
70 200    2 6 9
270    17
Gematria: 287

Genesis 2:17      But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

A misunderstanding at the heart of misunderstanding. Right here, at the core of the myth, we lose track of what's good for us.

The knowledge of Tov-Raa, one of the most ironic equations, from the standpoint of its misunderstanding, in Genesis -- at the heart of our personal and collective theologies. Tov, Tayt.Waw.Vayt, or 9.6.2, or cell-fertilize-container, is eloquent in its description of the repetition of the same container, each seed following its own kind, and the response of our egos to change.

Raa, our old friend evil, is that which we are not allowed to think about, for Satan blocks our path to Raysh.Ayn or 200.70 or cosmic-container.indetermination-freedom, the destruction of our Tov-fixations and the whole point of the game.

Thus, symbolically, the essence of Adam in Eden is masuline in character, and the feminine element with him is the substance of Adamah from which arises everything that is capable of developing man sensorially., You will see this fact is important. In the midst of this sensorial development in Adam, in the very heart of it, are two "Trees" similar in appearance: for the tree of "life" is that of life-death, the non-continous pulsation of life, and the tree of "good and evil," on another level, is the tree of Tov-Raa, the tree of fixation-destruction. The latter dominates every phase of this Adam's life and every aspect of the institutions and societies man has created. In short, the tree of life is that state in which the full pulsation of life can be attained at Adam's maturity. The other tree is that state in which Adam, not yet mature, not yet really born, ( the condition of Humanity at present) is caught in a continuous series of catastrophes. Everything that Adam wishes to build, whether in himself or outside of himself, crumbles to pieces.

    Suares, The Cipher of Genesis , p.111

Good and Evil

      The so-called "tree of good and evil" is, in Hebrew, the tree of TOV-RAA. The word translated as good is TOV, written TAYT-WAW-VAYT with the schema (9.6.2)   (BAYT is equally well translitered VAYT in Hebrew). The word for evil is RAA, written RAYSH-AYN, with the numbers (70.200).

      Now TAYT expresses the archetypal female character of continually building up from elements. In the word TOV, the VAV sumbolizes that this activity impregnates or passes on its character to BAYT, which is the archetype of all containers, all dwellings.

      When decoded, TOV therefore expresses the structure of a continual process of building-up of containers, repeating indefinitely the same form. It is a cycle of recurrences which do not change. The endless repetition of the same prototypes, static in potential. This is supposed to be good, in all the translations.

      AYN is the word for eye in Hebrew. It symbolizes that which sees and is therefore open to all present possibilities. RAYSH is the universe. Hence RAYSH-AYN signifies an openness to all the possbilities of the universe. This is supposed by the translators to be bad, something to be avoided, evil.

      In fact the translations must have exactly reversed the real sense of these two words. This has caused endless trouble. If the psyche is to awaken to what is real, then it must learn to live with and face up to formulas which bind it to rigid ways of living. The psyche is subconsciously afraid. Afraid to lose its precarious security. It calls its state of fixation good. Above all, it fears to live in uncertainty. But to do so is the condition of openness to all possbilities. Man clings to the known and fears to see what is unknown because then he will have "no place to lay his head." He prefers to build nests, Chinese boxes inside boxes, endlessly. Nests in which he can live in comparative safety, insulated from the hazards of reality. He does not wish to open his eyes and see things as they really are, infinite.

    Suares, The Cipher of Genesis, from Tree II

See: What About RA? | Hheva | Gan-Eden | Nahhash | Day One Contents