Genesis 1:4-5: The Self-Creation and Expansion of the One Dual Energy:
The Projections into Existence of Light and Darkness: The Involution and Evolution of Energy

Yom Ehhad

(living) light in its physical aspect is stable | the existence of containers is given the resistance necessary for organic response; the containers of existence become indeterminate [evolutionary process] (among) both the living light
Ha Awr   Veyn   Elohim   Ve Yavdel   Tov   Ki   Ha Awr
light   between   God   divided   good   that   light
the light that is was good; and God divided the light
and the living darkness Aleph-Yod projects [evolutionary process] light into existence as day and darkness
Ve Le Hhoshekh   Yom   Le Awr   Elohim   Ve Yqara   Ha Hhoshekh   Va Veyn
and to darkness   day   to the light   God   and called   darkness   and between
from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness
(emanation of Aleph-Yod) as night the double existence of a complete evolutionary and involutionary circuit -- Yom Ehhad.
Yom Ehhad   Voqer   Ve Yehy   Ayrev   Ve Yehy   Layla   Qara
day one.   morning   was   evening   was night   called
night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Plot recap: Bereshyt Bara Elohim Et Ha Shamaim Ve Et Ha Eretz Ve Ha-Eretz Ha-Ita Tohu Ve-Bohu Ve Hhoshekh Al-Phani Tehoum Ve Rouhh Elohim Merouhphat Al Phani Ha Mayim Ve Yomer Elohim Yehy Awr Ve-Yehy Awr Veyarey Elohim Et Ha-Awr Ki Tov

We have just seen (projection of Aleph-Yod) God speak light twice, once for the outside and once for the inside, once for the material and once for the spiritual light, and (projection of Aleph-Yod) stabilize physical light across the entire range of material structuration.

Here, (projection of Aleph-Yod) God introduces into the existence of containers (Yav: Yod-Vayt: 10-2) the necessary resistance for biological response (Del: Dallet-Lammed: 4-30), and then makes all the containers of existence (Veyn: Vayt-Yod: 2-10) (do you see what He did there?) indeterminate (final Noun) for both the light and the darkness, structured and unstructured energy.

Then, (projection of Aleph-Yod) God calls to the structured energy, day, and to the unstructured energy, night.

The significance of the fifth verse is that the basic equations for physical existence have been achieved. The biological qualifications of these energies, as well as the role of the inner light, will be developed in the following chapters of Genesis. We have only used nineteen of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet by the end of the first verse.

Yom and Layla are the projections of Light and Darkness into existence. The sign of this is the transformation of Aleph into Yod in Light: Awr: Aleph-Waw-Raysh --> Day: Yom: Yod-Waw-Mem (and Raysh into Mem, the biosphere of day and night). The cosmic movement of Sheen/300 in Hhoshekh is transformed into the double (existential-level) organic movement of Lammed/30, between which existence lives unseen.

And finally, with no intervention from God (no creates, speaks, breathes, sees, etc,) Yehy Ayrev Ve Yehy Voqer is simply be evening be morning Day One. We know Yehy Ve Yehy from God's speaking of the outer and inner light, where it was translated "be" and "was," and shows the characteristic life between double existences of Yod-Hay-Yod. Everything has an inside and an outside and both are alive. Be evening be morning says that the complete involutionary (evening: Ayrev: 70-200-2: from the cosmic to the individual) and evolutionary (morning: voqer: 2-100-200: from the individual to the cosmic) circuit of energy has been established and God can call it a first day.

Ve Yavdel Elohim Veyn Ha-Awr Va-Veyn Ha-Hhoshekh Ve-Y'Qara Elohim Le-Awr Yom Ve Le-Hhoshekh Qara Layla Yehy Ayrev Ve Yehy Voqer Yom Ehhad

Verse 5.

Wa-Yqra Elobim Le-Aur Yom Wa-Le-Hhocheikh Qara Lailah Wa-Yehi Arav Wa-Yehi Vaqar Yom Ahhad

This verse contains a new letter, the Qaf (pronounced deeply) = 100

The previous verse left the consciousness in a state of half-awakening. She could hardly distinguish the darkness light. By a volitional act she recovered herself and, in this verse, she establishes herself on the rhythm harmonious waking and sleeping.

Here, as everywhere else in sacred language, a new name conferred on an object, a being, a person, makes this object, this being, this person, become other. It is childish to translate this verse by "he called the light day and the darkness night." The truth is that Aur is transformed into Yom and Hhocheikh in Lailah. The numbers of these schemes explain this action. The 1-6-200, by becoming 10-6-40/600 achieves 1 in the quota register, 10. As for the 8-300-500, it becomes 30-10-30-5: extremely vital transformation. (Compare this 10 located between two dynamic 30s with the 10 of Maim, enclosed between two static 40s).

When it wakes up, consciousness notices its intermittency. This day is called Yom-Ahhad: 10-6-40 - 1-8-4. We see the Aleph emerge in its freshness and immediately meet the power of resistance of - there is -. This schema is reduced to its archetypal elements. It is a living germ within a shell very hard. Thus, with Yom-Ahhad, we are back in the presence of the eternal binomial 1-2 to solve. And if the night was what it should be according to its scheme, 37 Lailah, in which darkness changed, the consciousness knows that in truth this equation is solved.

Because, what is richer, more fruitful, more full than this Lailah =30-10-30-5? Is not it in its sleep that consciousness, obeying the rhythm of its intermittence, deepens in the timeless? Isn't it in the darkness of the consciousness of being that gathers and recreates the experience? Is it not in the silence and the coolness of the night, is it not in the rest, in the annihilation of daily adventures, in the abyss of dreamless sleep, that the consciousness of being rediscover being without becoming? Sleep, womb of being, death prior to the resurrection of consciousness, crucible where the substance of Elohim is elaborated, it is there that the new day is born. "It was evening, it was morning": "day one", says the text translated into secular language: the day begins on evening, according to Eastern traditions; but this text says more and better: the "evening" is 70-200-2, the "morning" is 2-100-200. And they are both designated by the verb: 10-5-10, which is the emergence of "life-to-be" being. .We see that the first character of this evening rest is the 70, the effective safeguard of all the possible possibilities, the destruction of all that must be eliminated, the return to the source. Comes next union with the cosmic 200, then the 2 in the pure state of total sleep. The "morning" leaves from there to rush into the intense action of the cosmic 100, in struggle with the 200. The two schemes present themselves thus: 70-200-2 -- 2-100-200 (that of "morning" starts from that of "evening"). Such is the dark work of the night fertilized by the great luminous battles of the day.

NOTE. -- From here, the reader will follow the Hebrew text into a Bible in that language. He does not moreover, only three letters remain to be known. (The complete alphabet, with numbers and pronunciation, is found at the beginning of the volume.)

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