Gematria of the Autiot: Numeric Values of the Hebrew Alphabet

Hypertext Hebrew Alphabet + Spelling of the Autiot
Hebrew Numbers with Gematria
Anatomical Survey of the Autiot
The Gematria of Gematria

22 Autiot Yassod + Finals
111 412 73 434 5 12 67/717   418     419     1951  
20 100/830 74 80/640 106/576 120/600 130 85 104 819
186/906 510 360/1010 406 1462
317 1022 507 920 111 132 197 503 523 4232
Hypertext Hebrew Alphabet

Gematria of the Autiot: Numeric Values of the Hebrew Alphabet  
Aleph 1 30 80 111
Bayt 2 10 400 412
Ghimmel 3 40 30 73
Dallet 4 30 400 434
Hay 5     5
Waw 6 6   12
Zayn 7 10 50 67
Hayt 8 10 400 418
Tayt 9 10 400 419
Yod 10 6 4 20
Kaf 20 80   100
Lammed 30 40 4 74
Mem 40 40   80
Noun 50 6 50 106
Sammekh 60 40 20 120
Ayn 70 10 50 130
Phay 80 5   85
Tsadde 90 4 10 104
Qof 100 6 80 186
Raysh 200 10 300 510
Sheen 300 10 50 360
Tav 400 6   406
Totals   1495 409 2328 4232

Sort by Full Numeric Values
Hay 5
Waw 12
Yod 20
Zayn 67
Ghimmel 73
Lammed 74
Mem 80
Phay 85
Kaf 100
Tsadde 104
Noun 106
Aleph 111
Sammekh 120
Ayn 130
Qof 186
Sheen 360
Tav 406
Bayt 412
Hayt 418
Tayt 419
Dallet 434
Raysh 510
Total   4232

Autiot Gematria by Class
3 Mothers 341
3   9
3   300
1   400
7 Doubles   709
6   45
6   400
12 Simples   445
22 Autiot   1495

Using the more common variations, Hay-Aleph for Hay and Phay-Aleph for Phay changes the second column total to 406 and the grand total to 4229.

There are a variety of "traditional" spellings for different letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Hay may be spelled Hay, Hay-Aleph and Hay-Yod. Vav may be spelled Vav-Vav, Vav-Yod-Vav, Tav Tav-Vav, Tav-Yod-Vav, etc. The reader may wish to derive other totals based on these spellings. Suares' spelling of the Autiot eliminates all extra letters and recognizes Hay as one: yielding a combination of 42 (letters) and 32 (paths) (Life is One).

There are good reasons why Aleph is not found as a component of other letters --
  • It is unpronounced
  • It is outside the set of all signifiers
  • All other letters qualify Aleph, not vice-versa
Also, some spellings of the Autiot use the sofit (final) spellings for Zayn, Kaf, Mem, Noun, Sammekh, Ayn, Qof and Sheen. Non-final spellings are primarily used here, considering the structure of the 22 autiot to be composed from the 22, while recognizing that the final letters represent exalted or transformed (cosmic) states. Words ending in a final letter describe energies that can exist in two different states of organization -- Elohim, Adam and Shaitan, for instance, where each equation carries a dual significance. The non-exalted states are considered as the formative components of the autiot, rather than their usual final spellings, which carry their own meanings. For instance, Suares says that the Noun in Sheen is always final.

700 10 300

If we use final values for Aleph (831)), Zayn (717), Kaf (820), Mem (640), Noun (756), Sammekh (720), Qof (906) and Sheen (1010) the autiot total becomes 8492.

In the analysis by class (Mother/Double/Simple) there are several interesting observations to be made. In the doubles, the primary triad of Bayt-Ghimmel-Dallet (all archetypal signs) adds to 9, the letter of a simple cell or formation. The secondary triad of Kaf-Pay-Raysh (all existential signs) adds to 300, Sheen/Ruach Elohim. Tav, the "Holy Kernel" adds 400 for a grand total of 709: the 7 planets are an indeterminate formation.

The 6 simples below the horizon, Hay/Aries through Yod/Virgo, total 45, the gematria of Adam. The 6 simples above the horizon, Lammed through Qof, total 400. The five existential-level simples - Yod through Tsadde -- total 300. By level: 45 + 300 + 100. Or Adam + Breath of God = El-Shaddai/Ha Shem + Qof.

The digital root of 1495 = 19 = 10 = 1 = Aleph.

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22 Autiot Yassod + Finals
Hypertext Hebrew Alphabet