Depths of Directions: Reshith-Acharit (Beginning/First-End/Last) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reshit is Bereshit without the archetypal containing element Bayt, which begins the story of Genesis. It is a cosmic creative process as yet without specificity. The one dual energy of creation finds its beginning in Reshit and its end in Acharit. As we have seen, every word/formula of the Sepher Yetsira must be read down to the letter level with an understanding of the constant dual descriptions of energy, inner and outer, involutionary and evolutionary, that structure the text, from Sepherot-Belimah on. The two directions of Reshit/Acharit represent poles of energy: its beginning, or outer, evolutionary aspect, and its end, or inner, involutionary aspect. In Reshit, Raysh, the cosmic container, produces Aleph, intemporal consciousness, as the Breath of God (Sheen/300), which, in cooperation with Cosmic Resistance, Tav/400, forms sacred existence (Yod/10) between the hammer and the anvil. Acharit goes in the opposite direction: Aleph, intemporal consciousness, drives unstructured energy to cosmic completion in Raysh, which yields the second, inner Sheen, of existence. The first sephira, Keter, 20.400.200 describes the initial container and structuration of Ayn-Sof. The second sephira, Hhokmah,, where the autiot are formed, shows reality upside down as a hollow punched out by cosmic energy: the return shock of living consciousness, the "end" of the energy that "began" in Keter. Both are existential containers, or shells: Keter, Crown, projects cosmic resistance in the cosmic container; in Hhokmah, Wisdom, unstructured energy/consciousness (8) finds active existence (20) in biological structures (40) and searches for its lost life (5). |