the 9/11 attacks never investigated?
McCain: World War III Would Justify Draft - Politics on The Huffington Post
GAO Report Faults Post-'Surge' Planning - Lack of Comprehensive Strategy Cited, but Pentagon Study Sees Gains in Iraq
TPMMuckraker | White House officials simply refused to open an email from the EPA last year because they knew it contained a policy recommendation they didn't like
TPM Election Central | Obama Making Private Calls Appealing To Hillary's Top Fundraisers -- And Sometimes Hearing Criticism In Return (she wants her $20 Million)
Conservapedia:Lenski dialog - Conservapedia (Andy Schlafly, B.S.E., J.D. Conservapedia makes a fool of himself on the Internet)
VoteOften / Popular
Era of cheap oil over - analysts | Video |
Calculated Risk: May New Home Sales: 512K Annual Rate
A genetic theory of homosexuality. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
Galaxy map hints at fractal universe - space - 25 June 2008 - New Scientist Space
Games at
Sugar Fix » Blog Archive » Song — 1000 A.D.
Capitulation Row for Dems
Democracy Now! | "One of the Greatest Intrusions, Potentially, on the Rights of Americans Protected Under the 4th Amendment" - Sen. Feingold Blasts Telecom Spy Bill
Hoyer hails FISA bill as "a significant victory for the Democratic Party" - Glenn Greenwald - (Dems do up is down too)
The Road to the Horizon: News: In case you still doubt the Iraq war was pre-planned
GAO Report Faults Post-'Surge' Planning - (Bush: no plan, as usual)
Report Says Partisanship Reigned in Justice Department Hiring Program - (who could have predicted?)
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | True Campaign Reform: Bring People into Politics
Think Progress » Fox Analyst: Iraqis ‘Owe Us’ 100-Year Leases On Their Oil, ‘We Ought To Take It’
In Espionage Trial of Ex-Aipac Employees, Appeals Court Sets High Bar for Prosecution -"
Media Matters - Blitzer did not challenge Pawlenty's false claim that under Obama plan, taxes will increase if "you have an IRA or a 401(k)" (facts, and Blitzer, are stupid things) I don’t just hate ladies, but men who I think act like ladies (the Modo horrowshow)
Consumer Confidence Tumbles to 16-Year Low - Economy * US * News * Story -
James Hansen: Global Warming Twenty Years Later: Tipping Points Near | you.presscue
Sally Squires - To Produce Good Health, Bite Into Fruit and Veggies -
Pew Forum: Religious Groups' Official Positions on Same-Sex Marriage
The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete
McCain Adviser: Another Attack on U.S. Would Be "Big Advantage" For McCain - Politics on The Huffington Post
MoveOn To Obama: Keep Your Word, Filibuster Telecom Immunity - Politics on The Huffington Post
Matthew Yglesias (June 23, 2008) - The Downward Spiral - John Bolton (bomb, bomb Iran)
Major Networks Putting Iraq On The Back Burner: Reporters - Americans are getting about "two minutes of Iraq coverage, per network, per week."
Informed Comment: The Real State of Iraq
Sunday: 46 Iraqis Killed, 79 Wounded -
YouTube - Dispatches: The Killing Zone - Gaza
TPMMuckraker | U.S. government has spent nearly $500 million on an Arabic language television and radio station (another Bush FAIL)
The New Republic syndrome - Glenn Greenwald -
Unfogged What do you call an opposition party that refuses to oppose? (Democrats)
White House Blocking Army's Plan To Overhaul Contracting System (Republicans: accountability-free zone)
Travel Advisory The U.S. isn't likely to try Bush administration officials for war crimes--but it's likely that a European country will
The Return of the Neocons - The Washington Independent - U.S. news and politics - Bush Hawks Aggressively Working to Rewrite Accepted Iraq War History
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Waxman Says U.S. Embassy in Albania Concealed Info About Arms Shipment
Compare And Contrast « Mercury Rising ?? What do you see as the gravest long-term threat to the U.S. economy?
Op-Ed Columnist - Paul Krugman - Home Not-So-Sweet Home, and the ownership obsession - Op-Ed - (Bush: only terrorists are renters)
Big brokers threatened by crackdown on shadow banking system - MarketWatch Regulators eye $10 trillion market that boomed outside traditional banking
Who Is the Greatest Modern-Day Thinker? - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog » Has philosophy responded adequately to big events?
Circumcision | Cutting the competition | Mutilating male members may mar men’s mischievous matings
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Neanderthal tools' found at dig
Temperature drop due to measurement error
Scientists discover drug to combat shyness | Health news | Marie Claire
Can the 'cuddle chemical' oxytocin treat mental illness?
BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Shake-up' for internet proposed
8 drugs doctors wouldn't take - Health care- Special Series: Breakdown: Canada's Mental Health Crisis
EFF attacks foundation of entire RIAA lawsuit campaign
Mpaa: The MPAA Says They Shouldn't Need Proof To Sue You
14 vital Internet tools
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
Marijuana Cures Anxiety Disorders - ELLE
Review - Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry - Ethics
Review - The Ethics of Bioethics - Ethics
Kristol: Bush Might Bomb Iran If He 'Thinks Obama's Going To Win' - Politics on The Huffington Post
House Grants Telecom Amnesty, Expands Spying Powers | Threat Level from
Time Magazine uncritically prints Nancy Pelosi's "justifications" for the FISA "compromise" - Glenn Greenwald - (pantsuit on fire)
Daily Kos: It's Not Yours To Give Away
Talking Points Memo | US court dismisses case by Canadian at Guantanamo 15 when captured
Descent into Chaos: How the War Against Islamic Extremism Is Being Lost in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia by Ahmed Rashid - Times Online
Al Jazeera English - 60 Years of Division - Israel 'committing memorycide'
Think Progress » Brokaw to host Meet the Press through Election Day.
McCain’s Boeing Battle Boomerangs | Newsweek Periscope |
Hullabaloo - Allegory, Inc.
Daily Kos: Broder Criticizes Obama; Ombudsman Criticizes Broder [Update]
Obama And Race: Most Whites Open To Black President, But Hate Groups Growing - Politics on The Huffington Post
On-Demand Documentaries - Air India Flight 182 Worldwide Citigroup May Fire 10% of Investment-Bank Workers, WSJ Reports
New Crisis Threatens Healthy Banks - » Fewer Traffic Signs, Better Safety?
Psychology Of A Teen "Pregnancy Pact" - Living on The Huffington Post
Obama: I'll Fight To Strip Telecom Immunity From FISA - Horserace (good luck)
Daily Kos: Apparently, Even Barack Obama Thinks You're Stupid
Crooks and Liars » Where is Obama on the FISA fight? Obama responds! UPDATED 1,2, &3
Paul Jenkins: The Disintegration of John McCain - Politics on The Huffington Post
Firedoglake » Late Night: The Ascension of the Russert
Russia warns against attacking Iran | Jerusalem Post
Media Matters by Jamison Foser - Media give McCain a pass while pouncing on Obama (kewl kids on the bus)
Study: War Deaths Grossly Underestimated Three times as many killed as once thought in 50 years of conflicts, new analysis suggests.
Rise in Renters Erasing Gains for Ownership - (another Bush failure)
YouTube - Costs Of War
David Broder’s and Bob Woodward’s Lame Alibis—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
Steve & Barry's Faces Cash Crunch -
Why Oil Prices Skyrocketed | LiveScience
When It Comes to Brains, Size Matters - counter to the popular belief that women have better language skills than men.
Mysterious Brain Cells Linked to Blood Flow: Scientific American (astrocytes)
American Civil Liberties Union : House Approves Unconstitutional Surveillance Legislation ("It’s Christmas morning at the White House thanks to this vote")
TPMMuckraker | Dems cave: biggest winer of the day was not Republicans or Democrats but the telecom companies.
Ari Melber: Obama Silent as Democrats Give Bush More Spying Powers - Politics on The Huffington Post
Obama, telecoms and the Beltway system - Glenn Greenwald -
Nancy Pelosi Sells Out
Talking Points Memo | Obama on FISA
Echelon - The Most Secret Spy System - Google Video
Senate Housing Bill Requires eBay, Amazon, Google, and All Credit Card Companies to Report Transactions to the Government --
McClellan: Bush, Cheney Wanted Me To Say Libby Wasn't Involved In CIA Leak Case... - Politics on The Huffington Post
Obama’s Decision Is Biggest Threat Yet to Already-Troubled Public Campaign Financing System -
Think Progress » Bolton Fearmongers: ‘Best Outcome’ Of Obama Presidency Is ‘More Embassy Bombings, WTC Attacks’
Firedoglake » Hatchet Job…with sprinkles AP's Liz Sidoti runs what can only be described as a mash note to John McCain (this season's Nedra Pickler)
CJR: A Cap By Any Other Name... Mainstream press fails to call McCain’s “mandatory caps” gaffe
Cristina Page: Cashiers for Life - Politics on The Huffington Post (will Saletan is an idiot)
Moody's Cuts MBIA, Ambac Top Insurance Ratings - Financials * US * News * Story -
Martian Skies - The Big Picture -
Analyst: AT&T subsidizing $325 of every iPhone
PoliZine » 10 of the Most Shocking American Political Sex Scandals
Zombie caterpillars controlled by voodoo wasps - life - 04 June 2008 - New Scientist
How To Find A Guru - Living on The Huffington Post
The Milgram Experiment Today? « The Situationist (same results: torture on command)
Will the Humanities Save Us? - Stanley Fish - Think Again - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Secrets of James Bond's success with women unravelled - Telegraph - attracked to narcissistic, thrill-seeking liars
Is the Universe Actually Made of Math? | Math | Discover Magazine (Max Tegmark)
The existence of alternate universes. - By Jim Holt - Slate Magazine (2003 Max Tegmark)
Colliding with nature's best-kept secrets - - Nima Arkani-Hamed
Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way - The Sleuth
ABC News: Former Attorney General Gonzales Ousted Torture Critic
Washington Times - GOP recycles Clinton's attacks against Obama (who could have predicted?)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Lawmakers Reach Deal Over Government Surveillance Powers
Talking Points Memo | That's Some Compromise
Daily Kos: FISA Fight: Capitulation Reached
Hullabaloo: Talk To The Hand by digby
“Just War Theory After 9/11” A State of the Art Report
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | "Why Isn't The White House Letting Him Go?" Career officials are in open revolt over at the Office of Special Counsel - Ron Paul Claims Pelosi Spiked Iran Bill at the behest of the leadership of Israel and AIPAC.
House Resolution Calls for Naval Blockade against Iran America’s powerful pro-Israel lobby pressures the US Congress
Foreign Policy: The Myth of Moderate Islam
Deals With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back - (all about oil)
More Blood For Oil - The Washington Independent - U.S. news and politics - (US to act a private security for Big Oil)
Media Matters - Beck inflated estimated ANWR oil production by nearly 7,000 percent ("facts are stupid things")
TPMMuckraker | western alliance of big oil firms is making its final move on Mesopotamian oil reserves.
Is Another Bubble Behind Soaring Gas, Food Prices? : NPR
Bear Stearns Executives Ralph Cioffi, Matthew Tannin Indicted... FBI Announces "Operation Malicious Mortgage" - Business on The Huffington Post Exclusive Bill Ackman Was Right: MBIA, Ambac on `Ratings Cliff'
YouTube - Don't Think Of A Black Man
Something Is Rotten In Denmark: The A.P., NYTimes and MBA Love Triangle (Robert Cox, tireless attention-whore)
Making Light: AP to negotiate with sham "Media Bloggers Association"
Daily Kos: State of the Nation More on the AP idiots
Welcome to The Best of Everything (net radio)
SSRN-Copyright and the World's Most Popular Song by Robert Brauneis ("Happy Birthday To You" makes its "copyright" holders $2M/yr) - Time Magazine Report: Gloucester High School Teens Had Pact To Get Pregnant
Google Earth: Top 10 British crop circles - Telegraph
Survey suggests U.S. research misconduct is common | Science | Reuters (9% of all research fake)
Cloned immune cells cleared patient's cancer | Science | The Guardian
Are Men Boring? (to women, yes)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/18/2008 | Easing of laws that led to detainee abuse hatched in secret (bad apples at the top)
Dan Froomkin - General Accuses WH of War Crimes - ("the drive to make torture an instrument of U.S. policy originated at the highest levels of the Bush administration")
Hearing Schedule To receive testimony on the origins of aggressive interrogation techniques: Part I of the Committee's inquiry into the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody
A timeline to Bush government torture | Salon News
The Genesis of Torture - Intel Dump - Phillip Carter on national security and the military.
How to train death squads and quash revolutions from San Salvador to Iraq - Wikileaks (the big picture)
Think Progress » CBS’s Lara Logan: ‘Tell me the last time you saw the body of a dead American soldier.’
Editorial - Editorial - Mr. Bush v. the Bill of Rights - (looks like Pelosi and Hoyer are going to stuff this down our throats)
Glenn Greenwald - - Comcast's efforts to protect members of Congress who, in turn, protect Comcast
The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics - Say No To FISA “Compromises” (here's your chance to fight back)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Today's Must Read the CIA's larger involvement in developing torture techniques at Guantanamo Bay (actually, the whole barrel is rotten)
Report: Exams reveal abuse, torture of detainees -
What Exactly Is a Permanent Base? - Baghdad Bureau (depends on what you mean by "base" and "permanent)
Harris Interactive | The Harris Poll - America’s Sour Mood: Ratings of Bush, Cheney, Rice and Congress Sink to Worst Levels Ever
Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts - A Chafed Texan in the Naked City - - Robert Hurt (idiots on parade)
Daily Kos: AP Reports Smears As Truth (against Michelle Obama)
Rumors Barack Obama's campaign shouldn't try to correct. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Let'S Try This Again... (Will Saletan is an idiot)
Gregg Easterbrook is - wait for it! - an idiot « The Poor Man Institute
Mississippi River overflows 19 levees | Reuters
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert - Telegraph - full-fledged crash in global stock and credit markets over the next three months
Thornburg Survival in Doubt, Gets SEC Subpoenas - Real Estate * US * News * Story -
Market full of oil, price trend "fake": Ahmadinejad - Yahoo! News (result of dollar tanking, duh)
How Cops Really Want to Police - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog
CONFIRMED: U.S. Hid Detainees From The Red Cross - Politics on The Huffington Post
John Yoo's ongoing falsehoods in service of limitless government power - Glenn Greenwald - (WSJ gives Yoo the OpEd page today)
PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » More on Boumediene
Media Matters - Kristol asserted that "anyone arrested in" the U.S. has habeas rights -- but not under law he supports
Think Progress » Bush: Critics Of Gitmo, Abu Ghraib And Rendition Are ‘Slandering America’ (not Mr Torturer-in-Chief)
Report Questions Pentagon Accounts -
Poll Finds Independent Voters Split Between McCain, Obama -
News Outlets Face Increasing Scrutiny in Campaign - (Murdoch reports on himself)
Spying on Americans: Democrats Ready to Gut the Constitution
MediaShift . Takedown Tiff::AP Badly Mistaken on Drudge Retort | PBS
Making Light: The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish
Crooks and Liars » McCain Sets a New Record: 10 Flip-Flops in Two Weeks
Army Overseer Tells of Ouster Over KBR Stir -
George F. Will - Contempt Of Courts - McCain's Posturing On Guantanamo
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Unhappiness in Clinton camp over Obama hire « - Blogs from
The new racist, anti-Obama fashion statement - War Room -
Global Warming : Discovery Channel
Helpful Bacteria May Hide in Appendix -
The Lancet Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community:
New airport scanners see through clothes (TSA: all your body-parts are belong to us)
myfirstcavitysearchmb9.jpg (Helping your child understand why he may pose a thread to National Security)
Ed Foster's Gripelog || Spyware bill cloaks a mini-UCITA (Software Industry: all your computers are belong to us)
Bumper stickers reveal link to road rage : Nature News
The dish » Blog Archive » The top ten home cooking mistakes.
Gay brains structured like those of the opposite sex - sex - 16 June 2008 - New Scientist
Homosexual brain resembles that of opposite sex: study
Butch-Femme Test
How to nap -
NewsGroups - SH/SC Wiki : Usenet Newservers
YouTube - The Great Office War
YouTube - He Said It First (McCain called his wife a c*nt)
YouTube - Did John McCain Call His Wife A C**t?
Boner Alert: Tony Jaa Edition - (Ong Bak 2 Tony Jaa)
Diamonds on Demand | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine (the Diamond Age as arrived)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/15/2008 | Table of contents the U.S. imprisoned innocent men, subjected them to abuse, stripped them of their legal rights
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/15/2008 | America's prison for terrorists often held the wrong men
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/16/2008 | U.S. abuse of detainees was routine at Afghanistan bases (torture)
Senate Report's New Findings on Pre-War Deception | Newsweek Voices - Terror Watch | Spies, Lies and the White House
Gore endorses Obama - Politics on The Huffington Post
Obama Hires Solis Doyle: A Bad Omen For VP Hillary - Politics on The Huffington Post (the "biggest fuck you I have ever seen in politics.")
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Bush, Cheney's FBI Interviews Subpoenaed
Jeffrey Klein: McCain's Secret, Questionable Record - Politics on The Huffington Post (see the Gore Vidal interview in the Sunday NYT)(bottom 1%! at Annapolis)
Missing White House Email Records Can Remain Secret, Judge Rules - Politics on The Huffington Post
The tragic story of 1st Sgt. Jeff McKinney - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
Ben Smith's Blog: From Jeffersons vs. Hemingses to McCain vs. Obama -
Howard Kurtz - A Clintonite's Choice - (Lanny Davis, Clinton Republican, joins Fox News)
Open Left:: Vice-President: Clinton Sinking, Nunn Rising?
Newt Gingrich, supreme fear-monger - Glenn Greenwald -
Brendan Calling » Blog Archive » Steny Hoyer’s Offices Lied to Me Today.
Matthew Yglesias (June 16, 2008) - Try, Try Again? (two Republicans for each Dem media rule)
Here's Our New Policy On A.P. stories: They're Banned -
Firedoglake » Associated Press: Dinosaurs of the Internet
The Associated Press to Set Guidelines for Using Its Articles in Blogs - (AP re-writes copyright law on its own)
The Swamp: More voters getting political news online
Iran withdraws $75 billion from Europe: report | International | Reuters
AFP: Oil price hits record $139.89 - Search for Real Estate, Homes for Sale, Apartments for Rent, Rental Houses, Sublets, and Roommates
Reason Magazine - Baby Bust! The world is panicking over birthrates. Again.
Teach the Controversy - Intelligently designed t-shirts urging you to show both sides of every story
Crypto-Gram: June 15, 2008 The War on Photography
BBC - Newsbeat - Entertainment - How R Kelly was cleared over sex tape
Cubescape - Your own digital landscape
Can’t Find The G-Spot? You’re Not Alone: The Science of Sex
Science News / Accidental Astrophysicists
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/15/2008 | America's prison for terrorists often held the wrong men (why we need to dump Habeas)
Informed Comment: Suspects' Right to Court Hearing Affirmed;
Obama Advisors Clash on Troop Strength

Truthdig - Reports - Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment
Questions For Gore Vidal - Literary Lion - Questions For Gore Vidal - Deborah Solomon - Interview -
Check Point - Will the Real Tax-and-Spender Please ’Fess Up? - Series -
Frank Rich - Do Angry Clinton Women Love McCain? - Op-Ed - (anti-choice "feminists" for McCain!)
Nuclear Ring Reportedly Had Advanced Weapon Design - (nuclear design, that is)
Iraq, the sovereign colony? - The Boston Globe
The Canonization of Tim Russert ... please
Opinion: Ireland Punishes the EU for Constitution Trick - International - Spiegel Online - News
Bill Moyers Journal . Steve Fraser on Gilded Ages | PBS
Meet Renard the Fox: Gov’t Spying on World of Warcraft « Kasama
UN says Israel restricts its Palestinian staff | Reuters
Wexler: Impeach Bush | Naked Politics
It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment - (fuck Pelosi, Hoyer)
YouTube - Cafferty: Why won't Congress consider impeachment?
10 Free Web-based Alternatives to Photoshop
YouTube - Neil deGrasse Tyson - Stupid Design
QDB: Quote #431987
CQ Politics | Agreement Could Pave Way for Surveillance Overhaul (Polosi, Hoyer, Reyes agree to everything Bush wants)
McCain slams high court on detainees (no Habeus for anyone)
McCain: Habeas Corpus a Privilege not a Right
Balkinization: This is what a failed revolution looks like
Key Iraqi Leaders Deliver Setbacks to U.S. - Premier Rejects Terms of Proposed Pacts; Cleric Reactivates Militia
Media Matters - Given Cheney's reported correction, will George Will follow? (Cheney gets his National Security info from George Fucking Will)
YouTube - Talk Show Host Calls for Murder of Anti War Activist (Michael Reagan)
Daily Kos: McCain's Town Hall Was A Farce, I Was There. McCain's so called town halls are actually rallies hosted by the local Republican Party.
Media Matters - Jamison Foser- E. D. Hill has company (lots of it, and look at the shit-eating ourobouros)
Palestinians barred from Dead Sea beaches to 'appease Israeli settlers' - Middle East, World - The Independent
Hillary’s Run: The Meaning Is In Her Hands : Rolling Stone : National Affairs Daily (it was always all about her)
Report: Maureen Dowd Repeatedly Uses Gender to Mock Democrats | MediaCulture | AlterNet (Modo is weird)
The Times makes 200 years of newspapers online available
Top Free Hosts To Store Your Files Online |
German Papers Say 'Many Have Lost Faith in America' Because of Bush
Tim Russert: Stop the Inanity | The American Prospect
The Unbearable Inanity of Tim Russert - Yglesias
russert - Google Search - Daily Howler archives of Tim Russert
Video: Tim Russert is a big fat Republican tool - The Jed Report
CJR: Russert Watch: Sunday, 4-20-08
Jason Linkins: Tim Russert Doesn't Want You to Read This - The Huffington Post
The Vice President appears on Meet the Press with Tim Russert
Crooks and Liars » Democratic Debate: Tim Russert Frames It For The GOP
Cheney oil comment attacked -- ("erred")
Is NBC Right About Obama's "Suburban Women" Problem? Experts Doubt It (still making "news" up)
Iraq PM: security deal talks at dead end - Yahoo! News the U.S. proposals "do not take into consideration Iraq's sovereignty." (well, duh, it belongs to Cheney)
US foreclosure filings surge 48 percent in May - Los Angeles Times (Bushonomics)
News Outlets Face Increasing Scrutiny in Campaign - (because they make shit up?)
Ex-Clinton Spokesman: Drudge Bastardizes The Press (big surprise)
Bush Administration Says Detainee Trials To Continue (don't need no steenking Supreme Court either)
Gitmo trials | Salon: Supreme Court to Bush: You're not above the law (Cheney to Supremes: fuck you)
ETN08: Senate Republicans Try to Shut Down Hearing on Torture
Daily Kos: FISA costing Hoyer his muscle in the Caucus?
Islamist Angst: How Germany Is Dismantling Civil Rights amid Terror Fears - International - Spiegel - it only took two planned attacks in Germany to persuade a majority of the population to support a massive dismantling of civil rights.
The Big Picture | CPI Goes Higher on Food, Energy, Transportation, Medical, Tuition & Books, Restaurants, Alcohol, Rent, etc.
What Women Want (Maybe) - -- Cosmic Grim Reaper Seen For First Time
Verizon offers details of Usenet deletion: alt.* groups, others gone | CNET (does little Andrew know how to use a computer?)
Inconvenient Truths: Get Ready to Rethink What It Means to Be Green
Meteorites are rich in the building blocks of life, claims new research
Dan Froomkin - The Education of George W. Bush -
The Raw Story » Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles
Can Nancy Pelosi single-handedly take impeachment off the table? - By Bruce Fein - Slate Magazine (threatens Conyers with loss of Judiciary Chair)
Mary Lyon: Worse Than Any Impeachable Offense - ("Nancy Pelosi is the Neville Chamberlain of this day, in this country")
Fox News calls Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama" - War Room -
Lawmakers Say Capitol Computers Hacked By Chinese - Politics on The Huffington Post - New Gang of 14 won’t back McCain
Fox News Changes: "Terrorist Fist Jab" Anchor E.D. Hill Loses Her Show, Laura Ingraham In At 5PM - Media on The Huffington Post (even worse)
American Exception - Unlike Others, U.S. Defends Freedom to Offend in Speech - Series -
U.K. rights group: U.S. has photographic evidence of torture -
Supreme Court backs Guantanamo detainees - In rebuke to administration, suspects may appeal in U.S. civilian courts (Democracy hangs by 5-4 thread)
Secret Spy Court Repeatedly Questions FBI Wiretap Network | Threat Level from
Watchdog Group Builds Online Portrait of Biases Pervading Campaign Coverage | Threat Level from
INSTAPUTZ: Is Dick Cheney physically incapable of telling the truth? (not if his mouth is moving)
David Broder’s Moonlighting: Post columnist benefits from corporate speaking deals—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) (Dean of corrupt journalism)
Sadly, No! » We all knew this was coming
Army Shows Its Colors - Intel Dump - Phillip Carter on national security and the military (facist propaganda machine)
The Case Against Kathleen Sebelius - The Fix
McCain Supporter Fiorina Deserves The Same Scrutiny As Obama Veep Vetter - Politics on The Huffington Post
Firedoglake - Why is the National Press Club Hosting Anti-Obama Smear Merchant? (it's what they do?)
Hullabaloo: Digby: Fergawdsake (how the Rethug Slime Machine will work this time)
Human Rights Watch - Beijing 2008 China'S Olympian Human Rights Challenges
Media Matters - Who misrepresented Obama's tax plan? Anyone? Anyone? Ben Stein (another reason not to listen to anything Stein says)
Telstar Logistics: Backstage at the San Francisco Airport Museum
Gay marriages worth $684 million -
Intelligent people 'less likely to believe in God' - Telegraph People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study (o rly)
Psychology Today: Finding the Switch Homosexuality may persist because the associated genes convey surprising advantages on homosexuals' family members.
And you call us boring? - Telegraph (women are boring)
BBC NEWS | Health | Ovulation moment caught on camera
Drinking four cups of tea a day cuts heart attack risk - Yahoo! India News
Derrie-Air - Pack Less. Weigh Less. Pay Less.
Bush Won't Rule Out Iran Military Strike - Politics on The Huffington Post
Think Progress » In Debate Over Permanent Bases In Iraq, U.S. Seeks Authorization For War In Iran (got that? don't need know steenking American Congress)
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan fury at deadly US strike
How McCain and Obama will change your tax bill - Jun. 11, 2008 (guess what?)
Open Left:: Bring Impeachment To A Floor Vote (up or down, guys)
President Bush regrets his legacy as man who wanted war - Times Online
Political Memo - Those Loyal to the Clintons Take Note of Who Was Not -
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Obama And Roberts
Think Progress » McCain On When Troops Can Come Home From Iraq: ‘That’s Not Too Important’
Justice Dept Probing Russian Influence Buying - ProPublica
Balloon Juice: High Comedy at the McCain Golf Store
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | Six of Nine
Think Progress » McCain On Whether Cheney Might Serve In His Administration: ‘Hell, Yeah’
Media Matters - Matthews suggested Obama was never middle class, does not "have that experience that ... most Americans have" (our media masters)
Media Matters - Matthews: Is Obama "too University of Chicago or too South Side Chicago" for working-class voters? (just make shit up)
Media Matters - O'Reilly on teenagers' topless photo scandal: "[T]his isn't ... the inner city; you would think that these kids would have some kind of a values system" (racist fuck)
Temper, temper - First Read - McCain, he said, “doesn’t have the temperament to be the president of the United States.
Financial Shares Wilt on Goldman Rumor - Investors -
Jim Rogers: 'It's going to be much worse' - Jan. 31, 2008 Famed investor Jim Rogers sees hard times ahead for the United States - and a big opportunity looming in China.
Government steps up review of oil, commods price surge | Funds | News | Reuters
Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Issues
Connecticut; Judge Rules That Police Can Bar High I.Q. Scores - New York Times (no smart cops wanted)
Marginal Revolution: Time travel back to 1000 A.D.: Survival tips
Boston Review — mclane.php This Ecstatic Nation : Learning from Emily Dickinson after 9/11
Ars Book Review: Carl Zimmer's "Microcosm"
Drying of the West - Photo Gallery - National Geographic Magazine
Did hyperactivity evolve as a survival aid for nomads? - being-human - 10 June 2008 - New Scientist
One in four New Yorkers has genital herpes - Yahoo! Canada News
N.Y. attorney general forces ISPs to curb Usenet access - CNET
Security scans will show sex organs | (and will end up on youtube)
Wired Science . Video: World War 2.0 | PBS
10 SEO Rules for Designers
File Recovery: How to Recover Deleted Files with Free Software
Glenn Greenwald - - NYT circulates fear-mongering claims on FISA debate (still making shit up)
The Associated Press: Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution
FRONTLINE: the dark side | PBS
Iraq thievery and the State Department (sorry, it's all "National Security")
Matthew Yglesias (June 10, 2008) - Intelligence
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/09/2008 | U.S. seeking 58 bases in Iraq, Shiite lawmakers say (for the next 100 years)
McCain Again Pledges To Send Unlimited US Troops To Iraq (VIDEO) - forever - bombs away McCain
Fred Hiatt is an idiot The Poor Man Institute
Sadly, No! Fred Hiatts Concubine Speaks. You Listen (Anne Wanker Applebaum: Will foreigners accept a black American president? )
Obama Could Raise $100 Million In June, Dem Fundraisers Say - Politics on The Huffington Post
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | GOP Official: If We Only Lose Eight Senate Seats, We Win
Open Left:: Opening the Day: McCain's New Campaign Theme of Peace, Prosperity, and Reform
Media Matters - Question for Fox News: Do you think any of these people might be terrorists? (morons)
For Clinton, Millions in Debt and Few Options - (ask Bill for money?)
TPMMuckraker | Blackwater to take over spying, too
Anyone but Webb. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine - Why Jim Webb would make an awful running mate.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions
I'm Voting Republican
Voting Machine Company Salesman Becomes Election Director in Texas | Threat Level from
Republicans block extra taxes on oil companies - Yahoo! News
The Atlantic Online | July/August 2008 | Is Google Making Us Stupid? | Nicholas Carr Exclusive Illegal Viagra Leads 24% Jump in Counterfeit Medicine Seizures (counterfeit erections, too)
Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab - life - 09 June 2008 - New Scientist
American Public Media: Budget Hero
The normalization of oral sex. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
CrunchGear Archive iPhone 3G for $199 comes with 2-year contract
ILKKA HALSO presents: Museum of Nature
BBC NEWS | Europe | German sues for CIA extradition ("national security reasons")
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Why Clinton Lost (and Obama Won) in the first-ever Sunday Kos Symposium (wrap-up)
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
Bill Moyers Vs. Fox News | MetaFilter (scroll down for better audio)
Asia Times Online :: Pentagon blocked Cheney's attack on Iran
BBC NEWS | Americas | Pentagon 'urged notes destroyed' (notes, as in evidence)
Pentagon Told Guantanamo Interrogators To Trash Evidence - Politics on The Huffington Post
White Male Pundit Power (you forgot Stupid)
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Mail Online (Brits know how to write a story)
Brutal - The Jed Report - anti-McCain video, put together in February by a Ron Paul supporter
35 - The Size of Africa Strange Maps
The Sky, From Above - The Big Picture -
Technology Review: Tracking the Immune System
Portal:Congresspedia - Congresspedia
Rural U.S. Takes Worst Hit as Gas Tops $4 Average -
The Varying Impact of Gas Prices - Interactive Graphic - (Red States)
Study traces the evolution of the human brain - Telegraph
How the Web Was Won: Entertainment & Culture:
Archeologists find 'missing pyramid' -
Bread Recipes- By
House Democrats Want Bush Administration Investigated for War Crimes
In the Matter of George W. Bush v. the Constitution
Think Progress Clarke On Iraq War Architects: We Shouldnt Let These People Back Into Polite Society
The Long Road to a Clinton Exit - (NYT: no mention of Iraq, Iran or Kyl-Lieberman - cya Times)
Obama Maps a Nationwide Push in G.O.P. Strongholds -
Daily Kos: Why Clinton Lost
Daily Kos: Don't mess with Bill Moyers (vs O'Reilly Factor)
Why is McCain getting $58,000 a year in disability income? (all his life)
Obama, McCain say no to Bloomberg, ABC town hall meetibg - (what we can expect: Diane Fucking Sawyer)
US quits Human Rights Council | Human Rights Tribune (no rights in America)
WTF Is It Now?!?: Corrupt scumbag just needs to STFU (indicted creep Tom Delay on your teevee talkin' shit - "Obama is a marxist")
Calculated Risk: Option ARMs: Moving from NegAm to Fully Amortizing
Desktopography - Natural Desktop Aesthetics
Daily Sex, and Writing About It, Helps 2 Couples Bond -
Marijuana may up heart attack, stroke risk: study (if you smoke 350 fucking joints a week, idiots) What is a Species?
LRB: Nicholas Spice: Up from the Cellar: Greed by Elfriede Jelinek: Josef Fritzl
Framing Science : 90% of Enviro Skeptic Books Have Think Tank Roots (Conservative, industry funded)
Clinton Concession Speech Reaction - Politics on The Huffington Post
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Hillary: Time To "Write The Next Chapter In America's Story"
Angry Clinton Supporters Start Rallying For McCain - Politics on The Huffington Post (her Republican base)
PopMatters Politics Feature | Sister Christian: An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton's Disenchanted Supporters (Harriet Christian)
How Obama Did It - TIME
Race to the Bottom
Republicans Block Senate Global Warming Bill - Politics on The Huffington Post (while the world burns)
Media Matters - Wash. Post quoted Lungren claiming Dems plotting "largest tax increase" in history -- but by his standard, that was the GOP (they just write it down)
Media Matters - Fox News' E.D. Hill teased discussion of Obama dap: "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab?"
Media Matters - If MSNBC is really "leaning left," why does Chris Matthews keep saying African-Americans aren't "regular people"? (semi-conscious racism)
David Broder: Embodiment of Beltway values - Glenn Greenwald - (the worst of the worst)
Critical Montages: Israel Threatens Iran, and Oil Prices Skyrocket (think Israel is speculating?) - Nelson bill would abolish Electoral College
The Raw Story | Pentagon said drawing up plans for strike on Iranian camp (nukes not an issue anymore)
I. Wallerstein, 234, "How the War Will End in Iraq"
The UN Scandal That Wasn't - The Current - American allegations were baseless Worldwide McCain Aide Says Bush Knows Little About Economy
Charles Krauthammer - At $4, Everybody Gets Rational - (but politics is still insane)
Brad Setser: Follow the Money Blog Archive $140 oil
The day of judgment | Review | Books
Holiday in Hellmouth: Books: The New Yorker
Food crisis: Britain just nine meals from anarchy - CounterValue
BBC NEWS | Business | The great carbon bazaar
NeuroLogica Blog Drinking the Anti-Vaccine Kool-Aid
YouTube - Robert Greenwald calls out FOX News crew at conference
Number of men who will die in the U.S in 2008 as a result of - health -
1942world4000.jpg: New World Order Map
Behind China's Great Firewall - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
One - August 1953 "Homosexual Marriage" - News - Plastic Brain Outsmarts Experts - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
060608 President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney knowingly lied to Congress and the public
US issues threat to Iraq's $50bn foreign reserves in military deal - Middle East, World - The Independent
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/05/2008 | Did Iranian agents dupe Pentagon officials? (easy)
Clinton For Vice President Movement Disavowed By Campaign
Superdelegate says Clinton campaign used 'divisive tactics'
Todd: Clinton's couldas, shouldas, wouldas - Decision '08- Reading the obituary for the most anticipated candidacy in a generation (another MSM analysis that doesn't mention Iraq War vote)
Obama leads in battle for Latino vote
The Young Turks: Michael Hirsh Takes on Thomas Friedman (suck.on.this.)
TPM Election Central | Lieberman Calls Dems The "Democrat Party" (Senator from Israel)
VideUhOh: MSNBC Reporter Calls Spike Lee "Uppity" (institutionalized racism: Courtney Hazlett)
Chron.commons | - Houston Chronicle "We Should Not Let Them Back into Polite Society" - Richard Clarke on GWB and His Cronies (or out of jail) Katrina Kerfuffle (McLiar McPants on McFire)
Real-Estate Woes of Banks Mount -
Jobless Rate Takes Big Jump to 5.5 Percent - Economy * US * News * Story -
AIG faces SEC probe on subprime mortgage contracts: report: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance - Unemployment Makes Biggest Jump In 22 Years (Bushfucked)
15,000 Ark. hens test positive for bird-flu exposure - (H7N3)
Secret super-copyright treaty MEMO leaked - Boing Boing entertainment industry is an existential threat to the idea of free speech, open tools, and an open communications network.
Adam Sandler Still Refuses to Grow Up, and So Do Most Hollywood Comedies - New York Times (men are babies)
Dumb stereotypes take heart out of boys' hopes -
Features : Radar Online : An excerpt from the new book "Camp Camp" (institutionalized violence in Amercian camp system)
Seed: The Reality Tests
Video: Stealth Bomber Crashes | Danger Room from
Clown Car: Pregnant With 18th Child Odd Culture
i am neurotic.
2 Top Leaders of Air Force Pushed Out After Inquiry - (loose nukes)
U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (Bush lied, people died)
Think Progress Iraq Report Undermines Bushs Claim That He Is A Credible Leader Because He Reads The Intelligence
Think Progress Senate Intelligence Report Undermines McCains Claims That Every Assessment Justified War In Iraq (McFuddled)
Think Progress Only 7 percent support taking military action against Iran.
America's Medicated Army - Time - 20% on Prozac
Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False - Politics on The Huffington Post
'She Could Accept Losing. She Could Not Accept Quitting.' - (WaPo doesn't mention Iraq War vote, of course)
What Went Right for Obama - The Fix
Hillary Clinton Running For The Vice Presidency - Politics on The Huffington Post
Obama And Dean Team Up To Recast The Political Map - Politics on The Huffington Post
Hillary Clinton To Suspend Campaign Saturday - Politics on The Huffington Post
TPM | Fini -- "We pledged to support her to the end," - Charles B. Rangel - "Our problem is not being able to determine when the hell the end is."
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/05/2008 | Clinton's dilemma: Awash in both cash and debt
NYT: Looking Back: How Different Groups Voted
Talking Points Memo | Katrina Revisited (McLiar)
6/5 If Bush had Paid Attention to History (1920) | Poor Georges Almanac
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control - Middle East, World - The Independent
Rick Perstein: The Meaning of Box 722 |
CBS Poll: Obama Leads McCain, Obama Ahead By Six Points, But Threat Looms Of Many Clinton Voters Planning To Back McCain - CBS News (her "feminists" and Bush at 25/67, lowest evar)
Sadly, No! Fun with special effects
Mortgaging America - Los Angeles Times Investment funds run by foreign governments are keeping the U.S. afloat (all of Amercia now indentured servants) `Sliced, Diced' Mortgages More Likely to Default, Offit Says Worldwide MBIA, Ambac Credit Ratings Under Threat at Moody's
Digital Hustlers: Living Large and Falling Hard in Silicon Alley by Casey Kait and Stephen Weiss | PopMatters Book Review
Schneier on Security: The War on Photography
Los Angeles Times Video: In an Instant
NWS Des Moines Storm Survey for Parkersburg-New Hartford-Dunkerton Tornado
Seed: The Reality Tests : Do we create the world just by looking at it?
Conversation with a modern creationist | Scientific Blogging
World+dog ignores Sweden's Draconian wiretap bill | The Register
NASA - Sunset on Mars
YouTube - New Math
Earth's poles long overdue for reversal | COSMOS magazine
Do pencils point to the Holy Grail of physics? - Telegraph
Clinton to Suspend Campaign, Endorse Obama - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Lexington | Why not both? |
Foreign Reaction to Obamas Claim Is Favorable -
Dana Milbank - In Defeat, Clinton Graciously Pretends to Win -
Op-Ed Columnist - Shes Still Here! - Op-Ed - Whoever said that after denial comes acceptance hadnt met the Clintons.
Strategy Was Based On Winning Delegates, Not Battlegrounds - (FAIL)
Matthew Dowd: How Obama Won and Clinton Lost (Idiot doesn't mention Iraq vote, they all are complicit)
What Went Wrong for Clinton? - The Fix (herself?)
Jeffrey Toobin: Clinton's Refusal To Concede "Deranged Narcissism" - CNN ("She did everything but offer Obama the vice presidency")
US elections: Jimmy Carter tells Barack Obama not to pick Hillary Clinton as running mate | World news |
No shame, no gain | Comment is free On a night when Obama made history, Clinton's reaction was dangerously abrasive and selfish
Donklephant Blog Archive Bush Congratulates Obama On Securing The Nomination (before Hilliary)
TPMMuckraker | Today's Must Read: McClellan: Condi: light-weight Bush sycophant
The Lime Green Monster: McCain's Speech Widely Panned - Politics on The Huffington Post
McCain Pressed On Past Marital Infidelities During Town Hall (VIDEO) - Politics on The Huffington Post
TNR | Blogs - Former Clinton Speechwriter on Obama's Speech
YouTube - TPMtv: McCain Leaves Fox Speechless
Daily Kos: FISA Fight: Reyes Ready to Capitulate (Dems cave)
Reprieve: 26,000 held on secret black torture ships
The incredible hulks | Comment is free (Bush secret prison torture ships)
Editorial - The Science of Denial on Global Warming - - "Seven lost years" (Bush: we create our own climate, don't need no science)
The American Prospect: Not Just Roe (women for McCain!)
Talking Points Memo | Frighteningly Sad -- Now on Video! McCain's rebuttal to Obama: Even the Foxies couldn't help dumping on it - Candidates on the Issues
Rise of Rachida Dati: The minister, the 'virgin bride' and the row that's dividing a nation - Europe, News - The Independent
PIA10748_fig1.jpg (large JPEG of Milky Way from above)
Pullman Leads Campaign Against Book Age Guidelines
7 Innocent Gestures That Can Get You Killed Overseas |
Microsoft DRM - because fuck you is why Angry 365 Days a Year
YouTube - Edo State Cultural Dance-Egbabonelimwin (holy shit)
What's that name? - The Boston Globe
YouTube - Conan the Barbarian - What is best in life?
AP tally: Obama clinches Democratic nomination - Politics on The Huffington Post
Mayhill Fowler: Bill Clinton: Purdum a "Sleazy" "Slimy" "Scumbag" (another meltdown: takes ones to know one)
Obama's Debt To Harold Ickes - Politics on The Huffington Post
Talking Points Memo | Chief judge defends replacement of Guantanamo judge (US Military totally corrupt)
Did the CIA give Iran the bomb? Extracts from New York Times reporter James Risen's new book | Environment | The Guardian
Hoffmania!: Brooks: Obama Doesn't Pass the Applebee's Test (classic David Brooks idiocy)
Cable networks thrived on lengthy primary campaign | U.S. | Reuters
Climate Findings Were Distorted, Probe Finds - Appointees in NASA Press Office Blamed (Bush controls the weather)
Science: NASA Scientists Make Magnetic Fields Visible, Beautiful
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Sarcasm' brain areas discovered
You've Been Left Behind
Comments by People in the News - Google News marijuana is far safer than alcohol.
After Years of Effort, Dark Energy Still Puzzles Scientists -
Is Hillary Clinton preparing for the end? Signs say yes : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
Clinton Summons Top Donors, Supporters For Tuesday Speech - Politics on The Huffington Post (just go, please)
McClellan Recounts Administration's Missed Chances After '04 Election - - Psycho Bush: 'We Must Be Tougher Than Hell!'
DNC's Brazile Says Clinton Camp Refused Obama 'Olive Branch' - Politics on The Huffington Post
The Associated Press: Clinton seeks to go after Obama superdelegates
Political Radar: Bill Clinton: 'This May Be the Last Day I'm Ever Involved in a Campaign of This Kind' (we hope so)
Going to war with Iraq was wrong, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd admits - Telegraph (too late, asshole)
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | The End of the Long Reagan Era
YouTube - Clinton Supporter Thrown Out of Rules Committee Meeting (Harriet Christian: Obama is "inadequate black male")
Daily Kos: Hillary's Supporters at the Meeting are a Disgrace (roll the tape)
Vast Majority Support Obama Doctrine, Reject Bush/McCain Doctrine Oliver Willis
Clinton's dishonest popular vote claim has a new caveat - The Jed Report
Go away, Clinton - Vallejo Times Herald
US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships | World news | The Guardian
Newest McCain official: President has "near dictatorial powers" - Glenn Greenwald -
McCain, AIPAC, and Israel [UPDATED] - The Seminal :: "I strongly support the increase in military aid to Israel"
House prices | Through the floor | America's house prices are falling even faster than during the Great Depression Exclusive Wall Street Says -2 + -2 = 4 as Liabilities Get New Bond Math (lose tons of money, screw everybody, profit!)
Behind the falsification of US economic data (Bush)
Newspapers Still Have Much to Learn About the Web | The Future Buzz
Gay marriage may be a gift to California's economy - Los Angeles Times
The Big Picture -
Why we should love logarithms : Nature News - the unofficial google shell.
Life Sciences : Marijuana use shrinks brain
It's Okay to Keep Those Feelings Inside | Science Blog (define "better off" Mr. Scientist)
Space Euphoria: Do Our Brains Change When We Travel in Outer Space?
50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do | Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Great Tools to Save Links for Later - ReadWriteWeb
Produce - Fruit and Vegetable |

"Barack Obama's Party Now": AP - Politics on The Huffington Post
Daily Kos: Last Puerto Rico results: popular vote now: Obama +183,067 (Obama leads in popular vote)
Clinton Only Needs 153% of Remaining Delegates
No Road Map for Democrats as Race Ends -
Op-Ed Columnist - McCains McClellan Nightmare - Op-Ed -
Op-Ed Columnist - Cult of Deception - Op-Ed -
The Public Editor - Entitled to Their Opinions, Yes. But Their Facts? - Op-Ed - (David Shipley saw no need to consult someone who actually knew something)
McClellan: Bush Should Have Fired Rove After Plame Leak (VIDEO) - Politics on The Huffington Post Obama's 50 Lies refuted (for when you get the email from you know who)
Air Force Unit's Nuclear Weapons Security Is 'Unacceptable' - (imagine if it were a Dem President)
U.S. Projects 19 Percent Emissions Rise - The Huffington Post
Banks' credit crisis solutions have echoes of 1929 Depression - Telegraph
Home | How I Spent My Stimulus
Eight reasons you'll rejoice when we hit $8-a-gallon gasoline - MarketWatch
Education and sex | Vital statistics | Girls are becoming as good as boys at mathematics, and are still better at reading
Why Are Senior Female Scientists So Heavily Outnumbered by Men? | Wired Science from
Living Fossils Have Long- And Short-term Memory Despite Lacking Brain Structures Of Modern Cephalopods
I Power: 2012: the year the Internet ends
What Dictionaries and Optical Illusions Say About Our Brains: Scientific American
After DNC Ruling Obama 66 Delegates Away From Clinching Nomination - Politics on The Huffington Post
Talking Points Memo Who's Disenfranchised? (all the people in FL and MI who stayed home because, you know, they were told their votes wouldn't count)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Media failures didn't stop when the war started
Thought Process Flowchart: Scott McClellan - 236 - News
Think Progress McCain Reacts To McClellan: Every Intelligence Agency In The World And Every Assessment Said Iraq Had WMD (McSame digs deeper hole)
"The more we explore, the more we doubt" - 9-11 - foreign - News (leading Swiss newspaper thinks Bush involved in 9/11)
The Real Fight Over Fake News - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The grim reaping begins (Ferraro: Reagan "Democrat")
The Senate Caves : Rolling Stone : why does the Senate leadership keep rolling over without a fight? Worldwide Kohn Signals Wall Street May Get Permanent Access to Fed Loans (all your money are belong to them)
Unhappy husband divorces wife over virginity | (Muslims)
Women Are Heroes
Cosmic Voyage - Morgan Freeman (IMAX)
Lines Ballet : San Francisco Season : Shaolin: Performance Information
Is There a Solution to the "Continent of Plastic" that Pollutes the Pacific?
Apple Patches 40 Security Holes - Security Fix (Peter?)
Core Security | CoreLabs | Multiple vulnerabilities in iCal (and how long it took Apple to fix)
Comcast Domain Hacked - Comcast Network Solutions Account Compromised? -
torturefoia_page3_full.gif (ACLU: redacted torture FOIA: all you need to know about Bush and Iraq and the Military)
Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction | Salon
Was Press a War Enabler? 2 Offer a Nod From Inside -
Blog: Nukes & Spooks: Memo to Scott McClellan: Here's what happened
The right-wing Politico cesspool - Glenn Greenwald - (Mike Allen on fucking Right-Wing Radio)
Nieman Watchdog > Commentary > A refresher on how the press failed the people
Clinton's Choice: Scorch The Earth Or Prepare To Fold - Politics on The Huffington Post
Los Angeles Times: Clinton faces new pressure on 2 fronts
Ickes At The Alamo: Clinton's Delegate Counter Warns Of Defections At DNC Meeting - Politics on The Huffington Post
Scott McClellan On Countdown: Talks To Keith Olbermann About His New Book (Video) - Politics on The Huffington Post
Bruce Wilson: Aimed at Children, Nationally Distributed Christian Comic Book Called a "Training Manual" For "The Next Pogrom Against Jews" - Politics on The Huffington Post
Pictured: The moment George Bush 'chest bumps' an airman | Mail Online (FratBoy) - FBI Focusing on 'About Four' Suspects in 2001 Anthrax Attacks
House Broker Nancy Pelosi doesn't like to be threatened (saved Social Security from Bush "reform")
Talking Points Memo | What Happened Indeed highlight reel of Scott McClellan's greatest hits as White House press secretary
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Guantanamo Judge Dismissed (military "justice") Exclusive Libor Set for Overhaul as Credibility Is Doubted
t r u t h o u t | Internet Attacked as Tool of Terror by Senator Joe Lieberman
Asia Times Online :: Book Review :: Life and death in the Bible : The power of God for Christians and Jews (Spengler)
Tourist or Terrorist? :: The Memphis Flyer :: City Reporter :: The Fly-By Shelby County Sheriff's Office and the FBI teach people to spot potential terrorists (they have cameras: wisdom from the militaristic South)
Successful Cold Fusion Claimed By A Japanese Scientist|DoSci - Science Blog
The Ministry of Unknown Science
Tales from the Trail Blog Archive Bushs laws will be scrutinized if I become president, Obama says | Blogs | (Hilliary?)
CNN/ABC reporter: Corporate executives forced pro-Bush, pro-war narrative - Glenn Greenwald - (another shocking revelation)
Hirsh: Why Can't the Pundits Be Like McClellan? | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh |
Media Matters - Defending media's war coverage, NBC's Gregory asked, "Where was Congress?" (Answer: Most Dems were voting against the bill)
David Gregory Rewrites History, Says The Press Did A Good Job On Iraq Oliver Willis
Landmark cluster bomb ban agreed by 111 countries - Yahoo! News (except BushAmerica)
The Fading of the Mirage Economy
Contributions For Hillary Clinton For President (yes, Hilliary lied about raising $10mil after Pennsylvania)
US and European debt markets flash new warning signals - Telegraph
Storms on the Horizon - Richard Fisher Speeches - News & Events - FRB Dallas (President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in a speech today says the US is fucked to the tune of $99Trillion. That's $330,000/per person)
Women Have a Better Memory for Faces and Words: Scientific American
Financial Advice from a Call Girl: How Great Sex Can Make You Rich - Blog
BBC NEWS | Health | Cancer survivors 'left in limbo'
Former press secretary's book bashes Bush - (shocking revelation: Bush used propaganda to sell Iraq war, "Liberal Media" colluded)
News of McClellan's Blast at Bush 'Propaganda' Falls 4 Years After 'NYT' Mini-Culpa on War
Scott McClellan on the "liberal media" - Glenn Greenwald -
Harold Meyerson - Clinton's Two-State Two-Step - (no intellectual honesty)
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs Bush 'plans Iran air strike by August'
McCain housing policy shaped by lobbyist - Countdown with Keith Olbermann- Swiss bank paid McCain co-chair to push agenda on U.S. mortgage crisis
The Stupidity of Dignity by Steven Pinker: Conservative bioethics' latest, most dangerous ploy (Bush "ethics")
Supercook - The Intelligent Recipe Search Engine - Awareness, Diagnosis and Treatment for Adultitis
YouTube - Fred Astaire + Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal [short film]
AI Robotics: Treat yourself to the Perfect Woman (uncanny valley)
Brutal New York - 1965/95 - SkyscraperCity - 'Missing link' memristor created: Rewrite the textbooks?
Waggish Reads Proust
First Thoughts: Did HRC stay too long? - First Read -
alicublog: "This Is Your Future," Part Two The Ole Perfesser
Firedoglake Americas Concern Troll (Richard Fucking Cohen)
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Taking the Adversary Seriously: History and Condescension
Max Blumenthal: Joseph Lieberman To Headline Upcoming Pastor Hagee Summit - Politics on The Huffington Post
Is Barack Obama Muslim? (No)
On The Eve Of The General McCain Is Lagging - The Seminal
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect NPR Nails Perps in Subprime Crisis: Exonerates Self
S&P: US home prices tumble a record 14.1 pct in 1Q - Yahoo! News
20 Funniest Newspaper Headlines ever
Google Is Right About This: YouTube Lawsuit Threatens The Net
Phoenix News Phoenix Makes a Grand Entrance
The problem(s) with OpenID The Identity Corner
NEWSMEAT - breaking news, federal campaign contribution search engine
YouTube - Doug Stanhope - Would you Believe
scans_daily: Jack Chick's "Lisa"
Daily Kos: I like dictatorship! And so do you, if you know what's good for you! President can send the military into any U.S. neighborhood, capture a citizen and hold him in prison without charge, indefinitely.
Clinton Camp Stokes RFK Flap by Blaming Obama - The Talk (too late for lies)
Political Radar: Bill Clinton Has 'Never Seen a Candidate Treated So Disrespectfully Just for Running' (say anything, do anything Clintons)
FEC computers can't handle Obama jackpot - Kenneth P. Vogel - (the guys who erased their emails find Excel can't process Obama's large numbers, can deal w/McSame) )
Dallas Republican proposes cure for what ails GOP | Dallas Morning News | We've lost the House and Senate, and everybody hates George Bush."
Hullabaloo Republicans are so cute (and delusional)
Annotation (Harper's Magazine): My Lobby, Myself: How John McCain's hypocrisy is laundered as reform
McCain Swims With The Sharks - Politics on The Huffington Post ("average voters" don't care how crooked McCain is)
RussiaToday : News : Israel has 150 nuclear weapons: Former U.S. president (send in Hans Blix)
They Rule the World -
Language Log A non-apology of the first kind
Daily Kos: Clinton demands Mars be seated
Behind the Drums of War with Iran: Nuclear Weapons or Compound Interest
'Draconian' Home Office fast-tracks Algerian's deportation - Home News, UK - The Independent
How Birthrate Is Turning Modern Conventional Warfare on Its Head | AlterNet
Court: Texas had no right to take polygamists' children - (no "imminent danger" in rape or incest)
Southern water providers raise rates despite (they mean "because"of) conservation
2012: No Planet X | Universe Today
The freedom to say 'no' - The Boston Globe (women don't like math and science: Larry was right)
Cold-fusion demonstration "a success"-
Social Networks' Sway May Be Underestimated -
YouTube - Fox News Jokes About Killing Obama
Worries in G.O.P. About McCain Camp Disarray -
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Why did CNN hire Castellanos, who has a history of using "racially charged" tactics (and paid by McSame)
On the Road: Clintons Very Bad Day - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Wake Up, America. We're Driving Toward Disaster. -
Energy fears looming, new survivalists prepare - Yahoo! News
EzraKlein: Assignment Desk: The Reagan Democrats (white Republicans)
Grief in the Rubble - Chinese Are Left to Ask Why Schools Fell -
The Political Scene: The Fall of Conservatism: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker Have the Republicans run out of ideas?
The Invisible War - Timothy Egan (Iraq = 2 x WWI : 10 x DesertStorm)
Bad Astronomy Blog Thats it. Texas really is doomed (BoE chair is anti-science)
YouTube - Barack Obama Is The Next Adolf Hitler
A Stroke Leads a Brain Scientist to a New Spirituality -
A thriller in ten chapters | By genre | Books
How to Ruin a Joke
The Field The Cardoza 40?: Exodus of Clinton Delegates Begins
Say What? Hillary Clinton Does it Again - The Board - Editorials - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Clinton Kennedy Assassination Reference: Raises Bobby's Death To Explain Why She Stays In Race (VIDEO) - Politics on The Huffington Post (+Olbermann)
Clinton Desperate to Count Votes, Compares Fla. Primary to Zimbabwe - From The Road (every time she opens her mouth)
The Ticking Clock (HRC and the Wellesley connection) /a>
The Monkey Cage: Are Jews Drifting to the Right? (Jodi Kantor! in the NYT! says so)
270 Illegal Immigrants Sent to Prison in Federal Push - ("the magnitude of these indictments is completely unprecedented")
Daily Howler: A swoon ran up their collective legs; also: Joe Klein plays the fool (media man-crushes: what's wrong with these fucks?)
How telecoms are attempting to buy amnesty from Congress - Glenn Greenwald - (push to immunize themselves)
Calculated Risk: DOT: Vehicle Miles Fell 4.3% in March
U.S. Dollar Index (DX, NYBOT): Monthly Price Chart (dollar loses half its value: Bushonomics)
Crooks and Liars Jesse Ventura Schools Pat Buchanan on Gay Marriage ("Who the hell are we as a government to tell people who you can fall in love with?")
If $4 Gas Is Bad, Just Wait -
Buffett sees long, deep U.S. recession | Reuters
Cable Prices Keep Rising; Customers Keep Paying - (rip-off America)
10 Craziest Facts About The Human Body | UPickReviews
The Nevada Sagebrush - I paid $100 to cuddle with a prostitute (funny)
Stamp out common virus to beat brain cancer : Nature News
Docs list who would be allowed to die in a catastrophe -
Diseases : Top Ten : Science Channel
A Debunking on Teenagers and 'Technical Virginity' teens tend to become sexually active in many ways at about the same time.
ENN: Nonstick Toxicity (teflon is bad for you)
BBC NEWS | Health | Cousin marriage: Is it a health risk? (yes)
Boots accused of selling quack medicines | Science | The Guardian Homeopathic remedies not effective, says expert
A Stroke Leads a Brain Scientist to a New Spirituality -
Huge hidden biomass lives deep beneath the oceans - earth - 22 May 2008 - New Scientist Environment
The Future Without IPv6 - Vox
Renesys Blog: IPv6 is for Porn?
Plans to build a simple gas forge
Sentence in Memo Discounted FISA -
Emptywheel The Yoo Exclusivity Opinion: More Outrageous Hackery
Hillary Raises Assassination Issue - New York Post (say anything, do anything)
Talking Points Memo | The Video (HRC: watch it)
Daily Kos: Hillary Clinton: On why she's still in it (just like Bosnia, she's said it before)
An Imaginary Glass Ceiling | The New York Observer
The Problem With Clintons Popular Vote Math | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | How Hillary's latest math hurts the party.
The Superdelegates : Rolling Stone : By trying to overturn Obama's victory, Hillary has helped make America a place where elections are decided by lawyers instead of voters
Hillary Clinton and the Possessive Investment in Whiteness (Barnicle quote: "bumper sticker on the rear of the collapsing vehicle that carries her campaign. It reads: VOTE WHITE")
Iraq Spending Ignored Rules, Pentagon Says - - almost 95 percent of the payments had not been properly documented (loot-and-spend Rethuglicans)
Donklephant Blog Archive House Committee Subpoenas Rove To Testify In Siegelman Case
Moles Wanted - In preparation for the Republican National Convention, the FBI is soliciting informants to keep tabs on local protest groups /a>
Hillary Clinton Blows (Another) Hole in Her Florida Argument - The Jed Report
Ben Smith's Blog: Ickes: We want the Michigan uncommitted to stay uncommitted - (mine, it's all mine)
Hullabaloo: Apostate Lines
McCain had cancer surgery in February, and didn't disclose it
Think Progress McCain Tells Ellen DeGeneres: You Shouldnt Have The Right To Get Married
McCain's Fantasy War on Earmarks - Fact Checker
McCain's Ethical Dilemma: Campaign Filled With Lobbyist Kingpins - Politics on The Huffington Post
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Liberal Pundits Offer Unprecedented Apology Alternate Universe Washington, DC (AUP)
The Progressive Century | The Agonist
Crooks and Liars In 2000, McCain admits hed be too old to run in 2008 (before his face melted)
ZP Heller: One Million See McCain's YouTube Problem! - Media on The Huffington Post
Democrats seek Iraq embezzlement probe - International Herald Tribune
Gold futures end near $929, up over 7% in five sessions - MarketWatch
Calculated Risk: Historical Housing Graphs: Months of Supply, Sales and Inventory
Fascists on Freud's couch Daniel Pick TLS
Doing Battle With the Bard - May 21, 2008 - The New York Sun - Review of: Is Milton Better Than Shakespeare?
Death of criticism | Salon Books
Mind Hacks: What do you need to do to be considered an expert? (not much)
Blogging--It's Good for You: Scientific American The therapeutic value of blogging becomes a focus of study
Why is architectural symmetry so satisfying? - By Witold Rybczynski - Slate Magazine Mirror Images
YouTube - Pork and Beans (every Internet meme)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Rove
American Civil Liberties Union : Justice Department Report Reveals Senior Government Officials Knew Early On Of Interrogation Abuse But Did Not Stop It (time for some enhanced interrogation)
2008 Democratic Convention Watch
Paul Loeb: The Bosnian Sniper Math of Clinton's Popular Vote Claim - Politics on The Huffington Post
Daily Kos: 8/25/07: Clinton DNC operatives strip FL of all 210 delegates (that was then)
Open Left:: Hillary Clinton's Push for VP
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | How do you respond to a sociopath like this? (guess who?)
Crooks and Liars Republicans again produce a very white slate
Media Matters - Limbaugh on Dem primary: If "feminazis" had remembered to oppose "affirmative action for black guys ... they wouldn't face the situation they face today" (Republifreak racist watch)
At least Obama has quit Wright | - Houston Chronicle (Moon over Bush)
Opposition Grows To Clinton's Delegate Cause Celebre - Politics on The Huffington Post (Hilliary's Nukes)
John McCain 2008 - anti-liberal troll recruiting signup here
The Republicant | America's Best Red News | Bush IQ: Mild Mental Retardation
McCain Adviser's Work As Lobbyist Criticized -
Comcast fires Barry Nolan over Bill OReilly protest -
Spectra Visual Newsreader |
International Energy Agency (peak oil by 2015)
The Stupidity of Dignity Conservative bioethics' latest, most dangerous ploy.
In the Basement of the Ivory Tower The idea that a university education is for everyone is a destructive myth
Emily Gould - Exposed - Blog-Post Confidential - Gawker - New York Times
The Starting Point of Disintegration [PIC]
Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn: Mental Floss Discovers Jamie Livingston's Photo-of-the-Day Website
Tag Galaxy
Firedoglake More than just financing Bush Wars (Chinese trained at Gitmo)
Think Progress OHanlon Grades Himself On Iraq: I Give Myself A Score Of 7 Out Of 10' (we give you a -5)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Clinton Campaign Self-Parody Watch
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | GOP Consultant On CNN: Sometimes It's "Accurate" To Call A Woman A "Bitch" (most trusted name in news)
Corrected Item: Clinton's campaign debts at $20.88 million : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
McCain Backer Hagee Said Hitler Was Fulfilling God's Will (AUDIO) - Politics on The Huffington Post
Clinton Says She's Willing To Take Fight To Convention - Politics on The Huffington Post (will campaign for McCain)
War Propaganda: Disneyland goes to war-torn Iraq (where their heads we at)
The Most Curious Thing - Errol Morris - Zoom - New York Times Blog
Report Details Dissent on Guantanamo Tactics (FBI war crimes file)
Fear and Loathing in Prime Time: Immigration Myths and Cable News
John McCain Wouldn't Give the Telcos Immunity if He Were President | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Economic fears darken U.S. mood | Reuters
HolyJuan: How to tell if a woman wants to have sex with you.
Lost parrot tells veterinarian his address - Yahoo! News
Jack Thompson Guilty on 27 of 31 Misconduct Charges, Says Bar Trial Judge... FL Supreme Court Must Now Rule | GamePolitics
YouTube - Cannabis Forgetting and the Botany of Desire: Michael Pollan
How to Write Strong Arguments at The CreateDebate Blog
Government's 'numbers racket' is about to blow up in our faces - MarketWatch
YouTomb - Videos Removed for Copyright Complaint
Free-MMOs: Free MMORPGs, Free MMO List, MMO Free Trials - Content
Main Page - Geo Hashing
Annoying software: a rogues' gallery - Print this article -
Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection -
IBM - The next 5 in 5 (forecast of the five innovations in next 5 years)
oldbar :: Firefox Add-ons
Anyterm - Introduction
YouTube - Hang Drum Solo
Mentat Wiki (mind games)
Doctors say Sen. Edward Kennedy has a brain tumor - Yahoo! News
Daily Kos: Rep. Wexler: Inherent Contempt for Rove
Daily Kos: Hillary Wins Among Racists
Daily Kos: Portland Pix (EVEN MORE Awesome Shots) (if McCain had this big a rally, the media would report it)
Obama poised to gain delegate majority -
Staten Island's Fossella will not seek re-election - Staten Island (another Republifuck down)
village voice > blogs > Runnin' Scared > A Lost GOP Seat, Gay Nups In Cali: Rightbloggers Rejoice! News McCain Invokes POW Days to Repel Attacks, Connect With Voters
Matthew Yglesias (May 20, 2008) - Jobs I'd be Willing to Take (Media) David Brooks: "Republican senators know they're fucked."
Sons of Iraq? Or Baghdad's Sopranos? - Los Angeles Times (3 trillion dollars to turn Iraq into ... New Jersey!)
McCain Confronted With New Iran Gaffe, Gets Facts Wrong Again (VIDEO) - Politics on The Huffington Post (McDumb)
From The Magazine : Radar Online : Is the government compiling a secret list of citizens to detain under martial law?
Daily Kos: Are YOU One of the 8 Million Targeted for Roundup?
BBC NEWS | UK | Phone calls database considered
Shouts & Murmurs: Ask the Jihadist: Humor: The New Yorker - Why Women should not Appear on TV in Islam
American Armageddon: How to Win the Epic Battle for Your Wealth :: The Market Oracle (excess debt: 263 trillion: 20 x US Economy)
Shedding light on the dark liquidity pools - Financial Times Mandate
Economic Tide Is Rising for Repo Man - New York Times
Car Makers' Boom Years Now Look Like a Bubble - (Destupid)
As homes foreclose in U.S., squatters move in | U.S. | Reuters
Sign in - Google Health
We're here. We're sexual. Get Used To It. by Barbara Miner (but adults still terrified)
Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology 'cult' | UK news | (next up: "war" and "tax")
Good Math, Bad Math : Selective Data and Global Warming
16% of US science teachers are creationists - being-human - 20 May 2008 - New Scientist
Erectile Dysfunction Linked To Heart Disease - Living on The Huffington Post
Billion-pixel panoramas from your own camera - Times Online
YouTube - 30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China
Missing matter found in deep space - Yahoo! News
> Schneier on Security: Our Data, Ourselves
Domestic spying under Bush; Al-Haramain in Oregon, NSA warrantless wiretapping | Salon News | Blacklisted by the Bush government
Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City | The Trail | (CNN says Obama make low-key stops in small towns)
High standards at the Washington Post Op-Ed page - Glenn Greenwald - Kathleen Parker (full-blooded racist)
Hullabaloo: Practically Lactating (sick media fucks) Electoral Projections Done Right: Today's Polls, 5/18
McCain's Lobbyist Problem: Fifth Person To Leave Campaign Over Lobbying Ties - Politics on The Huffington Post
Fake Terror - The Road To Dictatorship
President without shame | Comment is free George Bush's suggestion of a moral equivalence between appeasing Nazi Germany and negotiating with Palestinians is an outrage
Howard Kurtz - Feud Fuels Bill O'Reilly's Blasts at GE -
Charleston Daily Mail - BC-Korea-Mass Executions-Guard, BC-Korea-Mass Executions-Covered Up - The commission estimates at least 100,000 people were executed
Daily Kos: WWJMD? ("He never denounced God, either.")
News From The West: Who Owns the Federal Reserve? Exclusive Banks Keep $35 Billion Markdown Off Income Statements
Calculated Risk: Commercial Real Estate: "The problems are in all of it"
Mega Neuroscience: Women Have "No Emotional Feelings" During Orgasm, Say Neuroscientists
A Purity Ball - The New York Times > U.S. > Slide Show
Europe, please stop funding this man | Features | Film
Time For Some Stories (classic davesecretaryatwork thread)
Jason Overdorf: rebel brides and ex-wives
ESA Multimedia Gallery (of satellites and crap in space)
Matthew Yglesias (May 17, 2008) - Don't Talk About the War (Politics) what various Clintonistas think the campaign did wrong.
GOP struggles to reinvent without losing itself - Los Angeles Times
McCains YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare Human Rights America (Robert Greenwald) Archives The Last Roundup: MAIN CORE: 8 million Americans need to be watched as terror suspects
Korean War executions unearthed - Asia-Pacific - The mass executions have been largely hidden from history
Think Progress Webb: Bush Would Be First President In History To Veto Benefits For Vets (fuck the troops) Worldwide: Saudi Increase Will Not Lower Oil Price, Iraq Says
One Countrys Table Scraps, Another Countrys Meal - New York Times (Americans throw away 27% of their food)
Should we worry? | MetaFilter (Mercedes Allen looks at who's in charge of deciding the fate of Gender Identity Disorder in the DSM-IV) (truly, a Bush move - sickologists)
John Carlin on why Iceland has the happiest people on earth | World news | The Observer (divorces)
OLPC's a con - former insider | The Register (Negroponte)
Open Left:: Obama's Consolidation of the Party
TNR: Michelle Cottle: What Went Wrong? The exclusive story of Hillary's fall ... (no one in the campaign mentions Iraq vote)
California's marriage ruling -- what it means and what it doesn't mean - Glenn Greenwald -
Democratic Primaries - Yahoo! News Photos (Hilliary encounters Obama supporter in W.VA)
YouTube - Beyond the Torture Debate
The Economist Has No Clothes: Scientific American
New Statesman - 12 May 2008 (1968 Review Issue w/articles by Chomsky, others)
Too Late for Empire by Jonathan Schell (Nation, July 06)
Eurozine - Modes of philosophizing - Jonathan Barnes, Myles Fredric Burnyeat, Raymond Geuss, Barry Stroud A round table debate
Reportret: gallery of reconstructed portraits
Galaxies Twice as Bright as They Seem, Study Finds - New York Times
Conyers On Rove: "We'll Hold Him In Contempt" - Politics on The Huffington Post (that'll be easy)
Al Kamen - Holes in the Memory - (Bush's golfing pants on fire)
Rumsfeld On Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con Agenda
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Huckabee jokes about Obama ducking a gunman - Blogs from (chicken-whistling)
Talk To Action | Reclaiming Citizenship, History, and Faith
Belittled Woman -
Marie Cocco - Misogyny I Won't Miss -
NPR Poll: McCain Loses to Obama, Tops Clinton - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Unleashed: Unanswered 9/11 questions
Chris Matthews Eviscerates Right-Wing Host Kevin James Over Obama "Appeasement" Claims - Politics on The Huffington Post (Kevin James: Right-Wing moron)
Senate Overturns Media Consolidation Rule! - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
US-Saudi oil axis faces day of truth - Telegraph
Big fund money and its effect on oil markets - May. 16, 2008
Documents link wind farm foes to energy firm - The Boston Globe
Physicists Demonstrate How Information Can Escape From Black Holes | Eberly College of Science
Astronomers measure temperature of the early universe - space - 15 May 2008 - New Scientist Space
10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex
Design Observer: writings about design & culture
Red Cross: Up to 128,000 may have died in Myanmar - The Huffington Post
China Earthquake: Death Toll Could Reach 50,000, Says State TV - The Huffington Post
Republican Election Losses Stir Fall Fears - New York Times (stuck to the tar-Bush)
It is definitely fascism when it happens to you Michael Chertoff's world of an "Israelized" America video: Special comment on Bushs unforgiveable interview
The Anti Press: Girl of 8 used as 'suicide' bomber - and other tales the corporate media wishes were true (more psyops aimed at Americans)
Breaking News: McCain sees Iraq combat over, U.S. troops home before 2013 : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times (Huggy Bear wedded to the war)
John McCain on Budget & Economy (everything is great)
Media Matters - CNN spliced quote by Obama aide to remove part in which he said Sec. Def. Gates, like Obama, wants to meet with Iran (CNN part of Pentagon Psyops)
California Supreme Court overturns gay marriage (sic, they mean ban) --
The Crypt: Biden: Bush's comments were 'bullshit' -
Nan Mooney, "Not Keeping Up With Our Parents" | Salon Life - top 1 percent of earners now hogging more than 20 percent of the nation's annual income
Foreclosure Fallout: Condo Owners Pay for Neighbors - General * US * News * Story -
Middle class relaxing with marijuana
The Dumbing Of America - Call Me a Snob, but Really, We're a Nation of Dunces
FDA Will Not Tell Parents to Avoid BPA Baby Bottles Polycarbonate Plastic Bottles and Bisphenol A Risks - (relies on industry-funded "studies")
Comcast Lied to FCC, Blocks BitTorrent Traffic 24/7 | TorrentFreak
Features : Radar Online : Generation Slap
Annals of Crime: Friend Game: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
the corporation - Google Video
Takashi Murakami Watches From the Wings at Sotheby's -- Vulture -- Entertainment & Culture Blog -- New York Magazine (art)
Free Music Studio Means No More Excuses | Listening Post from
DCRP Review: Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5
Best Flickr Greasemonkey Scripts | Firefox Facts
10 Really Useful Flickr Greasemonkey Userscripts
Edwards endorses Obama, praises Clinton -
Determined Clinton wins W.Va., says race not over - Politics on The Huffington Post
Clinton's Big Win Doesn't Really Matter - Politics on The Huffington Post
Portrayal of George W. Bush in international advertisements | creativebits
BBC NEWS | Americas | Key 9/11 suspect charges dropped (fake GWOT crumbles)
Tom Friedman's latest declaration of war - Glenn Greenwald -
Caught Without Care | Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation ( (just because)
Portrayal of George W. Bush in international advertisements | creativebits
Italians Detention Illustrates Dangers Foreign Visitors Face - New York Times
Dana Milbank - This Is an Ex-Candidate -
Daily Kos: White Voters, Obama and Appalachia (Hilliary country)
If I Ran the Zoo (Kathleen Parker: full-blooded racist)
Dan Froomkin - Bush's Idea of Sacrifice - (and moronic interview, see below)
Bush comments on everything from wedding to Iraq - Yahoo! News
Eschaton: Harvard is $40Bn hedge fund
NASA - NASA Study Links Earth Impacts to Human-Caused Climate Change
Mulders Big Adventure Bile Always Love You (season one, episode two)
New Sites Make It Easier To Spy on Your Friends -
Colleen Dealy and Taylor Baldwin: Sex And The American Mom: 1 In 3 Report Getting Action On The Side - Living on The Huffington Post
Cliff Schecter McCains Murderers Row
Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow: "So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11."
Daily Kos: 'Tigris Woods Golf and Country Club' (more Bush fantasies)
Obama hits McCain for opposing new GI Bill. McCain says GI Bill too generous, wants to help troops less.
Media Matters - Four-Star Elephant in the (News)room 4,500+ Appearances/Quotations by Military Analysts Identified in New York Times Expos on Pentagon Program (but if the media won't report it, did it happen?)
Conyers Tells Bush Iran Attack = Impeachment; Ask Your Representative to Co-Sign |
The Raw Story | Rove refuses call to testify under oath (law and order)
Sadly, No! Oh my (Bush's legacy)
Torture Team: Deception, Cruelty and the Compromise of Law by Philippe Sands review | Non-fiction book reviews - Times Online
Boston Review: An Interview with Hans Blix
Before Bitter-Gate: What Obama Said Hours Earlier About Guns - Politics on The Huffington Post (your manufactured "news")
Civilization's last chance - Los Angeles Times - The planet is nearing a tipping point on climate change, and it gets much worse, fast.
What Condoms Have to Do with Climate Change - TIME - The key to limiting population growth, he says, is to give control over procreation to women.
8 reasons why this is the dumbest generation - (how many reasons does the Globe need to publish a stupid article?)
China Earthquake Buries 900 Students, State Media Reports - The Huffington Post
Obama camp: Clinton not looking for a deal -
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Lieberman: Obama's Alleged Endorsement By Hamas Shows "Difference" With McCain (poisonous liar)
Hullabaloo: Show Us Your Papers (Missouri goes for voter-ID)
YouTube - Hillary's Downfall
berni_mccoy's Journal - Oh This Is Rich! Latest Clinton Ad Uses Newspaper Clipping on TROOPERGATE! (true today, at least)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Transition (Modo)
Daily Howler: Dowd is a cleaned-up version of Coulter. Wikipedia offers some context - When You Read Dowd, Youre Riding With CoulterA
Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times - American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq
Larry Di Rita's responses to questions about the "military analyst" program - Glenn Greenwald - (pants on fire dept)
Bush May Be as Harmful to McCain as Wright Is to Obama (Because Wright and Bush are equally significant figures on the national stage this result comes as no surprise.)
How Actual Journalism Works - Swampland - TIME (or not)
Growing Deficits Threaten Pensions - Accounting Tactics Conceal a Crisis For Public Workers
This American Life - The Giant Pool of Money - A special program about the housing crisis
The-Slump:-It's-a-Guy-Thing: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
What The Platypus Genome Is and Isn't | Scientific Blogging
The 6 Most Frequently Quoted Bullsh*t Statistics |
Broadband: other countries do it better, but how? (Socialism, that's how)
Particle physicists plumb the depths for Roman lead - 13 July 1991 - New Scientist
Walk Score - Helping homebuyers, renters, and real estate agents find houses and apartments in great neighborhoods (try it)
Featured Article - Texting costs are 'out of this world' (4x cost of Hubble data)
Election Guide 2008 - Presidential Election - Politics - Electoral Map - The New York Times
Guantanamo Ruling Bodes Ill for System - New York Times (sleazy, lying military)
Party Like Its 2008 - New York Times (Frank Rich)
Already, Obama and McCain Map Fall Strategies - New York Times (Nagourney and Zeleny)
The Upside of Being Knocked Around - Barack Obama - New York Times (Leibovich)
Vote Like Thy Neighbor - New York Times deological differences between the political parties are growing but also that they have become embedded in American society itself.
Booman Tribune ~ Dear Villagers: It's Change and the War, Stupid (Without the war, there wouldn't have been any space for anyone to run against Clinton. -Atrios)
Cognitive Dissonance | Free exchange | (mouths wide shut)
Crooks and Liars If an Iranian Weapon Bust Turns Out Not To Be Iranian - Does Anyone Hear A Sound?
Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
Daily Kos: UPDATED.Why Clinton Lost: The Reason Nobody is Talking About
AAA Reports That Cost of Owning & Operating a New Vehicle Is Now 54.1 Cents per Mile AAA Reports That Cost of Owning & Operating a New Vehicle Is Now 54.1 Cents per Mile - A Look Inside Local Cuddle Parties
Sahara made slow transition from green to desert: study
Second Largest US Physicians Group Endorses Medical Marijuana
The Associated Press: Bush: Feds: Teen use of pot can lead to dependency, mental illness
Refacing Government Tender - a set on Flickr - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance
Is It Time to Invade Burma? - TIME
For First Time, More Superdelegates Favor Obama - New York Times
Rasmussen To Stop Polling Clinton Questions - Politics on The Huffington Post
Hillary's Chances: Growing Chorus Says It's Not Going To Happen - Politics on The Huffington Post
A Startling Collapse for Clinton, And An Inability to Let Go
Hillary Clinton, race, working class, African-American and white voters | Salon Hillary's reckless exploitation of racial division could split the Democratic Party over race -- a tragic legacy for the Clintons.
War profits taint the greedy hands of more than 25% of members of the US House and Senate!
Raw Replay - Revisiting History - Countdown: John McCains growing pastor problems
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - News | "We tortured an insane man"
Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, Harper says
Think Progress Reid: On Six-Year Anniversary Of 9/11, Bush Again Declared, Bring Em On
Booman Tribune ~ Jenna Bush's Marriage
The Subprime Mortgage Primer
Peak Civilization And The Winter Of Our Disconnect By Carolyn Baker
World to End in 2012 (Check Back for Updates) | LiveScience
02138 Zip Code (Cambridge, Massachusetts) Detailed Profile - residents and real estate info (demographics on any zipcode)
Does your brain have a mind of its own? - Los Angeles Times
Access : Physics: Quantum all the way : Nature News (Decoherence)
Political Radar: Obama Now Takes The Lead in Superdelegates Too
Think Progress - Rumsfeld blames the generals for poor pre-war planning ("life goes on" except for the dead people)
RedLasso - John Edwards on who he'll Endorse: "I just voted for him on Tuesday"
Matthew Yglesias - Against Unity - Clinton's "street cred" on national security consists, of course, of being massively wrong on the most important national security issue of her career
Snipers in Iraq | Salon News In 2007 elite U.S. snipers executed an unarmed Iraqi prisoner in cold blood. Have the insidious tactics that led to atrocities in Vietnam reemerged in Iraq?
Barack Obama - Campaign for Democratic Nomination - Esquire - The Cynic and Senator Obama
New Comix The Poor Man Institute - The Amazing League of Pundits
Toll the Bell for the Polls, Part III - American Footprints (bombing the shit out of Sadr City)
Calculated Risk: Severely Underwater Vehicles (SUVs)
Mortgage crisis seeps to prime loans -
Subject to shill: tech books as corporate marketing - The Jem Report
The woman who can remember everything - Telegraph
Cogent Metal - If You Arent Using Firefox Smart Keywords, You Arent Smart (Or A Keyword)
This bud's for you, and you, and you too - Los Angeles Times
Virtual Reality Could Explain the Fermi Paradox Michael Graham Richard
best of craigslist : I hate all of you
The Daily Campus - My Spring Weekend Nightmare
Victorian erotica: the original cheeky girls - Telegraph
Windows XP SP3 Sows Havoc, Users Complain -- Microsoft Windows -- InformationWeek
Clinton makes case for wide appeal - ("I own the white and stupid vote")
The Five Mistakes Clinton Made - TIME (hiring a bunch of stupid white Republican men who didn't know California apportions proportionately)
Obama plans to declare victory May 20 - David Paul Kuhn -
Once-secret memos question Clinton's honesty - The Washington Times (fast and loose with the truth)
M.S. Bellows, Jr.: Clinton's Open Letter To Obama On MI and FL - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
Exit Polls: Limbaugh Effect Seems To Rear Its Head - Politics on The Huffington Post
TAPPED Archive | From the Arizona Republic: In tight Senate votes, McCain not a maverick
John Hagee: deviant theology, dangerous foreign policy (call CNN)
Think Progress Kirchick gets his facts wrong on the reality-based community (Politico hack w/no memory)
George Washington's Blog: Neocons Admit that "War On Terror" Is a Hoax
Support for Clinton Wanes as Obama Sees Finish Line - New York Times
Amid Talk of the End and Boos From the Crowd, Clinton Carries On - New York Times
British Jews: "We're not celebrating Israel's anniversary" citing the dispossession of 70,000 Palestinians.
Israeli battles rage on Wikipedia - Telegraph
Dissent Magazine - 1968: Lessons Learned
Crooks and Liars FOX News Fred Barnes: Working Class = Lower Class (true colors dept)
Calculated Risk: Weekly Unemployment Claims: Continuing Claims at 3 Million
Stages of Thought (Martha C. Nussbaum on philosophers on Shakespeare)
Astronomers Discover Missing Mass | Popular Science
Microsoft May Build a Copyright Cop Into Every Zune - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog
Enigmatic Earth Pattern Pictures, Enigmatic Earth Pattern Photos, Photo Gallery, Picture Gallery, Desktop Wallpaper National Geographic
Amazing pictures: The lightning storm that engulfed an erupting volcano | the Daily Mail
chris woebken - a new relationship to e-money
Hive Five: Best Online File Sharing Services - Sending large files has never been easier!
Jack Chick: Dark Dungeons | Moving On Up! (classic Jack Chick on D&D and Evolution: mind of a fundamentalist)
Styles for '' |
Beyond Rape: A Survivor's Journey from The Plain Dealer -
Exclusive Lifehacker Download: Better Gmail 2 Firefox Extension for New Gmail
Think Progress Gore: It Is Obscene That Bush Has Dismissed George Washingtons 200-Plus Year Prohibition On Torture
Open Left:: Why End The Great Lie Now?
Primary and Caucus Results - Election Guide 2008 - Percent of Vote - The New York Times
Obama Wins North Carolina, Clinton Scrapes By in Indiana -
Clinton to Fight On Despite Split Result - New York Times ("It's full speed to the White House")
Pundits Declare the Race Over - New York Times
The Mental Masturbator Blog Archive George McGovern Urges Clinton to Drop Out
The Raw Story | Kerry: Limbaugh's 'tampering' gave Clinton Indiana victory
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Hillary Chief Strategist: North Carolina Loss Represented Progress Because We Won Among White Voters (It's all about white people)
GOP leaders warn of election disaster - John Bresnahan -
Fed Seeks Approval to Pay Interest to Banks -
Politics - California may run out of cash by August -
A scary thought: Gasoline at $7.50 a gallon - Top Stocks
Irvine Housing Blog - The Ultimate Post
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Death of the SUV
March pending sales down 20% over year ago | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/07/2008
When Genes Go Retro - Olivia Judson - Evolution - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Can You Become a Creature of New Habits? - New York Times
Jewish Currents: Resisting Authority: A Personal Account of the Milgram Obedience Experiments
Gmail Redesigned (by Globex Designs) |
'Sexy' voice gives fertile women away - being-human - 01 May 2008 - New Scientist
ABC News: Animal Kingdom's Odd Couples - Ideas - Globe
FBI Searches Office of Special Counsel Building : NPR: Scott Bloch's home searched
TPMmuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Scott Bloch: has been under investigation since 2005 for a variety of infractions (and erasing hard drives)
Ben Smith's Blog - Meanwhile, in his spare time... ...Obama seems to have brought peace to the Niger Delta. No joke.
Talking Points Memo | 'Torture memo' author, former attorney general, to testify ("Torture" Yoo)
Democrats Prepare Sell-Out on Telecom Immunity: House Leaders to Give White House a Blank Check to Spy on Americans
Presidential Politics in the YouTube Era | Political Lore .com
CCTV boom has not cut crime, says police chief - Times Online (Billions of Euros, millions of camera, FAIL)
Obama accuses Clinton of using the language of Bush on Iran | World news | The Guardian
Lance Mannion: Sex and the single-minded journalists (the kool kids)
Doubts Raised on Big Backers of Mortgages - New York Times
A Dead Man's Eyes Hold the Key to His Age | Biotechnology | DISCOVER Magazine
The day the music died [dive into mark] (Microsoft screws you again)
Microsoft DRM: An Open Letter | Electronic Frontier Foundation
050508 Worldwide Economists Criticize Clinton, McCain Gas-Tax Plans (Hilliary says she doesn't believe in economics)
JAZZ from HELL: Matt Taibbi questions America's sanity The Great Derangement
Matthew Yglesias (May 04, 2008) - Fair and Balanced (NYT does it again)
Matthew Yglesias (May 05, 2008) - Outback Strikes Back (NYT does anthropology in the suburbs)
Sam Harris: Losing Our Spines to Save Our Necks - Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn't, we will kill you
Fiscal Pressures Lead Some States to Free Inmates Early (lawn order bankrupting States)
Journalist released from Guantanamo details abuse (torture)
Clinton Camp Says It Will Use The Nuclear Option - Politics on The Huffington Post
Clinton Campaign Disses Millions of Democratic Voters - David Corn real people
Think Progress Bolton: Striking Iran Is Really The Most Prudent Thing To Do
Arianna Huffington: What John McCain Told Me, and What it Says About How Far He's Fallen - Politics on The Huffington Post
3quarksdaily - Below the Fold: Deep States and the American Coup (Cheney, Rumsfeld)
Deep State Coup Averted in Turkey - by Christopher Deliso
Hard numbers: The economy is worse than you know - St. Petersburg Times
The Big Picture | Oil > $120
BofA may renegotiate Countrywide deal price: Friedman | Reuters (so surprised)
Credit crisis shows that banks need wise men not wide boys - Telegraph
Maybe Money Does Buy Happiness After All - New York Times
Blackwell Synergy - Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviour, Parental Reputation and Strategic Transfers
Wastewater Helps American Drought Fight, Anthrax - waterCAMPWS - TiON - Popular Mechanics
Digital Television Transition Funding - Do Americans Have a Right to TV? - Legislation vs. Literacy - Popular Mechanics (more for TV converters than literacy in America)
Dual n-task - - IQ boost
Men 'not interested in sex' - Telegraph
Top 10 Myths About the Romans - The List Universe
BREAKING NEWS 8:50 a.m. - Obama wins Guam caucus | | Pacific Daily News
Clinton Camp Considering Nuclear Option To Overtake Delegate Lead - Politics on The Huffington Post
Why Oprah Winfrey Left Rev. Wright's Church | Newsweek Periscope |
Sunset in America The end of the age of Reagan
The dictators are back ... and we dont care - Times Online
Seven Oaks Magazine - American fundamentals
How Much Did Rumsfeld Know? - TIME (rendite him)
Review - Moral Value and Human Diversity
Review - Bias in Psychiatric Diagnosis by Paula Caplan and Lisa Cosgrove
Review - The Body Has a Mind of Its Own How Body Maps in Your Brain Help You Do (Almost) Everything Better
When Language Can Hold the Answer - New York Times
gladwell dot com - big and bad How the S.U.V. ran over automotive safety.
Men and their mothers. What's it all about? - Times Online
Science 2.0 -- Is Open Access Science the Future?: Scientific American
China province records 622 new cases of virus - swissinfo
BusterB: Women to Avoid II
Literotica - 100% free sex stories, erotic audio, adult fiction with wifeslut, bdsm, etc!
Air raid hits Baghdad hospital, US says 14 fighters dead - Yahoo! News (back to North Vietnam)
Bush admits he approved torture By HELEN THOMAS
Talking Points Memo | More on the Bucks for McCain's War Presence (Iraq: Republican stealth plan to wreck Social Security)
Dave Lindorff: The Bush Family's Bad Latin Real Estate Investment | (Paraquay!)
Hillary Clinton, fairy princess. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
cab drollery: Ignorance Is No Excuse: David Ignatius, serial idiot
Fred Hiatt on the noble glories of occupation - Glenn Greenwald - (invade ... Somalia!)
Media Matters - The news media are so far in the tank for John McCain
Wright's theology not "new or radical" | Salon Wright's theology not "new or radical" (only to white people)
Flickr Photo Download: niceadd (Hilliary "Annie Oakley" Clinton attacks Obama on guns)
Bush: We've Been "Clear And Candid" On Economy (and it's in great shape!)
YouTube - The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class
Berkshire net income falls 64 percent because of derivatives -
Fact-esque: UAW Strikes When Owner Breaks Promises - If a profitable company refuses to maintain their wages, the workers ask, who will?
Be very afraid: Zoe Williams on the possibility of Boris Johnson as mayor of London | Politics | The Guardian
New Statesman - Disfigured by class - BoJo
Boris is GEIL | MetaFilter
TED | Talks | Brian Cox: What really goes on at the Large Hadron Collider (video)
IBM: Many Eyes: data visualizations
Blobs Inside Earth Like Peanut Butter | LiveScience
Ape Genius reveals depth of animal intelligence - Telegraph
The unkindest cut | Salon Life | the sad tale of how one foreskin tore a family apart
The World's Dirtiest Cities -
Top 100 Films
Things I have learned in my life so far
Common drugs hasten decline in elderly: study | Industries | Healthcare | Reuters
Why Do Cats Hang Around Us? (Hint: They Can't Open Cans) (humans: domesticated can-openers)
Andrew Cockburn: Secret Bush "Finding" Widens Covert War on Iran Democrats Okay Funds for Covert Ops
Think Progress: Washington Post Editorial Board Attempts To Erase Its Pre-War Rush To Invasion (Fred Hiatt erases bloody history)
Arrest Bush - Yahoo! News
Clinton May Be Hopeful, but Obama Rolls On - New York Times
Brown Alumni Magazine - The Tax Cut That Neutered Congress
The Big Picture | Inflation Index Bonds Now Paying 0%
China builds its large-scale future - International Herald Tribune (Bush: Mongolian candidate)
Clinton presses congressional Dems on gas-tax holiday - The Carpetbagger Report - "oil companies may end up the biggest beneficiaries, while the aid to families wouldnt be enough to buy a $35 backpack" (she hates "experts")

Linens 'N Things Files For Bankruptcy - New York Times
Baseball star Canseco loses home to foreclosure | Sports | Reuters
Regulators zero in on credit card reform - May. 2, 2008 U.S. Bank of America May Not Guarantee Countrywide's Debt (there's bankruptcy for you, and "bankruptcy" for them)
One Guy Who Has Seen It All Doesn't Like What He Sees Now -
American media | On the brink | Venerable newspapers face extinction
Club-drug cures depression (Ketamine)
Cannibalism Normal For Early Humans?
Universities Baffled By Massive Surge In RIAA Copyright Notices | Threat Level from
IoP: news: Virtual reality tube ride reveals extent of public paranoia - suspicious or paranoid thoughts are much more common in the general population than was previously thought
Protecting Yourself From Suspicionless Searches While Traveling | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Windows XP Service Pack 3 FAQ
Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: Can There be a Viable Free Open Source Alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab?
Click opera - Lost ways of looking at looking
CNN Political Ticker: Poll: Bush most unpopular in modern history
BBC NEWS | Africa | Air raid kills Somali militants (bomb, bomb Somalia!)
Bloomberg Slams Clinton, McCain Gas Tax Plan - Politics on The Huffington Post ("dumb idea")
Clinton Gas-Tax Proposal Criticized - (what do you expect from a Republican?)
The State of Our Economic System; Us vs Them American Everyman (Hilliary on Bill-O: she deserves to be rich)
Goldberg's Non Mea Culpa - The Washington Independent - paid for being tragically wrong
McCain Making Promises That Would Cost Taxpayers Billions - Politics on The Huffington Post (no taxes for anybody!)
on Flickr - Helen Thomas gets flowers from the Internets!
Think Progress - OReilly: We Didnt Invade Iraq (o'rly)
Daily Show on GAO Critique of Bush Anti-Terror War: "We Could Have Gotten Here By Doing Nothing." - The Washington Note
Economist's View: "The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class" Elizabeth Warren:
Thinking of Trading-in that SUV for a Fuel Efficient Sedan? Good Luck! | Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility
separated by a common language: social classes
Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection - - "suggestion of some protective effect"
BBC NEWS | Europe | Lesbos islanders dispute gay name
Fast and Loose With the Facts - The Washington Independent - How Two Leading Journalists Played the Public to Help Bush Sell His War (Jeffrey Goldberg and Stephen F Hayes: blood on their hands)
"Goldberg's War" by Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
This Modern World: More Goldbergian Goodness: 2002: "In five years, however, I believe that the coming invasion of Iraq will be remembered as an act of profound morality"
Brian Williams' "response" to the military analyst story - Glenn Greenwald - Brian Williams' "response" to the military analyst story
Video: Mighty Tim Russert Wields His Clout
Facing South: D.C. nonprofit aimed at women voters behind deceptive N.C. robo-calls (how low will she go?)
U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 | The New York Sun
An elephant never forgets? George W. Bush's lost e-mails (but always lies)
LBJ Tapes on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (your government has been lying you into war for a long time)
ANALYSIS-Bush drilling plan wouldn't have eased pump prices | Markets | Reuters Analysis - Bush drilling plan wouldn't have eased pump prices (we're so surprised)
Crude jolt for US as Iran scraps oil trade in dollar- Indicators-Economy-News-The Economic Times (take that, Georgie) Worldwide More Subprime, Alt-A Mortgages May Head `Underwater'
Irvine Housing Blog: Craving: "They put in $15,600 and took out $599,800"
Isuma TV: indigenous filmmakers
Birds: Are you looking at me?
Black hole expelled from its parent galaxy (4/30/2008)
Hey Jude | MetaFilter
China Matters: The F117A Swan Song, the Fall of the Belgrade Embassy...and China Rising
Foodsel - Over 7,500 foods registered
Scientists Create First Memristor: Missing Fourth Electronic Circuit Element | Gadget Lab from (resistance, capacitance, inductance, memresistance)
John McCain gets tax-free disability pension - Los Angeles Times (100% disabled, but we knew that)
West Wing: Obama the Inevitable - Spiegel Online - The issue of race has emerged as the key Democratic divide in this year's primary season
Brian Williams nominates Peggy Noonan for a Pulitzer Prize - Glenn Greenwald - (9 days of silence from NBC on plantgate)
Daily Kos: Nine Days of Silence from the Willing Accomplices - A hundred years of scrubbing will not remove the blood from their hands
Political Radar: Clinton Makes Rocky Balboa Look like a Pansy?
Talking Points Memo | Hook, Line & Sinker: AP has fallen for the McCain campaign's and the RNC's effort to prevent anyone from using McCain's own words against him
Buffett: Economy in a recession, will be worse than feared -
Fed's Bailout Is Questioned by Ex-Staffer - - "worst policy mistake in a generation"
Bank bail-outs to be kept secret | This is Money
A faster, cheaper way to catch criminals - Science- (antibody barcode)
Charting the Uncanny Valley | MetaFilter
The Uncanny Valley of the Pussycat Dolls | culturekitchen
Security Beat - Science Fiction Mavens Offer Far Out Homeland Security Advice (Larry Niven is insane)
Dartmouth News - Researcher finds symbolic overtones in the names of cancer medicines - 04/25/08
Microsoft releases the long-anticipated Windows XP SP3
Pentagon Suspends Military Media Analysts Program - Media on The Huffington Post
Glenn Greenwald - - Howard Kurtz on why media outlets ignore the "military analyst" story (makes them look bad)
Campaign Journal: Bill Vs. Barack: The Talk of the Town: The New Yorker - most of all, Bill Clinton talked about Bill Clinton (Mr. Me)
Supreme Court upholds Indiana voter ID law | | The Indianapolis Star
Wait for the First Lady to Cuss First | MetaFilter
House Democrats Look To Fund War Through 2009 - Worldwide: Wolfensohn `Pessimistic' as Financial Losses Rise (1 Trillion dollars, baby)
The Financial Crisis: An Interview with George Soros - The New York Review of Books
Lee County, Fla., Suffers Foreclosure Glut : NPR
Why Not the Gold Standard?
Skeptico: Whats Ben Stein Smoking?
Josef Fritzl admits abduction and fathering daughter's children | World news |
Jesus Made Me Puke : Rolling Stone Matt Taibbi Undercover with the Christian Right
Dinosaurs Probably Lacked Tissue To Generate Heat
Curious Expeditions Blog Archive Living Lights: A Glowing Compendium
Zzz Animals | first Street - These puppies and kittens are so life-like they actually "breathe" (decorate your house with fake sleeping pets)
Baghdad Green Zone blasted under cover of storm | Reuters
Rearming the world - The Boston Globe - Why nations are suddenly locked in an arms race unseen since the early days of the Cold War
Greenspan, Bush to blame for U.S. crisis: Stiglitz | U.S. | Reuters (doesn't take a Nobel economist ...)
Senate passes bill barring genetic discrimination
Bowling 1, Health Care 0 - New York Times By Elizabeth Edwards - Hillary Is Really Winning
Hillary Strangelove - The Boston Globe (she's an experienced foreign-policy expert)
Talking To Hamas (Instead of Killing People) Makes You a Bigot (Israel: Carter, for talking to Hamas)
Israeli ex-soldiers expose abuse of Palestinians |
Pam's House Blend:: FL - It's Not Called the Hate Amendment for Nothing (Florida: Gays=slave owners)

The Next Slum?
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Did Robert Rubin Jeopardize Financial Stability to Protect Goldman Sachs?

Give me the lesson without the spin - Los Angeles Times - A high school student finds conservative bias in his American government textbook (by the office of faith-based politics)
Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - Here Comes Everybody (Two hundred billion hours wasted every year watching TV)
Youre an Author? Me Too! - Essay - Book Review - New York Times (more authors, less readers)
Cognitive-emotional interactions: Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation | MettaFilter | MetaFilter
Genetic Future: The human genome is old news. Next stop: the human proteome
TIPA | Technical Image Press Association | Awards 2008
Hackers Focus Efforts on Firefox, Safari -
Liliputing: Comprehensive list of low-cost ultraportables File Sharing Site Offers 250GB Storage Free to Reddit Users (digg, delicious, or just a referrer)

Bill Moyers Journal | PBS - Bill Moyers interviews the Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Obama Seeks Private Funding -
Party Fears Racial Divide -
Annals of Surveillance: State Secrets: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker A government misstep in a wiretapping case.
NSA-Spied-On Lawyers Get Day in Court and New Yorker Profile | Threat Level from
Threat Level - Wired Blogs - Which Gov Agency Should Be Your Computer's Firewall?
Media Matters by Jamison Foser: The media render the RNC obsolete
Citizen-journalism's rulebook | Comment is free
Think Progress: Zirkle rails against the great porn dragon and its influence over Jews (wingNUT)
Hillary Clinton Supporters -- The Global Warming Deniers of Democratic Politics? - Yahoo! News
Soldier Sues Army, Saying His Atheism Led to Threats - New York Times (onward Christian soldiers)
TPMMuckraker | GOP Still Pushing Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms
Media Matters - NewsBusters attacked Pelosi as "more of a shallow politician than a devout Christian" for calling the Dalai Lama "His Holiness" -- as Bush has repeatedly done (in-fucking-sane right wingnuts)
If Clinton Wins, Its Payback Time! | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008

Gas May Finally Cost Too Much
The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke | AlterNet
Unpaid utility bills soar as economy sags -
How long will women shoulder the blame for the pay gap? - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
When $100,000 makes you Go Broke: The Invisible Hand Forces Americans Into Debt
Make Your Nut Blog Archive How to Lawfully Reset Your Credit History

Review - On Desire - Philosophy Why We Want What We Want by William B. Irvine
Review - The Meaning of Others
Sacre Bruni! | The New York Observer | Gorgeous, Stylish, Occasionally Nude Does Mrs. Sarkozy Matter?
Experts say US sex abstinence program doesn't work | Reuters
Does She Look Like a Music Pirate?
Pitfalls in paradise: why Palm Jumeirah is struggling to live up to the hype | Travel | The Guardian
BBC NEWS | Technology | Hackers warn high street chains
50 best cult books - Telegraph
Chemotherapy alternative will target only cancer cells - Telegraph
TypeRacer (typing speedracer)

Comments on 14034 | Ask Metafilter My question is what major epiphany have you had most recently and how has it changed your life?
Comments on 13232 | Ask Metafilter Besides the standard answers (births, graduations, weddings, etc.), can you pinpoint a happiest single moment of your life? What was it?
Comments on 14668 | Ask Metafilter Life-altering experiences. Can you point to a single experience in your life, as a child, which you can define as having contributed to the person you are today?

Joint Chiefs Chairman Says U.S. Preparing Military Options Against Iran - (November 3)
Think Progress
Clinton says she leads in popular vote - (big fat liar)
Wonder Land - - The Democrats Have a Nominee (and it ain't Hilliary)
Clinton debt larger than (she) reported
Repetitions - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist (Joe Klein)
Firedoglake Peggy Noonan Wonders If Obama Loves America, Has Ever Cried Thinking About Henry Ford
Think Progress: Matthews: Whites are willing to support Obama in the same way they root for black athletes (racist, classist, elitist fuck)
Bad Company | MetaFilter (CIA)
Calculated Risk: Genworth: Hoocoodanode? nobody ever would have predicted the extent of the home price downgrade in those markets
Business - Home builder Reynen files for personal bankruptcy protection - (assets: 50mil debts: 1 bil - Rethug bankruptcy bill hits the superrich)
Many states appear to be in recession as deficits grow: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
charles hugh smith-Want to Know When Housing Has Bottomed? Here's How
Good-Bye, Cheap Oil. So Long, Suburbia?
Hacker testifies News Corp unit hired him - Yahoo! News
Kevin Kelly -- The Technium - The Reality of Depending on (1000) True Fans - Support for those affected by Infidelity
Pulp Shakespeare | MetaFilter (another classic Mefi thread)
Tests Confirm T. Rex Kinship With Birds - New York Times
"Feathered" Fossil Bolsters Changing Image of Dinosaurs
Exotic Quantum State Of Matter Discovered
Pasta: text pasting service for (or just use to preview/test HTML)
The Raw Story | CIA admits they will continue rendition program, which allows torture overseas
Crooks and Liars Helen Thomas Confronts Perino On Torture; Perino Denies and Lies
Dan Froomkin - Duped About Torture -
Think Progress Thomas Breaks Presss 14 Day Silence On Bushs Torture Approval, Chides Colleagues: Where Is Everybody?
TPMMuckraker | Today's Must Read CIA has replied that it has 7,000 responsive documents that it won't be turning over
The Crypt's Blog - House Republicans face tough sell on FISA petition (Repubs concern-trolling bluedog Dems)
Continuing Battle Divides Democrats -
For Obama, a Struggle to Win Over Key Blocs - New York Times
Lehman warns that oil boom will deflate - Telegraph
New-Home Sales Plunged 8.5% During March - Economy * US * News * Story - New-Home Sales Tumbled To a 16-Year Low in March
Sam's Club, Costco limit rice purchases as prices rise - Yahoo! News
Brewer must stop using 'Legal Weed' bottle caps
FBI Fears Chinese Hackers Have Back Door Into US Government & Military, page 1
R.O.I. - I don't want to alarm anybody, but maybe it's time for Americans to start stockpiling food.
FBI wants widespread monitoring of 'illegal' Internet activity | Tech news blog - CNET (more wiretaps on you)
It's Just a Plant
nuclear_full.png (nuclear explosions since 1945)
Simple 'superlens' sharpens focusing power - tech - 24 April 2008 - New Scientist Tech
Concrete examples don't help students learn math, study finds
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Human line 'nearly split in two'
The Raw Story | Siegelman: Rove 'hijacked' the Dept. of Justice to win elections
Media Matters - Michelle Malkin and the warbloggers get everything wrong -- again
Calculated Risk: Credit Suisse Forecast: 6.5 million Foreclosures by 2012 ("could put 12.7 percent of all residential borrowers out of their homes") (the great unraveling unravels some more)
Health insurance: the unraveling continues - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog Bondholders Lucky to Get 10 Cents in Looming Defaults
Commercial Banks Heading for Huge Derivatives Losses- Credit Crisis Turning into Credit Armageddon :: The Market Oracle
How We're Wrecking Our Feet With Every Step We Take -- New York Magazine (don't wear shoes)
Searchme Visual Search - Beta - rev. 1.3 (try this)
TPM Election Central | In Final Zogby Tracking Poll, Hillary Leads By 10 In Pennsylvania Bush's disapproval rating worst of any president in 70 years
Bitter Patter: Comment: The New Yorker
Matthew Yglesias (April 22, 2008) - The Blind Praising the Blind (Media)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow joins CNN (barf)
Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned -
ABC News: The Pentagon's Propaganda Machine? Increasingly the Pentagon Channel Is Used To Disseminate Official Information Without Press Interferenc
Obama on The Daily Show | Primetime Politics
Biomaterial charges against N.Y. art professor dismissed - New York Times
What Ails the American Economy? Everything, Says Kevin Phillips in Bad Money - New York Times
Calculated Risk: March Existing Home Sales
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 04/22/2008 | For first time in years, gasoline consumption is dropping - Wall Street Unspun with Peter Schiff (internet radio show) - April 16, 2008 recording: "You could theoretically run the entire world's economy on one ounce of gold if there was only one ounce" - Housing Bubble and Bear Links
Calculated Risk: DataQuick: California Foreclosure Activity Up Sharply in Q1
Breaking The Silence - Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories
Exposed: the great GM crops myth - Green Living, Environment - The Independent
Cholera Epidemic in New York City in 1832 - New York Times
Strange Things Happen at Full Moon | LiveScience
TOXIC - Garbage Island - Part1of12 - VBS.TV
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Carter: Hamas will accept Israel (call Abe Foxman)
Voices in Her Head: Inside Hillaryland's fatal psychodrama
Talking Points Memo | New Hillary Ad Shows Bin Laden, Asks: "Who Do You Think Has What It Takes?"
Firedoglake The Official FDL Election Season Guide to the Left-Wing Traitorsphere
Attackerman - Commentary of Spencer Ackerman
Whiskey Fire: I Can't Tell You Anything You Don't Already Know
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | George Will Moves to the Left of the Democrats
Torture victim's records lost at Guantnamo, admits camp general | The Guardian | " mysteriously lost by the US military"
Video: The Fox Is Wrong! (Obama version)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Saudi women 'kept in childhood'
Concerns rising that Fannie and Freddie could need bailout - Apr. 21, 2008 - The trillion-dollar mortgage time bomb
Calculated Risk: Grubb & Ellis expects large increase in Office Vacancy Rate
Home Prices Drop Most in Areas with Long Commute : NPR
Citigroup Launches $6 Billion Preferred Share Sale: IFR - New York Times
Google Video Gets a Makeover NewTeeVee
The Raw Story | Ben Stein shows he's no Michael Moore
Superconductor breakthroughs abound: some like it hot
You Can't Travel Back in Time, Scientists Say | LiveScience
The Color of Plants on Other Worlds: Scientific American
Brain tumour causes uncontrollable paedophilia - 21 October 2002 - New Scientist
Scientists: Even Bigger Quake Could Hit Midwest | LiveScience
041908 / In depth - Clinton finds an ally in McCain
Still with stupid? - Los Angeles Times - Why wouldn't we want an intellectual to be our president?
Urban Perspectives: Why phenomenon Obama just might take Penna. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/20/2008
Talking to ourselves - Los Angeles Times Americans are increasingly close-minded and unwilling to listen to opposing views (and really, really dumb)
Major revelation: U.S. media deceitfully disseminates government propaganda - Glenn Greenwald -
BBC News Player - BH pays tribute to Rumsfeld (10 years of classic Don Rumsfeld)
Average Joe still can't afford a home - MSN Money
Indian Stock Market: What is keeping commodity prices high in a recessionary economy
Bananas United Fruit | Salon Books Intrigue. Power. Corruption. Death. Sex. The history of oil has nothing on that of the yellow fruit.
The Green Issue - Climate Change - Environment - Energy Efficiency - Consumption - New York Times
ISPs' Error Page Ads Let Hackers Hijack Entire Web, Researcher Discloses | Threat Level from (earthlink fucks up the Internet)
BBC Documentary Program Sex In Japan - more than 30% of Japanese high school girls are involved in enjo kosai compensated dating or prostitution
Infected with Insanity: Could Microbes Cause Mental Illness?: Scientific American
Expelled Exposed (this is turning out to be a really good career move for Ben Stein)
Reason Magazine - Flunk This Movie!
Behind TV Analysts, Pentagons Hidden Hand - New York Times
New Statesman - How the rich starved the world
TPM Election Central | Hillary Privately Blasted "The Activist Base Of The Democratic Party" For Caucus Defeats (because, you know, she didn't bother to campaign)
The Pennsylvania Democratic debate in 1 minute - 236 - News
Heart on Your Sleeve? So Over. Try Patriotism on the Lapel. - New York Times
Ken Pollack: Al Qaeda is a great "catch-all" term - Glenn Greenwald - (stupid war-fucks)
Our reign of terror, by the Israeli army - Middle East, World - The Independent
A New Kurnaz Case?: German Held in US Custody in Kabul - International - Spiegel Online (for buying an electric shaver)
WREG-TV Memphis - Law Enforcement Crackdown on Terrorists - 1,292 traffic violations were handed out (we need a war on stupidity)
Hullabaloo: A Mystery Solved, Another Concern, And An Open Letter To Juan Cole (Phillip Bobbitt: todays Islamic terrorist network, which he calls Al Qaeda for short)
YouTube - How Hillary Can Still Win
Oil hits new record $117 a barrel | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters
Stern warns that climate change is far worse than 2006 estimate - The Independent
Resentment Over Darwin Evolves Into a Documentary - New York Times One of the sleaziest documentaries to arrive in a very long time, Expelled (Ben Stein!)
EurasiaNet Civil Society - Turkey: Discovery of 12,000-year-old Temple Complex Could Alter Theory of Human Development
Interactive: audio tour of Paris 1968 | World news |
YouTube - Discovery Channel: I Love the World
glumbert - How to talk to black people
Open Left:: Bush Equals All-Time Disapproval Record (MSM issues nightly calls for his resignation)
Glenn Greenwald - David Brooks' fictitious defense of his industry's behavior
Crooks and Liars Jon Stewart Eviscerates ABCs Hacktacular Debate
Poll: Obama Pulling Away | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | A new Newsweek poll shows Obama pulling away.
ABC gets an earful after debate | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/18/2008 ("ABC was unapologetic")
EzraKlein: Assignment Desk Meets Chart Of The Day: What'S The Middle Class? (Charlie Gibson!)
Clinton's Odds: Time And Delegate Math Not In Her Favor - Politics on The Huffington Post (swift-boat Hilliary)
Matthew Yglesias - After War "Nearly 20 percent of military service members who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan 300,000 in all report symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder or major depression"
Think Progress After Sparing Aid To Israel, Will McCain Also Make Exceptions For Military Housing? (no)
Calculated Risk: California Unemployment Increases Sharply
Public's View of Economy Takes Fast Turn Downward - (90% say it sucks) Exclusive Newfoundland Gets Off Canada's Dole as Williams Takes on Exxon - The ratio of the Dow Jones to Gold price is the same now as 1928 (chart) - Housing Bubble and Bear Links
'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed' (Ben Stein monkeys with evolution) -- (Ben Stein super-hit)
'Sexpelled: No Intercourse Allowed' by - (Ben Stein teaches the controversy - stork theory surpressed by liberal "scientists")
Dark matter may have been found on Earth - space - 17 April 2008 - New Scientist Space
YouTube - Scientology Cancels XENU TV's YouTube Account
village voice > news > Scientology's First Celebrity Defector Reveals Church Secrets by Tony Ortega
Prince of Wales's guide to alternative medicine inaccurate - Times Online
The Raw Story | Congressman introduces bill to decriminalize personal marijuana use
Mad Science: Double Your Lifespan with a Drug that Mutates Your Ribosomes
Scientists Find Blueberries Reverse Age Related Memory Deficits
The Raw Story | Stewart: Despite denials, Bush aides actively managed harsh interrogations (send Condi to the Hague)
In Pa. Debate, The Clear Loser Is ABC
Glenn Greenwald - = The harmony between the Right and the media
Clinton-Obama Debate: ABC Decides Top Issues Facing Americans Are Gaffes, Flag Pins and '60s Radicals
Hannity Spoonfed Left-Field Debate Question To Stephanopoulos - Politics on The Huffington Post
Gibson, Stephanapoulos outrage! | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/16/2008
An open letter to Charlie Gibson and George Stephanapoulos | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/16/2008
ABC News: Clinton, Obama Find 'Brotherly Love' at Philly Debate (abcnews: comment section: 4,000 negative comments)
The Dems Play Trivial Pursuit - TIME
YouTube - TPMtv: Wall to Wall Ugly
Matthew Yglesias (April 17, 2008) - The School of Thousands Dead (McCain: it's all academic)

1 in 33 Homeowners Projected To Be In Foreclosure Within The Next Two Years Economy U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Rise 17,000 to 372,000 Exclusive Vacant Homes in U.K. Prove Speculator Nightmare as Losses Mount

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack | elusis: The whole invisible (something) category
Why does everything suck?: The Stats Are In. YouTube Really Is A Turd
BBC NEWS | Technology | Innocent photographer or terrorist?
Forbidden Fruit, page 1 - News - Phoenix New Times - Phoenix New Times Inbreeding among polygamists along the Arizona-Utah border is producing a caste of severely retarded and deformed children
jcoles weblog: Jeremy Coles take on life. Blog Archive Just announced: MySQL to launch new features only in MySQL Enterprise
Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest - Yahoo! News
Neanderthals speak again after 30,000 years - Yahoo! News
Six Things in Expelled That Ben Stein Doesn't Want You to Know...: Scientific American
Researchers stumped by drug addiction paradox
Lumiere-Technology - RGB - GIS - Multispectral Digitization of Mona Lisa
Stephen Jay Gould, The Median Is Not The Message (article: cancer survival)
The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?, Inventor Tells 60 Minutes He Hopes To Live Long Enough To See Machine Cure Humans - CBS News
Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials
9 Great Historically Accurate Medieval Movies - The List Universe
A Guide To Armageddon | MetaFilter
Dr. Dobb's | CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 1 | April 15, 2008
[]~> | Unix Toolbox
YouTube Video Download Tool
.:shadowfire - Warholizer (upload your photo)
McCain Campaign Finance Violations Go to the FEC - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
village voice > news > The Official Village Voice Election-Season Guide to the Right-Wing Blogosphere by Roy Edroso
The President, the Pope and the Media - Swampland - TIME
Bitter Voters For Barack Obama
Devastating Clinton Video Hits YouTube
Condoleezza Rice Must GO
Euro hits new all-time high of $1.5968 after soft US economic data | Thomson FX Hub Forex News (dollar tanks)
Big Tax Breaks for Businesses in Housing Bill - New York Times (save the mortgage companies! save the banks! save the airlines! save Detroit! screw the people!) In a bid to stem panic, grain exports halted (another great Republican idea)
Texas on the Brink (how Bush and the Republicans fucked up Texas)
Top hedge fund earner took home $3.7B in 2007 - Alpha - Apr. 16, 2008 (paid no taxes)
Mexico Drug War Causes Wild West Blood Bath - New York Times (war on drugz)
A New Reason to Frown | Newsweek Health | Does Botox get into the brain? Troubling research contradicts earlier findings about the treatment
Frontline: sick around the world | PBS (the great American health-care system)
Scientists reconstruct the Pioneer spacecraft anomaly: Scientific American
BBC NEWS | Health | Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk' (Catholic Churh wrong all these centuries)
Why do we focus on the least important causes of cancer? - By Darshak Sanghavi - Slate Magazine
Oregon: our laws are copyrighted and you can't publish them - Boing Boing
Fat, fatter, fattest: Microsofts kings of bloat | InfoWorld | Review | 2008-04-14 | By Randall C. Kennedy
World-first discovery could help treat life-threatening tumors
Obama would ask his AG to "immediately review" potential of crimes in Bush White House | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/14/2008 (Hilliary?)
ABC News: Bush Beats Truman Record for Boos (worst President ever)
Has Hillary Clinton's Campaign Caused a Feminist Reawakening? -- New York Magazine
Bulging prisons drain Michigan's budget (20% of State budget for prisons - them get-tough Repubs)
For Obama and McCain, the Bitter and the Sweet
In Searching for New Job, Gonzales Sees No Takers - New York Times
How Republicans Quietly Hijacked the Justice Department to Swing Elections | Democracy and Elections | AlterNet
Media Matters - On MSNBC, Brzezinski and Novotny falsely asserted McCain's gas tax plan would eliminate "20 percent of the cost" (actually, 5.4%, stupids)
West Wing: The Madness of Ben Bernanke - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Why the next mortgage crisis may be worse. - By Mark Gimein - Slate Magazine
Foreign Policy: Greenspans Follies Swaps Tied to Losses Became `Frankenstein's Monster (Greenspan, again) | 04/14/2008 | Brazil oil field could be huge find
Neatorama Blog Archive The Stupidest Business Decisions in History
Chris Floyd Online - Too Much of Nothing: Crime Without Punishment, War Without End
The Colored Newseum Unqualified Offerings (Jeff Jarvis, original echo-chamber boy)
Matthew Yglesias (April 14, 2008) - Foreign Legions (Michael O'Hanlon, always wrong)
J Street Rahm Emmanuel: on those lazy Iraqis: no "skin in the game" (dead skin doesn't count for Rahm-bo)
Obama Gets Honest About Small Town America's Decay, Elitists Lash out | Election 2008 | AlterNet (and "Hillary takes the low road" as usual)
Lying Is OK, Truth is Verboten in Presidential Campaign | The Progressive
Political Punch: Gun Control Advocates Call Clinton a Hypocrite (so does everybody else)
Firedoglake DNC Files Lawsuit About Campaign Finance Weasel John McCain
Tim Russert Nails Hillary Clinton Over Bosnia Trip Falsehoods - Politics on The Huffington Post
Bush Security Adviser Stephen Hadley Can't Tell The Difference Between Nepal And Tibet - Politics on The Huffington Post (stupid Bushie)
Media Matters - AP scrubbed Hadley's reportedly mistaken reference to "Nepal" (and look at Stephiepoopolus swallowing)
Behind Air Chaos, an F.A.A. Pendulum Swing - New York Times (Bushies threatened the inspectors)
Responsibility for the last seven years - Glenn Greenwald - (Megan McArdle, "dark rooms" "hidden laws" "whipping out the toolbox" and torture) - The United States is torturing children and then falsifying evidence against them: Update on Omar Khadr and Afghanistan
Pensito Review Its Official: Media Are Ignoring Cheneys Unconstitutional Drafting of Torture Guidelines
AP Chairman Refers to "Obama bin Laden" -- In Posing Question to Barack Obama (they really are stupid)
GOP House Member calls Obama "boy." That's southern for n-gger.
Finance Ministers Emphasize Food Crisis Over Credit Crisis - New York Times (but, but what about our SUVs?)
BBC NEWS | Business | World Bank tackles food emergency
Housing Woes in U.S. Spread Around Globe - New York Times
U.S. Economy Hasn't Hit Bottom, Survey Says -
Credit Crunch - Reserves go Negative | Markets and Economy - April 20, 2007: Treasury Secretary Paulson: "The housing market is at or near the bottom. The U.S. economy is very healthy and robust. Subprime mortgage market won't impose a serious problem." - Housing Bubble and Bear Links - "Superstar" hedge fund manager David Tepper lost over $1 Billion for his investors in the last quarter - I thought these funds were supposed to "hedge" against a bear market? - Housing Bubble and Bear Links
Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests'| News | This is London
The incredible shrinking city - Apr. 14, 2008 (Youngstown OH - converting cities for farmland)
28 Days Later...more stem cells! | MetaFilter
John A. Wheeler, Physicist Who Coined the Term Black Hole, Is Dead at 96 - New York Times
Forecast: Big Quake Likely in Calif. - The Huffington Post
Tony Judt: What Have We Learned, If Anything? - The New York Review of Books
It's Obama, stupid: Carter and Gore to end Clinton bid - News
Millionaires-in-Chief - Obama's money (5) - Money Magazine (poorest of the candidates, Hilliary richest)
Bill Clinton, China linked via his foundation - Los Angeles Times (Mr Sleezy)
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community
The Impolitic: It's not over for the Winter Soldiers
Think Progress Blog Archive I dont even know who Petraeus and Crocker are (MSM shocked Iraqi's aren't watching American TV)
Bill Clinton Flashback: "All These Economically Insecure White People...Are Scared To Death" - Politics on The Huffington Post
Group of Seven wants to buy time for dollar without intervening - MarketWatch
U.S. lenders freeze home equity credit lines - International Herald Tribune Archives U.S. Banks Citigroup and Merrill Lynch Reveal Fresh $15 Billion Loss, Deutsche Bank Holding More Toxic Waste on Balance Sheet than Shares Are Worth
Did appraisers juice Florida real-estate market? -- (ya think?)
Super High Me. | MetaFilter
Geotimes - April 2008 - The Wind Over the Waves
How Hunger Could Topple Regimes - TIME
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 04/13/2008 | Polygamist sect gets millions from U.S. government
Espionage Against Pro-Tibet Groups, Others, Spurred Microsoft Patches
Great Wall 360 degree panorama at Jinshanling
Mysterious Earthquakes Off Oregon - TIME
Men's sex-drive: where has it gone? - Telegraph
ABC News: Bush Aware of Advisers' Interrogation Talks (I approved this torture)
Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in U.S. - (no steenking Constitution, either)
YouTube - CNN: The Clintons' Millions - Corrupting Ties
Daily Kos: Obama Responds to Charges of Elitism
TPM Election Central | McCain Attacks Soros-Funded Group -- Even Though McCain's Group Took Soros Money, Too
Hullabaloo: "They did this in your name, Americans." ("If God is just, I tremble for America")
Bank-Implode! UBS-Breaking Up
Homeowners who just walk away - MSN Money
Calls against big CEO pay grow louder - Yahoo! News
Anders in the Flesh : Edward Champions Filthy Habits: Lee Siegel
Top NASA Scientist Says Oil Lobby Controls the Government...duh... | EcoGeek
Lenore Skenazy: More From America's Worst Mom: 9-Year-Old On The Subway, Continued - Living on The Huffington Post
Free Range Kids | MetaFilter
What are the world's most useful dead-tree catalogs? | Ask Metafilter
Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog
Talking Points Memo | Cheney, others OK'd harsh interrogations (Condisleeza: "This is your baby. Go do it.")
Slate's series on how to repair some of the worst Bush administration screw-ups. - - Slate Magazine (what didn't they screw up?)
A Nation of the Corporations, by the Corporations, for the Corporations | PEEK | AlterNet
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Fed's Swap-O-Rama Gets Crazier
A Nation of the Corporations, by the Corporations, for the Corporations | PEEK | AlterNet
Ouch! The Daily Show's Eviscerating "Documentary" About Fox News - Media on The Huffington Post

Britain's Fallen Soldiers | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
The Meter is Running Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
The Meter is Running Pt. 2 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman: The Bugle

Remember Me: A multimedia documentary about one family's struggle to deal with the loss of a parent
BBC NEWS | 'Writuals' - scribes reveal daily routines
American Chronicle | Homeschoolers Who Dontttt Learn Science Shouldn't Receive a Diploma
Poll results: look who's doping : Nature News
Boeing Patent Shuts Down AMC-14 Lunar Flyby Salvage Attempt
Feds Charge Porn Producer With Selling Adult Content to Adults | Threat Level from
The Raw Story | Taco Bell, Wal-Mart, NRA hired 'black ops' company that targeted environmental groups
Cosmetic chemicals found in breast tumours - 12 January 2004 - New Scientist
Creatures Reunite After Ancient Divorce | LiveScience
Scientists unveil revolutionary 'racetrack' computer memory - Telegraph
Forget the CPU. Buy a Better Graphics Card | Popular Science
Network Solutions: Not Just Thieves and Hijackers, Now Using Tactics That Can Get Your Site Banned From Google | Smackdown!
Windows is 'collapsing,' Gartner analysts warn
Can Improve Reader Comments? - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Metafilter comments vs. Youtube comments | We are a Paragon | Metatalk
Stumbling over books - Telegraph Proust and the Squid: the Story and Science of the Reading Brain by Maryanne Wolf
Gates Withdraws Iraq Prediction - New York Times (ha ha, fooled you again)
Bush: General Petraeus "Will Have All The Time He Needs" (fooled you once, twice, three, ... times ...)
The Associated Press: AP Poll: Bush Public Approval at New Low (28% think he's a super President)
Harris Interactive | The Harris Poll - Key Indicators of National Mood Fall to New Lows (15% - "right track")
Sources: Top Bush Advisors Approved 'Enhanced Interrogation' (fucking monsters)
Crooks and Liars: They Knew: Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, John Ashcroft.
Rendition of terrorist suspects to Jordan | Salon "We'll make you see death" - A harrowing account from a man the CIA handed over to Jordan -- smuggled from prison on tiny paper -- exposes U.S. complicity in torture.
TPMMuckraker | Mukasey Refuses to Say Yoo Fourth Amendment Memo Withdrawn
Republicans turn clock back by 60 years - expert | Press Esc (on torture)
U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 - April 10, 2008 - The New York Sun
BBC NEWS | Africa | US shamed by Mandela terror link
Media Matters - CNN's Blitzer asserted Petraeus and Crocker are not "political appointees" -- but Bush appointed both to current positions (Blizter: smartest name in news)
Bush: 140,000 Troops In Iraq Will Be Next President's Problem - Politics on The Huffington Post
A Nation of the Corporations, by the Corporations, for the Corporations | PEEK | AlterNet
Clinton Firm's Deal Left Pennsylvania Churches In Shambles - Politics on The Huffington Post (Bill is a whore)
John McCain Digs Himself Deeper - Insults Half Of All Muslims - The Seminal (McStupid)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel to bar UN rights official
For Many, a Boom That Wasnt - New York Times (but the rich got richer!)
A Tax System that Matches Oregon Values - Oregon Center for Public Policy (Intel: 9bn in profits, 10 bucks in state taxes)
Increase in Trade Deficit Raises Concern: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Ezra Klein | The American Prospect| Paging Paglia (Molly Ivins: "What we have here, fellow citizens, is a crassly egocentric, raving twit. The Norman Podhoretz of our gender")
convert color to old-looking b/w photos
whitneyChromatic.swf (chromatic scale)
The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches of All Time -
Ben Stein's Expelled: No Integrity Displayed: Scientific American
So Much for the Information Age - Today's college students have tuned out the world, and it's partly our fault
George Washington's Blog: 14 Structural Engineers Now Publicly Challenge Government's Explanation for Destruction of the World Trade Center
The iPhone is a piece of shit, and so is your face.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Ancient serpent shows its leg
Begley: Blame the Bugs | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley |
Zombie Computers Decried As Imminent National Threat | Threat Level from
Iraq Report Redux - The facts there have changed; the debate here, less so.
Iraq Hearing Depicts a Nation Divided - New York Times (Senate=Nation sez the NYT)
Tomgram: Patrick Cockburn, Petraeus's Ghost
Informed Comment: Petraeus, Iraq and the Lebanon Analogy
Firedoglake How Did Yoo Manage to Leave Out Youngstown Steel?
Occupying Iraq Is Just Like Occupying ... Alabama? | (for 150 years!)
Mark Penn cashes in on Clinton campaign | Salon News Where do all those little-guy donations go? Ask top strategist Mark Penn, as he exits with millions in consulting fees.
The Mark Penn Factor - Swampland - TIME
Hullabaloo Tears Of A Clown (Matthews may be the most ridiculously transparent of the Village idiots and scribes, but he is far from unique.)
FBI probe: Lieberman campaign to blame for crashing own Web site - The Advocate (media ran with the story on election day)
INSTAPUTZ: Heh. Indeeb. ("If McCain can't spell his name properly, how can we expect him to beat the terrorists?")
The great John McCain story you've probably forgotten. - By Michael Lewis - Slate Magazine
The BRAD BLOG : BREAKING: Sequoia Touch-Screen Voting Machines Subpoenaed in NJ
TPMMuckraker | Julie Myers coverup non-coverup: Republican "humor")
The Tax Mans Gone Belligerent - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics 42 cents of every federal tax dollar goes to military expenditures; more than 10 cents goes to paying off foreign debt. In contrast, education got just 4.4 cents.
Wall of silence broken at state's Muslim public school
Friendly Atheist Update on Atheist-Hating Illinois State Rep. Monique Davis (God, she made Olbermann's WPitW)

IMF says US crisis is 'largest financial shock since Great Depression' | Business | (Bush: Mission Accomplished!)

AntarcticaRockSurface.jpg (Antarctica without all the ice: land of seas and atolls)
NORML Blog Blog Archive Cannabis Consumers and Producers Labeled Criminal By The Government; Beer Industry and Consumers Celebrate 75th Anniversary Ending Beer Prohibition
Limited nuclear war would damage ozone layer - earth - 07 April 2008 - New Scientist Environment (nuke Iran!)
Copyriot What the IFPI tries to conceal about its origins in fascist Italy
New U.S. weapon: Hand-held lie detector - Terrorism- (don't need no steenking science)
Closely-watched case may spell trouble for software patents
Blogging For Dollars:'s Top 25 Blogs -- the one-page-version
Flickr: Help: Video
it's all lost and stoof (really the best 404 ever)
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Dear Abby Letters (status: true)
Lies I've told my three year old recently. | MetaFilter
Gallup Daily: Obama Moves to 9-point Lead Over Clinton
"A Tale of Three Lawyers" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) "more than 108 detainees died in detention. In a large number of these cases, the deaths have been ruled a homicide and connected to torture" (Bushco: murderers)
Hillary Clinton and Watergate: Corroboration of Stupid, Politically Tone-Deaf Behavior | (a pattern?)
Attytood: ABC's big "surprise": The actual troops don't want McCain -- they want to come home
ABC News: In Turnaround, Justice to Answer Iraq Rape Questions
The Big Picture | Yet Another Housing Surprise? (Fed: delay in a rebound of U.S. home sales continues to "surprise.")
Pending Home Sales Fall 1.9% to Record Low - Real Estate * US * News * Story - Science Clay May Help Fight Drug-Resistant Germs, Researchers Find
Clive Thompson on Why the Next Civil Rights Battle Will Be Over the Mind
The Government Is Trying to Wrap Its Mind Around Yours -
Nuclear scientists eye future landfall on a second 'island of stability' (4/8/2008)
Museum of Broken Relationships
Secret US plan for military future in Iraq | World news | The Guardian Document outlines powers but sets no time limit on troop presence
Think Progress Blog Archive McCains Speech On Progress In Iraq Interrupted By News Of Mortars Hitting The Green Zone
McCain's "triumph" over a nonexistent heckler - War Room - (CNN is warping your mind)
PBS' Iraq Documentary Sets Online Viewership Record - Media on The Huffington Post
Glenn Greenwald - Cokie Roberts speaks out on the war on behalf of the American people (your lying rightwing media)
Think Progress - Chris Shays: I still havent read pre-war Iraq NIE (neither did Hilliary)
100-Year Occupation = 100 Years of War |
Report: Iraq goals no closer than a year ago - Army Times
McCain: Democrats' Stance on Iraq Flawed - Huggy Bear on Iraq: "something approaching normal"
Open Left:: Responsible Plan On ABC News
The Cold Hard 911 Truth
BBC NEWS | Africa | US threatens world peace, says Mandela (flashback: Cheney opposed Mandela's release from prison)
Grains Gone Wild - New York Times
Over the Top Fed Actions Feed Conspiracy Thinking | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
RussiaToday : Business : Dollar drowning: boon or bane for Russia?
CBC News In Depth: Energy Peak oil
Wall St banks 'hooked on emergency funds scheme' | Business | The Observer
DW Griffith's Infamous Epic | MetaFilter
Tunnel Milestone, and More to Come - New York Times
Google AdSense Advertising - eeech... - Rick Strahl's Web Log
Bad Science BBC Newsnight mine the Brain Gym comedy mountain
Drug Makers Near Old Goal: A Legal Shield - New York Times
NYU dental professor discovers biological clock
The American Scholar - Getting It All Wrong - By Brian Boyd
Top 10 Wired Reader Night Photos, Decided by You
Earth in crisis, warns NASA's top climate scientist
Church of Scientology warns Wikileaks over documents - Wikinews, the free news source
Are Animals Stuck In Time?
Atolls - Atoll Gallery
Scientists Crack Security System Of Millions Of Cars (from Sunday Herald)
CFI Issues Critique of Civics Textbook | Center for Inquiry (Republican "education")
French Theory in America - Stanley Fish - Think Again - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Pat Hanrahan: Self-Illustrating Phenomena
The big bang in musical form Blogs Scientific American Community
Magic Pen by Alejandro Guillen
Where to upload a large NSFW video? | Ask Metafilter
Broadband Network Management - CUSystems - New traffic shaping can disrupt a Comcast Internet connection
The Bizarre History of 10 Common Sayings |
SevereStudios Live ChaseCam Network |
YouTube - Best Game Ever
"Worst. President. Ever." by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Mark Penn Resigns From Clinton Camp - Politics on The Huffington Post
Lost In Translation, FBI Translator Sibel Edmonds Grants First Interview To Ed Bradley - CBS News
Political Punch In Oregon, Clinton Makes False Claim About Her Iraq Record Vs. Obama's (she "criticized" the war by voting for it!)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 04/05/2008 | Is Hillary Clinton dishonest? A lot of Americans think so (we wonder why?)
Hillary Clinton's Self-Swiftboating into Irrelevance | (the Clintonsin the top one-hundredth of 1 percent, or roughly 14,500, of all taxpayers)
Hotline On Call: Kerry: Obama Won't Be Swift Boated Politics - Crushing New Poll For Clinton: Obama Leads By 23 In NC
PK: Voodoo Health Economics - New York Times (McCain's health care plan wouldn't cover himself)
Daily Kos: A Discussion with Eric Lichtblau: Bush's Law
There Were Orders to Follow - New York Times (Nazi Bush regime)
THE EXILE - Who Won Iraq's "Decisive" Battle? - By Gary Brecher - The War Nerd (not Maliki, Petraeus and Cheney)
Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 83 - New York Times (guns in hell)
Somewhere to Run To: Where Deposed Dictators Have Settled - TIME
Angry protests as torch reaches London -
Calculated Risk: Maricopa: Do It For the Children (McMansion wasteland)
The New York Times > Business > Image > The Impact of the Subprime Mortgage Squeeze Across the U.S.
CPI leaps to 8.7% in February, 11-year high
Soros predicts end of the road for cheap and easy borrowing - Business News, Business - The Independent Exclusive Lenders Swamped By Foreclosures Let Homeowners Stay
videogameviolence.jpg (Hilliary's pet bill)
Reasons why it's worth to be a PCgamer in 2008 -
On Prisons, Borders, Safety, and Privilege: An Open Letter to White Feminists | Reproductive Justice and Gender | AlterNet
Afarensis: Intelligent Design Bait and Switch in Missouri
Alzheimer's Disease - Reporter's File - Zen and the Art of Coping With Alzheimer's - NY Times Health
Mom lets son, 9, ride subway alone - TODAY: People -
The ultimate hotel room finder | Computerworld Blogs
"Seven Jokes That Came True" by Jeff & Patrick on CollegeHumor
GE's New Water Heater Could Kill 30 Coal Plants | EcoGeek (17% of home energy needs)
MathTrek: Creeping Up on Riemann
AIM math: GL(3) Maass forms and L-functions - Glimpses of a new (mathematical) world
Helium supplies endangered, threatening science and technology
Coming soon: superfast internet - Times Online
Newly discovered 'superinsulators' promise to transform materials research, electronics design (4/6/2008)
Agent Orange: A Chapter from History That Just Won’t End | Orion magazine
How Hallucinogens Play Their Mind-Bending Games: Scientific American
The Origin of Menopause: Why Do Women Outlive Fertility?: Scientific American
When no hope is left in sight | Jerusalem Post
Ibuprofen or acetaminophen in long-term resistance training increases muscle mass/strength
Daily Kos: A glowing new NIE on Iraq (but you won't read it)
Disclosure Of Torture Memo Fails To Grab Traditional Media's Attention - Politics on The Huffington Post
The War's Expiration Date -
Daily Kos: Campaign Finance Primer (After Example 4,295,273,993 of Reporters Screwing Up Campaign $ Story) (too complicated for the media)
Media Matters by Jamison Foser - When McCain cries foul, the media are eager to agree (they love bombs-away huggy bear)
The Raw Story | McCain delays releasing medical records again, raising suspicion (that he's brain-dead)
Daily Kos: Penn, Clinton, and Obama: The Colombia Backstory
Ohio Hospital Contests a Story Clinton Tells - New York Times (pantsuit on fire, again)
What Did Bill Clinton Do To Get $15M From Ron Burkle? - Politics on The Huffington Post
TPMCafe | The Next President and Israel
Pentagon Edited Wikipedia Entry Of Gay Soldier Killed In Iraq, Evidence Shows - Politics on The Huffington Post
British fear US commander is beating the drum for Iran strikes - Telegraph
McCain’s elusive medical records - The Carpetbagger Report
YouTube - Why John Edwards Can't Endorse Hillary (In His Own Words)
History News Network: Historians: only 19% think Bush will be viewed as a success
Think Progress » Blog Archive » Rep. McHenry calls U.S. soldier in Iraq a ‘two-bit security guard.’ (how they think)
CIA Plane Crashes in Mexico - A Story With a Twist in the Tale // Current (this all won't come out eventually)
Barron's Online - Dr. Greenspan's Amazing Invisible Thesis (as widely reported, oh wait)
Weak Economy Sours Public’s View of Future, New Poll Finds - New York Times
Mortgage defaults force Denver exodus -
Stop The Mortgage Bailout!
52 Girls Removed From Texas Religious Compound - The Huffington Post
Men Create More Housework for Women | LiveScience Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women
Boyfriends Do More Housework Than Husbands | LiveScience
Eurozine - The rebirth of religion and enchanting materialism - Sven-Eric Liedman
Eliot Spitzer, sex scandals, and the Internet | Salon | Is the Internet eroding America's Puritanism -- or making it worse?
Professors Should Embrace Wikipedia :: Inside Higher Ed
Homeland Insecurity ... Why Children Must Be a Priority in the 2008 Presidential Campaign (Child Well-Being in the States )
Beware the New New Thing - New York Times (making the net just like cable tv)
Aztec Math Decoded, Reveals Woes of Ancient Tax Time
Matter-Antimatter Split Hints at Physics Breakdown: Scientific American
9 things to stop worrying about right now - Health -
The Birth of a Brain Cell: Scientists Witness Neurogenesis: Scientific American
Unhappy with your shape? It's your genes - Telegraph (lean mean genes)
Life on Mars: Stunning 3D photos show the Red Planet's mountain ranges for the first time | the Daily Mail
Scientific American: How Stereotyping Yourself Contributes to Your Success (or Failure)
The Psychology of Tyranny: Scientific American
Did Hillary sit next to Rev. Wright at prayer breakfast?
Political Ties To a Secretive Religious Group | MetaFilter
The Raw Story | ABC anticipates Clinton tax returns to see offshore income (sleazy Bill)
Factor military duty into criticism -- National Government, The White House, Lyndon Baines Johnson -- (surprise)
British Muslims 'planned to kill thousands by bringing down SEVEN transatlantic airliners in one go with liquid bombs' | the Daily Mail
Alison Weir: Funding Our Decline Should the U.S. End Aid to Israel? ("half of all US tax money abroad has been expended to benefit a country the size of New Jersey")
Poll: 76 percent say U.S. ready for black president - (Hilliary in the 24%)
Media Matters - Myth: Americans tuned out Iraq Fact: The press tuned out Iraq
Muckraked » Blog Archive » Bear Stearns CEO Blames Media: Echo of “Rumors and Speculation” (and Saturday morning cartoons)
Consumer bankruptcies jump 27% - Apr. 2, 2008
How To Find Out Who Sold Your Gmail Address To Spammers | B.E.T.A. Daily
Scientists find host of antibiotic-eating germs
Trend: Pretty Babies - Philly Mag
Marijuana In Beer
YouTube - Koyaanisqatsi Trailer - High Definition
Think Progress » Blog Archive » Bush ‘abruptly’ leaves NATO meeting (snitfit)
The Gavel » Blog Archive » Conyers, Judiciary Members Demand Answers from Attorney General on 9/11 Surveillance
Why doesn't the 9/11 Commission know about Mukasey's 9/11 story? - Glenn Greenwald - (they were in the bag, duh)
The Raw Story | Mukasey hints US had attack warning before 9/11 (media yawns)
John Yoo's war crimes - Glenn Greenwald -
Convictions : Because Ipse Dixit Says So
TPMMuckraker | Interview with The New York Times' Eric Lichtblau (Bush's Law and the Dept of Injustice)
Pentagon Is Expected to Close Intelligence Unit - New York Times (cowboys, black budgets, law-breaking)
All Aboard the McCain Express
Memo: Laws Didn't Apply to Interrogators - (you mean, torturers?)
The Green Light: Politics & Power: (the torture gang)
Oliver Stone's new movie about the American president, W, goes beyond a warts-and-all portrayal of George Bush | 'How did Bush go from being an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world?'
Political Radar: Candidate Clinton to Richardson: 'Barack Obama Can't Win'
"Vote machine: How Republicans hacked the Justice Department" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Think Progress » Blog Archive » Conservatives lead in earmarks (in a Democratic Congress)
First Draft: The Doug Feith Primer: Liberal blogosphere or Bush admininstration hack: Who would you trust?
The NSA 0wnz popular firewalls and 'secure' email services - The INQUIRER
Brendan Nyhan: Be careful interpretating primary results! (the race chasm)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Casey Myth Once Again (Michael Gerson: liar)
Daily Kos: MuKasey lies, Bush arranged drinking trip for underage Jenna for 9/12/01
Fafblog! back to save the universe
Jobless Claims Shoot Up to 2-Year High: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
TNR: Economic Indicators, Fast Food Edition
Amazon Ups the Ante on Platform Lock-In - Tools of Change for Publishing
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | History of Stonehenge
The world in virtual reality, VR city maps. 360 Cities
Here comes the sun! Where are your shades? - Tech it Out! with Paul Hochman -
UC Researchers: China Most Polluted Place On Earth? - Photos - KNTV | San Francisco
Sex therapists: A few minutes is best -
Secret Life of a Porn Star - My Sister, the Porn Star - Marie Claire
2008 Presidential Candidates on Medical Marijuana (Obama yes, Hilliary and Old John, no)
Memo justified warrantless surveillance - Yahoo! News
John Yoo's war crimes - Glenn Greenwald - Salon (torture Yoo)
Matthew Yglesias (April 02, 2008) - The Yoo Coverup (Foreign Policy)
The Swamp: Justice interrogation memo: Constitution not in play
Bill's Tirade In Private Meeting Stuns Superdelegates - Politics on The Huffington Post (Mr Me strikes again)
Too Many Kagans, Too Little Knowledge - Swampland - TIME (teevee loves the always-wrong Kagans)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | DoJ Investigators Probing Whether Goodling Fired Lawyer Due to Gay Rumors Breaking: Monica Goodling Is Engaged! (to Redstate blogger!)
Media Matters - Matthews: Does Obama "connect with regular people" or just African-Americans and college grads? (your racist media: Black people not "regular")
Think Progress » Blog Archive » CNN catches McCain making contradictory statements about Sadr (old man)
Calculated Risk: Treasury: Bear Stearns Collateral is mostly MBS (ie, shitpile)
In Pictures: America's Riskiest Real Estate Markets -
Who was Jim Crow? | MetaFilter
Intelligence is Sexy | MetaFilter
The Biographicon
Survey: Fla. Teens Believe Drinking Bleach Will Prevent HIV - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando Some Teens Also Believe Mountain Dew Will Stop Pregnancy (result of no sex-ed in Flor-i-duh)
CBS cuts news staff across country - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety
Toyota Denies Prius Govt Funding Report: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
The 5 Most Ridiculous Lies You Were Taught In History Class |
Tooth Regeneration May Replace Drill-and-Fill
A good night's sleep the key to staying slim - Telegraph
Teleportation, time travel and aliens - a vision of tomorrow today | Science | The Guardian
Matthew Yglesias (April 01, 2008) - Did Paul Berman Oppose the War? (no, he's a liar)
Talking Points Memo | The Admiral That Can't Shoot Straight
TPM Election Central | Rasmussen: Hillary Ahead By Just Five Points In Pennsylvania Primary
Clinton Says Obama Wants to Stop Votes (just go, Hilliary)
YouTube - Hillary Clinton's NAFTA Story Exposed
Daily Kos: Hillary Fired? (gross ethics violations during Watergate)
Suburban Guerrilla: Media Bias
Calculated Risk: Treasury Agrees to Absorb any Losses to the Fed from Bear Stearns (that is, you agreed)
Brown rejects calls for immigration cap | Politics |
UBS to Write Down Another $19 Billion - New York Times
'Vote on freedom of expression marks the end of Universal Human Rights'
BBC NEWS | Technology | How the open net closed its doors
YouTube - Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans
Cruel and Usual Punishment
April Fools 2008 | MetaFilter
CPR without the P | MetaFilter
Addicted to Mom: Science Videos - Science News - ScienCentral
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Excavation starts at Stonehenge
Technology Review: A Unique View of Disease
Life Before Death at the Wellcome Collection | Society |
"Gitmo and the G.O.P. Election Effort" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Talking Points Memo | Oops Racial healer Lou Dobbs explains how he's sick of "cotton pickin'" black leaders telling him how he can and can't talk about race
What's behind the boom in homeland-security and emergency-management majors? - By Jessica Portner - Slate Magazine
Talking Points Memo | Last Refuge ... (Clinton surrogate Rendell praising Fox news)
The News Business: Out of Print: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker: The death and life of the American Eric Alterman
Fed up with the Fed - Mar. 31, 2008 Some wonder why Paulson wants to expand the powers of an agency that sat idly by as the housing bubble took shape.
Comprehensive sex ed may cut teen birth rate - Kids and parenting- (newsflash: right wing was wrong)
Practice makes perfect | Ask Metafilter What are some activities that are like 'going to the gym' for your profession?
tertiary ed around the world. | MetaFilter
What the Frak is Going On? | Catch Up to Season Four | Battlestar Galactica | SCIFI.COM
US allows visual inspections of nipple rings | The Register
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid | The Register
Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking' - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - The Independent
Why matter matters in the universe : Media Releases : News : The University of Melbourne
The iPhone: finally PWNED | The iPhone Project
YouTube - Squirrel on a Impossible Reggae Mission
petepaper.jpg (Walt Whitman "Biography" is genius)
The Clean Energy Scam - TIME
National Gallup Poll: Obama 52% Clinton 42% | 2008 Presidential Candidates
TPM Election Central | Obama Camp Declares Victory In Texas Conventions And Overall State Contest
Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills - Kenneth P. Vogel -
"Gitmo and the G.O.P. Election Effort" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Clinton Delegate Strategy Backfiring?
Hillary, reassessed - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Richard M. Scaife loves Hilliary now (what changed?)
Richardson: Voters Decide, Not Big Shots, Says Party Superdelegates Should Not Overrule Popular Will Of Voters In Choosing Nominee - CBS News
ABC News: Are We Heading Into a Depression?
Where No Fed Has Gone Before
Manufacturing’s comeback chance - Times Online
Can she get a napkin please? | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist (*)
Fold-Ins, Past and Present - The New York Times
John Gray: Those who control oil and water will control the world | Comment is free | The Observer
Evolution Of New Species Slows Down As Number Of Competitors Increases
Breakthrough claimed in male contraceptives - - The Washington Times
APOD: 2008 March 30 - Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/26/2008 | Commentary: Shame on them and shame on us (support our "volunteers")
Media Matters - Wash. Post claimed McCain "most aggressive" of the three major candidates in "identifying ways to reduce spending," ignoring cost of Iraq policy
The Top Ten Craziest Things John McCain Has Said While You Weren't Watching | AlterNet
Obama Rewriting Rules for Raising Campaign Money Online -
Hillary And Bill: We Aren't Going Anywhere - Politics on The Huffington Post
Potomac Watch - - The Whitewater Proxy (they would say that)
Bill Maher's Hillary Clinton Monologue: "Get Elected Or Lie Trying" - Politics on The Huffington Post
Mukasey: piracy funding terror - Yahoo! News
Foreign Affairs - America the Resilient - Stephen E. Flynn
What's behind the boom in homeland-security and emergency-management majors? - By Jessica Portner - Slate Magazine
6 Signs the U.S. May Be Headed for War in Iran - News Desk (
McCain guru linked to subprime crisis - Lisa Lerer -
Economic Meltdown: The Consequences of Legal Bribery | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet » Archives » Federal Reserve Seeks Broad Authority to Oversee “Financial Market Stability”
Meet the super-rich, the dysfunctional class threatening American values. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine
Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov, A New Superconducting State, Verified In Experiments | Scientific Blogging
Asking a Judge to Save the World, or More - New York Times
Reuters : Bearing Witness
Senator Leahy To Clinton: Drop Out t
Summary of Findings: Obama Weathers the Wright Storm, Clinton Faces Credibility Problem: National Discontent Approaches 20-Year High, Bush Approval at 28%
Art Levine: 25% of Anti-Obama Dems Think He's a Muslim - Politics on The Huffington Post (Hilliary's smear)
Talking Points Memo | Breaking Free (Bill"s lies)
Daily Kos: FUD in Texas, courtesy of Camp Clinton
Bush aide resigns - The White House-
Dakota: No McCain T-Shirt For Us
Glenn Greenwald - - Bush and McCain's shared foreign policy approach
Eric Schmeltzer: Obama-Clinton: A Murder-Suicide in Progress, and How to Stop It - Politics on The Huffington Post
Bob Casey to endorse Obama, join bus tour | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/28/2008
Think Progress » Blog Archive » Rice Concedes She Didn’t Think Iraq ‘Would Be This Tough,’ Blames Iraqis For Continued Violence (not her fault, no one could have forseen, etc)
Siegelman case political? Ask the state GOP.
Bush: Iraq Violence A Necessary Part Of Development - Politics on The Huffington Post
Fox on the Run - TIME (can Fox survive after Bush?)
Comment is free: McCain's grandpa problem John McCain's repeated confusion about foreign policy may call into question his fitness to be president (neuropsych)
Blogs: Manila Ryce: Noam Chomsky: Why Don't We Ask What's Best For the Iraqis? [VIDEO] | AlterNet
CBR077.gif (Britain vs America)
Fed Leaders Ponder an Expanded Mission Wall Street Bailout Could Forever Alter Role of Central Bank (Bushonomics)
Bankruptcies in America | Waiting for Armageddon | The recent rise in corporate bankruptcies in America may well be a sign of much worse to come - Tables Turn Quickly on Chinese Real Estate Developers - Chinese Bubble
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | JB on PK vs BHO
Adult Fun with Jell-O Shots : DivineCaroline
Monogamous for the Moment: Science of Sex : DivineCaroline
Parkinsons Disease Linked to Pesticides - New Study Questions Pesticide Safety -
Respectful Insolence: Vaccines and autism: The incredible shrinking causation claim shrinks some more
BBC NEWS | Health | Human noses 'can detect danger'
Snakes on the Brain: Science Videos
World War Z Movie Details Revealed - Children of Men With Zombies? «
YouTube - Squirrel on a Impossible Reggae Mission
Areas of Baghdad fall to militias as Iraqi Army falters in Basra - Times Online
Daily Kos: The big immigration backlash in Connecticut
Think Progress » Blog Archive » Bush: Iraq’s Resurging Violence ‘A Very Positive Moment’
Five Things - Swampland - TIME
Ben Sargent, comics, editorial cartoons: So?
Chris Dodd: This Race Must End - Politics on The Huffington Post
Obama Girl Is Back, And She's Ready For That 3 A.M. Phone Call - Media on The Huffington Post
NBC-WSJ poll: New Clinton lows - First Read -
U.S Democratic race over? Clinton doesn't think so | Reuters "I hear it in the atmosphere"
Daily Kos: Who Will Tell The Clintons That Hillary Has Lost? Political Bulletin: Top Clinton Backers Threaten Pelosi (she'll stop at nothing)
BBC Will and Testament | William Crawley's broadcasting diary | Clinton aide slurs David Trimble (Nobel Peace Prize) as a "crankpot" (nothing she/her aides won't say)
Don't Forget Pat Nixon! - Fact Checker
YouTube - Experts Say Sirhan Sirhan Did Not Shoot RFK
What can and cannot be spoken on television - Glenn Greenwald -
Matthew Yglesias (March 25, 2008) - Sleep-Deprived (Hilliary's recollection of Tuzla)
Tender Mercenaries: DynCorp and Me
Equity Loans as Next Round in Credit Crisis - New York Times
bank shot | MetaFilter
Fed, central banks act on credit needs: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance -- to exchange billions in low-risk U.S. government bonds for underperforming mortgage investments (aka "big shitpile")
Credit Crunch Fallout: Germans Fear Meltdown of Financial System - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study - News Wires -
Be It Ever So Illogical: Homeowners Who Won’t Cut the Price - New York Times
Europe shows resilience in face of U.S. downturn - International Herald Tribune
FSU Editorial: "The Dow is Crashing" by Mike Maloney 04/16/2007
Irvine Housing Blog: Big Time (house=ATM w/5bd+1.5bth)
Photoshop Express - beta version | MetaFilter
Adobe Puts Free Version Of Photoshop Online -
Inventions That Don't Exist 1.
Almost statistics | MetaFilter
WebKit build scores 100/100 on Acid3 | MetaFilter
Y dutew ofwetiapwotf wt peqgwtmeyvd. | MetaFilter (cryptograms)
Country - USA 1940-1950 :: Oreys com :: Funny things from network
The Extinct Human Species That Was Smarter Than Us | Evolution of Intelligence | DISCOVER Magazine (child-like faces w/big heads)
Shower Time | Gato Island
/ FRONTLINE: bush's war | PBS
The Corner on National Review Online: Hell Has Officially Frozen Over (Hilliary and Scaife: Bill and Limbaugh, etc)
Marc Ambinder (March 25, 2008) - Obama And The Jews (more shit from Hilliary)
Rolling Stone : Lies, Damn Lies, and Mispeakings (Hilliary, of course)
Think Progress » Blog Archive » O’Reilly: Media Matters, Huff Post, Daily Kos ‘are fascists’ and anti-American.
McCain Recycles 2001 Pro-War Column For 2008 Speech - Politics on The Huffington Post
FGIC: Mortgage Losses Exceed Legal Limits - New York Times
McCain's golden opportunity -
Balloon Juice The “Do as I Say, Not As I Do” Candidate (Hilliary's politics of personal destruction)
Chelsea Clinton Has Quick Response For Lewinsky Question - Politics on The Huffington Post
If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain
Perceived Honesty Gap for Clinton Versus Obama, McCain
Talking Points Memo | Ya Think? (Hilliary: double gross)
The Mental Masturbator » Blog Archive » What’s Wrong With Liberal?
Firedoglake » Just What DID Trigger That Investigation of Spitzer? (Roger Stone)
Video of Hillary’s Heroism Surfaces | Election Geek Blog 2008 Election News 24/7 Worldwide Paulson Urges Broader Fed Oversight of Wall Street
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Voted "Worst Interviewer," Larry King "Least Sexy" In TV Hosts Poll - Media on The Huffington Post
Huge Chunk of Antarctic Ice Breaks Loose | Wired Science from
supacat: Sex and flirting in Japan
Respectful Insolence: Death by supplements (Selenium and prostate cancer)
Bush Given Iraq War Plan With a Steady Troop Level - New York Times
The Long Defeat - New York Times Clinton’s long rear-guard action is the logical extension of her relentlessly political life ("a machine for the production of politics)
High Court Hears Cases of U.S. Citizens Held in Iraq : NPR
Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - ("I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement")
Daily Kos: The Year of the YouTube Campaign Video (Forensic Version)
Media Matters - Dobbs asked if Obama is "pandering to ethnocentric special interests again" by accepting Richardson's endorsement
Matthew Yglesias (March 25, 2008) - The Hand-Wringing Gap (Foreign Policy)
'Star Wars' Turns 25, Eats $120 Billion; Worth It? | Danger Room from
Political Punch: Democratic Party Official: Clinton Pursuing 'The Tonya Harding Option'
Think Progress » Blog Archive » McCain Promises A Series Of ‘Meetings’ To Solve Housing Crisis
The ongoing exclusion of war opponents from the Iraq debate - Glenn Greenwald - The ongoing exclusion of war opponents from the Iraq debate
40% of Afghan aid returns to donor countries, says report | World news | (rest goes to warlords)
Calculated Risk: Entitlement
Attytood: Clinton's "Delphic oracle" Alan Greenspan
Minyanville - Changing the Benchmark
Comment is free: Crony capitalism: In the face of Wall Street panic, the Fed is subsidising the biggest and most powerful investment banks
Interfluidity :: Counterparty of last resort?
Big Drop in Confidence Deepens Recession Worries - Retail * US * News * Story -
New Limits to Growth Revive Malthusian Fears -
But where do the candidates stand on partying? « Plus Two Charisma
Clear Channel wants the FCC to force XM / Sirius to obey indecency laws - Engadget (Republifucks)
Tina Fey Disses Jon Stewart | MetaFilter
YouTube - David Hockney meets William Wegman
67 Celebrities Who Are Scientologists : Top Socialite
The dirtiest place on Earth: During the Cold War, a corner of Washington state was home to the plutonium industry. Cleaning up the deadly mess is now proving the biggest environmental challenge ever - 19 February 1994 - New Scientist Tech (Hanford Wa)
Alarm as dolls get breast implants in 'Miss Bimbo' game -
U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 4,000 - Conflict in Iraq- (Mission Accomplished)
The Raw Story | 97 percent of US death toll came after 'Mission Accomplished'
ABC News: Cheney Exclusive: On 4,000 Dead in Iraq, "So?" He Says "They Volunteered" (motherfucker)
Nico Pitney: A Mosaic: 4,000 Americans Dead
Clinton Calls for Panel on Housing Woes - New York Times - Hilliary Clinton called on President Bush on Monday to appoint ''an emergency working group on foreclosures'' (ha ha ha)
Talking Points Memo | Reductio Ad Absurdum Reductio Ad Absurdum
TPM Election Central | Hillary-Backer Evan Bayh: Super-Delegates Should Back Hillary Because Of Electoral College (more crap from Hilliary)
Police: Clinton aide to plead guilty - NewsFlash - The plea deal was reached after the arresting officer was activated by the military and ordered to Iraq
Richardson is Judas? Take that, Obama! « The Political Inquirer
TPM Election Central | Hillary Campaign: She "Misspoke" About Bosnia Sniper Incident (for like 5 minutes, twice)
TPM Election Central | Hillary: We Need A "Commander-In-Chief" For The Economy (Hilliary: warlord for the economy)
Clinton's "Sniper Fire" Trip To Bosnia: More Video - Politics on The Huffington Post
Talking Points Memo: More on Tuzla (like, she lied, dude)
2 McCain Moments, Rarely Mentioned - New York Times
Crooks and Liars » Chuck Todd admits media gave McCain a pass over Iran/al-Qaeda gaffe and would have attacked the Dems
Glenn Greenwald - Journalists, McCain and the false Iran/al-Qaida link
How Clinton and Obama could run together and take turns being president. - By Akhil Reed Amar - Slate Magazine
Think Progress » Blog Archive » O’Hanlon Gripes About His Waning Influence: I Now Get ‘Less Than One’ Interview Request Per Day (just shut up)
This Modern World | Salon Comics (Magic Ponies)
YouTube - Reporters Blow Whistle on FOX News
SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - Mission Accomplished for Dutch Populist: How a Film Triggered a Global Panic - International
Taming the Beast - New York Times - We’re now in the midst of an epic financial crisis, which ought to be at the center of the election debate. But it isn’t. (Krugman) Federal Home Loan Banks May Buy $150 Billion of Bonds
JP Morgan Sweetens Deal That Is Still Sour For Bear Investors - JP Morgan/Bear Stearns -- The Legal (Malpractice?) Angle
Customer Service Showdown: The Cable Company vs the DMV > Trusted Advisor Associates > Trust Matters
Quamut: the go to how to
YouTube - Jim Henson's Time Piece
YouTube - DICK Cheney "SO"
Mickey Edwards - Dick Cheney's Error -
One of Instapundit's favorite bloggers speaks on race - Glenn Greenwald - One of Instapundit's favorite bloggers speaks on race (more crap from the right)
Release of Clinton Schedules Offers Chance to Test Campaign Assertions - New York Times - WTC I: Mrs. Clinton stayed behind in Washington to attend a photo shoot with Parade magazine and a performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar.”
YouTube - Hillary in Tuzla: The Tale of Bosnian Sniper Fire (TRAILER)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Hillary's Campaign-ending Lie (The misty water-colored memories of an egotist)
Taxing questions for Clinton - Fact Checker
ABC News: Hillary at White House on 'Stained Blue Dress' Day
Interview With Walter Pincus On The State Of The Press - Politics on The Huffington Post
Fed's rescue halted a derivatives Chernobyl - Telegraph
Woes in Condo Market Build As New Supply Floods Cities - Woes in Condo Market Build As New Supply Floods Cities
Rick Falkvinge: Why the US is collapsing
New Hampshire: House Passes Pot Decriminalization Proposal - NORML
The Internet? Bah! | (1995)
On this day of resurrection... | MetaFilter| Speaking of speeches, David Eggers delivers one at TED on grassroots community tutoring for kids who need help with their English homework:
Suddenly Last Supper - Popped Culture - Science blog for the casually curious. » Superconductors at room-temp NOT reached, comments from researcher inside
10 Handy Numbers to Save in Your Mobile Phone | Marc and Angel Hack Life
The Big Picture: climate change | Environment |
Do The Test (*)
Another Bill Clinton Moment - general election matchup between his wife, Sen. Clinton, and Sen. John McCain would be between "two people who love this country" (go back to your billion dollar library, Bill, and shut up)
White House: Computer hard drives tossed - Yahoo! News - The White House says it does not know if any e-mails are missing, but is looking into the matter (Bush under the desk)
Daily Kos: White House: Computer hard drives tossed - On a variation of "The dog ate my homework": - FOX News Poll: Bush and Congressional Job Ratings Hit Historic Lows
LRB · Henry Siegman: The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam
The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam | MetaFilter
YouTube - FRONTLINE | "Bush's War" | Preview of Night 1 | PBS
Matthew Yglesias (March 22, 2008) - Incompetence (Foreign Policy) - A list of behaviors and viewpoints that I would not tolerate in a babysitter but that I am forced to tolerate in President George W. Bush
First a Tense Talk With Clinton, Then Richardson Backs Obama - New York Times (Snakehead Carville: Richardson is Judas)
No, it's *literally* raining McCain. | MetaFilter
YouTube - Hillary4U&Me Reaction Video
The Page - by Mark Halperin - TIME Painful - Things Hillary Clinton Knows — Or Should Know
CBS Poll: Good Reviews For Obama Speech, But Problems For Democratic Candidate Remain As Fewer Think He Could Unite The Country - CBS News (thank you, Hilliary)
Truthdig - Reports - Gore Vidal Speaks Seriously Ill of the Dead (William F (Fucker) Buckley)
Media Matters - O'Reilly on Media Matters : "Any of the presidential candidates who can deport those swine -- I'm voting for them" (heart of the Republican beast)
Pew Research Center: Fewer Voters Identify as Republicans
Greg Palast » Eliot’s Mess: The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked
Questions abound on Bear Stearns buyout | Reuters
The gospel according to moral hazard - The Boston Globe
The gospel according to moral hazard - The Boston Globe
Stewart Translates Bush's Economic Jargon Into Layman's Terms - Business on The Huffington Post
Partying Like It’s 1929 - New York Times
1927-1933 Chart of Pompous Prognosticators
Rent vs. Buy Myths That Ruined the Housing Market |
Separating bunk from fact in Malcolm Gladwell's performance at a New York storytelling forum. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Economist: Copyright is dead - Media Wonk - Blog on
Drew Yates » Open Letter to Comcast (Mountain View, CA)
Calling B.S. on the Idea of 'Marijuana Addiction' | DrugReporter | AlterNet
Anonymous Delivers "The Profit" - Activism Forums (Scientology)
YouTube - Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene
Drew Yates » Open Letter to Comcast (Mountain View, CA) (evil installation software)
PRB Kaleidoscope Images: February 2008
Clueless Guys Can't Read Women | LiveScience
The Pioneer Effect | MetaFilter
The Pioneer Effect and the New Physics
APOD: 2008 March 22 - Cat s Eye Hubble Remix
63-year-old solves riddle from 1970 - Science-
But don't talk back to Darth Vader! He'll get ya! | MetaFilter
Mr. Mom | MetaFilter
Judicial Watch: FBI & Bush Administration Sued Over Anthrax Documents: Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th
U.S. Defends Tough Tactics on Spitzer - New York Times (lookin' more like a witchhunt)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | State Won't Release Names of Contractors... Just Cuz (Obama's passport file)
Story behind the story: The Clinton myth - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen - (media maintains myth of Hilliary's viability)
Clinton Lie Kills Her Credibility on Trade Policy - Yahoo! News
Daily Kos: Politico Reveals Why Media Won't Report That Nomination is Settled (and Hilliary pushes the Wright story)
5 years too many on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
War advocates like Anne-Marie Slaughter demand that you forget the past - Glenn Greenwald - War advocates like Anne-Marie Slaughter demand that you forget the past
US Consulate, Jedda, Saudi Arabia Office (CIA ordered consulate to issue visas to 9/11 Saudi hijackers)
An Agent, a Green Card, and a Demand for Sex - New York Times
U.S. won't let flamboyant British author in - (moral turpitude, check Bush's morals)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - What I Got Wrong About Iraq (everything, now shut up)
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections begins investigation of primary crossover voters - (criminal charges against 1000's of Limbaugh Democrats)
Eliot'S Sexual Healing - New York Post
McCain Spiritual Guide Accused Gov't Of Enabling 'Black Genocide' - Politics on The Huffington Post
City traders in £1.4bn bonus scam | News
A Crude Case For War? -
CJR: Lost Over Iran How the press let the White House craft the narrative about nukes By Eric Umansky
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Krauthammer, Tucker Carlson, Rev Wright & Other Racial Paranoids
At Harvard, Students’ Muslim Traditions Are a Topic of Debate - New York Times
You Weren't Meant to Have a Boss
Pharyngula: EXPELLED!
The Wretched Life of the Insomniac - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog
The Associated Press: Giant Marine Life Found in Antarctica
Oldest Cretaceous Period Dinosaur Discovered Represents New Genus Of Prehistoric Aquatic Predator
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Mars is 'covered in table salt'
On Deep History and the Brain - Daniel Lord Smail - Book Review - New York Times
New Form of Vision Discovered -- Mitchell 2008 (320): 1 -- ScienceNOW
World of Warcraft Shines Light on Terror Tactics
Boomerang returns, even in space - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
How You, Too, Can Be A Genius - New York Post
Lawsuits: HTFC Mortgage Company CEO Has A Potty Mouth
The Top 10 Fan-Made "Sweded" Films (Inspired by "Be Kind Rewind") |
YouTube - 2007 video awards
Think Progress » Blog Archive » McCain baselessly asserted Iran/al Qaeda ties last month (lots of foreign policy experience!)
Reynolds Said Ready to Retire - New York Times (another rubber-stamp Repub down)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect WANKERY 08! (more crap from Lanny Davis)
Groups Respond to Obama’s Call for National Discussion About Race - New York Times
-Leading To War - How does a government (mis)lead its people to war?-
Lessons not learned - Glenn Greenwald -
Forget what I got wrong. Why did Mary McGrory and Barack Obama get Iraq right? - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine - Wrong question. How did Mary McGrory and Barack Obama get Iraq right?
Media Matters - ABC's Ross falsely claimed that McCain has already released his tax returns
Hillary Clinton’s schedules as first lady published - Update « TheZoo
I Knew Gene Kelly. The President Is No Gene Kelly. - New York Times - "For George Bush to become Gene Kelly would require impossible leaps in creativity, erudition and humility."
pedowar FBI posts fake hyperlinks to snare child-porn suspects
Study: Prostate cancer therapy carries choice of ills -
Scientists Fabricate Room Temperature Superconducting Material
Earth, Mars, Moon Have Different Origin, Study Says
Issue Number 1005 | Labor of Love | Is society ready for this pregnant husband?
My girlfriend hasn't had period since she got pregnant? - Yahoo! Answers
Media Matters - CNN's Blitzer aired spliced video in support of false assertion that McCain "quickly corrected" Al Qaeda-Iran gaffe (they will consciously fake the news)
The worst, sleaziest press corps possible - Glenn Greenwald -
Dan Froomkin - Bush's Triumphalist Amnesia -
Tibet: nearly 1,000 jailed in Lhasa, Dalai Lama offers to resign - Boing Boing
Talking Points Memo | Unfit for Duty (McCain is old, crazy and stupid)
Media Matters - NBC's Todd on McCain's Al Qaeda-Iran "gaffe": "[H]ad Clinton or Obama done something like this, this would have been played on a loop, over and over"
Poll: Most Americans Say War Not Worth It, 64 Percent Say Results Of War Not Worth American Lives Lost - CBS News
Poll: Bush's approval hits new low - (31% a low for CNN, Bush cheerleader)
The Raw Story | Asked about two thirds of Americans' opposition to war, Cheney says, 'So?' (as in "fuck you")
Talking Points Memo | Key Dem Urged NYT Reporter against Running Warrantless Wiretapping Story (Jane Harman, a lawyer, didn't know Bush's spying was illegal)
YouTube - Chris Matthews emotes over Obama's speech on race
Democracy Now! | Winter Soldier CONT'D: US Vets, Active-Duty Soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan Testify About the Horrors of War
Italy judge clears way for CIA rendition trial | Reuters (exdradite the fuckers)
Foreign Policy: Iraq By the Numbers
Daily Kos: He wrote it himself.  Think of that.  He wrote it.  Himself
Daily Kos: [UPDATED] Huckabee comments on Obama & the Rev. Wright flap (not onboard with the Rove media)
Black Guy Asks Nation For Change | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Plan for voting machine probe dropped after lawsuit threat - - trade secrets trump democracy
Zogby International: Three in four now believe U.S. is in a recession (plus, Bush drops 8% to 26% approval)
Dear Ben: Seriously, Next Time, F*** Wall Street (Repubican economic trainwreck)
Can’t Grasp Credit Crisis? Join the Club - New York Times
The Affluent, Too, Couldn’t Resist Adjustable Rates - New York Times
Every Breath You Take - Columbia Business School
Loopy photons clarify 'spookiness' of quantum physics
Top 5 reasons why “The customer is Always Right” is wrong
Israel rebukes US: Our copyright laws are fine, thanks
PC World - Google's Top 17 Easter Eggs, Gags, and Hoaxes
Get Back your Screen Space: Maximize Firefox Viewing Area |
Do Not Reply » About
rfc 2606 : Reserved Top Level DNS Names
From BFS to ZFS: past, present, and future of file systems: Page 1
MathTrek: The Geometry of Music
Fatal flaw - The Boston Globe
Why men should pair off with younger women - sex - 19 March 2008 - New Scientist
Dean Potter walks the line (and then jumps off) | MetaFilter (BASE-jumping)
What do you wish you'd known/done when you were 21? | Ask Metafilter (great advice)
YouTube - Barack Obama Speech on Race (Tuesday, March 18, 2008)
Obama Race Speech: Read The Full Text - Politics on The Huffington Post
Open Left:: Convention Floor Fight Here We Come
Obama Race Speech Reaction - Politics on The Huffington Post
One for the History Books | MetaFilter
ABC News: In Tibet, Protestors 'Shot Like Dogs'
Pensito Review » Cheney in Baghdad Says Iraq Security ‘Phenomenal’ - As Bombs Kill 52
The difference between Jeremiah Wright and radical, white evangelical ministers - Glenn Greenwald - The difference between Jeremiah Wright and radical, white evangelical ministers (he's black)
Matthew Yglesias (March 18, 2008) - Doesn't Understand Economics, Either (McCain and Iraq)
Iraq: Millions struggle to cope with the impact of five years of war
Carnage and despair in Iraq | Amnesty International (heckuva job, Bushie)
Crooks and Liars » Bush’s “denial of the economic reality”
The crash in Republican economics | Salon (greed doesn't self-regulate)
Wall Street bonuses rise despite weak year
BigDog Robass More Coordinated Than I Am: Science Fiction in the News
The Intelligence Cover-Up - New York Times (exposing Bush: "breathtaking extent of his lawless behavior")
The U.S. Military's Assassination Problem (killing civilians, mainly)
Tomgram: Philip K. Dick Meet George W. Bush - Blowing Them Away Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry: Globalization Bush-style
Opinion | Sorry, Hillary: You've crossed the line | Seattle Times Newspaper
Many voting for Clinton to boost GOP - The Boston Globe
The Washington Monthly: The Party Faithful (Kevin: be nice to stupid people)
Bush Diplomacy: Predator Planes Are Conducting Assassinations by Air | ForeignPolicy | AlterNet
Do Americans Care About Big Brother? - TIME (no)
Unintended Consequences | Newsweek Politics | Spitzer got snagged by the fine print of the Patriot Act
China ready to tackle unrest in Tibetan regions | Top News | Reuters
TPMMuckraker | Today's Must Read - Exactly whose idea it was to disband the Iraqi army, no one can say
The Army Monograph that Predicted Just About Everything that's Happened in Iraq | Free Government Information (FGI)
Cheney on Unannounced Visit to Iraq - New York Times
Glenn Greenwald - - Time magazine invents facts to claim that Americans support Bush's domestic spying abuses
Graham: I Never Wavered In My Belief That The War Was Wrong - Politics on The Huffington Post (hello, Hilliary?)
NPR: Obama Picks Up More Delegates in Iowa, California
Hillary's New Conservative Friends | The New York Observer
Sub-prime collapse 'beyond the US Federal Reserve' | Business
RGE Monitor A Generalized Run on the Shadow Financial System
America was conned - who will pay? | Business | The Guardian (Americans should be rioting in the streets) | Stocks, dollar plunge in market turmoil
J.P. Morgan Buys Bear in Fire Sale, As Fed Widens Credit to Avert Crisis -
Bear Stearns Chairman Played Cards Amid Crisis-WSJ | Reuters
The Cost of Bears Crisis to Its Employees - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
Mad Money: Mad Mail: Is Bear Stearns in Trouble? - (Cramer: Bear is doing fine! Don't sell your stock! Listen to idiots like me!)
MotherJones Blog: Credit Card Industry Kicks Consumers Off Congressional Panel
More in foreclosure choose to walk away
Nacchio conviction reversed - The Denver Post
Human trials to begin on 'diabetes cure' after terminally ill mice are returned to health | the Daily Mail
Surviving Infidelity: What Wives Do When Men Cheat | LiveScience
Wine is worse for brain than beer, scientists reveal in blow for women drinkers | the Daily Mail
Naughty children as young as FIVE could be put on DNA database as Government brings in 'baby Asbos'| News | This is London
America's Drunkest Cities: Men's
40% of all spam comes from just one source
"A case of unusual autobiographical remembering." | MetaFilter
Wiretapping's true danger - Los Angeles Times
What is Clinton hiding? --
The Raw Story | NYT: Stolen oil profits keep Iraq's insurgency running
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/15/2008 | Iraq war's cost: Loss of U.S. power, prestige and influence (fucked by the Cheney/Bush/Israel regime)
Crooks and Liars » Don Siegelman : “All Roads Lead To Rove”
US/IRAQ: Rules of Engagement "Thrown Out the Window" (just kill as many people as you can)
The Dallas Morning News: Clinton: Delay the Delegate Count (Because I'll Lose)
Talking Points Memo | Catching On? (Hillary: don't say "superdelegates" say "delegates automatically for me")
Reading Hillary Clinton's hidden thesis - Hillary Clinton News- (Clinton White House asked Wellesley College to close off access)
Obama Prepares For Full Assault On Clinton's Ethics - Politics on The Huffington Post (ethics?)
Republicans See Storm Clouds Gathering - (Bush: "He's just killed the Republican brand.")
The Real News: Winter Soldier testimonials It's Not the Execution (the echo chamber of the New York Times)
J.P. Morgan Rescues Bear Stearns -
Economics Blog : Fed Invokes Depression-Era Law for Bear Loan (get the picture?) Worldwide JPMorgan Chase Buys Bear Stearns for $270 Million (was worth 3.5 bln on Friday)
RGE Monitor Step 9 of the Financial Meltdown: "one or two large and systemically important broker dealers" will "go belly up"
Venezuela opts for oil contracts in euros: report - Yahoo! News UK Asia Yuan Advances to Highest Since End of Dollar Peg
Republicans and “free market” zealots bring death to America
Heparin investigation focuses on raw ingredients - Los Angeles Times (no drugs from Canada because they are "too dangerous")
Recording Industry vs. The People
Why your Flash website sucks - glyphobet
Arabian Nights | MetaFilter
How Things 'Become': The Infinity of Definition | Ask Metafilter
The Infinity of Defining Chatfilter | MetaTalk
Or you could just not say anything. | MetaTalk
When Girls Will Be Boys - New York Times
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | NZ dolphin rescues beached whales
Christvertising (what products would Jesus endorse?)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - Media ignore McCain's finances after obsessing over Dems' (of course)
RJ Eskow: Holding Up a Mirror To the Clinton Cult - Politics on The Huffington Post (LGF for Hilliary)
Media Matters - Hillary Clinton, 60 Minutes , and the Muslim question
Delegate Battles Snarl Democrats in Two States - New York Times
Bill's Ex-Counsel: Hillary Is "Misleading The American Public" - Politics on The Huffington Post
YouTube - Debate about Secret Session in House of Representatives pt1
U.S. drops China from list of 10 worst rights violators - International Herald Tribune (puts self on list)
Iraq Veterans Against the War
MarketBeat Blog - : Bear Fortunes Up in Smoke
Americans used to be the world's most skillful entrepreneurs and managers. Now we're laughingstocks. What happened? - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine (Bush?)
Porn vs. prostitution: Why is it legal to pay someone for sex on camera? - By Michelle Tsai - Slate Magazine
Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda not linked, Pentagon says - (send for the CD)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/12/2008 | Pentagon cancels release of controversial Iraq report (controversial, because, well ...)
David Petraeus: Iraqis Not Making "Sufficient Progress" - Politics on The Huffington Post
Firedoglake » Petraeus Admits The Surge Has Failed
House Democrats reject telecom amnesty, warrantless surveillance - Glenn Greenwald - (Bush will have tantrum )
Daily Kos: FISA: Debate thread #2 (Blue Bush Dogs running scared: what small money can do)
Daily Kos: FISA: Why we fight.
Bush says if younger, he would work in Afghanistan | Politics | Reuters ("envious" of troops on the front lines)
Bushs Surprise Serenade Hits YouTube - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times Blog
Dakota: Bush: Tragedy for Others (and the shape of the flag)
Crooks and Liars » Countdown: FISA & Fallon - Our Petulant President
The Ferraro Fallacy - Politics Blog - Matt Cooper -
President weakens espionage oversight - The Boston Globe Board - created by Ford loses most of its power
U.S. falsely implicates Guantanamo prisoner: lawyer | U.S. | Reuters (more lies from the Republican military)
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Clinton Claims She Didn’t Say McCain Is More Qualified Than Obama (3 am pantsuit on fire, doesn't know about Youtube)
NRCC chairman says funds were embezzled - John Bresnahan and Patrick O'Connor - (Republicrooks)
(Some) Jews Against Obama (Neocons for Hilliary)
The debate over the Democratic popular vote - The Carpetbagger Report (O has 500K lead, H is spinning)
The XX Factor : Obama's Cool Mama
Transcript: Greg Craig (03/14/2008) On Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Experience
Dems fret over warring words - (you mean Hilliary's attacks?)

Wikipedia article traffic statistics (now this is interesting: Obama #7, McCain #9, Hilliary #77 as of today)

Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan | Iraq Veterans Against the War
Protests in Tibet erupt into violence | World news |
Map of Misery (Refinanced mortgages)
"The next bubble: Priming the markets for tomorrow's big crash" by Eric Janszen (Harper's Magazine) Priming the markets for tomorrow's big crash
Henry Blodget: A Big Bronx Cheer For Pathetic Bear Stearns - Business on The Huffington Post
The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked |
Thought Process Flowchart: Eliot Spitzer - 236 - News
Shop for Spitzer T-shirts, Shirts, Posters, Mugs, Cards and other Products at Zazzle
Spitzer's Kristen New Details And Pictures: OMG I Did The Governor, Ashley Dupre Told Emperors Club Booker
Prostitution: A User's Manual - Living on The Huffington Post
NIH - An unprecedented five consecutive years of stagnant funding for the National Institutes of Health is putting America at risk
Court ruling limits employment drug testing (until it hits the Supremes)
Music Industry Proposes a Piracy Surcharge on ISPs (give us money) – View topic - CCHR Leak 3 & ClubTheta Leak (anon uncovers tax evasion)
Group: I See Dead People['s Books] | LibraryThing
celemony_ :: Direct Note Access (music disassembler-assembler)
ESA - Venus Express - The puzzling 'eye of a hurricane' on Venus (with holyshit pictures)
Widely Ranging Interests
The Best Tools for Visualization - ReadWriteWeb
YouTube - Sally Kern - Ellen DeGeneres' response
The Biggest Threat to Our Nation | MetaFilter (people like Sally Kern)
How else are we supposed to grade all these papers? | MetaFilter
Music 1000 albums | Music | Music
MTV warns about a police state? // Current
Discovery News : Monkey Vocab Richer Than Thought
When keepin' it real goes wrong | MetaFilter
Not Hobbits, Just Shorties? | MetaFilter
The Gloria Tapes | MetaFilter
Annals of Science: Numbers Guy: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Visible Body | 3D Human Anatomy
Dropbox - Home - Secure backup, sync and sharing made easy.
Reamweaver: copy/alter websites
The Politico claims the Iraq War will help McCain - Glenn Greenwald - The Politico claims the Iraq War will help McCain (hug that war)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Silver Platter: resignation of Clinton campaign Senior Adviser For Race-Baiting Gerry Ferraro
Public Is Less Aware of Iraq Casualties, Study Finds -
The Fox and The Hound « The Political Inquirer (Spitzer gets attention, Fallon's resignation ignored)
The Associated Press: US Soldiers Kill Young Iraqi Girl
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Pelosi: "The President Is Wrong And He Knows It" (we call that a "lie")
NPR: Obama Campaign Skewers Clinton E-mail Statement
YouTube - Keith Olbermann: Special Comment on Hillary Clinton
F.B.I. Made ‘Blanket’ Demands for Phone Records - New York Times (spyin' on you) Since the NSA slurps all email traffic, would they have all of the missing White House emails?
I'm a human being, young Guantanamo prisoner says | Politics | Reuters
THE EXILE - Sex Scandal For Ignorant Losers
Bush Tied to Child Prostitution - Resignation or Impeachment Expected! |
SherfJ20080312_low.jpg (The Bush Memorial)
Clinton's Experience Debate - TIME
Daily Kos: Senator Clinton caught lying - admits to breaking her pledge on Michigan (more from the Monster-in-Chief)
The Raw Story | Documents feed debate on FEMA trailers (they knew, of course)
Carlyle Fund's Assets Seized - Leaders Fail to Stop Securities Sell-Off
Hedge funds on the brink as US Federal Reserve cash fails to ease crisis - Times Online
NSA shifts to e-mail, Web, data-mining dragnet | The Iconoclast - CNET (undead TIA)
Security guide to customs-proofing your laptop | The Iconoclast - CNET
BBC NEWS | Health | Pratchett funds Alzheimer's study
Talking Points Memo | Big Picture on Fallon (too sane for Bush)
It's the "Oh Shit!" Moment on Iran
Obama gets scant white support in MS - Yahoo! News (you'd never know he won from reading this)
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Final: Obama Wins Mississippi 61% to 37% (but Hilliary gets lots of Republican votes)
Attytood: Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary's "Archie Bunker" strategy for Pa.
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Pentagon Tries to Squelch Report Showing No Link Between Iraq-Al Qaeda
FBI Watched Spitzer Before February Incident -
TPMMuckraker | Today's Must Read | How exactly did the feds end up snagging Eliot Spitzer?
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | Why Republicans have "shifted" towards Hillary
McCain's Spiritual Guide: Destroy Islam
Shakesville: Straight Up Racist that Sucker Was Simple and Plain - Geraldine "let the insiders decide the President" Ferraro (Hilliary surrogate smears)
Media Matters - The View 's Hasselbeck: "[C]an white people go to [Obama's] church?" (stupid, and racist) "My plan reduces the national debt, and fast. So fast, in fact, that economists worry that we're going to run out of debt to retire." Bush, 2-24 2001 (that worked really well)
Worldwide Sawdust:: The Bush Debt: $7.7 Trillion
GoDaddy Silences Police-Watchdog Site | Threat Level from (Republican registrar, they WILL censor you)
NoDaddy.Com - Exposing the Many Reasons Not to Trust GoDaddy with Your Domain Names
EO Newsroom: New Images - Tenoumer Crater, Mauritania
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | NZ dolphin rescues beached whales
Firedoglake » Some Questions About the Spitzer Incident (Chertoff??)
Hullabaloo Mann-date (Mann Act bullshit)
The Spitzer Scandal: asking that question - The Seminal
"The Spitzer Sex Sting: A Few More Questions" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Who cares if Eliot Spitzer hires prostitutes? - Glenn Greenwald - Who cares if Eliot Spitzer hires prostitutes?
United States of Amnesia: What about Cheney's DC Madam Problem
The Iraq Follies - Eighteen things you've already forgotten about the media's flawed coverage of Iraq.
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | House Surveillance Bill Contains Provision to Aid Telecom Suits
House Steers Its Own Path on Wiretaps
TPMMuckraker | Pentagon finally gets the newsflash: no connection between Saddam and al Qaeda
Review finds no link between Saddam, al Qaeda Iraqi president did support terrorists, but not bin Laden's group, study says
Q&A: Hillary Clinton | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | I mean, he had a choice to be on the ballot. He chose not to be. I chose to stay on the ballot (complete bullshit from Hilliary - monster credentials)
cartoon.jpg ("I'd consider you for my running mate") )
Uh-Obama Racism, White Voters and the Myth of Color-Blindness By Tim Wise
Another Batch of White Whine Obama, Black Voters and the Myth of Reverse Racism By Tim Wise
The Man Between War and Peace (head of U. S. Central Command, Admiral William "Fox" Fallon, fired by Bush)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: McCain: Still His Own Guy (John "Long Pause" McCain")
Ferarro gets free pass on racist comment (Ablogistan) O'Hanlon and the Op-Ed Pages
The Debate Link: Manchild in the Prison Land - the first time since Japanese Internment that we've imprisoned children (next generation of terrorists)
Disturbing on many levels | MetaFilter
A Reporter at Large: The Lost Children: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker (Bushfucked)
The Austin Chronicle: News: Immigrant Detention Blues
The Raw Story | NSA quietly expands domestic spying program, even as (we don't need no steenking) Congress balks
The National Expositor - Israeli Sniper Takes 12-Year-Old Girl's Life (inside her own house)
Derivatives are the new ticking time bomb - MarketWatch Buffett and Gross warn: $516 trillion bubble is a disaster waiting to happen Worldwide Fed to Lend $200 Billion, Take on Mortgage Securities
The Big Picture | Fantasy-based Economics (WSJ: Bush should give a speech and revive the economy)
BP doesn't like identity "correction" | MetaFilter | BP Global
Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition - Life and death of an urban recluse By Ilkka Malmberg
Lawmaker's attempt to criminalize anonymous posting doomed - Kentucky lawmaker Tim Couch (is a total douchebag)
Is User-Generated Content Out? | Newsweek Technology (so say our "experts")
Can $650 in dinner drinks buy a Neutral Point of View? | MetaFilter (time for Jimbo to go)
The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte
Romance tourism and the modern woman | MetaFilter
7 ways to boost your metabolism - Health -
Why We Fantasize: The Science of Sex : DivineCaroline
Virtual Orgasm Simulator
Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 4 Release Notes
NSA's Domestic Spying Grows As Agency Sweeps Up Data -
Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring - New York Times
TPM Election Central Hillary Spokesperson Hedges: Obama Has Not Passed Commander-In-Chief Test "At This Point (trailing, floats Obama VP balloon)
Putting The Hastert Seat Loss in Context - The Fix
Hullabaloo: Inevitable: Feith: Bush and War lies
Irish blast Clinton's foreign policy claim -
YouTube - 911 Response = Capture Oil Countries
Clinton's Obama slam has a double-whammy -- (slimy)
How Good Are Experienced Presidents? (not very)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan Clinton Went On Limbaugh?
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan "Saying that Hillary has Executive Branch experience is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beatle (from Jsn, dKos)
Home | Electoral Geography 2.0
Non Sequitur - polling
ERV: Special Rights for Religious Radicals in OK
The Edmond Sun, Edmond, OK - Bill promotes school religion at expense of education
Video - An Oklahoma lawmaker's anti-gay comments are attracting national attention. KWTV reports
YouTube - CaptainDisillusion's Channel
Verena von Pfetten: Eckhart Tolle And My (Almost) Spiritual Transformation - Living on The Huffington Post
Things Vital to the Honor of Human Life - Paper Cuts - Books - New York Times Blog (favorite representative short passages, see comments)
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication |
Daily Kos: GOP Congressman accuses Bushco of criminality UPDATED
16,000 Republicans in Cuyahoga crossed over and voted Democratic in primary - (well, she's a Republican)
Donklephant: Final Wyoming Caucus Numbers Obama takes 61% and Clinton 38%.
Daily Kos: Not Just Foreign Policy - More Clinton First Lady Hype-UPDATED (Hillary experienced at lying) It’s over By Dick Morris (The tantalizing notion that 800 insiders can offset a season of primaries and caucuses will drive both Clintons to ever-escalating rhetoric)
Hillary Clinton, Fratricidal Maniac, The New Republic: Hillary Clinton's Continued Run Is Damaging The Democrats' Chances - CBS News (monster?)
Steve King, Republican Congressman: Al-Qaida Will Be "Dancing In The Streets" If "Hussein" Obama Wins - Politics on The Huffington Post (attack of the ReThugs)
YouTube - History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job (U.S. Military)
Crooks and Liars » FOXNews’ List Of Thwarted U.S. Terror Plots: Long On Hype, Short On Details
Ex-Defense Official Assails Colleagues Over Run-Up to War - Douglas J. Feith, in a massive score-settling work ("dumbest man on the planet")
Flickr: got an enemy of our democracy and freedom?
American Civil Liberties Union : U.S. Terror List Now Exceeds 900,000 Names (send them all to Gitmo)
American Civil Liberties Union : Watch List Counter
Crooks and Liars » The Colbert Report: AT & Treason
The banality of the surveillance state - Glenn Greenwald -
Bruce Schneier's Security Matters: The Myth of the 'Transparent Society'
Will Japan follow US into recession? - Telegraph
And I'm Supposed To Feel Sorry For You Because...? | ("victims" of the housing bubble)
Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese
The Muslim Jesus
Freezerbox Magazine
Crooks and Liars » Real Time: New Rule - Stop Saying Americans Are “Smarter Than That”
Crooks and Liars » Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA - War on drugs: A senseless battle | It’s time U.S. experiment with decriminalization – filling up prisons isn’t working
French women 'are the sexual predators now' - Telegraph
YouTube - Smoke - The Amazing Hamster Storing Food
The great Great WHITE | MetaFilter
BeaucoupKevin - Meg
The World's 50 Best Works of Art (and how to see them) - Telegraph
WIKILEAKS.INFO censored by eNom and Demand Media - Wikileaks
I fell in love with an assassin | MetaFilter
Blue Brain | MetaFilter
Kevin Kelly -- The Technium
sins.jpg (brilliant sub-categorization of the 7 Deadly Sins -- 21 vertex pairs)
The Raw Story | Bush vetoes bill outlawing CIA waterboarding
Bush explains veto of waterboarding bill - Yahoo! News ("keeping America safe")
Telecom Immunity: Barebones Congressional Felony
Tucker Carlson unintentionally reveals the role of the American press - Glenn Greenwald - Tucker Carlson unintentionally reveals the role of the American press (to be suckups)
Daily Kos: Obama's TOUGH Mississippi radio ad
Clinton's experience claim under scrutiny -- (no, as in no, foreign policy experience)
Talking Points Memo | Please (Hilliary's "experience")
Gary Hart: Breaking the Final Rule - Politics on The Huffington Post
Nobel winner: Hillary Clinton's 'silly' Irish peace claims - Telegraph
Obama wows Casper; Clinton next - The Denver Post (will drop Bush's illegal policies, will Hilliary?)
Jon Stewart Ponders Bush's Ignorance About $4 Gas - Business on The Huffington Post
Talking Points Memo | Temper, temper ... (McCain flips out at reporter -- Commander in Chief material)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - McCain: The media's hero (heromanlove from the besotted media)
Mehlman, Rove boost McCain campaign - David Paul Kuhn -
Firedoglake » Bloggers, Netroots and the Democratic Presidential Primary
War and Piece: An Ombudsman Explains How the Post Misread Its Own Essay ("a glib, essentialist screed that insulted an entire gender")
Banks face systemic margin call, $325 billion hit: JPM | Reuters
Calculated Risk: The Feldman Plan: Just Get Yourself a Latte
USDA Says It’s None of the Public’s Business Who Ate Recalled Meat -
Elevated Electric Bill Prompts Pot Raid - March 30, 2004
ABC News: 'Iceman' Continues to Baffle Doctors
Physics | Wanted: Einstein Jr |
YouTube - We Are The Web
Universe Today » A One-Way, One-Person Mission to Mars (read comments)
Seed: Out of the Blue: Can a thinking, remembering, decision-making, biologically accurate brain be built from a supercomputer?
Daily Kos: Updated 2x - Why isn't MSM reporting the truth about NAFTA Clinton Involvement??? (dirty Hilliary)
CBC Canada: Hillary's dirty tricks are big news 'NAFTAgate' began with remark from Harper's chief of staff
Samantha Power Resigns Over Hillary "Monster" Remark - Politics on The Huffington Post
Firedoglake » Why Is Hillary Campaigning For John McCain?
Daily Kos: Desperate Clinton crosses 'the Joe Lieberman threshold'
Dumb and Dumber: An Essay and Its Editors - The question is not why Charlotte Allen wrote her silly piece -- it's why The Post published it. - Official threatens voter fraud whistleblower Audio only
NPR: Obama Ahead in Texas Caucuses
Flat Earth News - The Inside View - Part 1
AFP: Both Clinton and Obama reassured Canada on trade: reports (Hilliary lied, spread smear)
Jobs Decline Most in Five Years - Economy -
Losing the Future - (drunken Bush, Recrooks, drove economy off the cliff)
Larry David: On the Red Phone - Politics on The Huffington Post
Is Vanity Fair's Scoop Being Ignored Because Bush and Cheney Are Already Known to Have Committed So Many Other Crimes? | - Psychologist Ellen Ladowsky combines the professional and the political
ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Demanding End to War in Iraq, Afghanistan : Indybay
Lying About Rwanda's Genocide (Bill Clinton didn't read the NIE either)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect
Panel to Review Payouts Given by Troubled Firms - New York Times
EvolutionBlog : Amateur Atheists?
Possessed, A Short Documentary About Hoarders | MetaFilter
Harvard gym tests Muslim women-only hours - Education-
Supplement company Airborne to settle $23.3M suit - Mar. 4, 2008
Pentagon attack last June stole an "amazing amount" of data
Publishers are braced for the slow death of the book - Times Online
Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In | Sam Graham-Felsen's Blog: Obama Wins Delegate Fight in Texas
CLINTON: Energizing Victories, But Difficult Delegate Math -
Obama Memo on Clinton Tax Returns
Clinton aide compares Obama to Ken Starr - Ben Smith's Blog - (Hilliary goes negative)
Paul Loeb: Did Clinton Win Ohio on a Lie? - Politics on The Huffington Post
Daily Kos: Clinton Closes Ranks (there is nothing she won't say)
Daily Kos: Joe Klein is a moron, part ... heck, I've lost count Blog · Congress Defends Gaza Assault 404-1 (all in favor of Israel except Ron Paul)
Firedoglake » Hope No One Has Any Hanky Panky To Hide…
No Need for Lawmakers' Approval of Iraq Pact, U.S. Reasserts - (Hilliary voted to stay in Iraq forever)
Dakota: A Sensible Look at Terrorism (Mark Sageman: Leaderless Jihad)
ACTION: Help Congress Fight Media Consolidation - The Seminal
War and Piece: The Post Hides Behind Allen's Knickers
Charotte Allen is a racist, too)
TPMMuckraker | Republican Campaign Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) abruptly released a statement about recently discovered "irregularities in our financial audit process"
Iran wants world ban on nuclear weapons | Herald Sun (good idea)
Sadly, No! » Bl0gs-4-P4r4n01dz
Home Foreclosures Hit Record High - (heckuva job, Bushie)
By Chapter of HTS :2008-01-01 - Basic, Official Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated (trade isn't free)
AlterNet: Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace: 'Frankenfoods' Giant Monsanto Plays Bully Over Consumer Labeling
278theinterstatesystem.jpg (Eisenhower Interstate System Simplfied)
10 Things Your Dad Never Told You About Sex | Just A Guy Thing
Universe submerged in a sea of chilled neutrinos - space - 05 March 2008 - New Scientist Space
Lisa Diamond's Place on the Web | MetaFilter (fluid lesbians)
Creative Loafing Atlanta | News & Views | Forgotten man Steve Tucker served a 10-year prison sentence for selling light bulbs. Is America's drug war worth it?
A Wave of the Watch List, and Speech Disappears - New York Times (don't use a US domain registrar)
Firedoglake » Bush Fumbles Passing Of Torch To McCain
Washington Politicians Are Gutting America Like A Fish
Open Left:: Post-Election Thoughts
James Fallows (March 05, 2008) - More on Clinton, Obama, and the OODA loop
Clips: Five YouTube videos show American soldiers at their worst
Should diaspora Jews have a say in the political negotiations about Jerusalem? - By Shmuel Rosner - Slate Magazine
The Bush Tragedy - Jacob Weisberg - Book Review - New York Times
The next president will inherit a dreadful situation in Iraq. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
World news Feed Article - New FBI Privacy Violations Confirmed
History suggests copyright crusade is a lost cause
Gang Memoir Fabricated | MetaFilter
Margaret Seltzer: Lying Author's Ties To The Times Book Review
Crane's Inanities: Now You Can Add Yet Another Name to the List of Fake-Memoir Writers
The consequences of the 'Love and Consequences' hoax | PopWatch Blog | Arts - Visual Arts - No Revolution in Hyperspace
"Websites were a wonderful way around the famous museum swamp." | MetaFilter
Essays: 'Critical condition' by William Skidelsky |
Swimming upstream. | MetaFilter (The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism)
NASA - Earth and Moon as Seen from Mars
25 Brilliant Animated Short Movies | Monday Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
alex dragulescu :: malwarez
Gmail Tips and Tricks - 35 Cool Gmail Hacks
Using Google Groups To Backup Gmail
7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened |
030408 video: Playing the fear card (Hillary fearmongering)
TPMMuckraker | Thanks for Protecting America Act? (protecting Telcos from the law)
Hillary’s Math Problem |
Mark Klein Documents | Threat Level from
Open Left:: Foreign Policy Elites Have Much to Teach Us - the lovely Ken Pollack
Sadly, No! » Rage, Rage Against The Undying of the Right
Gulf investors may not save Citigroup, Dubai executive says - MarketWatch
House Democratic leadership: not just complicit but also self-destructive - Glenn Greenwald - (and there it is)
Think Progress » 452: (number of days Bush spent at Crawford - it's hard work)
Al Jazeera English - News - Un Chief Deplores Gaza Assault
The Gaza Bombshell: Politics & Power:
Think Progress » White House guts Intelligence Oversight Board (no steenking oversight either)
Nixon, Cheney, and Le Deluge |
The Federal Reserve's rescue has failed - Telegraph
Ford, GM and Toyota all sell fewer cars in February - MarketWatch
Deborah Howell - The Case of the Vanishing Young Mothers - (why don't women read Wapo?) (see below)
Feministing WaPo changes headline: women only "act" stupid (see above)
War and Piece: An Explanation and Regrets for Offense (John Pomfret Wapo editor)
War and Piece: Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell Not Buying Pomfret's Explanation
Conceiving sex: Fomenting a feminist bioarchaeology -- Geller 8 (1): 113 -- Journal of Social Archaeology
What if It’s (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort of) a Girl? - New York Times
Episode 1: All Over the Map |
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Ethics - Review - Innovation in Medical Technology
Genetic Cancer Link Between Humans And Dogs Discovered
History's Greatest Replies:
Media Matters - NY Times' standards for Catholic League's Donohue: Three articles for criticism of Edwards, two paragraphs for criticism of McCain
Open Left:: Primary Season Composite Exit Poll
Exclusive: Help us examine the lost JFK files | Dallas News
Al Jazeera English - News - Saudis Urged To Leave Lebanon
Sample Chapter for Lambert, F.: Religion in American Politics: A Short History.
In defense of women everywhere - The Carpetbagger Report (WaPo: women are stupid)
Pope denies genocide of Indigenous peoples of the Americas
The Militarization of the World's Urban Peripheries -
Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business
The Dark Side of Web Fame | Newsweek Enterprise - Technology | (infamy on the web)
Infrastructure Security Report - Arbor Networks, Inc.
News & Announcements from the RIPE NCC
Internet Routing Insecurity::Pakistan Nukes YouTube? · Security to the Core | Arbor Networks Security Blog | Renesys Blog: Pakistan hijacks YouTube
YouTube - 21 Accents
The Gavel » Blog Archive » Pelosi Response to Administration Decision Not to Enforce Contempt Citations of Miers and Bolten
Talking Points Memo | Mukasey refuses probe of Bush aides (laws? what laws?)
American Civil Liberties Union : FISA Fact Check: Setting the Record Straight on the White House
Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust' - Telegraph (genocide now official Iraeli policy)
More Americans turning to Web for news | Reuters (70% say MSM out of touch)
Media Matters by Jamison Foser - "It's 'never the question that's the problem'? Really? Spoken like the guy who gets to ask the question
FunHostr - This explains a lot - Palestinian loss of land 1946 to 2000.
Israeli-Palestinian Clashes Kill 46 - Politics on The Huffington Post (Palestinians, that is)
Judge Backtracks: WikiLeaks Resumes U.S. Operations | Threat Level from (doofus Republican judge)
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | White House Aide Plagiarized 20 of 38 Columns
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Rush Limbaugh Is Trying to Tear the GOP Apart
Making Political Trouble Roger Stone shows how it's done--again.
Attack Ad Hall of Fame -- selected by John G. Geer
The Dumbing Of America - Call Me a Snob, but Really, We're a Nation of Dunces
Blind to history | Review | Books | Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq
American Concentration Camps Explored
Is America ready for a non-black President? « Liberal Fascism (Farrakhan vs Hagee)
Signing Statements and the Rollback of American Law |
Does Experience Matter in a President? - TIME
America's Total Debt Report - summary page - by MWHodges $ 48 Trillion - and soaring
Oxymoronic 'Book of Blogs' | Newsweek Books
Book Review: Ultimate Blogs - Masterworks From The Wild Web edited by Sarah Boxer
'God's Crucible' examines how Islam shaped Europe
Barnes & - Review: God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, by David Levering Lewis
The Future Lies in the Past | Christianity Today | evangelicals are connecting with the early church as they move into the 21st century (did they ever leave the 2nd Century?)
NPR: Brief Books Are in Style
Ex-Scientologist to return home to France after kidnapping ordeal
Finding Democrats In the Pews - February 21, 2008 - The New York Sun (Amy Sullivan strikes out again) | Religion | The radical truth behind the Lord's prayer
The Campus Rape Myth by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Winter 2008
Animal Minds | MetaFilter
YouTube - The Great Trafalgar Square Freeze
Researchers discover gene that blocks HIV
The Smart Set: The Oily Truth - Has the final mystery of the Mediterranean diet been solved?
Where Continents Go to Die: A New Look into the Center of the Earth
Gender Gap Science - February 20, 2008 - The New York Sun
Deflating the Bogus Insomnia “Epidemic” | Health & Medicine | DISCOVER Magazine
The many evils of ethanol - Mises Economics Blog
How Dangerous Is the Internet for Children? - New York Times
Dead Flowers: Anglophiles Anonymous
Media Defenders Profile - The Pirates Can't Be Stopped
Song Chart Meme - a photoset on Flickr
Cougar Page
George Bush told the truth yesterday - Glenn Greenwald -
STLtoday - News - Editorial / Commentary
Michael Meacher: This war on terrorism is bogus | Politics | The Guardian (what did you expect?) ww | 02/28/2008 | State's Democratic Party braces for lawsuit
The Associated Press: USDA Shuts Down Congressional Audit ("nothing to hide")
Washington Wire - : McCain References 'Democrat Party' (started with Joseph McCarthy)
Media finally cluing in on McCain's major campaign finance controversy - AMERICAblog
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect - Sometimes, I really wonder how dumb the Clinton campaign thinks we are ("Senator Clinton already had her red phone moment")
Big hit to economy from credit crunch, study says
The Next Slum? The subprime crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. Fundamental changes in American life may turn today’s McMansions into tomorrow’s tenements.
RatTube » Cop Obstructs Free Speech, Rips Down Protestors’ Sign
Confirmation & Update on Secret UFO Meeting at UN
Bush: US Is Not Headed Into Recession ('cause he said so; also wants more illegal spying and war) News California City Moves Closer to Bankruptcy Filing

American Civil Liberties Union (contribute!)
Aida Edemariam talks to author Joseph Stiglitz about the true cost of the Iraq war | World news | The Guardian (3 trillion)
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » The “Race Card” let us count the ways (MSM endemic racism)
Daily Kos: Kids sodomized at Abu Ghraib, Pentagon has the videos - Hersh
NSFW: Disturbing New Photos From Abu Ghraib
The Gavel » Pelosi Letter to Attorney General Mukasey on Contempt Citations of Miers and Bolten
The Myth of the Surge : Rolling Stone
McCain Lobbyist's Plane Flew Saudi Royals After 9/11
McCain's extraterritorial birth | MetaFilter
Media Matters - The proud son of Buffalo (Timmeh Russett is a creep and an idiot)
Clinton raises $35 million in February - Ben Smith's Blog -
Media Matters - O'Reilly: "I don't see any difference between Huffington and the Nazis," KKK
Ickes: Blame Penn | The New York Observer
Glenn Greenwald - Some hateful, radical ministers -- white evangelicals -- are acceptable
ABC News: Mac Attack: Obama Represents the Past (72 yr old John McCain)
Comcast admits paying attendees at FCC hearing | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/28/2008 (they lied, of course)
RIAA Keeps Settlement Money, Artists May Sue | TorrentFreak
1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times (prison state) | World | U.S. designates Afghan journalist enemy combatant
New Statesman - It's official: Blair's government set out to deceive us about Iraq
Air Force Blocks Access to Many Blogs | Danger Room from
Attytood: Questions for Tim Russert: When will you denounce your supporter Don Imus?
Fox News Falsely Claims That Weatherman Bill Ayers Was Obama's "Mentor" (ReFox attacks)
The Legality | Online Law Journal | Vying for Control of the Internet: Is Wikileaks Unstoppable?

Quantum Mechanics: Myths and Facts | MetaFilter
NetSol and ICANN Sued over Domain Tasting | MetaFilter
how to revise a resume | MetaFilter
Gettysburg in Lego | MetaFilter (brilliant)
glumbert: classic beauties
Cities of God | MetaFilter (how the other billion lives)
DST costs Hoosiers millions, study says |
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Is depression good for you?
Dan Phiffer: All the Air, All the Water in the World)
Catsanddogs.jpg (Cats are Democrats, Dogs are Republicans)
The Attention Economy: The Natural Economy of the Net
The Art Of Flirting (And How To Do It) | Just A Guy Thing
12 Practical Steps for Learning to Go With the Flow | Zen Habits
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - What Are We? A Study in Personal Ontology by Eric T. Olson
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall | And if Mars Aligns With Venus, And Al Qaeda Takes Over Iraq (Russert: idiot)
Hullabaloo How Do We Defeat Tim Russert? (Russert and Williams: stupidist names in news)
YouTube - TPMtv: When Russerts Attack (maybe he's an alien) w
Cheney's subpoenaed e-mails missing - Capitol Hill- (you don't say)
GOP Halts Effort to Retrieve White House E-Mails - (I'll be darned) U.S. McCain's Clashes With Bush Undercut by Shared Views on Issues
Clinton's attempts to dislodge Obama from top appear to fall short - International Herald Tribune
Hopes of a nation can carry Obama into the White House - News - George W Bush has been the worst US president in memory
Muckraker | Today Must Read: terrorists getting away, America in danger, Constitution must go)
Gift of the garb | World news |
Pandagon :: Scandal-ridden homophobic D.A. in ‘Lawrence v. Texas’ case resigns (will use Limbaugh defense)
Glenn Greenwald - Majority of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas
Calculated Risk: New Home Sales: Cliff Diving Worldwide Dollar Falls to Record Low of $1.50 Per Euro on Rate Outlook
Consumer Reports' Secret Shoppers Have Lots of Explaining to Do
Survey Finds Teenagers Ignorant on Basic History and Literature Questions - New York Times
Comcast Pays For A Friendly Crowd - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Copyright this - Los Angeles Times - Intellectual property’s social value may trump copyright law.
Christine Hassler: Cougars And Double Standards - Living on The Huffington Post
Muckraker | Controversial Pentagon Official Resigns
ArchPundit » Blog Archive » Halperin: McCain should allow some supporters to risk being accused of using the race card when criticizing Obama (Halperin: Time Mag's resident racist)
Team Clinton: Down, and Out of Touch
AlterNet: Blogs: PEEK: John McCain May Have Covered Up Abramoff Email to Protect GOP (McCrook)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect: He'S Just Not That Into You (McSleezy)
Center for Competitive Politics: What a Tangled Web We Weave: Everything You Need to Know About John McCain and Matching Funds
TPM Cafe | The Netroots and the Reformers (reformers!)
Pandagon :: Gah :: February :: 2008 You’re pro-choice. Does that interfere with being an evangelical? (Amy Sullivan can't think clearly)
Indicted Arizona congressman says he won't resign - (Republicrook)
The Raw Story | In exclusive interview, Alabama whistleblower says Rove trying to smear her
Crooks and Liars » The Abrams Report: Bush League Justice on Siegelman
Talking Points Memo | Obama's Army equipment story may be true
Calculated Risk: FDIC Bracing for Bank Failures (mattress time)
S&P: Home Prices Down Sharply - New York Times
TPM Cafe | Talking Points Memo | Can Mortgage Industry Block Help? (and why is Larry Summers wrong again?)
The Ebb and Flow of Movies: Box Office Receipts 1986 - 2007 - The New York Times
Electron Filmed for First Time | LiveScience
How it happened: The catastrophic flood that cooled the Earth - Yahoo! News
NetSol and ICANN Sued over Domain Tasting | MetaFilter
Instant Domain Search
Glenn Greenwald - - Obama shows that dismissing slimy right-wing attacks is not difficult
The Audacity of Hopelessness - New York Times - the remarkable implosion of the Hillary Clinton campaign
Daily Kos: More Unscheduled Stops For The Straight Talk Express : John McCain’s denials start to unravel in tale of the blonde lobbyist
Thomas silent as Supreme Court talks on and on - (no questions in 142 cases)
The three trillion dollar war | Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes - Times Online - The cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts have grown to staggering proportions
Has Bush been blackmailing congressional Democrats?
KryssTal : USA Vetos in the UN
at-Largely: Update on the Media Blackout of 60 Minutes story (more Republican media censorship)
Larry Elliot: Queue for the soup kitchen as we slide towards recession | Business | The Guardian
CIA - The World Factbook -- Rank Order - Current account balance (thank you Bush and the Republicrooks)
Angry Bear: The Federal Debt to GDP Ratio: 1992 to 2008 (Republicans: loot and spend)
How we live, not how we change - Development Crossing
Americans Change Faiths at Rising Rate, Report Finds - New York Times
Le : Réseaux sociaux : des audiences différentes selon les continents
Blogger, Sans Pajamas, Rakes Muck and a Prize - New York Times (TPM, Josh Marshall)
Pioneering midwife touts 'orgasmic birth' - Pregnancy- Some women can experience a sort of birth ecstasy, says Ina May Gaskin (The Farm)
YouTube - Response to: "Atheists have faith, just like theists."
X-bit labs - The Youngest of Yorkfields: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 Processor Review - Bargain Hunters Home
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Sexuality - Review - Impotence A Cultural History
A Shell of a House | MetaFilter
PLoS Medicine - Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration
Prozac, used by 40m people, does not work say scientists | Society | The Guardian (=placebo)
American Beliefs: Evolution vs. Bible's Explanation of Human Origins
White House says phone wiretaps back on for now | Reuters (don't need no steenking law)
Obama Ahead of Clinton 14% in Texas, Up 8% in Ohio; McCain Comfortable (Billary tanking)
Daily Kos: Obama responds: "you can't pick and choose". Genius (Hillary's flip-flops)
Clintons' Tax Returns Would Cast a Wider Light - (on Bill's sleaze)
John McCain Affair? Links To Female Lobbyist Exposed - Politics on The Huffington Post (McTheplotthickens)
MyDD :: DNC to File FEC Complaint Against McCain Campaign (McOhNo)
Obama makes better commander than McCain, Clinton --
Crooks and Liars » McCain Talks Environment, Misses Votes When It Counts (McDeadlast
Fearless War Docs Fight the Good Fight at Oscars - Phil Donahue was so enraged by coverage of the Iraq War that he came out of retirement
The race online: Obama, rivals bring Internet campaigning to new level - San Jose Mercury News
tehran times : Deadly Hubris: A million Iraqis dead -- for what? (Bush -> The Hague)
The Lobbyist, The Drudge, The Times, The Fixer --
Ohio Job Losses Worst Since Great Depression |
Exxon Oil Spill Case May Get Closure -
NPR: Nader Announces New Bid for White House (run, Ralph, run)
I Dream of Hillary ... I Dream of Barack (collective unconscious)
GM exec stands by calling global warming a crock | U.S. | Reuters (Bob Lutz is a crock of shit)
Running out of gas? | Seattle Times Newspaper | Toyota: "This is what the end of the age of oil means" (why Detroit is doomed)
New evidence challenges official picture of Kennedy shooting | Science |
Three Guineas by Virginia Woolf (why we (men) go to war)
Digging For Nazi Treasure: German Treasure Hunters Claim to Have Found Amber Room - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Cheap, 'safe' drug kills most cancers - New Scientist (big pharma not interested)
Computer Programmer's Attorneys Use 'Geek Defense' - (Hans Reiser)
13 Email Addresses That Can Be Useful - Forums
Digg, Wikipedia, and the myth of Web 2.0 democracy. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
Evicted from Wikipedia. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine | Rescued by Wikipedia
Frrvrr™ - start the conversation®
APOD: 2008 February 24 - NGC 4676: When Mice Collide
Video Bat for lashes - What's a girl to do - bat, for, lashes, what, 2007 - Dailymotion
You are not yet enlightened, Inky-san. | MetaFilter
In 2 years as a Senator, Obama authored 152 bills - Hillary: 20 in 6 years | you.presscue (but she's a leader!)
Give Dennis Kucinich His Due (he's actually been leading)
Olbermann Timeline: How The Bush Administration Exploited Terror Threats For Political Gain, 2002-2008 (about time someone did this)
McConnell/Mukasey: Eavesdropping outside of FISA is "illegal" - Glenn Greenwald - McConnell/Mukasey: Eavesdropping outside of FISA is "illegal" (but they don't care)
Matthew Yglesias (February 23, 2008) - McCain's Lying Problem (McBigFatLiar)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - John McCain and the Clinton Rules
Vicki Iseman: Who Is McCain Scandal Figure? - Politics on The Huffington Post
McCain: The 'Anti-Lobbyist' Who Works With Lobbyists - Politics on The Huffington Post
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | McCain's FEC Problem (McJail!)
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » McCain’s Brain - How’s It Doin? (McBrainDamage)
Dakota: Need Help Deciding? (Clinton/Obama Senate records)
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | McCain's FEC Problem
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall | Bush Pentagon (everything is political) - Michael Moore says insurance industry would love Clinton’s healthcare plan
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Hillary Defends Her NAFTA Record?!?
860,000 Name Long Terror Watch List Scrutinizes Americans Most | Threat Level from (we are all terrorist now) - Michael Moore says insurance industry would love Clinton’s healthcare plan
YouTube - House Democrats Save America!
Canada, U.S. agree to use each other’s troops in civil emergencies
Pandagon :: Trial balloon: Dean replacement at DNC? (Snakehead)
Open Left:: The Lovely Harold Ford (Carville wants DNC head to be Republican)
Daily Kos: Harold Ford writes his own obituary
David Shuster: "I Was Thrown Under The Bus To Pay For The Sins Of The Father" - Media on The Huffington Post
i.document » Blog Archive » SurveillanceSaver for windows
Homeowners Losing Equity Lines -
Health Net ordered to pay $9 million after canceling cancer patient's policy - Los Angeles Times
Muslims criticise Walkers after it is revealed that some crisp varieties contain alcohol | the Daily Mail
The Amboy Times: The List of Things That Offend Muslims
Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Observer
Warning: The Content in This Article May Be Ancient | MetaFilter (ref above)
RegisterFly, er RegFly at it again | MetaFilter
Paxson Contradicts McCain Campaign on Meetings - (McWhoops)
A Hole in McCain’s Defense? | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 (McLiar)
AlterNet: Election 2008: In Bed with Lobbyists: Just Another Day at the Office for McCain (McCorrupt)
McCain Scores Zero on National Environmental Scorecard | (McEnvironmentaldisaster)
Stumper : McCain Flies the Not-So-Friendly Skies (McPass)
McCain’s ‘Free Ride’ | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | A critic on the senator's cozy ties to the press corps (McFake)
When parts of McCain’s defense don’t add up - The Carpetbagger Report (McSleaze) video: Nexus of politics and terror (and Bush)
Media Matters - On Fox, Luntz asked debate focus group of Clinton and Obama: "[H]ow many of you want them to make love to each other?" (dept of dumbfucks)
Matthew Yglesias - Platoon (great list of wingnut blogs)
Daily Kos: Obama's Senate Record
The Raw Story | Obama: America 'has to talk to its enemies' (Hillary attacking with irrelevancy)
Inside the world of war profiteers --
Think Progress » Coburn: ‘I Think It Was Probably A Mistake Going To Iraq’ (O Rly)
War and Piece: Renzi a (Former) Spook?
Democratic Underground - PROOF: Here are the photos of the CNN Closed Captioning. - Democratic Underground
Open Letter to Hillary Clinton From a Wellesley College Alumna » Celsias Legislation bans use of evidence tied to torture (Canada)
Calculated Risk: CNBC: Insurer Downgrade "Imminent"
Flood Maps (Manhattan under water)
{Radio Lab in Tanzania}: From the Central African Medical Journal, 1963 An Epidemic of Laughing in the Bukoba District of Tanganyika
alicublog: Big-Time Negotiators, False Healers And Woman-Haters (Rod Dreher, Christian)
AlterNet: Democracy and Elections: When Change Is Not Enough: Seven Steps to Revolution
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli MP blames quakes on gays (Shas)
New mother, cubs found in bear census - (better pic than print edition)
Scientists Measure What It Takes to Push a Single Atom - New York Times
Affairs of the Lips: Why We Kiss: Scientific American
10 Unfortunate Facts of Life | f*cking c*nts (10 Things Every Adult Should Know)
Freedom to Tinker » Blog Archive » New Research Result: Cold Boot Attacks on Disk Encryption
PicLens | Immersive Slideshows Across the Web
Khajuraho: sex and the sacred [PIC] | you.presscue
Cosmic coincidence spotted : Nature News
The Raw Story | Evidence suggests New York Times editors deliberately held McCain lobbyist story
Democratic Underground - PROOF: Here are the photos of the CNN Closed Captioning. - Democratic Underground (CNN: Republican propaganda outlet)
A week of petty though typical attacks on Obama produced nothing - Glenn Greenwald - A week of petty though typical attacks on Obama produced nothing
Kucinich to Investigate 9/11 Insider Trading
January yields debt for HRC, cash for Obama - Kenneth P. Vogel and Jeanne Cummings -
Anti-Kosovo protesters set US embassy ablaze in Belgrade | World news |
King County could lose millions from investments
Update on Wikileaks censorship. Costly mistake for bank?
ARG: Bush at 19% !
Think Progress » Bush: ‘Outside forces tend to divide people up.’
NPR: Forfeited Delegates May Get Second Look (listen to Hillary spin)
Rigged Trials at Gitmo (BushAmerica)
McCain paints Obama as too hawkish? - First Read -
Clintons to face fraud trial
Clinton supporters raising "at least" $10 million for anti-Obama Swift Boat campaign - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Bloomberg's allegation - Ben Smith's Blog -
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo |
I Want my Money Back! One smirks, the other sneers
For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk - New York Times
"Six Questions for Darius Rejali, Author of ‘Torture and Democracy’" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
5 Myths About Torture and Truth -
Homepage of Darius Rejali | How Not To Talk About Torture
Torture's dark allure -
Annals of American History: The Water Cure: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
"Men know everything - all of them- all the time - no matter how stupid or inexperienced or arrogant or ignorant they are.” | MetaFilter
PopMatters Culture Feature | Move Over Alpha Geeks, Here Come the Fangrrls
Undersea saboteurs may have been responsible for cable cuts
Human Genome Project
Castro resigns as Cuban president: official media - Yahoo! News
TPM Cafe | Talking Points Memo | Cuba Embargo Does Not Give US Leverage -- It Harms American Interests
The Raw Story | Supreme Court rejects ACLU challenge to wiretaps
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon The courts and Congress affirmatively conceal and protect lawbreaking
Democrats set pro forma sessions to avoid 'special session' on FISA - The Crypt's Blog -
Lawyers, Guns and Money: He tends to make more sense when you lift his head out of the toilet bowl (Redstate idiots)
Key claim about Iraq WMD threat discredited by British document Hillary's experience: 1) Vote for War without reading estimate on WMD. 2) Vote to make Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. 3) Skip the vote to remove TeleCom immunity from FISA.
INSTAPUTZ: The Wingnuttiest Youtube Ever. (NSFW)
New $2.8 Billion Write-Down Jolts Credit Suisse - New York Times
Banks quietly borrow $50 billion from Fed: report | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters
YouTube - A History of Evil
Neatorama » Blog Archive » The 25 Most Important Questions in the History of the Universe.
Mysteries of computer from 65BC are solved | Science | The Guardian (Antikythera device)
Aviary - Creation on the fly / tools
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall | It's All About Authenticity
Poll: Leaving Iraq Will Help Economy
The Cut-and-Paste Personality -
Solar cell directly splits water for hydrogen
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Planet-hunters set for big bounty Rocky planets, possibly with conditions suitable for life, may be more common than previously thought in our galaxy
Google behind Photoshop's new Linux compatibility | APC Magazine
Nature editors reject peer review process that reduces gender bias Blogs Scientific American Community
Science: HERCULES Laser is Most Intense Laser in the Universe, Almost as Powerful as the Death Star
BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo MPs proclaim independence
Nation & World | Independent Kosovo? Why Not Vermont? | Seattle Times Newspaper
Dallas Morning News ("Opinion" Section) Touches Sibel Edmonds' Story |
Clinton backers fault campaign --
The State of the Jihad, As He Might See It - The State of the Jihad, As He Might See It
The Spies Who Love You! | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site
A Third in U.S. Say Bush is Worst President: Angus Reid Global Monitor
Media Matters - Brooks' advice to Obama, "Go visit a factory for once"; but Obama spoke at a General Motors plant days earlier (Bobo's mind is flat)
Charles Barkley Slams Republicans On CNN: "I Call Them Fake Christians", The Word 'Conservative' "Makes Me Sick"
You're Invited . . . To Pay Your Mortgage -
Bernanke: There's No Housing Bubble to Go Bust
Usury: Study Says Payday Lenders More Prevalent In Areas Of High Christian Conservative Power (figures)
SCIENCE-US: Top Scientists Want Research Free From Politics (Bush hates science)
Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet | Technology | The Observer
How to have more social success | Free practical advice on social skills, getting along with people, and getting your act together
A Solar Grand Plan: Scientific American
Japanese Roots | Human Evolution | DISCOVER Magazine
Daily Kos: Torture is on the table. So why isn't impeachment?
YouTube - Olbermann: Special Comment 2/14/08
Unofficial Tallies in City Understated Obama Vote - New York Times
Bureaucrats' "Gross Mismanagement" Blamed For Hundreds Of Marines' Deaths - Politics on The Huffington Post
The Lost Kristol TapesWhat the New York Times Bought -
Lockheed gets $1 billion FBI contract - (to spy on you)
Media Matters - CNN repeats smear of Obama supporters as "creepy" and "cult-like"
Media Matters - Jamison Foser - MSNBC still doesn't "get it": hosts Obama-bashing hatemonger Ann Coulter ... again
Remember how we said that if Congress gave immunity to the telcos, they'd start giving it to every big corporation? | Corrente
NY governor warns of 'financial tsunami' - Yahoo! News
Cancer and the bacterial connection - Los Angeles Times
Hand-wringing About American Culture - Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge? - New York Times
The Anonymity Experiment | Popular Science
Psychology Today: Field Guide: Sarcastic Masters They're smart, they're funny, and they know it. But is cracking jokes that put other people down truly wise?
Identical twins not as identical as believed
Doctors group backs marijuana for medical uses | U.S. | Reuters
Our view on security vs. privacy: Bush uses scare tactics to railroad flawed spying act - Yahoo! News
The Gavel » Blog Archive » Pelosi: ‘The President is Misrepresenting the Facts on Our Nation’s Electronic Surveillance Capabilities’
Matthew Yglesias - More FISA, Less Sarcasm
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - Jihadis throw a wild bash over the Protect America Act - George Bush and Mike McConnell are putting the nation at risk in order to ensure that AT&T and Verizon do not have to be held accountable in a court of law
Crooks and Liars » Countdown Special Comment on FISA: President Bush Is A Liar And A Fascist
TPM: | Won't Go There | Mark Penn: Clinton is ultimately responsible for putting her political fate in this fool's hands
Lieberman Supports Waterboarding: 'It's Not Like Using Hot Coals' - Politics on The Huffington Post (pro-torture)
Show Us the Money - New York Times only Senator Barack Obama has released his full income-tax returns — a level of disclosure once routine for candidates after the political corruption of Watergate.
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | The Calculus of Torture
Attytood: Christine M. Flowers, meet The Google...and Barack Obama (another idiot)
How Clinton Is Trapped by Her Own Story in the Press, While Obama Is Freed by His -- New York Magazine
Media Workers Against the War » Blog Archive » Nick Davies: How “flat earth” news is killing journalism
BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince | World news | The Guardian Worldwide Banks at Risk From $203 Billion Writedowns, Says UBS (thud)
Citigroup Hedge Fund Withdrawal -
Sacramento Real Estate Statistics: Natomas Area Commercial Real Estate Photolog
Experts Scoff at Sat Shoot-Down Rationale (Updated) | Danger Room from
22,000 died amid delayed Bayer drug recall: doctor | Reuters
Questions & Answers about Stevia - David Richard Stevia - Naturally Sweet - Recipes, Cooking Tips, Articles, and leading Stevia Products
Nutrition Action Healthletter - Stevia: A Bittersweet Tale
Black Light 0984 on Flickr
Daily Kos: FISA Fight: This round to the Dems
E-Commerce News: Law: House Rejects Telecom Immunity as FISA Clock Ticks Down
Bush to veto Senate ban on waterboarding - Yahoo! News
Bush Spy Bill Stance Called Fear-Mongering, President: U.S. Could Face Attacks That Would Make 9/11 "Pale By Comparison" - CBS News
The Gavel » Blog Archive » House Approves Contempt Resolutions for Miers and Bolten (Bush to bomb Congress)
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | Strange Bedfellows Block Dem Effort to Extend Surveillance Bill
The Gavel » Blog Archive » On the House Vote on FISA (Pelosi: no mention of actually getting a warrent for their illegal spying) - House to Debate Contempt Charges for Bush Advisers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
The Washington Monthly: wingers panic over FISA extension, refuse to remove telco immunity if it's such a big deal)
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon CNN's John Roberts helps out Mike McConnell
Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues (65 page blueprint for change)
Crooks and Liars » You’re Making An Impact–Keep It Going.
Dan Froomkin - Return of the 9/11 President -
Daily Kos: Please buy my brand of stupid
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall | Political Genius Walking Among Us (Mark "right-leaning centrist" Penn)
Populist Party Blog: It'll Never, Ever, Ever Happen Here (or has it?)
YouTube - Hillary4U&Me (Hillary Campaign Responds to Obama's "Yes I Can" Video What May Be the Worst Thing Ever YouTube'd)
Clinton counts on superdelegates - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - (will ignore popular vote)
If I Ran the Zoo: McCain: Big Fat Flip-Flopping LOSER
Calculated Risk: Bankers Plead for Bailout Worried Bankers Seek to Shift Risk to Uncle Sam (i.e., you)
The Denver Post - McCain: Step up drug war (bomb, bomb, Mexico!)
The Associated Press: Texas Ban on Sex Toy Sales Is Overturned - More Sports - Kansas HS says female cannot ref boys game - Wednesday February 13, 2008 9:40PM could not be put in a position of authority over boys because of the academy's beliefs (Nuns?)
Tikun Olam - 15 yr Old Palestinian Boy Beaten Unconscious by Israeli Prison Guards Becomes Latest Suicide Bomber (cycle of violence)
Fox News, Doomsday Image (Fox mindset)
Andy Kaufman on Fridays from FridaysFan
Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences goes Open Access
ESA - Space Science - Titan’s surface organics surpass oil reserves on Earth
AlphaGalileo.Org - the Internet-based news centre for European science, engineering and technology.
Oamos - play and discover content you'll love (cute)
CNN Picks Up | WebProNews
The Rick Schwartz Domain and Traffic Blog of the "Domain King": and Domain Valuations
Newsroom Cuts at the 'New York Times' - Media Blog - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media -
How To Remove Virusheat (removal Instructions)
VirusHeat Removal Instructions (Remove VirusHeat) For Windows XP/Vista
Stop telco immunity and warrantless spying! (21 "undecided" Dems on Bush/Telco immunity - call them)
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | Conyers Introduces Contempt Resolution, Call for Lawsuit against White House
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | Who Has Time for Contempt? (Pelosi, Hoyer too busy being "bipartisan")
Senate Votes to Expand Spy Powers - New York Times
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Condemns Senate FISA Vote
A Tale of Two Constituencies - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Daily Kos: FISA Fight: House Blue Dogs enabling the GOP
Md. Challenger Edwards Wins Stunning Victory Over Long-Time Incumbent Wynn - (Donna crushes corrupt blue-dog Dem)
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall | Get What You (Over)pay For, Part 2 (Mark Penn)
Airing of the Grievances: The Man Who Met Mark Penn (or Andy Griffith) (JM)
TPM Cafe | Talking Points Memo | Why We Should Not Be Easily Satisfied
Whiskey Fire: Obscurity and Misery (WaPo can't be fixed)
BBC NEWS | UK | Five students win terror appeal
Builders: No More Campaign Contributions: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance (65% went to Repubs to rig the system for them)
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - The Concepts of Consciousness Integrating an Emerging Science
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Psychoanalysis - Review - Biology of Freedom Neural Plasticity, Experience, and the Unconscious
Conyers' Phone Rings Steadily for Two Days |
Firedoglake - FISA Fiasco Live on CSPAN2 (Senate Dems say fuck you to America)
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | Senate Votes to Give Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms (with list of Dem traitors)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - Amnesty Day for Bush and lawbreaking telecoms
YouTube - 20080211 Senator Dodd quotes Glenn Greenwald on FISA 8:30pm
Talking Points Memo | The Ticking Time Bomb (Scalia: mental and moral midget)
Inside the Clinton Shake-Up
Putsch in Hillaryland
Marc Ambinder (February 11, 2008) - Quakes In Hillaryland, Part II
Calculated Risk: Is BofA Willing to Write Down Loans 30%?
Calculated Risk: Buffett Bids for EBS*
Mortgage Crisis Spreads Past Subprime Loans - New York Times
Crooks and Liars » Conyers Said He’s On The Edge Of Starting Impeachment
Loss of Civil Liberties Since 9/11
Kucinich: "The Incident Did Not Happen" | (AIPAC)
"State Secret" Privilege Used to Block Lawsuit on Behalf of Torture Victims |
Talking Points Memo: | WTF? Republican caucus in Washington state (just stopped counting the votes)
Think Progress » Snow Reveals ‘80 Percent’ Of Bush’s Advisers Opposed Iraq Surge Worldwide Rand Sinks as South African Electricity Grid Fails
Dealing with drug addiction | Hard to swallow | It is difficult to trust the policies of a government that keeps its evidence secret
Think Progress » O’Hanlon: Obama and Clinton ‘Both Fail On Iraq’ (O'Hanlon's war)
Robert Naiman: If Americans Knew What We Did to Iran, Would We Still Talk About Using Force? - Politics on The Huffington Post (but American's can't remember anything longer than 10 minutes)
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon The WSJ editorial page lies about our surveillance laws
AlterNet: Blogs: Video: Less Jobs, More Wars: What Is This "Iraq War" Charge On My Bill? [VIDEO]
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Says FBI Guidelines Will Make Little Difference, Congress Must Impose Meaningful Oversight and Fix NSL Statute
Source: Shadegg to Retire (another Rethug down)
Israeli city demands that Google Earth erase Palestinian claim -- Google says no | Community
The New York Times > Opinion > Image > How Americans Spend Their Money
Arianna Huffington: Who Is Maggie Williams? - Politics on The Huffington Post
YouTube - Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video
You saw the Obama video, now watch the McCain one - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
American spirituality | Where “California” bubbled up |
Esalen, where "California" bubbled up | MetaFilter
Pharyngula: A compromise: maybe they could operate with their feet?
TechEBlog » Feature: Adobe's Magic Lens Lets You Control Image Depth After the Shot
Edge: Cover Story - Publico Sunday Magazine History Shows That Famous Thinkers Also Get It Wrong. And they admit it
A Primeval Tide of Toxins - Los Angeles Times
jessblog » Blog Archive » im in ur chan watching ur war on scientology
Anonymous' Church of Scientology protest has some and gone | MetaFilter (new activist paradigm?)
Scientists Find New Receptor for H.I.V. - New York Times
Next Up for the Democrats: Civil War - New York Times
Watching Hillary's town hall. - By Troy Patterson - Slate Magazine
Firedoglake - How Many More Lies Before Accountability?
The Fear Factory : Rolling Stone The FBI now has more than 100 task forces devoted exclusively to fighting terrorism. But is the government manufacturing ghosts?
Cafferty File: Young people revved up for election? « - 100 years in Iraq = DRAFT
End Injustice Now!: “Before the Nevada primary, Dennis [Kucinich] was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC”
McCain Stumbles on H.I.V. Prevention - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog (dumbfuck)
Britain kow tows to China as athletes are forced to sign no criticism contracts | the Daily Mail
Think Progress » Cheney asserts independent power from Bush.
Wasn't It Great? (Second Great Depression)
Some Americans Reluctant to Vote for Mormon, 72-Year-Old Presidential Candidates
Ashcroft: Bush Is "Most Respectful Ever" Of Civil Liberties - Politics on The Huffington Post
The Monkey Cage: Conservative and liberal bloggers
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/10/2008 | House Republicans approach record departures
Sickened Iraq Vets Cite Depleted Uranium
Budget Blues $2.55 billion in foreign aid to Israel, an increase of $170 million as part of a new 10-year security aid agreement.
Nick Cohen: Why Tom Cruise would love our courts | Comment is free | The Observer
YouTube - Anonymous Press Release (Scientology)
Science of the orgasm - Los Angeles Times
Marry Him! (women: just settle for less)
Pandagon :: Nice Guys® have a champion for their cause :: February :: 2008
Lance Mannion: Helping to make the world safe for arrested adolescent men who can't get laid on their own
best of craigslist : "What Happened to All the Nice Guys?"
Tooth Scan Reveals Neanderthals Traveled More than Thought | LiveScience
APOD: 2008 February 10 - Abell 2218: A Galaxy Cluster Lens
The $54 Trillion Budget Bomb - (true size of deficit, hidden by Bush and Dems)
Impeach Bush For Peace » Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Bush Likely to Attack Iran, Impeachment a Must
The Chicken Doves : Rolling Stone Elected to end the war, Democrats have surrendered to Bush on Iraq and betrayed the peace movement for their own political ends
Obama Outshines Clinton at Raising Funds - New York Times (Clinton bought by big money)
NPR: Clinton Seeks to Cast Herself as Underdog (see above)
Poll: Leaving Iraq would boost economy - Stocks & economy-
Think Progress » Poll: ‘to fix economy, get out of Iraq.’
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | White House Insists on Confirmation of Torture Memo Author
Media Matters - Slacker Friday - Charles Pierce - George Bush is now claiming fully the powers of a tyrant, by any reasonable definition of the term
Annals of National Security: A Strike in the Dark: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker What did Israel bomb in Syria?
Torture Is Impeachable and Has Been Confessed to |
BBC NEWS | UK | Archbishop under pressure to quit
The New Criterion — Inhuman power of the lie: “The Great Terror” at 40
Dionne, E.J., Jr.: Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics after the Religious Right.
Why Personality Matters | Worldwide Senate Blocks Expanded U.S. Economic Stimulus Plan
Irvine Housing Blog » Blog Archive » Gimme Shelter
The Big Picture | 5 Historical Economic Crises and the U.S.
Pandagon :: Nice Guys® have a champion for their cause
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - The Female Thing Dirt, Envy, Sex, Vulnerability by Laura Kipnis
FDA warns of Botox side effects, deaths -
Polaroid Closing Instant Film Factories - New York Times
Why We Love the Sweet Life | LiveScience
Winners gallery 2008 - World Press Photo
62nd College Photographer of the Year | Winning Images
Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Apple - Trailers - I’m Not There - 21m Featurette
The Life Cycle of a Blog Post, From Servers to Spiders to Suits -- to You
BlueProximity - GNOME Bluetooth device distance detection and automatic locking tool :-) - dinosaur comics - January 05 2006 ("begging the question")
Comcast: Our BitTorrent busting is 'best in class' | The Register
The Associated Press: Bush, Congress Hit Bottom in AP Poll (Bush at 30%)
Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > The next president should open up the Bush Administration's record (well, Hilliary?)
Bush: "Peace And Prosperity" At Stake In Election - Politics on The Huffington Post (no comment)
Obama to Clinton: About That Loan - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
TIME Poll: Clinton More Beatable than Obama - Yahoo! News
AlterNet: Blogs: Video: What Is This "Iraq War" Charge On My Bill? [Video] ($16,000 bill to every family for Bushwar - thanks, Republifucks)
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall | Caught in Amber (New Bridge Strategies, the 'make big money in Iraq' consultancy)
New Bridge Strategies - assisting clients to evaluate and take advantage of business opportunities in the Middle East following the conclusion of the U.S.-led war in Iraq (yeah)
Crossing the Lines (2004 MJ article on Republican lobbying and total corrupt incompetence in Iraq)
Think Progress » Discovery Channel Drops Plans To Air ‘Taxi To The Dark Side’ Because It Is Too ‘Controversial’ (reality has been "controversial" during the Bush years)
End Evil Politics: Bush Administration
YouTube - Wall Street Meltdown
Think Progress » Lamar Smith: ‘99% of Americans’ support waterboarding.
Mistake? Fox News Identifies McCain As A Democrat - Media on The Huffington Post
Crooks and Liars » 60 Minutes Caves to Pressure from White House on Siegelman Story…
Mohammed Image Archive
Wikipedia: 107,000 demand Wikipedia remove this image of Muhammad
EastSouthWestNorth: The Children of Iraq
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Florida School Bans Pro-Gay Speech
Appeals court: First Amendment protects forum trolls too
Psychologists Protest APA's Position On Interrogations | MetaFilter | Somebody high up in the APA seems to be on board with the Bush Administration's torture policies
Kenneth S. Pope: Why I Resigned from the American Psychological Association
Metapsychology Online Reviews - The Ethics Toolkit - A Compendium of Ethical Concepts and Methods by Julian Baggini and Peter S. Fosl
Wikipedia ruled by 'Lord of the Universe' | The Register
Reading Tea Leaves-PMA 2008
StuffBak - Protect Your Mobile Assets
Time: Romney quits race ("Clinton and Obama: ... cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror"
Media Matters - Matthews, Russert ignored record Democratic turnout in suggesting lack of broad appeal
Muckraker | administration has blundered its way into its recent pro-waterboarding PR offensive
TPM | Mark This Day | Attorney General of the United States telling Congress that it's not against the law for the President to violate the law if his own Department of Justice says it's not.
Emptywheel - » Mukasey Refuses to Say Whether He Was Instructed Not to Enforce Subpoenas
Firedoglake - Clinton, Cash and the Fox F*%kup
Speakers at Academy Said to Make False Claims - NYT - three speakers who critics say are evangelical Christians falsely claiming to be former Muslim terrorists.
BBC NEWS | UK | Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable'
Clarity Sought on Electronics Searches - Exclusive Exploding ARMs Roil Bernanke's Drive to Calm Markets - Watch Live Streaming News From the USA & World - Beta Version
The Potential for Danger in Particle Collider Experiments
Cable Cut Fever Grips the Web | Threat Level from
Horizon: What on Earth is Wrong With Gravity? | sciencetech | Turning physics on its ear - Has college dropout done the impossible and created a perpetual motion machine? Religious Zealots Say the Darndest Things
MediaMonkey Free MP3 Jukebox Player, Music Library Organizer
Philip M. Parker writes and publishes over 85,000 books on Amazon | MetaFilter
Obama claims delegate lead - Mike Allen -
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | White House: Waterboarding Is A-OK (WH: oh, *that* waterboarding)
Think Progress » Buchanan: John McCain ‘Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi’
Media Smeared Paul For Racism, Ignored McCain's "Gook" Comments
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble (LA Daily)
Media Matters - Matthews on Bill Clinton: "[T]hings always change when he inserts himself"
Hullabaloo - Scrubbing Maureen (Modo more depraved than usual) » Blog Archive » World Economies hang by an Internet thread
Bad Science » Trivial Disputes
05RubbishGraphic_15022a.jpg (*two* floating garbage continents)
Photos by Rarindra Prakarsa -
Rarindra style workflow...: Retouching Forum: Digital Photography Review
The Associated Press: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Dies
Is alcohol worse than ecstasy? | MetaFilter
The Mechanical Universe on Demand | MetaFilter
Snow_crystals.png (PNG Image, 2400x1886 pixels) - Scaled (44%)
Small wonder: inside Intel's Silverthorne ultramobile CPU
Urgent: Cable Cuts Now Total Five!
Found in Translation FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.
The BRAD BLOG : Former CIA Analyst: 'Sibel Edmonds is Talking About Treason, Cover-Up at Highest Levels of U.S. Government'
Breaking down the U.S. military budget. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine Much more than the oft-cited $515.4 billion.
News - IT Security News - SC Magazine UK
BBC NEWS | Health | Three-parent embryo formed in lab
Swarm Approach To Photography Improves Contrast And Detail In Digital Photos
Clinton Accepts Fox News Debate - Politics on The Huffington Post
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - Fun and games with terrorist threats
20 minutes or so on why I am 4Barack (Lessig Blog)
Chris Ball: Transcript of Lawrence Lessig Obama video
History Of Super Tuesday Primary Day « Texas Liberal
CIA says used waterboarding three times | Reuters
Ex-Bush aide Rove to join Fox News Channel | Politics | Reuters
AlterNet: Blogs: PEEK: Bush Breaks the Law Again, Gives Himself Line-Item Veto Power
Rising Hegemon: A Day which will live in Wankery - Five years ago today, Colin Powell decided to spend all of his credibility to sell George Bush's War.
Five Years Ago: When the Press Helped Colin Powell Sell the War (deluded fools)
Paul Craig Roberts: Why Were the 9/11 Tapes Destroyed?
Israel to destroy mosque because it doesn't have a buiding permit. It was erected - 700 years ago
Evidence of fraud and disenfranchisement in Ohio 2004 election CDO Market Is Almost Frozen, Merrill, JPMorgan Say Worldwide ISM Services Index Fell More Than Forecast in January
The Recycling Myth - Per Bylund - Mises Institute
Legalizing Drugs Would Eliminate Most of the Problems Associated with Their Abuse - Drug Legalization
Think Progress » Rice Was ‘Uninterested In Advising The President’ Before 9/11, Wanted To Be His ‘Closest Confidante’ (incompetent)
Muckraker | Wikileaks: 2005 US Military rules of engagement: Bush authorized invading Iran, Syria
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Our media have become mass producers of distortion
U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens
National Super Tuesday poll shows dramatic Democratic shift -
Zakaria: The Wrong Experience | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | - she is terrified to act on her beliefs
Hillary vs. the Patriarchy - (Erica fucking Jong tells you how to vote)
Gary Hart: Iraq as Metaphor - Politics on The Huffington Post (Hilliary and her war support)
The Raw Story | 9/11 Commissioner: 'We had to go through Karl Rove'
Tomgram: Bombs Away Over Iraq
Cost of subsidized insurance program to double in Massachusetts - The Boston Globe
incarceration-rates2.png (for selected countries: US leads)
Bush unveils $3.1 trillion spending plan - Yahoo! News / Home UK / UK - Private equity firms unlikely to rescue Ambac and MBIA (big surprise)
Understanding Race | MetaFilter - Operation Ivy Bells (undersea cable snooping)
Quarter of Brits think Churchill was myth: poll - Yahoo! News (but Sherlock Holmes was real)
The Associated Press: FDA: Chantix May Pose Psychiatric Risks
Supercool, and Strange: Science News Online, Jan. 26, 2008 Scientists are finding clues about why water is so utterly weird
New And Improved HuffPollstrology: Candidates' Horoscopes, Polls And More - The Huffington Post
The 5 Greatest Gamer Temper Tantrums on
With Clinton Weakening, Gang of Four Ready to Pounce | Squirmelicious
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » State Secrets And Lies, Part II
Rogue Columnist: What's really wrong with newspapers
Whiskey Fire: Always Pokerfaced
Tax breaks for Big Oil or green energy? - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
Khaleej Times Online - Ships did not cause Internet cable damage
Cable-cutting in preparation for war - the historical precedent. | Wake Up From Your Slumber
Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules' - Telegraph Yes We Can
map_edu.gif (percentage of US with less than 9 years of education)
Pentagon: The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system".
Aardvarchaeology : US Politics Have No Left Wing
"There was no forcible penetration but Hope felt as if she was being raped." | MetaFilter
BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue
If Osama's Only 6 Degrees Away, Why Can't We Find Him? | Human Origins | DISCOVER Magazine
A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection
» Everything you’ve read about Vista DRM is wrong (Part 1) | Ed Bott’s Microsoft Report |
Center for Genetics and Society : Google Wants to Track Your Medical History -- And Your Genome
My Genome, Myself: Seeking Clues in DNA - New York Times
23 And Me...And Google...And Your Genome | MetaFilter
23andMe - Genetics Just Got Personal.
Ayahuasca: A Strange Brew - Los Angeles Times
Illegal Government Surveillance: It's Not Just For Foreigners | Electronic Frontier Foundation
AlterNet: Blogs: Video: Olbermann's Special Comment on FISA
Dan Froomkin - Fear of Looking Weak - (Chafee: Dems caved on Bushwar)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - The Senate's FISA agreement (Cheney/Rockefeller Senate Intelligence Committee bill)
Media Matters - Jamison Foser: Rich media, poor debates
cab drollery: Moritori Te Salutant (end of America)
cab drollery: Trying to Put the U.S. Beyond Repair (Molly Ivins was prescient)
New Operation to Put Heavily Armed Officers in Subways - New York Times
Mondoweiss: Former '60 Minutes' Producer Says Show Could Get No Congressman to Speak on the Record About AIPAC
Rapper MOS DEF rips Bill Maher a new one on terrorism and 9/11 | Wake Up From Your Slumber
Radio host uses copyright lawsuit to silence Muslim critics; EFF fights back
ARMSFLOW (arms trafficking since 1950)
Daily Kos: Why I can't vote for Hillary: My deeply personal Clinton story
BBC NEWS | Technology | New cable cut compounds net woes
SeaCableHi.jpg (internet's undersea world)
Exxon posts quarterly, annual profit records - Feb. 1, 2008
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Ethics - Review - Morality in a Natural World Selected Essays in Metaethics by David Copp
Depleted Cranium » Blog Archive » The Top Ten Things Environmentalists Need to Learn
The Worst Addiction of Them All (war/Republicansim)
Today @ PC World RealPlayer Gets Slapped with "Badware" Label
HPV increasingly causes oral cancer in men - Cancer-
50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight: Simple Slimming | Weight-Loss | Reader's Digest
Rat genes shed light on ancient human migrations - life - 01 February 2008 - New Scientist
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Last wave' for wild golden frog
YouTube - The Who - Behind Blue Eyes
Portrait of a 21st-Century Spinster
Don't be fooled by the myth of John McCain
Nader Nader Nader | MetaFilter
Overcoming Bias: Dark Police
YouTube - Hillary Clinton: Every Nation Must Be With Us Or Against Us (9/13/2001)
Think Progress » Glenn Beck’s Rants Against ‘Juan McCain’ Would Not Be Welcome At (CNN) Worldwide Microsoft Offers to Buy Yahoo for $44.6 Billion
Safe Haven | Two Billionaires Describe Our Outlook
WorldNetDaily: Discovery backs theory oil not 'fossil fuel' (abiotic petrogenesis)
Suburban Guerrilla - Prescient - William Grieder, writing in The Nation back in 2003 / Comment & analysis / Analysis - Last year’s model: stricken US homeowners confound predictions
But if the vaults are empty, what will Scrooge McDuck swim in? | MetaFilter
BBC NEWS | Health | Deep stimulation 'boosts memory'
The Moscow Times - crime watch
Of Man's First Disobedience | MetaFilter (John Milton 400 yr anniversary)
Questioning Consciousness | MetaFilter
Essays: 'The mystery of consciousness' by Paul Broks | Prospect Magazine April 2007 issue 133
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - The Faces of Terrorism Social and Psychological Dimensions by Neil J. Smelser
Time stops at Grand Central // Current
TED | Talks | David Gallo: Underwater astonishments (video)
Wapo: 32% of Americans are mentally retarded
Soldier Suicides at Record Level -
Dan Froomkin - Bush's 'Total Confidence' -
MyDD :: The Democratic Majority IS The American Majority
Sadly, No! » Depressingly stupid goddamn journalism (Jake Tapper)
The Raw Story | Book: Director of 9/11 commission secretly spoke with Rove, White House (plant)
Obama and the Jewish question - Haaretz - Israel News
TAPPED | The American Prospect | The Legend Of Straighttalk Mcsurge
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon Mukasey's radical worldview is now the norm
Calculated Risk: CRE: Macklowe Cedes Control to Lender
Moody's boosts subprime loss estimate up to 85 pct | Reuters Worldwide MBIA Posts Biggest Loss, Considers New Capital Plans
Federal Reserve has Been accused of gold-price manipulation. It's about TIME! | The News is
Thinking About Tomorrow -
iComment: Be Heard Hebron 6/5: Israeli soliders attack innocent family, including women and children, in their own home! Horrific Images (Judeofascist terrorists)
Fox News’ ratings take another slide - The Carpetbagger Report
Information Architects Japan » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 2008 Beta
Concord Monitor - Marijuana ban failing just as Prohibition did
Pot vending machines take root in L.A. - Health care-
arm-chair logic - logic test
7 things Windows 7 has to do to win me back -
Wanton women cry that men jerk their shot and miss the real target - Mainichi Daily News
Psychology Today: Scents and Sensibility
All blue-eyed humans have common ancestor | Science Blog
Child-Men? | MetaFilter
We're friends now! | MetaFilter (PBS: Growing Up Online)
'Facebook fatigue' kicks in as people tire of social networks | The Register
AtomFilms: Kung-Fu Election
[adult swim] | Games | Bible Fight
Top 10 Bizarre Biblical Tales - The List Universe
all200.gif (the whole universe in one picture)
Upcoming Changes to Feedback (Ebay abolishes buyer feedback)
Don't Mess with Charles Bronson
Think Progress » Bush Issues Signing Statement On Defense Act, Waiving Ban On Permanent Bases In Iraq
TPMmuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Mukasey Shocks Biden's Conscience
2008 State of the Union Address - TIME (by the numbers)
Edwards to Quit Presidential Race
"Homegrown Terrorism" Bill
Outside Groups Aid Obama, Their Vocal Critic - New York Times (smear job: Hilliary much more special interest)
Hullabaloo The Plan (Bloombergmania!)
Media Matters - Fox News is in for a very rough 2008 (Rudy didn't work out)
Sadly, No! » People who lose their homes are the storm troopers of liberal fascism
YouTube - Pat Buchanan on the John McCain Platform
John McCain's racist remark very troubling (hates Asians)
FEMA, Katrina trailers, cancer | Salon News (told scientists to delete the science)
Vermont anti-Bush petition lambasted - Yahoo! News
Talking Points Memo | Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) Retiring (28th)
Media Matters - CNN's King, WSJ reported McCain has shifted "emphasis," "subtly alter[ed]" position on immigration -- but he has reversed himself on it (subtly alter is the new complete reverse)
The Associated Press: S&P Mulls $500B in Mortgage Downgrades (holy shitpile!)
St. Louis Fed: Series: NFORBRES, Net Free or Borrowed Reserves of Depository Institutions Worldwide Banks May Write Down $70 Billion, Oppenheimer Says (monolines fail)
Countrywide loss doesn't deter BofA
Free Preview - - FBI Launches Subprime Probe
Free Preview - - UBS to Post $4 Billion Full-Year Loss On Further Mortgage Write-Downs Worldwide UBS Reports Record Loss After $14 Billion Writedown
News: Jim Cramer rails against 'laissez faire' government || Bucknell University
The 'Problem of Evil' in Postwar Europe - The New York Review of Books
Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police (maybe we can do this with Cheney's emails?)
ICANN | Preliminary Report for the Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors | 23 January 2008 (NetSol evil)
Microsoft Live Labs : Volta (MS steals FF logo)
Reversing the Life Cycle: Medusae Transforming into Polyps and Cell Transdifferentiation in Turritopsis nutricula (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) -- Piraino et al. 190 (3): 302 -- The Biological Bulletin
Pelosi and Reid have failed America
Web exclusive: 'Obama the conservative' by Johan Wennström | Prospect Magazine January 2008 issue 142
He’d rather talk about sex than God - Times Online (Bush's "Jesus talk")
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side - Bush Jr.'s Skeleton Closet
iComment: Be Heard BBC Documentary: al-Qaeda "Organization" is a fiction with no basis in reality.
Countrywide Financial Earnings - 1 in 3 Subprime Mortgages Delinquent
What Our Top Spy Doesn't Get: Security and Privacy Aren't Opposites (like liberty vs control)
gladwell dot com - the tipping point
Is the Tipping Point Toast? -- Duncan Watts -- Trendsetting
YouTube - Bill Hicks on Marketing
Glenn Greenwald - Salon Today's FISA vote (Senators voted for themselves, not you)
Economy, War To Dominate State of Union -
Foreign Policy: The List: The World’s Biggest Military Buildups
This Modern World, by Tom Tomorrow | Salon Comics (Dems united as never before)
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: The End of Privacy
xkcd » Blog Archive » Politics
Media Matters - Beck said "to be consistent," Clinton should give Obama "5 percentage points" because of affirmative action (trusted name in news, yada yada)
Think Progress » Bush: ‘Life’s pretty comfortable inside the bubble.’ (bubble boy)
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions, Tells 60 Minutes Former Iraqi Dictator Didn't Expect U.S. Invasion - CBS News CBS Falsifies Iraq War History
Wall $treet Week with Fortune| PBS | Buffett: Why I'm not buying the U.S. dollar
The great fiscal stimulus package ... of 1929 - MarketWatch
Calculated Risk: New Home Sales: Cliff Diving
Target Tells a Blogger to Go Away - New York Times
Dutch Jewish group slams image of Anne Frank wearing kaffiyeh - Haaretz - Israel News
The Autumn of the Multitaskers Multitasking is dumbing us down and driving us crazy.
Daily Kos: Why I'm Leaving APA (A Special Kind of GBCW Diary) (psychologists for torture)
AlterNet: Health and Wellness: How Teenage Rebellion Has Become a Mental Illness
Hunter-gatherers | Noble or savage? |
The murky demimonde of Amazon's Top Reviewers. - By Garth Risk Hallberg - Slate Magazine
Bogus book reviews on | Book Nook
YouTube - Google Maps
Freed From the Page, but a Book Nonetheless - New York Times (Steve Jobs: "people don't read anymore")
Random Acts of Pondering: Art With a Single Sheet of Paper
YouTube - The Fibonacci in Lateralus
Trailers From Hell
Obama pulls ahead in rout --
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon Bill Clinton: The Chris Matthews of South Carolina (and the polls are fucked)
Waving Goodbye to Hegemony - New York Times (Bush/Neocons killed the American Empire)
The New Anatolian: FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her "secrets"
AlterNet: War on Iraq: Another Neocon Attempt to Frame Iran Falls Apart
US the Biggest Producer of Terror' |
Margaret Thatcher told navy to raid Swedish coast - Times Online
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
Think Progress » Olbermann: I’d Sacrifice My Personal Success For A ‘Responsible Presidency’
Where Did AIPAC Come From?
Mondoweiss: Conflation Again: Lieberman Says Israel Is the 'Strongest Roots' of U.S. Foreign Policy
Mondoweiss: 'The Israel Lobby' Has Become an Outsider Narrative. Unhealthy
Hullabaloo Winning Large
Daily Howler: When GE can lie to you this way, you're no longer in a democracy
Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe - Times Online
Why do we borrow money and give it countries that don’t need it? « The Incontiguous Brick (America: Israel's piggy bank)
Paul Grignon: Money As Debt
Allentown man charged in two homicides --
Andart: Warning Signs for Tomorrow
For every 100 girls …
YouTube - Montel turns the tables on a Fox Morning Television show
Evolving Thoughts Basic Concepts in Science: A list
Obama runs away with SC primary - Yahoo! News
The FISA Follies, Redux - New York Times
It’s Time to Hold Democratic House Leaders in Contempt - (the Nancy and Harry show) - Scare tactics (FISA lies)
YouTube - History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job (Cheney?)
EFF:URGENT: Oppose Telecom Immunity and Tell Your Senator to Vote "No on Cloture"
Media Matters - by Jamison Foser - Halperin vs. Halperin
Whiskey Fire: Maggots Turn to Flies
Techdirt: Court Says You Can Copyright A Cease-And-Desist Letter
iComment: Nearly $2,000,000,000,000 and counting. ISRAEL receives more AMERICAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS than the impoverished nations of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, & the Caribbean (pop 1 billion+) COMBINED
Physics Today Campaign 2008 - Where do they stand on science?: Mike Gravel on teaching evolution
The Raw Story | In Clinton endorsement, New York Times inches towards historical revisionism
"Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex, Utah Man Who Sold R-Rated Films Shorn Of Skin Arrested For Sex With 14-Year-Old Girls - CBS News (Republicans) - News From AP (can't tell the truth)
Artificial Life? Old News
Another country --
Pharyngula: Evolution in 5 minutes
Strap on your stupid and let's get at it | MetaFilter (You suck at Photoshop)
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » What The F*!k Is Up With FISA (Dems cave totally, kiss Bush's ass)
Letters: Will the Democratic presidential candidates adhere to their rhetoric? - Salon (what's at stake with FISA)
YouTube - Cafferty file: Bush Lied 935 times on iraq (Clinton needed only one for impeachment)
Hullabaloo Speaking Of Radical Centrists (Bloomberg and Unity 08)
Open Left:: Bloomberg's Favorable Rating Is Teh Suck
Teens Frustrate Military Recruiter's ASVAB Scam - by Scott Horton
"The Illustrated President" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Impeachment Statement by Presidential Candidate Senator Mike Gravel | Mike Gravel For President 2008
Weldon won't be seeking re-election - The Crypt's Blog -
Canada supports Israel's Gaza blockade | Presscue
McCain, a hawk on Iraq, appealing to antiwar voters in GOP - The Boston Globe (makes sense)
Irvine Housing Blog » Blog Archive » Unforgiven (Helocs and consuming greed)
The Big Picture | Quote of the Day: Ackman on MBIA
George W. Bush: We Hate To Bring Up the Nazis, But They Fled To South America, Too (old news, but ...)
Charlotte Observer | 01/23/2008 | Will religion sabotage Charlotte's future?
Internet Group Declares War on Scientology
Ajaxian » Animated PNG in Firefox 3
Secrets of 700-MHz Spectrum Auction - Bob Cringely - Google - FCC - Sprint - WiMAX - Popular Mechanics
Alchemist Author Pirates His Own Books | TorrentFreak
Blogs - The New York Review of Books
LRB · Thomas Jones: Short Cuts
Internet '96
Slice: A List of Regional Pizza Styles
Kucinich drops presidential bid - Ohio Politics Blog by The Plain Dealer
TPMmuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Reid Challenges GOP to Filibuster Anti-Immunity Provision
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - Jay Rockefeller's unintentionally revealing comments
Courage Campaign | Sen. Dianne Feinstein's amendments to FISA (with Democrats like these ...)
Woke up it was a FISA morning - The Seminal
Feingold: "I Really Do Disagree" With Reid On FISA - Politics on The Huffington Post
NPR: U.S., Iraq Ponder Long-Term Treaty (Bush: don't need no steenking Congress)
Bush budget won't fully fund Iraq war - David Rogers -
Justice Nomination Seen as Snub to Democrats - New York Times
Rep. Kucinich creates commotion in House, claims President 'lied' (you know, "lied" as in "lied")
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » John Edwards on FISA (Clinton and Obama fail to you know, "lead")
Because He Was Right - Features - 2008 Election
Swing State Project:: NY-25: Jim Walsh to Retire (another Repub down)
The Anonymous Liberal: Why Do So Many Smart People Insist on Ignoring Clinton's Obvious Deficiencies as a General Election Candidate?
Why Hillary Clinton Should Withdraw From the Race Today - 2parse/blog
rchart4.gif - Bush's "legacy"
The Fifth Columnist - How Bill Kristol landed that 'Times' gig.
"Who goes Nazi?" by Dorothy Thompson (Harper's Magazine)
Who Goes Nazi? -- Signs of the Times News
EconLog, Why Do the Poor Commit More Crime?, Bryan Caplan: Library of Economics and Liberty
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/24/2008 | Immigration officials detaining, deporting American citizens
Trade Research - World's Richest Two Percent Own Half Global Wealth: UN
NPR: David Cay Johnston on How the Rich Get Richer
The New York Times > Business > Image > Changes in the S&P Index Worldwide Societe Generale Reports EU4.9 Billion Trading Loss
BBC NEWS | Business | Rogue trader to cost SocGen $7bn Worldwide N.Y. Regulator Pushes Banks to Rescue Bond Insurers
Stimulus disappointment - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
The biggest rogue traders in history | Business |
Corporate Personhood
Existing Single-Family Home Sales Drop: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
WFMU's Beware of the Blog: The Deuce on film (NYC in '60s and '70s)
Masters: Cop's big ego stole half my life - (Jim Broderick, Fort Collins cop)
Teen changes immune system | The Daily Telegraph
Gay cuisine - is it tops? | MetaFilter
A Genetic Basis for 'Race' | MetaFilter
This is the title of this post. | MetaFilter
Mutilated Furries, Flying Phalluses: Put the Blame on Griefers, the Sociopaths of the Virtual World
ohnotheydidnt: Pic post: Sleevefaces
Gazans knock down border, flee to Egypt - Yahoo! News
U.S. war costs in Iraq up: report - Yahoo! News
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - Your Harry Reid-led Senate in action
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Getting Iraq Wrong . . . Again (O'Hanlon)
Iraq: The War Card - The Center for Public Integrity
Study: False statements preceded war - Yahoo! News (935 lies)
Independent Study Finds Bush "Unequivocally" Lied U.S. into War with Iraq
Open Left:: Who Cares Who Wins the Primary? (no leadership on retroactive telecom immunity)
Think Progress » Matthews: ‘Giuliani hasn’t been beaten yet.’ (Tweety is delusional)
Electicker 2008
Election 2008: Presidential, Senate and House Races Updated Daily
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Leave Jonah Alone!
Lawyers, Guns and Money: How About Everyone Agree With Me Instead? (Saletan: no teens should ever have sex) Worldwide Banks, New York Regulator Meet on Bond Insurer Rescue
CBO Sees $250 Billion Deficit: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
In Private, Bernanke Tells Horror Stories - Washington Whispers ( Worldwide U.S. Stocks Fall for Sixth Day on Apple, Motorola Forecasts
What to do if you’re laid off in 2008 recession « Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger
The Expectation Economy
Movie Industry Admits It Overstated Piracy on Campus - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times Blog
The Nutcracker Suite | MetaFilter
The Best Cities to have a baby - Fit Pregnancy
YouTube - Message to Scientology
An SP to your face. | MetaFilter
Last.FM Becomes "World's Best Jukebox": Bigger Than iTunes, All Four Majors Onboard
Editors' Note: Atlantic Magazine Archive Open
US forces boast of successful "blitz" as Iraq mourns 500 civilians killed | Presscue
In Matters Big and Small, Crossing Giuliani Had Price - New York Times (paranoid, vindictive asshole) What a strange place Canada is (thought police)
Daily Kos: The Transcendent Racial Politics of the Wall Street Journal
"Will the Real Leo Strauss Please Stand Up?" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Media Matters - The blog swarm Chris Matthews never saw coming
The Big Picture | “A Whiff of Panic . . .”
Debunking the Reagan Myth - New York Times
Deep? Maybe. Long? Probably. - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog
Lehman Brothers says US one shock away from a recession
Is a market crash like 1987's in the offing? - MarketWatch
Relief, Restructuring, Stimulus | The Agonist
Calculated Risk: Wachovia: Homeowners just Walking Away
How To Rockstar: Press Release, "Anonymous Declares War on Scientology"
The myth of potent pot. - By Daniel Forbes - Slate Magazine
I have a dream...[Martin Luther King]
Stimulus issues - Paul Krugman (Bush wants to give to rich people)
Fred Hiatt - She Brakes for Ideology - (Hiatt schocked at consverative ideology like his paper promotes)
Bush officials narrow foreign horizons - Los Angeles Times (bottom of barrel)
mccain_bush-hug-713122 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
FRONTLINE: cheney's law: introduction | PBS
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Alone in the dark
Day after Gaza blackout, Olmert says Gazan residents 'can walk' - Haaretz - Israel News
read my mind: Bill Clinton was a Great President. Wasn't He? (repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a move which allowed Weill to create Citigroup and remove controls enacted after Depression)
Bush tanked the U.S. economy
U.S. Warning Signs Point Toward a Deep Recession - Worldwide ACA Customers Allow More Time to Unwind Default Swaps
Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: A Quick Fix for the Economy - Personal Finance - Mad Money Recap - FBRVX - KO Stocks Plummet in Germany, Hong Kong, India, Brazil in Rout
Money: Humbled homesellers | | The slowest housing market in two decades takes emotional and financial tolls on owners
Irvine Housing Blog » Pretending
Panic selling shuts £2bn fund | Money | The Guardian
Ars Technica reviews KDE 4.0: Page 1
The "Google generation" not so hot at Googling, after all
Getty Images Up for Sale, Could Fetch $1.5 Billion - New York Times
The Forgiveness Project | stories | Eva Kor | Anne Gallagher
Amazing Birth | MetaFilter
NPR : In Today's World, the Well-Rested Lose Respect
The Budapest Times - Church of Scientology website being attacked by hackers
Cooperation Commons
Wubi: Ubuntu the easy way | MetaFilter
YouTube - :: Noam Chomsky : Does public opinion count? ::
Surge to Nowhere -
Russia could use nuclear arms pre-emptively: general | Reuters (if US attacks Iran)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - Joe Klein rewrites his role in the 1990s
Media Matters - Russert suggests irony in women identifying with "self-avowed feminist" who showed emotion
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Widespread Cheating & Vote Suppression by Clinton Campaign in Clark County, NV
Max Blumenthal: Mike Huckabee's White Supremacist Links - Politics on The Huffington Post
This Time, McCain Defused Conservative Attacks -
Ramak Fazel - Storefront for Art and Architecture - Art - New York Times
YouTube - George Carlin - Voting
Super delegates may sink the Democrats - Los Angeles Times
Ron Paul places second in Nevada | Deadline USA | Guardian Unlimited
A New, Global Oil Quandary: Costly Fuel Means Costly Calories - New York Times
Firedoglake - It’s (Grandpa’s) Economy, Stupid
The Four Horsemen Claim the Monoline Insurers. Who’s Next? | The Agonist » Silencing The Internal Monologue
YouTorrent: Give It A Shot Before It’s Shut Down
Are the chemicals in your lipstick giving you a bigger bust? The reasons British women's cleavages have gone from 34B to 36C in a decade | the Daily Mail
18 Stunning Bridges From Around The World - Frikoo
Brrrrr-osaurus? | MetaFilter (The Strange Lives of Polar Dinosaurs)
It's that time of year - free games all around. | MetaFilter
YouTube - Tom Cruise & Scientology: Career Death 4of4 (when copyright enforcement becomes news)
"Defining Inner Experience?" consciousness | Salon Books
The Splintered Mind
The Raw Story | Former JAG lawyer: Only America 'parses' torture
Good Times, Bad Times 1: The Hysteroidal Cycle -- Signs of the Times News
Open Left:: The FISA Trial Balloon Goes Pop? What's next ...
The Canadian Press: Torture awareness manual "wrongly" lists Cdn allies, to be rewritten; Bernier (Bush threatened to invade)
Chomsky’s World
Our way or no way?: Welcome to Shepherd Express

Media Matters - Jamison Foser: MSNBC's Chris Matthews problem | Chris Matthews' speech isn't enough
Media Matters - Matthews suggested his Clinton comment was an aberration, but he's been making similar remarks for years
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Exposing Anti-Choice Abortion Clinics
Fetus-Fetishist Sting Operation in Indiana at I Blame The Patriarchy
The Astonishing History of Vibrators - TeeBeeDee
Google to Host Terabytes of Open-Source Science Data | Wired Science from
Docs Change the Way They Think About Death | Newsweek (oxygen reperfusion)
Comment is free: Caught in the web Imposing invisible and opaque censorship of the internet, however benignly, is not a proper way for the state to behave
All-You-Can-Eat Broadband Is Dead: Time Warner to Charge by the Byte
CCLaP: Chicago Center for Literature & Photography
King William's College - 2007 answers
Make An Online Pilgrimage | MetaFilter
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings
William C. Wimsatt - Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings: Piecewise Approximations to Reality - Reviewed by Robert C. Richardson, University of Cincinnati - Philosophical Reviews - University of Notre Dame
Two AI Pioneers. Two Bizarre Suicides. What Really Happened?
Girl, you'll be a woman sooner than expected - Los Angeles Times
Why We Flirt - TIME
White House Study Found 473 Days of E-Mail Gone - (all gone, sorry)
Black Box Voting : 1-17-08: Ballot boxes found slit; NH stops putting ballots in vault (same old, nothing learned)
Pakistan Slides Into Chaos: War in Waziristan - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Comment is free: The cruelty of youths (Israel: settlers) : Edwards On O’Reilly: 'He Has No Idea What He’s Talking About'
Fred Hiatt - Myth of the Strongman - (can we trust anything Fred Hiatt says?)
Beliefnet Presents: Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on God's presence, the debates, and Christianity --
Bush: "I'm Sure People View Me As A War Monger" - Politics on The Huffington Post (ya think?)
Secret Service: Detailed Look at ’06 Turmoil - New York Times (Cheney)
The Raw Story | Official: Video destroyed in shock case (Judge Rotenberg Center)
GM says new fuel requirements to add $6,000 per car | Technology | Reuters (Toyota laughs at them)
Bush Calls for Economic Stimulus Package -
Bond insurer ACA to ask for more time: report | Reuters
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Brad DeLong: Are We in a Recession? What Will It Look Like If We Have One?
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/16/2008 | New inflation data explain middle-class squeeze Worldwide MBIA, Ambac Bond Default Risk Exceeds 70%, Swaps Show
Bond-insurer woes may trigger more write-downs, turmoil - MarketWatch
Fitch cuts Ambac rating to AA from AAA - MarketWatch
Home Sellers' Pain Is Renters' Gain
NASA GISS: Research News: 2007 Was Tied as Earth's Second-Warmest Year
New Statesman - Has global warming stopped?
Bill Proposes Database of Offenders to Aid Dating |
The Great Indian Mutiny » The Zero Rupee Note
Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted): Top Fifty Atheist T-Shirt and Bumper Sticker Aphorisms
3quarksdaily: One Month From Today: 3qd Valentine’S Day Challenge (Museum of Broken Relationships)
Open Left:: Conservative Cultural Supremacism Based In Extreme Insecurity
Scripps Launches Non-Partisan 'RedBlueAmerica' Forum
This Modern World » Blog Archive » Tell Congress to investigate Pentagon video of Iranian “threat” | Canada puts U.S. (and Israel) on torture watch list: CTV
The Brad Blog : NH Contest: Diebold Miscounts Reported Across Many Candidates, Wards, In First Day Of Election Contest Hand Counts
Ex-Lawmaker Charged in Terror Conspiracy - Politics on The Huffington Post Comics | This Modern World (prescient Tom Tomorrow
Why is the Army losing so many talented midlevel officers? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
AlterNet: Democracy and Elections: How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Punishing Thought Crime: Would New Bill Make YOU a Terrorist?
John McCain's real war record | Salon News
How NBC Changed ‘The Facts’ To Block Dennis Kucinich From The Nevada Debate |
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon Lawbreaking telecoms still conniving to obtain immunity from Congress
Media Matters - With women, Matthews administers the "Chris Matthews test"
Tapes Destroyed Over CIA's Objections - New York Times
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
Think Progress » NYT’s Roger Cohen: On Iraq, McCain Is ‘Less Wrong Than Most,’ ‘Too Honorable To Dismiss’
Emptywheel - » GAO to White House: We Hate to Say We Told You So, But We Told You So MBIA, Ambac Default Risk Rises to Record on Ratings Scrutiny
Housing starts plunge 14% to 16-year low - MarketWatch
Unqualified Reservations: A straightforward explanation of the present financial crisis (part 1)
Aida Edemariam on multimillionaires passing on their wealth | Money | The Guardian
Tom Cruise: Church of Scientology Claims Copyright Infringement
Archbishop Earl Paulk Pleads Guilty - News Story - WGCL Atlanta
In Praise of Melancholy -
North Dakota, The Emptied Prairie - National Geographic Magazine
Bad Astronomy Blog » No alien signal
Antidepressants Under Scrutiny Over Efficacy - (30 years later)
PLoS Medicine - Serotonin and Depression: A Disconnect between the Advertisements and the Scientific Literature
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Medications & Psychiatry - Review - Psychotropic Drug Prescriber's Survival Guide
The Power of Collaboration by John Temple- The Digital Journalist - The Final Salute
London Times reports U.S. officials sell nuke secrets (Sibel Edmonds)
Iraqi Spending to Rebuild Has Slowed, Report Says - New York Times (“So it looked like an improvement, but it wasn’t an improvement,”)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - CNN's John King responds (says he's a "real" journalist)
The American Prospect - Richard Cohen's demand that Barack Obama disavow a man he has no relation to other than being black
Election Guide 2008 - Presidential Election - Politics
Dispatches - Iraq Reckoning
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Sues Law Enforcement for Shielding President Bush From Protestors
Because the Middle East needs more weapons lying around - AMERICAblog
The Unbearable Inanity of Tim Russert - Yglesias
The Raw Story | White House reused e-mail tapes
Think Progress » Wexler: Cheney impeachment ‘far stronger than Watergate.’
Experience is not one of Hillary Clinton's assets. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
Chris Dodd Told To STFU On FISA [UPATED] - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Think Progress » Bachmann: I’m ‘Proud’ That ‘We Have People Working Two Jobs’ And ‘Longer Hours’ - Congress reaches deal on new defense bill after Bush veto (Dems cave again)
Stimulus? Never mind - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog U.K. & Ireland Brown Says U.K. May Take Over Northern Rock, Resell
» 50 Fun Facts About Banks on Blueprint for Financial Prosperity
Schneier on Security: Talking to Strangers
Why does AT&T want to know what you're downloading? - By Tim Wu - Slate Magazine
Reset - Dialogues on Civilizations | Lexicon-Democracy
Comment is free: Keep away from me!
mercury-far-side-first-imag.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x1024 pixels)
Brains in Space! | MetaFilter
Big Brain Theory: Have Cosmologists Lost Theirs? - New York Times
Boltzmann's Anthropic Brain | Cosmic Variance
Sinks in the Landscape, Boltzmann Brains, and the Cosmological Constant Problem - Andrei Linde
Huw Price: Time's Arrow & Archimedes' Point: Home Page
Nietzsche'S Eternal Recurrence - dinosaur comics - October 12 2007 (verificationism) - dinosaur comics - October 15 2007 (relativism)
Brave New Words | MetaFilter
Homelessness how-to? | Ask MetaFilter
Dry Store Room No 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum by Richard Fortey review | Non-fiction book reviews - Times Online
Sleeping and Dreaming
The Wellcome Collection – Sleeping & Dreaming: Test your Tiredness
Exclusive: The Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientology Tried To Suppress
Nixon Selected Images: 25 Years of the Brown Sisters
Has E.T. Made A Call? - News Story - KTVU San Francisco
Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times : Breaking News: Judge says MSNBC must include Kucinich
BBC NEWS | Europe | Scholars protest at papal visit
European press: It wasn't a miracle - Hillary won via a rigged vote
Conflict of interest tanks worker's case - Yahoo! News
Pressing Issues: Kristol Mess (Part II): Claim in New 'NYT ' Column on Iraq Contradicted by 'NYT' Article
Richard Baker to leave Congress by Feb. 6 - New Orleans News - (another one down)
EzraKlein Archive | De-Re-Baathification (Kristol)
Richard Cohen: Bad for the Jews « The Edge of the American West
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Huck: We Need To Amend The Constitution, Bring It In Line With God
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Theocracy Watch (God's Huckster)
Matthew Yglesias (January 15, 2008) - Getting Cozy (Bush and the Saudis)
Citi Posts $9.83 Billion Loss; Will Cut Jobs - New York Times
PK: Responding to Recession - New York Times
A new drug for a disease which might not exist | MetaFilter (fibromyalgia)
Pain and Rehabilitation Medicine: Myofascial Pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Gene Link?
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
The Lost Archive - - Missing for a half century, a cache of photos spurs sensitive research on Islam's holy text
5 Kick-Ass Sci-Fi Apocalypses (That Could Actually Happen) |
Mischievous 'Filipino Monkey' could have triggered latest US-Iran row | Iran | Guardian Unlimited (yeah, sure)
Braking Kristol: 'NYT' Public Editor Hits Hiring of Columnist ("mistake")
Across America, Deadly Echoes of Foreign Battles - New York Times
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Bombing Auschwitz
The Raw Story | US drafting plan to allow government access to any email or Web search | 01/11/2008 | Mysterious $100 ‘supernote’ counterfeit bills appear across world
Citigroup May Write Down As Much As $24 Billion / Companies / Middle-East & Africa - Kuwait set to invest as Merrill seeks $4bn
The Facebook of Wall Streets Future - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
AlterNet: Blogs: Election 2008: Bill O'Reilly Wants Criticizing Fox News to Be Deemed a Hate Crime
Ford: Car owners are pirates if they distribute pictures of their own cars - Boing Boing (DRM on cars)
FSTDT Top 100 quote from Christian chatrooms (teh stupid)
With friends like these ... Tom Hodgkinson on the politics of the people behind Facebook | Technology | The Guardian
xkcd » Blog Archive » ROBOT9000 and #xkcd-signal: Attacking Noise in Chat
Fallout from the Givewell affair | MetaTalk
Can You Run It? Powered by System Requirements Lab
I Can Has Rezearch Papar? by Cyle Gage
Open Left:: Dodd, Blogosphere Wins On Retroactive Telecom Immunity
Poll Potheads
YouTube - UN irked by Bush dismissal of Israel resolutions - 11 Jan 08
Bothersome Intel On Iran |
Increases in the National Debt Chart (fiscally responsible Republicans)
Passenger Rights -
Scotland Yard believes Al-Qaeda assassinated Benazir Bhutto - Times Online
Daily Kos: The Pollsters: Opinion Roundup On New Hampshire
European Tribune - What happened in New Hampshire?
Think Progress » Snow Shrugs Off Post-War Failures: ‘Everybody Gets It Wrong At The Beginning Of A War’
Hillary Clinton Defends 2002 Iraq War Vote On Meet The Press (she believed Condi, and then voted for every Bush war bill)
Bush: Iran threatens world security -
Israel's Netanyahu Claims President Bush Promised Unilateral Nuclear Bomb Attack Against Iran
The Moral Instinct - New York Times
Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic
Edwards Will Face a Moment of Truth After South Carolina Primary - (Wapo: just drop out already)
Media Matters - After predicting Clinton was "going out," Bennett marveled at "mainstream media saying that she was done and finished" (why is he on TV in the first place?)
Daily Kos: Telecom Immunity Gives Bush Immunity
Islamofascist Nonsense | TPMCafe
US dead in Iraq 2007
Media Matters by Jamison Foser - MSNBC's Chris Matthews problem (sexist pig and mentally deranged)
Michael Shaw: Reading The Pictures: Who Killed Benazir Bhutto? Is Anybody Looking At Condi? - Politics on The Huffington Post
Ron Paul: McCain's Reckless '100 years in Iraq' Comment Endangers Americans: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
U.S. corporate elite fear candidate Edwards
Welcome to Classic Noir Online - The Hardboiled world of classic film noir
Science and Technology in the 2008 Presidential Election | MetaFilter
Speak Up › The Hardest Working Presidential Candidate Logo
Pharyngula: Detectives needed — in Florida
An experimental project to print public domain books -
How a bobbin works « Material Mama Podcast
Buyers Beware: Current Blu-ray Players Won't Correctly Play Future Discs
Top 10 Women's Sexual Fantasies
Cosmic Cloud on Collision Course -- Schilling 2008 (111): 2 -- ScienceNOW
John Mullan on author anonymity | Review | Guardian Unlimited Books
In the Windy City, prostitutes sleep with police more often than get arrested by them | FP Passport
Toyota Prius sales pass Ford Explorer - MSN Money
Summary of Findings: A Portrait of "Generation Next"
AlterNet: Iran: Bush's Tonkin Gulf Tale Unravels
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon - The grave Iranian threat to world peace
Think Progress » White House Predicts ‘Remarkable Shift’: Bush Will Leave Office With 45 Percent Approval (popularity will soar this year)
The Comeback Continent - New York Times (freedom fries!)
EzraKlein Archive | Jonah Goldberg in his own words
Think Progress » Ricks: Baghdad Only Seems ‘Peaceful’ Because 2006 Was ‘Pure Hell’
First Lady Laura's Bloody Fight With Boozing Bush - Globe Magazine
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Bill Clinton: Obama's Candidacy Isn't The "Fairy Tale" — But His War Opposition Is
17 states stuck in license showdown - Yahoo! News (show your papers)
Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > Looking for a display -- rather than just talk -- of leadership (they want to change stuff, but just not now)
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » The Surge In Delusions Is Working (vanity of old men)
Firedoglake - Here’s one column Bobo Brooks won’t read (want some freedom fries with that tax cut?)
Lender stung by fears on finances - Los Angeles Times
L.A. Land : Los Angeles Times : Mozilo severance: $110 million and change (Countrywide fraud)
Bank of America to buy Countrywide Financial for $4 billion - MarketWatch
Herb Greenberg » Blog Archive » Updated: The Real Story on Countrywide....
Giant Write-Down Is Seen for Merrill - New York Times (15Bn)
MBIA pays up to lure demand for $1 billion debt sale | Reuters
Gaelic Psalm Singing | MetaFilter
The Whys of Mating: 237 Reasons and Counting - New York Times
Edge: The World Question Center 2006: Female Sexual Psychology
Why Humans Have Sex: Cindy M. Meston Æ David M. Buss
Rep. Doolittle to retire from Congress - Yahoo! News (under investigation; another one down)
ABC News: U.S. Concedes Voices on Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboats (now admitting fake)
Iran Accuses U.S. of Faking Persian Gulf Video - New York Times
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran airs video of navy stand-off
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon The U.S. military inflicts more damage on its own credibility
POLITICS-US: Official Version of Naval Incident Starts to Unravel
Californians to Feinstein: Represent us, not Bush | Presscue
'Iron My Shirt': Media Fooled By Radio Stunters at Hillary Stop |
2005 Use of Gas by Blackwater Leaves Questions - New York Times (WMDs)
TPMmuckraker | Rebranding the war: this supposed "dawning of reality" is a "cynical use of language" used "to camouflage past errors."
Whiskey Fire: Chasing Hillary Crazy: Andrew Sullivan: Jesus tits, get a fucking grip, you big giant baby. You're just making all that shit up.
George Monbiot: The Turks haven't learned the British way of denying past atrocities | News | Guardian Unlimited Books
Idiots (Heart) Huckabee: The Media's Dangerous Tolerance of Anti-Intellectualism | The Smirking Chimp
Horses Mouth: Dowd's Hillary Hit -- Dateline Jerusalem?
Calculated Risk: WSJ: Citi, Merrill May Report Additional Losses of $25 Billion (seek buyouts by foreign governments)
Personal bankruptcies jump 96% in Metro Orlando -- Exclusive Lennar's New Homes Fetch 60% Less as U.S. Market Slump Deepens
Judge: Stop Handing Out Bibles In School - News Story - KCTV Kansas City
The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry
Hey, Isn't That . . .
:: :: Letters :: Why attack "Compass" but not C. S. Lewis?
Steal This Wi-Fi

Biggest black hole in the cosmos discovered - space - 10 January 2008 - New Scientist Space
Politics | Candidates Divvy Up NH Delegates | Seattle Times Newspaper
Bad News from New Hampshire |
Diebold and New Hampshire « Drunkard’s Lamppost
The Contrarian - by Ben Moseley: Do NH Primary Statistics Show Election Fraud?
The Numbers: New Hampshire's Polling Fiasco
John Zogby: Polling the New Hampshire Primaries: What Happened? - Politics on The Huffington Post
Media Matters - Kristol and Dowd, together at last at the NY Times
Crooks and Liars » Sean Hannity Flees from Ron Paul Supporters
23/6 Video News
Reversal Of Alzheimer's Symptoms Within Minutes In Human Study
NPR : Hotel Maids Challenge the Placebo Effect
Are we recording all this, Nick? I hope we are. Right here we go... | MetaFilter
FCC Opens File-Sharing Probe (Charade) Into Comcast Traffic-Management Practices | Threat Level from
The Shameless blog - Shameless Magazine - for girls who get it
How much for that nukie in the window? Boom. Boom. | MetaFilter
The BRAD BLOG : Sibel Edmonds Speaks To Uk Sunday Times: Says U.S. Officials Involved In Release Of Nuke Secrets To Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Others, Possibly Even Al-Qaeda
Kill the Messenger - The Sibel Edmonds Story
CIA Tapes Destroyed After Inspector General Found Interrogation Tactics "Inhumane" |
Declassified letter exposes Democratic Party complicity in CIA torture
Glenn Greenwald - Salon - The role of political reporters (it's all about them)
The Return of the King... for Kucinich |
Impeach Bush For Peace » [Video] Cafferty on CNN: 'Why Won't Congress Impeach Bush?'
ABC News: Pentagon Won't Probe KBR Rape Charges
US recession is already here, warns Merrill - Telegraph
Calculated Risk: Moody's Cuts Ratings On 46 Tranches Of Bear Deals
Bond insurers fall as Morgan Stanley cuts industry profit outlook - MarketWatch
New Worries Crush Countrywide
Big Pharma Spends More On Advertising Than Research And Development, Study Finds
Gold futures close at new record high - MarketWatch
Girls have the right to be safe. | MetaFilter
The acid test | COSMOS magazine | Is there a place for LSD in medicine today?
History News Network - The Cliopatria Awards
BBC NEWS | Business | Britons 'richer than Americans' (Bush ruined America)
Hillary: "I wouldn't have gone to war" (but I voted for every war bill Bush sent me)
Huckabee Steps Back Into the Pulpit at Evangelical Church in N.H. (recruiting for "God's Army)
Should No Child Left Behind Act be reauthorized? - NO / We need a new definition of accountability (another miserable Bush failure) Feldstein Says Recession Odds More Than 50% on Jobs
How to Enjoy Sushi
Tom Cruise 'Scientology second-in-command' - Telegraph
TED | Talks | Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do (video)
Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1 -- Ramer and Hinz, 10.1093/jnci/djm268 -- JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Project Censored: U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research
For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets - Times Online
Israel to brief George Bush on options for Iran strike - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Americas | Q&A: US primary elections
Why I Believe Bush Must Go - Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse.
The GOP's High School Debate: The cool kid vs. the valedictorian - Swampland - TIME (elite villager punditry)
Iowa Caucus: results by precinct
Obama's Moment : Rolling Stone
Zakaria: The Power of Personality | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria |
Dakota: No Angel
Irvine Housing Blog » Blog Archive » Stillwater (high-end going down) -- Subprime mortgages roiling Toledo area, broker, lender say
Casualty of Porn : Rolling Stone
JURIST - Forum: Rape, Porn and Criminality: Political Truth on Trial
Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
The Death of High Fidelity : Rolling Stone
Inside the supernova machine - Cosmic Log -
FAA: Boeing's New 787 May Be Vulnerable to Hacker Attack Join the Community – Get Spyware - CA Security Advisor Research Blog - CA
Slashdot | HD Monitor Causes DRM Issues with Netflix
How to surf the web even if Internet Explorer is disabled - Download Squad
Convicted by Statistics? | MetaFilter
Mapping Globalization
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | New Hampshire GOP Pulls Out Of Fox News Debate
Hendrik Hertzberg: The New Yorker: McCain: A Hundred Years War? (McCain loves getting people killed) Blog: Rasmussen: Ron Paul Soars to 14% in NH (Fux still excludes him)
Horses Mouth: Elizabeth Edwards To Chris Matthews And Rest Of Media: Ahem -- John And I Are Still Here
New Hampshire Will Be Key Battle In GOP Civil War - Politics on The Huffington Post
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon Jonah Goldberg and Glenn Reynolds warn of "social unraveling" if Obama loses
How can we prevent the assasination of Obama? | MetaFilter (deleted thread)
Voting Machines - Elections - Ballots - Politics - New York Times Can You Count on Voting Machines? (no)
Foreclosures hit ’burbs -
Why don't we drop medical waste and nuclear waste into active volcanoes? - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine
Sam Harris: Mother Nature is Not Our Friend
Wired 15.04: Mixed Feelings
Dawkins: Why I Won't Debate Creationists
Visual Arts Data Service - Image Search - ranking and mapping scientific journals
Eigenfactor (Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Academic Publishing System? Dept.)
the peculiarities of journal citation data | MetaFilter
SocSci2004.pdf : Social Science
quick top 10 lists -
map of science - data visualization & visual design - information aesthetics
Glenn Greenwald - Worthless chatter (fools always wrong)
Sadly, No! » Feel the Love (neo-con, tax-cutting Repubs freaking)
AlterNet: The Best Moments in Mike Huckabee's Extremism
Hullabaloo: Congratulations (with classic Huckabee family picture)
Calculated Risk: December Employment Report
RGE Monitor: The Last Shoe to Drop in the Unavoidable Recession Ahead: Faltering Employment and Labor Market
Irvine Housing Blog - Already Gone
Brokerage probed in big loss for Springfield - The Boston Globe
The Labor Market Is Flashing Recession | TPMCafe
Abolishing ageing | How to live forever |
Sony BMG Plans to Drop DRM
Video of Sleeping Guards Shakes Nuclear Industry -
Schneier on Security: Is Sears Engaging in Criminal Hacking Behavior? (yes)
Evil: See Everything Your Friends And Neighbors Have Ever Bought At Sears
On Faith: Guest Voices: Abusing Children in the Name of God
New York Times Blog: Two-Buck Huck (driving the royalists crazy)
Kucinich files lawsuit after party denies him place on ballot (loyalty oath)
20080103_032258_IOWA_caucus copy.jpg
"The range of derivatives contracts is limited only by the imagination of man (or sometimes, so it seems, madmen)." -Warren Buffet | MetaFilter
caustic acrostic | MetaFilter The Iowa Scam
Iowa’s Undemocratic Caucuses - New York Times
Where the Iowa caucuses went wrong. - By Jeff Greenfield - Slate Magazine
Matthew Yglesias (January 02, 2008) - David Simon and the Audacity of Despair (Culture)
playing with the tuning knobs when the back of the appliance is in flames | MetaFilter
The WELL: Bruce Sterling: State of the World, 2008
Questioning the banality of evil - Vol. 21, Part 1 ( January 2008)
Dropping Out of Electoral College -- In These Times
By Holding to Form, Texas Takes Execution Lead - New York Times
DNA clears man in prison for 26 years - (Texas)
Can Atheists Be Parents? - TIME (no)
Geek About » Top 17 Most Bizarre Sights on Google Earth
A Death in Edmonds - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Become a Non-Autistic Calendar Counting Genius
AstroPorn | MetaFilter
Hillary Signals Free Pass for Bush | The Smirking Chimp
Move to Impeach Cheney Gains Support in Congress - Salem-News.Com
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon - 9/11 Commission: Our investigation was "obstructed"
Emptywheel - » DOJ Launches a Criminal Probe into Torture Tapes
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » DOJ Opens Criminal Probe On CIA Tapes Plus Obstruction of Investigation
Forget the Torture Tapes (concentrate on the genocide)
Comment is free: Kristol clear on the right The New York Times is shooting itself in the foot by hiring a notorious rightwinger as a regular op-ed columnist (Andy Rosenthal)
Think Progress » Jim Talent: Romney will stop ‘the militant gays.’
Think Progress » Huckabee Lies About His Iran NIE Cluelessness, Botches Timeline Again
The Washington Monthly: Huckabee's blood lust
Oil Futures Rise to $100 a Barrel: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
More Aid Needed for Housing Market: White House - Real Estate * US * News * Story -
BBC NEWS | Business | City of debt shows US housing woe (Stockton)
With Builder in Bankruptcy, Buyers Are Left Out - New York Times
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Mental Health - Review - Treating Self-Injury
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Science and Ethics
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Judging and Understanding
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Philosophy - Review - The Search for Meaning
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Artificial Happiness The Dark Side of the New Happy Class
Reuters: Pictures of the Year 2007
Annals of Medicine: The Checklist: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The Checklist: If something so simple can transform intensive care, what else can it do?
The world's flags given letter grades
45 Things You Can Learn Online for Free!
PC World - Malware Evolving Too Fast for Antivirus Apps
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Obscure Google Search Tricks
The Cult of Tintin at unofficial Tintin site
Heron on duck
Clinton errs on Pakistan - Ben Smith's Blog - (not the sharpest knife in the drawer)
Hullabaloo: Divisive Dems (Obama running against his own party)
Obama-labor relationship tense in Iowa - Ben Smith - (see above)
Impeachment- A Can Of Worms (Dems complicit in war crimes - Pelosi knew about waterboarding in 2002)
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | This is the most important election of our lifetime
Leading surveillance societies in the EU and the World 2007
AlterNet: Millions in the Slammer: We Must Reverse America's Zeal to Incarcerate (prison society)
Our tendency to persecute others is as alive today as in medieval times | Guardian daily comment | Guardian Unlimited
Vatican to train more exorcists - World - (back to the 12th century)
The musical equivalent of sneaking around MIT late at night, solving equations left scrawled on whiteboards | MetaFilter
Fast-acting Cyanide Antidote Discovered
BBC NEWS | Magazine Monitor: 100 things we didn't know last year
Top 10 Weird Ways We Deal with the Dead | LiveScience
The World Question Center 2008 - "What Have You Changed Your Mind About?"
Charts | Worth a thousand words | A good graphic can tell a story, bring a lump to the throat, even change policies. Here are three of history's best
High Achiever, Gifted Learner, CreativeThinker
Storm, Nugache lead dangerous new botnet barrage
Çatalhöyük, oldest city or biggest village? | MetaFilter
Virus threatens mass extinction of frogs - Telegraph
"Thrown Under the Bus" is Thrown Under the Bus. Ouch. | MetaFilter